#the name in my bio gives it away if you seen the x readers..
pumpk1nappl3p1 · 2 years
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Mm still something I’m working on, not a big fan of his head..
But it’s for a thing I’m currently writing! I’d post more but it’d give away too much. And with how much I posted about my story.. I’m nowhere near this scene so y’all won’t see more of this for a while..
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
♡ dedicated to covey @hopelesslyromanticshark the blueprint for the poseidon girlie x leo trope 😇 lovey > caleo 4eva (even the ship name is cuter!)
❝ daughter of poseidon x leo valdez!!!!! ❞ — anon
in which leo dates a daughter of poseidon
pairing leo valdez x poseidon!reader
warnings percys a bit of an ass in this lowk sorry guys (he didn't mean it i promise!!!), they have tech, andddd i lowk hate this but i haven’t posted in three days so 🙁 maybe i’ll rewrite it someday!!
on the radio . . . hey blondie (dominic fike)
an i’ve been DYING for someone to request this combo i love it sm …. also OGs remember when my bio was hey blondie 🫡 reader isn’t blonde dw (i’m not even blonde myself) !! also reader is a year younger than percy (making her the same age as leo)
Leo didn’t know Percy had a sister. Maybe he was living under a rock (he was - Leo spent the majority of his days at Bunker 9), but he just hadn’t considered the possibility of it, with Percy being a child of the big three and all
If Leo had known of your existence sooner, he would’ve burnt down Bunker 9 himself and spent the rest of his days glued to your side. He had met many people, but none as perfect and charming as you
You see, the boy was simply going to pass by Cabin 3 to show Percy this new gadget he’d made for him and see if he wanted to hang out sometime, since Leo hadn’t seen Percy in a while, when he met you - Y/N, Percy’s younger half-sister
“Hello, may I help you?” You asked, opening the front door of your cabin and being met with a boy with curly brown hair and big brown eyes. Immediately, you felt the heat radiating off of him increase and all of a sudden his brown curls were on fire
As a child of Poseidon, naturally, you’ve never been fond of fire, so this freaked you out. Knowing the water fountain was right behind you, you controlled the water with your hands and shot it at Leo, putting out the fire and drenching him in the process
Leo didn’t care, though. You could drown him for Hephaestus’ sake and he’d still come crawling back - okay, maybe that was a little much. He took in your worried expression and a wave of guilt washed over him as he realised how afraid you were
“I’m sorry, I have a hard time controlling my fire powers sometimes… Where’s Percy?” He asked, not even bothering to question your Godly heritage. You were very clearly a daughter of Poseidon
After that, things calmed down between you two. You let him in and although you were wary of Leo (and sat as far away from him as possible without being labelled as rude), patiently listened as he explained why he was looking for your brother
He then showed you the gadget he made and when Leo saw the way your eyes lit up at its mechanisms, he knew his life would no longer be complete if you weren’t in it
You gushed over the thing, pressing the buttons over and over again (which Leo didn’t have the heart to tell you would wear them down) and showering him in compliments - something that has never happened to Leo before
A grin made its way onto his lips. Sure, people have praised his creations before, but none of them did it the way you did, nearly bursting with excitement as you tried to handle it with utmost care
Part of Leo wished Percy would never come back to cabin 3 ever again, but speak (in this case, think) of the devil and he shall appear. That was his unfortunate cue to leave
He quickly showed Percy how to handle the device and was about to leave when you stopped him. Leo almost couldn’t believe his ears and almost leaped for joy when he heard you ask if you could pass by his cabin sometime, since you really wanted to see more of his stuff
That was the beginning of the most iconic friendship in Camp Half-Blood history
You quickly discovered you had a lot in common and so, you became attached at the hip. It was so bad that whenever someone was asked where one of you were, they’d give the location of the other since they knew there was an incredibly high possibility of you being together
Leo taught you how to use a screwdriver and weld and I can’t think of a third thing people who make machines do but you get the gist! And in return, you taught him how to swim
His ability to swim (or lack thereof) was something which was brought up your very first time hanging out together at bunker nine. After many attempts, you finally successfully hammered a nail into a piece of metal (fyi I’m a daughter of Demeter I know absolutely nothing about this subject) and in your enthusiastic state insisted you go to the beach together
At your suggestion, Leo got awfully quiet and began shyly playing with a stray piece of metal. Your eyebrows furrowed, confused for a second about the shift in his behaviour, when it finally clicked
“Oh my Gods, Leo, do you not know how to swim?” You asked, hesitant - you didn’t want to embarrass the poor guy. He looked up at you and nodded, pouting at the way your lips wobbled as you tried not to giggle. You weren’t laughing at him, of course, you just thought it was really cute
Grabbing him by the arm, you began to drag him to your cabin and said, “c’mon, I’ll teach you! It’ll be like me repaying you for teaching me how to do all the fancy things you do with metal!”
You guys started going to the beach more often after that. At first, you were just teaching Leo how to be in a body of water and not drown, but once he got the hang of it you started having swimming competitions and introducing him to all your fish friends!
They’re always telling you to hurry up and confess because it's so obvious that you like Leo and you keeping it to yourself isn’t doing you any favours but you can’t. Why? Because you don’t think Leo likes you back
Meanwhile Leo’s sitting on the sand next to you admiring the way you seem to gain life by being near a body of water, having to push his fire powers down whenever you’d pull him closer to you, the only thing filling the space between you being the water of the ocean
You are quite literally Mr and Mrs Oblivious. Everyone can tell you like each other but yourselves
It’s actually really funny because you run in the same circles so you tend to complain to the same people about how the other can’t tell you like them and they’re just sitting there trying SO hard not to facepalm
Most of the time you two go to Annabeth, simply because she’s the only one you believe can keep a secret as big as your crushes. Unfortunately for you she and Percy come as a packaged duo, which means Percy’s aware
She didn’t mean to tell him but one time after a heated discussion with you where you analysed Leo’s every move it was still fresh on her mind and she let it slip
Ever since then, Percy’s been eyeing Leo, who’s definitely noticed the behaviour switch. It’s not like Percy had anything against you dating - you were only a year younger than him, after all, and you never tried to stop him and Annabeth from dating - but he couldn’t help but feel a little protective
An extra year of life still made you his baby sister! He’d insist to Annabeth that it doesn’t bother him and Leo is a good guy and his friend so he’s happy that the two of you reciprocate each other’s feelings then turn and give the poor boy a glare so terrifying it’d make a hellhound cower in fear
While all of this is happening, Leo’s freaking out. He’s absolutely losing his mind because all of a sudden Percy no longer likes him which means he’s probably noticed he likes you and disapproves of your potential relationship
All these thoughts cause him to spiral and eventually distance himself from you. It was just occasionally rejecting plans but then it turned into him somehow always being busy, and it broke your heart
Percy, being the kind and loving brother he is, asked you what was wrong on one of those days and you had to fight the urge to burst into tears as you told him about how you thought you did something to hurt Leo
You see, Leo was your first real friend at camp. Sure, you had other friends, but they were all just casual acquaintances you’d talk to whenever you happened to see them. Leo was your first best friend, which meant a lot
In that moment, Percy knew what he had to do
“Hey, why’re you avoiding Y/N?” Percy asked, barging into bunker nine, his arms crossed as he stared down Leo, who was busy making something (as usual)
Leo, who hadn’t been fully listening, looked up to find none other than Percy Jackson standing in front of him, “what?” He asked, his eyes widening
“I said, why are you avoiding my sister?” He repeated, the scowl on his face deepening. Percy was usually a pretty nice guy, but that could change really quickly if anyone ever even thinks of hurting his loved ones (loyalty is his fatal flaw after all)
Putting his tools down, Leo stood up, suddenly defensive. Why was Percy putting the blame on him? He was the reason Leo decided to talk to you less in the first place. Doing that to you really hurt Leo, but he wasn’t going to let himself get close to you just to end up heartbroken and without two friends in the end
“Do you hate her all of a sudden, is that it? Because if that’s the case, you should at least be kind enough to voice those thoughts so she can find new friends–”
“Dude, I love Y/N. Who put that in your head?” Leo interrupted, “I’m avoiding Y/N because I’ve seen the way you look at me, Percy. I get it, you’re not happy that I like her, and I don’t want to bother you or put a strain in your relationship, so I’ve distanced myself.”
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He avoided you because he loved you, because he didn’t want there to be any trouble between you and your brother because of him, and yet somehow here he was being accused of hating you?
You’re the first person Leo truly felt love for ever since his own mother. How could he hate you
“Tell her,” Percy said. He felt immensely guilty as the realisation that he was the reason why you’d almost lost your crush and best friend hit him. He never meant for it to go this far, and honestly, the glances weren’t even purposeful - he just couldn’t help it
“She likes you too, literally everyone at camp knows it, you’ll be fine. And Leo, I’m really sorry I made you feel that way. I didn’t mean to, honestly, I just really care about Y/N and don’t want her to get hurt. But I know you won’t hurt her, so… I approve.”
When I say Leo ran so fast to your cabin that he left a whole trail of fire behind him, I’m not exaggerating. He passed by Flowers and Vines (Demeter + Dionysus kid flower shop/fruits market iykyk) and set their crops on fire, quickly making himself their mortal enemy
He couldn’t care less though. You liked him back! In a few moments, he’d confess and you’d agree to date him and you’d finally be his
And confess he did <3 you were a little mad at Percy at first for unintentionally separating the two of you but after three days’ worth of grovelling you were fine
You couldn’t be too mad, after all, since you now had your fireboy
(The crowd cheers!!!! After 5 pages of backstory you get actual dating hcs)
Okay so I just want to start by saying that Leo is literally like a raven or a cat or whatever animal it is. He’s constantly finding the randomest trinkets and just giving them you for no reason
He goes to the beach a lot on his own whenever he misses you because the salty air smells just like the crook of your neck and often comes back with a bunch of seashells, randomly shaped rocks and one time an actually alive sand dollar
You spent so long teaching him how to spot one that’s alive and one that’s dead so when he saw a sand dollar he got really excited at the idea of you being proud of him remembering the difference that he’d forgotten it
His favourite things are the seashells though. Why? Well, because he can turn them into cute jewellery for you, duh!
It started off as a silly little idea. He found a cute seashell and thought ‘what if I strung a piece of thread through this and made it a necklace for my beautiful hot gorgeous pretty siren mermaid cutie pie Y/N?’
He ended up doing it and you loved it so much he decided he’d make you a whole collection of seashell jewellery
The second time around, he made an actual chain for the necklace because you’re deserving of more than some lousy thread!!!
Then he began making bracelets and rings and earrings and all sorts of other things for you. Somehow, despite making so many of them, Leo managed to make them all unique in their own way. Your favourite, however, was the seashell locket he made you for one of your anniversaries
Inside of the locket is a picture you took together on the beach. It was from back when you were just friends, but you looked so gorgeous in it Leo couldn’t help but choose it for the necklace
Also, you guys are LITERALLY fireboy and watergirl
You’d had an epiphany one day whilst lying your head on his chest and the gasp you let out had Leo worried you were dying for a second
When you told him this, Leo was confused. Being in the foster care system at a young age then sent to wilderness school then doing demigod things left very little room for him to discover modern things other people his age liked
You immediately took him to the little computer you shared with Percy and opened up fireboy and watergirl (the OG game of course, not one of the newer editions) and taught him how to play
Honestly, Leo’s really bad at it. Like at first you thought he just needed to get the hang of it but then you reached the one year anniversary of when you first showed him FB & WG and he was STILL awful at it (also yes you know what day that is. You and Leo have anniversaries for everything)
“Leo!” You exclaimed, unable to watch as the try again prompt popped up on the screen. After about 50 times doing this level (which you had completed on your own before just fine), you’d finally gotten to the last hurdle when, of course, fireboy had to fall into the green slime
Leo pouted, once again prepared to fight his case, “Fireboy’s an idiot! It’s not my fault you get to control the smarter one out of the two!”
“Nuh, uh! Fireboy’s so much easier to control! He has the arrows, watergirl has WASD, which is way harder!”
“Fine, you control him, since he’s so easy to use!”
“But I’m Watergirl! I can’t have you killing me too!”
You’d have this conversation almost every single time you played the game. It got so bad one time Percy had to block the fireboy and watergirl website from the computer
Which was stupid because Leo’s literally a son of Hephaestus so all he had to do was touch the computer and it quickly became unbanned!
Also I think all children of Poseidon have an obscene amount of fish/sea animal merch. Specifically plushies
Leo stayed the night at your cabin once thinking ‘oh my Gods I’m gonna be sleeping with Y/N for the first time WTF WTF WTF!!!’ only to end up sleeping with Chelsea the starfish instead
He teased you a little at first but you’d refused to talk to him after that so he accepted them into the L/N-Valdez family (despite them hogging the bed 😒)
Now, he also defends the plushies like his life depends on it. If someone even DARES to utter a word against Haley the seahorse its ON SIGHT fr
He also keeps a mental note of all the names of your plushies to see if he can figure out a theme with the kinds of names you like for when you name your future baby but that’s a story for another day!
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smuthospital · 8 months
⭐️Yandere Kylar x Reader⭐️
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Premise: You're a streamer, and your biggest fan really really likes you
Warning: Non-con, kidnapping, gn reader
Minors DNI
Bright lights flash in your eyes, your fingers rapidly bashing buttons on your keyboard, your other hand furiously clicking your mouse. You whine as your character suddenly falls to the ground, dead.
"Ok, guys! Ok, I get it! I know I'm not that good at this game! No need to tease me!" You laugh. Inside, you're a bit peeved. These stinky bastards aren't here for your gameplay so they better shut up. Shut up and enjoy their eye candy. You're currently streaming an online first-person shooter. You made your little hobby into a little side hustle not too long ago. Guys love watching hot people play games and it's proven to be profitable. "I'm cute? Well thank you, Mr. Husband!" This guy is a regular. Gotta give him those shout-outs he practically pays for.
As much as it hurts to deal with these weirdos, It helps with expenses. You've even seen Robins username pop in and out quickly, probably hoping you didn't see. At first, you were uncomfortable with acting all sweet for your audience, but you warmed up to the idea when it started staving off your bastard Landlord at the orphanage you live in, Bailey. You play games dressed sexy, say sweet dumb things and the money comes pouring in.
These poor, lonely guys send you money in hopes you'll give them a crumb of attention, and you do. Sometimes, you say their names. You don't exactly care that you're taking their money at all. It's a gift! It's not like you forced them to give you money, nor did you even ask. They just want a chance to get in your pants and you're not gonna stop them from dreaming. You can't count the number of times people in the chat have asked if you have an onlyfans.
You'd never, of course, date one of these pigs. You imagine your viewers are stinky, slimy, greasy and would cum in their pants at just seeing you in person. Their whole body is probably sticky to the touch and shower maybe once a month they probably have piss filled mountain dew bottles on the floor next to their pc and shit stains on their seat. You're pretty sure a few guys in the comments are jerking off as you stream this very second.
A few times, you've received ominous messages in the comments from different users, almost threatening you for some ridiculous problem they have with you. How you play, what you're wearing, or just your face, so you make sure to always hide your location and are very vague about your personal life. You're used to them being weird, saying things about what they'd do to you if they were alone with yo- Just have to learn to ignore it. You calm yourself down.
"Well, that's enough for today, I'm getting sleepy! It was nice playing with you today. I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight, love you!" You blow a kiss at the camera. You see people commenting their 'i love you too's and whining about how you could stay a bit longer' in the chat before you disconnect. You made $540 from that two-hour stream. You received most of it from the same person. Mr.Husband. Not one minute after closing the stream, you get a message. You thought you disabled direct messages? You notice that it's to your personal account that's open on another tab from an unnamed account. No bio, no profile picture.
New user: Hey
New user: Do you want to meet up sometime? For coffee?
You: Who's this?
New user: I'm Kylar. You can get to know me when we get coffee.
You: Uh no? How the fuck do you know me?
New user: I love your streams, pretty. Drop the fucking attitude before you piss me off. I knew you'd be more of a bitch off-camera. You just look too good to be good hearted. You have to be taught obedience. You're lucky I care about you so much.
You: Keep your tiny prick away from me. I never want to see you in my presence. Disgusting. Ugly pig. Do me a favor and never ever leave your dirty cave. Go fuck yourself
New user: Wanna watch?
*New user has now been blocked*
You stand up and walk away from your computer. how the fuck did he find your actual account? You don't even have your real name anywhere. You start to undress, not noticing your computer's camera has flicked on again.
In a dark room, a man fists his massive cock slowly, eyes trailing up and down his obsession through the screen. His mind is filled with all the things he wants to do to a little cock tease like you. Ruin you, break you, crush you under his weight, teach you a lesson for whoring yourself out. A cute treat like you should have better manners "Pig...tiny prick. Ah, (y/n) I can't let you just say those things to your husband." he watches as you slide your underwear down, eyes zeroing in on the crevice between your thighs as you bend over. He shudders as hot baby batter coats his chest and thighs, continuing to roll down his cock in fat globs.
Two days later, you're walking back home from a late shift at the cafe. You plan to stream when you get home.
Something is watching you.
Cold sweat dribbles down the back of your neck. You shiver, the cold night air doing nothing to calm you. You can feel eyes drilling holes into your back. You picked up your pace, your eyes darting all around. Who is it? What do they want? You think you can hear footsteps not far away. They're getting closer. You break into a sprint and make it to Danube street before you're tackled to the ground. All air is pushed from your lungs, depleting you of oxygen. You do your best to fight against your unseen attacker, but they're far too strong. You try to scream, but only a wheeze comes out. The man roughly picks you up like a sack of potatoes under his arm and carries you into a mansion nearby.
He walked down a flight of stairs and threw you to the ground. You tried to scramble away, but he grabs your ankle and drags you back to him. You get a look at his face in the dim light. He's handsome, but his expression strikes fear in your heart. Fury is the only word you can think of to describe it. You scream and flail your limbs wildly, trying to get him the fuck off of you. You hear a crack and before you realize what happened, your cheek is burning. "Shut." Smack "The." Smack "Fuck." Smack "Up." He's seething by the end. Your head was knocked back into the ground by the last hit. A dribble of blood runs down your nose, your cheeks completely red and moderately swollen. You're no longer trying to fight him, head far too foggy to do anything but lay there in pain.
"I'm sorry, baby." He huffs, calming down a bit. "Don't fight me and that won't have to happen again." He wiped at the blood on your face with his thumb, cradling your cheek. A blush creeps over his face along with a deranged smile as he stares down at you with his unblinking eyes. "You're just so perfect. Everything." You feel a bulge forming atop you where he's straddled. He pants heavily as he looks you up and down. Hot tears slip down your swollen cheeks at the realization that you can't get yourself out of this one.
You lie completely still as he palms his crotch in front of you. "I...I'm kylar...you said I have a small prick, (Y/n)... That wasn't very nice. You should say things like that to your husband." You stare at him in awe...it's..the guy from the chat. did he find you? He's crazy. He's insane. He's gonna kill you. Your chest heaves up and down uncontrollably. You feel blood rushing to your ears, feeling the most fear you've ever felt in your entire life. He takes notice of your panic attack and tries to calm you. "H-hey! Shhh, it's ok, just breathe!" You don't hear a word he's saying and thrash wildly again. Your legs kick underneath him, but his body doesn't budge an inch.
You freeze when you feel his lips smash onto yours. He grabs your wrists in one hand above your head, effectively immobilizing you. It feels like he's trying to eat you, no longer caring about your little tantrum. "Just stay still." He mutters as his large hands roam up and down your body like he's waited his life for this moment. You feel his ever growing bulge rub against your stomach. He grabs your hands before you could try to fight him again.
"...You know...I've been giving you my good money, (Y/n). All because I knew how hard it was to live on your own. But now you're here with me. You'll be my personal house whore." You feel his breath hit your cheek. "Please...let me go. I didn't do anything to you!" You're full on sobbing at this point and to your horror, you feel his cock twitch against you.
"Oh fuck! Keep crying for me like that, baby." He's clawing your pants. Your eyes dart around the room for anything that can help you, but your blood runs cold when you just see hundreds of photos of you plastered all over his walls, some even on his ceiling. You hear a loud tear. This animal ripped your pants and underwear in the process of ridding them from your body.
You're a shaking mess as he cups your sex in his hand. "K-Kylar, please!" You cry, trying to appeal to his humanity. He groans, a little wet spot of pre cum appears on his crotch. "Say my name again." He demanded. His fingers rim around your hole, threatening to dive in. You quiver at the feeling. He unzipped his pants and you feel something impossibly large, heavy and hot slam onto your stomach with a thud.
He releases you momentarily and moves himself lower on your body, his head between your legs. His arms circle around your thighs in a vice grip. He takes a strong whiff and lets out a moan. You feel his tongue slide up and down your sex as his fingers plat around with your hole before dipping half a finger in. You're too dry, it hurts! You whine and struggle, uncomfortable. His finger dips all the way in, uncaring for your pleasure. You scream as he continues to thrust his finger inside you as his mouth engulfs your sex. He removes his finger and lifts himself off you. You sigh in relief.
That relief dies as you feel his meaty cock push at your hole. He begins to push in, but your hole resists. It's too big. He lets out a sound of annoyance before spitting on his hand and rubbing the liquid up and down his cock. It does little to help aid in his entrance. "This may hurt a bit…a lot actually." He wicked grin stretches across his face before he rears his hips back and forces his cock through. You let out a blood curdling scream he rips through your insides. He's only halfway in, your walls desperately trying to push him back out. He holds onto your waist and pulls you into him, bottoming out. You feel like you're bleeding, but you're too afraid to look down.
You can hardly breathe. His cock feels like it's in your stomach. Your body twitches, hot tears slipping past the corners of your eyes as you wheeze out please for mercy. He only looks down at you in awe at your beauty. "Oh, you're so cute like this! I knew you could take it! I know it hurts now, but just give it time." His thumb rubs at your tears. There's nothing you can do to get out of this. You feel completely helpless.He pulls himself out, and slowly goes back in, groaning. "Fuck, you're so tight" he grunts. You close your eyes and hear a flash. Your eyes snap open to see he's holding a camera. A blinding light fills your vision along with a 'click'. This sick fuck.
You let out an involuntary moan when he shoves himself into you at just the right angle. He presses himself deep inside you, holding himself there, his cock hugging your sweet spot. "Ah (Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!" He chants your name like a mantra at each thrust, but you can barely hear him. All you can do is feel him. Hurt hurts so bad but feels equally as good.
You can't help but let little sounds of pain and pleasure spill from your lips as his hips ram into yours. You look up to see his eyes are completely rolled back. His lips press wet kisses to your cheek. You feel a knot start to build in your lower stomach without your consent and you feel yourself lift onto cloud nine. "Oh (Y/n), cum for me! Cum for your husband!" He moans. You feel shame and pleasure wash over you as you do just that. You clench around him, his breath hitches in his throat at the feeling. He slams into you harder and harder. The over stimulation is killing you now. It's too much!
You think he might break something inside you, you think his dick might knock your brain out of your skull with how hard he's pounding. You feel like your organs will never be the same. "Gonna get you pregnant, gonna breed you again and again. Gonna have my babies. We'll be great parents!" His muttering awakens what's left of the fight in you. "Ah! N-no, stop! I-I can't!" His hand slams over your mouth, his bottomless green eyes staring directly into yours. He lifts your legs up and puts them over his shoulders in a tight mating press.
He hits your special spot and your eyes roll back. He can reach far deeper like this. He slams into you with one final thrust, pressing into you with his full weight. You can't breathe. The over stimulation finally comes for you and you cum all over his cock again. You feel his cock twitch before unloading what seems to be an endless supply of semen into you. You can almost hear the wet sound of him cumming inside you. Your lower stomach rises by the sheer volume of cum produced. You wonder if he used to be a bull at Remy's farm or something. That thought quickly vanishes along with your whole mind as your brain is unable to produce anymore thoughts.
With a satisfied sigh, he pulls his slipping wet cock out of you, a rush of lightly pink cum following after, quickly stopping when he plugs you up with a small plug. His cock isn't even fully soft. You pray he doesn't decide he wants a round two. "That wasn't so bad, now was it? You were crying for nothing." He pants. He kisses your temple before picking you up by your waist, once again like a sack of potatoes in one arm. He walks over to a mattress on the floor and drops you on it, your body softly bouncing on top before settling in a heap. He had a mattress the whole time and still fucked you on the cold, dirty cement floor!? You hear a click and see he's chained your right angle to the wall. He smiles at you and pevks you on the lips the way a husband would before leaving to work. His mood did a 180. He's so very cheerful, his handsome face cheerfully grinning down at you like you're a cute little kitten.
"You did really well today, (Y/n), my love. I'll be back tomorrow. You won't get dinner tonight because you fought me so much, but you'll learn to behave. I want to treat you better, so please be good for me. Goodnight." With that, your new 'husband' stands up to his full height and walks upstairs, leaving you in the cold pitch darkness of the basement.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 6 months
Dirty Little Stories » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader
Summary: Bucky finds out what a dirty girl Y/N is when he finds her Tumblr blog.
Warnings: Smut (18+), language, dirty talk, kissing, hickeys, fingering, (f receiving), unprotected sex, rough sex, praise kink, metal arm kink, Bucky’s dog tags, name calling (slut), pet names (doll, babydoll, doll face)
Written on my phone so sorry if there’s any mistakes or typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators.
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Getting used to modern day technology was difficult for Bucky, but with help from you, it was easier than he thought. Now he’s able to talk, text, and do whatever he wants now. As of right now, Bucky was catching up on stuff he missed throughout the years. As he was scrolling through Google, he came across a link that’s connected to Tumblr so he tapped on it to see what it was. That’s when he came across something interesting. He found a blog that has particularly dirty things, meaning the person who runs the blog writes a lot of smut. Bucky tapped on one of the links that took him to one of the stories. His mind was nearly blown when he finished it. He went back to read another one and another one. That’s when something caught his eye. He recognized the name of the person’s blog. The name “Y/N” was displayed in the bio of the blog. It didn’t take long for Bucky to figure out that the blog is ran by his girlfriend, who isn’t as innocent as he thought she was.
“Oh you’re in so much trouble when you get home, doll.” Bucky says to himself.
Bucky continued to read the stories you have posted on your blog. He didn’t like the fact that you were writing and fantasizing about other men, but he will admit that your writing is very well written.
“Bucky, I’m home!” Your voice echoed through the apartment.
You kicked the door shut with your foot and went to the kitchen to put the groceries away. Bucky shut his phone off and put it in his pocket, making his way to the kitchen.
“Hey, doll.” Bucky kisses your lips. “How was the store?” He asks.
“It was alright. It wasn’t as crowded as last week.” You tell him. “Anything interesting happened here?” You asked.
“Not really.” He starts. “I did come across something interesting.” He says, leaning against the kitchen counter and crosses his arms over his chest.
“What was it?” You asked, putting something in the refrigerator.
“Have you heard of something called Tumblr?” He asks.
You stopped in your tracks, nearly dropping the gallon of milk in your hands.
“I- uhh may have came across it a couple times. Why?” You say nervously.
“Well, I seen this blog on there and this person writes stories that are sexual.” He says.
“Oh, th-that’s cool.” You say with a stutter.
“The person also has the same first name as you.” He says.
Your eyes widened. Bucky noticed how you went quiet. He pushed himself off the counter and approached you. Your breathing got heavy when you felt his presence behind you. Bucky’s body was against your back. He placed his hands on the counter on either side of you, trapping you in between his body and the counter. You shivered when you felt his breath against your neck.
“Is there something you want to tell me, doll?” Bucky asks, whispering in your ear.
“N-No.” You say.
“Really? Cause it sounds like you do.” He says.
“I-I don’t know what you mean.” You say, playing dumb.
“Don’t lie to me, babydoll. You exactly know what I’m talking about.” He says.
You gasped when you felt his bulge against your ass. It took everything in you to not give in and tell him that you’re the one writing those stories.
“I think…” Bucky’s right hand slides down the front of your body, stopping on your clothed pussy. “You’re the one who’s writing those dirty stories.” He says, applying pressure to your clit.
“It’s me! I’m the one who’s writing them!” You blurted out, not being able to take it anymore.
“I would’ve never thought that my doll has such a dirty mind.” He says with a chuckle.
Bucky spun you around and threw you over his shoulder, carrying you to the bedroom. He dropped you on the bed causing you to bounce a couple times. He grabbed your ankles and pulled you to the edge of the bed so your legs were dangling from it. His metal fingers tilted your head up so you were looking into his eyes that were once a beautiful blue which now were darker.
“I should punish you for being such a dirty girl, but instead, I’m going to have my fun with you.” He says.
You nodded. Bucky pulled your shirt over your head, revealing your lacy bra to him. He pushed you back so you were laying on the bed. He leaned over you, his dog tags dangling in your face. He placed kisses along your neck and shoulder. You gasped when you felt his teeth graze your skin. He bit down hard enough to create a hickey. His hand blindly found its way to your back and expertly unclasping your bra, discarding it somewhere in the room. His thumbs rubbed over your nipples. You let out a moan when you felt his metal fingers pinch your nipple, sending a new sensation through your body. He moved his lips further down your body, stopping at the waistband of your leggings. Bucky hooked his fingers in the waistband and pulled them down your legs, along with your soaked panties. He got on his knee next to the bed and spread your legs open, displaying your wetness to him. You moaned when you felt his fingers rub in between your wet folds.
“So wet for me.” Bucky says.
He moved his face closer to your pussy. His tongue slid in between your folds, moaning at your taste against his tongue. His tongue circled around your clit a few times before he latched his lips on it and began to suck on it. Your hands flew down to his head, tugging at his hair.
“Oh my god, yes!” You moaned, threw your head back in pleasure.
If you knew one thing about Bucky, it’s that he knows how to eat pussy. He took your pleasure seriously.
