#the only thing that atsushi actually said which was wrong of him was ‘this is why dazai left you’ against a bloodthirsty akutagawa
purrfectlycontent · 2 years
the akutagawa stans who hate atsushi solely because atsushi defends himself against him are so weird
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soupthatistohot · 10 months
BSD 109 Spoilers!!!
I will always always ALWAYS come back to this panel when talking about Asagiri’s storytelling.
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At its very core, BSD is an absurdist text, Kafka Asagiri having been inspired by many absurdist authors. Franz Kafka, who he took his pseudonym from is one of them. Albert Camus, basically the most well-known absurdist is referenced with the Mersault prison, the name of which comes from a character in his most famous absurdist work, The Stranger. 
Absurdism is the belief that the world around us is irrational and inherently absurd and that explicitly seeking meaning is pointless. In his essay The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus explains, that there is value in the act of rebellion, though. Sisyphus, who has been doomed to roll a boulder up a mountain only for the boulder to tumble back down each time he reaches the peak, finds meaning in the act of continuing to push the boulder. Even though he will continue this cycle for all of eternity, he doesn’t just lay down and give up, he rebels against the absurdity of his situation by continuing to push the boulder, despite the seemingly futile nature of the act. 
As I said earlier, BSD is an absurdist text. All of the animanga’s main characters are on a journey of discovering their meaning in life, and their place in the world, and they do this by rebelling against its absurdity — especially Dazai. 
Dazai sees the absurd world for what it is, and when he was in the PM, he hated it. Thus, he sought suicide as a solution. I will note here that absurdists generally view suicide as a failure to rebel against the absurd, just giving up and giving into hopelessness. But ever since Dazai left the PM and took Oda’s advice, he’s been rebelling against this, doing good despite his inherent beliefs about morality and the world, and he’s absolutely gotten better for it. 
Other characters embody this idea of rebelling against the absurd, hell, that’s kinda what this whole arc is about. The world is literally ending, and things seem to be at their absolute worst, but someone like Atsushi still has hope that he can change the minds of the hunting dogs and save reality as we know it. He even has hope that he can get through to a vampiric Akutagawa when the guy is literally brainwashed and attacking him. Aya as the “last hope” right now embodies this, too, deciding that she can’t just sit around and do nothing and then trying to remove the sword from Bram even though the effort appears futile. 
But everything is going wrong right now. Fukuzawa is bleeding out, Dazai has just been shot through the forehead and appears to have died, Atsushi’s had his limbs ripped off and is at Akutagawa’s mercy, and Fukuchi is literally going to end the world! How can we have hope?!
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Think about BSD. Think about the story that’s been told so far. Surely Asagiri isn’t killing everyone right now, surely the world isn’t gonna actually end. I’m not entirely convinced Aya’s plan is gonna work— but please consider that the point of absurdist storytelling is that even when everything seems to be at its worst, even when life seems completely meaningless, there is inherent meaning in still continuing to fight against this. 
BSD has never been a story where the villains win, and I don’t think it’s gonna start being one. I think, as usual, Asagiri wants to scare us, to make us feel hopeless about the situation, only for someone to pull through and completely turn the tides.
Dazai laying down and accepting his death at Chuuya’s hands is not going to be the end of his story, because it goes against everything Asagiri seems to stand for. Dazai wouldn’t just give up in his fight against Fyodor, because he needs to prove he’s right about what he says in this panel:
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"The ones who actually make the world turn are those who scream within the storm of uncertainty and run with flowing blood."
I think this reflects Asagiri's own beliefs and is also the reason why he is not going to let Dazai die like this, because in a way, that would be proving that Fyodor is right. From a storytelling perspective, it’d be saying “everything I’ve communicated up to this point actually means nothing and life is truly hopeless!” 
Dazai has cheated death before, as has basically everyone else in danger right now. I promise you, something is going to happen and they’re all going to survive, because BSD is not trauma porn, for lack of a better term. It’s a story about how a group of people fight against the absurdity of their reality, even when everything seems completely and utterly hopeless. 
There’s a lot of theories circulating about how things could work out, especially Dazai’s “death,” and I’m not here to repeat all of them, but I will say that a lot of them have credence, especially because Asagiri isn’t the type of author to make mistakes, every single detail has a distinct reason. 
So even though I don't know how things are going to work out, I have full faith that they will, including Dazai's current situation. None of these characters are done just yet, they've got too much fight left in them to just give up.
[original twt thread]
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melonn-soda · 1 year
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warnings: dacryphilia, safewords, creampie, bttm male reader, top fukuzawa, praise kink, aftercare
word count: 3k
prompt: basically u meet the detective agency as fuku’s hubby and hang out w/ them a bit then u get it on
notes: fukuzawa’s first name is used the entire fic btw
fem aligned dni
for someone who seemed to like working alone for a majority of his life, the detective agency was very surprised at the sight of the director mentioning him being married. most of that reason was because yukichi never wore his ring during working hours due to him being scared about your well-being and the enemies that would use you to manipulate his decisions. he was very secretive about his home life and you were no different. of course, you worked your own job, never wore your wedding ring outside of home, and never showed any connection to the detective agency in public. the only person who knew at the time is ranpo, who you saw frequently around the household since you and yukichi took care of him when he was a teen.
now, here you were, in your home, standing in front the detective agency with a cat themed apron on since you stepped away from your cooking at your husband’s call. to say being overwhelmed at the presence of all of them was an understatement, you felt like you were being judged by nearly every person in the room from the weight of their stares. the only people who didn’t seem to be judging you was the sliver haired young adult, the little farmer boy, and dazai (whom you’ve heard so much about). compared to yukichi, you were on the more weaker side; however, looks can be deceiving. you knew how to defend yourself whenever it was needed, quick with your feet and with daggers, yukichi taught you most of the things you needed to know about fighting.
“oh! i wasn’t expecting visitors today.” you said sheepishly, hands tightly wrapping around the spatula nervously. being the center of attention was definitely not something you were used to, preferring to stick to the corners if that were an option, “these are your employees, am i wrong?”
your husband only nodded at you, hands tucked into his sleeves. ranpo was the first to initiate a response, glomping you into a hug that caught you by surprise, “ba! do you have any snacks for me?” he asked, slightly jumping up and down.
“ah- could we at least eat dinner first before you raid the pantry?” you asked, holding him down by the shoulders. watching him pout before a small “fine” was mumbled out of his mouth, he walked off into the living room, already making himself comfortable.
“it seems like you and ranpo are already pretty close.” the silver haired boy mentioned before spoke, a smile on his face. he walked in front of you, suddenly bowing which made you freeze up, “thank you for inviting us into your home, sir. i hope we aren’t too much of a bother.”
waving your hands in front of you, a response spilled out of your mouth, “there’s no need for such formalities.. i’m happy yukichi found people he could put so much trust in. if you are friends with him, then you are friends with me.” you reassured, hands returning back in front of you, “you may all call me [name] because i took on yukichi’s last name and to avoid confusion. do not feel afraid to approach me whenever i’m needed and- if you all don’t mind- may i get names to attach to faces?”
the use of the president’s first name was certainly weird to hear out loud, ranpo far too used to hearing it slip out of your mouth to actually care. everyone soon told their names and you returned to the kitchen to continue cooking the meals you left unattended. kunikida and atsushi came to help, setting the table alongside you as dishes and utensils were placed in orderly fashions. dazai and ranpo were playing a game of chess in the living room, a game common in america for those who possess the abilities to smoke those with their higher intellect and strategic thinking to beat the opposing side.
soon enough, you called everyone over to the dining area, everyone rushing in to sit at a spot and chat while eating after they all thanked you for the hospitality. dazai made multiple compliments about how good you looked for someone in your forties, causing you to fluster and stumble on your words and you thanked him. kunikida, of course, seemed to notice what he was going for and told him to knock it off, the brunet playing dumb and acting like he didn’t know what he was talking about. everyone seemed to be very nice and accepting of yukichi’s and your relationship since marriage between two men wasn’t very normalized within japan. it made you feel relieved over the fact you didn’t have to worry about that issue and face the discrimination that would follow after it, making you wallow in a pit of shame and tears that would break your character.
after dinner, everyone picked up their plates and placed them in the sink, you telling them that you could wash the dishes as they could go and finish their game of chess. yukichi snuck up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he planted a kiss on the back of your head, hair separating his lips that begged to touch your skin. you chuckled softly, brushing your palm against his forearm as you felt him smile in your hair.
“are you enjoying yourself?” he asked, now lowering his head to nuzzle it against your neck, placing a soft kiss just for you to crane your neck away at the ticklish sensation.
you hummed, “they’re lovely people,” you sighed, going back to washing the dishes as you heard bickering coming from the living room, “they seem so happy living this life despite it being at risk almost 24/7. i’m almost kind of jealous. i wish i was able to spend more time with you outside the comfort of our own home.”
yukichi felt the same. he wished he was able to take you out on dinners and shopping but the job he has was way too risky to put you in danger. so he made sure to buy you little but meaningful gifts as compromise for the depressing life you both had to live. even when he returned home, he made sure to make the both of you feel special, dancing slowly to the soft music that buzzed out of the radio as the alcohol started to take its effect. those nights never usually ended the way people think it does: spilled wine and tossed sheets- no. it was mostly just sitting on the bed as yukichi held you dear, your head resting on his chest as the both of you dozed off. your and yukichi’s sex drives weren’t very high but that was because you both got older and less focused on it. when you were both in your mid twenties to mid thirties, those were the heights of excitement in the bedroom. now, you both just wanted to take it slow, enjoy life while you still had it. sex between you two now had become softer and slower, gentle caresses and cries, just focused on the thought of making each other feel good.
you sighed, leaning back into yukichi while smiling. none of that mattered. the only thing important to you now was your beloved and the kid the both of you raised together. now, there was a whole agency you were willing to protect, all of them being too precious to let go. yukichi felt the waves of content radiate off of you, his hold on your waist getting tighter like he didn’t want to let go.
