#the old bard outfit is... something
superxstarzz · 5 months
You all have spoken and prince/bard goes first!! I kept the prince design pretty similar but the bard design got some BIG changes
so here, the destruction classes!!
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artistdove · 9 days
Somewhat official designs for each of my Mickey and Oswald Aus along with minor lore. For those that want basic info on each au, here's the link.
Between the Screen Au
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Mirroring ear injuries due to Blot.
Mick has minor health injuries due to having the Blot in him during Epic Mickey, resulting in monthly check-ups and a paint monitor.
Mixed their outfits post Epic Mickey.
Oswald is co-leader of Wasteland and head of the Conversion Trolley Station, while Mickey still acts but occasionally works side jobs.
Tale of 2 Brothers
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Style is based on the Beta pitch, so semi-angular basically.
Both have the Blot in them, so they can use paint or thinner with their hands. Old movesets from the Epic Mickey Beta trailer are present when they fight.
Oswald keeps his Blot arm hidden at all times unless around Ortensia, Gus, Mad Doctor, and the Blot. Mick eventually sees it.
Toons & Dungeons
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Oswald is an Artificer/Sorcerer and Mickey is a Bard/Sorcerer.
Oswald has minor lighting spells while Mickey has various spells. Oswald has a gun that can shoot electricity, Energy/Paint, and Acid/Thinner. Mickey has a wand, Pan Flute, and Lute. Both carry a small hidden dagger.
Oswald was taken in by the Gremlins while Mick gets adopted by Yen Sid.
Rising Star
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Outfits change over the years, so this is the main look.
1920s-60s they stay conservative with looks, but eventually let loose as times change.
Can be depicted smoking or drinking cuz they old.
Magic Island
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Villagers inspired by Mickey and Oswald, so their names are different. Oswald = Clover while Mickey = Elias.
Clover is a Smug/Lazy Villager while Elias is a Jock/Peppy Villager. Idk if that makes sense (;・∀・).
Elias sleeps early while Clover stays up late.
Local Toon
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Classic old looks. Nothing much to say, they are kids in this world and look like their first designs.
Toon High
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Main designs until later arcs.
Oswald prefers loose cloths unless working on machines, which he wears tanks or snug clothes. Mickey likes active wear or normal teen clothes.
Later on, the two wear something of the other as a way to solidify their repaired brotherhood.
Ink & Mirrors
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Actual plot is Mick and Ink!Oswald. Parallel plot is Oswald and Ink!Mickey.
Both are dealing with completely different issues. Ink!Oswald is hunting Mickey while Ink!Mickey is trying to help Oswald.
Ink!Oswald is stuck in a sort of limbo where his mind is like pre-Epic Mickey, mostly due to the false heart Bendy implanted into him. Ink!Mickey seems to have kept some of his self due to his heart, but Alice Angel mangled the poor mouse.
Mickey is constantly stressed as he tries to escape the studio and revert his brother. Paint barely works on these enemies so he is stuck using only thinner and electricity, leaving him heavily drained.
Oswald is alert 24/7 and trying to rescue others alongside fixing his brother. Having never used the brush before, he finds it a tad difficult to use correctly. It's also causing him to drip. He has a limp due to an attempt to use his leg as a weapon, which failed horribly.
P.D. Toons
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Public Domain toons turned into ocs. They are still the original characters, but my own take.
Oswald is Oliver Hare and Mickey is Willy Fieldmouse.
Oliver is the local trolley driver. Willy is a staff member for a local studio.
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Does Tav ask Astarion about his embroidery/sewing at any point? :)
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Oh absolutely.
As much as it would be hilarious for them to start this line of inquiry after finding his infamous underwear in their laundry, since they’re still struggling with reading, it’d probably start a bit more naturally
Ace!Tav isn’t bad at sewing. They’ve had to learn how to patch their own clothes, the same as anyone else in their profession. But it’s never as clean as they want it to be
One night Astarion sees them sitting by the fire, humming to themselves as usual as they patch up one of their shirts
The humming is starting and stopping as they struggle to make a clean stitch; this is the third time this week they had to patch this shirt, any more and it’s going to get obvious
Astarion, exasperated, just takes it from them and does it himself; honestly, how did they survive this long? Just because they’ve spent most of their life sleeping in the back room of a tavern doesn’t mean they have to dress like it
He hands it back to them, much faster than they ever could, their shirt appearing as if it had never been torn in the first place
Amazed, they ask him how he did it
Astarion just says he’s had a lot of practice, he’s had the shirt on his back for over two hundred years
Tav starts to go to him whenever they get a fresh tear
Astarion makes a show at being annoyed, but a part of him is pleased to be useful in a way that requires skills he taught himself because he likes it, not out of necessity to survive
The fact that Tav always lavishes him with praise every time is just a bonus
Post-absolute Tav encourages Astarion to figure out what he likes to do (besides murder and general acts of destruction)
That’s when Astarion starts to properly experiment with embroidery and sewing and finds he has a real talent for it
He enjoys focusing on the finer details, allowing his mind to fully focus on the task in front of him
He likes knowing he can create something beautiful with his own hands
Tav goes out and buys him supplies and thread and anything else he needs
It’s very much something he does just for himself, at least for a while
He finds he likes making his own clothes, fully using it as a form of self expression
He also takes the time to make things for Tav, embroidering details into their clothes or a new outfit for a special occasion
Tav has never paid that much attention to their looks outside of performances, but they’re always proud to wear anything Astarion makes them
If there is anyone who can appreciate the power of artistic expression, it’s a bard
I do like the idea that years down the line, when Tav has gotten a bit to old for adventuring, the pair of them settle down somewhere
Tav still performs and while Astarion opens a tailoring shop
He keep strange hours and not stellar at customer service, but that’s what Tav is there for
His work is impeccable though, so nobody can really complain
Rumor goes around the town about just how much the pair of them have stored away in treasure so bills aren’t really an issue
It’s more a way to pass the time
It’s a home, a true home, something neither of them have ever had
(Astarion x Ace!Tav Masterlist)
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justporo · 1 year
This started as a comment on the last domestic headcanon posts, so here you go...
Day in the life of an ascended vampire lord (Astarion)
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Wakes up at 11 or something because last night's debauchery went on until like 6 in the morning
Gets dressed in new clothes and throws the old ones away
Has the blood of some virgins for a quick and healthy breakfast
Has his portrait painted (yes, every day!)
Then stares directly into the sun just because he can
Works on some witty insults because everyone else is a cretin
Then there's some quick brooding he has scheduled so he sits on his throne, has some wine from a pure gold chalice for lunch and works on deepening the crease between his brows
Gaslights some people into becoming his loyal servants in the afternoon (while sitting on his throne, one leg up over the side)
Gets dressed in some other outfit because the old one got boring
Soaks in a tub while letting himself be sung about by bards and complimented as his pre-dinner affirmations
Some more delectable necks for vamp dinner
Lays around on a chaise longue half naked as an evening pastime with naked dancers all around
Quick orgy in between
Beauty sleep to keep him fresh and world-endingly beautiful
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chaylattes-art · 2 months
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this past month i've been imagining what various OCs of mine-- some from a DECADE ago, some of which i've never talked about publicly-- would look like in MET gala style outfits! the theme was THE FOUR ELEMENTS and characters were sorted into whichever element i felt suited them best.
water | air | earth | fire
director's commentary below the cut!
Valyan Lacroye (Andromeda Rogue). i don't really have much to say about them lol. they're just a cute little cloud bard <3
Amina Khadir (Girls With White Teeth). while looking for inspiration i came across this instagram account and she always does these incredible themed outfits. one was this sunset cloudy dress and i immediately was like. i NEED Amina in something like this. my version is frillier and sparklier, though.
Kalen & Illiana Dyonas (The Gemini Heist). there was a moment where i was tempted to make them the Jenner sisters of this gala and have them show up in underwhelming outfits... but i knew in my heart of hearts the space twins would never. for Kalen i wanted something heavenly (bc she has this saintlike, religious role) and also doves as a symbol of peace (which is ironic. considering her family's history. but i digress). for Illiana i wanted something to complement Kalen but also oppose her, so i have her a crow-themed look. (there could also maybe be something to say about her being in a heist team... and me being inspired by Six of Crows to write a heist... but that wasn't my original intention lmao)
Nicole Skye (Girls With White Teeth). i actually put Nicole in air because she was an aspiring tennis player. (this made sense in my head somehow.) peacocks have this rep of being proud but i think they can also be viewed as confident, and i think that's how Nicole would see it too. confident.
Regan Takada (Strangewayes Library of the Arcane). Regan is the new assistant librarian in a magical library who always tries to use magic to fix things and ends up making bigger messes. her outfit is space-themed but more specifically, the Aquarius constellation, an air sign. take a wild guess what Regan's sign is.
Scarlette Vaughn (Aurora Hearts: Mirage). Scarlette is a super old OC that i repurposed for a friend's universe. the thing with that group of OCs is that they each perfectly fit in one of the four elements lol, and Scar has air and wind powers. are butterflies a transgender symbol or am i making things up? either way it just felt fitting for her.
Azami Black-Mizuhara (Andromeda Rogue). deep sigh. oh, Azami. she was in fire at first bc it fit her personality, but i was NOT getting any good ideas (also couldn't think of putting her in any other colour but pink, and what am i supposed to do with that? pink flames??) so i ended up switching her to air, and the idea of a big poufy cloud dress just came naturally. but then the dress was... too big. so big she needed a two page spread in the magazine for it to fit. what else would one expect from Azami?
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sepublic · 2 years
Watching and Dreaming Trailer!!!
Oh my god. OH MY TITAN.
OKAY OKAY!!! Lemme analyze in as close to a chronological order as possible…
We start right off where For the Future ended, with the Collector attacking our found family of Luz, her friends, and Camila! We also see that Luz finally gets to reunite with Eda and King, only to be interrupted by an angry Collector, who is being particularly freakish!
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We see Gus and Willow in their regular outfits inside a room with a bunch of puppets, including Amelia and Terra, the Bard teacher, etc.! So it seems that Luz goes off to reunite with Eda and King, while her friends and possibly Camila access the puppets, possibly finding a way to free them! Speaking of…
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Lilith has been turned into a puppet! So I imagine the Collector sends his spies to where Eda, Lilith, and King are, causing her to be transformed. It’s not the first time she’s become a puppet, so perhaps King and Eda relay the knowledge of how to undo becoming a puppet, which must’ve been utilized on Lilith during the timeskip!
