#the tighter you hold; they're still gonna go ( LOVERS )
the-name-is-z · 4 months
daryl dixon x f!oc
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Summary: After the apocalypse took everything Iris held dear, a new opportunity presents itself in the form of a bag of guns. Little does she know, that bag of guns starts something much bigger than she ever could have anticipated. Warnings/Information: AMC's The Walking Dead OC Insert | 18+ Advised | strangers to lovers; the slowest of slow burns; gore; angst; horror; humour; m/f; gun violence, gang violence, offensive terminology for gang members and daryl, salty language
Chapter 2 - The Deal
The kid led them to a warehouse further into the city, and Iris was fidgeting with her knives. They waited at a wall further outside the building, a broken window between them and their friend. The bandana was back over her face, the bag of guns slung over T-Dog's shoulder. Rick rattled a shotgun shell next to his ear before loading it into the gun.
The group of warehouses was old enough to be made of brick and mortar, broken windows and doorframes unaccompanied by a roof. All except for the main building at the back, where the rest of the gang was presumably waiting. The kid wasn't smart enough to set them up, hopefully.
"You sure you're up for this?" Rick asked T-Dog.
"Yeah." He assured. Daryl gripped his crossbow tightly, keeping an eye on the kid as Iris peered through the broken barred window to the gate on the other side. Wasn't anything to write home about, but looks could be deceiving. 
"One wrong move, you get an arrow in the ass. Just so you know." Daryl grunted.
"G's gonna take that arrow out of my ass and shove it up yours. Just so you know." The kid retorted.
"G?" Rick asked.
"Guillermo. He's the man here."
"Okay then." Rick continued, cocking the gun. "Let's go see Guillermo." He gestured for Iris to go first and she scoffed, ducking through the bars and wire fence. T-Dog took up a sniper position on the wall to give them an edge. Rick pushed the kid forward and they followed him to the gate.
They slid open with a loud creak, a group of guards standing in the doorway. One man stepped forward, a cross chain hanging from his neck. He was shorter than the kid, and young. Didn't look like much of a threat, but there were more Iris couldn't see. She gripped the handle of her knife tighter.
"You okay, little man?" Guillermo asked, his hands in his pockets as he regarded them carefully.
"They're gonna cut off my feet, carnal." The kid replied, twitching. Clearly he'd never been a hostage before. That being said, most days consisted of things Iris had never done before.
"Cops do that?" Guillermo asked, his scrunched brow directed at Rick.
"Not him. This redneck puto, here. He cut off some dude's hand, man. He showed it to me." The kid whined. Iris glanced between Daryl and the kid.
"Shut up." Daryl snapped.
"Hey, that's that vato right there, homes." One of the men from before stepped, or limped, forward, one hand pointing at Daryl with a very small revolver, the other firmly pressing a rag to his ass. "He shot me in the ass with an arrow. What's up, homes, huh?"
"Chill, ese, chill. Chill." Guillermo said, holding out his arms to keep him back. He levelled his gaze back at them. "This true? He wants Miguelito's feet? That's pretty sick, man."
"We were hoping more for a calm discussion." Rick countered, shotgun still pointing at Miguel. 
"That hillbilly jumps on Felipe's cousin. Beats on him, threatens to cut off his feet. Felipe gets an arrow in the ass and you want a calm discussion?" Guillermo recounted, frowning. He licked his lips. "You fascinate me."
"Heat of the moment." Rick explained. "Mistakes were made. On both sides."
"Who's that dude to you anyway? You don't look related." He asked, nodding to Daryl.
"He's one of our group, more or less. I'm sure you have a few like him."
"You got my brother in there?" Daryl asked abruptly. 
"Sorry, we're fresh out of white boys." Guillermo replied, equally as fast. "But I got Asian. You interested?"
"I have one of yours, you have one of mine." Rick said evenly. "Sounds like an even trade."
"Don't sound even to me." Guillermo grunted.
"G..." Miguel protested. "Come on, man."
"My people got attacked." Guillermo continued, unfazed. "Where's the compensation for their pain and suffering? More to the point, where's my bag of guns?"
"Guns?" Rick asked.
"The bag Miguel saw in the street. The bag Felipe and Jorge were going back to get. That bag of guns."
"You're mistaken." Rick replied.
"I don't think so."
"About it being yours." He continued. "It's my bag of guns." Guillermo shrugged, leaning back with a frown.
"The bag was in the street. Anybody could come around and say it was theirs. I'm supposed to take your word?" He asked. "What's to stop my people from unloading on you right here and now and I take what's mine?" Felipe cocked his tiny gun once more, Jorge flanking Guillermo from the other side. Daryl raised his crossbow, clicking echoes coming from inside as more guns found their targets, men raised pipes and crowbars.
"You could do that." Rick shrugged, turning to where T-Dog had a rifle levelled at Guillermo's face. "Or not."
"Oye!" Guillermo called, looking up to the roof of the warehouse. Two guys walked to the edge, a third wrestling between them, a soiled bag tucked over his head. They ripped the bag off, Glenn whimpering with a piece of duct tape over his mouth. "I see two options." Guillermo continued. "You come back with Miguel and my bag of guns, everybody walks. Or you come back locked and loaded, we'll see which side spills more blood."
Guillermo shrugged again, raising an eyebrow at them before turning and retreating into the warehouse. Jorge and Felipe followed, the doors sliding shut. Rick put the shotgun down, sighing as Glenn and the two guards disappeared back onto the roof. Iris blew out a breath.
- "Them guns are worth more than gold." Daryl said pointedly. "Gold won't protect your family or put food on the table."
He was pacing back and forth in front of the desk Rick stood at, the bag of guns set atop it in consideration. Rick was checking them one by one under Iris' watchful eye. They'd come back to their cleared building, T-Dog watching over Miguel as they decided what to do. Guillermo was right, there were two ways this could go, and neither of them were ideal.
"You willing to give that up for that kid?" Daryl asked. Iris raised an eyebrow at him. The whole reason they were here was for their friend. Though, it seemed all he cared about was finding his hand-less brother. He still didn't trust her, that much was obvious, especially by the looks he gave her every few minutes. 
"If I knew we'd get Glenn back, I might agree. But you think that vato across the way is just gonna hand him over?" T-Dog asked.
"You calling G a liar?" Miguel asked.
"Are you a part of this?" Daryl snapped, slapping the kid across the face. "You want to hold onto your teeth?"
"You willing to risk it on Guillermo's word?" Iris asked, turning back to the sheriff. Rick sighed in exasperation.
"Could be risking more than them guns. Could be your life." Daryl added, making a face at Rick. "Glenn worth that to you?"
"What life I have I owe to him." Rick answered firmly. "I was nobody to Glenn, just some idiot stuck in a tank. He could have walked away, but he didn't. Neither will I."
"So you're gonna hand the guns over." Daryl concluded.
"I didn't say that." Rick reasoned. "Look, there's nothing keeping you three here. You should get out, head back to camp."
"And tell your family what?" T-Dog asked, rubbing his temple.
"I'm not going anywhere without my guns." Iris replied, shaking her head. Rick looked to the three of them, nodding conclusively. T-Dog stepped forward, him and Daryl taking a shotgun each.
"Oh, come on. This is nuts!" Miguel protested, siting right back down as Daryl pointed a stern finger at him. "Just do like G says." They loaded them up, each taking an additional hand gun. Iris loaded up her 22, slinging a rifle over her back. 
With a towel tied into his mouth and hands bound, Miguel was escorted by the four of them back to the warehouse and the makeshift courtyard. Iris was trying to ignore the anxiety pulsing in her stomach.
Daryl had his gun pressing into Miguel's spine as they walked, armed and dangerous, through the gate and into the warehouse. Iris carried the bag of guns over her shoulder as they passed through the hoard of guards. Guillermo met them halfway through the warehouse, guns pointed in all directions.
"I see my guns," He mused, "but they're not all in the bag."
"That's because they're not yours. I thought I mentioned that." Rick replied simply.
"Let's just shoot these fools right now, ese." Filipe urged. Daryl pressed the muzzle of the gun into the back of Miguel's head. "Alright? Unload on their asses, ese."
"I don't think you fully appreciate the gravity of the situation." Guillermo said sharply.
"No, I'm pretty clear." Rick assured. He nodded to Iris, who cut the duct tape binding Miguel's wrists and shoved him forward. "You have your man. I want mine."
"I'm gonna chop up your boy. I'm gonna feed him to my dogs." Guillermo murmured. "They're the evilest, nastiest man-eating bitches you ever saw. I picked them up from Satan at a yard sale. I told you how it has to be. Are you woefully deaf?"
"No, my hearing's fine. You said come locked and loaded." He stated, cocking the shotgun. It echoed as everyone around took aim, Guillermo staring down the barrel. "Okay then, we're here."
There was a pregnant pause of baited silence as they all waited for someone to make a move, to say something. They stared down one another, waiting for the triggers to be pulled. The silence was filled with a small shuffling, and a woman's voice carrying through the warehouse.
"Felipe! Felipe!" She called, tone wavering with age. Iris watched as an old woman walked through the warehouse of gangbangers with no fear.
"Abuela, go back with the others-- now." Felipe urged, keeping his gaze and gun pointed on them, though fear laced his words.
"Get that old lady out of the line of fire!" Daryl chastised. Guillermo huffed, turning to her.
"Abuela, listen to your mijo, okay?" He instructed softly. "This is not the place for you right now."
"Mr Gilbert is having trouble breathing." She pleaded, looking to her grandson and tugging on his shirt. "He needs his asthma stuff. Carlito didn't find it. He needs his medicine." Guillermo glanced nervously between them and the old woman.
"Felipe, go take care of it, okay?" He snapped. "And take your grandmother with you." Felipe took her gently, pleading with her to walk with him, but she brushed past him toward Guillermo, frowning at Rick.
"Who are those men?" She asked. "Don't you take him--"
"Felipe is a good boy." She assured. "He has his trouble but he'll pull himself together. We need him here."
"Ma'am, I'm not here to arrest your grandson." Rick replied calmly, putting the gun down.
"Then what do you want him for?" She asked.
"He's... helping us find a missing person. A fella named Glenn." Rick answered.
"The Asian boy? He's with Mr. Gilbert. Come, come." She urged, waving him along. "I show you. He needs his medicine."
Iris hid her small smile behind her bandana as she followed Rick, Felipe and the old woman through the warehouse. Daryl and T-Dog stayed on their tail, watching the others carefully, even though Guillermo ordered to let them pass. 
The old woman held Rick's hand as she led them out of the warehouse and through a neat garden, and through the doors to another building. It was a hospice center, or a retirement home of some sort. Felipe asked his grandmother to take him to Mr. Gilbert, while the others glanced around.
There were doctor's offices and hospital beds, everything occupied by elderly people. Iris was quick to sheath her knives, following Rick into an old auditorium, tables and chairs set up for a common area. A man in a wheelchair at the back was coughing and wheezing, deeply inhaling as Felipe helped him with his inhaler. Glenn stood beside the, watching to make sure he'd be okay.
"What the hell is this?" Rick said softly.
"An asthma attack." Glenn replied worriedly. "Couldn't get his breath all of a sudden."
"I thought you were being eaten by dogs, man." T-Dog hissed. A small bark sounded from the corner, a trio of chihuahuas sitting in a leopard print bed. 
"Could I have a word with you?" Rick asked, taking Guillermo to the side. "You're the dumbest son of a bitch I ever met..." He hissed, Iris' attention taken away by Felipe's grandma approaching her.
"Young lady, why do you hide your face? Do you have a scar?" She asked, gesturing to her own face.
"No." Iris replied with a small smile, pulling the bandana down to show her face.
"Oh, que linda eres." She cooed, patting Iris' face. "I should introduce you to my grandson. There are no more pretty young girls around here." Iris laughed nervously as she toddled over to Felipe, prodding him in her direction. He flushed, swatting her hand away as he continued to help Mr. Gilbert.
"So you're the girl with the guns." Glenn said, folding his arms as he walked over. Iris turned to him, nodding.
"Iris." She said, holding out her hand.
"Glenn." He replied with a slight frown, shaking it politely. Rick and Guillermo finished their little chat, the former beckoning them into a small room where Guillermo could speak to them quietly.
"What about the rest of your crew?" Rick asked, gesturing to Iris. She handed him the bag of guns, eyeing the interaction closely.
"The vatos trickle in, to check on their parents, their grandparents. They see how things are and most decide to stay." Guillermo explained. "It's a good thing, too. We need the muscle. The people we've encountered since things fell apart? The worst kind. Plunderers, the kind that take by force."
"That's not who we are." Rick assured.
"How was I to know?" He defended. "My people got attacked, and you show up with Miguel hostage-- appearances."
"Guess the world changed." T-Dog mused.
"No." Guillermo disagreed. "It's the same as it ever was. The weak get taken. So we do what we can here. The vatos work on those cars, talk about getting the old people out of the city. But most can't even get to the bathrooms by themselves, so that's just a dream. Still, it keeps the crew busy, and that's worth something. So we barred all the windows, welded all the doors shut except for one entrance. The vatos, they go out, scavenge what they can to keep us going. We watch the perimeter night and day and we wait. The people here? They all look to me now. I don't even know why."
"Because they can." Rick replied honestly. He handed the shotgun to Guillermo, and began to sort the guns from the bag. 
Iris turned from the room, walking back out into the auditorium. The vatos kept an eye on her, but she walked over to the closest.
"Hey, Felipe?" She asked. He turned from the table of elderly people, frowning at her sudden appearance. Iris took a map from her coat pocket and a pencil from an abandoned crossword puzzle, circling a place on the map. "I don't know who's in charge of the runs, but just outside the city here, there's an auto shop. If you can make it, there's a van out back full of parts, more cars in the shop. Take whatever you need. No one's gonna come back for it."
"Why?" He asked, taking the map and frowning. Iris shrugged, trying to offer him a comforting smile.
"Gesture of good faith?"
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
Hi! I love the stuff you write and I have an idea that I hope you like. Tom and the reader play lovers in the MCU. When they're filming the scene of Peter and herself dusting away, the reader gets emotional (her character does anyway but she goes slightly over the top) and Tom comforts her after filming saying that he's always gonna be there for her. RDJ is with them as well.
Hope you like it!
