#the reason it took months was bc of life and I hated the background
thou-babbling-brook · 5 months
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Gay old men in the Italian Renaissance or whateva
(Also known as a RIDICULOUSLY late birthday present for @ramshackledtrickster because life happened)
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iwannascreameurekaa · 3 months
I don't understand how any of the seven get so much hate. They all have amazing characteristics, designs, personalities, backgrounds, etc. 
so I'm gonna explain why they're all amazing
Percy is the main character to the first five books so he has the most information shown about him than the seven since we read from his point of view in pjo and the Olympians. His whole thing of loyalty is incredible and the things he risked to save people he barely knew made him an amazing protagonist. 
Hello??? I know she's smart but that's not her only characteristic. She's blinded by her own powers and doesn't know how to handle things thrown at her when she can only rely on her emotions which is amazing cause ME TOO GIRLY she's a badass who also went through so much during HOO 
Built a whole ass ship, was manipulated and controlled into KILLING HIS OWN MOTHER OMGS MY HEART, was always singled out and felt like he didn't belong, SACRIFICED HIMSELF FOR HIS FRIENDS, and so much more!!!
This is where ima start defending for my life bc people who say Jason is boring don't understand his story. He was taken from his home, raised by wolves until he was around 2/3, raised the rest of his life until his was 16 in a camp where he was trained to be an actual child soldier, kidnapped and had his memory erased, watched his best friend DIE, and died for his other best friend !!! WHAT MORE DO YOU PEOPLE WANT????? OFC HES GOING TO BE BORING HE DIDNT KNOW WHO HE WAS OR WHAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE
I will hold you by the shoulders and stare directly into your soul until you give me a good reason to hate Piper bc she did nothing wrong. She just wanted her father's love and she never got it so what happened? She was sent or a wilderness camp where she was also manipulated into believing a random boy was her bf which entirely messed her up and it took her MONTHS ALMOST A YEAR to realize that she didn't have the feelings she was lead to believe. THEN SHE SAW HER EX HER BSF DIE IN FRONT OF HER????? I WOULD BE RUINED AFTER THAT OMGS 
Excuse me, didn't she DIE in the 1940s to prevent the world from ending, came back, only to have to save the world AGAIN??? Not to mention that fact that she was bullied and harassed all her life before and after her death. Before her death she was always treated like the devil bc of her curse, even by her own mother. Her mom even neglected Hazel which is something NO ONE SEEMS TO TALK ABOUT. Then she has an unknown brother save her from the underworld and have to completely rebuild her life from scratch. At new rome she still wasn't treated right and was left out and made out to be a weird girl just like her old life. Tbh if that was me I wouldn't be shaking crying every time I saw someone. Also she learned how to control the mist which is pretty fricking cool okay I love her 
Let's just point out the obvious first. The reason Frank is not one of the most loved characters is because he is/was chubby. I'll say it, that is the reason. If he was skinny/fit more people would love him. That's probably why Rick did the transformation thingy thing where Frank got all buff. Which sucks because Frank is incredible and having one of the only character that's not skinny or muscly or as conventionally attractive have to change to those things just to be slightly more popular is STUPID!!!! I'm not hating on Rick I'm honestly hating on the fans who didn't love Frank because of the fact that he was chubby, whether they knew that was the reason they didn't like him as much as the other seven or not. His story is incredible. His mom going to war and her dying made my heart break while reading. his entire life force being attached to a piece of wood, so easy to be burned to nothingness, is SO GOOD. His awkwardness is so refreshing to see when characters are often portrayed as nonchalant and cool when in reality we're all losers 😭 
Really, there's no real reasons to hate any of the seven. You can have favorites, I have my favorites of course, but putting the other seven down doesn't do anything. You're just an asshole. 
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 day
outsiders characters as events from my silly ahh summer camp. i don't know how i survived for a month at a time there tbh
ponyboy: me going gollum mode over the hunger games book. it wasnt even a joke at that point i was struggling. also the pivotal turn my life took when i read hatchet. like i was reflecting and allat
darry: the DELECTABLE ahh lunches. idk what they did but they were so tasty. like i would have the best nap of my life after muching down on that
johnny: me crying myself to sleep that one time, some girl was like "erm miss counselor!!! i think insert name here is crying under her sleeping bag!!" and my bitch ass counselor who i HATED like she was my arch nemesis started trying to calm me down which made me even more upset. and earlier that day i was trying to feel included in a conversation w a semi friend and some cunt went like "no ones talking to u" when i was Literally just sitting there.
dally: that horse they assigned me that would not do anything asked of him. also one time he like broke out of his stall and was just walking around?? he was an interesting fellow. he was silly tho
soda: me getting sick from eating 2 much cereal. i was writhing around bc tummy ache 2 much later in the day. to be fair i did eat more than 10 servings of cereal.
steve: us having no air conditioning in the cabins. we had to bring our own fans. i had to shower multiple times a day bc I was sweating so much.
twobit: some girl mixing chicken and jello together. also me falling out of a bunk.
cherry: that time during horse and tack when we watched a movie bc it was too hot outside so we went in. but the movie was rlly sad and I cried
that was then… this now… ones
bryon: me almost drowning during one of the swimming performances. like I was lowk choking on water while under the sea was playing in the background.
mark: again that one damn counselor i hated so so much. like i was planning her downfall. why on God's green earth was she singing riptide while we were trying to sleep stfu
m&m: i would start randomly crying so often. i would miss lots of classes bc i would just be in the bathroom bawling for various reasons
angela: girls being so so mean to me. like it was a problem.
curly: me throwing hiking boots at a girl I didn't like
tim: them having to ban making slip n slides in the bathrooms. i didn't ask and i didn't want to know
most of these things aren't too relevant anymor but they kinda funny so here. i mean expand on these if u want. i can't put them on my blog bc it's not a TO blog but they need to be put somewhere
u made me remember this time where i just woke up weak as hell and my aunt had to literally spoonfeed me multiple bowls of cereal, to this day idk exactly HOW i got that weak, that has never happened to me before and it hasnt happened since
BUT ALSO i remember going to this summer camp and somehow someway we got into this gender prank war and im just pushing that onto all of em
and THEN there was this other time i was in this summer?????christian????school camp thing????? and look im an atheist idk what i was doing there i showed zero interest but my cousins and sister was also there, and for lunch we were going out which i dont think anyone else was doing bc my teacher asked “r u SURE u wanna go???” and i rhink she was pushing me to stay but i said yea and left immediately and i giggle at that and i think pony wluldve done the same, i wanted OUT🗣️
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nyashykyunnie · 2 days
hallo, hallo, it's a me again. I had to leave the dragon slumber's heir chat with jinwoo bc the room was getting hot hot ehem that aside, with horn knee, there should also be angst perfectly balanced, as all things should be so the obvious choice would be the loveless marriage!au, right? the pain was le chefs kiss if you can ignore me crying in the background.
USER: "...Honestly, I feel like I got lucky in this lifetime. In another life, I have a feeling you probably wouldn't even know I existed."
not like i'm foreshadowing or anything cough cough
His jaw clenched at your casual tone. He couldn't stand the way you belittled yourself, as if you were undeserving of his attention or affection.
And the thought of you believing that he might not know you in another life felt like a knife twisting in his chest. Without thinking, he took a step closer to you, closing the distance between you once again.
His voice was quiet and intense as he spoke again, his eyes fixed on your face. "...If I had a choice, I would always choose you. Every time, in every lifetime."
see, that's where you're wrong buddy for context, my mc asked jinwoo to act like a 'real husband' for a month and then they can get a divorce. mc is in-love with jw, but with the rumours about him and cha hae-in, they thought it was time to let him go and find happiness, but not before being able to experience what it's like to be loved by our jw (see where i'm going with this? wink wonk)
He stood up from his seat abruptly, the chair screeching against the floor. He strode over to you in three swift steps, his hand shot out to grab your wrist, stopping you from leaving. His touch was firm, but there was a gentleness in it that you had felt before.
He looked at you, his eyes filled with an intense mix of emotions—desperation, frustration, helplessness, and...
as you should???
His grip on your wrist tightened just the slightest. "Don't go," he said quietly, his voice so low it was almost a whisper.
He didn't like that look on your face. The resigned, accepting expression you wore made him feel like you were preparing to give up on everything—on him, on this arranged relationship, on this whole situation.
He hated it.
i honestly feel like I'm one message away from confinement. just me? m e h
our jw obviously said 'no' and we got into the whole 'I would choose you in any lifetime' which is a scam anways, this made me think of a story where our jw woke up in og!jw body (like that one side-story of antares taking over jw instead) and was surprised to see that he was married to cha hae-in ??? and they have son together ???? he tried his best to act like the og!jw while also trying to look for mc and her family which apparently doesn't exist ?? he was full on hyperventilating at this point bc where was his wife? its cha hae-in he wanted his wife! his wife is right there and everything just blurs around him and suddenly he's startled awake, crying and sweating as his wife looks over him worriedly. apparently he's running a fever ?? and just above him, there's a message from the system: '[Error resolved; everything is back to normal.]' and if you thought jw was yandere now, well... hoo boi back with og!jw for some reason, he can't look at cha hae-in not that one in the eye without being reminded of his other wife in that timeline and thinking of ways of how he can get back to said timeline and staring intensely as the system message changed from '[Error resolved; everything is back to normal.]' to '[Error resolved; everything is back to normal?]'
this got really long i'm sorry but I just wanted to show my appreciation for this au!s of yours 😭 spent the whole day bedrotting frfr
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bragganhyl · 1 month
woe Bertalan aka Berci lore be upon you bc I keep tweaking the damn thing lol
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His full name is Bertalan Atheldon, he's 56 during the events of bee gee three tho tbf I don't have a firm grasp on how half-elf aging works and as such I have no idea if that age fits his looks lol so I might bump it up. Again. He is a beastmaster ranger with an outlander background and he's primarily a "keeper of the veil" - meaning that he favors hunting extraplanar creatures primarily fey.
Berci is the lovechild of a travelling scholar and a farmgirl whose family hosted him for a while. They've dated for a short time and parted on good terms, Berci's human mom then married a human man shortly after so things got awkward when Bertalan was born looking like his elven dad. Berci was never really directly harmed by his human family, but he was never really treated as someone who truly belonged in that family. He wasn't hated but he wasn't loved either. Eventually Berci's mom decided to try and seek out his dad, in the hopes that he might give him a better life.
Luckily she managed to find him, and Berci's dad was more than happy to have his son join him on his escapades. Bertalan spent his adolescent years going from one digsite to the next, and while he never had an affinity to history, he seemed to have some talents for healing. So Berci's dad saved up some money in the hopes of getting him into a decent school where he could learn medicine and eventually become a surgeon. Unfortunately he dies, a few months after Berci begins his studies.
As you might guess, Bertalan takes his father's death rather hard and he drops out shortly before graduating, unable to focus on his studies while dealing with his grief. Still his skills were enough to land a position in a group of monster hunters who needed someone to patch them up (at the time, they're joined by a cleric some time after). One member of the group was a gnome ranger who took him under her wings after she saw him once patch up an injured dire raven (who then decided to stick around). So for the next decade or so Berci was learning the ways of the beastmaster ranger and working as an adventurer for hire. But then, that also ended in a rather ugly way. The group agreed to hunt down a hag who ended up luring them to the Shadow Cursed lands with the use of a mushroom circle. Bertalan was injured pretty much immediately by one of the shadow creatures there and the only reason he (and the group's cleric of Lathander) didn't end up succumbing to the curse with the rest of the team was that their cleric dragged him to the nearby Rosymorn Monastery.
