#the second picture is just there because leo face is a blast
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Wait did Leo cook that? Fanfic lied to me.
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imagionationstation · 4 months
Mismatched Twins AU - Take One
There are some things Donnie knows that he’d be better off not knowing. Such as, how the act of flesh coming together is equally as painful as the sensation of it getting torn apart.
It was like the first time Leo did stitches, but magnified by one million and all over his body. His limbs are still flickering as he gasps in the air that he’d momentarily spent an eternity without, fingers clawing into the rock under his fingertips to stop his swaying body from tilting over. His word is a whoozy mess of blacks, grays, and clouds when he tries to look up.
It doesn’t take his genius to conclude that he’s not in New York.
His eyes sting, lightning pains traveling down limbs as the bones form back before his eyes. He wants to pass out. He wants his brothers to appear out of nowhere to catch him when he falls, letting him loosen his grip on consciousness so he doesn’t have to feel or see the way red muscle is covered by green skin. 
But he’s not in New York, which means they won’t be coming.
He can’t let his guard down.
Not until he’s sure his surroundings are safe.
And definitely not until he’s able to find a way home.
It’s what his Sensei would say. It’s what his brothers would do.
Donnie bends down, forehead against the coarse rock.
He gives himself a couple extra minutes to summon his bearings. The trembling calms under the pricking sensation left by the utter agony as it shifts out of existence. It feels like everything is “asleep,” blood flow finding it’s way back through his body, waking up systems that shouldn’t be able to work after getting erased from a reality.
Then he’s as he was before, fine and whole, with the rough surface under his limbs poking into his flesh. Brown pads cover his body and as he cautiously raises himself up, he sees that his straps have returned as well. He checks his belt and finds everything where it should be. He clutches his t-phone even though he has no signal.
Slowly, hesitantly, he touches his face.
His palm does not press against fabric. He lets out his breath, ragged and uncertain, the echo of his own screams taunting him. He can still picture every second, see her demented smirk, hear her apology before she tore him down to nothing. 
She tore him down.
So why would she build him back up? 
The beginnings of a ringing explosion has him unfurling from his safe position, looking up to the sky. He’s been in his fair share, and it sounds like that detonation range is bound to be massive, as well as destructive. His racing heart tells him that he’s glad to be awake, because otherwise he’d probably never wake back up. 
The sky is fully lit, a sphere of colors brightening the gray atmosphere in a way that is both spectacular and obviously highly unnatural for this environment. It’s blinding to stare directly at, so he raises a hand in front of his eyes to cut off some of the glare. 
Donnie can hear the reaching echoes of hard metal cracking under the weight of heat and pressure. The force of it would probably take out all of New York in a single blow. So unless it’s a mechanical sun coming apart, he’s pretty sure that he’s witnessing the blast of some kind of nuclear alien weaponry. It’s absolutely gorgeous and insanely brutal and he lifts his t-phone to snap a picture.
Then he spots the debris shooting away from the centre of the explosion, and decides that he should move.
Evacuation of the landing site, it is. 
He gets to his feet, half expecting his legs to give out underneath him, but they carry him as he sprints. His instincts are good because a large piece of something lands where he’d just been, smoke billowing into the air. 
He reaches a ledge, surface curved in an unnatural- or, maybe completely naturally for this dead habitat- way.  He turns to go back.
Then he sees the ginormous, smoking ball of black headed towards him. Living his number one priority, he pulls his grapple from his belt, aims it at a rock and fires.
He tugs once it catches and then pulls himself up.
He reaches the curve off the top, panting, and looks up. 
“yaAAH-” A spinning projectile appears out of nowhere and tries to take off his skull, but he brings his head into his shell, almost losing his balance as it whooshes over him. 
He watches it, as the blur of silver and blue hits the ground and scrapes away from him. It’s a sword, plain as day with a hilt covered in collected dust. He moves toward it as blue markings glow faintly, reflecting in curious brown eyes, and he makes the choice to grab it for the road. If not for any other reason, then shiny. 
The thunderous crash of matter meeting rock consumes his surroundings, quaking the ground underneath his feet as he spins to face the behemoth of a sphere. It drowns out the vocal roar of fury that reverberates with as much destructive power, warning him to get as far away as possible in a similar frequency.
He looks back, startled as he spots the tall creature throwing out it’s arms, and then faces the wreckage. The rocks crumble and bow back underneath the sphere, and if that is a shell of a radioactive alien bomb, he’d much rather be going in the opposite direction. Between the shadow of a figure over his shoulder and potential alien contamination, he thinks he’s more comfortable facing the anger. 
An easy decision made, he darts for the leen, black figure that’s dotted in bright red. He’ll just go around. Ninja stealth, guy won’t even notice him. 
It stalks towards the rock, lumbering steps swaying the body. It’s mouth doesn’t move but he can hear the bare inflictions of a voice from where he is, fist raised before it’s slammed down. He slows, momentarily, as he wonders why the creature is taunting the rock, before a limp form comes into view. It’s pale green with a plastron that cracks under the force of the blows, not even half the size of its assailant. The blue mask catches his attention and he changes direction without realizing. 
The turtle is unmoving except for violent flinches as the creature unleashes a whiplash of pain, slamming down on the shell and face of the defenseless form over and over and over. 
Donnie doesn’t know what’s going on, but he doesn’t think anything is worth that kind of abuse. He tosses the sword, grabs his bo, and reaches in his belt.
Donnie crosses the distance, tosses his smoke bombs, and swings. 
Fists are combined as one and raised in the air, brought down as a smoke bomb slams into his face and shoulder. They explode upon impact and cover the body, sending the creature into a fit of coughs, stumbling back as arms wave to get rid of the purple cloud.
The admittedly intimating creature only seems to get bigger as Donnie gets closer, so he comes to a stop a fair distance away when it bellows, “WHO DARES-!?”
It whirls, locking its gaze on him, and he waves.
Either his presence or his action makes it pause, a blatant confusion on it’s disgusted expression, and Donnie takes in who he’s facing.
Evidently the face where a face should be is for decoration. It’s actually a purplish creature in the chest that’s dawning a metallic suit and beating another life form to its heart’s content. It reminds him of a Kraang with an insane growth spurt and a thirst for violence.
He points to the sky, keeping its attention on him. “That wasn’t either of you, was it? ‘Cause I don’t think that’ll help the environment any.” He looks around, at the endless expanse of rocks. “Not that there’s much hope for this place.” 
The creature looks to the turtle at its feet and then back over to him, as if the notion that there might be two mutant turtles in existence was too much for it to comprehend. He’s in for a big surprise then…
“There are MORE of you?!” It moves, suddenly, slamming a metallic foot onto the turtle’s chest. It pins him against the rock, drawing a weak cry. “HOW!? How did you hide this from ME?! It’s IMPOSSIBLE! I saw his memories- I know EVERYTHING about your PATHETIC FAMI-!”
Donnie moves before he finishes his first line of questioning, launching himself at the metallic leg. He kicks, but that does not budge the grip like he intended, and he bounces back off, flipping onto his hands and then to his feet. The action turns it’s glare on him, snarling, and he laughs nervously, “That… Didn’t work.”
“YOU!” He looks to the explosion, and then back to Donnie. “How did you get here?”
“Um.” Donnie doesn’t know how to answer that. He climbed a ledge? There wasn’t exactly a fence keeping him out. “Like it’s hard?”
The turtle squints at him and the creature looks supremely ticked off. Now if only he could separate them…
Donnie whirls his staff into a defensive position, determined to get the cruel creature away from the poor mutant. “Also. Pretty sure that’s none of your business.” 
“Then I will make it my business.” He tears the points of his feet from the rock- ah, that’s what prevented his momentum from shifting the metal. Duly noted- and he sneers at the turtle that falls onto its plastron, leaning on it forearms, breathing heavily. “Then I’ll come back to deal with you.” 
The turtle doesn’t answer, and Donnie feels the rocks shake as the creature stomps towards him. The surface clearly isn’t stable, something that he makes note of as he puts a few steps between them. This isn’t going to end well.
Already died once today. Why not make it a second time? 
“Now then.” It leers, smirking down at him. “Let’s see your failed attempts at heroics before I teach you true strength.”
“See, I could do that.” He muses because that’s a very likely outcome of how this fight is about to go. He pops his blade. “But I’m not really big on failure or pain, so I’d like to give winning a try. Or at least surviving. What do you say?”
The suit swings and Donnie raises his staff, the pieces coming apart in his hands as it hits his plastron. He stumbles back, yelping when it grabs his leg. It’s a lot faster than he originally anticipated and it hoists him up in the air, very likely about to give him a harsh introduction the ground. “OKAY! THAT’S A NO!” 
Donnie reacts first, face to face with the sneering creature, blade meeting purple flesh.
It squelches upon impact and the mass of yuck screeches in pain, throwing him and allowing him to roll to his feet. 
One of Sensei’s very first surface lessons. 
Don’t fight the armor. Fight the man inside. 
Or, alien, in specific cases. 
He darts away and grabs the sword from the ground, hiding it behind his shell. He glances to the turtle that has risen to his feet, relying heavily on the rock for support, staring at him instead of running like any sane turtle would do in this situation. 
Donnie looks to the furious alien as it places a hand over where the suit’s heart definitely is not and roars, “YOU DARE WOUND ME?!” 
“You… Did try to wound me first.” He points out helpfully.
The creature charges. He throws a smoke bomb as it lurches for him, barely avoiding the claws. He crosses the distance while it swipes blindly at the smoke, overcome by fury as Donnie drops next to the startled turtle. 
“Blue and blue.” He slips the hilt between the fingers not clutching something, and offers, “I’m going to assume this is yours.” 
“You can’t beat him.” The turtle warns, staring at him with wide eyes as he bears his weigh on shaking legs. Donnie exhales in exasperation. Tell me something I don’t know. 
But, if this turtle has a family somewhere in this wasteland, Donnie might as well make sure that he gets home to them. 
The genius stands. “I’m only going to be able to distract him for so long. Get moving, don’t look back.”
He throws a smoke bomb far from the turtle’s position. When the creature looks towards it, Donnie is standing in the mist, smirking with a bravo that he does not feel. “I’m not a big fan of bullies. They’re all bark and no bite.” He points a finger in the air. “Lived with one all my life. I would know.”
Donnie feels the blow before he realizes that hunk of metal even moved, an intense momentum brought against his shell in a blast of fire. It sends him flying, tumbling and rolling on the ground, only stopping because the creature appears in front of him, snatching him up to throw him into a tall rock formation.
“That-” His breath quivers, dizzily watching the creature split between one robot and two. “That was not fun. Oooh. Wow. Yep.” 
“You will tell me how you arrived.” The creature snarls, finally only one armor. “Or I will pry the information from your brain myself.”
“Whether or not you do the torturing, information would be pried from me since I don’t particularly want-”
The metal fist swings down and Donnie rolls forward, jabbing into flesh seconds before metal fingers stab into his arm and wrenches it back out. It rips the blade from his hand, crumbling the wood between its fingers, metal bent when it hits the ground. Pain burns up Donnie’s arm and scarlet trickles down skin as the pinprick eyes lock on him, sharp teeth visible as Donnie kicks out, hitting metal chest and failing to get him to release.
“You pests never tire of your weakness. Filth does not deserve to rule with Krang, nor the sweet relief of death.” Donnie freezes, taking in the inflection in the name, watching as a wide grin locks him with deadly intent. “Let us show you how it feels to suffer instead.”
Donnie hits the ground. Once, twice, three times- his shoulder takes the force of the blow, and he’s sure it’s fractured by the time that Krang decides to forcefully return him the ground. His world spins, pain blossoming along his arm, and he knows that he only has one chance for survival. 
“Oh please.” He forces, voice cracking with nerves. Please work. Please work. “Save the big bad routine for someone who cares.”
Krang slams a fist down, hard, and he hears the crack under his carapace. Lightning burns up his chest, igniting agony where metal met protective scutes, and it’s getting a little hard to breathe.
He almost regrets not choosing the alien bomb. Almost.
Donnie summons his inner Raph, rolls his eyes, and croaks, “You hit like a whimp.”
The Krang roars, fists combined and brought down in one brutal blow. Donnie rolls at the last second, the armor slamming the ground beneath him, splitting open the cracks that Donnie’s carapace had already made on the unsteady surface.
His grappling hook comes out and he swings as the ground opens beneath them and gravity drags the Krang down.
It’s deep, and if he goes down, there’s no way either of them are getting back up. He grabs onto a piece of the edge that hasn’t fallen in yet, painstakingly dragging himself up even as fire eats away at his shoulder and blood smears on rocks. 
He cuts his leg but keeps going, dragging himself across the surface, deflating onto a large, cool piece of metal. He keeps his arm around it, grapple in hand, catching his breath and staring into the chasm of the Krang’s own making. 
Something crumbles within it as the Krang roars.
Then, a blur of black is leaping onto the edge of the surface, dust billowing out with him. He lands, walking forward even as the ground crumbles behind him. Donnie scrambles back upright, hand on his shoulder as horror leaps from his racing heart and into his throat.
He retreats as the Kraang covers the space. “You tried to defeat Krang with a hole. How desperate. How utterly, irredeemably, weak.” 
Donnie shakes his head in disbelief as the Kraang grabs the rock tainted in blood and raises it above his head. “Let’s try this again, shall we?” 
“Actually-!” Donnie is tackled, thrown onto the ground as his world flashes blue. He looks up in shock, to a blue mask faced away, grinning with bloodstained teeth.
They’re suddenly several feet away, but the Krang is catching up fast. “Would you look at the time! Places to be!” 
“Rain check on the brutal death!” The hand trembles as it tightens around the hilt. The turtle’s red stripes glow in tune with the sword, every mark on metal and skin lit with a power that seems to explode outward from the blade. “Adiós!” 
Donnie is swallowed by blue. 
Current Next
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thedawningofthehour · 3 months
Ok, I just swallowed like, 5 hours of video explaining the whole fallout story and now that I know more or less what's going on, I can say that I really want a Fallout Rottmnt.
The Idea of Donnie creating his own brotherhood of steel is so cool, he would probably name it something like, the order of atomic lass or something, and all the armors would have phosphorescent lights and speakers included,
I just pictured Donnie downloading Shelldom into the enclave computer and pretending to be the president.
If Leo joins a cult it will only be to get high on dangerous substances and participate in orgies, if he realizes that the children of the atom don't do that he will skidaddle.
Mikey is dedicated to domesticate wild mutant beasts in order to create delicious dishes.
