#the sophmore fanfiction
mishishiwritings · 4 months
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eadanga · 9 months
A Very Merry Christmas
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Chris slowly opened his eyes and smiles as he sees the snow falling on the ground then he looks around confused What time is it? He grabs his phone then his eyes go wide “Shit!” He throws off the covers and heads downstairs. He sees his wife Sarah playing with their 2 year old daughter Hailey
“What sound do frogs make Hailey”
Sarah laughs “Ribbet not boo”
Sarah laughs harder “You’ll get it eventually” She looks up and sees Chris watching them “Oh you’re finally awake good morning sleeping beauty”
Hailey stands as she walks to him “Dada!”
Chris smiles and picks her up “Hi princess” He kisses her cheek then he sighs “I overslept and forgot didn’t I?”
Sarah stands “That you did but don’t worry it’s all done” She points to the dinner table filled with food
“I’m sorry baby”
“I told you not to spend the night watching those Christmas movies” She playfully smacks him
Chris chuckles a holds up a hand in surrender “Ok ok this is my fault I know” He smiles “But you did a good job baby”
“Yup and just in time too soon all our guest will arrive to celebrate Christmas with us”
“Who’s coming again baby?”
“Well my family and your family”
“That’s it? I expected more people”
Sarah laughs “You’re probably so used to all the college parties we used to have”
Chris chuckles “Guess it still hasn’t worn off”
Hailey fusses “Food!”
Chris smiles “You want to eat cutie? Before everyone else”
Chris chuckles “Ok baby let’s go make you some food”
Sarah smiles as she follow them into the kitchen Chris warms up Hailey’s plate and sits her in her chair “There you go”
Hailey slowly digs her hand into the food then grins “Yummy”
“Yes it’s yummy”
Hailey claps her hands and continues to dig into her food
Chris whispers “I have something for you beautiful”
Sarah blushes “You didn’t have to get me anything Chris”
“But I wanted to” He kisses her cheek “Wait here”
He heads down to the basement then comes back up with a wrapped gift “Here you go”
Sarah smiles as she unwraps the gift and opens the small rectangular box her eyes go wide at the Cuban link necklace “Chris…”
“That’s for you baby”
Sarah grins and throws her arms around him “Chris thank you” She pulls away with tears in her eyes “This is beautiful baby”
“I’m glad you love it here let me help you put in on” Chris takes the necklace out and stands behind her
“Chris this must have been expensive how did you get this?”
Chris smiles as he fastens the necklace “Do you like it?”
“I love it but”
“Then that’s all that matters” He kisses her cheek “It’s looks amazing on you”
Sarah goes to look at herself in the mirror then throws her arms around him “Thank you Chris I love you”
“I love you too baby”
Sarah smiles “I have something for you too” She steps out the room and returns with a small gift
Chris smiles as he takes the package and opens it and looks confused “Babe this is my jersey”
Sarah giggles “Look closer Chris”
Chris looks and his eyes got wide when he sees the signatures on it “No way”
Sarah grins “Yup all the Dallas Cowboys signed it”
Chris’s jaw drops as he looks from her to the jersey then back at her again “How the hell did you?”
“My dad has a friend who works with the team he went to go visit him I had him bring you’re jersey so they can sign it”
Chris quickly puts it on then let’s out a joyful laughter as he picks her up and spins her around
“Chris! Put me down!”
Chris laughs as he sets her down and kisses her deeply he pulls away then rests his forehead “I love you baby thank you so much”
“Anything for you Chris and I love you too”
Chris smiles as he walks over to her “Good girl you ate all your breakfast”
Hailey reaches out with her hands “Up!”
Chris chuckles as he lifts her up out the chair as Sarah takes her plate “You want juice?”
Hailey nods “Ya”
Sarah smiles as she hands her the juice Chris smiles as her wraps an arm around her waist pulling her closer “You know gifts are nice but this is the best gift right here my two favorite girls”
Sarah smiles “Merry Christmas Chris”
“Merry Christmas my love”
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @the-soot-sprite @darley1101 @jared2612 @choicesgodfanatic
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My favourite trope in fanfiction is actually time-travel meeting, where the younger ones can see that things do actually get better, and the older ones can see that they have actually changed, and they’ve achieved so much. And I think the Bad Kids are primed for that kind of thing.