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LUZ IS DRESSED LIKE BELOS?! And at his castle?! She mentions something about ‘waking up’ so I think it’s a dreamscape…? We see her look through an old photo and even a nightmare version of the Conformatorium, likely calling back to the first episode! It’s all coming full circle…
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RAINE AND BELOS MIND BATTLE!!! Belos sheds off even more of himself to hold back Raine as he crawls to his throne room…
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Okay. A part of me thinks it’s a dream, but another part of me think it’s real life, and Belos is using the giant heart in the throne room, which the trailer reminds us of, to… Well, we see a shot of Eda and King outside, surrounded by a dark-green ‘coral’ that resembles hands and has Belos eyes. I’ll be frank, I think Belos is using the heart and he’s planning to possess it, because it’s the Titan’s heart; Thereby infecting the entire Boiling Isles with himself!
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He remarks as Raine how things will be ‘easier’ than he thought while holding a lone star… Could just be a set piece symbolic of his hold over the Collector, but what if that IS the Collector? What if we start with the Collector attacking our protagonists, they incapacitate and talk them down, just for Belos to attack from behind and take their power! And then flee to his castle to possess the Titan’s heart?
So if it IS real life, why does Amity advise Luz wake up from a ‘dream’? Why is Luz dressed like Belos? Are they in HIS mindscape, in the Titan’s? Did Belos use the Collector’s reality-manipulating powers to dress Luz as his heir and protege, to hammer in his insistence on their parallels? 
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We see Bump, Derwin, Morton, Boscha, and Mattholomule petrified, right below the bridge leading to Belos’ castle. God I hope this can be reversed with the Collector’s power, or maybe it is a part of a nightmare sequence. Maybe it’s part of an elaborate illusion Belos has laid over the place, reflecting Luz’s worst fears back at her, not unlike what Gus did in Labyrinth Runners to Adrian and even Hunter!
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And the puppet strings, around Luz’s friends? Reset to their old selves, almost mocking their attempt to grow? Saying they’ll never change, which particularly hurts given Willow’s recent arc no less? And Luz uses Light, her signature spell, her first one that started it all, presumably to defeat Belos!
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I think the story goes as… Collector VS Luz, Eda, and King. The kids go off to the puppet room and free everyone, probably running into Odalia since she’s a loose thread. The Collector is talked down, but at a vulnerable moment Belos jumps in to take their power. He then flees to his castle, planning to possess the isles itself with this power, our protagonists follow chase.
Belos casts a powerful fear illusion (lowkey a jab at Gus for doing the same to him in King’s Tide), and tries to infect the heart but Raine fights back; The puppet effect was reversed but they’re still possessed, or at least partially. Eda and King also navigate a nightmare labyrinth, and Luz eventually fights back after Amity encourages her, before she and the others are pulled off by I guess Belos? 
Oh god. Oh Titan. Oh Titan oh fuck we’re screwed. And we still have to talk about the dude in the in-between! Luz seems to be entering it, possibly her establishing a portal with King’s help, which might lead to finding this dude, either a Titan or Titan Trapper, and freeing him! It’s all coming together, it’s all full circle and I see why it’s called Watching and Dreaming now…!
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featheredenby · 3 months
"Ah yes global pop sensation Ariana Griande the oldest in Grian’s long list of alter egos, a singer who is secretly a drag queen, Grian had even worn one of her outfits to the masquerade."
Written by: FeatheredEnby
Word Count: 1,231
Part Ten of: Show Your Fangs
A Superhero AU of Empires SMP/Hermitcraft/The Life Series/Artimator SMP/Adding Some Of My Mutuals
Grian sits on the roof of Cleo’s cafe in his new and improved Cuteguy look and thinks about his life, it’s been two weeks since the whole kidnapping thing and since he admitted to Hotguy that Cuteguy and Poultry Man are one and the same. Of course Grian could have told him “Oh yeah and I’m also Grian,” instead of still keeping that a secret but what Grian’s doing is illegal and he doesn’t fancy the idea of going to prison. He already has enough to deal with without more issues with the government. Nothing appears to be happening so he checks his phone but only sees some texts from a few days ago. 
9:56 AM - June 10th
Mumbo: Grian, Ariana Griande is doing her first concert ever and it’s gonna be at the arena in Empires City.
Grian: Cool.
Mumbo: Yeah! I got the three of us tickets for the 14th.
Scar: Awesome I can’t wait!
Grian: Sorry I’m busy that day. You can give away my ticket to someone else.
Scar: You wanna give the ticket to Jimmy, Mumbo?
Mumbo: Sure.
Grian: I hope you guys have a good time!
Ah yes global pop sensation Ariana Griande the oldest in Grian’s long list of alter egos, a singer who is secretly a drag queen, Grian had even worn one of her outfits to the masquerade. It’ll be fun for him to wear his stilettos again, Grian tucks his phone back into his pocket as he feels a pair of eyes land on him. Grian turns around and sees, of course, Hotguy. Grian would quite like to treat him like a friend but Cuteguy isn’t really Hotguy’s friend, Grian isn’t either, they’re rivals, “Hey there pretty boy,” Grian greets him, “It’s been a bit.”
“Yeah it has,” Hotguy agrees, “I like the new outfit.”
“Huh, oh yeah. Well I did rip up my old one.” Grian says.
“It’s nice, the pastel blue suits you.”
“Hm… Thanks.”
“Yeah you look really g-” A burst of fire can be seen in the distance as a bang cuts Hotguy off.
“What was-”
“Probably creepers,” Hotguy says while frantically tapping at the communicator on his wrist, “Okay now that I think about it, probably not creepers.”
Grian opens his extra eyes and scouts out the explosion where he sees a white cat mutant holding a spear and a large diamond. “I have no idea who it is but someone just stole a giant diamond. Let's run!” Grian takes a running start and takes off from the roof before flying toward the scene. When he arrives Grian finds a person with a flower mask, fighting the cat mutant, with a chainsaw. As he watches a raven hybrid lands on a roof nearby and shoots an arrow at the cat mutant who dodges only to get trapped in vines that the other person. Hotguy comes up behind Grian observing the scene, “Should we deal with this?”
“Nah, I think that these people have got it.” Grian tells him.
“Okay but should we at least keep an eye on it?” Hotguy asks.
Grian looks down and sees that the raven hybrid is lifting up the diamond while the human is tying up the cat mutant. He turns to Hotguy, “I have to go do something.”
“Okay bye.”
Grian flies down into a nearby alleyway where he changes into his normal outfit and grabs a notepad and pen from his bag. He runs up to the scene where the three people are still standing there. As Grian goes up the person in the flower mask spots him and walks over, “Hello,” they greet him, “are you okay?”
“Yep I’m fine. Actually I’m a reporter for the Hermit Times, I was wondering if I could interview you?” He asks.
“Sure, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Bard and I use she/her pronouns.” She says.
“Okay,” Grian replies while jotting down notes, “and who are the other people here?”
The other people hear him and the raven hybrid drags over the cat mutant, “I’m Poisoner, I don’t care about pronouns.”
“Mhm… who's the villain?”
“I’m Dandylion! I use he/him.”
“Okay, what exactly happened here?” Grian asks.
“Well-” The villain starts to talk only for a vine to gag his mouth.
“He blew a hole in the museum and stole a diamond. We got it back, pretty simple.” Bard explains.
“Okay, thanks for the interview.” Grian says before starting the journey back to his apartment. On his way back Grian sees Hotguy also running along a similar route so he picks up the pace to be able to find a place where he can change and open his wings. Then of course Hotguy sees him, “Hello there Grian.”
“Hotguy.” Grian says naturally.
“My favorite reporter, need a walk back to your house?” He asks.
“I think I’d get there faster if you left.” Grian replies.
“Aw, come on it’s gonna rain soon.”
“Okay, bye!”
Hotguy walks off in the other direction and as soon as he’s out of view Grian ducks into an alley and changes into a black hoodie and opens his wings. As Grian flies back to his apartment he watches the people below him as they walk around Hermitopia and sees nothing of note. As Grian moves to land on his fire escape he sees some of the people who live in the apartments around him out on their fire escapes or balconies. Not wanting them to learn that he’s an avian Grian lands on the roof and takes in his wings before climbing down the latter and onto his fire escape. After he climbs down Grian stands on the platform outside watching his neighbors on their balconies and waves to a few of them as he sees them. 
Grian walks into the living room and sets down his keys on the table before going into his room. Once in the bedroom Grian takes off his sweater and opens his closet door. He digs around the closet for a bit until he unearths a chest which he opens and grabs a dry cleaning bag from. Grian opens the bag in which there is a bright pink dress with a short skirt and a heart shaped cutout on the chest. The back of the dress also has a large cutout wear his wings can come out of. The waist of the dress has a white leather belt with a silver buckle and a few heart and star charms. Grian moves back over to the chest and grabs a bag full of makeup and accessories which he opens and grabs a long blonde wig out of. Along with it he grabs out a shiny pearl white hair tie and some matching pearl jewelry. Quickly Grian changes out of his normal outfit and into his Griande look and puts on his jewelry. Afterward he grabs a bag and puts the rest of the stuff that he needs in it along with putting on his wig and tying it up. He then moves to the bathroom where he uses a can of hairspray to color his wings a dusty pink.
Grian goes back into his room and changes his shoes, briefly stopping to stretch his talons, into pink stilettos. He then opens his window and jumps out into the night air and starts to fly towards empire city.
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decarabiandivorce · 3 months
Day 5: Flowers / Summer Breeze
Summer was horrible no matter how many years passed by. Despite wearing a rather breezy outfit, Venti felt like he was going to die.
So there he was, laying on the ground underneath Vennessa’s symbol’s branches. The newly planted tree provided a bunch of shade, the delicious smell of home laid within its leaves. Sweeter than honey and warmer than nectar, but the dastardly heat destroyed any hint of serenity. Curse whatever god thought this was a good idea.
The anemo god summoned a breeze, but even the winds around Mondstadt did not want to move. Understandable, but the archon was suffering here! The squire- now Lord Ragnvindr was busy today, his kin were busy harvesting and he had banned the wind wisp from bothering them today!
