#the ones I DO have figured out are cool though I love them
neverevan · 11 hours
so we know buck likes to do flowers/hot air balloon/etc...
but curious what tommy's love language/how he'll be romantic is. Like, he def likes the flirty teasing to show affection, but do you think he likes giving gifts or cooking dinners... idk, Buck is more the romantic speech giver, tommy prob prefers action.
idk, just wanna know how tommy romances bc so far he's wooed buck by being a) muscly b)Cool and c) a dork
mm actually... i think Buck is into the actions and big gestures, though he is getting better at talking about his feelings, not just letting them take the reigns and see where he ends up with them lmao
on the other hand, Tommy is very measured. he doesn't seem to say anything without intention, even his silly little quips and dark jokes are all there as a stress response — plus he listened to Buck ramble on and on, before realising he had a shot and shutting him up with a kiss lmao
based on what Lou told us about what he imagines Tommy's background to be like and what we saw in canon in season 2 and season 7... Tommy's childhood traumas seem to be pretty similar at the core as Buck's; abandonment issues, feeling alone and lonely, looking for love and family, people to belong to and a place to call home — the difference is that Buck had Maddie (on and off, but mostly on) and then the 118 and Bobby, while Tommy had no one.
for most of his adult life, Buck has been surrounded by people who he could come out to without an overwhelming fear that he'd lose the relationships, so much so that he went for it after having one kiss and a botched date with a guy.
Tommy had a homophobic boss/father figure of sorts, and a bunch of guys who followed Gerrard's lead; even if he had a months- or even years long relationship with a man, I don't think he would've ever risked coming out at all.
Tommy learned what his needs and wants are, and how to recognise his feelings, what's the appropriate way to express them and how to be true to himself, probably through a lot of self-reflection and therapy. (and now he clearly has a lot of friends and is easy to make friends with — however deep those relationships run, we'll just have to see if they'll show us more of that in s8)
all this to say; Tommy recognises Buck's needs and wants because he has been there and is probably still there.
so the way i see it; Tommy would already know how he feels, but would wait for Buck to say 'I love you' first, allowing him to set the pace and show his comfort levels in the the relationship.
but after that? he would say it to Buck every day, he'd tell him how important he is to Tommy, he would make time for just the two of them, but would also include Buck in group activities with his friends, he would never stop checking in on him, even when he's kinda sure that Buck really is just tired and he would know when something is important to Buck even when he waves it off as 'nevermind' and if they ever had a fight, he'd let Buck walk it off, cool down and when he was back, they would sit down and talk and they wouldn't get up until they talked everything through and reached a peaceful middle ground
and when Buck would show up with the bouquets and the fancy tickets to monster truck derbys and packed lunch for their couple's hikes, Tommy would tell him in every which way possible with his words and his touch just how much he truly appreciates Buck's presence in his life.
TLDR: Tommy's love language is communication and reassurance.
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alpydk · 3 days
Writing Prompt - Gale entertains the camp with the tale of Ahghairon's lost nose.
Yeah... I thought over this after riding the waves of shameless flirting from the last few days. Oops. - I'm now going to go and collapse into bed, but hope people enjoy this. Thank you for another great prompt. I do love writing these, so very much.
Find the Nose
Word Count - 1757 - CW - Fluff, flirting, some hands on.
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“What do you mean, find the nose?” Tav said with a curious look in her cool green eyes, her blonde hair being mindlessly braided over her shoulder, a surprising comfort found on the log she sat upon.
Gale had, for some time, been sharing in wine and frivolities with the ranger. The blush of her cheeks gave away the amount that had been indulged in and he stood before her, the fire burning brightly not far from them both, their companions long since departed for their tents with the rise of the moon in the sky. They’d shared in the histories of their upbringings, gone through many a dirty limerick, and now the party games had begun. Grease the pig had been a favourite of Tav’s, but no pig and a wizard with weak knees meant for a lousy opponent. Instead, they’d talked of other games and he’d begun to waffle on about a Waterdhavian pastime called find the nose.
 “Well, the grand mage, Ahghairon, is renowned in Waterdeep for his magic and political skills. A statue was built in the centre of the city as a tribute to his dedication to the people. After all, it was thanks to him that we have the system we do…”
He trailed on for some time, explaining the political landscape of the city and the history that had led to the City of Splendour’s reputation. Tav didn’t hear much of the subject, but she enjoyed how each word seemed to drip as poetry from his lips, the way his soft hands wove through the air and his slightly drunken eyes settled on her.
“And so, over the years, people would climb upon the statue and rub at his nose, the belief being that if one did, one would gain the fortune of the mage: wisdom and knowledge to guide in life’s hardships.” He rubbed mindlessly at his own nose, as if mentioning it had triggered something within in. “With that, the nose has simply eroded, lost to time, some might say. Gods forbid, it was another extremity.”
Her gaze was met with a playful smirk, too suggestive to ignore, but very much welcome after so many similar nights. “I still fail to see how this is a game, though, Gale. We have no statue, and sorry to say, no grand mage.”
He rose his hand to his chest in mockery. “My dear, you wound me.”
Tav shook her head and chuckled. “You know exactly what I mean before you get all dramatic and go planning to blow yourself up.”
“Me? Dramatic? I think you are confusing me with our vampiric friend.” He approached her and sat at her side, his hand resting on her knee.
She tried to ignore the sensation of warmth that ran through her, obviously caused by a little too much wine. “And so, how would this game be played, then?”
He ran his gaze over her figure, seeing the way her white cotton shirt hugged her body. He gave a nervous cough and looked away, distracting himself from the effects the alcohol had clearly had on him. “First, we must find an insignificant item. Why, the conch shell you found in the Underdark would do perfectly.”
“Conch shell?”
“It’s practically nose shaped, if one were a hag.”
