#the sea is one of my biggest fears!
a-lilypad · 4 months
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i’ve been dragged to the beach, i am absolutely terrified of the sea and am sat here feeling like i’m about to take relating to regulus black to a whole new level
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shima-draws · 4 months
USOPP ABSOLUTELY POPPING TF OFF???? Hitting a target THAT far away with SUPREME precision AND unlocking Haki?? I’M SITTING HERE LIKE
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muppetebbtide · 23 days
trojan war tumblr simulator
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🌊 is-the-sea-wine-dark-today
#the wine dark sea!!!!!!!!!!!! #wine dark sea #wine dark sea posting
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✌🏻 ajax2electricboogaloo follow
why is achilles the only demigod who's Like That? like he's my boy but u don't see memnon or aeneas or sarpedon acting like him on the reg. why is he so maladjusted? like specifically? I saw his mother once and was so terrified by the sight of a goddess I flung myself to the ground and hid my face in the dirt til she left but I still don't think that accounts for it idk
🏘️ nobody1020
it's blonde man syndrome hope this helps
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⚔️ sonoftydeus
opening my askbox so that we can discuss strategies on taking troy!
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anonymous asked: we should all go home :)
⚔️ sonoftydeus answered:
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nobody1020 asked: do u like..... horses
⚔️ sonoftydeus answered:
odysseus do I even wanna know where this is going
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⌛ isthetrojanwaroveryet?
year 9, day 234: still no....
#all our admins keep DYING
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‼️ trojan-confessions follow
I think my wife might be sending me anon hate :/ keep getting asks like 'hope u die on the battlefield tomorrow silly slag' and 'menelaus should have curbstomped you' and in her big tapestry of warriors she made me look stupid
🐴 horsetaminghector follow
lmaooo is this paris??
🔮 cryinglikecassandra follow
kinda think helen should send MORE anon hate idk
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❓ myrmidons-confessions
I was the one who wrote the achilles/agamemnon 100k slowburn enemies to lovers rpf and put it on the group chat but now patroclus is calling me 'agachilles boy' and laughing about it and asking if I can proofread his mock bardic epic where all his dogs are heroes and killing people, so I fear I've made a mistake. I also can't look achilles in the eye anymore... but honestly I've never seen proof he can read so I might be safe
❓ myrmidons-confessions
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👑 kingofmycenae
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👍🏻 ajaxthegreat
achilles is DEAD and ur posting CRAB RAVE?????
🏘️ nobody1020
I think that's why he's posting it ngl
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😹 deiphobus42069
imagine being the achaeans and your best warrior gets killed by PARIS, after everyone else had awesome deaths at the hands of sarpedon or hector or memnon... like that's literally so embarassing I just know achilles is fucking fuming down in hades rn. I bet the achaeans are gonna put around that paris was guided by apollo, or that paris happened to hit his only weak spot..... anything 2 try and make it less cringe.... lol lol we're popping the biggest bottles tonight. hope helen's there
🐆 leopardskiniscool
#I mean. yeah. but also. #deiphobus wtf I thought we were chill
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#hope everyone can be normal about the outcome!!! :)
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🧑🏻 randotrojansoldier-deactivated-8578543
so excited to go back onto the field of battle tomorrow! sure hope I don't encounter any of the big-name heroes
🗣️ homer follow
I hope you don't too! I'm sure you'll do great!
🐎 antilochussss
not the direct address????
✌🏻 ajax2electricboogaloo
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direct address got him :(
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💂🏻 trojanguardtales follow
fuck my job so much I hope that this wooden horse tribute to the gods turns out to have some guys inside or something just so I can DO something rather than standing here like a twat with my spear
💂🏻 trojanguardtales follow
by ares this can't be happening
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⚔️ sonoftydeus reblogged menelauskingofsparta
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do NOT order achilles from shein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#oh yeah #I was stuck with temu achilles in the trojan horse for six hours #and by hour two agamemnon had suggested killing and eating him #and odysseus was threatening to 'send him to meet his father' #and it's not even like there's any kleos in killing priam!!! #anti neoptolemus #neoptolemus defenders dni #vent tags
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requinoesis · 3 months
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This is a tribute to Peter Benchley, not the movie Jaws (1975)
The author of 'Jaws' dedicated the rest of his life to reversing the unexpected negative impact his book had on the image of sharks.
Not only were sharks supposedly killed to create props for the movie, but 'Jaws' ended up awakening a bloody sea of ignorance in people at the time, who, haunted by an irrational fear and lack of understanding about marine predators, felt motivated to take to their boats and kill thousands of great white sharks in the most feared ways.
Such as the promotion of great white shark hunting championships that targeted the biggest ones, which were mostly pregnant females who, after being displayed as a trophy, had their jaws ripped off and their bodies discarded in the garbage.
Fear spread widely to all shark species, creating a lack of sensitivity that made it convenient to exterminate entire shark populations around the world that for a long time remained invisible to people's perception.
And this has continued to resonate for a long time with the entertainment media perpetuating the portrayal of sharks as monsters, newspapers favoring sensationalism about shark incidents, governments promoting shark culls, the advance of the unregulated predatory fishing industry, scientists not being supported in their studies of marine predators, the destruction of their natural habitats and the pollution of the oceans.
For thousands of years, sharks have taken care of the health of our oceans, older than the dinosaurs or the first trees, they have gone through great mass extinctions, they have been worshipped and respected as gods and guardians by oceanic peoples and now we demonize them in our media and exterminate them by the millions every year, who is the real monster?
We are shark-eaters.
I hope you can also hear what Peter Benchley himself had to say about all this:
I finally finished this artwork! Hope you like it. At some point I will adapt it for my little Redbubble store.🛍️
I reduced the quality to try to prevent them from stealing. I hope it's enough! 🙁
I posted it in my little RedBubble store for anyone who wants it! There are clothes, prints and other curious things.🛍️
⭐️Link: redbubble.com/people/Requinoesis/
I also published it on INPRINT if you want a print with quality paper, I hope you like it! 🖼️
⭐️Link: inprnt.com/gallery/requinoesis/
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panboiiibish · 11 days
Thinking about monsters right now. More specifically shark mer and his little scuba diver human.
Hes a terrifyingly mesmerizing sight of one of the biggest white shark mers you've ever seen. His pale grey skin is just covered in faded and new scars showing off the many battles he has been in. Though even with his terror filling appearance hes quite gentle when approaching the swarm of sharks fluttering around an odd cage just bobbing around the water only attacked to a boat above by a thick chain.
Not even spooking the other sharks swimming around trying to nab at fish snacks and sniffing the chum filled waters he is more curiouse by the little creature inside the cage. Covered in a black skin like substance while their face is covered by an odd mask hes most consumed by thie odd fin covered tails? No wait this is a human so their legs.
It takes little effort for him to grab at the bars and give the little diver a big scare. This wasnt their first time seeing a mer but it was a first for any kind of shark mers. They mainly seem to keep to themselves far off in the deep waters far off from humans. Though you are glee filled to see one just there watching you as you toss out little fish snacks to the other sharks. You had offered him on thinking he was hungry but he didnt seem interested.
Instead of grabbing the offered fish snack he fiddled with your diving suits fabric, pinching at the black fabric sticking to your wrist before slipping a finger under seemingly entranced by how it wasn't your skin but infact a covering.
It wasn't long after that your trust in him was startled and his need to see and feel more pushed him into brash actions. His clawed hands gribbed at the cags bars before just bending them away. His strength was nothing against the thin bars as they bend just well giving him enough room to wiggle into the cage and press himself up to you pressing your back flush to the bars trapping you more then you where before.
The boat crew got worried when they saw the cage shifting causing the boat to bob a bit so they started lifting your cage back out of the waters. Only to freak out when seeing the cage emerge from the water showeing your practically pinned form under the large shark mer who is just barely inside the cage. His tail end hung outside of the cage while it swung slightly and his human half kept you under him as his hands fumbled with your mask able to pop it off and see your sweet little face. Warm with embarrassment and trembling in fear as an actual predator of the seas sat there playing with the neck zipper of your diving suit.
Hes just stayed there enjoying the warmth your little body gives off and loving how your pinprick eyes tremble. It's so cute seeing such a pretty little human too scared to fight against him as he rubs at your soft skin with his wrinkled and rough pads while trying to keep his claws from scratching you too much.
Hii!Hi! Its pan, welcome fo my contribution to mermay X3 iv been wanting to do a mer idea for so long but wanted something a bit more different from my softer stuff so here's a jerky mer playing with his prey >;3 I might do more of him later! I like this shark mer idea and might make him into an recurring character, anyways have a nice night and leave a comment if yah got any ideas!
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twstowo · 4 months
I noticed that you opened the ask box, so I came to ask for Floyd x Yuu with the scene from "The Little Mermaid", in which Ariel saves Eric from shipwreck, like it was an au where they met like that
I hope i'm not being too picky with my order ♡
♡OMG, I literally thought about this but with Azul, but then I was like, "Would Azul be able to save you?" because I have this mental image of him not being able to swim very well/being really slow. Lmao
♡Warning: Drowning
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You'd always been a wanderer at heart, eager to explore the world, discover new places, and connect with people. Your adventure began when some sailor buddies welcomed you aboard their ship. Days at sea were filled with chants, parties, drinks, talks, and lending a hand to everyone. Once on land, you made the most of each day, wandering through cities and villages, documenting your experiences, and sketching landscapes. Your circle of friends in these new lands expanded so much that monthly, you'd receive a flood of cards and gifts, making it a challenge to find a spot for them all. Life was easy-going, a privilege granted by your birth into a well-off family, affording you the means to sustain yourself in these faraway places.
