#thee/thy/thou explanation
hello-eeveev · 1 year
thee/thy/thou usage: a brief explanation for writers.
Every so often, I see people attempting to use Early Modern English in their writing, and so many people get it wrong. From fanfic to published works, I see little misuses so frequently that it’s become a bit of a pet peeve of mine, because one thing that growing up reading the King James Version of the Bible and other related religious texts gave me was an instinctual understanding of Early Modern English. And as a grammar nerd, I would like to share my knowledge with all of you. So here we go:
THOU is the subject form of you. THEE is the object form.
Example: “Thou hast given me an egg, and in return, I giveth thee flour.”
(Modern translation: “You have given me an egg, and in return, I give you flour.”)
So while you can be both a subject and an object, THOU is only ever a subject and THEE is only ever an object.
THY is the possessive form of THOU. Use it in place of your. HOWEVER, the most frequent error I see is the misuse of THINE, the other possessive form of THOU, but I promise the rule is so simple.
THINE is only used in front of words that start with a vowel. If the thing that is being possessed starts with a consonant, use THY.
“Thy marvelous egg.”
“Thine excellent egg.”
MY and MINE follow the same rule:
“My marvelous egg.”
“Mine excellent egg.”
See that ye take this lesson to heart. I have faith in thee and thy capabilities. Shouldst thou err, fear not, for such is the process of learning. If thou art unsure, if thou needest a question answered, ask of OP, for I am here to guide thee on thy way. But bear in mind, no one knows all, and I am but one man. Google is also thine ally in this, for scholarship abounds, and it may aid thee when I cannot.
Now go forth, my friends! Write prose with such confidence as to make our forefathers weep! Yea, they shall sing thy praises: Lo! how our children command our language with such beauty! Such skill!
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jayden-killer · 5 months
previous part here.
summary: That's it. That's the moment when you decide to open the famous letter Loki wrote to you before sacrificing himself into becoming the God of Stories.
warnings: lots of angst, heheheh.
author's note: my biggest apologies!! I didn't mean to procrastinate this one, but I also had 0 ideas on how to write it ((( ̄へ ̄井). I tried my best. Also, bonus point, as an english literature student, i had to add Shakespeare's Sonnet 18. >:)
taglist (people who wanted the letter, its hereee!!): @eviebuggg @tea-kovsky-pot @sititran
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Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;
Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
My dear,
Putting what I’m feeling on paper now is complicated for me.
Certain emotions have no explanation.
The TVA will collapse. I have seen into the future, and have gone back in time indecipherable times to put a point to this story, however my attempts have always been in vain. Only when hope was about to leave my body, I understood.
I understood my glorious purpose, I understood that there would be no other solution but one: sacrifice.
It will lead to the birth of a new, better timeline, however, not everything is pink and flowers. I already know there will be consequences for what we’ve built hard, you and I. Breaking a love pact that we promised to honor in spite of everything.
Which I will break.
The bitterness in my mouth assails me. The pen trembles in the palm of my hand; my eyes are swollen with tears...
To me, you are like an early morning sun ray on what is to be a sunny summer morning.
To me, you are like sea waves, crashing on rocks with determination, yet delicate in their touch.
To me, you are like the melody of a harp, melodious, cordial.
You are what still feeds the beating of my heart at such a difficult time as this.
You are what I call "Love of my life".
What a wonder, love itself. Before you, I never knew love. You, my other half, enchanted me with your magic. You gave me all of you.
It wouldn’t be fair of me not to return the favor.
I shall never forget your angelic voice, your shining eyes, the sweetness of your lips, your kind touches, the brightest smile in the Nine Realms, making the major gods invidious.
Do not shed more tears than you have already shed.
I will not be physically with you, sleeping in your arms on your comfortable sofa, enjoying the warmth of your body.
I shall watch over you every single day of my existence. Time won't separate us, not even in the slightest.
I'll always look up to you,
I'll always protect you.
Our souls are connected even beyond time itself.
My beautiful wife.
With much love,
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hadeth · 7 months
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عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، قَالَتْ فَقَدْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم لَيْلَةً مِنَ الْفِرَاشِ فَالْتَمَسْتُهُ فَوَقَعَتْ يَدِي عَلَى بَطْنِ قَدَمَيْهِ وَهُوَ فِي الْمَسْجِدِ وَهُمَا مَنْصُوبَتَانِ وَهُوَ يَقُولُ ‏ "‏ اللَّهُمَّ أَعُوذُ بِرِضَاكَ مِنْ سَخَطِكَ وَبِمُعَافَاتِكَ مِنْ عُقُوبَتِكَ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْكَ لاَ أُحْصِي ثَنَاءً عَلَيْكَ أَنْتَ كَمَا أَثْنَيْتَ عَلَى نَفْسِكَ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ صحيح مسلم حديث ٤٨٦
'A'isha reported: One night I missed Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) from the bed, and when I sought him my hand touched the soles of his feet while he was in the state of prostration; they (feet) were raised and he was saying:" O Allah, I seek refuge in Thy pleasure from Thy anger, and in Thy forgiveness from Thy punishment, and I seek refuge in Thee from Thee (Thy anger). I cannot reckon Thy praise. Thou art as Thou hast lauded Thyself." Sahih Muslim 486 In-book reference : Book 4, Hadith 252
قَالَ الْإِمَامُ أَبُو سُلَيْمَانَ الْخَطَّابِيُّ رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ تَعَالَى فِي هَذَا مَعْنًى لَطِيفٌ وَذَلِكَ أَنَّهُ اسْتَعَاذَ بِاللَّهِ تَعَالَى وَسَأَلَهُ أَنْ يُجِيرَهُ بِرِضَاهُ مِنْ سَخَطِهِ وَبِمُعَافَاتِهِ مِنْ عُقُوبَتِهِ وَالرِّضَاءُ وَالسَّخَطُ ضِدَّانِ مُتَقَابِلَانِ وَكَذَلِكَ الْمُعَافَاةُ وَالْعُقُوبَةُ فَلَمَّا صَارَ إِلَى ذِكْرِ مَا لَا ضِدَّ لَهُ وَهُوَ اللَّهُ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى اسْتَعَاذَ بِهِ مِنْهُ لَا غَيْرُ وَمَعْنَاهُ الِاسْتِغْفَارُ مِنَ التَّقْصِيرِ فِي بُلُوغِ الْوَاجِبِ مِنْ حَقِّ عِبَادَتِهِ وَالثَّنَاءِ عَلَيْهِ وَقَوْلُهُ لَا أُحْصِي ثَنَاءً عَلَيْكَ أَيْ لَا أُطِيقُهُ وَلَا آتِي عَلَيْهِ وَقِيلَ لَا أُحِيطُ بِهِ وَقَالَ مَالِكٌ رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ تَعَالَى مَعْنَاهُ لَا أُحْصِي نِعْمَتَكَ وَإِحْسَانَكَ وَالثَّنَاءَ بِهَا عَلَيْكَ وَإِنْ اجْتَهَدْتُ فِي الثَّنَاءِ عَلَيْكَ.... شرح النووي على مسلم
قال المناوي رحمه الله: " ( وأعوذ بك منك ) أي برحمتك من عقوبتك ؛ فإن ما يستعاذ منه صادر عن مشيئته وخلقه ، بإذنه وقضائه ؛ فهو الذي سبب الأسباب التي يستفاد به منها ، خلقا وكونا ، وهو الذي يُعيذ منها ، ويدفع شرها خلقا وكونا " . انتهى من "فيض القدير شرح الجامع الصغير" (2/176) . وقال ابن القيم رحمه الله : " ( وأعوذ بك منك ) : فاستعاذ بصفة الرضا من صفة الغضب ، وبفعل العافية من فعل العقوبة ، واستعاذ به منه باعتبارين ؛ وكأن في استعاذته منه جمعاً لما فصله في الجملتين قبله ؛ فإن الاستعاذة به منه ترجع إلى معنى الكلام قبلها ، مع تضمنها فائدة شريفة ، وهي كمال التوحيد ، وأن الذي يستعيذ به العائذ ، ويهرب منه : إنما هو فعل الله ومشيئته وقدره ؛ فهو وحده المنفرد بالحكم ؛ فإذا أراد بعبده سوءا لم يعذه منه إلا هو ، فهو الذي يريد به ما يسوؤه ، وهو الذي يريد دفعه عنه ، فصار سبحانه مستعاذاً به منه باعتبار الإرادتين : ( وَإِنْ يَمْسَسْكَ اللَّهُ بِضُرٍّ فَلَا كَاشِفَ لَهُ إِلَّا هُوَ ) ؛ فهو الذي يمس بالضر ، وهو الذي يكشفه ، لا إله إلا هو ، فالمهرب منه إليه ، والفرار منه إليه ، والملجأ منه إليه ، كما أن الاستعاذة منه ؛ فإنه لا رب غيره ولا مدبر للعبد سواه ، فهو الذي يحركه ويقلبه ويصرفه كيف يشاء " انتهى من "طريق الهجرتين وباب السعادتين"(1/431) . والله أعلم. الاسلام سؤال وجواب
Hadith Translation/ Explanation : English French Spanish Turkish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Sinhalese Uyghur Kurdish Portuguese Swahili: https://hadeethenc.com/en/browse/hadith/3566
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apenitentialprayer · 4 months
Liturgical Elements: The Embolism
In the liturgical rubrics of the Mass, the "embolism" refers to a short prayer spoken out loud by the priest after the congregation has collectively recited the Lord's Prayer. According to Nicholas Ayo (The Lord's Prayer: A Survey Theological and Literary, page 196), "the embolism functions like a marginal gloss, an explanation of the last line of the Pater, and an unfolding of its many implications." In reformed liturgy of the Roman Church, the English translation of the embolism is as follows:
Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil; graciously grant peace in our days, that, by the help of Your mercy, we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress, as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
In the Tridentine form of the Roman Mass, a longer embolism was recited:
Deliver us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, from all evils past, present, and to come; and by the intercession of the Blessed and glorious ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God, together with Thy blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and Andrew, and all the saints, mercifully grant peace in our days, that sustained by help of Thy mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all disturbance. Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Our Lord, who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.
