#the luxury shape wear
luagaluxury · 2 months
Sculpt, Shape, Slay: Embrace Your Curves with Scrunch Butt Leggings
In the realm of activewear, one trend has been causing quite a stir: the rise of scrunch butt leggings. These innovative garments have taken the fitness world by storm, promising to enhance your curves and elevate your workout experience to new heights. Let's dive into why scrunch butt leggings have become a must-have staple for fitness enthusiasts everywhere.
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Curves, Enhanced: The primary allure of scrunch butt leggings lies in their ability to accentuate and enhance your natural curves. With strategically placed seams and unique scrunch detailing at the back, these leggings work wonders in lifting and shaping your derrière, giving you a sculpted silhouette that turns heads at the gym or on the streets.
Flattering Fit: Designed to hug your curves in all the right places, scrunch butt leggings offer a flattering fit that boosts your confidence and makes you feel fabulous during every workout. The high-waisted design provides tummy control and support, while the scrunch detailing adds an extra oomph to your posterior, creating a look that's both stylish and functional.
Versatile Style: Whether you're hitting the yoga mat, going for a run, or running errands around town, scrunch butt leggings transition seamlessly from the gym to the streets. With their sleek, streamlined silhouette and eye-catching design, these leggings elevate your athleisure game, allowing you to look effortlessly chic while staying comfortable and supported throughout the day.
Performance Enhancement: Beyond their aesthetic appeal, scrunch butt leggings are engineered for performance. Crafted from high-quality, moisture-wicking fabrics, these leggings keep you cool and dry during even the most intense workouts, allowing you to focus on your fitness goals without distractions. The compressive fit offers support and stability, while the stretchy material moves with your body, ensuring maximum flexibility and range of motion.
Empowering Confidence: Perhaps the most significant benefit of scrunch butt leggings is the confidence boost they provide. By enhancing your natural curves and accentuating your assets, these leggings empower you to embrace your body and feel proud of the skin you're in. Whether you're sweating it out at the gym or strutting your stuff on the street, scrunch butt leggings inspire you to feel confident, strong, and unstoppable.
In conclusion, the rise of scrunch butt leggings signifies a shift towards celebrating and embracing the beauty of every body shape. With their ability to enhance your curves, flatter your figure, and boost your confidence, these leggings have become a game-changer in the world of activewear. So why settle for ordinary leggings when you can sculpt, shape, and slay in scrunch butt leggings? Step into a pair today and experience the empowering confidence that comes from embracing your curves with style and flair.
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polaroidcats · 10 months
I went to get new glasses today and at one point when the optician said something about my eyes my brian just went "giant green orbs", I think this might be a sign that I spend too much time on tumblr..
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gallusrostromegalus · 8 months
The Van Has Officially Declared It Spooky Season
I've got my parent's van for the week and it seems determined to establish my status as The Local Cryptid by terrorizing an innocent 7-11 clerk.
...I might need to back up a bit.
My mother is an eminently sensible woman who knows herself well, and when The Plauge hit, she knew she'd need some sort of mentally and physically engaging craft project to keep herself from going insane and massacring the local zoning and water management boards (even if they have it coming). So she and Dad acquired a utility van and converted it into a camper van because while they love camping, they're past the age where their joints and immune systems will tolerate sleeping on the cold ground in a nylon tent.
They did a terrific job of it and my mom taught herself woodworking and carpentry and now the van has it's own cabinets, fold-away dining table, and removable queen-sized bed with memory foam mattress. My Dad was already a computer engineer, but he learned the dark magics of automotive software and electronics to install after-market backup cameras, a media player that would take a terabyte hard drive and a solar-powered battery and outlet so they could wake up and just turn on the kettle and griddle for breakfast without having to exit the van into a cold morning on an empty stomach.
Truly, the height of Camping Luxury.
My parents are both in their mid-seventies and my primary life goal is to be at least half as cool and hale as they are when I get old.
Anyway, they take it out at least a dozen times a year and it works fabulously, but, being as I am on good terms with my parents and also finishing the process of moving house, I've been borrowing it to move large and cumbersome objects that will not fit in the back of my equally lovely but minuscule Honda hatchback.
It's a Great Van. Very easy and comfortable to drive. Stunningly good MPG for it's size. The best cruise control I've ever had in a car.
It's just also. Quirky. Mischievous, even.
If this van has a fault its that it bears the unfortunate affliction that all lightly used white utility vans have in that the combination of an utter lack of branding features and the large dent/scrape I accidentally put on it while trying to escape a Denny's last Thanksgiving means that this vehicle is one addition of a Badly Spray-Painted "FREE CANDY" on the side away from being the sort of vehicle you see in an edgy horror movie.
It's got the same issue that Doberman Dogs have where they look like the sort of creature that likes to snack on toddler's faces whilst actually having personalities made of marshmallow fluff. This vehicle is unnecessarily menacing and I think nothing short of an airbrushed Epic Van Wizard will correct this. People see this van pull up and lean over and squint suspiciously at me when the driver's side door opens, and then look moderately confused when, instead of Charles Manson, a small, potato-shaped creature with neon purple hair and a statistically unlikely assortment of dogs emerges.
My own two dogs, Herschel the Hanukkah Goblin/Corgi and Charleston Chew The Taco Dumpster Dog, Do Not Like The Van. Even with the bed in it, they have a tendency to slide and roll around in the back, and both WILL chew through dog saftey belts or other attempts to secure them in there.
On the other hand, my house mate's dog, an exceptionally tall standard poodle whom we lovingly call "The Creature", loves the Van because SHE wears her doggy seat-belt with only mild complaining and gets to sit up in the passenger seat like A People.
Also like A People, The Creature likes to stand and walk around on her hind legs. It doesn't hurt her and it's entirely voluntary, but every so often I will feel a hand on my arm and instead of my husband or friend, it's a canine that's taller than I am on her hind legs who wants to stare at my face with soulful, concerned eyes. The Creature's favorite thing is that she is exactly the right height for me to hold her arm in Genteel Fashion and walk around the pet food or hardware store with her like I'm a count escorting a debutante around a royal ball.
As it stands, I am set to inherit this vehicle whenever my Honda gives up the ghost, and I fully intend to paint an Epic Van Wizard on it when that time comes.
The other peculiarity of The Van is that while Dad did manage to successfully install all his after-market electronics, not all the electronics get along. Sometimes, they fight for Dominance. The Terabyte Music Player and the Backup Camera have a particularly contentious relationship, and turning on the music has about a 25% chance of turning on the backup camera as well, and turning on the Backup Camera is equally likely to turn on the music.
Firthermore, The Van has a favorite song.
I am not kidding that Dad filled an entire terabyte hard drive with music and the software to sort it via the radio controls, but of all the Early Boomer Dad Rock (Kingston Trio over The Eagles) and Irish Folk and Symphonies and the entire discography of Weird Al Yankovic, The Van's favorite song- The one it picks to play as victory music every time it beats the Backup Camera at their weird electronic game of rock-paper-scissors -is The Liberty Bell March by John Phillip Sousa.
You all know this song already.
...but in case you've forgotten the tune:
The Van's favorite song is the goddamn Monty Python's Flying Circus Theme Music.
It does not play this song at a normal volume.
Every time I turn on the Backup Camera and it manages to turn the music player on as well, The Van insists on absolutely blasting this nonsense on at the maximum volume it's physically capable of producing, which I know is loud enough to be heard from the Denver International Airport's Pickup zone when they Van decided to start playing it from the economy lot about half a mile away.
Perhaps it's The Van's way of honoring the aesthetic sensibilities and sonic enthusiasm of Mr. Sousa.
...I can't help but wonder if the purpose of an Epic Van Wizard is to control this sort of faerie-like malarkey, and channel these chaotic energies into things like Spell of Don't Break Down In Nevada or Enchantment Of Always Have Good Parking.
So last Friday the 13th, I get a call from my friend and housemate, at said airport.
It's roughly 11PM at night, and I have already retired for the evening. I am in the exact minimum of clothing required to be a decent housemate and not scandalize the neighbors should I happen to walk by a window. My feet are up. There is a cat in my lap and fictional British people murdering each other in highly inventive fashion on the tv. -But my friend has returned from her friend's wedding,and either American or United Airlines has managed to lose her luggage, including, among other valuable possessions, the keys to her car. ...So she cannot just drive home as originally planned.
There are, as luck would have it, her spare set of keys not eight feet from me.
Being a good and decent person, I agree to bring the spare keys to her so she may get home before daybreak and not spend a semester's worth of tuition on an uber across the greater Denver traffic jam.
Being also that she Loves Activities, and it's her mom we're going to pick up, I elect to take along The Creature.
I am primarily focused on remembering how to get to the airport and not leaving my friend's spare keys on the counter, so I throw on a pair of flip-flops, step outside, remember that it's AUTUMN and my minimal evening attire is not sufficient thermal protection, step back in, grab the first coat in the closet I lay hands on, pull it on, check that I have her keys again and leave.
The trip to the airport is largely unremarkable, save that it becomes necessary for me to put on sunglasses to drive, despite it being nearly the witching hour and almost entirely darker than the inside of a cow.
It's necessary because this blissful darkness of night is violently punctured by a startling number of cars that seem to have installed miniaturized but no less powerful lighthouse bulbs in where their headlights ought to go so the oncoming traffic and sports cars that insist on tailgating me in the slow lane alike illuminate the road and my mirrors with the kind of radiance I'd normally associate with the arrival of a Seraphim.
I arrive at the distant highly discounted airport car lot where my housemate is waiting, deeply apologetic. It's nothing. I say. Once I see that your car starts up, I'm gonna go to that 7-11 across the way that I parked in front of, get a slurpee or something and I'll see you at home.
While she is retrieving her vehicle (an equally eccentric but much more stately Subaru that is old enough to be elected to congress) I rifle through the loose change in the glove box and discover that I have exactly $6.66 in small bills and coins. The Subaru, continuing it's long voyage into vehicular immortality, immediately starts up.
Upon her return, we all remember that my friend had all her camping gear in the backseat of the car and there is no room for The Creature to ride home with her parent, so I again assure her it's nothing, and will just take The Creature into the 7-11 with me. She is trained as a service animal and needs the practice after the plague.
I wave my friend off and turn to enter the 7-11.
I promptly trip over the jutting back bumper of The Van and fall, cartoonishly, face-first onto the sidewalk.
Fortunately, I have a lot of practice falling on my face, and have learned not to throw my hands out but instead cover my face, so my unexpected self-inflicted attempted curb-stomping lightly scrapes my hairline and nothing else -my sunglasses even stay in place- and I get up and resume my quest for a slurpee.
It's well known that the airport is a lawless place, and the 7-11 across from the discounted airport parking at the stroke of midnight is no exception.
I know it's the stroke of Midnight because there's one of those Audubon society bird-call clocks that makes bird noises, and my arrival is heralded by the twittering call of a Summer Tanager. I am almost charmed enough by the unusual choice of chronological device to excuse the exorbitant Airport-adjacent mark-up of Slurpee prices. I stand at the machine for some time, trying to decide on a size for the price and guess what the fuck "Blue Lighting Blast" is supposed to taste like.
The Creature is being Very Polite but is somewhat agitated, I assume because she *just* saw her mother for the first time in three days and then she LEFT with no explanation, so The Creature is on her hind legs, staring woefully into my eyes, asking to be escorted around the 7-11. Even though that's not what she's not supposed to be doing, there's nobody else in here, so I let her hang off my arm and discuss various Slurpee Flavor options with her.
We eventually decide on an experiment in which I try a Small Blue Lightning Blast, and discover it tastes a bit like licking a nintendo cartridge but in a pleasantly satisfying way.
I go up to pay and realize something is amiss.
The Cashier is a young man staring at me with wide eyes, one had over the register and the other wrapped up in his rosary.
I look down at myself.
In my haste to reunite my friend with her spare keys and service animal, I had left the house in the following accoutrements:
Flip Flops. Not matching. It's below freezing outside. That last part is not particularly odd footwear for the weather in for Colorado, but it's an important detail for the rest of the ensemble.
Assorted scrapes, bruises, cuts and welts on my arms and legs that come with doing outdoor work and living in a house with three dogs and a fully-clawed cat that all want to be in my lap all the time. It's cold out, so vasoconstriction has pulled the blood away from my skin, a trait that served my ancestors well during the last Ice Age, but leaves me with pale skin to contrast the various wounds and I look like a corpse that fell out of the back of a pickup truck.
The black Bootyshorts with "CRYPTID" painted in bright red gothic font across my ass, that @theshitpostcalligrapher gave me for my wedding present.
A peculiar but extremely comfortable garment that straddles the line between "Lacy Camisole" and "Industrial-Strength Sports Bra" like the Ever Given straddling the Suez Canal. It is also Bright Red. with black accents.
The Jacket I had grabbed out of the closet, which is in fact, a black Velour Dinner Jacket.
The Tokyo-Ghoul inspired reusable anti-covid mask a friend made me with the set of Coyote Teeth.
My sunglasses, which are shaped like a Halloween Bat. The lenses are the wings and the body is the nose bridge. It is ALSO bright red.
A Very Large and remarkably Humanoid Poodle that I have been audibly affectionately calling "Dear Creature" who is hanging off my arm like she's my Prom Date.
The Very Large and remarkably Humanoid Poodle is ALSO dressed up in a black Dog Sweater that has white bones printed on it to look like its an X-ray jacket showing off her skeleton.
I look like I am taking my Very Fancy Werewolf Girlfriend to a particularly casual Dinner Party for Vampires, but the thing that's really selling it and probably alarming the kid the most is the fun accessory I acquired in the parking lot not five minutes earlier:
The "Small Scrape At my Hairline" is actually a painless but PROFUSELY bleeding head wound that I had somehow entirely failed to notice covering my face, neck, decolletage and magnificent cleavage with blood like a Tarantino Film Extra.
This does explain why The Creature has been delicately trying to use her bodyweight to push me down onto the floor for the last ten minutes. So I don't injure myself while we wait for the paramedics she hoped this kid called to arrive, you see.
The Creature has such a High and Naive Opinion of humanity.
I decide this social situation is already fucked, and the only way out is through, and with haste, before I start dripping on the floor.
"Hi there!" I say cheerfully, to indicate this is a visually alarming but not terribly serious situation. "Just a Small Slurpee!"
The Cashier has entered the relevant code into the register before I finish the sentence. His gaze flicks off me just long enough to look at the total, and he grips his Rosary harder.
"Oh cool! I have exact change!" I say, taking the money out of my as-yet-unsanguined pocket without looking and slap it down on the counter. "You have a good night and be safe out there!" I wave, leaving.
I get in The Van, mortified, buckle The Creature up, and as I make to leave, I have to put it in reverse, which automatically turns on the backup Camera.
It also turns on the music player.
I make eye contact with the cashier as the dulcet tones of John Phillip Sousa boom from the van hard enough to make the windshield and the windows of the 7-11 rattle for the nine-and-a-half seconds I have to wait to be able to turn the volume back down. Not knowing what else to to, I give him a thumbs up, and leave.
Anyway, now I know what my Future Van Wizard has got to be dressed like, and what their familiar is.
If you enjoyed this story, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi or Pre-ordering my Family Lore Funny Stories book on Patreon
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y13evie · 10 months
141 + konig, Alejandro, and Rudy with an S/O that has thick thighs
141 + koni, alejandro, n rudy with a s/o that’s got thickkk thighs
a/n: im so sorry for the delay in posts but i trust have sm to post yall don’t even worry
mainly cutesy stuff with some suggestive moments
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john price loves how your thighs hug any pants you wear. he loves to keep a spare hand on them whenever he’s next to you, whether that is in a meeting or just relaxing on the couch. he believes that your thighs make your body just that much more perfect.
simon riley is obsessed with the shape of your thighs. he believes that they’re plush pillows that were made specifically for him to lay on. not even in a sexual way, he loves kissing up and down your thighs. the soft skin makes it a luxury experience for him.
johnny mactavish thinks your thighs are the best part of your body. of course he adores your face, but the way your thighs get bigger when you sit down, almost welcoming him to use them as pillows. he loves the way they grip around him when you’re on top.
kyle garrick believes being between your thighs is heaven on earth. in a sexual and non sexual manner. he loves sitting between your thighs and letting you stroke through his hair. he listens to you talk about your day but tends to get distracted by thinking about what your reaction would be if he flipped his head over.
könig LUUVSSSS how your thighs look in shorts. good lord omg. like you’ll just be walking around base and it takes everything in that tank of a man to not put you on the countertops and. i mean what omg lol. but he’ll also love up on you if you ever get self conscious about stretch marks, reassuring you it just adds to your perfections.
alejandro vargas is a slut for your thighs, sorry. the way they’re like the foundation of your body’s shape drives him insane. especially if you’re going out to an event and decide to wear a risqué dress, exposing the plush skin to everybody there. when you get home he’ll make sure to teach you a lesson.
rudy parra loves massaging your thighs. you’re not sure how it started. whenever he gets home from a particularly rough mission or if he just needs intimate time with you, he’ll make you lay down and allow him to massage them. it’s stress relieving for both you and him. rudy can’t help himself, not his fault your build is perfect.
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exuvianen · 2 months
dating hc's with dr. ratio, aventurine + blade!
headcanons about what these hsr men do in a relationship witth you <3
cw: x reader, gn! reader (no physical descriptions), mostly fluff, sfw, headcanon style
notes: hsr brainrot… ahahaha... i hope i have a fairly good grasp on these characters and wrote them well. 
wc: ~1050 words, around 350 words per character. all under the cut!
feel free to drop an ask or to add on to my thoughts! likes + rbs are appreciated  <3
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✎ Dr. Ratio:
He likes parallel play, or being alone together with you. He works on his own projects, like grading papers or writing a new thesis while you’re doing your own thing, like playing video games or reading. Occasionally, he might ask you for your input, such as ideas about his next thesis or what pose he should sculpt himself into next. 
He has a spare desk and chair for you in his office. You can choose to do work or entertain yourself there when you visit him and he’s still teaching a lecture, but feel free to take a nap on the plush sofa he bought just for you. 
He will nag you about your health but in an annoyingly endearing way. He fusses over you, telling you about appropriate attire for today’s weather, offering you an umbrella, and reminding you to drink water. 
He entertains all your ideas, no matter how silly or illogical. He’ll hear you out on anything you say, though he might have some very strong disagreements or objections to your ideas, especially if they are silly or completely nonsensical. However, he never turns you away when you bound up to him with a mischievous gleam in your eyes - he just sighs and prepares himself mentally to hear whatever goofiness comes out of your mouth. 
He’s your biggest cheerleader, supporter, and advocate. Though he may come off as intimidating, he is always willing to help advance your career or work. He has many connections and vast knowledge of the universe after all - why not utilize them for his beloved? 
He’s very good at dispelling any irrational thoughts in your head. If you’re panicking and your mind is disoriented, he’ll sit next to you and hold your hand gently, but firmly to ground you. He doesn’t speak at all when you vent out all your frustration, confusion, or anger - rather, he’s silently contemplative and then asks questions when you finish talking. He’ll indirectly guide you to a solution while gently calming you down as he dispels those pesky thoughts from your head.
He makes a custom alabaster head for you. 
♤ Aventurine:
A big fan of matching accessories and clothing. You don’t need to wear the exact same outfit, but he likes wearing complementary colors and jewelry to yours.
If you’d like, he’d be more than happy to bring you to casinos and public events with him. He wants to show off to you and let you witness his wit, talent, and skill like a peacock presenting its colorful feathers. 
He likes it a lot when you trace his skin through the spade-shaped hole in his outfit.
He hates the feeling of being vulnerable, but he likes being around you. This creates conflicting emotions inside of him. Oftentimes, he doesn’t know how to deal with it and just lurks by you. Pull him into a hug to quiet the voices in his head. 
He will send you packages or luxury items from the planets he’s visiting. You’ll be greeting a disgruntled Topaz or IPC soldiers at your door as they hand you various gifts ranging from limited-edition jewelry to flowers that bloom only once every 200 amber eras. He gifts extremely grand things, but he always knows how to find things that suit your tastes.
He’s a big spender on you. If you’re unused to the amount of money he’s willing to throw at you, he’s going to give you a lot of “exposure therapy” with his generosity. He’ll invite you to private auctions, lavish galas, luxury boutiques, and high-end jewelry stores. He’ll start filling your wardrobe with tailor-made clothes with the excuse that you should match his outfits when you attend formal events together, but his clothing contributions eventually infiltrate your closet pretty deeply. 
He enjoys being pampered and pampering you. Self-care nights are a must - as a representative of the IPC and one of the ten Stonehearts, he has to keep himself presentable and looking sharp, and that goes for his partner too! He’s more than happy to spend money to fund your trips to the salon or buy you any beauty products to use at home. He’d love to put on face masks together and share a drink or two with you. 
☠︎︎ Blade:
If you want to, and Elio’s script permits, he will bring you along on missions to safer planets. He’ll drop you off at a commercial district - feel free to go shopping or try out some novelty food while he wraps up his Stellaron Hunter business.
He likes getting his hair brushed. One of his favorite activities is sitting down and letting you comb through his hair after he cleans up from a mission. It’s an activity that leaves him vulnerable, but he doesn’t mind if it’s with you.
He’s an acts of service kind of guy. He moves to take your bags before you even say anything, holds open doors, and pulls out chairs for you. Brings you a cup of water and some fruit when you’ve been working for too long, and silently drapes his jacket over you when you shiver.
Tell him you like a certain pastry and he’ll show up every day and bring some. Show him a picture of a pretty flower and he’s boarding a spaceship to bring the flower to you personally. If you want something, he’ll do his best to get it.
He’s pretty quiet, but he’ll remember everything you say, what your preferences are, and what you like. He secretly writes it down in case his memory gets murky, and he’ll often reread his notes to remind himself.
He gives simple but traditional gifts to you, such as jade bracelets and pendants, and combs and hairpins if you have longer hair to wear or use them.*
He’ll treasure anything you gift to him. If you make an accessory for him, he wears it at all times. If your gift is small enough, he’ll stow it safely in his pockets and take it everywhere with him.
If family is important to you, he’ll send funds their way and ensure that they’re taken care of. 
As someone who’s often dead and then undead, his body can get stiff. He’ll enjoy it immensely if you massage him, and accompany him for his daily stretches and calisthenics. Even if you just hold him for a while, he finds that his muscles will relax from the warmth emitting from your body. Therefore, he quite appreciates having you physically near him.
* Combs, hairpins, Jade bracelets, and pendants were given as tokens of love and affection in Ancient China. These gifts have a deeper meaning/symbolism, but for the sake of post length, I did not write them all out. 
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smutoperator · 3 months
Breakfast at Jennie's
Kim Jennie x Male Reader
Tags: anal, carry fucking, celebrity, CFNM, creampie, cum drinking, edging, kitchen sex, morning sex, nymphomaniac, pantyless, "quickie", sexting, twerking
Word count: 4015.
Sex. This is always the first word Jennie thinks of when she wakes up every morning. A proud nymphomanic, Jennie keeps a full catalog of every single fuck she has ever had. There are many collectors out there, and Jennie is one of them. Her collection is made of cocks of multiple sizes, shapes, and colors that had the honor to penetrate her slutty holes.
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At the luxury condo where she lives, Jennie keeps track of every elegible man to fuck her. From the bratty 18-year-old heir all the way up to septuagenarian retirees. Every time a new man moves in, she finds out and greets them with a special text message: a picture of either her pussy or ass with an invitation to come to her apartment for some morning sex. She gives them 15 minutes to answer before the picture is automatically deleted.
As a new resident of Jennie's condo, you were greeted with this invitation with a picture of her pussy before you could even finish setting your furniture up. But you thought it was just one of those porn spams that proliferate these days. The second day, you got another picture, this time of her asshole. Once again, you didn't answer. But you noticed that the house number was the same on both messages: 1601. You checked it, and indeed, there was a house with this number in the condo.
It took a few more days before Jennie sent another text of her intimate parts to you, but when she did, it was quite a naughty one, as she spread both her fuckholes for you to see the insides of her pink cunt and anus. "15 minutes, I'm waiting," she was very direct this time. You had just woken up, meaning you were just wearing your undershorts and hadn't even had your breakfast, and her villa was on the other side of the condo, but you still drove like a madman to meet her deadline, landing at the door of her house just in time.
You knocked at the door but heard no answer. Maybe the house was real, but it was just a prank. For a second, you thought of going back to your car before any guard could spot a man wearing just his undies on a cold day at the house of one of the most famous celebrities in Korea. However, as you put your hands on the handle, you found out the door was open all the time.
Jennie's house was very spacious. She was clearly way out of your league. You might be wealthy enough to live in UN Village, but her living room was the same size as your apartment. You walked around four rooms and three bathrooms and didn't find anybody, once again having second thoughts. It was only at your final guess, guided by the smells coming out of the kitchen, that you finally found a dark-haired woman wearing an oversized Calvin Klein shirt and drinking hot chocolate.
"You're late." Jennie reprimanded you. "For much less, I sent guys packing. My time is precious, especially at this new phase of my life," she said. Jennie was indeed very busy, learning the grits and grinds of running a record label all by herself after her recent departure from YG Entertainment. "But I'll make an exception for you; I see you just moved in and are also still patching things around in your new life," she said, looking at your underwear the whole time.
"I think we still have time for a quickie, but I won't take my clothes off," she said, setting the rules. "Sure, even if it's only 10 minutes, I'm fine with this. Your house, your rules," you replied to her.
Jennie didn't waste any time, as she was already behind schedule. Sensing your cock still wasn't ready, she grinded her ass against your clothed shaft. You could see her cheeks popping out, and she was wearing nothing under her shirt. You answered her moves, humping your fabric against Jennie's perfect pussy and sensing your cock get harder at each slow thrust of your pretending to passionately fuck her. You then reached under her shirts to grab her tits and followed it with a few spankings of her sexy ass, much to her enjoyment.
Jennie sensually licked your torso, then got on her knees and set her sights on the monster bulging under your underwear. You helped her and took your underwear off by yourself as your cock sprung out all the way into touching Jennie's nose. She looked extremely tiny from that spot, as her head didn't even reach over your hips. Jennie gave your tip a soft suck before jerking your cock as hard as she could, blowing your pipe off as her right hand ran all over your shaft while her left hand landed in your balls.
You wondered if Jennie just wanted to suck your cock for 5 minutes and let you go after you cum. She did that many times to guys who couldn't handle the power of her blowjob. It was all a test to see if you could take further leaps. Jennie put her nails in your crotch and started sucking your pole with no hands, leading to your first hard groan. That move has finished many guys over her 7-year career, and she has mastered it to a top-level degree. The way she throated a cock with ease had you on your knees, but you knew you couldn't literally blow this opportunity.
But her blowjob was tough to resist—ball touching, shaft stimulation, tip sucking—it seemed like she knew all the right spots. Indeed, you were just one of the countless cocks she has faced. As Jennie moved down to your balls, you looked at your tip, already fully red, wondering how you hadn't dropped a fountain of cum all over the kitchen's floor yet. And she wasn't going to stop. Recognizing it, Jennie blew some hot air right at your throbbing spot. It had barely been two minutes of her sucking you off, but it felt like she had been there for two hours. She was truly hungry for some long, big sausage for breakfast.
Jennie still hadn't stopped sucking your cock; you just groaned and stood on the edge, waiting for her torture to be over. You were conflicted; maybe you should just shoot all over her mouth and move on to something else. She licked, jerked, mopped, and, most of all, sucked your hard prick like she wanted to give you a heart attack. "Stop," you murmured, but she didn't hear a peep, instead shoving your tip to bulge under her cheeks and deepthroating your shaft using no hands, then slapping it under her clothed chest before giving your cock some kisses and resuming with her fast-paced sucking.
You barely survived Jennie's five-minute-long cock-sucking barrage. Your eyes brightened when she said those words: "Wanna fuck me?" as Jennie spread her right leg and placed it at the kitchen's sink, her holes just peeking under her shirt. You had 5 minutes at most, so you had to enjoy every second of it, sticking your cock in her tight vaginal entrance shortly after. Jennie pushed her right leg in your direction and let you grab her by her right thigh, making your cock point vertically towards her pussy to reach deeper inside it.
Jennie's tight pussy offered a lot of resistance to your shaft. No matter how many such sessions she had, she always managed to keep her holes tight with plenty of exercise. You had to grab her lower thigh instead, but so far only your tip has managed to dive under her massive clitorial hood. Your penetrations were somewhat shallow, but lucky for you, they seemed to have hit the right spots, unless she was faking those out-of-breath moans she started to give after a few adjustments you made to penetrate her cunt.
You made sure to sense how she felt as you suddenly penetrated her deeper, making Jennie squeal for the first time. She firmly held her small body against the sink, giving you a naughty stare as your cock finally managed to fully stretch her out, taking advantage to lift her leg even higher and grab her by the waist. You could finally get a view of her throbbing clit and you hadn't even touched it due to the inconvenience of her shirt; instead, it was Jennie who took advantage of her clit being more accessible to finger herself. "Give it to me, baby," she said in a sexy voice while running her tongue all over her lips.
Jennie held herself by your neck, while her elbow was the only thing keeping her still tied to the sink, making her little, fragile body ache. In spite of that, you showed no signs of slowing down, giving her short but very deep pumps in her slit. You firmly gripped Jennie's slim waist, giving her faster and deeper poundings each time. She switched positions, putting her legs back on the floor and clenching her pussy all over your shaft while doing so. Now you had both hands on her waist and only 3 minutes left, so it was time to hit hard with no worries.
