#the most famous story about the milky way....
burningthegallows · 2 years
tell us about the lltg fic! very curious and interested we need more fic in this fandom
seriously! im so parched for fic! it’s been so long since I’ve seen a het couple I care about. coming out the other side to see 17 fics on ao3… smh. I’m not the best writer and I don’t love doing it—but sometimes you just gotta write the fic if you wanna read it.
anyway, i love the persuasion trope of lovers parted and then reunited and stronger for it. the bitterness is very bitter until suddenly it’s all sweet. but between autumn ballad (which i had a very mixed reaction to) and lltg, i realized why the chinese form of this trope always irks me so much: all the healing happens off screen.
I would love to watch 5 years of pining. two lovers separated but trying to find a way back to one another?? Healing and hurting and forgiving and the relapsing on your forgiveness and hating yourself for willing to take him back. Yeah, I love a breakup/makeup story.
Especially when, at the end, it feels like there’s something to be salvaged from the wreckage of the hurt.
Genuinely, I think forgiveness is one of the more complicated and arduous mental odysseys, but I also think that just means we need more stories that explore the concept.
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undead-cypress · 2 months
More p3r livebloggin/shitpost thoughts. Sorry for the crunchy pictures, literally I'm just too fried to import pics from my PS4.
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Because I'm the way that I am, I noticed the paintings hung in the Hierophant/Lovers boss shadow building are real paintings. One on the left is a crop of Liberty Leading the People by Eugene Delacroix, and on the right is Le Cyclops by Odilon Redon. IDK why they picked these paintings because. Why would a painting of the French Revolution be in this kind of hotel but I have some theories?
The hotel they're in is pointed out to have a French title and modeled after French design, for some reason. Les Champs de Fleurs is pointed out in the game meaning a field of flowers. Now -
Liberty Leading the People is a painting about the July revolution that overthrew the French monarchy. The boss event is in July but there's more -
Le Cyclops is about the play(s) about Polyphemus (the cyclops from the Odyssey that Odysseus blinds and tricks) and his love of the sea nymph Galatea, and the drama that ensues. There's many versions of the play but in classic fashion most of them don't end well, with Galatea rejecting him in favor of someone else, and Polyphemus killing them both. This painting in particular is basically Polyphemus creeping on Galatea as she sleeps on a hill of flowers.
I THINK these paintings are meant to represent the reverse hierophant and lovers. Overthrowing of the corrupt hierarchy, and rejection of choice. Also French.
There's one more painting but I have NO IDEA what painting it is
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So many paintings have winged babies in them I can't go through them all 😭
Oh yeah linguistics bonus - the boss event takes place on 7/7, aka Tanabata. Some might know it as Japanese Valentine's day. Story goes Orihime and Hikoboshi, lovers separated by duty and the milky way, can meet during this festival as a flock of magpies make them a bridge over the milky way. Milky way, in Japanese is Amanogawa 天の川, literally "river of heaven". An older version is also sometimes used, ginka 銀河, derived from Chinese meaning "silver river". And here is where we get the name of Shirakawa Blvd. 白川...... White River Blvd.
I THINK that's why they named the hotel Champs de Fleurs. The classic Greek mythology of heaven is Elysium, basically a field of flowers in the sky. Kinda as the companion to the river in the sky. Not to mention it's a reference to the famous French street Champs Élysées, literally "Elysian Fields"
Imagine me standing in front of a conspiracy wall covered with red string. That's me all the time with p3
Ok back to shitposting
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This is the most emotion I've seen the Mc make all game so far 😂 7 meals back to back will do that to ya. Name I picked was Dank Hour, so I guess it kinda fits. Munchies will do that
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Those are her hooves!!
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These puppets are massive
Gameplay thoughts -
- I miss the fatigue mechanic ok. Now there's NOTHING stopping me from spending five hours in Tartarus getting massively over leveled. Also miss it thematically and an excuse to go drink Edogawa's potions for courage boosts
- RIP shuffle time. The new one is good with the variety of cards but man make them fly around again that was fun
- Tartarus looks good. I was skeptical of how they're gonna make a randomly generated dungeon look good on current consoles but. It looks really good and plays well. And I love the added bonus bosses.
- I do miss being able to actually stealth around with different weapons and hunting rare shadows with a bow though. The unstable formations in p3p around half and new moons were also something I wish they incorporated, but maybe it'll come up later? Because the new Tartarus environment would be perfect for some stealth mechanics.
- I don't know if this is because I'm p3 Georg and an outlier that should not be counted but I'm playing on merciless and it's SO EASY???? I'm almost to August and I've ONLY died three times. I'm playing with a 3 people party as a debuff because it's too easy otherwise.
- ailments kinda work different than they used to and I still haven't figured out... What they really do yet. Distress used to guarantee criticals, now I'm not sure what it does???
- the theurgies are broken as hell wtf. This is too much power. I was really hoping they'd bring P2/dds style fusion spells back
General thoughts:
- they still haven't invented weather yet lmao rain was invented in 2011 I see
- Pleasantly surprised by the added cutscenes and hangout events in the dorm. They're actually pretty thoughtful and reflects on the character growth throughout the game instead of just ill humored filler (cough p4 cough). They really nailed it this time.
- Aigis trying to talk to plants and bugs and the meaning of lifeeeee 😭
- the club is simultaneous hilarious and terrifying in the way that they didn't animate the dancers. I get why, but it's so funny. It's just a room of statues with blank faces. At least there's more than five people there
- there's two poster of the Foo Fighters in the station outskirts. Why them specifically? Also if the movies at the theatre have hidden meanings I WILL find them.
- Mitsuru just stands like she's posing for the camera all the time and her idle AND angry animation being a hair flip is so funny. Hello. Flips hair. Come to the command room after dinner we have new mission. Flips hair. I'm going to execute Mr Ekoda for his despicable inaction. Flips hair
- Idk where else to put this but that scene on the roof with the watermelon hits different when you know a watermelon that size in Japan is, depending on the season and economy, at least $50. Junpei really splurged there to cheer up Ken 🥺. That entire scene was great. Why DON'T we watch Akihiko punch the melon open, what an inspired suggestion
- speaking of fruit, if you look at the care package Akihiko got from his parents there are mangoes in there. Mangoes that size and color are like $30 each.
- the dorm. Could be modeled better. Idk if it's the lighting or the textures but... It looks unfinished.
- they kept the little overworld icon that travels between locations to not go over the bridge even though it'd be a shorter route. Nice. There is an instance where it does use the bridge, when you first go to the police station and Junpei is following you around. Also very nice touch. Whichever dev is responsible for this detail I see and appreciate your work 🫡
- was not expecting even the NPCs to be fully voice acted. They're all so charming!
- at the beginning of the game it tells you to put your things away in the closet. Highlighted. But we can't open or interact with the closet in any way??? Why was closet highlighted??? Did the game do that just to call us gay??
- and also where's my silly outfit???? Everyone has gotten butler and maid outfits except the mc. Where's my goofy outfit I want one too.... Where's the clown outfit from the dancing game.... Where's the maid outfit.... Once my pc arrives I'll absolutely be installing the emo mod. Let my besties reveal their true 2009 forms
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bigmpregnm · 1 year
Attraction - Part 5
[Story Collection] | [Part 4] [●]
Now that Roger has gotten famous, more men are coming to meet him and offer him their financial and general help. Even though almost every adult in the world is getting ready to give birth really soon, every day more men are coming to help the most pregnant guy on Earth. Obviously they’re all also encouraged by the fact that as soon as they get close to Roger, the pheromones make them fill up Roger’s body with a few more kids. “Fuck. This is so good. No matter how many times I do this, You just keep getting better”. Mike, a young construction worker, says after he has pumped Roger up full with several huge loads of cum. Mike looks like a young buff Superman and is just in his late 20’s. He’s been coming really often lately so Roger, Gerard and Paul are getting used to having him around. He’s pretty pregnant too but his belly is not even close to Gerard’s or Paul’s size. “Thanks buddy. I really appreciate that and considering how much cum you pumped into me, I think we’ll be having lots of kids”. Roger responds and Mike smiles, with his 20 inches long dick still buried in Roger’s hole. “And I totally plan on putting many more kids in you but… one step at a time I guess”. Mike says and gives Roger’s belly some soft rubs.