After recovering Berci continued to roam Faerun as a lone ranger hunting malicious fey creatures with no one but Corvus (his raven companion) and Ursa (his mentor's bear companion) for company. By the time of bee gee three, he's no longer capable to function in any other way.
Berci is best characterized as rather blunt and kind of an edgelord. He expects the same kind of bluntness directed at him, he's dismissive of people trying to coddle him. His first instinct is to push away people trying to show him genuine affection as he no longer knows whether being loved or being unloved is worse and he would need time and genuine effort to overcome that instinct. Still he has a curious mind, he's eager to fuck around and always ready to find out. Because of this he comes across as someone quick to trust, though he would probably view himself as someone willing to give one chance to earn his trust. He also might come across as aggressive and intimidating but he's a secret softie with a nurturing and responsible side to him - and he rarely ever let's his anger get the better of him - still he sees no value in heroism as he sees it as inherently self-destructive. He has a strong sense of survival but he prefers stabilizing the environment around him if possible over fighting for individual survival. He sees power as merely a tool that reveals the person wielding it and doesn't believe in the concept of "absolute power" - such a thing is only relative to the current world and nature always finds a way to balance the scales.
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apollostears · 3 years
BROWN SUGAR [ k. seokjin ]
group: bts
pairing: jin x black!fem!reader
creator: maya
warning(s): swearing
request: jin with a black s/o (headcanons)
writing for jin is such a struggle for me, so i apologize in advance for the shortness and lack of in-depth detail 🥺
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jin was in for a culture shock when he got with you.
obviously, he knew about black people but he never really knew any on a personal level, so meeting you and falling for you was completely unexpected. you guys met at an award ceremony, you being invited there, and having the opportunity to meet plenty of your favorite idols. the global sensation kpop group being one of them.
jin adores everything about you. from the way you talk down to the way you walk, he worships the literal ground that you walk on.
he's also the type to defend you against any cultural stereotypes that are thrown your way because of the relationship you two hold. you have become his number one priority and he makes it his mission for everyone to know that.
jin is pretty private about his life but he jumps at any chance to show you off. whether you hate it or love it, kim seokjin is about to let everyone and they mama know who he with.
speaking of, his parents love you. it took some slight adjusting, with two different cultures and backgrounds merging, but they saw you for you and loved how happy you made their son.
despite his impossibly busy schedule, he makes time for you and vice versa. y'all have a routine to make sure that you guys have adequate time to communicate with one another.
when it comes to visiting, more often than not you're seeing him and it's not something you mind because it gives you an excuse to visit such a beautiful country and see your friends.
now, onto the mushier stuff
jin is a simp for you and anything you do. modeling for a perfume or something beauty related? mans is getting billboards put up all over seoul.
performing in the Savage x Fenty show? he’s there, front and center.
same for movies and tv show premiers, ambassador work, etc.
y’all are such a fine ass couple omg!!! he’s handsome and you’re gorgeous, people are always tryna cop a pic when they can.
jin loves to cuddle with you. it’s one of his favorite things to do, especially with the distance between you guys.
when you’re around, it’s designated“y/n and jin” time. nothing is more important to him then spending time with you.
he cooks for you!!!! you could just be minding your business and then jin comes in talking about your five-course meal being ready like y’all French.
but he also adores when you cook for him. it brings out the domestic partner in him.
speaking of domestic, he’s a family man and he wants kids, so be prepared to have them. i feel like he’s the type of man to know whether their partner is worthy of marrying him, quickly. in translation; if y’all together more than six months, he wanna marry you.
PLEASE match with him!! he doesn’t care if y’all are ten thousand miles apart, jin would absolutely adore the days that the two of you coordinate outfits w one another.
he shows you off to the guys A LOT. you could breathe and he’d be like “isn’t y/n so perfect?”
especially when you have some big project coming up, all those boys hear about is you and what you’re doing. which, they don’t mind bc they like you it’s just that jin talks a mile a minute 💀
so all they hearing is “aukebtlyltddd and sxiakoskdnrfn, you know?” and they’re sitting there like 🧍🏽‍♂️
kisses you like it’s the last time. it always makes u sad that this is your relationship w him, never knowing when you’ll see him again, but it’s sooo worth it from the way he looks at you while you’re crying like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world.
sings songs for you bc you always pester him about his confidence in himself and that he has such a fantastic voice!!
sends you random videos of himself that hold no rhyme or reason; just that he misses you and wants your attention.
refuses to sleep until he sees your face. whether you’re going to bed or he is. if y’all can’t ft atm, videos suffice:).
jin becomes your biggest protector and advocate and he makes sure you know it every single day.
❧ join my taglist: @cliffordasparagus @olamidey @supop @knjkitten @sweeneyblue1 @pimpnameyannie @sunrayyellowhalo @exomama-random @namjoonswifeyy @simplyskz-maya @valkryienymph
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kazzyboy · 3 years
Andriel As Gamers (Kinda)
Andrew (@HolierThnThou03)
- Personal channel, separate from his team/exy life, so he can post whatever the fuck he wants
- And what does that mean?
- Chaos. Pure, unbridled chaos.
(Like the notes I made for this spontaneously at five this morning)
- Either shows up to stream in a complete, put-together outfit, carefully-done messy eyeliner, fresh out of the Maserati; or shows up in sweats and one of Neil’s old Jurassic Park shirts. He has three of his piercings in. One of his socks is missing. There is no in between
- Barely responds to chat, except when someone’s being fucking annoying (and not in normal fan sense, in horrible person sense) to publicly pause his game, stare directly at the screen, and psychologically demolish them for ten straight minutes. The mods (Typically Renee, Nicky, and Robin) calm everyone down and give the user a warning. If they say something horrible like that again, they’ll be kicked and blocked. No one ever gets to the second bit.
- Stares directly into the camera when he dies like he’s in The Office
- Mostly horror games, occasionally aesthetically-driven Minecraft builds
- Sort of stiffens and goes wide-eyed when he’s well and truly scared
- More often than not does story-oriented games
- Gets cancelled for saying shit like,”Disgusting. Horrible. Kill yourself.” When he gets nervous while playing horror games (except nearly everyone reacts like “he can’t be cancelled!!!” Which he can’t, because he was telling the game to kill itself, which his poor mods had to explain for several months after the initial pandemic.)
- Sarcastic, poetically-driven commentary. Gets memed for it, constantly (“Humor be like-“ picture of Andrew, blank-faced, while someone gets swallowed whole by an alien on camera,”the inner workings of my mind are an enigma”)
- Leaves randomly, midstream, for snacks. Doesn’t even pause the game. His chat goes insane every time
- Guest stars include Renee, Robin, King, Kevin, and occasionally Nicky and Aaron
- @/BetsyTheBee shows up in chat sometimes and no one knows who the fuck it is, but he thinks it’s funny so he waits till people start asking if they’re dating to tell them she is literally his therapist and basically his mother.
- Streams and posts lengthy, unedited content (bc he’s lazy, but he says it’s because his editor sucks. No one knows who it is. It’s Neil. Neil did not sign up for this responsibility.)
- Rock music constantly in the background
- Occasionally does a crime podcast with various Foxes, called Gravedigger -The High Road To No One
- Constantly the victim of copyright strikes, thanks to his posters, music, and shirts, and he wins every time. Constantly claims it’s the reason he chose to major in Criminal Law (or whatever it was, cheeky little shit)
- He purposely holds his controller weird when he uses one to piss people off
- Coffee. Just, so much coffee.
- Cries at the end of Rrdr2
Neil (@TheFoxSaysNJos10)
- Semi-professional channel, in which it was supposed to be professional but the PR managers had to fight Neil’s loud mouth and lost
- Constantly argues with chat (His mods, Allison, Matt, Dan, and occasionally Andrew ((undercover)), have to block so many people bc they actually try and start shit over his jokes. Not because Neil cared that they were insulting him, but because if they mentioned the Foxes he’d fucking kill them. And get away with it.)
- Professional exy player for Pro Palmetto State Foxes, Coached by Dan and Captained by Kevin Day (you can’t @ me I’ll die on this hill)
- Promotes stuff for the team by wearing/using it on stream/in interviews/events. To this day, it’s a mystery how no one realizes he wore Andrew’s hoodie three consecutive interviews in a row, his sweatpants in another, and Andrew’s stuff is literally all over his apartment (from random visits, made up of broken traffic laws and horrific gas prices)
- His poor, poor PR managers. ManagerS. There’s more than one. The trauma is too powerful
- Clips from exy games, interviews, and practice (Him and the Foxes sometimes react to compilations, from fails, funnies, and fights)
- Every time someone asks about his scars his story gets more ridiculous. He got smacked in the face with a flying jellyfish at the zoo when he was seven. He became self-aware before he was born and took a chunk out of god’s hand, so he was cursed. He tripped on a crack and broke his mother’s back. Neil what the fuck
- Collabs with Kevin’s conspiracy channel, posted at three in the morning somehow everywhere? There are a million mugs on the desk. Are they in a news station? A single light is on? What are they trying to summon???
- When he does post gaming videos, they have like a millions cuts thanks to all of his cursing, to the point that people think they’re actually just clips of him playing the same game
- He does randomly stream, which is beyond the power of professionalism
- He normally plays shooter games, and is deathly attached to Halo.
- No one wants to play multiplayer with him, though, even online strangers, because his insults are unnervingly accurate. How did you know I have forty eight tea cans on my desk. Lurking. Jail
- Sir!! He once devotes an entire three hour stream to playing games with Sir, to the point that he occasionally does Sir Sundays
- Plays random games out of nowhere (Wobbledogs, puzzle games, literal board games that he drags others into)
- Neil doesn’t get a mic on his headphones bc he’s too loud.
- Their fans constantly ask for Andrew and Neil to collab, thinking it’ll be a total bomb show, since they haven’t talked since college and they hated each other
- Because they are completely unaware of the fact that Andrew and Neil have been married since their third year of professional exy, thanks to one too many unauthorized hospital visits
- And no one knows that they’re waiting for Andrew’s five-year contract with the New York Lions to expire so he can move in with Neil back in Columbia and become a co-coach for the professional Foxes
- All the while, Andrew is helping Renee with a Shelter For Homeless And Troubled Youth, called The Fox Den.
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110 “is that a drawing of me?” for tommi/aleksi? 👉🏼🥺👈🏼
Destroys the banner “I hate kidfic” and puts up a new banner with the words “BC would make cute dads” (What are you making me do?!)
Aleksi promised himself to not stay as late at the studio as he usually would. Or rather he had promised Tommi after he had asked him to be home for dinner so they could eat together, as a family.
It was important for him not only so they could spend some time together as a couple but also so Veeti and Aleksi could get closer, the most important person in Tommi’s life next to Aleksi.
Aleksi wouldn’t have thought to be a father in his life, not with his lifestyle and ambitions and tendency to be a workaholic, all good reasons to put family planning on the backburner and even dating. But meeting Tommi had been an accident, a happy one.
Their coffees had gotten mixed up at the coffeeshop they apparently both frequently visited on their way to work and after Aleksi had searched for the real Tommi to the name on his cup he couldn’t let go of him anymore.