I’m imagining that they’ve been graduated for a few years, they’ve got their own careers, but they do still adventure pretty regularly and are a well known party. Then, they’re fighting something that’s gotten ahold of a chronomancy object, and when one of the BKs tries to grab it, they (and the thing they’re fighting) are sent back in time.
Meanwhile, it’s the second day of freshman year, everyone is still standing outside, waiting for the first bell, the younger BKs are whispering about what the corn means, when a huge monster falls through a rip in time and crushes one of the statues near the front doors. Then, before anyone can do anything, six full grown adventurers are destroying it and grabbing the watch and pulling each other up, congratulating each other, laughing.
Goldenhoard tries to go up to them and ask what’s going on, and the goblin on the half-orc’s shoulders pulls out a gun and shoots him point blank. Everyone’s confused as hell, and the group don’t seem to know where they are. Until someone mentions the date, and then they just look kind of exhausted. At the end of the day, when the young BKs try to go to Krom’s to spy on Johnny Spells, they find older versions of themselves, who spent the day reminding themselves what happened and figuring out how to help with Freshman Year level problems, including-
-Fig getting Gorthalax out, sitting all her parents and younger self down and having a talk about how best to keep communication open and be kinder to yourselves, since they all want each other to be happy.
-Fabien has a long talk with both of his parents, getting his mom sober earlier, and a talk with younger him about being your own person and living up to expectations.
-Adaine pulls younger her from her family, and gets Aelwyn to chill. She does get her parents out of Elmville, via Blackmail or other means, with the implicit threat of punching them to death. She now has two younger sisters, and encourages the type of emotional self expression that was previously repressed.
-Riz giving his younger self the schedule he works on, including breaks for all meals and six hours of sleep each night. He doesn’t allow younger him to fall int the bad habits he did. He also tells his mom a little bit about his dads new job, and they have a happy cry about it.
-Gorgug gives his parents the schematics for a reinforced bed and a few of his works. Younger Gorgug is a little starstruck that older him is so cool, and Gorgug takes a minute to explain to younger him that he deserves to have the things he puts effort and thought into pay off, that he deserves to take pride in the cool things he could accomplish.
-Kristin gets younger her to speed run an entire theological breakdown, reassures her at every step, and gets her into a more relaxed, solid mindset with a support system outside of her family. She also has to find a smart way of getting young Kristin to realise she’s a lesbian without sending her into a crisis, and is semi-successful.
-Throughout the year, the older BKs have run ins with their parents, go about fixing problems for Sophmore and Junior year (they stop Porter’s plan, and when he runs off Gorgug ends up being a substitute Barbarian teacher for half the year). They’re trying to figure out how to get back to their time. The ending is either Kristin dying to Coach Dawn and bringing Arthur back, who can send them back, or they can’t go back, so now there’s two versions of the BKs running around, and if both groups are in one place, everyone else evacuates, because something is about to go down.
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idontknowwhyimhere102 · 2 months
Intro since I've had this account for over a year now!!!
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Sup, my name is Leia!!! I read to much fanfiction and listen to music too much. I'm trying my best to learn guitar :/
Bandz I listen to:
My Chemical Romance
Fall Out Boy
Pierce The Veil
The Smashing Pumpkins
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My favorite songs!!!
•Everything on ibymbybmyl
•Everything on Infinity on High
•It's Not A Fashion Statement It's A Deathwish by mcr
•Hang Em' High by mcr
•Homesick At Spacecamp by fob
•I Never Told You What I Did For A Living by mcr
•Sophmore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year by fob
•Galapagos by The Smashing Pumpkins
•Boys On The Radio by Hole
•Silver by Nirvana
•The Sky Under The Sea by ptv
•Today I Saw The Whole World by ptv
•Summertime by mcr
•So Much (For) Stardust by fob
There's too much songs to put here :/
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please ask me stuff broski :(
My husband and 3 children need it :(
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eggcompany · 6 months
I'm seeing too much stuff about fanfiction on tiktok, on here, on other platforms not to comment. I've been writing for nearly three years now which to some is AGES and to others is just beginning.
