#the next new growth chapter SHOULD be done within the next week or so. it's all mapped out I just have to make it presentable
puffinpastry · 4 months
Hello!! I adore your writing, by the way, both fics from you I've read!! I had a hard time deciding between asking about New Growth and Cryptobotany, but!! In New Growth, what does Wolfwood think of what's going on between Knives and Vash? Like he was technically a part of the Eye and has got to have some complicated feelings on Knives himself, but he's still trying to play mediator himself. He seems pretty chill with Knives, all things considered, but he also yelled at him pretty quick when he set off a panic attack in Vash on accident. So I'm really curious on what Wolfwood is thinking through all of it!
First off:
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Thank you SO much! Both Cryptobotany and New Growth have been so much fun to write and I had no idea that they'd get as much traction as they have.
Secondly! Answer under a cut here! I got a little (very) long winded.
There are a few reasons that he's so relaxed about Knives hanging around and it really boils down to three things.
First: Knives isn't the only one here that's chilled out since the end of trimax. This version of Wolfwood has had the time he needed to do some inward thinking and more or less come to terms with at least some of the suffering that he'd been subjected to and the actions that he was forced to take to keep himself alive and the orphanage safe. Less of the kind of healing that actual therapy sort of help would do for him and more the result of there no longer being a constant threat and end goal to keep his mind too busy to stop and go 'Man. Was that fucked or what?' But the peace made him have to address it on his own. (Mostly on his own. Ofc he had support from Vash, it would've been impossible for him to miss.) He was able to accept what had happened and that very little of it, if any, had been his own fault. None of that is to say that he no longer feels any guilt over what had happened or that it doesn't still keep him up at night from time to time, but he has healed from it enough that he no longer has nightmares about leaving bloody hand prints on anyone and anything he touches.
All of that is to say that he recognizes Knives and his influence and responsibility for the things that the Eye did, either directly or in a more roundabout way, but at the same time the Eye is gone, LivRaz is free from their influence, the kids in the orphanage are safe from the possibility of having to go through the same things that he did, and Chapel is dead. All that's left of it is Knives and, well... The first thing he saw when he tracked Knives down was this man that was so clearly exhausted and beaten down. There was no fight left in him at all, and it almost reminded him of when he'd finally found Vash hiding out in a little town and calling himself Eriks. Except Knives didn't even have that little town or a Sheryl or a Lina to lean on or give himself some semblance of purpose.
So he went looking for Knives he'd only seen a few times before. The Knives he'd once pointed a gun at and feared too much to pull the trigger. He knew that this Knives was de-powered and defeated, but he still wasn't prepared for the sad wet beast born in a cardboard box all alone version that he found. He didn't even know that was possible… and kicking that when he was already down would have felt shitty to say the least. It was a version that was a lot harder to dredge up any fear for.
Second: This one is simpler. He knows that despite everything that has been done to him that Vash still has some deep rooted desire to have his entire family back, even if that isn't possible for one reason (dead) or another (tree-d and disappeared). He understands Vash's complicated feelings on it to some degree from his own experiences with the orphanage after he left and for the extended period of time where he thought he would never be able to go home. Their situations weren't the same, but they were just close enough for him to empathize with Vash. But then there Knives is all of a sudden, and even if it isn't going to fit in with or match up to the sort of impossible, idealized, shameful daydreams that Vash has to have from time to time, it's suddenly possible for there to be some kind of reconcilliation and even if they try and fail then there's more closure there than there would be if Knives was chased off and Vash was left to wonder what-if for the rest of his life. So even if he still does rightfully hate Knives... He hates the idea of Vash suffering another regret and having to cope with another source of misplaced guilt more.
And he wasn't lying when he told Knives that he wanted the twins to have more family and more support in their lives. Yeah, they've got him and Vash, and they've got Meryl and Milly and LivRaz. They've got the help of Melanie and they've visited the kids in the orphanage before, and they even have a few of the townsfolk, but Knives would be an important addition for the fact that he is a plant, and the twins are going to need some sort of guidance and Vash can only offer so much of that himself. Especially as he is now without powers and after a lifetime of trying to distance himself from what he was and after receiving no guidance of his own. They each had to figure out everything as they grew and between the both of them then the girls might not have to struggle as much as they did.
Third: this is the most important point. In New Growth Wolfwood knows about Tesla. I'll actually be getting more into this and why Vash chose to actually share something THAT personal later on because the idea of a short Wolfwood focused prequel planted itself into my head recently and I'm going to be doing something about that as soon as New Growth is finished. But anyway! Wolfwood knows about Tesla, and he knows about how both Knives and Vash reacted to their discovery of her. He knows why Knives made the choices he did, and he understands why he made them. Knowing that all of his actions came from fear and exactly what caused it gave him everything he needed to know to feel safe in believing it when Knives says that he's done.
So he is more comfortable with Knives around than he would have been without that knowledge, without needing him around for the girls' sake, and if Vash didn't want anything to do with him, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't still hold any uncertainty about having him in their home. He's still worried about the very real possibility of the whole thing falling apart and going wrong. Accidents still happen, and the panic attack that Knives triggered is a perfect example of that.
Even if the mistake that triggered that whole thing was pretty much harmless, the picture it made was still startling enough that it set off some of those fears. His reaction wasn't warranted but it wasn't exactly unwarranted at the same time. Does he really think that Knives is a danger/is going to do something to hurt anyone there? No. But the anxiety is there and he's spent the whole time feeling like he's juggling the temperaments and the potential for violence of two pretty much wild animals, even if those wild animals are busy playing house.
So in short... outwardly he's pretty calm, and he's having a good time pretending that he's all chilled out and in total control of the situation (and he kind of is, Vash and Knives are struggling but he's really doing the best he can for them and it's working) but internally he's shaking like a nervous chihuahua.
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abyssalcreator21 · 2 years
2022 Recap
Met my girlfriend, gone to cosplay events, had my series of writing workshops, meet new people and lost ones, gained a lot of virtual friends, and almost at the end of the finish line in my life as a college student.
Really, 2022 has been so far the eventful year of my life. I had tons of things that I have done first time and also in the same time, I am almost close to my goal of getting my diploma and start living according to my own terms and priorities. Honestly, to think that I am now in the 23rd year of my life just reminds me how time flies so fast and why it should count. Although most of my moments, I just do my usual routines, at least I have managed to reach on this chapter of my life. Being a fresh graduate soon. Yet, I have to embrace also the fact that nothing will ever be the same when I am going to pursue my career, earn money, and live a balanced life. I don't have much experiences yet that I could say to myself, this is it. This is one of the pivotal moments of my life when I come up with a realization that this is the purpose of my life. What path will I take? Am I continuing my journey on becoming a published author or I'll take a different path for my career. Lots of thoughts that needs to be managed and sorted. But despite of not yet figuring out the whole plan of my life and the reason also to save money, I'd still have my other goals with my hobbies especially in cosplaying. I am really aiming to go in different conventions, meet renowned cosplay personalities, and to meet new people.
Right now, I am currently busy with our thesis paper as we are on the fieldwork stage of our study. We are expecting to have it on Thursday or Friday. I am hoping that within the next weeks, our results are already sorted out and we are ready to finalize our thesis manuscript, proceeding to the mock defense and for our final defense in January. Other major subjects of mine also are preparing the PIT's that they will give to us and I am just waiting for that.
Tomorrow, we will also have our midterm examinations for two of our subjects this semester and actually I'll just do skimming in studying later or maybe early in the morning. It's just because I have been used with the format of online classes, it is new for me right now that we go back with our 5.0 format and not the usual P grade. Maybe after all, I am saved by the P that was brought by the issues of pandemic. Yet, right now, the pandemic situation has lessen and we are going back to our usual state of normalcy. Truly, the vaccination campaign helped alleviate the threats of the virus and return the state from lockdown to freely roaming. The sad thing is just that I haven't enjoyed much the college life I expected to have but it wasn't let for me to experience that after all. It doesn't matter to me anyways right now if I have missed out much of my college life. The important matter for me right now is to finish my thesis, get 1.00 to 1.75 grades, and to be a candidate for graduation. Pretty excited and expected that next year is going to be much exhausting for 4th years like me.
What's my aim during the next year of my life? For me, I just wanted to make my growth little by little. Right now, I am dealing with handling my intrusive thoughts, controlling my lust, manage myself to be much wiser with the decisions I make with my life and etc. I just hope that in the next years of my life, I'll acquire more life skills, learn to be street-smart and to be much patient, and to manage my raging temper sometimes. Still a lot of work to do with myself. But I am thankful that I reached again another achievement of being alive for 23 years.
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Not as it Seams
TITLE: Not as it Seams
AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki using a seams ripper to play a prank on Thor
RATING: General Audience
Elena loved her job tending to the fashion needs of the Aesir royal family. She loved assisting Queen Frigga in designing grand dresses, working on Thor and Odin’s clothes to get their attire to work with their armour, but Prince Loki was the most fun to work with. He had impeccable style and taste and appreciated the work of the palace tailors. He often came in discussing what he needed and spoke with them rather than merely telling them what he wanted and expecting it done. 
“What is that device?” Loki was looking at the small item in her hands. 
“This?” She held it up causing Loki to nod. “A seam ripper which does exactly what it’s named and rips seams.”
Loki’s eyes lit up at the explanation of the device. “Interesting.” For the rest of the time he stood waiting for his cloak to be sized correctly, he remained silent but looking at the instrument on the table close by. 
When he was finished, Elena was entirely unsurprised when he walked over to it once more. “I wonder if I could borrow this for a short time?” Knowing better than to decline such a request for a item worth so little, Elena walked over to her desk and pulled out another one. “Perhaps you would like it better in green?”She held it out for him. “They are inexpensive so don’t fret returning it.” She was half saying it because it was true, half because she feared what he would do with it and she did not want to get blamed if it could be linked back to her. 
With a deep chuckle, he took the seam ripper and left the room. 
Elena had practically forgotten about the seam ripper Loki had procured from her when the reason for him acquiring it came to the fore. 
Loki had been on Vanaheim for a solid four weeks when Thor burst into the tailors’ rooms looking red-faced and bewildered. “What has happened my clothes?”
Elena and a few of the others that worked there looked at him worriedly before noticing parts of his clothes seemed to be coming apart...at the seams. With raised brows and a look to match her workmates, though a deeper understanding as to what was happening, Elena walked forward to look at the attire. “Your seams seem to have fallen apart, Your Highness.” “How? Is it seidr? I bet it is, I wager Loki is to blame.” Thor snarled angrily, not admitting to them that this became embarrassing because he had been attempting to talk a maiden of the court to go to his rooms with him and she had laughed as he flexed only for the side his attire to fall open. 
She studied the clothes closely and shook her head. “No, the thread is snapped in a few places.” She pulled out some of the thread for him to see. “There is no foul play afoot, as you can see, it is simply pulled apart, nothing more. I would assume seidr would fizzle it to nothing or snap it cleanly. This is just frazzled. I think I recall this clothing, it is quite old at this stage, it looks like it has had a few adventures too.” She indicated to the few areas that needed patching previously. “I would wager in moments of playful sparring with your comrades, you have pulled it harshly from you and discarded it to the nearest surface, with your muscle growth since this was made, I am sure that has pulled on it so.” She smiled. 
Loving that his ego was being stroked by the implications of her words, Thor moved his head side to side slightly in agreement. “Well, it has been some time and you know, clothes are not meant to last forever, I suppose. I better leave it so.” He pulled it from himself and gave it to Elena who nodded back at him. “I will require new garments, are you the one that usually does such?”
“Not for yourself, Your Highness, that tends to be Lady Geraldine,” Elena explained, unsure how the prince would not notice the Light Elf that made his clothes from the Vanir and Aesir that also worked in the rooms. 
“Is she here?” “No, Your Highness. It is her day off.” Thor swore. “You start them, then.” Unhappy at threading on Geraldine’s work but knowing she could not decline a direct order from Prince Thor, Elena took his current measurements and started her work. 
Thor was nothing like Loki, he did not assist in any manner. Loki seemed to know where she needed him to place his arms and when she did the inseam of Thor, he seemed to think she had different thoughts with her hands there. “Perhaps you rather go somewhere more private with that?” Elena rolled her eyes internally at his stupid remark. “I will say to you as I say to every man that makes that joke, regardless of where you want me to do this, it needs to be done and I am not interested in wasting time.  I can do it correctly now or guestimate it if you make me wait but that results in incredibly tight groin areas that tears easily at best or damage your, Crown Jewels when not done correctly.” Thor winced at her reference. “I am just doing my job, so please let me do it.” Feeling embarrassed by her admonishment and nauseated at the image she had put in his head about tight pants harming him, Thor said nothing after that. She moved his limbs as she needed them and took notes. Walking over to Geraldine’s table, she took her notes for Thor and checked them against her own. 
“Your last had your measurements done with Geraldine eighteen months ago, your numbers are mostly similar, your neck has increased somewhat, metaphorically and physically.” She added the last three words quietly, though not so quietly as for others to not hear causing the other tailors and seamstresses to chuckle. “I will add these to her notes and begin the basics as per the instructions she has here. She will do the more intricate work when she returns to work. She is off for a few days, you should have them ready to try within the week.”
“So long?” Elena wondered what level of service Geraldine was being forced to work at. “That is standard practice outside of emergencies, Your Highness.” 
“What are emergencies with clothes?”  Thor asked. 
Elena merely held up his destroyed clothes he no longer could wear as an answer. 
“What will I wear back to my rooms?” Renée, a seamstress, brought over a riding cloak for him. “If I may, Your Highness.” Thor studied it and put it on. “This is for someone more slight of frame than I.” “It is Prince Loki’s,” Elena explained. “It was in for repair but with him being off-realm for so long, he has not collected it yet.” 
Remembering that Loki was gone and certain he had worn the clothing since Loki’s departure, Thor grumbled and mentioned something about having them brought to his rooms when it was done before walking out of the tailor’s rooms. 
Elena looked at the other tailors and seamstresses present before shaking her head and sighing. “I guess I better get started on this, then. Renée, could you get me…” She looked at Geraldine’s notes to see what fabrics Thor preferred and gave the seamstress her instructions. 
Loki walked into the room with a smirk on his face. He had waited three weeks after court began to gossip about his brother’s clothes seemingly fell apart where he stood speaking to a lady of the court. 
Elena, who had been working on a clasp of a coat that Loki’s hand servant had sent to be repaired before Loki’s return, turned on the sight of black and green leather in the tailor’s rooms. She noted Loki walk past her desk and inconspicuously drop the green seam cutter as he passed without breaking stride. “Your Highness.” “I have to have a few new pieces commissioned.” He declared. “When are you free to take my fresh measurements?” “I can fit You Highness in now if that would please you?” “Excellent.” He used his seidr to alter his travelling clothes to something more comfortable and stood as he knew Elena liked him to do to start his measurements. “Have I missed much in the world of tailoring in my absence? I hear my brother had the palace all a din.” “Apparently, Prince Thor was over eager with his attire and tore his seam in a manner that relieved his clothing from its duty of concealing his torso.” She responded, barely able to conceal her grin as Loki embraced his own laughter. She took the measurements of his inseam and around his thigh as he stood still, with him ensuring she had enough room to do so. “He also was of the impression that my current actions are somewhat sexually based.”
Loki stared at the tailor in startled shock. “Norns, I am not sure if it is ego or stupidity or even both with that fool.” He chuckled to himself. “I am sure you set him straight.” He moved so she could check both thighs were equal in size. 
“But, of course.” She rose to write the measurements, Loki checking on her notepad to see how he had altered in the few weeks away. “The usual?”
She nodded and while he was close to her, she whispered in his ear. “Next time, try the groin of his pants where it attaches the front and back. It will either rip as he bends down to show his rear end or when he sits and tears to reveal his less than attractive underwear." Loki's eyes widened at the idea. 
After doing all that needed doing, Loki went to leave again bidding Elena farewell as he did. 
When Elena went to put her notebook back on her desk, there was no sign of the green seams ripper on her desk causing her to laugh slightly to herself as she shook her head. 
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gofancyninjaworld · 3 years
OPM Mega review (chapters 131 - 148): Part 2  To the side, not the sidelines
A continuation of part 1 of the mega review.  This isn’t a narrative account, but rather a look at all the other groups and happenings around where the main battle is raging.
Heroism in all sizes
It’s like the end of the world.  City Z isn’t the first city to face near total devastation.  But City A was at least gone in a flash. People had almost no time to consider their imminent demise.  In City Z, the carnage has had time to build and to come from multiple directions.  From vampiric monster roots enveloping and sucking the lives out of inhabitants by the block. From powerful earthquakes splitting and even twisting the ground. From aerial bombardments of gigantic rubble and from the sea itself as the coastline is threatened by a chain of tsunamis.  Survivors aren’t bothering to try driving: it’s whatever you can carry as fast as you can.
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Those who gave up their beds.  The Hero Hospital in City S has come to serve as an impromptu staging post for nearby heroes.  Like a middle finger stuck up at face of civilisation, the tower previously buried underground and its glowing red monster is just about visible from the hillsides of City S and draws heroes in like a beacon.  First Metal Bat,  then Mumen Rider, then the Tank Toppers, then the Blizzard Group, then all the other heroes hospitalised in the aftermath of either the Day of Chaos or Garou’s depredations discharge themselves against medical advice and run in to see who they can save.