Tav dug through her pack, another bottle of wine removed and placed to the side for further imbibing. The shell lay at the bottom under the various notes and trinkets she’d picked up.
Gale eyed her pack curiously, seeing the amount of tat that seemed to be stored in there. “You do know that traders will give you gold in return for goods?”
“Shut up,” she scoffed in response. “If it were all books, I’m sure you’d spout a very different set of remarks.” She brought out the shell and curled it between her fingers, thankful for the momentary distraction. “Now, what am I meant to do with it?”
He gave a devious smile, intoxication driving his intentions forward. The orb quelled had left him with little doubt in his mind of his body’s physical desires, combat with Githyanki at the creche setting his nerves on fire for his bow wielding companion. “Now you simply turn away and hide the item on your person.”
A look of realisation spread across Tav’s face as to how this game would pan out. “Ah, and then you are to find it, I suppose? And how do we determine a winner?”
“It is not the winning, but the enjoyment of the game that matters, my dear Tav.” He gave a knowing smile of what was to come. “But if you insist on a victory being the goal, one must simply hide the object well enough. Gone from view, just as Ahghairon’s nose is.”
“Hm, very well then.” She licked her lips, the taste of the red wine still present, the shell clutched delicately in her hand, and she turned from Gale’s view.
He could see the way her hands moved over her body, the slight lift of her shirt from her chest giving him some idea of her tactics. He would not start there, though; this game was not meant to be played to win but to exhaust all options and then potentially lose, and he would be as thorough as possible in his exploration.
“Ok, it’s hidden.” She turned back to him, ready for whatever it was he had planned. Her eyes gave a mischievous gleam, her competitive nature not letting her lose under any conditions.
Gale scanned her figure, first looking for any odd lumps where the shell might lie. He lifted his hand. “May I?”
She nodded. “Wouldn’t be much of a fun game if you were to only stop and stare?”
He smiled, his hand coming to pat down a crease of her shirt that lay just under her breast. His fingers continued to trace around her side, going around her back as he saw the way her cheeks flushed a deepened red, almost that of the wine shared between them. Her eyes shone in the moonlight, the flickering of the campfire burning, reflecting at him. He pulled himself closer, his palm resting on her rib cage. “Tell me if I commit anything untoward.”
“Untoward and Gale Dekarios; I don’t believe those words have ever fallen together, have they?” She felt one of his hands slip under the hem of her shirt, the other continuing around her back above the cotton.
“In my youth, I was quite the charmer. Many a game like this was played. Wine, poetry, the exploration of bodies quite the regular pastime.” He felt around her abdomen, his mind losing focus on the aim of the game, his finger tracing under her breast lightly.
She gave a soft hum with the sensation of his finger stroking her. “I get the impression it’s been some time, though.”
A light scoff was released from his parted lips, ones that breathed so gently against the warmth of her neck. “Since I had the opportunity to play such a game?”
“Since you explored a body that was not was formed by starlight.”
He took a moment to pull back and look at her, regaining his senses, his palm removed from under her shirt, a brief sobering of his mind. “Hm, you’d be correct.”
She looked at him apologetically, a slight dip in the mood not her intention. She thought over her words, trying to regain the playfulness, trying to fan the flames of desire that burnt as brightly as their own campfire. “That would explain why you’re so cold in your search.”
The glow of his dark eyes brightened with yearning, his goddess forgotten once again, for the one sat in front of him. He took his hand from the behind her and lowered it to the base of her back, his finger dipping under the leather that lay beneath. His other hand was placed firmly on her thigh, a slow clenching motion as it travelled upwards in search of its target. “Inform me if I am getting any warmer.”
“I thought the aim to win would involve not assisting you.”
“Hm, you’d be correct. I guess I’ll just have to work off how you react to my touch, then.” One palm lowered itself further down in between her thighs, the other sinking deeper into her trousers and cupping the soft flesh that lay there.
Tav’s involuntary gasp was enough for him to lean into her, his lips so close to her neck that he could almost taste her.
“You need to look so closely?” She whispered at his behaviour.
“Not look, my dear. Smell.” He wasn’t sure if he was in search of the scent of the salt water, or if it was the subtle aroma of rosewater that he was more interested in. An unintended kiss was placed upon her neck, her sigh permission enough for his hands to continue their travels. The warmth of her legs clouded his mind, mixing with the wine, and a hunger drove him forward, both of them forgetting the game and the search for the shell.
Neither heard the footsteps that approached them, as their hands explored one another, as their lips joined in a mesh of a wine touched kisses. The intentional kick of a pebble across the grass towards them went unnoticed under breathy gasps of wanting.
Astarion’s voice purred out, a jeering at the behaviour he was witnessing. “It’s about time you two finally stopped dancing around each other.”
Gale quickly pulled himself from Tav’s body, his ability to act casual in the situation failing him miserably. “It’s not how it appears. We were merely indulging in a spot of…” His words abandoned him, the sight of Tav patting down her shirt and stroking her legs distracting him.
Tav blushed, her eyes wide at the appearance of the vampire who’d crept up on them. “I think there’s been a little too much wine for tonight. Thank you for the evening, Gale.” She grabbed her pack and before Gale could stop her, made a dash for her tent, the embarrassment at having been caught in such a compromising position too much to endure.
Astarion approached the wizard, a crunch released as he stepped on an unfamiliar object. The fragments of a conch shell lay under his boot, some distance from the log both Gale and Tav had shared. “Darling,” he let out with a sigh. “Is it all wizards, or just you that cannot woo a woman normally?”
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jq37 · 8 hours
Would it be possible for you to briefly outline the gist of the Bad Kid’s relationships to each other in terms of individual pairs (i.e. Fig and Kristen, Riz and Fabian, Adaine and Gorgug, etc)? And if that’s too much, maybe specifically the Fig ones (I’m trying to get a sense of her friendships because they are so important to her).