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Dust to comfort
Pairing - Tom Holland x Reader (Actor)
Summary - You and Tom are lovers on and off screen, playing Tony Stark’s daughter! One particular scene makes you overwhelmed, Tom and Robert JR is there to comfort you.
Warnings - Sadness
A/N - Thank you for requesting, I’m glad that you like my writing and I hope you enjoy! I Appreciate all the love and support towards my content! 🥰
Your finally filming the scene in the marvel movie, infinity War where C/N and Peter dust away from Tony Stark. It is the last scene of the day, your really excited about recording it.
You stand leaning on Tom, who plays Peter Parker, yourself playing Tony Stark’s daughter and Peter’s girlfriend before getting position to start the scene.
“TAKE 2, S/N, ACTION!” The Director said as someone uses the clapper-board to start the scene.
“Mr.Stark,” Tom says in his American accent, turning around nervously holding his breath to seem breathless, “I don’t feel so good,” He stumbles, just before he saw you, “Y/C/N,” he trembles as he sees you.
You was running In between the other superhero’s and creatures, trying to find your dad and Peter, your boyfriend.
“Peter,” You gasped, running towards him, “I found you,” you seemed to got lost between all the mayhem that was happening between Thanos, “I don’t know what’s happening!” Peter rapidly, threw himself into your arms.
Tony just standing there watching, he couldn’t do anything as Peter and his daughter cry’s for each other, it’s quite painful seeing his family being split.
“Dad! What is he on about?” You performed tears into your eyes to see your boyfriend lying limp into arms as you hold him tighter, Tony didn’t have time to answer as Peter trembled out words with tears in his eyes.
“I don’t want to go, I don’t want, want to go, I love you Y/C/N!” You burst out crying, “No, no Peter pls don’t go! I love you too,” Before he dusked away, By this point you are crying on the ground, “What happened!” You shouted at Tony, your dad.
“Sweetheart, I’m glad I found you again,” Tony hugged you, “Dad, it hurts,” You breathed heavily, “It hurts, what is happening?” You feel yourself drifting away into small little pieces, tears in your eyes as you say your finally words, “I love you dad,” Tony hugged you tighter, “Love you too, sweetheart, I’m so sorry,”
Just like that Tony had nothing left, no Peter, No daughter.. barely any family left.
“AND CUT,” The director shouts, “That was good guys, don’t think we need another scene!”
You nodded, getting off set to see Tom standing behind the curtain, talking with Robert Downey Jr, “Hey, Darling, Are you ok?” Tom questions concerned as you still had tears in your eyes, “Yh, I’m.. I’m good,” You sniffled.
“Well, your clearly not kid,” Robert spoke up, “But hope you feel better, Holland you better cheer her up,” He pretends to be in overprotective dad mode, “Yh, thanks Robert,” You give him a weak smile as he walks off, “Will do,” Tom smiles.
“Come here, Sweetheart,” Tom hugs you tightly, “Do you want to go back to my trailer? We can get comfy,” Tom suggests, you nod as he takes your hand leading to a more cozy room.
“What’s wrong, love?” Tom questions as he shuts his trailer door, you lay down into his bed under the covers with Tom following you, “The scene just made me emotional, it hit hard,” You whisper, letting tears fall down your face.
“Oh, love, it’s ok! I’m here, no one is going to leave you,” Tom reassures wiping your tears and stroking your head as you snuggle into his chest, “I’m always going to be here for you, Darling,” he kisses your forehead.
“I know,” You smile, relaxing to Tom’s touch, “See, there’s that beautiful smile,” Tom smiles wider, you peck his lips, giggling.
Tom flickers his eyes from your eyes to your lips, leaning into to see kiss you passionately. “I know you was upset, we all do! It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” he speaks sense to you, always.
“Thanks Tom, for always making me smile!” You kiss his cheek, “You make me smile more,” He winks, playfully, kissing your cheek.
“Your warm!” You sigh, lying back down on his chest, “Aren’t I always?” Tom says confused, “Yep,” you laugh.
“You know, it’s quite fun playing lovers on screen and then actually being lovers in real life!” You giggle, “It’s like our own movie,” Tom gives you a look, “I hope not, movies have endings!” Acting devastated, “You what I mean!” You pout.
Tom laughs, “Of course, love,” kisses your forehead again, “I like that,” You hum, “What? Me kissing your forehead,” He questions, smiling.
You nod as you look at him, your hands fall to his soft, brown locks. “I’ll it again, shall I?” Tom smirks, kissing your forehead again, “That’s nice,” You softly trace your fingers over his hands, “I like your hands too,”
“How come?”
“They are soft and bigger than mine,” You giggle, “See,” Matching your hand to his.
“Lovely, Darling,” Tom pulls you closer into his embrace, “You always find weird, things to talk about!”
“Says you,” You tease, “Mr. Holland!”
“I can say because I’ve got..” You cut Tom off from being a smart ass by kissing him.
Tom kisses you deeper, taking your jaw into his hands as he slips his tongue into your mouth.
“You are beautifully, breath taking, Sweetheart,” Tom breathes out, kissing your temple.
“And you are handsome,” You smirk, tracing your finger over his jaw line, “have I said I Love you so much today?” Tom asks, Smiling.
“Don’t believe, you have Mr.Holland,”
“Well, I love you so much, Darling,” Tom presses his lips to yours, “Mm, Love you so much too, Tommy,” you smile into the kiss.
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loveackermannn · 2 years
Omg omg omggg!,
When I saw your vamp Levi fic i geeked lmao
But I did some research and found out that vampires have mates…like one for the rest of their lives🥺.
So i was wondering if you can do headcanons about vamp Levi x vamp reader and them just being that one old married couple lol, also mates can feed off of each other instead of hunting which is wayyyyy more powerful since there’s love involved
Sorry lol I’m being a nerd
a/n; my lovely anon! don't apologize for this ask, i loved reading every bit of it. thank you for indulging more vamp!levi into my brain and for the extra info! it'll really help me capture these headcanons better. anyways, i hope you enjoy <;3 im such a whore for vamp!levi ugh he's so hot okay bye
warnings; suggestive content! (17+ audience please !!) levi and reader feeding off each other YWBWHAJHWR (they're both switches btw :0) + mentions of blood
im gonna go with the scenario in which both of you are vamps, destined to be mates for all eternity. now one would think that it's a hell of a long time to be committed to one person, but when it comes to a lover like levi – he NEVER gets tired of you, as the same with you. he practically worships the ground you walk on, the air in which you exist with him. he just can't get enough of you.
by that, it was from the start that sparked what you two are now. "love at first sight" was a stupid idea that levi couldn't even bring himself to come to terms with when he first met you upon the forest. but he quickly realized that he felt like a love sick teenager again. the way you could just be existing in his presence and he'd still feel like he's falling in love all over again.
as time passed and humans continued to grow old, you and levi were stuck in your own little world with nothing else being of importance except the exchange of love and passion towards one another.
every kiss felt needier, every touch felt exhilarating, every breath felt warmer to the point where you couldn't tell if it was levi's or yours. all that mattered was that in this moment, he was yours as you were his.
levi began his intimate ministrations from your temple to your cheek to your jaw and down to your exposed and sensitive neck. your soft skin welcomed his lips with every kiss that he could manage, savoring you, worshipping you – he felt honored to be able to have the rest of his days spent with you.
lips continuing to suck and nip at your now marked neck, levi took the time to gently graze the points of his fangs and upon doing this, the reaction you gave him was just where he wanted you– breathless, speechless.
you looked absolutely divine to him and he couldn't wait to savor the rest of what he still had to get to. but for now, he wanted to specifically take his time on your neck – you knew what was to happen next and your body anticipating his touch, jerked slightly in his hold. upon noticing this, he grips you tighter and his hot breath tickles the lobe of your ear.
"you're so fucking perfect mon amour. think you could stay still for me yeah? if anything gets too much, you know our safe word. ill stop immediately, promise."
you nod against him, smiling as your fingers meet the side of his face and he pecks your cheek in return. you trusted levi with your whole life, he'd never forgive himself if ever you got hurt, let alone get hurt because of him.
he started slow, letting you get used to the feel of his fangs dancing up along the side of your neck. and as time went on, you were craving for him to finally sink his teeth into you with just the right amount of pressure.
and with that, 2 holes punctured into you, leaving you a whimpering and mewling mess in levi's arms. levi groaned into you, eyes practically rolling back at your taste in disbelief. god he could be here with you forever, in every universe.
he made sure to keep his eyes on you, gauging any discomfort from your reactions, but from what he could see – you were thoroughly enjoying this just as he is. with your head completely thrown back in pleasure, the sight alone could make him faint right then and there, but he keeps it together.
as it all comes to an end, levi pulls away to relieve any sort of tension in your neck as he soothes the holes with a kiss and leaving no waste of what you had just offered to him.
nothing was said for some time, not that there needed to be anyway. panting and short breaths were the only thing that was coherent from your semi-dried lips. from this, levi knew you needed a few minutes to regain your composure.
slicking back your disheveled hair with a gentle caress of his hand, he smiles at you as if you were the purest gem in the world – you were his treasure.
pressing a kiss to your forehead, he asks quietly as to not suddenly startle you from your peaceful trance, "i wasn't too rough on you was i? does anything hurt?"
you shake your head, looking back at him with an expression that reassured him further. but what surprised him, was the fact that you were quick in continuing from where you two had left off.
the stamina of vampires. he should've known.
and soon, a reverse of cards had him melting like putty in your hands as your face crept up slowly from his chest to his ear.
"it's my turn now. you'll be good for me right levi?"
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From this ask game :D
17. Manipulation/Gaslighting
Okay this took me really long lol. But it is!! Finished!!! Tbh Idk if this is exactly whump. I literally just. Okay I feel like this writing is a very straightfoward metaphor for depression. Like I'm just gonna say it. It's not whump in the traditional sense, I guess? It does include a sad girl tho so
Also tysm to @whump-queen and @whump-in-the-closet for beta reading this you guys are awesome >:)
Content: Severe depression, self-loathing, suicidality, death wish, lady whumpee with male whumper, toxic/abusive relationship
He's truly the sweetest, so reliable and caring. He whispers sweet nothings to her as they lie in bed together.
"You're just the worst."
"You're horrible. You're a disappointment."
"Why are you alive? You should have never been born."
She stares at her lover and sighs. The worst part is that she can't argue, can't shut out the words. His voice stings with utter, destructive truth.
Despite it all, they embrace tightly under the messy covers. She doesn't hold him, but his arms are wrapped around her, almost strangulatory. She's used to it. But does she want to be used to it? Does she even want this? She asks these questions, but it's not like it matters. Deep down, she knows the answer is no, but it doesn't matter. It has never mattered.
They'll be together forever, and every day his presence only gets more and more inescapable.
Making tired eye contact, she whispers to him, "Why do you do this to me?" The words fall from her lips, silent and resigned.
"You know I only say this because I love you. And I want what's best for you."
It doesn't feel like it. It has never felt like it.
Her eyes wander around the room. It's the middle of the day, but still dark inside her bedroom. The blinds are drawn and the lights are off. Discarded clothing, forgotten papers for work, and dirty paper plates litter the floor. The door is locked, although no one else is home. It's been locked for a week.
There's so much she needs to do that she hasn't been doing. "I have places to go," she laments to him.
"I know."
"Let me go, then," she pleads.
"It's not my fault that you can't get out of bed."
He grips her even tighter, nails digging into her flesh. She would be afraid her shirt would tear, if not for the fact that it's old and she hasn't changed in days.
"You're useless, huh? Stay here a while. It's less embarrassing. It's not like you could ever face them, anyways."
"I guess…."
They fall silent, no words exchanged, although her mind is running, running with thoughts that she has no energy to think about.
The silence is interrupted by her stomach growling. She clutches her abdomen with her hands.
"I'm hungry."
"But you don't deserve to eat."
He finishes her sentences. They're truly meant for each other.
"Are you tired, dear?' he asks her.
She nods. She's always tired. There aren't many times she's at full energy.
He runs a hand through her oily hair. "Go to sleep, then."
"I woke up an hour ago." But truth be told, she wished she could fall asleep. He's never there in her dreams. It's more than she could wish for when she's awake.
"Do you have anything else to do today?"
Her eyes well up with tears.
"I want to."
"I want to read. I want to sing. I want to draw. I-I want to see my friends." Her voice cracks, but she doesn't care.
"Are you sure?" He cocks his head to the side.
"You're not good at those, anyways. And your friends don't really like you. I've told you this, haven't I?"
You're a dirty liar, is what she thinks, but in her heart of hearts, she doubts whether that's true.
"This is sad, isn't it? What a sad fucking life."
She can only nod in agreement. Because you make it like this, she thinks.
But… it's her fault too. She can't deny it, she knows it, she lives it. Every failure is simply her own responsibility.
She's a horrible artist, a horrible friend, a horrible daughter, and she's never been able to do anything right. She'll never escape anything she wants to escape. Everything weighs down on her so much--how the fuck is anyone supposed to live like this?
He grasps her hand tightly, pinning her down with his gaze. His eyes are empty except for sheer determination and poisoned love.
"Let's end this here."
"It'll be quick. It'll be easy. And then it'll be over. And then you can finally stop. You can stop being a bad person. And this is the closest to happiness you'll ever get."
It's tempting. It's so tempting. He makes this offer to her every day.
"Let me kill you."
She wants it. She wants it, right? But it terrifies her and makes her sick. It would be quick and it would be easy and that scares her. But she has to end it here. She has to end it because she doesn't know what else to do. Despite it all, she doesn't want it to end.
"No, please, no." Her voice is quiet. She shakes her head, tears falling down her cheeks.
He looks crestfallen.
"It'll be for the best."
"I don't want that. Not today. Please." It comes out as almost a whisper. She's petrified, glued to the bed with terror and self-loathing.
He sighs. He's not like most parasites. He can't kill her, not without her hands. It's the one mercy she has in this life. Or maybe it isn't? Maybe it'd be easier if she just died and didn't need to decide that.
"Okay. Maybe later," he concedes, words empty and disappointed.
She releases a breath she didn't even realize she was holding. She's alive. Today, she's alive, and she thinks that she wants that. She doesn't really want that. But she's too scared to want anything else.
