#the summer of muggles
dark-elf-writes · 2 months
Was thinking about eleven year old Fawn Spots Harry and made myself laugh because he would be so angry that technology doesn’t work at Hogwarts.
Full on “What do you mean Olympus has cell service and the middle of Scotland doesn’t?! It’s not even the same plane of fucking existence and calls aren’t even long distance!” Little man has not been more than a phone call away from his family since he was adopted and he is not coping well, but beyond that the lack of online databases, easy way to compile notes and write the eight million essays they’re assigned, and actual entertainment that isn’t ’dangerous flying dodgeball’ (which he does love tbh but still not everyone does) would drive him up the wall. Fuck the lack of things like highlighters and binders would piss him off. 
He would show up with a spiral notebook and a mechanical pencil and a pureblood child would pass out from shock. He writes his family constantly begging for any and all stationary they can send. He uses breaks to type up last term’s notes and introduces the first final study guide in Times New Roman into Hogwarts and makes a killing off of selling them. The older pureblood students beg on bended knee for help making their own and the muggleborns realize oh shit they can corner the market per year and subject. Harry will drag Hogwarts into the modern age if he has to do so kicking and screaming.
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fatesundress · 9 months
do we as a society think tom riddle could do math. yes or no
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Tomarry AU where Harry and Tom grow up together during the war and end up starting a secret club together. It's a club for muggle-borns only; so that they can help each other survive during the war. This is an AU where Tom and Harry start club for children who has no home to return to. A world where they help each other so that they don't have to return to that place.
Imagine, them starting a club to just survive— imagine, them working together so that they make it — imagine all of them working together to figure out a way to just stay instead of retuning to a home that is no more. Just imagine, this club becoming something more, something bigger — something that will change the world one day.
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hogwartscastle · 1 year
An ice cold butterbeer is all I need.
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thenicestthingiveseen · 3 months
19 & 76 for the ask game 🤍 Hinny (if it is f+f hinny or Gideon + Hallie I would probably scream)
Summer Camp AU + Did They or Didn't They? A Sapphic Hinny story
Hallie and Ginny became best friends five years ago when they were bunked in the same cabin at summer camp. This year is their first year as counselors and it's been great. At the end of every camp season, after all the campers have gone home, the counselors have a bonfire and camp out together in the woods near the cabins.
It's an extremely fun night and Hallie can't remember the last time she felt this free, so you can imagine her surprise when she wakes up in the same sleeping bag as her secret crush, Ginny. Looking down, she can see she's only in her bra and when she moves her foot to touch her leg, she can feel that she's got no trousers on.
Immediately, she tries to replay the night in her head, but most of it gets hazy around her third shot of whiskey. That's when she hears Ginny begin to wake up and she panics. She attempts to get out of the sleeping bag but they're so snug in there that it only serves to jostle Ginny awake for real--
Ginny is not a morning person by any means, especially when she's hungover. Which, she can already tell she is and something keeps moving next to her and she's sure she's going to commit homicide on her tent mate. It's fine though, she tells herself, Hallie will help her hide the body.
"Oi!" Ginny grunts out to get the perpetrator to stop moving.
"Sorry," Hallie murmurs.
That makes Ginny eyes shoot straight open.
Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story. 
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pleuvoire · 1 year
it’s funny how the h&rry p*tter books were like “here’s the magical people and the nonmagical people!” and then made occasional vague incoherent gestures at “also some of the magical people are bigoted towards the nonmagical people like the fantasy blood purity is based off your proximity to the nonmagical people and the wizard nazis like to kill and torture the nonmagical people offscreen where we don’t have to care. this is bad they should learn to be nicer” and then the whole fandom proceeded to seize on “muggle” as an insult or word for someone who’s like inferior or mundane and it became universally known as a bad thing to be. a+ reading comprehension there. honestly i think this speaks to both the failure of the text to properly commit to any clear coherent political allegory and the failure of the fans to pick up on what allegory and subtext visibly exists. great job all around everyone
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ronavorona · 2 years
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Snily Summer
Week 4: Reincarnation- Spiritual Discoveries
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mcdynamite · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Characters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Alice Longbottom (mentioned), Frank Longbottom (mentioned), James Potter (mentioned), Regulus Black (mentioned) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Muggle, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Sexual Tension, Mutual Pining, Childhood Friends, Chance Meetings, Gay Bar, Minor Original Character(s), Almost No Angst! (for once), Loss of Parent(s), (but it's Walburga and she sucks so Sirius isn't sad about it), Teacher Remus Lupin, Alcohol, mentioned jegulus, Remus being a simp for 13k words, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Tattoos, New York City, Sexual Content, Top Remus Lupin, Bottom Sirius Black, Idiots in Love, Cuddling & Snuggling, Hopeful Ending Summary:
“No?” the man said. “And where might this dashing fellow countryman of mine be?”
