#the right amount of chewiness and sweet and crunch
polizwrites · 6 months
Treading a Rocky Road
This is a fill for today’s @flashfictionfridayofficial  prompt [#FFF244 Critical Ice Cream] as well as a March prompt from @buckybarnesevents   Build a Bucky Bingo - Bad Coping Mechanisms 
Fandom: MCU/Marvel Pairing: Bucky Barnes & Tony Stark  Rating: Teen Tags:  Tower fic, ice cream as a coping mechanism, flirting & innuendo, pining, pre-slash Summary: Bucky gets swept up in Tony’s emotional eating episode .. but he doesn’t mind a bit.  
Bucky was minding his own business,  leafing through a reader’s guide to Lord of the Rings when Tony swept into the common area of the Tower. “Come with me. Now.”  
He grabbed Bucky’s hand,  barely giving him time to scramble up from the comfortable armchair he’d been sitting in before dragging him into the kitchen. 
“What’s going on, pal?” Bucky spluttered out as  Tony sat a large insulated bag down on the island.
“I have had a terrible day and now feel a critical need for ice cream,” Tony replied as he got a couple bowls out of the cupboard. “They only had my favorite flavor in the quart size,”  he opened the bag and pulled out a fancy-looking container,   “ and if left to my own devices, I will eat this whole damn thing and make myself sick,” Tony thrust a spoon at Bucky, “so I need you to split it with me.”  
“Uh, okay.” Bucky wasn’t really hungry, but there was no way he was going to turn down something sweet. Or a chance to spend time with his crush.  “What kind is it?” 
“Rocky Road.”  
“Never heard of it.”
Tony’s face lit up as he pried the top off.   “Oh sunshine, You are in for a treat!” he exclaimed with an almost fanatical grin.  “Unless you’re allergic to walnuts or almonds?” 
“Nope.”  Bucky hoped he wasn’t blushing too much at Tony’s casual endearment.  He held out his bowl as Tony loaded it up with what looked  – and smelled - like chocolate ice cream with chunks in it. “What’re the white bits?” 
“Marshmallow.” Tony served himself an equal amount and - still using the large serving spoon - took a big bite of the ice cream.  He let out an obscene sounding moan that sent pleasant shivers down Bucky’s spine. 
“That good, huh?” Bucky murmured, taking a bite of his own.  The ice cream was amazingly rich and smooth, coating his tongue with dark chocolatey bliss.  The marshmallows  added an unexpected, but welcome chewy texture to the experience, contrasting nicely with the crunch of the nuts.  Bucky couldn’t hold in his own hum of pleasure and Tony’s eyes lit up in delight. 
“I know, right? It’s better than sex.” Tony winked. “Well, almost.”  
“Afraid it’s been too long for me to make a valid comparison.” Bucky found himself saying, adding in a wink of his own. 
Tony raised an eyebrow. “That is both a surprise and a shame, my handsome friend.” He scooped up another spoon of ice cream and gave it a  slow, seductive lick.    “Let me know if you’re interested in refreshing your memory any time soon.” 
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cryptidsofwakemoor · 1 year
Chapter 3 - The Bird Feeder
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While exploring the woods, Matchstick happens upon a place full of strange tubes containing food and water! However, this place has a strange owner that certainly isn't like any human he's ever seen... Will he be able to sate his hunger while avoiding detection?
Walking alongside the road, the trees and shrubbery afford some protection from sight, allowing him temporary shelter whenever a car or a person passes by. The dappled sunlight speckles the jungle-y forest floor, and he has to take care to avoid the spots. Thankfully, there's plenty of shade.
No doubt he looked like a sasquatch, lurching through the woods.
All the buildings look the same, with only minor variations to each block, for a good long while. Then, they start to shift. The concrete and large glass panes start giving way to wood, stucco, and cloth curtains and blinds. Spaces in front of the buildings became filled with short grass, potted plants, flowers, and strange little houses built on standing poles or stapled to buildings.
Oh- there was one in front of him, actually! A few of those odd tiny homes were nailed to the sides of trees, painted with bright colors and with small holes drilled where windows and doors would be. A loud chirping emanated from inside the one closest to him, and a small fluffy thing hopped out one of the holes. Hopping back and forth, it turned its head side to side, then it fluttered wings and took off in a burst of flight.
There were also- colorful tubes, hanging from the trees? They were filled with multicolored... sand? And pebbles? One had some kind of liquid.
One of the fluffy flying things lands on the edge of one of those tubes, dipping its pointy face into a hole and pulling out some of the pebbles. It cracks them open, eats something inside, and then flutters off as he draws near.
The sudden movements of the small creature were interesting to watch, but it had the added bonus of showing him that what he thought was sand was actually... some kinda food!
The buildings he could recognize as belonging to people, but these smaller ones with the holes in them, he had no idea. They weren’t near the buildings. Were they part of the trees?
Regardless, he grabbed the strange tube and tilted it, dumping some of the 'sand' (he had no other idea what to call it) out of the holes and into his hand. He dumped it into his mouth, and they popped and crunched interestingly as he chewed. Not much of a flavor, though... Kinda bland, but not as bad as the gross waxy, ashy thing he'd tried earlier. At least it didn't get stuck against his teeth.
The pebbles were also very crunchy, but the insides of them were actually kind of chewy and tasty! Not bad, the hard and sharp shell kinda sucked but the rest was good. Probably his favorite so far.
The liquid one... He wasn't sure about. It looked a lot like it was just water, though he didn't remember water having a sweet smell to it. He wasn't sure he wanted to give it a try, but his mouth did feel kind of dried out, especially after the sand and pebbles... How were you supposed to get to this, though? There were a bunch of little shapes around the base of it... Curiously, he tried tilting it to the side like he did with the sand. Sure enough, some of the water spilled out of the plastic flower shapes around the bottom, running over his hand and trailing down towards his elbow. He let go, making a face. Eugh, he didn't like it running over his skin like that... Licking it off the back of his hand, his eyes widened when he realized it actually did taste kinda sweet! Like, really sweet, actually.
He plucked it off the hook and did his best to tilt the rest of the sweet water into his mouth. Some of it evaporated into steam right away, but what amount of it didn't actually felt like somewhat of a relief as it slid down his throat. Man, if only this thing wasn't so awkward to drink out of... Damn it, he could tell he'd spilled some of it down his front. He did his best to put it back, though it was kind of at an awkward angle now, and wiped at his face with the back of his arm. Probably tasted the best out of all three, but was definitely the messiest and left him feeling unpleasant and sticky.
Hmm. He probably needed to wash himself off. Preferably not with the chemical sprays the scientists used back at the lab... not that he knew where to even find those. Nor wanted to.
A quick glance around gave him some more information.
The strange tiny houses and cylinder things hanging from the trees weren't just here- they were across the black stone path, too. The building was a painted white wooden structure, with a large extended porch that met two doors, and had at least two floors from where he was standing. Patches of bright colored flowers and grasses surrounded by rings of stone sat neatly in front of this building, clearly tended to by somebody. A large pool of water was underneath a short tree laden with bright orange spheres on the leafy branches.
The hanging food containers were scattered about that lawn, as well. On the tree, on hanging hooks, on the porch.
The wheels in his head turned as he looked at the building, not sure if he should approach. He couldn't tell if anyone was in there or not, but... That water didn't seem too deep. Maybe it would be safe to try and wash off there, though he didn't really like the thought of it. The only times he'd been doused in water before had all been very intentionally unpleasant, or in most cases, absolutely terrifying.
Still, there was more food over there too, and despite having emptied the ones on this side of the stone path, it hadn't really felt like enough.
...He'd try it, but was prepared to flee if need be.
Wanting to put off having to deal with the water, the first thing he went for was another sand tube, though this time they stuck to his hand. Ugh... He tried to lick them off of his palm but that was easier said than done. Fine... He'd wash his damn hands.
Reluctantly, he went over to the water and crouched next to it, squinting down at it distrustfully. When the water level didn't start suddenly rising to drown him, though, he dipped his fingers in- pulled them back, not expecting it to be cold- and then finally dunked both hands in to get it over with, scrubbing the stickiness from them. He then backed off entirely, having hit his limit on amount of contact with water he was willing to put up with today. He stood there with his arms out, dripping, before clenching his eyes and jaw and using the remaining wetness on his hands to try and wipe the stickiness from the corners of his mouth. Kinda worked, but he still hated it, and promptly shook himself off to try and rid himself of the sensation. He wasn't even going to deal with whatever sweet water had dried on his chest or stomach, washing his hands and face had been bad enough.
Guh... damn it, now his hands were all shaky. At least there was another tube with those pebbles to help take his mind off it. He walked over and dumped some into his hand, crunching on that while tipping it again for more.
It takes some doing, with occasional glances left and right to ensure there was nobody around, but eventually he manages to empty every single food cylinder in the yard. He has to take greater care not to spill on himself with the other sweet water cylinders- he didn’t want to dunk his hands again. Being sticky and cold sucked.
Augh-! Something just bonked him on the head!
The sound of an object rolling in the grass drew his eyes to it. One of the round orange things from the tree. There were many others like it on the ground at the roots, likely also fallen from the branches.
…hmm… could these also be food?
clk-clik k-chk
Behind him, the door in the building was making a faint rattling sound.
He had just picked up the orange thing to inspect it, empty cylinder in his other hand, when the door behind him started making noise. By the time he noticed said noise, though, he only had enough time to turn and look at it before it opened.
Startled, he dropped the empty cylinder and scrambled for cover, hoping whoever was coming out didn't get a good look at him.
His dirty, damaged charcoal form just manages to slip behind the trunk of the tree as whoever was inside that building fully opens the door. He can’t see who or what they are, taut and tense behind the tree, but he can hear the creak of footsteps on the wooden porch.
They’re humming a tune, like the guy in the rich-smelling building with the hot food.
…It stops.
��…huh.” The person hums in thought, and he can hear a plastic clunk as one of the cylinders is rotated on its hook. “Birds went crazy last night… or squirrels, again.”
Rustling sounds. Another metal tin noise, and plastic crinkling. Then- a sound like sand pouring. Were they refilling the food cylinders?
The creaking wood becomes crunching leaves and brushing grass. They were getting closer.
A scaly teal-blue hand, with webbed fingers, faintly pointed nails like tiny claws, and a dusting of silver among the blue, comes into view near the side of the tree.
The hand picks up one of the orange spheres, and disappears from his peripheral vision.
…there’s a soft leathery sound of something tearing, followed by munching.
“Mm! Oranges finally in season~” the voice sang, gleeful. He could detect a faint feminine pitch to it.
The munching continues as the footsteps move away from the tree. He has to hold completely stock still to avoid being seen. The figure walks into view as they go away from the tree and toward the black stone path.
…He’d seen some weird folk, and all things considered, this was not the weirdest, but it was certainly strange. The odd blue skin with scale coating covered the entire body- save for the parts in clothing. Their feet were large webbed flippers, with sandals tucked around the ends of the toes and the sole. Fins cupped the sides of the head, where the hair appeared to be made of- plants?
They didn’t notice him. They were headed away from the building, towards a boxy blue thing on the path.
He stood there with one hand gripping the sphere- 'orange'?- he'd picked up, and the other firmly clamped over his mouth to avoid making a sound. The fact the stranger had gotten so close didn't help the tension any, and his back was starting to sting from pressing against the tree.
