#the way i was trying to stay alive for 20 min straight
taitavva · 2 years
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i really want to see goro on his silly little bike. p5 why would u deprive us of that
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jeonsjiddies · 3 years
Show Me | pjm (m)
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Summary - Jimin shows you how good he can make you feel.
Word Count - 2146
Pairing -  Jimin x reader
Genre - smut
Warnings - penetrative sex, exhibitionism, voyerism, dirty talk, dom jimin
a/n -  another re-write from a previous fandom. :)
“This project will be worth 30% of your grade.“ 
A normal Wednesday morning in  your government class just got a little more interesting.
“I assigned you partners,“ the professor continued as a collective groan echoed through the classroom. 
“Jeon Jungkook  and Kim Taehyung.” 
Jungkook and Tae high fived.
“Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi.”  
“Jung Hoseok and Kim Namjoon.” 
Hoseok whooped quietly, grinning at Namjoon
“Y/N and Park Jimin.” She said and you froze, glancing over at the notorious bad boy who raised an eyebrow at you, as one corner of his mouth tilted up.
You couldn’t focus on the rest of the names that she read off because you were too busy panicking. How did you end up paired with Jimin? Was the teacher trying to kill you? You had nothing against the blonde haired risk-taker, quite the opposite. You had a huge crush on Jimin. From his long soft, pushed back locks, to his shimmering brown eyes, to his freakishly large thighs and strong frame. He was terrifyingly attractive, sex on legs, and you were nervous as hell to work with him.
“Please get together with your partners and discuss your strategies for this assignment.”  
Jimin smiled that devilish smile, beckoning you over with one finger. You gathered your books and stood, walking on wobbly legs towards the sinfully gorgeous boy.
“Hey,” you tried to sound normal.
“Don’t be scared, princess. I don’t bite - hard,” he grinned, sensing your uneasiness.
He leaned far into your personal space as he said it and you noticed the tangy scent of his cologne as you sucked in a breath. He even smelled like heaven.
“I’m- I’m not,” you said  quietly.
“You seem pretty nervous to me. Listen, just because I’ve got a reputation doesn’t mean I’m some lawless thug who-“ 
“No! I don’t think that!” you interjected, “I don’t have anything against you or your reputation.” 
“Then why are you acting like you could jump up and flee out the nearest exit if I move too fast?” he accused. 
“Social anxiety.”  
“Oh,” he said, The guilt apparent on his features.
“Yeah. So which amendment did you want to start with?” you asked,  getting focused and trying not to sniff him; he smelled so good.
 20 minutes later, you’d both picked out which amendments you’d be showcasing as having a lasting impact on the country, and which ones seemed out of date. The bell rang and you stood up to leave when Jimin placed a hand on your arm, his fingers on your bare skin burned in a delightful way.
“I’m sorry about earlier, I… I'm just so tired of being looked down on for where I come from,” he explained. 
“I could never look down on you, Jimin. You’re too tall,” you joked, earning a rare Jimin genuine smile, “ should we exchange numbers so we can work on the project?“  
“Oh don’t worry y/n, I’ll find you,” He grinned deviously. 
You flushed, watching him saunter down the hallway.
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You organized records in alphabetical order a few nights later at your afterschool job. You didn’t hear the doorbell chime, so you nearly peed your pants when a soft, sultry voice whispered in your ear.
“Told you I’d find you.”
You whirled around, coming face to face with Jimin. He was dangerously close to you, if you just used your tiptoes, you could kiss him. Your heart beat like a hummingbirds in your chest.
“Hi,” you breathed out in a whisper.
“Hi,” he whispered back, gaze flicking from your eyes to your lips.
His tongue danced across his own lips, and he started to lean in. The doorbell chimed, breaking the spell you’d both been under and he stepped back quickly.
“So um, maybe tomorrow after school, you could come over and work on the government project?” he asked, running a hand through his hair. 
“Yeah, sounds good. Can I ride with you though? I’m saving up for a car,”  you looked down. 
“Sure, meet me by the front door after your last lecturel.”
You watched him walk out the door, letting out the breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding.
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You anxiously bounced your leg up and down during the last class of the day. You have been on edge all day. You were going to Jimin’s place. Would his roommates be home? Did he have roommates? Would you two be alone? So many of your naughty dreams had taken place in this seemingly imaginary place and this place was about to be real. You knew nothing sexual was actually going to happen, but you were still so nervous. The bell rang and you jumped out of your skin. It was time. You gathered your things, and walked to the front door, where Jimin was waiting for you. Hoseok and Jin  were by his side, all of them laughing.
“Hey y/n,” Jimin smiled. 
“Hey Y/N,” Jin and Hoseok said at the same time, both of them shouting “jinx!”
You giggled and waved hello.  Jimin threw an arm around your shoulders and walked with you to his bike. All eyes were on you, questions swimming through the halls of your university. People whispered to their friends and stared and ashamed.
“Everyone’s looking at us,” you whispered . 
“Good,” he winked and helped you onto the bike. 
You pressed your body close to his, arms wrapped tightly around his waist. He sped out of the parking lot, leaving the spectators in the dust. You buried your head into his back, trying not to watch the lines on the road flash by. When he pulled up to the apartment complex, you didn’t let go for a moment.
“You ok?”  
“Yeah, just give me a second. I’m a little woozy.” 
He got off the bike and looked at you for a moment, then picked you up and carried you inside.
“Put me down!” you shriek-laughed. 
“Didn’t want you to stumble since you were ‘woozy’,” he shrugged, plopping you into the couch. 
You hated to admit it, but being held in his lean, strong arms make you feel alive, like adrenaline have been shot straight into your heart. You already missed the warm, safe feeling. You sighed. 
“So… hungry? Thirsty?”  
“I’m okay, thanks,” you smiled and he sat next to you on the couch, far too close but not nearly close enough. 
 As you typed out which amendments were outdated, you were hyper aware of Jimins’ every movement. It was driving you crazy, being so close to him. You both chatted about random topics, as you worked. About halfway through, you stood up to stretch and take a break, as did Jimin. You took a step towards the kitchen for some water, tripping over your backpack, but Jimin’s strong arms darted out to catch you. Your hands on his chest, his arms around you, that’s where it really began. You were being electrocuted by his touch. You both stayed like that, lost in each other’s eyes. 
Jimin moved in slow motion, lips barely grazing yours in feather soft brushes. Gentle, sweet. You were floating on air. Then, the wild fire broke out, Jimin’s lips crashing down on yours with so much need and desire, you could barely keep up. He shoved you against a wall, hands roaming everywhere on your body, lighting you ablaze. You moaned into his mouth, able to stop it. His hands on your body sent you into another level of lust, another level of craving him. He bit down harshly on your neck creating a gasp from you. He blew cold air on it, licking the sore red spot. The stinging turned to tingling, sending shivers down your spine.
“Everyone’s going to see these tomorrow know that you’re mine,” he pulled your hips closer roughly.
“I’ve been watching you, princess. I’ve seen you in those pretty little skirts, completely unaware of all the boys watching you. Unaware of what you’re doing. Teasing. I’ve wanted this from the day I laid eyes on you. So many nights alone I would think of your pretty plump lips wrapped around my cock,” he groaned. 
His words had you soaking.
“Why did you wait?”    
“Didn’t think you’d want someone like me,” he shrugged. 
“Do you know how many nights I’ve touched myself to the thought of you, Jimin? How many times I’ve moaned your name, wishing your hands were the ones touching me? You’re so sexy, so brave. I’ve wanted you inside me for so long,” you whispered hotly 
“You got off thinking about me?”  
You bit your lip, nodding. 
“Show me,” he grinned mischievously. 
You bravely took his hand and had him guide you to his room. You crawled onto his bed as he stood, watching you. Your eyes locked on his, you began undressing. Slowly, you removed everything you were wearing, your hands going to your breasts. You kneaded them, rolling your nipple between your forefinger and thumb. 
“Mmm...” you closed your eyes, lolling your head back, “Fuck, Jimin.” 
Your hands slowly traveled down your body, until they landed by your aching heat. Your fingers danced along your slit, then you pushed one inside yourself, arching your back and groaning as you circled it around your clit. Jimin’s breath hitched as he watched you pleasure yourself for him. You added another finger, pumping it in and out slowly, squirming on Jimin’s bed. You’d done this a thousand times, but with Jimin’s face watching your every move, it was so much more thrilling, it was erotic. You began moving your fingers faster, his name falling from your lips as you got closer, your orgasm crashing over you. 
“Mmm… oh gosh, Jimin,” you moaned loudly, eyes connected with his, and you could hear his heavy breathing. 
You lay there, naked body on full display for Jimin. His eyes had darkened, his deep brown now resembling black. 
“Shit princess, that was so fucking sexy,“ he groaned, stepping towards the bed, “but I can make you feel even better.” 
“Show me,” you purred. 
Jimin sprang into action, flinging his shirt off and unbuckling his jeans faster than you’d ever seen anyone move. Down to his boxers, he crawled on top of you, kissing you rough and deep and so good. You couldn’t believe this was actually happening. His boxer-covered erection ground against your dripping core and you groaned. 
“You like that baby? Like how my big fat cock feels against that tight little pussy?” He moaned in your ear. 
“Yes, fuck,” you whimpered, “Jimin, I need you.” 
Jimin grabbed a condom from inside his night stand and slipped it on quickly, aligning himself with your entrance. He slowly pushed in, and oh gosh it stung. He was so big. He lay still for a moment, watching your face for a sign you were ready to move. When you nodded, he slowly pulled out of you, then gently thrust back in. The stinging turned to this amazing, warm, delicious feeling and Jimin started moving faster, whispering dirty things in your ear, telling you how good you felt around him. 
“So beautiful, you take it so good baby,” he encouraged you, but you couldn’t answer. You were a moaning mess underneath him.
Jimin hit every good spot, and knew exactly what he was doing as he pounded into you, and you’d never felt such bliss in your life. The fire deep inside of you was one that you weren’t sure could be quenched. He filled you up so completely, bringing you absolute ecstasy. Jimin was made to fuck, and he was amazing at it. You writhed underneath him, unable to keep still from the insane amounts of pleasure coursing through you. You knew you were close, and so did Jimin, his hand reaching down to draw figure 8’s on your clit.  When your orgasm came, it was like the entire world was shaking. You screamed out his name, back aching into his body, feeling like your soul was leaving yours. You were flying. You felt high. Jimin filled the condom seconds later, panting as his body collapsed on top of yours. He rolled next to you and gathered you in his arms. 
“Holy shit,” he breathed, chest rising and falling rapidly. 
“Agreed,” you nodded, snuggling into his embrace. 
He smirked, and kissed your cheek. You blushed and hid your face in his neck, making him laugh. 
“How can you be shy after all that?” 
“Shut up,” you mumbled into his skin. 
“Y/N?” He asked quietly.
“I want you, all the time. I don’t want to have to let you go after this, will you be mine?” he asked, and when you were quiet ( simply because you were in shock) he added “I promise I’ll treat you right, like you deserve.”
You lifted your head to meet his gaze, smiling at him as you nodded, telling him you would be his. 
“Show me.” 
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luna-paradoxz · 3 years
How to take care of a tired Qilin.
Summary - When Ganyu is super tired she turns into a small, fluffy and super cute qilin and obviously it is up to Xiao to take care of her. 
A/N - You can ready it on FF.net and Ao3. You can support me on Ko-fi or commission me.
Ganyu normally is stable, she can easily control and regulate her forms but there are times when she can't. Today she was tired, very tired, work after the rite of parting had taken a toll on her and when she had finally decided to take rest her body had decided she needs proper rest.
Xiao finds a sleeping qilin under the canopy of trees in Jeyuen Krast where he had come to take care of some work. The small size, the beautiful cold blue fur had given up who the qilin was. He sighed as he shook his head, she had worked herself up to half-death again.
Xiao jumped up to the cliffs and collected the Qingxin flowers that had bloomed there. It took him only 20 mins before he jumped back to where she was and made way to her sleeping form. It has been ages since he has last seen her transform. He sits beside her and carefully starts stroking her very soft fur. She moves then snuggles under his hand and goes back to sleep. For an hour they stay like that, in peace as he enjoys slowly stroking her head and listening to her make small sounds of approval in her sleep.
An hour later her clear pink eyes open and she yawned cutely. She tried to stretch but that was when she noticed a weird thing, her hands were well, not where she expected and felt too small. She blinked her eyes, looked down in surprise, the ground was far too close, her skin was too hot and when she moved her hands she could feel the fur. She took a deep breath and when she looked up, Xiao - who had stopped stroking her fur - stared back at her. His golden eyes met hers and she noticed how big he looked to her right now. She looked down and asked the question she already knew the answer to.
"I turned into my illuminated beast form didn't I?" She sighs as she asks.
He nodded, "You were already changed when I came here." He then crosses his hands, "You should have been careful, you know considering how vulnerable you can be in this form?"
She tries to pout but her mouth is small so it doesn't quite come out the same way still he gets it as he watches her huff cutely "I didn't think I would turn here so suddenly or I would not have come to forests today." She says while looking away and he silently agrees with the voice that says, she is super cute.
He sighs though and instead states "Well today there is some disturbance here, I have cleared it for now but you should go back to the harbour." Ganyu nods, close her eyes and utters the words to change back but when she opens her eyes she is still in her qilin form. With puppy eyes, she looks up to Xiao who shakes his head.
"I have told you when the mind is troubled or tired your body will reflect that." He is scolding her but his voice is kind. She looks down, her little form shaking as she looked like she was going to cry. He looks away feeling a little guilty so he sighs, puts away the issue for now and instead gently picks her up and puts her on his shoulder but that surprises her and she desperately clings to his clothes as she sighs in relief and turns to him pouting.
He explains, "Come on, I will take you to Cloud Retainer, you can take proper rest there." She smiles as she thanks him, he nods at her and asks her to hold him properly. He crunches down and jumps while keeping a gentle hand on her so she doesn't fall off. They jump through the cliffs as he finally reaches the Adeptus abode and stops in front of the long-forgotten stone table. He puts her down on the table where once three sat and took up to call the Adeptus out but no answer was given back to him. He calls out again and then sighs, Ganyu's face falls.
"Looks like she is out." He states the obvious and turns to her while crossing his hands, "What do you want to do now?"
She lets out another cute sigh and takes the forests in, near abode most monsters won't come but who knows how long it will take for Cloud Retainer to come back, at times she would just disappear to try her hand on her new inventions and with no sense of time, she would return days or months later. Surely, she will eventually come back but still, she might as well starve here with no food. She looks up to him, and gives him puppy eyes as she says,
"I can't go back to the harbour, can we head back to your place?" The 'no' was screaming in him but Xiao was not the kind of person who would just leave her here to starve, so, with great conflict (not really), he gave a conflicted sigh and picked her up again and put her on his shoulder. He makes sure she is stable before he moves again. It takes a bit longer but he jumps them down and finally reaches the Washung inn. He heads straight into his room and puts her down on his bed.
She smiles at him, "I am sorry Xiao for the trouble and thank you for helping me."
He silently rolled his eyes and says "I am not going to leave you alone in the wild while you are so weak." She winces but thanks him nonetheless, he sits down near her.
"What do you want to do now?" She looks around to his almost dark room, only lit by a single candle, it was filled with basic furniture and his weapons, nothing more.
She knew that was Xiao's style, she looks up to him and says "I have no work with me so I really have nothing to do right now." He looks down and puts a hand on her head and pushes her gently into the bed.
"Go to sleep, you need that." She looks panicked, not used to resting so much but Xiao glares at her as he lifts his hand and all but commands, "This all happened because you didn't rest, you need to take rest while you can." She whimpers as she nods and with that curls around and lays down, she still stares at him with an eye open and he sighs. He forcefully ignores the screams in his mind about how cute she is and says "I have more work to do so I am leaving, don't leave the room until I am back." He pats her once before he gets up and makes sure the door is closed and goes out and heads to Guili plains to slay more demons. She falls into sleep soon after he leaves as the salty smell of Dihua Marsh fills the room and the chirps of birds just outside. She feels nostalgic for the old centuries and falls into sleep.
He comes back silently as he walks in with airy steps and looks into the darkness to see the qilin sleeping soundly. She was breathing lightly, her mouth open with small snores that he did find cute even if he will never say it out loud. Just like before she was sound asleep so he decided to leave her and headed upstairs to the roof. He sat there below the tree as he looked over Dihua Marsh and took in the wind, he closes his eyes and rests against the bark, slowly examining his wounds today. They were not bad, just a few scratches and bruises so he was sure they will heal up in no time. He watches the clouds drift apart, the silence and the time passing doesn't matter to him. As an Adeptus, he was used to having time pass by him and it did until he came to attention when a certain qilin entered the roof. She looked up to the moon before she looked around trying to find him, it was late in the night so no humans had yet encountered her. As he got up to jump down, a certain manager came in. Ver Goldet came up to the roof, obviously surprised as she took the little Adeptus in, she crouched down and Xiao jumped down in front of them. She looked up and imminently bowed.
"Oh, Xiao-sama I was just checking what was this little animal was doing." She explained, she knew he didn't like it when they encroached on his space.
He turns to the qilin and says "It is ok don't worry she is with me."
The manager was surprised and bowed to the Qilin, she obviously still didn't recognize the secretary and says "Oh, my apologies enlightened Adeptus I didn't mean any rudeness." Ganyu tried to smile as she nods and shakes her head.
"It is quite ok Ver Goldet, and can you get the dinner sent to us in my room?" She nods and takes their order before taking her leave. He turns to her and asks her what she is doing here.
"I noticed you were back so I wanted to check in on you." She looks all over his body, "Are you ok Xiao?" She didn't note any wounds on him. He shakes his head and then turns to the roof and looks at her with an eyebrow raise asking her if she wants to stay here. She nods and he helps her get up the tree barks and they both isolate themselves and get comfortable against the branches. She rubs against the tree and smiles peacefully, the tree feels so alive and healthy.
She then turns out to the marsh and smiled, how beautiful the scene was. Xiao waited for her to fall asleep again, but she had slept quite a lot so she stayed up and stared at the marsh. The past came in flashes as she remembered the past 6 centuries, the war and the people they lost over the years. She remembered the gentle goddess and the Yakshas that lost their lives in a horrible but prideful way. She remembered the adepti that gave their life away for Rex lapis and his building region and the worst thing she remembered was every single day the blood that was spilled by her hands, the blood that still covered her. She turned to Xiao who still suffered because of the war and yet he always seems to take pride in his duties. She wonders how he forgets the blood, the nightmares filled with screams of their victims, she wondered how he forgave his past.
She bites her inner cheek gently as she shakes her head to forget such thoughts. Xiao has lost many people, everyone he got close to has left him, the karma binds him and makes him suffer to this day, she truly can't believe her suffering is more than his. She has it far easier than him she knew. She must stay strong though after all she too was Rex lapis's Adeptus, one of the guardians of Liyue.
She apologises to him silently to think lower of his sufferings before she too let her thoughts go in the wind, they watch the clouds pass until they are called for dinner by the inn lady. She jumps down gracefully and walks alongside him as they walk back to his room and thank her for the dinner. They settle on his simple table as she takes in the small bowl that looks like a cat dish, she pouts as he smirks. She looks up to him and huffs as he chuckles slightly.
"You are the same size as Wei."
She pouts cutely, using all her face muscles and says "You know better than anybody how big Qilins are."
He smirks remembering her illuminated form better than anybody "Well this is the treatment you get when one doesn't take care of oneself."
She whimpers as she agrees with his words. His scolding though was a small jab and he chuckled as he saw her whimpering, Ganyu was far too accepting when people criticized or scolded her, "I have learned my lesson, Xiao." She says as she pouts at him and he gives her a nod while looking away, she was far too cute for her own good.
He eats his almond tofu as she finished her vegetarian albone and he does note it is quite a small portion from what she eats normally, so he lets her finish and then calls out to her and pats a spot on his lap, she jumps and settles down and looks up to him as he half-smiles and scoops little of his almond tofu and offers to her. She looks surprised as she confirms if it's ok, he nods and she slowly nibbles on it. He makes her eat more before he gives her a pat and finishes his own meal.
"You feel better now?" She nods.
She smiles at him, "Thank you for sharing your food, Xiao." He nods and she jumps down as he gets up and puts their plates out as she decides to walk around his room and take it all in. It's the first time she has been inside, after all, it will also probably be the last time too. Everyone knows well Xiao doesn't like anyone in his personal space. She can smell better in this form so she takes in his musky smell, and blushes bright red not that anyone will notice considering her fluffy fur. As she jumps on his storages, he comes back and folds his hands and stares at her with flat eyes.
"What are you investigating Ganyu?" She huffs as she glares at him.
"I was just looking around a bit. I was not poking my nose anywhere."
He gives her another look before he sits down on his bed and picks up his lance and starts cleaning it. She comes near him and settles beside him, as she watches his practised elegant moves as he cleans up his jade lance, they sit there peacefully until he turns and says, "Did you bring your bow?" She nods but since she can't turn back she can't call it out right now. He sighs and instead continues with his lances. The process is calming and she nestles herself on his side as she continues watching his hands. They are quite skilled she notes and blushes when her imagination goes a bit far. She shakes her head in the silence and gets back to watching him. As the calm envelopes her she slowly drifts to slumber without even realising.
He looks down as he finishes his jade lance and sighs, she was asleep again, he wonders truly how long it has been since she has last gotten decent sleep. He slowly pats her head and she unconscious snuggles into it and it makes him slightly blush, his heart once again acting up. It was truly weird feelings, these human emotions that didn't belong to him. He takes away his hand and continues his work, as usual, the Yaksha doesn't sleep but his body does relax as she sleeps at his side. It feels natural, he muses as he works for his hands, it feels so natural to have her on his side. It has been so long since he has spent a whole day with her. It all felt so natural and relaxing and his head has been calm and his pain subdued. This is not the first time he has realised the effect she has on him, they have been fighting by each other side for centuries but this is the first he can fully bathe in that peaceful feeling without having to worry about anything else. He acknowledges the fact that Ganyu was special to him whether he liked it or not she had made herself special to him and now all he can do is to choose whether to act upon the fact or not. He looks down at her, the choice is easy but really hard to make at the same time. He is not a being that deserves happiness and yet it seems destiny doesn't want to play fair to him. Still, he smiles a little, they have time, they always had time so he can make his own choice. He hopes she will wait for him.