This is SOOOOO late but I didn't have the time to write it when you sent it and then I figured I might as well wait till the end of the season to get a full picture and give the best answer. Hope it was worth the wait!
Fig and Fabian: Fig and Fabian are the two that most closely fit the classic "cool kid" archetype (though obviously we know Fig is mainly a big sweetheart and Fabian is a loser no matter how high he rolls). As far back as S1 they were playing the party faces and schmoozing Penelope together. I think their friendship now is exemplified by the fact that when Fabian wanted to threaten his banker, Fig was there as his first mate to help out, no questions asked and no payment required. They're each others, "I can count on you to do this bullshit with me," friends.
Fig and Riz: I think Fig knows she doesn't necessarily have as much in common with Riz naturally as she does with some of her other friends but she obviously respects and deeply cares for him. The main reason she started taking her classes seriously Junior Year is because the whole party passing together was really stressing him out and she spent some of her very limited downtime sending Riz a, "Thinking of you" not to lift his spirits (though she signed it from Gorgug because she can't help being chaotic). Similarly, I think Riz obviously cares a ton for Fig even though he finds 70% of what she does crazy. Think about him following behind her to clean things up as she pretended to be a doctor and had to do surgery in Freshman Year. But I think she's helped him lean into his chaotic side a bit more as well--I always think about their side mission to hell in Soph year and her going, "Hiss at her litigator!" And at the end of Junior Year, he comes to the conclusion of, "I gotta let her do her own thing and not pressure her to live by my standards." So lots of mutual respect.
Fig and Gorgug: Fig and Gorgug have been besties and bandmates since Freshman Year. I've always had the sense that Fig has some big sister style protective feelings towards Gorgug since he's often the gentle giant of the group and this season, she hyped him up a ton with his Barbificer stuff. I would argue that, besides his parents, Fig is Gorgug's biggest cheerleader.
Fig and Adaine: Fig ALSO has sister energy with Adaine but it's less "protective older sister" and more "odd couple playfully clashing". Think them burning spellslots to fight for the best rooms in Mordred in Soph year and Adaine foaming at the mouth to get info about her crush on Ayda. They're living under the same roof so we have to assume they have a lot more interactions that we don't see and I feel like Adaine probably really enjoys that she gets to have closer to a normal sibling relationship with Fig since her blood sister is Aelwyn and that relationship is intense and meaningful but nothing approaching normal. The teasing is there but so is the genuine love--remember how devastated Fig was when Adaine was taken to Falinel in Soph year despite their best efforts? And her long hug during the Baron fight this season even though they were VERY MUCH on the clock. And Fig was Wingwomaning hard (along with the rest of the Bad Kids) to help her notice Oisin. Also think about Fig having a whole crisis of self during The Last Stand and turning to Adaine for reassurance and Adaine just going, what? Girl, no you're awesome and painting an arcane bullseye on her target so she could smite like crazy. Despite the playful ribbing, they have very supportive sister energy. "Absolutely my king, whatever you want."
Fig and Kristen: I think Fig and Kristen have two big things is common. One is they're both very chaotic people and the other is they have both gone through kind of intense rebellious periods spurred by or resulting in family trauma. Because of that, I think they likely get each other a bit better than the others might (and we can see that Fig followed in Kristen's footsteps a ton this season god-wise). Fig also decided to take on the protective, German Shepherd role over Kristen this past season which I think is partially for the bit, partially about personal development, and partially about just how much she genuinely wants to help protect Kristen.
Fabian and Riz: Classic jock/nerd friendship. The original Bardy Boys. The kind of friendship that is made special by the absolute lack of obvious commonality between the two parties. "The Ball" is a friendly nickname now. Oh how the turns have tabled.
Fabian and Gorgug: Fabian started out the series by attacking Gorgug for no good reason while he was being gifted a tin flower and midway through this season he was like Gorgug, you're quitting Bloodrush? I'm gonna miss you :(((((( even though they're still fully in a party together and spend so much time together. The bro energy has completely solidified. It's also funny that Fabian texted Gorgug like, "Congrats on making it with Mary Ann!" and Gorgug was like, "You do know I've had sex before, right? I come from an extremely sex positive household and I had a steady girlfriend for two years who also came from an extremely sex positive household." Fabian has all the aesthetics of a cool kid but Gorgug is actually about that life, lol.
Fabian and Adaine: This is another pair that I think has serious sibling energy (and not just bc they both have posh high elf backgrounds). I'm thinking about Fabian yelling for Adaine's help during The Last Stand (even though she was like why am I the one you're calling for help right now???). I'm also thinking about Adaine being like Fabian hit me :( during the Baron encounter and Fabian being outraged at the thought that he would ever hit her. I think if you asked Fabian, he'd say his best friends are Riz and Adaine (which is really funny considering they're the nerds of the group).
Fabian and Kristen: Bad decision buddies with no game who are still somehow getting their kisses in.
Riz and Gorgug: I think that Riz was one of the Bad Kids who realized how smart Gorgug really is the fastest. He's always like, "Nice one Gorgug," when he offhandedly comes up with a connection that helps solve the mystery and I feel like they have to work on gear and gadgets together. I think the fact that Riz believed Fig's lie that Gorgug wrote him the encouraging note says a lot and the fact that Gorgug immediately made him a real present (the Medal of Wit) also says a lot.
Riz and Adaine: Party nerds, investigation buddies, voices of reason with specific things that get them unreasonably angry. They are the only ones who were excited that there was an academic portion of The Last Stand. Riz made Adaine a folder with nothing in it at the beginning of Junior Year to say, "I'm not worried about you but I want you to be included anyway." Adaine in a conversation to I don't remember who said that she knows that at the very least she and Riz are going to college together. When everyone was wasting questions questioning Bakur, Riz told everyone to shut up except for Adaine and himself. They are the braincells of the operation and they have party nerd solidarity.
