#the third paragraph is about his trust issues
toji-bunny-girl · 2 years
There’s never enough of the right word for him to describe how he feels about you. Gentle? Loving? Pretty? Yes yes, you are those. But then he never really felt that they were what you meant in his heart.
You were more like the colours on an artist’s palette. You’re his colour and he’s the brush, painting the canvas, the papers, the world with the two of you. The light and darkness, mixes and blends of his world all depended on you. And what could a brush do without his colour?
You were like the pure darkness of a room, surrounding him in black that he couldn’t differentiate whether his eyes were shut or not. Everything was a stranger to him in that room. What could be in his grasp if he reached his hand out? A sharp bite from a creature that’ll have his limb gone away? Or a door that’ll be him free from the dark unknown, and into the pure light perhaps?
The way to truly describe you was not a singular word. Rather, it was lines after lines of his thoughts—all with not the same meaning. But nonetheless, you’re always the one that he has on his mind.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Jikook's Rainy Day Fight
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So FINALLY getting around to making this post. Lol so honestly go read this one first. It's a HUGE post I made where I really broke down my thoughts about the rainy day fight before they told us more about it. I still stand by alot of these thoughts for the most part now that we know more. The only thing I might switch up a bit is the very last paragraph where I said something like "this clearly has nothing to do with BTS as a whole and seems like a couple-esque fight more than anything else." Imma walk that one back with the new info given lol
Regardless, read this post first before proceeding. Thanks!
Okay, all done with that post? Great! So here is what JK said about the rainy day fight:
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And here is what Jimin said:
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Overall, the dramatics were ridiculous (i say lovingly) for what this fight was about and somehow it still gives off couple vibes simply because of the way they escalated this "speak more politely to your hyungs" conversation into a "I'm cutting you off" and a slam dunk hug in the rain reunion. Lol
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(The way they both think back the most fond over that reunion hug is so freaking cute)
Things I want to additionally point out.
- Hobi hyung getting angry was the barometer of "wow. I super fucked up this time" which makes me cackle 🤣 the man is an angel lol
- after brushing aside his other members remarks and everyone else huffing but leaving, Jimin was the one to make the effort to pull him aside to have a more serious conversation about it. Trying to take it seriously with him, give him respect in return and not make it seem like he was being ganged up on. It speaks once again to how they have always been so incredibly close to each other. This was back in 2015 ish and they made these allowances for each other and gave each other their trust.
- Both Jimin and Jungkook told the same story, but took the blame for the fight upon themselves. They recongized what happened but when sharing the story with a third party, made it seem totally like their own fault (when clearly they both had some anger issues and bad judgements during that fight). It seemed like they were lowkey trying to protect the other and mostly just felt bad about their own contributions to the fight rather than the other person's. Clearly the forgiveness was absolute.
- Jungkooks snarkiness clearly got Jimin feed up to the point where he snapped and said something he clearly didn't mean, but also clearly felt. He probably felt disrespected and felt like that wasn't the type of bond they had cultivated together. And JK clearly felt bad and was upset himself and even after they separated, when he found himself upset and lost, his first instinct was to reach out to Jimin. And even pissed off and mad, Jimins first instinct was to answer JKs phone call and make sure he was okay and safe. Just for them to reunite not too long after, both feel shitty for their behavior and find a secluded spot for them to actually talk it through before they went home and to bed. Regardless of their full day of schedules right after that too. It's incredibly sweet of them.
- its still lowkey giving off couple fight/break up and reunion vibes. Lmfao but only in how they handled their dramatics, not in the actual fight. Nor do I think they were a couple during this time frame. I do think they were harboring crushes on each other, but that's a seperate conversation. And the fact that JK held onto feeling guilty over his bratty attitude and causing this fight so many years later??? Clearly, it had a lasting impact, even though he still acts like a brat to Jimin sometimes lol its done in a teasing manner rather than a disrespectful one. And it's something that the two of them clearly encourage in their bond together.
- the acknowledgement of that through this fight (and the subsequent conversation on the roof and make up afterwards) they got closer is worth highlighting and mentioning too. When a fight/disagreement is done in a healthy way (and while it didnt start that way. They clearly got there), the communication and the way you can get to know someone better can be so helpful for having an even better relationship. Platonic, romantic or any other kind. I'm glad they spent that time together on the roof. It was probably something they both really needed that night and lead to even more emotional vulnerability and comfort between the two of them going forward I'm sure.
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Thanks to everyone for waiting so long for me to write this up and for anyone who read this far too. 💜 I know I ramble a lot! I think this was everything I had to say about the rainy day fight though! 💜 Hope you all have a good rest of your day/night!
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mxbo · 1 month
Hi! If it’s no trouble for you, could I request a little story about Sniper and a daughter reader? Just some wholesome family fluff ^^
Thanks so much in advance! No worries though if you’re swamped!
HELLO!! “No worries though if you're swamped” JHSHG THIS IS MY FIRST REQUEST EVER, I'M SO EXCITED. And also nervous because I don't want to mess up (that's why I took 5 days to write this) (I wrote it, left it be for a couple of days, read it again, went like “wow this is garbage”, fixed it and THEN posted it).
The request was left a bit ambiguous, so I have a BUNCH of notes and then the little story (which is, btw, not the full length of what I wrote because I accidentally gave Sniper anxiety, so I cut that from the actual story because I feared it wasn't wholesome ahsjah) (if you see “…” in the middle of two paragraphs, yeah that was something that I cut out AHSHh). I REALLY DON'T WANT TO DISAPPOINT, I'M NOT CONFIDENT AT ALL WITH MY WRITING AND DIDN'T THINK I WOULD EVEN GET A WRITING REQUEST, I'M SORRY IF YOU DISLIKE EVEN ONE WORD *explodes*
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[First picture: Carl from San Andreas with his hands on his head, except it's me saying “I forgot, I forgot how to write oh no”] [Second picture: Sponge Bob crying, except it's me saying “I promise I'll do better”]
English is not my first language, sorry if some things don't make sense TT (let me know if you see any mistakes pls!!)
My requests were mainly open for stamps, userboxes, blinkies and stuff like that, but I did say I'd share my writing if someone asked in my pinned post, so I only have myself to blame heh. And this was actually fun and I enjoyed it, so now I want to do more writing requests. Aka, they're open fr this time HEHE
You're Sniper's daughter, but the story is almost mainly told from the perspective of Sniper (still written in third person for him and second person for the reader, tho, it's just that the story follows Sniper's actions more because idk how to write from the POV of a kid)
I have family issues so if family interactions are portrayed inaccurately that's why, haha /hj
I wanted to write about how Sniper's daughter got to the base and THEN her interactions with the rest of the team, but I've been working on it for 5 days already. This is only the first half, how the reader got to the base TT [I'll continue it if you wish] AND AAAAH THE SECOND HALF IS WHERE I HAD PLANNED MOST OF THE FLUFF AND MOMENTS CATCHING UP WITH SNIPER AAAA (I'm so angry at myself)
CW: Not much, mentions of death because it's TF2 (nobody dies), and the word “fuck” is said like once, but that's it, can't think of anything major
More notes in the end because it's mostly not mentioned/doesn't matter/was cut from the final version
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“Yeah, Mum, I get it. I'll visit when I can,” he muttered.
“Your daughter misses you, you know,” his mum said.
Sniper sighed. “I know, Mum. But I take my job really seriously, and the battle hasn’t ended yet—”
“That battle has been going on for more than three years now!! And we decided you can’t just come home on holidays and expect us to raise your child the rest of the year.”
“We sent her to you” his dad interrupted, “She should be arriving any minute now.”
Sniper's eyes widened, and he nearly dropped the phone. “YOU DID WHAT!? THIS IS A BATTLEFIELD!!” He tried to argue. 
They were his parents and he respected them a lot, always trying to get their approval, but were they actually crazy? What did they even consume to think that sending his own daughter, their own granddaughter, to New Mexico, alone, while there’s a fight currently happening there, is a good idea!?
“Oh, don’t worry about that, after speaking to your boss through a nice lady called… Miss Paula? Pauline? She assured us she’ll be safe.” No way Miss Pauling, one of the few people he —and everyone in the team, really— trusted. No fucking way.
Before he could process this bombshell, a commotion erupted outside his room. The “INTRUDER ALERT. BLU SPY IS IN THE BASE��� alarm was set off, and it was followed by Soldier shouting “A BLU SPY IS IN THE BASE!?”.
He hung up, not even saying goodbye, because he had the feeling that wasn’t a BLU spy. Actually, he knew it wasn’t a BLU spy, chained to a respawn machine. He had to get to the entrance first and stop the other eight mercenaries from killing you.
“WAIT!” He shouted as he pushed Soldier to the side.
He wasn’t the only one in the room; Scout, Spy and Medic, who were faster than Sniper, were also there, also trying to explain to Soldier that this was a child, not a BLU spy.
“Sniper?” asked Spy, a bit curious about why he seemed so scared.
“That’s not a spy…” He said, trying to catch his breath.
“Yes, we figured,” Spy said before getting interrupted.
You slowly opened your eyes and removed your hands from your ears, seeing as the scary man with the big weapon directly pointing at you before didn’t fire and you didn’t explode.
“That’s my-”
You looked around and that’s when you see him! You didn’t get the directions the nice purple lady gave you wrong!!
“DAD!!” You scream as you run over to your dad and hug his legs.
As you squeeze his legs, finally seeing your dad after so long and feeling safe, he doesn’t know how to react.
“-daughter,” he finished his sentence. He’s so relieved you’re ok. He doesn’t know what he would have done if he had found you hurt or worse.
“No frickin’ way…” muttered the Scout.
Soldier, Spy, Medic and also Engie and Pyro, who entered the room after the Sniper, were just as confused as Scout. Well, maybe not Pyro, because it understood something completely different (one shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask). But the rest of them were, and, with their eyes, they asked for an explanation. Demanded, even, in Scout’s case, because he couldn’t fathom the idea of Sniper of all people to get a girl, potentially a wife, before him.
Scout sighed in relief hearing that Sniper did not, in fact, get a girl before him. That he had found you as a baby one day when returning home and adopted you.
Everyone else just nodded in understanding (Heavy, Pyro), asked him questions (Engie, Medic, Spy) or praised him for doing the correct thing and not leave you to starve (Spy, Soldier, Demo). All while you were drawing in a corner with a pen and paper your dad gave you.
You stopped drawing once your dad had finished talking and introducing you to his team. Maybe he would introduce them to you next! 
This was going to be your home for a while, after all.
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Three years into the gravel war (for the main group of mercenaries’ pov).
You were adopted roughly a year before Sniper was hired. Your adopted family doesn’t know your birthday, but they estimate you’re 4-5 y/o.
Fun fact: I was considering at first (aka the first five seconds of thinking about the request) making the daughter a teenager and then remembered Sniper is 27-ish here so uuuh, nope.
About Sniper in this AU:
He’s a good dad… the three or four times a year he can visit you.
He doesn’t want to be an absent dad, but he’s too dedicated to his job as an assassin for RED.
He tries to convince himself he’s not that absent because he cares about you, talks to you at lest once a week through the phone and makes sure your grandparents treat you correctly.
He wouldn’t have accepted RED’s offer if he had known this job would drag out for so long. He can’t quit now.
About his daughter (you!):
She/her as was requested :D
Not much else to say, you're 4-5 years old so you behave as one.
[Backstory, this is explained in detail during the actual story so spoilers hehe] You were found in a dumpster (sorry lmao) This was not, in fact, mentioned in the story above, so I'll just paste it here:
As he ran downstairs, his mind was flooded with images of how you came into his life, how he tried to raise you but had to go to this stupid war over a worthless piece of land. He thought it was ok, though, because once it was over he’d make up for the time he was away. 
But he wouldn’t be able to do that if you died to one of his own teammates right now.
Mick was driving home after a long day under the hot Australian sun, a bit tired from hunting animals down all day but with a smile.
He did a small deviation to pass by a nearby gas station because the fuel gauge hovered dangerously close to empty. 