He finally dared to breathe again once the person had started walking away, but he still knew he wouldn't be able to run for it without making any noise. As they went past, he scootched around as carefully as he could to the other side of the trunk, anxiously peeking out from behind to try and see what they were doing.
The person keeps walking, not noticing as he peeks around the tree- thankfully, not even his glowing eyes were standing out enough to give him away during the daytime.
They get into the blue box, opening a door on the side and ducking into the inner chamber. The door shuts, and the box makes a rumbling sound as it comes to life. The blue ‘truck’ moves out of the small concrete path onto the black path, and putts away out of sight.
…He’s alone, again.
At his feet by the tree roots is a strange orange skin, curly and deflated looking. It smelled really fresh and sweet. Did it come off of the orange sphere?
And- all those cylinders in the yard were indeed full again.
Whoever that was, they kept up a constant supply of this strange outdoor sand food.
He looked at the scraps of orange and yellow material on the ground, then at the sphere. Were you supposed to take the outside of it off? How, though? It was pretty smooth, albeit sorta bumpy too. He didn't really have any claws like that person did, so he instead used his teeth to cut into it, though it was awfully sour and made his face scrunch up. Yuck!! What was that taste?? He spat out the now partially cooked strip of orange skin he'd managed to pull off the sphere and stuck out his tongue, wishing he could get the rest of the taste off of it.
Still, looking at the sphere again, it seemed there was indeed some kind of softer food of some kind inside it. He used his hands to peel off the rest of the skin, because like hell he was going to put that shit in his mouth again, and was left with some kind of soft, segmented orb. Actually, it split super easily along the segments too, and he was able to pull a piece off of it, which he cautiously tried.
It was still a bit tart, but not godawful sour like the skin was- instead it was kind of sweet and tangy, and juice came out when he chewed on it. Huh. Not bad! He tossed the rest of the orb into his mouth.
Unlike the sand, he'd probably be able to carry a few of these back to his hiding spot. And maybe some of the pebbles too. Keeping an eye on the black path just in case that blue truck came back, he reached up and pulled a few more of those orange spheres off the branches, tucking them in the crook of his arm, and tipping some more of those crunchy pebbles into his hand for later before fleeing back into the woods.
What a score! He'd have to remember how to get back there. It seemed like a pretty good food supply, and with only one person around to guard it!
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Good morning! If you have trouble getting the spoons to cook filling healthy meals (or wash the dishes that come with them) let me teach you my favorite breakfast! It’s sweet and delicious and is made of entirely prepackaged foods that you can buy in large quantities!
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Yogurt - can be plain, greek, or almond. I use the Walmart brand vanilla yogurt as it’s cheap and mild flavored, and it has a really smooth texture that’s good for my autism.
Granola - my favorite is Bear Naked cacao & cashew butter granola, which can be found at most stores, including Walmart and Target. It’s sweet and healthy :)
Almond slices (optional) - I use toasted but untoasted is fine too depending on the textures you like. These add a nice mild crunch. They can be substituted for other nuts but I believe the flavor of almonds specifically compliments the other ingredients.
Sweetened dried cranberries - I use the Walmart brand reduced sugar ones because they taste just as good and are for some reason really high in dietary fiber in comparison to the fully sweetened ones! The chewy texture really balances out the granola crunch.
And whatever kind of honey you like best :)
And you just mix ‘em together however you like! I use about 3-5 heaped spoons of yogurt, two fistfuls of granola (I have tiny hands tho), sprinkle of almonds, sprinkle of cranberries, and a generous drizzle of honey on top. You can add ground cinnamon too, if you like! Just be careful if you get overwhelmed by or feel sick from too much sugar.
This recipe is especially good because only the yogurt is semi-rapidly perishable and refrigerated. Almonds and cranberries and honey come in huge bulk amounts that’ll last you months pretty much, and the granola keeps a long time if stored properly. If time & energy & access to grocery store isn’t a problem, you can add grapes, sliced strawberries, and blueberries!
Nutritional breakdown for your convenience :)
Yogurt - the kind I use is low-fat, so it’s medium sugar content and some protein. As well as good vitamin A and calcium.
Granola - high unsaturated fat, which is really super good for you and necessary in your diet because your body can’t synthesize it! Also dietary fiber, low added sugar, and contains several minerals.
Almonds - also high unsaturated fat and dietary fiber! As well as good protein!
Cranberries - REALLY high dietary fiber, making this an excellent breakfast food. Definitely something you want to start your day with.
And honey’s kind of self explanatory, lol. IMO, it’s better to start the day with a dose of fructose than sucrose.
Important to note that if you’re a spoonie it’s best to rinse the bowl (if it’s a real dish and not paper) as soon as youre done eating, if possible, because the yogurt and honey can kinda dry on there and it’ll make dishes more work later. But if you rinse it while it’s still wet it comes right off, no hassle :)
I hope you enjoy ^-^
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rachellaurengray · 2 months
Top 10 Best Protein Bars for Every Workout Routine
When it comes to fueling your workout, protein bars are a convenient and effective solution. Whether you're aiming to build muscle, recover after a workout, or just need a quick snack, choosing the right protein bar can make a significant difference.
Here’s a list of the top 10 protein bars from HULKMEAL, complete with nutritional details to enhance your fitness journey:
1. Quest Protein Bars
Calories: 190
Protein: 20 grams
Carbs: 4 grams (net carbs)
Sugar: 1 gram
Features: Low in sugar, high in protein, and available in flavors like Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Peanut Butter Supreme. Ideal for muscle recovery and sustained energy.
2. Built Protein Bars
Calories: 180
Protein: 20 grams
Carbs: 21 grams
Sugar: 6 grams
Features: Soft, chewy texture with options such as Birthday Cake and Cookies and Cream. Perfect for a tasty, high-protein snack post-workout.
3. Grenade Protein Bars
Calories: 220
Protein: 20 grams
Carbs: 22 grams
Sugar: 9 grams
Features: Known for indulgent options and a crunchy texture. Options include Carb Killa Chocolate Mint and Birthday Cake. Great for balancing taste and nutrition.
4. Warrior Crunch Protein Bar (60g)
Calories: 250
Protein: 22 grams
Carbs: 21 grams
Sugar: 7 grams
Features: High in protein with a crunchy texture and rich flavors. Ideal for supporting muscle growth and recovery.
5. Love Good Fats Protein Bar (35-39g)
Calories: 190
Protein: 12 grams
Carbs: 11 grams
Sugar: 1 gram
Features: Low in sugar and high in healthy fats. Variations include Peanut Butter and Chocolate Mint. Great for maintaining energy without the sugar crash.
6. Snickers Protein Bar
Calories: 200
Protein: 19 grams
Carbs: 22 grams
Sugar: 10 grams
Features: Combines classic Snickers with protein. Perfect for those who crave something sweet yet nutritious.
7. Nugo Slim Protein Bars
Calories: 180
Protein: 15 grams
Carbs: 2 grams (net carbs)
Sugar: 1 gram
Features: Low-carb option suitable for keto diets, with options like Chocolate Mint and Brownie. Ideal for those on a low-carb lifestyle.
8. Chocorite Protein Bars
Calories: 160
Protein: 15 grams
Carbs: 10 grams
Sugar: 1 gram
Features: Delicious chocolate delight, ideal for a low-sugar, high-protein snack. Great for a post-workout treat or a quick energy boost.
9. Ross Chocolate Bars (34g)
Calories: 140
Protein: 10 grams
Carbs: 15 grams
Sugar: 10 grams
Features: Satisfying chocolate treat with a moderate amount of protein. Perfect for a nutritious snack.
10. Lenny & Larry's Complete Protein Bar with Cookies, Chocolate, Almond, Sea Salt (45g)
Calories: 200
Protein: 16 grams
Carbs: 22 grams
Sugar: 11 grams
Features: Combines the taste of cookies and chocolate with balanced protein content. Great for both pre- and post-workout.
Choosing the Right Protein Bar
When selecting a protein bar, consider your fitness goals, dietary needs, and taste preferences. Whether you're looking for a recovery option or a convenient snack, these top 10 HULKMEAL protein bars offer a range of benefits to help you stay on track with your fitness routine.
Explore these options and find the perfect protein bar to support your workout goals and satisfy your taste buds!
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willowcrowned · 2 years
top five delicious baked goods.
1. The sourdough double rolls the local German bakery makes. They’re always fresh and crunchy on the outside but soft on the inside with just the right amount of tang to make me go insane. If gluten didn’t hate me I would eat them at least three times a week
2. Mandelhörnchen from the same bakery. I adore sweets made from almond flour and mandelhörnchen are like. the perfect almond cookie to me. not too sweet, chewy with a bit of a crunch, and with the perfect almond taste.
3. Thumbprint cookies with raspberry jam. Can’t go wrong with a solid shortbread and some raspberry jam. Unless you can’t have dairy eggs or gluten, in which case you longingly think about them twice a month
4. Challah! But specifically one made with a sweeter, denser enriched dough and a golden brown crust, much to the dismay of my father (who likes his challah tasting like a basic white loaf and almost dark enough to be burned)
5. banana/zucchini bread. do I need to say anything else
+ an extra #6, which is my mom’s parve pesach orange cake. she does it with almond flour and orange zest and then drowns it in fresh squeezed orange juice after and it’s the perfect amount of sweet to have for breakfast before schul on the first and second days. last year she made a second one halfway through the week because it was gone so quickly
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40sandfabulousaf · 1 month
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大家好! Pa and I caught up for lunch at the Hong Kong food court. We ordered soya sauce chicken with a side of blanched choy sum in oyster sauce. Hokay, let's talk chicken breast because whether it's delicious depends on how it's prepared. Poached, steamed, simmered and sous vide usually leaves the meat somewhat tender and juicy; we enjoy this. Roasted or fried is just... gross; too tough and dry. Soya sauce chicken breast is delightful and one that we'll happily eat. Their choy sum is easily the star of the show; they were crunchy, fresh and mildly sweet. This meal is very delicious. I'll definitely be back to eat it again.
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Monday afternoon was scorching, so I headed to a Korean diner located in a nearby mall. I tried their warm soya sauce noodles with shredded carrot and cucumber, braised pork and seaweed, steamed eggs and a bottle of water. The meal came with a small cup of clear broth with some type of bean sprouts. Mmm, this was yummy! The soya sauce was slightly sweet and lightly but evenly coated the chewy, slurpable noodles. The veggies added crunch. Korean steamed eggs taste very different from chawan mushi, but they were pleasant. I'll be back to try their tofu soup and bibimbap.
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Tuesday afternoon was sunny and warm, but not as scorching, so I walked over to the newly renovated coffee shop 5 minutes away from home for Japanese stew. This time, I tried their Japanese chicken curry with rice and a side of cucumber salad. The tangy salad was very refreshing to eat when the weather is hot. As for the stew, there were potato, carrot and onions besides chicken. I would've preferred the potato to be softer; otherwise, it's hard to go wrong with Japanese curry. This meal was tasty, but I prefer the miso salmon stew. Still, I'll be back to try their other menu items.
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DL and RY joined ML, SC, MI and I to explore a new food court near the office. MI ordered white bee hoon (thin rice vermicelli) and DL had indian mixed dishes and rice. The rest of us made a beeline for the Korean food stall. I had their kimchi ramyeon, which came with either panko-coated fish or chicken. This tasted just average. It wasn't very nice and wasn't yucky, although the fish was quite crispy, the noodles were slurpable and there was a decent amount of vegetables. I would've preferred the broth to have a more robust kimchi flavour. I wouldn't go out of my way to return to this food stall, but don't mind trying what other stalls have to offer.