While Roger meets more men who are willing to pay for everything he needs, he keeps getting bigger and soon his pecs alone look like he’s carrying a hundred kids in each one of them. Considering most of those kids are not even 2 months along, the unbelievable size is even more impressive. His belly is so big “it’s getting its own atmosphere” as Paul says. Then, Roger’s balls are as big as his pecs so when people meet him, they can only see a large group of hills that seem to be expanding right in front of their eyes. Now that he’s so incredibly pregnant, Roger has been gaining more muscle mass but also more fat so even without the belly, pecs and balls, his body is pretty big everywhere.
Even then, Roger’s ass is ballooning up faster than the rest of him so even though he’s a thick strong man, his ass is outstandingly huge. Roger’s ass is Paul’s favorite part so he spends a lot of time lying next to Roger, rubbing and squeezing his boyfriend’s ample butt. Meanwhile, Gerard has fallen in love with Roger’s massive milky pecs and he spends a lot of time rubbing big circles around his nipples and even sucking on them every once in a while. As the three of them get bigger, they get more attached to each other and get ready to welcome their babies in a few weeks.
The reports of women all over the world getting in labor are everywhere in the news since it’s been about 9 months since the cloud has come. The “Female’s Due Date” has arrived and millions of women give birth to millions of kids. Some women have avoided getting that much more pregnant after the initial sex frenzy episode so some of them are left with pretty small bellies but most women around the world are still carrying double digit numbers of babies even after giving birth to their first batches. With millions of women getting in labor, hospitals are running over their capacity but even then, reports say it’s been manageable even though the female doctors and nurses are experiencing labor pains along with their patients and the male doctors and nurses are almost way too pregnant to help anyone.
There’s people filled with joy everywhere but weeks pass and males don’t get in labor on “Male’s Due Date, a month after the “Female’s Due Date. So the scientific world concludes that the gestational period for men must be longer than females so, those who have been waiting to give birth soon, are only getting fuller instead. When Roger hears this news, he only smiles and rubs his huge belly where his many kids are kicking everywhere. “Well, I guess you’re staying in there for a while so… more time for me and your dads to have some privacy and some fun before you all come out”. Roger says to himself and receives several kicks in response.
The weeks pass and all the men are still pregnant. Most women have gone through several labors already and even then, men are getting just bigger every day. Even Dale Roberts, who’s still reporting on the effects of the cloud even after all these months, 3 weeks after the “Male’s Due Date”, appears on TV with a belly so big that he finally has to sit down to report without getting breathless. This report is kinda different though. It’s not about a massively pregnant man or a woman giving birth to 10 babies in one day, which is pretty normal by now. This one is about crops. Dale is sitting in what seems to be a rice field but he looks pretty small compared to the rice plants and that’s impressive considering Dale is a pretty beefy man.
The reporter explains that all over the world the crops have been growing in unprecedented ways and a rice plant seed pod is now as large as a regular adult man. This is helping to fulfill the demand for food since the world’s population has been growing in size and volume. “It’s not only rice but also vegetables, fruits and everything that grows on a field. Now it’s possible, and actually pretty common, to find a huge apple tree with thousands of apples instead of hundreds. A whole field of tomatoes with hundreds of thousands of tomatoes”. Dale explains while they show some pictures of different kinds of plants with ridiculous numbers of fruit and vegetables growing on them.
The world’s dynamics are changing again while women continue giving birth and they have to take care of their kids. Even though women continue getting in labor, the initial shock goes down after their initial round. A few weeks after the Female’s Due Date, it’s normal again to find a woman giving birth at a hospital. Now, for men things are getting wilder since while all of them get bigger, they get hornier and even without pheromones or external influences, men all over the world start joining large orgies where they get even more pregnant. Some of them say they’re trying to trigger their labors but this only results in them getting just more pregnant and their tension just increases.
Finding a man who’s not ridiculously pregnant is getting harder, almost impossible, and people know that if this continues, soon there’ll be a major number of the male population getting bed ridden by their huge pregnant bellies. For Roger this is not a thing since he’s been immobile for a long time but even then, his belly is getting so extremely tight and full that he’s almost begging to give birth to the oldest kids so he can get some relief. Nobody knows how long it will take for men to get in labor and some are even worried that men won’t be able to give birth at all but finally when he’s getting close to ten months along, Roger starts feeling cramps taking over his stomach and soon he understands these are contractions.
Exactly 2 months after the first woman has gone into labor, men all over the world start going into labor and even though the babies are bigger than the ones born from women, the male body seems to be able to accommodate the kids and push them out without any problem and faster than women. While reports continue, Roger looks at his phone while dealing with contractions and he hears Paul, Gerard and their many helpers groaning and screaming in pain while their own labor advances. “Just breathe babe, you’re doing fine”. Gerard says and rubs Roger’s belly while Paul is right behind Roger already waiting for the first baby to come out. “Please, take care of yourself. I’m fine. You’re clearly in pain too”. Roger responds and right after that they hear the sound of a baby crying coming from the living room. “It’s a boy and… ohhh fuck here comes the next one”. Their chef shouts out and he starts screaming again. The whole floor is filled with babies crying while all the men continue giving birth to their large broods.
All the while, Roger is feeling how the babies turn around in his belly and move like never before, probably the oldest ones getting in position to come out. His belly is shaking violently while he has really strong contractions and his boyfriends continue groaning. “Oh fuck… Here comes the first”. Paul cries out announcing his first baby is already coming out and at the same time Roger feels the first baby entering his birth canal. “Just push. You’re gonna be fine”. Gerard, who has moved to be right next to Paul, says. “Fuck it hurts so much”. Paul cries out while he’s on his back pushing. Gerard is right next to him while his first baby is already crowning but the older man seems to be handling the pain easier than Paul.
Roger, whose hole is pretty stretchy by now, is pushing as best as he can and he feels his first baby crowning while the next one is already in line. “Guys… the first one is coming out so fast. Catch him”. Roger groans out while he continues pushing and the baby’s shoulders start turning and sliding out faster than Roger can handle. It all hurts a lot but his overpacked body seems to be in a rush to let all the kids out. Roger pushes some more and he finally feels the baby sliding out of him but the next one is already getting closer to the hole’s entrance. “Got him. A perfect baby boy”. Gerard says but right after that he starts groaning really loud. Gerard’s own first baby is born right after Roger’s but he’s able to take a little break to clean both babies and then help Paul with his big baby when it’s completely out of him too. “We have three kids so far”. Gerard says. “But the next one is already coming out”. Roger shouts out when his second baby starts crowning.
A few hours later, Roger is exhausted after pushing 25 kids out of him and his belly hasn’t shrunk at all. Even then, Roger looks at his babies and he can’t stop smiling. They’re all so cute and some of them remind him of his former coworkers. The oldest are like a copy of his hunky coworker. Roger has to breastfeed all the kids and even though he has more than enough milk, feeding them two at a time takes him a lot of time. Gerard and Paul help him but with so many kids to handle, it’s still kinda complicated. Gerard has given birth to sextuplets, 5 of them looking a lot like Paul. The huge muscle man has given birth to 4 babies and two of them look like Gerard. Each one of them is so extremely happy that they can barely contain their excitement but their still huge bellies are a reminder that their family is only getting bigger and they know more births are coming. “We’ll need a new place to house all these kids”. Roger says while he breastfeeds some of his babies. Gerard and Paul are doing the same while they hear Dale Roberts report about all the men giving birth. “We’ll find a way. Don’t worry”. Gerard responds and the three of them smile.
Over the next few days the three lovers and their many helpers get used to the new babies and even though they know there are many more kids on the way, they try their best with what they have at the moment before getting worried about the next ones. Everybody thinks all the men are going into labor again really soon but as the days pass and no contractions are coming, they finally realize they’ll have to wait.  So, they focus on taking care of their many kids. All along, Roger can’t stop getting bigger because all the babies he’s already having are growing and the regular rounds of sex he has with his boyfriends and their helpers just add babies to his already large brood. Everyday, the line of men who are willing to help and fuck Roger is getting bigger and considering they all know the hugely pregnant man isn’t getting any smaller any time soon, if ever, they start giving ideas to take him to a bigger place where Roger’s belly can grow freely and also have enough space for all the kids. Roger’s first batch of kids has been large but they all know the next ones are gonna be even bigger. Since there are so many men involved, they come up with a plan and even though they don’t inform Roger about it, they all know he’ll love it.