So let me lay it out.
I started writing when I was 16, struggling as a sophmore in high school, struggling with covid guidelines and the fear I felt as an immuno compromised person, and confused about who I was as a human person. I'd been reading fanfiction since I was 10, fascinated with sex and gender expression (I had free unrestricted internet acesss as a child). I'd been hopping from fandom to fandom, starting with popular ones that I didn't even know to ones I understood more and more. By the time I was 16, I was an expert. Clicking from link to link, bookmarking for later, filtering to the gods on ao3. I was confident sitting in the back of algebra II reading heavy smut on my cell phone.
By then I started reading newer fanfics, newer works with new words I'd never heard before when I read for fandoms that died back in the 2010's. Suddenly I wasn't a boy obsessed asexual genderfluid child. Suddenly I was an adult staring at myself in the mirror.
I had grown up on m/m writings, I was in love with the men on TV, I wanted the men from my shows and books. Suddenly I was an adult realizing that I attracted to men, that I wanted them. Suddenly I'm looking down at my hips and waist and chest and realizing that this wasn't the body I wanted pressed against another man's. Another man's. I wasn't in love with men as a girl or woman. I wasn't in love with women as a woman. I was in love with men as a man.
Tag by tag, reading and researching and reading more, I found the words, the resources, the culture. I was welcomed with open arms by those who'd been writing since I was born, by those in my same shoes, by those who were just happy to chat at 3am. I went from being alone in the world, by being so isolated I felt like no one would ever understand what I felt, to being apart of a community who loves me. A community who welcomed me, who praises me, who guides me, who loves me. I found a family who loves me as I am, no matter what I look like. I finally found a family who wants me.
I started writing and I found it almost therapeutic. As a real human person I am not just skin deep anymore. I'm more than that. I work through my issues through writing, I work through my feelings, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. And people understand. There is nothing more comforting than being understood.
Now I welcome new comers, I read untagged, horribly titled fics that are a few hundred words with messy smut scenes and awkward time skips.
And I love it. I love where I am, I love who I am, and I love everyone who helped me get here.
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offorestsongs · 5 months
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name🪞Eliott Embers age🪞17 years old birthday🪞15th March height🪞168 cm homeland🪞Queendom of Roses class🪞sophmore dominant hand🪞left A sweet-faced student from the Royal Sword Academy. While he's usually very friendly, he often seems to be more focused on his dream world than on what's actually happening around him. Daydreams and made-up stories were always his way of escaping the world. His childhood was far from happy - his mother died in childbirth, his father remarried not long after. Eliott's father was loving in the moments when he wasn't absent, but his new stepmother seemed to care mostly about herself, her own son from her previous marriage, and throwing her husband's wealth around. When his father died too, Eliott was left alone, an unwanted child in the house of somebody who was still like a stranger to him. Despite his bad situation, he never let it get to him. He would often turn to daydreams, imagining that he was actually a lost prince or a gallant knight. Other times, he made up stories about the people he saw in his neighborhood, casting them in the roles of fairy tale characters. Eliott is an endlessly optimistic boy who seems to be able to see the bright side of every situation. He's hardworking by nature and doesn't complain, no matter what life throws at him. At home, he knows how to make himself small, unnoticeable, so he can avoid getting in trouble. He does the chores thrown at him with a placid smile and quietly tolerates any berating. But when he's at school, he acts completely different, letting his true self shine. He's actually pretty popular there, which is no wonder. He acts confident (even when he doesn't actually feel it), he's friendly and charming, and always seem to know exactly what to say to somebody. He also has the reputation of never saying no when somebody asks him for help, though that may not be the best thing - he just usually doesn't know how to. His signature spell is called A Dream, A Wish. It allows him to make the things he writes about come to reality within certain limitations.
