#the second funniest was that she woke up
greyias · 2 months
The day after Logan proposed, he asked to ride around town with Aria while wedding invitations were handed out. Logan apparently really is into holding hands and his hand will magnetically reach for hers if they're still for 0.5 seconds.
They stopped in Martle Square to try and get their bearings to find the next person on their list to invite to the wedding, Logan reaches out and grabs Aria’s hand when suddenly OUT OF NOWHERE Ernest comes sprinting down the street and--
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just starts staring creepily over their shoulders
Logan is blissfully unaware, meanwhile, Aria senses a deep disturbance in the Force
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He looks like he's going to murder them in their sleep
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or is just very upset he didn't get an invitation: "I WILL REMEMBER THIS FOR MY NEXT fanfic NOVEL, ARIA"
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jayden-killer · 4 months
Greediest man in the Stone World.
summary: you've just being awaken by your old friend and classmate, Senku, in a whole new human era. But, who's this young guy claiming you as his? a/n: waahh, i sincerly apologise if i disappeared...again. i literally forgot my tumblr writing page, and life took a.. strange turn of events(?) kinda. i hope this first ryusui one shot will make me forgive!!!
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Dark. And then... a golden beam of light passed through my eyes, blinding me. My muscles began to melt. I felt them sore, as if I had slept in an uncomfortable position all night. Or maybe, for three thousand and fifty years. This was what was brought back to me when I woke up from that sleep I thought was eternal. The first thing my eyes noticed when they hatched was a blinding sun. There was so much green. So much vegetation was not seen even in the well-preserved jungles. Then, a group of boys with familiar and unfamiliar faces. My eyes met his.
I uttered that name in a subtle tone of voice, and the boy did nothing but address to me that mischievous grin of his own.
"Yoh, Y/N...we need your help".
[ Time skip...(*ゝω・)ノ ]
"So... you need my dexterity in putting these little pieces together so you can build, um... Repeat it, thank you".
"An oxygen tank" Senku rest, without even thinking of getting that smirk off his face.
His attitude hadn’t disappeared after 3,500 years. Not even when he claimed in front of a professor that their speeches were meaningless.
Here we go again...
Between a sigh and the other I immediately set to work, while in the distance I heard Senku arguing with what seemed to be his colleague.
Just in the middle of my work I felt someone touching my shoulder gently. A delicate touch, like that of a… "Child?" The girl in question wore a watermelon helmet on her head, with lenses inserted in the two holes that created a space for the eyes. She made a sound of wonder, her hands to her mouth.
"So, you are new here!" With a confused look I lowered myself to her level, able to have a face-to-face conversation with the little creature. " I suppose so..? And you are...?" That little girl who didn’t immediately show her intentions and courage was pretty to say the least. "Suika wanted to welcome you to the Science Team!" she said clearly, now showing me her hand to shake her. I took her, and with a kind smile, I accepted her request. "How kind of you! Since I am now a new addition to your team, can I have the honor to meet my future colleagues and companions?"
Little Suika nodded happily, running in the opposite direction where I was working. Heck. Maybe it was me who was no longer a child like her, but Suika seemed really fast in the race, not giving me a chance to keep up. I didn’t know where he was taking me; we passed through several huts, erected on wooden structures, running as if someone was after us.
The only one chasing her was me. Looking back to see if we’d actually drifted apart, my foot tripped on a double-sized rock. The collision with the stone made me lose my balance; I was ready to crash on the dirty ground and have some bruises all over my face for a few days. Only that never happened. In the instant that I was about to feel my face against the damp soil, two arms wrapped my waists not too strong, but with determination, preventing me from slipping a second time. I didn’t even realize I closed my eyes. "It’s not even the first day you’re back here on Earth, and you were destined to get hurt. Pff, not very convenient for our team, huh?"
A moment later my eyes sprang to meet his, and those eyes reminded me of an autumn now close to winter. " Well, lady killer, now you might as well put me down. I’m not meant to be your princess." I said authoritatively. His powerful arms let go of my body, and with a little thump my butt bounced off the ground.
What an idiot!
Not only was he now laughing at me with a fat laugh, as if I had just said the funniest joke on Earth, but he didn’t even deign to preseed himself! The blond slightly lowered his head, as I was still on the ground, and with an energetic voice he replied: "Not yet", later going in the opposite direction, with firm step. Oh, what kind of weird I had in front…
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
"Become mine! With all my Drago you would become the luckiest woman in the world!"
Somebody kill me...
It had been two months since I had made my unexpected (better to say, unlucky) acquaintance with blondie, who had the name of Ryusui Nanami. With his egocentrism and sheer avarice, he had proved to be one of the most promising members of the Kingdom of Science so far, with great skills for navigation. Apparently he came from one of the wealthiest families in Japan, and he certainly had not lost the habit of being indulged in everything, even after 3,500 years. And since our first meeting, he hasn’t stopped trying once. On every occasion he would give me his flirtations comments (sometimes shabby), he would become handsy, or he would try to buy me with his stupid Drago.
I was not one of those women who was so easily deceived, especially if a situation was about money. He thought I would give in so easily. I was so determined to prove to him the opposite, during these months, that this would give him up. With a gesture of the hand, I pushed him away. " I’m sorry, Ryusui. As I’ve explained many times before, I’m not interested." I took a dramatic break. ".. to you."
He whined loudly like a little baby, fogetting his money behind to get close to me. "You’re making a mistake!" "I have made many mistakes in my life," I answered sharply. "Then add another to your long list." I nailed him down with my sharp look, sketching a tight smile. Nothing to do. That man would never wave the white flag in the sky. However, it was becoming a nuisance, and having it close to me like a fin was starting to run out. For the worse. I had only one idea that could have saved me in that instant, from a near future in which he was no longer clinging to me like an octopus: make him believe he had a chance with me. A bold idea; nevertheless, it had to be tried. Either it will make it or break it. "Maybe, in the future, you might have a chance…" I implied in a vague tone, already heading somewhere, any, to get him off my back. I could swear to see his eyes shining remarkably with hope, and a new fire, fueled by determination.
He snapped his fingers, his iconic gesture that everyone, by now, had learned to recognize, and if he did, it was because he decided to do something. There were no roads back. "HA-HA!" His laughter seemed to flow throughout the Ishigami village. Even Senku and Chrome turned to us, with confused scowls, to see what was so funny at the time. But Ryusui found nothing amusing in this situation, except a challenge to complete.
"So be it! I’ll show you how much I’m willing to change your mind. Anything to get the chance to become yours!"
Though I did not turn to look at him, once again, his muscular arms clasped my waists, turning my body to meet his. Face to face. "You, damned Nanami, what do you want now?!" That gesture had taken me by surprise, because he was not used to come so near me, but with his cheeky smile, he kissed me on both the cheeks. A quick gesture that made me blush remarkably in my face, almost to feel it burn under the palms of my hands. "What the f...?!" "You don’t know it, but you’re already mine!"
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ahsokasupremacy · 10 months
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Alright, here are my Top Ten funniest guesses (+1 that I bet nobody ELSE will guess) for who Inquisitor Marrok actually is!
You are most welcome to correct me or let me know who YOU think is most probable.
And just to challenge myself, I’m NOT putting Ezra. Because that would be too obvious.
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1. Barriss Offee
I’m serious when I say that this is probably the most likely.
We know that she is a very important character in Ahsoka’s life, the writers could be trying to mislead us into thinking that the Force User is a man when really we have no confirmation that they are. Plus Dave Filoni has said in interviews that he refused to have the character make cameos just because he wanted to save her for later. Also, many people already speculated that Barriss became an Inquisitor after Order 66, explaining the double-sided Inquisitor lightsaber.
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2. Darth Maul
Their build is a little too skinny for Darth Maul, and also wow, he must really be getting up there. And also, he died in Rebels. But when has that really ever stopped Disney from resurrecting him? I just think they should keep bringing him back. For the bit. I want the opening scroll for the upcoming Daisy Ridley movie to contain the words “Somehow, Darth Maul returned…”
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3. Bo Katan
I highly doubt this because her character arc on the Mandalorian is already concluded, but I can kinda see her doing this as like, a side gig. Homegirl is probably broke from paying off Mandalore’s restoration fees. She’s not a Force User unfortunately, but when has that ever stopped her? I like to believe that Bo Katan simply woke up one day and decided to be Force Sensitive and it all kinda worked out for her somehow.
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4. Lux Bonteri
If this is the option David Filoni is going with, BOOO. Yet another character who isn’t Force Sensitive. If you really think about it, Dave Filoni probably wants to include someone with an important history with Ahsoka, someone close to her that she held dear and that betrayed her and that she still has lingering feelings for.
Well actually that person is Barriss, and yknow, she kinda went MIA. Sooo the next best thing we could get is Lux, I guess!
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5. Anakin (Force Ghost)
Daaaad, what are you doing here?
Well, the ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda told him to fuck off and get a job. So here he is. He’s putting in the work! He’s logging onto his Zoom! Ahsoka is gonna be sooo surprised when he finally takes off the mask and reveals it was him along. Just you wait! It’s gonna be so funny!
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6. Korkie Kryze
Now we’re really starting to get big brained here.
In Legends, we have Jacen Solo. In the sequels, we have Kylo Ren.