Venti wanted to sob. He was alone! Alone and Suffering! It’s toooooo hot!!!
He can’t even summon the strength to strum his strings! Nor words could form in his mind! Nothing but emotions rising like the heat.
Yet salvation smiled upon the bard, as he felt the breeze of wings flapping down near him.
“Dvalin!” Venti smiled at his friend.
“Barbatos.” Dvalin said back.
Venti complained, “It's so hot! Why are summers so hot! Why can’t it be spring or fall! Heck! I think even winter would do me well!”
Dvalin snorted, his tail wrapping around the giant tree. Venti moved from the grass to the stones near his friend’s snout. “I don’t see why you can’t fly to somewhere colder.”
Venti put his arms around him, “Tired… I’m going to die here… I’m going to melt into a little Venti puddle. Woe! W-Ahahaaa!” Dvalin flapped his wings, sending a nice cool breeze towards the archon’s face. Falling down from the strength of his winds, Venti looked up at the aqua dragon with nothing but familiar love.
“Get on my back.”
Dvalin rolled his eyes, and lowered his body ever so slightly. Eyes full of sparkles, Venti hopped on top of the dragon, barely having enough time to grip the azural feathers before the dragon leaped. Venti laughed and screamed at the sudden acenseion, the winds of Mondstadt saying goodbye as the duo zoomed.
Before long Dvalin’s pace slowed, allowing Venti some grace to lay on his back.
The clouds looked peaceful. The sky looked lovely. The heat may be killing him at the moment, but with every second he flew side by side with his east wind, it was pure bliss.
With the falcon of the west having ascended, he should make plans for the three of them to fly like this.
Looking down and holding Dvalin’s body by his legs, the endless ocean beyond Mondstadt looked refreshing.
“Inazuma is over there.” Venti muttered.
“I know!”
“…?” Where was he taking him.
More water greeted him.
Creatures of all sorts lived in these depths- far away from any boat. What was in this area that Dvalin was so eager to show him?
Then he saw it.
The peaks of land- no. An Archipelago.
“Woah!” Venti called out. There was no map in the nations he visited of such a place! A brand-new section of land only known to Dvalin? That’s so cool!
Then he felt it.
Something… was…
“Those trees are only grown in Mondstadt.” Venti muttered as Dvalin approached the islands.
“It smells like home here.” Said Dvalin. “Also, the sea mist grants such a nice coolness to the area.” Venti hopped down from his friend’s back, the beaches of this place was much cooler than Mondstadt’s- while being warm enough to make him want to lie down like a cat. Practically on cue, Dvalin rested on a large section of rock as Venti explored the area.
Flapping his wings and closing his eyes, he called out to any winds living in this area. Nothing. No… only faint traces of wind- like messages carved on wood.
The summer breeze was friendly, greeting him like an old friend. “Don’t you remember, newborn god?”
He kneels down to the edge of one of the islands, the rock too smooth for natural erosion. Windcut. Windcarved. Windswept.
A being with anemo made these islands...
A being with anemo used Mondstadt’s geography to make-
Venti’s face turns redder and redder, wishing to sink into the dirt as a memory of his youth pops into his brain. The sea breeze laughs in his head as the anemo archon collapses. These were no ordinary islands! These were mountains! His mountains!
“Ugh….” He is never going tell Morax this.
Wait no.. he probably should. Get them called neutral land or something. It’s not like anyone in Mondstadt is going to use them with them being so far far far away. Perhaps he could name them something like “Haar Islands” and be done with it.
As the anemo archon recovered from the heat in his face and from the sun, he looked towards his close friend enjoying this sanctuary. Perhaps this heat wasn’t so bad after all.
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My favorite thing to do as a background character fan is to commandeer things the devs definitely didn’t MEAN to be characterization and/or storytelling and MAKE them characterization and/or storytelling
Everyone constantly refers to Alfira as a bard, but she only has 12 charisma. She has 16 INT instead. Rolan has wizard stats and Lakrissa has ranger stats, so why doesn't Alfira have bard stats? Is it because she's an apprentice? Why give her these discordant stats in the first place, instead of the flat 10s the other non-combatant tieflings get? Is she a bit old to be an apprentice or is that normal? Was she something else before finding her calling in becoming a bard? How did she know Lihala? Why does she have like 2000 gold worth of reward to give you for saving her not-even-girlfriend (apparently equivalent to 1/5 of the entire net worth of everyone in Baldur's Gate??)?? How the fuck did she get herself and presumably Lakrissa with her into the city!!
Why change Florrick's dress from the flashy-but-modest peacock dress she wore in EA (they later put it on Lucretious) to her current dress, which looks sort of reasonable for a fancy wizard until you notice the huge sheer panels and thong-exposing waist-high thigh splits. Obvi she should have an eye-catching outfit to communicate she's Important, but why THAT outfit? She's not even presented as a character you're supposed to find sexy; she's presented as a stalwart, reserved fed. Her epilogue letter is about being a wet blanket! She doesn't seem like the type of person who would wear such a dress, but clearly she is because she does! Interesting!!
What motivates Lakrissa to say, apropos of basically nothing, with a sad look on her face, "I'm nothing if not cheap."
Why is Quartermaster Talli the only vendor (off the top of my head) you can randomly ask (flirt with) for free shit? Why is the thing she gives you a supply pack? Where did she even get all that awesome shit.
And so on. This is how I keep myself engaged over 500+ hours of playing the same game over and over.
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gaykarstaagforever · 5 months
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This 1984 Teen Titans comic was the exciting conclusion to a multi-part story where they were battling something called H.I.V.E. This was a cult of people in purple druid robes who led an international network of mercenaries and assassins, who lived in an underwater dome and were all named numbers. I realize that sounds cool, but it absolutely isn't.
They were started / led by some guy, but then he married a 22-year-old blonde woman who murdered him and declared herself the leader. And the rest of them - this band of amoral assassins - just let this happen, even as she declared "none of you matters but me," and killed them every time they "failed" her.
This is in the past tense, because as soon as Nightwing and Wonder Girl go down there to punch these idiots, the blonde woman electrocuted all of her remaining people, then committed suicide. She also built a giant red missile and shot it at Atlantis, but Aqualad grabbed onto it and turned it off.
The H.I.V.E. master plan was to 1) poison all the world's oceans, 2) ???, 3) PROFIT, so it seemed like maybe that plan was going to thwart itself, really. They only seemed to have robot guns and tentacles exclusively inside their base, and also an army of loyal commandos in purple gimp outfits. But none of these could operate or breathe underwater. And all of their assassins had already failed to kill the Teen Titans. Which, no offense, but probably should haven been their first indication that they really weren't ready for primetime.
I don't know for sure who was on the Titan team at this exact point, but I DO know that Cyborg and Beast Boy (aka Changeling at this point, because ugh) don't even go on this mission. They stay back at wherever-it-is-they-live so Beast Boy can have an emotional break-down over his ex-girlfriend (Terra, some girl with floating-rock powers and a bad costume) turning evil, while Cyborg yells at him. Then a woman with pink hair wanders in.
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She tells Beast Boy he's hot, and this makes Gar feel better enough to agree to not turn into a green tiger and murder people. Which was his actual plan before she showed up.
Starfire goes on the mission. This happens to her:
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...Aren't they all supposed to be like 16 or 17? What are we doing here, gentlemen?
There is also a guy on the team named Jericho, who has muttonchops, dresses like every "cool" bard in every DnD campaign ever, can't talk, and can do whatever arbitrary psychic thing the plot suddenly demands of him. I had to look him up because so does everyone else.
He is apparently the son of Deathstroke, who became mute when someone after Deathstroke slashed his voicebox. His psychic powers are a result of it doesn't matter. No they don't explain why he looks like THIS in 1984:
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Aqualad is also here. With his girlfriend Tula, who is Aquagirl. Who is an Atlantean cave-woman, or something...? She doesn't do much besides yell his name, and her presence in no way stops him from talking about how hot but insane Starfire is. To Nightwing. Who seems fine with this.
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Dick and Wonder Girl are both here to punch and yell exposition, and they are immediately out of punches! Dick spends a quarter of the comic in a tube trying to turn off robots, which he fails to do? Or then kind of does? I've read it twice now and I'm not sure even Marv Wolfman knew what he had going on here.
Raven turns into a black void to save the Titans from drowning at the beginning of the comic. After they get out to safety, she says she's used too much power to help anymore and Poochie's on out of there.
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I mean, they DO have Wonder Girl, kicking people and talking about her upcoming marriage. Who needs the incredibly powerful witch? It's fine. And easier to draw!
The art is George Perez, so it looks great, even if all these teenagers look like sexy 30-year-old adults, and half of them spend most of the comic not doing anything. The costumes are technically awful but in that 80s way that is just wonderful now. But as a conclusion to some kind of story arc, this is as mid as mid gets. There is exactly one cool splash-page battle, and it means exactly nothing.
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This comic might be worth $3.50 now. It was 75 cents when it came out.
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...This implies we in 2024 value this slightly more than anyone did in 1984.
I don't think that's true.
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princess-leaorgana · 3 months
What Tieflings Do Chpt. 11
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Summary: After the takedown of The Absolute, Zelphie finds her city in need of more help and her home destroyed. She won't stop helping, but who can help her?
Rolan x Tav (Zelphie; ~30y.o AFAB, Sorcerer, Tiefling, not really described physically on purpose <3)
Author's Note: I fucking love tielfings. Along with this being a budding romance/smut/fluff/word vomit fanfiction, it's also my case study in DnD 5e tieflings, how they act, what sets them apart from humans and devils and elves. That being said, I have a few artistic liberties in here as well where I couldn't find a straight answer, if you'll amuse me.
Warnings - Spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3, For Rolan's outfit, inspiration was pulled from this piece by the fantastic @annanuna-arts
Chapter One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten
Or Read all chapters on AO3
The Ironhand gnomes and tieflings were safe. At least the tieflings that could be saved were safe, Danis, Lakrissa, Cal and Lia. Walking through the Shadow-Cursed Lands of what was once Reithwin and seeing corpses of those fallen friends was hard. Although the cursed lands had so many horrors waiting in each shadow, Zelphie was terribly happy that at least a handful of good, innocent people were freed and now safe at Last Light Inn. Though, she was going to keep an eye on that Wulbren Bongle. Barcus was convinced he was a wonderful man, but something about him irked Zelphie. She’d get a claw on the issue one day, but rude gnomes weren’t a priority anymore. Her first priority after all that was a hot bath.
