#basically i want the joker dead and i think i should be the one who gets to do it
babygirlcowboy · 1 year
Me watching the new strsy kids promo seeing these bitches in a fucking school bus with clown masks on knowing full well I will never be able to escape the cultural impacts of the Nolan Batman movies
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robintherobiner · 8 months
yesterday i spent an hour in the shower talking to myself about how I think a reverse robins au would go, mainly in the case of Tim taking Jasons place as the revived second robin. I took the Joker Junior thing and decided "Hm.. yes, this is how Tim dies."
I have many thoughts about it.
Basically, Tim's 15, has been Robin for almost two years, when his dad dies. Like in canon, Tim makes a very strategic plan which could lead to the murderers death, but Batman finds out and Tim doesn't enact it. Bruce is still mad about it, and Tim storms out the manor to go visit his dad's grave. While on the way, he gets kidnapped by the Joker and he's tortured for three weeks because Bruce thinks he's just being an angry teen giving the silent treatment. By the time he realises something is wrong and goes to find Tim, the boy is already dead. After shooting the Joker, he shot himself, and Harley Quinn is no where to be found.
Then, six months after being buried, he wakes up in his grave, right besides his father. He digs out, is found by Talia, and taken to be trained. With Jason, Ra's didn't want to heal him and Talia did it without permission, but in this au, Talia is the one who doesn't want to heal him. She thinks he's too similar to Bruce, and that she won't be able to trick him. Ra's thinks he can. He's wrong, of course.
Instead of reclaiming the name Red Hood, Tim decides to stay as Junior. After all, he was extremely mentally unstable before his death, so i think he'd still be suffering fron the torture and think Batman = bad, Joker = good. After a little while, he manages to recover a bit, but he's still mad at Bruce.
Jason forgave Bruce for not saving him, but was angry he didn't get justice.
Tim forgave Bruce for not getting him justice, but he's angry he didn't get saved.
Tim comes back to Gotham and is a lot more sneaky with his crimes. Red Hood came in guns a-blazing, straight away starting to clean Gotham up, but Junior is much more behind the scenes. If the criminals decided to do good, they'd live. It's not his fault the house they broke in to had rabid dogs squatting in it, or that their hard drives were suddenly copied and shared to everyone they knew.
Instead of attacking the new Robin, he kidnaps her instead. Sends Batman cryptic messages like "better find her soon or she'll end up like the last bird" or "you should keep a better eye on your things, Batsy". Bruce is tearing Gotham apart searching for Stephanie, thinking she's being tortured by a Joker wannabe, when actually she's just being forced to sit through slideshows about the dangers of being a child soldier and told annoying knock-knock jokes over burgers.
I might write a fic about this 🤭
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that1emowitch · 6 months
Suit Shopping
Prompt by @shinekocreator : "Hear me out: the batsiblings going suit shopping with Dick. Fluffy engaged birdflash. Maybe something around planning the wedding. Also some batsiblings being siblings"
A/N: I had a random burst of inspiration at 10 pm and suddenly wrote this whole this lol
Words: 3006
TW: None, I think. It's all pretty fluffy. Lmk if I missed smth
“I still think he’ll look prettier in purple,” Steph holds up her phone, showing an image of a bright purple suit. “Like, look at that! All it needs is some glitter.”
“Tt.” Damian scowls at her. “Everyone knows weddings are supposed to be black-and-white.”
“Yeah, the purple looks like the Joker,” Jason points out, nodding. “But hear me out: Red.”
Damian shouts again in protest, basically jumping on Jason. The two start fighting, pulling each-other’s hair and yelling.
“You sure you want them to help, Rob?” Wally shakes his head, his arms wrapped around Dick’s waist as the pair stands just a few feet away, looking at the Bats trying to kill each other.
Dick sighed, resting his head on his boyfriend— no, fiance’s shoulder. “They’re not really giving me a choice, honestly. But this’ll be fun, I’m sure!”
Wally chuckles. “Yeah, Bart and Barry are insisting to come shopping with me, too. So is Iris, actually.” He pulls away from Dick after placing a sweet kiss on his lips. “I’d better get going. Have fun!”
“You too!” Dick smiles as he watches his beloved speed off— he is the fastest man alive, after all. Then Cass walks up to him, gesturing to Damian, Steph, and Jason, then pushing her right hand towards the webbed part of her left in the sign for “annoying”.
He just chuckles, shaking his head. “Just have to wait for Duke and Tim, now, huh?”
Cass smiles and points behind him— where Duke has just entered the living room through the Batcave. “Hey, D,” He waves his hand in greeting as he walks up to them. He gives Damian and Jason— the latter of who is now pinning the younger against a wall with a gun raised— a long look. “What is going on?”
Cass just makes the “annoying” ASL sign again.
“DUKE!” Steph suddenly jumps on him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. “I am so glad you’re here, you’re the only sensible one in this house! Which color do you think Dick’s suit should be?”
She shows him three photos— one exquisite, expensive purple suit made of leather, and two cheap thrift-store black and red suits.
Duke hesitates, carefully extracting himself from the blonde. “Uhh… Don’t you think Dick should decide? It is his wedding.”
“Thank you,” Dick says, pulling Duke closer. 
“Heathens, all of you,” Steph shakes her head, disappointed.
That’s when Tim finally enters through the front door— being carried by Kon. Tim quickly jumps out of Kon’s arms, beet red, when he realizes his siblings are already here, and watching. Jon trails after the pair, instantly brightening up when he sees Damian.
Damian stops fighting with Jason just to greet Jon. Suddenly, the young Super flies into Damian, wrapping himself around the Bat, yapping away excitedly.
Everyone in the room freezes.
Oh no, poor Jon is so dead… Dick thinks.
Damian awkwardly raises his arm and pats Jon on the back, half-hugging him.
Jon pulls away in a second then runs to Dick. “Is it true? You’re getting married? How does it work? Are you excited? Where’s your ring? When’s the wedding? Are you gonna have a b—”
“Woah, woah there!” Dick laughs a little, showing off his ring— a thin gold strand with a Robin on it. “Yeah, I’m engaged to Wally. You know, Flash.” 
“WOAH…” Jon’s eyes are wide with awe. Damian pulls him away, tutting. 
“Tt. You must be real naive if you don’t know how weddings work.”
“Whatever, man, I just wanna go to the mall.” Jon smiles and shrugs. 
Dick smiles back, proud of his Baby Bat for making a good friend. “So,” He claps his hands, getting everyone’s attention. “None of us will be flying to the mall, just FYI. Now, there’s 9 of us here, but one car can only fit five, so we’ll need to take two cars.”
“Um, actually,” Jason stood, twirling keys on his fingers. “I’m taking my motorbike. And only Blondie’s allowed to come with.”
“But this is a family bonding opportunity, Jay!” Dick protested. “We can all—”
“I have a bike,” Kon said suddenly, looking at Tim hopefully. “I can just fly back and get it here. Then we can— uh…”
Tim blushes. “Yeah, yeah, that’d be perfect.”
Kon flashes a smile, and flies out the window.
Dick sighs. I guess that leaves no other choice.
“Okay, the rest of you, come on,” Dick heads to the garage, watching with a soft smile as Damian, Jon, Duke, and Cass pile into his car. While Jon and Damian bicker over who called shotgun first, Cass quietly slips into the passenger seat.
God, Dick loves his sister.
He flashes her a smile, letting her turn the radio to a station to one that plays 60’s ballroom music— she loves music with no words.
He hears the moment the boys realize Cass has taken the seat— they fall quiet, and get into the back, squeezing against Duke, who was peacefully sitting by the window.
He grins, hands on the steering wheel, ready to set off.
They all meet again in the mall’s carpark. Jason and Steph are discussing something about the parking being ridiculously overpriced, Damian’s explaining to Duke how cars work (Duke’s trying hard not to say “I know”), Cass is still listening to ballroom music, Kon’s encouraging Jon to get piercings…
“This is the quietest they’ve all been together, isn’t it?” Tim pipes up from beside Dick, making the older man jump.
“Jesus— Tim, how’re you so quiet?” Dick took a breath to steady himself.
“Years of stalking Batman and Robin paid off, I guess,” He shrugs. “I need coffee.”
Before Dick can reply, Tim walks towards the others, and shouts, “Okay, people. Here’s how it’s gonna go:”
Dick’s brows furrow. “Wait, you’re planning this—”
“There are too many stores, and not enough time. So we’ll split up into groups, find and buy any and all suits we like— in size M, or US 40—”
“—You know my size?”
“—forget about the price, Bruce is paying, and meet back at McDonald’s at 6pm. Jason and Steph, go with Dick to the east wing of the mall. Cass and Duke, go to the west wing. Kon and I will take the north, Damian and Jon to the south. Got that?”
Dick was stunned for a second when everyone easily agreed and split up— they must’ve discussed this before. Slightly dazed, he let Jason and Cass lead him away, to the east entrance of the mall.
Damian walks through the mall, heading straight to the information desk, where a directory of all stores is put up. His eyes scan the shop names and their descriptions, analyzing each one. After all, Grayson deserves the best of the best.