The hours pass and as the clock turns 5, a body suddenly appears beside him, snuggling against his shoulder. He does blush as Ganyu, now in her human form decides to still keep snuggling, her hands wound up holding the edges of his shirt as her head naturally fits in the creek of his neck and her body snuggles right up to his shoulder. He takes a deep breath and banishes all the evil thoughts, it was wrong of him to think of Ganyu like that but just like voices they just make themselves heard, his voices laughing maniacally and calling him a beast. He knows that and he should probably detach her, but she looks too comfortable for him to do that and he rationalises she will probably return to work once she is up so he should let her take her rest as much as she can. She already works so hard and as her mentor, the least he can do is make sure she is taking proper rest. So we that reasoning, he lets her nap while taking stolen glances at her and then chiding at himself to act so immorally. It was unbecoming of an Adeptus to act on such basic human desires but he can't hide the heat filling inside him as she keeps snoring on his arm.
His happy times (he will refuse that vehemently) ends when half an hour later Ganyu wakes up and jumps two feet back when she realises the situation. He sighs and schools himself back to his blank look as she blushes wildly and starts apologising. It makes him hurt that she thinks he is some kind of short-fused man, he won't get mad at her for nodding off on him. He doesn't say that as he puts a heavy hand on her head and makes her look up, their eyes meet and all he says.
"Stop apologising."
She nods and he lets her go. He gets up, stretches his muscles, putting away his lances he turns towards her, she definitely looks well-rested. Her skin colour has returned and her muscles don't seem as tense as before. He nods at her and asks her when she is leaving.
"I will probably get breakfast and then head back to the harbour." She bows when he gets up, "Thank you Xiao for letting me stay and rest. I probably would have gotten more tired if I stayed out there."
He sighs and crosses his hands, "Just remember to take rest Ganyu. You work too hard." She sighs in defeat as she nods, "Those humans won't fall apart if you take rest for one day." She nods, as usual he is brash when giving advice, well she is someone who likes that part of him so she can't really say anything. She smiles at him, thanks him and takes her leave. He won't ever admit that he will miss her for the next week while working.
She walks into the Liyue harbour, well-rested and well-fed. The sea breeze greets her morning as the merchants start the day and ships start docking for the day, some greet her and others are too focused to do so. She greets them back and as she walks to Liyue harbour, she stops near the dock area and looks out at the sea, the sea hasn't changed but the city has changed quite a lot. A lot of things have changed in these centuries but some things do remain unchanged she muses as she remembers Xiao, he has remained the same and yet she knows he has changed too, he after all smiled again. She can remember the last time he smiled, it was in the field of glaze lilies beside the gods and Yakshas, their little family back then. Now, she knows he doesn't smile any more but yesterday he had and she hopes she had played a little part in it. She knows these feelings will remain unchanged no matter the centuries and one day she will act upon them, change will come and she can choose to embrace it.
Well, not now though, she knows they can take their time. They have always had plenty of time.
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tv-music · 3 years
Umbrella Academy Review 2.01
Right Back Where We Started
I went into Season 1 with very little to no expectations, having no real idea what the show was about. But going into the first episode of the 2nd Season of The Umbrella Academy my expectations were extremely high - and boy it did not disappoint. 
We start this episode pretty much where we left off, with the siblings travelling in time to escape the apocalypse. They land in Texas, all in the same alley but not all in the same year. First off is Klaus and Ben, who find themselves in 1960, then Alison, dropped into 1961, Luther, a year later in 1962 and Diego, Vanya and Five are all dropped into 1963, albeit in completely different months. Vanya is awake when she lands in the alley but understandably is disoriented, she runs in the road and is instantly hit by a car (I say hit, it looks more like a small bump) Five on the other hand lands in the centre of a war zone, with his siblings firmly in the middle of the action. The siblings are all fighting together and all seem as though they are in complete control of their powers (which is a first). Just as Five runs out to join the action, he is stopped by an older looking Hazel, insisting that if he wants to live, he needs to go with him. As Five and Hazel use the suitcase to escape, the rest of the siblings stand together as the world ends once again - phew all that action and already and that's before the credits have even rolled and needless to say, I am excited.
We follow Hazel and Five, back again to the same street, different time, as Hazel explains that the end of the world now takes place in November 1963. He informs Five that they have travelled 10 days earlier and this should be enough time to stop it - I like Hazel but he could have given Five more time surely? It’s a time travelling suitcase after all he could have given him a little longer - a bus stops and 3 white haired men with guns show up clearly looking for Five, Hazel has just enough time to pass the suitcase over and save Five before the men shoot and take him out - I realise Hazel’s story was over but I still didn’t expect them to kill off a main character in the 1st 10 mins of the season. 
With the suitcase destroyed, Five doesn’t have a lot of choice on where to go, after some very astute observations he makes his way up to see the man we saw watching his siblings as they landed - as Five talks to him, he reveals the ‘alien behaviour’ he has seen - giving Five the information he needs so that he knows that his plan may not have gone exactly as he had hoped, but his siblings are alive although they are stranded throughout time, but seeing as though he’s the last to arrive he should be able to find them all. 
We find Diego as an inpatient, clearly still working through his Daddy issues - but Diego’s just playing them, wanting to get discharged earlier than planned - surely he must realise that shouting about how someone’s going to kill the president in 10 days time (is it a coincidence that this is the same day the new apocalypse is due to take place), only makes a case for his stay to be extended. Not long after, Diego’s told he has a visitor and he’s taken to see Five waiting for him. Five explains to him that there’s a new apocalypse and he needs his help, Diego on the other hand is still convinced that he needs to save the president first and Five informs the guards of Diego’s escape plan, leaving him in the hospital.
Diego is placed in a straight-jacket, sedated and placed into a padded room after his visit with Five and even then he is determined to escape. Unfortunately for Diego, the 3 white haired men show up as he is attempting his escape and he ends up being joined by Lila, who saves him from a bully of an employee - Lila's doing well at playing a little less than sane but that’s exactly what I think she’s doing, playing at it. I have no clue how she fits into anything yet but I don’t believe for a second that her being around Diego was a coincidence, as we all know coincidences don’t exist in TV. Diego and Lila, against all odds, manage to evade the men and escape the hospital
Next we see Vanya, she’s living with the woman who knocked her down the day she arrived in the alley and has no memory whatsoever about who she is or how she got there. It’s sad that Vanya doesn’t know who she is but at the same time she seemed happier than we have ever seen her 
Vanya seems to have formed a close bond with Sissy, who seems less than happy with her life - there are definitely vibes between these two 
Klaus and Ben are next up and first things first - Klaus looks incredible! Klaus’s attitude on the other hand doesn’t seem to have changed much and he and Ben seem to need some time apart, which is a shame when your only connection to the physical world is the person you need time apart from. After losing at poker, (mostly due to Ben messing with him) Klaus finds himself in a fight and steals a truck to get back to Dallas - classic Klaus
When we catch up with Alison, she is happily married to Raymond, who seems to really love her. She's used her 2 years to really build a life for herself, and not one that she may want to leave so easily. 
Holding a meeting at a beauty parlor, Alison and her husband are interrupted by a clearly racist man sticking his nose where is doesn’t belong and for that he gets literally kicked to the curb by Alison - good for her, he was an arsehole
Luther is a far cry from the guy we’re used to seeing, when we catch up with him he’s in the middle of what i have to assume is a less than legal fight and seems to have no qualms about hurting people - I have never really connected with Luther and by the end of season 1 I was less than happy with the ridiculous decisions he was making but even I felt sad seeing the change and pure misery on his face. 
To quote Five, Luther’s hovering like an ambitious stripper in a bar when he realises that Five is there, Five makes his second attempt of the day to reunite with one of his siblings and for the second time that day he fails - Luther doesn’t care that the worlds ending and isn’t down to help this time 
We end the episode here, and as the episode title spells out for us, we’re literally back where we started, the siblings separated and only days away from the world ending and just like with the end of the first episode of Season 1, I’m all in 
Extra Thoughts:
Agnes passed away but her and Hazel had 20 years together - I’m glad they got their happy ending
If Vanya has no memories, how does she know her name? Is there something I missed? 
The version of ‘Crazy’ playing while Diego escaped solitary was stunning - the music on this show never disappoints 
None of the siblings have found each other in the time they have been there but Five drops in and finds 2 of them in less than a day - I know that Five is the smarter sibling but how hard did the others really try? 
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cofferi · 3 years
Just some FFXIV thoughts....
To start, here's some boring info about me: I used to play Maple Story, Flyff, and Ragnarok Online, as well as a myriad of other obscure mmos and private servers back in the 2000s. Point is none of these were considered hardcore in the slightest.
So, starting ffxiv after so long kind of hit me like a train. I get to level 15 where I must queue up for my first low level dungeon Sastasha in order to move forward with the story. I don't have friends so I will be grouped up with 3 random strangers. The expected wait time to get in is like 7 mins. I wait about 5 mins and then withdraw from queue.
I have to do stuff with others??? Ummmmmmmmm. I honestly wandered around the map for like half an hour just questioning myself and if I should keep going.
Tank? Healer? DPS?
Coming from games of long ago where you just kinda wanted to have a healer on your team but you had no real obligation to, ffxiv actually recognizes the job roles and specifically requires a party of 1 tank, 1 healer, and 2 dps. You cannot deviate from this! (Well, you can but that's not typical, and later dungeons expand the number of players in a party but the general idea of requiring at least one of each role is still the same). It's interesting to me how this structure has become so sacred. Dungeons cannot be completed without you doing your specific job. It's to promote efficiency and comfort so everyone generally knows what to do as well as what others will do right off the bat.
Visibility AKA "Why are people looking at me"
Oh no. So, if everyone has a job to do that means there is the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known. If you don't do your job, your party members WILL notice lol! And it will be obvious because there will be just 4 of you in the party. It's not hard to see what 3 others are doing. Further, if you're tank/healer, you will be the only one of your job role in your party. If you don’t follow your role, no one else can cover for you. You are very visible. And that's very anxiety-inducing!! You don't want to let the party down. Here are some notable job anxiety narratives:
- Tankxiety. You have to essentially lead your party through a scary maze-like dungeon. Nobody will move unless the tank moves first because the tank needs to be the one to take initial damage and get enemy aggro. You are therefore kind of expected to know your way around and where to go. This is less about competency, though, and more about confidence in yourself. If you get lost, no one tangibly loses anything. You just find the way eventually. Playing tank forces you to learn maps and enemy patterns. As someone who would rather fade away into the background, this scared the shit out of me.
- Healing responsibility. If someone/everyone dies, it's your fault. It's common to feel like this even if your party consists of 3 dumbasses who can't play and kill themselves on purpose. You feel responsibility because the whole point of you is to take care of everyone. That's the reality, and that's a lot of pressure. Playing healer forces you to have 0.1 reaction time, learn enemy patterns, and know how to prioritize who gets to live and who stays dead. People’s lives are on the line. When I was a child, I told my parents straight up I could never be a doctor.
- No real dps bad narratives though except to git gud. You're not as visible at being bad dps unless you literally stand there doing nothing. You can be head empty no thoughts about most maps and enemies as long as you react normally enough.
This game sounds very unforgiving and mean
To combat this anxiety hurdle, there is a huge focus on guiding and taking care of new people who don't know much. You have a literal sprout icon next to your name until you catch up to the latest expansion. So, like 1000+ game hours?? You are overtly "new" for a very long time.
Because the game is so heavily story-driven and requires a new 4-person dungeon run literally every step of the way, these dungeon queues need to have a steady stream of players ready to run them at all times. Otherwise, it would be actually impossible for newbies to get through the story. Not everyone has friends to make a pre-party with, ok cool guy. Majority of dungeon crawling is done with random parties.
So, you get rewards out the ass for running "duty finder" daily which puts you in a random unlocked dungeon with an automatically-generated party of random people. It is the #1 best way to get exp and level up. You are essentially rewarded for helping out new people to do their required dungeons. You can give advice during the run, tell them how best to go about things, give tips on their job, etc.
I find this so smart as a game philosophy in order to get people to constantly play/revisit all content while also being friendly to new people. New people are the lifeblood of a game. You literally cannot just play in a bubble with only top tier savage raider people and shield yourself from new people or incompetency. Not that I'm calling only new people incompetent.
Competency AKA "What am I doing and why am I bad”
The side effect of running these dungeons randomized is that you will often be dropped into one that you completely forgot about. The average person cannot memorize every single one and everything that happens in it. The game came out in 2010 so there is 10+ years of content.
If this game teaches you anything it's that You Will Fuck Up and it will be a lot and until the end of time. You are honestly forced to come face to face with your own incompetency nearly every time you log on lol. In a sense, you try to put on your best performance every time you enter a 20 min dungeon instance and just hope you don't cause a party meltdown.
It won't matter how many times you practice your rotation or how many times you run through the same dungeon over and over. You will inevitably forget something, you will misclick, you will get tunnel vision and forget to move from an aoe and get slammed in the face and die.
But it's fine. I see people dying to dumb shit all the time. It's fine because you get up and try again. Dungeons are not so difficult that you can't get through it on a second try, usually. There are no consequences to dying or performing sub-optimally except your own personal shame, time, and sadness. In fact, there's an exhilaration you get when things get particularly hairy but everyone pulls through by the skin of their teeth and manages to make it out alive.
CONCLUSION: You are important and contribute to the fight in your own way.
Only once you get over the Mortifying Ordeal can you then achieve the Rewards of Being Loved. There is something so satisfying about each successful dungeon run and knowing it is the result of each party member's cumulative contribution. When a role is missing or dies, there is a noticeable difference. (Even dps. Sometimes fights are ones of attrition and will take 5-10x longer without dps).
So, yes, you are extremely visible to other random strangers who may judge you. But that also means that when you do a good job, your good job is visible. 80% of my dungeon runs end in the party thanking each other. The pressure the game puts on you to do your best but not to stress too hard about it is just enough, in my opinion.
You are encouraged to get over yourself, your ego, your own anxiety.
Personally, it is a point of pride for myself if I am able to hit all my buttons right when I'm supposed to. I want to be good for myself and for my random party members who I will ride or die for after just 20 mins. The game wants you to do your best, to be social and communicate when things go awry, and also to be humble in the face of weird shit happening -- all at the right levels. And then you are treated to the coolest damn visuals and game mechanics I've ever experienced!
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evendeadlmthehero · 5 years
The Five Year Promise: Double Edged Sword (9/10)
Summary: Y/N Stark, a 20 year old superhero, makes a promise to a 16 year old Peter Parker that if 5 years pass and she still hasn’t found love, that they’d finally go on a date. And then the snap happens; Y/N’s gone and Peter isn’t.
Warnings: angst, violence and swearing
The Five Year Promise Masterlist
Based on the events of Avengers: Endgame (2023)
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Your eyes flutter open. All you saw was smoke. Dust. A ringing sound was playing in your ear, amplifying the pounding headache you currently had.
You couldn’t see properly, everything blurry as your eyes took time to register. Your whole body felt weird, as if you had woken up from a deep, long sleep. You cough, your throat feeling dry and itchy from the lack of water.
It takes time, before your eyes finally concentrate. You look around, before your mind finally realised where you were. It was Titan. You were fighting Thanos minutes ago. You got hit in the head after Thanos threw you but after that, you don’t remember a thing. How long were you out? 15 mins? An hour?
At least, that’s what you thought.
You heard someone groan a few meters away. You finally get up from your position, your whole back and neck aching. You see Quill, Drax and Mantis. But your father and Peter? They were nowhere to be found. “W-where is everyone?”
You look down at your body, seeing that your suit was off. It was weird, you never remember turning off your suit. A wave of fear consumed your body. Drax was helping Mantis to her feet whereas Quill was looking for someone, perhaps Nebula. You dusted your suit, getting up from your position.
You couldn’t place your finger on it. But you knew it. You knew something was wrong. The atmosphere was cloudy and orange. It was also more colder then before you passed out from Thanos knocking you into a rock. And the ship was gone. The rocks around you also looked like they had moved an inch or two. Everything seemed out of place. “F.R.I.D.A.Y back online.”
Your suit turned back on, the blue stripes of light on the side of your suit now glowing. You felt Quantum energy surge your body, filling up your veins and cells. “Hello Miss Stark, it’s nice to finally hear you again.”
“Wh-what do you mean ‘finally’,” you spoke to your suit, your heart thumping rapidly. Something was wrong, you kept thinking to yourself. Your father and Peter were gone. Nebula was gone. And Strange was sitting down breathing, looking like he was waiting for something. And the way that F.R.I.D.A.Y. was speaking to you was one of surprise. “I’ve been gone for 15 minutes.”
“You’ve been dead for 5 years, Miss Stark.”
Your face faltered, your eyes making your way to the remaining Guardians who were also in shock. Your eyes then fall on Dr. Strange who got up abruptly from his position, looking like the news didn’t phase him a bit. The surgeon had wasted no time getting straight to the point . “We need to head down to Earth. The Avengers will be taking on Thanos and they need our help.”
“I-Is it true?” You whispered, your eyes tearing up. Your whole body was shaking in shock. 5 years? How has your father dealt with it? Is he even alive? You couldn’t bear to go back and hear the people who had grown up or passed away in your time of absence. “Is it true Stephen!”
“Yes,” He replied back, his eyes full of sorrow and sadness towards the young girl. He had felt guilty, not telling her what was about to happen. He sighed, shaking his head. “It- it was the only way.”
You nodded, your face now full of determination. The Titan had taken away 5 years of your life. He had made everyone grow up without you. He had taken away special experiences from you.
“He made me miss my fucking date.”
Peter groaned, pushing Clint off his body. His whole body ached as he clenched his eyes in anguish. He could hear water trinkling nearby and it was hot from the various flames that ignited throughout the room.
“You-“ Peter begun, panting as he got up from his position, holding his stomach. Hawkeye did the same thing, just not in as much pain due to Peter taking his fall. “You okay man?”
“A-are you?” Clint breathed out heavily, his adrenalin kicking in as he realised someone had bombed the Avenger’s compound. “You, you broke my fall man. I’m grateful, but you didn’t need to I mean, I could’ve handled- hey Spider-guy are you even listening?”
Peter lifted a finger up, telling Clint to be quiet as he listened. The hairs in his arm stood up and goosebumps hit his body like waves as he felt something coming. Then, the faint pattern of multiple feet was heard. “Something’s coming.”
Clint picked up the infinity Gauntlet from the floor, nodding at Peter. Peter nodded back before nanoparticles formed a mask around his face. The sounds of feet got louder and louder before Clint and Peter started running.
Thousands and thousands of outriders ran in their direction as both men were running, Clint keeping the Gauntlet close his chest. The outriders were about to overwhelm them before Peter turned back, slinging a web bomb towards their direction.
Peter and Clint were thrown back as the corridor erupted in flames, blocking the outriders during the process. Peter let out the secound groan of today as he fell on his back. At least they didn’t have to deal with the hoard of outriders that almost got them.
Clint and Peter looked up as a familiar blue female walked into the room. Peter remembered her from Titan and when he came back to the Avengers compound, not knowing it was Nebula from 2014.
“Oh, hey! I know you,” Clint spoke, as he handed her the Gauntlet, too much in pain to hold on to it. Peter’s face tilted to the side as he watched Nebula. He could feel it in his gut. Something wasn’t right about this.
“Father,” Nebula spoke, making both Clint and Peter’s eyes widen. They knew. They knew that Nebula’s father was. The mad Titan. It was Thanos himself that bombed the Avengers compound. “I have the stones.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“So five years huh?” You spoke to Dr Strange as he was readying up the Portals. You guys had been waiting 32 minutes to join the battle. You didn’t understand why you had to wait, but you guessed it had to do with ‘the only way’ concept.
“Yeah,” Dr Strange replied back as you, Drax, Quill and Mantis stood behind him, ready to fight. Drax had his knives, Mantis had her mean face on and Peter had guns and various bombs attached to his belt.
“Are they all um-“ your voice wavered, finding difficulty asking the question. Your eyes teared before you bit your lip, stopping yourself from getting emotional. “Are they all alive? My friends? M-my family?”
Dr Strange grabbed your hand, giving it a tight squeeze as he smiled at you for the first time ever. You noticed the look of grief in his face. You knew he was lying the moment he smiled at you, seeing the small twitch in his smile. The way he avoided eye contact. “Everything will be fine.”
You gave him a small smile before he turned back around. He let out a sign before nodding to himself. “It’s time.”
Your heart started to beat rapidly as Dr Strange created a portal. He moved his hands in a circular and systematic manner. Your feet tapped away impatiently, eager to get back to your family. You peered over his shoulder after a couple of secounds, goosebumps arising from your skin as you saw a dark sky and ash lying everywhere. You also heard loud Wakandian chanting as the portal got bigger and bigger.
When the portal was big enough, you stepped out, your heart beating rapidly. You were in awe as you watched thousands and thousands of warriors and heroes from all over the world. But you couldn’t see your father, Nat or Peter.
You moved through the crowd, trying to find them, muttering ‘excuse me’ every now and then. You then heard a familiar voice yell meters away from you. “Avengers!”
You didn’t hear what Steve had said after that, but everyone begun running. You stayed in your position, trying to find someone. Trying to find your dad, Peter or anyone. You had to see them first. Because you knew Dr Strange was lying. Someone was gone. You can feel it.
Whilst you were looking for them, a group aliens were running towards you. You rolled your eyes at them before marching towards them. You jumped up and flew a meter high, pulling your elbow back before slamming your fist on the ground, creating an energy surge that knocked them down. You then dusted your hands before continuing your quest to find your friends and family.
Unbeknownst to you, Peter was also running around the battlefield, looking for you. You guys were meters away from each other, but you both didn’t know it yet. You kept running around the place, looking for everyone. You had seen Thor and Steve, but not Nat, your father or Pete.
Peter was also trying to find you. He saw Wanda fighting Thanos and also saw T’Challa. But he just needed to see you. He wanted to make sure this was real. That you were also back and safe. He missed you. By God, he missed you a lot. And he made it his sole mission to find you right now.
Your breath faltered as you saw the back of a very familiar person wearing a blue, red and golden suit with a mask on his head. A smile formed on your lips as a tear rolled down your cheek. You found someone.
You found Peter.
“P-Peter?” You whispered, your voice cracking as tears continued streaming down your face. Peter’s heart stopped, now turning around to look at you.
Your hands were trembling, and you didn’t know why. This was different, because he hasn’t seen you in five years. What if he didn’t care about you anymore? What if he had moved on and didn’t love you like before?
You waited for him to make the first move. He had still not taken his mask off. Peter stood there in shock, looking at you. You then saw him move towards you, at first very slow. You had no idea what he was doing.
Peter was breathing heavily, his whole body shaking as he saw you. Five years. Five fucking years without you, Peter had thought. And here you are, not a day older. Like nothing had happened. Like he didn’t just go through the hardest five years because everyone he had loved was gone.