As you wrote letters to your distant friends, the sea's scent became a comforting constant, making you feel more at home on the waves than on solid ground. With night approaching, you finished the last letter and stepped out for a walk before dinner. It was then that one of your sailor friends, looking pale and alarmed, rushed towards you. "A storm's heading our way!" The wind had already picked up, and though storms at sea were nothing new, the urgency in your friend's voice unsettled you. "This one looks really bad, we might need your help," he said, and you nodded, following him.
With the wind intensifying, tasks on the ship became more challenging. The wind seemed determined to push everyone off the deck, and as you struggled to secure the unruly sails, your hands felt the sting of the rope. Panic spread across the crew, and for the first time, you feared this might be your last adventure. Looking at the encroaching storm, escape seemed impossible.
"Look out for that barrel!" you screamed as you watched the object land on someone's head, sending them tumbling down the ship. You ran towards them, grabbing their hand and holding it with all your strength to prevent the man from falling into the wild sea. The boat waddled with the strength of the waves, and you started to fear it would turn around at any moment.
"Don't let go!" you told him as you tried to pull him back up. You watched the fear in his face fade as he placed all his hope in your confident words. However, uncertainty crept in as the strength drained from your arms. The biggest wave you had ever seen approached the boat. You feared you'd never see your friends and family again as you said your last words before the wave hit all of you. "Fuck!-"
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
You felt so cold, your body shivering as you slowly opened your eyes. It was mainly dark, but you could see some strange light from above reaching towards you. Nothing made sense as your brain tried to process everything around you. Strange wood started sinking around you, and the bodies of the crew members slowly sank by your side in a slow rhythm. You tried taking a deep breath, but your brain didn't allow it as you realized that you were underwater, having fallen off the boat after that huge wave hit it.
You finally grasped the situation as you started flapping your arms and legs around, trying to reach the surface. Wood pieces hit you along the way, sending you tumbling repeatedly. You feared the oxygen would not be enough for you to save yourself. Your throat burned as you tried holding your breath, unable to swim back to the surface. Everything started to become dark as you dared to breathe in the water. Then, you felt a strange touch on your shoulder. The lack of oxygen was surely playing tricks on you as you watched a strange creature look at you with a curious glance. You closed your eyes, awaiting death to take you.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
Floyd observed your sleeping form on the sand. He had brought you to the nearest land he could find, ensuring that your chest's gentle rise and fall indicated life. It was the first time he had come in contact with a living human, finding you strangely intriguing. Although he had seen some humans at rock bottom underwater, encountering a living one was a different experience.
Attempting to wake you, Floyd shook you gently, his fin hands reaching for your shoulders. However, your eyes gave no signal of opening. Annoyed, he sighed and lay back on the sand, half of his long tail submerged in the water.
Minutes passed as he lay there, gazing up at the sky. Strangely, after saving you, he felt in a remarkably good mood. He wanted to talk to you, for you needed to thank him, and he had questions about the inland people. Your head leaned against his shoulder, your cheek touching him, catching him off guard. He grinned as he gently arranged your hair.
When your eyes started to open, Floyd watched as you struggled to comprehend the situation. Weak and almost unable to move, you stared at his face, just a finger's distance away. You had never seen someone like him—strange ears, unnatural skin colour, and vibrant yellow/brown eyes. "Wh-Who are y-you?" you weakly whispered, and he quickly glanced behind, sitting down on the sand with his arms, reaching for the water.
“Oh My! Y/N is that you!” a voice shouted, and you tried to sit down, looking in the direction of the man who had vanished. You swore you had seen a tail—had you been saved by some sea creature? "We need to take you to a doctor!" a friend's hands reached for your arm, trying to help you stand as you continued gazing toward the ocean.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
“A human? I wasn’t expecting you to take such a strange liking to one of them,” Jade mocked his brother with a grin.
Floyd wasn’t enjoying Jade's tone as he swam away. He had been interrupted by another landwalker just when he had the chance to talk with you, not even learning your name. Though he'd never admit it to Jade or Azul, Floyd occasionally returned to that beach, hoping to meet you again. Perhaps one day, the two of you would get to talk properly, and Floyd could finally learn your name.
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animeyanderelover · 25 days
I'm having a tiny bit of a Mihawk brainrot if you can't tell. I'm not sure if his past was ever really elaborated on so there are most likely mistakes in my interpretation because I am not caught up to the Anime yet.
Just imagine...
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Growing up together with the very boy that will in the future claim not only the title of "Strongest Swordsman in the World" but will also eventually become one of the Seven Warlord's of the sea. Hawk Eyes Mihawk is a name that will one day struck fear in everyone that hears it, whether it's a pirate, a marine or an innocent citizen.
Yet you have known him ever since both of you were just tiny children. You know all of his quirks, his likes and dislikes and all of his most sacred secrets and most embarrassing moments which he made you promise would be kept only between the two of you.
And Mihawk knows you just as much. He knows of all your dreams and your biggest fears, has been your shoulder to cry on whenever your heart was struck with grief, has witnessed all of your shenanigans and despite his better judgement has even participated in some of your reckless decisions, even if to simply be the one who ultimately saves you from any big troubles.
The dynamic between the two of you has always been like this. You have always been the dreamer, the one who has their heads in the clouds and loves romanticising everything. He can't even recall how often you spent your time excitedly recounting to him a dream you had in your sleep or proclaimed to him excitedly about a new ambition you had in life, every week a new one. One time you told him you wanted to be a doctor, another one you wanted to be a vet and the next time you announced your new dream of wanting to be a shipwright. You were like a pot just foaming over with dreams and positivity.
Mihawk on the other hand has always been your voice of reasoning and the guardian who is always right next to you when your excitement led to an impulsive and poorly made choice. He has always been the one who was your silent yet loyal shadow and the one you could always count on, even if he has dubbed you as an "idiot". He has always been the one who just sat there and silently listened to all of your excited rambling when the words were tumbling out faster from your mouth than you could form them, even despite reminding you that you should probably soon make up your mind whenever you discarded your old dream for a new one. You truly are a scatterbrained fool at times yet he has a weak spot for that bright glimmer in your eyes, a light as bright as the sun.
As adolescence catches up with you two, you stay the same dreamy fool who tends to daydream throughout the day, so deeply immersed in your own thoughts that time and your surroundings are forgotten.
Mihawk remains as the one person you are closest with and is the one who protects you from walking into doors, buildings or people when he realises that you space out again as you let your imagination run wild. Yet as he grows up from a boy to a man, his feelings for you mature. Both of you have always been exceptionally close to each other but it is only as his mind matures and becomes more complex that he starts questioning how he truly feels about you. You have always been the dearest person to his heart but as a child he has never truly considered your relationship as deeply as he does now. You've just always been the person he has known best and with whom he has shared the most, from the good to the bad. You have always been special to him yet it is only now that he realises just how special you really are to him.
He loves you.
He loves your ditzy and airheaded personality, your joyful laugh and the constant glow in your eyes as you look at the world around you as if you are discovering it for the first time and he especially loves the excited shimmer in your eyes when you tell him about your dreams.
Knowledge alone is only half the work though. Mihawk, who was back then only a flicker of what he will be in the future, doesn't know how to express those emotions he has for you. All he knows that he feels very intensely for you and he finds himself overwhelmed with this discovery. It is all chaotic and hectic inside of his heart and his mind. It is something new that frightens him over so slightly as he doesn't know how to control his feelings just yet which is why he decides to wait. To wait until he has understood his love for you a bit better before he will tell you how he feels about you.
Eventually both of you leave the island you grew up together in favor setting sail and heading towards the Grand Line. Both of you had dreams of your own yet neither one of you was at that time ready to separate from each other just yet. Mihawk's feelings for you have only grown since he became cognizant of them for the first time and they only intensify with each passing day, not enabling him to understand them nor to fully control them.
So used has he grown to having you all for himself though that he finds himself uncomfortable and possessive when you choose to engage with locals on an island both of you have landed on, an eerily intense look in those golden eyes of his that seemingly try to pierce the very soul of the person you choose to give your attention too despite him standing right next to you. It always spooks people and you can only slap him on his chest as you chastise him for his rude behavior, although he knows that you are never truly mad at him. Even he is secretly just glad that you give him your undivided attention again, even if he is grumbling as he defends himself against your little lectures.
Both of you enter the Grandline together and it is then that you finally decide to bring up the idea of you two finally separating. Initially Mihawk is quite reluctant as you suggest that idea to him. Wouldn't it be safer for both of you to stick together? After all neither of you two knows what lies ahead in those oceans. You are quite persistent though as you explain to him that you would like to achieve your dreams by yourself and that you think he should do the same. You clarify yourself by assuring him that you don't plan to never see him again but that you would like to do your best without his help with your own strength.
He feels the lump in his throat as he hears your reasons behind your suggestion, his mind struggling to imagine how it would be if you wouldn't been with him and he finds himself drawing a blank as soon as he attempts to consider it. You are someone he has always known throughout his entire life and even hearing your suggestion has his heart shaking with the thought of your absence if that were to really happen.
You two have always been together. Why would you want to change that now?
Both of you spend a lot of time arguing over this issue but ultimately you win him over, the light in your eyes persuading him by tugging at all of his heartstrings. His obsession has just started to bud and it isn't until a while later that it springs to its full awakening which is why Mihawk eventually caves in and agrees to your suggestion.