Riz and Kristen: I think Riz has a similar relationship to Kristen that he does to Fig. This season he was her right hand man with campaign stuff but ended the season like hey, do you. I don't want to put pressure on you. And Kristen in turn I think appreciated his efforts a bit more by the end of the season. I feel like it's easy to feel like their relationship is unbalanced but I think Riz is a lot like his dad and he not only feels weird when he's not working but also shows his love by working so it's more symbiotic than it may seem at surface level.
Gorgug and Adaine: Gorgug and Adaine don't interact the most, but I feel in my heart that they have a lot of chill, lo-fi study time together. This is me extrapolating a bit but I think they kind of inherently balance each other out. Gorgug being mechanically big and full of rage but really sweet. Adaine being small and polite but full of so much rage. In-universe you know she spends a ton of time standing directly behind him and casting spells while he soaks damage. That's gotta give you a special kind of camaraderie.
Gorgug and Kristen: Whenever I think about Gorgug and Kristen, I always picture them in Sophomore Year, Going Through It with their girlfriends at the same time, lol.
Adaine and Kristen: I think Adaine and Kristen's whole relationship is best summed up by three actions. (1) Adaine casting Friends on her to make her go to school so she won't fail and then Kristen giving her the Help action to be charmed. (2) Kristen making the effort to be mean-nice to Aelwyn because presumably Adaine told her she likes that better. (3) K2 being sent way and Kristen being like, "I did enjoy having a sister" and Adaine immediately going, "I'm your sister." (Which, from her history, you know isn't something she'd say lightly). I think Adaine is often exasperated by the insane shit Kristen does (see eg: ribbon dancing) but she was also right there hyping her up and helping her cover during the "Past the test to give me new spells" fiasco at the food trucks. At the end of the day, Kristen respects the hell out of Adaine and Adaine is ride or die for Kristen.
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torchvic · 2 days
fuck this *flicks my little magic wand* your obey me cast is all transgender. here are my personal headcanons for that (putting this under a read more because this is A LOT)
the brothers r first because i was thinking abt this for one billion hours:
asmo is genderfluid and i think he'd use she/he pronouns. (we could also argue bigender asmo because that'd be cool also)
he/they transmasc mammon. literally they/them'd in a call and i saw a transmasc mammon headcanon and i think abt it all the time now.
it's been discussed here before but levi is nonbinary transfem. she uses they/she pronouns and i will die on this hill. also uses some type of neopronouns. gamer girlfailure /j (might be femcel. idk it might be the amount of times they use "normie") (i'm in love with her)
belphie is too tired to give a shit about gender. he says "no" if asked. they/it/he maybe. probably uses star/starself neos too cuz that stuff rocks (agender belphie anyone???)
beel uses any pronouns and doesn't rly label his gender i don't think. never really gave it much thought probably but i don't think he cares. love them lots. :3
i don't think satan really cares about gender either BUT i think he could identify with catgender (he/cat pronouns (maybe more) he'd use cat-centric neopronouns this has to be canon)
nonbinary lucifer is canon on my SOUL. they use they/she/he pronouns because they can and will.
then we got the silly goober dateables + small child luke:
diavolo got that demiboy swag and once he discovers neopronouns it's gonna be awesome. he/they/prince pronouns (or any other royal-centric ones)
barbatos is agender. bro is a time master lord guy they do NOT give a shit. they/them and maybe it/its depending on the day
solomon uses them all. every single pronoun. they've lived so fucking long that they just said "fuck it" or something and claimed all of them. he made the genderfluid in his cauldron and promptly drank it. uses neos too but there's a lot that fit here. maybe it's all of them too. i do think xe/xem (and other variations) are used though because i said so
i don't know if angels have a concept of gender or not. they/he simeon though something about him is nonbinary af luv u simeon
i'm not sure for luke because he's like... 10... but again idk if angels really have the gender concept at all (probably not they're supernatural beings. they all are actually). might be a mainly he/him user but doesn't mind it when other pronouns are used. idk the gender because hes a child but maybe he'll figure it out later in life cuz rn he's worried about baking really good treats for michael
last but not least the characters they refuse to add to the system (please im in love with thirteen please PLEASE):
mephisto got that bigender swag idk something about them screams it. i do think they use they/he pronouns though (maybe she/her also, but it depends on the day lawl)
thirteen is transfem i feel it in my bones. she/it/they pronouns. i love her so much. it's my favorite character ever look everyone. obey me devs add thirteen to the intimacy system NOW PLEASE.
raphael is agender bro does not care they will rain their spears on you and then eat solomon's cooking right after to make you physically ill (/lh). uses they/xe :)
thank you for coming to my ted talk and im sorry for the intense rambling <:)
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07-bilin · 2 days
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high-school love pt.1
₊˚ପ⊹ summary: a slowburn of sorts in which you and akaashi meet as manager and player, slowly becoming close as the only first-years on the team
₊˚ପ⊹ wc: 1,725
₊˚ପ⊹ warnings: none!
his name
Attending Fukurodani, you expected your three years at the school would be calm, something predictable. This was automatically shattered within the first two weeks of high school. The friend you had made in your class had ultimately been able to convince you to join the girls soccer team, so there you were, outside in the blazing hot sun in the month of April in your P.E getup that didn't fit you in any of the right ways. As a goalie, your job was to defend the opposing team, not letting them score any points, supposedly that's what you were supposed to be doing but ultimately in the end all of the balls ended up flying right past you, the last one hitting you in the face causing the coach to give you a lecture ending the scrimmage at that.
After the lecture, you were shooed off the field to go clean yourself up. You found a sink by the gymnasium and turned it on feeling the cool water on your finger tips. collecting the water between your hands you splashed the puddle on to your face feeling refreshed.