🪞twisted from Cinderella (nobody could've guessed lmao) 🪞really loves writing, his dream job is to write books for kids 🪞tho right now most of what he's writing is fanfiction 🪞his favorite food is pumpkin pie 🪞doesn't actually enjoy doing most of the household chores, but he is very good at them 🪞he never had enough money to buy the clothes he wanted to he learned how to sew his own 🪞animals seem naturally drawn to him, which he's always very delighted by, as he's a big animal lover; he feeds the mice he finds in the house and gives names to the sparrows in the garden 🪞his biggest life goal is to move out of his house
Riddle Rosehearts - not only were they neighbors, their bedroom windows were facing each other. Eliott would often watch Riddle, making up stories about his life. Since he didn't know Riddle's name, he would just call him "rose boy" in his head. Since Eliott was already friends with Trey and Che'nya, they finally introduced him to Riddle one day and the two of them became fast friends. It was only natural, in a way. They were both kids from bad homes, desperately needing an escape from their normal lives. Riddle liked how creative Eliott was and in turn Eliott was impressed by how smart Riddle was. They would often talk by sending letters between their windows using magic; Eliott would write stories about the two of them as characters in fairy tales. And then Riddle just completely stopped talking to Eliott. Eliott spent a good few years convinced he must have done something that made Riddle hate him. It was only after Riddle's overblot that he had learned that it was actually Riddle's mother who had found their letters and made Riddle cut off contact. They're friends again now, meeting up as often as they can while going to different schools. Eliott cares for Riddle deeply, and often tends to care about his problems more than about his own. In his dream reality, the two of them would run away and live together. Trey Clover - they knew each other since childhood and would often run around the neighborhood, causing trouble. They're still very close now, keeping in contact even when they don't see eachother for longer periods of time. Trey is probably the person Eliott trusts the most and he's the person Eliott always goes to first with his problems. Every school break, Eliott sneaks out from home to spend some peaceful time at Trey's place - he's always welcomed there, as Trey's parents absolutely adore him. Che'nya - as with Trey, they're also childhood friends. At school, they usually hang out together. If Eliott feels too anxious to do something, Che'nya will most probably drag him into it anyways. Eliott has no idea what his friend is on most of the time, but honestly? It's fun, so he's willing to indulge. The unabashed eccentricity is something he actually really admires about Che'nya.
orange peel theory
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popstart · 8 months
it's true I'm 15 we younger teenagers read your heathney fanfiction. I'm a sophmore and I read that Courtney was taking apes and I was like. bitch why the fuck would her parents make her take apes when ap physics was right there? and bridgette was like "why are u taking apes if ur not going for that kind of career" and I felt called out bc I'm taking apes next year and want to do like. engineering. lmao.
my senior year someone I knew was taking APES and she carried her textbook and a pack of sticky notes around like a baby and it gave me courtney energy. iirc i literally only put courtney in APES because i needed her to be in a class with bridgette and i was like ok whatever she'll take that class bc it was the only one i could think of
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Hi Friends!
So, if anyone is interested, I've started a Wattpad account that I am going to commit to, and I have started writing a Dead Poets Society fanfiction between Neil Perry and my original character called Wretched Power.
I have found that writing fanfiction is a good way to practice my writing when I don't feel like writing. Writing fanfiction allows me to have a structure and storyline already planned out that I can adapt and briefly write about, or write an entire story based on the concept.
This fanfiction -- I'm hoping -- will be a five-book series. Seventh-year, Freshmen, Sophmore, Junior, and then one year in Senior to show the progression and possible downfall of everyone after Neil's death.
I'm still not sure if I want to include Neil's death in this series, but I will tackle the problem when it comes to it. I am currently starting Chapter Four of Seventh-Grade (Part One) and will upload it once all parts are finished, edited, and refined.
If you would like to check out my profile (there's not a lot on there yet) then you can click the link; Death of a Hero (@HerosDeath) - Wattpad
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Thank you!
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dbssh · 1 year
i spejt like all of sophmore year of highschool writing constant aja/hutch fluff fanfiction i should find that energy within myself again i miss them. i love the way thwy love
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clingyduoapologist · 1 year
clings clingyduo apologist i read the love hypothesis when i was a sophmore bc my friend was obsessed w it and ure tryna tell me it was based off a fucking fanfiction
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Yeah it’s actually one of many
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Wow, okay it has been FOREVER since I've been on here. Not in like a "oh I'm going to browse to see what will fullfill my fanfiction addiction today" but in an actual writing sense. So much has happened since the last time I posted. (Which was like 2 years ago now) So I want to kind of just go over and give an update to everything!