About a week after all the men have given birth to their first batch of kids, Roger is breastfeeding two of his babies, the last two of the huge group of kids he feeds. Then, Gerard gets closer to him and rubs Roger’s massive ass before managing to kiss his lips. Gerard has some kind of harness in his hands and Roger doesn’t know what they are for. “Hey there handsome? What do you have in there?” Roger asks and at the same time he feels several hands touching his belly. Their touches make his whole body shiver. “We have a surprise for you. We know you’re already getting kinda cramped in here so… we all got a place for us to move. A place where your belly won’t get stuck between the floor and the ceiling”. Gerard explains and points up at Roger's belly firmly pressed against the ceiling.
“That sounds lovely but… how are you gonna take me there? I’m not sure if you noticed but I’m pretty immobile”. Roger says and pats his belly. “We’ll take care of that. We have the strongest man on Earth right here with us and our new… friend… Mike helped us get everything we needed. He’s the best”. Gerard says and starts getting the harness around Roger’s upper body and waist. Meanwhile, Paul takes the babies away from Roger’s pecs and the sounds of heavyweight machinery starts coming closer.
While Gerard finishes up with the harness, Paul and Mike bring some kind of sled that’s big enough for Roger. Meanwhile, some construction workers are kicking down the external wall to take Roger out of the apartment. Outside, there’s a tower crane already in position to pull Roger out of the apartment and lower him down to a wide load truck that will take him to their new home. There’s a whole team working together and each man is excited to help Roger get more space to grow. Obviously they wanna be part of that growth too.
So, Gerard gets Roger ready and with all the men helping, and considering Paul’s massive muscles, they manage to move Roger onto the sled. Gerard secures Roger to the sled using the harness and once it is ready, Mike ties the sled to the tower crane’s cables. The crane slowly pulls Roger out of the apartment and he enjoys the sun after many months of being trapped in the apartment. While the crane lowers him down, he sees several men surrounding the truck where he’s supposed to land. When Roger sees their faces, he realizes they’re being affected by his pheromones and most of them already have hard-ons showing through their pants. Roger smiles and prepares to get fucked by all those men. He can already feel his hole squirming in preparation to add many more babies to his already overpacked womb.
A few hours later, Roger is peacefully lying down on a new and bigger bed, in a new and bigger house, with his belly clearly bigger than when he left the apartment. He has lost count of how many men fucked him on his way to the new house but his belly feels a few feet taller and definitely extending farther in front of him. His pecs feel gigantic and his balls feel like they have grown more than ever before. Everybody is settling things down in the new house while Roger rubs his belly and looks at Dale Robert’s latest report on his phone. “Dear viewers, this time I’m in Mexico City and this story is a pretty special one. Remember our friend Roger? We visited him a few months ago and he told us about his body releasing pheromones that affected all the males around him. The pheromones caused all the men to get hypnotized until they had had sexual intercourse with Roger. Well, this case is the complete opposite to that one. Let me explain…” Dale Roberts tells the viewers about Jorge, a man whose body releases pheromones, just like Roger but instead of them affecting the males until they have fucked him, the men feel hypnotized until Jorge has fucked them. This has resulted in several of Jorge’s neighbors and friends, carrying hundreds of his kids.
Dale shows many pics and videos of many men that are waddling around with huge bellies, all of them filled with Jorge’s babies. Jorge is really pregnant too since most of his sexual encounters end up with him being fucked but he’s really small compared with the men that are around him. There are several of them that are pretty immobile or pretty close to being immobile. Just like Roger, Jorge has a crowd of men helping him with everything he needs and also taking care of those who can’t move at all. They have formed a small town where all the men are carrying Jorge’s kids, along with each other’s kids, and Jorge keeps getting them more and more pregnant every day. While Roger listens to this and he admires all the massively pregnant men serving Jorge, Paul gets closer to him and pays attention to Dale’s report..
“Look at him, he’s clearly carrying that man’s kids now”. Paul says, pointing at Dale Roberts, as he gets behind Roger and starts rubbing the sides of his belly. He’s feeling the effects of Roger’s pheromones kicking in so he just gets closer. “And you clearly want to carry my kids… I surely wanna carry more of your kids”. Roger says but Paul is already fitting his massive dick into Roger’s hole. Paul is completely hypnotized by the pheromones so while Roger moans and groans in ecstasy, Paul just fucks him harder than ever before. Paul’s huge muscles give him the strength to thrust into Roger with such force that Roger’s fat ass jiggles a lot. A few minutes later when Paul has already filled Roger with another batch of kids, Paul takes his dick out of Roger’s hole and starts getting under Roger’s belly, looking for his boyfriend’s massive dick. Paul is still a bit affected by the pheromones so he just manages to fit Roger’s dick in his hole and starts moving as best as he can on Roger’s dick.
All the while, Roger moans and starts bucking his hips as much as he can. While he’s fucking Paul, Roger feels his massive balls filling up with cum and even though that’s not that normal, he just wants to pump Paul up full with a huge load of cum. Roger feels his body tensing while the orgasm approaches and Paul’s moans start getting louder. Paul’s dick is leaking pre like a hose and his own balls seem to be getting ready to cum. As Roger fucks Paul, Gerard comes closer and when he sees Paul’s massive dick fully hard and leaking so much pre, he manages to line up his hole with Paul’s massive dick and push himself onto it.
Paul cries out in pleasure while his massive boyfriend is fucking him and his other boyfriend is taking his massive dick. Paul’s body starts heating up and he’s panting heavily while the sex session continues. A few minutes later, Paul can’t hold back anymore and starts cumming buckets into Gerard’s fertile womb. “Oohhh yess… Fill me up big boy. Put more kids into me”. Gerard says while he feels his belly ballooning up with Paul’s massive load. All along Roger keeps fucking Paul and his balls feel gigantically ready to burst.
Paul’s on cloud nine but then, he hears Roger’s breathing shortening while the flow of pre that’s flowing into him is getting stronger. With a loud groan, Roger starts shooting the biggest load he has ever shot, right into Paul’s already massive belly. Paul cries out in pleasure while his belly starts expanding faster than he has ever seen and the expansion doesn’t seem to be stopping or slowing down anytime soon. Since Paul’s belly is growing so much, Gerard finally detaches from Paul’s massive dick and marvels at how quickly the big man’s belly is growing. Gerard gets his hands on Paul’s belly and starts rubbing it while a torrent of Roger’s cum keeps coming in nonstop.
Roger keeps groaning while he keeps cumming and Paul can only moan in ecstasy. It’s clear he’s not even registering what’s happening to his body because he’s too high on pleasure. Roger isn’t able to see what he’s doing to Paul since his own belly and pecs block his view but he can feel Paul’s belly pressing tighter against his own, without realizing how much bigger Paul’s belly is actually getting. Only Gerard is aware of the situation and this is turning him on so much that he can barely avoid busting a nut even without touching his dick. Paul’s belly is bigger than the rest of him and even then Roger’s cum keeps coming in. “That’s my big boy. Now you’re really really really big”. Gerard says and rubs Paul’s belly while it pushes against Roger’s much bigger one.
About an hour later, Paul is still dazed but aware of what has just happened. His belly has grown a lot and he’s still getting used to it but Gerard is lovingly caressing the huge guy’s belly and it feels nice. As soon as Roger has finally stopped cumming and has taken his dick out of Paul’s hole, it’s been clear that Paul can no longer move by himself. Even though he’s definitely the biggest and most muscular man alive, all his muscles aren’t enough to move his belly, he’s as immobile as Roger is. Even then, Paul seems to be happy about his immobility and Gerard loves to have 2 hugely pregnant boyfriends now. With Mike’s and some other men’s help, Gerard has managed to drag Paul to place him right next to Roger so Gerard has access to both of them at a time. Gerard smiles and caresses his boyfriends’ bodies lovingly and can’t stop smiling.
