#the part where that old man was apparently whispering in her ear and teaching her not to hurt humans
nicolos · 2 years
They travelled back to Anakin's home at a slowed pace. Winter was almost on them, and the days were quickly growing short, which made them ride hard during the day—but even those of them who knew the terrain best were vary of travelling in the dark.
Padmé was grateful for that: she'd grown used to being on horseback for about twelve hours a day, but that didn't mean it didn't leave her sore and exhausted. Moving slower also gave her a chance to actually survey their surroundings. She'd been in no state to when she'd first arrived, too confused by the degree of change from when she knew this place, and their journey from the Temple had been a rushed one. This was the first time she had a moment—and the permission, having apparently won everybody's trust by marrying Anakin—to look around.
Anakin seemed excited to show her, when she asked. He pointed out old streams and fords he'd splashed in, places he'd ridden out to with his mother as a child, where the boundary stones had been shifted, where he had good memories, and where he had bad ones.
She was willing to admit that he was not, perhaps, the best guide in geographical matters—but Padmé found she wanted these stories just as much.
There were other reasons to be grateful for the long nights, too. She and Anakin couldn't get up to—much in the tents, but she loved those hours of the day best. She'd press her mouth to his to muffle the moans he couldn't control, and test him for as long as she could handle it before she slipped onto him. Whatever Anakin suffered for experience, he more than made up in enthusiasm... and where even that wasn't enough, he was exceedingly willing to learn.
And Padmé was happy to teach. There was something delightful about the way he took to instruction, eyes burning with this—unwavering determination to do whatever she wanted.
"Have you always been such a quick learner?" she asked him one night, a little out of breath. Anakin grinned, shuffling them closer together where they lay in a single bedroll, with thick furs pulled to their chests and nothing but their shirts on.
He laughed. "Not at all. I'm pretty sure Obi-Wan despaired of ever teaching me anything I didn't want to learn."
Obi-Wan was Lord Jinn's ward, and one of Anakin's closest friends, she'd learned—and a frequent topic of conversation with him in a way that had her suspecting a very different relationship between them, in the early days. Now... she only wondered a little.
There was no doubting the way Anakin looked at her. Sometimes that concerned her—at that moment, it only warmed her in a way the furs around her couldn't.
"Should I consider myself special, Lord Skywalker?" she teased.
Anakin's smile was brilliant. "Always," he'd said, and leaned back in to kiss her.
It was enough to go to a girl's head—or other, more dangerous places.
The night after Knight Billaba announced they were perhaps a day's ride from there, Padmé dreamt of her old home.
She lay on her bed, head on down pillows and silk sheets. Behind her was the warmest man in the world, and wherever he touched her, she felt heated from within. He whispered something in her ears, wisps of smoke that held as much meaning as the lost language of the Jedi, and yet she knew what each one meant, and knew each word was for her.
Padmé woke to a crisp, freezing world, and fingers pressed to the skin of her lower back, stroking lightly there. Light puffs of warm met the knob of her spine and had her smiling. Eyes shut, she turned, warm with her husband beside her, around her—and came face to face with Anakin.
And it didn't frighten her, just for a few minutes—what forgetting felt like. That it was, that it could be, acceptable, to feel so safe when it was Anakin around her, to allow herself to be loved when her husband (her other husband), the one everybody believed was dead, was...
Was not-yet-alive any better than dead?
The part of her that had held onto the life she had once led clutched at her arms and shook her—and for once, that Padmé was quieter than the weight of her contentment. Padmé did not rise. She did not quietly shift his arm away from her, pull away in silence before he woke to compose herself and remember her grief.
Just this morning, she let herself remain—and when Anakin's eyes opened, she met him with a smile.
Anakin shot glances at her through the day when he thought she wasn't looking. This wasn't new, and it also wasn't new for her to notice. He didn't know the meaning of subtlety; usually, Padmé let him, unbothered by it beyond her long-term concern of Anakin's affection for her.
The night before their wedding, she had told him: "I love my husband, Anakin. I don't know that I can ever..."
He had nodded, too quickly. "I understand," he said, though she didn't know how he could. How anybody could, maybe, but Anakin more than most.
Today, the thought of Anakin's feelings—she didn't know that she could call it love, when he had never done so himself—didn't seem quite so daunting. Didn't seem, also, like she was letting him jump off a cliff and into heartbreak.
Today, she turned back and caught his eye, and felt something in her she'd long thought dead stretch, pleased, whenever he flushed.
Lord Jinn's Keep, where Anakin had grown up, was a small keep more homestead with walls than fortress, the sort of place she might have imagined existing in a story. It was not the imposing edifice of the Temple, and did not loom over the land with its weight, but seemed to creep from the ground, rising just behind a small mound, revealing walls and cookfire smoke and fields in the distance in a jumbled, organic shape. The outer gates churned open just in time for the heavy bells to ring them in, and for a moment, Padmé felt she had stepped away from the cold and dreary world of the past and into a fairytale from her childhood instead.
The sense of rightness shook her. She turned in her seat, looking for Anakin—and found him looking at her, eyes bright.
"It's beautiful," she mouthed, and Anakin beamed.
The fact that they were in his home became obvious fast, as every passing freeman and trader and homesteader stopped to talk to Anakin. All of them wanted to know who she was.
Anakin's smile when he introduced her as his wife was the same the hundredth time as it was the first. Today, she liked that.
They made it to the keep a little before sunset, Anakin down from his horse and there to help Padmé dismount in a moment. She gave him a look, but he only shrugged, unrepentant, and offered her his arm.
"What do you think?" he asked.
"I haven't seen it all yet, but... it's beautiful, Anakin."
He smiled, a little boyish. "I'm glad you think so. It's not much against the Temple, I know—and it can't compare to your Naboo palaces—"
She shook her head. "It's home, isn't it?"
He nodded, curled his fingers around hers, and left them there when Knight Billaba and Caleb joined them. Padmé looked around the courtyard, and thought that she hadn't had a home in so long she'd forgotten how it felt to get there.
The inner gates opened.
Padmé turned from smiling at Anakin, ready to greet the one who'd welcome her into her new home—
And felt her heart drop into her stomach.
The last thing Padmé had seen before being pulled away from her world and thrust into this unfamiliar one had been her husband, arms stretched for her even as his mouth hadn't quite forgotten his smile from moments before. Padmé had memorised him in that moment, as one might a memory one can never return to, his starched shirt flecked with mud, just a hint of stubble where he hadn't shaved that morning, eyes wide with terror.
She had made it here with "Ben" still on her lips, a hopeless, heedless cry for a man who would not exist for several hundred years yet.
Now he stood before her, broad grin on his face, a thick beard and heavy robes, and his eyes were on...
She looked at him and wondered if all of this hadn't been one sick nightmare after all. A long and terrible dream, designed to know how long it would take to break her, she who had felt so sure of herself.
"Obi-Wan!" Anakin announced, beaming as though the world hadn't been pulled from under her feet. "Padmé, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi, Lord Jinn's ward. Obi-Wan—this is Padmé, my wife."
Mrs. Ben Kenobi swayed unsteadily on her feet, pressed her hand against the wall, and collapsed.
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starsscribble · 3 years
Stick Shift
Summary: Rick thinks he freeing Y/n. Y/n thinks she's the problem.
Tags: Angst, No comfort, Age Difference, Reader is 25 Rick is in in 40.
A/n: This was when I was on my Walking Dead kick. Finally got it edited.
But today I drove through the suburbs
Crying 'cause you weren't around
  You pulled into the post-apocalyptic suburbs; in a separate car than what Glenn and you left in. Your earlier pride of find and driving said care was gone. Now in it place was a numb type of sadness. It was stupid. You know that. Getting worked up over the fact you were driving a stick shift. All on your own. But Rick. Your boyfriend; ex-boyfriend now. He had been the one to teach you how to drive a stick shift. Before Virginia. When the group was still in the prison. When you were both still happy.
  “Come on,” his southern drawl was clear as day. You let out a puff of air. Head pushing against the headrest. “This was your idea. You gotta confess something.” You started to hate that you suggested this game, but the drive was so damn long. You didn’t have the radio to help distract you. No, it was just you, Rick, and a long stretch of Georgia backroad. The former sheriff’s right hand shifted off the steering wheel. Moving carefully as not to catch your attention. You were still racking your brain for a secret to tell. Then a yelp left your mouth. You jumped in your seat making the older man laugh. Hand retreated to the wheel.
“That’s what you get for taking so long pumpkin.” He grinned; eyes shifted from the road onto you. A hint of playfulness in those ocean blue eyes. 
“I was thinking of something!” You shot back making him chuckle before looking back to the road. 
“There’s gotta be something you have never told anyone.”
“Well,” you hummed. Readjusting in your seat. “I don’t know if this would count because I’ve never told this to anyone in the group.”
“I’ll count it.” He glances at you quickly, still smiling. Which makes you smile.
“Alright. I don’t know how to drive a stick shift.” You feel the jerk was the car spot. Rick looked at you as if you just told him the undead are all gone. Eye full of disbelief. 
“You’re joking.” He speaks after a beat and you shake your head. Nope, you couldn’t drive a stick to save your life. And with how the world was it just might. Rick took off his seatbelt as you questioned just what he was doing. “I’m gonna teach you how to drive stick. You might need it.”
“We are on a run.”
“Yep and this is the perfect time. Now get into the driver’s seat.”
  Slowly you parked next to Glenn. Killing the engine you got out as Glenn moved over to your vehicle. He smiled at you. Today was a good day. Got more food, medicine, and another car. The possibilities for cars were endless. Used for parts. Set up at protection. Used as traps. Daryl Dixon the town resident mechanic would have a field day with this car.
“I’m gonna check in with Rick,” Glenn says. You see him playing with his wedding band. Maggie’s baby bump had started to show and Glenn didn’t like being away for too long. Patting his shoulder you speak.
“Go see Maggie and your baby.” You slammed the driver’s side door shut. The dark-haired man stares at you. Willing to argue with you on this.
“Really it’s-” You raised your hand stopping him.
“If you don’t go check up on Maggie. I will and I’ll tell her how you screamed like a girl.” His eyes widen at the threat. 
“I didn’t know a group of bats would be in there!” He defended himself only making you grin at him. You both head away from the parking area. Back towards the stretch of cookie-cutter homes. You nudge his shoulder with yours.
“First it’s a colony of bats. Second, not only was the scream funny, so was your face.” You teased him. Glenn shoved your shoulder playfully. Before mumbling that he was going to check in with his wife. Leaving you with the task of checking in with the community’s newly appointed leader Rick. 
  Jogging onto his porch you knocked on the door. Eyes looking everywhere but the door until it opened. Sadly it wasn’t the male you were looking for. Carl greeted you with a soft smile. The bandages that once covered his right eye socket had been replaced with a custom-made eyepatch.
“Ahoy captain.” You tease the teenager who rolled his remaining eye. “Your dad here? Just checking in since Glenn and I got back.”
“Nope. Haven’t seen him since this morning.” Carl tells you, making you nodded. “When I see him…” He trails off because he knows you will just hunt his dad down. “I don’t know where he is.” He's lying. You know it. He knows that you know. But you just nod and quickly thank him. Tell him to kiss his sister for you before turning off the porch.
  And you're probably with that blonde girl
Who always made me doubt
She's so much older than me
She's everything I'm insecure about
  You know where Rick Grimes is. Feet carrying you down the still blood-stained street. Streets that just weeks ago were covered with the undead. You wave kindly to the people passing by. It is a mix of your group, older residents, and new people. You still feel out of place. Maybe you always will. Maybe you won't. You wonder quietly to yourself. A nice distraction. Because if you thought about where you were going. Where you had to go. You might just break. So you let your mind wander. Let your feet carry you to the destination. Everything seemed to be on autopilot. Until your using the knocker of the baby blue house. Her house.
“We should end this,” Rick says matter-of-factly. You stopped brushing your hair to look at him. He’s not facing you. Back facing you as he pulled his jeans on. 
“What?” Maybe you misheard him. Maybe it was your ear playing a trick on you. Because Rick couldn’t be breaking up with you right now.
“We should break up.” He rephrases. The words take the air from your lungs. Your mouth opened to say words that your mind can’t even come up with. The silence in the room grew by the seconds. It finally became too much for the man as he turned to face you. Jeans zipped up but not buttoned. Belt lay next to his shirt on the bed but his eyes fell on you instead. 
“Say something.” He requested of you softly. That same soft voice that he used when he said he loved you. Tears that formed in your eyes finally fell as you blinked. Once. Twice. Three times. Before you looked him in the eyes.
“Is it me? Did I do something wrong?” Getting shot was nothing compared to your question to him. Because he knew you honestly thought you did something wrong. You always doubted yourself. But you were perfect. So goddamn perfect. And amazing. And young. 
“No sweetheart. It’s just…” He stops himself from going over to embrace you. Tell you to forget about it. Because this has to happen. You're 24. His 39. Even if the group. His and your family were ok with it. He heard the whispers around town. The other weren’t as supportive. 
“I think we should end this. We had an amazing run. And you're young. You’re gonna find someone else that will love you more than I ever could.” He breaks his own heart with his words. Because he doesn’t want you to find someone else. He wants to be with you until the end. When and where ever the end was. But you deserve better. You deserve someone around your age. Not an old man with two children like him. 
“I…” you stare at him. Cheeks strained with tears he caused. “I don’t want someone else.” You grab the comforter. It gets balled up as you tighten your grip on the fabric. Your mind running over everything you had done in the last weeks to get to the point. You had snapped at him a few days back because of Jessie Anderson. The blonde woman in her thirties that lived up the street. You didn’t hear what they were talking but her body language told you everything. She was flirting with Rick. And either he didn’t notice or didn’t care. Doubt played in your mind the whole day after seeing the interaction. Because Jessie was around Rick’s age. And you weren’t. You didn’t really have any life experience before the world ended. So it made sense if Rick preferred a woman his own age. As opposed to you, a 24-year-old kid in his eyes.
“I can get you a brownstone to stay in.” He said. Brushing off your comment. Which broke your heart even more.
  The door opened showing the blonde that lived there. A smile and questioning look on her face. 
“Is Rick here?” You asked, watching as she turned her head and yelling the man’s name into the home. He comes out from the kitchen; questioning who it was. The question dying in his throat when he saw it was you. Jessie excused herself leaving you and Rick alone. The former sheriff stepped onto the porch, closing the door behind him.
“Hey,” he gives you a tight-lipped smile. Which you return.
“Just came to tell you Glenn and I are back.”
“Right,” he nods. “You guys went on a run. Get anything good?” You nodded before listing off some of the supplies you got. Including the stick shift car. You heard him chuckle. Looking into his eyes you saw that same playfulness as the day he first forced you to drive a stick. 
“You didn’t flood the engine this time right?” He teased and you scoffed, punching him in the shoulder. 
“I was amazing.” You boasted. The older man stared at you and you swear you heard a quiet. ‘Ya, you are.’ 
“You don’t mind if I asked Glenn?” You roll your eyes but smile.
“Go ahead. He's gonna tell you the same thing.” He nodded. Hand going on his hips. You watch as he licks his lips. Your breath hitching as you feel your stomach twisting in knots. “I should go. Need a shower desperately.” You don’t wait for him to say goodbye or stop you. You're off the porch and down the road heading home in a few steps. 
  And all my friends are tired
Of hearing how much I miss you, but
I kinda feel sorry for them
'Cause they'll never know you the way that I do
  Maggie can’t drink. But that doesn’t mean you and Sasha can’t. Sasha, Abraham, and Rosita had come back later in the day from another run. They had been the unlucky ones not finding much of anything. But Sasha apparently found some top-tier booze in a rundown bar. The trio split it up between them. So here you were. Snacking on fresh strawberries drinking booze that would have been at least $100 for a bottle; straight out of the bottle. The three of you resting against the metal wall that protected the town from the nasty world outside.
“So,” Maggie started as she threw a strawberry stem into a bowl filled with them. “Heard someone talk with Rick.” Sasha and her eyes went to you as you grabbed the glass bottle of auburn liquid. Taking a healthy swig you felt the burn as it went down. You were far too sober to be talking about this. Talking about him. Because no one in the group knew why you guys ended it. Just one day you were a happy couple and the next you were packing up and moving into your own brownstone. Sasha took the bottle from you, making you whine. As you tried to reach for it but the former firefighter held it out of reach. Her hand on your chest also keeping you away from it.
“You can get some when you tell us what happened.” She landed down the rule and it makes you groan as you move to lay against the wall. You don't want to talk about it. You just want to wallow and let the scar form on your heart in peace.
A crack of thunder sends the trio onto the back porch of Maggie’s home. Lucky for you guys because moments after; the dark clouds opened up letting down heavy droplets that ping off the porch’s roof. Sasha is distracted by the rain. Asking Maggie if the crops will be ok. Allowing you to snatch the bottle from her hand and take another big glug. The bottle is half gone now. And honestly so are you. The alcohol works fast as your brain starts to go fuzzy. Sasha takes the bottle back slightly annoyed. But it clear the break-up has been hard. So she lets it go.
“You got your drink.” She says putting the cap back on and sitting it to the side out of your reach. “Now tell us what happened.”
“I don’t know.” You sob. You weren’t normally an emotional drunk. But with everything going on with Rick. Tonight you were. 
  And I know we weren't perfect
But I've never felt this way for no one, oh
And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay, now that I'm gone
  Maggie held you as you drunkenly cried. Sasha joined you on the other side, rubbing your back. You finally opened up about your breakup with Rick a month ago. You weren’t sure how much they understood because of the loud rain and your blubbering. But either way, they consoled you. Trying to help the only way they could. And the only way they knew how. Simply being there. Because for a month you kept this end. Kept this to yourself. So those outside of the group saw you were fine. The break-up didn’t seem to affect you. You carried on with work. Talked with Rick when it was needed. You acted fine. 
But the group knew it. Of course, they knew. It was an act. Because they saw how you were breaking. How you had a longing in your eyes when the cowboy boots-wearing man walked by. The smile that rarely reached your lips. You were faking so much of your joy because your heart was broken. 
“I just don’t get how he is so ok. Did I mean nothing?” The two women share a look at your question. Because they also know that Rick isn’t ok. Like you, he is acting. Because he is the leader and can’t break down. But the man isn’t ok. They don’t say that. Rick was the one that ended it. That was on him.
“I don’t know,” Maggie says softly as you rest your head onto her shoulder. “I wish I had the answer for you. But only Rick does.”
  Red lights, stop signs
I still see your face in the white cars, front yards
Can't drive past the places we used to go to
'Cause I still fuckin' love you, babe
  The street lights are now on. It’s still raining when you tell Maggie you were going home. Sasha and her try to get you to stay the night. Or at least until the rain lets up. But the rain isn't letting up. It was so heavy you could barely see a few steps in front of you. But you step off the back porch and disappear down the alleyway of the lined-up homes. You walk. Just walk because you don’t want to go home just yet. If you go home you’ll be lonely. And you don’t want that. Because for a month you have been lonely in that damn brownstone. Rick wasn’t lonely. He was with Jessie. His arms wrapped around her body. Damn your brain. Just because you didn’t want to be lonely didn’t mean you wanted to think about them together. 
  The rain started to ease up as you found yourself passing Rick’s house. The lights upstairs were on. As you quickly looked away from the cookie-cutter home. A shiver ran through you and shoved your hands into your soaked jean pockets. Maybe now was a good time to head home. You haven’t even turned when you heard your name being shouted over the rain. Looking back at Rick’s home you see him rushing off the porch and over to you. His dark brown jacket acting as an umbrella. He puts it mostly over you shielding you from the rain.
“What are you doing out here? You're going to get sick.” He frets because he knows how likely that is. Because after the rainstorm when the group was on the trek through Virginia you had gotten sick. “Come on.” He orders and you walk with him toward his house. 
  Sidewalks we crossed
I still hear your voice in the traffic, we're laughing
Over all the noise
  You smile at him lightly as he places a cup of peppermint tea in your hand; you're favorite. You're in one of his white t-shirt and pajama pants. Your hair, no longer wet from the rain but a hot shower. The alcohol is still in your system. How much you don’t know. 
“What were you doing walking in the rain?” He questioned taking the seat next to you. His own cup of tea in his hand.
“Was drinking with Sasha and Maggie.” You look towards him as his eyebrows knit together as the mention of Maggie and drinking. “Maggie was moderating us. She wasn’t drinking, come on. She knows better.” Rick nods bowing his head because he does know better to think that about Maggie. But his time as a cop taught him that some people just don’t care. Not about themselves. Not about others. And sure as hell not about kids. 
“Where did you get the booze from? Daryl?” You snort at him before blowing on your tea taking a careful sip. Sitting the cup down you look back towards him.
“I ain’t no rat officer.” He chuckles. You both do. A little inside joke between you both. And then the silence fell. The awkward uncertain silence of two people who didn’t know what to say next. You chew on the inside of your cheek as you stare into the tea. Rain still going strong outside, trapping on the roof of your former home.  Rick shifts beside you clearing his throat.
“Judy trying to walk.” It makes you smile a bit. 
“That’s good. Soon she’ll be running over you and Carl.” The older man chuckles nodding in agreement but you don’t see it. Head still bowed. Turning your mug as you watch the tea shift with each motion. 
“Seeing anyone?” He was trying to keep the conversation going. But there had to be another question to ask that wasn’t this. You still answer it by shaking your head.
“No. But you seemed to have moved on.” It has some bite to you. You're bitter. Of course, you are. The man you were in love with. Seemed to easily move on after he ended it. You lift the ceramic mug and take a huge glug of your tea. The warmth fills you but it’s not enough.
“Ya. Jessie, she’s…” He doesn’t know what to say. Jessie is ok. Good to have around. Doesn’t make him feel as empty. But she is just not you. All her touches. All her kisses. They feel off and he knows why. Because the hands touching him aren’t yours. Neither are the lips that kiss him. But Rick is stubborn. Even if it hurts you both, he knows you need better. You deserve the world and he just can’t give it to you.
“She’s perfect.” You looked at him. Sadness, rooted so deeply in your eyes. He wants to pull you into him. Tell you that he is sorry. That he will end it with Jessie. Come back to you. And try to make all of this right. But he already drew his line in the sand and he won’t cross it. Because the moment he touches you he knows it will be his undoing.
“She has her flaws. No one is perfect.” Except for you. He wants to add. He hears a quiet 'ya' then it silence once again.
  God, I'm so blue, know we're through
But I still fuckin' love you, babe
  You were gone when Rick woke up. His clothes lay on the guest bed since you were dried. He wondered just when you left. He wondered if you slept at all. Because he didn’t. Knowing you were in the house but not in his arms. He was restless the whole night. He sighs. Picking clothes up. It was sad that he hoped this wouldn’t be the last time. But it most likely was going to be the only time. Because how often are you going to walk in the rain drunk? He takes the clothes to the laundry room. Before he throws the shirt in the basket he lifts it to his nose. Inhaling the flowery body wash scent from when you shower last night. You must found where he hid the body wash you left behind. 
“Hey, dad!” Carl called out from the kitchen forcing Rick to dump the clothes in the basket. Entering the kitchen he smiled at his son. Judith was already in her high chair waiting for breakfast. Carl stood at the counter. The box of peppermint tea in his hands. Shit. He meant to put that up. Carl’s eye shifts from the box towards the sink. Where the mugs from last night sat unwashed. Then the young man turns to his father.
“Y/n was here wasn’t she?” He questioned but it was really a statement. It is the only reason for this tea to be out with two mugs in the sink.
“Ya,” He replied, moving towards his son and taking the box of tea from his hand. The young man sighed watching his father place the tea on a high shelf so only he could get to it.
“Why?” Carl asked.
“It was raining-”
“No,” he cut his father off. “Why did you break up with her?”
“Carl,” Rick sighed. As he pinched the bridge of his nose. If he didn’t want to have this conversation with Daryl or Michonne. He sure as hell didn’t want it with his son. But like Rick the young survivor was stubborn. He stepped into his father's past every time he tried to move around him.
“Carl,” Rick warns but the boy isn’t back down.
“No. You were happy with Y/n. Happier than I have ever seen you. Even with mom. Even before all of this.” The boy gestures at nothing but Rick knows what he means by that. Because he didn’t want to admit it. But his and Lori’s relationship was at rock bottom before the world ended. 
“So why? What happened?” Carl pressed, making Rick sigh. He wondered. Only for a second. If Michonne had put Carl up to his. But he shook that from his head. Michonne won’t do that. This is purely Carl. Because Carl loves you so much. The both of you had apparently clicked before Rick had gotten to the quarry. And that bond only grew over time. 
“It’s complicated, Carl. Now please,” Rick needed him to down the subject. And the young boy seemed to understand but is still pissed. He turns from his father. Feet carrying the young boy towards the door. “Where are you going?” He called out.
“Out!” And the slamming door let Rick know that Carl was gone. He sighed. 
  He knew everyone would move on. You would. Carl would. He would. In the far future, all of this will be just a bad memory. But right now. In the present, it hurt so fucking bad. Tears leaked from his eyes as he sucked in air. He did it to himself. He deserved this pain. And if he could he would take your pain. Allow you to be happy. To find love in someone else better than him. Because you're one of the good things in this ugly world. 