Once the tank was full, he glanced at the convenience store and couldn’t resist grabbing something to eat for the rest of the long ride. He doesn’t remember what he bought, and it honestly doesn’t even matter. 
As he was leaving the store, he heard a sound, apart from the flickering neon lights, and he stood there for a second trying to identify. Someone crying, high-pitched voice, coming from the side of the building. “From the side of the building? Next to the dumpster?” He thought. 
And he was disgusted that he was right, that someone just got rid of a baby like that, but also glad he found you.
He didn’t know what to do, so he brought you home and asked his parents for help. They all came to the conclusion that they must have abandoned you after noticing that you didn’t grow a moustache like the rest. Mick saw himself on you because he also wasn’t born like most Australians. He remembered having a difficult time as a child trying to adapt without having any facial hair or Australia-shaped chest hair like the rest of the kids and, being an orphan? He knew your childhood would be even worse than his.
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kohakurin8 · 11 months
It's Not Me, It's My Basement
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This Post Contains Soilers Following the First Paragraph.
Proceed with Caution.
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That's right! It's Halloween time, my favorite holiday ever, and I'm back at it again with the semi-extensive theory posts. This time I'm tackling something in one of my favorite genre of media -- Horror RPG Maker Games.
Last night I experienced an adorable, eerie little game called It's Not Me, It's My Basement.
Developed by arcadekitten, the incredibly short-&-sweet story follows a non-binary child named Embry G. Oliver who is hiding a horrible monster in their basement. Although they didn't see it for themselves, they believe that the monster ate their parents, and Embry now feeds it whatever they can so that it doesn't attempt to eat them too. Unfortunately, as the story progresses it appears that the more the monster eats, the stronger and hungrier it becomes...
The story then begins to reach its climax when Embry visits the market to find a traveling doctor in town. Since Embry has been telling the villagers that their parents are bedridden sick, they're forced to meet Dr. D. Light (who is acutely of his punny name) and take him back home. Dr. D. is incredibly kind and helpful, even capable of making Embry trust him enough to open the basement door. However, in an attempt to stop him from descending the stairs to meet the monster, Embry accidentally pushes the Dr to his death. Truly tragic ...
Throughout the entire short story, the monster is never truly seen. However, it does demonstrate its ability to mimic voices and presumably shapeshift, all the while acting mercilessly manipulative. By the ending, that took me entirely by surprise, Embry has a nightmare where they confront the demon and get consumed by it, only to wake up and brazenly descend the basement for real.
And that's it
That's where it ends.
Boom, roll credits.
Now, my intense OCD ass simply can't cope with an ending so sudden and inexplicable, even if it was written incredibly well. In fact, the entire story was cryptic and felt immensely symbolic, steeped so heavily in allusions to depression and guilt that you could serve it at tea-time. So of course, I began to research popular opinions and theorize about what all of it really meant.
Now, the most popular theories (and almost exclusively) are either:
1) Everything is exactly as it's spelled out for you. A monster ate Embry's parents, it can shapeshift and manipulate, and Embry finally gains the courage to confront it instead of running away.
2) Embry actually has a Split Personality, or psychotic alter-ego, which murdered their parents and now the Main Personality of Embry is living with guilt that they don't entirely understand.
3) Something bad happened to Embry's parents that, as a child, Embry cannot understand and the entire story of the game is Embry suffering from traumatic hallucinations.
Obviously, these all have some pretty big flaws. The first theory is simple enough, but relatively uninspired, and feels rather like an insult to the thought put into the nuances of the story. Not to mention, Embry, their parents, and even Dr. D. Light cameo in other arcadekitten games that canonically take place afterwards.
Which farther disproves the second theory, since the characters are all clearly alive and well. Not to mention, as someone with a lot of experience in the field of child trauma and psychological issues, the story really gives no hints whatsoever to Embry potentially having a split personality. Nor does it hint at any potential triggers that would cause them to kill their parents.
And the third theory is the best yet, but still leaves some holes.
So, after careful consideration, I offer you my inspired theory: The Coma Dream.
Perhaps they were in an accident with their parents, like a car crash (or in this world, carriage crash). They were sent into a coma and assumed their parents died based on the sounds they'd heard, since while in a coma they couldn't remember the details of what happened.
Being a child, Embry would have related the sounds they heard during the accident to some sort of monster. Especially if they were asleep when the accident occured.
Within the mysterious subconscious of a coma they could have fabricated a story based on their fears about what really happened and what life would be like without their parents. The heavy theme of guilt and mistakes would even be Embry's immature mind trying to cope with what happened, and feeling like they had done something wrong since they couldn't really understand it all.
Kids have a tendency to blame themselves for things that weren't their fault, simply because they don't understand the situation.
Then of course, facing those fears in the basement is what allows them to wake up.
This even potentially explains Dr. D. Light. Considering Embry's mother was a nurse, as revealed in her cameo in Crowscare, the Dr could be her boss or the family's personal doctor. Someone Embry trusted and liked.
Although Embry acted like they'd only just met the Dr, it isn't unheard of to not entirely recognize (or only subconsciously recognize) someone typically familiar in a dream.
And have you ever had a really intense nightmare where things start to get better, and you think something good might happen and help you, but then your fear and anxiety of something bad ruining it actually causes that to happen in the dream?
Because I have and that would explain why Dr. D was so reassuring only for Embry to panic and push him down the stairs. The more they worried about D getting hurt, the more they thought about what bad could happen, and suddenly those thoughts came to fruition.
Following this theory, after facing the monster in the basement, Embry may have either unlocked their memory about what happened -- a painful, terrifying memory that they were trying to hide -- or perhaps they merely finally gained the courage to wake up from their coma. Either way, when they wake up their parents and Dr. D would be safe and sound, and they could all live together happily again.
Of course, this is only a theory, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!
If you're interested in playing the game, you can download it here:
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rewrittenwrongs · 3 months
Am very interested to hear more abt your WIPs
Akxjsonssnsjs okay okay! So.
The first WIP called Black bird fly! It’s a Tim-centric time travel fix it where Mr Mxyzptlk sends Tim back in time, saving his life as thanks for when he, Kon and Bart helped him. Most of the chapters are gonna be in Tim’s POV, the time he lands in is gonna be about a day before Jason’s death, so Tim in all his feral ‘I’m probably dead so there won’t be any consequences’ flies to Ethiopia and saves Jason himself. There’s a lot of found family, a lot of grief/mourning surrounding the old timeline, and everyone in the new timeline being concerned by all the trauma symptoms he displays. I’ve finished the first two chapters and most of the third, but I haven’t begun posting yet because I want to finish more chapters so I can post once a week, because I don’t trust myself to not touch it for three months as soon as I start posting. The paragraph I shared was from the third chapter, where Bruce is flying Tim (asleep) back to Gotham on the batplane (he called Wally to get Jason to Leslie quick as possible). It’s my main WIP and the fic I spend most my writing time on, and I’ve daydreamed enough ‘backstory’ for Tim to write like seven multi-chapters set in the old timeline…
The second WIP doesn’t have an offical name, and the only one I’ve come up for it so far is Future days of death, not because it makes much sense regarding plot but because it sounds cool. It’s a crossover between DC and Fablehaven, because I recently finished reading Dragonwatch and the world building is giving me IDEAS. I have a LOT of different ideas as to where the plot goes, and I haven’t written a lot of it, but it’s largely Constantine and Captain Marvel (/Shazam) centric, with a good focus on batfam and the Fablehaven characters. The idea that sparked this WIP was Constantine being captured by the Sphinx and kept in his dungeon where he meets Bracken. I also have a vague idea where he convinces Seth not to heal the demon whose name I don’t know how to spell and the three of them escape the dungeon with all of the artefacts, but that doesn’t fit with my other ideas, which is mostly the JL thinking Constantine is dead and freaking out and Captain Marvel knowing Something Is Up. I also like to think Coulter and Alfred were old tea buddies, and I have ideas abt Constantine being magically put to sleep and Vanessa taking control and saving his life. I’m also tempted to make Seth and Kendra school friends with Kon so he has Tim investigate Kendra’s disappearance/death, which would be an interesting can of worms.
The third WIP is one I’m writing for the @/wipbigbang, a Tim-centric Coraline AU. It takes place right after Red Robin, and he finds the door to the other mother (other father in this case, the bedlam takes the form of Bruce) like his second day back in the manor. It’ll follow the plot of the book pretty closely. Lot of family angst and trust issues and stuff, and I will address Tim’s interaction with Nyssa al Ghul because if no one else does then I’ll do it myself. It’ll have more interactions with the family post-defeating the bedlam and will definitely have a happy ending. I haven’t written a whole lot of it and right now the paragraph I shared is probably my fave ‘cause of how funny I find it.
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mamaladeskies · 2 months
I'm Watching The Double
I asked for drama recommendations on MDL and someone suggested The Double. I'm late to the party, but I'm here now.
The story gives me Story of Kunning Palace (SOKP) vibes. I can't say I looooved SOKP but I devoured that show in two weeks which is incredible considering my terrible attention span. Compare this to Till The End of The Moon (TTEOTM) which took me 2 months to finish and I love that show.
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SOKP missed the mark with the romance, but I was there for the redemption plot, court drama and Bai Lu.
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The Double's romance dynamics echoes that of SOKP. Both female leads are strong, loyal, cunning, on their own paths to revenge/redemption, and the male leads, who are cold, ruthless, powerful and intelligent, find this attractive and work in the background to clear any obstacles that may be on the female lead's path.
Aside from that, they have nearly a similar layout. Duke Su is trusted by the Emperor and seems to have unquestionable power despite not showing allegiance to any of the court's cliques. He's also incharge of a very important case that seems to have the Emperor in a twist. Jiang Li has beef with her family members and most of everyone else, but somehow manages to attract male attention. Lastly, there's the school setup, I'm on episode 13 but it seems the school part is done for now because our female lead has met the ultimate villain, but the school setup reminded me so much of SOKP.
As I was writing the latter paragraph I came to the realisation that my description could also fit Love Like The Galaxy, which I swear I actually like, I just need to get around to finishing it... One day, I swear, for Wu Lei and Zhao Lusi.
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I think the cold, powerful, calculating male lead in East Asian media is to the West what the rich, bad boy with daddy issues is.
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While I've done my time with the bad boy, I have not had my fill with the cold male lead yet. Something about a male who knows how to measure his words and dedicate his all to this one person is so satisfying.
Anyway, as of now in episode 13, I am hooked! I don't know if my attention span will hold till episode 40. Pray for me.
What captured me first were the beautiful shots, the colour grading and the acting. They could not have chosen a more perfect Shen Yu Rong and Jiang Li. The actor for Shen Yu Rong, our female lead's ex husband, knows how to use his eyes to express his guilt and pain, and how Jiang Li holds herself together when she just might crack is stunning. Incredible. That scene when Jiang Li is playing the Guqin gave me goosebumps. I had to play it twice.
Now, the plot is not perfect, for somethings you have to halt your brain; How does the real Jiang Li have the energy to walk after that many lashes? How do you believe that someone could look exactly like the other? Jiang Li's neck is slashed and she heals but the third sister's slash doesn't?
But the drama? The drama is where it's at. The court drama is entertaining. Every time A-Li puts herself in a situation it's so satisfying to watch her get out of it. I like how the drama is not repetitive and somehow each 'side quest' contributes to the bigger arc that I can sense coming. The side characters are well handled, they have their own motivations and their arcs are wrapped up nicely, no loose ends. And the mystery of why Yu Rong betrayed his wife has me wanting to skip to the end, because what was the reason?
As for the romance, I am not sold yet. Duke Su as a character is entertaining and we seem to share the same passion for drama, but it's still incomplete. Sure he's helpful towards Jiang Li, but I am going with her emotions now and she doesn't seem into him yet. I'll wait to see more.
For a second there I had been worried TTEOTM was the last entertaining historical drama I would enjoy. It had been nearly a year! I hope by the time I finish this something else pops up, either in Kdrama or Cdrama.