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just as well they all went -- the roads are so impassable and the situation so volatile that they’re literally the only rescue coming for hours if not days
Swept up in the mood, the martial artists were considering moving out too, only for Suiryu to pour cold water on the notion.  It has done me a world of good to see that Suiryu has been inspired by Max and Snek and not Saitama. He finally gets it that a hero is someone who has the courage to step into the path of danger because someone needs help, and not because they’re strong and think they’ll win.
No space for playing hero.  It’s very wise that Suiryu advised his fellow martial artists not to play hero.  If many have complained about how heroes seem to be blessed with life, no such protections are afforded to non-heroes. The people who went in alongside heroes have suffered grievously,  although those who have died did so bravely.
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I have a one-person prayer circle going for Sekingar. I pray that ONE will choose to spare his fine non-hero one-eyed, single-handed ass.  I have come to like the guy and I’ve been impressed at how he has stayed calm when trapped in City Z,  succeeded in encouraging discouraged heroes and even asserting a genuine authority to guide Metal Bat and King. I don’t think there’s too many more like him in the executive of the Hero Association and think it’d be a shame if he didn’t bring his hard-won experiences back to guide them in what’s sure to be a crisis.
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The king under the mountain
This arc has introduced us to a lot of concepts and players who are likely to have long-term effect on the world.  In this series of chapters, some of these ideas are developed further.
Came for the pussy, stayed for the tentacles. I’m sorry, I’m allowed one double entendre a week and I decided to curse you with it.  I wouldn’t have mentioned this but Drive Knight’s comings and goings are almost certainly going to be very plot-relevant later.   He was supposed to be gone with his prize of one Nyan, but then he saw the tower emerge and Psykos-Orochi wave tentacles skyward and as much as a cyborg with no discernable facial features can be said to yearn, he yearned. For a sample that is.
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He stuck around as long as it took him to get a sample of Orochi and then he was gone, without so much as a ‘thank you for your help’.  At present, we’ll just have to see what this is all about later.
When the cat’s away the mice will play.  The only way to foment a world ending crisis is to have the guy who can squash it all and wonder what the fuss was about occupied elsewhere.  Through meeting Flashy Flash and getting a tour into the deepest reaches of the Monster Association thanks to Manako, and a couple of other things, Saitama is literally trapped in an alternative dimension. Although, being Saitama, if he felt a sense of urgency, he’d break back into the real world without a second thought.  Right now he’s curious,worried for his house, but mostly hungry.  Some curry would be nice.
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The real question is how are the heroes going to hold out until Saitama arrives?  I’ve been touched by how genre-savvy Genos and King are about this. It’d be amusing if it weren’t so brutally true.
The formal establishment of extra-spatial dimensions as a feature not restricted to a few unusual individuals.   Phoenixman first got us learning about the idea of extra dimensions, in his case a private manifestation of his inner psyche.  Neither he nor Child Emperor physically moved.
Ninchirin introduces us to the idea of an extra-spatial dimension that physical objects can be stowed in and taken from.
But nothing takes it as far as ‘God’ with the existence of a pocket dimension with its own timeline that takes people in wholesale.  Whether a lot of time passes on the outside (as it does for Saitama and co) or no time passes (as it does for Psykos-Orochi) seems to depend on ‘His’ will. 
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The formal establishment of ‘God’ as a singular being with a distinct personality.  Homeless Emperor first talked about ‘God’ as being a being who tasked him with eliminating humanity after he despaired of living as one.  Pyskos expands on that concept. She saw ‘God’ very differently, as a quasi-planetary being rather than as a vaguely humanoid one, but her experience of ‘Him’ as a being who bestowed power and a mission on her bears striking similarity to that of Homeless Emperor.
How people get to talk to ‘God’ becomes clear when we see Flashy Flash and Saitama accidentally summoning ‘Him’ via handling a box.  Which leads very naturally to elucidating some of the mystery of Blast. 
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Finding out why Blast is still the number 1 hero.   If the likes of Tatsumaki leave us scratching our heads as to how any hero could outwork her in terms of facing monsters, Blast gives us an answer.  He specialises in dealing with non-physical threats, which he does by having some sort of dimension-hopping gizmo.  The black box he disposes of identical to that seen in Tatsumaki’s flashback, leading us naturally to think about what business the facility holding her was having with ‘Him.’   Webcomic readers see a gimme as well in the construction of the Ninja Village Flash hails from, along with Blast paying the ninjas a visit.
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With Blast having taken Saitama and co out of reality, it’s going to be an unknown while before they pop back into it.
Sleeping is such a nice euphemism for dying
The principle of explosive growth through surviving situations that should have killed one is by this point a well-established mechanic within the story.  After seeing Phoenixman come back from the dead, it should perhaps not be a surprise to us that Orochi does the same.  In coming back, he’s evolved into a distributed form that can regrow after even extensive destruction and the consequences of his doing so are already covered in part 1 of this review.
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Speaking of evolution, what about Garou? We left Garou buried under tons of rock in the wake of Tatsumaki lifting the base.  Yet again, he does not die -- thank you Darkshine for your anti blunt trauma vaccination -- and little by little, we see him dig himself out, and transforming himself as he goes as he dreams of a world in which he enforces peace but very unconventional means.
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In retrospect, the sequence of Garou’s eyes closing in response to his humanising memory of Tareo is the most ominous as the eyes that open again have not a shred of humanity in them.
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It reminds me a lot of what we saw happen to Gouketsu when the latter accepted a monster cell, his human eyes closing as a new set of monster ones opened.
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At long last, Garou makes it back to the surface.  But what’s this?  Where’s the wise-cracking, judgemental little shit we love?  What is this near silent, befanged, clawed feral creature beating down on everything he sees? Oh dear.  He is not sleeping sweetly, dreaming pleasant dreams of a world perfectly obedient while he waits for the fist of some self-righteous prince to awaken him to his destiny.  Garou may perceive it as lapses in consciousness, but it’s the monster within eating him alive.  He’s dying. He is under real existential threat of being completely lost to monsterfication and how it is that he can save his humanity is a big point of interest. 
In his flawed way,  Bang is trying to get through to Garou.  I don’t hold out big prospects of him reaching him.  And if he does, I hold out even smaller prospects of him actually beating Garou.  Barring some interruption, we might be about to see the tragedy of a master beaten down by his student.
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I’m going to leave this review here.  What comes next is all too soon going to change the status quo of the story, if not for the better, then certainly for the more eventful. 
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greenhappyseed · 3 years
We need to talk about All Might.
After Chapter 309, everyone seems to be screaming DEATH FLAG (more than normal), and I wouldn’t ordinarily agree given the fakeouts we’ve seen before. However, AM isn’t given much to do yet (except look cute in his sunnies) and doesn’t seem to be in a good position to grow as a person. It makes me sad bc there is a lot of potential with AM, and it all seems pushed aside in favor of Endeavor’s narrative, which I don’t love. As a ::cough cough:: older BnHA fan in a workaholic profession, I want to see the larger hero society narrative use AM to ask if you can be a hero (and therefore of any value to society) when you’re old and/or have less strength/power/endurance than you used to have. What happens when you WERE an equal, and then you lose a step along the way (note there may be a parallel to Bakugo’s/Aizawa’s post-war condition on this theme)? Or, given the focus on teenagers and the role of the “new generation” in rebuilding society, let’s ask whether AM made the right choice in sticking with his teenage ideals through adulthood. Was he right to give up EVERYTHING for his dream, only to crash land into a nightmare? I mean, the dude destroyed himself for years and then watched his life’s work crumble in a matter of weeks. Can he pick himself up, powerless, and still find a new way to help? In BHNA, all of the top heroes have major flaws (a meta for another time!) and a chance at redemption, so I really want to see AM do the same thing.
AM starts the story as the singular, self-proclaimed Symbol of Peace, which was a mission he gave himself as a naive, idealistic middle school student(!!!) Through Nana Shimura, AM received the power to make his teenage ambition a reality and then ... kept at it for 40 years. Alone. Without critical reflection. In Vigilantes, we learn the cost of this relentless pursuit is that AM has no real friends and no social life. Even among other top heroes, he’s not an approachable peer, but the hired gun brought in to clean up the biggest, baddest disasters before he’s immediately called out to the next one. To the extent he socializes after a big win, it’s to talk to the media and sign autographs, not debrief or bond with fellow heroes. The guy has charisma and can do stage banter all day, but he has no idea how to have an actual functioning relationship with colleagues. At the beginning of BNHA, it’s been 20ish years since AM spoke to Torino, 10 years since he spoke to Endeavor, and 5 years since Nighteye. He does keep in touch with Tsukauchi, but he’s more like a “work husband” than a best friend.
When Deku meets him, AM is holding it together on the surface, but is really in mental distress. AM is the first hero in the story whose facade is ripped away (initially to us readers, then eventually to everyone in universe). Unable to do the hero work that defines him for more than 3 hours a day, he seems to spend the rest of his pre-UA time wandering around aimlessly. He’s lost his sense of purpose, has nobody to confide in (he may not “lie” but he definitely doesn’t tell anyone complete truths), and he is indifferent to his own survival. He is certain Nighteye’s prediction is coming true, and he’s looking for a successor because he HAS to before time runs out, not because he wants to. If he can pass on OFA then he can die, ideally in a blaze of glory. And, if not for Deku, he would have let the slime villain kill Bakugo and told himself he can’t save everyone. In Deku he sees his younger self’s ideals and decided his new purpose is to build the next Symbol of Peace, not just do a handoff. With a true successor secured, he can really go for one last big heroic act.
Except it doesn’t work out as planned. Deku — lonely and idealistic himself — desperately needs AM around for approval. And AM, with extra time on his hands, seems to enjoy being needed by his boy, like a parent with a toddler. As hard as they both aim to create the next AM, Deku is his own person (as all children are), which makes the process trickier than either one anticipated. At first AM tries imitating Torino and trains Deku through physical activity and battle, the same way Torino punched a grieving, teenage AM around. AM encourages Deku to sacrifice himself, just because AM also did it for 40 years. But these tactics just don’t work for Deku. AM gets (rightly) scolded by Recovery Girl. Then AM sends Deku to Torino, who teaches Deku Full Cowling and scolds AM for not telling Deku the truth about AFO — and for this one time, Torino is right. Slowly, fuller truths start coming out from AM, and in return Deku learns to protect himself and ask his mentor questions rather than merely imitate. Both begin to grow and change for the better.
After Kamino, Inko uses her leverage to convince AM to stop the blaze of glory nonsense. He wants to be her successor as parent to Deku, and she’s not going to allow it if AM is going to drive her son towards needless self-sacrifice. This seems to take root, and we later see AM openly defy Nighteye’s prediction because he wants to be with Deku. He starts jogging! We even see him confide in Aizawa he has decided to live. Even if he’s not always sure how to give his new life purpose, and he bristles at needing to be protected, he’s accepting his post-pro existence. Progress!
Finally, AM comes into his own as a teacher and member of the old guard with experience to share. He may be using “Teaching for Dummies” as a shortcut, but he’s recognizing his own failings and trying to improve. He tells Deku to quit imitating him, full stop, finally giving Deku permission to become his own hero with his own style. AM takes initiative to teach Deku Air Force, and really guides Deku through the use of the power until Deku becomes proficient. AM also gets actively involved in coaching other students (not as much as he should, but it’s something). AM will similarly counsel Endeavor later, saying Endeavor has to walk his own path and answer for himself why he has his power. AM is building new relationships, new skills, and forming an identity outside of punching things!
Of course, we still see signs AM is a work in progress. Staying up too late at night to do research on prior OFA users for Deku. Diving to protect a woman from a falling streetlight (saved only by a fast-acting Bakugo). At the same time, we see that Deku is coming into his own with his 1A friends. And Deku is no longer looking back to AM for approval (both literally when jumping away and figuratively as part of Deku’s decision-making processes). AM seems both proud and sad, as is natural when a parental figure watches their child become independent.
Fast forward to 309, and a powerless AM leaves all the growth behind to help Deku, Endeavor, Jeanist, and Hawks find the LOV. On the good side, AM isn’t keeping secrets anymore (arguably, telling Jeanist and Hawks about OFA should have involved a consultation with Deku, but okay). Moreover, AM isn’t useless in this fight; he can provide financing, emotional support, police connections, UA connections, and Oracle/guy-in-a-chair backup to the active heroes. But what will this change tell us about AM? Can he ever really get comfortable with this role or is he there just out of duty? Can he actually deliver some hard truths to Deku about AM’s own experience if/when Deku stretches himself too thin? Is this new role respected by the other heroes? If not, will he be tempted to return to battle to be “valuable”? To give his life for Deku so he can claim one last “win” by saving? Or give his life for Deku because he actually loves him and has something personal to fight for? All of these questions bear on where an older, powerless person — that is, an outcast — fits into society and how a lifelong loner can find their role within a group. (Boy, this sounds like a familiar BnHA theme!)
I feel like, if AM dies just to become a vestige, all of these deeper questions are unexplored and we’re just copying Star Wars plot points without any added meaning. I’m not satisfied AT ALL with AM living rent free in Deku’s head and robbing others of his wisdom/experience (which he was just starting to share!!!). Likewise, if AM dies as a plot device so Deku can stand as a hero on his own, or tap into his inner rage or whatever, well, that’s also copied from Star Wars — and it seems to counter what we’re starting to see with Deku calling his own shots and AM supporting. Unlike Torino and AM, who don’t talk for years, I want to see Deku be his own hero AND have his mentor in his life. I want BnHA to keep resisting the absent adult trope, because it’s entirely possible (and realistic!) for grownups to be their own people while having mentors and parental figures in their life. It’s an adjustment for a parental figure to watch their teen become an adult, but it doesn’t mean the parental figure just ghosts and ceases to matter as an influence.
Similarly, if AM turns to sacrifice, it will turn AM’s life story into a cautionary tale with no growth. How can a story about saving people who have done bad things have a good guy succumb to his worst instinct, with nobody to save him? How can AM’s life lesson be “make friends now and learn to give and take in a relationship, otherwise you’ll get too old and it’ll be too late and when you aren’t powerful you’ll have to take a hit to have value”? Even if his sacrifice ultimately allows Deku to win against AFO it feels hollow against the larger narrative. Unlike pre-war Bakugo, we already know AM will self-destruct for others. AM wanting to take on the world alone and die “heroically” is the PROBLEM that drives his pre-Kamino failures, not the solution. And if AM can’t escape this and become comfortable in society post-retirement, who can???
I’m worried we are going to see AM’s growth cut short while Endeavor, Hawks, and the LOV get a shot at redemption, which feels problematic. Of course life isn’t fair, and not everyone gets to have a second act, but it feels wrong for the BNHA narrative to punish someone who is trying (and who wants to help Deku save the villains). Maybe you can argue it’s AM’s fault that the hero society became corrupt, so it’s a cosmic balance for him to die watching it fall. Or maybe the other heroes will realize AM needs their help too (not just Deku) and keep him safe. (Maybe Endeavor will save him in a parallel to Bakugo and Deku.) Much is TBD, but chapters 306-309 make me worry.
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icefire149 · 3 years
An Angel’s Vow
Chapter Six (Read on ao3 | Read from the beginning)
Startled, Claire was dizzily out of bed and on her feet before her brain had even caught up to what was happening. The piercing cry from elsewhere in the house was making it hard to focus and had her heart racing. Her hip painfully banged into the corner of the drawers as she tried to make it to the door in the dark. She flung it open just to witness Cas bolting into the nursery.
Going from the dark bedroom to the brightly lit hallway hurt. She squinted and tried to shield her eyes with one of her hands while she followed into Jack’s room, stopping in the doorway.
Cas stood next to the crib. He gently swayed back and forth on his feet while he held Jack tightly to his chest. Jack’s little fists held onto the material of Cas’ coat for dear life. “Shhh. Shhh. You’re okay. You’re okay, Jack. Shhh.”
Jack continued to wail with his eyes squeezed shut.
“Is he okay?”
He turned in her direction, and Cas’ eyes widened with surprise for a moment. Momentarily, he forgot that Claire was even in the house. “He will be.”
One of Cas’ hands continuously rubbed circles into Jack’s back. “Shhh. I’m right here.” The volume of Jack’s cries slowly lessened to sniffles.
Yawning, Claire leaned her head into the doorway. “What’s bothering him?”
Jack peeked an eye open and it glowed an unnaturally bright gold. Claire banged into the doorway flinching. New tears bubbled in his eyes.
“He’s growing again,” Cas answered, looking just as pained as the baby.
“Isn’t he a bit young for intense growing pains? Should we get a doctor?” Antsy, Claire finally stepped into the room, but she still kept a distance between her and the baby.
Firmly, Cas said, “No doctors.” Jack hid his face in Cas’ jacket.
“Cas, crying like that because of pain isn’t normal.”
Cas crossed the space between them and sighed, “I’ve tried to take the pain away. My grace, does nothing. His grace, does nothing. I doubt a human doctor could do better.”
“Okay.” Claire raised her hands in defeat.
“All I can do is hold him. It seems to help. Hopefully it’s not too big of a growth spurt.”
Jack finally turned his head again. The golden glow of his eyes was hard to look away from.