You were caught off guard when one of his metal fingers slid past your entrance. Your jaw dropped, breathy moans fell from your lips. The cool metal of his fingers against your walls felt better than any sex you have ever used. Bucky took his lips off your clit, but keeping his metal fingers inside of you, moving them at a painfully slow pace.
“When were you going to tell me about those dirty little stories of yours? Huh, doll?” Bucky asks.
“I-I don’t know.” You say.
Bucky stopped his movements with his fingers causing you to let out a frustrated whine. He chuckled at your frustrated state as he stood up. You watched as he took off his shirt causing you to lick your lips. You leaned up, touching his perfectly sculpted body. Bucky stopped you by grabbing your wrist.
“No touching, doll face.” He let go of your wrist. “Turn around and bend over the bed.” He orders.
You did as you were told and bent over the bed. You the sound of his belt hitting the floor causing you to look over your shoulder. You watched as he took off his jeans and boxers. You licked your lips at the sight of his hard cock.
“Face forward.” Bucky turns your head forward. “Spread ‘em.” He says, tapping your inner thigh.
You spread your legs apart, giving Bucky more access. Bucky rubs his hands over your ass cheeks, giving them a squeeze causing you to gasp.
“All this time, I thought my doll was a good girl.” Bucky says, rubbing his hand up and down your spine.
“I am a good girl.” You mumbled loud enough for him to hear you.
“You are, but as of right now, you’re a dirty little slut.” He says.
Bucky leaned over your body, his dog tags lightly brushed against your back. His metal hand went to the front of your body and down to your clit. His metal fingers lightly rubbed your clit in circles causing your pussy to clench around nothing.
“I know how much you love my metal arm so let’s see how long it takes you to cum just from me rub your little clit.” Bucky says in almost a whisper.
Bucky’s metal fingers applied more pressure to your clit and began rubbing it in circles. You gripped the blankets on the bed from the amount of pleasure Bucky was giving you just from his metal fingers.
“Bucky, please I want you to—” A moan left your lips causing you to cut your sentence short.
“You want me to what, doll?” He asks.
“Fuck me please!” You begged.
“Not until you cum on my metal fingers.” He says.
You opened your mouth to say something, but a moan left your mouth instead when two of his metal fingers slid past your entrance while his metal thumb continued to rub your clit. Your walls immediately clenched around his fingers.
“I know you want to cum. Just do it and I’ll give you my cock.” He whispers in your ear.
It didn’t take long for you to cum. Your eyes nearly rolled to the back of your head as you came hard on his metal fingers.
“There you go. Good girl.” Bucky praises.
You whimpered when he took his metal fingers out of your pussy. Bucky brought his metal fingers up to his mouth and tasted your juices, moaning at the taste. He then rubbed his cock in between your wet folds, his tip bumping your almost sensitive clit causing you to whimper. He lined his cock up at your entrance, slowly sliding it in, inch by inch until he was fully inside of you. He gave you a moment to adjust to his size. You nodded your head, giving him permission to start thrusting. Bucky gripped your hips and slowly pulled his cock out until his tip was left inside of you. With a hard thrust, his whole cock was back inside of you. His thrusts were rough, but loving.
“Such a dirty little slut, aren’t ya, babydoll? Say you’re a dirty little slut.” He says.
“I’m dirty little slut!” You moaned.
“You’re my dirty little slut.” Bucky practically growls.
Bucky leaned down, kissing along the back of your neck, working his way around to your lips. His right hand left your hip, his fingers gripped your jaw firmly and turned your head to capture your lips in a much needed kiss. One of your hands reached up to the back of his head to intensify the kiss. Your fingers ran through his hair, tugging at it causing Bucky to moan against your lips. Bucky’s metal hand left your hip and moved back down to your clit, rubbing it in fast circles.
“Bucky! Oh fuck!” You moaned.
“I love the way you moan my name. Keep saying it.” He says, kissing just below your ear.
“Bucky!” You moaned again.
The tip of his cock hit that one spot inside of you causing your pussy to clench around his cock making him moan at the feeling.
“I won’t last long if you keep doing that.” Bucky moans.
Bucky’s metal fingers applied more pressure to your clit, roughly rubbing it. Your hands clutched the blankets on the bed and your toes curled at the feeling. You felt your orgasm building up again.
“Bucky, I— oh fuck! Please let me cum!” You whined desperately.
“I don’t know if I should let you. You never told me what a dirty girl you are.” Bucky says teasingly.
“I’ll show you everything if you want! Just please let me cum!” You whined again.
“Alright then. Cum for me, doll.” He says.
Bucky’s fingers moved faster against your clit, helping you chase your high. Your orgasm came crashing down on you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you came harder than you did the first time. Bucky was now chasing his high.
“Such a good girl for me.” Bucky praises. “Gonna fill this little pussy up till it’s dripping with my cum.” He says in your ear.
“Yes please!” You moaned.
“Of course you fucking want it.” He chuckles. “Dirty girl.” He growls.
Your name left his lips as he came inside of you. Bucky thrusted a few more times before stopping and leaning against your back, his arms caging you in. You two stood there panting and catching your breath.
“You still with me, doll face?” Bucky moved your hair from your face. “I didn’t break you, did I?” He asks.
“Mmm, I’m good.” You hummed. “Just a little sensitive.” You say.
“Let’s get cleaned up and we can cuddle for the rest of the day.” He says and kissed your cheek.
Bucky slowly pulled his cock out of you causing you to whine. You tried standing up, but your legs were so wobbly causing you to lose your balance. Bucky was quick to catch you. He picked you up bridal style, carrying you to the bathroom for a nice warm bath. After you guys got cleaned up, Bucky gave you one of his t-shirts and got underneath the blankets with you, pulling you close to him. You snuggled yourself against his side and laid your head on his chest. You played with his dog tags.
“Just out of curiosity, how much of my smut did you read?” You asked, tilting your head to look up at him.
“A few.” Bucky answers. “I have to say, you’re quite the writer.” He says.
“Oh god.” You say, hiding your face against his chest.
“I mean it, doll.” He says, lifting your head up to look at him.
You leaned up and kissed his lips sweetly.
“Let me know if you need any inspiration for your dirty little stories.” Bucky says against your lips.
“Bucky!” You whined, lightly smacking his chest causing him to chuckle.
-Bucky’s Doll
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bwabys-scenarios · 9 months
Tomoe x Fem!Reader
A/N: sorry the ending is rushed, this has been in my drafts for months so I finished it quickly to banish it from my drafts
warnings: creampie, rough sex, oral(fem!receiving)
if you would like to be added to my nsfw taglist, please comment saying so! make sure you’re taggable, and have your age in your bio!!
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In the early morning at the shrine, Tomoe is usually busy. Whether it be washing clothes, sweeping the halls, or trying his best to wake up his Mistress for her college classes, he didn’t get much time to relax.
However, this morning was different. Instead of being out and about, Tomoe was tucked away in his room, unreachable by most.
(Name) had been the land goddess for over a year now, but she’d never seen Tomoe act the way he did now.
Whenever he’d help her up onto their ride, or even catch her before she fell, his touch lingered much longer than it should. He’d pull her into his embrace randomly, when it had been rare for him to do that before.
The jealousy was next. (Name) already knew that Tomoe prided himself as her first and main familiar, but he’d become much stricter lately. Usually she allowed both him and Mizuki to sleep in her room, separated by paper walls, but the last few nights ended with Tomoe dragging Mizuki out and forcing (Name) to sleep alone. Now when Mizuki even glanced at you Tomoe would growl defensively with his arm around you.
Recently she realized something. Tomoe’s usual soft gaze had become harsh and… hungry. As if he was looking at food he couldn’t have.
She first noticed the way his eyes followed her when she walked around in only her short night gown and slippers, the end only barely reaching past her ass. The second time he’s accidentally walked in on her changing. It took a second too long for his gaze to shift and him to apologize before closing the door.
That was the last straw. (Name) was determined to find out why he was acting so strange. She quickly dressed herself before marching down the hall. Before she knocked on Tomoe’s door, she paused.
Mizuki and the others had left the shrine to study humans, and that meant the two were alone. Usually that wouldn’t change anything, but Tomoe’s behavior worried her.
‘Why worry, it’s tomoe. He would never hurt me…’ (Name) shook her head and knocked on the door.
“Tomoe? It’s (Name). We need to talk.”
She listens for a moment, hearing only the sound of hitched breathing and panting.
“Go away.”
(Name) nearly gasped at the husky sound of Tomoe’s voice. Was he okay? Better yet, why was just the sound of his voice making her feel so…
“Tomoe, if you don’t come open this door I’ll be calling Mizuki to do it for me. Im worried about you.”
Tomoe huffed, and (Name) could hear the sound of him standing up and approaching the door. She waited, but he didn’t open it.
“Worried for me… stupid. Should be worried for yourself. I can barely control myself with you right there.”
(Name) blinked, placing her hand on the door. She could almost feel his intense body heat through the wood.
“Tomoe… I don’t understand.”
He scoffed. “Oh but you do. You understand well, (Name). I could smell your arousal from a mile away. Don’t play dumb.”
He wasn’t wrong. The way he spoke to her, his hitched breathing and husky voice. She rubbed her legs together, partially in embarrassment, but also to help ease the ache in her cunt.
“Tomoe… are you in heat or something?”
He didn’t answer, only the sound of his breathing to tell her he was still there at the door.
“Please let me in. I don’t want you to suffer like that.”
She could feel his hesitation, the way he reaches to slide the door open, and finally his hand on her wrist.
He pulls her in, pushing her against a wall and crashes his lips into hers. She barely had time to blink before his tongue was slipping into her mouth. He doesn’t even give her time to think.
Tomoe’s hands drift from above her head and down to her nightgown, pulling it up slowly. (Name) shyly tries to hide how wet she was by pressing her legs together.
Once her nightgown is off, Tomoe’s eyes wander down her body. She hadn’t been wearing a bra, so her chest was on full display for him.
His hands cup her breasts, fingers pinching her nipples.
“T-Tomoe!” (Name) manages to whimper out. Tomoe stops, his hands visibly shaking.
“Your chance to leave is now, (Name). I won’t be able to stop myself again.”
He waits for her to leave, watching as she slowly coveres her chest.
“No, I’ll stay. I won’t let you go through this alone.”
(Name) tried to make it seem like she was helping him, but her actions were less than noble. She had been in love with Tomoe for a while, so being treated like she was so desperately needed by him made both her heart and cunt ache.
Tomoe studied her for a moment, his eyes trained on hers.
Before she could think her back was hitting the soft surface of Tomoe’s bed. She had forgotten how strong he really was. He was always so gentle with her, but now he was crawling on top on her, his weight keeping her held down.
She reached up to gently run her fingers through his hair. Tomoe noticed this almost immediately, bending slightly so she had better access to his silver locks.
(Name) smiled at Tomoe’s red face. She’d never seen him so blushed before. She wondered if it was just because of his heat or also because she was underneath him.
(Name) was given a chaste kiss before tomoe slid her panties off and scooted down to stare directly at her pussy.
“Tomoe, don’t look!” (Name) whined out, closing her legs shut.
“Shh. Need… taste…”
Her usually eloquently spoken tomoe could barely speak. His hands pried her legs open with enough force to cause bruises. Tomorrow he would be ashamed and gently care for her, but today that was the last thing on his mind.
(Name) didn’t have time to prepare, his tongue was already inside her. She let out a moan, gripping his hair less gently than she wanted to. Tomoe didn’t seem to mind though, he continued tongue fucking her while his fingers rubbed her clit.
“F-Fuck, Tomoe!”
She mewled, cumming on his tongue. Tomoe was quick to pin her down after her orgasm, positioning his cock at her entrance. “Can’t take it… need you so bad…”
He pushed into her, not even stopping to give her a moment to get used to his length. She grit her teeth, baring the pain before it melted away into pleasure.
“Feel so good… so warm…” he whimpered into her ear, his tail swishing back and forth.
“T-Tomoe!” she whined, her back arching to meet his thrusts. “P-please! Faster!”
He complied, a hand reaching down to rub slow circles into her sensitive clit. It was obvious that he was experienced, making her cum on his cock over and over until she was fucked dumb, only able to whimper and whine underneath him.
Only then did Tomoe’s cum fill her up, his cock continuing to thrust into her as he calmed down. “God… my sweet girl…”
After his head finally cleared, he looked down with a panic, seeing the freshly forming bruises he left on her thighs and hickies on her neck.
He was quick to pull out and tend to her injuries, muttering apologies and giving each wound a kiss. It was all worth it in the end, if she got to be spoiled by Tomoe.
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feelmyskinonyourskin · 10 months
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow [Morning After Trope]
Pairing: Frank Castle x AFAB Reader
Trope de Sept Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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The Morning After situation 1. Two characters hook up, the next morning Person A finds the bed beside them empty and thinks Person B snuck away and is never to be seen again. Except Person B is doing something innocuous like making Person A breakfast. "Frank and I hooked up last night and now the sheets beside me are cold. Of course that emotionally distant bastard can’t face the morning after."
Warnings: SMUT/18+ (don’t interact if your age is not in your bio). AFAB Reader. Oral (F receiving). P in V. Unprotected. Creampie. No use of y/n. 
WC: 1,200
*I never give permission for my fics, manips, or any other original creation I post on this site to be copied, posted elsewhere, translated, or fed into any AI program. The only platform I currently post anything on is Tumblr. Thanks!*
The scratchy linen sheets beneath you pricked against your skin like a thousand needles, not that that was the sensation you were most aware of at the moment.
Another circle of his tongue against your clit kept your attention centered on the pleasure growing between your legs, causing you to cry out as he brought you to ecstasy once more.
Your third orgasm washed over you in rippling waves like a steady current, pulled from you as though it were the easiest thing in the world for him.
And he hadn’t even removed his pants yet.
“Mmm, attagirl.” he praised
The two of you had crossed a line tonight, snapping in half the tedious tightrope you walked between friendship and something more. The way in which he hungrily devoured you assured you it was indeed lust, but you weren’t sure if either of you were ready to admit what it really was.
What man has ever made you orgasm three times on the first hookup? you thought as he removed his body from between your shaking legs.
Looking down to admire the sight of you so beautifully ruined beneath him, he flashed that lopsided grin, lips still coated in your arousal, before finding the shiny silver of his belt buckle, unfastening it with a grunt. Even in the bedroom, he remained a man of few words, responding only with a nod as you begged beneath him.
“Frank, please…”
Every tooth of his zipper pulled apart painfully slowly, the way you squirmed in anticipation as his fingers guided it downward tested his resilience to not just dive back in and make you cum again.
“Patience, sweetheart.” he cooed, before his jeans were pushed to the floor in a crumpled heap beside his long-ago discarded shirt.
The knowledge of how precarious a situation this was hung over him. He wanted to savor every moment before him, every moan and whimper, every inch of your skin against his calloused fingers. But if he dragged this out too long, it might give way to either of you overthinking the consequences of crossing this line.
You were keenly aware of the delicacy of the moment too as you laid back on the bed, spreading yourself open to invite him in. Months of slowly tearing down the emotional walls he built, brick by brick, now blown apart in an instant with the wrecking ball of your lips against his; your skin flush against him, your delicate gaze boring into his dark eyes. It could all be undone in a moment though, chancing them being built higher and stronger than before if you did not proceed correctly.
“Frank…” you begged again as he hovered his body above yours, sheets already crumpled in your fists beside you. Your breathy pleading urged him to continue, lining up to slot himself inside you, if only to keep hearing more of those beautiful utterances of his name. He knew over the next few days, the way your moans echoed between his ears would haunt him until he had to fist his cock for relief, reliving the feeling of your delicate caress against his scar-laden skin until he’s breathing raggedy and coming apart all over again.
“Oh Frank” you whimpered as he pushed inside, your warm breath tickled his ear as you incited him to fuck you.
His hands roamed along your tender curves, reaching to find steady grounding amongst the flurry of sensations of you.
Even now as your bodies entwined in a sweaty heap of need and carnality, he knew the tenderness that laid beneath the act, feelings unspoken threatened to bubble to the surface as you continued to consume each other with every thrust, every gasp and moan, every motion driving you both towards a careening cliff of pleasure.
“Please” you begged again, pleading swallowed by his tender kisses as he tried to hang on a little longer.
His hand reached for yours, entwining fingers to tether himself to your heart as you came apart beneath him a final time. Your writhing in ecstasy had him falling behind you, barely realizing it as it happened, buried so deep inside both your warm velvet walls and soul to know up from down.
He groaned deep as your divine cunt squeezed every last drop from his cock until he was totally spent.
Collapsing beside you on the bed, he turned over to gaze upon your etherealness. Dewy sweat droplets clung to your brow and your kiss bitten lips gasped for air like a fish on land seeking the relief of the sea as you caught your breath.
His dark maple eyes roaming over you was the last thing you remembered before you were devoured up by exhaustion seeping into your bones.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The cold radiating from the sheets as you sleepily ran a hand across them was not an unfamiliar experience, only noteworthy this morning because you expected to find them otherwise.
The warmth of Frank’s body beside you was nowhere to be found.
You didn’t even dare open your eyes to the reality of the situation.
“Foolish” you grumbled to yourself, already mentally drowning in misery at how you’d fallen all the way down the mountain side after months of careful climbing to reach the peak that was him opening up to you.
That was if you ever saw him again at all. You’d known him well enough to be aware that such a transgression against the fortress he’d built around the castle of his heart could totally isolate you from his life forever.
A clattering from the kitchen of your small apartment drew your attention, eyes snapping to gaze at the disturbance to your wallowing.
Two mugs of coffee balanced in his hand, holding them as easily as he’d held your lust captive over and over again the night before.
“You’re here.”
An amused grin spread across his face as he delivered his simple morning gesture of adoration to your bedside table.
“Course I am.”
With that reassurance, the hesitation washed away and you captured his lips in yours once more. Not a kiss filled with sensuality and need like the night before, but a tender kiss that filled in words unspoken.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
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lis-likes-fics · 9 months
Let Me Show You the Light
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Pairings: Jonathan Crane x Reader Word Count: 10k words (i don't know either) Kink: Mirror Sex Warnings: NSFW, noncon (honestly, this kinda ended being dub at the end? dunno how that happened... warning still applies), dark content loss of virginity, humiliation, multiple orgasms, creampie, dumbification, depictions of horror, use of fear toxin, insanity, mention of murder/death... A/N: Okay, I enjoyed writing this way too much. This was like...filthy. But you know what, we ball. Enjoy, I wrote this in two days! Also A/N: PS, I made a few changes to the taglist, so please send me a message or go to the taglist doc to make any necessary changes (or just to add yourself!) Link in my bio and at the bottom of this post!
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Someone's watching you.
You can feel the heat on the back of your head. It's a warmth that gathers there and makes you look over your shoulder in search of that phantom you could never seem to catch.
And it's not just out in the open either. It's a constant hair-stands-on-end. It's on your way to work, to the coffee shop, to the store, back home. It's in your kitchen, in your living room, in your bedroom, in your bathroom.
You feel…unclean. Everything you do in the comfort and privacy of your own home is being watched by this strange ghost haunting your every move. And you stop as you look behind yourself again because you feel it.
Someone's watching you.
You startle as the crowd of the Gotham city streets scurries around you and eventually delivers you a victim to run into. "I'm so sorry!" you say quickly as you are shoved back slightly, steadying yourself as you reach bend down to pick up the briefcase that had been knocked from the man's hand.
"It's quite alright. It seems I wasn't paying attention," he offers, bending down to pick it up instead.
Your hands touch as you both grab the handle at the same time. You quickly pull it away. You look up for the first time at the person you'd run into and recognize him almost immediately. You've never really met him in person, but you've learned a lot about him through the happenings at the precinct.
"Dr. Crane," you say as you pick up the suitcase and straighten your posture. You quickly hand it over to him.
"That's me," he says, nodding. He looks over you for just a split second, as if he's admiring you as he takes you. There's something cold about his gaze that makes you want to shudder, but you refrain. "May I ask your name?"
You give it, adjusting your bag on your shoulder. He holds his hand out and you hesitantly take it. He shakes it, holding your hand a moment too long and making your skin crawl as he tilts his chin to the side. "Very nice to meet you," he smiles. "May I ask where you're headed? I would love to walk with you if you wouldn't mind."
You clear your throat, "Actually, I think we were headed opposite ways. I'm headed to the precinct for work."
"Ah. A secretary? Assistant?" he wonders.
You shake your head, fighting the urge to check the time. You really shouldn't be seen talking to someone like Jonathan Crane, not with the rumors and bad dealings floating about his name. This city was bent enough, you couldn't be lost to something like this. But showing disrespect to a potential threat wouldn't be a grand idea either…
"Um, no," you smile tightly. "I'm a crime analyst."
His brows raise as he nods, though the new information doesn't reach his eyes. "Well, then. Until we meet again. Safe travels."
You nod shortly and he brushes past you on his way. You look over your shoulder as he disappears into the crowd.
As you turn and begin your walk again, the feeling sticks to your skin like a cold sweat on a winter's day. Someone's watching you.
You meet Jonathan Crane for the second time at a bookshop.
With the lingering feeling looming over you like a shadow, things are beginning to feel like they're getting out of hand. You search the aisles slowly, almost absently, as your finger grazes the spines of different published authors in the nonfiction section. You pick a book from its place on the shelf and flinch when you turn and find someone standing behind you.
You clutch your hand to your chest as you steady your beating heart. "You scared me," you chuckle nervously.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
You look up and nearly freeze at the sight of a smiling Jonathan Crane standing before you once more, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose as he looks at you almost apologetically.
You swallow thickly, taking a tiny step back. "Dr. Crane."
He seems to recognize you then as he nods gently. "We meet again." You hum. "What brings you to this side of the bookshop? I didn't take you for a nonfiction kind of girl."
You tilt your head. "No? What did you take me for?"
He shrugs, "Paranormal? A little bit of romance here and there?"
You maintain your tight smile, shifting between your feet as you nod gently. He's not right, but he's not wrong. However, the most unsettling thing about it isn't even that he's a little right… it is the fact that you've met this one time and it was a conversation that lasted less than a minute. Either he took one hell of a guess or there was something going on there that wouldn't be very pleasant for you. Given the heat burning on your skin from your constant paranoid surveillance, you'd guess the latter.
"Good guess," is all you say.
He glances down at the book tucked underneath your arm and hums. "What's that you've got?"
You look down at it and take it into your hands again. You look over the cover and hand it over. He takes it, and his fingers brush over yours. You shudder uncomfortably, pulling your hand away and hoping he doesn't notice the way you rub your hand on your side. He does, but you don't know that as he spends too much time reading the title.
"The Art of Intuition," he reads. "Sounds like an interesting read."
You nod, "I'm hoping. It's for…work, so…"
He furrows his brows, "You said you worked as an intelligence analyst?"
You nod again, more firmly this time as you take the book back. "Yes… Well, intuition is important for everything, isn't it?"
He nods along and hums. "That, it is."
You clear your throat, "What about you? What are you reading?"
He looks at his own book, as though he'd just realized it was there. He passes it on to you as you had done.
The Power of Fear and How to Conquer It
You stare at the title a moment longer than you should, feeling clammy and warm and very unsafe as you hand the book back. "Sounds like it'll keep you busy."
He nods. "It will."
The way he says it washes you in a cold feeling. The hairs along your arms stand on end and you nearly shudder. You should leave.
You smile as kindly as you can manage, taking a step away from him and nodding. "I should probably get going."
You turn to leave. He grabs your arm. Though he wasn't harsh, you still turn quickly with an almost startled look to you as you wonder what he'll do. You're safe, right? In the middle of this store? You look around you, but there is nothing around but books that would become the readers to the story unfolding before them.
"Wait," he laughs gently.
You speak almost immediately, the words blurting out of your mouth. "Please let go of me."
He does, much to your relief, as he fixes his glasses. "Forgive me." You hum and look away from his face. "I've actually been thinking about you."
You don't like the way it sounds when he says it. It gives a foreboding feeling that just makes you squirm. "I wanted to say this before but I didn't want to be…strange."
Too late.
"You told me your name. I couldn't help but recognize it." Oh, no. "Your father is Boucher, isn't he?"
How did he know that?
"How do you know that?" you ask, taking another step back. "I changed my last name so no one would know that."
"Well," he begins, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "That shows up on file, and he's one of my patients, so I've seen your name in said files before. Both of them."
You clasp your hands together in front of you as you bow your head, not looking up at him and hating the way he feels so intimidating as he watches you. "Yes," you clear your throat. He notices the way your voice drops, the disdain almost betrayed in your tone. "My father is Boucher. My birth name is Boucher."
He smiles. "Interesting."
You look up, snappy. "Why?"
"I work in psychology. It's my job to find everything interesting," he says lightly, noticing your defense and seeming…amused by it.
You don't like it.
"Yeah, well, that bastard killed my mother, and I am no longer associated with him. So, if you don't mind, I'm not Boucher and I would like to be going now. Thank you." You turn to leave, and he grabs your arm again. You spin around, and you snap again.
"Stop touching me," you blurt. Your skin crawls with the feeling, like bugs on your skin where his hand touches your arm. When he still doesn't let go of you, you look at him again and yank your arm away to no avail. Suddenly, you startle as you look him straight in the eye and almost shrink. He can see the switch, the way your anger dissolves into that of apprehension, almost fear. You can see the switch in his eyes, too. His amusement has worsened.
Your heart drops to your gut and pounds in your throat. "Please stop touching me." You've gotten almost desperate in the past second and Crane's cold eyes watch every little emotion pass through you like he's watching you under a microscope.
After a moment, he lets go of you. For a second, you think he looks pleased. Like he was conducting an experiment, and he proved his theory true. You put distance between the both of you as soon as you're able and grab your arm. He didn't hurt you, but you've officially been spooked. You don't meet his gaze.
"Forgive me again," he says. You don't feel like he's genuine, but you could be biased. "I seem to have offended you. That wasn't my intention." Was he lying? You feel like he's lying, but you refuse to look at him as he watches you. "Do you live far? How about I take you home?"
You do live a little far from here. You took a cab to get to the bookshop, but you don't feel comfortable getting in a car with him.
"Please," he says, putting more effort into removing the lack of emotion from his voice as he steps closer. You take a step back but catch the way he places his hands behind his back. No touching. An olive branch. He watches as you visibly relax a little. "Let me make it up to you."
You finally look up at his face again. There's a little bit of warmth in his eyes, and you can't tell if it's real or not. Still, he doesn't try to touch you again and he's offering you a smile. Part of you feels like you're being tricked, the book still tucked under your arm burning a hole there. But the other part of you feels like it's just your trust issues getting the better of you—as they often do. You take a moment to think.
And then you sigh as you let go of your arm and speak again. "One condition."
"Of course," he nods.
"Please don't touch me again."
His arms flex at his sides like he's re-establishing his hands being behind his back. "As you wish."
You sigh again and nod. "Okay."
He smiles, and you have to look away before you give into your trust issues again and forfeit his offer. His smile isn't pleased in the way it's meant to be. It feels like he's caught a fish on his hook, and he's reeling it in for dinner. You check out your books.
Dr. Crane leads you to his car, a black Buick LeSabre that looks like it has seen a couple of years, a couple dents here and scratches there giving character to the otherwise sleek thing.
He opens the passenger's door and lets you in. It's your last chance to say no but you get in anyway. You're in too deep, you already accepted.
He smiles, pleased. He takes his seat and starts driving. For the first few minutes, it's deadly quiet. Neither of you say anything—you're still pissy from before. Crane glances at you and decides to break the silence.
"Are you still upset?" he wonders unintelligently.
You glare at him out of the corner of your eye and then look away. Choosing to be a little kinder than you feel, you contain the sarcasm you can feel biting at your teeth. "Yes."
He sighs. "I apologize for my behavior. I didn't mean to frighten you."
You scoff, shaking your head as you look out of the window to see the world of Gotham pass by you. "Yes, you did."
He hums. "How do you know?"
I could see it in your eyes. It feels offensive to say, like you are accusing him of being insane. As you glance at him, you decide to reword your sentence.
"Just felt like it," you dismiss. You rub a hand along your arm, uncomfortable at the idea of being so vulnerable as to displaying fear to this man, this man who seemed to inspire so much distrust and unsafety in you. "And, anyway, I wasn't scared."
You miss the way his hands clench around the steering wheel. "No?"
"No," you shake your head. "Just…disturbed. You were being strange."
He clears his throat. "Like I said, it wasn't my intention." His voice has shifted, but you feel like he's finally telling you the truth. Disturbing you wasn't his intention.
You hum, and that's the last thing said between the two of you for the remaining few minutes of the car ride.
Your home comes into view and you sigh. This whole ordeal would be over in just a few seconds. He drives up to your house, and you make quick work of removing your seat belt and reaching for the door.
But the door is locked.
You look at him tentatively, trying not to let on how desperate you've become to leave his presence as quickly as possible. "Could you unlock the door?" you ask, your voice surprisingly level.
He turns to you to look at you. His smile comes after. "Of course."
The lock clicks, and you open the door immediately. You get out and stand at the door, relief floods you to be safely out of reach. "Thanks for the ride," you mutter half-heartedly.
"Of course," he repeats. "Until we meet again." He speaks your name, and you hate the way it makes you feel. Unclean. Impure.
You close the door.
As you watch his car disappear down the street, your blood runs cold with the icy burn of horror and you feel sick to your stomach.
You never gave him your address.
Someone's watching you.
All day, even within the safety of the precinct, you felt someone's eyes on you at every moment. You were constantly looking over your shoulder, constantly searching for a spector you could not find. But no one was looking at you. No one's eyes met yours unless you were in the middle of an interaction with another person.
You weren't safe. Something was going to happen. You could feel it–
You return to the present at the sight of another human being in front of you. You give a tight smile to the person perched at the edge of your desk and nod. "Gordon."
