#the second thing's a lady my sister used to nanny for
queen-scribbles · 3 months
Oh yeah, btw, I did definitely get the one temporary part-time job. It's not much, but it's something.
And the timeline for the other thing got a bit more urgent, so I'm gonna call about that later today or tomorrow to see if me doing part time around the other gig is something workable. (Especially since the first one's only until the end of the school year)
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Kid Akihiko: *6 years old*
His maid: My lady, do you like your new dress?
Kid Akihiko: ...
Kid Akihiko: *fake smiles* I love it!
His maid: *sighs in relief*
Kid Akihiko: *still smiling* Nanny? Is there any news about my little brother?
His maid: Oh, Young master Yuurin will arrive home today.
His maid: Are you excited to finally meet him?
Kid Akihiko: *nods*
His maid: *smiles* That's good, Lady Akane. But don't overexert yourself.
His maid: We don't want you getting sick.
Kid Akihiko: Okay~.
Yuurin's mother: It's good to be back, isn't it?
Yuurin's father: Come here, son. Let your father carry you this time.
Yuurin's mother: *chuckles* But I'm not done with him, dear.
Yuurin's father: Let me bond with him at least.
Yuurin's mother: No can't do~.
Kid Akihiko: *watching his parents dote on Yuurin*
Kid Akihiko: ...
Kid Akihiko: *decides to approach them later*
Their mother: Akane, I love your dress today. It's cute and stylish.
Kid Akihiko: *smiles* Thank you, mother. Nanny sewed this dress for me.
Their mother: Did she? *chuckles*
Their mother: Ah! Before I forget!
Their mother: Yuurin? This is your older sister. Say hi to her~.
Baby Yuurin: *looks at Akihiko* *then her eyes sparkle*
Kid Akihiko: !!!
Their father: Looks like our son wants to play with his sister.
Their mother: Hmm... Alright.
Their mother: But don't tire yourself out, Akane. *smiles at them*
Their mother and father: *takes their leave*
Kid Akihiko: ...
Baby Yuurin: *approaches her brother*
Kid Akihiko: *expecting to be called "sister"*
Baby Yuurin: *hugs Akihiko* Nii-nii!
Kid Akihiko: ...
Kid Akihiko: Huh?
Leona: So Yuurin recognized that you were her brother on your first meeting? *talking with Akihiko on the phone*
Akihiko: *chuckles* Yes. I was really happy that time.
Akihiko: Eventually, I had to teach her to call me "sister" when someone was around. Besides, we didn't want to be caught.
Akihiko: But whenever we were alone in the house, we would play dress up and I would lend her my clothes.
Akihiko: While she, on the other hand, would draw me a fake mustache on my face.
Akihiko: Good thing she never used a permanent marker.
Leona and Akihiko: *chuckles*
Yuurin: Aki, were you on the phone with someone? Your line was busy.
Akihiko: Oh, yes. I was chatting with a friend. *chuckles*
Yuurin: I see.
Akihiko: Yuurin?
Yuurin: Yes?
Akihiko: Brother loves you, bluebell.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *smiles* Me too, Aki.
Akihiko: *chuckles* Why did it take you a second to answer?
Yuurin: Because you said it out of nowhere.
Akihiko: Hmm... You're making me sad now. Just kidding. *chuckles*
Yuurin: *shaking her head*
Leal: Master Akihiko-
Akihiko: *has coughed up blood after his phone call with Yuurin*
Leal: ...
Leal: Let me clean you up.
Akihiko: Yes. Thank you, Leal.
Leal: ...
Leal: It seems your condition is getting worse.
Akihiko: I didn't ask for your comment.
Leal: ...
Leal: I'm sorry.
Akihiko: ...
Akihiko: You do not need to worry yourself.
Akihiko: I'll manage to hold on until Yuurin's debut... no, it'll have to be a week after her 18th birthday.
Akihiko: I won't make her sad on her special day.
Leal: ...
Leal: As you wish, Master Akihiko.
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Tommy Shelby x Milf!Reader ~ Headcanon
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Note: Too long ago @sonichkkaaascreams snowed into my inbox with the idea of the Shelby!boys x Milf and I do still have an idea for a multi!part series in the back of my mind, I didn't want to keep her waiting so here are in addition to this one Arthur, John and Michael!
I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other. This hasn't been beta'd so I apologise for typos or mistakes. Here is my Masterlist
Warning: As I am an adult, all my writing I share is unless explicitly stated for adults (18/21+). Expect canon confirming tone, language and description of violence. Mention of sex. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. 
Request: @sonichkkaaascreams
Wordcount: 721
You are the wife of one of his business partners, not one of those betting licence owners
He sits on the British Racing Board of Directors, not that he had ever earned it, no. Your kind didn't earn things, they inherit them, at least if they were men and that was your problem
If you had been born a man you could have been brilliant, a scientist, an explorer, a general or a politician
But you were a woman and so you had to make do with being a wife to a man who had all the freedoms in the world while convention tied you down and a mother to children who were placed in the arms of nannies and governesses as soon as they were born, who all knew so much better than you and didn't hesitate to remind you, so you'd given up before the second one was even born
You place was on the arm of a man who wasn't half as intelligent as you, being introduced to men who all saw you as nothing but a pretty face and important name even though you could see right through them and their false courtesies
And Tommy Shelby saw through yours. 
He noticed almost immediately that you were too intelligent for the act you put on and confronted you in such an arrogant manner it made your blood boil
But your station and role didn't allow yourself to turn down the dance he asked of you
So you bit back your venom and agreed
Unfortunately he was not only the only other sapient being for a hundred miles but also an excellent dancer 
He knows you know all the dirty little secrets of the people around and since you're bored and he is the best company this hellhole can provide, you tell him
While most other gentlemen end up in the smoking room gambling their inherited fortunes away he ended up fucking you in the orangery. 
It was a one time thing, nothing more, part boredom and part irritation that your husband had begun to sleep with one of the nursery maids. That was far from a rarity, but it did annoy you that she was one of the maids assigned to watch over your children- not that there was anything you or any other woman in your position could do about it
But then your husband enters business with Tommy Shelby and he comes to your house to discuss it
You ignore him successfully the first two times, because nothing is worse than when they catch feelings, but during the dinner your husband had invited you, his calm, disinterested demeanour irritated you and you didn't fail to notice the affection he showed your sister in law, who was as dense as the wall of the house you lived in
You showed him in your tea room what it meant to be lady of the house and that devil had the audacity to mock you for caving so easily
Unfortunately you saw him again and again all throughout the season, at races and at dinners, at lunches, at evening events- even at an auction once. 
Everytime he found his way to your side and got under your skin
The problem was, he was so very good at what he did, and he did things your husband would never dare, but sex was one thing...the other, however...
Tommy Shelby isn't shy of asking your help, telling you plainly as you fixed your clothes after an encounter during a ballet performance of Onegin that he needed your cultural capital and offered to pay you for it too, behind your husband's back - that you were useful for him, not your name, not even your body, but your expertise
No one had ever said that to you, no one that had ever meant it
So you taught him, from proper addressing to dining etiquette, not shying away from soiling dirty secrets and sharing rumours that might help him
The inevitable happened and he got too close. One time, the last time, he crossed a line when he stroked your cheek and suggested that perhaps if you tried spending more time with your children you'd feel less unhappy. How dare he presume to know? He was a nobody, who didn't even understand the difference between a baron and a baronet before he met you and now he was assuming to tell you you were unhappy? And what did he know of having children that, before they were anything else, were heirs and thereby nothing but property of the institution they had been born into?
He had no right to speak of things he - a man - could never understand
So you cut him off. No more meetings. No more dances. Not anything. 
You go back to the way you had always been- a statue of a woman, not dignifying your husband's affairs with even the slightest reaction, all alone on the pedestal the world, fate and your parents, had chosen to put you on
It worked for three months until you overheard a plan your husband and a few of his friends had. They had been offered good money to test a certain of Tommy Shelby's horses during one of the races and would find wrongdoings which would see him banned for life, if not criminally charged. One Irish voice seemed particularly keen on that.
So you had to make a choice 
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
@lilyrachelcassidy @jyessaminereads @watercolorskyy
@books-livre @chlorrox @quarterpastmidnight
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burningvelvet · 11 months
The Byron-Shelley circle reports from Lake Geneva, 1816…
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Mary Shelley’s journal entry for July 28th, 1816:
“Sunday, July 28 (Montalègre). — I read Voltaire’s Romans. Shelley reads Lucretius, and talks with Clare. After dinner he goes out in the boat with Lord Byron, and we all go up to Diodati in the evening. This is the second anniversary since Shelley’s and my union.”
Excerpt of a letter from Percy Shelley to his friend Thomas Love Peacock, July 28th, 1816 — he is still recounting the short trip he, Mary, and Claire took to Mont Blanc:
“We have bought some specimens of minerals and plants, and two or three crystal seals, at Mont Blanc, to preserve the remembrance of having approached it. There is a cabinet of histoire naturelle at Chamouni, just as at Keswick, Matlock, and Clifton; the proprietor of which is the very vilest specimen of that vile species of quack, that, together with the whole army of aubergistes and guides, and indeed the entire mass of the population, subsist on the weakness and credulity of travellers as leeches subsist on the sick.
The most interesting of my purchases is a large collection of all the seeds of rare alpine plants, with their names written upon the outside of the papers that contain them.
These I mean to colonise in my garden in England, and to permit you to make what choice you please from them. They are companions which the Celandine — the classic Celandine — need not despise; they are as wild and more daring than he, and will tell him tales of things even as touching and sublime as the gaze of a vernal poet.
Did I tell you that there are troops of wolves among these mountains? In the winter they descend into the valleys, which the snow occupies six months of the year, and devour everything that they can find out of doors.
A wolf is more powerful than the fiercest and strongest dog. There are no bears in these regions. We heard, when we were in Lucerne, that they were occasionally found in the forests which surround that lake.
Adieu. S.”
Undated letter sent from Claire Clairmont to Lord Byron next door, July 1816:
“Pray if you can send M. Polidori either to write another dictionary or to the lady he loves. I hope this last may be his pillow. & then he will go to sleep; for I cannot come at this hour of the night & be seen by him; it is so extremely suspicious. I have not seen you all day. I know you must be home by ten because Geneva shuts at that hour & I will be with you at a ¼ past ten, so remember.”
Another undated letter sent from Claire Clairmont to Lord Byron next door, July 1816:
“I would have come to you to night if I thought I could be of any use to you. If you want me or any thing of or belonging to me I am sure Shelley would come and fetch me if you ask him. I am afraid to come dearest for fear of meeting any one. Can you pretext the copying. Tell me any time I shall come & I will because you will have then made your arrangements. Every thing is so aukward. We go so soon. Dearest pray come and see us pray do. Good bye. I cannot find a wafer S — says he won't look at my note so don't be offended. Good bye dearest. Pray come & see us.”
In the summer of 1816 on Lake Geneva Percy Shelley, Mary Godwin (later that year, Shelley), their nanny Elise, their infant son William, and Mary’s step-sister Claire Clairmont, all lived at Maison Chapuis, less than a ten-minute walk from Byron’s much larger Villa Diodati next door. Claire and Byron had met in the past and began an affair in England that Spring. She fell in love with him and introduced him to Mary privately on April 21st. Earlier that day, Byron had signed the deed of separation from his wife, and on the 23rd he would sail away from England forever. Byron decided to vacation in Geneva while he planned his relocation to Italy that Fall. He took John Polidori with him as his traveling doctor while he recovered from a binge-drinking episode; Polidori was a recent medical school graduate who also aspired to be a writer. Claire urgently followed Byron and convinced Mary and Percy to join her, reliving the trio’s continental tour of 1814. After Byron and Shelley initially met at Geneva’s Hotel d'Angleterre, they decided to rent a boat together and managed to rent neighboring residences. The households would spend most of the summer together. Claire would give birth to her and Byron’s daughter that winter, and in subsequent years the Shelley and Byron households would follow each other around Italy.
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iris-sistibly · 1 year
Throughout the years, King Cheoljong and Queen Cheorin ruled Joseon together. Peace reigned for many years, the country prospered, their people were happy, and so were the royal couple. The heavens blessed them with five healthy and handsome princes, and they have been happier than ever.
However, a couple of months before their 10th year of marriage, they found out that the queen has conceived once more, and on that very same day when her mother and father got married, the princess came into the world.
Of course, the kingdom rejoiced...
Lady Choi however, had mixed emotions, she dreaded the day that a tiny Kim So-yong would come into this world. The queen was already a handful, then the crown prince came. After that, a series of pregnancies and childbirths which brought the second, third, fourth and fifth princes, all born within the decade.
The queen didn't really expect to fall pregnant again, but Lady Choi did, especially when her majesty swore not to conceive again...a vow she makes every single damn time she gives birth. In all fairness, the queen loves all of her children more than life itself, perhaps she just hated the whole pregnancy process. The older lady couldn't blame her, no mother enjoys the nausea and vomiting, being sensitive to everything, weird food cravings, feeling tired all the time, back pains and so on. Not to mention the endless pre-natal education which she already memorized by now, and of course, labor pains and actual childbirth are always the worst.
The king had been supportive of course, always making sure to provide everything his wife needs, comforting her, being with her at the birthing bed while enduring her loud mouth (Lady Choi lost count on how many times the queen cussed her husband while pushing their child into the world). However, when the princess was finally born they were ecstatic, she inherited her mother's beauty. But Lady Choi swore she heard the king mumble a prayer for her daughter to NOT inherit her mother's...unusual personality, at least not all of it. For the record, each of his sons had gotten some of the queen's traits, but he has a feeling that the princess is going to inherit much more.
The royal couple always say that their children are the most wonderful gifts they've ever received, but for the nannies who look after the royal children, it's a nightmare. The chaos brought about by five young boys in the palace has become a normal thing, so it's no longer surprising for someone who sees or comes across a nanny running after or frantically looking for a royal child. They're at their wits end, and who understands them better than Lady Choi herself? That explains why she and the royal cook have been getting more company at the bamboo forest.
"I'll give her a year, when the princess learns how to walk, the new nanny will be joining us," said Man-bok.
Lady Choi scoffed, "Oh please, the moment the princess starts to crawl it will be hell for the nanny, I'd say it's about seven months," she said with confidence.
Placing a bet for how long a nanny would last until they snap had been the old couple's habit since the birth of the king's heir. So far, Lady Choi had a more precise prediction than the royal cook.
It wasn't long after they heard rustles, like someone was coming. To their surprise it was the new nanny, she looked like she hadn't slept for days and was clearly exhausted. "Oh my are you alright? You seemed so stressed out," the royal cook worriedly asked.
The new nanny looked like she was about to cry, "The princess is driving me insane! She really doesn't like me."
"How can you say that?" it was Lady Choi's turn to ask.
"She's the calmest baby when she's with her parents, but when she's with me she won't stop crying and squirming! And her brothers..."
"Why? What did the princes do?"
"They said their sister despises me," the nanny said miserably.
"Those little rascals," Man-bok muttered under his breath.
"Well...children do prefer to be with their parents than other people, the crown prince was like that when he was a baby," said the first prince's nanny, "Just give it some time, she'll get attached to you. I'm not saying it'll get easier after that, no way. In my case, I've been hearing complaints from some elders saying that the first prince is arrogant. But he's not, he's actually confident and assertive, kind, wise and just, he has all the qualities of a king this country needs."
The other nannies joined the conversation. The second child prefers being outdoors (meaning he escapes from the palace almost all the time which stresses the shit out of his guards and nannies), but his adventurous side has made him brave, bold, and street smart. The third born is a smooth talker, he knows how to get himself out of trouble with words, but he is the most level-headed and a true gentleman. The fourth son is usually quiet and prefers to read or practice calligraphy, but when he talks he is very direct and brutally honest. The fifth son, the youngest prince and a ball of energy can already identify almost all of the ingredients used to prepare their meals and likes to banter with the royal cook, however he is also the sweetest and most loving among the siblings.
They may differ in personalities but if there's one thing the boys have in common, it's their love for the king and queen. They have immense respect for their father and they take good care of their mother even at such a young age. Lady Choi commends how the king and queen are raising their children.
"The royal children aren't who you'd expect them to be, but when you really think of it, they're just...children," said the nanny to the second prince.
"They're not perfect, but seeing them grow into fine young princes, you'll realize that our job isn't so bad after all." said the fifth prince's nanny.
"Come to think of it, it's actually amusing how the queen birthed six charming yet mischievous babies, isn't it royal cook?" asked Lady Choi.
"Oh Lady Choi, we have the king to thank for their charms, and their mischievousness? We all know where they got it from."
They all laughed, the bamboo forest had been a safe space for Lady Choi since coming into the palace. It also brought her and Man-bok together, and now the nannies whom they have formed a close friendship with. At least now Lady Choi and the royal cook know that they aren't the only ones who are losing their minds yet still continue to serve the royal family as best as they could.
"But if it really bothers you dear child, you may let all of your feelings out, it will be our little secret," Lady Choi winked at her.
The new nanny nodded, took a deep breath and yelled as loud as she could. With her newfound friends and the bamboo trees as witnesses, "I can't wait until the princess gets older," Man-bok whispered to Lady Choi, they both snickered as they watched the poor young woman pour out her emotions.
She sure has a lot to rant about, and probably more in the future.
The Bamboo Forest (by: Iris)
This fanfic is solely based on the KDrama, Mr. Queen and has nothing to do with the real Cheoljong and Cheorin, as well as Korea's history.
Also, this has been sitting in my drafts for a couple of weeks. I've been imagining what Cheoljong and Cheorin's (from the show) kiddos would be like since I kinda feel sad that I didn't get to see their baby be born but...oh well.
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The Skarloey Railway Crew
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Here's my concept for the Skarloey Railway's engines. This only includes the core group/permanent members, which in my version includes Duke.
The following also includes the personal nicknames given to each engine by Duncan.
SR Number 1: Skarloey (aka: The Auld Yin/Big Man)
Skarloey is the oldest member of the railway and the official leader of the crew. Courtesy of his rich baritone voice, he is the most easily recognised long before his arrival. This is a surprise to Skarloey, as he has no idea how loud his voice is. A devoted believer in the medicinal power of brandy, he always has at least one hip flask on his person.
Although he is a firm and no-nonsense leader, Skarloey is extremely kind and will always help someone in genuine need. He does not permit discrimination among engines, valuing everyone by character and work ethic. He has a soft spot for Edward and Lady - in a fatherly and granfatherly way. Many assume that he and Rheneas - like their twin siblings Talyllyn and Dolgoch - are married. Skarloey will quickly correct this, proclaiming that the love he bears for Rheneas is the love of the sister he never had.
SR Number 2: Rheneas (aka: Wee Ma)
Rheneas is the second oldest member of the railway and the second-in-command.
Rheneas acts as a mother figure to Edward (whose relationship with her own mother his always been strained) and as a grandmother figure to everyone else. This has earned her the title of "Grandmother of Sodor" and often is referred to as "Nanny Ren" by many engines.
Having a wiser and more reserved nature, Rheneas is considered a moderating influence to Skarloey and the other engines. However, it is said that even Skarloey, Duke, and Edward are frightened of angering her. She once had to temporarily use a cane following a wheel repair, which had to be forcibly taken from her after she used it to stop an argument between Sir Handel and Duncan. Recently, she has taken up knitting, and many engines and humans own examples of her work as gifts.
SR Number 3: Sir Handel (aka: Peter Sam's pet)
Sir Handel is the self-proclaimed 'Express Engine' of the railway and clearly emulates the other Express engine on Sodor in his appearance. He used to have a reputation for being arrogant and rude after his early years, causing a lot of problems for the railway. Maturing over the years, being reunited with Duke, and starting a family with Peter Sam have put an end to this, but his old bad habits will resurface if he loses his temper. However, he is extremely hard-working and reliable, emulating his role models Duke and Skarloey in their younger days, and is much better liked now. He also has the best singing voice out of all the engines.
Married to the love of his life, Peter Sam, and the father of their (soon to be) three children, Sir Handel is determined to set the same good example as his Grandpuff, Duke, did for him.
SR Number 4: Peter Sam (aka: Happy Wee Harpy)
Peter Sam is the sunniest engine on the Skarloey railway and one of the most popular. It is also a surprise to many that he is also the second strongest, thanks to his Giesel funnel.
Peter Sam is also the cook of the railway, being something of a foodie, and often cooks for the others. He is an engine who doesn't hold back on his appetite, which has caused some weight gain. This has done little to damage his self-esteem or ability to do his work, but Victor is keeping an eye on him, just in case.
Peter Sam's naivete does lead to him taking things a little too literally, which has caused him trouble in the past. He also has a tendency to worry about the others to his detriment and wears his enormous heart on his sleeve. Fortunately, the others are always on hand to make sure he doesn't go overboard.
Peter Sam is married to Sir Handel, with whom he has two children - Nerys and Duke Jr - and is expecting their second daughter, Wren. Peter Sam enjoys having a family and is hoping to grow it further.
SR Number 5: Rusty (aka: Buzzbox)
Rusty was one of the first diesels on the island of Sodor and remains the only one on the Skarloey railway. He serves as the 'Handy-engine' on the railway, maintaining the old rails and helping with breakdowns. Unlike some of his NWR counterparts, Rusty doesn't believe in Diesel superiority and might even be seen as pro-Steam. He is very well liked by the other engines thanks to his work ethic and is very well-respected by the other diesels. Many have said that he is the best influence for the young and impressionable Paxton, working hard to undo the bad habits taught to the younger engine by Diesel and Diesel 10. He is also very good friends with Liora/Lady. After a shaky start, he and Duncan entered into a friendship/rivalmance.
Rusty is also struggling with some weight gain, having become the taste-tester for Peter Sam's cooking experiments. While he doesn't consume many sweet things,he is incapable of saying no to the savoury things Peter Sam offers him.
SR Number 6: Duncan (aka: hardest working engine on the railway)
Duncan is the strongest engine on the Skarloey railway and the most volatile. Built in Kilmarnock, Scotland, Duncan's formative years were spent in a factory. This is largely responsible for his coarse language and lack of social experience. He often struggles with the more genteel and peaceful environment of his new home but claims that he is getting used to it. In truth, he has come to like it here.
Duncan is blunt to the point of rudeness and extremely stubborn. This has brought him into conflict with every engine on the railway at some point and is the reason he only pulls passenger trains occasionally. He's also one of the few engines that Edward has sworn at. He has also had a few run-ins with Donald and Douglas, although nobody within earshot was able to understand their accents enough to work out why. However, Duncan is not without his good points. He has never ignored an engine who needed help (although he will complain about it) and is not afraid of hard work. A true diamond in the rough.
SR Number 8: Duke (aka: The Judge)
Duke is the third oldest engine on the Skarloey railway and is the beloved mentor of Sir Handel and Peter Sam, who he loves as a grandfather. He is the most set in his ways, being less relaxed than his older colleagues, but is extremely respected by every engine and human on Sodor.
Duke initially struggled with settling into his new life after his long isolation and often came into conflict with Skarloey over how things were run. But with the help of Sir Handel and Peter Sam, along with the birth of their children, he has overcome these problems. It is possible that he has developed an attraction to Rheneas, although he refuses to comment.
Duke has actually proven his mettle by resolving disputes between the engines on the railway and with any arguments they may have with the NWR engines thanks to his reputation. This has led to Duncan calling him "The Judge."
SR Number 22: Luke (aka: The Fugitive)
Luke is, officially, a recent addition to the railway. But he has, in fact, lived on the island for much longer.
Luke's arrival on Sodor began with an accident, where he caused an accident that caused injury to another engine arriving with him. Believing that he had actually killed the other, a guilt-stricken Luke found refuge on the Skarloey railway, helping out in secret at the Blue Mountain Quarry. He lived there in secret for many years until a chance meeting with Thomas, who discovered that Victor was the engine that Luke believed he had killed.
Afterwards, Luke became an official member of the railway and started to venture out onto the main railway. Initially very shy and jumpy, Luke soon became comfortable with his new freedom, and everyone became enchanted with his cheery optimism and musical Irish tones.
Although much older than his appearance suggests, Luke is babied a little bit by the other engines, and he has become an unofficial third 'grandchild' for Duke. He has become more adventurous, befriending Stephen and Millie at Ulfstead castle. After realising that Paxton had been hurt by his exclusion from the others about him, Luke made a point of apologising to him personally, and the two are on very good terms. But it is with Victor that Luke's life has changed the most. After years of hiding away, Luke had to keep visiting the Steam-Works for long overdue maintenance. During this time, he grew closer to Victor after the two shared stories about their home countries, and Luke began to learn Spanish. The two are now in a committed relationship and are very happy.
Luke still has a fear of being photographed, which is evident by the frozen expressions he pulls when he has to be in a photograph - rather like this one!
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project1939 · 25 days
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200 Films of 1952
Film number 151: Because of You
Release date: December 4th, 1952 
Studio: Universal 
Genre: noir 
Director: Jospeh Pevney 
Producer: Albert J. Cohen 
Actors: Loretta Young, Jeff Chandler, Alex Nicol 
Plot summary: Naive Christine is unknowingly set up by her gangster boyfriend Mike and spends several years in jail. While there, she studies to better herself and become a nurse's aid. Working in a military hospital after she is released, she meets and falls in love with the emotionally fragile Major Steve Kimberly. Fearing how he might react if she comes clean about her past, she continues to hide it, with disastrous consequences. 
My rating (out of 5 stars): ***¾  
Man, this movie was bonkers, but I loved every minute of it! For the first 45 minutes, it was a very solid noir with a strong female protagonist, but then it went completely off the rails. I mean completely. I was shaking my head from then on, but kind of in the best way possible- “OK, I have no idea where the hell we’re going right now, but I’ll strap myself in for the ride!” And it was a ride, all right! (some spoilers) 
The Good: 
Loretta Young. I was super impressed with her acting in this. She made me feel genuine empathy for her character even when I wanted to bop her on the head for some of the poor decisions she made! 
Jeff Chandler, oh my god, Jeff Chandler! He’s one of my great loves of Project 1952- he's a really talented actor, he has an appealing sensitive energy about him, and he’s so sexy with that deep voice, curly hair, and emotive eyes. He ripped my heart out in more than one scene. 
The film was very visually interesting. It had lots of great noir elements like sharp shadows and contrasts, an artsy use of bars and grates, and strikingly moody shot compositions. 
Steve’s sister Susan. The character herself was mercifully kind and helpful amongst all the chaos around her, and the actress who played her, Frances Dee, communicated empathy and concern very well. 
Young was 5 years older than Chandler when this film was made, and she got to be a sexy leading lady at 40. That’s pretty awesome. 
The insanity of the last half! I loved it! What other noir would have our heroine suddenly become a magician’s assistant? And secretly nanny her own estranged daughter after performing with a clown at her birthday party? It just got crazier and crazier. 
The scenes when her criminal ex came back into her life and kidnapped Christine and Kim were so tense, I couldn’t sit still. Every time he picked up the little girl, I was screaming at Christine to get her the hell away from him. 
We got more positive attention paid to child psychology in a 1952 film! It really showed the emotional damage that parental separation can cause. Who knew kids need strong secure attachments to emotionally develop in a healthy way? “Children are people!” 
