#the why so serious line in Cheshire and now this!???
babygirlcowboy · 1 year
Me watching the new strsy kids promo seeing these bitches in a fucking school bus with clown masks on knowing full well I will never be able to escape the cultural impacts of the Nolan Batman movies
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the-avs · 7 months
As the camera flickers to life, thanks to some fiddling by a man in a blue suit, you were able to see four individuals. The TV-faced man sat back down, sighing and breathing heavily, as though he had just performed serious labor. On the far left, just beside the TV-headed man, was another man with red hair and deer ears, and a sinister smile painting his lips as he sipped on what looked like black coffee. On the other side of the TV man, there was another man smoking a cigar with pink fumes swirling around the room, and wearing a large red coat with striped neck fluff. And finally, on the far right, there was the only girl in the room, a young lady with red, white, and black swirled hair, scrolling on her phone with a bored expression. She appears the most trendy of them all in terms of her clothing.
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"Phew..." the TV man panted, turning to face the deer-eared man beside him. "Fuck, Alastor, why did you insist on this camera?" he demanded between breaths, the deer man simply lowering his mug from his lips and setting it down onto a coaster on the table.
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"Ah, tsk, tsk, darling. You simply don't know the difference between class and 'trendy'. Rest assured, an older camera will do us just fine," the man assured. He then tilted his head, his smile never dropping, although he looked confused. "So I suppose it's on then, yes?"
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"The fuck- Of course it's on! We're rolling! Fuck, let's just go down the line. Vel, you first, because I can't breathe," the TV man insisted, drawing out a groan from the girl. She didn't put her phone down, but she did spare you a look, looking at you with a bored expression.
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"Fine. Name's Velvette, youngest overlord and ruler of social media 'n shit. Yadda yadda, you get the gist, don't be a dick, don't be a fashion disaster, and we'll get along fine," she listed as though it was nothing before quickly returning her gaze back to her phone.
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The man beside the young woman gave a sinister smirk, a sickening look of lust painting his already creepy face. "Heya, sweet cheeks. Name's Valentino, owner of the Pride Ring's porn industry. Need a guy, a girl, something in between? I got you. I also accept 'sir' or 'daddy'~." Creep. Luckily, the attention is quickly taken off of him when the TV-headed man feigns a cough to get your attention.
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"Ignore him, ignore him," he tried to laugh it off and be nonchalant. Valentino was still creepy, though. "I'm Vox, of course, the CEO and main engineer of VoxTek and numerous other products you may have heard of, including Voot Floops, VVs, the sound system Valkyrie, and of course, the Vogitek music app, not to mention VoxTube and the like. Pleased to make your acquaintance~" he said in a charmingly fake, yet professional tone, clearly attempting to maintain the appearance of the group's leader.
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"Vox, darling, this isn't an advertisement," the man beside Vox said with a chuckle, a Cheshire grin spreading on his face. "Greetings, you wayward sinners! I'm certain most of you already know of me, but for formalities and politeness sake, I'll introduce myself. You may know me as the Radio Demon, my name is Alastor, darling! A pleasure to meet you, certainly, quite a pleasure! Now then, you see, we on the AVs have been rather bored as of late, and we'd like to socialize with those around us, so... would you be so kind as to give us a promo, dear~?"
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@human-monokuma @unknown-ultimates @ultimate-rider @pizza-for-my-friends @bartender-husk @bigkaijubaddie @hellhound-loony @hoshi-neko-hikari and anyone else!! Tagging is hard lmao-
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heli-writes · 2 months
Heartbreak and other nuisances, part 2.
Pairing: Pro-hero!Deku x female!reader
Summary: Love is never easy, especially when you're the number one hero of Japan. After getting dumped by his childhood love, Deku just can't seem to get it right, much to his mother's disappointment. When he meets y/n, he is convinced it will just be a one-night stand. Or being fuck buddies. His broken heart stands in his way. And you've got your own demons to fight.
Disclaimer: nsfw, smut, oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex, angst, heartbreak, bisexuality
[Please don't read if you are sensible to or triggered by the topics mentioned above.]
Minors do not interact.
Note: I finally got around to write a second part of this!
Part 1, Part 2
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Izuku massages his temples. It's been just a couple of hours but the day is already too long. Izuku considers himself the kind of hero who prefers working outside, on the street. Patrolling, taking on missions, actively helping and saving people. That's why he became a hero in the first place.
He's shy by nature and therefore working with the press and fans is not really his thing. Over the years, he learned to play along. Smile at fans, give funny answers in interviews and always seem collected and content. Truth is though, most of these times he feels rather uncomfortable. Despite his reputation, it's still hard to believe that people look up to him, and idolize him even. Inside, he's still that weird quirkless nerd Kacchan always made fun of.
Interviews are even worse. He feels like these interviewers are always out to get him. Try to squeeze something juicy out of him, something scandalous, something that could potentially ruin his career.
“Mr. Deku, you're almost up.”
A worker from the TV station rips him out of his thoughts. He puts on a brave smile and gives her a nod.
“Alright, I'm ready whenever!”, he tells the worker.
The worker disappears and Izuku can hear the TV host introduce his appearance.
Time to put on a show, he thinks.
So far the questions have been tame. Mostly, the male host asked him about his work on the street and some upcoming fan events. Stuff he feels comfortable talking about. The female host chirped in here and there asking about his costume and the heroes that he teams up with from time to time. Izuku is very glad she didn't ask about his rivalry with Dynamight.
“So while we're talking about fans. We all know you are very popular with the ladies. Tell us, Deku, can you give our viewers some hope? Would you ever be open to dating a fan?”, the female host flashes him some pearly white teeth. Deku doesn't like where this is going. Predictable, expectable? Yes, both. Uncomfortable? Also yes.
“Well, I don't see why I wouldn't. I used to be a huge fan of All Might and he's basically my dad now.”, Izuku chuckles. He hopes mentioning All Might and his relationship with his mother is enough to divert the interviewer's curiosity. He rarely talks about them publicly. So, basically, he's throwing her a bone.
“I bet that's a huge relief for our viewers. But would any of them even have a chance? Are you open to date at the moment?”, the hostess continues her prodding.
An image of you pined beneath him flashes through his mind. Is he ready to date? He doesn't know.
Izuku gives her an awkward laugh.
“I guess I have to disappoint. The job is filling my days, thoughts and heart. I'm afraid there is not much room for anything else.”, he tells her.
When the woman gives him a Cheshire cat smile, he knows she's about to say something bad. Bad for him, but good for her.
“Yes, I bet serious dating must be hard in your line of work. But what about casual dating? There have been reports of you being seen with different women over the last year.”, she tells him innocently.
Izuku wants to roll his eyes. Really? That's where she is going? As if being photographed with someone means he's dating them.
Another image of you is flashing through his mind. This time you're sitting across from him in that bar. Looking all pretty in that dress, giving him bedroom eyes.
He's sure no one took pictures of you. His PR team would've given him hell if an image like that was leaked. Also, he's not dating you, not even casually. He slept with you one time.
And yet you left your contacts at his place.
“I'm afraid I'm not the type to date causally.”, he tells the interviewer and flashes her one of his signature smiles. Checkmate. Izuku feels triumphant when he sees the hostess's disappointed smile.
It disappears when the camera zooms in on her. “Well, ladies, you've heard it here! If our favorite hero falls for you, he's all in!”, she tells the camera with a booming smile.
Izuku feels more exhausted than he usually does. After he was finally allowed to go backstage again, people swarmed him. His PR team clapped him on the back, praising his witty answers. A backstage worker asked for an autograph for his kid. When he finally can retire to his dressing room, he's spent.
He slumps down in the chair in front of the big mirror with the big, round Hollywood-style lightbulbs around it. The bright light burns in his eyes. He takes a look at the reflection that stares back at him. The light makes him paler than he is. His skin looks almost ghostly and the makeup on his face suddenly does very little to hide the dark circles under his eyes. But, hey, at least his hair still looks perfect.
He can't seem to look away from his own image. For a moment he wonders if it's self-conceit so many heroes seem to carry. He watches his eyebrow furrow. That's not it. It's more like... looking at a stranger and trying to figure them out. What are they thinking? Do they have good intentions or bad ones? Can they be trusted? He scans his face like he does with villains and people in the street when he's patrolling.
He comes up with nothing.
He sighs and pushes a hand into the pocket of his pants. His fingers brush over the rough edges of the paper that's been sitting there for a couple of days now. By now the card must be bent and cracked. He pulls out your business card and looks at it.
Tutela Idumentis LLC Y/N L/N y/n.l/[email protected] +1 711 23456
Of course, he's been nosy about the company on the card, so he googled it. Very quickly he ended up at an online store of a workwear clothing brand. Turns out, there's also a store of the brand here in Musutafu. Considering the lack of a title on your business card, he assumes you must work there as a store worker or something. Seems as if you aren't even a store manager.
He turns the card over and back to the front. He's tempted to send a text to the number on the card. That's why you left it, right? He sighs and shoves the card back into his pocket. Like he's done quite a few times before.
He doesn't need to text you. It's a bad idea. You both made it clear that you don't want a relationship. A hookup is fine, but turning it into a regular thing? That's the way you get caught by the press. Also, he's not sure if he can trust you. You had this aura around you. Kind of sneaky. And there's a devilish spark behind your eyes. He feels like it's best not to mess with you. He had a good night, you left and kept quiet about it. No big deal.
He decides that it's best to go home now. He gathers his things including a duffle bag with his hero costume and makes his way to the door. Usually, his security team would make sure that there is a car waiting for him but today he drove himself to the TV station. It gives him a certain authority over his own day instead of being dragged from one place to another. Lately, he's been feeling that most things lie outside of his control, so he enjoys these little decisions he can make for himself. Even if his head of security isn't always happy about them.
He manages to avoid most people on his way to the parking garage. After he's put his bag into the trunk, he slides into the driver's seat. He takes out his phone to put in the route back home. When he activates the mobile data on his phone, a flood of messages comes in. He's ignoring most of them but something catches his eye.
📷 @dynamight posted a new picture
He clicks on the notification and is led to Katsuki's Instagram page. He swallows hard when he sees the image Kacchan posted. It's a young woman in a white summer dress turning her back towards the camera with her arm outstretched behind her holding Katsuki's hand that can be seen at the bottom of the photo.
Izuku has met Kacchan's girlfriend before, even if it was only in passing. And yet the image of her burned itself into Izuku's mind. He's certain that it's her in the picture. Obviously, they are still together. But more importantly: Now they're officially together. That's more Izuku ever got from Katsuki.
Katsuki kept his relationship under wraps. Of course, there were rumors that he was seeing someone because the press always finds out. But he never commented on it, not even to deny the allegations.
And now he posted her. For the whole world to see. Telling everybody proudly: “That's my girl!”. No “We need to be careful.” or “Can you imagine what happens if this gets out?”. Izuku tries to swallow the lump in his throat. He feels betrayed. It's unfair. Why does this woman get what he wanted? What he waited for for so long? And she gets it this quickly? It makes him want to hate Katsuki. He's not sure what is boiling in his stomach, hurt or anger. Maybe both.
Quickly, he swipes the app away and opens maps.
He thought about it the whole way home. He was brooding over the implications of the picture Katsuki posted. About how it will change Katsuki's life and his work as a hero. From now on, he probably will bring his girlfriend to every red carpet event. The same events Izuku is invited to. Pushing the image of him and her further down his throat.
The silence of his apartment welcomes him. He doesn't turn on the big lights just yet. Instead, he opens the refrigerator and stays in the cool, dim light of it. He rummages through it to find something edible but nothing seems to raise his appetite.
He opens his phone again. Stares at the picture for a while. Then, he pulls out your business card. He puts the card and the phone next to each other on the counter. Stares at them until they blur together in his vision. His heart is pounding.
Finally, he picks up his phone again and types in your number.
To say you're surprised to hear from the Nr. 1 hero of Japan again is an understatement. After a couple of days have passed without him texting you, you actually forgot about him. You don't dwell on hookups very long, even when they're rich and famous. You've met quite a few rich and famous people in your lifetime and you have to say that most of them are absolute pricks. Especially the male ones.
So, you were quite surprised when Izuku texted you inviting you for dinner. You find that invitation rather odd. Didn't he just recently say in an interview that he doesn't date? Casually or otherwise? And if he wants to hook up again, he doesn't really need to take you out first. After all, you know where he lives and you most certainly are down to go again.
He may be a rich famous prick, but at least he knows what he's doing in bed. Well, to be fair, he didn't strike you as a prick. Maybe a bit desperate for praise, but all in all he was quite respectful. At least he didn't use your contact info to force a signed NDA out of you.
You wipe at the side of your eye. Your eyeliner didn't turn out the way you want it to look like. You contemplate wiping it off completely but you decide it's probably not worth it anyway. It's likely your makeup won't stay in place this evening anyway. At least, that's your intention.
It'd be kind of funny if Izuku had serious intentions with this date. Well, not really, but it's always funny to you when men are easily wrapped around your finger. It's funny to see men's logical thinking going out of the window when a female body is involved.
You slip into the fancy dress you picked for tonight. Izuku told you that the restaurant he's taking you requires formal wear. You find it comical that he invites you out to such a fancy dinner. You wonder if letting him come inside is enough for him to fall in love. It makes you think he's a little bit pathetic. You're not interested in a relationship. You've got work to do and high ambitions. Romantic relations tend to stand in one's way. Moreover, you never were the relationship kind of person.
Your phone rings and you see that Izuku texted you that he's waiting for you downstairs. You grab your purse and make your way to the door.
Izuku expected you to live in a small apartment in the city. Probably in an area with cheap corner stores and buildings that have long passed their prime days. Somewhere cheap, but not run down. Somewhere where people with normal jobs or many children live.
However, you live in the suburbs. In a nice neighborhood with families that have two cars in their driveways and a simple, but modern architecture. Apparently, you have a whole house to yourself. He wonders if it's your childhood home.
He parks the car in front of your front door and shoots you a text. Waiting for you, he feels kind of nervous. He wonders if this is really a good idea. He's not sure what he hopes to come from this. He's not ready to move on and he's sick and tired of superficial meetings and onenightstands. He concludes he must be trying to numb himself from the fact that he won't find love anytime soon or ever for that matter.
He swallows hard when he sees you stepping outside the door. You're wearing a long, red dress with a slit that goes up to your hip leaving the plumpness of your upper leg exposed. He did tell you that the place he's taking you requires formal wear but this dress looks like you certainly had something different in mind than just grabbing dinner. You're stunning and Izuku suddenly feels intimidated by you. Clearly, you're dressed to kill, or rather to fuck.
You walk up to his car and get in at the passenger side.
“Hey.”, you greet him with a toothy smile and Izuku has to admit that the smile makes you look even more stunning.
“Hey”, he tells you back. He knows he must sound a bit stiff, but to be fair he has no idea where he is going with all this.
An awkward silence befalls the car as he starts the engine and pulls out of your street. You can see how tense Izuku is. Clearly, he's nervous or at least highly uncomfortable. You wonder why he invited you in the first place. Also, you find it strange how the usually confident, sympathetic hero is reduced to... this. Somehow you doubt it's due to him being intimidated by your sex appeal.
When Izuku doesn't start a conversation, you do. You attempt to make some small talk with him.
“So, how was work today?”, you ask him. Izuku takes a moment to answer.
“It's been alright, I guess.”, he replies vaguely. Internally, you want to groan. You opened up the stage for him to boast about his work. That's what men like to do, right? Especially men who work in his field! You manage to avoid rolling your eyes.
“Alright, how are things on the street then? Patrol keeping you busy?”, you continue to ask him. You can hear Izuku breathing in in relaxation.
“It's been alright. Some villains here and there but mostly things are quiet.”, he tells you.
“Really, I mean that must mean you can relax a lot, right?”, you say teasingly. Izuku lets out a laugh and you think it's a nice sound.
“I wish that was the case. But a hero's work does not stop at patrolling.”, he tells you.
“I bet. All that press work. And do you not also lead charity for the quirkless? I've always wondered what that is about. Since when do quirkless people need charity? Just because they're quirkless, doesn't mean they can't have a job and life like normal people.”, you say.
“Of course!”, Izuku replies feverishly, “That's not what the charity is about. It's about integration into society, about perspectives.”
You notice that Izuku's whole body language shifts. His chest is all puffed and he pushes his chin forward. You have to smile smugly. Seems like you've found something to poke him with.
“Integration? Perspectives? Sounds to me as if you consider the quirkless as some second-class citizens.”, you tease him. You try to make your voice sound all serious.
“No, not at all! But it's just a fact that the quirkless are treated differently in our superhero society. They're often excluded, are not given the same chances as others.”, he tells you. There's a passionate look in his eyes and you start to feel soft. It's sweet how passionately he feels about the situation of the quirkless.
“And your charity tries to do something against it?”, you ask in a kinder voice.