“ewww!!” you heard come from the entrance of the kitchen, whipping your head in that direction, almost hitting yukichi in the process, “you guys are so cheesy!!” ranpo bleghed in mockery, catching the attention of the entire agency. dazai was the next person to poke his head in, overdramatically saying how your relationship with your husband was too romantic for him to handle. kunikida came following after, yelling at the tall man about how disrespectful it is to say things like that. you didn’t mind it, instead laughing at the display of how well the agency members could get along, yukichi laying his cheek onto your shoulder as he watched along too.
once everyone left and said their goodbyes, you sighed and closed the door shut, feeling mentally exhausted after interacting with so many people. ranpo wasn’t going to spend the night here, telling you he was going to a friend’s house- someone named poe from what you remembered. yukichi picked up some of the cups left in the living room, placing them into the sink to wash for tomorrow. the both of you headed to bed, changing into the appropriate sleepwear before crawling into the sheets.
“that was fun.” you said, voice nearly a whisper, the moonlight shining through the window highlighting yukichi’s silver hair and your face. you softly touched his calloused palms, bringing one of them to your lips and just barely kissing it.
“i’m glad you enjoyed your time, love.” he lifted his hand that you just held and pressed it against the side of your head, rubbing your cheekbone affectionately. he pushed himself forward, kissing your forehead, then the bridge of your nose, then under your eyelids, cheek, and lastly the corner of your lips before pulling away.
you whined at the loss of desire, wanting him to give you what you wanted, “you’re so mean.”
he chuckled at you, slipping his fingers between yours, “then come and get what you want.” he teased, closing his hand within yours and tugged you toward him, his right arm wrapping around your waist as you were pressed into his chest.
you smiled and pressed yourself against him more, kissing him softly. it wasn’t long before the both of you started opening your mouths, teeth clicking weirdly from the position you were both kissing in. yukichi lifted you off your side, laying on his back as he placed you to straddle his lap. you settled your hands onto his chest, slowly starting you push his nightwear off, yours already starting to slip off your shoulders.
sighing into the kiss, his hands dipped down to the arch of your back, rubbing circles on your hip dips. you hummed onto his mouth, feeling his erection start to poke through his robes, nudging onto your thigh as you continued making out. you pushed your thigh into it, hearing him groan as his eyebrows furrowed from the contact.
giggling, you pulled away from the kiss, “already this pent up just kissing? you’re so cute.” you pecked his cheek once more before sitting up, feeling his grip on your hips squeeze when his face started to redden.
“you try dealing with the affairs of the agency then.” he nearly growled, moving your hips with minimal force since you never fought back against his relief. you knew how much stress his job caused him and you were in no place to shut down his needs, always putting his pleasure before yours.
“i know, love,” you started undoing the sash that kept his robes from falling, “you work very diligently and i acknowledge that.” you pushed away his wear, hand hovering over his pelvis before pressing down lightly against it, feeling him shiver under your form.
“safeword?” he asked.
that was all the confirmation you both need, the older tearing off the robes on your body, leaving you in your boxers, the cold air of the home making a chill run up your spine. clothes were thrown to the floor, blankets shoved to the ground as the tension started to build. yukichi raised his upper half to nibble at your collarbone, rubbing his palm against your hard on, sounds that were heavenly to him spilling out of your mouth. he was always so gentle with you now that old age was creeping up, he was usually more excited and rough when you were both younger but that spark of youth was gone now.
stripping you of your boxers, yukichi pulled you down with him, reaching into the drawer next to you and pulling out the quarter filled bottle of lube. he uncapped the bottle with his teeth, pouring it onto his ring and middle finger before pushing one of them inside you. you squirmed at the feeling, this type of activity having been put off for too long for when you last done this. he stopped to make sure you were comfortable again. prodding his finger in deeper once you seemed fine.
he poked around for a bit, stretching you out little by little, then felt you jolt and whine, burying your head into his shoulder as your fingernails lightly scratched at his skin.
“are you okay?” he asked, knowing that he just hit your prostate. he felt you nod and sigh slowly, resuming his actions.
he relubed his fingers after pulling them out for the short while, then pushing two fingers in, stretching you further. the sensation soon dulled after a few minutes, yukichi pressing down on the bundle of nerves a few times to tease you. finishing up his ministrations, he slipped out his fingers and wiped them on something you couldn’t see. your positions flipped nearly instantly, surprising you as you squeaked in shock. yukichi towered above you, his thin hips locked in tightly between your legs with a shadow cast on his face.
he went to reach over to the drawer again, in which you stopped him by grabbing his wrist, mumbling, “ah, umm.. can we do it..-” your lover looked at you, waiting for your answer, “can we do it without the…” your face flushed hotly and he seemed to catch on, nodding his head and taking the bottle of lube once more.
slicking himself up, he tossed the bottle to the side without a care and started to slip himself inside you slowly. you winced slightly, forgetting how much bigger he was compared to his fingers. you breathed out shakily, relaxing yourself so yukichi wouldn’t have a difficult time with you tightening up. when he was fully sheathed in you, yukichi pressed kisses up and down your neck, attempting to calm you down since he felt you tensing up.
“mnn- ah, you can move now…” you muttered out, feeling him press against your prostrate but not enough to drive you hypersensitive.
he slowly slid his cock out, pushing it back in at the same pace. this was the slow sex that the both of you had gotten used to, rocking into each other with minimal movement. he seemed a little rougher this time, thrusts a little quicker and precise. his grip on your waist was tight, nails digging into your skin as you whimpered and whined.
you could feel every part of him, dragging against your walls deliciously as you slightly drooled at the sensations. this felt better than the last time you’ve both done something like this. he was treating you with the aggressiveness you liked so much albeit gentler. eyes clenching shut, you groaned once you felt him hit your prostate, breathing heavily.
light scars started to rake up his back from your doing, reddening them as they started to swell. you trembled, yukichi hitting the bundle of sensitive nerves repeatedly, soon finding yourself crying out, “a-ahn-! hah, yu~, is too muuuch~” you slurred, tears starting to dribble down your face.
“it’s alright- nn, you’re being so good for me.” he praised, hearing your moans shift up and octave from how much you loved that sort of attention. he nuzzled himself in the crook of your neck, biting and kissing the marks he made afterward, making you shiver.
yukichi thrusted into you a little faster, noises spilling out of your mouth with a staccato. you felt yourself getting closer to your release, yukichi taking notice and starting to stroke you to your finish as he chased after his.
you sobbed in his hold, legs wobbling as you begged silently for him to release in you, “agh… close! ‘m so close.” you felt yukichi’s hips stutter as you started to clench around him, the older soon coming to his close as well.
“do you want me to-?” he started to ask, only to be interrupted with your constant pleases, looking up at him with desperation. he pumped his fist around you faster, causing you to arch your back, shaking vigorously from heightened simulation.
soon enough, you spilled onto his hand and your stomach, yukichi kissing you to keep you silent. you moaned lowly, him pistoning into you before stilling, filling you up as he thrusted slowly to ride out his high. you could feel some of it leak out, dripping onto the sheets as you sobbed from the aftershocks.
“are you okay..?” yukichi asked after a while, keeping himself settled inside, deciding not to move so he wouldn’t overstimulate you.
“mmmn.. yeah..” you mumbled, feeling his fingers brush your eyes, wiping away the tears that dripped. he was always good with aftercare, making sure you were alright, soothing your cries with whispers of praise.
he picked you up, making sure to slide out of you gently. he cleaned the both of you up, grabbing another pair of robes to dress you in as he changed the bedsheets. you drifted off to sleep as he was tidying the bed up, your husband taking notice and kissing you on the forehead, placing you onto the bed and tucking the both of you in for the night.
ranpo unlocked the door to his dads’ home, mumbling, “man, i can’t believe poe wasn’t home. i was really looking forward to reading his novel..”
he closed the door behind him, heading toward the laundry room, tearing off his coat to throw it into the basket. just as he was about to leave the room, he saw a slight shine from the corner of his eye. he thought it could’ve been jewelry of yours that might’ve dropped into the sheets but as he got closer his eyes widened in horror.
he yelled, running out of the laundry room with and embarrassed look on his face, “these guys are so GROSS!!!”
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solunstell · 6 months
List of bsd headcanons
Has bpd. A lot of his traits remind me of my friends with it
He some kind of trans. Nonbinary. Transfem. Transmasc. Idk he's megender lmao
He's described as appearing very youthful in the first two light novels. I imagine that once the events of the main timeline start picking up though, with all the time stopping or slowing abilities that *dont affect him*, he actually ages faster than the other characters. I draw current dazai with small wrinkles, which also hints at stress and stuff
Also, I imagine current dazai getting tanner as he works in the light, as well as getting more prominent freckles.
Round/doe eyes because that is part of his appearance in my opinion. Seeming unsuspecting and innocent, especially during his mafia days
Bad eyesight in his right eye from being under the bandages for so long. Saw this headcanon and loved it
Similarly, beastzai has bad vision in general
I always call No Longer Human an anti-ability in my head, fun fact
He loves to touch other people. Not a fan of being touched by others unless asked
I draw him with red eyes in color, and usually black eyes in ink (inconsistent artstyle my beloved)
Aroace spectrum
heavy sleeper. Very
FRECKLES and tan from sheep days
He likes to be close to other people more than actually touching. Presence over contact
That shade of eyes that changes colors in the light (but I use a grey base lol)
Also some sort of trans, but in a different way than dazai
Brownish red hair. Not blazing, not just brown
That man is AUTISTIC
One time instinctively kicked a friend with his ability active, expecting them to dodge cuz he's used to dazai easily dodging. They did, but they were SO CLOSE to getting hit. Imagine a confused face like wtf why you try to kick me
Light sleeper, but every now and then sleeps like he just learned how to close his eyes
A lot of his jokes go over people's heads because they expect him to be serious and his voice just doesn't change between serious and not serious
Autism plus adhd ftw
Aroace spectrum
He/they vibes
Gay af
I can 100% see him being into knitting. Imagine the guide plus ranpo all in matching sweaters
Loves baking. Sooooo bad at it
Bi (with a lean towards girlies) she/it
VERY good at baking
But she won't share :(
Anxiety, so much anxiety
Aroace spectrum vibes
Very easily idolizes people and then gets surprised when they actually like being around him
Aroace spectrum
Autism cuz he is so mecore sometimes
Very trans vibes from me
(I like to imagine him having tourettes cuz I have tourettes and I am Not projecting)
Atsushi (special kitty hearing) and jouno being the only ones who can hear some of his tics. He will be horrified that anyone notices them
Wait no actually I'm gonna incorporate that into my belief system. That's canon now
Genuinely cares about a lot of his workers, but not all of them
He gives great bonuses for birthdays
He absolutely loves vtubers if bsd were in a modern setting. Rip mori. He'd have also loved vocaloid lmao
Masc energy. Fem energy. Ooh I can see ozaki with any pronouns and identity
Kinda person to accidently either overpack or underpack. Always has painkillers, never has a pen
Ridiculous memory. Incredible gift giver. Would get someone something months or years after overhearing them say they wanted something once
"Whyd you get me a hairdryer?"