You increased the speed with which you hammered Jennie's cunt, taking her fully under control as your right hand grabbed her waist while your left hand grabbed her neck. Jennie reached under her shirt and spread her ass cheeks a little to ease the pressure of your deep pumps hitting her cervix at full speed. Just as she did that, your balls clapped intensely against her cheeks, smashing her little fingers. You quickly found out that two hands on her waist was the way to go, as you were much stronger than her. She had no answer to your hard pumps except moaning and screaming like a slut.
Jennie stopped as she climbed on top of the sink, now facing you. You once again grabbed her right thigh, but this time she managed to push you closer by wrapping her left leg around your butt as you entered back into her pussy. Now you were the one putting Jennie literally on the edge, as her ass was about to fall from the sink before you pushed it up just in time. Jennie's pussy finally on full display to you makes you try even harder, as you can now fully see your throbbing monster bulge under her little trimmed bush. She's a master of moaning; her voice is so sexy, it makes you wonder if she could release a single just recording them and top the charts.
"Ah yes, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah," she continues to moan as your cock stretches her fuckhole at a steady pace and your skin claps against her meaty clit. You hit Jennie as deep as you can before letting her climb down the sink. You assume your 10 minutes are over as Jennies goes back to kneeling to suck your meat and milk you dry in a minute or so. Using her no-hands sucking of your manhood, you brace yourself to blast in Jennie's mouth at any second. She places her hands on your thighs and then masturbates your shaft while muffling her moans under your balls. A fast jerking of your foreskin and her tongue running up and down your shaft have you on the edge of your seat once more. She kisses your tip and spits on your dick. You now have only one minute left, and try to hold on until the moment finally comes.
Jennie gives you a fast jerkoff while inserting your tip in her mouth. You know she's searching for that cum. She doesn't even try to hide anymore. You just feel satisfied if you fill her warm mouth with a hot and heavy dose of sperm at this point. 30 seconds left. More jerkoffs from Jennie. She slaps your tip on her tongue, then goes back to suck it deep. 10 seconds left. You just relax and close your eyes; whatever comes next will be enough for you. That's when Jennie surprises you with those words:
"I think you earned a few extra minutes," she says, putting her left knee on the kitchen table while her right knee is slightly lower on the bench. It takes a bit for you to regain strength from Jennie's almost deadly blowjob, as you start back with very slow pumps in her pussy, grabbing her by the hair as you manage to get halfway in, with her pussy tightening after those minutes without your cock inserted in it. As your cock finally disappears under her shirt, Jennie starts screaming harder. "AHHH. AHHH. AHHH. AHHH.." Her cheeks jiggle as she approves of your pounding. Then words that are about to send you to the heavens come from her mouth.
"Now I want you to fuck my ass," Jennie says as she closes her legs and plants both of them on the floor before spreading them back for your anal insertion. Jennie screams and gleefully licks her thumb as you insert your full length in her asshole, reaching under her shirt to masturbate herself. Your well-above-average girth was too much even for an experienced anal cocksleeve like Jennie, as she placed her hands on her ass to spread and ease up her butthole entrance. Your cock filled every inch of her anus, making her pant at each thrust.
"Oh, this feels good," Jennie says once the initial pain is gone. She's a quick learner and can adjust to any cock, enjoying your anal stretching to the fullest now. "Ahhhh, that's good!" Jennie screams of pleasure as your meat keeps drilling her asshole and establishes a consistent rhythm, not going super rough on her and just using your firm grip on her waist to your advantage when penetrating. She alternates sexy murmurs with more high-pitched screams as you advance inside her tight hole.
Jennie puts her legs fully over the table. The gape in her butthole is much wider now and makes for much easier penetration this time. You place both hands in her ass and softly push your cock, leading to more sexy noises from her. She licks her index finger and puts it in your mouth to suck. You go a little faster as your cock starts to fully disappear inside her anus, but even as you increase the speed, you're very passionate and try as much as possible not to hammer her just for the sake of it.
"Yes, just keep fucking my ass," Jennie approves. You once again increase the pace and hit her deeper as she pants and makes some cute little noises with her mouth barely open. Now it's your turn to shove your thumb on it as the tongues it. You ruin her lipstick and mark her neck with it as your thumb slides down. Your pace is very steady as you touch all of Jennie's erogenous zones, with a little grope of her tits under the shirt and some massaging of her neck as well.
You finally can't resist the urge to pound her asshole hard and fast, giving Jennie fast thursts that she enjoys a lot. "Yes, yes, please," she says as you finally clap her cheeks while performing anal on her. Jennie used the whole table as a support for her body and groans as your hard pounding finally arrives into her asshole, just like you did minutes before to her cunt. Clapping sounds keep coming out every time your hips touch her butt. Jennie screams harder as her butthole finally gets fully stretched out.
"YES. YES. YES," Jennie says, almost losing her voice as you take her by surprise with fast hammerings in her asshole. You now mold her rectum to the shape of your girthy manhood, making clap sounds in her ass that match with her perfect out-of-breath moans. "It feels so good to be fucked in the ass; I'll give you 10 extra minutes," Jennie says as you pull out of her.
Jennie gets on her knees and masturbates herself. She isn't lying. The last time one of her morning acquaintances got to have anal sex with her, she was still under YG. This was her first morning anal fuck as a self-made record label owner. She licks her chops and gives you a demand: "I want you to stick this cock in my ass until you cum," as she spreads her legs to sit in your thick man meat.
You weren't prepared for Jennie's fast ride on top of your dick as you grunt each time she reaches the base of it. You cling to her little tits, but that only makes her go harder. She might be small, but takes your big cock impaling her with ease. Your just like a veiny and meaty version of the big dildo she rides every day first thing in the morning.
After a few clashes with your hips, Jennie stops mid-air and starts fingering herself. You seize the opportunity to push your cock up her rectum. "Ohhh, yes, yes, yes, perfect," she loves when you do it. The harder you pound her, the more heat she puts in her clit while fingering it, and the higher she screams. "Just keep g..." She can't even finish the sentence as your cock and her finger team up perfectly to give her an insane orgasm.
Jennie's loud screams motivate you to fuck her harder; your cock is now taking full ownership of her asshole. You can't even barely see the results of your pounding, thanks to her shirt, but her screams are all you need to hear to keep doing what you're doing. "OH. OH. OH. OH,"  she keeps yelling as your impalement session shows no signs of slowing down—quite the opposite. Her stretched cunt muscles also expand as squirt starts coming out of her vagina with each pounding.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH," Jennie lets out a prolonged scream as your balls keep making a loud noise each time they smash her ass cheeks. She holds herself by the tip of her toes as each pounding now has her on the verge of collapsing. You suddenly stop and let her do the work now, as she bounces just as fast as your pumps. It ends up being a very smart decision, as Jennie tightens her anus around your thick prick and sends shivers all over the shaft of your dick. The rough pounding truly awakened her inner beast, as she now rides you like a maniac for a couple minutes.
"Carry me and fuck me hard," she demands, and you oblige, firmly grabbing her ass and lifting her tiny body. Your dick slides under her oversized shirt straight back to her pussy. "Just fuck my pussy nonst... AH, AH, AH, AH," once again she fails to finish a sentence as your cock hammers her hard. The cheek-clapping sounds at this position are the loudest so far, and you love being in full control and stetching Jennie's walls at full speed, turning her into a slut that only has one word in her vocabulary to speak. She attempts a little ride on your cock, but you are having none of it, just plowing her even harder after she tries it. "AH, YES, YES, YES, YES," is all she can say.
You want to relax a little after such an intense session and sit on the floor. "I think you earned this," Jennie says as she finally takes her shirt off and lets you see her naked body in full display. She sits her ass back on your boner, letting you see her little thong marks. Jennie twerks her little ass as you put just the tip inside her, giving you easy access to suck her tits as she tilts her body in your direction. Jennie may not have the biggest ass, but she knows how to twerk on a cock, spanking herself and turning her cheeks red while she bounces, letting out sexy moans at each slap.
You try to push up, but Jennie quickly shuts her tight hole down and smashes your shaft, moving upwards for more twerking. You grab her cheeks as she slowly opens up her butthole to your meat and increases the pace of her ride, flipping her hair while bouncing her ass straight into the base of your dick.
"Take it, stretech that ass," she commands as she gets her body close to yours, letting you do the work of attempting to drill her anus all the way deep. Her moans start to get out of breath once you pick up the speed. She starts dueling with your cock, twerking while you try to push it up her butthole. "Fuck my ass," she keeps demanding, urging you to rise to the challenge and impale her to the fullest.
You finally do, making your balls clap a lot against her cheeks as you groan at each thrust. You jackhammer Jennie and make her let out even sexier moans. You lift your body off the ground as much as you can, making Jennie's tiny body almost float in the air with each pump. "Ohhh, fuck," Jennie says as she starts panting, with you giving your maximum to fuck her now as she takes pounding after pounding from your massive meat.
Even though Jennie looks very tired, you ended up more exhausted than her, leaving room for her to restart twerking on your cock. As Jennie takes advantage of it, you just watch and let her be the star of the show, the it girl, the ace of morning sex. Jennie's rapid and shallow bounces end up being too much for you to handle, as you shoot ropes of semen all over her butthole as soon as she gives herself another spank that clenches her already tight anal walls to the point your cock can no longer resist.
Jennie turns her microwave on and starts preparing a little hot chocolate to heal herself after such a good fuck. As the chocolate finishes heating up, Jennie gets back to you and says, "I think it needs some milk.". She scoops the cum that fell onto your belly and farts the cum inside her asshole into a cup, adding it to the hot chocolate mug and mixing it up, drinking the whole thing in front of you. "So tasty, just like I wanted it," she says.
"I have to go now; I'm late to work, and I have a lot of business to do today. I'm starting a new life, so I'm very busy. I guess I'll have to take the helicopter to work," she said. Yes, Jennie was truly a celebrity beyond your league. You truly felt a little jealous but somewhat proud that you managed to cum inside the Jennie Kim's tight asshole as you dressed yourself up and took off, knowing you'd be at least an hour late to your work and face the worst of rush hour.
A few weeks passed by. Jennie did not contact you. Maybe she was indeed lying, and you were just a quickie to warm her up for a busy day. One day, as you were already on your way to work and on the verge of leaving the condo, a text message popped on your screen; it was from her, this time sending you a full-body shot of her naked with the caption. "Come to my house NOW".
You didn't hesitate, making a U-turn with your car and heading to Jennie's home. Her door was already open just waiting for you to come, as you find Jennie this time in her living room. In an inversion of the first time you two met, this time you had your full work attire on while she was wearing just her underwear.
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"Do anything you want to me," she says, giving you the sign to come in her direction.
You're definitely not going to work today.
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decembermidnight · 4 months
Nylon Lust
Summary: Joel goes feral when you wear pantyhose for him.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: smut, 18+ MDNI, nylon and pantyhose fetish, dom!Joel, sub!reader, teasing, dry humping, fingering, dirty talk, implied age gap, unprotected sex, humiliation kink, cumplay
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Masterlist - Read on Ao3
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You're honestly amazed at the way you look as you stare speechless at your reflection in the mirror. The thin, sheer material of the black pantyhose shapes your curves in a sensual, breathtaking way. You admire your body thinking you've never worn anything so luxurious and provocative in your whole life. You truly feel like a goddess. 
The fabric is sheer and you can see everything underneath, your features enhanced in just the right places. Your legs, hips and belly are smooth and silky to the touch, making you appear flawless. You must admit Joel has a damn good eye for nice, refined things.
There's a thick, black line that runs exactly in the middle of the pantyhose, highlighting the attention right there, to your cunt. 
You're suddenly reminded of his words… “Wear it. Now. Nothing else on.”
His voice was almost a growl, his dark eyes looking at you like a beast waiting to devour its prey. The mere thought makes you throb in anticipation, thinking of his reaction when he’ll see you in just a few moments.
You head out of the bathroom and find Joel sitting on the sofa right in front of you, a smirk appearing on his face as he looks at you approaching him. 
“Fuck” he grunts.
“What do you think?” you ask flirtatiously as your hands caress your hips. He looks hypnotized as he follows the movement with his eyes.
He doesn’t even answer - his gaze is locked on your lower body, bewitched by the way you look. He stands up and pulls you close, starting to run his hands on your hips, feeling the silky material under his fingers, admiring the way it hugs your curves, humming in pleasure.
“Lookin’ so good, baby” he whispers before kissing you passionately as he goes on worshiping your body with his touch, holding and squeezing you, rejoicing in how sexy you look. Your naked chest rubs against his jeans shirt as the kiss deepens and you start to feel his erection against your lower belly. He guides you towards the kitchen table as your tongues twirl and lick into each other's mouths. Your hands dig in his messy hair as his, in turn, can’t stop caressing the soft, naked skin of your back and groping your butt.
Just as you bump into the table behind you, he grabs the thin fabric of the pantyhose and pulls it up so the thick black line right in the middle digs into your pussy, stimulating your clit and highlighting your lips, earning an aroused gasp from you.
"Look at that." says as he barely brushes them with his fingers, captivated by the view you're offering him.
In an instant he turns you around, bending you over on the table. Your upper body is laying down on the flat surface and you arch your lower back, standing on your tiptoes to make your ass look even fuller and prettier so that he'll want to touch it.
He gives in to lust immediately and starts squeezing your ass, his fingers digging into the soft flesh as he hums in pleasure.
"Knew this would look fucking perfect on you." he lets out in a low voice, almost a growl, heavily aroused.
He lets his hand trail down to the back of your thighs, caressing them, making you shake in lust, impatient for him to touch you between your legs.
"Joel - Joel, please-" you plead, turning around just to see a sadistic smirk on his face.
His hand trails up your inner thigh painfully slowly and when he finally reaches your slit, he takes his hand away and you hear him jostle with his belt, unfastening it and unzipping his pants, making you whimper at the loss of contact.
"What is it that you want, hm? To be fucked like the whore that you are?" he rasps, his sensual voice giving you goosebumps.
"Yes, yes, please-" you pant, heavily aroused.
He takes his cock out and slaps your ass with it, making you feel how hard it is already, only to start stroking as his other hand gropes your butt.
"Fucking whore. Look at you. Begging for this cock. You missed it, hm?"
"Yes, I did..." you say sensually as you rub your ass against the erection in his hand.
He chokes a grunt at the way the thin, silky fabric feels against his cock. He grabs your hips tight, holding them against his, and starts dry humping your ass, lowering his body on yours and using it to give himself pleasure, taking what he wants from you without ceremony, his heady groans right in your ear, driving you insane, aching with desire, begging for release.
His fingers start to finally touch your clit after all this sadistic teasing and he hums when he feels how wet you made the pantyhose. 
“You made it so wet already. Damn, I haven't even touched you yet.” he coos in your ear.
You squeeze your eyes shut in bliss when he increases the rhythm, starting to rub it frantically. The feeling of the nylon between his fingers and your swollen clit somehow intensifies the pleasure - the silky, drenched fabric acts as a thin barrier, increasing friction and getting you embarrassingly close to the edge already.
"Fuckin' perfect" he pants in your ear as his fingers drive you closer and closer to your orgasm.
"Joel, you're gonna make me come-" you cry, your legs shaking uncontrollably in anticipation.
"Come. Let me feel how wet you can get it." he whispers in between heady moans, his fingers accelerate the rhythm even more, your breathing gets laboured, his panting is hot in your ear as he keeps rubbing his cock against your ass and encourages you to let go, muttering filth about how good you look like this, about how much he wants you. The sound of his voice, sweet and dark at the same time, gets you over the edge and you come - a white, hot blaze sparks between your legs and spreads throughout your body, making you shake in pleasure under him as you drawl his name against the hard, cold wood of the table, his fingers guiding you through your high.
"Yeah. Good girl." he pants in your ear as his hands spread your legs further open so that his fingers can tear a hole in your pantyhose just where your cunt is. You can't believe how incredibly hot you find it. He lets his dick slide in the hole he just made and starts rubbing it between your slit and the nylon, pleasurably stimulating your clit while he does so, driving you both fucking insane.
"Fuck, Joel, please, please put it in. I need it." you plead in between moans, hands clenching into fists due to impatience.
"You whore. Can't wait to be fucked, are you? Why don't you beg harder?" you can hear by the sound of his husky voice that he's getting off at the feeling of his cock rubbing against the hot slickness of your cunt and the wet, silky material of the pantyhose, so tight and thin around his cock, giving it just the perfect stimulation, all while hearing you beg for him.
"Please, please Joel. I need you inside me. I will do fucking anything. Anything." you whimper deliriously.
“Anything? Are you that desperate for this cock?” he taunts you.
Joel's fingers dig deeper into your hip to keep you steady as he aligns his cock with your entrance and immediately starts to sink inside of you. He sighs when he feels how welcoming and ready you are for him. You can't do anything besides taking him nice and slow, your eyes rolling up in pleasure as you moan obscenely loud.
His cock meets no resistance as your wet cunt sucks it in, clenching and spasming in turn at the sole idea of finally having him inside of you.
"Oh, fuck! Fuck, Joel!" you scream in delight.
Joel looks at the marvel of you, at his cock entering into you through the hole in your pantyhose, nylon wrapped tight around your ass.
"Fucking look at you. You like this, hm? You like being fucked in your ripped pantyhose like a whore?” he growls.
"I do! Yes!" you cry in bliss.
Joel goes absolutely feral when he sees how much you’re enjoying this, how the nylon feels in his hands, how obedient and yielding you are and you feel him twitching inside of you as he grunts in arousal.
Your moans and the filthy, squelching noise of your drenched cunt sucking him in fill the room as you turn around to look at him - his hands steady on your hips, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, showing off his strong, veiny forearms as he thrusts into you, his gaze locked on your pussy. You bite your lip and hum in delight at that view.
“How much do you like looking at me fucking you, hm? I can feel you getting wetter. And tighter. Not gonna last if you keep looking at me like that.”
You hum again when you hear the way you’re making him feel straight from his lips.
“Harder, please.” you whisper as you give him a look full of lust and desire, a sensual smirk on your face.
He grabs your hair in his grasp and starts railing you hard, just like you asked, making your eyes roll up and mouth part in ecstasy.
The way his shaft is rubbing against your clit is driving you close to another orgasm. He notices the way you get tighter around him when you’re right on the edge, your grasp making him grunt viciously.
“Joel! Joel! I’m gonna come!”
“Yes. Come on this cock, baby. Look at me. Fuckin’ look at me giving it to you.”
His words push you over the edge once more and you can feel how tight you get around him as you come, clamping so hard it’s unavoidable for you to scream his name as waves of pleasure traverse your body, making your eyes roll up high, blurring your vision, a feeling so intense that you can’t control yourself.
Joel grunts when he feels your cunt erratically spasming around his cock, restraining himself from bursting inside of you immediately. He’s not done with you, not yet.
"Turn the fuck around. Turn around now." he growls impatiently before grabbing you by the waist, turning you around and slamming you back on the table.
"On your fucking elbows. Look at my cock fucking your hot pussy. Look at it." he orders.
You prop yourself up and start playing with your nipples while your eyes are trained on his thick cock jackhammering into you as Joel's hands keep your legs spread wide open for him.
"Shit, such a slut. You’re making me come. This pussy is so fucking perfect, darlin'. Don't stop looking. Don't stop looking."
He slips out of your cunt and starts grinding his cock between your slit and the nylon, pleasurably rubbing the shaft against your clit. Seeing how much he's enjoying it and the perfect rhythm of his thrusts makes you moan loudly begging for more, making your heart beat faster as that perfect stimulation drives you close to another orgasm.
"Shit - shit - shit, I'm fucking coming baby-"
He snarls as his cock twitches and spurts out his white, hot release, staining both the black pantyhose and your belly. Joel's moans and that unbelievably hot sight drive you over the edge and come right after him, keeping your eyes on his cock spurting his cum out, making a mess, covering you in his release as you both moan loudly.
Joel lowers himself on you and gives you a hot, wet kiss, his tongue greedily exploring your mouth as you both come down from your high, heavily panting into each other’s mouths.
"Fucking look at you. Filthy, shameless and covered in cum just like the whore that you are." he says while tracing the outline of his cock with his fingers and spreading his seed all over your belly, pussy and thighs, amazed at how the nylon glistens in the light now that it's drenched in both of your fluids.
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myfictionaldreams · 10 months
So I saw that you said you can take specific marauder requests. How about reader is insecure but the guys don't know it and she goes out to buy clothes and new lingerie that she thinks they might like because in her head she thinks if she doesn't look like the girls she researched they will leave her for either just eachother or all the other girls in the school. So when they are getting into it sirius realizes that she has a new bra (you can make up the rest of the scenario but preferably after he finds out she has a new bra angst happens and then fluffy smut and then the very end in fluff please)
What are you wearing? // Poly!Marauders x Fem!Reader
Summary: The latest lingerie trend did not look comfortable in any way but you still fell for the marketing and purchased your own, assuming that the boys would want you to dress like everyone else. However, when you decided to show off your outfit to Sirius, his reaction is anything but positive as he sees how uncomfortable you are.
Requested by: Thank you for answering my beck and call for a specific Marauders idea, I hope you enjoy your request!
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, angst, fluff (lots), foursome, self-doubt/low self-esteem, anxiety, crying/breakdown, pet names, making out, Remus has words of wisdom, discussing emotions, romantic gestures (a little cheesy), nipple play, body worship, dirty talk, teasing, begging, oral sex, fingering, possessive behaviour, restraints, praise kink, daddy kink, size kink (!), creampie, rough sex
Words: 8k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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It was the latest fashion, created by muggles to wear luxurious, expensive lingerie bodysuits that uncomfortably hugged curves and pushed your breasts into busty mounds that they unnaturally did not sit at. However from the whispers from other students as they secretly hide in corners, sharing magazines and boasting about which woman looked best in the underwear, it was what was the latest fashion and everyone seemed to be loving it. So despite the discomfort, despite the desire to itch your skin against the lace around your hips, you kept the lingerie under your uniform, hoping to surprise one of the boys throughout the day.
It wasn’t that you never wore nice underwear, usually, it was a simple lace bra that softly cupped your breasts, the material transparent enough that your areolas were visible and had your boyfriends dropping to their knees to beg at touching and worshipping your body.
But like previously mentioned, this new style of lingerie was apparently very in right now and you wanted to keep up with the latest trends, even more so to please Remus, James and Sirius. It was hard enough pleasing one boyfriend but three? It felt like endless pressure to keep up, even though you knew that feeling was only from the little devil on your shoulder, the one that spouted negative thoughts that you were never enough.
It was nothing on behalf of your boyfriend’s to make you feel this way. In fact, they always went above and beyond to show you how much you were truly loved. But then that voice in the back of your mind would come back, reminding you that they were the most popular men in school, had endless other students lusting over them and it felt like you were competing, even though you already had the prize.
So this was why you had decided to splash the cash on the expensive muggle lingerie and hide it beneath your uniform, hoping to keep the relationship exciting and alive with the hopes that one of your boyfriends would pull you into a spare cupboard and find the present beneath your button up shirt.
This came in the shape of Sirius Black who promptly entwined your fingers together after class, carrying both your bag and his on his shoulder and tugging you down a deserted corridor and into a dusty, dimly light classroom. Sirius may have come across to others as coming from a pure-blooded family and always pristinely dressed, but beneath all of that was his rebellious side. The part of him that wanted it dirty and rough and everything that didn’t match his exterior.
He dropped the bags onto the floor, causing a cloud of dust to waft into the air but that didn’t stop his movements as he pulled you further into the room, not even bothering to lock the door, another one of his little ‘Sirius’ things, loving the thought of being caught. As usual, your adrenaline was pumping through your veins, feeling giddy and ready to do whatever Sirius wanted, just needing to be close to him, to feel his hands on your body, his lips against your skin.
“Come here Darling, up on top”, Sirius patted the sizeable oak desk that was in the centre of the room, even bothering to wipe his hand across to create an area that was without dust, the perfect area for you to come and sit on.
Jumping up with the help of Sirius’ big hands on your waist, you sat on the edge of the desk, your skirt hiking up slightly so that the brisk wood nipped against the backs of your thighs. This didn’t stop you from spreading them, making room for your boyfriend as he slide his hands to cup your cheek.
Sirius’ citrus scent from his hair caressed your cheeks as he leaned down to capture your lips, urgent and devouring, leaving you breathless and grasping to hold onto his shirt. He had full control with his grip on your face, tilting your head so that he could deepen the kiss, tongue slipping into your open mouth, dancing to taste your spit.
A moan bubbled in the back of your throat as he moved his body closer, his crotch pushing against yours as your legs hooked around the back of his knees. You were thoroughly and utterly consumed by him, breathing in the air from his mouth, the taste and smell of him, his warmth seeping into your skin. There was one thing you would never deny and that was how consumed you were by him, by each of your boyfriends, you had been since day one.
Sirius released his hold on your face with one hand but only because he needed to touch your skin, squeezing the soft area of your thigh and stroking up, further pushing your skirt to reveal the entire length of your leg. He didn’t stop though, exploring with a firm touch over your skirt and beneath the hem of your shirt, with the intent to pull your hips closer to rub his tented crotch harder against yours.
But then he suddenly froze, lips unmoving and a confused frown evidently etched into his handsome features as he pulled away to look down at where his fingers were feeling a strange material under your clothes.
You’d forgotten about your plan, through the lust-filled kisses and touches, it had slipped your mind what you were wearing.
Before Sirius could verbally ask what it was that he was feeling, you quickly beat him to it by breathlessly explaining, “I had a surprise”. With the adrenaline still pumping through your body, your fingers were shaking delicately as you removed your tie and unbuttoned your shirt, pushing the white material off of your shoulders, revealing the majority of the lingerie bodysuit.
Looking up at him through your eyelashes, attempting to look seductive whilst further pushing your elbows underneath your already pushed-up breasts.
You weren’t sure exactly what reaction you were expecting, maybe a horny curse or a hunger search of your body with his eyes, but you certainly weren’t expecting him to ask in a disdained tone, “What are you wearing?”
Sirius lifted the hand that had been resting on your hip, up to the tight material on your chest, trying to slip his finger between your breast and the lingerie but unable to do so with how tight and uncomfortable the bodysuit was.
“I thought you’d like it”, you say earnestly, trying to keep the simmering panic at bay that was beginning to pound into your heart. Sirius’ confusion only increased as the line between his furrowed brows deepened, a single step back to put some distance between the two of you, your legs dropping to dangle over the edge of the desk again as he looked over what you were wearing.
“Why would you wear something like that? Are you even comfortable in it?” he asks with a hint of distaste, something you hadn’t anticipated for him to sound like at all. 
You begin to stutter over your words, losing the confident seduction you’d been attempting to play off. “It’s…it’s not supposed rt to be comfortable, I wanted to look nice for you”.
This response only seemed to further upset Sirius as his eyes refused to meet yours, remaining only on the extravagant lingerie. “But you always look nice, you didn’t have to do this!” The rise of his voice startled you enough to quickly shrug the shirt back up your arms, crossing the material across your chest so that you were covered once more. Sirius finally snapped out of his upset to look into your eyes, the frown relaxing a touch so that he could slowly explain, “Sweetheart, you know you don’t have to dress a certain way to impress me, you know that”.
Embarrassment pooled in your stomach causing you to feel burning hot and slightly nauseous. Of all the reactions you expected, it wasn’t this. Yes, you may be dressing completely out of your comfort zone and only doing it to make the boys happy but you had to make an effort and this was the only way you thought how.
You tried to keep your voice from wavering as you explained, “Yes, but I just wanted to make a little bit of an effort. Anyway, everyone else has been wearing this sort of thing or enjoying the look of it. And I just thought you wouldn’t-”, your mouth slammed shut with an audible snap as you tried to keep the truth spilling from your lips.
Tears were beginning to line the corner of your eyes, threatening to spill over as you hastily began to fasten the buttons on your shirt, eyes on your fingers and not daring to look up at your boyfriend.
You’d hoped that Sirius would let it go, the words and the bodysuit, maybe you could jump off the desk, find somewhere to remove the lingerie and it never be spoken about again. However, this of course was wishful thinking on your part as Sirius’ voice had dropped an octave as he asked, “I wouldn’t…what? Finish what you were about to say.”
Blatantly ignoring his questioning, you had finished buttoning your top, turning to look for the tie that you’d haphazardly discarded behind you on the desk but in the low lighting, it was hard to see, especially as the tears began to slip down your cheeks.
Sirius closed the gap between your bodies again, his hand gently cupping your jaw to tilt it in his direction, his eyes glazed in worry as he noticed your tears, quickly swiping them away with his thumb. “Tell me”, he encouraged but you could still hear the strain at the back of his throat.
It was like a dam opened within you, that small hope on the restraint that you had snapped. “That you wouldn’t be interested in me anymore if I didn’t try and keep up with the trends of what's hot. Or that if I didn’t try, you’d all think you’re missing out on something so yes, this bodysuit is a little uncomfortable but I just wanted to impress you all so you didn’t think I wasn’t attractive or that you’d fall out of love with me because someone else looked more sexy or was willing to dress in all of these stupid outfits! I just wanted to make you all happy ”.