“Yes, we do. I know there's only so much we can do, at least until the rest of the people change their minds, but still... I think it's important. It shouldn't matter if a person has a powerful quirk or none at all. We're all people.”, he tells you.
You keep looking at the profile of his face. Izuku's eyes are set on the road ahead, but the look in them is stern and determined. Clearly, this topic is important to him. You wonder if it's alright to reveal something real about yourself.
“My mother is quirkless.”
You study how his facial expression changes. For a second, his eyes widen. His grip on the steering wheel loosens a bit.
“Oh, I didn't know that. I'm sorry if I talked about this as if I know more than you.”, he says a bit more quietly.
You shrug and laugh a bit.
“It's alright. My mother has a good life. She married wisely, I guess.”, you ponder. From the corner of your eye, you can see that Izuku gives you a side-eye.
After that, silence befalls the car again. This time you don't attempt to make conversation. The topic dimmed your mood.
At the restaurant, the staff shows you to your seats. The waiter shows you two to a private booth out of sight by most people in the restaurant. You conclude that Izuku must've chosen this place in order to have some privacy. He probably couldn't take you to many other places. Suddenly, you feel sorry for Izuku not being able to just go on a date without having to think too much about it. Then again, he chose this life and that's just one of the many negative aspects of being a hero. Grimly, you think about how you are glad to live a different life.
“Have you already chosen, ma'am?”
The waiter rips you out of your thoughts. You blink a couple of times and turn your attention to the menu card that you are holding in your hands.
After the waiter takes your orders, Izuku and you are left alone in the tiny booth again. Again, an awkward silence befalls you. Izuku clears his throat.
“So... um you work in the clothing industry?”, he asks you. You give him a court nod.
“Yes, we opened a store here in Musutafu recently.”, you tell him. He nods. Seems as if he was right when he assumed you worked at the local store.
“You like working here?”, he continues to ask. You shrug.
“I guess. My family's originally from Japan, so I guess it's nice being able to see that side of the family more often.”, you ponder.
“Oh, you didn't grow up here?”, he wonders and you shake your head.
“Nah, I grew up in America. Moved there because of my dad's job.”, you say. Izuku nods understandingly.
“I wish I could've spent a semester or so abroad, like All Might. But in the end that wasn't possible.”, he laughs awkwardly.
“Well, you didn't miss much. America isn't as great as everybody makes it out to be. Especially when you work in the hero business. The paparazzi are hell there.”, you say sympathetically.
Izuku rubs the back of his head and laughs again.
“Well, they're not great here either. Can be a real pain to be honest.”, he replies.
You were just about to answer him when the waiter arrived with your food. Once the plates are set in front of you, the conversation dies down as you two eat. This time a comfortable silence surrounds you. After dinner, you two stay for another round of drinks and the conversation flows more easily. You ask him about what he likes to do after hours and his time at U.A. He asks questions about your life in America. He notices how you only vaguely answer them. Eventually you two pay and make your way back home.
Izuku parks in front of your house again. It's already dark outside and only the streetlights illuminate the inside of the car. Izuku's turned to you and you can barely see the freckles on his cheeks.
“I had a good time.”, you say and you mean it. Despite the occasional awkwardness, it was a nice date. And to be fair, Izuku's kind of cute when he's flustered. You teased him on purpose from time to time to bring that flustered expression out of him. You know it's probably a bit mean but you enjoy it too much to stop. Maybe it's your kink to see powerful men in weak positions.
Right now, Izuku wears exactly that expression and you can't help but smirk.
“Y-yeah... it's... it was nice. Maybe we could-”, Izuku can't finish his sentence. With a firm hold on his shirt, you yank him forward and press your lips against his. For the first few seconds, his brain barely reacts to what is happening. Then, he slowly puts his arms around you and kisses you back. You run your hands through his hair and deepen the kiss. A pleasant shiver runs down Izuku's spine. He places a hand on the back of your neck and pulls your face back onto his when you try to break the kiss apart.
You try to press your chest against his but the interior of the car is in your way. Suddenly, a light down the street gets turned on and you two quickly fall apart. It's a dog walker activating a porch light. Izuku pushes your head down. You stay like this until the walker has passed.
“Y'know if you wanted my head in your crotch, you could've just asked.”, you tell him grinningly.
Izuku lets go of your head and straightens his posture. He lets out a breath he didn't notice he was holding.
“I'm sorry... it's just...”, he starts.
“It's okay. You don't want to get caught. Career and everything.”, you say understandingly and Izuku is glad you get it. Then there's a mischievous gleam in your eyes and you grip onto his shirt again.
“But y'know... There is no such thing as bad press.”, you say and pull him back into your mouth again. Izuku groans and then pushes you away.
“We really shouldn't... not here...”, he trails while his eyes are fixated on your lips. You can already see his self-control slipping.
“Come up with me then.”, you invite him.
Izuku hesitates. You reach out your hand and lightly push your hand through the sides of his hair. Then, you cup his cheek. Softly, you trail his lips.
Izuku lets out a shaky breath before sighing. “You're a devil”, he tells you and you laugh.
“So, you're coming up then?”, you grin.
Izuku didn't expect your home to look so... homely. He lowkey expected either very modern furniture that has a lot of flat surfaces with nothing on it or very old furniture that you inherited from your parents (like the house most likely). However, the inside of your house is tasteful. Soft beige and blue pastel tones dominate the rooms. The décor is feminine and simple. Dried flowers in vases, fairy lights, and soft blankets. He wonders what's it with you and blankets. You seem to keep one in every room.
You lead him through the living room to the staircase where you take him upstairs into your bedroom. Your bedroom is in the same style as the rest of the house. Izuku admits it's very cozy. He much rather slip under your bed's covers underneath the fairy lights and fall asleep than do whatever you've got planned.
He's still looking around the room when you start to take off your shoes and dress. He's taken aback when he notices you undressing and tries to avoid looking in your direction. As if he hasn't seen you naked before.
You catch his awkward look and have to chuckle. “Can you help me with this?”, you ask and point to the back of your bra. There's no denying it. You love teasing him. Swiftly and precisely, he opens your bra and you slip it off. You feel sorry for the man, so you pull a T-shirt over your head.
“Metalon? You like old-schooled heroes like that?”, Izuku asks teasingly. Only then do you notice the shirt you pulled over your head. Immediately, you're embarrassed.
“No, not really.”, you quickly say and pull the T-shirt over your head again. Izuku watches you with furrowed brows. While you are rummaging through your wardrobe for another T-shirt, he wonders if his comment made you feel so insecure that you felt the need to change clothes.
“You know, you didn't need to change it. It was just a joke.”, he tells you. You pull a sour grimace. “Yeah, I know.”, you answer him courtly. But nothing is more off-putting than wearing your dad's clothes before having sex with someone, you think.
Quickly, you dive under the covers on your bed and get cozy. You wave for Izuku to join you. Izuku slips out of his pants and shirt and joins you in the bed. Your blankets feel as soft as they look, he decides. You slide closer next to him. Your skin feels warm underneath his and he puts an arm around you. He's sure he could fall asleep then and there if it wasn't for you kissing up his neck.
He groans when you suck on that sweet spot just beneath his ear. He turns his head and meets you in a kiss. The kiss quickly becomes heated and he can feel your tongue begging for entrance. At the same time, your hand trails a pattern on the skin of his chest. A shiver of anticipation runs down his spine as he feels your fingers trail lower with each passing second. His left-hand finds its way to your breasts as well. Gently, he massages one of them through the plain black T-shirt you're wearing. Carefully, you break the kiss apart.
“You can take it off, you know?”, you say while looking at him with hooded eyes. Carefully, Izuku lifts the shirt over your head. He takes a moment to take in the sight in front of him. You're beautiful. Part of him wishes you'd take off the panties as well. Before he can dwell on the sight too long, you shuffle closer to him. You nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck and push your breasts against his chest.
Izuku pulls you closer, softly petting the skin of your back. It's been a while since he felt as comfortable and warm as he does now. It doesn't even bother him that you two are about to turn things sexual. Actually, it excites him. Usually, he's in for a quick fuck. Trying to ignore the person in front of him, just chasing his own release. It makes things easier. Easier to not get attached. He doesn't care about this this time. He longs for that closeness. That closeness he used to have with...
He pushes the thought out of his mind. He's with you right now. And right now you're sucking and biting on his earlobe which gets harder to ignore with each passing second. He lets his hands wander into your hair. Gently, he angles your head in a way that he can kiss you again. While he kisses you this time, you hold onto his arms. He can feel you rocking your hips against his. Seems as if you're already in the mood. Carefully, he breaks the kiss apart.
“You want it? Then you need to work for it.”, he tells you huskily. You groan and roll your eyes.
“You're mean.”, you reply. Then, you give him a devilish smile and disappear beneath the blanket.
Izuku leans back in anticipation. He can feel your hands running up and down his legs before pulling his boxers down. He puts his arm underneath the blanket and scratches the back of your head. It isn't long before he can feel you licking a stripe up and down his half-hard member. You take the still kind of limp dick in your mouth and gently massage it with your tongue. You can hear Izuku groan above you. It doesn't take long before Izuku's fully erect. Only then, you start bobbing your head up and down his length. The muscles in Izuku's legs tense up and you notice how he fights the urge to thrust up into your mouth. You contemplate whether Izuku's able to get another one up if you finish him like this. Eventually, you decide it's not worth the shot. You do want to get some tonight as well.
Luckily for you, Izuku must be thinking a similar thing since he pulls you up from his dick at some point. You crawl up Izuku's body and place both hands on either side of his head holding yourself up. That position only lasts a few seconds as Izuku pulls you down against him. He kisses you again and gropes your ass. You run your hands through his hair. You can feel him slide his dick over your clothed pussy and you have to break the kiss moaning.
“You think we can take this off?”, he asks you while pulling on the elastic band of your panties.
“Definitely.”, you pant.
Deku holds up your hips with one arm and uses his other hand to pull down your panties in one swift motion. Carefully, he places your hips down again and runs a hand up and down your leg.
“You're beautiful.”, he says in a soft voice and leans down to kiss you again.
Somehow this feels different, you decide. The way he lightly pushes you down into your plush pillow. How he caresses the skin of your hips. How he lets his lips ghost over your shoulder up to your neck before carefully sucking on the sensitive skin on your throat.
It's so different than last time. Everything feels softer, but more firmly too. As if Izuku thinks exactly what to touch next. It's a stark contrast to the needy heat of last time. You bask in the anticipation Izuku builds up with his soft but determined touch.
Finally, Izuku's hands dip in between your legs and you gasp at the feeling of his fingers running through your slick folds. Gently, he massages the wet flesh carefully avoiding your clit and hole. The skin on the back of your neck starts to itch. You need him. You need him to finally give you satisfaction. You groan in frustration.
“What is it, princess? Are you not feeling good?”, he asks you.
You bite your lip before answering: “I'm feeling good, Izuku. Just... just please!”.
He doesn't tease you. Doesn't say something along the lines: “Use your voice. Tell me what you want”. No, he leans down to kiss your mouth again. While kissing, he finally touches your clit. You thrust your hips upwards to his hand. Gently he rubs circles on the sensitive bud. You break the kiss moaning.
“Shit.”, you curse. You can't help but look down. Where his hand meets your womanhood. You can feel the wetness pooling between your folds. Izuku kisses the side of your face.
“Focus on me.”, he tells you and you look up to him. He leans over your side and you stroke the side of his face. His green eyes capture yours and you can't seem to look away. One of his fingers finds your hole and enters you. Again, you gasp gently but you don't look away.
There's something sensual and intimate about looking into somebody's eyes while they're inside you. You can feel your heart beating out of rhythm with Izuku's fingers entering and exiting you. You can't help but want more. You want him hovering above you, your hands running down his sweat-stained chest and his cock inside you in the same rhythm as your heartbeat.
“Izuku”, you pant, “Don't you want to fuck me?”
Izuku groans and leans down to suck on your nipple. When his eyes find yours again, he says “Desperately so”. He pulls his fingers out of you and you rummage to find a condom.
Once you pulled it over his dick, you get in position. He's taking you missionary this time and you think it's fitting for tonight. Gently, Izuku spreads your legs apart and you lead him to your entrance. Slowly, he enters you while leaning down to your face again. He gives you a moment to adjust before setting a slow pace.
You wrap your arms around his neck and enjoy just how deep he reaches you. Goddamnit, he's so sexy, you think. The way his green locks fall into his face. The way his face contorts in pleasure. The way short, sharp breathes exit his mouth. You want to watch him fall apart.
You stop his thrusting and push against his chest. Izuku stops and gives you a puzzled look. “What?”, he asks you.
“Sit up and lean against the headboard.”, you tell him. Izuku follows your order and sits at the head of your bed. You crawl up to him, gently kissing his leg before sitting up and hovering over his dick. Gently you touch his cheek before sinking down on his cock.
Izuku lets out a long moan and pants when your pussy is finally fully stretched above him. Carefully, you start rocking your hips. Izuku's hands immediately fly up to your sides helping you with your motions. You lean back, steadying yourself with your hands on his legs. You give him a full display of your tits and the way his dick slides in and out of you. His eyes almost bulge out of their sockets and you need to suppress the urge to laugh at him.
You fuck him like this until his head falls back against the headboard. Only then, you sit up again. You continue rocking your hips but you lean towards him wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close.
“I-i don't think I last very long anymore...”, he tells you panting and you have to smirk.
“Good.”, you whisper back at him.
You start a faster, more grinding pace on him and Izuku throws his head back again in a choked moan. You grind on him harder than before and you enjoy how the base of his cock stimulates the hard bud of your clitoris. Keeping the pace up, you start chasing your own high.
“Sh-shit, y/n...”, you hear him groan and you can feel his cock twitch inside you. You rock your hips harder into him getting more friction to your clit. You feel how his hands grip your hips but you're too lost in your own pleasure to care what he's doing. You can feel the heavy feeling in your stomach building up indicating that an orgasm will hit you soon. You grip onto his shoulders and blend out his moans and heavy breathing. Finally, you fuck yourself over the edge and your pussy starts spasming around his member. Izuku lets out a “Fuck, yes!” and comes with a shudder.
You stay on his cock trying to catch your breath. Izuku's head lolled onto your shoulder when he came. He stays nuzzled into your neck, softly caressing the skin of your lower back. You can already feel Izuku's dick softening inside of you but you don't want to get off yet. The expectation for this night was to have steamy, hot sex with him. Instead, you fucked more like lovers than strangers.
A cold shiver runs down your spine. You don't want a lover. You tap his shoulder and Izuku looks up with hooded eyes. Carefully, you slide off of him. The feeling of him slipping out of you leaves you feeling empty. It seems as if Izuku is brought back to reality as he clears his throat.
“Where's your bathroom?”, he asks and you point to a door at the side. He slides out of bed picking up his boxers on the way to the bathroom. You lean back against the headboard.
“Shit.”, you mumble. Quickly, you get up and open the window as wide as possible in hopes that some cool, fresh air can order your thoughts. What was I thinking fucking him like this?, you ask yourself. Izuku strikes you as a man who falls in love quickly. You don't want to give him any false hopes.
But it felt so good. Being held like that. Being worshipped like that.
You rub your temple and start looking through a drawer. You pull out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. You rarely smoke and if you do, you do it with a purpose. To piss off your parents. To impress someone with smoke rings. To calm your head when stressed. You light up a cigarette and take in a deep breath.
“Care to share?”, Izuku's voice can be heard behind you. You don't respond but lift up the half-full cigarette pack up to him. You feel him stepping closer to you and taking the pack from you. You can feel the warmth radiating off his body on your back. He's not touching you but he's awfully close. You hear the clicking of the lighter and Izuku taking a pull of his cigarette.
A smoke ring wavers outside the window beside you. Then you feel his hand on your hip.
“That was intense.”, he tells you and you have to laugh.
“Yeah, I guess it was.”, you reply and take another drag.
Izuku snips some ash from his cigarette and you can't help but lean back against him. He presses a kiss into the base of your neck. His green hair tickles your skin.
“I wonder...”, he starts and you want to cringe. Izuku clears his throat.
“I wonder if you'd like to make this a regular thing.”, he says and you halt.
“What do you mean?”, you ask unsurely. Please don't ask me to start dating you, you beg internally.
“Us. Fucking.”, he replies and you turn around to him in disbelief. He must've noticed the surprised look on your face and he shrugs.
“You want good sex, didn't you say that? And I need to blow off some steam once in a while.”, he explains. A smirk blooms on your face.
“Wow, you're that confident in your expertise? Think you can keep me satisfied longterm?”, you tease him. Izuku lets go of your hip and puts a hand under your chin raising it a bit.
“Believe me, I haven't even started to show you what I can do.”, he tells you with darkened eyes. You raise your eyebrow challenging.
“I guess that means I have to find out.”, you tell him.