They had met up again even though Aleksi didn’t hope for anything to happen, he would understand with the lack of time he had. But to his pleasant surprise Tommi gave him an equal story of his life, how he was living for his work in the hospital.
Until two years ago when he got the news of his friends passing, leaving a child behind, Tommi’s godchild to be exact, and Tommi wouldn’t have thought having to step into this role so early. Not that he didn’t want to be a father, but he had planned all this differently.
That again was a lot to take in for Aleksi, but he didn’t call the date off immediately. It just took some time to settle in what dating Tommi would entail, and he wasn’t sure if he was ready for it or if he was the right person for them.
After all, what did he knew about children except from his siblings? Fearing he would be the worst, Tommi calmed him down with the words that alone that he was scared showed him how seriously he was taking the situation and at least Tommi would be at his side, showing him the ropes.
It was still awkward to interact with Veeti the first times. So young, only having entered elementary school last year Aleksi didn’t know what they should talk about or what he should do with him.
He had actually debated buying books for parents to get better, but Tommi had assured him he was doing everything right.
But Aleksi would still argue that he wasn’t a father to Veeti and after only a few months he knew it was too early for Veeti to see him as such, especially if he continued to work late into the night and miss Veeti talking about school and projects and excursions and his hobbies and his friends and just everything that was important to him.
This was the reason Aleksi found himself out of the studio while it was still light outside, stopping by a grocery store to buy the ingredients for dinner Tommi had send him a list off and then shortly after entering Tommi’s flat.
It was time and time again endearing to watch Tommi around his son and seeing him showing Veeti how he was cooking and letting him help with little things reminded Aleksi of his own childhood and it became warm around his heart no matter how unforeseen this moment was in his life.
Dinner went by without a hitch, it was just always a hard time getting Veeti to lie down and sleep and Aleksi could tell that Tommi was still learning the same as Aleksi. Being a parent never grew boring, but it was certainly nice to cuddle on the couch with the low tone of the TV in the background while they talked about their day without children’s ears picking up the cursed complaints about their co-workers.
“I’ve only got alcohol free beer in the fridge, but you can take one if you want.” Tommi offered, lifting his arm from Aleksi’s shoulder when he got up to walk into the kitchen.
He switched on the light and was about to open the fridge when he noticed something pinned on the door. Next to letters in various colours that formed random words, and pictures of Tommi and Veeti, and a single postcard, there was a specific drawing that got Aleksi’s attention.
There always was a drawing hanging on the fridge but this time the picture offered something different. First of all there were three people plus a dog, and Aleksi didn’t know about any other dogs in their life except Rilla who he had taken with him often so she wouldn’t be alone, but if that was supposed to be Rilla, then…
Carefully taking the drawing from the magnets Aleksi got back into the living room. He didn’t want to assume, but he had to know.
Tommi already pulled his leg back to make room for Aleksi, but he stopped in front of him to show him the picture. “Is that a drawing of me?”
Tommi looked from his face to the stick figure alike people on the paper, taking it from his hands, and Aleksi let himself fall next to Tommi on the couch.
“Yeah. Veeti, I, you, Rilla.” Tommi said and pointed to each figure with a name. “I was surprised he didn’t show you, but I guess he’s quite shy about it.”
“I will tell him tomorrow that I love it, it’s just…” Aleksi trailed off, not able to put his feelings into words.
Tommi took him back into his arms. “Hey, we talked about it, everything in its own pace. Veeti likes you, let’s leave it at that and not overthink.”
Aleksi nodded into the hug, the drawing now on the table in front of them where Aleksi could see it when he wasn’t currently watching the show.
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majjiktricks · 3 years
hey hey
for the character ask do ichiban I heart him
How I feel about this character ichiban is so good <3 big, a lil dumb, and full of love for his friends. looking at him just evokes warm fuzzy feelings i love how hes incredibly different from kiryu as a protagonist and person and yet he still evokes the same feelings of joy when playing as him. its so refreshing yet just familiar enough to still feel like the same series. i cant wait to see more of him in future games bc i wanna see how he develops!
All the people I ship romantically with this character ichizhao is probably my go-to for him atm! i also like ichi/joon-gi/zhao (because of one artist who goes nuts over them on twt lol) !! they have a very nice dynamic :D i think ichi/nanba is cute too, though i am a little more partial to platonic ichi&nanba
My non-romantic OTP for this character ichiban and saeko mlm/wlw solidarity best friends. i think theyre both queer af and like to talk about their respective boys n girls they like. give each other advice on flowers and gifts and stuff. they go shopping together.
My unpopular opinion about this character tbh i dont think i know enough opinions about him to know if i have an unpopular one 😅 i do like that they decided to go with a new protagonist. dont get me wrong, i absolutely love kiryu, but with the ending of 6, his story definitely came to a close. or at least, his story as the series front runner. i would love to know exactly what hes doing in the background while 7 and future games are going on, but im very happy with the new cast and gameplay that comes with y7.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. he didnt deserve that ending. i hate that they took one of the few things left from his old life away from him. the end was literally the ONLY part of the game i had a major issue with and im still mad about it more than a month after finishing y7. rgg could have changed the trend of how they end their games and yet...  THEY EVEN SET UP FOR IT !!! IT WAS READY TO HAPPEN !!! HE WAS WILLING TO GO THROUGH WITH IT !!! and then... :( (intentionally left vague for spoiler reasons, but if you know, you know.)
send me a character !
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mira--mira · 4 years
One obvious for the ask game. The main protagonist; Naruto Uzumaki and Izuku Midoriya.
@shiryusamarkanda it’s so nice to hear from you again! <3 
I totally didn’t forget to post this and had it fully finished in my drafts for days...totally. 
What I love about them:
Naruto's a bratty kid who’s not afraid to speak up and challenge something he thinks is "wrong". This, of course, is part 1 Naruto. I actually like when he's a bit insensitive without being explicitly malicious bc its very fitting for his background/how he grew up but also gives him a clear path forward as he learns how to work as a team/starts to grow. It wasn’t exactly a smart move, but I really liked how he continued to challenge Zabuza in the Wave Arc saying “he’s still my enemy” after Kakashi told him to back off. This is all good and strong characterization that, to me, was more often endearing than it wasn’t. Naruto had goals and a purpose and in early Naruto that was still clear.
What I hate about them:
Part 2 (Shippuden) Naruto. There’s a lot that goes into this but the core deviation is getting away from the underdog story. In Shippuden Naruto is the son of the 4th, the Child of Prophecy, a reincarnation of the Sage of Six Path’s kid, makes friends with Kurama, and has the most OP power of the them all: Talk no Jutsu. What makes all of this even worse is Naruto went from a loveable bratty kid to an insufferable messiah figure. To be “perfect” his natural personality is shorn down until he’s only allowed occasional “stupid” mistakes rather than mistakes that emerge from his characterization. This also makes his ideological “wins” with villains...completely meaningless. Shippuden Naruto doesn’t really...have beliefs. He wants to be hokage and bring Sasuke back to the village. “Being hokage” was fine as a kid but I expected the progression into shippuden to be “what kind of hokage do I want to be?” This seemed natural bc we get in the Wave arc Naruto pushing against “what a shinobi is supposed to be: a tool” from Haku and declaring he’d make his own ninja way. Flashforward to the chunin arcs: hates Orochimaru for messing with Sasuke (esp when he eventually leaves to join him) and Neji for treating Hinata the way he did until he learned more about the Hyuga before declaring it wasn’t fair and you had to fight against fate and destiny. Tsunade’s arc was more about reemphasizing the village was something worth protecting and the Sasuke retrieval arc, while focused on Sasuke, at least kept up this theme. But these moments of growth are only alluded to in shippuden and by the time the war arc and ending come around...nothing changes. Naruto didn’t upset the status quo, he only maintained it. And once that ending was established it was a lot easier to go back and pick out exactly when his characterization started to fall through and the weird messiah figure took over instead. Part of this, imo, is the focus of his ultimate goal being “bring Sasuke back to the village” rather than understand what Sasuke is doing/why he’s doing it and then deciding to help him or stop him. 
Favorite Moment/Quote:
“You’re cute when you’re chubby” [in reference to the frog purse] 
I really love the quiet moments Naruto has and watching him live out his daily life. The frog purse is absolutely adorable and I love seeing it crop up time and time again. A close second is when Gai kicks Jiraiya in the face and, a short time later, offers Naruto the green tracksuit which he’s appreciative of. 
What I would like to see more focus on:
In Part 2 Naruto having a long-term goal alongside bringing Sasuke back to the village or trying to seriously think about why Sasuke does what he does and how that would potentially affect the plot. If I could go back to the very start, keeping the actual heart and intent of an underdog ninja story rather than everything turning into superpowered mecha/kaiju battles and aliens from space this is the big point that I’d want to address. In general, I really like fics that focus on training and give him a range of jutsu besides spamming shadow clones and rasengan variants. I’ve said this before, but if Naruto really wants to keep the “number 1 unpredictable ninja” moniker, learning a variety of small, diverse jutsu and using them in interesting/creative ways would be the way to go rather than spamming the aforementioned two. I also really like fics that buckle down and just go ham and create their own variety of jutsu, especially if it’s small practical jutsu rather than the latest and greatest OP Power #839281 kind of jutsu. 
What I would like to see less focus on:
The messiah figure. Talk no Jutsu. The obsession with having a morally pure hero in a world that routinely employed child soldiers and put them in war. I understand Naruto was a shonen manga first and foremost but like...this was the setting/world Kishimoto decided on having. However, I will say some fics take it to far on the other extreme for my taste, creating a edgy nihilistic Naruto that hates everyone and everything. 
Favorite pairing with:
Uhh...I don’t actually have a strong feeling for this one LOL. The most I’ve read has been SasuNaru (Sasuke x Naruto) because I’ve found really interesting set-ups. I like the ship and it does have a decent amount of backing in canon but it’s the little moments (or my ability to see possible little moments) that really make or break a ship for me. SasuNaru is all Big Declarations and I struggle to see how they’d actually settle down post Shippuden time into something sustainable. My favorite iterations of the ship is focused when they’re genin age and have a better relationship...but then I recognize that this is getting closer and closer to Hashimada. The other big things I run into with shipping Naruto with Sasuke is 1. Sasuke needs a shit ton of therapy/willingness to process his family related trauma and 2. Naruto needs a good support network/family outside of a romantic partner because it personally makes me uncomfortable to read ‘you’re my one and only’ (here being: I have no other friends, family, loved ones outside of you). It’s a ship that can work but it’s not my personal OTP.  
Favorite friendship:
Canon/OoT - Naruto & Sakura
I do have a softspot for fics where Naruto realizes his crush on Sakura is actually a desire to have friends/someone to care about him and then they do become close. In canon Sasuke was clearly the favorite of Kakashi (if chunin arc is kept the same/similar and he takes him away for the month to train) I really like Naruto and Sakura sticking together and trying to help each other. They’re both loud and can wind each other up but Naruto can help Sakura relax a bit from her rigid view of herself and she can help keep him on track/encourage him. 
Again, no real strong opinions here. Probably harems? I remember seeing a lot of those a couple years ago and I fundamentally dislike the harem so it will never be ‘done well’ to my personal taste. 
Favorite headcanon:
Naruto is smart, he just needs things to be explained in a way he can understand. 