He turns away from her, taking some of the blanket with him, and she's almost relieved.
She's not going to die. He won't kill her. Not today. Maybe one day.
But if she's lucky, maybe never. Maybe one day he'll even leave.
AN: Hope you guys enjoyed this! Also I'm mentally okay I promise
Consider this a Christmas gift to you all btw <2
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shesboundtolose · 5 years
Lou Wolfe’s Pertinent People Cheat Sheet
It’s sort of dawned on me that this might be a good way to go as far as quickly explaining connections here and across my other blogs ( NOTE: these are just my muses/NPCs. Lou has many connections to other people’s muses, who will not be included here. )
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STANLEY WOLFE - Father ( largely an awful force in her life )
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IDA (SNYDER) WOLFE - Mother ( deceased in almost every verse )
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DANIEL WOLFE - Uncle ( Lou has never met him in almost every verse )
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LEIF SNYDER - Uncle ( worked at the juvenile detention center Lou was sent to; helped make life rough for her as a way to get back at her father )
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OLIVIA “OLLIE” IDA WOLFE / SULLIVAN - Daughter ( verse dependent; very similar to her mother, though she doesn’t like to admit it. Would fight God for her family. )
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THEODORE “TEDDY” MAXWELL JOHNSON ( CONLON ) - Son ( verse dependent; reminds Lou so much of her mother at times that it’s difficult to be in his presence. )
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GERTRUDE “GERTIE” JOHNSON - Close family friend ( worked with Ida’s mother, was like a second grandmother to her. Took Lou in when she left Greenville and helped her establish herself in Brooklyn. The closest thing to family Lou has. )
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LEONA (BRENNAN) CONLON - Family friend / Shaun’s mother ( tried desperately to be there for Lou as much as possible. Loves her like a daughter. )
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SHAUN PATRICK CONLON - Best friend / that first love / first serious boyfriend ( assumed deceased in most verses; father of Teddy in others )
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EDWARD “EDDIE” JAMES ARMSTRONG - Best friend / Guy she should be with / patron saint of patience & broken hearts ( Lou left him back in Greenville to spare him; she spared no one. Moves back to Queens with her brother and eventually, accidentally, reunites with Lou. )
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FRANCIS “FRANKIE” JOSEPH SULLIVAN - Douche bag / Big mistake / Punishment ( most verses – in a few, he is the father of her daughter Ollie )
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CHARLEMAGNE CLAUDIUS CHRISTOPHER “CHRIS” MACKINNON - Trust fund brat / ‘friend’ of Jacob Stack ( strictly business )
Lou has, in general, some sort of friendly acquaintance with pretty much all of my other muses in a smattering of verses.
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JACOB MICHAEL STACK - Employer / Man who enjoys her misery ( verse dependent )
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CHARLES “CHARLIES” PHILIP ARMSTRONG - Asshole / cop who’s loyal to Stanley / Protective older brother ( can’t stand Lou for many reasons; also has the wrong idea about her. )
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PEARL LEE “BULLET” SULLIVAN - Cousin to Frankie ( verse dependent; her jealousy blinds her and she winds up hating Lou fairly irrationally. Lou is somewhat apathetic in return. Distrusts her anytime they’re around one another. )
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DOMINIC “DOM” BRENNAN CONLON - Protective older brother / suspicious bastard ( never trusted the kid of a cop, and thought Lou was too much trouble for her worth. )
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BRADLEY “BRAD” LINCOLN - Friend of Frankie’s / just likes to poke the tiger ( verse dependent;  he really just tries to ruffle Lou’s feathers upon Frankie’s request. )
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screechingmelon · 2 years
AOT CHARACTERS, making up for lost time drabbles + love language (modern au!)
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PLAYLIST — slow burn romance with your comfort character
NOTE — i offer everybody fluff content, comfort & a sprinkle of reassurance. i added a playlist up top for some romance-y vibe while you read this or maybe more fluff
SUMMARY — aot characters making it up to you after not being able to spend a lot of time together because they're busy + love languages!
CHARACTERS — marco bodt, jean kirschtein, eren jaegar, armin arlert, connie springer, reiner braun, bertholdt hoover, porco galliard, colt grice, mikasa ackerman, annie leonhart, ymir, historia reiss, pieck finger, miche zacharias, hange zoe, erwin smith, levi ackerman, yelena, & onyonkapon
#TAGS — helo @druighoney i provide u with ereh fluff 🤲
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i want to slow dance with you
love language — touch, quality time & words of affirmation
characters — marco bodt, jean kierstein, armin arlert, moblit berner, colt grice, historia reiss, mikasa ackerman, pieck finger, onyonkapon & bertholdt hoover
They've been caught up with school, trying to juggle extracurricular activities, projects, homeworks, and exams has been a hassle. You understood that they need their space and time to do school works but you couldn't help it but feel a little lonely for the pass few days without them. Always on their desk working non-stop.
You were already on bed just scrolling mindlessly on social media. You wanted to wait out a little for them, to maybe cuddle or have small talk. The door creaks open and it was your lover peaking through the door.
"Angel, you're still awake."
You shifted your attention to them; "Oh, I was waiting for you." You respond, their expression softened. Their lips form a small tender smile. "Would you like to have some ice cream? I got some from the convient store nearby. It's your favorite" they raise their left arm shaking the little plastic bag that contained the cold treat
You put your phone down on the bedside, and got up from your spot walking your way to them. They open their arms and you dove right into them as you stuffing your face onto their chest. "I missed you" came out a little muffled
They embrace you a little tighter; "I missed you too, sunshine" kissing you on the top of you head, rubbing your back. You missed them.
You both pulled away from the embrace and went to the kitchen area. "Angel, please. Tell me about your day." And you both talked and talked and it was great. You felt a rush of relief now that you've finally spoken to them.
They suddenly take their phone out and scroll. They played a song; "This may be a little cringe and cliche but come dance with me for a bit before we go to bed, lovely?" They reach out their hand
The music starts to play, it was rather an upbeat romance song; "Sweetheart"
You hum in response looking up to him with your hands around his neck, and his arms around your waist. One of his hands move up to hold your cheek; "Angel, I'm sorry I couldn't spend much time with you for the past few days. I'll make it up to you, love wely. I promise" Softly caressing your face
Your expression softened as he looked at you so lovingly. "Don't apologize, it's alright. Like I said take your time; this is gonna be for your future."
He leaned to press his forehead against yours; "Thank you for being so patient with me, I promise I'll make sure all of your patient and effort with me will be worth it."
You hum, "But..." He says and pauses pulling away from you, now placing both their hands on your face; "It's not just for my future, it's going to be for ours if you'd still take me."
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by your side
love language — touch, words of affirmation, & quality time
characters — porco galliard, connie springer, sasha braus, eren jaegar, hange zoe, reiner braun, & ymir.
You and your lover haven't been spending much time as usual. You both respected each other's privacy, and space but you really needed them this time. You worked part time at a cafe and messed up causing your boss to humiliate you in front of the middle of work. Despite hesitating, you decided to text them everything that happened, you were just really needed to let that out somehow and you knew they'd understand. Maybe the distance between the both of you were really taking a toll.
You'd walk your way to your shared apartment; all you felt now was relief but you still carried the embarassment that you gone through. The customers, your co-workers just stared as it happened. People were whispering, maybe gossiping even.
As you open the door, you were greeted by your lover looking quite concerned, "Baby, hey. I went home when I read your message. Are you alright?" Walking to your direction with their arms slowly opening as they got closer to you
Jumping onto their chest and hugging them tightly helped make those thoughts fly away, instantly. "Oh, baby. I'm sorry" They whisper, their one hand moving you your head softly stroking it as you feel your throat closing up and your eyes swelling.
"It's okay, baby. Shh, just let it out, you're safe with me." They say softly hugginh you a litte tighter and kissing your head every now and then. Once you've calm down, they wipe your tear; "Good god, your boss is a dick. You should really quit your job." He chuckles wiping and kissing your tears away. "I'm sorry I haven't been by your side for a while. Come, I bought you some snacks and we can make some hot cocoas or just anything." They paused
Pushing the hair out of your face; "I don't like seeing you cry. Love, you can quit the job, I'll help you find one without a lame boss. And, I'll be with you more often. Seeing you fall asleep without me beside you was... my bad I suppose."
"I know you can take care of yourself but I wish I took care of you in any better way that I could. I noticed you were surprised to see me home this early, but you know I'd ditch some overtime for you. Besides, my co-worker owes me" Stroking you hair more keeping eye contact with you as they spoke.
"So, please, don't ever hesitate to call me or talk to me whenever. I know you respect my space and all but I do miss you too."
A small grin forms on their face; "I don't. I am absolutely not into being hard-to-get with you. Like, jesus christ, I need my hugs and cuddles as well—"
They sigh as you muffled your face on their chest; "As a tribute I wanna volunteer as your emotional and mental suppport lover maybe. For as long as you aren't sick of me" They chuckled; "No, I don't get sick of you." it came muffled but they understood.
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you're a blessing
love language — words of affirmation, acts of service & quality time
characters — annie leonhart, levi ackerman, erwin smith, zeke jaegar, yelena, & miche zacharias
Often it was a peaceful silence in your shared apartment but it was mainly because you both enjoyed the silence together. They weren't the most talkative and publicly sweet lover but they showed and already proved their love in private. Weren't big fans of PDA, either because they get nervous and they have trouble expressing it or they just prefer to be sweet behind doors
You usually were the one who talked a lot but the silence you shared this time wasn't comforting as it should be. They're busy with college and work and you couldn't blame them, they have responsibilities and you were alright with that because you had yours as well.
They pass you by and gave you an extra drink they made. "Thank you." You say as they nod and sit at the opposite end leaning on the couch frame holding a book
You weren't talking as usual, you started to hesitate talking to them because you feared you would bother them or disturb their rest.
"Is there something wrong, hun?" They ask from the other side of the couch as they hold their drink. You shook your head, dismissing them. Their lips formed a small frown, obviously not believing you.
As they placed the drink on the coffee table, standing up to sit beside you; "Tell me, I'll listen."
You dismissed them again; "No it's alright. you've had a long day. You should rest."
"Honey I'm not an old man/woman who needs bed rest. Listening to you won't be exhausting." They say keeping eye contact with you. You have their undevided attention now.
"It's alright."
"I don't know what goes through your head but I'd love to hear them." They say as they reach for your hand giving it a small kiss, "I know something's wrong when you don't talk to me. Did I do something to upset you, hun?"
You sighed, so much for not knowing what goes through my head reading the situation very well. "I just don't want to be a burden when you're already busy" You say adverting your eyes, rubbing your left arm and fully turning away from them.
"Look at me."
You dismiss them
"I want you looking at me when I tell you this."
You hesitated for a moment but you knew damn well they won't stop. "What...?"
"I know I don't express what I feel for you publicly or a lot but I enjoy your company and especially listenig to you. Take this as, you recharging my energy after a tiring day."
They reach their hand, and hold your chin gently; "I want you to know, that the last thing you could ever be is a burden. You're my beloved. I love you and that won't change no matter how tired the both of us could be." Taking your hand a placing a soft kiss
"You're a blessing to me."
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2021 © All content belongs to screechingmelon on tumblr. Do not repost my work anywhere.
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
Hello, hi! Can we get more head cannons about FT Freddy and reader, you just write him so well. Maybe a scenario where ennard isn't a thing and FTF and his mini companions escaped and now live with reader. A nsfw hc or two if you are comfortable with that as well will be swell, buh bye
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄!𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲 -> 𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐
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> 𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺: 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝙰𝚝 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢'𝚜: 𝚂𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗
> 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿: 𝙵𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢
> 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 , 𝚄𝚗𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚎𝚝, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛, 𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚍
> 𝗧𝘆𝗽𝗲 𝗢𝗳 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁: 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗
•What misfortune did this reader have to get these guys inside their house? A-and NSFW? I... I mean I'll TRY 👀
•Also my dumbass had to search on Google if FT Freddy is actually Funtime Freddy 💀💀 maybe it's because I just woke up.
The way you already haven't died is a miracle. If not by Freddy's hands at least the others.
But maybe the others felt a little grateful that you pulled them from that basement and outside so they decided to let you live until they figured out what to do.
Funtime Freddy definitely goes inside your room a lot. Especially at night. Maybe just to scare you or sit as a sleep paralysis demon because your reactions are amusing.
Hey, you brought them there so deal with the consequences.
Even if he's told to behave, Freddy will still find little ways to hurt you, maybe holding your arm/hand too tightly, harshly scratching, patting your head then pulling at your hair, makes you uncomfortable by just talking of the things he could do to you
"Hah! Watching you squirm around is so cute cupcake~ It just makes me want to do everything even more now."
But the others hold him back from killing the only reason they're still outside of that godforsaken place.
Funnily enough he doesn't make messes and keeps the place rather clean- unless he hurts you and there's blood coming out.
Or he killed someone and a corpse is getting dragged around the house.
"Come on cupcake, I need to have at least SOME fun around here or I'll go crazy- heh, even crazier? Be lucky this isn't you getting dragged around... But I suppose I WOULD like to have more fun than just this when it comes to you darling~"
Sometimes the other bots scold him but they end up getting ignored. Only Bonbon works.
You can't tell if he's flirting or making threatening promises.
Imagine if a burglar broke in- they're going to turn into a war immediately after.
Funtime Freddy finally having his fun- ESPECIALLY if you got hurt in the process. Then he'll end up going to you and just pressing on your wounds.
"Awww see Bonbon? My cupcake ended up broken, how... Holds tighter Fucking annoying."
Freddy hates it when others hurt you, you're supposed to be HIS toy.
If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/lover say goodbye, maybe Freddy won't admit it but he gets quite jealous... And violent about it as well.
I hope you don't have any animals around because he'll end up killing them too.
"You don't need anyone else darling~ besides, how am I supposed to have fun with you when you're not paying attention to me?"
Likes marking, probably in places where everyone could see them. Remember how I said he probably goes in your room to scare you? Well if you ignore him you're gonna get bit.
"Aww come one, I think they look really pretty on you~ Hmmm I suppose I'll make more as time goes on~"
He'll draw blood and leave a pretty nasty scar, gonna get blood over everything.