And Raph, he's just chilling out helping local farmers, occasionally wrestling supermutants.
While Draxum is out there in his mutant faction negotiating a truce with the NCR that he will definitely break later until one day he just:
Draxum: I haven't seen the guys in a while, where are they?
Splinter: oh, they left to explore the wasteland about... Three months ago?
Draxum: THEY WHAT!!!
Geeze, you have a better attention span than me. I'm guessing a lot of that was a rundown on the events leading up to the Great War, and then obviously the events of each game and the different factions at play. That's a lot of summarizing you sat through.
A quick note for other people on the Brotherhood of Steel: their entire thing is preserving and controlling advanced technology, with some factions evolving to start developing it on their own. Their core dogma is that humanity can't be trusted with the means to destroy itself. Which...considering this is a universe where humanity literally did nuke itself to the brink of extinction, you can't really say they're wrong. They are also very cultish. Which Donnie would probably consider more of a bonus, honestly. Donnie can't join them unfortunately because they are racists. Their relationship with mutants and ghouls differ based on the chapter-the Mojave chapter is neutral towards the mostly peaceful Black Mountain super mutants until Tabitha takes over, and the East Coast chapters recruit from 'impure' wastelanders who all have minor mutations-but overall, they are very fucking racist and blood purity is a huge tenet of their beliefs. (I know there are mutant and ghoul members in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, but that's...we don't talk about that game. It's not canon and we generally pretend it didn't happen) The East Coast chapters probably wouldn't shoot Donnie on sight, but they would never accept his help nor acknowledge his brilliance, no matter how hard it smacks them in the face.
But oh my god, Donnie would pimp out power armor like a crazy man. He'd have such a fucking blast too, like it stops being about armor at some point and just starts being Pimp My Ride: Tin Can Edition. I could see him joining up with the Atom Cats to bitch about what pricks the Brotherhood are and doing the funkiest paint jobs.
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They'd 100% accept Donnie immediately and invite him to their poetry night.
Also, lol Donnie getting access to the ZAX computer at Raven Rock and only using it to insert Shelldon into the mainframe.
I imagine he doesn't even delete Eden, he just lets him go on as normal and just occasionally interspersing his radio broadcasts with twenty-second clips of Shelldon doing a really derogatory impersonation. And occasionally subbing in heavy metal music.
I mean, maybe the Children of Atom do that? Not the original sect, they're pretty benign, but the guys running around shooting gamma guns at people and praying over nuclear dumping grounds? They imprisoned a Glowing One in a lighthouse and started worshipping it, those guys must be on some stuff. Or the guys living in the Crater, they could totally be having orgies where you don't see them. Then again, they do all have radiation poisoning. I feel like your skin sloughing off kills the mood.
I could see Leo joining to cross 'join a cult' off his bucket list, thinking it's just some kooky outfits and maybe he'll get to speak in tongues or whatever and it'll be a fun story to lord over Donnie later. The Children would probably think he's divine or something since he's immune to radiation and has such a powerful mutation. Which would stroke his ego so much.
But then people are drinking ghoul piss and irradiating themselves to the point of shitting out their bowels and he decides to nope out. Shit's too weird even for him. The question is whether the Children would let him leave.
Mikey is doing the same thing he is in Todd's mutant town, just playing Fallout 4 Settlement Builder and making the cutest little homesteads.
Raph would be mistaken for a super mutant a lot. And it would drive him crazy because under normal circumstances he would really like to be friends with some super mutants, but they're all so mean! Why are they all cannibals?! Yes, he likes to smash, but not so lethally!!
They do like dogs though, which Raph appreciates. He would absolutely adopt a mutant hound. (not a centaur though; those freak him out) And they're communists, though I feel like Raph is more of a capitalist-apologist. He's got the spirit, he's just ill-informed.
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essentiamortis · 2 months
@badboysupr | continued from here.
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Look, when Lizzie came to him and requested intellectual abilities, Leo, first of all, had to assume she was just pulling his leg, maybe gearing herself up to get a good laugh out of it because—c'mon—when did anyone need him for anything . . . ? But then he had the passing thought of, Okay, so it's probably just one of the few things I am good at and should be honored she thinks so, too. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Then, she slid a literal Nintendo Switch in front of him, requested his help with . . . a game—? And Leo was left in bewildered silence (incredible!) for probably a full five seconds before digging up his voice again.
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“Wait, you're, like . . . not kidding— You're serious?” He picked up the console, staring at the thing like it was a foreign object just as much as Lizzie was, but for a totally different reason. (Really, Leo should've been staring at her like that.) “You, uh . . . You realize games these days have insanely hand-holdy tutorials, right—? I mean, you could put this in front of a toddler and they'd be able to figure it out.”
He only realized how mean that sounded once it'd already left his mouth. But he course-corrected with a quick grin and a shrug to accompany it. “But who am I to deny a lady the right to the best tutorial around?” Leo wanted to toss his hair for dramatic effect, but he ended up just sort of flicking some curls out of his face. “Have a seat. Let Uncle Leo show you how it's done.”
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elizabeth only bought the blasted device as a way to bond with nico. though she'd never outright tell him that she did find the concept of the pocket monster game - what had nico called it? pokémon? -interesting. elemental creatures trapped inside the tiny contraption. she understood so little of modern technology and its advances. granted, she still completed her autopsy reports with good old pen and paper. the speech to text application that her coworkers used on their computers gave her an unsettling feeling. careless mistakes could so easily made, and she's had to correct more than a fair share of those mistakes.
she scoffs at his remark, arms crossing over her chest. "i am aware of those tutorials and they were not at all helpful." in her defense, the tiny screen tutorials had been messing with brain, scrambling the letters - curse her dyslexia. why couldn't they put the tutorial in ancient greek. latin even! -and she wasn't exactly a picture learner. "those words float around the screen; it's difficult to read." she sighs, taking a seat next to the son of hephaestus. "ni siquiera cambiar al español sirvió de nada, leo." she forgoes the english and slips into spanish without much thought. javier had taught her the language when she was but a child and now, it's as natural to her as ancient greek or english.
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uncle leo? she frowns, a confused side eye if given. age meant nothing when it came to dealing with the immortal greeks but hades is her father ; hephaestus is leo's father as well hades' nephew through zeus and hera, hades' brother and sister...wouldn't that make them cousins. don't think about that; you'll give yourself a migraine. "no vuelvas a llamarte "tío leo" en mi presencia."
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raphsweapondealer · 2 years
Bayverse Ninja turtles: workout edition 2.
The reaction the boys would have when you show them how much you improved on your workouts and how they would help you improve!
I made this a while ago, and just, never got to posting it. I was excited when I improved in the gym like, a month ago. Hope you guys like it!
Boy in red will be in the gym when you do it
Never let's you workout by yourself. You think he'd miss watching that free show?
Gym buddies don't come easy. So when you consistently go into the gym with him regularly he is STOKED
He is TOTALLY paying attention to how much you're lifting and DEFINITELY seeing how much your body has changed with you, when you go to look in the mirror.
When he sees the exercise you been working on for months become a lot easier and you're able to take it to the next level?
Oh he is so excited for you! He's been watching your progress! That's his S/O!
Look how strong and agile you've gotten! Dat shit hot!
Oh you guys would totally celebrate, like, this is awesome! The man would be so prideful he'd annoy his brothers for a good few days about it at least!
Saying you could kick their asses and shit, big, proud, red banded turtle is big, proud, red banded turtle.
Whether you're learning a martial art and struggling with a move
Or doing calensthetics with the leader in blue?
He will remember every little detail
The second he notices that your moves have improved and you can advance
Or you're getting better stamina and strength?
His radar will pick it up SO fast.
He'll reward you: with more exercises and more challenging exercises -_-'
BUT the excitement on his face that you get to advance will be ADORABLE and you can't even be mad
Will go to Splinter for more ideas on how to continue to advance you
He'll formulate an entirely new routine that will be a challenge for you again. And watch you thrive!
Thats Leo boy for you.
Boy he will be SO excited for you
He will keep track of EVERYTHING
How much weight. Reps, everything.
He'll hook you up to monitors during your cardio
Bod pod you to see how much fat you've lost and muscle gained (or just fat lost if that's your goal)
He'll take before and after pictures of you (very happily. And it will just happen to be on his phone, because he's obsessed with you)
If you're trying to lose weight He'll help you out on that.
He'll monitor your fit bit if you have one and help you calorie count so you'll be spot on
You'll both have a good old time with this whole thing, and he will be there with you the entire way
And holy cow when he sees you reach your goal and how much you improved? He'll help you set the next ones and celebrate all your victories small, big.
Doesnt matter hes obsessed with his sexy s/o!!
Dude will also be your loyal gym buddy.
He makes working out amazing and fun
And surprisingly keeps you pretty focused
When he's not clowning around too much and making the whole experience a blast!
Dude will watch you do a workout. Be like: "psh, I can do that!" And then purposefully face plant just to hear your amazing laughter
He'll watch your workout videos with you
Stretch with you, and help you stretch... he'll be all over that. And you. Mikey you need to focus! 😁
He will be SO involved
And when you improve?!
He will bake up a storm
If you're gluten free? Sweet potato brownies!
Vegan ice cream made with coconut milk! Yum!
Watch movies, take a load off baby cakes, you deserve it! Enjoy your down day!
And then fuck like rabits because you can take it easy but not THAT easy, holy cow his s/o is amazing! He is in awe of you.
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moxfirefly · 3 years
Leo with prompt #8 please
Pretty pretty pretty please
With so many thank you on top. You're writing sends me into the best mood.
Aww shucks it always makes me happy to hear that!
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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Leo was an asshole.
Not just in general terms, an obvious statement that Raph could literally break his neck agreeing with you, but Leo was an honest to god asshole.
You wanted to throttle him. Possibly even slap him. Maybe knock over one of his bonsai trees.
Okay that would be cruel at the very least, guy loves his bonsais, but...
You felt another jolt rip through your body causing the drink in your hand to slosh about. Some of it spilled on the hardwood floor and by the looks of it Vern would have a coronary due to it. April placed a hand on your shoulder, concern in her eyes. “You alright y/n? You look a little in pain?” She was only looking out for you but the only thought in your brain was to just yell, ‘Leo is a fucking asshole’.
Speaking of said asshole, he was over by the billiards table, resting against it while Casey and Raph had their latest competitive bought. The blue banded leader was the very picture of innocence, hell he wasn’t even drinking the god damn boy scout. “Hey Leo, you ready to get your ass handed as soon I finish handing it to your brother” Casey rested his weight on the billiards stick, possibly another coronary for Vern who had them imported from some fancy woodwork place.
Leo was busy looking at his phone, his thumb running across the screen in a nonchalant flick. “Might have to rain check that one, Case” His expression was neutral, bored at best. “Oh come on man, my birthday my rules” The birthday boy in question frowned, even more so when a ball was knocked into the corner pocket where he was standing. “Sorry, chief Vincent has been texting me all night updates of a new case” He flicked his thumb more rapidly, Casey assumed probably pictures of the possible offenders.
“Are we working later?” Was Raph’s question as he lined up another shot, which Casey prayed he would miss. He didn’t naturally.
“I’ll let you know, but doesn’t seem so” Leo actually felt proud of himself, an honest to goodness lie out of his own mouth. You would be proud of him, if you weren’t busy glaring daggers at him.
The situation was the following, you had only yourself to blame, but it had occurred to you to incorporate some outside play with Leo. So, you had purchased a remote control vibrator, a fancy little egg shaped thing that was currently resting inside your underwear. It could be controlled remotely via a phone app and while Leo wasn’t big on public stunts like this, that reptile part of his brain was yelling in excitement.
Two hours.
Casey’s little birthday party had been active for two hours. Which meant a that Leo had been running dangerous circles around his phone screen and you were already forgetting how to walk and talk at the same time. Vern’s penthouse was a little more packed than the usual gang it could inhabit, a few off duty officers that Casey hung out with and knew the terrapins were there.
You had told April by now that your day of the month had come up and the cramps were just a little more harsh than usual. Knowing all too well those woes, she rubbed your arm affectionately. “You don’t have to stay if you’re too beat up” She was bummed out, it was fun to have a human female friend given her circumstances had her putting up with five testosterone filled men, four of which were literal giant turtles.
You shook your head with a smile. “And miss out on drunk karaoke? I’m good, I can handle- th-this” Oh that was dangerous, that was truly entering very dangerous territories. When your eyes landed on Leo, stupid smug brat with his pretty lips and holding his phone like the prized possession it currently was, you glared. Excusing yourself you made the slow walk towards Leo, he had been standing at the mini bar area (that you found clashed horribly in this man cave) looking quite proud of himself.
“I’m going to kill you” You stage whispered at him, a full smile on your lips. Your large terrapin boyfriend chuckled, phone at his side and his thumb making a series of swivels on it. A hand landed on his plastron, nails pressed harshly on the plates. “You look a little red faced, too much wine?” He turned slightly, reaching over the mini bar to grab a seltzer water.
“You are the biggest asshole at this party and that says a lot given that Vern lives here” The treacherous buzzing eased off when Leo took a second to unscrew the bottle of seltzer water. You took the opportunity to breath but just as he took a sip, he was back to swiping his finger. “May I remind you that you bought it and you told me to do this, I really don’t see how I’m the bad guy here” He left the phone on the small counter space, another brief reprieve.
“But if I’m the biggest asshole here, I guess I should live up to the title” He smiled, he honest to god gave you that typical sweet boy smile.
Before proceeding to basically DJ his phone screen with an index finger.
You pressed your face to his arm and prayed to god that, welll, just, fuck!
“Leonardo I can’t have an orgasm in public!” Your words were muffled by the skin of his arm, regardless the party was on full blast. There was a delicious thrill at the idea of it though, as Leo wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close to him, you could make out just how much he had been enjoying this game.
He kissed your temple, nothing salacious about it, just a sweet peck.
Then his mouth fell closer to your ear.
"I don't give two shits that we're in public and people are watching."
Your eyes went wide, the intensity of the toy being put on full blast and Leo twitching his finger on the screen without any intention of letting up.
He hugged you closer to him, smiling against your temple as your grip became iron tight on his clothes. As the music got heavier and the chatter picked up, you did all you could do to muffle your moans of pleasure against Leo’s plastron, thankfully using the same thing to hide your face.
Because your eyes were rolling back and Leo didn’t seem to have any intention of slowing down. Even when Raph’s gaze landed on the pair, Leo just mouthed ‘cramps’ at him with a sad expression, the large brute made a sympathetic look before returning to his own on going conversation.