Taglist: @yupsthings @the-dumpster-fire-of-life @scrumptiouslampwobblercop @sillycattie @tiredjuniper @nine-lives715 @dinorawrss @tomiokasecretlover @kousloverr @whippedbyikemen @potatocatsan @orgasmofwine @otakukittyowo
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kurishiri · 3 months
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03 . . . the past records ˗ˏˋ🍎🪞´ˎ˗
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or may contain creative liberties. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost or claim these as your own!
— cw: none.
Liam: Hearing Al say they played this game to decide whether he stayed by Lord Elbie’s side or died... it makes me wonder, does he really hate being by his side that much?
Roger: Haha, it’s nothing that serious. If he really hated staying by his side that much, he wouldn’t have just left it to something like luck. He would’ve taken it in his own hands.
Liam: Right? That’s what I was thinking.
Roger: He says stuff like ‘it’s a game of luck,’ but really he just wants a cover up.
Liam: So... if he doesn’t have an excuse, he can’t be together with him? But why?
Roger: ......Who knows.
Liam: Hmm... I feel like despite hearing the whole story, I still don’t know what’s the answer to that question that started it all.
L: Why is Al with Lord Elbie?
Roger: Word’s that when they met, they were both going through something that made it hard for them to be apart from each other.
R: And anything more about that is beyond me.
Liam: Hm...
L: You see, Al has been helping me satisfy my curiosity by indulging in my whims...
L: ...but he would really have gone and done something dangerous, if I asked for it, I feel like.
L: Like, he puts his life on the line just for a game of luck... so much so, I wouldn’t be surprised if we found his corpse tomorrow... I guess.
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L: Oh, maybe he also has the ‘Cheshire Cat’s Curse’ like me?
Roger: ...If he did have such a Curse, maybe he would be able to be a part of others’ lives without feeling the need to keep up a pretense.
—— Perspective shift ——
Today’s mission for Crown was to pass judgment on the person who’s been illicitly making drugs, and to gather proof of their crime.
William and Harrison were to pass judgment,
while Alfons and Elbert were assigned to gather proof.
In a certain warehouse containing imported goods,
Alfons and Elbert were able to find the raw materials used to make that dangerous drug hidden within the very general spices.
They were carrying out their mission without a hitch——
when suddenly, several bullets shot through the air, piercing holes through the burlap bags piled high in a heap,
until the contents of the bags spilled on top of the two men.
Elbert: There’s an eyewitness... we have to go after them.
Alfons: Do you really have the luxury to say that when we’re in this state?
The two of them were buried in so much spice from the waist down, it was hard to laugh it off as any joke.
And Alfons let out a sigh as though he were fed up.
Alfons: This is William and Harry we’re talking about?
A: They won’t let a single one go alive, so it should be fine.
A: Anyhow, more importantly, I can’t help but feel an inkling that I’ve run into this smell before—
Elbert: ...! Al, over there, there are cats.
They had probably been hiding somewhere in the warehouse, but some stray cats had shown themselves, gathering around them.
Alfons: Ah, yes, I remember that spice’s scent now.
Elbert: ...?
Alfons: It’s cat powder.
While they were having an out-of-tune conversation, the two became surrounded by cats.
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Alfons: Come now, don’t cozy up on your own quite yet. Why don’t you help us out?
A: I hope you know the reason you guys can indulge yourselves in cat powder is because of us?
A cat drew closer to Alfons as he petted it around its neck.
The cat purred in response, snuggling its body up to his palm.
Elbert: ...Hehe.
Alfons: Whatever is the matter, suddenly laughing like that? Don’t tell me you are on a cat powder high as well?
Elbert: It’s not that. It’s just... I was remembering how you dote on cats, even when you act more like one than the cats themselves.
Alfons: I’m afraid you have me ever so slightly lost with that train of thought...
Elbert: I mean, when I think you saved that cat who had trouble getting down,
E: you would push it away when it got too close.
E: And when I think you have petted it... you pretend you don’t know them...
E: And when they’re going through a hard time, you are there by their side... but then, when they’re not going through such times, you try your best to distance yourself.
Alfons: ...You are quite an observant one, aren’t you. So? Would you mind telling me why you look so happy then?
Elbert: Because... I think that side of you is wonderful, Al.
Alfons: ......Is this your attempt to woo me?
Elbert: ...? No, I didn’t mean to woo you.
Alfons: Yes, I knew that from the start, so please don’t take my words so earnestly.
A: ...Elbie, how would you like to play a little game with me?
Elbert: Game...?
Alfons pulled out a coin from his pocket, flipping it in the air with his finger.
Then, when the coin fell atop the back of his hand, he covered it with the other.
Elbert: I guess, I’ll bet tails then.
Alfons: And that leaves me with heads.
A: If it is tails, as you say, then I win. Otherwise, it’s yours.
Elbert: So, the one who guessed wrong wins... somehow, it feels like it should be the opposite.
Alfons: Well, you can think of it as playing with a ‘mirror’ that is myself. And so, that which is incorrect becomes the correct choice, and conversely, the correct choice becomes incorrect.
Elbert: What will you do if you win?
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Alfons: Let’s see now...
A: I suppose, if I win, I will go on a journey to the edge of the world.
On the back of Alfons’ hand, the coin——showed heads.
Alfons: And once again, it is my loss.
A: Truly, when it comes to making the wrong choices, there is no one who can hold a candle to you.
A: ...I realize this is sorely belated, but is it alright if I ask you one question?
Elbert: ...What is it?
Alfons: The day we first met, when I suddenly appeared before you, what made you want to take me into the manor?
Elbert: ......
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full masterlist 🍎🪞
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charsoamerican · 1 year
OK so I made a Taylor Swift, the inheritance games playlist
The Way I Loved You - giving tfg when Avery was mad over jameson being over protective
I Can See You - such a hot song but also describing averyxjameson relationship perfectly
Bigger Than The Whole Sky - describes Avery and Toby’s relationship so well and just them especially the lyrics “You were more then just a short time” and “Everything to come has turned to ashes” so yeah
Sparks Fly - totally avery talking about Jameson like “you’re the kind of reckless that should send me running” and “get me with those green eyes baby as the lights go down, give me something that will haunt me when you’re not around” and “my mind forgets to remind me that you’re a bad idea” LIKE
Mine - fr just the lyric “you made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter” think about that is literally perfect
Long Story Short - it’s so perfect and also this song can literally be a summary of the romance in the whole series but anyway THESE lyrics; “no more keeping score, now I just keep you warm” and “if the shoe fits walk in it til your high heels break” fits Avery perfectly, she was literally broke and turned into the worlds richest teenager overnight, like she obvi didn’t know everything immediately
Evermore - it’s like sad but stillllll “in the cracks of light I dreamed of you” because when she was in a coma the first thing she heard was Jamies voice and then “it was real enough to get me through” because they never really called it love in thl but it was there (omg that was so cringy forget I said that)
Call It What You Want - literally this whole song is just perfect for them every lyric is perfect but what stood out to me was “you don’t need to save me, but would you run away with me?” Because she didn’t need Jameson to protect her by preventing her from doing things, but she still wanted to do it with him instead
Fearless - idk but there is just something so fitting with the name of this song like jameson literally took her hand and drove her head first fearless “you’re just so cool, run your hands through your hair” also *reminder* Jameson is cool, but on serious note, “I don’t why but with you I’d dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless” bc yes
Mastermind - them. they literally are masterminds. “And the first night that you saw me I knew I wanted your body” also this line “you see, all the wisest women had to do it this way, because we were born to be the pawn of every lovers game” works with how she felt like Jameson just thought of her as part of the game and not a human with feeling in tig
Wildest Dreams - I just feel like they would literally do anything for eachother and this is totally not on this playlist because of the “he’s so tall and handsome as hell” line and it’s also definitely not about Jameson 😳
Lavender Haze - the lyrics are just so perfect like “I’ve been under scrutiny, you handle it beautifully” and “I’m damned if I do give a damn what people say” AND “They’re bringing up my history, but you weren’t even listening” THESE LYRICS OH MY
Midnight Rain (“he was sunshine I was midnight rain” because Jameson is literally golden retriever on the inside and Avery is very chill and yeah this is just me fantasizing soo)
Wonderland (this song literally IS jameson and Avery. Get ready for me to basically quote the whole song “Didn’t they tell us don’t rush into things? Didn’t you flash your green eyes at me? Haven’t you heard what becomes of curious minds?” LIKE WHAT? I’m convinced jlb wrote this romance based off of this song and also “didn’t you calm my fears with a Cheshire Cat smile?” His smile is literally described as “a Cheshire Cat smile” in the first book before Avery starts calling it devastating. “We found wonderland, you and I got lost in it, life was never worse, but never better”
Anti-Hero - literally should be jamies theme song. People always are like “Grayson is so depressed he deserves better” but what about Jameson?? Like he literally blames himself for Emily’s death and basically sh when jumping off the cliff. He always compares himself to Grayson. Like the lyrics “pierced through the heart but never killed” he literally is almost if not just as much broken as Grayson is but he’s just better at hiding it and covering it up with a smile, but I do think Grayson needs therapy desperately like jlb please help him
You’re on your own kid - This song fits Avery soo well like after her mom died no one really could take care of her, I mean I know Libby did, and I love Libby, but it was just different? And also when she inherited the billions of dollars everyone hated her pretty much so yeah. I think the lyric “Everything you lose is a step you take” it just is Avery
Paris (it just relates to Avery and Jameson sm, like the lyric “I’m so in love i might stop breathing, drew a map on your bedroom ceiling” Avery made a point about how they want to go places together. “Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours”
Other ones that I’m too lazy to explain
Vigilante Sh*t
Forever Winter
I Did Something Bad
Don’t Blame Me
Paper Rings (I’m a big xandermax and nashlibby stan)
London Boy
Getaway Car
Miss Americana and the heartbreak prince
Blank Space
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loadednachosao3 · 3 months
I wrote the first bit of what will hopefully turn into a full-fledged tailor au story and I want you guys to see it
let me know what you think!!
Nacho bites back a sigh and longs for the days when Lalo would call him “Señor Varga.” He holds the phone a little bit away from his ear; Lalo gets loud when he’s excited.
“I thought I told you I’m with family this weekend,” Nacho says. “And not to call unless it’s an emerg—”
“It is an emergency!” comes Lalo’s whiny voice on the other end of the line. “They moved the date of the gala up, and I need you to make me something new!”
Nacho pinches the bridge of his nose while his father and aunt glance over at him through the doorway. “What’s wrong with what I’ve been working on?”
“Get. This,” Lalo says in the most serious tone possible for him. “Fring’s gonna be there — personally!”
“I don’t see what that has to do with—”
“He’s been rubbing elbows with Eladio for the past year and some change,” Lalo says, gossipy as usual. “If I can really impress the cabrón, he might throw some money our way, some connections. You know, bigger magazines and brand deals and — I bet he can get me on the cover of Vogue!”
Nacho bites his lip and lowers his voice, trying to hide the irritation in his tone. His little cousins shriek and bolt past his knees, firing cap guns at each other.
“And what’s wrong with what I’m making you already?”
“I mean, it’s fine, it’s good, but—” Lalo sighs. “Fring’s tastes are… You know how they are, right? Simpler. You know… Crispado, liso. I’m just worried the outfit we’ve got going on now is…”
“Demasiado colorido,” Nacho mutters.
Just like you, he thinks.
He hears Lalo snap his fingers. “Yeah! You get it. We need to go back to the drawing board on this one. Can you talk to Jane?”
Nacho really does sigh this time. “When’s the gala?”
“In two weeks! That’s why we need to move!”
“Two—?!” Nacho sees his family’s heads swivel toward him, so he lowers his voice to a harsh whisper. “Lalo, that’s insane. I have other clients, and you know how long it takes to—”
“Can’t you just, I dunno, push everything else back? Work on mine? This is a real emergency, Ignacio!”
The nerve of him. Nacho can’t believe he’s asking for something that’s borderline impossible.
“Just wear what I’m already—”
“I’ll pay you triple! No — quadruple!”
Nacho pauses. Four times his usual rate is nearly ten grand. He knew Lalo was well off, but… How can he be so desperate to impress someone he doesn’t even like?
“Eyyy, there’s my Nachito,” Lalo purrs, and Nacho can hear the Cheshire Cat’s grin spread over his face. “How’s that sound? Good?”
Nacho puts a hand on his hip and breathes out slowly, head tilted back, wondering what his life would be like if he could get some peace for one single weekend.
“...I’ll have to talk to Jane,” he finally says. “If, if she can get a design done by Monday, then—”
“Eres el mejor! I knew I could count on you!” Lalo says.
“Okay, but if she ca—”
“I’ll text you my ideas! Me has ayudado mucho, Ignacio. Gracias!”
Nacho sighs, longer, louder, more exasperated than before.
His father calls from the next room, “Is everything okay, mijo?”
“Yeah,” he calls back. “Yeah. Just great.”
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lauri-rosehearts · 2 years
I know Ever After High isnt the only cartoon with this problem but how tf do animals work in their universe? I’m not talking about “oh how come some animals talk and others dont” cause while that’s something that happens in a lot of cartoons, it makes *some* sense. I mean this IS a fairytale world. In some stories animals talk, in some they dont. Some are magical, some are just plain old animals. So the fact that some talk and some don’t isnt that confusing to me.
My question is why are some animals more humanoid than others? Characters such as the 3 little pigs and the billy goats gruff are portrayed as regular looking animals that just happen to talk and behave like people. But then we have people like Bunny and Kitty who are pretty humanoid looking in appearance despite the fact that in most media, the white rabbit and cheshire cat are portrayed as full animals who talk and (in the case of the white rabbit) wear clothes. In ever after high the Cheshire cat is also portrayed as a humanoid creature while the white rabbit is portrayed as a regular looking rabbit (although given Bunny’s canon ability to transform into a full on rabbit, it’s a possibility her dad also has the same ability and he just doesn’t go into his humanoid form as much). But still you have to wonder why those otherwise animal characters get humanoid forms while others don’t. Not gonna lie, at some point, it crossed my mind that perhaps since Kitty and Bunny are both from Wonderland, maybe the Wonderlandian magic has more of that ✨pazzaz✨ that gives them that more fantastical humanoid appearance. But then I remembered….Mr Badwolf exists. Hes from Ever After and yet he has both his more humanoid form and his full on werewolf form. Yeah he doesn’t look like a realistic wolf would look like, since wolves are way smaller than that, but I find that the big bad wolf being ginormous is a pretty common portrayal of him in most fairytale based media. So even then, I think his wolf form is animalistic enough to count for this plothole.
Now let’s get serious for a second. Realistically the real reason as to why certain characters are portrayed with a more humanoid appearance is most likely because of marketing. Kitty and Bunny are both reoccurring characters that were created with the intention of getting dolls. And since this IS a fashion doll line, the logical choice is giving them human proportions with physical animal characteristics. On the other hand, the three little pigs and the Billy goats gruff are used simply as background characters for the most part. Mattel probably never had any intention of releasing any merch for them whatsoever so there really wasn’t any point in going any further than giving them simple regular animal designs. Still though, I low-key wish there was a canon in universe answer for this.
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lgcsaem · 8 months
✰ … MISAKI 101. a mild dive ( solo ).
not for the first time in his life, misaki finds himself insatiably jittery, mind rife with thoughts running too fast to properly compartmentalize— shock, excitement, curiosity, all laced with an underlying cut of mild disappointment. he's almost made it, picked as part of the potential lineup for a new boy group under legacy, a goal he'd been energetically working towards from the moment he found himself signing his name along the dotted line of his contract.
almost immediately after that fateful morning meeting, learning of his current status and the things to come, misaki had all but lept from his chair with elation, gaining rather impressive airtime for someone with such short legs, a reverberating yip of joy pushing past a wide, pleased smile. sure, he wasn't yet considered a fixed member, but proving his worth, his right to belong, wouldn't be a difficult task.
not when misaki was as determined as he was wild.
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it all starts now, the dawn of a new day bringing forth yet another meeting. he's been here before, has been sat down countless times, and questioned on a variety of things, but this is different. there's more weight to this— never before had he been so openly presented with a clear finish line toward his debut. this is serious business now, but in classic misaki fashion, nothing feels as daunting as he thinks it should.
why could he feel intimidated when he knows he can make it?
so, resolve strong and mind eager as ever, misaki vows to not second guess himself. it shows in his walk, carefree and relaxed as he enters the filming room, company staff taking the time to prep him for his recording time. it shows in his posture, back straight as he sits on the edge of his chair, legs shaking and foot tapping an unidentifiable rhythm only he knows the answer to, loud and proud before he's even said a word. it shows in his gaze, eyes bright as they bounce around the room before finally landing on the staff member stood behind the camera.
endearingly daring, chaotic and unchanging, misaki strives to show that he means business in his own funny little ways. formalities are an easy breeze, delivered in a cutely quirky manner many who knew misaki would expect— then, the nitty gritty.
