#their conversations in the book are peak kid content
lost4pandora · 1 year
Here's more content for that HTTYD Reader in LU. This one has been proofread, and the reader will be using the term Y/N and they/them pronouns.
I'll be writing for more of this, and with that I'll be needing a name, so the HTTYD Reader series will henceforth be known as the "Sparks and Embers" series. I will be taking inspiration from all of the content up until HTTYD Homecoming, which includes the movie trilogy, the series between the first and second movie, and those fun bits such as Book of Dragons, Gift of the Night Fury, and whatnot. I will also be adding in my own personal headcanons here and there in terms of HTTYD dragon lore because I think they're neat and could use some of the fun stuff.
Some trigger warnings for this fic may include but are not limited to: mild gore, mild to fair descriptions of violence, mentions of a monster in pieces.
Now with that out of the way, I do sincerely hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it.
Sparks and Embers
They heard whispers from merchants and travelers about a truly mystifying sight. A warrior donning a wolven mask, accompanied by two dragons of black and white. Who have been seen cutting down monsters in a flurry of movements, too fast for the witnesses to comprehend. All they remember is the haunting eyes and gleaming fangs of the mask the rider wore before disappearing in either a spark of lightning or a flash of flame.
Honestly, just hearing "warrior" was more than enough to catch the group's attention.
They had recently landed back into the champion's era, as told when he spotted a familiar tower in the distance. After regaining their bearings, they let the Link in question guide them to the nearest settlement, which happened to be the East Akkala Stable. It was there that they had decided to rest for the night, perform an inventory check, tend to wounds, repair damaged clothing or items, and the like.
In the midst of such, they happened to overhear the conversations from the other travelers that came and left. All about the individual who rode on the backs of dragons.
One individual, a hylian merchant, had been speaking to the stablehand about what he saw on the road. He spotted the trio resting along the tops of the Dueling Peaks as the sun began to set below the horizon.
Another traveler, a Rito, had chimed in that on her flight here, she swears that she saw someone walking on the dragon's backs, performing tricks for the fun of it. She remembers that they were hylian, with silver ornaments in their hair and a fluffy fur cloak wrapped around their shoulders. 
Lastly, a pair of children, the stablehand's sons, told the gossiping adults they were saved from monsters by one of the dragons. They said that it was white and sparkly, giggling madly when they mentioned that it sounded like a really big cat.
All these stories had the Chain curious and somewhat suspicious. It was the topic of conversation once they had left the stable the next morning.
"A hylian with a wolf mask accompanied by two dragons," Warriors echoed. "I can't say I've heard that one before."
"Me neither. It seems a bit surreal, doesn't it?" Hyrule replies, looking toward Wild. "You said there were dragons here, do you know who this dragon rider could be?"
The champion shook his head. "Not a clue. The dragons I know are huge and are surrounded by so much elemental magic that no one could even safely approach them."
"You think it's related to our problem?" Legend asks aloud, arching a brow.
"It could be," Wild replies. "But I doubt that it is. You heard those kids, the dragons and their rider saved them. It'd be weird that they'd be willing to cut down their own allies if they were working with the enemy."
Warriors nods at the reason. "Agreed. It has to be something else."
Time finally decides to make his opinion known. "No matter the case, it would be best that we seek this dragon rider out. We will most likely be getting something useful out of it either way."
The rest of the group didn't argue, coming to a consensus on their leader's statement. So they kept trekking onward toward their next destination: Hateno Village.
It was a fairly calm trip from there on out.
You know, up until they were ambushed.
One could call it an unexpected turn of events, though they knew that really it wasn't. It was inconvenient and extremely irritating at that point more than anything, but at least they were somewhat prepared for it. Weapons were drawn, magic was sparking, and everyone in the group had steeled themselves as the enemies came in droves.
When the first monster approached the Link that was closest to it, their sword came down in one sweeping motion. When sharpened steel sliced through soft flesh, a messy stain of black blood coated the blade's edge.
The situation had gone from irritating to bad very quickly.
Upon witnessing the sight of the ebony ichor, each Link had made a silent yet unanimous agreement. Pick a section and focus on your batch of monsters. It was easy enough.
Or it would have been had one not been corralled away from the others, and it had to be the youngest of them too. The sailor in particular could feel himself getting angry about the idea of being cornered, mostly because of how he'd definitely be getting babied by the captain, rancher, and probably even the old man once he rejoined the group later. Alas, he was preoccupied with fighting for his life to really let the anger settle into his bones, so instead he chose to channel it into his next set of attacks.
Swing, dodge, parry, duck, swing, swing, roll.
A familiar set of words that would repeat themselves in Wind's mind in random patterns. A mantra that every hero knew by heart, or would soon come to learn one way or another.
Wind couldn't remember how many monsters he had cut down. His sword was coated in their foul smelling ichor, his heart was racing, and his mouth felt dry. He was tired and the adrenaline pumping through his veins wouldn't last forever. Despite this, he doesn't let up.
He then felt something invisible seizing his lungs, a dreaded feeling. Fear, he deduced. He feels his posture stiffen as he looks around frantically for the cause of it. His head jerks up as a thundering roar rattles the trees around him. He turned his head, his eyes growing wide as a white maned lynel entered his field of vision.
It was safe to assume that the lynel was black blooded as well, and the sailor was in no position to even consider engaging it in battle. The only thing useful he had on him was a single, half empty healing potion that would do very little in this situation. The thought of making a tactical retreat to regroup with the others crosses his mind, but the idea is quickly discarded when he sees that the lynel has spotted him from its place across the field.
He can't outrun it.
It knows that he can't.
So it charges.
Wind thinks he can hear the distant shout of one of the others. He makes an attempt to call for them, opening his mouth to yell—   that's when he hears it. A strange whistling, high pitched and piercing, echoing through the air and in his eardrums. It was unlike anything he's ever heard before, and his mind still riddled with adrenaline shook itself for a possible answer. Although, the more he thought about it, the more he began to realize… that……….
…was it getting louder?
The sound distracts him to the point where he almost forgets about the lynel galloping towards him rapidly. He can feel its heavy footsteps shake the ground as it gets closer and closer. The beast is more than halfway across the field when it happens.
A speeding ball of violet blue fire comes out of nowhere and hits the lion centaur straight in the chest point blank. The impact knocked it to the ground, and he thinks he can see its black blood splatter across the grass. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that the monster had sustained an irreparable amount of damage (a polite way of saying that its top half of its body was definitely in pieces).
He feels his namesake blow past him, a blur of white entering his field of vision as it lands just mere feet away from him.
It's big, noticeably bigger than Epona, with a lithe and lean body shape. Its features were surprisingly round and soft from what he could see, and it was coated in white scales that shimmered with blue, purple, and pink undertones. Its wings were noticeably larger in comparison to the rest of its body, and its tail was adorned with fins shaped sort of like fairy wings. It almost looked like it was…
…like it was a dragon.
Its body was crouched in front of him, its back arched into a defensive posture with its wings raised to make itself look bigger. He couldn't see its face, but he could hear it snarl. It was most likely looking at the body of the lynel it had just blasted to hell and back.
He peered over at the lynel's body, or what was left of it really, to see it crumble and dissipate into smokey red embers before fading completely. The dragon relaxes as it folds up its wings, its head raising up and allowing Wind to see two round ears perk as it scans its surroundings, though he could also see that there were also two smaller nubs beneath them. Its gaze soon fell on the young hero, causing it to let out a soft warbling purr.
He wasn't expecting to see such non-threatening features on a mythical creature that had just taken out a lynel in one attack only moments ago. Now that he had a much clearer view of the dragon, it looked less like a dangerous beast of ire and flame and more like a scaly marshmallow that someone had dumped an entire box of glitter on.
Lavender hues eyed him curiously, once hostile slits rounding out to more passive ovals. He could see two separate leather strings decorated with various charms and precious stones hanging around its neck. A black armband with silver ornaments was secured along its upper right arm, the ornament itself shaped like a four pointed star.
It squinted its eyes for a moment, before leaning its head forward to sniff at him from a distance. Wind wasn't sure what to do when it began to approach him, taking slow and careful side steps toward him. It stopped for a moment, and he saw its eyes staring at the blood stained sword in his dominant hand.
He could practically hear the lecture that he would definitely be getting for what he was about to do next, but had since decided that his curiosity of the result outweighed the certainty of consequence. He put his sword down, and took a good few steps away from it.
That seemed to be enough for it to continue its approach. Once it was right in front of him, it lowered its head with its ears flattened against its neck, as if to assure him that it meant no harm. He raised his left hand, the one that wasn't nearly as bloody as the other, and held it out to the dragon.
It tilted its head, sniffed, before leaning forward and rubbing its head against his hand.
Wind couldn't stop the smile that tugged on the corners of his lips, spreading out wider when it began to purr. He pressed the palm of his hand against the top of its head, marveling at the smooth feeling of its scales. He noted that it felt somewhat warm, and that its body was vibrating from the intensity of its purring.
He let out a shout of laughter when it suddenly pressed its whole body toward him, thankfully not on. It curled around him until the front half of its body was on one side and its tail on the other. It rolled onto its back, exposing the pale blue coloring going from its neck all the way down its chest and underbelly. Wind was more than willing to indulge the dragon and give it the pets it desired.
"You're way nicer about being pet than Wolfie is," he comments, scratching the dragon's belly. "You don't even growl or bite either!"
Wind hears the same whistling sound that the dragon had made previously, though this time it was brief and much more calm. He was about to turn to see what it was before he was distracted by a wet and slimy tongue dragging itself across his cheek. His expression morphs into one of disgust as he reaches up to wipe off the dragon's admittedly very sticky and thick saliva with his arm. Though it's clear that he isn't actually that mad about it, judging from the smile that was still present on his face.
"Lux, there you are! Why did you…."
He freezes, standing up straighter at the sound of an unfamiliar voice.
"What have I told you about personal space!" He turns to the owner of such. "Shoo, off! Dårlig drage, skam!"
The white dragon, whose name he now knew to be Lux, cooed softly in apology. It rolled back onto its feet, nuzzling Wind's shoulder one last time before darting toward the newcomer with its head ducked down. It cooed and warbled at them once they had dismounted the black dragon they had arrived on.
Wait, black dragon?
His expression changed into one of shock and realization.
The warrior donning a wolven mask, accompanied by dragons of black and white.
He looked the person over, and sure enough he spotted a wolf mask with its face twisted into a threatening snarl attached to one of their belts. They wore a fur cloak around their shoulders and a pair of dragon fang earrings. From what he can see of their arms, he spotted a myriad of tattoos depicting swirls of dragons painted across their skin.
The black dragon, who was also glaring at Lux trying to suck up to the stranger, was noticeably bigger in size. The ears along its head were much longer and in great numbers. There were shark fin shaped dorsal plates running a line down the length of its spine that became increasingly smaller as it trailed to the end of its long tail. Speaking of, its tail also seemed to have that set of fins on either side, though they were sharper looking than the other dragon's in comparison.
Well, he might be forgiven for petting the dragon now that he's found who the group has been looking for.
Speaking of whom, he saw them looking towards him after scolding the white dragon.
"I'm sorry about Lux, she doesn't exactly understand the concept of respecting people's personal bubbles," they said to him "Did she hurt you at all? I know she likes to lean, but I don't think she realizes that she weighs nearly a ton."
Wind blinks, taking a few moments to register the question before he shakes his head. "No, she saved me actually," he replied with a smile. "It-  uh, she absolutely destroyed that lynel earlier!"
The stranger's brows raised up in surprise, their gaze turning to Lux. "So that's why you suddenly disappeared. If you want to dive into battle, at least tell us first. We can't keep doing this or else I'm going to get gray hairs before I even reach thirty."
Lux rumbled softly, nudging her rider with her nose. She received a pat, which she purred under.
"They're yours?" Wind decided to finally ask, recapturing the rider's attention.
"I guess you could say that," they answered, "They're my family, more like. Sisters that I never had."
So they were both female, he'd have to remember that. "The white one's name is Lux?"
Another nod of confirmation. "Her full name is Faeralux, Lux for short," the stranger then raised a hand to gently stroke their fingers across the black dragon's head. "And this is Rhae, which is short for Rhaeneir."
"Of course, my name is Y/N," they added. "Might I know the name of the boy my overly affectionate Light Fury saved from peril?"
"My name is Link! But I'm going by Wind right now," he answers, biting his tongue on the reason why he's going by the name Wind.
Thankfully Y/N doesn't question it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Wind. Thank you for tolerating Lux's affection, and not attacking her."
It doesn't take a genius to understand why someone would attack Lux, yet even if she's a dragon, she doesn't look or act like any he's ever seen. Granted, he only really has Valoo for reference on that front, but his point still stands.
He opens his mouth to ask another question when he was suddenly interrupted.
"Sailor, where are you?!!"
The trio of dragons and dragon rider all perk up to the voices. Y/N turns to him and speaks, "Is that your flock?"
Wind nods, and Y/N turns toward Lux. "I'm staying with you from here on out. I don't need you to get any more ideas about diving without saying anything."
The white dragoness coos softly at her rider's decision before leaning down for Y/N to hop on. Yet before they could, Wind interrupts the action.
"Wait!" Y/N turns to look at him questioningly. "Me and my group were looking for you actually, so if you wouldn't mind, could you stay here until they come?"
The black dragon, Rhae, narrows her eyes scrutinizingly at the sailor, causing him to shrink the slightest bit under her gaze. Y/N waves a dismissive hand to get the Night Fury to let up.
"Are they as friendly as you?" the rider asks him. "Because if they're not and are prone to the 'attack first ask questions later' instinct, I don't need them trying to kill me or my dragons."
"I promise they won't, not if I tell them that you're safe," Wind says, gazing at them hopefully. "Please?"
Rhae remains unconvinced, but she sees Y/N's resolve start to bow at the sight of the sailor's look. She grumbles lowly, her expression morphing into a look that said, Are you seriously going to bend that quickly to some random hatchling's pleading eyes??
The Night Fury gave her rider a flat look when the answer was yes, as told by the sigh of resignation Y/N breathed out. 
You're weak, Rhae warbled.
Y/N's only reply was a halfhearted swat in the general direction of Rhae's face, an attempted hit that was nowhere near making contact. It was the rider's way of saying that they didn't need her judgment right now.
"Fine, I'm choosing to trust you on this one. Don't make me regret it," Y/N says, dismissing the little mental talk that they just had with Rhae. The rider turned, to which something shiny was seen in their peripheral vision. "If that sword is yours, best you pick it up so your flock doesn't assume I disarmed and cornered you. Gods know I don't need a repeat of that problem."
Wind nods and goes to retrieve his weapon he dropped in favor of coaxing Lux toward him. Y/N hummed, perking up when they heard the bushes rustle and a mop of blonde hair emerge.
"Wind?" Crystal blue eyes search the area frantically before they land on their target. "Wind!"
The boy, who had just sheathed his sword, called back to the other. "Warriors! Check out who I found!"
The captain's face displayed confusion, brows furrowing as his lips were parted just the slightest amount as he was stopped before he could speak. Wind points to his left, and Warriors follows where it goes and is gobsmacked by what, or rather, who he sees.
Y/N's arms were crossed as they were leaning on Lux, who was currently sitting down. They raised their hand momentarily to wave, trying to look as non-threatening as possible.
Lux looked curious about the child's sibling, at least, they smelled like siblings to her.
Rhae was passive, not particularly interested or disinterested, merely there to witness.
It wasn't exactly the strangest ragtag group of individuals the captain has ever seen and believe him, he's seen his fair share. Though he would admit that this one was definitely in the top five.
Now to go tell the others about all of… this.
So much for a peaceful trip.
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vryfmi · 2 years
buckle up, it's a long one before we start: this thought process was made possible thanks to my fear of l&co tv series killing Kipps in teg storyline because it would be the biggest mistake writers could possibly make and here's why
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Kipps is a key character for understanding the world that Stroud has made.
Each book has its own clear structure and themes that it focuses on. That said, the first book is an introduction, we get a first look at the main characters, enough to understand who they are but not to give all away all at once; we get a general idea of the world and its rules, as well as hints of an overarching plot. But it's very much on the surface, because now that the reader has a general idea, they are ready for more in-depth information. The second book focuses on the world and society, third on ghosts and talent, fourth gives us ghost lore, and fifth is a payoff. And characters, as an integral part of each story (although each book focuses on certain characters more than others) gradually grow throughout the books. All together it gives us an almost perfect sequence with great pacing and enough content to dig into it ourselves to make theories and headcanons.
So what my point is? Stroud is a genius.
The Screaming Staircase gives us Lucy and Lockwood's adventures, a tad bit of George too, ghosts are there, and of course a moral of the story - "adults are useless in this world“. This is the thought that runs throughout the book: Jacobs' screw-up, the emphasis on L&Co's independence as an agency, Fairfax and finally Kipps. As soon as we meet Kipps, he's a nuance - first of all, Fittes, secondly some adult supervisor with his agents on the run, finally he makes fun of MCs and has a history with Lockwood. However, George steps in just in time and says some rather interesting things: despite the medals on Kipps' jacket, his teams are screwing up just as much, and what George notices is that Kipps has the highest death rate of operatives under his supervision. And the cherry on top is a defeat in the sword fight. Doesn't he look like a minor antagonist?
The Whispering Skull. In characters, of course, focus is on Lucy, George, skull and Kipps. Overall Stroud gives us more insights into the world and how The Problem has changed England: we see the influence of Fittes, learn about relicmen, and how ghosts have changed the mentality of society (and driven some to madness, in Bickerstaff's case). That's good and all, but you know what Stroud is already preparing us for? You guessed it, suffering, which is why Kipps becomes an exposition of literally everything.
Through Kipps and his teams we see agents outside the protagonists. For readers cases of Lockwood & Co. are adventures, something packed with action, where things eventually work out in their favour. Compare it to cluster case, on which Kipps' team arrives including eight-year-old agents (via Lucy), which should be alarming, since these are very young children (Lucy herself was only in the night-watch kid at that age, and these are Fitties operatives already).