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The weekend is approaching, WOOHOO! I'm looking forward to the coming few weekends as there're some catch ups and perhaps a short getaway. I so need a break from work! Even as I look forward to unwinding and relaxing, my prayers are with the thousands of Palestinians suffering in Gaza. Never ever have I lost as much trust in human rights and the rules based order as I have over the course of this genocidal war. Not sure I'll ever believe in them again. 下次见!
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missguomeiyun · 1 year
Homecooking [July ed]
This is gonna be a super short post.............. >.<
I got the Korean pickled radish from Hmart - the large bag with the 4 large pieces so I paired it with various things.
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With jjajangmyeon, aka Korean black bean noodles. Traditionally, the yellow radish is always eaten with this bcos it offers a contrasting flavour & crunch to the soft, chewy noodles.
& yes! I added coarse salt & pepper to my noodles. It’s actually quite good with the black bean sauce haha
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Bcos we had several days where it was just sooooooo hot & I didn’t feel like anything .. so I added some of the radish to my cold noodles. I’ve done this before & I’m not sure why it’s not a thing.. . the broth I have is radish-based. It’s kinda sour, kinda sweet. .. it’s a very refreshing flavour. Adding some of the yellow radish just adds more to it. It enhances the broth’s flavour.
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“Home-version poke” consisting of cooked salmon, cherry tomatoes, yellow radish, the Costco tuna poke, & bean sprouts. Later added Korean tartar sauce as the sauce.
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Baby kimbaps that has 3 ingredients: Busan fish cake, yellow radish & rice. I seasoned the rice with some salt & that’s it.
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Another rice dish with the yellow radish lol omg I had 4 large chunks of it & it’s not like it can be frozen so I felt I was almost in a rush to finish it before it goes bad. This was just a stir-fry with chicken, bean sprouts, & lettuce. I added the radish & dried seaweed on top as a garnish.
The rest. .. majority was just sliced & eaten with whatever I had. I also made another cold noodle with the radish.
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Can’t remember if I have posted this. .. I got these Pretz cracker snacks when I was in Korea several yrs ago. I found them in the basement behind some shelf .. . not sure why they’re still around. But anyway, they are finally going *tear* these were soo good!!!
The blue one is Camembert Cheese & Pepper flavour; the red one is Spicy Shrimp. I wished these flavours were available here =(
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Air-fried half-chicken. Turned out well~
I cracked open a sea salt I got from Evoolution; the Lime Fresco one. It’s pretty good but I find you need to add a lot of it to taste its flavour.
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My last ox bone noodle ramyeon :’)
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I don’t normally buy these instant coffees but I’ve never seen this one before. I was curious as to how adding cold water can dissolve a coffee-based powder .. bcos you know, it’s usually you add hot water to dissolve instant coffee or hot chocolate, right? So I tried it with not just room temperature water, but fridged water haha it did dissolve! It took some time though. Like there were large clumps once you add the water but after stirring . .. they eventually all disappear :O  I added the recommended amount & it was way too sweet for me. What I do is I actually mix in instant black coffee in it too.
1. 1 tbsp instant black coffee; dissolve with a little bit of hot water.
2. Add cold water
3. Add 1 packet of the iced coffee powder
Basically. .... I use it as a sweetener lol! But you know, it has .. Timmy’s iced capp vibes on its own so I do recommend trying it if you like iced capp. 
On a side note, INTJ-A is a tough life!
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15 Best Pecan Recipes To Try Today
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Pecans are one of those ingredients that are incredibly easy to implement into a recipe, but they add so much more flavor and a tremendous amount of texture that there really aren’t many reasons not to use them. Their sweet nutty and buttery flavor is incredibly unique and works well with such a wide range of different foods that it can initially seem a little hard to know exactly where they work best. Luckily, we’ve got some delicious recipes that use pecans right here. Here are 15 of the tastiest and most appetizing recipes, from baked goods all the way to meat-filled salads, that all benefit from adding a few pecans into the mixture. 15 Best Pecan Recipes To Try Today 1. Pecan Pie Whether it’s as a simple dessert to finish off the day after a big and hefty meal, or as a crunchy party appetizer that you know everyone is going to love once they take that first bite, pecan pie is a buttery, sweet, and downright delicious pie recipe that can be made in just a few minutes. Be sure to add a wallop of whipped cream or ice cream to compliment the nutty texture of the pecans which cover the entire pie on both the outside and the inside. 2. Turtle Cookies The core of turtle cookies is made from the delightful pairing of chocolate chip (see also "How To Make Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Cake"), caramel pieces, and pecans, making each cookie extremely soft and chewy, rather than ever being too stale or a little hard to chew on. An entire batch can be made in just a few minutes, so feel free to whip them up as a dessert for guests to enjoy after evening dinner, or just as a surprise for the entire family to snack on later in the day. 3. Butter Pecan Chicken The key to this recipe is cooking the chicken until it’s nice and juicy before then brushing it over with butter which will make the texture as creamy as possible, before then adding chicken broth, brown sugar, honey, thyme, and of course, a few pecans while it’s still in the pan. Heating up pecans gives them an even crunchier texture and a lovely nutty aroma that goes so well with chicken, and to make things even better, you can use any kind of chicken you want for this recipe, whether it’s breast, thighs, or even wings, the choice is entirely up to you. 4. Caramel Pecan Pie Cheesecake Bars Looking for a bite-size pecan recipe that is still packed full of that nutty and slightly buttery flavor that so many of us can’t get enough of? Try out these pecan pie cheesecake bars which use a graham cracker crust to add even more crunch to the recipe and a cheesecake filling topped off with pecans to make for one of the tastiest Thanksgiving and fall desserts out there. 5. Pecan Pie Brownies Pecan pie brownies are a fan favorite when it comes to crunchy desserts since they manage to still maintain the dark and chewy texture of the brownies while still having a little more firmness and a whole new level of sweetness added to the flavor thanks to the pecans which are added to the recipe. The good news is they can be made in huge batches in just a handful of minutes, making them perfect as a tasty dessert to enjoy after family dinner, and even better as a seasonal treat for everyone to enjoy to celebrate the holidays. 6. Butter Pecan Layer Cake Butter and pecans really are the perfect pairing when it comes to making a smooth and delicious dessert, and there’s no better way to combine the two than as part of a large and filling cake. The vanilla extract in this recipe helps to enhance the flavors even more, alongside adding a tremendous amount of sweetness to the frosting that rests on top. The amount of pecans you add will depend on how crunchy you want the cake to be, though the more you put in, the sweeter and nuttier the overall taste and texture will be. 7. Maple-Pecan Pork Chops It’s not only baked goods and desserts that pecans pair well with, but they are also a fantastic addition to many meat dishes, especially pork which tends to be a lot firmer and a little chewier than many other types of meat, and perfect for layering over with pecans. This recipe also smothers the chops in apple juice and maple syrup to make the overall taste as sweet as it can be, putting a mouthwatering spin on the basic pork chop recipe that so many of us are accustomed to by this point. 8. Roasted Beets, Plums & Pecan Salad While this recipe does use beetroot which, for some people, can be a little too strong and potent in its taste, the sweet and fruity plums, alongside the sweet aroma of the pecans even the whole recipe out to make it one of the tastiest salads you can try. If you wanted to turn this into a seasonal feast, you can even add some meat into the mix with lamb usually being the best type to use (see also "15 Best Ground Lamb Recipes To Try Today"). 9. Marrow Cake The combination of grated marrow and pecans really is a joy on the taste buds, but they both taste even better when used as ingredients in a sponge cake to keep the texture moist while also adding just a small amount of crunchiness. When topped with soft cheese frosting, this cake becomes one of the creamiest and most delightful that you can make (see also "Best Mini Bundt Cake Recipes"), and is a perfect recipe to whip up when you want to enjoy something light and refreshing that still makes use of crunchy pecans. 10. Butter Pecan Cookies Soft, crumbly, and a pure joy to bite into, these cookies can be made in just 15 minutes and use a delightful mixture of unsalted butter, vanilla extract, and pecans to make some of the most addictive cookies you’ve ever tried. Make sure to make a few batches of these small snacks as you can be sure people will be asking for seconds after that first bite. 11. Candied Pecans This is a recipe that you can guarantee the kids, and anyone with a sweet tooth is going to love. The pecans in this recipe are covered with a sticky caramel coating and then sprinkled with a dash of flaky sea salt to make the overall flavor as sweet and delicious as possible (see also "How To Make Hawaiian Sea Salt And Palm Sugar Caramel"). If you’re a little short on time and want to make use of some leftover pecans in a fun and creative way, these candied pecans are the perfect recipe. 12. Apple-Honey Pecan Muffins When muffins are toasted, they already gain a slightly more crunchy texture than usual, so by adding in a few pecans, it adds even more crunchiness and a nutty aroma to the overall taste, not to mention the honey and apples help to give these muffins a very light and refreshing taste that goes down so well in the warmer months. 13. Pecan Brie Brulee If you want a snack that’s a little saltier but still offers that nutty taste and texture from the pecans, this brie brulee recipe is made up of a medley of different ingredients to make each and every bite and explosion of flavor, especially due to the chile past which is layered across the bread (see also "How To Make Cherry Beer Bread"). On top of this, these small and bite-size snacks can be made in no time at all, making them the perfect treat to serve up at a party while they’re still warm, or even just as a late-night snack when you want something small but still very satisfying. 14. Mini Pecan Monkey Bread Loaves If you’ve never tasted monkey bread before, it is known for being soft, sweet, and sticky and consists of very small balls of dough coated in butter, sugar, and cinnamon. When you sprinkle a few toasted pecans over these loaves, it creates one of the most delightful bitesize snacks that you can make in just a few minutes. Ginger is also used in this recipe to add a tiny hint of spiciness to the overall flavor, making for an incredibly unique taste that really does need to be tasted to be believed. 15. Butter Pecan Sundae When used as part of a sundae, pecans help to add some much-needed texture to the creaminess to give you something to chew down on, and since it can be whipped up in just half an hour, you won’t want to miss out on preparing this recipe when the temperatures start to rise. Summary If you’re looking for an easy way to include some extra pecans into a delicious and fulfilling recipe, these are 15 of the tastiest that you need to try out for yourself today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFbVjrn1PPE #food #foodporn #foodie #instafood #foodphotography #foodstagram #yummy #foodblogger #foodlover #instagood #love #delicious #follow #like #healthyfood #homemade #dinner #foodgasm #tasty #photooftheday #foodies #restaurant #cooking #lunch #picoftheday #bhfyp #foodpics #instagram #healthy #chef Read the full article
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carlosbakery · 2 years
Deep-Fried Deserts
Deep Fried Desserts are the best of both worlds: sweet and savory. Fried desserts are a new trend in the dessert world. Deep-fried desserts are a delicious way to end any meal, especially when you want something sweet and crunchy. Following are some deep-fried desserts:
Deep-Fried Oreos
If you love Oreos, then you'll love Deep-Fried Oreos. Deep-Fried Oreos are a fun and delicious treat for any occasion. The crunchy exterior gives way to a soft, warm cookie center that will please anyone wanting something sweet. No matter the occasion, this is always the perfect treat to share with friends and family.