He greets you the same, glancing over your desk to see what you're working on. He has files in his hands, and you watch him set them on your desk in a place vacant of work.
"I need you to analyze these for me," he says.
You nod, "That's my job."
"Yeah," he says, looking you up and down and noticing the way you glance around a little. "You okay? You look a little jumpy."
You look at him quickly and nod, another tight smile covering your lips. "Oh, yeah. Felt a little off today, but I'm okay."
"Anything I need to help with?" he tries.
You shake your head. "No," you say. "No, I'm okay. Thanks."
He hums before he just nods along with you. "Okay. Be careful out there, Bou–"
You look at him, and he looks away.
"Sorry." He quickly corrects himself and walks away.
Gordon means well. Your father was arrested when he was first starting out, so he was here when it was still a huge deal. He knew all about you and the case. Everyone did.
Your name change came as soon as you started your job at the precinct. Everyone was so used to calling you Boucher's kid, some—like Gordon—are still adjusting.
But it doesn't matter. It's passing, and the whole ordeal will be behind you soon. Buried in the past forever.
You stay at the precinct for a while. It isn't safe anywhere, but at least you were surrounded by people who knew how to operate a gun better than you.
When those people finally begin going home, so do you. You pack your things and take a breath as you clock out and leave.
It's late as you're headed home, and you suddenly regret deciding to stay so long. It's dark out, and the only lights are the ugly orange street lamps shining on the damp ground and the blaring ones from a few passing cars. You clutch your purse and walk faster.
The feeling gets worse the longer it takes to get home. It's hot on the back of your head, it's cold along your arms, it has your heart dropping to your stomach and burning there as it pounds. Somebody's watching you. Somebody's watching you. Somebody is watching you.
You finally make it home. Fishing your keys from your purse, you manage to unlock the door without fumbling with them and dropping them to the ground like you see in those stupid horror movies that make your paranoia worse.
You unlock your door and step inside.
You're forced into a coughing fit as a heavy smoke envelopes you. You hold your arm up to your face as you swipe at the air in an attempt to clear it.
Your eyes and lungs burn as you fight to breathe, trying to see through the haze as your heart races in your chest so hard, you feel like it'll tear its way through your ribcage and fall to the ground with a sickening splat.
You close your door after stumbling fully inside, turning around to lock it and struggling to do even that. You turn and catch yourself on the stand next to the door, overestimating the reach and knocking the glass bowl that held your keys to the ground. It shatters, and you nearly scream at the startling sound.
You look up into your dark home and see a million eyes staring back at you. Shadows leap out at you from the corners, light from outside glints off huge, sharp butcher knives flying toward you. Sickly crows sprout from pictures in the walls and scream, a cacophony of "Boucher" and "butcher" filling the room with the shrill shrieks of a dying woman.
It takes a long time to separate from the front door. You stand on shaking legs, carrying yourself through the house and falling to the floor on more than one occasion, startling each time as you find yourself covered in more and more blood, the color so dark it appears black in your vision.
You don't know if you're crying when you feel the hot tears streaming down your cheeks or if you've managed to get blood on your face as well. You smear it over your cheeks just to see. With red already covering your hands, you're still not sure.
You get to your bedroom and flip on the light, but the bright flash blinds you as you shield your eyes and turn it off again. Eyes ooze out of the walls like millions of ogres watching you hold your weak body up against the wall.
"We meet again."
A dark, distorted voice echoes off the walls and fills your soul like a demon from hell possessing your body.
Your first instinct is the beg. For safety, for relief, for help, anything. You just want it to stop.
"Please," you cry. "Please, please, please."
You look up at the figure watching you, dressed in a slightly damaged suit and his face…his face is covered with a burlap sack remnant of that of a scarecrow. He tilts his head as he stands and makes his way toward you with a taunting pace.
"Am I scaring you now?"
"Please, please," is all you could muster as you look away from him.
"Look at me!" he roars.
You slowly bring your gaze back up as his shoes come into view. You look up at the man before you, one you are beginning to suspect is very real and the source of your fear as you stare at the sack over his face. Black ooze comes pouring from the tears that make up his mouth and fifty eyes are blinking back at you like a heavily rooted potato.
A hand finds the top of your head and you wince at the heavy, clammy feeling of it as you find your voice and beg a little louder. "Please! Please, no, please."
"Aww…you don't like when I touch you?" His hand smooths down your cheek and you try to swat it away from no avail. His sing-songy voice continues to echo in your ears with the groaning sound of a broken down animatronic. "What did Daddy do to you?"
You try to catch your breath as you lean down, pressing your forehead to the floor to try and ground yourself.
He raises a finger. “I can answer that question. Would you like me to?” You shake your head meekly. He ignores you.
You watch hazily as he backs away from you, finally taking his hand off your cheek and giving you air, even if you are still heaving for breath. He turns his back on you to stand by your bedside table, picking a file up from it and turning back to you. The burlap sack continues to blink at you as he speaks, and you feel sick to your stomach just looking at it.
The ground is sinking away, and the walls are breathing. You’re sitting on a stretch of darkness and void, and you’re going to start falling at any second.
“Please,” you whisper uselessly again. “He…lp. Please hel…help.”
“Hush,” he whispers, not in an upset way. It’s almost sassy. Then he lets out a dramatic sigh as he tilts his sacked head. “You know what? I’m going to have to take this off. It’s quite hard to read in this mask.”
He pulls the mask over his head and takes in a breath, looking back down at you with a face that runs your blood cold and stops your heart in your chest. “Much better,” he says, the distortion gone but the horror still present.
Jonathan Crane looks down at you, watching you struggle to clear your mind of the terrifying images flashing behind your eyes like a million million nightmares plaguing your thoughts. “I can see you better now. Isn’t that just perfect?”
He picks his glasses from the table beside him and readjusts the files in his hands after putting them on. “Let’s see,” he says, licking the tip of his finger to open the manilla folder and reveal its mysterious contents. “Yada, yada, yada…and bingo.”
He points to something on the papers in the folder and looks at you, his lips spreading in a grin that doesn’t stop widening, like his mouth is going to slip off his face. You blink away from him. He starts reading something off—a name, a patient number, and a date… Your therapist’s name, your patient number, and one of the date’s marked from a past appointment…
“‘Ms. Boucher’—this was before the name change, I suppose—‘finally chooses to open up about aversion to physical touch. She references instances from childhood memories with her father, times of hardship or general dismay when he provided her comfort. All comfort is described as physical, rather than verbal—holding a hand, sharing a hug, rubbing a back. Mr. Boucher never did well with verbal communication.’”
Crane glances at you, curled up on the ground as your head spins still, reeling with the revelation of everything you’re hearing as personal information that was never meant to get out. “Interesting stuff.” He keeps reading.
“Ms. Boucher recounts the night of her mother’s incident and the aftermath when her father came to her. Once again gives vague memories of a hug and a rubbed back, but no further detail was given due to distorted memories of the incident. Patient’s aversion is likely associated with distrust and suspicion because of the father’s behavior with physical affection. Patient experiences physical contact as a trick of virtue.”
He looks at you and smiles with teeth, rows and rows of sharp teeth that gleam in the light. He snaps his jaw at you in a teasing bite but you’re not sure if you imagined it or not.
“Aw,” he fawns mockingly. “Are you traumatized, sweetheart? Did watching your father slaughter your mother with a butcher knife fuck up that little brain of yours?” He looks at the file again and scans it, muttering to himself as he goes along. “Other symptoms include irritability, trust issues, PTSD—obviously—sensitivity to sound, blah, blah, blah.”
You hadn’t realized you were crying. The sound only reaches your ears now, out of place with the rest of the sounds around you—the droning, the taunting, the screaming, the blinking of a million eyes in the walls, the brandishing of a million knives in the kitchen.
Again, you beg him. You don’t know what you’re begging for anymore.
“What?” Crane asks, looking down at you and raising a brow. “Was I just getting to the good part? Was that a please…keep reading?” When you gave no response, other than a startle flinch and cry at a deformed crow flapping around your head and disappearing.
“I’ll keep going then,” he nods, pleased. He keeps glancing back and forth between you and the file and he seems almost giddy. “Oh, I’m so excited now. I haven’t read this far yet, I wanted to do it with you.” He flips the page and hums. “Hm…let’s see…”
He scans the pages uninterestedly, gliding his finger along it and flicking the pages as he wanders back and forth between one end of the room and the other. “Oh, here’s a good part,” he says, sinking on the floor next to you as you clutch your head. He taps the top of your head to grab your attention, making you look up so he can see your exhausted face still stricken with copious amounts of fear, “Hey, pay attention. I don't want to repeat myself.”
He opens the file wide and begins reading. “Patient admits to having issues with intimacy. Her aversion to physical touch conflicting with her desperate need for it creates complications within both her romantic and sexual lives. She explains the issue is so ‘pathetic’, she remains…” He stops reading and looks at you again, his lips parted and his eyes wide with shock and interest. “...’she remains a virgin to this day’.”
In all honesty…you are not paying much attention to him. You’re staring wide-eyed at the floor, which has become a black void that stresses on for miles and miles. You swear you can see the eyes and teeth of angry leviathans glinting up from the bottom, ready to swallow you whole at a moment’s notice.
He takes your chin in the palm of his hand and tilts your head up to look at him. The sound that comes out of you out of the pure horror of it makes you sound like you’ve just been gutted. “Oh, sweetheart… If you wanted me to fuck you, all you had to do was ask.”
He takes hold of you and lifts you to your feet. He has to hoist you, as your whole body feels limp, and you don’t know how to make it move without fully believing you’ll fall into the abyss below you. You gasp and stare wide eyed at Crane as one of his hands wraps around your throat and under your chin and the other holds the top of your head. You grab at his wrist and claw at his hand, trying desperately to remove his touch from you and failing horribly. He isn’t hurting you, but fuck if it doesn’t feel like it.
“I wonder how I didn’t pick up on it sooner…” he hums. “I’ve been watching you for months, and not once did you ever meet with a potential date of any kind. I kind of just assumed you weren’t looking for a relationship.”
Your heart leaps out of your mouth. You swear, you saw it fall to the ground like you’d thought before when whatever mist had begun all of this first started. Your blood freezes in your veins. You could swear your skin has turned blue.
He’s been watching you for months. His were the eyes that watched your every move, that followed you to work, to your bedroom, to your shower. His were the eyes that kept you company in the early of the morning and the late of the night. His were the eyes that haunted your waking hours, inspiring each glance over your shoulder, each extra click of your locks. He’s been watching you.
“Y-you,” you whimper. “You…you’re…you’re the one. You…”
“Shh,” he says, silencing you as you tremble in his hands. “I thought it was cute when you bought that book. The Art of Intuition… You could feel me, couldn’t you? You could feel my eyes on you at every moment of the day… Well, not every moment. I’ve got cameras in your house, I was able to hack into the ones at the precinct. I had to keep up with my little Boucher. I wanted to see if she could turn into her father, if she needed a little nudge like he did to go over the edge… I thought my fear toxin might do that but…no… I got something much more enticing.”
He brings you close to his face, his glasses melding with his skin as his eyes stare back at you like black pits surrounded by pure white. He’s staring at your face, so drenched with pure terror that you can’t do anything but stare. He smiles wide, his expression crazed.
“Look at you,” he says, nearly moaning out the words as he shakes his head. “You look so gorgeous like this. You’re so…delicious.” He nearly growls when he says that, actually leaning closer to your face and taking your lip between his teeth gingerly. You cry out, though he doesn’t actually bite you. “I could just eat you up. Oh, you should see yourself.”
You’re crying without tears now, though your face is soaked with them. You haven’t blinked in hours (it’s been a couple minutes), and the sounds are leaving your throat like a rough sob. His eyes have disappeared and his glasses are only giving aid to pits of skin where his eyes should be. His mouth is sewn shut with ugly, black cross-stitchings, and his nose is gone, giving him a dip in his face like a skeleton.
He begins walking you toward the mirror that you definitely had not placed there. He must have taken it from inside your closet and hung it up prior to your arrival. You take a good, long look at yourself, and you’ve never felt like you’ve wanted to sink into the pit so strongly before.
You’ve never seen this woman before in your entire life. Her face is monstrous, though you don’t know why. She was an echo of you, except she looks nothing like you and she’s covered in blood. You know nothing and everything about her, and you just know she knows everything about you. You’re so terrified of this strange woman, the knives still brandishing themselves with their shrill shrieks in the kitchen are sounding quite useful now as the sudden urge to defend yourself fills you.
You feel the need to scream rise in your throat, and this is an urge you can’t contain as a sharp cry leaves your throat at the sight of this person being held by Crane in the mirror. She screams back at you, blood gushing from her mouth like a river of tar. He laughs as he covers your mouth with his hand, silencing you with such amusement. “Oh, my! I should not have given you such a high dosage. You must be going out of your little mind right now…”
He lets go of your mouth and you can see him rustle around in his suit, but you’re still staring at the woman, unable to look away. It takes everything you have not to scream at her again. He pulls a vial out of a pocket on the inside of his suit and pulls the cork from it. He encourages your lips around it, making you take half the vial into your mouth and forcing you to swallow it down.
The antidote works quickly, but it doesn’t solve the issue in its entirety. You watch as the woman in the mirror slowly becomes more and more familiar until you can look at her and see that it’s just a reflection of you. You sigh heavily, your chest heaving as you feel your heart back in its proper place behind your ribcage. The brandishing has disappeared, the birds have flown away, the shrieking and screaming and sinking and blinking are gone.
But your heart is still very much pounding and you still very much cannot catch your breath to calm yourself. The terror is still there as you stare upon Jonathan Crane’s face and feel the first bursts of necessary fear.
You are in danger. Real danger. Crane is in your house, he has your medical files, and he seems to think you want him in your bed.
“Please,” you whisper once you can find your voice, hoarse with all the crying. At least the blood is gone. “Please, let me go. Don’t hurt me…”
“Oh…” he says. “I know…it’s just your ‘aversion of physical contact’. It’s too much for you right? Well, lucky for you, I dabble in exposure therapy myself. We should be able to solve your issue right here, right now.”
New tears find your eyes, and you shake your head. He’s still holding you, and your skin is crawling. You feel sick. “Don’t… Please don’t. I can’t—I don’t—please.”
He shushes you as he drags you to the bed. You have little to no strength to fight him. You’d exerted yourself so much when that toxin had poisoned your brain. It’s still poisoning your brain now as the situation Jonathan was putting you through paralyzed you with fear. You couldn’t think, you could hardly form a full sentence. His hands are still on you, and it burns your skin. You can’t breathe.
He places you on the bed, positioning you how he wants you so you stand on your knees and face him. He takes a step back and looks at you, takes in the sight of you thoughtfully as he brushes his bottom lip with his thumb. “Look at you,” he mutters. “I liked you more with more of my fear toxin in your system, but we can bring out more fear in you without. We don’t want your little heart exploding in the middle of our session, now do we?”
If you were still so heavily infected with his toxin, you would have seen the splatters of blood and meat and matter bursting and covering you and the walls after seeing your own beating heart fall out of your mouth. But you aren’t as heavily infected, so you only imagined it vividly and shuddered.
Jonathan steps forward and takes your neck in his hand again. You squeeze your eyes shut and huff, “Please, stop. Stop, stop touching me, please. Please.”
He doesn’t listen. He’s too giddy at the way you beg him, the way your hands shake at your sides. You could try to fight him. You could swing your arms and hit and kick and scream but you just…won’t. You can’t. You’re too scared. The toxin affects you so much you can do nothing but sit there. You’re otherwise paralyzed.
So, no, he doesn’t let go of you. He holds your neck and brings you in close, his other hands smooths along your waist as you just shudder as a terrible sob leaves your chest once more. “I’m going to eat you up,” he emphasizes each word. “You and I are gonna work together. We’re going to work you through your little aversion, your fears. You and I…” He brings his hand up and brushes his knuckles over your clothed nipple.
You shake with fear and disgust. “No, please…”
He takes off his glasses, his hand continuing to graze your chest as you sit there, staying as still as you can as his hand threatens to tighten around your throat if you move too much when he doesn’t want you to.
"...are going to make art." You stare at him with your watery eyes, whimpering lightly as he just shushes you again.
His lips crash down upon yours and your seal them shut as you feel his tongue licking insistently at the seam of your mouth. His teeth clash against yours, making the kiss rough and cutting and you think you'll die.
All too quickly, you can't breathe. Your lungs are closing in, and the world is spinning. His hand finds your hair, carding through it and tugging harshly to expose your throat. He attacks you, lips and teeth and tongue devouring your throat like a starving beast.
You're burning. There are so many hands on you, so much touch all over your body driving you insane with sensitivity. You feel like someone has coated you in molten lava and condemned you to death.
You sigh shakily. "Jon—Jonathan. Please… stop."
"Shhh," he drags out the sound as he places a finger over his lips. He leans in close to your face as he speaks. "Please…the doctor is in."
He kisses you again and you gasp when he grabs your throat once more, baring his teeth and staring down at you shaking with fear. His voice is low and fast as he speaks to you, crazed and craven. "I am going to rip you apart. I'll make you scream until mine is the only name you know–"
He raises his hand to touch your face. A sudden burst of adrenaline courses through your veins, and you reach out to shove it away. You grab his hand by the wrist in a vice grip, but you hadn't realized there was something hiding beneath the cuff of his sleeve.
The mist from before—his toxin—sprays through the air and right into Jonathan's face as he inhales it with a terrible gasp. His mouth falls open, his eyes roll back. His grip on you loosens, and you stumble to your feet to get away from him.
You get to the door before he grabs you from behind and growls in your ear, his voice straining. "You didn't think you'd get away that easily, did you?" He's breathing loudly, roughly, his vision plagued by nightmares and horrible images haunting his mind.
He lets out a monstrous breath, picking you up and dragging you right back to the bed as you kick and scream and cry. He set you on the bed, still holding you, back-to-chest. "You're an angel," he grunts. "You're glowing, sweetheart."
Based on your experience with the toxin, he could be being literal. Either way, he isn't letting you go. You're trapped as his wandering hands pull at your clothes and rip your shirt from your body. He lets the rags fall around you, breathing in deeply and letting out a sound akin to a moan as the hallucinations get the better of him.
He just starts tearing, stripping you clothing by clothing. He yanks your slacks from your legs, but you don't let him do it easily as you continue to kick your feet out and cry.
After a while, your fight begins to wane at his nerves as he wraps his arms around you and holds you still. "There's plenty of toxin left if you want me to dose you again."
You still, holding your breath and feeling the anxiety and dread rise within you with each passing second. "I didn't think so," he whispers. His hands grab at your waist, pulling and palming at your sides like you've still got clothes he needs to remove. But you're completely bare, carved open for the world to see.
"Fuck," he curses, blinking quickly as he stares at you. "You have no idea how much I need you. This perfect body and these…beautiful nightmares make for the perfect combination." It sounds like it takes his whole body to breathe in. He sighs heavily, "I guess I should thank you, hm? For giving me this."
His hand grasps your inner thigh and his nails dig into the flesh. A shout forces its way out of your throat at the feeling of his claw-like fingers scratching all of your terribly exposed skin. He moans loudly at the sound of it, his other hand joining to paint you in red. Jonathan pushes your naked body down on the bed, and you shout when his hand cracks down on your ass in a loud smack. His—still fully clothed—body is pressed against yours once again in no time. He reaches a hand up and cards it through your hair, gripping it to pull you back up with a harsh tug.
"Look at yourself, sweetheart," he breathes. When you don't listen, he becomes angry and erratic. "Look! Look at it!"
You jump at his outburst, turning your shaky head to look at your reflection in the mirror. He'd placed it so specifically. He was always going to make you watch…
He pulls your hair tighter and smiles evilly. "Look at you," he sighs. Looking in the mirror and watching him, you have no idea what he's seeing in that fucked up mind of his, but you know it would break you.
You feel him grind his hips into you and close your eyes, opening them quickly again as not to irritate him further. "Do you feel how hard I am for you? Oh, baby, I'm going to split you in half."
"Please, doctor," you beg again.
His evil grin becomes all the worse, and you hear the sound of his belt clinking. "No, no, no, no, no," you mutter under your breath, shaking your head as you bury your face in the sheets of your bed, soaking it with your tears.
"Beg me to fuck you, sweetheart. Beg me to ruin you," he groans. You continue shaking your head and muttering your protests under your breath. "Do it."
You feel like your heart is going to explode in your chest. You can't breathe. You can't see. You just want an end to the madness, to the torture.
"Please," you sob. "Please, please, please, please, please, please."
It doesn't sound like a word anymore. It sounds like gibberish in your brain as he smiles and sighs, so pleased and so happy with you. The insanity clouds your head.
"Music to my ears," he hums. "Well…since you asked so nicely."
He reaches down and you shake when his middle finger presses against your folds, slick with arousal that had begun wetting your panties since the toxin first sent you into your craze.
"Oh, you're so desperate for me, aren't you?" He shakes his head and chuckles. "Must be why you begged me so much."
You don't have the will to fight his claim. You feel dirty at the making of it anyway.
Jonathan takes his cock into his hand and strokes himself twice. You feel the head of his cock poke at your pussy, working its way between your folds until he's perfectly positioned. He pushes his hips into yours slowly, and you want to sob, but there's so few tears left in you to make more than the sound as he does, in fact, split you open on his cock.
He's so big, so thick as he thrusts inside of you and fills you to the brim. You cry out at the feeling, the pressure so great it's painful, the intrusion much bigger than what your fingers have to offer.
"Ah," you keen. "D-Doctor, please."
He moans roughly as he bottoms out inside of you, his mouth hanging ajar as his hips jerk slightly at the way you tighten around him. "Yeah, does that feel good? You want more? Want me to fuck you?"
You bury your face in the sheets. "H-Hurts. Please, stop, it hurts."
His cock twitches inside you, and you think you'll die. "I love it when you beg me to fuck you, sweetheart. You look so pathetic under me like this. Just see for yourself…"
He yanks your hair back again to make you look. He doesn't let you go either, his hand stays firmly in your hair as he holds you up to keep looking, to keep watching, to keep your eyes on your bodies as he slowly begins to fuck you. He gives you no preparation, he gives you no time to adjust. Once he's fully inside of your tight cunt and you've started tightening around the thickness he fills you with, he just starts rutting into you.
His hips snap into yours, dragging harshly inside of you as you scream and shout and squirm. He's tearing you apart, piece by piece. And he keeps fucking you as more and more slick begins to ease the cruelty.
You don't know how long you're there gripping the sheets and whining and clenching your eyes shut before the pain begins to twist and turn in your belly into an uncomfortable and unwelcome kind of pleasure.
And when Jonathan hears the telltale sign of your cries turning into moans, he completely loses his mind.
If he hadn't been fucking you hard before, he certainly is now. He wraps his arms around your body and pulls you to stand on your knees as he straightens your backs and begins to thrust up into you while he makes you watch. He spreads your legs wide and plays with your nipples, pulling your body down to meet each thrust of his hips as he completely wrecks you. All the sounds mixing in the air—the moans, the grunts, the slick skin, the heavy breathing, the sobbing—it's a filthy symphony of terror in your ears and beauty in his.
One of his hands, trying to find purchase on something, finds your hair and just starts petting you, carding his fingers through it and occasionally deciding to yank your head back in the process. "Listen to you," he huffs. "You're loving it. I can tell."
All you can do in response is cry and hope it doesn't come out as a moan (it does).
"Doesn't it feel so good? Feeling me touch you, feeling me hold you, feeling me fuck you hard and raw?"
His hand finds your clit and he starts rubbing it, his pace rough and fast and much too hard for you to think it would work. But it does, because you immediately shudder as he begins his brutal work. His finger flicks it so fast, your whole body is already shaking as he builds you up until you're crashing down.
"Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck," he groans as you flutter around him. You gasp, going blind as your orgasm crashes down on you like nothing you've ever felt. He grabs your throat and turns your head to face the mirror so you continue watching as he fucks you through it, both your mouths open and gasping for air as your pleasure consumes you, devours you, swallow you whole.
You won't say you did it on purpose. If you could go back and change it, you should…but you could not promise you would as you take hold of Jonathan's wrist and release his toxin in your own face once more.
You gasp and you roll your eyes back and you find your body numb for a moment as all the nightmares from before come back. Your little heart can't take it as the walls start literally jumping out at you like the corpses of a million souls long past. Bats and birds and bugs fly around the room. Hands are reaching up from the sheets in the bed and grasping your arms and legs and holding you down.
Jonathan's faltering thrusts remind you he's there as you find the mirror and his monstrous form watches you. He looks impressed, even through the hundred fangs and black eyes. "Poor girl's so fucked out, she wants more," he coos, his voice returning back to the demonic groaning you'd been met with when you first stumbled into your room to find him there. "Do you like it? Do you like my nightmare? Are you in love with the horrors in your mind?"
You've stopped crying. Your face is open and wide as you stare out, silent terror gluing your frantic gaze to the mirror. He groans at the sight of you, clamping his teeth down on your shoulder before pushing you forward to stand on your hands and knees as he takes your hips and starts slamming his own into you.
All you can do is moan as you watch him fuck you, taking you from behind with an animalistic kind of frenzy. Your mouth hangs open, you look drunk as he plows you from the back. You grip the sheets, but you watch as a pair of hands sprouting from the bed reach up and hold your own to keep you planted there.
A rough thrust drags through your pussy and makes you moan, a rough and deep thing that scratches your throat as you clench the hands. Your cunt tightens around him, sucking him into you with each shove of his cock inside of you.
"Fuck," he huffs. "This little cunt is so tight. You've been needing me, haven't you?" His hips snap harshly into you suddenly. "I'm gonna watch this over and over again."
You forgot about that, his confession to setting up cameras all over your house. You wonder briefly where the one in your room is stored, at which angle he's going to watch himself fuck you into the bed over and over again. You wonder how many times he's watched you touch yourself in this bed over and over again. Because he's been watching you.
You gasp and moan and shake and let him use you like a doll. You watch yourself in the mirror as your face melts off. You watch Jonathan as his long talons dig into your hips like blades. You hold onto the hands still gripping yours and hang your head as he fucks you. You groan, letting yourself feel the pleasure and hating yourself for it.
You're so conflicted. Your heart is pounding and your body is shaking and you feel like you're going to die, but the pleasure clinging to your body like blood to cotton is so mind-numbing that you've become one with the corpses in the walls.
"It's like this little cunt was made for me," he huffs. "I think I'll keep you. Your mind is broken enough." You whimper. "I'll have you thrown in Arkham with your father, and I'll fuck your brains out so you never get too lonely. How does that sound?"
When you don't reply, he pulls on your hair again and brings his lips to whisper beside your ear. "Do you want that? Hm?"
You make a ramble of incoherent sounds, murmuring something entirely unintelligible as you whimper and mewl.
"Yeah," he sighs. "I know… That would make your little heart soar, wouldn't it? You can tell me."
You give the same response.
He rewards you with a smile with a rough thrust that has the bats on the ceiling fluttering back down to you. They swarm your heart and Jonathan watches you look at every single one of them as they fly past.
"Fuck, I'm keeping you."
You're going to cum again, you can feel it. You're on the verge as his fast, rough thrusts drag inside of you with the squelching of your cunt. But it seems you're not the only one as you feel Jonathan's hands tighten around your hips as his pace stutters.
His grunts and groans are becoming more desperate, melting into moans as his plump lips hang open. He laughs at something, something jumping out at him in his own mind as you stare at the wall, each inch covered in butcher knives hanging on hooks. They glint and gleam in the moonlight and you can hear them rattling, ready to fly off the walls and impale themselves in you.
Your voice is small and pitchy and weak as you mumble. "B-Bu… Butch… B—ch… Ahh…"
"What?" he hums. "What's got you so distracted?"
You continue to stare at the wall, trying and failing to speak properly as blood seeps out of the metal and stains the hundred blades. "Bu…"
For once, you think he can see what you're seeing as he looks up at the wall you're staring at. His face lights up and he stares in awe, his lips parting as he does. "Your butcher." He whispers in your ear. "Isn't it beautiful?"
You continue to stare, even after Jonathan lets out a growl and pushes you forward again as he shoves your face into the covers. The hands let go of yours to grab your face, wrapping around your head and holding you down as a clammy palm covers your mouth. You stare at the knives, staining your floors with crimson red.
Your words and your whimpers are muffled by the hand as he thrusts harshly into you. Jonathan stares, wildly fascinated by the way your hallucinations control you on such a physical level. He can see that you're being muffled but he finds no hand. He can see that your body is being pinned down to the bed, but he sees no fingers wrapping around your arms and legs and keeping you there.
He takes hold of your hands, placing them over your head and holding them down as he fucks into you with a new angle. His cock fucks into your tight cunt in shorter, faster, rougher thrusts that has the birds swarming around you again.
You can't think straight, and you're sure your heart has stopped. You've been through so much in the past…you don't know how long. You came home to be poisoned by his fear toxin, assaulted by living nightmares, given half an antidote to the toxin, fucked by your stalker, poisoned again, and now you're still being fucked dumb with promises doing it again.
And you're going to cum. You hadn't realized he began rubbing your clit again, all the pleasure has run together into one big conglomeration of filthy ecstasy. His cock is pounding into a specific part of you that's making you sob again and you think for a moment you might be drooling, but you're too far away from your body to know for sure until he says: "Look at you, sweetheart. So fucking dumb, you're drooling all over the sheets. Am I making you feel that good?"
You mutter incoherently again, and he just laughs at you. The sound melts into a rough groan on a deep thrust. "Fuck, you keep sucking my cock in. I'm gonna cum in this perfect little cunt, and I'm going to keep you forever… I'm never fucking letting go of you, little Boucher."