Chapter 29 shoves its fat hint right in readers' faces. Jopling and Bickerstaff have just been defeated and everyone is scattered in the graveyard. Lucy sits on the steps, Kipps sits a step below. A conversation starts between them that perfectly draws a line between them - both distinguishing and drawing a parallel. Yes, Kipps was an agent, was good at what he did, but where is he now? His talent has died out, while Lucy's talent is just gaining momentum. Her boundaries as an agent have been pushed, she's reaching new heights and wonders where that growth will take her next with type three ghost at her side. But then again, there's Kipps sitting there, a physical reminder that the talent will eventually fade away, that as an agent Lucy will be gone in four to five years. And Kipps knows it. He remembers himself, his peak, his reckless deeds and adventures, and how quickly it all came to an end.
By the way, interesting side note: Lucy mentioned that Fittes agents tend to be around 8-16 years old, although Kipps lost his talent when he reached his twenties and only then went into mentorship. So chronologically Lucy started developing as an agent at the same time when Kipps started losing or had already lost his talent.
The Hollow Boy. The whole Chelsea outbreak is a stroke of genius on Stroud's part: to show what happened to England without repeating himself. Genius and all. To show the panic as if for the first time, to introduce us to the operatives anew when we see agencies unable to work together, and finally to show the horror of what's happening, but now to make it as painful as possible.
Ned's death doesn't particularly hit the reader - we knew the guy, he wasn't the best. However, it's not the death itself that's important here, it's the reaction to it. It seems as if both Kipps and the rest of his team don't care all that much, the question of "how it happened" is a commonplace, and they give an explanation of how it happened in detail, with an assessment. Is that how you talk about someone who died on duty? About teenager? No, and that's the horror of it. Ned was one of hundreds of agents dying every night. He wasn't a sensation, death of children isn't a sensation in this world. But that's besides the point - Kipps cares, he even puts funeral first, not his job, which he's willing to throw away because of his own despair. Of course he doesn't want to send his agents into the thick of it and sit outside waiting, of course he wants to understand the nature of what's going on in Chelsea, but he can't, nobody can, and the situation is getting worse and worse. So Kipps' hands are down, and who can blame him for that?
In The Creeping Shadow, Kipps is once again confronted with the fact that society does not care for him. He's been given a promotion, but only for the purpose of shutting him down, keeping him out of the ghost business, even though it was the only skill he learned in life. Kipps didn't go into mentorship to command children, he simply had no other option. Neither did many agents who outlived their talent. Having left Fittes, we don't really know what Kipps was up to. Probably nothing, and where would he go? He responded to Lockwood's offer despite having nothing to offer their team. Kipps doesn't go there for the money, but out of habit, a desire to get back to what was once his routine.
And then there are goggles. To be honest, their sheer presence seems like a double-edged sword - are they a second chance or a burden holding, dragging him back? But they make Kipps the happiest we've ever seen, so let him have it for now.
And now the fifth book and again a side note: Stroud in his first draft of the book had killed Kipps after them crossing gates the last time around and even wrote the whole thing that way, but he came to his senses in time (alas, he didn't rewrite anything properly).
I have nothing to say about the first half of the book, because I have no complaints about it. The complaints start from a part with almost killing Kipps (and some other things, but that's not what the text is about). I'm not a fan, in fact, I'm a hater of what Kipps' death would have implied. It wouldn't have been heroic, it wouldn't have been a reminder that we are all mortal, it wouldn't have been the sudden punch in the gut that writers like to entertain their readers with (at least not with characters like Kipps). It would have been a major contradiction for Kipps' arc as a character-exposition, as a face of generation after generation that were sacrificing their youth for the quiet nights that never came.
And, worst of all, all of it could have been avoided very, very easily. Not wounding Kipps; the one who would have been feeling better on the other side would've been George, as he was already barely on his feet during the defence of Portland Row - who better walk chipper on the other side other than George? He'll of course survive, it's just that his condition is critical and everyone is trying to get George out of the building. But the important thing here is that Kipps doesn't stumble and fall to his death right before the finish line.
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
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HighschoolAU - nerd!Levi/loner!Levi headcanons
☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x gn!Reader
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ fluff
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He walks around with ttrpg books that he knows front and back
People ignore him because they think he’s rude and weird
You’re the new kid and are automatically drawn to Hange’s loud nature and become fast best friends with them
You both share a homeroom with Levi
Levi sits in the back of the classroom with his head in a book at all times, mostly different modules, manuals, and guides
You find it odd that no one ever hangs around him
You ask Hange why and they just shrug their shoulders telling you he was callous
He’s only ever kept to himself but he was never mean to you
One day you peak over to see him working on a character sheet for D&D specifically
“Whatcha working on?” you ask as you lean over into his space
He’s visibly uncomfortable obviously
Levi’s eyes narrow at you before mumbling something about d&d
You’ve never heard about it before, so you ask him
He turns away and doesn’t say anything to you and the bell rings
The next day you see him doing the same thing so you ask him again
It takes a few days of asking but finally he eyes you suspiciously and when you don’t say anything or leave he slowly starts opening up about it
He talks about it until the bell rings, by then his face and eyes are lit up like Christmas lights
The day after that you ask him about it again and the same thing happens, he talks about it in depth about his favorite classes and monsters and what kind of weapons he finds are the best
This continues for a week or so
Even Hange has joined in the conversation much to his disdain but you can tell he secretly enjoys it
“Really, four eyes?”
You both start eating lunch with him and you find out he has a thing for videogames and weirdly enough, cleaning
One Friday afternoon after classes about a month later, the three of you are about to part ways but he is visibly distressed and fidgeting with the strap of his messenger bag
“Levi what’s wrong?”
“I wondered if you’d be interested in starting a campaign with me?”
His cheeks are flushed and he’s so not enjoying this moment right now
You say yes so fast that it doesn’t register to him right away
He doesn’t give it away but he’s extremely happy
He attempts to DM once and finds out he hates it
Hange ends up being the DM and loves it (they get pretty sadistic with the monsters they choose)(also their tactical brain? It’s perfect)
Hange and Levi become closer because they borrow his books so they can read up so they know what they're doing
Levi plays a fighter with a samurai subclass
Eventually Hange’s other friends (Erwin, Miche, Nanaba, Moblit, Onyankopon, etc) get wind of this and want to join too because of Hange’s antics makes the game so much more fun
You sit next to Levi every other week when you meet up at Hange’s house
Levi won’t say it but he’s amazed at how full his life has become because of you taking time to talk to him
“Are you okay Levi?” You whisper to him while Hange’s setting up a battlemap with a dragon (literally what the fuck Hange)
“Yeah, I think I am.” He whispers back as he stares at you with a small smile.
☾ AN: Okay listen I'm going to finish March soon I promise but I was going feral at the prospect of Levi playing a ttrpg and I wanted to actually write a fic for it but I settled for an HC instead DON'T @ ME. I love nerd Levi and I WILL be revisiting this at a later date k thanks love y'all bye
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fulfillingbineeds · 2 years
Some Cannon/Hinted Facts About Simon Bellamy From E4′s Misfits Part Two
Collecting info for future fanfics and thought I might as well share.
- All info is collected from episodes, extra video content, the official book, the scripts, Simon’s Twitter, YouTube, Flicker, and the E4 Official site. -
→Part One Here←
•Likes Twix. In a tweet, he says, “Makes me worried about buying my Twix from there.” which hints that it’s his go-to sweet selection.  →Tweet← 
•Had a girlfriend when he was nine. In 1x5, with a conversation between him and Sally, she asks him if he’s ever had a girlfriend. Simon replies that he did and that they met on holiday when he was nine.
Simon: What?
Sally: Have you ever had a girlfriend? 
He nods in response 
Sally: Who was she?
Simon: I met her on holiday. 
Sally: Really?... Did you ever... -She smiles- Did you ever have sex?
Simon: -He shakes his head- We just held hands. -He smiles- We were only nine.
•Owns Battle Royale Manga Series. In a tweet, he says he owns the entire series, which is 15 volumes. The series itself is a gory psychological science fiction thriller, which falls under the categories of media he is known to consume. It makes sense that watching/reading a ton of gore could be why Simon seemed desensitized to the whole death, bodies, and murder during the first few episodes. But there could also be many different reasons why he reacted that way. I’d go more into it, but it’s more of an analysis of his character and not canon fact, which this post isn’t meant to be. →Tweet←
So it’s confirmed that he reads manga... but I wonder if he’s ever watched anime too. (≖_≖ ) If he does, Nathan definitely makes jokes about him watching hentai lmao. 
(I’ll be going into further detail on the different media types he consumes later in this post thread.) 
•Arson/Arrest. We discover why Simon’s in community service through his first real interaction with Nathan in 1x1. 
Of course, Nathan is riling him up, trying to get a reaction out of him. (Which he does.)
Nathan: What about you, weird kid? Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like a panty sniffer. 
Simon: I’m not a panty sniffer. I’m not a pervert.  
Nathan begins to mime, pleasuring himself, groaning and leering toward Simon.  
Simon: I tried to burn someone’s house down! 
This is all the information the audience is given within the episode about Simon’s crime. We learn the details of Kelly’s, Curtis’s and Alisha’s arrests and that Nathan “Got done for eating some Pick’N’Mix.” in 1x1.
In 1x4, when Curtis travels back in time to the night of his arrest, it’s revealed how Curtis and Nathan got arrested. However, in Simon’s case, we only see the prelude to his crime.
His ex-friend Matt sent a text asking him to come to some club. So, thinking that Matt would apologize for the stuff he put Simon through in school, he goes to the club. He buys two beers and approaches Matt and his friends, only to find out Matt texted the wrong Simon. The interaction humiliated him.
Simon: Hi. 
Matt: Simon…? 
Simon: I bought you a beer. 
Matt doesn’t take the beer.
Simon: I got your text. 
Matt: What text?
Simon: You sent me a text telling me to meet you here. 
Matt: I was texting my mates. I meant a different Simon.
Simon sets the beers down and flees the situation.
In the show, the scene is played differently from the scripts. Matt is much crueller and annoyed with Simon versus in the scripts where he feels more uncomfortable and guilty. There is also a cut line from one of Matt’s mates calling Simon a freak. →Scripts←
A few scenes later, he is shown SA’ing an unconscious Kelly. (He is unaware that the girl is Kelly due to her face being covered.) He peaks up her skirt and goes to touch her but stops and flees after Kelly makes a noise.  In the script, it’s shown that Simon feels incredibly guilty afterwards. It’s also mentioned again that he feels very guilty about what he did to Kelly in 1x5, but it isn’t translated well into the actual episode.
He’s shown multiple times in the first season committing acts of voyeurism, especially after being treated poorly by other men. For example, in 1x2, when Nathan rejects Simon for the second time, he turns invisible and creeps on the girls in the locker room.
(This has a lot to do with Simon initially being a villain. I’ll have points about VillianSimon and Voyeurism later in this post thread. I’ll be going into more detail then.) 
We finally discover what happened through his dialogue with Sally in 1x5. The two are at a drink bar. Simon notices Matt entering. Matt makes eye contact with him, and Sally asks who he is. Simon then explains what happened the night of his arrest.
Sally: Who’s that?
Simon: I went to school with him.
Sally: Is it a friend?
Simon: He lives next door to me. He stopped speaking to me when we started secondary school. 
Sally: Did he give you a hard time?
Simon nods
Simon: Every morning when I woke up, I felt sick just thinking about it. I told my parents and the teachers. They knew it was happening. No one did anything. 
Sally: Was it his house you tried to burn down?
Simon nods, looking ashamed
Simon: A few months ago. He sent me a text, inviting me to this club. I thought he wanted to apologize. I get to the club. I walk up to him and his mates. He texted me by mistake. It was so humiliating.  
Sally: Simon…
Simon: I was so angry I… I got drunk. I started thinking about everything he did to me at school. I lost it. I went round to his house. I made sure his family were out. I soaked some tissues in lighter fluid. I lit them and dropped them through the letterbox… There was a cat. 
Sally: A cat? 
Simon: Inside the house. I thought, the cat didn’t bully me at school. He hasn’t done anything. The carpet was just starting to catch light. The cat was freaking out. 
Sally: What did you do?
Simon: I put the fire out. 
Sally: How?
Simon: I pissed through the letterbox… This is when his mum comes home. She starts screaming. You know what’s it like once you start; it’s hard to stop. 
Sally is trying to hold back her laughter
Simon: It’s not funny.
Sally: Sorry… Sorry
The two laugh together
(Simon does this little giggle, and it’s honestly so cute.)
More information is also given in one of the extra video content, ‘Girl Talk’, uploaded to Simon’s YT channel. The video shows Simon breaking into the probation worker's office to look at his file. In addition, he shows his psychological assessment. It says his offence is arson, not attempted as many fans believe. His assessment reads: 
"Simon appears withdrawn. He spends the majority of his time alone and appears alienated. He is not good in social situations, preferring to be on his own. he is, however a highly intelligent young man. He appears methodical and interested in the way things work.
I would recommend further assessments in this particular case."
There is also a photograph of the damage the fire must have done to the house. 
→Girl Talk←
In 2x1, we learn about Lucy. A girl that Simon knew when he was in the psych ward. In dialogue, it’s revealed that he was sent to the unit after being arrested for assessment. 
Curtis: So what the story with you and this girl?
Simon: After I tried to burn that boy's house down. They sent me to a psychiatric unit for assessment.  
Nathan: Really? Can’t Imagine why.  
Simon: Lucy was a patient in the unit. I think she’s obsessed with me.
It’s implied that he was sent to the ward right after being questioned by the police. (This is what realistically would happen anyways.) 
He was probably nursing a hangover his first night/day there, which sounds awful. 
Simon would have been 18 during his arrest and time in the unit. In his conversation with Sally, he refers to his arrest as a few months ago. Their community service started on November 12, 2009. (The same date as when the first episode aired.) This is confirmed on Simon’s Twitter. Episode five’s events occur during the second week of December, making it clear he was presumably arrested around September. It’s unclear how long his stay at the unit was, but most likely, it was around a few days to a week. Two weeks maximum. This information makes it clear that he would have gotten out of the unit before his 19th birthday. (October 25th.) →Tweet 1 | Tweet 2 ←
(Honestly, doing this little analysis/deep dive on information about Simon makes me realize how traumatized he is... I haven’t even gone on about his family/home life yet.) 
Anyways this is all for now! I’ll be back with part 3 soon :)
-BTW, I occasionally updated my posts after I realized that I made a mistake every so often.- 
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truethes · 1 year
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@more-than-a-princess mentioned: you asked me to hold this for you. (For Byakuya! We haven't checked on the Rich Kids of Hope's Peak in awhile)
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richard sikens war of the foxes (accepting bc richard siken my beloved)
❛    you didn't have to.    ❜  well, maybe he's speaking a half truth here —— there'd be a sense of annoyance if his mother had questioned him on how he found such a book if he didn't have the blurb in his hands but at this moment in time it isn't a main issue, far less in comparison to the manner of her action itself. he knows it is something that sonia might not have enjoyed the thought of doing it either, understands that no amount of organised meetings and colloquial conversations will make his company appear better but that doesn't mean he expected her to seek it out in the meantime. she has far better things to do of course, class happenings or not so secret parties he's certain he's heard his seniors whisper about before for the sake of confidence, for the sake of connections, to forgo their company to join him under the artificial light of the libraries lamp simply to respond to a remark he made off the shoulder all those hours ago —— she didn't have to, but she did; she did and in the end even byakuya is unable to turn a blind eye to such an action, no easy way to forgo kindness when the person who gives it is someone he recognises regardless. ❛    i'd have gotten rid of it eventually after all.    ❜
the book in his hand is dropped, chin raising as hands finally pull the book out of her own, attempting to find interest in its contents though he knows it will be of no meaning, similar to the way most things end up becoming. ❛    my mother believes that even if i'm not going to make friends with them, i should be supportive of my classmates third-rate hobbies. allowing myself to be seen with one of fukawa's books would have no doubt set off her disturbing fantasies instead. ❜ and heaven forbid he opens that can of worms so early into his second term; it's not the kind of circumstance he wants getting out to those outside his classroom, let alone the one's outside of their school gates.
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❛    'so lingers the ocean' is supposed to be one one of her most infamous novels, is it not? i'm not entirely sure how you liken the love of a fisherman to the rich and famous, but it's the type of book i would avoid in the first place. anything fictional is merely a matter of distraction to those who read it. nothing more, nothing less. ❜ or that might simply be the way he views it, at least. they don't seem to help those he's come to know, anyway, finding loss in work ethic once they were given the opportunity to talk about it, something more expressive than their daily tasks for the time being. truth be told he supposes that is none of his business as long as the work gets done by the end of it but it's not something he finds himself privy to, understanding that the life of those below would be different to the 1% but after seeing the princess's original reaction, after seeing the amount of care she's kept into this book in return, all unbound and yet not a crease in sight, it's ... different. he finds himself curious, wandering if those around him may even find a little bit of pleasure in something like this, not even from a solely romantic viewpoint.
❛    you once mentioned a like for novels, didn't you? has fukawa, as they claim, managed to use her folly to 'leave your heart left yearning upon the floor' ? ❜ he dislikes even saying it, recognising how someone else may choose to view his real life plight ( for now, anyway —— though he cannot see such a girl giving up anytime soon, any sense of cruelty no doubt enough to push her further ) but at least it's emotions actually returned. if he cannot stop her at least he can pray she'll never write something that matches him entirely, even if he just has to make do.
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azi-bentley-crowley · 5 years
i get that when neil and terry wrote the Them they were going for the fact that kids think everything is possible and furthermore everything possible is normal but sometimes it’s just fucking hilarious that those kids put up what they put up with. adam really fucking came to them like “so the witch lady gave me magazines and there are tibetan monks digging holes through the earth and also the planet is dying” and they were just like Sounds Fake But Okay. and during armagedon’t when adam just looks madame tracy/aziraphale in the face and is like “why are you two people that’s not right” and just poofs them apart. and in the Fucking tv series the way that the Them act when adam starts floating and his eyes start glowing,,, instead of fear they’re just like “adam what the fuck you’re so annoying” and they just fuckign WALK AWAY. they’re SO funny
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mjlovescm · 2 years
8- Welcome home, 🍋
Completed, 27 chapters, “She’s an angel” Rodrick Heffley x black fem reader
Content - Slight nsfw, kissing, sitting on his lap,
The drive to Rodrick's house was one that he as used to. It had been engraved in his mind for years. Normally, on days when the band was practicing, Rodrick would go straight home. But today his curiosity peaks once he sees a large moving truck a few houses from his. He almost speeds off when he sees his parents, but a familiar face catches his eye.