The crazy final scene! Again, what kind of ridiculous noir would end like this?? 
The Bad: 
The whole thing was absolute madness and totally unbelievable! For me, that was a terrific thing, but for most people expecting to watch a noir, I'd bet it wouldn’t be. 
It felt almost like two separate disjointed films - the first was a crime noir, and the second turned into a melodrama with the “suffering mother” trope. 
The song “Because of You” might have played in the background a bit too much. It’s a good song, but did we need to hear a dozen times? 
What kind of magic act calls itself “Mr. Marvel and Chris??” It's got a great ring to it, no? ...No??
And why would you ever name your daughter Kim Kimberly? 
0 notes
geminixevans-stan · 3 years
His Business
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Nanny!Black Reader
Words: 3,287
Summary: Andy confronts reader about her situation with Steve
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, Explicit content, cursing, spanking, use of restraint, spanking, oral f, aftercare, some fluff
A/N: This is the second installment of the Nanny AU, I’m loving the love from everyone and I am so looking forward to how everyone will love this addition. If you have any requests like me. Like, reblog, and comment if you want. I hope everyone likes it!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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To the average person, spending time with a bunch of overactive children would have sent anyone to pop an aspirin at the first hour. But not you, the enjoyment of both of these little humans was something that you always enjoyed. The playroom was laden with bowl after bowl of potential slime that you were helping Jake and Sophia conjure up.
“Sophie! Just because it has glitter in it does not mean you can eat it,” you took the glue bottle from her hands and replaced it with a mixing spoon. She huffed in defeat as you squeezed the bottle and added the next ingredients.
“But it’s so prettifuls! Don’t pretty things deserve to be eaten?” She was surely going to be the entire death of you yet, she made your entire heart smile. You heard a snicker coming over from jake as she had already finished a bowl. Sophie put her hands to her hips, looking over at her brother in annoyance, “what’s so funny Jakie?”
He kept kneading his slime as it began to form, “You can’t eat everything that’s pretty, dork!” Sophie grabbed a popsicle stick, throwing it square at his head, “Hey! What ya do that for?! I’m telling dad,” Of course she didn’t care because her next action was her blowing a very wet and spit-filled raspberry.
You knew you had to break up this exchange before it got too heated. While Jake had his mother’s calm nature, Sophie took in all of Andy’s fire and it was so cute to see. But the little miss could also resort to violence in a second, “Hey little lady, we do not throw things at people.”
She huffed again, crossing her arms with her signature pout, “But he called me a dork! So, he gets a stick to the head,” you couldn’t help but smile as you shook your head at her logic.
You got in between the both of them because these two could go all day, “That still doesn’t mean you get to throw sticks at your brother, miss feisty,” you turned to look at Jake, “and you mister, you don’t get to call your sister a dork just because she wants to eat pretty things.” Bringing them both on both sides of your lap, “Now apologize or no dino nuggies,” which was a lie cause you could never deny them dino nuggies.
They both huffed before giving their apologies and afterward you all finished the slime making. Clean up was seamless and you let them have some screen time as you made their lunch as you watched over them constantly. You received a notification from your phone, picking it up from the counter. Steve always kept up with you during the day so it wasn’t new that he would be messaging you.
Hi gorgeous :) surviving the little tykes?
Barely :P How’s it going over there?
I can’t get enough of these kids honestly, Tony Jr. is like his dad in every way. Morgan keeps finding new things to play with. I’m never not entertained.
Lol well, I’m up to my neck in dino nuggies right now and Sophie thinks pretty things should be eaten.
Well, she’s not wrong ya know.
She tried to eat glue!
Okay, that part she’s wrong in. But you’re the prettiest dame I ever saw and I eat you >:)
Oh yeah? And how do I taste, Mr. Rogers?
Like heaven doll… We could come visit and I can show you how good you taste?
Dirty boy! We can’t do that with the kids around.
Can’t knock a man for trying. But the kids do want to come over. They haven’t seen their friends in a while. Think that would be okay?
I don’t see a problem with it and Mr. Barber has already said you all are more than welcome to visit. Plus it gives me time to ogle at you while the kids play.
That’s all the motivation I need. See you in a bit.
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Although work went easily today for Andy, he was still on edge from seeing you and steve the other day. He wouldn’t deny that he was angry from the surprising PDA and he thought that you would tell him if you were talking to him. For the life of him, he didn’t even see what you saw in Steve.
Now that part he was lying to himself about that and he knew it. Even if he shamelessly stroked himself to an orgasm at the thought of you being used by Steve, he still didn’t care for him touch you let alone openly kissing you on the cheek.
He was met with screams and laughter from more than two kids when he opened the door to his home. Having the Stark children over never bothered him in the slightest. If anything they saw Andy as an honorary uncle most of the time.
What made the blood rise in him was the fact that Steve was there, innocently, of course, watching the children play while being seated by you. That was his spot and he wanted him gone. But he couldn’t tear the kids away from their friends.
So, the most reasonable option would to be friendly and set his own selfish emotions aside. The kids saw the door open and they all automatically ran over to Andy, punching the air out of him as they all tried to grab and hug him. “Oof! I’m being attacked by a bunch of cuties. How’s it going, guys?” His arms were long and big enough to wrap around the group of kids as they all began talking at once.
“So fun daddy! We all played hide and seek ad then Jr. showed us his mom’s pretty helmet,” exclaimed Sophie as she clung to his leg. She always looked at Andy with so much adoration that he knew he would never get tired of that look.
“Yeah, Mr. Barber I may have found it in dad’s secret room or something,” he smirked knowing that he was always watching everything that his dad did.
Steve looked over to Junior, shaking his head, “You are like the most stealthy kid ever, might even give miss Morgan a run for her money.”
Morgan huffed, poking her chest out, “He will never beat me in sneaking Mr. Rogers!” she pulled out a small remote that looked really high-tech, “See! bet you never seen this before Junior!” she stuck her tongue out as Steve walked up to the group taking both items from them.
“Now what would your parents think about you going into their stuff?” He asked as he quirked his eyebrows at the both of them. The kids giggle as Junior gave Steve an amused looked.
“That you suck at your job!” That made Andy clutch his chest in laughter cause boy he did not like Steve. But it was only based on jealousy. Still didn’t matter that Tony Jr. was a comedian just like his father.
Steve picked up the small boy raising him in the air as he tickled him incessantly, “Oh yeah big guy? Want me to tell em that you were being a little thief again?” He said during his tickling attack. The boy had no choice but to surrender.
“Okay! Okay! You win Mr. Rogers! You know how to break a person down, don’t you?” You let out a stifled giggle because boy was he right. Both men heard you as they looked over at you. Steve had a smirk plastered on his face cause he knew how to break you down in more ways than one. Andy was annoyed cause he knew what that laugh meant in a way. It only made him not like Steve more.
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The night had crept on everyone as you bid good night to Steve and the kids. You two embraced a little too long for Andy’s liking so he retreated to his office to start some work. Even though it was summer break, the kids still had bedtimes and you made sure that they didn’t deviate from it. As you finished your second story of the night for Jake, he was already asleep.
You turned off the main light and flicked his night light on as you left the room quietly.
You started your journey to your own bedroom, passing Andy’s office that had the door ajar. He saw you pass as he called over to you, “Y/N? Could you come in here for a minute?” You thought nothing of it because being in Andy’s office wasn’t something that was foreign. You stepped in and stood at the edge of his desk wondering what he could have wanted.
He looked over at your looking up with a softened look, judging by the glass next to him, he had been drinking, “You can close the door and sit. I just wanted to talk to you about something,” you proceeded to follow his instructions as he grabbed another glass for you to pour a drink for you. He knew exactly what you liked because even though he was your boss, you two did share friendly moments.
You grabbed the glass and pushed the rim to your lips as you took a small sip. Placing the cup back down you could see that Andy sat back down in his seat, “What is it that you wanted to talk about Mr. Barber?”
He gave you small smile as she took another sip, not taking his eyes off of you as you felt the heat in his gaze, “You don’t have to call me Mr. Barber when we’re alone,” you looked up at him as he swung around to look directly at you. He wanted to have the conversation the right way and not offend you but he could no longer hold it in, “So, you and Steve are a thing?” You started to choke on your drink as soon as you took another sip.
You started to cough slightly as you looked up at Andy, his look still soft, “Um, I’m not sure if you should know that Andy.” It wasn’t like you kept secrets from him but this was your personal life which he had no jurisdiction over. He didn’t look offended but you wanted to know the reason behind his question, “Why would you want to know about me and Steve?”
He leaned back in his chair, his gaze staying on you, “I saw you two the other day when you thought I left the house,” you remembered that day well. You had retreated back into the house after seeing Steve and being startled to see Andy in regular clothes. He didn’t seem like he had seen anything. Actually, he was being extra friendly to you that day and you just thought he was in a really good mood.
You took another sip nervously, feeling the effects of the drink. It was embarrassing that you were such a lightweight, but you felt more open and vulnerable in this state. You leaned a little closer giving him a questioning look, “Why didn’t you say anything, Andy? We could have talked about it that day.” He knew you were right but it didn’t change the fact that you chose Steve over him. He wanted you and having Steve touch the person he wanted to be his was infuriating.
But he knew that he had no right to your business, that was a fact. He just wanted you to be his business, “I didn’t want to scare you off or think I was invading your privacy. Plus, I didn’t like his hands on you,” you could appreciate him not being in your business but what took you for surprise was that he didn’t like Steve’s hands on you. Did… Did Andy like you? It couldn’t be.
You felt comfortable once he was so open in how he felt, “Did you think he was going to hurt me? Why don’t you like him or his hands on me rather.” He stood up from his seat, walking over to you, he lowered himself to your eye level.
This was the closest you two have ever been and the tension between you two could be felt. He looked at you with longing as you could smell the faint smell of liquor on his breath, “Because it should be me.” You couldn’t grasp what he was saying to you. Part of you was relieved but the other part angry because it took another man’s hands to be on you for him to notice you. Your annoyance took over.
You stood up from your seat, looking at him with disdain, “I have worked for you for over a year and now you notice me when you see Steve and me? You’ve got some nerve Andy!” your voice raising just enough for you two to hear. His eyes darkened as soon as you began to raise your voice.
He stood up, closing the space between you two. His height easily towering over yours as he lowered his face to yours barely sweeping his lips over yours, “I would lower that tone if I were you…” God you wanted to kiss him, but you had a point to prove. You wrapped your fingers around his tie, lightly tugging at the silk material.
The liquor coursing through your veins was causing all the boldness and courage to be front and center, “Or what Andy? Gonna punish me for something you should have done a long time ago?” You felt the contact of his fingers at the back of your neck, him squeezing tightly, causing your slick to pool. This is what you wanted, to be close to him in this way. At that moment, Steve was far from your mind.
His chest rumbled with a small chuckle as he licked the front of his teeth, his jaw clenching, “Watch yourself, sweetheart, I’ll give you just what you’re looking for. Bet he doesn’t tame that fucking brat that I see right now,” how right he was. Even though you two had amazing sex, you never let this side of you out and Andy knew just how to do it.
You wanted to challenge him, make him mad enough to wreck you even. The smile that crept on your face signaled that you were up to no good, “No, but he fucks me so go-,” before you could finish, he growled, turning you over as he bent you over the desk.
You tried to get up but were met with the strength of his hand, “Stay the fuck there. Wanna act like a brat, I’ll definitely treat you like one.” He undid his tie, quickly wrapping it around your wrists as he restrained them behind you.
“Thought it was smart to tell me about another man fucking you, sweetheart? You definitely fucked up.” The air felt cold on your skin as he pulled your leggings down to show only the pretty pair of lavender panties that you wore.
He could see that you were already soaked, bringing his hand over your bottom rubbing the smooth skin, “Look at that, already soaked and I haven’t even touched you yet,” whimpering at being so exposed, only made you wetter as you were finally on display for him.
He probed two fingers to your full lips, “open,” you quickly obey as they slid past your tongue, hitting the back of your throat. He grunted at how little of a gag reflex you had, “suck while I give you just what you want. Make a sound and I’ll stuff that bratty little mouth with something else.”
The sound of how authoritative his voice was only made you want to obey him more. You didn’t have time to adjust when the first blow came crashing down to your left cheek, the force causing a ripple effect, causing you to choke on his fingers. The second coming to the right cheek, causing the same effect. He did this for two more rounds, rubbing the heated skin. The sting was so deliciously painful and you were sure your slick was coating your thighs.
Once he gave 4 more rounds of harsh spanking, you were drooling around his thick digits, strings of your slick pooling from your panties. The tears streamed from your eyes as Andy marveled at his work, “Looks like you won’t be sitting comfortably for a few days sweetheart. Think you learned your lesson not to fuck with me?”
He pulled his fingers from your lips as you collapsed against the desk. Low broken sobs filled his ears as he saw your tears fall to the surface. He knew that he went a little too hard but a lesson was a lesson. He bent down, light grasping both cheeks in his hands as he kissed all over your skin. You gasp at how soft his lips felt, mindlessly pushing against his face.
He looked at how spent you were as he could smell and see how wet you were. Andy would be a fool to not taste you and it was on his mind the entire day. Pulling the soaked material to the side, he wanted to reward you for being so good. Kissing your stinging skin softly, “May I?” Seeing your hole clench and drip would have been permission enough, but he needed your words.
“Uh-huh,” was all you could utter out. You were in such painful bliss that you would have let him do anything. He softly kissed your skin again, lightly gripping your cheek.
“Words sweetheart, wanna make you feel good for doing so well for me,” His hands still rubbing your skin softly.
“Please, Andy. I need it,” a whimper falling from your lips quickly turned into a satisfied gasp as you felt his lips wrap around your clit sucking softly. He moaned at how good you tasted, licking a few stripes before dipping his tongue in your clenching hole, strumming his thumb over your bundle of nerves. You made sure to keep your sounds low as he fucked you with his tongue and eating you like you were the last meal he would ever have.
Andy pushed your legs further apart as he dove deeper between your legs as you started to tremble from your impending orgasm. He could feel you tightening around his tongue replacing it with his thick fingers, slapping his mouth over your clit to begin to work you over gloriously.
Finding your spongy spot wasn’t hard as he pressed and rubbed over it, hearing the sweet sounds coming from your lips. He sucked as his tongue flicked in a quick pace as your crash and gush all over his tongue, wetting his beard.
He drank every drop from you hungrily as you rode out your high in his mouth. His tongue swept every fold and part of you until he had his fill. Standing up, he released your wrists from the restraint as he pulled your leggings back up. Bringing you into his arms he pressed you securely against your chest before pulling back.
He pressed his lips to yours, letting you feel the softness of his lips as you reciprocated the same to his, “You were so good for me, sweetheart,” He pulled back to look at you, “Was that too much?” He was more concerned that he had hurt you.
You leaned back up kissing and lightly tugging on his lips as he pulled you closed to drink in more of you, breaking the seal you looked up at him, “No, I wanted it… So bad. I’ve wanted you for so long,” He hummed in relief as he kept you wrapped in his arms for as long as you wanted to stay there.
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boredmariedelline · 2 years
The Iokan Court: Empress Penelope's Ladies-in-Waiting
I'm starting a new series on Iokan Court life which combines my two loves: VADD and history. These are probably one of the longest series of posts I'm ever making.
Ladies-in-Waiting are the noblewomen and aristocrats who act as personal attendants, companions and private secretaries (sometimes spies) to a Queen/Empress. Most of them a usually married to high ranking aristocratic men. The Empress can select any noblewoman as her lady-in-waiting, including members of her family, widows and infamous individuals. They also have a very high personal salary. Ladies-in-Waiting can also gain political and social powers while serving under their mistress. Most, if not all ladies, are powerful players in the game of politics, due to their imperial connections. All ladies report gossip, rumors, marriages, and possible alliances to their mistress.
Lady Marianne Terosi Porter, Countess Porter - She is currently a professor of archaeology at the Imperial Academy and wife of Count Cedrick Porter (Callisto made him a count for his services). She is the only part-time lady-in-waiting who accompanies Penny during her archaeological exploits and was the second one appointed to her. She also has three kids with Cedric. She is the only daughter of Count Terosi, who opposed her archeological pursuits.
Lady Emily Meyer Reuss - She was granted a noble last name (Reuss) and a ladyship rank by Callisto so that she could become Penny's lady-in-waiting. At this point, she and Reynold were still an dating in secret. Since becoming a lady, she's been able to provide for her family and pay off some debts. Also, she managed to save a lot of money and finally indulge in things for herself, like nicer clothes, reading, and better shoes. She is the main lady-in-waiting for Penny while she's in the Palace. She does the companionship thing the most but also reports rumors in the palace.
Lady Thalia Verdandi - She's @bluebutterflyrose and @eloise175 's character. She was recommended as a lady-in-waiting by her cousin, Vinter. She basically looks like a female version of Vinter. She is a very optimistic yet secretive lady, who is two years older than Penny. The Imperial Children love her because she also helps Vinter out with the magic and sorcery stuff. She also helps Penny with magic issues when he's gone. She is in charge of wardrobe and dressing. Her job is mostly picking out Penny's outfits and jewelry every single day. Which is a very stressful job since imperial clothing can be used to convey underlying messages.
Lady Valerie "Val" Amerling, Marquise Amerling - A personal creation of mine. She is the baroness's (Callisto's nanny) daughter who is the same age as Callisto. She has mid-length silver grey hair and dark blue eyes. Generally, looks menacing and judgmental but she just has a resting b*tch face and is really nice and supportive. She is married to Marquis Amerling, a General in the army but he's away at the borderlands, most of the time. She also has 4 kids with him. Her job is to help with Penny with her daily schedule and is her head lady-in-waiting because of her experience.
Lady Selene Hanover, Marquise Hanover - @bluebutterflyrose helped me out with her. She has long moss green hair and hazel brown eyes. Usually appears quiet and formal but looks out for Penny and the rest of the ladies like little sisters. She's the second-oldest lady after Val. She’s a year or 2 older than Penny and is married to one of Callisto's commanders in his army, with whom she has two sons with. Her job mostly involves managing Penny's massive wardrobe, buying clothes, and working with Thalia.
Lady Edelheide "Edie" Pyrmont - @seirclys helped me out with her. She is the orphaned daughter of a noble under Vinter's domain. Shortly after her parents died, she became his ward until she's turned 18. Although her status at birth is uncertain (It was speculated that her mother had a lover), she is still considered a member of nobility. Her reputation amongst the nobility is neutral, with an air of mystery surrounding her. Because of her so-so reputation, she is Penny's unofficial personal informant, rumor master, and spy. She does the most socializing out of all the ladies because of her job. She also has no intention of ever marrying because she's already content in life.
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bvidzsoo · 3 years
No one like you
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Warnings: light swearing, overload of fluff for the light hearted
 Pairing: Kim Mingyu x female reader
 Word count: 15, 074 
 Summary:  On a very important day you get a call from your sister asking you to babysit her daughter. She knows how important the project is for you and wouldn’t have bothered to ask you if it really wasn’t urgent. And you know that, so you reassure her that you’ll babysit Jieun. However, you get a little surprise when Kim Mingyu, your brother-in-law’s best friend, shows up unannounced, did I mention he’s also your ex? 
 A/N: Holy moly what a ride this one shot was writing! I had no idea I had the capacity to write something as fluffy as this bUT! THIS IS KIM MINGYU! and I love Kim Mingyu too much, so this is me channeling my inner love haha. Hope you enjoy it and I would love to read your feedback!
       The studio has been buzzing with people the whole week. The new exposition was going well and I was proud that my works gained so much attention in so little time. I have been painting ever since middle school, a small and innocent passion became the job that allows me to put bread on my table every day. I never imagined that one day I would become a well-known painter, it just seemed surreal. But it happened, in my sophomore year, I painted a little piece for a contest and I won, gaining a lot of attention. Ever since then things changed, but they really only changed after I finished high school. I didn’t go to college, like many of my peers, I downed myself into the world of art and went around Europe, researching and learning as much as I could about the painters. Somewhere along the way, in Switzerland to be exact; I was actually taking a break; is where I met my manager. Hansol Vernon Chwe. He had a fine eye for art, very sophisticated taste and unique views. Through him, I met Xu Minghao, my second-in-hand. Minghao was mesmerizing, his mere presence could capture your whole attention. Everything about him was delicate, his taste was even finer than mine and he was ruthless. He knew what he wanted, always, and wasn’t afraid to demand it. Only wanting the best, always striving to be the best. I’m a perfectionist, I rarely let loose and I’m obsessed with order. Minghao and I clicked instantly, it was love at first sight, in a very platonic way. Ever since Vernon introduced me to him, we’ve been working together. Minghao is a painter as well, his style rigid and very colorful, meanwhile mine is warm and homey. We run the studio together, he’s a few years older. It was his idea to work together, to build the studio together, to give it life together. It was his project of a life time, his very own dream, and when he shared it with me, asked me to join him, I knew I couldn’t refuse him. It was great exposure to the both of us and it wasn’t a big surprise of how well it worked.
I was busy talking to a client when my phone started ringing, cutting my words off. Vernon threw me a displeased look, they were clients from France and they wanted a contract with me, some of my paintings would be exposed in their art gallery if I went through with the deal today, but when my phone rang for the second time, I knew I had to excuse myself. I wouldn’t have to, if it wasn’t my sister calling. She had a different ringtone, on purpose, and she knew I was busy today, so, she wouldn’t have called unless it was something very important.
“I’m so sorry for bothering you!” Were her first words as I picked up, eliciting a chuckle from me.
“Yeah, I’m talking to some very important people, right now, Joohyun. What’s wrong?”
“Wonwoo and I got stuck.” Her sigh was loud and I listened closely, eyebrows furrowing.
“On the highway, we are still three hours away, traffic is insane, again…”
“Okay, what can I do?” I asked, already knowing it involved Jieun, my 4-year-old niece.
“Jieun’s nanny has to leave in an hour, something came up for her…can you go over? Look after her until Wonwoo and I get back?” I bit my lower lip, thinking hard. Can I leave the studio in an hour? The event goes on the whole day and I am supposed to stay. But if Jieun needs me, our parents live on the other side of the country they won’t be able to come in such a short time, I had no choice but to make it work.
“Yeah, sure, don’t worry. I’ll go babysit her.” I reassured Joohyun and she sighed out relieved.
“Thank you, Y/N, you are a life saver!” Came Wonwoo’s deep voice through the speakers, no doubt my sister was using the car’s Bluetooth to speak on the phone.
“Sure thing, Won, see you later. Drive safely, brother-in-law!” After my sister and her husband bid me their goodbye’s I hung up the phone and went to find Minghao and Vernon. Vernon just finished talking to the French clients and as I neared him, he shook his head.
“What could have been more important than this deal?”
“My sister.” I deadpanned and Vernon sighed as he nodded his head.
“Well, I made the deal. So, if you want to back out, we can’t anymore. The paintings we talked about will be shipped off to Lyon next week.”
“That’s alright with me. For how long is the contract?” I let my eyes run over the people inside the studio, eyes falling on Minghao. He was standing next to one of his painting’s, a glass of red wine in his hand as he spoke to three blonde females. They were giving him suggestive smiles but Minghao paid little to no attention to them as gazed at his painting proudly.
“Contract is for two years, Y/N.” Vernon answered me and I nodded with my lips pursed, waving Minghao over once we made eye contact. He excused himself and jogged over, a bright smile on his lips.
“Everything good?” He asked with his honey voice and Vernon nodded.
“So, uhm…” I cleared my throat and looked at them apologetically, “I have to leave in an hour.”
“Oh?” Minghao asked surprised, looking at Vernon to see if he knew about this already, but he didn’t.
“Joohyun called and asked me to babysit Jieun, her babysitter has to leave in an hour.” I explained to the guys and Vernon’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Is there no one else that could go?”
“No, I’m sorry, I really want to stay, but I just—can’t.” I sighed and Vernon nodded in understanding.
Minghao’s eyes lit up in sudden realization as he pointed his glass of wine at me, “Mingyu.”
“Uh…what about Mingyu?” I asked confused, looking at Minghao with furrowed eyebrows.
“Call him and tell him to babysit Jieun instead of you.” He proposed his idea and I took a second to think.
“I’m sure Joohyun and Wonwoo thought of Mingyu first.” Minghao went to cut me off but I raised one finger at him, “Joohyun knows it’s important what we are doing today, she really wouldn’t have called if Mingyu was available, okay?”
“Sure.” Minghao muttered with a sigh and Vernon patted my shoulder reassuringly.
“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of everything. Minghao will entertain the guests, no doubt.” A teasing grin came onto Vernon’s lips as he took the glass of wine from Minghao.
“Why can’t you do it, huh?” Minghao snapped back, glaring at Vernon when he took a sip from his glass.
“And this is why I didn’t want to leave…” I muttered with a shake of my head, making Vernon chuckle as Minghao shot me a glare.
“We are very competent of running things on our own, Y/N, thank you very much.” I gave Minghao a look before he returned it, challenging me. Sometimes our personalities would clash together, one more stubborn than the other.
“Chill, guys,” Vernon raised a hand in the air to get our attention, our mediator in tense moments, “Y/N, you should greet Mr. Yoon’s grandmother before you leave, she’s been looking for you.”
“Of course!” My face lit up at the mention of Grandma Yoon, the old lady having been a very loyal customer of mine. I met her through the contest back in high school and ever since we’ve kept in touch. She used to think Yoon Jeonghan, her charming nephew, and I would become a thing. She was really convinced she could make us date, but Jeonghan and I were too different. And to be fairly honest, I’m not someone very interested in relationships. I’m fine on my own, I don’t mind not having a partner. It was long since someone held me in their arms and kissed my forehead softly, but my art required a lot of attention and time that I wasn’t willing to sacrifice for someone else. I’ve been on a few dates since high school, but they never worked out. I blamed them on my atrociously high expectations but those weren’t the reasons for my failed love life. It was a person that I never truly got over, he ruined me in the best way possible, and now I just can’t find anyone that could live up to his level. No one. And it was frustrating until I realized I didn’t actual need someone to feel completed and happy. Excusing myself from Minghao and Vernon, I went around the studio with a smile on my face, searching for Grandma Yoon and Jeonghan.
       The car ride to my sister’s house took a lot longer than usual, traffic at noon was horrible in the city. I was at least fifteen minutes late by the time I pulled in their driveway, quickly getting out of the car, big bag full of supplies almost falling from my hand. I locked my car and rushed to the front door, ringing the bell. It took three seconds and the door was thrown open, a relieved look on the nanny’s face.
“I’m sorry, traffic was really bad today.” I shot an apologetic smile to the nanny and she opened the door wider, to let me step inside.
“I understand, thank you so much for coming!” She bowed her head as she pulled on her coat, stepping outside the door, “It’s really urgent.”