"You said you needed one. I saw it and thought of you."
"...that was months ago. I got a hairdryer already."
"..." *takes hairdryer back* "sorry wrong person. I don't have my contacts in my bad"
She has perfect vision
Trans vibes. In any and every direction
Adhd af
Will always conveniently have room in his schedule when Aya wants to go do something and needs someone to go with her. No, he's TOTALLY not frantically writing and erasing things, get your glasses updated
You can usually count on him to continue the bit cuz he won't realize there is a bit occurring
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totoros-neighbour · 24 days
My (controversial) opinions on BSD ships and the constant queer stereotypes within headcanons
Soukoku: Makes zero sense. I seriously don't get why people ship this, at times even if I disagree with a ship, I can kind of see it, but not with soukoku. Also, why's it even called soukoku? I'm sorry (I'm not lmao), but Dazai and Chuuya are definitely not in love. People who ship this cannot differentiate platonic and romantic feelings.
Shin Soukoku: Another one I don't get. What is it about Atsushi and Akutagawa which even slightly hints at them having romantic feelings for each over? NOTHING.
Fyolai: Makes zero sense, like the ships above. Even in some sort of distortion of the show, it'd be very one-sided. There is no way Fyodor would be in love with someone.
Ranpoe: I don't hate Ranpoe, but I definitely don't ship it. I've always just seen Poe as being a loser who only has Ranpo as a friend. If you ship Ranpoe, I don't really care, t's not as bad as the ones above. I also feel like Poe being headcanoned as gay is mainly to do with stereotypes.
So this is where my stupid opinions on ships is over, and I'm going into why people headcanon characters as queer based on nothing but stereotypes. Gay men are usually shown to be dramatic and theatrical, and Poe is over the top. They are also stereotyped as having more feminine traits, and shyness is seen to be more feminine. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that starting around the 1920's, society wanted to try to get parents to do anything to make sure that their children weren't one of those terrible shy kids (truly, a fate worse than death), to the point where they said that shy kids are more likely to be gay. I think this belief that shy people are queer has been carried on to this day.
Of course, LGBT stereotypes move onto other characters which are headcanoned as well. Next up, it's Dazai.
In media, bisexuals are shown to be promiscuous. As Dazai has said himself, he loves all women, and for him it's just finding someone who will commit a double suicide with him. Another thing is that all goofy, funny and energetic characters are headcanoned as bi.
I could go on and on, but in short(er):
In every fandom for a shonen or seinen anime (not shojo though, even though there are loads of romance in that demographic there's no where as near as much crazy shippers) any character that isn't the most masculine man or most feminine woman is headcanoned as queer, and it's somewhat irritating to me that it's just because of stereotypes and nothing to do with the character showing ACTUAL signs of being LGBTQ. It feels like by doing this it just pushes these stereotypes, when I think that things such as gender non-conformity should be seen as something that isn't necessarily straight or gay. I know gender expression is a big part of being LGBTQ, but I'm saying that anyone should act how they want without it affecting their sexuality.
Edit: I was reminded why they're called Soukoku
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luvfy0dor · 10 months
Bsd and Book Tropes/Types!
╰┈➤ Atsushi, Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Yosano, Akutagawa, Chuuya, Higuchi, Fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma
CW: None!
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Description - Book types and tropes I think various bsd characters would enjoy. These are just some of my opinions, if you feel I've incorrectly characterized any of them please tell me! Also, this is based off of the main storyline, I haven't read Stormbringer, 55 Minutes, etc yet.
Atsushi Nakajima ☆
╰┈➤ Comic books, found family, childhood friends to lovers ☑
I feel like these are a no brainer, but I think Atsushi, if given the chance to read them as a child, would have really liked comics and grown up with them. I think he would like super hero/action stories. Specifically because of the Odasaku-Man show/series/franchise in BSD Wan. He'd probably enjoy DC, Marvel, The Avengers, etc.
Atsushi, to me at least, seems like the type of person to really want to connect to whatever he's reading and be moved by it. I think found family is probably a big thing for him because of Dazai bringing him into the agency and all. I think he likes sentimental and happier story lines that can make you cry solely because they have to end at some point.
Atsushi would probably like to watch the characters grow up together, probably torn apart by some unforseen event and eventually rekindling. Like I said, I think he would really like sentimental stuff, and seeing people rejoice and fall in love is probably really heart warming to him.
Osamu Dazai ☆
╰┈➤ Poetry, soulmates, MAJOR plot twists ☑
To be honest, I feel like if Dazai were to sit and read anything, it would most likely be a poem. I don't think Dazai is the type of guy to analyze poetry for fun, but I think he has a subconscious habit of doing it. Either he's pretty into it or he's skimming through it and tossing it to the side the second he's bored.
If I had to pick a romance trope that Dazai would like, I do think it'd be soulmates. Or maybe like, right person wrong time. I think he would like the angst of it should the book take a turn and end in tragedy, or he might also enjoy a fulfilling and satisfying ending. I think he likes the idea of two people being destined to be together, one soul two bodies type thing, you know? ;]
I think he likes major plot twists but only if they catch him off guard,which is probably pretty rare. He likes the feeling of surprise when a book takes an unexpected turn.
Doppo Kunikida ☆
╰┈➤ Slow burn, historical fiction ☑
Kunikida likes slow burn because it's something he can read through for a while. I think he likes trilogies and series, especially if he really enjoys the storyline and characters. He probably likes the reliability of being able to pick the same thing up for a while after dealing with whatever nonsense takes place at the agency.
I think he likes reading about things that he has at the very least surface level knowledge about. He likes when authors stay true to the actual events while creating a storyline around it. Like, for example, a love story that takes place between two soldiers in a war. So long as it stays true to the actual events, I think he would read it.
Edogawa Ranpo ☆
╰┈➤ The "Chosen One", Found Family ☑
Ranpo definitely has a hard time finding books that he'll actually enjoy. I can't remember if he said he did or didn't like mystery books though because they were to easy for him to solve? I don't remember, so I'm not gonna include mystery books for him. I think he would really like books where the main character is a "Chosen One" though. I don't really know why, it just seems like the type of story he'd sit through while simultaneously making fun of it.
"This guy thinks he's so special all because he can ____! I can do that too."
I think he'd also like found family because, like Atsushi, he found his family in the detective agency. He and Yosano are like sister and brother and Fukuzawa is like his father. I think they would have a special place in his heart for sure.
Yosano Akiko ☆
╰┈➤ Bad Girl/Good Boy, one of us is famous ☑
I think Yosano would feel as though the good girl/bad boy trope is way over done. She would probably be happy to see it switched up once in a while. I think she really likes the contrast of the two types of personalities and characters, but she also wants to see the characters be smart rather than immature or stupid. She probably wouldn't want to read the same stereotypical "Character A trips and falls, landing right on top of Character B." She likes when stories can stand out and be unique.
She also probably like the idea of one of the characters in the relationship being able to uphold themselves without their partner, that independence seems like something she'd find interesting to read. I think she would really take interest in the plot and how it could come out, maybe angsty because of the famous ones busy schedule? Maybe it ends with the famous one's career coming to retirement because they felt it's more important to make time for their partner? I think she'd find all of the possibilities interesting.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa ☆
╰┈➤ "I hate everyone in the world but you", childhood friends to lovers, nonfiction ☑
Honestly, I have like, a big list of tropes in front of me and it was really hard to pick for him because none of them really seemed very him to me. If you catch him reading a romance book though, it's probably "I hate everyone but you" or childhood friends to lovers. I think they could both go hand in hand for him. The "I hate everyone but you" trope reminds me of like, only being able to trust this one person thoroughly. Trust like that is gained through years of companionship such as childhood friendships into adolescence and adulthood. I think his childhood probably would have an effect on this preference.
"We've already been together so long, you know me and I know you and there is trust. Why would I ever want to start all that over?" Type of thing.
While I think he doesn't mind fiction occasionally, I think he prefers to read about real things. It's more serious.
Nakahara Chuuya ☆
╰┈➤ Workplace romance, second chance romance, secret romance ☑
Chuuya seems like the type of guy to like romance and moderate thrill, so I think he leans towards romance stories that could build up suspense or get the characters into a little bit of trouble. As for office romance, I think he likes the idea of falling in love with someone in a place he kind of has to be every day, that person making his day better. It also means he would get to be close to his s/o and I think he'd knowing that they're okay, which is why I think he'd like that trope. The thrilling part is that maybe it's against a code of conduct in the office? Maybe they get caught dating, what happens after that?
Second chance romance to me is exciting because you get to see characters learn and grow from their mistakes, and I think Chuuya finds acknowledgement on wrongdoings really important. But characters might also mess up again, which is always interesting to watch go down.
Secret romance is self explanatory on the thrill factor. It can give you so many questions that are most likely answered in the book itself, like why is it a secret?
(I also think he enjoys super hero comics but wouldn't admit it in fear of being called immature because of that Odasaku-Man scene in bsd wan)
Ichiyō Higuchi ☆
╰┈➤ Workplace romance, YA rom-com, bad boy/good girl ☑
She definitely likes the idea of workplace romance because of her massive little crush on Akutagawa. Like Chuuya I think she'd like the idea of being around your s/o even while having to work, whether the work is boring or not. I think her crush also influences the bad boy/good girl thing, although I don't know if I'd call her a good girl. I think she would like to consider herself a good girl.
YA rom-com also seems like her thing, like she would read it while laying in her stomach, kicking her feet, twirling her hair, and giggling.
Fyodor Dostoevsky ☆
╰┈➤ Philosophy, poetry, life's hardships ☑
Oh boy. He doesn't even get tropes, I don't think he'd read fiction. I do think he'd read philosophy books though, like he's probably read up on Confusious and Aristotle or something like that. Even if he doesn't agree with the philosopher he's reading about, I think he'd find it interesting.