Downstairs to the tavern the two went and the little party was very jovial. Of course it was, tieflings were at the center of it. The tavern was crowded, as too much noise outside would easily attract unwanted pests.
‘Oy!! Soldier, come here and dance with me!’ Karlach could be heard from the floor. Alfira was playing her lute and singing an old battle song, the bard couldn’t be happier to have her friend back. Zelphie ran over to Karlach, who had not bathed or changed after the battle. She couldn’t be stopped. Dammon had given her infernal engine another tune up, and she could feel the pleasure of touch once more. Zelphie was a little confused on why Karlach didn’t have Dammon somewhere upstairs by now, but she looked like she was enjoying herself dancing. Zelphie walked over to her and Karlach grabbed her hands.
‘Karlach! You reek!’ Zelphie laughed, holding both of Karlach’s hands as the two hopped a jig. Karlach was not easy to keep up with. Karlach howled with laughter.
‘I sure do Zelph, reek like victory!’ She cried and Zelphie just laughed. What it would be like to be Karlach for one day. Zelphie knew there was so much pain in the woman’s soul, but all she did was exude joy and excitement. Zelphie couldn’t believe she was touching her friend. Zelphie had touched Karlach once on their first day together. It was an accident, she placed a hand on Karlach’s shoulder while talking, and she had gotten a little burnt. Luckily Zelphie was a tiefling, so the heat wouldn’t affect her like it would others, but here they were, holding hands. It was very, very nice. Now all Zelphie would need was a hug from Lae’zel and she’d have full marks.
After a little while of dancing with Karlach, Zelphie walked over to the bar to serve herself a drink. What else would she need at a party? If she was to keep up with Wyll and Karlach, she would need a little liquid luck in her system. She walked behind the bar to pour herself some…whatever could be found. She found a clean enough glass and began to fiddle about with the glasses of wine.
‘Nagging hero by day, bartender by evening?’ Someone called from the bar. Zelphie’s head rose and she smiled at Rolan. Her tail’s quick wag gave her away.
‘Ah, maybe, but you are going to have to prove to me that it’s even evening,’ she said and he laughed at her. ‘Maybe it’s the other way around,’ she continued and he sipped his drink, smiling. ‘Need a top off?’ She asked him and he placed his tankard on the bar. She smirked and looked at him. Yes, Rolan was in a much better mood than she’d ever seen him. She would do everything she could not to mess this up. ‘Ale? Is Master of the Weave, Rolan of Baldur’s Gate drinking ale?’ She asked and he grinned wide and laughed at her, his cheeks flushing. He looked good happy. She laughed with him.
‘It’s better than the food they have found here,’ he said which sent her into a fit of giggles.
‘Alright, let’s see how good my pour is,’ she said and walked to a tap with Rolan’s cup. ‘Hoppy?’ She asked, reading the label.
‘Whatever you suggest, my dear,’ he said and Zelphie almost fainted. All it took for Rolan to be nice to her was to save his life twice along with his brother and sister. Fair enough. Not as though she saved her fellow tieflings for Rolan’s affection. He’d never proven to be very nice, but when he was happy like this, he was a joy to be around. It just happened rarely. Or maybe Rolan was always a joy to be around and just couldn’t handle this very unusual stress. Cal and Lia seemed to love him enough.
‘Pale lager then, we’ll need to make sure you’re still standing for the fireworks show later,’ she told him and poured him a rather frothy pint. ‘Oh…’ she giggled and he laughed.
‘I suppose I’ll have to wait an hour for my drink to be ready,’ he said and she blushed a little.
‘Clearly, not a bartender in my spare time,’ she said and handed him his drink.
‘Do you find yourself having a lot of spare time?’ Rolan asked and Zelphie laughed. Before she could retort, Shadowheart showed back up, leaning over the counter.
‘Zelphie, Gale was asking for you,’ she said and Zelphie’s big grin faded as she looked at her friend. ‘Says he has something important to talk to you about,’ she said and patted her own chest. Zelphie frowned and sighed. Poor Gale. Gale had just been tasked to use his own life against the Absolute by his very own patron god Mystra. Mystra, the goddess of all magic, had condemned Gale to death, lest he condemn the rest of the world to enslavement and death themselves. He was putting on a brave face, but Zelphie knew better. Gale knew Zelphie knew better, and clearly felt compelled in that moment to talk to her. She nodded at Shadowheart.
‘I’ll go right up,’ she said and Shadowheart nodded and walked off. Zelphie turned to Rolan and the two had a little awkward smile. ‘Sorry, I’ve got to go, but if you’re still down here, I’d love to try and top you off again,’ she said and Rolan smiled rigidly.
‘Ah, don’t fret about me. Go on, you’ve more important matters to attend to,’ he said and Zelphie gave him a guilty smile. She really would have loved chatting more with Rolan, but if Gale was asking for her help, she would be better served with her close friend. She turned to leave the bar and Rolan’s smile faded once she was gone.
‘You absolute little SHIT.’
Ramazith’s Tower was never quiet for more than twenty minutes at a time. Two babies and a very rambunctious toddler ran the roost. Along with the tiny tieflings, there was usually quite a populace of young children being given magic lessons. Yes, Rolan was a teacher, believing very heavily in early intervention for budding wizards and young sorcerers. Never in a million years did anyone think Master Rolan, Mage of Baldur’s Gate, would spend most of his mornings with some special little ones, just learning how to control their powers or cast their first spells. Rolan loved it, as did Zelphie, and Cal was a wonderful assistant. Rolan and Cal bonded over the experience, Cal was ever eager to make his elder brother more gentle, and Rolan was just happy that Cal was.
Today had been rather quiet, until Meil pissed off his Uncle Astarion. Meil was shrieking with faux fright, running down the hallway as the vampire chased after him. Normally, the instinct would be to genuinely run in terror as a vampire chased you, but Meil knew this vampire was all bark, no bite. At least, he wouldn’t be bitten. Astarion had a taste of karma that afternoon. He might have been teaching the three year old how to lock pick. He had planned on doing it to annoy everyone else in the tower, though it blew up in his face. Meil, only three, picked up lock picking with his grubby tiny hands and gotten himself into his uncle’s sewing box. Thread and needles all over the carpet of Astarion and Cal’s bedroom. So, naturally, Astarion took to swearing at and chasing the toddler. He knew he could get away with his crime. Why?
‘Daddy!!’ He screamed, running with his little tail slashing behind him as he ran, his feet almost crossed as they thud across the hallway. Astarion’s light footsteps very close behind him. He took off to his father’s office where he would find his number one advocate, Rolan. Rolan was already upright in his chair, hearing his son screeching like a banshee. Cal was just behind Rolan, looking out a window and turned when the door opened. Meil ran quickly under his father’s desk, seeking safety in his lap.
‘Well well well, I didn’t know you were such a fan,’ Rolan teased, pulling the heavy toddler up into his lap with a grunt. Astarion appeared at the door with a tin lid in his hand, pointing it at Meil.
‘Rolan, I have to kill him this time,’ Astarion said, basically joking, but wishing he didn’t need to be. Rolan raised an eyebrow at Astarion and looked down at Meil, who was pouting up at his father. ‘You must let me throw him off the balcony, a quick death, I promise,’ he continued.
‘Now, why on Toril would I allow that?’ He asked and leaned down, kissing his son’s forehead.
‘Daddy, bubble!’ Meil ordered, raising his hands and Rolan smiled at him, lifting his hand, procuring a tiny burst of bubbles from his fingertips. Meil laughed loudly and reached up for a bubble.
‘What did he do?’ Rolan asked Astarion, who held out his sewing kit tin.
‘He got into my nightstand and threw my sewing kit around, and I’ll be stepping on needles for days,’ he said and Cal walked over to him, placing an arm on the elf’s shoulder.
‘And who taught him to sneak around and lock pick, my prince?’ Cal asked and Rolan smirked. Astarion grimaced at his beloved.
‘That’s absolutely not fair! He’s supposed to be on my side,’ he said and bobbed his head, as if that was the whole reason Astarion taught a toddler how to lockpick and sneak about. No it was because as far as Astarion had grown, he still enjoyed chaos and havoc. It was incredibly impressive how well he was able to teach the tot.
‘Well, maybe you should have had an open and honest conversation with the baby before assuming an alliance,’ Cal teased and Astarion frowned and looked at Meil, who was looking right back at the vampire, smiling.
‘You are supposed to be on my side, you imp,’ he said and Meil’s smile grew and he waved at Astarion.
‘Unka Star,’ he said and Astarion stared at the little one and frowned. Cal watched Astarion carefully. The little one barred his baby fangs at Astarion and hissed, their little greeting to each other. Astarion’s frown hardened.
‘Stop it, don’t make me like you,’ he pointed at the baby who just giggled at him and Astarion sighed, in defeat. Cal chuckled and kissed Astarion’s cheek.
‘Come to the market with me and Ayla, I’ll replace what Meil broke,’ Cal told Astarion, who was still locked eyes with the toddler.
‘Fine, but I swear Rolan if he does that again-‘
‘I’ll find him at the bottom of the Chionthar, yes yes, go go now,’ Rolan said and waved his hand for the couple to leave. Cal took Astarion’s hand and pulled him away, the whole thing being very silly. Rolan looked down at his son once they were alone and Meil looked up at him. ‘Shall we check in on your mother and sister then, hm?’ He asked and Meil nodded and his tail thumped.
‘Mumma Dayryn,’ he said happily. Meil was the oldest child of what was to be three little tiefling babies. Born when Meil was about a year and a half old was Dayryn, a sweet little girl named after a grandmother she would never know. Zelphie was with child once more and this pregnancy was proving to be quite taxing on her. She spent most of her days in the tower, just tending to her children and her little niece. One year old Ayla was adopted, a little eleven baby found by a matron of a hostel after the illithid war. Cal and Astarion had both been dancing around the topic of a commitment of having a child. Rolan visited the hostel once as there was a very gifted little one there, eager for lessons with the Mage of Baldur’s Gate. When he laid eyes on little Ayla, with curly white hair and hazel eyes, he had no choice but to inform Astarion and Cal who fell so hard for the little one. She was loved by the couple, and she might have been more spoiled than Meil, who was incredibly spoiled. Rolan stood up, Meil on his hip to walk to the children’s nursery. For now, all three children slept in the same room. Once Meil was more independent, he would take over his aunt’s room. For now, Rolan was being stubborn over the fact that Lia was gone. He kept telling Zelphie he would make a new room for Meil, for when Lia would come back and visit.