There it was, the devil on your shoulder, speaking your inner-most demons, laid completely bare in front of you. Fear after fear spilt from your lips, once you’d started you couldn’t stop, even though you were becoming hysteric, the escalation of the situation was just making you freak out more. You were full-on sobbing by this point, tears dampening the collar of your shirt and shoulders hunched as you sucked in deep shattering breaths.
The walls felt too close, the air too thick. You needed to get out, need to get away from Sirius, not wanting to even look at him to see the disappointment you were sure covered his face. Using your body for momentum, you pushed him back as you jumped off of the desk and stepped towards the door.
However a gentle but firm hand wrapped around your shoulder, halting your movements as Sirius’s concerned voice begged, “Please don’t go, we need to talk about this Darling”.
This wasn’t what you wanted right now, you didn’t want to talk, scared that your spiralling thoughts might be a reality, your consciousness being your worst enemy at that moment as you shrugged out of his grasp. “I just need a minute”. You sounded broken and another sob shook your shoulders as you didn’t look back. Not bothering to pick up your bag or find your lost tie you rushed out of the door, and the sick feeling in your stomach only increased when you heard Sirius yell and kick his frustrations out against a table as he let you walk away.
You weren’t entirely sure where you were going, keeping your head low so as to not have questioning looks as to why you were crying and scared you’d run into one of your friends or worse Remus or James. There were so many students in the corridors and you desperately needed an escape and ran in the direction of where there were only a limited amount of people as fresh air crisped against your wet cheeks as you rushed outside.
For a moment you contemplated sneaking to the shrieking shack, knowing that you could curl into a ball underneath the sheets of the master bed there but that would also be the first place that the boys checked other than the Gryffindor common room. Furthermore, you needed somewhere outside, need to feel the sun on your face and a sense of calm so you half jogged to one of your favourite spots in Hogwarts.
It was the one place you truly felt at peace and somewhere you’d stumbled upon once when exploring the Hogwarts grounds in your first year. A luscious green cliff edge that overlooked the lake and Scottish mountains and, what made it so special was that when the sun began to set, it was the perfect spot for the golden hour of beautiful sunshine. The very last piece of land that the sun-kissed before it disappeared over the mountains.
This was where you crumpled onto the grass, tucking your knees in close, hiding your face within them and wrapping your arms around tightly so you were now in a little ball. There you sat and you cried. For the embarrassment, anxiety-ridden and uncertainty as to what happened now. You didn’t want to go back to Hogwarts, maybe it was better if you just stayed in that little spot forever you contemplated dramatically.
You were unsure how much time had passed but the air was beginning to chill as the sun dropped further in the sky. There were no more tears, but your breaths were still ragged, your eyes sore as you looked across the lake, and your body trembling through exhaustion and still, above all of that, you couldn’t stop thinking about how uncomfortable the stupid bodysuit was under your uniform.
Footsteps suddenly crunched against the crisp grass and you tried not to stiffen at the unknown arrival. But with each step, you knew from the slight limp who exactly it was as Remus sat beside you, his legs crossed underneath him as you automatically moved your face to look away from him, not wanting him to see the mess you’d become.
“Don’t”, he insisted. “Don’t do that, don’t hide away from me, my love. Come here”, he encouraged, his heavy hand resting against your shoulder and tugging your body towards his. You succumb easily, releasing the grip around your knees so that you could lie your head against his lap, his hand remaining on your shoulder giving you warmth and comfort as his other hand stroked through your hair and he simply lets you cry.
Remus began to talk, lowly and calmly into your ear as he helped you through your overwhelming emotions. “It’s more than just the fancy underwear, isn’t it? Listen to me Love, we all have our insecurities that bubble away underneath our skin but we can’t let those negative thoughts win. We deserve happiness. YOU deserve happiness.”
Your sobs calmed down enough that you were just lightly hiccuping, not even bothering to wipe away your tears as his trousers absorbed the wetness. Remus lowered his head, to gently kiss the side of yours before he continued. “I know sometimes our minds are louder than our hearts so even if I tell you, how much I truly adore you, that sometimes you won’t comprehend how much it is true. But please, Sweetheart, understand that… you’re my family. You, Sirius and James. Without you three, I have no one and I don’t want you to think you’re anything else but my entire world. You could dress in the old linen from a house elf and I would still love everything about you. I don’t need you to be dressed in the latest fashion or clothes that are evidently uncomfortable. I want you to be happy, we ALL want you to be happy”.
Your heart was pounding for another reason now as you couldn’t bare to not be touching Remus, needing more than anything to show him how much you appreciated him, loved him with just as much passion as the words that he spoke. So without another word, you rushed to sit up and climb into his lap, straddling your thighs over his, shaking fingers cupping his scarred face to hold him still as you kissed him deeply.
It wasn’t like the same sort of passionate, devouring kiss with Sirius earlier in the day in that forgotten classroom. This was passionate in a way that the world began and ended with each other, that you need to show your love and appreciation with your lips where words would surely fail you. Remus was always the one to have the best advice, to be able to talk the others around when in a low mood, he just always seemed to know the exact right thing to say.
As both of your lungs burned for air, you pull from the kiss but only to lean your forehead against his, warm breath fanning across his face as he wiped away the stains of the tears, “I love you, Remus Lupin”.
“I love you too”.
The sun had now cascaded behind the mountains, leaving an orange hue in the sky as everywhere else began to fall into shadow. The air instantly cooled but you didn’t care, especially not with Remus who ran at a fevered temperature due to his lycanthropy. The two of you stayed like that until you felt comfortable enough to risk glancing over his shoulder, towards the lining of trees from the forbidden forest.
“They aren’t here”, Remus informed you, kissing your cheek gently and wrapping his arms around your waist to hold you closer.
You weren’t sure if you should be relieved or not at hearing that Sirius and James didn’t accompany Remus. “Where are they?”, you asked quietly, leaning your head against his shoulder, suddenly feeling exhausted after your breakdown.
Remus took more than a moment to answer like he was trying to decide how much he should tell you before finally deciding. “They’re both back in the dormitory, sorting out a little surprise for you”.
Your heart seemed to skip a beat, that they were doing something nice even after the way you’d spoken and reacted to Sirius. “I feel bad I stormed away from Sirius”, you admitted to Remus, pulling away from his shoulder to play with the end of his tie.
Remus offered you a shrug, “He’ll get over it. I think he was more upset that he didn’t know how to process that you weren’t comfortable and doing all of this for his benefit. And that he struggled to find the right words to say without sounding pissed off and couldn’t fix the situation before you left”.
You nod, risking a glance up towards Remus’ face and relieved to find him looking at you still in a relaxed way and you knew he really wasn’t annoyed like you thought he would be. “And James, is he ok?”
Remus nods, kissing the tip of your nose and pulling a smile from your lips, “He’s hurt like Sirius and I, that you’d been feeling this way without speaking to us, he wanted to fly down here as soon as Sirius found us but I knew you needed some time to yourself”.
“Thank you”. You hoped that he understood that you were saying that for more than one reason, for everything and by the twinkle returning to his eyes, the life that was sparking once more as he pecked your lips gently, you knew he understood.
“Come on, let’s not leave them any longer”.
Remus helped you to stand and the two of you took a leisurely stroll, hand in hand, back up to the castle, you’d missed dinner but Remus insisted that he’d go and get you something to eat after your surprise.
The surprise was entirely romantic and your chest warmed with love as you looked at the dormitory that you shared with the boys. There were different-shaped candles floating around the room, Remus’ record player in the corner at a low volume with the latest Bowie track that the boys loved and rose petals were scattered across the floor and freshly made bed but the petals had been enchanted to change colour and shimmer in the candlelight.
A sweet, thankful gasp was just about to spill from your lips but it was quickly replaced with a shocked laugh, your hand covering your mouth to hide your grin as Sirius and James stepped out of the bathroom. They were completely nude, except for the black lacy tight underwear that hardly covered their genitals, and nicely tied off with a pretty pink bow over where their cocks were.
The two of them stood proudly, abs tense to show off and flex as much as possible, a wide stance and arms behind their backs as they both grinned cheekily at you. “What…? What are you both wearing?!” you couldn’t help but giggle as you stepped closer and out of Remus’ reach, only for him to start taking off his clothes too.
You turned to watch, eyes wide as he too was wearing the skimpy underwear that seemed to hardly be covering him at all with his cock at half-mast. “Wait, have you had them on this entire time?” you asked dumbfoundedly, trying not to stare at the ridiculousness of the tiny little outfits.
“Oh I have indeed, can’t tell you how far they’ve been wedged up my arse but beauty is pain right?” he joked, subtly trying to pull the material from between his cheeks to relieve the tightness there.
You watched as Remus brushed past to stand next to Sirius who now stood in the middle of him and James, his grin softening to a knowing smile as you also moved closer to them. Once you were close enough did he tip your chin back, “Do you only love us more because of these outfits? Or would you say you loved us regardless of what we are wearing”.
The penny dropped as you now realised why they were wearing the uncomfortable-looking, ridiculously scandalous underwear. Your shoulders dropped in defeat, giving him a knowing look as you shook your head no. “Exactly. This is how we feel for you, I don’t want you to shut us out again or doubt our feelings for you. If you ever have a thought like this again, I need you to come to us, and talk because that's healthy and normal in relationships. Don’t bottle it up and don’t shut us out and please, don’t walk away from me again, I couldn’t bare it”.
You reached up to take his hand, moving it from your chin to nuzzle your cheek into it, kissing his palm as you promised, “I won’t do it again, I’m sorry I did all of those things and made you all worry. I love you, everything about you, without the outfits”, you emphasise with a smile. “They don’t look comfortable at all”, you say with a giggle, noticing James trying to give his cock more room in the confinement of the lingerie.
“Think I’ve got as much room as your tits which reminds me, we need to release them from their prison!”, Sirius joked, his fingers reaching to begin unbuttoning your shirt and then pushing it over your shoulders.
Remus stepped up behind you, his naked back flush against yours, “oh Pup, this doesn’t look comfortable at all”, he chastised in a low voice, beginning to unzip you from behind. The relief was immediate as Sirius helped him by pushing the loosened straps from your shoulders and you audibly sighed as the warm air kissed your now exposed breasts.
“There are my girls”, Sirius mumbled, his thumb brushing against the nipple of your right breast causing it to pebble before his mouth dropped to lick and suck on the sensitive bud. Before you could properly lean into the touch, James’ tuft of hair was soon at the same level as Sirius's as he did the same to your left nipple, suckling it into his mouth before flattening his tongue against it. Your back arched, hands delving into both men’s soft hair, gripping and holding them close as arousal struck through your core.
The remainder of your clothes soon pooled around your feet on the floor, Remus even helping to unbuckle your shoes until you were left in nothing but your white frilly socks as Remus had effortlessly removed the rest of the lingerie and skirt.
The moments like this, when they were so doting and loving that you almost felt overwhelmed because you wanted to return that love and affection to all of them at the same time but with only two hands, it was challenging to do. So you decided to concentrate on the two boys attached to your front, who were nipping and teasing your tender nipples, sucking them into peaks before laying them flat with the push of their tongues.
The grip you held on their hair reluctantly relaxed and tried to do a different exploration, over their shoulders, feeling this leanness of James and the muscles of Sirius from where he trained as Beater for the quidditch team. Lower still your nimble fingers travelled to their chests, feeling the sprinkling of hair that curled over their pecks and then still further down with the goal to reach the hem of their underwear. However, in the position, you could only react to James who seemed to realise your goal and pushed his body more towards yours.
Your fingertips ran along the hem of the tight underwear and then halted as James shuddered under the touch as you stroked over his tip that had bulged out as he became increasingly harder with nowhere else to go. As you teased his tip, James began to kiss up your body, particularly over the indents over your chest from where the bodysuit had pushed your breasts up, and he didn’t stop until he was next to your ear, still needing to bend down because of the height difference.
James did not move with urgency, even though his hips were bucking under the tease of your fingers. With one cupping your jaw, tilting your face away and the other hand gripping onto your waist, James began to kiss along the column of your neck, over the sensitive little spots that had your knees weak and more heat pooling in between your legs.
Remus on the other hand now stood next to you, his fingers stroking down your jaw to grasp your attention which you gave him, looking up at him with wide eyes and bottom lip stuck between your teeth. “I want you to listen to me carefully ok? There will be no rushing tonight, our goal is to please YOU, and only you. I want to hear every little moan and cry that you have so there’s no need to bite your lip, my love. I want this pretty mouth open and begging for more, do you understand?”
You couldn’t think of words that made any sense like a thick warm blanket of fuzzy arousal clouded your thoughts so all you could respond to Remus was a desperate nod of the head and a throaty moan.
“Good. Now tell me, just before we start.  Who do you belong to?”
James and Sirius stopped the teasing with their mouths so that they could hear you answer, needing to hear it, for their own sanity and possessive natures.
“You, I belong to all of you”, you breathlessly answered, still looking up into Remus’ green eyes that always reminded you of spring, hypnotised completely by him.
“That’s right”, he praised delicately still stroking down the side of your face. “And, who do we  belong to?”
“Me”, your answer was quieter, heart pounding at having to say it out loud as you knew that he was only getting you to say it to remind you that your freakout today was unwarranted and you should always know that they’re yours.
Remus tilted an eyebrow up, his hair falling slightly over his eyes as he didn’t seem satisfied with the answer. “Excuse me,  I didn’t quite hear that”.
You refrained from huffing in embarrassment as you repeated yourself at a louder volume, “You all belong to me, to each other”.
This was the answer he was looking for as his lips curled into a gentle smile and then opened as he was going to continue talking but James seemed to snap hearing those words as the hand on your jaw pushed your body backwards, the other on your waist supporting your body so that you didn’t trip over. The back of your knees met that bed and the two of you toppled onto the soft, rose-petaled surface.
“I couldn’t wait anymore, need to feel you, taste you, want to make you mine”, James groaned against the shell of your ear as he finally turned your face enough that his lips found yours in a hungry, lust-filled kiss.
Behind the two of you, you were able to hear Sirius and Remus chuckling deeply at James’ frantic motions and then they were moving closer and sitting on either side of the bed, taking a hand of yours each into theirs. A way to stay close to you but also restrain you in a way so that James was fully in control and the pleasure was solely on you.
The Gryffindor’s seeker’s tongue brushed against yours, tasting and dominating the dance happening in your mouth, his body sliding between your thighs so that you could feel the scratch of the uncomfortable underwear that he was still forcing himself to wear against the sensitive skin of your thighs. His hand's hand began to lower, the wide expanse of his hands meaning that he was able to feel a vast area of your body at once, over your collarbones, your breasts, squeezing softly, a contrasting touch from his commanding mouth.
Over your hips, your thighs, tucking them in closer around his waist. Finally, he pulled away from your mouth, his glasses slipping down his nose as hot breaths being shared as you both desperately tried to breathe but it was mostly so he could tell you his contemplative thoughts. “I don’t know whether to let you ride my fingers or taste you”.
Your pussy clenched around nothing at his words, not being able to decide an answer for him but thankfully Sirius pipped up and offered the idea, “Why not both?”
James grinned, pecking your lips before glancing towards Sirius, “Good idea, Padfoot”.
Then his warmth crowding around your chest was gone as he quickly backed away and lay on his stomach at the bottom of the bed, his face now between his legs and hands pushing back your thighs until once again, Sirius and Remus took one each so that you were fully restrained.
“Such a pretty pussy, MY pretty pussy”, James admired as he began to spread your juices that were seeping through your folds, over the rest of your cunt. With one hand, he spread back your labia so that you were bare before him, he could see the subtle throb of your clit and the clench of your pussy, gleaming in the low candlelight from your wetness.
James licked a long strip from your perineum, over your hole and up to your clit, audibly swallowing your juices and moaning, and then there was no holding him back. If he wasn’t sucking your clit then he was pushing his thick tongue into your hole, exploring the tensing area. And then he was adding two of his fingers, rocking in and out in time with the circling of his tongue around your clit.
You were very quickly descending into the pleasure and gave up on watching him as all you could do was lie back and moan, hands desperate to reach for him but still being held back by your two other boyfriends. So you lay there, mouth wide open and mewled and quivered, especially as he began to curl his fingers, teeth scraping over the bundle of nerves before carefully easing the touch with a warm lick of his tongue.
“Is Prongs making you feel good, Darling?” Sirius cooed down to you, squeezing your thigh to try and grasp your attention.
“Yes! So-...so good, please don’t stop”, you begged, eyes clothes and a withering mess as James increased his pace. That’s when you felt it, the tightening in your core that sent tingles over your pussy and thighs, that feeling that you craved every day to feel and one that the boys were always so good and making you experience. “I’m gonna cum, don’t stop, James please don’t stop”.
James didn’t plan on stopping as he watched your reactions from between your legs, expertly fingering and licking you, feeling your pussy clenching and tightening around his digits before you gasped, arched your back and fluttered and pulsed with your orgasm. You felt both heavy and light simultaneously as he didn’t slow down his motions until you collapsed back fully into the sheets again.
“You’re so beautiful like this, laid out beneath me. But, I think it’s time one of the other two has a go, what do you say Honey?” James asked still between your legs. Opening your glazed-over eyes, you looked down at him and nodded in response, but you were also sure that what he had to offer now you would have said yes too. 
Remus leaned down so that his lips danced along your cheek as he whispered against your skin, “Think it’s my time to have a taste of your sweet pussy?”
This time, the aroused fog in your brain cleared slightly as you shook your head no which in turn earnt a confused expression to Remus’ face. “Want you to fuck me”, you stated with conviction, needing to be full and stretched.
Remus chuckled as he squeezed your thigh and wrist that he still held, “Already? But we’ve only just started Sweetheart”.
You whine pathetically, trying to reach for him and momentarily forgetting that you were still very much restrained. “Please! Want to feel your cock inside of me, don’t want to wait”.
“Ok Love, can’t be having my girl going without what she wants now, can I? You haven’t been stretched much though so do you want to ride me so you have control for a second?” He didn’t sound boastful when he talked and you knew it was necessary for him to ask this, Remus had one of the biggest cock’s you’d ever seen. In fact, when you first saw it, you were sure it wouldn’t fit inside of you. However now after fucking constantly, it was a little easier but still not something to be rushed so you nodded your head in agreement with his idea.
Remus moved to lay against the pillows, easing the lingerie at long last down his legs and onto the floor and then his hands were out and supporting your weight as you were released from Sirius’ grip and able to crawl over to the other Marauder. Once more, his body was a lot warmer than the other two but that only aided in moments like this, the heat helping your pussy to stretch.  Straddling his hips, you could help but grind your bare pussy against his thick cock that was hard and lay heavy against his abdomen.
The two of you moaned deeply, his cock throbbing just as harshly as your clit as it brushed against his shaft. Remus rested his hands against your waist, but only to support you, he let you be in control for the moment as your hands rested against his chest, pushing off of it with your movements.
Leaning down quickly, you pecked his lips, sighing into the touch before leaning back up and gripping the base of his dick, standing it up and then rising onto your knees. Even just feeling his tip brushing your hole had enough stimulation that you were moaning. This only increased as you began to lower yourself, slowly and with Remus’ support by guiding your hips down tentatively, making sure that your gasps were done in pleasure and not discomfort.
It burned but in a way that had you begging for more, stretching to your very limit as inch after inch pushed into your cunt until you were about ¾ of the way down before his tip stroked your cervix. Leaning forward so you could take the weight off of your knees, you both just stayed in that position as your body adjusted to being sheathed.
Only as you began to slowly rock your hips did Remus dare to move his hands but only to cup your arse cheeks, massaging the areas and helping you a little to ride back and forth on his cock. “Feel so big Daddy”, you quietly moaned into his chest, not meaning to use the nickname so early into the night but sometimes a different side of you took over.
“Yeah? You’re taking Daddy’s cock so well my love, you’re so tight and pretty above me”, Remus praised and his hips began to buck up to meet yours, increasing the pace and roughness slightly and from the earth-shattering moan you released, there was no chance he was going to stop doing that again if it made you sound that good.
As you began to roll your hips in time with Remus, you had a thought as to where the other two were. Looking over your shoulder and see James and Sirius sat together, their hands clenched and resting on their thighs as they tried not to touch themselves and a pang of guilt settled in your stomach as they really were just trying to think about your pleasure. “Please! Please touch yourselves, take off those stupid underwear and touch yourself. No wait, come here, let me touch you.”
“This is supposed to be about you”, Sirius reminded you in a low gruff tone, like he was trying to restrain himself from snapping but was clearly struggling.
“Yes, and I want to touch you. If you won’t fuck my mouth then you’ll have to come over here so I can wank you off”.
Remus chuckled beneath you, “So demanding all of a sudden, is someone desperate for cock?”
You mewl, eyes closing and head tipping back as his cock fucked you with a hard slam of his hips, “Mmmm, yes! Always desperate for your cocks, because they’re mine aren’t they?” Your words were teasing and you made sure to timidly smile down at Remus as he grinned up at you.
“Yes, they are, all yours Sweetheart”. He fucked into you hard again, your body jolting from the momentum of the movement.
However his thrusts up slowed as Sirius and James stood on either side of the bed, the lacy underwear now discarded and cocks leaking and standing proud, bobbing in the air. Your mouth watered and you were half tempted to beg to taste them but decided to save your energy as you wrapped a hand around each of their cocks, squeezing and pumping slowly, in time with your rolling hips.
The two of them grunted, drips of precum building at the tip, leaking down and wetting the sensitive area. As you figured out a pattern with how fast to stroke them, squeezing in certain areas of their shafts and making sure to brush your thumb over the tip, Remus watched happily, his cock throbbing harder inside of you as you touched the other two. In each of the Marauder's minds, they were once again appreciating just how beautiful you were, taking Remus’ cock so well and pleasuring Sirius and James with your skilled hands, it was a sight to behold.
Sirius couldn’t hold back anymore as he roughly grabbed your jaw, tilting your face back and feverishly kissing you, tongue instantly swiping to gain entrance to your mouth, much like he had earlier in the day when you were sitting on the edge of the dusting desk.
The four of you moaned for different reasons, at the pleasure that was being shared and the love that was underlying in all the touches.
Remus began to fuck up into your body harder but still at a slower pace, his hand stroking over your abdomen, stroking the soft skin before his thumb dipped lower and stroked over your clit in demanding swipes.
Your thighs instantly clenched as well as your palms around the men's cocks. Sirius pulled back, needing to hear and see your pleasure as he stroked a couple of strands of hair out of your eyes, “You like the way Moony is fucking you? I want you to cum for him because, by the look on his handsome face, I don’t think he’s going to last much longer”.
Remus grunted, having been trying to hold back his own orgasm until you had found yours. It just felt so good when you fucked him first, pussy so tight, warm and all his that he didn’t care if he came quicker than other times the two of you fucked, he just wanted to fill you up, needing to see you dripping with his seed.
You were shaking above him at the sight of Remus trying not to unravel and the stroke of his thumb and cock were driving you ever closer to your own peak, thighs shaking with each grind of your hips.
Then you felt it, that tightening and blissful euphoria building in strength, like you were going to explode into a sea of stars as Remus’ name sang from your lips in pleading praise. “That’s it Love, cum for me, fuck you feel so good”, Remus shouted, his cheeks flushed pink and hair sticking to his forehead with the restraint of holding back his own orgasm.
Thankfully for him, after a particularly hard thrust and press of his thumb on your bundle of nerves, you were clenching your eyes closed, mouth gaping open and body locking up as you came around his cock. Only a couple of seconds later, Remus was arching his back slightly, hands squeezing the flesh around your hips tightly as he came, cock buried as deeply as it could go into your cunt as he needed you to have every single drop of his cum.
Your eyes momentarily opened to enjoy the sight but then a hand on the back of your head distracted you as your hair was harshly tugged back, causing your back to arch up, tits pushed out as Jjames batted away your hand from his cock. But, it was only so he could quickly toss his cock off, desperately whimpering as he knelt on the edge of the bed to get closer to you as he too came, all over your tits and down your sternum.
You watched with a satisfied grin at seeing James frantically finding his own orgasm and how flushed he now looked as the last drip of cum gathered at the tip of his cock. The grip in your hair loosened enough that you were able to lean forward and lick a single strip on his dick, capturing that last drip and swallowing it down with a genuine smile.
James looked like he was going to combust at the sight as he sucked in heavy breaths and looked like he was going to pounce on you to show you just how much he loved you but then the one man who hadn’t found his on orgasm quickly disrupted these thoughts. A strong arm wrapped around your waist and hiked you off of Remus's cock which pulled out of you, his cum dripping down as the tallest marauder slide off of the bed.
Sirius returned you to your knees and pushed your shoulders down so your cum covered chest was flat against the sheets and petals and your arse perked up into the air. “Need you so bad Darling, are you going to let me play with you?” Sirius asked, stroking a strong, wide hand down your spine.
“Please fuck me”, you begged, looking over your shoulder towards him. Sirius gave him a handsome grin, his eyes never leaving yours as he reached around you to grasp both of your arms and hold them behind your back.
“It would be my pleasure”, the long-haired man muttered, shifting his hips until his cock brushed against your cum covered hole and began to push in. You were so sensitive after taking Remus that you pulsed around Sirius, his cock stretching and filling you completely, he may not have been as big as Remus but he was still thick and hard. “Merlin! I love feeling Moony or Prong’s cum inside of you, feel it coating my cock and lubing your pretty pussy”.
You gasped at his words as he bottomed out, hips flush against yours, hands tightly holding onto yours so that your weight rested awkwardly on your neck but you didn’t care, needing and wanting everything he was willing to give you.
Unlike Remus, Sirius didn’t hold back with his thrusts, moving with speed and intensity that had you almost seeing stars with how deep he was fucking you in this angle. Your hands desperately clung to his, feeling the coolness of his rings and using that to ground you to the moment as you were beginning to feel a little fuzzy and floaty from the day's events.
“Taking me so well, you’ve done so well for all of us”, Sirius praised, followed by a deep throaty moan as you squeezed his cock tighter at his words. This only encouraged him to fuck you faster until it was a blur as to where your bodies met.
Your toes were curled as the constant smack of his cock against all of your blissful nerves had you wanting to melt right into the bed. It wasn’t long before you were feeling that relief on the horizon and from the way your pussy was clenching, Sirius could feel it too.
Releasing his hold on your wrists, he quickly pulled your upper body up, until your back was flush against his chest, his arms wrapping around your front to support your weight from toppling forward.
“Say it again, say you’re ours, I need to hear you say it”, Sirius asked, his sharp teeth teasing the shell of your ear, even in the new position it didn’t stop his deep, fast thrusts.
You were sure you were screaming your answer as your orgasm throbbed through your entire body as you did as requested, “I’m yours, I’m all of yours, Sirius- ah! Fuck please-”, you were rambling now, saying any words that you could think of as you were overcome with pleasure.
The sensation was so intense that you hadn’t noticed that Sirius had also cum with you until you were able to catch your breath and realise you were both collapsed face first onto the bed. Sirius’ cock was still inside of you, slowly softening and allowing his and Remus’ cum to continue seeping out and onto the sheets.
His lips ghosted over your shoulder as he moved your hair away from your ear, “And what did we learn today?”, he asked still sounding breathless but also teasing.
“Clothes don’t define love”, you mumble, feeling exhausted and hungry, looking forward to the feast that Remus was bound to bring you all after the cleanup and aftercare.
“Exactly. And what else?”
“That I belong to you all, just as you all belong to me”.
“That’s right Darling, and please, never forget it”.
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risuola · 12 days
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ENTRY #12 ♡ F. READER X GOJO SATORU // In a room full of other people, blindly I'd find you.
contents: arranged marriage!au, jealousy (duh!) — wc. 1463
a/n: little experiment, let's see how it goes. please let me know what do you think of this chapter! also, we're getting closer to the nsfw entry, i hope you guys are as excited as i am!!
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“You are breathtaking. I did not deserve an honor of your presence.”
Satoru hates it.
“The pleasure is mine,” you reply, a sweet smile adorning your face in a way that makes your husband narrow his eyes. A hand dances along your spine, caressing the bare skin that you decided to expose in a dress with a low cut on the back. You are breathtaking. You are a sight that should cost money to be looked at, you are stealing the show, like a magnet attracting both men and women around the wide ballroom.
He hates it so much.
You seem polite, overly so and accepting too — a little too much for Gojo’s liking. You move along the man — not him — with grace, with fluidity and the long layer of smooth fabric dances around your legs. The dress you wear makes him salivate, it makes him think thoughts that are ungodly, that are unallowed. Silk that wraps around your body in an expensive, luxurious embrace causes Satoru to curse himself for buying that very dress for you few days before. It is beautiful, tailored to your shapes and edges. It’s soft, but with enough body to flow gracefully along your movements. It hugs your chest and loosens up below your hips, it’s a dream, you are a dream.
But you are dancing with someone else.
It’s a job unlike the others. An order from higher ups required you and him to attend a ball — an event as fancy as it can get because there has been a rumor that said the circles of people, filthy and rich, were contracting curse users for entertainment, causing chaos and harm. It would be easy to just get all of them, interrogate, torture, but this time the means are different. This time, it’s you who plays the main role, swiftly engaging with influential men and pulling their tongues until they slip.
It was easy.
Men there were dogs and a sight of a woman — as beautiful as you — laced with a silent promise is enough to make them spill their secrets. They were eating from your hands, wrapping themselves around your pinkie, voluntarily telling you more than you asked. Easy.
But Satoru hates it.
