nerdalmighty · 2 months
if you’re still taking requests (or have already giffed it), would you mind doing the scene from the finally where they’re in the trash compactor and Kai says “great, the walls are closing in. That’s fun.” 🙏
DONE! You can find the set here :)
Thanks for being patient, and feel free to request more! I'm slowly but surely making my way through the last batch of S1 eps before S2 premieres on August 14th!
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Tagged by @the-stars-descend <333 Thank you, queen! Been a hot minute since I've done one of these.
the picrew
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Last song: I was really bopping to "Wake Me Up When September Ends" this week. Angsty classic.
Favourite colour: Most shades of green, and gold.
Currently watching: The Great, season three.
Last movie: Oppenheimer. (Super impactful and important, but gah, Nolan could definitely have shortened it by an hour! I came out of it with a splitting headache.)
Currently reading: De Profundis, by Oscar Wilde, and The Guinevere Deception, by Kiersten White. Enjoying both!
Sweet/spicy/savoury: All three! But I learn towards spicy/savory these days because I'm trying to cut down on sugar (the woes of adulthood).
Relationship status: Trying to recover from massive heartbreak at the moment, but still putting myself out there... although everyone seems terrible
Current obsession: African food. I just had Nigerian food for the first time and it was just amazing. I've already had Ethiopian. (<3) Now I want to try Ghanaian!
Last thing I googled: "Escape rooms near me", for planning my dad's birthday.
Currently working on: Mental health, getting through my tbr list, and trying to scrap together a social life ;)
I tag: @thethoughtsofafangirl, @safin aka @midnightsvns, @mafitheedwardhoe, @strangewomanlover, my friend dina because she forgot her tumblr login, @volturisecretary if she's still here and kickin', @masochisticlion, @cockmcstuffins, @titheinironside, and @twilight-good-yall-dumb
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clonemmunism · 15 days
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Least homoerotic jedi-general and clone-commander duo
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guujikaroko · 6 months
Do you ever sit and think about how Xiao promised to essentially be Lumine's executioner. Do you ever think about how he said he'd kill for her if she wished so. Do you ever think about how Xiao spent thousands of years participating in bloodshed and massacre and thinks that it's all he was meant to be. Do you ever think about how he sees Lumine as a pure soul that deserves none of that suffering he pretty much drowned himself in. Do you ever think about how he can only feel useful to Lumine as a weapon and thus offered himself to her as one.
BUT ALSO! Do you ever think about how Lumine NEVER calls for Xiao to fight for her? Do you ever think about how she almost died fighting a GOD in Inazuma and only called Xiao after the whole ordeal was over and she wanted him to eat a dish? Do you ever think about how she absolutely refuses to use Xiao as the weapon he thinks he is? Do you ever think about how Lumine sees Xiao as a pure soul that deserves none of the torment and endeavors to give him peace in any way she can?
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renesassing · 6 months
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did some finagling of my tablet during my lunch break
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marigoldwriter · 1 month
I'm going to post something that anyone who's reading 'Where are the Stars? I'll Sing them Lullabies' will like.
Glassheart's daughters' appearances.
They were drawn by @werewolfvanillapotato, right at the beginning of the fanfic's development, therefore, they're just initial appearances.
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(The first one is Letty, the middle one is Rosa, and the last one is Cherise)
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princess-ibri · 5 months
Some more Wish 2 Concepts!
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Really love the idea of Asha’s magic being able to manifest with more control once she starts channeling her art skills into it. Like she struggles before, but once she starts drawing (pun intended) on her natural she starts bringing all sorts of amazing things to life to help aid her. A living representative of the magic of animators.
For Star I would bring back the shapeshifter idea for him while they’re in the Land of Dreams, he can take the form of different dreams he interacts with, as Wishes and Dreams are so connected.
And of course I had to do a little doodle of the moment Magnifico and Maroula first both realize the other is here in the Dreamlands, and that they’re on opposite sides of the conflict.
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Magnifico in his quest for vengeance has unknowingly aligned himself with his estranged daughter’s greatest enemy, and Maroula’s first site of her father after almost 100 years is seeing him ruthlessly attack her new friends—and aiding the dream eating Lamia.
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It’s not a happy reunion by any means
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easthigh · 2 months
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2019 vs. 2024
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dani-luminae · 4 months
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Coming to you right from the famous Bia brainrot post, we have these two dorks.
Will I ever stop thinking about them? Probably not. Not that I want to, either.