He definitely appreciates poetry, HE'S the type of guy to analyze it in his free time. I think he'd find poetry beautiful when done right.
Because the real Dostoevsky grew up poor, I think bsd Dostoevsky has an appreciation for books written about struggles an author has faced. Fyodors past hasn't been mentioned in the main storyline of bsd atleast, so I'm just going assume he grew up poor until other information comes out. I think hearing about other people facing the same thing he did in childhood might give him a sense of humanity. He said during his "happy group counseling hour" that only he and Dazai could understand each other because of their levels of intelligence. Maybe seeing other people having something in common with him would be something he would like.
Nikolai Gogol ☆
╰┈➤ Independent mc ☑
Nikolai doesn't seem like the type to read a lot, but because of his ideology associated with freedom, I think he'd like books with a strong lead character. I don't think he'd like books with main characters that rely heavily on other people or have a bland personality outside of their significant other. He'd like characters that solve their own problems and obtain their own goals.
Sigma ☆
╰┈➤ Magazines, cook books, friends to lovers ☑
I think Sigma reads like, the people magazine so he can understand what's going on in pop culture and have some knowledge of what's going on. He probably likes knowing what's trending. I think he'd also like the "Home Decor" sections of the magazines or like the scratch and sniff parts. I don't know why, I just do.
He'd also probably read cookbooks occasionally and memorize recipes when he's not memorizing every detail about his customers.
I think Sigma would find romance stories endearing, specifically friends to lovers. Kind of similar to Akutagawas, I think he would like the idea of already having that trust built through friendship. Because Sigma is so naive and how much he's been used, he likes reading about characters who already have a good friendship that is built on reliability and trust. That friendship turning into a romance eventually.
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keijislove · 2 years
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬/𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞
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𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮(𝒔): 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦, 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴, 𝘴��𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵…
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GIF by reallysaltykou
This man has walked down the dreadful path of self-loathing before and to be honest, he hasn’t completely deviated from it at present either
So when he finds his s/o hesitating to get intimate with him and crying to themselves when they think he isn’t watching, he knows exactly what’s wrong
And let me tell you that Dazai is N O T having it
He will instantly go into defensive boyfriend mode and scold his s/o for even thinking about feeling insecure about themselves
He’ll immediately begin listing every single thing that he loves about his s/o from head to toe, scolding them ever so slightly about insulting themselves because nobody, he repeats, nobody is allowed to talk shit about his wonderful s/o in front of him, which includes his s/o themselves as well
“You don’t need to hide from me, belladonna,” he’d murmur quietly into their ear, “You’re absolutely beautiful. Let me see that gorgeous self of yours.”
And if they still wouldn’t accept his words, he would waste no time in pinning them to the bed gently and showing them just how much it was he loved them
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GIF by bsdlovinghours
For one of the best detectives on the planet, Ranpo is actually quite an idiot when it comes to his s/o being down in the dumps
Whenever his s/o chickened out of being intimate with him and refused to wear revealing clothes/ take off their makeup he didn’t think too much of it, arriving to the conclusion that they weren’t in that comfortable stage in their relationship just yet
So the one day when his s/o had gathered enough courage to confess their concerns about their appearance, he was shocked to the very core
Partly because he couldn’t believe he hadn’t figured it out sooner, and mostly because he couldn’t believe how someone like his s/o would ever feel insecure about their appearance
“What?” he’d blinked rapidly after they had voiced their concern. “You’re insecure?”
After they had bashfully affirmed his statement, he’d only gotten further confused
“But about what?” he’d asked in exasperation, “What is there to be insecure about? There’s nothing wrong with you!”
Soon realized that demanding of his s/o the reason for their insecurity was definitely not making them feel better, he’d resorted to a (in his opinion) a slightly more effective method, which was reassurance
He would turn into one clingy brat of a man, constantly hugging his s/o and telling them over and over how amazing they were, inside and out
If they’re lucky, he might even share his stash of sweets with them when they’re feeling particularly down about themselves one day ;)
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GIF by aim4kindness
Protect this poor babie at all costs because he will probably be more crushed than his s/o when he finds out that they’re insecure about their appearance
Atsushi is genuinely upset at how someone as amazing as his s/o can ever be insecure about themselves
Still, he’s had his fair share of insecurities in life as well, so while he’s slightly incredulous as to why his s/o feels that way, he also sort of understands their pain
Will immediately freeze and drop whatever he’s doing when they finally decide to tell him about their problem, and will turn around to face them with genuine hurt splashed across his features
Because aside from being his wonderful s/o, they’re also genuinely the most beautiful person he’s ever met in his life and it pains him to see that they feel insecure about their appearance
Will not hesitate to come right out and tell them that their opinion of themselves is nonsense, and will reassure them every single day about how amazing and beautiful they are
“I’ve already said it a hundred times, and I’ll say it a hundred times more. You’re absolutely gorgeous.”
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GIF by reallysaltykou
Shy boi alert
Shy, but also perceptive
Will know in an instant that their s/o is insecure about their appearance and will secretly wonder how in the world someone as beautiful as them could ever feel that way
He isn’t all that big on affection simply because he isn’t used to it, and he will mostly never initiate things so shieing away from intimacy won’t be a problem for his s/o
He will, however, decide that he needs to do something about this when they’ve gotten deeper into their relationship and his s/o is still not so sure about themselves
Though he is still too shy to actually say something, he will most definitely show them through his actions that he doesn’t think in the least that their appearance is strange or unattractive
“You’re showering with me,” he’d randomly mumble and pull them into the bathroom alongside him before they have a chance to retaliate
If it really does come to that, he will most definitely verbally tell his s/o that he thinks they are beautiful
“Please don’t ever feel insecure about yourself, love... you’re amazing just the way you are.”
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GIF by
This man? He probably figures it out a week into their relationship
And he is M A D
Like, genuinely angry how someone can feel insecure about themselves when they’re so unbelievably gorgeous
When his s/o first goes out of their way to tell him the problem, he thinks someone said something to them to make them feel this way and offers to murder them for his s/o (which they politely decline)
When they assure him it’s nobody’s fault but theirs, he is genuinely pissed off at the fact that they have such a poor opinion of themselves
It had taken him quite a while to grow out of his insecurity concerning his height, but look where he was today – a dangerous member of the Port Mafia who could scare away people ten times taller than him
He knew how it felt to be unsure of your own appearance, so he took care to swallow his irritation and resort to calmly assuring their s/o there was nothing wrong with them
“Insecure? Don’t be ridiculous, there’s nothing wrong with you. I love you and everything about you, you idiot.”
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Forgive this little bean but he probably laughed at his s/o when they told him they were insecure
No, because he seriously thought they were joking
When they looked at him with incredulity and hurt pooling in their eyes, he realized they were being serious
Honestly wanted to laugh again because he found it ridiculous how they could feel that way
He holds it in tho dw
This boi would be pretty confused because he actually asked them out because he thought they were rather attractive, and a nice person, too
If he accidentally offends his s/o, please don’t be mad at him
Kenji often says things without thinking too much about them and they sometimes end up offending people quite badly
“Insecure?” he’d laughed slightly, “About what? If anything, I should be the one feeling insecure next to someone like you!”
Would instantly latch onto his s/o and begin peppering their face with kisses which soon elapsed into a huge tickle fight
When they’d both collapsed on the bed, tired of laughing, he’d called them an idiot for thinking their appearance wasn’t attractive
Forgive him, he's trying
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starlightshadowsworld · 5 months
Moonlit Butterfly AU
If there's one person Yosano hates most in the world, it's Mori.
If there's a second person, it's Fukuchi.
Which says lot because Yosano sees Mori everyday but has only seen Fukuchi a handful of times.
Too many times it you ask her.
It's not that Fukuchi creeped her out. He was actually quite nice and polite whenever he wasn't fighting.
A goofy man that somehow every soilder looked up too. Even with that one time he showed up drunk out of his mind.
But that wasn't what made Yosano hate him.
She hated Fukuchi because Atsushi was terrified of him.
The first time Fukuchi showed up, Yosano didn't pay him any mind. He was passing through the med bay and she had more important things to do.
He wasn't injured so he didn't matter to her.
Yosano went to clean up and found Atsushi in the corridor. "Hey Atsushi, you're never gonna guess what I heard."
She paused, noticing Atsushi hadn't moved. It was like he hadn't noticed her at all. Which was impossible, because Atsushi was always on guard.
Something was wrong.
Yosano tapped him on the shoulder "Atsushi?" He looked up at her "Yosano?"
He was crying.
Yosano instantly hugs him close. Atsushi sniffles, resting his head on her shoulder. They stay like that for a while, Yosano gently telling him that it's okay.
When the hugs ends, Yosano takes his hand and takes him to the back of the barracks.
Where Shunzen is sat reading his book. He looks up, hearing them approach and frowns at Atsushi's tear stained face.
He pats the ground beside him as both kids sit down. Shunzen grabs some tissues and gently wipes away Atsushi's tears.
Neither of them pushed Atsushi into telling them what was wrong. They just stayed there, comforting him the best they could.
"Yosano, do you remember when you said Mr Mori is why you're here in the war?" Asked Atsushi, looking at the ground. He was holding her hand still and she squeezed his lightly.
"I remember."
"I'm here because of Mr Fukuchi."
Atsushi told them how he was in his cage (Shunzen filed that information for later) and Fukuchi told him that he would be training him.
Fukuchi had taught Atsushi how to use his ability, he trained Atsushi to be a fighter. "He said for a monster like me, it'd be easier to be a killer."
His methods were not kind.
But Atsushi wasn't human so why should he be treated like one.
Yosano reassured him that he was human, it broke her heart he didn't believe her.
Shunzen thought of the immortal soilder plan and thought he was going to be sick.
He knew Atsushi had been involved, why else was a 10 year old a trained soilder.
But it still hurt to hear.
From that day on, Yosano hated Fukuchi. And the more she learned about him, she swore that should the day arrive where he was in her care.
She wouldn't use her ability on him.
Because Fukuchi wasn't human.
So why should she treat him like one.
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itzmoonies · 4 months
Headcanon about my favorites BSD characters (and also my highest kin) : Ranpo Edogawa.