But in the Brand New Republic era? Hark, a new villain arises. Korkie is embittered about being left behind and forgotten by his biological parents, Satine and Obi-Wan. And now he is out for revenge against all the Force Users and Mandalorians who abandoned him. Mwahahaha. We should’ve known he would turn out like this, he’s a ginger after all.
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7. Ventress
This would technically make Dark Disciple non-canon? But I don't think Dave Filoni cares, considering he hilariously made the Ahsoka novel non-canon. Ventress is obviously very powerful and capable of dual-wielding and she would make a great candidate for an Inquisitor. Plus her and Morgan Elsbeth are both former Nightsisters so points for rapport.
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8. Anakin’s Evil Clone
Hey, I mean Palpatine HAD to start somewhere, right? He didn’t just create Snoke without practice. I like to think he tried making a second Anakin at first, only to discover that Clonakin was a huge pain in the ass and doesn’t wanna follow orders just sit on the couch all day eating the space equivalent of Hot Cheetos.
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9. Cal Kestis but he’s evil now
This one pretty much goes against everything we know about Cal but hey, I’ll take a live action Cal cameo any day now. I’ve been on the frontlines defending my babygirl Anakin since day one, don’t even try to lecture me about the ethics of stanning Darksider Cal.
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9. Mara Jade
OK no more messing around!! I'm serious this time!
I think the reason why Dave hasn't made any references to Eli, or Ar'alani, or Vahnya must be because he grew up on the 80s Legends trilogy (not the canon trilogy). Whenever Thrawn is mentioned, there is a direct reference to Heir to the Empire. The same novel where Mara Jade is introduced as the Hand of the Emperor. Coincidence? I think not! Obviously, this must be part of Dave Filoni's master plan to softlaunch the upcoming top secret Thrawn series adaptation.
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10. Starkiller
My only real proof is that his name (Marek, Marrok) kinda sounds similar?
Making Starkiller canon would create a whole bunch of problems for the Star Wars timeline. I think his origin story is too Mary Sue-y for even Dave Filoni to try and integrate into current canon.
However, it would be interesting to see a showdown between Anakin's two former apprentices. Interesting, but unlikely.
And finally, for my last guess, I will tell you exactly who Marrok REALLY is. Kathleen Kennedy told me personally, so don't get mad at me! She said it, not me!
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11. Luuke (the clone Palpatine made out of Luke's dismembered hand)
This is the ONLY correct answer.
Us Timothy Zahn enjoyers know that this was really Luuke all along. I told you, Snoke isn't the first clone that Palpatine made! I imagine he had a lot of downtime and got bored and decided to fuck around, and that's how we got Luuke.
And yes, I would cast Sebastian Stan to play him because I'm petty AF.
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webslingingslasher · 10 months
i had a dream about frat!peter the other day but i only like spoke to him for a few seconds before a paywall showed up and i was so pissed i was like who put up fucking paywalls in peoples dreams and i woke up so fast and so mad lol
imagine trouble tho but with spidey. she wakes peter up and she’s like ‘i almost got to see his face and then an ad popped up!’ and peters still half asleep and confused and hes like ‘whos face trouble?’ and shes like ‘spider man, peter! keep up!!’
you wake up peter one night and only because you need to tell someone, you were woken in a stage of confusion and frustration.
'what did i say about waking me up?'
'blood, tears, and fire only.'
peter tucks the comforter under his chin, 'do you have any of those issues?' you stare at his back, 'no.' he hums, 'night, trouble.'
you poke him, he jolts. 'oh, god damn it. what? what is it?' you frown at his frustration, one of these nights he'll kick you out of his bed.
'i know who spider-man is.'
you have a great talent of snapping him wide awake.
peter rolls to face you, 'uh huh, explain.'
'i can't remember.'
peter blinks fast at you, 'you know who spider-man is but can't remember?'
you lick your lips and shake your head, 'i had a dream, and i knew i knew him but i didn't know how. like, you know how when you met ethan and it just made sense, and it felt like you knew him before you did? that's how it felt.'
'did he tell you who he was?'
'i told him i felt like i knew him, and he said i did. he said i knew him really well, and that he has been contemplating telling me. but then he took his mask off but his face was like, a shining light? and i couldn't actually see him.'
peter feels like he can't breathe. has your subconscious been connecting the dots?
'and then, the funniest fucking thing happened, the light slowly started to fade and i could start to see his face and a fucking paywall popped up.'
'a paywall?'
'a paywall. in my own fucking dream.'
it feels a little freaky to him, peter shuffles closer to you, you're happy to have the cuddles.
'do you think you know spider-man?'
you snort, 'fuck no, if i did do you think i'd be here with you?'
peter nuzzles his cheek on your chest, 'actually, yeah.'
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I Forget Where We Were
1.4k/ joel miller x f!reader / MINORS DNI 
summary: life with Joel from the start. Be kind please- this is my first piece and has taken 6 months of courage🤍
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Chapter Five: She Treats Me Well
Now I’ve got a woman at home, she treats me well
what to expect: Sundays spent with the Millers. Joel officially asks you to be his girlfriend. 
warnings: bad language i guess idk?😂fluff, dad!joel,lover boy joel, no specific physical description of reader, female reader (please let me know if there is anything I’m missing, I will elaborate as the series goes on) no outbreak, age gap (reader is mid 20s and Joel is mid 40s), boyfriend!joel? i repeat boyfriend!joel, slight daddy!kink, sooooo much fluff
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After the best sleep of your life, you woke up intertwined with Joel. He was awake and watching the news on mute on his TV. You snuggled into the crook of his neck, and he dragged you on top of him.
‘Sleep well darlin’?’ his raspy voice turned you into putty, as he tucked your hair behind your ear and flipped you over onto you back.
He kissed you hungrily, before patting your thigh and jumping out of bed.
You whined as you held out your arms for him to join you again, and in the same second, Sarah ran through onto the bed like a tiny hurricane and snuggled into you.
‘I had the funniest dreams’ Sarah giggled. ‘Daddy played dress up with me and we turned him into a princess.’
‘I could just imagine him as pretty as a picture’ you giggled. 
You burst into a fit laughter as
Joel wrapped the duvet round his hips and gave a twirl. ‘Now what do the real princesses want for breakfast?’
‘I need to get home and shower, should we head back to mine and we’ll eat there? I’ve got groceries to get through, and I know a certain curly haired baby would love to come and see where I live!’ You tickled Sarah and tilted your head at Joel. Sarah clambered across the bed and held onto Joel like a koala, you leaned forward into Joel’s hip.
‘Let’s get ready to go then Roo’ Roo was Joel’s nickname for Sarah, affectionately after the way she bounced round and round. 
You made the bed, and went downstairs to clear the dishwasher and organise Joel’s house quickly.
Dressed in Joel’s joggers that sat low on your hips, and a tucked up gym top, you went to check on Sarah and Joel, and found Sarah in her unicorn backpack and bright pink tutu dress. Joel was dressed smart in black Jeans, a tightly fitting black flannel shirt and his silver watch sitting on his wrist, above his small hand tattoo. His curly hair was slicked back, and you could smell the heat of the hot shower mixed with his mint shower gel and toothpaste, and your favourite aftershave of his.
You stared a moment too long, when Sarah held your hips and shook you asking to go and see your house. Joel placed his fingers under your chin and picked your jaw up.
‘It’s rude to stare’ Joel lowered his voice and remarked gruffly into your ear.
You swallowed dryly, and averted your gaze as you tried to distract yourself by gathering the Miller’s out the house back to your place.
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You let Sarah have full access to your apartment, and she went straight to the flowers growing on your balcony. Joel stood in the french doors, his silhouette distracting you. He sipped his black coffee from your ridiculously oversized pastel pink mug, when he crouched down to let Sarah whisper in his ear. He crouched down and nodded, then looked at you and smiled. He looked back at Sarah ‘Yes I’ll ask her later baby’. You were itching to find out what Sarah whispered, but had a pretty good idea. 
You laid breakfast out for everyone, and watched with adoration as your small apartment now felt like home. The idea of having Joel’s babies crept into your mind. What would that be like? Heaven, you thought.
After breakfast was finished, you let Sarah pick her favourite Disney film and hopped in the shower and got ready for the day. 
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‘What are we doing today then?’ You entered the room. Sarah was on the balcony with an orange juice, flicking through an old book of yours. You chuckled at her, and Joel turned around and pulled you in. His hands held your hips, and you felt his huge arms envelope you.
‘I want to go to the arcades’ Sarah squealed with her hands in the air.
‘Ask nicely!’ Joel said sternly.
Sarah looked over at you and said please as many times as she could. 
‘Arcades it is then, Miss Miller’ Joel agreed, ‘You up for it, darling?’
‘I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do, Mr Miller’you grinned at Sarah.
Joel grunted and gave you ‘that look’.
‘Will you paint my nails for me first’ Sarah asked, bouncing around like a Duracell Bunny.
‘Absolutely baby. I’ll send Daddy on a mission to the store and we’ll finish getting ready’ you asked, emphasis on the eye contact with Joel when you said Daddy.
He clenched his fist and banged it on the counter jokingly, and asked you to write a list. You conspired with Sarah and gave Joel a list:
-Sour Patch Kids
-Sourdough Loaf
-Bottle of Rosé
-More Sour Patch Kids
-Reese’s Pieces
-Dr Pepper Zero
He scoffed at the list, and warned against the excessive sugar content. You assured him it’d be a sugar crash by night time, and that’s why you wanted sugar free Dr Pepper- to compensate!