  I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Curiosity Killed the Exorcist
“And then, see here? You have to be on the lookout for subtle signs like these. This indicates that he’s…” Marinette nodded as Tim continued explaining, pointing out various body language and other clues out on the Batcomputer. It had only been about six months since the Batfam collectively adopted the little ladybug into their menagerie of heroes, and started teaching her deductive habits and skills. She would not allow them anywhere near Paris on pain of death (some of them had already tried, and Bruce was still recovering from the bruise to his ego. The bruise on his ass from being teleported out of the city and onto the stone of the Batcave was gone, though) but she welcomed any help they could give from within Gotham’s city limits.
Usually, at least in the beginning, they did their mentorship at a distance over video call. But then Tim found out her identity, and Marinette made the excuse of wanting to meet with them in person to gauge their trustworthiness for herself and erase their memories of her identity if they failed her test— and, well, it all snowballed from there until she was teleporting to the Batcave every few days for detective lessons. She was practically a Bat herself, if not for her out of theme codename. And she found herself surprisingly comfortable with the thought of them being a… very eccentric extended family.
Tim was flipping to another saved video in the Batcomputer archives to show another example of his current lesson, when Tikki flew up to Marinette in a hurry. She was holding Kaalki’s glasses. The little kwami whispered something in Marinette’s ear, instantly making the teen blanch and force on the glasses.
“Sorry Timmy, gotta cut this short! I’ll come back tomorrow to make up for it! Okay? Okay! Awesome, you��re the best, bye!” She ignored all of Tim’s protests and rapid fire questions, instead opening up a portal and jumping through it as fast as humanly possible. The portal has barely disappeared before an all-too-familiar voice rose up from behind Tim.
“Maybe I’m still drunk, ‘cause I could’a sworn I just saw a portal closing in the damned Batcave, of all places,” the British-accented drawl was accompanied by the flick of a lighter and accompanying fizzle of a flame. Tim groaned, mentally making a note to ask how in the world Marinette had known that John “Annoying asshole” Constantine was showing up soon, and if he could be in on the warning next time. Bruce, cowl still off, walked over from where he had been sparring with Damian and crossed his arms. He had also heard Marinette’s hasty exit, and made a few mental notes of his own before focusing on the exorcist in front of him.
“What do you want, Constantine?” he grumbled. Any time the blond brit showed up, things only got far more complicated than he ever enjoyed. And he always gave Bruce a migraine, to boot.
“Two things actually, Batsy,” John held up to fingers as his free hand tucked his lighter away in his pocket. His unlit cigarette stayed in his mouth though, probably just for the familiar feel of it. “One; I’m gonna need you to tell me why there was a portal closing when I walked in, because I’ll be honest. The implications there are way more interesting than what I came here for in the first place.”
“None of your business. What’s the second thing?” Bruce immediately shot him down, but John was not one to be deterred. He never fucking was.
“But you hate magic! You make sure I know that all too bloody well every time I pay you a visit, so why the sudden change in heart? Huh?”
“Drop it, Constantine. What. Do you. Want?”
“Fine, fine. I need your help with…”
— * — * — * — * — *
A week later, Marinette was sitting with Jason and Damian in one of the manor’s sitting rooms, the three of them just minding their own business and silently enjoying one another’s presence. Even if two of them would never admit it. Jason was reading Jane Eyre for the millionth time, Damian was leaning against Titus on the ground as he sketched, and Marinette was embroidering a sunhat. Unfortunately for her, Alfred the Cat was currently asleep on her lap and thus holding her hostage.
Even as Tikki flew up to her ear in a panic and whispered, making Marinette prick herself with her needle. She hissed for a second but shrugged off the familiar pain, much more concerned with whatever news Tikki had given her. Damian and Jason were already on high alert from the second that a whispered curse had left her lips, and were staring straight at her and her kwami and Marinette frantically tried to find a way to get up without awakening the cat sleeping on her.
“Uh, what’s wrong?” Jason asked, feeling thoroughly confused and left out. On one hand, he knew that if they were in physical danger she would have moved Alfred the Cat without hesitation. On the other, he did not like the sheer amount of anxiety he could see her experiencing. Marinette’s frantic eyes shot over to him, pupils mere pinpricks and hands mouth agape as she tried to form some sort of plan.
“Uh— “
“Ah! You must be the fair maiden that the Bats are comfortable with using magic around them,” John goddamned Constantine threw the door to the sitting room open wide, making it bounce off of the wall and lightly smack back against his shoulder. He ignored it as he grinned at the three younger people in the room, waltzing in casual as anything. He wagged a finger at her playfully. “I’ve been awfully curious about you, ya know? Brucie boy knows a shit ton of magic users, but he never likes seein’ any of us do our thing. And to not only allow you to teleport without any apparent discomfort but to actively protect your identity from me? Now that’s a damn accomplishment and I really gotta applaud you for it,” he mockingly clapped his hands a few times. “So what’s your secret, huh? I won’t tattle.”
“No thanks. Kaalki, a little help?” Marinette carefully pushed Alfred the Cat off of her lap before diving into the portal that Kaalki whipped up for her, the entire process happening so fast that Constantine couldn’t even get out a proper “hey!” before she was gone and the portal closed. He just nodded, hooking his thumbs in his pockets.
“Ya know what? Fair. That’s fair.”
“Goddamn it, Constantine!” Jason threw up his hands in frustration. “Why the fuck do you have to scare away one of the only sane people in this family?”
“Part of my charm, little red riding hood.”
— * — * — * — * — *
“You know, I’ve been pretty damn nice not teleporting right over to you whenever you disappear. So why don’t you just tell me why you’re avoiding me now that we happen to be in the same room by complete accident, huh?” John asked from where he sat in one of Bruce’s lounge chairs sipping on a beer. Marinette mimed choking him, clearly fed up. He had been trying to have a conversation with her for the past three months, ever since that one time he caught the tail end of her portal closing in the Batcave. Three. Long. Months. And he hadn’t given up, because something about this little Parisian teenager intrigued him. She was sixteen, that much he had gathered from the Bats. But to be sixteen and not only in possession of the Horse miraculous but also clearly the Ladybugs, since he had seen Tikki more than once as well, now that was interesting.
Anybody being in the possession of more than one Miraculous was already cause enough to be keeping an eye on them, which was why he had been keeping an eye on the Paris situation and had pieced together on his own that the presence of Tikki meant that this little parisian teenager was none other than Ladybug herself. Now, that? That was a whole new level of concerning, especially since he knew firsthand that the old Grand Guardian was gone and passed his title down to— yeah, Ladybug.
After that deduction, his interest in Marinette had swiftly switched from curiosity to fuck-I-need-to-know-what’s-going-on-here. Because no kid should have to deal with that kind of weight, and Constantine always looked out for kids when he could.
But right then, Marinette was glaring at him. She had been just coming over for a normal “family” dinner with the Waynes, which she attended from time to time. And apparently they had decided to have Constantine already over so that they could chaperone a meeting between them that would hopefully appease the stupid british magic user enough that he left them all alone again until the next time he needed help.
“Believe me when I say, you’d rather not know,” she replied sharply, glaring Dick. He was the one who had convinced her to come despite her recent close calls with Constantine in the past few days. He studiously avoided her gaze. “I just would rather not cross your path, and there’s no reason for us to interact. Why do you care, anyway?”
“You see, now that is an excellent question!” he chugged the last of his beer and gestured to her with the empty bottle. “Normally, I wouldn’t give a flying rat’s ass. But I’ve put two and two together, since I know who Tikki is,” he nodded to the red and black Kwami. “And maybe I just wanna keep an eye on the new Grand Guardian to make sure she’s doin’ alright. That’s an awful lot of magic and responsibility that you don’t deserve, but I’m not about to try to take it away. Keepin’ an eye on you is the next best thing.”
“Try again,” Marinette shot back, crossing her arms. “You were interested in me before you learned about me being Ladybug.”
“I’m nosy, what do you want me to say? I saw a portal in Batman’s man-cave, I get curious. Sue me.”
“Well. I have Bruce and everyone else already watching out for me, so you can leave me alone now. If I need your help, I’ll make sure to ask every other magic user first before contacting you.”
“Woah, now what’s all this venom for?”
“Uh, maybe we should go and actually eat dinner?” Dick tried to step in, hands up. Constantine had stood up from the chair he was in, which was usually a cue to change the subject as fast as possible. “Before Alfred has to come get us?”
“Maybe I’ll be less venomous if you let the subject drop and leave me alone!”
“Context would be nice, though.”
“Seriously guys, let’s go! Food!” Dick was once again ignored.
“Context is the last thing you need in this situation,” Marinette’s voice was suddenly soft, her arms dropping to her sides. “We’ve had this conversation so many times in so many now-deleted timelines. Just drop it this time.”
“If those timelines are now-deleted, then I obviously don’t remember what’s so bad about telling me why you’re acting like I’m some hated family member you’re avoiding!”
Pure. Fucking. Silence. As they all watch with front row seats as Marinette flinches at the word ‘family’.
Pure silence as Constantine’s shoulders drop at the sight of her flinch, realization slapping itself on his face.
“See? I fucking knew you would— that this would happen. This always happens, you always hate finding it out, but you’re so— so stubborn!” Marinette was blinking away tears, digging in her pockets and bringing out Kaalki’s glasses. “You’ll drop it now, at least. You always do.”
“Now what is that supposed to mean?” Constantine rubbed his forehead, still trying to sort through his amalgam of emotions. Marinette just shook her head, turning to Kaalki.
“Do you mind showing Monsieur Constantine the way out, Kaalki? I’ll grab you a load of sugar cubes afterward.”
“No, wait, hang on a second!”
A portal opened up under him, making John “Stubborn Idiot” Constantine drop ten feet down onto the hardwood, polished floor of his house. His bruised tailbone would take a while to heal, but his frazzled mind was by far the more concerning development. He staggered to his feet, reaching for the nearest bottle of tequila.
“Ugh, fuck my damn life.”
— * — * — * — * — *
“Marinette..?” Damian nudged the girl with his shoulder, frowning. It was after dinner that same day, and as much as he hated to admit it he had grown to actually like having her around. She was a good friend to have. And seeing her slumped back on one of their sofas, sketchbook covering her face and not a single rambling conversation to be had or heard? It was very concerning. She just made a groaning sound to answer him, prompting his frown to deepen. “Are you alright?”
“I just can’t believe that such a sweet, adorable thing like you is half made up of Constantine’s genes,” Jason mused bluntly from the opposite couch, where he tossed a rubber ball up and down out of boredom. “But now I see where you get all of your Disaster Bi-ness from.”
“Shut uuuuup,” She groaned, chucking her sketchbook at him. He caught it in midair, replacing his rubber ball with it and tossing it up and down in the air. “I’m just frustrated. This timeline is still perfectly stable, so I can’t erase it. And I can’t exactly ask ‘hey, can someone commit a horrid atrocity that makes this timeline split from the main one so that I can erase it and we can start over from four months ago?’ because that would be horribly irresponsible of me. But seriously, Jason. If you’re gonna ever commit, like, city-wise arson? I’d probably condone it right now if only so I have an excuse to use time travel to get out of this situation.”
“Not committing arson unless you give me a better reason for it, Pigtails.”
“But are you okay?” Damian asked again, seeing as she had completely ignored him.
“I’m fine, Damian,” she finally sighed. “And I know how this is gonna go. He’s going to totally ignore me now, until we meet during some magical crisis and he only interacts with me when necessary. Then he pretends we never met, we have a private little one-sided whisper-argument about how he will never make a good father figure and I would be better off leaving him alone, blah blah blah. Avoidance is a coping mechanism I guess I inherited from him.”
“Guess it’s a good thing I’m trying to bite that in the bud then, eh?” Marinette startled out of her sitting position, seeing John stumble into the room…
Drunk off his ass. But apparently still at least mildly coherent.
“I agree with deleted-me’s, I’m not gonna be a dad. Not me,” he tripped, landing on his still-bruised ass and hissing in pain before continuing from the floor; “So if you’re looking for another Daddy dearest, that ain’t me.”
“See, I knew this is how you’d—”
“Let me finish,” he interrupted. “I don’t know how long the booze is gonna last and I need it’s courage here. ‘Kay? ‘Kay. Where was I? Right. But I know magic, ya know. The kind that doesn’t rely on little bobblehead gods to do. I got— like, a million books. Shit ton of books. At my place. Ya can read ‘em. My books. At my place. But I ain’t gonna parent, but I can lend ya books. Maybe give magic advice. Teach a little. Little bit. Didn’t think I’d have a child, but apparently I do and she’s the fuckin’ grand guardian and a damn hero, and I don’t know how the fuck I was able to help make someone like that. But whatever, it’s not like the world’s ever fuckin’ been easy on me,” He pulled out a sample-sized bottle of whiskey from one of the pockets on the inside of his trench coat and chugged it. After a brief wince and hiss at the burn, he kept rambling. “My door’s open, is what I’m tryin’ to say. No guarantee I’ll be in any state to talk to when you walk through it, but it’s open.”
Deciding to steadfastly ignore the tears streaming down her face, Marinette just swallowed thickly and nodded.
“I, uh. I think I can work with that.”
John barely made it to the nearby bin in time to vomit into it.
— * — * — * — * — *
I hate my imagination sometimes, guys. I started imagining a convo between Mari and Constantine at like 4am and it wouldn't leave me alone until I got it down. but by the time I wrote it, I kinda forgot like 60% of the original convo and just winged it. And this was born. I 100% blame @multifandomscribette because their Bio!dad John Constantine headcannons are amazing and even though this isn't in that universe, those headcannons are exactly what inspired this. So blame them, lol.
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Meet cute
summary: going through harry and Loralie's normal day... until Harry meets someone. 
warnings/ disclaimers: none :) 
“Daddy!” Harry hears, tearing his head up from his big metal desk where he was looking over his students' art work. He teaches art at a primary school and is lucky enough to work in a school that has care for younger kids, so his daughter Loralie attends the preschool there. “Darling, why are you out of class already? The first bell hasn't rung yet.” At this school they have a three bell system. The first is for kids who ride the bus home, then the ones who get picked up by a parent or walk home, and the third bell is for kids who live further out and take the bus- the buses come back from their first trip and come around for them to take them to their long trip back home. The teacher's assistant always escorts Loralie to Harry's classroom after the first bell. 
“I'm done!” she says, waving a bye to the teachers assistant whale Harry thanks her. He pulls her up on a chair next to the wooden stool he was sitting in, pulling her paisley printed backpack off of her and unzipping it to look through her folder. He looks over his class (full of seven and eight year olds) making sure they are all doing what they should be- reading a library book while they wait for their number bell to ring. He looks through some of the work she had done, the two pockets sorted into one that had her work of colorings, trying to write her name, and crafts. The other pocket filled with papers her and Harry needed to study together, her ABC’s, her numbers up to ten, colors, and notes to parents. 
Harry gasps dramatically, pulling his classes' attention away from their books. “You got two golden stars today?!” he asks Loralie, making her nod, giggling. In her class they have a reward system, if the teacher or teachers assistant catches them doing a good deed they will reward them with a golden star sticker to encourage them to keep doing it, all the teachers here do it with the younger kids. Today Loralie was caught helping a kid pick up his crayons and then sat with a lonely kid while they were on the story time rug- now Harry is having a total proud dad moment reading the note her teacher had written him. 
Just then the bell rings, “have a good night everyone!” Harry calls out to the first-bellers. He turns back to his daughter seeing her cover her ears from the loud ring of the school bell. Harry laughs, pulling Loralie to sit on his lap, ignoring the art he was working on. “So, tell me all about your day, baby.” Harry says, one arm wrapped her back and the other pulled her backpack down and shoving her folder and lunchbox into it. Loralie babbles on about her day for a while, ignoring the other listening ears and telling her daddy everything that had happened. She goes on about story time and how they had read one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish by dr.seuss, how they sang some songs, and how they colored until the third bell rings leaving Harry and Loralie all alone. 
“We can't go home just get, baby. I've got a few things to do before we can leave.” Harry informs his daughter, pulling his earlier classes paintings off of the drying rack and stacking them so he could hand them out easier tomorrow. Loralie has no response, instead getting in Harry's big metal desk drawers and pulling out the couple of toys she kept here for times like this when Harry kept them after school a bit longer than she wanted. Harry lets Loralie help him when he puts the watercolor paints in the back storage room. 
He hears  feet on the steps leading to the art room making him peek his head out, reaching out for Loralie so she would grab his hand. He hears a bit of whispering, declaring it safe while he clasps his hand with Loralie and walks out. “Hi, could I help you?” Harry asks, looking at the mother and son. The woman politely smiles, her hand resting on her toddlers back- Harry knows him, he teaches the preschoolers art every Wednesday and he just had this little boy in his class today so he must be in Loralies class. 
“Um, he left his folder down here today. It's got the baby shark stuff on it and it says Milo on it in gold sharpie. Mrs. Hannah had told me that it would probably be down here.” the woman says, their children apparently knowing each other because they are already talking. Harry was right, he is in Loralies class. Harry turns back to his desk with a smile on his face, “here.” he says, walking back. “I was gonna give it to Mrs. Hannah so he could get it back first thing in the morning.” 
She smiles, taking it from his hands. She notes how his hands are rather large and stained in different colors of paint, even a couple of his rings have splatters of paint over them- but they all seem to be to be only for fashion not a wedding ring. “Thank you. And Mrs. Hannah told me what Loralie did today, she's such a sweetheart.” Harry furrows his eyebrows a bit, confused, “oh! Sorry, she sat with him during story time. He's kinda shy so it was really nice of her, she seems to really get him to branch out.” she looks down at her son and smiles seeing him talk to the girl. 
“Oh, yeah. Thank you.” Harry smiles, finally letting go of the folder. She smiles, turning away and pulling Milo up on her hip, bidding the both of them a good bye. “Oh, I never caught your name.” Harry says, turning his chin up. She turned her head back smiling, “Y/n.” Harry smiles at her teasing tone, his cheeks turning the lightest shade of pink. “I'm Harry.” 
Eventually Harry takes Loralie home, bringing them back to their small home. Harry knows its small, it got two bedrooms- one that isn't even used because Loralie sleeps in his bed with him every night (he's a single parents and he's not taking anyone home- it's just what happens), a small cramped kitchen, only one full bathroom then just a half one in the master bedroom, a normal sized living room, then a small dining room. It's not perfect but it's perfect for them, there are only two people, one man and a mini monster running around. 
“Dinner then a bath, my love. You know the drill.” Harry hollers over to Loralie who is laying in the living room and playing with her stuffed animals while paw patrol plays in the background. He pushes over the markers on the table, setting down her plate waiting for her to crawl up and eat what he had prepared for her. She joins him soon, digging into the pesto pasta and fruit he prepared. “So, what was the best part of your day, baby?” Harry asks, smiling at his daughter and setting down his own plate while she sips at her sippy cup. 
“Seeing daddy!” she yells, making Harry laugh. He smiles kissing her nose, “My favorite part was seeing you*, munchkin.” He smiles, making her squeal, shoving fruit in her mouth. Harry kisses her hand looking at her in adoration, he's so happy he has his little girl. 
“Bubbles, daddy.” Loralie says, collecting the bubbles from her bath into her hand and blowing them. Harry nods, smiling, continuing to lather her hair. “What do you think about Milo, baby?” He asks, not being able to get his mind off of what had happened just before him and Loralie left.
Loralie looks up at him, “Milo?” She asks, her cheeks turning blush from the bath. Harry nods, giving her a warm smile while he cups his hand in front of her forehead to prevent any shampoo getting in her eyes before he starts to wash it out. “Nice.” She says, Harry nodding his head along with her. 
Harry wishes he got to know Milo's mother a bit more. She seemed like someone that he would like. She was so sweet and her teasing tone made him even more attracted to her, she was gorgeous, and not to mention he didn't see a ring on her finger. Harry continues her bath, pulling her out and changing her into her pajamas. His mind wanders off a bit, thinking about the pretty woman he met today. He hopes he will see her again and little does he know she hopes she will see him again. 
“Let's go to bed, baby.”
tag list: @romionefp @iaalien @hopeyoustaythenight @evanjh if you dont want to be on the tag list for this series please let me know but if you want to be on it please let me know as well !!!
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sapiowoman28 · 3 years
I can, I can't : Part 1 of 3
Pairing: Jaemin x female reader
Gener: best friends to lovers au, smut, fluff
Warning: mentions of sex, masturbation (Female)
Summary: Jaemin and Y/N are part of a group of best friends. One day, things change.....
They called themselves the dropouts. Brought up in good Catholic families, active within the Church community as kids, Catholic school education... the works. They then grew up and stopped going.
It wasn't some group thing were everyone agreed to stop going altogether at the same time. It was more like, one by one, they stopped going.
Jeno was the first to stop, at 15, after his parents got divorced. He became angry and withdrawn. By 16 he was mixing with the wrong crowd - think underaged drinking, partying, It was only after a close brush with the law that he - literally and figuratively - sobered up and decided to focus on healthier pursuits like education and sports. Thankfully too, the old Jeno that everyone knew and love came back.
Then were was Renjun. Renjun was always the one who wasn't really into religion anyway. He was more apt to believing in aliens and ghosts. His mother kept him going for as long as she could. By 18 he was out.
Haechan, as he got older, became a sporadic goer. After moving out on his own to live with the guys and Y/N in an apartment closer to campus, he stopped too.
Y/N? The older she grew, the more she learnt about the importance of gender equality. The more she embraced feminism, the more she found some church teachings hard to swallow.
All was left, of course, was Jaemin. Now Jaemin, he was still a "good boy", faithfully going to Church every Sunday. It wasn't that he was extremely religious. It was more that he had gone to Church every single week all his life. To not go one week felt odd and different.
The good thing was, nobody made fun of him or tried to stop him from going. Jeno even woke him up on Sunday mornings before he went for his 10km runs just so Jaemin would get to mass on time. (Mass is what Catholics call a church service.)
Y/N enjoyed hanging out with her friends. She was like one of the boys. It had always been like that since they were young. Everyone who knew Y/N knew she was not to be messed with. Not only was she capable of kicking anyone's balls, she also had four bros who would come after their ass too. In fact, guys who were interested in dating her would often try to get in good standing with the four guys so life would be easier for them. So it was hardly surprising that Y/N had never had her heart broken.
The problem was, Y/N was the one breaking hearts. Commitment wasn't her strongest suit, and more often than not she'd break off with whoever she was seeing with very trivial reasons, First she was dating Xiaojun. Then 7 months later she broke it off with him because apparently he "sucked at making out". The truth was, Xiaojun was good enough in bed but Y/N wanted to date the more exciting Yang Yang after meeting him at a frat party her gal friends dragged her to and making out with him. So Yang Yang it was. For a while she was happy. But then 10 months passed and Yang Yang was history. Now it seemed, was some guy called Lucas.
"Now, before you guys misunderstand, Lucas is not my boyfriend." Y/N declared over a pizza with Jaemin one Saturday night. "He's just... a friend..."
Jaemin raised his eyebrow. "You mean a friend with benefits? Cos based on what we have to hear every single Friday night, none of us think you guys are friends. Speaking of which.... Jeno wants me to talk to you."
"Let me guess, you lost rock paper scissors. Again. And that's why you're the one speaking to me."
"Well, we have house rules to follow..." Jaemin started, looking somewhat uncomfortable.
"Jeno and his stupid house rules." Y/N sighed. "What now? I can't bring Lucas home?"
"It's getting kind of weird for all of us...."
"You guys bring girls home all the time!" Y/N protested.
"I don't." Jaemin said. It was true.
"Jeno does. Haechan does. Even Renjun! Remember that weird Yoga chick he was seeing?"
"But they're not loud. Lucas sounds like he has a loudhailer in his throat and it's weird hearing him......we end up having to use headphones."
"I've tried asking him to tone it down. But he gets too excited when I blow him..." Y/N grinned as Jaemin covered his ears with his hands, not wanting to hear the details.
"Look, Jeno says he appreciates that YOU have gotten less loud since that time you were dating Yang Yang. But Lucas he's just.... too expressive. Can't you do it at his house or something? It's not the moaning as much as the dirty talk, you know?" Jaemin's voice was getting tinier and tinier.
"If Jeno has a problem, why can't he tell me himself?" I know it's not Haechan or Renjun who are complaining. Haechan's always gaming with his stupid headphones on and Renjun's always listening to music on his noise cancelling ones."
Jaemin sighed. "Don't put me in a tough spot, Y/N..."
He looked at her with puppy dog eyes.
"Fine. I'll speak to Lucas. But I'm only doing it cos of you, cos you good Catholic boy and virgin and all."
Jaemin rolled his eyes. "For the last time, Y/N, I'm not a virgin!"
Lucas took the news surprisingly well and he was happy to have her hang at his apartment instead. Which turned out to be a better thing, since his apartment was bigger and his housemates were never around. Y/N wondered why she insisted on making out at her apartment to begin with.
"I'm surprised Jeno was the one with the problem.." Lucas said after they had made out and she was snuggling in his arms.
"He has all these rules. The worst part is he makes Jaemin speak to me instead of telling me directly."
"It makes sense. You and Jaemin are close."
"I'm close to all four of them."
"No no no." Lucas said, "Each of them has a different thing with you."
"Explain, Mr Wong." she said, looking up at him.
"I think Jeno knows both of you have strong characters so he has Jaemin speak to you instead when there's an issue so you guys won't argue. He prefers to keep things light, so the most you're gonna get is Jeno making fun of you for having a thing for foriegn men."