Lia had become interested in magic, though she was fierce with her swords and bow like Cal. Rolan was too busy to teach her so she had secretly written to Gale Dekarios, who had quickly accepted her as his apprentice. Rolan missed his sister and very rarely allowed for much conversation about her to happen around the tower. Zelphie hated that he was so upset, and he would agree that he also hated how upset it made him that she was gone. She was happy and ambitious and living in an affluent city with a rich, powerful and most importantly, kind man to charge her. Lia couldn’t have been luckier, but Rolan missed his family. Gale wouldn’t be moved to stay at Baldur’s Gate. Wizards didn’t share towers.
Rolan walked into the nursery, placing Meil down as he did and smiled to see Zelphie reading a storybook to Dayryn, who had one eye open, enraptured in the story, but sleep was taking over. Zelphie looked up at Rolan and Meil ran over to his mother and stood at her knees, his tail whipping happily.
‘Mumma!!’ He squealed and Zelphie reached over and placed her hand on his head to calm him down. She was trying to get the baby to sleep.
‘Shhhh….’ She said and eyed Rolan. He looked fantastic today, gold and blue skirts and a matching blue jacket made of chiffon over his bare skin, leaving that bare chest and torso open for the world to see. He had not become more egotistical, but he was so much more confident than when they first met. He looked gorgeous, accepting his skin, his infernal traits. His hair was long and swept back, a notable amount of white hairs sprouting from his crown. Each one could be blamed on Meil. She wished she had aged as beautifully as he had in four years. Meil whined at his mother. ‘Rolan, why did you bring him in here? Dayryn needs her nap,’ she told him and Rolan walked over to Meil and picked him up. The toddler whined again.
‘I am not uncle Cal, you can’t just whine and get what you’d like,’ he told the little one who knew better than that. Zelphie laughed at her husband.
‘He thinks that about me and you too, Day,’ she told the baby who stared lazily up at her mother. Dayryn had a light brown shade of hair, like her father. Rolan was very proud of that, both of his children had his eye color as well. So far, Meil was looking a little more like his mother, but his father’s nose was reflected on that little face. Rolan looked down at his wife and gave her a quick smirk. As much as she had been eyeing him, he was eyeing her. She had stopped being terribly self conscious of her pregnant body. Apparently, if practice could be considered intent, it appeared that Rolan liked his wife pregnant. He didn’t enjoy how hard this pregnancy was, but looking at her with a round face and a big belly stirred a special heat in his core. Even after birth, when her belly was still swollen and her body was recuperating, he still stared at her. The more comfortable she was with her body, the happier she was and it showed. She wore finer clothing, attempted to go out more when she physically could. Rolan would drop anything if she was inclined to go out to the city. To make her happy, of course, but also to show her off. He would still show her off, yes, Zelphie was his partner. She chose him. The tower, his store, his occupation were all wonderful, but the greatest thing in his life would always be his family. Zelphie was his family.
‘How are you feeling today?’ He asked Zelphie, who smiled.
‘Fantastic, mainly because I was allowed my favorite treat this morning,’ she said and Meil snickered in Rolan’s arms.
‘Mama gimmie honey,’ he told her father and Rolan smiled at his son.
‘I’m glad our merchants in The Wide finally found that very expensive, outsourced honey from Reithwin you have been wanting to try…’ he said and glanced at his wife. That was right, in three short years, what was once the Shadow Cursed lands was a thriving community under the care of the ex-Arch Druid, Halsin. So thriving, in fact, they were outsourcing food, leather and honey. Honey, being Halsin’s favorite treat in the world, Zelphie knew it would be perfect. And it had been. She had planned baking with it later that day. ‘Did it come with a love letter?’ He asked her and Zelphie’s mouth opened in shock.
‘Rolan!’ She squeaked and stood up. Rolan laughed and placed Meil down once more so he could take Dayryn from her. ‘It did come with a love letter, for you,’ she teased and Rolan laughed again walking over to the crib to place the now sleeping Dayryn down for her nap. Every person living in the tower had a little crush on the wood elf Halsin, Rolan included. Zelphie stretched her back out and sighed. ‘I’m jealous of Cal and Astarion,’ she said and walked over to the balcony, Meil on her heels. Lajy ran into the room from the balcony, meowing loudly. The gray kitty jumped into the crib to snuggle his new favorite person.
‘We can go out once Day wakes up, I have nothing else today,’ Rolan said, his eyes on the toddler who ran right out to the balcony.
‘Oh! That reminds me! You got a letter from the Palace,’ she said and pointed at a thick letter on a table in the nursery. ‘Lajy brought it in, I assume it’s important,’ she said and bent down to pick up Meil so he could look over the balcony with her. Rolan walked over to the letter and picked it up. Meil looked down at the city below him and he lifted his hands. He made a little lightning sound with his mouth and sparks flew from his fingers. They weren’t very much of anything, but at three years old and conjuring magic on purpose was impressive. ‘Oh, you scary mage,’ she said and Meil cackled.
‘Mage,’ he said and thrust his hand, moving a small burst of air down at the ground, a little wind.
‘You need to protect the people down there, Meil. Don’t give them rain clouds,’ she told him and gave his cheek a kiss. He looked at her.
‘People down there?’ He asked and Zelphie smiled and nodded at her son.
‘Yes, down in Baldur’s Gate. Mommy and daddy protect them, and you will too, one day,’ she said and Meil smiled.
‘Yeah, those people,’ he said and looked down at the city. He certainly couldn’t see any people from this height, but he would imagine all the people he would see if they went to the shop or went into the city.
‘Would you like to go down there today? When Dayryn wakes up, my love?’ She asked and Meil put his hand in his mouth, still inspecting the scenery beyond the balcony. It was a lot for a toddler to take in and understand. ‘You love seeing all the people, don’t you?’ She asked and Meil blew a little kiss out to the city and Zelphie laughed.
Zelphie spun around quickly, Meil gasping at the very sudden movement. Rolan sounded panicked. She walked back into the nursery. Rolan was staring at the letter from the Ducal Palace, his hand over his mouth.
‘Heavens, what could have happened?’ She asked. The way he had shouted, and the exasperation on his face, but his tail was whipping behind him. Zelphie placed Meil down. Rolan shook his head and looked up at her.
‘Archmage,’ he whispered and Zelphie stared at him, waiting for him to finish that thought.
‘Archmage who?’ She asked him, hoping Gale was alright. Did Elminster write to Rolan? What was happening?
‘Me,’ he said softly and Zelphie’s face slowly morphed. Her eyes grew and he handed her the letter. From the Council of Three, for his help against the powers of evil, for his help with the community since the war with the Netherbrain, for his help with the community after and his current help with the orphans of Baldur’s Gate, he was declared Archmage of Baldur’s Gate. Zelphie’s eyes read the letter over and over. This was an invitation for a coronation, along with a position with the Council of Three. Archmage Rolan of Baldur’s Gate. The legitimacy that came along with the prestige of this. Zelphie felt a stinging in her eyes. She looked at Rolan, who was staring at her. She couldn’t speak, but luckily her tail gave her away. It swooshed with a flourish behind her, whipping so happily. She sobbed and brought a hand to her mouth, reaching out for Rolan.
‘Oh Ro,’ she whispered as she pulled him in for a hug. He held her tight and she kissed his cheek and jaw.
‘Please tell me you are happy crying,’ he said softly and she laughed.
‘Idiot,’ she said and let him go just enough to kiss his lips. He tightened his hold on her. She could feel his excitement. He kissed her with strength, but also a timidness that he used to have when they were first seeing each other.
‘Daddy no!’ Meil cried and Zelphie laughed as she continued to kiss her husband. He was not letting her go. That made her laugh more. Rolan placed his hands on his wife’s cheeks to hold her. This also hid the nature of the kiss from the little one. He was deepening it, even though Zelphie was giggling. A little tongue biting never hurt him. Meil stomped his foot and tugged on his father’s skirt.
‘Meil!’ Zelphie cried, still laughing and crying. Meil pouted up at his mother. ‘Do you need a kiss, too?’ She asked and Rolan looked down at the little one and picked him up. ‘Daddy has a new job, give daddy a kiss,’ she said and Meil puckered up and kissed his father, his little hands on his father’s cheeks. Rolan chuckled, kissing his son and Meil smacked their lips dramatically and giggled. ‘Tell him you're proud of him,’ Zelphie continued as she wiped her eyes and Meil smiled.
‘Good job, daddy,’ he said and reached up to pat Rolan’s forehead. Rolan chuckled.
‘Thank you my little acorn,’ he said and Meil grinned, his tail whipping. Rolan looked at Zelphie, who shook her head at him.
‘I’m so proud of you Rolan, this is rightfully earned,’ she said and looked back down at the letter. She laughed a little and Rolan watched her closely. He was very happy. Beyond being chosen by Mystra herself, being anointed an Archmage by the leaders of a city was the highest honor. Rolan was still very young for an appointment such as this, but if Baldur’s Gate needed an archmage, no one else was fit for the position.
‘This should surely not be going to me,’ he told her and Zelphie immediately frowned and looked back up at Rolan. ‘No, this is not rightfully earned,’ he said, suddenly getting frustrated.
‘Who in the nine hells could possibly deserve this more than you?’ She asked him, completely taken aback by his sudden change in attitude.
‘You!’ He said, as if shocked she didn’t know that. Zelphie’s face scrunched into a scowl. It was a compliment, but how dare he try to compare the wizard he was to her? Archmages were very rarely sorcerers. She absolutely had no special talents to earn her such a title and since the ending of the Illithid Empire on Faerun, she had been home, tending to her family.
‘Me? Oh Rolan, don’t you dare,’ she scolded him and shook her head.
‘You are the reason any of us are alive, Zelphie. I cannot take that honor,’ he said and she huffed.
‘You are such an idiot,’ she said, waving her hands in the air and walking away from him to check if Dayryn. Rolan placed Meil down on the floor and walked over to her.