Only when he felt you start to tremble, incoherent babbling he could only make out to be begging, did Leo ease up to a soft rumble that only served to shock you from time to time. When you felt like your vision returned, you looked up at him all red faced and shakey breathing.
Leo petted your hair, smirking down at your slightly disheveled state. Surely this was going to be his favorite toy, even if it was currently back firing on him. He was hideously turned on and your warm body against him only served to make things worse for him.
But naturally you wanted some payback, since he had been a wonderful, delightful and merciless asshole.
“Sensei, please?” You whispered up at him, all pouty lips and innocent eyed. Inside you were grinning victoriously when he grunted and held you tighter.
Even when his eyes landed on the bathroom, you knew the real winner had been you.
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bratz-kitten · 3 years
if you ever need proof that astrology is real.... my brother is a leo mercury. here’s a few fun facts about his communication style:
• he passionately discusses his point of view in a heated debate, talks in a way so fierce that suddenly everyone is shutting up to hear what he has to say. at the peak of the discussion, he drops an impossibly dramatic one-liner and leaves the room, shuts the door behind him in the most dramatic way possible and we are all left in a room silent with the tension he built. no one knows how to breathe for a second
• and when i say he has a knack for exiting discussions in the most theatrical way possible..... i mean that he does this CONSTANTLY. like this piece of shit cannot have a discussion without it ending up in him shutting a door behind him in a loud manner. im convinced he does this shit just to prove His Point
• he ALWAYS COMES BACK TO THE ROOM TWO MINUTES AFTER HIS DRAMATIC EXIT. he literally uses that gesture as a way to make sure his words are impactful and mark everyone and then, when the tension dissipates, he comes back and acts like nothing happened
• we constantly have fights about his ego, and he never once denies it. he’s like Yeah im arrogant but also deal with it
• he’s dumb loyal. no matter what me and my mother are fighting about, he will always, always insert himself in the conversation and defend me until his last breath. and he’s like this towards everything he cares about. if he likes an album, he won’t shut up about it until e everyone has listened to the album. if he has an opinion, he spends hours defending it. he doesn’t know the meaning of giving up
• i’m the only one who can tell when he’s lying, and i honestly feel bad for everyone who isn’t able to see past his bullshit because he’s a good liar. he exaggerates the fuck out of his stories, tells blatant lies that he swears are Scientific Facts, could (and would) probably bullshit his way into persuading a cheese-seller into believing cheese is a conspiracy theory
• you know when the donkey in shrek is travelling with him to far far away and he’s like “are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?” the whole trip? that’s my brother on the daily basis. i can count with my fingers the times when i’ve seen him low on energy, because this piece of shit is always acting like a hyper toddler
• his existence is anything but quiet. im not talking about words.... just the way he exists in general. he never wears headphones to listen to music when inside the house, he just grabs his column and blasts music at the higher volume until everyone is complaining. he starts singing when the house is silent. when he enters a room, you know, not just because of his energy but because he insists in saying hi to everyone. individually. his existence is just so loud and flamboyant and unapologetic
• would kill for me, would never share the middle part of the toast with me though
• very expressive expressions, if you do something he disapproves of you’ll know IMMEDIATELY by the look of disgust on his face
• the way he speaks is just so expressive in general. big adjectives, big opinions; i wonder if he feels casually about anything – because, name a subject and he feels strongly about it; he can and will debate you on why he’s right. his perspective of seeing life is like a matter of life or death to him.
• his debatably worst flaw is that he’s oftentimes unable to see things from others’ perspectives. he has the worst time with compromising and instead of learning from others when they express an opinion different to his, he retreats into his stubbornness and tries to convince them of why he’s right
• gives constant pep talks and advice.... that he most definitely DOESN’T preach. “do what i say, not what i do” kind of thing. he just really loves telling others they should fix their lives when his is an absolute mess
• “take a picture of me. no not like that, in this angle. i want the sunset hitting my face. how should i pose? make sure i look tall. should i smile or look intimidating?” i take 100 pictures of him, he likes one of them and posts it everywhere. after that i find him repeatedly observing said picture (which he posts with an awfully inspiring caption, by the way) and asking me how it looks every damn time.
• knows how to control the tone of his voice in a way that gets everyone listening to him, it’s a very instinctive talent that he has
• jack of all trades, master of none. LMFAO i swear he’s tried everything at least once; he’s gotten invested in songwriting, drawing, design, gaming, hacking, politics, criminology, physics and mathematics, composing. but he gets bored of shit really fast so it’s hard for him to pursue things for more than a month. but it’s so easy for him to get emotionally involved in things, he sees the potential in everything so once something draws his attention he’ll focus on it 100%
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Ice Queen ( Jason Grace x Reader)
Summary: The reader is an ice queen and Jason likes her but he is too afraid to ask her out, so his friends made a plan to make him confess.
Warning: A little cursing but of course its all fluff
Everyone at camp has a nickname to Y/N Y/LN and that is an ice queen. She's one of the kids of G/P who have some nicknames. She has that nickname because of how she treats the other campers.
She seems heartless when it comes to training and when she rejects boys. But one certain blonde - the son of Jupiter don't believe such a thing.
"Hey lightning boy, take a picture it would last longer." Jason hard Leo joked and the others laugh. He gave Leo a look and blushed.
He was caught in the act.
Because he was really staring at the Y/HC girl. He has been crushing on her for months now and every time he tries to talk to her, he is a stuttering mess.
"Who is he staring at anyway?" Percy asks with a grin his arms around Annabeth's shoulder. The seven including Nico were at his cabin. Just chilling because they want to relax.
Until he saw you. You were talking with some Demeter kid, laughing.
"Y/N Y/LN he keeps staring at her and I also saw him having her with such heart eyes whenever we eat at the mess hall," Leo answered with a grin like a Chesire cat.
All of the boys laugh and the girls giggled. "The almighty Jason Grace has a crush on the ice queen of Camp Half-Blood? Do tell!" Piper said with excitement.
Both of them remained friends even though they broke up. And Piper has been someone new now. Jason groaned at her words. He knows the daughter of Aphrodite would keep asking him.
"When did you even started having a crush on her?" Piper asks which sounded like she is fangirling. Even Annabeth and Hazel looks like they are also interested. They also then saw Jason blush.
"Wow dude, you're blushing." Percy pointed out then Jason then look at them with annoyance, he is already been pestered by his friends. In which because of that, lightning strikes near Zeus' cabin.
Some of them jump because of the lightning but Leo and Percy grinned. "Damn Grace, you really like her huh? Just ask her out." Percy told him but he sighed.
"I can't do that, she might reject me. Anyway you guys, I'll go practice now." Jason then left his friends. When he left his friends to look at each other.
"We're going to do something about it right?" Leo asks with a grin.
"Leo, what in the gods are you saying?" Frank ask him but Leo just grinned along with Percy. So the two boys told them their plan.
All girls are now searching for you and when they did saw you at the lake talking with your siblings, they all smiled. As per the plan, Piper gets near her. Since she is one of her friends.
All girls are now searching for you and when they did saw you at the lake talking with your siblings, they all smiled. As per the plan, Piper gets near her. Since she is one of her friends.
"Hey Y/N what are you doing here?" Piper asks with a warm smile you then face her with a smile.
"Oh hey, Piper! I'm just talking with my siblings, what do you need?" You ask her directly with no hesitation. And that's why you're being called an 'ice queen because of how the way you act. You never care if you being straightforward.
Piper then cleared her throat.
"Um, you know how you told me that you have a crush on someone? Can you um tell me who is it?" Piper asks with a smile you then raise one eyebrow and looked at her.
Curiosity is written on your face but you then blushed. You looked over at a certain blonde boy who is practicing at the sword arena. Practicing on the dummies.
Piper followed in the direction that you are looking and gasp. "Oh, my gods! You have a crush on Jason!" Piper gush and you then put your right hand over her mouth.
"Don't say it out loud Mclean, or I swear you'll something bad from me." You told her and when she nodded you let go of her mouth.
And you did let go, she squealed. While you roll your eyes.
"Oh look at you, our Y/N have a crush already. You do have a heart after all." Piper joked and again you roll your eyes but you giggled.
You then saw Annabeth and Hazel walked towards the both of you.
"So what's going on? And why is Y/N blushing?" Hazel ask.
"Hazel our little Y/N do have a heart after all! She's crushing on our own Jason Grace!" Piper gushed again while your face turned red if that's possible.
Both Annabeth and Hazel gasped and squealed. "Really?! Because Jason also has a crush on you!" Annabeth said while then your eyes went wide.
I mean who wouldn't?! You're called the 'ice queen' at camp, and you never thought that the son of Jupiter would like you.
"What? No, he- he doesn't! Gods, why am I even having a conversation with you girls about Jason? He wouldn't like me like that anyway. Now, bye girls." You then leave them while the girls sighed.
"She's a stubborn girl, isn't she?" Hazel asks with a sigh.
But Piper grinned." Oh yeah, she is. But since we found out that she likes Jason, we just need both of them to confess to each other."
They all then walked again to find the others, without Jason of course.
"Seriously? Y/N likes Jason? So, both of them like each other. Wow, what a love story huh." Percy said with sass in his tone.
Annabeth then smacks his head.
"So how could we let them confess with each other?" Frank asks curiously.
"Yeah, you know Y/N she might actually kill the hell of you guys." Nico also asks since he is also your friend and knew how you act.
Leo and Percy then high five each other.
"Hey! What the fuck?! Let me out!" Y/N screamed in annoyance while Jason flinch. He is also annoyed because his friends locked them up. He sighed and sat on the floor.
He can't believe his friends did this. Jason then felt you sat beside him.
"We would love to let you guys out but the keys aren't with us. It's with Connor. Plus if you two would just admit to others you like each other then we'll ket you out!" Both of them heard Piper said.
Y/N and Jason grew red at what the daughter of Aphrodite has said. Jason looked over at her and smiled.
"You like me?" Jason asks facing you with his cute smile even the scar on his face looks cute.
Your face turned red and look outside. "I- I yeah bu-but I know that you don't like so I just hide it. I mean I'm the camp's' ice queen' so why would you like me? I'm only the daughter of G/P so why wo-" you were then cut off by Jason's lips in which you were shocked. But after a few seconds, you kissed back.
Feeling your lips together, you felt butterflies around your stomach. You can't believe that a son of Jupiter would like you! So this feeling was just so overwhelming.
After a few seconds, he let go of the kiss with a blush on his face. While you, yourself also smiled.
"I like you too, Y/N. Don't ever say that I won't like you." Jason said and kissed you again.
"Wow, our plan did work!" You heard Leo said both of you let go of the kiss and stood up. You gave Leo a look with a death glare.
"Yeah, guys gotta blast!" Leo screamed.
"Valdez!" You screamed and ran after him.
"You sure about her?" Percy asks Jason to put his arms around him. Jason shook his head and smiled.
"Yeah. I'm sure."
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could we have mc falling down the stairs and getting a concussion with ikevamp pls?
I got ya! Sorry it took this long...
you where at a party with Comte
 while he talked to guests you excused yourself and walked outside
on the way out you  accidentally ran into a man
he helped you up, you apologized and continued walking
you reached the front door and stepped outside
suddenly a very angry lady burst outside and came right at you
“ Why where you talking to me husband!” you looked at her, a little confused
“ Well, I bumped into him and I had to apologize. That’s the right thing to do. Non?”
“ You’re lying!” “ Listen here I already have a boyfriend. And he’s the most loving, caring, kind-hearted, sweet person I have ever met! Why the hell would I go talking to your husband!” “ You lying little bi**h. I know you want to steal him away. I can’t let that happen. No hard feelings right?”
she looked at you, her words dripping with venom and before you could react she pushed you down the stairs.
you fell and hit your head hard  on one of the steps
you heard a commotion at the top of the stair and you where pretty sure you saw a golden figure bend over you, but you blacked out
when you woke up you realized you where back home in your bed
you looked over to your right and saw a very tired looking Comte smiling down at you
you felt guilty so you apologized
he combed your hair and reassured you that everything’s fine and he isn’t mad at you
he was super worried but he won’t let it show for your sake
Oh yessssss some nice juicy drama * faints because of my own work*
uuuuuuuh this man will have a heart attack
you where walking around town, when you came across this huge library
you were super exited about it so Leo decided to walk you around
you two had a blast
you where mesmerized at the millions of old books inside
When you found something interesting you would bounce up and down like the adorable little dork you where and Leo would chuckle, loving every second of it
when it was time to leave you skipped out followed by Leo
you where walking down the stairs explaining about modern libraries when you slipped and fell backwards hitting your head on the step
Leo couldn’t catch you
the last thing you remember is Leonardo’s worried face
you woke up in your bed
you looked around the room
suddenly you felt the blanket shift a bit
as you lifted it Lumiere crawled out
he nudged your cheek and curled up beside you
you pet him for a while and then got up
“ OUCh! Oh Cara mia you’re awake
yup he fell asleep right next to your bed on the floor
you giggled and gently tugged him up and into the bed
you cuddled for a solid 2 hours
it was winter
you where walking home after a case
you where talking and laughing
but the ground was icy and as you where walking by the entrance to a building you pointed at something and accidentally slipped
Arthur was looking at what you pointed at when he heard a dull thump a groan and a horrible crack
he whirled around only to see you on the ground, knocked out and a small stream of blood was flowing from your cheek
he immediately scooped you up and ran, all the while beating himself up for not catching you
you woke up in your bed
Arthur was passed out on the bed next to you
you realized your head was bandaged, you had a band-aid on your cheek and your arm was in a sling
when he felt you stir Arthur woke up and hugged you
turns out you blocked most of the fall with your hand so you didn’t break your head, and managed to get away with a concussion, but your left arm payed the price because now it was broken
This doctor was worried sick
Theoooooo mah boi
you just finished up at one of Theo’s art exhibition? displays? showcases? i don’t know, just imagine the correct version here
he had just made a really good deal and he was visibly happy
you two chatted as you walked outside
as you reached the bottom and where standing there waiting for a carriage, a rabid dog jumped out of the bush and attacked you knocking you to the ground
Theo couldn’t catch you he was to busy getting the dog to leave
you hit your head on the last step really hard and within a few moments you lost conciseness
You woke up in your bed the next day (or so you thought)
Theo was sitting next to you holding your hand
he pulled you into a tight hug
“ Silly Y/N scarring me like this.”
