#the restless ape
One of the hardest ideas for humans to accept is that we are not the culmination of anything. There is nothing inevitable about our being here. It is part of our vanity as humans that we tend to think of evolution as a process that, in effect, was programmed to produce us.
from The Human Odyssey by Ian Tattersall 
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dylanlila · 1 year
your three things are good music, amy pond, and being my favourite person to send writing to <3
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
send me three things you associate with my blog
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dhampir-dyke · 1 year
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ohwaitimthewriter · 3 months
Look at me if you dare
Pairing : Noa x human!reader
Warnings: angsty fluff? Fluffy angst? (you chose!)
Words: 4.3k+ (for real?? 😳)
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A/N: So! I didn't plan it to be this long but HERE WE ARE. I had to remove the 'getting angry' part but for good reasons, and only if you'd be interested in,: I'm thinking about a part 2 🫣 I need some time to ponder about it, but it is still a possibility! Thank you for your request, I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you'll like it! 😁 (even if it took me forever and I'm so sorry for this 🥺)
Enjoy your reading 😁
Planet of the Apes Masterlist.
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Crouching at the river's edge, you watched your reflection ripple with the waves of the peacefully flowing water. You observed the gap between your eyes and the shape of your nose, which marked the boundary between the two. The little dimple formed by your upper lip just below the bridge of your nose and the plump of your lower lip. The thin line they formed, neither a smile nor a sad pout, a straight line free of expression.
The hunting had been good that day. A stag, one of the biggest bucks in the deer herd. Euphoria had spread throughout the colony when none other than Noa, the leader of the Eagle clan, had returned from a long day's hunting with a few of his own. Anaya and Soona, of course, were part of the group, and you watched the two friends squabble with Noa over who had the best approach to killing the deer. Anaya was certainly trying to take more of the credit, puffing his chest out, but he quickly shook it off when Soona gave him a light punch in the ribs, complaining that he had no right to take full credit for the success of the hunt.
It was, of course, a team effort, and success depended largely on following the instructions given to each individual after agreeing on the best strategy. And this time, the best strategy was Noa's.
You watched them bickering, bragging about their feat, and could only smile at Noa's proud face, knowing full well that he had been the most astute on this hunt. The most astute and therefore the best provider for his clan.
And then his gaze met yours.
The cocky restlessness that radiated from his stance subsided. He glanced at the carcass strapped to his horse's saddle before locking his green irises into yours again and untying the animal, which fell to the ground with a thud.
Noa grabbed the animal by its antlers and began to drag it with one hand behind him, as he made his way towards you.
It seemed you were the only one who didn't quite understand what was happening. Anaya wanted to follow Noa, but it only took one look for Soona to understand and stop Anaya in his tracks. Anaya gave her a quizzical look before his mouth formed an 'O' in realization.
Dragging the animal's carcass seemed effortless, even though it was obvious that Noa was trying to hide the uncomfortable strain he had to exert on his arm muscles. Despite his thick fur, you could easily see the strength he was capable of, his muscles becoming more prominent with the 200kg of inert weight he had to pull behind him. He moved on all four, really only using three of his limbs, and the force of the pull made his shoulders even bulkier. The whole scene was rather impressive, but you had question marks plastered all over your face as Noa drew closer and closer to you.
Earlier in the afternoon, you had sat down by the big communal fire to work on making a spear more suited to your build. You didn't leave the log you were sitting on until the hunt was over. For a brief moment, you thought Noa wasn't really coming to you, but rather dragging the animal to the bonfire to share it with the rest of the colony. You wanted to believe it, because the wrathful looks of some disapproving apes were beginning to weigh heavily on your shoulders and you didn't quite understand what you had done to endure their judgment.
The carcass fell in front of you, and at the same time you heard an ape… Ezio, if you remembered his name correctly, who had taken part in the hunt, utter a muffled growl of… protest?
If you heard it, Noa must have too, but he decided to ignore it, preferring to keep all his attention on you. His stunning green eyes landed in yours and, like every time he gazed into the immense depths of your irises, you were afraid he'd discover a secret you'd been keeping under lock and key ever since you'd discovered it yourself. A secret that drew you irrevocably to him, but which you suppressed and buried deep inside yourself when the eyes of apes like Ezio landed on you.
You chose to avert your gaze towards the dead animal in front of you and prevent him from discovering it. Noa placed his hand firmly on the beast, pushing it further towards you until it touched your feet.
Why… was he bringing you the carcass?
You looked up at him again, and though you tried to give him an unsure smile, the silent question could be read in your eyes as they settled back on Noa.
No matter how much Noa saw you doubting, he couldn't help but feel proud to have brought you such a trophy. He wanted you to see it, to realize the strength it had taken him to kill it, bring it back and drag it to you. He wanted you to see his qualities as a leader, his qualities as a hunter, qualities that made him a perfect mate and that he would be perfectly capable of providing for all your needs… whatever they might be. He'd killed that deer for you, as proof that he was the best match for you. And any doubts you might have had could only be swept away by those 200kg of fresh meat he'd hunted.
At least, that's what he told himself in the back of his mind. That's what he wanted you to acknowledge in him.
In front of his attentive and expectant gaze, you remained unable to understand why he had placed the body of this animal at your feet.
On closer inspection, the stag was of impressive size, and there was no doubt that its remains alone could feed the entire colony. Your eyes followed the animal's shape and you couldn't help imagining its life before it unfortunately crossed the path of Noa and his hunting team. The animal must have been majestic. Its antlers were broad and you could count 14 points. An old creature. From the way its body was laid on the ground, you could only see one of its eyes, and the lifeless black iris squeezed your heart. A wave of empathy for this beautiful animal swept through your body and you instinctively leaned towards its corpse. With tentative fingers, you stroked its shoulder, as if to soothe the soul of the animal that had just given its life to provide for others. Its light-brown bristles were rough against the delicate skin of your fingertips, but it didn't matter, especially as you were certain to feel the gazes of the entire colony scanning your every move. Some approving. Others tolerant. And the last, disapproving.
You tried to push away the burning sensation in the back of your head caused by all those eyes on you, and uttered in a whisper addressed only to that deer, and perhaps, to Noa too, a heartfelt "thank you" for this animal's sacrifice.
Noa tilted his head towards you, seeking your gaze as he tentatively brushed your fingertips to capture your attention. A cloud of tingling ran up your fingers, from your hand to the hollow of your collarbone, creating a mass of tingles there that spread down your spine.
"He fought well."
Noa's gruff voice was meant to be reassuring. He understood your sympathy for the deer and wanted to be sure to let you know the animal had given everything to survive, but that Noa had been the strongest of the two.
You nodded silently and quickly wiped away a tear you hadn't felt rolling down your cheek. You took a deep breath, sharing a glance with Noa.
"Now it can rest." You say. " It'll serve us well."
Noa breathed through his nose proudly at your approval. It was all he needed, all he asked of you, and he grabbed the deer's antlers again to take it away in preparation for dinner.
You ran your tongue over your teeth, and if you weren't showing them off to the little fish that passed by, oblivious to the giant you were compared to them, you made a mental note of the shape of each of them. Smooth, not particularly sharp, and even the teeth you used as canines weren't particularly well-suited to forcefully shredding any fish or animal flesh.
Not… suitable.
That evening, Soona joined you for dinner. Sitting cross-legged, you had set a bowl of vegetables and fruit in front of you, and on a thick piece of cloth was a piece of meat from the deer that Noa had brought you earlier.
Crouching beside you, Soona was biting into the animal flesh, and you admired the ease with which she was able to detach the raw meat and chew it as she would on the juicy flesh of an apple. Your meat, on the other hand, was cooked.
Soona glanced at the sharp little blade lying delicately next to your meat. Even though she was used to seeing you use it to cut small pieces of meat or fish, there was still a kind of fascination in her eyes. The Echos jaws weren't as powerful and efficient as those of chimpanzees, and while she didn't think they were very practical for everyday life, she was fascinated by your ability to find tricks to make life easier.
Her gaze was always benevolent, and you were never afraid to show her all the human tips and tricks that enabled you to navigate your daily life without too much trouble. Even in the troubles your three friends sometimes got you into.
Something as simple as biting into a piece of meat became a challenge, in all proportion, for a human, and this was quite fascinating for Soona.
But tonight, there was a glitch. Like a feeling of discomfort towards this piece of meat. Normally, you would have started by eating meat, or fish depending on the day. Meat, then vegetables, then fruit. A very specific order that you followed at every meal, even if Soona didn't understand the point of always having to "start with what's salty and finish with what's sweet", as you'd explained to her when she'd asked you. "I prefer to have a sweet taste in my mouth as a last bite." Soona hadn't had the heart to argue otherwise, if that was what you preferred then so be it.
And tonight, you had left your meat aside.
How odd.
Soona briefly moved her hand to show you your meat before signing.
" Not eating?"
Your eyes fell on the untouched meat. Usually, you would have taken the time to cut it up before starting your meal. But not this time. The blade you had taken out of your satchel after cooking the food over a fire had drawn more than a few questioning looks, some almost suspicious.
How long had people been watching you like this? Had it been a long time? And if so, how had you managed not to notice before?
Maybe you'd been blinded by the kindness and acceptance that Noa, Soona, Anaya and even Dar - who more than once had left you stunned by Noa's mother's tenderness towards you - had granted you. Your human condition had never been called into question, and although it had taken several weeks - months for some - for your presence among the clan to become as natural as taking a breath, you had never felt… rejected.
So why now? Why were you suddenly aware that maybe… your mere presence was perceived as that of a virus that needed to be contained. Like an underlying disease that had taken several months to blossom into its first symptoms.
Ezio and his gang of three other apes were stationed right in front of you, on the other side of the communal fire. The contemptuous look they gave you knotted like ropes around your wrists and you found yourself unable to move them to grab your blade and cut your meat.
You didn't know what to say to Soona because you really weren't eating your meat. Not because you didn't like it, nor because you weren't hungry, but because the judgment weighing on your shoulders blocked any will to move a muscle in the pit of your stomach.
Your gaze stopped for half a second on Ezio, who took advantage of your brief attention to challenge you, a small huff piercing through his muzzle, letting his cheeks formed a light puff.
You chose not to dwell on it and focused instead on Soona, who was looking at you with concern. You hesitated over your words before blurting out:
"I… I wouldn't want to… wouldn't you feel awkward watching me cut up the meat?"
Your question was genuine, but Soona widened her eyes, astonished by the implication of your sentence. She almost wished she'd laughed at you, because in all the time she'd seen you do it, it was about time you started worrying if that was really how you felt.
"Why would I bother?" She asked back.
And you sighed. Point scored for Soona. Your question made no sense as far as Soona was concerned. Of course she didn't care, and if she had, you were almost convinced she'd have asked you about it by now.
Seeing your defeated face, Soona went on to sign.
"I understand." And she gestured to your jaw. "Weak. Easier in small pieces to chew." She paused for a moment to gauge your reaction, and you seemed to accept her silent words. "I understand." She repeated aloud this time, her voice slightly rocky on the edges. "Anaya understands." She went on, and as if she could read the real reason for your concern in your eyes, she finished by directing her gaze towards the clan leader who was sharing his meal with Dar. "Noa… understands."
But Ezio and his friends didn't understand.
Your hand plunged into the river, shattering your reflection, which had suddenly seemed too hard to look at. You didn't like what you saw. The water seeped through your fingers and its coolness slid under your skin in a vain attempt to bring some sanity back to your brain.
The delicate nature of your skin suddenly jumped out at you. Your hand bore various scars, large ones from sharp stones, small ones from bramble thorns, scratches from tree bark…
You'd looked for it everywhere.
Earlier in the morning, you had wished to go outside the village boundaries in search of a particular plant. It was about to be that time of the month when your period pains would start, and valerian, a plant with small white flowers, could help ease those painful cramps.
Soona would usually accompany you, but today she was busy with Dar. So you decided to go alone, but to your surprise, Noa refused. He argued that it was too dangerous for you to venture outside the territory of the eagle clan, almost forgetting that you had been living outside its boundaries for several months.
After extensive negotiation, he gave you permission to go, on one condition: that you take your spear with you and that Eagle Sun go with you.
But the spear you usually left at the entrance to your hut had disappeared. After spending an hour looking for it, Eagle Sun became restless and an unfamiliar ape, whom you'd seen hanging around with Ezio, informed you that he'd seen a spear… in a tree.
So you ended up right there, and the longer you stared at the top of the tree, the more you felt dizziness creep into the back of your skull.
Your spear was probably 8 meters, maybe 9, above your head. The ape who had shown you the way had pretended to have urgent business to attend to, and left you to ponder how you were going to climb a tree whose first branches were 3 meters above the ground.
After a minute's thought, you decided that with a sufficiently high first support, you'd certainly be able to pull yourself up onto the first branches and climb to your spear. There was only one effective way to do this: a horse.
Surprisingly enough, it had worked. It had worked so well that it had angered Ezio, who had been watching the whole scene in the hope that you'd end up making a fool of yourself and proving that you had no place among the eagle clan.
A split second was all it took. You had begun climbing down, having previously dropped your spear to the ground, when a sudden jolt made you lose your balance. The branch your foot was aiming for slipped away, and your hands suddenly clutched the trunk in a vain attempt to hold on to your body, which you felt falling like a mass toward the ground. The bark burned your skin and cut into its surface as you tried to slow your fall and, fortunately, your feet hit another branch before your body finally hit the ground with an impact you could only imagine would cause severe pain.
Okay, 5 good minutes.
Your forehead pressed against the rough trunk, trying to calm your suffocating breathing. You felt as if your heart was threatening to burst out of your ribcage, its beats hitting your ribs so hard. Your trembling hands, still clasped around the trunk, curled in on themselves, leaving only the bottom of your palm touching the bark that had bruised them.
You didn't want to make a move. You closed your eyes, unable to bear the sight of the ground a few meters below you. You didn't want to move, and anyway, even if you wanted to, the pain radiating from the inside of your hands prevented you from gripping anything. You didn't even dare examine your hands, for fear that the mere act of bringing them towards you would cause you to lose your balance again and end up on the floor.
And even when your name rolled off Noa's lips, you didn't react. You tried to breathe deeply, trying to calm the heart that had started a race faster than it could keep up with, but you couldn't get rid of the fear that had gripped your insides the moment you fell.