“y/n.” He calls from his car.
Turing around to face the distant sound, you turn around and see Rodrick. You set aside the box in your hands, giving him a wave as you walk towards the car. You go to start a conversation but according to your mom there's no time. Something about needing to return the truck on time.
And before he can run away, Rodrick is dragged into helping. The rest of the day is spent unpacking. Per their request, most if not all the heavy lifting is done by Frank and your dad. While you and Rodrick spent most of the time in your room. Rodrick flipping through your book collection as he puts them into your shelves. Wondering which one he'll read with you next.
After many stressful hours, your instinct was to check the fridge, but you knew it would be pointless. Thank god, Susan invited your family over for dinner. It was quick, mainly because you spent more time eating than joining in on the conversation.
“You have to visit this new bar. They do these fun little couple games nights and even give out real prizes.” Susan suggest.
“I don't know if we'll have anytime. Things are just all over the place.”
“We could go tonight.”
“What about the kids?”
“Oh come on, Susan, they're old enough to watch themselves, right?” Your mom says.
“Well … maybe one drink won't hurt.”
Luckily it wasn't too late, and they didn't plan on staying out too long anyways. With the parents gone, and the three boys preoccupied with a movie, Rodrick took you to his room.
“Wow, it looks exactly the same.” You say, standing in the doorway. “Well, maybe it's dirtier than I remember.”
“And the bed frames different.” Rodrick says, taking a seat on his bed.
You took a few minutes to fully take in the atmosphere. Asking Rodrick about the decorations and other random items that filled the space. It was all so Rodrick. From the many rock band posters and ripped out magazine photos. To the broken and awfully tapped together drumsticks and even the disco ball hanging from the ceiling.
Bored and nosey, you decide to look through his drawers. You knew it probably wasn't a good idea, but then again, Rodrick had spent most of the day going through yours. Opening the first drawer you laugh seeing it was fulled with Löded Diper merch. Closing it, you move on to the next one. Your eyes go wide at the sight, almost forgetting what had happened not too long ago. But once you remember, a wave of embarrassment came over you.
Noticing how long you'd spent in one place, Rodrick got up from his bed to see what had caught your attention. His hands creep from behind you, fingers grazing your arms before laying them on top of yours. The touch freezes you, a small gasp caught in your throat, and you drop the black material.
“Told you I wouldn't lose it.” Rodrick says, hooking his finger into the fabric.
“You never actually promised me.” You said, voice low.
You can't see the smile on his face, but you can almost feel it. Envisioning the slow curl of the corner of his lips. The soft pink skin stretching in satisfaction as he senses how easily he makes you nervous.
Your skin lit on fire, watching the way his finger peaks out through the dark color, reminding you how thin the material was. You could tell he'd done it before, maybe even a few times. Then again, what did you think he would do with it. A haze clouded your mind, wild thoughts quickly consuming your nervousness. This is exactly what you wanted, a small voice told you.
“How much longer do you think they'll be gone?” You say, turning to face Rodrick.
His tongue rolls over his bottom lip.
“I think we have time.” He pauses. “If we make it quick.”
Your expressions soon match, and before you can think rationally, Rodrick is all over you. That same satisfied smile now moving against your lips. You shudder at the feeling of Rodrick's hands grabbing your waist and pulling you towards his bed. He takes a seat once the bed hits his legs, swiftly pulling you onto his lap.
“Did you miss me?”
He whispers between kisses trailing down your neck. You gulp, unable to answer the possibly rhetorical question. Your silence gives Rodrick his answer, but it's not enough. He wants to hear you say it.
“Because I missed you.”
“You did?”
“Mmh, I missed…”
He continues to tell you how much he missed you. How much fun it was to sneak around and meet late at night. You grid into him easily, getting lost in the moment. Body buzzing with heat, mind hazy, but through the whispers you hear something else. Enjoying the feeling of you on his lap. The pressure of your thighs and ass pressed into him.
The sound snaps you to your senses, and you quickly push Rodrick away.
“What.” He says confused.
You shush him, trying to listen. An again you hear a familiar voice call your name, you jump out of Rodrick's lap once you realize it's your fathers. Rodrick quickly adjusting his clothes and sits away from you in an attempt to look more causal.
“We're going home.” He says in standing in Rodrick doorway.
You mumble a small “Okay” and make your way down the stairs. Downstairs, you say goodnight to the Heffley's, thanking them for dinner and going to the car as quick as you could. Buckling your seat belt, you let out a sigh of relief, throwing your head back. What were you thinking. The first time you see him in weeks, and you almost throw yourself at him. A notification dings from your phone. Picking it up, you go to read it, eyes widening once you realize it was Rodrick.
𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 -𝚛
𝚈𝚎𝚊 𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 -𝚢/𝚗
𝚠𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚜𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 -𝚛
Right next time...
Next chapter ;)
All chapters :)
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delimeful · 2 years
carry them home (1)
warnings: arguing, cliffhanger
Despite their best efforts, the kid stood out from the moment they entered town.
They walked stiffly, their posture ramrod under unfamiliar stares and their steps just a bit too fast to be measured. It was as though they were masquerading as a tiny adult, complete with an air of faux importance that mustn’t be interrupted.
In a town as small as this, everyone knew everyone, which meant that there wasn’t a person out on the street who didn’t notice the strange cloaked child striding down the road with purpose.
Janus had noticed first, of course. It was in his nature to be observant like that.
So, by the time the kid was done attracting the attention of the local gossips and therefore the entire population, Janus had long since found himself a seat across the way, content to subtly track the kid’s progress all the way down to the little menagerie shop on the corner.
After just enough time had passed that the less nosy neighbors had returned to their own business, he closed his book, dusted himself off, and headed down the cobblestone path after them.
How fortunate that he happened to have a tome to return to the shop’s owner.
The kid, apparently inspecting a corner of bookshelves quite intently, went entirely rigid when the little bell overhead announced a new customer. They weren’t foolish enough to spin around defensively, but Janus could tell he was being watched with tense anticipation.
He didn’t even bother glancing that way, instead waving as the owner caught sight of him and smiled brightly. His book provided a convenient excuse for him to strike up a conversation with her, and before long, the mystery kid returned to browsing the shelves, a bit more relaxed now that another patron had showed up to drag the owner’s attention away from them.
Janus idled for a while as the shopkeep rattled off recommendations for future reading, weighing his options. Being in close enough quarters to see what the kid bought would make it much easier to figure out which lies were at play here, but if the kid was on the skittish side, they would wait until Janus left to make a purchase.
Before he could decide one way or another, the kid chose for him, walking confidently up to the counter and setting down a stack of books. Their hands were gloved, Janus noted.
“I’d like to purchase these, please.” The words were carefully enunciated, only adding to the mature adult impression.
The shopkeep looked at the kid as though she wasn’t quite sure what to make of them, but after a moment of pointed silence, she shifted to the side to face them properly. “And how’ll you be paying then?”
Her tone, somewhere between amused and suspicious, made their shoulders pull up further, bristling with indignation under their cloak. With sharp movements, they retrieved a small pouch from their person and upended it.
Several shining trinkets fell out, a few crusted with dirt or rust, almost all having inset jewels of some kind.
To exactly none of Janus’s surprise, the woman recoiled at the sight of them.
“Do you think me a fool?” she asked, all amusement wiped from her voice. The kid took a step back, glancing at the door before remembering themself. “That I’ll take any shiny token as payment from a stranger, that I know nothing of curses or tricks? I’d bet a greater sum that these will turn to rock when the sun’s peak has passed.”
“It is not— They’re all in reasonable condition, there’s no reason to believe they’re charmed,” the kid argued, frustration seeping into the edges of their words.
“No reason not to either, is there?” the shopkeep retorted sharply.
Apparently unable to see a losing battle for what it was, the kid opened their mouth to continue—
And was cut off by the distinct clink of solid silvercoin placed on the counter. “I’ll buy the kid a book.”
Both parties turned to Janus in varying levels of silent disbelief. He shrugged, pulling on the amicable half-smile of his current persona, the harmless traveler who dropped by every so often, one who had been staying in town for the past few weeks.
“Just the one, though. There’s a reason I normally pay the loan fee for books rather than start my own collection.”
Shadowed by the hood, the kid’s lips went a little less thin, some of their wariness fading at the understanding that Janus was a purveyor of knowledge himself. It wasn’t quite enough, though. “And what do you want in return?”
The words were half-recited, clearly a familiar phrase, which made Janus’s skin prickle slightly. He didn’t let the tension show. A common bartering phrase was no surefire sign of a fae, and he’d certainly sense the magic if a Deal was being struck. “If you want to pay me back, I’m willing to chance one of the trinkets you brought. I do hope you’ll give me the least cursed one, though.”
His words coaxed a snort from the shopkeep, but he could see the way some of the tension loosened from the kid’s frame. They’d assumed his game was the jewels, that he’d realized they were real and jumped on the opportunity to obtain them.
Which wasn’t entirely incorrect. He would never turn down a good advantage, after all.
“Very well.” The kid carefully shuffled through the stack, setting a few titles aside almost mournfully. Janus plucked a ring inset with rubies from the trinket pile and cast a speculative eye over the rejected manuscripts.
A few were as he half-suspected: Toidi’s Guide to Alchemy, Star Alignments and Spellcasting-- even the book on common dissection practices was well within the interests of a burgeoning mage. Some of them, however, (an illustrated children’s book featuring a frog and a spider, a well-worn play script, and a booklet full of plant diagrams) were more obscure in nature.
In the end, the book that they slid firmly across the counter to him was the truly interesting one. He caught the slow tilt of the shopkeeper's expression, from grudgingly tolerant to the beginnings of genuine suspicion.
“The Soothsayer’s Codex,” he read aloud, ignoring the way the kid was going tenser by the moment. He met the shopkeeper’s gaze with a sort of friendly nostalgia, silently inviting her to share in it. “Quite an interesting choice. I remember being young, and trying to read every old, magic-looking book I could get my hands on. They were always longer than I expected.”
She snorted, her focus dragged away from the kid for the moment. “I suppose if kids were patient enough to get through it all, they would just wait for the future to arrive rather than trying to determine it early, hmm?”
“If only I could waste the hours away cloud watching now,” Janus replied mournfully, smiling when she laughed and slid his payment into her hand. The kid’s fists were clenched at their sides, but they were smart enough to keep their injured pride quiet.
“Oh, that we were young again,” she replied sardonically. “Take your book, child, and bring real coin next time. Pawn those trinkets off on Johansson, maybe.” She added with a snicker.
The kid barely glanced at her before holding out a hand expectantly, and Janus handed the bound pages over obligingly. They shuffled it under their cloak, and he took the opportunity to nudge the door open, gesturing for them to go ahead with a smile.
He maintained the harmless demeanor even as he followed and fell into step with the kid. Their cloaked head snapped up sharply, eyes certainly assessing him under the hood, and Janus held his hands up inoffensively.
“Just thought you might like some company getting out of town,” he spoke smoothly. “There are some real busybodies who might object to a mystery kid wandering around alone, but I figure you’re probably well enough at taking care of yourself.” He hesitated, and then added, “I’ve been there. I’ll ward them off for you.”
The kid visibly bit down on their first retort, taking a deep breath before turning and continuing down the path. “Do what you will.”
Janus ambled alongside them, greeting those he passed and receiving greetings in turn. His gambit worked like a charm; the more superstitious folks saw him with the kid and assumed that he had the situation well in hand. Which was true, though not in the manner they imagined.
The kid, in turn, lost a little of that stiffness in favor of taking the town in bit by bit. They still avoided any staring, and were quite careful to keep out of Janus’s easy grabbing reach, but he could see their curious glances from the ways the hood twitched towards each new sound for inspection.
No wonder the kid had beelined for a library. They were like a sponge, soaking in anything and everything new around them.
Janus added a few extra tidbits to his polite greetings, asking after the seamster’s daughter and complimenting the health of the goat tender’s herd, strengthening bonds while also giving the kid more details to put to the roles. The kid clearly hadn’t spent much time in towns and needed all the help they could get.
If his suspicions were correct, the kid had more than a few reasons to try and learn how to blend in.
They finally reached the edge of town, where the path turned and became well-trodden dirt, curved to stay clear of the thick forest nearby.
By now, the slope of the hill kept any nosy townspeople from seeing them, and there were no passersby at this time of day. No witnesses. Janus wouldn’t have taken the risk if he hadn’t been fairly certain that the kid wasn’t planning to attack him, not for themself or another. They bore no signs of being tied to Janus’s enemies, not to mention his suspicions about their nature made it even more improbable that they were working for anyone.
Soothsaying was a trait that was only valued in those powerful enough to channel it. A church grim, white lady, or harbinger, perhaps. No self-respecting monster hunting guild would trust any of them enough to allow them to roam as a free agent for even as short a period as this.
Janus turned to the probably-inhuman child he had just escorted to town’s edge. “Well, it seems this is where we part. I hope you found what you were looking for.”
The kid had gone all stiff and twitchy again, which was smart of them. Situational awareness was one of the best assets for someone constantly being hunted.
Luckily for them, Janus wasn’t the man he’d used to be. His plot had ended the moment he’d gotten the kid out of the Iron Guard’s view without any fuss. He would be more than happy to never see them traipsing around in this town again.
“I’ll bid you goodbye, then,” he continued once it became clear that the kid wasn’t going to answer. As always, he couldn’t resist a bit of parting snark. “Next time you wander into a town, try to focus more on giving off a human impression, rather than hiding an inhuman one.”
“Just a bit of advice.” He patted the kid’s shoulder absently in farewell, and then startled when that patch of cloak twitched oddly under his hand. Rather than the solid lump of a shoulder, that had felt more like wiry tendons. Almost like there were extra limbs under there.
… He didn’t know any soothsayer types that had wings.
The kid looked up at him for the first time, and Janus had exactly enough time to think, ‘Well, shit.’ before eyes as dark as the ocean pulled him under.
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dreamties · 3 years
Little! Brahms Heelshire x CG! GN! Reader (Headcanons)
A/n- requested by the ever so darling 🍰 anon!
ii whipped these up pretty quick- but if any of yall have questions or your own headcanons you'd like to share- i'd be happy to converse and build upon his character for future stuff :3 (if that makes sense-)
sorry for any mistakes its one AM lol
brahms regresses for comfort !!
he likes being a kid again. pretending things are like they were before everything went awful. before he killed that little girl. before the fire.
brahms doesnt really like using "baby" items when regressing. like pacis, teethers, rattles, sensory stuff, etc. it just doesnt appeal to him.
Brahms still has a few of his old toys in his room though. little plastic dinos. trains and planes. he's content playing on the floor or on his bed by himself- but he'd much rather have you play him!! its way more fun with you :(
he loves to carry his little brahms doll around with him !! he keeps it tucked in his arm. and even when he's in the room, has you set up a spot for it at the table. "my friends need respect too, y/n!"
another thing he likes, is sleeping with his old baby blanket. usually holding it in his grasp as he sucks on his thumb.
back to the doll thing real quick. just imagine having tea parties with your little one and his doll <3 so cute >///<
despite all the nice things ive talked about, there's often a lot more negative triggers for him to slip into littlespace. and it can be really rough calming him down and getting him to do something nice for himself.
he isnt great at regulating his emotions. so when he gets upset, he'll throw a fit. which then will likely end up with him getting so frustrated that he starts crying and just runs into your arms for comfort.
oh, theres another thing! while some littles tend to shy away from physical comfort (unsure of how to get it and not feeling like they deserve it, etc). but little Brahmsy just wants the reassuring feeling of being safely nestled in your arms. that always help to calm him down some.
you'll need to aid in the process with some gentle words towards him, and later, when he's back in his regular headspace- you'll have to let him know it's not alright to throw a tantrum every time he's upset or doesnt get his way. but also help him find better ways to deal with that.
speaking of which- I think he'd enjoy and benefit from keeping a little journal.
Brahms already writes during his free time. but in his little journal he's got these silly little scribbly drawings of you and him, and of his favorite food and writes about things that he likes.
keeping like a sticker chart for him. so when he like helps you out with chores or does something really nice for you- he gets rewarded with a sticker. and once it's filled up, Brahms gets a special surprise :O
he's definitely a lot clingier !! if thats...even physically possible lol.
he loves following you around while you do house stuff. and getting in between you and the laundry you need to fold, cause he wants you to pay attention to him and you just ruffle his hair. "why dont you help your mama/papa/etc with this, and then we can play. how does that sound, baby?"
and laying with his head in your lap, peaking over at the book in your hands as you read aloud. holding your hand as you move to your next set of chores. asking you to help him move his chair closer to yours during mealtime.
all in all though, while some of the activities he does while regressed is different and he's a hell of a lot sweeter when tiny- there's not too much difference to how he is big. he can be a handful still, but you love him. and its worth it <3
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milkytheholy1 · 3 years
Good soldiers
A/N: Oh mi gosh guys I actually did it! Somehow I managed to write it all before 10.30, it's a little crap but oh well, I just need more Tech content tbh. Now this is based on episode 7, so definite spoilers for that episode, so read at your own risk. Anyway, let me know if you want more bad batch fics and enjoy!
Ultimate masterlist. Star wars masterlist.
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You didn't trust this planet, the decaying ships just gave you a bad vibe, although who could blame you. You quickly picked up speed, running to catch up with the others as they ventured into the depths of the unknown. They came to a sudden halt, your distracted mind slamming into the back of Tech's back, sending him only a few steps forward at the impact. Glancing back he caught your sheepish eyes and guilty smile, he knowingly grinned back at you, a silent acceptance of your little mistake.