The Ambrosian Rite, being another Latin rite, has an embolism that is unsurprisingly similar to the Tridentine one:
Deliver us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, from all evils past, present, and to come; and at the intercession for us of Blessed Mary who brought forth our God and Lord, Jesus Christ; and of Thy holy Apostles Peter and Paul and Andrew, and of blessed Ambrose Thy confessor and bishop, together with all Thy saints, favorably give peace in our days, that assisted by the help of Thy mercy we may be both delivered from sin and safe from all turmoil. Fulfill this by Him with whom Thou livest blessed and reignest God, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever.
The embolism was not only an element of Roman liturgies, either. Take, for example, this embolism used by the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church (notice how the doxology that follows the modern Roman embolism is instead integrated into this one):
Merciful Lord, lover of all mankind, do not let us be overcome by temptation, but deliver us from the rebellious evil one and his perverse and evil ways. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory belong to You and Your Only Son and Your Holy Spirit, now and always and forever.
Here is the embolism of the Syro-Malabar Church, reflecting the Eastern Syriac rather than Western Syriac tradition:
Lord, God Almighty! Fullness of all goodness! Our Merciful Father! We entreat You for Your mercy. Do not lead us into temptation. Deliver us from the evil one and his hosts. For Yours is the kingdom, the might, the power, and the dominion in heaven and earth, now, always, and forever.
In the Greek liturgies, the embolism only survives in the Liturgy of Saint James, which has the following:
Lord, lead us not into temptation, O Lord of hosts! For Thou dost know our frailty; but deliver us from the wicked one, from all his works, from all his assaults and craftiness; through Thy Holy Name, which we call upon to guard us in our loneliness.
On a final note, Fr. Frederick Holweck, the author of the Catholic Encyclopedia's article on the embolism, thought that the Mozarabic embolism in particular was "very beautiful." In addition to being said after the Our Father at Mass, the following prayer was also said after the Our Father in the Mozarabic Church's Morning and Evening prayers:
Delivered from all evil, strengthened forever in good, may we be worthy to serve Thee, our God and Lord: and put an end, O Lord, to our sins; grant joy to them that are afflicted; bestow redemption upon the captives, health upon the sick, and repose to the departed. Grant peace and safety in all our days, shatter the audacity of our enemies, and hearken, O God, to all the prayers of Thy servants, all faithful Christians, upon this day and at all times. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, ever through all the ages of ages.
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orthodoxadventure · 1 month
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The Annunciation of our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
Commemorated on March 25
Today is the beginning of our salvation, the revelation of the eternal mystery! The Son of God becomes the Son of the Virgin as Gabriel announces the coming of Grace. Together with him let us cry to the Theotokos: Hail, O Full of Grace, the Lord is with You!
The Feast of the Annunciation is one of the earliest Christian feasts, and was already being celebrated in the fourth century. There is a painting of the Annunciation in the catacomb of Priscilla in Rome dating from the second century. The Council of Toledo in 656 mentions the Feast, and the Council in Trullo in 692 says that the Annunciation was celebrated during Great Lent.
The Greek and Slavonic names for the Feast may be translated as “good tidings.” This, of course, refers to the Incarnation of the Son of God and the salvation He brings. The background of the Annunciation is found in the Gospel of Saint Luke (1:26-38). The troparion describes this as the “beginning of our salvation, and the revelation of the eternal mystery,” for on this day the Son of God became the Son of Man.
There are two main components to the Annunciation: the message itself, and the response of the Virgin. The message fulfills God’s promise to send a Redeemer (Genesis 3:15): “I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your seed and her seed; he shall crush your head, and you shall lie in wait for his heel.” The Fathers of the Church understand “her seed” to refer to Christ. The prophets hinted at His coming, which they saw dimly, but the Archangel Gabriel now proclaims that the promise is about to be fulfilled.
We see this echoed in the Liturgy of Saint Basil, as well: “When man disobeyed Thee, the only true God who had created him, and was deceived by the guile of the serpent, becoming subject to death by his own transgressions, Thou, O God, in Thy righteous judgment, didst send him forth from Paradise into this world, returning him to the earth from which he was taken, yet providing for him the salvation of regeneration in Thy Christ Himself.”
The Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to Nazareth in Galilee. There he spoke to the undefiled Virgin who was betrothed to Saint Joseph: “Hail, thou who art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”
In contrast to Eve, who was readily deceived by the serpent, the Virgin did not immediately accept the Angel’s message. In her humility, she did not think she was deserving of such words, but was actually troubled by them. The fact that she asked for an explanation reveals her sobriety and prudence. She did not disbelieve the words of the angel, but could not understand how they would be fulfilled, for they spoke of something which was beyond nature.
Then said Mary unto the angel, “How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?” (Luke 1:34).
“And the angel answered and said unto her, ‘The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee: therefore also that which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible.’ And Mary said, ‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.’ And the angel departed from her.” (Luke 1: 35-38)
In his Sermon 23 on the day of the Annunciation, Saint Philaret of Moscow boldly stated that “the word of the creature brought the Creator down into the world.��� He explains that salvation is not merely an act of God’s will, but also involves the Virgin’s free will. She could have refused, but she accepted God’s will and chose to cooperate without complaint or further questions.
The icon of the Feast shows the Archangel with a staff in his left hand, indicating his role as a messenger. Sometimes one wing is upraised, as if to show his swift descent from heaven. His right hand is stretched toward the holy Virgin as he delivers his message.
The Virgin is depicted either standing or sitting, usually holding yarn in her left hand. Sometimes she is shown holding a scroll. Her right hand may be raised to indicate her surprise at the message she is hearing. Her head is bowed, showing her consent and obedience. The descent of the Holy Spirit upon her is depicted by a ray of light issuing from a small sphere at the top of the icon, which symbolizes heaven. In a famous icon from Sinai, a white dove is shown in the ray of light.
There are several famous icons of the Annunciation. One is in the Moscow Kremlin in the church of the Annunciation. This icon appeared in connection with the rescue of a prisoner by the Mother of God during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Another is to be found in the Dormition Cathedral in Moscow (July 8). It was originally located in Ustiug, and was the icon before which Saint Procopius the fool (July 8) prayed to save the city from destruction in 1290. One of the most highly revered icons in Greece is the Tinos icon of the Annunciation (January 30).
The Annunciation falls during Lent, but it is always celebrated with great joy. The Liturgy of Saint Basil or Saint John Chrysostom is served, even on the weekdays of Lent. It is one of the two days of Great Lent on which the fast is relaxed and fish is permitted (Palm Sunday is the other).
[Text from OCA]
O Victorious Leader of Triumphant Hosts! We, your servants, delivered from evil, sing our grateful thanks to you, O Theotokos! As you possess invincible might, set us free from every calamity so that we may sing: Hail, O unwedded Bride!
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
Logos and Pathos (Book 2) Chapter Twenty-Five
Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Twenty-Five: Spock's Heart
Summary: Spock must battle both his instinct and his friend.
            Silence followed T’Pring’s announcement of “Kal-if-fee.” T’Pau narrowed her eyes slightly, T’Pring was cool and calm, and Spock…he seemed worried. That put (Y/N) on edge. Spock retreated to the wall of the courtyard, lacing his hands together in a telltale sign of careful contemplation and an attempt at composure.
            (Y/N) tried to move towards him, but a Vulcan guard lowered a sword and blocked their path. Their gaze went to T’Pring next, trying to ascertain what was happening. They cocked their head as their eyes met T’Pring’s. Even in the midst of her unemotional stateliness, T’Pring seemed to be calculating something. (Y/N) had been around Spock long enough to see when a Vulcan was planning something, and T’Pring was definitely up to something.
            Kirk broke the silence. “What is it? What happened?”
            “She chooses the Challenge,” said T’Pau gravely.
            “With him?” asked Bones, gesturing to the guard.
            “He acts only if cowardice is seen,” said T’Pau. She looked to T’Pring. “She will choose her champion.”
            “Spock?” called (Y/N), more concerned about Spock than anything else going on.
            “Do not attempt to speak to him, (L/N),” said T’Pau. “He is deep in the Plak-Tow—the blood fever. He will not speak with thee again until he has passed through what is to come.”
            Despite T’Pau’s words, though, Spock  still rose his head in (Y/N)’s direction, his heart sill pulling him towards them.
            “If thou wishes to depart, thou may leave now,” said T’Pau.
            “We’ll stay,” said (Y/N), and Kirk and Bones nodded their assent.
            T’Pau nodded approvingly. “Spock chose his friends well.”
            “Ma’am, I don’t understand. Are you trying to say that she rejected him, that she doesn’t want him?” asked Bones. Because that would be fantastic for (Y/N) and Spock.
            “He will have to fight for her,” said T’Pau. “It is her right.”
            Not sure if he has a lot of motivation for that while (Y/N)’s here, thought Kirk.
            This seems strangely violent for Vulcans, thought (Y/N).
            “T’Pring, thou has chosen the Kal-if-fee, the Challenge. Thou are prepared to become the spouse of the victor?” asked T’Pau.
            “I am prepared,” said T’Pring.
            Yeah, she does not look like the type of woman to just let stuff happen to her. She’s pulling something here, thought (Y/N). Unfortunately, for Spock, I can’t interfere or interrupt Vulcan customs.
            “Spock, does thou accept the challenge, according to our laws and customs?” asked T’Pau.
            “Yes,” said Spock, his voice strained.
            T’Pring’s shoulders squared at his acknowledgement, and her gaze darted to one of the guards behind (Y/N). Their eyebrow rose.
            Aha. Now that’s a helpful clue to what’s going on.
            It didn’t really help (Y/N)’s situation, but it did give some explanations. And, unfortunately, it was possible Spock would have to fight him.
            “Do you think Spock can take him?” murmured Kirk.
            Bones sighed. “I doubt it.”
            “Not with how he is now…” said (Y/N) regretfully.
            “T’Pring, thou will choose thy champion,” said T’Pau.
            T’Pring walked towards them. The guard stepped forward expectantly. Clearly, he and T’Pring were in this together, and he was supposed to be chosen. “As it was in the dawn of our days, as it is today, as it will be for all tomorrows, I make my choice.” She paused beside the guard, and Kirk, Bones, and (Y/N) braced themselves for Spock to have to fight him, but T’Pring stepped past him. She lifted her hand. “This one!” Her finger pointed at (Y/N).
            (Y/N) started in surprise. Kirk and Bones’s eyes widened. Even T’Pau was mildly offput by the announcement. Spock’s head jerked up, eyes betraying wild worry.