You and Sarah ran to your vanity and Joel went to the store.
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The heat scorched, as you found relief under the air con in the arcades. Sarah had stuffed teddies bigger than her, and your purse was 
full of pointless prizes from arcade machines. Joel carried the tokens. 
Sarah asked for an ice cream and a final go on the dance machine.
You and Joel sat next to eachother waiting to take Sarah home.
‘Do you still love me?’ Joel nudged you.
‘From the moment I met you’ you squeezed his thigh.
‘Will you be my girlfriend? I’m not sure people ask anymore, but I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life.’ Joel blushed and you kissed him. 
‘How could I ever say no?’ You scrunched your nose up and held his hand, ‘I love you, Mr Miller.’
Sarah sprinted over yelling ‘I want to go home.’ You envied the abruptness that kids could get away with. You wouldn’t be able to shout I want to leave in your office job and have people find you funny and endearing. 
You all held hands and headed back to the truck. 
‘Are you and Daddy having another sleepover tonight?’ Sarah fluttered her eyelashes and didn’t want you to leave.
‘No babygirl, I’ve got to work tomorrow’ it wasn’t clear who was more disappointed at your answer out of Joel and Sarah. They both shared the same gooey puppy dog eyes.
‘How about we go and pick her up from work tomorrow? You can finish school, Daddy will come and get you, and then we’ll head there’ Joel was desperate to keep you all for him and Sarah, and would do anything to be with you every second of every day.
‘You’ve got yourself a deal, Mr Miller. I’ll see you tomorrow night Roo’ you kissed Sarah’s forehead and she twirled around you and climbing into the backseat.
Joel was left listening to the sound of you both softly snoring on the drive home, clearly reaching that sugar crash you talked about.
His heart swelled, and he thanked his lucky stars. Both of his girls.
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Joel dropped you home and tried to wake you without making you grouchy. You tried to not be sad and keep in high spirits for Sarah and Joel. Even though you’d see them in less than 24 hours again.
You started your Sunday reset regime, changing your bedsheets, even though they smelt like Joel still and wrote your weekly plan. Although, how productive really was the to do list of : kiss Joel, think about Joel, hug Joel, fuck Joel.
Your phone chimed with a text about an hour later.
Sarah’s in bed, finally crashed😴 she said she already misses you and wish you didn’t have to ever leave.
She’s the most precious angel- I miss her too. Big hugs and kisses tomorrow xxx
I miss you too. Can’t believe you’ve got this old man head over heels again. I love you, baby.
I love you. Can’t believe I’m a girlfriend, I feel like a changed woman.
Get some sleep missy, don’t let the honour get to your head😉
Mr Miller… don’t start something you can’t finish.
Oh I’ll finish everytime.
Gross- get gone. Night baby.
You finished your chores and got yourself clean and to bed. You sprawled out, smiling to yourself and sleep came easily. 
You wished you were at work already so you could be back in Joel’s arms. 
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70sscifiart · 8 months
I woke up today to this very kind review from S. Elizabeth at Unquiet Things! She writes:
"Well-informed, brimming with details, and powerfully engrossing sure, but Rowe’s voice is chatty, warm, and irreverent–like you’re being regaled by one of your smartest, funniest, nerdiest friends. You no doubt know of Adam Rowe from his Twitter and Tumblr accounts, where he shares otherworldly, alien retro sci-fi art on an almost daily basis…but while those are both awesome places to peek in at, it’s not the same as having this outstanding book at your fingertips.
Of course, the imagery he has curated is tremendous, but what makes this such a special collection is the enthusiasm, fondness, and overall spirit of curiosity and wonder that infuses every single word in this book. You never doubt even for a second that Adam Rowe is absolutely jazzed about these artworks–and he wants you to be, too."
This is exactly the response I'm hoping for in my readers! My art book Worlds Beyond Time is available on my linktree.
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squeakadeeks · 7 months
had a wild one yesterday, had to go to the hospital and i have thoughts
honestly the whole thing was not that big of a deal, but it was a wild day.
I woke up at 5am, felt ok but with a mild pain in my left side. got ready and started going to work thinking "huh ok this pain is getting a little bit worse than i'd like but no big deal". got there and within an hour it went from "ouchie" to "HOLY FUCK". i tried to start with urgent care, but got sent to the ER immediately. spent the whole day there doing tests and imaging and they did actually find something which is a huge relief. plus what they found explains my experience to a tee so it offers some peace of mind.
but the funniest things to me are the following:
i know they have to do this, but I find it funny when the nurses ask "are you sexually active?" and I'm like "no" and then theyre like..."have you ever been sexually active" and again the answer is no, and the nurse is always without fail weird about it. like being apologetic bc i dont have any game, asking a bunch of questions like "are you sure", which ?? ??? girl what ??? ?? and most commonly thinking that im lying, when its like first of all:
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second of all:
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most of the time i get a kick out of how flustered they get when presented with the idea of an adult who has literally no interest in having sex despite that being a well known sexual orientation (like babygirl how in the hell is this a novel idea to you). but this time what ticked me off is they didn't believe me when i told them i had never been sexually active so much that they actually ordered a pregnancy test without telling me. which is also annoying bc my symptoms wouldve made no sense with pregnancy so they pretty much just did it because they didnt believe me.
and 2:
I was in horrible pain from a cyst and needed to get bloodwork done. but the person doing my blood work was so aggressive and bad at it that they had to try my left arm, right arm, and then my left hand and they burst the vein in all three locations. i've never had that happen before normally my blood draws are routine and painless. they also botched my hand blood draw so badly that my whole hand is bruised and swollen and ngl?? the pain is comparable to the cyst. like that nurse FUCKED me up. i wont go into detail about some of the specifics about what she did that was so painful during the draw bc it makes my skin crawl just thinking about how she handled the needle inside the vein but it was BAD bad.
hell of a day. im happy they found something and all but between being undiagnosed as asexual and having a nurse just absolutely fuck up my whole scene during a blood draw im just like. girl.
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vanya-evergreen · 2 months
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I am over come with joy by how much people have been enjoying it! I was working on the next part when I noticed haha!
So in celebration I give you a small look into the next chapter 🥳
*it might change a bit in the final draft!*
“Welcome the 9 pm GBC News, we are currently following batman and robin while they pursue-” Click
You were hanging upside down on your coach, clicking through the local news channels trying to find the best view of the chase. Your laptop was discarded besides you. It’s open to an article about Dick Grayson ‘soaring through’ the annual charity ball on the chandler when he first was adopted into the Wayne family. There were multiple other browsers open, all on the Wayne Family and their lucrative businesses and charities, along with their scandals too.
You said you would do your research.
Your attention was taken away from this ‘research’ as a new alert about Batman and Robin chasing some nameless villain, who had kidnapped some poor boy, on founders island came up. No new station could find a good angle, you were annoyed.
“Damn you!” you toss the remote to the other side of the coach, quickly you flip yourself around and get off of the coach. You mumble about how they do it on purpose, they were trying to make you read their shit article. You had to wait for social media to do its thing of supplying you with clips of your favorite heroes (well not absolute favorites). Your apartment was nothing to overlook, always seems to have been updated without you knowing. It always had the latest tech, or trendiest look. You have been rich for 7 years now and still can't seem under it.
You walk over to the floor to ceiling windows, looking down you see people walking home or to a club, taxis and cars driving in opposite directions. Slowly the news faded to the back of your mind.
Nights in Gotham were always busy, especially near Old Gotham. It was rich with history and culture, and also money too. When you first woke up in this world you wanted to visit every place possible. You went to museums, office buildings, the GCDP nearby, and shops you had never even heard of. You used to stand out on the corner of the street watching the luxury cars pass by, while your ‘Assistant’, Val Miller, carried bags from the toy store you frequented, or the candy stores you couldn’t help but indulge in. Yo had never really had a childhood, but looking back you weren't as grown as you thought. You looked up at the neighboring building, the neon lights danced in your eyes. There was one that always caught your eye.
You went into that office building, or what you know as Wayne tower, once. You were dressed like a typical kid or preteen, you wouldn’t stop looking at all the expansive interior. The front desk workers thought it was the funniest thing that a kid was excited to be there. They gave you a small tour of the base floor level and let you answer some calls. It was great for you. You were just a kid when you came here, and even now you are just a kid. Everything was new and shiny to you.
This place is a far cry from your home near the east end of gotham. There was a high rate of villain bases and criminal activity in your area. While it wasn’t the safest environment for you as a child, it is what you knew. It’s where you learned to survive, how to live. So you tried your best to protect your small place of peace, your shabby second floor apartment. Full of splitters waiting to happen and ready to cause a concussion at any moment, it was far from ideal, but it had running water, gas, and occasional heat. You lived with your mother, she was a brilliant flash of light in the darkest corner of Gotham, but she wasn't alway there for you. While she wasn't the perfect mother, she did what she could with what she had for the both of you.
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amsgrey · 2 years
Blind Date
Halstead reader x Jay halstead
Warnings: bad writing. misogynistic comments.
Synopsis: Your date goes horribly and Jay thinks it's the funniest thing ever.
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Note to self; never let Gallo set you up a blind date again. Never, ever let him within 50 feet of your dating life. And while you are at it, make sure Violet and Ritter get what's coming for their peer pressure in all of this.