Suddenly Jon appears beside him, vibrating with enthusiasm. “Where do we go first?”
“Nordstrom.” Damian replies, his eyes landing on the name of the store. “Anything there will easily outshine every suit any of the others manage to find.”
“Oooh, that sounds so fancy!” Jon’s eyes widen in awe.
“It is. Not that a farmboy like you could understand it.” Damian turns to face Jon.
“At least I’m not a crazy trust fund kid who’s going to buy, like, 20 suits just so Dick has plenty of choices,” Jon shoots back, undeterred.
“At least I’m not a 12-year-old who thinks math is hard.” 
“At least I don’t have Mommy or Daddy issues.”
"At least I'm a man of great intelligence and taste, while you are a farmboy that talks to birds."
"Hey, those birds were awesome... and at least I talk to them... you just sit around being brooding and quiet. The most noise you make is when you're complaining."
“At least I am not a naive boy who thinks the world is sunshine and rainbows!”
Jon crosses his arms. "Yeah, and at least I'm not a brooding snob who's afraid to express his feelings, so he hides behind sarcasm and snarky comments." 
That one shuts Damian up. 
“So,” Jon puts up a radiant smile again, hand pointing into the air. “To Nordstrom!”
“It’s right there.” Damian points behind Jon.
Jon moves so he’s pointing towards the store. “To Nordstrom!”
Tim and Kon’s hands find each other as soon as they part with the rest of the group— enjoying this feeling of being so close to one another. They head straight to the first clothes store they find, searching around for a suit.
“Hey, Tim,” Kon calls, picking up a red and blue Superboy-themed crop top, complete with leather lining and metal studs. “This would look cute on you.”
Tim blushes. “Kon, we’re looking for a suit!”
“But just buy this too,” Kon encourages, smirking. “Trust me. I can really imagine you in this.”
“And nothing else.” The words escape Tim’s mouth before he can think, and he suddenly slaps his free hand over his mouth. “Um, forget that. Please.”
Kon’s cheeks turn slightly red, but he puts the top in their shopping basket anyway. “So. Um. Suits.”
“Yes,” Tim says awkwardly “Suits.”
The two find a section of the store for formal clothing soon enough, and start rummaging around for something Dick might like.
Everything seems wrong— too formal, too stiff, too not Dick.
“What if we buy a few of these suits, then paint them?” Kon suggests.
Tim turns to face him, thinking. “Good idea, but the only one of us that can paint well is Damian— and we’re competing against him.”
Kon’s brows raise. “Wait, we’re competing against Damian?”
“We’re competing against every other ‘team’ we split up in,” Tim explains, skimming through racks of blue-gray suits. “Damian and Jon, Duke and Cass, Steph and Jason.”
“Oh,” Kon nodded along. “So, how does it work?”
“We all find the best suits possible and present them to Dick, and the team whose suit Dick picks wins.”
“And Dick has no idea about this competition.”
“Helps him be a neutral judge.”
“Uh-huh,” Kon chuckles. “You Bats and your secrecy…”
“Coffee,” Tim says suddenly, turning to leave the store. “We’re not gonna find anything here. Might as well get some coffee. On me.”
Kon smiles, taking Tim’s hand again. “As you wish, babe.”
Then his eyes widen. “Wait, we have to buy the tank top first!”
Duke watches as his sister prances around the store, looking at the different dresses. They’re in a designer boutique (whose manager didn’t believe they were actually here to buy something until they flashed Bruce’s credit card). 
He chuckles as Cass picks up a soft pink dress, holding it to herself and standing before the mirror. “It looks lovely, really.”
Cass smiles, and gives it to the manager to add to their cart, just like the many other dresses she did so with before. It doesn’t matter that they’re here to buy a suit— if Cass likes something along the way, she can very well buy it.
Then she finds another princess gown— this time, pastel purple, with shiny sequins and sparkles.
“Yeah, Steph’s gonna love seeing you in that,” Duke grins teasingly. Cass blushes sightly, then hands it over to the manager.. 
“Also, where are your best suits? Something flashy, not formal and plain.” He asks one of the assistants. 
“Oh, yes, I’m sure yellow and black would look great on you, Mr. Thomas,” The assistant replies politely, starting to lead them to a corner.
Duke tries not to cringe at the mention of him in black and yellow. “Um, it’s for my brother, actually. We have his measurements, but is it possible to get it custom-made without him actually being here? It’s a bit of a surprise.”
“Of course,” The assistant nods, leading them to a row of racks filled with rolled-up sheets of fabric. “It would take longer, but you can custom-pick every piece of fabric, every decoration, even talk to our design specialist to make it perfect. It would usually take a few weeks, but for you, we can get it done in just two days, I’m sure.”
Cass walks up to them. “Blue.”
“Of course.”
“Like the night sky. With shining stars, if that’s possible.” Duke adds.
“Do have a chat with the design specialist I mentioned, Mr. Thomas and Ms. Wayne.” The assistant smiles politely. “Shall I check out the six dresses you bought, meanwhile?”
Duke nods, smiling. “Yes, please.”
This was definitely going to be better than the others’ suits.
Steph pulls Dick along by the hand as they both laugh, running through the clothes store. Jason walks behind them, clearly amused but pretending to not care.
“OOOH, pick this!” Steph shoves another bright purple suit into Dick’s hands. He gives her a look. 
“Steph… I don’t like purple! I want something blue!” Dick looks around, making sure no one’s eavesdropping, hen whispers, “Nightwing blue!”
Steph pouts. “What do you think, Jason?”
“Red.” Jason replies, looking through some suits. “But if we wanna win, we gotta give him what he wants.”
Steph frowns slightly, but agrees.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Dick holds his hands in front of them. “What do you mean ‘win’?”
Both of them freeze. Then Steph replies awkwardly, “Uh, win your heart, of course!”
“Yeah,” Jason adds, his tone dry. “Prove we’re your best siblings ever.”
Dick blinks. “Steph’s not a sibling. She’s dating our sister and she used to date our brother.”
“Potato, Potatoh,” Steph puts on the fakest smile ever, steering Dick away towards the blue-coloured suits. He goes along, confused.
As they peruse through the suits, Steph and Jason exchange glances, silently communicating their plan. They need to find the perfect Nightwing blue suit to win Dick over. They scan through the racks, occasionally holding up a suit for Dick to inspect. 
“This one?” Steph asks, holding up a suit that's more on the navy side.
“Nah, too dark,” Dick shakes his head.
“What about this one?” Jason suggests, pointing to a suit that's a bit too light.
“Too bright,” Dick dismisses it.
The trio continues their search, but nothing seems to meet Dick's standards. Steph starts to feel a little anxious— they need to find something soon if they want to win the competition. Just as she's about to suggest going to another store, Jason spots a suit tucked away in the corner.
“Hey, check this out,” Jason calls out, pulling out a suit in the perfect shade of Nightwing blue. It's sleek, stylish, and has just the right amount of sophistication.
Dick's eyes light up as he examines the suit. “This... this is it.”
Steph grins triumphantly. “I knew we'd find the perfect one!”
Jason nods in agreement. “Let's grab it before someone else snatches it.”
They quickly make their way to the checkout counter, excitement bubbling within them. As they pay for the suit, Jason can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Not only did they find the ideal suit for Dick, but they're also one step closer to winning the competition.
With the suit in hand, they head towards the designated meeting spot at McDonald's, eager to show off their find and see what the others have come up with.
The group rendezvouses at a particularly large booth in the mall’s McDonald’s just at 6 pm. Everyone’s carrying shopping bags— Damian and Jon are carrying three each. They settle into the booth, arranging themselves comfortably, excitement evident in their expressions.
Dick, seated at the head of the table, can hardly contain his curiosity. “Alright, everyone, let's see what you've got!”
“Not right now!” Duke shouts suddenly, and Cass nods along. “Cass and I have customized the perfect suit for you but it’s going to take two days to make, so, just to be fair, we’ll present our find in two days.”
Damian scowls. “Why should we waste our time over your fault?”
“It’s not a fault, it’s a—”
“It’s not fair,” Tim chimes in. “We spent so long—”
“GUYS! Guys,” Dick interrupts them before the argument gets too heated. “This is my suit, so I make the rules. I choose that we wait for Duke and Cass’s suit to be ready. I kinda wanna see it.”
Duke leans back, relieved, and Cass wears a smug smile on her face, as if saying, “Ha, I win!”
It makes Dick wonder, again, what exactly the competition is about.
“Well, let’s at least get some food, if we’re not doing show and tell,” Kon speaks up after a long beat of silence. Everyone agrees (for the first time ever), and place their orders quickly.
Once their orders arrive, they dig into their meals eagerly, savoring the taste of fast food after a long day of shopping. Dick watches with a fond smile as his family enjoys their meal, feeling grateful for their presence in his life.
After they finish eating, Dick leans back in his seat, feeling content. “So, what now? Do we head back home?”