Boucher. Boucher. Boucher. Boucher. You're surrounded by Boucher. The knives on the wall, the hands holding you down, this man abusing your cunt and calling you that cursed name. Driving you insane. Making you crazy. Just like him.
How easy it would be to lose yourself in it, in the insanity. How easy it would be to give in. To become Boucher… To succumb to the madness…
You squeeze him as he fucks you as hard as he can, and you feel his cock swell inside of you as he grinds his hips roughly into you.
"Oh, fuck!" he gasps, moaning as he snaps. His release hits him like a freight train, the world closing in on him as he loses all grip on reality and fucks his cum into you like a crazed beast. The feeling of it makes you gasp, the hot lava filling the pit of your belly and warming you up.
He keeps grinding into you as he flicks his wrist and rubs wildly at your clit. You burst. Your heart in your chest, your brain in your head, the knot in your belly—it all snaps at once and you cry out against the hand over your mouth. Your mind is gone and your body is shaking, accepting the madness and the pleasure and the filth and becoming one with it like you should have from the start.
The nightmares devour you, the horror sinks into your skin. You shake and cry and moan. He grabs you by the base of your skull, weaves his fingers through your hair, and pulls as he rides out the rest of his release and he swears he hears a muffled laugh bubble out of you from under your breath.
He watches as your body trembles, your moans continuing on even longer than he thought they would as the aftershocks of your release rise within you. You're still fluttering around him as you lie on the bed and mumble under your breath.
When Jonathan's pleasure has waned enough to think, he lets out a deep sigh and pulls out of you with a regretful one. You whine, laying there heavily. He scoops you up with his arms wrapped around your body and speaks into your ear.
"What's on your mind, Boucher?"
His breath is steady in your ear, providing a solid ground for you to stand on as he pulls you away from the hands reaching up to embrace you once more. You watch the knives shine on the wall and blink lazily at them as the smallest ghost of a smile graces your lips.
"Bou…" the word falls short, and he just watches in awe.
"What?" he whispers. "What is it?"
You grab one of his hands and pull it around your body, leaning into his.
Bright, sterile surfaces are all you see as you stare at the room around you. You lean your head against a white, padded wall as the jacket tying your arms to your body keeps you safe and warm. It's so monotonous, so quiet and droning as you glare at the blank walls around you with a frustrated sigh. It’s just all too mindless.
You tilt your head toward the door when you hear the locks click heavily. When Jonathan steps inside with a pleased grin and a briefcase held tight in one hand, you can't help the smile that begins to spread over your lips.
"Hello, Ms. Boucher," he greets you warmly. "Are you ready for our appointment?"
He opens his case, and his burlap mask falls out.
You look down at it, your expression almost giddy as your eyes—which have been open wide since the moment his fear toxins had first blessed your senses—gaze back at him. "Dr. Crane…" you lift your head. "I've been waiting."
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Cillian Murphy taglist: @lyarr24​ @runnning-outof-time​ @goblinjnr @kmc1989 @shelbyism @weepingwitchofthewest @cl-0-vr @thoticious @sinarainbows Tag yourself here...
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Hiya there erin, i was wondering if you could sprinkle some angst and more tension in the single mom universe where little ones bio father comes back on the scene and suddenly wants to be involved, like this puts steves back up a little cause by damn she is his weather he is related biologically or not . Snd single mom is in a bit of a sticky situation because she wants to give a chance to little ones bio father but dosent want to hurt steve - some worried and insecure steve potentially? ❤️❤️ love anon
Man, you anons sure think alike! I have two other similar requests where baby daddy returns, so I’ll be combining them as they all will make a good combo, I think. I’ll be combining yours and these two (hopefully that’s alright!):
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This will also take place within the first year of reader and Steve’s relationship making baby roughly a year to 18 months, just for story purposes. Thus, I introduce you to the deadbeat dad named Trent (no offense to anyone named that, just thought it sounded like a douchebag-y enough name lol)
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The Return of The Baby Daddy
Steve Harrington x Reader
(This is a full length fic that takes place in the Dad!Steve x SingleTeenMom!Reader universe)
Your head was pounding, a dull pain settling between your eyes. But nothing was as annoying as the living, breathing headache you were dealing with now.
Or the situation you were in.
Standing in front of you were two men, your past and present currently colliding in a situation you’d hoped never to happen.
Your ex-boyfriend and speed donor—or biological dad, if you wanted to get technical—stood and glowered at your current boyfriend, Steve Harrington. He glared right back at him.
The amount of male ego being flaunted in just the withering glares right now was permeating the room. You could feel how territorial Steve was of you, not that you blamed him, he had every right to. But, if he were a dog, you were sure he’d be peeing on you right about now, claiming his territory.
“What do you want, Trent?” you sighed, already exhausted with this conversation.
“I want to see my child,” he sneered, looking at you like you had the audacity to ask why he was here.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Steve stiffen.
“Oh that’s rich,” he snorted.
“I hate to inform you, but you’re a little late for the birth. Like nearly eighteen months late,” you said sternly, crossing your arms over your chest.
Thankfully, your baby was taking a nap and you had no intention of letting him see her. He didn’t deserve the right to.
“Look, I know I screwed up. But I have rights to my child you know,” he argued.
“You didn’t even stay around long enough to earn any rights! Do you even know if you have a son or daughter?” you asked.
“I know, I know,” he said emphatically, “But I’ve had a change of heart, I want to be involved in his or her life.”
“I think you threw that privilege away the moment you left her, pregnant and scared,” Steve said.
You’d never seen your kind, caring boyfriend look so angry. Or so mean.
Trent glanced over at Steve, almost dismissively which you knew did nothing but fuel Steve’s anger further.
“Who’s the pretty boy?”
“Steve,” you emphasized his name for good measure, “Is my boyfriend.”
Trent’s eyes did a once over of Steve, clearly amused.
“I’m shocked, Y/N. He doesn’t really seem to be your type.”
“Yeah, it is shocking. Because he isn’t an asshole like you were and he actually knows how to treat me and my child well,” you defended.
Trent had no right to attack Steve like that and you refused to let him get away with that.
“I’m the kid’s father!” he protested.
“Some father,” Steve huffed.
“You got a problem, man?” Trent asked, glaring even harder at Steve.
“Yeah, I do. You don’t get to waltz back in here over a year after your child was born and think you have rights when you left the mother of your child the second things got tough. She was barely a few months pregnant and she had to do it all by herself. Give birth, have a newborn. It took her a long time to accept help, even from me because she’s a damn better parent than you’ll ever be,” Steve ranted.
Trent’s mouth tightened, clearly trying to reign in the anger he felt then turned to look at you.
“Can we talk in private please?”
“No. Hell no. Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of me,” Steve said, arms crossed.
“Steve stays,” you said, “He has every right to hear what you have to say. He’s as much as a parent as I am to your daughter.”
“You had a girl?” Trent asked.
You could’ve laughed. He was so out of touch with the entire situation it was actually comical.
“Yes, Trent. You have a daughter, even though I would say that extremely loosely. She’s almost 18 months old, can walk and talk. She’s the light of my life and thankfully looks nothing like you. She would have no idea who you were if she met you right this moment. You’d just be another stranger.”
His hands tightened into fists.
“What, you playing family with this guy then? Thinking that my kid is his and you all just live happily ever after?”
“Steve has been a better father to her than you ever have been and ever will be.”
You refused to back down. You knew you couldn’t count on Trent.
“What, she calls you daddy?” Trent asked, getting a bit too close to Steve for your liking.
“No, she doesn’t. But I love her like she’s my own. I wish she was my own,” Steve practically hissed the last sentence, “Cause I know damn well I’d treat her better than you ever could. I know I sure as hell treat Y/N better.”
Trent was in Steve’s face now.
“I am not letting some pretty boy douchebag raise my child. Or call him daddy.”
Steve put a hand on his chest, trying to stop him from further advancing.
“You need to back off.”
“Why should I?”
“I think you should leave,” Steve said firmly.
That was when he threw the first punch. No, not Steve. Trent punched the fuck out of Steve.
You shrieked, not being able to process what was happening.
He staggered back, righting himself before he could fall to the floor. He lunged for Trent, getting in a hit of his own. It was turning into a full on brawl in the middle of your living room.
“Steve, stop! Steve, please,” you begged, trying to pull him away.
They ignored you and you were sent crashing to the floor, falling on your behind by an arm that was shot out. You had no idea if it was Steve’s or Trent’s.
That was when you realized Trent was absolutely pummeling Steve and he was slumped against the wall, hardly fighting back at all. He had a black eye, bloodied nose and split lip.
“Trent! Stop it! You’re hurting him!”
You screamed at the top of your lungs, terrified for Steve. Miraculously, you managed to pull the other man off him.
Everything else afterwards was a blur of emotions, mainly concern for Steve, worry for your daughter who had woken up from all the screaming, screaming crying herself and absolute anger.
Although at the moment, you had no idea which man you were more angry with.
Steve woke with a groan. Every fiber of his being hurt. It felt like a safe had fallen on his face.
He opened his eyes and saw he was laying on the couch, head in your lap and you were holding an ice pack to his face. The asshole from earlier was nowhere to be seen.
“You’re an idiot,” was the first thing you said to him.
“What happened?” he groaned, trying to sit up.
You helped him into a sitting position, handing him the ice pack to hold on his own.
“Trent beat the shit out of you. Why didn’t you just walk away? What if the baby had seen you like that? She’d been terrified!”
“I’m sorry,” he winced, the pain he felt coming in sharp bursts, “But I wasn’t going to let him stand there, all high and mighty, thinking he has a right to storm in here and make demands. Especially after the awful way he treated you. We both know I’m her father in all the ways that matter.”
Your silence seems disconcerting to him.
“What? You’re not telling me something, I can tell by the look on your face,” he said.
“Trent and I talked when you were knocked out. He wants to make an effort to get to know her and be a part of her life.”
“You’re fucking kidding, right?”
“Steve,” you sighed, much too tired now to deal with an argument with him as well.
“No, don’t “Steve” me. He hasn’t been around a day in her life. He decided being a father wasn’t going to mess up his life and left you when you were three months pregnant. He missed her first kicks, watching her grow inside of you, her birth, her crawling, her first words, her walking! Her fucking first birthday.”
Steve ticked off each one on his fingers, angrily. He was absolutely furious and you knew he had every right to be, but you knew this was something you had to do, you owed it to your daughter.
“I know, I know,” you said.
“Then why are you letting him back in with just a slap on the wrist? He does not deserve to know what a joy that little girl is.”
“Because I owe it to her. What if I were to say no and it’s a huge mistake that I end up regretting in my life? Or she ends up hating me for because I never gave him the chance to know her. I owe it to him if he truly wants to get to know his child.”
“You owe him nothing!” he shouted, jumping to his feet.
“Shh! I just got her back to sleep,” you warned, peeking down the hall towards the nursery.
He continued, although a notch quieter this time.
“He has done nothing to prove to you that he deserves to be a father to her.”
“Yeah, except make her,” you replied sarcastically, “He’s the one that got me pregnant Steve, not you.”
You both knew it was a true fact, something that hadn’t been a big deal before. Perhaps it was the heightened emotions and anger behind your words that stopped him cold. His jaw tensed, as tense as the rest of him was.
“Yeah, I know. She’s not mine. Thank you for reminding me,” his voiced was laced with anger and hurt.
“Steve, I didn’t mean it like that—”
“Whatever. Do what you want.”
He shook his head, heading down the hallway to your bathroom.
He slept on the couch that night while you slept in a cold, empty bed.
Things had been tense between you and Steve for the entire week. You’d planned a visit for Trent to come meet your daughter and you were getting her ready for the little play date.
“One of mommy’s friends is coming over to meet you today, isn’t that exciting?”
She ignored you, continuing to jabber in her baby talk, lost in her own world for the moment.
Steve had ignored you most of the week. You’d just moved in with him not long ago, but you felt like a ghost in the house. It almost felt like living with a stranger.
You’d had plenty of fights before, sure, but never one so badly that it went on so long. Maybe it was because it involved your daughter as well, this time.
What you didn’t know about was the turmoil of a storm that was wrecking havoc in Steve’s mind.
Steve was so mad at himself. He regretted what he’d said to you, how he’d ended things in that argument, that he’d walked away angry.
Even though he’d meant what he said about Trent, he should’ve been more supportive of you, not alienating you for just trying to do the right thing. What he didn’t want to admit was the deep feelings of jealousy and inadequacy he was feeling.
Not only did he feel threatened by Trent’s presence when it came to his relationship to your daughter, he felt threatened by him when it came to you. After all, you shared a child with him. That was something deep and intimate, a connection he didn’t have with you. That was a link to someone forever, even if they weren’t in the picture.
He knew he wasn’t your little girl’s true father, but how he wished he was. He adored her so much and he was afraid of losing her, losing you, to him.
He watched from the doorway quietly as you got her dressed for the planned play date you’d arranged with Trent when he’d been at the house last week.
Remorse stirred in his gut simultaneously as the love did in his heart. He loved you two so much and would do anything to protect you two. Apparently being an idiot was part of that.
He cleared his throat before speaking, the action drawing your attention.
“Do you need any help?” he asked.
“Do you mind taking her to the living room and setting up some toys for her? Trent should be here soon.”
He nodded, taking her and walking to the living room. Not long later, you joined him.
He was on the floor playing with her as the minutes ticked by.
Then an hour.
Then two.
Afternoon bled into evening, into night. Your little girl had played, had a nap, a snack, cuddles with Steve, dinner and now a bath and Trent had never showed.
It was only after you’d sent Steve off with her to read her a bedtime story when the phone rang.
You rolled your eyes, listening to the person on the other line and what they had to say.
Steve had just walked into the room, catching the tail end of your conversation. He’d been kind enough to not say a word about the absence of Trent, all day.
“Yeah, well do me a favor and tell him to fuck off. Oh and never to bother us again.”
You hung up the phone, maybe with a bit too much attitude as the receiver clanged into the phone rest.
“What was that about?” Steve asked, brows raised.
“That,” you sighed, “Was me being an idiot and you being right.”
He cocked his head, not following.
“That was a buddy of Trent’s. He met some girl and they’re currently on their way to Florida to take a cruise and swim with sharks or some shit. He told his buddy to let me know,” you shook your head, crossing your arms, sighing, “I should’ve known that he didn’t care about his kid. He never did. He just wanted to come around, pretend like he was the dad of the year and never show his face again. I told his friend to tell him not to bother us again. You were right, he doesn’t deserve to be in her life. Or mine. I don’t have time for childish shit like that.”
Steve pulled your arms apart, pulling you into his arms.
“I didn’t want to be right. In fact, I’m sorry. About everything. Him. Me fighting him. Getting into a fight with you. Walking away angry. Giving you the cold shoulder. I’m so, so sorry, Y/N.”
He closed his eyes, resting his chin on top of your head.
“I’m sorry for what I said. I never meant to hurt you,” you whispered into Steve’s chest.
“I have a confession to make,” he said, pulling back to look down into your face, “I was afraid I wasn’t a good enough father to her. Or boyfriend to you. I was afraid he’d take you both away from me.”
“That’s impossible. We love you and only you,” you chuckled, “You’re the best boyfriend and father to her, ever. Thank you for sticking up for us.”
He smiled, kissing you on the nose, then kissing you for real.
You whispered your next statement against his lips.
“You’re all we need, Steve.”
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bowsellie · 10 months
better than revenge - pt 2
fic warnings: cheating, angst, love triangle. abby x reader, reader x ellie, abby x ellie kind of. MDNI, smut
part 1 part 3
warnings: not proof read! ellie x reader, smut without feelings, kind of toxic!reader, manipulatey!reader, SMUT, MDNI. oral (r! receiving), face fucking (e! receiving), praise, pet names.
The rest of the night was spent internet sleuthing. Going through the girls Abby followed named Ellie--of which there were three--and finding the only one with a pride flag in her bio. Requesting to follow and scrolling through her posts to confirm that she was exactly Abby's type. Liking a few of her recent posts to show her you've been looking, then going through your mutual friends to figure out your common link.
After some time gathering information, you decided to send her a message.
hey, idk if you know me but we have a couple friends in common. I can't believe we've never met, you seem so cool!
Shortly, a response came.
oh, hey! yeah I've seen you around but never had the chance to introduce myself haha. well, I'm ellie (obviously).
You let yourself fall into the comfortable lull of flirting with Ellie. Complimenting her appearance, her vibe. Mentioning your queerness. Bringing up the potential to meet up in person. Everything that had worked on Abby seemed to be working on Ellie.
oh, are you still dating that abby girl?
oh, her. idk honestly haha. we're on a break or something, but I don't think we'll get back together. I kind of have my eye on someone else.
You looked at her message, considering for a moment before the three dots on Ellie's side popped up again.
do I know them at least? I won't say anything if I do--swear.
how about we go out to coffee and I can tell you then?
Nervousness and excitement danced in your gut as you watched for her response. When the little "yes" appeared, you smiled to yourself and began to make plans to see Ellie.
"You're so pretty, baby."
Ellie's mouth was against your ear, breathing hot and humid as you whimpered. Her knee grinding against your cunt, pressing into the seam of your jeans and expertly growing a pressure there that you knew would pay off sweetly.
Her soft mouth moved to kiss your face all over. Cheeks, brows, lips, as she whispered praises in between. "Prettiest girl I've ever seen. So perfect. I bet you're so sweet." At this suggestion, your hips bucked upwards and elicited a louder groan out of your mouth. "You want me to taste you, sweet girl?"
You nodded quickly, somewhat dazed already. Sex with Abby hadn't felt this good since the very beginning of your relationship, when sparks were still flying and the fire in your bellies was bright. Before the domesticity, and the comfort, and...
You should probably stop thinking about your girlfriend while fucking another girl.
Tuning back in, you noticed that Ellie had pulled your jeans and panties down in one swipe and was resting her cheek on your thigh, looking up at you with hungry eyes. Making eye contact, she leaned forward slowly until her warm mouth attached itself to your cunt. You closed your eyes as you moaned, immediately overwhelmed by how warm and wet and good it felt to have Ellie's tongue playing through your folds. She teased at your clit before moving back down and giving long licks to your pussy, listening attentively to what made you pant and groan and squirm underneath her. She focused more and more attention on your pulsing clit, sucking it between her teeth harshly and applying pressure that made your back arch and thighs clasp around her head. Your hands took two chunks of her hair and began to pull her closer to you, pushing your hips against her mouth as she sucked and lick at your clit. Tensing up and practically shouting her name, you came messily over her mouth.
Ellie leaned away and looked up at you with a grin, wiping her mouth on her hand. "You are sweet." She leaned forward over your body to kiss you sloppily, the tangy taste of pussy on your tongue.
“Ellie,” you whined. “I wanna taste you.”
“Want me to fuck your face, pretty girl?” You nodded enthusiastically, reaching to pull her close to you. Ellie discarded her jeans, moving to position herself above your face. She held you by your hair and lowered her wet cunt over your mouth, holding you still as she ground over your extended tongue.
The girl above you was a grunter. Between praises of how good you were doing, she was breathing out carnal pants and groans that grew louder when she began to increase the pressure. Your jaw was sore, but you knew Ellie was close as your teeth bumped against her clit one, two, three times. As her rhythm stuttered and the grip on your hair loosened, Ellie’s thighs squeezed tight around your head as she came right on your tongue. Your tastes blended into something strong that stayed on your tongue as Ellie climbed off your face, kissing your hair and heading towards the bathroom to grab a washcloth and clean you off.
Wiping down your legs and chin, you sat up and began retrieving your discarded clothes. Ellie sat on the edge of the bed, shy in a contrast to her precious persona. “Have somewhere to be?” she asked. She placed her weight on one hand behind her in an attempt to look casual, but a crease sat between her eyebrows.
“Yeah, it’s late and I have to get home. This was great though. I want to see you again.” Your words came out rushed, and you glanced up at Ellie.
“Yeah, let’s do this again. Should I, I don’t know, walk you home or something?”
You shook your head, already halfway out the door. “No no no, don’t worry about that.”
Suddenly, your plan was getting risky. Yes, you wanted Abby to find out and be jealous. But how were you planning to tell her? How would she actually react? The foundation began to crumble and you bit the bottom of your lip raw on the way home.
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how’d you turn it right around - oneshot
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x F!Reader
Rating: M
Summary: Marcus Pike is still reeling from his abrupt breakup with Teresa Lisbon when he meets you. The last thing he’s anticipating is falling for you.
Word count: 4,760
Notes: I’ve written fics post-Teresa, but this one I went into his psyche and what would happen if he fell for someone shortly after arriving in Washington, still raw and reeling from what happened in Texas. I wanted to give him some empathy in the form of this reader and have him take care of himself. The title and inspiration for this fic comes from the song Labyrinth by Taylor Swift. This fic is unbeta’d.
This fic is cross-posted to AO3 under the same name and my taglist can be found linked in my bio as well as my masterlist which is linked below.
Comments/reblogs appreciated.
Warnings: Heartbreak, falling in love, fear of falling in love, kissing, therapy, discussion of breakups, grief, implied/referenced sex, food mention, swearing 
masterlist (main) || masterlist (marcus pike)
No matter how many times Marcus has told himself that it only hurts this much right now, he never fully believes it. He doesn’t know if he will ever get over the pain that Teresa’s choice has inflicted. 
It’s been five weeks since Marcus has transferred from Texas to Washington. His apartment, originally rented to be a home to grow with Teresa as a couple, is now a place where he eats, sleeps and catches up on casework. He goes to work, does his job, and comes back home. He’s thrown himself into his job. Almost too zealously. Anything to distract himself. 
In the time since moving to Washington, he’s made some friends. He’s tried to distract and distance himself from Texas and what went down there right before his move. The text message from Teresa still burns in his mind. I can’t marry you. I’m in love with Patrick Jane. I hope you can understand. 
Not so much as an I’m sorry. 
Marcus hadn’t believed his eyes at first when he received the text after turning airplane mode off. He thought he was dreaming. He should have seen it coming, the signs were all there. The way that she hesitated, the way she didn’t have the same enthusiasm as him for things they did together. Marcus Pike is many things, but stupid isn’t one of them. At least, he hopes not. He’s made some mistakes. He shouldn’t have gotten married in his junior year of college only to get divorced one year into his masters degree when it inevitably didn’t work out. He shouldn’t have pushed Teresa or asked her to marry him so quickly.
Therapy is something that he’s considered for a long time. He did couples counseling with Ashley, to no avail. With Teresa he thought that things would be different from last time. Maybe he was the problem, the common denominator. He’s always been one to fall in love fast, usually the person to fall first in a relationship, head over heels, stupid in love. Once he got settled in Washington and saw that his new promotion came with a better health insurance package that includes therapy, he thought, “well, might as well use it.” 
Marcus likes his therapist. He’s a kind but no-nonsense kind of therapist. He allows Marcus to just expel all of his thoughts before offering insight and guidance to help Marcus get on the right track. Dr. Becker asks the right questions, even if Marcus struggles to answer them right away sometimes. 
He was stupid in love with his ex-wife and he was even stupider in love with Teresa. Love is the one occurrence where he thinks he might actually be a bit of a dumbass. He knows that he comes on too strong, he knows that he clings too tightly. He always loves his partner more than they love him. He thought, naively, that Teresa would fall for him, too. She liked him, he knew that much. But she used him. She wasn’t with him for him. The realization of that in one of his sessions with Dr. Becker, that she was using him, had burned a hole so large in his chest he was surprised that he was still alive. 
Everyone tells him that he’s going to bounce back, that this is temporary and he will be right as rain before too long. Even his therapist has said that this pain and this grief of a failed relationship is only temporary. That the jagged edges of his heart will become smooth again. He knows it’s true, but he hates how everyone expects him to bounce back just like that so soon. Dr. Becker is the only one who’s given him a realistic followup (and a followup to begin with) to that statement: “You will bounce back from this, this pain will pass, but it isn’t done overnight. These things take time.”
“How much time?” Marcus had asked.
Dr. Becker didn’t have a clear-cut answer for that. “Everyone is different.” 
Marcus is trying to make himself feel better. He tries to go out and meet new people. Tries to make friends. There are many people, who, if he wasn’t still reeling and licking his wounds from Teresa, he would have asked out. He doesn’t think he’s ready. 
- - - -
At the suggestion of Dr. Becker (in addition to always wanting one), Marcus adopts a cat three weeks later. Dr. Becker suggested a pet for companionship. He didn’t intend to, but a case he was working on puts him near the humane society. He’s just going to look, he tells himself. Just to see what his options are. And then he sees her. Her name is Chickpea. She’s about four, shy with most people, but when Marcus steps into the kitten room, she marches right over to him and demands that he give her pets. When he gets up to get going, she looks up at him plaintively, as if she’s saying, “where do you think you’re going without me?” It’s a love at first sight that he can handle. He has no choice but to ask about adoption papers. 
A few days later, Marcus brings Chickpea home. “It’s just us two,” he murmurs to her as he brings her into the apartment that he’d gotten with himself and Teresa in mind. A first home for them to grow as a couple.
He allows Chickpea to acclimatize to the apartment, giving her space as she warms up to her new environment. He’s sure there’s an irony in that statement somewhere. He leaves her food and water closeby to where she's acclimatizing before going to watch tv. 
It takes some time, some patience, but after a few days she becomes more comfortable around him, gets used to her new home. By the end of the first week, she’s claimed the spot next to Marcus’s on the couch as her own, allowing him to pet her and give her scritches. She’s affectionate, purring when she sits in his lap. It’s a nice distraction. Marcus is glad that she’s settling nicely. 
Between the cat and work and getting settled in a new city so far from home, Marcus barely has time to be sad. He’s still raw from the heartbreak. “Is it because of loyalty?” Dr. Becker asks, already knowing the answer. 
“No. I have no loyalty to her anymore. She’s made her choice, I have chosen to respect her choice.” Marcus takes a sip of water. “Plus… I think I already knew that I wasn’t her first choice. I just didn’t want to accept it because she was with me.” 
“So you’re okay that you were a rebound of sorts?” asks Dr. Becker. 
Marcus shakes his head. “No. Being a rebound sucks. What she did was really shitty and I don’t know how I can move on from that.” 
Dr. Becker writes something down. “It’s good that you are so aware of your feelings. I think you’re capable of more than you think. It’s a cliche for a reason, but time does blunt the sharpness of grief.” 
“I’m not grieving,” Marcus protests.
The doctor disagrees. “Breakups are quite literally the death of relationships. The death of all that could have been. It’s a loss. It’s okay to treat it as such. It’s okay to feel these things. Healthy even. What’s unhealthy is wallowing. Now, I don’t think you’re wallowing. You’re feeling. You’re processing. Even compared to your first appointment, you’re more open. I’m really pleased with your progress, Marcus. You should be proud of yourself, too.” 
The following day Marcus has to go to the attorney general’s office for a consultation on a case. It’s his first time at this particular office. 
“Can I help you?” you ask when Marcus strolls up to the reception desk. He’s handsome; you notice it right away. With boyish good looks and deep brown eyes. The more you look at him, the more you see it. The look. He’s lost someone. 
He flashes his FBI badge. “I’m agent Pike, here to see the attorney general for a consultation on the case I’m working on.” 
“Of course. He’s expecting you. I’ll let him know you’re here.” You’ve been the secretary for the office for three years and you’ve never seen this FBI agent before, and you’ve seen quite a lot of them. “I’ve never seen you before. Are you new to the FBI?” you ask conversationally as Marcus sits down in the empty waiting room. You can’t help but feel like you recognize him from elsewhere, though.
He shakes his head. “Not quite. New to this branch. Transferred from Texas with art crimes.”
You nod. “Fancy,” you quip. 
“We have our own private museum,” Marcus says, then pauses, remembering the last time he used that line on someone. 
You seem more interested in it than she had been. “Now you’re just being mean,” you tease. “I love art.” Your computer dings. “Thomas is ready for you.” You stand and agent Pike does the same. “If you’ll follow me, agent Pike.” 
“Marcus, please,” he says on instinct. 
“Well, in that case, I should tell you my name.” You introduce yourself and leave him with the attorney general. You’re on your lunch when Marcus is finished his meeting; he feels a minor pang of disappointment
- - - - 
That evening, the elevator door is closing just as someone shouts, “Hold the door!”
You push the open door button and see who it is that’s in such a rush. “Hey, agent Pike.” 
Marcus blinks and then recognizes you. “Oh, hey,” he says. “I didn’t know you lived in this building, too.” 
The itch you’ve had in your brain all day about where you know Marcus from is finally scratched. “I knew I recognized you from somewhere but I didn’t know where,” you admit. 
Marcus nods. “Yeah, I just moved in a little while ago. About two months ago.” The elevator door closes. “Oh, sorry. What floor are you on?” 
“The sixth.” 
He stares at you. “I’m on the sixth floor, too.” 
“Oh my god. What a coincidence.”
Marcus looks at you teasingly. “Are you stalking me?” he teases. 
You laugh. “Busted,” you tease back. He laughs, but the accompanying smile doesn’t quite meet his eyes.
It’s surprisingly easy to talk to you. You seem like such a nice person. Sweet and funny from the brief two encounters he’s had with you. You’re pretty. Marcus thinks he can admit that to himself. His heart is healing but he isn’t blind. 
The elevator comes to a smooth halt at the sixth floor and you both move to get off at the same time. “Oh, sorry. You go first.” 
“No, you go ahead,” Marcus insists. 
You wish him a good night. “If I ever need a cup of sugar or something, I know where to come,” you say as Marcus stops at his apartment door. 
“Anything you need,” Marcus says, meaning it. 
“Likewise. I’m unit 610A. Have a good night, agent—Marcus.” 
After that second meeting, Marcus keeps bumping into you. Okay, some of them aren’t bumping into you so much as they are him coming to the D.A's office to work on the court case that he’s a part of. Other times it’s at the communal mailbox. You always offer something kind and genuine to him, wanting to make him smile. You like him. Want to get to know him better.