His legs begun moving at a fast pace before he collapsed on his knees, clutching onto your legs like a little child. Peter let out a gut wrenching cry as he tightened his grip onto your legs. It was out of frustration and desperation. You had left him. He was alone. He had no body. And now you’re here. You’re back. It was like another shot of redemption. Peter never felt religious after the snap, but having you back had him thanking God.
You were shocked. You didn’t expect that reaction. You were thankful that a Boulder was covering you guys from Thanos’ army so that you guys could get the chance to reunite. You felt his body shaking, as he held your legs tightly, afraid to let go.
“I’m sorry,” Peter sobbed out, as he continued holding on to you. “I’m so fucking sorry. I-I let you down. I- I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to, I swear I didn’t mean to, please- just please don’t leave me- I’m sorry-“
“Hey, hey Peter,” you moved down, wrapping your arms around his neck as you rubbed his back. “I’m here. I’m here. How about you take off your mask so I can see you, yeah? C-can I see you? P-please?”
Peter moved away, his head now down. He let out a deep breath before mask had disappeared. You placed a hand on his jaw, forcing him to look up.
He looked older. Much older. You saw the tattoos creeping up from his suit around the neck area. He had it rough. You could tell. The longish hair, the unkept beard and the tattoos that consumed his neck and probably his whole body. The old Peter would’ve squirmed under a tattoo gun. Now he was covered in tattoos.
“You look beautiful,” you whispered to him, tracing the tattoos with your fingertips as Peter glanced up at you. That wasn’t the reaction he was looking for, which is why he was so shocked at your choice of words. “You look like a warrior. Like you’ve been through hell and still fought everyday.”
“No,” Peter shook his head, his heart beating rapidly as he felt your fingertips on him. “I’m not a warrior. I killed people. I left your dad when I promised I wouldn’t. I-I slept with- with a lot of women. I understand really, if- if you don’t want to be around me. I fucked up. I let you down. I don’t deserve-“
Peter was cut off when he felt the softness of your lips. He was taken back, not expecting that. His mind didn’t register what was going on. After a few seconds, you felt Peter kissing you back. His hand grazed your jaw before settling softly against your cheek.
Peter’s mouth was experienced. It was no lie to you that he knew what he was doing. He knew he had to start of slow, before his wet tongue slowly traced your bottom lip. You parted your lip ever so hungrily, before his tongue reached yours.
This kiss was breathtaking. It made up for the all the years that you were gone. It made the pain that Peter went through worth it. Your hand reached his hair, giving it a gentle tug. This had made Peter want you more.
Realising where you were, you pulled back, your forehead against his. You were smirking at him as you panted. Peter too was breathing heavily, but his face was one of shock and pure bliss. He always dreamed about this and it had been better than he expected.
“I love you,” you whispered, your lips brushing against his. You closed your eyes momentarily, trying to take in the moment before looking back at him.
“You don’t know how fucking bad I needed to hear that,” Peter’s chuckled bitterly as you gently stroked his beard. He looked at you like you gave him purpose again. Like you were the one who had placed the stars in the sky and the planets in space. He looked at you like you were a wonder.
“No hug for your old man?” You heard a voice say. You quickly got up, your eyes tearing up. Your father was standing a couple of meters away from you. He had grown up too. White hairs on his head and beard. He had more wrinkles than before in your time of absense.
He looked at you in happiness. His eyes were welling up, taking in your appearance. He let out a small gasp before a sob as you ran over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He held you tightly, like he was afraid you turn to dust again. “I- I’m sorry dad- I didn’t mean to leave you.”
“It’s- it’s fine”, your father replied back, caressing your hair as he breathed in your smell, trying to take as much of you in. “The good thing is you’re back. Alive and healthy.”
You moved back from the hug, smiling as you looked at him. You ruffled his hair, as you both laughed at each other. “White hair suits you.”
Tony scoffed at that but a smile broke on his face. He didn’t care how he looked, he was just happy you were back. You then let out a sigh, before looking around to survey the area. People were still fighting as you three hid behind the boulder.
“I saw Cap and Thor too but um,” you started, looking around the battlefield for a particular someone but not finding them. You then looked at your father and now Peter who stood beside your father. “Where’s- where’s Nat?”
After those words left your lips, it had went quiet. Your father looked away, a look of grief in his face. Peter had looked down and started playing with his hands. No one had the guts to tell you.
Your hands fell on your mouth before you shook your head, not believing what you think you know. She can’t be? Nat can’t be. She has to be around here somewhere, fighting some aliens. You haven’t seen her since 2016, and now she’s gone. Just like that? No that can’t be it.
“No, no, no!” You yelled, anger consuming your body. You don’t know who you were mad at. Your father and Peter, Thanos or at yourself for not seeing her or being with her since 2016. “She- she can’t be dead! Have- have you seen her fight! No one can kill her, she can’t be killed! She-“
All the sudden you were thrown back. You could hear multiple bullets come from the sky continuously. But you didn’t care. You were thinking about Natasha. Your sister. Your Aunt. Your best friend. Gone. And you didn’t see her for 7 years. 7 years you haven’t seen Natasha and she was just swept under your feet.
You started breathing in heavily out of anger. That’s it, you had thought. This was your breaking point. Your were going to kill Thanos. You were going to kill his army. You were going to end him. “Y/N? Y/N? Are you okay? You’re eyes, they’re-“
Peter didn’t finish his sentence as he watched you in fascination. You stood up, bullets piercing your body like it was nothing. Your hair was flying around as it glowed and your eyes? It was also glowing. Quantum energy was surging heavily around your body. It had seemed like all the anger had activated the strongest version of your suit. Of you.
You looked at the ship that was shooting bullets at you before jumping up, emitting a rocket-like sound as you flew up. Everyone watched, from the heroes to Thanos’ army to Thanos himself as they saw a comet like structure easily go through the ship.
“What the-“ your father spoke as he watched you just fly into the ship. He then saw you circle it before flying through it again, causing the ship to now go on fire, some parts of it exploding.
Peter gets up when he sees T’Challa running towards him with the Gauntlet before he passed it over to Peter. T’Challa then turned around and finished the remaining the aliens that were chasing him. He drew back his fist before he punched the floor, kinetic energy throwing them back.
Peter’s eyes widened as he saw a hoard of aliens running towards him. He then heard someone landing next to him, looking around to see it was you, your eyes and hair still glowing. “Pete, give me the Gauntlet.”
Peter passed you the gauntlet, looking at you unsurely. He then looked back at the hoard coming towards you. “I don't know how you're gonna get it through all that.”
“I might have to reschedule on our date,” you told him, wanting to see his reaction. Peter’s ears perked up, a smile adorning his face. He remembered. He remembered the five year promise, and that made you happy. “Next Friday?”
Peter smiled at you, giving you a nod. By God he was so in love with you. Wanda then arrived, standing next to you. You look at her with a smile. You see another women flying on her Pegasus as she arrives, looking at the hoard with determination. “Don't worry.”
“She's got help,” Okoye finished off for Wanda. You gave Peter a smirk before looking back at your enemy. Pepper lands next to Okoye, followed by Mantis and Shuri, the Wasp, 2014 Gamora and Nebula.
Thanos' army charges while the women help you fly through the Outriders and Chitauri. You rip them apart one by one, the infinity gauntlet close to your chest. 2014 Gamora takes out a gorilla, while Okoye takes out Corvus Glaive. Wanda and Valkyrie destroy two leviathans as you fly through one of those giant worm aliens that you fought in New York 2012.
You then start flying towards the van with the Gauntlet, flying past enemies and going through enemy blockades that are in your way with ease. Thanos, seeing this, starts running towards you but is stopped by Pepper, Shuri and The Wasp, who blast him backwards.
Thanos, after seeing you fly past him, throws his double sword at the van, destroying it and the quantum realm tunnel, throwing you backwards and losing your grip on the Gauntlet, which falls to the ground.
Your father sees the Gauntlet and runs to get it, but sees Thanos, who he instead tackles. Thanos smacks your father away, knocking him out.
Thor arrives with Stormbreaker and 2013 Mjolnir in an attempt to pin Thanos' arm down, with assistance from Captain America. However, Thanos overpowers them and knocks them both out.
After gaining back concious, you flew back to the fight and punched Thanos right in the jaw, throwing him back. You keep punching him, but Thanos grabs you by the arm and flings you away. Thanos puts on the gauntlet, gamma radiation from the stones eating at him as he tries to snap. You fly back again stopping his fingers from snapping, opening up his hand just like you remember Dr Strange was doing when fighting Thanos in Titan.
Thanos headbutts you, but it does nothing. Quantum energy was surging in you so strongly that your pain tolerance had increased. Just as you were gaining the upper hand by rising up and forcing Thanos onto his knees, Thanos pulls the Power Stone out of the Gauntlet and uses it in his free hand to hit knock you away.
The rest happen in slow motion. You try get back up but you couldn’t. It was weird. You then looked up to what was holding you back, your face in confusion as you realised it was Stephen. He had used his powers to create a cosmic band that held down your legs, body and hands.
You and your father then look up in question at Strange, who raises his hand shakingly, a single finger up. You shook your head at him as you realised. You knew it was going to happen. Before you could yell at your father, Strange had put a band on your mouth.
You kicked and you screamed as you tried to escape the bands that Strange had casted on to you. But you couldn’t. You started crying profusely as you thrashed and kicked around as you watch your father makes one last attack on Thanos, pulling on the Gauntlet before Thanos punches him away.
“I am inevitable,” Thanos spoke to your father, before snapping his finger. Nothing happened. Everything went silence. But you didn’t care. Your eyes were on your father as his body looked like it was on fire. You shook your head rapidly, trying to pull out of the grasps of the band.
“And I am,” Your father spoke before his eyes landed on yours, a smile on his face. You looked at him with tears welling up in your eyes as you gave him the best smile you could muster, not knowing that Strange had removed the band around your mouth. “A Father.”
Your father snaps, a blinding white light covering up the skies. You feel the the tightness of the bands come off before you quickly run over to your father who made his way over to a rock with Rhoudey beside him.
Your whole body was shaking as you saw half of your father burnt. He was dying. Your father was dying. The man that raised you, changed your diapers was dying. He will never get to walk you down the aisle. See your child. Become a grandfather.
“Daddy?” You spoke like a child as you watched the life leave from your fathers eyes. Your hand trembled as it landed on your fathers jaw. “F.R.I.D.A.Y?”
“All body systems are malfunctioning,” she spoke back. You grabbed you moved your father’s head towards you, smiling as he looked at you in the eyes. He weakly smiled back at you.
“Y/N,” you heard him faintly whisper to you as you held him.
“Dad I love you. I love you so much. I can’t thank you enough, but I can try. I can try to,” you told him, caressing his cheek. “Thank you for being the best father ever, the one you never had. Thank you for telling me to get back up every time I fell from my bike. Thank you for teaching me how to cook, for making time for me. I know I was a hard and bratty daughter sometimes.”
You laughed, your father giving you a smile as he remained quiet, tears welling up in his eyes as he watched you, his daughter, speak. The one he was leaving behind because of his action. You felt Pepper and Peter beside you, Pepper rubbing your back. “But you stayed. You always stayed. Even when the world was against you and everyone had told you to leave me behind, that you were putting me in danger, you stayed. You always did.”
“You’ve raised me to be the best person I can. You’ve raised me to love myself before anyone else. You’ve taken a lot of hits for me. I could never ever have a better father than you. I know you were scared to turn out like your father, but you had nothing to be afraid of. You are perfect. The best father any daughter could have. And I was fortunate that it was me.” You spoke, your hands still on his jaw as you put his forehead on yours. You then placed your hand on his arc reactor, feeling his heartbeat get faint.
“But- but it’s your time now dad, you have to go,” you told him, as Pepper smiled at him, grabbing his hand. You were trying your best not to cry as you saw life being drained from your father. You found it hard to utter the next words but you had to, you had to tell him that it was okay. It was okay to die and he didn’t need to feel bad about it. “We’ll be okay, but you have to rest now.”
With that being said, your father’s arc reactor flickered off for good. Pepper can no longer contain her grief and starts crying on his shoulder. You whole body starts to shake rapidly, staring at your fathers lifeless body before you too cling on to your father, sobs shattering your body uncontrollably.
Peter holds on to you as he watched you mourn your father’s death. He too had tears falling down his face. All the other Avengers had tears in their eyes, especially the ones that had been there from the start. Steve then went down on his knee out of respect, before all remaining warriors started doing the same. All warriors from earth till space got on one knee. Because today?
Tony Stark, Iron Man, Earth's Best Defender, is dead.
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animeniacss · 4 years
6 Years - Hoseok x Reader - Chapter 33 - Coming to a Close
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Synopsis: 6 years. That’s all it can take to take another look at someone and see that they have completely changed. You were once an eager 20-year-old, with your dreams all in view, and Jung Hoseok at your side to view them with you. However, after a break up the end of your junior year of college, everything seemed different. Now, you’re a recently divorced single mother of two, and your life is nowhere near what you thought it would be. However, after reuniting with Jung Hoseok, you may just be able to capture a little bit of that exciting youth you once knew so long ago.
Feat. BTS Members, Nayeon (TWICE), and Yuna (itzy) 
Genre: Romance, SingleMother!AU, Past Relationship, Drama, Some Depictions of Violence/Domestic Abuse
Length: approx. 4k words 
Chapter 33 - Coming to a Close
           “What the – What is she doing here?! This is highly inappropriate!” The lawyer shouted angrily. You gulped, feeling Chun-Hei lay a gentle hand on your shoulder. “There is absolutely no reason for her to be here.”
           “She wants to be. Don’t worry, I got permission. Besides, she wanted to come.” Myung-Dae said simply. Weong-Bin quickly stood up, walking straight in your direction. He expected you to cower in his approach, however, other than a deep and noticeable breath, you didn’t flinch. You stood tall, a stern expression on your face. The shaking in your hands had slowly begun to stop, and you were gripping the SD card. To say it threw Weong-Bin off was a total understatement, it absolutely shocked him.
           “What are you doing? Don’t be stupid.” He said. “You should be rest-.”
           “Don’t try it.” You said softly. “You have until the audio is over to think up a good reason why this is happening.” Without another reason, you walked towards Myung-Dae, who kindly pulled out a seat for you, and in return, you handed him the SD card for him to slip into a tiny portable laptop. Weong-Bin was motioned to his seat by Chun-Hei, who then joined her superior, who was typing away on the computer to pull up the audio files. Weong-Bin glanced at his lawyer, but the lawyer was just as silent and stoic as you had seemed to be. There was a moment of silence, other than the tapping of the laptop keys. Weong-Bin felt as though that noise would make his eardrums burst, it felt almost deafening to him. His heart was pounding as Myung-Dae’s fingers clicked one final button, and finally, Weong-Bin’s voice crackled into the room.
           “Just stay around. I’ll be in touch. Trust me, I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t desperate. This guy has ruined my life for long enough…and I’m tired of it.”
           “Just promise me that you will kill. Jung. Hoseok. It’ll probably get your family a nice Christmas this year.” There was a moment of silence before Shin-Il responded with his promise to do so. Weong-Bin looked at you. Your eyes were glued to the computer screen. He could see how wet they were getting, and you had to chew on your lip to keep yourself collected. Weong-Bin groaned in annoyance, and Myung-Dae looked up.
           “What’s wrong? Don’t worry, my favorite part is coming up too, just wait.” He teased, hitting the fast forward button. “All this is specifics on where your family lived, where Hoseok worked, his hours, your daughter’s schools, and even your ex-wife’s work. I’m sure you remembered every anniversary too, didn’t you, smart boy?”
           “Not once.” You said softly, earning a glare from Weong-Bin that you had to cast your eyes even farther down onto the keyboard to completely avoid. Myung-Dae laughed, before finally hitting the play button again.      
           “I need you not to just kill Hoseok. I thought about it for the past few days. I can’t handle not being the one in their lives, and I won’t watch while someone else is. I need you to just kill them all.”
           “Turn it off.” The lawyer said. Myung-Dae quickly obliged, and Chun-Hei gently reached out to offer you a tissue. You took it, using it to dab your teary-eyes. “Where’s the punk Shin-Il that my client identified in these calls?”
           “Arrested.” Myung-Dae said. “In fact, what he told us was a huge help too. The records are just the sprinkles on this delicious sundae I like to call ‘payback’, Mr. Cho.” Myung-Dae looked at the glaring Weong-Bin.
           “Don’t be cute.” The lawyer hissed. Myung-Dae shrugged. However, the lawyer knew a punk in trouble with arson testifying against Weong-Bin was one thing, but these audio clips were legally obtained, and therefore, extremely beneficial in putting Weong-Bin away not only for the assaults but attempted murder and conspiracy. That’s a long sentence for this guy. “…What if we make a deal?”
           “A DEAL?!” Weong-Bin snapped. “Are you fucking nuts? No way.”
           “Listen to your lawyer, kid. If we get the prosecutor in here and make a deal then we can get you in jail for a much shorter time than honestly, you deserve. You may get found innocent for the assault, that’s one thing. But once these audio clips and Shin-Il’s testimony, along with Officer Song, yet another individual whose life you’ve manipulated for your selfish gains, you’ll be found guilty before the judge even leans back in his chair to take a breath. Then, you’ll never get out. Be smart.” Weong-Bin looked at you, finally seeing you staring right back at him.
           “Honey…” He said gently, sitting back down. His cuffed wrists reached out to you, hoping you would take them. You didn’t move. “This has to be a setup. There’s no way I would ever hurt you and the girls, you know that…” You hummed, reaching out and taking Weong-Bin’s hands into your own. He smiled a bit.
“Can we talk alone?” you asked, looking at Myung-Dae. He glanced at the lawyer, who looked at Weong-Bin. Weong-Bin looked over.
“Officer Oh has to stay.” The lawyer said, motioning to the cop in charge of Weong-Bin. You nodded, your eyes focusing on the hands that you had gently placed inside Weong-Bin’s as you heard Chun-Hei, Myung-Dae, and the lawyer exit the cell, assuring you they would be nearby in case anything occurred. Once they were gone, you took a shaky breath, and Weong-Bin was unsure what to say as well. Silently, your fingers enclosed around his, allowing your nails to dig deep into his flesh. He winced a bit, and when he tried to pull back his hands, your grip prevented him from doing so. “Ow. Let go.” He huffed.
           “No,” you said softly. “Please tell me what put you in this position. How could you…even think about burning your daughters alive?” Weong-Bin blinked. “The two girls you claim are your whole world…You were willing to end their lives because of what? Your jealousy?” Weong-Bin was silent again. You looked up at him, eyes pooling with tears. “TELL ME!” You snapped.
           “Don’t yell at me.” He hissed, glaring at him.
           “Why? You’ll find someone else to try and kill me if I do? I’m…not scared of your threats anymore.” You said shakily.
           “It’s a setup! You know I love you and those girls more than anything!” He said angrily. “I just don’t want to lose you to someone else.”    
           “We’ve been divorced for like two years, Weong-Bin. Stop living in your fantasy world, please! I don’t want to live there with you, it’s an awful, torturous place where only you make the rules. I can’t handle this anymore.” You looked down at his hands again, seeing that your nails were leaving signs of red markings. “Please…if you have any respect for me at all, you’ll come clean and tell me why…just why?” You choked out. You wanted to cover your mouth, but you didn’t want to pull your hands away from his fists. You were enjoying the slight control that this simple act filled you with, but at the same time, you were mortified he would lash out the second he was free.
           “I already said I couldn’t bear to watch you and the girls with someone else.” He said simply. “You’re my family, not anybody else’s. I made the three of you into what you are today, nobody else knows you like I do.” You groaned.
           “You’re a monster….” You sniffled. “An absolute monster.” You looked at him, releasing your tight grip on his hands, but not moving your hands entirely. “You tried to kill the people you claim to love so much.”
           “You guys were going to leave me for good. What was I supposed to do?”
           “Serve your assault sentence and come out a better man for your children! I’d at least have some respect for you if you did that. I never would’ve expected this from you…I couldn’t believe it at first.” You glanced up at him. “You’ve ruined so many lives with your selfishness, do you know that?”
           “Oh, have I?” He scoffed. “Whose?” You couldn’t help but laugh at his response.
           “Officer Song is at risk of losing his job because of you, Shin-Il is imprisoned and may never see his child again because you manipulated him with money, Min Ja’s anxiety has only heightened after the fire, Hoseok’s lungs were almost as black as a chain smokers, your ex-girlfriend Sooyeon had to listen to you talk endlessly about your disgusting obsession with control over us, and your lawyer has to put up with you, which is torture enough.” Weong-Bin’s lips turned into a deep frown, and you shivered. “I’m sick and tired of dealing with you.” Slowly pulling your hands back, you stood up. “I advise you to take the deal being offered to you.”
           “I’m not doing that. I don’t lose.” Weong-Bin hissed, hopping out of his seat. Officer Oh approached, prepared to hold Weong-Bin down if necessary. You stepped back. “You’re so stupid. If you guys had died, you would’ve been so safe and happy together until I got there. I would have been at peace until I saw you again…what am I supposed to do not knowing what you’re doing?” You blinked, staring at the face of Weong-Bin. It made you think back to the small smiles he could give you as you passed on the college campus, the face of the handsome, yet the slightly mysterious and aggressive man that all the girls swooned over. Yet, for some reason, he had chosen you, over all the girls on campus that would’ve killed for a glance. You felt so lucky that Weong-Bin was there to help you get over not only the break-up with Hoseok but the time after losing your child. The face of that beautifully mysterious individual was now replaced with dark, emotionless eyes. Eyes that only feasted on control and selfish intent. If Weong-Bin ever was a good person, which you now began to fully doubt, that person was the only person that died within the fires he tried to cause. It was if you were staring at a stranger for the first time, their life story a total mystery to you.
           “…Oh my God, you’ve cracked.” You said softly. “This must have been what you’ve always been like.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He hissed.
“I used to tell myself sometimes that something happened that caused you to be so different from when we first met. Was it the difficulty we faced having more kids? Was it the divorce? Was it before that? Did I do something to make you this way, was I not a good enough wife or mother to our children? Those thoughts ran through my head all the time, every time I was hit and demeaned. But nothing changed. You’ve always been this way; you were just good at covering it up until you had me in your grip.” Nodding your head, you sighed. “I was going to say for you to try and find that Cho Weong-Bin that I had fallen in love with back in college while you rot in prison, but…that Weong-Bin never existed, so any form of soul searching or praying will be in vain. It’s a shame…” Scooping up your bag, you sighed. “Don’t expect me to bring the girls here to visit either.”