While Gerard is cuddling with his massive boyfriends, he sees Mike getting closer and it’s obvious the young man is clearly in love with them as well. “Come here. I think we’ll need more hands to take care of these guys and we’ve been talking about you. The three of us find you really hot and really sweet and I think we’re ready to give you a space in our bed and in our hearts”. Gerard explains while Mike gets comfortable between the massively pregnant guys too. “Yeah, you’re such an amazing guy and… we just want you to be with us”. Paul adds and grabs Mike’s hand. “Yeah, you have already become part of our lives and we really want you here, with us”. Roger adds and invites Mike to get closer to his face to kiss his lips.
Mike is clearly emotional and some tears go down his face. He kisses Roger and then cuddles with the three of them peacefully. “This is all I ever wanted. More than the attraction caused by the pheromones and the good sex, I really wanted to be loved”. Mike says and enjoys the heat coming from his new boyfriends. The rest of the evening isn’t filled with sex, just four guys hugging and feeling each other’s babies moving in their bellies. They all know they’ll have lots of things to take care of, especially once the next babies come but now they’re just going to enjoy each other’s arms.
The End
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In Flanders Fields the poppies grow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
In Flanders Fields by John McCrae
I have always found the excerpt above, and the rest of the poem that comes after it to be pleasant to the ear, sweetly melancholic and, to be honest, more than a little creepy once you hit the threat at the end. The mental image of mostly desiccated World War I soldiers clawing their way out of the upturned soil, spilling flecks of half rotted uniform and red flowers from their bodies as they drag themselves forward after me just because I don't feel like holding a grudge against another country for a war nobody really should have been in in the first place isn't exactly what I suspect Lt. Col. McCrae was going for but its sure the picture he painted in my mind. Not cool, John. Not cool.
In other news, the poem did help make the poppy a popular symbol for war veterans that died in battle, especially overseas. These days red paper poppies are worn in jacket lapels and sold on street corners in multiple Western countries during Remembrance Day, Anzac Day and Memorial Day. Today that's pretty much the only association most of us have with the flowers but for the soldiers that lived during that time, the red corn poppies were a familiar sight, being some of the first and hardiest plants to grow in the churned up soil around trenches, the morass of no-mans-land between and yes, the freshly dug graves that grew almost as quickly as the poppies themselves across the battlefields.
Poppies were associated with the dead long before WWI however.
Hey, August babies! Let's talk about one of your birth month flowers (and keeping corpses in their graves)!
Did you know that poppies have been found in graves and carved on tombstones all the way back to Roman times? The Greeks and the Romans associated the poppy with forgetfulness and sleep. Giving the dead poppies was supposed to help them sleep in peace, though I did see one article speculating that the poppy seeds found in some graves was more akin to the old legend that the undead have obsessive-compulsive disorder and will be compelled to stop whatever they are doing to count scattered small items like seeds.
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GIF by gifs-of-puppets
Who knew Sesame Street was so in touch with its darker side?
Back to the point, the Greek gods Hypnos (sleep), Thanatos (death), Nyx (night) and Morpheus (dreams) all have poppies as their flowers. Pappa means 'milk' in latin and the milky sap as well as the seeds of poppies have been used since ancient times to grant forgetfulness, peace and sleep, tracing as far back as the early Egyptian empires. Multiple opioids are made from the poppy with some of the most famous being opium, heroin, codeine and morphine, named after Morpheus for its dreamlike effect on the human brain and body. The opioid crisis has been with us since at least Victorian times and for many of the same modern reasons back then as well.
Speaking of escape from pain, Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, is associated with poppies as well. It was said that after Persephone was kidnapped by Hades, Demeter was so distraught that the gods gave her poppy seeds to help her sleep and escape her grief for a time. Afterward, the flower would spring up wherever her footsteps fell. The ancient Assyrians also associated poppies with agriculture and in fact, even today, poppies seen growing in cornfields are considered lucky and a sign of a good harvest to come.
Poppies in China are also considered lucky, or at least the smell of them is and they are a melancholic symbol between lovers too. The story I read claims that the poppies growing on his lover's grave gave a Chinese hero the inspiration he needed in battle.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz employed a poppy field to put its heroes to sleep.
Poppies should only ever be given in bouquet of thirteen. Any other number of poppies is considered unlucky.
Greek athletes would mix poppy seeds, wine and honey for an invigoration drink.
In Wales, sleeping with poppy seeds under your pillow will show you the face of your future lover or give you the answer to whatever question you were thinking of when you fell asleep. The seeds are a ward against forgetfulness.
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another-lost-mc · 5 months
I know this is not something you can answer but you are the only famous blog I could find in the arcana twilight tag. I used to play that game , then I took a break , and now that I am back , the fandom feels so dead (???) like there used to be more people here.
Is there any specific reason for that?
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I'm not sure if you've caught up to the most current content (Floor 13) but there haven't really been any updates since then. Without getting into specifics, that floor ends on a bit of a cliffhanger but also suggests that the story - or at least that arc of the story - is finished. I'm hoping it's like Obey Me and this is just the end of the first season, but this game already had slow updates so who knows when/if we'll get more story content anytime soon.
If you've caught up to the last floor, there's just not much to do except log in and work on leveling/acquiring cards and unlocking the diaries. I haven't logged in lately since all the characters on my account are at max intimacy except for Pollux, and all my SSR cards are at 100% Milky Way completion. When I have more time, I'd like to work on some sort of back-up of the card art and diary stories.
Story Taco is still working on games (several of them, if their twitter feed is anything to go by) and they put out a recruitment post somewhat recently so maybe they'll come back to ArTw later. That's my hope, anyway.
(copium goes brrrrrr)
If you browse the game's main tag, you'll probably come across the other ArTw-centric blogs I follow and are still active. There's a lot of talented writers and artists in this fandom and people sharing card art and diaries and info about their MCs/Summoners. If you're looking for writing specifically, ao3 or wattpad might be helpful too if the tumblr well runs dry.
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75 All Time Low Lyric Prompts!
“Thoughts and prayers, so what, who cares?”
“Out of my way, I’m going in”
“Not your one-and-only, just someone to get you through tonight”
“So meet where the stars collide, the Milky Way is ours tonight”
“I found god and we found heaven on the bedroom floor”
“I don’t mind if you fuck up my life”
“I shut my eyes at seventeen”
“If I said I want your body, would you hold it against me?”
“All that I know is that I just can’t say no to you, funny how things never change”
“You’re everything I love about the things I hate in me”
“Mixing fireworks and gasoline, never meant to make you fall with me”
“How long can we be happy if happy ain't meant for us”
“We said forever but forever wouldn’t wait for us”
“The sweetness of you on my tongue, I breathed you in, you filled my lungs.”
“I never want to leave this sunset town, but one day the time may come”
“It’s hard to be brave when you’re alone in the dark”
“Three hundred days with no reply now”
“You look just fine on your own, but we look better in the afterglow”
“So long and thanks for all the make-believe, the memories of you and me”
“What a shame, what a shame. Beautiful scars on critical veins”
“They won’t catch us in the dark, roll like thunder, burn like stars”
“If you need a friend, I’ll help you stitch up your wounds”
“I know it gets hard for you to stay, but do you really wanna throw it all away”
“It was a one night stand ‘til I woke up next to you”
“We’ve got scars on our future hearts but we never look back”
“We go together or we don’t go down at all”
“You had me at “come over boy, I need a friend””
“All you ever wanted was a part of me that I couldn’t fake”
“I’d kill for one more way to tell you how you make me better everyday”
“We’ll talk about how your parents separated and how you don’t want to make the same mistake as them”
““We all recover” say the friends turned to wine drunk lovers”
“Why can’t you just be happy for me”
“Thanks to you, I’m not myself. I’m all strung out, that much is clear”
“There’s a monster standing where you should be”
“Pick yourself up off the ground, you’re sure as hell too good to let them hold you down”
“Damn, it’s such a shame that we built a wreck out of me”
“I’m getting sick of your bullshit attitude”
“You know, there are some days when I really feel like this could work, like you and I are finally going to get it right. Then there are days like today, when you make me want to tear my fucking hair out”
“Is this what it feels like finding out I have the guts to say anything.”