1 - No one in the ADA want to watch a movie with him, he always end up spoiling everything and say "It was too easy to guess, why don't you understand?"
2 - He hates dark chocolate, he thinks it's not sweet enough. That's why as soon as we offer him some, he gives them to Fukuzawa, Yosano or Kunikida.
3 - He often blames things on others. Is there no more candy? He will blame Dazai. Even if he knows that it's bad, he's used to doing it, so the ADA just don't care anymore.
4 - He always smells like chocolate or candy, which is one of the reasons why Atsushi can always find Ranpo when the detective is lost.
5 - He dislikes being complimented on his physique. Because for him, the physical does not create a detective, and will prefer to be complimented on his intelligence.
6 - He actually dislikes playing chess, except if there's something to win (Like chocolate, candy…)
7 - During the important events, while everyone in the ADA drinks wine except minors, Ranpo drinks his ramune in silence.
8 - When he was still in his police academy, he blew up a computer in technology because a friend bet him that he wouldn't be able to. But none of these two expected the computer to ACTUALLY blow up...
9 - No one in the ADA saw him cry. He said "Everyone relies on me, if I cry, there's no hope."
10 - Dazai is actually surprised that Ranpo still has hope for humanity. I mean, Ranpo knows EVERYONE's backstory. He knows how cruel humans are, and they were even cruel to him. It's something Dazai could never understand..
11 - He's actually good with kids, but since he's not patient with them.
12 - Ranpo is like shazam, when someone doesn't know the song, they ask him and he gives the titles. Even if sometimes he gives the wrong titles on purpose because he likes seeing them annoyed.
13 - Someone already told him "I love you but you're autistic" and the person walked away.
14 - The weirdest insult he received was "your mother drinks pasta water". And the person was really serious. Ranpo just ended up laughing.
15 - When he was still in school, Ranpo commented on every argument. For example, a girl and a boy were arguing, the boy told the girl "b*tch", then Ranpo would say to the girl "he insulted you of a b*tch" even if she heard it correctly.
16 - Due to that, his teacher once asked him if he wanted to be a journalist. He answered "No, why ?", and the teacher told him "Because even if there's nothing to say, you still talk"
17 - He and his mother were very close, and they understood each other. He really felt like he was understood by her, and when she died, he called her number constantly hoping that one day she would pick up. He was in denial for a very long time. But he could only hear his mother's voice through the answering machine. He called her number to hear he voice, even with the answering machine, when he didn't feel great.
18 - Ranpo once started a fight with someone who said "I want to have ADHD and autism so bad"
19 - He once made his P.E teacher cry, but she deserved it so he don't feel guilty right now.
20 - Ranpo is BAD for gifts. Like, really. He's always stressed when someone's birthday is close or when it's Christmas.
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sorry if you've already been asked about this before, but have you talked about the Port Mafia Onsen Drama CD at all? The part where Chuuya takes care of Akutagawa in the bath (whilst complaining about it the whole time, but still doing it) and later tries to reverse-psychology Aku into taking care of himself by basically saying he can't impress Dazai if he doesn't take care of himself first makes me 😭 It's a rare moment of gentleness from him that I don't think gets talked about enough. He's also weirdly kind in his approximation of Dazai's motives when speaking to Akutagawa, and I can't imagine him just saying that to comfort Aku, but idk. What do you think?
I love the drama cds. They're so silly and it's nice to see the cast on their days off - wan vibes but there's some nice serious moments mixed in there too.
It becomes so obvious that Chuuya looks out for Akutagawa in those. There's another one where he invites Kajii and Akutagawa to get food because they were feeling down. It's all a little awkward though - it gives me the general feeling of a distant older sibling who doesn't fully know what's going on with the younger but is trying their best to be supportive. But the scene you're talking about is the one scene that isn't awkward at all, and I think it's because Chuuya drops all pretenses of professionality and just speaks honestly. This kid will not self-destruct on him. He won't let that happen.
And yeah, the whole "I'm sure Dazai had a reason for being so harsh" is so interesting. For once, Chuuya does not sound angry when mentioning the guy - these are honest thoughts. He either doesn't know the full extent of the training, or (as I'm inclined to think) he rationalizes it under "I'm sure there was some reason that will be revealed" which is what I'm pretty sure he does for both Mori and Dazai. It's that whole 'Chuuya doesn't question certain things' again which is really not great, though the fact that he brings it up in the first place makes me think it makes him somewhat uncomfortable.
There's so many other silly and sweet moments too. Atsushi growing uncomfortable at Dazai's dismissiveness towards Akutagawa and actually trying to say something in his defense. Ranpo messing with Kunikida while trying to get him to chill a bit, and showing Atsushi how to make a water gun with a rubber duck. Akutagawa and Chuuya roleplaying Atsushi and Dazai respectively, with Chuuya doing a spot on impression of Dazai but the others thinking it's wrong because it's his silly side and they only know Demon Prodigy version hjkjfgf. Kenji nearly injuring Kunikida with a pillow due to the sheer force he threw it at. The mafiosos playing a word chain game of badass Mafia phrases like a bunch of nerds. Atsushi washing Dazai's back while trying to find the words to thank him out loud before they run off to the kitchen to eat a late-night snack together.
Also I think one of the funniest Kunikida moments: "The glasses are part of my body." Said in response to Atsushi innocently asking why he wouldn't take them off in the onsen. Sir, what.
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hopefull-mindset · 9 months
I’m incredibly exhausted from writing 8k+ words about abuse in BSD and still not done with it. I just would like BSD tumblr to know the absolute monster this is going to look like, which I’m probably going to post tomorrow. I’m going to finish today but tomorrow I can go over and re-edit some stuff without falling on my ass writing Kyouka’s section
The structure so far, in order is:
What is Abuse
Portrait of a father
The Port Mafia’s Environment
The Heartless Cur
RE: Portrait of a father (<- this is Beast Atsushi’s section)
The Man Who Raised Dazai
A Mother’s Love
I started writing this because I was getting frustrated with the restrictive discussion about the topic of abuse in this community, and the way the “Abuse Cycle” is discussed is quite shallow. The concept in general is very flawed to me, even if I understand the idea behind it.
The progression between Mori -> Dazai -> Akutagawa -> Kyouka has so little similarity besides two things in common.
First one is their talent for cruelty lurking inside them, and second seeing themselves in each other and having them join the mafia because of it. On this stance the abuse cycle is not the wrong term, you guys just have no idea what you’re taking about when it is discussed.
The “abuse cycle” is what keeps you in that negative state and not feeling like you have anywhere else to go except this awful environment that doesn’t keep you safe. That’s what makes it the abuse cycle and we should feel proud Kyouka left, but you guys talk about it as if it’s the actions towards the next victim that makes it the abuse cycle when I’ve just said none of their actions has barely (if any) similarities. Higuchi is part of the abuse cycle, Q and Kouyou is too. The mafia is the embodiment of this cycle.
You guys are also grossly overestimating how much Mori actually did to Dazai. As I said, action is not what makes it the abuse cycle. It’s not the same thing as Yosano in this area at all. Dazai’s mental state was definitely harmed by continuing to be in the Mafia, he was still just a child, and what Mori did was not right in the slightest, but none of what Dazai is like is actually Mori’s fault. It’s a tough answer and I will go over it in my post. if you think Dazai was abused under the qualifications that he was a child who was in an abusive, violent environment, the you also have to think about Chuuya and Beast Atsushi.
My answer to that is no, they were not abused by the Port Mafia and their childhood’s were already stripped away and we don’t have enough information to say they were abused there, but they were already abuse victims that were already conditioned enough for the mafia not having to do anything. The mentoring situations in the mafia don’t see abuse as abuse, just another way of teaching their subordinates.
Akutagawa would be the same… if I wasn’t for the fact Dazai’s actions were targeted to forcefully beat an intention into him that wasn’t already a product of the slums. It needs to be targeted at something in you to be abuse. Not to say you guys aren’t also overestimating how much of Dazai’s abuse made him who he was, a lot of it was just the slums, but I digress. I don’t need to explain everything I’ve already wrote down.
The only people I can confidently say were abuse victims of the port mafia are Kouyou, Kyouka, and Q. That’s quite literally it. We don’t know what happened to Dazai, Chuuya had N and his time as a sheep member, Atsushi had the Director, and Akutagawa had Dazai (does not count as the port mafia itself). Those three are the only ones I can trace back to the Port Mafia as their tormentor.
Why am I not saying Akutagawa is her abuser? Well we have nothing to confirm that, she was not trained by Akutagawa (that was Verlaine), and we have no specifics on their relationship besides him being the own to bring her into the port mafia because he was sent to. Sure he was the one behind the phone in that one mission, but he’s not the only who has access to it, Kouyou did too. If you really want to put into context her abuse at the hands of the port mafia, think of her as nothing more than a tool for them to pass around. There was nothing more to their relationship than what I’ve already said, I’ve checked numerous times in the manga.
As shown in Beast, she doesn’t need Akutagawa there for her to run away and she doesn’t need him there to be broken by the mafia. Anyway, that’s all I have to say rn. I’ll hold off other thoughts until that ultimate post, just know I’m not happy with most of you. Especially those who criticize the way Asagiri writes abuse, I think you guys are just unnerved by how actually realistic it is.
Thank you for the attention my Mori post got, I thought I’d get yelled at for it considering most of you can’t fathom he’s a character with thought behind him. Gods you act the same way with the director as well. I wouldn’t have normally done this, but I needed a break from the main post. I’m fearing it’s going to become a 10k word essay. I do say more there, don’t worry if I glossed over anything here.
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bunglegaydogs · 9 months
bsd ep 61 spoilers fr xoxo
so uh
that was a fucking wild ride
and it was only 30 seconds long
i have a couple of things to say on this subject
i also cant feel my hands from the cold so im dreading how long its actually gonna take me to write this post
Obvious spoilers for episode 61 preview!!!
So, my first thing was that Aya looks much happier in the anime than the manga lol. I don't know why this is important to me but I felt as if I should say it, because I don't know what exactly her plan is? But it's almost as if there's not a chance of her falling to her death involved in this little stunt that she's pulling.