“You can’t do that; those are my kids.” He choked out. You didn’t respond. “Hey-.”
“I told them I’ll never judge them if they chose to love you because you’re still their father. But until they’re old enough to make those choices themselves, I won’t let them in this building. But by the time they are that age, they’ll never want to see you again just like I don’t.” With that, you slowly began to walk away. Weong-Bin called your name a few times, but as you approached the exit of the cell, you didn’t respond.
           “ANSWER ME!” He snapped. “You can’t…you can’t end on that.” You stopped in your tracks, turning to look at him.
           “You’re right. There’s one more thing…” you said softly. Slowly, you walked towards him. Lifting a hand, you quickly punched Weong-Bin in the stomach. He grunted, doubling over a bit. Without hesitation, you took his arm and yanked him up onto his feet.
           “What the fuck was that for?!” He shouted. “I’ll sue you for harassment!”
           “That was for me, and for Yoo Hyun, who now has to grow up parentless because of her father’s stupid decisions that can be traced right back to your selfishness.” You huffed. “But don’t worry, I know where to hit that won’t show any marks. I’ve had enough experience that I’ve learned all the good spots.” Weong-Bin scoffed as he watched you exit the cell, only for Myung-Dae and the lawyer to return.
           “She just punched me!” Weong-Bin snapped. “I want her charged for assault! Officer Oh saw it-.” When he looked to the officer for back up, Mr. Oh shrugged, simply shaking his head. “What?!”
           “Alright enough horsing around. Our prosecutor is here. Ready to make a deal?” Myung-Dae asked, sitting back down.
           The moment you were out of earshot of Weong-Bin, you collapsed right onto the ground. Chun-Hei knelt beside you.
           “Are you alright, Miss. Cho?!” She gasped. You nodded, gulping a bit. “You did wonderfully, I’m sure. Weong-Bin will finally be put in jail and away from you for good…” You nodded, finally taking the moment to let all the tears you tried your best to hold in while in the cell escape your eyes and onto the floor. Chun-Hie silently watched as you sobbed hysterically, your body shaking and make-up smearing. She rubbed your back, looking towards the cell where Weong-Bin was finally sealing his fate.
           Finally, the day arrived. Weong-Bin’s trial was coming to an end, and everyone had gathered to watch him plead guilty in the promise of a lesser sentence. Lesser was a tame term, he was expected to be in jail for 40 years instead of over 60, allowing him to get out of jail at age 67, depending on his behavior. Shin-Il’s testimony as well as the audio recordings and camera evidence were not needed due to Weong-Bin’s plea. Shin-Il’s trial would be within the next few weeks, and follow a similar pattern at Weong-Bin’s, as he also planned to confess to what Weong-Bin told him to do in exchange for some money. You planned to attend that as well. But for now, you sat stiff as a board in the courtroom. Since Weong-Bin was pleading guilty, the judge found no need for there to be multiple people-watching in the room. However, you were given permission and found yourself sitting in the front row, giving you a perfect view of Weong-Bin as he stood responsible for his crimes. Myung-Dae had joined you as well, as support, but that was it.
           “Does the defense agrees to all terms that come with their plea of guilty?” The judge asked curiously. Weong-Bin glanced at his lawyer, who nodded. Despite the absolute agony he must have been feeling, Weong-Bin nodded. “Excellent. Then, after reviewing all evidence regarding both the assault charges as well as the attempted murder and conspiracy charges, I final Cho Weong-Bin guilty on all charges and sentenced to a maximum of 45 years in prison, allowing him a chance to receive bail in the year 2065. That is all.” The judge slammed the gavel down onto the table. Weong-Bin immediately looked at you, and you could hear a slight commotion from the people you had waiting for you outside. You stared directly at Weong-Bin he was guided out by two cops. All of the memories you two had shared, good or bad, where exiting right out the door along with Weong-Bin. He was not putting up any sort of fight anymore, he was just watching you until the door closed behind him and ended his view.
Myung-Dae put a hand on your shoulder as Weong-Bin was led out, and you glanced over.
           “You did a great job.” He said gently. You smiled a bit. “You okay?”
           “I think so…” you said softly, your hands fiddling together in your lap. “It…doesn’t feel real at all…to think, he’s really in prison.”
           “He deserves it, the jerk.” Myung-Dae hummed, standing up. “Shall we go?” You glanced up, watching as the judge, the lawyer, and the other cops exited.
           “…Can I just sit here for a moment?” You asked. Myung-Dae nodded, smiling.
           “Sure, I’ll go outside and tell your family.” Myung-Dae offered you a gentle pat on your head before exiting the room, leaving you alone in the empty courtroom. You let the silence take its time to envelope you, and you closed your eyes, resting your face in your hands as your elbows balanced in your lap.
           It was all finally over.
Weong-Bin was led out of the courtroom and down towards the car that was waiting outside to transport him back to jail. This meant that he had to pass through the hallways of people, which he honestly dreaded. He watched as all of your friends and family entered his view, talking to Myung-Dae. They were all grinning, and it pissed him off immensely. As he got closer, they looked over to him, the first one to move from their spot was Yoongi. Fuck.
           “I hope this finally taught you a lesson.” Yoongi hissed angrily. Namjoon fixed his glasses.
           “No need to engage with the idiot, Hyung.” He said simply. “Don’t stoop to his level.”
           “Well I can!” Taehyung huffed, pointing at Weong-Bin, who forced himself to stop in his tracks and turn to the young man when he heard his deep voice. “I hope you enjoy your new home you piece of garbage! I knew this would happen one day and I’m so glad I’m alive to witness it!”
           “TAEHYUNG!” Jimin held his shoulders as his friend continued shouting insults. “I know you’re happy, we all are-.” When he said that, he looked right at Weong-Bin, who scoffed. “But don’t make a scene. You’re upsetting your parents.” He glanced at your mother and step-father, who was watching this along with the prosecutor.
           “Why not?!” Jungkook asked. “All that humiliation to Noona and he can’t get any in return!?” He pouted.
“Jungkook understands!” Taehyung shouted, the duo giving each other an extremely strong high-five. The cops tried to lead Weong-Bin off, but he refused to move.
           “I want to hear what these idiots have to say.” He said. “It’s the last time I’ll ever see them, I hoped we could part with some KIND parting words.”
           “Parting words? Are you a madman!?” Jin huffed. “You think you’re so funny, I can’t wait to see how smug you are behind bars for a few more years, you know?”
           “Seriously! Don’t act so pompous, asshat. And if we ever find out you’re bothering Hoseok or any of his family again-.” Yoongi smirked when he saw Weong-Bin grimace at the comment. “You’ll be getting a visit from me, understand?”
           “Okay, let’s go.” Weong-Bin scoffed, finally deciding to go along with the cops. As he headed towards the elevator, he continued to hear Taehyung toss out childish and stupid insults that he simply shrugged off with slight amusement. However, just as the cops were to guide him down a separate staircase to e sure privacy, the elevator doors beside them opened. Hoseok, who had been out of the ER for a few days, stepped out, and Weong-Bin stopped in his tracks again, mostly out of shock. Hoseok had a bottle of water in his hand, capping it as he came face to face with Weong-Bin.
           “…Jung Hoseok.” Weong-Bin said simply. Hoseok blinked.
           “Cho Weong-Bin…” he said. “That jumpsuit looks good on you. Better than any suit I’ve seen you in.” Weong-Bin scoffed. “I knew this would happen. I’m so happy, you have no idea.”
           “…I hate you.” Weong-Bin scoffed. Hoseok smiled, but Weong-Bin found no joy in that smile whatsoever.
           “The feeling is mutual. That’s why you weren’t going to be invited to the wedding regardless.” He smirked.
           “Wed- WHAT?!” He snapped, finally being pushed forward by the guards. Hoseok waved him off as Weong-Bin was led off.
           “Bye, byeeee~.” He cooed, Once he was gone, Hoseok let out a soft sigh. “Idiot.” He hummed, turning back to the crowd of friends. Just as he did, he saw you walk out of the courtroom. Hoseok stood in place as he watched Jungkook be the first one to spring into your arms.
           “NOONA! I’m so proud of you!” he said happily. You quickly hugged him back, grinning at the 22-year-old. “That jackass won’t bother you ever again so long as we can help it, okay?”
           “Don’t curse.” Seokjin said, Jungkook blinked.
           “Hyung, I’m legally allowed to drink, cursing is nothing.” He said, nudging his older friend playfully in the stomach, as he grunted in slight pain. You smiled a bit. Suddenly, you were embraced by another hug, this time, a collective one of Taehyung and your parents.
           “You were amazing. Congratulations.” Your mother said gently. You nodded, resting your head on her shoulders. Almost immediately, Jimin pushed everyone together.
           “Group hug, group hug, group hug!” He chanted, and everyone did just that. You laughed a bit as the courtroom hall was filled with chanting young men who were circling you in a huge hug.
           “You’re making a scene.” The prosecutor said, crossing her arms. The group hug finally broke up, and everyone looked around to see the confused looks of passing by individuals that had witnessed…well…whatever was going on here. You smoothed out your dress and hair, unable to control the giggles at the boy’s utter stupidity. However, before you knew it, those giggles were turning into whimpers and choked out sobs. Eyes fell onto you as you quickly wiped your eyes, sniffling as you felt yourself beginning to cry again.
           “I-I can’t believe I’m still crying…” you sniffled, wiping your eyes. “I shouldn’t have any more tears by this point.” Jungkook wasted no time pulling you into another hug, which you quickly returned to the boy. “Heh. I’m honored you’re giving me so many hugs.”
           “It’s only for you, Noona.” The normally girl-fearing boy mumbled shyly.” I wouldn’t do this normally…” you smiled a bit. As you continued to hug Jungkook, you heard footsteps approach. When you looked up, you saw Hoseok walking over, water bottle in his hand. He passed it over to you and smiled.
           “I figured you might need this.” He said simply. You smiled, taking the bottle into your hands. “You did amazing…I told you it would be a walk in the park.”
           “I know.” You said softly. “How are the girls?”
           “I just called Yuna. They’re waiting for us to come home.” You nodded, smiling a bit. “Oh, Uhm…” Hoseok shifted a bit. “On an unrelated topic, completely unrelated, do you want to go on a picnic Friday?” You blinked.
           “A picnic?” you asked.
           “I need fresh air in my lungs.” He grinned. “All I’ve been inhaling other than smoke is Lysol spray and plastic tubes.” You giggled a bit.
           “Okay…” you said simply. “Can we…get something to eat now, though? I’m starving….” Hoseok laughed a bit.
           “Chicken?” Jimin asked, peeking around Taehyung’s shoulder because trying to go over would be a failed attempt.
           “CHICKEN?! Yes, chicken.” Taehyung said. “My treat. We can go get the girls and Yuna and just go eat until we’re full or until I’m broke, whichever comes first.”
           “You’ll be way broke if you put Seokjin-Hyung at the table.” Jungkook said simply, only to receive a playful shove by his Hyung. You smiled, and the group of you finally left the courtroom together, to go get some well-deserved food in your stomachs. The entire walk, you gripped tightly onto Hoseok’s hand. He had no problem with this, of course, as he held you close to him and offered you kisses on your hand every single chance that he got. Walking to get chicken with every single person who had done nothing but provides support and love when you needed it most was the best way you felt this entire experience could end.
           Now, there was only one thing you had left to do before you could finally declare this story a happy one.
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thetrueghostqueen · 4 years
A Fake Not So Fake Marriage - Chapter 29
Masterlist cover chapter one  chapter two ??? chapter four  chapter five chapter six chapter seven chapter eight chapter nine chapter ten chapter eleven chapter twelve 5 chapter fourteen chapter 15 chapter 16 chapter 17 chapter 18 Chapter 19 chapter 20 chapter 21 chapter 22 chapter 23 chapter 24 chapter 25 chapter 26 chapter 27 chapter 28
“I thought it was you that didn’t sign the papers?”  
Taehyung glared at his brother for interrupting his conversation. “What was the point in me signing the papers? She didn’t sign them and no one had a clue where she was. Whether I signed them or not we’d still be stuck in this situation.” He turned his glare back to Ji-ya. “I’d still have an absentee wife. I’d still be stuck. Not knowing what to do, not able to move forward.” 
Ji-ya stood at her counter trying to digest what Taehyung just stated to his brother. He hasn’t moved on? There’s no one new in his life? She didn’t realize she spoke out loud until he answered. 
“Of fucking course not! I am not a cheater.” 
“Tha-that’s not what I meant. I just figured after all this time-” She drifted off not completing her thought. 
“Figured what? That I’m not an honorable man? That I don’t take my commitments and promises seriously? What is it that you figured about me?” He spat angrily. 
Ji-ya stood straight. The anxiety and nervousness of the situation disappearing as the emotion of anger finally started taking over. “I’m not questioning your integrity or whatever. I’m just saying that since everything was fake to begin with. Since there were no emotions on either side that you would have moved on with your life. I apologize for not doing my part in signing the papers before sending them to you. I will have that rectified as soon as I get back home. I’m sorry that you had to be in limbo.” 
“Have you moved on?” Jaebum asked. 
Ji-ya glanced past Taehyung to look at Jaebum. Slowly she nodded her head. “O-of course.” She paused to clear her nerves before speaking again. She wanted to be convincing. She didn’t want them to know how completely pathetic she was. “I wouldn’t call it moving on. I’d call it just living my life. The life that I chose for myself.” 
“So, you’ve had relationships since you’ve been gone?” Yoongi asked. 
Ji-ya nodded. Lies. “One or two.” Pathetic liar. “I’m actually in one now. I think it’s getting serious.” You are such a hopeless liar. “That’s why I need to get this mess rectified now that I know. I can’t exactly... you know?” She trailed off. 
She didn’t feel the need to continue as Taehyung stood and walked out. Her eyes lowered to the floor as she felt the glares of Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok. It was only seconds later that the three of them followed suit after Taehyung.  
She felt absolutely horrible for the lies she told. But, she accomplished what she wanted right? She wanted them to be gone. She didn’t want to be their princess anymore. So, why was the guilt so excruciating?  
“Was lying worth it?” Jaebum asked as he made his way to the kitchen island where she was standing. 
“You heard me. I don’t need to repeat myself, Ji.” 
“Why do you think I’m lying?” 
“Because I’ve known you for years. Relationships aren’t something you do. You’ve been in love with the same person since you were in the first grade. You may have never opened up much about your life with Bangtan to seven, but you must of forgotten that we raised you. The first time that we ever really saw you smile was when Bangtan made an appearance back in your life. Even if it was for a very limited time, you came alive. I saw the longing stares you would give Taehyung when you thought that no one was watching. So, yes, I say lying because I can’t see three years changing you. I mean hell seven years didn’t change anything.” 
Ji-ya stared at her brother in law. She didn’t know what to say to counter his argument. He wasn’t wrong. All she could do was shake her head. She stepped around her brother in law to take a seat on the couch. 
“So, what’s the real reason that you stayed away from them? From all of us?” 
Ji-ya remained silent for moments. Did she really want to reveal the reason for her remaining lost? She felt justified in her reasoning, but did she want to show the chinks in her armor? “Rejection.” 
Jaebum furrowed his brows in confusion. “What? Don’t feed me the same line you fed Bangtan.” 
Ji-ya sighed. “I know it sounds stupid, but my biggest reason for staying gone was rejection. I slept with Tae and the next morning he walked out of the room without a word. It broke me. At first I fled the house and stayed at a hotel. All I did was cry. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep. My mind was filled with every negative thing that the Min’s said to me. All I could hear was their voices telling me that I was worthless and not good enough. Day four or maybe five the Choi’s called and reminded me of their offer. I was in a really bad place. Focusing on the Choi’s offer was the only thing that silenced the voices. So, I flew to Seoul. I met with lawyers. Had meetings with all of Min Corps investors. Set a plan in motion. I was in frequent contact with the Choi’s. With Youngjae. It was Jae who told me that I should contact Bangtan in some way.  
To be honest, at the time it didn’t occur to me that I would leave them and disappear. That I would leave any of you. Focusing on Min Corp pushed everything else to the back of my mind. It wasn’t until after I accomplished what I had set out to do that everything came flooding back in. Tae’s rejection was at the forefront of my thoughts, but as it sunk in that I left all of you with no explanations fear of all of you rejecting me too took hold. Before you tell me how stupid that sounds please trust I know. The small logical part of my brain tried to tell me that none of you would reject me. Be upset yes, but you wouldn’t reject me. The stronger part though, the emotional part that clenched my heart in fear said otherwise. I listened to the fear. I went to a lawyer and had the deeds for the houses and Min Corp drafted up for a transfer of ownership. I had the bank draft the checks that were issued to each of you. The divorce papers drawn up for Taehyung. I came back to Hawaii with all of the envelopes. I met with the Choi’s and asked them to meet with you as my proxy. I tried to do it myself, but the fear was too much. So, I fled. 
I flew back to Seoul and hired renovators to fix and change Min Manor for Bangtan. Figuring that it was the least that I could do for what I put them through, for everything they did for me. After, I spent time modeling. I hoped that it would keep my mind off of everything and everyone that I gave up. I traveled to all of the countries and cities that held Min Corp properties and sold them all. No matter how busy I tried to keep myself though, I could never stay busy enough to keep my mind from thinking and wandering. I kept a watch of all of you from a distance. I knew that Jinyoung hired people to find me. That he himself searched for me. He almost caught me once, but Jae warned me so that I could get out of Prague before I had to face him. I was there for every award and accolade that Bangtan got. Always in the shadows, but I was there.” 
“Youngjae knew where you were?” Jaebum asked bitterly. 
Ji-ya nodded. “Jae and Soo-yeon. Jae, because I kept in contact with the Choi’s. We are business partners of sorts. Soo, because she spotted me at a café in Seoul and cornered me.” 
Jaebum bit his lip. He silently counted numbers in his head to calm himself down. He was furious learning that Younjae knew her whereabouts all this time. Three years and not once did he tell them anything. Not even something as simple as a, “she’s okay.” No, now was not the time to fume about that. He’d confront Youngjae at a later date. “So, now that you’ve been found what are you going to do? Are you going to disappear again?” 
Ji-ya picked at the throw blanket on the couch as she tried to come up with an answer. A huge part of her wanted to continue on the path that she chose. Find a small place somewhere, settle down, and leave her past behind her. A smaller part knew that, that was no longer an option. At least not yet. Right now she had to clean up all the messes that she made. She had to contact her lawyer and get new divorce papers filed. She needed to set Taehyung free from being tied to her. She didn’t know if there was anything that she could do to repair the damage with Bangtan. Or Seven. But, she would fix what she could and this time when she left it would be done the right way. She’d say goodbye to their faces and then settle somewhere far away. “No, at least not right away. I am going to do things right this time.”
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raziakhatunblr · 3 years
Zone of Truth 5e | Most recent update 2021
Zone of truth 5e article 2
inform us about the magical spell"Zone of truth, 5e."
 What do we do in Zone of Truth 5e?
You create a magical zone that protects against deception in a 15-foot-radius arena based on the point of your choice within the range. Until the spell ends, a monster that enters the spell's place for the first time on the reverse or begins its turn there should make a Charisma rescue throw. On a failed save, a creature can not speak a willful lie whilst in the radius. You know whether every monster succeeds or fails its saving throw. An affected creature is aware of this charm and may consequently prevent answering questions to which it might ordinarily react with a lie. Such a monster could be evasive in its own answers as long as it stays within reality's boundaries.
 Zone of Truth 5e is a pesky small 2nd-degree spell that can ruin a campaign's mystery. But there are a number of ways you can avoid Zone of Truth and keep your campaign's mystery alive!
 To avoid the impacts of Zone of Truth 5e, then you need to be successful on your Charisma Saving Throw, possess an ally that possesses the spell Switch memory, or manage your answers in a manner that omits the facts without being deceitful.
 If your celebration captures an NPC that understands something that you don't want your party to understand, how do these things prevent them from finding out with Zone of Truth 5e? Zone of Truth is not bulletproof. By utilizing these tips, you could have the ability to keep up the mystery of your effort living!
 What is Zone of Truth 5e's necessary info?
 Inside this region, no creature could" talk a lie."
 Zone of Truth lasts for 10 minutes and doesn't require some elements to throw. Making it a potential mystery wrecker with little to no cost to throw.
 Level: 2nd
 Range/Area: 60 feet (15 ft Sphere)
 Components: V, S
 Duration: 10 Minutes
 School: Enchantment
 Attack/Save: CHA Save
 Damage/Effect: Control
 Zone of Truth Requires a Charisma Saving Throw
Ahead of the spell might take effect, the target of this spell can create a Charisma Saving Throw. On a successful save, the spell is not enough, although on a failed to conserve, the goal cannot talk a deliberate lie. On the other hand, the spellcaster knows whether the spell takes hold.
 According to your party and the number of spellcasters and level two spell slots available, succeeding in your saving throw could get you some time. There are ways you may find an edge to bonuses on your saving throws, nonetheless. The spell Bless allows you to include 1d4 to saving throws for a single minute. When possible, casting this spell prior to rolling up the saving throw can supply you enough of their benefit to spare.
 If you are looking for new dice to offer you an edge with this roll, check out my preferred accessories and dice!
 If you can figure out how to save enough time to empty the celebration's spell slots, you might have the ability to escape or produce a program.
 Preventing Zone of Truth 5e using Modify Memory
At some point, you will overlook your Charisma Saving Throw and will have to go to program B. This choice requires some pre-planning, but if you understand, your party has the Zone of Truth. In addition, you are interested in being on the safe side, make sure your NPC comprises a companion that can choose the 5th level spell, "Switch Memory" and throw it at level 9 (de 260 of the Player's Handbook).
 Alternatively, set an ally, minion, or superior that will follow and hide 30 feet off and cast this spell in case the NPC is captured.
 Modify Memory is a 5th level spell that enables the caster to change 1 memory, and this has occurred within the past 24 hours which lasted no longer than 10 mins. The altered memory lasts for 1 minute, only long enough to make it through this interrogation.
 That is great if the celebration will be requesting your NPC about an event they just finished, but maybe not as good if they inquire about the company or strategies.
 However, this spell gets stronger if it's cast at higher levels. The Length of the memory which can be altered expands as follows:
 1. Level 6- 7 occasions
2. Level 7- 30 times
3. Level 9- Any point in the creature's past
For those who have an NPC that knows a great deal, you may have the boss or Villain conceal out of the shadows and throw Modify Memory to avoid the party from studying his/her crucial identity or strategy. The monster questioned would consider telling the truth, thus subverting Zone of Truth 5e.