“Your favorite enemy and your most hated friend”
“I’ll build up an army of cellophane soldiers, cheap origami”
“We’ll take it over ice tonight, with a little salt and a little lime”
“She’s got me hooked on her like good cocaine”
“Did you fake it just to break another stranger in your bed?”
“What do you say when your heart’s not in it?”
“I’ll misbehave if it turns you on, no Mr Right if you want Mr Wrong”
“Suburban living with a feeling that I’m giving up everything for you”
“That’s just the price I pay when I don’t even know her name”
“Feels like I’m falling in love when I’m falling to the bathroom floor”
“When the world comes crashing down, who’s ready to party?”
“I was young and horny. In retrospect, I wouldn’t do it again”
“So tell me what your best friend knows that I don’t know”
“Lit a match just heat things up, but I got more than bargained for”
“A handful of moments I wish I could change, but I was carried away”
“I’m just a face for every picture, a smile for your scrapbooks, and a story to be told”
“Right now I want to watch the tide roll in with my best friends”
“I’m guilty but I’m safe for one more day”
“Just another pretty face, but I want one more taste”
“It was the very last time we said goodbye to the beach”
“Telling another tale of the American dream”
“You talk like your famous, you’re shameless”
“Now the rain is just washing you out of my hair, and out of my mind”
“I would have married you in Vegas had you given me the chance to say I Do”
“Before you ask which way to go remember where you’ve been”
“The night and days fly by when I’m lost on the streets”
“When it all comes down to a sunrise on the east side, will you be there to carry me home?”
“I’ve never told a lie and that makes me a liar”
“Don’t forget, we’ve got unfinished business”
“Am I depressed or am I just bored?”
“I wanna drive this car right over the edge of every bad idea I didn’t have yet”
“She didn’t stutter, my chest flutters, cardiac attack in the cradle of the summer”
“And it makes it all okay if I don’t care”
“When I wake up, I know the dream isn’t done. I want to see your face and know I made it home”
“I take a drink because the truth is hard to swallow”
“Secrets don’t make friends, we make love and love falls apart”
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prettyluvvluminah · 3 months
Fem!OC X Fem!OC
Hii, this is just a short first chapter of something that I’ve been meaning to write for some time now, I just haven’t gotten to it because idk if anyone will actually read it . So this is kinda just a tester to see if anyone actually cares lmao😭
just some background info, both main characters are princesses, and this is set in the 1800’s
"Sit up straight" the older woman hissed thumping her daughter on the head. "I didn't raise you to act like an animal." A wave of nausea fell over the princess, she never wanted to marry. Especially not to some random prince whom she had never even met. She wanted to be a writer. She'd write poems, songs and fantasy stories. Clementine loved romance poems. Every night she would imagine what it would be like to loved, fall asleep to the thought of being held and appreciated. But the girl knew she would never be able to feel that type of love, at-least not with him.
Him: The prince of Vermont, soon to be King. The Prince searched far and wide for the perfect wife and potential queen. All of Europe, America, Asia and Africa. Every Princess around the world was taken into account and considered. But eventually, Clementine was chosen. So now here she was, in a carriage on her way to Vermont Palace. Ready to meet her prince, her future husband. Everybody had heard about him and his family. The most famous and influential family in the entire world; The Vermont's. And possibly in a few short months, if everything goes as planned, she will be apart of that family.
She was nervous. So, so nervous. In the distance she could see the grand Palace. Hundreds of people crowding, staring into the carriage trying to get a glimpse of the soon-to-be Princess of Vermont. Her nerves only grew as she heard the murmurs and whispers of the people passing by.
"Clementine, if you screw this up for us I promise you, I will never let you see the light of day again. This could be so good for us, for the family. Do NOT mess this up." Her mother said angrily, staring daggers into her daughters eyes. Clementine could only nod. 
"Good. Now stop slouching, and get out."
For a second Clementine was confused. Then the carriage door swung open and the sound of people cheering was heard from the outside.
Her mother stared at her, as if waiting for something. "Go." She demanded. The princess nodded and slowly pulled herself up and out of the carriage.
The scene before her was something she had never seen before. Crowds of people gathered in 2 rows, either side of her, held back by guards holding swords. At the far end of the street was 4 people. Now, Clementine had never met these people, but she could immediately tell who they were. The silk gowns and dazzling jewels were a dead giveaway, The Vermonts.
A older woman, with dusky wavy hair held back by a bejewelled hair clip. A golden silk gown, covered with various patterns sewed into the sleeves. And on top of her head, a gorgeous crown sat glistening in the sunlight. It was clear she was the queen, not because of the crown but from the way she demanded attention, dominance oozed from her.
Then standing next to her side, a man, slightly taller than the queen. Brown hair the fell just above his shoulders and a blue silk suit adorned with a silver crown. Not as extravagant as the Queens crown, but just as beautiful.
Then she saw him. Her future husband. There he stood measuring just over six feet, the blonde prince wearing head to toe white silk. A milky shirt covered by a snowy waistcoat. White trousers and some calf high boots.
The soon to be couple made eye contact, Clementines breathe hitched and she swallowed audibly. She couldn't tell if it was out of dread or excitement (or possibly both, she didn't know). She watched the man carefully as he nodded his head at her, a way of greeting her with actually saying anything. Before she could do anything back though, the princess' eyes were ripped away from the princes'. Her breathe was caught in her throat and she stopped in her tracks. There, coming into view from behind the prince, was who she can only assume was an angel.
A woman: around 5'6, brown curly hair pulled up into a high bun, a few strands pulled from the front to frame her face. Cat-like eyes looking around in curiosity. She was nothing short of a goddess. Clementine could not deny she was undoubtedly the most angelic creature she had ever had the privilege to lay her eyes on. Clementine couldn't help but feel...funny. She didn't know what it was but she had never felt this way before. It reminded her of something she had read in a book. "Hear my soul speak: the very instant that I saw you. My heart fly to your service"
Clementine didn't know who this woman was, but in that moment she knew. She knew, she would do anything that woman asked of her.
also if you see any spelling/grammar mistakes please tell me so I can fix them, thank you💕💕💕
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rhiannonhgarrard · 5 months
Personality Through Quotes Tag
Thanks for the tag @kitty-is-writing ! Appreciate it!
My prompt: A quote reminiscing about their favourite childhood memory This is the most recent example of this in the ghost story series I'm currently writing - hoping to publish the first entry in October (That makes this a first draft written the other day, so... take that for what it's worth). Other context and people talking have been ommitted since this one's part of a back and forth.
Jason: But you know, I remember this one lake the most. I think it was in Wales, some famous mountain range I can’t pronounce because Welsh is wild, but I could have only been, like, six. I’d never seen so many stars – but then the lake was so still, it reflected the sky back like a mirror, so it looked like the sky had doubled to me. Like the entire Milky Way was a blanket all around us. We parked the van up by the side of the lake, and Dad started a proper campfire that night, not just a mini-grill, and he and Mum worked together to find rocks to build a little firepit for it. I tried to help, but I only brought a tiny little stone, basically. But Dad told me that I was a great help, and he just tucked it into the fireplace. I was so proud! I remember he lit it, and it was crackling away, lighting up the place, and Dad put in some potatoes in the fire to cook. I was actually sitting by the fire when it started cracking and popping. The firepit, I mean – the rocks started exploding! I remember Mum screaming and pulling me away from the fire, but I still think one of those rocks shot a splinter in my leg. Ah, it was nothing though. I was more interested in the fire exploding. After a little while, the rocks stopped popping, and I just remember how Mum and Dad just looked at each other and cracked up laughing. We did get our potatoes in the end, though. After dinner, Mum started playing her cassette on her old player, and she took my hands and started dancing with me. I was doing that thing where I stand on her feet, and she walked around, y’know? I thought that was the best when I was six for some reason. But it was even funnier when she started dragging Dad into it. Like, he doesn’t dance – I’m sure you know that about him, but he gave it a try, and… well, the thing about dancing is that everyone looks stupid doing it, right? Like, unless you’re in a big group, it just looks kind of unnatural and weird. But no one looks really stupid dancing unless they’re awkward about it, and Dad just had this look on his face, man! Ah! You should have seen it, it was the funniest shit! After a while, we all went to bed in the back of the van, and usually the pillows faced, like, the front seats, but that night, we swapped them around so our heads were hanging out the back of the van, ‘cause then we could see the stars. I’d never seen so many of them… Man, I bet not a lot of kids fell asleep staring at the stars like that… God, I miss being alive.