“Hurry, then…” I motioned for her to leave with my head and she bowed a bit before rushing away, leaving me shaking my head. I closed the door and threw my heels off, music coming from the living room. I smiled to myself when a girly voice echoed to the hallway, singing along to the lyrics. I left my green, thin, coat hanging on the hanger and gripping my heavy bag with both hands, I headed towards the living room. My sister’s house was big and beautiful. Her and Wonwoo have a simple yet sophisticated taste. Their house looked a thousand times better than my apartment. As clean as I am, my apartment could be a mess from time to time. Especially my art room, where I paint, that one was always a mess. But for me that mess was order, I always knew where everything was and found whatever I was looking for within seconds. As I walked down the hallway to the living room, I gazed at the pictures in white frames that were hung up on the white walls. The pictures were of Wonwoo, Joohyun and Jieun, mostly. There were a few family portraits from both parties, Wonwoo and Joohyun, and there were even some of me and Mingyu. Actually, the one who took almost every picture was Mingyu. He has had a passion for photography since high school and continued to do it as a side job, even currently. He was borderline an artsy, borderline a jock kind of guy throughout high school, maybe that’s why he attracted all kinds of girls. Myself included.
“What a nice voice you have, Jieun!” I exclaimed as I let my bag fall to the floor once I made it into the living room’s doorway.
Jieun’s head turned away and a big gummy smile, nose scrunched up, spread on her soft face, “Auntie Y/N! You came!”
“Of course, I came, auntie wouldn’t miss any chance of spending time with her favorite girl in this whole world!” Jieun started giggling loudly as I spoke in a funny way, jumping my way towards her.
“I’m really your favorite girl?” She asked with another giggle as I reached her and scooped her up in my arms. Her weight wasn’t something I couldn’t handle; she was only four after all.
“Well…it might be Joohyun, but—”
“Auntie, bad auntie!” Jieun whined with a pout and I grinned at her, kissing her cheek.
“Bad auntie, I know.” I muttered and she pressed a soft kiss to my cheek, so I placed her down, “What were you doing with your nanny?”
“We studied a little bit of numbers, then I wanted to watch cartoons and she promised to make some French fries for me but—she’s gone now.” Jieun’s lips formed a pout and she oddly resembled a little bunny, cheeks puffing up. I laughed and crouched down in front of her.
“So, here’s my plan…” I motioned for her to lean as if I was sharing a secret with her, “Auntie brought some of her painting stuff over…so, after we paint a bit, I will make French fries for you. Cool?”
“Cool!” Jieun exclaimed loudly, clapping her hands together. I winked at her and went to grab my bag from the doorway, dragging it to the coffee table. I glanced at her as I opened the bag, her big eyes shone with excitement; she loved drawing and painting; and her nose scrunched up in the most adorable way as she smiled. She was an oddly mix of both Joohyun and Wonwoo. Sometimes, the two would start bickering about who she looked more like…in those time, of course Mingyu and I would have to interfere, and of course Mingyu would be on Wonwoo’s side meanwhile I was on Joohyun’s, just to balance out everything. But when Jieun smiled, she was the exact replica of Wonwoo, nose scrunching in the same way and eyes disappearing almost. When she was serious or pouting, she looked like Joohyun with her big eyes and delicate lips. Her beautiful dark hair reached her shoulders and she’d always brush her bangs out of her eyes, especially when she was frustrated with something. And oh my God, she was one of the most stubborn kids I’ve ever met. She knew how to manipulate people, even at the age of four, and most of the time got what she wanted. She inherited Joohyun and Wonwoo’s calm natures, never being a hyper child, nor too loud. She could be a little angel but she had her moments when she was hard to deal with.
“So…” I looked at Jieun as she kept smiling at me, “Do you have anything in mind that you’d like to paint?”
She sat on her knees close to the coffee table as she stared down at the smaller white canvas I placed on the table for her. All kinds of brushes and colors lay on the table, Jieun’s eyes running over them eagerly.
“Nothing special, maybe some trees…a blue sky…green grass…something nice.” She mused, more to herself, and I chuckled quietly as I shook my head. One day, my little Jieun, would turn into a big painter herself, making her auntie proud.
“Sounds excellent,” I raised my thumb up at her and she giggled, “Should we start?”
“Yes!” She exclaimed and quickly claimed her brush, asking me to pour some blue paint onto her palette. I did as I was asked and watched as her tongue darted out and eyebrows furrowed as she mentally imagined where she’d place the sky.
“Auntie, will you not paint?” She gave me a quick glance before swiping her brush against the canvas.
“Not today, I’m taking a break.” I answered her as I leaned against the sofa, watching her paint, “Auntie has worked really hard the past three months, I need some rest.”
“Don’t you paint though because it makes you relax?” Her eyebrows rose as she tried to lighten the blue color she placed on her canvas.
“That’s true, but I’m wearing white pants…” I trailed off with a lame excuse, making Jieun throw me an amused glance. I giggled when she shook her head, it made me feel like I was the kid and she was the adult. Jieun, sometimes, would act really mature for her age, saying meaningful things without realizing the weight of her words. Mingyu always blamed it on Wonwoo and Joohyun, who would never fail to remind their daughter certain things that would form her into a decent human being later on in life.
“I’m so excited!” Jieun giggled as she pointed at the yellow paint, and I took and pushed some of it onto her palette.
“Do you like painting so much?” I chuckled and Jieun nodded, “That makes auntie really happy!”
“Yes but no!” She exclaimed and I raised my eyebrows at her as she attempted to paint a big sun onto the blue sky she just painted, “Uncle is coming over too!”
My eyebrows furrowed as I looked surprised at the little girl sitting next to me, Mingyu is coming over?
“Did you speak to mommy and daddy, Jieun?”
“Yes, they said uncle Mingyu couldn’t make it in time so they will ask you to come instead.” She hummed and grinned at me before turning back to her canvas.
“Ah, so Mingyu isn’t really coming over…” I let out a sigh, pleased to hear he wouldn’t show up today. I haven’t seen him in over a month, and meanwhile it was a long time, it was actually refreshing. I didn’t have much time to spend time with my family as I was busy with the studio and the project Minghao and I have been working on. Mingyu was considered family, even though he wasn’t related to anyone. It’s just the way it is, Wonwoo and him grew up together, it was only natural Wonwoo considered him his brother. So that made him, indirectly, Joohyun’s brother-in-law and my…well, brother-in-law? I wasn’t really sure, it didn’t matter, I didn’t consider Mingyu really family either way. It was just weird, to look at him and think ‘oh yeah, he’s like my bro’, because we have dated in high school before, for two years. Two years of bliss and pure happiness, two years I wish I could time travel back to.
“But uncle is still coming over though…” Jieun muttered to herself and my eyebrows furrowed, but I ignored her comment. She just misunderstood what her mom and dad told her. Mingyu couldn’t make it today, so they called me instead. Just like I suspected, I knew Joohyun wouldn’t have bothered me if she had other options.
Painting the canvas went well and in-an-hour Jieun was finished, happy and proud of her work. She asked me to critically asses her painting and so I did, entertaining my little niece furthermore, her giggles filling the living room. She was so loud that I didn’t even hear the front door opening, a mistake on my part as I forgot to lock it, and the deep voice made me jump upon I heard it.
“And what do we have here…” My eyes were wide as my heart beat quickly, a loud squeal leaving Jieun’s lips before he was up on her feet, dashing towards the giant standing in the doorway. Mingyu was grinning down widely at Jieun as he scooped her up in his strong, and well-built, arms, his sharp canines showing off when his smile widened more. His black hair was disheveled, probably because he continuously runs his hand through it, and the sides stuck to his face, still wet. He was wearing black shorts that reached his knees and a sleeveless blue loose tank top, a silver chain dangling from his neck. I quickly caught myself ogling him and huffed as I rose to my feet, arms crossing in front of my chest. Truly, who knew not seeing him for a month would make him look more attractive? Mingyu, no doubt, had an incredible glow up since high school. If he would’ve looked like this during high school too, I’m sure all the girls would’ve lined up in front of his classroom to bring him all sorts of things. But even as handsome as he was now, I found him plain. Maybe because I’ve known him for a long time now, and don’t get me wrong, plain not in a bad way…he was just, plain, transparent.
“Look how excited you are to see uncle!” Mingyu teased Jieun as he poked her stomach, eliciting a loud shriek. I couldn’t help it but smile, having a big weakness for Mingyu and Jieun together. And alone, just…when it came to Mingyu, after all those years, he was still my one and only weakness. It amazed me how I never got over him one hundred percent, I just couldn’t. But I didn’t want to either, not when his flaws seemed perfect too.
“Because I love uncle!” Jieun grinned at Mingyu, nose scrunching up making Mingyu giggle.
“Of course, you love me! I’m the best uncle ever!” Jieun cheered with Mingyu as he started dancing around with her still in his arms, Jieun poking Mingyu’s cheek.
“Finally, uncle and auntie are together!” Jieun cried out as Mingyu started tickling her sides, making her laughter echo loudly in the house. It seemed like realization dawned on him upon he heard Jieun’s words, he seemed to realize that there was another person there with them, standing a few feet away, smiling at them. Mingyu stopped moving and Jieun giggled quietly, trying to catch her breath from being tickled, throwing her arms around Mingyu’s neck to give him a tight hug. Mingyu’s gaze locked with mine and I kept my smile on as he returned it.
“Look who finally showed up!” He teased and put Jieun down, acting as if his muscles were sore from holding her and he earned a light slap from Jieun.
“Well, hello,” I said with a chuckle as Mingyu walked further inside the living room, headed my direction, “Long time no see, old friend.”
“A month, to be exact.” Mingyu said, suddenly serious, as he stopped in front of me, “Are you ignoring us now?”
“As if you don’t know…” I rolled my eyes and undid my arms that were in front of my chest, to turn and walk away, but Mingyu was fast and he was already pulling me in a hug. His body was bigger than mine and whenever he hugged me, I felt like I was melting into him, disappearing from the world. This time wasn’t different, in fact, it felt like his body swallowed mine all up as he gripped me tightly. One month was really that long of a time, huh. I returned the hug, suddenly realizing his tank top was damp and he didn’t smell exactly the most pleasant, at least his usual cologne was less strong, “I was busy with the studio and—are you sweating?”
“Right now?” Mingyu started laughing and his chest rocked against mine, my eyes widened, realization hitting me. He just finished work!
“Ew, Kim Mingyu, get off!” I shrieked and tried to wrestle myself out of his bear hug, but he squeezed harder and started laughing louder and louder, “You’re sweaty, no, stop!”
“Too late, dummy!” He said while laughing and twirled me around, very amused that I couldn’t get away from him.
“Don’t make me kneel you where the sun doesn’t shine!” I threatened with a deadly voice and in two second, he let go of me, “You’re disgusting!”
“That’s not something nice to say to someone, auntie…” We heard Jieun in the background say very lightheartedly.
“That’s right, Jieunie…” Mingyu said with a pout, leaning his face closer to mine. I quickly pushed it back and it made Mingyu snort before he glanced at the canvas on the coffee table.
“Oh! Did you paint this Jieun?” He asked, eyes wide and mouth open.
“Do you like it?” Jieun asked happily, bouncing on her toes.
“Love it! It’s so beautiful!”
“Thank you!” Jieun giggled and I patted her head as she came to stand by my side, grinning at Mingyu, “Next time I could paint you!”
“Oh, uncle would love that!” Mingyu winked at Jieun playfully as he looked back at me, “Missed you, Y/N.”
My heartbeat quickened and I snorted, very unladylike, as I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, sure…Can’t say I missed you very much, I guess—Yeah, kinda? A bit, yeah, I missed you too, idiot.”
“Wow,” Mingyu breathed out, an amused smile on his lips, “That sounded like you got a brain malfunction, glad to see I still make you flustered, Bae.”
“Don’t call me Bae.” I snapped at him, eyes narrowing as Mingyu went to the doorway, picking up his discarded backpack.
“Isn’t that your family name, Bae?” A sneaky smirk crossed his lips, he knew what he was doing. Of course, that is my family name but he is using it knowing it has double meaning.
“Go take a shower Kim, you stink.” I pinched the bridge of my nose with two fingers, making Jieun laugh loudly as she pointed at Mingyu.
“Auntie is making fun of you!”
“Didn’t Wonwoo hyung teach you to not point fingers or make fun of someone, Jieun?” Mingyu’s voice turned stern, but his expression remained light. Jieun, however, knew Mingyu was being serious and scolding her.
“Sorry,” She muttered with a pout and hid her face in my pants as she turned her body into me.
“Go shower, before I cut off the warm water, you dick—” I sucked in a deep breath at the almost slip, it was already bad that I let dick slip, as Mingyu started hollering with laughter.
“Good luck explaining that to Wonwoo and Joohyun later, bae.” He called as he walked down the hallway and towards the bathroom, laughter following him. I cursed in my head as I looked down at Jieun, a big smile on her lips.
“Dick?” She asked with a giggle and my eyes widened in mortification.
“Jieun, no! Never ever say that to anyone, okay?!” I snapped, eyes narrowing at her as I leaned down to be eye level with her, “Auntie will cry if you do, I swear, Jieun.”
“Auntie will be sad if I say…dick?” She giggled again and I glared at her, trying to make her understand she couldn’t say that. How do you make a kid stop from saying a bad word? Help?!
“Auntie will bawl, Jieun, not cry, bawl!” I emphasized the word, knowing how much Jieun hated seeing people cry.
“Okay, I won’t say it at all,” She raised her pinky finger and hooked it with mine, “Pinky promise.”
“Pinky promise.” I echoed after her, biting my lower lip nervously. This will come back and bite me in the ass later, I know it, and that’s when I’ll really be bawling. Especially if Joohyun will be shouting my head off with Wonwoo throwing daggers at me, dear God, what have I done?
       Jieun was beyond excited when I told her that I would have to cook lunch for us now, and she even volunteered to watch some Barbie movie while I do that. She knew I didn’t like other people in the kitchen with me while I was cooking, I always worked better alone. Mingyu was in the shower still, his phone blasting some upbeat song that we could hear clear and loud from the living room, hallway, and even a little bit from the kitchen. I shook my head as I turned on the Barbie movie for Jieun, Rapunzel, and walked to the kitchen while throwing daggers towards the closed and locked bathroom door. Mingyu always had weird habits but ever since we finished high school, he started developing some even weirder and annoying ones, like blasting music while showering. Maybe if it was Mozart or some jazz music it wouldn’t have bothered me, but the kind of music he listened to were men and women screaming and throwing out nasty words while saying them fast, that’s not music in my opinion. But I learned not to question him about many things, his rants would leave me with a headache afterwards, he always spoke too quickly which messed with my brain. He definitely wasn’t a very patient person and it showed in many ways.
I opened the fridge and took out everything I needed for lunch. I promised to make French fries for Jieun so that was the first thing I started working on. I washed the potatoes before peeling them and washing them again, then I placed them in a bowl and started cutting them up into long, thin, sticks. Without realizing, I found myself humming a ballad I heard a while ago while preparing the studio. It was a beautiful song about a man who regretted letting go of its lover, realizing too late what an amazing person this was. I could relate, almost, but it wasn’t me who broke up with Mingyu. He wanted us to break up, so I didn’t have much choice but to move on. Something I actually failed doing, only partially though.
I prepared the oil for the fries, placing it in a pan and putting it on the cooker, waiting for it to boil. I washed some vegetables and started cutting them, preparing a salad with some yoghurt and lemon dressing. I placed the first round of fries into the pan and hissed when some hot oil collided with the skin of my wrist, I always hated cooking with oil, that shit hurt when it burned you. As I moved around the kitchen, trying to find the salt that seemed to always be in a different cupboard, I became aware of the silence coming from the bathroom. Mingyu must have finished washing up, I strained my ears and was able to hear the Barbie movie still playing in the living room. I went back to the fridge and took out the meat that Joohyun placed there last night to defrost and took it to the chopping board. I took out the sharpest knife from the drawer bellow and started slicing up the meat into, somewhat, even pieces. I always found the cleaning and slicing of meat disgusting, nowadays, I didn’t even cook it anymore for myself. But Mingyu and Jieun really liked meat, and it seems like Joohyun had in mind to prepare it today, so I sacrificed myself to cooking it, not that it’s a big deal.
“Mhm, smells good in here,” The male voice made me flinch, I always get scared from the smallest things, “What are we cooking today?”
I heard shuffling from behind as Mingyu walked further inside the kitchen, his big feet thudding loudly against the marble floor.
“I’m cooking today.” I said as I proceeded to cut off the excess fat from the meat.
“You really don’t expect me to sit back and watch you cook?” Mingyu sounded amused and I knew I couldn’t really argue with him. He loved cooking and he was really good at it too.
“I mean, I wouldn’t mind…” I trailed off as I crouched down to open the cupboard and take out a bowl, “You know I don’t like people bothering me when I do something.”
“Yeah, and if it wasn’t for me, your first round of French fries would’ve turned into ashes.” I rolled my eyes as Mingyu took his position at the cooker, taking out the French fries and dumping them into a deep bowl.
“I was about to check it…” I muttered as I proceeded to season the meat, licking the mixture from my palm. It tasted fine but I needed to mix it better so I proceeded to do that.
“From what I can see, you do need an extra pair of hands here…” Mingyu muttered with a chuckle and I felt him passing behind me to wash his hands in the sink, “Not that I wouldn’t mind sitting and watching you move around—those pants really do their justice to your ass—”
“Kim Mingyu.” I snapped and rolled my eyes, refusing to look at him and let him see the redness of my cheeks. I swear to God, he says things like that on purpose just to make me flustered. And they always work.
“What? I’m just giving you a compliment here!” He said defensively and passed again behind my back, coming a lot closer and I clenched my jaw.
“Slap my ass and I will cut off your fingers.” I warned, knowing him well enough, and Mingyu started giggling as he quickly ran past me, coming to a stop in front of the cooker. He placed the second round of potatoes into the boiling oil, no complaints coming, unlike from me. His technique was always better. I licked my finger again and hummed contently, about to wash my hands when Mingyu spoke up.
“Let me taste it!” He whined and I rolled my eyes, heading for the sink.
“When it’s done.” I muttered as I turned on the water, hand almost underneath it, when a large hand gripped my wrist and raised it up.
“Mingyu—” I choked on air when he proceeded to such off the mixture from my middle finger, knocking all air out of my lungs. He hummed with his eyes closed, lips in a pout as he released my finger from his mouth. My heart went crazy and my jaw hung open, I shifted from one leg to the other, saliva pooling in my mouth. What the fuck?!
And then my eyes proceeded to travel lower and now I was definitely turned on, “What the fuck?!”
His eyebrows rose and he looked confused as he followed my eyes, which were currently on his well defined six pack. Jesus Christ, woman, as if you haven’t seen men with six packs before! Yeah, but those men weren’t Kim Mingyu…The hand he was still holding twitched and I snatched out of his hold, mustering up my most frightening glare as my eyes connected with his. It took a lot of power to punch his biceps instead of his, very firm looking and broad, chest.
“Go put on a shirt, Jesus, Jieun doesn’t need to see you shirtless.” I scolded him and quickly turned around and washed off the mixture, before he decided to lick my whole hand clean.
“I don’t see Jieun around though…” I could hear the smirk in Mingyu’s voice and I scoffed as I rolled my eyes aggressively.
“Here or not, go put on a shirt, dickhead, no one is curious of your body. This isn’t the gym, Mingyu.” I muttered aggressively, avoiding to look at him as I reached for the towel to dry my hands, knowing well if I looked at him my eyes would be drawn to his chest instead of his face. I tensed and groaned in annoyance when Mingyu’s front was suddenly pressed up against my back, his warm enveloping mine. I hate how easily he could tease me and how easy it is to make me react; how easy it was for him to play around. I knew he only teased me because he lived for my reactions, but deep down I always hoped it was because there were still some lingering feelings for me. Maybe not, he broke up with me, after all.
“You left the water running, Y/N,” He muttered, voice low as he was so close, his breath tickled my exposed shoulder and I tried not to cover away, “Joohyun and Wonwoo won’t be too happy when their bill comes.”
“Yeah, well, how about you learn what personal space is?!” I snapped as I placed the towel down forcefully, wanting to turn around but knowing I couldn’t resist looking at his toned body, I stayed put instead.
“And miss all the reactions you give me?” He giggled as he placed his chin on my shoulder, making me sigh out loud, “That would be a total waste of my time.”
“And a lot of saving of my energy—your potatoes will turn into ash soon, so how about you move?” I raised my elbow and let it collide with his abdomen, not too harshly though. Mingyu giggled again and suddenly a new voice rang through the kitchen.
“Uncle, you’ve finished showering!” I panicked as I didn’t want Jieun to see us like this, she would tell her mom everything and I didn’t want Joohyun and Wonwoo smirking at us the next time we’ll have dinner together, “Why didn’t you tell me you’re cooking?”
Jieun was pouting and I hissed when Mingyu did nothing to move, looking at Jieun with a smug smile, “I want to help too!”
“Sure, sweetie, uncle was about to make some sandwiches, do you want to help?” Mingyu cooed at Jieun and I elbowed him again, harder this time, to make him step back. He groaned in pain and finally put distance between our bodies, when suddenly I felt teeth sinking into my shoulder.
“What the fuck?!” I couldn’t help but cry out and turn around sharply to slap a smirking Mingyu. I started back at him wide eyed as he started cackling, unphased by my slap to his side this time.
“Uncle will go and put on a shirt if he wants to live.” I said with a forced smile as I gave Mingyu a look, eyebrows raising at him, “Or do I have to make you wear one? Like a little kid?”
“Oh, bae, I can do that fine on my own.” He laughed as he walked to the table, where his grey shirt, with a deep V, was thrown down on.
“What is fuck?” Jieun asked, eyebrows furrowed, and my eyes widened as Mingyu started hollering with laughter again.
“Yeah, auntie, what is fuck?” Mingyu smirked once he was able to speak, hid laughter having died down, “I’m really curious too.”
I glared at both Mingyu and Jieun, placing my arms on my hips as I took a deep breath, “A very ugly word that only adults can use, alright?”
“Well, that’s unfortunate for you, Jieun.” Mingyu said with a shrug as he went to take the bread.
Jieun stuck her tongue out at Mingyu and I smirked as I walked towards the oven to take out the roasting tray, “I said adults, Mingyu.”
Jieun started giggling loudly and Mingyu threw me a glare as he paused slicing up the bread for the sandwiches he planned on making.
“Hand me some ham, cheese, tomatoes and lettuce, Jieunie.” Mingyu asked the little girl, watching me still as I stuck my tongue out at him before I started placing the meat into the roasting tray. Jieun pulled a chair to the fridge, climbed on it and started taking out the items Mingyu asked for.
“Thank you.” He thanked her when she waltzed back to him, grinning at Mingyu as she sat at the table, chin in her palms. I grinned at Jieun, she looked really cute. I quickly remembered the French fries and placed another round into the boiling oil, making me hiss when it went on my skin, again.
“You okay, auntie?” Jieun muttered as she threw me a glance, her eyes going back to Mingyu, who was assembling the sandwiches now.
“Yes, yes, don’t worry.” I smiled towards the girl before turning up the heat in the oven and placing the meat inside. I turned around and leaned against the counter and watched Mingyu work. His back was a bit hunched as he is very tall, his muscles flexing from time to time as he used his hands to make the sandwiches and he kept making faces at Jieun. He beaconed her over and let her place the round tomatoes into each sandwich, poking her nose and praising her once she was done. I sighed and checked on the potatoes again, stirring them a bit around.
“I have an awesome idea,” Mingyu spoke up, canines showing from how big his smile was, “Let’s have a picnic!”
“A picnic!” Jieun exclaimed, jumping up from her seat, “Auntie! We are having a picnic!”
I chuckled and nodded my head, looking at Mingyu with an impressed smile, “Seems like we are having a picnic!”
“I’m having a picnic with my favorite auntie and uncle!” Jieun shouted as she ran out into the hallway, “I will go and change! I want to wear something pretty!”
Mingyu and I laughed quietly as Jieun ran up the stairs, her feet thudding loudly upstairs as she went to her room to get changed. My eyes fell back on Mingyu, he was already looking at me, and he smiled warmly. I returned it and before I turned around, he sent a wink. I winked back and shook my head as I went to open the cupboards, looking for a tablecloth.
“I’ll prepare what we need for the picnic.” I informed Mingyu and he hummed.
“I’ll finish the rest of the potatoes, how long until the meat is done?”
“Forty-five more minutes.” I said after I glanced at my wristwatch, going around the kitchen to get the plates, utensils’ and what we else we needed.
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       When forty-five minutes were up, the three of us went outside in the little garden behind the house. It was a good day, the sun high up in the sky with a few clouds here and there, and it was warm enough that you could wear a tank top and a cardigan over it. Spring was always a season I enjoyed the most. The pleasure of seeing everything bloom to life once again brought great joy for me. Taking walks in parks while the trees and grass turn once again green is a certain satisfaction you understand only if you experience it.
Meanwhile Mingyu prepared a few more dishes with Jieun’s help, I placed a blanket onto the grass and started carrying outside plates, utensils, glasses, apple juice and the food that was prepared, one by one. Jieun bounced around me the whole time, talking loudly and quickly as she told Mingyu to hurry up and bring the meat out so that we could start eating.
“Jieun,” I spoke up, looking up from my kneeling position on the blanket, “Go put on your denim jacket, sweetie, you might catch a cold in a simple t-shirt.”
“Do I have to?” She whined, lips jutting out and eyebrows furrowing.
“Yes, you do.” I gave her a look that she knew she couldn’t argue with, so she rose to her feet and ran back inside almost crashing into Mingyu when he appeared in the doorway.
“Woah, chipmunk!” He exclaimed, clutching the plate close to his chest, “We almost lost the meat!”
I giggled and shook my head at Mingyu, his eyebrows were furrowed as he turned around to shout back inside the house, making sure Jieun heard him. I sat down on the blanket, sighing out as I massaged my sore knees, I kneeled for too long.
“Stop being dramatic and bring that here.” I said when Mingyu turned back around, shaking his head in displeasure, exiting the house, “You hang out too much with Jeonghan.”
“I don’t,” He scoffed as he handed me the plate before taking a seat on the blanket, “I haven’t seen him in three weeks.”
“Oh no, did he finally ditch you?” I teased with a grin and Mingyu rolled his eyes.
“You wish, he’s my most loyal client!” Mingyu exclaimed, a proud smirk on his lips.
“Is he becoming as buff as you are?” I found myself asking absentmindedly, hating that I was confessing to having checked him out many times. It’s not my fault, his body is eye catching. The whole existence of Kim Mingyu is eye catching. You’d be a fool to be in a room and not notice him, his sole presence is powerful and like a magnet.
“Oh, so I’m buff?” I rolled my eyes as Jieun came running out the house.
“Yeah, whatever,” I muttered, smiling when Jieun plopped down next to me, “Ready to have lunch?”
“This is the best day of my life!” Jieun screeched and I chuckled, poking her cute cheek. Mingyu giggled quietly, grabbing a plate and starting to put various foods on it. Jieun watched him eagerly and so did I, failing to notice the fond smile on my lips.
“This one is for the princess,” He deepened his voice and did a little bow as he handed Jieun the plate, “From your loyal servant, Kim Mingyu.”
“No!” Jieun giggled, taking the plate excitedly, “You are uncle Mingyu! Not my servant!”
“Let me spoil you for a second, Jieun…” Mingyu said with a sigh, grabbing another plate. I handed Jieun her fork, she still struggled with her chopsticks, and placed a napkin on her lap.