These two choices assume that the party has not done something to keep the casting of spells, such as tie the NPC's palms or take all his/her things or secured the area, making it impossible for one more personality to get within 30 feet. If the NPC has been contested or another NPC in the region can't cast a spell to save cries, alter his memory, or escape (Dimension Door or Teleport). You've got no choice but to skip the truth.
 That's where the issue gets dicey. Although Zone of Truth does specifically say animals could" preventing" telling the facts, it also says it shields against" uncertainty" If you would like to try to speak your way out of Zone of Truth, you need to follow these tips to prevent your players from feeling conned.
 Zone of Truth specifically says it protects against disturbance. As a consequence, you can prevent the question, but you can not knowingly try to fool your players. This is an excellent line. When asked, "Would you split the window?" You cannot reply, "No," because the crowbar broke the window, this can be an attempt at deception.
 It would be best if you avoided the question completely, such as stating, "Why would I divide a window?" That does not supply an answer to the query but could throw off your players enough to protect against the issue entirely. If you try to use semantic, it can do nothing but frustrate your own players.
 The spell says a monster"may be evasive in its replies as long as it stays within the bounds of the reality."
It usually means you could make evasive statements as long a the announcements themselves are accurate. That will not fall in the realm of semantics since you are not twisting the question to assist your self. You're merely making a fair statement. A superb illustration of this could be an NPC saying, "My master plans only to do great!"
 If the NPC knows his master considers himself to be about the generous right side, then this is a true statement that is not an attempt at deceit. If you can do this well, your players may (hopefully) misconstrue what you are saying.
 The players can threaten or bribe your NPC, where you should play the NPC authentic to their own character. In the event your players request a question you can't evade, don't reply.
 The Zone of truth 5e can be tricky to navigate. You definitely don't need players to feel cheated in any way, but you also don't wish to give up all of your secrets straight away. This advice and guidelines should help you keep the mystery alive while also keeping everything fair.
 Is the caster influenced by Zone of Truth 5e?
Zone of Truth is a place of affect charm. It means that anyone inside the area is affected by the spell, including the caster. On the other hand, the caster can opt to create a saving throw against the spell, and the spell may be cast anywhere within 60 feet, so the caster could choose to be just outside the spell's range.
 A Ring of Mind Shielding does not stop the Zone of Truth's influence if the monster collapsed the Charisma Saving Twist; nonetheless, it does prevent the caster from knowing if the creature stored or failed the spell's saving throw.
 Zone of Truth is an enchantment spell that prevents lies where nobody can speak within the field of effect.
 For a few moments, an area characterized by the caster turned into a zone in which lies couldn't be advised. Creatures within the region knew they were compelled not to speak falsehoods and withstand the bout, but people who could not resist could not lie to the spell duration. Affected creatures were not made, to tell the truth; they could stay silent or evade queries provided that they had been truthful.
 The affected region has been a square having sides as large as 5 ft (1.5 m) based on the thrown model. Or according to the caster's energy or a 20-ft-radius (6.1 m) sphere.
 In addition to verbal and somatic components, in addition to the priest's holy symbol or divine attention, the older variant of the spell required a cheap imitation emerald, ruby, or diamond to throw.
 What are the Gamers saying about Zone of Truth 5e?
"We started a new effort, and after their first semester, my players are attempting to learn more about the mystery of a stolen auction thing. My team is comprised of experienced, intelligent, genre-savvy gamers, and everybody has some DM expertise. B-)
 One of the players gets access to the Zone of reality spell. He has the authority/permission to use that spell on several suspects. But, it limits questions of attention to the analysis ). I believed I had the mystery nicely designed so that Zone of fact wouldn't split it, but I have more time to reflect on my players' skill level, I might want to think this through more.
 In the past, when I have run a puzzle for other experienced gamers, I was able to use evasive answers and counter-questioning to trip them up with a zone of details. I managed to confound one experienced player during his very first casting of the Zone of fact (the questioned killer had given the recognizable of a spellcaster poison to sprinkle in the drinks of the murdered, claiming it had been tea).
 Those tricks worked due to a lack of experience either generally or utilizing the spell. Nonetheless, these gamers have a good experience.
 Have you successfully operate a puzzle for seasoned genre-savvy players? How can you manage smart questioning via a zone of truth 5e?"
"Partially is dependent on how violent they are, however, one good strategy would be to overshare. It might give far too much information, such as authentic but insignificant products. The players may then need to collect an investigation to notice patterns and identify which items from 20 are important.
 Basically, yammer. The replies are accurate but need an investigation from the gamers.
 A third option is an ownership. The party begins questioning the defendant, and the BBEG assumes direct control. Maybe the defendant stocks one or two critical clues ahead of the BBEG kills them.
 Then, you can reach the fourth option. The suspect has a magic thing that registers everything to get a lie. The truth. Even sense motive. It is all comes up as lies. "
 One approach in Zone of truth 5e -- place yourself in the perspective of the Villain and consider what they know. Then use that information to formulate a plan -- and when the PCs can quickly circumnavigate it, let them. They are heroes.
 If this really is a situation where you want them to fail/struggle, the very best choices would be to:
 2.) Make sure that the person being interrogated is not very likely to lie. If they have been deceived by somebody else, they may be saying it is untrue without comprehending it, which will not activate detection. The Glibness spell is the 8th level, but somebody who should tell a lie might rely upon it. I don't understand why it is 8th degree -- sounds somewhat like a 4th level spell for me. Modify Memory is the 5th degree, and you can use it to hide lies. Occasionally a monster in enchanting disguise can supply all the ideal answers.
6.) Double lies. And they find about the kidnapping of the ideal individual who needs interrogation! They recover the victim -- and might not have triggered to restart the questioning although the victim hired the awful man through an intermediary to kidnap the victim and select their location.
Comment 4
"I know entirely. I know this topic is hot, and I recall reading a few of your previous well-articulated articles.
 Maybe this can be semantics, but I sure don't think of it trying to work contrary to my gamers. Instead, I'm searching for answers which have worked in your games that say"yes, and" or"yes, but" to the Zone of truth spell while still allowing the (highly experienced ) gamers to take delight in the investigation process. I consider it more like playing to their level.
 For comparison, think about: A player picks the ranger course simply because they want the thrill of exploration. On the other hand, the Natural Explorer feature can detract from mining by trivializing it -- or instead, it necessitates some creative thought, adaptation, and workarounds to encourage an exploration heavy session or game. To put it differently, Organic Explorer functions, but it does not" feel" right since it avoids the challenge rather than engaging with it.
 Likewise: A player who picks the Observant feat along with the zone of fact spell suggests they want the thrill of analysis, the triumph of solving a mystery through the forces of deductive reasoning. They don't require an easy success over 10 minutes with no true investigation prior to casting a spell. At least, that is true with my own group.
 Not at all! The zone of truth won't allow you to lie, but it leaves lots of room for evasion, misdirection, and distraction. Finding ways to lie while still telling the truth is that the national game of Zilargo. pic. 
-- Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith)  
Liches can't throw Zone of Truth. ...Right? 
-- D&D Beyond (@DnDBeyond)  
It is a Zone of Truth + Advantage to Charisma tests to extract/force the info, so as to prevent the"free fact" button which removes a clever challenge.
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Mafia BTS! One Step Closer
This was requested by @kpopgirlbtssvt
This is honestly my favourite imagine. Read my other mafia imagines on my blog, I'll try updating the master list soon. I hope y'all like this one!
Let's get it!
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Kim Seokjin:
After a month of living, or more like being forced to live with The Kim Seokjin, you figured that he wasn't so bad. He might have come off as intimidating at first but he honestly took great care of you and you couldn't help but like his company. When you were brought to his house, you were terrified. And Jin knew that too, maybe that's why he kept his distance. But eventually, you wanted him around you because it was maddening to be cut off from the entire world.
It was a long day of meetings and negotiations for Jin. He held his coat with one hand and dragged it behind him, climbing the steps to his house and telling the bodyguards that they could leave for the day. The thought of seeing you made him happy, only if it actually made you happy too. He unlocked the door and stepped inside his humble abode, sighing as he leaned against a wall. The smell of food filled his nostrils, making him frown. Hadn't the cook already left? He glanced at his watch, raising his eyebrows at the hour hand which pointed at 11. Walking towards the kitchen, he dropped his coat on the couch, wondering why you weren't sitting on it and watching TV like every day.
You carefully held the tray of food in your hand and made your way to the dining table. You had decided to make dinner for Jin and yourself. Blame it on the growing feeling of warmth every time you saw him but there was no turning back now. You let out a soft gasp and almost dropped the tray until Jin's hand rested beneath yours, steadying your stance. "You scared me." You mumbled and pushed him aside, continuing on your way to set the table. Jin's jaw went slack when he saw what you had done. Until a couple of weeks ago, you weren't even ready to be in the same room as him and now here you were, making him dinner. Jin bit his lip to suppress a smile, he felt nothing but profound admiration for you since he saw you and it only kept increasing.
"Are you just gonna stand there or will you join me? Perhaps, you can tell me if my food is better than yours?" You said, smiling slightly. Jin cleared his throat and nodded, taking a seat beside you on the table. You served his food despite his protests and waited eagerly for his reaction. He took a bite of the tempting meal and let out a moan. You chuckled, making him widen his eyes at the sound of your voice. He was definitely in love with how beautiful you sounded when you laughed. "I guess it's that good, huh?" You asked, placing your chin on the palm of your hand. Unable to say anything, Jin nodded. Of course, it was good, anything you did was good. You both finished eating in silence. When Jin stood up to clean up, you shook your head. "There's a hot bath waiting for you." You said and took the plates to the kitchen. Now it was getting too much for Jin. He really wanted to ask you what was going on and so he did. Just as you placed the plates in the sink, you felt hands on your waist before being turned to face Jin. You placed your hands on his chest to maintain the little distance that remained. "What is this, Y/N? Should I get my hopes up about our relationship or are you going to go back to being cold from tomorrow?" He asked, staring you down. You blushed and closed your eyes. How could he expect you to talk when he was standing so close to you? Gathering all the courage that you had, you opened your eyes and stood up straight. "Although you brought me here without my consent, you showed me that whatever people say about you isn't completely true. And clearly, you care about me so I'd be an idiot to not consider the chance of us being..... something." You said, fiddling with the buttons of his blue shirt. Your heart was pounding. This was basically your confession about how much you liked him. Suddenly, you felt him kiss your forehead and your eyes widened. He pulled back to find you staring at him with eyes still wide and lips parted. He chuckled before closing your mouth by pushing your chin up with his finger.
"I promise to give you the best of me."
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Kim Namjoon:
Namjoon had been stressed since the very day he brought you home. You thought it was because of you but later on, you realized that this is what his life was. You wanted to find your own place to stay but Namjoon didn't let you. He said you weren't safe out there yet and he wasn't gonna let you risk your life. Completely oblivious to the fact that Namjoon liked you, you continued staying with him in his big house.
You sat up in your bed with a gasp, sweat trickling down your forehead. A nightmare had woken you up, a nightmare of the reality that you had escaped not too long ago. Your father's figure beating you and tying you down was vivid. It felt almost real. You took in deep breaths and closed your eyes to calm yourself down. With trembling hands, you reached out to the glass of water on the nightstand only to send it crashing down. You cursed under your breath when you heard the shattering of the glass. After listening to the sound of hurried footsteps, the door of your bedroom opened to reveal a panicking Namjoon, looking around the room for any signs of trouble. "Are you okay?" He asked, stepping inside. You switched on the bedside lamp and tried to get off the bed, completely forgetting about the broken shards. "I'm fi-ahh!" You let out a cry of pain, sitting back on the bed. Namjoon rushed to your side, seeing the shattered pieces of glass and your bleeding foot, he shook his head. Without a word, he lifted you up bridal style and took you to the bathroom. He set you on the black countertop and took out a first aid kit from the cabinet. "What happened?" He enquired while tending to the cuts. You stared at him intently. Why did you have to meet someone so handsome but so dangerous? "I had a nightmare. Sorry for waking you up." You apologized, hissing occasionally whenever the antiseptic made contact with your skin. He shook his head and grabbed a bandage to wrap up your foot. "You didn't wake me up, Y/N. You worried me." He said, not looking up to meet your eyes.
You blushed, your heartbeat becoming more audible to you. You liked him, didn't you? You snapped out of your thoughts when you saw him place the first aid box back in its place. You stepped down the counter and tried to walk, limping till your bed. Namjoon had no intentions of letting you go wherever you wanted to. You were completely different from the life that he had and he needed you. He just didn't want to scare you. Yes, he was being selfish for keeping you with him for his own mental stability but he knew he was the only one for you. At least he wanted to be. Cleaning up the broken glass, he switched off the lamp by your bed and turned to leave. His breath hitched when you held his hand. "Can you sleep here? Just for tonight?" You asked in a small voice, afraid that he was gonna reject you. He gently removed his hand from your hold making you sigh. Just like you thought. You raised your head when you heard the door to your bedroom close, eyes widening when you saw Namjoon move to the other side of the bed. He got in next to you, pulling the blanket up to cover you both. You quickly laid your head on his chest, not even realising what you were doing. But when it hit you, you mumbled a sorry and tried to move away, only to have him hold you tighter. Namjoon was scared that you'd be able to hear how bad his heart was pounding but he loved how you felt in his arms. Maybe you felt the same way? This thought made him ecstatic. "You know you're safe with me, right?" He asked, wanting to hear your voice. The light from the numerous skyscrapers illuminated the room, leaving shadows on the walls. "I do." You whispered, feeling content with your life. Yes, you had a rough life until now but it doesn't always have to be that way. Maybe Namjoon was the key to your happiness like you were for him. Maybe this was the start of something beautiful. After realising that you had fallen asleep, Namjoon carefully kissed your forehead, not wanting you to wake up. But you were awake and you heard the words that he muttered to you, the words that confirmed your feelings for him.
"I don't know what but something about you makes me feel a little more alive and a little less lost."
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Min Yoongi:
The hotel suite was quiet apart from the sounds of the television and the occasional howling of the wind outside. You stood near the huge glass separating you from the balcony which looked down at the entire New York city. Sighing, you went to the closet to change into something comfy. After about 20 minutes, you came to the conclusion that there was nothing in your closet which was as comfortable as Yoongi's shirt. You had worn it before when he wasn't home and quickly discarded it when he returned so what was stopping you this time? Changing into his white shirt, you went back and opened the door to the balcony.
In the three months that you were forced to stay with him, this was the first time you missed Yoongi's presence. You noticed that lately whenever you saw him, your hands would become clammy and your heart would race as if it were in a marathon. And the fact that he always took care of you wasn't helping. Sure, he kidnapped you as leverage against someone but he didn't hurt you at all. You watched as the rain started pouring and the sky turned darker. You closed your eyes and embraced the little droplets that touched your face. Not being able to contain your excitement, you ran out to the balcony and twirled around, letting the rain wash away your thoughts.
Yoongi entered the suite after meeting up with his members. You thought he brought you to New York because of some business he had to take care of, at least that's what he told you. But he had lied. He brought you here because he knew how much you wanted to travel around the world. This was just the beginning. He discarded his suit jacket and folded his sleeves, looking around for you. He longed for you in ways you didn't know. He used to think it was just a little attraction but later realised that he was whipped for you. Yoongi's heart skipped a beat when he saw you standing in the rain, wearing his shirt. But that wasn't the problem, the problem was that the shirt was now wet and it didn't do a very good job at hiding what was underneath. Yoongi blushed and clenched his jaw, trying to control himself. He slowly walked over to the entrance of the balcony, calling you inside. "Y/N, you're gonna get sick. Come inside now!" He said, loudly for you to hear him. You turned your head to see the man invading your thoughts. You bit your lip, realising that you were basically standing naked in front of him. Slowly, you went to where he stood, water running down your body. He stuck his hand out for you to take, not wanting you to slip on the marble. You took in a deep breath, it was now or never. Taking his hand, you tugged at it, catching him off guard. Yoongi moved closer to you, under the rain, confused by your actions. The rain drenched him but that was the least of his worries. His mind was running with thousands of things he wanted to do. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his body against yours.
"Y/N, stop me before I do something you won't like." He mumbled, leaning his forehead against yours. Your breathing was heavy and so was his. You slowly pressed your lips against his. He was taken aback initially but soon moved his lips against yours. He dug his fingers into your hips and deepened the kiss. Eventually, you both pulled away, gasping for air in the rain. He had kissed you before but you had pushed him away. He was absolutely surprised but happy at the same time to have you kiss him. "Let's go inside before you catch a cold, yes?" He said, cupping your cheeks. You nodded shyly as he held your hand and took you inside. Embarrassed by what you had done, you started towards the bathroom without a word only to be stopped by Yoongi's hand gripping your wrist.
"That meant everything to me. I hope you know that."
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Jung Hoseok:
You yawned while staring out at the moon, the dashboard clock contributing to illuminating the dark interior of the car. You glanced at the time, groaning on seeing the numbers. 2:03 AM. You turned your head to the driver's seat where Hoseok was supposed to be sitting. But he wasn't. Instead, he was inside that gloomy and creepy building, having an emergency meeting at this hour. You just wanted to sleep at home but he wasn't ready for someone to break in and take you away in his absence. You hated it. You hated that he was so protective of you. You hated that he had kept you with him against your will. And most importantly, you hated that you didn't hate him anymore. You shivered due to the excessive cold in the car, the air conditioner obviously doing its work. After hesitating for a bit, you turned off the AC and grabbed hoseok's jacket which hung at the back of his seat. Putting it on, you examined yourself in the small mirror, coming to the conclusion that you looked better in it.
You were almost dozing off when the door to the driver's side of the car opened, revealing a very tired and frustrated Hoseok. The meeting hadn't gone the way Hoseok wanted. He felt like he could blow someone's brains out but he tried to keep his calm when he remembered that you were here with him. He sat in his seat and glanced at you, sharply inhaling when he saw you in his jacket, snuggled into the seat with your eyes closed. He cleared his throat and turned to close the door when you opened your eyes to look at him. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. It took longer than I thought. I completely regret waking you up to bring you with me." He apologized before sighing and leaning his head on the steering wheel. You frowned at how upset he looked, concern spreading across your face. "It didn't go well, did it?" You asked in a soft voice. Hoseok felt his heart swell at hearing your calming voice. He had completely forgotten how much he loved to listen to you talk. Sometimes he'd purposely annoy you just to hear your outbursts. He shook his head, gripping the steering wheel tighter to prevent himself from throwing his arms around you. He lifted his head to look at you, eyes falling to his jacket. He mentally declared that you looked better in his clothes. Maybe, someday he'd get to see you in his clothes on a regular basis. "It was cold and I was underdressed." You explained, seeing him looking at his jacket. You glanced at your silk shorts. Definitely underdressed. Hoseok gave you a curt nod and turned around to start the car, only to be stopped by your hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to you, seeing the small smile on your face. "Whatever happened in there, I'm sure you'll figure it out." You said, praying for your words to turn out true. Not being able to control anymore, Hoseok wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him. You gasped at the sudden gesture. Why weren't you pushing him away? Because strangely, you felt good being in his arms. Without a thought, you lifted your hand and hugged him back. Hoseok's eyes widened when you responded. He was expecting you to push him away and then slap him. He tightened his hold and buried his face in your neck. You closed your eyes and stayed like that for a minute before pulling away. Hoseok muttered a quick apology and you replied with a small 'it's okay', turning away from him to hide your blushing cheeks.
The soft purr of the engine comforted you throughout the ride as you leaned on the window, feeling your eyes getting heavier. Maybe it won't be so bad to fall for him. Hoseok kept stealing glances at you while driving simultaneously. He saw your eyes drooping, knowing you were gonna fall asleep any minute now. Just as your head tilted down, he stretched out his arm, making sure your head rested comfortably on it. Even though it was gonna hurt, for you he was ready to endure it. He knew that soon you'd want him just as much as he wanted you, he couldn't wait for that day. Smiling at your sleeping figure, he shook his head before mumbling to himself.
"Nothing in this world can intoxicate me as much as you do. And I love it."
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Park Jimin:
You descended the smooth stairs, trying to ignore the hangover headache and focusing on the bigger problem that you were soon gonna face. The problem being none other than Park Jimin. It had been a week since the night when you told him that you wanted nothing to do with him and it was better if you two stopped seeing each other. Of course, you were surprised when he simply nodded and assured you that you won't ever see him again but it was hard to forget the hurtful look that he carried with him. The man who was supposedly ruthless, let you go because you wanted him to? Well, that was new. Since that night, you had spent every second reminiscing on how happy you felt when he was around, despite having witnessed him killing someone in cold blood. You were just scared, although you knew he wouldn't hurt you. The decision was taken in the spur of the moment and you wanted nothing more than to hug him and kiss him while apologizing. But you figured that he would think of you as a gold-digger, wanting him and leaving him as and when you saw fit. So you cried your heart out and ended up in a bar to try and forget about him. As if things couldn't get worse, Jimin was there and he saw you drinking non-stop. It angered him to see you getting wasted in a place like this. So when you were stumbling on your way outside the bar, he carefully took you to his home instead. Anything to be close to you. Jimin was in despair, he thought you were happy with him, he made sure of that. But obviously, he should have known better than to take you with him to the warehouse where he handled all his problems. He didn't want to kill someone in front of you but that stupid man was making inappropriate comments, all directed to you. And so that night ended with you telling him to leave you alone. He couldn't imagine you getting hurt by a rival or a power-hungry newbie, hence, the decision of giving you what you wanted.
You bit your lip on seeing Jimin sitting on the couch, a number of papers scattered in front of him and his back facing you. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you thought of what to say. But Jimin beat you to it. "You're awake. Good, I hope you took the pills I left by the nightstand. Someone will be taking you home in some time so be ready." He said, not even turning to look at you. Jimin was trying so hard not to give away how bothered he was by your presence. He was positive that if he turned to look at you, he would lose control and do something you wouldn't want. Whereas you, you were hurt. His cold behavior was like a stab to the heart. He made it seem like nothing happened between you two. Without knowing, a tear made its way down your cheek. You missed him terribly and you regretted leaving the best thing that happened to you. When you didn't respond, Jimin had no choice but to turn and check if you were even there. He was sure he had heard your footsteps. His heart broke on what he saw, you wiping away a tear and looking anywhere but him, trying to hold in your sobs. "Y/N, why are you crying?" He asked, standing up from the couch, cautiously approaching you. Your eyes widened when you heard him, you didn't think he was gonna look at you until you left. You were caught off guard, not knowing what to say. Before you could even think, the words had already left your mouth. "I can't do this anymore."