            “No,” said the Vulcan guard. “I am to be the one! It was agreed.”
            “Be silent,” said T’Pau sharply.
            “Hear me. I have made the ancient claim,” said the Vulcan. “I claim the right. The woman is—”
            “Kroykah!” commanded T’Pau, and the imposing Vulcan with a sword stepped between the challenging Vulcan and T’Pring.
            The Vulcan man swallowed. “I ask forgiveness.” He stepped back into line.
            “(L/N),” said T’Pau, gesturing them closer. “T’Pring is within her rights, but our laws and customs are not binding on thee. Thou are free to decline with no harm on thyself.” She stood and stepped down from her dais. She strolled across the courtyard to the gong.
            Spock approached her next, clenching his hands together and shaking. “T’Pau.”
            “Thou speaks?” T’Pau raised an eyebrow. It was unusual for someone in the Plak-Tow to be so cognizant, but she couldn’t see how much Spock was fighting for control when it came to (Y/N).
            “My t’h-My friend…does not understand,” said Spock. Not (Y/N). I’m losing control, please, not them!
            “The choice has been made, Spock. It is up to them now,” said T’Pau.
            “They do not know,” insisted Spock. “I will do…what is asked of me, but not with them.” He shook his head vehemently. Not with them, never with them. I don’t want to hurt them. “They are my friend.”
            “It is said thy Vulcan blood is thin,” said T’Pau, voice clipped. “Are thou Vulcan, or are thou human?”
            (Y/N) narrowed their eyes at the insult. They didn’t like people insulting Spock. He was a good man, Vulcan or human didn’t matter. He should be respected.
            “I burn, T’Pau. My eyes are flame. My heart is flame.” For (Y/N). “T’Pau, in the name of my fathers, forbid, forbid,” said Spock. “T’Pau. I plead with thee. I beg…” not them!
            “Thou has prided thyself on thy Vulcan heritage,” said Spock scornfully. “It is decided.”
            A member of the entourage walked forward and tied a purple sash around Spock’s waist. Finally, (Y/N) stepped forward towards the gong at the center of the courtyard.
            “What happens to Spock if I decline?” asked (Y/N), glancing at Spock worriedly. They could feel his emotions reaching a boiling point, too much for him to grasp. He was truly unwell. He needed to be saved, soon.
            “Another champion will be selected,” said T’Pau. “Do not interfere. Keep thy place.”
            Spock felt a rumble of anger roar through him at T’Pau’s harshness with (Y/N).
            Kirk and Bones drew them aside. “You can’t do it, (L/N),” said Bones.
            “I can’t?” asked (Y/N) absently, eyes still trained on Spock’s trembling figure.
            “No. She said that their laws and customs were not binding on you,” said Kirk.
            “And you said that Spock might not be able to handle that other Vulcan,” said (Y/N). “But if I can fight Spock and not really hurt him, maybe just knock him out or something—”
            “In this climate?” argued Bones. “If the heat doesn’t get you, the thin air will.”
            “You can’t do it,” said Kirk.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “If I win, I can just say ‘no thanks’ to T’Pring as a spouse, and if Spock wins, honor is satisfied. And hopefully, in either situation, the Pon Farr will be undone, and he’ll be okay again.” They gazed helplessly at Spock across the courtyard. “I have to do this. For Spock.”
            “(L/N), decide!” commanded T’Pau.
            (Y/N) stepped forward. “I accept the Challenge.”
            No, no! Spock was losing control of himself, but his mind was screaming at his instincts to stop.
            Spock is going to kill us as soon as he’s back in his right mind, thought Bones and Kirk simultaneously.
            “Here begins the act of combat for marriage to the woman T’Pring,” said T’Pau. “As it was at the time of the beginning, so it is now. Bring forth the lirpa.”
            The guards holding purple clothes unwrapped the weapons and handed them to Spock and (Y/N). Spock’s gaze was dark, his entire mind consumed with the Plak-Tow as he tightly gripped the lirpa. (Y/N) held it more uncertainly.
            “If both survive the lirpa, combat will continue with the ahn-woon,” said T’Pau, walking back to her chair.
            “Um, what do you mean ‘if both survive?’ ” asked (Y/N).
            “This combat is to the death,” said T’Pau as she sat down.
            What the hell?! They didn’t tell me that, thought (Y/N), eyes widened.
            Kirk and Bones whirled to each other. Shit, Spock is really going to kill us, even if both make it!
            “Who said anything about a fight to the death?” questioned Bones. He needed to get his friends out of this fight. “These people are friends.”
            “To force them to fight until one of them is killed—!” began Kirk.
            “I can forgive such a display only once!” declared T’Pau. The guard with the weapon pushed Bones and Kirk away from the dais. “Challenge was given and lawfully accepted.”
            Without giving me an explanation of what I was really signing up for! thought (Y/N). I can’t hurt Spock, how am I supposed to make sure we both survive while also not disrupting Vulcan customs?
            “It has begun. Let no one interfere,” said T’Pau. The Vulcans cleared to the sides of the courtyard. (Y/N) and Spock were left staring at each other.
            Spock, blood raging with blinding fire, attacked first. He swung down at (Y/N), but they blocked it. They shoved him backwards, but he slashed at them. (Y/N) dodged, but the lirpa cut a line into their side. They hissed as they began to bleed, but they stayed aware of Spock circling them.
            I need to get the weapons out of here, thought (Y/N).
            They ducked when Spock swung at them again, and while his body was off-balance, (Y/N) struck him with the blunt bottom of the lirpa. Spock stumbled and fell to the dusty floor. (Y/N) acted quickly and kicked away his lirpa.
            T’Pring and Stonn leaned forward, expecting (Y/N) to finish Spock. Any Vulcan in their position would. But (Y/N) refused to. They couldn’t hurt Spock.
            Instead, as Spock lunged up, (Y/N) pinned him down with their lirpa. Spock and (Y/N) clutched the weapon, each one fighting against the other. (Y/N)’s heart ached as they felt the burn of Spock’s anger and powerlessness against his emotions.
            “Come on, Spock, come on,” they hissed under their breath. (Y/N) was desperately and willing to try anything to bring Spock’s mind back.
            Spock faltered for a moment, and T’Pring raised an eyebrow. She had known Spock for years, and this…strength of mind even in the midst of the Plak-Tow was unprecedented, and it meant that Spock had some significant motivation to keep fighting himself.
            Spock’s strength pushed (Y/N) off of him, but they ripped the lirpa away with them and tossed it out of their reach. Spock’s primal instincts made him focus on the fight instead of strategy, so he ignored the lirpa he could run after and instead lunged at (Y/N). Spock pinned them down, and his hands wrapped around their throat, constricting their breath. If it wasn’t for the violence of the act, their position of Spock between (Y/N)’s legs would have indicated something far different.
            Bones and Kirk’s eyes widened. They wanted to run forward and help (Y/N), but the guard beside them was staring at them coldly. They wouldn’t make it to the fighters.
            “Spock,” coughed (Y/N), trying to get his attention.
            They grabbled with his arms; their hands till stubbornly avoided his. At their voice, Spock’s grip lessened. Not enough for (Y/N) to escape yet, but they noticed the pressure on their neck abate slightly.
            “Spock, come on,” said (Y/N), their hands reaching up to his face.
            Spock’s eyes softened slightly as his heart recognized the golden irises looking up at him with such gentleness, even as he fought them.
            Kirk and Bones leaned forward, anxious to see what was happening. The Vulcans were interested, too, since (Y/N) wasn’t trying to use force anymore. T’Pring had her suspicions due to her own plan with Stonn being similarly motivated, but T’Pau was questioning what illogical thoughts were going through (Y/N)’s mind causing them to not fight for their life.
            “Come back to me, Spock,” murmured (Y/N), closing their eyes as they became lightheaded.
            In a moment of desperate need to save Spock, they pushed their emotions into his mind. They drew on Spock’s anger and fever-inflamed emotions and pushed them aside, flooding him with emotions of joy, peace, and love. (Y/N)’s eyes fluttered shut, and the word turned dark around them, but as their arms went limp and fell to their sides, Spock jerked back in a sudden moment of clarity.
            The flood of positive emotions had destroyed those controlling Spock. Underneath, the primal psychic parts of Spock and (Y/N) recognized a recipient love between them, and the bond they shared destroyed the blood fever.
            Spock quickly let go of (Y/N)’s neck and supported their body in a seated position as air returned to their lungs. Bones and Kirk looked on in relief, the Vulcan’s with concealed surprise, as Spock’s body language relaxed and he became gentle with (Y/N).
            (Y/N)’s eyes opened, and they coughed, massaging their sore throat. All their discomfort flew from them as they saw Spock looking at them in his equivalent of worry. “Spock?” They brightened as they realized they couldn’t feel his emotions. “Spock!” He was back. (Y/N) wanted to hug him and never let go, but they managed to hold themself back in front of the Vulcans.
            “What is this? The Plak-Tow has broken?” T’Pau raised an eyebrow. “Neither of thee are dead.”
            Spock stood and helping (Y/N) to their feet beside him. “No. We are not.”
            “The how did the blood fever break?” questioned T’Pau.
            “The…appearance of (Y/N)’s death might have been enough,” said Spock. Not a complete lie since it was a possibility, but he suspected his heart had played a much stronger role.
            T’Pau nodded. “Your human genetics must have made that possible.”
            It was a dig on Spock’s parentage, but he didn’t care. (Y/N) was alive, and that was all that mattered. He certainly didn’t care whether or not T’Pau understood why he was free of the Plak-Tow. In fact, it was even better that she didn’t because Spock and (Y/N) were not in a relationship. It was illogical for him to feel as deeply as he did for them.
            T’Pring, however, was not a fool. She recognized that something significant had passed between (Y/N) and Spock, surpassing even her preference for Stonn. She had carefully planned to be with him, and yet this…This was something even she hadn’t anticipated. Spock and the Celian surviving. T’Pring raised an eyebrow. Unexpected in the highest degree.
            Spock allowed Bones to take (Y/N) to check over them before turning to his former betrothed. “T’Pring. Explain.”
            “Specify,” said T’Pring.
            “Why the Challenge? And why you chose (Y/N), my friend, as your Champion,” said Spock.
            “It has been many years since we have connected,” said T’Pring. “Situations changed. Our relationship is no longer optimal. I wanted Stonn. He wanted me.”