Fried Ice Cream
Fried Ice Cream is the perfect dessert for a hot summer day. It's like your favorite ice cream treat but even better. It's made with any ice cream and premium ingredients and has just the right amount of crunch on the outside and creamy goodness on the inside, and is served with sprinkles on top or a choice of dipping sauce. Fried ice cream is a fun and unique dessert for any occasion.
Deep-Fried Peach Cobbler
This Deep-Fried Peach Cobbler is absolutely delicious. It has the perfect combination of tart and tangy canned peaches, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice that gives it a delicious flavor. The crust is flaky and buttery and will make you want more, serve it with vanilla ice cream for an extra indulgent dessert worth the calories.
Fried Donut Holes
Fried donut holes are a classic. These classic donut holes are quick and easy to make, plus they taste heavenly. These are the perfect treat for kids' birthday parties and summer picnics.
Deep-Fried Cookie Dough
Deep-Fried Cookie Dough is your go-to dessert and is the perfect mix of decadent and delicious. Each bite has the right amount of dough, sugar, and chocolate chips to please even the pickiest eater.
Fried Rosette Snowflake Cookies
The perfect sweet treat for the winter holidays, fried snowflake cookies are a delicious and easy-to-make holiday treat. These cookies are easy to make, with a crunchy outside and chewy inside. Perfect for snacking or decorating at your holiday parties, these cookies are sure to please all ages.
Funnel Cake
Funnel Cake is the tasty treat of your childhood dreams. It's the perfect accompaniment to any occasion, whether celebrating your child's birthday or just hanging out with friends. They are made by pouring batter into hot cooking oil in a circular pattern and deep frying the overlapping mass until golden brown. Each cake is hand poured and cooked in hot oil to create a light, fluffy texture that's crispy on the outside and tender inside. Servey them with powdered sugar and sprinkle them with your choice of toppings, like blueberries and whipped cream.
Deep Fried Apples
Who doesn't love the classic treat of fried apples? Apples are hand-selected and sliced, then dipped in a batter and deep-fried until crisp. Enjoy them with vanilla ice cream; you can't go wrong. Whether you're having a party or just looking for a sweet treat after dinner, this will not disappoint.
Fried Twinkies
Fried Twinkies are a delicious treat perfectly suited to your next party, family gathering, or everyday snacking. It is light, spongy, and sweet on the inside and crunchy on the outside - these delicious fried treats are sure to please any sweet tooth.
 BUDDY VALASTRO is a fourth-generation baker born into a business owned & operated by his parents. Countless hours were spent in the bakery where his father, Buddy Sr., a master baker, taught Buddy everything about baking and running a business. Carlo's Bakery bakes wedding cakes, specialty cakes, and delicious Italian pastries which have become a household name. Contact us for more information on best online bakery or online bakery delivery.
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tonkiink · 2 years
Cinnamon toast crunch creamer
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If you love caramel corn, then go ahead and try the popcorn but I would skip the granola bar altogether unless you want a sugar overload. Similarity to cereal: 10/10 The Cinnamon Toast CaboodleĪfter trying all of these Cinnamon Toast Crunch-inspired treats, I can safely say that the creamer and snacking mix should be on your grocery list. This mix tastes just like the original cereal. It's super crunchy and the vanilla Chex Mix adds a great variation to the otherwise one-note flavor. This mix comes with the cereal itself, mini churros, and vanilla Chex Mix. I had to stop myself from eating the whole bag in one sitting. Similarity to cereal: 9/10 The Snacking Mix Juliana Morcos This is definitely the closest I've come to my coffee tasting like it's from Starbucks (and I've tried a lot of stuff). Just a splash of this stuff in your coffee and you will have the perfect cinnamon, fall-tasting beverage. Ok coffee lovers, I think I've found the perfect creamer. Similarity to Cereal: 6/10 The Creamer Juliana Morcos You could have told me this was plain caramel corn and I would have believed you. The only critique that I must give this popcorn is a lack of cinnamon flavor. It gives the perfect crunch and sweetness with lots of sweet, delicious flavors. If you love caramel corn, you have to try this. Browse our wide selection of Coffee Creamer for Delivery or Drive Up & Go to pick up. Make sure you know your serving size or else you may go over your planned intake and exit ketosis. Math equation: 26 - 9 17 IMPORTANT: Net carbs are per serving. Similarity to Cereal: 5/10 The Popcorn Juliana Morcos Shop Coffee mate Cinnamon Toast Crunch Creamer - 32 Fl. Example: A product with 26 grams of total carbohydrates and 9 grams of fiber will have 17 grams net carbs. The texture was soft and chewy, which is about the only positive I can say about this one. If you are someone who loves sweet things you might love this, but I found that the cinnamon flavor was overpowered by the super sweet glaze. Toast the bread for about 4 minutes until that side is caramelized and slightly toasted. When the pan is hot, place the bread with the buttered side down. Heat a non-stick pan over medium - medium high heat. Granola Bars Juliana Morcosīeing a granola bar fan, I was really excited about this product. Coffee-Mate just announced two new creamer flavors that are reminiscent of childhood treats: General Mills’ Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal and Pillsbury’s Funfetti Cake. Spread an even, thin layer of cinnamon sugar butter on the other side, making sure to get the edges as well. To judge these products, I looked at the overall flavors and ingredients, personal dislikes and a rating of how similar it is to the original cereal. I was pleasantly surprised to see such a diversity of products inspired by Cinnamon Toast Crunch. As someone who grew up loving this sweet breakfast treat, I decided to pick up as many Cinnamon Toast Crunch products that I could find and see how they taste. If you have ever walked around your local Publix, you have probably seen the many different products inspired by the classic cereal, Cinnamon Toast Crunch. With Coffee mate non-dairy coffee creamer, you can create your perfect cup of goodness by adding the right amount of flavor you want every time-morning, noon, or night.By adding your email you agree to get updates about Spoon University Healthier That's why we teamed up with Cinnamon Toast Crunch to give you exactly what you crave-sweet and cinnamon deliciousness right in your cup. We all know the best part about a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal is drinking all the leftover cinnamon milk. Transform the coffee you like into the coffee you love with Coffee mate Cinnamon Toast Crunch flavored coffee creamer. That's why we teamed up with Cinnamon toast crunch to give you exactly what you crave - sweet and cinnamon deliciousness right in your cup. New! We all know the best part about a bowl of Cinnamon toast crunch cereal is drinking all the leftover cinnamon milk. Nutritional Compass: Nestle - Good food, good life. Per 1 Tbsp: 35 calories 0 g sat fat (0% DV) 5 mg sodium (0% DV) 5 g total sugars.
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oursweetlife · 2 years
Triple Chocolate Chip Chewy Cookies
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Welcome to my kitchen Foodies!!!
Oh yum!! What’s that decadent smell?.... 
That’s right foodies, I’ve got cookies in the oven!
I’ve been searching for the perfect cookie recipe for ages!! This little treasure popped out from a pile of discarded recipes and after making it once, I have never looked back.
This rich cookie recipe is my all-time favourite! With just the right amount crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside, it’s sure to be the go-to recipe in any cookie-lover's book.  
While the original recipe calls for dark, milk and white chocolate slabs, I’ve been chopping up slabs of whatever chocolate I could find in the house, and it creates the best flavour combinations! I once used chunks of mini-Snickers. Oh man! The extra chewy factor with the caramel was to die for!  
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Let me show you step by step how I put these babies together. Come bake with me!  
(take a sneak peak at the recipe at the bottom of the page)
Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius
Chop up chocolate slabs into chunks. I like mine slightly larger, for the extra crunch when you bite in. Here I have a milky bar slab, dairy milk slab, and a hearty scoop of Belgian chocolate chips:
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3.  Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. I like to chop up the butter into blocks.  
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4.  Your creamed butter and sugar should look like this.
 Crack in your egg:
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5.  Measure out dry ingredients into a bowl. Here, I have Belgian cocoa powder and stone-ground cake flour. 
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6.  Add in dry ingredients little by little to avoid messy flour explosions!
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7. Your dough shouldn’t stick to your fingers when you touch it. If the dough is a bit dry, you can add in a dash of milk at this stage. The richness of the colour will depend on the quality of the cocoa powder you use.
8.  It’s time for chocolate chips! Mix those in there for an even distribution.  
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9.  Next, we line our trays with baking paper, and roll the dough into balls.  Using roughly  a heaped tablespoon for each cookie I was able to yield around 30 cookies.    
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10. I like to press my dough down slightly for a better spread when baking:
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11.   So, 11 minutes later... Look at these 2 trays of heavenly cookies!! Leave these to cool for about 30 minutes. This helps them to harden enough for that chewy goodness. If you are like me and can’t wait to dig in, they’re  pretty good straight out of the oven!
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12. Cold milk and cookies...I won’t be available for a while. Have fun making them and enjoy them with your families(or alone... I won’t judge ;) )
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Trust me, you can’t make these just once!
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You can depend on me for great food and great vibes. I’m always serious about food. Lets Eat, Drink and Love.
Find me at the grub hub, and get a taste of Our Sweet Life. 
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tastesoftamriel · 3 years
Hello again, Talviel! Today I come to you with not a logistical question, but simply;
What are the best "food on a stick, cooked over an open fire" dishes you've come across in your travels? It's one of my favorite ways to eat, so I'd love to hear about some interesting new things I could try!
Radiant regards,
Rowan Redmane
Dear Rowan,
Luckily for you, there is quite an array of foods on sticks across Tamriel, as everyone enjoys the portability of skewer snacks (also good for  impaling skeevers when you're done). These are few of my favourites!
While eating with your hands is generally frowned upon in Summerset, sticking your food onto a skewer is a good way to avoid greasing your fingers while still maintaining that carefully crafted air of casual dining. However, there aren't particularly any fire/stick dishes that really stand out in Altmeri cuisine compared to the other races, as it's really not the preferred dining format. I really love a type of sweet, cherry blossom-infused chilled rice cake that's stuffed with creamy centres with flavours like black sesame, almonds, and red bean paste. It's a delicious dessert on the go, but it is very chewy, so try not to run while eating...
If there's one race that's a master of the skewer, it's definitely the Argonians. From frog legs to seafood and stuffed flowers, nothing beats a good barbecue in Black Marsh. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by a witchetty grub and cricket skewer I had in Lilmoth recently, which were cooked over a coal grill after a good marinade in chili paste. The insects were seasoned with a delicious mix of local spices, and packed the right amount of crunch while still being tender and flavourful.
Skewers in Valenwood are generally made from metal or bone, as dead wood makes for brittle sticks. I am slightly obsessed with the goat meat satay from Marbruk, which packs loads of flavour from local seasonings like torchbug treacle sauce and pork scratching salt. The meat is perfectly charred on the outside, juicy inside, and very flavourful.
The Bretons make one of my favourite childhood desserts: doughnuts on sticks. I'm not talking about those grotesque, giant things with holes in them when I say doughnuts- these are small round beauties that are sometimes stuffed with things like chocolate or jam before deep frying. They're then dusted with cinnamon sugar, and stacked six per stick. So simple, but so delightfully fluffy!
Since the Argonians made the list with bugs on sticks, I'm going to try something a little same-same-but-different for the Dark Elves. I personally really enjoy kwama egg bites, which are bits of boiled kwama egg that's dipped into a nix-hound meat batter and cooked in a pan until crisp. They're usually drizzled with saltrice vinegar, a bit of melted scuttle, and topped with crispy hackle-lo nori.