Next thing to note is that she's clearly intending to land on something - and I saw a post just before that said maybe she misses the table and lands on Atsushi and Aku instead and in turn saves Atsushi from becoming a vampire. Which I do think is plausible - because if I've learned anything from this fucking series it's that if you expect something to happen after a certain thing happens, don't, you're wrong. Don't expect what you're expecting. It will be something completely out of left field that you get slapped across the fucking face with like a chilled fish bro that shit stings from the iciness.
Next, of course, Atsushi and Aku. Now, I don't think that Atsushi's going to become a vampire - it seems pretty long-winded now, plus where would the story go after that? Him and Aku just sit there and stare lifelessly at each other whilst Aya falls from the building? I think, maybe, Aku will see Aya falling, and his instinct will be to save her, because he's been keeping his promise to Atsushi, and maybe he recognises that if she falls and dies, it's "his fault" (it obviously won't be, but by means of association, the fact that he put her up there, he's like damn my bad fr) and go to save her, dropping Atsushi and obviously going to her, but I don't know, maybe that's not plausible at all.
Also, Atsushi is awake here??? Hello? Atsushi wasn't originally awake. Plus, Aku has that bitch hanging by Rashoumon - how has he gotten him awake and why's he pulled him closer? Anyways lol.
So, when I saw the split second of Fyodor, I actually almost did scream this time. Because I immediately recognised that he was in a vehicle of some kind. I, at first, thought that it was a van or a car, but someone else pointed out that it could have been a helicopter.
Ah, okay, looking back on the scene, that lowkey seems plausible.
For Nikolai.
Nikolai's hair is blowing in the wind. So either he's outside and it's windy, or he's in a helicopter or something. But Fyodor's scene looks pretty still. His hair isn't moving, the scenery outside is staying the same. It looks like a sky.
Behind Nikolai, it actually looks like a wall of some kind. Maybe a gate pillar thing. What if he's waiting outside Meursault, and sees Dazai and Chuuya coming out? I don't know.
Disregarding that theory, my guess is they're just trying to trick us into thinking that Nikolai is reacting that way because of Fyodor, or something he said, or him escaping, but I think that they're just two completely different scenes set at the same time maybe? I really don't know. I also don't know what Nikolai could have seen or heard for him to be shocked after smiling, I don't know.
Anyway, Fyodor is looking rather smug. No blood on him. And I don't really know, but we can't see his shoulder properly, but from what we CAN see, there's no wound or blood from where Sigma shot him. BUT that might be unimportant because I don't think Sigma actually shot him in the anime like he did in the manga. Just grazed him. Anyways.
He's looking fantastic for supposedly having just escaped Meursault after nearly drowning, burning his hand, getting shot in the shoulder, AND being covered in blood from where he'd just shot the time manipulator ability user.
He's clearly explaining something.
Also, is it weird if I say that he looks eerily similar to Mori here? Because I can't lie, he's looking an awful lot like him - more than he usually does. Violet eyes, long black hair, manipulative, etc. I don't know. It's also... is it an expression we see on Fyodor a lot? It seems... different. Off. What if this motherfucker's actually just Mori in disguise? LMAO Imagine I'd piss.
See, because, Nikolai isn't a happy surprised, or mildly amused. He just looks... shocked. I don't know.
I'm really looking into this sorry lol.
His hair's a bit messier than usual. Which, you know, valid, considering what's just happened. But... everything else is fine. No blood, no wounds, no anything. He's normal. So why is his hair a bit messier? Is it important or am I just looking too much into it? Maybe he was in a helicopter with Nikolai, or in a windy place. Also, just skimmed through episode 10, ignore me about the blood, he's apparently already wiped it off after he shot the bitch lol okay Mr. fucking hygiene.
Anyways, yeah, his shoulder has a rip in the shirt. I know we can barely see his shoulder in the clip we've been gifted with, but the rip is pretty high up. And, even after having a pretend mental breakdown, being drowned almost, getting shot, etc. Even after all of that, his hair does not look messy. WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT TO ME, I DON'T KNOW. I LOOK FOR THE SMALL THINGS I'M SORRY.
There's going to be a perfectly reasonable explanation for this and I'm just chatting shit.
I don't actually know what the fuck is happening here. I really don't. I'm just clutching at straws to preserve what little of my sanity Bungou Stray Dogs has left me with. I don't know. The way Fyodor is talking and just his expression doesn't sit right with me. It feels more like the way Dazai and Mori sometimes talk when they like know that they're right or explaining something or predicting or something, do you get what I mean? No? Okay. LMAO.
So, my next thing is of course the two fucking Fuku's because I lowkey wanted to scream when I saw Fukuzawa was not dead. I'm glad we have that confirmation - can I ask where the fuck the 'One Order' has gone though? Because Fukuchi's not holding onto it anymore. His arms bleeding. His neck is pouring with blood (fresh wound), but from what? Fukuzawa hasn't even took the sword out of him yet. How has he gotten sliced up already? He doesn't have any weapons on him. Neither does Fukuzawa. And, to me, it looks like Fukuzawa's just stood up or something.
And Fukuchi's reaching for something.
He's reaching out for something, and Fukuzawa has his back on him. Fukuchi looks enraged before he leaps at Fukuzawa, hand outstretched, maybe to grab Amenogozen, maybe not. But Fukuzawa is alarmed, and turns around, ripping the sword out of his fucking abdomen.
I don't know. The way Fukuchi ran towards him seemed... desperate. He seems like he's losing. His last resort. I don't know. It's just not very Fukuchi to charge towards him so clumsily and try and grab something the way he tries.
And again, why is Fukuchi's arm bleeding, and why is he sporting a rather Aku-type injury on his neck? Because it certainly seems that it wasn't Fukuzawa who caused that - he had his back turned and the only weapon he has is currently wedged deep inside of his stomach. Maybe it was Tecchour from afar. Maybe it was Tachihara manipulating metal. Maybe it was Kyouka. Maybe it was Yosano. Who knows. Maybe it was Fukuzawa.
Right okay so I've just skimmed through the episode again and Fukuzawa doesn't even have the fucking sword inside of him to begin with, so half of my rambling there has been rendered useless lol.
Anyways, and more importantly, where the fuck is 'One Order'?
It's no longer in Fukuchi's hand or ear. What the fuck?
His cape is missing. One Order is missing. Fukuzawa has somehow acquired a sword through his abdomen. Fukuchi is injured from his neck and arm. He's angry. Fukuzawa had his back turned. Fukuchi seems desperate for something.
Man, this is like a fucking riddle.
So, yes. Fukuzawa (quite easily, actually) rips Amenogozen out of himself and makes to swing for Fukuchi, who is without any weapons, injured, angry, and seemingly desperate.
Fuck, the sakura petals and the implication of Fukuzawa using Fukuchi's own sword to kill him, after fighting with him so many times oh my GOD I could get more into this but I won't, I won't. (Maybe later fr)
He seems pretty determined, dead-set on slashing this bitch. However, he becomes shocked at something, and not just a normal shock. That's an "Oh, fuck." shock. Then, it cuts to Fukuchi fucking smiling.
Smiling and reaching a hand out to Fukuzawa. We don't see his eyes. We only see his smile. A portion of his hand. The sakura petals. AAAA I'm so fucking sick.
Then, of course. We get a flashback. They're fighting. And for just a split second, you can see a smile on Fukuzawas face. Literally such a minuscule fucking thing.
And then it cuts to them now. And I don't mean now as in, middle of battle now, nor do I mean prior to their fight now. I mean, now. I don't know where now is or how it came to be, but they're obviously in their current attire. And you can see the wound on Fukuzawa's back. You can literally see it. So, whether they both die and this is some sort of heaven sequence, or something happens and they clash inside Amenogozen, and time is slowed or something, I don't know.
Does a sword count as a subordinate to Fukuzawa? Because if so, he can utilize that sword and manipulate it to his heart's content.
Anyways, it's peaceful. There's two cups of tea on a bench ahead of them. There's a fuzzy sort of outline to everything, maybe trying to make us assume that it's a flashback, when it is, in actuality, not. Unless, they've had a fight very similar to this one, in the same attire, but at a different time (obviously) and it wasn't fatal (again, obviously).
Now, this was honestly just me trying to put the preview in order in my head and I thought other people might like to read my thoughts lol.
Long story short, there was a lot to unpack here, and I think a lot of hidden meanings and misdirections, trying to make us think one thing but in fact it's going another way.
Anyways, have a lovely day/night! Thank you for reading ^^
(Wow, I did not mention Soukoku or Chuuya and Dazai ONCE in this post (shush I mentioned Dazai before that doesn't count) and yes I am hoping that they showed us nothing in this preview because they're fine and safe and going to pull something off and be very surprising but we can only dream and fuck I'm dreaming so hard I'm DELUSIONAL bro)
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soupthatistohot · 5 days
Hi, sorry to bother you, I was wondering why you read bad as more of an absurdist story than an existentialist one?
(Sorry if you already answered it somewhere, but since I didn't find anything, I thought that I might as well ask.)
Maybe I missed something, but BSD's characters always seemed to me like people making up their own meanings to make life make sense, rather than the rebellion for the need of meaning itself, which I think fits more the existentialist thought process?
Even Dazai, especially, looking to understand the worth in humanity to justify his own existence, trying to find something to live for, to make his life make sense. He doesn't seem to have the kind of acceptance that I think comes with an absurdist mindset, that one of not needing any meaning to live your life anyway.
My grasp on the subject is still pretty shaky, as despite having read absurdist authors and even having some of them as my all time favorites for a long while, I was only properly introduced to that school of thought by you, which is why I figured you'd probably be the best one to explain why I'm wrong.
From where I'm standing, it feels like BSD is a story of existentialists navigating their life in an absurdist setting, if that makes sense? I know that they're not polar opposites, and can even be complementary but yeah. Just food for thought. I'm always looking for new ways to understand things better.
Hi there, not a bother at all!! I have my asks open for a reason and I’m always happy to chat abt this type of stuff :)
There’s kind of two answers to this question. The first is that until pretty recently (like legit a couple weeks ago thanks to a tiktok) I realize that my understanding of absurdism was closer to the definition of existentialism (though they’re definitely close cousins). You’re correct in saying that the absurdist does not seek to create meaning, but rather recognizes that life is meaningless and lives anyway. My analyses up to this point have actually been working with a flawed definition because of my misunderstanding and the internet’s general misunderstanding.