“Nah,” Jason shakes his head. “Let’s catch a movie or something. There’s that new action flick playing at the cinema.”
Steph’s eyes light up. “Ooh, that sounds fun! I’m in!”
“I’m down,” Tim adds, nodding in agreement.
“I suppose it could be entertaining,” Damian mutters, though there’s a hint of excitement in his voice.
Jon looks around eagerly. “Can I come too?”
Kon slings an arm around his shoulders and pulls him away. “Nah, not this time. Let’s leave the Bats to their boring plans— you and I can go get you some piercings!”
“Um,” Jon pauses, hesitating. “Mom and Dad will not be happy, Kon.”
Kon just smirks and ruffles his little brother’s hair. “I know. Pissing off Clark to make you cool— It’s gonna be so worth it!”
The pair walks away from the Bats, waving goodbye, after Kon places one last kiss on Tim’s lips. The Bats leave soon, too, heading down to the cinema, arguing over who the best Green Lantern is, for some reason— and Hal Jordan’s currently winning over Guy Gardener.
Dick laughs and shakes his head, listening to their banter.
God, he loves his family.
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
I was thinking of something my gf said about Under The Red Hood, about the whole "did Bruce hit Jason in the neck or shoulder" conundrum.
I hadn't really wondered about it too much previously, I just assumed Bruce is a fucking asshole because he threw a batarang at this boy who supposedly was like a son to him, after getting him back from the dead, at the very high risk of killing him. Like idgaf of the circumstances okay? Fuck off Bruce. So it's not like I really cared if that was the shoulder or the neck (even if it does look like the neck) because it's the principle that's fucked up.
But anyway, recently my gf said something and I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I went back to UTRH and looked for panels and GODDAMNIT SHE'S RIGHT-
So, the answer to the question "did Bruce aim for Jason's neck or shoulder when he threw that batarang?" can be answered with BOTH. Let me explain.
The scene is Bruce and Jason's last confrontation in UTRH, and they just started to fight. It's a brutal fight made even more desperate because chemo has just been dropped on Bludhaven and Bruce cannot physically go check on Dick because Jason is preventing him, so they're both desperate, no one is pulling the punches.
it starts out like this:
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With a batarang thrown behind Jason that bounces back from a close distance, and which allows Jason to choose his wound, because it's aimed to his shoulder and head.
Sounds familiar? Basically this blow is thrown in a way that takes away someone's balance, forcing them to move from a spot if they want to avoid a potentially fatal blow.
Jason dodges of course and gets hit on the side of the shoulder, giving back with one of "his tricks", and the fight continues.
Now take a look at how the fight ends:
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with the same opening blow, a batarang thrown behind Jason, aimed at his shoulder and head. Clearly aimed to destabilize Jason and make him let go of the Joker, but Jason does not move and does not let go until after he's been hit.
The implications of this are huge. It's a known fact that Jason does not think he's going to walk out of this alive, but here he actively chose to let Bruce hit him in the neck, solid on his position until the end.
There's also a bit, a few panels prior, regarding how both Jason and Bruce wouldn't fall for the same trick twice:
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Never twice.
Bruce used the same move twice with that batarang throw, and again it implies that Jason should have seen it coming and he did.
Bruce won, in the sense that he managed to not do what Jason demanded - shoot him through his face or watch the Joker die - he "managed to find a way to win" and keep his conscience relatively clean because he didn't shoot a gun, and it was Jason's decision not to move and to let that batarang hit him in the neck when he could have dodged it.
And everybody still loses.
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DC writers do have a tendency to depict Jason having suicidal tendencies. I'm pretty sure at this point that it comes from this, and that whatever the fuck happens in RHATO when Bruce beats the living hell out of him, and Jason does not defend himself, is supposed to be some kind of parallel to this particular dyamic of UTRH (a bad parallel but still).
I rest my case.
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luvo27 · 3 months
batman drag au
batman is a goth queen who does a lot of story times for kids at libraries and such. very calm. no one knows why kids love her so much but they adore her. lots of photos of her sitting patiently with story book in hand as kids climb over her and mess with her wig
viral video of a kid stealing one of her boobs and running away as she watches in despair sitting completely still because another kid is chewing on her wig.
"wait..." she says. "no...stop...come back..."
also has very calm makeup tutorial videos that a lot of people like to listen to for sleep
she has a separate drag persona whose name is just britney where she goes absolutely wild that gets her debut in gotham drag race after a fight with joker
joker is a queen who does a lot of really weird performance art, some people love it and some people hate it
she gets cancelled every other day
absolutely hates batman after batman gives an interview like:
yeah i got into drag after my parents died. i wanted to bring light into the world, and this seemed like a great way to do that. i try to use my platform to help kids who need it, i do a lot of charity shows.
and joker was like: what the heck lighten up why are you bringing your dead parents into this. you can't be fun ever you suck
and batmans like. bet. and breaks out britney
theres a joke somewhere about batman saying something like. i wanted to do something, and i was looking for a sign that would tell me what i should be, and then a drag queen flew in my window and right then and there i decided I would become a queen.
catwoman is also a very popular drag queen. she talks about how she and her sister went two wildly different directions in dealing with life a lot in interviews. theres a lot of photos of her in full drag regalia next to her sister in her habit
two face has the whole half/half gimmick and used to be really good friends with batman but they had a falling out. theres a popular clip from gotham drag race of batman reacting to finding out two face is also there
tell me that penguin as a drag queen wouldn't go hard. you can't. the bird theme and gimmick umbrellas, lots of feathery costumes when not in like. basically zantanna's costume
the bird costumes win so may prizes. peacock. flamingo. there's an obscure video of a surprisingly accurate performance as a grouse. fills the wonderful and obscure niche of silly bird mating dances as drag performances
clayface does a thing where every single look is so wildly and drastically different that if theres ever what looks like to be a new queen people automatically assume its clayface
clayface also does a lot of celebrity drag impressions
manbat, despite what everyone thinks, did not start as a batman parody but they get along surprisingly well
robin is a new up and coming queen. batman is her drag mother. she did get into drag after growing up in the circus and it comes through in her performances in the best way possible
dinah lance is a judge on gotham drag race
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cassied03 · 1 month
raw dogged my brain for a part two right now. enjoy the 600 words my brain came up with. :)
part 1
Now Keith was, of course, smart. He had to be to get into the Garrison solely on a scholarship (the fact that he only stayed because of shiro was because of the fights, and not his intelligence), and then afterwards he was taught by his mother the basics of surviving and living.
Keith had always had a feeling when it came to danger, and seeing someone on the other side of the road run off after seeing the guy standing in front of him did not make Keith feel any better. If anything it made him feel worse. Grabbing his knife properly, Keith kind of hoped he could get this over with fast.
The guy started laughing, and took out what looked like a gun, so keith took a proper fighting stance, ready to bolt left or right depending on where it looked like the guy woild shoot. not like it mattered, the thing that shot oht was a capsile of joker gas (not like keith knew it was called that). Luckily, keith got out of the way before the capsule hit the ground and appeared behind the joker.
Holding the joker by his neck, Keith put his blade to the mans neck. "Who are you?" Keith hissed into the mans ear. "Oh ho ho!!! A little newbie then huh?" Joker taunted, as if he wasn't being held at Keiths knife point. "Shut up, who, are, you?" Keiths voice somehow got deeper when he asked the Joker who he was.
"I'm the Joker!! hehehehHaHAHAHHA" The joker laughed out, making keith wonder what was funny. Shockingly, he recognized the name beyond the card from a deck. Ignoring the Jokers laughter, he thought back to one of his friends.
'Key, I need you to promise one thing.' His friend said. They met when keith was refuling gas into his bike and became close, meeting up every week while keith stayed near the garrison. 'I'm leaving to go back home, back in Gotham. If you ever get anywhere near Gotham, I need you to stay away from the Joker and Arkham.'
Confused, Keith looked into his friends eyes. They were green, with a couple flecks of blue. 'Yeah, sure. Any reason why?' Keiths friend's form sagged in relief, causing keiths confusing to grow ten fold. 'He, that man.. He has done horrible stuff. He hurt me, and I ended up losing my family and myself as a result.. I don't want you to lose yourself as well..'
Keith could tell his friend wasn't telling the full truth. But it was close enough to the truth that Keith understood. 'Yeah, yeah alright. But if i get close to him on accident I'll kill him for you.' Laughing, keiths friend thiught he was joking, 'Yeah, sure you will Key.'
Keith wasnt joking. he was dead serious. 'It's a promise then, Jay.'
Thinking back on it, Keith maybe should have thought harder about his choice but considering he spent most of his late teen and early twenties in an inter galactic space war, he was a little desensitized to murder. Which ended in a dead man in an alleyway. And, a communicator call from his mom.
Although getting a call from his mom was normal, it was some bad timing. “Keith, I’m with the so called, Justice League, I think, and they’re looking for more information on the Blade of Marmora. They have this, teleporting tech like a teleduv without the whole, portal thing. Could you come over?”