‘I mean it Zelphie, this an offense to you,’ he said, his voice irritated, but hushed around his sleeping daughter. Zelphie gave him another scowl and shooed him away so they could speak outside. He huffed at her and walked out of the nursery with her, Meil staying inside with Lajy and Dayryn. ‘I’m not going to accept this, if they can’t recognize all that you have done for this city-‘ he continued, and Zelphie interrupted him, pointing at him.
‘I absolutely will not hear you talking about the one thing I’ve ever done and I only did because of something I no longer have. Rolan! Every single thing you have and have done for this city has been done by you and you alone. The hospital, the constant funds going to those who need it from your account at the Counting House, the school. I mean, Rolan, you have already been visited by the Council hundreds of times for advice and help. All while being a very stand-up citizen and role-model for the city’s people. How could you possibly consider what I did to what you are still doing? Rolan…’ she rambled fiercely and she meant it. Yes, she was up on the top of the Netherbrain. Yes, she was one of the many to give the final blow to that monstrosity. But if Rolan had been tadpoled, he would have been right there with her. She knew he would have joined their camp, Cal was right, Rolan was much too stubborn to die. ‘Every single talent I have was given to me on the day I was born besides those few tricks you have miraculously managed to teach me,’ she said and placed her hand on his chest. Rolan was just staring at her. He wasn’t a humble specimen, but he was defensive of his family.
‘It’s still offensive to you, Zelphie,’ he insisted and she smirked.
‘Stop telling me what offends me, Rolan,’ she told him and he made a small sound, almost like a laugh. ‘If you don’t accept this,’ she said, handing him the letter again and he took it slowly. ‘I’m packing up the kids and I’m moving in with Gale and Lia,’ she said and Rolan instantly frowned.
‘That’s not even close to being funny,’ he said and sighed, but Zelphie was smirking.
‘I am so proud of you,’ she told him and leaned up to kiss him sweetly. He kissed her back, placing a hand on her lower back and looking at the letter. ‘This calls for a little celebration, I’m going to fetch you a bottle of rum,’ she said and his eyes opened wide and he looked down at her. She giggled up at him. Rolan didn’t drink when Zelphie was pregnant. He felt guilty that she couldn’t, or wouldn’t. ‘Yes, let us get you drunk in the early afternoon, out on the balcony, take a nap in the sun,’ she said and pulled on his hand.
‘A normal person would be very suspicious of this idea,’ he grinned, following her as she led him across the hall to their bedroom.
‘Well, good thing you trust your loving wife so very much,’ she said and pulled him inside. She walked over to a liquor cabinet on the eastern wall of the bedroom. She unlocked the hatch and glanced back at Rolan, who was in front of their bed, staring at the letter. She smiled and grabbed a glass, filling it with a dark rum. She held the glass tight in her hand, the glass frosting with a little ice spell. Maybe in another life she would have made a good bartender. She poured herself a little sparkling water and walked over to Rolan, handing him his drink. He smirked down at her, leaving the letter on the bed and kissed her temple.
‘Thank you,’ he said and she shook her head and lifted her glass of fizzing water.
‘To you, my love, the most powerful wizard Baldur’s Gate may yet ever see,’ she said and he chuckled a little and looked down at the ground.
‘Oh I do like the sound of that,’ he said and Zelphie sipped her drink. Rolan followed her and gave a satisfied sigh as the hit of alcohol burned the back of his throat a little. He looked at his glass and back to her. ‘I do still feel guilty.’
‘You will get over it, I promise. You are much more suited to the role, and I’m very happy supporting you. And one day, I’ll be able to teach Meil how to be as humble as you and maybe he will be the next master of the tower, hm?’ She said and Rolan chuckled. He had no plans to not bestow Ramazith’s Tower to one of his children, whoever proved to be the most responsible of the three. Maybe it was nepotism, but a child that grew up in a wizard’s tower would have every advantage to become a powerful mage. He might linger the possibility of giving his home to another person in years to come, but he doubted he would ever be that selfless. He loved his family too much. That was a dangerous thought.
‘I don’t know about teaching our little demon how to use those cannons,’ he said and Zelphie cackled. ‘Maybe Dayryn will be more eloquent,’ he said and Zelphie nudged him.
‘He’ll grow out of it, I promise.’ She took his hand and walked out to the balcony with him. She surely couldn’t promise that, but that was years to come. Now was time to celebrate. Rolan was happiest with the sun on his skin and nothing to do. He was a busy man and for the past four years, he had been nonstop. He loved his family, but every person needed a moment alone in silence to just relax. Rolan settled down on a large lounge chair and Zelphie settled down next to him. Rolan removed his jacket and laid back.
‘Oh now this is wonderful, thank you, my darling,’ he said and Zelphie scooted closer to him.
‘I love this outfit on you, the colors are so beautiful against your skin,’ she said softly, playing with the intricate stitching on his waistline. Rolan took another sip of his drink and sighed happily.
‘The skirt will look better over your head,’ he said playfully and Zelphie laughed.
‘Are you flirting with me or threatening me?’ She asked and kissed down his jaw. His arm snaked around her shoulders to hold her close.
‘When, precisely, was the last time I threatened you, my darling?’ He asked in a low voice and Zelphie smiled. She kissed the side of his face and met his lips. She tasted the rum on his lips and tongue and kissed him hungrily. Rolan sighed happily against her lips. Zelphie’s hand traveled from his waist down to rub his cock over the blue and yellow cotton. Rolan’s hand on her back lifted and he silently cast a locking spell on their balcony door. It might have been a little irresponsible, leaving Meil to his own devices. But it wasn’t as if Zelphie couldn’t make quick work of Rolan. She usually did. Rolan’s hand returned to her back. She could have just sat here all afternoon, kissing him. She would have if that’s what he had wanted, but clearly, he had something more specific in mind while he sipped his rum in the summer sun.
Zelphie sighed against his lips, rubbing his growing erection until she was happy with the hardness. She sat up and smiled at him, he was looking at her lips through hooded lids.
‘I love you.’
‘I love you more, I cannot live without you,’ Rolan whispered.
Only a week to prepare for the coronation. Not that it was very much, a meeting of grand patriars and honored guests in the hall of Wyrm’s Rock. Rolan was on edge. All he had to say was ‘I swear’ a few times to Duke Ulder Ravengard and there would be a celebration and he could head right back home. Rolan was still nervous about the whole thing. He was looking for any excuse to cancel, to reschedule, until an RSVP came back from his sister and Gale. They would be in attendance. Rolan would do it to see Lia again. Though, his nerves heightened when it was clear Zelphie wasn’t feeling very well that morning. The normal nausea and dizziness aside, she had a little fever, but was being ridiculously stubborn about it. The truth was, as nervous as Rolan was, Zelphie’s brain was buzzing with nerves and guilt as well. He could not cancel this event! Not because she had a little fever. She would be fine, she had survived so much more.
As Rolan was supposed to be getting ready, he was fussing over Zelphie. She was attempting to get ready, needing little breaks. Every ten minutes, he had a quill in his hand to cancel, and when he said it, Zelphie shrieked at him. She threatened to have Astarion come into the room to help her and that seemed to shut Rolan up. It didn’t stop his worrying, however. He just did not want Astarion in his bedroom. Astarion and Cal were in charge of the children. He knew she was just being playful, but he couldn’t have it.
The family made it to Wyrm’s Rock, Zelphie’s face in a handkerchief for most of the way up. It was only a cold, she would be fine, but Rolan kept her close. Once inside, Rolan ignored greetings and quick congratulations, insisting that Zelphie gets a seat, quickly and right in his view for the event. Wyll was receptive the the request, and insisted Zelphie sat in his chair for the ceremony, promising Rolan he was stay right by her. Zelphie huffed, but Rolan was satisfied with this solution, thanking Wyll happily.
‘Well, as long as Rolan now has everything he wants,’ Astarion snickered, positioning little Ayla on his hip better. Zelphie bent down with a grunt to kiss Meil’s forehead.
‘Behave,’ she told him, his cheeks in her hands, so he would make eye contact with her. He nodded his head and she smiled. She stood back up and kissed Dayryn’s cheek. Rolan took his wife’s hand to walk behind Wyll, Ulder and Florrick, but there was a little sound and Meil spoke.
‘Daddy.’ Rolan looked down at his son, who was pouting. He had stomped his foot in protest of being left without a kiss from his father. Rolan sighed and knelt down.
‘No one minute after your mother tells you to behave, you act up,’ he said and took his son’s chin in his hand. ‘Behave, Meil,’ he said and the little one’s golden eye squinted for a moment, he was outweighing his options.
‘Okay,’ he said simply and Rolan kissed his son’s cheek.
‘Be good for Uncle Cal, alright? You’ll see Auntie Lia later, but only if you are good,’ he said and Meil’s tail wagged happily. Rolan stood back up, following the Dukes of Baldur’s Gate. Wyll walked Zelphie to his chair, she was perched on a large throne chair to the left of Duke Ulder Ravengard, who sat in the middle. Wyll stood to the side of Zelphie, happy to help, always ready to protect. Zelphie sneezed and sighed.
‘Darling, cast silence on me,’ she said, sounding very tired. Rolan’s brow creased and shook his head. He kissed her forehead.
‘Absolutely not,’ he said and walked to the end of the small set of steps for the beginning of the ceremony with Ulder. Zelphie watched him and glanced around the large hall. Two sets of paired seating, full of distinguished patriars and guests of the ceremony sat, chatting a little. Astarion, Cal, Ayla, Meil and Dayryn were very close to the altar and Zelphie gave a little wave to her son. He waved back with a giggle and Zelphie placed a finger over her mouth. Meil clapped a hand over his and Cal placed a hand on the tot’s head. Zelphie heard a voice call for Meil in a whisper. Next to Astarion was Lia and Gale. They looked wonderful. Zelphie’s face softened, but her eyes widened.
‘Rolan,’ Zelphie whispered to Rolan, who was standing straight, looking up. He looked down at her and she pointed at Lia and Gale. Rolan looked over and his whole body changed. He froze, but he relaxed, seeing his sister. Lia had Meil in her arms and Rolan was so happy to see his sister, Zelphie was sure that he didn’t even notice Gale’s arm around her shoulders as the two distracted the toddler to keep him quiet and behaved. Meil seemed very happy to sit in his aunt’s lap, and Rolan’s tail swishing gently under his robes made Zelphie smile.