"You know," Violet said, sitting down next to you at the table one shift, "One of us has to have a successful dating life and it might as well be you."
You turned and scowled at her, "Why me?"
Violet grinned, "Gallo is a lost cause and Ritter is, well, Ritter."
The two sitting across from you looked up from their plates and made mumbled protests. Violet shooed her hand at them, shutting them up. She turned back to you and started rattling off ideas to find you a date.
"What about a blind date?" Ritter said in passing, grinning as you scowled at him.
"I know the perfect guy! I went to the academy with him," Gallo said, growing excited in his typical Gallo way.
You screwed up your nose in disgust, "When has a blind date ever been a good experience?"
"Blind dates are fun!" Gallo protested.
Hermann gave Gallo an incredulous look as he walked by, muttering about Gallo's stupidity.
You laughed, "I'm with Hermann on this."
Ritter shrugged, trying to hide his grin, "Hey, maybe it will be fun. You never know until you actually go."
Oh, man were those three going to pay the next shift. You were sitting opposite one of the stupidest firefighters you had ever met. You spent the entire first half of the meal listening to him recount how he had made the record at the academy for whatever, you had almost completely zoned him out.
You were both finishing your meal when he finally asked something about you, "So you work at Firehouse 51 right?"
"Man!" He interrupted, "That house has so many rumours! Don't you all live together or something?"
"Uh, I mean I guess?"
"Yeah, my house is super tight too, we'd die for each other ya know?" He launched into a recounting of when he almost died in a warehouse fire. Does this man ever stop talking about himself?
You finally finished your meal when he wrapped up his story. The young waitress came over and asked how your meal was, "Are y'all after the dessert menu?"
"No," You said at the same time your date said yes.
He laughed awkwardly, you completely ignored him.
"No, thank you," You clarified for the waitress, "Thank you though."
She returned with the bill after a few more moments, which you split and started to get ready to leave. Your date was almost dragging his feet, you regretted letting him pick you up.
"So, you and Gallo went to the academy at the same time?" You asked as you got into his passenger seat.
"Yeah!" He grinned, "Gallo and I were head to head during the academy, expected him to make squad already."
You nodded, "I'm sure he will soon," You and Gallo talked about making Squad a lot, both of you actively trying to pursue it, "We train together a lot."
Your date laughed, "You train for Squad?"
You frowned, "Yeah? Severiade said I have a real chanc-"
"Ha! Yeah right, a women firefighter on squad?"
You stared at him in awe, "What's wrong with that?"
He looked over at you as he realized you were offended, "Look, you have to be honest. The only reason female firefighters exist is that the academy lowered the physical standards and woke culture at work."
It took you a few seconds to actually process what he said. When you did, you replied, "Ok yeah. Uh, Pull over, now."
"What? Why?"
"Pull over!" You demanded, "Let me out now."
He pulled to the side of the street, watching with a frown as you got out of his car and grabbed your bag, "Take this as a no to a second date."
You slammed the door and started walking down the street. Never let a date pick you up, that was your second mistake. The first mistake was letting Gallo near your dating life.
You pulled out your phone, opening the group chat you Gallo, Ritter and Violet were in.
Blind dates are the worst, I hate you, Gallo.
You watched Ritter and Violet immediately respond with laughing emojis. You ignored the conversation and opened your phone to see if Jay was working. You knew there was a good chance he would be working, but if he was too busy you could always try Will.
"Halstead," Jay answered the phone after three rings.
"Do you not check Caller ID?"
You could hear the pause as Jay rolled his eyes, it was your greeting now. "What do you want?"
You giggled, "Are you at work?"
"Yeah, sitting in the Bullpen, why?"
"Any chance you can come get me? I'm stranded." You said sheepishly.
"Stranded?" He asked.
"Gallo set me up on a blind date and I couldn't be around that prick anymore so, I walked out," You explained, bracing yourself for his response.
"Who goes on blind dates anymore?" He chuckled, clearly trying to hide how amused he was.
"Don't be mean," You heard Hailey in the background.
"Yeah! Don't be mean to your little sister who is stranded in downtown Chicago in the middle of the night," You replied.
"Alright, Alright," Jay sighed, "Where are you?"
You relayed your location to him, rattling off the street signs around you.
"Okay, just stay there, Hailey and I will be there in ten."
You sighed, putting your phone back in your pocket and crossed your arms over your chest. There was no way you would hear the end of this from anyone in intelligence. You could already hear Ruzek and Atwater's jokes about how terrible an idea blind dates were.
You were about to text Jay and ask him where he was, when you heard police sirens from a few streets over.
Please, lord no.
The black police car came around the corner much slower than was necessary, you could see Jay grinning like the Cheshire cat through the windscreen. The few people who were on the street looked over at the commotion, you could feel their stares as Jay did a U-turn and pulled up beside you.
He turned off the sirens, climbing out of the car.
"What are you doing out here alone, young lady?"
"Jesus Christ, Jay," You sighed, smacking his chest, "Do you make everything in a commotion?"
"Ma'am, did you just assault my partner?" Hailey called from the passenger seat.
You threw your hands up, "I should have just walked home!"
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luvsturniolo · 7 months
men will never understand this pain.
last night, i had a dream that i was pregnant and throughout the first half of the dream, i was anxiously waiting for my baby to be born. the father wasn't present (still kinda mad that i never got the context of who tf knocked me up 🙄) but i didn't care because i loved my child so much that nothing else in the world mattered.
i know it was only a dream, but istg i could feel kicking in my stomach and i would crave random snacks.
i spent my time making sure to only eat certain foods if they were healthy for the baby. i would spend my day tending to its care to make sure nothing would harm my unborn child. and near the end of my pregnancy, i found out that my child was gonna be a girl !! 🥳🥳
the second half of the dream was spent raising my daughter.
she was literally the funniest, kindest, and the most perfect girl i'd ever encountered. i loved the little shit to death. like i'm not exaggerating when i say i would happily die for her if she asked nicely.
she liked to eat popsicles -- her favorites were the pink ones and she refused to eat anything flavored orange.
she loved slushies, but hated brainfreezes. like, ik that nobody enjoys getting a brain freeze, but she despised them. she would refuse to drink / eat cold foods due to her fear of getting one. ☹️
her favorite way to pass time was to draw in her coloring book. she liked to use crayons more than colored pencils or markers. she said they blended better ??
i loved her with my entire heart.
but when i woke up from my dream and my little girl wasn't with me? that was the most pain i'd ever felt in my whole life.
i cannot even begin to explain how mind altering that was for me. all my life, i swore up & down that i would never have children. i said this because i helped to raise my younger siblings for YEARS and i hated every second of it. so why would i willingly put myself through that? well i was given a pretty good reasoning after i met my daughter ☺️
i want my baby girl back so bad.
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katnissmellarkkk · 9 months
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Alright girls, I got a request a bit ago for some Katniss / Mrs. Everdeen content and as I’ve never written their relationship before I wasn’t sure if I liked it at first! But I’ve finally gotten around to actually editing it so I hope it’s good and it feels in character and y’all like it! I don’t know if I’ll write a oneshot focused on their relationship again but this was actually pretty fun! I hope y’all who read it have a blessed day and enjoy yourselves 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵
summary : katniss and her mother bond a few days after she comes home from the games. set between the hunger games and catching fire 💕.
I’m never getting used to nightmares.
It’s been two days since the cameras left and I’ve found little relief in their absence. For some reason I assumed once they were gone, the terrors would follow behind them, chasing after the shiny lenses and bright lights, all the way back to the Capitol.
But as it turns out, that couldn’t be further from reality.
Instead the lack of limelight has led to an uptick in nightmare. Not all equal in vigor but all too severe to be properly described by the word dreams.
Sometimes it’s Thresh, chasing me in the woods. Other times Cato tosses me off the Cornucopia to be eaten by the mutts. Occasionally I see Glimmer actually make it up the tree without the branches breaking beneath her feet, grabbing me by the braid and yanking me to the ground where the entire Career pack closes in on me like a pack of wild dogs.
Today though, it’s Clove dangling her knife above my head, taunting me, drawing out the kill. I can’t make out her words, the pulsating in my ears far too loud to understand just about anything, but she says something and then cracks up laughing, as if she’s the funniest person in the whole entire world, ecstatic to be the one to kill the girl on fire.
The dream ends when she plunges the knife into my heart. I don’t actually feel anything but it shocks me awake all the same.
It shocks me awake with such a start that it takes a moment to gather my bearings. It takes a moment to realize I’m alive and safe, in my new house, in District Twelve.
In Victor’s Village, to be exact.
The new home that I was gifted over a week ago, already ready to go with furniture and all, as a reward for my efforts in the games.
If I’m being honest, I feel like it’s taking just as much effort to battle these nightmares as it took to survive the arena.
That may be a bit of an exaggeration but it feels true. For the last couple of weeks I’ve been fighting almost every second of the day to come to terms with what occurred in the games.
To come to terms with all the things I did. All the things I did, with the sole purpose of surviving. All the people I hurt — all the people I killed, directly or indirectly — in effort to stay alive and come home to my mother and sister.
Every choices I made to save my own life has been playing on repeat inside my head every waking second since I woke up in the hospital in the Capitol and I feel like it’s finally going to drive me insane. It’s finally going to push me over the edge, right here, right now, in my new luxurious bedroom with my mother and sister none the wiser.