Royal ball, or wedding reception, maybe? Who knows...? Just look at the two lovebirds!
Art by the fantastic and wonderful @descendantofthesparrow!
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howlingday · 3 months
Close For Discomfort
A Knightfall Parody
Jaune: (In bed, Stretches) Morning, babe~.
Cinder: (Yawns) Morning, blue eyes~.
Salem: (Nude) Speaking of blue eyes, I'm making blueberry pancakes! Y'all want any?
Jaune: AGH! Grandma! For Brother's sakes, put on some clothes! Please!
Salem: Clothes ruin my morning flow! You know that! Now, you want blueberry or chocolate chip? (Walking away) Because spoiler alert, the chocolate chips are HELLA PACKED with THC!
Jaune: ...
Cinder: We need to move out.
Jaune: What?!
Cinder: NOW!
Jaune: Wh- I- B- Cindy, we've got free room and board, a literal castle with protection from Grimm attacks and... all the pancakes we could ever want~!
Cinder: Wonderful, but do you have any idea how obnoxious your grandmother has gotten since we started dating? THREE YEARS AGO?
Cinder: (Doing laundry, Rolls eyes at Salem's "Death To All Faunus" shirt)
Cinder: (Turns over, Sees "And Humans, Too") Oh... That's... better?
Cinder: And then there was my birthday last month.
Ruby: Happy birthday, Cinder~!
Cinder: Thank you, Re- Er, Ruby.
Salem: Time for presents~! (Hands over gift) Here you go, Cindy~!
Cinder: (Flatly) Oh, good, I wonder what this is- Oh, look, it's a crotchless panties and a nippleless bra. Who would've guessed?
Jaune: Hey, I remember those! I wonder if mine still fit...
Cinder: ...
Ruby: ...
Cinder: And that's NOTHING compared to the bullshit she pulled last week!
Cinder: (On Jaune, Drags fingers down chest)
Jaune: (Saucily chuckles, Rubs arm)
Cinder: (Leans down, Stops) Is that a fucking camera?!
Jaune: (Holding "Grimm Pictures Presents: Fallen Knights of Passion " CD) In her defense, the production value on this was... incredible~!
Cinder: (Takes CD, Melts it)
Jaune: AW~! I was really good in that one...
Cinder: Yes, you were. Not the point!
Jaune: Mm... I'm not sure how we'd move in the first place. Can't exactly just buy a house as "enemies of humanity".
Cinder: Well, who's to say we have to buy or rent anything? I'm sure we could easily steal a house on the shore.
Jaune: Cinder! You promised!
Cinder: I'm kidding! I'm kidding! ...Mostly.
Jaune: What about Ruby? I'm sure she could vouch for us now that Salem's gone straight.
Cinder: We could... but I don't think she'd be interested in anything I have to say...
Ruby: Cinder, what the fuck?!
Cinder: (Via scroll) You asked, I delivered.
Ruby: I asked for Sonic merch for my birthday, not for you to kidnap another Sonic character!
Big: I'm Big~!
Ruby: He's Big! ...Wait, is that your name?
Big: Yuh-huh~!
Cinder: Well, I'm glad you're enjoying him~.
Jaune: Hm... Well, we could always ask for a trial by combat. I'm already good friends with most huntsmen, so all I'd have to do is ask for the next availability. Not to mention they also pay huge, and we're probably going to win anyways because the only people who could beat either of us that aren't our friends are dead! Oh, I made myself feel bad.
Cinder: And this "next availability" would be when?
Jaune: Let's see, according to the schedule, it is... SIX YEARS?!
Cinder: Fuck that! You need a job!
Jaune: Also gonna be hard since I'm blacklisted as a huntsman and my resume aside from that is just... kid who's related to the woman who tried to wipe out humanity.
Cinder: I don't have a formal education, either. The only thing I learned growing up was the best ways to kill a woman and how to scrub week-old cum off decades-old wood.
Salem: (Pops in) Oh, now that takes me back~...
Cinder: (Hurls fireball) EAT SHIT, YOU OLD HAG!
Salem: (Walks downstairs) Oh, you know I was talking about dick...
Jaune: Okay, okay! Uh... We could do manual labor! I've been training to fight the Grimm since I was a teenager, so I can still do other work that requires muscle! We could probably build our own house and a whole neighborhood in, like, a week!
Cinder: I... I don't think I could be doing any physical labor.
Jaune: Why not? You pick ME up and toss me into bed real easy when you're feeling frisky. (Come hithers)
Cinder: (Sighs) That's not what I mean.