Coastal Cyrodiil is home to some of the best seafood in all of Tamriel, and it invariably got put on sticks. I really love a plain old seafood skewer with the freshest king prawns, swordfish, scallops, and squid. What sets it apart, though, is the final dressing of a spicy-sweet lemon barbecue sauce and a dash of smoked powdered deer penis for flavour. What? It's traditional 3E Cyrodiilic cuisine!
Elsweyr is one of my favourite places to eat, because every meal from finger-foods to opulent banquets are always perfectly balanced perfection. I'm a huge fan of the fresh, hot egg waffles that come on sticks with a gooey moon sugar syrup dip. The waffles are bubble-shaped, with a crispy exterior and a fluffy, sweet centre. While I love my Breton doughnuts, Khajiiti egg waffles are a very close second.
Everyone knows about the honey nut treat, but nobody pays attention to poor old fried rabbit meatballs these days! Seasoned rabbit mince is shaped into small balls and skewered, before being fried in lard until golden brown on the outside. It doesn't sound like much, but visit The Bee and Barb for a taste of this true Skyrim snack (even more authentic with a snowberry dipping sauce)!
Were you expecting me to say meat, or radishes? Surprise, it's both! At a recent visit to Dushnikh Yal, they'd just broken out the previous year's durzog-and-echatere sausage, which we cooked on sticks over a fire along with radishes and sweet potatoes. I could have said "grilled pears on sticks for dessert", which we did indeed have, but where's the excitement in that unless someone's pear catches fire?
No, I'm not going to suggest goat again. Instead, I'm going to rave about the amazing king crab and mantis shrimp skewers I had in Stros M'Kai recently, which were grilled over a coconut-coal fire, giving the seafood a truly delightful aroma. The seafood was cooked in their shells on sharp metal skewers, and came with a coriander and calamansi lime salsa for dipping. Truly mouthwatering stuff.
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Baking Confessions
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Theme: best friends au, drabble
Genre: fluffy
WC: 808
Pairing: Lee Yongbok (Felix) x Gn!Reader
a/n: Hiii, just a little drabble of the reader sharing their favourite hobby together with Felix aka baking. But something impromptu happened 🤭
“Y/N, do you want walnuts in the cookies?” Felix asked from across the kitchen whilst you were busy mixing the wet ingredients together in the large bowl. “No thank you. But if you have macadamia nuts, that’ll be great!” You giggled, hearing him rummage through his cabinets of his baking stash.
You had your back facing him only to saunter over to you with two bags of semi-sweet chocolate chips and macadamia nuts. “You’re welcome.” He said, grinning as he shook the bag of macadamia nuts in your peripheral vision, causing you to laugh.
He measured the flour and baking soda before he scooped them into the mixing bowl in small amounts. You continued to stir it around using the hand mixer, letting him add the dry ingredients. However, on the last scoopful of flour, Felix accidentally poured it onto the beaters.
As expected, this made the flour flying all over, coating both yours and Felix’s aprons.
“Oh shit. Sorry.” He chuckled as you turned off the mixer to clean the table top. You told him it’s okay, knowing he didn’t do it on purpose. You weren’t pissed. Nor were you annoyed. You just didn’t like creating a big mess when you bake.
He went to take a damp rag and proceeded to wipe the table top while you swept the floor off the flour residue.
After the space was clean again, you resumed mixing the batter but he noticed the small frown on your face. He felt bad thinking it was his fault for the mess. “Are you angry?” His voice was quiet as you whipped your head to him and your frown immediately ceased from your face.
“What? No! No, Lix I’m not! What makes you think so?” You asked.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t being careful.”
“Lix, I’m not angry.” You reassured him as you laughed, cupping his face for a quick second before turning your attention back to the batter.
Felix couldn’t lie, in all the years he’s been your friend, every small skin ship you made to him be it hugging him, cupping his face endearingly, holding his hand when you got scared, hiding behind him when you got dragged to watch a scary movie.
All of it makes his heart skip a beat.
Similarly to the few seconds ago, except, he simply hides the flush on his face by busying himself on keeping the ingredients back in his cabinets.
After nearly an hour later, your creations were done and the freshly baked aroma of chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies wafted through the air in his cosy apartment. You basked in the sweet scent as you took the last batch of cookies out of the oven to let them cool down.
“Mmm, we’re definitely the best baking duo out there.” You smiled in victory, earning a soft laugh from him. He took one of the cookies from the earlier batch and took a bite of it.
You followed right after, feeling the crunch from the edges of the cookie and the chewy centre melt in your mouth. “This is probably the best recipe I’ve tried yet!” He exclaimed excitedly.
“Well, now you know what recipe to use to win my heart.” Felix froze as his smile slowly dropped. He had been so afraid of telling you his true feelings. Scared of ruining what you already had with him. He definitely wouldn’t imagine this day to come, not anytime soon at least.
“Do you not want to?”
“H-Huh?! No! I mean y-yeah! I… huh?” You giggled as you used the back of your hand to cover your mouth when you laugh, a small habit of yours that he’s grown used to love.
“You’re really cute when you’re flustered.” You said, making him blush. Felix could only turn his head away, wanting to avoid your eyes. But you made it even harder for him when you leaned in to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m still waiting for you to ask me out properly.” You whispered, causing him to turn to you in a flash but immediately regretted it when he realized that your face was no more than an inch away. For some reason, with how confident you were suddenly being, he got the strength to be brave and just do it while he still could.
With that being said, he gently pressed his lips against yours, feeling you melt against him almost instantly. He tasted sweet from the cookie he just ate. You got drunk in his kiss as he snaked his arms around your waist.
He was the first to pull away, not forgetting to ask the question he’s been dying to know your answer to.
“Can I take you out on a date this weekend? A proper one at that.”
“I’d love to.”
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
Happy Valentine’s Day y’all! Here’s all the boys favorite chocolates ;)
Sans: he likes white recess peanut butter cups. They’re like normal peanut butter cups but better
Papyrus: he’s not normally a sweets guy but papyrus would definitely appreciate something homemade. Or one of those chocolates with the cherries in the middle
Star: literally anything but classic heresy kisses are always good
Honey: he knows how to make some seriously good chocolates himself. He even has the molds for fancy shapes. Honey likes plain milk with sea salt
Red: both the fell brothers are chocoholics. Red loves anything kinder. The sweeter the better
Edge: he adores dark chocolate. Add some minty or orange undertones and you’ll get to see his pleased blush as he eats
Mal: Kit Kat’s. He likes the crunch and the simplicity. Mal will take personal offense from anyone who bites thier Kit Kat’s from the middle
Cash: he’s like 0% sweet tooth, but cash can appreciate a dark chocolate bar with chili. But only the mouth burning stuff. If there’s no kick he won’t be interested
Oak: literally all of it, but the bigger the better. Toblerones are a good choice
Willow: harder chocolates can hurt his teeth sometimes but willow does like chocolate pastries.
Charm: funny enough, chocolate cake is his least favorite type of chocolate. His favorite form of it is in ice cream or pudding
Sugar: chocolate cake. Specifically the ones that charm makes
Lord: he’s not too much of a sweet tooth either but lord does appreciate chocolate covered strawberries. It’s just the right amount of fruit and sweet
Mutt: he’ll eat trail mix that is like 80% M&Ms when he’s feels the cravings hit
Wine: his taste for fancy things does not extend to his taste in food. Wine loves tootsie rolls.
Coffee: his favorite food is ice cream, so naturally coffee’s favorite form of chocolate is chocolate ice cream. Paired with a coffee flavored scoop of course
Pop: he just really loves snickers bars. Chewy and filling! Plus they’re easy to hide in places.
Rythm: he likes mint patties a ton. Rythm loved tha chocolate paired with the mint together, plus it has a nice aftertaste
Pluto: chocolate pocky! Or any sort of chocolate cracker. Pocky has a good shape though
Jupiter: he also likes those massive toberlone sticks. It’s like a chocolate bar and a weapon all in one!
Peaches: chocolate pudding pie with Oreos and bananas and walnuts. Yeaaaasssssssss
Rancher: he secretly really loves chocolate milk. He makes it when he’s tired
G: literally anything that isn’t cash’s death bars. G can’t handle spice lol. He prefers milk and white over dark chocolate
Green: he likes chocolate covered almonds. Green actually just likes the almonds mostly.
Snipe: same as sans except he prefers the milk chocolate peanut butter cups. When the Christmas tree versions come out, snipe will buy them in bulk
Bruiser: also anything that isn’t cash’s death bars. In fact, if it’s not a name brand, bruiser won’t touch the chocolate bar. He’s been pranked too many times
Ace: he like chocolate buttons. Especially the cute pastel colored ones
Slim: he’s not an amazing cook like basil or honey, but slim can make yummy if a bit wonky looking chocolates. He likes milk with a little hint of honey
Butch: his favorite chocolate thing is specifically and only thin mint Girl Scout cookies. There’s one seriously brave 11 year old that will hook him up with the good stuff every year. Butch is her best customer
Boss: he’s also a big time dark chocolate lover. Boss loves the coffee cream ones. He’s also the only mafia brother who’s allowed to snag some of butchs thin mints
Rust: he is but a simple man. Twix. He loves Twix
Noir: being best friends with coffee means that you must also become an ice cream addict. So noir also loves chocolate ice cream. But only the dark stuff
Lilac: basil is the best chocolate maker besides charm of course. So lilac is super spoilt. He’s gotten a taste for all kinds of fancy truffles with fruity creams.
Basil: he likes them fruity. His favorite is milk with either orange or raspberry cream
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aradeia · 3 years
This month, I've made two batches of M&M cookies that were so good, I'm going to write the recipe out here. The batter is mostly the same as I'd use for chocolate chip cookies-- the only difference is that M&Ms replace the chocolate chips. M&Ms have a bit of crunch to them that chocolate chips don't have, and that's what makes these cookies so fun.
This recipe is adapted from a NYT Cooking recipe. It's just that their recipe uses so much butter and sugar that I don't find necessary, so I've cut back on both here.
Recipe under the cut!
M&M Cookies
1 stick of butter, melted
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg
3 cups of almond flour, added cup by cup
1 tsp baking soda
up to 1 tsp of cinnamon
1 bag of M&Ms
To start, melt one stick of butter and pour it into a large mixing bowl. Add the 1/4 cup of brown sugar and the 1/4 cup of white sugar, then whisk the butter and sugar to combine.
Next add the egg, the salt, and the vanilla. Whisk or stir to combine. From here, add the almond flour 1 cup at a time to make it easier to stir in. With the first cup, add in the baking soda and cinnamon. While you don't have to add the cinnamon, I think a dash of cinnamon adds some warmth that I really like.
Note: after you've fully stirred in the second cup of almond flour, if the batter seems too dry, you don't have to add a full third cup.
Once you've stirred in all the almond flour, pour in as much of 1 bag of M&Ms as you like and fold them in. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil, and scoop even portions (maybe 1/8 to 1/4 cup in size). On the tray, press into each ball of batter to flatten it a little. Bake at 350F for 20-22 minutes. You'll get about 15-20 cookies, and they come out buttery and just the right amount of chewy.
Note: don't be afraid to take them out while they still seem a little soft. They'll keep baking on the tray. These are not supposed to be crispy cookies.
Even if you don't have to eat gluten free, you should really experiment with almond flour. It has such a nice flavor, which is why you don't have to use that much sugar here. There are other flavors to taste than just sweet.