Of course, the nightmares have been a nice break from thinking of the one choice I made to save someone else’s life.
The one choice that may have disastrous consequences. The one choice I likely will never be able to escape.
Thinking about Peeta and the berries and the arena in those final moments and Cato’s mutilated body as the mutts gnawed away at him — and the look of heartbreak etched across blue eyes — does absolutely nothing to help my current state of mind and everything to exacerbate it.
I don’t even realize I’m crying until my mother’s voice sounds on the other side of the door.
“Katniss?” She calls lightly and I make an immediate effort to wipe my face and keep my voice even.
“I’m fine!” I swallow, hard, choking down the tears still fighting to come out. “Sorry, I just had a bad dream. Go back to bed.”
But she’s already opening the door before I’m even finished speaking. And I suppose I look even worse than I feel. “I know,” she says softly, looking at me with a compassion I would have rejected a couple months ago. “I heard you from down the hall.”
On the ride back to Twelve, between breaking Peeta’s heart and worrying about what President Snow may do to me or my family, I made a serious promise to myself that I would try and make things right between me and my mother.
I know she didn’t choose to be locked away in some far away, dark world after my father’s death. And I know she wishes she could take it all back.
And I know that I could have died in the games. The idea of leaving this world with my relationship with my mother still fractured and tense almost makes me cry harder.
“I’m sorry,” I say now, forcing myself to smile in a way that I hope is reassuring but am aware enough to know it probably looks pitiful at best. My tears refuse to stop and until then, none of my placating will have an effect. “I’ll be fine. Why don’t you start breakfast and I’ll be down in a moment.”
My mother nods, letting me take all initiative in our relationship. Just as she’s done for the last four years.
She turns as if to leave, as if to give me the space I’m so clearly wanting. The space I have all but verbally asked for.
But instead, as if making a split second decision, she surprises me. She spins around and makes a sudden beeline in my direction.
Both her arms wrap around me, holding me protectively, as if she could even begin to keep me safe from the horrors playing inside my head. Still though, her embrace isn’t the most startling thing.
It’s the fact that I instinctively return it.
I hugged her on the train platform in front of the cameras when arriving back in Twelve and I hugged her again yesterday at some point but this is the first time since I was eleven — since I was a child — that I readily accept her embrace. That I go as far as returning it.
That I willingly dive into her arms, just like I would have years ago, letting her comfort me instead of getting angry and defensive and mean.
It takes a moment for her to get over her evident shock, obviously not anticipating that I would even allow her to hold me, let alone clinging onto her like a needy kitten. But when she does, she sits down on the edge of my bed and pulls me into her arms, stroking my hair and rubbing my back in soft circles.
“It’s okay,” she whispers when my cries grow louder. “It’s okay, baby. I’m here now.”
I’m not your baby, I’d shouted at her years ago. I was so angry with her. I was so angry and so righteous and for what? For something she couldn’t control and couldn’t take back? For something she clearly needed help to manage?
I thought I knew everything when I was twelve. I thought I was the strongest person on earth.
Not now apparently, I think to myself as I wail into my mother’s neck, almost surprised that I still fit in her arms after all this time.
I don’t know how long I stay against her, letting her smooth back my sweat soaked hair and breathing in the scent of lavender I didn’t even know I missed while in the Capitol. It’s got to be close to an hour before my sobs die down and even then they threaten to start back up again.
“You’re home and safe,” she promises gently, rubbing my back again. “You will never go back to the games for as long as you live. You’re never going to see another arena. You’re going to live a long life here in Twelve.” Her voice is light and soft, almost like a hum. The way she speaks to Prim after a nightmare. The way she used to speak to me before my father died.
“Where’s Prim?” I croak, becoming more and more aware of how disgusting I feel. The nightmare left me covered in perspiration and I would feel sorry for my mother having to be so close to me if it wasn’t for the fact that she deals with much worse on a daily basis as a healer.
“At school,” she says, pulling back a little to wipe my leftover tears with her thumb. “You slept in late today.”
Right. Prim is starting school again now. It’s almost autumn. Gale is working in the mines six days a week. My mother is beginning to treat people for colds and croup again.
And I have to now decide how to spend my days as a happy little victor.
I suppose today isn’t the day to make that decision though. My head hurts from all the crying and my body feels weak with exhaustion despite the fact that I just woke up.
Before really thinking about it, I lean my head against my mother’s shoulder again, already seeing Clove with her knives reappear as soon as I shut my eyes.
“Are you hungry?” My mother asks, leaning down kissing my hair as she folds me back into her arms. I can tell she’s almost overjoyed that I’m allowing her to console me.
Almost. Because there’s no way she would have ever wished for this to be the reason I let her back in.
“No.” I shake my head, my stomach turning at the mere thought of eating right now.
“Then why don’t we get you cleaned up? Hmm?” She waits for my nod before standing up and taking my hand.
I let her lead me into our new bathroom, where the sinks are white and porcelain and the toilet feels too expensive to use. And the giant tub in the middle of the room makes the bucket we used to use in the Seam feel like a foot bath.
I watch as she moves the knobs around, already having gotten the hang of the appliance, and adds soothing, sweet smelling oils into the water.
Once the tub is halfway full she helps me undress and tosses my damp pajamas into a laundry basket by the door.
I sink to the bottom of the bath, feeling the blazing hot water relax my sore, achy muscles and encase me like a wool blanket in wintertime.
My mother lets me soak for a moment before kneeling down to the right of the tub and getting to work. She washes me up with rose scented soaps and cleans my hair with something that foams when you rub it between your hands and reminds me distantly of Effie Trinket.
“You’d be a good hair washer if we lived in the Capitol,” I murmur as she scrubs my scalp lightly with her fingernails.
She snorts and tips my chin up to rinse my locks. “In another life, I suppose.”
After double conditioning she expertly rings my hair out and then pulls the drain. I sit in the tub until it’s completely empty, having never actually seen huge swirls of water rushing down a drain before. It’s so fascinating that for a moment I consider refilling the tub just to pull the drain all over again.
Afterwards I sit on my bed silently, feeling worn and depleted, wrapped in a towel while she combs out the tangles from my hair, before pulling it into a simple braid.
“Mama,” I whisper as she grabs a silk shirt from my dresser.
“I’m so tired.”
My words are plain but the meaning behind them is loaded and she intrinsically understands my true intent.
I’m so tired. It’s only been two days since it all officially ended and I feel exhausted. I feel like I haven’t slept in a hundred years. I feel like I’ll never sleep again. I feel so much older than sixteen and at the same time so much younger and I don’t understand and you can’t understand but I just want to sleep. I just want to go to bed and actually sleep through the night without the panic and the fear.
Wordlessly, she turns back to the dresser and pulls out a nightgown instead. “Then you should go back to sleep,” she says simply, pulling away the towel and tugging the nightgown over my head, rightening my braid and moving back the covers to my bed.
And I crawl between sheets without hesitation and let her tuck me in, let her care for me, let her mother me again, in a way I’ve rejected for so long now. I lay there and let her rub my back, comforting me the same way she does when I’m too sick to push her away.
I’m almost asleep when she leans down and kisses me goodnight. “I love you, Katniss Sienna,” she whispers, standing to pull the blankets up to my chin. “I love you. And I’m so happy that my baby’s home safe.”
“Goodnight,” I mumble into the covers as she starts closing the door behind her. “Thank you,” I add as sleep grabs ahold of me again, but I doubt she catches it. “Thank you, Mama.”
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unloved-cadillac · 2 years
Everything Exists, Except For You. (Itto x Reader)
In which Arataki Itto loses his memories that include you.
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C/n: I got robbed from having a buff Itto when I saw how good they did Al Haitham’s arms. Fucking REALLY HOYO?!
Whenever things get quiet around Inazuma city, it’s best to just bask in it. But sometimes, it get too quiet. That could only mean one thing:
The Arataki Gang are up to something.
And of course, they were. Outside of the city, Itto and the gang were hunting onikabuto. Why?
“Because there’s a super important tournament comin up and I HAVE TO WIN, Shinobu!” Itto cries out as his second in command crosses her arms and shakes her head. “Really? Isn’t it enough you have all those onikabuto at home now you want more?”
“Hey, I need fresh blood. Young for the stamina and big for strength.” Itto says as he looks under a rock.
“Boss! We found one!” Genta runs to him with his hands closed. “Lemme see! Lemme see!” Itto says and Genta opens his hands to show the smallest onikabuto ever. “You have got to be kidding me. Really, Genta? I love you man but we’re trying to win a tournament here.” Itto sighs and runs a hand down his face.
Shinobu rolls her eyes. “While you guys hunt bugs, I’m gonna go see if Y/n wants lunch.” Itto widens his eyes at the sound of your name. “Y/n?! Uhhh, damn. I want to come too.” Shinobu shakes her head. “Uh huh. And your precious onikabuto? I saw a big one on that tree over there.” She points behind him and the gang looks. “Gah, tell her I love her but I gotta do this! Let’s go guys.” Itto says and runs to the tree. Shinobu chuckles softly then heads to the city.
Walking through the city, Shinobu hears your voice mixed with another. “And Yoimiya, you gotta understand. This man is my everything but he’s so silly! He does the funniest things even if he hurts himself. That’s the only problem.” You say and Yoimiya chuckles. “You’re so smitten, Y/n. It’s cute.” You blush and scratch your head.