Both of you separate at the next island you land on but both of you make a promise to each other. That you'll meet again on this very island one year from now on to see how far you two have come with your dreams.
His heart is heavy when both of you bid each other goodbye, his hands holding yours tightly as he relishes one last time for the next long year in your brightness. The words he has been wanting to tell you for a while now linger on his tongue, the temptation strong to let you know about his feelings for you in a last feeble hope that his love may change your mind. Yet he knows as he looks into your beaming eyes that your mind has already been set so he can only swallow his feelings back, although he vows that when you two will see each other again, he will be strong enough to finally confess his love to you.
One year passes and he returns to the same island as a completely different person. Within only one year Mihawk has risen to unbelievable fame. He feels content with what he has achieved within the last year as he has grown into the strong man he swore to be one year ago on this very island and considers himself now ready to finally tell you about how he truly feels for you. The budding obsession as blossomed over the last year as your absence has forced him to fully acknowledge as well as embrace everything he has been feeling for you and now more than ever before does Mihawk plan to keep you by his side.
Only that you never show up.
Initially Mihawk decides to ignore the growing heaviness in his heart as he decides that maybe you experience some delay. The weather in the Grandline is after all infamous for its changing mood. So he waits for you.
One day.
Two days.
Three days...
With every sunset that he witnesses on the island, he feels a part of him silently dying with it. Emotions brew up inside of him as a few days turn into nearly an entire month and he finally can't deny the haunting truth anymore he has been trying to deny.
You won't return.
His heart shatters as he finally acknowledges this fact. There are so many emotions inside of him, far too many for him to identify each one of them as they blur together into one big storm that has his chest tightening and his heart silently screaming.
Why didn't you return?
He can only come up with two possible explanations and he truly doesn't know which one would be worse. Either you have forgotten about him and the promise you two made or you have died on the sea.
He dedicates months trying to find out the truth about what happened to you. He reads every single newspaper, somehow dreading yet hoping to find an article mentioning your name yet he is always left disappointed. He travels to the island he knew you were heading to after both of you separated in hopes of gathering information yet no one from the locals can give him any useful information about you. He goes through all the newest bounty posters to see if your name and face appear anywhere only to be left with a growing hole in his heart.
The last hope of his is finally shattered when he sails all the way back to the place both of you grew up in only to be met with the same dreadful emptiness as no one in the town has heard of you since him and you left the island on a ship over a year ago.
There is no trace of your existance in the world, no matter how long he searches for you as if you were only a fickle imagination of his own. He doesn't know whether you have forgotten about him, if something has happened to you or if you have met your end somewhere on those unpredictable seas.
It is a torment unlike anything he has ever experienced as the lack of knowledge drains him slowly and tortures him as he is unable to find any closure. No matter what, Mihawk seems to be destined to suffer one way or another. Hope is titled as the most beautiful thing in the world yet it is hope that only prolongs his suffering as a part of him is unable to accept the possibility of your death until he has proof.
As months turn into years, his heart shrinks and withers like a flower deprived of water and sunlight. The ambitious and determined man turns into a husk of what he was, his dream stolen from him without having been able to do anything. There is a growing resentment sharply directed against himself as the last few days with you haunt him.
He shouldn't have agreed to separate from you. If he would have just been more insistent, would you still be here with him?
The anguish of his lost dream nestles itself deeply into his shriveled heart as the perpetual heartbreak changes him. Colours seem to fade from the world around him as a feeling of numbness spreads like roots in the earth. There is nothing that excites him anymore, not even when he is dubbed as the strongest swordsman in the world. The title and the reputation that comes with it hold no meaning to him anymore, not when he doesn't have you to share his glory with. The hole in his chest is torn open as time flies by and every ship that crosses his path is dragged into his suffering as he wields Yoru against them. There is no meaning behind the carnage he leaves behind but he has lost sight of why he should care, the dwelling bitterness and sorrow inside of him tainting his honor.
He has lost the ability to live, feels more akin to a ghost as he drifts through the seas and clashes with opponents who are swatted away like flies only to be forgotten by him soon after.
There is a new listlessness clinging to him, his sharp eyes unable to see the worthwhile in this world now that you are gone. Everything is buried deep inside his chest and mind though so that no one can ever have those memories and feelings he has shared with you. Some people hoard gold and jewels, Mihawk's most precious treasure are the memories he has made with you over the years as there is nothing else he has left of you.
When the Marine offers him the title of a Warlord, he is only half the man he used to be. Surely you would have objected to this offer as you have always been rather warily of the government and if he would have been the man he once was, he would have sliced the person who had made such a ridiculous offer to him into dices.
That man is already dead though...
He accepts the offer after a while, although not because he is suddenly fond of the very people he used to hunt down. He just doesn't know what he should do with himself anymore. It feels like his life has halted and is just waiting for you to return, even if by now he has a feeling that he will never see you again, forever left in the darkness about your fate.
Someone once said that time heals all wounds. Those words are a lie. Mihawk doesn't heal as years just seem to trickle by faster than he can even realise. There is nothing of substance to his life, nothing worth to remember. Only the hole where his heart used to be reminds him that he is still breathing, the haunting emptiness inside of him something that will remain the only thing loyal to him until his body rots away.
The presence is barely something he takes notice of as he only lives in the past in his mind, clinging to every memory he has of you out of unadulterated fear that he may eventually forget what your voice sounded like or how you always looked at him with those bright eyes. If even those memories were to abandon him, he would lose even the grasp of his own identity within the never-ending cycle of the dull and forgetful life he lives now.
Many years later a miracle happens though. He finds you. On a random island within the Grand Line, he finds you again.
He doesn't even want to believe it when he initially sees your face. Maybe his mind is just playing tricks on him out of delusional desperation but as golden eyes trail you, he realises that he hasn't gone mad. It is you...
The weight of uncertainty that he has been carrying around with him for so many nights suddenly evaporates, its haunting shadow covering him no more.
There is no relief though for him though. No matter what outcome would have proved to be true, he always knew that he would end up getting hurt.
Why are you here? Where were you during all those years? How could you abandon him and betray his feelings so easily?
In that moment, as he stands there motionlessly as only his gaze follows you, he feels like a small boy again. Helpless, confused and hurt beyond words. Emotions he has been hiding behind inner walls for years threaten to burst out of him and an urge to unleash all of those seething emotions overcomes him yet none of those thoughts or desires are ever put into action. As if someone put a spell on him, Mihawk finds himself unable to move, as rigid as a statue. Perhaps his body is just in shock and in hindsight it is good that he finds himself unable to act in that moment to gain some semblance of control again. Otherwise who knows what he would have done in that moment.
He watches as you stroll through the city, your laughter which used to bring him only comfort and warmth seemingly mocking him as he feels a new shadow swallowing him up and filling his heart with a bitter taste.
Betrayal. You betrayed him.
You willingly chose to break the promise you two made decades ago and discarded him as if he were an disposable object instead of the person who spent your entire youth with you.
Did you even once consider how he would feel? Do you have any idea what he turned into because of your decision?
You left him! Didn't even bother to contact him to let him know that you were still alive! Whilst he spent endless days and nights mourning after you, driving himself insane as he didn't know of your fate, you were on this island and enjoyed your life!
A life without him.
Did he mean that little to you for you to make the decision to never see him again so easily? Did all the years he was by your side mean nothing to you?
His heart dies as he can only stand there and follow you with his gaze. All heartbreak, all of the grief that have eaten him alive from the inside out for countless seasons drain in the new cold rage that suddenly floods his veins, his pupils narrowing as his gaze zooms in on your smiling face.
What use did it have to mourn someone who lives? What use did it have to feel heartbroken over someone who clearly doesn't care about the pain he went through?
Mihawk has already wasted too much time dwelling in his own self-pity and in that moment he despises you for the shell you have turned him into.
You made the decision to disappear without a word. Now it is time for you to pay the consequences of that decision. He isn't here to catch up with you for old times sake after all.
No. He is here to take you.
And just as you didn't care about his feelings during all those years, this time he won't care for yours either. He doesn't care to hear your reasons and he doesn't care about your apologies if you should dare to voice them to his face. It is already too late for any of that.
Years too late.
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starlyght · 8 months
✻ the way of feeling
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[first time writing on here so please go easy on me! + english isn’t my first language so I’m sorry for any possible mistakes. feel free to imagine any of your favs! much love ❦ ]
"He thought some nights while watching the dark sky that you must have fell from there. That the other stars must have pushed you out for being too bright. Your light hiding theirs. He swore to fight them in revenge for you."
˚✧₊⁎ ↓ click read more ↓ ⁺˳✧༚
The way you made him feel was terrible. He hated you, so badly. He hated your smile, your gentleness, your soft voice and what he despised the most was the way you got him to smile at you, to greet you and laugh with you. He was never the one to show such softness to someone. Yet here he was, smiling gently at you, softly holding your gaze, fondness in his usual cold eyes.
He was the harsh, punishing winter wind while you were the soft sea breeze. He was the strongest, most feared and rough man of them all, yet in your presence he felt like the most delicate and precious thing in the world. Despite his cold exterior you still got him weak with nothing else than your heart and mind. Why would you treat him like that ? How could you ? How could you stop the aching in his heart so easily ?
Really, he hated that he couldn’t hate you, that he couldn’t stop wanting you. You were home to a homeless man, you were a flag to a nationless man. You were a saint to godless man. You were the universe to him, holding every being, planet, galaxy and possibility in the palm of your hand.