Verbal degradation, pretty publicly too -in front of the other bots because you're not bringing this menace outside for the good of the world-
He's really sadistic so I would assume he has a pain kink, but more so he enjoys watching you cry specifically, in his opinion it makes you look pretty. Just wide scared eyes, flushed face- runny makeup? Yes-
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ghoulish-fiction · 2 years
Short, fluffy, domestic Dewdrop fic below the cut because I think that Dew is a gremlin with his friends and secretly soft with his lover.
Dewdrop/Female Reader. Rated T for like three curse words lol.
"Dewy, let's sneak out of here. Dew. Dewdrop. Idiot. Hey!" You slap at Dewdrop's shoulder.
"Shit. I'm sorry. I zoned out so hard. I'm so fucking bored."
"That's what I was trying to tell you, Dew. Let's sneak out. The food here sucks and I wanna go home."
"Fuck yeah, babe! I thought you were gonna want to stay late. Let's go get some real food."
Dewdrop grabs your hand and leads you through the crowd of wedding goers, pointedly avoiding the two brides in the center of the dance floor, out the large double doors of the ballroom, and out into the cool stone hallway of the Abbey.
You sigh with relief, "Finally, I can breathe! It was so hot in there!"
Dewdrop is already pulling off his tie, one hand still interlaced with yours.
"Was it? Didn't notice. I was just so sick of all the people and the endless toasts. We get it! They're a lovely couple, we are all so happy for them, many years of love, blah blah blah. It's all the same thing said over and over by different people."
"Ha! Agreed. When we get married nobody is allowed to make toasts."
Dewdrop looks at you with a playful grin. You look back at him confused, and then the realization of what you said catches up with you. You blush and look away from Dewdrop and try to drop his hand, but he only holds it tighter and pulls it to his chest.
"We getting married, baby?" Dewdrop asks, his grin only growing wider.
"Stooop." You groan, trying to hide your face, but Dew is pulling you closer to him.
"You gonna be my wife?"
Suddenly Dew is lifting you into his arms, bridal style, and nuzzling into your neck while you squeal.
"I didn't expect you to propose like this but I accept." He says sincerely.
"Wait... do you mean that?" You say as he sets you down on your feet outside your front door.  He crowds you against it, slipping his mask off and taking his true form.
"I mean it if you do. You wanna marry me? The real me? Be mine forever? I'd be happy to be yours."
"Yes I mean it. I'd be happy, too."
Dewdrop kisses you tenderly, and then suddenly you're falling backwards into the apartment and Dew is catching you. His mischievous grin inches from your face.
"Good! Now that that's settled, you want some pancakes, wifey? I'm starving."
"Yes, please." You laugh, not caring that he tried to scare you by opening the door behind you just to catch you at the last second.
Dewdrop seems to be done teasing you for now as he sets you up on your feet once more and busies himself in the kitchen.
"Hey, we are almost out of cinnamon." He calls out to you as you walk down the hall.
"Okay, I'll add it to the list after I get changed."
After a few minutes you return to the kitchen in pajamas with your face scrubbed clean and your hair up in a scrunchie. You find the grocery list on the fridge and write in "cinnamon".
"You're cute." Dewdrop purrs.
"Ha! Thanks. You gonna go get comfy?"
"Yeah. Watch the stove for me." Dewdrop says as he wipes his hands on a towel. He kisses you on the cheek as he walks past you.
Dewdrop returns as you're pulling the last pancake off the heat. He's in nothing but sweats, and his long blonde hair is also up in a scrunchie, your favorite scrunchie.
"That looks cute." You say with a grin.
"Thanks! I see why you like these. Way better than a normal hair tie. This one is mine now."
"What?! No! That one is my favorite!"
"Too bad, babe. It's mine now." Dew says, sticking his tongue out at you as you pout.
The two of you enjoy your pancakes together in the kitchen. You don't even bother to sit at the table. You're perched on the counter and Dewdrop is leaning next to you.
You drop the dishes in the sink to be ignored until the morning.
"You ready for bed?" Dewdrop asks, wrapping you up in his arms, while his tail wraps around you as well.
"Not really. I'm not tired yet. Wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure, but I know you're lying and you're gonna fall asleep during it." Dewdrop teases.
"Yeah, probably. Then I'll just be annoyed. Let's just go to bed."
"That's what I thought. Come on."
Dewdrop takes your hand again and you head off to bed together. Once settled under the sheets Dewdrop wraps his entire self around you like a demonic koala. He purrs as he nuzzles into your chest. You hold him close and kiss his head between his horns.
"You really mean it?" You whisper into his hair.
"Mean what, baby?"
"You'll marry me?"
"Yes, but you better put a ring on it before someone else does. I'm a popular guy."
You snort out a laugh.
"Goodnight, Dew. I love you."
"Goodnight, babe. I love you, too."
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anthonyed · 2 years
the best part about being in relationship is getting to hold his lover whenever he wants, wherever he wants, the rest of the world be damned.
steve's lived 100 years and counting so he glares at the 90years old girl scowling at his arms around his fella. "what?" he mouths, pulling in tony closer by the shoulder, pressing a tight lipped kiss to his forehead.
tony, fortunately remains oblivious, indulging steve in his need for contact while he continues going a mile a minute about organic vs non organic food products.
there are the times that are more private as well. hidden within four walls and a closed door where steve could curl with his heart laid bared open and snuggle into tony's neck. or lap. whichever's convenient for the hour.
the truth of the matter is that steve is depraved of physical contact. but he's not one good at taking unless from his own; and in his limited dictionary, tony is his own. so, take he does.
including tony's heart which he sometimes rips into shreds and then frantically try to patch it back, because steve is not perfect. no matter how differently tony tries to convince him on that.
he bleeds too when he breaks tony in half. then they glue themselves back together and get up because they're both fighters, never known when to give up.
giving, steve does. unnecessarily abundantly. sometimes tony frowns at him because "that's not right". but tony's one to speak because he's worse of a giver than steve could ever be; ask him to write his life away, and he'll do so willingly.
"not now. not anymore," tony tells him when steve says that. "not when i have you, i would never."
the wave of a new villain just crashed new york city this afternoon and their bones are still quaking from that ripple.
"you better never." steve holds him, tight and secure. his nose presses hurtfully into the crest of tony's hip bone but he could care less about that. "cannot go on without you, i swear," his breath hitches as his voice cracks and he feels the fire burning fierce in his heart, burning for tony and himself; willing a forever for them. he'd fight the gods if he has to -
"hey," tony shushes, slipping lower in his grip so they're nose to nose, eyes to eyes; blue meets brown and steve's mouth feels damp when tony breathes out. hot air condensing against his trembling lips.
"i'm here," tony swears, presses his mouth to steve's forehead and eyelids and cheeks and he's haphazard in his consoling; just what steve needs when he's shaking this much apart.
because what else can you do when an entire building falls on your lover and you lose his voice in your ears for a whole hour.
"we're fine. i'm fine. not gonna leave you," he presses two of steve's fingers to his pulsepoint; throbbing desperately in his neck and steve lets a punched out breath; his everything collapsing and inflating at the same instance.
it's terrifying, what they do to each other; horrying, what they could do to each other. but in the end, it's them and steve would never have it any way other.
he holds tony tighter, buries his head and his worries in his chest and he recalls when it used to be embarrassing, when confessions of his fear were in the forms of shouting and yelling and raging anger.
he's grateful now they're better; he could whisper his worst to tony and hide inside him and tony will never judge him because he loves steves and steve knows that. is so fucking grateful he could have this man.
and he loves him back as much, maybe more, maybe too much. it doesn't matter. he'd do anything to put a smile on tony's pretty face and wipe his frown away. and he knows tony loves when steve holds him tight, holds him desperate, like he couldn't stand the thought of draft getting between them. so he holds him tight like he does. because he loves it as much too.
what they have is precious; sometimes comparably normal while other times, bafflingly unusual. but it works for them either way: this love between them. this sickness that's too sweet and syrupy and corrupting. this desperate need to have each other till forever ends and then some more because what else is love if not this for them
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
lowkey | teaser
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⦿ boo’d up in the daytime
⦿ mackin’ & hangin’ in the nighttime
↳ SERIES RELEASE DATE: ~end of may / beg of june
summary: in order to pass organic chemistry and pay off your car damages from an accident, all you have to do is help the nerd, jeon jungkook, with a few things: pretend to be his girlfriend and teach him the ways of dating.
pairing: popular!reader x nerd!jjk
genre: college au, fake dating au, friends (with benefits?) to lovers au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 1.2k
warnings: the tracks/mixes included in the party playlist can get really explicit so please do not listen if it makes you uncomfortable - i apologize in advance; otherwise, not much with this teaser besides alcohol consumption, intoxication and some grinding? oc and sunmi are getting kook and his boys frat party ready!!
tags: @taegularities​ @jimidol​ @miinoongi​ @bluesharksandfish​ @ggukkieland​ @unicornbabylover​ @thebeebi​ @preciouschimine​ @ladyartemesia​ @moonchild1​ @jikookiekosmos​ @marcoazz2​ @kootaes​ @wearenot7withu​ @codeinebelle
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"Wait, fuck. Are you sure we're gonna be okay?" Hoseok watches you and Sunmi pour the shots with a slight scrunch, Taehyung covering his nose at the smell of the vodka.
"Yes." You laughed. "You'll be okay. You just have to pace yourselves."
"Fuck that, go all out." Sunmi giggles, making you shoot her a look.
"Sunmi, no! They haven't drank like that before!" You pass them their red cups. You watch as Jungkook and Jimin make faces when they look inside the cup, Taehyung damn near gags at the smell up close and Hoseok gives his cup a little shake.
"Soooo, we can't take this in two sips or something?"
"Absolutely illegal to babysit." Sunmi smiles, obviously having the time of her life right now.
"Babysit?" Jimin repeats.
"Yeah, like taking your sweet time to finish a drink or shot."
"Ah, babysitting." Jimin says, even though he has never heard of the term before besides actually babysitting [like a child or something].
"Ready?" They all nod, making you smile. "Cheers, guys!" You and Sunmi take the shot with ease, while the four are struggling in their own ways.
Jungkook making the most sour face you have ever seen someone do.
Jimin tilting his head back against their couch, eyes closed and definitely in pain.
Taehyung gagging even more that his nose is turning red?
Hoseok is yelling at the burning sensation crawling down his chest.
"You guys okay?" Sunmi cracks up. "Another?"
"Girl, did I not just say the point of this was to pace yourself?!"
"We're in their living room, Y/N. What could possibly go wrong?"
"Pour another." Jungkook says, making Sunmi nod excitedly, in approval.
"See, your boyfriend is down. Let's do it. Besides, when it comes to Delta Chi's shit, they can get a little crazy."
"Fine, but none of you are moving. You're staying right here in this apartment." You say, pouring another shot into their cups. After this, you were gonna call it quits with the drinking, absolutely 100%. Solely because you were worried for the boys and how it was their first time drinking so intensely. And so after that shot, you place your cup on the table, ready to put your foot down—
By pouring another shot, and another, until their faces were almost painted red and they're starting to stumble all over the place.
"Oh shiiiit, the world no longer feels flat." Taehyung says drunkily, burping in the process.
"Okay!" Jimin says, sloppily standing and pointing a finger. "Dance time!"
"Look, the thing with dancing is that you need to keep it chill. Don't make it look like you're trying too hard to vibe to whatever song is playing." You agree with Sunmi silently as you sit on the couch, in between Jungkook and Jimin’s spot. Sunmi watches as Hoseok gets a little aggressive with whatever the hell he's doing with his arms right now and she stands, shaking her head. "No, no." She puts his arms down. "Less tense, just go with the flow." She begins to dance to the music, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung following along. "Yeah, like that!" You get up to join them with Jungkook, but they start doing their own thing, breaking off into robot-pop-like dance moves, making the both of you laugh. You all continue to dance along until a more seductive song comes on. The only person to take notice really is Jungkook and he steps back a bit, unsure of how to handle this. Do this. He was hoping none of the guys would bring it up—
"Wait, how do we dance with girls?" Taehyung says, doing some hip movements with his hands in front of him as if imagining a pretty lady dancing in front of him. "Cause I really wanna try and dance with someone at least once."
"Not.. like that. Please." Sunmi lowers his hands. "You definitely won't get that one time if that's how you come off." You're still bouncing a little on your feet, making Sunmi nod at you. "Jungkook, go grab your girl." He swallows the lump in his throat, doe eyes wider than wide. "Come on, don't be shy. I'm sure you two are planning to do much worse, if you haven’t already." Right, he thinks. He always has to remind himself that Sunmi has no idea you two are faking this. He's surprised, honestly, that his friends haven't slipped, especially being this tipsy.
"Oh, uh—okay." He scratches his head and looks at you, as if he was calling for your help through his eyes.
"Just come up behind me and put your hands on my hips. Bring me close to you." And Jungkook does what he's told, coming up behind you and gently placing his hands on your hips. He digs his fingers into them, bring you close as you work your hips against his.
"See, that was pretty good. Just keep it natural, always look at the girl and read her body language, her look, if she's willing. Don't be a fucking creep about it."
"Oh, Jungkookie! You look like a natural!" Hoseok calls out, making him step away from you to sit back down on the couch. Session over, at least for Jungkook. But fuck, he could feel himself getting hard beneath his jeans and he didn't know what the fuck to do. He wants to keep you close, dance on you, have fun with you. But he definitely didn't want his hard-on getting in the way and fucking scaring you off.
Though, the unexpected happens after everyone starts dancing around again and having fun to the music. You look at him behind you, sitting silently on the couch while he watches everyone and welcome yourself onto his lap.
"Oh fuck?" He says, questioningly. Now what!? His hands are up in the air because he isn't sure if this is a mistake or if you're really willing to sit on his lap right now.
"Kook." You say, pretty tipsy yourself. "Hold onto me." You say lowly.
"Right." He says, kicking himself into boyfriend mode. You keep your eyes on him until he rests his hands on your thighs. "That okay?" You nod, but there's a look on your face that he can't necessarily read and you're fucking thriving off of it. He was cute as your fake boyfriend, and you weren't gonna lie, you loved seeing him squirm under you like this. You start to grind your hips onto him, rolling them against his crotch nicely, slowly.
"Oh my god, Jungkookie's living a dream. He's getting a lapdance from his girlfriend." Taehyung watches, making Jimin drunkily cheer him on.