I’m not a fan of ‘he’s the smartest person in the entire world’ trope but Naruto is creative, he created the oiroke jutsu before he graduated to genin and has a lot of stubborn determination. He’s just really bad at typical ‘book learning’ and traditional testing and he’s not a genius/prodigy like Sasuke or Neji.
Read line for BNHA manga spoilers
What I love about them:
He’s such a smart kid and while he’s unsure/insecure about himself he still does his best. Honestly the premise of BNHA is amazing and I was so excited to watch this little quirky (heh) boy do his best and outthink heroes, utilizing his intelligence and knowledge of quirks. I really love early Izuku and how he has to approach situations from a different angle bc he grew up quirkless/can’t properly handle OFA. The sports festival arc remains one of my personal favorites and really showed his ingenuity. I also really love that Izuku is openly emotional, he cries, he gets super happy about things, he’s angry, he’s sad, etc.  
What I hate about them:
Why do stories insist on calling themselves “underdogs” when for a majority of the time, they’re not? Or not as much as they would be from the original premise? Look, TDP came about exactly bc BNHA was billed as ‘quirkless boy becomes number 1 hero’ it changed rapidly into ‘Izuku gets the strongest quirk but can’t control it’ and while I was...disappointed with that, it happened so quickly I wasn’t really upset. Fast forward to apparently OFA has...what seven(?) quirks inside it and I just...it’s frustrating. Even more the longer we go the more Izuku strays away from a character that is forced to use his intelligence and creatively outthink his opponents and instead becomes...I just have to hit him harder! The Muscular fight already inched towards this but the Overhaul fight just felt like Super Shonen Smack-down 728329. Which, isn’t an inherent problem, it just doesn’t match up to the expectations I had about BNHA I had at the start and how I hoped the series would go. For a character trait that I hate: Izuku is stupidly self-sacrificing. It makes sense with his character but he shoots beyond what is safe and reasonable and I wish there would be more internal emphasis on the question “is it better to save one person today if it meant I couldn’t save ten people tomorrow?” I think he’d choose the former or forsake the question altogether (we touched briefly on this during the overhaul arc with Eri) but I think it’s a serious question needs to be touched on (or I just need to go back and rewatch things again LOL) 
Favorite Moment/Quote:
See entire sports festival arc. I don’t really have a favorite moment because I love the entire arc and we get so much out of it. 
What I would like to see more focus on:
Quirkless Izuku. There’s already a lot of fics, but I really do love them. It deviates a bit, but I do like the creativity of giving Izuku his own unique quirk and then exploring what he can do with that/how it changes canon. Really I want Izuku to keep his original characterization and not trade his smarts for more punching power or deus ex machinas for quirks hidden inside of OFA. If OFA!Izuku is kept, I like story ideas where he still has to rely on means outside of his quirk. Preferably this is isn’t because he injuries himself so much, but I like toying with the idea that Izuku never gets OFA to All Might’s level so he really does have to make the quirk his own and still rely heavily on his intelligence and quirk journals to become the number 1. 
What I would like to see less focus on:
Quirks hidden inside OFA. Strength should have been enough, it was already billed as the most powerful quirk of all. I know this is a common theme for shonen stories, and I don’t mean to harp specifically on Izuku, but again the premise of BNHA was an underdog story. 
Favorite pairing with:
Tododeku (Todoroki Shouto x Midoriya Izuku) 
Friends to lover and battle couples lads, I am weak to them. I like the contrast between their personalities as well as origins (Shouto being the number 2′s (now 1) kid and Izuku from a quiet civilian background). At the end of the sports festival arc both of them are extremely well characterized and it’s easy for me to imagine how their relationship progresses from there and how they can support each other and help each other grow. It’s a very sweet and wholesome ship the way I write and read it and it’s v cute.
Favorite friendship:
Canon- Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochaco & Iida Tenya
I really like the core trio and think their interactions are really sweet. They balance each other out well and their friendship was immediately believable to me. I also like later when Tsuyu and Shouto start to get included in the group and out of the “main” core friends I’m endlessly entertained whenever Izuku and Tokoyami interact with one another. (This is also because I love my bird son, but you know.)
TDP - Midoriya Izuku & Ashido Mina or Midoriya Izuku & Hatsume Mei
Really, I love all of TDP’s kiddos interactions. Their chemistry is one of my favorite things about the fic and all the villain school kiddos meshed really well and had hilarious interactions. Mina and Mei are my faves but just barely. Mina came out of left field for the fic but she plays a similar role that Ochaco does in canon as a usual source of positivity (but unlike Ochaco with additional chaos). She’s Izuku’s first real friend even before starting HIVVE and wouldn’t hesitate to call Izuku her cousin as she views him as family. In return, Mina’s someone Izuku can completely count and depend on if necessary. Mei is...Mei. Izuku is her best “useful customer” and it’s actually terrifying how similar their thoughts are, just Mei has an (un)healthy dose of Hazmat’s insanity and her own business acumen added into the mix. They have slightly different fields of interest but are intellectual equals that work well together and that’s something new to both of them.
Bakudeku (Bakugo Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku)
It’s unhealthy. Unless it’s an AU that changes what the start of their relationship is like, Bakugo and Izuku will always have a toxic friendship to me and I can’t ever see them in a healthy relationship. Both of them have a lot to learn and I am of the opinion that Bakugo should get the opportunity to grow and become a good person and leave behind his past as a bully. However, I’m also of the opinion that no matter how good of a person a bully becomes their victim is never required to absolve them of past wrongdoings. Izuku and Bakugo were friends once, their relationship turned toxic, and now it’s in the interest of both of them to grow apart from one another. I even hesitate to really say they’ll be friends again because the early characterization of their relationship was so imbalanced to me, but for the right author and the right work I may see them being on good terms. It’s still a romantic relationship that I dislike. 
Favorite headcanon:
Crack headcanon? Izuku does have a natural quirk, the force of his tears is clearly superpowered 😂 Regular headcanon, (that is canon in TDP and kindaaa in regular canon(?)) when Izuku gets really engrossed in a super stressful fight he focuses on what will work rather than what is moral. It has...mixed results. 
For the ask game. 
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I just want us to be safe – Chapter 1 (Andy Barber x Daughter!Reader)
Next Chapter / I just want us to be safe-Masterlist
Summary: You were the 20-year-old daughter of Andy Barber. Nine months after a one-night-stand, your biological mother decided to give the responsibility to him. Yet, you were happy with your small family. One day, though, a scary event occured & somehow you involuntarily started being a part of this.
Words: 2,089
Warnings: none just yet, maybe a bit of swearing bc that`s me, angst if you squint
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
You were (Y/N) Barber. Daughter of the assistent attorney, Andy Barber. You were 20 years old & used to attend Newton high school, like your younger brother Jacob did. Now, your background is a bit more complicated. Technically, Jacob was not your biological brother. Neither was Laurie, Jacob’s mother & Andy’s wife, your biological mother. Some time ago, when your dad had not been dating Laurie yet, he had a one-night-stand with some girl he had met at a bar. Just one night, he had not seen her after that encounter. What he did not know though: the girl got pregnant & nine months later, Andy found a small basket at his doorstep. There you were, wrapped in a blanket. There was a letter, too. Your biological mother had not been ready for a child but she knew Andy would handle you just fine. And, being the guy Andy was, he obviously took you in. You were his daughter to say the last. He made sure to take a paternity test & yep, you were his daughter.
Now, do not get me wrong, you grew up with Laurie being your mother & yet, you had never, not even once, called her “mom“. You simply did not feel ready to do so & neither your dad nor Laurie pushed you into something you were not comfortable with. When you were 6 years old, Jacob was born & ever since then, you had made sure to protect him at all costs. Your dad loved seeing you with Jacob & he loved the bond you two shared. Laurie was sure that you would be more open about her being your mother after that but nope. Your guess was that you still felt neglected by your biological mother & did not want to let another “mother figure“ get close to you. Your dad never lied to you about anything. He tried to explain to you from the very beginning how your biological mother “abandoned“ you & that Laurie was & will always be your mom. While Andy did not lie to you, the two of you had kept a secret from Jacob & Laurie. Your dad said that they did not need to know & he did not want them to see him in a different light. It was not his fault that his dad had been a criminal though. It was not his fault your grandfather killed, stabbed to be exact, a girl. He had been suffering for his actions in jail, for a very long time. You had agreed on keeping it for you, never doubting your dad. You knew he only had good intentions.
After graduating from Newton High, you got into law school near your home. You wanted to follow your dad’s footsteps. He did not force you to approach the same career & let you choose a path yourself. He would lie if he said that he was not proud of you for wanting to do the same as him though. Law school was absolutely amazing, you loved going there every day, loved coming home to tell the new things you learned at your dinner table. People say sometimes you know when a decision is right, you have a gut feeling about it. You were sure: this was YOUR way. Even though your family was quite wealthy, never having a problem about money whatsoever, you still wanted to have a part-time job during college. Earning your own money simply felt amazing. Your dad & Laurie were so proud of you for being so independent.
Here you were, a nice family, a house, the best future ahead. But life does not always roll that way, does it? Every time when Jacob had a problem in school or with homework, studying for an upcoming exam, he would knock on your door, waiting for you to yell “Come in! I told you there’s no need to knock, Jay.“ Jay. You always called him that. He was your little brother & while others called him “Jake“ or simply “Jacob“, you wanted to have something for yourself. Jay it was. Anyway, after coming into your room, asking if you were busy, the two of you always ended up doing school stuff together. It was more fun to have company & Jacob was always thankful for you helping him out. Of course you would, you never had a problem in high school, always bringing home good grades. You liked helping him wherever you could.
Your alarm woke you up at 6 am. Time to get up, get ready & head to college. Usually, dad would take you with him in the mornings since his work is close to your school. Today, though, you had to take your own car to drive to school, you had to work at your local diner afterwards. Yes, you did purchase that car on your own. After saving enough money, you decided on a small black car, not really caring too much about the brand. All that mattered was that it was not too pricey & that it worked. Of course your parents offered you to buy you that car but you wanted to do this on your own. And would you look at that, you managed to buy it without being broke. As you finished showering, putting makeup on & deciding on an outfit, you made your way downstairs where dad & Jacob were already seated. Laurie was most likely out on her daily morning run. You did not understand how someone could go jogging voluntarily. It kept you healthy but at what cost?
“G’morning male beings of this household.“ you greeted them & earned a chuckle from dad. You were not a morning person but that was not your family’s fault so you would brush off your grogginess in order not to say something you might regret later. Jacob was busy writing away on his phone. Gosh, this boy & his damned phone.
“Good morning, angel. How did you sleep?” your dad shot you a grin. He had been calling you “angel“ ever since you were little & you absolutely loved this nickname.
“Like a princess, as always.“ you answered. Some might say you were a sarcastic piece of shit & you know what, maybe they were right. You were a lot like your dad & you liked yourself & your goofiness. You could be serious when it was needed though, your personality was perfectly balanced.
“Hello? Earth to Jay?“ you waved your hand in front of his face to gain his attention but his eyes were glued on his screen still.
“Morning.“ was the only word you got out of him.
“Okay, what girl are you texting? Do I know her? Does she have an older sister? Brother, maybe? Is she hot?“ you teased him & Jacob sent you a glare which made you giggle.