Looking down at the dead Joker corpse, Keith debated for a second wondering if it would be a good idea to decapitate him as a present for his friend Jason. “Uh, sure. I guess. Give me maybe ten minutes, and send me the location for the teleporting thing.”
About thirteen minutes later, Keith makes his way through the Watch Tower, holding a still bleeding head of the Joker by his hair. Ending in the meeting room, his mother greeting him as if he wasn’t holding the decapitated head of a person with him at all.
Saying hi back, Keith looked at the shell shocked faces of everyone around him before looking back at his mom, he said “How quick can this be? I need to give this,” he holds up jokers head, “To a friend. After I find him.”
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mastomysowner · 2 years
The Snow Woman of the Biscuits Room
I wonder what made Monet think Doflamingo would kill her for losing to a superior enemy.
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彼は追わせないわ!! "M"にもしもの事があったら ......わたしジョーカーに消されちゃう // I won’t let you go after him!!! If something happens to "M"... Joker will waste me.
She also licks her lips just like him. Guess it’s contagious.
From what is known, there is no reason for this: Doffy didn’t punish Buffalo and Baby 5 in any way for their failure to retrieve Caesar, not to mention the fact that he let enemies snatch Caesar from under his nose to save Giolla’s life, even though he risked never seeing him again.
But Monet was pretty much ready to give up her life, and I don’t even mean the detonator switch.
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困るわ... 子供達は"M"の大切な実験体... 私の任務は... [シーザーとその実験を守る事] // I’m in trouble... Those children are Master’s precious test subjects... My duty is... “to protect Caesar and his experiments“...
As Caesar’s assistant, Monet should’ve been well aware that the gigantification experiment was complete bullshit, and all Big Mom’s money were spent on wrestling with cabaret girls. She was an important crewmember, in fact the only Logia user, and she thought she was expected to detonate the weapon in case of emergency. Despite all this, she entered into a hopeless battle.
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あなたさっきから... 受けるばかりで私に刃を向けようとしないのはなぜ...!? 正直あなたには勝てる気がしてなかったけど... 案外...... そうでもないかしら? // All this time... Why’ve you been only blocking and never pointing your blades at me?! To be honest, I didn't think I could win against you, but... unexpectedly... It might not be the case?
Maybe she thought that if she failed at anything, then she was already dead meat... But in any case she was ready for death.
Well, even with all her resolve, she didn't become less afraid of it.
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斬られる!!! // He’ll slay me!!!
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バカに...... シテル...!!! // Huff... Huff... Don’t make... a fool of me!!!
The whole personality of Monet is of duality: a beautiful woman and a snow-cold monster, a warped maternal instinct and the death that awaited children at the end, a part that said goodbye to her life and a part that wants to live.
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体の自由が利かないんだ...!! 覇気を使われてたら死んでいた事実と... 圧倒的な強者への[恐怖]で!!! こんな勝ち方があるの...!? // She can't control her body..! It’s because of the fact she would've died if he’d used Haki... because of the fear of the overwhelmingly strong person!!! Is such a way to win even possible?!
逃が...さない...!! // I-I... won’t let you... go!!!
Her being left alive was the best scenario for the situation (not to mention herself), but she forced herself to make one last desperate attack with no chance of victory. Even if Zoro hadn't finished her off, Tashigi could’ve delivered the final blow, which she did.
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...あなたの... 負けです......!! // ...It’s your loss..!
But Monet somehow managed to survive and get to building C. To be honest, I don’t think Tashigi intentionally spared her, especially if we recall Tashigi’s views.
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こちら...... モネ...!! // This is... Monet..!
モネ...!! よく生きていたな... ヴェルゴはやられた...!! シーザーもな...... だがベビー5とバッファローが身柄を確保できそうだ. おれの見誤りだ... おまえらに悪い事をした // Monet..! It’s amazing you survived... They got Vergo..! Caesar too... But Baby 5 and Buffalo should be able to retrieve him. I misread the situation... I’ve done a terrible thing to you all...
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ー だが万全を期しここで若僧共を消しておきたい. その第三研究所には ー 4年前に第一第二研究所及び その島を滅ぼした兵器がもうひとつ眠っている......!! 起爆スイッチを押せば その島で生き残れるのは猛毒ガスに耐えられるシーザー唯一人... スイッチの場所は...... // ...But in order to ensure safety I want to waste those brats there. In lab 3... lies in wait the same weapon that destroyed labs 1 and 2 and the island 4 years ago..! If the detonator button is pressed, the only one who can survive will be Caesar, who can withstand the poisonous gas... The switch is in...
それ以上言わないで ジョーカー. はじめからそのつもりよ // Say no more, Joker. I've been meaning to do that right from the start.
It's basically a race against time with the group that will soon be able to get to Caesar and leave the island, and despite this, Doflamingo takes a long time to explain the things that should’ve been drilled into her from the very beginning. Why? There’s only one logical explanation: he thought she didn’t know. Her words shocked him, as evidenced by his "!?" after hearing them.
If she really didn't know, she would've been forced to go all the way from building B to C while wounded and probably wouldn't have made it in time. It would've made more sense to instruct her to do this long before, and yet he didn't.
This makes me remember Mr. 7 and Ms. Father’s Day in chapter 206.
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Crocodile gave them the job of guarding the cannon until it went off and killed everyone fighting in the middle of Alubarna, but he deliberately didn’t tell them that they would be promoted to a better world. On contrary, Doflamingo made sure Monet fully understands the consequences of detonating the weapon.
Monet wanted to be useful to her savior, so she didn’t even think about about not doing it. Perhaps she thought that she would be killed anyway, but she herself didn’t consider her life important.
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今その起爆スイッチの前にいる... 爆発はタンカーにまで及ぶわ. 一隻無駄になるけどいい? // I’m in front of the detonator switch right now... ...The explosion will reach the tanker. Do you mind losing one ship?
......悪いな // ...I’m sorry.
隻 is the counter for ships, and 一隻 means “one ship” - just some ship, not even Oro Jackson, meaning Monet valued her life less than one single ship (even though, again, a Logia is much more valuable).   
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全てを道連れに...... 死んでくれ...!!! // Please die taking everything with you...!!!
了解"若様" // Roger, young master.
Why did I write “please”? Kure is a form of kudasai. Let's look at, for example, Chapter 5 (Japanese Imperatives and Force Exertion) of The English Imperative: A Cognitive and Functional Analysis, a doctoral dissertation in linguistics by Hidemitsu Takahashi from Hokkaido University (pp. 188-190):
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Yes, it was a request, not an order, but there’s is also a question of relationships. When your boss says “please print the documents”, is this an order or a request? It’s easy to guess how Monet, who considered herself not a real comrade, but just a tool, would interpret this.
This is most likely related to the image that Trebol created for Doffy specifically for this purpose.
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ドフィを王に掲げ部下たちに威厳を示し!! // We proclaimed Doffy the king and with this we instill awe in the subordinates!!!
Although the Donquixotes are a family, he is first and foremost their boss, who must be strong 24/7 and on whom the life and death of his subjects depends.
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すまん 相棒...... ......おまえとは一番古い付き合いだ. 今日まで... ごくろうだったな // ...I'm sorry, buddy... ...You go back with me further than anyone. Thank you... for your hard work until today.
ご苦労 (ごくろう) is used by superiors to express appreciation for all the work their subordinates have done. This might’ve sound heartless as the last words to a friend, but Doflamingo seemed to know that Vergo would be happy to hear just that. Him being happy in the face of death due to being praised for his service still looks very sad.
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That's all Doffy could do for him; there was no way for him to save Vergo, as Law left him for dead in the SAD production room, which was about to explode. Could it be that Law made Vergo unable to speak in order to put him in the same position he was in 13 years ago, when he was unable to say his last words to Corazon? If we follow the principle of "an eye for an eye", then at that moment his personal revenge to Doflamingo was completed.
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D棟だ. SAD製造室......!!! // It’s building D. The SAD production room!!!
It was the explosion that Monet heard.
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どこかで爆発だ... // There's an explosion somewhere...
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さよなら若様. あなたこそが海賊王になる男...!!! // Goodbye, young master.  You are the man who will become the Pirate King!!!
So much like Ace, who wanted to make Whitebeard the PK. It’s noticeable that in her last moments she didn’t think about her sister, but Sugar was still part of the crew of the man on whom Monet placed all her hopes and dreams. Come to think of it, it's like the moment Nami couldn't bring herself to say that Luffy wouldn't become the PK even when Ulti was about to bash her head in.
Monet wanted Doflamingo (with whom she may've been in love) to achieve what almost every pirate wants, but she didn’t know that he wasn’t interested in piracy at all.
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もうおれに望みはねェのか......!? // Is there no more hope for me?!
ハッキリ物をいわせるな ...ベラミー おれとおまえは目的が違うんだ 昔からな...!! おまえはずっと"海賊"になりたがってた ーだがおれは違う ......なんでもよかった この[世界]さえブチ壊せればな!!! // ...Heh heh heh!!! Don’t make me put it straight, Bellamy... You and I have different goals. It was so from the very beginning!!! You’ve always wanted to become “a pirate”. ...But not I. Anything is fine, as long I can fucking annihilate this world!!!