“Is there anything I can do?”
“No, but thank you.” Cas offered her a small smile. “I’ll take him downstairs so you can sleep. He’ll be all better in a few hours.”
Jack reached a tiny hand out towards Claire. She offered her hand, and Jack tightly wrapped his around her fingers. He sniffled.
Claire met Cas’ eye. “Growing pains don’t just disappear by morning.”
“Jack is two months, one week, and three days old.”
Her gaze flew back to the baby. “He looks a hell of a lot older than that.”
“I know. Every so often he leaps ahead in growth.”
“That explains the pain.” With her free hand, Claire lightly ruffled a bit of Jack’s hair. “Keep fighting little guy.”
“I wish I could do more to alleviate his pain.” His voice was so quiet that Claire almost missed it. Jack released her hand, and he squished his face into Cas’ chest again.
“You’re doing everything right.” Claire crossed her arms. “Trust me. Just being here is enough.”
Silently, Cas studied her for a moment. His head tilted to the side. “Thank you.”
She nodded. “So do you have any clothes ready for him?”
“Oh.” Cas looked down at Jack. He ran a finger down to the collar of the baby’s onesie. It wasn’t too small yet, but it already was snugger than when he dressed him earlier.
Cas went over to the dresser and opened one of the lower drawers. “I should have something suitable from last time I went out.” He glanced at Claire over his shoulder. “Depending on how much he grows this time we will have to go to couple stores in the morning. I’ll need to get a few things in bigger sizes too for later.”
“Okay,” Claire yawned and rubbed at one of her eyes. “We can make a day out of it.”
Cas lightly kissed the top of Jack’s head, and whispered more words of comfort to him. He found the clothes he was looking for and brought it over to the changing table.
Glancing over at Claire again, he saw that she was dozing off on her feet. Cas crossed the room and put a light hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. You can go back to bed.” She jumped awake.
“Are you,” she yawned. “-sure?”
“Yes. We’ll both be here when you wake up.”
Claire’s gaze went from Cas to Jack, and then back to Cas. A part of her wanted to argue and stay with them a while longer, but her eyes started drooping closed again. Another yawn escaped her.
“Bed.” Cas walked her out of the room. She followed behind, and Cas watched as she continued past him and into the master bedroom. Claire fell onto the bed and was immediately asleep.
Groggy, Claire rolled over in bed and realized the room was teetering on being too warm. Almost suffocating. She sat up and opened her eyes. Bright rays of sunlight were coming in the windows and a part of her wished thick curtains or blinds would appear so she could go back to sleep.
A big yawn shook her body while she turned to lay on her side, facing away from the windows. Her eyes slowly closed, but then her heartbeat jumped to a racing pace. Claire didn’t recognize the room at all.
Slowly, the memories of the previous day flooded back to her. A lot of it felt like it was all just some crazy dream. Claire put her feet on the floor, grabbed her phone off the nightstand, and stumbled out of the room. On the stairs she looked at her phone. It was almost twelve thirty.
She forgot to peek in the nursery when she passed the door, but she figured that Cas would have said something if they were in there. Entering the living room, Claire still didn’t see Cas. The play pen was empty too. Frowning, she turned around and went over to the window. The lake looked inviting, but still there was no sign of the angels.
Despondent, Claire was about to head back upstairs to change when she heard the sound of something plastic hitting the floor. Oh. The kitchen. Claire felt the tension loosen in her shoulders.
“Honeybee, please,” Cas begged.
Claire paused just outside of the kitchen, and out of sight. She bit back a smile listening to the exasperated tone in Cas’ voice.
“We agreed to be quiet while Claire sleeps, right?”
The high pitched voice took her by surprise. Right, the little weed was growing last night. She knew that.
Her mouth curled into a grin at the sound of Cas’ deep sigh. She peeked into the kitchen and saw Cas standing next to the high chair with his arms crossed. Jack’s eyes widened the moment he spotted her.
Distressed, Cas’ gaze snapped over to her. “I’m so sorry we were too noisy. Did you get enough sleep?”
Yawning, Claire stretched her arms over her head and leaned to stretch a bit of her back too. “I didn’t hear anything until I was almost at the kitchen.”
“Good.” He looked relieved.
Crossing the room, Claire got a better look at Jack. He was holding a small, red, plastic bowl in his hands. The closer she got the higher he raised the bowl, hiding his face. She stopped at Cas’ side.
Jack peeked an eye from behind the bowl, but quickly squeezed his eyes shut when he realized Claire was still looking at him. He was notably bigger than he was last night.
“Hi,” she finally mumbled with a tiny wave. Jack didn’t react. Claire glanced up at Cas. “So….he can talk now?”
A small smile tugged at the corner of Cas’ mouth. “A bit, yes.”
Claire raised an eyebrow. “Walk?”
“Not quite.” Cas walked around to the other side of the highchair. There was a proud air about him when he looked at Jack. He lifted the bowl from Jack’s hands and placed it on the kitchen table. “I thought you wanted Claire to join us, honeybee?”
Jack put the side of his hand in his mouth and tilted his head slightly to the side. He smiled.
The look on Cas’ face melted into a fond one. He lightly ruffled Jack’s sandy, brown hair. Like everything else it had grown and thickened overnight. The front swooped more to the side and the ends in the back curled under his ears.
Claire inched closer to the highchair. “Jack….” His big blue eyes shifted over to her, and Claire immediately felt tongue tied. Her mouth pulled into a nervous smile. “Can you...uh..can you say, Claire?”
His head seemed to tilt slightly in the other direction now. It eerily reminded her of Cas. “Lee-air.” His eyebrows seemed to furrow like he knew that he made a mistake.
A shiver shot down Claire’s spine. Granted, she had never really interacted with a baby before, but she knew that there was something completely different about Jack. Her stare didn’t leave Jack, but she spoke to Cas. “Is it the angel wiring that makes him….seem...more advanced?”
“I’d imagine. His mind is rapidly growing like the rest of his body. He’ll probably be able to perfect various speech sounds within the following week. If not sooner.”
Nodding, that information about the nephilim amazed her. He blinked, focusing on her again. “Cl? Cllllll-la?”
Absentmindedly, she pointed her thumb at the center of her chest. “Cl-air-re.”
Chuckling, she nodded. “Not bad, Jack.”
His smile widened at that. Jack excitedly started kicking his feet and they tap, tap, tapped loudly against the underside of the highchair tray.
“Were you planning on having anything to eat right now? Jack’s all done with his lunch.”
“Mm-hmm.” Claire took that as her cue to start poking around the refrigerator again. She settled on a prepackaged fruit cup.
Before she could ask, Cas went over to the drawers and plucked out a fork. He passed it to her and she sat at the table. “Thanks.”
“You’re quite welcome,” he said, tearing off a piece of paper towel. Cas carefully folded it in half, and then again. “You know,” he started while wetting it under the faucet. “When I was human, I hated eating right after I woke up. Made me nauseous.”
“When you were what?” Claire burst with a mouthful of cantaloupe.
Cas rung out the excess water and turned around. “I was briefly human for a time after the angels fell. It was a while until I found what was left of my grace.” He started wiping the stickiness off of Jack’s face and hands.
Claire stared at him dumbfounded for several moments, and Jack wiggled against the cleaning. Focused, Cas continued with his task like he was talking mundane subjects.
“Noooo Daa,” Jack whined while his chin was wiped again.
When Cas was done, Jack pouted. Cas turned to see Claire still watching him. Her fruit-cup was mostly untouched. He raised an eyebrow questioningly.
“When did that happen? The human thing.”
“Oh.” Cas crossed the kitchen to discard the damp paper towel in the trash. “Late 2013, I believe.”
“Okay,” Claire said quietly. She went back to eating her breakfast, but pensively this time.
Cas sat down at the table. “Are you okay with making a shopping run today? We have a long list of things to pick up.”
“Yeah,” she mumbled with a full mouth. A heartbeat later, she realized that Cas wasn’t speaking to her. Both Cas and Jack looked at her with similar confused stares. She swallowed. “Sorry. Thought that was directed at me.”
Cas’ expression softened. “Ah, that makes sense.”
Her gaze bounced between the two angels. Claire frowned. “I’ve never really been around a baby before. I’m not sure what to say to him.”
Cas’ eyes squinted like he wasn’t sure if she was kidding or not. He sat back in his chair. “Am I not supposed to be talking to Jack like I would anyone else?”
“I don’t know,” Claire snapped. “People usually talk all cutesy or whatever because it’s a baby.”
He turned to glance at Jack. “That sounds ridiculous.”
“Yeah!” A large smile spread across Jack’s face.
“Now what were we talking about again, Jack?” Cas said glancing at Claire out of the corner of his eye. Claire shook her head, watching the exchange. He turned his attention back to Jack.
It was impossible not to giggle at that Claire discovered. The corner of Cas’ mouth pulled into an affectionate smile.
“It’s crazy how fast he’s learning,” Claire said just before she took another bite. She mumbled while she chewed. “You weren’t kidding.”
Cas nodded in response. He then spoke slowly for Jack to mimic, “Shop-ping.”
“Shop-POP-ping.” Jack burst into a fit of giggles.
“That’s not bad honeybee. You still haven’t answered my question. Are you up for a busy day out of the house?”
In the metaphysical plane the nephilim’s wings momentarily stretched to their full length before snapping back to their usual resting position. “Yeaa,” Jack answered in a quiet tone.
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Anyone that wants to be added just let me know!
@nightandwine  @autumnapologist
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meridiansdominoes · 4 years
So a few weeks ago @thatfunkyopossum introduced me to his Coruscant Guard OC and I absolutely fell in love with him. His name is Grease. Grease is my favorite. I adore him, HENCE I am adding an additional scene into Dominoes that includes him. He might show up a few times in later chapters too, and I’ll make sure to at least give him brief introductions when he does so that anyone who misses this won’t be confused, but this is his original introduction. ANYWAY, here, this’ll be added to chapter uhhhhh 33! The beginning is the same, but it runs right into the extra scene so here ya go! 
The mess hall is subdued when they arrive. The chatter is quiet, serious. News travels faster than a forest fire in clone barracks. Hevy grabs his tray and sits down next to Flak, whose face is twisted in distaste. 
“I think I’ve lost my appetite,” he mutters, and then jerks when Byte sets his tray down across from them, sliding into the seat. 
“Is it always like that?” Hevy dares to ask. 
“Not usually. There are better places to take captured criminals, it’s a rare occasion when we have to hold someone here although the brig is sizable—”
“No, not that. Those kinds of… comments, I meant,” Hevy corrects with a wince. Byte snaps his mouth shut. 
“Oh,” he says. “That. Yes. It’s true, anyway. He’ll be charged for property damage. Sometimes Thire tries to press manslaughter, but it doesn’t stand legally, so…”
“What!” Hevy hisses, banging his hands on the table and surging to his feet. “You’ve got to be kidding!”
“Hevy, sit down!” Flak demands, grabbing his arm to pull him. Hevy takes a breath. The eyes of every clone in the mess hall are on him, so he lowers himself back to his seat. Byte is looking at him strangely. 
“Don’t tell me that’s not something you’ve ever encountered,” he says, and Hevy has to take another deep breath to suppress his immediate urge to smash something. 
“It—I… on the battlefield, that doesn’t matter,” he manages to get out. “It’s the front lines, it’s war. There aren’t any charges to be pressed.”
“Hm. Lucky. Sounds so much easier,” Byte says wistfully. Hevy grits his teeth.
“We’re going to fix this,” he says determinedly. Byte raises an eyebrow. He opens his mouth to comment when suddenly he catches sight of something over Hevy’s shoulder and raises a hand.
“Hey, Grease!”
A clone in standard Guard armor jumps at the sound of his name, helmet turning to find Byte. He flinches when he notices the irregular splash of 501st blue and immediately tries to head towards a different table, hands clenched tightly around his tray. Byte leaps to his feet. There’s a mischievous glint in his eyes that vaguely reminds Hevy of Cutup and Fives.
“Oh, no you don’t,” he mutters, and goes after him like a shot. Hevy shares a bewildered look with Flak. 
“Alright then. Guess that conversation is over,” Flak says slowly, watching as Byte manages to cut the other Guard off. The new clone tries to duck away again, but his movements are hampered by the tray in his hands. He can’t stave Byte off properly. Byte is unfazed by his protests and practically frog-marches his abductee towards their table. A cheerful chirp accompanies their approach. Hevy glances down and blinks when he sees a tiny mouse droid zipping happily at their heels. 
“Sit,” Byte orders the other Guard in a light tone. The newbie hesitates for a long moment.
“We don’t bite, I promise,” Flak tells him. The Guard’s shoulders slump. He sighs audibly and drops into the seat next to Byte in resignation. 
“I can sense your glare, don’t give me that,” Byte tells him with a grin. “Wanna introduce yourself, kid?”
The Guard heaves another sigh. “Designation CT-3489—”
Byte elbows him in the ribs.
“M’Grease,” the Guard amends, disgruntled. Hevy offers him a smile.
“Nice to meet you, Grease. You a shiny?” Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees Byte’s expression flicker suddenly. 
“He’s… not a shiny. Not exactly,” Byte says under his breath before continuing. “Grease is a good kid. Real talented with droids. A bit shy, but if you ever need someone to fix up a speeder, he’s your man.”
“The droid is yours, then?” Hevy asks him. Grease glances down, presumably at the droid by his feet. It’s under the table, so Hevy can’t see it. 
“Yes ma’am,” Grease answers. 
“Ma’am?” Flak nearly chokes. “Uh—”
“Eh, that’s what he calls everyone,” Byte says with a wave of his hand. “Force of habit. He’s not the only one.”
“You sure he’s not a shiny?” Hevy says jokingly. Byte chuckles. 
“No, he’s just like that. Right, Grease?”
Grease takes off his helmet just in time for Hevy to catch the exasperated but vaguely fond eye roll that Grease shoots at Byte. Hevy only barely manages to stop himself from making a noise of surprise. Grease looks… oddly young. There’s a mole on his right cheek, and his face is just a little rounder than Hevy is used to seeing on brothers. He must have gotten the good genes. No wonder Byte calls him ‘kid’.
“Grease, huh? How’d you pick the name?” Hevy asks him. 
Grease shrugs. “I like working with machines.” The mousedroid chirps in agreement from out of sight. Flak perks up suddenly. 
“Oh yeah, Byte mentioned that. You like speeders too, right?”
Grease’s gaze settles on him, narrowing in on the oxygen box on Flak’s chest—an armor design unique to pilots. His eyebrows shoot up in realization.
“Yes ma’am,” he answers, ducking his head a little. Flak’s grin widens. 
“Yeah? Maybe some time you’ll have to come look at the bird I’ve been flying. She banks a little too far to the left sometimes, and I’m tired of running recalibrations. It’s gotta be something internal, maybe something with the stabilizers, but I’m not entirely sure. I could use a hand when you aren’t busy!”
Grease nods at him mutely, coloring just a little as Byte chuckles.
“There, see? They’re not that bad,” he urges. Grease shoots him a scowl that is far more endearing than it is threatening. He opts not to respond to Byte’s comment and starts to dig into his food instead with a quiet enthusiasm that Hevy hasn’t seen since…
Huh. Strange. 
Hevy hasn’t seen any clone inhale a meal like that since Kamino, when his limbs had ached from unpredictable growth spurts and his stomach had always seemed to be empty no matter how much he ate. Hevy looks at Grease’s face again and feels his blood suddenly run cold.
“Grease… how old are you?”
Byte winces. Grease pauses in-between bites just long enough to tilt his head in Hevy’s direction.
“Eight and a half, ma’am,” he manages. Hevy inhales sharply. Flak hisses out a curse.
Grease is young. Too young. He shouldn’t be out in the field yet. At that age he isn’t even finished growing completely. Byte’s casual address of ‘kid’ is literal. 
“Are you kidding me?” Flak gasps. “How the kriff—”
Hevy jerks his head over to stare at Byte, seeking an explanation. Byte sighs. 
“Coruscant is… safe. Supposedly. Since we’re not on the front lines and all. They started sending them younger a few months ago. We needed the manpower,” he says softly. Grease nods in agreement. 
“But an entire squad was just killed,” Hevy says in horror. “That doesn’t sound very safe to me!” He tips himself back in his seat, reeling in disbelief. The movement makes his legs sprawl out, and his foot taps the mouse droid, knocking it back a few inches. It chitters at him in annoyance.
“Sorry,” Hevy tells it hurriedly. “I just… that’s so young. Forget shiny, that’s… he should still be a kriffing cadet.”
“I’m good at my job,” Grease interjects stubbornly. Hevy clenches his jaw. There’s nothing that can be done to fix this, not right now. Not yet. 
“I don’t doubt that,” he replies honestly, and some of the tension in Grease’s shoulders eases away. 
“Do you work as a mechanic, then?” Flak asks. Grease shakes his head.
“No, ma’am. I work in the Senate.”
“He’s part of Senator Chuchi’s personal detail. Most of the younger ones get low-risk jobs like that,” Byte says. When Grease scowls at him, Byte holds his hands up non-threateningly. “Whoa, don’t give me that look! I said low risk, not low importance!”  
 Flak hums. 
“That would explain the ‘ma’am’,” he says in amusement. Hevy drums his fingers on the table thoughtfully. 