“I’m just texting Derek.“ Jacob stated.
“Wow…And I thought I was the one who hated mornings.“ you stated, mostly to yourself but your dad heard you & started laughing. Even Jacob let out a low giggle.
While the three of you held a conversation, Laurie got back home, greeting you & asking you about your plans for today.
“Do I need to take any of you to school?“ dad asked.
“Um, actually, I’ll be driving myself today. I’ll be back home a bit later, gotta earn that bread, y’know?“ you smirked at both, your dad & Laurie to wait for their reactions. Seeing them laugh was one of your favorite things in this world, especially when you were the reason.
“Sure thing, just text me when you know how late it’ll be.“ dad waited for you to nod, looked at Jacob & asked “What about you, buddy?“
“I’ll be walking today.“
“You sure, you know it’s no probl-” but before dad could finish, Jacob cut him off.
“I’m fine with walking.“
“Okay, just be safe.“
Checking the time, you saw that you should keep going so you went over to dad & Laurie, gave each of them a kiss on the cheek, went over to Jacob, messed up his hair a bit which earned you a groan & finally made your way outside to your car. You hopped in, turned on the engine & started driving off. Every time you would drive yourself, you always stopped at Starbucks for a quick breakfast. Your breakfast mostly consisted of a nice coffee. No offense, but the coffee you got at home just was not it. And let’s be honest: Nobody survives college without having coffee.
Finishing all of you classes for the day, you & a few of your colleagues exited the building. Usually, when you were at college, you did not look at your phone at all, finding it too distracting when you had to focus on something else. But as soon as you unlocked your phone, you knew something was off. You had two calls from Jacob, which was weird since he barely ever called you, & 5 missed calls from dad. Fuck, something was not right. You excused yourself from your friend group, teling them you had to go to work earlier, while in reality, you moved to your car, opened it & got inside. As soon as you closed your door, you called Jacob first. He picked up almost immeadiately.
“(Y/N)? Thank god, I’ve tried calling you.“ he sounded a bit shaken up? That was off.
“Yeah, I know, sorry `bout that, Jay. You know how I ignore my phone during classes but anyway…What’s up? Are you okay?” you started growing concerned now.
“Newton High is locked down. Apparently they found a 14-year-old stabbed in the woods. I am fine though.“ his voice was quiet, almost like he did not want anyone else to hear. Your heart stopped a beat. There was a killer running around town. Who the hell would stab a teenager? Who the hell would stab anyone to begin with?
“Have you talked to dad yet?“ you really did not know what else to say. You were just glad your little brother was alright. That was all that mattered right now.
“Yes, he’s on it. He said he wanted to call you. Have YOU talked to him?“
“Not yet, I’ll call him now, just wanted to make sure you’re okay. Call me if something’s wrong or if you`re scared, okay?“ your heart was literally racing. Yeah, your brother was fine but the victim was his age & Jacob usually took the way through the woods to get to school. The mere thought of your brother being the one who had been murdered scared you like crazy.
“Will do. Thanks, (Y/N). Bye.“
“Bye, Jay.“ you ended the call & let yourself breathe for a moment. Not even once in your life did you think something like this could happen in your neighborhood. You lived in one oft he safest areas in the country & yet this brutal event had happened so close to home. The world was a scary place. A few minutes later, after calming down as good as it was possible, you dialed dad’s number. He would most likely knew more. To be honest, you were not sure if you really wanted to know more about this case but on the other hand,you were curious. Of course you were, you wanted to do this as your future job. His phone rang twice before he picked up.
“(Y/N)? Angel?“ he did not sound scared, just relieved to hear your voice.
“Yeah, it’s me, dad. I’m fine, talked to Jay. He told me what happened. Well, as much as he knew, of course. What the hell is going on?“ you were rambling. You always were when you grew nervous or anxious.
“Breathe, angel. Look, there’s a lot going on. Could you come home, like, right now? I called your boss, she said it was fine if you took the evening off.“ he knew you would say you needed to go to work so he had called the diner you worked at to explain the situation.
“I’ll be home in ten.“
“Drive safe.“ your dad always made sure you were okay, trying to protect you as much as he could. He would do everything for his family to be safe.
“Always.“ & with that, you ended the call. Everthing inside you screamed to go over the speed limit but your dad’s words popped into your mind again. He would not want this. You would survive another ten minutes before coming home.
~to be continued~
Published 04/30/2020 by Cathy
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medicifm · 4 years
*  not  me  actually  writing  an  intro  the  night  before  like  i  always  mean  to  😳  hennyway  hey  biddies  ,  i'm  chloe  ,  im  in  the  snowy  part  of  pst  ,  &  i  use  she / her  pns  .  i’ve  been  . . . . . . .  scouring  the  tags  for  an  rp  like  this  so  im  so  excited  to  bring  this  newish  muse  of  mine  here  !   im  here to  do  the  honours  of  introducing  my  himbo - on - the outside , manipulative - shit - on - the - inside  . . .  oscar  🤡
Tumblr media
(  twenty  three , cis  man , he / him  ) ✉ ― hey  babes , have  you  met  OSCAR  MEDICI ?  they’re  working  here  as  THE  HEAD  CHEF  AT  LORENZO’S ,  a  few  villas  down  from  where  you’re  staying  .  you  might  hear  them  singing  ALRIGHTY  APHRODITE  BY  PEACH  PIT  playing  from  their  villa  ,  it’s  their  favourite  song  .  yes  ,  they  hear  that  they  look  like  JACK  GILINSKY  a  lot  ,  actually  -  it’s  really  uncanny  .  their  friends  back  home  in  SYDNEY , AUSTRALIA  say  that  if  they  were  on  a  tv  show  ,  their  trope  would  be  THE  WOLF  IN  SHEEP’S  CLOTHING  ,  how  funny  is  that  ? ✎ chloe , 22 , she/her , pst
𝐢  .
pinterest  |  wanted  plots  |  
𝐢𝐢  .
name  :  oscar  gabriel  medici
age  :  twenty  three
dob  /  sign  :  december  4th  ,  1997  /  sagittarius  sun  ,  leo  moon  ,  libra  rising 
pob  :  sydney , australia
gender / pronouns  :  cis  man  &  he / him / his
career :  head  chef  at  lorenzo’s  ,  full - time  heathen  ,  professional  disappointment  for  mothers  everywhere  .
drinking / drugs / smoking :  yes / more  often  than  he’d  admit / never .  
religion  :  jewish  background  ,  currently  non - practicing .
physical  :  jack  gilinsky  fc ,  dark  brown / black  longish  curls  (  reference  )  ,  dark  brown  eyes  ,  canon  jack  g’s  tattoos  ,  no  piercings  ,  6′2″  ,  175  lbs  ,  lean  but  strong  .  tattoos  a  la  canon!jack  ,  pearly  white  smile  that  he  may  . . .  or  may  not  . . .   use  crest  3D  white  strips  weekly  to  maintain  .  lots  of  burns  &  scars  from  kitchen  mishaps  on  his  hands  &  arms  .
traits  :  hard - working  ,  flighty  ,  intelligent  ,  hedonistic  ,  charismatic  ,  intense  ,  volatile  ,  
other  :  speaks  weird  french  (  aussie  accent  tings  )  ,  tans  easily  but  wears  sunscreen  nonetheless  ,  works  hard  parties  harder  ,  can’t  read  a  lick  of  french  but  spends  a  lot  of  his  free  time  with  a  coffee  &  a  new  paperback  ,  has  a  bit  of  an  internal  vendetta  against  rich  people  (  for  no  real  reason  ,  he  just  doesn’t  like  most  of  them  )  ,  has  ins  with  a  bunch  the  local  farmers  &  visits  them  weekly  ,  pretends  he  isn’t  lowkey  addicted  to  nicotine  administered  via  a  puff  bar  ,  liquor  of  preference  is  tequila  or  red  wine  ,  drives  a  lil  vespa  around  town  for  the  gag  of  it  (  loves  seeing  it  haphazardly  parked  amongst  a  bunch  of  luxury  cars  )  ,  
character  inspo  :  jess  mariano  (  gilmore  girls  )  , gordon  ramsey  🤡 ,  patrick verona ( 10 things i hate about you ) , ferris bueller ( ferris bueller’s day off ) , han solo ( star wars ) .
𝐢𝐢𝐢  .
oscar’s  arrival  was  as  unwanted  to  his  parents  as  could  be  :  a  father  whose  tendencies  leaned  towards  alcoholism  &  abusing  whoever  was  in  arms  reach  ,  a  mother  whose  life  was  more  or  less  spent  at  the  nursing  home  she  worked  as  a  nurse  at  ,  evading  home  .  he  became  a  self - inflicted  loner  ,  preferring  to  do  literally  the  exact  opposite  of  what  was  expected  or  wanted  from  him  .  he  had  a  few  friends  he  ran  with  ,  but  watching  them  all  go  off  &  study  or  prepare  for  university  solidified  in  oscar’s  mind  that  the  non - traditional  route  was  for  him  .  growing  up  by  the  water  ,  oscar  always  felt  more  drawn  to  skip  school  &  head  to  the  beach  than  he  did  obeying  his  parents  wishes  .   
one  of  his  solaces  was  his  grandfather  ,  gabriel  ,  who  owned  an  italian  restaurant  in  a  beach  town  north  of  sydney  .  whenever  the  weather  was bad  &  oscar  felt  like  ditching  class  ,  he’d  head  over  to  his  nono’s  restaurant  where  his  ass  would  be  put  to  work  as  soon  as  he  set  eyes  on  the  restaurant  .  it  was  tough  work  ,  but  challenging  in  a  way  that  fanned  the  flames  in  oscar’s  heart  ,  rather  than  dimming  them  .  by  the  time  he was  a  teenager  he  was  working  in  the  restaurant  everyday  after  school  , an  agreement  between  him  &  his  grandfather  framed  on  the  back  wall  that  stated  that  as  long  as  oscar  kept  from  flunking  out  ,  he  was  allowed  to  spend  as  little  or  as  much  time  in  the  kitchen  as  he  pleased .  
his  absolute  defiance  of  anything  traditional  &  following  the  rules  made  him  unpopular  with  adults  ,  but  lowkey  cool  with  the  girls  .  by  the  time  he  was  sixteen  ,  he  was  losing  his  focus  on  the  restaurant  &  his  grades  &  spending  more  &  more  time  chasing  after  girls  .  his  nono  tried  to  get oscar  to  come  back  &  focus  ,  but  as  always  ,  anything  he’s  asked  to  do  quickly  becomes  the  thing  he’s  running  from  the  most  .
tw  :  death  ,  cancer  .  around  his  eighteenth  birthday  ,  his  grandfather  suddenly  fell  ill  with  a  rare  form  of  cancer  that  took  his  life  six  weeks  after  diagnosis  ,  which  rocked  oscar’s  world  .  he  felt  overwhelming  guilt  that  he  hadn’t  spent  more  time  with  his  grandfather  ,  which  manifested  itself  as  oscar  dropping  out  of  school  a  year  shy  of  graduation  to  commit  himself  fully  to  perfecting  his  grandfather’s  techniques  ,  learning  all  of  his  recipes  (  read  :  pouring  over  dozens  of  handwritten  cookbooks )  in  some  failed  attempt  to  get  back  some  time  with  him  .  oscar  hadn’t  been  close  with  his  parents  in  years  ,  more  or  less  seeing  them  as  wardens  of  a  prison  he  wanted  nothing  to  do  with  .  his  grandfather’s  will  left  him  the  deed  to  the  restaurant  ,  with  an  ask  that  oscar  would  promise  to  act  on  whatever  he  felt  called  towards  ,  rather  than  doing  what  others  expected  of  him  .  to  be  candid  ,  this  whole  situation  crushed  him  .