I mean, soccer wasn't your thing, but you joined in support of your friend's endeavors. Overall, there was a small chance of you making the team and even if you did you would probably be benched. But before that could even happen, you would find an excuse to join the team which would lead you back into square one of finding a club to join before being randomly placed into one, though, to be honest, you could care less about the club you joined, you agreed to tryout with your friend as you had enough with her talking about all the hot guys that she'd be able to see if she joined.
As you finished tidying yourself up, ready to head back to the field and most likely to get hit in a bunch of other spots, you saw a volleyball that seemed to have rolled out of a gym. You headed over to grab it and followed the noise of balls being spiked to one gym in particular. You pushed the mosquito net aside before entering the noisy gym, ball in hand.
Your attention was immediately drawn to the boy with gelled up whitish gray hair as he seemed to be the nosiest one here. Your eyes trailed his figure as he approached the net in a fluid motion before jumping up and slamming down the volleyball that seemed to have gravitated towards his palm.
Your eyes began to dart around to find this certain face named 'Akaashi'. You see a glimpse of him before you feel a slight tap to your shoulder.
Spinning around, your met with a girl with a clipboard, you can tell she's older than you by the way she stands, almost like she's accumulated with the place and used to all the buzz around her in the closed quarters. "You must be here for the manager position,?" she says as she stares at you glancing at the ball that you hugged to your chest even tighter than before after being caught in the act of your seemingly good deed. Although you remembered seeing posters all around the bulletin boards in the first-year hall about a manager position you didn't know it'd be today of all days.. You grimaced as you began to zone out before feeling a weight on your shoulder and glance up at another girl who seems excited to see you.
"Ah,,? We finally got a first year, whats your name little one?" She asks as she gives you a smile. The girl from before is somewhat shocked from the sudden actions of the girl on your shoulder as she comments on her position, "Yukie! Don't scare her, plus, she hasn't even said if shes joining yet." The second-year girl looks at you with enlarged eyes somewhat with an apologetic face before asking, "So, are you?"
You glance between the two upperclassmen who seemed to be starring daggers into you before ultimately stating you would be. The girl who had a ponytail in currently was Suzumeda-san while the one that was glued to your side minutes earlier was Shirofuku-san--but she preferred to be called Yukie-san. As the practice continued, Suzumeda-san ran you through the basics of everything. Although you weren't well versed in the sport of volleyball, the two girls washed away your worries as you joining the club was the first step to learning more about the sport.
From the two chattering upperclassmen, you learned quite a lot of the team already, the one player they mentioned the most was Bokuto-san. He was the ace of the team who often worked up quite a storm of emotions. You soon learned that he it was often a struggle to pick him out of his alienated stage but lately that wasn't the case, due to a particular person. Sure Bokuto interested you but a person who could deal with his mood-swings? Was there actually a person like that on the team? Before you could pry for more information the two girls moved on from the topic before giving you more instructions on how to be a manager for the powerhouse school.
By the end of practice, night had fallen upon them. Coach Yamaiji wrapped up the practice by giving the players a pep talk and eventually ended up introducing you to the team. "Hello, I'm L/n, Y/n from class 1-2, thank you for having me," you stated as you introduced yourself to the crowd of boys. To your surprise, they greeted you warmly which helped cool your anxiety down just a tad bit.
After everyone collectively cleaned up the gymmnasium, you were given your very own Fukurodani tracksuit and volleyball shoes, identical to the players. With these items, the idea finally settled down into your mind, you were really doing this now, full commitment and everything. A small smile formed on your face as you ran your hand over the embroidered characters as you stepped out of the gym into the cool spring night.
As you quickly snuck to the girls locker room, you sighed in relief as it hadn't been locked just quite yet. You quickly changed out of your P.E clothing and into your uniform, throwing on a light cardigan from your backpack before slipping the remaining items into your backpack and fishing out your phone. Switching it on, you were bombarded by multiple messages from a particular someone..
**F/n** "Y/N!!!" -5:28pm
"coach knows you disappeared!!"
"come back y/n before you get lectured again"
"gtg, you better be back soon or else.."
"YAH, I MADE THE TEAM!!" -8:47pm
"text me back when you finally respond,,, AND YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD REASON FOR DISAPPEARING!!"
You stifled a small laughter as you reached the end of the messages from your friend. You felt bad for leaving her behind but from your perspective of her from the past two weeks you think she'll be fine and in no time she'll be best friends with the entire team.
As you approach the gates of the academy with your earbuds plugged into your ears with your eyes staring down at your phone thinking of a reply for F/l/n-san, you don't notice a certain boy in front of you and he seems to not have noticed you either as the two of you eventually collide into each other which ends up with you on the ground, an earbud falling out in the process.
You keep your composure calm as it was your fault and your gaze eventually lands on a boy that wears the Fukurodani uniform quite strictly. Typically the boys will unbutton the jacket but he keeps it buttoned up and it seemed like his tie was also ironed that morning. You shift your gaze up to his face, a sharp glint in his eyes, almost like he's calculating his every move constantly. Much to his clothing, his hair seems to be the most untidiness part of his, frayed in several directions but it fits the way his face is shaped, making him look rather handsome.
Eventually, you notice the hand he placed out for you to reach for god knows how long as you were admiring his beauty. You grab it and feel the callouses he has all over them, must be a sports player you muse.
"Thank you,, uh--," you begin as you get a better look at his features face to face, seeming to click within your mind that you've seen him before, or at least a glimpse of him.
"Akaashi, Akaashi Keiji." He responds calmly. "Are you okay?"
You give him a slight nod as you release your grasp from his hand before fidgeting with your own. "Sorry, that was completely my fault, my name is L/n, Y/n". You say as you give him a nervous laugh trying to not lock your eyes into his. He gives you a small smile before saying it was alright and that he hadn't been paying much attention either. The two of you stand there for a good couple of seconds before you let out another nervous chuckle.