"so, misaki, between dancing, singing, rapping, producing and lyrics writing, which skill do you want to be recognized for?"
"dancing!" his answer leaves him before he's really had any time to think, before the questions even fully been asked, body leaning forward a little in his enthusiasm. it's followed by something between a chuckle and a giggle, giddy as he continues. "i want to be recognized for a ton of things, but since you're saying i have to pick just one thing . . . i'm totally gonna go with dancing— i love to pop and lock and jam and break!" misaki did not, in fact, love to pop and lock, but he did love to jam and break. eh, semantics.
"i've loved dance since i was little, so i think it makes sense for me to want to be seen for something i really enjoy."
"then, which role or roles would you ideally like to have in the final lineup?"
"does maknae count as a role? is that allowed?" though meant in jest, a cheeky grin playing at cheshire lips, an expression that seemed to live without dispute on the young boys features, there's a touch of sincerity teetering at the edges of his words. "maknae on top misaki has a rad ring to it!" his eyes bunch as he smiles outright, snaggletooth peaking out. "but, if that's not valid, then something relating back to dance would make sense . . . maybe a main or lead dancer? or a variety prince since being called a king would make me feel old!"
"on which other youtube show would you like to appear?"
at this, misaki finds his lips puckering into something similar to a pout, brows furrowing as he really thought for the first time during this whole process. "would this include, like, shows hosted by trainees and idols?" a hand lifts, pointer finger gently poking and prodding at misakis lower lip. "oh—" with a resounding snap, misakis eyes widen gaze imploring as he gazed back and forth between the camera and the staff member beyond the lens. "this might be a stretch but i wanna go on hot ones to bad! i'm dying to see just how hot the last sauce actually is! oh, oh— and maybe something like that buzzfeed segment where they're playing with puppies during the interview! that'd be rad!"
"so, what's your ideal concept?"
"something fun and upbeat— you know, a concept that's really fresh and energetic and will get a crowd excited the second they see us!" misaki chirps, head nodding rapidly, fringe bouncing slightly thanks to his energy. his hands lift, gesturing here and there without any real reason as he continues. "i think the theme we recorded fits that sort of concept idea really well, so i'd like to be able to do more with that sort of vibe in the future!"
"then, is there a concept that wouldn't suit you?"
misaki tilts his head slightly, gaze cast to the floor at his feet, sort through ideas. in his head, there wasn't anything he couldn't do— sure, he might be better at one concept over another, but that wasn't something he'd let hold him back. still, he understood the importance of nailing something rather than simply going through the motions. "i think if i tried to do anything sexy or mature, people would find it funny to watch, but not in the way that i'd want them to." generally, teasing and ridicule were things that'd never gotten under his skin before, but that still didn't make it annoying. being able to move with a sense of elegance and poise when needed, thanks to the years he'd dedicated to ballet, were different than the sensuality a typical sexy boy group concept tended to encompass.
"maybe i could try it in a few years, but not anytime soon, i'm fine with leaving concepts like that to the older groups for now!"
"as an idol, what do you want to achieve?"
"i want to entertain." it's the clearest, most concise answer he's given thus far, features blank as he stares wide-eyed at the staff member who'd asked the question. "i want people to look at me and feel happy because i'm happy— i'm happy when i get on stage, and when i tell a joke that lands, and when i'm warming up, and when i'm with my friends! if i can make others happy, too, just by watching me, wouldn't that be so cool?"
"lastly, is there anything you would like your group to be known for?"
switching tracks from thinking about himself as a singular idol, going now to the idea of his group, misaki is quiet for a moment. aside from pipedream possibilities and previous what ifs about the kind of group he'd one day have, this was the first time misaki had ever sat down and really thought in absolutes. it's a bit more difficult to do now, especially since certain key players he'd thought would always be with him were now on completely different tracks, and the young boy is left to wrack his brain for an answer. "i want my group to be known for our awesome mood making skills— like, obviously for our performing too, that's important! but mood making kind of goes along with that too, right?"
the corners of his lips upturn slightly as he gives a small grin, hands resting themselves on his still bouncing knees. "top-notch idols who perform so amazingly, you can't help but feel good by the end of our sets!"
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Her | First Date 
Tumblr media
bestfriend!jungkook, tattooartist!jungkook, F2L, fluff, smut 
Word Count - 4.3k
Jungkook has been planning this day for a very long time. Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of unrequited love, tooth-rotting fluff 
Your friendship with Jungkook has blossomed into something beautiful these last few weeks, while you remain best friends it’s the added sliver of romance that makes your chest swell every time you see him. It’s not the usual ‘getting to know someone’ before you date them, because you already know him so well. In fact, you know him better than he knows himself. And that’s a statement not even he would argue with.
He's no stranger to you practically living in his apartment, so that fact you’ve slept over every night almost two weeks in a row doesn’t leave a sour taste in his mouth. Actually it’s you going home that he has a problem with. You’re laughing, he’s pouting, and you’re falling harder and harder for your best friend with each passing day.
“I’ve been here for two weeks Kook, I need to go home at some point.” You snort, playfully rolling your eyes when he tugs you onto the sofa, forcing you to sit on his lap.
“You can just wear my clothes! What do you need to go home for?” He whines, nuzzling his head into your collarbone when his arms squeeze your waist tight enough to crush bones.
One thing about Jungkook is that he is very clingy, his personality is kind of like an overgrown toddlers, even more so since you guys started making out on a regular basis. That’s as far it’s ever gone though, every time things get heated you tend to get anxious and fold. It’s not that you don’t want to, not even slightly. You want to, that’s what’s got you so nervous about going through with it.
Even now, looking down at his damp hair from the shower and stained grey hoodie and blue gym shorts that are way too big for even him. You still want to. But you’ve decided if you’re going to do this with him, you want to do it properly. He has to take you out on a real date first. Not that you’ve told him of course, you’ve left him to figure that part out on his own.
You tut, an evil smirk broadens your face when you attempt to freak him out. “Tampons. I need tampons Jungkook.”
Pulling his head back just enough to grin up at you with his sparkly doe-eyes he makes a deep ‘ah-ha!’ sound that sends a rush of joy to your bones. “There’s a box under the sink in the bathroom, next to my shaving stuff.” He’s so smug right now it’s almost painful.
“Why on earth do you have tampons here?” You chuckle, draping your arms over his broad shoulders where you fix the wayward hood that rests between his shoulder blades.
“I bought them last week, figured since you’ve been staying over a lot… It was bound to happen eventually. Your period I mean.” The way he’s gazing up at you so fondly and smiley should be illegal, god, he’s the fucking cutest.
“I still need to go home for a couple of nights I’m afraid…” You sigh, cheeks aching from your own Cheshire cat like grin.
At this your best friend’s lips purse into a straight line, brows raised expectantly. He shakes his wet hair from his hooded eyes and nods in defeat. “Fine. But when you have the most boring time ever at your parents house don’t come crying to Mr Fun cause’ I don’t want to have to say I told you so.”
You giggle, leaning forward to plant a chaste kiss to his forehead. “Deal.”
“Whoa Y/N no wait, you can’t leave!” He gasps and you immediately frown, “I think you’re sick… Is your vision okay?” He’s turned serious, winning you to match his tone.
“Jungkook I’m fine?” You tilt your head to one side, wondering where he’s going with this feeble attempt of getting you to stay over again.
He shakes his head, eyes blown out with concern when he wets his lips, “No you’re not… I think you’re going blind. You just kissed my forehead. My lips are down here.”
He steals a kiss. 
A kiss that you’re smiling into so much that your teeth almost clink together. This guy. It’s a moment later when you kiss him back, albeit very shyly because his sudden change of demeanour caught you off guard. The kiss is soft and gentle and you feel content when his mouth opens just enough to slide his tongue past yours. If making out with Jungkook was an Olympic sport you’re sure you’d have three gold medals by now, giving that you seem to do it a lot.
Jungkook’s happy hum makes you feel boneless, weak at the knees when you gently grip the sides of his chiselled face. Before long you find yourself in the same situation you got into in bed last night. Hot and bothered, desperately wanting more of him. Your body screaming at you to shove your hands down his pants and make a move. But you don’t, you find the resistance somehow and manage to pull away from the now salacious make out session happening on his sofa.
“Mmm. I need to go.” Your head lolls back when you sigh, about to climb off him when his large tattooed hands find purchase on your thighs and stop you.
He pushes his face back to yours, kissing the corner of your mouth. “Just five more minutes.” His voice is gravelly and stained with desperation. The same desperation that clings onto evert fibre of your being. “Don’t leave yet.” More dainty kisses. “Five more minutes.”
You groan in frustration, but cave long enough for another three minutes worth of making out with him before it becomes too much. “Jungkook…”
“Don’t say my name like that,” He smiles into the kiss, snaking his hands up to your hips where he grabs them firmly, keeping you in place. “You’re just asking for trouble.”
Oh you’re asking for something alright. You want trouble. You want him to blow your back out and kiss it better when he’s finished. You want him to give you every inch of trouble he has down there, you’ve never seen it but you’re sure you won’t be disappointed. 
If someone told you a month ago that you’d be straddling your best friend with your tongue down his throat mentally screaming at him to shove anything on his body inside of you, you would’ve laughed and told them to piss off. But no, that’s exactly what’s happening right now – and deep down you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I,” You peck his lips, pulling back a fraction, “Really,” Another peck, “Need,” Peck, “To,” A soft kiss that doesn’t seem to last long enough for either of you, “Go home.”
Jungkook sighs, resting his forehead against yours when he nods. “Okay… But don’t forget this.”
“Forget wh—”
He kisses you again.
You’re freshly bathed, shaved and fed when you next hear from Jungkook. It’s been no more than five hours since you left his apartment and you’re tucked up in bed at your parents’ house. You’re about to go to sleep when an incoming FaceTime call earns a smile to tug your lips. You accept, nestling your head on the bend of your elbow and turning your phone to accommodate the fact you’re laid down.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?” You chuckle, eyes widening in shock when you catch sight of what your best friend is wearing.
“According to my phone… It’s 11:39PM.” He grins, checking the clock on the top of his screen. “How’s your night been princess?”
You will away the butterflies his favourite pet name for you brings on, “Are you wearing my sweater?” You frown, biting your lip to stifle genuine laughter.
At this he simply nods, angling the camera to catch the full ensemble. Your lilac and white polka dot sweater and the same blue gym shorts he was wearing when you left. He looks proud, maybe even a little smug when you audibly tut.
“It’s comfy.” He shrugs with a smirk, briefly pushing his nose into his broad shoulder, “And it smells like your perfume.”
“That’s creepy.” You snort.
“I think you mean romantic.” He winks, setting his phone down on the coffee table, giving you a better view of him and his questionable fashion choices. “Besides you wear my clothes all the time, consider us even. Was you about to sleep by the way? We don’t have to talk if you’re tired—”
“It’s okay, I wanna talk.” You admit with a coy smile, one that Jungkook mirrors a second later.
“Sooo… Have you told you parents about us?” He asks cautiously, awkwardly fiddling with his favourite silver hoop earrings.
“We’re not teenagers,” Even though you’re certainly giggling like one, “Besides there’s nothing to tell. It’s not like we’re dating. We haven’t even been on a date.” Hopefully adding some extra weight to the word will prompt him to realise what’s next on the list of things you want to explore with your best friend. And it does.
“Okay… Oh!” He claps once loudly, with confidence, the sound echoing in your childhood bedroom, “Let me take you out then?” He’s pointing at you through the phone with a hopeful bunny-like grin.
“Mmmm…” You dramatically pretend to think, not missing the way Kook seems to panic on your screen. “What do you have in mind?”
At this his grin widens, he’s rolling the sleeves of your sweater up when his nose scrunches, “Leave the details to me.”
“You know I hate surprises Jungkook—”
“I know, I know you do.” He laughs, waving away your concern. “But I’ve been working on this for a while, you’re gonna love it I promise. You might even cry it’s that good.”
Your brows pinch, “A while?”
He nods, snapping his inked fingers, “Twenty seven years and counting.”
“There’s no way you wanted to date me when we were three.” You snort, kicking your head back in an attempt to hide how gooey you feel inside right now. He’s too much sometimes, not that you mind of course.
He’s tugging at his lip ring now with a sentimental smile, “Oh I did. But my idea of a date back then was holding your hand and taking you to the ice cream truck under parental supervision.”
“Like my dad would’ve ever allowed that.”
His brows raise defensively, “Hey your dad loves me, okay? Tells me all the time. He gave me permission to marry you like… twelve years ago. He would’ve definitely let me take you to the ice cream truck. No questions asked.”
“Maybe.” You smile fondly, “Why were you asking my dad for permission to marry me?”
“Oh I wasn’t. He just came out with it one night when you got too drunk at a party and I took you home.” He coughs, a very proud smirk pulling his lips. “I think his exact words were ‘What would we do without you Jungkook? You’re so good for her. You have my blessing to marry her one day, and I sure as hell hope she does’.”
Sounds about right. Your parents have always been team Jungkook when it comes to your love life. No boyfriend or even fiancé could compare to your best friend who’d stolen their hearts many, many years ago. Truthfully your parents will be ecstatic when they learn about yours and Kook’s friendship finally developing into something more. Your mom’s going to cry, you’re one hundred percent sure of it. And your dad will be equally as over the moon, he’s been begging you to give your best friend a chance since… Well forever.
“Sounds like you’ve had that memorised for some time.” You hum, chest tightening with that funny feeling you’ve been getting a lot recently.
Jungkook laughs, visibly aware he’s just been called out, “Maybe I have. Always nice when the girl you love’s parents give you their blessing.”
You roll your eyes jokingly, winning the sound of his throaty chuckle to fill your ears, “So this date you’ve been planning for some time… When’s it happening?”
“Mmm…” He bobs his head and makes sounds similar car turning lights. “Saturday. I have two clients but they’re morning appointments, so you can schedule the best first date of your life into your calendar after one pm. You don’t work Saturdays right?”
You crack up at the way he’s already describing it as the best first date of your life, shaking your head. “I don’t work Saturdays no. So I’ll see you then?”
“It’s a date.” He winks, and you’re suddenly breathless.
By the time Saturday rolls around you’re vibrating with excitement. Your first official date with Jungkook. You’ve hung out one on one countless times over the years but the word date has never been spoken up until now. It takes you a little longer than usual to get ready that morning, wanting to look your absolute best for the occasion.
Kook was very specific with his instructions. You’re to meet him at his apartment for two o’clock and not a second later, and you’ve been advised to wear something ‘pretty’ but comfy. Whatever he means by that you have no idea, he’s never been the best at describing things but thankfully you’ve known him long enough to understand the gist of his idea.
So you settle for a cotton candy pink smock dress with puffed short sleeves, the dress ends just above your knee. It’s comfortable, you can move around it well enough and sit in it long enough should he have some big feast planned. And it’s dressy, very girly and cute looking. You tie the look together with clean white Converse and a cropped sky blue denim jacket. Thankfully your parents don’t bat an eyelid when you rush out the door advising them you’re going to see Jungkook.
At this point it would be weird if you went anywhere else.
During the car journey to his apartment you can’t ignore the nerves tingling your whole body. Dating your best friend seems like an amazing idea, until you’re actually going on a date with them. Because you have nobody you can talk to about this, the only person you deem close enough to discuss your dating life with is the same guy you’re going on a date with. It’s very confusing to say the least. You decide to give yourself a pep talk in your rear-view mirror when you park up.
“Okay… It’s no big deal. It’s Jungkook. Jungkookie. You know Jungkook, you love Jungkook. You’ve hung out with him a billion times before Y/N… It’s gonna be fine. It’s no big deal.” A stranger walking past your car at that exact moment prompts you to stop what you’re doing, plucking your phone from the dash where it’s plugged into the aux and pretending to be on the phone. “Yeah, totally fine Y/N. You’ve got this. You’re an idiot and I’m so embarrassed for you right now… But you’ve got this.”
When the man is no longer in sight you put your head in your hands, mortified. Again there’s only one person in the world you would ever tell about this. And you can’t. Because that would mean telling him that you felt the need to give yourself a pep talk before your date. You can already see his smug shit-eating smirk in your mind. No. He can never know.
Jungkook opens his front door at two pm sharp, you were sure to knock at that exact minute to prove to him you are capable of time management. Because for some reason he thinks you’re always running late. Which you might be. But that’s not the case today. You grin.
“You look beautiful princess.” His voice is honeyed when his eyes give you a once over, more than once, winning you to chuckle nervously.
“You look…” You’re staring. You’re fully aware you’re staring. Yet you can’t stop.
Kook is dressed up for a change, a crisp white shirt covers his torso and the tops of his muscular arms, having rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. Flaunting his tattoos and the bright friendship bracelet he wears every single day. The first two buttons of his shirt are undone, exposing a sliver of tanned skin that smells like lavender and musk. His hair is purposely styled today, rather than floppy and fluffy after being left to air dry like normal. It’s voluminous and parted in the centre, the way he used to wear it for special occasions back in college. When you asked him to.