He’s there with you, your plus one, your partner and an entry card for a party as luxurious as it is. You didn’t know how he got the invitation, but the sight of it didn’t surprise you. He is rich, he is Gojo, you are Gojo.
And you are annoyed.
You don’t like the job. You got what you wanted, it was a child’s play but then, you hate how good your husband looks. You hate how other women are looking at him, ogling him, undressing him, eating him alive. The lady that clings to him — onto him — seems too old, too eager. Her greedy hands cannot settle for one place, wandering over Satoru’s broad shoulders, his chest hidden beneath a crisp, white shirt, his sides. The obnoxiously manicured fingers are dragging themselves across his body, examining, exploring, consuming. They are underneath his suit jacket; they are in his hair and near his face and you wish to break them one by one.
Satoru is smiling, working his features into a sight of an angel, using his eyes to hypnotize, whispering sweet little nothings and promising more than he’s willing to give, just to get what he wants in exchange. He has it easy, you think. Your husband is blessed with not only strength but also looks, unfairly, but god do seem to have favorites.
He catches you looking. You catch him looking. A silent communication that makes it through the distance of the ballroom, and then you’re focused on the man beside you again. Suddenly aware of hands that roam your curves, of traces of unwanted heat that his fingertips are leaving at their wake, a breath against your neck. An invitation that whispered right to your ear causes you to flinch involuntarily and a shiver that runs down your spine makes you take a step back.
“Excuse me,” you smile, a fake gesture wrapped in fake politeness. Your hands press against his chest and his own slip over the silk of your dress. He lets go of you, nearly, and you’re close to leaving when you feel his fingers digging into the soft flesh above your hipbones. The entire front of your torso hits the hard chest, knocking the air of your lungs for a split of a second.
“Don’t leave me yet, darling,” he murmurs, his mouth brushing against your earlobe. There’s a shift in his tone, the sweet and flirty undertones are suddenly much darker, greedier. His grip grows harsh against your skin, forcefully intimate.
“Oh, it’s time for me,” you say, a smirk tugging at your lips. With a corner of your eye, you notice Satoru getting closer, but you have no intention of waiting for him to save you like you’re a damsel in distress. “Let go,” you warn, sneaking one of your hands underneath the suit jacket of the man. Swiftly you move it to the top of his shoulder, a little more to his back and you squeeze, digging your fingers harshly into the one, very sensitive spot right above his shoulder blade. The vulnerable muscle tense underneath your assault and the man winces, cursing under his breath and calling you names that are far from elegant. “Hands off. Or you’ll say goodbye to your right hand and I bet you need it.”
He growls, like an animal under attack, hisses almost and you smile in victory when his hold on you falters, allowing you to step back. You smooth your dress, fix the straps on your shoulders, and blow a strand of hair from your eyes before Satoru reaches you, effectively cutting short any attempts of biting back that the man could have had.
“Anything you wish to say?” He asks, narrowing his eyes, lowering his tone. It’s cold enough to make you shiver, scary almost, and inside it makes you giddy. He is so very jealous it’s written all over his face and yet, you’re certain, he would never admit it even if burned and tortured. “No? I thought so.” He closes the conversation before it begins, cuts the discussion short and turns to you.
“Hello, handsome,” you greet him, suddenly possessive and it surprises you as much as it does surprise him, because a short oh slips through his lips when you reach up to lock your fingers together at the nape of his neck.
“Hello to you too, beautiful,” he replies, the words foreign on his tongue but feeling so right and then, his hands follow the curves of your hips and waist until he finds the spot to rest one of them — the other moves further, circling behind you and planting itself on your bare back. The touch burns your skin, sending waves and waves of heat throughout your entire system and to your face.
You feel the eyes on you, much more threatening than before. The stares of women present around you are drilling holes in your body and if they could kill, you’d lay cold already.
“I’ve never seen you jealous,” Satoru purrs against your lips right after you pull him down, pressing a kiss to his mouth — possessive, proving, claiming.
“Goes both ways,” you tease and he rolls his eyes, but drops his head lower, sucking a spot on the side of your neck. A mark to show everyone that you belong to him, a signature etched onto your delicate skin, a bite of nothing but unspoken love.
“I’m not jealous,” he protests, just for the sake of it because he knows it’s false just as well as you know it. His voice vibrates against your flesh and his breath tickles you, his eyelashes do too.
Satoru inhales, filling his lungs with the subtle scent of your skin and perfume, the one with sweet vanilla undertone that he likes so much on you. It suits you, makes you seem delicious, makes him want to taste you. It calms him — your presence — it makes him relax underneath the sturdy hold of your hands. It teases him. The way your thumbs are brushing against the very sensitive spots on his nape, it makes him want to whimper and so, he pulls you closer, flush to himself, hungry for your touch and presence.
“We should leave this place,” you murmur quietly, running the tips of your fingernails across his scalp, sending shivers that run down his spine.
“Yeah,” he inhales again, bracing himself to leave the comfortable spot in the between your shoulder and neck, and before you know it, he’s pulling your hand, pulling you somewhere only he knows.
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taglist: @kinny-away @anan-baban @lotomber @netflix-imagines @kawliflo @nishloves @ghostfacefricker6969 @thejujvtsupost @yozora7154 @cherrycolabarbedwirebedpost @stuckinmoilalaland @ae-mius @ropickle @chokesonspit @lansy-4 @mo0sin @just-pure-trash @foliea @bakarinnie @big-booty-joe @fortunatelyfurrygiver @lolita-h
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luagaluxury · 3 months
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Discover the Online luxury leggings Trend
Elevate your workout wardrobe with the latest trend – the Online luxury leggings. Embrace the trend and redefine your active look.
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tarotwithavi · 9 months
How to dress according to your venus sign
Can also be applied for Rising and mid heaven.
For entertainment purposes only!
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Aries venus
Bold. you should embrace bold and adventurous styles that reflect your fiery and passionate nature. Opt for vibrant, eye-catching colors like red, orange, and hot pink to showcase your enthusiasm and energy. Choose clothing that highlights your individuality, such as unique statement pieces and daring accessories. Aries Venus individuals often enjoy a sporty, active lifestyle, so incorporate athleisure elements into your wardrobe, like sneakers or activewear-inspired outfits. Show off your confident and independent spirit with edgy cuts and styles, like asymmetrical hemlines or bold patterns. Don't be afraid to experiment with fashion and be the trendsetter in your group.
Taurus venus
Taurus venus is for luxurious, earthy, and sensuous attire. Begin with soft, tactile fabrics like silk, velvet, or cashmere in earthy tones such as deep greens, browns, and soft pinks. Your style should prioritize comfort and quality, so invest in well-fitted, timeless pieces like tailored blazers, flowy maxi dresses, or high-waisted trousers. Accessories should be elegant and understated, favoring natural gemstones like emeralds and rose quartz. Shoes should be both stylish and comfortable, such as leather ankle boots or suede loafers. Hair and makeup should be natural and effortless, with loose waves or soft curls and a nude or earth-toned palette. Show off that neck gurlll.
Gemini Venus
you should embrace versatility and a playful sense of style. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, making communication and adaptability key. Opt for outfits that allow you to mix and match, like a wardrobe full of separates, bright colors, and patterns. Experiment with various accessories to express your ever-changing tastes. Consider wearing clothing that incorporates elements of duality or contrast, such as asymmetrical designs or reversible pieces. Gemini is an air sign, so lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton and silk can be your best friend. Don't forget to change up your style regularly to keep things interesting, as Venus in Gemini individuals thrive on variety and novelty in fashion.
Cancer Venus
You should embrace a style that reflects your emotional and nurturing nature. For example, soft, flowing fabrics in gentle, watery colors like seafoam green, silver, and pastel blues that soothe your sensitive spirit. Incorporate vintage or nostalgic elements into your wardrobe. Embrace feminine, figure-flattering silhouettes that accentuate your curves and emphasize your nurturing qualities. Jewelry with moonstone, pearls, and other iridescent gems complements your lunar sensibilities. Wearcozy, comfortable clothing that exudes warmth and comfort, like oversized sweaters and cardigans. Incorporate subtle touches of sea-inspired accessories, such as seashell-shaped pendants or bracelets.
Leo venus
Channel your inner confidence and glamor. Choose bold and attention-grabbing colors like fiery reds, golds, and vibrant purples. Like luxurious fabrics that exude regality, such as silk or velvet. Incorporate statement pieces like a dramatic, floor-length gown or a tailored suit with a dramatic flair. Don't shy away from sequins, metallics, or animal prints. Accessorize with bold and extravagant jewelry, such as statement necklaces or oversized earrings, and make sure your hair is styled to perfection, whether it's flowing locks or a bold updo. Animal prints and gold jewellery were made for leo venus.
Virgo Venus
Go for clean, practical, and detail-oriented fashion choices. Embrace earthy tones such as muted greens, browns, and neutrals, which resonate with Virgo's grounded nature. Pay attention to the smallest details in your outfit, like perfectly tailored clothing and well-coordinated accessories. Choose modest, well-fitted pieces that emphasize your natural beauty and avoid anything overly flashy or extravagant. Your style should exude professionalism and functionality, so consider incorporating classic pieces like tailored blazers, pencil skirts, and crisp white shirts. Also go for comfortable yet stylish footwear, and keep your hair and makeup understated, emphasizing a natural and polished look. Adding a hint of vintage charm or retro-inspired pieces can also align with Venus in Virgo's appreciation for the past.
Libra Venus
You should embrace elegance and harmony in your attire. Choose clothing that embodies balance and refined taste, such as well-tailored suits or dresses in soft, pastel colors or shades of pink, which resonate with Venus's love for beauty. Opt for outfits with clean lines and symmetrical patterns, as they appeal to Libra's sense of equilibrium. Accessories like tasteful jewelry, scarves, and belts can enhance your look, adding a touch of sophistication. Keep your hair and makeup balanced and graceful, avoiding overly bold or dramatic styles. Ultimately, aim for an ensemble that exudes charm, grace, and a sense of unity to align with the traits associated with Venus in Libra.
Scorpio Venus
Go for dark, intense colors like deep burgundy, black, or dark purple to exude passion and depth. Choose clothing that highlights your curves and adds an element of intrigue, such as form-fitting dresses, lacy lingerie, or leather accents. Incorporate accessories like statement jewelry with mystical or occult symbolism, and don't shy away from bold makeup with smoky eyes and deep, rich lip colors. Embrace fabrics like silk and velvet for their sensuality, and let your clothing choices reveal just enough skin to leave an air of mystery.
Sagittarius Venus
You should go for bold and vibrant colors that reflect your love for exploration and spontaneity. Choose comfortable, travel-friendly outfits that allow you to move freely. Consider loose-fitting bohemian dresses, wide-legged pants, and flowy tops for a laid-back yet stylish look. Accessorize with statement pieces like oversized sunglasses, feathered jewelry, or colorful scarves to showcase your eclectic taste. Footwear should be practical yet fashionable, such as comfy sandals or unique, eye-catching boots..
Capricorn Venus
You should opt for a classic and sophisticated style that exudes professionalism and ambition. Choose well-tailored, timeless pieces such as tailored blazers, pencil skirts, and crisp white shirts. Earthy and muted colors like black, navy, gray, and olive green are ideal, as they convey a sense of seriousness and authority. Invest in high-quality, durable materials like wool and leather. Accessories should be understated but elegant, such as a simple pearl necklace or a quality leather handbag. Practicality and functionality are key, so go for comfortable yet stylish shoes like classic pumps or ankle boots.
Aquarius Venus
Embody a unique and futuristic style that reflects your individuality and love for unconventional beauty. Go for clothing that incorporates metallic accents, electric blues, and vibrant purples, as these colors resonate with Aquarius energy. Experiment with asymmetrical and avant-garde designs, such as one-shoulder tops or geometric patterns. Statement accessories like chunky silver jewelry, oversized sunglasses, and tech-inspired pieces can add a touch of eccentricity to your look.
Pisces Venus
Embrace a dreamy and romantic style. Opt for flowing, ethereal fabrics like chiffon or silk in soft, oceanic colors like seafoam green, lavender, or aqua. Incorporate loose-fitting and comfortable clothing that allows you to move gracefully. Accessorize with subtle, mystical jewelry such as seashell necklaces, pearl earrings, or pieces featuring fish motifs, as Pisces is associated with the fish symbol. Don't shy away from pastel hues, and consider outfits with a touch of shimmer or iridescence to capture the Pisces love for fantasy and illusion. Flowing maxi dresses, bohemian-inspired attire, or anything reminiscent of a mermaid's allure will resonate.
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artist-ellen · 2 months
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Alicent wears her mother’s dress
As someone who held off watching the show properly for a long time, I thought that the dress that Otto Hightower convinces her to wear for Viserys was the green dress. Imagine my surprise when I was listing all the costumes/plot points to redesign that the seduction dress is the "blue-ladder dress". Curveball for the ages. (It's also what happens when only two actors are portraying an almost 20 year time jump over the course of a season.)
When I saw the Blue ladder dress for the first time I nearly laughed. The bodice pattern and the fabric catch the light in a pretty way but the peak-a-boo cut-outs make it a strange modern hybrid that really needed something between the skin and the blue gown. I can see the slashing inspiration but it's just another choice that highlights the lack of chemises and rich layers of fabrics. And we want rich, luxurious fabrics and draping that really highlights what the height of Targaryen power looks like. So... here we are. I kept the blue so the actual Green Dress can stand out later as a bigger change, and I tried to imply that this was a less-Targaryen (Byzantine) inspired fashion. The cut, silhouette, and shape is different. Hopefully creating a visual contrast that Alicent can find ways to replicate later in the season as well.
I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /
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Dr. Stevens and His Sugar Baby
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Warnings: SMUT, Sugar daddy Erik, Daddy dom Erik, embarassment kink.
Suggested Listening:
Part Six.
Erik and Sienna pulled up behind a myriad of luxury cars outside of a mutual friend’s Hamptons home. Erik stepped out of his Mercedes-Benz G-class G AMG in all white wearing a white crochet short sleeve boxy-fit polo with white chinos. He completed his outfit with white-gold diamonds that accessorized his ears, neck, wrist, and fingers and a pair of all white Alexander McQueen sneakers. 
Erik walked around to the passenger side and opened the door, holding out his hand for his Princess to take. Sienna clutched his large hand and swung one shapely leg over so she could step down carefully in her white leather kafin ankle strap stilettos. The white mini dress she wore had a deep plunge and it was embellished. Her skin was silky smooth and shimmery, reminding him of a paradise.
The venue was a sprawling beachfront property teeming with contemporary art, its facade gleaming as brightly as the white ensembles that filled the space. (By night, the rooftop was transformed into a dance floor and glowed in neon pink). Everyone of elite status from doctors to Hollywood stars attended this party every year. It wasn’t a surprise that the moment Dr. Erik Stevens walked in he was known by many. 
Sienna clung to her Daddy’s hand and with a beautiful smile and a flirty wave, she greeted everyone Erik introduced her to. Erik kept her close, at times with his hand on her lower back or his arm around her waist. Sienna craved the spoiled princess life amongst the rich and famous. To actually have her dreams come true before her eyes is astounding. She would have never guessed that Dr. Stevens would be the one to give good dick and gifts. 
The warm breeze brushed against Sienna’s skin as the sun began to set and the party grew lively. Erik had Sienna sitting on his lap while he took sips of his tequila. Sienna had a drink of her own; a flirty martini. It was pink and sweet and the more she sipped from it the looser she became. The host of the party, a billionaire tech guru, walked around with a woman with a bad tan and a botched face. When they made their way over to Erik and their group, Sienna admired the woman. She smiled and her bloated lips almost took up her entire face.
“Stevens! Glad to have you here again. Jamie, Toni, and Leo, good to see you.”
Erik shook his hand, “Always a pleasure, Rich, thanks for having us. This is Sienna. Sienna, Richard Donald.”
“Nice to meet you,” Sienna said. 
Erik’s friends said their hello’s and they introduced their sugar babies as well. Rich definitely gave Sienna the ick. He looked like the type of brother who exclusively dated white women and exoticals and talked shit about black women. That pushed back hairline and faux professional voice annoyed her. 
“We have to set up that Brazil trip again!”
Rich tapped Erik’s shoulder with the back of his hand several times and ended it with a wink. Sienna caught on to that, glancing over at Erik through her wispy lash extensions. Sienna shared a look with Kitten, Emerald, and Treasure, every last one of them thinking the same thing. The man is a loser. 
“This is Leslie. Leslie, these are friends of mine. We go back maybe ten years?”
“Correct. Ten years of putting up with us crazy bastards,” Leo replied with a smirk. Treasure was rubbing along his exposed chest through his white button down.
“Leo, speak for your fuckin’ self,” Jamie replied. 
Toni and Erik simply laughed. 
“Remind me to plan another Brazil trip, fellas. Adeus!”
“Adeus!” All four of them responded with raised gasses. 
Rich and Leslie sauntered away with his hand on her flat bottom through her white silk dress. 
“Adeus?” Emerald questioned Jamie.
“It’s farewell in Portuguese.” Jamie said.
“What goes down in Brazil?” Treasure asked.
Leo cleared his throat before taking a sip of his beer. Treasure elevated an arched brow at Leo, annoyance set in her features. She knew what they must have gotten into in Brazil. 
Sienna stroked Erik’s neck, her martini making her feel horny. The scenery was beautiful and so was the fire pit crackling before them, but all Sienna wanted was to be stuffed full of her daddy’s dick. 
She’d been on punishment for two days. No dick because she was flirting with a male nurse during clinicals. She had to get her daddy’s attention somehow since she hadn’t been in any of his surgeries for over a week. It seemed as if the workload for the orthopedic surgeon became a boatload. That also meant less time spent together outside of the hospital. It’s mostly been phone sex or virtual sex. 
Sienna would set up a personal web cam session and each time she would put on a slutty costume that he purchased. Whatever he wanted her to do to make him cum after a hard day's work, Sienna was ordered to do it and gifted as a reward. Erik would alternate between talking her through her orgasm, using a Bluetooth vibrator, and beating his dick in the camera. 
It didn’t help Sienna at all. She couldn’t take being away from that dick—skin to skin for so long. The male nurse had been dropping hints for a while that he was interested. He was 6’2 with a deep voice and a beautiful smile. His chestnut skin looked smooth and Sienna caught a glimpse of tattoos on his arms. He looked like he could beat the kitty up good and those arms were made for picking a bitch up and down on his dick. 
Erik caught Sienna flirting with the nurse and he was heated. What Sienna didn’t know was that her sugar daddy was paying her a late night visit. He showed up at 2 am and since he had a key to her apartment now, he walked in and quietly entered her room. Sienna sat up when she felt her silk sheets being slowly removed from her body. She blinked beyond the darkness and noticed a naked Erik with his dick pointed out at her mouth.
“You like playing a lot of games in my face Sienna…”
“How dare you flirt with some other nigga in my face like that…I’m gonna have to teach you a lesson, little mama…”
He used and abused her throat all night long. On her knees, while he was lying on the bed with her ass in the air, head hanging over the edge of the bed, lying on her side with him standing next to the bed. It didn’t matter. And to make matters worse, she couldn’t touch herself or feel his dick in her pussy. Sienna was misty-eyed and pleading with him. He almost caved with the visual of his cum on her face. He almost gave in when she spread her thighs to show him how wet she was. 
And here they are now, day two and no fat dick. 
“Daddy, can I have another drink?” Sienna whispered seductively in Erik’s ear.
Erik looked at Sienna with his dark orbs and it didn’t help that she needed him. Why did he have to look at her like that? And why can she feel his dick growing beneath her? He was teasing her.
“Sure, love. I’ll be waiting right here for you when you get back.”
“I’ll go with you,” Treasure stood up and Leo fixed her white leather mini skirt, “Coming, ladies?” 
Emerald stood up next to Jamie and Kitten did the same next to Toni. They all walked away hand in hand to the bar. There, Sienna ordered another flirty martini. Treasure coerced them into taking shots and they agreed. 
“What do y’all think this Brazil trip is about?” Kitten asked. 
“They probably used to fuck women there,” Emerald replied with a laugh.
“My daddy better not!” Treasure argued.
“I don’t think they will, Treasure. They have us to look forward to. Why would they need to go to another country for good pussy when ours is here for the taking?” Sienna replied with a quirk of her brow.
“You’re right. I don’t know, I just worry that Leo’s gonna get tired of me.” Treasure revealed.
The thought has crossed Sienna’s mind too. She glanced over at Kitten and Emerald and their expressions mirrored Treasure’s.
“We don’t know what the future will hold, but let’s make the most of it right now! Our daddies are crazy about us! We have nothing to worry about.”
Sienna ordered another round of shots to get the girls in a better mood. It seemed to work, because now they were on the dance floor cutting up. They danced on each other in scandalous ways, all eyes on them like they were the main attraction. Their daddies had their eyes glued to them like a hawk to its prey. They weren’t going to miss anything. Sienna locked eyes with Erik and arched her back to shake her ass when the music called for it. He watched her with his eyes trailing up and down her body. Those crinkled shoulder length locs made him look even more delicious. 
She couldn’t wait to look up at him pounding her pussy out with her ankles on his shoulders. Those locs loose and wild in his face, gold chain she picked out for him swinging in her face, gold slugs she gifted him showing each time he opened his mouth to command her to cum for him. She couldn’t take it anymore. If she had to piss this man off just for him to give her what she wants she’ll do it. The song switched to another banger and Sienna was getting more into the groove with her girls when a waiter walked up to her with another flirty martini on a tray. 
“I didn’t order another drink,” Sienna said with a confused look.
“It was ordered by that man there.”
The waiter pointed to the bar and a famous football player; Odell Beckham Jr., raised his glass of cognac to her with a smirk. Sienna accepted the drink and raised her glass in return. Odell took that as a hint to approach her and Sienna’s heart was hammering away in her chest. Odell’s hair is dyed purple and he’s dressed in an unbuttoned white linen shirt with matching shorts and white A1’s on his feet. His diamond accessories almost blinded her and the art etched into his skin enhanced his confidence.
“How are you doing? I peeped that you liked those cute martinis so I figured I should treat you to another one.” 
He smiled at her and all Sienna saw was white teeth and a diamond grill.
“They’re so good. Thanks for the drink, Odell.” 
“No problem. What’s your name?”
Sienna nibbled on the rim of her glass as she looked up at Odell through her lashes. 
“I’m Sienna.”
She held her hand out and Odell gently clasped her hand before bringing it to his lips to kiss. Treasure, Emerald, and Kitten watched the entire interaction with wide eyes. They couldn’t believe how bold Sienna was right now. Sure enough, Erik was walking over with a crease in his brow and a set jaw. 
“I just had to talk to you. You’re so damn beautiful.” 
Sienna blushed, “Thank you. You’re really handsome, Odell.” 
Odell leisurely touched her elbow with his fingertips and it sent shivers down Sienna’s spine. He drew closer to her so that he could whisper in her ear. 
“I ain’t seen you here before. You come alone?”
Erik showed up within their space and snaked his arm around Sienna’s waistline. Odell took a step back and he raised a brow. Odell sized Erik up before recognition crowded his features. 
“Yo, ‘sup Doc?!”
They dabbed each other up firmly to the point where Sienna could see matching veins in both of their hands. 
“This you?” Odell questioned while looking down at Sienna. 
“Yeah…she’s mine.” 
Erik’s fingers tightened on her waist. It was the tone of his voice. It became raspy with the slightest hint of a threat on the tip of his tongue razor sharp. Sienna released a shaky breath. 
“I didn’t know…Y’all have a good evening—”
“Knee holding up good, Odell?” Erik said, cutting Odell off. 
“Yeah…it’s all good. All new thanks to you.” 
“Try to keep from getting injured this year. I don’t wanna have to see you on my operating table again.” 
Sienna looked up at Erik. His eyes were like a pitch black abyss. 
“Nah, can’t have that,” Odell looked Erik up and down with creased brows, “Y’all take care.” 
Odell walked away quickly with a shake of his head but he didn’t hold back from giving Sienna one final look of interest. 
Erik leaned down to whisper to Sienna. 
“Haven’t learned your lesson yet I see.” 
Sienna ignored him and knocked back her Martini. She peeled away from Erik and joined the other sugar babies in a dance. Erik narrowed his eyes at her and she knew he was ready to walk her out of this party and punish her. 
It was something thrilling about seeing her doctor get angry and possessive. The anger she witnessed during surgeries was just work stress. This type of anger was primal. Bringing that dark side out of him whenever she disobeyed him exhilarated her. She danced with sticky panties and a racing heartbeat. She could feel his eyes on her and it made her skin tingle. 
“You’re in trouble girl,” Treasure whispered in her ear while they were dancing. 
Sienna looked over at their section and Erik was sitting there with an unblinking stare directly on her. 
“Maybe we should go back to the table. It’s getting crowded.” Sienna said.
Hand in hand they walked back to the section and parted ways to sit with their sugar daddies. Sienna plopped down onto Erik’s open lap and sat her empty glass down. A dancehall song came on and Sienna started doing a slow wine on Erik. Sienna looked back at him over her shoulder and Erik had his lip between his teeth.
“You can’t stay mad at me for too long, can you?” Sienna teased.
“Oh, I’m still very mad, Sienna. This doesn’t change anything.” Erik replied.
His hands snaked up her waist.
“What if I get down on my knees and suck your dick in front of everyone? Would that change your mind?”
Jamie chuckled and everyone else watched like it was a movie. 
He spoke her name softly but it held an edge.
“Yes, daddy?” Sienna replied with a soft voice.
“I think you better behave.”
“Or what?”
Erik cut his eyes at her and tilted his head. He didn’t need to say anything else, Sienna already knew. But that’s what she wanted. 
“She’s a bratty one, Ignus,” Leo said.
Sienna giggled at Leo. 
“Sienna, look at me.” 
His voice was laced with lust. Sienna locked eyes with her daddy.
“I'll spank you right here in front of all these people if you don’t behave. Is that what you want daddy to do?”
Sienna pouts, “No, daddy. But you can fuck me in front of all these people.” 
Erik’s hands remain still at her sides but his eyes glinted with rage. The others could feel his energy as well. Sienna’s eyes twinkled as she bat her lashes at him. Erik wrapped an arm around Sienna’s waist and lifted from his seat with her pressed against him. 
“We’ll be right back,” Erik forced Sienna to walk.
He didn’t let go of her. Even with her legs moving, Erik was leading the way. Into the beach side mansion they went. There were some people sprinkled about talking closely for more privacy. Erik walked up the U-shaped staircase with a glass railing and as he climbed he picked Sienna up bridal-style. The sound of the music was a distant noise. Erik seemed to know where he was going. He found an empty room with a balcony view of the beach and the sky turning into night. 
Erik slammed the door shut and locked it. He sat Sienna down on the bed with a bounce and without a word he stood before her and grabbed her neck. Sienna’s breath hitched as her once bratty eyes ascended his body. 
“You really know how to get on my bad side, Sienna. What part of behaving tonight did you not understand?” 
Sienna parted her lips but no words came out. Erik cocked his head to the side and curled a single brow at her impatiently. 
“Open your mouth and speak when I’m talking to you, Sienna.” He said with an abrasive tone that caused her to jump.
Sienna swiped her glossy bottom lip with her tongue, “I’m sorry. I just wanted your attention.”
“Is that how you get my attention? By making me angry and jealous?”
“No…but it’s the way I like to do it.” 
Erik’s hand around Sienna’s neck moved to her jaw. He forced her to look at him as he leaned in so close to her face his warm breath tickled her. 
“You haven’t touched me in two days. I want that dick.” Sienna whispered seductively.
“You think you deserve dick when you want it?”
Sienna spread her legs and nodded her head. She was trying to get his attention in between. No panties and all wet for him. 
“Give me a good reason why I should pull this dick out and give it to you, Sienna.” 
Sienna smiled at Erik. She had more than one reason. 
“Because I’m your favorite girl. You can’t stay mad at me forever. You can’t help but to give me what I want. And the way I make you feel is too addictive for you to control yourself…”
Erik looked Sienna up and down. His eyes sparked with lust at her words. He knew she was right. Sienna didn’t even have to look at his crotch to see that heavy dick print to know that she’d vanquished him once again. 
“Please, Daddy, fuck me into submission.” Sienna whined.
Erik chuckled darkly, “you don’t deserve this good dick, slut. You don’t deserve more than my fingers in that pussy…hump my leg while I laugh at how pathetic you look begging for this dick…you should be thankful for anything I deign to give you since you want to be a disobedient slut…”
Sienna’s eyes were wet with desire at his degrading words that came out like a whisper. His deep voice sent shockwaves through her. She couldn’t wait for him to see how soaked she was. 
“…punish you if you don’t act grateful for every little bit of attention I give you.”
“But it wasn’t enough!” Sienna shouted. 
Erik cocked his head back at her blatant disregard for his words and with a sturdy hand he gripped her by her hair and forced Sienna on her knees. This was it. She could feel her heart pounding against her chest. 
Whip that big dick out, she thought. 
“Uh-uh, hands on your lap, slut. You don’t get to touch me.”
Erik slowly brought his hands to his pants and started unbuttoning them. Sienna watched with tentative eyes while her hands gripped her dress to keep from touching him. The slow sound of his zipper in that quiet room caused her to gasp. She looked up at him with a nibble of her bottom lip, her eyes begging him to whip it out. Erik took his time teasing her. He lifted his shirt to reveal his sculpted physique and with both hands he lowered his pants to rest just above his dick. 