Jimin frowned. Your voice was a bare whisper but he heard it. "You can't do what?" He questioned again, narrowing his eyes at you. With that, you let a cry out, quickly covering your mouth with the back of your hand. Jimin froze in his place, this was the second time he was seeing you cry, the first time being when you both met. "I can't stay away from you! This entire week I've been thinking of ways to just apologize but you already hate me!" You cried, shaking your head. Now it was Jimin's turn to be caught off guard. Did you really just say you wanted to be with him? Your legs gave away and you started to fall to the ground but Jimin wrapped his arms around you, holding you in place. He hugged you, his head resting on top of yours while you cried in his chest. "I didn't mean it when I said I want nothing to do with you. I was just...scared. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Jimin." You mumbled. You both stayed like that until your crying came to a halt. "Did you really think I could hate you?" Jimin asked, feeling upset with himself. You nodded, not wanting to say anything. Jimin broke the hug and placed his hands on your shoulders. "The only thing I'm incapable of doing is hating you. The past week has been a nightmare for me because you weren't here. I'd take you back in a heartbeat, Y/N." He said, wiping away your tears. Without another word, you kissed him. He immediately returned the kiss, his hands tangling in your hair. He had been dreaming of his lips on yours, feeling ecstatic that this wasn't a dream anymore. Breathless you both pulled away, leaning your foreheads against each other.
"You drive me crazy, I'm never letting you leave me again."
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Kim Taehyung:
You carefully walked up the stairs with the cup of coffee in your hand. It was 1 AM and Taehyung had been in his study since he came home. You could tell it was one of those nights where he just wanted to be alone. In other words, nothing was happening the way he wanted it to. But you couldn't help yourself, you needed to know he was okay, even if he was gonna yell at you for entering his study which was prohibited. Reaching the door to the study, you took a deep breath before knocking on the door and opening it without waiting for an answer.
Taehyung had come home after finding out terrible news. Someone was threatening to kill you and the way they delivered the message wasn't very nice either. To say Taehyung was angry when he saw the dead body of one of his men bolted to the door of his warehouse was an understatement. The piece of paper stuck on the dead man's forehead which contained some horrible words directed to you only added fuel to the fire. Taehyung had marched into his study without even looking at you, he didn't want you to see him upset. Not that you would care about him. So when you entered his study holding a cup of coffee in your hand, he was shocked. He looked at you with a frown, watching your every move until you placed the coffee in front of him. "I made it less bitter, hopefully, it's up to your taste." You mumbled, clasping your hands behind you and looking down at your feet. Taehyung was the most ruthless yet generous mafia leader you had met. Correction. He was the only mafia leader you had met. But unlike what you expected, he took care of you in ways that touched your heart plenty of times. He paid for your mother's treatment and never hurt you once, causing your downfall into the endless pit called affection. You didn't want to say you loved him yet, you couldn't. Because despite everything, he still kept you in his house without your consent.
Taehyung stood up from his leather chair and took a step towards you, his proximity making you gulp. "Why are you here, Y/N? I told you not to enter this room, didn't I? Besides, it's late and you should be asleep." He said in a very calm voice. You slowly looked up at him through your lashes and bit your lip in nervousness. His eyes stared into yours, making you blush for some insane reason. You quickly looked away to avoid his gaze, taking in the interiors of his study. "I was just checking up on you." You stated, shrugging as if it wasn't a big deal. Taehyung raised his eyebrows at your words. Checking up on him? He tilted his head, looking at you from head to toe. What happened to you? "You seemed upset and you didn't even look at me when you came home. You also missed dinner. I was... worried." You sighed, finally meeting his gaze. Taehyung could feel his heart beating loudly in his chest. He couldn't believe the words leaving your mouth. When he didn't respond, you shook your head and went to sit on the couch right in front of where his table was. You leaned your back against the leather and stared at the ceiling, feeling embarrassed for even trying. "Someone wants to hurt you, Y/N." The words left taehyung's mouth before he could even think about them. You instantly widened your eyes and looked at him. "What?" You whispered, being caught off guard by his words. Taehyung's face turned serious as he walked towards you and kneeled down. He took your hands in his and looked at your scared face. "You heard me." He said, waiting to see how you react. This wasn't what you were expecting. You couldn't even begin to think about why someone would want to kill you. But for some reason, the news wasn't too scary. Because you knew he was with you. "You won't let that happen, right?" You muttered, looking at him with hopeful eyes. Taehyung smiled at your trust in him. He placed a hand on your cheek and caressed it. "Never." He whispered as you held his hand which was on your cheek. You slowly leaned forward and placed your lips on his forehead, his eyes closing at the contact. His heart was a mess now, he didn't want this moment to end. Only if he could stop the time. You pulled away and admired his face. He was truly an ethereal beauty. Opening his eyes, Taehyung gazed at you lovingly, kissing the palm of your hand as a blush crept up your cheek.
"I'd risk everything for you, if it meant having you by my side."
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Jeon Jungkook
You glanced at the clock, groaning in frustration on seeing the time. 4:35 AM was no time to be awake and you knew that. But how could you sleep when Jungkook hadn't come home since he left the previous morning? Usually, you would be told if he was gonna come home late but this time there had been no calls. And the worst thing, you couldn't do anything but sit and wait. You stomped your feet and walked around the living room, looking at the door from time to time, as if that would make Jungkook come home. This was one of those times when you regretted everything you did. You had been nothing but cold to Jungkook since that day you stepped in his house. And even though sometimes you drove him insane with your attitude, he never lay a finger on you. You let out a defeated sigh and sat on the floor, burying your face in your hands. What if something really bad happened to him? What if he.........
You didn't even wanna think about it. "I'm sorry, Jungkook. Please come home now." Your voice cracked as tears stung your eyes. As if on cue, the door was thrown open and Jungkook staggered inside. You gasped and stood up, taking in his appearance. His face was twisted in pain due to the numerous bruises that littered his skin. Your eyes widened on seeing the blood on his shirt, seeping through from some wound on his abdomen that he clutched firmly. You ran to him and helped him stand straight before closing the door of the house. "Are you okay?!" You asked in a panic, not knowing what to do. Jungkook looked at you and frowned. He did feel a little drowsy but nothing he couldn't handle. He saw the tear on your cheek that had escaped your eye. He slowly reached his hand to touch your cheek and wiped the tear. "Are you crying, Y/N?" He asked, his voice a mere whisper. He felt happy seeing you cry, not because he was a psychopath but because it meant that you cared. And the fact that you stayed awake until this late, proved to him that you really did care. You sniffled and held his shoulder, trying not to meet his eyes. "Let's get you cleaned up." You mumbled and helped him to the bedroom. Once reaching the bedroom, you slowly moved to the bathroom along with a not-so-stable Jungkook. Sitting him on the counter, you grabbed the medical kit and tore apart his shirt before tossing it on the ground. Blood made you beyond squeamish and you really wanted to throw up but you held back. Patiently, you cleaned the large but shallow knife wound on jungkook's stomach and treated his bruises. "Y/N, you still haven't told me if you were crying. Was it because I came back alive?" He provoked you. You glared at him before cleaning up the bloody cotton swabs and bandages that lay around. You were hurt that he thought that way. You cried because he came back alive? Did he think you hated him that much? "Yeah right. I stayed awake until I got some kind of news about you only to have you ignore my calls. I worried my ass off and even thought of going out to find you myself. But of course, Y/N is only capable of hating Jeon Jungkook, isn't that right? You're unbelievable." You said, once again feeling the tears in your eyes. You never cried. You must be feeling too emotional. Without giving him another glance, you turned to leave the bathroom, gasping when his hand grabbed your wrist before turning you around to pull you close to him. Your noses almost touched, your hands were on his bare chest trying to maintain whatever distance remained. Jungkook tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "You can't blame me, Y/N. Can you? I've been trying so hard to get you to stop acting so distant and cold. If you don't give me a chance then how am I going to show you how much you mean to me?" He asked, making guilt creep up your bones. He was right and you were already aware of that. After having a small internal battle, you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him, feeling him freeze at the sudden contact. Jungkook could feel his heart pounding so bad. This was the first time you had been so close to him and it was driving him crazy. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer if that was even possible. He buried his head in your neck and hummed at your scent. You were perfect. After a minute, you loosened your hold on him and prepared to pull away when he tightened his arms around you. "Just a minute more before you go back to being your old self." He said, making you frown at his words. "I won't." The words fell from your lips before you could contemplate them. Jungkook smiled, he was loving the way you were being a little more affectionate. He pulled away to look at you.
"I just wanna give you the crown you deserve, my Queen."
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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Finally an update. It took longer than I thought. Also, I'm thinking of postponing the unearthly release date cause BTS'comeback is around that time? Consider this an apology update. Let's see what happens....
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prorevenge · 5 years
He tore my ankle ligaments, and now his nose is pointing in the wrong direction
TL;DR at the end.
Background (feel free to skip it)
I am a big guy (6ft, 275lbs) and I am not all muscle. I used to play soccer as a kid until I was 17 years old when I took a nasty knee injury that ended my hopes to play pro. I started to gain weight over the years, partly due to bad habits and lack of exercise. I reached 325lbs at one point and it felt like I was about to die. That's when I decided enough was enough and it was time to turn my life around. Started eating healthy, and slowly picked up the exercise bug again. I also joined a 6v6 soccer league in my city where my friends had a team and invited me to play. I'd play soccer once a week, go the gym thrice a week, then rest and chill. It was great.
On a soccer pitch you don't expect 300lbs+ guys to be running around or even be skilled enough to dribble through defenders. Most teams wouldn't even mark me (I played as a striker) until I scored a goal or dribbled through two of their players. That earned me some respect on the pitch, I had competitor players come to complement my performance after the games. I even made friends with league coordinators who at times cheered me after a nice pass or goal. It was just great... I felt I was alive again.
The Wrong-doing
At the time of this story, I had lost about 30lbs (I was 295ish). We were playing a long Winter League which is basically 14 games (14 weeks) and we knew almost every team in the league... except for one team. It was the 4th game of the season and we were scheduled to play the new team. A bunch of big guys that looked like they were straight out of an MMA competition. The game starts, as usual, I am not marked... I literally had enough space to park truck with no defender giving me a thought. I received the ball, ran for the goal, then buried it in the bottom corner. Easiest goal ever. Five minutes later, I did it again. Now I had their attention, and I was being marked by a guy who from now on we will call Jackass.
Jackass tried every trick to take the ball from me, and failed. The more he tried the more frustrated he became. Then at one point, I had the ball, dribbled and did a body feint and he dropped on his ass trying to correct his direction. I crossed the ball and we scored the third. It was humiliating but I didn't mean it like that. He stood up and walked right next me and said:
Jackass: You think you're having fun, fat ass?
Me: You're not really going to talk shit on a recreational soccer game, are you?
Jackass: I am not talking shit. I am just asking if you're having fun.
Me: Yeah, I am. And you?
Jackass: I will have my fun in a bit.
I didn't really know what he meant but I didn't give it a thought. A few minutes later, I receive the ball again, Jackass is like a step or two behind me. The next thing I know is my left foot (the one planted in the ground as I received the ball with my right foot) is twisted, I hear a loud popping sound from my ankle and I am on the ground. A moment later, a jolt of excruciating pain in my ankle made me groan like an elephant stomped on my foot. Jackass has taken an illegal sliding tackle on my left foot and it tore my ankle under my body weight. Then, he literally stood up and leaned down on me and said "Now I had my fun". I was out of the game.
Fast Forward 24 hours, my ankle is swollen the size of a large grapefruit. I see a doctor who diagnoses that my Anterior Talofibular Ligament has a 2nd degree tear... This is the strongest ligament in your ankle btw. I can't play any sport and only use my foot lightly for 8 weeks minimum. I made sure I submitted an incident report to the league after the game, then kept all the receipts for medical treatment as a result of the injury. It took a toll on me emotionally as it reminded me of my old knee injury that ended my soccer dreams. I was determined not to slip into depression again though.
Even though I could no longer go to the gym or the pitch, I was still eating healthy and spend the next 8 weeks planning my revenge.
It took me 9 weeks to recover, which was better than the Sports Specialist predicted. I was back in the last game of the season before the two play-off games. We were playing Jackass and his team again. I had spent my whole recovery time doing my very best to get ready to make that game. Took physio's advice and applied them to the letter, did anything and everything to make sure that I am good to play. I made it. Now it was time to exact revenge.
The Revenge
I concocted a plan with my friend Dave to exact revenge on Jackass, one that would leave him with a permanent memento from Yours Truly. Jackass likes to stay behind then make a vicious tackle, push or shove when the player he is marking is about to receive the ball. I was going to use that against him the worst way.
In the game, I made sure Jackass felt like I was scared of him. When I received the ball, I got rid of it too quickly, and if I was dribbling, I either passed it or let it go as if I was avoiding contact. This encouraged him to stay with me and to scare me even more. He literally played the first 15 mins of the game with a smug all over his ugly face.
That was about to change.
About 20 mins into the game, we get a corner kick. Dave goes to play the kick and I stand in the box, Jackass is two steps behind. Dave was about to take the kick then he stopped and nodded "No". This meant Jackass was no longer in position and we couldn't do what we planned to do. This happened a couple of more times. Then it is the fourth corner kick towards the end of the first half. Dave is taking the kick. He looks at me and he nods "Yes". Jackass is two steps behind me and is now marking me again. I put my hand up and shout "HERE, DAVE"... Jackass now commits to me. Dave then goes on to play this sweet perfect cross right above my head level. Jackass goes on to do his standard come-from-behind-and-do-something-nasty routine.
At that very moment, I plant both feet in the ground, expecting the shove from behind, lean backwards and launch my body towards Jackass. He is going for the ball with his head, and I am going with my head for his face. He perfectly planted his face in the back of my head (his head going forward, and my head going backwards). I swear I could hear his nose break on the back of my head. We both fall to the ground and I drop my 290lbs fat ass on top of him, catching him with my elbow, straight into the eyebrow. As I turn around on the ground, he has a cut on his eyebrow, his nose is broken and is literally pointing to the left, and he is bleeding. I shout "FIRST AID KIT HERE PLEASE", then tell everyone I was First Aid certified and start sitting him up and leaning his head backwards to stop the bleeding. In the process, I pinch his nose to check if it's alright :D, and he screams like a little girl. Then I say "Oh, it seems your nose is broken". League Coordinators cart him out, and an ambulance picks him up a few minutes later.
After the game, he sent a message saying he is suing me for intentionally breaking his nose and cutting his eyebrow. The League Coordinators did not support his incident report and said that it was he who went for me from behind and that I couldn't have anticipated that, let alone injure him so badly if it weren't for his own force. They also indicated that I was the first person to provide first aid to him after the fall. He had no leg to stand on, and his claim was dismissed.
Then I sent him a letter from my lawyer letting him know I was suing him for my injuries 9 weeks prior, supporting that with doctor's reports, physio reports, and the league's incident report where the League Coordinators concluded that his tackle was both illegal and deliberate. He had received a warning from the league that he would be permanently banned for such behavior. The league then went on to ban him from participating in the games. He reimbursed me $2300 in medical costs.
I scored 3 goals that game. We won and made it to the playoffs, then we beat them again in the play-offs and won the league. I am still on track with my weight-loss.
TL;DR - A Jackass couldn't take playing a soccer game against a better team, decided to break my ankle in a nasty illegal tackle. I ended up with torn ligaments that took 9 weeks to recover. The next time on the field, he ended up with a cut on his eyebrow and his nose pointing in the wrong direction. Then paid me up for my medical expenses.
(source) story by (/u/shrekstah)
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Thank you @ifindus for tagging me 🌼 and sorry about the 9. question: I couldn’t describe the situation wtih any less words 😅. Still, I had fun with all of this!
1) What’s your favourite place in the world?
Stony shores and raised bogs: just a good broad red-coloured raised bog full of cranberries and hare's-tail cottongrass and if you bother to look a little closer then you’ll notice the tiny pink sundews glistening in the sun. And the smell of both the raised bog and the sea is just the best. So soothing.
2) What’s your favourite book?
“Pokuraamat” (“The Poku Book”) by Edgar Valter probably XD Idk but it was my fave as I was a child and the aesthetic is still deeply engraved into my heart <3 I actually adore “Memoirs of Ivan Orav or the Past as Azure Mountains” by Andrus Kivirähk as well. I love history so a good parody about our tragic past is just my jam. I mean what else there is to do to just laugh about it all and move one. No one cares about the little nations anyways. 
3) What’s a guilty pleasure you have?
I wouldn’t deem it that guilty of a pleasure since I’ll always stay a child in my heart (I promised Pippi!) but anything “childish”, if you may, I still enjoy even though I’m a grown up now. Like playing on a playground or tag with friends. The only tragic thing is that I don’t have anyone to “play” with since everyone is too busy being “grown up” and thinking about their image in front of strangers. Well, at least I know how to still enjoy life. 😛
4) What’s your favourite snacks?
Blueberries, blackcurrants and gooseberries. Sadly it’s the type of snack you won’t get fresh the whole year.
5) Do you have any musicals you like?
To be honest I haven’t seen that many but the most recent ones I adored were Hamilton and Les Misérables. The last one I got to see in real life and damn the actor for Javert and his costume were hot! (Guess his songs helped to create this chilly atmosphere full of authority)
6) Do you have any games you like?
Since it’s me we’re only talking about board games. I love Dixit a lot. There’s like four extensions to it on my shelf. 
7) What are you most looking forward to do after this pandemic is over?
Since my time during the quarantine was dedicated to Zoom seminars and writing my thesis I’m planning on resting when I’m finally finished with the latter. I’d like to go hiking and dedicate more time to drawing and writing fanfiction since I’ve come up with so many new ideas for stories over this time under quarantine.
8) What’s your favourite disney movie?
🐉🗡️ MULAN !!!!!! 100% NO questions asked! It always was and always will be my favourite. Still, an honorary mention will be given to Atlantis as well.
9) What are you most proud of in your life?
In the 7. grade I went to the German Department in my school which basically meant that all the main subjects were in German with German teachers from Germany. So the 7. grade me was quite shooketh with the sudden intense German 24/7 and when my Math teacher asked me a question and I didn’t know the answer to it I went red in my face. The teacher noticed it and with a loud voice told the whole class “Haha, your face is as red as a lobster!!” ...okay, teacher. It happened once more only this time it was “Haha, your face is as red as your deskmate’s sweater!!” Since that day I decided to hide my emotions from that teacher as well as I could and never speak in his class or else he’s gonna comment on something that I can’t really change in front of everyone again. I mastered the art of “I have no emotions” and actually never spoke in his class again. The thing was that this type of handling the teachers I soon started to practice in other German subjects as well because most of the teachers happened to be difficult persons which meant that the perfect way to deal with them without any problems was silently obeying. I mastered that as well. Now, the problem was that for Germans speaking is apparently a very important part of the class. 50% of the grade of one subject consisted of only speaking in class. And I HATED that. Still do! Because it didn’t matter if you perfectly and carefully summed up everything in one sentence. The only way you were valid in the eyes of the German teachers was when you talked a lot, even if it was just straight up bullshit. I’ve never been the type of a guy to just talk about something, I need to get straight to the point and that didn’t go well with the teachers. Basically, everyone thought that I just wasn’t good enough in German so that’s why I never talked.
Now fast forward to the end of the 12. grade where we were taking our Abitur and specifically the speaking part of the German exam which consisted of 20 min non-stop talking about a literary piece we were handed 15 min prior. No doubt no one had any faith in my German skills because I had never talked in the class that much. And boy how everyone in the room was shook when the results were announced and I actually was the second best with my score in the speaking part in the whole class full of literal geniuses. My German Literature teacher seeked my out twice, once even during the after-party of our graduation, to ask “How did you do that?” The second time he asked I decided that I’ve had enough with playing this obedient silent student and told him that I started learning 3 days before the exam day (which was outrageous by the standards of my German teachers) and that I actually never read more that one chapter from one of the four books that were chosen for our Abitur because I hated it so much. And you know how he answered? He said a tiny “oh” and walked silently away. No comments. No nothing. I felt so empowered. So alive suddenly. It was the last day I had to see those teachers in my life  and I actually threw away my shackles and for once said what I actually thought into their face. I’ll probably always deem this moment as the proudest moments I’ve ever had.
10) What makes you happy?
🎶 Singing. I have been in a choir since I was 3, for two years I was in a school band and every now and then I would perform during public ceremonies in school or for the important guests there. I’ve never officially learned singing anywhere but experience is a good teacher as well :) Singing is one of the few things that always helps me forget my problems and makes everything feel so much better.
Hiking in nature makes me content as well. I dare to say that I am quite a nature loving person. Just hand me my camera and the normally 30 min long stroll through the woods will turn into a 3 hour long session of capturing the tiniest details the forest has to offer.
Travelling is a passion of mine as well but I’m not rich so yeah there’s that… 
I’m tagging @justajojokejobro, @kakashis-kunoichi, @sand-rose, @succulentbutt, @who-let-the-deans-out-doctor-who, @louiserandom, @hokutodecuisine, @raven1aris and anyone else who wants to participate!
My questions for you can be found under the cut:
1) What is your favourite kind of cake?
2) What language would you want to magically learn overnight and why?
3) What do you think about Eurovision? (Do you have any favourite performances?)
4) What is the best food your mother/grandmother makes/has made?
5) Do you have any people in your family tree whose history is interesting or about who you know a funny story you would like to share?
6) Do you collect anything?
7) What are you good at?
8) What is something you are trying to achieve or master at the moment?
9) Is there something weird/uncommon that you like/do?
10) What makes you happy?
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meekamove · 5 years
Boracay 2019 (a long overdue post)
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My boyfriend and I have always loved travelling. We’ve been to different places already, but this is the first time that we’ve travelled to a place unfamiliar to us. After the news of the scheduled re-opening of Boracay surfaced, I told him that we must go check the place out. Luckily, he said yes because he really wanted to go there ever since. We just have to wait for the perfect time to plan out everything.
We love travelling, but we also hate spending (too much). So, what we did, we waited for the perfect time to book our plane tickets and our room accommodations (via agoda) – in short, we waited for promos 😅
Plane Tickets
October came and airlines still don’t have seat sale promos. Luckily, Air Asia (my go-to airline when broke HAHA) offers cheap plane tickets. For only ₱3,150/head, we were able to book a roundtrip ticket to and from Kalibo. If booked with other airlines, the minimum one-way airfare ticket to Kalibo is around ₱2,500.