eventually  ,  he  decided  he’d  had  enough  of  the  stifling  community  he’d  grown  up  in  .  he  sold  the  restaurant  to  one  of  the  regulars  ,  a  wealthy  man  who  he’d  come  to  acknowledge  as  somewhat  of  an  uncle  ;  a  safe  pair  of  hands  who  would  treat  his grandfather’s  legacy  with  as  much  passion  &  respect  as  oscar  himself  would  .  so  he  packed  a  bag  ,  texted  his  mom  that  he  was  going  traveling  ,  &  got  on  a  flight  that  evening  .  he  traveled  all  around  -  first  through  central  america  ,  then  through  europe  ,  throughout  asia  &  africa  ,  &  spent  a  few  months  driving  a  van  across  the  continental  united  states  &  canada  for  fun  . 
eventually  ,  he  started  getting  low - ish  on  money  ,  &  decided  to  settle  in  one  of  his  favourite  places  he’d  visited  :  southern  france  .  he  arrived  in  early  2018  ,  taking  on  whatever  menial  tasks  he  could  while  learning  french  until  he  got  a  position  as  a  line  cook  in  an  italian  restaurant  .  a  few  years  later  ,  he’s  made  his  way  up  to  filling  the  head  chef  position  ,  an  honour  he  takes  with  pride  .  he’s  implemented  many  of  his  own  recipes  while  using  flavours  he’s  learned  from  his  travels  ,  with  ingredients  straight  from  local  farmers  .  he’s  earned  the  restaurant  a  two michelin  star  rating  ,  &  is  constantly  striving  for  more  to  get  that  last  star  (  both  for  his  own  ego  as  well  as  a  secret  debt  to ��his  grandfather  )  .
𝐢𝐯  .
ok  but  that  vid  where  gordon  puts  two  pieces  of  bread  on  someone’s  head  &  calls  them  an  idiot  sandwich  ?  that’s  oscar  .  intense  as  fuck  in  the  kitchen  ,  &  best  nobody  catch  an  attitude  about  it  bc  he  will  not  hesitate  to  hand  them  their  ass  on  a  silver  platter  .
another  gordon  reference  :  you  know  how  he’s  the  spawn  of  satan with  adults  ,  but  the  sweetest  ,  most  helpul  guy  with  children  ?  that’s  oscar  with  his  staff  vs  people  he  wants  something  from  .  whether  its  to  sleep  with  them  (  usually  his  first  instinct  to  be  fair  )  ,  their  money  or  clout  ,  or  to  get  into  some  wild  adventure  some  random  resort  staff  wouldn’t  dream  of  getting  into  ,  he  can  turn  on  the  charm  whenever  needed  .
can  go  from  absolutely  demoralizing  someone  in  the  kitchen  to  stepping  out  into  the  lounge  to  schmooze  with  his  friends  or  cougars  who  leave  phat  tips  in  0.2  seconds  .  the  speed  at  which  his  mood  can  completely  180  is  one  of  the  seven  world  wonders  (  last  i  checked  )  .
his  love  language  is  absolutely  acts  of  service  .  catch  him  actually  falling  in  love  once  in  a  blue  moon  &  making  it  his  mission  to  cook  her  extravagant  meals  everyday  .  
the  wolf  in  sheep’s  clothing  label  epitomizes  his  nice  ,  helpful  ,  charismatic  exterior  ,  while  ulterior  motives  &  disdain  for  those  who  grew  up  with  more  money  than  he  did  lurk  beneath  the  surface  . 
he  can  be  MEAN  when  someone  fucks  him  over  or  pushes  him  farther  than  he  wants  -  isn’t  afraid  to  go  for  the  low  blows  or  send  someone  home  with  an  identity  crisis  if  it  protects  himself  .
lowkey  alcoholic  but  he’s  not  ready  for  that  conversation  yet  .  he  sees  it  more  as  perks  of  the  location  &  atmosphere  he’s  found  himself  in  .
also  lowkey  falls  in  love  HARD  ,  like  this  man  is  a  closeted  romantic  but  self - sabotages  all  potential  relationships  before  they  can  get  to  that  point  out  of  fear  he’ll  be  unable  to  live  life  of  his  own  volition  (  takes  a  flaky  philophobic  sagittarius  to  know  a  flaky  philophobic  sagittarius  🤡  )  .  has  probably  only  had  a  few  real  relationships  besides  flings  bc  he’s  afraid  .
𝐯  .
check  out  my  wanted  plots  tag  listed  here  ,  as  well  as  my  pinterest  wanted  plots  board  here  .  here   are  some  other  suggestions  hehe  :
best  friend  /  ride  or  die  :  someone  who  knows  about  his  past  ,  keeps  him  grounded  when  he’s  lk  spiraling  &  wants  to  drop  everything  &  flee  to  some  far  flung  corner  of  the  earth  .
actual  relationship  :  it  was  fast - burn  with  deep  feelings  (  not  them  thinking  they’re  soulmates  after  dating  for  a  month  . . .  pete  &  ariana  type  beat  )  but  completely  unrealistic  .  they  have  their  own  life  ,  he’s  pretty  much  tied  to  the  restaurant  ,  not  to  mention  his  lack  of  sharing  anything  about  his  childhood / life  back  home  .  they  loved  &  cared  for  each  other  ,  but  crashed  &  burned  fairly  quickly  because  of  how  idealistic  it  was  .  they  can  either  be  on  bad  or  good  terms  now  .
hateship  with  sexual  tension  😈
summer  flings  !!
fake  boyfriend  :  he  shows  up  on  her  arm  to  her  family’s  events  where  she’s  expected  to  have  a  partner  .  it’s  not  a  real  relationship  ,  but  her  parents  don’t  need  to  know  that  .  he  plays  the  part  &  satisfies  her  parents  beyond  the  bare  minimum  ,  &  in  return  she  invites  him  to  parties  ,  takes  him  out  on  her  family’s  yacht  ,  etc  etc  .  we  luv  some  symbiosis  
i  can  always  use  more  fwbs  hehehe
squad  :  a  group  of  people  who  do  everything  together  ,  have  a  chaotic  group  chat  ,  have  nicknames  for  one  another  ,  are  utd  on  each  other’s  sex  lives  ,  party  all  night  then  show  up  to  brunch  hungover  together  .  
cat  &  mouse  :  someone  he’s  pursuing  who  isn’t  quite  giving  in  ,  &  vice  versa  .  maybe  it’s  been  going  on  a  few  years  ,  everytime  they’re  in  st  tropez  they  have  this  weird  lil  flirtationship  thing  goin  on  until  she  leaves  ,  they  forget  about  one  another  ,  then  pick  it  right  back  up  when  she  returns  .
confidant  :  preferably  someone  from  a  working  class  background  who  understands  his  plight  of  being  a  worker  amongst  people  who  expect  to  be  waited  on  .
enemies  :  they  don’t  like  his  attitude  ,  &  he  doesn’t  like  them  in  return  .  lots  of  eye  rolls  ,  shit  talking  ,  &  tension  between  their  mutual  friends  .
we’re  sleeping  together  but  we  shouldn’t  be  but  that’s  half  the  fun :  for  whatever  reason  they  became  friends  ,  starting  hooking  up  despite  it  not  being  a  good  idea  (  read  :  he’s  exes  with  one  of  her  friends  ,  her  parents  want  her  focused  on  career  ,  they’re  part  of  the  same  friend  group  ,  etc )  . . . but  now  they  can’t  stop  .  lots  of  stolen  glances  across  rooms  ,  squeezing  past  one  another  in  a  crowded  club  just  close  enough  for  a  quick  touch  to  the  back  ,  quietly  leaving  one  another’s  places  the  morning  after  &  playing  dumb  to  anyone  who  asks  . 
15 notes · View notes
eueden · 4 years
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 ⟨ MAUDE APATOW. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, EDEN KOPPELMAN is actually a descendent of H E S T I A. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-THREE year old VETERINARY from CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite THOUGHTFUL & QUIXOTIC.
hi, hello, allô, hola, ciao, ella here again with another character. okay so there’s not much to say about me that most of you don’t already know, i have no life and i’m always lurking even if i never do replies (don’t tell the admins) hgsghssghs anyway, this is eden and in a shocking turn of events i actually have a good idea of who she is and look i even made a graphic, if that’s ain’t dedication then i don’t what it is.
basic information.
NAME: eden atara koppelman
GENDER: cis female
PLACE OF BIRTH: brisbane, queensland, australia
HOMETOWN: cape town, south africa
DATE OF BIRTH: june 26, 1997
AGE: twenty-three
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: heterosexual so far but secretly curious
MAJOR: veterinary
EXTRACURRICULARS: president of the jewish student association, vice president of the herpetology club, president of the volunteer service, women in leadership member, student government member
SPORTS: captain of the climbing team and co-captain of the track & field team
character inspo.
Jessica Day (New Girl) ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
Elliott Reid (Scrubs) ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
Amy Santiago (Brooklyn 99) ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
tw: death, infant death, car accident, fire
Eden was born in Brisbane, Australia. She comes from an animal lover family. Her grandparents are very popular down under because they had an animal TV show à la Steve Irwin. Her dad followed their footsteps and it’s a well-known zoologist who also had some TV shows (think of Bear Grylls).
TW: death, infant death, car accident. Matthias Koppelman (her dad) had been previously married but lost his wife and child in a car accident and after that he isolated himself from the public eye and moved to Namibia. 
At twenty-eight, he felt the need to climb Mount Everest as one does, ya know? But ofc this man hadn’t climbed in years (he had experience but he’d been too sad to climb mountains. I mean he could barely leave bed, let alone climb Everest). That didn’t stop him and he did.
He almost d worded there bc as I said he was not ready but that’s when Hestia queen of fire showed up and warmed him (in a non sexual way bc she’s pure okay) and he was like oh that was a near dead experience and didn’t think much.
After he conquered the Everest with the help of Hestia, he moved back to Australia and oh surprise a few months later he opened his door and voilá a bebé was there with a note that said “you deserve to have a family, love hestia” 
He was shocked like “did i just impregnate a fantasy?”  but then Hestia was kind enough to send another and explain everything.
Anyway, Eden lived in Brisbane for four years before her dad took a job in South Africa. They moved to Cape Town (and her grandparents came with them) and pretty much had a happy life surrounded by animals. 
TW: fire. When she was nine, her dad took her to a game reserve in Limpopo and by some reason a fire started endangering animals and flora. Everyone was panicking bc I mean wouldn’t u? But Eden was attracted to the flames like a pyro (the good kind tho) and since everyone had better things to do than taking care of a child, they left her unsupervised and she delved into the fire.
Ofc nothing happened to her because ✨immunity✨ but guess who showed up again? Hestia!!!! Being a great goddess and mom, she taught Eden how to use her powers so she could absorb the fire and save all the animals and people. 