Marcus knows that you like him. He likes you, too. Probably more than is appropriate at the moment. He is not going to fall fast this time. He needs time. His walls are still up and he sees them being up for the foreseeable future. Still, he thinks he can be your friend. 
And then, four months after Teresa ended things, he realizes that he isn’t as raw as he once was. The idea of jumping into another relationship is still something that makes him hesitant. But you’ve invited him for coffee and he can’t resist the urge to say yes. 
You’ve entered a friendship with him. Even his cat seems to like you. It’s a sunny day and you’ve asked him for coffee. It isn’t a date. It isn’t anything but two friends getting coffee. You’re wearing a sundress. When Marcus arrives, he’s wearing a worn green t-shirt and nicer shorts. It’s officially summer in Washington. He has a flower in his hand. A single daisy. “This is for you,” he says when you greet each other. 
“That’s so sweet, thank you so much.” 
You smile so brightly it illuminates your entire body. Marcus admires that about you. He admires how gentle and kind you are. He orders a coffee and sits down. 
The two of you chit-chat for a long time about this and that. Dr. Becker had been encouraging of this outing. Marcus has made other friends in the FBI here, but this is the first time he’s been out with a woman in a while. 
And then somehow the topic changes to that of exes. “My ex made me choose between him and my dog,” you cringe. “I was already planning on dropping him, but when he made me choose between Barley and him, I knew that I was making the right choice in breaking up with him. I’m not getting rid of my sweet old man of a dog. The fact that he made me choose?” you scoff. 
Marcus listens, aware that his countenance is changing. “Barley is the sweetest old man. You made the right choice,” he says anyway. 
You see the look in his eyes again. “Who were they?” you ask gently. 
“Who was who?” Marcus attempts to deflect.
Leveling him with a look, you say, “Marcus. I work for the attorney general. I also know how to read people. I see that look of loss in your eyes almost every time I see you. I know you’re seeing a therapist, but I’ve been told that I’m a good listener. If you ever want to, you can tell me. And no pressure, man. Not at all.” 
His therapist had told him that it might do him good to tell someone objective about what happened. And you’re sitting here so non-judgmentally, trying to understand, trying to help. 
“So I’ve already been married. That didn’t work out. We were too young when we got married. But then… I met someone a couple months before the transfer was approved. I fell, stupidly, very quickly. And I loved her more than she loved me. I don’t even know if she loved me. But I was stupid and tried to force something that wasn’t there. She wasn’t really with me for me. She was with me to make someone jealous.”
Your heart breaks for Marcus. He explains the entire thing, leaving no gruesome detail out. At one point your eyes are glittering with tears as he explains how she texted him to break up with him for the other man. “Marcus… that’s—I’m so sorry. I don’t even know what to say.” You are so angry, so heartbroken for him. “I have a lot of choice words to say about her, but I’ll hold my tongue for now.” Marcus actually chuckles when you say this.
Oddly enough, spilling out every detail makes him feel better. “Thanks. It’s a lot to deal with, knowing that someone you once admired greatly was only using you. I’m still kind of… You know what sucks? Everyone saying that I’ll bounce back. That implies that it’ll be no time at all to get over it. I know that eventually I won’t be like this and I’ll feel better about things.” 
You shake your head. “Uh-uh. No. I don’t believe in that. These things take time. You take as much time as you need.” 
Surprising both of you, Marcus reaches out and takes your hand. “Thank you. You’re, like, the first person I’ve told outside of my therapist who’s said that. It’s like…” He sighs. “This might sound dramatic but I feel like what she did left a hole in my chest. I’m trying to ignore it, move on from it. But every now and again it makes its presence known again.”
You nod. “I understand. I mean, not quite on that level but… I’ve been there.” 
It’s not long before you call it a day. You walk back to the apartment together. He hasn’t let go of your hand. At your door, which Marcus insisted on walking you to, you lean up on your toes and kiss his cheek, his three day scruff tickling your lips. 
- - - - 
Marcus is worried that he scared you off after spilling everything. Outside of catching criminals, it’s what he seems to be the most good at. 
One night, a few days after your coffee outing, there’s a knock on his door. Frowning, he opens the door. You’re standing there, bag of what looks like baking supplies in your hands. “You mentioned the other day that you liked brownies more than any other dessert. How do you feel about being a guinea pig?” you ask. 
Marcus is taken aback. “Um… sure?” he asks. “But why my kitchen?”
“Yours is bigger. Also desserts taste better when they’re baked together. My mom told me that when I was four and I never ignore a lesson from her. Plus, my kitchen is kind of a disaster.” 
“I can’t argue with that logic. Come on in.” 
Chickpea meows her greeting, batting her head against your leg as you stoop to greet her. “Hi, sweet girl.” 
Putting Marcus to work, you begin to work together in making the brownies, chatting about this and that. Your pinkie fingers are almost touching at one point, so close to each other. Something’s changed. You’re not expecting anything from him. 
Batter ready, you put it in the oven. Looking up at Marcus, he gestures to his face. “You have flour right here,” he says. 
You wipe your face. He shakes his head. 
“Here.” He reaches out and brushes the streak of flour away. Something shifts in your eyes and something must shift in his. He leans in and kisses you. It’s a nice kiss. You could get used to it. 
Once he’s broken away, you clear your throat. “Um, not that I’m complaining, but what was that about?” you ask. “I thought…” 
Marcus shrugs. “I like you. I wanted to do that.”
Your mind is reeling. “Do—But what about what you said about taking time?” you ask.
He considers for a minute. “I don’t want you to think of this as a rebound. I just… I need time. I can’t rush into things,” he says, more to himself than to you. “But I like you. A lot. I like spending time with you.” 
“I think I understand. I’m not going to rush things for you if this is what you want. I don’t mind. We can set the pace of… whatever this is.” 
Marcus is convinced that you are an angel with how patient you are. He’s terrified of messing this up, whatever this is. Which is something that he thinks he understands. He’s working on himself in therapy. Trying to get to the root of why he rushes into things, why he needs things to be perfect. It’s so easy for him to get lost in the labyrinth that is his mind sometimes. It’s only been two months since he first met you. He’s worried that if he falls too fast, he’ll never get over this, over you. 
“You have to trust that the person you’re falling in love with is going to be there to catch you. Not everyone is going to be there at the bottom. That’s why it’s a leap of faith,” he remembers his therapist saying.  
Marcus knows that his wariness is not going to last. That one day things will click for him. The notion of falling for you so quickly is quite frankly terrifying. He thinks, however fleetingly, that it can’t last. 
Over the next several weeks, though, you make it clear that you weren’t just saying things. Everything is at his pace. You are so patient, so kind, so comforting. He’s almost surprised at how easy it is to find comfort in you. Almost. He knew from almost the beginning that you would break your back just to see him smile. And he’s beginning to find his smile again. He’s found the bounce in his step again. He’s not pinning it all on you. He knows that a lot of it was going to come with time. But your comfort and your warmth has been a balm to the jagged edges of his heart. The heart that you’ve broken through the barricades to reach. He’s falling in love with you. He just has to trust that you’re going to be there to catch him at the bottom. 
The first time he takes you to bed, you make it be all about him. You even hold him in your arms, wrapping them around him from behind. He wants to tell you something, but you know that he’s trying to find the right words. “I’m not going anywhere, Marcus,” you murmur. Marcus doesn’t say anything for a minute. “I know,” he finally says. And he does.  
- - - - 
Marcus has to go undercover. Back to Texas. It’s been six months since Teresa broke his heart. He doesn’t feel anything for her when he does think about her. Time and distance have ensured that. The only emotion he feels for her is a vague hope that she’s doing well. He doesn’t wish her ill will. “You’re a good man for saying that,” you say when he tells you that. “Not many would say that.” 
He considers this for a minute. “I can’t say that what she did wasn’t one of the worst things I’ve had to go through,” he says. “And part of me can’t… understand why she did what she did. But it isn’t such a bad feeling anymore.” The gaping hole in his chest is almost entirely gone. 
It’s been two months and you still haven’t put any label on this situationship you have with Marcus. You’re falling in love with him, but you want him to be happy and comfortable. You know he cares for you, but your priority with this is to make him happy. You know it’s not a rebound. Marcus gave you his word and he’s a man of his word above anything. 
It’s like you’re boyfriend and girlfriend without the labels. You cook together, go to movies together, hang out with your friends together. The other night, you’d watched Casablanca with him; while you didn’t love the movie, you paid attention through the entire movie since it was important to him. He finds himself no longer comparing you to Teresa. You are your own person, incomparable to everyone else. 
“How long will you be gone?” you ask. He’s spooning you. You’re lying in his bed, Chickpea at your feet, asleep. Barley is on the floor, awake but lazing.
Marcus presses a kiss into your bare shoulder. “Hopefully not too long. I hate undercover cases.” 
His beard has grown in more than he’s used to for the purposes of being undercover. “Well, Barley, Chickpea and I will hold down the fort here.” Barley seems to register he’s being mentioned; he lifts his head from the rug where he’s lying.
The undercover case doesn’t take as long as Marcus feared it would. Still, he’s away for so long. He misses you. Not in the way that he missed Teresa in the early days. He wants to be with you, but he knows that he’ll see you again soon. You text each other most days that he’s able to when he isn’t working on the undercover case. You send him pictures of your pets. Barley and Chickpea are thick as thieves. He misses your level head and patience. And then, when he shows up at the FBI headquarters, he sees her. And feels nothing.
Well, no. Not nothing. But he doesn’t feel remorse for what happened, doesn’t feel resentment. No residual emotions for her, this woman he once hoped would be his wife. Sure, his ego is still bruised, and he’s still dealing with the aftermath of what happened, but his feelings for Teresa the person have all but evaporated. Teresa on the other hand feels awkward, embarrassed. Not because of what she did, she just doesn’t want to see him. He wonders if she ever felt any remorse for what happened. The way he felt remorse and anguish for so long. If he had known that she would do what she did, he wonders if he would do things the same. They did lead him to therapy, to work on himself. They also led him to you. 
There was a time when the question of whether or not Teresa ever loved him would have broken him into a million pieces. Now, he barely flinches when thinking about it. Though it’s early days with you, he doesn’t have that doubt, not even a little bit.
The only thing he thinks of when he sees her is you. He remembers what his therapist said to him again. “You have to trust that the person you’re falling in love with is going to be there to catch you. Not everyone is going to be there at the bottom.” 
Teresa was never there for him, never caught him when he was falling for her; she was never going to. She was too preoccupied. Yet she expected everything from him, giving nothing in return. But when he fell for you, because he realizes now that he has fallen in love with you, you were there, patiently waiting for him to arrive. Waiting to catch him and hoping that he’ll do the same for you. You, who expects nothing from him except his happiness and his comfort, and gives him everything in return. If that isn’t love, he doesn’t know what is. There was a time when he was afraid of falling in love again. Now? He’s not afraid anymore. He knows it won’t be without its ups and downs, but it won’t be like it was. He’s sure of it. 
“It’s good to see you, Teresa,” he says to his ex-fiancée without a shred of resentment. 
Marcus is done with Texas. He’s done with worrying. He’s done with Teresa Lisbon taking up space in his mind; she was with him because she felt she had to be. You’re with him because you want to be. He can see that now. It isn’t fair to keep comparing you to her. You dance in the kitchen to Taylor Swift, singing along with the words to your dog. You have a strong opinion on pineapples on pizza and scrunch your nose at mushrooms. You hold Marcus close to you when he sleeps over, love his cat like she’s your own. You always cry when watching Lord of the Rings, and are always happy to see him, even on really shitty days. You do things for him simply for the sake of doing them, to see him smile and expect nothing in return. You are so uncomplicated and lovely. He needs to hold on to that with both hands. He needs to respond to that love the best way he can.
Marcus is done with wondering what if? with you. He still has work to do, but it’s a work in progress. And with you to lean on when he needs to, it doesn’t seem so daunting. He’s done living in his mind these days. He needs to live in the real world. With you. He has a lot to talk to you about when he gets home. Washington, his home. Perhaps he can make his home with you. He is ready to put down roots with you, ready to put a label on you. 
He makes his way out of her office, out of Texas and back to Washington. Back to you. He’s ready for whatever comes next. There was a time when he thought that this would crash and burn and it wasn’t going to work, but somehow, he managed to turn things around. He has so much to say to you, so many unspoken things ready to be said. He was afraid for so long about falling in love again, especially so soon after having his heart broken, but now he’s ready to embrace it, trusting you to catch him.
The End --- taglist in reblog.
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partyanimal167 · 7 months
Hiya, please mote Miguel o'hara x black female reader please, particularly on the fluff side.
It'd be my absolute pleasure! This one is simple, but I hope you enjoy it.
Secret Happy Place- Miguel x F!Reader
CW: none, fluff, slice of life (in Spider Society), black fem reader in mind, silly reader
When asked, you told people that you were a librarian. And to be fair, that is the truth. You catalogue items, keep track of borrowing, repair books, and are a guardian to what seems to universes-worth of knowledge. Except that last part is a bit more literal than people would think.
You don't have a fancy origin story or secret powers. Simply, you were at work really late when some sketchy looking guy came in and tried to take a textbook in the 'Reference' section. You threw your shoe at him, security escorted him out, and that was all.
Until he came again and was acting...different.
You don't like to bore people with the little details. This guy was some weird villain who was trying to steal books and could appear and reappear sporadically. Spider-Man came, saved the day, the whole thing yada-yada.
But public funding got cut for some new solar rail system thing, and you were out of a job.
So then, you were doing a part-time gig cataloging experiment logs for a fancy rich bio-tech company, saw a strange bird-man-thing break in, witnessed a hero battle up close, and watched Spider-Man's suit glitch to reveal the face of one scientist whose name you recognized while the villain got away.
One smart, handsome Miguel O'Hara offered you a job at some secret superhero club, and now, you spent your days reading different literature on Van Gough's varying lives and direct Spiders through an extensive science section--most of those guys were such nerds.
So your life was a little different now.
Life was weirdly peaceful. You didn't see Miguel that much. He had a plethora of missions to organize and direct, so you mostly got emails with files to sort through and organize. At first, you wondered even why this job existed, but there was always something to do, so someone needed to do it.
On a slower day, you were wandering around trying to find a history book fish for Spider-Cat (you didn't ask why), when you saw your technically-boss staring at a bookshelf. You hadn't seen Miguel for some time, so you cleared your throat a little as you approached. "Is there anything I can help you look for?"
Miguel turned and looked at you as if he had expected not to be interrupted in this area. You were almost certain he forgot you existed for awhile if it hadn't been for your email exchanges. The shock quickly left his eyes; he only took you in for a second before shaking his head. "Uh not really. I was just seeing what was here. That's all."
You looked at the area he was in and noted that there were different books on varying species of spiders. You chuckled to yourself. "Is there a newbie giving you trouble? Different powets than you expected?" There were plenty of spiders that existed in one universe. You could only imagine what odd one got its genes reworked before creating a new hero.
Miguel scratched his head before turning away. "Uh no. I'm just checking to see the varying levels of paralysis that different spiders cause...I'm hoping to better control mine." he seemed shy to open up about that. It was an ability you heard existed--unlike the others--but you weren't sure why it was bothering him.
You cocked your head to the side a little. "There should be something we can find. But why would you want to change that? It only happens when you bite people, right?"
"Yeah, but I don't want to only hurt people when I bite them." Miguel went on.
You giggled a little. "I mean when else would you bite people- oh my god," you gasped. Miguel was starting to look flustered. "You have a girlfriend!?"
"What! No!" Miguel quickly denied.
You placed your hand on your head and nodded to yourself. "Ah that does make sense. Look at you! I mean, I don't think she'd want to stop moving if you guys are-,"
"Y/n! Please..." his cheeks were red, and you covered your mouth to stop from laughing. "Just forget I said anything." he mumbled before starting walk away.
"It's okay! Your secret's safe with me!"
"Stop yelling! We're in the library!"
"We're the only ones here!" you laughed.
So what if Miguel found a couple books with sticky notes filled with page numbers on his desk the next day? So what if the information was extremely useful? So what if he started thinking about the possibility of dating just because you brought it up? So what if your laugh rung in his ears ever so often?
It took a few days, but Miguel returned to the library floor and saw you typing away with an iced coffee in your hand and lo-fi playing in the background. He placed the books on the desk, and you finally looked up.
Miguel coughed a little. "Thanks for the books and notes. The information I found was really useful."
You shrugged. "Of course! I mean that's what you hired me for. Right? Not just to shut me up because I know you're Spider-Man?"
Miguel chuckled a little, but it was a sound you appreciated. "That's not why you were hired. You fit here well. I know the others like you." He paused unsure of how to continue this conversation. "I was wondering if you could help me find some more information..." he trailed off.
"On spider venom?"
"Dios-, no. Other things to research. It seems you know your way around here." he clarified.
You stood up from your desk and smiled. "Yeah! Let's do it!"
No one said anything if they couldn't find Miguel brooding in his office. Lyla would only chuckle when Miguel told her that he was going to the library for some quiet. You didn't even question it when Miguel came over since he could relax and hang out with you.
Thanks for reading. Shout out to all the people who did their college work study in the library lol. Maybe that'll be my job once I retire.
Feel free to hit my inbox if you have an idea or wanna chat.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
No More Lies
Pairing- Wooyoung x Named Reader
Word count- 6.9k
Includes- Angst, fight/argument, sex, oral, pussy eating, cum eating, fingering, missionary, riding, multiple orgasms, fluff
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist
📝Wooyoung Masterlist
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I rush down the hallway towards the set where Wooyoung's photoshoot is being held
My best friend, the idol
Lately he's been asking me to come to more and more shoots and I always say yes
He's kept me kinda away from his members so I don't really know any of them too well
I met them the first time about three months ago when I went to a photo shoot
I don't know why he didn't want me to meet them before
He's been in ATEEZ for three years already but he always hung out with me alone
But I'm not making a big deal out of it
I'm just happy he's asking me to come to more things for ATEEZ now
Stepping onto the set, I find him sitting in the middle of the room on a couch with his members
I start heading towards them
"Yeah right", Wooyoung snorts, "I would never fuck Joanne"
I stop a few feet away from him
What did he say?
"Really? You never thought to have sex with your best friend who's a girl?", One of them, I think it's Yeosang, asks
"Eew no. Have you seen her?", Wooyoung answers like he's grossed out
My heart falls to my feet and I quickly hide behind the rack of clothes nearby
"I mean she's nerdy yeah but she's pretty", San says
"Maybe to you. Not me. I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole"
I can't believe he's saying this
It's the opposite of everything he ever said when we're together
"She does seem kind of a dork", Seonghwa adds
"She is totally a dork. All she does is study and she doesn't know how to have any fun"
That's so not true!
Yeah I study a lot but that's because I'm going to be an exotic vet
I need to study
I have hard bio and medical classes
And I do know how to have fun
Him and I have fun all the time
Although now I think he's just been lying to me
"Wooyoung this is your best friend you're talking about!", Hongjoong scolds
He shrugs, "She's my best friend from childhood and honesty I feel sorry for her. It's why I haven't invited her to things up until the past few months"
That's the reason why he's kept me away from his idol world
He's ashamed of me
I feel like I can't breathe
Not only is every he said when we sleep together a lie but it seems like our whole friendship is a lie
"Then you wouldn't care if Jongho asks her out?", Yunho asks
"What?", he says, while I think it
"Jongho likes her. He thinks she's really pretty and nice. He would never ask you if you're ok with him dating her but since you're saying all this, I'm asking for him"
I don't want Jongho
Yes he's very sweet and shy and cute but Wooyoung is who I want
Who I stupidly fell in love with
"She wouldn't know what to do with a guy if she ever did get one", he snaps
I thought I did but I guess all the times he told me I felt good, what I was doing was amazing was a lie
I guess I was just easy sex for him
And it's devastating
"So no I'd never sleep with her. She's kinda pathetic", Wooyoung continues, "And I don't suggest Jongho try either. She has no experience and he'll regret it"
I bite my lip to keep from crying
I guess he regrets it too if he's saying that
"And anyway, I got my eye on Ara. She's hot and I wouldn't mind fucking her."
"God is sex all you think about?", Hongjoong snaps
"No. I think I may ask Ara on a date. See where it goes "
He likes Ara?
One of the hairstylists?
I haven't seen him give any interest in her
He never talks about her to me
But then again I don't really know him anymore
Especially not after this
I need to leave
I can't listen to anymore
I practically run from behind the rack back into the hallway
Going as quickly as I can, I head for the exit, shoving the door open when I get there
I beeline for my car and as soon as I'm in it, the tears burst from my eyes
I can't believe that's how he really thinks of me
He never wanted me
I didn't expect him to have feelings for me but I hoped
I was an idiot
I take out my phone, my hands shaking as I type a text to him
"Hey Woo. I can't make it today. A project was suddenly sprung on us in class and I have to meet with my partner, Han, to talk about how we're going to handle the assignment. Sorry"
After sending the text, I throw my car in drive and head home
I have to keep wiping my eyes because the tears don't stop
I wish I wasn't crying, I wish what he said didn't bother me
Didn't hurt
No such luck
My phone goes off when I open the door to my apartment
"Oh that sucks. I miss you and wanted to hang out after the shoot. Next time then"
I just send back an, "Ok", then head to my room, laying on my bed
Putting my head in my pillow, I let the tears fall, crying my heart out
I stare at my phone
It's been a week since I ran from Wooyoung
A week since I've been pulling away from him
But today he sent me a text asking me to come to another photo shoot tomorrow
I'm not going
I can't be around him right now
Maybe ever
I have to stay away
He doesn't want me
He feels sorry for me and that's why he's continuing this friendship
And he wants Ara
I decided to distance myself more and more
This way he won't be burdened with me and he can go after the girl he really wants
I can let him be happy without any interference from me
I just have to figure out how without causing suspicion
I came up with an idea that's dumb but may still work
"I can't Woo. I actually have a date. With my boyfriend", I text back, hoping he buys it
"Boyfriend? Since when do you have a boyfriend?", he immediately texts back
I already have an answer prepared
"Last week. It's my partner for that projected I had last week. Han. He asked me out that day and I said yes"
"Wow. That's great Jo"
Yeah of course he'd be happy that I have someone else
Now he can ask out Ara without worrying about me
God this fucking hurts
Tears spring to my eyes as I type, "Thanks Woo. He's a really nice guy and I hope it works out"
"It will. Have fun tomorrow 😉"
I send a thumbs up, then toss my phone on my bed, pulling my knees to my chest
He didn't even care
Not one word out what would happen with us
No regret that we can't be together anymore
But then again, what did I expect after I heard what he really thinks about me?
He's probably happy to pass me off to some other guy so he doesn't have to deal with me anymore
It hurts
I didn't only lose the guy I love, I lost my best friend
Who I guess, in reality wasn't my best friend anyway
Or I wasn't his
Laying down in bed, I just stare at the wall, tears falling down my face
Four months later
Wooyoung POV
"Wanna hang out after work?", I text her, hoping she says yes
I haven't seen her in months
Not since she said she got together with Han
I miss her
And yeah, I get we can't sleep together anymore but that doesn't mean I want all contact to stop
We can still hang out like we used to before sex became involved
And I'm also suspicious that she's lying to me
She uses the Han excuse every time I ask her to hang out
And I ask her often because I miss her
A few times I've seen her out and alone when she's supposedly with Han
Walking into a cafe, alone
Crossing the street to her apartment, alone when she was supposed to be at his place
At her job when she told me she was going to be with him all night
She works in a Starbucks so it's not like I was stalking her
But depending on her answer, I will or will not be
"I can't. I'm going to Han's. Spending the night there", she answers
I call bullshit
"Oh alright", I answer, "Maybe next time"
"Yeah. Next time", she replies
"Yeah for sure. Next time", I text
She sends a smiley face to end the conversation
I get up from my bed and walk out of the dorm to Yunho's car
I already asked him to borrow it so it's fine
Getting in it, I drive to her job
I'm seething
As I suspected, she's not with Han
If Han is even real
I followed her from her job at Starbucks
She walked home, the Starbucks a few blocks away and I followed in the car
I parked across the street from the apartment door so I can see if she leaves
An hour after she got home, a food delivery comes to the door and it was for her
She came down, in her PJs and got the food
After another hour, I saw her leave again, with a big dog on a leash I've never seen before
A pitbull
When did she get a dog?
She took the dog around the corner of her apartment building and she came back twenty minutes later
She and the dog went inside and she hasn't come out in over a half an hour
It's nine now and she's definitely not going out
With anyone
Opening the door to the car, I get out, slam the door closed and lock it
Then I stalk to the door to the building, pulling the door open
I'm so fucking mad
I take the elevator to the third floor, get to her door and pound on it
She needs to explain to me why she lied
I'm not leaving until she does
She opens the door, shocked to see me
"You lied to me", I say evenly, walking in her apartment, her huge dog barking at me
Gotta admit, the pitbull is scary
"Nnnn...no I didn't", she answers, closing the door
"Shush Noodle", she scolds and yeah ok, that's a cute dog name
Maybe not for that dog though
But not why I'm here
"Bed", she says and Noodle turns, going straight to his bed in the living room, whining
She turns back to me and I confront her
"Yes you did Joanne. You said you were gonna be with Han all night and instead you're here. Alone"
"We uh....we broke up"
I raise my eyebrow
She has to know how fake that sounds
"No you didn't. I doubt you were ever together with him"
She narrows her eyes, "What the fuck Wooyoung? You don't know anything!"
"I know you've lied to me before. I've seen you when you were "with Han", I say, using finger quotation marks, "You weren't with him then and you weren't today"
"How the fuck do you know?"
"Because I followed you!", I exclaim, trying not to get angry
But it's hard
She's blowing me off and I don't know why
I didn't do anything
"I followed you. From when you were still working. I saw you leave, I saw you come in here by yourself, I saw you go downstairs to pay for the delivery. I saw you walk your dog that I didn't know you had. You were never going to see Han today"
"Wow way to be fucking creepy Wooyoung", she snaps
I'm not letting her change the subject
I know it was creepy but there wasn't any way I could find out
She just would of lied to my face
"Why are you ignoring me? Every time I ask you to hang out or to come to a photo shoot, hell anything, you blow me off. Why?"
"I was with-"
"Don't lie to me!", I snap, my anger finally breaking through
How can she lie to my face after everything I just told her?
"Tell me the truth Joanne! Don't lie! I never lied to you!"
Fury fills her eyes, "Yes you did! You lied to me for months!"
I stare at her in confusion
What the hell is she talking about?
I never lied to her
"No I haven't. Stop trying to change the subject"
"You lied to me", she snarls, "Telling me things when we...we slept together that you didn't mean"
I literally have no idea what she's talking about
Everything I ever said I meant
"I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't lie about anything"
"I heard you!", she yells, tears pricking at the corner of her eyes
She's gonna cry?
What is happening?
"You heard me?", I ask, trying to get to the bottom of this
"Yes Wooyoung. I heard you. What you said to your members about me"
What I said?
I didn't say anything
I don't talk about her to them
She's just mine, I don't want to share her with them
"Joanne, you're going to have to tell me what you're talking about because I honestly don't know"
"I heard what you told them! That I was ugly. That you wouldn't touch me with a ten foot pole. You laughed and agreed with one of them who said I was such a dork and a nerd. You said "yeah all she does is study, she doesn't know how to have fun"
The memory of that day slams into my head
Oh fuck
She heard me
That's why she texted me and said she couldn't come to the photo shoot
She was there
Then she left?
"Remember now? You said you'd never have sex with me, that I was just your nerd best friend from childhood that you felt sorry for. You said I wouldn't know what to do with a guy if I ever got one"
I did say that
But it was to get them off my back
It was the fourth photo shoot in a row she was coming to and they were harassing me about having a crush on her
I didn't want anyone to know I was with her or know about my feelings for her
She was the one thing that was just mine, the one thing not tainted by the media, not tainted by the idol lifestyle and I wanted to keep her for myself
If I told them about her, then they'd want to hang out with her and it wouldn't just be me and her anymore
"You said I'm pathetic and that Jongho would regret being with me. Apparently I suck at sex"
That's not true
I said that so Jongho wouldn't go near her
She's mine
I didn't want him taking her away from me
"I heard you talk about Ara. How you liked her and wanted to ask her out. Wanted to fuck her"
Of course I don't want Ara
I want her but I'm terrified to tell her that
I never had these deep feelings for any girl I went out with
I never fell in love before
And I did with my best friend
I didn't know how to handle that and I still don't
But all this time, I missed her so much, wishing she was with me
Just laying next to me, in my arms
I haven't really been happy since she disappeared
"You lied every time we were together. The things you said.....how good it was, how I was the best you ever been with, how pretty I am, it's all lies", she shouts, tears rolling down her face, "And still, I left for you! So you didn't have to worry about being friends with a pathetic loser. So you could be with Ara and be happy!"
I shake my head
Ara would never make me happy
Ara isn't her
"And still you fucking text me asking me to hang out when I know you don't want to. That you're only doing it because you feel bad for me", she snaps, "And you have the fucking nerve to come here and tell me I lied to you?"