“Y/n! Yoimiya!” Shinobu calls you guys and you turn. “Shin! Hey! Where’s the guys?” You look behind her to see your tall boyfriend not there. “Your precious Oni and his friend are hunting onikabuto again. Some tournament.”
“Oh, I heard about that! The winner gets 180k in mora plus a voucher for the Shin restaurant.” Yoimiya says and you “oooh”
“Anyway, you guys hungry? I was thinking of-“
The cries of the voices you’ve come familiar with scream as they run to you. “Genta? Akira? What’s wrong?” Shinobu asks as she waits for them to catch their breaths. “I-it’s the boss. He fell down real bad. Oh, I told him not to climb so high.”
“Yeah, but you know him. Won’t stop until he gets what he wants.”
“Guys,” you interrupt their conversation making them look at you,”what happened to Itto?”
Mamoru had Itto’s head on his lap as he fanned him. “Wake up boss. Y/n’s on her way. Cmon.” He mumbles but Itto doesn’t. You and the others run to him and you drop down in your knees.
“Itto? Baby? Can you hear me?” You tap his cheek. He doesn’t respond so you place your ear on his chest. Hearts still beating. “Guys, it’s gonna take so much strength but we need to get him to granny Oni.” So, using all their strength, the arataki gang carried their boss to his home where his granny stood outside.
“Oh no. What happened?“ She asks as the lay him down on his bed. The boys explain the situation as the granny examines him. “He’s such an idiot sometimes, my Itto. He has a head injury but luckily not a concussion. He’ll wake up soon.” She looks at you and you sigh in relief.
That night, you slept right by him fanning him occasionally. You kissed his cheek and laid next to him. “Silly little Oni.”
You woke up first, cleaning up the house with granny Oni. An hour after, you heard groaning coming from the room Itto laid and you called granny Oni to check. She sat on the bed and felt him wake up.
“Itto.” She calls him. “Mmmmm, granny. My head hurts.” He groans. “I know. You hit it pretty hard.”
He slowly gets up and holds his head. “Ugh. Lucky I didn’t chip a horn, huh?” He looks up to see you smiling. He tilts his head. “Uhm, granny. There’s a pretty girl in our house.” He says and she looks at you. “Yes, sweetie. She’s Y/n. Do you..not remember her?” He shakes his head. “I’m your girlfriend, Itto.” You say, sadly.
“Hey, hey. You’re my girlfriend? No way, you’re gorgeous!” He says and your smile reappears. “Im sorry though. I can’t remember. My noggin’s all messed up.”
“Don’t worry. We’ll help you get it back.” You say and kiss his forehead.
“So he doesn’t remember anything?” Shinobu asks. “He remembers majority of things. Like the gang and stuff but not me, for some reason.” You explain as you watch him and the guys play fight. “Sorry, Y/n. I’ll ask some people to see what they can do.”
“Thanks, Shin.”
“Hey, hey pretty girl.” Itto says and squats down before you. “Hey, hey pretty oni. How’s your head?” You touch him and he smiles. “Better now. The guys want to head to the beach to chill. Come with?” He asks and you nod. “Sure. Take it easy though, okay?” You say and he nods. “Yo! She said yes! Let’s go, boys!” He yells out and the whole gang including you head to the beaches of Inazuma.
It was the same beach Itto took you on your first date with him. He wanted to show you the school of colorful fish that always came by but it turned out to be dangerous fish and Itto had got bitten. Even though he was hurting, you laughed and he laughed with you through the pain.
“Remember that?” You ask him and he scratches his head where his horn poked out. “Not really. I don’t remember coming here all that much.” This made your heart drop. He couldn’t remember one of the most important memories you both shared. The way he softly kissed you after that date and gave you a little onikabuto toy he won from one of the kids.
Itto kissed your forehead before heading to play ball with the boys. You put your knees up to your chest as you softly cried and let your tears flow.
This went on for a while. You took him to important spots in Inazuma where you shared important things with each other and he couldn’t remember any of it. It was like you were completely erased from his memory. He didn’t remember your favorite food, he didn’t remember you telling him about family and vice versa.
He just didn’t remember.
Because of this, you felt like he was a completely different person. He wasn’t happy, but he wasn’t not happy. He didn’t play with his onikabuto anymore, nor his card games. You even tried to ask the Yashiro commissioner if Itto played with him and Ayato said no. It really messed up your mind and now, you don’t know if you could be with him.
“I love him, Granny. But I’m afraid he doesn’t love me back. He can hardly remember me. It’s like we’re strangers all over agin.” You hold your head in your hands and Granny oni rubs your shoulder. “I’m not going to tell you to stay but I’m not going to tell you to leave either. My Itto has changed and if it’s this bad, just do what you think is healthy and best for both of you.“
You lift your head up and look at her with tear filled eyes. Before you could say anything, Itto comes into the house. “Gran, I got your stuff. Oh,” he stops when he sees you, “hey Y/n.” He greets and you quickly wipe your eyes. “Hi, Itto.” You look at Granny Oni and kiss her goodbye. “Where you going?” He asks and you look at him when you stop by the door. “Home. I’m sorry, Itto.” You smile sadly and begin to walk away.
Itto waited for a few minutes when he realized what just happened. “Gran, did she just..?” He asks but before she could answer, he runs after you.
“Y/N!” You hear him calling you but you don’t turn back. “Y/N! Please! Wait!” He yells and you stop. You turn to face him and he stops in his tracks. “What is going on?” He asks and you shake your head.
“Itto, ever since your accident you stopped remembering me. You couldn’t remember our first date, when we said I love you for the first time, when we shared such intimate details about each other that we haven’t told anyone else. And you still couldn’t remember. Itto, I love you. I love you so damn much but you don’t love me.” You smile sadly. “It’s just how things have to be now. You’re…you’re not my Itto. My silly oni who used to make me cry from laughing so much. My silly oni who brought me poison ivy thinking they were flowers. I’m not going to force you anymore.”
Itto remained silent as you spoke your heart and, as much as he hated to admit it, but you were right. He couldn’t remember you no matter how much he tried. You walk up to him and cup his cheek. “I will always, always love you, my one and oni.” You whisper and he stares into your eyes. You laid a gentle kiss on his other cheek then pulled away and walked away from him, leaving Itto with a crack in his heart.
A month later
The tournament for the onikabuto was finally here but the Arataki Gang were no where to be seen. Yoimiya looked around the crowd and she didn’t see you or the gang, making her worry.
Running to their usual hang out spot, Yoimiya saw the Arataki Gang but without their leader. “Hey guys. Why aren’t you at the tournament?” Yoimiya asks and the gang remain quiet. But Akita soon speaks. “The boss hasn’t been himself lately. Since his accident plus Y/n leaving, it’s like he lost himself. We tried everything but nothing jogged his memory. We gave up at this point.” Yoimiya clicks her tongue. “Is he at home?” They nod and Yoimiya heads to the Oni household.
Itto was busy doing pull ups on a rusty bar while Granny Oni was sitting, petting a bird. “Hey, Itto!” Yoimiya yells and he looks at her while continuing his pull ups. “Hey. Yoimiya, right? What’s up?” Yoimiya dismisses the fact he doesn’t remember her and crosses her arms. “That tournament is up. You’re not joining?”
Itto shakes his head. “Nah. Don’t really find the need anymore.”
Yoimiya grinds her teeth. “Alright, listen here Oni! I don’t know what happened to you but you aren’t the Itto I know. The fact that you can’t remember me says enough. Y/n has been worried sick about you and as a matter of fact, all of us have! And now you don’t want to fight Onikabuto?! What the hell, man?!”
Itto stops midway of his pull-up and listens to the firework girl. As he was about to say something, a creak of metal catches his attention but as soon as he was about to let go, the rusty pole cracks and breaks. Itto falls down and hits his head, blacking out.
“When will this boy learn not to do silly things?” Granny Oni says and Yoimiya grunts. “He’s gonna be alright though, right? I mean he’s been through this before.” Granny oni nods and Itto stirs. “Oh my god.” He grunts out and holds his head. “My head is actually banging. What happened? Where’s Y/n?” Itto asks and Granny Oni and Yoimiya look at each other then back to Itto. “You remember her, sweetie?” Granny asks him and he chuckles softly. “Of course, Gran. She’s my everything. I feel like I haven’t seen her in years. Why? Did something happen?” He asks face contouring in worry.
Granny Oni explains the last three months and Itto couldn’t believe it. “How could this happen? Me not remembering her? Where is she?”
“She’s at home. Hasn’t been the same for a while, Itto.” Before the girls could say anything after, Itto bolts out the dirt and runs.
He ran through Inazuma city and past the river, straight to your home. Tears unintentionally fell from his eyes as he thinks about you. How alone you must’ve felt. How betrayed.
‘You couldn’t remember anything about her, Itto. Like she was wiped from your life.’
“No. No, never.” Itto says and picks up the pace. He found himself at the gate to your house as he looked around for you. “Come on, Y/n. Where are you?” He mumbles to himself as he looks around.
Your soft voice echos in him as he turns around to see you. God, you looked tragically beautiful to him. Your eyes were swollen, probably from crying. Bags formed underneath them and you got thinner.
“Baby.” He says and you frown. “What?” You say and he walks to you. He stood in front of you for a minute before dropping to his knees. “I’m so sorry, Y/n. I’m so fucking sorry. I don’t know what happened. I blacked out. Then I wake up to news that you left me and..that I couldn’t remember you. I’m so sorry. I do, babe. I remember.”