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liberty-or-death · 2 years
Regret Peak 应悔峰 (Change E 嫦娥 by Li Shangyin 李商隐) - Thousand Autumns Meta
I'll be explaining Thousand Autumns on a chapter by chapter analysis. (idk how else to go about it lol). It'll be mostly on historical aspects that I found interesting. Personally, I haven't seen much discussion on the world building in Thousand Autumns but I think that's the most beautiful part of the novel!
The story starts off with two peaks; the Half Step/Banbu Peak and the Regret Peak. Essentially, the combatants fight on one peak (Half Step), and the spectators (Regret Peak) watch on another. I've previously talked about the Half Step Peak, but did you know that Regret Peak is based off a famous poem? XD
The “Regret Peak 应悔峰” comes from the Tang Dynasty poem “Chang E” written by Li Shangyin 李商隐.   Chang E is known as the goddess of the moon, who drinks her husband (Houyi)’s elixir of immortality and flees to the moon.
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The light from the candle light casts a thick shadow over the folding screen decorated with mica 
This is how a folding screen looks like. In the past, these were decorated with mica stone.
The Milky Way makes its descent, and Venus starts to sink. 
Chang E must have regretted stealing the elixir. 
Because now she’s alone with the blue sea, cerulean skies and the chill of the night. 
Analysis - Thousand Autumns
So this is a poem that’s not just regretful but also very lonely.  But to be precise, it’s the “Should be regretful” peak to account for the 应.  So the first thing that struck me was, who SHOULD be regretful and lonely in thousand autumns?  Notice that the poem does say that Chang E should be regretful but doesn’t really state if she IS.  And is this person in thousand autumns even regretful of his actions?  Is Yan Wushi or Shen Qiao regretful of their actions? Or should they even be regretful? It’s an intriguing choice of words.
Additional links:
Half Step Peak Meta
Thousand Autumns Meta
Poetry list
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loot-loottee · 6 months
Unwinding Adventures: My Semestral Break
February 07 2024, by: Charlotte Jean Almazan
This is my sembreak journey. The semestral break provides a priceless chance for students to rejuvenate their fatigued bodies and brains. Students frequently experience exhaustion due to the unrelenting demands of their studies, exams, and extracurricular activities. But, students can take advantage of this time off from school to relax and get much-needed rest. The semestral break enables people to refill their exhausted energy levels, ensuring they return to their studies refreshed and revitalized. This might involve anything from relaxing with a good book to traveling to exotic locales.
During my sembreak, I discovered a lot of things, and spent my quality time with my friends and family. I personally enjoyed every small time I spent with someone I adore. Sharing the stories I had experienced, making friendship bracelets together, learning skills I wanted to learn like: playing a guitar, drawing and writing. I enjoyed a lot during my sembreak by committing the things I love to do, especially wandering! Travelling is like therapy for me because I can discover a lot of things by exploring. I went to the Bambanti festival Ilagan not just once but twice. Every light I see there is very colorful, the fragrance of the foods, the circumstances happening there, and watching the fireworks exploding noisily up in the high sky. The happiness I've felt was over the roof. I personally watched some pageants where different municipalities came from, watched different band concerts like Sunkissed Lola etc. I also tried new foods, and took pictures while exploring the area.
In addition, I personally tried to challenge myself by cooking various dishes, this experience didn't just make me feel happy and enthusiastic but also improved my cooking skills.Another skill I learned when my sister taught me how to crochet and sew. We made crochet plushies together. I will not forget all the moments I've spent my time with my family or someone I adore. It's really the happiest moment. I have ever experienced visited my friends to have a bonding or reunion. We went for a movie marathon, went to Amusement park, rode some rides like, ferris wheel, vikings, etc. After the fun we had in the Amusement park, we went to the famous cafe called "Apayao Brew". We talked about how we have been doing at school and even interesting stories. After all the traveling around Ilagan, we rested for a few hours at home and after which, we decided to go to Camp Samal Viewdeck near my school. We stayed there for a few hours and also took pictures. I really cherish all the things happening in my life. I could never forget. It's the most important thing in myself. Another thing I did during the break, was attending a mass to connect and communicate with God. I prayed all the things I did bad. After the mass we went for a Jollibee. I really love it when little moments are already precious to me, it makes me; feel joy and fulfilled. In addition, I've also read a lot of romance books, and sweet romance books. I really love reading books because it can make my vocabulary knowledge bigger and have big imaginations, sweet romance books like: Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez and more. I and my cousins and friends also went biking, it was really tiring but it's a good exercise for me. There's also the time when me and my grandparents went to the farm along with my best friend, we went on star gazing, it's honestly so beautiful and It's like a galaxy or milky way, stars shining so so bright I could break my neck just to stare at it. My friends and I also made "Do It Yourself" (DIY) paper flowers, paper stars, paper rings, and even decorations. I love the way it turned out because it's so so cute. My best friend visited me and helped me reorganize my room and it was unexpected to have that much trash. After we reorganized my room, I asked him to play board games and video games with me like chess, monopoly and genshin impact. It was honestly so fun.
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dorothygale123 · 7 months
In honor of the death anniversary of Saint Valentine, where we celebrate his decapitation by giving the same fate to flowers and forgetful boyfriends, we shall be looking at one of the most famous love stories in Chinese mythology. Today, we look at the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.
Now, as with all stories that have already been covered by Red from OSP, I recommend watching her video because she's funny and her chibis are adorable. However there will be new information in this post, so feel free to enjoy both.
The version Red covers begins with the 7 daughters of the Jade Emperor and Xiwangmu sneaking down to the mortal realm for some sisterly skinny dipping, only for Zhinu to have her clothes stolen by a passing herdsman, Niulang. She thinks he's super cute and this theft of her clothes is very endearing, so she decides to stay and marry him while her sisters go back home. This displays a very common myth structure where a man finds a magical lady bathing, takes her clothes, and then marries her. Western myths often have this is often an animal bride, but in Asia the bride is likely to be a celestial maiden who is physically unable to return to heaven without the aid of her special raiment.
This is not the only version of the myth, though. One of my sources claims that Zhinu's father decided she'd been doing such a good job that she deserved a break and actually picked some random cowherd, in this story called Chen Li, to be her husband. His expectation was that she would have a short time of wedded bliss and then come back up to heaven to do her job again. Unfortunately Zhinu was unwilling to just abandon her loving husband and 2 children just to do more work, what a surprise.
In both versions, Zhinu's refusal to return pisses off her parents, who just drag her back up te heaven anyway. Naturally, her husband has some objections about it. However, since he's a mortal he can't really, you know, do anything about it, but he ends up getting help from a very unlikely place. Those who've watch Red's video may remember Niulang's "super intelligent ox he's had this whole time, don't even worry about it." Well, this magic ox has a bit of a backstory. It's actually a divine spirit, the Ox Star, that was being punished for some crime by laboring for humanity and was currently under the care of Niulang/Chen Li. In some tellings the ox was even the one who directed his master to the pool where the divine maidens were bathing and told him to steal their clothes, so you could say he's more than a little invested in their relationship. The ox's punishment was conveniently almost over, so he told Chen Li to wait until he died and take his skin and wear it as a cloak, and then he would be able to see his wife again. Chen Li did so and, taking his 2 kids with him, flies up to heaven to go get their mom back.
Unsurprisingly Zhinu's parents didn't take too kindly to this breech of their daughter's forever grounding, so they cut in between the lovers. Some versions say that Xiwangmu cleaved the sky with her hairpin, while others say the Jade Emperor threw a silver scarf down. Either way, the Milky Way was formed to keep the couple separated. This made Zhinu so sad that she would cry, causing soft rains. Eventually, her parents felt kinda bad for, you know, ripping apart this loving family and forever denying their daughter her husband and children, so they decided to let them meet for a whole day every year! On that day, magpies would fly up and make a bridge over the Milky Way so that the family could be together again.
Then they'd be separated again til next year.
Thanks mom and dad.