I don't say anything because I'm shocked and still taking everything she said in
"Get out", she snarls
"No", I shake my head
I can't leave
Not now
I have to explain everything to her
I hurt her and I didnt mean to
I have to fix this
"Leave Wooyoung"
"No Jo. Please listen to me"
"Why should I? You're just going to lie to my face"
"I'm not Jo. I'm going to tell you the truth", I tell her, "I lied to them. To the guys. They were making fun of me, about having a crush on you since that was the fourth photo shoot you were coming to in a row. I wanted them to stop so I said all those things to get them off my back"
She snorts through her tears, "Yeah ok. Sure"
I shake my head, "It's true. Of course I don't think your pathetic or your a nerd or a loser or you don't know how to have fun. I know you know what to do with a guy because you've done it with me. I said that Jongho would regret being with you because I didn't want him to go after you"
"Why not? You didn't want me. You wanted Ara"
"No I don't!", I exclaim, "I don't want Ara! I want you"
She stares at me for a few seconds in silence
Then, "You must think I was born fucking yesterday or something to believe that"
"I'm telling the truth! I only said those things to them because you're only mine! You're not theirs, not the media's, not ATINYS'. You're mine and if I told them about you then you wouldn't be mine anymore. They'd want to hang out with you, the media could get pictures of you, ATINY would find out about you and that would take you from me. I want you to only be mine"
"What are you talking about? Nothing you're saying makes sense. Why would you care about people finding out about me if you don't care about me?"
"I do care about you Joanne", I say frustratedly
"No you don't"
"I fucking love you", I shout, shock all over her face, "I'm in love with you ok? And I didn't know how to handle it. And at the time the guys were teasing me and the only way I could think of to get them off my back was to say that shit to them"
She just shakes her head and I'm desperate for her to believe me
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you. I never wanted that.", I apologize, "I want you. I love you so much. I miss you so much it's driving me crazy. I'm only happy when I'm with you"
"I don't believe you", she says
"Then believe what you feel", I tell her
Taking her hand, I pull her to me, kissing her, pouring all my love into that kiss
She lets my tongue in her mouth, and I touch mine to hers, chills running down my spine
I drown in her kiss and I don't want to be saved
I kiss her for a few minutes, then we both pull away
I down at her, in her brown eyes, anxiously waiting for her to say something
Her hand moves to the back of my neck, pulling me back for another kiss
I willingly go, gluing my lips to hers, my tongue to hers
Her arms move around my neck, my move around her waist, pulling her against me
The kiss turns heated, both of us moaning softly
Bending down, I pick her up, her legs going around me as I walk to her bedroom
Once inside, I kick the door closed, getting her on her bed
She pulls me on top of her, her hands going under my shirt, fingers running along my back, heating every nerve
We quickly discard each other's clothes until we're both naked
I move in-between her legs, laying on top of her, kissing her again
I never want to stop kissing her
She moves her hips against me, rubbing against my hard on, getting me wet
Fuck, I just want to be with her
Moving my length to her, I push my head in first, then slowly sink into her, inch by inch
I moan in her mouth, feeling her tight pussy open just wide enough for me, hugging me tightly
"Wooyoung", she moans, her body arching into mine when I bury all in
"Oh fuck princess", I groan, feeling her throb hard on me already, drenching me in her creamy juice, "God you feel so fucking good. I missed you so much"
"I missed you Woo", she says softly
Pulling out, I thrust back in, over and over until I get a good pace going
And I'm in fucking heaven
"Fuck princess, you're so good for me. The best for me", I tell her, pressing kisses into her neck
"Woo", she moans and fuck me, I Iove hearing her say my name
"I meant everything I ever said to you baby", I assure her, "Every single word. You are the best, perfect. You're so fucking beautiful, I can't take it. I can't stop staring at you. I swear everything I said was true. You're my perfect everything. I love you"
She moans loudly, her fingers digging into my back as I bury inside her perfect cunt again and again
I go a little harder, going deeper, my head hitting her spot
"Wooyoung!", she cries, pleasure all over her face
"Fuck yes, say my name baby. Fuck I missed hearing my name in you're beautiful voice"
She clenches on my cock hard and after a few more hits to her spot, she screams my name, coming all over my cock
Intense pleasure hits me so hard as I gasp, feeling her orgasm
So fucking good
I missed this so much
"Again", I whisper, fucking her through it and continuing to pound into her
"God, baby", she moans, her hand sliding in the back of my hair, pulling hard
"Don't run from me again baby", I whimper, kissing along her collarbone, "Please baby. I...fuck...I was so fucking devastated when you told me you had a boyfriend. It was torture not seeing you, not hearing your voice, seeing your smile. Please princess, don't disappear again. I want you so bad. I love you"
"I...", she whispers in my ear, "I love you Wooyoung"
My heart explodes in pure joy, smiling against her soft skin
"I want you Woo. I want to be with you"
"You are baby", I assure her, "You're mine"
She nods, holding me tightly against her, "Please Woo, don't hurt me again"
"Never baby", I promise her, "I never will again. I swear. Never"
She nods, "Kiss me"
Lifting my head, I crashed my lips into hers, kissing her deeply
I move my arms on either side of her head, hovering over her, burying inside her at a fast pace, hitting her spot every time
I know everything she likes and I'm going to do it all for her
Make her cum over and over
Make everything up to her
Today and everyday after that
Moving one hand to her breast, I squeeze, moaning in her mouth as I feel how soft it is
How hard her nipple is against my hand
Pinching her nipple, I play with it, roll it around as I fuck her into the bed, feeling her soak me
She's so close, holding my cock in a vice grip
"Cum on my cock baby", I urge her
"Fuck Wooyoung!", she shouts, her body shaking under me, her cunt going crazy on my cock as my brain shuts off from the bliss
Good God, her orgasms never cease to give me so much pleasure
When she finishes, I pull out, laying down and burying my tongue in her pussy, tasting her sweet cum
"Fuck", we both moan, her from the pleasure my tongue is giving her, me from the pleasure of tasting her
"God I missed your cream baby. So fucking good", I praise her, licking around her slit, then moving up between her swollen lips
Taking one of her lips in my mouth, I suck on her, listening to her moans
When I let go, I slide my tongue on her engorged throbbing clit, her screaming getting louder
"Wooyoung! Fuck! Right there!"
Swirling my tongue around her bump in circles, I feel her drench my face and chin
Changing it up, I lick her clit, slowly, teasingly, making sure she feels my entire tongue
"Oh Woo", she whimpers, her hand snaking into my hair
I go at it, flicking her clit with my tongue, drawing circles on her, anything to give her pleasure
I know what she wants and I'm teasing her before I give it to her
My tongue travels slowly down her cunt, circling her hole right before plunging my tongue in
"Oh god!"
Her cunt immediately clenches on tongue, pulsing around it as if it was my cock
Licking up, I slide back in as far as I can
I fuck my tongue into her cunt, relishing in the taste of her, in the spasms around my tongue
God she's so fucking good
I don't stop, burying my tongue in her over and over
"Wooyoung!", she cries, clenching my tongue and covering it in her delicious sweet cream
Moaning loudly, I swallow all her cum, letting her ride her orgasm on my tongue while she cums in my mouth
When she finishes, I clean up her hole then immediately wrap my lips around her clit, sucking like my life depends on it
She screams, pulling my hair hard, making me moan
I live for her pulling my hair
It turns me on so fucking much
It should hurt but it doesn't, it just gets me going
I slide two fingers inside her, pulling them in and out of her wet warm pulsing cunt, making sure my fingers press right into her spot
"Woo baby, yes, fuck yes", she cries, "Right there baby"
"Fuck baby, I fucking love eating this pussy", I moan, licking and sucking her clit while I massage her spot, "Best pussy I ever tasted"
"Don't stop Woo. I'm gonna cum", she cries, "Wooyoung I'm gonna cum"
Her cunt tightens on my fingers as she screams my name, coming hard, her body arching so prettily
Pulling my fingers out, I lick around her slit, swallowing over and over
When I finish that, I suck her off my fingers, reveling in her taste
Taking her hands, I pull her up, while I lie down
"Ride me princess"
"You don't want me to suck your dick?", she ask innocently, biting her lip
Fuck me, I do want that, but I want to be inside her more
"I do but right now I want to watch you bouncing on my cock", I tell her, "My cock hurts so much princess and I need to be inside you"
"Mmm yeah?", she teases, slowly climbing on me
She moves my cock, laying it on my stomach, sitting on me
"My baby boy wants to be inside me?", she asks, sliding her wet cunt along my shaft, her hands on my shoulders
"Oh fuck", I moan
"Feels good?", she asks, moving faster along my length, leaving the underside of my cock a creamy wet fucking mess
I nod my head quickly, my fingers pressing into her hips
She moves one hand in my hair, pushing the sweaty strands off my face, "My Woo likes getting his cock massaged?"
"Yes", I whine
"With my pussy?"
"Fuck yes. Oh god fucking hell, yes I love it"
I can't take the pleasure, it's so good and I'm ready to fucking blow
"Please baby", I struggle to say, watching her swollen lips move along my dick, "I....I wanna cum inside. Please let me"
"Whatever my baby wants", she says, kissing me so softly
When she slides up to my head, she wiggles around, getting it inside her
Then she slips down my cock, her ass slapping against my thighs
"Good damn", she cries, "How does your cock always feel so good Woo?"
Literally I have no idea but I definitely can say the same for her
Her cunt wrapped tightly around me is fucking heaven
"Always fills me perfectly", she moans, her eyes closed, leaning on my abs as she circles her hips, rubbing her spot on my head, her perfect pussy throbbing hard around me, "Fuck seriously, no other cock has ever filled me perfectly"
"Princess is you think any other pussy wraps around me so perfectly, takes me so perfectly then your insane", I answer, "You fell the fucking best and I live for having my cock inside you"
She bounces once, smirking, "Is that all? You just like your cock inside me?"
"No baby", I groan, feeling her bounce again, taking my whole cock inside her, "I love you. Everything about you. I love spending time with you baby. Without sex. I want to do that more. After tonight"
She smiles genuinely, nodding, "Yeah Woo. I want that too"
"Good baby", I smile
She nods, leaning over, kissing me again and I return the kiss eagerly
"Lets get you coming inside me", she whispers in my ear when the kiss ends, "Fill me up so I'm full of your hot cum"
"Yes baby, please", I whine
Sitting up, she moves fast and hard on me, taking my cock deep inside her with each slam
"Oh fuck princess", I yell, stars exploding in my vision from the pure pleasure
She rides me so fucking hard, her body full of sweat, her face in so much pleasure
My beautiful princess
"Wooyoung, Wooyoung!", she cries, her cunt spasming rapidly
"Cum baby. You pussy wants to", I moan, helping her move up and down my length, "Cum and I'll fill you up princess"
"Yes Woo", she moans, falling apart on my cock
The ecstasy takes over and I scream her name as I cum the hardest I ever had in my life
"Stay on my cock! Stay on my cock princess", I yell, stopping her from bouncing and holding her down on me, "Please stay and cum on my cock"
She leans back, her nails digging into my thighs, both of us screaming each other's names as we both orgasm
Oh fuck, her cunt sucking on my cock is the best fucking thing ever, prolonging the pleasure
I don't want it to end
Of course it does and when it's over, I pull her right on top of me, cuddling her and kissing her all over her face
She giggles, wrapping her arms around my neck, holding me tightly
Rolling us over, I lean my head on one hand, looking down at her
She smiles at me and I softly touch her cheek, feeling all the love I have for her
"My baby. I love you so much"
"I love you Woo. More than anything"
And she'll never know how grateful I am that she still loves me
I'll show her every single day how much I love her
"Promise you won't disappear from me again? I don't think I could take it again", I whisper, "I missed you so fucking much you don't even know Jo"
"I do know Woo", she says, touching my cheek too, "I missed you the same. It was so hard not to see you. It hurt so much to think that you were....with Ara. I thought you....we're happy with her"
I shake my head, "I told you princess, I can't be happy with anyone who's not you. You make me happy. So fucking happy"
"You make me so happy Woo. You always did"
"I'm glad baby. I want to make you happy. I promise I'll make you happy"
She nods, "I know Woo. And I promise I'll make you happy"
"I know baby", I tell her, kissing her soft lips again
After, she cuddles into me as close as she can and I love every fucking second
"Tired baby?", I ask, hugging her tightly
She nods, "You wore me out Woo"
I laugh, "Yeah you did as well to me too princess"
"So sleep now?", she asks
"Sleep", I confirm and both of us settle in for the night
"Noodle, this is Wooyoung", she says to the pitbull the next morning
I stand there and I have to admit, I'm scared
The dog is freaking huge for a four month old and the fucking jaws on this thing are massive
When we woke up, I got up to go to the bathroom but when I opened the door, the dog was sitting right there
I shrieked like a girl while she died laughing on the bed
She commanded the dog to stay in the living room and I ran to the bathroom the ran back to her room
Now we're in the living room and she's telling me that this massive dog is very friendly and playful unless she gives an attack command
Apparently she's still training him
Oh it's a boy
"Woo, this is Noodle"
I wave stupidly at the dog, who just sits there, eyeing me
"How uh did you pick that name?"
She shrugs, "I wanted something silly for a big dog. To take some fear away"
Well it's not working
I'm still scared
"Wanna pet him?"
"C'mon baby. You're my boyfriend now and you're gonna have to see Noodle more often now"
She's right but shit I don't want the dog to bite my hand off
She kneels on the floor calling Noodle to her
Noodle immediately runs to her, jumping on her, licking her face while she laughs and pets him
"Good boy", she smiles, "Such a good boy"
"I thought I was your good boy", I say, then realize what I said, my face on fire
She just smirks up at me, reaching up and taking my hand, "You are baby. I want my good boy to meet my other good doggy boy"
Then she pulls on my hand, dragging me down next to her
"Stay", she says to Noodle
To me she says, "Sit with your legs crossed"
I do, my hand shaking a little in hers
"Don't be scared", she tells me soothingly, "Noodle won't hurt you baby. I promise. Just let him smell you ok? If he jumps on you don't get scared. He's still a puppy and that's how he plays"
This dog is still a puppy?
"Ok Woo?"
I nod and she gives me a kiss to my cheek
"Noodle come"
Noodle comes closer to me and when he gets right in front of me she says, "Sit" and he does
She holds out our hands to Noodle, my hand on top
Noodle comes closer, his wet nose on my hand, sniffing
Noodle then continues sniffing up my arm
When she moves away Noodle walks around me, sniffing, his nose in my hair and I try so hard to stay still
I hear her soothing voice talking to me to keep me calm
Noodle gets back in front of me, his nose against my cheek
Suddenly I feel my cheek get so wet
He licked me
Noodle comes in my lap, continuing to lick me, knocking me down
She's giggling while Noodle continues to give me kisses all over my face
This can't be good for my skin
"Noodle, off baby", she says and he immediately moves off me
"Oh baby", she laughs, helping me sit up, "He likes you"
"Great", I say, wiping my face
At least he won't attack me
"Pet him", she says, "Just hold out your hand and he'll come to you"
"I don't think I need more kisses"
"He won't baby. I'll stop him if he does"
Well ok
Holding my hand out, Noodle comes closer, putting his head under my hand, nuzzling into my hand
I just smile and run my hand over his head, his tongue hanging out as he pants
Yeah ok he's really cute when I'm not terrified of him
After awhile, I tell her I need to wash my face and she goes with Noodle to the kitchen to feed him
After I wash my face, I head to the kitchen, and I hear her talking
"He loves dogs Noodle. I know when he gets more comfortable he's gonna play with you all the time. I think he's just used to small dogs and you're a big boy. But he'll love you like I love you"
I just smile to myself at her ultimate adorableness while she talks to her dog
Walking in, she looks up at me from her place next to Noodle, who's eating
Getting to her, I hold my hands out
She puts hers in mine and I pull her up
"I already love Noodle baby. I'm not scared anymore. He's adorable"
I nod, "Really baby"
Moving into my arms, she hugs me tightly and I hug her back just as hard
"Princess, I have a performance tonight-"
"And you have to go", she finishes, "Practice and getting ready right?"
I nod
"Ok Woo. I'll let you out-"
"Actually, I want you to come with me"
She looks up me, her eyebrow raised, "You do?"
I nod, "I do. I want you with me from now on as much as you can be"
"But what about the media, ATINY and the guys?"
"Well I figure you can get to know the guys as they're kinda a bigger deal in my life. And I'll do everything to protect you from the media right now. And the media and ATINY don't have to know about us just yet. Is it ok if it's just me and you for awhile?"
She moves her arms around my neck, smiling, "I'd like for it to just be me and you baby. For as long as we can"
I'm relieved to hear her say that
I don't want to share her with everyone right now
Not yet
The guys I have to, but not with anyone else
"Yeah baby. I want that too", I agree
She leans up, pressing her lips against mine in a soft kiss and I'm happy
"C'mon princess, don't be shy", I say, pulling her behind me, "You've met the guys before"
"Yeah but now I know some of them think I'm loser and a dork"
Right, I forgot about that
"Don't worry baby, I'll tell them off for that later"
"Don't Woo. Just forget it"
I stood walking and turn to face her, "No baby. I'm going to tell them why I said that shit. And once they get to know you, they'll see what they thought was complete untrue. I promise"
She blushes, "Ok baby. If you say so"
"I do", I smile at her, "So c'mon"
Putting my arm around her waist, I lead her into the dressing room
"It's about ti-", Hongjoong says, his voice trailing off, "Hey Jo. I didn't know you were coming. Haven't seen you in awhile"
"Hi Hongjoong", she answers nervously
"It's ok baby. Don't be nervous", I tell her, kissing her temple
"Did you just kiss her?", Seonghwa gapes
"Yeah", I answer, leading her to a couch
We sit down and I keep my arm around her, holding her hand with my free one
"So....what's going on?", San asks
"Oh, she's my girlfriend now", I answer nonchalantly
"Uh what?", Yunho squeaks
"Didn't you say-", Yeosang starts but I cut him off
"I lied. Everything I said was a lie. You were all on my back about her and I lied to get you off of it", I tell them, "The truth is I love her. I loved her then when I said all that stupid shit and I still love her. The only difference is that now we're together"
"And she loves you?", Mingi asks
"Yes", she answers, "Very much. I uh loved him for long time"
I smile, kissing her cheek, making her blush
I love making her blush, it's adorable
I notice that Jongho isn't saying anything
I know I have to talk to him about this
I didn't know he liked her before and he didn't know I loved her
I feel like I should explain to him and hope he understands
The guys all continue with the conversations they had before while her and I just sit together in comfortable silence, waiting for me to be called for makeup
"I love you", she whispers
"I love you", I whisper, holding her tightly and loving the cuddles she giving me
And I get so excited knowing that her cuddles are something I will always be able to have
Her cuddles and her love
My perfect princess
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bwabys-scenarios · 11 months
Part 34
Illumi x Reader x Feitan(+Kurapika)
part 33
part 35
warnings: suggestive content
A/N: Kurapika is getting lucky next chapter 🫶
taglist: @tsukilover11 @mercyboluthecrazychicken @sxyriii @shidoni-san @living4tomrua @lemonslut @honeylunalove @sugarrushdaydream @canthebest1 @whorermoviestar @fabitheraven @ashdownunderscorebeloved @astresoleil @ranzxki @smuttysammie22 @yandere-enthusiast @lostsomewhereinthegarden @sketchy-owl @bekahtaylorgriggs @zanzie
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(Name) stepped out of her shower feeling relieved in more ways than one. She’d orgasmed a few times before she was finally satisfied.
She sat with a towel wrapped around her on her bed, thinking about what to wear to her dinner date with Illumi. Her eyes landed on the lilac dress she’d bought when she’d gone shopping with Feitan.
“This should do…”
She stood up and placed the dress on her bed before stepping out into the living room to grab her purse. She’d retire her backpack for the night and take the small white purse for a more classy look.
Her towel slipped from her body, falling to the floor. Because she was alone, (Name) didn’t bother to cover herself, and just bent down to pick the towel up.
“With those heels, I might just have an outfit!”
He excitedly ran back to her room and pulled on a pair of her new lacy white panties. Feitan had picked them out for her, even if he’d had his face turned away while he did.
‘I wonder if they would like these…’
(Name) shook the thought from her head. She shouldn’t imagine the men in her life fawning over her underwear choice.
(Name) pulled her dress on, forgetting that it needed to be zipped up.
“Shit… maybe I can ask Illumi when he gets here?”
She continued getting ready. (Name) styled her hair, applied her makeup, and finished by spraying on her favorite perfume.
Knock knock knock!
(Name) set her bottle of perfume down and held her dress to her chest as she ran to the door.
She opened it to see Illumi standing on the other side, smiling down at her.
“Hello, (Name).”
His dark eyes took in her appearance hungrily, his hands twitching at his sides. He hadn’t seen her in so long, and he was aching to touch her.
“Illumi! Come in!”
She pulled the door open and gestured for him to walk in with a friendly smile. Illumi did as told, peeking at her from the corner of his eye to see her dress was unzipped in the back.
“Your dress?”
(Name) sighed. “I was actually just about to ask you to zip me up.”
He didn’t respond, instead grabbing her shoulders and turning her so her back was facing him.
Illumi looked down the expanse of her bare back, biting his lip. She was gorgeous, and this dress showed off all of her curves perfectly.
“Of course.”
He moved the zipper up her back, pausing only to give her one final look before pulling it the rest of the way.
She turned around, looking up at him through her eyelashes. He hesitantly pushed a piece of hair out of her face, his touch gentle. “You look lovely.”
She looked away, flustered, warmth spreading through her cheeks.
“Thank you, Illumi.”
He stared down at her for a moment. Illumi had struggled to stay away from her these past past few months. Just being in her presence right now had his heart threatening to burst out of his chest.
“We should go. I’ve made reservations for dinner.”
Illumi took her hand and led her out the door, to a car parked outside. It was nice, nicer than any car she’d ever seen.
He opened the passenger door for her and closed it behind her before sliding into the drivers seat.
“Where’s the restaurant?”
Illumi pushed his hair back, glancing at her from his seat. “A few minutes away.”
She just nodded and stared out the window as he drove.
Illumi pulled into the parking lot of a seemingly fancy restaurant, escorting (Name) to the door.
“After you, dear.”
(Name) walked through the door he held open with a smile, looking around with a gasp.
The restaurant wasn’t huge, only consisting of maybe 10 tables, but it was gorgeous. The walls almost seemed to glow red and yellow, creating enough light to see, but being dark enough for each table to have privacy.
A waiter appeared at their side, smiling. “Master Illumi, welcome. Your table is right this way.”
The man led them away from the front of the restaurant, opening a door to a private dining room. (Name) held onto Illumi’s arm as they walked.
“I’ll be right back with your drinks. Please, have seat and relax.”
The waiter left, closing the door behind them.
(Name) sat down, Illumi taking the seat across her. She played with her napkin.
“So… we should talk about… things.”
Illumi knew that she wanted to talk about what had happened, but he was still a little nervous. He had some things he wanted to tell her, and didn’t know how she’d react.
“Yes, we should. Let’s wait until our drinks arrive and we’ve ordered food.”
(Name) nodded. “Alright, that’s fair.”
The two chatted idly, (Name) doing most of the talking. Honestly, he was just happy to be near her again, and could listen to her talk for ages.
“I got to meet up with my friends too! Oh, I missed them so much and I even-“
She paused. It was probably for the best if she didn’t mention she’d been confessed to. And kissed. More than once.
“Hmm? You even what?”
Illumi tilted his head. “Oh, um… I even got to see Killua!”
This seemed to distract him from the fact she was holding back some other information. “Really? How is he?”
(Name) sighed. “He’s fine.”
The waiter walked in carrying their drinks, smiling. “Here you are! Are you ready to order?”
The two ordered their food, the waiter leaving shortly after.
Illumi looked like he wanted to say something, so (Name) stayed quiet.
He took her hands in his, looking into her eyes. “I wanted to… apologize for what I said.”
She stayed quiet, but her eyes lit up.
“I… I never believed for one second that you only cared about money. You never have before.”
‘Never had before?’
“You’ve always been so kind and thoughtful, and never asked me for anything. Although sometimes I wish you would ask for a little…”
He trailed off, squeezing her hands lightly.
“What I’m trying to say is… I’m sorry. You did nothing to earn what I said to you, and even if you had it was still out of line. You’re important to me, and knowing I hurt your feelings…”
He grimaced, looking down at the table. (Name) squeezed his hands back.
“I see… I accept your apology Illumi. I’m really happy you didn’t actually believe in that… it’s a real weight off my shoulders.”
She sighed in relief and gave him that pretty smile of hers. “Is that all you wanted to say?”
Illumi hesitated on this. There were so many things he wanted to tell her. That she looked beautiful tonight, how he was her childhood friend and most importantly…
“I love you.”
He’d blurted this out without thinking, a mistake he didn’t make often. His cheeks turned a light pink when he realized he’d said they aloud.
Illumi searched her face for a reaction, desperate. She didn’t seem offended or upset, just… surprised, and… conflicted?
“You… love me?”
His words finally seemed to sink in, and the girl became visibly flustered. Her cheeks heated up in a blush.
Illumi leaned across the table and pulled her into a kiss. It was as gentle as he could manage, his hand on her face keeping her firmly in place.
When he pulled back, his eyes were half lidded, his tongue licking up the remnants of her strawberry flavored chapstick.
“Yes, I do. I…”
He sat back down and grabbed her hands. “I want to marry you, (Name).”
(Name) blinked and hurriedly let go of his hands. “M-marriage!? Illumi, I haven’t even been on a date with y-“
“Then let’s go on a date. I’ll take you anywhere you’d like to go.”
He pulled her hands back into his, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles gently. ‘So soft…’
She sighed and looked down. “Marriage is… a big thing. You can’t just confess your love for me and say you want to get married. I haven’t even said if I reciprocated yet.”
“You don’t have to reciprocate my feelings now. You can grow to love me after we’re married.”
He lifted her hand to kiss it, (Name) groaning. “Illumi. I haven’t even agreed to marriage yet. And yes, if I marry someone I have to love them.”
Illumi paused, his eyes boring into her. “You said you wouldn’t mind marrying me, before. Has… something changed?”
He felt something awful begin to well up in his stomach. Had she fallen for one of her friends?
“I said I wouldn’t mind, not that I would marry you or was ready for it.”
She lifted one of her hands to rub her temple. “Illumi, I’m not rejecting you, or saying I would never marry you. I just…”
Illumi’s grip tightened on her hand. “What?”
She decided not to acknowledge the tone of his voice.
“I’m not ready for that. For… any of this. I’m not even sure how I feel about you, about anyone yet.”
(Name) felt the air begin to change.
“Does that mean there is someone else?”
She looked away. “… kind of? I mean I’m not sure how I feel for them either.”
“Them? Plural?”
(Name) nodded hesitantly. Illumi would have never thought he’d have any competition for (Name)’s hand, considering he thought she was already HIS. The thought of any other man taking her from him made his skin crawl.
He bit the inside of his cheek so hard it bled, his eyes closing as he attempted to calm himself down.
‘She hasn’t rejected you, and obviously has to feel SOMETHING for you. Calm yourself before you scare her off.’
Before Illumi could think any further, (Name) stood up and approached him. “(Name)?”
She didn’t respond, only wrapping her arms around him. He quickly pulled her in closer, his nose burying itself into her hair. God, he missed having her in his arms.
“I do care for you, Illumi. A lot. Please don’t think you come second to anyone. This isn’t what this is about. I just need time to think things over, okay? Until then…”
She pulled away and pecked his lips before kissing him again, this time deepening it.
Illumi melted into her lips, his hands roaming her back. Before his fingers could reach her zipper to pull it down, there was a knock on the door.
(Name) pulled away and sat down, smiling at him.
“Be patient, okay?”
She gave him a wink before the waiter walked in with their food.
Illumi wasn’t a patient man by nature, but for her, he felt like he could wait for forever if it meant those lips would be on his again.
After dinner, Illumi got a call from Hisoka and had to leave. She wasn’t sure why, but he seemed rather annoyed.
“I’m sorry, I planned on staying with you overnight, but it seems I’m needed.”
He cupped her cheek, the girl confused. “Overnight? Why?”
He tilted his head, leaning towards her from his seat in the car. “To make love to you, of course.”
(Name)’s jaw dropped. “Make- oh.”
(Name) wasn’t exactly opposed to having sex with Illumi, in fact she was quite hot and bothered after being kissed by two handsome men in one day, but she was a little surprised he’d said this out loud.
“My apologies, I’ll make it up to you later.”
He kissed the top of her head. “I have to go now. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to see you again, but it should be soon. How much longer are you staying in York New?”
(Name) sighed. “I haven’t bought my tickets home yet, so I don’t have any scheduled time to leave. I have to be out of my condo in a two days, though.”
Illumi nodded. “I see. I can pick you up and take you to the manor when you are ready. We’ll have more privacy there.”
(Name) was about to complain about not agreeing to leaving with him and the fact that they would not have any privacy in his home, but he was already parking and leaving the car to let her out.
“Goodnight, (Name).”
He gave her a final kiss. His kisses were a bit awkward and rough, but with a little guidance they were becoming softer, sweeter. His teeth nipped at her bottom lip, causing her mouth to open in a gasp and give his tongue access.
(Name) moaned into his mouth as his hands squeezed her ass. If Illumi didn’t have to leave, he would have kicked her door open and taken her on the floor if he had to.
Illumi pulled away, their tongues connected by a strand of saliva. (Name) blushed profusely at his expression. She could just feel the tension in the air, and in his hands.
“G-goodnight to you too.”
(Name) walked into her condo, pulling her dress over her head and throwing it into her closet. She was burning up, from the dress and from his kisses.
She pulled her phone out of her pocket to see Leorio had sent her a picture.
Silly<3: since you asked to see Kurapika’s disguise…
Silly<3 sent an image!
It was a picture of Kurapika dressed in his disguise, applying lipstick. It was surprisingly attractive, (Name) kicking her feet as she took on his appearance.
“He sure is pretty…”
She sighed. There were no other messages. Feitan must of been busy, and she knew the rest of her friends were as well.
She could feel her panties get wet as she remembered the past few days. Feitan calling her a good girl, Kurapika groping her, Illumi saying he was going to fuck her…
This much attention was making her head spin. She slipped her fingers into her core, whining against her pillow as she fingered herself to the thought of being fondled and touched by all these men.