"What about Haechan?"
"Haechan's your gaming bestie. You talk about gaming, and game together. But he'd kick the ass of anyone who gives you trouble."
"I think I'm least close to Renjun."
"I don't think it's that. It's more Renjun is kind of in his own world. He's like that with everyone. But he feels close to you guys."
Y/N was impressed.
"What about Jaemin?"
"Jaemin's like your total opposite. But you guys get each other. I like him. He's a good guy."
"Yeah he's a virgin." Y/N joked.
"He's a good looking guy! Heck, if I was a chick I'd go after him man!" Lucas said, his eyes expressive as always.
"Well, he's a good guy. I've never seen him bring a girl home."
"Come on man, when it comes to hormones, even good guys turn bad."
Lucas was driving her home when she got a call from Jaemin.
"Are you alone?" Jaemin asked. He sounded strange. "I need help."
"Are you ok?" Y/N asked. "I'm with Lucas. Where are you?"
"Oh. I'll call someone else..."
"Don't be an idiot, Jaemin. Where are you?"
"Hospital." he said. "Can you come? Just don't tell anyone anything. Not even Lucas."
She found him in a bad state at the hospital. Sitting in a daze, blood stains on his crumpled shirt. Y/N had never seen Jaemin look so small.
"Hey" she half whispered. He looked up.
"I can go now. I got an x-ray done. My nose is not broken. And it's finally stopped bleeding." he said. "I already collected my medicines. Mostly painkillers."
"What happened?" she asked.
"I don't want to talk about it." he said.
"Let's get home and get you out of these bloody clothes. And then you can tell me after you've had a good night's sleep."
"Can i sleep in your room tonight?" he asked. It was an unsual request. "I'm feeling quite shaken."
"Yeah. Sure. Let's do that."
It was 2am and he still couldn't sleep. She could feel him toss and turn next to her.
"No, I can't sleep either."
He sat up.
"I need to get my ID card back. Can you follow me tomorrow?"
"Your ID card?"
"I was fooling around with a first year chick in her house. Her parents came back and caught us. Her dad took my ID away, said he was going to lodge a police report against me for tresspassing his house and taking advantage of his daughter. Well, that's after he beat me up."
Y/N sat up. This was interesting, she thought.
"She's 18?" she asked.
"18 is legal you dumbass." she slapped her forehead.
"I thought it was 21.."
Y/N groaned. "I can't believe you're so stupid."
"But the trespassing thing?"
"They don't have a case Jae. I'm sure you can prove you were invited there. Even if she lies and said she didn't invite you. They can't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt."
"I'm so glad you're studying law."
"And Jaemin?"
"It's illegal for him to detain your ID. YOU can report him."
"Oh. I didn't know that."
"Can you go sleep now that you know you're not actually in trouble?"
"Yes. Thanks Y/N." he said, turning to face the opposite side.
But Y/N couldn't sleep. Her mind was running a million miles a minute. Jaemin made out with someone. What was he like when making out? Was he gentle? Was he sweet like he always was to everyone? Was he a dom or sub? What did he do with the girl? Did he have fun?
Her own thoughts made her sick. Feeling a stir in her stomach made her sick. This was her best friend she was thinking of. She had to stop. Maybe she needed a shower.
Taking a towel with her to the bathroom, she shut the door, stripping quickly and getting under the hot jets of water. Damn it, Y/N, she scolded herself. Not Na Jaemin. What happened to your thing for Chinese guys?
She soaped herself trying to escape the mental picture of Jaemin, between the girl's thighs, lapping on her clit mercilessly, his eyes twinkling like they would whenever Jeno or Haechan said something witty. Suddenly, she was thinking of him between her legs, lapping at her core.
She brought her fingers to her clit, rubbing them from side to side. She leaned against the bathroom wall, moving more aggressively. She was wet. Biting her lip she pushed two fingers into her pussy, thrusting them in and out, the sound of the shower masking the wet noises as her fingers moved.
The muscles in her stomach were tightening. She could no longer hold back, thinking of Jaemin thrusting into her, looking at her with an intense gaze. She wanted him bad.
Slowly she came undone, as she moaned into her hands while cumming.
Suddenly, someone was knocking aggressively on the bathroom door. Y/N froze.
"I need to pee!" Haechan shrieked. "Hurry! I need to go back to my game!"
"Give me 2 minutes I'll be done." Y/N said, drying herself with her towel and getting dressed, mind still dazed from thinking about Jaemin. She knew their friendship was never going to be the same ever again.
She was just wondering how easy or hard it was going to be, to get Jaemin to join her on the other side.
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Summary: Surprising Dave York at the only place he told you not to find him was risky. Wearing nothing but a coat and some lingerie, even riskier. 
Pairing: Dave York x F!Reader
Wordcount: 2.5k
Warnings: office sex 
A/N: diving deeper into the York pit... 👀
Taglist in reblog
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It was risky.
Going into the only place that he told you you should never show up. Never under any circumstances. You never asked questions, but it was only natural that you were curious about the place that seemed to be off-limits for you, wasn’t it?
You didn’t mean to fuck your boss. But then again you were only a babysitter and Dave York had probably been the nicest and most compassionate father you had ever met. That he was almost 20 years older, freshly divorced, and that there was something dangerous in his eyes was also a nice benefit.
“How can I help you?” The lady at the reception asked with a professional smile. It was close to 10 pm on a Friday. You knew Carol had the kids this weekend and you also knew that Dave had been working a new case the whole week and you would probably not see him until you were due to pick up the girls from their ballet lesson next Wednesday and bring them home.
“I’m looking for Dave York? I’ve been trying to reach him but he isn’t answering his phone. I seem to have forgotten my keys in his house when I picked up the girls earlier. I’m the babysitter. And now I can’t get to my apartment,” you sighed, hoping your lie was believable.
The lady frowned, sighing herself.
“Agent York doesn’t want to be disturbed. That’s probably why you can’t reach him. I’m trying to call him.”
“I could also just go to his office? It’ll only take a minute,” you tried. She smiled at you.
“I wish I could let you in there by yourself, but this is the CIA. I can’t just let you waltz in there,” she explained, already the phone at her ear. You nodded, already feeling your chances of surprising Dave slip away. But apparently he wasn’t only ignoring you today. Sighing she put down the phone.
“He’s not answering. Tell you what. Wait 15 minutes over there until my colleague is coming from her break, then I’ll walk you over to his office, okay?” She smiled and you breathed out relieved.
“You are a lifesaver.” You smiled.
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Who thought 15 minutes could be this long? Straightening the coat you were wearing you pulled out your phone, texting Dave.
Still ignoring me? ;)
It didn’t even take a minute before he answered.
I’m not ignoring you, I’m working. Now be a good girl and let me work. I’ll make it up to you by not punishing you too hard next week.
What if I want you to?
Thin ice, sweetheart. Thin ice.
Smiling to yourself you scrolled through your phone, checking your emails. You had finished your last exam for the semester only yesterday and you had applied for some internships. Your eyes widened when you already had an answer from one of the places you would literally kill to do an internship in.
“Ready?” The lady from the desk called and you looked up, nodding at her with a smile before you got up from your seat and followed her.
“I love the coat. The weather has been insane these last few days. Where is it from?” She asked you in the elevator.
“I don’t know. My… boyfriend bought it for me last month. He kinda ripped my old coat…” You explained.
“Boyfriend? I wish I was that lucky. But at least I have my roommate.”
The rest of the way to Dave’s office was silent. This building was like a maze and now you were grateful that you had someone walking you through it.
“Here we are.” She already knocked on the door and you heard his murmured “come in” through the door.
“Mr. York? This lovely lady apparently had been trying to reach you because she can’t get into her apartment.” She looked at you and you smiled thankfully at her before your eyes found Dave’s. He looked tired. His tie loosened, the first two buttons of his shirt undone, the sleeves rolled back. There was a flicker of surprise in his eyes before his eyes left yours.
“Thank you, Miss Diaz,” he said to the Lady next to you who only smiled at him.
“Greet this boyfriend of yours. He has a great taste,” she winked before she walked past you. Breathing in deep you took a step inside Dave’s office. There was a flicker of annoyance in his eyes and you swallowed your nervousness down.
“Close the door,” he said, leaving no room for any argument. You walked in, closing the door behind you. Leaning with your back against it as you looked at him, your hand still on the door handle. You locked it and Dave raised one eyebrow.
“I thought I made it pretty clear that I’m busy and that you aren’t supposed to come here,” he said cooly.
“You did.” You bit your lip as you looked at him.
“And yet here you are. I really don’t have time for this.” He shook his head.
“Are you sure?” you asked, breathing in deep, a little smile on your face. He looked at you, his eyes trying to analyze you. He always did that when he couldn’t figure out what was going on in your mind.
“Are there cameras in this office?” you asked. He frowned, shaking his head.
“Good,” you winked, before you unfastened the belt of your coat, letting it fall to the ground.
Dave didn’t say anything, his eyes not leaving yours for a moment before he finally took you in. Biting your lip as his eyes wandered down your body, you felt yourself grow nervous. You could never read him. He always looked kinda grumpy and you could count the moments you caught him laughing on one hand. You knew he liked what you were wearing. He told you himself the first time you wore it. It was a deep purple silk bra, only holding together by the bow in front. The same with the very small thong, two bows on the side. You decided on a black garter belt, holding the black stockings you were wearing. You even wore heels, deciding to take an Uber to get you from your place to here, before you could chicken out of going here wearing close to nothing.
“You really missed me, huh?” Dave asked, wetting his lips.
“You didn’t let me cum the last time,” you pouted.
“And you know damn well why,” he sighed, closing his eyes. You could see one of his hands disappearing under his desk. “And you clearly didn’t learn your lesson showing up here of all places wearing nothing but this.” He got up from where he was sitting, walking over to you.
He stopped right in front of you and you shivered, feeling him so close. He shook his head, leaving down to breathe you in before he kneeled down, picking up your coat.
“That boyfriend of yours has a good taste,” he teased. You were about to open your mouth to answer when he kissed you. You gasped against his lips, his tongue slipping into your mouth, dominating the kiss as his arms pulled you close against his chest. Your hands wandered up his chest, clutching the fabric of his shirt.
“Think you can cum in the next 10 minutes? Cause I really don’t have time,” he murmured against your lips. You grinned, your hands running down his chest, opening his belt.
“The question is, can you make me?” you whispered, moaning when he slapped your ass. Hard. His other hand grabbed your jaw, making you look up at him. His eyes seemed even darker.
“You better be a good girl or we both are gonna have to deal with what you started by ourselves. Now get down on your knees,” His voice seemed to have dropped an octave and if you weren’t wet before, you certainly were now. Getting down on your knees you made quick work of his belt, opening his pants and pulled his already half-hard cock out of his underwear.
You kissed the tip, your eyes not leaving his as you parted your lips, taking his whole length down your throat before he got really hard. You couldn’t manage it when he was hard. He was too thick.
“You really are hungry for my cock, aren’t you?” His hands brushed over your cheek tenderly. You felt him grow hard as you continued to suck him off. Something about being able to make this man grow hard just with a touch made you still feel beyond powerful.
Dave grabbed you by the back of your head, holding you still before he looked down at you, his eyes asking for consent. You just relaxed your jaw, your hands on his thighs squeezing lightly before he began to move. Slowly he fucked your mouth, knowing exactly how deep you could take it.
“Such a good fucking girl for me,” he groaned quietly, moving faster. You gagged as he went deeper, tears springing into your eyes, as you breathed through your nose slowly.
“Fuck I could just cum down your throat. That’d teach you huh?” He moaned. “Teach you that you will not get to cum until you fucking listen to what I say,” he slipped his cock out of your mouth, pulling you up, his hands still on your neck as he kissed you hard.
“Hands on the desk, and take your fucking panties off.” He hissed, his hand stroking himself as he watched you.
Unsteady you walked over, pushing your panties down on the way, before you leaned with your two hands on his desk, looking over your shoulder to see Dave bend down to pick your panties up.
“Soaked. Shit, you really want to cum,” he chuckled to himself, pushing your panties into the pocket of his pants as he walked over, his hand still stroking his cock.
“Eyes up front,” he snapped as he caught you looking. You obeyed immediately, feeling yourself shiver as you breathed in deep. You could feel your arousal dripping out of you. You really were more than ready for him.
Feeling him behind you, you swallowed, his chest against your back as his hands unwrapped the fabric holding your bra together, pushing it down your arms. He played with your tits, his hands warm as he teased you.
“Now here’s what’s gonna happen,” he whispered against your ear. “I’m gonna fuck you. Hard. You’re allowed to cum as often as you can manage and I’m gonna cum inside you. And then I want you to get that coat on and let a taxi take you to my place and wait for me in my bed,” he nibbled at your earlobe and you closed your eyes, biting your lip to keep yourself from moaning.
“I’m gonna keep your underwear here, so better keep my cum inside of you, if you don’t want it dripping down your legs on your way,” you could feel his lips against your skin as he smirked and you couldn’t help but moan.
“You like that? My cum inside of you while you wear nothing but that garter belt and a coat?” You felt the tip of his cock in between your folds.
“I need words, baby,” he whispered.
“Yes, Sir,” you whimpered.
“Good girl,” he kissed your temple before you felt his cock push inside of you. You let your head fall down, embracing the delicious burn that still came no matter who wet you were and no matter how much he prepared you when his cock invaded your tight walls.
“Fuck…” you moaned when his hips slapped against your ass and he was settled deep inside of you.
“You gotta keep quiet,” Dave said before he began to move.
He was never gentle and you absolutely loved it. Grabbing the edge of his desk hard you met his thrusts, biting your lip to keep yourself from moaning out loud as he rammed into you.
“Dave…” you moaned, your orgasm so close, when one of his hands left your hip, closing over your mouth as he pulled your upper body, against his.
“I told you to be quiet…” he hissed into your ear, his hand not leaving your mouth as you whimpered at the changed angle he was thrusting up into you. His other hand grabbed one of your tits, squeezing hard as he fucked you deep.
“I’m close so you better cum…” he groaned. You covered his hand on your tit with yours, pushing it down your body until his fingers were on your clit.
“Take what you need,” he whispered, kissing your shoulder.  You moved his hand, his rough fingertips circling your clit. You weren’t even trying to be quiet anymore, focused on chasing your orgasm.
“Cum. Now,” he growled, thrusting harder and you saw stars. Riding the wave of your orgasm as Dave fucked you through it, groaning into your shoulder as he sucked on your skin, surely leaving a mark you would wear with pride.
“Squeezing me so fucking good. Gonna cum…” he groaned, his thrusts getting sloppier until he stopped and you felt him spill deep inside of you. You both breathed hard, Dave finally releasing your mouth only to turn your head towards him to find your lips in a demanding kiss.
“I’ll try to be home by 2 am,” he whispered against your lips. Still trying to normalize your breathing you nodded. Slowly he slipped out of you and you felt hot as you felt a little of his cum drip down your thighs. Turning around you saw him pull his pants up, straightening his clothes before he walked over picking up your coat again.
“You really gonna me go back naked?” you asked amused, letting him help you into the coat. He made sure to button it up, tying up the belt, leaving his hands on your hips.
“I really am. Yeah,” he kiissed you softly, his eyes warm as he looked at you. “I really needed that, thank you.”
“You’re more than welcome, Mr. York,” you teased and he shook his head, grinning to himself before he parted from you, walking back to sit down at his desk, bringing yout bra that lay on it to his nose, before he tucked it into the first drawer of his desk.
“Text me when you’re home,” he looked at you. Nodding with a small smile you turned around on unsteady legs before you unlocked the door.
“Don’t make me wait too long,” you said over your shoulder before you opened the door and walked out, hoping to remember the way.
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It was 30 minutes later when you found yourself back at his place, laying in his bed completely naked and content.
“I’ll be waiting for you here then.” You texted him, taking a picture of yourself hugging his pillow, already anticipating the moment he got home.
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Boss's son
Summary: Ginny is an auror in training, with few hours of fun in her schedule, but when one night she decides to go to a guy's house and enjoy her youth, she is surprised by the discovery that she had sex with her boss's son
prompt: "You’ve got to stop doing that" "Doing what?" "Saying things that make me wanna kiss you"
"Mum thinks I'm dating you".
Notes: I thought I couldn't finish this, really, I found myself stuck and not knowing where to go with the story, but then some things happened and I managed to finish it.
Thank you very much to Dusk who read and helped me, and thank to @clarensjoy who made this incredible event to celebrate this incredible date!
I feel that this role reversal would be good to write, and it really was, I think the idea of Ginny being an auror ... Chief's kiss :)
Ginny Weasley
Ginny did not have many fears, she had joined the Aurors in less than three years and until now she had faced death many times to be frightened by small things that other people could easily be haunted by. Dementors no longer scared her, nor Death Eaters, or anything like that, Ginny was no longer scared like a puppy in distress. She had learned to deal with situations, Mr Potter was a great boss - she would never say otherwise - but he also scared his pupils like no one else, saying that being on the alert was the best way to be a good Auror.
'Good aurors do not shake when they see the danger, they assess the situation and try to find the solution as soon as possible. Take a minute, and you will be dead.' He said in defense classes, standing on the podium with that typical scowl on him, arms crossed, watching the students trying to knock down the mannequins around the room.
But now, Ginny was mortified.
She felt her knees tremble, and she even felt the high heel in her fingers almost falling to the most manicured marble floor she had ever seen in her life. Her eyes were wide open, an immense desire to disappear completely, or to oblivion the man in front of her.
Her boss. Oblivion her fucking boss.
Ginny almost never had time to go out with guys, she went to the bar, drank, and then came home too tired to endure a round of bad sex, with some man who would cry in her ear about how hot she was and how he couldn't take it any longer. She would rather sleep, and later use her fingers, than have to put up with these guys, and clean up the mess later.
Yesterday however, it was a different day, Mr Potter, the most serious man Ginny had ever met in her life, was happy and told her that he was celebrating twenty years of marriage. They were in a distant village, checking a call from a lady who said she saw a wizard kill another one around those parts, but even that didn't seem to be able to wipe the smile off the man's face.
'Twenty years. Can you believe it?' He sighed, looking over to where the woman said there was a body, kicking what was filthy wrapped in old newsprint. Just a dead dog. 'Twenty years...'
'You look very happy,' Ginny said. 'Congratulations, Mr Potter.'
'Thank you, Miss. Weasley, and yes, I am very happy.' The man once again assured that the place was clean before checking to see if there were any dark arts nearby, or on the animal. Nothing. 'Come on, we just wasted time here.'
She had left earlier that day, Mr Potter said he was too happy to be sitting at the office table waiting for something to happen, and since she was his pupil, and she would also have to sit around waiting for some action, she could leave earlier.
Ginny didn't know much to do with that free time, she was usually always bogged down with work, so when Luna asked her out, she accepted. It was a nice night, the bar was not so crowded, there weren't so many disgusting guys leaning against her and whispering in her ear, and she was really enjoying the night, happy, laughing, talking to her friends, drinking, until she saw him.
He was sitting a few tables away, with some Arrows players, drinking and laughing out loud, drawing the attention of all the women around. At first, Ginny thought he was doing it to get attention, messing up his hair like an idiot, throwing his head back to laugh, talking loudly and rocking in his chair. But when a blonde went to talk to him, the boy seemed surprised by the attention, and even blushed, before smiling and politely denying, saying something more to her - this time, in a low voice.
The mysterious man looked at Ginny then, catching her in the act, his eyes behind the round glasses seeming to sparkle with amusement. He bit his lip and raised his beer mug in a silent toast. She did the same, wishing she hadn't been hit hard by him.
'Hello.' He said when Ginny went to the bar to get another round. The man didn't touch her, not even her shoulders, or whisper in her ear. He kept a good distance, smiling politely and ordering his beers.
'Hi.' Ginny smiled, leaning against the counter, feeling a little stupid for wanting the man to notice how beautiful her legs looked in those black skirts. 'Isn't the blonde your type?' She asked, a little sassy because of the alcohol, and also a little affected by how beautiful his green eyes were, stuck in her face as she spoke.
'No. I just came to drink. 'He put his hand on the counter, and Ginny didn't know if it was a way to show that there was no ring on his fingers, or just something casual. Anyway, she realized how all his fingers were free of any silver or gold. 'Is that you?'
'Too. My boss gave me an hour off. It doesn't happen every day. 'She smiled, shrugging.
'An asshole boss?' He raised his eyebrow, leaning on the counter too, now a little closer to her, but without touching her.
'Sometimes.' She joked.
Now Ginny felt mortified, standing on the stairs with her shoes in hand, her hair in a messy and badly done bun, and probably still with makeup traces on her face. Besides that bite mark on her neck. She was taking the walk of shame in front of her boss. The boss that she said was an asshole - sometimes - last night.
She had fucked with her boss's son! Merlin, how stupid she had been to overlook the similarities.
Standing now, looking at Mr. Potter, Harry was an identical copy of him, only a few years younger, and his eyes, of course, that were green. But still, she couldn't even believe it.
Ginny looked like a bitch in front of her boss.
'Good morning.' It was he who said it first, his eyes wide, seeming to try at all costs to remain in her face. Ginny suddenly felt almost naked, thinking about how that shirt was low-cut.
'Good morning, Mr Potter,' she replied, startled, holding tightly to the wooden railing, thinking about how Harry had pressed her there, almost fucking her on the stairs. Ginny swallowed.
The man just nodded, walking hurriedly into the kitchen, his cheeks flushed and avoiding looking at her as much as possible. Ginny ran out of the house as fast as she could, not even waiting to see if he was going to ask her out for breakfast. Merlin, she would see you at work in less than an hour!
Ginny apparated to her home, safe and without a boss catching her leaving his son's room, after having sex with the hottest man she had ever met. By Merlin's underpants, she was lost.
The atmosphere between the two was completely tense, Ginny and James barely met each other's eyes, or talked in general, she remained at her desk working with the papers they were carrying out, while Mr. Potter remained in his own office, calling her rarely .
Her career was ruined.
Mr. Potter would never refer her to any job again, and maybe he would trade her for the idiot Elliot. Elliot did not have sex with his son and sneaked out the next morning.
It wasn't hidden at least, she needed to work and Harry was sleeping, she left a note saying that.
'Miss. Weasley, come here please.' He called her, as he usually did, but now it seemed that all of her teachings about never letting your opponent realize that you were scared, had gone down the drain. Ginny could already taste the dismissal.
‘Yes, Mr. Potter?’ Ginny stopped at his office door, her knees trembling behind her pants, her hands sweating.
‘Please come in and close the door.’ She would be fired, or changed. Elliot the idiot was going to win the job she had worked so hard to get. She would never be a well-qualified Auror now, she would remain working only as a watchman for the rest of her life. Forget about promotions, trips to specializations, forget about even missions in the field, she would stay locked up in the office forever, visiting only the old women who always thought they had seen something.
All this because she wanted to have sex with a hot guy.
‘About today earlier-’
'I'm sorry, Mr. Potter.' Ginny interrupted him. ‘I didn’t want it to happen, if I had known-’
'I think if you want to apologize, it will have to be for my son and not for me.' James smiled, his cheeks slightly flushed. He took off his glasses to clean them, but Ginny thought it was an excuse for not having to look her in the eye. ‘About today earlier, I don’t think either of us wants to argue about or keep reminiscing about the event. Maybe we should just forget that we saw each other, and go on with life like that ... I think Harry was a little ... er ... worried about not seeing you for breakfast, but I didn't say anything to him. I would, of course, invite you to join us, but when I came back you were already gone...'
'Thank you.' Ginny sighed. ‘What happened in the morning?’
'That is why I chose you as my pupil, Miss. Weasley.' James also sighed, adjusting his glasses on his face. 'But I must tell you that Harry is coming to have lunch with me. If you want to .. I don’t know, leave early for lunch… I don’t know how your relationship with my son is… ’
'It's okay.' She tried not to remember that she had spoken badly about her boss to Harry. Harry's father. ‘Thank you, Mr. Potter, again.’
'You're welcome.'
Ginny didn't want to prove that she was a coward running away from Harry, or to make Mr. Potter think she had any reason to run away from him. So Ginny stayed, stomping her feet anxiously and trying to concentrate on the paperwork in front of her, arranging everything in folders and in alphabetical order, handing out some papers over the tables of the other Aurors who didn't even seem to notice her nervousness, all too busy.
When the big clock struck midday and the elevator opened on their floor, Ginny felt her blood run cold, hearing footsteps approaching and people looking more excited about whoever had entered. Her hand was shaking like a beginner's, trying to detach the sheet.
‘Ginny?’ Her voice called out to him, softly, as if he didn’t want people to look at her. She thanks. 'You work here?'
'Oh, hello Harry.' Ginny finally looked at him, dropping the scrolls and keeping her hands in her lap, watching the boy in front of her. In the daylight he looked even more handsome, messy and dark hair that she remembered to be soft and smelling, a stubble that had pinched her skin in a good way, mesmerizing green eyes, a pink mouth that had done a lot of wonders with her ... The man was a God, looking beautiful even in jeans torn at the knees, a black T-shirt and boots. The cover was open, but Ginny did not fail to notice that the fabric appeared to be of the best quality, held by a single buttercup near his neck. 'Yes.'