you broke free from his bear hug, only to pull your lover into a passionate kiss
when you pulled away he stared  into your eyes
Theo’s not the type to convert his emotions into words he prefers actions and the way he’s looking at you now melts your heart and you know how much he worried about you
“Thank you for taking care of me Theo. I’m a little sleepy now but can you stay a while” he snorted “ Wasn’t  a day and a half enough for you” buuut he’s a cutie so he crawled into bed with you and held you close as you fell asleep
*Me writing a part for Theo*: yes yes let’s make Theo’s favorite animal into the villain of this. ok and then let’s traumatize him by making you sleep for a long time. AAAAHHHHAHAHAHA I’m so evil. Ok so now that i have that out of my system let’s make this the sappiest of them all. OML I LOVE HIM
Dazai and you where walking from the gazebo after *caught* things *caught*
no I’m kidding you had a tea party and  made rhymes about little dolls and bird and playgrounds
you cute little dorks I love you so much
Sebas was watering the plants there a few minutes ago and it got onto the steppes
Dazai was busy making ridiculously stupid dad jokes and you where laughing your head off
sadly you didn’t notice the puddle and slipped on it banging your head on the step
the last thing you remember was Dazai wrapping his arms around you and lifting you up whispering “ I got you little bird”
you woke up in your bed in the evening
Dazai was right next to you stroking your hair
“ Good morning, Toshiko-san!” you couldn’t help but laugh
Dazai was worried about you but he likes to live his life by the saying: Laughter is the best medicine
you when to a church because Vincent wanted to paint it
however once he finished most of it he decided it was missing something
something that could immediately turn any plain picture into a beautiful masterpiece
he asked you to model and you gladly agreed
you sat on the steppes and let Vincent paint you
once he was finished you jumped up and started hurrying down the stairs to see how it looked
unfortunately you slipped on one of the worn down steps and fell back banging you head and blacking out
Vincent saw this and rushed up to you
he was beside himself
he already has trouble dealing with emotions, and he just saw your life flash before his eyes
baby boy is traumatized
he picked you up and since he couldn’t carry it ditched the paining and ran to the nearest carriage
you woke up with Vincent by your side
he held your hand and smiled gently
“You’re awake thank God!”
you asked about the painting and he said he just left it there
needles to say you felt horrible so you asked if you could go back
he laughed saying it’s probably gone but complied
surprisingly the painting was still there
you where fencing
it was all fun and games
you would try your best and Leon would disarm you with ease
sometimes he would let you win by dropping the foil very obviously and saying something stupid like Oh no nunuce you got me again
either way it would always result in him picking you up and tickling you
at one point you where standing near the stairs
you where trying to disarm him and didn’t notice them
you stepped back and tripped and fell hitting your head on one of the stairs
the former emperor of France felt his blood chill 
he had never seen something scarier then you passed out on the stairs
in a flash he was by your side scooped you up and ran into the house
you woke up a few hours later and sitting right next to you, squeezing your hand like there is no tomorrow, was Napoleon
Honestly he looked like he had aged 50 years
but as son as you made eye contact all that  disappeared as if it wasn’t even there to begin with
He hugged you and semi scolded you for being a nunuce and scaring him
My apology for this one instead of stairs I used a horse. Also based on a true story, sorta. I didn’t have Jean.😢😂
soldier boy
so you where riding with Jean one day
you loved these little outings
the way the wind whipped your hair and the landscape rushed past you as you rode into the sunset
romantic I know
but you have to remember that this also has it’s dangers...
that day you stayed out a bit longer then usual
the sun had already set when you decided it was time to go
so  you started making your way back through the dark forest
 suddenly a fox dashed across the rode and scared your horse
it reared and trashed an threw you off it’s back
you hit your head and blacked out
you woke up the next morning in Jean’s bed
he himself sat beside you
he had his eye patch off and he had bags under his eyes
it was clear he stayed up all night ( he was that worried)
you felt guilty
you got up and hugged him against your chest  caressing his hair
he sighed “ I was so worried about you mademoiselle“
you giggled at the name “ I’m sorry monsieur“
he looked up at you lovingly, deep purple eyes shining
he reached up to cup your cheek as you threaded your hand through his hair and you both met in a passionate kiss
Me: YOU MAY KISS THE BRIDE!!!!!! *sigh* I have lost my mind i case you haven’t noticed
tsundere baby
Mozart had just finished one of his performances
and of coarse he killed it
since the place was not that far from the mansion you decided to walk to spare Mozart’s stomach
you where walking and you spotted something you stopped and excitedly pointed at it
Mozart rolled his eyes and kept going “You already have a plushie”
you playfully pouted but ran to catch up to him
suddenly a carriage rolled past you really close and scared you
you lost you balance and fell, hitting your head on the steppes of the building on your right
 Mozart wheeled around and saw you on the ground
he cursed himself for not being next to you,
he quickly picked you up and ran
You woke up the next day
Mozart was right next to you
“ This is why I hate carriages”
you burst out laughing and hugged him
he hugged you back and then slowly placed you back onto the bed
he then knelt down and brought up a bag and placed on your lap
you looked into the bad and in it was the plushie you where looking at before the accident
“ I thought it might make you feel better” the blush was visible on his cheeks
“ Oh, Mozart!” you threw your arms around him yet again “ I love it. I love you.” He buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent “I love you too”
you where at the university
Isaac had finished his lectures and was surprised to see you there
or at least that was what he thought he looked like in actuality
he was flustered, and was stuttering, palm sweating a little
the kids (let’s call them that ok, they’re babies compared to Isaac anyway) got a kick out of that and where snickering in the background  
you where standing on the steppes when a little girl, who you figured was someones sibling came rushing up to you
now you where standing facing each other and this girl came in between the two of you pushing you in the process
you lost your balance and hit your head on the railing of the stairs and then crumpled to the ground
all you heard was screams and then nothing
you woke up that evening and the second you opened your eyes Isaac had you wrapped up in his arms and was holding you against his chest
“ Do you have any idea how worried I was! Thank God you’re awake”
you cupped his cheek and pulled him into a kiss
once you pulled away you smiled up at the now very flustered Isaac
“ Thank you for taking care of me Isaac!”
he mumbled a ‘you’re welcome’
you laughed and hugged him
so the two of you cuties where grocery shopping
you where finishing up and walking out laughing and talking
all of a sudden you heard screams from inside the store
you turned around only to see a man running at you at full speed
you didn’t have time to react
he knocked into you and sent your stuff flying and you tumbling down the stairs
you hit your head hard
the last thing you remember was Sebastian desperately calling your name
you woke up in your room and Sebastian pulled you into a hug and kissed you deeply
nah just kidding
*flick*Don’t ever do that again” “ DID YOU JUST FLICK MY FOREHEAD?!
he smiled sweetly and kissed your forehead right where he flicked it
“I’m saying this because I was worried about you” “ Well that changes things”
you both laughed and then you cuddled
bless Comte for giving Sebas the rest of the day off so you could cuddle
William Shookspear
You where actually on stage
From the start of your relationship Will knew you loved acting
So one day he decided to let you audition and you got the main part
jkjk you where a great actress
 The play began and you killed it
absolutely blew everyone away
at the end you rushed backstage to meet your boyfriend
he was there smiling at you
it was honestly the sweetest, brightest smile you had ever sen him give you
you rushed down the steppes, but your dress got caught in a nail and yanked you back
you lost your balance and fell backwards
you immediately lost consciousness
you woke up in his room
he was sitting beside you with a worried expression
he asked if you where feeling alright and when you said you felt fine he let out a sigh of relief
“ Did I do good Will?” you asked timidly
he smiled brushed back your hair and planted a kiss to your forehead
“ You where amazing”
That’s it! I really hope you enjoyed! Stay safe out there!
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fbfh · 4 years
Can I request poly leo x reader x nico?👀👉👈
Leo x reader x Nico
Sun and moon
Cat and dog
Crackhead and straight man
They both need a lot of love and a lot of reassurance 
Touch starved as hellllllll
Leo hugs you, you hug Nico
Leo’s a lot more open about his touchiness than Nico
Nico doesn’t really know how to express his affection so he ends up just like
Nudging and cuddling you like a cat
These boys need lots of cuddles
And  l o t s  of kisses
V similar but for v different reasons
Both night owls 
Nico for obvious reasons and Leo cause he’s probably hyperfixated on some project
Both touch starved
Both need a lot of attention
Both get bad mental health days because ~trauma~
Nico tends to isolate himself 
While Leo just gets like 
Really sad
Which he hates
If Nico needs alone time you'll give him one of your jackets or something to let him know you’re still with him
It means a lot to him
If Leo needs together time you'll be right next to him for as long as he needs
Leo somehow manages to drag Nico into a lot of stupid shit
He won't admit it but it helps him loosen up a little
I'm talking pillow fights, “is water wet” style debates, dance battles, pool noodle sword fights "to the death"
Nico has tried to explain you can’t fight to the death with pool noodles
Almost a Keith and Lance dynamic
They can never agree on music
Leo is a hard latin/pop fan and Nico would die for vintage jazz
"It walked so lofi could run"
It gets to the point where one of two things happens when yall wanna listen to music together 
Either you take one each of their bluetooth headphones and have Camila Cabello in one ear and Peggy Lee in the other 
Which is very chaotic 
Or everyone listens to one of your playlists
Your taste in music is the only genre they can agree on
If anyone messes with you 
Ohmygod they are terrifying
Nico goes for the whole chillingly stoic almost cryptid like energy
While Leo goes for the unhinged pyromaniac angle
A weirdly dynamic duo
Nico really loves "kidnapping" you in the middle of the night to do cute shit
Look at the stars, sit by a pretty body of water, sneak you into a gorgeous botanical garden 
The gardens are his favorite
He loves to watch your face while you look at the flowers 
Thinks you’re the prettiest flower
Fucking loves the way you look in the moonlight
He really cherishes those quiet moments with you 
He’ll sometimes sing to you really softly in italian and slow dance with you
It’s really just an excuse to hold you close
But you’re not complaining
Leo gets a lot of his one on one time with you when Nico sleeps during the day
The two of you really team up to make sure he's taking care of himself, which includes making sure he naps to compensate for the undoubtedly many hours he was awake the night before 
It's kind of like when a baby is sleeping, it's a good time to get some quiet housework done, or do a little self care
You've gotten into the habit of baking when Nico's asleep
You and Leo get to spend some time together, and Nico gets a treat when he's awake
Baking with Leo is a fluffy, truly vsco worthy, only slightly disastrous adventure 
And by vsco worthy I mean you actually had a sprinkle fight once
You have cute matching aprons with little bears or something on them
His favorites are those pillsbury cookies with the pictures and designs in them
Nico really likes it when you make muffins with extra icing and maybe just a little frosting
And sprinkles but just cause he knows you like them
Those are cupcakes Nico
He is always more than happy to caramelize anything
You call him your culinary flame thrower and he blushes 
If whatever you bake is cooled off by the time Nico wakes up, Leo will wrap it in tin foil and flame blast it for a few seconds
Nice and warm uwu
You've gotten so many cute pictures while baking it’s half of your camera roll
Everybody has sleep problems
Every fucking body 
So a lot of times yall will migrate into one bed throughout the night 
Or just set up a nest on the couch
They both like the smell of metal cause it makes them think of their dads places
Stygian iron and celestial bronze
You turn on some fairy lights and play a cartoon in the background 
It's so calming and comforting
Sleeping sammiched between them is nice for a lot of reasons
Mostly bc Leo's really warm and Nico's really cold so not only do they balance out your temperature 
You balance out theirs too
It's like a cuddly convection current 
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jrob64 · 4 years
Devastation and Healing Outtake #4
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Summary: David performs his best man duties.
Thank you to @hookedmom​ for checking over this short outtake. 
The outtakes can be found on Ao3 and ffn
And on Tumblr  Outtake #1  #2  #3
The original story is on Tumblr, A03 and ffn
David watched with pride as his wife proceeded down the stone walkway toward the arbor where he stood as Killian’s best man. He couldn’t help the smile that stretched from ear to ear as he thought back a few years to their own wedding, and the feeling of happiness that had overwhelmed him as she approached. She looked just as beautiful today in the periwinkle blue bridesmaid dress as she had in her own wedding gown, and the smile on her face was just as bright and mesmerizing. 
He took his eyes off of her for a few seconds as he looked to the second row of folding chairs which had been set up in Marco’s flower garden. Mary Margaret’s mother and father were there, wrangling ten-month-old Joshua, who had a hard time sitting still for five minutes at a time. David didn’t envy his in-laws the job of keeping the little chatterbox quiet throughout the length of the wedding ceremony. When he looked back at his wife, he saw a twinkle in her eye that told him she was thinking the same thing. 
He heard the music change which signaled the appearance of the bride. While everyone else was watching Emma and her father making their way down the path, David looked over at his best friend to see his reaction, and wasn’t at all surprised to see Killian’s face turning a bit red. Leaning forward, he whispered, “Breathe, man.”
“I don’t think I can,” the groom said out of the corner of his mouth. “She literally takes my breath away.”
The closer Emma got, the more shallow Killian’s breathing became until David started mentally going through the steps of what to do if the groom fainted, should that become imperative. He hoped it wouldn’t, since he felt like that would be going far beyond the duties expected of him as the best man. 
Fortunately, the ceremony proceeded without the groom passing out, and soon David was handing over the wedding rings that he pulled from his jacket pocket. He listened to his friends make their pledges to one another, and then watched them slide the silver bands onto each other’s ring finger. Emma placed Killian’s on his right hand, which broke with tradition, but was a necessity in his case. 
When the pastor pronounced them husband and wife, David grinned and began to applaud as they shared their first kiss as a married couple. Then he linked his arm with Mary Margaret’s and followed the newlyweds back up the walkway, stopping to relieve Ava and Leo of their wiggling grandson, who was holding his arms out to his parents and demanding their attention. 
After pictures had been taken and everyone was settled at the tables for the meal, it was time for the matron-of-honor and best man to give their speeches. David listened to Mary Margaret deliver hers, and watched Emma wipe away tears at her friend’s heartfelt words. Then he stood to share his prepared thoughts. 
He cleared his throat, focused his attention on Killian, and began to speak. “I know it’s traditional for the best man to poke fun at the groom and tell embarrassing stories about him, but I’m not going to do that, if you don’t mind.” Killian gave a slight nod and David turned to face the crowd of people. 
“I met Killian when he was in my basic training class. Once he finally opened up to me a bit, I found out that he joined the Army because he had no family left. He had already lost his mother, brother and father. We lost touch with each other when I left the Army, and the next time I saw him, he was recovering from the injuries he received in an IED blast. To say his life has been filled with tragedy is an understatement.”