He thought some nights while watching the dark sky that you must have fell from there. That the other stars must have pushed you out for being too bright. Your light hiding theirs. He swore to fight them in revenge for you.
Although, on some other occasions he confided in them, telling them about his affection in hope that maybe your sisters would whisper to you about him. He wanted to spill all of his secrets in your listening and comforting soul. He wanted so badly to succumb and indulge in you, your touch, your heart, your mind, all in hope to find his peace. He wished wholeheartedly to do so, and he hated that. He hated the way you made him feel.
His hands were tainted, he couldn’t feel you without dimming your brightness. A caress would burn you, a kiss would drown you. Yet he couldn’t live without you, he knew it was wrong, so selfish of him to want it, to want you. He knew that if he asked you to stay by his side you wouldn’t refuse. He shouldn’t ask but, oh god, he wanted to, hell, he was going to.
He hated that the cat you were killed the lion he was, that the water of the smallest puddle took down the biggest fire, that the softest breeze made his steel prison crumble and fall to the ground like some mere card castle. He hated that you took down all of his defensive, he was like a knight without his shining armor. The weaker he got, the more powerful you became. He hated the way you made him need you. But now he breathes in you like oxygen and finds himself always craving more. And he loved this feeling.
Now that he has found his saving grace there was no coming back. He loved the way you made him shine with hope. He loved this way of feeling.
Ah, he really did love you.
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7ndipity · 10 months
Going on tour with Yoongi
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: headcanons and blurb about traveling with Yoongi
Warnings: little angst in the blurb, not proofread
A/N: I had two different requests come in regarding Yoongi's tour, so I decided to combine them, I hope that's okay. Thanks to the lovely anons who requested these, I hope you like it!
Requests are open
He was honestly so happy and excited when you agreed to his suggestion of going with him.
(He didn't want to admit it, but the idea of being away from you for weeks at a time made him feel physically unwell.)
He loved being able to take you to so many places that he'd only been able to tell you about previously.
Obviously, he was usually super tired following a show, so you would typically have a lazy half day, sleeping til noon, before going out sightseeing.
Having you around helped give him a better sense of balance, and gave him something to focus on in the middle of the chaos of tour life.
You two had developed several little routines and habits, even if it was just sitting with you for a bit after he had his hair and makeup done, going over the same checklist that he does every night to make sure you have what you needed for the show.
• "You got everything? Where's your lanyard passes?" He asked, fiddling with a strand of your hair before tucking behind your ear.
"It's in my bag." You said.
"Go ahead and put it on, I don't want you getting getting caught without it or losing it."
"Yes mom-OW!" You teased, earning a pinch from him.
He knows he might be over doing it sometimes with how he fussed over you, but making sure you had everything you needed and were okay made him feel much more comfortable going up on stage.
As much as he worried over you though, you were no better when it came to him, always fussing at him to eat enough, get enough sleep and rest, etc.
You're still one of his biggest supporters tho, always wearing tour merch or something bts related to the shows, even if it's just to get a rise out of him (he laughed for nearly ten minutes when you showed up with a shooky headband)
It made him smile though, knowing that somewhere out in the sea of lights, even though he might not always be able to spot it, there was a particular army bomb with your names scribbled on it.
"Are you okay?" You asked quietly, as you lay in bed.
""I think so, it was just... a lot you know?" He mumbled.
You hummed in response, combing your fingers through his hair, still damp from the shower, as you looked down at him resting against you.
The makeup had been washed away, the stylized waves now resting limp against his face, even the slightly cocky air seemed to have been packed away like his clothes. He was back to Yoongi, not Suga or Agust d, your Yoongi.
The tour had come to a close. Somehow, four months had flicked by before either of you could really grasp it, leaving behind a whirlwind of emotions. Pride, regret, gratitude, fear, joy. Tonight had been especially emotional with so many of his members there to cheer him on for the final show.
"You did really well." You whispered.
He didn't respond, only letting out a grunt as your fingers found a knot.
"Is there anything I can do?" You asked.
"You're already doing it." He sighed. "Just by being here."
You were both fell silent again, you would've thought he'd fallen asleep if it weren't for the rhythmic tapping of his fingers where they rested against your sides.
"Thank you," He said suddenly. "For coming with me. I don't know how I would've coped without you."
"You would've managed," You tried to say lightly-heartedly "You made it before without me."
"Yeah, but I don't want to." He said, squeezing you and making your heart tighten in response.
"You have me," You said softly. "Even when I can't be there in person, you've always got me."
So much uncertainty lay ahead, but all that could wait til tomorrow.
Right now, all you both wanted was hold on, keeping each other close as you felt his still slightly uneasy heart calm to a more steady pace against yours.
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topguncortez · 11 months
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Leave the Door open | Bradley Bradshaw x Female!Reader
Bradley Bradshaw Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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synopsis: Bradley's world gets tilted off its axis when he meets a certain blonde haired, green eyed female. based off this request
word count: 2.6k
warnings: unplanned pregnancy, mentions of nudity, fear, cursing, mentions of abortion, happy ending:)
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His mind was completely blank, and that never happened. Rooster’s mind was always busy, hearing, analyzing, and thinking of everything and anything around him. It took a lot for Rooster to be speechless, but hearing you cry over the phone, begging him to come over right this very moment, had him forgetting everything. The drive to your place, which usually brought a smile to Rooster’s face was filled with eerie silence and dread. 
The two of you had been together for just over a year. Rooster could remember the moment he saw you, the girl sitting alone at the bar. The pink sundress you wore stood out against the sea of khaki and green-colored uniforms. Rooster had been eyeing you all night, mustering up the courage to go order you a drink. But all courage was lost when Hangman waltzed up to you and pulled you in for a tight hug. Of course, the pretty girl in the pretty sundress was waiting for the biggest douchebag that Rooster had ever met. And to make matters worse, Jake had sauntered over to the group, his arm around your shoulders and a bright smile on his face. 
“Who’s the girl, Bagman?” Phoenix asked. 
“This is my sister,” Jake smiled, “My baby sister, so no funny ideas. Even you, Trace.” 
And just like that, the courage returned to Rooster’s body. From the moment he introduced himself to you, till Penny called last call, Rooster was by your side. The two of you had hit it off immediately, the sparks flying so bright, you could probably see them from outer space. Hangman tried to do the whole big brother protective bit, but it was no use. If there was one thing that brought him joy, other than flying, it was seeing his sister’s bright smile. 
Rooster was so lucky to have you. You understood the world that he lived in. You knew how crazy and unpredictable his career could be. Some nights he’d fall asleep in bed beside you, and some nights he’d fall asleep in a bunk in the middle of the Indian Ocean. You got along with his friends, and could keep up with their ribbing and jokes. You also understood how important his career was to him. You weren’t too crazy about getting married and doing the whole kid thing. You just wanted to relax, see the world, and spend time with the love of your life.
Rooster had basically broken all traffic laws to get to your apartment as fast as he could. When you opened the door, his heart broke in half. Your face was puffy and red, tears still evident in your eyes. Rooster didn’t say anything but pulled you in for a hug. He could hardly make out the words you were saying but his ears caught the words ‘I’m so fucking sorry,’. It felt like hot lava was poured down his back as he stiffened, his mind now caught up with what was going on. 
He’d seen this all before. The cryptic texts, the odd behavior, and now you were in front of him crying and apologizing over and over. He had just hoped that this time you hadn’t cheated on him with one of his wingmen. 
“What happened? What’s wrong?” Rooster asked, rubbing your back slowly. You pulled away wiping your eyes and shook your head, “Y/N, tell me what’s wrong?”
“I-I,” You tried to speak, but your words were falling short. You held your face in your hands as sobs racked your body. Rooster felt nothing but anger as he watched you cry in front of him. He hated when they would cry before breaking his heart. He always thought it was selfish. 
“What did you do?” Rooster asked, crossing his arms across his chest. You just shook your head, gasping for air in between cries. Rooster huffed, growing frustrated, “What did you do, Y/N? Just fucking say it!”
“I’m pregnant!”
You could hear a pin drop as soon as you said it. Rooster took a step back from you and you felt like your whole world shattered. You shook your head and turned on your feet to rush down the hall, feeling that all too familiar feeling rises in your throat. You were surprised that you managed to push the nausea away for this long. Rooster was stuck in his spot as he tried to will his brain to function again. 
How did this happen? We’ve always been careful. I don’t get it. When did this happen? 
Rooster’s jaw dropped as he thought back to that one night six weeks ago, before his last mission. The two of you had been at Mav and Penny’s cookout for way longer than you wanted to be. But between the good conversation and the drinks, time had slipped by you. Rooster could remember stumbling through the front door, hands all over each other’s bodies, lips pressed together. He had taken you right up against the front door, both too eager to make it to the bedroom. The whole night you two spent tangled in between the sheets, both too lost in pleasure to think twice about putting a condom on. 
He napped back to reality as the sound of his callsign fell from your lips. His honey-brown eyes looked around your living room with wide eyes, noticing the ripped-open box of pregnancy tests on the floor, along with the Target bag and receipts. He also noticed the empty water bottles around the couch and your shoes and coat kicked off haphazardly around the room. If there was one thing about you, you weren’t going to tell him unless you knew for sure, and it was clear what the answer was. 
“Bradley,” You called his name again from your spot in the hallway. He lifted his head from the mess in the living room to your small frame. You felt exposed as he stared at you. 
Rooster felt like he couldn’t breathe like the ceiling and walls were caving in. He felt sick to his stomach as you walked out of the bathroom, red tear stains on your cheeks. Your arms were crossed over your belly in a protective manner, as if you were protecting the precious life inside you. 