'Why didn't you tell me?' He continued to speak softly, but everyone was already starting to turn their necks to try to understand what the hell the chief's son was doing standing at poor Ginny's table.
Now that there was enough light and there was no alcohol running through her body, she thought it was obvious that Harry was James' son. She had been so silly.
‘I didn’t think it was important.’
'Oh, I see you guys met.' Mr Potter interrupted them, which Ginny would thank him later, his hand on his son's shoulder, looking at Ginny and then at Harry, who had a confused look on his face. 'Harry, let's have lunch and let Miss. Weasley can too, we don't want the woman to miss her time, do we?' The squeezing on his son's shoulder seemed to make the man wake up, and like his father, Harry smiled.
'Right. It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Weasley. Have a nice day.'
When Ginny left work, it was as if a giant was coming off her shoulders, and she felt more tired than usual because of the tension. After lunch, the other Aurors did not seem to have swallowed the story that Harry and Ginny had first met that morning, and of course she overheard some guys saying that it was how she got the job of pupil.
Great, she thought, it was all I wanted.
Ignore the years of studying, the sleepless nights, the exhausting post-workout where she cried in the bath, the times she thought about giving up - and almost did - but was stopped by her brothers or her parents, and all those tiring missions that James seemed to do just to exhaust the Aurors and see who could still stand.
Forget all that, she got the job after swallowing the boss's son's dick.
Ginny quickened her pace, angry as never before, feeling that she needed to get home, take a shower, and do something to de-stress.
‘Hey!’ A voice called from behind her, and because of all the tension surrounding her and the training, Ginny squeezed her wand around her waist. 'Can we talk?' A slightly sweaty, pink-cheeked Harry stopped in front of her. He didn't even seem to be feeling the icy weather of March, wearing only sweatpants and a jacket, carrying a bag with him.
'What do you want to talk about?' She pressed the cloak against herself, feeling a little shiver, but maybe it was not about the cold but about the fact that the man looked even hot that way.
'Wow, you don't have to be defensive, I'm not here to fight.' He held up his hands. 'Do you want to go somewhere else? Maybe have a coffee? ’
Ginny knew inside that she shouldn't accept, not after knowing how he felt inside her, on top of her, kissing her body, sucking and licking certain parts, how he moaned her name and held her against him when he came, as if he wanted to be sure that she would feel what she did to him.
It was not a safe plan, it was a suicide mission.
'Of course, it will be better,' she said, ignoring all the warnings that it would not end well. Harry smiled, picking up the backpack he had placed on the floor and walking beside her, in silence.
His scent seemed to fill all around her, and Ginny had to work hard not to show that it was affecting her.
They didn't take long to arrive at the coffee shop, it was close by and Ginny's favorite to eat after a stressful day. All the meals were delicious, a warmth in the heart after a bad time. The decor was cheerful, in contrast to the gray London, the walls were colorful, the tables a cream color with flower pots in the middle, and it was as if winter or bad weather never arrived inside that environment. It was always summer there. The owner, Mrs. Rodrigues, was a friendly and adorable Brazilian, always smiling and talking to whoever came in.
'Hello, Miss Weasley, how are we on that gray afternoon?' The woman asked, with an accent that said she was not from there.
'Now, better than before.' Ginny smiled. ‘Just smelling your carrot cake, I’m already happy.’
'No, dear, don't say that or I will get used to it.' Mrs. Rodrigues blushed, and then smiled at Harry beside Ginny, fixing the white cap on her voluminous hair. ‘What will the two want today?’
'The carrot cake and the Pão de Queijo basket, please.' Ginny asked.
'A coffee, and ... the carrot cake too,' Harry said.
Mrs. Rodrigues wrote down and smiled at both of them, indicating an empty table further down, near the window and the various flowers that Ginny still did not know how she did to keep them alive, and the two went there, in silence, with only the Brazilian music playing in a pleasant volume filling the lack of conversation between them, the voice of some couples and teenagers was mixed by the environment.
'I didn't know you were my boss's son, I have to say that.' Ginny broke the silence first, looking at Harry in front of her, anxious hands playing with the flower pot on the table.
'If you knew...?' Harry seemed nervous for the answer, arms crossed on the table, green eyes fixed on her, waiting for Ginny to say what he should already know.
‘We wouldn’t have gone out together.’ She smiled sadly. 'You understand why, right? I mean, your dad is my boss, he wouldn’t see it in a good way, and my coworkers would think, in fact they already think, that I used this to get to be where I am.’
‘If you want to know, my dad has been trying to get me out with you since he met you.’ Harry said as if talking about the weather, shrugging and smiling, never diverting her attention. ‘I think he was just surprised that he didn’t know you were there, maybe he expected me to say that I went out with you or that someone would tell him, to see you there in the morning, it was something he didn’t expect.’
‘Did you know who I was at the bar?’
'No! No, I didn't know who you were. He was talking about his pupil, and all your qualities as an auror, and seriously, I don't think I've ever seen him speak so well of one of his young aurors.' Ginny wouldn't express, of course, but she felt a little of pride inside her, thinking of the times that Mr Potter put her into more rigid training than the others, just because "she learned faster than the others." He really believed in her potential! Take that, Elliot. ‘Mum thinks I'm dating you, after she heard you were there… She was a little upset that you ran away.’
'I didn't run away,' Ginny defended herself, laughing softly when she saw Harry laugh, imagining that she should be blushing like never before.'I needed to come to work, and I met my boss at the house of the guy I had sex with, there was no way I could stay for coffee.'
'You could.' Harry shrugged. 'Sorry I didn't warn you about my parents, it never happened before, and I was a little too busy.' He blinked, in the way that made Ginny feel like jelly, the slightly arched black eyebrow and the little smile that did it all seem a little too erotic for that afternoon. He didn't even seem to be trying to do that.
'What did not happen? You taking one of your father's Aurors to your home?' She joked, just to dissipate that heat that took over her body, and to remind her of who she was talking to. Son of your boss, son of your boss, son of your boss, Ginny repeated in her mind.
'That too, but I say about taking girls, in general, at home.' Harry licked his lips when the waiter brought their orders, smiling at both of them and apologizing for interrupting the conversation, placing the basket of Pão de Queijo in the middle of the table for the two, and the piece of cake in front of each other, in addition to Harry's coffee.
Ginny's stomach rumbled when she saw the delicious warm and fragrant Pão de Queijo, together with the delicious smell of carrot cake and brigadeiro, she even felt a little less nervous now that she had something else to pay attention to, other than the mesmerizing eyes from Harry.
None of them spoke much after they started eating, other than the moans of satisfaction they shared as soon as they ate the first pão de queijo, focused only on eating that delicious delicacy and letting the music take over their thoughts, as if it were normal for Harry and her shared a table in the afternoon, eating together and being used to the moment.
It was so simple to be with him, so familiar, that it scared Ginny a little bit, whenever she stopped to analyze.
'I feel like you're not going to accept that I ask you out, now that I know about your concern for your co-workers?' Harry asked, pulling the plate of cake closer and picking up a piece, looking focused on just looking at the slice, instead of for Ginny, and she missed his eyes on her.
'It's complicated,' she admitted, looking at her own slice. 'There are not many women in the Auror Department and they already think that I managed to be where I am, just because I did something for your father, and not because I deserved it and worked hard. You understand? It’s a little more difficult for us women to inhabit predominantly male places.’
'I understand.' Harry looked at her, and he didn't seem upset that she denied his request, he seemed upset about the reason that made her do this. 'But you know that you cannot live, listening and taking what they say about you as truth, you know? I'm not saying that for you to go out with me, it’s not that, it's just because ... Everything my father says about you, made me understand that he chose you because you were good, very good, in what you did. You know you are, and how you made it this far, is not what others will say that will change that. They don’t know anything.’
The days passed faster than Ginny expected, after the meeting with Harry, the hours were confused between studying for the test that would take place at the end of the month and working, Mr Potter did not comment on his son, and Harry did not appear for more. there too. Now that she was paying attention, Ginny noticed that there was a picture of the boy in the chief's office, Harry, a child, teenager, and adult, wearing the Arrows' uniform.
He also started to appear in the newspaper, now that he had officially joined the team, and it wasn't just a reserve, so Ginny ended up seeing him during breakfast, stamping the sports column.
She also saw him at night, before going to sleep, when they were calling to talk in the mirror, the two tired, telling about what the day had been like. She said she couldn't accept going out with him, not being a friend.
Although she thought things that friends did not think about each other, and sometimes Harry flirted with her, without much pretension, seeming to just do it naturally.
‘You’ve got to stop doing that’ He said, biting his lower lip as if he wanted to hold himself back from laughing, lying shirtless while talking to her, who was putting the books in the drawer, getting ready to go to bed.
'Doing what?' Ginny asked, taking the mirror from the dresser and going to the bed, leaving the candle light still on so he could see it.
‘Saying things that make me wanna kiss you’
'Harry ...' Ginny warned him, blushing like a tomato, only to hear him laugh and blink those beautiful green eyes towards her.
"I'm not doing anything, besides, your exams are next week, which means I'm almost close to being able to take you on a real date." They had agreed this, in fact, it was Ginny who brought it up. a week after the James incident, just because she started thinking hard about how good that night had been, and how much better it would be if there was no alcohol in her blood and she didn't have to face the boss the next morning, before she even brushed the teeth.
After she took the test, they could leave, but still, it was very public until the result came out. Ginny didn't want anyone to doubt her ability, nor did the fact that dating Harry influence James' thinking.
'But then, there is still a week to go.' She reminded him.
'How are you feeling?'
'Anxious,' she admitted, thinking again about how easy it was to open up to Harry. 'How was the training today?' He moved, the noise of the sheets making her think things inappropriate for that moment.
'Tiring, I have pain in my thighs.' Harry made a lovely face, his nose slightly wrinkled.
'Poor thing about you.' Ginny tuned her voice as if she were talking to a baby, which made the man laugh, something that always made Ginny have her ego boosted a thousand times.
Harry looked cute laughing.
'You could come here and help me, I know that Aurors know how to do very good healing spells.' He blinked, and this time it was Ginny who laughed.
'Shut up. Good night, Harry. 'Ginny felt and saw that her cheeks got even hotter, but Harry didn't seem affected, he seemed to approve of that.
'Good night, Weasley ... One week, I'm counting.' He smiled, and something inside her trembled in excitement and excitement so that the week would pass soon.
'I know you do, Potter. Bye. ’
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blood 1 - Strange/Stark!Reader
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Relationship: Dr. Strange/Princess!Stark!Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: Adult Themes, eventual smut (like, wayyy down the line), adult language, implied sexual violence, general violence
Synopsis: Reader is the daughter of the legendary King Anthony Stark, Uniter of Lands, The Iron Defender, and leader of the realm. When the king disappears during battle, hope is lost and he is presumed dead.
When the late king’s uncle, Obadiah, takes the throne until your brother Peter is of age, he quickly arranges a marriage for you with a wicked king in a neighboring kingdom.
With the realms politics in question, and rumors of an upcoming siege to overthrow Peter’s rule before it starts, you quickly learn who is loyal to the crown and who is not.
Chapter Playlist
1 - an empty grave
The Royal House Stark:
King Obadiah Stark (Obadiah Stane)
King Anthony Stark (presumed dead)
Queen Virginia Stark (Pepper)
The Late Queen Alexandra Stark (your mother)
Princess Stark!Reader- you
Prince Peter Stark (Peter Parker)
Princess Morgan Stark
Sir Samuel Wilson
Sir Steven Rogers
Sir Clinton Barton
Spellcasters/Master Sorcerers/Sorceresses:
Stephen Strange
Wanda Maximoff
Master Wong
Loyal to House Stark:
Natalia Romanoff (Natasha)- Assassin
James Barnes- her partner
Prince Thor- of Asgard, United with Stark’s kingdom
Prince Loki- of Asgard
Lady Brunhilde- of Asgard
Lady Sif- of Asgard
King T’Challa- of Wakanda
Princess Shuri- of Wakanda
In a final twist of irony, the day of the funeral was bright and warm. 
You’d stood quietly while the priest recited his words, while candles were lit, while the Queen trembled silently next to you. You held Morgan’s hand, you listened while the choir sang, the ominous sound reverberating through your chest. 
The mourners in black whispered while the royal family walked up to an empty coffin. You touched the polished wood, fist tightening at your side. Pepper bowed her head, reciting a quiet prayer. 
How stupid. All of this was stupid. Praying to an empty box, crying over nothing. 
You kept your eyes down, lest you betray your own thoughts. Now wasn’t the time for rebellion. Not when your queen step-mother was relying so heavily on tradition and ritual to get through the day. It’d be borderline cruel to start antagonizing her in this way. 
No, you’d wait. 
Peter, your half-brother in blood but full brother in heart, touched your elbow, pulling you from your thoughts, and guiding you away from the coffin. He kept his eyes forward, expression stoic while he lead the family back to their positions in the massive cathedral. 
“They’ll pay for this,” he murmured low into your ear, as if reading your mind. The words were laced with a malice you’d never heard from the normally cheerful prince. 
You didn’t reply, instead you grabbed your younger brother’s hand and gave it a tight squeeze. A silent agreement. 
The attack had been a betrayal of one of the kingdom’s oldest allies, a neighboring kingdom ruled by someone your father had once trusted with his life. 
Apparently nothing was sacred anymore. 
The funeral ended somberly, mourners murmuring amongst each other, ladies fawning over Pepper, though the queen looked none too pleased with the attention. 
You searched the crowd for a pair of familiar of blue eyes, finding their owner tucked away from the crowd in a secluded corner. He was speaking quietly to the sorceress, Wanda, his eyes flicking up to meet your gaze. With a small nod, he signaled you over.
Weaving through the mass of people, you slipped into the conversation with Wanda regarding you, frowning in sympathy.
“I’m so sorry, your highness,” she whispered, bowing her head. “Your father was a good man, and an honest king. The realm is less for this loss.”
“Thank you,” your tone was colder than you’d intended, a reflection of the bitterness taking form within. Clearing your throat, you tried again, softer and more agreeable this time. “He truly was the best of us.”
Stephen sent Wanda a quick glance and the sorceress excused herself, parting the hall in a hurry.
“You’re angry,” he noted quietly. 
“Am I?” you hummed, quirking a brow up at your friend. “I thought I was supposed to be sad?”
“You’re allowed to be angry,” he replied, folding his hands behind his back. “It just means you understand the injustice of it all.”
“Peter wants revenge,” you stated, mimicking his motion and staring out at the sea of royals and court members. 
“Understandable,” he murmured. “I imagine a number of officials feel similarly.”
“He isn’t old enough to take the throne,” you supplied. “We can’t go to war without a seated leader.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time an heir succeeded in an unorthodox manner,” he noted before turning his head to look at you. “How are you, truly?”
You opened your mouth to reply, words catching in your throat. You felt hollow. You felt like you wanted to scream until you woke up from whatever nightmare you were caught in. Your heart felt like it had been ripped from your chest and stomped on. 
“I’m not certain,” you finally confessed, hands straining against each other behind your back. “Part of me wants to ride through the night and kill that traitor. The other wants to curl on the ground and fill the empty grave myself.”
He nodded in understanding.
“Grief is a powerful thing,” he replied softly, scanning the room before turning and giving you his full attention . “Would you like hide in the observatory a while?”
You looked up to him in surprise. The room was still full of mourners, citizens, and members of the court. Your duty would be to talk to everyone as they passed, pulling the burden off of Pepper.
“Can we?” you asked, voice cracking at the thought of having to converse any further.
Stephen gave you a mischievous smirk, nudging you toward a side door of the church. You followed his lead, slipping out of sight and tucking yourselves away from the crowds inside a small alcove. 
“They’ll want to focus on Peter and the queen anyway,” he noted casually, drawing up a portal with his fingers. “No point in dwelling. I’ll tell anyone who asks that you fainted from the stress and required immediate medical attention.”
“I’m sure they’ll all believe it,” you retorted with a matching grin, taking his hand and letting him help you through the portal with all of your heavy mourning apparel. 
The observatory had been a new addition to the palace after Stephen had arrived as its master sorcerer. Before, it’d been an abandoned archer’s tower, last used by the late king’s father, Howard, as a means of defense against the previously antagonistic kingdoms. 
After King Anthony had taken the throne and negotiated trade and peace treaties with the nearby kings, the reinforcements had largely been forgotten. 
Stephen had suggested it as an ideal place to study the cosmos above, and after some urging on your part, your father agreed to let the two of you repair the small space. When the foundation had been fixed to his specifications, Stephen added another enchantment to increase the size internally.
From there, the two of you worked to fill the space with objects of learning and interest. 
The walls had been lined with stacks of books, maps of the universe, and healing runes. Tables had been set with with all sorts of alchemical experiments, glowing amulets, and charmed quills. A small greenhouse had been established on one of the many turret balconies, where you helped tend to some medicinal herbs and enchanted florals. 
It was a place of peace and knowledge in a world of chaos and ignorance and in it, Stephen had taken the time to teach you the secrets of the universe. It was one of the few places you knew you truly could belong without judgement. 
“I’m not convinced this isn’t sabotage,” he stated once you were alone, the glowing orange portal snapping shut behind him. 
“What makes you say that?” you asked, lifting a book, flipping through a few pages in an attempt to distract yourself from his blunt words. You agreed there was some kind of malice involved in the attack, but sabotage suggested someone within the kingdom had betrayed your father. For such as honest and good your father was, your heart couldn’t handle such a reality.
“Whispers in the village,” he answered tersely. “Wanda was giving me her report when you approached. She is traveling to the next village over as we speak.”
“Rumlow betrayed his alliance,” you replied bitterly, refusing to look up from your book, though you couldn’t tell what the thing was about. Plants? Chaos magic? “What more is there to discover?”
“Why did he do it?” he asked. “What motivation does he have to sever one of the strongest military alliances in history?” 
“Greed? We’ve had a surprise in economic activity since the scholar agreement with Wakanda,” you guessed with a shrug. “This isn’t a smart man we’re dealing with. I’m met him once before. He’s ambitious and motivated, but not particularly clever.”
“Peter is almost of age, your father has prepared him for his new role thoroughly,” he continued, pacing the space. “It doesn’t make sense. Everyone is well aware he will be of age to take the throne in six months time, and now this just ensures his placement.”
“Not everything does,” you reminded him. “You taught me that. Or don’t you remember?”
You paused after a moment, peeking up from the book after letting his words settle.
“Maybe he plans to use Peter’s inexperience against him?” you suggested quietly. It wasn’t a pleasant thought, but even with the training and learning, Peter was a different person than your father, perhaps not in morals but certainly in other areas like strategy and planning. 
“I intend to get to the bottom of this,” he stated, his hand tightening at his side. You’d never seen Stephen so inflamed before. “At the very least, I can try to retrieve his body. Negotiate a dignified exchange.”
The words pierced your heart far more painfully than you’d anticipated, your hand gave a jerk and you dropped the book you’d been fidgeting with while he spoke. 
The mental image of your fathers head on a pike outside of Rumlow’s keep was enough to make you nauseous. 
“I’m sorry,” Stephen’s tone shifted at your reaction. “I’m getting ahead of myself.”
“Don’t apologize,” you assured him, clearing your throat and composing yourself. “You’re just doing your job. It’s why he trusted you to the position. You’re asking the questions that need to be asked.”
He watched you pluck the book off the ground and toss it on a nearby table with a low sigh. This was a precarious position he found himself in. 
On the one hand, he’d been appointed as the Master Sorcerer of this castle and this realm. He had an obligation to serve that role and ensure the safety of the kingdom’s inhabitants. Not to mention, his obligation as a peacekeeper in his position as Sorcerer Supreme at Kamar-Taj.
On the other, you were his dearest friend and companion, and the obvious hurt you were suffering made his other duties nearly impossible to focus on. It was no wonder Kamar-Taj frowned on intimate attachments, they did provide a distraction from the ambivalent roles sorcerers and sorceresses were bound to play. 
He wanted to serve as an unbiased judge in this troubling time, but his heart wanted him to seek justice and bring peace to your troubled mind. 
His eyes drifted to the telescope at the edge of the room and an idea hit him.
Perhaps a distraction was best for the time being? A small respite to pull away from the doom and gloom of the immediate future.
“Do you remember that star cluster I showed you last week?” he asked, hooking and arm over your shoulder and guiding you toward the window. “There’s a fascinating change that’s been occurring.”
It was still relatively bright out, though with the sun was just starting to dip over the horizon, there was enough darkness to point out the phenomena he’d discovered the night before. 
“Let me adjust-,” he tinkered with the measurements before signaling for you to lean in. “Do you see it?” 
“They’re changing color,” you noted with a small gasp of excitement. “That’s a promising omen, isn’t it?” 
Your expression had brightened considerably when you looked up at him. 
“It is,” he nodded. “The specific colors suggest a period of tranquility and prosperity after a short struggle.”
“Then maybe it isn’t all terrible,” you tried voicing optimistically. It sounded strange, like you still weren’t entirely convinced, but the evidence was clear before you. 
Stephen knew the stars never lied and had taught you as much over the time you’d spent together. 
You sighed sadly, giving the stars another peek and shaking your head when you pulled away. 
“I miss him,” you murmured, looking up at Stephen miserably. 
The sorcerer frowned sympathetically, before he moved toward you and pulled you into a tight embrace.
You pressed your cheek against his chest and allowed his arms to wrap around you. 
“I know,” he replied softly, resting his chin on your head. “Just know he loved you very much, and wouldn’t want to see you so hurt on his behalf."
That seemed to break something in you, and you buried your forehead into his chest, shaking with suppressed sobs and held back tears until finally you choked out a wave of emotions all at once.
He spent an hour sitting with you while you cried into his tunic, yelling about how angry you were to how miserable all of this made you feel. He listened, offering a handkerchief and when you started to calm down, summoned a fresh pot of herbal tea.
“We will find answers,” he stated, blowing gently over the steaming cup in his hand. 
“You sound so sure,” you noted with a bitter chuckle, eyes swollen and red from your tears.
“I’ve tampered with seeing the future from time to time,” he replied cheekily. “Perhaps I’ve had a vision?”
“And what did that vision show you?” you pressed, playing along with a ghost of a smile behind your own cup. 
“We win,” Stephen replied firmly, his expression falling serious.
“Doesn’t feel like it,” you confessed quietly. 
“Victory seldom does,” he watched you take a sip of your tea. You closed your eyes and relaxed your shoulders with the calming scent.
You opened your mouth to ask him a question when a knock at the observatory door broke the small spell of peace that’d fallen over the space.
“I’ve got it,” he gestured for you to stay seated, moving toward the door and slowly peeling it open. 
It wasn’t that he was overtly concerned for your safety, but given recent events, Stephen didn’t want to be lax in covering all possibilities. The world had gone mad and he wouldn’t put an assassin with a dagger outside the realm of potential visitors.
“Is the princess here?” Loki, Prince of Asgard, asked with a tone laced with annoyance upon Stephen’s appearance. 
“Loki?” you must have heard his voice and stood, setting your cup aside. “Stephen, let him in. It’s okay.”
With a glare at the prince, Stephen stepped aside and allowed the emerald clad royal through. 
He didn’t like outsiders in the observatory. Especially when you were around. 
It made him especially uneasy inviting another magic user inside, where they could potentially measure its wards and security for later aggression. 
“Peter mentioned you might be here,” Loki glanced around the room, arms folded behind his back. “I apologize if I’m intruding.”
That last part was directed toward Stephen with the smallest smirk. 
“No, it’s okay, we were just having tea,” you replied quickly, gesturing to the steaming pot on the table. “Could I make you a cup-?”
“No-,” he cut her off and cleared his throat apologetically. “I’ve come to say farewell. My father is ordering the borders to Asgard closed until Rumlow’s nation offers an explanation to this… tragedy.”
“I see,” your expression fell at the news. 
Certainly Asgard closing its borders was a worrisome sign. They were the kingdom’s greatest allies and largest trading partners. The effects of such a move would be felt for quite some time, both in security and in the local economy. 
“I’ll write,” he promised with a curt bow. “Don’t fall behind in your studies. I’ll be testing you the next time we meet.”
You smiled before he took your hand for a brief kiss on the knuckles. Rolling your eyes, you pulled away and threw your arms around his shoulder in a hug. 
“What a sad parting,” you laughed at his bewildered reaction. “And you’re going to kiss my knuckles like we haven’t known one another for years? On the day of my father’s funeral? Unacceptable.”
He barked out a small laugh, reciprocating the embrace with an arm before pulling away. 
“Stay safe,” he urged her before looking up at Stephen with a steely gaze. “Do well to keep her protected, Sorcerer.” 
“Always,” Stephen answered tersely, a little offended at the prince’s casual disregard for his abilities. He’d always kept you safe, and had absolutely no intention of letting that guard slip now. 
“Travel safely,” you called after him and he gave a final wave before pausing in the doorway when Stephen moved to close the door.
“Keep her close,” Loki warned quietly, the smirk disappearing completely. “There are whispers in the village of treachery and assassination. Do not let anyone have the opportunity to take advantage of the situation.”
“My associates are building wards around the castle and her quarters as we speak,” Stephen replied in agreement, a quick glance in your direction to ensure you weren’t listening. 
“The tea was a nice touch,” Loki noted with a hum. Stephen nodded curtly. 