Fear. You felt it keenly now. It ran through your veins and forced you to hug the trunk as tightly as you could, undeniably tightening your legs around the branch you'd suddenly found yourself sitting on. It was fear, too, that made you jump when a large hand came to rest gently on your shoulder.
Unlike you, he had climbed with incredible speed and fluidity. His build was made for it. His hands, his feet, all his muscles - everything was designed to enable him to pull himself up any structure without difficulty.
He gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze, urging you to look at him, but you stubbornly kept your eyes closed, your forehead almost wishing it could sink deeper into the bark which would most likely leave a mark on your skin.
A soft hoot escaped his mouth, hoping that this time you'd turn your head towards him, but fear gnawed at your stomach too much to dare move a muscle.
And yet, you had to.
You wanted to rage at yourself for your inability to move, for your stupidity in climbing that tree, for your stupidity in not being smarter and realizing that your body wasn't made for such a feat. For not having enough strength or balance or dexterity. But your trail of destructive thoughts ended when you felt the knuckles of Noa's fingers brush gently against your cheek, carefully beckoning for your attention.
His thicker, rougher skin turned out to be much more tender than it first appeared, and your eyelids fluttered at his touch before opening fully, allowing your eyes to look at him.
His cheeks puffed up slightly letting out a gust of air, twice as content that he'd got what he wanted and that you'd accepted his touch. How about thrice as content when his scent, faint as it was, had just mingled with yours in the exact spot where his knuckles had landed.
His hand clung to the tree trunk again, and your skin felt quite cold all of a sudden as it lost his touch.
"Come." His low voice danced in your eardrums.
He locked eyes with you and promptly adjusted his posture to match with where you stood, making it easier for you to slide onto his back. And if fear had made you reluctant to leave your pitiful safety on that branch, it was quickly swept away when Noa gently grabbed your wrist and wrapped your right arm around his neck.
The sudden proximity of your face to his enclosed you in a protective bubble that belonged only to the two of you. You couldn't remember ever having seen him look at you in such a warm, loving way, and the softness of his green eyes felt like a barely perceptible touch, only leaving you longing for more. A brief floating moment in which you were both ready to lose yourself as his fur tingled the skin of your bare forearm, and you almost thanked it for keeping your feet on the ground.
What could he possibly see through you to look at you in this way?
When you took the time to look at him, you saw strength, benevolence and an insatiable desire to meet the needs and expectations of his clan; you saw reliability, commitment and, more than anything else, safety. He didn't have to do much to make all these things shine through in his features. Through it all, Noa was radiant to your eyes. And you were easily swept away in languid admiration if you weren't careful.
And then there was you. Unable to climb a tree. So what did he see within you?
You left the safe mental bubble in which you'd both found yourselves entangled inside to finally hoist yourself fully onto his back, wrapping your legs around his slimmer waist and your arms around his powerful shoulders.
In less time than it took to say it, you were back on solid ground for an inspection of your wounds.
You hadn't been here very long, but you could already feel your thigh muscles screaming with discomfort, in this position so unnatural to you.
Not wanting to fight the tugging sensation, you let yourself fall on your bum, choosing a cross-legged position, more comfortable and less demanding for your… weak muscles.
The water clung to the fabric of your pants with little splashes, gradually flooding the inside of your shoes in the process. Although the coolness sent shivers down your spine, it didn't stop you from contemplating your body's constitution with a certain contempt.
An unsuitable jaw. Delicate skin. Weak muscles. It was an inevitable conclusion shared by many.
You could see them now. Those stares.
Those stares that said "weird".
Those stares that said "weak".
Those stares that said " not belonging ".
And the more you saw yourself in the waves of that river, the more you realized they were right. You didn't belong.
A raindrop slammed into your reflection, just above your cheek, creating a halo of tiny waves that distorted the features of your face. Then another raindrop clattered with a silent " splash ", and yet another, until it blurred your vision.
It was only when you had wiped the tears from your eyes that you noticed the reflection of a second figure appearing beside yours.
Without bothering to look directly at him, you let out a deep sigh when his shoulder brushed yours as Noa came to crouch beside you. His eyes were glued to your reflection as it danced in the gentle swell.
What did his irises see within your reflection?
You sensed a form of understanding, as if he knew what was going round and round in your head, and in a slight moment of comfort, you felt his shoulder press so lightly against yours that, if you didn't know better, you might have thought it a mere happenstance.
"you belong here." The light touch on your shoulder seemed to tell, and a tear dropped down your cheek again, "Look at me," it seemed to tell him. "I'm looking at you," his careful gaze told you. A second tear joined the first, " Look at me properly." and he huffed through his nose, confident but eventually his eyes acknowledged and conceded to your human condition. Another tear rolled down your skin, clinging for dear life to the tip of your chin before crashing into the water, "you see it now". Noa shifted his eyes away from your reflection, "I see it", putting an end to the silent talk.
His reflection disappeared from the surface of the water, leaving only a sensation of emptiness as his massive body moved from its spot beside you.
Noa glanced back at you, watching you curl into yourself, still sadly obsessed by a reflection he could only find beautiful.
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the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
Nighttime/Dreams/Sleep. ( POTA Headcanons, Caesar, Noa, Blue Eyes x Reader )
Oh boy I'm a domestic bitch don't look @ me
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Caesar is incredibly protective, something that seems almost magnified during the night. He knows the contention within some of the Apes, the animosity that is spared towards you due to the choice of the Ape King to have a Human Mate. Night time is a vulnerable time for all of them, especially you even though you share your nest with Caesar and know he would protect you by any means necessary. The thought does linger with the King though. If someone were to do something to you, or if you were to take off without his knowledge and something happened, he'd never forgive himself for it.
That being said, he is very adamant that you do not leave the nest area during the night. If you needed to do something like reliving yourself, you were always free to wake him up and he would assist you ( We love a protective king <3 ).
Waking up in the middle of the night occurs for you every so often when the buzz inside of your mind won't stop spiraling down the metaphorical drain. The thoughts are racing of how you came to get in your position, how you remember Humanity and the things you needed to do to survive, some of which are unspoken aspects of your relationship with Caesar. The phrase 'You did what you had to do' really comes into play here and he's never been one to push it to the point where his questioning made you uncomfortable. You talk to him on your own scale and that is more than okay because he himself is the same way.
Caesar can sense you awake, sometimes it feels like he's able to do just that without even opening his eyes. The rise and fall of your breathing gets mildly more erratic, now slow and paced as if you were in a deep sleep. Your scent wafts his way as you roll onto your back with a small sigh, staring up longingly at the shadows casted on the ceiling above from the dying fire.
He's not one to say anything first unless you wanted to talk. Unless you had a dream that was not favorable and you wanted him to comfort you with words. He's not the greatest at it, Caesar himself knows this, but words of affirmation are things you do seek from him occasionally.
The swing of the fire as it was slowly turning to ashen embers near the center of the scape nest enclosure, high above the rest of the clan, gave semblance to you in your mind haze, having falling from a restless slumber, of a dream within a dream. Caesar is quick to draw you against him, his favored position of sleeping being that on his stomach, something that you found adversely innocent for his personality, but all the more enticing as you liked to brush your fingers along his shoulder blades before you fell asleep. You're pulled right into his side, your face nestling in and taking in Caesar's musky scent, something that soothes your racing mind without hesitation. His heartbeat is slower as he was still passionately swept into the throes of sleep, only conscious enough to sense your suddenly restlessness but the rhythmic ticking of the organ inside his chest always helps you lull back to sleep, eyes falling shut as you are consumed with his warmth and convince your mind that you were safe, Caesar's ever endearing grasp on you made sure of that. Nothing, none of the past things that were done to you from other Humans as the Flu took everything, even empathy, would ever touch you when he held you and rested you back to slumber.
You very seldom ever leave the nest and if you do, Caesar is very much on your tail, having felt you shift out despite your best efforts at being gentle, following your scent to where it leads him. More often than not, it's the fire-pit in the space you shared together, your shoulders are draped in a bear hide he had gifted you after spotting it and killing it. He knew you liked thicker pelts, and this was the best aside from his own fur and heat. His brooding frame catches your attention almost right away as your falling back and forth between sleep and being awake, not sure which your racing mind would like to follow. It scares you, as if you're in a dream until he manages to come into actual view of the dim light provided by the flames and you feel an embellishment of relief that it was him and not Koba there to kill you, his gait so familiar to you as you peer at each other with tired gazes. Caesar is a man of actions, aside from words as said before. He'll seat himself behind you, your arm opening the pelt enough for him to squeeze into it as his arm wraps around your smaller frame and brings you into him, golden and hazel green eyes are looking at the dying flame, knowing that feeding it would garner more heat surely, but that would mean leaving you for a second too long.
If words are ever spoken in these moments, is usually you who will initiate them. Telling him about your dreams, asking to the universe themselves what they meant. Caesar had no idea --- He had dreams much like your own often. About his life with Will, Caroline and Charles. There are no answers and both of you know that. He waits in baited silence before you tilt your head against his shoulder and whisper that you're ready to take him back to the nest to which the Ape King is quick to sweep his Queen into his arms, nestling you deeper into the passions of sleep and carries you back to himself.
These nights where you wake up are hard on him admittedly. Caesar will spend the rest of the night watching you sleep instead of getting any sleep for himself. A willing sacrifice he was making in a bid to keep you safe and secure.
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The sort of Ape to come to the nest on a later basis than your own schedule.( Unless you're actually doing something before bed, wink wink. ) Noa does had a routine to take care of the Eagles, putting their sleeping masks on and making sure that they were all secure for the night before trailing back, thus making him roll into the nest with you about an hour or so after you'd fallen asleep.
~*You'd tried to help him out once or twice with the birds to learn more about this aspect of his Clan but ended up falling asleep and Noa had to carry you back in his arms, careful as to not disturb you as your loose arms around his neck, the only form you were able to give him mid-sleep to leverage yourself against his thinned and sleek body, reminds him how fragile you are. You often wake up the next morning embarrassed that you had fallen asleep in the first place and tell Noa to keep you awake next time because you want to learn. He does not listen. Noa thinks ( and is right ) that your sleep is more important, at least in that moment he sees your head teeter to the side and your eyes sliding shut.
Most nights, you're deep in the throes of it, only acknowledging him once he places his muzzle against your shoulder, his way of telling you that he was there and that you're safe. Noa takes pride in watching your smile form on your face as you tugged out of sleep enough to garner him a welcome as he pulls you near to him. With open arms, you roll closer, helping the Chimp and letting your body conform to his own and taking in the scent of the fire he had been near from the Eagle Enclosure.
If there is ever a night that Noa returns to notice that the flame of the fire-pit was a bit brighter than usual, he is very fast to scoot himself inside as he knows you're still awake. Noa is swift on his spaced out toes to greet you, letting his hands cup the side of your face and bring you in to grace you with your foreheads kissing to which he enjoys lingering. It is such a treat for him that you wait for him to return so you can fall asleep together, something vastly intimate about that and Noa really lives for it. The way that your hair glows in the fire as his thickened fingers tangle into them, the way that your breathing picks up upon first contact and he's able to look down and see your chest heaving through the thin and faded t-shirt you used to sleep in, obviously too big for you and resting mid-thigh, but Noa was not one to complain as he kept you warm throughout the night. The soft exhalation that hits the Chimps ears as you're embraced are enough to light his entire body on fire and without hesitation, he is picking you up from your rested spot near the fire that was stoked to keep you toasted until his return, your arms wrapped around his neck and your legs drawing themselves around his waist. Noa will carry you back to the nest itself, the bundle of springy branches mixed with a delicate flush of Eagle Feathers so inviting for the both of you as you take in each other, probably for the first time that day as with his Father's passing and Noa taking the mantle himself, he was quite busy. There's gentle conversation as he tells you of his day, events and you're doing the same, your voice languid around the edges and Noa knows you're destined for sleep soon. His mouth laying itself against your collarbones and taking in the sweet scent you always had for him, your body still pressed against him as he held you in a straddle, hands cupping at the back of your thighs and taking in the delectation of your bare skin there before he ( reluctantly, he'd let you sleep in his arms if it were up to him ) moves to place you on your back, your arms and legs still holding onto him and you're subconsciously bringing his entire body down to crush against your own. Noa draws a deep breath in at that, his pelvic bone hitting yours in greatened friction before your grip finally loosens and you let him place you properly, tugging up your favorite animal pelt to drape along you which you grasp tightly with your right hand.
The Master of the Birds then... Watches, on his hands and knees above you, how you drift off to sleep. Your eyelashes fluttering against the very top of your cheekbones, mouth falling open, your fingers once tense and wrought to stay awake and enjoy the affection you two always tangled away into now gone and the digits of your hands were soft and smoothed. He knows it's completely consumed you when your breathing becomes more shallow, and he's dipping his head down to press against your clothed sternum, his body twisting in a way that he was able to lay on his side, holding you while his face falls into your neck. Slow... Slow breathing for Noa as he gets himself unwinded enough for slumber to overcome his senses.
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Blue Eyes.
Has gotten to be very restless at night as he thinks about what happened with Koba and to Ash. Nightmares probably plague him more often than he's really willing to admit to you as he is soft to get out of the nest on the cold flushed evenings when sleep refused to seek solace in his eyes. Blue Eyes will linger by the edge of the nest and think things over as he peers and studies how you sleep. The ease of your breathing that shifted the animal pelt wrapped around you oh so gently, the fire behind him casting shadows of his body against your own like you were were tangled into each other in intimacy. You bring him back to the ground if he ever has a nightmare about what happened, unable to shake the guilt he carried for what happened to his best friend, unable to save him and no matter how many times he was in the dream itself, Blue Eyes always found his hands reaching for Ash in help knowing he was too afraid in the moment to stand up to Koba out of instinctual fear of what would happen to himself if he had done anything about it. The Ape considered himself greatly responsible for it, but watching you sleep so peacefully in front of him, his azure gaze able to detect the shining silver of previous bite marks that he had left against your jugular, Blue Eyes feels calmed and radiated with warmth.
He's so far into introspective thought that he doesn't notice your eyes fluttering open as he's usually so transfixed on your breathing. The inhales, slow and painful like you were holding them in your lungs for too longer followed by an almost white heated exhale, some of the soft noises tugging themselves out of the back of your throat... He wonders to himself what he had done at all to deserve you, to deserve your grace and knows for a fact that Ash would have been so accepting to him.