Firstly, I am offically in college. I remember starting this page as a sophmore in high-school but now I'm about to be a sophmore in college in the fall. I legitimately love it, it's hard but the friends and experiences I've gotten out of it, has truly been AMAZING.
Secondly, I realized one big thing on why I think I kinda went MIA. I felt overwhelmed, I got so many requests in for those matchups that I pretty much got burnt out. I think I have one left? I want to go and post that, because bless their heart they've waited long enough (again, I am so sorry). I also realized I wasn't clicking with the MHA fandom like I used to. So on that note, I won't produce anymore content for it.
Finally, in December, I lost a very close family member to me. While it's only been 5 months or so, I'm still grieving. After some consideration, I want to get back into a hobby that allows me to not even really think, but more or less, let me get my feelings out. I may post regularly, or I may post here and there, but I want to become interactive with you all again. Or at least try to get back into a creative outlet. Plus I've been really working on my photography and who knows I may share a few pics every now and then!
I just want to say thank you to everyone who has supported this blog over the last few years. I know this post came out of nowhere, but if you take the time to read this, truly from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
(P.S. here's a photo of my dog from said photography skills above, isn't he a cutie?)
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shrymas · 1 year
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personal/student blog.
ut austin sophmore
nineteen; autistic + non-binary
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fanfiction blog: @yakuneko [18+ Only]
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eadanga · 1 year
The Press Secretary Part 6
Summary: Chris the mayor of town is married to his wife Becca.  When he hires a new press secretary who happens to be his lost love old  feelings resurface and Chris finds it hard to resist the desire he once  had for her
Parings: ChrisxMC
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Chris carried her to the bedroom and gentle placed her on the bed he climbs on top of her and kisses her deeply. Emily moans as his hand roam up and down her body.
“You’re so beautiful Emily” He kisses her neck “Just like that night in the dorms I couldn’t stop thinking about it”
You too huh?”
Chris smiles as he cups her cheek “I should have said something after it I regret not doing that everyday”
“Yes me too you just said you didn’t want anything serious and I didn’t want to ruin anything by being pushy”
“I understand”
Emily wraps her arms around his neck “Let’s recreate that night then”
Chris smirks “I think it went like this” He kisses her deeply then pulls away to take off her pjs. He unbuttons his shirt then pulls it off along with his pants
Chris kisses her breast as she sighs with pleasure. His hands go between her legs “Fuck you’re so wet for me Em”
“I want you Chris” Chris grins then slowly enters her she moans “Chris you feel as good as I remember”
“So do you Em”
He thrusts slowly then begins to pick up the pace. Her cries of pleasure get louder
“Mmm Chris just like that!”
“I want you coming for me Emily”
“Chris!” They come together as Chris holds her tightly he stares at her then kisses her deeply she rests her forehead against his “Will you stay with me Chris just for tonight”
Chris smiles “I’m not going anywhere”
Chris wakes up the next day and sees Emily sleeping peacefully beside him. He smile and kisses her on the forehead “Wake up beautiful”
Emily slowly opens her eyes as she smiles “Morning Chris”
“Morning you sleep well?”
“Yeah cause you’re next to me I remember how much I enjoyed that”
Chris grins then sighs “We do have to talk about last night”
“Yeah I know honestly Chris I feel bad that I did this while you’re still married I don’t wanna be a homewrecker”
“Trust me Em you’re not ruining anything things are already ruined between Becca and I though we shouldn’t have done this while I’m still married to her I know I started it I just couldn’t help myself”
“I know Chris me too”
“Until I figure out things with Becca can we keep this between us?”
“Of course Chris I really don’t wanna be a side piece”
Chris wraps an arm around her and pulls her closer “You’ll never be that to me” He brushes his thumb against her cheek “I just got you back in my life I don’t wanna lose you again”
“I’m here to stay Chris”
Chris smiles then throws the covers off and stands “Come on” He takes both her hands and lifts her up “Let’s get some breakfast”
Emily giggles “Of course Chris” They head to the kitchen and start making breakfast “Chris did you buy your ticket and everything for the wedding?”
“I did just need to get my tux it’s gonna be great seeing everyone again though I’ve been wondering why they’re getting married now I mean they got engaged right before graduation”
Emily sighs “Well they had some financial difficulties”
“Wait what? What happened?”