That being said, I really do think that BSD can still absolutely be read as an absurdist text. The other answer to this question is that this is so because I believe Asagiri wrote the story this way. He seems to have been influenced by multiple prolific absurdist authors (Franz Kafka, from whom he took his pen name; and Albert Camus, who is considered to be the father of absurdism and whose character Asagiri used the name of for the prison Meursault). Put simply, I am convinced that Asagiri intends to write a narrative with absurdist themes.
While most (if not all) of the characters are in a quest to find meaning, that does not necessarily negate the absurdist reading of BSD. Humans are naturally wired to seek out purpose in our lives, but it does seem like the characters are on a path towards living for the sake of living rather than living for a certain purpose.
Take someone like Dazai, who is suicidal because of his search for meaning. Absurdism is very much against suicide and I think the fact that it seems that Dazai’s reasoning for his suicidal tendencies revolves around his failure to find hope (in the world and for himself) is indicative of Asagiri’s absurdist influence. That being said, the less Dazai tries to search for meaning and the more he just simply lives his life, the more content and fulfilled he seems to become. He’s not all the way there, and perhaps he never will be, but what matters is that him letting go of his search for purpose is part of his character development.
Atsushi is another good example. His main flaw is that he puts his worth in his ability to help others, and while that initially saves his life when he joins the ADA and finds a reason to live, it’s also obvious that this is not conducive long-term as it takes a massive toll on his self-esteem if/when he fails. A large part of his character arc has been deconstructing the connection between his self worth and ability to help others, and similar to Dazai, the more he just lives for himself and helps people because he wants to (not because he needs to for his self-esteem), the more content and fulfilled he seems to be.
In terms of absurdism vs existentialism, I think it can fit both, depending on how you’re looking to interpret the story. I think the two philosophies of thought go hand-in-hand and it’s just about how you frame your analysis. BSD has its moments that are more absurdist and its moments that are more existentialist. As with life, it’s not entirely black and white, I think it can be nuanced and involve both interpretations.
I hope this answers your questions!! If you have anything more to say, please feel free to share your thoughts, I love talking about this stuff :)
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Break Him Down (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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First Shin Soukoku fic whoop whoop! Heyo everyone! I've been loving BSD as of late, and these two- THESE TWO. They have stolen my heart and soul and I felt a mighty need to write them! I hope you like it!
Summary: Atsushi discovers an interesting fact about his stubborn boyfriend. He doesn't exploit it though- not yet at least.
Akutagawa was- for lack of a better term, a pain in the ass.
Stoic, aloof, no mincing of his words whenever he felt the need to share an unsolicited opinion about Atsushi’s way of doing things- you’d think the weretiger would absolutely despise the other with his entire heart.
And for a brief moment when they first met- he did.
Of course, all things change overtime.
“Let me check.”
“I don’t need your help!”
Okay- maybe not all things. Atsushi pinched the bridge of his nose at his boyfriend’s stubborn refusal. They were paired off on a task Dazai “personally selected them for”- in other words was too lazy to do himself- which ended on a rough note. One unexpected enemy later and Akutagawa had been injured. 
Atsushi had gotten them away, knocking out their opponent with a solid chop to the skull, but the damage to Akutagawa- both to his body and his pride- was still there.
“Would you please let me take care of it? It’s a long walk back home- it’ll feel better if you let me clean it up first.” Atsushi reasoned with him, taking a step forward. “Plus if that wound gets infected, we’re gonna be in a lot more trouble then we are now.”
“I’ll be fine- this is nothing.” Akutagawa straightened, only to wince and shrink inward once more, gritting his teeth. “I-I’ll be fine until the-eehn!” Turning only hurt more as he sucked in a breath, hands shaking from the stinging pain.
Atsushi waited, crossing his arms over his chest. Just one more moment and…
“Fine.” Akutagawa turned back to him, grunting from the effort. “Please…take care of it, weretiger?”
“Thank you.” Atsushi smiled as he reached for the first aid kit. “Come here, Aku.”
“Good news, it’s not so bad.” Atsushi told him, sitting before Akutagawa’s bare back. Across his pale skin a purplish bruise bloomed- spreading like a blob of watercolor on a page. The actual wound was barely a scrape- a thin line of red cutting across the bruise. Considering how hard Akutagawa hit the wall, Atsushi was sure there’d be more damage. “Bad news is- this bruise is a ugly one.”
“Like I said, it’s nothing.” Akutagawa tsked softly, even when he winced from the gentle pressure applied.
“Acting tough even when it hurts.” Atsushi mused, flinching with him as he pressed the bandage over the scrape. They’d have to wait until they got back to ice it- at least now it’s clean. “There.”
“Mm.” Akutagawa reached for his overcoat. “Thank you-”
“Hang on.” Atsushi stopped him, hands moving to his sides. “I gotta make sure nothing’s broken.”
“I assure you, nothing is- ack! Watch your hands, they’re cold!”
“So sensitive.” Atsushi teased, earning a glare. Ignoring it, he went about, gently feeling the other’s ribs one by one. So far, so good. He moved upward to his shoulders-
“Eh!” Akutagawa flinced. Atsushi panicked.
“Sorry! Sorry- did that hurt?” Was it broken?
“It’s not- it’s fine.” Akutagawa cut in. “Don’t worry about it.”
“You keep telling me that, but you’re clearly not.” Atsushi growled, his frustration starting to touch his voice. “Tell me the truth- if you’re in pain there, I need to know!”
“I…” Akutagawa began before growing quiet in thought. When he looked away again, his voice sounded strained. “It didn’t hurt, it just felt…strange.”
“Strange?” Atsushi asked, confused. He got no reply, but Atsushi could see the beginnings of a blush creeping up the brunette’s neck the longer the silence drained on. Interesting. “Oh, you mean-”
“Don’t.” Akutagawa growled. “Don’t you dare say it.”
Atsushi squeezed his lips shut, trying not to smile. Ah, how could he forget about that? “There’s nothing wrong with being a little ti-”
“Weretiger.” Akutagawa's glare intensified, Rashomon starting to poke through his back. “I’m warning you.”
Atsushi held up his hands, reaching out and gathering up his clothes. “Okay, okay. Come on- let’s get you dressed.”
He’d have to remember this little tidbit of information for later.
~A few weeks later~
“I’m home!” Atsushi announced as he kicked off his shoes, entering his apartment. “I swear, Dazai finds the most creative ways to get out of doing paperwork- you know what he told me today?”
No response came. When Atsushi walked into the main sitting room, he found his boyfriend lying face down on the couch, headphones in and eyes closed. The sight made him pause with a smile. So he did like his little gift.
“Akuuuuuuu~” He whispered, creeping over before gently lying across the other man’s back. If Akutagawa noticed, he didn’t show it, still lost in the song. Atsushi could make out a few lyrics beyond the heavy metal music. “Pay attention to meeee~ I’m home!”
Nothing. Either he was too quiet or Akutagawa was intentionally ignoring him. “Aku!” He reached out, lightly pulling on a strand of hair.
One gray eye cracked open, meeting his gaze. A ghost of a smile touched his lips before he closed it again, getting comfy.
Oh. So he was ignoring him.
This motherfu-
“Oh, okay. So that’s how you wanna be, huh?” Atsushi felt his eye twitch as he glared down at the other. “Fine then.” He reached out, placing his hands on his boyfriend’s ribs. “Wanna ignore me? Ignore this!” He dug in and-
Nothing. Akutagawa barely reacted.
“No fair! You can’t go gargoyle on me like that!” The weretiger squawked in shock, starting to pout. Damn this stubborn ass and his ability to turn off his ticklishness! Below him, Akutagawa seemed smug; further fueling the gray haired man’s frustration.
And determination.
Sitting back, he tapped his hands against his boyfriend’s shoulders in thought. Where should he try to get a reaction? He supposed he could shove his hands into the freezer and press them into Aku’s ears? That certainly worked in the past. Or maybe-
Below him, Akutagawa tensed suddenly. His mouth seemed to thin, and his brows furrowed. Looking down, Atsushi realized his hand was on the same spot his boyfriend got hurt all those weeks ago.
“Oh, sorry-” Wait. The wound was gone. As was the bruise. All that was left was…
Atsushi started to smile. Keeping his attention on the other, he reached up and gently clawed at the spot between Akutagawa’s shoulder blades. 
“Eh! W-Weretiger!” The brunette all but yanked his headphones down, glaring at the other sharply.
“Hehe, can’t ignore me now, can ya?” Atsushi teased, lightly clawing at him again. Once again, the brunette yelped and jolted, straining against the touch. “Looks like I found another tickle spot~”
“I told you not to say tha-Aht!” Akutagawa sucked in a breath sharply at another gentle touch, arching some away from the hand. “Would you cut that ou-!” The second scratch shut him up, this one closer to the curve of his shoulder blade.
“What’s wrong? Does it tickle?” Atsushi asked, continuing to gently claw at his boyfriend’s back with slow, gentle traces. “Does it tickle when I trace here? What about this?” He pinched gently against the bony part of his back- the action making Akutagawa’s eyes widen momentarily before shoving his face into the couch. A blush started creeping up his neck, pink staining the pale skin. His body shook with each touch, all the way down to where his white knuckled-hands gripped the couch cushion. “My my- can’t handle it?”
“W-Weretiger!” Akutagawa hissed, twitching beneath the other. He reached back to swat at the hand tracing his back, but he could barely reach. Instead he went to grab Atsushi’s knee.
“Hehehy! Ah ah ah!” Atsushi squirmed his leg out of reach, wiggling a finger into Akutagawa’s armpit. “Don’t you dare! I’m tickling you!”
“Dohohon’t say thahahhat! Ahehahahha! Wheheheheretiger!” The dam broke- Akutagawa shoved his arm down in a vain attempt to block him out. Giggles bubbled over his wobbly lips, partially muffled by the couch cushion. “Gehehehhet ohohoohout!”
“Get out? But it’s my apartment!” Atsushi dropped his hands to Akutagawa's upper ribs, massaging the spot with enough pressure to get him laughing properly. “First you ignore me, and now you’re trying to kick me out of my own home? What are you trying to say, Aku? Don’t you love me?”