            Spock agreed with T’Pring. They had tried to make things work, but he had fallen for (Y/N), and evidently, she had gained feelings for someone else as well. If T’Pring had spoken to him, Spock would have released her from any duty to him. However, she had endangered (Y/N)’s life, and for that, Spock was upset at her.
            “You have become known among our people, Spock…almost a legend,” continued T’Pring. “And as the years went by, I came to know that I did not want to be the consort of a legend, but by the laws of our people, I had a duty. Therefore, the Kal-if-fee was the logical option. There was also Stonn, who wanted very much to be my consort, and I wanted him.
            “If your friend were victor, they would not want me, and so I would have Stonn,” explained T’Pring. “If you were victor, you would free me because I had dared to challenge, and again, I would have Stonn. But if you did not free me, it would be the same, for you would be gone, and I would have your name and your property, and Stonn would still be here.”
            “Logical,” admitted Spock. His gaze was steely, however, as he looked at T’Pring. It hinted at the anger resting below his calm face. “However, if you had spoken to me, this could have been handled more efficiently.”
            T’Pring’s eyes drifted to where Bones was using his tricorder on (Y/N). “I can see that now. I had not anticipated such a variable,” she said.
            T’Pring knew. Spock understood that, but he also understood that T’Pring would keep that information to herself. She would not reveal Spock’s emotions to the other Vulcans without his permission. They held enough respect for one another.
            Spock nodded to T’Pring before turning away and walking back to Kirk and Bones. “Are we prepared to beam up?”
            “Yeah. (L/N)’s fine, just a cut and some bruises,” said Bones. He smirked at Spock. “For all that Vulcan strength, they were doing a good job fighting you.”
            (Y/N) smiled at Spock. “That’s just because Spock was in there, trying not to hurt me. We’re friends, after all.”
            Spock’s eyes softened as he looked at their smile. “Of course,” he nodded. Kneeling, he guided them to their feet again. “Are you ready to return to the Enterprise?” His eyes flitted to the bruises on their neck, and his heart clenched.
            “I’ve never wanted to get back to work so much,” said (Y/N), groaning as their bruises made themselves known. They glanced at T’Pring. “But, uh, can I have a moment first?”
            Kirk nodded. “Well, we’re late enough to the inauguration ceremony, can’t get any worse. Go for it.”
            (Y/N) walked over to T’Pring. The others glanced at each other, wondering what they were going to talk about, but they were too far to hear.
            “So,” said (Y/N), glancing between T’Pring and Stonn, who stood to the side. “Are you satisfied with how this turned out?”
            T’Pring didn’t betray her surprise at (Y/N) figuring out what was going on so easily. “Yes. Not quite as I had planned, but unexpected variables do appear even in the best of strategies.”
            “Well, while I do respect your plan, if it could not involve me or Spock getting killed next time, I’d appreciate it,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            T’Pring raised an eyebrow. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
            “Other than that, I respect your drive to be with the man you want,” said (Y/N), nodding to her. “I hope you and Stonn live long and prosper.”
            “And I leave Spock to you,” said T’Pring, the slight quirk of her eyebrow slightly teasing.
            “Live long and prosper, T’Pring,” said (Y/N), smiling and giving a Vulcan salute.
            T’Pring returned the gesture. “Live long and prosper, (L/N).”
            (Y/N) turned and walked back to Spock, Kirk, and Bones. Spock turned to T’Pau.
            “Live long and prosper, T’Pau,” he said, saluting formally.
            ��Live long and prosper, Spock,” said T’Pau, giving the same gesture in return.
            Kirk opened his communicator. “Transporter Room, energize.”
            (Y/N) held up a Vulcan salute as they dematerialized, happily transporting back to the Enterprise. They had Spock back, as healthy and logical as ever, and that was all they could care for after the ordeal on Vulcan.
            “So, Bones cleared you for duty?” asked (Y/N), smiling at Spock as he exited Sickbay.
            He nodded. “All signs of hormone imbalances are gone.”
            “I’m happy you’re doing well. I was worried that because you got over the blood fever is such a weird way that it might resurface or something,” said (Y/N).
            “I am in perfect health once more,” assured Spock. “Thank you for helping me.”
            At this, (Y/N) couldn’t hold themself back, and they hugged Spock tightly. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” they murmured as they pulled him tight.
            Spock froze for a moment before his hands wrapped around their waist, returning the hug. “It is thanks to you. You put yourself in harm’s way for me.”
            “Of course I did,” said (Y/N). “You’re my friend, Spock. I’d do anything for you.”
            Spock didn’t have the words to respond. All he could do was pull them closer.
            I love you, Spock.
            I love you, t'hy'la.
Mouse Note: To translate in case it was misunderstood: the Pon Farr went away because Vulcan psychic abilities subconsciously connected with the Celian empathy and the two realized on a psychic wavelength the connection between Spock and MC, which was similar/powerful enough compared to Vulcan marraige and the emotions going into that, that Spock recovered
Also, only three more chapters left! One more week of updates! Wow, I can't believe we're already at the last episode. We've finally arrived at my made-up little story. I hope you guys will enjoy it!
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heresylog · 1 year
Do you have any simple resources on learning how to pray the rosary? My family are all Catholic but never passed on any knowledge to me and I have not put much effort into learning before. I'd like to learn now. Thank you.
I was going to link you to a how-to but I’d rather just explain it.
I wrote this from mostly memory. For a more in depth explanation I’d recommend researching on your own. There are so many things I left out.
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You begin with the crucifix on the bottom and do the sign of the cross “in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit” and it starts on your forehead for father, your chest for son, and your left shoulder for holy and right shoulder for spirit.
Then you say the Apostle’s Creed: I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Then you do three Hail Marys for an increase in faith, hope, and charity. I will include the prayers in the end.
You then begin with the first mystery (each set of mysteries corresponds for a day of the week) You will read the passage from the Bible and meditate on the fruit of the mystery. For example, the first sorrowful mystery is about Jesus praying the night before and becoming so stressed that beads of blood formed instead of sweat. The fruit of that mystery is obedience and you are meant to meditate on how that passage and obedience plays a role in your life.
You will pray the Our Father and then you will say 10 Hail Marys (a decade) while meditating on the mystery. Once you reach the tenth you will then pray Glory Be. After that you will pray Fatima’s Prayer (also known as the O My Jesus prayer) and then you will do the same thing with another mystery.
Once you reach the end of the rosary, there’s usually a connecting bead that corresponds. You will pray the Hail Holy Queen. Sometimes people end with a response, sometimes it just ends there. It just depends on you, your situation, or the group you pray in.
Hail Mary
Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Our Father
Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
Glory Be
Glory be to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen.
Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sims. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of thy mercy.
Hail Holy Queen
Hail holy queen mother of mercy. Our life our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then most gracious advocate thine eyes of mercy toward us. Show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, o loving, o sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us O holy mother of God that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
*all text in red indicates that it is meant to be said by everyone in a group setting. When by yourself, obviously you will pray both parts. When in a group, only the leader will say the words in white.
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hard-boiled-criminal · 3 months
Brimstone from the Throat
Chapter 2 - Baldur's Isekai
< Ch 1 | Ch 3 >
Ao3 Mirror
 Pliiing…pling-pling-pliNG-pLING-PLING. The rising notes of a plucked violin could be heard in the otherwise silent room as you sat there, steadily tuning your violin. Bing-bong-bong-bing. You smiled in satisfaction at the sound of the four perfectly tuned strings, softly humming after being plucked one final time. And then you purposefully altered your e-string, tuning it to be an e-flat instead. You’d always loved the solo in Danse Macabre with how the violin was purposefully out of tune to create that haunting tritone, the diabolus of music. 
You pulled up the song on your phone as you stood up and let it begin to play as you readied your violin on your shoulder, bow in hand. You took a deep breath and put your bow to the strings, playing along with the music. You swayed along to your playing, letting the natural movement aid in your pushes and pulls with the bow.
You played the final note and stood there, relishing in the aftermath of a piece well-played. With a satisfied grin you gently moved the violin off your shoulder.
«That was lovely.»
You startled, hearing a disembodied masculine voice in your head, instinctively tightening your grip on your violin, afraid of dropping it.
“…Thank you? I suppose?”
Your eyes darted around the room, understandably confused and a bit freaked out at the situation.
«Ah, yes, one should introduce themselves when first meeting an other,» the voice, low and smooth, spoke in dulcet tones. «Thou mayst calleth this one Astaroth. A pleasure to make thine acquaintance.»
‘Astaroth? I feel like I’ve heard that name before…’ you thought to yourself.
«Yes, there is a chance thou hast heard of mine name before,» the voice responded to your thoughts. «If thou art willing, there is a request I wouldst ask of thee.»
“Wait, wait a minute,” you backpedaled. “Look, buddy, I have no idea what’s going on. Am I going crazy? I must be. I’m hearing a voice in my head and talking to myself.” You laughed to yourself. “Ok, (y/n), no more late-night horror for you—you know it always gives you nightmares, and now they’ve started seeping into the land of the living.”
«I assure thee, thou art of good health, thy mind included,» they spoke again, further dashing your hope of there being a sane explanation for this. «I only ask of thee to first hear mine plea.»
“…Fuck it, whatever. Go ahead.” You sat down, violin hugged tight to your chest. You must be dreaming, so you might as well let it play out.
A sigh of slight disappointment, though not malicious, came from the voice, «‘Twould seem thou still hast thy doubts, yet I thank thee all the same,» a pause and then they speak again, «I am knownst as Astaroth, a demon lord of the Abyss. I have cometh to thee in search of aid for thou hast magickal potential untapped and untampered with, and thou hast not been influenced by an other entity.»
“Okay, maou stuff, classic anime, gotcha,” you nodded, playing along with whatever dream scenario your subconscious mind has come up with.
«I knoweth not what thou speakest of, but mineself senseths no hostility, so I shall taketh thy words as positive.»
“Cool. So, what didja wanna ask me?”
«I require’st thine aid in—Zshaa!» They interrupted themselves mid-sentence with a surprised and desperate shout, a sound reminiscent to the violent crash of a wave.
The air in front of you rippled and you froze, a scream stuck in your throat as the space in front of you tore to reveal a black void. 
«Quick—!» The voice was barely able to shout out a single syllable before it was abruptly cut off at the same time a giant tentacle emerged from the dimensional rip. You pressed yourself against the back of your chair as it shot towards you before everything went dark.