“Jobs were hard to come by Chris Tyler spent moments looking and tried to sell his app and Abbie got a job teaching art but it wasn’t enough it wasn’t until someone finally bought Tyler’s app it has over a million downloads now”
Chris frowns “I didn’t know why didn’t they tell me I could helped them”
“They thought you were too busy and their problem was minor at least that’s what they told me”
Chris grabs a plate of food and hands her one “No problem is minor especially when it involves my friends I’ll talk to them about it”
“Good now I’m after we eat I’m gonna go make sure my dress fits again”
Chris laughs “You said you tried it on 4 or 5 times Emily the dress is fine”
“But still Chris I’m making sure I’m not gaining weight so I can fit in it”
Chris takes her hand “You’re beautiful the way you are I’m sure it’ll fit you fine”
“Thanks Chris I’m just so excited for this wedding”
“I know me too I’ve cancelled everything for it nothing is stopping me from going”
“Good Chris this is gonna be fun”
“Come on zip” Chris struggled to zip his suitcase closed “Damn maybe I packed too much” He shook his head “No it’s gonna close” He tried again and the suitcase zipped shut “Finally”
Becca comes into the room and leans against the door “I hope this wedding is worth you cancelling everything”
“It’s worth everything”
“Can’t you just send them a gift look some of my dad’s best clients”
“Becca just let me go to this wedding ok I’ll be back by the end of the week”
Becca scoffs “Whatever Chris enjoy the poor wedding I guess”
“Really Becca you don’t have to say that it’s not a big deal”
Becca shrugs “I call it as I see it” The doorbell rings “Who’s at the door?” Becca heads downstairs and opens it “Emily? What are you doing here?”
“Oh hi Becca is Chris here? The cab is waiting”
“What cab? Are you going to the wedding too?”
“Yeah didn’t Chris tell you I’m a bridesmaid and Chris is a groomsman”
Chris comes down the stairs “Of course I told her” He sets his suitcase down
Becca turns back to Emily “Can you give us a moment please”
Becca closes the door “Why is Emily going with you?”
“Because our flight is the same plus this is our college friends getting married everyone of our friends will be there”
“Chris she should be here you know working on your image and your reelection”
Chris rolls his eyes “Not everything is about work Becca we’re not robots we can take vacations if we want to”
“Chris why don’t we”
“Forget it Becca I’ve already paid for the hotel and the flight I’m not about to waste my money” He picks up his suitcase “I’ll see you in a week”
Becca huffs as he walks out the door
Chris heads to the cab where Emily is waiting “Sorry about that” He puts his and her bags in the trunk “Now you ready to go”
“Yes Chris this is gonna be fun”
Tags: @indiacater​ @mfackenthal​ @the-soot-sprite​ @darley1101​ @jared2612​
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fuckyeah-phantom · 2 years
i have been stockpiling danny phantom au prompts in my notes on my phone. i am at 15 and the list keeps growing. help.
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dapper-nahrwhale · 4 years
for the writing ask, number 3!
Asiksj thanks so much for the ask!! (Under the cut is some fantasy high riz and aelwyn friendship I've been writing)
"One scene you want to write but cant because its difficult"
I guess it's hard for me to write like cohesive scenes like I'm used to writing slightly connected oneshots like 5 + 1 type stuff, shortish scenes that arnt connected much. But writing like stuff with connected plots is difficult, coming up with ideas for plot is easy actually writing it all together is hard.
Like theres like this fantasy high mafia road trip thing au (the title would be Pretty like a Car Crash from some song I think) I'd want to write but... trying to put together a whole plot ugh I enjoy writing lil oneshots and scenes but trying to get it all figured put is hmm not my strong suit.
Like writing out whole scenes that are connected with actual plot is hard so I just write unconnected scenes and all I'd like to figure out how to do like whole stuff but idk.
Actually some writing (fantasy high riz and aelwyn friendship I've been cooking up) under the cut cuz it got pretty long
I'm not going to write out a whole entire plot multiple chapter thing here so I'll just write some stuff that I've been working on. Even though this is a multi chartered plot thing so.