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the-brothers · 3 months
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Three - Five Months
You were grounded for a month for slapping an eight-year-old that day at the park. While Pops was proud of you for sticking up for your younger brothers, he was disappointed that you used violence on someone younger than you. And man, was that kid's mom pissed. She was close to pressing charges. Luckily your father was a respected man in the city and you hadn't had any violent outbursts prior.
In the following days Pops started looking into why kids might be calling Ace such a terrible name. He and Sabo were not willing to give any explanation so his only hope was this parent teacher conference.
"Ace is still reading at a first grade level. So when he reads aloud some of the students tease him. I stop them of course, but I can only stop what I see." Mrs. Flores explained.
Pops was furious.
"If the boy isn't reading at the same level as the other kids why wasn't I informed? Why haven't you worked with him? He's been here for three months being forced to be less than the rest of the class."
"Honestly I don't think this school has the resources to help him." she replied honestly, "And Sabo should be in advanced classes. I don't normally recommend pulling kids from this school but I think your boys would benefit from a private education. The Carter School may have some vacancies. There, Ace can have a tailored curriculum and Sabo can move forward comfortably."
That week the boys were enrolled in a private academy and separated for assessment testing. Sabo, as it turned out was far more advanced than kids their age. The academy wanted to move him forward from third to fifth grade. Pops was worried about it at first already having one son bullied, but the staff assured him it was quite common there and there would be other students his age in the advanced placement courses.
Ace's testing revealed something more surprising, dyslexia. No wonder he was reading at a lower level, it was just hard for him to figure out how to pronounce words correctly when the letters weren't in the right order.
The orphanage hadn't bothered to tell Pops that Ace didn't start speaking until he was almost five and that he'd only been speaking in full sentences since he met Sabo a little over a year ago.
Immediately he was placed in a class with kids who had the same issues and Pops hired a tutor who was certified to teach kids with learning disabilities.
The change for Ace was almost immediate. He wouldn't stop talking and was suddenly interested in your books and story time with Luffy every night. Now you had a bigger audience at story time so you moved to your room, Ace didn't fit in the recliner with both you and Luffy. Occasionally you could coax your freckled brother into reading a few passages out loud to practice for school. He was still slow and stammered over his words but every week you could see subtle improvements.
One night you heard something just outside your open door while Ace had taken over a paragraph. Sparing a few glances toward the doorway between assisting Ace, you didn't see anything out of the ordinary. A few moments later you heard something slide against the wall and looked over to see a little hand, palm down on the hardwood floor for support.
You took over for Ace as he yawned widely. Eyes swaying over to the other brother camped outside your door quietly listening until Ace and Luffy drifted off to sleep. Hearing their snores and you closing the book Sabo got up to slink back to the boys shared room. This continued for the next couple of days. You weren't sure how to address it.
"He just isn't very trusting because of foster care, lass." your father sighed over his breakfast as you sat in your favorite booth at your favorite diner.
"I guess, but he won't even give us a chance." you whined stirring your coffee.
"He will," Pops looked at you seriously, "as I've said to you and your dense brothers - you have to have patience with him. He'll come around. We won't give up on him."
"Ok, ok... I'm trying." you waved your hands in front of you.
"Maybe ask the boys if he has any interests you can appeal to." he suggested.
"Ah," you leaned forward placing your elbows on the table,"I've caught him listening in on our story times and I wanted to ask you if I could take the boys to the bookstore today."
"That's a great idea, lass. You can go but don't stay out too long."
"Aventure!" Luffy cheered from Shanks' shoulders.
"Ad-venture, kiddo." the redhead corrected.
"Das what I said!" the four year-old protested.
"I see," Shanks chuckled, "sorry, sorry."
"Alright, guys, Pop's gave me enough money for all four of us to pick out a book."
You stood with your boyfriend and brothers outside of the bookstore giving them instructions.
"Can we get whatever we want?" Ace asked.
"As long as it's something to read, a comic, manga or book, it doesn't matter. But we're not spending book money on snacks."
All three kids frowned at your limitations.
"If you guys behave and listen to your sister I'll take you to McDonald's after." Shanks promised earning cheers from the raven haired boys.
"Please stay near Shanks or me," you continued sternly, "I will page you and embarrass you in front of the entire store."
Luffy laughed while the older boys rolled their eyes and entered the store with you.
Shanks took Luffy to the little kids story corner while you showed Ace and Sabo comics and chapter books. Allowing them to browse you stayed nearby to look for the next installment in a series you were reading. When you came back around the corner Sabo was flipping through a chapter book with colorful dragons of all kinds painted on the cover. His green eyes scanned the first few pages with interest, until he realized you'd caught sight of him. Quickly he shut the book and returned it to the shelf.
"I found what I wanted!" Ace called making his way to you with a graphic novel.
"Me too!" Luffy chuckled from his perch on your approaching boyfriend.
"Sabo?" you asked collecting the other's choices.
"I'm good." he replied curtly.
"Maybe next time then." you smiled, "Why don't you guys go get in the car with Shanks and I'll go check out."
"Sure thing," Shanks pecked your lips earning gags from all three kids, "Quit your shit ya brats."
A few nights later, after their baths Luffy and Ace wandered into your room hoping you'd read from their selection.
"Let's read from a different book tonight," you suggested pulling a novel from your night stand as the boys settled in.
"Dragons?" Ace questioned catching sight of the cover.
"So cool!" Luffy cheered,"Will you still do the voices?"
"Of course." you chuckled ruffling his hair. 
As you began to read you heard the familiar rustle outside your open door.
Mustering up an exaggerated silly voice you continued to read, "I am Draven, the Dragon King."
"F/N, shishishi," the youngest chuckled at your antics, "You sound like a old lady not a king."
"What? That's how he sounded in my head." you smiled glancing up from the page to see a little blond head peering around the corner.
He wasn't smiling but you could see the amusement in his eyes. Your gaze moved back to the page as the youngest grew impatient for you to keep reading.
The more you used that ridiculous witch voice and mispronounced the king's name the further Sabo inched into the room before finally interrupting you.
"You're doing it all wrong." he grumbled crossing his arms over his chest, "His name is Daaaaven, with a long a. And he doesn't sound like an old hag."
"If you can do it better, by all means." you held the book out.
He looked at you hesitantly before giving up and climbing over his already passed out freckled brother. Once he settled you placed the book in his lap allowing him to take over.
Luffy giggled excitedly burrowing into your torso while Sabo read.
Pops yawned walking through the house turning off lights and picking up toys the boys had left lying about. He passed the boys room peeking in to find their beds empty. Quirking a brow he moved further down to see your bedroom door still open, the soft yellow light from your lamp spilling out into the hall. He chuckled shaking his head seeing all three boys snuggled up in your bed. Dog-earing the page he closed the book and placed it beside the bed before switching off your light.
If anyone could get through to that kid it was you.
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roleplayfinder · 2 months
☢ Fallout and Scribe Maximus enjoyers, ahoy! ☢
★ you: 23+, scribe / aspirant / knight (etc etc) Maximus enthusiast and writer. someone who's communicative and willing to plot, discuss headcanons and endure my memes and stuff even when we're not actively writing. semi-lit to literate, third person and past tense enjoyer. replies possibly every day or even several times a day, but at least a few times a week (unless, y'know, The Life happens of course). someone who's enthusiastic to delve into Maximus and his trauma, his past, his passions and his aspirations, his sexuality and all the good stuff with the encouragement of his future bf!
★ me: 32, a trans dude from Europe, a fellow Maximus enthusiast. roleplayer and writer of 17-ish years, semi-lit to literate, minimum two paragraphs a reply (and usually more) and normally at least one reply a day (and usually more) unless something comes up - of which I will communicate to you. I come into this with a m!OC (BOS deserter / human / 32-ish depending on the verse / scrappy motherfucker and a medic) that is so incredibly into supporting Maximus as he struggles through his journey. a man who's morally sort of grey despite doing his best to be good himself and who is BOS Hater Number One. has strong morals (questionable as they may sometimes be) and has a tendency to have a very "I'm right you're wrong" attitude about values close to his heart when it comes to strangers. somewhat slow to trust people (supposedly) yet has a very deep, sentimental side, latches onto people somewhat easily and and cares hard. switch who leans dominant eveb from the bottom, but has no real interest in intimacy unless it comes with intense emotions and is willing to go at Max's pace whether that's in the bedroom or outside of it. I'm honestly looking for, like, 70/30 in regards to ratio of Maximuw VS my character lore, more looking to study Maximus' character and his person and story + growth VS my dude's.
★ yes: slow burn or love at first sight, both are fine by me. multiple AUs, multiple verses, crossovers, ramblings, threads, screaming and crying over fictional men. open to discussing and writing kink, sexuality, romance, trauma, hidden feelings and hard issues, a journey through how tough it is to crave to belong somewhere so bad, in a world where there's so few somewheres left. dark and dead dove topics extremely welcome, with a few exceptions;
★ limits: no non-con, no romanticizing abuse, and... stuff. the world of Fallout is obviously very dark and I have no qualms writing that; my issue is if, for example, sexual abuse is played as a kink or as simple shock value without ever dealing with the ramifications.
does this sound like your cup of tea? great!!! please like this post and I'll contact you, or feel free to check out my blog and hit me up. pls make sure your messages are open for tumblrs you don't follow & feel not afraid to approach me; I will throw my fella's bio, writing samples and other relevant stuff @ you first thing when I message you so you can decide whether you're into it or not and you can ghost me in peace if so be it! (✿◡‿◡)★~
look forward to hearing from you! 🌹
0 notes
anotherrpfinder · 2 months
☢ Fallout and Scribe Maximus enjoyers, ahoy! ☢
★ you: 23+, scribe / aspirant / knight (etc etc) Maximus enthusiast and writer. someone who's communicative and willing to plot, discuss headcanons and endure my memes and stuff even when we're not actively writing. semi-lit to literate, third person and past tense enjoyer. replies possibly every day or even several times a day, but at least a few times a week (unless, y'know, The Life happens of course). someone who's enthusiastic to delve into Maximus and his trauma, his past, his passions and his aspirations, his sexuality and all the good stuff with the encouragement of his future bf!
★ me: 32, a trans dude from Europe, a fellow Maximus enthusiast. roleplayer and writer of 17-ish years, semi-lit to literate, minimum two paragraphs a reply (and usually more) and normally at least one reply a day (and usually more) unless something comes up - of which I will communicate to you. I come into this with a m!OC (BOS deserter / human / 32-ish depending on the verse / scrappy motherfucker and a medic) that is so incredibly into supporting Maximus as he struggles through his journey. a man who's morally sort of grey despite doing his best to be good himself and who is BOS Hater Number One. has strong morals (questionable as they may sometimes be) and has a tendency to have a very "I'm right you're wrong" attitude about values close to his heart when it comes to strangers. somewhat slow to trust people (supposedly) yet has a very deep, sentimental side, latches onto people somewhat easily and and cares hard. switch who leans dominant eveb from the bottom, but has no real interest in intimacy unless it comes with intense emotions and is willing to go at Max's pace whether that's in the bedroom or outside of it. I'm honestly looking for, like, 70/30 in regards to ratio of Maximuw VS my character lore, more looking to study Maximus' character and his person and story + growth VS my dude's.
★ yes: slow burn or love at first sight, both are fine by me. multiple AUs, multiple verses, crossovers, ramblings, threads, screaming and crying over fictional men. open to discussing and writing kink, sexuality, romance, trauma, hidden feelings and hard issues, a journey through how tough it is to crave to belong somewhere so bad, in a world where there's so few somewheres left. dark and dead dove topics extremely welcome, with a few exceptions;
★ limits: no non-con, no romanticizing abuse, and... stuff. the world of Fallout is obviously very dark and I have no qualms writing that; my issue is if, for example, sexual abuse is played as a kink or as simple shock value without ever dealing with the ramifications.
does this sound like your cup of tea? great!!! please like this post and I'll contact you, or feel free to check out my blog and hit me up. pls make sure your messages are open for tumblrs you don't follow & feel not afraid to approach me; I will throw my fella's bio, writing samples and other relevant stuff @ you first thing when I message you so you can decide whether you're into it or not and you can ghost me in peace if so be it! (✿◡‿◡)★~
look forward to hearing from you! 🌹
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whatyourusherthinks · 27 days
My Adventures With Superman Season One Review
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Yes! I finally caught up with My Adventures With Superman! I waited for the entirety of the second season to come out so I could binge it and then I got to busy, but no matter! I've seen it now. It's just a shame that everyone I know who is into superheroes isn't into cartoons or anime, and everyone I know who are into cartoons and anime aren't into superheroes. Oh well, I guess I'll stew on my feelings forever...