You awoke to the feeling of your mind being pulled at, an unnatural force compelling you to wake. It was a sensation unlike anything you had experienced before. It felt as if your brain got whiplashed while your body held still, with a pinpoint headache forming at the center of your forehead.
‘If this is what it feels like to open your third eye, then I’m never opening it again.’
This was your first thought as you were forced to consciousness, your eyelids flickering open, lacking the usual heaviness felt when being woken up.
‘…why is there a person-sized Cthulhu in front of me?’
Your second thought was about this strange creature in front of you, slate-purple in color with four tentacles in place of a mouth. You watched in morbid curiosity as the Cthulhu raised its four-digit hand and reached out towards you.
‘Is Cthulhu asking for an E.T. moment? Well, far be it from me to deny him.’
You tried to raise your hand, but found it trapped underneath something. Attempting to look down and see what held your hand hostage was met with failure as your head was suddenly snapped back up to face the creature head on. You started to look around in a bit of a panic, not understanding why your body was being pulled around. That panic increased tenfold as you watched the Cthulhu hold up a fleshy, leech-like creature and slowly bring it towards your face with its other hand. You tried to back up against the odd-textured surface behind you—solid in some places and squishy in others.
 You tried to close your eyes, but they wouldn’t listen to you. They were being held open as the leech came closer, closing in on your eye.  You could see it clearly: tentacles sprouting from its lips, serrated teeth forming a circle within its mouth, a high-pitched screech growing louder as it came nearer. You couldn’t tell if the screech was from it or if it was your own. Frozen in place, you could only watch as it leapt forward, grasping your eye.
You can’t recall what happened after that, now finding yourself spread out on the ground, the beginnings of a migraine forming behind your eyes. You sit up slowly, legs bent and splayed to your sides, hand resting on the floor in front of you. You stare ahead blankly, looking but not truly seeing what’s in front of you. You sit there in silence, minutes passing by, all sounds around you muffled to complete unintelligibility. 
“…What the fuck,” you shakily whisper, but no one was around to hear it save for you.
Your senses slowly come back to you, letting you begin to process all the stimuli assaulting you. It was warm—hot— sweltering in the dimly lit room. The sound of roaring wind can be heard through the walls, interrupted by rumbling roars and quick, intermittent explosions. 
«…ng one? Young one, art thou able to hear mineself?» You hear the warm voice of Astaroth, the only thing that’s at least slightly familiar right now.
“Astaroth?” You weakly ask. “Wha-what’s going on?”
You hear a sigh filled with relief and guilt pass through your mind. «I must apologize to thee, young one,» his voice is low, sad, and filled with utmost remorse. «’Twould appear that mine defenses were lacking, for a nautiloid breached mine channel and hadst used it to taketh thee. Thou art in a realm different from thy home, connected to a material world far removed from thine own.»
“I’m what?” ‘A different realm? A material world? What the fuck is happening?’ You glance over the dark room you find yourself in, trying to discern what exactly happened. You see your violin and bow scattered across the floor, both close enough for you to reach over and grab. You hold your instrument close as Astaroth continues to speak.
«…I am truly sorry, young one. More shall be discussed yet that must wait for a later time. I senseth the approach of three beings whose intentions I knoweth not.» He pauses for a brief second before taking on a serious tone, not unlike one of a commander. «Unto thee I swear this: For as long as thou art willing, I shall protect thee until the time hast come when thou returns to thine home. On mine name and on mine honor, I commit to this oath.» His tone then returns to a much softer one, gentler than anything else you’ve heard from him. «’Tis mine own fault thou art in this predicament. I shall aid thee. Thou wilt not be bound to fulfill mine request, though I hope thou shall consider it once there is time laid before us to allow us to speak.»
“I—I still don’t really know what’s going on, but thank you, Astaroth,” you can feel yourself begin to smile, “I’ll put my trust in you.”
You feel a gentle warmth bloom throughout your body, starting at your chest.
«Of course, young one. Now be on thy guard. The three of whomst I hast spoken of have arrived.»
You nod and stand up on mostly steady legs. ‘You can do this. You have a demon lord in your corner, after all.’ You hold your violin by its neck in one hand and hold your bow like a sword in the other. You really don’t want to damage it but if you can poke that squid-face’s eye out with it, then so be it.
Across the room, the sphincter-like portal opens by twisting apart from the center. The motion combined with its design made you want to retch. More light filtered in, enough where you could clearly see the finer details of your surroundings. Three humanoid figures entered, weapons drawn—well, one of them just held their fists up but to each their own. Then, you got a good look at them.
By the gods, they were beautiful. Three gorgeous femme figures: A pale one with dark hair tied in a long braid, one red-haired and green-skinned with black markings, not human but you shouldn’t be surprised after seeing a Cthulhu-type creature earlier, and finally a dark elf—a drow, skin purple and hair white as snow.
Your appreciation is sadly cut short when they point their weapons, or fists, courtesy of the drow, at you. Violin and bow still held tightly, you raise your hands: the universal sign of surrendering, or at least you hope it will translate as such in this different realm. Then the drow speaks. It’s a language unknown to you, its syllables filled with as many consonants as seemingly possible, including sounds you aren’t even sure your mouth can make.  You stare, eyes wide open and flickering between the three of them.
 «Ah, yes, I hadst almost forgotten. This may feeleth a bit strange to thee, but it shall allow for you to understand the tongues of this world and its realms, to an extent,» Astaroth said, though it seemed the people in front of you couldn’t hear his voice, or they at least made no indication of hearing him. You feel a gentle touch to your temples, that same comfortable warmth you felt earlier spreading throughout your head and easing the small migraine to nothingness.
You see the drow open her mouth again before you flinch at a sharp pain in your mind in the same place as the migraine you had just been relieved of. You see flashes of one of those tentacled beings putting a leech in the green one’s eye before floating over to do the same to you. These aren’t your memories. You open your eyes, not realizing you had even closed them, and see the drow clutching her head, wincing in the same way you are.
“Looks like you’re in the same boat as us,” the drow says. 
Your eyes widen a bit, amazed that you can understand her. You can still hear her speaking that odd language, but it is almost like it’s being automatically translated in your head.
“First things first, we need to get to the helm to get off this ship,” she continues. “You should join us. We infected should stick together, don’t you think?” She smiles kindly at you.
“Chk! We cannot afford to pick up any more strays, istik!” The green one, sounding very annoyed, directs her gaze to the drow.
“More allies means more firepower, right?” The drow tries to placate her.
“Hmph. This one looks pitiful. If they fall behind we leave them. I have no interest in the weak,” she turns around after spewing some harsh words at you. “We have no time to waste. We must get to the bridge now!”
As the green one starts to walk out of the room, the drow smiles sheepishly at you while the ravenette stares at you, appraising you, with arms crossed. 
“Ah, don’t mind Lae’zel,” the drow says, “I’m sure she just stressed. We don’t want to get left behind, so let’s get going, yeah?”
“Oh, uh sure. Yeah,” you clumsily agree and step towards her.
She gives you a confused look but shrugs it off in favor of following the one you now know as Lae’zel. The pale woman eyes you one last time before joining her. You quickly fall into step beside them, the three of you trailing behind Lae’zel.
«Looks like you’re able to understand them now. I’m glad.» Astaroth speaks in what you presume to be his native tongue. His language is beautiful, sounding like softly droning ocean waves. «I’m afraid I was unable to, for a lack of a better term, import the ability to speak these languages into your mind. It is much more difficult to implant such finite muscle memory paired alongside their respective reverse-translation routes.» He hummed in thought, «This will take some time for me to formulate but I will grant you the ability to speak common as soon as possible.»
‘Ok, cool, but a quick question. Why did your speech pattern suddenly change?’ You ask him.
«I’m a bit embarrassed to say this but my knowledge of your language is a bit outdated. How I spoke to you is the most recent knowledge of your language I have,» he explains, sounding a tad sheepish. «If you would allow me to look into your mind, I could begin to compile an updated vernacular.»
‘As long as it doesn’t hurt, then sure, knock yourself out.’
«Thank you. Hopefully this will help quicken my composition process to allow you to speak freely. But for now, I’ve been seeing that drow stealing glances at you.» You turn your head to see and end up meeting the drow’s eyes. «I’ll leave you to speak with your new companion. Fret not, though, I’ll be here should you need me.»
Locking gazes with the drow seemed to be all the permission she needed to strike up a conversation with you. “Well, I think some introductions are in order. As I said before, that’s Lae’zel,” she pointed to the grumpy red-head. “The quiet one is Shadowheart,” she points at the ravenette this time, “and you can call me Tav.” She smiles at you, “and what about you? What’s your name?”
“…(y/n).” It’s just your name, so you shouldn’t need to rely on a translator, right?
“Huh, never heard that one before,” Tav taps her bottom lip once. “I like it! Exotic and pretty!”
“Silence your mindless chatter!” Lae’zel shuts down your introductions. “The bridge is just up ahead.”
Speech key:
(“Tadpole talk”)
‘Thoughts’ - can be to self or Astaroth, depending on context
“Spoken aloud”
Next Chapter >
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shakesqueers13 · 7 months
Do you think there is any possible heterosexual explanation for Aufidius’s lines in Act IV, scene V of Coriolanus?
Coriolanus, IV.v.112-139:
O Martius, Martius,
Each word thou hast spoke hath weeded from my heart
A root of ancient envy. If Jupiter
Should from yond cloud speak divine things
And say ’tis true, I’d not believe them more
Than thee, all-noble Martius. Let me twine
Mine arms about that body, whereagainst
My grainèd ash an hundred times hath broke
And scarred the moon with splinters.
⌜They embrace.⌝
Here I clip
The anvil of my sword and do contest
As hotly and as nobly with thy love
As ever in ambitious strength I did
Contend against thy valor. Know thou first,
I loved the maid I married; never man
Sighed truer breath. But that I see thee here,
Thou noble thing, more dances my rapt heart
Than when I first my wedded mistress saw
Bestride my threshold. Why, thou Mars, I tell thee
We have a power on foot, and I had purpose
Once more to hew thy target from thy brawn
Or lose mine arm for ’t. Thou hast beat me out
Twelve several times, and I have nightly since
Dreamt of encounters ’twixt thyself and me;
We have been down together in my sleep,
Unbuckling helms, fisting each other’s throat,
And waked half dead with nothing.
Short answer: No, I do not think there is.