‘That is a big happy family,’ Wyll whispered to Zelphie and she looked up at him with a grin.
‘It is, and I’m so terribly lucky,’ she said and Wyll grinned at her. She was going to ask Wyll about himself, but Wyll’s father began the ceremony, and all chatter in the hall quickly dissipated.
Zelphie thought Rolan did fantastic, his deep voice confirming each vow he would swear, to claim loyalty to Baldur’s Gate and its people. Zelphie had a few sneezes to hold in, keeping her handkerchief over her nose. Rolan wasn’t looking at her. He looked incredibly focused, which meant he was deadly nervous. She wished she could stand by him and hold his hand, but that couldn’t be done. It would be a short, official swearing an oath, and Rolan would be free from the eyes of the city. Once all was said and done, Wyll helped Zelphie stand and Rolan was given an applause. The applause was interrupted by Meil, who was given the freedom to run up to his father. The witnesses laughed and aww’d at the little one and Rolan scooped the tot up with his new found adrenaline. Meil squealed with joy and hugged his father. Rolan held him close and the ceremony had ended. The event was so short, Zelphie felt ridiculous sitting down for it. She walked over to Rolan and kissed his cheek.
‘My lord,’ she whispered to him and Rolan’s eyes narrowed playfully.
‘Don’t you dare,’ he whispered back. Zelphie giggled and took Meil from him so he could greet his sister. Their family made their way forward, Lia in front and she unceremoniously hugged Rolan tight. He laughed and hugged her back. ‘Oh how I missed you,’ he muttered into her hair.
‘Shut up,’ she said and he laughed again. Zelphie felt her nose and eyes sting and she glanced up at Gale, who was holding back. He was watching Lia and Rolan with such warmth in his brown eyes. He was getting older. They all were, but it had been a long time since she had seen her friend. Vigilant as ever, Gale glanced down at Zelphie and his smile grew.
‘Hello you,’ he said fondly and Zelphie’s smile only grew. Meil made a little whine.
‘No face,’ he said and pointed up at Gale. Zelphie sighed and shook her head.
‘Mister Dekarios has a beard, my love,’ she told him and took his hand. ‘And pointing at people is very rude,’ she scolded him gently and Meil put his hand in his mouth, his eyes locked with Gale’s.
‘You look just like your mother, little one,’ Gale said and Meil giggled. Gale looked at Zelphie who was smiling at him. ‘If you don’t mind me saying so, but it is a bit incanny,’ he said and Zelphie looked down at Meil, who was happy with the compliment.
‘Don’t tell his father, Rolan is very proud of the fact that Meil and Dayryn have his eyes,’ she said and Gale smiled. ‘How are you? You look wonderful, and I cannot thank you enough for coming,’ she told Gale who shook his head.
‘It is my honor, to witness a man so worthy as Rolan become Archmage of Baldur’s Gate, it’s a historical event,’ he said and smiled and straightened his back as Rolan caught his look. ‘Rolan, I don’t think I’ve ever been more envious,’ he said and held his hand out for a proper congratulations. Rolan smiled and took his hand, giving it a firm grip.
‘You have no idea what your words mean to me, Gale. And your presence,’ he said and Gale shook his head.
‘My presence to you is nothing compared to some,’ he said and looked at Lia, who smiled right back at Gale. ‘I’d wager,’ he said and Lia walked over to him.
‘He’s right, Lia, Rolan would have canceled today, but when he found out you would be able to come-‘ Zelphie was interrupted by her own sneeze, covering her mouth.
‘Bessu,’ Meil said and Rolan looked down at her.
‘Mmm but we are not staying for a celebration, Zelphie shouldn’t have come, she’s very unwell, so we will be going right back to the Tower, please, come back with us,’ Rolan said Lia looked up at Gale. The human smiled down at her as she placed her hand on his arm, silently asking if that was alright. Of course it was, Gale was very happy to spend time with Lia’s family. Rolan’s brows did stitch together a little at the touch. Zelphie noticed right away, as she was expecting him to react like that. Her tail coiled around Rolan’s. That only made Rolan more tense.
‘Of course, how could I resist?’ Gale asked happily and looked at Rolan.
Rolan attempted his best face during their little dinner back at the Tower, very tense about the very obvious matter of his sister’s relationship with Gale. He had more of an issue with Cal’s relationship with Astarion, but Cal put up with his intolerance and close mindedness. Cal was a patient saint. Lia was not. Lia was more fiery than Rolan himself, and the last thing he wanted was to drive his sister further from him. He had no issues with Gale, Gale was a good friend, a colleague, a peer. But this would mean Lia would be far from him. As an apprentice only, she might come back home in a few months, but it was clear that her tutoring had formed a stronger bond between the two. Zelphie went to bed very early, as she genuinely could no longer stay up, and without her next to Rolan, he was truly struggling enjoying his own party. He feigned his own sickness and followed Zelphie shortly after kissing his little ones goodnight as his brother and sister stayed up with Astarion and Gale.
Inside of his bedroom, Zelphie was still getting ready for sleep. She was washing her face as Rolan entered. She rubbed her face dry with a towel and made eye contact with him. What the hell was he doing in here?
‘Rolan, I told you I am fine,’ she told him and he shook his head and chewed on his bottom lip.
‘Damnation, and on top of all of this, my pregnant wife is sick,’ he said and sighed and Zelphie frowned. After a moment of looking at him standing there, tense, the tip of his tail wagging furiously. She opened her mouth in realization. This was more than upset about her being ill. Much more than that. She walked over to him. He looked like he was in pain and Zelphie knew what was about to happen. Before Rolan began to erupt into tears and sobs, Zelphie had her arms around him in a tight hug.
‘Oh Rolan,’ she said and hushed him softly as the poor man practically collapsed on her.
‘What did I do wrong?’ He sobbed into his wife’s hair. Zelphie closed her eyes, her hands rubbing his back. She knew what this was, it was about Lia.
‘You did nothing wrong at all, my darling, come now. You have to know that adult relationships between siblings isn’t normally like this. It’s perfectly healthy and normal that Lia is on her own. You did nothing wrong,’ she told him and he shook his head. His grip on her was tightening and she sighed. ‘Oh Rolan, I cannot believe you think you could have done something wrong,’ she continued to rub his back and he shook his head.
‘Cal is still here!’ He exclaimed and Zelphie laughed at him.
‘Because Astarion is a freeloader!’ She said playfully. Astarion wasn’t a freeloader, of course, but he wasn’t Gale. Gale was an established, independent man and had been for a long time. Astarion had been established, two hundred years ago, before he was kidnapped and forced to live in the basement of a palace he had no right to. He was lucky to have the tower doors open to him, a sacrifice Rolan made to keep Cal around. But Cal had almost been lost as Lia was. If Rolan didn’t accept Astarion three years ago, Cal wouldn’t be living in the tower. It was very different. ‘And Cal and Lia are complete opposites, Rolan. Whereas you and Lia are the same person,’ she told him and let him lose a little so she could look at him. ‘Both headstrong and ambitious and stubborn. Could I ask you a question and you need to answer it honestly, for yourself?’ She asked him and held his face in her hands. He was a sobbing mess.
‘Yes,’ he got out and tried to regulate his breathing.
‘If I asked you three years ago to leave Baldur’s Gate with me, would you have?’ She asked and he sniffed and stared at her. ‘Leave the tower to your siblings and run away with me, would you have?’ His brow furrowed and he stood up straight. He wiped his face of tears and shook his head.
‘What…what are you talking about?’ He asked her and she sighed.
‘Say I got…very ill, or some such thing, and only a cleric in...Neverwinter could cure me. Would you leave this tower with me to go to Neverwinter, leaving your siblings and the tower behind?’ She asked and his face twisted in confusion.
‘Of course I would,’ he said simply, almost offended.
‘And does that mean you love Cal and Lia less?’ She asked and he looked away from her for a moment. She smirked at him. ‘Lia’s a big girl now Rolan,’ she continued with her point and Rolan closed his eyes. ‘She loves you so much, she just also has other things she wishes to do. In addition to, not instead of, alright?’ She asked softly. ‘And please don’t tell me you aren’t happy that she might find a happy ending with Gale Dekarios,’ she told him and he sighed. ‘The very sweet, thoughtful, babbling, devoted…rich Gale Dekarios,’ she said and Rolan smirked a little. She leaned up and kissed his cheek and he gave a hard exhale from his nose. He seemed calm for now.
‘Your comparison earlier was unfair,’ he said and walked to his wardrobe to prepare himself for bed. Zelphie walked to the bed and pulled out oil for her horns.
‘Oh yes? How so?’ She asked as she climbed into the bed. Rolan removed his heavy robes, hanging them back up neatly.
‘You compared yourself to Gale Dekarios. Extraordinary magical talents, Chosen of Mystra, on track to regain his title as Arch-Mage, sure. But Zelphie,’ he said and turned to look at her. ‘You are worth ten of him,’ he said and began to shake his head. ‘Of course I would abandon anything for you, for Gale? I wouldn’t abandon a thought,’ he said and Zelphie grabbed his pillow from his side of the bed and whipped it at him. He laughed but raised his hand, forced the pillow to halt and fall to the ground. Zelphie laughed and coughed into her wrist.
‘That’s not kind, Master Rolan,’ she snorted and laid back on her pillow and fixed up her horns as Rolan laughed at her and finished dressing for bed. Zelphie had a little coughing fit and Rolan climbed into bed next to her and rubbed her back.
‘I wish you would take something,’ he said as Zelphie drank water.
‘Halsin packed some lovely herbs with the honey I got, and the honey itself has been helping,’ she said stubbornly. Zelphie was refusing more medical intervention than simple herbal remedies. She was very frightened of what would happen to the already fragile pregnancy if she took anything stronger. Rolan debated her being ill for so long would be the same risk. She hated this fight. ‘It’s just a cold,’ she told him and he huffed. She cuddled up to him and he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. He kissed her forehead and sighed as he felt her fever, like hot coals.
‘Oh my girl,’ he whispered, holding her closer. He rubbed her back, his thumbs massaging around the vestiges of her back.
‘I love you Rolan, I’m so proud of you, you were fantastic today,’ she whispered and cuddled close to him. Even though Rolan felt her fever, she was cold and desperate for her husband’s warmth.