“You look so handsome...” Your voice is quiet and smile genuine, awestricken. “So what’s the plan?”
“Come with me, you might want to leave your jacket on for now. I’m not sure if it’s windy.” A breathy laugh escapes him when he locks his door, leading you to the main building stairwell.
“Where are we going?” You say, a little out of breath by the time you’ve reached the top floor. Truthfully you didn’t know there was anything even up here, you always figured the tattoo studio below was the only other thing this place had to offer.
When you make it to an emergency exit he stops, facing you, “Close your eyes.”
“Kook you know I hate—”
“Close your eyes, you can trust me.” He repeats, anxiously gnawing his lower lip.
Hesitantly you do as he says and soon he’s pulling you along somewhere by the hand, fingers laced with yours.
“This is how I die isn’t it? You’re going to throw me off the building.” You snort, feeling the light breeze dance across your face and blow your hair. You’re definitely outside, the distant sound of traffic confirms the fact.
“So fucking dramatic.” He whispers with a smile before letting go. “Okay… Open your eyes.”
And when you do, you’re blown away.
The rooftop terrace has been decorated with twinkling fairy lights that still shine in the daylight, and an array of activities are lined up beneath them, occupying the whole area. From left to right there are two easels with blank canvases and paints. Bowling pins already set out correctly with one lone bowling ball waiting to be picked up. A karaoke machine with two microphones that’s plugged into a dusty orange extension chord that looks questionably safe for use. Two yoga mats rolled out with a small white towel folded on each. A patchwork picnic blanket with a wicker basket full of food and wine. And finally a small two seater sofa with a duvet, and what looks to be a photo album on top of it.
“Jungkook… You did all this for me?” You’re at a loss for words when he looks at you with so much love and adoration you feel like crying. So overwhelmed. So head over heels. So emotional.
“Let me explain…” He hums, pulling you into his chest where he hugs you tightly. “So it’s going to be a long date, I hope that’s okay.” He’s smiling when he kisses your temple.
“The canvases… Remember in preschool when we were painting together and you accidentally spilled water over the paper and ruined it? Well I thought we could recreate that princess castle you were so hellbent on making pink even though I thought it should be green.” He chuckles, and you feel your eyes prick with tears at the fact he remembers something so insignificant that happened more than twenty years ago. He really is so sentimental, the fact alone warms your heart.
“Do you like the makeshift bowling alley?” He’s soothingly rubbing his hands down your back. “When we went on that school trip in third grade you never got to take your turn since you wouldn’t wear the rented shoes... And the karaoke machine is for that time I was too nervous to sing in front of everybody at Suzy’s 13th birthday party and you stepped in and took my spot. You saved my ass that day, figured I owe you at least one serenade for that.”
You’re so happy and tearful that your words come out barely audible, “What’re the yoga mats for?”
At this Jungkook laughs before letting out a pained whine. “Well you were always trying to get me to do ballet, so I thought you could teach me some today. And in return I can try and teach you some Taekwondo… And by the time we’re done with that we can enjoy the picnic, don’t worry I packed all your favourite snacks to make you happy.”
“What about your favourite snacks?” You hug him, clinging onto his tall frame like a lost baby sloth in need of a home.
“Well If you’re happy, I’m happy.” He kisses your temple again. “Besides we like all the same food. And it wasn’t easy but I even managed to track down the exact same wine we to snuck into prom. You’ll note the blanket is made up of all my old college bedding, my mom made it. So there’s a pretty good chance we’ve already slept on every single one of those patches together when we had sleepovers.”
“Jungkook this is-, amazing…” You peer up at him with glassy eyes and a heart full of love, only for him to shake his head with a proud smile.
“I’m not finished yet. If I’ve timed this properly, which I should have, by the time we’re finished eating we’re going to get under that duvet and watch the sunset together. I’ve always wanted to do that with you.”
You break, a heartfelt tear cascading down your cheek. He’s so fucking romantic. “Is that a photo album?” You sniffle.
Jungkook uses a thumb to wipe your face, “It is. That album has every photo of us ever taken, I’ll warn you now some of them aren’t your best looks. Especially the ones from your 21st birthday, you were a fucking mess that night.” His shoulders bounce when he giggles, “But I kept every single one, so we could look back on everything we’ve done together while we watch the sunset.”
It’s still for a moment, save for the mild wind in your hair, “Jungkook… You really have loved me all this time haven’t you?”
“Mhm.” He affirms with a nod, cupping your face in his hands. “And I plan to love you for as long as you’ll let me.”
“I don’t know what to say… This is the most romantic thing anyone—”
“Shit! Hang on. I’m sorry. Wait here.” He disappears through the emergency exit quickly, leaving you to digest the scene in front of you.
Jungkook did all of this for you. 
He remembered all of these tiny details about you, memories shared throughout the course of your friendship. How didn’t you see it before now? It’s a good job he’s not here because your heart simultaneously swells and shatters at once. You feel so guilty that you had no idea how he truly felt about you, and yet you’re so glad things have panned out exactly like this. 
This is perfect. This is… something only described in unrealistic romance novels. It’s Jungkook down to a T. The sentiment, the meaningfulness behind each and every date station he’s set out. How is a guy this romantic, this genuinely sweet still single? And then it hits you. He’s been waiting for you all along.
“—Okay so,” Kook reappears out of breath with his hands full. “Sorry about that princess. It’s not quite the ice cream truck but we’re gonna kick this off by sharing a tub of birthday cake ice cream. Since it’s your favourite.” He winks, passing you a silver spoon. “And when we’re watching the sunset we’re gonna drink these beers.” He holds up a four pack of standard beer, winning you to cock your head to one side.
“What’s significant about those beers? We drink them all the time and they’re not my favourite.” You chuckle lightly, biting your cheek to suppress a giant grin.
He nods, catching his breath with a triumphant grin. “I know, but this is the beer we drank when we went camping last month. When I told you I love you for the first time, and we had our first actual kiss.”
“You didn’t have to do all of this for me Kook… This must’ve taken you so long.” You glance around again, your legs jelly-like and chest feeling as though it’s going to burst.
He’s smiling when he opens the tub of ice cream, tossing the lid to one side.
“Only twenty seven years.” 
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womburt · 2 years
Lovebug; C. Pearlescentmoon x Reader
My final contribution to under-appreciated hermits week! What fun this has been, I’ve truly enjoyed getting to see all of this extra content for hermits that aren’t typically written for. Know that even though under-appreciated hermits week is coming to an end, you will continue to see fanfics for underrated hermits appear on my blog <3 This is more of a drabble than anything, but I hope you all enjoy regardless. 
In which Y/n discovers they’ve got it bad for the trash-lady-next-door. 
Y/n trailed a hand up and down shelves of merchandise, fingers catching on all of the divots in the displays. They could hardly focus on one product at a time, each dragging their attention away from the previous before they could truly comprehend it. It was an odd collection of trinkets: from giant spore blossoms, clusters of dripleaves, to shiny tridents - (now that they thought about it, one of those could be useful), all cluttering the aisles of Pearl’s Trash Shop. They paused in front of the barrel marked with the forked tool, and peeked inside at the inventory. 
There were only a few available, all of them enchanted with the same modifications. 
Y/n selected the nearest one, pulling it out of the barrel to admire it in the light. Turning it over in their hands, they inspected the trident for dents or markings - anything to signal how it had ended up in a building shaped like a dumpster. Finding no imperfections, Y/n tilted their head. They’d expected the contents of a trash shop to be…trashier. 
The sound of the door opening pulled them out of their thoughts, a new cloud of bin juice spewing out from the floor to waft around the room. Wrinkling up their nose at the particles, Y/n looked to the source of the sound.
Pearl shuffled through the doorway, swatting away any particles that intercepted her line of sight. She was dressed in a charcoal gray suit which seemed to be just a tad too large for her. The sleeves looked as though they could fall to her knuckles, and she’d done her best to bunch them up. The pants were rolled at the ankle so as to not drag on the floor, and the scarlet tie wrapped around her neck was loose. 
The shop-owner spotted Y/n soon after, her whole face lighting up in a cheshire smile. She raised a hand in greeting, bee-lining for the subject of her vision. 
Y/n felt themself freeze, a wave of chills suddenly wracking their body. Their heart pounded loudly in their chest, picking up its pace the closer Pearl got. They swallowed their nerves and smiled back at her. 
“Y/n! Good to see ya’! Anything I can help you with?” 
Her delivery was casual, juxtaposing the very serious-looking ensemble she'd worn today.Y/n noted that the scarlet tie she wore was patterned with little crescent moons. They liked it. 
“I’m all good!” they answered, perhaps a little too quickly. Feeling very faint, Y/n leaned against a nearby wall. They tried to keep their posture relaxed, not wanting to alarm Pearl to their sudden fatigue. Was it always this hot in here?
“Well, I see you’ve picked up a trident! They're pretty nifty, yeah?” 
Pearl gestured to the tool that Y/n hadn’t realized they were still holding. Glancing down at the shimmering thing, Y/n tried to remember why they’d picked it up in the first place. Their mind was clouded with Pearl, they could hardly think back to moments prior when they were alone. 
“Oh. Yes, very nifty.” They agreed, mostly to keep the conversation flowing without any questioning from Pearl. The woman in question tilted her head at them, her smile devolving into a smirk. 
“You feelin’ alright there?” She asked, though Y/n could detect a hint of mischief in her tone, as if she already knew the answer. The brunette took a step closer, laying a hand on Y/n shoulder. 
All of their body head rushed to the spot, their skin alight with nerves. Y/n blinked back at Pearl, stuttering over their words. 
“Y-yeah. Just feeling a little sick. Got some kind of bug I think.” 
Pearl quirked an eyebrow at them, but didn’t argue. Rather, she squeezed their shoulder and nodded her head. 
“Maybe you oughta get home and rest, you’re looking a little flushed.” she concluded, to which Y/n nodded rapidly. 
They dropped the trident back into the barrel from whence it came, pulling away from Pearl’s touch. They ignored the way their skin buzzed where she'd been brushing against it, longing to be within arms reach once more. 
“You’re right! I’ll be on my way, see you around!”
They slid past her with as reassuring a smile as they could muster, striding through green bin juice particles and out of the front doors. Pearl could be heard shouting her goodbyes, but Y/n didn’t stick around to wave back. 
They strode out of the shop with wide eyes and a racing heart. They sure had a bug alright. The love-bug.
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Blurry Lines.
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: MISCOMMUNICATION because oh my god just talk
Requested: nope
Summary: Y/N works for James Barnes, CEO of a very successful tech company. She also has a massive crush on him. One day, she walks in on him kissing his assistant, and a few months in, because of the incident, she turns in her resignation letter. But will Bucky let her go? There's a thin line between professionalism and non-professionalism, blurred in the case of Bucky and Y/N.
Author's Note: hiya peeps! could've just named it "a shakespeare play" because of all the miscommunication but i already have a fic with shakespeare in its title asfhdkfks,,, anyway enjoy!
There he is.
The man who ruined my whole life.
Y/N stared as her boss, James Barnes, left the elevator, greeting everyone with a polite smile and a wave. Why did he have to be so perfect all the time? He wore a sky-blue-colored suit with a white shirt underneath, his long hair pulled back into a bun with loose strands framing his face, making him look like a Greek God.
She had fallen for him, which was a big, big, big mistake. 1, he was her boss; 2, he was way out of her league, and 3, he probably had a girlfriend because a man like that, single? Hah, no way. "Y/N? Y/N, hello?" She snapped out of her thoughts and looked up, giving the man a small, forced smile.
"Hi, Mr Barnes, good morning." Bucky's smile faltered a bit at her words because she never called him Mr Barnes, he had specifically requested her to call him Bucky. Was he in trouble? "Mr Barnes? Whoa, what did I do?" he joked, though Y/N realized he was being serious. "Sorry, must've slipped out."
"Okay. Good morning to you, too!" He smiled and went to his office. As soon he turned his back to her, Y/N dropped her smile and scowled, crossing her arms. "Stupid man with his stupid attitude and his stupid handsome smile and his idiotic, beautiful blue eyes," she grumbled under her breath as she continued working.
Y/N Y/L/N was an employee of the one and only James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, CEO of a big tech company called Epsilon. She loved working with him; he paid his employees well, was very kind-hearted, and showed no bias to anyone. When she had first started working with him, she wasn't interested in him at all, romantically speaking.
Then, a few months passed by and she started looking forward to his everyday arrival; seeing him get out of the elevator with his gorgeous eyes, his expensive suits and Cheshire grins became the favorite part of her day. Y/N was damn good at hiding her crush though; she was sure that it would go away with time.
But it didn't.
2 years had now passed since she started working for Bucky and the crush was still there, more amplified than before. But she knew it would never work out between them. So she started distancing herself from him. For some reason, he was very, very friendly with her; she knew he was a reserved man so it was peculiar…
He would be holed up in his office the whole day after greeting everyone. Hell, the only words he ever said to his employees were "good morning" and "goodnight, I'll see you all tomorrow" while the rest of his notices were passed on to them by his assistant.
Still, he always stayed at her desk the longest, making small talk. "The weather is nice today, any plans after work?" he'd ask one day while, "You look gorgeous today, is that a new dress?" the other. It was odd; why did he do it? He certainly couldn't be interested in her, could he?
Y/N sighed, sorting through the stack of papers on her desk when she suddenly noticed that one of them was missing Bucky's signature. She glanced at his assistant's desk; she was nowhere to be found so Y/N got up, walking to Bucky's office to get the signature herself.
She knocked on the door but accidentally pushed it open. The sight that greeted her probably scarred her for life; inside Bucky's office, he was kissing his assistant, pushed up against his desk. Y/N's eyes widened and she immediately turned around to leave, the clicking of her heels alerting Bucky.
"Get off of me," he grumbled, pushing his assistant away as he ran to the door, looking out to see Y/N walking away. "Y/N! Y/N!" She turned around at the sound of his voice and gave him an awkward smile. "I didn't mean to walk in without permission, I'm really sorry, I just needed a signature on a paper, really didn't mean to—"
He waved his arm in dismissal and took the paper from her hands, signing it and handing it back to her. "It's fine." He gave her a small smile as she turned to leave. Bucky then groaned quietly and went back to his office, glaring at his assistant. "What the fuck was that?" he hissed. "You like me!" she whined and he scrunched his nose in disgust.
"What— when did I ever tell you that?! I'm not interested in you," he spat. "So all those glances you gave me, all the times you flirted with me, that was fake?" she shrieked. "Stop yelling," he admonished, "And for the record, I have never once in my life ever flirted with you or glanced at you in any way except professionally. Please snap out of your daydream."
"So what about the kiss?"
"You didn't give me time to push away! And now poor Y/N probably thinks I'm some sort of a playboy who takes advantage of women that work for me— you know what? You're fired. Don't ever show up to his place again." His assistant wailed, her eyes filled with tears.
"I knew it. I knew you liked her!" she accused him and he scoffed. "I don't like her. Now get lost, I have a lot of work to do." She stormed out of his office. The angry clicking of her heels made Y/N and the rest of the employees look up as she staggered towards the elevator. Y/N frowned; what the hell was going on?
"What do you think is up with her?" her friend Rubie whispered. "I have no idea, I caught her making out with Bu— Mr Barnes. I guess they fought?" Rubie's eyes went wide. "You mean he isn't into her? Damn, the bosses always fall for their hot ass assistants, what happened here?" Y/N giggled at her words.
"Well, at least my theory is confirmed."
"What theory?" Y/N blinked. "That he likes you! Think about it; he always greets you with some extra phrases, he always praises your work, and now after you caught him kissing someone else he gets into a fight with them, possibly breaking up. Some of the other women are jealous of you, you know. They think you're super close with him."
"What?!" Y/N harshly whispered, "Utter bullshit. I'm not close with him in any way, he's just my boss and I'm sure they just got into one tiny fight. I swear shit's gonna be back to normal tomorrow." With that, the two got back to work.
Shit did not go back to normal tomorrow.
Or for months after that.
Bucky's assistant never really came back, leading many to believe that she had quit. Bucky had become more moody and temperamental, while Y/N's crush on him had escalated to new heights which was frankly taking a toll on her mental health. "I can't keep living like that. I'll just quit and get another job."
Those were the words she had whispered to herself one night as she lay in bed, unable to fall asleep. Bucky, on the other hand, had come to realize that his assistant was right; he did indeed have feelings for Y/N and all he wanted to do was confess them to her and get it over with.
Realizing he couldn't have her and that she only thought of him as her boss had made him moody and angry. While walking from the elevator to his office he no longer greeted her; he couldn't even bear to see her, knowing she was never gonna be his. Y/N, of course, interpreted it in a different way entirely.
She thought he had broken up with his assistant because she caught them making out, and now he hated her for getting in between his relationship. That created a whole new array of problems.