Everyone was like holy shit a miracle and the firefighters were like “the fuck? we did shit but we gonna take the credit lol”
Eden was like “did that just happen?” and yes, it did but she was like “meh that was imagination” and her dad was like *nervous chuckle* “yeah…” because he didn’t want to tell her the truth since that could put her in danger.
At 13, she had her bat mitzvah and it was all fun and games until fire lady showed up aka Hestia. Her dad and Hestia explained everything and Eden was like: 
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Hestia claimed her and off to camp she went. For the next few years she went to camps all over the world as a treat.
She never went on a quest bc she was afraid and also because she couldn’t put herself in danger and risk losing her life bc her dad already had lost a child… so yeah
Her dad remarried when she was seventeen and a year later she welcomed a new baby brother and that’s why she decided to take a gap year to be with her bro and also work with her dad in the reserves.
She moved to Athens when she was nineteen and decided to go into veterinary school. So yes Ella will get her dog one way or another idc what the admins say :chaos:
Ahhhh that’s all folks!!! We did it!
FULL BIO (yes, i completed it this time)
Eden never loses her sense of curiosity. You could say that she sees life through rose colored glasses as if she lived on the edge of a mirror country where worldly objects come to life, where flora and fauna assume almost human qualities.  
She has the ability to see the good in almost anyone or anything and tends to sympathize with even the most unfriendly person. She often hides the extreme depth of feelings from her, even from herself, until circumstances elicit a passionate response. 
She has a deep sense of idealism that comes from a strong personal sense of right and wrong. She sees the world as a place full of possibilities and potentials and is governed by her intuition. She is quite reserved and is not easily manipulated. 
She is a good listener and considerate, they try to care for and understand others in a deep way. She can be very calm and intuitive with the people around her, being able to search for hidden meanings in the actions and words of others.
Of course, all of life is not rosy and Eden is not exempt from suffering the same disappointments and frustrations that are common to others. She tends to be a perfectionist and often strives for personal ideals that can be exhausting or very difficult to obtain.
She also struggles with time management, always leaving everything to the last minute claiming she “works better under pressure” but the truth is she’s just a procrastinator. 
Very sensible, she cries almost every day either because of a commercial or a sweet story she read on Facebook. It doesn’t matter, if it’s slightly emotional she will shed some tears.
pyrokinesis: This power first manifested when she was nine years old and she helped to save an animal reserve from the flames with the help of Hestia. Since she was claimed when she was thirteen, she’s learned how to use this power. Now she can summon fire without any problem and put it out just as fast. This is very helpful because she loves baking but she’s a bit clumsy so she often burns herself, but thankfully, she’s immune, so no pain. However, Eden has never been able to create a hot wall of flames nor she has ever asked how to do that, she just hopes she never has to use it.
serenity inducement: Eden avoids conflict at all cost, not only it makes her cry but also makes her very uncomfortable and anxious which is why this was the first power she manifested. She was just a child but from what she remembers it was during a class in preschool that a kid started hitting another one. Eden panicked at such an act of violence she went there and touched the bully’s shoulder which immediately calmed him. Back then she didn’t know it was a power but after finding out about her true identity, many other events like this started to make sense. This is the power she uses the most, also with animals which is why she makes such a good veterinarian because she can calm an animal's nerves.
bond manipulation: She wouldn’t say this is one of her weakest powers but it’s one she didn’t use often growing up because she came from such a stable family that it didn’t seem necessary, however, she sometimes catches herself using it in group projects or at her workplace, you know, to keep things healthy and positive.
ability to summon food: By far the one she uses the least (personally speaking), she likes cooking and baking, so she doesn’t see the point but she does use it to feed stray animals.
Eden speaks fluent English, she has a mixed South African and Australian accent but she can switch. At school, half of her classes were in Afrikaans, so she also speaks it fluently. Greek comes from her demigod side, but she also took some classes back in school upon her father’s request. Growing up in a very Jewish family, her grandparents believed it was pretty important that Eden learned Yiddish and Hebrew, she can read it perfectly but struggles speaking it, especially Yiddish because she also attended Hebrew school. As for French, she learned in high school and she still takes lessons at Eonia but she hates it.
Her father started taking her to a climbing gym when she was five and by the time she was ten she was already climbing 6a routes which is pretty much an intermediate level and very impressive for her age. 
She had her own TV show on Discover Kids titled “Eden’s Wildlife Adventure” in which she explained the importance of different types of animals. The first seasons were shot between Australia and South Africa, but in later seasons she traveled across Africa and South America. The show ran from 2005-2011 (which was when she was claimed).
Dreams of climbing Mount Everest before her 30th birthday.
Her father is a classic rock band and so is she. Her animals have been named after influential musicians. Right now she has a cat named Hendrix, a horse named Cobain, a dog named Mick. Growing up her father took care of a baby lion which they named Little Richard because he was smaller than most lion cubs. Over the years, his father and grandparents have fostered several wild animals while they recover or before they are sent to a reserve. Among the animals they have fostered are elephants, giraffes, zebras, cheetahs, leopards, hippos and more.
While she loves rock, she’s also a sucker for 2000s pop. Please don’t ask her about modern artists because she’s clueless. 
She’s fed up with the Mean Girl jokes, we get it she grew up in Africa and she’s white.
She is a proud Jewish girl and follows many traditions. She does attend the local synagogue during Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah. And of course, Hanukkah is her favorite holiday. Her family practices Reform Judaism, so she doesn’t follow a kosher diet.
Eden was raised as a vegan and her whole family is vegan. In the past years, she has been in the process of becoming vegetarian.
Favorites: Anything written by Agatha Christie(book); Say Anything (1989) (movie); Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fear (song); 
Again, no one asked me but I will reply: “Ella, does Eden hate Iker?” “Well, thanks for asking. In a shocking turn of events, no she doesn’t. How come you might ask? Well, she doesn’t hate anyone but if she ever did then yes, she would hate him.”
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sapphosclown · 4 years
Do You Wanna Ride The Ferris Wheel? - an Ambi Oneshot
When Andi and Amber have a sleepover, Amber tries to make up for her past mistakes.
(for reference this takes place Andi’s freshman year of high school and Amber’s a Junior) (also i wrote this a few months ago when i was really missing ambi but i kept forgetting to post it so im doing it now and it’s really cheesy, but cute, but cheesy, so don’t say i didn't warn you)
“Oh my god.”
Andi found herself standing at the same side entrance, with Amber once again breaking the lock that was holding the gate into Adrenaline City closed.
“Amber! What are we doing here!” She whispered urgently.
“Relax! Trust me.” Amber tried to say nonchalantly but her hands were starting to become sweaty.
The lock clicked and Amber opened the gate with ease.
“After you m’lady.” She joked as she waited for Andi to walk through the gate first.
“I’m getting a weird sense of deja vu.” Andi said sarcastically as she hesitantly made her way through the gate and looked around at all the games and rides she had gawked at a few years before. Amber followed and closed the gate behind her, wiping her hands on her jeans as she walked up to Andi.
“Hey,” She placed her hand on Andi’s shoulder and spun her so they were facing each other.
“I know this seems sketchy but you promised to trust me!”
Andi glanced at her suspiciously. “Alright. But one wrong move and I’m out of here!”
Amber grinned. “Deal.” She grabbed Andi’s hand and they ran towards the ferris wheel, just like they had done before. And once again, Andi felt that familiar flutter in her stomach, but she knew it wasn’t nerves like she assumed last time.
They reached their destination and stopped running. Andi looked at it and wasn’t quite sure what to do with herself. Amber looked from the ferris wheel to Andi’s face. Her smile fell as she noticed the anxious look on her face.
“Andi?” She asked carefully.
“I don’t know Amber... Last time—”
“Last time I was a bitch.” Amber interrupted, causing Andi to look at her. “Last time you took me under your wing despite how horrible I was to you and I still let jealousy take over. But now, I’m 100% over Jonah and I know that you’re 100% over Jonah,” Andi laughed a bit as she recalled how obsessed they were with him. “And I just want to make this right and give you the best damn ferris wheel ride I can.” The two of them laughed.
“You promise you’re not gonna abandon me to get picked up by the cops?”
“I swear on my life!”
“Are you sure because I already have two strikes and I don’t think they’d be too pleased to see me—”
“Oh my god!” Amber laughed. She turned around and turned on the ride. The familiar mechanical whir filled the air as the red and purple lights flickered on and flashed across the girls faces once again. Amber held out her pinky to Andi. “I pinky promise to not abandon you while you’re on the ferris wheel.” She smiled.
Andi tilted her head. “Really? What are we, seven?”
“Hey! I take my pinky promises very seriously!” Amber stuck her pinky out further towards Andi, who broke out into laughter and took Ambers pinky with her own.
“Fine.” She barely whispered. They studied each other’s faces as they held on to each other’s pinky’s for a moment too long.
“Good.” Amber squeezed Andi’s finger and Andi squeezed back. Amber felt her heart skip a beat, but she ignored it.
“So... Do you wanna ride the ferris wheel?” She smiled giddily.
Andi smiled back and let out a huff of laughter. “God you’re so stupid.” She threw her things into the basket again and made her way up the ramp and to the seat as Amber jumped up and down, clapping her hands excitedly.
Andi buckled herself in as Amber admired her from her spot at the controls. The purple light on Andi’s face caused a sparkle in her eye and Amber felt her heart do another flip.
Once Andi had buckled herself in and gave her the all clear, Amber pulled the lever, causing more loud whirs as the ride began spinning. Andi felt her seat move backwards, rising towards the night sky. Amber watched as the other girl beamed at the night sky as she moved around and around. Once she had reached the top, Amber pulled the lever again so that Andi was sat at the very top of the ferris wheel, looking over the entire town.
“There you go! The best view in Shadyside!” Amber yelled up to her.
“Even though you could very well run away at any minute again, I have to say it’s somehow better the second time!” Andi yelled back. She looked away from the sky and down at Amber. “Thanks.”
“Of course!”
Andi took one last look over the town. The air was cool, refreshing. She felt amazing. The view truly was incredible. She took a deep inhale before yelling down to Amber, “Okay! I wanna come down now!
There was no response.
“Amber?” Andi felt the same worry filling up her body she felt a few years ago. “Amber!”
“Just kidding! I’m here!” Amber called back before flipping the switch again and the wheel spun around once more. Andi let out a sigh of relief as she came to a stop at the bottom of the ferris wheel. Amber walked up to Andi’s seat and pulled the bar down, sitting down next to her.
“I hate you for that.” Andi said, only half joking.
“Fair enough.” Amber smiled. “Did it make up for the first time?”
“You know what? I think it did.” Andi looked up at Amber. For some reason, she just now noticed how green Amber’s eyes were. Maybe it was the lights, but something about them made Andi’s stomach do somersaults. Amber felt similarly, her heart pounding out of her chest as she became suddenly very aware of how close they were, their thighs touching and their feet occasionally bouncing off of each other. Everything was quiet, and they only saw each other in that moment.
“I think you lied to me before.” Andi said, her voice barely above a whisper.
“What do you mean?” Amber replied in the same tone.
“This is the best view in Shadyside.” Andi whispered, breaking eye contact only to look that the other girls lips, not even trying to be subtle. Amber noticed and found herself doing the same.
They looked back into each other’s eyes, and then Amber reached over and cupped Andi’s face in her hand and kissed her. And Andi kissed her back.
They broke apart, each letting out a deep sigh from the rush of adrenaline.