You might be wondering why we booked via Kalibo instead of Caticlan which is closer to Boracay Island. Well, my dear friends, the answer is simple – plane tickets to Caticlan are more expensive than Kalibo’s. Although, I don’t recall how much the difference exactly is, but if you travel via Kalibo and ride a one-hour van trip to Caticlan, it will only cost you ₱175/head.
Room Accommodation
Since I had work in the morning, we had to schedule our flights at night. We arrived in Kalibo at around 11pm and stayed overnight at RB Lodge Kalibo. It is an inn located at the heart of Kalibo and the van terminal to Caticlan is just across it.
In Boracay, we booked our room accommodation at White Beach de Boracay. It is a beach-front building beside Astoria Hotel in Station 1. The rooms have wifi access, air-conditioner, refrigerator and a bathroom with hot and cold shower. For only ₱4,803 we were able to book a two-night, three-day room accommodation thru Agoda.
Kuripot tip: There are a lot of activities in Boracay, so if you have plans of visiting the island, book at budget-friendly hotels ;) ALSO, I just learned this from a friend (sayang!), but if you want to have less expensive room rates, download Airbnb so you can have  ₱2,200 OFF from your first booking (minimum of  ₱3,500 worth of booking). You can register here.
How To Get There?
If you’ll be coming from Kalibo Airport, there are vans there bound to Caticlan Jetty Port. The fare is only ₱175. But if coming from Caticlan Airport, you can rent trikes to the jetty port, though I am not sure how much it costs.
Upon arriving at Caticlan Jetty Port, you’ll have to present a hotel booking confirmation and an ID at the entrance of the port.
After showing your proof, you’ll have to pay some fees: env’t fee - ₱75/head; terminal fee - ₱100/head; and boat fare - ₱25/head. The trip to Boracay Island from the port is around 15 mins.
From Boracay Island port, you can ride a van, trike or habal-habal going to your station. Since we are not familiar with the place, we rented a trike.
Initially, our plan was to walk to our hotel because we saw people walking with their trolleys and stuff. But because we were very lazy to walk and carry our own stuff, we decided to rent a trike and pay ₱120. It was only when we arrived at our hotel when realized how far the port is from Station 1. Good thing we (are lazy-walkers and) decided to ride a trike 😂
The first thing we did after checking in was to look for restos. There are many restos in Boracay but it’s impossible to find a cheap/sulit one. Almost every resto was crowded because it was lunch time, so we had a difficult time finding a place to eat. Good thing we checked this small resto beside Astoria which sells fresh seafood – by fresh, I mean, you get to choose diff types of seafood that are still alive (and swimming 😂) Although I wasn’t able to take a picture of their mini aquarium, I have pictures of their menu 😅 They also offer meat dishes.
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After eating, we decided to make our first day as our “rest day” since the next two days will be filled with activities. We roamed around the island and checked the ‘changes’ after its rehab. I must say, comparing it from the previous pictures I’ve seen online, Boracay really has become much cleaner. Local staffs/security are found everywhere, and they watch and fine anyone who litters. Trash bins are also present all over the island, so there’s no excuse not to throw your garbage at the right place.
Since we want to ‘fully experience’ Boracay, I wanted to try having my hair braided. But I guess, I made the wrongest decision of my life. Hahaha
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I was charged ₱650 for this braid. HAHAHA. This is prolly my most unforgettable experience in Boracay. As per the ate who did the braids, the regular price for a braid is ₱250. But since she added yarns, there’s an additional ₱100 per yarn; I had FOUR YARNS. HAHAHA. IMAGINE WHAT MY FACE LOOKED LIKE WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO PAY! I told her to remove the yarns, but she said I would have to pay another ₱250 because she would have to re-do my braid. I was pissed, but I just had to let it go and not have my vacation ruined bec of that 🙂
While I was complaining how expensive my braid was, my boyfriend had his henna tattoo. And no, I did not ask him to have my name henna tattoed on his neck. It was his (sweet gesture) own decision. He was charged ₱250 for a four-letter tattoo.
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Of course, we ended our day by watching the beautiful sunset near the shore. We were so caught in the moment that we forgot to take pictures of the sunset. Also, we had samgyupsal for dinner! 😆
For our second day, we booked an all-day tour at Ariel’s Point. It is an island 20-30 minutes away from Boracay. The package costs ₱2,800.00/pax and covers the following:
UNLIMITED BEER and ALCOHOLIC DRINKS (yes, you read that right)
Non-stop Snacks
Buffet Lunch
5-meter, 10-meter, and 15-meter high cliff jump activity
Water activities such as: Snorkeling, Stand-up Paddle Board and Kayak
Very nice, friendly and accommodating staff. LIKE REALLY, REALLY NICE.
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While on our way back to Boracay Island, one of tour guides initiated a drinking game. He started spinning a bottle and whoever the bottle points, s/he has to drink the alcohol straight from the bottle.
Sadly, Ariel’s Point is closed today until after two months. I don’t know exactly why, but my dad who’s been there a week ago, relayed this info to me.
Day 3
For our third and final day, we decided to book island activities. But since our hotel accommodation is only until 12nn, we only booked 2 activities: Parasailing and Helmet Diving.
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The original price of Parasailing is ₱2,500/pax for 15 minutes. Good thing, we met Kuya Loyd, a kuya who works at our hotel and offered us a much cheaper price. He gave us a ₱300 discount, because he has connections (that we don’t have HAHA).
For a while, it was fun. But because of the strong winds, our canopy was leading us to different directions, which made me a bit nauseous.
Helmet Diving
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Because I was a bit nauseous, I kinda didn’t enjoy this activity. The pressure on the helmet was too much for me that I found it kind of heavy. BUT, I loved the view and I saw Nemo (yes, I know it’s called clownfish but I prefer to call it Nemo).
Before going down, you’ll have to sign an agreement form in which you’ll have to assess your health state. Because I was desperate to check what the bottom looks like, I just checked ‘yes’ to everything. BUT PLEASE, DON’T DO WHAT I DID. I AM NOT A GOOD EXAMPLE!
The activity costs ₱1,500/pax but because we had Kuya Loyd, we got it for ₱1,200 only! He is such a helpful friend. (in Lily’s [How I Met Your Mother] voice)
Important Reminder
Well the best thing I could remind you is to bring extra money wherever you go. Since Boracay re-opened, everything became pricey. The price of anything that is being sold there is a quarter higher than it was before. Some locals say that they are trying to recover from the income lost during its rehab. Well, I couldn’t blame them. But what’s irritating is some local businesses are taking the ‘recover thing’ on a higher level that the prices are unreasonable. Exhibit A: the yarns of my braid.
Despite the pricey vacation, I must say I had fun and I’m definitely going back to try the other activities! Au revoir, Boracay! 
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fdhfjdafdajfa · 6 years
PLEASE SIGNAL BOOST: I need to raise money for myself and a friend, both currently homeless.
-I am in India without access to my money due to a pickpocketing and bank-related technicalities.
-I am without housing due to repeated, egregious, explicit discrimination. This has depleted most of my funds and I relocated to Calcutta due to air quality, low cost of living, and beef.
-At the same time, a close friend and her partner (located in Delhi and Paris, respectively) have brought to my attention a friend of theirs who is literally being physically restrained in an abusive marriage. We are talking black eyes and bruises. It's a horrific situation but I need her also because she speaks Bengali. So the house hunting process is stalled until she escapes.
-I am staying at an airbnb very close to her place. Even after we manage to get her physically removed there'a more stuff we have to do like filing a police report etc. The airbnb is expensive by Calcutta standards, but it's cheaper than rent anywhere I've lived in the USA.
-I need money for two reasons: to pay the deposit on our flat, and to keep me alive until I can sort things out with the bank, which may not be possible until after I move into a permanent place.
-Idiot foreigner and victim of ongoing battering need rescue funds so we don't die.
Paypal here.
Further details under cut.
-I was pickpocketed in the market about two months ago. That's life. It happens. Welcome to India. Some idiot got like 200 rupees so that's great for them but I had to cancel all my bank cards. Not really much I could do. I just got home and realised my wallet wasn't there anymore.
-Delhi does not have a functional mailing system at all. This means that the banks were more or less at a loss for how to get the cards at me. This is part of why I relocated to Calcutta. That's Bank Account A. The easy one, but also the far smaller one.
-But as for the larger and more consequential Bank Account B, which contains easily enough money for me to live off of in Calcutta for quite some time, they do not have any kind of policy for what to do in the event that someone ever manages to escape the land of the free and the home of the brave. This is the one tied to my social security payments, and is where all my money lives.
-So when I called Social Security they did that thing they do where they try to play gotcha with inconsistencies in your story. In my case I had already tried to get a replacement card weeks earlier, for reasons unrelated. "If it didn't get there weeks ago, wouldn't you have called weeks ago?" "What the fuck? No, I didn't solve any of the problems so why would I have called again and wasted my fucking time on this fucking phone line for no reason, again?" This was after a good 15 mins or so of this kind of grilling, which I find especially grating now after almost a year of living in countries where nobody can lie for shit and so there'a no point in every single fucking person pretending they're a TV detective whose purpose in life is to stop Moriarty from abusing welfare benefits. "If you're going to raise your voice at me, what I'm going to do is I'm going to place a security hold on your account and you'll need to verify your identity." Let me reiterate that she stated explicitly that this was in retaliation for raising my voice and not due to any real suspicion about my identity. In later calls to Social Security it would be revealed that she could
have easily seen on her computer that the card never got to me. That is information very easily verifiable by the World's Greatest Goddamn Detective over there.
-So the next person I called sent me on a wild goose chase to the American Embassy to pick up a form called a Memorandum of Understanding. Judging that the very limited funds I'd had stockpiled in my dresser was not best spent on an auto ride, I walked nearly an hour from the metro station to the embassy. There was a dust storm in this period and I read later that over a hundred people fucking died in it, but I just kept walking towards it because that's where the embassy was. Also I'd never seen a dust storm in my life and had no idea what it was or why the sky was pink.
-When I got there they told me straight up that 1. they don't do mail pickup, which is why the card hadn't gotten to me, and 2. they don't do memorandums of understanding. They offered to send me a different form for 50 USD. "Can't you borrow it?" they asked. "That's not a reasonable thing to say to someone who lives in India," I said straight up. "That's not a real amount of money that people in India have." That's American for "fuck off". So they wrote me a different letter in an attempt to verify my identity. I send this in with my only other forms of identification: my passport and an expired driver's license from Washington state. Waited 3 business days as instructed.
-They told me they can't use these because of issues relating to my legal name change a couple years ago. Social Security had not been updated as regards the change. "I have my birth certificate and my court certification for the name change, and I can fax those in."
-"What you'll have to do is go to you social security office in person--" "Look, I'm gonna cut you off there. You can see my current address right? Read that off to me. What city is that in." "New Delhi." "That's right, New Delhi. What country is that in? Great. So can, can you tell me where my local Social Security office is here in India?" She could not tell me where my local social security office was in India. There aren't any. That's why she couldn't tell me that. But again, no protocol for this situation and if an American bureaucrat breaks their protocol I'm 90% sure Obama's legally allowed to kill them.
-What I'll need to do is a complicated process involving appointing Americans to act as proxies to go in and file paperwork on my behalf. There are other ideas, but none of them are more sure or less complicated, and they all require me to have a permanent address.
-Those close to me know that I have had a hell of a time finding housing in India. It's not all that bad for an Indian to find housing and when my Indian friends have tried they've consistently been able to find me something in a few hours. But that something is living alone. Which 1. is depressing and 2. is tactically disadvantageous when you don't speak the language of a country because how you will tell the food panda guy where to go...
-So I moved in with an Indian girl who seemed nice enough, and her sister who seemed if anything even nicer. This was about a week before I was pickpocketed as described above.
-In India there's this big thing about vegetarianism where it's a highly important in determining one's role in caste hierarchy. Unfortunately for me I do not give a shit and think the caste system is dumb and scrambled myself some eggs. The disgust my caste Hindu roommates displayed towards me from that point on was palpable. Within another week they were asking me to leave. They got the landlord on their side fairly easily because that's how the caste system works and I was given less than a week to vacate. (To my knowledge there is no law like in USA saying they can't do that.) (Also if you're going to try to argue with me about how caste works shut up, I don't care, not the time.)
-The next day I would eat a straight-up poisoned "cheeseburger" and be sick for the following two weeks.
-Regardless of this I managed to miraculously line up a living arrangement with a Muslim roommate who expressed her approval of my award-winning omelettes and stated a willingness to go with me on beef crawls. (It's technically illegal in Delhi but if you know where to get it you can.)
-But it took about two weeks for the landlord to run my papers. I'm not sure why. Previous landlords had it done in 20 minutes. Most of my information about the landlord comes from this roommate, who is not a reliable narrator for reasons which will be explored shortly.
-During this period of 2 weeks, I, with alarming competence, managed to collect money from various friends and places to pay the deposit. I left my boxes of things at the old apartment and couch surfed around Delhi for like a week and a half while this was pending.
-To be honest I don't know what the fuck this roommate's problem was. She was just not a good person. She'd previously agreed to help me cash the contents of my paypal account through having it transferred to her bank, but now she was saying that if she stepped outside even for a second in this heat due to fasting.
-"Then you should not be fasting," I said, matter-of-factly. Look. Islamic law is my literal, actual field of study. You can't really pull one over on me as regards it. This is the ruling accepted by everyone who's not a goddamn lunatic. She didn't buy it though. Because she was lying. The next day she went to her cousin's house and somehow managed not to perish in the heat. Also, she'd previously explained to me how you can call the bankers to your house in India and do work that way. Then she tells me I am paying rent for the entire month despite moving in on like the 20th. "That's how it works everywhere in India," she told me. Wrong again, because this was literally the fifth house I'd moved into and none of them were like that.
-I now believe that this was something she made up on the spot because everything she would say for the remainder of our relationship would be.
-At this point my sense of stranger danger is going fucking haywire and I know I don't want to live with this person. I announce that I will leave in a matter of days. This was a GOOD decision.
-Citing "feeling unsafe" because I had raised my voice in an earlier argument, she invited her brother's sister-in-law(?) basically to troll me on etiquette because "people do not yell in India" which I actually laughed at because, not to claim expertise in a foreign culture, but ya-huh. "Not us," she clarified, "we are women from good families." Ah. A gender and caste thing. "What do you mean good families? My dad's in jail," I said, a statement about 20% likely to be true; I don't fucking know. I'd already agreed to vacate anyway. Anyway then she looked at me like I stabbed a cat in front of her.
-For the record, I didn't stab anything. But that night my roommate (Abaa) would invite her ex-boyfriend to stay the night. The next day he'd investigate a few of the claims Abaa had made.
-"Don't you agree this is a little threatening? Throwing boxes at her..." "What?" I asked. "Throwing boxes?" "She said you threw that box at her," he said, pointing to a container made of thin tin or aluminum which had been full of popcorn when I bought it. The tin drum was sitting on my desk, undented, full of medications and things. "I didn't do that," I said, truthfully. "She also said you grabbed a kitchen knife and tried to stab her." "What? And you believe this?" "She is my friend. I have to believe her." God bless this guy but he was not regarding me as one would regard someone who had just tried to STAB a friend of his. Also the kitchen knives sucked and would not have been practical stabbing implements; if I were going to attack someone surely the better choice would be the brass punchers I carry on my person at all times.
-She also called the police on me twice. I don't know what she was claiming, it was never explained to me. But both times they basically told her to chill, this isn't an ethno-state.
-Even on the way to the train station to Calcutta she's calling my cab driver trying to get him to turn around so she can yell at me over misplacing the key to the apartment. She texts me this:
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In her defence, I had accidentally taken the key, but still, not done, man. She blocked me after saying that so I couldn't arrange a way to get the key back. I guess she wasn't from such a great family after all.
-Rent in Calcutta is about a quarter as expensive as in Delhi. Also, Delhi is kind of an overcrowded polluted place where people go to be slaves to capital and die of smoke inhalation and indigestion. The "cheeseburger" gave me my worst case but I pretty much never didn't have indigestion there. Also it's like 45 degrees every day with an Air Quality Index of like 350. So I felt pretty good about going to Calcutta where beef is legal and there's an active art scene and I have almost as many friends as in Delhi and AQI rarely tops 50 and everybody's a communist.
-On the train ride over, a very close friend and her boyfriend (who live in Delhi and Paris, respectively) alert me to a friend of theirs who is in a physically abusive marriage. She needs help escaping. After that, the two of us should get a flat together. They think it'll be good for her to live with me because I'm an abuse survivor who is strong and independent and has experience in DV counseling. Truthfully, they're right. And I didn't stop needing an Indian roommate or anything. So I enthusiastically agree.
-The place that had agreed to host me for my first stretch in Calcutta until I get a permanent place has two complications. One, to get to where my new roommate lives, I need to pay 500 rupees for a 1 hour uber ride, or I can ride the train for 3 hours. Secondly, and perhaps more pressingly, the family I was staying with were forced to vacate because the father's debtors had threatened to kidnap his daughter.
-So I get an airbnb about a block from where my new roommate lives so that she can head over easily when she gets the chance. That is where I am now. It's a little over ₹600 a night. I'm pretty much stuck here until she manages to escape and we manage to get a place, although I have other people working on it as well. Frankly this suits me fine. I'm tired. I've had basically no downtime in like two months. The food here'a fucking fantastic. If I can spend a few days just stuffing my face with ₹40 beef biryani and momos and gain back the weight I lost by having indigestion for six straight months then fuck me up.
Compounding issues is the fact that my computer broke. Fortunately it's under warranty but I had to type this on an mp3 player and it took two hours good night.
I need some. If I raise €50, I'll be fine. If I raise €100, I'll be comfortable. Assuming the Apple store doesn't blindside me tomorrow. I'm really hoping for €60 or more.
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min-serah · 6 years
Someone to Inherit
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Xiumin/ Kim Minseok x Reader
Rating: M (we’re just gonna keep one rating for the rest of the series because this is getting too difficult)
Warnings: Mentions of death, aNgSt
I’m alive with another chapter.
as always feel free to send me feedback or comments (they are encouraged and appreciated)
Chapter 5
           The walk to Min-seok’s house, despite it only being about 20 minutes, felt like an eternity. You were nervous that you showing up this late would deter Min-seok’s father from speaking with you but you had to hold on to your hope.
           As you arrived at the front gates of the Kim estate all you could do was stare. Behind the luminous silver gate lay a mansion larger than your elementary school and middle school combined. As you were awestruck in front of the gate Kyung-soo rang the doorbell to let the mansion staff know you were here.
           Just as Kyung-soo finished speaking on the intercom the silver gates began to open and the two of you headed inside. Half way down the path to the door you were greeted by an elderly butler with two maids following him.
           “Welcome to Prime Minister Kim’s estate. Young Master Min-seok has informed me of your arrival. If you both would follow me he will greet you in the sitting room.” The butler explained as he turned back toward the mansion.
           “Thank you!” You said as you and Kyung-soo gave each other a look before catching up with the, surprisingly swift, butler.
           After seeing the grounds of the estate you thought that it couldn’t get any more luxurious. But the inside of the mansion put the exterior to shame. Gold inlays on the railings as well as a contemporary classical mix of furniture and art that decorated the foyer. You couldn’t help but have your mouth hang open as you took all the sights in.
           “This way to the sitting room.” The butler said as he directed you and Kyung-soo to two doors decorated with gold leaf and silver accents.
           Just as impressive as the foyer was, the sitting room did not fail to impress. Accessible furniture with a slightly more modern twist decorated the room with a combination of old and new pottery and art.
           “(f/n)! Kyung-soo!” Min-seok said as he entered from an adjacent room. Immediately he came over and hugged you as Kyung-soo rolled his eyes and plopped himself on the couch. “I’m glad you safe and that you made it here okay.” Min-seok said as he let go of you and motioned for you to sit.
           As you sat down you stared at the ground trying to make the blush on your face disappear.
           “Uhm… Thanks for having us… again.” You said shyly
           “Like I said, both of you are welcome anytime!” Min-seok reassured. “So, what did you want to talk about?” He asked as the maids set down tea in front of all of you.
           “To get straight to the point, Min-seok…” You took a sip of your tea before you continued. “We’ve met before haven’t we?” You finally said, holding your breath as you waited for Min-seok response.
           Min-seok stayed silent and just stared at you, almost awestricken.
           “I mean… well… I only just met Kyung-soo the other day, but we’re neighbors and scholarship students from similar circumstances so becoming good friends with him wasn’t unlikely or difficult… But with you, despite us being so different, we hit it off almost instantaneously.” You took a deep breath before continuing. “What I mean is that I think you have met me before and that we had some sort of relationship that I, unfortunately, can’t remember.” You said as you exhaled strongly.
           Min-seok shifted in his seat as he set his tea down.
           “You’re right. We have met before.” Min-seok finally replied with a sad look on his face.      
           Taking note of the change in his expression you quickly spoke up.
           “I’m sorry! I forgot something important between us didn’t I?” you almost cried as you kept looking at his pained expression.
           Looking down you took another deep breath before speaking up.
           “In truth… what brought me here today was something that I realized during today’s encounter with Jong-in.” You said as both Kyung-soo and Min-seok’s eyes focused on you.
           “He knew everything about me and more. Things about my power that made me question my past… My past with you and your family’s past with my own.” You said focusing on Min-seok. “Jong-in said that for a gift which compromises the universal rule of power, the price must be something that compromises that very gift.” You explained further as Kyung-soo and Min-seok listened intensely. “Min-seok do you remember what my power is?” you asked.
           Min-seok looked down at his, now empty, tea cup before making eye contact with you again.
           “It’s the ability to use abilities that you’ve seen before, right?” Min-seok said.
           “Yes...” You said keeping your eyes fixed on him. “I think you can figure out what I mean don’t you?” You continued as your face began to mimic the sadness you felt.
           “So, your saying that the drawback of your power to use any ability you remember… is to wipe your memory?” Min-seok said as he finally broke eye contact with you.
           “She only has the drawback if she uses the power for extended periods of time though.” Kyung-soo interjected.
           Min-seok was silent for a moment as he continued remain lost in thought.
           “Min-seok.” You said abruptly. “I need you to tell me what relationship we… no, what relationship our families had with each other. I need to speak with your Dad.” You said firmly.
           “I asked my father if he had any time to speak with you after I got off the phone with you two earlier. He said he would join us if he got a moment of reprieve from his work... He also told me what happened in our past that I wasn’t aware of until just now” Min-seok sighed. “For now, I can tell you about that shared past but…” Min-seok trailed off as he looked at Kyung-soo. “I would feel more comfortable just talking to you about this. No offense Kyung-soo.” Min-seok bowed as he apologized.