You gasp softly as you listen to him. The sincerity in his voice made you want to hold him and sink back into him. To go back to normal. But it’s too late. You look down and shake your head.
“I..I need to think.” You softly say and walk past him to go to your house.
Itto quickly got on his feet and turned to you.
“Your favorite flower is the dendrobium. I know because you told me that when we were 16. We sat on the beach when you saw one and I ran to get it for you.” He began and you stopped in your tracks when he spoke.
“Favorite food: literally anything. You love to eat as much as I love to fight onikabuto. I confessed to you through Shinobu because you made me so nervous I turned red whenever you looked at me. I took you to the fanciest restaurant in Inazuma for our first date and cleaned out whatever Mora I had just to see you smile. You kissed me for the first time on the same beach we met, where I also got stung by jellyfish. I got into a fight with a ronin because he was being an asshole to your sister. I didn’t lose, of course. I told you about my parents, how much my mom would have loved you and my dad would be proud of me to get a girl like you. You’re my entire life, Y/n. Everything I am now is because of you. I don’t know what I did the past months, but if it was to the point where I hurt you so deeply where you can’t forgive me, I understand.”
You sighed as you cried your heart out. Itto turned away and wiped his own tears speaking about leaving. He didn’t want to. It would break him and you. But if it’s what you wanted, he’d respect it and leave. As he began to walk away, he felt your arms around his torso as you cried into his back.
“You stupid, stupid Oni!” You scream and he turns in your arms and holds you. “I missed you so much! It broke me not seeing you! I, I couldn’t, I..” you stutter and tumble over your words as you gripped him, afraid he might leave. “No, baby. I’m here. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He picks you up to hold you tighter. “It’s not your fault,” you whisper into his shoulder, “it was just so unforeseen. You forgetting me.”
Itto suddenly puts you down, gets on his knees and holds your hands, “I promise, my love, that I will be so careful from here on out. I can’t risk doing that to you and us not being together.” You smile and move down to him and cup his cheeks. Your thumbs carefully wipes away his tears and you place a kiss on his lips. “I love you, Itto.” “And I love you, Y/n.”
From the bushes, a string of cheers arise. “Boss! You’re back!” Genta says and Itto nods, getting up with you. “Oh thank god,” Shinobu says holding her head, “I was about to knock him out myself.” Itto laughs. Normally he’d back away from Shinobu’s aggression but he just smiled and looked at you. He’d knock some sense into himself if he ever did that again.
The gang tell Itto about the tournament and he looks at you who smiles. “Go get ‘em, One and Oni.” He smiles and begins to run with the gang back to Inazuma city.
Itto made it to the finals and for the first time, luck was on his side. You gave him your lucky onikabuto to use and not did it fight.
As Itto said, it was “only the best and biggest Oni for my girl!”
Weeks passed by and you and Itto found yourselves back at the beach. “I really didn’t remember huh?” He asks after a silence. You look at him and click your tongue. “Babe, it’s okay. It’s over. You’re back.”
“How can I, Y/n? You were left alone. I vowed to never do that!” He yells and punches the rock you both sat on, making you both fall on your asses.
“Firstly, ow. Secondly, you see this?” You point to his Vision. Itto nods. “This was given to special people. People with a greater goal and such a passion for life. You think Morax gave you this because he just does? No. He gave it to you for a reason. Don’t ever give up. On whatever you set your mind and heart on. You will never leave me again, know why? Cause unlike the last time, I’m fight a bit harder for us. I vow that if this has to happen again, I will not rest until I make you mine again. I promise.”
As the last two words left your mouth, a bright light emitted from you for a few seconds then disappeared. “What was that?” You ask and Itto looks at you, searching for something. “There! On your right hip, babe!”
A Vision.
You and Itto admire it for a while before you look back at him. “See? That’s how much I mean it.” Itto smirks, grabs you and gets up twirling you around, laughing. “YOU HAVE A VISION BABY!” He screams and you join him in laughing.
Love. It’s a funny, amazing, tragic and confusing thing. So confusing, that the Gods envy humans for feeling such a strong emotion. And when they feel such a strong emotion emitting from a human, a mortal thing at that, they gift a Vision. Proof of love.
“Proud Itto main since December 2021. I love him.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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nicistrying · 2 months
Sunday 21st April
What a weekend 🥴
Yesterday was Matt's birthday so I made him breakfast in bed and we went for a lovely walk with Maggie, saw all her friends, had a great time 🥰
I went out and did a big grocery shop for my sister bc she said she had been really struggling with money lately as she's between jobs and will miss April pay cutoff at her new job so won't get paid until the end of May. She's also getting evicted from her house bc she's unable to get a mortgage to buy it, so the landlord is just giving it to her daughter instead which is shitty. So she's having a really tough time so I went and bought her just a load of food she can make meals with and stuff bc she said she had been sending the kids up to their dad's house for dinner bc she didn't have enough food in. Which fucking sucks. So got all that, finished off Matt's birthday cake - coffee & walnut, his fave. And then started on my nephew's cake! Which annoyingly I forgot to take a pic of when it was finished 😭
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Matt's birthday card and mug from Maggie arrived
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It has a photo from the day we got her, one of the funniest moments of her life when she got stuck between the sofa cushions, and one of them together on the side of a mountain and it says Best Dog Dad. He usually hates stuff like that but he loves it 🤭
Cleaned up the kitchen about 3 times after all the baking, realised it was 5pm and I had 30 mins to get ready, and we went out with Matt's family for dinner. We went to a Vietnamese place and it was so good. His parents were difficult as always but they left after food and we stayed out for a few drinks with his brothers and we had a fun night. He was really happy to have everyone together ❤️
Came home a little tipsy I think around midnight, got up early again this morning to walk Maggie so Matt could have a lie in. Thank god though, he woke up not long after me and offered to do the walk so I did all the housework that didn't get done all week. The house is finally sort of back to normal so I felt much better. Finished off my nephew's cake, and went over to my sister's to see him. We just had a few of his friends round and all the adults sat having a couple of drinks and eating snacks. It was lovely! I was so nervous to give my sister all the food but she took it really well, I tried to frame it as a working from home hamper bc her new job is full time WFH and I said in my experience you realise how fucking hungry you are when you're not out at work distracted by other stuff, but she didn't see all the meat, tins, fruit and veg in the bottoms of the bags so I really hope she isn't offended when she does. I know she's way too proud to ask anyone to help but it's not fair that she has to sacrifice having dinner with her kids. So I wrote her a little card and explained that I know she'd do the same for me. Haven't heard from her yet but she was super happy when I brought the stuff into her garage. Drove home feeling pretty icky (again! Wtf is going on with my body), I was shivering I was so cold and had the heaters blasting in my face the whole drive home and had an awful headache despite chugging water all afternoon. Curled up in my pjs when I got home, had a cup of tea and felt much better. Currently in a hot bath, ready for an early night. Think I'm just run down tbh, it's been a crazy busy few weeks.
Oh also! I got The Photo for the wedding thank you cards! Finally the sun was out and she was smiling and the crown stayed on her head for more than half a second 🙌
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So I can order those this week!!
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend 🥰🥰
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maylorscardigan · 1 year
You “Maylor” fans are so convinced they’re together and maybe they are or that they will get back together one day… but why would Taylor do that? You really believe she would risk her career over… HIM? We will still hate him in a few months. That won’t change. He’s problematic and she should not be with someone like him.
How can you possibly call yourself a fan yet try to dictate any aspect of her personal life? You have literally zero say in it.
Reality is - none of you have a clue what media literacy is. Or when things are debunked, you all bury your head and ignore it. Matty is not this person you have all made him out to be and if any of you got off your soap box for half a second you would realize that he is actually really good for Taylor.
And honestly - yes. She would. Because guess what? Even through that hate and all that BS all of this… hate is a chronically online issue and has very little to no impact on her career. Even when public with Matty… she was crushing records. Absolutely nothing any of you did hurt her career in any way.
What’s worse is none of you can tell that Taylor is actually pissed off at the fans. In more ways then one.
What’s funniest to me is that all of you who were “woke” warriors fighting to defend the injustice of Matty Healy… 99% of you are dead silent now. It had nothing to do with supporting those communities or caring about the issues… you guys just wanted to spread hate because you could and do to Taylor a lot worse than anything Matty has ever been accused of.
I’ve seen so many of you ignore the opinions of minorities who don’t agree with your assessment and you don’t even discuss it like many of us have tried to do but you will out right call someone names if they have a different opinion.
Matty called out the fans in that article about how they act and guess what - all of you knitwits have completely proven him right.
Ironic, isn’t it?
You guys are the problem. Not Taylor. Not him. And when she does go back to the public eye… all that silence your group is having now… when that rage comes up again and you all try to control her… the media will rip you all apart and I hope she does as well.
As for your groups attempt to cancel either one of them… Taylor’s career has never been better and Matty’s? Well his band just had to add more tour dates to meet the demand of the fans for shows.
In the end - THEY WIN. Not you guys.