The life he helped create. 
“Bradley, can you-” 
Rooster shook his head, taking a slow step back from you. Your eyebrows furrowed, and you felt your heartbeat in your ears as you watched the man who you swore wasn’t afraid of anything, turn on his heel and out the front door. 
“What do you mean he just left?” Jake asked you over the phone. You had called him sobbing after Rooster had left, “Where did he go?”
“I don’t know, Jacob!” You cried as you paced in front of your fireplace. It had been a little over three hours since Bradley left your house without a word. You had followed him out the front door, but he moved as though someone lit a fire under his ass. You yelled his name as he backed the Bronco out of the driveway and took off faster than the speed limit. It took all your power to not collapse to your knees in the driveway, but the moment you made it back inside, you were on the ground in a pile of tears. You had tried calling Bradley’s phone for almost an hour, every single time getting his voicemail box before you gave up and called your brother. 
Jake was the second person you had told about the pregnancy. You had been in a toss-up on who to tell first; Jake or Rooster. If you knew that Rooster was going to respond the way he did, you would’ve told Jake first, “He just left! I-I don’t know what to do! Jake, I can’t do this-” 
“Okay, you need to take a deep breath,” Jake said, cutting you off. He knew you were scared, it was obvious by the sound of your voice. He knew that kids were never in your future plans, but he also knew the type of person you are. You’d handle this in stride, with or without Bradley. You were raised by a strong single mother. Both you and Jake knew you had the strength and integrity to be a mother. But Jake also knew you wouldn’t want to raise a child alone if you had the option not to do so. 
“You’ll pass out from crying,” Jake said, as he drove up and down the streets. He knew there was probably one place that Rooster would always go, “I’m heading to a spot where I think he’ll be, but you need to calm down.”
“Okay,” You sniffled, sitting down on your couch. 
“Yes, Jake?”
“Breathe.” You smiled at his words, “It’ll be okay,”
“Thank you, Jake.”
“No problem. Just know I’m going to be the favorite uncle.” Jake smiled. You rolled your eyes and said goodbye to your brother, before hanging up. Jake was right about where he thought Rooster would be. 
It was a park bench where his parents had gotten engaged years ago. The old wooden bench was tucked away by overgrown bushes and trees, but the look was still the same some 30 years later. Rooster had a picture, probably the last picture of all three of them, sitting on this exact bench, dated only a day before his father had died. The place had become Rooster’s escape, the quiet place he could go to clear his mind. He had taken you here once, creating a new memory and picture to last a lifetime. Rooster thought as he sat down on the old bench, about recreating that picture with his own child. 
“You left my baby sister in tears and in a panic,” Jake said, walking up to his wingman. Jake sat down on the opposite end of the bench with a sigh. They both sat in silence for a moment, looking out at the dark ocean, hearing the waves crash against the white sand. The moon was high in the sky, illuminating the world.
“Thought you quit?” 
“I did,” Rooster grumbled, taking a drag of the cigarette in his hand, “Only do it on occasion. Don’t tell her that though.” 
Jake just shrugged his shoulders, “I think you smoking is the least of her worries right now.” 
“She told you?” 
“She told me,” Jake nodded, “She’s pregnant?” 
“That’s what she said,” Rooster said, throwing his cigarette bud on the ground and stomping it out, “And I just fucking left! God, I did the thing I promised her I would never do!”
“And that is…”
“Walk out when things get hard,” Rooster said softly, “She said everyone walks out on her, and that’s why it took her so long to say ‘yes’ to dating me… she didn’t want me to be like everyone else, and I did exactly that.”
“The difference though, you have time to fix it,” Jake said, “She’s at home, scared, a mess, and worried about you. She even used the words ‘Jake, what if he wrapped his car around a pole?’ You need to go talk to her. You’re the only one who can make a decision in this scenario. You know what is right.”
Rooster nodded and pushed himself off the bench, “Thank you.” 
“Don’t thank me yet,” Jake said, “Go home and make things right. And don’t make me regret giving you this little pep talk.”  
Rooster chuckled and patted Jake on the back before getting into his car. Rooster stopped at a flower shop to get a bouquet of your favorite flowers before heading back to your apartment. He shed off his jacket, hoping that would help with the smoke smell. He took a deep breath as he noticed the only light that was on was in your bathroom.
You lay motionless in the tub, your head resting on the side of it. You lit some small tea candles to give the bathroom a soft glow. Your body had started to hurt from crying and being sick. Your head was pounding and all you wanted to do was be surrounded by warmth. Usually, you had Rooster to do that, but you had no clue where he was.
Your head picked up slightly at the sound of the lock turning and the door opening. You sighed, hoping it wasn’t an intruder, but you knew it was more than likely Rooster, since he was the only one with a key to your apartment. Whoever the stranger was, knocked softly on the closed bathroom door.
“Baby? You in there?” Rooster’s voice sounded out. You stayed quiet, not feeling the strength to face him just yet, “Baby, please respond. Just let me know that you’re in there so I don’t have to go file a missing persons report.” 
You huff and sit up a bit in the tub, “I’m in here.” 
Rooster sighed and leaned his forehead against the door, “Please. . .” His voice sounded fragile and broken as if he had been crying, “Please, can you open the door?” 
“It’s open,” You said softly. 
Rooster pushed the door open, leading with the bouquet of flowers. You couldn’t help but chuckle as he walked in with his eye covered, trying to give you some privacy. The tub was large enough that you could have your modesty covered. He placed the flowers down on the counter and then sat by you on the ground outside of the bath. Rooster gently placed his hand on your cheek, and you nestled into the feeling.
“I am so sorry for walking out the door,” Rooster said, looking at your bloodshot eyes, “I don’t even know why I did that. I wasn’t thinking straight.”
“It’s okay,” You said softly but Rooster shook his head.
“It’s not, and don’t say it is,” Rooster said, “I was there too, I partook in creating a baby, and I ran like a coward,” Rooster took a shaky breath, “I got scared, I still am scared. I mean, we aren’t married and we haven’t even thought about having kids… I’m terrified I am going to do the wrong thing. I’m absolutely shitting myself right now ‘cause I smell like cigarettes and I don’t want it to harm the baby.” You smiled at Rooster lovingly, “But I am here, for whatever you decided, I will be by your side.”
“You- you mean that?” You asked him honestly. You would be lying if the thought of exercising your right to choose didn’t cross your mind. You didn’t have a job currently, trying to finish your degree online. Rooster was busy with his new role at TopGun and taking every mission that came across his desk. You thought in the back of your mind, there was no way you could have a child right now.
“Yes,” Rooster said and you believed him. Rooster wasn’t going to force you to do something you didn’t want to do, “If having an abortion is what you choose, I will be right next to you holding your hands and fighting off those stupid fucking protestors with my bare hands. If you decide to go through with the pregnancy, I’ll let you curse me out while you’re in labor. I am right here, baby, you’d have to kill me to get rid of me.”
You smiled and leaned in to kiss Rooster. Rooster’s chapped lips met yours and placed a kiss full of love on your lips, “Thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you,” You spoke, leaning your forehead against his, and pushing a strand of brown hair behind his ear.
“I never, ever want you to know either. Baby, you’ll never be alone,” Rooster whispered, “I’m here.”
“We’re having a baby…”
“We’re having a fucking baby…”
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taglist: @damrlova @shanimallina87 @phoenix1388 @desert-fern @mygyn @cherrycola27 @yanna-banana @seitmai @topgun-imagines @bradleybeachbabe @startrekfangirl2233 @xoxabs88xox @atarmychick007 @happypopcornprincess @sophiaslastbraincell @bradswolfe @fandom-princess-forevermore @thedroneranger @angelbabyange @lovelywiseprincess @milestellerlover @diorrfairy @krismdavis @eternallyvenus @pono-pura-vida @dakotakazansky @starberryhorse @daggersquadphantom @gspenc @toobouquet @avada-kedrava-bitch @kmc1989 @spencvrr @frazie99 @t0kyoreveng3rs @nyx2021 @els-marvelvsp @poppyalice2001
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note: i cleaned up my taglist. this is a reminder, if you’re a blank or ageless blog, you will not be tagged.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 5 months
Wanted to ask, is Eridan's relationship with his dad ok? Like when Eridan was learning how to use his harpoon gun he seemed very much distressed and not enjoying any of it
The only real canon characterization we have of seahorsedad is that the version of him that's Cronus's lusus is "stern, fatherly" and that he ditches Cronus for Hussie, although that last one is mostly just a Bit so I don't really count it as characterization. He's also willing to go along with Eridan "doing something ridiculous," though, again, that's kind of a Bit and it's unclear how canon that is.
((cw for abuse and stuff beneath the readmore))
As such, pretty much anything I say is going to be pure extrapolation that serves my characterization of Eridan, and I can't really back it up with hard textual evidence. But, personally, I think Eridan believes his relationship with his lusus is "good" in the way that many children growing up beneath strict, emotionally neglectful, and even outright abusive parents do.
We know that Eridan has very few friends. He doesn't even really talk to half the people in their group chat, and according to Feferi, he's never spent more than a few days underwater, total, in his whole life. Add onto that that lusus murder (and, by extension, the culling of the orphaned troll) has been his duty long enough that he describes it is "the only thing i evver did," I think it's a reasonable assumption to make that he also has no IRL friends, aside from Feferi.