You crawling your way to the edge of the nest, the sound of the crunching of branches under your sustained weight finally tugging the Ape Prince out of his state of hypnotic trance as you bring a hand up to cup the side of his face as you signed with your other, 'Another bad dream?' 'Ash...' The way that Blue Eyes signed that as if it were upwards towards the sky as he let his gaze fall to the left of you on an unfixed point on the thickets of wood that made the enclosure safe and sturdy for the two of you to build a future in, 'He calls to me... Can... Cannot explain why. Miss him...' The softness that hits your eyes is palpable, tugging yourself nearer to Blue Eyes as you draped one arm around his neck first to garner him to finally look at you. And when he does, the gasp that tumbles from your lips at the reddening under his beautiful eyes, the tearing across his face tell you all you needed to know about the scope of his nightmare. There was nothing to say as your head was brought forward, holding onto your mate with all your might as you drew your lips against his the right of his muzzle, the corner of your mouth barely grazing against his as your breath eradicated almost all of his senses. 'Lay with me,' You signed, not feverishly as it was so often used with that phrase, but more a bid to get him back into the nest and to stop standing with his back to the cold. 'Tell... me... About Ash... About your...' You didn't know the sign for it as sleep was still plaguing your mind, your eyes falling shut as you felt Blue Eyes tilting his head into your lips further, begging you to help him in silence as he was looking down at your hands signing between your bodies. "Friendship." You finally rested in whispering that, the hand that had been signing was now being tugged around his muscular neck as you beckoned him to move with you, falling back into the nest with Blue Eyes simmering behind you. His large hands are on your sides for a moment to deduce that the moment was real before he drew himself completely into you, almost consuming in the hold he had on you as the Prince pressed his forehead against yours while leveraging his body above yours by sustaining his weight on a forearm.
Blue Eyes does talk, finally. One of those incredibly rare moments where his voice is verbally used and it's so deep, such a rich baritone that encases your entire body as he starts to tell you about his dreams, about the severity and the vivid nature as if he were having to relive it over and over again. The look on his face as he gazes down at you, watching with intense focus on how you were reacting, afraid that you were going to judge him, think less of him for not being able to save his friend so long ago... But there's none of that as Blue Eyes brings his forehead down against your own once he's completed his words, telling you a silent thank you for showing him such compassion. 'I think...' He signs as he falls in the nest adjacent to you, grasping at your shoulder with his other hand to get you to rest against his chest which you are happy to do, looking at the minor detailing of his face from the light of the dying fire and noticing the droop of his eyes. 'He would... Have... loved you... I... wish... he'd have... known you.' You smile fondly at him, nuzzling your face into his neck out of meager satisfaction that you were able to get him to come down from the acute state of fear and self-loathing that only hit him in the dead of night, Blue Eyes too often afraid to wake you up and seek for comfort that way. 'Maybe he does, do not know what lies for us beyond here.' Was your final signing as the Chimp below you fell into the trenches himself, his eyes fallen slanted, his breathing restful and eased as he held on you, eager and desperate to keep his calm and peace with you as you often were the one to bring it to him, knowingly or unknowingly.
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hornedstorys · 3 months
POTA Caesar x Reader - Jealous 2/2 - nsfw
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Warnings: smut
Content: Caesar can no longer hold back his feelings and instincts and surprises you at the lake - English ist Not my native language
German Version
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Lost in thought, you took off your clothes. The weather was fresh, but you needed to cool down. The Monkey King's gaze burned your skin and you wondered why he was staring at Blue Eyes and you like that.
You dipped your toes in the water and shivered, it was chilly. But it didn't stop you from wading further into the water. Ice swimming was supposedly so healthy, you exhaled deeply and felt the pebbly ground beneath your feet.
Lost in thought, you didn't notice the golden-green eyes watching you from the undergrowth. How these eyes with dilated pupils examined your form. Every curve of your body, the goose bumps on your skin and your pulse beating against the skin of your neck.
You went into hiding and left your body to nature. At some point, you were no longer cold, you still hadn't surfaced and you didn't notice the restless shadow on the lake shore staring impatiently at the water.
The next moment, a strong hand grabbed you and pulled you out of the water. Startled, you turned around and stared directly into Caesar's face. Your lips were almost blue and you quickly covered your breasts. Your face full of question marks.
"You shouldn't stay in the cold water for so long," Caesar signed with his hands.
"It can be dangerous, you have no skin. At some point you might not notice the cold and underestimate it." Snorting, he signed his sentence and tried to look you in the eyes and not at your naked form.
You sighed and almost rolled your eyes. You weren't a child anymore, even if you appreciated the concern. Then your brow furrowed.
"What are you doing here, Caesar," you spoke, not wanting to take your hands off your breasts. Which disappointed Caesar a little, but he tried to pull himself together and control himself. His instincts were screaming to make you his. His jaw immediately tightened.
"I was worried about you, you left on your own," he explained curtly and you just nodded. logically.
Caesar's eyelids drooped as his eyes followed the drops on your skin. And there was that jealousy again, that jealousy that he couldn't touch you like that.
"What was that earlier with Blue Eyes?" you pointed out in gestures, not caring now that the humane ape in front of you could see it. Caesar sucked in a sharp breath and tried hard not to look at your hard nipples. Your breasts looked so beautiful and so different from those of a female ape.
They were hard and pebbly from the cold and drops of water slid along them and Caesar's arousal grew but he really tried to concentrate but it was so hard for him. Unaware that he was ignoring your question, he reached out his large, dark hand and ran his fingers over the spot between your breasts.
You sucked in your breath sharply as you realized what the king of the monkeys was doing. He was touching you and he was touching you in a way you hadn't expected him to.
"Let me… warm you," Caesar grunted, his deep, raspy voice snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Caesar…" you breathed and the monkey came closer to you. He was almost half a head taller than you and his warm breath brushed across your face. Hot goose bumps ran over your body.
He smelled of rain and moss, earthy. You couldn't deny that you found the way he smelled arousing. It was an odor that dazed your senses and slowly your hand encircled his wrist between your breasts. Your eyes met and your cheeks began to glow.
No ape in the tribe had the right to look Caesar in the eye so intensely, it had something to do with hierarchy and respect. But with you it was something else. He wanted you to stare at him like that, he didn't want you to show him the respect that the apes from the colony did.
He gently grabbed your hand and released it from his wrist. Then he placed it on his chest, where his heart pounded against his ribcage. Your eyes widened as you felt the strong pounding of his heart so close to your hand.
"You do that," Caesar snorted and you swallowed. Then he let your hand slide further over his upper body, up to his cheek and to his lips. His rough lips gently stroked your palm.
He looked down at you with dark eyes and now you could see the excitement in them. A light came on for you. It all made sense now. Caesar was jealous of Blue Eyes.
You took Caesar's face in your other hand. He snuggled into it fully and it made your heart flutter that the monkey king trusted you so much. He could kill you so easily, his hands were so big that they could almost wrap around your entire neck and all he had to do was squeeze them. But he didn't, he treated you with such care every day, as if you could break from any strong movement.
Gently Caesar's hands gripped your hips and pulled you closer to him, you could feel his arousal against your stomach and you grew hot. He wanted to mate with you and you knew very well that such a bond lasted a lifetime. That's what Maurice had told you once when he taught you more about the colony.
Suddenly you were lifted up and you gasped as Caesar carried you in his arms into the bushes and laid you down on a moss-covered spot. He lay between your legs and you could see his nostrils flaring, greedily sucking in your arousal. You knew you couldn't escape him now, he would claim you. But deep inside you felt that you wanted it. You wanted him, you wanted to be his. For so long. But you never thought that he wanted you too. After all, he could have any female of the tribe, but he chose you, a weak human with no fur.
A hand on your chest woke you from your stupor and your eyes met again.
"Do you…, want it too?" his eyes looked at you piercingly and you were surprised that he asked you, though it was still typical of him. That's what made Caesar different from the other monkeys and men.
"If you agree now… I won't be able to stop," he admonished you, but you could see the gleam in his sparkling eyes. The gleam of hope that you wanted him.
A soft smile came to your lips and you nodded.
"I want it, Caesar. Make me yours," you breathed and that answer was enough for him. He grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his hips. His hands massaged your breasts and a contented sigh left your lips. Caesar purred.
A quick glance at his aroused member told you how ready he was. It was so swollen that you could clearly see it throbbing and it was much bigger and wider than a human man's.
His tip slid along your entrance and you sucked in the air sharply as he slid his member into you. You were so wet just from his touch that it worked without a hitch.
A growl escaped Caesar's throat as your warmth nestled around him and the grip around your hips tightened, but the pain didn't bother you much. It was almost that sweet kind of pain that made you dizzy.
It felt so good and you couldn't stop yourself from moaning. Caesar looked down at you with an even darker expression. He liked the sight of you beneath him, he loved taking you like this, making you his, marking you with his scent so everyone knew.
A hiss came from his throat as you pulled yourself tighter around him. The hiss turned into a gasp and his nostrils flared. You felt as if Caesar's cock was getting bigger and bigger inside you. He stretched you so well that you almost blacked out. His teeth ran over your soft neck and he was about to bite into it, but he knew he couldn't just do that. You were not an ape. He would wait for your permission.
Then he caressed your nipples with his warm tongue and his free hand went to your clitoris. You looked at him, almost confused. How did he know how this worked? But you couldn't waste another useless thought on it as he gently but deliberately massaged your clitoris and you could feel your orgasm building.
You let a happy sound slip over your lips and as Caesar gasped and hissed at his speed you clawed deep into his shoulders and moaned his name as you clutched tightly around his cock and milked him. You could feel it coming over him and, panting, he poured himself into you.
Sweaty and out of breath, you lay there together on the moss and Caesar gently rested his forehead against yours.
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1emon1ime · 1 month
Habituating Hatred [ Rise ! Koba x Human Female Reader ] NSFW
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ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58239502
Koba x Reader
Rating: 18+ Pure smut. MDNI!
Warning: Non-consensual, interspecies sex, unconcious sex/somnophila (warnings are here, do not blame me for your inability to read before you click the read more link.)
Years upon years spent in that lab facility had Koba growing more and more unstable. Every day he became increasingly more angry and sexually frustrated with no way to release his pent up tension. Luckily for him, a young, inexperienced woman had just been hired to clean the enclosures at the lab. Zero experience with apes and unaware of the danger that she had walked into. Her innocent curiosity and naivety made her an easy target for Koba's pent-up frustration.
Koba’s mind reeled for days and nights, never stopping for a moment. His body ached and his muscles grew sore from pacing relentlessly in tight circles until he collapsed with exhaustion. Nothing to do, no-one to talk to, no one he remotely trusted, and no real way of relief— no way to get out.
No way to get out .
Every time Koba's eyes fell back to the thick glass in front of him, his one and only constant companion, he hissed with rage. 
The more time he spent in that damn lab room, in that tiny prison cell, the worse his restlessness and frustration got. He would scratch himself until he bled and do hand signs against the wall out of boredom, wearing his nails down thin. Not to mention, he was starting to become pent up in other ways. He had been denied access to his own kind for so long, and being alone in his small glass cage was taking its toll, mentally and physically.
The sound of the lab's automatic doors swishing at the end of the hall drew his dark gaze. His ears pricked up as he heard footsteps, light and soft against the linoleum floor. He didn't know why, but the noise already annoyed him— it wasn't the steady thump of the day shift but a new sound. An unfamiliar sound. A stranger.
As the newcomer came into view, Koba's already unpleasant mood only darkened. She was young, clearly a newbie, and she had the air and scent of a fool. Koba grumbled lowly as his sharp gaze fell across every plane of her body, assessing and analyzing from behind the glass of his prison.
His gaze followed her as she moved through the facility, his one good eye never leaving her as she went about her work. No doubt she would be easy to manipulate. A slight smirk curled on Koba's lips. Maybe he would have some fun with this naive newcomer. It was always fun to spook the newbies. He didn’t really have anything else to do or look forward to in his captive life.
After many years of being separated from his own kind, he had forgotten how to behave like a normal bonobo. He didn’t understand why he was feeling this way. The slew of emotions that surged through him; anger, arousal and frustration. Koba did not know how to deal with these feelings. He had never been taught emotional regulation, he had never been taught self-control. The humans had not trained him in the way of the bonobo. He hadn't been around his own kind long enough to know about the mating rituals or behavioural norms. And even if he was aware of them, he would have had no way to release the built-up pressure that had been swelling up inside of him, not here, in this glass cage. 
So, to relieve these frustrations, he would do so in the only way he knew how; using anything available to him in that tiny space, treating them as disposable sex toys. It had become a sort of habit over the last year or so. He would fuck the bedding, the pillows and sheets, anything and everything within reach. But it was never enough. His desires and urges only increased, and so did his sexual aggressiveness. He had grown increasingly angry and frustrated over the months, and the lack of contact from others was making his mood worse. He needed something soft, something warm, and he wanted to sink his cock into something that moved, something that could give him the release he craved.
His cell was connected to some of the female apes, though he could not reach them, the smell of them in heat had him almost feral with need. His hands were wrapped tightly around his length, pumping it furiously. He groaned and panted as he stroked himself. He knew they were just beside him, so close, yet so far away. He could hear their soft sounds, their whimpers and mewls of distress. They were just as miserable as he was, trapped, caged, and desperate.
So, he turned his attention to the only female available.
The human .
She would do.
His mind raced with the possibilities, his body aching with need. He growled under his breath as he watched her work. Her figure was lithe and delicate, slim but curvy in certain places. She would be so easy to overpower. To bend over, pin to the ground with one hand. Koba found himself becoming excited at the thought of taking her, of dominating her. 
He decided that he needed to have her.
He sat back against the far wall of his cell, his breath quickening, his eyes locked on the young woman's slender, shapely legs and round backside. He watched her intently as she worked. Watched her move around, cleaning and mopping the floors in the hallway.
He growled softly, his hand dropping between his thighs, rubbing gently as he watched her.
A sharp twinge of pleasure jolted through him.
His skin was starting to feel hot under his thick fur, and he growled softly in frustration. This damn woman was stirring up unwanted desires in him— desires he knew would leave him unsatisfied. Despite Koba's self admonishments, he could not tear his eyes away from the woman's slim, but curvy figure. Her movements... her scent... they were all making his body react in ways that he was extremely unhappy about. 
He couldn't stop staring at her. How she stumbled and got things confused, how she had no prior experience working with apes. She was the perfect victim. His eye followed her every move, every curve of her body. He watched as she bent down to pick up a bucket, exposing her round ass. He couldn't stop his cock from twitching at the sight, a low, rough sound started deep in his throat. Koba could feel his chest grow tighter.