“Don’t stain your pretty skirt, okay?” I asked and brushed her bangs out of her eyes.
“Don’t pressure her, Y/N,” Mingyu shot me a look, “Don’t worry about that, Jieunie, just eat freely!”
“You really do spoil her too much…” I chuckled, leaning forward to grab a plate but Mingyu slapped my hand away, “No wonder Joohyun complains about you.”
“She does?!” Mingyu made an offended sound and I watched as the, now, plate full of food was handed at me.
“Thank you.” I muttered with a smile, suddenly feeling shy at the look he was giving me. I looked away and turned my head quickly, reaching for my chopsticks. Mingyu remained quiet and I could feel him still looking at me but Jieun spoke up.
“The French fries are so good!” She exclaimed, making a ‘mm’ sound as she stuffed her mouth with more, “You cook better than mommy and daddy!”
“We do?” I asked with a laugh, glancing at Mingyu, who was smiling smugly.
“Of course, we do!” He gave me a look, “You’re sitting next to Korea’s biggest chef!”
“You wish.” I snorted meanwhile Jieun started giggling, shooting finger guns at Mingyu who winked back at her. It was heartwarming to see Mingyu and Jieun interact, their personalities were weirdly quite similar. Except, Mingyu was acting like a child sometimes as an adult and Jieun was still a child, she had an excuse. I liked spending my time with the two, I felt refreshed and full of positive energy afterwards. Even Mingyu’s teasing could feel pleasant after a long and tiring day at the studio.
“How’s the studio going?” My ears perked up when Mingyu spoke up, eyes on me.
“Oh, pretty well,” I said after swallowing, “The exposition is going well, I wish I was there…”
“Yeah, sorry,” Mingyu scratched his chin, shooting me an apologetic smile, “I thought I wouldn’t be able to come look after Jieun today, that’s why I told Joohyun to ask you. I had three more clients that were supposed to come in but Jeonghan is apparently sick, the other pulled a muscle two days ago and can barely walk and well the third one—I forgot.”
“You always forget things, uncle…” Jieun said with a giggle, dipping her French fry into ketchup. I leaned over the bowls placed in front of me on the blanket and grabbed the one with the salad.
“You have to eat vegetables to stay healthy, Jieun, not just junk food.” I said as I pushed a bit of the salad on Jieun’s plate, making her scrunch up her nose in disgust.
“You’re like dad, ew.” She muttered, shooting me a cute glare. I giggled and put the bowl down, turning towards Mingyu.
“I get it, don’t worry…” I reassured him with a smile, eating more of the meat from my plate, “I just worked so hard for this exposition and—you know Vernon and Minghao! They always find something to disagree on and to be honest, I hope they can keep it together at least until the event is over…”
Mingyu’s eyebrows furrowed as he nodded in understanding and he placed his right hand on my thigh, giving it a small squeeze, “Don’t worry, Vernon and Minghao know how much this means to you. And, besides, they would be jeopardizing themselves too if they fuck up, so…maybe that’ll make you sleep better at night—”
I started laughing, loudly, as I squeezed my eyes shut the food still in my mouth. Mingyu paused talking and his eyebrows were raised as he exchanged glances with a confused looking Jieun. It made me laugh more and I had to place my plate down and swallow carefully, my body rocking with laughter.
“Uh—I’m sure what I said wasn’t that funny—” And then Jieun started laughing too and I couldn’t help it but laugh harder. Jieun was clapping her hands excessively as she kept pointing her finger at Mingyu’s face, unable to say much.
“Un—uncle—you—” I tried to take deep breaths and calm down. Mingyu’s confused face turned into an angry expression, plate sitting on his thigh, as he crossed his arms in front of broad chest.
“What.” He snapped, eyes falling on me now that I stopped laughing.
“You—” I took a deep breath, calming my racing heart and clutching my stomach, “Have salad stuck between your front teeth, I’m sorry—”
I started giggling again and Mingyu’s eyes widened as he started chuckling, sticking his finger in his mouth to take care of the stray salad stuck between his teeth.
“Ew, uncle!” Jieun screeched, closing her eyes, “Cover your mouth when you do that!”
“Yeah, did your parents never teach you that’s disgusting?” I threw him a disgusted look and Mingyu grinned once he cleaned his teeth.
“You dared to laugh, at me,” He pointed at himself, straightening his back, “The great, Kim Mingyu?”
“Please…” I rolled my eyes with a scoff and gave Jieun a look, a look she returned with an amused grin.
“You shall face the punishment now!” I scoffed again and Mingyu leaned over the food and started poking Jieun’s sides, making her laugh again. She swatted at his fingers, throwing him a glare when he stopped.
“That’s not funny…” She muttered to herself as she resumed eating and I chuckled about to eat as well, when I felt a jab in my side.
“You don’t want to do this, Kim Mingyu,” I warned him, pointing a chopstick at him, “We both know you are more ticklish…”
“A punishment is a punishment, bae.” I rolled my eyes at the nickname but of course, Mingyu quickly started tickling my side and I started jabbing him with my chopstick wherever I could.
“Fight, fight, fight!” Jieun started chanting playfully and I huffed as I caught Mingyu’s wrist and stopped him.
“Seriously, don’t.” He pouted and pulled his arm back, throwing me a glance.
“You’re no fun.”
“Do you want me to tickle you?” I raised my eyebrows, wriggling my fingers when Mingyu glared.
“That’s what I thought.”
Halfway through the meal, Jieun said she had enough and got up and ran to the little swing they had for her in the garden. Mingyu and I remained on the blanket, splitting what Jieun left on her plate and eating that too. Once we were finished, I poured him some apple juice, then for myself, and we drank it quietly while watching Jieun run around. I chuckled when she started playing with a small butterfly flying by, handing my cup to Mingyu when he asked for it. He gathered our plates, the bowls of food and put them on the far end of the blanket, away from us so that it wouldn’t bother us. Mingyu was leaning back on his forearms as his eyes followed Jieun around, a fond smile on his lips. I sighed and glanced at him, my eyes falling on the black camera resting by his thigh.
“How’s that business going?” I spoke, getting Mingyu’s attention. He followed my vision of line and nodded his head lightly.
“Pretty well,” He said, picking up the camera in his hands, “I’m collaborating with a high school currently, so I’m taking graduation pictures of their seniors.”
My lips formed an ‘O’ shape and I gave him a smirk, “You must be pretty famous around that high school.”
Mingyu chuckled and nodded his head, “Can’t say I’m not, Y/N.”
“Right, can’t remember a time you weren’t famous…” I trailed off, the two of us sharing a knowing look. Mingyu nodded solemnly and then raised his camera, turning it on.
“Two weeks ago, I had a wedding, that one was a big hit, made a lot of money!” He said with a grin, looking into his camera as he pointed it up towards the sky. I looked up and saw the sky was covered with more clouds now, but the sun was still shining brightly.
“I wanted to ask you to come to our studio for today, but Vernon and Minghao apparently booked a really famous photographer so, you know…I didn’t want to say no to them…”
“Yeah, that’s fine!” Mingyu shrugged and started grinning as he took pictures of Jieun, “Your events are way too prestigious, I might have turned down your offer either way.”
“No, you wouldn’t have, Mingyu.” I chuckled, raising my eyebrows and making him glance at me.
“You sound so sure…why not?”
“Because it’s me asking.” Mingyu’s finger paused mid-air and he gulped before nodding his head wordlessly. It’s moments like this one that give me hope, hope that he still feels something for me. Even if it’s been five years. It was enough time for us to get over the other, but having to spend so much time together again made me realize that I wasn’t even far from being over him. Maybe it’s the memories we share, the time spent together, the pleasant moments, the hardships or the person I shaped into while being with him, but it was really hard to look at him and not feel something more than just platonic feelings. It came as a shock after we finished high school to find out that Joohyun and Wonwoo have been dating for two years in secret. No one ever saw it coming, they never left any hints for us to pick up on, it just seemed like they got along due to Mingyu and I dating and always being together. Turns out, they were dating too at the same time with us, except their relationship worked out. And I couldn’t have been happier, they were perfect for each other and they blessed us with little Jieun, the sweetest kid. When Jieun turned two, Joohyun and Wonwoo decided to get married and tie the knot for a lifetime. I was a little jealous when we got the news of their marriage, I always thought I’d be the one to get married first as Joohyun was closed off and wasn’t ever interested in dating or having a family. I guess it was just a matter of time and person.
My eyes widened when the camera made a sound, this time directed at me. Mingyu was grinning as he kept snapping picture after picture and I raised my middle finger at him while sticking my tongue out.
“Hey!” He gave me a glare before turning the camera back to Jieun, snapping a picture of her as she was playing with the flowers, making a crown for herself, “Look at this!”
Mingyu’s canines showed again as his grin spread bigger, he scooted closer, “Joohyun will love this shot!”
It was a close up of Jieun, she was crouched down with yellow flowers in her hands, her dark hair falling around her shoulders and lips in a soft pout. I smiled and looked at Mingyu, “Why don’t you drop the gym and turn into a professional photographer? You are so talented.”
“Y/N,” He gave me a grin and a scoff, as if I already knew the answer, “You know photography is just a hobby for me—”
“Doesn’t it pay better than that smelly gym you work at?” I interrupted him with my eyebrows raised. He chuckled and shook his head as he turned around to take more pictures of the nature.
“Smelly or not, I really like working there…” He muttered and Jieun shrieked, alerting us.
“Jieun?” I asked loudly, eyebrows raised when she turned around, she was holding something brown between her fingers.
“It’s a caterpillar!” She exclaimed excitedly, waving the small animal between her fingers.
“Say hi and put it back into the earth, okay?” I called back and Mingyu snorted as he looked up from his camera.
“This one goes for Wonwoo…” He grinned to himself, looking at me, “His daughter ain’t a pussy like your sister—”
“Mingyu!” I threw him a glare and punched his arm, “Irene hates every little insect, you know that. It’s not her fault—”
“It technically is though.” He gave me a pouty look and I snorted and shook my head. I extended my arms over my head and stretched, hearing the camera go off again, before laying down on the blanket. I groaned loudly as the tension eased from my lower back and I relaxed into the earth, closing my eyes to breathe in deeply the warm air. It was tranquil, the moment felt nice, Jieun’s laughter and chatter faded nicely into the background. I let my muscles relax and enjoy the moment of calmness, that is until weight was dumped on me. I yelped loudly, eyes opening and muscles tensing as I went to sit up but Mingyu’s hand pushed me back down.
“Don’t get up!” He exclaimed, eyebrows furrowed, “Why’d you move?!”
I threw him a glare as I watched him whine more, pushing his ass against my pelvis and sitting on me.
“Mingyu, I don’t know if anyone has made you aware of this, but you are heavy!” I exclaimed again, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“I won’t get off until you give me the same expression you did a few seconds ago—”
“How can I do that when a man is literally crushing me?” I raised my eyebrows and Mingyu scoffed, pushing up onto his knees but still straddling me.
“Not until you completely get off.” I gave him a sweet smile and Mingyu threw me a glare as Jieun’s loud laughter came from behind him.
“Why are you sitting on auntie?” She asked giggling.
“Good question, Jieun, I think he wants to crush auntie—”
“I was just trying to take a picture of auntie, Jieun, but she’s stubborn and wants to upset me.” Mingyu said pouting, giving Jieun a sad look.
“Well, hurry up auntie then, I want to go inside—I’m tired.” Just as she finished speaking, she yawned and pouted.
“Five more minutes and we go take a nap, okay?” I smiled at Jieun and she nodded before running back to the swing. I looked back up at Mingyu and gulped as I stared into his eyes, the butterflies in my stomach kicking off.
“Make it quick, okay?” I sighed out and closed my eyes, willing my body to relax and let go. Forget that Mingyu is straddling me and dangling his camera in my face like all those times when we were still dating. The camera went off and so did my heart, it started beating faster and faster as all the memories swam in my mind tauntingly.
The basketball court was full of students as everyone was in recess. I was sitting with my friends on a bench underneath a tree to hide from the blazing sun as we all ate our lunch and gazed out onto the field, where the basketball team was shooting around. All guys were tall, the team consisted of mostly juniors and seniors, but Yuto, a guy my age, made it into the team due to his height.
“Ah!” Yuna exclaimed next to me, eyes following a boy, “Look at Wonwoo! He’s so handsome!”
“He’s a good player…” I muttered as I finished up my lunch.
“He could be the worst and I’d still love him!” Yuna mused and the rest of our friends agreed with her. I rolled my eyes when someone from behind us scoffed.
“So, you only watch the basketball team because the players are handsome?” The voice was sharp and I rolled my eyes, turning to face my sister.
“You’re still moody?” I asked her and she shook her head, coming to stand in front of me and blocking my view of the field.
“No, I passed my chemistry test, I’m feeling better.” She gave me a wide grin and extended her arm. She was holding a small cartoon of chocolate milk and my eyes lit up.
“Unnie!” I gave her a big grin and stood up to give her a brief hug, “Thank you!”
“Yeah, mom told me you forgot to pack one.”
“You’re the best.” Joohyun chuckled and pinched my cheek aggressively.
“You only say that when I give you something or do something for you—”
“Joohyun—” My friends shrieked and both Joohyun and I jumped as a ball hit my sister’s back. She hissed and turned sharply, the ball bouncing on the ground.
“Joohyun—” My friends started but Wonwoo running over shut them up quickly.
“Are you okay?” His deep voice was laced with worry and Joohyun glared the boy down. She was a lot shorter but her gaze could always make her seem powerful and scary. She leaned down wordlessly and picked the basketball up.
“Be careful next time, Wonwoo.” Her voice was soft, a contrast to the look on her face.
“Sorry, Joohyun.” Wonwoo bowed his head a bit, hands extending to take the ball from my sister. She glanced down at the ball before handing it over, their hands brushing against each other and small smiles appearing on their faces. The snap of a camera distracted me from throwing a suspicious look at the two in front of me. A tall guy, taller than Wonwoo, was holding up a camera to his left eye as he grinned.
“Yah! Kim Mingyu!” I exclaimed, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“Yah! Bae Y/N!” He imitated my voice, pushing his lips out into an exaggerated pout.
“I don’t look like that!” I snapped at him with a glare as Mingyu walked closer.
“Yes, you do.” He taunted, the camera hanging at his side. Wonwoo and Joohyun chuckled behind me and I glanced back to see them lost in their own conversation.
“Stop pouting, you’re too cute.” Mingyu cooed and I punched his bicep as he started leaning down.
“Why do you keep taking pictures of me—” My words got muffled when Mingyu pressed a small kiss against my lips, a smile appearing on my lips.
“What were you complaining about?” He whispered as he pulled back just a little bit, making my smile widen.
“Nothing.” I muttered and as I went to press another kiss against his lips, his camera went off again. My eyes snapped open to find Mingyu giggling as he was looking down at the picture he took, cheeks rosy.
“Yah! Kim Mingyu!” I exclaimed and raised my arm to punch his arm again but he suddenly jumped back. He stuck his tongue out and I glared at him.
“You two are so immature.” I heard Wonwoo saying from behind me.
“He won’t stop taking pictures of me!” I snapped, watching as Mingyu was slowly raising his camera up again, “Don’t you dare—”
Snap. Oh, that’s it, he asked for it. I took off running towards him but Mingyu just giggled loudly and took off too, running ahead of me.
“You can’t catch me!” He shouted as he turned his head before running faster.
“Screw your long legs!” I shouted after him as I chased him around the basketball field, underneath the blazing sun.
“I love you!” He shouted while trying to take more pictures of me, almost falling when he tripped on a rock.
“You’re an idiot!” I screamed after him, laughing when he almost fell, “I love you!”
“I know you do!” He winked cockily and slowed his running, making me think I’d finally catch up. But when he was in arms reach, he sped up again while cackling evilly. I let out a frustrated cry and continued chasing him, unphased by the looks the students were giving us.
The click of the camera brought me back to the present and I opened my eyes to find Mingyu with his eyebrows raised and a small smile on his lips. His personality didn’t change much since high school but his looks did. It’s not like that mattered much, I didn’t like him for his looks, it was his personality that drew me in at first. His looks were just a plus.
“I want to go in!” Jieun came running to us, whining loudly.
“We are going.” I smiled at her as she looked down at me with a pout and I looked up at Mingyu with raised eyebrows. He blinked and looked at me for a second before he realized he was straddling me, so he got off and helped me off the blanket as well.
“Can you please clean up? I have a Yoga class in half an hour.” I said after looking at my wrist watch.
“And Jieun?” Mingyu asked as he started gathering the things we gathered on the blanket.
“I’ll put her to sleep, don’t worry about her.” I gave Jieun a smile and crouched down, opening my arms, “Do you want auntie to carry you to your room?”
“Yes!” Jieun exclaimed, her droopy eyes widening as she climbed into my arms quickly. I patted her back and walked inside the house, towards her room upstairs.
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        Jieun took longer than I expected to fall asleep, leaving me ten minutes to get ready for my Yoga class. I closed her door carefully after drawing her curtains closed and raced into the master bedroom, opening Joohyun’s closet. We go to Yoga class twice a week together so I have my clothes here, in case, I don’t have time to go home from the studio. We were supposed to go together today but since I had to be at the studio, we decided to postpone it. Thankfully, our Yoga instructor does online classes in the afternoon for those who couldn’t attend it in the morning. I quickly got dressed in my olive khaki green leggings and matching sports bra, rushing downstairs quietly, to Joohyun’s study room, where we kept our mattresses. She had enough space in her office, so I decided to lay out the Yoga mat underneath the window and quickly turned on her laptop, logging onto the platform of my instructor. In the big rush, I forgot to close the door and I could hear Mingyu coming and going from the garden, bringing everything inside like I asked him to do. I pulled my hair in a low ponytail and took a comfortable seat on the mat as the instructor started the class.
“Good afternoon!” She greeted with a big smile on her lips, her voice raspy but honey-like, “Good to see some familiar faces around; Y/N…”
I smiled and turned on the microphone, “Nice to see you! Joohyun and I couldn’t make it in the morning, we were both busy.”
“Is she not joining us today?” The instructor asked as more cameras got turned on, there was a total of ten people in today’s class.
“No, she’s not at home, at the moment.” I answered her and as the backdoor was closed, loud singing rang through the hallway. Mingyu’s deep voice bounced around the quiet house and my eyes widened as I quickly shut off my microphone, embarrassed when I saw some ladies smiling through their cameras. I glanced out in the hallway as Mingyu passed by the office, unaware that I was inside, as he bobbed his head to his own rhythm while he continued singing. Did he forget I put Jieun to sleep? He’s going to wake her up. But before I could quickly go and shut him up and close the door to the office, our instructor alerted us that we were starting the session.
“I prepared a relaxing Yoga sequence for today, a thirteen-minute-long practice,” She said with a smile as we took a comfortable seat in Lotus pose, “It’s the middle of the week, but we might be feeling burned out a little bit. I know that I do!”
I chuckled as I straightened my back, aligning head over heart, and heart over pelvis, “You can turn on your microphones as we are about to take deep breaths together, let us hear each other.”
I quickly reached over and turned on the microphone, as did the other ladies, whom I were familiar with from other classes, “Good, now let’s take five deep breaths in, tuck your chins, straighten your backs and close your eyes, empty your mind.”
I did as I was told, willing my muscles to relax as everyone took deep five breaths, emptying our lungs out loudly. It was a relaxing motion and it always helped me focus on the task I was about to do, my mind was a buzzing place 24/7. But my tranquil moment ended when Mingyu’s voice rose a few octaves and he started sputtering words after words. I opened one eye to see if the others could hear him as well, but upon seeing no reaction, I quickly closed my eye and took one more deep breath to relax again.
“Let us stretch our side bodies now.” With eyes open, I followed the instructor, breathing deeply still, “This is a great moment to take a step back from your busy lives and reflect on yourselves. Get lost in the silence and the guidance of my voice, trust your bodies and meet me in a tabletop position.”
I smiled and slowly moved into the position, cracking my lower back in the process, “Let’s do three rounds of cat and cow now, everyone following their own rhythm. We are not here to rush today.”
Closing my eyes, I arched my back into a cow position, letting out a quiet sigh when a few vertebras popped, then starting from the tailbone, I curled up into a cat position. I did that two more times while breathing deep, hearing the other ladies do the same calmed my nerves a little bit. I got lost in my own world, finally, blocking out sounds from the outside that didn’t serve me in this moment.
“On your next breath in, bring your big toes together and widen your knees as big as your mat, then meet me in extended child’s pose, with active fingers.” The instructor spoke up, and we followed, “Let’s wake up the muscles in our upper backs while opening our heart space, okay?”
The skin of my lower back and upper back were getting a good stretch as I gently rocked from side to side at the hips, loosening up the tight joints, breathing deeply.
“Make your next inhale the longest breath you’ve taken all day long and, on your exhale, let go of everything that doesn’t serve you by using lion’s breath,” I filled my lungs with air to the brim and paused at the top for three second before sticking my tongue out, eyes looking at my third eye and letting all the air out, similar sighs coming through the laptop.
“Carefully moving, let’s meet in downward dog, but only proceed from a tabletop position.” I raised back into a tabletop position and carefully, knees bent and arms placed at a wide distance on the map, I raised into a downward dog position, heels coming down on the earth.
“Let’s pedal it out,” The instructor said, “Your heels don’t have to come down to the earth straight away, pedal them out first, feel your muscles stretch and when you did all that, grow heavy in your heels and come to a still position for three deep cleansing breaths.”
I moved my legs as if I was walking, in one place, pedaling them out and sighing out when my hamstrings got the stretch they so desperately needed. I ground my heels down and stilled my movements, taking deep breaths. As I took in my last set of deep breath, the floor creaked in the doorway and I opened my eyes, seeing Mingyu upside down from this position, standing in the doorway. His jaw was hung open but when we made eye-contact, a wide smirk spread on his lips.
“Damn,” He muttered as he leaned against the doorframe, “If you only had this ass back in high school too—”
I gasped as my cheeks flushed, the sudden laughter coming from the laptop making Mingyu jump. His eyes widened as he looked towards the screen, and as I lowered from the downward dog, I caught the faint tint of red on his cheeks. The ladies were still giggling, the instructor’s eyebrows raised curiously.
“Uh—I’m really sorry—he didn’t know my microphone was on—”
“Good evening, ladies,” Mingyu smiled charmingly, they could see him well through the camera, “Sorry for interrupting, I’ll quickly head out.”
“Now, now,” The instructor said with a chuckle as Mingyu slowly left, throwing me a smirk that made me glare at him, “We needed that laughter, didn’t we, ladies?”
There was a chorus of agreements and my cheeks flushed again as I chuckled in embarrassment, “Sorry, he’s—”
“A charming young man, indeed,” The instructor interrupted me with a small smile, “let’s try to focus once again though and repeat our downward dog before we proceed with our practice.”
And we did proceed with our relaxing practice, but the problem was I couldn’t relax with Mingyu continuously walking in and out of Irene’s study room and always whispering things at me. At first, he was asking for some books Wonwoo recommended him to read, then he took a seat on Irene’s couch and started reading out loud but in a whisper, meanwhile I kept throwing glares at him. Does he know he’s supposed to leave me alone? By the time the class took an end I wasn’t anywhere relaxed, instead I was angry and irritated. The practice was supposed to make me feel light and relaxed but due to Mingyu bothering me, it didn’t work out. When we were talking leisurely after we finished the practice, Mingyu dangled his head into the camera. The ladies started laughing again and he had a heartful conversation with my Yoga instructor, to which he even got an invitation to her class after he complained about his muscles being stiff after a long day at the gym. When we were saying our goodbye’s, a lady had the audacity to call Mingyu and I, a cute and playful couple, which I wanted to deny but before I could, Mingyu was nodding and thanking her making my heart pump quickly. Once the call was over, Mingyu sat back on the couch and I proceeded to roll up Irene’s mat and placed it back to its place, throwing a glare at a grinning Mingyu. My eyes fell on the book he tormented me with and I took it in my hand and whacked him over the head.
“Hey!” He exclaimed and started rubbing his head, “What are you doing?!”
“What are you doing?!” I snapped, crossing my arms in front of my chest, “I took the Yoga class to relax a little bit but thanks to you I just became more irritated!”
“You did?” He raised his eyebrows and I went to whack him again but he caught my arm and quickly jumped up, “Okay, okay, I get it! Sorry, I won’t do it next time!”
“Of course, you won’t. There’s no next time.” I rolled my eyes and let Mingyu take the book from me and place it back onto the shelf.
“What are you saying?” He asked with a chuckle, becoming amused when I sighed and looked at him expectantly, “I got an invitation to your instructor’s next class and I’m definitely not going to miss it—”
“Hell, no.” I snapped and turned around to leave the office, but not before opening the window to let fresh air in, “So that you torment me there too? No, thank you.”
“Come on! I won’t!” Mingyu whined as he followed after me, closing the door behind me, “I’ll take it seriously!”
“You won’t, I know you too well, Kim Mingyu.” I said with a snort as I started walking up the stairs, Mingyu still following close behind.
“Please?” He looked at me with puppy eyes when I glanced back, “I’ll let you drive me around, okay?”
“As if I want to do that.” I scoffed as I walked to the master bedroom to get my clothes before I head to shower.
“I know you do,” A smirk crossed Mingyu’s lips as he blocked my way, “I heard from Wonwoo you bought a new Mercedes, I just know you’re dying to show it off to me.”
“Am not.” I said with a scoff, biting my lip afterwards. Oh, and how right he is, I can’t wait to pick him up from work and drive him here, in my new light turquoise Mansory S-Class Cabriolet, the next time we are having dinner with Joohyun, Wonwoo, and Jieun.
“You do,” Mingyu cooed and I rolled my eyes as I side stepped him, heading out the bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom.
“Now, stay quiet and don’t wake Jieun, I want to shower.”
“Go, go,” Mingyu ushered me inside the bathroom, gripping the handle, “Relax now, since you couldn’t while doing Yoga.”
“Dickhead—” He cut me off by closing the door in my face and I could hear his giggles as he walked away, his footsteps still loud. I groaned and quickly put my hair in a bun, turning on the warm water in the shower stall. The bathroom upstairs was bigger and it was divided in two in such way that if someone was showering another person could still come in because you wouldn’t see them, as the shower stall was just behind the other wall.
       And there’s a reason why I usually avoid showering upstairs. It’s so big that the person won’t even hear the running water and often times would walk in, it happened with both Joohyun and Wonwoo while I showered, when they newly bought the house. Like I said, they still couldn’t see you, but the thought alone was enough to drive me away from showering upstairs and just using the downstairs shower. And that same thing happened while I was massaging an exfoliating soap onto my skin. The door opened and I heard feet thudding inside loudly.
“Jieun?” I called out, straining my ears to hear the person inside, “Did you have a nightmare and wake up? Mingyu is downstairs sweety, I’m showering, you can go to him—”
“Yeah,” My eyes widened at the male voice and I quickly turned around in the shower stall, making sure he didn’t already approach me, “Mingyu is upstairs, actually.”
“What the hell are you doing inside, Mingyu?!” I exclaimed, frozen as I listened closely, “I’m showering!”