OH WAIT I HAVE A BLOG WHERE I TALK ABOUT MEDIA. I CAN GUSH ABOUT IT HERE. Yeah, I am so hyped about this show, and now I'm going to make it everyone else problem! Muahahahahahaha! Yes, yes, you're truly the Lex Luthor of Tumblr, now get on with it. Fine, begrudge me a little fun Buggnutz.
Superman, when written well, is like my third or fourth DC superhero ever. Even if you include the Marvel and third party characters, he easily still makes it into my top ten, maybe top five. He does have an issue with the fact that it seems like half the comic book and other medium writers just not knowing what to do with him, which is so stupid. He's a pulpy space hero whose character is just good ol' farmboy with the power equivalent to God, how can you not find something interesting to do with him without ruining his personality. Not calling out any Zack Snyders I mean names. Anyway, this really long winded and rambling opening is just so I can establish my single criteria for this show: Is Superman in My Adventures With Superman what I would consider to be a well written Superman? If he is, I can easily recommend the show. If not, well, it gets the reject.
Seriously. This is like the only criteria I want. Obviously it would be a better show if classic Superman stuff makes it in and that Jimmy Olsen isn't sidelined (or shot in the head ZACK WHY DID YOU DO THAT YOU MOTHERFUC-) or if they did more obscure DC fanservice, but it isn't necessary. I just want a good, well-written Superman.
Oh, real quick technical stuff. I'm gonna review every episode individually and just quickly relay my thoughts in several paragraphs. Also, yeah I will rank every episode. If you've read my Columbo reviews you know what to expect. I'm splitting this review up into three parts, one about the episodes of the first season, one about the episodes in the second seasons, and one that's the wrap up and episodes ranking. Seriously? Why aren't you just doing one post? I don't wanna half to skip past three different posts just because I don't care about Superman. Well I was gonna do one post, but I ended up having a LOT to say about each episode. Trust me, it's best split up. (Also you could just blacklist tags you want to ignore.)
Season 1 Episode 1 'Adventures of a Normal Man Pt. 1'
Four minutes. It took four minutes for me to realize that this is the best Superman has been written outside of comics in 16 years! (I'm being generous and assuming Superman was well written throughout the entirety of the DCAU. I've unfortunately watched very little of it.) His entire character, ideals, and motivation are set up perfectly and all he does is get ready for work, worry about appearing normal, and sav e a cat from a tree. This is peak Clark Kent. This is Superman perfected. THIS IS A GREAT SHOW. And they not only nail Superman, they nail almost everything surrounding Superman! Who's the second person we see? Jimmy Olsen, Superman's best pal and the third most, maybe second most depending on the story, important side character in the Superman mythos. I love the juxtaposition of Lois and Clark getting ready in the morning. I like that Clark is clumsy especially with his powers. The comics kinda vary with how well young Clark gaining and adjusting to his powers are written, but this. Mm, this is good. And Lois and Clark are a cute potential couple immediately after meeting. I love that after falling in love at first sight, Clark immediately tries the "Heeeyyyyy" side lean, realizes immediately it's a bad idea, and then reverts back to his normal awkward self. I also love how diverse the cast and the background characters are. I think it is an awesome worldbuilding detail that in Metropolis people have like holographic phones and clear glass computers, and that there is little cleaner robots all over, and how the cars look kinda future-y, but it's still somewhat restrained and not like "a million years in the future" future-y. Jimmy just has a regular camera, even though there's probably like super 3D holographic cameras in this world. Or at least a more powerful camera on his phone. The leads have such good chemistry right off the bat. Not even just Jimmy and Lois with Clark, Lois and Jimmy have good rapport. The animation is super good and I absolutely love how expressive the characters are. And of course there is a lot of fanservice and deep cuts for comic fans. The second signifier I have that the writers knew what they were doing and loved the source material was when the Newskid Legion showed up. Please writers do a... Actually I'm save this.
There are some changes the show makes to give it it's own identity, and I love them as well. I already mentioned the diversity of the cast. While Jimmy has been black before, I'm pretty sure that this is the first time that Lois hasn't been white (At least the first time she wasn't white from the get go. There's a horrendously racist comic from the Silver Age I think where Lois Lane does blackface to get African Americans in Metropolis to talk to her for an interview. I'm not making that up.) and that's awesome. They don't do it in this episode, but they have her make various cultural signifiers of her new Korean nationality. I just like seeing cultures being expressed in little ways especially when it is a culture not focused on too often. This series is just a magical girl anime but with Superman instead of Sailor Moon. And nothing crazy fucked up has happened yet. The show balances fighting giant robots and supervillains with little meet-cute moments with Clark and Lois and interpersonal drama, investigating via character interactions, and dealing with personal problems. Almost every character is changed in someway from the comics, and I like every change. Admittedly it is mostly superficial stuff, like race and gender, but sometimes character backstories or personalities are shaken up. The big one in the pilot is Jimmy, who's super into conspiracies and we learn in later episodes that he has a social media channel where he talks about aliens and reports on Superman. I really like this characterization for him, not only does it give Jimmy his own thing without having to create a whole cosmology like Jack Kirby did for the New Gods, but it's entertaining way to insert some easter eggs too. I like they way they showcase Clark getting more of his powers. Not only does he get it in moments of desperation where he really needs to PROTECT someone else (Very rarely is it because he's trying to survive a situation, it's almost always because he is trying to save someone. And sometimes he's not even trying to save Lois, because he cares about everyone, not just his girlfriend ZACK!) but I like the blue glow-y effects. It kinda reminds me of solar radiation for whatever reason.
Of course, because I was watching this episode for like, the eighth time doing this review, I do have some nitpicks. Why is Clark wearing glasses as a kid before realizing he has powers? Does he actually have bad eyesight? Pa doesn't wear glasses in this version (Which I totally wish he did, that's a bit of characterization from the comics that either Clark wears glasses not only for secret identity purposes but also to emulate his father or because he can use Pa's old ones without needed to fake a prescriptions, and I think it would have helped balance out both Ma and Pa supporting Clark as Superman. As it stands right now Ma is the main support and Pa is mostly comic relief, which is perfectly fine but I'd just like a little more, y'know. Pa dying in the comics is supposed to be a huge deal for Superman and as it stands right now I don't think the audience would have that emotional punch as they could if they decide to do that in a future episode. Jesus Roan this is an incredibly long sidebar. SORRY NOT SORRY I LIKE SUPERMAN A LOT.) so am I just supposed to assume that this Clark had bad eyesight before he got his super senses? Actually, if that actually is the case and it turns out he's actually not physically peak compared to most Kryptonians that'd be pretty funny and a cool bit of characterization. I'm also not a super fan (puns lol) of mixing CGI with regular 2D animation, but it's not too bad. In this episode they do add drawn outlines to the models to so it fits better, but I still think it's weird. I'm also not really a huge fan of Livewire, so I don't really care that she's positioned to be Superman's first big villain. I mean it makes sense why it is her for later storylines, but with the way she's set up in the pilot I'd want her to be replaced with Toyman. Not only would that make more sense for this individual plot I like him as a character and villain more. Livewire is better in future episodes, and speaking of which, so does Jimmy. In the pilot he's just played as a common sense competent comic relief, there to make jokes about aliens and cryptids and also give Clark a hard time about his obvious crush on Lois. I mean, each episode is only a little over 20 minutes so I am cutting it slack, but so much Superman adaptations either sideline or completely cut out Jimmy Olsen that I was worried the first time watching. Plus the editing and pacing can be wack sometimes. There's literally a part where Jimmy and Lois look up to see a crane moving a giant robot from a distance, and in the next cut they are right under the crane. Did they teleport? AlsoLoisshould'vecalledClarkSmallvilleattheendoftheepisode I KNOW IT DOESN'T MATTER but I would've liked it.
Okay I see what you mean about 'having a lot to say'. YEAH. Count your blessing that barely any superhero movies are coming out this year.
Season 1 Episode 2 'Adventures of a Normal Man Pt. 2'
Haha they call a Conspiracy Board a Murder Board. Wait, is it actually supposed to be called that? Wikipedia calls it an Evidence Board or a Murder Map... Anyway, not important. Ma Kent is the best mother to every exist. The moment kid Clark is like "I'm not you're son?" She was like "Hush now baby boy you're totally ours no matter what a creepy hologram says!" Speaking of which, Jor-El speaking only Kryptonian is a good touch, but I feel like they made him extra aggressive early one just to mess with the audience? Like they wanted Superman's bio dad is actually nice to be a twist which is... dumb. I'll get into why when I talk about the second season. Jimmy and Lois get some good one-on-one time together (even if half of their conversations are about Clark) and their dialogue is quick and witty, just the way I like it! Anyway I really love that Ma makes Clark wear briefs over his space costume. That is such a good little touch. Superman absolutely needs the shorts on his costume this is a hill I will die on. (Yes, they do add a lot Martha. I agree.) Everyone has already touched upon it too, but giving Clark a transformations sequence for when he got his super suit is great, 10 outta 10 choice there. A 10 outta 10 choice I actually like more is Superman cleaning up after the finale fight. This is what I mean by this show understanding Superman. Clark is there to help. He's not here to punch everyone into submission. He makes sure everything is fixed. He takes the time to make sure everyone is okay. (Usually, they actually cover that in later episodes.) Including the his villains, by the way! He'd rather take a hit than hurt anyone. He's a hero who wouldn't call himself a hero. That is Superman. Not a brute who mopes around because no one likes him who kills anyone he thinks is a threat to this one person he's obsessed with ZACK!
Oh yeah, They introduce you Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke the Terminator in this episode. I feel like I should have a hot take like everyone else has about him, but I don't. He's fine, he works with what they are doing with him in the series. I love sassy villains but I get why fans of the character from the comics would be annoyed by his portrayal in this show. I don't really like that he has a mech suit to keep pace with Superman, I wish he was just so skilled and crafty (plus has a healing factor from a super soldier serum) that he can fight Superman. But like all the villains are tech based in this show, and I get mechs are more anime. Eh, I'm generally positive towards him. His fight with Livewire was cool. It's a shame he becomes kinda a stooge after this episode since he his ending line was super cool. I also don't know if I've mentioned it yet, but I really like Perry White. Honestly he might be the character that is the least changed from other Superman stories, because as far as I can tell the only difference between Perry in the comics and Perry here is that he's black, which is something other adaptations have done.
Again, nitpick time. Why does Jimmy switch between using his phone and his camera to take pictures? Yeah he took the one picture of him and Lois to send to Clark, but why not just have him use this phone all the time? This is also the episode which establishes him as Flamebird, an online streamer which is major plot point in a bunch of episodes, and most phones have excellent cameras nowadays, so it would just make sense for him to always use it. I'm don't love this version of Superman's S. I don't hate it either I guess, but I prefer it actually look like an S instead of this angular whatever. Actually, if they try to do the "It's the El family crest"/"It's a symbol for hope" that would actually work better than it does in any other adaptation since it looks unlike any other version of his symbol. I think it would have been better if Ma added the Symbol to his costume like she does the shorts. Hell, She should've added all the Red to his costume. All the blue with a little yellow highlights are what Jor-El gives Clark, and Ma sees it and is like "Mm my boy ain't going out there in a skintight suit, put these shorts on. And while we're at it I'm gonna add a little flair to the chest here. What did that Lois girl call you, Superman? Well clearly it needs to be an S then, and oh! I best I have an old linen I can modify for a cape." etc... Would've been cute is my point. It makes even less sense that Jor-El would give Clark a cape when we meet Kara in the second season and she doesn't have one until she starts cribbing off of Clark. The last nitpick comes with the anime territory, but I don't really like the over the top expressions. Like where the eyes bulge out the head, and the mouths get super big, you know what I mean. Yes, it's just because I don't like anime, but I honestly feel like they undercut how expressive the characters usually are anyway. The best faces come from Perry when he's throwing Lois and Jimmy out of his office at the end of the episode, and they didn't have to resort to any big head chibi stuff.