The tea had a protection enchantment included in the mixture of herbs. Something small, but effective if you found yourself in danger without him, Wong, or Wanda nearby.
“Be well,” Stephen closed the door once Loki was out of sight, turning and finding you digging through his trunk of cloaks at the back of the room. “What are you doing?”
“I want to see Natalia and James,” you answered, pulling out a large blue cloak and holding it to your shoulders. 
“Absolutely not,” he crossed his arms. “Your father was just killed, possibly murdered. You’re not going to the village unprotected.”
“That’s why you’re coming,” you threw a crimson cloak in his direction, fastening the blue one over your shoulders. 
“Did you miss the part where I said murdered?” he asked in disbelief. 
“Then it’s a good think I’m friends with assassins,” you chimed back, pulling the hood of the cloak over your head. “They might be able to tell us something.”
“I’m sure Wanda and Wong have already talked to them,” he shot back, folding the cloak over is arm. “You should stay at the castle, at least for tonight.”
“You already know I’m going to go regardless,” you replied. 
“Because you’re a headstrong idiot,” he sighed, reluctantly pulling the cloak over is shoulders. “Who clearly has a death wish. What if your family comes looking for you?”
“They won’t,” you answered with a confident grin. “Mother is going to be with Morgan and Peter is going to lock himself away in the armory or training fields until the knights give up and make him retire to his chambers.”
“You’re so confident in your knowledge of the castle,” Stephen snorted, tying the cloak around him. 
“It’s what happens when you’re the eldest daughter of a king,” you replied, patting him on the shoulder. “You see everyone, but no one sees you.” 
“Also, you owe me an ale for enchanting my tea,” you quirked a brow toward him when he stammered back a response. “Didn’t think I would notice?”
“I’m losing my touch,” he sighed, waving a hand and summoning a bag of coin.
“No, you’re just turning into a fussy mother hen,” you grinned, the smile looking far more relieving than the grief he know you wore on the inside. “It’s endearing.”
Wha danger was a short outing for the evening? It was arguably safer in a crowd than alone in her chambers, especially while Wong was still working on the wards.
Besides, the assassins you’d found friendship in would do well to keep threats away as well.
And while Stephen pondered this thought, you were already part-way out of the room and headed toward one of the hidden passages in the hall. 
2 - a night at the pub
@ayamenimthiriel​ @drstrangely-strange @ladynothing​ @im-a-bi-disaster-help​
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taeyongdoyoung · 3 years
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summary: you are a mermaid and you save a handsome man from drowning but little do you know it’s not his first rodeo when dealing with mermaids. seonghwa, a former prince, is currently hongjoong’s first mate and boyfriend. hongjoong is the captain, the pirate king of the most savage crew across the seas. and you want nothing to do with them. not because they’re pirates, but because they’re humans…
ship: mermaid!reader x prince/pirate!seonghwa x pirate!hongjoong
genre: little mermaid!au, pirate!au, fantasy, romance, fluff, implied smut, angst
warnings: some swearing, a lot of making out, cliffhanger bc im evil
word count: 1.5k
chapter one ☠️ chapter two ☠️ chapter three ☠️ chapter four ☠️ chapter five ☠️chapter six ☠️ chapter seven ☠️ chapter eight ☠️ chapter nine ☠️ chapter ten ☠️ chapter twelve ☠️ chapter thirteen ☠️ spotify playlist 
You kept marvelling at your new legs and kept running around the deck like an excited puppy despite Hongjoong's loud protests.
"You'll break my ship, dumbass," he joked.
You stuck out your tongue at him.
"Deal with it," you giggled.
And before you could react, he was coming towards you in a somewhat threatening manner.
"Sorry, sorry, I take it back!" you took a step back, admitting defeat.
Suddenly, Hongjoong grabbed you by the waist, swinging you in the air so that your legs couldn't touch the ground. You squealed in surprise and yet, couldn't help but feel warmth for him. Despite the past, he'd still come for you and your sister. He'd still tried his best to help you out and eventually, he'd accepted you into his little family. And for that, you would be forever grateful.
"Come on, put me down already," you chuckled, playfully hitting his chest.
"You'll stop running?" he tried to reason with you.
"Why do you mind it so much?" you pouted.
"It's distracting."
"Unless you have a better idea of what to do with my legs."
"I might have something in mind," Hongjoong smirked.
But apparently, he had no intention of putting you down despite your objections. Soon enough, he carried you into what you assumed was his shared room with Seonghwa. And landed you right in Seonghwa's lap much to your amusement.
"Hi," you mumbled awkwardly the second your eyes met Seonghwa's.
"Hey," your beloved answered.
"Splendid," Hongjoong mused. "Keep her occupied, will you? And don't let her sprint across the damn deck."
"Why? Where are you going?" Seonghwa asked.
"Does it matter? I can't get anything done around here," he sighed.
"Can't you stay here with us?" you suggested without thinking twice about it. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait."
Hongjoong rolled his eyes.
"Fine. My productive day has been ruined already."
You stretched your hand out to grab Hongjoong's and pull him closer.
"Don't be such a buzzkill," Seonghwa teased his boyfriend.
"Or what?"
"Or...I'll have to teach you a lesson," Hwa warned.
"Ugh, you're both so annoying," Joong muttered under his breath.
"Care to repeat that?" Seonghwa whispered darkly.
Hongjoong shook his head. Wise man.
"That's what I thought."
You laughed and wrapped your arms around Hwa's neck.
"Don't give him such a hard time, love," you asked quietly. "Our captain has been doing so good lately, hasn't he?"
"Hm, I suppose you're right," Seonghwa agreed. "But I don't want to let him off the hook so easily. I mean, where's the fun in that?"
You and Seonghwa exchanged a meaningful look and immediately turned your attention to Hongjoong who looked vaguely uncomfortable, sitting next to you two.
Hongjoong's POV
Okay, I was completely done for. These two were going to be my ruination. Even the deal with that demon suddenly seemed less intimidating than their intoxicating presence. The way Seonghwa carried himself with so much grace and how he was capable of commanding everyone so easily...The way Y/N was capable of turning her playful stare into a menacing one in less than a second...If I wasn't so turned on, I would probably be terrified. The most savage pirate king of the seas made weak by a former prince and a mermaid. It was almost comical.
Seonghwa murmured something in Y/N's ear. Something I couldn't quite hear. She grinned wickedly and oh, how badly I wished I hadn't come here and just let her run like a kid around the stupid old deck. But it was too late now so I had to face the consequences for my actions.
Y/N moved away from Seonghwa's lap and approached me slowly, sitting on my legs instead.
"W-what are you doing?" I inquired in shock.
"Does it matter?" she said, mirroring my words.
"You're the one who asked me to stay here," I reminded her dumbly.
"So what? You agreed, didn't you?"
"And I'm starting to regret that."
"Aw, really?" she replied in a slightly mocking tone. Then, Y/N began stroking my hair ever so gently.
Damnit, I probably wouldn't admit it out loud, but it felt quite nice.
"You like that?" she wanted to know cutely.
"Y-yeah," I couldn't help it. So much for my pride...
After that, she completely took me by surprise and kissed me. Not like before. She kissed my lips and I wasn't sure why it was happening but I was fairly certain I didn't want it to stop.
"Does this feel good?" Y/N asked eventually. I was literally gasping for air and she had the audacity to call it good. This was so much better. It was heavenly.
"Mhm," I managed, not capable of doing justice to the reality.
Somehow, I had almost forgotten that Seonghwa was right there! Observing us...I wondered what was going on inside his head. Was he enjoying this? I broke eye contact with Y/N to check his expression. He looked utterly transfixed by what he was seeing. And a small part of me was telling me that Seonghwa was probably the one to suggest this in the first place. What amazed me was Y/N agreeing to it.
"Oh, don't mind me, just keep going," Seonghwa, upon noticing my distraction, ordered us to continue. And honestly, I would be a fool to argue with him.
"Where were we?" I pretended to have forgotten.
"I believe I was kissing you and you were having a jolly good time," Y/N reminded me boldly.
"That's an understatement," my response was barely audible but she probably had superhearing or something, judging by the immediate smirk that graced her face.
Seonghwa's POV
I couldn't believe my luck and yet, I was utterly overjoyed by it. They were right here. The loves of my life. And they were kissing happily. It couldn't get any better than that, could it? They were so beautiful...I spent a couple more minutes marvelling at Hongjoong and Y/N making out at a slow pace before I intervened greedily. I pulled her into a passionate but quick kiss, then, my mouth found his, as well. And so, I kept switching positions in order to give them equal attention. I didn't want either of them to feel neglected for I believed myself perfectly capable of pleasing them both. My two loves. Finally together. It was too good to be true.
"Fuck, you're so gorgeous," I panted in-between the thousands of kisses and squeezes and touches.
"Which one of us?" Hongjoong wanted to know cheekily despite the fact that he probably suspected what my answer would be.
"Both of you, silly. Of course, it's both of you," I insisted.
"I think Cap will agree with me that you're the most gorgeous around here," Y/N teased, tracing a finger down my neck.
"For once, we're like-minded," Hongjoong backed her up.
"It's not a competition," I chuckled. "But thanks, I guess."
"We're only speaking the truth," she winked at me.
"Suck-up," I scolded her playfully.
"Hey, that's no way to speak to a lady!" Hongjoong reprimanded me as a joke.
"Since when are you her knight in shining armour?" I exclaimed.
"Since I tasted her lips."
"Boys, boys," Y/N interfered. "Less talking, more kissing. Please and thank you."
I shook my head in amusement, completely infatuated by her. And him.
"Who put you in charge, hm?" Hongjoong tickled her belly energetically.
She shrugged, trying to escape his fingers.
"Captain Y/N has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
"Little devil," he kept stroking her sides as Y/N cried out.
"Children, children," it was now my time to interrupt the conversation. "I believe we were previously occupied with a far more pleasant activity. Kiss me if I'm right but—"
Neither Y/N nor Hongjoong waited for a second invitation and they took turns melting their cute little lips into mine. It was almost too easy to keep them wrapped around my fingertips. Soon enough, all clothes disappeared somewhere, I didn't even care where, and the three of us found more than comfort in each other's arms...
Reader's POV
A while later, you woke up from a much needed nap but there was still some time before the sunset, so you figured it wouldn't do harm to spend a couple more minutes lounging in the company of Seonghwa and—
"Where the hell is Hongjoong?" you voiced your concerns out loud. Seonghwa opened his eyes rightaway and looked around in confusion.
"Shit, no, no, it wasn't supposed to happen so early."
"Seonghwa, relax! What do you mean?" you asked. Seeing him so panicked was beginning to worry you even more...
"Let's check around the ship before we jump to conclusions," Seonghwa replied, trying to be rational.
"What conclusions? I don't understand what you're talking about," you mumbled in confusion, already putting on some clothes.
"He wouldn't just leave after what we did...He wouldn't," Seonghwa was not making much sense as the two of you were shouting Hongjoong's name, looking left and right for him, all across the ship. But to no avail. He was nowhere to be found. "I think that he took him."
"Who took him?" you were growing terrified.
"The demon."
To be continued…
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gaeilgeoirgay · 3 years
This is also part of Pósadh Eagraithe :The Series and I hope you like it! It’s from Han Solo’s POV when he first realises that 1. Boba’s alive and 2. Boba is married to Din meaning that 3. He can’t shoot Boba :(
Ao3 Link
Naimhde= Enemies
Look, Han Solo was having a good day. Emphasis on was. Ben had slept through the night again so Han got his full recommended hours of rest. Then Leia had had the morning off from the Senate so they had all gone to the park together. Luke was on planet for once with the green frog child so Ben was able to play with him. Leia had told him days ago that they were required to attend a ball that was being hosted to celebrate the Republic getting a treaty with Mandalore so he’d already gone through the seven stages of grief about that.
Now, he’s at said ball and across the room from him, Boba fucking Fett is smirking at him. Han snarls at the look the bastard has on his (apparently very scarred?) face but Leia puts a warning hand on his shoulder. “I know that’s Fett but he’s the leader of the Tatooine crime syndicate now, and rumour has it he’s taken over a couple more of the Hutt Space planets. He’s powerful, Han, and he probably hates us enough. No fighting.” She hisses into his ear.
Of course Boba Fett came out of a fucking sarlacc pit to become a godsdamned crime lord. He shouldn’t have been surprised. And he clearly has some sort of power in Mandalore because Mandalorians aren’t naturally deferential but they seem to treat Fett with an extra bit of respect.
A silver Mandalorian comes over to Fett and says something lowly to him. Fett nods and saunters over to Han and Leia with the other Mando striding ahead of him. “That’s the Mand’alor, their king. No one knows his name or species and he never takes his helmet off in front of non-Mandalorians. He signed the treaty as ‘Mand’alor the Reclaimer’ and his people adore him. He’s rumoured to be absolutely deadly, so once again, Han, I don’t care if he’s coming over with Boba Fett, behave.” Leia whispers and Han suppresses his urge to punt Fett into the nearest star.
Contrary to popular belief, Han is smart enough not to piss off the ruler of a warrior culture that are supposedly the greatest fighters in the galaxy. He got lucky with Fett the first time, he’s not making the man’s whole planet mad at him by fucking with their king.
Their pretty intimidating king, he’s not gonna lie. There’s a veritable armoury on the Mand’alor’s person and Han can see the familiar shape of a lightsaber hilt at his waist. Leia had mentioned something about a ‘Darksaber’ and Han does not want to find out the difference between a Darksaber and a lightsaber firsthand.
The Mand’alor inclines his head in a regal greeting as he halts in front of Leia. “Senator Organa, it’s a pleasure to meet you in person. Luke mentions you often.” He says in a low, smooth voice. Huh. Han is absolutely loyal to Leia but if the Mando king ever offers a threesome…..
Wait, how does Mando know Luke? Leia seems confused too but she hides it well. “The honour is all mine, Your Majesty. I wasn’t aware you were acquainted with my brother though?” She says politely, voicing the question in a much more eloquent manner than Han would’ve.
Mando chuckles and answers her with a smile in his voice. “Cuun ad, Grogu, is one of Luke’s students. He’s the small green one with an affinity for frogs.” He explains and Han raises an eyebrow. Luke had said that Grogu would never grow to be taller than maybe hip height but Mando is of fairly average height for a humanoid species. 5’10 or ’11 maybe.
Leia smiles brightly. “Yes, I do know Grogu. Luke mentioned his father was a Mandalorian. That would be you, then?” She says, relaxing slightly. Talking about children is a safe topic, even when Boba Fett is part of the conversation, and no, Han is not letting that go, he’s a Senator’s trophy husband, he’s mastered the art of polite glaring.
Fett speaks up then, still smirking. “Both of his fathers are Mandalorians. I adopted Grogu when the two of us said the riduurok.” He says, looking directly at Han as his brain freezes in its tracks.
Boba Fett is married? Boba Fett is married to the king of Mandalore? Boba Fett is a father?
None of that computes. Han Solo and Boba Fett are not supposed to have anything in common and Boba Fett is most certainly not supposed to be a regular human being with a spouse and kids and apparently a job, if being a crime lord counts as one. But clearly he is and Han is mad about it. It may be irrational but the bastard froze him in carbonite for three years and he’s gotten away with it. Whenever Han imagined Fett it was as a corpse being digested by a plant monster, not as a successful husband and father. Oh, Han is so mad.
Leia squeezes his hand a little tighter than necessary and Han grits his teeth. No fighting. He can do this. He really doesn’t want to do this. Chandrila’s sun is actually quite hot, he knows Beskar has a high melting point but he reckons it wouldn’t hold up against a star. He could just get in the Falcon, with Fett, and then space him beside the star. Boom, problem solved.
Leia is congratulating Fett and the Mand’alor on their marriage and subsequent child. To be completely honest with himself, Han may or not be considering telling Luke to get Grogu into therapy. Having Boba Fett as a father would definitely fuck a kid up.
He tunes back into the conversation as the Mand’alor answers Leia and immediately wishes he hadn’t. “Yes, children are the most important part of our culture. I adopted Grogu before we got together and I actually only met Boba a little while before Luke began teaching him. Boba always knew Grogu was part of the picture and honestly, the kid loves him. His second vow after the riddurok was a gai bal manda for Grogu.” Mando says, helmet tilted towards Fett. It’s probably the armoured equivalent of a sappy look and Han resists the urge to scowl.
He doesn’t know what a riderock or a gabblemanda is but it’s clearly important to Mandalorians and Fett is smiling broadly at his husband. Ugh.
“Oh, that’s incredibly sweet. How did you two meet?” Leia asks and Han screams internally. “When I first Found Grogu, my tribe took on the Hunter’s Guild so we could escape. I was trying to find more Mandalorians and I came across an areuttise on Tatooine who had Boba’s armour. I helped him take down a krayt dragon that was attacking his village and in exchange, he returned the armour to a mando’ad. Boba tracked me to Tython and said he would help me protect Grogu if I gave him back his armour. We were attacked by Dark Troopers and they took Grogu for Moff Gideon. Boba helped me get Grogu back and once he’d taken over Tatooine, he joined our efforts to reclaim Mandalore.” Mando explains and Leia smiles.
“That sounds romantic. The first time I met Han I threatened him.” Leia says anecdotally and Han shoots her a betrayed look. Fett is so going to use that against him somehow, Han just knows it. Instead, Fett just shakes his head and explains further. “Both of us are sol’karta, ‘aromantic’ in Basic. The Mand’alor’s council were concerned about finding a Rid’alor and I was suggested. I accepted, as the Mand’alor is one of my closest friends. I love him dearly but we’re not in love with each other. We’re best friends raising an adorably mischievous ad’ika.” He says and the Mand’alor nods.
Huh. Han can’t say he’s ever heard of an arranged marriage where both parties are friends from the start. He’s sure that some spouses end up as friends but politically arranged marriages in the Core tend to be loveless affairs. He almost finds himself congratulating them on finding a good balance but then he remembers he would be congratulating Fett. Nope, he’s not doing that.
“Oh really? Luke did mention that Grogu has a habit of disappearing on him.” Leia says and Fett laughs. “Yeah, his Force osik enables him a lot. I never realised how much of parenting was going to be coaxing a grumpy toddler off of a ceiling.” He jokes and ugh, Han can relate to that and he’s mad about it. Leia says something in response but Han is too busy glaring at Fett to hear her. The bastard is still smirking, plus he’s not even paying attention to Han, like Han is beneath his notice.
“I know you two have a son, right? If you’re ever on Manda’yaim for diplomacy, perhaps they can hang out together. I know when I was a child, I hated being in boring meetings and Grogu would definitely appreciate a friend.” Fett suggests and Han nearly explodes. Boba Fett’s hellspawn child is not going to corrupt Ben!
“Oh, Ben and Grogu met earlier today actually! Luke is on-planet at the moment and he brought Grogu with him when he heard that your people would be here.” Leia says and Mando’s helmet tilts. It probably means something in Mando Armour Language but Han has no clue what. “Is Luke still on Chandrila?” He asks, seeming curious. “Grogu is due to come home to Manda’yaim next week but if Luke is here, then I might ask if we can bring him home now to save Luke the trip.”
Leia smiles and tells Mando where to find Luke. Mando says his goodbyes and leaves, but Fett stays. They seem to have some form of communicating that Han can’t understand because Fett doesn’t seem confused at all by his husband’s departure without him.
Fett rocks back on his heels before levelling Han with a smug grin. “If you ever feel like going into Fett Space, drop by my palace on Tatooine. I love getting visits from old friends.” He says before bowing to Leia and leaving to follow Mando before Han can splutter a rebuttal. Fett Space! Is he serious?
Apparently he is, as the New Republic receives a missive a few days later, announcing Mandalore’s official recognition of the former Hutt territories as under Boba Fett, their Consort’s, unequivocal rule. It means that if the Republic ever aggravates Mandalore, they would essentially be going to war with the majority of the Outer Rim between Fett’s planets, Mandalore’s vassal planets and the seemingly endless planets that have allied themselves with Mandalore instead of the Republic.
Han isn’t too concerned about the political ramifications, seeing as that’s Leia’s remit and he’s mostly retired, but fuck, he’s mad that he can’t even think about dropkicking Fett into a star without inciting a galaxy-wide conflict. And the bastard knows it. Every time he comes to Republic events as either the Mand’alor’s spouse or as the leader of Fett Space, he acts like the perfect model of decorum so Han can’t even argue that he was provoked.
Han is forty-three, he shouldn’t be having aneurysms but every time he sees Fett his brain stops getting the message. The worst part is that Leia has become friends with the Mandalorian king and Ben is fond of the green child, so Han is forced to interact with Fett on a far too regular basis. Forget Fett, Han is considering launching himself into a star.
Sadly, Leia won’t let him. So Han has to put up with Fett for just a while longer. Speaking of, how old is Fett? Can Han get away with measuring coffins yet? Please say the bastard is at least ninety, he was around during the Clone Wars, there can’t be much left in him. Please, Han is going to lose his mind if he has to play nice with Boba Fett again. And again. And again.
(systems away, Boba’s ears go hot and he knows that Solo is plotting his death once more. Grogu coos and Boba looks down to see the womprat chewing on his pendant again. He chuckles and grabs something softer for Grogu to gnaw at. He has more important things to think about than Solo.)
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pillage-and-lute · 4 years
The Courting Ways of Wolves (Part 2)
It’s back! Dumb boys in love! Also Grandpa Vesemir gets some feels and Geralt does some math. Part 1, (here) Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Epilogue
Watching Winter at Kaer Morhen melt into early spring was always a beautiful process, but this year brought Geralt trepidation as well. Watching Ciri train had been wonderful, helping her learn the basics kept all the wolves on their toes, for the first time in many years actually thinking about motions that normally came from muscle memory. 
Yennefer had flourished into her role as “Aunty Yen,” not sweetly nurturing, the way one often thought about with children, but a clever tongue and tough love that Ciri, granddaughter of the Lioness, seemed completely at home with. 
Geralt was doing his best too. Ciri had started calling him dad about halfway through the winter, the first time happening at dinner and he’d very nearly choked on his ale. It sent something warm running through his veins every time, like good brandy that burned all the way down. 
He was trying, words still didn’t come naturally, but somehow Ciri always seemed to be able to see exactly what he meant. Maybe it was Destiny, maybe just a hurt, lost child clinging to whoever was consistent in her life, but Geralt hoped it was more. More than anything, he hoped Ciri truly understood how cared for she was, not just by himself, but all the wolves, Jaskier, and Yennefer.
Ciri had whispered to him one day, still panting after training, asking if he thought Yen would mind if she called her mom.
Geralt had replied that he didn’t think Yennefer would mind at all.
Yennefer came to him later, a tender look in her eyes. There was something, not fragile in her eyes, but Jaskier had pointed out in a marketplace once, a beautiful porcelain vase that had been broken and artfully repaired with gold. Yen’s expression reminded him of that. 
They sat for a while, then Yennefer said, “Will you be able to let go of her in the spring?” 
“Yes,” Geralt said, although he was less than sure that parting from Ciri would be so easy. “She needs you, and time away from me. And to be around women.”
Yennefer nodded, gave Geralt a pat on the shoulder, and left. Geralt stayed, cloak wrapped around him as he sat looking out over the walls. 
There was much that would happen in the spring, and his life, which had been pretty stagnant before, was changing more in these past few years than it ever had. He felt like Kaer Morhen itself, built to last and yet crumbling still, the weight of change and time and destiny tearing down walls. 
He watched the sun go down. 
Vesemir joined him, carrying two bowls of stew. Geralt took a bite of his and winced. It had been Eskel’s turn to cook. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Vesemir’s mustache twitch with a hint of a smile. They ate the oversalted meal in silence.
“You know,” Vesemir said, and in the starlight the crags on his face looked carved in. “I come up here to think too.” 
Geralt knew, but Vesemir wasn’t interested in talking about the battlements, he could tell. 
“I think, most nights, about the ghosts within these walls. All of the little boys who died so that the School of the Wolf could be.” The wind picked up, howling like, with an excellent sense of the dramatic, a wolf. 
“The Trials haunt me, Geralt. More than anything in my life, and it has been a long life indeed.” 
“You saved me,” Geralt said. “Saved Eskel.” But he too remembered the still bodies carried out and buried in the night. How few boys remained. Remembered the screaming in the night, unsure how much of the sound was torn from his own throat, and what came from his brothers dying around him.
“I let them put you through it twice. That wasn’t salvation, lad.” Vesemir sighed. “I couldn’t have put a stop to the Trials, don’t know if I would have if it were possible, there have to be Trials to be witchers, and the world needs us, whatever it may believe. But maybe there was a better way. A kinder way. You were boys, little lads who went through so much pain.”
Geralt was startled to see a tear fall down the craggy face, burying in the moustache. Witchers could cry, but it happened rarely, tears could blur vision in a fight, and only very strong emotion, the sort they had been taught to suppress,  could override the mutations. 
And then Vesemir put an arm around Geralt’s shoulder and gave him an oddly nice hug. It could have cracked a boulder.
“Someone should have held you boys more,” Vesemir said, a touch abashedly. They looked out over the walls some more and Geralt wondered if the conversation was over, but Vesemir didn’t take the arm away.
“Ciri called me Grandpa today.”