“Yohohohoohu knhoohohohow whahahhahat I meahahhahhan’t! Ahehahahhaa, Wehehehheretihihiihihiger stohoohohohhp ihihihihiihit!” Akutagawa was properly squirming now, twisting this way and that as Atsushi’s fingers danced along his skin. Breathy huffs of laughter slowly began to grow into proper guffaws as he tried grabbing his boyfriend’s hands, just barely missing his wrists every time. “I hahahahhhahte ihiihihiiihiht!”
“Sure you do.” The weretiger giggled, reaching completely around him so he could claw at the other’s belly. “That’s why you haven’t tried pushing me away or using Rashomon to stop me! If anything, I think you like this!” Atsushi buried his nose between his shoulder blades, grinning when he felt the other arch with a faint squeak. “Admit it, you love when I tickle you, Aku~”
“Wehehehehhehheheheretiihiiihihihihihiger, shuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhsh!” Akutagawa all but whined, feet kicking against the couch. His face felt like it was on fire, burning more everytime Atsushi said that dreadful word. “Dooohohohohohn’t sahahahhahay ihiiihihihihihit!”
“Hm, you know? I don’t think you’ve said my name in a while.” Atsushi mused as he brought his hands back to the other’s ribs, wiggling between them like one plays a piano. “It’s always ‘Weretiger’. I want you to say my name! Say Atsushi! If you do, I’ll stop tickling you.”
A way out! An easy one too. Anyone would take it.
But alas- Akutagawa had his pride.
“Nohohohohohoo wahhahahahhahay! Yohohoohoohu stohoohohohhop fihiihihiihrst!” He cackled, finally grasping his boyfriend’s wrists. “Thehhehehehheere!”
“That stubborn pride. I love it, but at the same time, it really drives me crazy.” Atsushi almost sounded sad, shaking his head loosely. “Whatever- at least I know how to drive you crazy too.” With that, he shoved his face into the other’s back, nuzzling him through the thin cloth.
“WHEHEHHRETIIHIHIIHGER!” Akutagawa all but shrieked, his squirms increasing and his laughter booming. “DOHOHOOHOHN’T! NOHOHOHOHOOHT THEHEHHEHEHERE!” His lungs were starting to hurt, and his vision was getting misty. Still- Atsushi was determined to make him break. He could resist! He was a Port Mafia member! This? A little ti-a little sensitivity? This was nothing! He’d been through far, far worse tortures in his life. He would be fine-
“Not gonna break? Okay!” Atsushi seemed to lift off. Then-
Oh dear god no-
“PFFFFFFT!” He released by far what felt like the biggest raspberry against his shoulder blades. Even with the fabric layer of protection, it tickled like crazy! Akutagawa’s laughter tittered into silence as more and more raspberries came down on his worst spot.
Finally, finally- he gave in.
“AHAHAHHAHAHTSUSHIHIHIHI PLEHAHAHAHAHSE!” He cried when he got his voice back, Rashomon shooting out to gather the other and lift him off. Atsushi squeaked in surprise, suspended mid air by the various red tentacles.
“Hehe, got you to say my name.” Atsushi laughed nervously, watching the other cough some as he turned onto his back, glaring daggers. Slowly, he was lowered back down, returning to his previous position on top of Akutagawa. “Hehe, you good?”
“Yohohou…suck.” Akutagawa huffed, earning a snort from boyfriend. Too tired to fight anymore, he reached up and flicked the other’s nose, smirking when Atsushi whined in response. “You're lucky I don’t get you back right here and now.”
“Oo, scary~” Atsushi mock shivered, laying down properly and tucking his head against the other’s chest. “Good luck on that. I know all your weaknesses now.”
“Tch, brat.” Akutagawa rolled his eyes, reaching up and running a hand through his hair. “Welcome home by the way.”
“Oh? Oh, thank you!” Atsushi sounded pleased. Sitting up, he scooted closer, pressing a gentle kiss to the other’s red cheek.
“Oi, you missed.” Akutagawa narrowed his eyes, fighting down a laugh when Atsushi looked away.
“Nope! You ignored me when I got home, so no proper kisses for you…” His voice trailed off when Akutagawa took his chin in his hands, guiding him back gently.
“Forgive me. I was enjoying that song you showed me.” He ran his thumb along Atsushi’s lip, feeling smug at the blossoming blush on his cheeks. “The Bad Things one.”
“Knew you’d like it.” Atsushi grinned. “Fine, I suppose you can have a real kiss then.” He leaned in, capturing his boyfriend’s lips on his own. Warmth spread throughout Akutagawa’s body, making his toes curl and sending pleasant tingles throughout his nerves. When they pulled away, they were equally flushed, slightly breathless.
“Ehehe! We’re such dorks.” Atsushi laughed, returning to his comfy position beneath Akutagawa’s chin. “I love us though.”
“As do I.” Akutagawa ran a hand over his back gently, his heart still racing a mile a minute. He was sure Atsushi’s heart was doing the same thing. “Tell me about your day.”
They spent the rest of the evening chatting about their respective days.
Thanks for reading!
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munv · 2 years
Hi! I really like your work with Sayu and Kli! reader! Can you write BSD x Eula or Ganyu!reader? I do not know if you are doing this only for children, so you can skip my request.
Dw I'm doing requests from all different type of people however if there was a elementary schooler for example requesting anything from me and I didn't know things could get a lil weird
help I'm doing this while playing genshin impact. Collei desperately needs a good build and I am all here for it. But just askin i didn't miss any character right?-
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So of course the detective agency finding out there was some kind of powerful half Adeptus that was apparently over 3,000 years old in their ranks, they were expecting you to be like "I want to be on the front lines and fight!" and all that.
They were terribly wrong because not only did you refuse to leave your office until someone said it was work related but you also wanted to be nothing but a secretary??- the math wasn't adding up.
Kunikida admired you but also made it clear to you that you also deserved breaks every once in a while, as Atsushi did his best to try and give you whatever you needed that was outside the office. Basically, just Atsushi being your errand boy at this rate.
I see Yosano dressing you up the second you aren't doing anything. She likes to tell you that "you must always look presentable" at work. It's a excuse good excuse and she knows it.
Imagine just working then suddenly Kyoka and Kenji just magically appear from the other side of your desk like "can we hangout today?.." with the most adorable puppy dog eyes and you eventually have to give in.
Dazai knowing damn well about your ability is planning on putting it to good use. Can you really call him Dazai if he doesn't get to see you use your vision even once?? Using his terrible planning that he often uses on Atsushi which I doubt actually works on him 100% of the time.
He literally drags you into everything saying stuff like "you also need field experience, and it would be a waste to keep you cooped up in the office all day"
Hear me out
Fukuzawa but your literal father figure. Bro has adoption papers down ON THE TABLE ready for you. Just say the word and he got it for you. He won't be quite happy though once he found out that Dazai dragged you into something dangerous once again.
I swear Naomi drags Junichiro with her to visit you from time to time. Both of them like to bring you to cafe's but if not that they go out to find you flowers because of your "strange eating habits."
omg Haruno absolutely ADORES you. She actually wants to be like you someday with the way you work so "effortlessly" even though just like Kunikida she also says you should take breaks. She brings you tea every now and then to clear your mind.
Ranpo and Katai surprisingly come to you when it comes to information. However usually it's just Katai teaching you about technology and Ranpo just like Dazai bringing you along to random places but this time they are less dangerous.
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aroacehanzawa · 8 months
THANK YOU FOR RBING WITH YOUR THOUGHTS especially the last line.
i really do miss when bsd stayed in its own genre, and I KNOW before someone comes at me that sometimes you gotta do a little exploring, a little swaying. but not like this. i just dont enjoy the manga anymore because it's so far from what i fell in love with. and again before someone says oh then why are you reading it and complaining if it makes you so mad😤😤😡 IM NOT EVEN READING IT. I CHECK THE LEAKS AND I GO YEAH THIS IS STILL JUST FYODOR AND DAZAI NOT DYING. also because i care about the characters and i still want to see how the whole thing is resolved cuz guess what im not gonna just stop reading it after i invested 3 years of my life into it.
anyway yeah. as i said. whagever.
The thing is that bsd has always been something more than just silly detectives vs port mafia shenanigans, but it managed keep this larger world contained in a way that made sense in the story. For example the book, which is practically a deus ex machina device, still had its place and function in the story - francis wanted it to bring back his daughter, and even the usage of the page to frame the agency was logical.
Even the more high tech stuff like the eyes of god surveillance system was well played - not only did we get a funny ace attorney moment of francis interrupting the courtroom and buying the software, it actually became plot relevant in the cannibalism arc to locate fyodor and early doa arc to find mushitarou. (and francis's death fakeout was actually good, because it wasn't overdone yet, plus we got a nice and fun redemption arc for him)
But then we're suddenly getting a bunch of new ability weapons like fukuchi's sword and prison realm one order and idk. what else have we had. Time manipulating cat lady who was practically used as an off-screen human ability weapon for dazai's convenience and then immediately killed off with no name no dialogue no character #feminism.
All this while it seems like asagiri completely forgot about the part where atsushi is somehow a beacon towards the book, but that isn't too surprising because it feels like asagiri has forgotten about the role and personality and agency of the characters in general. The thing that drew me into bsd in the first place was its sincere focus on the human experience, the way that each chapter and mini arc seemed to have something to say about the overarching themes of finding a reason to keep living and a place to belong. Now i feel like the last time we got to see any of this kind of commentary was with tachihara's arc, or briefly with sigma, but it still feels too shallow.
And like you said there's nothing wrong with a little exploring and a little swaying, in fact i think the whole premise of bsd is that it allows for so much exploration, but to me it feels like the potential that bsd held in the beginning is just not being met anymore. Or rather we're just not heading in the direction we could've been going in.
Atsushi and his implied connection to the book like i mentioned earlier. The order of the clock tower that has been teased since agatha's introduction and some sporadic mentions/implications of its existence since then. Dazai and fyodor's unknown first meeting (this is why i also don't like them killing off fyodor just like that because we still don't know anything about him BUT the way we've ended up in this inexhaustible loop of dazai wins fyodor wins dazai wins fyodor wins i also don't see any way out of it unless one or both of them die so. asagiri just look at what you've done)
idek what i'm trying to say here i'm just really frustrated because i've invested so much of my time in following bsd and it's like as a reader i'm not even getting anything out of it.
anywya read orv for good plot and characters and worldbuilding and literally perfect storytelling and respect for the reader
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