“I became friends with Emma through Mary Margaret, and have come to think of her as the sister I never had. She’s seen her fair share of sadness and pain in her life, as well.”
“We’re here today to celebrate the marriage of these two people who, despite what could have been devastating circumstances, have found happiness with each other. I once told Killian, ‘A man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets’, and I’ve been very proud to see him fight against the odds to be here today, ready to share his life with the woman he loves.”
“I am incredibly honored to be part of their special day and to call them my friends. My wish for you,” he said, turning to the couple whose eyes were both swimming with tears, “is that you have nothing but joy, laughter and happiness for the rest of your lives. Of course, the laughter part won’t be hard to come by, if you continue to be friends with that idiot Will Scarlett…”
“Oi! What did I do to deserve that remark?” Will groused. A ripple of laughter passed through the crowd. Emma hid her giggles behind her hand, as Killian grinned and shook his head. 
David grabbed his glass of champagne and raised it. “Here’s a toast to one of the best couples I know, besides my wife and I, of course! May all your dreams come true, and may you live happily ever after!”
Shouts of “Hear! Hear!” rang out as everyone joined in the toast. Emma and Killian each took a sip of champagne before sharing another sweet and tender kiss to the sound of everyone’s silverware gently tapping against the glasses, as they basked in the glow of being newly married and ecstatically happy, something that neither of them ever thought was possible before devastation brought them together. 
I hope you haven’t gotten tired of this story yet. I still have plans for at least one more outtake. Thanks for reading!
Tagging: @nikkiemms​ @djlbg​ @jonesfandomfanatic​ @jennjenn615​ @therooksshiningknight​ @xsajx​ @laschatzi​ @vvbooklady1256​ @kday426​ @hookedmom​ @kmomof4​ @kymbersmith-90​ @tumblercanbetheworst @gingerchangeling​ @let-it-raines​ @wyntereyez​ @everything-person​ @xarandomdreamx​ @andiirivera​ @captainsjedi​ @lfh1226-linda​ @sals86​ @captainswan21​ @bubblegum1425​ @klynn-stormz​ @eeteeaytay​ @pirateherokillian​ @timeless-love-story​ @officerrogers​ @captainswanshipper88 @166hours​ @teamhook​ @elizabeethan​ @bluewildcatfanatic​ @tiganasummertree​ @angellifedeath​ @singersdd @sh12pen​ @loveliklove​ @artistoncer​ @hails-paige​ @eleveneitherway​ @brustudyblog​ @everlastingcaptainswan​ @lyssapup27​ @lkles08​ @snowbellewells​ @idristardis​ @qualitycoffeethings​ @lavenderbudd​ @dreamingdreamsalways​ @artistic-writer​ @galadriel26​ @iamemmaswanjones​ @jackieorioncat​ @hope-swan-jones​ @book-and-music-lover​ @enchanted-swans​ @vampcoffeegyrl23​ @oncechicagolove​ @capswantrue​ @killiansqueenofthejollyroger​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @sh12pen-bookfan​ @earanemith​ @momontheice​ @kaolikesstuff @blackiechan187-blog @transparentempathdiplomatsoul​ @searchingwardrobes​ @cassy1511 @chrisilybrooke 
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The Best Present - A Little Christmas Story
I wish we were kissing under mistletoe
The stars on the sky just can't match your glow
Now I can't wait 'til you're by my side
We'll be warm by the fire all night, oh
I wanna hold you while the bells are all ringing
Want you to be here while the angel's singing
Days are perfect when I got you near
My only wish is you here
Christmas Without You - Ava Max
The snow was slowly falling in big white flakes to the ground and covered everything with a beautiful thick coat. The streets were empty and everything was peaceful silent. Percy was shivering from the cold and pulled his scarf a bit tighter. He was running late as usual. Leo invited all of them for Christmas eve to his home like he did every year. He loved the tradition. And the food. And the decorations. And the fact that mostly everyone of their friends was able to come. It was far too seldom that all of them saw each other.
Percy went a bit faster which wasn't easy because the floor was icy and slippery and he was carrying his Secret Santa present for Annabeth in both hands and balanced the blue homemade chocolate chip cookies from his mother on top of it.  
He almost made it safe to Leo's front door. Almost. On the path to the house was ice under the snow and Percy slipped, pressing the gift and the cookies to his chest, trying to catch himself. "Woah! Watch out!" Jason shouted before he grabbed him in the last second and made him standing still again. "Gotcha" he chuckled.  
"Oh gods thank you. You saved me and the cookies." Percy said breathless.
"For the sake of the cookies look where you're going the next time." Jason joked.
"Yes... You're right. The next time I just fly to the door. No big deal." Percy replied sarcastically looking into Jason's bright blue eyes. They sparkled in the Christmas lights and reflected all the different colours. Percy can't help it and a goofy grin spread over his face which Jason mirrored. The snowflakes has covered Jason's blond hair, which made it look white and his cheeks where light red from the cold. This was one of these moments Percy got totally lost. He just want to take a picture and framed it that's how beautiful Jason looks in these light.
He was shaking his head to clear his mind, he was getting creepy again. He really had fallen for Jason in the last year. There were these moments when they looked at each other a second too long or when they touched accidentally. But it never happend more than this. They never cross the line that would end their friendship. Percy still waited for the perfect moment to confess his love. He was to afraid that he just interpreted too much in their interactions. Maybe Jason was just too dense to get the hints Percy dropped time by time. Maybe Percy was just wishing that Jason always seemed to making excuses to touch him or be in his near.
Jason cleared his throat. "Maybe we should go inside."
It took it's time till Percy realised what Jason said. " Yeah I guess so." But both didn't move. They still locked their eyes, smiling like idiots and no one want to look away first. It hit him like a sudden and blinding realization and it dawned to him. This moment seemed to be perfect. "Uhm, Jason? I have to tell you something." Suddenly he was getting really nervous. What if Jason didn't feel the same? Would he believe him? What if he even laugh at him? What if Percy was about to destroy their friendship right now? Maybe he should wait with it after the party. Then he wouldn't ruin it by make it awkward at least. He felt like a coward. He just was searching for excuses.
"What now? Say what's on your mind." Jason face turned serious.
He got an urgent feeling of throwing up. "It's freaking cold and I'm freezing. Let's go inside. Why doesn't the cold bother you too?" He said laughing. Hopefully Jason didn't hear that it was forced. Yep, he definitely was a coward.
They knocked at the with ornaments decorated door and Hazel opened it. The smell of pine, cinnamon and hot chocolate filled the cold evening air and Christmas songs are played in the background. "Ah there you are, we're finally complete. You two are late. What happened?"
"Nothing" Percy said a little bit too fast as he entered the house, hoping that everyone attributed his red face to the change from the cold outside to the warm inside.
"Percy's just being clumsy not more", Jason laughed and entered the house as well.
Both took off their thick coats and scarfs and hang them on the wardrobe. "Nice sweater Percy" Jason teased him.
"I can only give that back." Two years ago Jason had Percy as his secret santa and he got the ugliest sweater Percy could found. It was baby blue with lighting bolts on it which actually can blink. The next year Percy got his payback. Jason bought him a green sweater with tiny waves on it. There were also a button which caused an awful sung christmas song when it was pressed. Percy secretly loved it.
Hazel led them to living room. They were welcomed by 'Merry Christmas Everyone' that was blasted by Leo's sound system. Percy couldn't stop to be surprised how much efford Leo put in the decorations every year. And he tops himself year by year. There was a huge christmas tree with every kind of decoration you could put on. The whole room had it's own christmas themed light installation and Percy really become worried that all of this would end in a short circuit.
The whole crew was spread out in the room. Frank, Reyna and Piper were sitting on the couch chatting and eating from the with sweets filled plates in front of them. Leo and Annabeth standing in the corner bowed over some cables and it seems like he was explaining how he managed the power distribution. Grover, Will and Rachel were standing in front of the music system singing along. Only Thalia wasn't there. She was on the other side of the country and didn't make it this year.
Jason and Percy put their presents under the tree while Hazel took the cookies and put them in the kitchen. As she came back she shoved Nico in the room with the words "You can't stay in there forever." "But there I don't have to deal with all these happy people." He mumbled, but everyone knows that Nico secretly was enjoying the Christmas Partys.
"I'm going to grab us some hot chocolate" Jason declared and vanished in the kitchen. He came back with two steaming cups. Percy has joined their friends on the couch and so did Jason. As he recognized that there were only blue marshmallows in his cup, a smile stole on his face again. He was always smiling when Jason was around.
And so the time passed away with a lot of laughter, crooked sung songs and many happy faces. Even Nico smiled from time to time and everyone was filled with love for their friends.
After everyone had handed over the presents, Percy just leaned back and enjoyed the scene which was chaotic as usual. Annabeth already has started to read in one of the books Percy got her, while Leo was leaning over her shoulder and pointed at something in the book. His socks he got from Grover were flashing like a Christmas tree. Frank with his new purple sweater from Reyna was about to put a necklace around Hazel's neck. Jason gave Nico a new necklace as well and Rachel got a new sketchbook set from Piper and was about to draw her sitting under the Christmas tree. She was reading the voucher she got from Will and Reyna got a new pair of dog leashes and collars from Annabeth. Will was presenting his new shirt from Hazel which fits the one Nico was wearing. Rachel's gift for Grover was a new pair of shoes she has customized. Leo tried to get Thalia home for Christmas but it wasn't possible so he organized a video call for Jason as a compromise solution. And Percy has to keep himself from starring at Jason who was laughing with his sister. Little tears of joy in the corner of his eyes. He himself received new gloves and a matching scarf from Nico.
He was so happy that he can count so many people as his friends. No they were more than friends. This was his second family. And he knew that everyone was feeling the same.
After some time has passed, Jason ended the call and looked a bit sad for a moment, but quickly recovered. His sister was the only one left from his family and it was the first time he was supposed to be alone on Christmas and new year. Percy leaned over to Jason and whispered: "Don't tell anyone but remember me to give you your Christmas gift when we are leaving." Maybe it was against the rules of Secret Santa but he couldn't stop himself to get Jason a present as well.
"That's not fair! I haven't a present for you." He whispered back.
"Nah it's fine. It didn't cost anything so it's totally okay"
"So you made it by yourself? Now I want to know what it is."
"You will see." Percy made his troublemaker smile and looked into Jason prying eyes.
"Hey you two lovebirds, " Reyna interrupted their eye contact with a snap and both turned their heads towards her, "I've asked if you want to play charade with us but you seem to be busy."
"No no. I would love to play! What about you Jase?"
"I'm in!"
Laughter filled the house and in the end nobody knew who won.
It was late. Very very late. Well past midnight. Maybe Percy fall asleep once or twice, he wasn't really sure by himself. "Maybe I should go home soon", he declared with a yawn, his head resting on Jason's shoulder.
"Yeah me too." Jason shifted a bit, so he can look in Percy's tired eyes. "I drive you home. It's cold and dark outside and I don't accept a 'No'."
Percy knew he didn't have a chance to deny. Jason could be very stubborn when it come to situations like this. So he didn't resist and as a bonus he has time to give Jason his gift. After a lot of hugs they were driving to Percy's.
"So the present I was talking about... You still alone on Christmas?" Percy asked softly.
"Yeah but it doesn't matter I'm fine, just having myself a little Merry Christmas you know" Everybody would believe him but not Percy. Jason's voice was a tiny bit rougher than normal.
He could feel his heart nervously beating in his chest. "You can stay with us. I asked mom already and she said she would be very happy if you would join us."
"No I can't." Percy felt his heart stutter. He planned this since he knew that Thalia wouldn't make it. Nobody should be alone. Especially not Jason.
"Why not?"
"It's your family and I don't have any presents. I can't crash Christmas without presents."
Percy let out a released laugh. "That's what you are worried about? Well than you can come with me. I bought too many gifts anyways. We just change the tags. And for me it's really enough when you celebrate with us. How about that?"
A defeated smile stole on Jason's face. "Only if I can give you your money back."
"Alright. If you want to drive home first, you need to pack your things, you can stay at my home. It's already late and so you can't oversleep. " in the joy of Jason saying Yes he invited him spontaneously but regretted it right after saying it. He didn't want to overdo it so hopefully it wasn't a big deal for Jason.
"Unlike you I never oversleep but I would love to stay at your's"
Percy looked with a wide smile outside the car window. This was one was on it's best way to be the best Christmas ever.
As they were finally parking by Percy's mom it's started to snow again. Luckily they didn't have to drive anymore. His house wasn't decorated like Leo's but at least there were Christmas lights and one look at Jason was enough to be reminded of earlier this day. His eyes, it were always his eyes that made Percy fall in love with him a little more. And the way he was smiling at this moment brightened his heart. “You know this is one of the best presents I ever could get? I thought I would be lonely on Christmas." There were tears in his eyes and without thinking Percy hugged him.
"Nobody deserves to be alone if they doesn't want to. And I am so happy you are here with me."
"Thank you." Jason voice cracked and he cleard his throat. Percy let go and before he could start a second try to confess his love he pulled out his key awkwardly and said: "You don't have to thank me. But I'm freezing, let's get inside." At which point in his life he turned in this little coward? The problem was Jason was way too important for him and he didn't want to lose him.
"I guess my family already fall asleep, so we have to be silent." Percy whispered as he opened the door. They entered the house and walked as quiet as possible through the hallway till Jason suddenly stopped.
"You okay?" Percy turned around an looked at him. He seemed to be a bit nervous. Maybe he was afraid what his family could say.
After not answering his question Percy tried to calm Jason. "Hey, you don't have to be afraid or something. My family knows that you are coming with me. And especially Estelle is glad to see you."
"Yeah I know, that's not the problem."
"Then what is it?" Percy started to getting nervous too. What if Jason didn't want to be here and was just too polite to deny and now he regretted it? But Jason seemed so happy to be here a few seconds ago. So what was making him so nervous?
"Look up." He didn't suspect this reply at all and look at the ceiling in confusion.
A mistletoe. There was a mistletoe above him and while Percy still was wondering why it was there, because his mom never hung up one, Jason take a step towards Percy. Percy slowly look back to Jason. He could feel his heart beating in his chest. Jason was starring on his lips. He couldn´t breathe. He couldn´t think. With a glance in his eyes Jason made sure if Percy was okay with this and finally overcome the last few centimeters. Cross the line of their friendship. 
And then he kissed him. 