“So, we’re even?” Amber smiled.
“Yeah. We’re even.” Andi laughed. “Oh, shoot, did you want a turn?” She said as she rushed to unbuckle her seat belt before Amber grabbed her hand, stopping her.
“It can wait.” Amber laughed, and then kissed Andi again.
a/n: honestly terri did us sapphics real dirty with that ferris wheel scene and i decided it was up to me to reclaim that setting. also s/o to ‘snorpian’ on ig bc my favorite edit of theirs inspired me to complete this idea i came up with A WHILE ago lol. anyways i hope you enjoyed this ambi content that we all deserved. (also i hoped you imagined the same song (Chasing Stars by Rupert Pope & Giles Palmer) playing in the background bc it definitely is)
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daesthete · 4 years
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guess the TWENTY THREE OLD JANUARY baby just arrived to dallyeog! it makes sense, because ONG DAEJUNG is just as UNEXPECTED as the month of JANUARY. wait, why do they remind me of HWANG HYUNJIN? beyond that, they seemed CONFIDENT AND PRACTICAL upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of STUBBORN AND RESERVED though. i hope they get acquainted here in APT. 1 / FLOOR 2 ; they seem to have a lot going on with HIS job as CHOREOGRAPHER AND DANCE INSTRUCTOR. 
hello! sorry it took me so long to get this done but work. my name’s lu and i’m really excited to be here with none other than my incredibly piece of work daejung. i’m in the -5/6 tz (idk anymore bcs of the dls). i’m a little slow with the messages, but i’ll eventually get to them pls be patient with this old hag. my boy’s stats, personality, background are all up and here you’ll find a tldr of his background (because it’s a long read and i’m incredibly sorry, idk when to shut up). meanwhile, here’s a trivia and down below it, some plots and prompts.
⇢ his mom is the one behind his love for dancing, being a dancer herself back when she was in high school, though from a very different discipline; ballet. this is one of the many reasons why he was a better relationship with her than his father. 
⇢ he’s danced his whole life, but stopped doing it once he entered middle school and mostly because his new friends made fun of it, saying it was lame and such, which made him insecure regardless of his mother reassuring words. 
⇢ the reason he struggled so much with college were the theory-based classes and this is a burden he’s carried his whole life. however, in more practical classes, he was outstanding. reason why he wasn’t expelled from college neither losing his scholarship.
⇢ he’s pretty decent at playing other sports such as basketball and soccer, but after an injury that seemed worst than what it really was, he got really scared of getting hurt and unable to dance, so he’s very cautious in those rare occasions he decides to play.
⇢ got obsessed with videogames back in the states and only recently he got his very first playstation ever. he likes fps and rpg games, his favorites right now are overwatch and the witcher 3: wild hunt.
⇢ he’s a pretty decent neighbour... except when he isn’t. most of the time, he’s mindful of not disturbing the others, but every now and then he likes to throw very loud parties at his place just for the sake of it and they run till very early in the morning. 
⇢ daejung is not a morning person. even though he wakes up at 7am sharp, it’s not advised to make long conversations with him before this, the most he will respond with is a hum or an inaudible mumble. 
⇢ has several playlists on his phone, all for different reasons, moods and occasions. he can spend hours trying to curate the perfect playlist and loves sharing this with people he’s close to. if he likes you and you two have a good friendship, it’s really likely that he has a playlist with your name. 
⇢ likes covering dances a lot, especially those with more challenging choreographies and has a collection of videos he’s filmed, but never seen the light. sometimes she shares clips of them on his instagram account and has considered several times to open his own channel. it’s a thought that constantly sits on his mind.
⇢ despite his overall behaviour and attitude, he’s really good at teaching, especially kids. he’s learnt to be patient and professional in the practice room and he often wishes that could translate to his personal life. he’s trying to be better though. 
⇢ really values his job for all the opportunities it's brought and all the doors it's opened for him. he feels like he’s finally found purpose.
⇢ his family however it’s a really sensitive topic for him and will avoid talking about any of them, especially his mom. his relationship with his father is improving though, they have little moments in the waiting room whenever daejung visits his mom. his sister, on the other hand, doesn’t want to see him at all, and neither does he. they’ve said pretty awful and hurtful things to each other. there’s a part of daejung that wants to fix the relationship but he’s too prideful to. 
ex-best friend ( f / m ) open
the worst part was that there wasn’t even an argument, not a proper one. no big blow out, no screaming words of closure. they just stopped talking and as the days turned to weeks, then to months both had no idea how to breach the chasm between them anymore even when you wanted to. daejung might’ve seemed disinterested but it was because he didn’t want to dwell in the sadness that losing his best friend brought along. ​
​it’s tough ( f / m ) open.
ever since his mom was diagnosed with leukemia, the ong family visited the hospital constantly. the first year was the most difficult. daejung found it hard to stay in the room for more than few minutes as the doctors went over the treatment and such, reason why he preferred to stay in the waiting room. they were there one day (reason is up to the typist). somehow both ended up pouring their hearts out about how difficult everything was and bonded over sorrows and crude jokes.
polaroids ( f / m ) open
daejung’s gotten as a birthday present an instant camera and likes to snap photos of what he finds beautiful. one day he decides to take a picture of this beautiful, old fashioned building that you happen to be standing near. you notice that daejung is taking pictures. “well if you wanted to take my photo just ask.” daejung clarifies that it isn’t the case. regardless, you continue and even strike some poses, saying that you’re ready for your photo to be taken, making daejung laugh for a while, eventually agreeing to take a photo.
​short plots:
⇢ someone gave me a fake phone number and it’s actually yours. ⇢we hate each other but we both have a mutual friend so we have to put up with each other. ⇢while playing video games, a fight broke out over who got to be player ⇢ one and who player two, it escalates into something reminiscent of a war between them. ⇢ we had plans to do something fun, only to have those plans gone horribly wrong
dialogue prompts:
⇢ “you’re making a mistake.” “and that’s very on-brand of me.” ⇢ “this is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. of course i’m in.”  ⇢ “how long do you think it’ll take me to get arrested?” “what is this, a competition?” ⇢ “you had best rethink that sentence and try again, buddy." ⇢ "if you want me out of the way then move me yourself." ⇢ "okay okay, i can only handle so much sappy crap in one night.” ⇢ “i apologize for him. he has a severe case called….douchebag.” ⇢ “contrary to popular belief, I’m actually quite competent.” ⇢ “well, well, well… who the fuck are you?” ⇢ “i hate to disagree with you—” “please. you love to disagree with me. it’s your favorite thing in the whole world.”
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yanderepuck · 4 years
So her name is Nicoleta Colridge.  Born in the 13th century of Hungary(modern day Romania).  Moved to Italy in the 15th century
She is a daywalker vampire, meaning she can be in the sunlight, and holy items don't affect her.
Absolutely cannot digest food and solely lives off of blood, and she would rather go hungry than not drink fresh blood from the vein.
A pureblood, but due to ikevamp lore, and the lore I follow with my vamps, I've basically came up with the fact that there are different species of vampires. 
With ikevamp lore, Nicoleta seems to be more powerful than Comte, with inhumane speed, strength, agility etc. She's extended her powers to the point where she is legit studying magic since she like maxed out her abilities. I know that seems VERY Mary Sue, but let me tell you it took a lot for her to get to that point because she wanted to get to that point
With my species of vampires, they are able to sense other vampires in the area, thus meaning Nicoleta ends up finding Leonardo.
Ikevamp vamps obviously can't sense another vampire, so he doesn't know at first, and he's wondering why she's being so straight forward with him and talkative right away. 
She didn't know other species of vampires existed so she didn't know why he wasn't aware. lmao, oops
She also has the ability of mind control, like Vlad, but she rarely ever uses it.
For a description,she sticks out like a sore thumb, she has long ginger hair, that stays uncovered, which is her saying she's not married and available. She shows some shoulder with a wider neckline, and really bright green eyes.  She might as well have a sign saying she’s a prostitute with how she looks, but she’s not, she gave up caring real quick when she found out how easy it is to break mortal bones
Nicoleta and Leonardo end up having some fun times and I’d like to imagine he found out she was a vampire by finding out her age.  She thinks he’d older than he really is, but he’s still only living his first life.  He’s confused and asks her the same and she basically goes "I'm a vampire you twat"
Fast forward to when Leonardo "dies". He just disappears. Doesn't even tell her that he's going off the map for a bit. He went to Milan to work on something, and just never came back. 
As you can imagine she's kinda heart broken.
Super fast forward to the 21st century.
She's in Paris bc a friend lives there, and she ends up sensing another vampire around that she doesn't recognize. 
She can tell that he's older and so she follows the feeling to find him, aka, it's Comte.
Then suddenly she’s in the 19th century and goes “What the shit.  I fucking hate this century”
At this point she’s about 800 years old
Automatically she can tell that the mansion is filled with vampires, but they can’t tell she is.  So she decides to have some fun.
After talking to Comte, explaining to him what happened, he plays along with her game
Which is that she’s not gonna tell anyone else in the mansion that she’s a vampire.  She wants to know if they’ll ever figure it out by the end of the month
Let’s act as if it pans out like every chapter one, and she ends up in the kitchen because Comte told her about the rogue they have and well, it’s been a long day, it’ll do.
As she’s about to leave Arthur comes in.  Here comes the thot.  And of course he’s telling her about everyone there being a vampire, trying to scare her, but most importantly, flirt.
Well two can play at that game.
Instead of Arthur pulling her into him, she grabs him by his ascot, pulling him close to her, their bodies touching, her other hand resting on his hip, maybe getting just a little to close, and she goes “Vampire are pretty popular in my time.  You’re gonna have to do more than seduce me with a little bite.”
And then she turns and leaves, and Arthur is like “What the fuck just happened”
I’ll be honest, the only reason why she knows any English is due to Shakespeare(I figured this out before I started this game ngl), so that’s also how she talks in English for the most part, and she’d end up fan girling a little bit when she ends up meeting him.
You’re probably wondering, how hasn’t she found Leonardo yet?
Well it turns out he was out of town for a few days, that happened to be at this time.  So by the time everyone in the mansion got to know her, he ended up coming back.
Nicoleta however was 99% sure she could smell his presence in the mansion, but just brushed it to the side thinking that couldn’t be possible.
Turns out Nicoleta is leaving the mansion when Leonardo is coming back, causing them to cross paths.  She’s making her way down the steps when he’s walking towards them.
He notices her first and stops in his tracks.  She’s nearly half way down when she snaps out of her thoughts and see’s him.  The two of them just stand there staring at each other, not saying anything.
She honestly never prepared herself for this moment.  They ended up moving in unison, the only difference is that when Leonardo took a step forwards, Nicoleta took a step back, but they didn’t break eye contact
Before he could even say her name, she turned and ran at inhumane speed to her room.
Even though her face is bright red, she’s panicking deep inside not sure what to do.
It’s times like this she wishes she could drink.
It wouldn’t be another three days until they saw each other again.
Nicoleta would be on the balcony because she has the decency to smoke outside
Leonardo would be walking by and see her and walk out saying her name before he got too close.
They’d end up reconnecting, Nicoleta explaining why she’s there, Leonardo explaining why he left.  After a well needed long deep conversation they made up with a kiss
To be continued???
With absolute nonsense headcanons??? 
Most recent bio for Nicoleta 
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