“Senator Chuchi. I’ve heard good things about her, I think. Do you think she could help us with something important, Grease? Is she sympathetic towards us clones?”
Grease frowns at him. 
“Sorry, ma’am. Not my place to say.” The declaration isn’t harsh, but it’s firm. Hevy sighs inwardly.
“That’s alright. You’re just doing your job, kid, I get it. Thanks anyway, though.”
For a moment, Grease looks surprised. Hevy sees a hesitant flash of pride cross his face before the young Guard shrugs nonchalantly and hunches in on himself again. Byte reaches out to ruffle his hair.
“Alright, that’s enough forcing you to be social for now,” he announces fondly. Grease wrinkles his nose at him, but there’s also a subtle hint of gratitude in his eyes that Hevy manages to glimpse as Grease gets back to his food. 
This is just one more thing that needs to be changed. Grease is eight and a half. That’s too young, no matter where you’re stationed. There are too many problems within the Guard, all out of the clone’s control. Hevy shifts anxiously in his seat and quietly hopes that he’ll be able to help with at least one of them before this is all over. 
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Hidden Skeletons Part 7
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Nothing major, just the building up of the next few chapters. 
Author’s Note: I apologize for the longest wait! I promise the other chapters are written and queued so this series will be completed soon. We’re currently on day 3 of the month. I hope you guys enjoy!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
"You two have been at this for hours." Klaus said as he found Y/N and Hope in the clearing.
It had been almost a week since they had returned to New Orleans. In that time, Y/N and Hope had spent practically every waking hour practicing magic. Hope was learning everything she could from Y/N and made a lot of progress in her studies.
Y/N was using that time to get her powers under control. With every passing day, she had been able to gain more control over it. While her power still radiated off of her in droves, she could keep herself together.
With tradition, Y/N would be having an elder teaching her new things, that wasn't going to happen. All of them were either dead or no longer had their ability to practice magic. Y/N made sure of it before she left.
"Has it been that long?" Y/N asked with a smirk pulling at her lips as she looked over at Klaus. "It's only felt like ten minutes."
Hope chuckled. "He's probably getting upset that you're spending all your time with me instead of him."
"That is not true," Klaus responded while pointing his finger at Hope. "I'd prefer if both of you were at home instead of out here in the open."
Both Y/N and Hope rolled their eyes at that. Over the past week, Y/N and Klaus had been growing even closer. While Y/N had been open about what she was feeling, Klaus was still in a bit of denial. It was evident that everyone else could see it.
"You know, your daughter could use a bit of target practice." Y/N said with a smirk growing on her lips as she looked over at Hope.
"I think not." Klaus said, already shaking his head before she even finished speaking.
A pout formed on both of them, causing Klaus to roll his eyes. "When Hope can't hit a moving target, don't blame me since we didn't have suitable targets."
"Come back to the compound. I'll get Elijah to run about for the both of you." All three of them laughed at that. None of them could see Elijah agreeing to be target practice.
"Fine, we'll go to the vampire fight club." Y/N said with a shrug. "We could find some volunteers there."
Klaus rolled his eyes. "And then I'll never hear the end of it on how I'm letting the hybrids run wild through the city."
He had been mostly joking. The vampires had accepted that there was a new type of hybrid in the city. A witch hybrid on their side was one hell of a step up from a witch being forced to help them.
It seemed as if the moment Y/N came back into the city, those who planned on making a move on the Mikaelsons had changed their minds. The power that Y/N had wasn't something to be messed with. That alone worried the witches of the quarter.
While Freya and Vincent tried to assure the witches that Y/N wouldn't harm anyone, it didn't stop them from worrying. Even with the magic radiating of Y/N dimming, the power she held was enough cause for their worry. They wanted Y/N away from Klaus and free from any hold he may have.
It didn't help everyone in the city noticed that Y/N and Klaus were growing closer by the day. The bond that developed between them showed the witches that Y/N would choose Klaus if the choice was ever needed. It meant the vampires now had an advantage over them.
"Your Dad's right, though." Y/N said as she looked over at Hope. "You need a break. Any more of this and we'll be sleep-deprived."
Both Y/N and Klaus laughed. "It's a deal." Y/N said with a smile on her lips.
Sighing, Hope nodded. "Okay, fine. But you have to promise you'll show me your nightly spells."
"For now, until someone crosses Klaus and she'll be right there beside him." A witch said from the crowd.
"We are not going through this again." Vincent said as he spoke to several of the coven witches that gathered. "Y/N is not a threat to us or this city."
Vincent shook his head. "She is here to help Hope control her magic. Y/N saved her and the city from the Hollow. We should be thanking her for having that power to do it on her own."
"It's that power that will harm not only the witches here but also the city." Another witch named Isabelle said, taking a step closer to Vincent. "Look at what happened with Davina. Marcel had control over her and put the witches in a dark place."
"Y/N wouldn't do that." Vincent assured them. "I've spoken to her. Gotten to learn what it was that her coven was all about. While her own coven has traditions and rituals, Y/N wants to change that. Where they once took power to keep to themselves, Y/N wishes to share it and help others."
"Her power may be dimming, but look at how close she's gotten with the Mikaelsons." Isabelle said, still coming closer to Vincent. "Our plans to have the Mikaelsons leave the city again will be met with force. Not from just the Mikaelsons, but from Y/N as well. We'll be left with a broken city if she continues to stay here."
The crowd around them began to talk amongst themselves. What Isabelle had been saying was true. They had seen what that much power had done—first with Davina and then with Hope. Y/N would be no different.
"Now I get it," Vincent said, attempting to calm the crowd. "But Y/N has no plans to stay here for longer than necessary. She is here to train Hope since none of our own wants to step up to the plate. I admire Y/N for being able to help Hope out. But we will not start a war because she is here."
"Then what are we to do, Vincent?" Isabelle asked. "Sit around and wait for her to decide to leave? Cause from where I'm standing, a Y/L/N witch is getting real cozy with a Mikaelson. And our power, even together, isn't enough to even immobilize her for several minutes."
Vincent could easily see that this wasn't going to be working in their favor. As much as he wanted the Mikaelsons out of the city, he had believed it would be harder with Y/N. But with the way the witches were currently fighting over this issue, Vincent knew there was a war coming. He just didn't know what side he should be on.
Y/N sat in Klaus' study, watching as the man painted away on a canvas. While he had been lost in his work, Y/N had been creating and evaporating and power orb. One that was to help gain control.
Her eyes watched as the orb grew in size, giving off a yellow glow before it shrunk to the size of a penny. She repeated the process a few more times. Each time, the orb grew larger than the previous time. With each growth of the orb, Y/N could see bits and pieces of visions play through her mind.
At first, it had been memories of her past and memories of her time at home—the way her world used to be before she took over the coven. And as the visions played through her mind, each of them changed to something new, always of something she recently witnessed. At least that was until the latest visions formed.
Images passed of her and hope training. But in the process, Y/N got hurt, causing Hope to feed her blood. Panic had coursed through the moment she came to in the vision. For someone who had Hope's blood in their system should hope nothing happens to them with in the next few hours.
The next thing to flash across her vision had been an attack on the compound. Y/N had been weak as the attack began. From what she could tell, they had all been witches. They seemed to have only one goal in mind. And from what Y/N could tell, she was the target of the attack.
"Y/N." Klaus said, attempting to get her attention.
Klaus had turned around to check in on Y/N after she had gone silent. He watched as she created the orb several times before she stopped. But when Y/N stopped, the sphere resting between her hands was the size of a basketball.  
While he hadn't thought anything of it, seeing as Y/N had been doing this regularly, it was how she was staring at the orb. Her eyes were fixated on the center, unmoving. Her head was tilted slightly as she stared into it. He had never seen her in a trance before.
"Y/N," He said as he walked over to her and placed his hands on her wrists.
The trance Y/N had been broke, the orb was gone the moment Klaus broke her concentration. She blinked her eyes several times before looking up at Klaus. Worry filled her face the moment she had.
"What is it?" He asked, worry growing within him. He had never seen the woman before him worried as she was. Seeing it now, it surprised him.
"Visions." She said after a few moments. She wasn't sure how she was going to explain what she saw before he had broken her trance. "Visions of myself that I haven't seen before."
"Visions of the future are never a good thing when it comes to my family's history." Klaus said with a shake of his head.
"I assure you it has nothing to do with your family." She promised with a nod of her head. She wasn't sure if they were involved in some way. From what she could tell, it had been all about her. "It was all about me."
"Then what has those worry lines forming on your face?" He asked as he knelt down in front of her.
She chuckled slightly. "I just never thought I would ever get that deep in a trance where visions of the future would come."
A small smile pulled at Klaus's lips. "Shows how much you've improved since you've taken your family's power. But the real question is, what are you going to do now that you have had these visions?"
Y/N thought for a moment. She wasn't entirely sure what she was going to do with the information she had just been given. The details of them had all been focused on her in some form or another. She just wasn't sure how to tell Klaus. She wasn't ready to tell him that she was about to bring war into his home.
"I'm not sure yet." She said with a shrug of her shoulders. "Something tells me once the time actually comes, I'll know exactly what to do."
But for now, she'd keep it to herself of the events that would be following. She knew the witches were coming for her no matter how many times she showed she wasn't a threat. And if what she saw coming was right, there was more than an attack to prep for. The possibility of her losing her life was high on the list.
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gamebird · 3 years
Lazy Sunday morning
Tomorrow I get my left ovary taken out, if all goes well. It’s about the size of a baseball. At the start of this process toward surgery, I had a torsion incident which happens with cystic ovaries - you do something that causes it to get twisted, which can turn into sepsis and kill you, or it untwists and still hurts like hell for a few weeks. And cystic ovaries cause various other “minor” problems like cramps, odd hormone levels that lead to various masculine features (hair growth, etc.), and the occasional danger of cyst rupture, heightened by doing vigorous pelvic stuff. Like, say, the Brazilian jujitsu I enjoy.
About the same time as the torsion incident, I began to have terrible fatigue, mental fog, and near constant cramps. I thought they two were connected until my doctor swapped out my IUD for a new one and most of those symptoms vanished within hours of getting the new IUD. I was flabbergasted. Still am. It’s so weird. But anyway, with energy levels back to normal, getting the ovary out isn’t as important, but they’re going to do it anyway.
Then I’ll have two weeks off work for recovery. I plan to start working out again in May and return to jujitsu in June. Now that the house move is done, my daughter’s no longer trying to kill herself, and my dad isn’t dying, I think I can get back to getting in shape and prioritizing myself.
Yesterday, we went out to the Oddities fair and then a nature walk. My sister came with us to the Oddities fair with her daughter. The daughter came with us on the nature walk. Daughter is 12. My daughter is 14. They enjoyed each other’s company. But then as we’re driving home, my daughter tells me my sister’s daughter has self-harm cuts along her inner arm, told me my sister didn’t believe in anxiety or therapy, didn’t approve/believe in any non-heterosexual orientations, that the daughter was bullied at school, and was under a lot of emotional stress.
My daughter wants me to “do” something about this and ride to my niece’s rescue. I suppose it’s nice that she has such faith in me. I’ll talk to my sister about the self-harm and see where it goes from there.
In other news, I got a ‘not quite cost of living’ raise at work. That’s been the same for my entire career. There’s only been once I think when a raise was more than the bare minimum a company could do. Most years it’s the ‘the economy was tough this year, no raise for anyone’ crap. Then I’d switch jobs and get paid $5k/yr more at the new job and be like, ‘okay, well, whatever. I got my raise one way or another’. Anyway, I’m not feeling inclined to leave my current job. The people are okay, the drive is short, the work is fine, and the salary is enough to keep my bills paid.
Writing. Different WIPs:
The next chapter of Integration. It’s done-ish. Just needs another pass or two. I might publish it today because tomorrow is surgery.
The chapter after that of Integration. I have the dialogue and actions, but it could do with a lot of fleshing out on what that all means to Nile, who is the POV character.
There’s a No Arabic follow-up that I paid a Fandom Trumps Hate person for beta consult on. I really should finish that up and publish it so they get credit.
There’s some other TOG stories I want to finish, like the one where the shark got Nicky or the aftermath of Andy getting burned at the stake. They’re angst and hurt/comfort. I’m not super motivated on them even though they’re nearly ‘done’, because they don’t have an ending other than ‘and then they were healed up and everything was fine’.
MBU (More Between Us, Heroes) - There’s an epilogue I need to polish up and publish, closing out that story. I have a draft done, but I need to put some careful thought (and maybe some tweaks) into that before posting it.
TLJ as Porn Scenes (Star Wars, bookend story to TFA as Porn Scenes) - I have some of this written and would love to finish it up. With the ovary thing, wonky hormones, and brain fog, my motivation to write smut has been in the dirt. I don’t know if anyone follows my writing enough to have noticed my TOG stuff has yet to include a sex scene. Considering that’s around 100k words - I dunno, guys, for me that’s kind of weird. If I publish today’s Integration chapter, it has part of a sex scene, but I skip over it really fast because the ‘important stuff’ is the lead-up and aftermath/aftercare. The sex itself is just hard for me to get worked up about these days.
Anyway, I’ll have two weeks to recover from the surgery and maybe my libidinous interests will return? Other things than writing that I hope to get to during that time:
Gardening. I have yard-long beans and basket gourds to plant as soon as it warms up, which looks to be next week maybe. In other gardening subjects, I want to get my dad’s garden in (it’s still a WIP) and weed/fertilize my asparagus bed. It’s fresh this year, so all it’s doing is growing. Today I have a couple sage plants to get into the ground as I continue to round out my herb garden. I might put them near the front porch. They do well in part shade anyway and I’ve filled up most of the other good spots.
I’d like to do some fishing before it gets hot.
I want to make sure my round hay bale is a sufficient backstop for target shooting with my .22. It’s making a great archery target!
I want to break into my bee hives and make sure they’re doing good. I need to reposition a couple empty hives as swarm traps, because if it warms up just a little more, they’ll be swarming.
I have two fanzines to read! Epoch for TOG and a Kylux one.
I have a list of TV shows and movies to watch, which I hope to plow through over the next week while I’m doing most of my healing.
I’ve also put some more stuff on my Read Later list. I need to get through the short things. And I’d like to knock off one or two of the longer ones that are on there.
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s-creations · 4 years
Return the Flames - Chapter 1
All at Dead Bird Studios knew of Amos' (The Conductor's) ability. How the owl could suddenly erupt into flames if angered enough. When the studio first opened, Dominic (DJ Grooves) was told that Amos had his ability under control. Nothing to worry about. No possible loss of anything from an open flame.
A few years later however, and that control seems to have lessened to a dangerous degree.
It should have just been a simple, week long drive to fix the problem. It really should have been.
Dominic should have asked a lot more questions and should have been prepared for a twist ending.
Fandom: A Hat in Time Rating: General Audience Relationships/Pairings: The ConductorXDJ Grooves Warnings: Eventual depictions of violence, slow burn relationship, named characters, attempt of an accent, being hunted down, a race against time (sort of).
 It’s amazing how one outside source could influence an entire planet and change it’s view. Okay, maybe the ‘entire planet’ might be an exaggerated size. But, big key players were involved with the overall growth. So, it felt as if the world shifted when the time wielding child left to race among the stars once more.
 Mustache Girl, discovered to be named Mu when the dust settled, had seemingly disappeared. Her usual hideout had been cleared out. With no signs of her remaining there or found to be anywhere else on Mafia Island. There was a theory that Mu had hopped onto one of the many shipment boats and had left said island as soon as she could. If that was true, it would be nearly impossible to find her. No one could fully tell if this was a good or bad thing.
 The Mafia boss had officially retired when he couldn’t find a new body to use. Apparently the price      was    too high to pay for someone to give up their own. Losing that intimidating edge and just being gross, he announced his leave and traveled to the nearby mainland. There he found his new calling: being the store manager to a small fish market operation. Apparently, no one wanted to argue about prices against a goo of a human being that survived in a jar. Between the harsh words and rather disturbing appearance, people lost their argumentative spark quickly.
 The rest of the Mafia scrambled to figure out what to do with themselves. It took a lot of soul searching and late night conversations for a solution to be found. They reached the conclusion that they all worked better when they’re told what to do and decided to turn the island town into a high end luxury resort. Cooking Cat had taken the chief helm and taught a large team of Mafia members how to be proper cooks. It would be bad if a customer complained about food poisoning.
 Subcon Forest, while still downright terrifying and with Vanessa a heavy threat over the citizens, had seen the number of lost souls consumed by that place dropped. The Snatcher had apparently changed stance on determining which souls were meant to be taken. Namely those who were weighed down by a lot of sins. If asked, he would claim it was due to those being more filing when eaten. No one had the needed bravery to really question the twisted spirit’s reasoning. So, more living beings started leaving the woods. Confused, with their souls still in place, and all at the cost of a high-five.
 But the biggest change came from Dead Bird Studio. If one was interested in movies (which was a good majority of the planet) they knew of the rivalry that ran that place. Or      did     run that place. The Conductor and DJ Grooves announced, shortly after Hat Kid’s departure, that their feud was over. More or less. Everyone knew that years of animosity couldn’t be solved or swept under the rug, to be forgotten about overnight.