“Uh, yeah, I know, you told me and I hear the water running—”
“What the fuck are you doing inside then?!” I exclaimed again, eyebrows furrowing when Mingyu cursed loudly.
“Fuck, I stubbed my toe!” He hissed and I scoffed as I quickly rinsed off the soap, “And I know, but I was bored downstairs alone…”
“So, you just come and intrude on a woman while she’s showering? Because that’s fine?” I snapped; eyebrows raised even if he couldn’t see me. I heard the toilet making sounds and realized Mingyu closed the lid and sat on top of it.
“Hey, don’t make me sound like a creep!”
“You are being a creep right now, though.” I pointed out as I took my regular, tropical scented, body lotion and spread it on my body.
“Okay, I’m sorry, I can’t even see anything, you know that, I just—” He let out a long sigh and my eyebrows raised as I paused.
“You just, what?” I asked curiously as I let the warm water wash off the body lotion.
“I was wondering, like, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, actually, you know…” There was a pause as Mingyu cleared his throat before he continued, “Just…after we broke up, you know…did you date anyone else? Like, had a boyfriend, girlfriend, or something…”
My eyebrows furrowed at the odd question, not expecting it from Mingyu, we never talked about relationships or partners. We always stayed away from the topic that involved our personal lives for multiple reasons, so it was a surprise that he finally asked about it, especially when I was showering.
“I mean…” I let out a breath, standing underneath the warm water, “It’s been five years since we…broke up, so…yeah. I had…three…boyfriends.”
“Oh,” Mingyu sounded surprised and I grimaced waiting for him to continue speaking, “Yeah, I had a lot of flings during college, then a serious girlfriend that lasted for a year only, so…”
He chuckled, but I could hear he didn’t take it lightly, it bothered him that it didn’t work out. Something was bothering him still; I could hear it in his voice.
“Well, you know, I don’t know if Joohyun and Wonwoo talked about me and if they did and Wonwoo told you, but…” I took a deep breath and turned off the water, reaching for the long towel, “You pretty much broke my heart, no joke.”
Mingyu remained quiet as I placed the towel around my body and secured it tightly at my breasts, “I don’t blame you now, with this mentality, and I don’t hate you either anymore.”
We both chuckled at the same time and Mingyu sighed as we both stayed put where we were standing, “Honestly, I was a big dick back then. Breaking up with you because I wanted to get the whole college experience—I was a fucking idiot, to be honest.”
“You still are…” I muttered and Mingyu chuckled before he sighed again, “Actually…you know, how I was supposed to come with a plus one to my sister and Wonwoo’s wedding?”
“Yeah, and then you showed up with—”
“Minghao,” We said at the same time.
“Yeah, Minghao, and everyone was fucking confused from your family.” Mingyu continued talking, “Even Wonwoo…I still don’t get what the fuss was about.”
“I was supposed to come with my fiancé—”
“Fiancé?!” Mingyu choked out and I giggled, “You had a fiancé at the age of twenty-one, what the fuck?! And you didn’t tell me?!”
“We met when I was nineteen, actually, but back then I was kinda playing around with two guys, you know…still not over you, dickhead, but then him and I got closer and we got engaged three months before the wedding.” I explained, enjoying when Mingyu gasped.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know?” I asked with a chuckle, leaning my head against the wet tiles of the shower stall, “We realized we were too different? I don’t know, honestly, but I’m glad we broke up. I don’t think we were a good match.”
“Yeah, I’m glad too.” I scoffed and I heard shuffling, meaning Mingyu stood up, “Why did even Vernon show up at the wedding? He wasn’t even invited—”
“Two drunk calls from Minghao and I were enough to bring him around—”
“And then I had to drive the three of you home, yeah, I remember.” Mingyu didn’t sound amused and I started laughing.
“Well, if you were dumb enough to come by car and not with a cab like everyone else…”
“Yeah, whatever,” Mingyu scoffed and he cleared his throat again and hesitated to speak, “So, uhm, I was thinking…let’s go on a date?”
I blinked once and then twice and paused. Kim Mingyu was asking me on a date? Or was I hallucinating?
“I really should have waited after you finished showering, not seeing your face is frustrating.” He groaned to himself and I chuckled.
“To your information, I’m gaping right now,” Mingyu chuckled and I pursed my lips, “You want to go on a date with me?”
“Yeah, I think we are both mature enough to start things over, if we wanted to,” He sighed and I licked my lips, pushing off from the wall, “At least, I want to if you’re not against it.”
“Did spending your day with me make you nostalgic, Kim Mingyu?” I asked with a chuckle and he just hummed. I didn’t know how to feel. Did I still have feelings for him? Yes. Did he hurt me already once? Yes. But as he said, we are adults now, we view things differently now. I’m still unsure however.
“I can’t give you an answer right now,” I decided to be honest with him, he deserved it, “Give me time to think.”
He hummed quietly and I knew he wasn’t expecting that answer and he was disappointed, but he quickly spoke up, “I’ll go wake Jieun so that we can prepare dinner together.”
And he was out of the bathroom, leaving me alone with my conflicting thoughts. Did I want to go on a date with him? Yes. Was I afraid we wouldn’t work out anymore and I’d lose him forever? Yes.
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        After Jieun woke up, the three of us went downstairs and prepared dinner together, spending a good hour in the kitchen. But it still wasn’t dinner time so we snuggled up on the couch in the living room and watched a family movie together, Mingyu bringing us a big blanket to keep us warm. Jieun was snuggled up into his side, putting Mingyu into the middle, and I threw him a curious glance when he kept shifting around, until his arm was around my shoulders and his body was leaning onto mine.
“It’s comfier.” He whispered, keeping his eyes on the TV and I shook my head before looking back towards the TV and feeling my cheeks heat up. It felt nice being snuggled up next to him, his warmth enveloping mine and creating a feeling of calmness and safety. If there was a feeling I missed after Mingyu left me, it was the safety I felt whenever I was with him. His bigger body and the way he carried himself and even interacted when he was with me made it obvious to me that he’d do anything to keep me safe and that I shouldn’t worry. So, in the middle of the movie I cleared my throat and glanced up at him to see him already looking down at me.
“Let’s go on that date.” I whispered quietly at him and instantly Mingyu was grinning from ear to ear, squeezing my shoulder tightly for a few seconds before he sighed out happily. I chuckled and placed a palm against his beating hart, cheeks flushing when I felt his quick pulse. A feeling of fulfilment filled my senses and I couldn’t help the smile spreading onto my own lips.
       After the movie was over, the moon was high up in the sky, and we headed to the kitchen to have dinner. Jieun excitedly told us stories about her encounters with other kids in kindergarten and how she kept tricking her nanny into giving her candy without her mom and dad knowing. Dinner was filled with giggles and Mingyu throwing me glances every few minutes, eyes warm and happy. Jieun even pointed it out at some point, asking us if we were hiding a secret or surprise from her. When we reassured her that no, we weren’t, she pouted and settled on finishing her dinner quietly while Mingyu and I conversed about what we did the one month we didn’t meet up, laughing at the memories we shared in high school when one brought it up randomly. After dinner, Jieun had a warm bubble bath and I braided her hair in two, helping her into her pajamas before Mingyu and I tucked her in bed. We were both sitting on each side of her bed, her bedside lap turned on and we chatted for a little while, until she fell asleep.
“You know,” Jieun muttered sleepily, her eyes already closed, “Uncle and auntie act just like dad and mommy. Will you have babies too? I’ll have someone to play with forever…”
Mingyu and I shared a look as I chuckled and leaned over Jieun, cradling her cheek, “Auntie and uncle aren’t like that, Jieun. There’s men and women who are just friends, who love each other but never make babies, because it’s not that kind of love, you know?”
“Don’t worry, Jieunie,” Mingyu leaned closer too, a devilish smirk crossing his lips, “Uncle will convince auntie to make babies so that you’ll have someone to play with, okay?”
Jieun’s eyes opened and she grinned widely as I threw Mingyu a glare, “Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise!”
“Hey!” I exclaimed quietly as the two pinky promised in front of me with grins on their lips as if I wasn’t even there, “It’s not that easy to make babies—”
“We’ll figure it out.” Mingyu cut me off with a wink and I scoffed, leaning down and kissing Jieun’s cheek.
“Sweet dreams, angel.”
“Sweet dreams, chipmunk.” Jieun grinned as Mingyu pressed a quick kiss against her forehead and then we got up, turned off her bedside lamp and turned on her fairy lights. Quietly closing her door, we descended down the stairs and I could feel Mingyu smirking next to me, his hand continuously brushing against mine.
“Stop giving Jieun false hope, dickhead.” I snapped finally, making Mingyu giggled. He was expecting my reaction, as we walked back to the living room.
“I was being serious, Bae.” I groaned as Mingyu turned on the TV, putting on some random movie as we sat down on the couch, pulling the blanket over us again. We remained silent during the movie, enjoying the presence of the other, and my heart started racing when Mingyu interlaced his fingers with mine underneath the blanket and placed our hands on his thigh. I didn’t realize I wanted this until it happened, and I couldn’t be gladder. Because in this world, there was no one like Kim Mingyu, and he was mine.
My one and only true love.
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Love Me A Little Less: Chapter 6 - Misogynist
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Member: (3rd person pov) arranged marriage au with Lee Juyeon
Genre: angsty wangsty
Taglist: @hyunjaethereal @sunwoowuvbot​
“Don’t offend me.”
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“No, I think the best course of action for HERA & ARTEMIS is that we not only branch out to collaborate with other companies, but also to make um… say, connections with non-profit organisations. Orphanages, charities, you name it. The publicity HERA & ARTEMIS will get after being recognised as a community-caring brand, a brand that cares no less than it’s maximum ability to about children, the elderly and the disabled.” 
“Charitable. I like it,” The Resources CEO of The Board nods with a wine of champagne in his glass. even at her own wedding, all the bride can think of is work. All she cares about is how to make sure HERA & ARTEMIS is heard in the crowd of attendees to her wedding. “Anyway, a gorgeous wedding, I must say. What made you have it at home? I’d expect that your father and brother would have wanted it somewhere more… ravish, y’know, more extravagant.” 
It takes some effort to hide her disgust at the thought that her father had a say over where she wanted to have her wedding. 
“Of course not,” The service smile almost feels surgically implanted into her face, even Jang Won herself is put off. “Juyeon and I have already planned this right off the bat, have it at Hera’s Manor.” 
“Why not at the Lee House? I thought the Lee’s would’ve preferred it there, you know, husband and all.” 
Jang Won could’ve slapped the glass of champagne out of his grasp if she wanted to, then probably break the bowl off the stem and send it into his eye. 
“The Lee House doesn’t have the facility and resources to hold a wedding now,” Juyeon comes round with a cup of whiskey, cheeks slightly pink from the alcohol as he rounds his arm around Jang Won, pulling her into his torso and even bothering to press a kiss into her temple. “It isn’t as presentable as you’d expect it to be. Hera’s Manor is well-kept and it looks like it’s prepped for a party every other day.” 
Juyeon smiles politely, eyes drifting from the Resources CEO to Jang Won, and for a split second, Jang Won might just feel somewhat impressed he stood up for her. “You know what they say, if you need something done, a lady will do it fast and efficient.”
The Resources CEO provides the newly wedded couple an awkward smile, not really able to spit out a proper response to Juyeon’s rebuttal. 
“Anyway, love, your brother’s asking for you in your office. Some administrative issues that cropped up,” Juyeon pulls away and turns his body, feet already pointing away from the Resources CEO. “If you’ll excuse us, Mr Teuk.” 
Juyeon lowers his head as a sign of respect, though he probably doesn’t mean it. He gently tugs on Jang Won and leads her out of the courtyard. 
“Please tell me there aren’t any actual administrative manners Younghoon wants to talk to me about,” Jang Won seethes as she walks up the yard stairs and into the main hall. 
“‘Course not,” Juyeon subtly shakes his head. “He’s having the time of his life actually, getting acquainted with the other members of The Board. Have you always been the one helping him with Artemis?” 
“In his defence, I don’t let him handle anything. It’s a subsidiary of HERA & ARTEMIS so I might as well take things into my own hands and worry about it on my own.” 
“Well, maybe you should let him figure his hand out at things. He doesn’t legally own Artemis for nothing.” 
Jang Won turns to shoot a look of distaste at Juyeon. 
“What?” He frowns, forehead creasing. “I’m literally telling you to split your workload.”
“I don’t need to split my workload. I’m doing fine on my own and frankly, I’d rather he sit back and let me do most of it so that at least I know what the Hell’s going on with my companies without worrying about any secrets.” 
Juyeon rubs the back of his neck and shoves his hands into his pockets. “In other words, you don’t trust your brother.” 
��Please,” She walks off first, heading for her office where she usually seeks refuge amongst her bottles of whiskey and bourbon and documents. “Just because I love him for being my brother doesn’t mean I should trust him with my finances.” 
“You’re literally born into a family of fortune. Even if he does mess up, you’d be able to recover from it. The consequences would mean absolutely nothing to you.” 
Jang Won pushes the heavy doors of her office open, admiring the late-morning sun that’s spilling all over her chair and her desk. 
“See, that’s where you’re wrong, pretty boy. I choose not to rely on whatever I have at birth because I always felt like whatever my dad had was just handed to him,” She reaches for the ice bucket and picks up a ball of ice, dropping it into the whiskey glass, then coats most of its surface with bourbon. “But God forsake my hard work, huh? I guess if hard work really did pay off then I wouldn’t be standing here, in a wedding-lunch dress, talking to my husband.” 
Juyeon raises both brows and throws himself into one of the sofa seats, the clinking of the whiskey decanter echoing ever so slightly throughout the office. “Ever heard of a holiday? You should go on one.”
She scoffs with exaggeration, the gentle swishing of the alcohol meeting the ice and the glass gleaming like liquid honey under the sunlight. “Yes, because I’m just like you, the one who would run away from the responsibilities he was born into whenever he doesn’t want them.”
“I’m sorry,” Juyeon grimaces, standing up and allowing the silvers of his suit glimmer as he walks into where the sunlight kisses the floor. “Which toe did I step on? I just pulled you out of a situation you would’ve otherwise not wanted to be in.” 
“Unfortunately for you, I didn’t need pulling out. I could’ve handled myself right there and then. It’s been like that for as long as I can remember - I don’t need myself a nanny to save me,” Cocking one of her brows, she gives a wry laugh before downing the shot of whiskey.
Juyeon is in disbelief in her ability to perceive gratitude - or rather, a lack thereof. 
“Maybe your father came back to save HERA & ARTEMIS from your terrible people’s skills, ever thought of that?”
“Wrong again, pretty boy!” She peels the glass off her lips and stares at the lipstick mark. “I’m perfect with the people I wanna be perfect with to get what I want, and when they are of no use to me, I’m well aware I treat them less than average.”
“There it is,” He sneers, stopping right before her as she finishes the last bit of her whiskey. “So, you’re a hypocrite.”
A smirk draws across her lips. Jang Won almost slams the glass back down in the tray of other glasses and the whiskey decanter. “And I’m proud of it. There’s nothing you can do about it, Lee Juyeon. You agreed to play this game my way and now that we’re wearing matching rings. I’m afraid you’ll have to deal with it.”
Jang Won squares up and jabs a finger into his shoulder. But Juyeon catches her wrist and holds it in place, causing her to grunt and attempt to writhe her way out, but to no avail. 
“Kim Jang Won, you listen to me and you listen well. Just because I agreed to play this game by your rules, doesn’t mean I’m your puppet. We both know who will be the more powerful one in May, so my advice?” By now, Juyeon’s nose is almost in her eye. He’s not even bothering to look at her. 
“Don’t offend me.”
Jang Won finally snatches her wrist out of his hold when she feels his grip loosen. Huffing, she stomps past him, shoulder bumping into his arm for good measure as she leaves the office.
Younghoon just about catches his sister rolling her eyes so hard, she was this close to hurling a string of vulgarities at the wooden of her office door. “Hey, what were you doing in your office? People are looking for you!”
Without a word, her eyes are locked with his in frustration. 
“What?” He frowns. 
She thinks for a moment. 
She can ruin him and destroy him by asking him to take Artemis for himself before the deal is due in June. Ask him why he was so useless and had his little sister do everything for him, never once really fighting to take ownership of a company legally his. 
“Nothing,” The brush-off is sharp and distinct as she waves him off, turning to walk into the main hall. “Go get yourself more sponsors before June, will you? I’m not sure the same people would want to keep in touch with HERA & ARTEMIS after the separation and collaboration is made official.”
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Juyeon returns home later that evening, still wearing the fourth outfit of the day. It was a blue suit with a black collar and details and all he wants to do is soak himself in his bath. Maybe he could go to sleep safe and sound, and he’d wake up single and free to do whatever he actually wants to do. 
He walks down the entrance corridor, sick of all the staged portraits of him and his family hung on the walls. The main hall comes into sight, past the stairs on his right, where the television was still broadcasting bits and pieces of his wedding earlier. In the million-dollar couch sat his father, eyes and ears attentive to the screen. 
“Was it so entertaining that you have to watch it again? I know you were there this afternoon.”
His father turns his head subtly. Juyeon pulls off his blazer and removes his watch, laying the heavy clothing over his forearm as he scans the broadcast.
“The Lee-Kim wedding saw nothing short of nothing but a perfect list of investors, sponsors, fellow colleagues and leaders of several enterprises...”
He turns to look at his father, obviously still somewhat hurt that he hadn’t been officially invited by his son - Mr Ro had sent out mandatory invites to family members.
“It was a gorgeous wedding.”
“Yeah, well...” Juyeon shrugs lifelessly, already turning around to head for the stairs. “I had no say in it. It was her wedding and I don’t care, so.”
“The Board is expecting you to go on a Honeymoon, you have that in place, right?”
Juyeon gives a dry chuckle, already on the first step of the stairs. “Yeah, we’re going to Guatemala.”
“Guatemala?” His father shifts his attention from the television and looks at Juyeon, halfway up the stairs. “You’re just finding a chance to go diving in Belize, aren’t you?”
His son doesn’t falter, only continuing taking each step towards the second level, in hopes that he wouldn’t have to listen to his father criticise the only thing Jang Won let him do. At least it was some kind of freedom. 
“Mom better not be in my room.”
The second floor corridor greets him with even more portraits of his family, most of the pictures of him when he was younger. He halts right outside his door when he notices light seeping out from beneath. 
Sighing with exasperation, he lays his hand on the door handle, readying himself to listen to his mother ramble. But his attention drifts from the cream-painted mahogany to the low cabinet next to him, the blue shade of the stingray shining under the hallway lights.
There was a ceramic statue of a standing coral frame with the stingray within the arc, and on it engraved ‘Hawaii 2018′. He smiles, remembering only fond memories of seeing a huge stingray while diving. Sunwoo had been dragged out by him - one of those times when he fought with his parents and couldn’t stand being in the same house as them. He covered travel cost and hospitality fees, ensuring Sunwoo’s parents (whose family was also on the smaller arm of The Board’s administration) that he’d take care of them. 
Juyeon got an earful from his parents when he came back. Young Jin Seol had been the one to tell his parents his whereabouts, solely because he had arranged for her to make sure it seemed like he was still doing his job at the office. So, of course, when his parents walked into office and she was doing his work for him, they had threatened to fire her. 
But Juyeon knew he was indebted, and told his parents, “No Jin Seol, then you can forget about me taking over Apple-Korea.”
Sucking a deep breath, Juyeon shakes himself out of his mental trance, and pushes the door open. 
The back of his mother seems so fragile on first sight, and he’s well aware she’s getting on in her years. For a split second, he feels emotional, possibly feeling some tinge of remorse at how horrible of a son he’s been.
Then he remembers that she’s had an abundance of spa treatments, country-club lunches with her fellow rich moms after a game of gold or tennis, and a bunch of other things she definitely didn’t need. He wish he could tell himself otherwise, that she had been born into this life and thus living anything else dissimilar to this would be tiring on her.
But he can’t.
“I’m surprised you bothered to come home,” She says without looking at him. Juyeon rests his blazer on the back of the single sofa seat that’s angled to face the one she’s sitting in. “I was wondering if I should send some pajamas over to Hera’s Manor.”
Juyeon sits in the crystal encrusted sofa seat, crossing his legs and eyeing his mother fiddle with the wedding band on her finger. It reminds him of his own. 
“You realise you’re the one who bound me to the Kim family, don’t you? You’re the one who said okay to marrying Kim Jang Won, not me.”
“It was for your own good.”
“For mine or for our family?” Juyeon leans back in his seat and interlocks his fingers, placing them in his lap. “What else do you really need from the Lee family that you simply cannot take your eyes off? Their money? HERA & ARTEMIS? What?”
Only now does Juyeon notice the cup of tea on the small coffee table infront of them. 
“A child,” She says, like it was the most casual thought one could have, before taking a sip of tea. Her son shuts his eyes then opens them with his eyebrows as far up his forehead as he can. 
Providing a dry, tortured chuckle, Juyeon blinks multiple times, wishing that it was a condition with his hearing and not just something his mother had just spat out.
“A what?” Juyeon pulls apart his hands and leans forward, fists now clenched and pressed into the cushion he was sitting in.
“You heard me,” She places the tea cup down and refuses to look at him. “A child would mean inheritance. The Lee family will inherit the wealth of the Kims and it could possibly start a new system. It could rewrite The Board. We could become The Board.”
“What the-” He finally stands, barely choking out some kind of laughter filled with confusion and utter disbelief. “You want a child just to bond our families together and take over The fucking Board? My God, why are you so obsessed with The Board?”
“Because The Board is everything! No board, no us, no wealth and comfort like the kind we raised you in-”
“Does it look like I wanted it?!” Juyeon runs his hands through his hair, pulling his hair back and stretching his hairline. 
“You ingrate-”
“So I am an ingrate. But I had no choice, I have no life of my own because guess who’s making my decisions for me? You! If I don’t even have the ability to make my own choices then how do I even qualify as an ingrate?!”
She’s silent, and very much staring at the words spewing out of her son’s mouth now. She huffs through her flared nostrils, picking up the saucer and the tea cup and standing. “I don’t know what kind of ideas Kim Jang Won has planted in your head but you are still part of the Lee family and-”
“For Gods’ sake, Jang Won has nothing to do with any of this! In fact, she can’t care less about what I’m doing, so long as it doesn’t change the course of this entire situation. If anything, she’s playing it safe; she’s playing it against her father, and not us,” The veins on Juyeon’s hands are about to rip through his skin when he cannot close his fist any more. “Her father literally climbed out the grave... and you took this chance to capitalise on that in order to make our family richer the moment you heard of The Board’s announcement regarding HERA & ARTEMIS’s ownership complications...”
Juyeon shakes his head subtly, realising that he was panting from the sheer force of anger and disgust rushing through him. 
“And she’s younger than me. Lost her mother, lost her father, who only comes back to take what she built? You know, for a woman under The Board, I’d think you’d understand what she’s gone through. I thought... I thought you would’ve known how hard it is to be the successful one in the family but cannot pass down the family name... but everytime I think the world of you, and I think you’d act a little more like the woman I thought you are... you prove me wrong.”
Juyeon glares down at her, hands holding the teacup in the saucer with some kind of disapproving, disappointed look of fury in her eyes. Then he sighs heavily, hands rushing to pick up his blazer and storms out the room before she can.
“Leave Kim Jang Won alone, or else I’ll refuse Apple-Korea. By then, you can forget about all your stupid green bills and diamond rings.”
And with that, he slams the door shut. 
Juyeon appears along the second floor hallway, visible from the first floor’s living hall, where his father was still watching the news of his wedding earlier on in the day. Of course, the door slamming would’ve caught his attention, so when his son rushes down the stairs while putting his blazer back on, the elder man removes himself off the couch.
“Juyeon! Where are you going?!”
“Don’t call me, and don’t even think of calling Hera’s Manor,” He opens the heavy front door with such determination, then slams it harder than he intends to. By the foot of the stairs leading down to the pick up point by the entrance, his two bodyguards are taken aback and flustered when Juyeon appears again.
“Uh, can I get Mr Bong around-”
The instruction through the guard’s earpiece is cut short and interrupted abruptly as Juyeon unplugs the earpiece from the transmitter. 
“Mr Lee-” 
Juyeon doesn’t hesitate to do the same with the other guard. By now, his father has gotten the front door open and yelling at him with disapproving scolds. 
Rushing around the hood of the Porsche, Juyeon steps into the drivers’ seat - an unlikely sight, since he’s been chauffeured around most of the time.
“What in the world are you two doing? Stop him from leaving!” 
The vehicle revs to life, and Juyeon fumbles under the passenger seat’s compartment box and every crook and cranny in the front of the car.
He winds up the window on the driver’s side and locks the entire vehicle just as his father reaches the window. He tugs on the handle angrily, almost able to shake the entire car with his aggression. 
“Juyeon, don’t you dare!”
Then, he finds it. A tracking device attached to all the cars his family owns.
Ripping it off the surface it was stuck into, he rolls down the window on the passenger’s side and hurls it out, straight into the arms of one of the bodyguards.
He starts up the car and pulls it into drive, forcing his father to back off as he moves off.
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btssk · 3 years
Ms. Dokkaebi - Part One
Series Summary: You are the nanny for J-Hope’s older sister Jung Ji Wo. And while you’re great with her kids, best friends with J-Hope, and considered apart of his family, you seem very rude and stand-offish when it comes to the rest of BTS. There’s a tense relationship between you and the other members but when shit hits the fan, they'll realize just how wrong they were about you. But will it be in time.?
Notes: I’m new ARMY who doesn’t know everything there is to know about BTS as individuals so I may not accurately depict them in my writings, but as a FanFic writer who’s found her new muse, i’m just jumping right into it! This was originally going to be a one shot but then I started having too many ideas and points to touch on so I’m turning it into a series. And heads up, i write longgg posts regardless. I’ll probably comb through this a few times after I post to tweak some things. Also, this is obviously written in english but imagine that they're speaking Korean. This is my first BTS fanfic,
Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: (Platonic) J-Hope x Reader
Summary: You've come to visit your very own personal ray of sunshine Jung Hoseok while on vacation. Despite his unbridled joy at your arrival, the other members of BTS struggle to understand how such terrifying opposites could be attracted to each other.
Warning: swearing, violence
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"Here, place these on the table, Canola flowers are her favorite." Hoseok wipes the remnants of soil off his hands and smiles proudly at his personal efforts. "Their train should be arriving shortly, if you still plan to meet them at the station sir." "Right, i'll leave first then. Thank you ladies." The maids bow as he gives his final nod of approval before rushing to the waiting car. "Step on it Dae-Hyun, we can't be late." "Of course sir." "Dae-Hyun," "Yes sir?" "How do I look?" The driver smiled at the multimillionaire international superstar, sweating and squirming in the backseat. "She's going to be thrilled to see you sir."
"Does that mean I don't look good?"
"We're here! Everyone come welcome our special guests!" Two little kids fly into the house faster than Hoseok could finish announcing their arrival. Next came their frantic mother scrambling to collect them and scold the poor manners they were presenting.