"Well, I'm gonna go this way now Akaashi-kun, see you around school!" You say as you wave bye to him.
"Mhm, see you tomorrow L/n-san," he replied before slipping away from the school leaving you alone with your thoughts. As you neared your home, you pondered over what he meant by see you tomorrow.. Was he going to track you down and demand for you to pay repercussions. You shivered at the thought of it. Only when you were about to drift into slumber you realized.
Sitting up in bed, "SO THAT'S WHO HE WAS!!" Akaashi, the mystery man, setter, and only first-year on the starting line-up of Fukurodani was the one guy able to calm down Bokuto-san and you just clumsily bumped into him and had no idea what his name was when he probably already knew yours explaining why he smiled upon your reactions.
You flung yourself around in bed not being able to sleep but eventually succumbed into slumber as the next day awaited your presence.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 5 months
So who is in Sewerhell exactly?
Everyone but the latest versions of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Monty, Roxy, Sunny, Moon, DJ and the Minis, though honestly there's probably a few Minis down there too ngl.
Sewerhell is where all previous versions of those animatronics go, along with any other animatronics that have previously been in the Plex specifically. So you have a handful of Glamrock Freddy's, a bunch of Chica's, a bunch of Cupcakes, some Foxy's, some random non-sentient guys I made up like The Breaker, hordes of Staffbots, faulty endos, failed robotics projects, and whatever else ends up in there. Like book guys with my own spin on them I think there's like... well I can only think of one animatronic from the books I put in there right now but there's probably someone else I'm forgetting lmao
An askblog with everyone from Sewerhell would be so confusing because you'd have an ever growing cast of multiple of the same guys over with a sliding spectrum of design differences, but it would also be pretty funny with some of the dynamics I already have in mind for some of these guys lmao
AND if set in the Sewercontrol universe, the latest version of Roxy we all know and love can be there. I just had the thought before I got this ask that if I were to lose my marbles and even attempt a funny askblog, it'd be set after Sewercontrol so I wouldn't have to navigate any of that on an askblog of all things lmao, but it would mean I'd have to you know... write the fucking thing first??? Terrible. Awful. The universe is so cruel like that.
Anyway, if you wanna know who specifically is in Sewerhell (like how many Freddy's or non-current characters like Foxy) I can make another post for that if you want buddy I just started typing this without the doc with the list of them in open lmao
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r0semultiverse · 18 days
Hey, Jake & Jack fans, is this anything?
Both men imprisoned (literal & metaphorical).
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Both offered an out from their current predicament by an outside force (arguably in the case of Brain Ghost Dirk).
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Both have loose ties to Lord English visually.
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Yellow initial glow & Gamzee involvement too.
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Sometimes a guy just needs to explode (same pose too).
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Both dual wielding weapons.
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That same said weapon type (for Jack Noir) having killed Jane Crocker.
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It's really looking like Jake is going to do her in.
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I would also like to point out that we've had interactions involving these three (Jane, Jake, and Brain Ghost Dirk) before that consisted of similar topics & themes.
Brain Ghost Dirk implying that he's just there as moral support, a manifestation of Jake's powers, and as a coping mechanism. Jane also talking about ruling an empire with him while talking down to him, similar to how she saw and/or still sees him in Beyond Canon's Candy timeline. Jake also being uncertain about doing anything to harm her despite all the bad things she's doing.
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Brain Ghost Dirk going away tells us that Jake's more hopeful than he's ever been. This is the moment where he is the most sure of his decisions than he's ever been in his life, whatever those decisions may be in regards to Jane and how to handle this situation.
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He is probably going to shoot Jane down, quite literally. I would also argue that after all this time, the lad isn't beating the Lord English allegations. We might as well have a parallel of him killing Jane much like how Jack Noir killed her right before he got possessed by Lil Cal & given some of Lord English's immense power.
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Alternatively maybe we'll get to see what the power of hope or hope bullets can do to someone whose done so much wrong & come so far off the deep end in terms of moral wrongdoings. Maybe with every shot that hits her, she'll begin to be swayed to the side of good & start to self-reflect.
I'm still not fully convinced that Gamzee actually cured Tavros' peanut allergy, I mean just look at the panel.
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This could absolutely be interpreted as Jake injecting his hope power into the epipen and by proxy injecting both his power & the epipen into his son! If younger Jake is strong enough to defeat Grimbark Jade, then adult Jake might just be strong enough to defeat a peanut allergy is all I'm saying! In fact, now that I'm rambling about it, this seems like the more likely outcome is Jake's hope power swaying or (in the very least) confusing Jane mid-fight. Hope bullets, they would look cool & would be pretty strong!
The power of believing in others & wanting things to change can be a strong tool indeed, Mister English.
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If there's one person who still believes in changing Jane's mind (or bringing her back to proper canonicity depending on how you interpret the recent lore), it would be Jake English, the believer.
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Okay, maybe this is something! Tally ho!