           Kyung-soo looked to you for how he should respond.
           “Would you mind if we got a second alone?” You asked as you squeezed his arm.
           Kyung-soo nodded and headed toward the door giving you a reassuring smile.
           “Don’t try anything Min-seok.” Kyung-soo said threateningly as he left the room.
           “Sorry about kicking him out (f/n).” Min-seok apologized again.
           “It’s okay. I also feel a bit embarrassed to have to have you explain my own past to me so maybe having Kyung-soo wait outside was for the best.” You joked trying to lighten the mood.
           You and Min-seok shared a small laugh before he resituated himself in his seat. After a deep breath Min-seok looked at you.
           “We’ve known each other since we were children.” Min-seok started. “My father and yours have a history with each other that I don’t really know too many details about. But what I do know is that as a result, we played together a lot as children.” Min-seok smiled. “My father had said that you might not remember some of our shared past... but to think that everything would be erased...”  Despite the low tone of his voice Min-seok kept a smile as he recalled the past. “You were the first girl to ever look at me as just someone to play with rather than a child who you should be friends with because he is the PM’s son… My relationship with you was everything to me.” Min-seok continued as his face grew darker. “I had no idea that your power had that kind of repercussion… but since meeting you again, it all makes sense.” He said as he got up and moved to sit next you.
           He took another deep breath.
           “One day when we were 12 my father had planned a meeting with yours at your home in the non-gifted district of the city. I begged and begged to be  brought with him until finally my father gave in. My father had always warned me not to use my power around you but my idiot self as a child just saw that as another reason why I should use my powers with you. We were playing in the backyard as we…” Min-seok stuttered. “As I began to show you what I had learned to do with my gift. You copied my skill almost perfectly… Your smile was so happy that you just kept on turning the whole backyard into an ice skating rink with pillars of ice that were as tall as the trees around us…” Min-seok’s small smile slowly faded again into a darker grimace. “Everything was fine until it wasn’t… One of the pillars you had made began to crumble and I was about to be crushed by the tower of ice falling above me. I just froze and watched the pillar fall towards me…” Min-seok locked eyes with you. “But you reacted. Just as you screamed everything around us turned white. The whole backyard and house were enveloped in a palace of ice with the falling pillar frozen above me… I thought everything was fine but you fell to the ground and wouldn’t wake up… My father had to break through a walls of ice to find us.” Min-seok laid his face in your lap and held your hands as he knelt down before you.  “All I could do was hold and cling to your body while my father searched for us in that maze, leaving your parents behind to dig out the entrance of the house to got and get more help... Your parents barely got a foot outside their door out of the palace made of ice before...” Min-seok squeezed your hands even harder. “Before they were killed...” Min-seok couldn’t face you after those words escaped his lips. 
           Min-seok took a deep breath before he continued, words barely escaping his lips. “The members of my father’s opposing party had planned to assassinate him that day after he left the estate... They used the commotion of the mountain of ice to make their move but they mistook your mother and father for mine as they tried to get out of the ice structure.” Min-seok’s tears wouldn’t stop.
           Tears began to roll down your eyes as you held Min-seok’s face in your hands. Your tears ceased but all you could do was slump back in your seat before you spoke barely above a whisper.
           “I’m the reason they’re dead... aren’t I?”
Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry if it’s a bit shorter than the past couple!
I personally felt like this was really bad but, again, PLEASE give me your comments or feedback. Even if it’s just to say you like the series I always appreciate what you guys think.
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 4 - "Now the fun part begins" ~Colin
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All I gotta say....finesse
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Look at us go✨ I say us because if I say me that sounds conceited even tho it was literally a hero challenge 😂. [HI THIS WAS BURIED IN MY TABS IT'S FROM ROUND 3 I WAS PROBS GONNA WRITE MORE BUT OH WELL]
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We tribe swapped and I was really stressed at first because now im on the tribe that loses all of the challenges. But its fine bcs im friends with everyone now and im in an alliance with Ginny and Amy. I also love Danny he is literally under the influence rn im exposing him. But hopefully when hws sober he remembers how cool i am and we will work together. And Jennifer is on my tribe and we're friendly with each other. But honestly it would be in my best game interests to have her the one voted out. If it comes to that. Bcs Im literally working with everyone and shes pretty inactive.
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Welp. Here we are. Swapped. It's a lil fucked up but I saw it coming. So I got stuck with Brayden which is like whatever to me, I'm glad him and I talked enough on original phantoms. But the issue is that it's just him and myself. Along with that its the two S.E.E.S. and one Fool. So I immediately swooped in on Jared, I tried to be relatable with him by talking about Danny and Shaad, who I know, and I think gthat brought him comfort. I spilled to Jared that Danny and Shaad know each other to show him that I have info and I'm willing to be open about stuff and talk with him straight up. We got to talking, and we declared that we want to work together WHICH IS GREAT!! Idk how much I can trust him, but if I show him loyalty and openness I think I'd get it back from him which is clutch. I need him to be the third with Brayden and myself, but I'm sure Jay and Elle are thinking the exact same thing. That's why I swooped in so fast, and I'm sure he'll tell them what they want to hear and theres a chance hes doing that to me as well (and I don't blame him, make your own decisions Jared king), but I need to show him that sticking with me is the better option. Idk idk I'm just trying to avoid playing my idol rn. I'll keep working on Jared, and I'll see what Brayden's been up to. ALSOOO APPARENTLY so Brayden tells me that him and Elle played together (which I knew), but he voted them out so idk how their dynamic is. Lots to think about, I guess now I actually do want to win immunity because I don't feel as secure as I did on original phantoms. But I def have Brayden on my side, and I'm really hoping Jared is truly gonna ride with me. Idols/advantages are also a potential problem here because what if Elle or Jay have one. I hope Brayden is just lying to me and he secretly has something too. I almost told him about mine but I decided against it. Much to think about, much to do, much to win.
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I got an idolllll✨ lol so glad i signed up because no one else from my tribe did so it was super easy 😄 Tribe swap!! Sad bc i'll miss Colin 😔 real homie right there um i mean sure others too maybe lol I switched with Jay so no worries there and Anastasia I'm sorry to say we've never really clicked like we've worked together before (and she's backstabbed me before) but we've never really been like *this* y'know??? And Babs and Jennifer I barely talked to Babs likes musical theater and vine references tho so she's cool B) Anywayssss Dennis knows the pain of being a Starbucks barista and I was with Jared in the shape memory and felt bad for them oof so yeah OH! and Brayden helped vote me out in Kyoshi after saying he wouldn't vote for me... Dont Love That but also it was kinda a hopeless situation in Kyoshi kinda tragicccc for me funnily enough I was tribe swap screwed over but that's not like this time (if it is I will SCREAM but also I'm chill with whatever place I get in this game so eh) yeah i kinda made myself stop drinking caffeine/copious amounts of sugar for a year and then started back at Starbucks and immediately broke soooo I have no idea how coherent this is I think we'll do well in the challenge!! It's scavenger hunt but also I am working this weekend :( hate that for me ik me too boo so we'll see how much I can do I remember being upset at myself in prev. seasons because I went too hard in challenges and I feel like in this one I just don't have the time to 😂 the way to get priorities is to get a life apparently lol kidding but also am I??? Idk kinda forgot what I was talking about. Yay in the Phantom tribe now and we will crush this challenge✨
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This tribe is getting on my nerves. 2 of them are super nice and I'd love to work with them but I don't know how the pre-alliances worked before this tribe. I really enjoy Amy and Anastasia but trying to talk to Ginnifer is like pulling teeth and Jennifer still hasn't said....anything.
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https://youtu.be/maj4CRLrsjQ sorry this is really long i didnt mean to
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My tribe is going to council.
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At first, I thought I was SCREWED because I got neither Amy, Dennis, or Brayden from my OG tribe for the swap. I barely spoke to Josh, but at least he tries in challenges and we have that going for us. I absolutely adore Colin, he's experienced and he doesn't hide it, but here's a good support system and I see why he goes far in these games. By virtue of me being active, I can hopefully stay alive from this swap. As for the challenge, it's incredibly difficult to do since only the 3 of us are actively doing it, and with 3 slots, it means everyone has to do everything, which is virtually impossible. Shaad complained about his old tribe but a lot of his tribemates' confessionals about him were about him being inactive, and I'm definitely seeing it. Babs hasn't even accepted my message request yet. I absolutely trust Colin and I'm debatable with Josh, but I sure hope that he's not working with Shaad and Babs. But I'm 99% sure that's not the case because even Colin hasn't talked to Babs much and they haven't even been accepting message requests. I absolutely think we're headed to tribal, but honestly, that might be fine because it'll save my other allies in the other tribes. I just hate going to tribal council because it's never fun and it makes me nervous. Every time. But hopefully my social relationships I've made will get me through this swap even if I have to (at last, I guess) go to tribal council. 
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The swap is fun so far doing a fun and hilarious scavenger hunt but yuck my face is sticky blech 
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Okay I think I figured out a lot. I think all the idols are on my tribe. The way Jared and Jay talk to me shows me that theyre smart players and I realllllly think they both have idols. And the three of us are just dancing around that subject. So if we go to tribal, I have to move very cautiously and thats why im trying to get another advantage. I think Jay is going for it too, homeboy messages me in 10 minute intervals. I think I can only afford going to tribal once with this tribe, I'm just hoping we win out especially if all the idols are chilling here I don't want to play it yet. Ima just keep hunting i dont have a lot of thoughts rn.
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I'm not sure where I'm at. I feel decent about elle, she has familiarity with me, it should be convenient for her and I to stay together. I do like Jared too...the hope is that he links up with us and we can take out Brayden. Nothing personal against Brayden, but I like Dennis more, and I feel like I can work with Dennis in a merge scenario. If we can get Brayden out whenever we go to tribal, I'll also be put in a scenario at that point where I can either go with Jared and Elle, or maybe Jared and Dennis. Dennis seems very low key and more social than strategic, so he's a good person to play with for a decent amount of time. 
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Uh idr my last confessional or when it was :( we just did the scavenger hunt challenge and are waiting for results and i really hope we don't have to go to tribal bc what a crappy birthday present that'd be!! Bc my birthday is tomorrow :)))))) I hope people remember bc I'm not going to say anything 😶 just to see who remembereddddd probs no one and ill break midday or maybe I'll leave it alone who knows! I'm going on a picnic tomorrow tho and then probs celebrating with fam so it'd be a bad day for a tribal :( OMG what if I got voted out on My Birthday that'd be so r00d but like kinda iconic too very memorable 21st brithday the one where I was voted out Metaverse... anyways uh hope we win this challenge lol 😅
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Okay so it's cute and all that we won but Miss Jennifer needs to go ASAP. I low-key wanted to go to tribal just so I could let her GO, but it's whatever. I get a day to chill finally. I don't have to think as hard anymore. I feel good.
I think the thing I am very interested in seeing is what's about to happen with Shaad in that tribe.
But also, I really love Amy. I think she's really gonna be good for me.
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okay i've been slacking on confessionals so im gonna pretend this is like 2 days ago and make one solely about the swap AHHH TRIBE SWAP i'm kinda excited that none of my alliance members are on my new tribe. that seems opposite but its gonna give me a better chance to branch out and make new connections, then when merge hits rekindle the old alliance that existed pre swap. hopefully that all pans out!! immediately I started vibing with Jodi. she's an absolute QUEEN and we match each other's energies perfectly. we've been shading others in the tribe, joking around, connecting personally, it's been great!! honestly i knew within like the first 20 mins I wanted to duo with her and be a f2. the rest of the tribe however? sheeeeesh babs and shaad are very inactive. apparently shaad blew up on his last tribe bc they almost voted him out... for being inactive? like sir if the shoe fits. pls fix it. babs is going THRU it and I feel for them. but... just say somethin josh is kind of a king. jodi likes him. he's putting in a lot of effort and I appreciate that. not sure if it makes him a threat but it definitely makes him an asset SO I approached both of them with an alliance!! and it worked!! i now have ANOTHER alliance woo!! with josh and jodi!! woo!! here's part of my host chat rambling bc I confess way more there than I do here i think Jodi and Josh might be like a duo tho the way Jodi talks about is kinda sus imma need to weasel my way in maybe I'll suggest a trio alliance as the most 'active' people on the tribe as a means to get close to them, then I'll use that to secure a f2 with jodi jodi radiates the same type of chaotic energy I do in games but she gets more bored than I do which is not good but more fun
we LOST but im not SURPRISED i feel like we shouldve won SOLELY bc I got SANDRA DIAZ-TWINE to send me a selfie. that's fucking iconic. one of my proudest org career moments. anyway now the fun part begins. gotta decide who goes. it's either shaad or babs. I think the easiest and most common sense thing to do is vote babs because they've been more inactive. but also its the first live tribal and I think shaad will give drama if we vote him off. and that makes GOOD FUCKING TV. so idk. options options. we'll see!
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holy shit phantoms won immunity. phantoms stays the winning tribe 4 times in a row holy shit. i actually wanted to win this time and put a lot of effort into this because no ma'am i need safety rn and work on these relationships. just need time. speaking of time, im about to hit hour 12 of the endurance hunt and im starting to feel like a madman. but babyyyyy i want another advantage and hopefully another fucking idol holy shit can you imagine???? i still haven't told anyone and my lips are gonna remain sealed. however i still think that yall are messy and set up my tribe where u knew brayden and i werent super close and from what ive gathered jay and elle weren't close either. so u put the two pairs that arent close with the one fool. okay so what else could we possibly have in common on this tribe to add more mess? IDOLS!!!!! like the three people that got the idols got swapped onto the same tribe like that has to be it. so jared would have to have one, even though he told me he didnt but the way he talked to me about idols in general literally makes me feel like he has one. i was like it would be so nice to have a little bit of security and hes like yeah i know what you mean. like bro just tell me u got a fuckin idol already. so then jay or elle have to have one. and i am convinced jay has one. maybe elle is gonna gag me with her idol but im gonna assume its jay. jared has spoken with him, and i have spoken with him. the three of us feel really good with each other (but im pretty sure jared has me above him bc i got to him first). we'll probs make an alliance chat shortly. i recognize that jared and jay are good at the strategic part of the game and are really smart and just good overall competitors and ESPECIALLY if they have idols that makes them even more dangerous. so i have to work with them than against them i have to make sure that they know i have them above everyone else. i think three strong players naturally gravitated towards eachother and if we really all do have idols its so funny that we're not telling each other. but im slowly but surely working on getting it out of them but if theyre as smart as i think they are they wont tell me. im just gonna continue being "transparent" with them and we'll see where it goes i hope they dont catch on. also jays a fucking liar because we were on a call today and i asked him if he did any hunts. he gave me a pause and then slurred his speech when he said "i haven't done any" like broooooooo ur fuckin lying to me right through your teeth. im convinced hes doing this one because he was up early for some breakfast and his lil skype thing showed online status allllll day like i gotta assume hes doing it. even if he didnt do the first three like hes def doing the last three dont play dumb with me!!!! i am not the one baby. but actually as im writing this hes not online anymore so if he really was doing it maybe he stopped? so if he was up early i would assume he started at 7 or 8 and ending by 9:30 he did 13 or 14 hours? idk im literally going till i cant stay up anymore ive already hit the 12 hours mark now if i went this long i have to go for the w likeee i have to. thats all i got for ya right now dont ever ask me for anything again.
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no joke my brain is melting pls help
i want a survivor wiki page :(
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During challenge: https://youtu.be/IsGPtYtgnQ4 After challenge results: https://youtu.be/CgmLGWBvEhw
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The tribe swap really confused me. I was finally getting the hang of this game but now I'm doubting myself again. I also haven't been active much for the past 2 days and I think my tribe mates have noticed. I need to stay on top of things better if I don't want to (eventually) get voted out.
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That this tribe swap screwed me over. It left me with Babs whos been completely inactive and Shaad whos been completely useless. At least I gained an alliance with Jodi and Colin but this is fucking pitiful.
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can't wait to vote out jared and jay once jury starts
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So I had planned on doing hourly milestone activities like calling a friend at 15 hours, eating ice cream at 16 hours etc and I was filming it to vlog the evening for my confessionals.. but my mom called me around 10:55 for a family emergency and when it was done it was 11:01 and my alarm got overridden by the call. That’s how I dropped and I’m really sad 😔 i low key don’t wanna play the game today but I literally have tribal so I have to stay online, even tho I’d still be more active than babs and shaad ☠️ I wanted this one so bad because the only thing I’m good at is not sleeping. Whoever went longer than 15.5 hours is now at the top of my hitlist, if I find out you also tried this hard for an advantage, I will take u out w my army. Even if it’s a superidol. The only good thing from this L is it ignited a huge motivator for me to play this game hard again (but not too hard) but have a goal and mission to complete. 
update: i think Amy has it. I'll ask her about it at the merge, she won the 24 hour comp in her last org so it's very possible she gunned this advantage out. if she tells me she has it, then i know I'm absolutely her #1, if not, then we'll see what happens ..... 
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Power Rankings:
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Jared: He has done well to place himself firmly in the middle of his tribe. The two sides are definitely going by tribal lines at the moment which makes him the most powerful person on the tribe. Everyone wants to work with him. He will definitely be safe if his tribe has to go to tribal council soon.
Jay: This comes as a surprise, but Jay has bonded well with Jared. So much so that Jared listed Jay as the person he trusts the most currently on his tribe. This gives the S.E.E.S. side a bit more longevity on this tribe which is definitely in Jay’s interest. I can see Jared and Jay forming a tight duo.
Dennis: He is definitely in a better spot than he was on his last tribe. No one on this tribe has explicitly said they distrust or want to target Dennis. He’s playing it safe which is good. He lands himself higher than Elle because Jared seems to trust him more. If the decision was between Dennis and Elle, he would be the one safe. Additionally, he’s also sniffed out that the idols are all on this tribe (which is just a coincidence). However, he believes that Jay has it rather than Elle which is an unfortunate guess from him. However, what is excellent game sense is that he wants to form an alliance with Jay and Jared which could definitely benefit him in the long run when he needs to separate himself from his Phantoms.
Elle: It is sad to see Elle near the bottom, but it doesn’t seem like they have won anyone over with their charm on this tribe. Everyone besides Jay sees Elle as someone expendable if this tribe were to go to two consecutive tribal councils. On the plus side, Elle has an idol. If it comes to that, she may be able to keep herself safe.
Brayden: For some reason, no one except Dennis trusts Brayden. In fact, I would not be surprised if Jared, Jay, and Elle came to the consensus that he should be the one to go out of the two Phantoms. Brayden’s unwillingness to work with Dennis rears its ugly head as, even now, Brayden wants to distance himself from Dennis. He seems to believe that he is good with Jay and Jared when both parties have listed him on the bottom of their trust rankings. If Brayden is not careful, he is going to find himself blindsided and voted out premerge in this game.
Danny: Amy and Anastasia want to keep Danny in spite of their alliance with Ginny. It feels as if both of them want to work closely with him AND want to ditch that alliance. Danny easily has the most control as he has key allies that are willing to go to bat for him if things get messy. I even believe that he would be saved rather than Ginny if this tribe were to go to tribal council consecutively.
Anastasia: Her prior connection with Ginny has instantly landed her in an alliance with Amy despite the fact she doesn’t even know Amy like that. In fact, Anastasia doesn’t even trust Amy that much, but is still willing to work with her and pretend to be allies. Additionally, she has gotten into the good graces of Danny for whom she is trying to work closely with. Anastasia is the most connected with Danny which means she is the safest out of the group. However, Amy sees right through the veneer which means that Anastasia could be labelled as a big threat and be subsequently taken out at the early stages of merge. It was definitely a mistake to inform Amy about their prior connection with Elle.
Amy: What lands Amy here is that Anastasia doesn’t trust her. I was surprised too, but, looking at it, Anastasia would cut Amy over Ginnifer. What puts her above Ginnifer is her activity, however. Hopefully Amy can gain more trust with Danny and Anastasia and be safer in the future. Amy has a good read on Anastasia which keeps her in this position as well. She knows exactly what she needs to do to survive this tribe with the necessary numbers, but can she do it?
Ginnifer: I believe Ginnifer made a misstep by creating an alliance with Anastasia and Amy. At least for Amy, she doesn’t know how to feel considering Ginny never mentioned the alliance and just put them in it. It may have been a bit too presumptuous which leads to hesitation and distrust with the people she wants to ally with. Finally, Danny was also annoyed by Ginny being inactive near the start of the challenge which lowers her overall safety at tribal council
Jennifer: Where is Jennifer San Diego? Her inactivity and unhelpfulness in the challenge makes her the easiest target. There’s not much to say except if she doesn’t pick it up soon and socialize, she will be sitting in the VL.
Jodi: Once again, Jodi has emerged as the tribe leader. Despite being on a plane for the whole day, she has been the most vocal about organizing the challenge. People are very attracted to Jodi’s energy making it easy for her to make allies in any situation she finds herself in. Right now, she has allied with Colin and Josh which easily puts her on the top of this trio alliance. Therefore, she is the safest person on the tribe. She has also been dictating this vote pretty heavily. I fear that Jodi just does not know how to chill though. Her biggest weakness is that she will jump out at anything and try to keep talking when she should just hold back. If she keeps playing the way she is, she will end up as an early jury boot.
Colin: Colin has attached himself to Jodi pretty heavily. I can definitely see this being Colin’s Final 2 rather than any of his allies back on S.E.E.S. The good part about it is that Jodi seems to feel the same way which is great. Additionally, Colin can hide behind Jodi’s massive target at merge.
Josh: Josh does very well in the challenges which keeps him in people’s good graces. His activity definitely helps him survive this tribe as well. He has found himself allied with Jodi out of necessity though. I do not doubt that Colin and Jodi will leave Josh in the dust once merge rolls around and they have their allies back. However, Josh is doing the thing he should be doing at pre-merge: being good at challenges and being active. Anything more would put an unnecessary target on his back at merge.
Babs: Babs is never online and did not even try to help in the challenge. This leaves them low. However, they do still have a Vote Blocker so they can pull some shenanigans if they so choose. Additionally, their inactivity may be used as a shield for now as, at the very least, Jodi is still willing to gtry and get to know Babs.
Shaad: I do not particularly understand why the trio alliance wants to target Shaad. He has a pre-established enemy in Jared and is willing to blow up if he wants to. He could make a great shield in the future, and he would not target these people. However, they believe that Shaad is more useless in the challenges than Babs (despite Babs never being online). And, without any allies on this tribe, there is no one there to vouch for Shaad making his demise seem clear. I hope somehow Shaad can pull himself out, but it does not seem likely.
0 notes