Jin gets up from sitting in the living room with both arms open wide, inviting the kids to jump into them. "It's okay Ji Wo, i've missed my little feathers." "We're not little feathers!" "Of course you are! See, I can do this!" He starts spinning around as fast as he can. Hoseok stands besides his sister smiling at his niece and nephew flying in circles. "Too fast!" "No more Ahjussi!" Jin stops spinning, "Ah-Ahjussi? Ahjussi?! Who are you calling Ahjussi? You think i'm so old that I deserve to hear such things?! Ya! You think you'll be young forever?" Jin begins tickling and shaking the two until they're begging him to stop. "You'll be my age soon and let’s see how you like being called Ahjussi! I'm not even that old!"
Jin's signature 'eldest-rant' calls the rest of the members into the living room. "I don't know Jin, i'm starting to see some grey hairs." Jungkook joins in on Yoongi's joke, "Oh, there on the sides right?" "Mm, yeah." "Stob it!"
By the time you entered the room, everyone had already shared their hello's with Ji Wo. Her kids were outside running around with Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin. Jin was still fuming over being called Ahjussi despite Namjoon's best efforts to calm him down, while Yoongi stood by doing his best to turn Jin into a talking tomato.
Busy helping his sister move the luggage to the guest house, Hoseok left your welcome party in the hands of dumb and dumber, plus one. The three kept at their bickering until Namjoon finally noticed you. You dropped two large duffel bags at your feet and wore all black, head to toe. No makeup, hair in a half-assed updo, and shoes still on after entering the home? You weren’t here to impress and currently, were not impressed either.
Namjoon straightened up his appearance before nudging Jin and Yoongi to follow suit. Yoongi hid his smile and offered a very sweet and shy apology. And while Jin was obviously embarrassed to have been caught acting so childish in front of a stranger, this fact presented a dilemma. Why was there a strange woman in his living room? An American woman, with a very unpleasant look of irritation and disapproval on her face? 'Does she not see how handsome I am?' Remembering that he was in his own home and the eldest person present, he chose an informal tone. "Ya. Who are you. How’d you get in here?" No response. The only change being your eyes now solely locked onto Jin. A slight relief to Namjoon and Yoongi. "Did you hear me? Who are you, what do you want?"
"What you don't speak Korean?"
"Aishh," Jin put his hands on his hips, "So, You American came to Korea just to step into a Korean household and not only refuse to address your senior, to state your business, or atone for these things, but can't even speak Korean to begin with? Unbelievable." After another chance to explain yourself, yet remaining silent, Jin rolls his eyes and grabs his phone. "Fine. I'm calling security." Now you looked pleased, almost amused. Did you understand what he had said? Clearly not since you were smiling, but, did you? The three members wait with you in the deafening silence.
A couple minutes and guards storm into the room scanning for the intruder. Jin immediately starts yelling and pointing for them to take you away. Yet you don't move an inch as the guards surround you. Instead, you smile sweetly in return for their low bows. The member's are stunned as the head of security addresses you and you only. "Our apologizes for this mishap Ms. Y/n, it won't happen again." You nod, accepting his notion, and Jin couldn’t take it anymore, "What! what is this?! Who is she that she can enter my home uninvited with more authority than me?!" The guard's explanation is interrupted by Hoseok's return. "Oh good, you've met y/n!" He smiles at his friends indifferent towards the scene he interrupted. "Y/n hand me your bag i'll carry it," he gives you his other arm to escort you outside, "Ji Wo and the kids are already unpacked. I'll help you with your stuff. I made sure your room had those pillows and comforter set you really liked from last time-oh! And I have a surprise for you! I went and picked them myself, your favorite! Then we can talk about what you want for dinner tonight..." The three ‘men’, who were correctly feeling as less than such, watched you step into the guest house as if you owned that too.
"Oh good, I needed a second opinion! I like the yellow shirt but it's a bit much for dinner at home right? Then there's the blue but it doesn't compliment my eyes very well. Maybe the white one then? You can't go wrong-"
Jin slaps the shirts out of Hoseok's hands.
"No! Explain the woman who just walked into my home with zero etiquette, highjacked my home, security team, and is now downstairs with her bare feet on my coffee table!"
"So you're thinking the blue one."
"Jin can you keep it down, i'm trying to take my pre-dinner evening nap," Yoongi throws himself on the bed, "But to his point; Who is she?"
Hoseok picks up the blue shirt and pulls it on. "Uh, well that's a loaded question. I know that she can be very, well, i'm sure you've noticed,"
"Yes, continue."
"But, I guess, she's my best friend." Every remaining member bursts through the door, silently threatening him to say it again. Even Yoongi twisted his head, "The hell did this bitch say." Jin takes the lead scolding Hoseok's blasphemous comment, with the others suddenly becoming faithful followers of their beloved Ahjussi. Once finished fiddling with his shirt, Hoseok addressed the room full of crybabies. "Maybe 'best friend' wasn't the most appropriate label, but she IS someone very special to me. So please, all of you go get dressed and be ready to eat dinner in an hour. I need this to be perfect. It's important, please." He hurries out of the room to find you, leaving his very much so established and unquestionably best friends unsatisfied with his explanation.
"Tell me to hurry up...look nice...feet on my table!...she's the mean one...I don't even like spicy food...Will you come help me already you see me struggling!" Namjoon was certain his hands were going to fuse with his face if he listened to this for another second. He gladly stood up to help Jin with his tie, "If it'll end your ranting about y/n-"
"Stupid name"
"You met her once for five minutes; you don't even know her." "Ah, five minutes was ten minutes too long." "That still doesn't make any sense," Namjoon grumbles for the billionth time since meeting his friend, "There, done."
"And why are we wearing ties anyways? We're at home! Ji Wo's family! I'm expected to look Grammy's ready for that…that Dokkaebi!?" Yoongi sits up from Jin's bed laughing, "That what?" "When did you get there?" "Did you just call y/n a Dokkaebi? I haven't heard name calling like that since primary school." Jin charges at Yoongi shaking his finger, "You know it! You were there, both of you! You saw her smiling at us; like a blind person winking. Just, empty." A chill runs up Jin's spine that Namjoon and Yoongi have to admit they also felt. "Hear me, that goblin will only cause us problems." "You're overreacting-"
"Her.bare.feet! On.my.coffee table!"
"Look she's special to Hobi, that means she can't actually be that bad right? And again, we only met her for five minutes-" "That was ten minutes-" "DO NOT say it again it makes NO sense! We didn't make a very good first impression either, so let's consider dinner a fresh start." Namjoon and Yoongi guide a still disgruntled Jin down to dinner. They can hear the kitchen is already crowded with conversation, children laughing, and food on the stove. Namjoon takes a deep breath, "Fresh start boys. Be nice." They round the corner to see your eyes already baring deep into their souls. Jin leans into his friend’s tiger grips on him and whispers, "See, see! Some of her goblin tricks already. Evil little mi-chin nyeon-" "You sure you want to finish that sentence." Your comment draws Hoseok’s attention to his friends, "Hey guys! Come have a beer, we're almost done cooking." The trembling mice men find a safe distance from you on the other side of the island and Hoseok hands them each a drink. But Jin’s eyes never leave yours, except to make sure that the knife in your hand is still chopping vegetables and not plunging into his chest. "So, you can speak Korean." "Of course, what kind of American would I be to come all the way to Korea, enter a Korean household, and not be able to address my senior. The honor is mine, Ahjussi." You throw in a lopsided bow at the end but Jin is far from impressed. Namjoon grabs another beer, "Here we go..." Before he has the chance, Jin's attention is on his legs. "Do the funny walk!" "Yeah, the funny walk!" "Oh, I think i'm too old, now that i'm 'Ahjussi Jin'." The twins plead with him until they're disappearing down the hallway, holding on for dear life as he flails his legs as much as possible. You finish cutting the vegetables and hand them to Ji Wo at the stove. Before you have a chance, Hoseok takes the dishes from your hands, "I can clean these too y/n, you go grab a drink and hang out while Ji Wo and I finish up. Your seat is right there next to mine!" If he could walk for you he would, even if he didn't have legs himself. Annoying and embarrassing at times, like now, but at the end of the day you loved that about him; so unashamedly sweet to you like no one else would dare to be.
You go slip into your Hoseok-assigned seat at the table next to Yoongi and count how long it’ll take him to grow a pair and say what's on his mind.
"So y/n,"
27 seconds,
"how do you know Hobi?" "I work for Ji Wo." "Oh, like a secretary?" 'The fuck?,' "Or not. Then, some security guard? No! Not that i'm saying you’re manly or anything, you're very attractive-not that i'm attracted to you-NOT that there's a reason I shouldn't be!" Yoongi chokes on his words long enough for you to respond. "I'm her nanny." You see the first unpetrified emotion cross Yoongi's face since meeting, "Really? You…like, kids?" "Of course. They're adorable." He'd have an easier time believing you if you didn't look like you were recounting the hells of war. Lost on how to continue the conversation, Yoongi tries a new approach.
He moves a tray of assorted fruit towards you, "Here. Do you like fruit? We bought all of this fresh from the local market." "I already had some." "Oh. Okay, good.. Um, I love the tangerines. I bought a whole bundle...where'd they go?” Yoongi notices that his dozen of tiny orange babies are the only fruits missing from the tray. Once again your eyes were waiting for his to catch up. "Did you-" Without breaking eye contact, possibly without breathing since Yoongi’s doubting you even have a heart right now, you peel the last tangerine. You do it slow enough that if you listened closely, you could hear it crying for 'papa Yoongi' to save it. "My...you ate...all of them." The poor boy looked like he went bankrupt with a wife and kids to feed back home. Ironic maybe? He tried his best to swallow his emotions, "That's okay. You're our guest; I'm happy to share anything with-" You pop Yoongi's last little baby into your mouth and he snaps, "That's it. Who hurt you. I demand to know." A slightly sweaty Jin joins the stand-off over his friend’s shoulder with the same scowl on his face, "See...Dokkaebi." Yoongi swears his loyalty with a single word. "Dokkaebi.."
"Y/n i'm going to the restroom, can you-" "Got it." "Thanks!" Ji Wo runs around the corner leaving you in charge of the children. All, of the children.
Most are taking their seats, Hoseok is practically in your lap talking your ear off, and Jin is trying to shake off the two urchins still stuck to his legs. "Please!? Where is your mother it's been hours, days even!" The twins laugh at his joke and Namjoon again tries to convince Jin that he doesn't make any sense.
"No, more more!"
"Yeah more!"
"More! MORE!"
Hoseok eventually nudges you, "Come on y/n, enough fun, the foods going to get cold." 'We never do what I want.' You snap your fingers and point to the chairs across from you. The two tumble over each other trying to see who could be the fastest. So competitive. You were proud. "Whoa, could you train Yeontan to be that obedient?" "You calling my kids dogs." There's a slight breeze behind you that could only be from Hoseok's frantic motions for Taehyung to stop talking. "I, no...nevermind."
Ji Wo comes back and sits next to her son, "Okay, let's eat!" Everyone starts to fill their plates and converse amongst themselves. Hoseok is making your plate while you're busy making the kids'. Sitting on the other side of the twins is Jungkook. He gives himself a pep-talk until he's confident that he's about to do the right thing. Yet, across from him, Yoongi and Namjoon shoot him every desperate facial expression that they know. Whatever Jungkook is about to do, they're sure it's a bad idea. 'What are they mouthing? "Dok...Dokkaebi?" What? That doesn't make any sense.' He gives them a curt 'I got this' smile so the two give up.
'Poor bastard.'
'It's always the innocent.'
Jungkook grabs the bowl in front of him and holds it out towards you. "Y/n, I made this dish specially for you. It takes a few hours to prep and another two for cooking, but Hoseok spoke so fondly of you I knew it was worth the time." You feel the pride radiating from Hoseok when he places his hand over yours. The whole thing's silly, but you let your little sunshine have his moment. "The sauce is my grandmother's secret recipe and I made the noodles from scratch. It's always a crowd favorite when I make it. I'd love it if you had some! Let me put some on your plate." "No thanks." Jungkook stops mid-reach across the table and his doe-eyed smile falters. "I, uh, promise you'll love it. It's the best dish on the table! Please, just try it-" "You trying to kill me (?) I said no" "But-" "And I won't say it again."
A pained silence falls over the group, but nothing compares to the hurt on Jungkook's face. Defeated and humiliated, he slides back down into his chair too embarrassed to lift his head. Then, "I want some!" the little girl next to him slaps a smile back on his face. "Of course sweetie, here!" This time Hoseok and Ji Wo are the ones quick to speak up in a panic. "No hun, you can't." "Jungkook don't-"
Your eyes snap to the spoon still spilling pasta on the plate. The sound rings out and fades away without a single interference. Jungkook's frozen in fear, everyone is, as they should be. You can feel Hoseok desperately squeezing your hand, silently begging you not to cut off his friends'. Ji Wo's face is pleading the same case. You listen to Jungkook's heart beat out of his chest for a few more seconds, watch his life flash before his eyes to truly remember this moment by. Removing your hand from Hoseok's, then placing it over his, is reassurance that he and Ji Wo can stop shaking. As for everyone else, they're nothing more than deer caught in headlights. "There's shrimp in that. She, and I, are both allergic to shellfish. If you feed her that, she'll die in minutes, and then you would die in seconds. Am.I.clear." There was another silence while Jungkook struggled to keep his soul from leaving his body. He couldn't believe what he had almost done and begged forgiveness from Ji Wo, "I-I'm so sorry! I had no idea, honest I wouldn't have-" "It's okay Kook, I know that you didn't know. It was an accident," her eyes drift towards you, "right y/n."
She's weary. She can tell that you haven't calmed down, not enough at least. You take your job very seriously; you love her kids as if they were your own. And if you ever did have kids of your own, then god save us all. You really were like a second parent to the twins. The kids once asked if the two of you were going to get married some day. You and Ji Wo were both laughing your asses off until you realized that Eun had fallen out of her chair. Her face was turning purple and her throat had nearly swollen shut. She laid motionless on the floor with her eyes digging into y/n's, begging for help. But no one saw what happened and didn't know what to do. Y/n took a gamble since it was their first time having lobster and gave her her epi-pen. As relieved as Ji Wo was to hear her daughter start breathing again, it would be a few weeks for her, and you, to completely move past what happened. That was the first and only time Ji Wo had seen you so unnerved; truly afraid. And right now she saw that same memory flash over your eyes in a blinding loop. She tries again, "Y/n, it was an accident…It's okay now."
"Y/n," Hoseok's gripping your fist with both of his hands, "She didn't eat any, she's okay. Jungkook knows now, they all do. Right." Every head at the table shook furiously, but you saw none of it. Your eyes locked onto Jungkook and debated which fingers to break first.
Then you felt Hoseok's grip on you change. It loosened, and his fingers gently ran over the back of your hand, something that always forced you to relax. "Angel," One of your biggest weaknesses, "please, for me." was hearing him beg. 'And that dang pet name.' You let out all of your pent-up energy into one labored sigh, finally releasing the dinner guests as hostages. Yoongi jumps from his chair as you abruptly stand. "What did you learn Jungkook." "She's-you both!-are allergic to shellfish," poor thing had been on the brink of crying this entire time, "I swear that I will never forget it-" "No. You don't question me. Ever again."
While you're turned to grab a clean plate for Eun, "Chin-hae don't stand on your chair-!" you hear the sweetest voice back you up. "Yeah! You don't ask y/n questions!" He's all but using his sister's head as a prop while sticking his sticky finger in Jungkook's face, “giving him the business” about not asking anymore questions or trying to kill his sister again. You motion for him to sit down once you're back and shoot a wink. 'That's my boy.'
"Again, Ji Wo, I am so sorry for earlier at dinner. I still feel absolutely awful about it."
"It's okay Jungkook, honestly. Y/n always carries an epi-pen for both of them. Even if Eun had eaten some, she would've been okay."
"So then, that whole "she'll die in minutes, you'll die in seconds" thing was y/n just messing with me, right?"
"Of course, no chance she'd let Eun get even close to dying."
Jungkook relaxes just enough sipping his coffee to choke on it when Ji Wo continued, “But she might still kill you, that wasn't a joke." Jimin smacks his friend's back until he settles.
After dinner, you took the twins to the guest house to get ready for bed. Everyone else stayed behind and congregated towards the living room to properly catch up with Ji Wo. Before getting married, the boys saw her around all the time. Since then, they only see her on the rarest occasions. It sucks, but that's the way it has to be.
"Anyways, thank you all for letting us stay here. I know it's not everyday you guys get the chance to go on vacation."
All of you were staying at BTS's vacation home out on Daecheong Island. Technically it was Jin's vacation home, but since he always said yes when the member's wanted to use it, no one bothered listening to his empty protests anymore.
The island is located in northern South Korea; just west of Seoul. The home was well secluded, on the coastline with plenty of space and privacy, about an hour or so from the nearest town. It was a favorite place for the boys to get away since they had true privacy while there, but could still feel like they were at home. And rarely if ever would they draw attention while in town. The locals knew who they were but lived their own lives on the island and didn't care to bother them.
Namjoon pats Ji Wo's back, "Don't worry about it. We're happy to have you." "Yeah. No filming, practices, recording schedules," Jin stretches back in his chair, "no responsibilities what so ever. Plus now, you and the little ones are here? Talk about a good time." He turns towards Ji Wo though, momentarily becoming serious, "And no one knows where we are. Promise." The rest of the group offers reassurance to Ji Wo.
Hoseok leans in close to his sister, "You didn't tell anyone where you were going right? Didn't have any issues?" She shakes her head no. Anyone else would think that the boys were worried about people finding out where they were. But Ji Wo knew the truth. They wanted to make sure no one knew where she was. Especially her children.
You remembered the first and only time that you had met Ji Wo's ex-husband. It was the twins' third birthday party and the first of many without their father. Ji Wo pulled out all the stops to try and make it as special as possible. There ended up being just enough commotion for him to sneak in through the side gate.
You'd heard plenty about how he lost custody of the twins due to his alcoholism, and how more than once it led him to put his hands on the them. Not to mention the few screws he had loose in the head. He'd never do anything less than swear he loved his children more than anything and just wanted to be a family. But after putting Ji Wo and the twins in the hospital, twice, he didn't stand a chance in court. At the final hearing he reeked of alcohol and rambled on about making Ji Wo pay for stealing his children from him. He was detained for disorderly conduct and Ji Wo won sole custody.
There wasn't a word from him after that so no one expected him to show up that day.
You didn't know what he looked like, but the new stench of alcohol in the air and screams from Chin-hae was more than enough information. "Oh come on son, I brought you a present...I think?" The drunk stumbled around trying to feel for the nonexistent gift. Every child ran to their parents as you ushered them all inside the house. Ji Wo didn't have security then, and this was the moment to change that.
Chin-hae and Eun clung to Ji Wo's legs, remembering enough of their father to be afraid. "Seo-Jun. What are you doing here." He acted genuinely offended by her comment, "Is it not my children's birthdays? Their father should be here." He staggered closer and Ji Wo struggled not to shake more than she already was. "N-No. You, should leave. The restraining order-" "TO HELL WITH THAT PIECE OF PAPER!" His outburst even made you jump. You needed to hurry and make sure everyone was safe inside before going to help Ji Wo. Only a few more people and then you would be free to kick his pasty ass.
"Seo-Jun please, you're drunk; you're scaring the kids." "Oh, well then," his posture straightens and eyes go dark, "i'm suddenly feeling very sober. No need to be scared now. Come on kids, give your dear old dad a big hug." Only a sour breath away from them and both kids were soaked in their tears. They cried "Mom no! Don't make us!" "We'll be good! PLEASE!!" "MOM!?" Ji Wo clung onto them as hard as she could without hurting them. She took two steps back for every one Seo-Jun made. "Come on guys, you're not being very nice. You can't still be mad about last time right? I said sorry. And hey! I have some new friends for you to meet." Three men entered the backyard with eyes glued to the kids. "Seo-Jun please! Don't do this!?" "Ji Wo. Honey, you know I won't ask again," he holds out his arms, "Hand them over." When the men start advancing Ji Wo drops down to her knees to shield her children as best she could. But she was crying just as hard as they were, just as terrified.
One man had his hand on Eun's flailing leg for less than a second before being drop kicked by you running at full speed. He didn't get up until the ambulance arrived. Without hesitating you go after the next one, throwing hit after hit until he falls and doesn't get up. The third pulls out a knife and you see red. Knives, real knives like these, sent you into an unstoppable rage. You had plenty of reasons to hate them, and even more to hate Seo-Jun. The man took a few swipes at you before taking a misstep and gives you the opening you need. A single move and you get ahold of the knife, toss it, and start breaking as many of his bones as possible. This wasn't just about stopping a kidnapping anymore, it was making sure they suffered as much as time allowed you.
This would be the first time Ji Wo and the kids see you fight; see you turn into a monster, "Y/n?" and Hoseok. The look on your face must have terrified him because he stumbles back before being able to focus on the situation. Hoseok runs to help Ji Wo, taking Chin-hae so the four can make a faster break for the house.
Seeing his plan go to shit, Seo-Jun makes a last ditch effort to grab at least one of the kids. He takes after Ji Wo and Eun but luckily he's a lot slower than you are. You drop the near lifeless body you'd been breaking and sprint after him. He sees you coming and his desperation overtakes logic. Seo-Jun reaches into his jacket, "You're not taking them away again bitch! Let's see how you like it!!"
A silent cry forces its way out. You're hands radiating fire from the new hole in the side of it. Your panicked reflex led to sloppy technique in redirecting the barrel of the gun from Eun. you can't let it slow you down. A left hook and solid kick to the side of his knee and Seo-Jun crumbles. Working through the pain, you knock the gun out of his hand and jump on top of him, hitting him with everything you've got; every punch you know with all the strength you have left. You couldn't feel anything from your right hand up to your elbow, 'guess I'll just have to keep going until it comes back.'
You don't know how long it's been, could be minutes maybe only seconds, but Seo-Jun had stopped moving. You know that you should probably quit now, but hearing Eun scream for you a moment ago was far too close to home. You knew that sound; you're brother made that sound. And the more you remembered it, the more it seemed this high you were on would never end. You didn't want it to. You hated Seo-Jun for everything he's done and for everything he reminded you of. The life you fought through Hell to escape from. If he lived through this, you swore you'd finish him off for good one day.
Your ears were still ringing from the gunshot but a voice fought it's way through. "y/n...Y/N! You have to stop! It's okay now! You need to calm down! Please!" If Hoseok would be honest with himself, he was too afraid of you to do more than scream from a safe distance, let alone try and touch you. The way you weren't letting up on Seo-Jun's body even for a moment. He looked over at the man you had been beating up when he arrived. His body was crumpled and folded over like a distorted carcass. It was inhumane; indigestible. He knew parts of your past but seeing it manifest in front of him? he didn't imagine being this afraid of you. Would you ever hurt him? How thin was this line you toed? Did he know you at all- "AHH-!"
Hoseok doesn't move when blood splatters across his face. He can't even will his tears the courage to fall. He had been too lost in thought to realize the second man you attacked had gotten up. How he had only been step or two away from him, gripping his partners knife. He didn't notice how swiftly you turned and shot him with Seo-Jun's gun. Square between the eyes without blinking your own. You killed a man without hesitation, totally relaxed with zero remorse.
The only thing strong enough to pull you out of your rampage was someone you loved being in harms way. No amount of rage could trump the urge to protect them, and only once they were safe would you feel yourself come back to earth. You stood up, back in reality, but Hoseok was still lost in the clouds. Only a few moments ago he was debating the origins of your soul, now he knew you were his guardian angel. If not for you he would be a pile of sliced meat right now, or Ji Wo, or even the twins. They could have been taken like Seo-Jun wanted or worse, also like Seo-Jun wanted. Ji Wo was helpless to stop it and he arrived too late regardless. You knew all of this already, that's why you fought for them. With all of your heart you protected Hoseok's family; his whole world, and now him too. He'd never be able to repay you.
"D.I.P.D.! Drop the gun! Hands up both of you!"
"Backyard is secure."
"Roger that. Civilians are all accounted for and inside of the home is secure."
"We've got four bodies; call for another ambulance." "Yes sir."
"Check for pulses and take those two into custody already!" "Sir!"
The next month was nothing but back to back court hearings, being shuffled to and from your holding cell, and meeting with lawyers before and afterwards. Everyone who was at the birthday party had to testify in court, then they were free to go. But almost every one stayed throughout the entire trial. Your motives weren't lost on them; they knew what a monster Seo-Jun was and it was obvious what he was there to do. Each testimony painted you as the selfless hero who saved the day. Mounted against Seo-Jun was a multitude of eye witness testimonies, means and motive, forensic evidence, the crime scene report, and the irrefutable security camera footage. Seo-Jun's remaining accomplices got 18 months by accepting a plea deal while Seo-Jun himself received 3 years, eligible for early release after 2 on good behavior.
Normally with the amount of evidence against Seo-Jun, this case would have been open and shut in a matter of days. But in private you were being psychologically evaluated and cross examined by both teams and the judge personally, to determine your own fate. Your personal file, although sealed from the public and PI Investigations, had to be taken into consideration. In the end you were cleared of all charges and free to go. If anyone asked, the delay in your release was due to some "administrative issue with the paperwork or whatever" and so you spent that time just sitting in your cell counting sheep.
During your release, "We know who Seo-Jun is y/n. Be careful," the judge leans in close as you walk past her and whispers, "stay close to those kids." That decided your fate, whatever that may come to be. This wasn't over; Seo-Jun would be back, so not a day would go by that you weren't by their sides.
You were prepared for the worst when you saw the Jung's again. You thought they'd call you a monster and tell you to stay away. But tears poured from your eyes when Chin-hae and Eun crashed into your legs and refused to let you leave them again. Ji Wo's hug surprised you most, you two had never hugged before. She immediately hired you as the kids' personal bodyguard but if anyone asked you were their nanny. (A secondary role you fell into). She moved you into one of the spare bedrooms of her new undisclosed address and location home, just down the hall from the kids' rooms. She told you to do what you want with the room; paint it, rearrange it, knock out a wall, you name it. Then gave you a personal black card to use how you like. You told her it was all too much, trying to remain humble and modest, but it just made her cry. She couldn’t comprehend how else she could repay you for what you did for her and the kids, not that she felt this even amounted to enough.
Next you hand picked her new security detail. Each candidate had to fight you in hand-to-hand combat as the final test, and whoever didn't go down in 30 seconds made the cut. One of them managed to land a hit and became head of security, also your fill in whenever you weren't around.
Hoseok hadn't come around the first few days after your release. 'Why would he, he saw what I can really do. What i'm really like.' Ji Wo would tell you not to worry or think too much, that he probably just needed a bit more time to process some things.
You woke up on morning and were instantly suspicious, "What?" Ji Wo just kept smiling ang giggling to herself on the couch, "Oh, nothing. Just a funny book." "You're not reading a book-" "Oh the door! I wonder who that could be." You turn to the guard stationed in the main hallway, "She hasn't been drinking has she?" "No ma'am."
Ji Wo prances back into the room, "It's for you!" then off into the kitchen. "Ji Wo I know you're pretending; you haven't cleaned a single dish in 6 years." "Just go to the door?!" You shuffle down the hall, "I hope your mystery guest doesn't mind me looking like hell!"
"They don't,"
you stop.
"They think you always look pretty great actually."