Season 1 Episode 3 'My Interview With Superman'
This episode starts with Superman saving the pilot of a crashing zeppelin! I'm going to say it in every episode rundown, this is peak. Superman. I love that it's a blimp too, like in this technologically forward city they still have the most explosive means of transportation around. That's so funny to me. Speaking of funny, Intergang is my favorite villains in the whole season. They're like if Team Rocket were punks instead of theater kids. This is also the episode where they start getting into anime tropes, but with Clark instead of whatever anime blow-up doll. Mm that comment will age well. They're fictional simmer down. Anyway, I'm of course referring to Lois accidently walking into Clark's massive chest. I'm being a dick, but I actually love this entire interaction between Clark and Lois, it's just super funny. Everything from Lois being too hyper focused on trying to get Superman for an interview she completely misses that Clark says he'll do anything for her, to Clark trying to catch himself from doing the Superman voice (He doesn't just hide behind a pair of glasses people!), to "It was a long jog.". Jimmy is a great wingman, I love how he slides out of frame when Clark and Lois are flirting. I hope Clark does him the same curtesy when he and Kara start flirting. Another little detail I like are the guns the cops and security guards have being like electro-pistols instead of regular ones. I'd say it's because of kids television censorship, but this show airs on Adult Swim, and they show WAAAY more heinous stuff than guns on there. Ever watch Moral Orel? Clark freaking out when he finds out Jimmy and Lois have been getting captured on purpose was pretty funny too. It's something that could've been a good reoccurring gag if they kept Clark's identity a secret longer, but I'll talk about that later. Superman versus Intergang was a pretty awesome fight. For starters I love that Clark give the villains a chance to surrender before even coming close to them, very Superman move there. Heck the security guard kinda does that too, I wasn't expecting that nuance. Second, I really like how Kryptonian tech looks. It's kind of a shame they aren't going to do a Fortress of Solitude because it could look super cool. I'll get into more details later, but there's some other worldbuilding stuff that is awesome. I don't even mind that Intergang do counterproductive stuff in the fight, since they are established to be massive dumbasses. Anyway, onto the nitpicks!
I don't like Steve Lombard and Cat Grant. To be fair, I don't really like them in the comic either, and they are slightly better here than they are there. But they are still caricatures in a sea of more well rounded characters. Steve does get some nice moments in later episodes with Jimmy, and at least Ronnie is reasonable here instead of an obnoxious nerd. I don't find their introduction particularly funny either, they only funny thing is when the gang try to copy it and Clark absolutely wants to fly away but he can't. It is weird that swiping their press passes let's the gang into the prison. They look nothing like their counterparts. I'm thinking that the animators/story boarders didn't talk to the writers that closely for this one. I'm also a little mixed about Clark being completely straight-laced. On the one hand, if feel like it comes from a misinterpretation of Superman that's always a boy scout and never does anything that isn't by the book, which simply isn't true. Clark is not only willing to bend the rule of law when he is doing something he thinks is right (Hell, 40% of Luthor's schemes involve tricking Superman into doing something illegal to get the public angry at him, and it's not like Clark doesn't know what the laws are.), but he's actually mischievous in a lot of stories. He's a trickster hero, especially in the Golden Age. (Here we make a token nod to the ending of 'What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way', otherwise known as 'Superman Versus The Elite' for people who don't want to read.) Also is it weird that Silver Banshee reminds me of Red from OSP? Yes. Drat.
Season 1 Episode 4 'Let's Go to Ivo Tower, You Say'
Let me get this out of the way. I think my favorite change from the source material is swapping Lois's affection for the Superman/Clark identities around. If you don't know, in the comics Lois Lane is usually in love with Superman or feels attraction to him, while she doesn't really think about Clark Kent at all. (Unless she knows Clark is Superman, obviously. There's probably a fifty-fifty chance Lois knows in any given story.) For the first half, Lois is super crushing on Clark, and absolutely hates/is frustrated by Superman. Which I think makes a whole lot more sense. It's been said by others, and I agree which is why I'm repeating it, that Superman is Clark Kent's customer service voice. That's such a good way of putting the energy the best written Supermen give off. It's not necessarily professional, but there's no vulnerability or emotion necessarily to connect to. This isn't some "My secret identity is the real mask" bullshit, no! Clark is a guy who wants to help and Superman is the way he can help. You fall in love with the stranger the chats you up in the bar, the bartender who politely serves you your beer. (Hopefully, I mean.) This is another thing I kinda wish stuck around long, but again I'll go into more depth later. Anyway, I adore how Lois is kind of a dumb ass in this universe. I mean, Clark all but tells her he's Superman at the end of the last and beginning of this episode, but it still takes her a minute to figure it out. To be fair, her track record is much worse in other universes, and the story does acknowledge how oblivious she is. But that doesn't change the fact that's she didn't realize that the guy she's all moony over has the exact same eyes, hair, and build as the alien she's chasing. I guess that is something that works better with Lois being in love with Superman not Clark now that I think about it. I think this is the first episode with the theme song. I like it, I wish they changed the animation for Season 2. This is a gala episode too, so all the gang gets all dolled up. I unabashedly love episodes like this. Not only because it's fun to see characters you like in fancy suits and dresses (And also whatever the clothes Lois is wearing is called I'm sorry I really like the outfit I'm just an uncultured swine so I'm unfamiliar with it.), but also because there is a much higher chance than average for a dance action scene! Unfortunately there isn't one of those in this episode, but there is an incredibly cute moment where Lois talks about her dad while fixing Clark's suit jacket and it might be my favorite moment of the season. By the way, not to brag or anything, but I knew who Lois's dad was the second she mentioned him in this episode. Because you read about him in the comics, right? ...Well I also knew the assistant was Lex Luthor! Yeah everyone did dumb ass. You take the fun out of everything Buggnutz. I kinda like that this Dr. Ivo is basically Tony Stark if he even more of a douche bag, and I absolutely LOVE that Clark goes straight for the throat after he insults Lois. Also, Ivo's definition of the "finer bachelorettes" is the thiccer ladies, nice. Gross. Don't hate, I've learned to appreciate the finer things. Anyway, I think tying Parasite to Dr. Ivo was a really smart way to fold some more Superman mythos together. I always like it when comic book adaptations streamline some of the more esoteric corners of the stories. My only nitpick with this episode is that the Daily Planet seems to write a lot of interest pieces about bachelors and bachelorettes. This is probably just because the gang are interns/new journalists so far, so they aren't being given any super heavy-hitting assignments. But I still think it's weird that the regular paper seems to care so much about who's single. I'm with you Lois, get thrown out for asking about corruption charges and criminal connections. Anyway this episode has the funniest end credit picture okay ready for the next episode?
Season 1 Episode 5 'You Will Believe a Man Can Lie'
First, love the title. You've been saying love a lot. WELL THE SHOW'S GOOD, WATCH IT. Second, finally a Jimmy centric storyline! Great Rao my boy has needed this! I will admit, this is usually the kind of episode I hate. It's Lois and Clark having a million misunderstandings while they ignore Jimmy. And Steve Lombard plays a huge part in this episode too. But I don't hate this episode. In fact, I like it a lot. For one, MAWS is an ongoing storyline show, so there is considerable build up to Clark and Lois having this particular confrontation, unlike one-off story shows where these kinds of conflicts come out of nowhere. Also, this is a perfectly understandable confusion. Clark thinks he's got this secret identity on lock and since he and Lois had a really intimate ending to the last episode so the only thing on his mind is asking her out, and Lois is so ADD-coded in this show that OF COURSE the only way she thinks to make Clark reveal he's Superman is to trick him into revealing it, and when that doesn't work, jump off the fucking roof of the Daily Planet. And since they are both so preoccupied with each other, they naturally forget about Jimmy and this weekend he's been excited for. Besides, Jimmy and Steve are a surprisingly good odd couple, them together might be the funniest duo in the whole show. Speaking of comedy, this is definitely the funniest episode of the first season. I giggle uncontrollably at the "Me, you and Superman in a room together. At the same time." line every time. LOIS LITERALLY HANDCUFFS HERSELF TO SUPES THIS EPISODE IS HILAROUS. Also, I kinda got my dance fight I wanted from the last episode. Speaking of fights, the final fight in this episode is super cool. I'd have to think on it more, but it might be my favorite fight in the show. I don't even have any nitpicks about this episode. Not even when Lois jumps off the roof? Are you kidding? That's classic Lois Lane stuff! Besides, they point out how fucking insane it was immediately after she does it, and it makes sense with the backstory they are setting up for her, and it's been established she does dangerous and reckless things when chasing something she wants. Why would I be annoyed by this? Because Clark could've changed into Superman, rescued her, then changed back. He's totally fast enough to do that. No he isn't. If he was, couldn't do like an after image thing where he pretends to be in two places at once? And even if he was fast enough to do that, Lois would notice that Superman has the same "shaving" scars as Clark. I win yet again Buggnutz! Grrr! One day I shall defeat you in this witty repartee!
Season 1 Episode 6 'My Adventures With Mad Science'
FINALLY THE BEST CHARACTERS IN THE SHOW ARRIVE! I was not expecting Monsieur Mallah and the Brain to be in the show. (When the ape silhouette appeared at the end of the last episode, I thought it was gonna be the Ultra Humanite.) And to double down, I was not expecting them to switch from a somewhat fraught doomed evil couple, to a sweet old, yet catty, true love. I keep saying, but this is fucking PEAK! Seriously, I goddamn absolutely LOVE this Mallah and Brain, I'm so happy they came back in season two, and I can't wait for their episode in every season. Right? They have to be in at least one episode every season now, since you rolled back the best ending for them to have together. Plus they both have, like, the best lines in the entire show. Maybe it is just their accents, but I was cracking up every other line they said. Also, human Brain is hot? Seriously, they are so good it makes up for Lois being kind of a bitch for the entire episode. *Sigh* She has good reason to be mad and it's not egregious, but she's still a little too catty for my liking. At least this episode's main plot is a Jimmy focused story, and it's so damn good. It was sorely needed for the character, and the support Mallah (and the Brain too a little bit) gives him is so sweet, even after he kinda trivializes his backstory. And I actually really like that Jimmy new Clark was Superman since they met! Not only is Jimmy usually in the know in the comics, I think it makes a lot of sense here! Jimmy does usually act like he knows Clark is Superman, and doesn't want to let on that he does. Except he was totally freaking out trying to find Clark in 'My Interview With Superman'. Yeah but did he see Clark fly out of the fight? Maybe he assumed be got blown out of the back? My only nitpick (besides Lois's attitude in this episode) is that OMACs are in this episode. And they don't work in an "OMAC, Attack!" line. You're complaining about the weirdest shit in this review. Yeah. I know.
So we got bored hiding, like, one year in and made a bunch of mutants, okay?