Once, twice and then a third time. They couldn´t stop and soon it happend that Jsaon was pressing Percy against the wall. It taste like Christmas and chocolate and it felt like finally coming home. 
They only broke away from each other to catch a breath. Jason leaned his forehead against Percy's, while their hearts were racing, both with a big smile on their face and a little bit of disbelive in their eyes. Like this was a wonderful dream. "Merry Christmas, Percy." Jason whispered.
Percy was way too overwhelmed to reply but one glance was enough to know this wasn't just a kiss under the mistletoe. This kiss was the certainty that his feelings wasn't one-sided. This kiss was all he ever wanted. And this kiss was the best present he ever could get for Christmas.
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solangelover · 4 years
AUctober: Day 5 - Business Competitors
For @solangeloweek AUctober!
Read on AO3 or FF.Net
Ah, the sweet sound of meat hitting the frying pan would always and forever be beautiful to Will. It was lunchtime, so he didn’t have the time to stop and enjoy a moment with his creation. The lunch rush would never give him that luxury, but it was fine. It just meant he was successfully doing his job.
Will was the proud owner of Solace, his very own food truck, serving up Texas comfort foods to the weary New Yorker. Yes, it was his last name, and it sounded a bit conceited, but it was too perfect for him to pass up. He loved cooking and could always rely on his favorite recipes from home to cheer him up. His friends had casually suggested him owning a restaurant, which he immediately dismissed as too much work, but then he landed upon the idea of a food truck and took off from there. They all thought Texas home cooking was unique enough to be a cool, new thing in New York City, but not so niche that he would only have a few customers.
And they were all right, because Solace always had a steady stream of customers who were hungry for quick and hearty Texas foods. A lot of them were from Texas, and they adamantly expressed how authentic Will’s cooking was and how it made them both less and more homesick at the same time. Other customers just really loved his food, many trying it for the first time, which always made Will happy. He felt lucky to be able to share his home and childhood with others. It wasn’t easy running a food truck, but he ended up employing several of his friends and they all had a blast growing his business.
Recently, he had seen people with small trays of pasta in their hands as they walked past his truck. He didn’t want to say he was losing customers, but he did feel like there were a few less people coming than normal. On his post-lunch rush break, he took a stroll around the little plaza area he was by and came across a new truck.
Will did his level best not to get overly competitive with other food vendors. He made an effort to try food from all the trucks and be friendly with everyone. Most people responded in kind, caring more about the food than the money. He hoped this new guy was the same as he examined the truck from afar.
The truck seemed to specialize in Italian food. “Authentic Italian Cuisine” was plastered all over the front and back, but most places in New York City boasted about being the best and most authentic, so it didn’t necessarily mean much. A small awning stuck out over the service window area, bold letters spelling out the truck name: ANGELO DE ITALIA. Anyone could figure out the translation, Angel of Italy, so Will was still unsure of the authenticity of this place’s food.
Pretty elegant name for a food truck, though, Will thought to himself. Food trucks were for quick and tasty foods. Maybe it was just Will, but he always thought of Italian food as something you find in fancy restaurants, not out on the street. However, there was a sizable line for the new vendor, so the food had to be at least decent.
Will decided he would come back towards the end of the day and check out who was behind the Angel of Italy.
By late afternoon, the sky was slightly overcast, and less people were out on the street. Will decided it was a good time to stop by the Italian food truck before he went home for the day.
As he made his way over, he was glad to see there were only a few people in line. He queued up and glanced over the menu. It was a pretty large menu for a food truck, and all of the food items had the proper Italian name next to it. The dishes looked amazing in pictures, but Will was still doubtful about reproducing that in seven minutes or so.
“Next!” Will turned to see a hand wave him over to the window. He stepped up and felt his heart skip a beat at the man gazing down at him. He was handsome, to say the least. His dark brown, near black hair framed his face nicely, contrasting with his olive-toned skin and the sprinkling of freckles across his cheeks. He wore an apron and leaned heavily on the counter in front of him, probably tired from a whole day of constant serving. But his eyes were bright, the kind of bright Will recognized in himself when he was really pleased with his cooking.
That really told Will all he needed to know.
“Hi there!” Will greeted cheerily, glancing behind him to ensure he wasn’t holding up any customers. “My name’s Will. I own that food truck over there,” he pointed towards Solace, in all its golden glory.
“Oh, cool!” A head of curly brown hair and a wide smile popped out of the window next to the first guy. “Dude, I love your country-fried steak! I have no idea how you put them out so quickly.”
Will laughed. “Nice to meet a fan! Trust me, it took a lot of messing around to figure out the best method.” He gestured to their menu. “I’m sure you guys had to do the same? I don’t know a lot about Italian cooking, but I feel like those items usually take some time as well.”
“Oh, they do,” the second guy rolled his eyes as he jabbed a thumb over to the first man. “I tried to tell Nico to choose other dishes or methods, but he insisted that his food needed to be as authentic as possible.”
“It does, Leo! We can’t say ‘authentic Italian food’ if it’s not!” The first guy, Nico, said indignantly.
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Leo waved his hand dismissively as he walked back further into the food truck. “You and your integrity.”
Nico rolled his eyes, focusing back on Will. “I only keep him around because he built the kitchen so that I can make the foods that I want to. And he can cook a little.” Oh, that little smile was a little too cute for Will right now.
He blushed lightly as he responded, “I totally get it, though. My friends also argued with some of my dish choices, but we worked it out. I want my mama’s home cooking to be as real as possible. So, I respect that.”
Nico smiled fully now, in a way that crinkled his eyes and made his face look young. “Nice to find someone who understands. So,” he cocked his head in thought. “How about a food trade? I haven’t gotten to try many of the trucks around here since we’re so new. I’d love to try your stuff if you’d like to try mine?”
“That’d be great!” Will exclaimed.
“What kind of food do you serve? Hard to tell from the name.”
“Oh,” Will laughed, slightly self-conscious about explaining the truck name. “I make Texas comfort foods. The name is, uh… well it’s my last name.” He grinned sheepishly up at the man in the window.
Nico blinked down at him for a moment, then started laughing. “Oh! That’s funny.” He looked him in the eye as he admitted, “My full name is Nico di Angelo.”
Will took a moment to process that, and when he finally made the connection, he burst out laughing. Nico quickly joined him, both boys thinking about how lucky they were to find someone so similar to themselves. And also, someone so cute!
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Mandoctober Day 14: Helmet
A/N: brought to you by angst, depression, a small hot chocolate, the tense feeling in my shoulders as I’m typing this and of course the source of almost all of my writing: the mixture of insomnia and a f**ked up sleep schedule.
p.s. I am trying to take care of myself, October is just a tough time of the year for me and Mandoctober is helping me cope. I refuse to give up any possibly writings/drawings at this point.
Also this is loosely based off of headcannons from @dindjarindiaries​ blog and this is for @leo-moon​ ‘s Mandoctober!
TW: mentions of abuse (both descriptive, non-descriptive, mental, emotional and physical but only for a two, three paragraphs) Refusal to eat or sleep (Din refuses to do these things for two seconds and Reader isn’t granted them) minor character death, themes of slavery (NOT RACE SPECIFIED) (not a trigger warning) pronouns of a gender neutral partner and of course, lastly, hurt/comfort and fluff. (Also personally because I wrote this and I can shout it into the void, I’m gender fluid with she/her pronouns so I’d like to imagine reader is too, BUT THAT’S JUST ME SO IMAGINE THIS HOWEVER YOU WANT, once again requests are open for any sexuality/gender, as long as you give me brief description of what you want, nothing NSFW)
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Time. Aboard the Razor Crest with no specific moon, sun or stars to guide you, time easily became irrelevant. What you learned very quickly was that with this discovery, you realized Din knew that too. 
Or it had gotten to a point where he learnt it a long time ago and just...forgot all about it.
Sometimes he would just sit there in the pilot’s seat, without even doing anything and he would just stare into oblivion. You wondered if his eyesight was okay. Now that you think about it...when was the last time he ate something? Does he ever take that helmet off?
“Din? Are you okay?” For a moment you thought he might be asleep. 
“Sorry...did you say something?” Okay, now you knew he at least needed some sleep. 
“Come on tin can. You need some brain food and maybe even an ‘extended nap’.” You joked.
“Isn’t that just called sleeping?” You couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not...or if that helmet was squeezing his brain too.
“Come on!” Grabbing his hand unexpectedly, Din flinched a little before you dragged him to his feet. 
“I-I can’t.” This admission had you stopping in your tracks as you reached the hull. 
“Is...everything okay?” You were concerned before but now you were starting to think he was hiding a wound from you. He’s done it before. Waiting until you were asleep to tend to it so you wouldn’t worry. Little did he know you had been wide awake with worry for a while and could hear him hurting himself with that blasted cauterizer. 
It was understandable that as a Mandalorian medical supplies weren’t cheap. Even with all the bounties Din brought in, currency rates were going up around the universe. It was difficult to keep up with. Which is why you never broached the subject with him.
It wasn’t your place to pry. 
Not with him anyway...he was silent, reserved, it was like he didn’t trust you. Yet you of all people understood that, you understood that it took you a long time to trust him. Like really trust him with your life...rather than just your role to him as the child’s ‘caretaker’.
It blind sided you when you realized how deeply you cared for him...Mando. 
Gods, you didn’t even know his own name.
“My creed. I can’t...eat in front of other people.” This was a touchy subject. You knew that. But you underestimated how stressed out he really was. He wasn’t wounded...he was just bone tired.
“Well, I can make some food-”
He hadn’t seethed the words out from his teeth as loud as you had heard them.
But...the look on your face as your eyes met the floor, undoubtedly filling with tears.
It cut Din deeper than any vibroblade could.
“I don’t know what to do Ad’ika. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t dream without thinking of her. And now...now I’ve gone and done the worst thing I could ever do to her...I hurt her without even touching her.” 
The sigh was small before it reached a crescendo out of his lungs, erupting out of his head like it was a volcano. That was what it felt like to breath again. When he was alone Mando had the freedom to take his helmet off on the Crest as much as he wanted. As long as he was in space, his privacy was unlimited. 
But that all changed when he met the child and then eventually...you. 
“I just wish...I knew more about her. Knew her likes and dislikes. Knew what her favorite food was. What makes her laugh...her favorite kind of music…I’ve gone and ruined everything haven’t I? Not just for me but for you too. I can’t just let her go...and if she does leave I can’t just hire someone new. She’s...really burrowed her way into my heart, little one.” 
Din’s soliloquy fell into the little creature’s ears like a fly trap. The child knew his father was hurting, he could feel it, not just in the force but in his tiny little heart. It was the kind of hurt he couldn’t fix with his own hands...he had to find another way. He had to make his buir feel whole again. 
Determined, the little creature climbed onto his father’s chest as his breathing started to relax. 
“Ad’ika, I’m not in the mood for games right now…” The dark circles under Din’s eyes became more and more pronounced as the hours dragged on. The good thing about being a father now meant that he had someone to talk to at any time if the baby was also struggling to sleep. 
Din never thought he would become a father. He thought a lot of things wouldn’t happen before he died a warrior’s death. He definitely thought he wasn’t going to fall in love too...but that happened before he could even think about it. 
Multiple chirps and coos echoed from the child’s lips as Din continued to massage his temples. 
“Ad’ika did you not hear me?”
Opening his eyes, Din found himself utterly and completely alone. 
“Ad’ika!” Startling upwards, he launched himself onto his bear feet as he searched the dark air around him for either you or the child. 
“Y/N!” Screaming your name into the void he began to run, not caring about his bare feet, his sleep wear or the fact his helmet was completely missing. 
A fact that had not gone unnoticed by the child.
Abruptly, Din was launched into the scorching blazes of a desert sun. 
The sand hurt as he fell down the dune he wasn’t gonna lie. 
But in some weird, twisted way, it felt good to feel the sand under his skin. 
“Girl! You get back here! Wretched creature!!” The sudden yelling came from a small village not too far away from where Din stood. Flinching, he hid behind the sand. He felt naked without the beskar. It was almost embarrassing how scared he was right now.
Peering over the sandy hill, he saw a young child with Y/H/C hair, rosy cheeks and bare feet run straight towards him. Not considering the strange events that had occurred before this, Din, although he’d never admit it, attempted to run away from her. Except, when she caught up to him, she ran right through him.
Din couldn’t decide whether this was some wicked form of a dream or that he had died and was now wandering the nearest planet.
Oh Maker, what if he was dead? There was no way you could pilot the Crest on your own...and what about Ad’ika.
That was when he heard it, the baby cooing in his head. 
That’s when it clicked. He wasn’t in some hellish figment of his imagination or dead…the child had used his powers to do this since he wasn’t wearing his helmet. But then again...where the hell was he?
Whipping around to face you, all Din was met with was the familiar sight of you hunched over yourself, right near his feet. Crying. This had happened before but…not like this.
Was this...one of your memories? 
Oh no...Din was in your head. Somehow, the baby had managed it.
“I DON’T WANT TO GO BACK THERE! AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME!” Din turned back to face the furious woman, she looked like a cursed school teacher, her hair flying all over the place. But what stood out to him were the nail marks on her cheek. 
He couldn’t picture it but somehow this woman had distressed you so much you had decided to hit her. The next thing that happened confirmed it…
Keep you? Oh...you weren’t a school child.
You were a slave.
That’s why when you had first met you had been so skittish, so fearful...and yet so brave. 
Somehow it all made sense.
Din couldn’t help reaching out for you as your head sagged on your shoulders, a purple and pink mark blossoming across the side of your face as the evil woman clawed her hand around your wrist. 
“You will make my children their supper and you will go straight into the cellar with no dinner. Do you understand me child?” She spoke with a gentle tone...yet the venom dripped from it with the force of a thousand sandcrawlers. 
“...Yes Ma’am.” 
Your submission startled Din. Then again, you were only a child, and if Din hadn’t been taken in by the Mandalorians at your age...who knows what could’ve happened to him. From what little he had heard about of slaves...they didn’t often make it to see their teenage years. 
Yet, somehow you did. 
Din couldn’t help being grateful that, from what he could see of you, those were the only things that cruel woman had done to you. 
Stumbling into a new landscape, Din shook his head in an attempt to gain his bearings. 
“Look Y/N, it’ll be a quick job, all you have to do is listen to what I say and we’ll be gone as soon as you can say ‘bantha fodder’.” 
This was a new voice. A teenager from what Din could guess. They spoke in a kind tone but at the sound of the way they said your name he couldn’t help the feeling of jealousy welling up in him. 
Shaking his head once again, he looking around the jungle planet to spot you and this person.