But that's a whole nother story.
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abybweisse · 2 years
What if Doll isn't a bizzare doll and she is here for another purpose__ this will be interesting ,this way some unexpected things are going to happen!
if she isn't .... do you have some theories about why O'Ciel didn't kill her ? or how?
Doll not a bizarre doll?
There is a very slight chance that Doll never died. Because we didn't see her die, and because we don't know whether our earl directly commanded Sebastian to kill her.
In the previous scene with Joker, Kelvin, and Doctor, our earl commands Sebastian to kill them. He puts a fist through Doctor's chest and stomps on Kelvin's head, but he merely glances at Joker and decides he's already dead/not going to survive much longer. So, Sebastian doesn't do anything else to Joker.
Then, when they get outside and Doll questions them, our earl says they were sent to destroy the circus troupe, but when she rushes at them, our earl just says "Sebastian." And Sebastian moves in to strike, but all we see is falling candy and a splash of what must be blood. Obviously, Sebastian didn't simply knock her out, like he later knocks out Soma and (later still) Lizzie.
It's possible that Sebastian doesn't land a fatal blow, but only if he wasn't directly commanded to. As far as we know, no command was spelled out that he had to kill her. But I highly doubt he would have spared her life. And when our earl finds himself on the chessboard with his twin, Doll is one of the people he presumes to be dead, along with real Ciel, their parents, Madam Red, and Joker.
The other slight possibility is that Undertaker gave her a shinigami pass -- if he's still capable of doing so; we don't know what's required for them to do that, just what basic criteria they go by. We don't know the process because he haven't seen it or even had it described to us. There's an even lesser chance that Ronald or William did it.
If she's a bizarre doll, then Undertaker should know all her old life's goals, and he'd pick and choose which ones to use for her episodes. Likely, he would want her to have a desire for revenge... to some extent.
But if she's not a bizarre doll and "randomly" (or not so randomly) ended up at that orphanage? Oof, no idea. Maybe just living life as best she can while maybe hoping to find anyone who remains from the circus?
Something just occurred to me: I don't think anyone but Joker knew what Kelvin and Doctor were doing to those kidnapped children -- not just the lobotomies and circus shows and deaths for ceramics to make prostheses -- she might not have had a single clue what happened to kids they found for "Father". Perhaps she thought they were sent to workhouses or orphanages. What if her interest in the orphanage is about searching for the missing kids to return them to their families? It's a long shot, but she might think she's doing something to make up for all the wrong they did, because she always felt guilty about the kidnappings. And that's something she might strive for, regardless of whether she's alive or a bizarre doll....
But I'd be really surprised if she turns out to be alive.
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Okay, introducing my humble blorbos... this time from Batman
First is Jason Todd, he was the second Robin was dead for a little while but not anymore when he came back to life he kida distanced himself from Batman and adopted the identity of Red Hood so he could help the people from Gotham as a vigilante. He is impulsive and since his days as Robin I think that within him he had doubts about Batman's ideology of "no killing", then the Joker killed him and when he came back to life he was angry and also hurt due to the fact that Batman, Bruce Wanye a.k.a. the person he respected, admired and who also adopted him did not avenge his death and he also wanted take revenge on the joker for obvious reasons
He is a traumatized polyglot king, very strong, intelligent, good at combat, and a literature nerd who uses guns 🤓👍
then we have the one who was the third Robin, Tim Drake, bisexual icon, intelligent, brilliant detective with a bit of stalker tendencies, traumatized, caffeine addict who kicks criminals' asses at night but at the same time can have a crisis because he doesn't know if he should hold his boyfriend's hand for fear of ruining things with him [that last one came from a chapter from the webtoon and I liked it:3]
[yup, I summarized the basics at the end :) ]
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[sorry, I think I wrote too much]
I HAVE SEEN THESE GUYS ON MY DASH SO MUCHHHH i love them sm. i don’t read batman comics but these guys are my blorbos by proxy. blorbo in laws. I LOVE THEM <3 the guys of all time honestly sometimes i hve reblogged stuff abt them just bc i think they’re neat <3
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yusuke-of-valla · 9 months
From the perspective of Persona 5 Royal as a standalone story I'm not necessarily against the ambiguity of what exactly happened with Akechi. I actually like it, there's lots of room for interpretation! The Third Semester had a sort of dream logic to it which fit well with how the cognitive world was bleeding into reality. I like the idea of Akechi being a sort of Schrödinger's cat. Is that actually Akechi or just Joker's mind playing tricks on him? If he survived, how? Was that Akechi or was it not? Will Joker and Akechi ever meet again or will they simply remain individuals who changed each other forever only for their paths never to cross again, with Joker forever unsure of Akechi's survival or even what happened to the boy he cared about enough to change reality? The open-endedness of Akechi's story as it relates to Joker isn't bad to me.
However it does cause a lot of problems for any Persona 5 game that happens afterward the 3rd semester which by its nature needs to have a canon answer to all of this if they want to bring back popular character Akechi (which is probably why Strikers apparently takes place in the timeline of the OG Persona 5 and not Royale). And the similarly "are they actually brought back to life or merely mental constructs?" question that the other back-from-the-dead loved ones in the 3rd semester raise are far easier to brush aside since their status as dead is never in question with incentive to bring them back for a later instalment of the series. I personally don't have much faith in Atlus explaining it in a compelling way that makes sense though.
Honestly, if you ask me everyone acts like Akechi is dead because Joker believes it. His wish is predicated on the belief that Akechi IS dead which is the information Maruki is acting on and the world then shapes itself to accommodate and with his memories so fuzzy, why should Akechi believe any different? Not to mention how Akechi's cognition of himself and the world might also have an impact on the evidence, Maruki's own perception, and his conclusions. But the choice still matters because Joker and Akechi were willing to make that choice even if it resulted in Akechi being dead, not necessarily that it ends with Akechi dead.
Yeah, basically. As a stand-alone story it's fine, and my issue with Akechi's death being a cop out is more along the lines of "by the fucking FOURTH fake out death (fifth if you count Joker's), it starts getting really annoying" than it being bad conceptually
But the problem is it's part of a series that has Spin-off games that continue the story, and like they should have known people would expect a follow up come Royal.
So really they shot themselves in the foot with that final cutscene because while I do find it annoying that people will go "where's Akechi?!" At every new thing, I don't think it's unreasonable for people to, you know, expect the very deliberate dangling plot thread to get addressed? From a very deliberate standpoint, why would you show him the way you did if it isn't supposed to be a sequel hook (because yeah the blocking of that shot is very deliberate "hey look at this")
It's not like this was originally gonna be stand alone story and then it got unexpectedly popular so you made a sequel, and now have to answer a question so plot can happen
Idk maybe it annoys me so much because to me at least it's SO blatantly stringing fans along I'm kind of offended on principle. Like you made your bed fucking lie in it, don't dance around it like cowards
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cromaka3666 · 2 years
a rant/series of ideas
So I've posted these on SB before but to put it simply, the phandom is stagnant. The same ideas are repeated over and over again mixed up but too similar to tell apart. Over on ao3s dp crossover section I've noticed a ton of these stories are created after the author reads a prompt here so I figured I'd gather the posts I've made on SB and post them here in hopes those authors can see them. I'm just copy/pasting these so they will look weird as they were originally posted on SB and I can't be bothered to edit them.
So yall know how d.c. crossovers are really common. Well I just had a small idea to add to the list of why heroes don't usually kill, batman especially. Obsessions can help make ghosts and few people are more obsessed than villains, the heroes know this and don't want to risk powering up their rogue gallery more, especially since hell is real and as we saw with deathstroke/slade it's easy to make deals and return. Just another angle to add for those crossovers. Last thing anyone wants is a ghost/demon empowered joker running around.
We have tons of danny phantom dc crossovers but not a single one has Cujo join the super pets for adventures. This is a crime that should be rectified immediately. Best pup should be allowed to play with Ace and Krypto and fight animal crimes.
What aren't there any stories where danny is in the marvels zombies storyline, or dceased, or blackest night, or even the new dc vs vampires storyline.
Why are almost all horror stories about him being tortured when there are perfectly good zombie apocalypses he can fight in. I'd love to see danny wield a black lantern ring and be in total control because he's already dead and as such doesn't need to eat hearts to gain power.
I'd love to see danny get bite by a vampire only for them to taste what's basically deadmans blood. We need less secret sibling, torture filled, betrayal fics and more danny pulling a doomslayer and fighting trigons armies when he invades.
Pariah Dark pulling amity into the gz would have gotten international attention just like cannon. Something that's brought up but never really explored are meta humans rights clashing with the anti ecto laws, I'd love to see the various magic users testifying in congress, debunking the fentons beliefs that ghosts aren't people and as such deserve the same rights as everyone else.
Also I'd love to see walker put in control of arkham, blackgate, or Belle reve. He'd have those places on lockdown, and the thought of the joker trying to escape only for walker to toss him back in his cell is hilarious to me.