Ah. That would explain a lot. Watching Vesemir interact with Ciri over the winter had been a delight and a surprise to the wolves. He’d even sat her on his knee and told her stories of when Lambert, Eskel, and Geralt were young like a, well, like a doting grandfather. Jaskier had been enthralled as well, naturally, but seeing Vesemir so soft, and sometimes looking a little sad, around Ciri, had been an education for the men who would always think of themselves as ‘Vesemir’s Little Lads’.
“She won’t be a witcher,” Vesemir said. “Couldn’t be even if we would want it, and I never would.”
“No,” Geralt said.
No,” agreed Vesemir. They looked out over the darkened landscape.
“I never wanted a family,” Vesemir said after a while where their breaths hung in the air before them. “‘O course, witchers aren’t supposed to, but you’ve built a nice little family for yourself, laddie. It’s not as may be, not like you’d find in villages or in your pet bard’s fancy songs. But you’ve a brave and rather headstrong daughter, and she has a mum, and a dad, and two already very protective uncles.”
“And a grandpa,” Geralt cut in.
“And a grandpa,” Vesemir agreed. “But a family needs a little more than that. There’s gotta be someone to teach the lass how to love.”
Geralt was about to protest that he’d seen plenty of loveless marriages, but then considered the results in the children. Jaskier was one, he knew. The sort of lost way Jaskier sucked up approval, when they’d first met, the way he’d drank up compliments like a man with water in the desert, whenever Geralt thought on it there was a sort of humming ache. He’d consulted with Eskel on the feeling, concerned it was illness. Apparently, it was just what happened when someone you loved was hurting and it wasn’t something you could kill or fix.
“It doesn’t need to be romantic love,” Vesemir said, obviously seeing Geralt’s face. “And she’ll know how to love family fine, and how to love friends, as you and Yennefer figure that out between the two of you. But your bard loves you, and the way you love him can teach her how to love others and herself. And if Ciri has another dad maybe you can worry less.”
Geralt chuckled. Ciri could have fifty parents, and Geralt would still lose sleep worrying. Vesemir smiled back at him, eyes crinkling and moustache lifting like a bristle brush that had learned to fly. Then he slapped Geralt on the back, and Geralt, the White Wolf of Rivia, Butcher of Blaviken, the witcher who had twice survived the Trials, felt his spine compress like a spring and he was sure he felt a rib creak.
“Love Jaskier, lad. Hold tight to him. We rarely get good things.”
Then Vesemir walked back inside and Geralt stared after him. There weren’t many old witchers, dangers of the job and all that, but Vesemir was proof that witchers, like oak wood, only solidified with age. 
Geralt followed him inside. 
The next days passed in a flurry of activity. Ciri had been let off of training with the wolves to pack for her journey with Yennefer, and to be quickly given the rundown of the basics of magic. The wolves were packing as well, preparing to leave Kaer Morhen. In between final preparations and weapon repair, Geralt checked over The List.
The List was supposed to help him court Jaskier. It was the combined brainchild of everyone (except Jaskier, of course) at Kaer Morhen. More importantly, his intention to court Jaskier met with Ciri’s approval. 
When the day arrived, Geralt felt a curious lump in his throat. He watched Ciri say goodbye to Eskel and Lambert, the latter picking her up and swinging her in an arc, letting her joyful whoop echo about the courtyard. Then she hugged Vesemir, and he crushed her very gently to him. And then she turned to him and Jaskier. 
He was thankful that Ciri bade Jaskier goodbye first, watching the bard wipe a surupticious tear away as he held the blonde girl. It was Geralt’s turn and he didn’t know what to do. He cleared his throat.
“Follow Yennefer’s instructions,” he said. That didn’t seem like enough. “And don’t talk to strangers,” he said. It still seemed insufficient but he was out of advice so he stuck out his hand to shake. Ciri laughed and leapt at him, throwing her arms around his neck.
He held her there, reveling in hugging his daughter, his child surprise, who was so full of surprises and he felt, for the first time in many years, the feeling of rather full tear ducts. He blinked them away. 
“Good luck,” Ciri whispered in his ear. Jaskier wouldn’t have heard, but the witchers with their enhanced hearing surely had. Geralt nodded and set her down.
He coughed awkwardly and pulled out a little packet wrapped in burlap and some rough twine. Ciri beamed and pulled at the string so that the packaging fell away. A long piece of metal, bent into a thin U shape lay in his palm, the ends were surprisingly sharp. Ciri picked it up and examined it, then looked up at him questioningly. 
“Hair pin,” Geralt said gruffly. “For your hair. And stabbing.” He mimed a clumsy, underhanded stab. “Eskel helped me silver plate it. For monsters. But also men, if they’re close enough.” He trailed off, knowing he sounded awkward. Who gave a self defense implement as a gift?
Ciri beamed at him again. “I love it,” she said, also miming a few stabs. He supposed that as a parent he shouldn’t be so proud of the light in his daughter’s eyes when she talked about stabbing, but he was almost certain that she got that trait from Jaskier, who tended to get...pointed about disagreements in pubs.
Yennefer stepped forward and carefully took the hair pin from their daughter, swooping her silver blonde hair back into a twist and sliding it in place. She placed a hand on Ciri’s shoulder and smiled at Geralt, and he was reminded again of that vase, stronger and more beautiful for the cracks in the facade. She then gave him a quick side hug and and even one for Jaskier, and opened a portal.
Geralt stared after his friend and his daughter long after the portal closed, until Jaskier, hand wrapped in a heavy mitten, gently took his wrist. They waved to the other wolves, and left, Roach walking obediently alongside. 
And then it was just the two of them. Again. Just like the last twenty years. That thought occupied him as they made it down the Killer. The path down from Kaer Morhen was deadly, but that year Geralt made it down without thinking, keeping half a thought to Jaskier’s ambling form as he went.
How old was Jaskier? 
He’d been eighteen or so when they met. Eighteen plus twenty-two was forty. Forty wasn’t that old for a human but Jaskier didn’t look too much different than he had at...Geralt did the math. Twenty-five? But there were signs. A few lines here and there, although Jaskier was insistent about his skincare. A line of silver, just a few hairs, probably unnoticable except to Geralt’s enhanced eyes. He was aging better than a human should.
Or perhaps not. Time was tricky for witchers, never staying in one place, never knowing people long enough to watch them age, he didn’t really know what to compare Jaskier to. 
He did know how long humans lived though. And at the base of the mountain he came to a resolution, felt it settle in to his bones as deep as his mutations, deeper, even. 
Twenty years, or nearly, where he hadn’t known Jaskier. Twenty more where he hadn’t admitted they were friends, or that he loved him. Eighty years in a human life span. And Geralt would love Jaskier, and make sure he knew he was loved, for the next four decades, give or take. He looked at his companion, paused as they were to give their feet and Roach a rest. The weak, watery sun of the early spring day fell on Jaskier’s face, dappled through the branches, which as of yet held no buds.
He pictured lines appearing, laugh lines, smile lines, crinkles carving themselves into the landscape of the familiar features. He pictured silver through the hair, more, in thicker streaks at the temples. Geralt saw a lifetime, Jaskier’s lifetime, in an instant. Silver covered warm brown, strong legs grew shakey, lines crowned a forehead and swept about clear eyes. 
What would happen, Geralt thought, when Jaskier could no longer keep up? But Geralt knew what would happen. He’d take Jaskier to Kaer Morhen, or go with him to Oxenfurt, and spend his days with him. It had been a few short months since he’d realized he was in love with Jaskier, but that was only because Geralt’s skill with emotions was roughly similar to Jaskier’s apparent self preservation. Why had he let the lad talk to him in a pub? Had he loved him then? He remembered the shock of not being feared, of looking into clear, bright eyes and seeing admiration, the fierce protectiveness that had flared when he woke and saw the fool tied to him in an elven lair. Had it been love? 
Watching Jaskier whisper softly to Roach as snow melted around him, Geralt was sure it had been. Destiny, Fate, the two bit tart who kept fucking him over, had given him his greatest blessing in a form that Geralt, up until that very second had considered a myth. Love at first sight. Love had brought him Jaskier, and Ciri, and a fast friendship with the most powerful mage on the Continent. Love had brought him a family in the form of a wayward bard with bread in his pants. And Geralt had forty more years to cherish him. 
Step One the list had said in Eskel’s clear writing. Kiss his hand. Being mindful of Step Two, to mind his manners, Geralt crossed the clearing to Jaskier and took the thick woolen mitten in his gloved hand. 
“May I?” he said. Jaskier gave him a baffled look, but nodded.
Geralt pressed chapped lips to a palm wrapped in knitted wool, and Jaskier smiled, albeit a little confusedly. It didn’t matter. Geralt wanted to spend the next forty years wrapped in that smile. 
Then Jaskier asked him if he was feeling well.
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Summary: Five times the Jedi Council has to deal with younglings and one time the younglings have to deal with the Jedi Council. Part of my ongoing fix it series. Read on AO3!
Plo Koon took slow steps into the Council chamber, bent slightly towards the right to accommodate for the little guest this session was going to have. He was the last to arrive, and that thirty minutes late as well as the youngling that had latched onto him had first refused to let him out of her sight and then hadn’t wanted to be carried to where Plo need to be. Little Ahsoka Tano, as bright in the Force as she was, was at least twice as stubborn. Unfortunately, Plo had a difficult time denying the child anything. She was his foundling, he had brought her to the temple. He would always remember the days they had spent together traveling fondly.
“Master Koon, you are late,” Oppo Rancisis said, though the amusement in his voice was apparent.
“The Force guided me elsewhere,” Plo answered and crossed the last few steps to his chair. Once there, he sat down while Ahsoka stood in front of him still, her arms crossed and frowning as if she were thinking.
“You can sit on my lap if you want, Ahsoka,” Plo told her but the three-year-old only shook her head.
Then she turned around to face the rest of the Council, still undecided on where she now wanted to go. Plo felt just a little betrayed, had he not spent thirty minutes following her wished only to be abandoned like that.
“You!” Ahsoka said, pointing at Saesee Tiin. “I want to sit with you.”
The Iktotchi Jedi only laughed boomingly and opened up his arms in a welcoming gesture. “Well, then, come here.”
With a delighted yell, Ahsoka rushed forward, somehow now twice as fast as she had been when she was holding Plo’s hand, and climbed onto the lap of the other Jedi Master. They waited until Ahsoka was seated comfortably before finally beginning their meeting.
Mace wasn’t quite sure what exactly he was looking at.
“Welcome, Knight Kenobi,” he greeted calmly nevertheless. Then he attempted to continue with “and Pada-“ only for a suspicious giggle to escape out of Obi-Wan’s direction while the Knight himself pressed his index finger to his lips and shushed. He was smiling fondly and looked well rested for once. He must have begun to learn how to cope with Qui-Gon’s death and embrace his own life again.
Mace exchanged a look with his fellow councilors, but they all either shrugged or smiled in amusement as well. Mace supposed they were going to ignore their little visitor then.
“Well, the Council would like to hear about Padawan Skywalker’s progress,” Mace said.
Obi-Wan nodded and gently wrapped one arm around his stomach.
Or, more accurately, the shoulders of the Padawan hiding beneath his outer robes. It looked utterly ridiculous. Jedi robes could hide a lot, but not a nine-year-old standing on his Master’s feet. Anakin must have his arms wrapped around Obi-Wan’s stomach. Mace wondered whether the two of them had walked through the entire temple like this. It had certainly looked well practiced already when Obi-Wan had stepped into the Council chamber.
“Anakin is an amazing student,” Obi-Wan said, still holding onto his Padawan’s shoulders. “Even though he has experienced multiple setbacks-“ His illiteracy when it came to Basic being a major one that Mace knew of “-he has risen above them. He has a very strong connection to the Force and is already doing very well in the grounding exercises I’ve shone him.”
“Very good that is,” Yoda added. “More you have to report?”
Obi-Wan looked thoughtful then his robes seemed to move on their own accord. Obi-Wan actually bent forward so he could listen to whatever Anakin whispered into his ear. Like this, Mace could actually see his blond hair peak out of the brown robes. Obi-Wan whispered something back, making the youngling giggle and finally stood up straight again.
“Anakin has also passed multiple engineering exams already and skipped several piloting classes,” Obi-Wan stated.
“A great Jedi he will be then,” Yaddle commented.
Obi-Wan smiled. “The very best.”
And little Anakin Skywalker, hiding beneath his Master’s robes, let out a sigh of relief.
After all these years, Mace should really be used to the amused looks he got whenever he had a guest accompanying him to his council sessions. Looking back, Mace could freely admit that it had been a mistake to put him on the Council when he was only twenty-eight. It had been a stressful time, especially those two years he had trained Devan and Depa at the same time. It was a Force-damned miracle that Depa had been as self-sufficient as she had been, Mace wasn’t sure he would have managed to handle two Padawans at once otherwise. He had done her a disservice, Devan too, being unable to give them the attention they deserved. Too often had he taken one of them or both along to a Council session as a replacement for a lesson on diplomacy or galactic history he should have given them in person.
It had taught the two of them well however. They were excellent when it came to keeping secrets and Depa had told him more than once that she was a better Councilor because of how often she had sat next to his chair, doing her homework and listening to their discussions.
And much like his Master many years ago, Caleb Dume now sat next to Mace, filling out his homework.
Or, was supposed to be filling out his homework. Caleb had stopped writing a while ago and was instead listening to them. The boy sat incredibly still, forcing himself to appear calmer than he actually was.
“Do you have anything to add, Padawan Dume?” Shaak Ti asked him.
Caleb immediately began to blush, embarrassed that he had been caught.
“No, Master,” he replied, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry, Masters.”
“No need to apologize, young one,” Shaak Ti said. “You can always do your homework later. Treat this like the learning opportunity it is. Don’t you think that is a more productive use of his time, Mace?”
It was, but Mace had promised Depa he would oversee Caleb’s training while she was on a mission much too dangerous for her young charge. He should ensure he actually got his course work done, the current Padawan’s education was already being shot to the dark due to the war.
Caleb looked to Mace, his eyes wide and pleading.
Mace sighed. He knew better than to fight battles he couldn’t win.
“Don’t tell your Master,” he told Caleb seriously, face stern when his voice was everything but.
Ki-Adi-Mundi didn’t enjoy listening to blabbering fools. He downright loathed attending diplomatic missions where one look at the politician in question told you that they were only here for their own gain and couldn’t care less about the people they were supposed to represent. It was exhausting trying to negotiate with such people. It gave Ki-Adi a headache. Thankfully his current Padawan wasn’t much suited for diplomacy. Ki-Adi of course still had to teach A’Sharad basic diplomacy, but it had become clear that it wasn’t A’Sharad’s strength and therefore the number of politicians Ki-Adi had to deal with was limited.
The same, however, could not be said for council sessions.
The Senator from a rather fancy Core World kept inquiring about Jedi aid he very much did not need.
Ki-Adi was tired.
Still listening to the man make the same arguments as he had thirty minutes ago, Ki-Adi focused on looking at the skyline of Coruscant. It was a beautiful day outside and Ki-Adi could think of about a hundred different things he could be doing right now when a shadow passed by the Council window, followed by an excited shout.
All heads shot up just in time to see a second figure pass by the window. This one Ki-Adi did recognize. His Padawan waved quickly before resuming his controlled fall, followed by little Anakin Skywalker. The two Tatooine children were good for one another, no matter how different their cultures of origin were.
“What- what is that!?” The Senator stuttered, face as pale as chalk.
It was the best look he had worn so far.
“Just First flight,” Adi Gallia said with a chuckle. “Ignore them, Senators. The younglings are merely having fun.”
Ki-Adi was pleased to see a group of Initiates and Padawans were following A’Sharad. First flight was a long-standing tradition, a rather ridiculous one as well, watching 10-year-olds throw themselves off the highest points in the temple, but right at this moment it filled Ki-Adi’s heart with warmth. He was happy that despite his troublesome start, A’Sharad got to make the experience most temple-raised younglings did.
The Senator was obviously still in shock. Ki-Adi supposed most cultures didn’t let their children simply jump off high ledges for fun. It took the man a while to find his line of argumentation again, though the shadows passing the windows certainly distracted him.
One by one the children passed until another one jumped and flew by the window that did catch Ki-Adi’s attention. Mainly, because they were much too small to be attempting this yet. With the Force, Ki-Adi reached out to catch the child mid-air. The Mirialan youngling was obviously put out.
“Proceed, Senator,” Ki-Adi said as he rose from his chair to open up the window and pull the child floating mid-air inside.
“Master!” The child pouted. “I wanna fly.”
The Senator did not proceed. For a moment, Ki-Adi considered leaving the council session to bring the youngling back into the creche where they belonged, and yet-
“You’re too young,” Ki-Adi said. “What would cour crèchemaster say…”
“Barriss,” she introduced herself. “I’m Barriss and I’m already six.”
“I don’t doubt that,” Ki-Adi replied. He settled back into his chair, Bariss on his lap. “I apologize, Senator. I hope you don’t mind Barriss staying with us.”
“Of- of course not,” the man stuttered.
The meeting was over five minutes later.
Yaddle was old. Not as old as Master Yoda, no, but she had lived many centuries already. She would be here many centuries more as well, but sometimes she felt particularly old, especially when she was holding a newborn.
Little Cal had been born just a week ago and his mother was tired. Yaddle had offered to take him off his mother for a while so she could calm. Of course, Vatnem’s own Master and sibling-Padawan had offered as well, but Yaddle had missed taking care of someone so young. She should spend more time in the creche like Yoda, perhaps it would brighten her spirits as well.
“A sweet child he is,” Yoda said about the baby sleeping soundly in his crib.
Cal had his mother’s bright red hair and her lungs as well when he screamed, but right now he was absolutely comfortable.
“Not much noise we should make today,” Yoda continued, glancing at Even Piell and Yarael Poof who had very opposing opinions on the discussion at hand.
“Not much noise at all,” Yaddle agreed and didn’t even bother to cover up how fun she thought this whole discussion was bound to be with nobody wanting to wake up the sleeping child.
Anakin looked at the three Councilors standing in front of him. Out of the three of them, only Kit Fisto seemed to be dressed appropriately given that he was wearing only swim trunks. Anakin pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You do know this is art class, right?” He asked.
Luminara was wearing her long dark robes and Aayla looked like she had just come from a mission, dressed for war and not for three-year-olds. But given how chaotic everything could get here, Anakin was willing to just call it a day.
“Okay, fine,” he sighed. “Just don’t complain when you get finger paint all over your robes.”
“Like you?” Aayla asked, pointing at his color covered pants.
“Exactly like me,” Anakin replied. “Which is why I wear these every time I’m doing art. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Then, smiling almost a little mischievously, Anakin turned around back to his Clan. He had two Padawans helping out distributing the paint to the children who were now excitedly waiting for their crèchemaster to allow them to start smearing the paint all over the canvas.
“Attention!” Anakin called and all eyes drew to him. “We have guests today, I want you all to be on your best behavior, alright?”
The children nodded or cheered eagerly, Anakin could spot the first smearing paint on their neighbor’s tunics. This was going to be fun.
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Σέργω (νοσταλγία deleted scene)
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νοσταλγία Masterlist
Σέργω (stérgōto): love (mostly of non-sexual affection), to show affection, to be content, to acquiesce (Ancient Greek)
Pairing: Ivar/Reader
Summary: So, another deleted scene/chapter. This takes place between chapter 26 and 27. It’s just filler stuff that I particularly liked cause it’s the closest thing I can get to fluff without making myself feel insecure.
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Aside from the usuals to this story, mentions of poisoning.
A/N:Yes this is one giant thing of me just referencing Orpheus and Eurydice’s story and making a lot of parallels between Persephone/Hades and the Reader/Ivar. That is about it.
Self indulgent? Yes. Unnecesary? Also yes. Do I love it tho? Another yes.
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius​​ @heavenly1927​​ @toe-vind-ek-jou​​ @xbellaxcarolinax​​ @pieces-by-me​​ @angelofthorr​​ @samsationalwilson​​  @peachyboneless​​ @1950schick​​​​ @punkrocknpearls​​ @ietss​​ @psych0crybaby​​ @revolution-starter​
And calm slowly but surely starts returning. Granted, it is slightly disrupted by the ‘diplomatic’ visit of one King Harald, who, according to Ivar, probably comes to Kattegat as a subtle reminder of the deals Ivar once made and to gauge at how stable the marriage proves to be.
And the possibility of children, which is not something you had considered before.
And something you won’t start thinking about now, definitely.
You smile in greeting, try not to recoil in disgust when the man with the inked face presses a kiss to the back of your hand; and for once stay quiet and only watch.
The nights that he spends progress simply enough, though you do notice Ivar goes to bed by the time you’ve already fallen asleep most of the nights the King spends in Kattegat, presumably talking with Harald, and you notice Hvitserk be colder than you could have ever believed him to be, as he smiles at the older man.
Even Ubbe, in all his apparent calmness, seems on edge during the time the other man spends in his brother’s kingdom.
The realization he is very much a threat, especially now that he has grounds to feel wronged by Ivar; is something you don’t know what to do with, how to feel about.
“Is he…a threat?” You ask one night, laying on your back in the darkness of the room you share with the man they made to be your husband.
Ivar sighs, “No. He is an ally. He is…angry, but nothing to be worried about.”
The low cadence of his voice, the choice of words…a part of you wonders if Ivar is truly trying to, in his own way, soothe you.
“You angered a great many people marrying me, didn’t you?”
“Just Harald.” He grunts, getting more comfortable.
“And me.”
Ivar smirks, “You won’t go to war against me.”
“For now,” You concede with a breathed laugh. After a moment, you whisper, “What will you do with him?”
“Giving him a looser leash in York will keep him happy. When Stithulf is dealt with and winter passes, we will raid from York again,” Ivar explains, closing his eyes again, “We’ll see then what we can grant him to keep him settled.”
You hum in response, letting your eyes fall closed. Too late you think about what you’re doing when you move closer to Ivar, one of your arms intertwining with his and your cheek resting against his shoulder. You feel him tense under you, and though you wait a few breaths in silence, he doesn’t move. He may not be breathing. With a sigh, you mumble, “I can poison him and make it look like an accident, you just say the word.”
That does manage to make a short laugh leave Ivar’s lips. You pretend to ignore how it trembles past his lips, how his breath is still uneven before he goes back to the unnatural stillness.
Though you consider moving back, wishing that he can relax again, you don’t move. He is too unbelievably warm for you to do anything other than closing your eyes and letting his controlled breaths lull you to sleep.
You eye the man with the inked face from your place at the other end of the long table, and, laying your chin on your husband’s shoulder, you silently demand his attention.
Ivar turns his head slightly towards you so, making good use of many late hours teaching him your tongue, you whisper, “I don’t like him, not one bit.”
He chuckles, and a strange pride fills you at being able to make him laugh.
In the accented and still rough Greek, he replies, “Me neither.”
“I don’t appreciate how he looks at me.”
Ivar smiles at this, a lot colder, a lot more…cruel. You know he delights himself in knowing he has you while others want you; especially someone like this King.
“He always wanted what he cannot have. But Harald is harmless.”
“No one is harmless here. Your people ar-…”
“Our people.” He corrects, switching to his own tongue. You roll your eyes.
“The people of Kattegat may be my people as well, but not…Vikings. You have strange customs and even stranger…moral values.”
“Didn’t you promise your love in exchange for an army?” He taunts without hesitation, making you narrow your eyes at him. Ivar offers only a shrug and a mocking smile in response.
“How else was I supposed to get one?” You intone after a moment, tilting your head to the side.
As the night progresses, though you find yourself offering too many fake smiles, you also find yourself learning a lot about the world -and family- you married into.
“And your wife…”
“Ex-wife.” Ubbe corrects, you remain in silence for a moment or two before you continue.
“Your ex-wife, she was…happy with this arrangement?”
“More than ‘happy’, I’d say.” Hvitserk points out, and a smiling Ubbe knocks his cup with his.
“Gods above,” You mutter to yourself, and the Princes laugh. Rolling your eyes at their reaction, you lean closer to your husband, whispering, “When you told me about her, you could have told me…about all that.”
Ivar only shrugs, a tension that only comes up, you’ve noticed, when that particular blonde is brought up coiling around his shoulders and back.
A woman that wasn’t so aware of the dark eyes of King Harald studying her ever since he arrived in Kattegat would have let her hands settle on her husband’s back; but you only stay silent and listen with an absent smile to the tale some rugged warrior starts telling.
“Did anyone tell you about Harald and the Princess he was supposed to marry?” Ivar asks by your ear a while later, bringing your attention back to him.
“I’m guessing it is a good love story.”
“There’s better ones.” He replies, and a smile starts to spread on your face.
He returns his gaze to the feast going on before you, and instead of replying starts telling you of a young Harald that set off to become worthy of a princess that -even though Ivar does not see it, and you are certain the protagonist of the story did not either- was never of a mind to marry him. He tells you of how he found her again and she had already married another, a man that, when it comes to land or titles, was lesser than Harald.
He tells you of how her husband was killed in front of her, and how there’s whispers that she tried killing Harald under the guise of seduction only to be stopped and slaughtered by the King’s brother.
He finishes the tale, and you consider the story in your mind as you chew on a few almonds.
“You feel sorry for him, don’t you?” Ivar asks, incredulous. You turn wide eyes to him, and before you can give form to your explanation, the Viking chuckles, “You do. Gods, woman, you’d let someone escape Hel if they told you a love story, wouldn’t you?”