“Iarren...I don’t know about this. I know we’ve done stuff like this before but we’re not resistance fighters. Those are imperial troops. What if...what if one of us doesn’t come back from this?” 
A much older version of you appeared like a vision from behind the leaves. You were much older now, Din could only guess that you had only just recently come of age. You had grown into your features well. He could see more of the fierce woman he had come to know. 
“Babe, you worry too much. Imps are stupid, plus what we are after is right next to the door practically. If you’re so concerned you can cover me from here and I’ll be right back to kiss your worries away...alright?” Din could tell just by the way you shared a glance that you were absolutely taken with this person. 
In a way Din respected them...but in the back of his mind he knew there was a reason he was seeing this particular memory. Bracing himself, he could only watch as you shared a tender kiss with your lover. It shocked him how passionate you were with them. Gripping them like a vice as if you knew what was about to happen. 
Din’s heart broke for you as he watched you sob over their corpse later that very night. 
Din thought he had finally made it back to you just by looking upon your face. Much older now, age similar to the one when he met you. Looking around, he realized...this was that exact moment. 
“Excuse me.” 
Now Din knew for certain he wasn’t dreaming...there was no way he could dream about himself in this much detail. It was like having an out of body experience...in a way he was.
“Can I help you?” The first thing Din noticed about you was that you were too kind to have been on a planet as rough as Andos. Imps were everywhere nowadays and it was the one time Din had to wear a proper cloak so no one could spot him. 
“I need to hire someone to help me with a child. I was wondering if you could help me find a person that is trustworthy?” Being a Mandalorian was so difficult that day. Meeting you made him realize that you were kind enough to suggest yourself, admitting that you were tired of the constant trail of dead bodies this planet had shown you. He flinched when you mentioned the blood you found leaking through your front door one morning. 
He accepted your offer immediately. Offering payment for a job you had been doing for years without none. 
Din had no clue he had saved you from slavery for the second time in your life. 
Waking up in a cold sweat, Din knew this was reality. 
All your memories, it felt like a dream. 
That’s when he felt his son sag against his chest, heaving long tired breaths. 
Din was scared he had over exerted himself. 
“Ad’ika...why did you do that?” 
All the child could do was reach for his father’s face, bringing it towards his own. 
“Da.” This one, simple word, brought Din’s walls crumbling to the ground as he began to cry. 
“Thank you...Ni kar’tayli gar darasuum Ad’ika.”
The overwhelming joy he felt caused his thoughts about you to skyrocket. He knew he had to share this information with you. 
Startling from his bed, Din shot out of his room with the sleepy child tucked against his vest clad chest. 
“Y/N! Cyare come quick!” 
The sound of his unmodulated voice scared you more than anything else he had said to you that night. What you didn’t expect when you opened the door was to find a complete stranger shouting your name. 
“WHO ARE YOU? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH DIN?!” You practically screamed, ready to throw hands with this strange practically half naked man that had appeared before you.
That’s what you spotted the child in his arms, half asleep and staring admiringly up at the man. 
“...He called me da. I...had to share that with you Cyare...I didn’t even think twice about my creed.” The watery smile he gave you was enough to convince you that the man before you was none other than Din Djarin himself. 
“...just like that? You...you threw away your creed, being a Mandalorian...just so you could tell me he spoke his first word?” Din thought you were upset, in a way you were. 
When he turned to find your eyes filled with the happiest of tears he had ever seen, the overwhelming urge to kiss you kept slamming into his head, bleeding through his heart. 
“Cyare...Father’s always share the first word their child speaks with their Mother.” 
When you began to sob, Din refused to hold himself back as he curled his fingers through your hair, cradling your son between the two of you as he tilted your head back. 
As his lips brushed against yours for the first time…
You both had never felt so free.
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stories-by-rie · 4 years
102 Liminal Girl
trigger warning: This short story talks very explicitly about depression. Please take care! There’s also a ghost aka dead person.
It’s the broken whispers, Leonie thought as the tip of the girl’s pastel green marker broke. They weren’t audible, of course, not for all the people around them. But she could hear them. It was a matter of knowing, she figured as she watched the girl slump a little more, shoving the destroyed marker off her papers and looking back at her laptop screen as if nothing had happened. 
The giggle that echoed faintly. She wasn’t actually even sure if the girl noticed; if she did then she at least pretended well not to. 
The chatter, too quiet to understand, that just stopped in the middle when library staff walked past them and shot them a glance. 
The smug lines of their mouths, that clearly tried very hard not to look like a smile, but so very clearly showed their arrogance. 
Blinding light dipped everything into white for a split second, only to be followed by shaking thunder. The rain still clashed against the window front of the library where the tables stood in long rows, only a few students splattered around the room so early in the semester.
Hesitantly, Leonie walked out of the niche she was staying at, and moved along the rows of tables until she reached the one where the girl was working at. When she took the seat opposite of her, she didn’t notice. No one ever did. 
All she could do was keep quiet, really, and watch the other girl work in peace. Even if there was a hollow look in her. Maybe she really didn’t notice the reactions of the girls a few rows ahead, maybe she thought no one was looking at her, that no one saw her. 
Just then the girl sighed and the pen in her hand stopped, as did the finger that kept scrolling down the paper she was reading digitally. It was a little as if she was frozen, stuck somewhere. It wasn’t the first time Leonie saw the look on her face. A little as if her soul left, or maybe was locked inside somewhere. 
Perhaps, that was the reason for it all, the reason why she found herself at the chair opposite of her.
The girl that pretended like she wasn’t really there, the girl that others talked about like she didn’t exist - she really was too similar to her for a person. 
She was too close to being a ghost. 
Despite the loud thunder, she started resting her head on her hand, and a few minutes later she put it down on the desk and drifted off.
At some point the others left. It started to get quite late, the clock’s finger ticked relentlessly towards midnight. None of the people that left went to nudge her awake, ask her if she intended to sleep at the library the whole night. 
In a way, it wasn’t uncommon. The library was open both day and night, and not so rarely, students found themselves falling asleep at some point. But for the girl, Leonie’s nonexistent heart still ached a little. 
It was a quiet night. Apart from the girl, she was nearly alone, nearly being herself. 
Maybe that was why, once she woke up again, she stared right at Leonie. There was not really surprise in her face, but shyness perhaps, the oncoming feeling that she had been stared at for a long time. 
    “Sorry,” was all that Leonie mumbled before she got up from the chair to put distance between them, walked a little farther back where the light of the hallway was a little brighter and dimmed her figure to a faint grey. 
    “What are you?” the girl asked, irritated now, still not scared. Leonie thought it must have been the sleep that still clung to her eyes, still puffy eyes, the red mark on her cheek where her head had rested on the table. 
    “Just someone roaming here.” Leonie smiled softly at her and sat back down on the chair, looking at the girl in front of her with narrowed eyes. She could see that she felt uncomfortable under the attention, but this was not a trivial matter any longer, and the attention had to be endured. 
She looked away from Leonie now, her eyes wandering around the room until stopped at the digital numbers on her phone screen. 
Now there was finally surprise on her face and she started to slowly pack her stuff back into her bag. 
"I don't think you'll be able to leave, actually," Leonie remarked and got a questioning eyebrow in response. "How do you feel?" she asked and the movements of the girl slowed down a little. Yet, she still answered in a tone that made clear how meaningless that question was to her. 
"Okay," she mumbled and shrugged. She looked around again, a silence that was deafening even for a library. The loneliness that was so prominent at two am. 
"It's… It's a strange feeling, don't you agree? As if this place isn't supposed to exist at this time. It doesn't match," she then added and her shoulders slumped now. Made her smaller. 
"What are you still doing here?” she asked then, either having forgotten that Leonie already told her, or thought it had been a joke. 
Either way, there was no different answer, and she didn’t see any reason in repeating herself, wasting those words just once more. A little in thoughts, she moved her fingers over the table, drawing a picture no one else but her could see. Where she moved in the shadow, her hand looked a little warmer, a little more human. 
    “When you say okay, what does that mean?” she asked this time without looking up at the girl, but there was a stillness in the air that told her that she had been heard. 
    “Okay is okay. It’s what it is. What else should it be?” 
    Leonie only replied, “Hm.”
The girl stood up, her bag ready to leave, but when she made a step towards the exit, she hesitated. 
    “What did you mean when you said I couldn’t leave?”
Leonie looked up at her, in that quiet room that felt so isolated from the rest of the world, somehow, as if the rest didn’t exist anymore. Trapped in a capsule. 
    “I meant that I am me, and I cannot leave. And you seem to be similar to me, so you might not be able to leave either.”
    “You cannot leave?” It was a question, but from her mouth it sounded more like an accusation. 
    “It’s just like that.”
At first, the girl put down her bag on the floor, and slowly she sat back down then. Because Leonie was right. She couldn’t leave. It was just like that. And the girl knew it. 
    “What’s your name?” she asked then, for the sake to give the girl in front of her something more than just an image in her mind. 
    “Amira,” she answered, and it sounded as if she was a stranger to herself. When another lightning flickered through the room, and blinded everything in white, Amira’s eyes lost her for a second.
    “Why does this stuff happen to me?” she suddenly broke out, her voice thin and on the verge of cracking. There was so much unspoken fear behind those words. She pressed her hands against her eyes, so hard it must hurt, but the silent cry was imminent on her twisted mouth. 
    “It’s not a good day?” Leonie whispered, afraid that her voice could be too loud for Amira’s ears. 
    “It’s never a good day!” Amira answered, quietly but her voice broke in the middle so that the last two words sounded like a sob. “It just never is!”
Leonie smiled to herself, thinking that the okay hadn’t sounded okay at all, and she voiced that thought to Amira who now wiped away her tears. 
    “When I say I am okay, then that okay is still true,” she answered, calmed down now, but her feelings still clearly pent up inside. “I am okay, in contrast to last week. At some point, saying I am not okay wouldn’t make sense anymore. It’s fine. I am okay today, for the state that I am in. So I am okay. But that doesn’t mean that I am fine.”
It was like a waterfall as she poured her thought out to Leonie. Maybe because she felt that nothing she said would be of consequence. Those words were spoken and afterwards held no power anymore. Leonie couldn't tell them anyone. They were both in that place they couldn't get out of, and no one else would be there to judge either of them. 
They sat at the table for a while, lightning blinding them occasionally, and at some point, Leonie smiled in a sad way, and leaned back in her seat some more. Finding the balance on two chair legs and whipping back and forth. 
    “So, what is that state you’re in?” Leonie asked, looking right at Amira’s eyes for the first time. She had kind eyes. They looked brown, even if it might have just been the dark light of the dimmed library table. No matter what colour - they were filled with tears again. 
    “The state I am in? How would I even put that into words?” Her lips were wobbling, the kind that wasn’t cute at all, it was the kind that made Leonies lips wobble a tiny bit too. 
    “Just. Tell me what it is,” she replied softly and Amira stared off out of the glass front, where they could see the sky light up again and again. 
    “It’s an ugly state,” she started, and from those words, Leonie knew that she had found the right ones. “It’s not just numb and quiet. Not just the apathy, the endless tiredness. It’s not a soft and paralyzed form of procrastination. Not what I used to imagine it would be all my life. On the contrary. It’s the dirty dishes in my sink that have been there for a whole week,” her voice cracked, the tears spilled, “It’s the loud music I blast into my ears. As if the pain could be proof that something still works. It’s that I sometimes only get up because I have to go to the bathroom.” She buried her face in her hands. “I haven’t washed the clothes I am wearing right now for a month and I can only hope the deodorant can cover that up. I haven’t cleaned my teeth in - I don’t even know. But I manage to dress myself up, smearing makeup all over my face nonetheless.” Another lightning, a thunder cracked, louder than before now. “It’s disgusting. There’s a spot of god-knows-what on the floor in my kitchen and I have only managed to put a wet towel on top of it, not to wipe it away. Who even does that?” 
Amira wiped away the tears, and once she had dried her skin, it was hard to notice that she had cried at all. Nearly as if nothing had happened. 
    “You’re all alone?” Leonie wondered. She had stopped playing around with her chair a while ago. 
    “I don’t know. No, I am not. And even if it should be just that, I wouldn’t call it loneliness. It’s not that I am lonely, because I am not alone, and I don’t feel alone in the presence of those that I love either. It’s more that I am not alone enough. There is always still me. I sometimes wish I could be without me. I don’t mean this in a way that I want to stop to exist, on the contrary. I want to exist more. It’s that I want so much, but I don’t care at all.” She clasped her hands over her heart, closed her eyes, and suppressed whimpers that worked themselves up. “And… All my plants are dying. Not that badly but my hibiscus hasn’t bloomed in a year. It’s only half of what it used to be, so many branches died and I had to cut them off.” She looked up, to the door, and Leonie could feel her need to leave. "There's nowhere to go, is there?“
It wasn't a question, so Leonie didn't answer. Again. 
The storm moved on and the distance between lightning and thunder grew, the rumbling fainter as time progressed. 
    “Why are you here?” Amira asked, obvious now that she wondered more about the place than Leonie’s existence per se. 
    “I died over there,” she answered and pointed to a row of shelves. They were marked as shelves containing scientific psychological articles. She still remembered staring at the Science when it had happened. “I had an inflammation of the heart muscle and then I was stressed. Should’ve probably slept more. Thirty years ago.”
    “Must be boring.”
    “It’s fine. Feels like yesterday to me.”
There was a smile on Amira’s lips, a genuine one and she rested her head on one hand. Still, both of their presences seemed to darken the room around them a bit more, made them a little better to see for being invisible in their own ways. 
    “You know,” Leonie mumbled after a while, the clock’s finger ticking closer to four, “Many like you have found themselves floating here. Not knowing where to go.”
    “There were more?”
    “Of course.”
    “Then, where are they now?”
    “Oh, they leave sooner or later,” Leonie explained and stretched her ghostly muscles. “Because, the way I see it, if you don’t know where to go, it doesn’t matter which way you take, no?” 
Amira looked up at her, the eyes wide. 
    “If I leave and come back tomorrow, would I be able to see you again?”
Leonie chuckled at that question and shrugged. Usually, no one liked seeking out that state she was in. 
    “You’d have to find out,” she answered. 
It started to get lighter again. Not in a way where the darkness of the night would disappear, but slightly lifted to tell them that day was around the corner. 
    “What’s your name?” Amira asked. 
    “Leonie,” she answered, her voice already more like a whisper. But it was intentional. Amira’s eyes lost her then, but there was a tiny smile in them, that told her that she had been heard. She got up from her chair, got her bag, and when she looked to the exit this time, there was a special kind of determination in her eyes. 