‘I love you too, Zelphie, now you sleep, my love.’
‘Read to me?’
‘Of course, how else will you possibly fall asleep than without my dulcet tones?’
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slynoitrash · 3 months
A quick Renfaire!AU for Sly/Noiz just because
Sly couldn't believe the brat.
Here they were, on a perfect Saturday afternoon, sun shining and instead of being able to sleep in, Noiz had practically dragged the blue-haired man out of bed at the ass Crack of dawn so they could go to...
"A Renfaire? Really?" Sly rolled his eyes with his usual over dramatization. He clicked his tongue when Noiz didn't even react.
How he'd gotten Sly to even agree to this, he had no idea. He understood even less how the guy had managed to get him to dress up as a pirate with him, either.
Probably something to do with the cute dusting of pink on the blonde's face when he saw him in the outfit, or the way his eyes lit up with excitement talking about this stupid Faire.
It was cute. Sly wasn't going to deny it. Well - not to himself, at least. He would, of course, still pretend to be exasperated.
"This your first time?"
"First and last."
A hint of a smile touched Noiz's lips - which was the Noiz version of a wide, beaming grin.
"You won't be saying that by the end, I promise. Here, follow me." The brat grabbed Sly by his hand and led him skillfully through the throngs of people along the dirt trodden path; by large, old-fashioned tudor style wooden shops and even a fucking castle. Sly couldn't stop the way his heart fluttered when Noiz had grabbed his hand, electricity shooting up his arm the moment their fingers had met.
Yeah, maybe the real reason Sly had agreed to come to this stupid thing in the first place was because he'd had a longtimecrush on his stupid pretty best friend and yeah, maybe he liked the way Noiz looked all dressed up in leather with a puffy white shirt.
Like he was in some stupid romance novel.
But he wasn't going to tell him that. Instead, Sly swallowed his feelings down as Noiz brought him over to what appeared to be a restaurant of sorts, overgrown with Ivy and a medieval bard strumming a citar in the corner. Everyone was dressed up; fairies, princes, trolls, hell there was even a dragon and a wizard going shot for shot by the bar.
Honestly, this seemed kind of...fun.
"I'll grab us some drinks, yeah?" Noiz smiled at him, that toothy grin that made Sly lose his breath, and let go of his hand to go get in line.
Sly tried to slow the pounding of his heart. The brat really had no clue, did he? Then again, Sly was pretty good at hiding how he felt under a mask of bitchiness and rage.
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headchefshcs · 8 months
Howdy, Chef!! 🎀 How has your day been? I hope good, I’m loving your blog so far!!
Do you think you could write something about Barb x Fem!Bimbo!Reader?? It could just be a few NSFW HCs, as much as you want! Maybe Barb who has a cock, if it's not a problem. Hugs and kisses!
Barbs little play thing // NSFW HCs
NSFW undercut Minors DNI, She/Her pronouns used, AFAB Reader
Bard loves her fuzzy minded big tittied gf. She didn’t even need to do much to get you to obey her. You were already pretty clueless to begin with too focused on your looks to even realize what was going on around you. She didn’t bother turning you into a rock zombie if you aren’t a Rock Troll, all it took was for her to grab your tits and finger you pussy for you to submit.
Barb definitely quickly makes you her lil slut. She’d let you keep your old pretty outfits but you’d have to wear a black spiked collar, a little reminder of who you belonged to.
You spend your days by her side, throughout the day she will mess and play tits and pussy, she loves seeing you become even dumber than you already are. She also loves watching others mess with you as she gets herself off as well. Seeing you flustered and utterly overstimulated by others make her so horny.
She loves treating you like a little slut when she’s fucking you. She loves pulling your hair and seeing you moan from the action. She will use a strap on most times, loving the way you’ll go stupid for it, babbling about who knows what, just to be able to get a bit of her cock.
//very short hcs but I hope you enjoy
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Scared into acting again, here are some shadow/persona designs I made for Persona Crossroads:
I saw a news article thing for P6 show up on my phone's newsfeed and got scared into acting once more, here are some more persona and shadow designs I made for Crossroads (which I sort of scrapped since I don't want it to be done in the P5 Tactica art style anymore XDD)
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First up we got the myth, the legend, Bayonetta!
I actually got pretty far into making the art digital, but as much of a shame as it is, I just wanted an art style change XDD The final Bayonetta design will probably still look similar tho owo
I used Ernesto from P5T as inspo for the gun feet X33 I don't really have much else to talk about regarding her design since it mostly sticks to her canon outfit in Bayonetta 1.
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Next, we got Karl Jacobs' TFTSMP character.
I really wanted to lean in on the whole In Between-Other Side-XD's World idea, tho I ended up not finishing the colouring since I got stuck on what to do with the hair lol XDD
The bottom coat part is inspired by a fanart I saw by Cute Studio (I believe their username was...) and the inside of the coat and the hands sprouting from the ends of Jacobs' scarf is a reference to all the versions of him that can be found in the In Between. The last notable note I can think to mention about his design is how his halo is meant to sort of... evoke the imagery of a clock? If that makes sense lol.
I wanted him to look super ominous since Jacobs' was supposed to be a boss.
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Unexpectedly, up next we have the illusive, rumoured Istaroth from Genshin Impact!
It's a weird choice since we've never had a confirmed appearance for her, but back in my old notes for Crossroads, Istaroth was supposed to be one of the characters' personas, so yeah, I made her lol.
Her design was inspired by art of her drawn by gierosajie-art and littleblueberryartist! Originally I had her standing, but realised the pose of her sitting down with her hands in her lap to be more iconic.
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And here we have Mari from OMORI! :DD
I think I mentioned it before, she was originally supposed to be part of a system of personas that's like... a bunch of personas in one personas because their user was a person with DID. Still not sure if I'm keeping the concept yet, but if not, then she'll just be a shadow roaming around.
Her hair was inspired by a fanart made by k0re_drawings on Twitter. I just loved how they drew her hair in a way that looked like snapped violin strings! If I redesign her tho, I think I might use a drawing by an artist called Hiko (I think) as inspiration. Mari doesn't really look like Something, but if you look at her from the back, the resemblance is there, I swear!
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And next we have the Electro Archon herself, Raiden Ei! :DD
This was designed when she was still supposed to be Arilette's persona and I truly regret not making her skin look like shadows :\\
Her outfit is basically just her normal outfit without some of the asymmetricalness and some extra ornaments and armour inspired by the Raiden Shogun boss and a small handful of fanarts. I love how her bottom half has the vague silhouette of a butterfly :))
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And last but not least, we got the Anemo Archon, Venti! :DD
So... I don't like his design ._. It's too much. I tried using various fanarts as inspiration to try and make his outfit a lil cooler, but it's just... so... much ._. (I do love the touch of Celestia in his corrupted form owo)
Even tho the name of the persona is Venti, I decided to make his look resemble Barbatos so I could pull a Third Ascension and make it look like his bard outfit while naming it Barbatos owo
That's all I got lol
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sayhwaet · 4 months
[ Fashion Police ] - Should she say something...? Perhaps she shouldn't... But, well, if it was her, she would want somebody to tell her, wouldn't she? Not that it ever would be her, but if it was... Was it not her duty, as an expert on such matters, to extend her services?
Mind made up, she marched up to the stranger.
"Excuse me?" she inquired politely. "Are you aware that you are attending a ball?"
It never did well to assume, after all!
"There are certain dress codes to adhere to," she explained, as though she were speaking to a two-year old. "And this..." She critically looked his 'outfit' -- or rather, lack thereof -- up and down, her nose wrinkling, "does not meet the standard."
At least his brooch was almost fully dressed. "Here," she added, plucking a black feather from her purse. "Take this as payment for finding yourself a shirt."
Yknow even after a while, the little jumps that people gave at seeing his lack of attire, the double-takes that never lasted longer than propriety could call for, still didn't cease to bring him a little smirk.
Sure, he mighta been a nip chilly, but he could outlast these hoity fucks, no problem. He'd thought that the teeshirt was an appropriate dressing for the evening, a fitting flouting of these kinds of arbitrary displays of what was 'proper' when proper just meant rich under the veneer of the bare minimum effort.
But, man, going pecs out was way funnier. None could accuse him of not working hard for the body that he had, and damn if he didn't think it deserved to be appreciated.
"Hm?" At the approach - bossy thing, wasn't she? - Beowolf wiped the smirk from his face, staring down at his bare chest somewhat dumbly. "Hey now! Where'n the hell did my shirt go? Kiddo I think we got a thief on our hands! Y'see another pink-haired lady, you give'er hell for me, got it?"
As if Ethlyn hadn't heard enough shit about his shirt. The grin returned to his lips, and he accepted the feather, tucking it into his hair behind his ear, a style he'd seen out and about among other blondes.
"Well it sure is a start," he remarked, turning his head this way and that thoughtfully. "Think if I collect enough'a these things I can build a new 'fit, hey?"
A wink. He had no intention of doing so.
Still, he dug around in his pocket as he spoke, and retrieved his own trinket, the delicate teardrop crystal, and flicked it the girl's way as one might a coin to a bard. "An' fer yer troubles, little missy. Truly, would be lost without the women in our lives, hey?"
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avocado-writing · 1 year
(not a request) do you think Aziraphale and Crowley role-play at all? like, with each other or with nightingale? would they bust out any of their old outfits to "get into character"? would they even remain in character for very long? would they switch bodies again like they did at the end of season 1?
they do, I even wrote a fic about it! but not very often. they're happy enough in their sex life without needing to bring the fantasy element into it, sometimes if everyone is in the mood a costume will come out. but i'm sure over the years they've played 'sexy maids getting caught doing something scandalous by the master of the house' and 'strangers who meet at a bar and decide they want to have a tryst in an alley'.
aziraphale is terrible at staying in character even though he gets far too into it -- "my character likes to restore old manuscripts in his spare time and, ever since his estranged wife disappeared with his prized possession: a first draft Shakespeare's Hamlet in the bard's own hand, he's been dragged into the world of espionage and --"
crowley is better at it, but when it's sexy roleplay, he doesn't take it too seriously. "my character's name is Dick Fucksley and he has a huge willy" (plus his subdrop takes him totally out of the scene lol)
switching bodies, maybe once, just to give it a try? you don't love when they do it, it feels weird - and they'd never do that sort of thing without getting your consent first.
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