#I have not seen anyone talk about the visual; story; & character parallels yet so allow me to jump up on this box real quick#gonna start shouting into this megaphone because holy crap I just now noticed this somehow only just now#I know & am aware some of these are probably a stretch & the order of events isn't exactly the same; but hear me out okay?#did the writing team remember & know they were doing this??? anyone feel free to answer or ask one of them on twitter I just want#to know out of pure curiosity though i can see how answering something like this might be spoiler territory this early into beyond canon#Jake is on the war path & I love that for him; I trust him to rage responsibly tbh#this started off as me being certain of one hs outcome; but now im more certain of the other; feel free to guess which is which#I'm not here to say whether I agree with Jake or disagree with how he's going to handle the Jane Crocker situation; I'm just doing analysis#& finding parallels that may or may not be intentional because at this point I'm honestly not sure; but i figured it was worth pointing out#jack noir lord english and jake english parallels real? only time will tell; but i look forward to the coming updates to hs^2 or hsbc#homestuck beyond canon#homestuck#jake english#homestuck^2#homestuck 2#jane crocker#jack noir#homestuck theory#brain ghost dirk#homestuck candy#cw blood#homestuck upd8#upd8#homestuck spoilers#also yes i avoided having the flashing images be flashing images on purpose; less hassle with tags & stuff & things even if it looks cool
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
I’m fairly new to the fandom, but I do have a question if you can answer it! Why do people ship Daigo with Aoki / Masato? I tried looking to see if they’ve interacted before, but couldn’t find anything! Sorry for asking I’m just </3 dumb AND I LOVE YOUR ART OF THEM!!! Nerd looking ahhhhhh
hi ! welcome to the community i hope you're having a lovely time so far and ty for enjoyin my stuff :) no need for apologies it's a very fair question to have :]
i cant speak for everyone (all. ten people into masadai anyway) but Personally To Me i just think the idea of them together is very funny. thats quite literally it im afraid..
#snap chats#//twenty page google doc in the background// ignore that. it's mostly for comedic purposes#might also be my fault idk sorry about that. allegedly. idk ive had like three people tell me they started to ship them cause of me 🧍‍♂️#@mementoasts is another person who's drawn masadai and whose stuff i love and am inspod by .. i love their disneyland fic sm ...#there was another artist on twitter who posted a neat drawing of them but i cant remember who they were and i didnt bookmark it //screams//#recently there's been ANOTHER masadai artist ive started following on twitter - @wifekiryu. his account's n/s/f/w fyi before you go looking#he has a tumblr too @foxdies. i say cause i realized as much recently vjeaKLGJALKGJ#oh but I GUESS ill get deeper into why. /i/ personally ship masadai or whatever#first off they're opposing factions yet their character alignments Do Not Match their roles. stereotypically anyway#aoki who leads the 'surface' of society and is meant to be an admirable figure and someone 'just' when really. he sucks LMAO#though that's not atypical of politicians but just from a stereotypical This Is A Respectable Individual perspective of his role#daigo on the other hand leads the 'underbelly' of society- yk comprised of dangerous criminals and outcasts and whatnot#yet as we know him daigo's compassionate and considerate of his men- he doesnt treat them like tools like aoki does#if put in a room with the two daigo would be most people's choice of person to hang out with. probably open a trapdoor on aoki tbh#and i think thats really cool and epic i always love that kinda Subverting Expectations thing#theres also the fact they both started off like. edgy/angsty in the franchise and then brush up down the line#masato does a stronger 180. publicly. obviously but its still really funny they both have to get their act together#if you wanna talk about in-text reasons. there really is none LMAO I TELLS YOU masadai is pure crack#but if i wanted to pull a muscle reaching then there's daigo being on aoki's side while everyone else is on arakawa's during the funeral#im lying of course. mitsu was behind him. rgg tryna make me forget mitsu exist .... put him back in y8 ....#and ofc ichi joins that side to even out the seating but moving on another Goofy Reason is arakawa being like#'the chairman and my son are like p much the same age Surely he knows how he thinks :)'#and then i just think daigo being all smarmy about outsmarting aoki is really goofy and im choosing to interpret that as personal#they both also have issues with their dad. s. dad/s/. anyway.#tbh the google doc tag was a joke but i really could sit here and list every dumb reason why i think theyre funny together#like i started going over the tag limit so uhhhh yeah needless to say i have a lot of. dumb reasons 💀💀💀💀#one day ill use the main text for long rambles like this but todays not that day Point Is my imagination is rampant im afraid#so the short and sweet of it is I Think It's Funny. And They'd Be Terrible Together. Which Is Why It's Funny.#and the unfortunate part is anything i find funny i obsess over for a year so. //gestures to the mountain of bullshit thats my masadai tag/
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hum--hallelujah · 9 months
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computer ENHANCE
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the red/orange is custom obviously but yeah I finally figured it out after a month of scratching my head like "that's not a jazz bass... doesn't look like a telecaster... he's clearly not playing a Squier anymore..." I have figured it out. thank you gettyimages
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milkweedman · 1 year
I've rapidly become obsessed with that belt, I Need to make a recreation...