 So, it was an difficult uphill battle to learn what it meant to actually work together peacefully. Between Conductor’s anger and Grooves’ rather smug attitude, it was a hard progress. Both directors used a lot of late nights to find even ground. After a few months, they had reached a level of comradery that couldn’t really be qualified as ‘being friends’. Business partners was probably the best title.
 Which was still an achievement to marvel at, if Grooves was completely honest. But the worry of getting into a shouting match with Amos was now at the bottom of Dominic’s list.
 When the studio had been open for the first few months, they gained the title as the ‘studio with the hot headed director’. Dominic seeing first hand how deranged the other could become. The penguin could chalk it up to first time jitters. After all, opening up a business in the same building with someone you deemed as a rival was not the most calming experience. Add on top of that the tense world of film making and Grooves was surprised he didn’t eventually turn to biting off a few heads when things went wrong. But as Amos’ anger seemed to grow, Grooves began to worry that the director was going to have a heart attack from his numerous outbursts.
 What he was not expected was for the owl to suddenly have his ears erupt into      flames    . The only thing that pulled Dominic from his shocked state of mind when the sprinklers suddenly activated. All in attendance having to evacuate until the place was dried out.
 Unable to ask Amos directly (and already knowing the director wouldn’t have answered his questions anyway) Dominic had gone to the Express Owls for answers. He had been told that their director suddenly creating flames was something normal to see. Amos even had occasions where he would actually have smoke rising off of him. The penguin asked how this was even possible. As far as he knew, this was not a normal occurrence, and working with someone who could burst into flames at any time seemed a dangerous factor. Especially if it became a worry they’d lose the studio because of this. But Dominic was assured that Amos had his ability under control. That day was just a build up of bad moments that tore at the owl’s patient until it was just released.
 That didn’t mean Dominic didn’t start carrying around a small fire extinguisher whenever he had to be near Amos.
 Amos, on his part, was not a bird who opened up about anything. So, he never explained to anyone why he had this ability, with the Express Owls just accepting the idea their boss could handle himself. And, true to their word, Dominic didn’t see that many open flames coming from the angry owl. During their early years that was.
 Now, however, the worry had reached a new level of concern. Because Amos’ anger seemed to have suddenly grown. Even after the feud was put away. The control the other director had over the years seeming to have disappeared. Now the owl bursting into flames, full flames covering his body, when his mood was even. With another worry arising when he was around open flames and his anger made those grow dangerously. So much so, Dominic put his foot down on allowing open flame to be anywhere near the studio. Which annoyed Amos as now his movies lost a touch of authenticity. In turn causing the owl’s already short fuse to become shorter.
 It had become a dangerous, endless cycle. One that Dominic had to intervene before things got too out of hand. Something he was going to take care of today. Because he was afraid if he waited too long, they’d lose the studio they’d just started to work together in.
 Recording was done for the day and the studio practically empty as Dominic made his way to the Western-themed portion of the building. Asking a few lingering owls where their director was, he was directed towards Amos’ office. The partially closed door had light emitting from the cracks. Dominic gave his thanks before heading over. Raising his hand up to knock, the penguin paused hearing Amos’ daughter’s name.
 “Amelia...no, listen… Aye, ‘m aware. But you’re in no condition ta take me… I know, I know… No, flyin’ is too dangerous. Ya know know I hate those death machines and there’s no easy exit for me ta take in case of… In case I have an episode.”
  Dominic leaned against the wall, frowning. He probably shouldn’t be listening in.
 “There are no tracks that run there. Besides, the train will be in use. I can’t change that just ta better me. No- no, that’s not what I mean… People rely on the train… I don’t know who ta ask. I don’t know anyone who would want ta travel that far.”
 Amos laughed softly after a pause on his end. “Uh oh, someone sounds fussy… Aye, I'll keep ya up ta date as best I can… No, no, don’t ya fret about this. I’ll figure somethin’ out. Rest well Amelia, I’ll call tomorrow. ...Love ya too.”
 There was the clatter of something heavy hitting the table. Dominic could only assume it was the owl’s phone being dropped. Braving his chance, the penguin pushed the door open. He found Amos, bent over the writing table with a discarded cell phone next to him. The owl looked in complete shambles.
 Feathers were ruffled, randomly sticking out at odd ends. Some were even starting to turn gray. The familiar white button up had its sleeves rolled up over the elbows, the cross suspenders hanging limply from the black pants they were connected to. The similarly colored jacket was pooled at the Conductor’s feet.
 “If ya have somethin’ ta say, come in and get it out.”
 Amos’ growl broke Dominic’s stupor and the penguin closed the door behind him as he entered. “So-”
 “How much did ya hear.”
 “Enough that you know that you need to get somewhere with no reliable way to get there.” Dominic answered, pulling another chair towards the table.
 “Didn’t know ya were one for eavesdroppin’. Hopin’ ta find a usable script for yer movies?”
 “I’m going to ignore that last comment. I came to see if you were okay. Your ability is getting out of control and it’s becoming a concern. More than it’s been previously.”
 “‘M aware of that. That’s what I was tryin’ to fix.”
 “You need a ride to get there? To wherever this ‘fix’ is supposed to be.”
 “Great deductive skills.”
 Dominic let out a heavy sigh, tamping down the slowly rising anger within. “What I’m trying to say is that if you need a ride, I would like to offer my assistance.”
 Amos sat up at that, ears perked up. “...What?”
 “I will offer you a ride.”
 “Ya don’t even know where I’m goin’!”
 “It seems you’re desperate to get where you need to go. With your flares, it would be foolish for you to travel alone or in a confined place that you wouldn’t be able to leave when you needed.. So, let me help you.”
 “...Are we...alright enough with each other ta be stuck in a car? Together? For so long?”
 “How long is this journey?”
 “I need ta get ta Starlight Peak.”
 “I- That’s halfway across the planet!”
 “Ya can see why this is a bit of an issue fer me.”
 “Why do you need to get there?”
 The owl huffed, ruffling his feathers further. “I’ll explain, if ya promise you’ll take me, and ya don’t ask further questions.”
 “Those are pretty high demands.” Dominic crossed his arms.
 “This...is not somethin’ I want a lot of people to know about.”
 Dominic wasn’t ready for that answer. For as long as he’d known Amos, the owl has never been one to share any personal information. It took Dominic almost 8 years to learn he had a daughter and a few more months to know about his grandchildren. Which was really the only thing Dominic knew. Amos was short tempered but closed-lipped. Loud but private.
 So, seeing him here, quiet and withdrawn, ears folded and arms crossed…
 Dominic didn’t like it.
 “I will take you and I will not share with anyone what you’re about to tell me.”
 “And I will not ask further questions.”
 Taking that as an adequate answer, Amos sat up and faced Dominic properly. “I have this… ‘condition’ where I have this… I have fire burning in me.”
 “Ah...I wasn’t ready for that. Wait, like an actual fire?”
 “Aye, where did ya think my fire came from?”
 “To be honest, I’m not really sure. Now that I know however, it kind of makes sense.”
 “Well, that fire is burnin’ brighter everyday. More than what I can contain and control. There’s something at the peak that will help tamper that fire back down.”
 “Tamper the fire down? What does that-”
 “Ah, ya said ya wouldn’t ask questions!”
 “Alright! Alright…” Dominic raised his hands in defense as Amos glared him down. As the owl sat back down, Dominic felt himself relax. “It’ll take us at least a week to get there and back.”
 “Aye, ‘m aware.”
 “We’ll need to shut down the studio for that long.”
 “Ya worried about fallin’ behind on filming.”
 “You wish. I’m more worried about the paparazzi. If they get wind of this, they’ll have a field day wondering where we’re going.”
 Amos groaned, leaning back in his chair. “Peck, I forgot about that. Do ya think we could slip out without the peckin’ buzzards findin’ out?”
 “You’re joking, right? The first day we don’t open, they’ll be hunting us down. If not the day before we depart. Speaking of, when do we need to leave? I’m assuming the sooner the better.”
 “That would be ideal. But I do have a few things ta take care of before we do.”
 “How about the day after tomorrow?”
 Amos nodded to that suggestion. “Sounds like our best idea.”
 “Best get to packing then.”
 “Aye...and leave your peckin’ platform shoes here!”
 “You just don’t care for style.”
 “Do ya really want ta climb a mountain side in those shoes?”
 “...Fair point.”
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Redemption, My Love
Chapter 10: Soot
Lancewain (Cursed tv 2020)
Cross posted to AO3 check there for complete list of tags.
Cw for this chapter anxiety/panic attacks.
This is where I'd put a "read more" link if mobil wasn't such a ....
PYM pov
Pym sits up, her back stiff as she stretches her arms out above her head with a yawn. Her unkempt red braid falls over her shoulder with the movement. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep. It is her turn to be keeping watch over Nimue until she wakes up while Arthur and the council including Merlin (somehow, she still isn’t clear on that) and Morgana figure out what their next step is now that they’ve got the Fey off the open shores of the beach and into a ruined town near a cave system in the woods. For now it's the best they have and she will take it. Not all of the buildings burned; it looks more like the village was abandoned before the paladins ever got to it. There are supplies and, though they are limited, it's an improvement over what they had. There are enough houses standing that between them and the caves, everyone has a roof of sorts over their heads. It's better than they have had in a long while. The gardens and nearby fields, though unkempt and unattended, have meager growth, enough to feed their people for two or three weeks if they ration and are lucky.
Blinking open her eyes, she gasps and falls backwards out of her chair in surprise, as she sees Yevas large eyes staring at her from across the bed. It clatters to the ground and Nimue moans. Yeva hoots out a laugh and shakes her head as Pym climbs to her feet and looks at her friend and rubs the soreness from her backside. She brushes away stray strands of hair while Nimue's eyelashes flutter against her face. She happily notes the fever is gone, and smiles.
“Her fever has broken Yeva.” She states, voice light with awe and looks up at the Moonwing.
“Good. Now she needs to wake up. The infection is still inside her. When she does, make her drink the tea we made for the others. Change her bandages and come find me. There is more work to be done. Others who are sick and injured.”
She nods resolutely and watches as the woman leaves. It’s strange working with her. She’s strict and direct, and yet, she is a healer, an elder of the Fey, not only her own tribe but all of them. Gentle with her hands, wise, and knowledgeable even when she seems unapproachable. And she is taking the time to teach Pym. She can only hope to do well, to learn what the woman can teach her. To help, and maybe one day, lead in the way that Yeva, Cora, and Polly do.
Getting to her feet, she walks to the small table under the window and checks that the water is still hot, that her supplies are in order, and then she walks to the other side of the room and opens tattered window shutters. Crisp air blows into the room raising clouds of dust to reflect the sun's rays. It’s nearly noon, and Pym smiles as she watches a few children run through the streets. It looks like they’ve just come home from a long journey, not like they are refugees moving through the countryside, starving, sick, and dying. Letting out a long sigh, she remembers when she and Nimue used to do that, remembers Gawain chasing them through the crowds, and them doing the same to Squirrel and some of the others. The tears come unbidden to her eyes and fall without her consent as she watches one of the girls tackle the other. There has been so much death, and of all the people she knew, that she loved dearly, only Nimue was left and her life hung in the balance. Taking a deep breath, she wipes the tears from her cheeks and determinedly turns to the bed to see if her patient is awake yet.
“NIM!” She yells, surprised and full of gladness as she runs to the bedside. Nimue tries to sit up higher on the bed and groans, tilts her head back against the cleanest musty pillow Pym had been able to find.
“Don’t move around too much. You’re still healing. Gods, you’re awake.” Throwing her hands around Nimues neck, she sobs into her shoulder.
“You’re awake. You’re finally awake. I was so worried. Nim. I thought— oh thank The Hidden you’re alive.”
“Wh--” Nimue coughs and curls into herself. “Where?” She manages, voice rough from disuse, lips cracking from dehydration. Pym pulls away and ignores the tears on her face as she stands.
“I’m so sorry. Let me get you some water. Then I can answer some of your questions.” She flutters around the end of the bed and to the table. She pours water into a wooden cup and brings it with the tea back to the bedside. She sets them on the nightstand and sits on the bed to help Nimue into a sitting position. When she is comfortable, a pillow tucked between her back and the headboard, she pushes the cup into Nimue's chilled hands, which are as stiff as if they belonged to a corpse.
“We are in a village. I don’t know which one, but it’s been abandoned. Merlin and Morgana found you after you fell.” She pauses and takes a deep breath. “Uther betrayed us. We were attacked on the beach by Cumber's men. We’ve allied with the Raiders, The Red Spear, the one whose ship I was on. We got lucky; the fields and gardens weren’t burned here. There are some extra supplies. Arthur and the council are discussing what we should do now.”
Nimue nods at her, looks down at the cup in her hands and lifts it to her lips, sips it. Pym smiles.
“I need to go and help with the other injured. Yeva has agreed to apprentice me. I’ll tell Arthur and Merlin you’re awake. But first I need to change your bandages." Nimue lets her undress her and change out the bandages and apply new salves. The work is quick, well practiced now. The wounds are healing nicely, the skin returning to creamy white and the redness leaving it.
“Gawain? I called on the Hidden Nimue finally says. Pym bites on her lips, finishes tying off the bandages and helps nimue back into the shift she has been wearing before she dares to answer.
“Was he…”
Nimue nods, tears slipping from her eyes.
“I’m sorry. If they answered, we do not know.” Pym rubs at her shoulder. “We haven’t seen Squirrel, either.” She pulls Nimue into another hug, holds her as she sobs, kisses the top of her head and waits for her to stop. When her tears have faded, Pym sits away.
“I wish I had better news for you. I really do. Yeva asked me to have you drink this tea to help with the pain and the leftover infection. I’ll tell the others you’re awake, but I have to go before Yeva comes looking for me. I really don’t want to piss her off. I’ll be back tonight.”
“Thank you Pym.” Nimue mumbles to her as she leaves the bed. Pym can only nod at her as she steps into the sunlight. It doesn’t take her long to find the council and tell them that Nimue is awake; and it only takes them a moment to decide to reconvene in an hour. It takes even less time for Merlin, Arthur, and Morgana to leave for the house Nimue rests in. With a sigh, Pym continues towards the large home they have turned into a sick bay and prepares herself for what waits within.
Percivals POV
The sky is grey above them and the air wet with mist. Frothy white fog surrounds them in all directions. It looks soft and inviting and Percival wants to fall into it, use it as a pillow and go back to bed. He shivers against the cold and pulls the monk's cloak tighter. Lancelot shifts behind him, warm and solid, and Percival leans back against him without much thought. He blinks. Then blinks again. His eyes are so heavy. Lancelot puts an arm around his waist and he can’t keep them open anymore. With a yawn he closes them and drifts off to sleep despite the chill on his nose.
When he wakes, he does so gasping for air and scratching at his throat. The air is cold against his lips, as it travels down his throat and into his lungs; and yet, he feels as though no air is coming in. A firm hand on his back pushes him forward. He hunches his shoulders in response; the cloak he had been wearing falls from them. A horse whinnies somewhere far off.
“Lean forward. Breath through your nose.” The voice is uncomfortably close and he wants to listen but can’t. Tears well up in his eyes and his fingers are too numb to wipe them away. He gasps for air, shudders, and starts coughing from the exertion.
“Percival. Percival. You’re safe.” Another voice tries again more firmly. There is a hand on his shoulder and he instinctively lurches away from it. Something solid and heavy catches him around the waist and he pushes at it with useless hands. The tears spill from his eyes and coat his cheeks, they mix with the rain falling around him. Lancelot's breathing behind him is strong, steady, and deep. He tries to focus on it, tries to ground himself in it. The sound of falling rain hitting grass, and the clip clop of hooves as they squish against the ground is enough to make his stomach roll and distract him. He squeezes his eyes closed and grips tightly at the weight around his waist. Gawain is speaking, but it's loud, like it's right next to his ear. He can’t make out what it is. Percival tries to focus on that over the other sounds and can’t. Instead he covers his ears and leans forward trying to curl into a ball. Trying to escape the weight on his stomach. His throat and lungs ache, burn with the effort of it all. The arm around his waist moves up and pulls him back, like a hug and he fights it. In the end he loses, exhaustion stops him from fighting anymore and he lets his head lull back in surrender. He whimpers and shakes. The weight of the cloak settles over him again and he sniffles as someone hums gently. Finally, finally he can breathe a little easier. He closes his eyes and sucks in deep breaths of cold, wet air.
The voice shifts from melody to conversation.
“Is he asleep?”
“No. Just resting I think. His breathing is evening out.”
Percival sniffles, presses back against Lancelot and the arm around his chest tightens in response. It’s a quiet assurance of the other's attention and presence. He coughs again, opens his eyes and lets his mind drift as he watches their surroundings.
As the afternoon begins to settle around them, the rain tapers off to a drizzle and Percival wraps his arms around him tighter. They're all wet, tired and hungry. He tries to sit up a little better but gives up and slouches back down into the warmth of the dryness where he had been lying against Lancelot for support. No one has spoken since his episode this morning. He can barely recall it, but knows he has worried Gawain by the glances that keep coming his way. He clears his throat; there is one thing that is bothering him.
"How will you explain Lancelot to the others? Why he is free instead of a prisoner?"
Gawain looks back from where he is riding a few feet ahead of them. He watches hazel green eyes rise from his face to Lancelot's.