Long answer:
There are a ton of great scholarly papers and articles about the queer subtext (I mean, it's not really subtext, it's so overt, but I'll use the term anyway) in Coriolanus. I'll link some below so you can check them out if you're interested! But when Shakespeare writes about real people (Coriolanus isn't technically a history because Shakespearean histories must focus on the English crown, but you know what I mean) he tends to focus on emotions rather than historical events. Since at the time of him doing these productions, most people would've known the history he was recounting, his aim is not simply to tell the story, but to tell it in a way that is both emotionally impactful and narratively compelling.
We see this in Julius Caesar as well; Shakespeare takes a well known historical story and makes it into something really human and beautiful.
Along with humanizing the characters, Shakespeare's use of homoerotic subtext in this play also drives the plot forward. If the characters don't want to be with each other, the story doesn't really work. And in this case, as is the case with many gay Shakespeare pairs, it may be attributable to misogyny. Shakespeare would not have been able to, and may not have even considered the fact that he could, write a female character that moves the plot forward in the way Aufidius does. This is often the case. In Caesar, Brutus confides in Cassius because he cannot talk to Portia; in Hamlet, Horatio serves the role of a partner and confidant because Ophelia cannot. Of course, Shakespeare has some fantastic female characters, but that's not the point here. The point is that if Shakespeare wanted to write an equal partnership free from the constraints of society's expectations for women, he had to write two men. But just as he couldn't write female characters to be right-hand-men, so to speak, he couldn't write male characters to be other male character's lovers, so it's a very fine line. Which is why we get so, so much subtext.
Also, this is set in Rome so there's a bit of distance between Shakespeare and the subject matter; it isn't as familiar as a story set in the midst of England.
When analyzing classic literature for gay subtext, or any other kind of subtext, especially anti-establishment/anti-government or anti-religion messages, one of my biggest recommendations would be to start by noticing how the author has distanced themselves from the work. Oftentimes authors will tell stories that express their personal beliefs through many layers of distance so they can't be implicated. If they were flagged by censors for including forbidden messages, they would be able to craft a defense by claiming that the story didn't represent their personal beliefs. In this case, Shakespeare might've claimed that it was just Roman culture he was depicting, and that it didn't represent his personal beliefs.
The essay I'll link below has a really great breakdown of this speech and you should definitely check it out if you're interested in reading more and breaking this scene down line by line. I would do it myself, but I feel like this essay does a wonderful job and I don't want to just rehash everything it says and take credit. So take a look!
Thanks for the ask :) !! Feel free to comment if you want to discuss further!
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lailoken · 1 year
"'Praxis Sylva: The Patron Tree'
Of essence to Devotion upon the path is the binding magical seal of Oath, wherein the soul of the Faithful Seeker is bound in word, deed, and blood unto the Spirits of the Pleasure Garden and their work. Such is the gift of the Wayfarer unto the Father of Arboreal Wisdom, sealed in the Pact of the Patron Tree. By this act are the first steps of the Wayfarer solemnized.
With such knowledge as has been received by Counsel of the Copse, and in the good company of such wholesome spirits as have been sown by the Rite of Fallowing, go forth in purity unto a wild tree of thy heart's calling. Such may be an arbor well-known and venerated over many years, or yet it may be such a tree as has appeared in the Twilit Wood of Dream, only recently found in waking. Yet still, it may be a tree whose voice has called out to thee in thy wanderings or drawn thee beneath its branches by the strict power of fascination; or yet may have appeared as an Holy Waymark by divine arrangement of sign or omen.
In all ways shall it be hallowed unto thee, set apart from its brethren by virtue of character, portent, resonance, and magical idiolectic; and yet all such immediate knowledge may be, in its proper course, usurped by Intuition, for by way of epiphanic gnosis, conviction of the Souls of the Pure may be attained without mundane explanation.
By means of Sacred Quietus approach the tree and remain still. Within this moment of abiding, let the multitude of veils and armours raised against the mundane world be revealed in all nakedness, and with deliberation, both reckon them fairly, and tear them away. For while such thorns as thou hast put forth may serve as a bulwark against the Dominions of Man, they are an unseemly bewitchment of thyself within the Circle of Art, and a violation of the Laws of the Greenwood. Thus, by truthful attainment of the present moment, and witnessed by the Tree of thy true worship, proceed with the work of unbewitching, and know thyself revealed in the Light of the Wold.
As each veil falls, marshal thy innermost spiritual virtues—as well as all weaknesses and burdens—to the visionary form of a radiant Tree, in every way corresponding to thine essential principles, fair and foul. Witness this royal arbour standing in thy mind's eye strong and thriving, even as a greatspreading Oak in the midst of a meadow. See and know the breadth of its crown, above and below, and behold in entirety the work of its leaves and branches, greened in ecstasy. When it is accomplished, and the vision manifests of its own power, fix this image strong in thy mind's eye and stand unadorned as the Arboreal Self before the Tree of thy choosing.
Ever beholding the splendour of the Arboreal Self, let the Patron Tree in majesty be greeted in accordance with the counsel of the Heart, and then circumambulate its trunk, beholding the entirety of its form. In this, heed the teaching of the tree's outward mask: the warp and weave of its bark, the ground of its dwelling, the beasts which congregate amidst its branches. As this compass is drawn, know too the Arboreal Self as the Green Iconoclasm of the Wildwood, that spiritual intercessor betwixt thyself and thy Patron Tree whose outward form may change with the seasons, yet ever conceals mysteries, and reveals them anew. With both hands touch the trunk, lingering in the twin radiance of the trees of vision and flesh. If such is the decree of the spirits, a sign or omen may come, which, fair or foul, the Wise shall heed.
In successive pilgrimages to the Patron Tree, let sacrifices be given in addition to the original praxis: the perfumed smokes of incense, water, song, and knotted cord all shall suffice. At such a time as indicated by dream, omen, sign, and the Counsel of the Heart, let the Oath unto the Patron Tree be taken in all love, honour and severity, pledging devotion and protection unto the tree for life. In this magical compact is a gift given and received: the Wayfarer offers a single ring of his devotion, placed on a small branch high in the tree, or buried at its base. From the tree, a a single branch of wood is taken the cut on the tree sealed with the sorcerer's own lifeblood—to serve as wood for a magical fetish which the Patron Tree may indwell, and serve as a marriage-bond. The nature of the fetish is ordained by the Patron itself: such wood may become a ring for the finger, beads for a rosary, a wand, walking-staff, rune-stave, or idol.
In time, and with the good favour of the spirit, a power-compact betwixt Patron Tree and Herbarius may grow from the seeds of this union. For the fortunate, the Patron Tree and its attendant spirits may appear in Dream, or within the Waking Dream of the Magic Circle, to receive and convey blessings. The Patron stands within the Grove of Art not only as Totem, but also as Sacred Counsel; therefore let appropriate matters of inquiry be brought before the Tree and its Host for guidance. Throughout the life of the Wayfarer, a bridge of power, nurtured by devotion and spirit-communion, will link the Herbalist with the Patron Tree.
Let Devotion circumscribe intimacy betwixt Seeker and the Spirits them-lselves, written in the secret books of the Heart, for it is of concern to no other: by this is the Passion doubly kindled, the warmth of its flames appropriately directed, and one's place in the Grove of the Wise sealed.
O Thou Shining Lamp of the First Tree of Knowledge,
Blessed art Thou and thy Attendant Host,
Blessed be thy Place of Dwelling.
By Ring of Blood and Kenning I pledge thee in Holy troth
All stewardship and adoration.
Come forth into the Grove of mine own dwelling
As I come forth into thine.
Thy roots all fallen idols embrace,
Thy form and mine entwined
As Serpent and Trunk,
All branches uplifted in power.
Sap to Blood I bind,
Leaf to Flesh I bind,
Wood to Bone I bind,
O Spirit Fair and Strong,
'Scribe thou this day within thy Rings.
All spirits here residing bear witness Unto these words and deeds of Union."
Viridarium Umbris: The Pleasure Garden of Shadow
by Daniel A. Schulke
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HIIII! good afternoon/morning/eve
Your tips and explanation have helped me so so much since english isnt my first language! Youre basically an at home english teacher! Thank you so much!!!!!
So i wanna ask u for some tips..
Do you have tips for writing old poetry? Or even just terms most commonly used in old poetry/writing such as thy, thou, thee and explain when to use those?
I'm so happy that you've found the blog to be helpful! ♥ Although words like thy, thou, and thee appear in poetry across the eras, I suspect the era of poetry you're probably talking about is the romantic era, which only lasted about 25 years (from the late 1700s to about 1825) but it includes some of the most famous "old poetry" poets, like Keats, Shelley, Blake, Wordsworth, Byron, and Coleridge.
Outside of learning what thou, thee, thy, and thine mean and when they're used, there's really not a lot of "terminology" you need to know, but really more era appropriate vocabulary. And the best way to learn about that is to read poems by those poets. Pay attention to the words that are used, look them up, write them down. By reading a lot of the kind of poetry you want to write, you'll familiarize yourself with the words, sound, and style you want to recreate.
I'm not a poet, so this area isn't my strong suit, but from what I remember, thou/thee/thy/thine work like this:
Thou = "you" when "you" is the subject. For example: Thou art like a summer's day, meaning "you are like a summer's day."
Thee = "you" when "you" is the object. For example: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Meaning "should I compare you to a summer's day?"
Thine/Thy = "your/yours" with thine proceeding vowels and thy proceeding consonants. For example: To thine own self be true. ("Own" starts with an "o" which is a vowel, so we use "thine" here.) And it means "to your own self be true." Example two: In thy presence there is only peace. ("Presence" starts with a "p" which is a consonant, so we use "thy" here.) And it means, "in your presence there is only peace."
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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moominpapasfanficblog · 2 months
The Inspector Moves On
On how being sad about change is perfectly normal
When The Inspector returned to his family he slowly told Mymble, Bristol, and Auguste about his encounter with Tornio’s Inspector and the loss of his job. Naturally, his family gathered around him and offered him their comfort.
“It’s alright, Dear, you were making the transition to being a full member of the Moomin Knights already anyway. This just means that we can arrange for you to be knighted much sooner.”, said Mymble, with their two sons nodding eagerly in agreement.
“If only it could be that easy! I don’t have any official government position anymore. I can’t even legitimately call myself an Inspector!That might disqualify me, especially in Queen Titania’s eyes. We might even lose our new quarters!”, said The Inspector.