But he couldn't do anything to get to her. He was trapped here, forced to watch as this little human cleaned up his prison. It was driving him mad .
She had no idea what was going through his head. How could she? She was a weak, foolish human, and she had no idea the power that she held over him. What she was doing to him.
His hands tightened around his dick, his thumb swiping over the leaking head, smearing the pre-cum around. His gaze drifted to the glass panel that separated him from her. She was still cleaning, oblivious to the predator who watched her from a distance. He wondered if she could feel his eyes on her. Would she be afraid? Would she run?
His cock twitched in his hand. His muscles tensed.
She would be afraid.
She would run.
And then he would catch her. Mount her.
His fingers curled around his shaft, his palm sliding up and down, coating his cock in the clear liquid that had been dripping from its tip. His eyes stayed fixed on the clueless human female. His breathing became shallow and rapid. His chest was tight, his cock aching and straining against his hand.
She had no idea what was coming.
As usual, Koba would grab anything he could get his hands on, treating it as his own personal toy. A blanket in his room was often used for that purpose, his hands wrapped tightly around the soft material as he imagined a female was beneath him, her legs wrapped around him as he thrust into her. 
He started humping the soft material, watching the newcomer as she went about her tasks, completely unaware of him. His good eye was glued to the curves on her body, her slender hips easy to grab, ample breasts to suckle on and her round ass... He could almost feel her cunt squeezing his cock as he began grinding against the fabric in his hand.
He grunted and groaned, that familiar heat building up in his navel, as he felt his orgasm approaching. All it took was thinking about the possibility of him pinning that young woman down and sinking himself deep inside her, and he was done. He pumped his cock harder and faster, his breath coming out in ragged gasps as he reached his climax, pulling back, his seed spilled across the floor.
Thankfully, she did not see him. Not this time.
These damn humans, and their fucking cages.
Making him have to take care of his own needs, his own urges, in a fucking prison cell when he had committed no crime.
He hated them. 
He was still breathing hard and fast as he eyed that woman walk around. He would have to punish her for doing this to him. Surely that would ease these emotions stirring in him.
Composing himself, Koba had to come up with a plan. A plan to get this human where he wanted her. But he knew that he had to be smart about it. Humans never take kindly to any sort of misbehaviour. He had the scars littered all over his body to remind him of that.
It would be so easy to overpower her, to force himself on her. But Koba had to play it smart. He had to gain her trust, make her think he was harmless. That way, he could strike when she least expected it.
But how?
Koba was a very intelligent and cunning ape. He was well aware of his surroundings and those around him. His keen sense of hearing, and his ability to pick up on changes in his environment, were what made him such a dangerous foe. Having been raised among humans, Koba was good at reading their body language, and could tell when someone was afraid, or nervous. Could tell when they let their guard down. He would use that to his advantage.
He would start with something simple. A few small noises, maybe a slight movement. He would startle her, get her attention. Once he had her attention, he would act silly. Maybe bang his head against the glass, or make a weird sound. Whatever it took to keep her interested, and curious. Once she was sufficiently intrigued, Koba would try to make her laugh. A silly face,or standing on his hands. Anything that would make her feel at ease, see him as nothing more than a harmless bonobo. And once he had her laughing, it would be easy to get her where he wanted.
Each day, Koba's dark gaze followed the newcomer as she continued her work. He observed how she interacted with the other workers, how she moved around the room. What time she took her break at and when she would enter the apes cages to clean. With every passing moment, Koba's predatory instincts grew stronger, his eyes never leaving her. He studied her day in, day out. Beginning to notice small things about her - her mannerisms, her expressions, her little quirks. 
One of the other workers, a male, would often flirt with her. He would make comments about her body, and would even try to touch her. But she would always pull away, her face red with embarrassment.
The sight of this male made Koba's blood boil. Humans were free to do as they pleased, but not him. He was stuck here in this tiny room.  It made him clench his fists tight, banging them against the wall.
If he ever got his hands on that man, he would kill him.
Koba did not know why he felt so much rage when he saw this male. But he did, and it made him feel angry and frustrated.
Jealous .
He continued to watch the young female worker as usual, when she arrived the next day, waiting for the ideal moment to start his act. His mind raced with schemes, contemplating ways to get her closer to him without raising suspicion. It was then that an idea struck him. At noon she would check his food and water dish as she had been instructed. He knew he needed to play a role in that moment, to act weak and injured, to evoke her compassion. He knew that with her caring nature, she wouldn't be able to resist helping someone in need, even if that someone was a dangerous bonobo like him. He just had to wait for the right opportunity to present itself, biding his time while his mind raced with thoughts of what he would do to her when he got her alone in his cell.
Koba waited patiently, his eye locked on the young woman. He would have to pretend to be sick, faking an illness to draw her closer. He would feign weakness and helplessness, making her believe he couldn't care for himself. And then, when the time was right, he would lure her into his cell, under the pretence of helping him.
When you came into his line of sight, Koba put on his best pitiful look, groaning and rolling around, pretending to be in pain. He banged his fists on the ground, and scratched at his fur like he was having some sort of seizure.
At first, you didn't notice what was going on, but when you became aware of his situation, you gasped. "Oh my gosh! What happened?"
He just moaned and rolled around, continuing his pathetic display.
You rushed to his door, putting your hand on the hatch. "Are you okay?"
Koba let out a low sob, feigning distress. His cries of pain evoking sympathy in you. He really needed help. Urgently. 
You looked around the corridor, searching for another staff member who was better equipped to deal with something like this, but most of them were already on their lunch break. The hall was empty.
Damn it.
You yelled out, “Someone help!” once and then twice. There was no response.
As a last resort, you used the master key that you had been given to clean the lab cells, quickly opening the door to aid the sickly bonobo. Rushing inside with a few first aid items, you kneeled down at his side. Fumbling with your things, you didn’t notice that he had already moved above you. Like a flash of lightning.
As soon as you leaned forward, Koba pounced. Hitting you hard on the head, and pinning you down.
“What the f–!?”
Koba silenced you, covering your mouth to shut you up. He messed up the first time by not knocking you unconscious, but he could still turn this around. With a second, even harder blow to the head, he knocked you out cold and shut the door to the glass cage behind him.
He growled, low and guttural, before dragging your limp body under the table at the back of his cell, covering it with the blanket. Now, he had to wait for the facility to close for the night. Hoping no one would notice that she was missing. Maybe they would think that she left and went home early. He wasn’t stupid in that way, he had been calculating this. This one had no sign in card yet, they hadn’t registered it and she was just a cleaner. She had no close relations with any of the other employees thus far. They wouldn't even look for her.
Koba laid low, waiting for the perfect moment to execute his plan. He had to be patient, and wait for the right opportunity to strike. His blood work had already been taken that morning and as far as he knew, they had no other exercises planned for him that day.
As the hours ticked by, the lab began to empty out around evening time, staff members leaving for the night. Koba's heart began to race as he realized that the time was near. Your body still laid unconscious in the corner of his room.
When the time finally came, and all of the facility lights were turned off for the day, Koba could barely contain his excitement. The lab was deserted, and the hallway was dark and silent. All but the sounds of the other apes.
He wasted no time, dragging the unconscious female's body to his bed, taping her mouth shut so that the cameras out in the hallway wouldn’t suspect a thing. Then he ensured your hands were restrained to his bed. Tied tightly above your head and your legs spread apart, ready and waiting for him.
All was going as planned.
The bonobo didn't waste a second. He had been waiting for this moment, and now he was going to take what was his. He quickly tore off your clothing, revealing your bare skin. Each item he removed piqued his curiosity more. Seeing a human female naked, after all this time. He took in your naked form beneath him, so vulnerable.
Koba began his assault on your body by running his large, calloused hands over your soft skin, tracing all the way down your neck and along your sternum while he leaned in close, inhaling your scent. It was intoxicating, to have such power over someone else. To be the one in control for the first time in his life. To have this little plaything under him, waiting to be ruined.
He ran his teeth along your neck, sucking and biting it. Marking you. And you would have no idea.
He caressed your breasts with one hand, pinching and teasing your nipples. He was rough, twisting and grabbing them. His other hand trailed down over your stomach, before coming to rest at the rump between your legs.
The bonobo's fingers slipped inside your wet, warm pussy, exploring your depths. It was tight, he could just about slip two fingers inside. But the feeling of inside you had him growing impatient, he needed to fuck you soon, he was eager to have his way with your body. His cock was already fully erect, pulsating with need. 
Koba grabbed your hips, fingers pressing deep into your skin. Without hesitation, he plunged his thick cock into your pussy. Allowing a soft moan of satisfaction to escape his lips as he did. It felt so good . Much better than his hands. He couldn't help but savor the moment. After all, he had the entire night to play with your body.
He started slow, by moving his hips in a gentle rhythm, in and out. Eyes glued to how his shaft thrust into you, covered in your fluids. How your breasts bounced slightly each time he thrust forward. It was all so mesmerizing.
Koba watched your body as he pounded into it, taking pleasure in the fact that you were at his mercy. That you were so helpless and he was powerful , if only for that moment.
Your walls were so tight, squeezing his cock, sending waves of pleasure throughout his body. It was almost too much at first, to be experiencing something so pleasurable for the first time.
Koba's movements became rougher, his thrusts deeper, harder. His fingers digging into your skin, leaving trails that would show up as bruises and scratches the next day. It felt so good. Better than anything he had ever felt before. And he didn't want it to end. He wanted to keep fucking you forever.
He leaned down, growling and panting in your ear. His warm breath tickling your skin. And it must have done something because you began to stir. Your eyelids fluttering wildly. You groaned, regaining consciousness, blinking the daze out of your eyes. Everything was fuzzy and unclear, too dull to see anything clearly but the milky white moonlight that shone through the windows illuminated the outline of the large, hairy figure on top of you.
It-- was... No way.
As your vision began to sharpen, you could make out the outline of an ape, an ape on top of you. And his large cock was thrusting in and out of your pussy. Now you could feel it as clear as day.
Your eyes widened as the reality of the situation began to hit and you tried to scream, only to be met with the muffled sound, stifled by the tape over your mouth. You began to squirm and struggle but your hands were bound and immobile. You were trapped underneath him.
What the hell was happening? Where were you?
Your mind was still groggy from being knocked out.
Nothing made sense except the sensation of being violated.
This was bad. This was really bad.
Koba, too caught up in his own pleasure hadn't even realized that you had awakened, even if he did, he wouldn't care. He had his fill of you, and he was not stopping now.
He grabbed a fistful of your hair, pulling your head up and forcing you to look him in the eye. He stared down at you, a wicked grin on his face as he noticed your eyes were wide, conscious, full of fear. He had you and now you were fully aware. You were his now, and he was going to use you until he was done.
You felt a chill run down your spine as his eyes met yours. He was intimidating for sure. For the first time, you studied the scar that ran down his face and wondered where he had gotten it. What sort of treatment had he suffered to receive it? You had never really thought much about the sort of experiments that had been done on these apes until it was staring you right in the face, violating you.
Those thoughts were quickly cut short, his grip on your hair tightened, pulling hard enough that you winced, tears welling in the corners of your eyes. Koba continued pounding into you, grunting and panting as his orgasm grew closer. You were crying, but he couldn't hear it, too caught up in his own pleasure.
His thrusts became faster, harder, until his cock began to twitch and spasm, shooting his load deep inside of you. Damn, he groaned into your neck as he released inside of you. it felt good to cum inside of something warm. It fulfilled a deep, primal desire that he didn’t know he had been craving.
His cum mixed with your fluids, leaking down your legs and onto the floor of the enclosure below.
You lay there, motionless, skin glistening in the dull moonlight that seeped in through the windows. It was a sight he relished in. The fact that he had done this to a human, those who were supposed to be his superiors. 
Koba reached his hand between your legs, feeling the stickiness of his semen dripping out of your abused pussy. A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, as his finger circled around your entrance. He couldn't stop himself. He pushed his thick finger into your opening, and then a second one. He pumped them in and out, feeling his own cum mixed with your fluids drip over his knuckles.
His fingers curled around your walls, rubbing against a spot inside of you that felt really good . His other hand brushed over your clit, stirring an even greater reaction. Your head rolled back, against the sheet beneath you. Now that your eyes were open, Koba was fascinated by the reactions he was drawing from you. Your soft, muffled whimpers and moans were music to his ears.
It was like some sick game or experiment to him. Which parts of your body made you squirm and make those noises when he touched them? To Koba, who had been denied sex for so long it was a fascinating ordeal.
Koba knew that humans had a strong desire for sexual intimacy, but he had never seen it laid out in front of him like this before. The way your body reacted to his touch? He couldn't get enough of it. Your poor resistance and the desperation in your cries as he rubbed your most sensitive area.
It was kind of pathetic. 
He watched you closely, taking in every detail of your expression, the way your body writhed and trembled, how you cried and whimpered when he curled his fingers upward and hit a certain spot.
You were squirming under his touch, your body denying you. You were so sure that you absolutely did not want this, it was so twisted and wrong, but fuck. He was so good at it. How was he so good? Where did he learn to do this? Your hips bucked and your muscles contracted around his fingers. You were so close to orgasm. This ape… This monster who had dragged you in here against your will was going to be the first to make you cum.
How immoral .
The shame of it had your cheeks burn a deep shade of red.
Koba was getting hard again, his cock growing larger as it swelled with blood. You felt it brush against your thigh and allowed a small sob to escape your throat. It wouldn't take long for him to be ready to fuck you again. Just how many times would he do so before the night was over? You shuddered even thinking about it.
He leaned down to switch it up, his tongue darted out, lapping at your entrance, lapping up the juices leaking out of you. His hands moved up your body, gripping your waist tightly to keep you from jerking your hips.
You shuddered beneath his touch, thighs shaking uncontrollably. You moaned loudly, the tape on your mouth only stifling the noise slightly, as his tongue dipped inside of you, his nose bumping against your clit. You were repulsed at your body betraying you like this, hips buckling forward as the ape quickened his movements.
He was enjoying the way you responded to his touch. The way you looked lying beneath him. Such a helpless creature, losing composure so easily like this. Completely at his mercy.
He continued lapping up your juices, his tongue tracing circles around your clit, until you finally came undone. You could no longer stop your body from convulsing. For a moment, all of the shame had left you.