“Right here, actually,” Remus said with a lopsided grin, finally turning to face the newcomer. “I’m Re-”
He stopped halfway through his introduction to gape at the man in front of him. His pale skin was littered with tattoos – most of them black as his hair, which fell in waves that just barely touched his slim shoulders – and the grey v-neck tee he wore left little of his toned figure to the imagination. But none of these things were the primary focus of Remus’s attention. That honour would go to the man’s eyes – grey and sparkling with the vivacity of a summer storm, flecked with golds and blues if one only looked closely enough. They were eyes Remus would recognize anywhere.
Because Remus had seen them before.
A chance meeting in Remus's least favorite city on Earth forces him to reckon with the fact that he may never have fallen out of love with an old friend.
Written for the @cruelsummer-ficfest 2023! Song prompt was Welcome to New York!
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dramioneasks · 3 months
hi i’m looking for a fic set post war and draco is sent to stay with hermiones family over the summer holidays ? He becomes closer with the grangers and he learns to skateboard, he also gets a tattoo. i think all the slytherins were put to stay with other family’s like i think pansy had to stay with the weasleys? thank you so much
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kiinghanalister · 11 months
things I’m hoping for in the hbo Harry Potter series:
more dursleys and Harry interactions - especially showing uncle Vernon being on edge all day by the people in cloaks and all the owls in from chapter one
show the change in Dudley through the years and how he ends on a good note with Harry
cast the adults appropriately per canon age
Have snippets of Harry when he was little - like when Hagrid is telling him he’s a wizard and bam flashback to a quick montage of Harry’s accidental magic
more quidditch (the twins being great beaters, Oliver wood in his captain glory)
GHOSTS *cough* peeves *cough*
Harry actually having messy awful hair, and have his mother’s eyes
late 80s/early 90s style galore (you know hermione is gonna be using scrunchies and lavender will be glitter and barrettes galore and Ron is gonna be wearing things from the mid 80s cause everything is a hand-me-down from bill)
Charlie Weasley. PLEASE
the love of magic remain child like through out the series (idk how to explain it but sorcerers stone vibes). But also deal with the heavy properly. Just don’t make it all dark and can’t see anything at all. Imagine the starkness of going from a battle, escaping, and then just in bright and cheery, oblivious muggle London. DH part 1 did a decent job of it but the series has so much more potential to make the starkness more abrupt and obvious
Little shit!Harry; Sassy!harry; snarky!Harry - whatever you wanna call it but please book Harry
Harry and Ginny scenes
Ron and Hermione stupid little arguments
Hermione pushing everyone to study
quidditch games at the burrow
Mcgonagall - “have a biscuit potter” - his whole conversation about his future plans after hogwarts
The ideas to do clever/smart things coming from who they did in the books - it’s not all Hermione like in the movies
More Dobby
hermione x SPEW
Harry destroying dumbledore’s office (I DONT CARE! … I WANT OUT, I WANT IT TO END!)
Give me more Luna. Who believes in creatures no one else does and yeah some of it is kooky but a good chunk of the kids at hogwarts didn’t even know magic existed until they got their letter and they don’t believe Luna might be right on some things???
Frank & Alice Longbottom in St Mungos. Scene exactly like in the book. (Honestly would be a great opportunity for celebrity cameos too lol)
Mrs Weasley comforting Harry after Cedric. Padfoot being there too.
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arianatwycross · 2 years
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my (late) attempt at @thegobletofweasleys jily week /
day four prompt: muggle summer job au (because apparently im on a summer jily kick - blame the aussie winter)
AND because this grew legs that I didn't know existed, it will be a multi-chapter fic. This is but the first chapter of many.
Lily just needed a summer job. One that was far away from home and helped her save for her impending adult-hood. Finding a kitschy bookstore in a small seaside muggle town, she only has to sell books, drink coffee and occasionally walk the book owners dog to the beach. What she hadn't realised however, was that her enemy-turned friend- turned aggravating crush also spends the summer nearby and that that this now-friend, James Potter, turns her summer into one she's not sure if she wants to forget or remember forever.