" I had thought… I would reclaim the weapon and take you into the camp bound, but under my protection until the council could hear our stories." The Green Knight appears to pick his words carefully.
He can feel The Weeping Monk's breath catch for a moment."That would make the Fey feel safer. I will surrender my weapons to you again…. Trust myself to your protection."
"You have my word, Lancelot, no harm shall befall you before the council has judged you."
With that the three of them continue on towards the beach, sunlight starting to peek through the clouds and the sound of crashing waves rising over the breeze blowing the grass to and fro.
Lancelot's POV
In truth he does not like the idea of being bound and weaponless among the Fey. There is little reason for him to distrust Gawain's word. He has seen the knight prove himself over and over again. Still, he can't help but feel like a lamb led to slaughter. There is no reason the council should allow him to live. His sins are great, his crimes many.
He does not remember much about his mother's teachings regarding The Hidden, but he has little faith that they wish him to live. Still, Gawain being alive is a miracle and the man swears it was the Hidden that saved him…. Perhaps there is something to be said for these other gods. He hasn't prayed to his God since he absconded with Percival, but if ever there was a time to cry out for The Lord to spare his life, it would be now.
So he does, he says the words of prayer in his mind, some by route, others from the depths of his heart. He prays for grace, mercy, a miracle. He prays for Percival to recover from whatever fear has gripped his soul. He asks for understanding and wisdom, for discernment and above all forgiveness. And yet, here on this meadow clifftop, chilled to the bone and almost physically whole, he feels no closer to the presence of God than he had when he was bleeding before the altar in his tent. Grinding his teeth, he determines to find a copy of the Holy Scriptures and to read it all. First he must learn to read better than he does; knowing a few words will not be enough. Bringing such a book into the Fey camp will be a risk… though this plan hardly matters if he is put to death.
With a sigh he nudges Goliath to catch up with Gawain and puts it from his mind. The road they've found runs parallel to the cliff edge and will take them down to the beach. They cannot see it from here, the fog covers the air in dense rolling waves. With one hand Lancelot undoes the sword belt around his waist and pulls it off. He hands it out toward Gawain, who eyes it steadily.
"In case we come across a scout. It will be easier to only explain my being unbound than my having a weapon. You still have my knives I believe."
Gawain only nods at him as he takes the blade and belt. His eyes are dark, more green than hazel and stormy as the air around them. Lancelot averts his gaze and they continue in silence.
The beach is empty. At its center lies a heap of ashes, the remains of burned corpses visible within. The charred remains are stacked high: their fingers curling and mouths agape where they did not burn hot enough to turn bone to ash. The pyre had been too large and had not had enough fuel. It is a sight he has seen often; still he turns his gaze away and looks for signs of any life. Hesitantly, glancing at Gawain, he dismounts and gives Percival the reins. With light steps he explores the sands as they turn in the wind. There is very little evidence to be found. The tide and the wind have erased the story, but from what he can see there was great bloodshed. With measured paces, he moves towards the cave. Gawain and Percival follow on their mounts for a while. He pays no mind when they stop nor does he look at them. There is sadness there that he does not wish to see, that he cannot understand and does not long to know.
This area, shielded from the wind and the waves, tells him much more. He kneels, picks up a bowl from the sand, and sniffs. The balmy sickly sweet scent of medicinal herbs reaches his nose and he coughs. Inside the caves he can see the remnants of a camp, nearly a week old. There are still logs and kindling stacked near a fire pit, and tools lay forgotten in the sand. He glances back at the pyre, the scent of Fey and man blood alike reaching him in the wind.
He turns back towards his companions. Percival stands with both horses near the cliff edge, and Gawain is studying the sea. He goes to Percival's side; the boy looks forlorn. Tears threaten to run from his eyes, his jaw is clenched tight and he holds to the reins for dear life.
"Are they my people?" Lancelot does not need to follow his gaze or ask him to elaborate.
"Some. Though I smell men among them. More than Fey."
A month ago such words would have been infuriating, but today they are soothing like cool water on a burn.
"Take the horses to the cave. It is sheltered there. It is growing late and these conditions are not good to travel in. There is wood. Start a fire if you like." The boy nods up at him and leads the horses away.
As he walks towards Gawain, he turns his head this way and that to get his hair out of his face. It does not comply and whips wildly in the wind. With some frustration he pulls his bun loose and gathers his dark curls back and rebinds them. It helps.
"They are mostly man-bloods. There are signs that many people, many Fey, took shelter in the cave." Gawain turns towards him, nods and turns back to the pyre.
"I wou-"
"Go away." Gawain seeths. Anger lines his shoulders, sets in his jaw as he turns towards the ocean.
Swallowing back his words, Lancelot silently does as he is told. He does not know Gawain well enough to push and prod at the edges of his anger. Lancelot would gues they are raw, bleeding still unlike Father Cardens had been. Without looking back he hears Gawain dhout and kick at a fallen log. Shaking his head he retreats to the cave where Percival has tied the horses, lit a fire, and curled up to sleep next to it. Basking in its warmth.
After a moment of uncertainty he makes a decision and locates his knives. He has work to do.
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p-artsypants · 4 years
Longest Night (39) Remembering
I just want to say thank you to everyone for their reviews. I can’t respond to all of you because I just don’t have the words. But thank you! I read each and every one, and they keep me going when times are rough. Over all, reviews have been kind. I was expecting some ‘omg you’re a terrible person and I hope you die’ but that never came. You guys are just awesome and I appreciate you so so much!
I didn’t expect this story to be so long, and I’m kind of losing steam to pump it out so fast. I’ll finish it of course, but some chapters take time to figure out what’s happening. I have most of the story planned out, but the ‘when’s and ‘how’s are a little fuzzy. You guys have been very patient and I appreciate it. I just wanted to keep you informed. I think you all deserve it.
Ao3 | FF.net
You would think that since Adrien and Marinette were finally allowed to be together, things would be smooth sailing.
But it wasn’t. It was awkward.
Which was completely unfair in fact. She was finally with Adrien, but never alone. And he couldn’t talk. They were just out of arms reach from the other, and even if he could speak, what would they even talk about? Small talk? Surely not about the time in the catacombs.
Did he know what she did? Did he remember being an akuma? Did he know how they got out?
So many days passed in that room in silence. They watched feel-good movies one after the other. Nino and Alya would come to visit and share stories of uplifting things that had happened.
They learned of their trending hashtag. They watched the interviews with Nadja. And they got to watch the benefit concert.
“All that money was put into a fund for you guys,” Alya explained. “That way, you don’t have to worry about supporting yourselves. You are taken care of for life!”
On one hand, yes. Wonderful. Finding work and going back to school were two things that Marinette was afraid of doing, afraid of failing at. Like two giant boulders she’d have to pick away at with a tiny hammer. So to know they had a large safety net was a relief.
On the other hand, it was kind of disgusting. They were real people being tortured, with no granted privacy. Everyone had seen both of them naked, in their most vulnerable moments of weakness, crying, panicking, even hallucinating. And people were just watching it. And they got invested and wanted to know more, like they were characters in a show and not people actually suffering!
Taking donations? Fine.
But making a concert out of them like some sort of spectacle? Disgusting.
Watching the interviews, it became apparent that everyone knew about Marinette’s debilitating crush on Adrien. How awkward she was around him, how she embarrassed herself.
There was a reason she had a secret identity. So that Marinette would be safe. Marinette and her family.
What did she have left of her own?
“What was the point of that?” She asked as Jagged’s ‘Exit Music’ faded out.
“Girl, it’s a benefit concert.” Alya quirked her head to the side, like she had no idea what was wrong.
“The benefit of who?”
“Of you two, of course. What else would it be?”
“Did you plan this?”
“Well…yeah? Most of it. It was Jagged Stone’s idea though.”
“Did you pat yourself on the back afterwards? Thought you picked a bunch of really vulnerable moments to really drive the emotion up?”
“What? N-no…”
“You know what I saw? A bunch of people singing a bunch of useless songs to make themselves feel better. What was even the goal? To bring awareness to our suffering?”
Alya huffed. “Don’t be like this, Marinette. Jagged brought the idea to us because there was nothing else he could do. He’s a musician. So he wanted to play music to help you somehow. I’m sorry that my video choices upset you. I thought they were funny and captured the person you are outside the suit. I wanted others to see that person.”
Marinette didn’t have a response to that.
“And you know what? Maybe we did want to feel better. What good does it do anyone if we all sat around feeling hopeless?”
“Yeah, like I didn’t know how that felt.”
Alya exhaled hard. “That’s not what I’m saying. If everyone lost hope, who would even bother to save you? If there was no chance?”
Marinette glared at her. “Well, I hope Hawkmoth really enjoyed the concert, since he was the only helpful one.”
“He wasn’t—“ Alya growled, but bit her lip. “You know what? It’s not my place. I’m sorry. I legitimately didn’t know this would hurt you.”
Marinette turned her gaze away. “I’m sorry for snapping. Thank you for putting the concert on.”
“Nah girl, you can thank Jagged when he comes to visit. He was really worried. And you might thank Luka too.”
“I’ll try.”
For his own part, Gabriel was practicing the art of holding his tongue. Some moments it was difficult, but he had to tell himself it was an emotional response to seeing his only son in pain.
In this time of quiet observation, he watched Marinette and Adrien, studying the changes in behavior. Noting was setting them off in anger, and what they were okay with. His goal in the next several months was to push those boundaries.
There was no reason for Adrien to hiss at nurses that were touching Marinette.
Besides this, he was also trying to consolidate Chat Noir and Adrien, and Marinette and Ladybug. It had been a chore since the beginning, but it was still so hard to piece together.
And now with their changes in personalities, it was impossible.
He hadn’t really known Marinette. The few times he met her, he’d describe her as small. Timid, shy, unable to have eye-contact, and incredibly clumsy. From Adrien and Lila, he learned that she had a lot of people that trusted her and was easily liked.
Ladybug on the other hand, demanded attention and respect with her very presence. She exuded confidence that he had found annoying, if not respectable. Though they had been enemies, she was certainly a formidable opponent. Calm, calculating, and creative.
New Marinette was none of these things. Closed off, bitter, quiet, and volatile. Words were like pouring salt on her bare back, some grains fell in open wounds, and it was impossible to predict what would set her off.
Adrien used to be polite, graceful, and wore his emotions on his sleeves, no matter how hard he tried otherwise.
Chat Noir was obnoxious, reckless, and larger than life. He came off as a goofball, but Hawkmoth could tell he took his duties seriously.
New Adrien was impossible to read. Silent, watching, calculating. Completely stoic unless someone touched Marinette. There was no way to tell how he was coping, other than to assume he wasn’t.
The doctor was right, they were unrecognizable.
The only saving grace was the softening gaze Adrien had when looking at Marinette. She was the only thing that seemed to pull him out of his abyss.
“Good morning,” Dr. Boucher stated early one day. Adrien was awake, but Marinette was still sleeping.
“Good morning,” Gabriel returned for his son.
“Well, things are going great, I’m really thrilled with the progress both of them are making. We’ve avoided every complication, quite Miraculously. So I was hoping to do one more procedure on Adrien while he’s still admitted.”
Adrien glanced at the doctor, seemingly listening.
“Your vocal nodules. It’s a really easy procedure, we won’t even put you to sleep. Just numb the area and use a tiny laser to remove the growths. Shouldn’t take too long at all.”
Adrien turned to Marinette, whimpering in the back of his throat.
“I promise you won’t be gone long. Might even be back before she wakes up.”
“I’ll let her know if she does,” Sabine spoke up from Marinette’s side of the room. “You might as well get this done now, Adrien. Then you don’t have to come back.”
“And they’ll only get worse as time goes on.” The doctor added.
Adrien screwed up his lips and gave a stiff nod.
“That’s a good boy.”
Marinette awoke to Dr. Boucher speaking. “Now, in order for your vocal cords to fully recover, I don’t want you to speak for two weeks. After that, you can gradually start speaking softly. No yelling for a while. Okay?”
Marinette raised her head to see the doctor was talking to Adrien.
“What’s going on?” She asked.
“See, I told you you’d be back before she woke up.” The doctor smiled. “We just got done removing Adrien’s vocal nodules, so he should be able to speak within the next few weeks.”
“That’s wonderful.” She said softly.
“And how are you feeling?” He asked her.
She frowned. “Gross. I want to take a bath.”
He smiled. “Well, I’m afraid you can’t. But we can give you a sponge bath and wash your hair.”
What a strange trigger.
One moment, she was safe in the hospital, the next, she was standing in the rain, a deranged Chat Noir next to her. They were looking in the window of a salon. Then she was in a chair, staring at her own horrible perverse reflection.
“Can I wash your hair? Give you a trim? It might make you feel better.”
And then…
Blood. Everywhere. Salo’s lifeless face dissolving into ash. Gunshots ringing in her ears. Adrenaline pumping. Bodies of her tormentors laying all around her.
And Chat smiling with blood in his mouth.
Alya’s little sisters hiding and crying. Chloe, terrified and cowering against a shelf. A man dangling over the edge of a building by his neck. Dozens of men being eviscerated, torn to shreds. A whole building worth of angry thugs laying on the floor and writhing in pain.
Bodies hanging from the Arch de Triomphe. A fight with Hawkmoth, and Chloe, and Nino.
“Alya!” Her own voice screamed. “Come out and face me! Face judgement for your neglect and betrayal!”
Over and over. Blood. Screams. Death.
Because of them.
Because of her.
A stern hand grabbed her arm. “Speak to me Marinette, what hurts?” The doctor was speaking, but Marinette wasn’t listening.
She turned to look at Adrien, who was only staring at her wide-eyed, tears of his own streaming down his face.
Gabriel was right there with him. “He’s upset too. What did you do?”
“I don’t know! I thought a sponge bath was a fine idea!”
Marinette was reading the look on Adrien’s face wrong. Her own anxieties fed her lies and told her that the fear she was seeing was directed towards her.
And to be honest, she was a little afraid of him too.
He had torn out throats with his teeth, and then laughed about it. He had enjoyed their murder spree.
And so had she. Justice, she said. They were setting things right. Doing what others were too cowardly to do.
But violent revenge wasn’t that far off from what Salo had been after.
In fact, theirs had been much much worse.
“I’m just like her…” Marinette sobbed. “I’m just like Salo.”
“Honey no.” Sabine demanded. “Absolutely not.”
“I’m not an idiot!” She choked. “I know what I did! I know the whole story! I remember all of it! I’m disgusting!” And she turned away. Away from her family, away from Adrien.
But she stood firmly facing her guilt.
It was a veil being lifted. A fog rolling back to reveal memories that were aching to be noticed. Deep primal instincts that thundered inside. There was no ignoring it, and it was only a matter of time before the truth became known.
“I can’t take this,” stated Tom, who had been quiet since Marinette awoke. In quick strides, he was across the room and scooping his daughter up into his arms.
Marinette allowed him, and clung to his shirt as she wailed. Sabine came up behind her and petted her hair patiently, silently.
Adrien had his back turned from them, and trembled in his horrified shock.
How could he?
How could he be so cruel and demented? How could he enjoy murdering? With his bare hands no less?
Was he so loyal to Ladybug that he’d kill for her? She hadn’t even asked him to. Was he so depraved that that felt like the right thing to do?
He was a monster. An absolute monster.
Shakily, he took off his Miraculous and tossed it blindly, hearing it ping against the linoleum.
He didn’t deserve to be a hero. He didn’t deserve to live.
“Adrien,” Gabriel said as he crouched next to him. “You should hold onto this.” The ring rested in his palm.
Adrien shook his head, burying his face in his pillow.
Gabriel watched his son sink into himself, swallowed into a dark abyss. One he feared he’d never make it out of. But how was he supposed to help? A pat on the head? ‘There there’? Comfort was so out of realm of his expertise.
Still, there was hope for him yet if he realized there was a problem and wanted to fix it. Looking to the Dupain-Cheng’s, he found Marinette snuggled against her father. The scene was so sweet if he hadn’t known the context.
Gabriel looked to Dr. Boucher. “Can he be moved?”
“Uh, yes. I think that’d be alright.”
Coming around to the other side, Gabriel slid an arm under Adrien’s waist and forced him to sit up.
His head flopped forward and rested on Gabriel’s collar bone.
“Come on, Adrien, it’s alright.”
But Adrien just sobbed against him.
“Adrien,” Tom stated firmly. “Come here, son.” And he held out his hand.
Adrien lifted his head, his chest rising and falling with erratic breath. He looked Tom in the eyes, trailing down to his outstretched hand. That was something he wholeheartedly didn’t deserve.
“You can go,” Gabriel assured. “It’s okay.”
After a split second of hesitation, Adrien staggered to his feet and fell the last few feet to reach Marinette’s bed. Tom caught him before he hit the ground and swept him up onto his lap.
There were tears, there was repentance, and shame. It lasted far too long as the 12 hours of memories roared like a debilitating hurricane in their minds.
And then soon, it started to feel good to cry. It wasn’t great. It was exhausting and draining, but in a good way, like after running a race.
“You remember how it ended, don’t you?” Sabine asked softly. “You gave me your earrings, and I did Miraculous Cure. They’re all okay now. Maybe a little scared and confused, but they’re alive.”
Marinette sighed with a shutter. “I have to apologize.”
“If it will help. But I’m sure they understand and don’t hold it against you.”