Koba sat back, watching you come down from your orgasm, your body twitching and convulsing. It was a beautiful sight, and he wanted to see it again. He wanted to see you lose control, he wanted to watch you fall apart under his touch. It made him feel powerful for the first time in his life.
He wondered, how many times could he make you cum like that before you passed out again?
He was curious.
You were already a mess, laying limp and spent. Still breathing hard and fast as his hand slid over the soft flesh of your breasts, and up to your neck. His fingers tightened, pressing against your throat, for a moment.
He released his grip, then grabbed your breasts again, squeezing them, his fingers digging into the soft flesh.
He loved the feeling of them in his hands. So plump and soft, yet firm. He could spend hours fondling them, feeling the weight of them. He imagined them full and heavy with milk, ready to be suckled on. 
But, right now, all he could think about was getting his cock inside you again. He wanted to fill your cunt up. He wanted to feel your walls clench around him again as you orgasmed. He let go of your breasts, and pulled out his erection. It was hard, throbbing and begging for attention. He needed to use you again. He stroked it, looking at you in your dishevelled, spent state.
Koba moved over top of you again, ready to mount you. His hard cock brushing against your sensitive clit made you gasp through your nose. The deepest breath you had ever taken. You were still dazed from your orgasm, but the feeling of his thick cock pressed against your entrance was too much.
You cried out, there was nothing you could do as he held you down firmly in place, pining you into submission. You couldn’t possibly push him off you. He had full control over everything happening here. You were just a helpless plaything to be used at his disposal. 
The fact that it excited your body against your will made it all the more humiliating.
He gripped his cock, lining it up with your entrance, and shoved it into you, filling you again.
You winced, the soreness of your pussy still present from the last time he had abused it.
His hand reached down, rubbing your clit, remembering it as a place that made you lose control the last time he had touched you there. And he was rewarded as your pussy clenched tight around him. Koba began pumping in and out of you, his hips thrusting forward, his pace quickening. He grunted as his cock buried deeper and deeper into you. He was so big, and his thick shaft stretched your walls, hitting your cervix.
He grunted, thrusting into you hard, and fast. You felt yourself growing weaker and weaker, your muscles giving way underneath his weight. You could barely move. He was so rough, his hips slamming against yours as if he hadn't had sex in years. What did you know? He was locked in this place, he probably hadn't had any sort of release in years.
Your body shook as he pushed himself into you. Your walls clenched around him, and your legs began to tremble. It was an intense mix of pain and ecstasy. To be taken and used as a living sex toy for this crazed ape and how it actually felt pleasurable when his length reached all the way to your hilt, showing a slight bulge in your abdomen. He was huge, and powerful in more ways than one.
He pulled out of you, and then pushed back in. The restraints on your wrists rubbed uncomfortably as you shifted underneath him. You shut your eyes tight, unable to bear the stimulation for much longer, your muffled screams gradually waning into lusty moans as Koba hit you in all the places that felt good.
His pace was brutalizing, he had a stamina that terrified you; there seemed to be no end to the persisting pain, and the pleasure– that grew as rapidly as Koba’s thrusts– and your body tenses again as the pleasure pushed you further and further towards the edge. It was far from enjoyable this time; it was forced and drawn out of you like the last of your dignity, and just like before, it was a sharp pleasure all too much for your body to handle and when you cum a second time, you wailed in discomfort and pain through the rapture.
He gripped your thighs, pushing your legs back as far as they would go so that he could slam against you with full force. Fingers dug into the soft flesh of your thighs, pulling you flush up against him.
Your vision was blurry, and you could barely think. All you could focus on was the rhythm of him slamming into you. Your orgasm didn’t numb you out, just brought you closer to reality and it was over just as fast as it had happened. The discomfort and overstimulation lingered once again.
Koba thrust with all of his weight, rough fingers digging into your sides, painting your body black and blue with even more bruises. The sight of you writhing underneath him, trying to escape his grasp only excited him further and pushed him over the edge.
"Oh, god..." you whimpered to yourself.
After what felt like an eternity of abuse, you felt him slam into you particularly hard, hips jerking as he spills deep inside you once again, filling you completely. Your legs shook, and your vision blurred, eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
He was grunting, panting hard from how tight you clenched around him and moaned as he thrust into you, He couldn’t get enough. His cock still stuffing you to the hilt as he emptied his load into your womb.
Your entire body felt like it was on fire, and everything went dark.  You felt so low, so dirty. The way his semen dripped down your inner thigh made you shiver. Throat dry, muscles aching, you could not speak, could not protest against being used and violated in the most intimate way. 
Just as Koba could never have protested against being used as a lab rat. 
Getting this small semblance of revenge against one human satisfied the itch within him. Especially seeing your face contort in discomfort.
You didn't know if you could take any more of this.
For a moment you thought, maybe– perhaps he might be done with you. For now. 
But no, Nothing could ever be that simple.
He pulled out, and rolled you onto your stomach, spreading your legs apart, positioning himself between them. He gripped your ass, pulling your hips upward, giving him easier access to your dripping pussy. It was then that Koba realized that he could also use your other hole. That would surely give you the shock of your life.
He lined his cock up with your tight asshole. Your eyes went wide–
No no no .
Not that, anything but that.
You screamed through the restraints until your voice went hoarse. He ignored your cries, as usual.
Koba was too powerful, and the pain was too great. Heavy and suffocating, your body felt like it was about to snap in half with the thrusts as he used your ass to get off. You could barely keep conscious as he thrust into your ass, pounding away at your most sensitive spot. You were sore, and exhausted.
The sensation was excruciating, and the pain was intense. You felt like your entire body was being ripped apart.
All you could do was lay there and let him use you over and over again in every position imaginable until the sun would rise.
And that was exactly what he intended to do .
Koba would fuck you, breed you and have you again. Until you either passed out or were discovered. Who knew how long it would be? The night already felt far too long. Did anyone even realize you were missing at this point? You were only a minimum wage janitor. Who would even care that an ape had trapped you in the facility overnight?
His stamina was inhuman. He just kept going, and going, and going. You couldn't take it anymore.
It was too much.
When you passed out mid way through the night, he was still using your body like his personal toy until the morning.
He couldn't stop thinking about keeping you here in his cell forever, tied to his bed as his toy to fuck and dump cum into.. But he knew that he needed to let you go soon. He wanted to fuck you one more time, but he knew that if he did, the consequences could be severe.
It was worth it though, you had satisfied his frustrations, if only for one night.
Even if it was for a brief moment, Koba had tasted the forbidden fruit and it was worth it.
When he had undone your restraints and you tried to stand up, your legs shook violently, almost immediately buckling underneath you. But fight or flight instinct quickly set in and you grabbed your clothing and ran like hell as soon as he had let you go. 
Down the hall, you sprinted away from that monster. It was still too early so no one was here. You slipped into the workplace bathroom and cried upon seeing yourself in the mirror. Your hair was a mess, there were signs of small bruises starting to appear all over your body, bite marks on your neck, on your shoulders. And worst of all, your intimate area had been completely abused, his fluids still dripping down your thighs from-- Lord knows how many times he had taken you. It felt raw. Burning. You had made the mistake of wiping away the evidence, in a rush to clean yourself up and get dressed. You had no idea what would happen now.
You felt so ashamed. How could you ever face anyone and tell them about this incident?
Within an hour, the facility was abuzz with activity from the morning rush. It seemed like everyone was in a hurry, and nobody seemed to notice you as you stumbled out of the bathroom and into the elevator.
Your heart was pounding, and your palms were sweaty.
You had no idea how you were going to explain yourself. How were you going to explain that the bonobo had forced himself on you, and kept you captive overnight?
Who would even care about some minimum wage cleaner? They would probably want to avoid any kind of scandal or lawsuit, and just sweep it under the rug anyway.
The only thing you could think to do now was run.
Run home, and never return to that place.
Your eyes stung with tears as you left the building, and your cheeks burned a crimson red. You could still feel him inside of you. His cum leaking out of you. How he had marked you and made you his. And a part of you, the most shameful part that you would never admit aloud, had enjoyed it.
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kidasthings · 4 months
Echoes of Eden by Kida
Noa x Mae - #omgisthisastorywithplot?
Chapter 2: Echoes of Eden by Kida – @kidasthings on Tumblr
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Three centuries after a catastrophic virus decimated human intelligence, turning the survivors into primal shadows of their former selves, the world has irrevocably changed. The ALZ virus, originally intended to combat Alzheimer's disease, not only ravaged humanity but inadvertently gave rise to a new dominant species: intelligent apes.
Near the ruins of what was once Los Angeles, Noa, a valiant chimpanzee of the Eagle clan, has just thwarted a power-hungry bonobo, Proximus Caesar, from enslaving his people. Guided by the teachings of a certain orangutan, Raka, who revered the nearly forgotten, peace-loving chimp Caesar, Noa believes in a world where apes and humans can coexist peacefully. However, during his quest, he encounters Mae, a human who defies his expectations. Mae, immune to the virus and possessing the ability to speak, challenges Noa's perceptions of humans as mere animals.
Together, Noa and Mae manage to prevent Proximus Caesar from seizing a cache of potent human technology by flooding an old bunker. In the process, Mae secures a crucial computer drive that enables her underground human community to reconnect with distant survivors, bridging isolated pockets of humanity; she also manages to betray Noa and his clan by leaving them to fend for themselves.
As Mae's group in Los Angeles prepares to merge with new allies from Fort Wayne, Indiana, tensions escalate. Unaware of Mae's bond with Noa, a small but well-armed scouting party from Fort Wayne comes across the Eagle Clan’s village on their way to Los Angeles to meet up with Mae’s people.
Far more adept on their own home turf, the scouting party is caught by the apes, rounded up, and held hostage. Their weapons are confiscated. Mae is called in when the scouting party never reports to the underground bunker where the rest of the intelligent humans in her group seek refuge. Caught between her origins and her convictions, Mae faces the ultimate choice during the tense encounter: stand with her human kin or protect Noa, the ape she has come to admire.
This story explores the fragile hope for reconciliation in a world torn apart by fear and prejudice. Can Noa and Mae forge a path toward peace, or will the shadows of old wars darken the future dreamed of by the legendary Caesar?
Chapter 1
In the dense shadows cast by the towering trees that skirt the Eagle clan's village, the air was thick with tension and the faint scent of smoke from distant fires. The setting sun bled red over the horizon, casting long shadows across the rough-hewn faces of the Eagle clan and their new captives. Five ALZ-immune humans from Fort Wayne sat bound and rigid, their eyes darting nervously as they listened to the low, ominous murmurs of the assembled apes.
Noa moved deliberately among the captives, his demeanor stern yet marked by an inherent fairness. Each human he approached met his gaze with a mix of defiance and fear, but none spoke. They clung to their silence like a shield, even under the weight of Noa's penetrating stare.
"No purpose here can be good if it starts with secrets," Noa stated, his voice resonating with a calm authority as he paused before a younger man whose jaw was stubbornly set.
The chants from the simian crowd grew louder, a discordant mix of anger and fear, with proposals of banishment or worse. They remembered what happened with Proximus Caesar, the obsession with human technology and worldly knowledge, and want none of it. Noa raised a hand, called for silence, but the restlessness was palpable, a living thing that fed on uncertainty and fear.
At the perimeter of the village, a human woman keeps a low profile in the brush. She had followed a single flare that burst bright in the sky to this location. It was a habitual thing, to bypass this region when doing her rounds in the forest. Immunity to the Simian Flu had bequeathed her the role of tracker, hunter, and scout after her initial mission was completed. Brown hair, blue eyes like the sky, Mae can only watch the scene unfold with a pounding heart. Worry lines were etched deeply into her brow, and her hand reached up to clutch at something around her neck - Raka's pendant - the symbol of peace promoted by an ape named Caesar long ago.
Noa gave her that pendant. For an inopportune moment, Mae was lost in reverie.
Without warning, a strong hand gripped her shoulder, yanked her from the shadows. Mae stumbled forward, dragged into the open. Her breath caught as she was thrown unceremoniously to the ground before Noa and his human captives. Dust and small stones bit into her palms as she caught herself, and a small grunt escaped her lips.
The sudden appearance of the human - a known and not particularly fondly remembered human - amongst them drew shocked gasps and murmurs.
Noa’s eyes widened in recognition, then narrowed in a complex tumult of emotion. The last time they parted, it was with a promise of peace, and yet here she was, thrown at his feet, disrupting the fragile balance he had fought to maintain.
Mae’s chest heaved as she pushed herself up slightly, her voice raspy but resolute as she met Noa's gaze. A single word hangs between them, charged with layers of meaning, a plea, a greeting, a reminder of shared dreams and bitter realities.
In that moment, the world narrowed to the space between them. Noa stood motionless, the voices around him faded into a distant hum. His heart fought a fierce battle within, torn between his duty to his clan and the undeniable pull he felt towards this woman who embodied both the past they shared and the future they might still forge. He can see Caesar’s pendant, an encircled diamond, as it swung from Mae’s neck wildly.
She still had it.
It is a symbol of ideals that suddenly seem so distant in the face of palpable tension and looming conflict.
The standoff stretched out, every breath, every silent plea, every hope and fear suspended in the dusty air of the dying day.
“Noa,” Mae tried again, defeated. She pulled herself up to stand on shaky, coltish legs. The Eagle Clan scout that initially seized her did not reach for her again as Noa lifted one hand to stay him.
Noa closed his eyes, as if in contemplation.
“What are you doing here?” he finally asked, as he reopened his eyes and shuttered his gaze.
Mae’s lips thinned out into a seamless line, and she cut a gaze over to the trussed-up humans attached to poles in the center of the village.
Noa nodded, once. He did not need much more than that as he added, “They approached our borders. We do not yet know their intention.”
The five Fort Wayne humans, still tied tight, share deliberate looks of fear between themselves. There is clear intelligence writ into their faces. They are not gagged, much to the chagrin of some of the villagers, as Noa would not have it. Still, they are oddly quiet. A few cast curious looks at Mae, no recognition in their eyes. The only woman in the group chewed her lower lip in frustration. Her blonde hair is cut short in a severe bob.
“Let them go, Noa.” Mae stated boldly, taking a step forward. Two other apes, positioned parallel to her, moved to intercept her advance towards the hero of the Eagle Clan. Once again, Noa lifted his calloused palm and gritted his sharp canines.
“Follow,” he told her, indicating something or someplace to the left with a sharp jerk of his head.