Season 1 Episode 7 'Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal'
Damn, I wasn't expecting this show to bring in the Multiverse this heavy in the first season. Neither was I expecting Mr. Mzyixpiddle... Myzerlickdib... Myxerpit... Mr. Mxyzptlk. Mzmer- Mxyzptlk. Miamar. Dude they say it in the episode. Whatever! Anyway, Clark fretting over the perfect date with Lois is cute, so is him immediately dropping all pretenses when the villain pretends that Lois is in trouble and only Superman can save her. I actually think it's super interesting in the grand canon to have a multiversal strike team of Lois Lanes and Jimmy Olsens that stop bad Supermen. And I like... Mr. M's... Design in this episode. It is very anime, but I think it works. Also the implication that this character is the same as every other version we've seen from every iteration, it weirdly makes sense that there is infinite of our 4th dimensional space, but one one 5th dimensional space. And I actually kinda like that they make him seem like a potential good guy at the beginning of the episode. Not only did we just have Monsieur Mallah and the Brain in the previous episode plant the idea that this adaptation can change some alliances of pre-existing characters around, but they do show us the League of Lois Lanes stalking this universe's Lois and Jimmy, thus planting the idea that they could've been kidnapped. Plus Clark doesn't get fooled for too long, nor is he tricked into doing anything too stupid, so he's not extra dumb this episode. This is a thing that doesn't happen too often but I kinda love when it does, is a different version of a character introducing themselves as themselves. The "I'm you, from the future!" moment. Oh man, this is also the first time Krytonite shows up in the show, and this is probably the coolest it's been. Ever. First, it's just the green variety which is absolutely for the best. And while it effects Superman in the way it usually does, I really like the extra effect of more Kryptonite crystals growing out of his skin. This isn't the first time something like this has happened to Superman, but if you want to know about first time for ideas. You first see it in a later episode, but even Kryptonian tech is effected by it, and in the same way. That's something that seems so obvious yet I don't think it's been done before. I also really like Lois and Clark have this sweet romantic moment in the middle of the massive chaotic brawl with a literal chaos god. That was fun.
Here are my nitpicks: Why you hating on talking gorillas Clark? The one you met was incredibly lovely! And also left to travel the multiverse for a bit. If anything you should be worried/dog on giant robots, those seem to be everywhere. The League also seems to jump to a lot of ridiculous conclusions in this episode. Like they know Mr. M is a trickster, but they completely discount the possibility that Clark is being fooled by him. It's clearly because they've seen too many evil Supermen in the multiverse. That's another thing that kinda bugs me, and by no means is this exclusive to this show, but why does everyone assume that there are just as many evil Supermen as good ones? There's like 4 evil Supermen, 5 if you wanna count Superboy-Prime, and countless other good and righteous versions of Clark. Yet so many writers just assumes that the main Superman is the only good one. My point is, I will not stand for this Calvin Ellis slander.
Season 1 Episode 8 'Zero Day: Part One'
Yes, Clark gets his super hearing in this episode! It was so smart to make this a power Clark gets later. Not only does this give us the great line "I can hear everyone. And Jimmy! Jimmy! Jimmy! They have problems." but it's cool to see the issue being Clark now noticing everyone's issues and trying to help rather than just plain old sensory overload. Roan. Plus almost all the villains from previous episodes show back up again, even if they are just stooges for General Lane. It's just nice to see them all team up, y'know. Roan, hang on- Also I'm glad they go out of their way to show that Superman still goes out of his way to save cats in trees and help lost little girls, even while he is trying to investigate bigger problems and can hear every disaster as it's happening. Roan Vicki Vale is in this episode- Also, hey Lex Luthor is back! And he's a massive little bitch! I'll talk more about him later, but for now I'll just say I love this characterization for him. Roan talk about the potential- I actually really like the emotional conflict of this episode. They took what BvS tried to do and actually made it a good story. Like it makes sense that people start to turn on Superman a bit based on what happens in the episode, but the bad thing he did isn't out of character for him. (Basically Clark tries to save an invisible guy and ends up causing a truck to crash, harming no one.) There's a bunch of little moments in this show that are taking ideas that stories of a lower quality had, and making them actually good. Zack. Roan Bat- And my god is the darkest hour of the episode good. You jump from Lois accidently insulting Clark to Supes getting jumped by Task Force X and it's so damn bleak. The atmosphere in the episodes is actually lowkey amazing, but I think it stands out the best here. Metropolis immediate gets overcast after Superman saves Mist and it's gloomy until the end of the episode. ROAN! WHAT? Talk about Batman! Why? This is a Superman show. They have Vicki Vale in this episode. So what? She's a Batman character. Yeah, and? Don't you want to see Batman in the show? Absolutely fucking not. Don't get me wrong. I'm sure if they did it it would be in a really smart and entertaining way, but not only is Batman way too overdone, but adding other heroes I feel like requires set-up and plotlines that the would take away from the Superman stories. Is it so wrong to want my Superman show to just be about him?
Season 1 Episode 9 'Zero Day: Part Two'
...Y'know something I realized. Zero Day (both parts) is directed to Snyder fans who were complaining about the show early on. And there is one scene in particular I think proves it. The scene where Clark learns about Zero Day. See, General Lane shows Clark his backstory, to with Clark's first response is "All those people got hurt, that's horrible!" Y'know like Superman would. And General Lane, the bad guy, immediately thinks he is lying. Because how realistic is it that Superman would actually care? Not at all. *Sigh* You're missing the point Buggnutz. First off, the point of Superman isn't to be realistic. He's an alien in a blue and red jumpsuit who can fly and shoot lasers from his eyes (Sidenote, I like how minimally Clark uses his laser eyes in the show. I feel like way too many writers rely on it to be Superman's only attack, and he never uses it for utility reasons. Probably because it's the closest Superman has to like, a gun. Which is fucked up. Nah, this show so far has used it in like two episodes and it was more useful fixing things than it was attacking bad guys. He should use his freeze breath more though.) he's already not a realistic character. Secondly, the whole idea behind Superman is he's the hero who can do anything and will always make the right choices. Jerry Seigel and Joe Shuster were two Jewish men and Superman debuted in comics in 1938. Think about who they were. Think about the times they lived in. Which do you think was their intention: An overpowered figure that would defend everyone from the tyrannies of evil? Or a nihilistic Jesus who only saves people on a whim, and actually is the real problem you guys. Superman is a pop culture icon at this point though, he has evolved past what his creators intended. Sure, but why did he become a pop culture icon? Besides, my last point is the hard-hittingest. What character is making the same point as you are Buggnutz. General Lane. And what is his role in the story? Okay, I see you're point- No no no. Answer me. *Sigh* He's the antagonist. EXACTAMOI! Haven't you heard of a bad guy with sympathetic and understandable motivations? Of course I have *eyeroll* but that's not point the show is trying to make. Showing off that General Lane has a reason to believe what he does isn't the point. Not believing Superman is being genuine when he says he cares is a bad thing is the point.
I like how the big bad villain of the season is Parasite technically. Not only is his new backstory really fun, but it makes sense that he's a greater physical threat than all the other villains. Plus Parasite become a kaiju is fucking awesome! Parasite, in my opinion, can be kid of hit or miss in the comics. He's either a really interesting threat, or just a dumbass thug. I also think switching his power to absorbing energy and converting it into physical mass rather than "He touch you you die" is super smart. I also really like how subtle the show is with his weaknesses. Sure, Kryptonite gets a big spotlight in 'Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal' but they're never like "This mineral is making me feel weak!" or "That rock is hurting Superman!" or whatever. They just showcase the effects and the audience draws their own conclusions. I'm pretty sure the only time they name drop the red sun weakness is in 'My Adventures With Mad Science' and it's not in relation to Superman at all. And magic... Well magic hasn't shown up at all in the show yet. Jimmy helping save the day is awesome, I wish this wasn't the first time he made a major contribution to the solutions. Luckily it becomes much more frequent in the next season. My only nitpick is more related for a season two episode than this one, so I'll save it for later.
Season 1 Episode 10 'Hearts of the Fathers'
Alright, to start out, I like that the Parasite shell is still around. It give the world a more realistic feel, y'know? "To commemorate the time our city also got destroyed by a giant purple bug-lizard, we decided to leave it's petrified molting up in the city park where Superman stopped it." Next, I like how the gang get promoted to being reporters. I just like this Perry White in general, it feels like what they were trying to do with Lawrence Fishburne in BvS but actually good. Zack. (I think I already mentioned that.) I love that Ma and Pa are instantly just in love with Lois as Clark is. Ew. I meant in a nurturing, parental sense Buggnutz, getcher mind outta da gutta. Also Pa fussing over the turkey is cute. Jimmy refusing to get pulled into everyone's drama was great, I always love when characters subvert plot conveniences that are only used to artificially increase drama. And great Scott, the shot of Superman pushing his ship above the clouds! It looked so good! When I first watched the show, I was really confused why Zero Day wasn't the season finale, but after watching the episode, I totally get why. But here's my nitpick. I think the way they play the reveal of General Lane being Lois's dad is really good, mostly. I like that Clark is freaking out the entire time, I love that Ma fucking HATES General Lane without even realizing that he kidnapped Clark, and I love Jimmy's role in all of this. But how the fuck did General Lane not realize Clark Kent is Superman by the end of the episode? In the next season there is a bunch of conflict between the General and Clark because he doesn't realize Clark is Superman, which not only seems out of place due to the ending of this episode, but seems out of character for General Lane. Like the show has displayed that he is a really smart guy. But he can't put together that the person he is living with who is constantly sneaking out and spent Thanksgiving with at a middle of nowhere farm is the Superhero he was chasing for a whole season and who's spaceship just so happens to be at the middle of nowhere farm he spent that Thanksgiving at? REALLY? And I totally thought the character at the end was gonna be Zod. I think it was intended to be, but they changed their minds in between seasons. Eh... I'll get more into it in the next post.
And those are my thoughts on Season One. In a couple days I'll have both my Season Two and Wrap Up posts for the show. Probably. Thanks for reading!
0 notes
rp-partnerfinder · 2 months
☢ Fallout and Scribe Maximus enjoyers, ahoy! ☢
★ you: 23+, scribe / aspirant / knight (etc etc) Maximus enthusiast and writer. someone who's communicative and willing to plot, discuss headcanons and endure my memes and stuff even when we're not actively writing. semi-lit to literate, third person and past tense enjoyer. replies possibly every day or even several times a day, but at least a few times a week (unless, y'know, The Life happens of course). someone who's enthusiastic to delve into Maximus and his trauma, his past, his passions and his aspirations, his sexuality and all the good stuff with the encouragement of his future bf!
★ me: 32, a trans dude from Europe, a fellow Maximus enthusiast. roleplayer and writer of 17-ish years, semi-lit to literate, minimum two paragraphs a reply (and usually more) and normally at least one reply a day (and usually more) unless something comes up - of which I will communicate to you. I come into this with a m!OC (BOS deserter / human / 32-ish depending on the verse / scrappy motherfucker and a medic) that is so incredibly into supporting Maximus as he struggles through his journey. a man who's morally sort of grey despite doing his best to be good himself and who is BOS Hater Number One. has strong morals (questionable as they may sometimes be) and has a tendency to have a very "I'm right you're wrong" attitude about values close to his heart when it comes to strangers. somewhat slow to trust people (supposedly) yet has a very deep, sentimental side, latches onto people somewhat easily and and cares hard. switch who leans dominant eveb from the bottom, but has no real interest in intimacy unless it comes with intense emotions and is willing to go at Max's pace whether that's in the bedroom or outside of it. I'm honestly looking for, like, 70/30 in regards to ratio of Maximuw VS my character lore, more looking to study Maximus' character and his person and story + growth VS my dude's.
★ yes: slow burn or love at first sight, both are fine by me. multiple AUs, multiple verses, crossovers, ramblings, threads, screaming and crying over fictional men. open to discussing and writing kink, sexuality, romance, trauma, hidden feelings and hard issues, a journey through how tough it is to crave to belong somewhere so bad, in a world where there's so few somewheres left. dark and dead dove topics extremely welcome, with a few exceptions;
★ limits: no non-con, no romanticizing abuse, and... stuff. the world of Fallout is obviously very dark and I have no qualms writing that; my issue is if, for example, sexual abuse is played as a kink or as simple shock value without ever dealing with the ramifications.
does this sound like your cup of tea? great!!! please like this post and I'll contact you, or feel free to check out my blog and hit me up. pls make sure your messages are open for tumblrs you don't follow & feel not afraid to approach me; I will throw my fella's bio, writing samples and other relevant stuff @ you first thing when I message you so you can decide whether you're into it or not and you can ghost me in peace if so be it! (✿◡‿◡)★~
look forward to hearing from you! 🌹
0 notes
findroleplay · 2 months
☢ Fallout and Scribe Maximus enjoyers, ahoy! ☢
★ you: 23+, scribe / aspirant / knight (etc etc) Maximus enthusiast and writer. someone who's communicative and willing to plot, discuss headcanons and endure my memes and stuff even when we're not actively writing. semi-lit to literate, third person and past tense enjoyer. replies possibly every day or even several times a day, but at least a few times a week (unless, y'know, The Life happens of course). someone who's enthusiastic to delve into Maximus and his trauma, his past, his passions and his aspirations, his sexuality and all the good stuff with the encouragement of his future bf!