You felt his hand snake down towards your own as you listened to Rex speak, something about climbing across the gap with some cable. But you couldn't focus on it for too long, you found that even just having the smallest of contact with Tech was too much for your brain, your thoughts erupting in only Tech related memories.
The boys had soon shimmied their way across the gap, you watched with nerves as Omega huffed along the rope, a beaming smile on her cheeks. Jumping off into Hunter's arms on the other side she cheered, "That was so much fun!"
"Good job, kid." Rex praised, patting her on the shoulder. Everyone's gaze turned to you and Wrecker, the last two people to make it across. You didn't like heights, similar to Wrecker, and that fear of yours was very apparent at this very moment. "Wh-what if I fall, o-or the rope snaps," you stuttered out, fingers ringing together as you peaked over the edge to see the steaming water, or what you hoped was water. Tech pushed himself to the front of the small crowd, sending you an encouraging smile, "My dear you have to cross, there's no other way to get around it. My advice would be to not look down."
"Why would you say that!" You freaked out taking another look down, your face going pale. Omega cheered you on from the other side, and who wouldn't feel motivated with that amount of positivity? Huffing in a breath of dusted air, you moved onto the rope, hugging it like a koala bear. Your body shuffled along, Wrecker repeatedly promising you that he was holding the rope with a tight grip. Before you knew it, Tech's arms were wrapped around you as he pulled you from the rope and onto the ground. You shoved your nose into the depths of his neck, finding the crook comforting while your heart beat rapidly.
After the chaos that was saving Wrecker from whatever creature lied waiting in the water, you all managed to find the med-bay with Rex's help. Tech gave the room a quick glance, noting the disrepair of it all, "I would no longer call this medical bay a sterile environment," he remarked. Rex strolled past him, helmet held under his arm, "Do you prefer to use the facility on Kamino?" he smirked back. Tech's back straightens at the question, he adjusted his glasses before darting to the pod, "This will do nicely," he muttered out.
You wanted to laugh at him, you really did, always by the books when it came to the important stuff. Wrecker was the first one on the bench, hand clamped to his head as he quietly moaned in pain, that headache of his had been getting worse and worse over the last few days; it was starting to worry you. Tech stood before his brother waving the device that he had built to help locate the chip, "Time to get scanned, Wrecker."
Wrecker's eyes flicked up to the device, giving it a once over before sighing, "Let's get this over with." he lamented. You turned away from the boys and went over to the others, watching with a smile as they chatted away but heaven knows what. Standing beside Echo, you caught what seemed to be the tail-end of the conversation, "It's more dangerous to leave their inhibitor chips in." Rex fussed, staring with a glare at Omega. You flinched back at his tone, guess you knew why he was a commander.
Unlike Omega, you didn't know much about how clones were made and all things related to the chips, you were just a simple pilot turned part-time medic. Your jobs were simple: Fly the ship better than the others and slap some bacta on them when they came back from a fight. You didn't even expect to still be in the group, although if it weren't for your relationship with Tech, you knew you probably still wouldn't be here.
Blipping back into reality, your ears picked up Tech's voice amongst the others, "I think I found something." You all crowded around Wrecker, awaiting his results with puppy-dog eyes. Tech held the scanner a little closer to Wrecker's head, said clone shying away from the contact, "Ninety degrees from his right orbital floor, below the parietal and temporal intersection..."
"Get that thing away from me," Wrecker groaned, swatting his hand like he was trying to kill a fly. Tech was unamused by the gesture, not one to waste time, Tech went back in again with the scanner. You stepped forward to get a better look at Wrecker, placing a gentle hand against his shoulder you inspected the way he winced in pain, "Somethings not right," you stated with furrowed brows. Wrecker shifted again with violent movements, you pulled your hand away taking short steps back as to not be attacked by flailing arms.
You felt a hand raise onto your shoulder, flicking your head up you caught Rex's gaze before it solemnly cast back onto Wrecker, "We need to speed this up," he rushed out. Tech rolled his eyes but approached the pod again with determination. Rex's hand slid off of your arm as he walked away, you and Hunter shared the same look of confusion, you all had questions and it seemed Rex was the one with the answers.
"Why haven't the guy's chips activated then, since you said earlier that yours did?" you probed, following the captain. He turned back to look at you, all of you, "You boys got lucky, very few clones were immune to the effects of Order 66. It's rare. When the regs attacked the Jedi on Kaller, we didn't understand why." he looked down in guilt, there was some heavy baggage there that wouldn't be explained.
In the distance, Wrecker's groans persisted, occasionally getting louder and louder as you spoke. "Relax, this won't hurt a bit." Tech's voice soothed, you couldn't see what he was doing, you could only hear the gentle notions of his voice. The room was vaguely quiet except for Hunter talking and Wrecker's pained grunts, but the silence was haunting, like the calm before the storm in a horror movie.
"Wre-Wreck-ker," Tech gasped out, his fingers scratching Wrecker's hands in an attempt to pull him off. His eyes were wide, Tech could feel the limited amount of air get dragged away from his throat as he tried his hardest to focus on not passing out. "You're in direct violation of Order 66." Wrecker's voice boomed, catching the squads attention. When your eyes caught Tech's scared gaze, your mouth dropped open in shock, "Tech!" You screamed out moving to free him. Echo grabbed you with his free hand, pulling you back along with the others as you watched on in horror.
Wrecker slammed the genius against the wall, causing all sorts of rusted metal to fall on top of him. You cried out as your boyfriend was thrown like a ragdoll, struggling in Echo's grasp. Wrecker's large form dominated over the group, leaving you in a shadow of his former self, the gun he held in his hands was aimed at you, you didn't know if it was set to stun or kill. Rex reached for his gun, pulling it out at unseen speeds but it wasn't quick enough to stop the rogue clone. Wrecker easily knocked the blaster out of Rex's hands, Echo's grip on you tightened as he began pulling you to cover.
"Wrecker?" Omega questioned, fear as clear as day. Suddenly, Wrecker unleashed hell with the blaster, firing it at his brothers and closest friends like you were nothing to him. You dived under some turned over medical tables, shielding your head with your arms. "He'll destroy the equipment if we don't get him out of here." Echo pointed out, panting heavily.
"You're all traitors!" you heard Wrecker shout, gun still blasting against the walls. Hunter ran possible plans through his head, was he trying more because Rex was here or because he didn't want to kill Wrecker, but he had to be prepared to take the chance if things went wrong. "We'll draw him out, (Y/N) and Omega, stay with Tech." you nodded in response, wrapping a hand around Omega's much smaller one and silently crying as her grip tightened.
As soon as the boys leapt from the room, a brainwashed Wrecker quickly following behind, you pulled Omega to her feet and made a dash for your beloved. Falling to your knees, you dropped Omega's hand and instead placed Tech's head on your lap. Your fingers traced over his face in an attempt to wake him up and check for any fractures, "Tech, please wake up." You wanted to shake him but didn't know how badly he was damaged, damn his clone armour.
Omega sat by your side, her gaze constantly flicking to the door in hopes of seeing a smiling, carefree Wrecker again, "Do you think he'll be alright?"
"Who Tech? Well, he's survived much worse." you mused, thumb tracing his cheekbones. Omega shook her head, a small smile emerged on her lips, "No Wrecker, do you think they can fix him?" her voice sounded broken, most likely matching the state of her heart. You wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into your side, "If I know Wrecker, he'll be back to himself in no time." That seemed to put her mind at ease for now, but the constant blaster fire failed to fill her enthusiasm entirely.
"...ion of Order 66 shall be terminated." Wrecker's voice wavered through the hallways and corridors, you weren't sure what was going on and before you knew it Omega had left your side and ran for the door. "Omega wait!" you called out to her, unable to move due to your unconscious boyfriend using you like a pillow. You watched with worried eyes as she crept out of the door and towards the fight, you only hoped Hunter would see her before it was too late.
Small groans and moans reached your ears, the sound coming from beneath you. Looking down you caught Tech's blinking eyes, "Tech!" you beamed down at him, you quickly found his hand and took some peace in knowing he was okay. "Did I worry you at all?" he mused, using his free hand to sit up, albeit with some aches and curses muttered from his lips; yep, that's your Tech. "You need to be careful, you did get bodyslammed into the wall after all."
"Yes, I'm glad you reminded me, (Y/N)." Tech deadpanned, adjusting his goggles so they sat on his face just the way he liked. "Are you going to be alright?" your tone was light but Tech could see the worry lines in your face, see the pent up fear and anger in your eyes, "Nothing a bit of bacta can't fix, I'm sure." he chuckled out. Your eyes widened, did the Tech just make a joke?
"Ah, you're in luck, that's my speciality." You leaned forward and pecked his lips with a gentleness Tech didn't know you possessed. Helping him to stand, he immediately went back over to the pod, "Do you know how much damage Wrecker did after I was so gracefully knocked out?" You shook your head 'no', joining him on his left side as he tinkered away, "No, Hunter and the others got him out of the room before he could cause enough damage."
The loud banging sounds behind you caught you off guard, both you and Tech audibly gasped when you saw Wrecker's unconscious body carried between Hunter and Rex. "What happened?" Tech enquired, pointing the two clones over to the pod, where he presumably wanted Wrecker to go. Echo shuffled in, rubbing his head, "We happened that's what, just happy it's over now."
"Quite, all we can do now is wait."
And so that's what you did, you all just sat around and waited for Wrecker to wake up, which took a lot longer than you all had initially planned. You watched with tired eyes as Tech laid back in his chair, the day's action finally getting to him. You wanted to point out that his chair was about to tip over but took joy in seeing his surprised face when Hunter dragged the chair back. The poor boy was almost sent flying, yet that didn't stop him from trying again.
With seemingly nothing after you at this very moment, you thought it was a good idea to get some rest too, besides it's not like you knew what would happen after this; you could be blasted into another job the moment you step outside. Leaning back against the gun-shot wall, you felt the heaviness of your eyelids as they shut closed for a few hours. It had felt like you were in the great unknown for days instead of hours, enjoying the sense of peace it brought in its quietness.
"He's awake!" Omega's voice roared, instantly waking you up from your rest. Your eyes were wide and shoulders straight, moving to your feet you wandered over to the pod and took your place behind Tech; who just as equally looked as surprised as you.
"Oh, you made it." Tech mused, you quickly slapped him on the back of the head for his comment, earning you a confused glare. "Welcome back, Wrecker." you grinned at him, yet his own didn't seem to convey happiness more so guilt. Hunter and Tech helped Wrecker off of the table while Rex held the head device in his hand, "One chip down. Three to go. Who's next?"
The rest of the batch were surprisingly fast and simple, though it helps when you haven't been stunned unconscious. You stood in front of Tech, his chip had just been taken out and he was sporting a new haircut, "So what do you think?" he asked carelessly. You hummed, eyes dragging to the dips in his hair and the seemingly missing chunk, meeting his eyes he begged for your reaction with a pout.
"Hmmm, it's not bad but I'll miss the original." you teased with a wink, Tech rolled his eyes and leaned to give you a kiss on the cheek, your own dusted a light pink but hard to see under the harsh blue lights of the medbay. "Can we go home now, wherever home is?" you begged Tech, only receiving a nod in agreement, "Yes, I have to agree. A little rest does sound very enticing right now."
"I'll think about it," Hunter spoke, turning his back to us to follow the Captain out. Tech's hand attached to yours, squeezing the skin with a loving embrace, "Will you give me that bacta speciality of yours back on the ship?"
"I'll give you anything you want,"
Tech paused to think for a minute, a devious thought in his mind. With lidded eyes, he replied, "Well, in that case, there are a few things I'd like you to give me."
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Blanket Fort
Some more Spitfire and their babies!
Safe is not the word Artemis would use to describe her childhood. Abusive. Traumatizing. Isolating. Fear filled. But not safe.
Yet, tucked away beneath an impenetrable blanket fort, curled to her sides, warm in their pajamas with full bellies, it will be how her children remember theirs.
“‘Toto didn’t really care whether he was in Kansas or the Land of Oz, so long as Dorothy was with him,’” Artemis reads from another well-worn copy of The Wizard of Oz. “‘But he knew the little girl was unhappy, and that made him unhappy too.’”
“Wike me and Bucely, Momee…” three-year-old Matty yawns.
“Yeah, Matty, just like you and Brucely.” The archer peaks at her faithful dog. Resting his head on her lap, never too far from her children, Brucely dozes contently. “Can you think of times Brucely is like Toto?”
“I sad and he come nuggle me.” Matty murmurs, fiery hair falling into drooping gray eyes. His little sister, Jania, clings to her Kid Flash plushie.
“You two ready for bed?”
“No yet, Mama.” Jania pouts, “Nee Dada.”
The sound of keys jingling in the lock has the children and dog perk up, just a bit. Familiar foot falls come toward their hiding spot, a bright face poking in.
“Hey, family,” Wally crawls in, kissing Artemis and the kids hello. “What’cha doing up so late?”
“We readin’ Dorfy, Dada.” Jania rubs her eyes, yawning as Wally picks her up. The little girl curls into her father’s chest, plush still in her arms.
“Dorfy?” A quick glance to his wife, who graciously holds up the book, answers his question, “Oh! Dorothy and her trip to Oz. Is that why you’re up this late?”
“They insisted on waiting for you.” Artemis picks up their son, “How was class?”
“Good, they seem more prepared for the exam Monday. I told them if they did the study guide it would make sense.” Wally runs a hand through Jania’s golden hair, “If they do, they’ll realize it’s the same exact material.”
“Dada…” Jania whines.
“Oh, Mommy, I think it’s bedtime for the munchkins.”
“In here, Dadee?” Matty asks, arms wrapped around Artemis’s neck. The seasoned heroes glance at each other, having a silent conversation, before nodding.
“Sure, buddy. Tomorrow’s Saturday, so you know what that means.”
“Puca an’ Guppy.” The content noise both children warms their parents’ hearts.
“Yeah,” Artemis kisses Matty’s head, “Puca and Guppy. What’s Guppy’s name?”
“Ceri-dan.” The toddlers are too sleepy to say much past that. Once their parents have them resting on the pillows and blankets, Brucely lays between them. Rolling over, Matty rests his head next to the pitbull’s. Jania uses his back as a pillow. Making sure the two are settled, their parents climb out of the fort.
“How were they tonight?” Wally asks, offering Artemis his hand to help her up. And kisses her again because he can.
“Pretty good, we went and saw Lian today.” Artemis gestures to the dinner plates on the table, “We got back and had left overs.”
“Here, I’ll load those up—“
“I’ve got it—“
“Babe.” He gives her that look. The one to remind her she’s allowed to accept help.
“…I hate you.”
Her husband snorts at that, “Oh really? Is that why you had not one, but two of my babies?”
“I plead the fifth.” There’s no venom to her voice. As he loads dishes, sippy cups, and bottles into the dishwasher, Artemis watches him. How far they’ve come from those teenagers in love. An warm home, two amazing kids, a sweet dog, jobs they love…
Her arms wrap around his waist, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Wally turns and holds her close, kissing her gently, “I love you, I love Matty, I love Jani…”
Between each reason, he kisses her again.
“We’ve got a good life,” She murmurs, playing with his hair.
“We do.” Wally jerks his head towards the fort, “Better go see the little monsters.”
That night, as she falls asleep in the fort with her family, she wishes she could go back in time. Show her younger self that the books she hides in will lead to a job she loves. Her father’s ‘trainings’ will end, but the skills she learned will lead her to the man she loves. That she’ll have two kids of her own and they will never look at her the way she does her father.
She wishes she could show her younger self that things will get better.
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hey-there-love · 3 years
When I Get Home
Summary: Your number 2 pro hero boyfriend surprises you after work.
Content Warning: MATURE, 18+, Slight Adult Language, fem reader, penetrating sex, fingering
WC: 1.8K
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The orange and pink hues of the sunset began to sink of the horizon. There was a slight chill in the air, signaling that autumn was around the corner. You sat quietly in a patio chair, curled up in a plush blanket and sipping on a warm mug of tea. You waited patiently for your lover to float onto the balcony and laid in front of you.
You began dating the number 2 pro hero two months ago. Hawks wandered into the flower shop you worked in part time. A relaxed conversation about tulips and roses blossomed into a coffee date. You discussed minor topics, mostly dealing with work. It felt like the date mostly reared towards listening to him go on about himself, until he asked about what your goal in life was. That was all she wrote. You spent hours bonding over your shared interests, music, movies, and books. One date turned into another and pretty soon it was clear that you two were together.
Chaste kisses and snuggles turned into the best sleep over of your life last week. A sleep over you were looking forward to again soon. The first time you were intimate with him it was passionate, slow, and sweet. Tonight, you were in for something else. Hawks had been texting you all day detailing the all the things he wanted to do with you and to you when he got off work. The particular message that sent a fire to your belly instructed you not to wear anything special because it’d be ruined.
You opted to wear a pair of grey, soft cotton shorts, a long-sleeved tee, and fuzzy socks. Underwear wasn’t in the equation for tonight. The familiar chime that Hawks had set for himself sounded. You grinned and checked your phone.
Hawks: Hey kid, i’ve got some extra paperwork at the agency. Don’t hate me.
You sighed and unraveled yourself from your cocoon and made your way inside, sliding the door behind you. It wasn’t the first time Hawks canceled on you and it definitely wouldn’t be the last. It was one of the things you had to adjust to dating a hero. His job was important, and you couldn’t let that bother you.
You washed the mug and decided for something stronger. Pulling down a glass you filled it up with a sweet wine you had been saving. You took a long sip, letting the liquid settle into your body.
You pondered on what to do with your new found time. Trailing off to the bathroom you began to fill up the bathtub. You poured the thick lavender scented soap into the water and swirled it around with your hand. Setting down two towels you stripped down and descended into the water.
You took a sip of your wine and closed your eyes, feeling your muscles relax. You loved the fresh scent of florals. You especially loved the way lavender bubble bath clung to your skin and remained as you slept through the night.
Lathering a wash cloth with your favorite soap, you washed your neck tenderly before moving down your shoulders, arms and breasts. You sank your head into the water, letting it wash you completely. You laid there for a few, feeling inner peace.