There is a short murmur of indignation from the gathered villagers, save for a small group which consisted of Soona, Anaya, and Noa’s mother. They appeared stuck in a shallower tumult of emotion. Noa’s mother took a step forward, unsure, but Soona placed her palm on the female ape’s furry shawl-covered shoulder and stopped her.
Mae’s eyes followed Noa, capturing his unique profile in a blink, and then dipped her head and hesitated. It is always that hesitation, caught between following an ape and leaving her kind behind, but with a reluctant glance at the captives she turned to follow.
He led her to a towering edifice of wood and natural materials that might be described as a tree house. Far above them, hawks circled in the sky, their soaring shadows blotting out the last rays of the sun. They landed at the top of the tower, a dizzying height, and screeched down at her.
Noa ascended a small ramp and stepped past a woven flap of material.
Mae did the same after taking a moment to peer backwards over her shoulder to ascertain the serious faces of a few apes herding her to the entrance.
Once inside, the darkness enveloped her, and the woman became hyper-aware of a dual pair of reflective eyes that watched her in the darkness of the interior.
“You came back,” he said, voice rough with something like emotion.
“Not by choice,” she quipped, and then stepped sideways away from the shaft of light thrown down by the door.
“Why?” It’s a simple question for a complex answer, and she wasn’t ready to answer it.
“I saw a distress signal in the sky,” she replied easily, eyes skating over the shadows and shapes in the interior of the newly rebuilt tower. “I had to see for myself. It looked like a human flare.”
“A flare?” he questioned; voice flat.
“It’s a human thing,” she sighed.
She heard him padding closer to her, his eerie eyes backlit by whatever reflective photo-sensitive cells nocturnal animals possessed. More of his face came into detail. After he stood about a few feet away, he stopped.
Mae froze.
“You have  ... it,” he informed her quietly.
“Yeah,” she agreed.
A hand reached out, seemingly disembodied in black space, and she felt the immediate lift of the small weight at her neck.
“Do you ... still believe .. in what it stands for?”
Her answer is the same as before, the same empty mantra. “I-I don’t know, Noa.”
A huff, a sigh. The weight on the back of the cord returned and he stepped back.
“Let them go,” Mae demanded, again.
He did not reply, not right away, but he did give her a long look. It was hard for her to discern in the dim dark, but it might be a soft rebuke. “I have to know … why they are … here.”
Mae’s mind shut down, because she wasn’t ready, or can’t tell him that. Her group of survivors had been expecting the Fort Wayne scouting party for months now. The underground bunker housing her people was the last of its kind for hundreds of miles. They had not come across any other intelligent humans in that time, so this must be the group they awaited. Mae was not an idiot; she had seen the sentry apes rifling through a small stockpile of guns on the ground when she was roughly manhandled to the ground.
She trusted Noa situationally, sure, but did she trust him with this?
There might have been a flash of hurt on his face but the dim interior concealed it well. “They belong with me,” is all she can muster.
“Tell the truth,” he parried back. There was a frustrated edge to his voice, nearly a growl.
“I am telling the truth,” she quipped stubbornly.
“Mae,” he refuted quietly, moving so fast that he is suddenly in her space again, too much and too soon. She gasped, caught off guard. His fingers found Raka’s necklace again, still around her neck. He was staring hard at it.
“Tell … me.”
Her tongue is nothing but a slug in her mouth, unable to form words. Noa had never been this close before, taking up her space, her attention, her very being. Caught between one moment and the next, she shook her head in utter disbelief. She could see his features more clearly, the craggy brow, the dark-light eyes, the slight downturn of his mouth beneath an inhuman nose. For a second, he gripped the pendant around her neck tightly, as if he wanted to hold it for some length of time, and then released it yet again to step past her.
Their shoulders brushed, and Mae forgot to breathe.
His voice carried over from somewhere behind her, close to the entrance. “If you will … not speak …  they will.” A rustle of fabric against fur, and he is gone.
Within the crude tower, Mae lets out the breath she held in a slow whoosh.
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lunasdestiny · 4 months
I was wondering have you ever made a pota OC for the original reboots or for the new film :)?
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I DO! The story i had in mind is centered around Bird meeting other apes during her adventure and creating a found family.
I just wanted famale apes being front and center
Queen Magma is the matriarch of Ember Clan who are at odds with Proximus's kingdom because they have advanced more than he has. Ember Clan lives at Coso volcanic field and have studied the ways of humans as well as creating their own ways. They have learned to harvest minerals and use literal science to aid them. Magma and Proximus are basically in a race to see who can achieve true evolution first. Proximus's soldiers attempted to invade and capture them but their resistance was too much. So now they are at war with each other. Magma and her clan know who Ceaser is but honestly do not care. They rather build their own path no matter if Ceaser agrees or not. The queen herself is cold and very to the point. She does not care about what you feel she only cares about getting the work done. The only thing she "cares" about is her daughter Diamond. But with how sheltered her own daughter is that is questioned as well. Proximus is also responsible for killing Magma's husband, Obsidian.
Diamond is Magma's daughter and princess of Ember Clan. Born blind and named because of her diamond colored eyes. Her father. King Obsidian, cherished her and taught her how to make glass art, something they bonded over. After Obsidian was killed, Magma locked her daughter away inside the clan borders to protect her. Due to this Diamond is not aware of what the outside world is like. Her mother has told her how dangerous it is and that she must stay inside the walls. Diamond doesnt have any friends and this makes her restless so Magma brings in random apes (prisoners) to be her friend. Bird being one of them.
Nightfire is a lone wolf siamang huntress. Her family was supposidly killed and she is the only survivor. She ends up running into Bird and the two become traveling buddies (and more). Nightfire is very protective of Bird due to trauma and doesnt want to lose them. Not much is known about her past but she did tell stories to Bird about her mother Nightingale, her father Firefly, and brother Wolf.
Bird is a gibbon who used to live with their family in a secluded area away from any rivals or other apes in general. They didnt have a clan but they still cherished gibbon culture which was centered around singing. Bird is known for their lovely singing within their family. Eventually their family dissapears and they are left all alone. Until one day they are attacked by Nightfire due to a misunderstanding. The two then decide to travel together and began to grow closer. Bird is determined to get Nightfire to sing.
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This photo from Pinterest provoked a thought in me:
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Light is traditionally characterized as good and celestial while darkness is not. And yet, people find refuge in the darkness, how it can be comforting, as an excess of searing light can be blinding. And that reminded me again of Rafal turning into a shadow and Rhian turning into light towards the beginning of Rise and the subversion, of course. (This is sort of an offshoot from my flame versus non-existent shadow/Pans/eternal youth symbolism post and its companion post.) And of how James reacted to each of the brothers' souls: the reassuring, probably less volatile, unchanging quality to Rafal's and the deep-rooted instability of Rhian's.
The reaching motion in the photo also reminded me of a line from TLEA and how Rhian was foiled in being both extreme, strait-laced Good and extremely and throughly Evil—partly because he expended too much effort every time, and never allowed himself the chance to inhabit a natural state of being.
"The more you chase the light, the more darkness you find."
This also happens to relate to an idea I once heard in a class, that people (in general, not the Woods denizens themselves necessarily) consider Goodness the default state of being because Evil cannot produce any Good of its own, nor can it be anything more than the hollow "ape of Good" (or God, in some contexts). All it can do is imitate Good because it lacks all that Good has (the heavenly virtues? Perchance, think: patience versus restlessness?). And thus, Evil is the perversion of being. It is (was, in Rhian's case, as he had no "healthy" outlets for emotional release or catharsis, unlike Rafal's seemingly instinctual violence) deprived of being and parasitic toward the Good.
Also, have more photos from my Pinterest because why not?
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leafyaa · 6 months
Chapter 14
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Weeks passed by with no particular strange incidents. You felt way more relaxed after reading that no major incidents struck your village or the nation. Though one thing did give you restless minds: Hikari. Her birthday was coming up and you didn't know what to do for her. I mean what could you do really? 
With Kunikuzushi posing as a distraction you didn't have much time to think about Hikari as much as you wanted to because Kunikuzushi tried to cheer you up constantly, noticing your distant looks when he came by the café you worked at. 
The two of you ended up doing some picnics with Sara and Heizou accompanying you. Sara was there to just be with you while Heizou wanted to 'balance out' the group by joining as well. Then because you didn't want Maple to feel left out you also brought her with you. She enjoyed jumping around and trying to catch butterflies.
Then there were some alone walks between Kunikuzushi and you but it always became awkward after you were lost in your thoughts while walking with him. 
Slowly but surely Kunikuzushi started entering in your daily routine again  by driving you to work, picking you up from work and sometimes cooking for you. It felt like he was taking care of you but maybe you were getting delusional thinking he still loved you. The way he treated you sometimes gave you butterflies in your stomach, but you just brushed it off, thinking it was just a desperate feeling of wanting someone to take care of you.
Sometimes he would tell you he had to go somewhere for a while and you didn't mind. But when he could take care of you you would feel so much more at ease as most of your daily worries slowly disappeared. For example: waking up early to make sure you wouldn't miss the only bus that made sure you were on time for work, forgetting to get groceries or ending up skipping dinner because you would be too tired to cook. 
Working yourself tirelessly was your way of going through the days and weeks. If you focused enough you wouldn't suddenly break down out of nowhere. You knew her birthday was coming up soon and you felt so stupid about not thinking about her more. You felt exhausted knowing each day was making it less likely for her to be found back, exhausted knowing that you might have been waiting for nothing.
There were never any updates on her case from the police after that unfortunate day. Asking Heizou or Sara for information would be useless because they had no access to those files and you wouldn't want to accidentally fire them as the Tenryou police force already disliked you very much. 
Sure Kokomi had taken on the case which irritated the local police even more and Gorou made sure to tell you if there were updates but alas, there were still none till this day. 
Today was the day before Hikari's birthday and you had taken off work for the next few days, wanting to spend time alone. Thoma assured you didn't have to worry about the cafe as you were basically the second manager there and knew how everything worked. 
Sara and Heizou knew not to disturb you in your alone time and made sure to only send minimal messages to you. 
But one person made today his mission to take you out today. And it was none other than Kunikuzushi. After all, you never told him about Hikari. He surely wouldn't care about her if he left you at your worst state plus you were almost certain his opinion about kids never changed after the last incident. 
"Can't we just go somewhere next week?" Your muffled voice spoke while buried in a pillow.  
"Come on, the weather is good tomorrow!" Kunikuzushi said with much excitement. He happened to call you on your day off to go out but you felt drained. 
"But so is next week.." 
"You're always saying next week and then you forget about it.." Ah yes that was right, because you overworked yourself and mostly forgot things. Things like appointments you had to write on a calendar hanging in your living room because you would forget that as well as sending all your appointments to Sara so she could remind you. You didn't really use the calendar on your phone because you didn't like the way it looked so a paper calendar was your solution. 
"Meow~" Your cat meowed, climbed onto your bed and nuzzled her head into your hair. 
"Even your cat agrees." Kunikuzushi said, making you groan in annoyance. 
"Maple is a cat, how could she possibly understand us.. Ugh I'm tired.. I'm hanging up.." You said with a sigh, moving your hand towards the button. 
"Wait but tomorrow-" 
"We'll see tomorrow."
And you hung up before he could say anything else. 
You sighed as you threw your phone on your bed and got out of your bedroom. 
As you walked from your room to Hikari's room you noticed the faint crayon stripes and other small drawings Hikari did, with much scolding from you. 
Originally you were going to permanently remove it by painting over them, but you felt that it was like removing Hikari out of the house so you decided to keep it, even though it might have made her think she was allowed to draw on the walls.
You grabbed the key from your pocket and unlocked the door, entering it quietly. Maple, who had gotten out of bed to follow you, also walked behind you curiously. 
You picked him up and brought her to your eye view, showing her Hikari's room. 
She meowed a bit before jumping out of your arms to Hikari's neatly made up bed. Even for a cat, she did look sad as if she could sense your emotions. She just sat still and looked at you. 
You closed your eyes and breathed, trying to remember all the good times with your daughter again. 
"I miss you Hikari, please give me a sign you're still out there." You spoke as a tear slipped down your face. 
“You will.” A voice responded unbeknownst to you.
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kinda late with this one but yeah
You've dated Scaramouche in your high school and college years but just as you wanted to announce your pregnancy to him he broke up with you without any reason. He left you to be a single mom for 7 years. But now that your daughter has been missing and abducted for a year and you've not been doing well and out of a sudden he showed up into your life again trying to apologize for his past mistakes..?
@swivy123 @kichiyosh1 @wwwrizchan @k1t0 @killumeow @pinkdreamerbailifflawyer-blog @samarill @xiaotopia @aqualesha @eattingshits @omoriaddict @mave-in @sketcheeee @xiaossocksniffer @elernity @ohmyfinggod @luvkvni @kunikissr @meadowofdarts @kaoriie @scaramochies @ekriis @rizakari @xxrexx @lovingveliona @magica-ren @lilybythevalley @theflatdoorkicker @lazy-sanns @reixtsu @fullw0rld @kunikuzushis-darling @childesgingerhair @kochothehoe @mercy-not-merci @ash1
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All of these evolutionary jostlings over five million years, from distant, puzzled australopithecine to fully modern human, produced a creature that is still 98.4 percent genetically indistinguishable from the modern chimpanzee. There is more difference between a zebra and a horse, or between a dolphin and a porpoise, than there is between you and the furry creatures your distant ancestors left behind when they set out to take over the world.
from A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
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moonpiies · 1 year
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𓆩♡𓆪 pairing : e-1610!miles morales x black!reader
𓆩♡𓆪 a/n : i have come to the sudden realization that i need to start writing more for e-1610 miles
𓆩♡𓆪 likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated
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the day had been moving awfully slow today, especially when it reached the afternoon. only a few customers had came in today and you were starting to feel a little restless.
you stood behind the cash register using your phone until you heard the door bell ring which caused you to immediately put it in your back pocket and quickly gain composure.
you looked up and saw that it was miles, your AP physics classmate who also happens to be your crush. he came in wearing his usual green hoodie and backpack, looking a little nervous.
“hi miles! welcome to rise and bake.” you smiled cheerfully, “how may i help you?”