Jaune: I know, but I mean... I think you'd be great at it! You're smart, you're driven, you're WAY stronger than me without your maiden powers, and you're-
Cinder: PREGNANT~!
Jaune: ...Wha?
Cinder: And, yeah, I know I can still work, but I think it's really awkward to tell your boss, "Hey, I know I just started, but I'm going to need maternity leave really soon!" It just seems like a clusterfu-
Jaune: (Grabs her) You're pregnant?!
Cinder: Yeah... It's why I didn't ask for any chocolate chips.
Jaune: How... How long?
Cinder: Pregnant? About a month, but I only found out a few days ago! I didn't know how to tell you. We have something good already and everything just sort of happened and I have no idea what happens next or even if you want to-
Jaune: Cinder! (Takes her hands) You... You have made me the happiest man in the entire world. No one has ever made me feel this happy before, except you, and you somehow just keep making me happier.
Cinder: (Eyes watering)
Jaune: I... I love you. And I love our baby.
Cinder: (Hugs him) I love you, too~!
Salem: (Leaning against the wall) So, how much longer until your belly gets bigger? It's been a few centuries since my time, so I'm not sure what the standard is now. And I'd like to know before the next video.
Cinder: If our baby is a girl and we're not out of this house by the time she hits puberty, I WILL murder Salem!
Salem: Tch! Good luck! (Slurps pancake)
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foreststarflaime · 1 month
Raghhh Sephiroth his whole life being used to being poked and prodded and drugged without his permission when he gets hurt. And then he gets team Glenn, fussing over him whenever he gets so much as a cut on mission and they notice, and although he’s getting prodded and touched it feels so different, so much better. And then he thinks he’ll never see them again, because he saved them but at the cost of saving them for him, and it’s back to the labs again. He almost forgets what a kind touch feels like. But then there’s Angeal, asking him worriedly if he can take a look at that gash on his forehead, cupping his face gently as he dabs at it trying not to hurt him, and his hand is so warm Seph realizes he’s been cold his whole life and ahhhhhhhh
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purpleenma · 5 months
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Doodled Spock with his baby being adorable while they nap together 💜
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willowleavesnom · 2 months
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Guess who doesn’t belong from my favorite characters
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logolepsy-babble · 2 months
Watching Descendants right now. At first I thought that Will Solace would be the one who’d sing Did I Mention to Nico di Angelo. After further thinking, Nico would more likely sing it to Will. My source? The Sun and the Star and Trust me Bro.
Nico singing it in front of the camp post-Capture the Flag with the help of Nymphs and the other Apollo kids.
Will, standing there, flustered and in love because this is the second time Nico’s done a grande gesture for him.
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marigoldwriter · 1 month
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letty of hearts, daughter of red of hearts & chloe charming
(nobody asked, but I want everyone to see a bit of my babygirl! I've already tried to draw her, but I couldn't, anyway, I'll try to post more of 'Where are the Stars? I'll Sing them Lullabies' here)
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princess-ibri · 6 months
Wish 2: The Land of Dreams
Did some designs for how our main characters would appear in my hypothetical sequel. First and foremost of course we have Asha and Star, both learning to come to grips with being Magical/Human Shaped respectively, and seeping their relationship as they journey together through the ever shifting Land of Dreams on the Quest Queen Amaya gives them to find the long lost heir of Rosas…
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Then there’s the Heir herself, Princess Maroula. A powerful sorceress in her own right, who a century ago defied her father to undertake her own Quest at the behest of The Blue Fairy, to protect the Land of Dreams against a the fearsome Lamia. For wishes and dreams are deeply connected. Maroula has made many allies in the Dreamlands, but her closest is the magnificent stag Selenos. Together they’ve managed to keep Lamia’s corruption at bay, but no one can battle forever…
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And Lamia has recently found herself a new ally, one as deeply connected to dreams and wishes as her enemy is, and the best bet she has at finally overcoming Maroula. Of course the desperate, angry ex-monarch she plucked from the liminal slack of a mirror prison doesn’t need to know the foe she’s using his power to fight is his own daughter. Especially not when a couple of his own hated enemies show up at just the right moment to focus his attentions…
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And that’s what I’ve got atm!
Links to other artworks I’ve done that pertain to this project
Movie Poster
Human Star origin
Fairy Godmother Asha art concept
King Magnifico/Maroula Backstory
Lamia backstory
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