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writingbirdy · 3 months
High as a Kite - Larry Johnson x Travis Phelps
(Ignore to loss of colour Tumblr kept making all the text pink 😑)
Travis had been using weed for the past 2 years more specifically weed brownies to cope with the amount of panic attacks he'd been getting for school and his father. But since moving out Travis hasn't needed them as much so he keeps the stash in a draw. Unknown to Larry Johnson who has recently moved in with Travis the weed was a lot stronger than normal so when he found the brownies decided to eat four instead of just one…
And that's how Travis Phelps found Larry laying on the floor higher than a fucking kite. “Uhh Larry what happened…” he asked curiously. “What you put in brownies” Larry slurred his words as he attempted to look up at Travis. “Weed, what else? Wait… how many did you eat…” he asked sitting near Larry's head. “Four..” his head flops to the side near Travis as he gives him a goofy smile. “What…” he asked, shocked. “Larry you fucking idiot you're only supposed to eat one!” Travis was very concerned as he had no clue about the side effects of eating four strong weed brownies.  “I’ll be fine…” Larry mumbled as he slowly started to fall asleep. “Oh, Johnson whatever will I do…” Travis lifted Larry and gently laid him on the bed as he closed the door and slept on the couch not wanting to disturb Larry's room. 
In the morning Larry woke up feeling dazed and hungry so he decided to try and walk downstairs emphasis 'try'  he never made it past the first step before falling backwards on his ass. “Yeah don't know why you tried that,” Travis chuckled as Larry shuffled down the stairs. “ you tell no one this happened….” Larry mumbled as he sat on the second step of the stairs, his face buried into travis’ stomach. “Don't worry…. I don't need to” he said, stifling a laugh. “What” was all that Larry said before looking at the living room and seeing Sal, Ashley, Todd and Neil all trying not to laugh. “So… when were you going to tell us you were dating Travis, the man you claimed ‘you hate to most’” Sal said as he burst out laughing. Larry stands up blushing profusely as he continues to try and hide in the crook of travis' neck as Travis and the rest of the gang laugh.
After a while everyone settled down as Larry stared off into space, despite the fact he had slept he was still affected by the brownies. Everyone just watched as he stared at the tv slowly falling to the side. “Okay this might be the funniest thing i've ever seen” Ashley laughs as Larry falls but doesn’t move except slowly flips her off “it's not funny…” he said. “No it is you never act like this” she giggles. “What is in those brownies dude” he looked to Travis who sat next to him. “Remember how I said I took really strong weed for my panic attacks?” he questioned. “Yeah?” “Well they were in brownie form in my draws” he gave Larry a deadpan look. “Oh.” was al he said 
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stonesylove · 4 months
A night out in Berlin pt.5
"pick your battles"
Chapter 4 - chapter 6
Tom woke up still confused about how the hell did she knew and what is he going to tell her, of course he knew what he had back home wasn’t something serious and that he didn’t want to go back to her, living in the states thought him that he for sure loved all kind of women but he was so bored of every girl he had met in New York, every single one was kinda boring and were looking to gain some kind of benefit from him and Alessandra was all the opposite things he was used to, she had a heart of gold, a body to die for and was the funniest person he had ever met; Tom took his phone and decided to answered the text, he knew that sending that would be a bit risky and it would made him look like the biggest fuck boy but the situation was too confusing also, she couldn’t ask for something more, they’ve been going out for two weeks and was already asking about other women in his life.
Tom Blyth
Tbh is difficult, but I’m all yours if you want pretty girl
Tiny dancer (Ale)
 I know this isn’t something that’s gonna last but I don’t want to be the other woman.
Tom Blyth
I’m not in a relationship, you’re not the other woman Alessandra
Tiny dancer (Ale)
If you keep calling me Alessandra I’m going to block you and I will tell everyone that you aren’t a natural blond 
Tom Blyth
Okay tiny dancer, I won’t be calling you by your  FULL NAME anymore 
But please keep my secret 😂
Tiny dancer (Ale)
Tiny dancer????
What have we talked about that emoji?💀
Tom Blyth
Well you are a dancer and really fucking tiny
Pick your battles babe, it’s your full name or that emoji
Tiny dancer (Ale)
It’s a cute nickname🫶🏼
I have an audition today so I’ll talk to you later
Have a nice day tall actor🫡
It wasn’t a lie but also not the truth, when he left New York he was almost sure that Camille was everything he wanted, she had a stable job, haD a great relationship with his friends but when he met Alexandra he realized Camille was boring as hell, he could not be fully himself around her also she was too focused in her looks and never wanted to have fun with him, going out with Camille was like going out with your boring cousin who needs to do everything right meanwhile Alessandra was like fresh air, she’s all he ever wanted in a partner the only problem was that she lived in another continent and after the next months she was gonna be out of his life because of that. Tom got ready for the day thinking what the hell is he going to do, he needed to end thing with Camille because it wasn’t fair with her but he knew doing it over the phone would be kinda awkward but it was something he needed to do as soon as possible, he wasn’t a bad person or at least that was what he likeD to tell himself.
Tom got to set, everyone was in a great mood and he didn’t feel like working that day, he wanted to run to Alessandra and enjoy every second he could with her, he wanted to be there at her audition, bring her flowers as he has seen on tv, maybe it was cliche but he wanted to have a little taste of what it would be to have a real chance with her. Tom got caught of guard when Josh came to talk to him about something to what he wasn’t paying any attention “Don’t be an asshole and listen to me” Josh said in a playful way trying to catch his attention this time “Sorry man, what do you want” Tom said trying to be as nice as possible with his friends, the fact that he stayed up all night talking to her and being so confused with what happened in the morning made him a little bit irritated, “Are you thinking about that girl and by the way you haven’t show me any pics or is she a man, I swear I won’t be jealous” Josh said trying to enlighten the mood of his costar “She is a She Josh, her name is Alessandra and she’s Italian” Tom said laughing with his mate, showing him a couple of her instagram pics, “At least she’s not a boring white girl and talking about that, what about Camille” Josh asked, “please don’t call her a boring white girl and I don’t know what I’m going to do” Tom said putting his hands over his face, “If I were you I would break up with her because what if Alessandra is the love of your life” Josh said, “Shut up lover boy and I know that I have to I’m just thinking how to do it in the best way possible” Tom said while walking to set with his friend, “Just call her is not like she was your girlfriend and maybe you could invite Alessandra to the game night this week” when Tom was about to answer he was cut off by Rachel standing next to his boyfriend “invite who to the game night” she said while looking a bit confused because it was just for the cast and friends to bond.
“A girl Tom met here” Josh said like it was nothing, Tom couldn’t believe that the situation was escalating to the point he had to tell Rachel and then tell Hunter because of course this two won’t be shutting up about it, “Oh my god, you need to invite her also we can go out to eat, the four of us” Rachel said to what her boyfriend replied “yes, as a double date” Tom frowned his brows and looked at josh wanting to hit him because now Rachel would be obsessed with the topic “I’ll talk to her” Tom said cutting off the conversation trying to get into his role.
The day went by as planned, he had to shoot a couple mentally challenging scenes and it was worse because Alessandra was all he had in mind so when he got out of set and into his trailer the first thing he did was to call Camille, he needed to do something about it and he needed to rip the band aid as soon as possible, Tom hear the tone a couple time until he heard her voice on the other side, “Hi Tom, I’m glad you called me” she said in sad but also angry tone, “Hi, I need to talk to you and I hope you understand me” he said trying to be as condescending as possible, “this time that we were away from each other I noticed that maybe we’re not the right person for each other and I feel like we can’t be truly ourselves around each other, I’m sorry I had to do this over the phone but it was something I needed to get of my chest” Tom said waiting for her to scream or cry but she just answered “Yeah, I was feeling the same way but it was nice to meet you Tom” when he was about to answered she hanged up the call and all he could think to himself was that this was the easiest break up he has gone through; now he could finally do what he was dying to do all day.
Tom Blyth 
Hey pretty girl, how was your audition?
Tiny dancer (Ale)
My whole body hurts
I had to do a variation like 10 times but I think I might have the part
How about yours?
Tom Blyth 
It was a mentally challenging day and I’m glad its finally over
I’m leaving the set right now and I’m close to your apartment, do you want me to pass by? Maybe I could bring you some food
Tiny dancer (Ale)
If its not too much to ask I would love to hang out 
You’re being so nice, do you want to kill me cowboy???
Tom Blyth 
You’re such a funny kid
Tiny dancer (Ale)
I do anything to please you daddy 
Tom Blyth 
You do baby but let me please you to night
Let me give you another type of pain and you need some type of punishment because you’ve been a bit too funny lately
Tiny dancer (Ale)
Don’t bring food just let me eat you
Tom Blyth 
You just ruined everything with calling me by my full name
Stop googling me🙄
I’m buying pizza pretty girl 
Tom picked up everything and ran to get into a cab, he asked the driver for a nice pizza place around the neighborhood and the man was kind enough to wait for him to pick up everything, he knew it was a bit cliche bringing pizza to an Italian girl but everyone loves pizza and he was already overthinking everything and he felt like a stupid teenage boy trying to find a way to impress a cute girl; when he went back to the cab with the pizza he even bought a slice for the driver , the man being too nice to him; Tom decided to enter instagram to check some stuff while he was on his way when he saw that Alessandra had posted an story and damn that girl knew she was the hottest thing alive.
Alessandra Di Maggio posted a story
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Tom Blyth 
 Stop playing games
Alessandra Di Maggio
Make me stop blonde 😉
This chapter took longer than expected and i'm sorry for that, i'm going trough a break up and also i'm back at uni so🙃
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