When you emerged you were met with piercing, golden eyes. You jumped before realizing who it was. “Hey kid.” Hawks purred and leaned against the doorway. He still adorned his hero costume, minus his shoes and coat. You grinned and slid futher into the bubbles, feeling bashful.
“I thought you were hung up at work?” You questioned with a raised eyebrow. Hawks flashed that beautiful smile you had come to love before unbuckling his belt. Letting his pants drop to the floor with a thud.
“What can I say? I work quick under certain circumstances.” Hawks replied, slipping his socks off his feet and pulling his shirt over his head, leaving a pile on his clothes on the floor infront of him.
“You know, you should really lock your doors, someone might break in.” He teased. He located your towel cabinet and set out a few fluffy towels for himself. One for his body and one for his wings.
You laughed and responded, “The doors are locked and I live on the third floor!” You drank in his frame. Hawks wasn’t a tall man, you both stood at even stance. What he lacked in his height his wings made up for.
The scarlet plumage was his signature. Hawks took excellent care of his wings, making sure every feather settled in place. He was downright beautiful in every single way. His golden eyes shone in every shade of light. The blonde style he sported was always windswept, but surprisingly neat.
Hawks was more god like than any other man you’ve come into contact with. “Can I join you or are you going to keep eyeballing me?” He remarked, sliding the final piece of clothing down his thighs. You swallowed at the sight. Well endowed was an understatement. The last time you engaged in extra curricular activities you were sore the next day.
You shifted forward in the tub and allowed him to sit down behind you. Hawks wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled your back towards his chest, holding you tight in place. He peppered light kisses across your neck. You smiled and relaxed into him. Brushing your hand through his hair gingerly, you enjoyed the moment.
He placed another kiss to your shoulder blade and inhaled the scent. “I got you some flowers. Coincidentally they smell like you.” He whispered to your skin.
“You didn’t have to do that.” You sighed, feeling touched by the simple gesture.
Hawks ran his hands against your stomach, stopping short of your mound. He repeated the action as he began to speak, “I just wanted to make sure you felt appreciated, babe.” His left hand kneeled across your breast tenderly, twisting and pinching the bud of your nipple. “Can’t have you feeling like I forgot about the things we talked about today.”
You moaned at his touch, endulging yourself in the words he spoke. His right hand began to roam across your stomach again, this time he didn’t stop, he explored more. “So open yourself up,” Hawks crooned and spread your legs with his hand, “and let me do all the things I’ve been thinking about.”
So you did, you gave yourself to him fully. You rested against him, laying your head down in the crook of his neck. You spread your legs futher allowing easier access to your core. Hawks began to rub your clit lazily. Small jolts of electricity shot through your lower half.
You hissed as the pace began to increase. You could feel the smirk plastered on his face. He was enjoying it as much as you were. He paid your breasts equal attention. The swirls he produced on your clit were mesmerizing. He applied just the right amount of pressure that it made your toes curl.
You were in pure ecstasy by the time he dipped a finger into your core. It was just the finger tip at first, teasing and stretching your opening. Then he sank into you, making your back arch. The water sloshed around you two carelessly as you bucked your hips. “God you look so cute when your face is curled up in pleasure kid.” Hawks praised.
He tenderly added a second finger to the mix. Finding your pleasure spot, he curled his fingers up and hit the spot several times. You felt his erection grow on your back. He groaned everytime you shifted against him. Pretty soon you felt that sweet knot tightening in your stomach. “I’m close!v” You cried out and grasped onto the side of the tub for support.
“That’s it baby, cum for me.” Hawks egged on. That was all it took. You fell over the edge into pleasure. Your breathing was ragged as you tried to calm yourself down. He chuckledt and rubbed your head. “Let’s get out. I’m not finished with you yet.”
You peaked over your shoulder to glance at him. The look on his face was dead serious. You shuddered at the threat before stepping out. He wasn’t far behind you, grabbing your towel and drapped it around your shoulders. You thanked him and wrapped the other around your hair.
The two of you dried off quickly, water droplets clung to your skin. You were quite the pair giggling and running to your bedroom like a couple of teenagers. Hawks shoved you back gently onto the comforter and disrobed you.
His mouth attached to yours, this kiss was different than the sweet ones before. It was deeper and filled with more fire. This was the first time he kissed you today and you could feel the desire behind it. He pushed the towel that was wrapped around your head so he could run his hand through your damp hair.
Your hand found it’s way to his cheek to hold him close, stroking his jaw in the process. You couldn’t get enough of each other. “I need you.” You breathed against him lips. Your arousal became evident as his erection pressed against your core.
“You’ve got me.” Hawks whispered into your ear. You were completely ready by the time he slipped into you. His moans melted into yours. His thrusts were deep, hitting every sweet spot inside of you. You relished in the closeness.
His wings shuddered with delight, some tickled your arms. He was quite a sight ontop of you. The golden pools of honey bore into your soul. You felt beautiful as he praised you each time he sank into you.
The sweet love making during into something primal when he threw your legs over his shoulders, crossing his arms against them to hold them to his chest. The sounds that streamed out of your mouth weren’t cute whines anymore. He was deeper than ever before. Your breasts bounced as he pounded harder.
Hawks increased his pace, making your orgasm rush towards you. You came quickly and chanted his name like it was your favorite song. Your back arched off the mattress, leaving a strain on your thighs. It didn’t matter. You could tell he was enjoying himself by the groans escaping him.
“Such. A. Good. Girl.” Hawks said in between thrusts. “Shit. I’m almost there.” He called, squeezing your legs for dear life. The strokes became sloppy and he pulled out to paint you with his load. His cum shot everywhere, landing on your stomach and breasts. His pride was set aside as he whined and panted, relishing in his release.
He collapsed ontop of you and peppered your face in sweet kisses. “Worth the wait?” He questioned into your shoulder.”
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m00nchildthings · 3 years
Familliar (revamped with added content)
Authors note: So yall remember the first chapter of familliar? Scrap that hoe this the new one it’s dumb long though 11 pages on Microsoft Word TnT Also @alfmoimagines i remembered to tag you
Content Warnings: Dubious Consent, Virginity Taking, Teratophilia, demon fucking, virgin training? ear fucking(with a tongue i’m not that wild). breeding, creampies, cursing, full nelsons, ruts, and i feel like that is all? Enjoy
Familiars were tricky and malevolent creatures, demons that were so lowly in the castes of hell that they lived life better off in the land of mortals then they would in their own native realm. Not that any of them would be humble enough to admit it though. Most familiars stayed under the care of witches for protection, being incapable of possession made them extremely susceptible to attacks by clergymen. Most lands decreed that any demon living as a witch's charge were free of fear of clergy assault, as long as said witch could manage them. For witches, handling a familiar was a precocious balancing act at best and a near soul threatening experience at the worst, especially during their times of rut. This was when only keeping one familiar in service, which is why so many gave you confused looks when you stated that you kept not one but two under your gifted hand.
 Izuku was your first familiar, a small token gifted to you by your mother the eve before you set off to live yourself as every young witch does when they hit that special age. A small rabbit daemon, one of the easiest to handle, was her gift to you. His eyes were a clear emerald and his pelt a slick black that shone green whenever the moonlight encased him. He was a very helpful familiar as far as they went and you were very appreciative of the fact. After near hermiting yourself away in a decent size hut not too far from a village, you found Izuku to be a very beneficial part of your day to day life. Whenever you were off in the town square buying food and supplies for the week you could always count on Izuku to scamper off and find you roots and herbs for your potion. Or in his human form he would help you around the house cleaning and organizing your books for you. He even seemed interested in your craft, helping you with concocting potions and studying spells.
 Now handling Izuku was fairly easy, at least in comparison to the horror stories you heard, during his roots. All it took was a snug leather collar with a calming charm placed on it to keep him from humping anything within a five-foot radius (including you.) Throw in some romance novels of yours for him to read and staying out late at taverns to give him alone time with his hand and Izuku was fairly decent to stand. You just had to make sure to ignore his eyes on you at night as you slept.
 The second familiar you kept was very different to your snuffly little Zuzu. Katsuki as he went by was an absolute brat that wasn’t grateful for anything you had done for him whatsoever.  It had only been a few months since you had found him after leaving the local butcher to make your way home to Izuku. A group of kids were toying with the poor battered creature, a pure white canine with a clergy trap biting into his ankle blood matting his fur. After shooing away the little bastards you pried open the chat wincing as the teeth of the trap sliced your fingers. He stared up at you with one big red eye before groaning and going limp. You took the poor thing home and cleaned his wounds shoving Izuku away as he came to snuff around the new daemon. For the first few days Katsuki was fine to be around, as his wounds healed, he mostly rested, coming in and out of sleep as he gained back his strength. He was quiet and agreeable letting you bathe him to redress his wounds and even crooning as you held his head to feed him. This calm quiet Katsuki lasted for exactly for the first week he lived in your small home.
 The moment he regained his strength it became apparent what a brute Katsuki was as he uprooted your life from its regular calm feeling. Whenever you went out to gather supplies you returned home to find your Izuku cowering in the corner and Katsuki standing in the middle of your ruined living room, smoke billowing off of your singed furniture. He constantly berated Izuku, cursing and complaining about every little thing he could find. He constantly picked fights with Izuku it wasn’t an uncommon sight to come home to find Katsuki pinning Izuku to the ground as your poor bunny kicked at his tummy trying to worm from your grasp. It got to the point that you would have to keep him chained in the cellar and bring Izuku out with you as your familiar refused to be left alone with Katsuki. As ever docile as he was you found Izuku complaining about keeping him around.
 “Mistress,” he whined walking beside you in the town square “why must we keep him with us he’s rude and aggressive and has only made life harder for us since you took him in.” 
 “Zuzu,” you scolded “you know very well why we can’t just throw him out, the clergy would get to him, besides, he’s probably just defensive being in a new environment after such a traumatic experience, we have to be patient with him.”
 “But he’s so disruptive,” Izuku huffed crossing his arms as you stopped by a fruit vendor “he’s taking up so much of your time, you don’t have time to practice, time for me- “
 “Time for you?” you raised an eyebrow placing a few plums into your satchel, paying the vendor and walking away “perhaps your annoyance comes less from our new friends’ unruly nature and more from a place of, dare I say it, jealousy?”
 “I’m not jealous of him!” Izuku exclaimed red smattering underneath his freckles “I’m worried about you, mistress,”
 “And why is that Zuzu?”
 “Rutting season is coming, and if this is how he acts on the regular, imagine how he’ll be during his time,” he turned to you placing a hand on your arm “you might not be safe mistress,”
 You paused mulling over what your familiar had said eyebrows furrowing, he wasn’t wrong. You had grown comfortable with keeping a familiar with easily suppressed ruts, cat daemons were notoriously known for having aggressive ruts. You had overheard a friend of your mothers as she stopped by from afternoon tea, confiding in your mother that her own cat daemon had been so difficult she had no choice to put aside her pride and pull down her panties to keep peace in her house. It was seen as very taboo for a witch to lay with her familiar, shameful even, to be seduced in the bedroom by such a lowly daemon. You yourself had been worried about what would happen when rut time would come with your new household member to worry over.
 “Don’t worry my fluffy little companion,” you placed a hand on his cheeks smiling as his eyes closed and he nuzzled into your palm “I’ll be fine, you should worry about how you’ll be dealing with your time of the year,”
It had been about nearly a week since you and Izuku had your little conversation, and you had begun to notice the signs of rut season in your daemons. Izuku was becoming much more grating constantly moving around your stuff in your room rubbing against everything and even snapping back at Katsuki when he would try to intimidate him. Katsuki became the exact opposite of his usual self, at least towards you. He would stalk you silently through your own home eyeing you like prey as you sat reading in your armchair. It had gotten to the point where you would step out of your bath to find Katsuki waiting outside your washroom nostrils flared as he stared down at you, pupils slit. You almost felt scared in your own home, almost. You had two daemons about to reach a sexual peak and you were only fairly sure you could keep one of them in check. This especially became apparent to you one day as you were working on charming Izuku’s heat collar.
 “That won’t work on a daemon like me you know,” Katsuki had grunted from across your kitchenette “I’m twice as fucking powerful at that little runt you keep running after you,”
 “Well what do you suggest I do to make this time easier for you Katsuki,” you say not looking up from your work “did you not have a witch before me to help you through these times?”
 “Yes,” he said pacing closer to you as you worked rubbing the salve into the leather.
 “Well what did she do Kats- “you paused at the hot wet feeling of breath on the back of your neck, his toned arms came to rest on either side of you. Your body seized as you felt his nose bury into your hair and take a deep inhale.
 “She was a good little witch and let me fuck her cunt till I was through,” your eyes widened as you turned your head to stare at him. His red eyes bore into yours as a lecherous grin spread across your face.
 “Come on,” he said leaning down to rub his nose against your cheek “little witches like you act like prudes till you got a big fat daemon cock in your face, let’s just skip the theatrics and get to the part where I’m balls deep in that little witch cunt of yours,” he groaned throatily pressing his hips into you. You shuddered feeling his massive print against your back wondering what it would feel like to have it pressed inside your-
 “Mistress” you heard Izuku’s voice cold and unnervingly steady from across the room, your eyes shot over to Izuku who eyes were glued onto you and Katsuki. You immediately regained your composure pushing Katsuki away from you. Izuku kept his eyes trained on Katsuki glaring at him as you made your way over to him collar in hand. He took it from you when you offered it to him, but his eyes didn’t leave his fellow daemon.
 It had been a few days since the incident in the kitchen, spring was coming in and the tension in your household was so palpable you could carve it with a knife. Izuku stuck to you like a barnacle to a ship and Katsuki was never too far behind. It had come to the point that you had begun to hex your door locked, not even allowing your little Zuzu to sleep at the end of your bed. It had been on one of those locked door nights when an interesting discussion occurred between Izuku and Katsuki.
“You know Deku, you’re pretty fucking pathetic, you know that right?” Katsuki said sprawled out over your couch eyes glowing crimson in the moonlight lit room.
 “Shut up Kacchan,” Izuku grumbled, awkwardly curled up in your armchair broad arms hugging his haunches and leather collar tight around his neck, ignoring him Katsuki continued.
 “I mean how long have you been in service to her, how many springs have passed with you jacking into your own fist like a fucking loser, what you think if you’re a good enough pet she’ll let you hump her leg or something?” Katsuki asked picking with his claws at a piece of cotton sticking out of the arm of the suede couch.
 “I don’t know how you and your previous witch worked but y/n and I do not have a relationship like that, she is my mistress and I am her grateful servant, nothing more nothing less,” Izuku huffed tucking into himself even further.
 “Get off your damn high horse, you’re how old now, and never once went through a rut without just your own hand?” Katsuki sucked his teeth and turned to his brethren, red eyes glowing inhuman in the moonlight “you and me together we could probably convince her to give us a hole each,”
 “Kacchan don’t be lewd,” Izuku said sitting up in the chair to glare over his shoulder at Katsuki, who barked out a laugh standing up and uncharacteristically, placed a clawed hand gently on Izuku’s face thumb brushing his cheek.
 “Come on little bunbun,” he rasped a wicked gleam in his eyes “don’t you wanna get your dick wet tonight?”
 It had been fairly quiet that night, a few growled whispers from your living room but overall quiet compared to usual. Though worries of Katsuki’s impending rut had plagued your brain, worrying if the collar you had made for him would stick, you had been resting peacefully for the majority of the night. Until a loud rapping noise pulled you from out of your slumber. Your eyes opened face twisting in worry as your sat up throwing off your bedsheets.
 “Who is it?”
 “Mistress, it’s me,” your body relaxed as you heard your bunny’s’ voice from outside your bedroom door.
 “What is it Zuzu?” you asked standing slowly, nightgown flowing down your legs.
 “I- I can’t sleep, I know my ruts started, but can I just spend one more night with you, please mistress?” your heart lurched for your boy, his ruts as easily managed as they were, were still hard for him.
 “Ok Zuzu,” you chuckled unlatching one of your locks “for you anything my- “
You felt a hand around your throat before you could finish your sentence, you had expected a pair of pure emerald green eyes to meet your, but you were instead met with scarlet. You were quiet as you were pushed back towards your bed by Katsuki refusing to break eye contact with him as you were forced to plop down on your bed. You stared at the both of them, the collars you had spent so long on were removed from their necks, of course, you had never had to worry about putting on a charm to keep Izuku and Katsuki from taking off their own collar, you hadn’t even thought of the two joining forces.
 “Izuku,” you said turning to find him just behind Katsuki nervously staring down at you, biting at his lower lip “what is the meaning of this?”
 “Mistress I-I can explain- “
 “Then explain yourself!” you snapped watching his looming figure begin to shake and quiver at your tone, you figured if you could get one to balk on their advance the other would be soon to follow. Besides, if the two of them would start to ravish you in their lust filled rut induced haze, you wouldn’t want them to stop, and that thought scared you.
 “Hey, don’t take that tone with us shitty witch,” Katsuki said grabbing your jaw and leaning down till you were eye to eye, invading your space “we’re just the two demons who are gonna take out that stick you got shoved so far up your ass, if you let us,”
 “And pray tell, why would I do that?” you ask folding your arms. Katsuki smirked, and stood up to his full height, before shoving Izuku to you. He landed on top of you wide eyed and red face, the moment your hands pressed against his chest you felt his entire demeanor change. His eyelids begin to droop and his breathing became uneven as his body began to sag pressing into you. His rut had come in fully.
 “M-mistress,” he mumbled eyes darting lazily between your lips and your eyes unsure of which to focus on. Choosing to ignore both he instead pressed his nose into your neck nuzzling you and inhaling your smell moaning dreamily. His wet tongue poked out laying small little kitten licks on you quickly turning to open mouth kisses sucking at your neck.
 “Look at him little witch,” grabbing hold of your hair turning your eyes to him as you tried in vain to push off Izuku “you’ve turned him into a needy little bitch hanging off you for the barest scrap of emotion, you must have known how badly he wanted to fuck that cunt of yours,”
 “It’s true mistress,” Izuku said droopily pulling off trying to cover your neck in his saliva “I want you all the time you’re so amazing, so smart, so powerful, I just want to make you feel good ma’am,” he chirruped loudly staring down at you like you put the stars in the sky. He shifted and you can feel his cock hard and throbbing against your leg. Your face heated as he began rutting against you, he moved to give the same treatment he gave your neck to your chin. You couldn’t lie, it felt good you thought as you bit your lip to stifle a moan.