All these DC crossovers but not one shows an alternate danny in the justice lords, injustice, or crime syndicate version of the league.
I'm tired of rereading the same stuff, let me read about an evil crime boss danny or one who rules over the GZ like how the justice lords rule earth, or one that sides with superman after metropolis gets nuked. So many alternate worlds, timelines, and dimensions to choose from and they always pick the same ones.
Forget JLU, YJ, or TT let me see danny in the justice league dark apocalypse war movie as a trigon possed Dan Phantom and have him fight Darksied
The infinite realms is so underutilized in the dc crossovers, and just the phandom in general.
You have an entire dimension that can take you any when and anywhere you want/don't want and you don't use it to let superman meet his parents before krypton blows up, or any other orphan superhero for that matter.
Hell you don't have to save his family, you can set up a stable time loop where this meeting is what convinced them to send him to earth rather then any of kryptons dying colonies.
Have Pandora meet wonder women, I don't think I've seen anything more then a passing reference about her in any dc stories to date. The 4 armed ghost of a Greek Goddess would absolutely be something the Amazon's would want to meet.
I'd love to see more stories exploring the factions in the gz like make up a rivalry between the far frozen and Atlantis before the yetis died out and less stories about Lazarus pits being ectoplasm, and Danny bring the lover/secret brother to the entire bat clan.
Give me poison ivy possed by Undergrowth or the joker being terrorized by the box ghost because joker gas doesn't work on the dead. Hell weather wizard/ any other weather villain teaming up with vortex would be fun. Or have technus hijack brainiac/amazo, now that be a good threat.
Let's see Danny put on the helmet of fate and fight klarion because he's not at the same level as the cosmic forces of order and chaos rather then the gz being some super dimension that John "I sold my soul to 30 devils, 10 gods, an angel and a fae" Constantine is too scared to touch. Pariah was powerful, but he ain't Darkseid, Trigon, Child, or Nekron powerful.
Let's see more, superheroes deal with ghostly shit rather then Danny runs away/moves to Gotham for the 30th time. Like lets say the flash has to deal with Kitty and Johnny joy riding in Central city but he can't touch them or freakshow stops in Gotham and kidnaps Jason since the phandom is obsessed with making him a halfa or halfa adjacent. So much potential and none of it explored!
So, yall know how the phandom likes to make ectoplasm an emotional conduit. Where ghosts either can feel / feed on emotions and ectoplasm can have emitions without being a ghost, usually when talking about the pit rage Jason has in the DC stories. Well, let's roll with that and add the Emotional Entities that the lantern corps use.
If ghosts feed on emotions then the lanterns are basically walking snacks, if they sense emotions then the lanterns are walking flash bangs, and if ectoplasm can have emotions then let's have some ghosts get lantern rings simply because they are emotions given physical forms.
Also, yall know how the Danny defeats pariah and becomes king stories are a whole thing, why doesn't that apply to Dan?
Rant/prompt ideas done for now but I have so many more. Let's bring some life back to this half dead phandom.
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tvccreator · 9 months
Welcome to My Tumblr!
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(This is an updated version of the pinned comment I used to have, in case people get confused - I haven't been nearly as active on DA and Wattpad, hence why the links are gone now.)
Hello! My name is Ellie, and I'm a fanfiction writer and artist here on Tumblr! I'm a 22-year-old afab person who does a lot of fanfic writing and actual writing in my down time. I'm currently going to college for a major in English with a focus on writing and a minor in film studies!
I'm up for story suggestions and whatnot! Here's a general list of fandoms I'll write/draw pics for:
Super Mario Bros. (including Luigi's Mansion)
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
A Hat in Time
Fate/Grand Order
Dungeons and Dragons
Poppy Playtime (yes, really)
Garten of Banban (again - yes, really)
AdventureQuest Worlds
There's a lot more fandoms I write/draw for, but that's a general list with some pretty big fandoms.
For specific characters, here are some common ones I write for (not necessarily ships, but characters I have written for - I'm basically outing myself here for certain stories):
Count Bleck (Super Paper Mario)
Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)
Luigi (Mario Bros.)
King Boo (Luigi's Mansion)
Bowser (Mario Bros.)
Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings (Mario Bros.)
Jevil (Deltarune)
Marx (Kirby)
Drawcia (Kirby)
Void Soul/Void Termina (Kirby)
King Dedede (Kirby)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Flowey/Omega Flowey/Asriel Dreemurr (Undertale)
Snatcher (A Hat in Time)
Gourmet (Mago)
Bittergiggle (Garten of Banban)
Asmodeus/Ozzie (The Helluva Boss version, the Dungeons and Dragons version, and my own version!)
Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss)
Lucifer Morningstar (Both the Hazbin Hotel version and my own version!)
Purple (Rainbow Friends)
Cyan (Rainbow Friends)
Ink Demon Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine/Bendy and the Dark Revival)
The Daycare Attendant (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Springtrap/Spring Bonnie/William Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's)
The Joker (DC Comics)
If you want to commission me or simply ask for a fic request, I also partner with @thereaderinsertlady to write fanfiction! Feel free to message me if you are curious! [ Read here for the info on shared commissions! ]
A Few Rules for Commissions/Story Requests (From Me Specifically):
I hyperfixate on stuff a lot, so it could be a while before I finish the request/commission. Hounding me will not make me write the fic faster, either - it makes me lose interest in writing the story, so please for the love of God, be patient. Writers have lives, too, so don't expect them to bow down to your every whim.
I cannot write smut on my own for the life of me (I think I might be heteroromantic asexual, but I'm not positive), so if you ask for something NSFW, I can't guarantee that it will be good. If you're looking for hardcore stuff, go ask TheReaderInsertLady.
No pedophilia. That one should be self explanatory.
I don't do "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" stuff. Sorry, but it makes me extremely uncomfortable.
As evident by some of my already published stories with TheReaderInsertLady, I am of the mind that consent is sexy. Even when writing for the demon king of lust himself, I will always make him ask for consent. I get uncomfortable doing forceful NSFW stuff, so if you want that kind of fic, once again go ask TheReaderInsertLady.
Please, for the love of God, no time-travel fics. A former friend of mine made me completely burnt out on time-travel fics, so please don't ask for those. If it's my own content, I'm fine with some time-travel shenaniganry, but otherwise please just don't ask.
Find me over on AO3 [ here ]!
In case you want to see me suck at video games, my YouTube channel is [ here ]!
Hope you guys enjoy the insanity! 💜💜💜
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candythepuppy · 8 months
Insanely basic tips for writing engaging stories:
Since all my dead majestic monsters, my scrigily scraggles, seem to wanna know how I keep my stories interesting, I have here my ultimate writing weapon! The writing advice to topple ALL writing advice!
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Yeah, that's literally it.
I will admit this is no original find of mine. In fact, this basic tip has been in the minds of humans since the conception of story-telling. Heck, the chances you have heard about the importance of conflict are higher than my chances of finding true love some day. How to best implement this, however, may not be so well known. Which is why that will be the topic for the rest of this post.
Please understand: conflict is NOT just punching and kicking. Physical fighting is merely a branch of conflict, often used as a means to resolve the extreme cases. Conflict can be as big as a galactic war or as small as the struggle in someone's mind as they debate getting out of bed. Conflict is so constant in our every day lives that we often overlook it.
0.5. Pay more attention to your own life and pinpoint when and where conflict both big and small make an appearance. You can use these for inspiration.
A conflict can be broken into three major parts. 1: the people involved (May and her little brother) 2: the problem (May's little brother is hungry, but he just ate) 3: the resolution (May either gives her brother more food or tells him to suck it up)
1. Brother/sister, mother/father, weird homeless drunk/depressed clown; it is important to establish who is involved. Who are these people, exactly? What do they want and how does it relate to the problem and other people involved?
2. Neither character has to be "good" or "bad" for this to work. In fact, it makes a story all the more interesting when the issue, as well as the people involved exist more in a gray area. Makes it even more interesting when considering who is right and/or who will win. Or, even if we are writing a typical Batman V. Joker comic, looking at both characters to see exactly why these two would be so inclined to fight is a great way to set up a scene. The Joker wants to destroy Gothem, not only because he is evil, but because he believes it is what Gothem deserves for being corrupt, V. Batman, who wants to protect Gothem, not just because he is good, but because even though he see the corruption, he likes to believe that with a little help, it can and will change for the better. What I am trying to say is that, with this in mind, not every, or ANY problem has to be so black and white. So easy to tell who is in the right and who is in the wrong. Same goes for the characters involved.
3. Make their relationships interesting, please. If this is their first time meeting, make that matter. Involve conflict the moment they meet. Doesn't have to be THE conflict, but it would be useful to tie even the small stuff into the over arcing conflict between them.
Example: two people bump into each other on a bus. Both immediately think the other is rude or something. Instant negative connotation makes for more interesting first-meets... in my humble opinion. Bonus If this is a reoccurring problem for the two. Throughout the story, they are constantly assuming the worst out of the other, which plays into the main conflict centering around them being unable to trust one another.