“I…It was tragic. Moving.” you insist, still betraying a smile at the expression on Ivar’s face, “Stop it, it’s not a fault to have a soft heart.”
He laughs, probably at you, but you find yourself still smiling like a fool. Ivar leans back on his seat, and after a breath of hesitation -that you pretend to ignore, but you both know you’ve noticed- grabs your hand in his and intertwines his fingers and your own.
“Alright. Explain to me why it is that some old fool thinking a princess could love him enough to wait for him is…moving.”
You shrug, your eyes on the stark contrast between his hand and yours where they lay on your lap.
“He loved a woman she never was and she…well, she never loved him at all. Yet Fate brought them together, again and again. It is a tragic tale, as most love stories are, and…”
“And you like tragic stories.” Ivar finishes for you, and you roll your eyes.
“I don’t like them, they just…it’s easier to tell a tragedy than a happy story,” You lean closer and once again resting your chin on his shoulder as he looks back at the feast, you whisper, “Harald’s story with his Princess wouldn’t be one to tell if it weren’t tragic. With her death, with that fallout, the illusion of how happy they could have been, of how perfect everything could have been, remains alive.”
“Is that how you feel about that commander of yours?” He asks suddenly, and when you lean back in surprise he only grabs your hand tighter and keeps his eyes ahead, “You think of how perfect everything could have been with him?”
“Narses?” You ask, incredulous, “No, why would I-…?” Realization dawns on you and you narrow your eyes, “You can’t be jealous of a dead man.”
For a moment you see the clear tell that you’ve struck a nerve, but Ivar recovers quickly enough, leaning closer to you and eyeing you with a barely-there smirk in place.
“You were jealous of a slave.”
“Former slave. A slave you freed, and didn’t tell me about even when she became my friend.” You point out, furrowing your brows at the way his smile grows even more smug.
“I married you,” He reminds you, but you roll your eyes. Ivar chuckles, knowing, “Doesn’t help much, does it?”
“It should to you!” You insist lowly, “I never let him marry me, and he was…”
“Perfect?” He supplies bitterly.
“Someone that didn’t abduct me.”
“And why did you let me make you my wife then, hm?”
Because I wanted to, because it was the one thing that let me stay.
“The Gods only know.” You reply, mock annoyance on your voice, because you cannot bring yourself to be upfront, you cannot bring yourself to give away this truth just yet.
Thank you so much for reading!
I’ll try my best to get a one shot done today and post it, but in case I can’t, here’s wishing you a fantastic end of 2020 and an even better start of 2021. Love you!
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Three Gates - on ao3 (for content warnings check Ao3) - on tumblr: pt 1, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5
- Chapter 6 -
When Nie Huaisang was five, almost six, his mother suddenly started to show an interest in him again.
It was all that awful Madame Yu’s fault, Meng Yao thought. It’d started right after the Jiang sect had come to visit, a nice official visit purportedly meant to introduce the two young sons that were about the same age – Madame Yu was Madame Jin’s friend, and therefore hated Meng Shi on her friend’s behalf, but she was so much smarter about it. She was as vicious and poisonous as the spider mentioned in her title, and Meng Yao’s mother was good and talented and sneaky but she was as susceptible to flattery and wiles as anyone else, especially since she’d never been the target of such poisonous words poured into her ear before, all designed to incite her into doing something she’d regret.
Meng Yao figured out what was going on pretty quickly, and even Nie Mingjue was wary of her belated interest in Nie Huaisang, although in Meng Yao’s opinion he focused a bit too much on the possibility of harm to Nie Huaisang’s feelings and not quite enough on the fact that the only thing standing between Meng Shi and the significantly more secure position of first wife was him.
Meng Yao had his first real out-loud argument with his mother over it.
Nie Huaisang didn’t care at all, indifferent as he was to Meng Shi after all this time, except of course in the sense that he was upset that Meng Yao was upset. Nie Mingjue was charmingly worried sick about their reignited and intensified cold war – so much so, even, that he went behind everyone’s backs and arranged for Meng Yao’s first mission with Chiwen to be a bodyguarding escort mission to take Qinghe’s current mistress on a shopping trip.
Sometimes Meng Yao wanted to strange him.
Irritatingly enough, it worked out just as Nie Mingjue must have planned. There was a limit to how much teenage sulking Meng Yao could get up to on an extended road trip that required a month’s travel in each direction, and his mother wasn’t so stubborn that she couldn’t be convinced regarding to exactly how underhanded Madame Yu’s instigation had been. Anyway, in the end, she did love him more than anything, and that made forgiveness easy.
Soon enough they were back to their old ways, living in each other’s pockets as they always had, only this time they had money in their pockets and the arrogance of having a Great Sect backing them up. They made a point to stop by Yunping again to rub their good fortune into the faces of the brothel owners and other prostitutes that had once so tormented them, and even ended up buying his mother’s old friend Sisi’s freedom at a much-discounted price, given what had happened to her face.
“No one will notice in Qinghe,” Meng Shi assured her old friend, clutching at her hands with a smile brighter than anything Meng Yao had ever seen on her; it made her look ten years younger. “Half the women there have scars – scars, and sabers, too, if you look inside the main house. We’ll say you’re my maid so that you can stay with me all the time, but I won’t make you lift a finger – I promise!”
Meng Yao thought it was a good thing. His mother would have company which she’d lacked, especially since Lao Nie had stopped visiting her courtyard, and even better it was company she already knew she liked. They could sit together and play games, or music, do their hair and make-up and clothes, and never have to think even once about what a man would think of them.
Meng Yao was in a very good mood.
He probably should have realized that something terrible was going to happen.
He should have, but he didn’t, not until they rode straight back in through the gates of the Unclean Realm and Nie Mingjue rushed out in a panic to meet them. He had a black eye and bruises on his neck that Meng Yao identified at once as being caused by a man’s hand – he’d seen it before in the brothel, though not since – and although Nie Mingjue was ignoring it he favored one leg over the other in a way that suggested that his ankle was swollen and maybe even fractured under his robes.
“Da-ge!” Meng Yao cried out in pure shock at how wrong it was. Although there were spars every day in the Unclean Realm, even vicious ones that were only a shade away from true fights, no one should be able to lay a hand on the eldest young master of Qinghe like that without getting their head chopped off for it, and even a night-hunt surely couldn’t have gone that badly. “What happened –”
“I’ll tell you later,” Nie Mingjue said, and his voice was harsh, but with terror, not anger. “Come with me right now. He can’t be allowed to see you. Either of you.”
Meng Yao had many questions, but Nie Mingjue permitted none of them; he ushered them up to the guest quarters, the mediocre ones where neither honored guests nor hated enemies were housed, and hidden inside, wrapped in blankets and yet shivering, pale-faced with fright, was Nie Huaisang.
Meng Yao rushed to him at once, of course, and Nie Huaisang burst into relieved tears at the sight of him – silent tears, which was unusual for him; Nie Huaisang had always been prone to wailing.
“Don’t let him make noise,” Nie Mingjue instructed, and it was at once apparent why Nie Huaisang was doing his level five-year-old best to turn sobs into whimpers and heaving breaths into quiet pants. Meng Yao turned to look at Nie Mingjue – Meng Shi and Sisi turned, too, expressions of shock and confusion painted onto their features. Nothing like this had ever happened before, and they’d been here for years; there had to be a reason for all this panic.
“What happened?” Meng Yao asked, and “You need to see a doctor,” but Nie Mingjue shook his head, promised Later, and left, locking the door behind them – locking them in.
Nie Huaisang tugged on Meng Yao’s arm. “We have to move the table,” he said. “Da-ge said, as soon as you were here, we need to move the table.”
“Move the table…? Where?”
The answer, it turned out, was in front of the door. The table, and a bookcase, as if they were planning on resisting a siege.
“Are we hiding from a monster?” Sisi asked Nie Huaisang, trying to make light of a situation she clearly didn’t understand – that none of them understood, because Nie Mingjue hadn’t explained anything.
She was trying to make light, but Nie Huaisang nodded solemnly as if she’d only said the truth. “It’s not his fault, though,” he said, his lower lip quivering. “It’s not A-die’s fault that he’s a monster now.”
Meng Yao was so steeped in cultivation lore that he forgot himself for a moment, thought immediately of possession or demonifiation or a curse or something, and then his mother said, “When did he start hitting your brother?” and Meng Yao remembered that powerful men didn’t need an excuse to be monsters.
But no, that didn’t make sense either – perhaps it would have, if he hadn’t lived here for years, if he hadn’t known Lao Nie, but he had. Lao Nie had a fierce temper and a tendency to hold grudges, a heavy hand and a cold rationality in his heart that Meng Yao understood at first glance and that Nie Mingjue hadn’t quite figured out for all that he tried to parrot his father’s teachings, but he was generally speaking not a bad man. If he sometimes raised his hand to his sons, it was meant to teach them something – he wasn’t some customer at the brothel whose always-bruised children stayed home with shadows in their eyes.
Or at least, he hadn’t been.
Meng Yao got some broken parts of the story out of Nie Huaisang with some difficulty, being as Nie Huaisang was five and self-centered and had no tendency, as Meng Yao had at his age, to listen at doorways. There was a night-hunt, apparently, and it had ended badly – Lao Nie’s saber, Jiwei, had shattered, entirely unexpectedly, and the creature had taken advantage of the moment to gore him, with only Nie Mingjue’s quick reactions saving his life.  He’d been in a coma for three days.
Three days, and then he’d woken up, his eyes bloodshot with ceaseless rage, and he’d called for Nie Mingjue to bring him his saber.
“Qi deviation,” Nie Mingjue told him later that night, climbing in through the window with a few more bruises and a cut high on his forehead so new that it was still scabbing over. His eyes were dull with exhaustion. “He doesn’t understand that she’s gone, no matter how I try to explain it.”
It wasn’t that Meng Yao hadn’t heard all the stories about the Nie clan’s tendency towards explosive and early deaths, but this was too early – Lao Nie hadn’t actually been all that old, for all that he’d waited longer than most of his ancestors to have children, and weren’t there supposed to be warning signs about this sort of thing? And the saber breaking, a Nie saber breaking –
“It was Wen Ruohan,” Nie Mingjue said. “At the dinner party, some months back. You remember. They had that back-and-forth about that fancy new saber he got as a present.” He shut his eyes. “I was standing next to him when it happened. I felt the echo of Wen Ruohan’s cultivation right before it happened – he did something, weakened it somehow, unbalanced her. Shattered her.”
His hand had found Baxia’s hilt as he spoke, his fingers white with pressure of holding her; Meng Yao couldn’t say anything, his own fingers tight around Chiwen – Nie sabers were spiritual weapons, so tailored to their makers that one might almost think they were conscious, and there were whispers that if you cultivated enough they would really become so, rising to semi-sentience and maybe even full thought one day. A Nie disciple cultivated their saber using their own soul and spirit, making it part of themselves…even imagining such a thing was like a nightmare come to life.
Meng Yao took a deep breath and held it for several seconds before exhaling. “Okay,” he said, even though it wasn’t okay, not at all. “What happens next?”
“You stay here with Huaisang,” Nie Mingjue said at once. “I’ll bring you food, water, everything you need – there are servant’s passages in the walls, or I can fly Baxia to your window –”
Meng Yao reached out and caught his waving hand. “No, not – what happens next? We can’t cower here like trapped rats forever.”
But Nie Mingjue only looked tired, tired and afraid. “Meng Yao…”
“We can’t,” Meng Yao insisted. “And you – look at you, look what he did to you –”
“He’s still sect leader,” Nie Mingjue said. “And my father. He’s entitled to do as he likes.”
“There has got to be some sect law permitting the removal of a sect leader for madness!” Meng Yao exclaimed. “This isn’t a surprise; it’s hereditary – someone must have put in place measures –”
“Measures that require three-fourths of Nie sect elders to participate, enough to fill a quota, and an heir old enough to make a reasonable argument for inheritance,” Nie Mingjue said, and they both knew that he wasn’t. He was only fifteen; who would respect him? “There was some underhandedness a few generations back, someone trying to frame someone else for it in order to steal their position, so madness is a high bar to reach. I’ve sent letters to summon back everyone above the right age, as many as people as I can spare, but until they all come – we can’t let anyone know.”
Meng Yao hunted for words, but his silver tongue could not do what his mind knew was impossible; there really was nothing for it. Tensions with the other sects were too high. Even putting Wen Ruohan aside, there was Jin Guangshan in Lanling, always avaricious, and dozens of small sects dreaming of becoming bigger at the Nie sect’s expense. It was one thing to say that Lao Nie was injured and healing; yet another entirely to reveal that the Nie sect’s leader had gone mad, mad with anger, and that they were as rudderless as a raft on the open ocean.
They couldn’t openly demand that their traveling sect elders all come rushing back at once without alerting everyone to the problem – they couldn’t even ask the other sects to help find them.
No one could know.
“So, what are you suggesting,” Meng Yao said, his smile even gentler than usual in his rage. He might not show his fierce anger the way the Nie clan did, but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel it. “That we just put up with it until we gather enough people to do it right, or else until he dies? How long will that take?”
Nie Mingjue rubbed his face. “I’m not sure. A year, maybe?”
A year.
“That’s implausible,” Meng Yao pointed out. “Sect business still needs to get done.”
“I’ve been doing what I can,” Nie Mingjue said, because of course he was. He was the heir – he was the rightful sect leader, even though he was far too young for it. “Great-uncle says he thinks I can pull off being eighteen, so that my signature will be sufficient for most documents…”
“I’m going to help,” Meng Yao said, and held up his hand when Nie Mingjue tried to protest. “You know I’m ten times as good at household accounts and logistics as you, and it can be mostly done on paper, so there’ll be no need for me to go out of here to do the vast majority of it. You’re not stopping me. You need me.”
“Fine,” Nie Mingjue said, because he did and he knew it. “Fine. But for the few things you do have to come out for…listen, I tell you to run, you don’t argue, okay? I don’t know if he’s still angry at you about what happened at the Discussion Conference a few years back, but I’m not planning on finding out.”
Meng Yao shuddered. “He still – remembers?” he asked, because that was worse, somehow. So much worse to know that the monster that beat Nie Mingjue to limping, that wrapped his hand around his neck and tried to squeeze the life out of him, still had the same memories as Lao Nie, who used to look at his son like he’d been a star in the night sky that he’d placed there himself. Who’d never let his disagreements with Meng Shi affect the fairness with which he treated Meng Yao, who had once put his hand on his shoulder and told him he was doing well, that he was promising, that he was glad to have someone like him in his sect…
“It’s not so bad all the time,” Nie Mingjue told him. “Sometimes he forgets, for a little while, before it starts up again.”
That just made Lao Nie unpredictable, Meng Yao found, and he hated it – he hated the way Nie Huaisang cringed at doors, the way he’d started to wet the bed again, the way they’d had to let all his pet birds loose after Lao Nie destroyed one of their cages in a fit of unexpected fury. He hated the way his mother and Sisi both donned veils to hide their faces, lest they draw attention, and took to sneaking through the servants’ quarters; he hated the way Nie Mingjue stopped fighting about going to see the sect doctor the way he always had and started making a visit there every week like clockwork and sometimes in between, and didn’t even seem to realize anymore how bad it had gotten; he hated the way it almost seemed sometimes like Lao Nie was still in there, somewhere, confused about what was happening like a man lost in a fog that he thought might be on the verge of thinning and asking for someone to fetch his saber as if it were a lantern that could help guide him out of the dark.
But his saber was gone.
“I’m going to kill Wen Ruohan for this,” Nie Mingjue said one night, lying with the side of his head pressed against the cool stone wall to help reduce the swelling – Lao Nie had thrown something at his head again, trying to get at Baxia; he’d mistaken her for Jiwei again.
Meng Yao was sitting next to him, trying to compose a response to Lan Xichen’s latest letter – it was cheerful, talking about plum blossom tea and lessons in etiquette and a new guqin for Lan Wangji, the only sour note a reference to his mother’s illness not having yet resolved, though he hoped it would by the next visit they had scheduled. Meng Yao was having to wrack his brain to come up with some sort of fiction about what they were supposedly up to in Qinghe that would not bleed resentment through the lines.
Maybe he could say they got a dog? An especially rabid one, vicious and cruel, with a tendency to turn against everyone with teeth bared and no care for how they bled even though they loved him –
Maybe not a dog.
“You can add it to all the other crimes he’s committed,” he said absently, and he knew that Nie Mingjue would take it as referring to the man’s overall maliciousness – Wen Ruohan was an iron-fisted tyrant, vicious and mean, and he wasn’t quiet about his enjoyment of ‘punishments’ that were more torture than anything else; Lao Nie had vocally criticized him over it, and with him no longer there to rally disdain against it, Wen Ruohan would undoubtedly only get worse – but actually Meng Yao had meant the crimes Wen Ruohan had committed against them. Against the Nie sect, against the Nie clan.
Against Nie Mingjue.
Death was too good for the bastard, but for once Meng Yao would be fine settling for less so long as it happened.
Nie Mingjue huffed in agreement, as Meng Yao had expected, and finally closed his eyes to sleep the way Meng Yao had been on his case about doing for the last half-shichen. When he was deeply asleep at last, breath regular and easy for all that his brow was still furrowed in fear and worry that no longer went away, Meng Yao, who had been staring at the hypnotically beautiful sight of Nie Mingjue’s chest steadily moving up and down, alive and not too hurt, saw a shadow out of the corner of his eye.
“Huaisang,” he said, not even bothering to sound stern. “You should be asleep already.”
Nie Huaisang came up to him and put his head on his shoulder. “I want to help,” he said softly.
Meng Yao blinked. “With what?”
“Whatever we have to do,” Nie Huaisang said. He was watching Nie Mingjue breathe, too. “Whatever we have to do to make it right.”
Meng Yao wasn’t sure what to say. “Huaisang –”
“I want to help, er-ge,” Nie Huaisang said, and there wasn’t any doubt in his voice, any uncertainty. “Da-ge may be stronger, but you’re meaner. If anyone’s going to kill the one who did this, it’ll be you, and I want to help.”
Nie Huaisang ended his pronouncement with a huff, a familiar sound, and for all that it was a sound more characteristic of the Nie than his mother, Meng Yao couldn’t help but smile because he knew what that sound really meant: it meant I hate him, it meant he hurt da-ge, it meant I don’t know how to care about the world, I only know how to care about the ones I love, and for them I will burn it all down.
Meng Yao knew exactly how that felt.
It seemed that Nie Huaisang was vicious thing after Meng Yao’s own heart, underneath it all, and Meng Yao marveled all over again at his luck at having a living brother of his own blood – not any of those hypothetical bastard half-brothers and sisters Jin Guangshan sowed like he was trying to grow grain for the harvest, but his mother’s child.
A monster, just like him.
“All right,” he said. “If I can, I’ll let you help.”
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Apple Of My Pie (5) — Jin
A Small Town Swoons story Chapter 5.
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x reader (nicknamed Buttercup)
Wordcount: 3.8k
Genre: non-idol!AU, Baker/Café owner!Seokjin, University student!reader Flatmates!AU, Friends To Lovers; angst, very little fluff
Rating: suggested 18+
Trigger Warnings: swearing, slight anxiety, verbal fight, generic allusions to sex.
A/N: Hello my cupcakes! Welcome to the Small Town Swoon Universe! 🥰✨
In this episode: As Jin and Grace grow more intimate, Buttercup realises she needs a way out of her situation, and Namjoon and Jeongguk offer her just that. However, as the events develop, she understands that her decision needs to be even more drastic. Jeongguk teaches Seokjin a very tough lesson — maybe the  toughest of them all.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Swearing. Allusions to sex; accidental overhearing. Seokjin is kind of a jerk, Jeongguk is very angry at him. Verbal fight. Buttercup feels slightly anxious/panics at the thought of going back to the apartment.
Remember to vote for next prompt (check the link in my bio) and in case you need it, here’s my masterlist 💜
If you’d like some company, here is the music companion (Spotify only, sorry 😔)
Navi: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7 (7/7)
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There were things you never thought you would have to do, things that made you realise the absurdity of your position, the complete stupidity of the circumstances.
Real people don’t need to handle this. Real people live banal lives, date, fall in love, break up. Or get married, have kids, grow up and grow old together.
Real people aren’t awake at four am because their crush’s date is mewling from the opposite side of the apartment.
You didn’t want to ask yourself questions.
You wanted to sleep and possibly wake up cold. That is, dead.
She mewled. Of course, not actually cat sounds but rather that kind of small, shy squeals that usually mean “I’m shy but I love whatever this person is doing”.
You didn’t allow yourself to dig into that.
You just turned to the other side and pressed the spare pillow against your head, trying to mute the sounds — and maybe mute your thoughts in the process.
Maybe accidentally suffocate yourself.
It was ridiculous.
This had happened about a month ago, with reversed roles — you being the squealer and Seokjin being the unfortunate listener.
You wondered whether he had felt just like you were feeling at that moment.
You thought about wearing your headphones and blasting some music. You thought about rushing out of the apartment and smashing the door on your way out.
You knew you had no one to call, no one who could rescue you at four am on a winter night, sheltering you from the shards of your heart precipitating and stabbing your guts.
Maybe you were allucinating. Maybe it was the sound of your pulse getting too loud because you didn’t trust yourself breathing without emitting a sob.
No, it was the headboard. There was no other way to explain the thumping.
You turned and grabbed your phone, sending a hopeless shout in the void. Just a text to the one most likely to answer, even though the chances were pretty thin.
Are you awake? Perhaps?
The thumping subdued.
Your vision blurred as you stared and stared, occasionally tapping the screen and praying for a miracle.
You thought you had fallen asleep, trapped in a nightmare, when a small bubble appeared.
On the hunt. We’re just back from Mulbreigh field. I guess you’re home?”
You shook yourself up and got moving, not even caring to keep quiet. The thumping had resumed, and so had the mewling.
At Ginger’s in five.
You did exit the apartment in a few minutes, grabbing just the bare necessities, and closing the door quietly.
By now you were familiar with nightly runaways.
And you were also familiar with the trio headed toward you.
“Buttercup, is that you?” A calm, familiar voice asked.
“Yeah, it’s us. We have just one field left.” He said. “We’re hoping to get the last one in time for the meteor shower.”
You raised your eyebrows. “There’s a meteor shower tonight?”
The other man at Namjoon’s side was a vet from a city nearby, who occasionally helped him track new wild animals that inhabited the area. “Yes. At around five am. It will be barely visible, but it will be there. Nice to see you, Buttercup.”
“Hello Marcus, always a pleasure.” You said kindly, still shaking your head at the nickname. Shortly after, you noticed the third man greeting you. “Hi Buttercup!”
“Hello Guk!” You said. “How many did you find?”
“We found three owls and got them chipped and registered. And we found a new fox, just out of Mulbreigh. We’re going to track him or her soon, hopefully. No wolves, fortunately.”
You smiled. “That’s good news!” You said enthusiastically, thinking about how the farmer would have menaced those. The four of you walked toward the last location, taking a long path stretching north. 
“We’re hoping to find deers, honestly. Remember when we found that doe, last year? Apparently she found a way to remove her tracker and we’re hoping we can keep her monitored, just in case she has more fawns this year.” Marcus explained, at which you nodded in interest. 
Staying focused allowed you to remove some thoughts from your mind, but at the same time you kept yourself out of their way, letting the experts work, following them from a distance as they combed the field and placed pheromones signals around the area, hoping to attract the doe to the trees near the field, where it was easier to find her traces and where it was potentially easier to catch her.
“There’s no point going on here,” commented Marcus. “We can only wait. It might take weeks.”
Namjoon huffed and nodded. “Oh, there!” He said, pointing up. A white sign resembling a scratch slashed the horizon in the west, Jeongguk whipping his head in the direction, his pretty eyes widening in wonder as he saw one more shooting star zoom through the sky lighting up at dawn in such delicate shades, from rose to periwinkle to deep royal blue.
For a moment you stared at the sky, feeling its immensity, peace and beauty heal you slowly and steadily. How could such tiny human matters affect its infinity? You let your eyes drown in the greatness of everything, with the snowcaps rimmed in gold in the distance, and the meteors becoming invisible as the sky finally became too bright.
“Guk, Buttercup, why don’t you head home while me and Marcus drive back at the cabin and finish up the paperwork?” Namjoon suggested, by now extremely used to his routine.
Jeongguk looked intermittently at you and Namjoon, adorably confused before he nodded.
“Okay.” He agreed.
You smiled timidly before thanking him, the two of you starting your walk back to town. It was a thirty minute trek, at worst, but you were both fast walkers and in twenty-five you reached his small house. Bibby, his large, scary dog — who of course is a sweetheart, just like his owner — welcomed both of you, the oversized puppy throwing himself at you and barking just once before Jeongguk shushed him.
“How come you joined us?” Jeongguk asked, uncapping his orange juice bottle and pouring a glass, offering you some while you shook your head and declined politely.
You crossed your arms, your stance becoming defensive. You fidgeted and tried to speak, starting a couple times before stopping and starting again, trying to build an actual sentence.
Jeongguk looked at you and waited patiently. He was familiar with the blabbering, stuttering and reformulating.
“Okay. Don’t say this to Yoongi, but… Yeah, he took Grace home last night— That is, he brought her to the apartment and they… Slept together?” You said, your voice so squeaky by the time you said the final word.
“And by ‘sleeping’ you mean everything but, right?” Jeongguk asked tactfully.
You nodded and looked at the floor, busying yourself petting Bibby.
“I’m so sorry, Buttercup.” He said, coming close to you and caressing your back soothingly.
You didn’t have the energies to cry. You probably would, in a while, after waking up.
“You need some sleep, don’t you, Buttercup?” Jeongguk asked, patting your head.
Again you replied wordlessly, moving your head in approval.
“Bibby is a great nap buddy, and I can get the futon ready and let you sleep there.” He reassured you, already fluffing up the pillows and grabbing an extra blanket.
“I’d like to sleep on the sofa, please?” You said, sitting down and removing your shoes, Bibby immediately getting interested in your wiggling toes.
“Oh, you’d like that?” He asked in surprise, “try it first, I can still get the futon ready if you don’t like this old guy.” He joked about the piece of furniture.
You laid on your side, wiggling a little as you found the right position. “Can do.” You said with a barely-there smile. “Thank you, Guk.”
“It’s okay.” He said, throwing the blanket on top of you. “This one is just for guests. I washed it last weekend, don’t worry.” He reassured you.
Knowing Jeongguk, you didn’t even mind. He is a neat freak and a tattoo artist: cleanliness means everything to him. “Can I seriously keep Bibby?” You asked, soft eyed.
He beamed and nodded. “He only sleeps on the sofa.” He said proudly and, as if following his owner’s praise, Bibby climbed on the cushions, curling up in the space before you and laying his head on your arm, using it as a pillow.
You giggled and scratched the spot behind his ear.
“Ask me if you need anything.” Jeongguk murmured. “I’ll leave my door open, just in case you need help or something.” He commented sweetly, closing the blinds to the several windows before walking to the kitchen and coming back to you, placing a bottle of water close to you.
He noticed Bibby was already asleep and he caressed the dog’s head before whispering “sleep tight”.
You heard him leave the room. You closed your eyes, feeling Bibby’s lungs inflate and deflate regularly, his heartbeat strong, his short fur velvety and relaxing under your fingertips.
You fell asleep like a baby.
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Waking up meant a lot of things happening altogether.
Realising Bibby was in your arms.
Realising you were on Jeongguk’s sofa.
Realising you were heartbroken and that the idea of going back home nauseated you so deeply you couldn’t even remotely consider it.
Jeongguk greeted you from the kitchen. “You’re up, Buttercup!” He cheered, while Bibby turned around and placed his big head under your chin, shading his eyes. He always marvelled you with his curious manners. “It’s midday, would you like brunch?”
You sniffed the air. Bacon and eggs.
“Yes, please.”
Bibby seemed to follow your lead, sniffing the air and running to his owner, acting way faster than you.
“Okay, what do we wanna do?” Jeongguk  asked once you were both seated at the kitchen table.
You ate some food, chewing quietly as you thought. You took your time.
“Honestly, I don't feel like going home, I guess.” You said, staring at your dish. You felt a bit lost.
“We can hang out. Watch TV, meet the guys, do anything you want.” Jeongguk said.
“I was thinking of… No, it's okay, I should go home.”
“But you don't want to.” Jeongguk opposed.
“No, but I don't want to go back later tonight and find myself dreading sleeping in my room.” You said. You couldn't explain the emptiness in your stomach as you thought of the room.
“You know you can stay here as long as you want, right? I have a spare room. We can put the futon there.” He said touching your hand.
That small sentence felt like the water threatening to drown you was slowly lowering.
“I don't want to abuse your kindness.” You admitted shyly, softly.
“I am your friend. It is my duty to help you” He reassured you.
You mulled over your various possibilities. “Okay. But I'd like to go home and grab some stuff. Maybe they're not around.” You considered, looking at Jeongguk doubtfully.
“It's okay. We can go together.”
You exhaled in relief.
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Standing in front of the apartment door, you took a deep breath, Jeongguk rubbing his hand between your shoulder blades, over your jacket.
You could already hear them laughing and chatting.
You slipped the keys into the lock and opened the door.
“I'll wait here, yes?” Jeongguk reassured you.
You nodded and went in, walking to your room hesitantly, only to be completely overwhelmed by the sight in the kitchen.
Jin was standing behind Grace, helping her prepare his special avocado sandwich, an elaborate mug topped with whipped cream and crushed almonds waiting beside her while the breakfast table was filled with any kind of breakfast and brunch food one could only dream of.
However, what truly unsettled you was Grace, wearing an oversized shirt — Jin's — bare-legged, with Granny's thick handmade socks covering her feet and calves.
Seokjin said something in her ear and she giggled cutely, throwing her head back and leaning into his shoulder.
They ignored you completely, caught in their happy bubble, while you hid slightly.
You refused to hold on, rushing back to the front door.
Jeongguk spoke softly. “Where's your stuff?”
You shook your head.
“I'm coming with you.” He said, placing his hand on the small of your back and leading you inside, closing the door noisily.
“Hello, we're here.” He called loudly, bringing the two of you to the kitchen.
Seokjin's eyes zeroed in to the place the man's voice had come from, spotting you instead.
So this is it, he thought.
He. Grace.
You. Jeongguk.
His jaw contracted.
“Buttercup came by to grab some things. It won't take long, will it, sweets?”
You widened your eyes at him and shook your head. “Yes, sure.”
You almost ran to your bedroom, picking up the most basic stuff to spend a night out and to head off to lessons the following morning.
In the bathroom, you collected your toothbrush and beauty products before returning to the kitchen, your bag ready.
“Good to go, sweets?” He questioned, looking at you with his expressive, gleeful eyes.
You nodded and gave him the tiniest of smiles. “Let's go.”
Jeongguk turned towards Jin and Grace. “Have a nice afternoon, goodbye!” He greeted, letting you wave at the two before dragging you out, not before offering Seokjin a smug grin and winking.
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Wearing that mask took a toll on him. He hated what Seokjin had done to you through the years, acting like a protective older brother without being one. He hated that the man kept you emotionally busy and never let you out of his influence. Most of your past relationships had dramatically been brought to an end by Seokjin's asphyxiating presence, by the incapability of your partners to rival with your best friend.
He had ruined you for everyone else, and Jeongguk couldn't find any words to define how cruel that was.
“Are you doing okay, Buttercup?” He asked.
You smiled a bit coldly.
“I'm sorry you had to see that.” He opened the door and let you in, Bibby welcoming the both of you.
“It's okay. They've been dating for more than a month now. He's been by himself for a long time–”
“But he had you!” Jeongguk objected as he took off his jacket.
Your mouth stretched sadly. “Not like that.”
Jeongguk scrunched his nose in disappointment. “Okay. You know I’ve had the biggest crush over you. And we know that by now it’s just water under the bridge. And maybe I never told you but it was so easy to get over you — no offence — since to me, actually to all of us, you and Jin have always belonged to each other. It’s canon. Anyone else would be wrong for the two of you. Obviously.”
You completely ignored Jeongguk’s mention of those old feelings. You already knew; it was all water under the bridge — just like he said — and the two had discussed it years ago. Instead, you focused on the belonging part. “He has Grace now. They’ve been dating for what? Six weeks?”
“He’s been in love with you for four years!” Jeongguk said, slightly upset.
“Well, apparently he didn’t do a great job of showing that! And it doesn’t matter now. He has Grace.” You repeated.
“The two of you are so stupidly dumb, I need to call Yoongi.” Jeongguk said, absolutely frustrated.
Silence lingered heavy in the room, like a thick fog. “Don’t call Yoongi, please.” You said, sitting on the sofa and curling up in a ball. “He’ll scold me and then snap at Jin and then Spice will kill all of us for stressing him and interrupting their kinky Sunday afternoon.”
Jeongguk startled and put down the phone. “Kinky Sunday afternoon? Is that a thing?”
“With Spice, anything is a thing, especially if it means alone time with Yoongi.” You explained, scratching your nose and hugging Bibby as he got on the sofa.
“Okay. Let’s think about happier, less traumatising things. Do you wanna watch some TV? I have some Disney DVDs from when Namjoon comes over. No Bambi and Dumbo because those make him cry.” Jeongguk said, exposing his friend shamelessly. “And I don’t want to pay for Disney plus, Yoongi would disown me and I would never tattoo him anymore and I don’t want that.”
You giggled, completely endeared. “Do you think you have Tangled?”
“Oh, yes!” Jeongguk checked the case and placed the CD in his PlayStation. “Namjoon loves Pascal. The chameleon.” Jeongguk gushed, sitting on the sofa, switching on a small lamp. “Oh, would you like some popcorn?” He asked, ever friendly and welcoming.
You smirked before nodding.
Pausing the film, he dashed to the kitchen, getting a bag into the microwave and coming back five minutes later with a large bowl, the whole room smelling of salted butter.
You hummed in approval and settled down, Bibby miraculously uninterested in the snack. He restarted the film and your mind got completely absorbed by that.
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Seokjin was confused.
He had accompanied Grace home, and now he sat in an empty room — an empty house —, looking at the opposite end of the table, where you weren’t sitting.
Did you sleep with Jeongguk for revenge?
Did you maybe talk to him and he made his move and you said ‘why not’, just like you had with that dude almost a month ago?
Maybe you liked him. Maybe you had always liked him and the two of you had confessed — he had a different gleam in his eyes and he had called you ‘sweetie’ or some other dumb nickname like that.
He should have confessed. He should have stopped hiding his head in his ass and should have grown a pair and told you, Buttercup, I’m so far gone that I’d be ready to serve you for the rest of my life, hell, I’d even donate you my sperm if your husband was infertile and you wanted kids. I’d even give up a kidney, fuck, I’d give up my heart too for you.
He was a dumb, stupid fucker.
He wrote you a text.
I’m sorry about fucking Grace, please come home.
Please come home. We need to talk. I’m in love with you.
Don’t fuck Jeongguk, you can fuck me instead, please.
He realised he always wrote ‘please’, and the more he went on, the more he needed to add.
He tried to stop overthinking everything and focused on the actual reality of it all.
He stared at your empty seat again.
Are you coming home for dinner?
The silence felt eternal.
That must be how space rovers feel, he thought, thinking about that tiny robot that wandered over the surface of Mars all alone.
He felt like the whole apartment couldn’t possibly be home anymore.
He shook his head, telling himself he was being melodramatic. After five minutes, he decided to call you. You always answered texts about food! You knew how much it meant to him eating together!
With renewed tenacity, he found your contact at the very top of the list, three A’s added before your name to make sure it always stayed on top of the list.
And he called you.
The beeping sound of the call ringing went on for ages. He swore he could feel his hair grow and his skin wither.
He waited maybe for a bit less than a minute, his mind already knowing that you were upset with him, that you were making him wait and grovel. You were trying to get on his nerves. Most definitely.
The ringing stopped.
“What is it?”
It was Jeongguk.
“Is she with you?” Seokjin asked, cold as ice.
“Yes. Of course.”
“When is she coming home?” Jin asked dryly. He felt ready for a fight.
“When she wants to.” Jeongguk replied equally dryly.
“Give her the phone.”
Jeongguk breathed heavily. He didn’t want to pass the phone to you. Seokjin had no right claiming you like that, using that voice, acting so mean when he was the one at fault. “She’s sleeping.” It was true. You were really sleeping; you had completely crashed at the end of the cartoon, with Bibby keeping you warm and covering you in affection, never leaving your side. After all, some dogs have a sense of smell so fine that they can sniff at their owner’s skin and perceive the hormones making their human happy or sad.
Seokjin waited, trying to calm himself down. It didn’t work. “I bet you’re gloating. You finally have her, don’t you? You must be feeling so smug.”
Jeongguk stretched his neck, keeping his composure. “I don’t have her, okay? She came to me and I gave her space. I gave her somewhere safe—”
“Our home is safe.” Jin growled. “Here is safe.”
“With you breaking her heart by banging that girl you don’t love?”
“She also banged a man she didn’t give a shit about.”
Jeongguk raised his eyebrows. “Did you bang Grace for revenge, then?”
“No. God, I’ve been alone for years, can’t I have one good thing?” Seokjin almost screamed, his frustration spilling over.
“Maybe she banged him to get over you. Maybe she did that because she’s tired of being alone, too.” Jeongguk explained, his tone glacial. His anger was scary — it didn’t explode or break. It froze everything it touched. “You hurt her. The moment you chose Grace, and with every date you went on. When you went to her on Valentine’s, when you banged her the other night. And there’s a difference. The dude she banged? That was just sex. But you and Grace? There are feelings there. That’s the part she can’t stand. This morning, when she saw the two of you in the kitchen? You broke her heart, Jin. She was broken—”
“But you fixed that, didn’t you, sweetie?” He teased, sarcastic and poisonous.
“Stop talking about my feelings for her.” Jeongguk chastised him. “Unlike you, I told her. I told her I had had a crush for her. I told her three years ago and I also told her that my feelings died down once I realised how she looked at you and how you looked at her. And we’re friends, we’re cool. I would never be able to look at her like anything more than a sister.”
Seokjin shut his mouth. He felt horrible. Maybe because he was horrible. He needed your sparkly laugh and your soothing touch. To talk things out about last night. Make everything right again. “Please, convince her to come home.”
Jeongguk tutted. “I won’t. She’ll come if she wants to. At her own time.”
“Jeongguk...” Seokjin begged.
“You both need to move on from this toxic bond. And there’s no way other than separating. Physically first, and emotionally second.” Jeongguk reasoned, repeating something he and Yoongi had discussed a thousand times.
“She is my friend.”
“You’re not hers, though. You are the person she loves, and the person hurting her. She deserves a real chance, away from you.” Jeongguk rubbed the crown of his head. “I have to go. Goodnight.”
He hung up.
Navi: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7 (7/7)
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mandoinevarro · 5 years
Red Steam
Words: 2.5k
Rating: E
Warnings: Masturbation, mentions of violence
Part II here because i’m not that mean 
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 The Twi’lek healing baths aren’t exactly a brothel.
Although “healing baths” is definitely a euphemism used to deviate the attention from some of the obscure services offered inside the tall building in the outskirts of Nevarro, its name very literally delivers on its premise. There are actual healing baths inside, along with other relaxation chambers, and the most erotic service you can get from an employee is probably just an oiled massage, but you’re not stupid enough to think that the droopy-eyed visitors you saw leaving through the front door had those drowsy smiles permanently glued on their faces from a particularly satisfying massage.
Still, it’s not a brothel. At least not the section you’re in.
The steaming chamber is a manmade cave completely crafted from some smooth black mineral that you’ve never seen before. Unlike other rocks, its surface exudes the opposite temperature of its surroundings, so the one you’re sitting on right now is frosty against the backs of your legs. Apart from a long bench made with the same material that surrounds all four walls and a tall rectangular table in the middle of the room, there isn’t much of a decoration inside. There’s one door, no windows, and a single grating on the floor from which more sweetly scented steam gushes out when the old one starts dissipating. The only source of light is bright red; it dyes the vapor floating around and your dripping skin crimson.
Some of the women around you are chatting quietly, but most of them sleep with the light fabric everyone was given beforehand covering their naked bodies.
You sigh. You really needed this.
Mando’s bounty is apparently hiding somewhere in the maze of steam and pools and mysterious rooms that make up the healing baths. It’s supposed to be an easy enough job: The son of a wealthy Rebel official had…dishonored a high society girl who was already engaged and skipped town. His own family put the bounty on him. All Mando has to do is shake him up a little to teach him a lesson and deliver him to his father. It isn’t the kind of job he’d usually take, but the money’s good and the risk low, and he can’t really afford to reject sources of income with an extra mouth to feed.
A woman walks out of the steaming cave, and most of the vapor streams out of the room, which lowers the temperature of the chamber but increases the one under your fingertips.
You tagged along because you figured some rich brat lounging in the more questionable corners of the local business wouldn’t be too dangerous. Plus, you’re sick of the Razor Crest’s shower, whose only temperatures are cold and fucking freezing.
You honestly can’t remember the last time you were allowed to relax for such a long time.
The steam rises again, and you swear it’s a little thicker than before. You’re sweating more. Your skin tingles.
To your left, a female Togruta and a woman are talking on a corner, a little too close to each other. The Togruta is murmuring on the other woman’s ear and brings a hand down to caress her knee. You only catch a word: “upstairs”. She nods slowly and takes her companion’s hand. They stand up and leave the room, the vapor following them out.
You haven’t even been here that long. The grating has only emitted new vapor three or four times, but your mind is already slipping. The mist is heavy on your shoulders and its odor lovelier every time you inhale. You could swear it started smelling of wild flowers, yet now it reminds you of burnt wood and rain. Of metal. Of him.
You throw your head back, bumping it against the cold stone.
You’ve been torturing yourself with daydreams of the Mandalorian for months now. They were gentle at first, only innocent musings about him that you entertained because they made you feel giddy and naive. Could he ever see you as anything more than an employee? Could it ever develop into something more intimate? You started wondering how he’d move his lips against yours; how he’d hold your face in his large palm.
It was all still chaste enough, but that didn’t last very long. You see him every day, hear his every breath, grunt, and dramatic sigh. You study the way he moves, his powerful build, the carefulness of his arms when he cradles his son and his violence when manhandling his prisoners. It all got crammed inside you and, soon enough, your fantasies turned darker. Could he ever see you as a woman? Would he claim you, if given the opportunity?
You usually weed these fantasies before they can take root. You’re painfully aware that you can’t have him. He’s a serious person—consumed entirely by his child, his Creed, and his work. More importantly, he’s a good man who’s always been courteous to you and doesn’t deserve to be at the receiving end of your filthy yearnings.
And yet, right now…right here, where the women’s mumbling sounds like whispered confessions and his scent is crowding you and you have to work for every single breath you take and your better judgement stayed at the Crest…right now, you don’t stop them from coming. And, fuck, you know he’s here somewhere, hunting for his prey. What if he found you? What would you be willing to—
A loud crash and a man’s shriek interrupt your train of thought.
The remaining women in the chamber exchange panicked stares and, as if bouncing on springs, suddenly sprint out of the room, taking most of the steam with them. The screaming continues, along with a few grunts and some bangs. A couple of doors slam shut.
You melt further into your seat. It’s Mando. He’s found the quarry.
The brat’s apparently putting up a fight, because the sounds of chaos keep coming from different parts of the building. You feel completely relaxed.
An exhalation of the lattice makes up for the lost mist. Droplets condense on your flesh and mix with your sweat. You raise your wrist to your nose and—sure enough—his smell is there, but now it’s mingled with yours, and the blend creates an addictive aroma. Is this what it would smell like, if you two ever had an encounter? Would he be willing to bare his skin to you and allow the moisture of your bodies to blend into one? Or would he fuck you clothed and urgently, barricaded by his armor?
A blaster goes off, and something plummets into the floor, but you’re a lot more focused on the way the flimsy cloth you were provided with is sticking to your chest. It’s soaked at this point and doing very little to cover you, so you lift a heavy arm to work it off your body. Your bare ass is warm when in presses back down on the bench, which makes the stone cooler. You try to imagine it’s beskar.
You know you’re losing it when you start feeling sorry for the quarry. He’s probably just some rich idiot who was looking for a quick fuck with a sense of danger, but what if he isn’t? What if he and the girl truly wanted each other and could no longer hold back? If someone knows what it’s like to want someone out of your reach, it’s you. If someone knows that agonizing desire…
It takes you a little too long to put a finger on the third smell that’s mixing in the room. It’s been weeks—probably months—since you last touched yourself. With your responsibilities on the Crest, you barely have time to sleep and shower, let alone take care of your other, more primal needs. So, you don’t immediately recognize the pungent odor of your own arousal. Once you do, though, you know it won’t relent.
And, even though the feverish fog filling the room more by the second is entering your ears and scrambling your resolve, you still find some moral righteousness in you that judges your desire to pleasure yourself to the thought of the Mandalorian. Because he doesn’t deserve to be disrespected like that. Because he doesn’t think of you like that.
But your hair clings to your damp face and neck, the mineral presses icy against your backside, and beads of sweat and moisture drop from your slippery nipples. And maybe…maybe if you only feel yourself. Not explicitly masturbate, but maybe if you just rub your body a little some of the ache will go away.
You place your hand on your left knee, because it’s only a knee and nothing bad has ever happened from touching one’s knee. You draw circles around it with a finger, then your entire palm. You try to stretch your leg and support it on the table in the middle of the deserted room, but it’s too far back for your foot to reach, so you bend your leg towards you and rest your heel on the bench. By the time your hand slides lower to your calf, gathers the moisture there, and rubs it on your ankle, the raucous sounds outside are almost completely muffled by the ringing of your ears. The red steam grows denser, and you have to open your mouth to breathe in as much oxygen as you can, which is why your exhale sounds like a moan. That’s what you tell yourself.
Hands sliding against your sides and drawing lazy patterns around your ribs, you wonder how he’d touch you. He could be gentle and take his time exploring you, trying to enjoy the rare instance of feeling someone else’s bare skin come to life under his touch. Your hands scoop your breasts and test their weight. Or, perhaps, he’d be in a hurry, drunk on the sensation and unable to control himself at the first caress of your soft curves. It’s difficult to know which one you want more.
Both of your hands sail down aimlessly to your belly and press there. How big is he? You’d like to be able to feel him between your legs afterwards, after he’d go back to being the Mandalorian, as a reminder that he let himself be something else with you. Ten digits land on your thigh and massage there, slowly gliding together up, up, up, until they’re almost where you most want them most. They stop. You’re panting and you swallow hard.
“Maker,” you mumble to yourself. You’re obviously more worked up than before, so you can either stop right there and keep your moral high ground, or…or—
The answer comes from somewhere outside the cave, when you hear the thump of something substantial hitting the door, followed by a low, unequivocal groan. The modulated baritone sends a flood between your legs.
And, just like that, you give up.
You spread your legs and lean your hips forward, pressing your open cunt against the gelid surface; it’s so cold it burns into you. A ragged whimper pushes past your mouth, but your ears don’t register it, since you’ve started rocking back and forth against the black ore, finally throwing wood into the fire that started burning months before. You picture cold beskar instead, thrusting back and forth between your folds to bring you to your release, strong thighs moving lively beneath you.
You’re suffocating. The first time your clit brushes the edge of the bench, you throw your head back, bring your right hand to your breast, and hold on to it for dear life. Your small fingers knead the fat there, but it feels better if you imagine coarse leather doing it instead. Fuck, would he be as quiet and stoic as he always is? Or would he let you hear every moan and grunt? Would he whisper every dirty thing he wants to do to you or would he let you guess? The pace of your back and forth rutting quickens and your guts knot tighter. 
“M-mando…” You try to be quiet; if you can hear him outside he can probably hear you too. You limit yourself to a few tortured sobs, but the blood-red vapor is making it harder to breathe, sweat covers every inch of your skin, and all openings of your body feel horribly empty.
Your scoot back on your seat, open your legs wider, and sink your right index and middle fingers inside your pulsing hole. Two fingers of your left hand go inside your mouth. A loud, long moan of relief pushes through your fingers and lips. You’re too far gone to care.
The digits inside your pussy stretch you open, swirl in circles, move in any way that will cure the awful ache you’ve been fighting for fucking months. What about the helmet, would he leave it on? Blindfold you? Maybe he’d take it off, but get you down on all fours and grab your hair to prevent you from looking back.  
Your eyelids drop. A fat droplet drags down your spine and into the crack of your ass. Your tongue licks your own skin eagerly, tasting their salty sweat and fantasizing about your Mandalorian’s fluids. It’s not enough; it can’t be when you can still hear him outside the door, when all you want is to have him inside you, anywhere inside you.
Your fingers will have to make do, so you curl them and hit something that makes your legs cramp. The five-letter nickname everyone calls him bubbles past your throat in an exhausted gasp. You drag your digits out and smear the thick cum they gathered around your inner lips and walls. Your mind races with endless possibilities: Would he demand you cum or forbid it? How many times would he take you? Where would he touch you? Where would he cum? What does he taste like? Is he patient or demanding? You shut your eyes tightly. Something that feels like a tide is steadily climbing to your chest, making your every muscle rigid.
The fog recedes a little. You’re dizzy with pleasure and every fiber of your body is pulling tighter by the second. Your tongue is still sucking at your fingers—picturing pulsing veins and velvety skin—when you start drawing quick circles around your clit. The stone under your ass grows a little warmer. Drool spills out of your mouth. 
You’re close. You’re so fucking close. Your panting turns erratic, your hips buck forward, one of your leg stretches, and your toes brush the cold material of the table.
“S-stars, Mando…!”
You’re right there, right there, and—
Your toes are brushing the chamber’s table. The same table you couldn’t reach earlier. You stop grinding and remove your fingers. New vapor spouts out of the gratings.
The table moves.
Sweat stings your eyes when you try to open them, hesitantly, not really wanting to see what’s in front of you.
You blink a few times and see an opaque silver mirror where your disheveled appearance stares back. One of your hands reaches forward unprompted and brushes the cloudy layer of condensed water on the mirror’s surface. It’s beskar. It’s Mando’s beskar cuisse.
You lift your face and see a T-visor floating in crimson fog, staring down at you. Panic and adrenaline pump in your veins, but you both stay like that for half a second, almost drinking each other in. Waiting.
Until his hand starts moving, so slowly, towards your body.
It’s hard to tell where it’s heading.
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