 “T-this is wrong,” you stuttered as Izuku trailed down sucking on your nipples through your nightgown leaving dark wet spots on the pale silk.
“Is it really,” Katsuki snickered grabbing Izuku by the hair. He moaned in distaste as Katsuki pulled him off of you “don’t complain just yet rabbit, you get to do the most important part, hold her from behind,”
 “Izuku please,” you huff as he wraps his burly arms around yours pulling you close so Bakugou can get to your panties easier “you’re better than this bunny” Midoriya pouts staring down at you with those big green eyes.
“Please mistress, I’m always so good for you right, I never try to run away, and I always help you even when you don’t ask” he pauses for a  second to moan as his hips rut into your ass a few times and then move in close to your ear “the least you can do is let me make love to you mistress I promise I’ll make you feel good,”
“HAH,” Bakugou barks out a cruel laugh from his place in front of view finally managing to rip off your panties “a daemon can’t make love to a witch Deku, but we can fuck them senseless,” he grins lecherously as he pushes a finger inside your cunt already moist from their actions “because as high and mighty as witch bitch might be they all turn into slobbering whores the moment you get your dick in them they’ll beg for it you’ll see.’’
Midoriya groaned, now humping at your naked ass seemingly pleased with that visual image Bakugou had given him, thick cock dragging and leaking precum on your skin. He buried his face in your shoulder softly sucking a spot into your skin as his hands trailed down until his fingers found your clit.
“I read in one of your books that this feels good for girls,” he says swiping back in forth lightly tugging against the hood of your clit as if searching “there’s supposed to be a little “pearl” here, right, it’ll make you go feel good right mistress, I wanna make you feel good,” he croons as his fingers succeed in revealing your clit to the cool bedroom air. He lets out a little happy chirp bringing his other hand down to rub small hard circles on it and you choke eyes crossing at your sensitive nub being played with. Bakugou tsks, sucking his teeth as he watches you pay more attention to the damn bunny daemon then him.
“Hey shitty witch,” he grabs your hair and tugs forcing you to look at him through your pleasure induced haze “don’t get too wet over your little rabbit it’s gonna be my fucking dick in you so pay attention,” he leans forward swiping his rough tongue over your shoulder before biting down groaning as the skin broke and the coppery taste of blood began to fill his mouth, dick jumping at your pained squeals.
“Kacchan be nice it’s her first time,” Midoriya scolds moving one of his hands to pat at your head trying to soothe you “you have to be gentle on a girls first time,” Bakugou groans rolling his eyes before letting your shoulder go and lapping at the little pinpricks of red still there.
           “It’s not my fault she’s too prudish to have gotten human dick before we jumped her,” he grumbles and adds another finger to your slick cunt scissoring to loosen you up for them “don’t expect me to be gentle when I get in here either I’m gonna destroy this little cunt of yours shitty witch,” he growls and adds a third finger curling up into a spot that has you seeing stars and chuckles as he watches your hips start to try to ride his hand.
 You try to hold it back but soft pitiful moans leave your lips, eagerly swallowed up by Izuku as he goes to kiss you sloppily shoving his tongue down your throat. Between Katsuki’s rough thick fingers pistoning into you and Izuku playing with your clit while simultaneously sucking your tongue into his mouth it isn’t long before you feel a tug in your abdomen that quickly turns into a pee like sensation as you cum, squirting all over Katsuki’s hand. He groans speeding up to see your squirt spray as Izuku soothes you pulling away from you to gently massage at your breast and kiss along your neck. Katsuki frowned watching the way Izuku fawned over you, taking all your attention. He sucked his teeth before grabbing you and pulling you close.
 “C’mere, be a good little witch and spread those legs for me,” he growled staring into your eyes as you gulped at his words.
 “Katsuki no,” Izuku said grabbing you and pulling you away “it should be me who gets her first you’re too rough,”
 “I’d like to see you try fucking rabbit,” Katsuki grabbed your hips dragging you till your crotch pressed against his and you could feel his print through his trousers “Your virgin ass would probably only last two pumps before you come in her,” There was a palpable moment in which your room seemed to pulse with Katsuki’s challenge as the two daemons stared each other down over you. You knew that it was up to you to pacify the situation.
 “Wait, wait,” you say sitting up as both their eyes immediately dart to you, you place a hand on Katsuki’s chest “you should at least allow me to choose which of you is first,” You see Katsuki smirk and roll your eyes mentally at his arrogance.
 “Ok then little witch,” he grabs your chin in his hand before pulling you into a domineering kiss, much more practiced than Izuku, rolling his tongue with yours before biting and pulling your lip “you pick.”
 You pull back from Katsuki admittedly shaken by his lustful kiss as you kneel between the two daemons trying to figure who you would want to take you first. On one hand you were more comfortable with Izuku, you knew he would be kind and gentle with you as new to all this as you were. But despite Katsuki’s dominating nature he was more experienced, and you have no doubt that he would take the reins if you let him, as you were rather inexperienced in comparison. The air was tangible in the moment of you deciding.
 “I choose Izuku,” you say. Izuku visibly brightens and shuffles closer to you as Bakugou growls scooching over to the headboard. You helped Izuku take off your nightgown fully as his hands shook with eagerness when he tried.
When the offending garment was finally off Izuku stared down at you wide eyed and all smiles taking in your naked body. His hands reached out slowly trailing over your body, over every curve and dip leaving goosebumps in their wake, before resting on your ass. He cupped a cheek in each hand and pulled you up until your rested on his thighs legs wrapping around his waist. You blushed as you felt his cock press against your stomach, thick in ways that made you tremble in fear or anticipation you couldn’t tell.
 “Shh Shh mistress,” he maneuvered you again until you were on your back and he loomed over you as he leaned down “it’s my first time too we’ll be each other’s first.”
 “God are you gonna fuck her or fuck around Deku?” Katsuki growled from his spot next to you by the headboard dick in hand. Midoriya huffed angrily before turning back to you.
He kissed lovingly at the column of your throat stroking your thighs before spreading them practically cooing at the sight of your virgin cunt glistening with your arousal.
           He grabbed one of your legs wrapping it around his waist as he clumsily fumbled with his member until the tip pressed against your twitching hole. Your breath hitched and your face screwed up tight as the head of his cock caught on your clenching entrance, your Zuzus back hunched as he slid just a fraction into your tight heat shuddering breaths fanning your face as he fought the urge to slam into you. It was unpleasant and foreign feeling the stretch of his cock as he slowly pressed into you, a burning sensation that had you clawing at his back and clenching down on the intrusive member spearing into you.
             “P-please y/n, you’re too tight I- I can’t,” his hot breath filled your space as he paused his breach of your too snug pussy. A rough hand grabs at your jaw directing your attention to Katsuki as he glowers down at you.
             “You need to relax dumbass, if you keep clenching down he won’t be able to push it in all the way,”
 “It isn’t in all the way in yet,” you whimpered, squinted one eye open you looked down to see that only half of Izuku’s cock was inside of you, a good portion of it sitting outside of you.
 “Fucking virgins,” Katsuki growled snapping his fingers at Izuku “you gotta get her to relax, kiss her or something touch her other sensitive parts,”
Midoriya nodded sharply before smashing his lips to yours messily moving his lips against your and knocking your teeth together before Katsuki grabbed his neck dragging him away from the sloppy kiss.
           “Jesus do I have to show you how to do everything dumbass,” Katsuki grunted at an irritated Izuku, annoyed at being interrupted.
           “Katsuki stop butting in-“he’s cut off when Katsuki’s lips press against his own, you watch as the cat daemon showed Izuku what a proper kiss was. Their lips moved together Katsuki pulling out little moans from your Zuzu when he bit his lips demanding entrance to his wet mouth before sliding his rough tongue in. Izuku shuddered wide eyed, cock pulsing inside you as Katsuki’s tongue danced with his own until he pulled away a thin trail of saliva breaking of from the corners of their mouths.
           “That’s how you’re supposed to kiss dumbass,” his rough hands cupped Izuku’s jaw jerking his head to you “now kiss her that way,”
           Izuku again bent down to kiss you, but this time with more tact, your lips moved together more gently and his tongue kitten licked at your bottom lip as opened your mouth tongue immediately running over your mouth as if trying to taste you. A pair of rough fingers began to circle your clit, Izuku’s or Katsuki’s you weren’t sure, but the stimulation of your little nub had you groaning into the kiss legs relaxing around Izuku and wrapping around his waist as he slowly slid the rest of his girth into you. It was a burning deep within you now, not the tearing feeling from before, but a satisfying stretching that had you sucking on Izuku’s invasive tongue as the both of you moaned into each other’s mouths. Finally with a small circulation of his hips Izuku sat snugly inside of your of warm wet cunt he breathed heavily breaking away from the kiss to loom over you, eyes lidded with lust he stared down at you debauched expression not knowing how to handle the feeling of being filled to the brim with a throbbing hot daemon cock.
           “You, you feel amazing mistress,” he groaned clumsily circling his hips into you, your breath caught at the foreign feeling as he his hips rabbited into you, quickly little juts that barely made room between where his thighs pressed into your soft bottom. Behind him you heard Katsuki suck his teeth, clearly unimpressed with Izuku’s method of humping into you, you watched as he grabbed Izuku’s hips biting the rabbit daemon’s sensitive ears. He pulled his hips back ignoring Izuku’s moans as he was dragged out of your clenching cunt wanting nothing more than to thrust back in and snuggle fuck into your intoxicating pussy.
           “No tact whatsoever,” Katsuki growled pulling on the lobe he held in his teeth “no idea how to fuck a pussy, and I though little bunnies like you were supposed to be good at fucking, figures I’d have to show you how to do this to,”
           Katsuki slowly guided Izuku’s hips in and out of you dragging his cock nearly all the way out till the tip caught on your drooling entrance and smoothly sliding it back in angling it so that he knew that spot deep within your gummy walls was graciously caressed. Your back arched off the bed as you moaned hands reaching out for either but ultimately catching on Izuku, nails leaving crescent marks on his biceps and back. His head fell to your neck mouthing there as Katsuki slowly released his hips as he found the rhythm Katsuki had shown him, Katsuki’s hand rested instead rested on Izuku’s freckled behind putting him back on track whenever he lost the beat.
           “That’s it rabbit,” he said guiding him to pick up the pace “give that pussy a good fuck and you’ll have that witch on all fours for you,”
           Izuku got the picture as he pulled up leaving purpling marks on your skin and ignoring the way you whined missing the feel of his weight pressing into you. Instead he grabbed your legs pulling out shuddering as your hole clenched desperately trying to keep him inside. He grabbed your waist flipping you over onto your hands and knees before sliding into you with a fluidity that had your upper half sinking into your pillows. He groaned hands grabbing your sides in a tight grip using his handle on your hips to drag you back to him, as the new position had him so deep in you you found yourself trying to crawl away from him. A sharp clawed hand grabbed your hair jerking you still as Katsuki leaned in close.
           “Stop fucking running witch,” behind you you heard Izuku moan at the sight of Katsuki manhandling you as he jackhammered his cock deep into you kissing your gummy cervix with every thrust.
           “So, so guh mishtress,” his words slurred he threw his head back now fully lost in the throws of his rut “squeezing me uuhhn tight fuckin’ pussy ‘round my cock,” he groaned hips picking up pace. Katsuki moved his hand to play with your painfully sensitive clit the attention causing your legs to tense you came around the cock fucking deep into you, spraying your own cum over the bed with each thrust of Izuku’s cock.
           “Holy shit,” Katsuki breathed biting his own lip in anticipation as he watched you get fucked through your squirting orgasm “you better hurry up rabbit I want my turn,”
           “I’m almost, almost-,” Izuku grunted hunching over you as his hips lost their tune humping sporadically into your still spraying cunt “Cuuhhhmmmiinnng,” he pressed in deep one final time head pressed to your cervix opening pumping your womb full of his heady spunk till it spilled out from you. You both shuddered, you at the feeling of being pumped full for the first time and him at the feeling of having a cunt accept his load for the first time.
           “Damn,” Katsuki said, watching Izuku pull out of you his spunk following suit when his soft cock fully slipped out. Izuku bent down immediately licking his spunk back into your trembling cunt as you whined trying to wriggle away from his prodding tongue on your sensitive cunt. Izuku whimpered as Katsuki grabbed a handful of his curly emerald locks pulling him away from your poor tired cunt before scooping you up in his arms positioning you till you both rested against your pillows and headboard. Your pussy, throbbing and puffy from the pounding it just took jumped as Katsuki slapped his cock up against it, the angry red tip dripping pre on your abdomen. You whimpered squirming away from the pleasure that was already too much.
           “Don’t think about trying to run away from me witch,” he slowly pressed into you before his arms came under your limp thighs pulling them up to your chest and locking them in position as his hands slipped behind your head “not like you’ll be able to though,”
           His planted his feet firmly on your mattress gripping the blanket with his toes before thrusting up, you choked, eyes crossing as his cock seemed to press into every oversensitive spot of your walls. You felt his wet lips latch onto your lobe tongue slipping into your ear lathing slow strokes matching the maddening strokes that his cock dug into your pussy. Futilely your hands pressed into his thighs trying to cease his pumping hips, you heard him chuckle hot breath fanning your ear around the tongue that delved deep into it. You couldn’t make a noise, could barely breath as Katsuki seemed to dig out all thought of anything besides his throbbing cock claiming your greedy pussy that desperately latched on to the pleasure that drove your brain stupid.
Midoriya groaned watching your cunt cream around Katsuki’s cock leaving bubbly rings of tantalizing white that had him licking his lips. He leaned down licking a stripe up Katsuki’s cock till his tongue pressed the mixture of all three of your combined messes into your clit. He wrapped his lips around the nub and sucked. You screamed, the first sound your had truly been able to make since Katsuki had entered you, piercing and long like a banshee that had Katsuki leaving your ear alone to laugh at you, laugh at the dumb little witch fucked even more stupid on his cock. Damn, the old crone that had him before wasn’t even this good a fuck he thought as he began to piston his hips into you feeling his own end creeping on him between your cunt seemingly try to strangle his cock and Izuku’s tongue lapping at your joined sexes.
Without any warning you came moaning and thrashing as much as you could in the full nelson Katsuki had you in, squirting again against the tongue that seemed to be molded stuck to your clit. Katsuki cursed as his feet pressed deeper into the bed hips stuttering up into you as he came, your cunt pumped full for the second time that night with daemon spunk, Izuku finally pulled away from you face dripping in your squirt as he bent down to kiss while Katsuki’s thrust slowed to stop. He released you from your position breathing heavily while you fell forward into Izuku’s arms legs shaking and cock drunk.
“There there mistress,” Izuku cooed, you lazily stared up at his and his eyes seemed to glow an almost sinister green in the moonlight “It’s my turn again and I promise to be gentle,”
You gulped backing up only to be met with Katsuki’s already hardening cock glide under your still dripping pussy. Izuku chuckled gleefully as he shuffled forward his own dick nudging at your poor abused clit. Katsuki growled pinning your arms to your sides before licking a long stripe up your still wet ear.
           “I think you mean that it’s both of our turn rabbit,”
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter Five
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Chapter Five
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Summary: (fluff only) weekly Saturday reading only they are joined by an extra 15 lost boys, not just Spencer
Warnings (adding as they happen): fluff, hurt/comfort, depressed spencer, reader has a daughter, falling in love, strangers to lovers, library smut, oral (female receiving) lots and lots of fluff
word count: 3K
from the beginning <3
He woke up Saturday morning to the sound of a bunch of voices coming from beyond the walls of his room. Only it wasn’t his room, it was the room he slept in when he stayed with Y/N and Amoreena, he hasn’t left since he arrived on Thursday and he had no plan to either.
They still hadn’t told her about their relationship, not wanting her to come crawling into bed with her mom in the morning to find Spencer there too. She wasn’t ready to explain to Amoreena what it meant for Spencer to be in her bed, how they were in love and that she might need to learn how to knock before entering.
So he slept in the spare room, completely contently because he knew she was only on the other side of the wall, instead of 30 minutes away like she would be when he slept at his own apartment.
It had been a week since he saw them reading in the park, and now they were his family. It was incredibly fast, anyone who heard the news would say so. But that’s how his life worked, he blew through everything incredibly fast, it only made sense for him to skip every step in the book and become a stepdad overnight.
He woke up then, missing Y/N and Amoreena as he thought about the last week. Finally getting dressed and peaking outside, through the crack in the blinds, to see what was going on on the farm.
There were a bunch of men in the field with the cows dropping new cattle off in a big truck as a bunch of children ran around the yard. Y/N wasn’t kidding when she said her 7 siblings had produced 15 cousins for Amoreena to play with. Children all between the ages of toddler and 7-years-old, screaming while they ran after Rufus and the cats, it was a pure dopamine rush to witness.
He found Y/N in the living room, a book in one hand and a coffee in the other, “good morning cutie, all the ruckus on the farm wake you up?” She did her best fake southern accent as she smiled at him. Beautiful as ever in the early morning sunshine.
He nodded with a yawn, sitting beside her and snuggling into her shoulder. She placed her mug in his hands so she could wrap an arm around him and pull him in closer, letting him take a sip of coffee and become a real person again.
He noticed she was reading a book he had never seen before, reading the pages and not know the words. It was a first for him.
“What’s that one about?”
Y/N closed it to let him look at the cover. It was a hand-bound book, wrapped in green fabric that was at least 30 years old and in well-loved condition. The gold lettering reading Amoreena, along with a pressed gold rose and the author's name. He had never heard of it before.
“My grandma was an aspiring writer and the reason I love books so much, her name was Peggy and she had a dream once about a wonderful little girl named Amoreena and the magical life she created for herself. She wrote it all down and my grandpa had it typed and bound for her, she was so proud of this book,” Y/N gushed, smiling as she held it to her chest softly, thinking of all the memories Spencer didn’t know yet.
“Really?” Spencer couldn’t help but smile at her.