If the people involved have known each other for a long time, give them a long, complicated history together. Even if they have always been friends, make it obvious that they have both seen each other at their worst, and staying friends hasn't always been easy. Even something as simple and wholesome as an unofficial adopting should have some iffy matter mixed in, such as lies about what one member does for a living, what another member did in the past that might affect the people around them, or heck, even something stupid like one liking BEANS and the other absolutely hating them!
#Example: May is a highschool student put in charge of her kid brother, Johnny. Both of their parents are so busy that she is left to take care of him most of the time. This means that his needs often overshadow her own needs, wants, and personal life. This might leave her a bit resentful, angry even at her little brother for constantly being so needy. It doesn't help that Johnny is always annoying her. Johnny, on the other hand, is just your average boy. He has a hard time making friends at his daycare, and so likes to bother his sister a lot for her attention. He doesn't get along with her very much, though, because she is always grumpy and snappy at him. But at the same time he knows how much he needs her help. So, he'll often try to do things on his own and mess up, causing even bigger problems. Suffice to say, their relationship is not very healthy by the time 'the problem' comes around. (This example is a bit long, but I hope you get the point. Detailed information like this, even if you never end up writing any of it down, is key to setting up a good conflict.)
1. Please please please please PLEASE don't make it boring!
"but candy!" I hear you say in a comically high pitch voice full of grammatical mistake. "my conflict isn't boring, because it is about two kids saving the world!" News flash, that IS boring! Unless you're obsessed with the planet, no one gives a crap about the world itself! (There's a reason climate activists fail so miserably when it comes to branding their cause to the general public. The issue is just too big and vague for the average person to care about.) It's the people and things existing ON it that really matter!
Take a moment to think about the things people really care about. Something most people can't imagine living happily without. Okay? Now, take that thing away. Suddenly, you have characters going from "oh no, the planet" to "OH NO, MY DELUXE 360 HXD HERSHEY'S KISS™" in an instant. This is why I personally never make my conflicts too huge, and if I do, it's more about the characters involved and what they will lose than the issue itself. Bonus If the issue is directly related to the characters in a deeply personal way. It doesn't have to be just one problem either. The more, the merrier, I always say!
Example: someone wants, no, NEEDS to make amends with a loved one they hurt long ago, but have been putting it off for years. Now that the problem, a terminal illness said to kill them within a few months comes about, they have that push they need. In this case, both the external and internal problems in this person's life combine to create one inciting incident. Multiple problems for this character to overcome/deal with.
2. There's a reason watching a kid getting relentlessly beaten up just isn't fun, narratively speaking. Depending on the story, it can work, but I have found that for the majority of conflicts, it is essential for both parties to be at risk. For both sides to feel like both the bully and the kid getting bullied.
Both parties need to be on the verge of losing something good or gaining something bad. Even if it's as simple as one man losing his pride v. another man losing his. (btw, if it's about something like pride, make sure to back that up with information regarding why their pride is so important to them) That way, the conflict feels that much more real and engaging. Even following the superhero comic book format, you need to think about what is at stake for the villain here as well as what is at stake for the hero? How exactly would losing to the hero impact the villain negatively, so much so that it is his goal to avoid it? Be creative about it too!
3. This was originally going to be my first tip just because of how important it is, but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ oh well.
Remember to tie these points of conflict into one main conflict/theme.
Example: though my main character in one of my books has MANY enemies -- literally more than half the cast have tried to kill her at some point -- that isn't the main conflict here. Rather, it is all on HER. Will her naturally eViL inclined powers turn her into the villain? Will the fact that her DAD is a villain lead her to becoming one too? (so creative, I know. It was designed as a spoof of a common trope turned super existential.) Will her questionable morals despite always trying to do the right thing turn her into a villain? Will her inherent selfishness turned desire to help people out of spite eventually lead to her downfall? Is her purity slowly rotting at the core thanks to her own actions and mistakes, or those of others? Has she always secretly been evil, but has always worn a shell of purity to protect herself emotionally, or has she turned into this monster without even realizing it slowly over time?.. Literally every single character, action, problem, and motive all on some degree have to do with judging the MC for her villain potential. Even her best friends are not safe from this, constantly having to ask themselves why she is hiding so much from them, what her true motives are for everything she does, and whether or not that ties into her potential for corruption in the near future. Because, at the end of the day, this is a story about morals, the price of redemption, what it even means to BE redeemed and to NEED redemption, and the terrifyingly blurred line between good and evil. Because of that, it is crucial that every problem, both big and small, somehow has to do with these major themes/conflicts.
#Example: Even though Johnny just ate, he is once again asking for May's financial support. May doesn't want to. Making Johnny more food would mean taking time out of her own precious free time with her friends. Meanwhile, Johnny is hungry, and his sister ignoring that only proves to him how little she cares. He already feels alone and like nothing but a burden as it is, so seeing that his sister cares really matters to him. But, at the same time, May needs to feel like she matters too. Like she is her own person; not just her parents nanny working an entire job for free. Both of them struggle with their individuality, self worth, and this co-reliant relationship the two have been trapped into. And there seems to be no easy way out where either party truly wins.
This isn't as simple as the end to a story. Oh, nononononoNO! This process is perhaps the most complicated of them all, because not only are you having to acknowledge the complexities of the situation, the characters within it, and the many ways this can go very...VERY wrong, it is also where you have to make the hard decision and decide who wins. And if you're a writer like me who likes to tackle insanely complex, multi-faceted problems that simply don't have one easy answer, this process may be even harder.
1. Recall and set in stone why the conflict started in the first place. Every problem has a source, even if that source is insanely complicated. Try your best to simplify that beginning point into one thread of action. Something tangible, which the characters can interact with and solve later. (Interaction includes dialogue.)
2. Bring the characters' arcs around to make them reflect on this origin of their problems. Depending on the character, they may either decide to fix the problem from there, or ignore it and march on stubbornly. The ladder are usually the villainous lost causes too fixated on their goals to care about a real fix once one is finally found. You could honestly do a million different things in this stage. Such as having characters helping other characters; convincing them of the truth, fighting over said truth, and possibly even dying for said truth. But, what really matters is that the characters realize there IS a solution to this problem, and they have the power to fix it.
3. And finally, resolve the issue.
Depending on the problem, this is where either the Death Star blows up, the teenagers agree to poison themselves so they won't have to kill each other, or the boy finally builds up the courage to ask his crush out.
What is important is that, by the end, we KNOW the main issue has been resolved. Yes, it might just be one battle won at the beginning of a long war yet to come. Yes, there might still be years of living out an honorable life before being forgiven. And yes, there's a chance they could break up in the future... But, what matters is this little victory. THIS small moment, this miniscule blip in time when the issue we as readers/viewers have been led to care so much about finally sees an end. When we can all sigh in relief.
In the grand scheme of things, that conflict was nothing and it meant nothing. Not compared to the billions of years before us and the billions after us. Like any problem you may face in your teens that was super important back then, but now is just a fading memory, it was just one small step in the long walk of life. Of existence.
You want to know why conflict has existed in stories as long as it has? Because even the first humans faced problems...just like us. And the humans a thousand years from now will continue to face the exact same problems every single day.
What's so great about conflict is what we can learn from it. It's like a language all on its own. A universal language at that. And through the power of story-telling, we can hope to share some of that wisdom with those who will come after us. We can share some of ourselves with those who stand with us today. Because we're walking through life together. And we can all use a little story every now and then to encourage us; to help us know what to do in that next step.
That is why conflict matters.
And why it always will.
#Example: Though May and Johnny start off arguing, yelling, and screaming at each other, through this they finally open up. They finally word the way they feel, why that is so, and what their desires truly are. Truth is they love each other. They want to live happily together, but also realize and accept that pretending to have the perfect bond is pointless. Pretending that they have control over their lives is pointless as well. What they can control, however, is how they treat each other. May can be less rude, and Johnny can be less annoying. They finally decide to do with what they can, using what they have control over to make their lives together just a little bit better than how they were before.
And, yes. Johnny gets that snack. And May, though a tad late, gets to hang out with her friends too.
Because, though conflict is what holds the story together, what matters just as much is how it is resolved. Just like with May and Johnny, every single story out there is just as much held together by the love between the characters as it is the hate between them. Perhaps even more. Because love is the reason they were willing to fight such a conflict in the first place.
That being said, it is also a delicate balancing act. Give your MC time to breathe, but while that is happening, simultaneously build up the next big threat. Once you get good enough at doing that, you can start to juggle multiple sources of conflict at once. All dipping and weaving in and out of the story like a beautiful dance, each character bringing their own complex relationship + problems with the MC every time they interact, all slowly building and building until these smaller conflicts merge into one BIG problem the MC now has to face.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
Ooo okay what would your ideal p5 cartomancy be?
hmmm do you mean what I would assign everyone, arcana-wise?
Lemme think.