“Pappa! You know better than that! You’ve always been as good as any Moomin Knight! They’re all your very good friends! Ours as well! We both love being Squires! The Moomin Knights will absolutely take your side and help you make your case to Queen Titania! What are we waiting for?! Let’s talk to the Knights right now and get their help getting an audience with the Queen!”, said Bristol.
Mymble, Bristol, and Auguste dragged the hesitant Inspector to the Knights’ barracks in the largest tower on the castle’s outer wall. Sir Charles, the Knights’ commander, welcomed them with open arms and heard The Inspector’s explanation of his predicament with compassion.
“Fear not, my friend! Thou shalt be more than welcome as a full member of the Knights. The Queen hath graciously given me permission to enter her presence and deliver urgent petitions and news. Come with me, all of thou and we shall see her directly!”, said Sir Charles.
When they all entered the castle’s great hall and bowed down before Queen Titania and King Oberon, The Inspector was more nervous than he had ever been before and he had to concentrate mightily to keep himself from trembling. But, he needn’t have worried. The Queen granted them an audience immediately upon Sir Charles’ request and heard The Inspector’s somewhat hesitant explanation of his current situation with serious attention.
“We are most sympathetic towards thy predicament. Naturally, We shall knight thee immediately! But, thou wilt require a new name to go with your new position, Sir……?”, asked Queen Titania.
The Inspector was completely taken aback and out of sorts and said the first name that came to his mind in a panic; “Sir……Antonius?! Is that alright? Is that good enough?”, said The Inspector.
“Excellent! We are pleased! Now, kneel before me, Sir Antonius!”, said Queen Titania. The Inspector obeyed instantly and Queen Titania used her scepter to touch him on both shoulders. He arose and Sir Charles and his family congratulated him heartily. After paying their due respects to the Queen, they all made their way back to the Knights’ barracks where the Knights had hastily prepared a party to celebrate the addition of their new member. The first order of business was to help Sir Antonius into his official suit of armor. He really looked like a knight now. It was quite a warm welcome.
Sir Antonius still felt out of sorts despite the good turn of events when he and family got back to their rooms, a fact that his family couldn’t help noticing.
“What’s the matter, Pappa? Everything turned out for the best, just like Sir Charles said it would!”, said Auguste.
“It’s silly! Everything that I boasted about to Tornio’s Inspector has happened exactly as I said it would. I did believe it in my heart, honestly, but I was also putting on a brave face. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me upset! But, it all really happened! I’m surrounded by great friends and colleagues! I have a new mission, a new life, and a new name to go to with them! And then, there’s all of you! You’re the source of my strength and happiness! And yet, I’m sad! I miss being Moominvalley’s Inspector! I’m going to have to dismiss the Constables and send them to their homes! I’m going to have to shut down the police station that I established here in the castle! I dearly miss my keys on a chain that I lost to that insufferable Hemulen! I’m going to miss going to the old police station every week to clean it! I’m going to miss my Inspector’s uniform!”, said Sir Antonius, tears running down his cheeks.
“That’s perfectly alright, my darling! You go ahead and cry as much as you need to!”, said Mymble, hugging her husband tenderly. Bristol and Auguste immediately joined their mother.
The End
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autumnslance · 2 years
Hi! I always find your answers to writing questions enlightening, so I hope you can help me as well. I'm working on my first FFXIV fic, but English isn't my first language and I find staying true to canon characters speech pattern difficult (it's not really the English I'm used to) and I'm completely frightened by when I'll have to write Urianger. Do you have any resources or advice for that? Sorry for the weird question and thank you in advance ❤️
The language in FFXIV, in EN and as far as I know JP, is using a slightly archaic mode of speech that is even difficult for native speakers sometimes. So it's easy to feel confused and intimidated by it! Words like gaol, chirugeon, corse, swiving, and so on are are all real words that have fallen out of common use. The etymology of "gun" in the lore mirrors that of the real world (related to a queen's name). Even the Thieves Cant used by Limsa's Rogues Guild is based in reality (with some substitutions made), and can be looked up. The writers and translators are, funnily enough, language nerds. The names of various things/groups/etc usually actually mean something and aren't just made up entirely.
In universe, the reason EN Urianger talks in a version of Modern English (other translations of Urianger apparently don't go quite so archaic) is due of his childhood tendencies to self-isolate and read older books, adopting those speech patterns cuz he's a quirky nerd. Loiusoix gave that explanation in 1.x, and it's reiterated in Urianger's lorebook entry.
(Modern English starts in the late 14th century and early versions are recognizable if difficult to parse, versus Middle or Old English which are incomprehensible without study.)
Reading (or watching/listening) to Shakespearian English is a good way to get more used to Urianger's speech. Also they really are fun plays and poems; they were written for everyone to enjoy as popular entertainment, and are full of jokes and goofiness, even many of the tragedies. People think they're stuffy highbrow (they're not), and the cultural/social contexts are missing in a lot of cases anymore (the "William Shakespeare" tag on my main blog has more of that).
Writers off the top of my head to subscribe to who ship with the fortune-teller so write him often are @gunbun and @beetlebrownleaf; they've got his speech patterns and mannerisms pretty well down.
Here are some posts in my "language" tag (which I also often tag with Urianger and Midgardsormr, as he and some of the First Brood also speak a bit archaic):
Archaic Words - a short list of archaic words and their meanings.
Urianger Language Infographic - one fun way to try to learn the thy/thou/thee.
How To Thou/Thee/Thy/Thine/Ye Chart - what is says on the tin. Another handy method that may work for folks.
More Infographs - more silly pics explaining those pesky pronouns.
Discussion Thread on Modern English - random info thread from Tumblr users.
Urianger Discuss Thread - beetlebrownleaf and gunbun discussing Urianger-speak and some off-Tumblr resources they use when writing our favorite nerd.
One thing to remember about Modern/Shakespearian/Elizabethan English is "thee/thou/thy/thine" were actually informal, while "you" was formal. Like how some languages now have informal "you" versus formal "you." "Tu" versus "vous" in French, "tú" versus "usted" in Spanish, etc. And then we get into the plurals, and so on.
Which means Ye (subject)/You (object)/Your get used as both Plural and Formal.
Thou is Singular You as the Subject. Thee is Singular You as the Object. Thy is used for words starting with Consonants. Thine is used for words starting with Vowels ("H" counts).
If using "Thine", then that's when you'd use "Mine"; one of the links gives the example of "thine eyes" versus "mine eyes."
Doth = Does In fact, -eth and -th verb endings? It's just -es and -s endings.
Second person changes this up and we end up with "thou dost", "thou willt", "thou shallt".
"Ye" is actually not used for "The." That comes from an old letter no longer used in English, þ ("thorn"), that used to be the "th" sound, and as the letter fell out of use--especially in early printing--the letter "y" was substituted as a close visual equivalent but still pronounced "th". Which is why we have all those RenFaire signs.
There's more, so please check the links (especially gunbun's offsite resources) as of course there are irregular conjugations and exceptions and substitutions and special circumstances...but honestly for fanfic, just having "you" and basic verb conjugation sorted goes a long way to getting the correct "feel" of Urianger's EN speech.
In the end though: don't actually be intimidated by the language in FFXIV when it comes to writing fanfiction. Getting the NPCs to act and think in character regardless of language use is more important if aiming for authenticity. You can do your best with making the language sound close to the game's writing (avoid modern slang you don't see in game, for instance), but it's fanfic. Don't sweat it, ignore the grousing of your word doc's grammar check as needed, and it'll come easier in time with practice.
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xnoctifers-eveningx · 6 months
Faces of the Devil: The Serpent
  Starting at the origin of sin where the serpent tempted Eve into eating the forbidden fruit — God made Adam and Eve, how they were made exactly varies from religion to religion, sect to sect. Adam and Eve resided in the Garden of Eden, a paradise where they didn’t have to worry about anything. God told them to not eat the fruit from the forbidden tree, the tree of knowledge. A serpent came into Eden to try to tempt them into eating the forbidden fruit, Eve caved in and shared the apple with Adam. Immediately, they became aware of their nakedness and began to hide themselves under fig leaves. God came and knew why they were hiding and punished them for eating the forbidden fruit. This was the first sin, the origin of sin. God gave humans all punishments for what Adam and Eve did — they would now be cursed with childbirth, have to do labor in order to eat, and experience death at the end of their lives. The serpent was blamed for the beginning of sin, snakes are often associated with deception and evil. Some choose to view the serpent in this story as a metaphor for sin itself, while others believe it to have been a demon (Satan or Samael). Sometimes Samael was depicted riding the serpent. In Jewish belief, the serpent was in fact Satan but they traditionally view Satan as a metaphorical evil that represents yetzer hara, or the human tendency to sin as an overly simplified explanation. In Islam, there isn’t a snake but instead, the story of God asking Iblis (Satan) to bow to the humans he’s created and Iblis refusing to do so. 
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  Many Satanists view the Adam and Eve story from a very different perspective than the traditional view. In these interpretations, Lucifer is the serpent who comes to tell Adam and Eve of the Tree of Knowledge and all they could learn from it. Eve wasn't tricked into "eating the apple", a metaphor for enlightenment, but rather was offered access to higher knowledge. Lucifer is the lightbringer who brings eternal knowledge to humans, the ability to rebel and choose our own paths. He represents freedom and unlimited knowledge. This retelling of the story also often seeks to get rid of the blame people push on Eve for the "origin of sin" as this has pushed an unfortunately common narrative that women as a whole are to blame for sin, and that experiences like menstrual cycles and pregnancy are punishments. Or “she grows her hair out long like Lilit, she sits and urinates, like an animal; and serves as a pillow for her husband."
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Serpents in the Bible
  Onward, serpents are associated with evil and trickery in the Bible. In Genesis 3:14-15, God curses the serpent after he infiltrated the Garden of Eden;
"And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life / And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel".
In the Book of Revelations, the “ancient serpent”, also referred to as the dragon, represents Satan in the War in Heaven as he battles Archangel Michael. In the Catholic saint tradition, St. Patrick of Ireland was said to have banished all snakes out of Ireland — sometimes interpreted in reference to driving out Pagans and perceived evil. Serpents were also commonly related to sea serpents, great beasts that live in the seas and cause chaos by disturbing the waters and attacking ships. Leviathan is a Hebrew sea serpent that is referenced in Psalms, the Book of Job, the Book of Isaiah, the Book of Amos, and the Book of Enoch. Leviathan represents chaos and death, it’s unclear who created him or whether he is “evil” or not but in Christianity he represents the sin of envy. Leviathan likely originates from the Ugartic Lôtān, a sea serpent serving under the sea god Yam. 