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And to give an idea of how old Eridan was when he started having to murder lusii, here's how old Vriska was when she was expected to start feeding spidermom:
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This, and the fact that Dualscar was called "Orphaner" because the job of feeding Gl'bgolyb was his even into adulthood (as he lived before the Summoner's rebellion and the removal of adult trolls from Alternia), and the fact that no one, including Feferi, ever shows any gratitude towards Eridan for performing the job, supports the idea that feeding Gl'bgolyb has always been a violet blood's responsibility. After all, Feferi makes overtures about not being better than other trolls, but she sure does revel in being royalty when she can get away with it. It'd be in character for her to not be particularly grateful to Eridan because she sees lusus murder as fundamentally being his responsibility, especially if he started when they were both REALLY young.
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In other words, Eridan was expected to start murdering lusii (and by extension, other trolls) from the moment he was old enough to do so, which, judging by how old Vriska was when she started killing trolls for Spidermom, is not very old at all.
Also, given the lifespan of violet bloods, it's entirely possible - and my personal belief - that Seahorsedad was Dualscar's lusus as well as Eridan's. Even without that being the case, since it was always Eridan's job to hunt and kill lusii, the biggest possible culprit for inducting him into his role would be his lusus.
And let's be clear, I think the fact that having to murder lusii/trolls is the biggest culprit for what's fucked Eridan up the most. The pressure of having the safety of the entire race on his shoulders, the fear of Gl'bgolyb and what happens if he ever fails, and the guilt of taking lives (which we do know Eridan thinks about) have left him with genuine struggles caring about other people, a nasty martyr complex (which isn't unjustified), extremely unstable and negative emotions, shattered interpersonal relationships, and a deep, nihilistic sense of resignation towards his place in society. The latter has directly led to him attempting to embrace that place by tricking himself into thinking he believes in hemocasteist, sea dweller supremacy rhetoric - which his actions contradict - because, without the game's intervention, he had no other options available for him but to become a key figure in the imperial army, continue murdering other sapient creatures until he died, and watch all his few friends die before him, either when they got culled, killed on the battlefield, or purely dropped dead of old age.
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And, like... a parent who does that to their child, even if we assume the absolute best (that Seahorsedad does genuinely care about Eridan), can't possibly have a fully healthy relationship with said child. And I think it's not unreasonable to assume that the best is not what's happening between Eridan and Seahorsedad, because Eridan's psychological profile is so fucked up that I highly doubt he was receiving much, if any, actual affection or support from his lusus. Personally, I think his lusus was "stern and fatherly" in the worst possible way - high expectations, no emotional warmth, and complete disregard for Eridan's psychological well-being, as long as he was producing adequate results.
Because Eridan craves attention, and has very little distinction between good and bad attention. He's naive and trusting to a fault, hardly ever suspects anybody of lying to him, and has basically no social skills. These all say to me that Seahorsedad is just, like... not giving him any emotional attention at ALL.
And poor Eridan is just 13 years old - still too young to fully realize how poorly he's being treated by people who are supposed to care about him. Like, yeah, he's completely obnoxious and exhausting to talk to, and you can't really blame Feferi or Kanaya for being sick of listening to him, but at the same time, some of the shit they do to him as a result is honestly just mean. Like Kanaya is just actually bullying him- training him up to be a wizard as a joke, shitting on him behind his back with Rose, making fun of him to his face - and yet:
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He's just that fucking desperate for people to care about him and support him; I can't help but think he's just not getting that at home, you know?
So I think if you asked Eridan, he'd say that his relationship with his lusus was good, and that his lusus was proud and noble and stoic, and absolutely a great custodian, and there were no problems at all.
But I think if you were to dig deeper into their relationship, you'd start to hear worrying things like that Eridan never got to celebrate Twelfth Perigrees, and was instead dragged out to go lusus hunting because it was particularly easy to do so on that day. Or that his lusus had to pull the trigger FOR him the first time they ever went hunting, because his own hands were shaking too hard. Or that he'd be locked out of the hive every time he cried, until he stopped crying altogether. Or that he thinks he's never been sick a day in his life because he was never allowed to have an off day and not go hunting and now he's just used to ignoring any and all symptoms. So on and so forth.
He reacts EXTREMELY POORLY to Feferi saying she feels like she needed to look after him - more poorly than to the initial news that she was trying to break up with him:
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And I think that's because weakness was punished in his household growing up. He wasn't allowed to be weak - he was nobility, royalty. He had duties, responsibilities. If he faltered, their whole race died. And when you consider the fact that "you have to kill things for the good of everyone you care about, all the time, constantly," is the abject lesson that's been hammered into him since he was old enough to walk and talk, the fact that he's so incredibly fucking adamant about murdering angels starts to be a little... sad. He's just stuck in that mindset. He doesn't know how to escape it.
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So... yeah. In summary: his relationship with his dad is great!
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bokettochild · 5 months
Random Legend Headcanons that haunt my brain at stupid hours <3
He has a big sweet tooth, but less so for sugary things and mostly more for fruits
greatest seemingly "irrational" fear is dogs, he has never liked them even since childhood, and the only dog he can stand is the old sheepdog his grandparent's kept to keep track of the goats
Sky is his favorite. Sky is real with him and doesn't dismiss him as an asshole = automatic favorite. They also share a lot in common
he and Sky like gossiping when no one is paying attention to them. Not about the other heroes necessarily, they just both find it fun
oral stims: he likes his hands free, but chewing/sucking on things helps him focus better and stay calm. He refuses to admit how many times he's found himself chewing on his medallions
he loves puzzles. You'd think he'd gotten enough of them in his adventures, but nope! Hes been doing this long enough that going WITHOUT puzzles to solve actually makes him feel bored. He likes the challenge of it, it keeps his brain ticking
history nerd. A lot of Hyrule's culture/history/tradition was lost because the people were just trying to survive after Ganon killed the hero, so Legend really likes trying to hunt down the pieces of the past to put together what it was like. It's a big puzzle for him, and he loves talking about it if he feels he'll actually be listened too
he knits. He doesn't know many patterns, but he knows some basic stitches and the repetition calms him down
good at most needlework, sucks at embroidery. He likes it, it's just too stressful for him. He's in awe of the fact that Sky's so good at it.
he actually loves the sea I know most writers have him scared of it, but he's got far more happy memories than bad ones, so while it's bittersweet, he still enjoys being near the water (as log as it's not storming)
hates lightning storms with a passion. Storms in general make his arthritis worse, but the lightning trauma sucks a lot more
actually enjoys light rain showers. it still effects his pain levels, but not super bad, and it's worth it to him
has the most un-attractive laugh ever. He tends to snort and cackle like a madman. He does have a "polite laugh" but it's far less genuine.
he CAN cook, he just doesn't care to. Food is an annoying requirement and necessity for him most of the time, and more of a chore than he's willing to admit
he has the biggest soft spot for kids, partially because of Gully, partially by nature
the most susceptible to Baby Therapy (the effect of feeling at peace, content, happy, or relief while holding a small child) Ulli figured this out early on and now abuses it.
he loves stargazing. Stars are a constant no matter where he goes and they're like old friends (got this from the manga)
he's an artist and a perfectionist, his preferred medium is paints, but he does carry a sketchbook
loves physical contact, but is hesitant about others boundaries, so he rarely initiates or maintains it
I have more, but yeah, this is getting pretty long :')
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
Master list
I want to preface this by saying I’m sorry for forcing y’all to having to scroll to find my imagines this took like two days to make, also I hope you were not expecting some fancy and beautiful list I am not that talented but this will do the trick.
Also everybody needs to thank @pearlstiare cause she quite literally took me by the hand and walked me through the entire process out of the goodness of their heart, so thank you for being such a wonderful person. Without further or due, enjoy!
Part two of the masterlist
Full list of the characters I write for
Aemond Targaryen
You Are No Dragon
All For The Motherland
My Little Sea Snake
The Apple Of His Eye
Do You Love Me?
‘Till The Seven Rings Of Hell
Take Care Of Me, My Love
I Would Be Honored
Grow Forever, Never Yield
I Will Do It
Lead The Way
Lady Wife Falling Asleep Headcanon
Aegon Targaryen
The Man You Deserve
I Spill My Blood For You
What’s Your Name?
I Want To Try
After You Little Pet
Queen Of My Life
Lady Wife Falling Asleep Headcanon
Jacaerys Velaryon
Do You Want this?
Part One
Part Two
Lady Wife Falling Asleep Headcanon
Cregan Stark
My hearts soldier
My Beloved Wife
Daemon Targaryen
My Moonlight
You Bled For Them, You Decide
Part One
Part Two
An Eye For An Eye
Your Sweet Princess
Are You Mad?
The Death Of Me
She Has Your Eyes
Left Or Right?
It Is Time
What Are You Waiting For Then?
My Turn
We’ll Finish This Later
The Sunflower Of Highgarden
A Risk Taker
Gods Have Mercy
My Dragon
Lady Wife Falling Asleep Headcanon
Tywin Lannister
I Got You, Little Wolf
The Bloody Princess
Massimo Torricelli
Fire And Flame
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Sherlock Holmes
It’s Alright Darling
You Are Family Now
Napoleon Solo
I Got You
Henry Cavill
The Lady Of The House
Part one
Part two
Let Me Have This
Geralt Of Rivia
Protect The Queen
Part one
Part two
There’s Nothing Wrong With Submission
The Dream
Part one
Part two
You Are My Home
You Can Do Better
A Boy, A Girl And A Game
You Are My Light
She Will Learn
Pete Davidson
The Sun And Moon
Dating Pete Davidson (Spiritual Edition)
Cedric Diggory
You Sneaky Little Fox
Draco Malfoy
We’ll Get Caught
Carlisle Cullen
What’s For Dinner?