Surprisingly, Jungkook grips you tighter, pressing himself tightly against you to feel all the friction. He follows your movements, the pace and fuck, is he loving every minute of it. It could be because of the alcohol, but whatever it was, he was with it. You, ontop of him, in these shorts— nice, fat ass just working him like they do in the music videos.
You were a fucking dream.
The song stops and goes back to a more upbeat song, making you stop and laugh at the vibe change. Jungkook feels the heat rising in his cheeks, biting onto his bottom lip to prevent himself from smiling too big at you.
"You pick up quick, Kook. Are you sure you don't dance and sing?" He chuckles.
"Positive." As you're about to make your way off of his lap, he holds onto your hips and presses you back down. You turn to look, seeing him shaking his head at you before leaning his head forward near your arm. "Where are you going? Can't you just sit with me for a bit?" You bite your lip and nod your head, getting yourself comfortable on his lap.
"For practice?" You tease.
"Thought you didn't need me to say that anymore." He fires back, causing heat to rise in your own cheeks due to this sudden sexual tension you’re feeling. You blame it on the alcohol. However, it doesn’t change the fact that he learns quick. For damn sure.
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myonepiece · 3 years
Okay so here's a fun idea for a songfic! Can I have a songfic with Kid with a ex-gf who's in a punk band (she was originally part of the crew but left it after a rough ending of their relationship), the crew hears about a concert on the island they're stopping at. Kid wants to go just to kind of laugh but when they go, he's kind of in shock at their progression.
She spots them in the crowd, focusing on Kid before whipping out either Black Sheep by Metric or Everything Back But You by Avril Lavgne. I know not true punky songs but they fit well enough lol
Maybe end it where they kind of make up?
Omg yess I love sad love ;-;
But You
A Eustass Kid Scenario
Kid’s days had melted together, and eventually so did his weeks and so did the momths. It was all just a blur of violence, looting, drinking, and a painful grip on his heart. He thought about that day everynight, he would drink to forget but when he lay in bed piss drunk the only thing he could think about was the sight of you in another man’s arms and the look of horror on your face as he was shot in the head by an “unknown” attacker.
You sat in an old rundown inn, your mind clouded with the alcohol you had tried to drown yourself in. The post card hanging from your hand by the tips of your cold fingers.
You should leave, I’ve had my fun but it’s time to be serious
I want you to be her
I’ll be in my workshop late tonight
I expect you to be gone by the time I’m back
The mangled postcard smelled of cheap perfume, but you were too focused on the words to put much thought to that. He must’ve been with her when he wrote it, her perfume wearing off on the paper. You had caught her clinging on to him, and in a fit of rage and jealousy you had ran to another man and betrayed the trust you had built with Kid.
You had blacked out after a few rounds of hard liquor and a gunshot through the head of the man in front of you splattering blood across your face. When you awoke you were laying in the bed of a dirty inn, and the Victoria Punk was gone, the only thing left was a postcard signed with the captain’s name.
End of flashback
You were sitting in the kitchen of your ship, eating with your band/crew, conversing over the show you were playing tomorrow night followed by a break for a few days. You’re punk music career had been keeping you busy for the past two months, and you were trying enjoying yourself when you played with them.
Still, late at night when the alcohol wore off, it brought you to a state of mind with terrified you, bringing back every single memory of your previous voyages with your ex captain. You would allow yourself to wallow in self pity until the next day, when you would return to your punk and fiery personality that was so well known across the seas.
Kid rested his chin in the palm of his hand as he stared at the poster Killer had handed him, portraying a picture of the punk band that held a reputation despite not being a big pirate or anything similar. He stared at the bright smile that haunted his dreams, his nightmares, and his every waking thought. The smile he loved but despised more than anything.
There was nothing he desired more than to have you back. Killer had explained what was likely going through your mind at the sight of the whore clinging to him. She was simply a lowlife wannabe pirate princess who held no importance in his life whatsoever. He had killed her for ruining his love, but it was too late to mend what he had done for you had already fled the island, ripping part of him away with you. So with one more swig of beer, he set course for your show.
Arriving at the start of your second song, the Kid pirates walked into the cheering crowd that surrounded your stage. Kid’s breath caught in his throat as he stared longingly at the angel he had lost months ago, the way your leather clothes hugged your curves and your hair swaying lit up by the lights, intoxicated him beyond rational thoughts. He stared frozen in place.
As the crowd roared with cheers, you grinned at the wave of fans that made everyday happier. But all color drained from your face as your eyes met the red head’s. Even from far away shrouded in darkness you recognized his fur coat and bright red hair that you had come to loathe. Your heart’s beat drowned out the cheers of the crowd as your head swam with emotions that you had shoved down and drowned in whiskey for the past two months. With your brain clouded over and a surge of impulsiveness, you turned and instructed your band to play your song. The crowd quieted down and your band struck up the tune, you kept your eyes glued to Kid’s which had never once left yours.
Two months away from you but I couldn’t tell,
I thought that everything was gonna be fine
The postcard that you wrote
With that stupid little note
Something wasn’t quite right about it
It smelled like cheap perfume
And it didn’t smell like you
Kid knew exactly what you were singing about, and it broke his heart to relive it from your point of view. He felt a sting in his eyes but was too wrapped up in your voice to do anything about it.
There is no way you can get around it
Because you wrote “I wish you were her”
But you left out the “e”
You left without me
And now you’re somewhere out there with a
Hey, Hey
Physco, babe I hate you
Why are guys so lame
Everything I gave you
I want everything back but you
Under the lights, you could’ve sworn you saw a glittering tear slide down Kid’s cheek and fall onto the fur of his coat.
My friends tried to tell me all along
That you weren’t the right one for me
As the music faded out and was replaced by cheers and hollers, you broke eye contact and swiftly walked off the stage- you had to get out of here. The crew quickly packed up the intrsuments and supplies, and you were the last to head down towards the docks. While walking on the path down to the docks, clitching your coat around you, footsteps appeared behind you. You already knew who it was, and you picked up your pace. As the footsteps picked up pace too you started running down the path.
“Y/N!!” You tried to tune out his desperate pleas, but a hand reached out and firmly wrapped around your wrist holding you back.
“Turn around Y/N. Why are you running from me?” Kid’s voice was quiet ending the question. He sounded like a lost child, not the captain of one of the most feared pirate crews.
Slowly your straighten up and turn around facing your ex lover. He has tears brimming your eyes, something you never thought you’d see. It makes your own eyes tear up as you stand in silence just taking in the sight of each other. He looks like a mess to be honest, you can make out the dark eye bags and the small stubble on his chin. You have to say a small part of you likes seeing himself ins such bad shape over little old you.
“What do you want Kid, I have a boat to catch” you talk to him coldly, feeling slight guilt as he had been talking so softly to you.
“I just want you back angel”
“You left me, why do you want me back? What about your other whore” you see Kid wince at your harsh words and unwavering icy stare.
“She was some lowsy wannabe, I was trying to get her off, I would never jeopardize what we have”
“Had, what we had”
“It’s not gone Y/N, is it?” It wasn’t, as much as you hated Kid for leaving you alone, you couldn’t deny that your love for him still burned in your chest. Tears now streamed down your face as you hardened your glare.
“It’s gone Kid. Everything is gone”
“You know I didn’t do anything with that girl, so what did I do” It’s true that you know he didn’t do anything with the girl, because you had heard of her gruesome death by Kid’s hand, abs the fact that Kid had rented an Inn room and layed you in the bed meant he still cared for you when he left you. But that’s what he did, he left you all alone.
“You left me... YOU LEFT ME ALONE!” Your sadness turned to anger as you thought of all the things you had done for him only to be cast aside and left so easily. You stepped closer to him still scolding him-
“AFTER EVERYTHING WE’VE BEEN GHROUGH YOU THREW ME ASIDE SO EASILY! AND IT HURT KID, YOU HURT ME!” You stood directly in front of Kid now, you landed a hit against his broad chest. As your sobs became stronger so did your hits.
“I HATE YOU EUSTASS KID” You cried out at you landed your final punch and felt your legs begin to give. Before you could fall, Kid grabbed your shoulders tightly,
“I’m so sorry Y/N, I love you more than anything and I’ll do anything to get you back. You think leaving you didn’t hurt me? It hurt coming back to get you and finding out you already left!” Kid raised his voice as his anger came bubbling to the surface.
“I’m not supposed to feel like this Y/N this is weakness and pirates aren’t supposed to have that! Dont you get it?! YOU’RE MY WEAKNESS AND I WANT YOU BACK!” You tried to squirm away but Kid pulled you harshly into his chest and held you there.
“Please come back, let’s forget this ever happened. I’m not leaving you ever again angel” Kid whispered into your hair. He sounded genuine, and you could feel your hard self control wearing thin. You inhaled the familiar scent of Kid, and with your sigh you caved and grabbed onto his coat pulling him closer to you. You felt him let out a shaky sigh and he pulled you closer and softened his embrace. That night he held you closer and tighter than he ever had, he showed his full vulnerability to you and he was scared that you would use it against him. But he realized he didn’t have to be afraid of that because he would never give you a reason to leave him ever again, because the only thing he can hold onto, is you.
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lexi-evans · 4 years
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚢 | 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙿𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚇 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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“come on!! This way” He motioned.Ron and Ginny marched in obediently; Hermione, Neville, and Luna squashed themselves in after them; Harry took one glance back at the thestrals, now foraging for scraps of rotten food inside the dumpster, then forced himself into the box after Luna.
“Ready, y/n? ” He held out his hand, you happily grabbed it. Meeting the others.
“Whoever’s nearest the receiver, dial six two four four two!” he said. Ron did it, his arm bent bizarrely to reach the dial. As it whirred back into place the cool female voice sounded inside the box, “Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business.”
“Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger,” Harry said very quickly, “Ginny Weasley, Y/N Y/L/N, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood . . . We’re here to save someone, unless your Ministry can do it first!” You looked around boringly.
“Thank you,” said the cool female voice. “Visitors, please take the badges and attach them to the front of your robes.” Half a dozen badges slid out of the metal chute where returned coins usually appeared. Hermione scooped them up and handed them mutely to Harry over Ginny’s head; he glanced at the topmost one.
After the verification, All of you entered the Atrium. You carefully scanned the Arena. “where's the security? ” You asked, finding no one at the place.“I don't know, Hey! Hey!Y/N!Sweetheart, stay close to me! Don't wander if like that, you're gonna be me a heart attack” Harry grabbed you're hand, his firm grip tightened making sure you're close to him. “eh? Sorry for trying to have a little fun, Harr” You said, playfully.
As you all walked towards the lifts. Man, they were noisy. You saw Harry clicking the button '9' . With that the lift started moving very fast. Causing you to hug Harry.
Ginny giggled when you looked over Harry's shoulder you saw Luna hugging her lover tightly. Ugh, I ship it. They're such a cute couple.
“Department of Mysteries,” and the grilles slid open again, all of you stepped out into the corridor where nothing was moving but the nearest torches, flickering in the rush of air from the lift.
Harry turned toward the plain black door. After months and months of dreaming about it, he was here at last. . . .
“Let’s go,” he whispered, and he led the way down the corridor, Luna right behind him, gazing around with her mouth slightly open.
“Okay, listen,” said Harry, stopping again within six feet of the door. “Maybe . . . maybe a couple of people should stay here as a lookout, and —” “And how’re we going to let you know something’s coming?” asked Ginny, her eyebrows raised. “You could be miles away.”
“We’re coming with you, Harry,” said Neville. “Let’s get on with it,” said Ron firmly. You didn't even hesitate, walking towards the door as they were talking.
“Y/N? Y/N!! Hey-dont!!” Too late. The door already swung open. He caught you and now he started scolding you. “Harry—We have to go! Now! ” You dragged him a long with others by your side.
You guys were standing in a large, circular room. Everything in here was black including the floor and ceiling — identical, unmarked, handle-less black doors were set at intervals all around the black walls,interspersed with branches of candles whose flames burned blue, their cool, shimmering light reflected in the shining marble floor so that it looked as though there was dark water underfoot. “Wow, so cool” You were about to run, again. But Harry caught you. “you're not running away, Missy”
Suddenly, all the lights lit up and sound was heard and the walls seemed moving. You cling on to Harry's side, this time listening to him. “stay by my side” He whispered. You nodded, feeling a little bit scared of what might happen next.
For Harry you kept on repeating the words in your head. Suddenly, everything just... Stopped. “what the hell was that all about? ” you asked, throwing daggers at the doors.
“I think it was to stop us knowing which door we came in from,” said Ginny in a hushed voice. “uh-huh” you said, gripping Harry's hand tighter. “I'm right here,Darling, don't worry! ”
“How’re we going to get back out?” said Neville uncomfortably. “well, that doesn’t matter now,” said Harry. Harry walked straight towards another door. “Luna stay by my side” Ginny said, protectively. Holding her girlfriend next to her.
Opening it, it wasn't shiny like the before once. In the room middle was there a huge tank in green water number of pearly white objects that were drifting around lazily in the liquid.
“Even if I feel like swimming, I'm not swimming with those in there” you said, bluntly as other laughed. You tend to smile in serious situations so that's no surprise for them.
“Aquavirius maggots!” said Luna excitedly. “Aqua—what? ” you asked, confused. “Aquavirius Maggots” she repeated. “Right, Aquavius Faggots” you beamed. Luna sighed.
“Dad said the Ministry were breeding —” Hermione cut her off.
“No,” said Hermione. She sounded odd. She moved forward to look through the side of the tank. “They’re brains.” “Brains?” you asked bewildered.
“Yes . . . I wonder what they’re doing with them?” Harry joined her at the tank. “I'm really starting to hate this place, now. ” Harry caught a glimpse at the horrified face of his girlfriend which is enough for him to decide.
“let's find another door” He stated. “In my dream I went through that dark room into the second one,” he said. “I think we should go back and try from there.”
“Eh, I wonder if you were dream about me Harr” You said, teasingly. He rolled his eyes. While walking.
You allhurried back into the dark, circular room; the ghostly shapes of the brains were now swimming before Harry’s eyes instead of the blue candle flames. “Wait!” said Hermione sharply, as Luna made to close the door of the brain room behind them. “Flagrate!”