  A little bit of a tangent but I think it’s funny. In the Book of Isaiah, “flying fiery serpents” are mentioned 3 separate times and it’s pretty debated on what exactly they’re supposed to represent. They are likely Seraphim, fiery flying angels, but some translate it to reference a real creature. This isn’t an absurd theory as “fiery serpents” are also mentioned which likely represent vipers who’s bite feel like fire. However, there are a surprising amount of people who think these fiery flying serpents were real-life, living dinosaurs. Some creationists believe that these verses referencing the flying serpents can prove that dinosaurs and creationism can be true at the same time. There are a few people who have spent a very long time looking into this and believe that there were living, breathing, flying pterosaurs on the Galapagos Island at the time The Bible was written, sometimes believing they are still alive there with authors like Jonathan David Whitcomb writing several books on finding evidence. (https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/dont-get-strung-along-by-the-ropen-myth-78644354/ ) 
   Despite the common use of serpents as symbolic of evil and trickery within Abrahamic belief, they're also sometimes associated with intelligence, fertility, healing, and transformation. In the Book of Numbers, Moses wields a bronze serpent staff that has the ability to heal people, a parallel to the Staff of Aesculapius and The Caduceus. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus refers to his apostles as serpents a few times as a metaphor for their wisdom, mirroring how Ancient Hebrews commonly used snakes as symbols of intelligence. 
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Serpents in Various Cultures
  In the Americas, the Mexica deity Quetzalcóatl is a feathered serpent that ruled over the winds, rain, agriculture, and wisdom. Native American nations near the Great Lakes also had a similar figure generally referred to as the Horned Serpent, a large serpent with horns that often ruled over rain, water, and storms. Stories of these great serpents often related to water, there are many stories of huge sea serpents swimming in large bodies of water that men feared but also respected for their wisdom. Tiamat, a Mesopotamian sea goddess is often depicted as a large sea serpent and represents both the chaos and depths of the sea. And we’ve already mentioned the fearsome Leviathan from the Bible. Water is often tied to hidden things like fears, our unconscious, creativity and the occult. It’s a very feared although respected element.
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A common association with snake imagery is healing, most popularly seen in the medicinal symbol of a staff surrounded by two intertwined snakes topped with a pair of wings called the caduceus which is a staff carried by Hermes or alternatively, a staff with one snake wrapped around it called the Staff of Aesculapius (both commonly misidentified as the other staff). The Caduceus is a staff carried by Hermes that is said to offer peaceful deaths to the dying and bring the dead back to life, it is a symbol of Hermes and Mercury. It was widely used as a symbol in astrology, astronomy, and alchemy. But in 1902 the US Army Med Corps adopted the symbol, popularizing the symbol’s use in healing and medicine despite it being chosen for its representation of power and wisdom. Many consider this to be a misuse of the symbol since Hermes dealt with death more than life, granting peaceful deaths rather than trying to keep people alive, some even saying this would be a better symbol for people like morticians than doctors. Which is why the Rod of Asclepius is considered the true symbol of medicine, the two are conflated with each other very often. The Rod of Asclepius is a rod held by the Greek deity Asclepius who is the god of medicine, healing, and doctors. The rod has a single snake wrapped around it which is thought to depict a specific nonvenomous snake, the Aesculapian snake, that was used in his honor in healing rituals that took place in his temples. This symbol is a very popular symbol used to represent medicine today, even being seen on the flag of the WHO (World Health Organization). 
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  In contrast, snakes are common symbols of death and are feared by many people all over the world. As humans, we have instinctual fears of things that threaten our livelihoods, one of those things is often snakes because they are/were one of our natural predators. This is probably a huge reason why there are so many folklore and mythological stories of huge serpents that kill people and cause chaos. A Norse creature called Níðhöggr (Nidhogg) is a feared serpent/dragon that gnaws at the roots of Yggdrasill and represents chaos. Apep is an Egyptian deity depicted as a massive serpent and is the embodiment of chaos, he is an extremely feared god that only wants to wreak chaos and destruction on the world. Snakes are also often associated with Chthonic deities and the underworld. In Africa, many regions traditionally consider snakes to be sacred animals that often represent their deceased or reincarnated ancestors. 
One of the most popular snake symbols is Ouroboros which depicts a snake eating its own tail and originates from Ancient Egypt and Greek imagery. It represents an infinite cycle, life and death, and rebirth. There’s also Jörmungandr who is a massive Norse mythological serpent that encircles the world while biting its own tail. Snakes both represent life and death, often making them one of the go-to symbols for rebirth. And it’s easy to see why, ancient people witnessed snakes shedding their skin and assumed that they could live forever by being ‘rebirthed’. Even though we know them to be mortal now, the association with rebirth, enlightenment, and immortality still stands strong.
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This all mirrors how I view Lucifer. He's life and death, chaos and peace, divine balance and polarity. He's a powerful force who can be both destructive and restorative, forcing you to view things from a new perspective and build from the ground up. Ave Lucifer, the bearer of the torch of enlightenment and freedom ♡
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breaddo · 1 year
Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
thank you @weidli for tagging me! :] i will also be posting my last 5 fics posted on ao3 + 5 wips of varying recent-cy. would have done this on my sideblog but i included other fandoms
1. cambi di me, pensieri e forme (doctor who; eight wears a pretty dress and charley realizes she's not quite a woman)
"Do we have to?" "Oh, where's your sense of adventure, Charley?"
2. you're so cold, keep your hand in mine (tatort münchen; vampires au in the 90's)
The neon lights were blinding in the dark, and Ivo didn’t like having so many people so close around him like this.
3. your burning yearning need (polizeiruf 110; vincent finds out about a vulgar deal adam struck with ulysses during demokratie stirbt in finsternis)
They were in the middle of a difficult case. One murder became two, then three, something more coordinated than they originally believed.
4. è vietato morire (polizeiruf 110; adam dies, or so vincent thinks.)
It's just a normal case. It's a long, grueling case that has them spending a couple nights in another town thus far, but in the end it's just another damn case.
5. Good Night, Sweet Prince (polizeiruf 110; the lead actor in a hamlet production dies that same night, and vincent becomes a main suspect in the death of his friend.)
“Horatio.” It was the softest word he’d ever spoken, as if tailored just for him to say. “Horatio, if thou didst ever hold me in thy heart…” Hamlet slowly raised his reddened hand to cup his face, dampening his jaw. “Absent thee from felicity a while, and in this harsh world, draw thy breath in pain.”
6. Untitled (polizeiruf 110/4 gegen z crossover; a retelling of abgrund in which adam reunites with an old friend)
Adam's side of the investigation started with the inn and its owner.
7. Untitled (tatort münchen; in which carlo is dead and franz disappears. sorry i riffed too hard off a mutual's blorbo dream)
It's been two weeks. They've been working together long enough that Kalli can tell when there's something wrong with Batic and Leitmayr.
8. Untitled (4 gegen z; au where everything is the same but jona has a cat)
The Guardians practically materialized on Jona's boat, flooding through the doorway. "Jona, we−What's that?" Jona looked up from his lap. "What's what?" "That." Pinkas pointed at him, and Jona looked back down.  The little ball of orange fur in his lap stared at the kids with wide eyes.
9. Untitled (doctor who; post-seasons of fear, eight is exhausted after his recent adventures and shows up to a familiar doorstep in san francisco in search for something grounding)
Another patch in time stitched over. Well, that was an extremely simplified and basic explanation of what really happened to the timeline since they chased after Grayle, but it would have to do for now, because the Doctor didn't want to think about time at the moment.
10. No Satisfaction (metamoro; x-files au idea based on the no satisfaction music video and fueled by multiple years of really specific brainrot. this is my wildcard option, babey!)
1:27 A.M. It wouldn't have had to be such a long night for him if he could just make himself stop thinking for a minute.
i'll tag @bunny-banana, @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare, @tinypi, @egirlgarak, @carlomenzinger and anyone else who wants to do it 👍
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minarcana · 5 months
@unmeinoniwa or wherever theo's hanging out // moved from legacy here.
A kind person. He's been told that before, but it's difficult to believe applies to someone like himself. Urianger is just doing what he's supposed to; the basic reality that one cannot turn away another person in need if it's at all possible to help. But he doesn't want to argue that point with Theo— maybe it feels a little better if he can keep someone believing he's kind, even if it rings hollow most of the time. “Nay, any world and any life is as valuable as any other. Mine native own or otherwise.”
When Theo reacts like this to what Urianger assumes is basic decency, it makes something in his chest hurt. A fate like this is truly 'Sharlayan', though, and were it put on Urianger he doesn't think he would refuse it. Theo's just too gentle for isolation. “If thou art taking advantage, thou art taking what is gladly given.” Offer with almost a shrug. It's fine. The things that Theo asks of him are easy to give. There have been worse moments of 'taking advantage' that this is infinitely preferable to. Here he still sits next to Theo, the Librarian's hand in his and Urianger close enough to feel the fever radiating off of him.
If only it were possible to make the same concoctions for Theo as he would for one of the twins were they sick, feverfew and valerian and enchantments. He listens carefully to Theo's explanation, brows furrowed. Urianger cannot help but feel this is, in fact, deeply similar to a problem with aether. Depletion or incorrect circulation, the same sorts of issues that a large and established primal may cause. “Such a sprawling divinity is far beyond my scope of understandings or effects. Thou art favoured of a divinity, though, art thou not? Yet they leaveth thee in the throes of malaise….“ He trails off into thought, then resurfaces with an abrupt straightening of posture.
”Nonetheless, that which I doth comprehend at a useful level is the manipulation of aether, as all living beings hath in some form or another. Thy wither soundeth fundamentally similar. Permit me, if thou wilt, to lay hands upon thee and see if I can align thy flow of aether and thus ease thy pain.“ The hand not holding Theo's goes to hover over him, Urianger's palm beginning to glow faintly. He'll wait until permission proper is given, but he can feel flutterings of Theo's aether, something just off enough to feel different in his circulation, but similar enough to identify as 'aether-like'.
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