With her eyes she took in his v-cut, the buzz cut of his pubic hair, and then just a bit of his veiny brown shaft. Erik went to work taking off his shirt painfully slow. Muscles flexing without much effort, he lowered his pants at a snail's pace and then finally, that big dick sprang forward with a bounce and poked right out at Sienna’s wanton mouth. Erik gripped his veiny length with one hand and slowly fisted himself in Sienna’s face. Each time his hand would go in a downward tempo, his slit would open just a little. His balls were in his other hand and he massaged them.
“I’m gonna fuck you until you’re sobbing into the pillows with a beat up pussy, little mama, but first…”
Erik released his dick and crouched down to grab his chinos. Digging into one of the pockets, he revealed Sienna’s pink furry cuffs that she must have left at his place so they could use it whenever. Sienna turned around on the floor and brought her arms behind her back. Erik fastened the cuffs on her slender wrists and Sienna faced him again. Back in position, Erik had a slight grip on the base of his dick and he tapped his tip on Sienna’s lips. 
“Worship this dick, Sienna. Respectfully. You know Daddy’s rules.”
Sienna didn’t need to be told twice. She started off by peppering kisses all over his dick from top to bottom. 
“That’s it…kiss all over your daddy’s dick…give me all the sloppy kisses.” Erik commanded.
Sienna brought her lips to his balls and gave him sloppy kisses there. She dragged her lips up the underside of his dick and used her tongue to trail her spit up to his tip. With her lips she kissed his slit and moaned when his pre-cum coated her lips. Erik chuckled darkly at the sight of her. 
“You’re such a pretty slut, Sienna. Slap it across your face…just like that…feel how heavy this dick is, girl?”
“Mmmm, yes, sir,” Sienna closed her eyes in true bliss when his third leg collided with her cheek. She had a firm grip on his dick and made sure that it covered every inch of her face. Saliva dripped from her mouth when she slapped the weight of him on her tongue.
“Thank me for letting you worship this dick.”
“Thank you so much, big daddy,” Sienna replied instantly.
“The only thing on your mind is gettin’ this dick. I already know that my princess pussy is wet.” 
Erik licked his lips when Sienna took him into her mouth. She knew to keep her eyes on him while her mouth did unspeakable things that had his toes digging into the carpet. His low eyes watched her make love to his dick with her warm, wet mouth and tight throat. He couldn’t believe how much better she’d gotten with taking him down her throat. She twisted her lips length over and over over his length and each time it was glossier with her spit. 
Erik’s eyes fluttered before he dragged his bottom lip between his teeth and with one hand on the back of her neck he started face fucking Sienna. The gurgling sounds from her throat had his dick brick hard going in and out of her mouth. Looking up at him with those pretty eyes and wet lashes almost made him explode. 
“You’re so fucking adorable with my dick in your mouth, princess,” Erik stroked her neck before continuing to pound her throat, “keep that mouth open just like that…uhuh…fuck…”
Sienna could feel hot tears trickle down her cheeks. The sound of her glucking and gagging grew louder and louder each time Erik’s dick hit the back of her throat. Her fingers trembled to grip his thighs but she was cuffed. His tight fist found its way into her hair again and his hips drew back. His big dick and a stream of spit similar to a snail's trail appeared from her mouth. Sienna stuck her tongue out and Erik slapped the weight of his heavy shaft on it.  
In and out. In and out. He would press forward to the back of her throat and then he would retract his hips. Sienna couldn’t contain her squirming. She was practically chasing his dick and Erik laughed at her greediness. 
“Look at you. Here,” Erik let go of his dick, “Make this dick cum, like a good little student.” 
He was playing into that fantasy? Sienna was more than ready.
“Yes, Dr. Stevens,” Sienna lunged forward and with only her plump lips she sucked him into her mouth. Working only her jaw and her neck, she kept her eyes on him, confident in her dick sucking abilities.
“This is for all the times I have to correct you. How many fucking times do I have to tell you to follow my orders?” Erik barked out.
Erik had a tight jaw and penetrating eyes, but from the way his dick twitched in her, Sienna knew she had him right where she wanted him.
“I want you to remember how heavy this dick feels in the back of your throat. Memorize that just like you memorize those fucking notes…”
Erik couldn’t resist her tight mouth no matter how hard he tried. When Sienna swallowed him whole and tightened her throat around his shaft Erik released a long, quivering groan before a hefty load erupted from his sensitive tip. 
“Fucccck, fucccck, mmmmmmm—”
His knees almost buckled but he kept his balance with a vice grip on Sienna’s hair. With a deep breath, she released his dick and more of his cum aimed for her cheek. She proceeded to lick him clean and then she fingered the cum from her cheek and sucked it off her digit. 
“Mmm, so tasty. I want you to do that in my pussy now.” 
“Oh yeah? All in that tight little pussy?”
Erik slapped the weight of his erection on Sienna’s tongue. 
“You deserve to have your pussy ate for making me cum so hard…”
Erik grabbed Sienna by the chin gently and leaned forward to kiss her lips. She whimpered into his mouth when one of his hands grabbed a titty through the opening in the front of her dress. He twirled her nipple between his thumb and pointer finger while his tongue dragged across hers like a snail. Sienna broke the kiss and pressed her face into his taut abdomen. 
“You smell so good…”
Erik picked Sienna up and undid the cuffs, putting them on again with her hands in front of her. He placed her on her back on the bed. Without a word, he spread her pliant thighs and pushed her knees back to her ears to expose her pussy. Wrists cuffed, Sienna watched as Erik exposed her breasts and with a couple slaps to them he dipped his head lower and started eating her pussy. Sienna squirmed beneath his tongue and lips. Erik had her body quaking from head to toe. He would suck her whole pussy into his mouth, drag his long tongue between her folds, nibble on her clit, and suck to his heart's desire. 
“Daddy, yes! Eat that pussy!” Sienna shouted. 
Erik responded with a slap to her ass.
“Right there! I’m gonna cum all over your face!”
Erik growled. He looked up at her and Sienna locked eyes with him. She watched him devour her and the uncontrollable shake of her thighs had Erik forcing them open. 
Sienna was having an out of body experience. She couldn’t grab his head, she couldn’t push him away. She had no use but to lay there and take it. A warmth crept over her body and she felt as if she were paralyzed. The sound of his insistent slurping and her constant groans bounced off of the walls. Before Sienna could even prepare herself, she came into Erik's mouth. He used his tongue to clean up the mess that dripped down her ass and his lips to suck her clit to get more out of her. 
“Sienna…my dick is damn near close to bussin’…”
Erik sat up on his knees to show her how stiff he is. Yes, he was close. The amount of pre cum leaking from his slit astounded her. If he would have gone any longer, he would have bust all over the sheets from eating her pussy alone. 
“What’s daddy’s rule when it’s time to fuck?”
Sienna was still on an orgasmic high but she parted her trembling lips to speak as best as she could.
“No matter how sensitive my little pussy is, I have to give daddy what he wants. More pussy in any way he desires.”
“Good girl. Such a good little slut for me. It’s time for daddy to take his pussy, baby. And I’m gonna take that wet shit, hear me?”
Sienna responded with a pout and with no objections, Erik lined his dick up with her wet opening and sank inside swiftly. Sienna exhaled and instantly tensed up when Erik used the force of his hips to keep her thighs parted. Hands propped up on either side of her head, Erik dropped dick into her pussy with a harsh slap of skin. Erik’s chain hovered over her face back and forth like hypnosis. 
“Daddy you’re so deep in your pussy!” Sienna cried out. 
“You hear that pussy talking?” Erik asked with a tremble of his voice.
“Yessss…oh, fuck,” Sienna lifted her neck to see, “I love watching it go in and out.”
“You love watching it go in and out?” Erik repeated, his eyes looking from Sienna to his dick, “Keep watching this dick go in and out then.” 
Erik pressed forward inside of her and held himself there just so he could feel her legs shake. Sienna threw her head back and moaned. 
“Sienna…” Erik called out to her.
He went back to pounding her out with a stamina any other forty-six year old man wouldn’t have. He kept himself in the best shape not only because he’s getting older, but because he needed the energy for sex. Lack of energy in bed was a no for him. 
“Little mama…look at the way I fuck you.” 
Sienna dragged her eyes down to see his cream-coated stick drilling her pussy kat into the bed. 
“Erik…Erik, I’m gonna cum.”
“Don’t say it, do it.” Erik commands. 
Sienna’s toes curled and she felt her entire body seize up. Erik kept that same stroke through her orgasm. When her body finally relaxed, Erik took off the cuffs and massaged her wrists. He slowed down and retracted his hips, bringing his lips to her pussy to lick up the mess he created.
“The amount of cum leaking from this pussy has daddy hungry for more, princess.” 
He studied the way her clit poked out. How the wishbone shape of her inner folds sat puffy. How creamy and slick her opening looked. The mess that seeped to the crack of her juicy ass. He was mesmerized. 
“Every time I fuck you…” Erik leans into Sienna’s face, “it feels like the first time I slid in…”
His dick sat heavy between her pussy lips while they French kissed. Erik’s tongue was covered in saliva and it tasted like her pussy. 
“Does this mean I get a present for having the best pussy daddy’s ever had?” Sienna whispered seductively against Erik’s lips. 
“I’ll give you whatever you want…”
Sienna nibbled on Erik’s pouty bottom lip between kisses.
“Oh yeah? What if I wanted a new car?”
Sienna reached down between them and grabbed Erik by the dick. She rubbed his wide tip between her folds and the sounds that her pussy made sent chills down Erik’s spine. He loved Sienna’s young pussy. The way it gripped him. The way it creamed all over him. How wet the crotch of her panties get from just one touch. How sweet it tasted. 
“You want a new car?” Erik looked down at Sienna with desperate, hungry eyes, “what kind of car do you want?”
Sienna blinked twice rapidly. She pushed forward against Erik and sat up on her knees. Erik looked at her with a half smirk and an elevated brow. 
“Are you serious?” Sienna questioned with absolute shock. 
“Uh, yeah,” Erik shrugged his shoulders, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I–I don’t know–it’s just a lot.” 
“Sienna,” Erik tilted his head, “lil’ ‘mama…you know I love spoiling you. Why wouldn’t you think a car wasn’t a part of the equation?”
Sienna sat there with her mouth unhinged. Erik chuckled at her expression. 
“What kind of car do you want?”
Sienna shook her head in disbelief. Erik’s eyes roamed up and down her frame. He planned on taking that pussy from the back next. Erik grabbed Sienna by the hips and turned her over. While she continued to have a look of surprise at his words, Erik arched her back deep and with his fingers sinking into her ass cheeks he plunged into her wet little hole and groaned. 
“Daddy,” Sienna looked back at him with weepy eyes, “that dick is in my belly.”
Erik slow strokes her, savoring the sound of her wet hole gliding over his girth with a grip that had his nuts tight. 
“Tell daddy what car you want, baby girl.”
I…” Sienna shut her eyes, “I want a pink Benz…”
“The truck or the sedan?” 
Erik had one hand on her waist and the other grabbed her diamond-wrapped ankle. He pushed all ten inches forward into her eager pussy. 
“The sedannnnn, oh my gosh,” Sienna brought her French-tip fingers down to rub her clit, “I’m so wet.”
She was indeed. A stream of sticky arousal dripped from her pussy and to the bed. 
“Good girl…you know daddy loves it when you leak all over me like that…gives me more slip to bust this shit open…”
Erik picked up speed and now Sienna’s cheeks were clapping. 
“Keep that arch! Keep that back arched, Sienna! That’s it…right in that pussy…all in that pussy…”
Sienna pushed at Erik’s abs while convulsions coursed through her body. Erik popped her on the ass and continued thrusting his dick in and out of her. 
“Ima cum in my pussy!” Erik groaned, “Fuck—”
His deep moans had Sienna’s walls squeezing his rock hard dick. She milked him and when he pulled out, some of his cum oozed from her opening. Erik collapses on the bed and Sienna rests her head on his chest. She stroked his nipple while kissing his side. 
“You wanna get out of here so we can go back to your place and fuck some more?” Sienna asked.
“Hell yeah. Anything for my princess.” Erik responded. 
It’s been several months of bliss for Sienna and Dr. Stevens. Neither one of them would admit it, but deeper feelings have gotten involved. Sienna was afraid to make it known that she wanted to be more than just Erik’s sugar baby, and Erik wanted to make Sienna his official woman no matter what people would think.
 He knew well enough that dating a woman twenty years younger than him would turn heads. The only thing that worried him was Sienna’s feelings. Would she actually want to have a real relationship with him? He’d never felt this alive with a woman in his life. It wasn’t because of their age differences. Sienna listened to him. She made him laugh and smile. They were twin flames. Every time they kissed, had sex, looked at each other, and touched each other, it set off fireworks. 
It was so scary but so amazing. He wasted his time marrying two women when he could have waited for Sienna to pop up in his life. If she hadn’t done clinicals where he worked, if he would have never gone to that Gentleman’s Club, he would have never met Sienna. He looked forward to spending time with her. She’s a horny, lascivious young woman so sex would always be a thing between them, but to spend time on his couch with R&B music on in the background and glasses of Shiraz in their hands was enough to satisfy him. 
Sienna had found her soulmate in Erik. What went from enemies in that OR to this whirlwind romance is what shocked her. She got to see the man outside of his surgical gear and what a beautiful man he is. The true definition of tall, dark, and handsome. The more time has passed, the harder it gets to be around him and calm her racing heart. He was made for her. She didn’t care what anybody thought. Sienna wanted to live in that man’s skin. If she could pack that dick up and take it home with her she would. Sitting and staring at his handsome face and listening to his voice was her second favorite thing to do. 
Sienna often listened to his voicemails just so she could cum to the sound of his voice. 
Hey, baby girl. Just calling to see how you were doing. Call me back when you’re free…
Sienna, this is daddy. Let me know how you did on the exam. You got this, baby…
I miss you. Call me…
Are you ignoring my calls? Should I come over there and give you something to cry about? Huh? Pick up the phone, Sienna…
I just wanted to thank you for this weekend. I’m gonna miss that pretty face and pussy all week…
Sienna was sitting on money and gifts galore and her absolute favorite is the early graduation present. He bought her a pink Mercedes Benz with a custom interior and she was so excited that he had to calm her down. One thing about Erik, he was a man of his word. Sienna never had to doubt anything he said.
It was her final week of clinicals. Sienna was preparing to take her NCLEX before graduation so she could already be secured in a nursing job. With her connections at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, and multiple recommendation letters—of course one from Dr. Stevens himself—would sure enough land her a job. 
She was nervous. Her nursing class had gotten smaller, her teachers were cracking down harder, her study sessions were longer, and that meant less time spent with her daddy. It will all pay off in the end she had to remind herself. But two weeks without any physical contact with Erik except for quick kisses in between breaks was killing her. 
Sienna had changed into her surgical scrubs and grabbed her things. Selena had already left the locker room. Sienna opened the door and rushed out into the hall only to slip on the freshly mopped floor and fall on her left ankle. Her school supplies and lunch bag were scattered on the floor in front of her. Throbbing pain traveled up her leg. She could feel her ankle swelling the more she moved to try and stand.
Hot tears streaming down her cheeks, Sienna pushed herself up and braced her hands against the wall. Up ahead, Nurse Kizzy was walking down the hall and when she spotted Sienna she took longer strides to get to her. 
“Sienna? What happened?” 
“My ankle,” Sienna tried moving it, “I think I may have sprained it or something.” 
“Here,” Kizzy wrapped one arm around Sienna’s waist and brought Sienna’s arm up to drape over her shoulder, “Hold onto me and we’ll take slow steps towards the nursing station. From there we’ll get you a wheelchair.”
“Okay,” Sienna looked back at her things, “My stuff.”
“I’ll come back for it.” Kizzy reassured her.
They walked slowly until they were right at the entrance to the main area. Selena and two of her other classmates looked up and noticed Sienna limping. Others took notice and walked over to examine her.
“Get her in a chair! We’ll take her to a room and get her on a bed,” Lori shouted, “Jesus, Sienna, what happened?”
“I was leaving the locker room and slipped on the wet floor.” Sienna said.
“Was there a wet floor sign at all?” Lori questioned.
“I don’t think so—OUCH!”
A wheelchair touched the back of Sienna’s legs and she was gently lowered down. They placed her feet on the footrests and Lori wheeled her to a room. Once there, they used proper lifting and transferring mechanics to get Sienna up on a stretcher. Selena was on her right side and she watched Lori undo Sienna’s all white HOKA shoe. Sienna hissed and grabbed onto the sides of the bed. Lori carefully removed her sock and instantly she could see that the lateral side of her ankle and foot was bruised and swollen. 
“Dr. Stevens! Thanks for coming—”
Sienna’s eyes shot up and Erik rushed inside damn near pushing past everyone. He was wearing ceil-colored scrubs that fit him deliciously. His shoulder-length locs were pulled back into a messy ponytail at the nape of his neck and his glasses were on his face. He must have been in his office. 
“What happened?” Erik looked up at Sienna with concerned eyes. 
“She slipped,” Selena spoke for her, “The hallway outside of the locker room was freshly mopped.”
Erik nodded his head faintly and cut his eyes to Sienna, “I asked her. What happened?”
Selena frowned slightly at his remark.
“I slipped in the hallway outside of the locker room. When I went down, I landed on the side of my foot and ankle.” Sienna replied.
Erik stepped in front of Lori and he took a seat at the edge of the bed. The room was overcrowded and everyone watched as Dr. Stevens took Sienna’s bare foot in his grasp. He inspected her foot and noticed straight away that it was dislocated. He glanced up at Sienna and he had this sorry look in his eyes.
“Sienna, I’m sorry, but it’s most likely dislocated with possible subluxation. We need an X-ray. NOW.” 
He started applying pressure to areas and Sienna couldn’t hold back tears. Selena watched the entire thing with a skeptical gaze. It appeared way too intimate for her.
“Instead of standing around, why don’t one of you get something to prop her foot up!  A pillow? A pile of blankets?” Erik barked out. 
“Sienna, I need your ID and insurance, honey,” Lori said before leaving the room.
“It’s in my wallet in the front pocket of my backpack.”
Lori rushed to retrieve it. Selena remained in the room. Erik gently lifted her foot and Selena placed several pillows beneath it. Sienna felt instant relief.
“It’s gonna be okay. You alright?” Erik asked.
“No. It hurts like hell.” Sienna replied. 
Selena watched closely as Erik’s thumb stroked Sienna’s foot. She caught his eyes and he drew his hand back quickly. 
“X-ray is here…”
Erik stood up and motioned towards Selena to leave the room. They exited the room and closed the curtain halfway behind them. The X-ray tech named Samantha started setting up for the X-ray. Erik stood a safe distance away to avoid radiation. Sienna did not like the positions she had to put her ankle and foot in, but it had to be done. When the X-ray tech was finished, Erik rushed over to examine the images before the tech sent them for reading by the radiologist. 
“Girl, I can’t believe this happened.”
Selena was back inside with her arms folded. Sienna looked up at her friend and she could tell that she was pissed about something. 
“Me neither. This was not on my bingo card…I don’t need this shit, especially since it’s my last week of clinical…”
“I’m sure you’ll be home now after this. I’m actually a little jealous,” Selena gave Sienna a teasing smile, “Anyways, what’s up with Dr. Stevens?”
“What do you mean?”
“Did you not notice how weird he was acting?”
Sienna tried to play off Selena’s question by moaning in pain. That caught Erik’s attention, because he was back inside. 
“So, it’s not broken, which is good news. The bad news is that it is dislocated. So, I’ll have to put it back in place…”
Sienna visibly blanched. 
“I’m sorry, Sienna. Lori, stabilize her upper leg…”
Selena left the room and watched from the hall. 
“I need counter traction…”
Sienna exhaled harshly. She tried to brace herself but the pain was too much. Erik grasped the heel of her foot with one hand, her dorsal metatarsals with the other. He slightly plantar-flexed Sienna’s foot and that’s when she screamed in agony.
“Breathe…we’re almost done…you got this…I need another assistant!”
Kizzy rushed in and Erik instructed her to apply downward pressure on Sienna’s lower leg. 
“Ready? One…two…three…”
Erik pulled forward on her foot in one motion. 
Sienna shouted. 
“All done! All done! You did great, Sienna…get her something for pain and some water please…”
Past her blurry vision flooded with tears, she could see Erik staring down at her with emotion. Sienna knew that he wanted to pull her into his embrace and comfort her. 
“Okay, Sienna, We’re going to wait for the radiologist's interpretation of the post reduction images. If it reads negative for a fracture, we’ll get you splinted and send you home with some crutches and a walking-boot. You’ll need to follow up with me within a week and I also recommend some physical therapy until you’re able to bear weight…”
Sienna hung onto his every word. His voice…
“Send in xray to take post-reduction films.”
Lori, Kizzy, and Erik left the room and Samantha came into the room again with the portable X-ray machine. This time around, Sienna’s ankle felt a lot better. She was able to move it on her own.  Erik walked back in and looked over the images carefully. He pressed buttons that flipped through the images, magnified specific areas, and changed the images to negative.
“Do a mortise view…”
Samantha shot one more X-ray and Erik was back in. He did one final thorough look over before nodding his head with approval. 
“Okay…looks good to me…go ahead and send it. Thanks.”
Samantha left the room and Erik stood over Sienna. 
“It’s back in place, Sienna. You did good…real good…was there a wet floor sign?”
“I don’t remember seeing one…”
Erik’s jaw tightened, “They have one fucking job and can’t even put down a sign…I’m gonna find out who’s working this floor today…”
He caressed Sienna’s knee and leaned in to give her a quick kiss on the forehead since the coast was clear.
“I’ll be back. You’re not driving with that injury, Sienna—”
“Erik,” Sienna peeked around him to make sure no one was lingering, “I’ll be fine. It’s my left ankle not my right. I don’t want to leave my car here.” 
Erik wasn’t feeling it but he nodded his head in agreement anyway.
“Fine. But I’m staying with you. I want to take care of you.” 
Erik created some distance between them when Lori entered the room.
“Okay?” Erik questioned, changing the tone of his voice to appear more professional.
“Okay, Dr. Stevens. Thank you.” Sienna said.
Sienna struggled to open her apartment door a few hours after her injury. She was given a referral to see a physiotherapist the next day and she just knew that her ankle wouldn’t be the same for at least a month. Apparently, she sprained her ankle as well. She was very happy that she hadn't fractured it. With her door finally opened, Sienna used her crutches to enter her apartment. She managed to shut and lock her door while balancing on her crutches. 
She took off her book bag and sat her lunch bag on her living room table. Sienna flopped down on her sofa and looked down at her splinted ankle. At least her toes looked nice. She noticed it had begun to rain outside. This wasn’t part of the plan. Sienna screwed up her face and sucked her teeth. Erik spending the rest of the week with her sounded lovely, but there was no way she was going to be able to get as nasty as she wanted to with him. 
Sienna couldn’t deny that his serious demeanor and strictness turned her on. He deserved to have his dick ate up when he got there. After some time, Sienna went inside of her backpack to retrieve her personal items and she was back on her good foot with the crutches for balance. In her bedroom now, Sienna propped her crutches up against a wall and sat her things on the bed. She sat down to remove her clothes except for her underwear and she slipped on a nightgown. 
Sienna scrolled through her text messages and read ones from Selena and Erik.
Selena: Hope you made it home safely! Let me know 💕
Sienna texted her back and then she went on to respond to Erik.
Dr. Daddy 🍆💦💞: I am on my way to you. I have my bags packed and ready to take care of my favorite girl. 
Sienna blushed. 
I’m in bed right now waiting for you. 
Sienna was exhausted, all that crying and pain and moving around on an injured foot wore her out. She snuggled her face into her pillow and sleep hit her so fast she didn’t see it coming. 
An hour had gone by and Erik used a spare key Sienna gave him to open the apartment door. He’s dressed in a matching gray hoodie set with white A 1s. His locs are down and framing his handsome face. Erik lugged his two bags into the living room for now and took off his shoes. Smoothing his locs back from his face, Erik walked to Sienna’s bedroom and found her snoring into her pillow. He chuckled and pressed his shoulder against the doorway. It’s true that pretty girls do snore. 
Erik noticed how messy her room is. All of her studies caught up with her and she hadn’t been able to keep things in order. While she slept, Erik took off his hoodie, only a white beater underneath, and started tidying up. He picked up clothes, tossed them in her overflowing hamper. He cleared away unused books and straightened up her vanity. Entering her bathroom, Erik wasn’t shocked to find her dildos in various colors suctioned to her sink; he found some all purpose cleaner beneath her sink and started cleaning. 
It took him thirty minutes to finish. He was in her kitchen now washing dishes after cleaning there. Erik opened her fridge and it was filled with food so he figured he could cook some dinner. He found some salmon fillets, broccolini, and she had potatoes. He took the hair tie from around his wrist and pulled his hair back, one loc falling in his face. 
He went to work boiling the red potatoes and cleaned the salmon and broccolini. Erik moved around the kitchen like it was his place. Well, he did pay bills there now. No other Sugar Daddy did it like Erik. He made sure Sienna didn’t have to lift a finger. Plus, he liked the idea of showing up to her place when she’d least expect it and crawl into her bed to give her some late night nooky. With everything finished, Erik tossed a kitchen towel over his shoulder while making a cream sauce to drizzle over the salmon and mashed potatoes. 
Erik plated the food like he was a chef before leaving the kitchen to wake Sienna. He tiptoed over to her and kissed her warm, brown cheek. Sienna stirred awake and when she opened her eyes and noticed Erik smiling at her she returned the smile. 
“Daddy.” Sienna spoke softly.
“Little mama,” Erik kissed her lips, “I made dinner.”
“Yes. Sit up for me.”
Sienna rolled over onto her back and stretched her arms above her head. Erik’s eyes admired the night gown she was wearing. It was mini, white, and floral print with a v-neck, spaghetti straps, and a split. Her breasts had fallen out of the top of her nightgown and before she could fix herself, Erik’s lips were sucking on her nipples. 
“They’re always so hard when I wake up…mmm,” Sienna arched her back into his mouth.
Erik palmed both of her breasts and squeezed them gently. Sienna’s eyes fell to his crotch and she could see his sizable print. She reached out a hand and stroked his length. His lips, teeth, and tongue attacked her breasts. He wanted her so bad. With a deep grunt, Erik reluctantly peeled away from her. 
“Sienna, come on,” Erik fixed her nightgown, “I’ll help you up.”
Pouting, Sienna sat up and Erik grabbed the crutches. She placed them beneath her arms and almost tripped. Erik held her by the waist with firm hands and he gave her a disapproving look.
“Did you listen to any of my instructions on how to use these?” Erik lectured.
“I did…it’s hard to walk with these.” Sienna replied with a whiny voice. 
“Don’t lean forward like that. Is that what you were doing?”
“Yes,” Sienna steadied herself, “like this?”
“Yes. Let me see,” Erik took one of the crutches to check the height, “it’s correct. Bend your elbows slightly. You got it?”
Erik walked behind Sienna with his hands out to catch her if she stumbled. They made it out towards her dining room and Erik pulled her chair out. Sienna placed both crutches in one hand and reached for the arm of the chair while lowering herself slowly. Erik took the crutches and propped them against a wall before sitting diagonally to her. 
“This smells so good,” Sienna picked up her fork, “And did you clean up?”
She looked up at Erik with her head cocked to the side and pursed lips. Erik simply chuckled at her.
“Erik, you didn’t have to do that. Thank you for everything.” 
“No problem. I wanted to,” Erik grabbed his glass of wine that he’d poured for them, “I know how much you’ve been reviewing and finishing up with school. You’ve got a lot going on.��� 
Sienna looked over at Erik and gave him a warm smile.
“How’s the salmon?” Erik asked.
“It’s delicious.”
They sat and ate their food and when they both finished, Erik cleared the table. He returned and helped Sienna up and handed her the crutches.
“Alright. Bath time. Then I want you to study for at least an hour.”
Sienna wanted to fuss about studying, but at least she had a bath to look forward to. Erik had given her baths before. They both made their way towards the bathroom in her room and Erik helped Sienna take off her nightgown and panties. He ran the bath water and added some rose scented bath salts with aromatherapy vanilla scented bubble bath. He found her soap, body scrub, and loofah and when the water had filled he helped Sienna into the tub. Erik secured her braided hair up into a bun so it wouldn’t get wet.
Her splinted foot dangled over the edge of the tub while Erik used the loofah and soap to clean her back first. Sienna leaned forward and gripped the edge of the tub. Erik scrubbed her neck, chest, and stomach. When he started to do her left leg, he was careful not to get the splint wet. 
“You okay?” Erik checked in on Sienna.
“Yes. I feel relaxed.” 
After cleaning her right leg, Erik switched out for a wash rag to clean her privates. 
“I gotta get down there, little mama…”
Sienna spread her legs and rolled her eyes. 
“What?” Erik paused.
“I’m horny.” 
Erik elevated a brow.
“Spread your legs.”
Sienna did as she was told and Erik cleaned her vagina and ass. Sienna whimpered in his ear and it was her way of telling him that she wanted her daddy to make her cum. 
“Why can’t you make me cum, daddy?” Sienna whined.
“Because you need to study.” 
“I can study tomorrow. I just want you to make me feel good. It’s been two weeks…”
Erik knew that. He knew it had been too long since he’d been snug between her walls.