He stood at the door holding your favorite flowers and dressed to the nines, "What is this, what are you doing?" He stepped through the threshold, "Can I come in? I don't want to end up like the last guy who didn't ask you." His joke was stupid and inappropriate but he laughed like a goofball all the same. You tried to smile but couldn't stop the frown from forming. You look down at your feet suddenly feeling ashamed and embarrassed in front of Hoseok. He closes the door and puts down the flowers. He holds your hands in his, "What's wrong?" "Nothing I," 'I was afraid you hated me,' "I just missed you. You haven't been around since..." The words were stuck in your throat and you were at a loss at how to get them out. "I thought..." He understood, "Hey no, no. I'll admit I did need some time to process what happened but, I could never..." 'I'm not afraid of you,' He cupped your face and lifted it to make sure you heard this next part, "I owe you my life y/n. You saved all of us, and that's not something that a bad person would do. I could never be afraid of you; I love you." You wiped a stray tear and playfully punched Hoseok in the shoulder, "Hobi don't," "What? I don't mean like that!" You both laughed. It was a relief to feel like things were back to normal between the two of you.
"You know what I mean." "Yeah I do. I love you too Hoseok. Now seriously, what is all of this; what's with the get up?" "Oh, well I was worried that you might be feeling a little down so I wanted to treat you to a day out! Starting with breakfast at that fancy restaurant you like." "The one with the giant fish tank? And we get to pick out which fish we want to eat?!" "Yes now hurry up and go get dressed, our reservation's in 45 minutes." Your sprint towards your room looked the exact same as the twins. Passing the kitchen you hear Ji Wo, "He's feeding you isn't he." "YUP! My favorite!" “Bring me back some-" "Absolutely not!"
20 minutes later and you're speeding back down the stairs dressed and ready to go. "There's no need to pull me out the door like this! We have a reservation; we won't have to wait to eat-"
"But all the good fish could already be gone! I want one so fat and juicy it has rolls!"
"Fish don't have rolls-y/n you're drooling on my sleeve-Ew it's on my hand! Let go already!"
You shove his body into the car and jump in after him, "Let's go Dae-Hyun! Get us there in 10 minutes and i'll get you whatever you want to eat." "Deal."
"Don't you mean i'll get him-?"
"Not now Hoseok I have to focus. Momma's going fishing."
Hoseok rolls his eyes at your theatrical evil grin, "For someone with a shellfish allergy you're too excited to eat fish."
"What can I say, I go wherever the spirits lead me."
"You're not spiritual."
"I am when they lead me to fish."
End of Flashback
"Good night honey. Sweet dreams." You had already finished tucking Chin-hae into bed and now it was his sisters turn. "Sweet dreams y/n. You'll be here when I wake up right?" "Always." You kiss her forehead and turn off the lights when you leave. You went down the hall to your room to change into something more comfortable before heading back out to the main house. Security had already been stationed around the guest house, so you felt okay leaving the twins here alone for a while. On your way out, you passed by the kid's room once more, 'Eun must have been really tired. How has her snoring never woken up Chin-hae before.’
You smile thinking about those rascals on your walk back to the main house.
Jung Chin-hae and Jung Eun.
Your favorite people in the whole world. A fact that hurt Hoseok's feelings even though he felt the same way. He never knew if because of his lifestyle, he would ever actually find true love, get married, and have children of his own. So his niece and nephew were the closest that he was going to get, and he loved them with all of his heart.
Ji Wo chose Chin-hae's name because it means 'depth of the ocean.' Going to the beach and being on the water was something that she craved constantly while she was pregnant with them. It was her escape and sense of peace while she faced struggles in her personal life. She had recurring dreams about sailing off with her children, away from their problems, and starting new lives as mermaids living happily in the sea. When they were born Chin-hae came out first, technically making him older, and it's how he acted. He was a textbook caring and protective big brother to his sister. His emotions could sometimes get the better of him (as demonstrated at dinner) but he had the biggest heart and was so thoughtful. Especially when it came to Eun.
Eun's name was chosen without a second thought. As soon as she opened her eyes, she looked up at Ji Wo with shining silver eyes. As beautiful as they were, there was concern. The doctors did some tests and found out that Eun was colorblind. They explained, in laymen's terms, that the parts of the eye that perceived color hadn't developed and therefor lacked pigment. That's why her eyes looked silver, and how Ji Wo chose her name.
When the two got older, Ji Wo tried explaining that Eun was colorblind, but Chin-hae didn't understand and thought that she meant Eun was completely blind. This misunderstanding created many memories that you'll never forget. You laugh to yourself thinking about one of your favorites. Chin-hae was constantly by his sister's side since learning that she was 'blind'. He was always holding her hand, trying to do everything for her, even tried brushing her teeth every now and then. One time you had called them to dinner but heard the two yelling at each other in the other room.
"Careful Eun! You have hold my hand, there's a step, you'll fall!"
"No I won't! I do it myself!"
"You can't! You're blind!"
"Nu uh! I see you!"
"No! You not see anything!"
Eun gasped, "I not see you?"
She immediately started bawling her eyes out, "No oppa, I not see you!"
Chin-hae did his best to comfort her and grabbed her hand, "Hush Eun, it's okay. You always just hold me, like this."
He walked her over to the table and sat like nothing had happened but you couldn't wait to relay it all to Ji Wo. It was the sweetest thing watching him make her plate and then try to feed her. Ji Wo had to explain things a few more times before they finally understood what she meant. Even so, he still describes every color that he sees to her whenever she asks. You often daydream that that's how things could have been with you and your brother.
You let the bitter-sweet memory fade away when you enter the living room and take a seat next to Hoseok. ‘Of course he was saving me a seat next to him.’ He nuzzles himself into your side and carries on talking about the upcoming festival on the island. No one listens to a word he says because how could they? Did he just willingly throw himself into the lions den? What were you going to do they thought,
‘is she going to gouge out his eyes?’
‘Stab him for invading her space?’
‘Pull out his hair?’
‘Use his bones to make her bread-? Oh wait no that’s Shrek.’
Your only reaction though is to put your arm around him and listen to his rambling about this festival. You never bored of your ray of sunshine. You could always count on him to lift you up or calm you down. Of everyone you knew, no one was able to explain how the two of you could be so close. With seemingly nothing in common, you were total opposites and not in a cute Christmas romcom type of way. But maybe that was why you loved him so much.
The expectation is that the people who’d like you would look just as scary, be just as off putting, just as much a monster as you knew you really were. Yet it was someone like Hoseok to welcome you into his life. He saw the sliver of a good heart that you still had and spoke life into it.
“You’ll never leave us again.”
“We owe you our lives.”
“You’re not a bad person.”
“I love you y/n.”
Even though you weren’t into holding hands, snuggling on the couch, or going to whatever festival Hoseok was talking about, you’d do it for him. For all of them. So you let him snuggle into your side while you run your fingers through his hair like he liked, and Hoseok plays with your free hand. “-that sound good to you y/n?”
‘God knows what he’s talking about’
“Yeah sounds good Hobi.”
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emeraldvagabond · 3 years
The title of “High Lady” is meaningless also because of the the fact that Feyre started being High lady and then had a kid like a year or less after. Not saying the any female political leaders can’t have kids but I don’t think that it’s a stretch to say that political leaders—men or women—don’t have a lot of time to raise a new born baby without hired help. Their busy leading a country. Sarah J makes a point in a acowar and acofas to write Rhysand going on meetings and actually doing high lord stuff. I noticed that when he’s not on page, he’s usually busy doing something (they’re mostly one-liners with no further explanation or it’s mentioned in passing, but I noticed that Sarah says Rhysand is usually in some type of non-specific meeting to explain him being absent from specific scenes.)
But in Acosf, where the narrative doesn’t require Feyre to be present all the time, sarah doesn’t do this with Feyre. Why isn’t Feyre going to these meetings with Rhysand throughout acowar, acofas, and acosf? Why doesn’t she go with him to check up on the Illyrian camps, or help plot alliances and figure out peace (outside of the walls of her new home cause the only time we see her actually talking about important stuff after acowar with the rest of the characters is when it’s already a casual meeting inside one of her 5 houses where she would’ve been even if the meeting was taking place without her.) the only time she takes initiative in being apart of diplomatic/political affairs and conversations is at the CoN AND EVEN THEN, shes just a trophy for Rhysand to show off and she doesn’t have much say/knowledge about what’s actually being discussed in those moments. She does very little talking in those scenes (The first example I think about it that one scene in WAR where Rhys went behind all their backs and made a deal with Eris + Keir. Even Feyre didn’t know anything about Rhys’s plan)
Why does she have time to teach art classes and raise a child if BOTH her and Rhysand are supposedly busy being high lord and High lady. I guess people could say that the others will help out with Nyx but Cassian is busy being a general. Az is a spy and is usually off doing that. Mor wasn’t even in the NC for the majority of SF. I doubt that they’d be willing to hire a 24/7, live-in nanny. Nesta and Elain have their own internal problems to deal with so I don’t think it’d be fair of Feyre to just expect them to help non-stop. It’s ridiculously dumb to think that Feyre is even close to being Rhysand’s (or any other high lords) political equal. Makes me roll my eyes everytime people think that Feyre being a High Lady makes her a powerful female characters. It literally means nothing.
You're right and you should say it. Title ≠ power. He gives her the title, gifts it to her on their wedding night. Thereby gifting her a political place. Except she doesn't ever use it, because she's never given a chance. Feyre says all through the second book that her biggest fear is becoming the Spring Courts Lady, Tamlins trophy, but then she gets this title from Rhysand and goes "yes my life is complete time to fulfill my duty of bearing children"
And i get that people can change their minds. I understand that- i get that sometimes "not wanting" children means not wanting them with a specific person. Or under specific circumstances. But this distaste for children stems from a fear of becoming a prize for Tamlin to show off, instead of his wife and lady, and mother of his children. That is practically written in the second book. SJM is not known for her ability to show in her writing.
But then she gets with Rhys and becomes....exactly that. She does nothing but sit pretty in those crowns he gives her, but because he's given her a title that hold inexplicable weight but never expects the responsibility of it...she thinks she made it.
Now, as Lady of the Spring Court, I imagine her responsibilities would be a little more complicated than she was making them out to be in the first book. She's worrying about embroidering pillows and making guest lists...but realistically she would take care of the house, direct servants, host parties, and charities(which would be needed after the return from UtM...Tamlin's people had suffered non-stop loss for 50 years.) Rearing young animals, keeping tabs of the finances alongside Tamlin, spending time in the villages among the people checking on their work but also sharing in their joys and plights, giving when people are struggling, providing comfort and amends and companionship, she would have been expected to study the laws and their history, traditions of the Spring Court and where they came from and why they are upheld. She would be expected to learn about the land of the court itself, would have been in charge of staffing and overseeing the workers, including servants and guards and everything in between, she would have had her own orchards or livestock for when the trading became slow, she would have, alongside women that she had chosen, tend the gardens and help in the harvest, make clothes and other things for her staff and people. And that would have only been the surface of her duties as the Lady of the Court.
But, she's worried about embroidering pillows BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO READ, and yet she expects this title of ruler to be handed to her. Read that again. She does not know how to read and she wants complete political power.
When she does become Rhysand's Highlady....she....literally doesn't do anything. Nesta did more in their estate that was gifted to them by Tamlin, where she isn't in charge of whole lands, than Feyre ever does while being Highlady. Feyre stays in Rhysand's bed, or on his lap, or silently at his side. She doesn't attend meetings, she doesn't learn the people she's now ruler of, she doesn't know the laws or the history of the place. She doesn't even bother to learn. She is literally nothing more than a pretty consolation prize for Rhysand, and she never even realizes it....because he's just that good at manipulation, I suppose.
And you, again, are absolutely right about being unable to do the things that she wasn't doing anyway with a newborn. Either she will have to be reduced to even less than she is now, or she will expect it of her sisters.
Honestly, at this point, all Rhysand did was move her from one "cage" into the next. This ones just gilded because he miraculously shows no signs of trauma despite being ✨the most traumatized character of alllll✨
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hb-writes · 3 years
One More Chapter
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When Clara wished a devil of a child upon her older brother, Tommy responded with a similar cheek, telling the girl he had already met his quota in raising her. But it was Polly who, on more than one occasion, uttered wishes that Clara one day be forced to deal with a devil of her own, a child similar to herself, with the same bit of persuasive cleverness. Clara never anticipated that child would be her sweet nephew, Charles.
They all charged Clara with doting too much, spoiling a boy who was already well spoiled by the army of nannies and housemaids who looked after him, but it was his Aunt Clara who did the most damage by easily succumbing to his expectations, setting very little by the way of limitations where sweets and cuddles and bedtime stories were concerned.
Everyone suspected it was because Clara still loved those things herself, cuddles and stories and sweets, but with her busy schedule, a bedtime routine like the one Charles Shelby expected was a demanding bit of upkeep. The boy knew exactly how to make his aunt comply though, with a sweet smile or a nonchalant reminder that she’d been away, passing a few evenings with other family or in her old bed at the house on Watery Lane, instead of with him at Arrow House.
Charles stuck his hand between the pages of the book when his aunt made to close it, an infamous pout coming to his lips. “Can’t we read just one more?” he asked, prying the tome from her hands and settling it in his own lap.
Clara was tired. She had felt her eyes pulling closed as she struggled through the last paragraphs of the chapter they just finished. It was school and Shelby Company Ltd. and traipsing back and forth between Birmingham and Warwickshire and occasionally as far as London that was tiring her. And it was the constant cycle of waking too early after falling asleep far too late, the constant motion and demand for more and more and more.
“You’ve already—”
“Charles, you’ve already had one chapter,” he said, bringing a smile to Clara’s face as he mocked a tone very characteristic of Tommy. “That’s what dad always says.”
“Used to say the same to me and Uncle Finn.”
Clara burrowed further into the warmth of the shared covers, resting her head against one of the pillows as Charles skimmed through the first page of the next chapter. 
It was a mistake on her part, getting under the covers in the first place. She couldn’t afford to go to bed yet, had a few pages of the ledgers left to go over with Tommy and after that, she had an assignment for school to read through one last time, which was why she hadn’t yet bathed or changed into her nightgown and robe. Her day wasn’t nearly close to finished.
But she would have liked for it to be, would have loved to stay cuddled up with Charles, reading until they both fell asleep, not to be disturbed until Frances called them down for breakfast the next day.
“It’s late, Charlie.”
“Please? Just one more chapter? We were supposed to be through chapter five by now.”
Clara sighed, pulling the volume back into her grasp. They were moving more slowly through the book than she had anticipated. He had originally asked after the Sherlock Holmes novels Clara stashed on her brother’s office bookshelves, but Charles had been deemed too young for them still. He had put up a fuss at that but the affront was easily rectified when Clara brought home something newly published, a story of a boy and his loyal teddy, something Charles quickly identified with.
Clara glanced at the clock on her nephew’s wall. They’d been at it for close to an hour. She was a bit surprised no one had come in to remind them of bedtime, or in Clara’s case, to remind her of the papers that still needed reviewing.
She fingered the pages of the next chapter as she continued considering the clock. It was a short one, something they could be through in a quarter of an hour or less, but her eyes were so tired and the bed was so warm and she could easily see herself never leaving the bed if she had to read even a few more sentences of the wholesome story of Winnie-the-pooh. 
“Please, Aunt Clara?” Charles prompted again.
“My eyes are very tired, Charlie boy. Can’t we read it tomorrow?”
“But what if you’re not here? Sometimes you say you’ll be home but you aren’t.”
Clara rubbed at her eyes. The boy had a very good, not so very easily argued against point because Clara had developed a habit of not being at Arrow House when she said she’d be there.
“Alright,” Clara said, attempting to sit up into a better reading position. “One more chapter, Charlie boy.”
Charles smiled, squirming happily at the success of his persuasions. He grabbed the book from her before she sat up properly.
“I’ll read to you,” he said. “You lie down and rest your eyes.”
Clara smiled, kissing the boy’s forehead before following his order, placing her head on the pillow beside him so she could see the quaint illustrations and follow along with him to help with the larger words as needed. She didn’t last past the second page though, and when Frances did come up to remind the pair about the importance of bedtimes, she found only one of the Shelbys neglecting their sleep. Charles was wide awake whispering aloud the words from his storybook while Clara slept soundly beside him.
“Can’t I finish the chapter?” he whispered across the room to Frances. “To help her stay asleep?”
Frances smiled at seeing them both so content. She was honestly grateful to see the girl resting at such an early hour. Though Frances should have told him no, she had no plans to wake Clara or stop Charles mid-chapter. She would let her boss know where his sister had fallen asleep, let him decide how to proceed. And she would give the boy time enough to finish up and only then come back and see to it that Charles kept his word.
“Just the one chapter,” she said, “then you best turn out the lights and join your aunt in getting some rest.”
Charles nodded at the woman, checking on his sleeping aunt before turning back to the book, his whispers still heard out in the hall where Frances stood listening to the pair for an extra moment after closing the door.
Peaky Blinders (Little Lady Blinder) Masterlist
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cornacopicimagines · 4 years
best of friends pt.2 │t.h
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pairing: singledad!mob!tom holland x singlemom!reader
words: 5.7k
warnings:  SMUT, swearing, major violence, depictions of violence and blood, rough sex, oral (male receiving), face fucking, unprotected sex, dom!tom & creampie.
summary: Everything was perfect. The two-and-a-half years since they first met have been nothing but love and respect. Until, y/n comes home one night, her husband gone for the time being. It all somehow crumbles in front of her, she can't help but question it. Though this thought is nothing to what he feels in that very moment. It's pure fear and terror, a pent-up storm of worry. Their comfort zone is nothing longer alive, it was buried and left to rot. 
a/n: so. it must be said, i went through three different plots before i settled on this one. that is why this goddamn fic has taken me so long to write. This is probably the last mob!tom holland fic i'll write because bitch has a lot of other AUs that i would honestly prefer to write. enjoy! 
part 1
y/n waited for a moment. It wasn't long, but it was enough she had to check the clock on her wrist. 1:37am. Although she heard the snoring of Lottie, sound asleep in her bed, y/n knew otherwise. She knew that as soon as her feet hit the carpeted floor of her daughter's bedroom, the girl would shoot straight up and whine for y/n to come back. She loved Lottie with all of her heart, like all of her kids, however sometimes the precious little angels got on her nerves. Just last Tuesday is a prime example as y/n desperately fiddling with the buttons of Tom's shirt, wanting nothing more to take every inch of him while his whole operation continued below them. Just as she had popped the last latch, James called out for his father from across the house, most likely because one of the boys got hurt again from the play fighting they insisted they do. Sadly, y/n redid her husband's buttons and let him leave her widely aroused and dissatisfied.
As she watched Lottie take in her small breaths, y/n recounted the moments. She still remembers her wedding, clear as day. It was in their garden, with the trees dressed in beautiful pink silk and the flowers somehow in full bloom. No one was around, it's was secluded and perfect. It was just them, Theo and James stood side by side, their matching suits made her heart swell. Their perfectly rosy cheeks lit up as they saw y/n make her way down the grassy aisle. Though she never saw it, Tom admits that it was Theo who smacked him on the arm to turn around. To come face to face with his bride, a blushing bride that was 7 months pregnant. It was a rush of a events that y/n never quite saw occuring so early into her life. Yet, the day she told Tom they were going to be parents, he asked her to marry him. Of course, y/n organised a typical wedding after she had given birth but at that very second, every bad thing she had to live through suddenly became a single speck of sand on a vast beach. A prologue to her wonderful life ahead of her.
The door swung open slightly, though the light from outside Lottie's room was off, y/n could instantly tell who was stepping over countless dolls and plastic cars. Tom knelt at the side of his daughter's bed, just below his wife as she softly stroked Lottie's forehead. "You need some rest Sweetness," he told her quietly, watching over Lottie's snoring figure.
"I can't" y/n stifled through a yawn. Though she greatly needed to run to her bed and pass out, she refused to leave Lottie unless she knew her daughter was absolutely deep in sleep. Tom sighed, letting his forehead hit the soft linen of the bed cover.
"You need sleep, I can't look after the brady bunch by myself," Tom joked. His hand came to draw soft circles on y/n's thigh. It was nothing if not soothing to her. He could directly make out her face in the darkness, but Tom knew his wife was smiling, a low grin painted upon her fatigued face. "I'll take this shift."
y/n reached out for his face, finding it in seconds. Her thumb now matched the pattern on his cheek that Tom was drawing on her thigh. "We made a deal," it was his speciality, but he never wanted it to get this bad. "You would help Theo with his Valentine's Day gift if I could get this one to sleep."
y/n possessed many traits that Tom adored. She was empathetic, a woman of incredible wit and intelligence, had the stamina of a bull but her stubbornness seemed to be her crowing glory. Tom knew his wife as well as he knew how to count to ten. She wasn't leaving until absolute confirmation was handed to her. "Sweetness, I would prefer if you came to bed with me," he tried, the approach was simple and usually it worked.
"As much as I would adore that, I'm not going anywhere with you mister," y/n teased. Her attention focusing back on Lottie. Perhaps it was the way her eyelids seemed to betray her, closing every few seconds or if it was simply the way the mattress felt beneath her legs. Eventually though, the mixture of all of those and her husband's head laying flat on her thighs, she began to slowly creep off the bed. The pads of her feet pressed against the floor in such delicacy, y/n doubted that she even touching it. She reached out for Tom, grasping slightly at his bare bicep as she lifted herself up.
Tom caught on to his wife's movements and made sure that the path was completely clear of any of Lottie's toys. Calmly, the pair of them tip-toed out. Every move halted by their daughter's movements but eventually, the door closed and y/n was free from the little montress's grip. y/n wishes that she was more awake, more alert because even in her half sleep dazed she could make out the tight white singlet that clung to Tom's body. She reached out for him, it was the weakest of touchs. Yet, her hand fell on his shoulder and running up to the base of his neck. It wasn't sexual in any form, instead they stood in the dim light in complete silence. Watching each other feel the affected of forced insomnia.
"How am I going to get up this morning," y/n giggled as she accepted the sudden embrace from Tom. Her head finding it's way into the same shoulder she tenderly caressed seconds ago. Tom's fingers coiled around her forearm gently as the began to quietly walk to their bedroom. "Hopefully Meg will be around at that time," she sighed as the soft breeze of their room hit her face. Meg was their nanny, a woman who has been employed by Tom since James was a baby. She was a sweet old thing, a cliché of the lovely old lady in fairtales.
"She will, sadly I won't," Tom told her, pressing a kiss to her cheek as they both hid themselves under the sating covers. y/n wanted to continue the conversation, she knew that Tom wouldn't be back at home until tomorrow night and for the first time, she would be in charge of everyone but she couldn't. As soon as her head hit the lavender scented pillow, she was out like a light. Tom just chuckled in return, pulling her into a soft embrace.
y/n wasn't an idiotic woman. She has been with Tom for two and a half years; married to him for two years, she immediately knew when something didn't feel right. As her fingers gripped the steering wheel, she peered in her rear-view mirror. It was something Tom's bodyguards drive around in. The vehicle was large and bulky, looking like it a take down a building with minimum amount of speed. It was painted in the midnight black, even the widows seemed to be darkened. Like before, y/n recognised the model of the car to be a sister of the cars she would frequently have to ride in if she accompanied Tom anywhere, he thought posed even the slightest amount of danger. She knew that with every corner she took, the car would mimic her turns. y/n caught onto it in seconds, watching through Lottie's car seat and Theo's mop of hair. It didn't help that when she called Tom's head guard, he told her that he had followed her orders. To let her pick up her children to avoid the never-ending shock from the ensemble of 6'5 muscular men accompanying her wherever she went.
"Do you want us to do anything about it ma'am?" he asked through the car's speaker. y/n pondered for a few seconds. While her gut was screaming at her that this was something completely out of the ordinary, if there was any ordinary being married to a Mob boss. Her mind knew that if she did say something to him now it was no doubt find its way to Tom. He would instantly assume the worst and cancel any important deal in front of him to race home. The guard's voice pulled her out of her concentration.
"Get the house under lockdown," she ordered, for the first time she felt truly in control but as all things it was slipping. "Do not tell my husband."
"Ma'am, it is imperative that Mr. Holland know of this," the guard protested. y/n had been going through quite a rough day. She was tired, overworked and constantly around wailing children. She refused to be around another. Her jaw clenched as she pulled into their street, the car still hot on her tail.
"I don't care, Tom will not know of this," y/n snapped, peering up for a final time but to her initial surprise that car had vanished. She had no clue where the fucker had gone. "It's probably nothing," she spoke quietly. The sentence was more reassurance for herself than from him, yet he had heard her, accepted her terms and hung up.
As she pulled the car into the impressively large garage, she lets her bare forehead hit top of the steering wheel. She closed her eyes for a moment, breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth.
"Mum," Theo called out from the backseat, "are you alright?" The boy's question was laced with genuine concern. It released whatever anxiety riddled grip had got a hold of y/n. She gazed up, smiling as she let all her negative thoughts leave her before turning to her three children.
"I am just really tired honey," she replied as she exited the car and proceeded to undo Lottie's buckled. "Not to worry, I think it is Boy's Movie Night tonight!" Both boys cheered in unison. The afternoon went on as usual. Theo and James spent the entire time with their faces glued to the screen in front of them. Squealing every time the supposed bad guys landed flat on his ass, jumping at every occasion that they could. Even if they lived in a mansion, y/n was positive that everyone in this house could hear their playful laughter.
y/n sat next to Lottie; her curly brunette hair clipped back into two adorable pigtails. Lottie was a carbon copy of Tom. Even next to her half-brother James, Lottie seemed to possess ever physical trait of y/n's husband. The smooth somehow flawless skin, the bouncy chestnut curls that y/n just knows will be her daughter's statement piece when she grows up and finally the pair of chocolate eyes that gets her father weak every time, she babbles up at him. She wondered how all of her children would look like when they get old enough to make their own decisions. While James doesn't have Tom's colouring like Lottie does, he has this glimmer of mischievousness in his eyes. Something y/n has loves about her boys, they all share this odd ball of high-energy. Theo looks exactly like y/n, her colouring and her features. Theo's look alikeness to his mother is something y/n feels is divine intervention. To show that, this is her son. Her baby boy and no one else's unless she says so.
"Ma'am" Meg's heavy Irish accent perks up. She's standing at the windows, peering through the curtains slightly. "I think you should see this," she advises before stepping away from the scene and running to grab Lottie from her highchair. y/n hesitantly waltzes over, she presents a cool face to her children, but she can feel her stomach crawling into her throat as she gets closer. y/n pulls the fabric back slightly, she prays that is it now in the early hours of the night and the light is off. It's the same car, it's now parked across the road from her house. Just outside of their camera’s visibility, the vehicle is camouflaged almost to perfection, she can still spot it. Its headlights are off and the car makes not a single sound. At first, y/n faithfully believes she is now seeing things, that her brain is so unfathomably tired it has resorted to petty tricks. That is until one of the car doors open quickly. She waits for a moment as does this figure in the car before a pair of fit hit the ground. Though it makes no clamour, it startles her. y/n doesn’t wait to meet his eyes as his head ducks under the car roof to fully meet the air. She turns around to meet Meg’s eyes, the women wear matching looks.