Gabriel mimicked Sabine’s comforting motions on his son. “You were both akumatized. You know better than anyone else that akumas are irrational. They embody the very emotion they felt when they are transformed.”
“You remember when I turned into Weredad?” Asked Tom. “I trapped you in a tower, and beat up Chat Noir. You know I’d never do that. I want to protect you, but I also want you to enjoy life and make your own decisions. It was irrational.”
“And you remember when Nonna turned into Befana?” Asked Sabine. “She wanted to hurt you, Marinette. And she turned your father into coal. Grandma would never want to hurt you.”
“You see Marinette,” Gabriel continued. “A lot of akuma’s hurt, and some even kill. They petrify, and turn people to ice cream. But life goes on. Paris heals. You are just unfortunate enough to remember it.”
“Why?” Marinette whispered. “Why did we remember?”
Gabriel frowned. “I think Hawkmoth might be the only one to know the answer.”
“But that’s something to worry about later,” Sabine interjected. “You have plenty of emotions to sort through as of right now.”
Marinette nodded sagely and wiped her cheeks.
Then her eyes flicked over to Adrien.
He managed the smallest smile for her, the fear disappearing from his eyes.
It sent a spark to her heart, and her face heated up.
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transorze123 · 4 years
Health care field and medical coding
As the population ages, the need for medical coders is growing. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects this field to grow by 21% through 2020, a rate much higher than an average healthcare industry job. Breaking into the medical coding business is not difficult, especially with the demand for skilled coders so high. Because coding is such a detail-oriented position and the coder’s work affects nearly every area of a medical practice, a novice coder can be quickly overwhelmed. When beginning a medical coding career, there are several tips to make the job easier and make your work better. Learn the speciality New medical coders often come out of a generalized educational program. This is a good foundation, but if you are working in a specialized practice, such as a radiology firm, or cardiology or orthopedic surgery, you most likely will need to dig deeper to understand some of the subtle coding nuances. It is common for office procedures to carry multiple codes, and many times the office staff takes for granted that you know what those procedures and codes are. In a training course I was conducting last week, we had both the seasoned coders and the new or potential new coders that were moving from Med Recs to coding, and the seasoned coders had lots of questions on things they already had a point of reference on, but I noticed the new staff had nothing to say. I know part of that silence was because they were taking it all in, but part was because they really didn’t understand the concepts. Spend time with the practice manager learning about the flow of the office and standard procedures so that you do not miss any codes that could prevent the office from being paid properly. Look at previous coding Pull previous superbills (or the EMR patient ledger) and claim forms for the most standard office procedures to see how they have been coded in the past. Do not assume the codes are correct; review the procedures done against the medical record and perform a mini-audit to see if you would code the record in the same way. This often gives you a solid idea of normal office flow and procedure. Note any discrepancies and discuss them with the practice manager. Review the explanation of benefits Review all contested or unpaid explanation of benefits (EOBs) to see if a coding error is to blame. Often transposed digits or simple coder error created the problem. Fix the error and resubmit the record for payment. Discuss large-scale, unpaid EOBs with the billing and office staff to ensure that you are all working as a comprehensive team to get every procedure paid as quickly as possible. Coding materials access Online access to CPT and ICD-10-CM coding books and materials is often included with your school textbook purchases; keep both the books and any online access codes in a safe place so you can bring them to your job. Having quick, reliable access to these materials will help you save much time and frustration as you are starting a new coding position. Make these books your own by using highlighters for language within a code, tab areas that you frequent (out of order sequenced codes), make notes alongside a code that you are not familiar with but see often, and little notes to yourself as to remind what is correct and not correct, e.g. (99152 Moderate sedation- Propofol no, Midazolam/Versed yes). Whatever helps you best understand and remember, do it. It will help you later if you decide to take your certification exam and on the job. Job outlook According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job prospects for medical coders, medical billers and other health information technicians should be good through 2020. The bureau expects these jobs to grow at a rate of 21 percent, 11% higher than the average growth rate for the American economy. However, the AAPC found that about 23 percent of those holding entry-level credentials reported struggling to find a job in 2016. Remember, the job does not come to you. You go to it. How do you do that? Start cold calling practices. I know it is the most glamorous way to grab that coding job, but some practices just do not have the time to post a job on Monster, or on a job fair website. Also, those sites tend to weed out good candidates, since they only assess what is on paper. Next, put yourself out there. Take in-person coding workshops to network, go to AAPC andAHIMA chapter meetings and network, choose to start in a different department (billing or medical records or even front desk) and then work your way into the coding position. Once the practice sees you are overqualified for your position, you could open a window to move up, or you could decide you like a different branch of the medical office position. Lastly, especially on social media, be smart. Complaining about your lack of job or how a certification entity hasn’t helped you only gets you noticed as a complainer that is waiting for that big break. It also shows a potential employer you have limited skills of propriety. You don’t think physician practices and hospitals are looking at LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram? Think again. I love Instagram, and Twitter, and have had more business generated through social media reach than ever before. Also, write articles and write a lot. A published author opens so many doors for employment because you now have name recognition. Write about what you know. AAPC, AHIMA, Advantage Health to name a few, are always looking for accomplished writers on the topic of healthcare. Oh and grammar counts. Everyone has to start somewhere. There is no elevator to the top floor coming off of a new certification or a decision to be a coder. But you can do it if you have the right mindset and the right understanding of what it takes. Good Luck!
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New Opportunities Ch. 6
Chapter 6
Chapter Summary: Ichidai's first day back to school, and the following weeks after.
"We found your runner."
"He's dead."
"Well then, we'll proceed as planned. Operation 'Infiltrate U.A.' is officially a go"
All For One stood still as Kurogiri tightened the tie around his neck, fighting the urge to rip the abhorrent thing off and hurl it out the window of his new apartment.
While the petulant action might have matched his appearance, it still would have been a highly childish thing to do and he didn't want such things to become a habit. Tomura might have been prone to such fits, but he wasn't Tomura. He had more patience than that.
Most days anyway.
Today would be his first day at Aldera Junior High though, and he wasn't one to forgo first impressions. He wanted to get there on time, preferably earlier, and scope out the place he'd be haunting for the next two years. Yes, haunting, because he fully intended to make his teachers' and peers' lives as much of a living hell as he possibly could throughout the duration of his education there.
All For One nearly snorted out loud at that thought. Aldera was the bottom of the barrel in terms of schooling. Its reputation -if anyone could say it had any at all- was so deep in a trench it wouldn't ever be climbing out. There wasn't anything they could teach him that he didn't already know. The only thing they could provide him with was a proper alibi for his new role.
He might have never finished his schooling as a child the first time around, but All For One was fairly certain he was in for doing a whole lot of nothing for the next two years. Outside of building up some muscle to properly wield his quirk, which he could do just fine on his own, there wasn't a whole lot he needed to do. His body would be ready when it was ready and forcing it would only cause issues in the long run.
The best thing for him to do right now was lay low and attract as little attention to himself as possible.
He'd more or less managed that for well over a century. It'd be a piece of cake.
"You have your new phone?" Kurogiri asked, "Both my number as well as Tomura's are in there should you need us."
All For One nodded. "Yes, I double checked last night."
"Good. Let's head out. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not have to deal with the morning rush."
As they passed Tomura on their way to the door, he waved without looking up from his game and said, "Have a good day in Hell, S- Ichidai."
All For One quirked an eyebrow at him as he pulled his shoes on. "Kurogiri homeschooled you. How do you know whether it'll be Hell or not?"
Tomura shrugged. "I don't, but everyone in my game servers says it is or was for them."
"Well, ...I suppose you're not wrong. I'll see you when I get back."
"See you then."
Unfortunately, because something had gone wrong in the administrative process while filing his papers, All For One didn't get to do any sort of roaming before classes. That alone annoyed him. What really got under his skin, though, was the fact he'd had to fill out important paperwork he'd already completed again.
Now, standing at the front of a room filled with snot-nosed brats, he was just barely resisting the urge to strangle someone.
"Morning, class. Today we have a new student. Introduce yourself, kid."
Internally scathing the teacher's lackadaisical attitude, All For One plastered a polite smile on his face despite the scorn writhing in his chest. "Hello! I'm Suzuran Ichidai!"
Short and simple. To the point. Done.
Apparently not.
All For One, or rather Ichidai, directed a raised eyebrow to the sad excuse of a teacher. "'And,' what?"
"Your quirk. What is it and what does it do? Why don't you show off a bit, get it out of your system before we start class."
Ha! Yeah, no. That'd be a very bad idea.
"Ichidai" leveled the man with an unimpressed stare. "Do you want to be the one to explain to the principal and police why there's a ginormous hole in the side of the building? Because I just got here and I'd rather not get expelled on my first day."
The color in the teacher's face vanished like water down a drain. "Ah, ...In that case, feel free to take a seat. There should be an empty one at the back, next to the window."
"Thank you."
The words themselves were polite, but -had they been a tangible thing- the sheer amount of sarcasm laced within them could have killed the entire class.
Various students eyed him warily as he made his way down the isle leading to his seat and he rolled his own eyes. Clearly he'd made quite an impression. Good. Intimidated was better than curious. The fewer people he had around him, the better.
He didn't need anyone getting nosy and snooping around all up in his business.
As class finally started, he took his sweet time carefully assessing the quirks he could see around him. He knew what they were, of course; gaining access to Aldera's student records had been laughably easy. However, reading about something on a computer was very different from seeing said thing in person. More often than not, people tended to embellish or downplay things whenever they thought they could get away with it. Regardless of whether that was the case or the kids simply not knowing what their quirks were truly capable of, taking things at face value would have been incredibly foolish.
Out of twenty-nine quirks, twenty-two of them were heteromorphic and unusable to him anyway. Frog-throat, luminescent skin, and stretchy eyes? Unique, but certainly not useful.
Only seven quirks barely caught his interest. Pyrokinesis, wind manipulation, bodily evaporation, rapid muscle growth, explosions, telekinesis and molecular solidification; all of them had potential given the right conditions. Taking them now would only cause suspicion though.
Perhaps another time...
For now, he tuned out the miserable teacher's useless droning and gazed out the window. He was in for a boring year...
Or not.
The kid with the explosion quirk was loud, and not just because of his quirk either. His entire personality shouted, "Hey! Look at me!" in an arrogant, infuriating way. Sneering at people, taunting and degrading them, even going so far as to physically assault them; he was a class A example of a bully who thought he was God's gift to Man.
All of it -combined with the fact he never shut up about becoming the next Number 1 Hero- almost made All For One want to steal his quirk out of spite.
Though the kid certainly wasn't there yet, heroes just like Bakugo Katsuki were exactly the reason why he hated the current social climate. People glorified anyone with a conventionally strong quirk; they put them on a pedestal, dubbed them a "hero," and believed they could do no wrong when it couldn't be further than the truth. Sure, there may be a few genuinely good ones, but -at the core- Hero Society was as currupt as could be. Even now, after centuries, people still considered those with heteromorphic or so-called villainous quirks to be less than human.
Goodness forbid someone end up quirkless in this time period, because it might as well be death sentence.
Case and point being Midoriya Izuku's existence.
For the first few weeks, "Ichidai" bore witness to the systematic debasement and abuse his lone quirkless classmate went through. Day after day, people left ill-willed flowers on the timid boy's desk, destroyed his personal belongings, and shoved him around like an unwanted plaything. All while the teachers turned a blind eye to everything.
It stirred a fury in his gut he hadn't felt in a long time.
Wasn't this what he'd fought against, once upon a time? Perhaps not for the sole purpose of the vulnerable and less fortunate, but it'd been a rather large part of it... No one deserved to be harrassed over something they had no say in.
Everyone deserved to exist without feeling like they had no right to.
All For One's tolerance eventually ran out, and he snapped, "Good grief! Do you ever shut up?"
Bakugou, as well as several startled others, turned to him upon realizing he was the one who'd spoken. Their reaction wasn't surprising, considering he'd barely said a lick of anything to anyone in the entire three weeks he'd shared classes with them so far.
"You wanna say that again, newbie?" Bakugo suggested threateningly, ditching Midoriya to sneer in Ichidai's face instead.
Ichidai wasn't impressed, sneering right back at the blond without issue. "No, I don't think I will. You heard me just fine, didn't you?"
He gasped and held a hand up to his chest dramatically as he widened his eyes in false surprise. "That is... unless you're deaf."
After all, an immunity or tolerance to one's own quirk was never a guarentee. Given what Bakugou's quirk was, it very well may have been the case for why he was so loud. If it was, ...well, All For One had never had any issues taking potshots at people, especially people he didn't particularly care for.
Unfortunately for Bakugou, he fell into that category.
Grinning smugly, Ichidai watched the blond briefly freeze before he was roughly grabbed by the collar and jerked out of his seat.
"You wanna die?" Bakugo snarled, "'Cause that's what's gonna happen if you go around spouting shit like that!"
"What are you; a rabid dog?" Ichidai asked condescendingly, grin transforming into something more akin to a baring of teeth. "Oh, wait- I take that back. You're more of an attention hound, aren't you? You're so used to having others cater to you and what you want that anything less than complete submissal rubs you the wrong way."
The sound of Bakugo's teeth creaking as they ground together was music to Ichidai's ears as he smiled wider. "Anything to say? Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong."
"Yeah! You are! Big time!"
"Really? Because I don't think I am."
Popping and crackling sparks burst from Bakugou's clenched fist and Ichidai laughed, "Oh no! I'm so scared! What're you going to do? Use your quirk on me?"
Bakugou went to swing his fist at Ichidai's face, only to be caught by the teacher's extended hand.
"Alright kids, that's enough," the poor excuse of an educator chastised them, "Back to your seats. Class is starting."
Ignoring the teacher, Bakugou sneered and ripped his arm out of the teacher's grip. He shot Ichidai a glare and Ichidai smiled innocently right back, like their entire spat hadn't just happened.
The sheer incandescent rage that encompassed Bakugou's face was almost enough to make Ichidai giggle.
However, the realization that the teacher had once again stopped a fight between two kids seemingly on the same playing field yet had let Bakugou rip into Midoriya like a primary schooler would a Christmas present soured Ichidai's mood.
Come lunchtime, Ichidai didn't bother leaving his seat. So busy brainstorming little ways he could inconvenience the people who'd annoyed him, he didn't even hear the bell. It was the feeling of being stared at and the sound of someone clearing their throat that caught his attention.
Ichidai looked away from the window and found Midoriya standing at his own desk a few feet away.
Midoriya fidgeted and stuttered, "I -uh, thanks for stepping in earlier. I really appreciate it."
"No problem," Ichidai shrugged. "Happy to do it. His voice was getting annoying, and the teacher didn't seem in all that much of a hurry to put an end to it."
"Do you...uh, want to get lunch together?"
Ichidai thought about it. While he didn't intend to make friends with anyone, it would seem strange if there wasn't at least one person he talked to on a regular basis. He guessed Midoriya would be as fine as any -if not better- company than the rest of the loud-mouthed children in their class.
At least he knew how to be quiet.
"You know what? Sure. I brought my own lunch, but I can meet you wherever you want once you get yours."
Midoriya deflated, likely mishearing him before he jerked back up. "Wait, ...yes? You said yes?"
"I did, yes," Ichidai assured him firmly.
Midoriya smiled at him so genuinely it almost took his breath away. Truly, his grin was so bright Ichidai had no doubt he'd have been blinded again had the other boy been capable of producing light with it.
"Great!" Midoriya swung his backpack over his shoulder and raced to the door, looking back to wave at him before he left the room. "I'll meet you by the koi pond in the front courtyard!"
Ichidai waved back as the door closed, slightly bewildered by his sheer enthusiasm.
"Yeah... I'll see you there."
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Full moon of March or the Virgo full moon illuminating the night is called “Worm Moon”, strange name but it’s called so cause ground at this time of the year has thawed enough & becomes soft enough for worms to leave imprints for birds to come feed off them.
Nature is nurturing, brutal, raw & useful all at the same time just like this full moon.
Its messaging is simple - what’s your usefulness in the foodchain of life - where do you know in your heart that you are a 10 on 10 or can be a 10 on 10 cause the world at this hour doesn’t need another 5 by 10. What is your excellence - not in eyes of another - what do you know in your heart, in your soul that you can deliver to 100% of your whole being. What can you give your relentless obsession to ?
Cause nature is about to give us all a superpower so as to speak - relentless obsession in plenty with upcoming Jupiter Pluto conjunction. In Capricorn these two stalwarts together can create an obsession to deliver something materially successful. So knowing what we know what we are about to get - where do you want to funnel this through to ?
Everything else has gotto go - eliminated detoxed cancelled out of our life, cause we are going to become 10 on 10 on something we have proactively decided on. This full moon give so much power back in our hands but at the same time there is a fated dissolution that will momentarily weaken us.
Every loss feels weak in the knees for a moment even if we chose that loss - so when you close that door be kind to yourself - give yourself a moment to bury it, clean out the space it left, the gap it’s left for you to now decorate with what you want.
Neptune opposition always reveals life’s fallacy - it dislodges a part of our ego, removes something we were attaching our fake sense of self with, reveals a truth if we leave our body & mind pure, clean, devoid of anger / toxins / thoughts for a minute. It screams - this is not working for you.