“Baby girl, you have an important exam coming up that determines your future as a nurse. I need you to study for at least an hour. If you can do that for me, I’ll fuck you, okay?”
“Whatever,” Sienna turned her eyes away from Erik and looked heavenward.
“Whatever? How about I don’t fuck you?”
Sienna turned her eyes towards Erik and the look on his face was enough to make her listen. For now.
“Okay. I’ll study for an hour.” 
“Yes, you will.” Erik replied. 
Erik drained the tub and instructed for Sienna to lift herself up to the edge of the tub. He swung her legs around and picked her up. He wrapped a towel around her and walked her out towards the bedroom.
“A 15-month-old toddler who weighs 26 pounds is admitted to the pediatric unit, due to severe dehydration…”
Sienna was currently being rubbed down with shea butter. He finished her right foot and then he found a clean nightgown for her to wear. It was a lilac color with the same style as the previous one she wore. When he finished, Erik excused himself to take a shower. He left the door cracked and Sienna paused her studying. 
She sat up and spread her thighs. Staring down at her waxed pussy, Sienna brought her fingers down to rub her clit. She couldn’t help herself. The way Erik cared for her made her crave sex even more. She wanted to be fucked into the mattress. She brought her fingers to her mouth to suck on and they were back on her clit. Her eyes were glued on the bathroom door. She could hear him in the shower.
The only way she would be able to cum quickly was if she used her vibrator. Sienna looked around her room until she spotted one of her favorite vibrators on her nightstand. It was on the charger and ready for use. She grabbed the hot pink wand and turned it on the lowest setting first. She would have loved to see his naked body covered in soap suds and water but then he would know what she was doing.
Sienna maneuvered her body as best as she could and then she brought her knees to her chest. Vibrator to clit, Sienna moaned as quietly as she could. She would alternate between looking at the door and staring at her clit being pleasured. She could see her creamy, wetness leak from her opening. 
She grabbed a pillow to bite on.
Her thighs shook out of control. Thank goodness her ankle was splinted because if it wasn’t she would have dislocated it again. She kept one ear towards the door and she could still hear the water running. Sienna increased the vibrations two notches and she almost bit a hole into the pillow.
“Mm! Mmm! Mmm!” 
She shut her thighs tightly and rolled over onto her side. That vibrator sat between her drenched lips as she climaxed. Sienna was sure that she was going to squirt. She turned the vibrator off quickly and scooted over to her nightstand to put it back on the charger. She fixed her nightgown and went back to lay on her stomach.
Five minutes later, Erik had opened the bathroom door with a towel wrapped around his waist. 
“…The health care provider ( HCP) prescribes an intravenous (IV) bolus of 0.9% Sodium Chloride 25mL/kg to be infused over two hours. What IV rate (mL/hr) will the nurse need to set the infusion pump?”
Sienna tapped her nails on her practice book in thought. 
“Convert the weight into kilograms…so 26 pounds divided by 2.2 equals 11.8 kg…”
Sienna heard the towel drop and her eyes slowly landed on Erik. He was standing at her mirror applying shea butter to his body. Sienna watched him with her mouth hanging open. Erik noticed she had stopped and caught her staring at him through the mirror.
“What are you supposed to be doing?”
Sienna went back to studying.
“Round to 12 kg. Total IV infused is 12 times 25…300 mL. Hourly rate is 300 mL in two hours…so 300 divided by 2 which is 150 mL/hr.”
Sienna circled the correct answer and moved on to the next question. 
Erik had dressed himself in a pair of briefs and sleep pants. Shirtless, he left the room to grab some more wine for them. When he returned, he placed Sienna’s glass on the table next to her and he made himself comfortable on the other side of her. He sat with his back against the headboard, sipping from his wine glass.
“Want me to read the questions?”
“Please,” Sienna handed him the book.
Erik sat the book in his lap and grabbed his glasses. He placed his wine down and with her pencil twirling in his right hand and his left hand rubbing on her booty, he read the next question.
“A client with increased intracranial pressure from a brain tumor is admitted to Neuro ICU. The health care provider (HCP) prescribes 25% mannitol 20 gram intravenous (IV) bolus…”
Sienna nibbled on her bottom lip. She tried to pay attention but Erik’s fingers rubbing on her ass felt so good. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. He looked so sexy with his glasses on and his shirt off. 
“The unit stock is mannitol injection,” Erik glanced at her to make sure she was paying attention, “…In 50 mL water single-dose vials. How many mL will the nurse draw up?”
“Uhm,” Sienna pondered, “So I have to calculate the mL again…”
She grabbed her calculator. 
“What is 12.5 grams in mL, lil’ mama?”
“50 mL.” 
“Okay…and mL equals what?”
“20 grams.” 
“Okay. So 20 times 50 mL divided by 12.5?”
Sienna calculates.
“80 mL.”
“Okay. So, what’s the answer?”
“80 mL.”
“Good girl,” Erik smiled at her and slapped her butt, “You’re gonna pass that NCLEX, baby.” 
Erik leaned down and pressed his plump lips against Sienna’s. 
“Do I have to keep studying?” 
“That hour ain’t up, baby girl.” 
Sienna exhaled and Erik moved onto the next question. 
“The health care provider (HCP) prescribes 5 mg ephedrine IV push—”
“The answer is 1 mL. I’ve seen that question before.”
Erik elevated a brow, “Well, let’s move on then…”
He flipped the page and his hand was back on her ass. They did harder questions within that category to challenge her since she was breezing through the other ones so easily. Sienna started moving her hips so that her butt would rub against Erik’s hand. He cut his eyes at her but she acted as if she hadn’t noticed him looking.
“When a client in the cardiac care unit develops a ventricular arrhythmia, the health care provider (HCP) prescribes a continuous intravenous (IV) infusion of lidocaine at 3 mg/min. Pharmacy prepares 2 grams of lidocaine in a 500 mL bag 5% dextrose in water (D5W). How many mL/hr will the client receive?”
Sienna had carefully rolled over onto her back and placed her body in an upright position. She brought her right knee up while her left leg remained straight. She grabbed her calculator and started calculating on her own while Erik waited. 
“Too many conversations…it’s 45 mL/hr. Now, what do I get in return?”
“A kiss,” Erik’s lips touched hers and he gave her some tongue, “Let’s do two more and then we can call it a night.” 
Sienna couldn’t keep still. She grabbed her wine glass and sipped while bringing her right knee up causing her pussy to become exposed. She didn’t care if he noticed that she made herself cum while he was in the shower. 
“Let’s do some questions from psychosocial…okay…A client with bipolar disorder, manic phase, says to the nurse, hey, beautiful! You’re sure looking pretty today. Which is the nurse's best response?”
“I’m so-and-so, the nurse for this shift.” Sienna replied. 
“Good.” Erik circled the answer. 
“I wonder if they have questions in there about fucking sexy surgeons…”
Erik turned his eyes onto Sienna and he looked down at her pussy. His eyes narrowed slightly and he tightened his jaw. He looked up at her and Sienna held his gaze with a look of confusion.
“…Did you make yourself cum?”
Sienna inspected her nails, “Maybe I did.”
“Sienna,” Erik placed the pencil between the pages of the book and sat the book down on the nightstand, “Didn’t I tell you not to do that?”
“Technically, no,” Sienna took a sip of wine, “You said that you weren’t going to fuck me until I finished studying. You never said not to make myself cum.”
He was silent. He knew she was right.
“Are you mad at me, daddy?”
“No. Because you’re right. I never said that you couldn’t make yourself cum. Did you use your fingers or a toy?”
“My wand,” Sienna pointed to it.
She nibbled on an acrylic nail with this innocent look in her eyes while her pussy was on display and wet. Erik shut his eyes and chuckled slightly with a shake of his head. 
“…You nasty girl.”
He stood up from the bed and walked around to her side. Erik grabbed the wand and noticed some of her cum on it. He gave her a sly smirk before walking up to her. 
“Since you can’t help but to be a nasty little slut, I’m going to use this vibrator on your clit on the highest setting. If you cum before I tell you to, you’re only getting the tip of this dick and nothing else.”
Erik turned on the vibratior and instructed for Sienna to spread her legs. She was still in an upright position. Erik got closer to her and pressed the wand against her clit. She gasped, eyes shutting and head falling back against the headboard.
“No, eyes open, Sienna. I want you to watch the way this vibrator makes that slutty pussy cum. I already know you’re gonna cum. Look at you, pussy leaking…that pretty pink pussy wants some dick?”
Erik strokes her braids from her face and shoves his thumb into her mouth for her to suck on.
“Imagine how it would have been like to fuck me with all this dick in that puss after two weeks…”
His thumb glided across her tongue and down her chin.
“Unh, daddy, Unh, daddy, I’m sorry!”
“Too late for all that,” Erik rubbed Sienna’s stiff clit with the wand back and forth, “That pussy is wet…look at that shit.” 
Sienna dragged her eyes down and whimpered. She writhed on the bed, trying her best not to cum.
“Mhm…don’t you wanna cum, princess?” Erik teased.
She was clenching around nothing and throbbing. To see her pussy react to the vibrator was breathtaking. Erik’s dick created a tent in his sweats. He couldn’t believe how hard he was. So hard that he was poking. It was deliciously painful. 
Just as he thought. Sienna was a squirting mess. All over the bed. He turned that vibrator off and placed it on the nightstand. Sienna was trying to catch her breath while lying in a puddle of juices. She watched Erik with low eyes as he undressed. Sienna couldn’t believe how hard he was. That dick is covered in bulging veins and his mushroom tip is a deep purple from how stiff he is. Sienna couldn’t begin to describe the way his balls sat tight and full of cum between his muscular thighs.
“Oh, fuck,” Sienna tried sitting up, “Daddy, I’m so sorry…please…I’m so sorry, daddy. I’ll behave. I promise I’ll be a good girl,” Sienna furrowed her brows as she pleaded for Erik to give her more than the tip, “I’ll listen, I’ll do whatever you say, daddy. Please fuck me all the way…please…”
Her begging made his dick leak pre-cum. The sorry look in her eyes. The desperation in her voice. She was fiening. Erik ignored her and positioned himself between her legs. He made sure her ankle was out of the way. Erik tilted her hips at an angle towards the left and pushed her right leg as far back as it could go until her knee touched her chin. He groaned at the way her pussy sat wide open for him. 
Erik had his dick in his other hand and he started stroking her clit with the head of his dick. The creamy noise of his head brushing against her clit and lips was music to his ears, dragging a deep moan from his mouth. Sienna laid there with doe eyes and a quiver in her lip.
“Keep looking at me like that, baby girl. I like that expression on your face. You think daddy wants to do it this way? You have to listen, baby girl…”
Erik pushes his tip into her waiting hole and it sucked in with the help of her walls. Sienna expects him to push further in, but instead he pulls out to the point where they are barely connected.
Sienna was interrupted by her own mewling when Erik’s tip was back in her pussy. The smile he gave her was devilish, shaking his head the slightest bit and biting his lip while he continues the slow fucking of his tip. 
Sienna cries out. It was such torture for her. Whenever his tip would sink past her quivering hole, the anticipation for more would soon be severed whenever he pulled out. She tried to move her hips to fuck him back. Erik wasn’t having it. 
Erik tutted disapprovingly, “I know what you’re trying to do, Sienna. It’s not gonna work…”
He sees through her instantly, his large hand pushing on her lower stomach to halt her movements while the other pinned her right thigh down and held it in place. The muscles of his arms flex from the force he applied to keep her still,  and he moans out when he feels her clench around him from his dominance. The way she feels on his tip is driving him insane. Erik is breathing heavily, moaning, and his eyes are half-lidded. 
Erik’s thumb flicks at Sienna’s clit and she squeals in ecstasy. He could feel her leg beginning to tense within his grip and he tried desperately to make her cum first but he was so close. 
“Sienna, daddy’s gonna bust…”
“So fucking wet…”
“Cum in my pussy, daddy.”
“Oh, shit…fuck.”
“You love my tight, little pussy, daddy?”
“I’m cumming!”
Erik pulled his tip out and instead jerked himself with three quick pumps and his thick cum spurted from his tip and painted Sienna’s lips. It was so much that it slowly dripped down to the crack of her ass. Erik’s low eyes followed the lazy path his milky-white cum took. It was such a beautiful color against her brown skin. Sienna made her hole wink at him, tempting him to sink back inside and fuck her for real this time. Erik grunted, using the tip of his dick to push his cum inside of her pussy. It made a wet pop each time he would pull out.
Pop. Pop. Pop. 
“Can’t let it go to waste.”
Sienna gathered some of his cum on her fingers and sucked it off. Erik climbed off of the bed to grab a wet rag to wipe her off. When he returned, Sienna was looking up at him expectantly. Erik cleaned her off and after putting the rag in her hamper, he shut off the lights and turned on the TV. They snuggled together while drinking their wine and watching a movie. 
Sienna finished her wine and rolled over onto her side, pushing her ass against Erik’s dick. Erik stilled her hips with a firm grip and brought his lips to the shell of her ear.
“Do that again, and you really won’t get this dick.”
She wanted to cry. 
“Brats don’t get what they want whenever they want.” He reminded her. 
Erik paced the waiting room of the physical therapy office. He didn’t feel like sitting still and forcing himself to watch the news. It had been an hour since Sienna was escorted back to see the doctor. She had already contacted her nursing program and they gave her an excuse for the remainder of the week from clinicals. She still had to be to school for her review lectures but her and Erik had already formulated a plan for that.
Erik was going to drop her off at school for the rest of the week and pick her up. He already moved his schedule around to fit into hers. He had three cases total that week. One on Wednesday, and two on Thursday. All were scheduled for the following week. He would remain on call if needed and Sienna assured him that if he couldn’t take her to school, she would be okay.
Erik could hear a pair of crutches and his eyes darted to his right. Sienna was guided back out by a physical therapist. They were talking closely and laughing. Erik noticed a folder in the therapist’s hand that most likely belonged to Sienna. 
“We’ll start rehabilitation when your doctor gives you the go to remove your splint. Remember that there are exercises you can do at home in this folder. Dr. Zeal wants you to try and do physical therapy for about three days a week…”
Sienna’s eyes fell on Erik and she gave him a reassuring smile. He returned the smile and greeted the therapist.
“Hi, are you her significant other…?”
“Yes,” Erik said confidently, “I’m also her orthopedic doctor.”
“Wow! That’s great then! You’ll be a good help for her. When can she remove the splint?”
“In two days. She should be able to maneuver better by then.”
“Perfect. Well, we’ll see you soon, Miss Thomas. Take care!”
“Thanks again.”
Sienna and Erik left to the parking lot and Erik made sure she got into the car safely. They drove back to the apartment and Sienna couldn’t stop smiling and blushing. She tried to hide it by staring out of the window, but Erik caught her.
“Why are you blushing?” Erik asked with a smirk.
“She asked if you were my significant other…”
A smile plastered on his face.
“I did, didn’t I? I don’t know…it just came out.”
“Mhm,” Sienna gave him a knowing smile.
“What?” Erik glanced at her.
“Nothing,” Sienna shifted her hips to face him, “Sienna Stevens…”
Erik’s grip tightened on the steering wheel. He rolled his lips shut but those dimples were deep in his cheeks.
“Has a nice ring to it,” She joked, “I’m hungry.” 
“I’ll make you lunch when we get back.” 
They arrived at the apartment and Erik helped Sienna out of the car. Erik held the door open so she could go inside. They rode the elevators up to her floor and when they got off Erik opened the door, holding it so Sienna could go in first. 
“Go change into something more comfortable while I make you some lunch. A salad with leftover salmon from last night sounds okay?”
“Yes! Thank you, daddy!”
“You’re welcome, beautiful.” 
Erik is in the kitchen and he washes his hands thoroughly before opening Sienna’s fridge to grab some red and green tomatoes, Romaine lettuce, red onions, and the leftover salmon. He found some Italian vinaigrette and Parmesan cheese so he could toss the salad in it. He also managed to discover some garlic herb croutons as well that hadn’t been opened. 
Erik opened a few drawers until he found a miscellaneous one with a pair of scissors. He went to grab the scissors that were tucked beneath a pile of unopened mail and a Polaroid picture caught his eye. His forehead puckered as he retrieved the picture. Erik’s eyebrows raised as he studied the picture closely. 
Sienna was naked and lying on a bed covered in black silk sheets. She was positioned on her back with her legs spread open and her pussy on display. She had a bright smile on her face with her eyes tightly shut. Erik read the words written in ink at the bottom of the Polaroid.
Zane’s nasty little slut 2.14.2021
Erik noticed two more pictures and inspected those as well. The second photo, Sienna was looking up into the camera with a man’s dick in her mouth. That same look on her face is the same look she gave Erik when she was on her knees for him.
My throat goat :) 2.14.2021
Lastly, Sienna’s back is arched in the next photo and she’s receiving back-shots. 
I love my bitch <3 2.14.21
“I’m changed!—”
Erik put the photos back speedily and shut the drawer when Sienna walked in. She was wearing an oversized graphic T-shirt that fit her loosely. He could tell she had no bra underneath and he was sure no panties as well. She beamed at him with that cute smile and then her eyes traveled down to the scissors in his left hand. Her smile slowly faded from her lush lips.
“I needed to cut open the croutons. I’m almost finished.”
Erik sized her up before turning his back to her to grab some plates. He figured they could eat the salmon cold on top of the salad. 
“Need some help?”
Sienna startled Erik with her hands smoothing up his back. Erik craned his neck to look behind him and down at her short frame.
“No, little mama. Go sit your pretty self down.” 
She turned and that’s when Erik noticed she wasn’t walking with crutches.
“Where are your crutches, Sienna?”
“Oh shit,” She looked up at him timidly, “I’m okay.” 
Erik shook his head at her, “Go sit down.”
Erik walked away to grab her crutches. While he was gone, Sienna quickly scooted over to the drawer and opened it. She noticed that the photos were there and her stomach dropped. He’d seen them. She shut the drawer silently and went back to sit at her dining table. Erik walked out and she put on a smile. He plated the food and was back in the dining room. Sienna watched him closely as he made his way around the kitchen, grabbing bottled water for them to drink. She could tell he was thinking about it.
“Thank you.” 
Erik smirked at her and picked up his butter knife and fork to cut up his salmon. The silence between them was killing her. Sienna sat her utensils down and folded her hands in her lap. She exhaled before looking over at Erik. His onyx eyes lifted to stare at her.
“His name was Zane. He’s my ex.” 
She didn’t know why but she felt that she needed to clear that up. Erik simply sat there, eyes blinking at her as she spoke.
“We broke up because I got accepted into nursing school here and he didn’t want me to leave Texas…”
Sienna’s eyes fell to her lap. Erik watched her with a penetrating stare for a moment before he pulled his gaze away to his plate. 
“I do miss him, but I’m over that…”
“You don’t owe me an explanation, Sienna.”
She looked up at him. 
“Are you upset?”
Erik didn’t know how to answer that. Truthfully, Sienna didn’t belong to him. She could fuck and suck on whoever she wanted. But, Erik couldn’t deny that he felt jealous. This young man was a part of her past before him and yet seeing her in those photos like that sparked something in him. He wanted to burn those photos. 
“No.” Erik finally said.
“Are you lying to me?” Sienna questioned.
“Do you want me to be angry?” Erik asked with an expression of annoyance.
“I want you to tell me how you feel. I know you don’t like what you saw.” 
Erik skimmed the side of his teeth with his tongue.
“Okay,” He turned to face her, “I think you should get rid of them. If you’re over it, why keep them around?”
Sienna stiffened. 
“I…a part of me thought that I would somehow reunite with him…but that was before I met you.” 
Sienna’s right foot jiggled beneath the table. 
“I honestly forgot about them,” Sienna looked down at her plate.
Erik reached out to stroke Sienna’s knee and then his hand came up to lift her chin. 
“Seeing those photos made me realize something,” Erik tugged at his shirt collar, “I don’t want to be your sugar daddy anymore.” 
Sienna bowed her head and sadness overtook her features instantly.
“I want to be your man.” 
Her head shot up so quickly she could have injured her neck. Her eyes glistened as she looked Erik in the eyes with bewilderment. Erik stood up and he lifted her to her feet. He held onto her hands and his eyes held her gaze with such intensity and confidence. 
“I’ve wanted to be your man for a while now. I wish this was a more romantic moment…and I’ll make up for that…but I can’t keep my feelings all bottled up anymore, Sienna. I want this to be real between us. Will you be my woman?”
Sienna glanced up at the ceiling while trying to blink away tears. She closed her eyes and exhaled and a smile slowly formed on her lush lips. She opened her eyes and looked at Erik.
“Yes, I’ll be your woman, Erik.” 
Erik closed the space between them and cupped her face in his hands before crashing his lips against hers. Their tongues danced with desperation. Sienna brought her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his as if she were trying to connect with him. Heads swiveling back and forth, hands gripping, hearts pounding, they kissed with passion. Erik picked Sienna up and she straddled his waist. 
Food neglected, Erik walked with her wrapped around his body towards her room. He pushed the door open roughly, causing it to swing open hard. He dropped Sienna down on the bed, taking a second to make sure he hadn’t bothered her left foot before taking off his T-shirt in such a frenzy. He didn’t wait for Sienna to undress herself, Erik’s hands were on the hem of her withered T-shirt and he pulled it over her head madly causing her braids to fall into her face. 
He yanked his sweatpants and briefs down and kicked his feet out in double quick time. The sound of hurried breaths and rustling filled the room. His locs framed his face like a wild man as he looked down at her. His chest heaved up and down like he’d run a marathon. Erik pushed Sienna down and her body bounced. His large, powerful hands spread her thighs and pushed forward so that her hips opened up more. His eyes never left hers as he lowered to his knees on that carpet and sucked her pussy lips into his mouth. 
Sienna sat up to watch him. Her round, full breasts bounced from her constant writhing. He stroked her pussy with his strong tongue and then his plump lips would slurp all over her clit like it was a tiny sickle. She grabbed a handful of his locs and curled her toes. Erik had his eyes shut and the noises he made while devouring her pussy was so primal. Erik pinned her thighs back with his arms outstretched and his hands hooked beneath her knees. He didn’t leave her ass untouched. He spit in her asshole and put a finger there while sucking on her pussy. 
“Fuck, yes, daddy!” 
Sienna squealed on a loop. 
“Eat your pussy! This is your pussy!”
That finger in her ass and his mouth all over her pussy had Sienna cross-eyed. 
She made a bridge with her back and clamped Erik’s face between her trembling thighs. 
Sienna finally let go of his hair and Erik stood to his feet. He breathed out harshly with a wet beard. His dick stood out like a flag pole. He didn’t have much to say when he stretched out on the bed. Still breathing heavily, Erik had two hands on his shaft and he pointed his big-ass-dick at Sienna’s full lips. She laid on her side and Erik gathered her braids in his grip tight. She wrapped a hand around his base and it was so heavy in her hand. Sienna fit her hungry lips around Erik’s wide tip and she struggled to lower her mouth over  him because he was so fucking hard.
“Get down on this dick, girl. It’s been in your mouth too much for you to struggle.” Erik barked out.
She relaxed her throat and gently opened her mouth wider, sinking deeper.
“Good girl…good FUCKING girl.”
Right hand on his sack, left hand pumping, and lips sucking. Sienna kept her eyes on him and Erik was biting on his bottom lip with his eyes low and wanton. 
“I ate that puss, huh? Yeah…it’s really mine now. Ain’t no faking that shit, little mama.”
Erik pressed his heels into the mattress and with the strength of his toned and sculpted hips he fed her mouth with more dick. 
guck guck ekkk guck guck pop! guck guck.
Spit bubbles covered his balls. Erik chuckled and then his eyelids fluttered and his lips parted.
“Make daddy cum, nasty girl,” Erik shut his eyes and dragged his teeth over his bottom lip, “You’re my nasty little girl.”
Sienna stroked and sucked and she could feel Erik’s hand shake around her braids. His toes curled under and that moan-grunt combo that made her pussy wet billowed from his plump lips.
“Drink it down…uh–hhhhhhuhhhhhh—“
Sienna sucked on his tip with no hands and another wave of cum hit her tongue. Erik let her hair go and he got out of bed and walked to her hallway. He returned with a fresh rag and went to the bathroom to wet it. When he returned, he cleaned all the spit from her face with his eyes glued to hers. Erik tossed the rag at the end of the bed and positioned Sienna on her back on the edge of the bed. 
Erik stood between her legs and lined his dick up with her waiting hole. With one thrust he was deep and Sienna cried out. Erik hooked his arms beneath her knees and kept Sienna pinned to the bed while he hunched over her. Toes digging into the carpet, calve muscles burning, thigh muscles flexed, abs and hips working in conjunction, Erik drilled Sienna. 
“Got that little pussy weeping all over my dick!”
His thrusts were sharp and precise. Sienna dug her nails into his biceps. 
“Cum for daddy…”
Sienna convulsed against his sweaty chest.
“There you go, good girl.”
Clapping noises from their tacky skin filled the room.
“I love you, Sienna.” Erik declared with a shaky voice.
She was too overstimulated to form coherent words but the way her eyes flooded with tears and the tremble in her bottom lip when she tried to form the words I love you too was enough for him. He wanted to give her the world. He meant every word that uttered from his lips. And she knew it.
They touched foreheads and Erik slowly stroked her pussy, rocking her back and forth. They’re equally full lips molded together in a sensual french kiss. Erik released their kiss with a wet smack and looked down at Sienna with wet eyes. She watched as tear drops landed on her cheek. He gritted his teeth and tightened his sculpted jaw. The tip of his nose turned faintly red and it was the cutest thing Sienna had ever seen.
She wiped away his tears and Erik did the same for her. They stared at each other and then slowly smiles crept up their faces. Erik licked his lips and leaned in to kiss on Sienna’s neck. His lips created a path to her breasts where he showed her nipples some love too. Sienna tightened her walls around his dick like she was doing kegels. Erik popped a nipple out of his mouth and then he sat up to maneuver Sienna’s pliant thighs back as far as she could stand it. 
He continued to dick her down and the way he would look at his dick fucking her and up into her glossy eyes made her squirt. 
“You’re so perfect,” Erik pounded, “Everything about you is so perfect.” 
She was overcome with emotion that all she could do was cry on that dick. He thought she was perfect. That warmed her heart. 
He moaned her name over and over. 
“I’m cumming for you, Sienna…Gahdamn—”
Erik’s dick pulsated inside of her pussy with his release. Sienna tilted her head forward and Erik met her lips. He let her legs go and massaged her inner thighs. 
“I don’t wanna leave…”
She couldn’t believe it, he was fucking her again. The amount of slip from their mixed fluids sent tingles all over her body. 
“I got more for you, baby—”
“Give me that nut—”
“Here it comes—”
“Daddy, cum in your pussy—”
His body spasmed above her and he moaned in her ear. It was divine. 
“Fuck, little mama,” Erik’s sweaty cheek touched against hers, “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
His dick finally slipped out and Sienna sat up to see how it looked. It was semi hard and covered in cum. His sweaty body looked like a masterpiece. Erik smoothed his locs from his face and gave her a lazy smirk. 
“That was probably the best session we’ve had so far.” Sienna said.
“Yeah, ain’t nothing topping that.” Erik replied. 
He leaned over her and gave her a quick peck on the lips. Standing at his full height again, Erik walked with slow strides towards the bathroom and turned on the shower. He returned and helped Sienna to her feet.
“We can take the splint off for the shower.”
They took turns using the bathroom and then Erik sat Sienna on the toilet to take off her splint. He examined her ankle and he could tell that the swelling had gone down. The bruise was much smaller but a deep purple. He kissed her ankle and foot before helping her to her feet.
“Let me see you put weight on it.”
Sienna carefully placed the bottom of her foot flat against the bathroom floor. She hissed when she shifted her weight to stand straighter. Erik had her by the waist. 
“How is it?” 
“I can stand on it but it feels weird and it hurts if I try to walk forward.”
“Okay. But is it better than the day of the injury? Try flexing.”
“It’s better but,” Sienna frowned her face in discomfort, “it’s still sore. It hurts more when I flex down than up.”
“Aight. Splint stays on for two more days and then we move on to physical therapy.”
Erik had to hold her the entire time they were in the shower. She braced herself against the wall and made sure she didn’t make any sudden movements. As much as they would have loved to fool around in the shower, she needed to avoid further injury. 
When they finished, Erik wrapped her towel around her body and helped her out first. He toweled her down and watched her walk into the room to sit on her bed. Erik dried off and joined her so they could rub down with shea butter. Afterwards, bodies glistening and smelling good, Sienna sat in a chair while Erik changed her sheets. They were both exhausted from all the sex so Erik spooned Sienna’s naked body beneath the sheets and they both fell into deep slumber.
Selena had called Sienna the fifth time. She was outside of her apartment now with notes in her hand from today’s review lecture on pharmacology. She knew that Sienna would need detailed notes and she tried calling her to let her know that she would be stopping by to drop them off and check on her, but she hadn’t returned her calls.
Selena started to grow worried about her friend. She was dressed in scrubs because today was lab day. Her peanut butter skin was flushed from the heat and her wavy hair was pulled back into a neat bun. Selena knocked and waited for her friend to come to the door. After ten seconds she knocked again. 
Meanwhile, Sienna opened her eyes and blinked to adjust. She sat up on her elbow and turned over to look at Erik. He was sound asleep on his back with his head twisted to the side. She smiled at his sleeping face before leaning down to kiss his cheek. That’s when she heard the knocks. Sienna pulled the sheets back from her bed with a puzzled look on her face. She climbed out of bed carefully and limped over towards her closet door to retrieve her silk robe. Securing it, Sienna grabbed her crutches and she left the room. 