"Hey, whatcha doing?" Rubie peered over Y/N's shoulders as she quickly wrote down her resignation letter. "I'm quitting." Rubie gasped. "You can't do that! Why are you quitting?!" she whined. "Number 1: He fucking hates me; number 2: I still like him and that's a massive problem so yeah, leaving this place is the only good option."
She stood up. "Well, I can't talk you out of it, can I? I'm gonna miss you, Y/N," Rubie sighed and the two ladies gave each other a hug. Then Y/N went to the new assistant's desk, greeting him with a small smile. "Hi, will you please give this to Mr Barnes?" She handed him the letter.
"What's this?" he smiled. "My resignation letter." The smile disappeared from his face, a frown replacing it. "Why are you quitting? Is everything okay?" She pursed her lips. "I'd rather not talk about it, sorry. Just give him my letter, would ya? Thank you." The man nodded and she went back to her desk.
"Hey, Ryan— what's this?"
Ryan turned to see Bucky glaring at Y/N's resignation letter. "Oh, sir, that is Ms Y/L/N's resignation letter." Bucky nodded and Ryan left the office. Bucky read the letter, his glare deepening by the time he reached the end of it. She hadn't even specified why she was quitting; it came out of the blue. I can't let her do this.
He couldn't just let her quit like that, he loved her for God's sake! "I'm not letting her go," he snarled to himself, getting up and walking out of his office. When he walked out everyone turned to look at him. "Ms Y/L/N, can I see you for a moment? In my office?" Y/N frowned but got up, following him to his office.
"What's this?" Bucky asked her, holding up her letter. "My… resignation letter?" Y/N replied slowly, confused. "Yeah, I know, I can read. Why are you quitting all of a sudden?" he huffed. "I'd rather not say," she mumbled, suddenly feeling anxious. "What do you mean, you'd rather not say? Did you get into a fight?"
Yeah, with you, idiot.
"No, sir."
"Is it pay? I'll give you a raise right now—"
"It's not that, Bucky. I— I mean Mr—"
"Bucky is fine. So? Is someone troubling you? Someone I need to fire?"
"No. I just want to quit, why can't you accept that?!" Bucky stood up, slamming his hands on his desk. "You have to give me a legit reason! Vague answers will not be accepted!" Y/N glared back at him and the silence stretched on between them. "Wait a minute," Bucky exclaimed suddenly, "I know what's going on here—"
"What could you possibly know?" Y/N quipped sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "This is about that whole Marie thing, isn't it? Y/N, plea—" "No, Bucky! It's not! Why can't you just let me quit in peace?!" she yelled, interrupting him. Months of frustration had finally taken a toll on her.
"Give me an answer and I'll consider it!" he thundered and she took a step back, shocked. Maybe telling him the truth would speed up the process, she thought. "Fine, you wanna know why? Because I'm in love with you. Yes, Mr Barnes, I fucking love you and I can't keep working here knowing you're never gonna like me back!"
"Y/N…" Bucky whispered but she ignored him. "No, you listen to me. You wanted an answer? Well, here it is. I know you hate me for ruining things with Marie and this is the only best option for the both of us!" Bucky couldn't believe his ears. All this time, she'd liked him back. He walked around his desk without her noticing; she was still rambling to herself.
"And why would you even like me back? You don't even say hello anymore—"
Y/N froze when Bucky's lips crashed onto hers, his hands going to her waist to pull her closer to him. A few seconds later she reciprocated, her arms going around his neck. Without breaking the kiss Bucky turned them and picked her up, putting her down on his desk. She wrapped her legs around his waist.
"Feels like we're in a Shakespeare play with all this miscommunication," Bucky laughed when they finally pulled away to breathe. "You like me too? But what about Marie—" He scoffed. "Marie and I were never a thing, she came onto me and I fired her. Before going she said something about me liking you…"
"Well at the time I denied it but then… she turned out to be right. And after that, talking to you became difficult because I knew I could never have you, you'd never see me in that way… boy if we'd just talked." Y/N giggled, simply happy to be in Bucky's arms. "What now? What are we?" Bucky traced a finger down her cheek.
"Don't leave me. Please, don't go," he pleaded. "Bucky, we work together, it'll be extremely unprofessional. I— I'm ready to be your girlfriend but I can't work here anymore." Bucky sighed and dropped his head to her shoulder. "Fine, but just because you said yes to being my girl. I'm so in love with you too, pretty face," he chuckled.
Y/N wrapped her arms around his shoulders, smiling. "I'm glad to hear it." He suddenly pulled away, giving her a devilish smirk. "Wanna get outta here?" Y/N's eyes widened. "Wh— now? Bucky, we—" He scoffed. "I'm still your boss, you know, you do as I say." Y/N rolled her eyes. "Do I have to deal with this while being in a rela—"
"Let's just go," Bucky groaned, pulling her to her feet and snaking an arm around her waist as they both left his office, heading to the elevators. Everyone working that day looked up, their jaws going slack as they saw the two with lovey-dovey smiles, fawning over each other. Rubie simply smirked at her friend.
"Oh please, she's quitting!" Bucky rolled his eyes when he noticed the stares. Everyone then only shook their heads and got back to work as Y/N lightly slapped Bucky on the chest, sighing.
A/N: Thanks for reading, leave a like if you enjoyed!
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miekasa · 4 years
out of the woods (eren jaeger)
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↯ pairing: eren jaeger x reader
↯ genres and warnings: royalty au (not within the snk universe), knight/bodyguard au, friends? to lovers? implied? perhaps? maybe one day, but eren’s obviously in love with you lol, sorry i had to make jean the token little shit character but i love him
↯ notes: i spend a lot of time thinking about royalty aus in which the reader is in line for the throne and eren is her very impulsive, but very skilled personal guard because i love him
↯ word count: 1.5k
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The harsh clinking of metal ringing in your ears is probably the only thing that keeps you from falling asleep in your chair. Eren’s always a bit fidgety when he’s completely suited, covered almost head to toe in armor and weaponry. It’s a bit excessive, too, which is why he’s not required to look like a walking chandelier on a regular basis, and especially not within castle walls—his normal uniform and longsword at his side in case of an unlikely emergency; but for meetings like these, Eren adorns all four layers of shiny, heavy, gold armor.
It’s more of a status symbol, decoration even, than for his or your own protection, really. And it’s his sly way of keeping you awake during long, drawn out civil duties meetings like these; he knows you hate the sound of all the metals clinking together, but it’s an effective way to making sure you don’t fall asleep face first on the table, and embarrass yourself in front of other royalty and noblemen.
Eren’s arguably a little too impulsive to be a knight, especially for one that stands at the right hand of the sole princess to the kingdom; and definitely the most mischievous of all the royal guards. And, as if to prove it, he shakes his wrist near your ear again when he sees you spacing out, prompting you to shake your head reflexively. He has to hold back his chuckle.
“Princess,” both yours and Eren’s attention shift to the voice that calls after you, “You seem a bit… distracted? Is anything the matter?”
The sound of Jean’s voice is enough to make Eren straighten his spine, his noisy wrist falling to rest his hand on your shoulder protectively. Eren feels you relax your shoulders under his touch, a silent message that he’s free to withdraw and do the same, but he stays sharp.
“My apologies, Jean,” you reply, voice kind and steady, “I have quite a bit on my plate, please pardon my absentmindedness.”
Jean hums, a cheshire grin growing on his lips, as his gaze settles on Eren, rather than you. Jean leans forward, the ruffled cravat around his neck tickling his chin as he brings his elbow onto the table, and his cheek to rest against his palm.
“Surely you’re in no immediate danger, princess,” Jean drawls, slowly, eyes now fixated on you, “Your guard dog can stand down in the presence of friends, no?”
Eren grits his teeth, growing more restless with every word that leaves Jean’s irritating mouth. The prick has the audacity to smirk when Eren’s free hand goes to rest against the sheath for his sword.
You, however, simply smile politely. The other men and women of the court are silent around the table; some eyes wide with anticipation, or perhaps anxiety, as the tension between Eren and Jean grows. You look slightly behind Jean, where Armin stands against the wall, his stance neutral, but his face concerned, with a look that speaks a thousand words—or, rather, twelve: tell Eren to relax, or there will be a bloody royal murder.
Carefully, you bend your own arm back, as to place your palm atop Eren’s hand still resting on your shoulder; then looking towards Jean: “Eren is my primary guard and advisor, Prince Jean, just as Marco is to you,” you state calmly, gesturing to the seat at Jean’s right, where Marco is seated, “He is by my side at all times.”
Eren knows that; and Jean knows it, too. He also knows this is a losing battle, but he wants to play, anyway.
“I understand, my lady, but surely there’s no need for Eren to be on guard for high-level threats at such a minuscule gathering,” Jean taunts, looking Eren in the eyes before continuing, “Besides, I’m sure a husband would provide much more civil protection, wouldn’t you agree?”
It takes you squeezing Eren’s hand with all your strength to get him to even think about refraining from unsheathing his sword and putting it through Jean’s head. He feels your orders, but it does nothing to calm him, though; angry, vengeful, green eyes boring into the prince’s soul.
Jean smirks, slips in another sly innuendo about he could please you better than any knight in your court, and Eren almost loses it. His right hand is on the handle of his sword, a glimmer of handcrafted gold peeking through its casing. His moves have the other knights on guard, too; Armin silently signaling for Mikasa to be careful, or ready.
“Eren,” you call, but you’re looking at Jean, “Stand down.”
You have to repeat your words twice more for them to get past Eren’s cloudy mind and growing growls. You squeeze his hand again, and reluctantly, he takes a step back—evens out his footing, removes his hand from your shoulder, lets go of his weapon. His stance is neutral at your right hand now, and the relief in the room is palpable. And audible from Armin, who lets out a sigh; he can rest now, knowing that the foreign prince won’t be beheaded.
With a similar sigh, you stand to address your other guests, “I believe a recess is in order. Mikasa will usher you to the ballroom for hors d’oeuvres and wine. We will reconvene at quarter to the hour.”
The noblemen, advisors, and other royalty nod in acknowledgement, moving to the exit as Mikasa leads them through the castle corridors and into the appropriate room. Prince Jean falls behind the rest, offering you and wink and a cocky grin before being pulled by Marco. Armin is the last to exit, saluting you politely as his stands in the entryway.
“Would you like for some refreshments to be brought to you, princess?” he questions.
“You don’t have to be so formal when they’re not around, you know that,” you smile gently. Armin gapes, a light, embarrassed blush falling across his cheeks, “It’s fine, Armin. I’ll be there shortly.”
Armin nods, giving Eren a look, before finally exiting and following behind the crowd. When you’re alone, Eren finally speaks.
“I don’t like him.” 
“I thought you and Armin were friends,” you joke, pushing yourself from out of your seat and standing next to him. Eren’s side-eye speaks a thousand words, but you find yourself chuckling in response.
“You promised me you’d work on that temper of yours,” you taunt, taking a few steps towards the door. Amused by his pouty demeanor, you extend your hand for Eren to hold like a child, “Come on, knights shouldn’t pout.”
Eren rolls his eyes, gingerly taking your hand, only to spin you around and wrap his arms around your middle. He fits his chin into the crook of your shoulder, “Knights shouldn’t have to justify wanting to murder asshole princes, either.”
“Jean means well,” you say, laughter seeping through your words at Eren’s evident disagreement with your statement. You reach a hand backwards to comb through his hair to quell his irritated state; an action well received, as the taller boy nuzzles his face deeper into your shoulder, his body finally fully relaxing, “He shouldn’t intentionally antagonize you, but he’s still a prince, Eren. You have to be careful.”
Eren huffs, and holds you a little tighter. “Him being a prince means nothing to me.”
“I’m serious,” you sigh, letting the hand in his hair fall down to your side, and then to rest atop his that are over your stomach, “You can’t be that hasty. Your actions could be seen as an attempt on royal blood by the wrong people.”
“And his words could be seen as harassment and defamation of the princess and her associates, in which case I am within my rights to attack, and you are within your rights to sue,” Eren counters. 
He removes his hands from your waist, gently resting them on your shoulders to turn you to face him now. He’s got that stupid look on his face, the one he gets when he’s a little too overly confident, but Eren’s not dumb; he’s impulsive, and passionate, but he knows the law of your land like the back of his hand, particularly where it pertains to protecting you. 
“And he did it while on your land. It would have been defense of the princess—precautionary knightsmanship, really—if I had sliced his head off.”
“Precautionary knightsmanship sounds made up,” you say, an eyebrow raised in suspicion.
“It’s real. It’s in the knight handbook, trust me,” Eren replies, leaning down to press a single kiss to your forehead. He removes his hands from your shoulders, stepping past you before turning back with one arm extended, “Come on, allow me to escort you to the tiny, not fulfilling, rich people finger foods.”
You chuckle, placing your smaller hand in his, “They’re called hors d’oeuvres, Eren.”
“That sounds even more ridiculous,” he notes, wrapping his fingers around your palm, “Just eat normal meals and portions like the rest of us.”
“You know, you’re allowed to eat the tiny, rich people finger foods, too.”
“I know,” Eren hums, turning his head as he begins to walk you in the direction of the ballroom, “But I’d rather have Jean’s head.”  
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 years
FFXIV Prompt #2: "Started with a spark"
A/N: I have three little prompts so far and this is the second one! @healersadjust thank you for liking my Ishgard joke
Characters: WoL! Cinna Rosewood, Aymeric de Borel, WoL! Juri Phoenix, WoL! Siah Rosewood, Haurchefant Greystone Pairing: Aymeric x Cinna Warnings: none, it's cute!
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The minutes couldn’t have gone any slower. The heartbeat in her ears thumped in time with the ticking clock on the wall. Her chest was tight and she felt dizzy. Her eyes couldn’t focus one one thing and darted from one spot to the other. Her knuckles were turning white from gripping the cloth of her skirt. 
“You’re alright. Take a breath, you’ve been holding yours for far too long.” Cinna blinked rapidly. Her older brother Siah stood in front of her with Juri, both trying to pry her fingers free of the material. He succeeded and held her hands in his. Her chest burned as she sharply inhaled, letting out a shaky exhale. “That’s better. Keep up those deep breaths. Are you alright?” 
“I would be if I was as small as you. Elezens are like giants.” 
“ Jurien .” Siah warned as he glared at his best friend who reached his hand over to pat Cinna on the head. “Now is not the time.” 
“Now is the perfect time. Listen to this, Cin. People in the Empyreum don’t have to worry about security.” Juri grinned like the Cheshire cat, his eyes swirling with mischief. “Wanna know why?” 
As he expected, the two broke out into laughter. However he didn’t expect Haurchefant to join them. Siah pressed his lips together in a firm line. Despite being unimpressed by the joke, he was happy to see his sister laugh. She’d been eerily silent on the way to the camp Dragonhead. She’d been so in her head that she nearly missed Haurchefant greeting her with a smile and a hug . 
The laughter in the room was cut short when the door opened revealing Alphinaud, followed by the Lord Commander himself and his second in command. Juri and Siah watched with amusement as her expression changed from horror to fondness. When she caught her brother’s eye, she lightly kicked his foot. He smirked and stuck out his tongue at her. Juri chuckled, patting her head, earning himself a swat to the side. 
The Lord Commander had to take a deep breath to keep himself from chuckling as he turned his gaze to the trio. He watched as Juri grabbed the siblings' wrists, nodding his head toward him. It wasn’t long before Aymeric’s blue eyes met violet ones. He couldn't help but smile as he admired her face. And for her to smile softly at him, he was honored. 
“Speaking of reputations, yours towers over us all, does it not?” 
“I don’t believe so, but thank you.” 
“Come now, Cin. Let’s not be modest.”
“ Juri .” 
“Yes dearest?” Juri teased.
While the others were invested in Juri & Siah’s banter, Aymeric & Cinna were completely lost in each other’s gaze. Alone in their own world, no one else mattered. Even when Cinna eventually looked away, her cheeks pink, Aymeric couldn’t take his eyes off of her. His fond smile did not go unnoticed. 
“And to think this meeting of fate may not have occurred if we did not ask you to come along.” 
“Full glad was I to learn that you’d be joining us.” 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
After the more serious meeting between the Lord Commander and Alphinaud, Cinna was quick to leave the stuffy area. She needed a breather and a moment to calm her ever beating heart. Meeting him had gone better than she had anticipated. As she leaned against the brick wall, she couldn’t help but think of how handsome he was up close. And his eyes were simply gorgeous. And his smile-
“Lady Rosewood?” 
“Lord Commander?” She stood up straight and turned to look up at him. “Is aught amiss?” 
“Your brother asked me to give this to you.” He held out his hand to her, opening his palm to show her a hair pin. “He said he’d been holding onto it for you.”  
“Thank you.” 
When her fingers brushed against his palm, they felt a tingling, electric sensation course through their bodies. Her eyes flicked to hers, searching for any indication that she too felt what he did just now. It was only when she smiled at him so fondly did he let out a sigh of relief. 