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theresthesnitch · 1 year
hi I’ve been MIA for a while so sorry if you’ve already spoken about this and I missed it but are you still writing the muggle Remus + magic Sirius one? I remember waiting for it to be complete cause I was so excited to read it
Hi! Welcome back. I hope you had a lovely break from fandom, and I hope it was voluntary and that you being back is a good thing as well!
I've mentioned it a few times recently, but asks get lost and I don't mind answering again! I still have one more chapter left to write for Summer Boys, and I have not abandoned it! I'm actively working on it now, and it (along with a few other fics) is on my Get Shit Finished kick.
I don't currently have an expected date of completion, but I'd suggest subscribing to the fic for updates OR sticking around here, because I'll be posting once I've got it done too.
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jilyarchive · 2 years
hello! i’m in search of a fic that i read a while back. i don’t remember if it’s one-shot or multi-chapter. i believe it’s a music festival au, because i remember very clearly a whole motif about ed sheeran and a scene where lily sings the entire rap verse of “sing” and james is wowed by it. and that is all i remember. you all are the best!
I just had a look through the music festival au's we currently have on our tag and I don't think it's any of them. Do our followers know this one?
Updated 11.8.22!
Title: Glastonbury Author: elanev91 Rating: M Genre(s): Fluff, Romance, Smut Chapters: 1 Word Count: 20,023 Summary: we're at a music festival and you crawled into my tent when drunk and fell asleep, now you've woken up bewildered and to be honest I should be more annoyed but you're just so good looking
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glove23 · 11 months
the torture of remembering the contents of a fic but not the title or the author and also it was deleted and so u will never get to read your favorite fic again
the torture of scouring ffn and ao3 in the vain hope that maybe it was reposted and clicking on anything vaguely similar only to be disappointed every time
the torture of loving something so much that is gone forever
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wolfstarhaven · 2 years
Miss Elliot I just wanted you to know that your comment on my fic last week absolutely MADE my weekend. 💞💞
Hi Andie!! Well, your fic absolutely SAVED me on a 23hour train ride! It’s worth all the love<3
Fearless Liabilities [200k]
Summer camp.
Six weeks of planning activities, leading campers, and getting up to no good. It's no different than the last decade that Remus and his friends have spent in rural Wisconsin.
Except Remus' heart keeps trying to tell him that he's in love with his best friend, Sirius can't believe he's fallen for the one person who he knows is unequivocally straight, James is starting to lose faith that Lily will ever actually consider going on a date with him, and Peter?
Peter's just trying to keep his friends from getting in over their heads.
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yomarius · 2 years
Drarry Fic: 22
Birthday at 2: A long table, a family portrait and the most hideous flavor cake
Birthday at 11: No one remembers because it’s the night your enemy decides to save the world once again.
Birthday at 22:It feels like a perfect night 
Draco enjoys for one minute the sunlight on his hair before one of his flatmates enters the room singing at the top of his lungs. Somehow, he ends up dragged to the bathroom with a head full of blue hair dye. Luckily for Draco, the dye didn't work as expected, and he ends up with a soft sky-blue colour and pink lips before going out to the town.
If Draco had known that tonight he was encountering his sworn enemy, he definitely wouldn't have gone out. But that night Harry was also in town, in a random pub, celebrating no more deadlines and the beginning of his so-called perfect life, a magical and miserable life.
At the other end of the street, confusion and loneliness meet Draco. Suddenly the noise is too high and the colours are too bright inside the club. He goes out into the cold streets and lets the breeze calm him down.
Close to the shore, he finds a known figure. They stay side by side watching the waves go back and front in comfortable silence. I never expected to hate it so much- Harry breaks the silence first. -It was supposed to be perfect and just right, but I couldn’t stay a minute longer.
So, you just took your coat and ran out? - Draco asks with a smirk. -I get it, I can’t help but keep running out-. They keep talking, words become so easy between them and they don’t stop until the sun threatens to come out.
The next day, both woke up way past noon. No one remembers how they end up side to side in the same bed but it’s nice, so no questions are asked. They keep talking, words seem so safe between them, so they spare none. The day becomes a week and it seems like a new life started for Harry and Draco.
So this is the story of how Draco celebrated his 22 birthday with his sworn enemy in his arms. Adulthood was still confusing but together it was manageable.
Written for the @cruelsummer-ficfest and inspired by 22
Ramble: Still kinda new to writting, idk what I'm doing. Also, for the first time I had beta reader but since she is also not fluent at english, expect some mistakes.
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