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imjusthereforbatfam · 3 years
Never-Ending Encore, ch. 9
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter Summary: See, the problem with meta healing or whatever the heck it’s called is that people get all weird when you have NO idea how your cut is "doing". This is, apparently, especially true with vigilantes with expressive voices and an apparent soft spot for actresses who are bad liars.
(Alternatively: Author’s outline gets shot, shanked, and thrown out a goddamn window cuz Jason and Eden can’t stop fucking talking to each other. Ends happily but the level of character mutiny here is fucking flabbergasting.)
Warnings: Minor swearing, minor panic attack symptoms
“Or what?”
“Or you’re not getting any Mad Mountain Fudge.”
Red Hood put his hands up in mock surrender, making Eden chuckle as she set the fudge down on the counter. Pulling out a sharp knife, she carved out a small, bite-sized piece of the fudge. A pleased sound escaped her as soon as it hit her tongue.
Mad Mountain Fudge was easily the most difficult fudge she knew how to make, and there’d been plenty of failed attempts when she was younger. Too many marshmallows making it too sticky and sweet, the caramel turning crispy when she added it to the heat too soon, too much peanut butter, not enough nuts, burned the chocolate, and so on. Eden rarely fudged it up anymore – pun intended – but it had been a while since making a batch.
Luckily, the tricky fudge came out a perfect blend of savory and sweet, firm and smooth, chewy but with the right amount of crunch. It was worthy of a hero who had… well, not really saved her life… More like… put up with her nonsense while thinking he was saving her life.
Honestly, that Red Hood had gone out of his way for her at all was worthy of a thank-you in her eyes. But the spark of light he’d brought back into her life? The small pearls of joy? That was what had earned him this particular thank you.
Eden cut herself another piece of the spectacular fudge and did a little dance as she savored the taste.
“That good, huh?”
She smiled guiltily at Red Hood, who watched her comfortably from his chair against the wall, the jaw of his helmet resting against his fist, then went to work cutting the fudge.
“It’s my favorite,” she told him shyly. “It’s lots of folks’ favorite, actually. Even the ones who can’t stand my family come buy some when they hear we have it in stock. Even the Henricksens do,” she grinned, “and they hate us.”
“Even you?” The idea seemed almost amusing to him.
“Actually…” Eden half-grimaced. “If we're being honest, I’m pretty sure they hate me more than anybody…”
Red Hood went quiet. Eden glanced at him curiously. His surprise and disbelief were evident in the stiff way he leaned toward her.
“No way,” he said firmly.
“Yes way,” she nodded.
It was their youngest son’s fault. The first part of it, at least. But Eden tried not to think about it.
Not about what Chris might’ve done to Kit and the other patrons in his drunken, angry, heartbroken state. Not about what had happened in the diner’s parking lot when she tried to stop him. Not about what he and his slimey little friends were going to do to hide her body.
The muscles of her stomach let off small spurts of pain. The center of her forehead, the back of her skull, and everything in-between throbbed angrily. Such flare-ups, the distant yet far-too-close echoes of what had once killed her, were the only kinds of scars she had.
At the base of her neck, an uncomfortable intensity grew. If she thought about it too much, if she pictured the moments before he murdered her, the urge would be too strong to fight. It would set… something off.
Her body would twitch and jerk, exploding with the memory of those long-healed wounds. Her mind splintered between the dying, the coming back, and the now while her heart shot between beating too much and not beating at all at a breakneck speed.
Thankfully, it – whatever it was – didn’t last long and only happened when she thought of that death. But what those… episodes lacked in longevity and frequency, they made up for in excruciating pain. And terror. After seeing it for the first time, Eli, her newest “sibling”, said she looked like a broken puppet, tangled-up strings all being pulled at once. Mikey, her youngest “brother”, once told her it was like a nightmare happening in real life.
She didn’t want to deal with that right now. She didn’t want to feel that. She tried to fight the intensity off. Refocus on the present. On Red Hood sitting at her kitchen table. From lounging in his chair to sitting upright. His head shifting while he considered her.
Not Chris Henricksen. Not the gun. Not the pain. Not the fear. No, no, no. None of that.
Only here. Only now.
In her apartment.
In Gotham City.
With Red Hood.
“You’re not kidding,” the vigilante muttered.
Eden jumped at the sound. She blinked at him, still trying to bring herself back.
“No,” she said softly. “I’m not. They really do hate me.”
“Why?” he asked with surprising gentleness. “What happened?”
Eden turned her gaze, her face warming. “I’d… rather not talk about it if you don’t mind,” she mumbled. “It’s not very… It’s not a very… pleasant topic.”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course.”
She tried to give him a grateful smile, but the heaviness weighed it down. She pulled a small plate out of the cupboard, focusing on that instead.
“So, uh.” He made a particularly ear-grating sound. Maybe clearing his throat? “Your family,” he tried. “They run some kind of store?”
She nodded. “A bakery,” she told him, setting a few small pieces of fudge on the plate. “We’ve had it since I was knee-high to a duck.”
He stared at her. “To a what?”
“To… To a duck? You know… Like knee-high to a grasshopper, but with a duck?” Despite not being able to see his face, Eden had a good sense he’d never heard either saying. “Er, it, uh…” She rotated her hand a few times, trying to help the gears in her brain move. “It just means since I was really little. Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he reminded her. “But, hey,” he said brightly, “at least it makes sense now why you like baking bread and cookies and shit in the middle of the night. And I'll bet growing up in a bakery was pretty nice. Did you get to sample all the goods before they got put out?”
Eden couldn’t help smiling at his attempts to lighten the mood. “Not all the time, but Mama always let me have a taste of the special batches.” She walked over with the plate of fudge and set it in front of him. “Speaking of which, have a taste, Mr. Hood.”
“Oh.” He stared at it. “Yeah. About that.” He looked up at her, pointing to his sleek helmet.
She snorted. “Don’t worry, I'm not going to look,” she promised. “I’d just like you to try some before I pack it up.”
Red Hood responded with stiff silence, making Eden wonder if the request was inappropriate.
“No pressure, of course!” she quickly assured him. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. I’ll eat them if you don’t.”
A little too eagerly, she plucked a piece of fudge off the plate and popped it into her mouth. Chewing slowly, she smiled as the fudge began to melt in her mouth. She went for another piece, but Red Hood seized the plate and moved it further away from her.
“I thought this was supposed to be my fudge, Cookie Girl,” he reminded her.
“Oh—” Eden let out a little half-laugh. “Right. Sorry about that.”
She turned on her heel and started yammering about the bakery to give him some sense of privacy. While she spoke, she grabbed a clean plastic container to pack the fudge in, making sure her head was angled as far away from her kitchen table as possible.
Eventually, while she worked, there was a small, mechanical-like sound followed by a soft hiss. Eden kept blabbering, trying to ignore it. A moment later, there was another sound, low and pleased. A completely undistorted sound.
Eden quieted, not quite believing her ears, and another hum soon followed, louder than the first. She beamed then happily continued packing away the rest of the fudge.
Not a minute later, there was a small sort of whoosh-ing, followed by a light, snapping click.
“That’s some damn good fudge, Edie,” Red Hood said, his voice moving closer to her.
At the familiar distortion, she assumed his helmet was back in place and carefully turned toward him. She smiled brightly when she saw him carrying an empty plate.
“I’m glad you like it!” She lifted the now full container in his direction. “Did you want some more before I put the lid on?”
“Yes please,” he said eagerly grabbing more.
Eden bit back her snickers as best she could.
After putting a good amount on his plate, he moved to lean against the counter by the sink. Eden turned forward again and stole another piece for herself before capping the container. Red Hood let out an amused sound as she happily bobbed her head while chewing.
The same mechanical hissing as before went off behind her, followed by the sound of him taking a large bite out of a bar of fudge.
“Careful not to choke,” she half-teased, putting the knife in the empty pan.
He let out a low, humored scoff around what sounded like a mouthful of fudge.
“I’m about to move this way.” She gestured without looking, then lifted the dish to make her intentions clear.
Red Hood hummed an affirmative and Eden began moving mindfully toward the sink.
Despite not hearing his footsteps, she knew he was moving with her in the opposite direction; his eyes locked onto her back the way hers were locked onto the dishes in her hands. He was good at the whole staying out of sight thing, which helped. She didn’t catch even the slightest glance of him in her periphery. Not even his shadow.
When she reached the sink, she let out a small breath before starting on the dishes. It was fascinating, and perhaps a bit eerie, to know that someone as big and tall as Red Hood could move so stealthily. If she hadn’t known he was there, would she have been able to notice him at all?
Eden nearly dropped the soapy pan.
“—a baker turned actress, huh?”
Though it was muddled slightly by the fact that he was eating, there was no mistaking it. She was hearing Red Hood’s voice. His actual, not-at-all-distorted voice.
"Gyuhh?" she eloquently responded.
He continued speaking and Eden, so caught up in the sound, at the richness of it, forgot he was actually talking to her and that she was supposed to be listening. She lifted her head when there was a lull, only just remembering to keep her eyes pinned down, as she searched for his voice again.
“Yes!?” she squeaked, jolting upright and squeezing far too much soap onto her dishrag.
He waited a moment. “Well?”
“Well?” she repeated in a high, uncertain pitch as her cheeks burned. “Sorry, did you, uh— I mean, could you, uh, could you please say that again, Mr. Hood? I wasn’t, um… I guess I wasn’t listening.”
He snorted, taking another bite. “What, did you stick some fudge in your ears for later?”
“Ew!” Eden was so grossed out at the notion she couldn’t even enjoy the melodic sound of his teasing. “No, that’s just— That’s gross, Hood! You’re gross! Don’t even— Ew!”
He barked out a laugh. The warm, deep sound seemed to catch him by as much surprise as it did her and he started to choke on it. Eden heard the plate clatter against the counter as he coughed to clear his airway, a whisper of a laugh still there in the struggle.
“Please don’t die eating my fudge,” she muttered drily, not daring to look away from the suds in the sink while her face burned. “That’s not a story I want to tell.”
She waited to speak again until she was sure he wasn’t actually dying and that she wouldn’t actually have to steal an untimely, Mad Mountain Fudge-related death from the Red Freaking Hood. That would just be embarrassing.
“I’m pretty sure I asked you earlier not to choke, Mr. Hood. You’ve heard of this new thing called chewing, haven’t you?”
“Oh—” he said through another cough “—so now I’m Mr. Hood again?” Despite sounding like he was dying, the humorous bounce to his words was unmistakable.
Eden shook her head, smiling as she set the clean dishes on the drying rack. “You’re ridiculous. Is that what made you laugh so hard? Me just calling you “Hood”?”
He cleared his throat and let out one more small cough. “It wasn’t that.”
“You sure? ‘Cause it sure sounded like it.”
“Nah,” he said, some mischief in his tone. “You can call me whatever you want, Cookie Girl.”
Eden bit her lip and bowed her head, suddenly very grateful they weren’t talking face-to-face.
She couldn’t get over how clear his voice was, how easily she could understand everything he said. He wasn’t particularly easy to read with that Super High-Tech, Apparently-Blow-Up-able helmet of his, but she’d gotten good at identifying the shifts in his distorted voice. Very good at finding the hints of amusement mixed into the sound of his garbled tone.
Even so, she hadn’t realized just how scrambled his voice was, nor how intensely she worked to wrestle his tone out of it. So accustomed to focusing on even the slightest shift, now, without that barrier, his every word hit like a tidal wave.