★ me: 32, a trans dude from Europe, a fellow Maximus enthusiast. roleplayer and writer of 17-ish years, semi-lit to literate, minimum two paragraphs a reply (and usually more) and normally at least one reply a day (and usually more) unless something comes up - of which I will communicate to you. I come into this with a m!OC (BOS deserter / human / 32-ish depending on the verse / scrappy motherfucker and a medic) that is so incredibly into supporting Maximus as he struggles through his journey. a man who's morally sort of grey despite doing his best to be good himself and who is BOS Hater Number One. has strong morals (questionable as they may sometimes be) and has a tendency to have a very "I'm right you're wrong" attitude about values close to his heart when it comes to strangers. somewhat slow to trust people (supposedly) yet has a very deep, sentimental side, latches onto people somewhat easily and and cares hard. switch who leans dominant eveb from the bottom, but has no real interest in intimacy unless it comes with intense emotions and is willing to go at Max's pace whether that's in the bedroom or outside of it. I'm honestly looking for, like, 70/30 in regards to ratio of Maximuw VS my character lore, more looking to study Maximus' character and his person and story + growth VS my dude's.
★ yes: slow burn or love at first sight, both are fine by me. multiple AUs, multiple verses, crossovers, ramblings, threads, screaming and crying over fictional men. open to discussing and writing kink, sexuality, romance, trauma, hidden feelings and hard issues, a journey through how tough it is to crave to belong somewhere so bad, in a world where there's so few somewheres left. dark and dead dove topics extremely welcome, with a few exceptions;
★ limits: no non-con, no romanticizing abuse, and... stuff. the world of Fallout is obviously very dark and I have no qualms writing that; my issue is if, for example, sexual abuse is played as a kink or as simple shock value without ever dealing with the ramifications.
does this sound like your cup of tea? great!!! please like this post and I'll contact you, or feel free to check out my blog and hit me up. pls make sure your messages are open for tumblrs you don't follow & feel not afraid to approach me; I will throw my fella's bio, writing samples and other relevant stuff @ you first thing when I message you so you can decide whether you're into it or not and you can ghost me in peace if so be it! (✿◡‿◡)★~
look forward to hearing from you! 🌹
0 notes
thedetectiveofinaba · 2 years
Tumblr media
Anonymous asked: What are Naoto’s thoughts on each of the Investigation Team members?
I’m going to try to be short & concise about this, as much as I can anyway. These apply to IT in general as a basis what can be plotted more in-depth. This is going to be a long post knowing my girl :'DD
For the squad who wants to see me trying to have a TLDR on each member in one paragraph, you can click the Long Post to see more ✨
Yu Narukami/Souji Seta - Narukami-san/Souji-san: Leader who apparently has the Wild Card and tries to act as the leader of the group of wanna-be teen detectives with their own agendas. By default she’s putting both pressure and trust on him, especially since he’s shown potential to be a mature person who doesn’t judge based on one’s looks or facades they might have and is civil and friendly to most people. Based on if he trusts his teammates equally and acts like a fair leader, she’s going to rely on him on the Phantom Thief case referred by her and use that as a method to try to socialize.
Yosuke Hanamura - Hanamura-san: The second-in-command who seems to act as the brains of the team and the son of the Junes’ store manager. Usually owns brain cells to not act like an idiot and has a long patience for idiot colleagues. Despite his common sense he’s shown that he puts his own selfish, immature and petty goals above the common good and ignores others’ agency to get his way. She sees Yosuke as a normal teenager and as smart and dumb as his peers.
Yukiko Amagi - Amagi-san: The future Amagi Inn heir who has a “honorable” (read: repulsive) challenge based on her reputation. Seems neutral and calm if you ignore her unique sense of humor and love of horror movies and horror stories. Is close to her best friend Chie and seems to hang out with her as often as she can from working in the Inn or studying. Naoto would like to speak with Yukiko more outside Junes HQ meetings but is anxious on if she’s not impressive enough or if she’s the third wheel if Chie is brought along.
Chie Satonaka - Satonaka-san: The tomboy of the group who loves kung-fu movies and steak from Souzai Daigaku. Has a weird dynamic between her and Hanamura-san, it’s not always clear to her if they’re friends or only close aqcuintances. Best friends with Yukiko Amagi and seems to want help people in her close circles. Naoto wants to speak with Chie as well but is afraid she’ll end up as the third wheel in their convos and that she’ll have nothing legitimate to say unless it’s on studying or IT topics. She sees Chie as occasionally immature and not always aware when a joke crosses a line on being funny or legal.
Kanji Tatsumi - Tatsumi-san: The falsely assumed hard-boiled, emotionless punk who helps his grandmother with Tatsumi Textiles. Seems to understand how gender stereotypes and how the mindset that being feminine is supposedly bad is BS. One of the people Naoto has confined in from week one and is one of the closest IT members to her due to showing that he gets her issues at least a bit and cares. She considers him a friend even though the School Festival happened (she puts the whole thing to the tab of guys being idiots and puberty after calming down), even though it gets a bit awkward due to the crush Kanji harbors to her and him acting rashly at times it’s mostly stable. 
Rise Kujikawa - Rise-san: Similarly to Kanji, she considers her to be a close friend of hers from the get-go. Has shown empathy and understanding on how she's not thinking Naoto is a cold-hearted bitch and went to lengths to share information about her Shadow to ensure Naoto she's not an outsider on having a problematic Shadow. Naoto is most protective/prone to hanging out with her and even though Rise has had some out of line comments the disagreements are fairly easy to deal with. Official Fashion Adviser, even though her guidance needs to be reeled in to be not too out there.
0 notes
ebitchwriting · 2 years
Dragged Into The Blood
Summary: Never staying in one place for long, Lea was used to impermanence, chaos, and having to drop everything at the drop of a hat. Lea never expected that she would be kidnapped and wake up in a rusted, decrepit prison cell because of a madman's delusional belief in eugenics and cleansing the Earth of imperfection. By herself, with only the clothing on her back, she will have to rely on luck and logic to escape before she's killed or worse.
Warnings: Anxiety due to being in close proximity to a kidnapper, sensory issues due to experimentation, torture, and guns.
Hello, Dearhearts, for yet another chapter in this revamp! By this point, I'm gonna lay off the paragraph-long warning of "dead dove, do not eat" because it's just circle talk now. I trust you guys to know what this story is going to be like. Trigger warnings above for those that need it. Though this is my first combat chapter and I'm not really experienced in writing combat. So please, I would love it if I had some comments telling me how I did and what I can do to improve. Enjoy! Link to A03 is at the bottom.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
Chapter 4: Avoiding The Fight
The teen slowly approached one of the many open archways, making sure each step was as light as possible. Lea fought with her lungs to keep a steady and slow rhythm as she crept closer. Once within a foot of it, she lowered herself and pressed to the column. Closing her eyes, the teen focused on locking her anxieties in a box. Lea opened her eyes and brought herself close enough to the edge to see what area she was in now and, more importantly, exactly how many people were there and who they were.
The first thing Lea noticed was that it would be difficult for her to sneak, as there appeared to be at least a dozen archways like the one she was hiding next to. Next, she noticed that the room seemed to be an odd amalgamation of temple ruins and a secret facility. Based on the stone walls, dozens of granite coffins, and ancient vases, and how they starkly contrast the thick reinforced stainless-steel door on the first floor and elevator on the second floor, just above the stairwell. Lea's heart fluttered with hope as she stared at the elevator, though it quickly fell as her eyes flickered to the open archways.
'... You know what, this is fine... I just need to army crawl my way all the way on this floor... And BOOM..! I'll be one step closer to freedom... It'll be easy as pie....'  The teenager thought to herself, fighting the urge to nervously hum.
Lea's eyes flickered to the first floor, immediately noticing that both her captors and Valentine were closest to the stairwell. Her heart ached with guilt at the sight of the hooded woman, yet Lea's mind kept her in place, telling her that she was going to die if she revealed her location. Survival matters most, not your conscience.
Lea switches her gaze to the other side of the room, where two strangers stand, aiming their guns at the three. One was a military man who could only be described as massive in every sense. From how he clearly towered over everyone except Mr. Sunglasses to how ridiculously muscular he was, and even his arsenal was massive, holding a handgun, a knife, a shotgun, and a grenade launcher, of all things. The other was a young military black woman dressed casually in cargo pants and a purple tank top. She had a considerably smaller arsenal, limiting herself to her handgun, machine gun, and knife. She looked like the most normal person out of the five.
"Us?" The one-man army asked. His tone was still quite loud but wavered, confusion and dread evident in the cadence of that singular word. The teenager felt lost, unsure of what to think about what she overheard, almost like she was a third wheel. Lea glanced across the hallway that veered off to the left, debating whether now was the time to try to sneak around whatever was happening.
"So slow to catch on." The man in all leather responded teasingly, making the teenager feel on edge. The psychopath pulled at her hood, taking his time for his grand reveal. From where Lea was, she couldn't see much of her except that the woman had ashen skin as if she hadn't stepped foot in the sun for ages and that her hair was an unnaturally bright shade of blonde. Across the room, Lea could see the tanky man's reaction, a combination of relief and regret so painfully evident on his face as he lowered his gun.
"Jill... Jill! It's me, Chis!" The brunette man, Chris, shouted with an edge of desperation.
'... Aha..! I now know another name..'  The teenager thought to herself, trying to focus on anything positive in this horrid situation.
"What? Are you sure that's her?" The woman next to Chris asked. Lea wasn't great at placing accents, but it sounded like South African or Australian? The blonde sat there, curiosity tugging at her despite her fear screaming at her to run away.
"The one and only." The psychopath dramatically confirmed with an exaggerated and taunting bow. Lea narrowed her eyes, hating how much that bastard loved to gloat and mock everyone he interacted with.
Suddenly, Valentine rips off her hood, throwing it at Chris, before launching herself at him with a flying kick to his chest. Lea's eyes widened at the action. There was no way that was humanly possible unless they had very specific, life-long training to do so. It reminded her too much of...
'... No... We are not thinking about that... Not right now, and especially not when the psycho is right there...'
Valentine bounces off his chest, flipping the air. The military woman started shooting at her, but somehow, she missed every shot. It almost looks like Jill is dodging the bullets, but that isn't possible. Humans can't dodge bullets.
'... What the fuck did Sunglasses do to you..? What did he do to me..?'  Lea thought to herself as Valentine kicked the gun out of the woman's hands and performed a Brazilian jujitsu move, throwing the woman over her back and several feet behind her. Valentine wasted no time before rushing Chris, pushing his gun aside with one hand and reaching up to choke him with the other. The man's shock was palpable as he froze, staring at the woman tightening her grip on his throat.
Lea took a chance to dart across the opening as the military woman quickly got back up, aiming the gun at Valentine's head. Then, pressing herself against the wall, she leaned over to see if anyone had noticed her. As the teen watched her leather-clad captor somehow zoom straight to where the military woman was, elbowing her and knocking her down, Lea knew she was safe for the moment. Wasting no time, the teen lowered herself completely, put her weight on her elbows, and started crawling.
"Seven minutes. Seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you." Lea heard Mr. Sunglasses taunt the two, making the teenager shudder from the creepy comment, but nonetheless, she kept her pace. No, she hurried. She can't waste a second.