She nodded softly, “she loved Elton John, so much so that when my sister Ashley came out she threw her a party. Almost all those kids out there are Ashley's, by the way, she went down the adoption and foster root after I did IVF.”
She pointed out the front window at all the people gathered on her land, “Ben and Dylan dropped their kids off too while they help dad and Evan with the farm. Those are my brothers in case you didn’t know their names yet, there’s also Carver and Francis but they don’t live as close.”
Her little life was just so perfect, “did they want to come with us to read this afternoon? We need some lost boys.”
“They’d love that, are you sure you can handle 16 kids between the two of us?” she smiled, pure love spreading through her body as she held him.
“They’re not so different from psychopaths right?” He teased, watching her settle against him even more as they enjoyed their Saturday together.
“What else can you tell me about your grandma?” He snuggled into her more as he asked, wanting to know as much about her happiness as possible.
“She was always listening to music, she loved Elton's song Amoreena the most. It was the song she played for the majority of my childhood. It only made sense for me to name my little miracle Amoreena too, cause I wouldn’t have her unless nanny suggested I have a baby.”
“I would have loved to meet her.”
Y/N’s smile changed then, “she would have loved you and your big mind.”
“My mom wants to meet you and Amoreena,” he announces softly, he hasn’t really told her anything about his family yet.
“What’s she like?”
“She has schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s and she lives in a care home in DC right now, I try and see her when I can but she has her own schedule so I have to fit around when she’s having a good day,” it was hard to explain it to most people, but not to her. He didn’t feel any shame or fear in introducing them. Y/N was the most loving human, and Amoreena was just the same.
“When is she free next?” A simple question that made him feel incredibly giddy.
“Tuesday from 3-5,” he snuggled in closer to her as she wraps her arm around him.
“We’ll pick Amoreena up from school after work and take her over,” Y/N agreed, their lives intertwining like they were always meant to.
Like she was the ivy on his old cottage, she took him in and made him her own, wrapping herself all around him and never letting him go again.
He basically finishes her coffee while she holds him on the couch. The sound of the kids outside making them laugh every once in a while, dogs barking and cows mooing, the farm was alive and roaring while they enjoyed each other's company.
“Did you bring your costume for the reading today?”
He sat right up then, looking at her like she lost her mind, “of course I did, I wouldn’t have Penelope spend a week tracking down a Captain Hook costume just to forget it.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped, “you didn’t?!”
He simply nodded with a cheeky grin, “come on Tinker Bell, everyone knows she had a thing for Hook.”
“Who didn’t? He was the first and last bad boy I was interested in, I typically go more for Milo’s and Ariel’s; full of adventure and always learning something new,” Y/N teased him.
“Mhm, I always had a thing for Aladdin and Belle in search of far off lands and happy endings,” he mused, making her smile just as much as he was, “but for real it was between Hook and Wendy for my costume,” he made her laugh again, wanting to hear it for the rest of time.
“You still can, I have a blue nightgown you can borrow,” it was so easy for them to flirt, it fit into their conversation so simply it felt like they had been together forever.
He couldn’t help leaning in to kiss her, resting her back against the couch softly as she held onto him. He loved kissing her, she tasted like coffee and happiness every single time. She made the cutest sounds when they would make out like she was surprised by it or she wasn’t used to it at all.
She made him feel like he was young again like he was 21 and in love for the first time. All his trauma disappeared and that Spencer who used to stare back at him in the mirror was gone now. That guy packed his bags and left the farm to never be seen again.
Good fucking riddance is all he had to say.
He was happy, he enjoyed being happy and he was going to stay happy. It was the only goal he had going forward, and as long as he was in her embrace, surround by the laugher of her child and family, he knew it would be possible.
Amoreena came running inside then, finding the two of them making out on the couch before they could part from each other.
“Ewww!” She cried, jumping on top of the two of them and knocking the wind out of Spencer.
“Get off,” Y/N tried to speak as she was crushed by the two of them. “Mom down!”
Spencer picks Amoreena up then, taking her away from the couch and spinning her around like she’s an airplane. She cheers and cheers and doesn’t want him to put her down because it’s so fun. The next thing he knows he’s being dragged outside to twirl all the kids around like they’re Peter Pan, flying through the air on their way to Neverland.
He’s surrounded by giggles and tickles fights, he’s tackled down against the dirt as a herd of tiny children dog pilled him. Laughing until he cried, feeling more joy than humanly possible and then Y/N’s telling them all to get ready to he’d to the park.
Coming down the stairs in a pirate costume to a bunch of screaming kids was an experience and a half. Spencer couldn’t believe how happy it made them all to imagine Captain Hook had broken into the house and Amoreena, or Peter Pan as she corrected him, chased him outside with all the lost boys.
He took a moment to learn all their names, all 15 of them, however, unlike the cats, they had relatively normal people names.
Kate, Cade, Jet, Lauren, Cassie, Sara, Evan, Benny, Olivia, Jessie, Owen, Maddie, Gwen, August, and Parker, were the cutest little family of cousins. some looked like Amoreena, some looked like their own mothers, a handful of them were adopted out of the country, they were the most perfect cast of lost boys.
He's never had any cousins, no pets, no siblings. His life never felt lonely until he realized what he missed out on.
“Dad,” Amoreena whispered as she tugged on his shirt lightly, “look!”
She pointed towards the house where Y/N was standing. When she said she was going as Tinker Bell he really didn’t think she meant looking exactly like Julia Roberts at the end of Hook.
She looked magical in her beautiful white dress, curly hair with the most perfectly placed flowers and flawless wings wrapped around her shoulders. She was a vision standing on the porch, waiting for him to pick his jaw up off the floor and compliment her.
“Tink,” the words are more like air, soft and barely there.
“Is Captain Hook being nice? Or should we take him to the pond and let the Alligators deal with him?” Y/N teased, marching down the stairs and poking Spencer's chest.
“Ouch,” he teased her, holding his hand over his heart to make her feel bad.
But she didn’t, “some Pirate you are,” she teased, sticking her tongue out at him before taking Amoreena’s hand and running off down the trail towards the main house, everyone following her lead.
Nanny packed enough snacks for all 16 kids, and a little extra just in case. Spencer slipped the lunch box over his shoulder and they made their way towards the adventure. Y/N pulling a wagon just in case the littlest ones didn’t want to walk anymore. It was spectacular.
Y/N stopped then, pretending to stand like an army man turning around abruptly to look at the troop. “Lost boys, are we ready?”
“Yes, Tinker Bell!” They cheered back.
“On my lead, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4,” she marched, bringing her knees up high as they all followed her down the path. “We’re following the leader, the leader, the leader,” she began to sing.
Spencer was in awe, his heart felt like it was going to explode as he watched everyone follow her. Singing along as they marched their tiny little butts down to the park.
“We’re following the leader wherever she may go!” Amoreena yelled the lyrics back, leading the pack as Peter Pan should.
“Tee dum, tee dee, a teedle ee do tee day Tee dum, tee dee, it's part of the game we play Tee dum, tee dee, the words are easy to say Just a teedle ee dum, a teedle ee do tee day
Tee dum, tee dee, a teedle ee do tee dum We're one for all, and all of us out for fun We march in line and follow the other one With a teedle ee do, a teedle ee do tee dum”
It was like magic, they all knew the words and they sang the whole way down the path. Every verse and then repeating it. Not a single kid strayed from the path, no one complained about sore feet or hot backs, they loved their Aunty Y/N and so did Spencer.
“We’re off on an adventure, adventure, adventure,” Y/N changed the words, making him smile as she brought happiness into the world. “We’re off on an adventure to read out in the sun! Tee dum, tee dee, a teedle ee do tee day…”
Every single time he thought she had given him the best day of his life, she manages to outdo herself.
They barely listened to the story, it was a disaster of epic proportions but they tried. 15 kids is a lot to handle as an ex FBI agent and a librarian, they had lunch and instead ran around the field playing lost boys instead. It was still an amazing afternoon.
He was going to be covered in bruises the next morning. He had been kicked, poked, trampled, jumped on, the whole 9 yards. They were the most energetic bunch in the whole world, and then they came home to ice cream.
“Y/N,” Spencer finally pulled her aside when all the kids were preoccupied with their cold snack after a hot day.
“Yes, cutie?” It was a nickname that was sticking, much like pretty boy, and he didn’t mind it at all.
“We’re going to need more than 2 songs tonight to get her to go to bed,” he teased, stepping into that step-dad role with ease.
She couldn’t stop smiling at him, wrapping him up in her arms gently so he didn’t crush her fairy wings. “We’ll take her swimming, that’ll tire her out instead. Are you lookin’ for some alone time?”
“I love her dearly, but I can’t kiss you as much when she’s around,” he whispered before pecking her quickly and hearing the group of lost boys pretend to be sick.
“Just because he’s my dad doesn’t mean you have to be gross like your mom and dad, mom,” Amoreena’s smart mouth making them both shake their heads and laugh.
“What would you do if I did this?” Y/N teased before dipping Spencer back like a princess and kissing him, he stuck his foot out in shock as she held him there.
“Ewww!!” All the kids yelled as she returned him to his feet.
“Or this?” Y/N pulled him into another kiss, her leg popping like Princess Mia’s in the princess diaries.
Amoreena and her cousins were all screaming then, laughing at how gross their aunt and her new boyfriend were being. Used to it clearly, their grandparents were just as in love and watching from the porch as they held each other on the swing.
“I love you,” Spencer announced, loud enough for all to hear without a care in the world.
“You better,” she smiled. “I love you too, cutie,” she added before kissing him one last time.
His life felt perfectly complete.
Y/N’s brothers were incredibly kind just like her. He learned that Ashley was the oldest with 5 kids and her wife Susie, then Ben who was 46 and his wife Shannon, they had 3 kids. Dylan and Laurie had 4 and Even, her twin brother had 3.
Turns out her mom had 2 sets of twins back to back, 7 children and only 5 pregnancies. It felt crazy for him to think about having that many people in his life for his whole life, he wouldn’t have known what to do with anyone more than just his mother growing up.
Spencer helped Bob with the barbecue, they made burgers and hotdogs for all 16 of the children while they continued to run through the fields. They had enough energy to last them 5 straight days of chaos. It was amazing.
Y/N and Spencer managed to wander off while all the kids ate, sitting under a tree with their dinner so they could finally have some time alone together.
She was beautiful, sitting in the afternoon amber glow as she tried to keep her hair from blowing in her face. Tucking the strands behind her ears so she could eat her dinner in peace before spencer handed her the hair tie on his wrist. Then she got ketchup on her cheek, seemingly on purpose as she smiled at him and laughing as Spencer wiped it off with his thumb. He was so in love he felt stupid, smiling at her like he’s never seen another person before, absolutely enamoured.
“Derek and his wife wanted to come over tomorrow and have his son meet Amoreena if that’s okay?”
Her face lit up, “his son is the one named after you right? Not your godson?”
He nodded with yet another smile, his lips were going to fall off at this point. “Yeah, he’s the sweetest little guy, Hank’s never been to a farm before.”
“You tell them our gates are always own to new minds and pure hearts,” she smiled. “That’s what nanny used to say.”
He leans in and kisses her then, resting his forehead against hers as she held his cheek in her free hand, smiling ever so softly as she stared into his eyes, they didn’t need words, he knew she loved him too. A week of pure bliss had passed within the blink of an eye, and they still had forever to go.
Taglist: @shemarmooresfedora @spookyspence @spencers-dria @manuosorioh @reidsfish @mochionly (send me an ask if you want to be added to the tag list, I don't always see every reply! i love you guys thank you so much for reading)
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It's Delicate: Part II
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Summary: Spencer Reid finds himself at a gas station at 2:00 am, thinking he’s only leaving with a cup of crappy coffee. But something taped to the door catches his eye. Spencer leaves the gas station with more than he intended: the chance at a friend, and maybe something more along the way.
Word Count: 3.6 k
Author’s Note: Here's the second part in It's Delicate, my first chapter fic. I've planned out kind of where I see this eventually going! Thank you to anyone who reads, likes, comments, and reblogs. It really means the world to me.
Content Warnings: Expletive language (3 uses), mentions of drug use, sexual innuendo
It's Delicate Masterlist
It's Delicate
Sitting on the plane, Spencer looks out from the little window. For hours, there’s been nothing but corn fields and clouds. It’s eerily peaceful, being there high above the clouds. His whole life Spencer has felt this distance between him and everyone else, but nothing makes that feeling more prominent than being strapped in a glorified metal box 35,000 feet off the Earth’s surface. But the thing is, Spencer does need to be flying above the trees to feel lonely. He can do that with two feet on the ground.
Luke sits across Spencer, the table between them and a deck of playing cards are spread out across its surface. He has to nudge Spencer’s leg from under the table, trying to bring him back to reality as he stares out the window.
“Whatcha thinking,” Luke asks, Spencer has been noticing more and more that Luke is one of the few people that actually listens to him.
Spencer, whose mind is racing too fast to even formulate an articulate thought, attempts to dodge Luke’s question with a noncommittal shrug.
“Reid, these cases are hard for all of us, you gotta know that man,” Luke says, laying down a four of a kind.
Spencer narrows his eyes, shocked that it hasn’t clicked yet for the rest of the team. He cracks his neck, preparing to answer Luke.
“We almost locked up an innocent man, Alvez. I almost sent another man to the same fate as myself. What kind of fucked up message is that?” Spencer says, throwing down the cards on the table. He doesn’t wait for Luke to respond.
“I fold,”
Spencer walks off into the small kitchenette to make a cup of coffee. He doesn’t want to think about his increased reliance on coffee, because he knows it’s a hot cup of coffee or a cold needle of Dilaudid in his veins. Spencer checks his watch, it’s 10:17 pm, maybe too late to find a meeting at a church or rec center somewhere.
He sneaks a peak at his phone, which was still unfortunately on Airplane Mode, he hasn’t even gotten a chance to see if Y/N has responded. He doesn’t know much about her, just as much as she knows about him.
It’s a brave new world for Spencer and he’s knee deep into the unknown.
Spencer can feel Luke’s eyes on him. He just knows that the minute he gets home, a certain tech expert will be ringing him. He knows that it’s Luke’s way of caring, but for someone who’s been alone for so long, having people that actually care is almost drowning.
Walking back to his seat, Spencer hands Luke a coffee. He smiles slightly; it’s the awkward smile that he used to make when intimating police chiefs and idiot cops would look him up and down like he’s a TA. It’s a peace offering for Luke, who despite his tough looking exterior, is one of the kindest people Spencer knows.
“Look, Reid. I’m sorry that we didn’t put it together. It’s just that man that we caught, he’s not like you. He’s not innocent of crimes, he’s just innocent of this crime,” Luke says in an attempt to make Spencer feel a little bit better.
“The thing is Luke, I’m exactly like that man,”
Spencer returns to staring out the window. The cards and the coffee on the table are long ignored for the silence that is found when you’re high above the clouds.
Spencer hears Tara and Emily murmur quietly about going out for a round of drinks. Luke accepts, while JJ and Matt decline, eager to get home to their families. Emily looks over at Spencer, her eyes silently scanning him, his body language. Spencer knows that there’s nothing he can hide from Emily, so there’s no use in trying to pretend he’s alright when she can take one look at him and know that nothing is right.
“You guys have fun, I’m going to head home and get some sleep. I plan on visiting my mom tomorrow and mornings are usually better for her,” Spencer says, slinging his go bag around his shoulders and making the trek back to the security to check out.
He walks slowly, enjoying the sound of the crickets chirping as he trudges along. Spencer tries not to think about the man, Richard, who was almost locked up for a crime that he didn’t commit. Spencer is pretty sure that being the person to throw an innocent man in jail is worse than being the innocent man in jail.
Spencer’s phone buzzes loudly, disturbing the silence of his walk. He looks at the phone to see a couple of messages from Y/N. Spencer slides open the lock to his phone and hits the button to read her messages.
Y/N: Spencer...that has a nice ring to it. So tell me a little bit about yourself. Your big three, but as books. Go! 🌞🌙⬆️
Furrowing his brow, Spencer reads the message over again. He does not have a clue what “big three” means, but it seems like some sort of pop culture thing that he’s not skilled in. He wants to text Garcia for a translation, but he’s also not too keen on telling her how he came across Y/N’s number.
Y/N: I assume you’re working, but I'm kind of impatient so I’ll give you mine 🙃 I’m a Little Women sun, an Emma moon, and an In Cold Blood rising.
Y/N: Oh no….I hope my astrology didn’t turn you off
Y/N: Not that I was trying to turn you on
Y/N: omg Y/N please shut the fuck up
Astrology? Spencer isn’t one to judge, but he’s a scientist first and foremost. The idea that there is something written about him in the stars seems like ludicrous. He decided to ignore the other messages, particularly the ones with a little more than slight innuendo.
Spencer: Y/N- I’m sorry I just got out of work. As for my big three, I’m not sure about astrology. I don’t particularly believe in pseudoscience. But those are good choices. In Cold Blood is an excellent choice. Capote spent years researching the case. In fact his prose and technique inspired the entire “Nonfiction novel” genre. The world of journalism and true crime would not be where it is without Capote’s work.
Y/N: Oh my god. You are a total nerd. 🙀
That stops Spencer right in his tracks. He’s only a couple of yards away from the Volvo at this point, but somehow it feels a million miles away. You are a total nerd. The words replay in his mind as the small gray bubbles pop up again. Spencer can feel his heart constrict at Y/N’s words. It’s ridiculous, he’s nearly 34 and is getting upset that a stranger called him a nerd. Spencer unlocks his car and tosses his go bag, phone included onto the passenger seat.
After a couple of minutes his phone buzzes again. He’s half tempted to answer it, but the way his heart seems to beat faster tells him to ignore it.
Y/N: I fucking love it and I think you’ll love this too
Spencer’s entire demeanor changes as he reads the message. He’s always had difficulties reading emotion in writing, especially when he can’t analyze the handwriting. Sometimes, it’s even harder to judge inflection during conversations. Maybe that is why Spencer has spent all this time studying people, studying the way that their minds work. Before he can get too lost in his thoughts, another message pops up.