All of a sudden, there were no guesses about what he meant or what he was feeling when he spoke. Without the distortion, his voice was crystalline. Almost overwhelmingly so. So open and distinct it was obvious why he needed to distort it in the first place, and so clear that, without even knowing what he looked like, Eden could easily see his face in her mind as he spoke.
She could hear the furrow in his brow when trying to catch her attention, the openness of his mouth as he laughed… The smirk while teasing her rang particularly loud, and she could see it so clearly in her mind’s eye it made her heart skip a beat.
She shyly pointed to the kitchen table and muttered a heads-up a few seconds before hurrying to her seat, its back to Hood and the kitchen. He laughed at her again — this time, sadly, without choking.
“You had a question?” she grumbled. “You know… before you almost died on my kitchen floor?”
He scoffed in good humor. “I was just asking about how you ended up here.”
“Here?” She cocked her head. “You mean Gotham?”
He made an affirming hum. “Yeah,” he said through what sounded like a mouthful of fudge. “Like…” He chewed a moment then spoke again after swallowing. “How exactly does one go from a family bakery down south to being an actress in Gotham?”
“I already told you,” she said half-humored, rubbing one socked foot against the other. “I’m dealing with family stuff. The acting thing is… Honestly, it’s just me making the best of a bad situation— er, no, not a bad situation,” she amended quickly. “Just a… tricky one.”
“You have family here?” His tone told her he already knew the answer.
Eden shook her head then set her chin in her hand, curious to hear his real question.
“Then why Gotham? If you’re just making good on a tricky situation—” which he clearly didn’t believe “—then why choose one of the worst cities in the world? Why not anywhere else?”
“You trying to get rid of me, Mr. Hood?” she teased.
“Of course not,” he said sincerely. The clarity made Eden’s cheeks warm again. “But people don’t just move to Gotham.”
She acknowledged that with an agreeing nod. Anybody who moved to Gotham either had a really good reason or a few screws loose. (If it was the latter, they were in good company with a healthy chunk of the city’s population.)
Eden had a few not-so-bad reasons that, together, made the dangerous city the perfect place for her to be right now. The first and most crucial of them being her powers.
Her powers were a get-out-of-jail-free card for a lot of what would deter most normal folks from coming to this crazy place. Sure, she still really, really, REALLY didn’t want to run into one of Gotham’s many freaky serial killers, but at least she was guaranteed to survive if she did.
The second reason was her mama’s aversion to the place. The woman would be able to find her in even the most remote corner of the world, and Eden knew that. So leaving home had never truly been about hiding from her. It was more about making sure she wouldn’t show up unannounced before Eden knew what to say and do to convince her not to go after Frank.
Mama didn’t like big cities in general – too many people, too much to focus on, too easy to be an easy target – so any one might’ve caused some hesitation, but Gotham in particular… There was something about the city that seemed to… if not frighten her mother, then at least unnerve her greatly. She would only come here if she thought Eden was in trouble, or if it was absolutely, unavoidably necessary.
And, although Eden felt pretty confident assuming Frank hadn’t bothered attempting to contact her since they last spoke, she wanted to avoid him too. If by some strange happenstance he was looking for her, she was sure Gotham City would be the last place he would think to check. After all, why would she be in Gotham? Their one and only trip was the only connection Frank knew she had to Gotham, and he had no delusions that Eden would one day change her mind about the whole… hero thing. Gotham, in his mind, had nothing to offer but vigilantism.
Except that it did. Her third and most selfish reason for choosing Gotham: its performance industry.
As long as you didn’t mind the extremely high possibility of being ambushed or murdered during a show – which, for Eden, was obviously only a minor issue –, Gotham was one of the greatest cities for performers. Plus, the whole city seemed to live and breathe on the dramatics, which she thought – a bit naïvely – would be a nice change of pace from her hometown’s preference for the subtle and conservative. (Not to say that it wasn’t a nice change. It was, in some ways. But she hadn’t realized the city’s insane shenanigans literally never stopped, nor that they were so deeply embedded into everything about the place.)
Wrap it all together, and Gotham really was the perfect city for Eden to lay low in while figuring out what to do. The only real wrench was when the occasional local asked the inevitable Why Gotham? question – or its common equivalent Why the Fuck Gotham? – and she had to cling to that third reason without making herself sound like a loony with a death wish.
Like right now.
“Gotham’s the easiest place for a nobody actor to break into and actually make a living off it,” she told him honestly. “A lot of people are too scared to perform here, what with all the craziness y’all got around here, so the pay’s real good and there’s a lot less competition. In fact…” She looked up, thinking, rolling through the different names and faces she could remember. “I think I’m the only cast member in my current show who wasn’t born and raised here…”
Hood scoffed arrogantly. “We grew up with this crazy shit,” he told her, sounding strangely proud of that fact. His voice turned slightly bitter when he said, “You get used to it.”
The whoosh-ing sound from before came again, followed by the same snapping click.
“But that doesn’t explain why you’re not scared to perform here,” Red Hood said in his distorted tone. Eden found herself unexpectedly surprised to hear it.
It wasn’t like she thought he’d keep his helmet off once he was finished eating. She knew he wouldn’t, so there was no reason for her to feel disappointed. She was lucky enough to have heard his voice at all! And yet. Here she was. Feeling ridiculously disappointed and fighting the urge to sulk about it.
Hearing the faucet run, Eden slapped on a pleasant smile and turned in her chair to face the vigilante. Some of her disappointment eased at the sight of him and she couldn’t help but shake her head at herself.
“Don’t you know, Mr. Hood?” She moved so her knees were on the seat of her chair and her arms rested atop the backrest. “Southern women like me ain’t afraid of nothing.”
He made a loud, garbled sound as he finished washing his dish. Annoyingly, now that she’d had a taste of his undistorted voice, his usual one was suddenly harder to decipher.
“Now that’s a lie,” he said.
“Nuh-uh!” Eden shot back. “Name one time you’ve seen me scared, I dare you.”
“Uh, when I first met you?”
“That doesn’t count,” she said quickly turning her head. “Try again.”
“It definitely counts,” he argued. “You were shaking like a leaf!”
“I was not!”
Red Hood looked at her, tilting his head downward.
Eden held his helmet's gaze as long as she could then threw up her hands. “Okay, fine! Maybe I was shaking like a leaf! But—” she jerked a finger at him “—it still doesn’t count ‘cause I was having a panic attack. Name one time you’ve seen me scared scared and not nervous scared.”
He hummed unharmoniously, thinking it over. “Well,” he muttered, setting the clean plate on her drying rack, “what about when I jumped windows to get into your apartment? That freaked you out.”
“Nervous scared,” she insisted, shifting to sit in her chair properly as he moved back to his own. “‘Cause you didn’t give me any warning and I panicked thinking you were going to fall.”
He scoffed at the idea as he took his seat. “Alright, what about with those assholes I save you from? You had to be scared out of your mind.”
She pshawed. “I was fine once I started fighting them off. Plus, I was already nervous when I ran into them ‘cause I was coming down from a panic attack, so it doesn’t count anyway.”
“I’m noticing a theme here…”
“Yeah, well—” She stuck her nose in the air. “I never said I wasn’t a bottle rocket of nerves. I said I wasn’t one to get scared. And before you suggest it, I wasn’t even the slightest bit scared when you thought I was dying either.”
“Okay then, tough girl,” he challenged more seriously, leaning forward as he did so. “What about when I had to stitch up your neck? You were ready to cry and I had to threaten you into letting me patch you up.”
“Mr. Hood, I was neeeervooous,” she drawled. “And in a lot of pain thanks to your stupid alcohol.”
Red Hood scoffed and shook his head at her. He sat back in his chair, crossing his arms. “How is your neck, by the way?”
“Just fine, thank you.” She grinned at him like the cat that caught the canary. “Do you admit defeat, Mr. Hood?”
“I never admit defeat,” he said, which earned him a laugh. Then he sat up a little straighter. “But seriously, Ede. That cut was pretty bad. How’re you feeling?”
She frowned a little and shrugged. “Not bad. Could definitely be worse.”
She didn’t know much about how wounds normally healed but figured hers would probably still be a little sore. She copied a move Nate did whenever his neck was sore, carefully rolling her head and stretching her shoulder. All she could feel was the occasional tug of the remaining sutures in her skin and the annoying way they rubbed against the fabric of her shirt.
“It doesn’t bother me too much,” she told him honestly.
“Really? No itching or weeping?”
“No, it—” Eden paused and looked at him questioningly. “Is… Is it supposed to itch and weep?”
He shrugged. “It’s not uncommon. It usually just means the wound is healing.”
“Oh…” She thought about it. “Sometimes it itches a little when my shirt rubs up against the stitches?” she offered.
“That’s normal,” he said nodding. “As long as it’s not painful.”
“No.” She grinned. “Just a pain in the ass.”
He let out a short sound of amusement.
Ha! Look at Eden go. She could totally pretend to be a normal person with a totally normal healing body.
“How much longer until the rest of them go away, anyhow?” she asked.
He tilted his head. “The rest of what go?”
“Oh, the, uh… The stitches?” She waited for him to move on from there. When he didn’t, she cursed herself. “You… Didn’t you say they go away on their own? Like, fall out and dissolve and stuff?”
“They do,” he agreed slowly. “But that’s shouldn’t be for a while. The earliest they should be falling out is…” He rubbed the side of his helmet, thinking. “Maybe four, five weeks from now?”
“Oh,” she said in a high pitch.
He shifted forward.
She shifted back.
“They aren’t falling out already, are they?”
Yes. “No.”
No, no— Technically, no. Technically, they were just dissolving already. And he was using “they” in the plural sense, which meant he was asking if multiple stitches had fallen out. And only one had fallen out so far. So, technically speaking, she was – technically – not lying. Technically, they were not already falling out.
Red Hood watched her. “Maybe I should check it out—"
“Oh nooo,” she insisted, forcing her pitch lower. “No, no, I couldn’t ask you to do that—”
“It’s not a big deal, Edie.”
“Exactly!” she nearly shrieked. “Exactly,” she said lower. “It’s fiiine. Really. It’s not even red or anything.” Red was a bad color for wounds to be, Eden knew that much.
“It’s not red at all?”
Eden blinked.
Okay! Great! So she apparently knew literally nothing about wounds! Fantastic!
“Oh, I just meant it’s, you know, not redder than it should be. It’s like, the normal shade of red, not a, uh, you know, a, uh— like an irritated sort of red or an infected red. Those would be bad, and I’d definitely let you check it out for sure if I thought it was one of those, but it’s definitely the good shade of red that means it’s healing and stuff, so it’s fine.”
“Uh-huh…” Red Hood tilted his head slightly.
She smiled, trying hard not to grimace. “Really. It’s fine. I promise I’d show you if it wasn’t.”
After a moment, he asked, “Can I at least see your hand?”
Eden blinked at him. “My… hand?”
He nodded.
“Uh… Sure?” She put both her hands palm up on the table in his direction. “Does it matter which one?”
He stared at her a moment, then purposefully took her left hand. Eden set the other down and watched as he stared at her palm. An impromptu palm-reading wasn’t really the conversation change she’d been expecting, but… beggars can’t be choosers?
“Are you… looking for something?” she asked after a few seconds of silence.
Red Hood didn’t answer her right away, entranced by whatever he was seeing in her palm. Eventually, he softly ran a thumb across it. Not a moment later, he released her hand and stood from his seat.