Yusuke: His story seems to be a complete wrap at this point so I think I feel comfortable saying he should be The Wheel/Fortune. His life is a series of twists of fate, even more than everyone else. The beloved son of a single mother who is basically murdered. An orphan taken in by an artistic master. A master who winds up being a leech who ruins the lives of other artists. The freedom from the atelier at the expense of his loss of support. The artistic slump, then the false offer of help to the true offer of help. For Yusuke, that wheel keeps fucking spinning and it's a miracle he's able to hang on at all.
Also, I think the running joke of him being broke all the time would be funny with Fortune, honestly. He has the semi-charmed kind of life you'd want for a Fortune arcana. The way he wanders into opportunity (the yakuza guy in Shido's Palace for instance) is very apt.
Sojiro: I really don't like Hierophant for him, though I was able to make it work for me personally by positioning Wakaba Isshiki's memory as the thing he is dedicated to.
I think the easy choice is to envision him as the Emperor, ruling over his corner of Yongen and the cafe as his kingdom, and the principle conflict being a threat to his kingdom that is in turn handled by his retainers. That fits well honestly. He'd make a good King of Cups for the same reason, for the easy symbolism of coffee cups and the fact his power is over understanding emotional truths.
Makoto: I'm kind of flirting with the idea of Makoto as the Hierophant, actually. I feel like out of all the Thieves, she is the most interested in changing the broken aspects of society from the inside, and is often the one to suggest using connections rather than force to get things done. Her power comes from her understanding of the police force and investigations, and her 'god' in this case seems to be the memory of her father. I'm not doing her SLink but I know it ends with her deciding to be a cop. That attitude, of knowing a structure of society is corrupt but wanting to fix it rather than discard it, that's Extremely Hierophant.
Joker: The Hanged Man.
This is partially me being a slut for the Hanged Man. I literally have a bronze pendant of the Hanged Man card that I wear often. It's my favorite of the Majors by far.
But also I do think Joker fits for it. The Hanged Man is, at its core, about taking a tremendous risk for the opportunity of tremendous reward. The Hanged Man is not strung from the neck, it's more gymnastic than that. They are suspended from a single foot, their other crooked to form a 4, the number of death, and thus transformation. By inverting themselves, they are literally inverting their view of the universe in the hopes of reaching some kind of epiphany, some insight that will radically change them.
But as the allusions to death indicate, it's a risky move. They may discover new vision and insight. Or their view of the world may be fundamentally broken, shattered. It's a card about a calculated risk with transformation to see who you are on the other side, a genius or a madman or a dead man.
I feel by now that Joker fits Hanged Man very well. He has always made the choice to put himself on the line to discover the truth. His entire stunt with averting Akechi's murder feels like a perfect performance of the Hanged Man, and the stakes were so high, they suit the high stake nature of the card.
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random-movie-ideas · 1 year
Batman Ally Movie Ideas, Part II: Batgirl
Batgirl is the second most recurring mantle as one of Batman's sidekicks. Originated in its most well-known form by Barbara Gordon, Commissioner Gordon's daughter who took up the cowl, in most incarnations, to seek justice for her father. After being shot by the Joker and being left disabled, she takes up the name Oracle in more of a tech support role, and the mantle goes to Cassandra Cain, the daughter of two assassins who was raised to be non-verbal, and at times, was taken up by Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake's girlfriend who has taken up the mantle of both Robin and Spoiler in the past, having taken up the Spoiler mantle to stop her father from returning to a life of crime. I won't be covering Betty Kane, as that "Batgirl" has much more to do with Batwoman than the Batgirl we're more familiar with, and we'll be covering her later.
Origin Movie: I think the best way to start an origin with Batgirl is to start it more or less in medias res for Batman and Robin, already out doing their thing, and having Barbara come back to town, studying and learning about the vigilantes and the dangers of Gotham, getting herself into the action after her dad is injured or some other impetus gives her a strong enough reason.
Sequel Movie: If an origin movie starts you out with Batman and Robin already working together, Barbara coming along and joining up is a natural follower. By the same token, Cassie or Stephanie could be introduced in that origin movie I just mentioned.
Finale Movie: Same problem with Dick if you're trying to bring in all the various members of the Batfamily. She and Dick are both the originators of the mantles, with a natural flow to the order of their successors, so introducing Barbara in the finale basically gives Cass and Steph the middle finger. However, if that's not what you're trying to do with the series, Gordon being hurt is a natural way to make the stakes high for Batman and Robin, especially if he's been an important part so far, and that, of course, would be plenty of reason for Barbara to take up the mantle too.
Standalone Movie: The biggest issue, I suppose, here is that Batman's existence is kind of required to explain her costume and hero name, as she is intentionally paying homage to him, so if you wanted it truly standalone, it would probably have to be her investigating Batman's disappearance and taking up the mantle (so, the same plot as the Batwoman series?). One idea is to have it be a Cassandra Cain standalone, with Barbara acting as Oracle and taking her on, with Batman being missing or dead.
Overall, my rankings of them are:
Origin Movie: I'm kind of interested to see a movie like that, with Barbara as the protagonist and Batman and Robin already existing in the world.
Sequel Movie: A natural followup to an origin with Robin and the best way to get the ball rolling on introducing everyone.
Standalone Movie: That Cassandra concept is interesting, but otherwise, it's something we've seen before.
Finale Movie: I'd rather put in the work to bring in everybody, to be honest.
What do you think? Who should I cover next?
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tylerxrbtwhp · 3 months
Idk what im doing, going to random people's account and sending random questions BUTT.
i have a fewwww questions cuz i saw that reblog where u said that anybody can come to your and ask yada yada SO im here!!
What name/names should i/we call you?
What is your fav color?
What is your fav food?
What is your fav drink?
What is your fav animal?
What is your personality type?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Do you have a pet?
Do you love rocks?
What fandoms are you in?
Mom or dad?
What do you want to be when you grow up? / What is your job?
If you like reading, what genre is your fav?
If you like art, what is your fav type?
If you like music, what is your fav genre?
What is your fav school subject?
Do you have siblings / a sibling?
What is your fav flower?
What is your fav weather?
Do you have a fav writer? If so, who?
If you like/love Genshin Impact then who is/are your fav genshin characters?
By your posts, you seem to like Marvel! Who is/are your fav Marvel and DC character?
By your pfp, who is your fav FNAF character?
Do you have a fav celebrity? If so, who?
What would you do if you changed gender for a day and everybody treated you as that gender?
If you like travelling then where would you like to go?
Which country do you hate the most?
Which country do you love the most?
Are you calm or the opposite?
Do you love eating?
Ohmagawd THIRTY QUESTIONS AND I OMG i didnt even realize 😇
damn dude chill out [jkjk] 😭
oki so here 1. Tyler or Xanical 2. I got 3 actually, Blue, Green and Purple though i like blue the most 3. Nothing really, I can take anything except pork and a few other stuff 4. Water, Coffee or Tea, idk 5. Cats and Horses! 6. i THINK its in my bio? idk but its ISTJ and specifically ISTJ-A 7. Whatever i want 💀But srsly, reading or gaming, either 8. Yeah actually 9. OH HELL YES THERE ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT TYPE OF ROCKS!!! omg especially those sparkly ones!! I have two rocks on my desk, they were shiny when i first picked them up but unfortunately the shine didnt stay 😔 10. Theres quite a few 😭Marvel, FNAF, Football/Soccer, Creepypasta, Genshin Impact, One Piece, MHA (I dont even watch anime 😭), Countryhumans (I despise countryhumans/countryballs ships.) and uhh prolly Minecraft and Red Dead Redemption 2 11. Dad. (Tho i LOVE LOVE LOVE MY MOTHER SO MUCH TOO!! i was actually debating the other day whether i love mom or dad more but dad always wins besides she has her son 🙄) 12. tbh an officer, specifically a NAVY ones 13. There are a few like Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction etc etc but imo Fiction always wins 🔥 14. I dont like making arts that much 😭But seeing others make magnificent arts is always so cool!! 15. Rock or Country, cant decide 16. HISTORY AHH 🔥🔥🔥 17. yup 18. the classic, roses! 19. Rainy or cloudy, like a weather when everything is calm and stuff 20. Tbh i dont have one, every writer is unique in their own way and everyone's writing is so majestic that i cant even choose one 😭 21. ohoohoho ik ik!! Pierro, The Jester. My always no. 1 though im getting obsessed with Zhongli and Neuvillitte these days! 22. Iron man, Tony Stark my beloved no. 1 and i'd go for Heath Ledger's Joker for DC 23. IF IT ISNT OBVIOUS ENOUGH- 😭😭(no offense) Its Springtrap or Burntrap, cant decide but their the same person the basically William Afton! 24. IT'S ROBERT DOWNEY JUNIORRRR!!!!!! ahem. 25. I seriously dont know 😭 26. Prolly Russia, Britain, Germany or Switzerland, maybe Norway but Russia's my main goal!! 27. Israel. 28. My own country!!! 29. The ppl around me say that im calm so yeh 30. Idk im in th middle of the scale 🔥 ____________________________________________ DONEEEE yes. its 05:23 yo 🔥
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