The sound from earlier came again and now another door has appeared. This time there's a veil in the room, no bright blue lights like before. The place felt really odd. Hermione kept saying we should get out but Harry wouldn't budge.
“What are you saying?” he said very loudly, so that the words echoed all around the surrounding stone benches.
“Nobody’s talking, Harry!” said Hermione, now moving over to him.
“Someone’s whispering behind there,” he said, moving out of her reach and continuing to frown at the veil. “Is that you, Ron?”
“I’m here, mate,” said Ron, appearing around the side of the archway. “can’t anyone else hear it?” Harry demanded. “I can hear them too” said Luna. “They're whispering” you said, Pointing the veil.
“they're people in there” Luna stated simply. “what?” Ginny pulled Luna away from the veil. “Luna Baby you can't go around trying to touch stuff like.. That! Something might happen to you, okay? ”
“Let's go” Harry grabbed you're hand pulling you towards the door. He tried to open it but it wouldn't. “it's.... Locked? Hermione! ” you moved away, letting the smartest try it.
“Alohamora! ” she casted but nothing happened. “great, we're stuck” You huffed. “Aww, baby don't give up now” Harry cooed but the frustration is clearly visible in his face. Neville rolled his eyes. "Why Neville? Sad Zabini isn't here?” you teased. “shut it, Y/N” He said, playfully.
“Is—is that who's I think it is? ” you pointed the knife laying on the floor. Harry picked it up “It's sirius it's his” as the walls are spinning, you found yourself staring at the new door. “This is it!” As Harry’s eyes became more accustomed to the brilliant glare you saw clocks gleaming from every surface, large and small, grandfather and carriage,
hanging in spaces between the bookcases or standing on desks ranging the length of the room, so that a busy, relentless ticking filled the place like thousands of minuscule, marching footsteps. The source of the dancing, diamond-bright light was a towering crystal bell jar that stood at the far end of the room.
“This way!” Harry led all of you. You simply followed him, anywhere he led you. You trust him, and you'd do anything to make sure he's okay. “D'you think I could find mine? How cool would that be? ” You said, to Luna who agreed knowing how cool that would be. “Yes, it would be nice. Y/N, but we shouldn't” she said, softly patting your back. “I know I'm just saying”
For him, even if it mean you have to sacrifice yourself. You zoned off thinking of you're prophecy is here or not? Or you're parents? “I don't think sirius is here” you're head snapped towards him.
“Harry. . . ” You squeezed his hand, placing your hand on his shoulder. “After coming all the way... ” He looked down, disappointed. “Harry — this thing got you're name on it” said, Ron.
He took the prophecy. Examining it. Suddenly black shapes came out of nowhere and now surrounded all of you. You held you're wand steadily. Glaring at Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange.
“give it to me, potter” Lucius held out his hand. Harry refused “where is sirius? ” He's trying to contain his anger. You can feel it. He's triggered. “Give it to me, potter” He said, yet again a little more Harshly.
His fellow death eaters laughed. “I want to know where sirius is?!!! ” Harry demanded. “I want to know where sirius is!! ” Bellatrix mimicked. You're grip tighten around the wand.
“Shut up, Bellatrix” You said, angrily. She glared at you “Oh, look the little one can talk” She mocked.. “I can do more than talk” You said. “enough” Said, Lucius.
“I know you’ve got him!” more of the Death Eaters laughed, though the woman still laughed Loudest of all. “Why don't you shut up, it's so annoying” you said, making a Disgusted face towards the lunatic woman.
She snarled. “it’s time you learned the difference between life and dreams, Potter,” said Malfoy. “Now give me the prophecy, or we start using wands.”
“Give me the prophecy and no one would get hurt” He gestured towards You, Neville, Ginny, Luna, Hermione and Ron.
Harry Rose his wand steadily ready for battle. “what kind of prophecy, does Voldemort want? ” Harry asked. Threatening to drop the ball.
“You dare to speak out his name? ” hissed Bellatrix. “Voldy” You said, causing others to giggle. She shot a death glare towards you. “I've go no problem saying Vold-”
“Shut your mouth!” Bellatrix shrieked. “You dare speak his name with your unworthy lips, you dare besmirch it with your half-blood’s tongue, you dare —” “Shut Up you filthy pureblood! Just because you're pureblood doesn't make you any better than Voldemort” She hissed at your words.
“Did you know he’s a half-blood too?” said Harry recklessly. “Voldemort? Yeah, his mother Was a witch but his dad was a Muggle — or has he been telling you lot he’s pureblood?”
“STUPEF —” “NO!” Harry kept stalling them until you guys were ready to make a run for the door. “NOW!!! ” He yelled as all of you started sprinting. “REDUCTO”
Curses and spells Echoed through the walls. You and Harry got separated in the middle and now you can't find him. “Y/N, this way” Ron grabbed you're hand and started running.
“STUPEFY!! ” you yelled when you saw a death eater Approaching you and Ron. “EXPELLIARMUS” The red light shot from right behind you, Ron's wand flew out of his grip.
“Levicorpus” You yelled sending away the death eater. “Let's go let's go, come on, Ron” Both of you lunged towards where Ginny and Luna were.
“Luna watch out” You shot "stupefy" Just in time before it can hit Luna. “thanks Y/N” she smiled. “Expelliarmus” you're wand flew out the grip. “Expelliarmus” Ron Shot the spell at the man.
“Let's do this Muggle way, then” You cracked you're knuckles. Harry came in just time but stopped when he saw you lunging towards the death eater punching him in the face.
He rose his arm you caught it twisting and threw him the other side as some of the prophecy's hit his head. “Do Not Underestimate a girl” You dusted you're hands grabbing your wand.
“Harry!! ” You gasped when you saw him smiling proudly. He walked over and hugged you tightly. “That was amazing, Love” He gave you a kiss as a award, dragging you with him towards the door.
“HERMIONE!! ” you heard Ron screaming, you found him and three of you started searching others fighting any death eaters come on your way.
you got separated from everyone. Suddenly a death eater came and got you. Then everything went black.
“Crucio” You heard, Neville screamed, his legs drawn up to his chest so that the Death Eater holding him was momentarily holding him off the ground. The Death Eater dropped him and he fell to the floor, twitching and screaming in agony.
“No.. ” You're eyes bloodshot as the scene in front of you was terrifying. “Oh, Look the little baby woke up!! Had a nice dream? ” Bellatrix Laughed. “Yeah, I did! I dreamt about kicking Your Ass” You spoke gritting you're teeth.
“Now, Potter, either give us the prophecy, or watch your little friend die the hard way! And you're little girlfriend here is going to suffer” Harry looked at you, “No...Harry.. NO!!” He's going to give away the prophecy!!!
“Sorry, baby” Harry gave you an apologetic look. Bellatrix snorted. He held it out, Mr. malfoy Grasped within his hand immediately. Suddenly, two more doors burst open and five more people sprinted into the room: Sirius, Lupin, Moody, Tonks, and Kingsley.
“Let go off, her!! Now!! ” Remus held out his wand pointing towards the death eater who held you. You clearly forgot you were being held??? “That! Won't be necessary professor” You bought up you're leg high enough kicking him right in the shines, as the death eater fell on the floor holding his pants.
“Take that sucker” You ran towards Remus, who's smiling. “good job, N/N” He gave a pat on the head before heading off to fight the other death eaters.
Kingsley was fighting two at once;Tonks, still halfway up the tiered seats, was firing spells down at Bellatrix. You see Harry was being held by death eater. You ran upto him. “Hey! Arsehole” He turned his attention towards you, his grip loosen on Harry. “Harr—Duck” everything seemed to happen in slow motion.
Harry pulled away. As you kicked the death eater right in the face. He fell on the floor his hood falling off. Showing his face, Mcnair? “You? You were the guy supposed to kill buckbeak? ” You attack him again but Harry pulled you off.
“petrificus tortalus” Harry hugged you tightly, “I was scared... I thought I lost you” He whimpered. “You'll never loose me, You can have me all for yourself when we get back, okay? Now let's Fight” he nodded.
You somehow managed to find your wand, and started taking on death eaters. “Impendimenta” You shot towards another death eater who's trying to attack tonks. “Thanks, Kid” she smiled.
You took on one after another. You were too busy to even see Dumbledore has arrived. “Come on, you can do better than that!” You heard Sirius laughing. Bellatrix shot another spell, Oh No the veil. He missed it and you know Bellatrix would not let him live any longer. You ran as fast as you can using all the energy left in your body. No! No! Sirius!!!
“AVADA KAD-” You pushed him before he can fall into the veil. This is it?? Is this how you're gonna die? You thought but unfortunately you stumbled on to your left resulting on kissing the floor.
You winced in pain. You heard sirius yelling “Expelliarmus” you slowly sat on wincing even more. It hurt like hell. You're lower lip burst as you can taste you're own blood. "Y/N!!! ” Sirius ran to you, kneeing reaching down for you. Remus heard Sirius he catched a glimpse at you're small figure. Horrified, He sprinted towards you.
“Why'd you do that for??!! You could've died!! Now you're hurt” Sirius exclaimed, you're lips played a small smile. “Y/N? Y/N are you okay? ” Remus kneeled next Sirius. You nodded. “If it means I could save you, I'll take my chances siri” You're voice pained but you didn't care. Remus was shocked hearing the younger. Yes, Remus know how much Sirius means to both Harry and Y/N but he didn't think like this?
Sirius is important too, like everyone of you're friends to you. “Don't ever do that to me, again!!” said, Sirius As tears escaped his eyes. He hugged you placing a soft kiss on top of your head. Remus smiled. “If I'm ever going to be in you're family then you're my family too, sirius” you pointed towards the promise ring on you're hand Harry gave you.
“Does it hurt, Y/N? Can you move? ” Remus examined the wound on your knee. You shook you're head. “No... I don't think so professa I can't feel it” You stated simply as it doesn't matter. Even after he left Hogwarts, you never missed a chance calling him professor. Honestly, he always felt proud to have you as his student.
“we're getting you out of here, you already got hurt enough” Sirius and Remus slowly helped you stand up. “But—” “No means No, Y/N. No buts” Sirius said seriously. Remus chuckled. “Molly will take good care of you, okay? Go with him” Remus kissed your forehead.
You glanced at Harry one last time before Both you apparated to Grimmauld place.
“Remus? Remus? Have you seen Y/N?? And Sirius?? I can't find them? ” Harry asked, worriedly. “She's hurt, Harry. Sirius took her back and they're fine” Remus explained, calmly shooting spells and hexes at the death eaters.
“Y/N, Oh my god what happened to you?? ” Molly exclaimed giving a hand helping you as they leapt you towards the room.Both of them,carefully lied you on bed. “Sirius” it came out more like a whisper. “I'm here, Y/N. I'm right here” He took your hand into his. “Harry.. ” You said before darkness took over.
“How did this happen” You heard Harry's angry/worry voice. Your head pounded as the images from earlier came back. “She tried to save Sirius, Harry. And she did save him then she fell down, right after she saved him” Remus spoke softly. There uneasy Tension in the room? You didn't like it. “Again” Added Tonks. Everyone fell silent.
“I hope she'll alright” Luna said, worried about her fellow partner. Ginny hugged her. “she's going to be fine, Luna. She's just injured and needs... Rest”
“Harry... ” You open your eyes, then closing them again trying to adjust the light. “Y/N!!” He helped you sit up. “You made it back” you said in hoarse voice.“Y/N...” He looked at you with tears in his eyes. As he was neatly seated next to you.
“Hey—I'm fine, really. ” more tears escaped his eyes he buried his head into your lap crying. “Aww, baby I'm so sorry for scaring you but see I saved Sirius now you don't have to worry about anything. Look I'm a hero now” You spoke ruffling his hair.
“or is it more like. Heroine? Either way I'm great” you joked, a few chuckle left from others. “I love you” He murmured. You smiled softly. “And I Love you.... ”
“Bloody Hell, Y/N! You scared us!!” Ron said, dramatically. “Oh, shush Ron! We're glad you're fine, Y/N” Hermione smiled at you. You nodded. “You never fail to surprise me, L/N. Never” Neville shook his head smiling a little.
“You can't get rid of me that easily, Neville! Besides who's going to tease you about zabini everyday eh? ” You joked. Causing the rest to laugh.
Sirius walked over sitting next to you, and hugged both you and Harry. “Now Now!! Enough with the emotions here I think I might be sick.!! ” You said, jokingly. “Molly~~” You whined, Mrs. Weasley smiled. “Yes, dear? ”
“I'm starving” you pouted. “Alrighty then, Everyone hurry downstairs,Time for dinner!!!” said, Molly as she hurried downstairs. “Y/N? ” Harry called out.
“yes, Harr? ” you replied. “Marry Me” He breathed. “That my dear Harry Potter, I shall gladly” you giggled. Remus and Tonks chuckled. “Welcome to the family, Y/N” Sirius said, happily. Him and Remus exited the room. Going downstairs.
Ginny sighed “when should I propose you, Love?” she asked Luna who giggled. “How about Right now? ” “Hey, Luna! You both are not 21 yet!? No marriage! ” Ron said, being the overprotective one.
Hermione rolled her eyes. “God, I love these kids” Tonks said, laughing at the younger one's. “Trust me, Tonks! You'll love us even more when you see Sirius and Remus with Rainbow colors hair tomorrow morning” you said, giving her a playful wink.
“How did you—” “I have my ways, People” You laughed. “the little devil, you are” She ruffled you're hair before leaving the room.
“I'm serious, Y/N” said, Harry. But Y/N laughed “I thought he's sirius”. “Y/N...” you stopped laughing, for real this time. “I actually want to marry you.. Not now but maybe in the future, y'know when there's no dark wizard trying to kill me? ” He said, playing with your hand.
“Right, of course I'll marry you... After you defeat noseless!! ” Everyone burst into fit of laughter knowing it's actually true.... Noseless Voldemort. Hilarious!