Virgo moon knows how to make sense of this scream - it goes into solution mode instead of helplessness.
It finds a way to both detox something that isn’t working for you, a pattern, a person, a job, a project, a way of thinking , a source of income or ease or comfort - while creating usefulness out of this angst. It kicks our butts, doesn’t let us sit on our sense of loss or our angst - get to work, it says.
You know what you are good at - get to work, it says. We have no time to loose.
20° Virgo is the degree of totalisation of purpose & effort. Fake structures fall down - we see clearly where we have to go - we put our relentless obsession into it.
It’s time when when Mother Earth reveals the imprints of path of our own personal worm 🙂 - path to what we want - you have to ask the questions. Every problem is another solution, another opportunity, another answer. Mercury is turning direct - solutions begin. Get your share of it all!
This full moon is culmination of last 6 months of work.
It’s also where solar eclipse of Sept 2015 happened so a chapter of life that began in Sept 2015 & was fully activated by May 2016 might be coming for next level of growth or closure.
By Sign
I spoke for each sign in the March vids but let’s quickly look over what part of your chart is coming to light for a detailed work & focussed delivery over next two weeks at the very least. Check for Rising/Sun/Moon - Rising being the most befitting.
♈️ #Aries - Work environment & Heath routine
Detailed work project might come to focus for completion - just remember it’s better to get something done versus waiting for it to be perfect. Overall health habits might come to focus & it might be a good time to say good bye to a few things coming in the way of you getting ready for your season. This might be a good time to review if the work you are doing or your work environment is working for you or not - how you feel about your work feeds your health & what you feed your body feeds your work - mind & body are fully connected. The role your thinking or negative work environment or critical coworkers plays in upkeep of your health is clear to you so what is it going to be ? What works what doesn’t is clear so be surgical about it. Work projects that are clearly not you move away from them - you don’t have your health you don’t have anything. Good time to do a cleanse of body, work environment & projects. The work you connect with is fulfilling as it makes you feel of use of great utility - it’s your 10 on 10 & you know it so just go for what you know you can deliver your best on and go about the business of doing it - with patience, consistency & details. Coworkers or your directs might change.
Around 20° Aries or around 9 Apr born could be looking at a key work or health shift and should use this time to make the move 🏃‍♀️
♉️ #Taurus - passion project, speculative gains, love, children
Completion of a creative project, improving it, adding details to it, making it meaningful, useful, more valuable. Giving birth to a passion - a business, a creative outlet, a love, a child where you are taking a calculated risk on yourself. In a few cases health of loved ones including a pet could come to focus - to improve it or you might be working through a hobby that improves your health - a useful hobby - that keeps you mentally & physically happy by connecting you to your child within. This is great full moon on reap rewards of a speculative trade you made after a lot of deliberation, cause Taurus your bets in life are fairly well calibered. It’s a good time to encourage creativity of your child if you have one or of the child within you - planned, practical, detailed creative outlet is just what the doctor ordered & it will feel great once done. Don’t worry about it too much or try to get it too right - it’s like the last leg of labour - just push!
~20° Taurus or ~9 May born will benefit the most & should showcase their talents at this time - you can woo the crowd Taurus 💕
♊️ #Gemini - home, family, parenthood, parents
Home changes, domestic chores & duties, being a dedicated parent or child, your secured base comes into focus & all work comes from home base. It’s the classic work from home full moon - getting things set up at home, office equipments or work station or furniture or fixed assets required of practical business use for you to be able to manage your work & family life in balance. Detoxing home chores, making it all efficient & healthy, getting garden vegetables or the garden itself to home! Fixing, cleaning, organising - through push or pull getting it all in order. Making a secure base - stronger firmer - so it can support your new work life. Boost up that immunity this season & don’t worry about confusion about life path - it’s onfolding as it should - have faith in where life’s taking you. Check in on parents & do something to equip them with better health - a health tip, a recipe, a routine - they would appreciate the gesture. Parents don’t beat yourself up, you are doing well & can be extra critical of yourself - channel it to organise what nags you - I have a list for that !
~20° Gemini or ~ 10 Jun born might be shifting home or setting up an office at home - critical career and home shifts! 🏤📠
♋️ #Cancer - thinking, talking, writing - A message, a news 📞📨
Oh worrier you! Direct all that thinking thinking into a project - a communication, reading, writing, commercial dealings, a pitch - detailed proficient skillful. Practical solutions you have, have a commercial utility so put your thinking cap on to see how to make that idea commercially viable, how to market it, pitch it. Your analytical skills peak so leverage that to find solutions - practical, commercial, skillful. Else all that overthinking will keep you worried & up. Walk, pace, stay active, research health ideas. Possibly a marketing project, an important communication, a pitch, a commercial dealing, a contract is on verge of completion - good time to work on that. Get engaged more with your surroundings, neighbours, siblings - setting things to order, learning from your surroundings, using the information you are receiving to make something meaningful out of it. Study, take in lot of info, you can get through lots of details & make sense of it, present it meaningfully & gain commercially out of it. If you stand still you will worry so keep at it.
~20° Cancer or around 11 Jul born will benefit the most.
But all of you can take advantage of this - get something out - a message, a contract, a written detailed work, an important confirmation. You are good, don’t be so self critical, your skill set are valuable, as are your words, let people hear you 📡
♌️ #Leo - Money money money 💰
Analysis, catharsis, synthesis of material resources - where is it going, where will it come from & voila finally it’s here. Budget analysis or reviewing an asset you wish to invest in, closing on a source of income, reaping rewards from your skills by getting a income or raise. This is focus on all physical & material resources - money, assets, physical body, food you ingest aka diet, your skills that are yielding income - what’s working what’s not & how to find new solutions to enhance it all. Can we refine our skills, improve our tools that we are using in work, shift our dietary habits, get a useful resource that enhances value of work done. You are closing on a means to make more material resources & yes organising your Budget / balancing that check book (who does that anymore 💁🏻‍♀️) makes you feel less worried & more sure. It adds to your confidence if you know where your next time will come from & go to. So it’s time to gift yourself some peace of mind - refine your finances & skill sets - you might find a good opportunity to make a few bucks or get independent financially if you were hoping to do that. You have great taste so it might be good time to acquire an asset that’s of good quality - no one knows quality better than a Leo! Knowing value of things is a skill set too & a commercially important one!
♍️ #Virgo - All about you 🌕
Happy full moon Virgo - we get one full moon a year & this is yours! What a time, you are surely in focus & this brings your career, life path, your purpose into focus - we go out of balance to get something that gives meaning to life, we go where others don’t dare to go, it’s tough, it looks like a lot of work but where no one can find any solution - A Virgo finds an opportunity, a way, a gainful opportunity - practical, lucrative, materially useful solution with tangible results. What you are finally bringing home - serves others in practical ways as well as makes you feel fulfilled. It’s a good time to detox your diet as well as work on your physical health as your physical body will also come into focus & you will feel a whole lot better bringing this win home when you feel physically in your element as well, the perfectionist that you are. It’s a full moon that’s evolving your life from one chapter of life to another - see what you want to take with you in this next chapter cause you want to go in lighter, more efficient. Life happens when we are out of balance but you want to not proactively carry elements that bring you out of balance - so cut out a few things you know won’t serve you in your next chapter - critically surgically remove a few & bring this home. It’s yours! 🧿
~20° Virgo or ~12 Sept born would feel this full moon strongest - bearing fruits of last 6 months of work - closing on an old chapter of life as they fully transition to a new one!
♎️ #Libra - Healing, regeneration, selfless service, spirituality & hidden hand of support
I do more in my sleep than you do in your waking lifetime - says a Libra this season. Time to do a bit of work behind the scenes as you are getting ready mentally, physically psychologically for your full moon reveal after 7 April when what you have worked on comes to light. Do the detailed work that most people don’t know Libras do when no ones watching - perfect it, detail it, make it more useful. It’s also a great time to heal physically & spiritually through - good sleep, good nutrition, a retreat, selfless service, volunteering, doing things to help others. Being in nature, with pets, using natural herbs or alternative healing can help you rejuvenate & heal. This is a good time when your mind might overactive in sleep - what’s bothering it, are in search of your place in the universe or is it just that meal you ate too late close to sleep (total no no for a Libra sleep) - mental well-being is important so if something is bothering you mentally you will find a solution provided you give yourself time - an active yoga session, a spiritual practice, retreating a bit can give you answers. While your subconscious is active, your angels are active too - they are trying to bring solutions to you - show yourself some care & compassion and take a beat - you will hear them 👼
♏️ #Scorpio - Network, friends, gains, rewards, vision
Time to bring a visionary project home - gains from an investment made over last 6 months or more - on a platform, in a network, a fan base, a financial or physical investment - it’s time for gains & recognition after a long detailed toil. Your vision is you make something of service, of practice usefulness that can help support many but do you have the resources for it - the right connections, the network, the support of business associates, the fan base - it’s time to get what’s needed to make it happen. Ask & it’s given - complain & you possibly won’t gain - that’s just the rules of society and as quickly we can adapt to the rules of the society we function in the easier for us to get things moving. Being surgical, focused, detailed about what’s needed for you to make it happen is the best approach about now. Go detailed, planned into it & get rid of the fluff whats useful what’s not - not every dream is worth the chase. It’s excellent time to bring your network reach to next level to make your vision happen, it might require you to deal with a few critical people but you keep Eye on The goal - you know it’s worth it and it’s best to silence the critics with your work. And don’t go alone - take all the suppprt you need to make it happen - you would need to ask for it - objectively, surgically. Two weeks of focussed work to make a futuristic, higher vision happen - bullseye 🎯
~20° Scorpio or ~12 Nov born benefit most - make it happen Scorpios it’s reward time!
♐️ #Sagittarius - Career, life path !
This is a big one Saggitarians - you are being asked to decide & deliver on the one part or project you decide you will deliver on. You are in focus as is your work & leadership style. Yup Sagittarians take their work very seriously & are one of most detailed oriented leaders - they need to find a problem & fix it and God knows they are good at it. You are organised & meticulous and it’s time to focus it on closing on a job or a project or a business launch. It would feel like critical time when you are in middle of critical life shifts - it might feel like you don’t have time for it all but you are better at it than you think. Read about it, gather information, analyse, present your knowledge, your analysis it’s where you shine - your brilliant problem solving mind. Some jobs or projects have outlived their usefulness in your life - you need a job or project which makes you feel of value, of service, it’s gotto use your brilliant mind, keeping you engaged, using your specialised skill set. Work changes are in cards put your best foot forward - don’t hesitate, it’s a rewarding full moon. Take a critical step forward 🧗
~20° Sagittarius or ~12 Dec born could especially experience a critical career shift
♑️ #Capricorn - work travel, education / teaching, international dealings
Tools for expansion of mind come to pass - a travel, an international dealing, a mentor, a publication of purpose & impact. You are given a chance to present your ideas & plans in details possibly to people of different backgrounds & culture. Great work involving editing, publishing, advertisement comes to focus as you are sharing your higher knowledge & inspiration with others. This is tine for useful adventure if there was any - a trip is taken or a travel of mind is taken by interacting with people of different backgrounds or culture to expand your mind & knowledge - it can be of big help in your career progression or finding your purpose in life. You might be perfecting your publication or work to showcase or feeling very inspired to share your ideas as well as learn from people of different ideology as you. You are open, working hard as usually do but now with a purpose an intention in mind - something has you inspired - an idea, a thought, a mentor, a new spiritual practice that has opened your mind to more possibilities. Share what’s on your mind, go into details, walk them through your mentors, publish in your specialised field, take a course or on job training, use this sense of adventure to take a few bold steps - it will help you go to the next level of career growth. Don’t say no to options 🏄
♒️ #Aquarius - merging talents, earning resources from others, power, turning point!
You are turning a corner - coming out of a situation that looked tough - making value out of what might have looked like a crisis because of staying objective through it all & making use of resources presented to you. You are great in bringing talents together, merging complementary skills & gaining from it. It’s time to analyse the situation & make lemonade out of lemons. Merge talents & resources to create more, earn from sources other than regular income - enhance your earnings through commissions, funding, detailed financing opportunities. Dig deep into your subject of speciality & deliver a tangible output from it which has financial tangible value. It’s A Great time to turn a corner - move away from what’s been holding you back whether you knew that or not but may be something got too small for you or you became bigger than the boundaries you were operating in & it’s time to cut the cord. Good time also to renew your health, do a cleanse, clean your body (colon & liver) & subconcious of toxins - you will feel very empowered to do it & stick with the shifts. Spouse’s income or shared resources can come to focus as well as matters related to tax, inheritance, insurance - you will fix it, deal with it. Helping someone can help you with a problem you might have - it might give you power to transition out of your own situation. If financial matters have been confusing take help of a trusted partner or spouse or dig in deep do some research - it’s a full moon full of solutions - you will find a way 🎢
~20° Aquarius or ~11 Feb born can experience a big shift - your power move!
♓️ #Pisces - Partnership, contract, commitment!
I do! says Pisces after much much deliberation about life & such in past few weeks as a commitment comes to focus - a business or personal contract comes to fruition. Complementary skills of a professional auppprt staff or partner can come to focus as you both figure out how you complete each other or not. Your one on one relationships & client dealings might come to focus as a demanding detailed work might come to focus. It could be fruits of last 6 months of work. But you would be discerning in your partnerships & let the ones that don’t work for you anymore go which could include close friends, support staff, skilled but possibly irksome coworker / consultants/ help staff. It’s time to streamline the ship & land it in a tangible gainful place so as you streamline your contracts you are bound to land at a more gainful place - psychologically & physically as you have given this a lot of thought in last few weeks. A meaningful contract or work or partnership or client deal might come through after much hardwork & pay off handsomely. Stay positive, focussed & release what you know by now doesn’t work as you have enough to work with & for. Draw a line where it needs to be drawn & move forward on the commitments that make sense commercially & partners that complement your skillset - it’s a tandem tango tough to execute but beautiful when immaculately done like now! 👯
~20° Pisces or ~10 Mar born will experience a critical shift in partnerships & contracts
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awhiskeyriver · 5 years
This whole chapter makes me wish you were still taking DVD commentary just so I could know what they were thinking! Lol Loveee the bet and thank you so much for sharing your work and updating every week! Reading a new chapter is the highlight of my Sundays!
It’s the highlight of your Sundays? Thank you so much, that is seriously high praise and I truly appreciate you taking the time to check out my story. I’m so glad you’re liking it.
Okay, I’ll give everyone a little bit of insight into Peeta’s head from ch.10
*spoilers below. read at your own risk*
Here’s the thing. I 100% understand where everyone is coming from in feeling sorry for Katniss. The chapter as a whole was just not a whole lot of fun for her. But, Peeta is not a villain in all of this. Did he kiss another girl when he clearly has feelings for Katniss? Yes, but him and Katniss are not a couple. They are not dating. Peeta did not friend-zone her in ch.9 by simply stating that he doesn’t mind being friends…friendship is usually a stepping stone into something more. He never said they could only ever be friends and nothing else, he was furthering their growth process by taking it to the next level–friendship. That being said, Peeta is well within his rights, as a single, adult to kiss whomever he wants. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck, but he didn’t cheat or do anything wrong morally.
Okay, end of rant.
There was some highs and lows for Peeta in this chapter. Just when he feels like his and Katniss’s friendship is moving forward, possibly progressing into more, she throws him off by saying he should ask Portia out.
Ouch. He’d been debating back and forth in his mind whether or not Katniss was flirting with him (regularly), whether or not they were on the same page. If she could potentially be his girlfriend and then hard breaks. She’s not interested that way. Major blow.
The football game was fantastic. They won against their biggest competition, they’re one step closer to playoffs and it was Peeta’s secret play he’d been working on that won them the game in over time. All of this while Katniss admitted to having been watching.
Katniss. Katniss. Katniss.
Try as he might, he just can’t stop thinking about Katniss. Katniss, who wants him to date Portia. Katniss who isn’t interested in anything more than friendship. Damnit, he wants to text Katniss and see if she watched the rest of the game–but that’s narcissistic and he’s afraid she’ll take it the wrong way. Never mind. He could text her about other things, though? No. If she wanted to talk to him, she would text him.
He goes out with his friends, who are all excited and high off of the win. Celebrating with their girlfriends. Or cute girls they met in Ohio.
Katniss. Katniss. Katniss.
What was she doing back in Panem? Would she want to meet up and study again at the library? He debates texting her again, but decides to get a drink instead. One drink turns into two and then all he can think about is how she wants him to date Portia. She wants him to date someone who isn’t her. She’s not interested.
Yeah, he’s pretty disappointed, but not with Katniss–with himself for allowing himself to believe that she was ever interested in anything more than friendship. Disappointed that she’s still all he can think about.
So when a girl comes up and starts flirting with him, hes originally skeptical of what she wants. He assumes that she is there for information one of his teammates, or to make someone jealous.
Quite honestly, he doesn’t care. If she wants a distraction, he’s more than willing to provide one because it’s what he’s seeking too. He’s not prepared when she tells him to follow her, or when she pressed him against the wall and pulls him in for a kiss. He’s not prepared because it’s been two years since he’s done anything like this.
But dammit, what was he waiting for? A girl who had basically told him in so many words to move on?
He didn’t want to move on. But if it was his only choice, he would.
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