    “See you again, Leonie,” she said, and got to leave.
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sabine-leo · 5 years
Wicked Tom...
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Author: @sabine-leo
Pairing: Tom x female Reader  (Loki / Elphaba) 
Wordcount: 3094
Genre: Fluff (teeny tiny bit of hurt feelings)
Note: I finally found the time to write the 3rd wish for my 1k follower raffle. @adefectivedetective asked for this :  “ Tom was watching Wicked on the West End and reader plays Elphaba and he really enjoyed it so he goes and talks to her at the end”  
I do hope you like it and can excuse the wait!! 
Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated and LOVED!!
Once he had answered a question in an interview.
“What's my guilty pleasure? The thing is, I never feel guilty about pleasures.”
Well, sitting here for the second time this day made him feel a little guilty. But after being literally dragged into the theatre from Emma and Sarah to see the matinée he had found himself totally bewitched and in awe of the voices that had made him feel every single emotion there was. Using the side entrance only shortly before the show began, he felt a little wicked himself as his skin tingled in anticipation of a voice that had touched his heart and lit his soul on fire just this afternoon. 
Emma had started to tease him on their way out of the theatre. “You actually did enjoy it, just give in and say it. Sarah and myself have been right. At least this time!” Tom had chuckled “Yes, I must say that it was rather good! You have been correct. It is not above me to admit that I should have come here sooner. Thank you for dragging my sorry British butt along.” His sisters had laughed and said their goodbyes as the three siblings parted ways.  
Now, Tom leaned back in his seat and waited for the music to start.
Not half way into the show and he was, again, totally captivated by the story acted and sung before him. One voice in particular made the hairs on his arms rise, in a good way. 
Blithe smile, lithe limb She who's winsome, she wins him Gold hair with a gentle curl That's the girl he chose And heaven knows I'm not that girl
Tom gulped a little as he heard her sing those lines. He felt the heartbreak, the longing in her voice. Having felt his heart break in his life himself, he knew from where the actress drew the emotions into her voice. He felt the urge to leap onto stage and hug her close, to tell her that someone out there would be worth to open her heart for again.  
 Don't wish don't start
Wishing only wounds the heart
I wasn't born for the rose and pearl There's a girl I know He loves her so I'm not that girl
 With a sinking head and closed eyes Elphaba ended the song and the theatre lay in darkness for a second as applause erupted. Tom closed his eyes while he clapped his hands together, that voice really did a number on him. So gentle, so full of emotions yet so damn powerful that even the almost silent notes hit his ears like a thunderstorm. Some minutes later he – again - was amazed that this soft voice could blast out the probably most known song of the musical with such intensity. Defying gravity truly was a powerful song and Tom grinned as Elphaba was lifted up.
 So if you care to find me Look to the western sky! As someone told me lately "Everyone deserves the chance to fly!"
 That song sealed his fate. He needed to go backstage after the show and meet the woman with such a powerful voice. He, too wanted his chance to fly again, to defy gravity and leap into an unknown adventure…and maybe lose his heart in the process. Only to hopefully gain one in return.
 And that was what he did. Straightening his jacket as he approached the part of the Theatre where the actors would be after the show ended, he got greeted with a smile.
“Oh! Mr. Hiddleston!”
He had been under the radar the whole day but it did not faze him that he got recognized almost immediately. “Good evening.” Tom smiled politely.
“Would it be too much to ask if I could congratulate the actors on their performance…personally?”
“No, no no no, of course not. They would be delighted! As would I! Follow me.”
Tom thanked the man with a nod and followed him through the small corridors.
A door opened and Glinda stopped short at seeing him. “Oh my!” She said and pressed her hand against her chest. Tom chuckled. What a Glinda move, he thought.
“Hey, so nice to meet you!” He held out his hand and complimented her on the show but his eyes kept searching for her stage sister.
“A picture! Please let me take a picture. The both of you look so good together! Glinda and Tom, what a pair!” The man laughed and snapped away as Tom politely took Glinda sideways into his arm and smiled. That picture would likely hit the press, but Tom did not care what they would write about it. His intentions were not set on Glinda, though she was beautiful…but there was a voice he needed to put into context with a face. A voice that had touched a part inside of him he had thought lost after his last heartbreak. The man took another two pictures as Glinda lifted one foot and smiled very Glinda like with a girly expression on her face.
 At this exact moment you came out of your dressing room.
Still more than a little green around the nose and eyes, rubbing your face with a wet cloth.
“Dammit, is this another brand of body paint? It´s not yielding voluntarily!”
“Uhm…(Y/N) ?!” The actress playing Glinda said with a little chuckle and let go of Tom.
“What is it? I would hate to have to ride the tube still green. One half of the people would know who I am and the other half would look at me funny!”
“(Y/N)! We are in London after all. I really don´t think someone would even give you a second glance.” Glinda said a little louder before Tom stepped in and softly took the cloth down from your face with his big hands.
“Hey there, I´d hate for you to scratch your beautiful face in order to get the colour down.” He smiled and you could just look upwards with a stunned expression after you recognised who held your hand and the wet, slightly green cloth in his hand.
“I do think green looks rather good on you.” He grinned. “I would absolutely give you a second glance…But then again, I always had a thing for black and green anyways!”
You started to chuckle. “So that was the appeal to play Loki!?” Your witty comment made Tom laugh out loud. “Amongst one of the reasons, yes!” he slowly let go of your hand but held onto the cloth.
 “It´s nice to finally see you up close after your voice knocked me over more than one time from afar!” Tom held out his free hand and smiled. “I´m Tom by the way…” You smiled and took his hand into your green one. “Nice to meet you Tom, I am (Y/N).”
Glinda rolled her eyes but grinned. “First Fiyero and now Tom Hiddleston. Excuse me while I go dip myself into green paint to get a bit of attention around here!”
Tom and you chuckled and watched her walk into her dressing room.
Suddenly aware that he still was holding your hand Tom let go and messed up his hair instead.
“Uhm, so…I really am in awe of what you did on stage. Your voice is phenomenal!”
“Oh boy, I am glad that green counters red, otherwise you´d see me blush!”
Tom laughed a deep rumble of a laugh and looked at you intensely.
“You are correct, I can´t make out any blush under that layer of green!”
 He jabbed his hands into his pockets and teetered on his feet as if unsure how do proceed but then he tilted his head and said. “How about you accompany me for a drink or a dinner without the green paint covering you up. Then we would be on an even playing field regarding the blush department!” Tom grinned, happy with himself.
“Are you telling me you do blush too?” You asked still feeling a little wicked thanks to your role. “Only one way to find out!” Tom smiled and bit his lip.
“I suppose that is true.” You nod and smile. “If you have the time to wait until I get this paint off me, I gladly say yes to your offer. But let me warn you, it may take me up to an hour…”
Tom grinned. “Oh, no worries, I don´t have anything else planned for the night. How about you get rid of the wicked colour and we meet at John´s in about 1 ½ hours?”
“I´ll be there…” You said with a smile and turned to walk into your dressing room to jump into the shower. “See you in a bit…” Tom said and waved as he proceeded to talk to a few more actors coming out of their rooms slowly but steady with a smile on his face.
 There, he had taken that leap…
 The evening, the night turned out to be a fun and short-lived time. Tom and you connected on different levels and the conversations flowed easily from one topic to another. He was very intelligent, funny and a gentleman from head to toe. Walking you home because it was his so-called duty even if you were the wicked witch of the west turned into a rather slow and much longer walk that ended with a hug and an exchange of numbers before your flat. Over the course of the next weeks Tom and you got to know each other better and texted or talked to each other constantly if time allowed it. Both your schedules being all over the place made it not that easy but Tom took the time to walk you home at least one day each week after you finished in the theatre.
 “What are you up to in the next days?” Tom asked as you turned the last corner to get home.
“Tomorrow I do have 2 shows to play and the day after I am actually performing a song at James Cordon´s Late Late show… he is hosting in London this week.”
Tom looked at you with a big smile “Oh! Wow, that´s great! This is going to be fun. I know James, beware of his humour, he probably is going to get you to do something funny while singing!” You laughed out loud and shrugged. “He can try…Maybe I will make him dress up as Elphaba!”  
Tom burst out laughing and held his belly.
“I need to make sure I am there for the taping if that is the case!”
 Keying open your door you turn to look at Tom. “Do you..” you started and needed to clear your throat. “…do you want to come in for a drink?”
 Toms face got all soft and he touched your shoulder. “I would love to, but I get an early start tomorrow…I am so sorry but I do have to get home...” You could not help the slight pang you felt as his words hit your system. He had tried to let you down easy but given that you had needed to summ up your courage to ask him for three days did not make it better at all. “Next time?” He asked softly and tried to get you to look into his eyes. “Yeah, sure. Get home safe, Tom! And sleep well!” You said and went inside without giving him the eye contact. You could not let him see the hurt you felt. You knew it was childish and not reasonable but you really could not help it at this moment.
“Sleep well (Y/N)…” Tom said . “I am really sorry…”
To hell with it, you looked into his eyes and mustered a smile. “Good Night Tom, thank you for walking me home!” Slowly you closed the door and bumped your head against it.
You had taken the leap and…had fallen.
 Tom started to walk home. He had to get up in only 4 hours’ time but he hated himself for putting that look into your eyes. It reminded him of the song that had gotten him so emotional all those weeks ago as he had heard you singing it for the first time.
 Don't wish don't start Wishing only wounds the heart I wasn't born for the rose and pearl There's a girl I know He loves her so I'm not that girl
 He tried to shake of that feeling but he could not even come close to do it. If only you´d know that you were that girl. That you were born for the rose and pearl. That he wanted to be the one to give it to you. In the last weeks he had gotten to know you, deeply so. He had had the pleasure to hear you laugh with that beautiful voice of yours, knowing that he had been the one to cause you delight meant a lot to him. He wanted to hear you laugh again. He wanted to see you blush once more because he was a flirt when it came to you. He wanted, no, he needed to show you that he wanted, needed more than your friendship! Tom searched for his phone as he walked. He dialled a number after scrolling through his contacts.
 “James? Hey, it´s Tom… sorry for calling so late, but I need to ask for a favour. I have an idea!”
 ---- 2 days later----
 “Alright, I have got the text down and the costume fits as well. Thank you for being such a good sport and doing this!” James laughed and took your already green hand in a gesture of happiness.
“You will be an awesome Glinda!”
You said with a laugh and walked with him to the dressing rooms of his show.
As Tom had predicted James did not want you to just come in and sing, no. He had gotten himself a Glinda costume and was about to perform with you. Defying gravity would be the song the both of you would do in his show and you already had a fit of the giggles as you thought about him in a dress, with a curled blond wig. “Time to change! See you in a bit!” James called as the audience filled the seats and was warmed up by a stand-up comedian. “This will be an opening London will not forget so fast!” He called and grinned as he closed his door. You too went into your dressing room, got the final touches done and donned your black robe and wicked-hat.
30 minutes later you were standing behind the curtain covering up James´s stage as James himself walked up to you in full Glinda style. You clapped your hand above your mouth and hid a laugh.
“Ready to defy gravity…Sister?” He grinned and flipped his curls back with a swing of his hand.
“Ready when you are!” You grinned and closed your eyes to get into character.
 The curtain dropped and Glinda-James grabbed your hand.
“Don´t be afraid!” He chirped. The audience erupted into laughs and applause. As they were able to hear you again you said.
“I´m not! It´s the wizard who should be afraid… of me!” You started to sing.
 Something has changed within me Something is not the same I'm through with playing by the rules Of someone else's game Too late for second-guessing Too late to go back to sleep It's time to trust my instincts Close my eyes and leap!
 James played his part well, a bit over the top but that had to be that way. The both of you sung together quite well and as you sang the final parts of the song high above the stage…
 And nobody in all of Oz No wizard that there is or was Is ever gonna bring me down!
 A green light flashed bright and more fog wafted low above the ground as you heard a dark chuckle that did not belong into the song. It went dark for a second. Another flash before the lights came on again.
 “Well well well…the wicked witch of the west is finally about to meet a real wizard…a god even!”
You knew that voice before you could see who was speaking to you but as you looked down you nearly toppled over. Thank god that you were in a harness… Down below, next to Glinda stood Loki himself. Dressed in his full black and green leather attire. The audience was going wild!!!
 “I am going to bring you down, literally!” Loki grinned mischievous and help up his hand.
The harness started to lower you back to the ground.  What on earth happened here?
Glinda- James fell onto her knees before Loki. “Oh my GOD!! Take me! I am a witch too! And a rather beautiful one I might add…less…green!” Glinda-James batted her eyes at Loki.
Loki chuckled but waved James off. “That is the problem…I do like green. And I do like her slightly wicked behaviour…” Your feet touched the ground and Loki went around you, his eyes never leaving yours before it got impossible and he stood right behind you. He got rid of the hooks that held you in the harness and stage whispered into your ear. “Come with me Elphaba, let me tempt you to be even more….wicked!”
 The lights went out and your knees nearly gave up. Tom grabbed you by the waist and held you close to his chest. “Hello Darling!” He breathed into your ear with a chuckle and turned you to face him.
“You are going to pay for that stunt!” You said breathless but started to laugh and hugged the live out of him. The lights went back on mid hug and the hoots got louder and louder.
Tom, or better Loki leaned back a little and held out a hand. Glinda-James came in again and brought a single, deep red rose with a pearl attached to it that he handed Loki.
“Elphaba, (Y/N)…” Loki started. “You were born for the rose and pearl!”  
He handed you the rose and smiled.
“You are that girl…to me!”
His hand touched your face and the smile he bestowed on you melted your heart completely.
 The curtain came down and hid you from the audience. The microphones got shot down. It was as much privacy as you would get in a TV studio…
 “Let´s have that drink…at my place later. And I promise to make you breakfast come morning…” Tom grinned wickedly and closed the distance to finally kiss you.
 At last…you were defying gravity!
   Tags: @adefectivedetective @archy3001 @itscalledfandomsweetielookitup @faeriedelalune-blog @lil-mewlingquim07  @amazinggraces-world   @tanishahka @coniumalces  @emomemelordess @devilbat @usedtobegoodfriend96 @cest-le-temps-de-lamour @drakesfiance @confessionsofastrugglingteen  @inlovewithfreyamikaelson @heart-shaped-hell @theoneanna  @marikochi  @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @awkwardfangirl2014 @rainbowsinthestorm  @anchored-in-high-tide
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