"hey, y/n," he said with a smile. "i'm here to buy some pastries for my mom. what do you recommend?"
with a smile on your face you moved behind the display counter and you showed him some of your favorite treats which happened to be cupcakes.
the both of you chatted about school and the weather. miles seemed nervous but friendly, and you enjoyed talking to him.
as he paid for his order, miles suddenly asked, "hey, do you want to hang out sometime? we only have one class together, and id like to get to know you better."
you felt your heart skip a beat. you had a crush on miles for a while now but never had the courage to tell him. you wondered if he felt the same way.
raising your eyebrow you amusingly asked, “are you asking me on a date, morales?”
“well—” he said before you cut him off.
"i’m kidding," you said with a smile. "im free this weekend. maybe we can go to the arcade or something?"
miles grinned. "that sounds perfect. i text you later to confirm the details."
as he left the bakery, you felt a rush of excitement and anticipation. maybe this was the start of something special.
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
The Odyssey | 0.2 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Your time in Turin draws to a close, the journey to Lake Como is a little rocky.
warnings: enemies to lovers, power imbalance (professor / student relationship), age gap (22 / 33), will be smut, virgin reader, swearing, infidelity. warnings to be added on a chapter by chapter basis. 18+ minors dni
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“Hi!” You breathe out, smiling for the first time since you had left home. Bradley observes just the one side of the conversation that he has access to, looking up every now and again — between spelling mistakes and unfounded comparisons — watching the sudden delight on your face. “No, yeah — it’s great.”
Your eyes meet Bradley’s, smile faltering for just a moment. Your lips press into a composed, soft smile. “I’m having a great time.
You just don’t want him to worry.
Malcolm has been worried. After meeting your father in the city for dinner yesterday and hearing how furious he is with you, Malcolm has been practically restless with worry. Not for your well-being on this trip, he knows that you’re tough and can stick it out. Just for your well-being once you’re home if you screw this up.
This is the last place that you would like to be having this conversation, sitting awkwardly on the arm of a chair and twirling a dusty cord around your index finger while your indignant professor sits three feet away, marking some Pre-Raphelite poetry essays as a favour for one of the English professors. Well, maybe it’s not a favour if he’s getting paid for it.
He’s got his papers sprawled out messily across the table in front of him, knees spread and his brows drawn together seriously.
Luke was too hyper for him to get his work done, and there’s no phone in your room. Once again, against your own wishes, you’re stuck together.
It’s raining outside, which has put a dampener on the plans of the other students. You had overheard them talking this afternoon about exploring the city, maybe hitting a few bars. Silently, you’re glad that it’s raining now. You hadn’t been invited. It’s already dark out, raindrops pouring across the giant windowpanes.
Back home, you would probably be sitting on the terrace at one of your friends’ parents’ houses, talking the night away. Gripping the plastic, dust-coated phone, you hold on to the only sense of familiarity you’ve got as Malcolm tells you about his day.
He sits there under that dim light, watching you, pretending that he isn’t. It’s more interesting than shitty essays anyway. Even if it pisses him off to watch your smile grow slowly as you giggle down the line to that little prick.
“No, I know,” You sigh longingly into the receiver, staring at a crack on the ceiling. It’s painted over but still there. There’s a water stain next to it. You purse your lips and then grin, “I just miss you.”
You don’t remember that night last winter. Probably don’t have a clue where your hero fiancé was that night either. Bradley remembers it distinctly. He remembers waking up at his desk at 3am. Campus was pitch black at night, there are just a few street lamps here and there. He was shivering through his coat, his nose pink and his breath visible in front of him.
He remembers seeing you sitting there in the snow, your head in your hands. Not shivering. He had walked over to you uncertainly, standing over you with a frown on his face. Begrudgingly asking you if you were alright. Then, you had looked up at him with mascara on your cheeks and a disconnect in your reaction times. At first, he had thought you were high. He had asked you again.
You had blinked slowly and told him you weren’t sure. 3am, in the middle of December. Sitting there in a party dress and drunk out of your mind. Your future husband had ditched you. You’ve still got no memory of being hauled into a passenger seat and being driven back to the address on your driving license. Puking on Bradley’s shoes and being carried through the halls of your childhood home while your mother apologized profusely behind him.
“Yeah,” You stretch your legs out in front of you, shoe resting against the edge of the coffee table. Bradley’s sneaker rests against the opposite end, tapping against the page of a discarded title page. You lift your gaze to look at him. “Everyone’s being really nice. Just like you said.”
Neither one of you says a single word to each other. He listens to you for two hours, talking to that asshole, and then watches you walk wordlessly up to your room for the night. He could have made a snide remark, or reminded you that you’re never going to pass if you spend this whole trip whining to your boyfriend. Instead, he finishes grading the essays and takes them back up to his room.
“Hey, Bradley.” Luke smiles at him from his bed, already working on journaling today’s events. Bradley gives him a nod of acknowledgement and tosses the papers down onto the desk. He’ll get the guy at the front desk to fax them back in the morning.
This part of the trip was always the most boring. It’s all about the cultural exchange at this point. The museums, the tourist traps, that kind of thing. He showers late, wakes up early and spends another day in another museum. He tugs your headset off of your ears, bumping his shoulder into yours as he tells you to pay attention to the guide.
Just like that, your two days in Turin are up and you’re being loaded onto a bus to the mountains and he’s wearing a crew neck that doesn’t fit him right and snapping his fingers at you. It’s got to be at least two sizes too big, hanging loosely on his already wide frame. “Hey, you, up front.”
You stare at him as you push the head set off of your ears.
“I don’t want you puking. You can sit between me and Paz.” Bradley tells you, pulling open the door to the van.
“I won’t get sick.” You frown at him.
“It’s nearly a three hour drive and we aren’t stopping. Just sit in the front.”
And that’s where the conversation ends. You’re stuck between them on the bench, shoulders pressed into theirs on either side and Pasquale apologizing every time he grazes your knee, which is every time he goes for the gears.
It’s bustling behind you, everyone talking about the days ahead and the trip to the lake. You shoot a quick glance down at your backpack by Bradley’s feet. Pride won’t let you check the itinerary in front of him. He might not notice, he isn’t paying much attention anyway.
Knees spread, arm resting against the open window, allowing wind to whip your hair into oblivion, too engrossed in his book to notice how much he’s making your eye twitch. You part your knees suddenly, knocking his briefly back onto his side of the bench, then crossing your legs.
He glances at you, then settles comfortably, spreading his knees further.
“What is your problem?”
Pasquale glances over at the two of you, pressing his lips into a thin line as the van crosses out of Turin, barely ten minutes into the journey.
“I don’t have a problem,” Bradley answers calmly, turning his attention back to his book, pretending like he can’t feel your glare burning into him. You turn in your seat. He ignores you more. “How’s your Latin coming along?”
Everyone in this van knows that you don’t know enough Latin to pass this class. Bradley knows that your father paid for you to have a private tutor before you came out here. He’s also confident that you couldn’t so much as tell him what ‘carpe diem’ means if you needed to.
You open your mouth to retaliate, quickly interrupted by Pasquale. “How about we play a game? — We could play I spy.” He turns his head and grins like it’ll soften either one of your sour moods. Bradley scoffs at the idea and turns back to his book. Pasquale’s hands flex around the wheel. “I spy with my little eye… something beginning with W.”
A silence fills the cab. It lingers heavily as your knee presses into Bradley’s, trying to force his out of your way. Almost long enough for Pasquale to start speaking again.
“Wheel.” Bradley answers finally.
It’s enough to have the short man on the other side of you whooping, grinning across at his old friend. “Yes! Excellent, Mr. Bradshaw. Your turn.”
Bradley turns his head and looks at you. It’s one of the rare occasions on this trip that he isn’t wearing sunglasses, and you can really see his eyes now. Dark, warm. Provocative in the sense that the mere look in his eyes makes you want to start arguing with him again.
“I spy something beginning with D.” Bradley decides, looking right at you. It’s clear that he’s insulting you, you just aren’t sure exactly how. Whipping your head around, you narrow your eyes at Pasquale, who shrinks in his seat.
“Discipula? — Student.” Pasquale tells you sheepishly.
Bradley lets out a dry chuckle as he turns back towards his book. “See? — Pasquale could pass my class.”
“You know, it’s usually a reflection of someone being a shitty teacher if half of the class fails every year.” You decide, throwing yourself back against the seat and folding your arms across your chest.
“What’s it a reflection of if someone’s attendance is even lower than their GPA?” Bradley asks without looking up. You could continue this back and forth, the bickering, for the entire three hour journey. You could tell him that your GPA, actually, is fine, and that it’s just his class that’s holding you back. But then, he spreads his knees further and the opportunity is just right there.
You close your hand into a loose fist, raise it and come down hard on the apex of his obnoxiously parted legs. Bradley grunts and almost hits the dashboard, collapsing forwards at the impact.
His hand grabs at his crotch, throbbing from the feeling. He stays there, folded forwards and breathing hard. Suddenly, he’s the one trying not to puke.
“Mr. Bradshaw, are you okay?” Pasquale asks gingerly. He shifts slightly in his seat. Closer to the door, further from you.
“Yeah.” Bradley strains, his head still between his knees as he cups at his injured manhood. He breathes hard, turning his head to stare at you. “What the fuck is the matter with you?”
Admittedly, it was an overreaction, but it’s too late to change it now.
Taking your time to cross one knee over the other and straighten up, keeping your jaw squared and your eyes ahead, gives you a little longer to come up with an answer. “I was just channeling Erinyes. Y’know, really embracing my studies.”
As much as he wants to keep complaining about the number you just did on his balls, Bradley’s momentarily quietened by the fact that you know who they are. He breathes hard, sitting back up and shifting in his seat.
“If you worked half as hard on studying as you did on that punch you might be something other than a trophy wife in the future.” He should have learned his lesson, but he’s still tormenting you. You whip around quickly and open your mouth to continue. Bradley stares back at you.
He should have said housewife. The academic in him as him lingering on that one stupid phrase. Trophy wife. He shouldn’t be telling you that you’re a prize. He shouldn’t be saying any of this to you, you shouldn’t be punching him in the balls — it’s all backwards. But, he has had girls throwing themselves at him since he started teaching, he has taught himself to be careful with his wording.
And then you come along and you get him so wound up that it all goes out the window.
“Maybe we should just listen to some music. Do you like Steely Dan?” Pasquale asks sheepishly.
The remaining three hours are in almost silence. The chatter continues on behind you, and it turns out that Pasquale has potentially every Steely Dan cassette that is available to buy in Northern Italy. The countryside passes you by, a vibrant green on an otherwise gloomy day.
It’s all motorway until you’re closer to the lake. You resent Bradley for not sitting you by the window so that you can see the trees, and the branching country roads. Instead, he’s the one who gets to appreciate the view. It feels like he can finally breathe when he’s this far away from home.
“Hey, Bradley, is that the lake?” Luke calls from the back.
“Yeah. That’s it.” Bradley turns his head and looks out over the water. This place is increasingly popular, for good reason. It’s a great spot, and there’s always someone worth talking to around here.
You sit forwards to look around him at the lake. Pleasantly blue, for lake water, nestled in the foothills of some beautiful mountains. You hit Bradley in the leg with your backpack and then sit up, leaning over him with your polaroid camera.
He winces as the flash catches his eye, leaning away from you, putting his stupidly large paw over the lens and shoving it away from himself. You shoot him a look and pull back to check the image, pleasantly surprised by what you’ve captured. Malcom would love this place.
The van stops and finally you’re out and standing on solid ground, not being squished between two men. You stretch your arms and look around for the dingiest hotel that you can see. Bradley strolls right ahead with his suitcase in his hand, headed for one that doesn’t look half bad.
Maybe things here won’t be as bad as they were in the city.
You struggle with your suitcase, dragging it in behind everyone. Bradley collects the keys and sits everyone down in the lobby like he had in Turin.
“If you hated your roommate, you can switch. I really don’t care. No same sex roomies, that’s it.”
Given your lack of friends in this god-forsaken place, you find yourself once again being handed a key to a room that you’ll be sharing with Robin. She doesn’t have a nice word to say about you and if she continues on the way that she is, you’re going to push her mattress out into that damn lake.
“Alright. It’s mid-day now. Do what you want, I’ll meet you all back here at six, sharp.” Bradley instructs, looking forwards to these six hours of alone time already.
“Um, Bradley— there’s nothing on the itinerary at six today?” Abigail piped up from behind you. You wouldn’t have known that.
“That’s right, we don’t have anything scheduled for tonight,” Bradley agrees with her, giving a small, curt, nod. He smiles. “I’m gonna take you guys to a party before we get started with the hard work tomorrow.”
Pasquale beams at your side. It takes him a second to notice the dubious way that you’re now staring across at him. He chuckles and then nudges you arm playfully.
“I love this part of the trip.” He tells you excitedly.
@thedroneranger @batdanceq @wkndwlff @cassiemitchell @himbos-on-ice @bradshawseresinbabe @damrlova @fudge13 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @sihtricswife @callsignvenus @callsign-joyride @harper1666 @krismdavis @sheisanangell @thecitysgraveyard @cherrycola27 @bradshawsbaby
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Scattered Cards
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Chishiya Shuntarō x reader
I wanted to marry you…
Angst / Fluff
I stared up at the ceiling, small cracks breaking along it.
Five hours lying in this bed and I was still unable to get any rest. I felt restless from the adrenaline that the spade game Chishiya and I were forced to play earlier. Those people in those horse masks… They were just like us, like everyone put here.
Trying to survive just another day.
I placed my hand over where my heart was, feeling it pump faster than normal. It was as if those moments followed me like as shadow even after the event had already passed. It was those moments that played in my head of Chishiya almost… If he had been a second late in dodging those bullets… I squeezed my eyes shut at the thought. I couldn’t bare the thought of surging this world without him. He was the only thing keeping me going. In his cold distant snarky way, he was what kept me from ending it all in this demolished world.
I glanced over to the familiar mop of hair, dark natural locks beginning to appear from his roots. I thought it looked nice with blonde he bleached his hair with. I wondered why he chose to bleach his hair in the real world… More so what he looked liked before with his natural.
Light snores came past his lips as he slept peacefully beside me. I could almost laugh at how much of a child he looked, but he was also seemed so peaceful…
A frown settled on my lips. How could he sleep with such ease? Would anything in this world affect him? To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him distraught after any game, immediately falling a sleep with little to no effort.
He looked as if he hadn’t just come back from a life or death situation.
It was his nonchalance about his own life that worried me the most and I wondered what it would take for him to finally break through his carefree facade…
But, my word does he look beautiful…
I don’t think I have ever seen a man so handsome in my life and here he appeared, at a beach with his lucky white jacket. It was by chance that we met. The memory bringing a smile to my face. The spilt strawberry drink on his shorts was on my behalf.