“May I?” 
“Of course.” 
As she pulled her hand away, she brushed a hand through her hair. When he stepped close and knelt down, she reached up and tugged on her ear, looking away until she knew he wasn’t looking. They were so close, that they were sure the other could hear the loud beating of their heart. He tilted her head up with his thumb and index finger, moving the hair out of her face, carefully sliding the pin in place. He then took a moment to admire her face. When his thumb brushed along her jaw, her lips parted, allowing for the tiniest of gasps to escape. 
Before he could speak, the door opened to reveal Juri and Siah who were curious of what was going on. Aymeric stood up quickly, both he and Cinna moving a good foot or two away from each other. 
“Thank you. I do hope to see you again.” Cinna spoke softly. 
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caspercryptid · 3 years
i would do anything for more of the dr. cheshire x angel/grace content i'm ngl i was hooked by ur mini fic
In reference to this piece of original fiction
A Supervillain crashing her hero's wedding, anyone?
-claps- so I polyam-ed this one up a little but it's still very... I don't have a ship name for his two. Helace? Changel? that's awful. Anyway. Helen x Grace, Cheshire x Angel.
CWs: Murder Discussions.
Dr. Cheshire has probably gone too far this time.
Not just in the sense that there were lines she isn’t supposed to cross— she was no stranger to lines she isn’t supposed to cross, much like moral event horizons, she likes to be aware of where they are so she can wave as she barrels past, pop a proverbial wheelie. In the more informal parlance.... Fuck ‘em.
But there are rules. She understands rules. She understands the rules of the physical universe, the laws of gravity and the rules of mathematical certainty, the physical limitations of a body in the face of extreme heat, which was really somewhere in this particular mathematical proof, the fact that the human body cannot tolerate being set on fire very well, the fact that she does, in fact, still have a human body, despite all her efforts to the contrary. She throws up a table and ducks another fireball and realizes that, actually, wedding crashing was vastly overrated. This was not how this was supposed to go. This was supposed to be a kidnapping. Grace was supposed to be marrying some random asshole, and she was supposed to sweep in, overwhelm them, because she’s Dr. Goddamn Cheshire, this should have been easy, but no, apparently Grace has swapped out the asshole she had at home for a woman Chess vaguely.... recognizes.
But that’s ridiculous, so she pushes the thought back down.
Plan. This is time to plan. Does she run? She should probably run, because Grace’s new wife is apparently far more capable than Chess had realized, and as much as she wants to declare herself willing to fight for Grace’s favor, she is aware of the fact that she’s in the presence of a far superior enemy. And then there’s a blinding flash, and when Chess blinks the light from her eyes, Grace is standing in front of her, looking... extremely unamused.
Her hair is pinned up in a pile on her head with a few loose strands in front of her ears, her green eyes narrowed, a...beautiful shimmering white dress draping off her shoulders, and about ten sets of fiery wings off her back, blinding red, orange, yellow, blue. She’s holding a bouquet.
“Chess.” She seethes, exasperated, looking really and truly angry in a way that Dr. Cheshire had never seen her, and Chess opens her mouth, hoping she has a one-liner on standby from her prepared speech, but apparently she doesn’t, because what comes out of it is—
Grace stops. Squints at her. Does not punch her, so she takes that as encouragement to continue, face as red as her hair.
“I think I’m going to go by Helen.”
“Helen.” Grace says, and ah. Okay. Telling Grace her name so Grace could say it. Is not helping matters. Grace searches her expression, for a second, and then she reaches up to pinch the bridge of her nose, and her wings disappear again. She looks... more human, now, in the dress, and Helen feels something very like guilt that she sincerely hopes against hope is just indigestion.
“What’d they do?”
“What are you doing here, Helen?” Grace asks.
“—Though I’d try my hand at the I object. It always goes great in the movies.” Helen winces at the force of Grace’s glare, tries it again. “You weren’t there. I’ve killed like three more people.”
“—ordered civilian bombings.”
“Those don’t count as people. Why are you really here, Helen?”
Because i’m in love with you.
“I don’t know.”
Dammit, Helen!
Grace looks unconvinced by that, and Helen braces herself.
“—What’s she like?” she asks. “Does she make you happy?”
Grace blinks, surprised, and then softens. “She makes me happy. She’s— serious. Deadpan, but funny when she’s in a good mood. Beautiful when she isn’t smiling, stunning when she does, half because it’s so damn rare.” Grace hikes up her dress and kneels in front of Helen, folding her arms across her knees. Helen notes, distantly, that she’s wearing brown leather boots under that dress.
“She’s a lot like you, actually.”
Helen feels her heart stop, looking back up at Grace. She doesn’t know what her facial expression is doing. Grace meets her eyes.
“Look.” She says. “I’m going to marry Laurie today. Because I love her. But— maybe if you weren’t. A completely murderous maniac. I’d like to have you around.”
Helen feels like a scolded kid again, but she swallows.
She straightens, letting her dress drop over her boots again, and Helen feels like she’s been let in on a secret as Grace smiles.
“And maybe if you can avoid any more fighting, you can stay for the cake.”
“—could do.” She says.
Grace offers her a hand.
Helen swallows her heart, and her pride, and takes it.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Chance Encounter (sequel to The Premiere)
What happens when y/n and Cillian bump into each other again off set? Will their little agreement still stand?
Warning : Smut
Taglist - @queenshelby @peakyscillian @margoo0 @being-worthy @noctvrnalmoth @janelongxox
Your hair was done, your makeup flawless (if you did say so yourself) and you were finally ready. Your former costar Natasha was getting married and she'd invited you to the reception. You'd booked your hotel room and silently prayed to the god of all that is holy that Cillian was invited too. You knew your agreement half a year ago was that if you "worked together" again, you'd hook up, but surely agreements could have the odd caveat here and there, right? You just hoped he was still single... There had been plenty of buzz about him and a girl from back home reconnecting a few months ago but you'd never plucked up the courage to ask him outright. Last thing you wanted was to look desperate but truth be told? You were. A little. Okay, a lot, but you hid it well - no one had any inkling anything had happened that night at the casino, and that's just how you liked it. The rumour mill had piped down, even after THAT interview. But deep down you wanted more of the man that had truly captivated you. It annoyed you that he wasn't on any social media - there was no way of keeping in touch other than via text/call but neither of you had made contact with the other after that night.
You smoothed down your dress and grabbed your handbag. One quick check on your hair, and you made your way to the lift. Pressing the 'down' button, you felt two strong hands suddenly clinch your waist, making you (and your heart) jump.
"Too easy, y/n..." You spun on your heels and came face to face with Cillian, praying your foundation covered your burning cheeks. Game face on, you slapped his arm playfully. The tickle and slap had been your 'thing' all the way through Peaky Blinders.
"Mr Murphy, how the devil are you?" He embraced you warmly, greeting you the same way on old friend would - had he moved on?
"I'm excited to be here with everyone again, can't wait to see Tash's dress!" You smiled breaking away from him, hoping he couldn't feel your heart practically exploding through your dress.
"She'll look beautiful I'm sure." You held eye contact for a little longer than you should have, before the lift door pinged. Inside were Finn and Joe Cole, obviously having caught the lift from a higher floor. It suddenly dawned on you that your room was on the same floor as Cillian's... Stop it y/n...
"Hey!!! Peaky Reunion in full swing now!" Your onscreen brother and cousin pulled you both in for hugs as Cillian pressed the button for the ground floor.
Entering the large foyer, the beauty of the hotel where the reception was being held was breathtaking. The wedding flowers, lilies and roses, lined the corridors, leading the way to the large reception hall at the bottom of the corridor. Entering the room, you found the other cast members on a table together in the corner, and saw 4 empty seats around the table. Approaching the table plan in the corner, you groaned inwardly to see Natasha had placed you and Cillian right next to each other.
"Should be a fun evening, y/n.. what you drinking?" Cillian nudged you with a wink. Why was he so damn hard to read??
"Gin and lemonade please," you smirked, and he made his way to the bar with Joe. Finn joined you at the table, smirking at you.
"That flame still burning there y/n?" He nudged you as you took your seats. Finn one side of you, Cillian the other.
Conversation flowed around the table easily, the group of you catching up on the last six months. Most of you having taken a break from any kind of work for a while out of choice.
"I hear your love life is improving there Cillian!" Joe laughed, playfully punching the top of Cillian's arm. He didn't respond, just smiled shyly and rolled his eyes. Your heart dropped, he HAD moved on then..
He caught your eye and went to speak to you, before the music kicked in and the DJ announced the arrival of Natasha and her husband into the room. You all stood, cheering and clapping as the beautiful bride and her dashing husband entered, grinning like Cheshire Cats. The conversation with Cillian would have to wait...
The end of the night drew close and you were stood at the bar with a tipsy Natasha talking about her father's embarrassing yet beautiful speech, when the music suddenly turned down a notch. You were so happy for her, she looked absolutely radiant.. but the feelings in your heart were almost painful. You'd avoided Cillian all night, much to his dismay. He'd tried talking to you but you were determined to keep your distance. He was clearly taken, and you wouldn't dream of getting in the way of that. You couldn't help but notice him watching you from a distance throughout the night though, and you regularly scanned the room to check he was still around somewhere. Occasionally your eyes met, and you looked away quickly every time.
Natasha's wedding song played again through the speakers for the second time, the DJ inviting all the couples in the room up to the dance floor. Natasha kissed you cheek and hugged you, before heading off to find her new husband.
You felt those familiar hands on your waist, but they didn't tickle like normal, they gently turned you round in a 180 degree turn.
"Stop avoiding me." Those blue eyes pierced into yours.
"Very sure of yourself there, aren't you?"
"Every time I've got within 2 feet of you, you've moved away. I've tried to talk to you and you suddenly need the toilet.. or a cigarette.. or just plain walked away. Forgive me for thinking you were keeping a deliberate distance from me y/n." He looked serious, a side you rarely saw in him. He almost looked hurt.
"Listen, Cill.. you're clearly with someone okay? And I'm.. I'm just.. it's okay.. It really is. I -" His lips suddenly fell onto yours, silencing you, taking you completely by surprise. Now that, you weren't prepared for. You suddenly no longer cared about anyone else in the room, you lost yourself in his embrace, your kiss quickly becoming heated as your tongues met.
"What are you doing..." You breathed, pulling away.
"I'm not seeing anyone y/n, I never was. That girl is my publicist - yes we dated but we were 16.. she's married now, to my best friend ironically.. I'm single."
"Well you've just kissed me in a room full of people.."
"I know.. and I'll deal with that later, but right now I really don't care. I've been wanting to do that ever since that night."
"Why didn't you call me?" His hands were caressing your arms lightly as he chuckled to himself.
"I chickened out." You stifled a laugh.
"Me too... I didn't want to be the first to text!"
"Thank god Tash got married eh? How long you reckon we'd have gone on without talking for?"
"Oh come on, did you think you two sitting together at the table was a coincidence?" Joe appeared suddenly behind you at the bar. You both turned to look at him. "You two have been like lovestruck teenagers since Peaky finished - frankly we were sick of hearing about it!" You were stunned.. nobody knew? Did they?
"We all bloody knew." Joe was a mind-reader now, apparently. Cillian's hand found yours, and led you to the dance floor. You followed, positively glowing now, as he pulled you close to him, gently swaying with you to the music.
"Which room are you staying in?" He whispered in your ear, a hand running up your spine.
"Yours..." Your hands ran up the length of his arms, over his shoulders. The navy blue suit bringing out the blue in his eyes perfectly as he pulled you close for another kiss.
"What do you say we head there now.." that voice would be the death of you, as it whispered in your ear again. You could feel his arousal through his trousers as you nodded, kissing him again. He took off his suit jacket and held it over his crotch as you both made your way quickly to the lift, luckily no one stopping you.
Your bodies met in the elevator again, your body being pushed against the wall as he lifted you up to wrap your legs round his waist. His core grinding into yours. Your fingers tugging his hair as he kissed a trail down your neck.
"Need to stop or I swear I'm gonna fuck you in this lift y/n.." you shuddered at the deepness of his voice, when the door to the elevator opened and he carried you to his hotel room. Opening the door, your legs still wrapped around him, he carried you to the large dresser by the window and sat you on it, hitching your dress up and over your waist, pulling your underwear down your long, slender legs.
"I never got to taste you last time..." You groaned from the pulsing feeling in your core as he parted your legs and kissed a trail up your thighs. Meeting your core, his tongue traced over your clit painfully slowly as your back arched.
"Oh god... Yes.." working a slow rhythm at first, he added more pressure as you started to rock against his mouth, needing more and needing it now. "Feels so good..."
"You taste perfect y/n..." His assault continued with fervour, he soon had your back arched as you came against his tongue. Coming down from your high he got back to his feet as you breathed heavily into another kiss, tasting yourself on his lips.
"I want you.. now Cillian..." The primal desire in his eyes was almost too much as you unbuckled his belt and trousers, letting them fall to the floor. Cupping his erection through his Calvin Kleins you felt him shudder slightly and gasp, standing you up to lift your dress over your head and unclasp your bra. His shirt was quickly removed as you pushed him backwards to fall onto the bed. Hooking your fingers in the waist band of his boxers shorts, you pulled them down allowing his hard cock to spring free. Giving it a gentle lick from the base to the tip, you sank your mouth down over it causing him to grip your hair and moan primally, never taking his eyes off you.
"Fuck.. your mouth feels good... Mm..." Your mouth was dancing over his shaft, a hand cupping his balls as you played with them.
Feeling his balls start to tighten, you lifted your mouth off him, bringing your body up the bed to meet his. His blue eyes were now almost black - you needed him inside you.. reading your mind he flipped you onto your front, opening your legs and lining himself up.
"Still on that coil thing?" He looked at you. You nodded, and he pushed into you slowly. You gasped at the invasion, he filled you up even better than he did before. Watching his eyes scrunch shut as he bottomed out, you smiled. He was perfect in every way, shape and form.. and after tonight's very public display, was he yours?
"I've wanted this for months... In fact I've wanted YOU for years..." You panted, lifting your hips to meet his gentle thrusts.
"You have me.. all of me.. you always have.." he thrusted between each sentence, sending shockwaves through you. He wasn't fucking you, he was making love to you.
He lifted you up, your legs wrapped round his waist as you moved together. Your lips met his as he ran his fingers smoothly down your spine, your arms wrapped over his shoulders as his thrusts met your hips perfectly. Your nails ran along his sculpted back, as he planted soft kisses over your collarbone. You had never felt anything like it - your bodies slotted together like jigsaw pieces, but you needed more. Turning your bodies, you pushed him onto his back and sank back onto his cock.
Rocking back and forth, building a steady rhythm you felt his hands roaming over your breasts causing you to ride a little harder.
"You're perfect, y/n, you know that? Absolutely perfect..." His eyes and hands were all over you. Pulling your waist up and down, he took over, lifting you slightly so he could thrust upwards, hitting that sweet spot inside easily. You brought a hand down to rub your clit as he began to pound harder into you from below, your orgasm drawing closer and closer.
"I'm gonna... Oh god Cillian I'm gonna cum..."
"Let me feel you... Let it happen baby I've got you..." You exploded over him, the most powerful orgasm you'd ever had. You felt your juices coat him, as your hand stopped rubbing his quickly took over, making you scream as he continued the pressure on your clit and your insides. You froze as you suddenly felt yourself lose complete control of your body, gushing over his chest as he made your pussy squirt hard over his chest and stomach.
He watched you, mesmerised as you cried his name, chest heaving from the force of your orgasm. Breathing heavily, trying to control himself and not end this too soon, he paused his thrusts as you came down from your high.
"Fuck... Jesus.. that's never happened before I'm sorry!" You gasped, coming back down to earth.
"Don't ever be sorry for that - I'm doing that to you every single time from now on.. fuck that felt incredible..." He growled and turned you over to lie on your back. He re-entered you, slipping in easily, and moved inside you again. You reached behind you to grab the bedframe.
"Give me everything... Everything you have..." He was like a wild animal, his hips pounding into you again. He was panting in your ear, sending you into heaven and back as you wrapped your legs round his waist, pulling him deep.
"Good girl... That's it... I'm gonna -" he lost the ability to speak as he came hard, deep inside you, his body collapsing on top of yours. You ran your nails over his shoulders, feeling his breathing calm.
You lay tangled together for a while, just enjoying the feel of each others skin, listening to each other breathe, placing soft, gentle kisses on each other. He pulled out slowly, and lay next to you.
The silence wasn't awkward, but you had to break it.. you had to know..
"Hmm.." his eyes were closed, but he lifted an arm for you to move into. You didn't, you stayed where you were. He opened his eyes and looked at you. "What's wrong?"
"What is this? What are we doing? I mean, I'm not expecting anything.. I just.. listen.. don't be mad.. but I've thought about that night every single day and I don't think I can carry on doing this if you don't actually want me, okay?"