Out in the living room, the knocks started again and she didn’t want to shout and wake Erik. He deserved the rest after everything he did for his woman. Sienna peered through the peephole and her body froze. She took a minute to collect herself before opening the door. Selena looked at her with relief swimming in her eyes. Sienna gave her friend a smile and offered for her to come in. 
“I made copies of my notes for you,” Selena sat them down on her coffee table, “How are you, girl? I called you five times.” 
“Good. Getting better. Sorry…I was a little tied up,” Sienna looked around the living room, “Thanks for making me copies, Selena. That reminds me, I really gotta get some studying done.”
“You know I got you girl. I’m happy you’re doing better. What did the physical therapy doctor say?”
“So,” Sienna spoke softly, “I have to meet with them when Dr. Stevens gives me the okay to take this splint off. Should be within a couple of days. I’m dreading it.”
“Girl, you better do it. You don’t want problems in the future do you?” Selena said.
“Nah, I can’t afford to have that.” Sienna replied with a dry laugh. 
Selena could tell that Sienna was distracted. She didn’t move further into her apartment like she normally would. Selena’s eyes darted from left to right and she tilted her head at Sienna with furrowed brows.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” Sienna exhaled, “Just, exhausted.”
Selena stood up and walked up to Sienna. She boldly smoothed her braids from her shoulder and smiled at her. Sienna returned the smile but it didn’t reach her eyes. 
“It’s been a while since, you know,” Selena arched a thick brow and chewed on her bottom lip.
“Ha,” Sienna licks her lips, “Yeah, it has been.”
“I was thinking that maybe you could use a release to make you feel better…”
Selena closed the space between them and her lips were centimeters away from Sienna’s. She could smell chocolate on her breath. Selena’s lips pressed into Sienna’s and she broke the kiss quickly. Selena furrowed her brows at Sienna for not reciprocating the way she had expected.
“…did I do something wrong?” She gave Sienna a once-over.
Sienna looked her friend in the eyes.
“What is it?” Selena pushed. 
She folded her arms across her chest.
“I have to tell you something—”
“Baby girl…”
Out into the living room walked a naked Dr. Stevens. He looked like one of those Greek sculptures and his third leg was almost at full attention. Even on soft it looked heavy. Selena’s eyes bulged out and her mouth dropped open. Sienna stood there with shock and when Erik finally noticed them standing there he froze.
He grabbed his jacket to cover his crotch. He looked like a helpless man standing there in his beautiful naked glory. His eyes darted back and forth between Selena and Sienna until finally he opened his mouth to cut the tension.
“Hello, Selena.”
Erik waved at her awkwardly. He bowed his head and rocked back and forth on his heels.
“I can explain—”
“You’ve been fucking him?!!”
“Yes,” Sienna finally admitted, “I have. For a while now.” 
“What’s a while?!”
“Since before me and you first messed around…”
“That was months ago, Sienna—what the hell?! I thought you hated him!”
Erik raised a brow and looked at Sienna. The corner of his mouth ticked up into a faint smirk. She turned her face away from him so he wouldn’t make her smile.
“Well, turns out I didn’t. I was attracted to him.”
Selena couldn’t believe it. She looked hurt by that. Sienna drew in a breath and tried to reason with her friend.
“You can understand why I didn’t say anything, right? I mean…for obvious reasons.” 
Selena chuckled but it wasn’t because she thought the situation was funny. She was angry. Jealous even.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” She looked at Sienna with hurt eyes, “And we had sex.”
Selena closed her mouth and shut her eyes. She looked like she had more to say but instead she turned and walked towards the door. Sienna tried to keep up with her and Erik stayed rooted to the spot because of his nudity.
“Selena, wait—”
“Have fun fucking him! I’m sure it was worth it!”
It was.
She marched out of the door and down the hall. Sienna huffed and turned her eyes on Erik.
“Let her go, Sienna.” He said. 
Sienna made her way back into the apartment and shut the door. Erik sat his jacket down and walked over to her. He rubbed her arms affectionately. Sienna gave a bitter laugh.
“Sienna,” Erik held her gaze, “Selena likes you more than friends.” 
Sienna knew this deep down. 
“I have to talk to her. I feel horrible.”
“Well,” Erik cocked his head to the side, “You had every right to keep this between us. And we still should for the time being until you graduate. Do you trust that she’ll keep her mouth shut?”
Selena shrugged, “I—I hope so. She wouldn’t do that…”
“A real friend wouldn’t sabotage their friendship by doing something like that. I agree, you should talk to her. If you want, share it with her. Be honest. But don’t feel bad for doing what’s right for you. No disrespect, but you didn’t owe her that.” 
“I know, I just…she looked hurt.”
Erik rubbed Sienna’s shoulders. She bowed her head and Erik tilted her chin up at him.
“It’s gonna be alright, baby. You ladies will work it all out.” 
A week had gone by and Sienna’s physical therapy sessions were going pretty well. She returned to school and was able to get around fine on her ankle. Erik had a lot going on at work so their time together was short whenever they could schedule it. 
Sienna walked into her nursing class wearing navy blue scrubs and her all white HOKA shoes. Her left ankle is in an air brace with an ace bandage. It was the last day to review for women and infant health. She sat towards the back of the classroom and Selena looked up from her open notebook to stare at Sienna. 
They hadn’t spoken since Selena discovered that Sienna had been messing around with Dr. Stevens. Sienna waved to Selena and she returned the wave with a small smile. As she took her seat, she thought about how Selena must have felt when she saw Erik. Jealous? Angry? Sad? Betrayed? It wasn’t like they were in a relationship. Just two friends messing around. 
The lecture began and Sienna zoned out after thirty minutes. All she could think about was Erik declaring his love for her. She caught herself daydreaming about the blissful weekend they had at her apartment. She threw those Polaroids away and loved on her new man. There was a slight difference in their sex now. It was more passionate. Erik couldn’t go without telling Sienna that he loved her while he was balls deep.
“Miss. Thomas…”
Sienna blinked and focused her attention on her professor. They were passing around activity sheets for them to practice possible exam questions. She accepted the pile of papers, placed one in front of her, and passed it on to the student sitting beside her. Sienna glanced back over her shoulder at Selena and she caught Sienna’s eye. 
“Meet after class?” Sienna mouthed.
Selena nodded her head in agreement. 
After two hours of lecture, they took a break and Sienna waited for Selena outside of the classroom. She checked the time on her I watch to make sure they had enough time to grab something quick to eat at the cafeteria before they had to start the lab. Selena exited the classroom and walked up to Sienna. She smirked at her before opening her arms to pull Sienna in for a hug. They embraced each other and turned to walk in the opposite direction.
“You’re not still mad at me, are you?” Sienna asked.
Selena shoved her hair away from her face when they walked outside towards the cafeteria. 
“I was. Let’s forget about it.” Selena replied.
“No, we should talk about it.” Sienna urged.
“I have questions that you probably don’t want to answer because…you know…”
Sienna chewed on her bottom lip.
They walked into the cafeteria and settled on some pizza. Sienna found a table near a window for them to sit and eat. Selena took a bite of her supreme pizza and Sienna plucked the olives off of hers. 
“So, I want to tell you about Erik and I.” Sienna finally spoke.
Selena nodded her head slowly, “Okay…”
“I mean, if you don’t want to know—”
“I do.” Selena replied, cutting Sienna off.
“Alright,” Sienna sat up straighter and leaned in, “So…he actually came onto me first. He found my Sugar Daddies Meet profile and we pretty much matched. It was the day that he called me into his office. Remember that? Anyway, the next day he took me to school, then he took me to lunch and after lunch we went back to his place…”
“…We pretty much talked about me becoming his sugar baby and what my allowance would be. After that, We went to his room and…”
Sienna shivered. Reminiscing on what it was like to have that dick for the first time made her shudder. 
“Focus.” Selena jokes.
“Yeah, so we had sex—I forgot to mention he gifted me this,” Sienna lifted her shirt a little to show Selena the belly ring, “And pretty much he’s been spoiling me and being such a gentleman. We’re actually in a relationship now so…”
Sienna was giddy. She smiled with all her teeth and her shoulders went up. She acted like a teenager with a crush. 
“You’re serious?” Selena asked with shock in her voice.
“He asked me to be his woman and I said yes. It was beautiful, Selena. I’m actually in love with him and I did not expect that but here I am.” 
“Wow,” Selena wilted, “That’s…that’s great, girl.” 
Sienna tilted her head at Selena, “What do you think?”
“…I think it’s risky. I think you should be more careful. Especially since Lori already suspects that Dr. Stevens has a crush on you.”
“Really?!” Sienna lowered her voice, “What?”
“After you left, around dinner time me and Lori went on break together. We were talking about you and what happened, and then she mentioned that she’d noticed Dr. Stevens taking an interest in you.”
Sienna didn’t feel like they were obvious in front of everyone, but if Lori felt as if something were going on, then maybe they weren’t being careful.
“Did you suspect anything?” Sienna questioned.
“I did, believe it or not. The day you hurt your ankle, I could just sense it. And he had touched your knee all soft and gentle. And then there’s the constant requests for you to assist in his surgeries. Girl, you had Taylor pissed for a while because certain surgeries that he did she wanted to see for experience.”
Sienna chuckled and Selena laughed with a shake of her head.
“So, he wasn’t feeling a type of way about us?” 
“No,” Sienna bites her bottom lip, “it actually turned him on. He’s such a freaky man.” 
“Uhhhh TMI?!!!” 
They laughed.
“Sienna looked over at her friend with kind eyes, “Selena…I’m sorry if I ever led you on. I didn’t know how you truly felt about us…”
A flush crept up Selena’s face and she turned her gaze towards the window. 
“You didn’t lead me on…I’ll admit I was crushing hard on you…but I understand that your feelings are elsewhere…it’s not fair for me to be angry with you when it was clear that we weren’t—”
Selena stopped herself. Her expression closed up and Sienna waited for her to finish.
“I’m happy for you, girl,” Selena plastered a smile on her face, “I am, really. Just…be careful, okay? I don’t want word to get back to the program and you mess up your chance of graduating.”
It was refreshing to know that Selena wouldn’t snitch out of spite. It was also a relief that they were able to talk about it. 
“Thanks, Selena. I really really like him. I know you might think he’s too old for me—”
“Girl, do you! I didn’t even think about the age difference. How old is he?”
“He’s fourty-six.” Sienna said.
“So that’s…nineteen or twenty years older?”
“Live your life, Sienna. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. As long as he respects you, that’s all that matters. A lot of older men love to manipulate women younger than them.”
“He’s definitely not like that. He’s dominant but not in a way where he’s dictating my life, you know? He knows and understands that I’m a woman and he lets me flourish in my independence. He spoils me because he wants to. He’s a gentleman and an overall nice guy because he respects me as a woman. I feel safe with him. I can be myself around him…”
Sienna’s heart nearly skipped a beat. 
“Sounds like you’ve met your soulmate.” Selena said.
“It does, doesn’t it?” Sienna grinned.
“I feel like the next time I see him it's gonna be so awkward,” Selena palmed her forehead, “I saw this man’s junk!”
Sienna giggled, “That was A LOT.”
Selena doubled over with laughter, “I see why you’re hooked!”
“Shut up!” Sienna rolled her eyes with laughter.
“Seriously, the man is BLESSED—my bad! Let me stop this is too much—”
“Not what you expect to see outside of his scrubs, huh?!” Sienna jokes.
“Actually, the body does match the face! It’s the whole situation that’s got me shocked like…this man walks out full blown naked—”
“Stop!” Sienna shouted between laughter.
“So, he’s your version of McDreamy from Grey’s Anatomy?”
“Derek ain’t got shit on Erik, okay?!” Sienna sassed.
After they finished laughing and wiping away tears, they finished their pizza and headed back to the classroom. On their walk back, Erik texted Sienna about their weekend plans. It was Friday so he wanted to know when she’d be home so he could pick her up. 
Dr.Daddy 💦🍆💞: Hey, baby. Let me know when you get home so I can be on my way to you. I had a short day today. 
Sienna typed away on her phone and Selena had to grab her by the arm so she wouldn’t walk into another student on campus. 
“Is that Erik?” Selena asked
“Yeah, he’s taking me out this weekend. He wants to spoil me since I’ve been cooped up in my apartment with this fucked up ankle.” 
“Let me know how that goes.” Selena responded with a knowing smile.
Erik had a special weekend planned for Sienna. Although they made things official, he wanted to do it right the second time around and relive the moment. On his way to pick up Sienna, Erik stopped by a florist shop he liked and picked up a strikingly beautiful bouquet. It’s a vivid bouquet full of red roses and stargazer lilies surrounded by pink waxflower and seasonal greens. 
Tonight, he reserved a table at STK San Francisco. He’d been once before two years ago with his ex wife and he remembered that Sienna had wanted to go. He reserved a table and after dinner he arranged for a romantic set up back at his penthouse with a trail of rose pedals leading up towards the master bedroom with champagne on ice, candlelight, and a special gift for her. 
Erik dressed himself in a black button-down dress shirt with slim fit black slacks and black leather lace-up Oxford shoes. He accessorized with a diamond Cuban link chain and matching bracelet with various diamond finger rings. He drove his all black Rolls-Royce Wraith for the date night. 
He was at Sienna’s door and he opened it with his key. Stepping inside, He spotted Sienna applying Mac Ruby-Woo lipstick to her lips in a compact mirror from her black YSL clutch. Erik’s eyes drank her in. She wore this black dress that dropped at her ankles and hugged her body like it was painted on. On her feet were black stilettos with her toes out and simple gold jewelry was her choice of accessory. Gold rings on her fingers, a thin gold necklace with a letter E Erik had gotten for her as a random gift last week. Her ears were decorated with gold chandelier earrings. The makeup she wore made her look like a vixen. A smokey eye and a bold red lip. Her braids were styled in a bun at the nape of her neck. 
“You look amazing,” Erik held out her flowers, “This is for you…”
“So do you. Thank you, baby,” Sienna pecked Erik’s lips so that she wouldn’t stain them with her lipstick, “Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise. I’ll grab your overnight bag…”
Sienna sniffed the flowers with her eyes shut while walking past Erik. Erik picked up her bag from the couch and opened the door for her. 
“I can’t stop looking at you. And that perfume you’re wearing…baby, that’s your scent.” 
“Jimmy Choo I Want Choo Forever. You gifted me that, remember?”
“I bought you so many gifts I can’t keep up,” Erik chuckled, “How was school?”
“Intense. But it was a good day. I talked to Selena.”
They were outside and Erik opened the door for Sienna. He shut her door and went around to the other side. 
“How did that go?” 
Erik started the car and they drove off.
“It went well. I’m happy we got to talk. How was work?”
Erik drives one-handed. Sienna stroked his thigh with her left hand and Erik caressed her knee with his thumb.
“Man,” Erik shook his head, “Had two cases. A Diskectomy in the morning and that was hell. You know how I do, I get shit done. But if my staff isn’t aligned with the way I work, the flow is fucked. So, I had to chew some heads off,” Erik laughed with Sienna, “You know, baby girl. I needed order. Anyway, got that knocked out. Boom, so we have an ACL Reconstruction in the afternoon and nobody wanted to get on my bad side. We breezed through that and I was satisfied.” 
“I loved watching you work,” Sienna said, “You’re always so precise and you’re just great at what you do. Working the floor during clinical, I’ve had so many patients leave good reviews about you.”
“I’m touched, truly,” Erik smiled, “At the end of the day, I do what I do to make people’s lives easier. No one wants to be under anesthesia and poorly operated on. It leaves a bad impression…and a liability.” 
Erik and Sienna laughed. 
“You’re gonna do great things, Sienna. You’re such a good student.” Erik said.
“Thank you. I needed to hear that. I haven’t been feeling like it lately.” 
Erik made a turn after the light turned green. 
“Why? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“The pressure. Nursing is so hard. I have this picture perfect image of myself in my mind and I don’t want to fuck up.”
Erik hummed, “I get that. But listen to me, mistakes will be made, baby. You learn from them. It took me years. I didn’t feel confident in myself until I was almost forty years old. It comes with time. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
“You have awards for your success.” Sienna teased.
“And I accept it. I’ve worked hard.” Erik cocked his head and smiled.
Sienna linked her hand with Erik’s and rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb. 
“I love you,” Sienna said.
“I love you too, baby.” Erik replied.
He brought her hands to his lips and kissed the back of it. They finally arrived and Erik opened Sienna’s door. She stepped out and gasped, turning towards Erik and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He lifted her off of the ground and kissed her cheek.
“I remember you wanted to try it. Come on,” Erik held out his hand for her to take.
STK Steakhouse blends the modern steakhouse and a chic lounge into one, offering a dynamic, fine dining experience with the superior quality of a traditional steakhouse.  
STK distinguishes itself by emphasizing the social experience and taking a vibe-driven approach to fine dining. Every venue has a DJ to create an infectious, high-energy atmosphere and the sleek environment is designed to encourage guests to interact and mingle. Ultimate, STK aims to define the modern dining experience complete with incredible food, world-class service and the perfect ambiance.
“Hello! Name?”
“Right this way!”
The hostess led Sienna and Erik to a window seat with a beautiful view of the nocturnal city. The roads were slick and wet from a previous rainfall and it acted as a reflection for the architecture that was San Francisco. Their waiter, Sophia, pranced over excitedly and greeted them with a gleaming white smile. Her arctic blue eyes were striking and friendly. 
“I’m Sophia! I’ll be your waiter for the evening. Unfortunately, happy hour is over, but I would be happy to give you guys our regular drink menu.”
“Hello, Sophia. We’ll have a bottle of your Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label and two waters with lemon.” Erik ordered. 
“Perfect,” Sophia types that into her tablet, “Any starters for you tonight?”
“Your tuna tartare and…the fried calamari.” 
“Alright. I will be back with your water and champagne.” 
“Thank you,” Erik focused his attention back to Sienna, “The music here is great, isn’t it?”
Sienna listened and started bouncing her head to the AfroBeats song, “I love this song.”
“I think I have this on my playlist. I’ve been meaning to ask you, is your family coming up to see you graduate?”
Sienna shook her head, “No. I do have plans to spend a weekend with them to celebrate though.”
“That would be nice.” Erik said.
“I would like for you to come…if you can.”
Erik smiled at Sienna and reached across the table to grab her hand, “I’d love to, baby. I have to see what my schedule is looking like. I may be able to sneak away.”
“I hope so. I want to introduce you to my auntie and some of my cousins.” Sienna said.
“I want to introduce you to my family as well.”
Sophia returned with their chilled champagne and water. Erik ordered their entrees. He poured them glasses and they sipped and talked about anything to pass the time. Being with Sienna felt so relaxing. 
“…I’ve been meaning to ask you. I have sort of a work trip soon in Hawaii. There’s this event for prestigious doctors that I have to attend, mingle, and play nice with people I don’t like. Leo is going to be there and he’s bringing Treasure. I was wondering if you wanted to go? I can understand if you’re busy—”
“I’d love to go, Erik. It sounds like it’s going to be a good time. I’m down.” 
Erik laughs, “Aight, I have a vacation home there so we’ll stay at my place.” 
“Oooooo, you just never seize to amaze me, Dr. Stevens,” Sienna said with a playful wink of her eye.
“Being with me, I’ll take you wherever you want to go, baby.”
Sienna blushes. Erik made it his mission to see that look on her face always. 
They’re food arrived and they both started eating, sampling food from each other’s plates. A woman with a slicked back ponytail, and a curvy frame dressed in a red dress and black stilettos cautiously walked over towards them. Sienna was the first to notice. She eyed the woman with a furrow in her brow. Erik followed Sienna’s gaze and when his eyes fell on the woman, he sat up straighter, placed his napkin on the table and turned slightly in his seat.
“Carrie, hello,” Erik stood up and hugged the woman.
“How are you, Erik! It’s so good to see you, it’s been a while. Who’s this?”
Erik cleared his throat, “Carrie, this is Sienna. Sienna, this is Carrie. She’s a friend of Faith’s.” 
It took Sienna a few seconds to remember who Faith was, “Oh! Hi!” She shook Carrie’s hand, “Nice to meet you.” 
“You as well,” Carrie let go of Sienna’s hand and focused her eyes on Erik, “I figured I’d come over and say hello. I’m here with Kevin. You look great, how’s work?”
“Uh, good. Everything’s good. Everything good with you?” 
“You know the life of an attorney never settles. But otherwise, things are great. Kevin is great, he’s just as busy as I am. He was just in New York to finalize this architectural contract.” Carrie said. 
“Tell Kevin I said hello. I’m happy both of y’all are great.” Erik replied. 
“I will. Hey, you think you would come to our yearly ski trip this year? I know with everything—would you still go? You’re the life of the party!”
Erik laughs, “I don’t know, Carrie. Why don’t I get back to you.”
“Don’t leave us hanging, Stevens,” she looked at Sienna briefly with curiosity, “I’ll let you enjoy your dinner. Good to see you, Erik. Sienna.”
“You too, Carrie.”
With a final wave, Carrie walked away and Erik exhaled. Sienna noticed that he visibly relaxed. 
“Sorry about that. I wasn’t expecting to run into Carrie,” Erik chuckles.
“It’s okay. Ski trip?” 
“Yeah. That was like…our thing every fall. We’d all go to Aspen for a week.”
“Sounds fun,” Sienna looked down at her food.
“It is if you like the cold,” Erik jokes.
They finished their food and Sienna excused herself to the restroom. On her way, she ran into Carrie leaving the restroom. Carrie almost collided with her because she was too busy staring at her phone. They both looked up at the same time
“Oh! I’m sorry,” Carrie stepped to her right.
“No problem,” Sienna pushed open the bathroom door.
“Are you Erik’s girlfriend?”
Sienna paused. 
“I am actually.” Sienna replied.
“Oh,” Carrie looked her up and down, “Run for the hills, sweetie. You look like you’re young. You seem like you have a lot going for yourself. Erik is not someone to get tangled with. Believe me.” 
Carrie gave Sienna one final look over before placing a firm grip on her black Birkin and walking away with a purposeful strut. Sienna was baffled. She didn’t know what Carrie had meant by that, but now she wanted to know. If she had to venture a guess, it had something to do with Faith. 
Erik placed a hand on the small of her back and they slowly danced to Usher ft. Beyoncé-Love In This Club Remix. 
Now, baby girl, there ain't nothing more that I can say
You know by now, I want it more than anything
If I walk away and just let you leave
You'll be stuck in my head like a melody…
They did a slow two-step and Sienna’s hand in Erik’s grasp felt warm and welcoming. He pressed his nose into her hair and closed his eyes. 
But you decided to be here with me
No coincidence, it was meant to be
Don't be shy, come let your boy get in
So you can tell all of your friends
You was on the remix, like…
Erik twirled Sienna around so that her back was flesh against his front. With one hand resting against her stomach and the other on her hip, they swayed back and forth with a sensual dance. The strobe lights above them painted their skin various shades of purple, green, and red. No one else mattered. Time stood still. The smell of Erik’s Jean Paul Gaultier cologne filled her nose. His face with his groomed facial hair tickled her neck. It felt like they were in a 90s romance. 
Baby, you know I'd be down
But we can't have all these people staring standing around
This right here is only for your eyes to see
But you getting carried away
Saying we can (do it where ever)
The way you touching me
Like no other (I'ma make you feel insane)
You trying your hardest to make me give in
But I'ma be down to give you what you wanting if you keep it up
“I want you so bad right now,” Erik spoke in her ear as if passing on a secret message like they do in those 007 movies. 
“I think you can wait until we get back to your place.” Sienna replied with a low, wanton voice. 
“You make me lose all self control.” 
“Lose it inside of me…”
Doja Cat-Streets started playing and this was Sienna’s song. Erik turned Sienna around to face him again and he dipped her like they were replaying a scene from Dirty Dancing. His hand smoothed up her stomach, between her breasts, over the side of her neck, and then to the back of her head. He lifted her and she dropped her arms over his shoulders. Erik couldn’t keep his hands off of her ass. With the type of pants he wore, Sienna could feel his stiffness against her thigh. 
His lips kiss along her neck. Sienna gasped. She was so wet. She couldn’t wait to feel him inside of her. Kiss all over his tattoos. Sit on his face. This was beginning to be too much for her. He was going to lose his self control? No, Sienna was going to lose her sanity. She leaned back to stare into his eyes and he looked at her with unbridled desire. The palpable lust in his eyes made her stomach do somersaults. 
“Can we go?” Sienna begged with a breathy sigh.
“Alright, princess.” 
Erik clasped her hand and they exited the dance floor. They’d slipped past Carrie and Kevin, a burly man with a shiny bald head. Erik dabbed him up and Sienna greeted him with a shy wave. Kevin’s eyes lingered on Sienna longer than they should have. They managed to slip away and Erik motioned for the waiter to come over so he could pay the tab. He tipped the waiter generously, grabbed Sienna’s hand, and they left STK Steakhouse in a frenzy. 
They staggered inside of Erik’s beautiful condo. He brought the champagne bottle to his thick lips and took a long swig. Sienna snatched the bottle from him and did the same. They stumbled over to one of Erik’s expensive sectionals. Sienna carefully placed the champagne bottle on the table so she wouldn’t spill it all over his good furniture. Erik got down on his knees and squinted his eyes to unclamp her stilettos. She sat back against the couch and watched him with a tipsy smirk. 
“There,” Erik picked himself up, “I have a special surprise for you.”
He held out his hand and Sienna took it. They walked towards the stairs and Sienna noticed red rose petals. Her mouth dropped open and one of her hands came up to cover it. Erik smiled handsomely at her and guided her up the steps. His bedroom doors are cracked. He slipped behind Sienna and covered her eyes with his hands. She pushed the doors open and was hit in the face with a wonderful smell. She could smell so many different notes—Sandalwood, Tonka Bean, Amber, Vanilla Jasmine, Rose—Erik removed his hands and Sienna’s eyelids slowly opened. 
The room was filled with a romantic ambiance from candlelight and the ceiling to floor windows revealed a beautiful view of the city. The floor was covered in rose petals that led to the bed. The words, ‘Will You Be My Girlfriend’ created a banner on the wall above Erik’s California King. More Champagne sat on ice and Sienna noticed black fur cuffs. Erik circled his arms around her hourglass waist and Sienna instantly felt her eyes well up. 
“I wanted to make the moment more special for us this time. I meant what I said, Sienna. I want you to be my woman…”
Erik walked away leaving Sienna standing there with tears streaming down her cheeks. He retrieved a black velvet box from an end table and made his way back over toward her. 
“Open this.”
Sienna accepted the box and slowly peeled back the top layer. Her mouth dropped open and she came face to face with a set of keys. She looked up at him and he looked at her.
“I know it’s asking a lot. But..I want you to have these. This place is your place and soon I’d love it if you moved in with me. I hope I’m not moving too fast—”
“Erik, this is a lot,” Sienna hiccups, “You have done so much for me.”
“I love you. I’m not afraid to say it,” Erik cupped her face, “I want to build this relationship with you. I want to meet your family. I want to be there for you always. I know it’s only been months but…this feels so right. I’ve never been so sure about love before. NEVER.”
His eyes brimmed with tears and Sienna was overwhelmed with the intensity in his eyes. This man said he’d never been so sure. His past two marriages were a waste of his time. He finally found his one and he wanted to grow with her and he didn’t give a fuck about anyone’s opinion. Sienna fucking loved that. 
“I’m not letting you go, Sienna.” 
“I want you too. I want this. Erik…I love you too. This means so much to me,” Sienna shut her eyes to fight more tears, “You’re my soulmate. I don’t want to lose you.”
Their lips crashed into each other’s. Sienna had a firm grip on the box in her hand. Erik smoothed his hands down her body until they were on the back of her thighs and he hoisted her up so she could straddle him. On their way to the bed, Sienna dropped the box down on the table next to the champagne. Erik fell against the bed with Sienna and rolled over so she was on her back. 
They kissed. And kissed. And kissed. Red lips staining his. Breathy moans. Hands desperately caressing. Hearts racing. After five minutes of tongue kissing, Erik broke the kiss and pushed off of the bed. Rose petals clung to his shirt as he unbuttoned it with his eyes glued to Sienna unblinking. Shirtless, Sienna sat up to rub all over his sculpted frame and she painted his chest and abs with her red lips. The tribal tattoo on his arm was littered with soft kisses. 
She reluctantly removed her pretty lips from his frame and allowed Erik to undress her. She had on a sexy black lace push up bra and a matching thong. Erik let her take off his slacks and he reached around to unclasp her bra. Her breasts bounced free and her chocolate-chip nipples were pointed out and waiting to be sucked. Erik got down on his knees and Sienna widened her legs. Erik had his hands on her waist delicately while he sucked and flicked her nipples with his tongue. 
Sienna’s braids had fallen out of her bun. Rose petals cling to her soft skin covered in body glitter oil. She looked ethereal. Sienna moaned like an Angel and kept her eyes on Erik. Those siren eyes. Her pussy was leaking into the lace crotch. Erik caught a whiff of that beautiful musk and with one large hand he slipped her panties to the side with a nipple between his lips. He looked down and spread Sienna’s sticky, outer lips. Her inner lips and that clit was covered in viscous, slippery arousal. Erik’s middle finger and ring finger slithered between her folds.