Y/N: Meet Capote and Second Cat
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Y/N: They are the loves of my life
Spencer: They are very...distinguished looking. Capote is an excellent name choice then. Second Cat is also quite catchy.
Spencer hesitates before sending the message, he notices that Y/N uses what Garcia calls “emojis” quite frequently. He assumes that it’s some sort of “texting lingo” that expresses emotion in small graphics. Great, he thinks. He already has a difficult time deciphering Y/N’s cryptic wording and now he’s got to analyze these emojis.
Maybe he should profile her. He re-reads the message and settles on a “😄” because he figures that he can’t go wrong with offering Y/N a smile.
Spencer: I don’t have a cat, but when I was a kid I always wanted one, they’re quite good companions for those that live several different kinds of lifestyles. From active to sedentary, they are adaptable and independent. Honestly they are the perfect pet.
Y/N: Is this your way of telling you’re a crazy cat man? 😜 🙀
Spencer, still sitting in his car that’s parked in the parking lot, chuckles at Y/N’s response to his message. Maybe it’s just easier to ignore his rambling when it’s done through 1s and 0s and there isn’t a face to the words.
Spencer: I’m actually more of a fish guy
Y/N: Like a “I-like-to-go-fishing-and-post-picture-of-myself-kissing-my-catch-on-Tinder” kind of fish guy or...I can’t think of any other kind of fish men
Spencer, not totally understanding the obvious joke that Y/N is trying to make, settles on something that he hasn’t really ever tried: being himself.
Spencer: Not quite sure what a Tinder is, but I think fishing is terrifying and kissing a fish is something out of nightmares. But his name is Leo
Y/N: DiCaprio?
Spencer: Uhh, Tolstoy
Y/N: Good😉 ⚔️🕊️ 🇷🇺
Spencer glances at his clock on the control panel, it tells him that he’s been messaging with Y/N back and forth for nearly 22 minutes. He nearly forgot how tired he was.
Spencer: Y/N- I’m so sorry but, I just got to my car to drive home from work. I’ll text you tomorrow morning about the book club, maybe we can figure out some things.
Y/N: OMG Spencer!! you should have told me. I’ve been talking ur ear off. sleep well and yes please tomorrow we can talk about the book club
Y/N: Good night, Book Buddy 😴
Spencer wants to respond to Y/N, but he doesn’t know what to say. She seems to text so easily, and judging by that, she must be around Spencer’s age or a little bit younger. Besides JJ and Penelope, Spencer has never had a friend close to his age. It’s a strange new territory for him and he’s walking in head first into No Man’s Land.
He starts his Volvo, the check engine still lights but, reminding him once again to go get it fixed. Driving away from the parking lot, Spencer hands over his ID to Gina, the security guard. She checks his ID and gives him a tired smile. Spencer, as he drives home to his apartment, thinking about what books he and Y/N will read together. He wonders what kind of books are her favorite, if they have any authors that they can obsess over together, or if what she thinks a poet’s prose is.
The summer air rushing in through the window is nowhere as warm and as comforting as thought of Spencer finally having a friend that isn’t able to read the scars of his past in the text bubbles that pop up on her screen.
When Spencer opens his eyes for the first time that morning, he isn’t sure where he is. Sometimes, before he can stop his thoughts from travelling there, Spencer thinks he’s still in jail. He hates the feeling of terror that rushes over him but he hates the idea of being vulnerable a little bit more. But the softness of his pillows and the coolness of his cotton sheets remind him that he’s not sleeping on a hard cot with only a layer of fabric over his body. The light streams in through the half closed blinds, and Spencer judges by how brightly the sun shines in, it must be around 9:45 am.
He supposes that he prefers the way the sun’s rays paint horizontal bars across his face more than the vertical bars that cast gray shadows over his cell at Milburn Penitentiary.
It’s a day off from work, so Spencer didn’t set an alarm, instead allowing his mind and his body to catch up on some much needed rest. The nightmares have been getting better, but his dreams are still haunted by the way that he hardly recognizes himself anymore. Deciding that it will be a day spent in pajamas, Spencer goes to his bookshelf in his bedroom to pick out a couple of novels to read while he drinks his morning coffee and defrosts some of Luke’s strawberry pastries.
Before heading out of his room, Spencer stops himself in the doorway. He replays the events of last night. He declined to go out with the rest of the team, while he walked to his car he thought about the crickets telling the temperature, and he read over Y/N’s messages.
He promised he’d text her back in the morning about their book club. Last night, she didn’t seem to mind Spencer’s long messages and awkward phrasing. He still doesn’t really know how this Book Buddy thing would work, but since he found Y/N’s number on the flyer, he can only assume that she knows what to do. He leaps on his bed, landing with thud on his belly, to grab his phone that charges on his nightstand.
Spencer settles at his kitchen table, a cup of steaming hot Dark Roast coffee in a Captain Spock mug in one hand and, surprisingly, his phone in the other. He scrolls through the messages from last night, Y/N’s cat and emojis tempt a smile to Spencer’s face.
Not entirely sure how to start the conversation again, Spencer looks around for inspiration until his eyes land on a certain fish tank in the corner of his apartment. He snaps a quick picture of Leo and attaches it to the message.
Spencer: Good Morning from Leo & Spencer
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Spencer sets down his phone after a moment when he realizes that Y/N is probably not going to answer him back in a couple of seconds. He takes out a strawberry pastry from his freezer and puts it into the toaster oven on a non-stick baking sheet. His thumbs run across the texture of the book he started on the plane ride after his and Luke’s ill fated poker game. It's a thin book of collected essays on the meaning of life. Camus, to Spencer, is a little pessimistic with his droning on about the meaninglessness of life. Though Spence has seen the absolute worst that humanity has to offer, he still has to believe that there’s a deeper meaning behind it all.
His toaster oven rings, altering him so that his toasted strawberry pastry is cooked. He plates his breakfast and pours himself another cup of coffee- he’ll need it to get through Camus’s section on Absurdism this early in the morning. But the flash of Spencer’s phone screen sends him reaching for his phone. Y/N replied to his message.
Y/N: hi leo!!!
Y/N: and you too Spencer :) Did you get a good night’s sleep. You got back late it seems.
Spencer, taking a bite of the strawberry pastry, ignores the burning sensation in his mouth. He types out a response to Y/N as he washes down the bite with a swing of coffee.
Spencer: I did, thank you. Can you tell me a little bit more about this book buddy thing. From what I gathered from the flyer it’s like a little book club of our own and we meet at the bookstore?
It doesn’t take long for Y/N to respond. The little gray dots pop up almost immediately after Spencer’s message is delivered.
Y/N: That’s about right! Is it okay if I call you? Kinda easier to talk that way 🤷‍♀️
Spencer reads over the message a couple of times. He doesn’t really like to talk on the phone and only does it out of necessity. He’s pretty sure that his voice is grating and his vocal fry is quite irritating. Yet, he finds himself replying “yes” to Y/N. Soon enough, his phone buzzes in his hand and Spencer has to remind himself how to pick up a call.
“Spencer? Um, this is Spencer Reid, right?” the voice says. It’s a woman’s voice and he can only assume that it’s Y/N, considering it is her phone number calling him.
“Y/N, uh hi. This is Dr. Spencer- I mean this is Spencer,” he says, nearly forgetting that Y/N doesn’t know him as Dr. Reid, but as just Spencer. It’s been a long time since someone has known him as Spencer.
“Oh great! It’s wonderful to finally have a voice to your name. So about these buddy reads. You seem to have a good grasp of what they are,” Y/N’s voice trails off a little bit at the end and Spencer finds it natural to fill in the silence.
“Yes, the flyer was quite informative. But I was wondering, do we read the same books or do we read different books?” Spencer asks, trying to restrain himself from scaring Y/N off. But something about her made him think that she didn’t scare easily.
Y/N chuckles lightly in the speaker of her phone, “that’s a good question, uh, I was actually going to ask you what you would rather. We can read the same books, or if it’s okay with you we can choose what the other would read for that week,”
“Oh really?” Spencer says, very much aware how his voice rises a couple of octaves. He can’t trust himself to hold back on rambling over the phone Y/N, so he resorts to using his strained, brittle voice that’s full of hesitation and restraint.
“That’s the plan, so whatcha thinking, Spencer,” Y/N says playfully, like she can sense that phone conversations maybe not make him feel at ease. There’s something so natural and silvery about her voice; it reminds Spencer of an audiobook reader. While he’s not too keen on audiobooks, he’s sure that he’d listen to anything she reads or has to say.
“Um, I think it sounds interesting to pick out books for each other. I tend to gravitate towards more technical books or even books that aren’t in English so, uh, I think it would be interesting to get out of my comfort zone,” Spencer says, cringing internally at using the word “interesting” twice in a couple of sentences.
“Well, as long as you don’t pick out something in physics or anything by Ayn Rand then I’d say we’re good,” Y/N says. Spencer thinks it’s a joke, but he’s not too sure how to respond.
“Will you still be my Book Buddy if I read 1 out of 2 of those?” Spencer asks, hoping she’d get that he is trying to continue the joke.
“Oh no Spencer please don’t tell me you’re an Ayn Rand fanboy,” she says, and by the airy way she laughs, Spencer ventures to guess his joke landed successfully.
“So,” Spencer starts, he never has made plans with people outside of his team, and on top of that, there’s something about Y/N’s quickness that makes him a little nervous to meet her.
“I’m talking your ear off, aren’t I? Please Spencer, if you’re going to be my Book Buddy, you’re going to have to get used to me talking a lot, especially you pick out good books, which, I already have a feeling you’re going to be favorite Book Buddy,”
For once in his life, Spencer doesn’t really know how to respond. He lets out something in between a strangled laughter and a noncommittal chuckle.
“So,” Y/N says, mirroring Spencer’s earlier words, “so are you free tonight, I can meet you at the bookstore..”
Y/N’s voice trails off and Spencer leaps to finish her sentences. It doesn’t feel like his interjecting or interrupting, but like he’s snapping a puzzle piece together.
“Does 7 work?” “7 is great, Spencer. It’s a date,”
Those three little words send Spencer’s eyes flying wide open. He scrambles to come up with answer to louden the silence that falls, but he swears he can hear a string of quiet curses before Y/N manages to squeak out a small “goodbye,”
Y/N’s last words play back in Spencer’s ears. He scolds himself for being so weird and awkward that the very idea of going on a date with him would send Y/N in a tizzy. It’s not a date, because Spencer can’t think about it being a date. It’s not a date because of the looming photo above his mantle that freezes his future in the past. It’s not a date because of the nightmare of vertical bars that haunt his dreams
It’s not a date. It’s so not a date because Spencer would call Luke to come over to help him if it was.
“Hey Luke,” Spencer says, trying to control the nervous waves in his voice, “no man, I’m fine, it’s uh, easier if you just come over. I’m fine, really,”
Y/N: I really hope you're not an Ayn Rand fanboy 😉
It’s so not a date.
More Amazing People I Want to Share This With :)
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peakascum · 4 years
Somebody’s Baby
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Shelby Sister & Fluff.
Y/N opened the door and quietly stepped inside by walking on her toes. She basked in the warmth of the house as she locked the old, rusty door and set her purse on the hook, making sure to count the shoes at the entrance. It was a habit she picked out from a young age, to count her sibling’s shoes when she got home. She can't recall when exactly she picked out the habit but it was a way to make sure that each and everyone of them were safe in their home, even as adults. 
As she finished counting the shoes she finally let out a content breath. Her eyes closed as she leaned into the wall and a smile slapped itself across her face.
Thomas Shelby was still awake when he heard the front door shut. It was late but the tapping sound on his newly torn window couldn't let him sleep. The man slept through bullet showers in France but lost sleep over the sounds his windows made. Even so, his sister was out and he liked to remain alert just to be sure she got home safely. A sigh escaped him as he watched her count the shoes that littered the entrance, turning into an amused smirk. She turned right back around, leaned with her head against the wall and welcomed in a smile that soon turned into a childish giggle. She quickly placed her fingers on her lips, delicately brushing over them, something truly out of a scene from those romantic films.
“I take it you're smitten over him?” Tommy laughed, watching her jump slightly startled. “When have you ever said the word smitten?” You said, head remaining pressed against the wall. “Since Ada dragged me to see that bloody awful film.” You both laughed quietly at that. She had the worst taste in pictures. 
“Oh I see,” she said pushing herself off the wall, “and here I was wondering what had you tipping your cap at women on the streets.” He laughed at that, “No, no. I’ve always done that, Y/N-“ her laugh cut him off, “Yes, of course! Ever the gentleman, Mr. Shelby.” She bowed her head in mockery and his eyes twinkled at her.
She was the youngest Shelby and by far the most loved.
She sat down as he poured her some whisky, “Are you gonna tell me his name?” She shook her head and stared at the drink intently. “You'll just scare him away,” she looked up at his big eyes, so much like their mother’s. 
“You know I wouldn't do that to you.”
“I know, I just-” she sighed and rested her head on her free hand, “I just don’t want to get my hopes up.” Tommy stared at her hoping that his eyes communicated all the things he wanted her to know. “A name is not needed. A name’s a name.” She referred to her own, of course. Whenever anyone heard the Shelby name they immediately assumed the worst. Said her brothers were scum, her father a deadbeat, and all just tooth, rotting criminals. If they could only see through her eyes how unbelievably wrong they were. No matter the amount of dirt they dragged in the house, or the amount of times they trotted through the door soaked in blood, Y/N saw her brothers as good people trying to deal the cards they were given. Always turning a blind eye to every ilegal bidding, but never entirely naïve of their ways.
Tommy worried for his sister and often joked that she had to have been raised by another family. She loved to read and was practically self taught after befriending the book store owner. She got lost in the yellowing pages of books she found and then rambled on for days about the character’s antics. Unfortunately, this made her an easy target at school. They mocked and kicked her, leaving the young girl friendless and lonely, so she befriended the adults. An “old soul” Polly had called her. So when he heard of her date the evening he promised to not get in the way, just content in seeing his baby sister building a life for herself. 
“Is he at least a good man?” He asked.
“He treats me well.” She smiled.
He huffed, “Well is not good enough.” Her eyes crinkled at her brother and tilted her head to the side, “He respects me and buys me flowers. Those pretty ones I like from the market.” Her tired eyes twinkled for the first time in her life making her look younger, a look Tommy wished he could see more. 
Arthur came trodding down the stairs in a tired manner, arms swinging to his sides, only to stop at the bottom and stare at his two siblings. “Oi!” He raised both arms in disbelief, “nobody tells me fuckin’ anything, eh?” They chuckled at him. Y/N shushed him and extended her hand for him to take. “Oh hush Arthur, this was improvised.”
“Yeah I bet, improvised, yeah.” He kissed the top of her head and sat down beside her as Tommy poured him a glass. “You had a date tonight, didn’t ya’?” She nodded. 
“Apparently he treats her well and buys her flowers.” Tommy said in sarcastic tone making Arthur raise his brows. “Flowers, eh? He buys ya’ flowers.” 
“He does and he’s good and that’s all you need to know.” She said definitively making him chuckle.
“You know I bought flowers for this girl once,” he started, making his sister face him completely, “she was a pretty, little thing so I bought her flowers.” Tommy let out a laugh, “Oh fuck I remember this.”
“Anyway, I’m walking over to her house, really excited and all cause y’know how could she not like flowers? I tripped on the fuckin’ sidewalk, landed on horse shit, scraped my bloody, fuckin’ knees,” she let out a squeal at her brother’s misery, “The flowers were already battered and ruined, but I pushed through.” He took a long pause and she stared at him, gesturing with her hands for him to continue the story. “And well that’s that. Turns out she was allergic to them flowers. Head grew two sizes and I had to pay for the hospital bill. Her mum still flips me off every time she sees me.” Tommy and Y/N laughed. He had the worst fucking luck. 
He chuckled at her laughter, always said it was the most joyous thing he’d ever heard. Arthur also had immense respect for her and often thought that he was forever indebted to her.
He would never forget one specific incident, which he never brings up, but it still plagues him every time he sees her. One night after a couple of rounds at the Garrison, Arthur stumbled into the house knocking everything in his path. He entered the living room and quickly plopped down on the couch beside her sulking figure. He rambled on drunkenly about a woman he had met and how Tommy had managed to seduce her. He rambled as his little sister took him to the bath and helped him in his drunken state. She fed him, stroked his hair, and tucked him in as if he were a kid. But Arthur failed to see the look in her eyes, the tears that raised down her youthful cheeks, and the way her hands trembled as she laced her fingers through his hair. He failed to notice the red sheets and how she could barely walk while dragging him from room to room. He failed to notice the way she selflessly helped him after having been raped on the alley just beside their house. As quickly as the thought came into his mind it went, leaving a ghostly smile on his rugged face.
And in came Finn through the door with an excited smile seeing his siblings at the table. “Oh! And where have you been?” She asked as he kissed her cheek and taking the whisky from her hands. “Been around. Might have dropped by the pictures.” He had a tantalising smile on his face as his sister widened her eyes at him. “Might have eavesdropped on your date.”
“Okay, okay! Spill Finn-boy.” Arthur said excitedly as her gathered more glasses to fill with whisky. 
“Finn stop! You did not-“
“I did too. Interesting choice my dear sister.” She narrowed your eyes at him as the newly poured whisky touched her tongue. “Not as interesting as your choice in ladies Finn. Multiple, might I add.”
The room roared in every direction, a symphony of Shelbys asking questions and laughing. Something so rarely seen because, really, it was only reserved for late nights like these. And their smiles all reserved for you and you only. Finn was the only one who truly knew where his sister was and with whom. After all, he was good friends with he man who dared to ask her out.
Little did her eldest brothers know but just as little Y/N Shelby closed the door and leaned against the wall, Isiah Jesus had done just the same as he watched her enter the Shelby household. His head had rested against the door, cheeks flushed and eyes full of life. He had adored the girl ever since he could remember, becoming completely helpless at the sight of her youthful cheeks and kind eyes. 
As the teasing conversation continued, Polly peaked her head through the kitchen door. She had been awoken by laughter, which was a relief to the countless nights she had woken to the sounds of bullets and screams. