#the real context is dc playing with fire again
iyuro · 6 years
langstymclangstface replied to your photoset “you’re still so quick to cry, huh”
I would like context and then permission to make a fic!
while i don’t follow this run much at all myself, the vague context is jon turning up as a 16yo in the latest superman issue (if you don’t mind spoilers, here’s a pic of him here). from what i know, apparently lois and clark think it’s okay to send jon to space to be with his super questionable grandpa (like. what lol.) and he ends up being aged up about 6 years due to space shenanigans i guess, and apparently the influence from his sketchy grandpa also ends up eventually causing him to be evil. i’m actually not 100% sure on the evil part but based off the cover of issue #8 (here) that seems to be the case.
as for how that context is related to my art: although i doubt they’ll show damian meeting this older jon any time soon, if at all, i think it’d be a really intense moment for both of them. damian’s always been jon’s only superhero friend his age, who ironically is also his tie to feeling like a “normal kid,” and seeing damian would be a shattering reminder of what he’s lost (his years as a child, his naivety, ties to the earth, etc). damian can relate in a sense, because he’s lost a lot of his formative years/childhood too (although in a different sense), and i think he’s also sad/shaken up because the idea of jon being violent or evil goes against jon’s representation as a goodness and optimism he himself never had or will have. he knows he can’t undo what’s happened to jon, but he accepts him no matter what and still believes he’s a genuinely good person. 
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davidmann95 · 4 years
How'd you like the new Death Metal special (and, more broadly, this week's comics)?
pretenderoftheeast said: Comics this week (12/9/2020)?
Batman: Black and White #1: The first of a platter of anthologies today:
* The Tynion/Moore story is predictably fire.
* JHIII is JHIII. Also he does a really nice surprising story about how Batman’s relating to this moment of the time, but let’s be real, you’re here because JHIII, and be assured he is JHIII as helllll here and it’s great.
* Dini/Kubert plays as the former building a story around accommodating requests by the latter, but that’s not a bad thing, and glad to see Kubert’s kept up the pace since his DK3/Up In The Sky creative rejuvenation.
* Ok I’m a philistine who has no idea what that Emma Rios thing was about but it was certainly pretty.
* Wilson doing Batman is surprisingly disappointing, but Smallwood doing Batman definitely isn’t.
DC’s Very Merry Multiverse: Not a very merry time! I hate to say it given this should be so geared to my interests, but this is the weakest overall effort we’ve gotten from one of DC’s quarterly anthologies in a good long while, at least among those I’ve picked up. Not to say it’s a dud, there are several nifty little stories in here including the much-hyped first appearance of Kid Quick (destined to become the Flash of Future State) and really almost everything here reaches ‘pretty okay’. But for $10, and a creative space that should reach so much more than ‘pretty okay’, I don’t know that this is a justifiable recommendation unless you’re understandably desperate for all the President Superman content you can get your hands on.
Tales of the Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint: I’m surprised I got it too, but the preview grabbed me and in practice it was a fun, mean little high-concept adventure of Reverse Flash being a total cock.
Wonder Woman #768: Credit where it is due, this has been getting a bit better in its closing stretch.
Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe: This ruled. Obviously there was the one story folks are most interested in, but almost all of the tales in here lived up to being a ‘final’ story of sorts for their leads.
* The Titans bookenders were pretty nice even if it’s hilarious that their big rallying cry basically amounts to “by god, our book may be shit, but we’re valuable IP so we’ll never be cancelled!”
* Green Lantern is basically an epilogue to Johns’ run sans the baggage of bringing back Johns (that we get in two weeks with Secret Origin and god forgive me I’m so looking forward to that), and definitely one of my favorite efforts from Lemire.
* Wonder Woman’s the stinker in what’s nominally her own event. I can parse the roots of most bad Superman stories one way or another, but I just can’t understand what’s behind most bad Wonder Woman stories beyond that the people handling it simply don’t give a shit.
* Astonishingly, the Green Arrow and Black Canary chapter in here might be my favorite of the bunch? Simone at her best, a really sweet slice of playful, sincere romance about two characters I’m not by default invested in but ended up quite caring for here.
* This Aquaman story is everything I generally hate in Aquaman stuff, a big long maudlin speech about the weight of the world as he swims through a black featureless ocean, except here between the real heart Sebela brings to the script and the mood artist Christopher Mooneyham manages to evoke, it all clicks together.
* The Batman Family story feels like it can’t quite make its pacing work, but it’s still a heartfelt little ode to the theoretical power of the concept.
* Hey, that Mark Waid guy? Turns out he can write him some Superman. It’s not perhaps the total barnburner you might have expected - I imagine he’s saving his biggest hits for later - but it’s a very solid execution of a gangbusters concept, and Manapul steals the show with absolutely sensational, gorgeous scenic Superman imagery. I’mma say 60/40 in favor of them doing a Superman project together on either a main book or Black Label (I know Manapul was supposed to be locked into a creator-owned thing with Scott Snyder but that was ages ago), because this is a paring that’s yielded some immediate results and I imagine everyone knows it. And given my upbringing, nice to see a big, iconic, beautiful Superman story with him rocking the mullet.
Anonymous said: Haha holy shit Crossover is literally Cates taking that page where Spawn meets all the corporate heroes locked up and spinning it out into a series
Anonymous said: Does Crossover #2 hold the crown for the funniest, dumbest, most baffling opening page ever?
Crossover #2: Readers I’m not too big to admit I laughed my ass off at the first page, and at least a little bit for the actual reasons intended. The sense of homaging that Spawn scene in the context of a book about “Gosh, isn’t IP the best folks?”, or Cates’ dialogue...(shall we say) proving why he likes the concept of ellipses enough to name a character after them aside though? That it’s already crossed the line with its central metaphor from “indefensibly insensitive in its ridiculous self-centeredness” to “out-and-out cartoonishly offensive” somehow actually makes it more rather than less palatable; there’s no longer the secondhand embarrassment of waiting to see how bad Cates is going to handle this, it simply is the worst it could possibly be and readers have to accept and perhaps revel in the sight of him stepping on rake after rake. I cannot wait for him to finally give an interview on this book where he explains what the hell he thinks this looks like, and I hope my dad keeps somehow enjoying it forever because I totally wanna see what pit this descends to next.
Penultiman #3: This is absolutely agonizing and probably the most relatable take on a ‘superman’ ever.
Home Sick Pilots #1: A new creator-owned book from Dan Watters (whose big two credits include the stupendous “Afraid of America” with John Paul Leon in the last Batman Secret Files, and the upcoming Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman) and Peter Cannon’s Caspar Wijngaard, this new book set against the backdrop of a Californian high school’s punk scene in 1994 describes itself as “Power Rangers meets The Shining (yes, really)”. The former influence isn’t much in play yet, but thus far this is a book that merges building tension and freewheeling dopey teen bullshit to an extent that’s subtly impressive as hell, and seems likely to proudly take a place among the current horror comic renaissance.
Warhammer 40,000: Marneus Calgar #3: Ok again I don’t have any experience with this franchise but you’d better believe that cultural osmosis was enough that I popped for BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!
King in Black: Namor #1: Kurt Busiek’s return to Marvel...sucks? Such is the power of Knull I guess even if he doesn’t manifest within the actual story here, this is a complete nothing of a comic and I’m not tuning in for issue #2.
Avengers #39: Eh, I’m not liking Aaron Avengers when it gets remotely serious nearly as much as when he’s doing stuff like having them finally help Blade with all those vampires or Captain America assisting with the delivery of an exploding space-baby in the back of a muscle car.
Anonymous said: That new Guardians of the Galaxy was something else. What do you think the odds are that Comic Books, with a decade or two of hindsight, recognizes Ewing as one of the best to ever do it?
Guardians of the Galaxy #9: I lack much context here beyond recalling from an interview that this is Ewing’s way of grappling with the ideas from Steve Englehart’s original unrealized vision of Star-Lord’s character arc, but wherever it stems from this is a hell of a comic.
S.W.O.R.D. #1: This is everything I’ve wanted from the non-Hickman X-books since the moment HoXPoX ended, and so much more, and also it is basically hilarious that Ewing is all but explicitly using his clout to force Marvel to let him to Ultimates3 under a currently cancellation-proof banner. Most importantly of all, Ewing has already mastered the subtle art of writing not merely Magneto, but the infinitely superior Jonathan Hickman Magneto. And good lord Schiti and Gracia, I already knew they were top-tier but these pages’d make a grown man cry.
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intpstyle · 4 years
Detective Conan Meta: Trauma, being seen & the Inner Child
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Okay, so it’s 6AM and I woke up with this essay half-formed in my mind and I need to talk about DC. Yesterday, I saw a quote on tumblr that read
“to be loved is to be seen”
and it literally haunted my dreams. I dreamt of Shinichi being unable to tell Ran who he is for so long now (we won’t go into the half a year debate (in this post)) and it got me thinking about the unbearable loneliness of it all. Then I thought of Heiji and of how liberating it must be for Shinichi that some people do know him for who he really is - that some people see him, that some people are able to love him, all of him, because they’ve recognised him even when he looks like a child. And that got a chain reaction of symbolism going in my brain because THINK ABOUT IT, Shinichi is literally forced to live as his own inner child.
So, we open with this lovably weird 17-year-old (fuck no, in the manga he’s actually only 16) with barely any survival skills who’s been left alone in a huge mansion because his parents went adios, who doesn’t have a whole lot of close friends because he always found it difficult to connect with others because he’s so focussed on his detective work and who, when he finally manages to ask the love of his life out on a date and inevitably stumbles over another murder, claims that “you get used to it”, that corpses don’t affect him, that nothing really affects him and, worst of all, he actually means it. This is our protagonist. He’s All Grown Up. He always tried to be All Grown Up. Frankly, with parents like these, he always had to be All Grown Up. And it’s okay! Because he found something he loves doing (finding the truth, restoring justice, helping people) and he’s good at it and people actually love him for it (look at all these fan letters, Ran, look at them!)
And then Ran (bless you, angel child) starts crying because - because so many reasons. One, she’s still affected by what happened. Two, she sees the love of her life being strong - and he always has and had to be strong; it must be so bloody exhausting and he’s not even aware of how tired he is, but to ask him to take a break, to take a look at what all this death and suffering and loneliness really means, to take it in, to stop, would be to take the one thing away (apart from her, but she doesn’t know that) that keeps him stable and grounded and to risk having him fall apart. I don’t think she knows this consciously, but Ran is empathetic and has been around Shinichi all her life - this, I think, is the moment it really hits her that this brutality (a literal decapitated corpse that spews blood like a fountain on a roller coaster!!!) has become her best friend’s “normal”. She is scared. She is worried. And she shows it.
And then Shinichi (bless you, cool child) tries to play it down, to make her feel better, to show her that this is nothing to despair over. He, too, is trying to be considerate of this incredible girl who always takes on other people’s burdens and their pain and grins and bears it. But it isn’t all compassion - he frankly also does not have the tools to deal with someone being so vulnerable and innocent and, dare I say?, child-like. And what does he do? Does he stay and engage with her side of things? Does he hear her out and consider that he HAS become callous and somewhat addicted to shedding light on the dark sides of other people? That he feels uncomfortable feeling the light turned back on himself? No! No, of course not! He’s 16 and has the emotional range of a tea spoon (#relatable). Instead, he latches onto the next sign of mystery and turns back to his quest for truth where he feels safe and needed. He LITERALLY tells Ran to “go ahead” and that he’ll “catch up” and boy, will he ever (emotionally).
We all know what happens next: he bites off more than he can chew. He stumbles over a case that even he admits is “serious” and is LITERALLY hit over the head with the realisation that this - socio-economic corruption, systemic criminal organisations, being vulnerable and opening up to a loved one - is the world of adults and he is NOT ready for it. So he, like everybody else, is given the choice to call it quits or to choose life, start over and re-learn the things he missed out in childhood to become an adult. He becomes his inner child again (the first chapter literally ends with the dialogue
“You okay!? Can you stand up, little boy?”
and he’s trying. He’s trying to stand up, okay?) and it smarts. In this old/new form, he is taken care of, but not taken taken seriously by the policemen (”You must’ve been scared”) and it freaks him out that they treat him (the master detective!) like a child again. At this height, he fails to get into his own house (some more symbolism right there) and he is not recognised by Professor Agasa until he shows him some impressive deduction work, demonstrating that this really is at the core of his character - he enjoys and is good at mysteries. That was never the problem. Neglecting just about everything else was (- the same goes for OG Holmes, I’d argue). Seeing how the situation he went through literally (damn that’s a lot of literally) turned Shinichi back into a child, Professor Agasa warns him not to inflict the same traumatic damage on others - especially since the situation is not yet resolved. (...but Agasa’s involvement is another can of worms)
There’s a whole other post in Shinichi’s choice to call himself “Conan Edogawa” and wearing his father’s glasses as well (aka trying to redefine his identity by viewing the world through the lense of the people he admired (notably his father’s frames without the lenses though!)), but the most interesting thing happens when Ran shows up. He tries, desperately, not to be recognised - not to be seen - by her in this form because it’s not HIM (it is though) and because it would involve Ran in danger; would put her in the adult world he couldn’t deal with and couldn’t protect her from, thus, ironically, infantilising her and (although in an attempt to be heroic, nonetheless still) limiting her agency.
And this is where the irony really kicks in - because Ran finds it much easier to talk to this raw, vulnerable version of himself that he doesn’t allow her to see as a “grown-up” 16-year-old. It is now, as a child that asks straight-forward questions, that he learns that Ran really does love him and that she knows the good (dependable, brave & cool), as well as the bad (full of himself, bit of a jerk and obsessed with mysteries) sides of him better than he does. At the very moment, he, touched by her vulnerability and wanting to open up, decides to tell her the truth, he is again reminded of the Men in Black by Kogoro falling down the stairs like a sack of potatoes and he (dependable, brave & cool) decides not to involve anyone in the mess he brought upon himself until he can stand up to the world of adulthood that he shrank from.
The beauty of the series is that Shinichi slowly realises, bit by bit, drop by drop, excruciating chapter after excruciating chapter, that the way for him (an INTP) to become an adult is precisely by letting others see him as he is and thus forming lasting, real and dependable relationships (by developing his Fe). This tragically begins with Akemi Miyano (a first step and another reminder that he is not capable enough yet), is slowly built up with the Detective Boys (who are honestly so important for him), continues with Ai (#bestpartners, for both of whom Professor Agasa, the eternal child-inventor, is a safe haven where they can catch up on what they missed out on, Ai obviously much more so than Conan), reaches a really, really sweet high with Heiji (#bestbromance), a rather dissatisfying conclusion with his parents (who, and I cannot stress this enough, decide the best way to convince their traumatised son that his life is in danger is to point a literal gun (okay, it’s a pistol) at his face in disguise) and climaxes with Eisuke Hondo (at which point he is confident enough to proclaim who he is even while still in the form of a child (although that doesn’t make the context of the situation any less stupid (thus proving that he IS still a love-struck teenager at the end of the day))). tl;dr By being both the professional adult “Sleeping Kogoro”, as well as the cooky child “Conan Edogawa” at once, Shinichi can play with both facets of his teenage life until he reaches a level of stability that allows him to integrate the child mind into his adult mind - and that will be the point at which he’ll be able to fully become (not just temporarily play the role of) Shinichi Kudo.
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PS: It is also interesting to compare Ai’s and Shinichi’s approaches to being stuck in their childhood selves. Shinichi, not as scarred and slowly building up a network of people he trusts, is eager to move on and begs Ai to give him the temporary antidote as often as he can - he WANTS to grow up and be a grown-up so badly. There is so much (Ran) waiting for him there.
Ai, on the other hand, is much more cautious and warns him not to jump the gun. To her, much more scarred and still rather alone, this is an invaluable second shot at life and she is as careful with it as she humanly can, constantly worrying and on the look-out that someone could drag her back to the prison of responsibilities and obligations. That’s why it was SUCH a pivotal moment for her when she used and realised the use of her adult form when she saved the Detective Boys from the fire. She, too, is slowly connecting the two halves of herself but I suspect that it’ll take her an entire childhood to do so. (Also, interestingly, as an INTJ, she puts down her roots in a very different way from Conan. She cherishes her new relationships and protects them fiercely, but the real signs of her settling down ever-so-slowly is her growing willingness to reconstruct her internal moral system (Fi) and to acquire and find security in material possessions (Se), like her designer handbags and her little football-man-phone-strap.)
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merthewarrior · 3 years
Choose your thing
I was tagged by @nobeerreviews​ to choose, and haven’t played these games in quite some time, so here we go...
indoor plants or gardens (weather + animals + more plants)
cloud-watching or star-gazing (lifelong obsession with the stars)
water or fire (cools the body, comprises the body, soothes the body)
paperback or hardcover (can double as blunt force self-defense object)
running or hiking (marathon runner here)
sleeping with socks or without socks (must use unsocked feet to thermoregulate)
fruit or vegetables (like a bat)
hanging plants or succulents (badass water hoarders)
dark wood or light wood (but if its a euphemism, I don't discriminate)
handwritten or typed (much more is said in style of handwriting)
instagram or pinterest (what's pinterest again?)
braids or pigtails (keeps my mangy mane under control)
dc or marvel (really no interest in either so I chose the one that violates my eyeballs with media advertisements the least)
books or movies (much more personal)
oceans or meadows (studied marine science as an undergrad, in love with the oceans)
forests or fields (more places to hide)
sweet or salty (both in taste and in demeanor)
ice cream or chocolate (what monster would make someone choose)
hoodies or sweaters (I guess)
long hair or short hair (more to braid)
piercings or tattoos (have two of those)
summer or winter (entirely depends on location; no answer)
boots or sneakers (for the style)
cars or motorcycles (good for podcast-listening and introversion)
curls or straight hair (more manageable but actually don't care)
castles or cottages (way less drama)
sunny days or storms (love them, inside and outside)
reptiles or birds (though I do have a sweet reptile)
Disney or nickelodeon (only because they now have Star Wars)
strawberries or watermelon (I eat all the watermelon)
essays or posters (I'm assuming this means which I'd rather create? Either way.)
phones or laptops (phones are just more portable laptops)
glass or stone (rocks tell stories)
dark or light (absent of context, prefer the cover of night)
photos or paintings (added element of the human mind)
circuses or theatres (not a fan of animal exploitation)
reading or writing (reading makes one a stronger writer)
dogs or cats (though I have a sweet dog)
poetry or novels (better yet, poetic prose)
monsters or ghosts (vagueness means more likely to be real)
thrift shops or libraries (clutter induces anxiety)
fiction or non-fiction (reality is so much weirder than fiction)
Now I shall tag @rubes2-0, @here-for-the-dip, and @serotoninhigh. Have fun. Choose wisely ;)
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mihirjaiswal · 7 years
A Motivation for the Holocaust
Rolf had avoided any events that reminded him of his past, but when he heard Selig Baar was speaking he had to go. Rolf saw it as an opportunity to let go of his past; the guilt he had been hiding for six decades. Selig Baar was speaking at a local museum after screening of the documentary The Motivation for the Holocaust. Rolf did not want to watch documentary. He was not keen on living his past again. He only wanted to ask a question to Selig.
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 Rolf went to the museum at 6. When he entered the small auditorium, an old man wearing rectangle glasses was walking lethargically to the front. Rolf recognized Selig walking to the front. Before Selig turned around, Rolf quickly slipped into a seat in the last row. The auditorium was small. Scanning the atmosphere, Rolf saw around 70 people in 100 seats. All the members of audience were in awe and unable to move. Holocaust had been mesmerizing people for years. It had the same effect on that day.
  Between two rows of seats, a microphone was getting the most attention. Before Selig settled into his chair and took charge of his microphone, three people lined up to ask question.
  “Thank you all for joining us today and once again please welcome Selig Baar.” A female voice filled the auditorium. Rolf could not see her from his seat. He did not make any effort also, as Rolf was avoiding eye contact with Selig. “The word holocaust in the context of World War 2 was synonymous with gas chambers. However, as we saw today, there was much more to it. It started years before the world war. It was more than gas chambers, unethical taxation, segregation, racism, eviction, mass graves, murders, loot and many more words can be used to describe them. Selig Baar is here with us: one of the survivors of those terrible times. Please ask your questions.”
  Rolf adjusted in his seat to have a look at Selig’s face. After six decades, the man was distant resemblance to his younger self. Selig’s saggy face, big bones, thin hairs were evident of the time passed. Selig was no longer the skinny blond boy Rolf remembered.
  “Do you hate Germans?” The first question was fired at Selig.
  Selig laughed loudly. “This is one question I prepared answer for. I didn’t expect it to be the first one though. I am German. Can I hate myself?” Many members of the audience chuckled with Selig. “I understand your question. Holocaust was not a showdown between German and Jews. I believe except for Denmark and Finland, local authorities and structure participated in holocaust. France, Lithuania, Yugoslavia, you name it. Neighbors, friends, classmates, colleagues, employers, they all participated. On the other hand, Romas, some ethnic Polish leaders were also killed. I have never been anything else than German. How can I hate Germans?” Even though Rolf avoided the movie, he could not avoid the memories. He was shifting in his chair. He was uncomfortable. The discussion was already unbearable.
  “Mr. Baar. Thank you for being here today. That was an inspiring movie. I loved the stories of survivors, because we all have heard horrible stories of deaths and killings. First time I saw so many stories of triumph over evil. Can you shed some light on your thoughts on this movie?” Second question was asked to Selig.
  Selig coughed. “My thoughts. The movie you saw was the life we lived. This movie is about human interactions in the wake of the tragedy. Every person is driven by something. Greed, Compassion, Love, Hate, Jealousy. When greed, jealousy, hate took over a person they reported us to the authorities, participated in killings, robbed our belongings. When compassion, love, care won, they helped us. In the end, all those people survived because someone on the other side helped them at great risk. I remember one instance when a Nazi officer called an old Jew friend advising him to leave the city. This movie is beyond the holocaust itself. It speaks of human interaction in those difficult times. It highlights the complexity of those interactions.”
  “What, in your opinion, did drive betrayal of friends? How could a neighbor turn a blind eye and commit such a horrific act?” Third question was asked. The microphone was solitary again as all three questioners took their seats.
  “One thing Nazis did right was segregation. They identified us and segregated us. After that, negative emotions were enough to drive the rest of the horror. How many of you can positively say that you have never been jealous of any of your neighbors? None.” Selig counted raised hands in the audience. Rolf was at the peak of uneasiness by then. He knew if he did not get up at that moment, he would lose his courage. Rolf got up to move towards the solitary microphone, but he kept a low profile and looked sideways. He did not want Selig’s attention. Selig continued, “But I realize you don’t kill them. The reason: They are integrated and part of the society. Similarly, many Jews were integrated into the society. They attended the same school, lived within the same community, played together. When Nazis segregated them, the integration was gone. The barrier vanished. There was no inhibition. People believed that Jews were non-significant. And if you discriminate or harm Jews, you had no repercussions. In fact, peer pressure ensured, in many cases, that you do not stand with the Jews. If you were jealous of a Jew, you had a reason and no inhibition. If you hate, you had a reason and no inhibition. If you were greedy, you had a reason and no inhibition. Many officers were simply doing their duty. If you teach a soldier in army to kill an enemy, he is not making any judgment as to who the enemy is or what are the crimes. He is simply following orders and doing his duties.” Selig stopped for a while. Rolf was between two rows of seats slowly walking towards the microphone. He had his hand on his forehead to avoid seeing eye to eye with Selig. After deep breath Selig continue, “In absence of an inhibition, every human fights a battle between negative and positive motivation. Many times whichever side wins, decided his action. However, all of us at times are simply incapable of fighting the battle and go with the flow. Nazis created a flow and many just followed. Nonetheless, not all was bad. You saw the movie. Many Jews survived. They survived through good fortune and kind and love of non-Jews.”
  Rolf was at the microphone. He said, “What is your story?” Selig looked up. Rolf and Selig were looking into each other’s eyes after six decades. A light in Selig’s eyes assured Rolf that they both recognized each other.
  Selig said, “You ask my story. I was betrayed, by a friend. My best friend for ten years told Nazis about us. They came after my family and me. We had to run. And then.” Selig paused for a moment. Rolf was not blinking. Selig continued looking at the blank face of Rolf, “My father had a shop in the village. His neighbor was a wealthy man. He had the biggest shop in the village. He took us and kept us in his basement for eight years. We hardly saw the daylight for eight years. But finally, we were able to start the new life. We were lucky than the most. We did not have to leave our village, though we lost everything we had, including our hope. How can I hate Germans? I was betrayed by one, I was saved by one and I am one.” Selig and Rolf were staring at each other by the time.
  Gathering courage, Rolf followed up, “Do you hate your friend?”
  Selig removed his glasses and wiped his face with his hands. He looked into Rolf’s eyes and said, “No Rolf. I do not hate you. How did you hate me?” Audience gasped.
  “I did not,” Rolf cried. “I did not hate you. I was eleven years old. As you said, I had no inhibitions and negative feeling called fear won. You were always top of the class. You were always ahead of me in studies. I feared lagging behind. I saw it as an opportunity. I thought by complaining about you, you will be thrown out of school and I would be the best student. I never meant any harm to you. It was childish. I had been carrying this guilt for years. This is my chance to apologize. I could not change the history, but I could acknowledge my mistake.” Selig stood up. “The reason my story was not part of that movie, because I could not muster the words, my friend betrayed me. I could only say it today because I was looking at you. It took us 6 decades, but we met.” Selig and Rolf walked towards each other and hugged. The audience applauded. They witnessed one more story of win from holocaust.
  P.S.: Above story is fictional, but it is inspired from a real exhibition at the National Holocaust museum in Washington, DC. The Holocaust has been symbolized by all the atroctities and brutalities, but “Some were neighbors” exhibition highlights human connections and dynamics during the holocaust. If you get a chance, please go and see it. Here is the website for the reference: http://somewereneighbors.ushmm.org/
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whetstonefires · 5 years
I have wandered into your tumblr and I want to know absolutely everything about your ideas for Earth 3 Impetus and Motion. EVERYTHING. Possibly the least relevant part of that is the family line, as Earth 3 often has really skewed versions of the characters. Would the first Johnny Quick even have a speedster grandson when he was killed and his blood used to power his successors?
Oh, cool ask! Thank you!
😄 I’m very happy to talk about this but I’m afraid you may be disappointed, because I’m Doing It Wrong. I’ve been working off and on on a bespoke Earth-3 for the past…several years. Production has slowed but not stopped. It’s up to over 300,000 words on AO3 at this point.
The issue that set me off was that tendency to skew; I didn’t like it. I found that, most of the times DC had built into Earth-3 before rebooting again, there were two countervailing currents leading writing decisions. On the one hand to make things As Wrong As Possible compared to the main timeline, and on the other to just make them…arbitrarily different.
Lois Lane is Superwoman, evil counterpart of Wonder Woman, for some reason, woop-de-do; this fits under both categories.
This process worked neither according to the ‘timeline that diverged into a Bad Timeline at some point in the distant past but somehow contains versions of the same people in the same place’ premise of the original Star Trek ‘Mirror, Mirror’ episode, nor does it work according to any direct cosmic principle of inversion, although some of the early versions claimed to.
(See: Mirror Christopher Columbus discovered Europe and then later Evil George Washington conquered England for the American Empire, what even guys. 😩)
Also Earth-3 so transparently existed almost every time it was reinvented as a place to get villains from, and to look bad in comparison to the main timeline, without any attention to making it work internally, which I thought was a damn waste of a cool concept. ‘A damn waste of a cool concept’ drives a lot of fanwork lol.
So for my world, I had the slightly conflicting goals of working as close to that amorphous thing ‘canon’ as possible, and of making the setting stand on its own, as a superhero setting, with internal causality and more or less the usual sort of hero-versus-villain logic. So I inverted the alignments of only superheroes and supervillains, and kept as much as possible of their backstories intact.
This means my stuff doesn’t map onto any canon Earth-3, especially not the one from Forever Evil because that came out after I’d already gotten all the big things pinned down. 😅 Some people get upset about this and come yell at me about how i.e. Owlman is Thomas Wayne Junior. But since I always saw that particular concept as a huge cop-out from looking at how few alterations it takes to turn Bruce Wayne into a spectacular villain, I was like ‘nuts to that’ from the start.
If you’re cool with my relationship with canon, on we go.
So, Impetus and Motion! I don’t remember what I said on that one post where I remember blathering about it, so forgive me if I repeat myself. ^^
Lineage is the same as canon, technically. I’ll go over it; if you don’t care just skip ahead to the next subsection. 😄
Mirror Barry Allen, the Dash, got his villain name for his signature kill technique of grabbing someone, hyperaccelerating them, and then letting go at the right moment that they get dashed against something immovable and go splat. He dashes people against things.
(His eventual sidekick, Blaze, got his for liking to make things combust by accelerating their molecules. The combination makes them sound like a pair of racehorses, which they did not intend and are very annoyed by when it’s pointed out.)
The Dash is pretty scary, especially because most of the ways he abuses his speed for profit are so low-key nobody even notices (i.e. screwing with the stock market) and he doesn’t need to be a supervillain. He just likes it.
His public villain profile is relatively low for the level of danger he poses, tho, because his town is infested with really dumb superheroes who beat him embarrassingly often, when he actually turns up to fight or is successfully ambushed. And with the occasional exception the scale of his crimes is fairly small compared to i.e. Ultraman.
Keeping him imprisoned is ridiculously difficult, tho. He can’t be completely depowered (because the Speed Force is external to him and all the power dampeners that are used assume they’re trying to shut off something generated internally) and he’s really smart, so it took years of battles to keep him long enough to transfer into a proper cell even, and longer to get an unblurred look at his face.
His secret identity survived so long that Barry Allen was there to comfort Iris West after she was targeted by the Dash on several occasions, and they were married by the time he got ultimately unmasked.
She left him after that and moved back to the future, which she was still from because that’s hilarious, but he eventually tracked her down and promised to reform if she’d take him back. This obviously fell apart eventually, but not until after the twins were born.
I haven’t mapped out the mirror Thawne line. I assume the Thawnes with healing powers who inadvertently adopted Barry’s twin were much nicer in this timeline but idk if he ever became Cobalt Blue or what. I hope he lived to old age. Apparently there have been multiple Cobalts Blue? Idk idc, Flash continuity what even are you.
Everyone thought Eobard Thawne was nuts, but he actually did go back in time and stop the Dash from destroying the world with nukes in a fit of rage, his historical analysis, method of giving himself speed powers, and time machine were all successful. He may additionally suffer from some degree of psychosis, but he wasn’t wrong. (His little brother still exists in this universe because good!Eobard wasn’t the type to manipulate time to erase inconvenient family members. He also doesn’t have the title Professor because he never got tenure, so he just goes by Zoom.)
Bart is still Don and Meloni’s kid. Frankly I don’t understand those two in the normal timeline, so it’s hard to construct their mirror versions in any depth or even decide whether they should get mirrored. (Probably not tbh.) But I don’t exactly need to, because the resulting Bart is very much the same and thus doesn’t really know them. He was still born with his weird speed glitch that caused him to be raised in a simulation, and eventually time-traveled to un-glitch him.
The difference is that he’s not a nice kid. He’s a two year old who looks twelve and has received all his socialization from reasonably good AI in a world that was not real. Where nothing had consequences. Where nobody was real.
He’s very frightening, is Impetus. Impetuous, wildly powerful, selfish–oddly sweet, occasionally, in the ‘gay and innocent and heartless’ way of Peter Pan, but probably even more likely than Peter to knife someone. He’s so delighted the first time he eats actual ice cream, as opposed to a simulated version, but the ice cream stand is now on fire.
Mirror Bart isn’t so much cruel or even un-empathetic as solipsistic. He’s arrested in the state of an intellectually advanced toddler playing, what’s that game called, the one where the objective seems to be getting in car chases a lot? When was the last time they made a new one, I feel like I haven’t heard it mentioned in ages, it’s a dead franchise isn’t it I’m old. Grand Theft Auto! That’s it. He doesn’t just not understand that danger is real, the way Impulse started out. People aren’t.
Impetus is easily bored and surrounded by NPCs. It gets ugly, sometimes.
He also time-travels a lot more frequently than normal Bart, because he doesn’t really get attached so he doesn’t try to maintain a normal life of any kind, so he pops up all over the timestream.
Jason Blood hated him personally long before Bart had any idea who he was; they have a villain rivalry plagued by causality issues and closed time loops that is alternately epic and stupid as fuck.
And then there’s Thad. Thad’s had a less awful time than he did in canon, I think–President Thawne is not technically a supervillain so he’s probably about the same as in the original timeline, but even assuming Meloni and Don are still out of the picture (probably it’s Barry’s fault in this dimension?) raising a kid as a ‘defense mechanism against a supervillain’ calls for less extreme brainwashing fuckery than raising one to hunt down a superhero.
So he probably behaved a bit more like a reasonable grandparent, simply because the context incentivized him to emphasize concepts like duty and loyalty more, and hatred less. He might even have been able to go public with Thad’s existence, depending on the spin he came up with. Among other factors.
But it was still a depressing, isolated, dehumanizing way to grow up, and it went on a long time, because as per canon Thad has the opposite problem from Bart in terms of how he passes through time. Motion is a 40-year-old man with a 12 year old’s body and approximate life experience.
Thad was already So Tired when he finally got out into the world on his own, and once he encountered Impetus he learned pretty quickly to both pity and fear him.
Even when Thad tries to avoid Bart and just have a life, Bart always crashes back into his existence again, and in the meantime he feels guilty. Because even if he could completely shake off having been raised to see countering Impetus as his whole reason for existence, he’d still feel a lot of personal responsibility to try, because he has the ability to stand up to him in a way almost no one else does, and he knows Bart’s out there resulting in casualties.
Due to all the time travel involved, even having just defeated Impetus doesn’t mean he’s not still out there at an accessible point in the timestream, needing to be stopped.
Impetus results in Motion the way Inertia resists Impulse. They’re very much locked into an action-and-reaction framework that does not even a little bit help with Thad’s clone identity issues.
Except for how the amount of time Thad spends saving people from Bart has slowly created a fairly large body of people over the course of history who know them as distinct entities, and like Thad a lot better. 
Good feels good. ^^ It’s not necessarily the case that this happens, obviously, but with their alignment swap they also ultimately exchanged who’s defined by isolation. It takes Bart a long, long time to even understand that he’s lonely.
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An Eventful Day - Jake Peralta
Tumblr media
y/n - your name
y//f/n - your full name
y/s/n - your surname
y/f/tv/s - your favourite tv show
Requested on Wattpad.
Trigger warnings: cheating, name calling, rape mentions and just a character being an overall asshat.
"Hey, babe. How was your day?" Darren asks as I arrive home from work.
"Stressful. I almost let the prime suspect in my case get away. But what about you? How was work?"
"It was fine. A little boring though. But I have a new co-worker now, so it adds a little fun," Darren shrugs.
"Oh. Well at least there's that positive," I point out.
"Plus, I get to come home and see your pretty face, and it makes it all worth it."
"Aw, so cute yet so cheesy. Speaking of, you want pizza?" I ask.
"Please, yes."
"Do you mind ordering and waiting for the delivery? I want to go take a shower. I'll leave the money on the counter for you."
"No, it's fine, (nickname you hate). I'll pay."
Ugh, I hate when he calls me that. Mainly because he knows I don't like it but isn't doing it as a joke. It happens a lot, surprisingly. Also, I think he may be lying to me about something, but I don't know yet. Call it detective's paranoia though. We've experienced so much that we always jump to conclusions.
*After the shower*
"Babe, the pizza's here!" Darren shouts from the other room.
"Thanks, I'll be right there," I reply. I put my pyjamas on quickly, ready to have a FRIENDS marathon like we do whenever we get pizza and walk into the main room, excited for cuddles and food. "You ready for our FRIENDS marathon?"
"Can we watch something else? We watch it every time and I want something different."
"Sure," I say, putting on a fake grin. Something's up.  He's never complained about it before. "What were you thinking?"
"A DC movie marathon." At this, my jaw drops.
"DC? Marvel movies are much better."
"What are you talking about? Suicide Squad is amazing!"
"Are you sick? Or do you need to go to the opticians?" I ask, only half joking. Darren rolls his eyes playfully. I then get a text from the 99 group chat.
C. Holt I need everyone at the precinct ASAP.
You Why? What happened?
C. Holt I'll explain when you all arrive.
"I'm so sorry, love, but they need me at the precinct. Just put the leftovers in the fridge," I apologise profusely.
"It's fine. Go stop crime."
"Thanks for being so understanding." And with that, I kiss him on the cheek and leave.
*On the journey to the precinct*
y/f/s starts playing. I must be getting a call. It's Captain Holt.
"Hello, this is Detective y/f/n, how may I help?"
"y/s/n, you can return home now. The emergency has been dealt with."
"Well that was fast. What exactly was the emergency though?"
"The night shift detectives were rioting but Santiago sorted it."
"Of course. You can always count on Amy to get someone to be quiet."
"Yes, she is extremely good at it. Now have a good night."
"You too, sir." Then he hangs up. Oh well, while I'm out I could do some last minute grocery shopping."
*Back at y/n and Darren's apartment*
"Hey babe, I'm ho--" I open the door and am immediately faced by a sight that I hoped to avoid forever. My boyfriend was eating this dude's face off. As soon as he hears me, he pulls away and snaps his head to look at me.
"Hey, babe. I thought you were at the precinct," he nervously says.
"Don't 'babe' me. I was out for 30 minutes and I come home to find you on MY couch that I payed for, snogging some guy's face off! Get your stuff and get out! Now! And don't ever come near me or anyone I know, ever again!"
"I can ex--"
"Get. Out. NOW! I won't say it a third time. And take him with you," I spit. "All cheaters are filthy liars. There is NEVER an explanation for such a vile thing." He scrambles into (what was) our shared bedroom and grabs everything that he can see that belongs to him and then leaves rapidly with his new boyfriend.
As soon as they're out the door, I slam it, pick up the closest thing to me (which happens to be my key) and lob it at the wall. I'm pissed. Extremely pissed. But I'm also upset. After all, he was my boyfriend and I loved him, still do, considering that we broke up 30 seconds ago. Yeah, he'd been acting strange but I just thought that he was nervous and was kinda hoping he'd propose. I mean, we'd been together for 4 years. And now I know that I wasted 4 fucking years. 4. The anger takes over and I grab a chair and throw it, hitting the coffee table. I already know that nothing will cheer me up. Nothing. Not even y/f/tv/p. Not even chatting on the work group chat, which I do every night. I'll just try and distract myself by reading that new book that I bought.
*The next morning*
Reading that book was not a good idea. Neither was staying up all night, but I do it all the time so I can cope for today. Oh, crap. I have work today. Ugh. But maybe it'll take my mind off of him.
*At work*
*Jake's pov*
How am I early today? I left at the exact same time that I normally do and traffic was exactly the same... It was Charles, wasn't it. He came to my place last night and must've changed all of the clocks and moved them back by 15 minutes.
"Charles, did you change my clocks last night?"
"Yes. Amy told me to because she wants you to be at work on time and she gave a pretty compelling reason."
"And that was?"
"We get to spend more time together this way." I sigh.
"But that meant you gave me 15 minutes less of my beauty sleep." Charles gasps.
"Oh no. What have I done?" Just then, y/n walks into the precinct. Except today they look dead inside.
"Hey y/n. What's got you down?" However, they completely ignore me. "y/n?" They walk right past and out onto the roof. Charles and I look at each other, and then the window. They've taken the barrel and put a book on it. Then they take out a matchbox, light a match and set fire to the book. "What are they doing? They love reading!" I power-walk onto the roof. "Um, y/n, what are you doing?"
"Burning the lies."
"What? Context please?"
"It ended too happy. They got engaged."
"Love is a lie."
"Are you alright?"
"What do you think, Peralta? I'm burning a book because love triumphed."
"You and Darren broke up?"
"Don't say his name. He's a dirty, stinky, cheating bucket of dicks."
"Damn, you really hate him. Wait, did you say cheating? He cheated on you?"
"No, he bought me a puppy and a mansion for us to move into together. Of course he cheated on me, that's exactly what I said! Do you need a hearing test?"
"Ouch, that hurt my ego, but I'm not gonna take that personally because I know that you're upset and mad right now. Y'know what, we have to work now, but after that, come to my place and we can talk, you can rant, we can eat takeout, and we can watch movies. What d'you say?"
"It actually sound quite good. Thanks Jake. And, could you tell everyone else for me. Oh, and tell them that if they show even the slightest bit of sympathy, I'll have Rosa blow their head off? Also that if I say anything mean to them, it's nothing personal, I just don't have much of a filter and I'm still pissed."
"Will do. Now let's get back inside." I start heading inside.
"Are you forgetting that there's a fire?"
"Oh yeah. We should probably put that out."
"Before we do, can we just take this in for a moment? This is the closest to a campfire I've ever had," y/n requests.
"Sure." We stand next to each other, taking in the fire's heat. I then feel something on my shoulder. It's y/n's head. "How much sleep did you get last night?"
"None. I was up all night because of this stupid book. Besides, you really think I'd have been able to sleep?"
"Good point." I wrap my arm around their waist. Wait, why though? Do I like them? No, I can't like them; I just got out of a long-term relationship. It's just a friendly gesture, right?
*Your pov*
That's just a friendly gesture, right? Well it doesn't matter, because, surprise surprise, I have butterflies in my stomach. You see, I had a crush on Jake, then he got with Sophia, and that's when it really hit me that I had to move on and I met Darren. I thought I'd moved on completely, but I guess at least a part of those feelings stayed with me. Suddenly, I hear a camera behind us and turn around to see Gina.
"Gina, what are you doing?" I sigh.
"Taking a picture for Twitter and your wedding. What else would I be doing?"
"A picture of Jake comforting me from a breakup, in front of a barrel with an a-lit book on it?"
"Ok. I'll just put this fire out and then head back inside. See ya, Gina," I say, acting as if that conversation was completely normal which, let's be real, it was for the 99. No one found out about my crush before and that's how I plan on keeping it. I grab a fire extinguisher and put out the fire, before walking inside.
*After briefing*
"Why do we have two Rosa's today?" Scully asks.
"Shut it, maggot-face," Rosa and I simultaneously spit and I walk to my desk.
"y/s/n, in here please," Holt beckons me into his office. I walk into his office, not saying a word. "What is going on with you today?"
"Did Peralta not tell you?"
"Peralta, get in here," I beckon.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Tell the Captain why I'm like this. I don't want to be here when he finds out."
"Why?" he asks.
"You'll see. Also, it's a sensitive topic." I walk out of the office and to my desk.
"What's going on in there?" Amy asks me.
"Wait. 3, 2, 1..." I point at the office, signalling that something's about to go down.
"WHAT?" A Holt scream is heard from the office. Everyone looks at me and then the office, as the door slams open, an enraged Holt power-walking out.
"Really, y/n? Why me? I'm pretty sure I've gone deaf now," Jake exaggerates, walking out of the office, his hands over his ears.
"Because you know why and you said you'd do it for me."
"Touché, y/s/n. Touché."
"What are you two on about?" Terry asks.
"You haven't told anyone?"
"No, but you only told me 30 minutes go."
"You could've just asked me to leave during briefing and told everyone or while I was in the bathroom!"
"Touché, y/s/n. Touché."
"You already said that."
"Did I?"
"Yes, you goldfish. Now tell everyone. I'm just gonna into the break room." I go into the break room and sit n the couch. I immediately lean forward and put my head in my hands. Ugh, I hate this. I know Jake's telling everyone, but I've still gotta tell my family. My entire family. They all met Darren. Oh, for fuck's sake. Deep breaths. Then I hear a knock at the door. "It's the break room, you don't have to knock," I say, not looking up.
"Told you, Amy," says a voice of which I'm assuming belongs to Charles. I look up and see Amy, Charles and Terry.
"What d'you three want?"
"Look, we're sorry about what happened," Terry says.
"Why should you be sorry? You didn't do anything wrong. Just remember, don't give me empathy or patronise me or I will end you."
"We know, and we won't. We just wanted to see if you wanted to go out for drinks tonight," Amy voices.
"I would, but I'm going to Jake's." As soon as I say this, a smirk appears on all of their faces. "Alright, do that again and I will end you. It was hella creepy."
"You and Jake, huh?" Charles asks smugly.
"Seriously? I just got out of a 4 year relationship in the worst way possible. Now let me get back to work." I brush past them, rolling my eyes.
"Well Jake definitely has a thing for them though. I caught him staring at them earlier," Charles (loudly) whispers (shouts) to Amy.
"Shut up, Charles," Jake and I say in sync.
"y/s/n, Peralta, I have a case for you. Come into my office." Jake and I saunter into Holt's office. "It involves your now-ex, y/s/n. I thought you might want to take it."
"You thought right, Sir," I smirk.
"Great. We have a woman here who claims that Darren raped her last night."
"Rape?! I'm gonna kick Darren's ass. Where is she?"
"She's in the interrogation room. Peralta, you're going to watch from behind the glass to make sure that y/n's fine and doesn't go leave to go and kill Darren."
"Sure. But I can't guarantee that I won't kill him," Jake jokes but Holt holds his deadpan face.
We walk out of the office after being dismissed and head over to the interrogation room.
"Try and remain as calm as you can in there. If you don't throw anything, I'll let you choose what stuff we watch tonight. If not, it's a Die Hard marathon," Jake announces, only half-joking.
"I mean, I was gonna suggest we watch Die Hard anyway. Except for Die Hard 5. Awful movie."
"We don't even speak of it. Anyway, good luck in there." Then he kisses my cheek. He. Kissed. My. Cheek. HE KISSED MY CHEEK! I'm internally dying right now.
"Thanks, Jakey. I'll see you on the outside." Then I kiss his cheek and walk in. Why did I do that? Well, I mean, he kissed mine first, so, I guess it was a formality, right?
"Hello, my name is Detective y/f/n. You must be Leah Summers, correct?" The woman opposite me nods her head. She's gonna be very quiet, isn't she? "Do you want a whiteboard?" She shakes her head. "Ok then. I'm going to ask some questions, just nod or shake your head for me, ok?" She nods her head. "Were you raped?" Yes. "Was it last night?" Yes. "Was it a man?" Yes. "Do you know his name?" No. "Did he look like this?" I hold up a picture of Darren. I'm so tempted to rip it. She nods her head. I take a deep breath. "I'm going to need some form of communication for the next questions. Do you think you can do it?" She nods her head. "Do you want the whiteboard?" Yes. I give her a whiteboard, pen and cloth to clean it with. "Where did this happen?" 'In a toilet stall.' "Do you know where the stall was?" 'In a park. I don't know which one though.' Ugh, that's vile. Makes me want to kill him even more. "Where did he find you?" 'On 5th Avenue.' "How was it forced, e.g. threat or blackmail?" 'He threatened to kill me.' "Well I'm about to kill him," I mutter. "What time do you think it happened?" 'I'm not sure but he picked me up at 9:30.' "Do you think there could be anything used as evidence other than CCTV? Were there any eyewitnesses?" 'I don't think so.' "Final question, is there anymore information you could tell us that may help us?" 'He was drunk.' "Oh for-- I'm sorry, he's my ex. I caught him cheating on me. It was last night, in fact. Guys suck."
"Hey!" Peralta says from the other side of the glass.
I sigh, "there are exceptions though. Now, let me go kill my son-of-a-bitch ex-boyfriend."
"Yeah, yeah. I was joking, Peralta,"
"Were you though?"
"Exactly." The girl lets out a little giggle at our banter.
"I'll be back soon, it shouldn't take long to get him. I'm sure we could find an eye witness somewhere."
"3, 2, 1, NYPD put your hands where I can see them! "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you." Jake smiles at me as I read my pathetic excuse for an ex the Miranda Rights.
"y/n?!" Darren asks in shock.
"You're the worst ex ever! You cheat on me and then get drunk and rape a girl! You're a disgrace to humanity."
"I cheated on you because you're a disgrace to humanity, not me! We never spent time together and you brushed off everyone that was close to you!"
"Everything you just said is bullshit! You would've just broken up with them if that were true, but it isn't and ya didn't. I mean, you even lived together and had those pizza nights! y/n said they were legendary and talked about you loads at work! You're a pathetic excuse of a human! Plus you raped that nice girl, Leah was her name, right? Oh, that reminds me, something amazing's waiting for you at my apartment."
"Really, y/n?! This guy?! I knew you were a slut but wow, this is a low, even for you."
"The fuck did you just call me?!"
"I called you what you are: a slut. A whore." And with that, I just hold him in a very discomforting position. A very discomforting position.
"Tell me what you really think of me. Or I'll do worse."
"Ow, ow, fine! I love you, always have. I was just an idiot tough. I don't know why I did it. Why I did any of it. I'm just jealous, I guess. You have such good relationships with your co-workers and I've been lying about mine. It's been awful. I just wanted more than you in one way."
"That is the most bullshit I've ever heard, but I know you're actually telling the truth. Now let's get you to the precinct."
*After he's been locked up*
"Well, today's been... eventful, to say the least. I burned a book because I broke up with Darren and I just arrested him for rape. Talk about an aggravating yet somewhat satisfying day."
"Yup. Does that count as catharting?" Jake asks. "Because if so, I'm so glad I helped you cathart."
"I guess so, I mean, you psychologically helped me through a lot today. But anyway, it's not over. Our shift ends in... 15 minutes, then, we're gonna have takeout and I'm going to rant about everything else that I hated about Darren before we have a Die Hard marathon, discounting the 5th one."
"Sounds like a plan. But first we need to write the reports," Jake points out.
"Right, let's go do that." We sit at my desk, ready to write the reports.
*About 30 minutes later*
"I hate reports," I sigh. "I'm so glad we're done for today."
"Me too. Let's get going then."
"Bye guys, we'll see you tomorrow."
"Have fun, but not too much fun!" Charles says as we leave.
"Charles!" Jake and I simultaneously scream, just as the elevator door starts to close.
After an awkward ride down, we exit the building and get into Jake's car.
"You can put on what you want, I don't mind," Jake says, to break the awkward silence.
"Thanks. I look through his phone's music library and know what I'm going to play as soon as I see it. Almost immediately, Funky Cold Medina comes on through the speakers.
"Alright, dig itCold coolin at a bar, and I'm lookin for some action But like Mike Jagger said, I can't get no satisfaction The girls are all around, but none of them want to get with me My threads are fresh and I'm lookin def, yo, what's up with L-o-see? The girls is all jockin at the other end of the bar Havin drinks with some no-name chump, when they know that I'm the star So I got up and strolled over to the other side of the cantina I asked the guy, 'Why you so fly?' he said, 'Funky Cold Medina'." we sing together.
I knew this would break the tension. I'll just play some Taylor next, I know he's a big fan. I hit shuffle and you belong with me comes on. And the awkwardness returns, but I can't skip the song because he'll probably ask why and I'll have to make up some reason. We sit in the car for an agonising 3 minutes and 50 seconds, Taylor's voice echoing around the car, no one joining in. Then trouble comes on and I feel my fist clenching up.
"y/n, calm down. Maybe we should change the song," Jake states, motioning to the phone I'm holding.
"No. I will listen to this song."
"But why? You're just putting yourself through more pain."
"I have my reasons." I want to connect with this song. I want to feel exactly this way. I don't want to have moved on already. I want to feel how any normal person would in this situation.
"Alright then." Back to silence. As soon as that song's over, I change to Sing To Me Instead. Ben Platt will relax me, surely. I play the album, Bad Habit coming on. Is the entire music industry against me right now?
*At Jake's apartment*
"So what takeout do you want?" Jake asks me, phone in hand and ready to order.
"I don't mind. You choose. It's your apartment."
"Chinese it is then." I quickly give him my order and he orders. "Alright, while we're waiting, vent to me."
"Gladly. Honestly, this has made me realise that I actually kinda hated Darren before, without even knowing. I mean, sometimes he was very narcissistic. I mean, he never let me pick what music we played, and I allowed that because we had similar music tastes and I just realised. And I made so many sacrifices for our relationship. I moved in with him and he promised he'd do his part around the apartment but he never did! I payed for all of the furniture in there and most of the rent! And he complained all. The. Time. About the most stupid things! Like, I don't want to hear you rant about how Google changed it's font."
"Wait, seriously? He complained about that?!"
"I know, right?! And, I honestly gag at the thought of anyone saying this, but he said that DC movies are better than Marvel movies. What kind of twisted mind would think that?! (Guys, I'm joking. Please don't get offended by my joke.)"
"That has to be the second most absurd thing I've ever heard, the first being that the Die Hard movies are crap, because they're obviously not."
"Ooh, another thing, he has a tongue piercing. It made make out sessions horrendous."
"Anything else?"
"Honestly, no. To be honest, all of my sadness and anger have kinda drifted away. Also, it made me realise that there's someone that I want to be with. He's cute, yet dorky and smart but also kinda dumb at the same time. He's also really sweet and has been with me all of today. We even took Darren down together." I can't believe I'm actually confessing.
"Was there some other guy on this case that I don't know of?" Jake asks, looking confused and upset at the same time.
"No, you dummy. It's you!"
"Nooo, it's the guy behind you. Of course it's you!"
"Oh, thank goodness. I realised today that I like you and did not wanna be heartbroken on my first day of being woke."
"That's not what that means, Peralta. Do you even Urban Dictionary?" I joke. "But seriously, what now? I mean, we could try this and see how it goes. We could count this right now as a date and see how we feel after?"
"Yeah, I'd love that."
*After the movies and food*
"Thanks for tonight, Jake. This has been one of the best dates I've ever been on."
"Me too. But, uh, before you go, I think I may've bruised my lip earlier and I need someone to ki--"
"Really, Peralta? You could just ask to kiss me, you dork."
"... Can I kiss you?"
"I don't see why not."
Our lips collide in a sweet kiss. It's one of the best kisses I've ever experienced, possibly even the best. We pull away shortly.
"So I'm guessing this is gonna be official. Or are we going light and breezy?" Jake asks.
"Screw light and breezy. We'll just do anything when it feels like it, including becoming official. That's how I live, by just living in the moment with stuff like this. After all, it'll only happen once so why not concentrate on the moment?"
"I agree entirely. Now, let's tell the others."
"This is gonna be fun."
Jake: hey guys, guess what
Amy: You got stuck in a real life Die Hard again?
Jake: nope, even better
Charles: You're adopting a kid Nikolaj's age so that they can grow old together?
Jake: what? no
You: Jake and I may or may not be in a relationship. Or are at least starting one.
Charles: Finally!
Rosa: Finally
Amy: Finally.
Terry: Finally
You: What do you mean?
Rosa: Jake clearly liked y/n and we all knew that y/n and that dickwad Darren would eventually break up
Charles: ^
Amy: ^
Terry: ^
Gina: ^
Holt: They are not wrong. I thought it was painfully obvious.
Jake: ...
...Ok, bye then.
"Well then, I have no words. But at least they're all happy that we're together now," I say.
"And so am I." He presses a kiss to my cheek and I snuggle into him.
"Want to watch another movie?"
"No, let's just cuddle and talk."
"I like the sound of that."
13 notes · View notes
jack-katz · 6 years
Name: John David Katz
Nickname: Jack
Birthday: December 18th
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: New York, NY, USA
Places Lived Since: Washington, DC; Chicago, IL, USA; New York, NY, USA; London, UK
Current Residence: Hackney Wick, Hackney, London, UK
Nationality: American
Parents: Benjamin Katz & Mary Katz (née Doyle)
Grandparents: Eliezer Katz & Ruth Katz (née Geller); John Doyle & Niamh Doyle (née Murphy)
Aunts & Uncles: David Katz, Ava Aoun (née Katz); John Doyle, Sean Doyle, Michael Doyle
Number of Siblings: One - Daniel Katz
Relationship With Family: Jack is on very good terms with his family and especially his parents who’ve always supported him throughout his career. They’ve rarely been the type of parents to scream or shout, but they convey their disappointment in ways that can break their children’s hearts. He used to be closer to his Dad’s family because of proximity, but since moving to London it’s been easier to go back and forth to Connemara to finally really get to know his Irish grandparents and uncles.
Happiest Memory: The bow he took at the end of his first school performance.
Childhood Trauma: None, aside from some sadly expected bullying whenever he moved to a new city that was usually targeted at his lankiness, love of the arts, and Jewish heritage.
Height: 6′0″
Weight: 160 lbs
Build: Slim, usually bordering on just plain skinny but he has been known to build up some lean muscle either for a role or because he’s made a sudden sweeping decision to get into better shape.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Usual Hair Style: It varies depending on what stage of growth it’s at. When trimmed short, it’s fairly neat and looks good. It grows fast, though, faster than he can usually keep up with so it starts to get curly and out of control usually every couple months and he’s yet to figure out how to really get it under control. Sometimes the stars align and it looks good on its own, but most times he just wakes up with a really bad hair day and decides it’s the day to go to the barber.
Eye Color: Green
Glasses? Contacts?: No need for them currently, though his eyesight has definitely gotten a bit worse over the last couple years
Style of Dress/Typical Outfit(s): Very casual unless it’s something someone else picked out for him. A lot of graphic tee’s and old flannels and jeans that only fit properly with a belt and some pretty beat up sneakers. The belt never matches the shoes and he has two sweatshirts he tends to wear - dark navy and black so it can be hard to tell which one is which. He’s anything but a fashion icon, though at the very least he does his laundry on a decent schedule so his clothes are always clean - just not always very stylish.
Typical Style of Shoes: Sneakers about 90% of the time, hiking boots and flip-flops often when on vacation, and occasionally loafers for fancy events.
Jewellery? Tattoos? Piercings?: No tattoos or piercings. Whenever he gets a great idea for a tattoo he always seems to have a role coming up and doesn’t like to take any bodily risks around that time.
Unique Mannerisms/Physical Habits: When he gets really nervous or anxious he tends to drum his fingers on his leg or together to try to get out some of the nervous energy.
Athleticism: When it comes to genuine contact sports like rugby and American football, Jack isn’t that good. Running based sports, however, he’s not that bad at, though he only likes to play for fun. He enjoys soccer/football and actually doesn’t mind going for runs when he’s trying to get in shape. In high school he’d sometimes just show up to the soccer field during practice times and play around until the coach got mad at him for not being a real player and kicked him off the field. Theater was always his main focus in high school, anyway.
Health Problems/Illnesses: None, aside from potentially very high cholesterol in his future.
Level of Education: Most of high school completed but no diploma.
Languages Spoken: English fluently and natively, Spanish almost fluently from middle school and high school classes, and some Hebrew and Gaelic he picked up from his parents. Also bits of conversational vocabulary from a handful of languages in places he’s visited like French, Italian, German, Czech, and Japanese. He’s very, very good at picking up languages through context and immersion, but he hasn’t taken real classes or spent long enough in each places to really learn the language beyond basic conversational things.
Level of Self-Esteem: It varies from day to day but can be sadly very low during slower times in his career.
Gifts/Talents: Acting is truly a talent and one that Jack possesses as much as he tries to insist it’s really not that hard; artistic ability like drawing and painting which is less polished than acting but still a natural gift; the ability to pick up on languages very quickly; singing and dancing talent that is perhaps not absolutely outstanding but naturally good and can be improved with lessons leading up to a show.
Mathematical?: Not really, as Jack’s passions have always lied more with humanities and creative outlets.
Makes Decisions Based Mostly On Emotions, or On Logic?: Emotions, or he’d probably have his high school degree right now.
Life Philosophy: Do what makes you happy.
Religious Stance: Jack would call himself a Catholic but also considers himself a bit agnostic but never would consider himself to any point have been an atheist. He also enjoys learning about Judaism from his father and father’s family, even if he never had a bar mitzvah or went to Hebrew school. He did receive the Catholic sacraments up through Confirmation but his mother was never terribly, terribly adamant about him being brought up Catholic and she always encouraged him and his brother to explore Judaism and other religions as well. His parents, though both dedicated to their own religions, were very liberal and open as both people and parents so they encouraged a very open attitude in their sons toward religion. If Jack ever had more time and energy on his hands to really dive deep into religion and his personal beliefs, he might, but it’s not something he feels particularly inclined to do at this point in his life.
Cautious or Daring?: Daring in his creative exploits and travels, but cautious in basic day to day activities and interactions.
Most Sensitive About/Vulnerable To: Criticisms about his work.
Optimist or Pessimist?: He’s optimistic for other people and pessimistic about himself.
Extrovert or Introvert?: Introverted, bordering on ambivert.
Current Relationship Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Past Relationships: 
Eloise Pelletier - his first girlfriend in middle school. The relationship lasted a month, but they were each other’s first kiss and have remained friends to this day. Eloise is now an accomplished stage actress and aspiring director.
Riley Huizar - his high school girlfriend. The two started dating around homecoming his sophomore year and stayed together for about two-and-a-half years, but Riley dumped him after a series of disappointments including: he missed their second anniversary for an audition, he missed a long-planned nice dinner date to attend a stand-up show, and she learned he wasn’t going to get his diploma. It was a messy ending that came when they were both drunk at a friend’s house and the two never spoke again afterward.
Lillie Piasta - dated for two out of the three seasons Jack was on SNL. She was one of the female writers for the show who was a few years older and Jack never quite realized that the reason she never seemed older was because she was pretty immature. She dated younger men fairly consistently and people tried to warn Jack that after a couple years of the whining and tantrums from the woman who, for all her humor, had been born with a silver spoon in her mouth and been spoiled her entire life. Even though she’d been working longer than Jack she expected him to pay for everything and wanted lavish gifts that he caved to at first but stopped after realizing it was a waste when she never used or wore anything. Lillie was fired from SNL shortly before Jack chose to leave to pursue a movie career, and she wanted to move with him to London but he wasn’t ready to move in. She dumped him at the airport before he left.
Natasha Laris - dated for one year after Jack officially moved to London. Jack was a guilty pleasure fan of love at first sight stories but never quite believed it could happen. He still doesn’t think love at first sight is real, but he believes sparks at first sight are real and stronger than he ever anticipated since he met Natasha. The two met  through a friend at a fundraising party Natasha had organized on behalf of a charity she worked for. It wasn’t ultra ritzy like a lot of other fundraising galas Jack had been to or heard about, but still elegant and enjoyable. Natasha just had a way of making everything elegant and enjoyable. Jack doesn’t remember asking her out because he believes the nerves caused him to just black out for the thirty seconds it took to ask and receive a positive response. They both fell pretty hard and fast but it was over the holidays when they both had some downtime and real time off. Then life picked up again. Jack had filming commitments, Natasha had a lot on her plate helping to run a decently sized charity with hardly enough staff. They saw each other when they could, but it only got more difficult over the months to find extended time alone together unless they were away on vacation - of which they only went on two brief ones as that was all they could manage. By the next Christmas, while struggling to figure out how they were going to spend the holidays after promises to meet each other’s families, they realized it just wasn’t feasible. It wasn’t just the holidays that weren’t feasible, but being together at such a busy and overworked time in their lives. Jack has only seen her once since they broke up, a couple years later - with a boyfriend who he was told by a friend worked a 9 to 5 office job, weekends off and the opportunity to work from home, and had a set amount of vacation time to use at his own discretion. It was the only time he ever envied an office job.
Primary Reason For Being Broken Up With: Forgetfulness, not committed enough, and his schedule was too hectic.
Primary Reasons For Breaking Up With People: A hectic schedule.
Ever Cheated?: No, it’s something he doesn’t understand.
Been Cheated On: No.
Level of Sexual Experience: Experienced even if he might not seem it. He lost his virginity in high school to Riley and since then has always had a healthy, active sexual relationship with whatever girl he’s been with. Since breaking up with Natasha it’s the longest he’s ever gone without having a girlfriend, but between Riley and Lillie there was still enough time that he had a couple short flings and some one-night stands that were usually enjoyable even if not serious. He sees the benefits in fun in both long-term relationships and short flings. After Natasha he went through a lengthy dry spell of his own volition but for the last four years has mostly just had flings that last anywhere from a single night to a few weeks and are always fun. He does know in his head how many women he’s slept with but it’s not something he’d ever like to broadcast and only his closest friends who’ve known him for years know the extent of his sexual experience and exploits.
Story of First Kiss: Eloise and Jack both lied to their parents and said play practice lasted a half hour longer than it actually did so they could spend time together alone behind the school theater. For twenty-nine minutes all they did was hold hands and talk until Eloise heard her dad’s truck around the corner. Jack snuck in a quick kiss and went to sleep that night on cloud nine.
Story of Loss of Virginity: Riley’s parents were always far more trusting of Jack than he ever expected them to be and would constantly leave Riley and Jack alone together at the house while they were out at work or going out on dinner dates. Jack didn’t push Riley at all, though he was ready whenever she was. She let him know she was ready when she pulled out a whole list of things that needed to happen beforehand, as was her way with most things. She was going to see an OB-GYN that specialized in adolescent care, look into birth control and whether there were options that were safe for a sixteen year old (though she’d already done her own research and knew the pill was the best option), and regardless of whether she went on the pill or not, Jack needed to buy some condoms. Jack was so nervous about the condoms he made his friend Avi go in and buy them, mostly because he was always more confident than Jack. Despite all the strict rules and guidelines and plans in the months leading up to Jack and Riley actually having sex, the night itself was still kind of special to Jack and he quickly became even more comfortable with buying his own condoms after realizing what all the fuss was about.
A Social Person?: Not really.
Most Comfortable Around: His family and closest friends, of which there are about a handful between the USA and UK.
Oldest Friend: Toby Hartman, his best friend from NYC who lived next door to the Katz’s first apartment in the city. He’s currently a doctoral candidate at NYU who lives with Daniel Katz in the two-bedroom flat Jack owns in NYC.
How Does He Think Others Perceive Him?: Jack thinks others perceive him as having an equal number of failings as accomplishments and thus is just a mediocre human being who just happened to be in some largely broadcast shows and movies. He knows his family has high opinions but thinks the public doesn’t have a very high opinion, mostly because he only focuses on the negative reviews of his works. 
How Do Others Actually Perceive Him?: Jack Katz is an accomplished young man who maybe got lucky that he was int he right comedy club on the right night, but it wasn’t luck that he was funny enough to catch the right people’s attention. Everything since then hasn’t but just luck but has also been a testament to his talent and willingness to do whatever and move wherever for his work. Even if he’s not flashy with his money, he’s no doubt made quite a bit.
Life Goals: Do work that makes him happy and that others find enjoyable, maybe even inspiring.
Dreams: Travel to every country in the world, become fluent in a new language, write a full script, direct a movie, perform in a Shakespeare play, finally learn to cook at least one decent dish, own a restaurant, and many others that come and go with the days that pass.
Greatest Fears: Forgetting a line during a live performance.
Most Ashamed Of: There were a couple jokes Jack tried out during his early days in comedy that crossed a line but thankfully never even made it to a real set. He just tried them out on his family, and their response was enough for him to hope no one ever learned of those jokes he thought up when he was younger and more inexperienced. There are also many minor mishaps that have occurred during rehearsals and conversations that, though not necessarily shameful, are very embarrassing and he tends to remember as being more extreme than they really were.
Secret Hobbies: It might not be that secret, but Jack really enjoys video games. He’s not as good as he wishes, but they’re fun.
Crimes Committed (Was he caught? Charged?): None, aside from some truancy.
Night Owl or Early Bird?: Night owl
Light or Heavy Sleeper?: Heavy sleeper
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Favorite Foods: Anything greasy
Least Favorite Food: Iceberg lettuce
Favorite Book: “Audition” by Michael Shurtleff
Least Favorite Book: “The Catcher in the Rye”
Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction
Least Favorite Movie: The Emoji Movie
Favorite Song: Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z & Alicia Keys
Favorite Sport: Soccer/football
Coffee or Tea?: Coffee
Crunchy or Smooth Peanut Butter?: Smooth
Type of Car He Drives: N/A, he’s never had a car and doesn’t have a license
Lefty or Righty?: Lefty
Favorite Color: Green
Cusser?: Yes
Smoker? Drinker? Drug User?: Smokes when he’s drinking sometimes and others he’s with have cigarettes; drinks daily, though not to excess daily; occasionally uses drugs but usually just pot
Biggest Regret: Passing up on some more serious drama roles in the past
Pets: None
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thegeekerynj · 3 years
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DC’s Future State: The Home Runs, Hits, and outright Strikeouts  
(Or, how Politics and Comics Don’t Mix)
Greetings from somewhen along the fractured timelines, and somewhere in the newly reconstituting Omniverse! Tis’ I, your faithful, but recently missing Fat Guy, finding his way back to a Universe with a keyboard, Intel processor, and something as far from MyFace as possible!
Gentle Readers, when last I had the privilege of gracing these Interwebs, Death Metal #7 had not yet hit the shelves, nor had Dead Earth #6. 
My spin down the ‘rabbit holes’, between the lunacy of the viral insanity that gripped the country, and then, the worries which came out of the COVID Pandemic, had me more focused on depressing issues, than the IMPORTANT THINGS in LIFE…
What DID happen with Wonder Woman? And, What came out of the lunacy of the Metal Saga?
Well, let’s touch on a few of those topics, the second, first.
What happened out of the Metal Saga? Well, we get a view of the Future, or a possible Future, if this is the Final State. We get to see some Characters grow, some disappear, some books remain the same, some will change DRASTICALLY.
We get to hear jokes about the Fifth Generation and how it is a marketing ploy for the Mothership, the United Conglomerated Moneygrab AT&T.
We get a name change from 5G to Future State, without a real concept change.
Oh, and Dan DiDio got fired. So did about half of DC’s regular staff.
But, I digress. 
Anyway, the premise is really simple… It’s Baseball Season! That being the case, I’m going to engage in a game of hybrid game of Sewer Cap Baseball, with each group of books graded as a Single, Double  Triple , Home Run, Out or Side Retired. This will not be an arbitrary judgment, as there will be some criteria to be followed.
Home Runs  Well, a Home Run has to have outstanding artistry and story, the work being exemplary. Plot, characters, premise, everything is crisp, fresh and enjoyable. Writer and Artists have brought the reader to a place where they know the divergent reality is believable, in context.
Triples: If a Home Run is everything hitting on all cylinders, the Triple is the single knock in the engine. The pothole that nags at the Reader, the Idea that makes the Collector say, ‘This was really good…BUTTTTTT…’. Not the hook that leaves you wanting more, it’s the oversized hook that says’I just can’t swallow that’.
Double: A Double has a glaring issue that takes the reader out of the story… Frank Miller ‘300’ style Artwork on “Millie the Model’ type of ‘Well, that was a misfire!’ The story can be exceptional, or the Artwork wonderful, there’s just that GLARING issue that pulls the Reader away.
Single: The GLARING ERROR is extensive, pairing Yo-Yo Ma with Weird Al extensive. Both wonderful, but put together, and too much is lost in translation. The pairing of an ultra detailed writer with a 60’s style artist, who does no backgrounds, except for splash pages.
STRIKE OUT: Something is just BAD. 1985 Secret Wars BAD. Unfinished Kevin Smith Widening Gyre Cliffhanger BAD. Spider Buggy BAD. Not usually one to say something is BAD, I have said I didn’t like certain things. Not liking something does not make it BAD. Something horrifically wrong with it, that makes it BAD.
SIDE RETIRED: OK, this is a very special category, reserved for the Story That Has Been Done To Death, Didn’t Need To Be Done Again, Yet Here We Are, New Universe, Same Old CRAP!
This is the ‘Superman painted himself with invisible lead paint’ story, the ‘Bat-Shark Repellent in the Utility Belt Story (outside the 60’s camp stories)’…
So Gentle Readers, with all that said, the Pitchers and Catchers are set, the Batters are ready, the Managers are already bitching at the Umpire, sooooooo, Let’s Play Ball!
And remember, the Umpire reserves the right to continue the Game onto another day, as the Sun Goes Down…
First Inning:
Batter UP!
Dark Nights: Death Metal #7
Writer: Scott ‘Skull Crusher’ Snyder  Pencils (PP1-28) Greg ‘Constrictor’ Capullo,  Inks: Jonathan ‘’Gut Punch’ Glapion; Artist (PP 29-36) Yanick ‘Yell Master’ Paquette,  Artist (PP 37-38) Bryan ‘Hatchet Man’ Hitch
‘Tell me our shorts were not this short!
No way! They were MUCH SHORTER!
I will not die by pixie boot. I will not die by…’
This is it folks! The First Batter, or, the End of the Beginning, however the heck you want to look at it.
Gentle Readers, you can’t get to the Future State without first talking about the last issue of the series that brought you there… so, here we go!
Six issues, or, 23 issues, depending on your budget, wallet size, and ability to ‘Just Say NO!’, and here we are, the LAST ISSUE of the Death Metal Saga, which actually started way back in Batman #1 of the REBIRTH reboot, and carried through the METAL / Batman Who Laughs / Year of the Villain… so, the gift that kept on taking!
Anyway, this has been the Longest Long Game, and the Payoff has been SPECTACULAR! 
Constantly swinging between the Battle of the Bat-Families, the Superman Fight Squad and the Last Son, and the one - on - one death match between Wonder Woman and The Batman who Laughs, we get the battle scenes we have craved all along. 
Death, carnage, mayhem, and Jarro… who could ask for - - - What, you want more???? Well, we can add in the Totality, Diana of Themyscira, Goddess, ElseWorld, and finally finding out who was narrating this book for the last 77 years… Ya know, that’s enough.
Not that there isn’t more, I’m just not writing about it here…
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have left everything on the field with this book. No regrets, no punches puled, they finished this the way they started, unrelenting, unforgiving, and absolutely unstoppable. 
As a fan, I can say this is one of the few books I really jonesed for over the last year. The months when there was a skip due to the ‘One - offs’, I think I really got the shakes. This was one of the three stories of 2020 that made this Reader sit up and take notice.
As such, I highly recommend this entire series. This issue was fantastic, a fine ending to lead in to a new phase of the DC Universe, and Frickin’ ELSEWORLD!!!
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
First Batter - Home Run!
Batting Second…
Generations Shattered  #1 / Generations Forged #1
Writers: Dan Jurgens, Robert Venditti, Andy Schmidt  
Artists: Ivan Reis and Joe Prado, John Romita JR and Danny Miki, Kevin Nowlan, Rags Morales, Doug Braithwaite, Ema Lupacchino and Wade von Grawbadger, Dan Jurgens and Klaus Janson, Yanick Paquette, Bernard Chang, Aaron LoPresti and Matt Ryan, Mike Perkins, Fernando Pasarin and Oclair Albert, Paul Pelletier and Sandra Hope. Colleen Doran, Marco Santucci, Joe Prado, Bryan Hitch and Andrew Currie, Dan Jurgens and Kevin Nowlan
‘I will not spend another day behind bars! Not on Tamaran! Not on Maltus! And not HERE!
Starfire! Don’t!
Not bored now!’
So, What happens when ALL the Timelines are SHATTERED by a Multi-Cosmic Level Event?
Naturally, you send Booster Gold out to recruit an army of tactically important individuals from across the Multiverse, is an attempt to repair and cement the Timelines back together.
And what happens when said Man with a Master Plan and a hovering supercomputer gets himself killed?
Well, that duty now falls to Kamandi, the Last Boy on Earth!
Yes, this is where we start, in the Time After The Great Disaster, with Kamandi and Tuftan trying to outrun some Bat-Men, and the Great White Goneness (Crisis Energy, Take II), an aged Booster Gold trying to recruit him, then getting swallowed up by the Crisis Energy (™), and Kamandi and a Skeets bracer escaping into the Dimensional Void to continue Booster’s mission…
No, this isn’t a rehash of the Kamandi Challenge from a few years ago, this is the aftermath of Death Metal.
All the Time / Dimensional Lines are in flux, and they can either get repaired, or, if Dominus has his way, only his little pocket dimension will remain.
So, we have Kamandi and Skeets, Starfire (from 1983), John Henry Irons (Steel) (from 1993), Superboy (from the Legion Timeline), Dr. Kimiyo Hoshi (Dr. Light) (from 1987), Sinestro Korugar, the Green Lantern for Sector 1417, Booster Gold, Day 1 in Metropolis, and Batman, circa 1939 versus Dominus’ incarnation of the Linear Men… O.M.A.C, Liri Lee, Rayak the Ravager, Matthew Ryder, Ultra-Humanite, Knockout, Artemis, Eradicator, Major Force, and Nemesis Kid… A virtual Who’s Who of Evil throughout the DC Timelines!
The Goal? Survive, Win, Preserve the hard-fought victory brought by the sacrifice of Diana, or face Oblivion.
A very well written story, presented by some amazing artists, and showcasing others we will be seeing throughout the Future State event. Of some note, the gorgeous pages by Colleen Doran, the work of Kevin Nowlan, Rags Morales, Doug Braithwaite, John Romita JR, Dan Jurgens and Klaus Janson. Some of the pages… ehhh.
A neat tie in, a way to let readers new and old know there are things which need to be fixed, and there are plans underway to do so, and to once again highlight Rip Hunter’s Blackboard!
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶
Second Batter - Triple
In the Three Hole…
Future State: Kara Zor-El  Superwoman
Writer: Marguerite Bennett   Artist: Marguerite Sauvage
‘I’ve come so far to learn that I can’t control what others think.
And that was another thing i learned from you, my good, grand Greatest Boy, KRYPTO the SUPERDOG.’
The title of this story comes from a quote attributed to Confucius,’Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves’, implying in the seeking of vengeance, one loses themselves, as well.
‘Dig Two Graves’ takes place in the far future, long after the prophesied battle between Clark and Jon Kent, when the son suppliants the father.
Kara has taken those who sought Safe Haven to the Moon, to the Fortress of Solitude there, where she expanded, and reinforced, and made it habitable for those looking to escape the violence.
And she forsook the violence, herself.  
No longer to be called upon as the Protector of Kal-El, a title long gone and forgotten, she has chosen to practice the ideals which her cousin, his son, and she should have been practicing all along.  Consideration, kindness, respect…
And then the idyllic peace is broken.
Marguerite Bennett gives us an extraordinarily beautiful story, one of insight, growth, beginnings and ends. This is a masterful piece, which tells a tale on many levels, which appeals to the most cynical among us (hand raised here), and the youngest, most hopeful at heart.
Paired with the writing is the beauty of Marguerite Sauvage’s artwork, both delicate in places and frenetic in others, telling the tale of the Gardener, the Hero, and the Rescuer. Beautifully rendered, the art carries the words as a tune carries lyric, bringing the Reader through the rises and lulls of the storyline in a beautifully orchestrated dance
Most notable of the story is the coloring, or seeming lack thereof For most of the story, with some exceptions, the most vibrantly colored character is Kara, with the Colonists and the Visitors appearing as pale in comparison ( for the most part, they are white, with pale highlights). 
This story is one of the true highlights of the Future State lineup…
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶.5
AAAnnnnnnddddddd, It’s outta Here!  
And in the Clean-Up Spot…
Future State: Green Lantern #1-2
Writer: Geoffrey Thorne  Artist: Tom Rainey
Writer: Ryan Cady  Artist: Sam Basti
Writer: Ernie Altbacher  Artist: Clayton Henry
Writer: Josie Campbell  Artist: Andie Tong
Writer: Robert Venditti  Artist: Dexter Soy
‘My name is Beelu Kenz. You won’t have heard of my world.Bit of a Hellscape really. Everything there kills you. The air, the animals, even the dirt.
My people not only live there, we THRIVE. We ADAPT.We’re not the bloody fighters Khundia makes but we’ve got one thing over you. Two things, really.
We’re the BEST Weaponeers in the Spiral Arm. No one can touch us.
My Planet’s called IMSK and when an Imskian wants something to die—-
Two issues, five stories, one central theme carried through both issues… the Oan Lantern of Power has died.
We have John Stewart leading a cadre of Lantern Warriors, in the defense of a planet, against the militant worshippers of the God in Red, a god they believe wants warriors to commit slaughter and carnage in his name.
Stewart and Company teach them three lessons.
The story is marvelous, bringing in some great old names (Salaak, G’NORT!), while weaving a tale of great intrigue and detail which keeps the reader enthralled to the last page.
Next, the Sinestro Corps, taking the Green Lantern Outpost stations, invade the Station in Sector 023, only to find it defended by Jessica Cruz.
Story number three, well, there had to be a Warrior’s Bar Story, didn’t there? Which, of course gives us Guy Gardner.
The fourth story, a team story, puts Keli Quintela, the Teen Lantern and Mogo, the Living Planet, on a mission to find Jo Mullein, the Lantern’s resident detective, in the hopes of finding out the secrets of Keli’s overpowered, obviously alien ‘Power Gauntlet’.
Finally, and obviously necessary, for what collection of stories about the Green Lantern Corps would be complete without it, we get the story of Hal Jordan, and his search for the Lanterns, and  the Guardian’s Homeworld of Oa.
And who he finds when he arrives there…
Every story on point, every character well written, all converging toward, well, we don’t know yet. But we will.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
The windup! The Pitch! The SWING! KRAAAAK!  IT”S IN THE BLEACHERS!!
Batting Fifth
Future State: Legion of Super Heroes #1-2
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis  Artist: Riley Rossmo
‘If I knew this was why you called me here, I would never have come! Not only should the Legion STAY DISBANDED —- The word should NEVER be spoken again!
T —- Tas —-  GAKK!  COFF!
***Listen, I stopped giving out Free Mood Stabilizers a long time ago*** But that wasn’t going the way you wanted!
So, 31st Century, and the known galaxies are KA-Blooie!
RJ Brande is dead, the Legion has been disbanded, and BATTLE LINES have been drawn along loyalties…
Why, you ask?? How???
Well, it seems Post - Death Metal and the Restructuring, there was a traitor in the Legion.
Jan Arrah, Element Lad, has been branded with the label, a branding which carries to all his people.
The result of the treachery, the Planets of the Known Galaxies have been ruined, and left nearly uninhabitable.
Or, was it these people…
Brian Michael Bendis has given us a new future, one in the midst of upheaval, where the United Planets has been disbanded, the Legion is split along loyalties, and whether they want vengeance or redemption.
A well written, engaging story, wonderfully told through some different characters: 
Chuck Taine, Bouncing Boy, taking the battle to the Khunds as they try to colonize the devastated worlds; 
Imra Ardeen, Saturn Girl, trying to bring her beloved Legion back together to fight the real threat to the galaxy, and carrying a secret which is crushing her;
Luornu Durgo, once Triplicate Girl, now trying to find herself after one of her selves has been killed, and afraid to recombine because the pain of missing her is too great to deal with, and other characters we have come to know over the last year.
Where Bendis’ story is the blazing signal fire to light the way toward a stronger future in the DC Multiverse, Riley Rossmo’s Art is the Asbestos Blanket and Aircraft Fire Foam which induces all the cancers and kills it.
I’m sorry. There are times Riley Rossmo’s artwork really works for me. This chaotic styling is perfect within the framework of characters like Bizarro, Constantine, even the JLA, when there are magic or Lobo-like story elements involved. I especially liked his work on the Robin King, the frenetic, chaotic stylings appealed to my senses, made me giggle, and cringe at the same time.
Not here, though. Here, his work pulled me out of the story faster than if I had a tow hook jammed through my nether regions, and it was attached to a hiballin’ Peterbilt turbocharged tractor trailer.
This, Gentle Readers, was painful. It hurt my eyes, on a scale with the COVID News Conference from April 2020. I think I bled. 
I might still be…
I know I cried, because no matter how good the story was, I could not enjoy it.
Out of 5     🌶🌶
Batting Sixth
Future State: Aquaman 1-2
Writer: Brandon Thomas, Artist: Daniel Sampere
‘Is she here?
Have you ever heard that line, or an iteration of it? The Katz’s Deli scene in ‘When Harry Met Sally’, maybe?
This book  was the equivalent.
I know, it was an Aquaman Book.
How often has an Aquaman Book been Original, or Relevant?
There was Craig Hamilton’s Miniseries in 1985, that gave us the really neat camo Aquaman suit, then there was Flashpoint, and Throne of Atlantis, and the introduction of Kaldur’ahm, or Jackson Hyde, the son of Black Manta.
Now, we have Andy Curry, AquaWoman.
This is a time where less is more. 
Brandon Thomas has given us a two issue story which I have gone back and read 4 times, because it is that good! David Sampere’s artwork is crazy beautiful, so gloriously detailed it leaves the eyes wanting more. 
This is the AquaPerson Story I have been waiting for since the movie… No dumb oversized seahorses, no force waterballs… carnage, and dimension hopping insanity, this makes a fantastic story!
All I can say is, if there is one story you MUST Read, it is this!
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
And that ball is GOING, GOING, GONE! They’re gonna find that one out on Sheffield!
Seventh Batter
Future State: The Flash #1-2
Writer: Brandon Vietti   Artist Dale Eaglesham
‘Focus on the Science.
Science reveals Answers. 
Answers build Hope.’
After EVERY Time I picked up a Flash book over the last two years, and constantly getting assaulted with a NEVER-ENDING GODSFORSAKEN Redemption Arc story, what do i see here?
The self-sacrificing hero of the Crisis, the overpowered, no the hero with the broken power structure, who turned Superman into an Anti-Life Zombie by VIBRATING THROUGH HIS ULTRA DENSE BODY, and leaving his fingers inside (uh, GROSS!!, but oh so cool!) now in a REDEMPTION ARC???
Nope! I’m done.
As Pretty as Dale Eaglesham’s artwork is (and it is pretty), This is a MAD Fail for me.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶     (if I split the grading this would have a 4.5 for the Artwork… the layouts are imaginative and well done, and the speed scenes are fantastic! This is how the Flash should be done, as artwork)
As the sun starts to dip, and the street lights begin coming on, it’s time to call it a night.
At the end of the First Half of the Innings we have:
4 Home Runs
1 Triple ( a near miss, more for consistency of story and artwork… but points for Nemesis Kid and Major Force!)
1 Out (If I split it, it would have been a HR and a Side Retiring Art Fail)
And an Outright Side Retire
7 sets done, 15 more to do… We’ll start playing at Sunrise tomorrow, make a real day of it!
0 notes
margarittet · 7 years
Dean Winchester’s eclectic taste in music, as shown in his (non-classic rock/heavy metal) FBI aliases
My whole thought process here started today with the famous Aaron scene, and the alias Dean uses while he shows his badge to his “gay thing”.
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Yes, Marc Bolan was an openly bisexual celebrity (referenced here by BEN EDLUND, similar to 10x22, where ANDREW DABB references Freddy Mercury - another bisexual man - as one of the other aliases Dean chooses for himself). 
This is a telling reference in itself in the context of this scene, but as a huge T. Rex/Marc Bolan fan myself, this scene got me super excited also besides that. Like, super SUPER excited. Why, you ask?
BECAUSE IT MAKES TEXTUAL THE FACT THAT DEAN IS A GLAM ROCK FAN. Like, classic glam rock. Silk shirts, high heels, glitter eye-shadow glam-rock-fan. A one step away from David Bowie’s “Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars” glam-rock-fan. 
He is a fan of THIS:
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He is enough of a fan to take Marc Bolan’s name as his alias while he usually chooses aliases based on classic hard rock musician’s/heavy metal band members that he likes/identifies with.
Out of curiosity (and procrastination, because of course I should be doing something else right now) I checked the list of the music aliases Dean uses over the years (I assume that these aliases are Dean’s ideas since he is the brother more interested in music, after all.) As a result, I spent a great evening with a whole spectrum of music genres, based on Dean Winchester’s amazing and broad AF music taste.
It’s true that most of the aliases Dean chooses are heavy metal and classic rock bands (Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, ZZ Top, Kiss, Ted Nudgent, Styx, Rush, Warrant, Poison, Guns and Roses…)(I don’t blame him, these are great bands).
There are exclusively six writers who gave Dean a much more eclectic taste in music during the last seven seasons:
Andrew Dabb
Robert Berens
Ben Edlund
Robbie Thompson
and a writing duo Eric Charmelo & Nicole Snyder (season 10/11)
So, let’s look at what genres/bands broadens Dean’s iPod album collection, shall we?
Yes, Dean was sneering at Vince Vincente and his spiked codpiece (and a rainbow wig that I am completely sure Dean imagined, because even google can’t find me one band who used that as a prop), but that was all Performing!Dean talking, obviously. How do we know? Because as far as real-life parallels to the fictional band Ladyheart go, this is what Dean hates so much:
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Yes, Dean is completely disgusted by leather pants, huge wigs and studded codpieces, here visualized by Mötley Crüe. Dean said so IN TEXT.
(I am pretty sure Ladyheart is supposed to be Mötley Crüe since their next album was to be named “Theatre of Mercy” - mirroring Mötley Crüe’s album “Theatre of Pain”. Also, “Rock Never Dies” was written by ROBERT BERENS, who named another one of his episodes “Girls, Girls, Girls” - after a Mötley Crüe  song and album.)
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And yet, in episode 8.02. “What’s up, Tiger Mommy?” (written by ANDREW DABB), Dean introduces himself and Sam as Agents Neil and Sixx, two members of MÖTLEY CRÜE. Which means Dean is a Mötley Crüe fan, and he doesn’t seem to mind huge wigs and studded codpieces that much in their case. (Bam, LAWYERED!)
The name LADYHEART (called into existence by my above mentioned personal god Bobo Berens) reminds me of the British band LADYTRON (playing synth pop/new wave/electronic combo), and named after the super famous ROXY MUSIC synth pop/glam rock song.
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So, yeah, Dean is a fan of studded codpieces, big wigs and hair metal. He is also a fan of a long list of different music genres (real Dean behind the cut):
2) 90′S GRUNGE
In episode 10x13 “Halt and Catch Fire” (written by ERIC CHARMELO & NICOLE SNYDER), Sam and Dean use aliases “Grohl and Cobain”, as in DAVE GROHL and KURT COBAIN from NIRVANA.
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3) BRITISH 1970′S/1980′S PUNK ROCK
In episode 11x13 “Love Hurts” (also written by ERIC CHARMELO & NICOLE SNYDER) Dean uses alias “agent Weller”, as in PAUL WELLER from the classic British punk rock band THE JAM.
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In episode 10x19 “The Werther Project” (written by ROBERT BERENS) Dean pretends to be a Neighbourhood Watch member by the name of Dwight Twilley.
DWIGHT TWILLEY is a power pop singer from the 1980s.
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5) POP ROCK/ART POP/BLUES ROCK (with female vocals)
In episode 9x14 “Captives” (written by ROBERT BERENS), Sam and Dean take aliases of “agents Nicks and McVie”.
STEVIE NICKS and CHRISTINE MCVIE are members of the legendary soft rock/art pop/blues band FLEETWOOD MAC. THEY ARE ALSO BOTH FEMALES!!!
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6) POST PUNK/INDIE ROCK (with female vocals)
In episode 10x14 “The Executioner’s Song” (written again by ROBERT BERENS) Sam and Dean take names “Moore and Ranaldo”.
THURSTON MOORE and LEE RANALDO are members of the legendary indie rock band SONIC YOUTH, with famous vocals of KIM GORDON.
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In episode 8x17 “Goodbye Stranger” (written by the one and only ROBBIE THOMPSON), Sam and Dean use names “agents Tandy and Lynne”.
RICHARD TANDY and JEFF LYNDE are members of ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA, a band that combines pop-rock, synth pop, electronic music and elements of disco.
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In the episode 5x14, “My Bloody Valentine” (written by BEN EDLUND), Dean uses names “agents Cliff and Marley”, as in JIMMY CLIFF and BOB MARLEY - famous reggae musicians.
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In episode 8x08, “Hunteri Heroici” (written by ANDREW DABB), Team Free Will pose as agents “Nash, Crosby, and Stills”.
DAVID CROSBY, STEPHEN STILLS, GRAHAM NASH (and occasionally NEIL YOUNG) were a folk-rock supergroup started in 1968.
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In episode 11x04 “Baby” (written by ROBBIE THOMPSON), Dean uses name “agent Walsh” as in JOE WALSH from THE EAGLES, a soft rock band of “Hotel California” fame.
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Dean’s taste in music, reflected here in the names of musicians he chooses as his personas, alongside his most favourite rockstars, shows how broad Dean is in his tastes - Dean practically is a fan of anything that sounds good to him, regardless of genre (as shown with his liking for Taylor Swift and Broadway musicals, for example). It’s a shame that this wonderful music taste is still hidden in the subtext, and all I can do is hope that our new Dean will be allowed to play some of his favourite bands in his car next season, especially since both Dabb and Berens seem to be the keepers of Dean’s super eclectic, infinite playlist. Please Dabb, make it happen!
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maisiewilliams · 7 years
Please please share your thoughts on Wonder Woman? Thank you! :)
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Some thoughts:
So we all knew it was going to be emotional to FINALLY have a female superhero movie, but the movie exceeded those expectations. The fight scenes were incredible and so focused on Diana and what she was capable of – the men basically weren’t even there. The fuckin no man’s land scene SAVED MY LIFE. Superhero movies are known for being heavy handed and this one didn’t escape that for sure (the love speech at the end was….a lot), but that scene was so well done…they didn’t have to stoop to some Éowyn knock off line of “I am no man,” we were allowed to just see her do what real women do - step up and do it. Even though that wasn’t the first time we’ve seen her in full Wonder Woman costume on screen, it felt like it was, like it was the first time I’d EVER seen ANY hero before and it took my breath away. By far the best Superhero Reveal Moment I’ve ever seen. My girl taking out bullets right and left, drawing fire from the entire German army!! Fuck me up!!!
You can’t talk about this film without talking about gender role reversals. Chris Pine was So Perfect and I think they really couldn’t have pulled the movie off if they’d cast any other white boy in the role. He was funny but genuine, capable but never arrogant, charming but not entitled about it. He learned quickly what Diana was capable of and respected her for it, always moving to the sideline during the fight scenes (the shield moment with the bell tower comes to mind - who needs a sniper when you can fuckin launch a god at the shooter??), knowing that these were her fights and never trying to mansplain her out of them. He wanted to protect her, but didn’t underestimate her - all the things that a typical female romantic interest does in these kind of movies. It was amazingly well balanced, so much so that I didn’t even mind the romantic sub plot. Plus he was almost entirely naked there, way to play to the audience my dudes!!!!
The historical context did the movie such a great service. The outward displays of sexism became so ridiculous when faced with Diana, who genuinely had never had to deal with the patriarchy’s bullshit before. It didn’t just make the men in London look pathetic and mean, it cast a large shadow over the way that women are treated today. 
The Dark DC Gradient™ on all the shots isn’t my favorite but it did Chris Pine’s fuckin bright blue eyes a huge favor
Gal Gadot was so fuckin good??? Not only was she beautiful, like really really distractingly beautiful, like I kept having to force myself to pay attention to the dialogue cause I, like Steve Trevor, could not stop looking at her (and she’s standing next to Genuine Stud Chris Pine and still?? SHE’S SO BEAUTIFUL). But she was way more then that, her performance was spot on. Diana was naive, commanding, strong, compassionate - while never being reduced down to just a one note version of these things. She felt so real to me, in a genre that spends very little time on character development. Even in the sappiest parts of the script, she sold it. She absolutely sparkled. 
Some of the best dialogue was the back and forth between Diana and Steve when she’s asking questions about mankind/London - it was cute and funny without being too overdone or obvious, which it easily could have been
The villains weren’t much to write home about, but they didn’t need to be. The movie was so laser focused on Diana and Steve that they really didn’t matter, you could self insert whatever you wanted to there
Themyscira is the ideal for I too want to hang out on the beach and never see a man again
Also that lesbian line, and how stupid male reviewers blindly did not understand it!!! Fuckin drag em
But also the fight scenes on Themyscira were INCREDIBLE. I wish that first section had been a bit longer just because I was enjoying it so much, but it was so refreshing to see all women on screen - women who fought and loved and supported each other. Incredible. 
I haven’t enjoyed, really enjoyed, to the point of not having to think about the message or the structure or how much fuckin time I’ve wasted listening to some male superhero talk about honor or some equally boring garbage, since The Avengers came out in 2012. Even then, Wonder Woman felt like something else entirely. It leaned on many of the same tropes and sequences, but there was enough reinvention in between (particularly the characters, who I felt were much more fleshed out then any superhero movie I’ve seen before) to make it feel fresh and exciting. This so easily could have been a throw away movie, a chance for movie execs to point and say, hey we tried with women that one time!! But Patty Jenkins, and Gal Gadot, and all the other women who worked on this incredible production, knew what was at stake, and weren’t going to let that happen. Every time I see a little girl dressed up as Diana Prince, on her way to the theater, my heart fills more and more. During the film, I found myself on the verge of tears five or six times - sometimes because it was so beautiful, to see a woman who felt so real being strong and vulnerable and saving the damn world, but other times because the plot itself genuinely moved me. Wonder Woman is revolutionary for the industry, sure, but more importantly, it’s just a damn good movie. 
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davidmann95 · 5 years
Thoughts on this week's comics?
Once & Future #1: On the final day of my local comic book store’s operation (don’t worry, I’ve I think found a new place close to where I work) they finally got the sixth and last printing of this baby, and what an odd comic. I absolutely dig it, but just in terms of pacing and the rhythms of the dialogue, this feels much more to me like a Morrison joint than Gillen? Maybe it’s just because I associate Dan Mora with Klaus. Anyway, I’m late to the party on this one but yeah, it’s good.
No One Left To Fight #4: It hasn’t been as good as the first issue got me to hope, and I don’t think it’s going to change that with apparently just one issue left, but this is still solid and definitely worth a look once it drops in trade for DBZ fans.
DIE #8: Gillen’s always been a guy who works best for me on reread, but between this and Peter Cannon he’s working overtime lately to jump a few notches even further upward in my estimation. And I cannot believe a monthly comic, even one with breaks built in, can look this gorgeous.
Marvel Comics #1001: God what a shitshow! I repeatedly referred to Marvel Comics #1000 as nothing short of a minor miracle, and I’ll stand by that. But while that was an exceptional if by no means perfect realization of its intent as a celebration of Marvel’s history, this is a truly shameless dumping ground, with only two teasing story-lite bookending Ewing pages to lure in chumps like me. I think there’s something like 3-4 notably at least *okay* other stories in here, with everything else ranging from empty calories to bizarre to total crap. Worst I’ve spent about dropping my money on a book in some time.
Fantastic Four #15: I’ll admit to being a little perplexed about the strength of the negative reaction to the title right now. I’d be the first to admit it’s a complete embarrassment in the context of being the Richards families’ grand return, but it’s perfectly fine superhero comics, even if I’ll likely drop it after this arc.
Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk #1: The gold standard of event tie-ins - it fits well with the event, with the main book (even if Ewing’s assured nothing plotwise here is going to feed back into the main title...though honestly, I’m a touch skeptical depending on how Absolute Carnage proper goes, I could see something in here playing out in Immortal while requiring fairly minimal explanation), and it hits us with an extra little dose of seeing how the current status quo plays with Marvel at large since it’s typically in isolation without diluting the flavor of either side. A+.
Bizarre Adventures #1: Actually really good but it should be a federal crime that the initial solicit promised a Chris Onstad story and this didn’t deliver, without even at least some sort of formal apology.
Daredevil #12: Oh, Willie. WhatEVER are we going to do with you?
House of X #6: Okay, I’ve tried to avoid blanket “anyone who doesn’t like these books just doesn’t GET IT, MAN” statements, but I haven’t been subtle in finding a lot of the criticisms of how the X-Men are changing up how they operate/express themselves as a minority metaphor...charged. I’ve already had reason recently to think I was being too broad even with that though, but with this issue? The idea that Professor X was psychically manipulating people into going along with this seemed like a dumb, boring as shit way of reckoning with the new status quo, but maybe that merits a rethink, because holy shit. Anyway this is still fire and I can’t believe I give a fuck about the X-Men now, one issue left until this run properly starts. Jesus.
The Immortal Hulk #24: I’ll admit I’ve been finding the conclusion of the General Fortean story merely excellent rather than mind-blowingly transcendent recently, and while I wasn’t disappointed I was ready for things to properly kick back into high gear. THAT IS CERTAINLY NOT A PROBLEM ANYMORE, TRUE BELIEVERS.
Batman #80: I’m still down for it, both this bit in isolation as the triumphant comeback lead in to the finale, and the run as a whole. And while I think he’s been doing his best work in a VERY long time recently and I’m glad to see he’ll be joining Tynion, I’m glad Daniel is taking a backseat to Mann, Romita Jr., and soon Janin for concluding City of Bane, given it’s now also the ending of King’s time on Batman proper even if he’s still finishing his story elsewhere.
Lois Lane #4: It’s extremely weird that this is a Renee Montoya book co-starring Lois Lane but if Greg Rucka wants to write a Gotham Central/52 followup I’m not gonna...question it.
Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium #2: DANG! Taken as a whole with the first issue given it clearly should have been a big one-shot, this is easily the best thing Bendis has done since the DC jump outside the Superman books, and I’m properly pumped for Legion now. Jeff Dekal and Ryan Sook in particular take my breath away once apiece in here.
The Green Lantern #12: With the season finale on the stands, I’d say it’s now more than fair to call Green Lantern Morrison’s weakest superhero output of the 21st century. Which doesn’t mean it’s not a hoot, it’s still Morrison, but again, I’ve yet to see anything at all that convinces me Morrison isn’t doing this on autopilot in-between his TV commitments. Admittedly Morrison on autopilot has its own unique charms, just spraying odd archetypal superhero concepts and sci-fi jargon at you to fill up space; this feels like one of his ad-hoc superhero teams such as the Status Quorum or the Cometeers or one of the throwaway Multiversity Earth ideas slouching to a sort of independent pseudo-life and throwing off neat ideas like an isotope bursting radiation, not fully-formed but perhaps in its own way all the more beautifully off-kilter and primally iconic in the process. Not enough to make up for the absence of him actually trying, you understand, but certainly unique and still an experience I enjoy every month. Please god though, don’t let this and Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 3 whenever that happens be his last major superhero works. One last Justice League story, Arkham Asylum 2 like he said, Superman Squad, something.
Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds #4: Venom exists in the DCU and it’s an evil speedo, this is objectively a perfect comic book. I liked the original Way run a lot even if I could never remember what was going on, but I’m stunned with every issue what a level-up this second volume has been, at least for my money.
Justice League #33: I think the book’s sagging a bit at the moment, since Justice/Doom War is clearly a feint for whatever the real finale is going to be in 2020 and I don’t think Snyder/Tynion work quite as well as an apparently full-on writing team as they do when simply trading off issues and letting their individual strengths shine. Still the best straight-take capeshit on the stands though, make no mistake.
Young Justice #9: If Namoi was the return of the Bendis who tried writing sincere stuff near the end of his time at Marvel but was too burned out at that point to make it work anymore, this is the Avengers guy who’s freewheeling and kinda screwing around where he should be getting to brass tacks but still has his moments. I might end up dropping this book, but it’s still at least got me through the end of this arc.
DCeased #5: This book’s been disappointing me more than a bit the last couple issues given how good it SHOULD be with how much it plays into Tom Taylor’s greatest strengths. The ending on this one, however? Is one I’m going to remember forever, and Trevor Hairsine sells the absolute hell out of it. Propelled to my favorite of the week just on the back of that.
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arkhamcitysirens · 7 years
my thoughts on the batman and harley quinn movie
so i’ve just finished watching the latest dc animated movie, batman and harley quinn, and you’ve probably already heard it’s a pretty polarising movie. when it was over i didn’t really know how to feel. overall i’d say it wasn’t great and from a critical perspective it was absolutely awful, but personally i still enjoyed certain aspects... i made some notes???
the good
the animated series art style looked really nice here, especially since high definition has made it look a lot more refined and smooth (the coloring for harley’s shiny lipstick was one small thing that i thought looked super duper cool)
kevin conroy is, as always, a fantastic batman, and i also quite liked the new voice actress for ivy, paget brewster
the few jokes which are actually funny are REALLY funny- in particular, i loved the booster gold phone call scene and harley’s breakdown over the ‘veggie apocalypse’
harley’s characterisation is pretty decent, and i appreciated that she got to stand up for herself and show that she can be smart and strategic whilst also being ridiculous most of the time... she gets to complain about how she’s been treated before too and how oversexualised she often is, which is a nice touch, although it doesn’t really make sense in the context of this particular film where she’s oversexualised anyway
there are some nice character building moments for harley, like when she discusses how difficult it’s been for her to reform and ‘go straight’ because nobody actually wants to help her be better. i loved that the film took into consideration what life would actually be like if harley really did try to turn her life around.
the opening credits are absolutely ADORABLE and god i love them so much... they’re the best part of the entire film which is unfortunate but like they’re so good!!!
plenty of easter eggs pop up throughout the film, mostly related to the animated dc universe, which is cool for dedicated fans to see!
harley goes through a few awesome costume changes, including a new 52-style dress, a really cute coat with her hair in bunches, and the classic jester costume which looks great (except the collar looks a little off sometimes)- i was so happy to see the blonde pigtails back because they are SO GOOD
there’s no explicit mention of harlivy here (of course) but there’s also no joker whatsoever, except for one brilliant passing line where harley mentions the “only good thing I ever got from that asshat” was joker venom. also the ending features a very sweet reconciliation between harley and ivy that i thought was wonderful!
the bad
melissa rauch is... a truly awful harley quinn... she doesn’t make the role FUN. she says everything in a snarky, oversaturated, whiney brooklyn accent and she’s missing that sing-songy sound that makes harley HARLEY, so we’re left with a character who’s supposed to be the life of the party that instead just sounds permanently pissed
the animation looks BAD. characters don’t blink, and they usually don’t move unless they’re talking either, plus background characters are almost always motionless- when characters are moving, it looks stiff and awkward, and a lot worse than even the 90s show this film is paying tribute to, which is a real shame
as for the storyline, the btas episode ‘harlequinade’ did it so much better, and this is essentially a very drawn-out version of that plot line, replacing the villain of joker with poison ivy instead
there are a lot of issues with the tone of the movie- it jumps around from stupid, flamboyant comedy, to serious and mature, to choppy action movie. it doesn’t sit well in any genre or with any audience. i think dc tried to please every type of batman/harley fan here and it results in a serious mishmash that i don’t think really pleases anybody.
the film is super short, clocking in at barely seventy minutes, and yet it’s still jam packed with filler content. i recall one bizarrely long segment where random people off the street were asked of harley’s whereabouts, all giving fairly generic replies and all saying “no”, and this scene went for at least an entire minute
most of the humour is frankly unfunny. i’m jotting down the worst line in the whole movie as the line “it’s not bad... smells like discipline”, spoken by batman when harley farts. it’s childish humour which doesn’t even make sense- an extended scene where harley farts! that’s the entire joke! it’s stupid and pathetic, and it makes it even more polarising when one minute the humour is bathroom jokes for toddlers, then the next it’s crass comedy about how nightwing got a boner. yep, that’s another joke that actually happens.
nightwing and harley sleep together and it’s not exactly non-consensual, but it also didn’t come off as a very positive thing ever because nightwing kind of agreed but not really and it just wasn’t great and also it’s just classic bruce timm again feeling the need to make random characters from your childhood have sex so he can get himself off i guess
even though harley gets to talk about how guys are always taking advantage of her body, which is cool, this movie pulls out all the stops on oversexualising her anyway! think many, MANY shots of her ass, plenty of focus on the fact she does in fact have boobs, and of course bruce timm’s insistence that she randomly straddle nightwing so they can have sex
swamp thing appears at the end and i felt like i was missing a big joke the entire time. was this a reference to something? was it some kind of humour i didn’t understand? honestly, i just think it was supposed to be funny that he appeared out of the blue, but it wasn’t?
the strange and uncertain
harley sings ‘hanging on the telephone’ by blondie? for no apparent reason? it’s clearly filler, and it sounds fucking awful (thanks melissa rauch), but somehow i still thought it was kinda cool even though it felt extremely out of place and really served... no purpose whatsoever
actually most of the bar scene is really weird, harley gets her random musical number but so do some other c-grade villains from other dc shows you’ll spot if you’re a huge fan of the animated universe, it’s filler again but i think people will appreciate the little easter eggs in what is mostly an okay, fun scene
harley works at ‘superbabes’, which is pretty much the dc universe equivalent of hooters but instead the waitresses all dress up skimpily like female superheroes... at first i thought that was just more bruce timm bullshit but when they delved into WHY harley couldn’t get a decent job, i appreciated this scene a lot more
i don’t know how to feel about ivy’s overall characterisation in this because she was very restricted by jason woodrue, and she also had SERIOUS punch up with her GIRLFRIEND hhh... but the fight was justified i guess and the resolution is really nice... i’m very torn over ivy’s portrayal really and i think it’s something everyone will react to differently (she did use a lot of language i don’t think pam would use e/g i can’t imagine her saying ‘crap’ and ‘we’re screwed’ but she does anyway... not sure why but it just really doesn’t sound right for her?)
loren lester is supposed to be the Iconic nightwing but he sounds stupid in comparison to melissa rauch as harley, especially since his voice takes you back to the 90s and most of this film is fairly rooted in the now. i love that this movie is such a throwback to btas but in this case, i’m not sure loren lester was the best fit
the ending is extremely abrupt and mostly played for laughs, which a lot of people don’t like, but i actually didn’t mind it? i thought it was really funny and cute and a pretty fair resolution to the problem (basically harley just suggests they take the easy way out and set the Floronic Man on fire, because hey, he’s made out of leaves right?) the aftercredits scene was the bigger problem imo because it had no connection to anything in the film, wasn’t all that funny and didn’t seem to have any purpose (although i could say that about most of this movie tbh)
ultimately for some reason i still enjoyed this movie, and i’d probably watch it again, but it had a lot of issues and i wish it could have been the movie harley deserves. also i never want to hear melissa rauch as harley again. if you’re a big harley fan, i’d recommend giving this a watch, because there are some cool moments, but otherwise, give it a miss.
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rockets-capris · 7 years
The Best and the Worst of LOT S1
Once there was a girl who started to watch a TV show she found on Netflix. She fell instantly in love with this show within ten minutes of the first episode. For the next few weeks, she celebrated and obsessed over the show. She shipped, she wrote fanfiction and roleplayed. And then … the stupid writers killed off the best-written character in their universe and the girl rage-quit.
I was that girl.
Legends of Tomorrow was that show.
DC Legends of Tomorrow is a TV series which takes place in the same universe as Supergirl, Arrow and the Flash. (This universe is hereafter referred to as the Arrowverse for convenience)
The Legends are a team of time-traveling superheroes which is made up of Rip Hunter, the British time master who is also the leader, Leonard Snart (more commonly known as Captain Cold) who is primarily a Flash villain, Mick Rory (A.K.A Heatwave) partner-in-crime of thirty or so years to Leonard, Sara Lance (or White Canary) sister to Laurel Lance and is an assassin or whatever (I really hate her), Raymond Palmer (A.K.A The Atom) who is basically Tony Stark meets Ant-Man (ability-wise not personality-wise), Martin Stein (half of F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M) who is a professor in his sixties, Jefferson Jackson (other half of F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M) the token black guy and Kendra Saunders (Hawkgirl) who is a barista turned ancient Egyptian goddess.
Oh, and Carter (Hawkman) but trust me he barely counts.
So, Rip knocked out these people, kidnapped them, and told them that he would really like for them to help him avenge his dead family but they didn’t have to if they didn’t want to.
I always liked how Rip gave them a choice even though he didn’t need to and in most sci-fi or fantasy stories where something similiar happens, the characters involved are not given a choice. It’s realistic and automatically gives you a look into what kind of guy Rip is. For me, this small thing proves that realism in writing is not just making somebody die from a gun-shot wound or some crap.
All of them decide against it at first. I like this too and it’s also realistic to their personalities. Particularly Team Fire and Ice over there.
Speaking of those guys, Leonard and Mick were in temporary agreement that they weren’t gonna go with Rip but Leonard changed his mind while his partner didn’t so Len was basically like, “Dude, a time traveler just came out of the sky and is asking us to help him murder somebody. Pretty sure it’s a once-in-a-lifetime oppertunity.” and Mick is like, “Fine. I’ll go wherever you go but I still think it’s a bad idea.”
And Carter convinced Kendra, Ray pretty much decided on his own as for F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M… . oh. Yeah.
Martin decided to go with him but Jax (Jefferson’s nickname) still didn’t want to. In order to become F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M, Martin and Jax need to be together as it’s sort of a morphing/splicing type thing. So Martin decides to um … DRUG the nineteen-year-old kid that is Jax, and bring him to the Waverider (Rip’s timeship) against his will.
My problem with this (besides you know, the obvious) is how well everybody seems to take it! Rip is sort of just like, “You drugged him? Though I don’t condone kidnapping, Mr. Jackson, you’re already here and I really do need your help so … tough break, kid!”
No, I don’t expect Leonard and Mick to care, I mean, they don’t have a moral compass but SOMEONE other than Jax should have had a problem with it! Yeah, it’s funny, but if you think about it, it’s also pretty messed up.
Yes, Martin says he’s sorry several times throughout the season, though we’re not entirely sure whether Jax forgives him or not … I mean eventually he does because he’s part of the team now and they’re all a family. A dysfunctional family that hates each other, knocks each other out as a way of saying ‘I love you’, and sometimes maroons each other in time pockets where time stands still, but a family just the same.
The team’s first destination is the good old 1970s. Sara suggests to Leonard and Mick that they all hit the bar. Leonard says, “Excellent idea.” which gave us all a great reaction gif to play with. Here’s my problem with this part. Jax tries to join Killer, Klepto and Pyro in this, and Leonard tells him and I probably slightly inaccurately quote, “You’re not quite ready to run with this crew yet.” Buuuuut, Sara for some reason WAS???
What does he even mean by “this crew”? Does he mean him and Mick? Or does he mean him, Mick and Sara? Because, why would Leonard Snart, CAPTAIN FLARKING COLD just automatically choose to trust this random girl he JUST met?
It’s not just in that moment either, throughout the entire beginnining he demonstrates a level of trust in her that goes against his character. Gosh, I hate it when fandoms change a character’s set personality to make it match the situation better.
From then on, Len spends a TON of time with Sara. They never give a reason WHY he likes her, he just immediately DOES. Even though he’s an emotionally cold jerk to everyone else except his partner, who doesn’t bring up the time Leonard spends with Sara. On top of that, she also gains a particular connection with the team leader, Rip. Again, no explanation.
Later in the season, Rip needs someone to command the ship. What would’ve made sense is to get Jax to do it, as he is a mechanic and knows how to engineer it. What Rip did was get Sara. SARA. Who knows nothing about the Waverider, or how it works. Not only that but she somehow actually CAN pilot it successfully without asking Rip ANY questions at all. HOW????? When did she learn to drive a timeship from the twenty-second century?
Characters in this fandom just automatically like Sara, simply because she’s … Sara. She doesn’t have to do anything to get them to like her, they just do. Even breaking character to do so.
One thing I’ve noticed about Captain Cold and Heatwave is that they are too well-written for their fandom. Characters in the Arrowverse tend to be one-dimensional and inconsistent. Leonard and Mick remain two of the most interesting and consistent personalities of anyone in the show. Yes, there are some inconsistencies (Leonard’s insta-friendship with Sara for example) but they aren’t as common occurrences as in characters such as Barry Allen.
Throughout season one, the team goes to several locations in various times but I, as always, am more invested in the sideplots. Where all the character and relationship building takes place. Tensions grow higher between our resident supervillains. Keep in mind, Mick never wanted to do this in the first place. I noticed that being on a “team” is especially hard for him. Mick is agressive and unpredicatable. The only thing that drives him in life is his hatred of literally everyone. In LOT, he’s put in a position where there are restrictions to what he can do, who he can kill, etc. Not to mention, he now can’t access his greatest stress reliever. Mick makes this clear in one episode where he says, and I quite accurately quote, “I’m now in the one place I can’t set things on fire! A space ship!”
So, it was only a matter of time before Mick and Leonard started … well, I don’t know if I could call it arguing but it kind of was. Len started trying to tell his partner what to do. Yeah, if you know Mick Rory, that worked about as well as any of us thought it would lol. (Temporarily dropping my professionalism for comedic value) It’s clear to the audience that Leonard cares deeply about Mick, it’s just that when the two of them are put in this particular position, their priorities change. Also, I can understand why Leonard thought he could talk to Mick like that, I mean, Mick DOES listen to him and he even got in the habit of frequently calling Len “boss”. I think it comes down to this: Back when their partnership started, Leonard just naturally became the leader. Leonard knows this, but never took advantage of it. Until they joined the Legends and Mick tried to join a four-wheeler gang from an alternate future. (Okay, so maybe Len was justified.)
Shortly after that, half the team gets captured by time pirates. This episode, and the episodes around it, Rip demonstrated one of his own inconsistencies. He tells Mick that he never intended for Heatwave to join the Legends at all, but knew that Cold wouldn’t come without his partner. And that’s not so bad, nor inconsistent to Rip’s personality. It was the context he said it in. He said Mick had the “IQ of meat” and that Leonard had a mind of his own but Mick didn’t. I’m not kidding. Rip Hunter said that. Honestly, no wonder Mick wanted to leave the team. He never felt like part of the team because the whole team treats him like crap!
That’s not the worst part of this episode as you undoubtedly know. It’s one of the most popular episodes for all the wrong reasons. :(
It’s the episode where Mick decides to join the time pirates. Leonard doesn’t want his best friend to leave him and the rest of the Legends. So, after Rip and his crew defeats the pirates they throw Mick in the brig because, you know, he did betray them and all. The team is considering killing Mick. Leonard stops them. And the team is like, “So, what are we gonna do?” And Len is like, “I’ll handle it.” And nobody asks any questions because when Captain Cold says “I’ll handle it” you don’t ask questions.
His way of handling it: Dragging Mick to a time pocket and knocking him out, then leaving him there.
I have a big problem with this. The writers completely disregarded a partnership that’s lasted over thirty years! In real life, friendships MEAN something. Leonard just punches out his best friend! Later on he says that he was “always coming back for him” but when would he have had the oppertunity to revisit that time pocket? How would he even know where to find him again after leaving him?
Later Mick gets picked up by the Time Masters who turn him into a brainwashed bounty hunter called Chronos.
Basically throughout the season, Leonard and Mick don’t actually spend a lot of time being particularly close, and this is a big mistake in writing because me, along with the audience wants to see these two positively interact. We want to see why they click so well. I mean, we’ve seen some examples of this, like in the Russia episode, when Len breaks Mick out of a gulag, but for the most part we don’t get to see much of a partnership.
One of my main problems with this season, and this show in general leaves soooo much to be desired in the way of character development, not to mention all the unanswered questions: Why does Sara have more moments with Cold then Mick does? (It’s okay if it was just for shipping purposes just give us SOME sort of reason!) What makes Sara so magnetic in the first place? Why do we only see Jonah Hex in one episode and he’s basically never mentioned again even though he was supposedly Rip’s best friend for all the years he spent in the wild west? And I have so much more.
Another thing I would like to call attention to is that there are two moments in particular where Leonard gets visibly and severely injured, and nobody seems to notice. Once being when he gets completely beaten to a pulp by Mick, and his face is all bruised up and stuff and everyone’s just standing around and not saying anything. Not even Sara who spends the most time talking to the guy! And the second time is far more inexcusable, when Leonard loses his FREAKIN HAND and he’s talking to them, and not a single person acknowledges it. I mean how on earth do you not notice that a guy you’ve lived with for at least a few months has lost a very visible and very neccessary part of his body?! (No, not that.) I realize of course, that this is a small hole, but it is a hole. It would have only taken a few moments of screen-time for one character to go, “Woah, what happened to you?” and for Leonard to give a short explanation in his own words.
Of course, there’s always the possibility that the characters DID realize and they just don’t care what happens to Leonard, which I guess kinda makes sense as he is kind of an a-hole to most of them …
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mantra4ia · 7 years
Salty Fangirl Moment, Vol 1
Strong Female Characters/Roles and views which subvert their impact
If you are reading this, I’m sorry. There really are better expository pieces out there about Female Lead Roles, but I wanted to share my reaction to types of opposition and extremism about two projects with strong female leads: Wonder Woman and Doctor Who. (spoilers ahead)
1. Wonder Woman (and the Conservative Curmudgeons)
I saw Wonder Woman multiple times from opening weekend up until today, in English and Spanish, with friends, by myself, and nothing has lessened my joy each time I watch. The movie has foibles in plot and some action sequences, but not when it comes to well written, acted, character, and that for me gives lots of leniency toward other missteps. Chris Pine is wonderfully genuine and generous in his acting to support the project and help everyone else shine, as do the other actors. Gal Gadot does not have much dialogue to carry, but she is expressive and really captures Wonder Woman’s youthful exuberance which was so refreshing. I loved the color grading, I loved the balance of big action and small moments and, DC movie fans can hate me all they desire, I love how it felt like a ‘Marvel movie’. Don’t get me wrong, I have liked some DC movies (Man of Steel, BvS, etc), but from recent experience I think Marvel has been stronger at building characters, relationship dynamics, and ensemble and letting them tell a story, whereas DC has been stronger at building plots, conflicts, action points, and then dropping characters in so that we as an audience watch them react and witness individual character growth. In that sense Wonder Woman felt ‘Marvel’ due to the character focused lens. And overall it was a solid 'A' because it was fun, spirited, passionate, and it filled the tank of enthusiasm as I left the theater each time.
But recently I confronted a group of women, and upon sharing my love for the film (casually in conversation of course *not*, it’s wasn’t as if I steered the conversation with a truth lasso *I totally did*) I was met with a lukewarm response. Still I pressed on trying to get to the source of resistance, countering each potential concern- 
> “I loved it. 1. Even if you’re burned out of superhero movies, I think you’ll really like this. It’s character focused, and while it has a ‘mission’ the focus is really on two characters and their ‘we’re not in Kansas anymore’ stories. 2. If you like DC movies, you’ll like this, and if you’ve been disappointed by DC movies, you’ll still like this/ you should give it a chance because  it’s not your typical origin story, it has a strong ensemble, it’s well paced for the most part (it doesn’t feel like a 2+ hour film, it flies!!!), and it’s a feel good film. 3. This is a passion project for all of those involved, you can really tell because it’s not a good superhero film, it’s a good film period.”
>>At this point, their reservations thawed and they asked “it sounds interesting, what’s it about?” 
Now my mind is blown, because I realize they don’t know who Wonder Woman is from comics or hype, they haven’t seen articles or promo pics or previews (how is this possible), and I’m in charge of the classic elevator summary.
>“Oh, well it’s about Diana, aka Wonder Woman, she grows up on an island of amazon women sheltered from the outside world by Zeus, honing her skills as a warrior under the guidance of her aunt and mother to be on guard for Aries God of War. This all changes when Diana saves a human man, Chris Pine-” 
 >> “He’s from Star Trek, right?”
> “Yeah, sure. He’s a pilot who stumbled through the barrier from WWI and she joins his return to the war against the wishes of her family, because she believes she’s on Aries’ trail. So they get to the war and she helps fight back against Dr. Poison and the Germans…”
>> “Woah, she’s fighting Nazis. That’s too political for me. I don’t like it.” 
> “But…but…you haven’t seen the trailer or gotten to know the characters.”
>> “Why does everything have to be about Nazis?”
> “That’s what I am saying: it’s not about Nazis. Its superhero fiction, it’s about fighting injustice whether it has a real world context or not.”
>> “I’m not going to see it, it sounds like it’s trying to make a statement or be trendy.”
dfggdjfjfklkghjdghghjdghjtkh,jkknfgkgfdghbdf,hvhgdjutg!!!!!!!!! AGGGGGH! Wonder Woman has been an icon forever and a day, and the best you can call her is trendy?!
For the love of god, you are ‘entitled’ to your like/dislike opinion but only on the contingent of citing the source material. Watch a trailer, and critique a movie intelligently for its content: acting / writing / pacing / shot selection/ cinematic style, or draw comparisons to other films for context. If you form an opinion without any ‘research’ I guess you’re allowed, but I’m allowed to call that opinion (not you as a person, but that particular statement) ignorant, ill-informed, fledgling, and flippant.
2. Doctor Who - 13th Doctor (and the Heel Draggers and Super Enthusiasts)
The casting of the 13th Doctor suffers the same kind of character undermining, but this time from men and women on both extreme ends of the spectrum. We’ve got, in a similar vein to the curmudgeons but at least more informed, the heel-draggers: 
>>“1) Why do they have to cast a woman just because it’s PC/ a stunt/ publicity, 2) why do they have to shove an agenda in our face and 3) insult the traditions of the show I love. I’m not watching anymore.“
> I hardly think it has to do with the dreaded, often misused, recently catch-all term that we call political correctness. Out of all the regenerations, the dice isn’t always going to land on the same side. Secondly, believe it or not, all stories have an agenda called plot or arc, each writer/director/show runner has one. A casting choice of a different sex is not an agenda. And lastly, the show/fandom has many traditions; the fandom becomes richer as those traditions evolve, and the mark of a good writer/director/show runner is knowing the balance of constancy and change, and applying changes carefully with character or plot driven purpose. Sonic shades, sonic screwdriver, both? Converse or loafers? Raggedy or disco? As long as the Doctor is still the Doctor, still travels in the TARDIS, still values the same things, still has their past, and still has a companion, we might just survive!
But we also have the super enthusiasts who will fire first and ask questions later at any sign of dissent over the 13th Doctor. -
>>“1) The future is Female! Yes! Protect Jodie Whitaker at all cost. 2) Why are you worried about this casting, why aren’t you excited, you just don’t want the Doctor to be a woman. 3) Why don’t you like the trailer, you just don’t like change. 4) Power/ Control, we’ve got your superheroes, Doctors… 4) NOW A WHOLE BUNCH OF YOUNG GIRLS CAN COSPLAY AS THE DOCTOR (caps not mine, copied from a post)”
>Yes, the future is female, but a) that’s under the assumption she identifies as female and b) puleeeeasse Jodie Whitaker can protect herself as she feels so inclined, as can the whole Doctor Who creative team. Listen to opposition and evaluate if they have a valid point before you leap. Secondly, I’m not excited because I didn’t want the casting to be spoiled for me and it was, not because a woman was cast. And I’m not worried about a woman being cast - I can envision actresses in the part. I have concerns about Jodie Whitaker’s casting in conjunction with other circumstances outside her control.  Every regeneration is always a gut check, and change is by nature uncomfortable: I’ve enjoyed and grown used to the male Doctor and companion dynamic, it doesn’t mean you should assume I hate the idea of a female doctor. Jodie in particular presents a challenge because I know her and associate her with roles that bias me, including Broadchurch and The Assets. Again, my bias = no one’s problem but mine. I think she’s mega talented, but in this case her notability makes me more uneasy as opposed to a hypothetical niche-known actress of equal talent; I like Doctor Who’s recent track record at finding someone “new” and Jodie is not as ‘new’ to me as I had hoped. I would have been more enthusiastic for someone who, unlike Jodie, hadn’t worked so recently with Chibnall, the new showrunner, to inject fresh excitement. Or at least if Bill, Nardol, or even Missy were still around to ease us in as a focal point that the audience can transition through, like Rose for Tennant or Clara for Capaldi. So ultimately its the culmination of ‘clean slate’ circumstances that I find most unnerving, not solely the new Doctor. And I still have to get over the “Doctor Who Stages of Regeneration Grief” for Capaldi before I can form a passionate opinion of a new actor. 
Thirdly, I don’t like the “Introducing Jodie Whitaker” trailer because of the marketing choice - I find it boring and ‘too easy’ to build hype only to show Jodie’s face out from under a hood. It sends the absolutely wrong message for me that she’s a woman, not she’s the Doctor. Eccleston got to speak, Tennant got to speak, Matt Smith same, John Hurt same, Capaldi didn’t, but his first marketing intro was in the context of an episode in action, saving Gallifrey, being the Doctor, so it felt right. This felt a little cheap. And to those who see this as an opportunity for a female to be in power/control of the title role, give me a break. We’re not watching the same show. Doctor Who has never been about the Doctor being in control, more often than not it’s the TARDIS or companions, a majority of which have been played by actresses, that demonstrate force, a guiding hand, etc. I’m happy to have a female in the title role, I’m not happy with the fans who have narrowed the scope and don’t recognize the power that female characters have had all along in Doctor Who. Lastly, SWEET RASSILON ALIVE, girls have already been cosplaying as the Doctor since time immemorial because they identify with the character first not the actor/actress. I’m happy you’re happy that girls have an easily identifiable role model, but if you are going to praise the value of transcending gender roles assigned to a specific sex, its gotta work both ways or you are diminishing the character value.
My biggest grievance common to the people in all three points of opposition is the inability to simultaneously: 
Have their own preferences while at the same time stepping outside their perspective to role play someone else’s view 
Realize that both views can exist without invalidation of each other and
So if everyone can do me a favor? Let’s have a moment of silence and LISTEN to Wonder Woman and the Doctor. Thank you.
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moviemagistrate · 7 years
“Wonder Woman” review
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I’m sure I wasn’t alone in being not-particularly-excited for “Wonder Woman”, the latest entry in the DC Extended Universe; after all, I did see the other films in the DCEU. There was the two-and-a-half-hour long trailer “Man of Steel”, the ambitious but notably flawed “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”, and “Suicide Squad”, a film that if I were forced to choose between seeing again and taking my own life, I would spend far too long considering. With skepticism in hand, I saw “Wonder Woman”, and I cannot remember the last time I was so happy to be so wrong about a film. This isn’t to say that the movie doesn’t have its own fair share of flaws (it does), but in at least one significant area, which is to inspire hope for the DCEU, it works wonders.
After a brief framing-device setup, the movie tells the origin story of Diana, princess of an isolated island of muscular, Amazonian warrior-babes. In a slow-but-alright prologue, she grows from an eager young girl who is sheltered from combat by her Queen mother to a formidable fighter when suddenly, dashing American soldier Steve Trevor crash lands in their waters. From him, she discovers the ongoing conflict of World War I and sets out alongside him to Europe to help save humanity from what she believes to be the machinations of Ares, the wrathful god of war. Writing it now, this sounds like silly, comic book-y stuff (and it is), but it works within the context of the movie, and the plot isn’t really the reason the movie works as well as it does, anyway.
Let’s talk about Gal Gadot. I was among those who were skeptical when Zack Snyder first cast her as Wonder Woman in BvS, despite his usual excellent penchant for casting his films. A model with acting experience that mainly consisted of “Fast & Furious” movies (not exactly acting showcases) being put in the shoes of the most famous female hero in comic book history has a lot to live up to, and while her limited role in BvS was decent, it didn’t exactly set the world on fire. Such is not the case here in her solo film. Finally given a character with outward personality and depth, she is absolutely phenomenal in what is legitimately one of the best portrayals of a comic book character in any movie. Diana is an idealist, a good-hearted and eager young woman (despite being centuries-old) with no small amount of naiveté and innocence but also someone who is also fiercely strong-willed and independent, and Gadot nails every aspect of her character and every bit of her development throughout the course of the movie, as well as being surprisingly funny. Sure, you could argue that there are probably some actresses out there who could offer some better line-deliveries, but in terms of sheer charisma and how she carries herself and how she makes you believe that she is Wonder Woman, I’d say that Snyder’s mostly-superlative casting record continues. By the end of the film you’ll be convinced that Gal Gadot is a fucking megastar.
The main reason the movie works so well for me is Diana’s relationship with Trevor, played by Chris Pine. A likable, cynical rogue who isn’t too much of a stretch for Pine considering he plays Kirk similarly in the new “Star Trek” films, but a character who is still given enough dimension and gravitas to make him memorable, which the naturally charismatic Pine plays to a tee. Their lack of familiarity with each other’s worlds and their clashes in communication leads to some nice fish-out-of-water humor (see Trevor’s bemusement at the glowing water on the island or Diana’s reaction to her first ice cream), but it’s their chemistry that is the beating heart of this film. The characters’ opposing worldviews supplies the needed character drama, but also helps creates a bond that feels as natural and fresh as any pairing in recent history. Just try watching the boat scene about 30 minutes into the movie without smiling, laughing, or feeling the fireworks these two create. This leads to a bond atypical of most movies, where their deepening relationship is based not on superiority of one over the other, but one of equality and respect, where you actually feel these two grow both individually and together. I might be harping too much on this matter, but this is easily the best romance in any comic book movie (yes, even better than Cap and Bucky). Other film couples have chemistry; these two are cooking Heisenberg-quality meth together and making it look effortless.
The rest of the cast is solid, as well. Of note are Steve’s three buddies who tag along with him and Diana on their mission. They initially seem like the typical diverse comic-relief sidekicks, but are surprisingly well-written and are even given their own moments that flesh out and humanize them more than you’d expect in this kind of film (and I’m always happy to see Scotsman Ewen Bremner onscreen). Connie Nielsen and Robin Wright are alright as Diana’s Amazon queen mother and warrior aunt, but they’re only in the opening third of the movie and spend much of it speaking in stilted “Game of Thrones” dialogue. While the actors who play the villains are good, their actual characters are one of the film’s main weaknesses, somewhat lacking in terms of depth and being interesting. We never really understand why Doctor Poison stoops to creating her devastating weapons of war, and [SPOILERS] the “surprise” late-reveal of Ares can be seen coming a mile away. [END SPOILERS] It’s somewhat ballsy to take a historical figure such as German general Erich Ludendorff and make him the cackling bad guy in your movie (with some unusually accurate attention to detail like his view of war and his pagan Norse worship), and while entertaining, he too suffers from a lack of depth and motivation beyond conquering the world (which again should be noted, is not entirely historically inaccurate).
Patty Jenkins is the first time a woman has directed a major superhero film (not counting Lexi Alexander’s low-budgeted but face-explodingly awesome “Punisher: War Zone”), and she brings a uniquely feminine perspective to Diana’s story, from her upbringing in an all-female society to her learning of the frustrating world of mankind to her loving and compassionate nature. Jenkins has only directed one movie 14 years ago and has only done a handful of TV stuff since then, so her ground as an action director is understandably a bit shaky. The action itself is pretty good, but between the slight over-reliance on Snyder-esque slo-mo and over-editing, you can kind of tell this is Jenkins’ first time doing this sort of thing (not helped by some shockingly crappy CGI). However, she makes up for this by spacing out the action well over the course of the movie, and giving each fight weight, story meaning, and character development for Diana. Along with Rupert Gregson-Williams’ pounding soundtrack, this comes together best in an outstanding mid-movie charge across no man’s land to liberate a Belgian village. 
Putting aside the action stuff, Jenkins’ strength lies in the character scenes. The boat scene and others like it feel so natural and well-done because Jenkins knows the importance of slowing a movie down to let us take in the characters and making us care for them. In these scenes, she shows moments of such humanity and personal growth that it really catches you off-guard how moving this film can be. Later in the film, there’s a scene where a character sacrifices themselves and the camera holds on their face for a while, and seeing this person come to terms with their death will both break your heart and take your breath away. Moments like this involve you in a story more than any giant CGI clusterfuck or ironic Marvelquip. Speaking of which, the film itself has a refreshingly good sense of humor, that in deference to modern superhero tradition never feels forced and feels like it’s coming naturally from the characters and their quirks instead of soulless hack writers making pop-culture references.
Despite all that the film does right, it’s not without its flaws. Along with the aforementioned dodgy special effects and the so-so villains, the film also tends to get bogged down in exposition. It has not only the early backstory narration (which at least has context since it’s a story being read to Diana by her mother) and the third-act “villain explains their motivations” monologue, but also fairly frequent occurrences of “newly-introduced character tells us who they are and what the situation is”. It’s still done relatively well, and I prefer it to a movie rushing through just to get to the next studio-mandated action beat, but they could have been more economic with these parts. Also, the third act is a bit of a letdown. Without spoiling much, it disappointingly becomes another huge CG-battle after the baddie monologue, the kind we’ve all seen dozens of times. Maybe some producer or studio exec is hoping that these types of climaxes will one day go full-circle and become exciting again. Finally, the very last shot of the movie is kind of silly; it has no real purpose and is only there because someone out there mistakenly thought it’d look cool.
Nevertheless, I’m writing this review a few days after seeing it, and I’m honestly still shocked at how much I was thrilled, entertained, and even moved by “Wonder Woman”. It’s just so rare for me to find a movie that actually clicks with me on an emotional level that I can easily recommend it despite its relatively-minor foibles. I’m not convinced the DCEU has its shit together as this film could just as likely be an anomaly, but “Wonder Woman” is miraculous solely by giving one the slightest bit of hope that “Justice League” will be good. As long as Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins make another one of these, I might just become optimistic about this franchise. You go, girls.
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