#the new rachel
gleetournaments · 5 months
The Ultimate Episode Tournament: Round 1 Match 25
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gleecontext · 5 months
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GLEE S04E01 The New Rachel
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sillyname30 · 2 months
I just listened to the latest episode of and that's what you really missed on Glee. Finally the first recap of season 4.
Jenna said that after the season 4 premiere a few of them went to Darren's little hideaway (?) and he played drums and they hung out and they played music. It was so much fun.
The actors from the Ohio storyline and the actors of the New York storyline were on different schedules and they never saw each other. (That's what I suspected. We won't get bts stories about the New York storyline.)
Jenna and Becca are both friends with Dante. And Dante told Jenna that Becca got Glee and she should say hi to her. So Jenna very nicely went to the trailer and said hi to her and that they are both friends with Dante. And Becca was like, 'oh cool.' And that was it. Jenna was shocked and was like 'I went out of my way to be nice to somebody.'
Jenna said that Darren's songs in the courtyard always are really good. Kevin: Here's what's interesting. After hearing him talk about how the sun in the courtyard is and it's awful to film it. If you notice they put – he's in the shade. They put up these big filters above us.
Cringe moments: All the jokes about Marley's mom and all of them telling Unique to take of her face.
Best dance move: Americano
best song: New York State of Mind
performance mvp: all the newbies
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ladyofdecember · 1 year
Kurt moving to New York with just a little bit of cash and no plans of where he's going to live is insane?!!? His dad tells him to stay in a motel? Um that's like $5000 a week in New York! 😅 It is way expensive to live there! This episode is giving me nightmares 😂
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taviamoth · 2 months
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EDIT: Read the additions to this post! Turns out they made a vague commitment. I'm keeping it up but turning reblogs off.
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sayruq · 24 days
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
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"Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington becomes the first University in the US to fully divest from Israel." [@/CallForCongress on X. May 3, 2024.]
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wrongspacetime · 9 months
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PJ & Hazel BOTTOMS (2023) | dir. Emma Seligman
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greyhoundone · 7 months
Some things I found interesting from Rachel Talalay's live commentary of Heaven Sent at Chicago TARDIS:
- The story was originally set in a haunted house with weeping angels.
- Sometimes a single line would be shot across a mix of three locations: two actual castles and a set.
- The script was clear that the castle should have no interior lighting except for the fireplace where The Doctor dries their clothes. Rachel got some pushback from the crew on a shaft of light coming at an angle from outside, asking where the light came from. Her response was, "It doesn't have to come from anywhere. It comes from 'It looks good.'"
- Rachel worked to give more of a horror vibe to certain scenes. She did things like add a spooky wind, have Peter play the tone more for horror, and even consult with Murray Gold to keep the tone consistent. She also pushed for a “creepy garden” as opposed to the formal garden Moffat had scripted.
- Jenna wasn’t available for most of the shots where Clara is writing on the TARDIS chalkboards. They originally used a double, but the double was too obviously not Jenna. It was actually the person who did the colour grading who found other usable shots of Jenna from behind and put them in the final episode.
- Everyone was very worried about Peter hurting his hand punching the wall, especially since he had hurt his hand punching the TARDIS console in "Death in Heaven." They were going to have Peter just fake the punch and get a stunt person for close-ups, but Peter insisted on doing the punches himself because of the importance of the moment for his character. Rachel agreed on the condition that, "If you hurt yourself, you're the one who tells your wife." (He did not hurt himself again.)
- When the Doctor burns themselves and their hand dissolves away to nothing, the hand was sculpted out of Lush bath bombs. Rachel had the idea and suggested it as a cost-effective solution. So they just sculpted Peter's hand out of bath bombs and poured some water on it.
- When the Doctor breaks through the wall and the Veil collapses, the collapse was achieved by filling the Veil costume with helium balloons and then popping them.
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bobbinalong · 2 months
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two birds with one stone.
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edited the pic above bc i forgot raven's earrings. which i did last time, too, i think, lol.
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absencesrepetees · 5 months
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x-men by @thesaintart
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Says the Putin puppet who dropped out his freshman year in college. Hanniturd is another Faux News asshole who spews lies for Neo-Nazi oligarchs on a fascist propaganda network. Rachel Maddow has more class and education in her little finger than Sean Hannitys entire lineage.
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gleecontext · 5 months
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GLEE S04E01 The New Rachel
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sillyname30 · 3 months
I rewatched The New Rachel and the bts interviews in preparation for the next recap episode.
New York: Rachel is at NYADA, but she is alone, unhappy and her dance teacher hates her. She meets Brody who cheers her up and in the end Kurt moves to New York.
Ohio: The New Directions are not very enthusiastic about Unique joining. (reminds me of season 3 when the New Directions weren't welcoming to Blaine.) Blaine, Tina, Brittany and Unique compete to be the new Rachel and Blaine wins.
The New Directions are popular for a minute and a lot of kids audition for the glee club. Two of them were good: Marley joins the glee club, but Jake doesn't.
Biggest surprise of the episode: Tina is a bitch now.
cringe moment: Brittany thinks Unique is Mercedes
best dance move: Americano / Dance Again
best song: New York State of Mind (but I like Call Me Maybe, It's Time, Chasing Pavements too)
performance mvp: I don't have one.
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ladyofdecember · 1 year
Okay Rachel's teacher is fucking crazy 😅 And such a bitch! She's so sad. She poured alcohol in her smoothie after she found out one of her students got a spot on Broadway 😮 And then she taught class drunk??
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mikasrave · 24 days
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SO CLOSE - quick damirae today ����
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