Sh*tpost Masterlist
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ratsinspaces-blog · 9 months
This is gonna be interesting…
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Hello, I’m Rat and I like to make art and stories! The Moonglade Rangers is a Webcomic project that I’ve been working on on and off for over a year now. It’s a sci-fi story with comedy and lovecraftian horror elements that follows the adventures of Bianca, the first human member of The Moonglade Rangers - an interplanetary organization dedicated to the preservation of alien ecosystems. With a cast of colorful alien companions by her side, Bianca is assigned to help the newly formed Troop #97 in their mission to break a barrier of hard light separating the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy from a vast array of uncharted solar systems.
Since I know this summary of my comic may have gotten you curious, here are some of the answers to you questions
What’s A Moonglade Ranger?
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The Moonglade Rangers are an interplanetary Organization dedicated to the preservation of alien ecosystems - whether it be via raising the numbers of breeding pairs in an endangered species from a gas giant, restoring a burnt down forest on a dwarf planet, or relocating an interplanetary fungai that’s invading a donut shaped planet(yes they’re real). The space faring members of the Moonglade Rangers are stationed on space bases, dwarf planets, and moons across the Milky Way and are routinely assigned to go on missions by the nations in the interplanetary alliance, The Moonglade Trust. Most Moonglade Rangers belong to numbered troops of 40-60 members led by a captain. While each troop has their own unique goals and specializations, they can all be lumped into three distinct categories -
What are the types of troops?
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Troop #0 is the council. It’s comprised of the organizations most experienced members, all with the primary goal of running and protecting The Moonglade Rangers Organization. The Council approves new Troops, sends off troops on missions, creates space stations, makes and enforces rules, and puts up with all the other nonsense that comes with running a giant alien organization.
The even numbered Troops are known as the Receiver Troops. Their primary duty is to operate the organization’s many bases. Your average Moonglade Rangers base is an interesting place - filled to the brim with giant biomes full of monsters and laboratories testing new eclairs and technologies. It’s the job of the Receiver Troops to keep all these strange alien relics secure.
The odd numbered Troops are Known as Giver Troops. Their main duty is work on off-base missions. They’re often found living out of their ship as they travel from planet to planet searching for rare creatures and preventing ecological disasters. Being a Giver Troop is infamously deadly, and it isn’t uncommon for members of these troops to end their careers dead or crippled.
What’s The Deal With Troop #97?
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Troop #97 is a newly approved Giver Troop founded with the ambitious purpose of exploring The Dark Forest, a vast uncharted space separated from the rest of the Milky Way by a mysterious hard light barrier. Not much is known about what’s contained within The Dark Forest, but it’s been the dream of Troop #97’s inquisitive captain Satyr to find out. The Troop is staffed with many skilled officers - including the feisty young first officer Aries, the goodhearted CMO Mothball, and the famous(or infamous depending on your view) Science Officer Gribblyn. The only thing standing in this promising new Troop’s way is the gosh darn barrier. They’ve fortunately recently found a temporary opening to the Dark Forest in the form of an unstable wormhole. They’ve even used the wormhole to travel to their first Dark Forest Planet - a terrestrial planet called Earth. But it’s only a matter of when, not if the wormhole will close. Thankfully they’ve found an unexpected alley that may help them permanently open the Dark Forest, an earthling called Bianca.
I would like to say thanks for coming to this blog! I hope you enjoy your stay with these silly space characters of mine!
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🌌 Milky Way- Antoine
Oh this is such a good one, thank you! ❤️ unfortunately (because I am the worst for this lol) this one has quite the long answer.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
I have been writing Josephine & Antoine since before Zelda was born. The first thing I knew was that I wanted to end up in New Orleans by 1920, which is why the child born in 1901 was always going to be heir. The main reason for this is that both my academic and personal background are deeply rooted in New Orleans history.
I love seeing the inclusion of jazz in 1920s stories, particularly here in the sims community, so I really wanted to highlight the fundamental role that New Orleans played in what we think of as the 20s. New Orleans’ influence in jazz history mostly comes pre-1920 in the Storyville era. So the first question I asked was how to continue this into a 20s story, and how the Duplanchiers could be relevant to their era and also 30-40 years of history. This is how the figure of Delphine Duplanchier was born, and the backstory of Antoine and Josephine’s upbringing in Storyville.
The first thing that I decided about Antoine was that he would be a pianist. He is heavily inspired by Jelly Roll Morton (which I discussed here) and the amazing legacy of New Orleans piano players. This also ties him in with Storyville history, as brothel pianists, or professors, as they were called, were the most popular musicians there.
His story really flowed from this idea that he is a brilliant and talented musician with no real desire to be famous or deal with the added prejudice that inevitably comes from being in the public eye. This is something that will continue to underlie his story and in some ways is meant to question the idea that talent and success equal happiness. Needless to say, our boy still has a long narrative arc head of him 😉
Got any more OC questions?
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seeker372011 · 2 years
If you live anywhere South of 15 degrees North latitude and step outside on a moonless night in a location without any light pollution in December or January, you will see two wispy “clouds” in the South, preceding the Milky Way as it rises in the East.
These are not clouds, of course but galaxies- systems of stars and gas and dust held together by gravity just like our own galaxy, the Milky Way is. They are known as the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud respectively, and while not the closest galaxies to us ( there are some “ dwarf” galaxies much closer to us), they are the closest large galaxies and certainly the only two that are so easily visible to the naked eye.
The “ clouds” have been known to humans for thousands of years.Every indigenous Australian group has mention of the clouds in their oral tradition. For example, the Yaraldi people tell a story about two cranes who, knowing that the emus would hunt them and kill them, flew up into the air, circling around, higher and higher, until they reached the sky. They found it to be a good country to live in, so they stopped there. You can see them in the heavens at night, "in the form of two patches of clouds, like wisps of smoke, at the end of the Milky Way."
Similarly, the Tupi-Guaranis, in the region of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, compare the Clouds to fountains where a tapir (in the LMC) or a pig (in the SMC) is drinking. The Mapuche in Chile also compare the Clouds to water ponds, called Rüganko or Menoko in their language.
The clouds were also well known to the Arabs and Chinese and to anyone who sailed the southern seas, including Western explorers, especially the Portuguese, and most certainly Amerigo Vespucci who mentioned them in his writings in 1504.
So why are they named after Magellan? I can’t really find the answer. Antonio Pigafetta - who joined Magellan’s expedition - mainly to become famous, with no assigned role - wrote an account describing the clouds on or around 28 November 1520, and his account of Magellans voyage became quite famous; but of course neither he nor Magellan had the hubris to name the clouds after the explorer!
In fact the clouds were known as Nubecula Minor and Nubecula Major for a long time, especially in the scientific literature. However somehow nautical circles had been using the name Magellanic Clouds; and slowly as the usage of Latin names dwindled , the popular name seems to have taken over… till in 1847 John Herschel used the popular name for the first time in a scientific publication.
But as our old friend, Bill Shakespeare wrote “ what’s in a name”?
The clouds are wonderful objects for professional and amateurs alike to explore; which I enjoy doing; and so I chose the Large Magellanic Cloud as the target for my last image for 2022.