It was too much, the girl whimpering and whining as she reached her high, cumming on her fingers.
‘This is so dirty…’
She stood and walked to the shower to clean the stickiness from her legs.
After her shower, (Name) lied back in her bed in just a pair of panties and her shirt, sighing softly into the plush material of her pillow.
(Name) was awoken by her blanket being tugged off of her. “Wake u-“
She whimpered at the sudden coldness, pawing at where her blanket had been.
“Rest of you, out. Now.”
(Name) slowly rubbed at her eyes before she opened them.
“Oh, Fei! What’s up?”
She smiled at him, arching her back as she stretched before collapsing on the bed again. He stared at her body, seemingly transfixed on her lower half…
‘Oh. I only wore panties and a shirt to bed…’
She squeaked and rushed past him to her bathroom to throw on a pair of pajama pants. Feitan watched her run, noticing the slight bounce her ass made when she did.
He didn’t even bother trying to calm his racing heart down, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from getting hard. Did she have to arch her back, making the imprint of her pussy in her strawberry panties completely visible to him?
She walked back out of her room wearing a pair of shorts that were a bit too short considering he wasn’t the only one in her condo, but Feitan wasn’t the type to tell her what she could and couldn’t wear.
She didn’t meet his eye, quickly shuffling past him and into the living room.
“Hey there, strawberries!” Shalnark waved to her, his cheeks a light pink.
(Name) gasped and her hands immediately went to her butt. “Did you…”
“Yep! We saw!”
She glanced around the room to see Phinks and Nobunaga sitting on her couch. They both seemed a little flustered, Phinks hiding it better than Nobunaga, who was a blushing mess.
Neither of them could look her in the eye.
“Didn’t think you’d be sleeping half naked.” Feitan said as he left her room, glad that he was wearing his cloak to hide himself.
“Well I didn’t think you’d be bursting into my room! You could have knocked or something!”
“I did. For five minutes.”
Her eyebrow twitched, and Shalnark wasn’t helping much with the way his eyes were following her ass as she walked.
“Jesus…” she walked to the kitchen and pulled out a juice box, which she sipped on while they began to talk.
“What’s the reason you’re all gathered here anyways? Didn’t know my condo was a hang out…” she’d said this jokingly, but the air grew cold all of a sudden.
“Wait, I wasn’t being serious, you’re all always welc-“
“Not that.”
Feitan looked down at the floor, clutching the fabric of his coat tightly.
She frowned. One look around the room told her that what they needed to say was serious.
“Last night…”
Feitan stepped forward, ready to bring her into his arms.
“Pakunoda died.”
(Name) stared at the short man, her eyes wide with shock. A small tremble entered her limbs, her hands slowly lifting to cover her mouth.
Feitan pulled her close as she began to cry, openly sobbing into his shoulder. “No… not Pakunoda too…”
(Name) hadn’t known her long, but after she’d seen (Name)’s trauma, she bonded with her.
She’s promise to show Pakunoda her cats one day, even offering to let her adopt one of the kittens Tammy had.
But now she was gone. Forever.
Nobunaga stood up, walking towards the pair. He was tall and a little intimidating to the shorter girl, but she wiped away her tears and looked up to face him anyways.
“You… you cried for Uvogin and Pakunoda. And the flowers you gave us…”
He pulled one of the paper daisies from his kimono. “It’s a testament to your kindness. We wanted you to know Pakunoda had been thankful to you, for letting her see your past.”
He gave her a sad smile, something that must of been hard to do, considering two of his childhood friends had passed within the past two days.
“I… I’m so sorry. If I had been with you I could have-“
Feitan stopped her by covering her mouth with his hand. “Shh. Don’t be sorry. You there, would have gotten you killed.”
Shalnark was the next one to approach, patting her head. “We all know what comes with what we do. Every member of the group understands that death is inevitable, and that our work means it’ll come for us quicker than it would normal people. Pakunoda knew this, and accepted her fate.”
She couldn’t help the tears streaming down her face. “But… but…”
“Shh. You couldn’t have done anything to change what happened. She was killed instantly, no nen could have saved her.”
Shalnark gave her a hug if his own, rubbing soothing circles into her back. (Name) sniffled, finally drying up her tears enough to be let go and start making breakfast.
The four watched from the living room as she sniffled while mixing up scrambled eggs and flipping pancakes.
“She’s cooking breakfast?” Shalnark asked.
“Cooks when she’s stressed.” Feitan answered.
A few minutes into cooking she got a call.
‘It’s Leorio!’
“(Name), we need you right now! Kurapika… he’s hurt.”
(Name) dropped her spatula to the floor, causing Feitan to look up from reading one of the books sitting on her table. “(Name)?”
“Where are you?”
Feitan walked over as (Name) wrote down an address on a piece of paper, before turning to Feitan.
“Can any of you cook?”
Shalnark poked his head up. “I can, at least breakfast foods.”
She handed him her apron and ran to her room, throwing off her shirt before she even closed the door all the way.
“Your girlfriend has so self preservation.” Phinks said, turning to Feitan with a raised eyebrow.
Feitan decided he wasn’t in the mood to correct him. “Not wrong.”
She walked out of her room wearing a pair of jogging pants and a sweater, hopping around as she attempted to pull on her other shoe and talk to someone over the the phone.
“Yes, yes I’ll be there in 15 minutes. Please tell him I’ll be there.”
She rummaged through the cabinets and grabbed a pop tart before walking towards her front door.
“(Name) what are you doing?”
She paused for a moment as Feitan grabbed her sleeve. “A friend of mine was hurt, and I need to go help him. Shalnark, sweetheart, can to finish up breakfast? You all can stay as long as you need, just-“
“I come with you.”
(Name) sighed, pulling at his hand. “Fei, that’s an awful idea. I know you all have been up to something, and it’s not a good idea to be out and about during the day.”
She leaned forward and kissed his forehead. “I’ll be back tonight. Maybe. See ya!”
She left while he was distracted by the kiss, closing the door behind her.
He couldn’t turn around and face his friends with his cheek as red as a tomato.
“Ooo, someone’s going to get lucky t-“
Feitan threw a shoe at Shalnark’s head.
(Name) munched on her pop tart as she sat in the back of her cab, anxiously texting Leorio. He took a minute to respond.
Silly<3: he has a fever, everyone’s here right now.
(Name) held her backpack to her chest, hoping he’d be alright. Her heart thumped painfully against her ribs.
‘He promised he would be okay…’
The cab dropped her off in front of the small motel, (Name) jumping out and running to the entrance.
Killua and Gon were waiting for her outside. “(Name)!”
They led her to where Kurapika was resting, if you could call it that. The fever was causing him to thrash in bed and pant like an animal.
She ignored everyone else in the room, Leorio shooing the others out of the way. She dropped down onto her knees next to him, pushing back his hair.
“Shh, it’s okay, I’m here sweetheart.”
Just her hand infused with nen was enough to make him relax a bit, but to save his life she’d have to go to a level two.
The entire room went quiet when she leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips. Even in his sleep, it was like he knew she was there.
“(Name)..” he muttered against her lips, his body finally relaxing. She pulled away and placed a hand on his forehead, sighing in relief.
“He’ll be okay.”
A woman behind her let out a breath she’d been holding in. “Oh, thank goodness. We were terrified the fever might kill him.”
She glanced back at the woman and smiled. “Your voice… it’s so pretty…”
Her eyes fluttered closed and she fell backwards into the floor.
She grunted, trying to pick herself up, but could barely move her limbs.
“(Name), what’s going on? Are y-“
She shook her head. “I’m fine. If I hadn’t been here… he would have died. My ability takes my stamina and gives it to whoever I kiss to help speed up their healing process. And he…”
Leorio helped her to a chair. “If he was able to zap away all your stamina…”
“Then he was near death.” Gon finished, watching over his friend with concerned eyes. The woman stepped forward with a smile.
“You care deeply for Kurapika. Differently than the others do.”
(Name) barely had the energy to be embarrassed, whimpering slightly. “Oh don’t expose me like that in front of everyone…”
‘Is it not obvious?’ Leorio thought, his eyebrow twitching.
The woman laughed. “My name is Melody, I’m a coworker of Kurapika.”
“I’m (Name), a friend.”
Killua watched this interaction with conflicted interests.
On one hand, he thought Kurapika could potentially be a much better match for (Name) than his brother. On the other, he knew that Illumi genuinely did love her, and despite their differences he did care for him.
(Name) stayed by Kurapika’s side the rest of the day, only stepping away to eat and use the bathroom. Leorio offered to watch over him when night fell, but she stayed by his side even then.
“I can’t leave him. If his fever spikes again, I want to be nearby.”
Leorio knew better than to argue, so he pulled the small couch over so she could at least rest comfortably against it as she watched over Kurapika.
He tossed and turned in his sleep, muttering something unintelligible. She took his hand and kissed each of his finger tips, sighing as his palm cupped her cheek. Even asleep, his touch was gentle and loving.
“Oh, Kurapika… my sweet boy…”
Tears welled up when she looked down at his exhausted expression. She wanted to make all of his pain go away, but her nen only worked on physical ailments, not emotional ones.
She hummed the Kurtan lullaby he’d sang to her months ago, running her hands through his blonde hair. This calmed him enough to keep him from thrashing.
(Name) woke up to the sound of her phone ringing in the middle of the night. She looked down at it groggily, rubbing her eyes.
‘Did I fall asleep?’
She answered it quickly and walked outside to talk to the person privately.
“(Name), where are you? Said you’d come back tonight.”
It was Feitan, and he sounded both worried and irritated.
“I said maybe, Fei. His condition was worse than I thought, so I’ve been watching over him. I’ll need to give him more treatment when he wakes up.”
Feitan scoffed. “Can’t anyone else watch… him?”
(Name) raised an eyebrow. “Technically, yes, but I’m watching over him. He… he almost died.”
Feitan was quiet for a moment, the sound of people talking in the background making her sigh.
“Are you still at my condo?”
“… is everyone else there too?”
“… yes…”
(Name) held back a giggle. “There’s a pull out couch and a few air mattresses in the storage closet. You can have my bed, the others can fight over who gets what.”
Feitan pushed his hand through his dark hair with a sigh. “You not coming, then?”
“I’m not. Sorry, Fei. I can be there tomorrow, though, promise.”
“Tomorrow… I get you dress in the morning. We have plans for tomorrow.”
“Dress? Do you even know my s-“
He only laughed, before hanging up. (Name) looked down at her phone with sleepy eyes before pocketing it and walking back inside. Killua was waiting for her by the door to Kurapika’s room.
“Who were you talking to?”
He didn’t look suspicious, just curious.
“Oh, just a friend. He seems to be jealous I’m spending so much time with Kurapika.”
She walked past Killua into Kurapika’s room, sitting beside him once more.
Killua sat down next to her and leaned his head against her shoulder. “It’s been a hard week for you, huh?” (Name) asked, wrapping her arm around him.
He didn’t answer. It felt nice to be comforted, for someone to recognize he was having a hard time. Not many people noticed when Killua was genuinely tired or upset.
“You should sleep. The auction is tomorrow, right? You’ll want to be fully rested.”
Killua nodded, but didn’t move. He was pretty tired, but he couldn’t bring himself to get up. She was warm, and safe. He just wanted to feel protected for a little bit longer.
(Name) chuckled, moving a bit. “Here, you can sleep next to me. There’s just enough room.”
She lied down and patted the bit of couch next to her. Usually, killua wouldn’t have taken her offer even if he wanted to, but tonight was different. He was anxious about the auction, about Kurapika’s condition. A little bit of comfort couldn’t hurt, right?
He crawled in next to her, the woman instantly wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. She was warm and soft, like a mother should be. He felt his eyes get heavy. It ordinarily took Killua hours to fall asleep, but now, he was about to pass out after only a minute of being in (Name)’s arms.
“Goodnight, Killua.”
He had fallen asleep, not able to say it back. She kissed the top of his head and pulled their blanket up to his chin. (Name) worried deeply did the boy. He’d never been so clingy before, whatever had happened the past few days must of been stressful.
She continued to hum that Kurtan lullaby throughout the night, only stopping when she fell asleep herself.
(Name) awoke to the smell of something delicious. She pushed herself up, realizing that Killua was gone. ‘He probably left before everyone else woke up…’
She rubbed her eyes as she felt someone sit on the couch next to her. “Good morning, (Name). Got you some breakfast.”
It was Leorio, who was handing her a box of takeout. She took it with a grateful smile.
“Thank you, my nen takes a lot out of me.”
She began eating as other people filed into the room. Melody was there, alone with a strange man she hadn’t met before.
“Did you sleep okay?” Melody asked, giving her a smile. (Name) nodded, smiling back.
“Yes, I did. Thank you for being here for Kurapika. I’m sure he appreciates you.”
The woman was taken aback by this. ‘This girl… her heart beats for the sake of other people… what a kind sound…’
(Name) turned her attention back to Kurapika, planting another kiss on his forehead. “He’s doing a lot… better.”
She nearly fell again, but Leorio was there to catch her this time. “Woah, easy there. Warn us before you start treatment, doll face.”
She giggled, pinching his cheek. “Doll face?”
“If Kurapika can call you angel, I can call you doll face!”
His cheeks turned slightly pink, a pout on his lips. She smiled pulling him in for a hug.
“That’s fine with me.”
For a moment Leorio stared down at her, his hands on her waist. If Kurapika hadn’t confessed his love for her just a day ago, maybe Leorio would allow himself to feel something more for her.
But he couldn’t. Kurapika was obviously IN love with her. It wasn’t some crush or just lust, it was love.
“Yeah, yeah.”
He pulled away and ruffled her hair. “You’re like a magnet, ya know? You’re always pulling people in.”
(Name) tilted her head, confused. “Magnet?”
He laughed. “Never mind. Go ahead and eat your breakfast. We’re going to go grocery shopping. You think you can make lunch?”
She nodded. “I’ll make some soup that Kurapika can eat when he wakes up.”
The group left, leaving (Name) with Gon, Killua, and the still asleep Kurapika.
“We’re going to get ready for the auction.”
Killua stayed quiet next to Gon, staring at her with his blue eyes. He seemed to be trying to tell her something.
“Gon, could you grab me a drink?”
“Yeah sure!”
The boy raced off, leaving the two alone. Killua stared at her for a moment more before sighing and slowly wrapping his arms around her.
‘He’s shy, that’s adorable.’
She didn’t say this out loud, only humming again while patting his back. “Thank you. For last night.”
He kept a grip on the back of her shirt, his chin resting atop her head.
“It’s nothing, really. I’ll always be here if you need me, Killua.”
He didn’t respond, his grip tightening on her shirt answer enough. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes.
They heard Gon’s footsteps coming down the hallway, causing Killua to let go and step back.
“Here you go (Name)!” He offered her a glass of lemonade, which she took.
“Thank you, ya cutie pie!”
(Name) pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his head. “My sweet boys! I’m so proud of you both, ya know? You’ve been through so much recently yet you’re still going strong.”
The two became a bit flustered over her praise, sitting next to her while she watched over Kurapika.
They stayed by her side and chatted until they had to leave to get ready for the auction. By that time, Leorio was back with groceries.
“Hey, got what ya needed! I’ll take over watching Kurapika, so you can make lunch.”
She nodded and stood, stretching her limbs. It was around 11 am, giving her just enough time to have lunch ready by 1 pm.
(Name) began cutting up celery and onions as chicken boiled on the stove. Occasionally she’d leave the small kitchen to run up the stairs and check on Kurapika, who was still would asleep.
She dropped the noodles into the pot of chicken broth to let them boil, tearing apart the now cooled chicken into bite size pieces.
When she had finished, she placed the sautéed vegetables, chicken, and a can of cut carrots into the pot, creating chicken noodle soup.
She began making bowls for each of the people still there. One for her, one for Leorio, one for Melody, and one for Kurapika.
‘He should be waking up soon…’ she thought, carrying the bowls on a tray upstairs.
“Oh (Name), that smells delicious!”
Melody took the tray from her hands and offered (Name) her seat by Kurapika’s side. (Name) took it with a small thanks.
“Mmm, (Name)’s cooking! Haven’t had some of this since the Hunter Exam!”
Melody smiled. “Oh, you took the Hunter Exam together?”
The two nodded. “Yes! Leorio, Killua, Gon, Kurapika, and I all took the Hunter Exam together! Ahh, what simple times those were…”
She took a bite of her soup, Leorio following suit.
After a moment (Name) left to the convenience store to grab more coffee for Leorio and Melody.
(Name) walked back into the motel, drinks in hand when she heard talking upstairs. She blinked, hurrying up the stairs.
‘Was that..?’
She burst into the room to see Kurapika turn his head slightly, a tired smile on his lips when he saw her.
“Angel… you’re here…”
Tears started to fall from her face as Melody grabbed the cups so (Name) could collapse next to him, crying into his chest.
“I was… I was so scared you weren’t gonna make it!”
She sniffed and cried, the blonde lifting his hand to pat her weakly.
“Shhh, I’m alright. I promised I would come back to you alive, right?”
She nodded slowly, looking up at him through her teary eyes. “Yeah… you did…”
He wiped away her tears. Kurapika stared at her lips before (Name) caught him and leaned forward, capturing his lips in a kiss.
Melody blushed and quickly turned to give them some privacy.
(Name) pulled away and smiled.
“I love you, angel. Thank you for being here… it’s more than I deserve.”
She shook her head. “You deserve the world, Kurapika. I…”
She kissed his forehead, causing the blonde to pout. “You missed.”
He pointed to his lips. (Name) rolled her eyes and gave him another kiss, making him sigh dreamily. “Is that better, sweetheart?”
His eyes started to drift closed. “Mhm… much…”
“Kurapika, would you like some-“
“He’s asleep.”
(Name) looked back at Kurapika to see he’d fallen asleep again, this time with a small smile on his lips. Leorio changed the rag on his forehead, sighing.
“You should get plenty of rest.”
(Name) clutched at the fabric of her sweater, contemplating giving Kurapika another nen infused kiss for treatment when her phone began to ring.
“Oh, sorry. I’ll be right back.”
She hurried out the door as to not wake her exhausted friend.
“Got your dress. Meet me in front of auction in 15 minutes. Help you get ready.”
‘Feitan, again? How rude.’
She sighed and walked back up the Kurapika’s room.
“Hey, I’ll be leaving for a few hours at most. A friend of mine needs me for something.”
Leorio nodded. “Of course, you’ve done more than enough. You should try and rest, considering how much nen you’ve used within the past day.”
She gave a quick nod before grabbing her backpack and sitting beside Kurapika once more.
“I’ll be back, okay? And… I’ll be keeping my promise to you.”
She pressed a sweet, gentle kiss to his forehead before leaving once more.
“Promise? What do you think that means, Melody?”
The woman only shook her head, her face red. “Oh um…”
‘It means something… not very platonic.’
(Name) walked into the auction hall feeling insecure in her day old jogging pants and sweater. She got some weird looks from multiple people before she felt someone grab her arm and pull her towards a private area.
She smiled brightly at the man tugging her away, spotting Phinks to her left. “Shh. Draw attention to yourself, stupid girl.”
The two pulled her into an empty room, Phinks holding a black bag. “You know, when two men pull a woman into a room she can’t help but be a little frightened.”
Feitan rolled his eyes. “I never hurt you.”
‘Not on purpose, at least.’
As Phinks pulled out a long red dress, Feitan stared at the wrist he’d broken just days before. Guilt still consumed him when he thought about it for too long.
(Name) held the dress in front of her, raising an eyebrow at the two. “Are you sure this will fit me?”
Feitan shrugged. “Should, Machi made it.”
“Yeah, don’t tell her I told you but it’s a gift from her.”
‘Oh, she’s shy. That’s cute!’
(Name) stared at the two men, who were watching her. “Can you two… um… leave so I can change?”
“Oh. Yeah.”
The two walked out and stood guard at the door, sending glares at anyone that got too close.
A few minutes later it clicked open, (Name) stepping out in the heels that had been included.
Feitan only looked at her for a second before he shoved her back into the room and closed the door behind him.
The dress she was wearing fit, but the chest area was snug. It was a sleeveless, floor length gown with slit on the left side that went all the way up her thigh.
He stared down at her ample cleavage, causing the girl to blush. “Fei you’re… you’re staring.”
He glanced up at her through his dark eyelashes, humming. “What about it?”
She pouted and covered her chest. “Pervert.“
He grabbed her waist and pulled her in close, staring at her face. She gasped when she shoved his nose into her neck, sniffing at her.
“Smell different. Like another man.”
She pushed him back a little, flustered.. “Y-yeah, my friend is a man. I was treating him.”
Feitan did little to hide his jealousy. “Tch. Stinks, brought your perfume.”
He covered his nose and pulled away, his eyes narrowed. (Name) snickered.
“You’re acting like a jealous boyfriend, Fei. I don’t think he stinks at all, in fact he smells very nice, like warm vanilla.”
Feitan scoffed. “Like vanilla? What is he, girl?”
“No, he’s not! He’s very pretty though…”
He didn’t miss her faint smile as she thought of him. Feitan looked away, biting his lip.
‘Does she think I’m pretty..?’
It was easier for her to see all the subtle expressions on his face when he wasn’t wearing that coat.
Because she’d been pulled away and shoved into a dark room to get dressed, she hadn’t had the time to take in Feitan’s appearance.
His hair was combed, and dressed in a nice suit. She hummed in appreciation. “Fei, you sure clean up nice.”
Feitan’s face reddened by her compliment, the man turning away quickly to hide it. “Shut up. Time to go.”
But he was happy she noticed the effort he put into looking a bit nicer.
He opened the door and (Name) stepped out, Phinks letting out a low whistle.
“You sure are pretty, (Name).”
The girl waved her hand and giggled. “Aww, you’re sweet Phinks.”
Feitan handed her the makeup bag Machi helped them pack and pointed her towards the women’s restroom.
‘Why did I have to change in a random room when the women’s room was right there??’
She huffed and left to do her makeup.
Feitan’s breath hitched when she left. She always looked gorgeous too him, but today she was on a whole other level.
While he loved the soft pastels she usually wore, he couldn’t deny that seeing her in that deep red made him feral. Feitan offered her his arm, which she took without hesitation.
It almost felt… normal the way she held onto him. She wasn’t scared, wasn’t intimidated by his presence. It was still something he was getting used to, but it felt nice to be touched without fear.
“Fei, I didn’t know you were taking me out on a date.” she whispered into his ear. The dark haired man paused for a split second before he continued walking.
“… not a date. Job.”
Phinks rolled his eyes. ‘Yeah sure, Fei.’
(Name) only giggled and kissed his cheek, lingering for a bit before pulling away.
Feitan tried to keep his expression neutral, but it wasn’t easy. Her affectionate nature made him both nervous and incredibly happy. It was hard not to smile and give her a kiss back.
The three sat down, (Name) the closest to the stairs. She didn’t pay much attention to the auction, instead reading from a book Feitan swiped from her condo.
(Name) didn’t even process her arm being grabbed until she was pulled into the hallway, being dragged behind someone so fast her feet didn’t touch the ground.
“Why are there here??”
“How would I know?!”
(Name) recognized those voices.
“Gon? Killua, wh-“
They stopped, (Name) having to hold her head from the whiplash. Her two young friends placed her in between them, eyeing her two… older friends that surrounded them.
“Hey, that was rude. No need to run away with our little lady.”
Killua’s grip on her arm tightened, they two boys staring at her.
“Don’t worry, you hand her over and we won’t kill you.”
(Name) blinked. “Kill? Why would you kill them, they’re my friends.”
Phinks and Feitan blinked, the four staring at each other.
The four were slowly starting to piece some things together, (Name) still holding her head. “Ugh… boys, what is going on?”
Feitan sent Killua and Gon a look, telling them they needed to stay quiet.
‘Does she not know these are the people we’ve been fighting against?’ Killua thought, pulling her a little closer. ‘Are they using her or something? No, Feitan’s aura is almost surrounding her, as if he’s protecting her…’
(Name) began to wobble away. “Listen, I gotta go throw up, don’t kill each other. That means you, Fei and Killua.”
Feitan watched as she left, barely able to keep himself from accompanying her so she didn’t fall and hurt herself.
(Name) sat on the counter in the bathroom, sighing. She’d felt sick, but hadn’t thrown up. She didn’t want to think about the implications of all of her friends knowing each other and potentially being enemies. It made her head spin.
When she heard a knock on the door, she hopped off the counter and walked out. Feitan greeted her with a nod of his head.
“Your friends… lots of trouble.”
He didn’t want to know if she knew the chain user, knowing that she was still processing a lot of information from the last few days.
“… you didn’t hurt them, right?”
Feitan shook his head. “Didn’t, not worth it.”
She frowned. “Does that mean you would hurt children if it was worth it?”
He knew he messed up when he met her eyes. She was looking at him with a mix of disbelief and disgust.
“… didn’t say that. Not normal children, anyways.”
She seemed to accept his answer with a sigh. “You shouldn’t hurt any children, Fei. It’s not right.”
(Name) pulled het purse to her chest and walked towards the entrance of the Auction Hall.
“Where you going?”
“To check on a friend. I’ll be home later tonight.”
Although she accepted his answer, she still wanted to talk with Gon and Killua later to make sure they were alright. But before that, she needed to see Kurapika.
Feitan didn’t stop her, only watching her walk away with a sigh. Phinks patted his shoulder. “Smooth. You know, sweet women like her don’t take too kindly to people that hurt kids. You’ll need to be on your best behavior, Fei.”
The dark haired man pushed Phink’s hand off his shoulder. “Whatever…”
But Feitan couldn’t shake how his body shook when she looked at him like that. It terrified him to think she might see him as the monster he could be one day, instead of the Feitan she saw.
‘Her sweet Fei, is what she called me. I want to be that…’
He followed his friend back to the auction hall.
“Going to steal extra copy for her.”
“Of course you are.”
171 notes · View notes
garfinkelstingle · 2 years
social media au | timothee chalamet
pairing: timothee chalamet x fem!reader
a/n: hii! wanted to let you guys know right away, since i'm not a super fan of maude's i have no clue what her cats names are and i didn't really find anything on the internet, so for this au's sake i named the cats what i would consider naming my own cats if i ever got any! hope you guys don't mind that too much :) also i have not watched a single episode of euphoria so i hope i didn't do anyone too dirty but sorry in advance if i did lmao
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liked by tchalamet, sydney_sweeney and others
yourinstagram the cat and crazy lady say hi
view all 309,383 comments
yourfan21 dont know who's cuter you or dibbles 🥺
yourfan84 i wish my cat would let me take pictures with her, the second i put a camera in front of her she just starts hissing :(
anguscloud i would like to make it clear that you having a cat isn't what actually warrants you calling yourself a crazy lady
* liked by yourinstagram
euphoriafan02 petition for lexi to have a cat in euphoria simply for the extra y/n with kitties content!!!!!!
tchalamet favorites
yourinstagram not quite sure which one of us misses you more atm
*liked by tchalamet
timmyfan73 you two are beyond adorable i honestly cant 😭😭
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liked by yourinstagram, zendaya and 2,392,104 others
tchalamet copycat
view all 283,422 comments
timmyfan62 not timmy remaking y/n's post they really are soulmates huh?????
yourfan19 where's dibbles???
tchalamet @ home with mom
timmyfan03 pls adopt me i'm begging you i promise i'll be good you don't even have to potty train me i swear!
yourinstagram dibbles thinks that i did it better
tchalamet tell dibbles no belly rubs for at least a day when i get back
yourinstagram ok pretty sure dibbles just changed her mind and made you her new favorite human. rude.
callmebyyourfan83 when are we getting cmbyn2 ????? cause i honestly can't wait anymore at this point
tomholland2013 hope you don't mind me for copying the hair mate
*liked by tchalamet
timmyfan92 y/n's the luckiest girl on the planet to be dating someone this handsome i mean honestly it should be a crime to be this hot
yourfan01 lol have you seen y/n????? they're both equally stunning, let's just leave it at that
* liked by yourinstagram
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liked by tchalamet, yourinstagram and 29,394 others
elleusa Spring is officially in the house, so pack your bags and pick some apples with yourinstagram. For ELLE's April issue, the next-gen actress demonstrates the patterns and flows you should be looking out for this spring, and also talks to us all things being in a hit-show like Euphoria and dating someone in the limelight- for three years straight now! Link in bio for the full shot + article!
view all 3,284 comments
yourfan53 oh to be an apple picked by y/n...
timmyfan98 love how kindly she spoke of timmy she really really loves him huh 🥺
yourinstagram had a blast talking to you guys! thanks for having me :)
*liked by elleusa
euphoriafan23 what's everyone's favorite bit from the article and why is it y/n saying that "timothee grounds me in ways i never thought another person could. he gives me peace throughout all the craziness that's happening in my life, and he makes me grateful for everything that has happened so far, even on the bad days, because i never would've met him had i just given up when things started to get hard. i love him for that, and i always will."
yourfan77 i still haven't recovered from that and i don't think i ever will,,, y/n has always struggled with her mental health and timmy really seems to help her cope with so much!!!!!
timmyfan64 what's best is that timothee has also said on more than one occasion that y/n helps him so much whenever he feels anxious and panicky!!! they really are a match made in heaven 🥺♥️
*liked by yourinstagram
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liked by yourinstagram, tchalamet and 2,492,194 others
sydney_sweeney bestie <3
view all 201,493 comments
euphoriafan82 so lucky to have you beautiful queens portraying cassie and lexi!!!!!!! love you girls!!!!!