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ The end ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
✾a/n: now that fic has finished.. Which one do you guys reckon I should post next? Hermione Granger fic or else Drarry X reader Fic? *sigh.... * there's a lot going on with me right now, and idk why I'm so moody lately. Everyday seems like hell and I just don't have any luck? It's like no. Matter how much I try.. Everyone still seems to think very less of me. Anyways, I hope you guys have a great day and also don't forget to like and follow for more♡ I love you all so much💚
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merry-andrews · 3 years
Omg! Morbell?!! Score!! Lil cute micah with dem flowers, ugh my heart❤️🐁🐀💋. Also would Micah and Arthur do pranks och play wrestle with each other? I could totally see this happen, also marry me love/ Shy Joey
OH MY GOD!!!!!! MY FIRST MORBELL ASK I'M JUST...😭😭😭 THANK YOU SWEET ANON!!!! I want to kiss you hard on lips right now!😆 you just made my day!💕💕💕(I started dancing when I saw this ask in my inbox, I'm just..soo sooo thrilled!!)
Thank you! I'm happy you liked my little drabble! The idea of Micah giving Arthur lovely flowers was just too cute so!😆 I 'had to' draw it, yup.
They have a prank and then they start wrestling? That's a very cool idea! Ok so now imagine this, they wrestle until Micah can take upper hand, pins Arthur down while he straddles his thighs, licks his lips with a proud smirk on his dust-covered face "I win, cowpoke...I always win" they both are panting. Their clothes are dusty. They're kinda dirty but Arthur's eyes still shine when he looks up to Micah. Will mirror Micah's smirk with a huff. They keep eye contact until Arthur tries to roll out from Micah's grip on him but Micah would clinch to his shirt tighter "and..for my prize", brings his head closer to kiss on Arthur's lips cus he suddenly feels too affection when other outlaw just pushes him back playfully. He's blushing "let me up, you fool! Gonna get clean firs_" Micah presses back, pushes his lips hard on Arthur's. His laugh muffled, Arthur's arms come up to wrap around him when he kisses Micah back with same vigor. They stay laying on the ground just kissing for a while..
Marry me? Yes yes yes!!!! God! I have many many many many imagination about how their 'marry me' is going to be so!😂 (and I also headcanon it Micah asks Arthur to marry him 'whenever' they're in bed in the heat of the moment..?)
Marriage proposal is going to be a bit 'hard'. Because both sides don't know how to start asking it so! They both buy rings for eachother without letting 'other one' know😆. This isn't like Valentine's gift that you just go, pick your lover's fave flowers so Micah would seek totally all jewelry stores in Saint Denis(because that's a big city and you can always find the nicest things over there!😁) to find a special ring but no.. he can't find it. the ring he wants for Arthur should be the best ring between all, he also can't decide between 'diamond' or 'azure' too.
He soon gets frustrated. Gets back to camp with a grumpy face. Goes straight to sit between some bushes with a whiskey bottle in hand, mind still busy with that ring he wants to give to Arthur when someone's voice startles him
"you there!"
He comes out of his hiding just to see Mrs. Adler on guard duty, pointing a gun at him. She lowers the gun when she sees it's Micah, puts her free hand on her hip.
"Bell? You're really lucky I don't feel too well today to shoot you right now" Sadie huffs. Then she gets curious, worried when she gets abit closer to Micah to see his face better. His mind still thinking desperately over ring and it must be shown on his face too because Saddie asks "something happened to Arthur?!?"
Micah narrows his eyes "what? No! I'm ju_"
"I swear Micah! If anything happened for Arthur.." she raises her fist with a threating face_
"I just can't find a ring for him!"
Micah explain fastly, his holds hands in surrounding gesture and takes a step back from Sadie.
"...you what?"
Sadie laughs while Micah blushes. He pouts and puts an angry face but Sadie talks without giving him a chance to react "just go to a shop and buy him a ring that...makes you think about Arthur!" her expression is soft now, though a smirk is still hanging on her lips.
"And another thing" she says when Micah turns to leave, Sadie's suggestion wasn't exactly what he wants to do but he got some ideas.
"Make it special for him. Take him out for a drink or..maybe take him to some lovely place? I'm sure Arthur would like a small trip too"
Micah was about to snap 'I don't need your advice!' But instead he just nods once, tips his hat toward Sadie then he walks aways.
Micah leaves the camp to find a ring. Riding back all way to Saint Denis, 'buying a ring' process takes more than three hours but when he left the story, he's satisfied. Makes sure that little velvet box is secure enough in his pocket(he even wrapped it in a cloth carefully) before he mounts Baylock, returning to camp.
Thinking all the way just about 'Arthur'. He doesn't want to accept but actually short talk with Saddie helped him a lot, he plans on taking Arthur to a lovely place near seashore..or maybe taking Arthur to that meadow around Strawberry that he's too fond of? Taking a week break from the camp for spending in a decent hotel in Valentine with Arthur sounds nice too..
It's midnight when he rides past trees toward their camp. He dismounts, quietly hitches Baylock_
"Where were you?!"
A firm hand on his shoulder turns him suddenly to face an angry Arthur. "I was worried! You could at least tell me you're going to stay late out of the camp for tonight!" Micah smiles that only causes Arthur's frown deeper. "Sorry, sweetheart" kisses that same hand on his shoulder "was in the town, taking care of...some jobs" he then sidles up to Arthur's side, wrap a hand around his waist. Arthur rolls his eyes when Micah says "I can make it up to you.."
"you're a moron!"
Micah chuckles "now don't be like that with me, cowpoke. I said I'm sorry"
he turns Arthur's face gingerly to kiss his lips. They walk toward their shared tent.
"..you really stayed up waiting on me?"
"Shut up" whispers Arthur with a smile he tries to hide but fails, even blushes a bit and Micah falls more in love with him.
"Next time you go out, you're going to let me know exactly where you go" Arthur says as he yanks his boots off. A hand fiddling with his bandanna at the same time. Micah finishes undressing, he pulls Arthur closer to help him out of his blue shirt.
"Bossy, ain't we?" Micah grins when Arthur gives him a look. Micah kisses on his nose.
Arthur yawns, he hugs Micah when both lay on the blankets. Nuzzles in Micah's neck and they sleep like that.
It takes near two days for Micah to finally gathers enough courage to go, ask Arthur to spend some time with him away from camp. He has doubts on 'what if he says no?!?'
Micah approaches Arthur while he's choping woods for campfire. He stops working when he sees Micah. A bright smile on his face.
"I..I was wondering.. say, what you think of spending some time alone together? Just you 'n' me, sweetheart" he tries a nervous smile. Heart beating fast in his chest. Arthur quirks an eyebrow, he offers a teasing smile "don't we get 'enough' free times here and there?" Their shared moments when they kiss or secretly touch eachother behind tents or between trees. Micah blushes. Stumbles on his thoughts "no! Like.. getting out of here. Together!for a few days or more, setting a tent under damn night sky or going to a goddamn hotel or..uh.."
Arthur's chuckles "like a honeymoon?"
God, Micah swears Arthur's just making this harder for him to say.
"I say yes! That..really sounds nice, Micah" Micah released a breath he didn't know he was holding. Arthur leans in to kiss his cheek "a hotel then. I'll appreciate a nice meal with hotbath"
They pack some of their clothes and other things that Arthur thinks they may need. Micah's hand brushes on small box in his pocket from time to time when they arrive at Strawberry hotel. Arthur likes this place.
Days passed, they went for a short picnic to lavender meadow, had breakfasts on the balcony with waterfall view, walked under night sky hand in hand over Starwberry's wooden bridge, and other things that Micah never thought one day he actually would enjoy doing them. The last day of their little vacation, the pair decided to just spend all day soaking in hot tub with flowers perfume around them. There were even candles and wine for them too.
"I'm gonna miss this place.." Arthur sighs, he leans back on Micah's arm. Micah rubs on his shoulders, kissing his ear then whispering "we can always come back" he smiles in Arthur's hair "I can take you to other interesting places too, sweetheart"
Arthur humms, he turns to face Micah. Takes sponge and starts washing Micah's chest. Fingers lingering to trace on knife scars on Micah's chest. Micah swallows, is it the right time for proposal? He mentaly kicks himself once he thinks of it, maybe other time..? Arthur's eyes move to Micah's face.
"You're thinking again" he says.
"Just say it, Micah" Arthur stops washing him. Water sloshes around them as Arthur leans back waiting for Micah to speak.
Micah decides 'now or never' then.. "will you marry me, cowpoke?"
Arthur shakes his head with a smile "you always ask me this whenever we're in bed"
"It's not like that!" Micah can feel his face getting hot "I_I.. wait!" Arthur starts laughing when he quickly stands, goes to fetch the small box from his vest's pocket. He kneels beside hot tub with a box in his hand and totally naked.
"Will you marry me, Arthur?" He offers the ring with a wide grin. The situation can't get more ridiculous than what it already is, him naked, wet and kneeling in front of an equally naked Morgan sitting in hottub but Micah's just thankful he 'finally' did it. Arthur is silent for a moment, eyes locking on the ring ".Micah.." he reaches forward. Hand tracing on blue stone sitting on a flourish golden ring beautifully. The ring has lovely vine engraving on it too.
"It's real pretty.." He says in awe. Micah licks his lips nervously, lets out a chuckle.
"Well then..what do you say?"
Arthur slips the ring on his finger, takes a moment to appreciate it before taking Micah's face in both hands, softly. drags him in slowly for a kiss. Wears a smug face "like you don't know. My answer is always 'yes'!" Micah grins widely before they kiss.
I was about to answer in short sentences but instead i ended up writing a complete fic. I guess 'marry me' just got me too motivated for making morbell😅 i hope you like it dear anon⚘
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toorusquill · 4 years
august. [bokuto x gn! reader]
‘cause you were never mine.
warnings: mentions of alcohol, unrequited love, not proofread
“i never needed anything more.”
that’s all you feel even as a harsh gust of wind blows the porch door wide open, the smell of the sea infiltrating your senses. you glance down at your fingers, interlocked with koutarou’s, and without thinking, you squeeze his hand tighter.
“are you afraid?”, he asks, a teasing lilt in his voice.
“and why should i be?”
“because we’re alone. i don’t think we’ve ever stayed here without my parents.”
you snort, tossing your head back in false contempt before replying,
“kou, we’ll be fine. you have me, that way we know the house won’t burn down.”
he protests playfully, letting his fingers slip away so he can put you in a headlock. you feel the bubble of laughter rising up in your chest, and he grins at you, letting go of his grip on your neck to let his arms settle around your waist.
you close your eyes, basking in his embrace. you feel safe, you feel at home, but there’s a tickle in the back of your throat and it’s not from laughing. you chase the tears prickling at your eyes by blinking profusely, as you hide your face into the crook of his neck.
of course i’m afraid. being alone with you, that’s.. that’s the worst thing i can do right now.
“will you call when you’re back at school? i remember thinking i had you.”
the sheets rustle, and you feel the broad of koutarou’s chest pressing against your back. he rests his chin on your shoulder, and as you reach back to pet his hair, he surprises you by running his fingers down your sides.
choked out giggles erupt from your mouth, and you struggle to remove yourself from his grasp,
you feel his mouth curl up into a grin, and he finally rests his hands atop your waist. you shift around to face him, and as you peer into his eyes, he can’t help the childish question spilling out of his mouth.
“do you think we’ll be okay?”
you quirks your eyebrows up, obviously prompting him to elaborate,
“when the semester starts again.. what will happen to us? you’re moving.. apparently.”
“kou, you act like we’re a couple,” you cringe internally, finding that a tad harsh. but whatever it took to make you feel less attached.
he avoids eye contact, “but- you know us. we can cross that threshold anytime..”
“i know.”
“so what do you think is gonna happen?”
you reach out for his hand, grasping it tightly before bringing it up to your cheek. you lean against it, eyes flitting downward. bokuto watches with rapt attention, his gaze running all over your features,
“i don’t know kou. whatever happens, happens, right?”
[1:44 - 1:55]
“wanting was enough; canceled plans just in case you'd call.”
your body seems to react faster than you yourself can when you see him.
he turns around quickly, arms reaching out to catch you. you snake your arms around his neck, and his, out of habit, fall to wrap around your waist.
“you came!”
he pulls away first, trying to get a good look at you. you flush under his gaze and you wave him off with a flick of your hand
“YOU called,” you reply, a smirk plastering your face. you almost let the cocky smile drop when you remember how easily you cancelled your other plans, before koutarou even called you. you shake away the biting feelings, and continue, “and i haven’t seen you in months. of course i’d come.”
“i’m really glad you did! honestly though, if people didn't know any better they'd think we're together by the way you ran towards me," he chuckles, beaming at you,"but we settled that a long time ago right?"
you nod curtly, ushering him towards his teammates when you notice that his match was coming up next. you don't let him catch a glimpse of your eyes, fearing he would see the regret in them. you hate the way you were caught in between an ache and a feeling of bliss whenever he smiled at you like that, you hated it more than you hated lying to him.
as you give his hands 3 squeezes for good luck, a single thought blares in your mind,
i wish we both didn't know any better.
“ ‘cause you were never mine.”
the taste of liquor is bitter, and it burns your throat going down. you give yourself a second to let the alcohol seep in, trembling a little from the rush of taking a shot. you feel palms rubbing at your back, coaxing you to calm down.
"woah there. you should take it easy, didn't this start as wine night?"
you struggle to decipher the words you just heard; the movie playing in the background just overwhelmed your ears too much. you sigh, rubbing your eyes and swatting the hands away,
"i'll be fine, and besides," your words slurring a little as you jab at their chest to emphasize your words, "you bought the drinks, i just provided the glasses. want another?"
you hold the bottle out, shaking it a little from side to side, and a glass is offered before you. you pour out a little of the spirit in it, and one for yours. you clink the glass against the other, muttering out a 'cheers', before you down it with your companion.
a rush goes through your head, and and you sway side to side before you're caught by a strong grasp,
"hey, since we're here now.. can you tell me.."
the glow of the tv illuminates your features, and they're visibly marred by a look of confusion at the statement. the warmth spreading against your back prompts you to focus on the face looking down at you and at their question,
".. do you regret letting it go?"
a smile as bittersweet as the liquor you had graces your lips. you understood. you understood completely. words you've been meaning to speak are now at the tip of your tongue; you only wish you didn't need the alcohol to bring them to the surface.
"you were never mine, koutarou,"
"but we were almost there, and that to me, is enough"
[4:21, fin]
a/n: this song ruined me, like actually ruined me. sorry bokuto lovers but he was the only one i wanted for this fic because he really reminded me of someone dkdkd yeah his bday is in sep but like taylor said… “august slipped away.” i'm glad that i was able to write something, but i'm still studying for exams!!