“Take the children into the spare room, go now,” y/n speaks softly as not to alarm her sons. Meg nods quickly, instantly holstering Lottie on her hips and shooing the boys away from the glowing TV.
She pauses until she hears the door close. It’s deafening. She turns her attention back to the scene, it’s worse than before. There’s at least 7 of them huddled around this car, pulling unknown bags from the seats. As the mystery bags hit the ground, the unknown men begin opening it. It’s filled to the brim with metal, the holsters of guns peeking through with the aid of the dim light of the streetlight. y/n refused to observe anymore, silently she alerts the guards in the house. She doesn’t even process the next second, it’s like nothing is working anymore. y/n knows what the sound is, she knows what is happening, she knows that in a matter of seconds the men have begun firing at her front landing. Killing anyone standing outside, she can feel the bullets entering their bodies.
It’s with that, y/n goes from a fast pace to sprinting. She rushes down the long halls to meet with her children. It’s feels like an eternity that she is opening doors, calling out for any of them. All the while, gunshots ring out like a bell, constant and terrible. Her phone vibrates,it send her nerves over the edge. y/n stops for a second to stare at it, Tom’s name lights up the screen. Instead of answering, her fingers lose all their function. Her phone drops from her hand and hits the floor. She wants to pick it up but her feet work against her and begin to simply pace herself away from her phone as it continues to hum against the tiles.
Finally, she reaches the room. Meg holds Lottie close to her chest, rocking the toddler back and forth as Lottie cries into Meg’s shirt. Theo and James are standing in the middle of the room. Both look like they are on their verge of tears and to be completely truthfully, so was she. Closing the door, y/n immediately wraps her arms around her sons. She feels the wet tears staining her shoulders. She feels their chests rise and fall drop as best they can.
“You boys are so brave,” she sooths, her palms rubbing circles atop their heads. Slowly, she peers up. While the gunfire continues to ring out, y/n stares at the people in the room with her. Not a single bulb is turned on, the area is pitch black, but she can still see how this if affecting the boys. How Meg clutches onto Lottie’s wailing body. “It’ll be over soon.”
“You promise,” James chokes out, he wipes his face of her blouse. y/n pressed a tender kiss to his hair. She lets a single tear escape her eyes.
“I swear handsome,” y/n tells him, but she’s not convinced by the sound of her own voice. The boys pull away from her, one of her hands reaches for their salty cheeks. “Everything will be alright, Mumma swears.”
She doesn’t want to; she wants to scream. She wants to burn the entire house to the ground. She wants to leave with her children and never come back. y/n has never felt this in her entire life. This is not only pure terror for the lives of her children but it’s uncontrollable rage. She’s being held together by a tearing material of a rubber band. Her limbs are coiled, feeling as though she has rusted in the rain. Her mind doesn’t stop, it runs as if it has never felt this wrathful freedom in its life. A million different thoughts threaten to take power, as if they should decide her next move. She doesn’t let them of course, y/n’s had practice at this, and she will not crack now.
“Meg, give me Charlotte now,” y/n’s voice is hoarse and breaking with ever vowel that drops from her lips. The old lady rushes over to y/n and hands her Lottie. The toddler instinctively wraps her arms around y/n, refusing to let go. Another 20 minutes go by, it's torture. The air seems to wash around y/n as she clings onto her children for dear life. Quietly, she pans over to Meg. The old woman looks as if she has turned from the humble baker's wife down the street to death herself. Their eyes lock, passing silent messages to each other.
I'm sorry, y/n pleads. She thinks if she spoke it aloud, it would travel barely above a whisper.
It's okay, sweetheart, Meg responded. Though the woman only truly meant the first part, y/n wanted to believe that she would have used the nickname to calm her nerves. Somehow it did.
The moment lasted for only seconds. A fleeting feeling of safety was ruined by the doorknob rattling furiously. At the speed of sound, y/n had handed Lottie over to Meg and told her to hide in the bathroom with the children. y/n heard everything, the door lock behind Meg and the muffled yelling behind the door in front of y/n. She scrambled to her feet, driving her to the wide bedside table. She threw open the doors until she landed on the one thing she never believes she's use. A small handgun. y/n didn't quite have time to question her morals at this very second in time. y/n wrapped her fingers around the handle just as the door swung open. Tears spilled as she pointed the gun aimlessly.
"Thank god," his familiar voice rang out. y/n sunk to her knees, the gun falling right from her fingertips. Tom rushed to her side; he didn't know what to say to her. He knew exactly what she was feeling, he knew whatever attempt he made at explaining the horrid situation would break his poor wife even further.
y/n studied his features in the dim light of the room as he got closer to her. She had never seen him in such a state. His hair flopping all over his face, hiding whatever panic was clearly evident over his features. More specifically, y/n watched as it became clearer. A large splatter of blood across his right cheek. She fell right into his arms, finally allowing herself to stain his shirt with her burst of weeps.
y/n's body was on fire. The fire was nothing but pure pain. As if bugs were nesting right under skin, desperate for a gasp of air. Even the clock ticked loudly, ever noise of the hand pressed her brain against her skull. Every joint rigid in its own specific way, damaged and tight.
"Sweetness, talk to me," Tom soothed, using the towel to clean the final fragments of blood off his cheek. Her eyes squinted at him, waiting for him to do anything other than be his normal gentle self. y/n slid herself off the foot of their bed and walked to the closed door. Flashing images of the other room crossing her mind.
"I need to check on the kids," she huffed. While y/n knew Meg was laying wide away on the floor of Theo's room as all three children slept contently, she wanted to be away from him at a moment like this. She needed to not see his face. Alas, Tom's hand gripped her wrist tightly. The touch sizzled her skin, the tension elevated for a split second.
y/n whipped around to face him; Tom felt his patience slipping from him. "y/n, be an adult," he hissed.
Tom knew he shouldn't be talking to her like this, but he was at his wit's end. A candle burning to the final wax. He mentally fucked himself over when he got that stupid fucking call. Sir, your wife has informed us of an unidentified vehicle following her, it engraved itself into his mind. Tom remembers sitting at the desk, wondering if she was witnessing the same group, he had fucked over a few months ago. Deciding it could wait, Tom told them to keep his updated throughout the night. As if whatever god was up there decided to play a tortuous comedy routine with Tom, it did begin to progress. First, the car pulling up hours before his arrival. Then the major security breach and finally as they began shooting at his house, ready to slaughter anyone they found inside. Especially his family.
She watched his intently. Waiting for a further response and yet, nothing. Her anger was bubbling over. "I am an adult," she seethed at him, her fingers unwrapping themselves from the doorknob. "I make sure that my children are safe, I make it my life's mission to ensure that I am not the direct cause of those certain dangers I wish to keep them so far away from!"
She had ripped her hand from his grasp, this wasn't something she was backing away from. It was something she could fight and to which she intended to do until the very end.
The little monologue broke Tom's heart. How could she believe that he would do such a horrific thing? How could she blame him for the events that unfolded tonight? He wondered if she truly knew this was never his intention. That he never wanted his family to come under direct attack all because he made one dangerous decision.
“You don’t talk to me like that y/n,” He grumbled. The air seemed to thicken with every word, cause more distance between the spouses. It was never like this they fought like a normal couple but never with this much venom. “I don’t deserve such criticism, especially from you.”
“Why?” she pondered, she moved closer to him. Inching closer with every second. “Is it because you question my authority? Or maybe is it because I am some silly little schoolteacher who got trouble with the wrong kind of people," she moved closer with every word of the sentence, pushing her dangerously closer. It’s a risk she must take if she wants to feel any sort of release.
“Stop being so theatrical y/n, you endured something horrible, but that is what you signed up for when you married me,” the room climbed in temperature. Tom had half a mind to strip himself just to get closer to peace, but with y/n so close to his chest, he preferred to work on her. Tom can’t pinpoint what made his mind switch in directions. Maybe it was the ever-growing heat, or perhaps it was the indescribable feeling of almost losing your wife and mother of your children. Either way, Tom thoughts were growing darker. The need to bruise y/n’s skin seemed to be the only thing he could really think about. “You wanted this,” he grunted, closing in on her. “Sweetness, you agreed to this lifestyle as soon as you sunk your sweet cunt onto me.”
The vulgarity of his words caught her off guard. Her breath stopped halfway when her back almost slammed into the wall. She wasn’t giving in so easily, even if the heat from her body had swiftly travelled to the valley between her thighs. y/n turned her head away from him in any desperation to not look at him. Unfortunately, Tom caught her actions as if he knew her every move. His fingers pressed against her chin to bring her eyes back to him. Tom was worried for an instant that she would truly be too furious with him to play into his game. Luckily, her eyes betrayed her. The big doe eyes of her stared up at him, pleaded to be fucked like an animal. Slammed into until all of her rage had slipped from her conscious.
“Screw yourself Tom,” she coughed out. She was playing along, y/n knew exactly where this was heading. A tender kiss was placed upon her lips, while the action itself was soft, nothing about the kiss genuinely was. It was the ultimate puzzle piece for him.
"You want to speak to me like a bitch," Tom chuckled, "you'll get fucked like a bitch." He kicked the back of her knees harshly, causing her to meet with the floor. "On your knees and hands behind your back." She wanted to protest, she wanted to act out the little brat but like most things, her arms instinctively pulled themselves behind her. "Now, I sincerely hope I don't have to punish you further sweetness," Tom soothed as he swiftly undid the buckle of his jeans, discarding the items of clothing across the room. His throbbing cock hit the base of his stomach with a soft slap. y/n bit her lip in instinct, it had been a while, and did she wholly miss this glorious scene in front of her.
y/n leaned forward and dragged her tongue from the base of him until her lips met with the beads of pre-cum drenching him. Slowly but surely, she wrapped her lips around him. Letting him enjoy the wet cavern of her mouth for a short time. He threw his head back in unison with a beautifully quiet moan. Her eyes never left him, as she bobbed her head gradually. If she was on her knees unable to reach out and touch him, she would at least make it fun for her. y/n only quickened her pace if their line of focus connected. As soon as Tom stared directly into her eyes, she would start her movements but if he turned away to enjoy the moment, everything would stop. It went like this before Tom had quite enough of it all. Without uttering a single word, Tom wrangle his hands into her soft hair and thrusted right up into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat roughly. She gagged loudly, making an awful sound as she attempted to regain her position. He pulled away from her, only to slam right back into her mouth. Unlike her plan beforehand, as he face fucked her, his pace begins to speed up.
y/n was now struggling to hold back her ragged gags as small tears slid out of her eyes. "Pretty girl, all worked out from my cock in your mouth huh?" Tom teased as he relished in the sounds of her cacophony of broken breaths. Just as quickly as he began, he pulled away from her complete. He dropped out of her mouth with a small pop and a trail of saliva that landed on the tops of her breasts. "Get up," to which she happily obliged. As soon as y/n had regained her footing, Tom's hands had completely destroyed her pants. The loose skirt was now in two pieces at her feet, along with her favourite pair of panties. Unfortunately, she didn't even get a second to scold him before he spun her around and slammed her chest against the wall. The pain excited her, it coursed through her torso and down into her legs, causing them to spasm slightly.
Tom looked at her, in the soft moonlight she was glowing. Ass facing him, tits pressed up against the wall. Complete ready for him. Tom gave her a small kiss on her shoulder, this time it truly was meant to be tender but in typical Tom fashion. As soon as his lips left her skin, Tom plunged right up into her. His hand covering her surprised squeal. God did he miss this. Filling her tight pussy right up to the brim. Even after everything they had been through, she still fit him like a glove. Hugged him so perfectly, Tom was worried he was shot his load right into her at this very moment. Sadly, he pushed the thought away and began rocking into her; his hand still covered over her mouth.
y/n could feel every inch of his like this. She could feel just how hard he was ramming into her cunt. Her nails gripped onto the wall in front of her as she whimpered into the palm of his hand. With every snap of his hips, her worries seemed to really melt away. All the tension built up in her body being oiled as he parted her legs to reach a nook in her that she thought impossible. “Tommy, f—fuck, oh my god,” it was incoherent garble. Nonsense talk as her eyes rolled back into her head for a few seconds. His head found the valley of her neck, peppering light kisses a major difference to the rough pace he had adopted.
“What is it sweetness,” Tom gasped right into her ear. The hot air tickling her skin. His other hand gripped callously at her hip, bruising the delicate skin under his fingers. “Come on tell me,” Tom was struggling to keep himself in check. The pure sound of skin against skin as he fucked her ass filled the air, pushing him closer to ecstasy. His hand pulled away from her lips, an immediately low moan tumbled from her lips. y/n waited for her body to response to anything, everything thrown out the window every time his dick hit her perfect spot inside of her.
“Har—harder,” she strained through strings of vulgarities and chants of his name. Tom smirked at her, she caught it before he pulled away from her. Tom started to slow his movements, observing how she swallowed him whole every time he thrusted into her tight hole.
“You really want it harder sweetness?” Tom asked, he was just as desperate for a release as she was. y/n nodded her head furiously, words seeming to fail her at this instance. “Turn around,” he ordered, she swivelled around to face him. Her once neat hair now a mess of pleasure tugged strains. Her lids fluttering shut and her cheeks flushed. She looked like a Greek statue. Tom bent and lifted her over his shoulders, earning a tiny giggle from his huffing wife above him. He frantically sprinted over to their bed and promptly chucked her on it. The force knocking a bit of wind out of her.
In a flash of actions, her face had been pressing into the mattress and her ass high up in air. Tom gave it a light smack before lining up and pounding right into her. Both of them let out a soft line of curses. It had never been this intense in their entire relationship.
The room was silent. Nothing could be heard outside but inside was a different idea. Tom brought her hips down roughly onto him, matching his tattered speed. y/n’s breaths were muffled by the cover of the blanks, her hands desperate for anything to latch onto for support as he fucks her relentlessly. It a beautiful mixture of sounds. Nothing like the soft breaths and gasps on a normal night. While those still as amazing as now, this was pure unfiltered animalistic need. No feelings, just a fantastic way to blow off incredible tense steam. Tom usually adored staring at her as her face scrunched up in pleasure but something about how every time his cock rammed up into her, everything moved with his thrusts. It was memorising, as if a painting had been brought to life. y/n had lost track of time during this, so focused on the way he was able to stretch her so wide that she had completely forgot how long she had been lying here. She didn’t dwell on it for too long before the divine familiar feeling presented itself to her, dwelling at the pit of her stomach.
“Go faster, I’m going t—to come,” she pleaded, lifting her head up for only a moment before diving right back into her muffled screams. Tom growled at this, picking up his already forceful speed. While he tried, his thrusts became sloppy and jagged.
“Come with me sweetness,” he whispered to her, his fingered rubbing cathartic circles on her sensitive clit. The sensation on her bud rupturing another last piece of sanity in her body.
With a final thrust, both y/n and Tom came. A relief as both almost shouted out in absolute ecstasy, their juices mixing together in a beautiful sense of the terms. y/n’s toes curled as she felt it all, every little piece of tension, anger and lust all combine and explode inside of her. Tom wasn’t even the slightest but worried as he had been before this had begun. His sweaty forehead lay against her spine, as his wife attempted to catch her breath. Slowly he pulled out of her, his cum leaking out of her. A sight he would love to have burned into his vision for the rest of his life.
“Feel better?” Tom asked her as he threw himself next to her. y/n turned to face him and for the first time that night an honest grin appeared on her face. A grin given to her by whatever relief she had received moments before.
“Much,” she replied.
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athys-obelia · 3 years
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summary: the non dysfunctional!imperial family au hcs no one asked for 😳👉👈
character/s: anastacius de alger obelia, claude de alger obelia, athanasia de alger obelia, jennette de alger obelia
here's part 2 :)
let’s set our stage, shall we?
first of all claude n anastacius’ dad is dead coz we don’t like him at all ew
so ana is the emperor, and claude is his heir presumptive (aka he’s got the strongest claim to the throne rn, but this can be changed by the birth of someone who has a stronger one - ie, anastacius’ child who would be the heir apparent) also bc “i know my mom and i gave u lots of childhood trauma that you prlly won’t be recovering from because therapists aren’t a thing here but here’s a crown you might get to make it better”
claude’s in a position where after the birth of ana’s kid/direct descendant, he’s gonna be given a duchy that athy should inherit after him while still retaining the title of prince
but after hearing of diana’s pregnancy, ana tells her and claude he doesn’t really plan on having children and wants to make their future kid his successor
he basically reserves a spot for their child in the directory and rather than announcing anything publically, anastacius names her athanasia after the sex is confirmed
then this mf obviously pulls a clown move and gets penelope pregnant and complicates things, ultimately naming her jennette, finding the name fitting - ‘god is gracious’
and really, what could be more evidence of god’s grace than the child he’s now fathering, when he thought his legacy would be ending with him?
so since athy and jennette are born near the beginning of ana’s reign, both claude and anastacius are wayyy too busy trying to bring back the empire from the literal brink of bankruptcy and a possible war to really spend time w their kids
it’s alright, though!! lily is hired as athy’s nanny, while jennette gets kiel’s mom as hers
they all still live together, though obviously the main palace is for ana + jennette while claude + athy are in a separate one
this 'separate one’ is ruby palace after ana dismisses the concubines and he definitely 100% did this on purpose, and whenever he’s summoning claude he’s such a shit about it and goes about it the way you’d summon a deadass concubine
on a separate note, it’s surprisingly claude who visits athy first - he’s seen her here and there with lily but hasn’t ever had the chance to spend time w her. but now it’s almost been a year since athy’s birth (or diana’s death), her first birthday is fast approaching, and he is drunk
lily is a reallyyyy light sleeper and enters the nursery upon hearing someone inside
she doesn’t expect to see the prince standing above his daughter’s crib, a strand of her golden hair between his fingers as he just…stares at her
she approaches quietly, curtsying in greeting - he’s too absorbed to notice, and after a few minutes of silence lilian tells him, “babies can get lonely too, your highness.”
he glances at her then, confused. “how?” he really can’t understand how this girl, who can’t even speak yet comprehend something like loneliness
“princess athanasia is very responsive to her surroundings, much more than children her age usually are,” lily says, “and i like to believe children are able to tell when their parents are with them.”
he scoffs - what a foolish thought. still, claude sits by her bedside, and before he can register it, he’s taken over by sleep
the next night, claude makes his way towards the nursery and stiffly asks if athy could sleep beside him for the night - it’s fairly late, but lilian allows it
he’s gone to the main palace too early the next morning for athy to be awake, but she spent about two minutes tops worrying about the strange surroundings, saw the shiny chandelier and fancy bed and decided yes, she doesn’t mind this kidnapping
this becomes somewhat of a regular occurrence soon enough, and sometime that week she wakes up in the middle of the night with her nose pressed into something soft and literally falls off the huge ass bed at the realisation that this something soft is actually her papa’s hair (you just know that hair smells great i mean uh-)
this mans wakes up and peeks at her on the ground, reaches out to grab her from the front of her nightdress (he swears it’s exactly how he’s seen lilian do it) and plops her back onto the bed
she backs up OBVIOUSLY, you don’t just wake up with a random ass man in your bed and just vibe together?? lee jihye is dying but he glares at her for disturbing his sleep and athy pulls her act together in 0.000001 secs as claude pulls her closer and goes back to sleep
as athy grows, claude starts allowing her to visit his office during the day until it becomes a sort of ritual - he’d have tea and milk prepared and she’d come, sitting somewhere completing a puzzle or sum while he works
mans nearly tears down the entire imperial palace the day she doesn’t show up until he finds her in the garden, teaching jettie the 'proper’ way to hold a teacup during tea parties while lilian and roger’s wife, vivian, watch
athy emotionally blackmails asks him to join the tea party, so half an hour later, anastacius finds his brother sitting on the grass with a plastic teacup that athy’s filling with hot water as she lectures him to learn to fix his posture from lily so he can sit like a “proper dignified lady”
so in the beginning, jennette actually ends up spending more time with claude than her dad. though one day, the brothers are in the audience hall when athy runs in with felix running after her telling her not to run (there’s a shit ton of guards surrounding anastacius so felix has orders to be with princess athanasia when claude is with ana)
anastacius is used to this sight, and watches, smirking at his brother’s subtle smile as athy offers him this wonky looking flower crown - claude accepts it wordlessly, and ana wants to slap his ass to sanity, who wouldn’t thank their kid when they do adorable things like this??
but then they hear another voice, and in comes jennette with vivian not too far behind her. now jettie has a much cleaner looking crown in her hand, but she glances at her father’s elaborate and beautiful crown all embedded with gems and glittering and then at the one she’s fashioned out of daisies
she's always thought she was much like her uncle - jennette was so fascinated by the plain daises, they weren’t flashy but caught her eye all the same - while athy was shiny and bold like her dad
but now she’s second guessing her choice, how could she make such a simple crown for her dad, the emperor??
claude sighs from beside anastacius and literally picks off his brother’s crown before tossing it towards a very tired felix
athy urges jennette forward, and with a bright red covering her entire face she offers the crown. jennette glances at her uncle for comfort before muttering, “for papa”
anastacius.exe has crashed
this blushly, embarrassed, and apparently talented at flower crowns kid was his?
long story short he forgets to breathe or react and jettie thinks he hates the crown and hates her and won’t ever like to see her again so she starts getting teary
claude pushes his brother’s head down before athy can be convicted for murder
ana 100% almost faints when her tiny chubby fingers delicately place the crown in place, he’ll never admit it but he closed his eyes and almost hugged her instinctively as she shyly adjusted some of his bangs around the new headpiece, muttering, “papa pretty”
jennette rushes back to her sister, who’s glaring daggers at the emperor
anastacius tries to smile to calm jennette a bit and maybe look nice enough for his niece to not kill him in his sleep
right well kiel becomes the royal playmate for both the princesses - athy has her classes with him since she’s advanced and honestly they’ll be going back forth with infodumps one minute and he’s teaching her to make paper airplanes the next
(she writes notes on the paper airplanes the next time she’s in claude’s office and flies them towards him, stuff like, 'does uncle cius also snore loudly like papa?’ and he gets seriously offended like a pissbaby)
jennette first met kiel when he was visiting his mom - vivian had to leave for a bit and she taught him a bunch of flower names and their meanings in the meantime - he makes sure to research a new flower every time he visits her, and brings her a bouquet of said flowers she always knows them but never says anything coz she doesn’t wanna hurt his feelings and he gets so excited as he tells her about their meanings it’s so cute
speaking of jennette - claude and ana may seem worlds apart but they’re at the same level of emotionally constipated
ana watches his brother and niece interact and he craves that, an unconditional, timeless love that can’t possibly be tainted by ulterior motives or the like, but he just doesn’t know how to approach little jettie
it seems easy enough - she’s a smiley, sweet girl and theoretically would be friendly if he is to approach her
but gods he’s just so ashamed - such a sweet babe grew without either of her parents and he doesn’t have an excuse because holy hell, even claude is close to athy
he’s being served food in his chambers when he asks the maid about jennette, and she tells him how among her first words was 'love’ and the brunette would just stroll the palace pointing at people and declare “love you” and watch their face light up
thats so CUTE OMFG
his jaw is touching the floor when he’s told that his daughter knows the names of every worker within the palaces
at this point he’s honestly questioning whether this child is his at all
he’s absolutely horrified at the realisation that this maid, who doesn’t even work in jennette’s part of the palace, knows more about her than he does - hell, he hadn’t even asked vivian to keep him updated on her growth, what right does he have to stick himself into her life now?
now, the maid quietly suggests starting with something small like inviting jennette to tea and
of course he goes about it the wrong way??
poor jettie thinks she’s being tested by the ruthless emperor on her etiquette and spends the entire day practicing with claude after athy guilted him into it
she’s so nervous in front of her dad that he honestly feels even guiltier, and anastacius hurries to grab her hands in his to calm their tremble as she reaches to serve him tea
she apologises lmao and he’s just so flustered himself that he orders for her to sit down and instructs her through a few deep breaths
as she calms down, ana serves her the tea before asking whether girls her age even drink tea
she says no and you can literally hear the crickets
he slides the cup he’s poured for her over to his side before gesturing towards the deserts (it was claude’s daughter-luring pro tip) on her side
“you look like you read a lot,” ana says, before asking whether she’s been reading anything interesting lately
“i don’t, actually,” she tells him shyly
anastacius laughs at how of all things his hate for books is what she got from him - and only when jennette chuckles does he realise that he said that out loud
he lets her go around her bedtime, feeling rather… energized? he doesn’t know how to explain it, but it’s a good feeling
he’s busy again the next day, but has an aide send her flowers - the same ones she had put in her flower crown for him
yes lucas is still sleeping in the palace, yes athy still finds him
so athy sees the flowers from uncle cius and is enraged, literally walks up to her uncle and demands he leave jennette alone if he’s only gonna break her heart by neglecting her
and so we have fifteen minutes of the emperor of obelia stuttering as he explains himself to this seven year old
smfh his cluelessness reminds her of her own dad and she takes pity on ana’s suffering soul
the next morning, to give him a chance to redeem himself, athy asks all four of them to have breakfast together - they accept the invitation, and despite an awkward start, the meal seems to be going well
peace is not written in this family’s fate however, and this is where the first coughing up blood thing happens
ohhhh the palace staff almost gets massacred that day
athy’s limp body is moved to jennette’s room since it’s the closest - lily bursts into tears at the very sight of her princess, jennette refuses to eat or drink until her sister can, felix hears his heart break, claude is barely holding himself together
ana is livid - who dares poison a member of his family? what has he even done to earn the privilege of calling these girls his family, when he can’t protect them, at the very least?
claude absolutely refuses to leave her room and finishes all his work right outside her door, lest she wake up in pain again
anastacius can’t keep his own anxiety about jennette at bay, insisting she sleep with him as long as claude stays with athanasia - he can tell she’s drained, and she ends up sharing some of her worries late at night. he soothes both her worries and her cries, letting her curl up into him despite it being a rather uncomfortable position
the family is thrown into chaos again once they realise it was never poison, but athy’s own magic that caused this
aka when chibi lucas drops by and voodoos her back to 100%, everyone legit starts worshipping the ground he walks on - he saved their precious princess!!
ana insists on making him athy’s royal playmate after hearing she isn’t fully healed yet
what does this give us? well, a very very early lucas vs kiel
since they’ve both got the title of royal playmate, they constantly argue on whether being the future duke alpheus is a better title than the future royal magician
the girls are always dragged into this - athy always takes kiel’s side to avenge blackie, and jennette likes kiel too, but the young magician sir saved her sister!!
when vivian passes away due to an illness, it’s like roger is an entirely different person
jennette + kiel + athy all help with the funeral preparations since she was a mother/aunt to them all
felix seems to be paying extra attention to kiel
it isn’t long after this that roger decides to send him to arlanta for his studies, leaving behind two disillusioned princesses
athy spends her time viciously studying to stay ahead of arlanta’s curriculum, while jennette takes an interest in cooking
(athy tries and fails spectacularly; lucas laughs at her and jettie accidentally serves him his favourite food too salty to be edible)
a/n: this would be the first of the two parts, so stay on the lookout, hope y'all enjoyed n have a great day <3
edit: part 2
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