The road to recovery is paved in sleepless nights and tired mornings. (Title)
The bad kids are rightfully wary about letting them hang out together. Partly because they're both paranoid enough to think the other would take an attack of opportunity on them. Of course what the bad kids didn't expect was for them to band together when someone else gets murdered. Basrar gets framed for murder. Riz and aelwyn are on the case.
Riz doesnt like or trust Aelwyn. Aelwyn doesnt care about his opinion, but it's easier to try and get along with each other to make this long suffering case go by quicker.
Aelwyn decided to stop doing super toxic things because her sister and jawbone have gotten her to and because she doesn't like or enjoy going to parties getting rekt and kissing strangers anymore. So she needs new, slightly less toxic habits and if staying up late researching stuff while not sleeping is that then the only one to also do that would work. Putting her high intelligence to good use. (Sleeping is hard for both of them, so why not be productive instead of going to have a bad time sleeping.)
They've both killed more people then they should have. They both refuse to talk about too much with jawbone, even though at this point they really should. Instead they avoid all of their problems by solving cases and researching stuff. They both value knowledge. Adaine isn't here because she'd only discourage them and they know it's not healthy to burn out like this but. Well. It's the only way they know how to function. So. They don't talk about their feelings or anything. They both don't sleep at all if they can help it. They just work themselves to the bone, refuse to sleep because of really bad nightmares and hope it's enough. It isnt. But they'd really like to think it was.
Combined, they would sleep about 6 hours, riz passed out for 4 and aelwyn trancing fitfully for 2.
(Aelwyn will trance for just a few hours, sitting in a creaky old chair while riz works on something or other. They make it a rule to always have one of them awake if the other is sleeping when they end up working late. Paranoia and all that. So whenever riz inevitably passes out in his desk aelwyn will keep watch and go over spells in her book to keep herself awake. It's a shot system but it works for the most part. Sometimes they'll both stay up the entire night, sometimes theyll both be too exhausted to stay up anymore and fall asleep at the same time.)
To solve the case they hole up in rizs office for a few days, everyone panics at first when neither go to school and then riz and aelwyn dont answer their crystals cuz it wasnt charged and they were so focused on the case they forgot to do school. They freak out considering what happend last time and actually bust down the door of his office and find them both sleeping. It's cute but they wake up and start fighting them before they realize oh it's just the bad kids.
(Undetermined time later)
"Just had to get away from adaine for a bit. She worries about me too much."
"Are you giving her reason to be worried?"
"I dont know how sam and adaine and everyone else can forgive me. I'm a terrible person." Alewyn
"Were. You were a terrible person. You arnt anymore. Even if you think you still are, you arnt anymore. The horrors you have done are not who you are. Or something like that. The you who did all the terrible things is still you and that sucks but you just have to do better now" Riz
"It doesnt make up for all the stuff I've done."
"Probably not. It might never."
"Ostentasia still hasn't talked to me or even been in the same room as me. and I cant blame her. I cant forgive myself."
"Yeah. I mean you did put her in a palimpsest prison for several months. And then almost get her and the other maidens sacrificed to our evil vice principle dragon. That's pretty messed up "
She feels she doesnt deserve her new family. She hasn't done anything to deserve their free love. She in fact has done more to hinder it than anything.
Adaine reminds her of love without expectations. It's hard to remember but shes getting better at it.
Jawbone tells her he wanted to adopt her. She didnt understand why. Shes almost old enough to be on her own she doesnt need anyone to look out for her. But it would be nice to have a parent who cares. At least that's what adaine tells her.
Everyone else is getting better and they both feel like they're not.
This is by no means all of it or in any way done or edited and I'm still working on riz parts of it, those are much more difficult than aelwyns for me to write as of now because they're so based on my own personal stuff kinda but I'm so wicked excited to be writing this! I just think they're friendship would be so intersting and all!
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greenshi · 4 years
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Dimension 20 (Web Series)
Characters: Nod (Dimension 20) Baron (Dimension 20) Riz Gukgak (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Crossover Redemption Angst Nonbinary Character Minor Body Horror but just cuz these two Look Like That anyway ive finally done it ily baron
The night sky has turned bright, for all the darkness has entered your eyes.
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