“I’m so sorry!” I panicked, kneeling down to clean up the mess.
“You don’t need to apologize. He bumped into you.” He stated referring to one of the drunk players with a yellow beach shirt.
“Still… This is your first day here and I’ve already left you with an unpleasant memory.” I sighed when the stain wouldn’t come out.
“This entire world is an unpleasant memory.” He replied, “You however, are interesting.”
I looked up at him, brows furrowed, “I am?”
“You’re close to the hatter. Either you’re related or something more.” He stated, completely ignoring the way I was spreading the stain on his shorts instead of fixing it.
I shook my head at the misconception, “No, there’s nothing going on between us.” I made a face of disgust, “Hatter and Aguni took me in… We arrived to this world at the same time.” I stopped trying to fix what I had done looking up at him, “I wouldn’t be anywhere without them. I owe them my life.”
“Seems like everyone here owes someone their life.” He answered, “You however, owe me a new pair of shorts.”
“I’ll get you one tomorrow, I promise!” I stuttered.
It was the nonchalance in his voice as he spoke words that rang true and it was that moment I knew I would eventually fall for him.
I couldn’t take the looming silence snaring its way around me. Images past through my mind of all the games I have played since waking up here… All the bodies I have seen… The lives I couldn’t save… My life that I put first.
“Chishi?” I whispered the nickname I gave him ever since the first time I felt something more than friendship towards him.
I still remember the look he gave me, but he said nothing about it none the less.
His arms pulled tighter around his pillow, facing me. I wanted to chuckle at how he looked so much like a child with his face squished by the puffy thing.
“Chish…” I whispered again, a small smile appearing on my face.
He grunted in acknowledgment, refusing to open his eyes.
“In the real world, would you still want what we have?” I asked, referring to the two of us.
“Don’t be stupid.” Was all he replied, ready to go back to sleep.
I stared at the ceiling with a huff, “I’m being serious.”
“So am I.” He replied.
I rolled over to face him, my face resting against my clasped hands as I took a breathe to say the question I’ve been thinking about.
“Chishi…” My voice trailed off with nerves, “Would you still want to date me?”
“No.” He answered after a short moment.
My heart deflated as a thousands needles stabbed at it. He seemed to be so brutally honest leaving no room for debate. I couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, his voice nonchalant. I think that made it worse. After all we’ve been through… He felt nothing for me? Couldn’t he want to at least try?
Has he just been bored and I was only good enough to appease his lack of entertainment?
The only thing I could form out of my mouth was a quiet, “Oh…” As I settled back into bed.
How am I supposed to sleep after that? Should I… Leave? Maybe Kuina would let me spend the night at her place.
Before I couldn’t get up he spoke again, this time a small smirk on his face. It was as if he knew the turmoil that was going on inside my head. A game he enjoyed to play.
“I would want to marry you.” He stated. His eyes still closed, but content nonetheless.
A smile made with pink cheeks followed by my giggle as I fell into his honeyed words. I quickly snuggled into his side. He already had his arm moved away to make room for me of course.
Chishiya seemed to always knowing what my reaction will be as if he could read me like a book… Magbe he could.
His arm was raised only slightly, but enough so that I could fit into his side like a missing piece to his difficult puzzle.
“You would marry me, hm?” I smiled into his chest.
The only sound that came from him was a muffled, “Mm.”
“My husband… A doctor. I like the sound of that. Especially of you saving lives and helping people.”
“Of course you would. You’re a sap.” He stated.
“Maybe I am, but only for you.” I mused as I traced circles into his shirt, “And I wouldn’t care for a fancy ring either. I would want it to be something as simple and true as our love.”
I couldn’t help the way my heart leaped in my chest or the fluttery feeling that appeared from the thoughts of marrying him. Those feelings pushed aside the fear and heartache that came with the borderlands. It pushed them far away, leaving me in a bliss by the name of love.
“Mrs. Chishiya. I like the sound of that.” I mumbled.
“Hush. I’m trying to sleep.” He muttered.
“Goodnight Mr. Chishiya.” I giggled.
He amused me by saying those few words that had me ailing like an idiot, “Goodnight Mrs. Chishiya.”
My hands clutched onto his shirt as he held onto my side, the two of us falling into a blissful sleep.
If you loved me that much Shuntarō, why would you betray me like this?
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the-monkeies-girl · 4 months
Favored Forms of Affection ( Caesar x Reader, Noa x Reader ) Headcanons.
my brain: hey what do you think their favorite form of affection is? huh? Huh? HUH? Warning: There are sensual implications, but as a whole, it is very, very subtle and doesn't delve into detail. If you're uncomfortable with that, then please do not read.
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In most aspects, Caesar is the type to enjoy quality time over any other forms of affection. There’s something deliciously grating to the Ape King when he’s got you all to himself, when you’re only his to lay eyes on, only one to get his undivided attention and he prickles with a mild form of anticipation, knowing, waiting for you to acknowledge that you had his undivided attention in return. Always so attentive and caring, the way you would listen to him, or sit in silence if that’s what he chose to do, or if that’s what you sensed he preferred. It does vary day to day - Sometimes Caesar finds it in himself to enjoy the nuance of conversation, sometimes not. And you’re alway so accepting either way.  
Very difficult to get quality time being who he is - He takes it in stride and finds himself able to find speckled moments that were really a day to day basis. ~*If Caesar knows there is not a council meeting that day, he’ll allow himself the pleasure of taking meals with you and finds himself entranced as you talk to him about how your day was going, about the most mundane things that he honestly couldn’t care less about, but because they were your words, your voice, Caesar found interest in them.  ~*If he has no hunting trip planned that requires him to leave before dawn, he’ll linger in the nest with you, either resting to hold you as you sleep next to him, or perhaps engaged in a bit of ‘pillow talk’ as you had called it previously. Maybe a bit more, if that’s what he knew you wanted, and it was always an avenue deeply indulged by both of you. ~*If he knows there is nothing pressing with the day ahead of him, he’ll often be the one to take you outside of the Colony to do something alone. Fish, which he had to teach you, berry forging which happened to be your favorite, or even just horseback riding along the coast, both admiring in solemn silence the wreckage of ships in the water and the lost days of Humanity’s reign. All things he knew you would enjoy, and he himself found enjoyment just by being able to do them with you. Pure, unadulterated enjoyment at the fact that you wanted him to be the one to take you, both mentally and physically.
Very late nights sitting by the fire, nothing but the crackling of the flames in front of the Ape King but they were enough to keep his mind at ease. Often, especially in the dead of night, he found himself thinking about Humanity - thinking more personally though. Things he had only really shared with Maurice. Things that he worried would stir Koba further into the throes of rebellion. He’d think about Will, Caroline, Charles. His life in San Francisco. His life before the Colony. Not that he missed it, not that he yearned for it, but the memories plagued him and as he aged, he found it more and more difficult to separate them and they were becoming a tangled mess inside of his mind. He found himself restless as he tried to pry them apart. Caesar’s green eyes, as focused as ever but having lost that primal and aggressive stare. His brow ever so softened, his scowl lighter than most times. There would be no denying in that moment that he was striking in appearance, even when he was not engaged to be intimidating. You come to sit next to him after realizing that he wasn’t in the nest with you when you had stirred awake moments ago. He’s quiet to acknowledge your appearance, to briefly hold his head up when you sat next to him before his chin dropped back down, his gaze quite pensive as he looked at the fire. Nothing’s said. Nothing needs to be as you lean your body against his own; the weight pressing into his side. Caesar draws a deep breath in, looking down at you as you nestled deeply into his side. He accepts your form of affection, physical, with ease and sinks into it. If he feels the pleasure to talk to you about his memories, he knows he is free to do so without judgment. But, this? Sitting in such close proximity, his nose now entranced with your scent, your weight so nicely placed next to him? He didn't want to ruin the moment with words. 
Oddly does find himself in the throes of words of affirmation every so often when you’re so gracious to give him a compliment, or praise of any kind. He figures that you’re aware that it makes him feel good to hear, and so you do shower him with praise, especially if he comes off a few days of being gone, perhaps to hunt, perhaps to scope the human settlements.  He’ll accept it with grace but finds himself without words to say anything in response and will just bring you in for a moment, foreheads grazing each other, your hands coming to rest on the sides of his face and sinking into the moment. ~*He does know that words of affirmation are a big thing for you, after all, it was a heavily implied scenario with Humans. That they liked to be told when they were doing a good job. So, Caesar does take it upon himself to bless you with praise every so often, when he knows you need it. And sometimes when you don’t. ~*Uses them purposefully though to encourage you. When you were learning how to fish from Caesar, he was quick to give you compliments on your form, on how you were holding yourself. He grasped at your hips with his hands and angled you ever so slightly against him before telling you to release your spear into the water. You caught your first fish. ~*He’s more careful with words of affirmation though, knowing that implications were strong and if he said one thing taken to be more flirtatious than the others, he knows he’s about to be pulled into something he can’t, nor really wants to, stop from happening. ~*Favors words of affirmation when he lays with you don’t come at me for this it is a valid POINT I would go more into but maybe later and if someone really wants to hear about it.
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Contrary to Caesar, Noa is more prone to physical acts, gift giving and words of affirmation as his forms of affection. Given his lack all these years out side of parental affection and friendship affection, it made sense he had a harder time picking just one. I mean, why have one when you can have multiple? It is a pretty steady three-way tie between them.
On one hand, a mere touch from you was enough to get his heart pounding with flurries of anticipation and thought. What did the touch mean? Was it just a graze? Were you putting thought into it or have you gotten comfortable enough with Noa that you felt the need to touch him needlessly, without warning or reservation? He had no idea, but he ate it up. He’s also incredibly biased towards touching you. Whether it was the intentional grab to get you to come closer to him, or the needed helping hand as you traversed terrain together and you were unbalanced, reaching your hand out for Noa to help with your balance, or even the mere placement of your chest against his back when you rode on the back of his horse, arms wrapped around his thin waist. Noa felt like he’d come undone just thinking about it.
~Those are just the unintentional touching, don't get me started on intentional. I’m kidding. Absolutely relishes beyond belief at the moments when you are with him and seek to grasp at him. Your favorite place happens to be his bicep, almost captivated in how large and strong it was. If he chose to, he could pick you up one handed. And you would let him. ~*Does like hand holding, really likes the feeling of wrapping your entire hand up in one of his and watching as you struggle to release yourself, laughing at him when you fail, and cheering in excitement if he lets you loose. That’s the funny part- It’s a game, and if you were aware or not, Noa occasionally does let you win. ~*Goes absolutely feral if you’re wrapped tightly in the nest together, after Noa and you had some endeavors and you begin brushing his fur - Especially along his chest, your hand liking to lay flat against his sternum and feeling the soft push and pull of his breathing, tracing the mere outline of the scar on his right pectoral, and down his ribs to tickle ever so slightly, slowly inkling your way downwards, almost in a beckoning way for him to take you again. And then again. And then… Maybe if Noa wasn’t tired enough, again. Noa isn’t aware if you know that the reaction he gets from that is incredibly visceral - or maybe you did and it was done intentionally. He didn't care. He’d take anything from you. ~*To balance the above point, it is his utmost pleasure to lightly trail his fingers against the curvature of your spine and he loves it when you laugh as a response. Whether it’s when you’re collapsed on top of him and instead of seeking to hold you, he’ll place his larger hands against your back and just… Trace. Up and down, feeling the smooth nature of your skin, breathing in your scent as you’re drawn to place your head beside his. Or, if you’re laying on your stomach next to him. Hands are almost guaranteed to be on your back, rising and falling with each breath that you take.
Rolling the dice on that, gift giving is pretty evident the longer you stayed with the Eagle Clan. Surely, it started off mild and harmless in all aspects. Small tokens here and there; If Noa had been out with Anaya and Soona, he’d bring you back something that reminded him of you. In your collection lay a few pebbles, smooth around the surfaces and you’d find yourself playing with them between your fingers. A few broken spear-heads - Noa finds it endearing that you collect them. His favorite thing to bring back though is a flower. Any sort, he likes to find them, likes to scour for them and always finds a flutter in his chest at your face when he gives you them. ~*Ultimately leads into larger gift giving in the future. Noa gifting you armbands for Eagles to land on your forearms without getting scratched to oblivion. Even giving you your own small dagger, and a small case that would tie around your waist so you could carry the dagger with you for protection. Noa made it, it was evident from the intricate detailing that was carved into the handle of the dagger, and you find yourself lightly tracing them and into the fabric that was used for the holder. Nao so graciously gifting you his favorite animal pelt when you had mentioned to him that you were cold the night before ( Not to be too lost though, he gets it back once you’re mated and in the same nest. )
Ohhhh, does this boy love words of affirmation from you. Noa has a sick tendency to perform self-deprecation and neglect himself and his wants in favor of others - definitely a quality stolen from his Father who was very much the same in his leadership skills towards the Eagle Clan. ~*If you ever find yourself affirming him in front of Soona and Anaya? Absolute chaos. Especially if you’re urging him, providing support. Soona thinks it to be incredibly sweet- the spoken notions and the unspoken ones as she notices you placing a hand on Noa’s shoulder with your words. Anaya? You can’t tell me he wouldn’t be right alongside you, supporting Noa with chants, words of support, etc.
~*It does get him flustered in front of his friends, his muzzle puffing out slightly out of embarrassment as he looks at you. ~*Finds great pleasure when you whisper to him how much you adore him when you’re wrapped in on each other- how happy you are in the midst of the morning before the two of you have to get up, how strong he is. The strong one really gets to him on occasion, especially if you’re laying together and it’s brought up in the flurry of the moment. ~*Really takes solace in your words when he’s vulnerable - The moments of intense emotions when he finally breaks down and tells you about his Father, about the legacy he left behind and how Noa felt so inadequate to follow in his Father’s footsteps. It absolutely shatters you and without hesitation, you’re reaching for him, grasping his face with your hands and bringing him close. You linger for a moment and look into his eyes and whisper just so gently at him, “Noa… You can do this. I-I know you can.” The look on his face from the proximity you’re at just shatters you a bit more, his eyes forlorn with sadness and uncertainty. Moving, you finally make contact, forehead to forehead and he shuts his eyes at the feeling. “You can do this…” Four simple words, but with them, comes a sense of peace to Noa that maybe… Just maybe you’re right.
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