"I kissed you in a room FULL of people y/n, what does that tell you?"
"I don't -"
"I want you, okay? Not just as a fuck, but all of you. You and me - what do you say?" Your eyes gazed into his. Everything you'd ever wanted was waiting in them. You settled into his arms and allowed yourself to drift off in his arms. The safest, and most comfortable you'd ever felt.
More cameras flashing, more screams.. another premiere. This time for your latest movie - you'd been cast as the lead role in Danny Boyle's latest blockbuster and you were leading the rest of the cast on the red carpet. Your dress showing off your curves perfectly.
You stood in line with your castmates smiling, when a pair of ocean blue eyes caught your attention off to the left. You couldn't help but grin when he winked at you, you could feel how proud he was of you. You heard the event manager call for individual photos, and you stayed on the red carpet smiling for the cameras.
"Can we get one of you and Cillian, y/n?" One of the photographers asked, and the others all shouted in agreement. You shook your head, knowing how much he hated these events, and PDAs even more, but you were cut off by the man himself approaching you smiling.
"Why not, eh?" We wrapped his arms round your waist and stood happily having his photo taken. He was just too proud not to, he wanted the world to know.. taking your hand in his, he led it to your belly, suddenly the fans in the background went wild screaming, the photographers suddenly noticing the roundness of your stomach and catching onto the exclusive news.
You felt a warmth running through you - it truly didn't get better than this, as you gazed into your fiance's eyes and stole a kiss.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Weird Secret Friends" *Chapter 7*
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Chapter 6
Chapter 8
I swear you guys I never know where these are gonna go, and then a plot just starts coming out itself. It's...starting to get dark, I won't lie to you. But not like-- super dark, no assault or anything. Just be wary reading this chapter, kay? Especially if you have any addiction issues.
Tag List
A few hours later Rafael’s alarm went off, causing you to groan and pull a pillow over your head.
“It’s Saturday,” You whined. “Why do you have an alarm set on a Saturday?!”
“Lo siento, amante,” He leaned over and turned it off, then pulled you closer into him as he nuzzled your neck. “I have to go in today,”
“On a Saturday?!” You repeated yourself.
“It’s what grown ups do, carino,” He chuckled, to which you promptly turned to face him.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” You frowned at him.
“Nothing, amor,” He assured you. “I was only joking,”
“...Were you, though?” You narrowed your eyes.
“You’re not a morning person, are you?” He was still chuckling with a sleepy grin.
“Not when I’m being insulted I’m not!” You now sat up, completely unamused by his flippant remarks.
“Y/N,” He sat up as well, putting a hand on your shoulder and stroking your hair with the other. “I really was joking. You know if we’re going to...spend time together, you should really get used to my snarky sense of humor,”
“Oh should I?” You crossed your arms.
“Yes,” He nodded, his smile never leaving his face.
“....And what exactly do you mean by ‘spending time together’?” You raised an eyebrow.
“...Well, I don’t know, do you really want to label...this, right this second?” He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, now finally reaching an annoyed point.
“...No,” You replied softly while you picked at a loose thread on the comforter.
“Okay, well--” He started to kiss you, but you put a hand over his mouth.
“Uh uh, Romeo,” You shook your head. “If we’re going to ‘spend time together’, you should know I don’t kiss before brushing,”
“Noted,” He chuckled once more as he kissed the top of your forehead. “If you need a label, I think we stick to ‘weird secret friends,’
“Well I don’t know if that applies anymore,” You sighed. “Considering we are no longer secret and I don’t think friends sleep with each other,”
“Well then we’re still weird, are we not?” He pointed out.
“Ha Ha,” You rolled your eyes. “So friend, what am I supposed to do while you’re at work?”
“....Talk to Sonny?” He asked as he got out of the bed.
“Oh, great idea!” You feigned excitement. “I’ll be sure to really twist the knife in his back this time,”
“You’re so dramatic,” He shook his head with a smile. “Just talk to him,”
“There’s no point Rafael,” You objected. “Unless I stop seeing you, he’ll never forgive me,”
“Well first of all, I seriously doubt that’s true,” He disagreed. “And second of all, he’s going to be hurt whether we continue...seeing each other, or not. The bottom line is he’s upset he’ll never be with me,”
“...Does everything just lead back to you, counselor?” You asked him while he began to get dressed.
“Basically,” He teased while pulling on his pants.
“Look, you can call me selfish or arrogant, or cold hearted all you want,” He told you. “But just because you stand there in your moral ivory tower doesn’t mean you don’t feel the same way. You just don’t want to act on them,” He disappeared into his bathroom to brush his teeth.
“I’m sorry, and why is that a bad thing?” You called from his bed, an insulted tone obvious in your voice.
“Because it’s your life, Y/N!” He exclaimed as he reemerged from the bathroom, giving you a serious look. “It’s not mine, it’s not Sonny’s. You don’t have any responsibility for anyone else’s happiness but your own,”
“Well hurting my cousin doesn’t make me happy!”
“And being with me doesn’t either?” He asked with his own hurt tone while he buttoned his dress shirt. Your long pause made him stop and look at you, your head was looking at the floor in shame. “Y/N?”
“....It makes me the happiest I’ve probably been in my entire life,” You admitted, making him grin like a Cheshire cat. He finished buttoning his shirt and then walked backed towards the bed, wrapping you in his arms.
“Back at you, killer,” He pressed his forehead against yours before kissing you long a deep, crawling onto the bed. You began kissing for maybe a minute, then suddenly it dawned on him he still needed to go to work.
“Well, this might be a problem,” He pulled back from you and walked back to his closet now speeding up his routine. He grabbed his tie and began tying it quickly.
“...What is?” You looked at him quizzically.
“You’re clearly a distraction, amante,” He gave you a mischievous grin.
“Well I’ve been called worse,” You shrugged.
“I’m sure you have,” He teased.
“Hey!” You tossed a pillow at him, he dodged it effortlessly.
“Alright killer, I promise I'll be right back,” He grabbed his suit jacket and started to walk out of the bedroom. You trailed behind him, still stark naked.
“You sure you wanna leave all….this?” You presented yourself with an evil smile.
“Oh you are...you are diabolical, woman,” He eyed you up and down, kicking himself for making this meeting today of all days.
“Mmmhmm…” You raised your long leg up until it was right next to your face, reminding him how flexible you were.
“No,” He bit his fist. “No no no, I must go,” He shook his head and bolted out the door. You stared at it, shocked by his immediate departure. How rude! You scoffed and turned to go back to the bedroom to get dressed, just as the door swung open and Rafael rushed in, grabbing your naked body in a heated kiss.
“Okay, now I seriously have to go,” He sighed while taking a mental picture of your perfectly toned body.
“Fine,” You pouted. “See if I’m here when you get back,”
“Oh you better be,” He warned with a cheeky smile, walking back out the door and leaving you alone once again.
You quickly realized you might not have a choice to avoid Sonny, seeing as all you had were your still damp clothes from the night before. You grabbed them and tossed them in Rafael’s dryer while you paced the apartment in the t-shirt and boxers from the night before.
What would you say? What could you say?
Later that day
You pulled up in front of Sonny’s apartment building and exited your Uber, thanking the driver before she drove away. You sighed and walked up to the stoop, ringing his box. There was a long silence, before you heard a woman’s voice:
“Hello? Sonny’s apartment,”
Who the hell was that?
“Um, yeah hi,” You stammered, completely taken aback by the turn of events. “I-I’m here for Sonny? It’s Y/N, his cousin…”
“Aw shit,” You heard Sonny’s voice muffled, before the buzzing of the door to let you inside. You walked into the building and headed up the stairs towards his apartment. As you reached his floor, you saw a blonde woman bolting out of his door, zooming past you and down the stairs. You looked at her for a moment before turning to stare at Sonny who just stood in the doorway.
“....And who was that?” You asked him curiously.
“Nobody, just a friend,” He dismissed you.
“A friend?” You half laughed. “Must be quite the friend,”
“You’re one to talk, with your stupid sneaky friends BS,” He snarked.
“...Weird secret friends,” You clarified in a small voice.
“Really, Y/N?” He asked you, unamused.
“Okay I’m sorry, you’re right--”
“Did you need something?” He crossed his arms as he leaned on his doorway.
“I um...I wanted to talk…”
“Did you now?”
“....And I need my clothes,” You gestured to the ‘walk of shame’ outfit you were still wearing.
“Ohhhh I see I see,” He nodded with a sarcastic laugh. “You needed your stuff so you can continue the sleepover with the honorable ADA?”
“Whatever, Y/N. I don’t wanna hear it. Just-- hold on,” He waved his hands in front of you as he disappeared into his apartment, his door slamming in your face. Soon he reappeared with your bag in tow, shoving it in your hands.
“There ya go, enjoy your weekend,” He started to shut the door but you put your foot in it.
“Sonny I’m not leaving until you hear me out,”
“...Fine,” He sighed and opened the door wider, letting you enter. You walked past him and sat on his couch. He walked to the couch and grabbed two beers, handing one to you as he sat on his armchair next to you.
“I um--” You started to say something, but you really needed it right now. Unfortunately, Sonny quickly realized his mistake and took yours back.
"Sorry, I forgot Sunshine," He apologized and grabbed a soda bottle from the fridge this time, and handed it to you.
“So,” He twisted the cap off his beer and took several big gulps, dreading this conversation already. “Talk,”
“Oh,” You hadn’t expected that. You hadn’t even expected to get in the door, let alone having to make some kind of speech.
Sonny knew that look in your eyes, the same look you had when you had forgotten the words to your song in your middle school talent show.
“Seriously, Y/N?” He shook his head with another sarcastic laugh. “You didn’t have anything prepared to say?”
“Well!” You took another swig of your soda
“You’re unbelievable, you know that?” “You just show up here, chase off Amanda, and--”
“Amanda?” You quirked an eyebrow.
“Irrelevant, Sunshine,”
“And you don’t even have a defense ready for your boyfriend?” He finished his thought.
“He’s not my boyfriend!” You objected.
“Damn straight he’s not!” He agreed.
“....What is that supposed to mean?” You narrowed your eyes.
“Let me ask you something, Sunshine,” He put down his beer. “You slept together last night, right?”
“...Yeah,” You answered cautiously.
“And then this morning-- tell me, what did he do?”
“...Well he had to go into work," You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear nervously. You didn’t like where this was going.
"Uh huh" Sonny nodded with a smile.
“He DID” You insisted.
“Right, and did you guys even discuss what happens now?” He kept questioning you.
“Wha? We're not teenagers Sonny,” You rolled your eyes as you took bigger sips of your soda, wishing it was harder stuff. You didn’t like this at all.
“But you're not wondering? At All?”
“….We decided not to label it right now,” You answered softly, looking at the floor. You didn’t know why you were suddenly so nervous about that answer. Weren’t you the one who didn’t want to label it yet?
“Did you decide it or did he decide that?” Sonny read your mind, freaking you out even more.
“What are you doing?” You slammed the bottle on the table. You're upset I "stole" Rafael from you so now you're trying to get in my head?”
“No!” He protested. “But I know how he is, sunshine. I didn't want you involved with him solely because I...have a thing for him, he said the last uncomfortably. It's because I know how...frivolous he can be with relationships,”
“Oh my god,” You rolled your eyes with a laugh. “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
“I’m not fucking with you, sunshine!” He slammed his empty beer on the table angrily. “I’m serious,”
“Oh I’m sure you’re serious,” You nodded, still keeping your sarcastic tone.
“Look Sunshine,” He put a hand on your knee while lowering his voice to a softer, caring tone. “You can make excuses all you want. But I think you know me better than that. I wouldn’t tell you anything I didn’t explicitly believe,”
“...Yeah, I know,” You nodded in agreement, knowing he was right. He always looked out for your best interest, ever since you were a kid.
“So...will you at least think about what I’m saying?”
“What are you saying, Sonny?”
“I’m saying be careful, Sunshine,” He looked at you earnestly. “He can get bored very easy, and very fast,”
You thought to yourself that he couldn’t get tired of the ‘best sex of his life’ that quickly, but you’d never say that out loud to Sonny. Not unless you wanted him to have an aneurysm right in front of you. But then again, would you want him to want you around just for the sex, right?
“...I gotta go Son,” You glanced at your phone. “I promised him I’d be waiting for him when he gets home,”
“Seriously?” Sonny shook his head with yet another sarcastic laugh. “Damn Sunshine, you let him start working you fast,”
“Shut up,” You muttered uneasily as you got up from the couch and started to head out.
“Sunshine, one more thing,” He followed you to the door, you paused in the doorway to listen.
“Yes, Sonny?”
“...You know you always have a place here,” He gave you a big hug, you had missed this. You hugged him back tightly before pulling back and giving him a sincere smile.
“I know, Son,” You kissed him on the cheek and then began walking down the hall as he shut the door behind you.
He was just being his overprotective self….right?
It was around eight that Rafael finally came back to the apartment. He found you stewing on the couch, half of his good vodka was gone.
“Uh….honey, I’m home?” He asked warily.
“Oh, are you?” You rolled your eyes, not bothering to get up,
“...What’s wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me?” You scoffed. “What happened to “I’ll be right back?”
“...Stuff came up,” He mumbled.
“Seriously?” You half laughed. “Sonny was right,”
“Excuse me?” He took off his jacket and hung it up.
“I went to go get my stuff from Sonny’s,” You gestured to your own clothes you now had on. “And he told me to be careful with you,”
“Careful with me?” He laughed. “Like I’m breakable?”
“No!” You stood up. “Like you break other people,”
“Oh come on Y/N,” He rolled his eyes as he met you halfway in the living room. “Doesn’t that just sound like something he’d say to deter you from me?”
“He wasn’t saying it like that, Rafael,” You shook your head and crossed your arms. “He’s looking out for me, like he always has,”
“And what else did he say?” He eyed you suspiciously.
“He said…” You looked up at the ceiling. It was starting to swirl a bit, you rocked back and forth. Rafael noticed and quickly put both hands on your shoulders, knocking you from your daze.
“Y/N!” He cried as he led you back to the couch and sat you down. “Jesus, is this what you do when you’re upset?”
“...No,” You lied. You were in no shape and nowhere near close enough to him to start revealing dark secrets about yourself. You really should have thought that through. You had to recover from this, you didn’t want him to know.
“Are you sure about that?” He raised a questionable eyebrow, not believing you for a second.
“...This isn’t about me, this is about how you get bored of women-- and men, I assume,”
“What?” He blinked in confusion. “Is that what Carisi said?”
“Maybe,” You grabbed the glass of vodka and started to sip it, but Barba snatched it out of your hand.
“I think you’ve had enough of that,” He told you, his concern growing more by the second the more he looked at you.
“Great,” You muttered, focusing on the TV.
“Hey, Hey!” Rafael snapped at you. “We’re not done talking,”
“Alright, fine,” You turned off the TV. “You wanna talk? Tell me about the t-shirt,”
“...I’m not having this conversation with you when you’re like this,” He shook his head and stood up to go to his bedroom.
“You’re the one who said you wanted to talk, Rafael!” You threw your hands up. “So let’s talk about it-- or even better, let’s talk about the drawer full of girl’s clothes you have,”
“You went through my drawers?!” He snapped. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“Are they mementos? Gifts? Trophies?” You stood up, wobbling towards him.
“Trophies?” He scoffed while putting his hands over his face in frustration. “God dammit Y/N...I…”
“You what?” You crossed your arms, steadying yourself.
“I can't deal with...this,” He gestured to you.
“With what?” You suddenly felt a wave of dread. You’d seen that look before. Many, many times. From many, many people.
“With THIS, with YOU,” He walked up to you and walked you back to the couch.
“You’re clearly more fucked up than I thought, and I-- I can’t be your emotional support fuck buddy,” He went on as he grabbed a pillow and blanket from a closet.
“Wow...wow,” You felt tears choking your throat. “So that’s what I am, a fuck buddy?”
“I don’t--- I don’t know,” He rubbed his face, sitting down on the couch next to you.
“Really? Because twelve hours ago you were sitting here and telling me that- that I meant something to you,” You started to cry.
“You do!” He put a hand to your face. “You...you do, I just…” He looked at your sorry state. “I don’t know what to do with you,” Rafael was kicking himself for getting you both in this mess; he wasn’t equipped to deal with someone so unstable. Maybe it was a one time thing, a fluke.
“Look just-- just sleep it off and we’ll talk about it tomorrow, okay?”
“I don’t…” You whimpered. “I don’t want to,”
“Well, we have to talk about it--”
“No,” You stopped him. “I don’t want to sleep it off in here, alone,” You gestured to the couch, the bed he clearly had made for you to sleep in.
“I…” He sighed, finally conceding and picking you up to carry you to his bed.
“Alright baby, alright,” He placed you on his bed and laid down next to you until you fell asleep, then he got up and went into the living room, kicking a pillow across the floor in rage and upset, falling against the wall with his head in between his knees.
What the fuck did he get himself into?
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