Do I Have To?
One Way To Find Out
Just Like You
Of Course Precious
What’s Your Biggest Fear?
Off To Bed For You
Aro Volturi
Lamb For Slaughter
Emmett Cullen
Sir, This Is McDonald’s
That’s My Girl
Edward Cullen
Let Me Do Better
Jasper Hale
Pleasure Is All Mine
Niklaus Mikaelson
You Started This?
Part One
Part Two
My Little Cub
Our Love Is Eternal
Mess Is Mine
Sounds Like Heaven
Maybe It’s Better This Way
Elijah Mikaelson
I Quite Enjoyed It
We’ll See About That
Kai Parker
You’ll Be Fine
See You Around Honey
Excuse Me?
Ivar The Boneless
She Is A Lady
Harwin Strong
I Promise
Look At Me, Princess
I Would Like That
Khal Drogo
Stay With Me
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Persistent | Yandere Asmodeus
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You heard the whispers of a beautiful creature. One of the seven avatars known across the seas for their popularity in beauty, in the arts, in the general gene pool.  It was just another spec of knowledge you heard when doing your job. The biggest customers were quite talkative. 
“(Y/n)...did you finish that remedy of yours?”
You gave your mentor a nod, letting suspended gravity carry the bottled vial from your mini cavern into the waiting tentacle of your mentor. Her orange-red tentacle wrapped around it with ease, swiftly putting her labeling and signature on it before shoving it into a crate. 
She sighed, running her tentacles over the dozens of crates in a final count. She gave a satisfied hum before looping her eight tentacles into the various slots. You smiled to yourself—another successful batch. 
Retreating into your cavern you curled into yourself prepared to sleep until the next time Helene would wake you. It would be time to eat then.
It was like any other day.
“---keep it all to yourself! You have to tell me!” 
“--share with you?! Please! I should kill you for eve–”
You awoke to voices instead of the sounds of a crab being roasted on the fire coals. It was Helene yelling at a man, a customer maybe? It was a smooth highpitched voice cutely whining about something. 
It was kind of…irritating.
You didn’t want to bother uncurling yourself, somehow still lulled to sleep by the intensified yelling; mostly coming from Helene. Falling asleep you dreamed of tiny tasty slivers of crab to eat while Helene patted your head. 
It wasn’t a bother to you.
“Oh my look at you! What’s your name?”
It was that voice, again. One you could barely place. 
It was hazy with your schedule of work-sleep-eat (maybe). Your hectic schedule made half-asleep experiences far from your top priority. This is why you slowly blinked at him before wrapping yourself in your tentacles. Ready to sleep again. 
It didn’t bother you until he did. 
A soft and manicured hand unabashedly grabbed a tentacle of yours slowly unraveling you’re protective spiral to pull you out of your cavern. You used your remaining tentacles to try and keep you inside only to be proved far too weak in the hands of the sea’s mighty avatar. 
He pulled you into the bioluminescent grotto, leaving you in the open. You shrunk into yourself prepared to ink the perpetrator and dart into one of the many craters of the grotto. You’re three hearts were beating a mile a minute. Where was Helene? Why wasn’t she here? Why was the shelf a mess? Her cauldron knocked over? Anxiety was gripping you harder than an oyster's maw. 
The beautiful merman on the other hand was none the wiser. Smiling as he playfully flicked his hot pink and orange fins. His tail was large and wavy; a dramatic flair that wasn’t helping you in any regard. He folded his hand behind him as he leaned closer to you, swimming closer as you curled away. 
“Hey! Why are you trying to hide? Are you surprised someone like myself just appeared?”
He posed flashing his scales and fanning his fins out. It did nothing for you, to see him this way. In fact, it made you all the more uncomfortable. You were getting closer to inking yourself relenting to somewhere- anywhere to hide. 
“H-hey, where are you going?” 
To the tipped cauldron. Curling as tightly as you could in hopes of limiting at least a little bit of your fear. It made the merman pout following you to the cauldron planning to use the same tactic as before
“Are you re-Aghagahaaaahh! What is that!?”
Cringing at the sticky and suffocating grasp of the ink. He jerked away, twisting his tail as if to relieve himself of the feeling. You curled into yourself only trying to facilitate your breath as the merman continued to howl about the ink and ‘his poor perfect skin.’ 
Soon all of it went to fade. Your tiredness, his crying, your fear. Once again you fell asleep. 
It was Helene who would awake you, having returned home to find your cavern empty, the grotto a mess, and a sorrowful wisp of ink leading into her tipped over cauldron. She knew what had happened and nothing more needed to be said as she joined you wrapping you in her strong tentacles. There was something soothing about her muscles lightly squeezing around you, as she whispered curses of the avater.
“That cursed merman! On my life, Asmodeus will pay for what he’s done! Believe it!” 
It didn’t mean much to you, her cursing that merman. It was a name she cursed often. But that must mean that the one who was here must be him. 
Asmodeus, huh.
You’re…pretty sure you don’t like him.
The next time he reaches for you, you bite him. You curled your outstretched tentacle back into yourself as he wailed again. It wasn’t as loud as before when you inked him but his arm was no longer in your cavern. 
“Hey you bit me! Bad octopus!” 
He stuck his tongue out at you before swiftly swimming away nursing his hand. That didn’t make him leave though. Instead the clinking of bottles and canisters persisted with nonchalant humming. 
This Asmodeus was looking for something.
“Aww not here! Geez Helene where would you put it.” 
You stayed in your cavern not even bothering to peek your head out to see. You could already imagine. Sleep was far away, your skepticism wouldn’t allow you to not when Asmodeus rifling through Helen’s products. 
Then there was silence. 
Did he leave? Did he find what he was looking for? 
“Maybe you know?” 
How didn’t you hear him? In a matter of seconds he swam from the bottom of the grotto to the entrance of your cavern, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes. It was alarming. 
“Aww are you ignoring me again? That’s no good!” 
He puffed his cheeks for a moment, his expression changing to one of determination as he reached somewhere outside your cavern’s opening. He was clutching an empty but familiar viall with Helene’s signature label on it. 
“Come on! Won’t you tell me where I can find her batch for this? Come on! You can tell me!”
With his prodding came him pushing the empty glass into your cavern, careful to hold it by its opening–his fingers far from you. You let the glass touch you, flinching when he persists. You continue to curl away, not engaging was how you’d succeed. 
“Hey don’t ignore me!”
He continued to poke you with the bottom side of the bottle, whining consistently about the product he was looking for. Somewhere along the way you found yourself fighting sleep. Though you were sure he didn’t notice, you once again curled your tentacles around yourself for sleep.
“Coral-cutie!? Where are you hiding today? Are you mad about the pearl necklace last time?”
You were hiding from Asmodeus in one of the many crevices of the grotto, hardly bothering to sneer at the visible destruction of Helene’s work space. It was probably more disturbing that this had become a routine. He’d wreck her workstation sighing about what he couldn’t find and spend the rest of the day pestering you. Somehow the latter was what he spent most of his time doing here. Like clockwork Helene would return and curse his name before continuing to churn out another batch of her famous concoction. 
Now your days spent sleeping were filled with attempts to escape the avatar of the sea. Who insisted on doing all sorts of silly routines and dressing you in whatever trend he was ranting about now. It was exhausting at first but now you were used to it. 
“Ah! There you are! Trying to hide from me, you silly octopus!”
For the most part. 
You sat still in his lap as he reclined on Helene’s cauldron, turned on its head and its contents floating aimlessly. His fingertips danced along your suction cups, taking the time to explore their shape as if he hadn’t done it a thousand times before. 
“I never noticed before but you secrete a kind of mucus don’t you?”
Offended you retract your tentacles from his grasp, he put his hands up in defense. 
“It’s not a bad thing. In fact,” He paused easily peeling the limb from your body to his lips, delicately rubbing his lips against it. “It’s a lovely thing.”
You didn’t pull away. You only looked away from him as he went back to his usual playful.mannerisms. Easily letting your embarrassment fade to listlessness as though it were never there. You let your eyes roll to the back of your head with thoughts of whatever concoction of crab Helene would cook up. 
“--mine! Why can’t you just leave-”
“--I’ve already decided. I know all about–”
You woke again to the sounds of bickering done by none other than Helene and Asmodeus. Comforted by the walls of your cavern you realize you’d been moved from your spot in the merman’s lap. 
You weren’t complaining. 
It just meant that before this argument occurred you were returned to your favorite place. An oddly selfless action for the avatar who so usually was focused on himself. No matter. 
It was another altercation. A fight they’d usually have. 
Thus it was time to go back to sleep. 
“I’m not letting you have them!”
“Good thing I wasn’t asking.”
You awoke to the bobbing of a mer’s movements. Your head pressed against the chest of a merman who was unusually bare. No necklaces or diamonds to poke you as muscular arms tightly held you in place. 
Where was this? 
“Ah look at you! You’re awake! You sleep so much I never know when you’ll wake up.”
This wasn’t the grotto.
“You probably have never been up this high, always stuck in the dark.” He sneered, “That’s such a Helene thing to do.” 
Helene, where was she?
“It might take some getting used to, all this light.”
Where is she?
“But you can do it I believe in you!”
He squeezed in emphasis. Registering the light blue vastness of the world around you, you didn’t have enough freedom to look everywhere though. Unable to maneuver your head to look at Asmodeus’ face directly only getting a view of his well-sculpted neck and Adams's apple barely bobbing as he cooed.