The Large Magellanic Cloud-
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hans-bolg · 11 months
Explanation and Analysis of the Science Fiction Work "Great Silence"
This is a novel from the perspective of parrots, which narrates their views on humans from the perspective of parrots. The author believes that there are many similarities between humans and parrots, and also elaborates on their understanding of the Fermi paradox from their own perspective. Author: Ted Chiang Humans use radio telescopes to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The radio telescope array located in Puerto Rico is one of the most powerful telescopes on Earth, and this is also the habitat of Puerto Rican parrots. But why hasn't anyone listened carefully to us? The universe is so vast that intelligent organisms must have appeared many times. With a lifespan of over 10 billion years, a single intelligent organism can develop into the Milky Way, but we have never discovered any other intelligent organism. People call this problem the Fermi paradox. One explanation is that all intelligent creatures choose to hide themselves to prevent aggression. The universe should be lively, but in fact, it is a disturbing silence. Some speculate that intelligent creatures were extinct before they expanded. Looking back hundreds of years ago, my parrot race prospered, our figures flew in the Amazon jungle, our voices echoed in the jungle, but now we are about to die, and soon that rainforest will remain silent like the universe. There is an African grey parrot once named Alex, who is famous among humans for his outstanding cognitive abilities. He can not only remember vocabulary, but also understand the concepts of color and shape. Each parrot has a unique call to indicate its identity, which biologists call the "contact sound". In 1974, astronomers used radio telescopes to send a message showcasing human intelligence into the universe, which is the "contact sound" of humans. Humans establish radio telescopes because they are the ears they listen to and the vocal cords they speak to. In English, breathing and hope can be expressed in the same word as' aspiration '. When we speak, we use the air in our lungs to turn our thoughts into real existence. The sound we make is not only our intention but also our vitality, which runs through human history. Analysis: This is a novel with a unique perspective. Viewing problems from another special perspective in the story can also arouse people's deep thinking, increase the fun of the story, and an uncommon perspective can bring a unique style to the narrative itself
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tilbageidanmark · 1 year
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Movies I watched this Week #134 (Year 3/Week 30):
The Consequences Of Love, my 6th rewarding film by Paolo Sorrentino, an exceptional mature director. His usual collaborator Toni Servillo plays here a mysterious businessman, who's been staying alone for 8 years at a luxurious Lugano hotel. Rich, stylish and evocative. 8/10.
4 more by Buñuel:
🍿 The Milky Way, the first of his loose "Search for truth" trilogy, (together with the much better 'The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie' and 'The Phantom of Liberty'). Some intricate heretic and blasphemous polemics against the church - and all believers. Clear inspiration to Jodorowsky. “Thank God I’m an atheist.” 5/10.
🍿 Re-watch: Tristana, a complex tragedy about the patriarchy, innocence, sexuality, obsessiveness and cruelty, offered as a simple soap opera. Fernando Rey is the decadent aristocrat who seduces his young niece, the deceitful Catherine Deneuve, who perversely rebels against this father-husband. That Mustache guard! The artificial leg laying on bed! The Don Lope Bell clapper! 8/10.
🍿 Robinson Crusoe, his first color film, and the first made in English, was a traditional re-telling of the famous story, with (few) subversive elements.
🍿 "...See you at the top, gumdrop..."
The young one (1960) was Buñuel's second film in English, an uncomfortable, disturbing drama, now considered to be one of his forgotten masterpieces. A tense and very disturbing story: A black clarinet player who is falsely accused of rape, finds refuge on an island off the Carolina coast. An unpleasant gamekeeper forces himself on a 13 year old innocent girl (who looks remarkably like Liv Tyler). The two men end up playing a bitter battle-of-wills game, full of tense and racist scenes. An odd morality play examining prejudices, racism and pedophilia.
The Letter Room, my first by Danish director Elvira Lind. She cast her real-life husband Oscar Isaac as a kind, mustachioed prison guard, who's assigned to go over the prisoners' mail. Ah, The American carceral system! The saddest film I've seen in a while. 9/10.
(Photo Above).
“Eat the watermelon - it’s yours now”.
Cameraperson, my second superb documentary by elite cinematographer Kristen Johnson (after her incredible 'Dick Johnson is dead').
Johnson shot dozens of films, and this personal collage is a collection of some of her background leftover titbits, establishing shots and related stuff from all over the world. Extremely powerful, even before she breaks out stuff from the most tragic and harrowing places around the world: Guantanamo, Sarajevo, Jasper, Texas, Kabul, Nigeria, Yemen and Mississippi. So much heartbreaks and suffering, told with so much restrain. "Donba!" 9/10.
I discovered this in a short Thomas Flight essay 'The Succession Character You Never See' which describes how important the invisible camera decisions are.
First watch: Closely Watched Trains, the groundbreaking Czech New Wave classic. Cute, light erotic story about Premature ejaculation and anti-Nazi resistance.
A mighty wind, another of (Baron!) Christopher Guest's comedy-mockumentaries, this time about a television reunion of three folk bands from the 60's. With a scary-looking Harry Shearer (who later transition into a female), and all the members of the ensemble that made 'Spinal tap', 'Best in show' and others. Perfectly charming. 7/10.
Loft, the standard 'Erotic thriller' from Belgium was the most successful Flemish-speaking film ever by 2008. 5 successful yuppies, duplicitous swinging dicks, own a fancy loft together, to which they bring their mistresses to. But they are all married, and claim to be faithful when in public. When a woman is found murdered in the loft, it's unclear who killed her or why. 3/10.
Nine Queens is considered as one of Argentina's greatest films. A crime thriller of two small time street hustlers, who cross and double cross everybody around them again and again. With 2 surprising endings, one of which is typically Argentinian (The bank suddenly defaults!). 5/10.
My 9th and 10th by Wes Anderson:
🍿 The Darjeeling Limited, a movie about designer suitcases; A visually-provocative but emotionally stunted drama about 3 irritating brothers on an exotic 'spiritual trip' to India. With the first (?) sex scene in any of his movies. All style, no substance. I don't know why I keep watching his films, when I find him empty and pretentious. 4/10.
🍿 Hotel Chevalier was a 12 minutes film he released together with 'Darjeeling', like a Pixar "Short". A prequel with some background about Jack Whitman and his ex-girlfriend. Like 'Prada: Candy', Anderson's perfume ad with Léa Seydoux, shorter is better. This is actually a perfectly little story with the same "Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)?" comment. 7/10.
The chase (1946), a second rate Noir by a second rate auteur. With Robert Cummings and Peter Lorre. 1/10.
The Beguiled, a moody Southern Gothic thriller by Sofia Coppola, about a wounded Union Corporal who was given shelter at a small girls school in Virginia in 1864. My second film about amputation this week (After 'Tristana'!). But the slow melodrama didn't speak to me at all.
In Ted Gioia's tribute to Tony Bennett, he claims that lounge-lizard Lou Canova is modeled after Bennett, at the lows of his career at that period. I haven't seen Woody Allen's Broadway Danny Rose since 1984. His cinematic personality as the 'nervous Jew' is highly-irritating. But Gordon Willis photography helped give the tight story 100% score on 'Rotten Tomatoes'.
Rip, Tony Bennett!
Fieldwork Footage is a 1928 short directed by Zora Neale Hurston. She was a central figure of the 'Harlem renaissance', an author and anthropologist and the first African-American female film maker.
I was sick for a day, so I watched Pineapple Express once again, the best action-stoner comedy ever? Convincing marijuana enthusiast Set Rogen against local mob guy Bill Lumbergh. It's a movie about escalation! Starts with weed jokes and ends with "Prepare to suck the cock of Karma" climax.
The Quiet American, an adaptation of Graham Greene Foreign Service Saigon thriller, with Michael Caine and Brendan Frazer. The two engage in a ménage à trois over a pretty Vietnamese taxi dancer. This is 1952 when the CIA is just getting into the war there. Cinematography by Christopher Doyle, Wong Kar-wai's usual collaborator. 3/10.
In the 1960's and 70's, the Montmartre Jazz club on Store Regnegade in Copenhagen was the center of world class jazz in Europe. Many of the greatest names in Jazz played there regularly. Miles Davis, Chet Baker, Ben Webster, Dexter Gordon, Sonny Rollins, Art Blakey, Muddy Waters, Dizzy Gillespie, Stan Getz, and of course the Danish bass player Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen. Blues for Montmartre is a nostalgic 2011 Danish documentary about the place and the people who frequented it. 9/10.
Here is Ben Webster playing Stardust in Montmartre in 1971.
That’s my jazz: Pastry chef Milt Abel ll reflects on his relationship with his late father Milton Abel Sr., a legendary Kansas City jazz musician.
Surprisingly, he went to work at Noma, and stayed in Copenhagen to open his own Danish-style bakery!
Just because I dislike science fiction as a genre, does not mean that I'm not ready to give it another chance every once in awhile (But always to be disappointed!). Gattaca seemed to be different: Dystopian bio-punk about eugenics with Gore Vidal and Ernest Borgnine... But I only lasted 30 minutes inside this shiny, sterile world: Pseudo-intellectual mambo-jumbo, horribly acted.
Throw-back to the "Art project”:  
Adora with Buñuel.
(My complete movie list is here)
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