*liked by sydney_sweeney
zendaya ♥️
yourinstagram you're missing from the picture z ♥️
*liked by sydney_sweeney, zendaya
euphoria gorgeous gorgeous girls
sydneyfan82 you two really are the most beautiful human beings ever i am so jealous of y'alls bf's like what do they have that i don't (except for money, looks and successful carreers)????
yourinstagram i'd like to know what i was going for because the wave? definitely in the top 5 most awkward things i have ever done in my life
tchalamet it looks more as if you're going for a high five with yourself lol
yourinstagram did i ask for your opinion? no >:(
tchalamet sorry baby
*liked by yourinstagram
euphoriafan38 season 3 of euphoria when????? need more of you two on screen together asap!!!!!!
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liked by yourinstagram and 38,291 others
entertainmentweekly Timothee Chalamet grazes this months cover of Entertainment Weekly and tells us all about what it's like portraying the iconic character of Willy Wonka, having (maybe) one too many cats and trying to keep life as private as possible with his lovely girlfriend Y/N Y/LN. Link in bio for the full article!
view all 1,393 comments
timmyfan27 my boy is looking a little extra fine today doesn't he
timmyfan18 brb gonna go and order a lifesize cutout of the first picture bc i have never seen anything hotter in my entire life
yourinstagram what a fine specimen of a human being ♥️
yourfan39 y/n or #1 timothee chamalet stan?
yourinstagram definitely the latter
timmyfan04 i love y/n but if i ever had the chance to fight her hunger games style knowing that the prize was timmy's love and affection... let's just say i wouldn't hold back
dunefan22 loved the article! very tastefully written :)
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liked by tchalamet, hunterschafer and others
yourinstagram date night w/ bae ♥️
view all 492,283 comments
yourfan13 how is y/n a solid 25 on a 1-10 hotness scale?????
alexademie hot stuff
*liked by yourinstagram
tchalamet my date > your date
yourinstagram probably, yeah ;)
*liked by tchalamet
yourfan65 bestie you in that dress???? i'm not strong enough for this, i'm really really not... my one true weakness wbk 😔
timmyfan27 actually saw them at carbone's yesterday lol. looked absolutely smitten with each other! didn't take pictures cause i wanted to respect their privacy
*liked by yourinstagram
yourfan18 how is nobody commenting on timothees photography skills???? if my boyfriend would take pictures like this of me i would marry him immediately!!! instead all i get is blurry trash 🥲
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liked by yourinstagram, florencepugh and 3,281,394 others
view all 231,492 comments
timmyfan36 i still haven't recovered from this look and honestly i don't think that i ever want to
timmyfan94 ladies and gentleman, this is what i call a SERVE!!!!!
yourinstagram i love how you think you're too cool for a caption. like go king give us nothing (literally, since you're not even wearing a shirt) 🙄🙄
tchalamet you're just jealous that you couldn't go because you chose to get sick the day before the oscars
yourinstagram first of all, i didn't choose to do anything 😾 second of all, it's rude that you went out to have fun without me. unacceptable.
tchalamet don't worry, it wasn't even nearly as fun as it would've been had you been by my side love
*liked by yourinstagram
timmyfan82 i know the world is in shambles right now, but looking at this picture of my best boy timmy makes it all that much more bearable 🥺
florencepugh nice shirt ti- oh wait
*liked by tchalamet
yourfan13 really sad we didn't get to see you and y/n walk the red carpet together, but i'm sure we'll get to see it some day soon!!
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liked by yourinstagram, marthahunt and 4,192,495 others
tchalamet forever home
view all 521,394 comments
timmyfan28 i'm sorry i'm not okay because what??????
yourfan05 y/n looks so happy too like yes miss girl it's what you deserve 😭
anguscloud don't tell me y'all got another cat???
yourinstagram the cat limit does not exist, angus
*liked by anguscloud
timmyfan99 you can't even begin to imagine how happy i am that timmy finally found his person and that she makes him so, so happy 🥺 he deserves the world and y/n is really giving it to him
*liked by yourinstagram
yourinstagram forever and always, mon coeur ♥️
*liked by tchalamet
yourfan17 i better be invited to the wedding otherwise i'm throwing hands
yourinstagram it's lola!!
timmyfan04 omg queen thank you so much for noticing me and for letting me know i'm genuinely shook rn
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sesamestreet47 · 2 years
Please post eyeshadow 😭😭😭
Eyeshadow (Modern AU)
aged up!Camilo Madrigal x fem!reader
she/her for the reader & he/him for Camilo
fluff, comfort, a bit of spice, drabble
modern AU, Camilo and Y/N are eighteen-ish
check out other work from this AU: “Bedroom” (chronoligically after this part)
word count: 3535
!english isn’t my first language, so there can be some grammar mistakes that I am sorry for in advance!
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“Ouch, watch it with that thing.” Y/N winced.
“That thing is called a brush, dumbass,” Camilo responded calmly.
It was a Saturday morning. Camilo absolutely loved Saturdays. It was the perfect day. No need to stress from school because you still have Sunday to catch up on all the necessary work. No need to feel like you have to use that time to socialize and hang out with friends because Friday nights were for that kind of thing. And Saturday? It was like a blank day. Made for nothing but relaxation.
And not so long ago, Camilo grew to love Saturdays even more.
Who would’ve thought that the Camilo Madrigal, one of the Amazing Madrigals aka the most influential family in town, would be falling behind in school? Not him, that was for sure. So when Alma Madrigal found out that her grandson got yet another C from biology, she decided to take drastic measures and find him a tutor. No way she’d let any of her grandkids have a GPA lower than 3.7 and get away with it.
That was when Y/N came in. One of his classmates to whom he never paid much attention too, turned out to be great at bio. It didn’t feel right to him when he first heard that she’d be giving him lessons. See, Y/N wasn’t exactly in the same social circles as Camilo. She wasn’t in any circles at all actually. More of a loner type, she was often seen by herself, maybe occasionally chatting with Mirabel and two other kids. Camilo, on the other hand, was burdened with the popularity that came with his last name. Not that he minded. Spotlight, attention, adoration. All of his favorite things came with the said “burden”. So when Y/N came to his house, on a Saturday back a few months ago, he was positively surprised to notice she was completely at ease around him. It even seemed that she made herself too comfortable in his company as after two or three Saturdays she didn’t hold back and started teasing him for every stupid mistake in his biology homework. Like she didn’t care that he was one of the most popular people in school. She treated him like someone who didn’t know what carbs and lipids had in common because, well, he was that person.
And Camilo liked that. He wasn’t even disappointed that he lost his only day for relaxation to biology lessons if it meant hanging out with her.
He found himself counting down to each Saturday. Something about being around Y/N made the tension in his shoulders (that he hadn’t even realized he felt) disappear. It didn’t take long for him to realize that what he felt was a developing crush. And, being the cocky little jerk that he was, it didn’t take him long to make a move as well. So, on one Saturday, Y/N was trying to explain the cell theory to him and he was thinking of a way to shut her up because that topic was just way too boring. He stood up from his chair, walked over to his bed where Y/N was sitting, tilted her chin up and simply kissed her. Doing that, he fulfilled two of his deepest desires. Getting back the bio-talk-free silence and finding out if Y/N’s lips were as soft as they looked.
They were.
This turned into a frequent thing. Y/N would come over, they’d try to go over some notes, Camilo would say “scratch that”, his hands would find her waist and his lips would find hers. A nice routine that they managed to create.
He liked it.
She liked it.
They both liked it.
There was no harm in a little making out. Getting lost in Y/N kisses, sweet ones, teasing ones, while his textbook and notes laid scattered on the floor long-forgotten, became his new favorite weekend activity.
This Saturday was no different. Unfinished homework was lost somewhere on the floor, while Y/N and Camilo were sitting on his bed. Actually, Y/N was sitting, barely. She was leaning back on her forearms, trying to escape Camilo. In no time she’d be fully laying down. Camilo wasn’t sitting. A few moments ago, he straddled Y/N's waist, cutting off her only escape, as he held an eyeshadow palette and a brush in his hand. It took a few words of convincing, but Y/N finally let him do her makeup. Camilo grinned at that satisfied, it’s not like you could say no to that face of his after all.
“Are you almost done?” the girl below him asked.
“I would be, if you just stayed still, princesa.”
“I can’t. It hurts, you’re doing this too fucking roughly.” she grimaced leaning back even further. Camilo smirked.
“I thought you liked it rough,” he said, voice low.
Y/N smacked his arm. “Shut the fuck up, pervert.”
“Pervert?! I meant in the context of making out, idiota,”
“Shut up either way,” she said. “And don’t call me idiot, mister what’s a tendon.“
Camilo just laughed. He looked at Y/N from a distance to see his work in perspective. “Okay, that’s good,” he muttered to himself. “Stop leaning back, get back up,”
“Nope.” Y/N sighed and just to make Camilo more irritated, she let her back hit the mattress. She was now fully laying down, smiling smugly at the boy. She enjoyed every second of looking at his annoyed expression.
“You’re a pain in the ass.” he sighed, but didn’t tell her to get up again. He decided to quickly finish the look before anyone got the idea to come into his room. Seeing the position the two were currently in, it would be impossible to come up with an excuse as to why his tutor was underneath him.
“Um, I’m just making her prettier?”
“You do know you have a test on Monday?” Y/N asked with her eyes closed.
Camilo hummed, too focused on the palette in his hand.
“And you do know that we still have two chapters to go over?”
“And that it takes hours to get anything inside that dense brain of yours, so we should be studying, not doing this?”
“Shut up or I’ll pick your eye out,”
“Jeez, okay, please continue,” she said with a snicker.
They fell into silence after that. Camilo too focused on the brush in his hands and Y/N’s eyes. With occasional nods and hums of satisfaction, he dipped the brush in the powder. Y/N calmed down as well. Deciding to just let him do his job, she started humming a soft tune known only to herself. Her feet bounced up and down lightly in rhythm.
It was an almost nice moment they shared.
Over these few months, Y/N picked up on some of Camilo’s habits. Trying to find a perfect way to keep him focused on bio, she observed him a lot. For example, she quickly took notice of how fidgety he was, so she bought him an antistress toy. So when she was explaining a subject to him, he would play with the little, yellow chameleon. They tried that and it worked wonders. He would remember almost everything she had said. She didn’t know if being a "biology expert" had anything to do with it, but she’d become more aware of people’s body language. That was why it was an almost nice moment. Based on his tight grip on the brush, she concluded that Camilo was mad at something. It could be that he was spending yet another Saturday studying. Or it could be something entirely else. She could find out only by asking.
So, when Camilo once again pressed the brush too hard, she grabbed his wrist.
“Okay, that’s enough,” she said, opening her eyes. Camilo tilted his head, confused.
“I’m not done, yet,”
“What’s going on with you?” she asked, ignoring what he said. She sat up, eyes scanning his face.
“What are you talking about?” Camilo laughed shakily. Nervous.
Y/N squinted her eyes and pursed her lips. She stared at him and Camilo, not wanting to give her the upper hand, stared back. What Camilo thought was just a staring competition, for Y/N it was a chance to look for an answer. A little slip-up or a change in that usual, confident expression. A faltering smile, expressionless eyes or tight jaw. Anything to point out, so she could confront him. But Camilo had put on a smiley mask so many times before, that it was now almost impossible to see anything that indicated he was nervous, mad or anything other than cheerful.
She just had to go with her gut feeling.
“Something’s wrong, I know it.” her eyes still locked with his. Camilo leaned back a bit, a little caught off guard.
“How would you know that?”
Y/N shrugged. “I just do. And you better tell me, because if I get out of here with a need for an eyepatch, I’ll make you memorize the whole textbook.” she pointed an accusing finger at him.
Camilo swatted it off with a groan. He looked to the side, huffing and cursing under his nose. Y/N grinned. Busted.
“Okay, I am not in the best mood, true, but you shouldn’t be worried,” he muttered.
“Well, I am worried,” she said making him look back at her. “And I’m here to judge only your bio knowledge, nothing else, so… you might as well tell me. It helps to say it out loud.”
Camilo bit his lip pondering her offer. It was true. He’d been tensed the whole week, had barely gotten enough sleep because of overthinking and hadn’t been exactly himself. Even Y/N’s presence, which was what usually helped him escape his problems for a bit, didn’t help.
“Okay, but lay back down. I wanna finish this as fast as possible.” he gestured to her face with his brush.
Y/N rolled her eyes, but obeyed. With a quiet grunt, she plopped back down onto the pillows. Camilo smeared some more eyeshadow on her eyelids.
“It’s, um, it’s nothing serious, just stress I guess,” he started softly like he was still looking for the right words. “My grandma has been bothering my parents a lot about my grades and school lately and, well, I can’t blame her.”
He paused to wipe a smudge from Y/N’s temple.
“Wait, but except bio, your grades are fine,” Y/n said opening one eye. Camilo nodded with an exhale.
“Yeah, that’s the problem. Fine is not good enough.” he blew on the brush. “Sometimes I hate Isabela for setting the bar so high when she was in high school. What freak gets a 4.2 GPA?”
Y/N scoffed. “I feel like there’s more.”
Camilo blinked. There was more.
“Well, I don’t really care about my grades nor do my parents,” he confessed. “It’s just this whole thing made me realize how messed up my family is, you know?”
Y/N scrunched her nose. She knew what he meant. Before they started hanging out, Y/N was no different from other people. She as well was tricked by the illusion of Madrigals being the picture-perfect family. But spending time with one of the members of said family was enough to clear her vision. They wore masks to cover that mess behind them. Messy, messy, messy.
“Hermosa, relax. I can’t do my thing with your face moving.” Camilo gently grabbed her chin and steadied her head.
“Hey, this is some heavy stuff you’re saying, I’m allowed to react. Don’t expect me to lay here like a statue,”
“Fine, I’ll just get to the point,” he said. “I’m just kind of tired of the Camilo Madrigal, who has to get good grades, be popular and charming. Maybe I’d like to be my own person? Just Camilo.”
“And who Just Camilo is?” Y/N questioned, her face relaxing and Camilo went back to doing her makeup.
Camilo hummed. Now, that was a tricky question. Who was Camilo? Well, for starters, he was a boy. Actually, scratch that, he wasn’t even sure about that part. He was a teen with many questions about himself. He was a tired kid, tired of feeling the overwhelming pressure. And he was a very talented makeup artist apparently.
“You know what? I’m still figuring it out,” he whispered, observing his work.
“Well, if you need help with that, I’m here,” Y/N said matter of factly.
She said that so carefreely that it made Camilo freeze for a second. He felt something drop in his stomach and pleasant shivers running down his spine. “You mean it?”
“Yeah, I mean, I am your friend… with whom you occasionally make out,” she shrugged, opening her eyes. “And I do like who you are when we hang out. Just us.”
“Oh yeah? And what do you like about me?” a smirk was plastered across his face. Y/N debated whether to smack him for that cheeky, teasing tone, but decided against it. The cocky Camilo was back, which meant the stress was slowly leaving his system.
“Hmm,” Y/N pretended to think. “So, when I look at you I see… A very caring brother.”
Like that time, when Antonio’s dog got lost and you and Dolores spent your entire weekend looking for the puppy.
“A momma’s boy.” Y/N smiled. Camilo scoffed.
You always make a mint tea for Pepa when she’s stressed.
“A good cousin and nephew.”
Every Christmas, you spend your entire savings on gifts for your family. Cousins, uncles and aunts.
“And a friend.” she finished. She looked at him with a soft smile.
Camilo was feeling a lot of things right now. They all got tangled, making a big messy feeling-ball stuck in his throat. He tried to untangle it and say something back. Some remark, some comment, something that would express his gratitude. Admiration, emotion, shyness, astonishment. All that was meshed together, preventing him from coming up with a coherent sentence.
“Oh, and also a makeup guru that takes too fucking long to finish,”
And that made him laugh.
The feelings got untangled and once again he felt at ease. This day slowly turned into another Saturday, with no stress, no pressure.
“I’m actually done, just let me take one last look,” he said, cupping her face. A focused look took over his features. Y/N observed him as he scanned her face, feeling a little unsure under his gaze. She knew he was looking for smudges, but hell he had nice eyes that made her shy away.
“Perfect.” he nodded, satisfied. Not letting go of her face, he pressed his lips against her own. Pushing her slightly into the mattress in doing so. He felt her part her lips and Camilo smiled, but didn’t follow suit as he quickly pulled away. Y/N frowned a bit at the loss of touch. Her cheeks were slightly pink due to his actions.
Camilo reached for a mirror that laid on his nightstand. He stretched his arm so far, it almost felt like it was about to detach itself from his shoulder. Y/N scoffed observing his struggles. She sat up. “You know you could just get off of me and grab it.”
Camilo finally wrapped his fingers around the mirror, leaving eyeshadow fingerprints on the surface. “Nah, you’re quite comfortable. I like it here,”
“Of course you do,” Y/N deadpanned.
Camilo held the mirror in front of the girl so she could see the whole thing. She shot him one last unamused look before looking at her reflection. Her eyes widened in surprise.
“Damn,” she whispered.
She actually looked good. Even better than good, she looked fucking great. Of course, Y/N knew that Camilo had a knack for makeup, seeing how he always rocked that dark eyeshadow, but to actually have him do it on her. Mad pretty, that’s how she felt right now.
She was never into makeup herself. Not because she didn’t want to, but because it was too confusing for her. She had a hard time figuring out what a bronzer was back in eighth grade and after that everything about makeup products just stopped making sense. Not even watching makeup tutorials during breakfast helped. At this point it was more to just gush over how talented some people on the internet were. The only thing she somehow knew how to do was mascara and eyeliner. That didn’t mean she didn’t like a bit of glam now and then.
She should start letting Camilo do her makeup more often.
“Shit, this is sick. You actually made me look decent,” she said, eyes still locked on her reflection. ”I’m kidding, it’s not decent. It’s amazing, I love it.”
Camilo nodded, satisfied with her response. He placed the mirror on the bed, not planning on stretching his limbs again. Y/N blinked when he stayed in his position instead of getting up like she thought he would.
“Um, excuse me? Get off,” she demanded.
Y/N’s eyes widened. “Why? We’re supposed to be studying.”
“You know what, I think I’m fine with getting C’s,” he said, leaning towards her. “It stands for Camilo.”
“Oh my god.” Y/N rolled her eyes. She leaned back when Camilo got closer. A smirk appeared on her face as she noticed a frown on his.
“Really?” he deadpanned. She smiled wider. “Come on, I made you look pretty and this is the thanks I get?”
Y/N nodded.
“Please?” he pouted. Camilo grabbed her chin. “You look so kissable right now…”
Her eyes fluttered and her face warmed up. Now, that was a sentence she had no idea would have such an effect on her. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out besides a quiet um. Camilo smiled. It was a reaction he hoped for, so before Y/N could gain her composure, he quickly closed the distance between them. Y/N let out a muffled yelp, his sudden action made her fall back down onto the mattress. The kiss was slow, but Y/N knew Camilo would be taking full control of it. She let him do what he wanted, but still mimicked his actions. He smiled, feeling her kiss back. Good, good. Her lips were soft and even though he found that out a few months ago, it still made him excited every time he got to feel them. Y/N let out a small whimper, parting her lips a bit as if asking for more. And Camilo did the same thing as before. He pulled away, taking in her annoyed expression. They weren’t apart for long. He kissed her again, this time on the jaw. Slowly going lower and lower to that one spot, just between her neck and shoulder. He felt her legs move slightly underneath him, which made him glad. She was losing some control over herself. And he liked knowing he had that effect on her. Camilo made his way back up to her face, leaving quick pecks on her skin while doing so. Once again connecting their lips, Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer. She tugged on his locks.
If getting C’s from biology meant this in return, Camilo was done studying for the rest of high school.
Too lost in the moment, he failed to notice Y/N reaching down to the hem of his shirt. Only when she started pulling it up, he snapped back.
“As much as I like this, don’t get too ahead of yourself, mi vida,” he chuckled grabbing her wrist.
She looked at him with a blank expression. Like the words he just said hadn’t reached her ears yet. That was a possibility, her vision was cloudy and mind was foggy. She shook her head and blinked, coming back to her senses.
“Right, sorry,” she smiled sheepishly.
Camilo pecked her lips again. “It’s fine, you’re fine,”
Finally getting off of her, he sat cross-legged next to her. Y/N sat up trying to steady her a little uneven breath. Both of them were smiling.
Camilo looked at her and wondered if limiting their hangouts to Saturdays only, was a good idea. He could see her coming here more often. Meeting his parents properly, chatting with his siblings and just being in his life overall. It would be nice to get rid of that bio-tutor-with-kissable-lips label and exchange it for something more appealing.
Before he could fully get lost in that fantasy, Y/N looked at him with a glint of mischief in her eyes. He knitted his eyebrows, wondering what she was planning to do. He didn’t get the chance to ask her though as she crawled over to him. It was now her turn to straddle him and as much as Camilo liked her here, on his lap, he was still confused. But then Y/N reached into her pocket, pulled out what seemed to be a black pen and looked at him with a smug smile.
“Can I do your eyeliner?”
i actually don't like biology
check out other work from this AU: “Bedroom” (chronoligically after this part)
tag list <3:
@xdyledz @dos-oruguitas @sunnth @93erina @mizu-soup @lebrons-age @iwannabecamiloshovel @tigreost @stuckindreamland06 @camiloswifie @bringmetomnow @fandomruler13 @belladonna271 @definitelynotaria @m6ntg9mery @it-is-up-to-you @mariaasofiaa @delaraamrhoohni @queen-of-embracing-uncertainty
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therantingfangirl · 3 years
Kinktober 2021 Day 7 - Fingering with Deidara
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Kinktober 2021 day 7 - Fingering
Fandom: Naruto
Deidara x female reader
Word Count: 1k
Summary: You were never afraid of joining a criminal organization. You had never been afraid of your fellow rogue ninja. But there was one fear you had never been able to get over: heights. And Deidara has made it his mission to distract you from the ever-increasing altitude.
Content Warning: smut, fingering, mouth palms, fear of heights, reader gets tired of hearing Deidara talk about true art
Author Notes: Life has been...busy. Work, family, writing, sleeping...There's never enough time to get to all of the things I want to do. Like I said in an earlier post, I am going to try to catch up on everything tomorrow. I will get more content out to you, but I am committed to only producing quality content that I can be proud of and that you can enjoy.
My kinktober masterlist
Minors do not interact! If you do not have your age in your bio, or if your age is under 18, I will block you.
You actually loved your life in the Akatsuki. You adored the freedom that the organization gave you—the acceptance that your clan and village had never expressed. You had never felt as safe as you did when you were surrounded by the other rogue ninja.
Even if they did like to push your buttons.
It was your own fault, really. You should’ve never allowed them to find out that you were afraid of heights. Especially not him.
He called out your name from on top of the clay bird, his hand extended out to your form on the ground. “We don’t have all day, yeah.”
“We could just walk, you know,” you suggested, rubbing the back of your arm. Maybe if you pressured him enough, he’d give up and let you go by foot. Maybe he could ignore how far away your target had been last seen. Maybe he cared more about your nerves than he did the promptness of the mission—quite doubtful considering the smirk with which he was sending your way.
“Do you think that we have all month?” He shook his head at you in disbelief, his long blond hair bouncing with every movement.
“I can assure you that my art is perfectly safe.”
“Except, of course, if you accidentally detonate it while we’re in the air. Besides that though, perfectly safe, right?”
Deidara pursed his lips together at your insinuation. “Do you doubt my abilities?”
“No, you I trust,” you told him. Bile formed in your throat at the thought of climbing onto the bird. Of that bird soaring into the air, nothing between you and the ground except for piles of explosive clay that could go off with a simple misplaced hand sign or loss in chakra control. “It’s my inability to feel the ground beneath my feet that I don’t trust.”
“Just get your tight ass up here, will you?” he huffed out, losing his patience with every moment you spent staring up at him.
“Deidara knows better than to lose control and let anything happen to you,” Kisame’s gruff voice spoke out from behind you.
You turned around to look at the tall man, willing yourself to keep your hands steady. “But what about the things he doesn’t have control over?”
“You need to stop worrying, sweetheart.”
“Why don’t you try keeping your mind on something else besides the altitude?” Itachi suggested to you softly, always the voice of reason.
“Like what?”
Itachi shrugged, his lips twitching at the sides. He glanced back over to Deidara, his eyes narrowing at the rogue ninja. “Keep her distracted.”
“It’s not tha—” Deidara’s sentence broke off abruptly and he let out a sigh of submission. He called out your name, softer this time and put his hand back out to you. “Come on up. I’ll keep your mind off of everything.”
“How?” you asked, turning to look back at him.
A smirk was your only answer in return.
You took a deep breath and took his hand, letting him pull you up onto the bird. He settled you at the front of his creation and slid his arms around your waist. “Nice and secure, yeah.”
“The ground is even more secure.”
“By the end of this flight, you’ll actually begin to love this.”
You highly doubted that.
It wasn’t that you had experienced a traumatizing event that left you paralyzed in fear over vast heights. It was only the realization that you had yet to master any jutsu that could truly keep you safe during a fall from such a distance. It wasn’t natural for you to be that far off of the ground. Now matter how “beautiful” and “artistic” Deidara claimed his clay birds to be.
You took a shaky breath, letting your mind clear of all of the anxious thoughts flooding your brain just as the clay bird lifted off of the ground. Your stomach dropped at the sensation of solid ground disappearing.
As the bird lifted you higher into the air, your sense of security steadily dissipated. All you could think of was how far away the earth was. How easy it would be to fall off the bird and die on the dirt below.
Your chest heaved at the effort you took to breath evenly. Your hands shook and you held tightly to the edges of your cloak, trying to find something solid to hold onto.
Deidara’s hands slid lower down your hips and rested on your thighs, lightly stroking your skin in soothing motions. “We won’t need to be in the air very long,” he mumbled in your ear.
“Every minute is one too many,” you huffed out.
“Hm,” he hummed quietly, his fingertips drifting over your inner thighs.
A small part of your brain focused in on that touch, even as slight and insignificant as it seemed. That small touch sent goosebumps down your body and a chill down your spine, and your entire being focused in on the spot between your thighs that his fingers seemed to edge closer to with every second.
You stared down at the world beneath you—the colors of the foliage below. Everything was more vibrant from your vantage point. And if you weren’t thinking about how painful it would be to fall on top of the branches below, you would even be elated by the sight of the world.
“It’s not horrible,” you admitted quietly. “Even beautiful.”
Deidara hummed against your ear, his fingers dipping further down. He brushed against your clothed crotch just slightly, his touch just light enough that it could be considered to be accidental.
“That beauty is superficial. True art is—"
Before he could begin on his usual tangent, you cut in, saying, “if art is an explosion and true art is fleeting, then how do you find beauty in anything tangible in this world? And if true beauty disappears within a moment, then how can you find something tangibly beautiful enough to recognize it as beautiful?”
“Beauty is something that I know when I see it, no matter how momentary it may be.”
“But what if—” your own sentence was cut off by a certain jerking beneath you, the clay bird dipping suddenly. Your stomach lurched violently at the sensation and you gripped onto Deidara’s arm for support.
The next moment, the bird steadied itself, easing back into an even flight pattern. “You did that on purpose!” You gasped out, nails digging into his forearm.
“Let go!” he grunted, tugging his arm free of your grasp. “I was momentarily distracted.”
“You’re supposed to be distracting me! Not getting distracted!”
Deidara grunted again, sliding his arm back around your waist and pulling you taut against his chest. “Just settle down. We’ll get there faster if you do.”
“How do you think I’m supposed to settle down now?”
Again, his touch drifted downward, brushing against the sensitive spot at the apex of your thighs. But this time, this time the touch was deliberate and was unmistakably on purpose.
“Dei—” you started, but his hands had already dipped underneath your waistband. His fingertips slid right beneath your underwear line and brushed slowly down your slit.
“And here I thought you might be too anxious to be responsive to my touch,” he mused at what he found underneath his fingers.
You clenched your jaw tightly, pushing down the urge to yell at his haughty tone. And just as you opened your mouth to tell him to fuck off, the tongue on the palm of his hand slipped out and lapped at your lower lips.
Your toes curled immediately, your hips bucking towards him.
“So eager for me, hmm” he mumbled, repeating the action. The tongue flicked your clit back and forth at an uneven pace before gaping open and sucking your clit into his mouth.
You gasped out his name, your grip on his arm tightening again. You leaned your head back against his shoulder and your eyes closed. His fingers played with your entrance, using the tips to stretch you out for him. Inside his hand’s mouth, his tongue circled your clit tightly, every stroke ripping a whimper from your lips.
He inserted two fingers fully inside of you, curling them and rubbing them against your walls. He stroked against you intentionally, searching for something within you. He whispered your name against your ear, his lips brushing against your ear lobe. His breath fanned over your neck, warm and enveloping.
“There’s a moment when someone hits their climax that is so brief, yet all encompassing, that is the sheer definition of art,” he told you. His fingers brushed against a spongey spot against your inner walls and he eagerly rubbed the area, his lips never relinquishing their hold on your clit.
Your back arched, moaning out his name. His fingers and mouth worked your most sensitive spots in earnest. Your stomach tightened, every ounce of your attention on the sensations he was creating inside of you. Your fingers dug into his skin and he probed your spots once again, sending you right over the edge. His fingers continued its onslaught, sliding in and out of your entrance before rubbing up against your g-spot once again. Your body shook underneath his touch, and in that moment nothing else mattered. You bucked against him, desperate to keep contact with the pleasure that he gave you.
“True art,” he muttered quietly.
Deidara’s fingers slowed down, his tongue lazily lapping at your slit. You twitched against him, opening your eyes slowly. He grinned down at you as he withdrew his hand from your pants. He brought the hand up to your mouth and you opened your lips, tasting his fingers eagerly. You sucked your own juices off of his fingers, moaning quietly around him.
With his fingers cleaned off, he let his hand fall back loosely against your stomach. And the bird began its slow descent.
“A-are we there?” you asked, blinking at your surroundings. The tree line had opened up, leaving plenty of room for the two of you to land right outside the targeted village.
“I told you it wouldn’t be a long flight.”
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