What was that?
“What? Are you looking at those marks? No worries little suction cups don’t hurt that much even when they have fangs.”
You were hungry. Where was Helene?
“I bet you’ll love what I have for you, back home. Hermits, oysters, shrimp! You’ll adore it!”
“Ah see we’re coming up on it now.”
“So squirmy! But we’ve done this before! Don’t you know i always win?”
“Oh right.” 
He stopped his swimming, threading his fingers through your tentacles as he flipped you around. Looking straight on at the beauteous avatar of the sea’s face. Smooth with not a single blemish his rosy lips were gleaming a toothy smile.
“We’re never going back to that place again.
A toothy smile with shreds of golden hair, bloodied scraps, and the remnant of mucous membrane. All gone with a swipe of an elongated tongue swiping over his teeth clearing the way for a sea-swooning smile. 
“You’ll probably never want crab again.”
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lunefuforu · 5 months
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Revamped my cookie run oc Molasses Cookie!
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{ Story under cut }
Molasses Cookie is a physician at the Dark Cacao Kingdom, and the uncle of Caramel Arrow Cookie and the brother of Toffee Cookie (Second Watcher). He is supportive of his family's passion and work, but he won't admit to them that he fears for their safety all the time. He wants to find a way to relieve the danger, and the biggest one in the kingdom is the Licorice Sea. He begins to research it when Caramel is still a child, but over time the books and papers about the sea isn't enough, he would only get more answers hands on, which of course is strictly prohibited to touch or even get near the foul sea. He keeps this a secret from everyone, even his family.
He gets holds of samples, he starts doing tests. Unknowingly to him, the sea is corrupting him from the inside out, slowly over the years breaking him down. His morals start to become unrecognizable, he does horrible things in order to get what he wants. For the "greater good." Voices in his head driving him mad, his dough becoming unstable, unable to even hold a scalpel. Eventually it comes to a point he can no longer hide it any longer, his physical self matches his inner self.
"This was the only way. I had to do this. I've learned so much." Hollow words ring out, this isn't the man Toffee and Caramel once knew. The look of horror on their face once they discovered what he's done and what he's become. Molasses reaches for Caramel, hoping his niece would understand, but she acts defensively act cuts his hand off with a blade. His hand grows back, and his unstable mind feels betrayed for his efforts being for nothing as his brother would back away from him and his niece would dare swing at him, like he was a monster. Corruption fueling anger within him, he launches towards them. He continues to scream that this is for their own good and they need to let him help, but as the chase went on his words became more and more unintelligible, til he was roaring at them like an actual monster.
He is now a huge threat to the kingdom, people screaming and warriors getting their weapons out. Toffee and Caramel beg them not to hurt him, despite their own fear, he is still family. But there was nothing to be done, King Dark Cacao Cookie must think of his people first, so he has this beast chased out of the kingdom and into the depths of the Licorice Sea.
Molasses has become one with the sea, he can't even hear himself think anymore, he doesn't even know which voice is his.
(big thank you to @goobygnarp for helping me with his story)
Bonus; Images I referenced for the last 3 drawings above
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matan4il · 1 year
Buddie 617 meta
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I’m gonna be honest here, this was one of the funniest 911 eps to me. I loved how this ep showed us both Buck and Eddie completely sucking at dating. It was very obvious in Buck’s case, what with each attempt to have quality time with Natalia being ruined by one of his past decisions, but then when he called out Eddie for also sucking at it, Buck wasn’t wrong. Eddie’s attempts seem half-hearted at best. First off, if he really wanted to date, then Tia Pepa’s help and dating apps are actually not that awful as options. Magic might happen there as well. The right person could even stand out more against a sea of not so great choices, turning the dreary experience into a colorful, magical one. But even when Eddie tries on his own, his attempts are LAME. Seriously, there are pastime activities that offer way more potential to start a conversation, and maybe a romance, than the ones Eddie chose. Not only that, these are not his actual hobbies, where he knows he’ll find someone who likes the same thing he does (the way he shares so much with one tall firefighter that we’re all thinking of right now. Eddie’s also being dumb about wanting it to “just happen” as if that’s not exactly what he got with buck. Also, just a friendly reminder that Buddie have been dating for almost 5 years, and they are GREAT at it when it’s with each other).
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On top of that, we for real got a guy checking Eddie out (hi, hello, should I start a collection of him checking and being checked out by guys?) as well as him witnessing a woman he was looking at being embraced by another one. Why the hints at being surrounded by queer people? Your guess is as good as mine, but I’m here for it no matter what. ;D Now, I’ve talked before about the ongoing theme of Buddie’s dating life being intertwined in terms of when they start dating someone, or of why they break up, but now in addition to them dating at the same time, we also see them simultaneously sucking at it? Yeah, that takes the connectedness of their dating life up a notch. ~~
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Which brings me to one line that grabbed my attention in this ep. THE line that offers the explicit resolution for the most important romantic plot here is the one from Gina, the insurance lady, to Chimney, about not regretting the attempt. Yes, even when the result is bad. That’s what Madney will embrace. One of the biggest obstacles to Buck and Eddie, besides their obliviousness, is the fear of ruining the good thing they have by attempting to take it to the next level. But here we have Chimney being reminded by Gina that it’s worth it, to try. Because the good thing you can have, if it works out? Is worth it. And you never have to live with the “what if” of it all. Now look at Buck and Eddie being once more adorable morons together on the job! Imagine the moment when they stop running around and let themselves try taking it to the next level, because they realize no matter what the result will be, they would never regret the attempt. ~~
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Speaking of Buddie paralleling one of the canon couples on the show who were acting lovey dovey in this ep, the way Bobby described what made him and Athena happen reminded me of Buddie connecting. In both cases, there’s an intense and upsetting call, after which one of our first responders turns to find support (Buddie promising to have each other’s back) and comfort (Eddie wants to go grab something to eat together) in the other one. ~~
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I did not miss Taylor Kelly, and true to form, she was back because she’s advancing her career by exploiting her personal connection to Buck and the exposure to the 118 it provided her. I’m pretty sure this basically buries any option of any showrunner ever trying to re-set these two as a romance, since it echoed and reinforced Buck’s decision to break up with her. It WAS funny to see her and Lucy cockblock Buck (I do think Lucy’s tone with which she spoke of their past also closes the door on anyone ever trying to set her and Buck up as a serious couple), but what I found to be funniest is that Buck tells Natalia he was trying to figure out the perfect place for their date, and then he took her to the bar where he kissed Lucy. A bar reminiscent of the one where he hooked up with Taylor. Possibly a spot where he hooked with other women during his Buck 1.0 stage based on how it’s THE hang out place for the 118 and we know Buck had no issues hooking up anywhere back then. Natalia, hon. This is not a good sign for your r/s with him. ~~
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Speaking of which, there’s an ex who didn’t come back in this ep, but her spirit loomed large over Buck and Natalia IMO, and that is Ali. The reason why she and Buck broke up after 218 is because at the end of the day, she couldn’t accept the choices he had made in his professional life (hoping he would move on from firefighting). In the same way, Natalia revealed in this ep that she can’t accept Buck’s choices in his personal life. A small reminder the only partner we’ve ever witnessed truly seeing and accepting Buck, in every aspect of his life, has been Eddie. ~~
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Another funny thing about this (911 is a comedy, y’all) is how Natalia flees the second she comes across Kameron. I mean, this is in addition to the hilarity of the death doula’s first name connecting her to birth and to all things natal, yet she flees the second that she sees a pregnant lady. Because if this is Natalia’s reaction when it comes to a bio kid that Buck explicitly said he is not going to raise, what would she do once she realizes he co-parents a fully grown kid? (and a very sassy one, too. LBR, Natalia doesn’t stand a chance in a show down with either Diaz boy) ~~
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Much like Natalia doesn’t seem like the right fit for Buck based on this ep (or based on 616), neither does Marisol. Can I point out the fact that Eddie’s disapproval in the last ep of Buck dating Natalia applies here, too? They both met these women on calls. Second, Eddie wanted it to happen naturally, which is why it’s so lame he tried through all sorts of activities that he’s not ACTUALLY into and wouldn’t continue doing past the initial stage of meeting someone else. And that holds true for Marisol as well. We saw that her brother and her are very into DYI, which I guess was meant to lay the groundwork for Eddie running into her in a DYI shop. But the thing is, Eddie himself isn’t into this! Sure, he can do it, because as a single dad he’s had to, but it’s not something we’ve ever seen him being passionate about. He’s only at this store because of Christopher’s project. And then once more, just like he steps away from Pepa’s help, dating apps and chooses the wost places for a chance romantic connection, he walks away from Marisol even when the whole scene plays out as if she’s the climax of his search throughout this whole ep. This might all hint that despite initial appearances, just like the people he came across while golfing and hiking wouldn’t be the right fit, Marisol wouldn’t be either. Even more importantly, just like Ana at first appeared like she would be perfect for Eddie in 312, starting out in a “it just happened” sort of way and with supposedly being fated because she happened to guess correctly that Eddie stands for Edmundo, this thing with Marisol might look in the moment like it’s exactly what he was looking for, but it will fizzle out as well.
~~ (my weekly meta posts) (my Buddie gifs) (all of my content)
~~ My tag list will follow in the reblog, please let me know if you wanna be added/removed here.
~~ Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the incredible @whosoldherout​​, there are no words to describe how much I love your gifs and appreciate you!
~~ Thank you to anyone supporting these meta posts. I could never express enough how grateful I am and that they continue to exist thanks to you!
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