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planettel · 4 years
*•.¸♡ Lover’s Imagines #3 ♡¸.•* (gender neutral)
➳ some things are meant to be forgotten
    ✧ word count : 1117
(pssssst...go read part one !!! ^^^)
"Babe...whatever happens..." They take a deep breath, staring intensly into your eyes. "Just don't freak out ok?" They spring up from the bed, sprinting to the wall length mirrors on the other side of the room.
"Well that's too late!" You exclaim, grabbing at their arms to not avail. "What the fuck are you doing!" You start to edge yourself to the end of the bed, "G-get back he- Woah!"
You tumble off the bed head first when the room gives a stomach turning lurch. Chills wrack up and down your body with no mercy, leaving you in a skittish state. It feels like all your body's warm suddenly drained, so much that even the normally freezing floors left you feeling indifferent.
Curled up forgotten on the floor you claw at the boards...
Only to realise your hands weren't even moving.
Frosted over with small ice crystals, turning your flesh the colours of a haunting picture of a winter landscape. The frost spreading around you, crawling slowly up the blanket of the bed. Turning the once smooth folds into to sharp jagged edges.
You hear them curse loudly before, chanting in a alien language. Their intonation grating against you ears.
You can't see or feel anything, just the world tilting on it's axis...
There's muffled voices above you, like youre slowly drowning under water!
That's the first thing you see. Streaks of silvers and blues. You gasp for air, clawing at your throat. Air! You needed air!
"Breathe...that's it. Just like that baby." You recognise the soft voice cooing. Taking deep gulping breaths, you feel warmth under your palms and your body tingles pleasantly. "That's it, keep taking those deep breaths for me."
When your eyes finally focus, you see your partner gazing at you concerned, your hands cradled in their's.
Their calloused fingers, wipe at the tears leaking through your eyes.
Only, for you to start hoarsely, gasp when you notice the small drops of red, dancing down their fingers.
"I'm so sorry! I'll never do that again without telling you!" They pull you into a bone crushing hug, nuzzling your head into their chest.
A powerful presence makes your stomach lurch again, and you whimper into the comfort of your lover's chest.
"Stop...you're hurting them."
"Well this would've been easily avoidable if someone had warned me."
"Since when do you visit me!"
"Oh, so it's now a crime for a mother to visit their child! Woe is me...grow up!"
The harsh tone make you tremble at the sheer power and weight their words hold.
"Tone your power down. It's too much! It's fine, your safe...just keep breathing for me." They're gentle coos, calm you down again and you dare turning around to face the intuder - no their mum!
"You have a mum! Wait- of...of course you have a-a mum...I-" You struggle to get the words out, your jaw felt like lead and your throat felt like it had just endured a eternity of being scratched with sand paper.
"No. She's only calling herself that now." They snarl in disgust, cradlkng you tighter. "Move back! Do you not see how you're affecting them!"
"Child look at me." The order is simple and muttered nonchalantly, however you find a charge of energy shooting through your body and you turn your head robotically.
She was hauntingly beautiful, full of sharp edges and prominent features. She looked like she knew the answers to old age questions, but that was impossible. As not one wrinkle marked her face.
"Don't you dare use magic in them again!" They bark, sharply turning your head back to face them. Their eyes are narrowed, silver hair is disarray-
Silver hair...
"Your hair, wha-why is it silver?"
"No reason."
"A side affect if not using your magic for a while." The 'mother' perched herself ont the edge of the bed, "There's no point in hiding. I am simply put mother, your...lover's mentor and creator. No I didn't abandon them and they're making it out to be. We are part of the family of witches and warlocks. Yes we do magic and yes we're immortal." She simply stares, eyes shimmering with glee when they see your shocked face.
"Wh- I don't understand...why did you never tell me?" You turn to face the forlorn face of your partner. Their shoulders hunched, as the fist the bed sheets.
"Yes, do tell." Mother, sniggers, gently caressing a stand of your hair.
Your partner ferociously bats their hand away.
Their shoulders shake roughly and you go to place a soothing hand. They suddenly look up, eyes glowing a dangerous red. The magic from the eyes makes your head pulse. Smoke, drifts up, the gentle whispers, teasing the nostrils of your nose.
The world tilts on its axis once more and you want to scream up, but it's like your voice has been chained up.
That's the first thing you see. A weird sense of deja vu overcomes you.
You bolt up, finding yourself wrapped in a cocoon of blankets. Everything seems to be normal, except for the missing mirrors on the wall and your partner.
As if hearing the confused signals from your brain, they waltz in the room carrying a tray of food. Their hair noticeably shimmers silver in the moonlight.
"wha-" You clear your throat thoroughly. Why did your jaw feel like lead and your throat feel like it had been scratched with snad paper for eternity? "Your hair...why-why is it silver?"
Your partner settles the tray down carefully on the bedside table before clambering up on the bed. "Oh! It was gonna be a surprise for today but you knocked out before I started." They snigger at your confused expression. "You're so cute when you sleep~" They tease.
Picking up a turgid grape, they prompt it into your mouth. You allow yourself to be carried away from the rhythmic motions.
"When did I fall asleep...what day is it?"
"You fell asleep about three hours ago and I just didn't have the heart to wake you up." They cradle you in their arms.
This was weird, they were incredibly more touchy, each action punctuated with a lingering caress or a chaste peck. "Are you OK?"
"Of course!" They smile reassuringly at you, one hand gently massaging at your shoulders. "And it's officially the first of November."
"Oh...ok." You reply quietly, still a bit disorientated. "Anything interesting happen, apart from you dying your hair." Reaching forward, you go to grab a grape, but they take it out of your hand popping it in their's.
You pout as they chew thoughtfully.
"Nope...not that I know of." They shrug, but you can't ignore the glint in their eye.
And so we conclude the spooky season special...oooo
Sorry that there wasn't much affection, and the timing seemed a bit rushed. I literally wrote this on 3 hours of sleep, oxygen and adrenaline.
Anyways...let me stop exposing myself hee hee...
Have fun imagining and I hope you guys have a good Halloween!!!
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nofeartina · 5 years
Ooooooh babe since you're taking prompts!!! So I see like Isak looking annoyed as fuck and going "excuse me?" to Even and they don't know each other and like Even goes all 'who tf is this guy' and raises his eyebrows, also a bit annoyed bc /rude/, you know? AND THAT'S ALL I HAVE???? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY THEY'RE ANNOYED AND I DON'T KNOW THE SETTING??? MAYBE A PARTY??? AGSHSJAK LOVE YOU ❤
Ahhh, babe! Thanks for the prompt! I set out to write a sort of enemies to lovers, but I think it became more of a… slightly annoyed to potential lovers instead? *nervous laughter* I just can’t seem to write these two as enemies. I hope you enjoy anyway. ❤
(and a quick, but massive thanks to @irazor for looking this through :))
 “You can’t come in,” someone tall and very pretty says. Someone who apparently stands guard of the bathroom at the party they’re at.
Isak glares at him, hoists Magnus’ arm higher up over his shoulder, shifts his hip to be able to keep his hold of Magnus, leaning heavily on him.
“Excuse me?” Isak says, and gets even more annoyed when the dude, instead of answering, just raises his eyebrows, somehow managing to convey judgment on them.
Suffice to say, the conversation only deteriorates from there, until Magnus proceeds to puke all over tall & pretty (and annoying) because he didn’t reach the toilet in time.
There’s a gross kind of satisfaction in it not being Isak this time. After all, he’s wearing his new shoes and everything.
And as Tall & Pretty looks up from his puke-stained clothes to Magnus, who’s half hanging between them, to Isak, Isak can’t really hold back the smirk.
Serves T&P right for not letting them through.
Isak would like to say that the second time they talk is more successful, but that would make him a liar and he really tries not to be one.  
They’re at another party and Isak is trying to find Magnus. Mahdi and Jonas are hooking up with girls somewhere, leaving him to take care of Magnus all by himself. Again.
It’s not like he’s resentful of Magnus drinking too much or working through it or what it is he’s doing, because he gets it, gets that breaking up with Vilde wasn’t easy. Isn’t easy for him. But… maybe Magnus could find another way of dealing than getting so goddamn drunk every weekend that Isak now spends more time looking after him than looking for possible hookups.
He finds Magnus in the kitchen. Talking to T&P from the bathroom a couple of weeks ago.
T&P looks… not happy per se, more overbearing from how Magnus has his arm around his shoulder, from how he’s smiling and laughing at him. Magnus isn’t flirting, he’s just being himself. And while that’s good to see, Isak wishes he would go do that with someone else than this dude.
He steps into the kitchen hesitantly, eyes flitting between T&P and Magnus. T&P notices him first and Magnus follows quickly behind.
“Isak!” he screeches, abandons T&P to put his arms around Isak instead, and Isak takes it. Because of course he does.
“This is my new friend…” Magnus mumbles something unintelligently that tells Isak that Magnus doesn’t remember. But it makes T&P smile in a way that makes him T&Even More Pretty so Isak doesn’t complain. “Apparently we met him a few weeks ago at another party.”
“Yeah, I remember,” Isak says, sends T&EMP a look to tell him that oh boy, does he remember. He remembers him cutting them off perfectly fine.
T&EMP huffs a laugh at Isak’s look (which – rude) and stretches out his hand. “Even,” he introduces himself and Isak takes it begrudgingly, mutters his name although Magnus already said it.
He says to Magnus, “He was the one you puked on.”
Magnus’ face does this complicated thing, goes through a million different expressions before he settles for embarrassed, puts a hand over his mouth and says through his fingers, “Sorry, I’m so sorry.”
Even waves the apology off with a smile, but Isak isn’t gonna let him put all the blame on Magnus.
“Well. Even could’ve just let us in when we were coming. He was refusing us access.”
Even looks at him, smile still on his face but eyes full of challenge.
“We were smoking up back there, didn’t know what you would do if you found out.”
“I’m not the police, dude. I even told you my friend was about to barf.”
“So you think it was my fault?”
Isak shrugs. Ignores what Even’s incredulous laugh does to him, how his stomach flutters and his body heats up. God, he really is pretty.
But he doesn’t want Even to win this just by being good looking, getting puked on was his own goddamn fault and if Isak has to spend the rest of the night convincing Even about it, he will.
He does, although not as successfully as he would’ve liked. Still, it’s got to count for something.
“If I sit down next to you, are you gonna shout at me again?” Even says, surprising Isak in the middle of his daydream on the bench.
He looks up at Even (up and up and up, fuck he’s tall), caught off guard. He’s not quite sure what to say, so a startled, “Probably not,” is what comes out.
But it makes Even smile, so at least there’s that.
“I feel like we got off on the wrong foot,” he says and sits down next to Isak like it’s nothing. Like Isak’s heart isn’t stuck somewhere in his throat making it hard for him to speak.
Isak doesn’t really mean for it to become a question, it just sorta becomes that on its own volition.
“I’m sorry I didn’t let you into the bathroom when you needed to,” Even says, those blue eyes sparkling at him (honestly, who even has sparkling eyes, why is Isak noticing it, this is getting ridiculous).
Isak grumbles a bit for good measure, then says, reluctantly, “Well. I guess I’m sorry that Magnus puked on you.”
Even laughs. “Wow. Such a heartfelt excuse. Thank you for your sincerity.”
Despite himself, the corners of Isak’s mouth pulls up and he looks down to hide his grin.
“Fuck off.”
“Ah yes, there he is,” Even teases and pushes Isak playfully with his elbow.
Isak gives up on trying to hide his smile, instead looks up at Even, watches his eyebrows raise, teasingly, as if to let Isak know that he sees his smile. That he knows that Isak’s charmed.
Isak would roll his eyes, he would, but he just… doesn’t. Not when Even’s sitting so close, looking like he has all the time in the world and there’s a possibility that Isak might get to know him a bit.
Which, in all honesty, Isak has been dying to.
Before Isak can start worrying about what to say, Even reaches behind his ear, pulls out a big fat joint and says, “You wanna?”
Isak nods.
It’s easier to talk while you have something to do. And it’s especially easy to talk when you’re talking to Even, Isak notices. Even is interesting, has these opinions that Isak just wants to know more of, goes off on tangents that seem to embarrass him, but only makes him seem even more endearing to Isak.
Isak notices how Even flushes, how the weed dilates his pupils and makes him lick his lips until it feels like there’s nothing in the world but this. But him.
Isak could stare at him all day.
Even must notice, or maybe he’s feeling it too, because his eyes linger at Isak’s lips as well and he doesn’t really seem to stop smiling, sitting on this bench next to Isak. As if Isak makes him happy too.
And isn’t that a thought worth having?
Isak isn’t sure how much time that passes, he just knows that the joint was put out long ago and it’s starting to get darker, or as dark as it gets this time of year, when Even pulls his jacket tighter around him.
“I’m gonna head back,” he says, looking cold, but still lovely as hell. Isak doesn’t want him to go but doesn’t really have anything to offer to keep him there.
“Okay,” he says, watches Even get up from the bench. But instead of leaving with a quick goodbye, he pauses.
“We should do this again,” he says, voice a bit less steady than it was minutes ago and it makes Isak braver than normal.
“Yeah. Maybe next time we could get a cup of coffee?”
Even looks down through his lashes at him, hands buried deep in his pockets and even though the light is low Isak still notices the flush on his cheeks.
“Yeah?” Even asks, smile spreading over his face while his eyes slide over Isak’s, then, “Like a date?”
Isak huffs out a laugh, shy but endlessly pleased. He takes in Even standing there, waiting for his answer, looking so much less unattainable than he was mere hours ago. And it makes it easy for Isak to answer.
“Yeah. Like a date.”
The way Even’s body relaxes, how it makes him loose around the shoulders and neck, suddenly much less graceful, but the more attractive for it, makes Isak feel giddy with anticipation. With this feeling that this could become so much more, if they let it.
“Okay,” Even says. Like it’s that easy, like this was what he’s wanted from the start. He starts walking backwards, adds, “See you later, Isak,” before he turns around.
Isak’s gaze follows him as he leaves, follows him until he turns a corner and can’t be seen anymore.
Yeah. Isak can’t wait to see what this could become.
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