He moved from one breast to the other, sucking to his heart's desire. His tongue dripping spit, Sienna could feel it run down her stomach. She placed one hand on the back of his head and squealed when Erik slipped two fingers inside of her. He curled those thick fingers and finger-fucked that pussy at a moderate pace. Her pussy made a creamy noise similar to stirring mac and cheese. Erik’s fingers were glossy with her juices. 
“Daddy…yes, daddy…mmm,” Sienna murmured with a whimper in her voice. 
He popped his lips off her stiff nipples back and forth and Sienna felt her stomach flutter. It felt so good. Like a tickle she couldn’t escape. He finally brought his lips down to her pussy but first, he stuck his messy fingers in her mouth. Sienna sucked them clean and then he pushed her down onto the bed. Erik ripped her lace panties and went in to slurp her pussy. His fingers twirled her nipples at the same time. 
“Right there…Unh…Erik…”
He gave her slow head. He would alternate between kissing her clit, sucking softly on her clit and flicking his tongue over that clit. His thick tongue would tickle her hole and then he slowly and torturously dragged the flatness of his tongue between her labia and over her clit in a continuous motion. Wet smacking noises came from between her legs. He encased her clit again and slowly sucked. Sienna was seeing stars. Her legs shook. That creamy wetness leaked down the side of his chin.
Sienna climaxed. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t even mutter a sound. Erik took it up a notch and flicked that tongue on her clit and then he looked her in the eyes while doing it. Sienna fed her pussy in his mouth. She pushed his head away and turned around so that he could eat it from the back. Erik didn’t say a word he got down on his knees behind that wet pussy and ate it from a different angle. He showed her again what that mouth do. He was feasting on that pussy. Erik loved an aggressive little bitch. She shoved that pussy in his face.
“Eat that pussy…eat that pussy…don’t talk just eat that pussy…slurp this young pussy up like that, daddy…yeah…”
Her sweet voice mixed with her aggressive words made Erik’s dick bounce. He allowed her to have her fun.
“Am I your baby? Am I your baby, daddy? Can baby girl cum in daddy’s mouth?”
Sienna convulsed and Erik stayed on that clit. He finally stood up and when he did that dick was so stiff he couldn’t put it down if he tried. Sienna turned and noticed. 
“Eating that pussy did this to me.” Erik said.
Sienna stared at that big, juicy dick with hunger.
“Get down here and handle it.” Erik commanded.
She was on her knees and with one hand she gripped him at the base and slapped the weight of him in her hand. This was all hers. She couldn’t believe it. Big balls and all.
“This my big dick?” Sienna stared Erik in the eyes while her tongue painted a wet trail along the vein on the underside of his shaft. 
“Mhm. All for you to play wit’.”
“I like big dicks to play with…”
She dropped both hands and sat that dick between her jaws. Sienna rolled her neck and sucked Erik up. She made sure to keep it sloppy. Her red lips stained the wide tip of his stick. She tugged gently on his sack and then she put him in the back of her throat and made gagging noises while sucking. Her body would jerk from the feeling and she would pull back with a sharp intake of her breath and a trail of spit. Her hands glided over his girth and she painted his prominent veins with spit. She did a two-handed job and sucked the tip.
“Sienna…gahdamn, little mama,” Erik frowned his face and bites down on his lip hard, “You tryna make daddy cum quick?”
“I want that nut,” Sienna sucked him down and all the way to the tip, “please?”
Erik’s hands went into fists.
“Here,” Erik had a handful of braids, and he fucked her mouth, “Fuuuuuck.”
Her makeup was ruined. Her red lipstick was smeared. She didn’t care. 
“You are so beautiful…you’re so beautiful…keep sucking that dick…”
The moan he released made Sienna swallow him whole. Erik hunched over her and rewarded her with a big nut that splashed all over her tongue. He grabbed his dick and slapped it against her tongue. She sucked on that tip tight and then her lips popped off. She was rewarded with more cum.
“Lick it up…you know what it is…this dick is straight up…I ain’t finished with you.” 
“How do you want me daddy? I think you should fuck it like this…”
Sienna turned onto her hands and knees and arched her back DEEP. That back looked steeper than Bradford Street. Her cheeks spread and both of her holes greeted his eyes, welcoming him. Her pink glistened and her hole winked at him. That tight asshole was stained with her cum. Sienna made her cheeks bounce for him. Left cheek, right cheek, that ass danced like it had a mind of its own. 
“Can you do that on this dick, girl?”
Erik was behind her quickly. The candle lights created sensual patterns along the walls. Erik lined his dick up with her creamy hole and then he pushed in with a wet plop. His hands remained at his sides and he used the strength of his hips to deliver backshots. 
“Oh!” Sienna stretched her arms out above her head and grabbed a first full of the sheets.
Her ass clapped and jiggled with each connection of their hips. It was a beautiful sight. 
“Don’t run.” Erik commanded.
“You’re on my spot!” Sienna cried out.
Erik popped Sienna on the ass, “Open that ass…mhm…hold it like that…”
Sienna held her cheeks open and Erik watched his big, thick dick go in and out. Her creamy goodness was frothy and it gave him more lubricant. 
“Keep that arch, Sienna. I thought you were my big girl?”
Sienna bites the sheets and tears streamed from her eyes. Erik had to fix her arch after his dick hit the bottom of her pussy at a different angle like that dick had a hook in it. 
“It ain’t over, girl. Daddy got more dick for you…”
Erik stood up on the bed and got into a frog stance. He sank his dick back in that pussy and strong-armed her hips while pounding her shit in from behind. 
“Move again, Sienna,” Erik spoke harshly.
“You’re gonna make me cum…”
She did. Erik had that pussy leaking. He pulled out and got down from the bed to kiss and suck on her pussy from behind. He loved the smell and taste of her tender pussy after a fresh fuck. Sienna was too weak to move. She collapsed onto her side and Erik went to lay on his back. 
“Up on this dick, little mama.” He spoke with urgency.
Erik had his dick in his fist and he pumped it. The sound was similar to the sound of Sienna’s pussy getting fucked. She carefully swung a leg over him and Erik helped her get into position. Sienna reached behind him to grab his dick to put in but Erik slapped her hand away and instructed her to lean forwards and plant her hands onto the bed. The red balloon banner with those words was the only thing Sienna could see straight ahead. Erik found her entrance and thrust up to the hilt. 
“Fuck me back,” Erik said with an abrasive tone while thrusting up, “I want that big ass on my nuts…”
She threw it down on him and Erik met her halfway. She looked back at it and all she could see was her ass bouncing out of control. She couldn’t form words. That mouth dropped open and Erik smoothed her braids from her face before his fingers closed around the back of her neck. He forced her to look down at him.
“Uhuh, that’s it, good girl, your pussy feels so good, baby, you make me want to fuck you all night, I love you—”
Sienna beat a fist down into the mattress and squeezed her eyes shut. Erik gripped her waist to still her movements and he continued fucking her from underneath. Sienna’s head slowly went back and her eyelids fluttered. She was in another dimension. A ‘I Can’t Believe I’m Getting Fucked Like This’ dimension. 
“Daddy’s gonna cum in that pretty pussy!!”
Erik pinned her above him with his dick deep inside of her, and his lips on her nipples. He held that dick in her pussy and Sienna could feel him pulsating with his release inside of her. He cream pied her and made sure that dick didn’t leave.
“Don’t you move until I say so,” Erik commanded.
“Y–yes, Daddy,” Sienna stuttered.
“Who’s pussy is this?” 
“Yours Daddy…”
Erik sat up with Sienna in his lap. They were still connected and Erik kissed her face, lips, shoulders, neck, and breasts. He remained inside of her until his dick went flaccid. Erik absentmindedly peeled rose petals from Sienna’s sweaty skin. Sienna combed her fingers through his locs. Erik shut his eyes and rested his face against her. Sienna continued to massage his scalp and her eyes stared out towards Golden Gate Bridge.
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viennakarma · 10 months
After you
Fernando Alonso x reader
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Summary: There's a life before becoming Fernando's sugar baby and there's a life after becoming his sugar baby.
Word count: 2.7k
Tags: Smut, female reader, +18, sex (p in v), unprotected sex, established relationship, sugar baby x sugar daddy, Dom!Nando, little breath play (choking), spanking, face slap, a bit of dirty talking, degradation, overuse of pet names (bc it's spanish duh!), big age gap (reader is early 20s, in college), everything implicitly consensual, not beta read
Note: i'd like to start by saying you nando fuckers were right and these 3 fernando media (see above) changed my life forever, thank you. gentle reminder that english is not my first language (so please bear any mistake), I'm also considering taking requests for F1 drabbles and oneshots, would anyone be interested?
Find me on Twitter!
As soon as you enter the flat, you take off your overcoat and leave it behind the door. You go to your room, but you stop when you see several gift boxes laying on the floor beside the bed, which you recognize the brands, Tiffany, La Perla, Chanel, among others. But you feel exhausted from college finals and you leave the boxes behind and head straight for the bathroom.
Eight months ago, when you lived in a tiny dorm on campus, working two shifts beyond university to pay for your studies, all these brands used to be a distant luxury you would never afford on your own.
But there was a life before becoming Fernando Alonso's sugar baby; and another one after all that.
Now you have a nice, comfortable, luxurious apartment close to campus, your university is fully paid for months in advance, and you don't have to use the dorm's communal bathroom. It sometimes feels like a dream and you think you're going to wake up back in that moment much earlier.
You fill the bathtub and take off your clothes, looking in the mirror, you see two hickey marks near your breasts. Fernando was mindful not to leave marks in visible places. You step into the tub and allow yourself to be enveloped by the scented salts and bubble soap. You rub yourself slowly, pushing away all the tiredness and stress of the entire day, using the shower gel that Fernando liked on you.
After scrubbing yourself down, you step out of the shower wrapped in a fluffy robe. You dry your hair with the dryer, and head back to the bedroom.
On top of the gifts there is a note that you missed before.
“To my girl, I know you worked really hard to do well on your finals. Enjoy your gifts. See you tonight, cariño. - Fernando"
You open Tiffany’s blue box first, it's the smallest one. Contains a pair of star-shaped diamond earrings, and a silver necklace with a matching pendant. You smile when you realize that it's been eight months and he already knows your taste for clothes and accessories. The second box you open is a Coco de Mer, a lingerie brand. With two pairs of lingerie inside, both in lace, one black, with stockings and garter belt and the other red, transparent with ribbons that cross the abdomen.
Getting out of bed, you pull on the black one, adjust the stocking on the garter belt and hang the robe in the bathroom again, staring at your reflection in the mirror, barely registering the messy young misfit you were just months ago.
The other boxes mostly contain clothes and accessories. Pants, skirts, dresses, handbags, wallets and backpacks. After taking a look at everything, you take the pieces to the closet and leave them on the chair to arrange later.
Then you hear the sound of the front door opening and you know it's Fernando. You lay down on the bed and wait for him. Lying on your stomach with your butt in the air, you look at Fernando when he enters. He's not wearing his team shirt, he's just wearing a white shirt and denim pants. He stares at your body, but your eyes settle on a box in his hand, he puts the box, his phone and wallet on the bedside table. He smiles, moving closer and bending over to leave a gentle bite on your ass. His masculine scent envelops you and you feel the urge to rip his clothes off and push him on the bed, and ride his cock until the sun comes up tomorrow.
“Hi, bebé,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss your temple, “How were the exams?” he asks as he sits on the king size bed, his back against the headboard. He pats his own thigh, and you quickly crawl up, onto his lap sitting facing him. You hope he feels your underwear wet with anticipation.
“Thermodynamics was easy, but Quantum Physics, not so much,” you say, as he opens the box that you know as one of Belgian chocolates, your favorite.
“You’ve studied so hard for both, so I think you'll do well,” he says, pulling out a chocolate with almonds from the box. With his other hand, he grips your hip.
He brings the chocolate up to your mouth and you take a bite, wiggling in his lap as the chocolate melts in your mouth.
“You did so well on your test last week,” he compliments, and his gentle tone turns you on even more. You feel his fingers making way inside the lace of your panties and you hold on to his shoulders, keeping your balance and granting more access to you.
He takes another chocolate from the box and takes a bite of it as his fingers find your pussy. Fernando rubs his index and middle fingers, spreading your wetness. You melt into his arms and place your hand on the back of his neck. He gives you the second piece of chocolate at the same time as his fingers penetrate you. You're so wet, his fingers slide easily inside, massaging your pussy calmly, oh so calmly that you roll your hips into his fingers, trying to make him go faster.
“Quiet, princesa,” he commands, and you stop the hip movement. He shoves the fingers that were holding the chocolate into your mouth, and you suck hard until his fingers are clean.
His other hand, the one inside your panties, you feel keeping the maddening slow pace, completely ignoring the need for relief in your clit. You slide a hand down your belly to bring it to your clit, but he takes your hand away and cups your chin, a possessive look in his brown-almost-green eyes.
“Did I say you could touch yourself?" he asks brusquely, and you just stare at him. “Eh? Did I?”
“No,” you reply huskily, knowing he can feel you getting even wetter at his firm tone. He slaps your cheek, and your pussy throbs around his fingers, you can see in his eyes that he feels it. And he absolutely loves it.
“No, what?” he says, a smug smirk on his face.
“No, sir.” you say and he strokes the cheek he slapped. Fernando takes your chin and pulls your lips to his. He kisses you obscenely, with lips and tongue and his face inching up against yours.
“I know your week has been pretty stressful, then behave yourself so you can get your reward, okay?” he says in a gentle tone, finally picking up the speed of his fingers and pushing the palm of his hand against your swollen clit. You whimper, holding a moan in your throat and the urge to move your hips to keep pace with him and come faster, but you hold back.
Then Fernando's phone rings, interrupting the two of you. He lets the phone ring, and you groan when his other hand grips your hip tightly, squeezing your ass. The phone stops ringing, but then it rings again.
“No, Nando, please… Don't answer it, Papi” you whimper, already feeling his fingers stop stimulating you. He grabs your hips and places you to the side, back on the bed.
“So needy, bebé,” he mutters, biting softly on your chin before getting up, “I need to pick this call, babygirl. Won’t be long, yeah?” He grumbles, taking the phone from the nightstand. you watch as Fernando answers, muttering “Alonso speaking,” as he leaves the room.
Frustrated, you lie back on the mattress and stare at the ceiling, knowing he's probably going to take longer than he said he would. He always took long calls about his team, or his car, or whatever. It's almost involuntary as your hands slide down your abdomen and you rub your thighs together to get some friction. With your hands, you gently pinch your nipples through the lace of your bra, feeling a hypersensitive moan escape your lips. You slide your hands and press your clit over the wet panties, just looking for some relief while he doesn’t come back.
The need for release is stronger than you are as you slide your hand inside your panties, circling your clit with pressure, gasping.
At that moment, Fernando re-enters the room, and you quickly remove your hand. But the furious look on his face tells you he already caught you red handed. Heart racing, you watch as he clicks his tongue in a reproving gesture. He walks into the closet and returns with a pair of leather cuffs.
“I thought I made myself clear…” he murmurs, yanking hard on your wrists to get you to your feet, “You only touch yourself with my permission.”
You swallow hard when he cups your face and then slaps you across the face. You bite your bottom lip, smiling. He takes your wrists and secures them with the restraints, behind your back. Fernando slaps you again, and you feel the wetness pool in your panties.
“You love it, don't you?” He smirked with another slap. “Being treated like the slut you are. My slut. Knees on the floor,” he commands, his tone doesn't leave space for anything other than obedience.
His firm touch on the back of your neck compels you down until your knees meet the floor. You feel your mouth water as he starts struggling with his own belt, undoing the buttons on his pants just enough to pull his cock out. You immediately wet your lips and open your mouth, expecting to feel him on your tongue.
He shoves his cock into your mouth all at once, almost reaching your throat, and you have to control your gagging, eyes immediately watering.
“Open wide, babygirl” he gasps, taking control of slowly sliding into your mouth. He massages your face, as if to relax your jaw further. “Yes, just like that” he moans softly as he touches your throat.
He holds your head, keeping you still as the only movement is in  his hips, his cock fucking your mouth. As you adjust to the volume of him moving in and out of your mouth, he picks up speed and you feel saliva wetting his entire length and running down the side of your mouth, dripping to your chin.
“Want me to fuck you, huh?” he asks but doesn't release you from his cock so you're able to answer. “Want to cum, bebé?”
He doesn’t let you go, nor does he take his cock out of your mouth. So you just hum around him, the vibration of your voice making him let out a groan.
“I don't know…” He pretends to think a little, his hips stuttering. “You disobeyed me, didn't you? I don't think you've earned your reward yet.”
He pulls his cock away from your mouth, and you watch a trail of saliva break from the distance. You close your mouth, taking the opportunity to relax your jaw.
“¿Cuál es tu color? (what's your color?)” he asks, his voice going immediately tender, looking down on you.
“Verde. (green)”
“Up you go” Fernando points to the bed as he removes the belt from the cases of his pants, and you quickly get to your feet and throw yourself face down on the mattress, your arms still pinned behind you. “On all fours” He commands and you obey, the top of your head pressed into the pillow and your ass in the air.
You feel his fingers gently rub up and down on your hips, and then he finally removes your panties. Not an instant later, you feel the belt snap on your ass, stinging.
“What did you do wrong, princesa?” he asks, then hits you with the belt once again, making you shiver.
“I touched myrself without-” you cut yourself off with a mewl when you feel the crackle of the burning leather belt again, “-Without your-” Two consecutive hits make you whimper against the pillow, but you keep going, because you know that if you stop, he will start your punishment again, “-Without your permission" you complete, panting loudly. He hits you three more times and you feel like you could come with just one touch on your clit.
“Without your permission, who?” And two more cracks of the leather against your asscheeks. The frustration of wanting to come is so great that you feel your abdomen trembling.
“Without your permission, sir!” you almost scream, desperate. So thirsty for his touch you know you’re dripping with desire and ruining the sheets.
“I don't know…” He says, as if he's thinking out loud as his hands caress your buttocks, “Do you think you deserve to come?"
“Yes please! Nando please! I want it so bad, papi…” you don't feel ashamed to beg, when your body so badly needs relief, something only he can give you.
You feel him move behind you, and a second later, his cock fills you in one movement, making you scream his name into the pillow.
“Oh, always perfect for me…” He groans, pulling out only to slam back in again. His hands secure the restraint on your wrists, your hands manage to touch his forearm and you sink your nails into his skin for balance.
Your eyes roll in your head, pleasure consuming you like flames as his hips keep pounding into you, and you feel grateful for his demanding exercises routine from motorsports, because it makes his stamina last so long. You feel hypersensitive, like you can feel the friction in every molecule in your body, the pleasure in your pussy and he just keeps going, Fernando’s groaning louder by the second.
You feel when the orgasm approaches, that tingling in your body and your pussy contracting desperately. But then he stops, withdrawing his cock. You whimper in desperation, the orgasm slipping away again.
“Fernando, please! Please, I need you…” you scream as he plunges into you, so deep he takes your breath away for an instant. One of his hands grips your hips and the other travels up your spine until it closes around the back of your neck.
Then he circles his hand around your neck and pulls you up until you're on your knees, your hips pressed against his as he thrusts harder, making your tits bounce with the movement. The only thing separating his chest from your back is the grip on your wrists between your bodies.
“Please, Nando! I’m so close- can- can I cum?”
“Go on, you can cum. I want to feel it,” he orders, squeezing your throat, obstructing your breathing slightly. It’s his accented voice that pushes you off the cliff, the orgasm finally seizing you so hard you see stars in your vision, shivering as he holds you firmly up.
Your orgasm soon makes him come too, his groan in your ear as his hips push against you, slowing down as he fills you up.
When Fernando lets go of your neck, you fall limp on the bed, face first against the pillows. You feel his fingers release you from the restraints, and your arms fall to your sides. Fernando holds your wrists, massaging lightly. He kisses your shoulder softly and you smile lazily, all worn out, the way he likes you the most.
“Are you ok, princesa?” you hear him as you close your eyes.
“Yes, cariño. Never been better.” You murmur.
You keep your eyes closed as he wipes between your legs, and you feel as he rubs the soothing ointment onto your buttocks, then he uses a makeup wiper to clean your face. Fernando considers aftercare as important as sex, and you can't deny that you love the part of being lovingly pampered by him right after being fucked senseless.
Finally, he turns off the lights, pulls back the covers and lies beside you, your naked body being fully embraced by him. You get goosebumps when he nuzzles your neck, his beard tickling and making you giggle.
“I missed you a lot, mi cielo” He mutters against your skin.
“I missed you too, Nando. I loved seeing you so happy with that podium,” you say, pulling his hand up and kissing his knuckles.
“Thank you, maybe next time you should go cheer for me,” he kisses your collarbone.
“I’ll think about it, yeah?” you whisper, running your fingers through his hair, “maybe after finals.”
“I'm sure you'll get high scores on your tests, bebé” he whispers, and you feel a rush of joy at making him proud.
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levilxvr · 4 months
here’s my belated vday levi smut :) was busy this week and didn’t have time to finish it HSJFD
cw: nsfw, breeding, fem!reader
valentine’s day is one of many special days marked out on levi’s calendar. Every year he books a room at one of those luxurious hotels in the city so that you and him can enjoy a special night in the comfort of the cool, silky sheets.
As cliche as it sounds, levi loves sprinkling rose petals in the shape of a heart on the bed- for you to admire before the careful arrangement gets destroyed minutes later.. Because how can he resist himself when that pretty velvet lace hugs your figure so perfectly?
He was honestly nervous about purchasing it, worried you wouldn’t like it or the size might be off. He was definitely overthinking, though. When you slipped out of the bathroom wearing only the set he gave you his jaw dropped. Then he’s all over you in seconds, feeling you up and down as his heartbeat speeds up and his cheeks grow warm. You can barely resist his featherlight touches, fiddling with the clip of your bra as the back of your knees hit the mattress.
Levi instantly dives down, lips locking with yours as he kisses you passionately before reaching down to your lower region. Without warning he yanks delicate fabric to the side, a small spot of wetness pooled in the centre. you can feel the thin material rip slightly and wince.
“levi, be gentle!”
“don’t care, I’ll get a new one.” His dark hair drapes over his forehead as he bends down and takes one of your breasts in his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue around your nipple as his skilled fingers tease your clit. Your back arches as a ripple of pleasure runs through your body, breathing in the smell of levi’s citrusy cologne and a hint of rose. You can make out the sharp lines of his face in the soft glow of the candles, and hear his ragged breaths as he feels your walls clench around his fingers tightly.
His movements aren’t rushed- he plans to take his own sweet time making you feel good, since he’s got the entire night to show how much he loves you. Just before you cum he slips his fingers out and smirks, dragging your release away as you beg him to continue.
“ssh.. patience.” levi leans down and kisses your cheek tenderly, hands supporting himself on either side of your head as he guides his cock past your folds. His spongy tip stretches you out as he buries himself balls deep inside you, filling you up so nicely you can practically feel him throbbing. You’re so tight and wet for him and only him, and knowing he’s the only one that makes you feel this way gets him even more hot and restless.
“fuck…I love you so much, look at how well you’re taking me darling, you’re doing so good.” His low voice sends a shiver down your spine as he grips your legs and throw them over his shoulders. Then you feel a soft, cold pillow under your hips as he tucks it there so he can go deeper, angling himself perfectly against your g spot as he picks up the pace. You glance up and down his figure and notice the sheen of sweat coating his pale skin, his swollen lips parted as small moans and pants escape.
“I’m.. close, so so close… where do you want it?”
He doesn’t hesitate, pelvis slamming against yours as he stills and cums so hard you can feel it coating your insides.
“god..” he mumbles, catching his breath as he slowly lowers himself onto you. “can we go again?”
“sure, we’ve got all night.”
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wyvernest · 11 months
would you be able to write something about chubby!reader having body issues and thinks she doesn’t deserve miguel because he’s so sculpted and beautiful, but miguel reminds her how perfect she is? (in whatever way you think is best)
i just love reading these types of fics and they really help boost my confidence 🥹
tysm! <3
hope you like it<3
Tumblr media
pairing: miguel o'hara x f!reader
warnings: fluff, established relationship, body dysmorphia
summary: you start feeling self conscious right before your date, and miguel isn't having any of it
translations are at the end
Miguel had finally made time to take you out. You are well aware of the fact that he is a busy man, and had decided against pressuring him to abandon his work overtime.
But tonight was for you. He had planned out the perfect date, from the restaurant, reservations, to the tiniest details; what day would be best in terms of weather, your job, and his duties. 
To say you were overwhelmed with excitement was an understatement. He had always been so caring and considerate, looking for ways to make you feel valued and appreciated even when time itself stood against his efforts. Finding unadulterated joy in asking you out like it was your first time getting closer to each other over and over again, the 'honeymoon phase' spark never once leaving your relationship, contrary to popular belief.
And so here you are, in your shared home, getting ready for yet another date with the most handsome man you've ever seen. 
He's already fully dressed, fixing himself in the mirror. His black suit sits oh-so perfectly on him, hugging the shape of his large back and shoulders, tight enough around his biceps, so that they still bulge through the material when he brings a hand up in his hair to tame some dark strands that had fallen out of place. It accentuates the line of his abdomen, having his large thighs finish off the whole look. 
He stands in front of the bedroom mirror, in his striking royal height, the man that ancient Greeks probably had as a muse when they sculpted the ideals of the male body. His dark, cocoa brown hair is brushed back, silky and soft. His perfectly contoured face is dimly lit by the low, warm bedroom lights, his features prominent: the bridge and line of his nose, squinted piercing eyes along with a downright intimidating set of brows His sharp jaw is held up high while he works with his tie, expert hands skillfully experimenting around an array of various knots, pondering upon which fits best.
He truly is quite the sight, you melt at the tableau before you, holding back a sigh seasoned with nothing but the very heights of being irrevocably enamoured.
His whole presence screams strength and mature dominance, with a hint of incontestable luxury.
Resuming your own outfit, your own body still only adorned in nothing but a pair of panties and a bra, you head to the closet for the one dress you have been imagining yourself in for the whole week since he offered you the invitation. You couldn’t be more excited to finally try it on and admire yourself with it, have people look your way while wearing it, with an arm hooked around the one and only Miguel O’Hara. 
Putting it on and adjusting its stretchy fabric over your curves, your smile starts to fade. This isn’t what it looked like the first time I tried it on, you mentally conclude, and the more you look at it, the more things you wish you hadn’t noticed. You pull at the material, the hem, the sides, the neckline, anything you can think of that maybe, just maybe, could fix it. Panic starts to drip into your nerves, what will you do now if it just won’t look good? Screw it and go out with it anyway, and then feel all eyes on you for the rest of the evening? What will people think when they see you, merely decent, next to him? And otherwise, what other option is there? To pick some other dress that can’t possibly be more appropriate for the occasion, since you had bought this one specifically for the place you’re going, and still not look the part?
Your breathing starts to quicken as you keep fumbling with the textile around your shape, attention half directed to the open wardrobe, scanning every shelf and hanger for a second option. 
Suddenly, the floor creaks, bringing the echo of incoming footsteps. And there he is, standing behind you, hands on your tense shoulders. You almost despise the image before you; his impeccable, calm and stoic image, next to you, discouraged and deeply insecure in evident comparison.
“What were you thinking about just now?” his words river down over the shell of your ear on a hot breath that has shivers shot down your spine.
“Nothing, I’m getting ready”, you cover it up in a sing-song voice, not wanting to dig deeper into letting him know that you don’t deem yourself pretty enough for him, let alone expect him to find you more attractive than you do yourself. Unfortunately, he’s too smart for your little diversion.
“Don’t lie to me.”, his tone serious, voice deep. His eyes rank up and down your body in the mirror, and you feel an acute need to just disappear. “Que guapa.”
He presses a kiss to your temple, and you feel rosy heat rise to your face.
Your mouth speaks before you think.
“Does it look good?”, he senses the hesitancy in your voice.
“Baby, you’d look like a goddess wearing a potato sack.” he speaks matter-of-factly, as if his statement equals water is wet, the honesty in his declaration evident with the speed with which the words left his mouth. You can’t help but let a giggle break through your disconcerted face, surprised with the association.
“What, like Marilyn Monroe?”
“No, mi alma, like you.” He wraps his arms around your middle, pulling you back into his embrace as you look at eachother in the reflection before you. His expression softens, visibly relaxed and happy to have you close to him. 
“These curves, every part of you, I know them as I know myself.” His palms slide over your hips, and all the way back up to your shoulders, effectively chasing away any hint of doubt and worry, cleansing you of anything that isn’t love.
“Eres la mujer de mis sueños.” He bends down, his lips reaching the crook of your neck. “No hay nadie como tú."
You let yourself fall back into his tempting embrace, knowing that he’s exploiting your weakness for him speaking Spanish so low and deep into the vulnerable skin of your pulse point, completely forgetting about the date and the dress. 
“And if you don’t like the dress, I’ll gladly rip it off.” He exhibits his talons as a warning, the curved edges of the claws grazing your bare shoulders intently. “If anything, the dress isn’t good enough to be worn by you.”
que guapa - how beautiful
mi alma - my soul
eres la mujer de mis sueños - you're the woman of my dreams
no hay nadie como tú - there is no one like you
a/n: again, if any native speakers see anything wrong with my Spanish please let me know🤍
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