“I should probably get going,” he announced.
“Oh… Okay…” Eden glanced down at her palm then back up at him, confused. “Did… Did you see something bad?”
Again, he didn’t answer right away. “Not exactly.”
Eden sank into her shoulders, not believing him. He didn’t move.
Biting the inside of her lip, she looked over her palm more closely but there was nothing on it she could recognize as bad or good. It was just… skin. Smooth skin with just a few lines here and there that meant nothing to her. She didn’t even have any calluses — a fact her siblings either resented or ribbed her for depending on how they felt about their own.
Red Hood was looking at her, watching her.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, looking away. She glanced up at him again, nervous. “You… You’d tell me if it was something to be worried about, though… Right?”
He tilted his head a moment, considering… her? Her question? She couldn’t tell. But whatever it was, he seemed to be tallying it up in his head.
Then he shifted and made a soft sound, relaxing his posture ever-so-slightly. “I don’t think you need any help there, Cookie Girl.”
“I really don’t…” she muttered in agreement. “But would you?”
Resting his hands on his hips, he shrugged lightly. “Probably.” Eden hummed in mild annoyance as he turned his head toward the kitchen. “Remind me again why you made me that fudge?”
Eden followed his gaze to the container, then sent him a confused frown. “It’s… a gift? A thank you gift?”
“For?” he prompted.
Eden closed her eyes and opened them again. “For… helping me? With those jerks and my dumb neck and,” she waved her hand around in a circle, “I don’t know— just being nice to me? Putting up with my nonsense? Take your pick.”
He shifted his gaze slightly, thinking about… something.
Eden frowned. Did it really matter what she was specifically thanking him for? Did he want her to spill her guts and admit she was thanking him for putting the spark back in her life? That she’d been horribly, overwhelmingly alone before running into him again and that that night was the best she’d had since, oh, probably her first night in Gotham? Because she most certainly was not about to tell him all that and be written off as a desperate cuckoo loner, thank you very much.
“Do you really need a nailed down reason for somebody to thank you after helping them through a rough night?” she pressed.
He considered her a moment, then shrugged. “Guess not.”
Eden shook her head at him. “You sure are weird sometimes, Mr. Hood,” she said rising from her seat.
He made a huffy noise and grabbed his container of fudge. “That’s rich coming from you, Cookie Girl.”
“Excuse you,” she said walking him to the window, “but I’m not the one who asks nonsense questions out of the blue. Hrrg,” she said lowering her voice and shaping her fingers like guns, “I’m the Red Hood, and I make people play 20-Questions when they try to be nice to me ‘cause nice people are weirdos and I’m too cool for all that.” She aimed her “guns” at him. “Pew, pew, pew!”
He stared at her. “Maybe you shouldn’t have quit your day job.”
Eden gapped at him then quickly turned her chin. “Don’t be silly, Hood,” she chided, her hands on her hips. “That impression was spot on.”
“Oh, yeah, you’re right,” he said nodding along as he opened the window. “Completely spot on. Right down to the way I say ‘pew, pew’ when I shoot my guns.”
“The pews were clearly sound effects, Mr. Hood,” she said shaking her head at him. She delicately set one hand across her heart and the back of the other against her forehead. “It’s like you don’t even try to understand my work.” She sniffled.
He snickered and started climbing out onto the fire escape.
“Oh wait!”
He paused, giving her a questioning head-tilt.
“I, um… I, uh, just wanted to know if… uh…” Eden faltered, her cheeks warming.
It was… silly.
Tonight had been fun— no, better than fun. It had been wonderful. She was so happy he liked his gift, felt so spoiled hearing his voice, and just plain enjoyed his company so, so much — she didn’t want it to end.
But Eden wasn’t stupid. Red Hood couldn’t waste all his time with her. He, like most of the other vigilantes in the city, worked mainly at night. And he was a big player on Gotham’s stage. There were people out there who needed him or who needed to be stopped by him. She was lucky to have gotten the time she had with him.
But, because Eden wasn’t stupid, she also knew how incredibly naïve it was to hope she’d get to see him again after this. She’d managed to entice him back the last time with the promise of thank you fudge, but now that he had it, there wasn’t any real reason for him to come again. If this was the last time they'd spend time together, it didn’t feel like it had lasted nearly long enough.
Maybe, if she was lucky, he’d bring the container back and she’d happen to be home when he did and they could talk again. Or maybe – if she was really lucky – he might let her know after he’d taken care of whoever was after Veronica and she could make him another thank you gift and be able to squeeze another short visit out of him.
But that all felt so... selfish. He was busy saving lives, doing important things. He was important. He didn't have time to check in on some nobody all the time just because they were lonely and loved his company. And it wasn't fair to pin all her childish hopes and wants on him like that. He'd been kind to her. Eden could be grateful for that for the rest of her life if she wanted, and she probably would be, but she had to be kind to him, too. She had to let him get on with his life without clinging to him like some parasite.
Red Hood set himself back inside, seemingly curious for the question Eden no longer wanted to ask. She didn’t want to be the annoying little girl who asked the leaving boy when she’d get to see him again. His answer would only confirm reality anyway.
“What, do I have to guess?”
“N-No.” Her face felt hot. “It was a dumb question, sorry.”
“A dumb question, huh?” He rubbed his chin as he hummed thoughtfully. “In that case, the answer is probably: yes, no, absolutely not, don’t have one, because I want to… or because he’s a fucking furry.”
Eden – who’d started smiling up until that last one – blinked at him rapidly. “Because who’s a what now?”
He laughed.
She crossed her arms, unable to stop her smile. “Are you done, funny guy?”
He thought a moment, then confidently declared: “Golbasto Momarem Evlame Gurdilo Shefin Mully Ully Gue.”
Eden stared at him, wide-eyed, completely lost, then— “Hey, wait a minute! That’s a name, isn’t it? I know I’ve heard it before, it’s from… it’s from…” She looked to the side, then down. “Have I heard it before?” she muttered to herself. “I think I have… Golbasto Mo… Mully Ully Gue...” She turned to him again, wondering if he was staring at her like she was crazy or if he was amused. “What’s that from? I swear I know it.”
“It’s the emperor of Lilliput’s name.” Eden wasn’t sure, but she thought she heard a smile in his distorted voice.
“Emperor of Lilliput…?” She tapped her chin, thinking, then snapped her fingers. “Oh, Lilliput! From Gulliver’s Travels, right?” He nodded and she chuckled. “You don't really think I was gonna ask you your name, do you? Of course you had to pick the longest, weirdest name out there, too. Why not something simpler like John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt?”
“Too easy. And if I really wanted to pick the longest name out there, I’d have said Hadschi Halef Omar Ben Hadschi Abul Abbas Ibn Hadschi Dawuhd al Gossarah.”
Eden stared at him. “Well, that’s one I definitely don’t know. Who’s that?”
“Pretty much Kara Ben Nemsi’s sidekick in his books.”
She nodded along politely, having never heard that name either.
Red Hood brought a fist up to where his mouth would be and made a short sound, clearing his throat. “Anyway, what did you wanna ask?”
“Well, now I kinda wanna ask what books you read…” She glanced briefly at her own small collection – small, compared to what she had back at the farm, but large for someone who’d only lived here a few months – then shook her head. “It must not’ve been that important. I already forgot what it was.”
He lowered his head slightly and moved it to one side, not believing her.
Shrugging softly, she smiled and turned her head. “Anyway… I’m glad you were able to stop by. I know you’re busy and all, so… Thank you again for…” Her smile turned genuine as she set it on him. “Well, for everything, I guess.”
He stared at her smile, then rubbed the side of his helmet. He made a weird huffing sound as he dropped his hand, his whole body slouching with the exhale.
“What?” Eden couldn’t help shooting out. “Are you allergic to gratitude now all of a sudden? Is that why you choked earlier?”
“No,” he said through a single airy chuckle. He stopped, glanced up and made an unpleasant noise – either a deep sigh or a low groan –, then started looking around her apartment. “Where’s your phone?”
“My… phone?” She looked around with him. “Um—”
“Found it,” he said walking back to her kitchen, disappearing behind the wall, then coming back around again with her phone in hand.
“How in the heck did you— Oh. Fancy helmet stuff?”
“Fancy helmet stuff,” he agreed with a nod, not looking away from her screen. “Password?”
She moved to his side and put her finger on the phone’s scanner to unlock it, making note of how he automatically shifted when she came too close. She took a step back as soon as she was done but stayed close enough to watch what he was doing. Her eyes popped when he went into her pitifully sparse contact list, and her jaw dropped when he went to add a new contact.
“Uhhhmmmmm, Mr. Hood?” she asked in a very, very high pitch.
“Relax and listen up—”
“I'm listening!” she squeaked.
He stopped and turned to stare at her. Her cheeks were hot.
“Sorry. Yes. Please continue. I’m relaxed and listening.”
“So relaxed,” he muttered shaking his head at her. He finished putting in the information then faced her fully. “Okay, Eden.” He put a firm hand on her shoulder and lifted her phone in front of her face. “This phone is not secure,” he said slowly. “So right now, this is for emergencies only. Got it?”
She nodded quickly. Did “right now” mean there was a “later on” where that might not be the case? The world seemed to be spinning a little too fast for her to think about it clearly.
“Got it?” he pressed, putting a little pressure on her shoulder as he did.
“Yes! Emergency! Got it! Thank you!”
“And no writing it down anywhere,” he said offering the phone back to her.
“No, no!” She pulled it close to her chest, like a dear, precious treasure. “God, of course not,” she said quieter.
“Good.” Satisfied, he let her go.
“I’m a little surprised you didn’t comment on my lack of contacts,” she mumbled, glancing down at the phone before setting it on the table.
“That’s normal for someone like you,” he said shrugging and moving back toward the window.
She followed him, curious. “Like me?”
“Someone in deep shit,” he clarified.
Eden frowned. “I already told you—”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said climbing out onto the fire escape before she could stop him again. “You’re not in vigilante-worthy trouble,” he mocked. “Whatever you say, Cookie Girl.”
She scoffed at him, leaning over to rest her elbow on the windowsill and her chin in her hand. “You’re a real pain sometimes, Mr. Hood.”
“A pain whose number I expect you to use when you are in trouble. 'Vigilante worthy' or not.”
She smiled coyly and nodded, knowing she could handle a little more trouble on her own than he gave her credit for. “Thank you. I’ll try not to need it too much.”
Red Hood nodded, too. Grabbing his fudge, he stood and pulled out his grappling hook. “I’ll try to bring this back in one piece,” he said lifting the container.
She smiled brightly, her heart pounding eagerly. “Okay, I’ll—” Stopping herself, she swallowed, trying to reel in the growing sense of hope. “I’ll… I’ll see you then… Right?”
He tilted his head at her, maybe thinking she was crazy. Eden started to steel herself for his response, when out came a disbelieving:
“Yeah? Why wouldn’t you? You going somewhere?”
She blinked at him in surprise, then quickly went to correct him. “Oh, no, I’m not, I—! Ow!”
Rubbing the back of her throbbing head, she scowled at the window frame while Hood fought down a laugh. She threw her glare at him.
He offered her the container of fudge, snickering. “Would another piece make you feel better, klutz?”
"I am not a klutz," she grumbled, her glare losing its intensity as she took the fudge from him. “But yes, it would. Thank you."
next chapter
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