The teen couldn't see the fight unfold from her position, but she could hear that only four people were fighting, and one person was making her way to the elevator; the click-clack of her heels was barely audible amidst the rain of bullets and shouting from below. Lea could also tell from the sounds that all four people fighting below were clearly fans of grappling attacks, at least from the constant thuds of bodies being flipped or thrown. She shook her head and tried to block out their cacophony, moving forward a few inches with each pull.
"Your future hinges upon this fight." She heard her captor gleefully taunt, clearly not a warning but a promise, followed by a loud crash as the stone cracked and gave way to whoever was thrown into it. Her heart freezes.
'... That sounds too close for my liking....'  Lea thinks to herself as she pushes herself up from the ground into a half-crouching position, lightly jogging her way to the nearest side room and straight towards one of the many coffins and pushes the granite lid just enough so she can slip in. She grips at the cover, pulls it back as much as possible, and then goes as far back as possible from the sliver of light leaking in.
Thunderous feet sprint by, but strangely, the detail that stands out most to Lea is the stench of sweat that lingers. Oddly enough, the distraction was nice, bringing back memories of her and her uncles secretly indulging Lea's desire to start training and learning some essential martial arts, even though her father was adamant that Lea didn't need to know any of that. A pleasant distraction from the still, dry air that tasted of dust and sand.
"You can't hide forever." Sneering, venomous hatred drips off each word he utters. Lea squeezed her eyes shut, willing her breath and heartbeat to remain steady, pressing herself further against the coarse stone.
'... He can't find you if you chill the fuck out... just stay where you are until he's past...' 
One step. Two. Three. Four. The smell of leather permeates the air now. He's next to the coffin. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. A gunshot rings out. A rush of steps. Silence, or at least relative to the room. She's alone. She doesn't move. Lea struggles to get her mind to focus, to at least guess how much time has passed and how much time she has left to reach the elevator.
Footsteps. Two pairs of feet. The first to pass was considerably lighter but just as urgent as the thunderous feet, also leaving the lingering odor of sweat. The next that followed was urgent but somehow sounded too evenly paced.
The teenager sat there, waiting, staring ahead. She counted the seconds, keeping her ears peeled for new movement in the room. Finally, after ninety seconds had passed, and the commotion hadn't made its way back into the room, Lea knew that was her chance.
She placed her palms against the coffin lid, fingers gripping the rough granite, and pulled it towards her, ignoring how the stone dug painfully into her skin. As soon as there was enough room, Lea pulled herself out of the coffin and started running back the way she came, away from the fighting.
The teenager stops herself from running straight out of the archway, pressing herself against the carved pillar, barely leaning her head out to see if anyone was down the pathway. A good thing, too, as nearly that exact moment, the walking tank of a man popped out from a side room entrance down the hallway.
Lea ran away from the archway further down the side room. Then, flying past her hiding spot, she continued down the path, following the twists and turns of it, running the opposite way where she could hear fighting. She didn't know where she was running specifically, just away.
She didn't stop, not even when she heard them return downstairs. Not when the persistent smell of leather and gunpowder was just lingering amidst the still air. No, Lea stopped running once she realized she was too late. The captor finally got bored, and his boots echoed as he walked up the staircase. To the elevator.
"Wesker, stop!" Chris yelled; both he and his partner aiming their guns at her captor, no, her killer, as he apathetically chatted away on his phone.
'... Wesker... at least I know another name...'  Lea thought to herself as she watched Valentine rush over, quickly knocking them down and locking Chris in an armbar.
"Jill, Jill, it's me, it's Chris! Come on, you're stronger than this. Please wake up. Jill Valentine, I'm begging you, please snap out of it!" Chris shouted, locking his eyes with Jill, his voice breaking thick with grief.
"Nice move, Chris," Wesker spat out with venom. "But now that your 'partner' has arrived, I'll leave you two to catch up." Her grip tightened its hold on Chris's arm; her face and eyes were still blank and devoid of all emotion.
"No, no, no, Jill Valentine, get yourself together! You're about to kill your partner! After everything, don't let this be the end. Please, Jill, stop!" Chris desperately begged, not doing anything to try to escape. This time, however, she faltered. Her face gradually becomes more alive as she squints at the man below.
"Ch-Chris?" Jill softly gasps, releasing his arm and backing away in haste. She clawed at her head, mumbling and hyperventilating. Suddenly, her head snaps up, locking her gaze with Wesker. She started to rush him, but as she did so, the killer pulled out the same device from before. Jill dropped to her knees, thrashing and groaning from the pain. The hope and happiness on Chris's face fell as he watched Jill seize.
"How remarkable! You're still resisting at such an advanced stage. Commendable but futile. No more time for games, Chris. I've got work to do. Enjoy watching Jill suffer." Wesker taunted, turned his heel away, and walked towards the open elevator.
"Wait! What did you do to her?" Chris screamed after him, but he was too late. The elevator doors closed, leaving him, his partner, and Jill alone.
Jill's moans turned into screams of agony as she ripped open the top of her purple tactical jumpsuit, hands scrambling to claw off the glowing red device in the center of her chest. Chris snaps his attention to Jill, rushing to try to help, but his partner stops him.
Smart move, too, as the last remnant of Jill Valentine slipped away, leaving a hollow vessel ready to attack. Ready to kill.
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Review: The Girl I Used To Be by Debbie Howells
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I didn’t know what to expect from this book other than a reflective, heartwarming read. It wasn’t until I was almost done with reading it that I learnt that Debbie Howells is actually better known as a thriller writer and I honestly never would have known that by just reading this book!
Since their romance as teenagers, Anna and Will have spent most of their lives bumping into each other. 20 years after they dated, Anna is unhappily married with a grown up stepdaughter while Will is about to be divorced from his daughter’s mother. While sorting out his recently deceased father’s house, Will meets Anna in the local park and both of them discover that they still have feelings for each other. The spark reminds Anna of who she used to be and she starts to wonder how she can get that girl back. Can they both rediscover joy and is it finally the right time for them?
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Every time that Anna felt she was too old to restart her life, I wanted to yell at her that she wasn’t. I am a firm believer that anyone can make a fresh start, whenever their life simply isn’t bringing them genuine happiness and I was really proud of Anna, when she finally took that leap. I didn’t enjoy how long it took her to do that though!
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One thing that really frustrated me is the amount of time the protagonists spent doing absolutely nothing to help their own romance along, especially as they were both very open and honest about their feelings from the very beginning. The fact that they were both very quick to declare their love for each other is another issue I had (especially as Anna was still very much with her husband at this point). I understand that the author was trying to build the ‘will-they-won’t-they’ thing but it was always very obvious that they would, so that didn’t really work as well as it could have done, had there been some more ambiguity about one or both of their feelings or some bigger obstacles in their way.
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While I know that some step-parents can become better parents than biological parents to their stepchildren, I didn’t see the connection between Anna and Millie until about two thirds of the way into the book. In fact, I think Anna and Millie talked on the phone once before this point. Therefore, I just couldn’t get on board with the fact that Anna saw Millie as her daughter, when she insisted several times that she was. I needed more interactions between them throughout the book rather than just at the crisis points in order to fully believe their relationship.
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Anna kept getting ‘messages from the universe’ via her Facebook feed and this all felt a bit strange and unbelievable to me. I know that she is a middle-aged woman on Facebook and perhaps this is the kind of meme or post that typically floods her news feed but she was getting them daily and it just felt forced.
There were parts of the book I enjoyed. I loved the theme of living your best life and trusting your heart to tell you what’s right. However, I didn’t like that I was still being introduced to characters halfway through the book (Charley -no mention of her before 50% in despite her apparently being Anna’s oldest friend) or being re-introduced to a character who appeared briefly in a paragraph of a very early chapter before they faded into the background again (Liza). I was still learning about Anna’s passions (apparently she likes gardening) in the second half of the book too, despite having spent a good few hours of reading time inside her head by this point. I’m not sure what the author was trying to do, but none of the characters -and I include the protagonists in that- were very well-developed at all. While it’s not all that important, I had no idea what either Anna or Will looked like apart from the fact that Anna had brown hair. I couldn’t picture either of them as real, living and breathing people in my head, so that sadly diminished my connection to them. I also needed James to be a much more obvious villain for me to be OK with Anna cheating on him. I know that he had an affair before and so you could consider them to be ‘even’ now but Anna did choose to stay with him, signifying that she forgave him somewhat. To me, James seemed like a typical husband of his age -selfish, thoughtless and perhaps a bit misogynistic but he’s definitely not uncaring or the worst husband in the world. I think Millie even says at one point that she ‘doesn’t think he knows any different’, suggesting that’s just how he is -almost certainly a product of toxic masculinity, neurodivergence or both. 
Considering Debbie Howells is a psychological thriller writer, I really expected the plot to be more fast-paced. While I recognise that this isn’t a thriller at all, I’d expect to see markings of that within the writing, if that’s what the author usually writes. While it was a readable story, I just wish I’d been able to believe the characters more. If I had, I’m sure the high emotion at the end would have affected me far deeper and I’d have been fully invested in the central themes of true love, fate and discovering your true self.
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personalmains · 2 years
Arrest gun jam fake noises arrest
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Not to mention, I notice that this technology will require one’s firearm to be connected to an app via internet and/or Bluetooth.
It doesn’t matter how good the technology gets: this is a choice free citizens should make for themselves, and its non-negotiable. But be compelled to buy either that or nothing? No way. If someone WANTS a so-called smart gun, by all means they should feel free to get one. That image speaks a thousand words for which gun the range officer trusts with his life. Instead, he packed a full-size conventional GLOCK with a +2 magazine extension. The range officer didn’t have one of the LodeStar Works pistols on his hip. But in the video, it’s hard to miss the pistol the range officer chooses as his personal defensive sidearm. LodeStar Works didn’t say which “law enforcement agents” were conducting the testing, or at least that didn’t make it into the Reuters story. And a Kansas company, SmartGunz LLC, says law enforcement agents are beta testing its product, a similar but simpler model. Trotta wrote - in the second paragraph of the story - how law enforcement “agents” are beta-testing LodeStar’s gun.įour-year-old LodeStar Works on Friday unveiled its 9mm smart handgun for shareholders and investors in Boise, Idaho. He has a big ol’ half-rusty butcher knife in his hand, ready to plunge it into someone you care about. Imagine that’s you holding that LodeStar Works gun when you’re facing down a bad guy who’d just broken into your home. Clearly, in this instance, LodeStar (didn’t) Works. It had become a dead trigger after a single shot. Then the RO presses the trigger again and…nothing. In the Christie Ileto video from 6ABC, the range officer says he’s going to fire two rounds. Once unlocked, the smart gun is operable. It shows the LodeStar not-so-smart gun can’t even fire two rounds back-to-back.ĭuring a demonstration to share holders last week, the operator clicks the key pad on the side of the 9mm smart gun.
Here’s another recording that is embeddable from a local TV reporter. After all, the mainstream media are big cheerleaders for the pro-gun control narrative. Or maybe Reuters used some creative editing in their video (not embeddable) from their report to conceal the reliability issue the gun revealed at the event. Perhaps he ducked out to use the restroom during some of the live-fire demonstration. Lil Loaded released the project, A Demon in 6lue, last October.Maybe Daniel Trotta apparently misremembered what happened at the event when he wrote this in the original story:Ī range officer fired the weapon, a third-generation prototype, in its different settings without issue. "They try to make u look guilty wen u innocent regardless. "I appreciate all y’all support," a post on his Instagram account read on Nov. The "6locc 6a6y" rapper has maintained his innocence. Lil Loaded turned himself in to authorities 15 days after the shooting on Nov. Walker was taken to nearby Methodist Charlton Medical Center where he succumbed to his injuries. In a strange twist in the case, there was reportedly video of Lil Loaded shooting Walker on Walker's phone, according to the police. Walker's sister, who was inside at the time, reported hearing two gunshots and exiting the home to see Walker on the ground injured from the shot. A police affidavit states both men and a witness were standing outside of the residence.
XXL has reached out to Lil Loaded's camp and legal team for comment on the update in the case.Īs previously reported, police allege Lil Loaded shot Walker in the torso with a rifle outside of a home in The Woods neighborhood of Dallas, Texas on Oct.
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