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sevicia · 3 months
I wanted to make a cleaner summary of last week's classes and also review the classes I have this week since the material is already uploaded beforehand but I was feeling so horrible throughout the day that when I sat down I was just gonna look at the ones for tomorrow but I think I'm just gonna go to bed because I just gave my little numbers game a few tries and not even the joy of tribial elementary school-level math games is bringing my brain cells and/or full sentience back
#diary#accessing it through the CMD thing and not just running it from the IDE made me realize a few things about it though so I'll hav#I'll have to maybe jot them down somewhere when I'd normally just be rly excited and try to fix them straight away like I am truly fucked r#I do wanna make an eng version of it sometime soon so I can share it even tho it's literally the simplest little thing. it's fun if you're#an easily amused nerd that loves playing with numbers in a truly useless manner. if that makes sense#also very obviously text-only I am NOT torturing myself with any graphics of ANY kind rn#it closes immediatly as they do and also when it comes to having double/triple digit starting numbers it becomes a lot less fun I think tho#though I haven't used it much with those yet#I still wanna figure out a way of making it better when it comes to 2/3 digit starters. and my original idea included maybe keeping track#keeping track of how many steps you took even between different rounds but I made the simplest version for now. I also think making like a#''this was the least amount of steps possible!'' type thing would be very very cool but that is FAR too big brained for me rn#cause I can figure out how to do the record keeping thing but that last one is like. let's stop talking for a little while.................#oh but adding an actual interface sounds so fun even though I have very little clue on how to do that rn I could probably STOP typing becau#because I can feel my stupid ass self start getting excited about this which will make it so I start working on it instead of going to bed#NO. DOWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!! auhgh............ oh man I had a lame joke to make but I completely forgot what it was#I have coding class tomorrow in which I normally just do the exercises as fast as possible before playing around but the only Python editor#I could find installed on the school computers was Visual Studio Code and I have no clue how to use that shit like I don't need so many#so many buttons. probz. OKAY GOODNIGHT
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billpottsismygf · 2 years
I've just started Jekyll & Hyde Weekly to replace the Dracula shaped hole in my life, but I want to know if anyone is doing a serialised Dickens substack or if I'm going to have to make one myself
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goldiipond · 1 year
i need to draw escape arc stuff now
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rosicheeks · 2 years
Yeah I said you do you cuz... Well who the fuck am I to tell you not to ya know? Go off tag queen. Run them tags🤙🏻 I love reading it all honestly I was just curious and wanted to peck your brain on it. I hope the night is treating you well. I love your vibe. You deserve someone to match it and run tag shit with you 😌
🤞 here’s to hoping I find someone to run tag shit with me 🤞
#I’m looking for my tag king/queen#I’m not expecting someone to go crazy in the tags like I do cause I’m a special type of weird#but I really wanna find someone that reblogs my content with cute tags#like cute tags melt my HEART#I always see tags that are on my posts and they always always make me smile 🥺#feel free to peck my brain about anything at anytime!#I love giving my opinions cause I have a lot of them 😇#buuuuut I’m the type of person to usually keep my opinions and thoughts to myself#so maybe that’s another reason why I use tags#so I can kinda talk to myself and say my thoughts out loud#but also not like scream it at people hahahaha#I think I’m so used to tags that when I actually make a post or write a comment instead of using tags I feel like I’m screaming#my tags are like little whispers#or maybe I’m just thinking all of them and you somehow hear all my thoughts#my night has been pretty good thank you!#I was able to finish a gold leaf painting and I figured out an idea for two other ones!#I love painting and I really hope I can make a profit out of it so I feel like it’s worth doing#I know I know creative outlet is always good but craft supplies are EXPENSIVE#so I would love to get some money back somehow also I don’t need billions of paintings hahaha#though it would be really fucking cool to cover a wall with just paintings…. or like make a ‘tapestry’ of paintings#anywayyyyy#thank you lovely! I love it when people compliment my vibes 🥰#sending you some hugs! I hope you’re having a wonderful day/night 💖#ask
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scare-ard--sleigh · 2 years
what if i did it what if i took some classes and became an accountant and never had to deal with social media ever, ever again ????? 
#silver jelly#it's ummm been one of those days >>#work stuff#i was supposed to have a meeting with this man at 12:30. okay. cool! love that!#guy asks for a gcalendar notification so he doesn't forget bc we set this up last week--proactive; love to see that!#guy no-shows. eyeroll but whatever. guy messages us an hour after the meeting time saying 'sorry guys i thought this was 12:30 pst'#are you FUCKING kidding me??????????/ i am going to EAT YOU#so now i'm waiting around until 3:30 (bc whatever i have work to do anyway) for a meeting about stuff that apparently#does not matter anyway bc i made all this content under the pretense that we were revamping the whole site but we're not. so there's like.#no way to monetize it which is ofc all big boss cares about (predictable and honestly fair i get it) so it's all fucking moot anyway ahfjujh#i just wish they'd told me before i spent all this time and energy into making it stunning#i feel like that picture of charlie day with the cigarette nfjbghfjv i'm Losing it#i'm not even sure that i really want to be an accountant i just feel like people are so much more straightforward about money???#like most of the problems i'm having are bad communication or people outright not being honest with me and that 2nd part is marketing babeyy#everything's so like 'That happened but how do we spin it THIS way; we can tell them xyz (even though it's really abz)' i just#i'm just sick of these little mind games and Trying To Figure People Out and management not listening in favor of talking circles#and it sucks because goddddd my work makes me so happy sometimes. the good parts are sooooooooo good.#but idk the past few days have felt like a real wakeup call. i say this like every four months but i'm not sure i can shake it this time
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genderdog · 1 month
every time i listen to ugly death no redemption i go fucking insane about ice the last generation again
#sucks bc it’s one of my favorite albums lmao#for those who don’t know. ice is a really shitty post apocalyptic yuri ova#it’s made by the creator of the zeta gundam not like tomino but the mech designer#it’s also really anti men like there’s no men they all died and it’s between the two factions of like militant science and fuck it we ball#and the fuck it we ball people just have gay sex and do drugs#the militant one also has gay sex but only the leader and she has like slaves for it????#also the leader of the fuck it we ball one is part jellyfish bc her mom did genetic experiments on her to figure out how to make children#without cock#that’s one of my favorite parts of it the one scene where that’s discussed is really cool#there’s a weird age gap between the two love interests though i think they’re both adults????#but one of them was like at least in her twenties when the other one was being born??????#it makes me really uncomfortable which is why i haven’t gotten super into it otherwise i think i would go insane#also there’s some weird time travel esque stuff at the end and i think it might be implied that the love interest gave birth to her partner#through virgin birth like jesus style#before any of the plot even happened#or maybe the love interest is just there when she’s giving birth???? she dies in the main timeline and then her object that she gave her#partner is in the hospital room (in the past)#but also the person giving birth is technically different than the love interest bc all we know is that she has been hallucinating this lady#bc she hasn’t slept in literal years#and that’s the lady giving birth in the past and she might be the love interest and she might be giving birth to her partner#fucking insane shit there are parts that really interest me and i want to take for my own projects and stuff#do not recommend it at all but also i kinda do but like dont go into it seriously go into it to see a weird as fuck shit show#anyways ugly death no redemption uses a lot of samples from it!!!!!!#oh yeah humans have also evolved to only be able to eat processed foods and if animals eat it they turn into flowers that’s a cool scene too
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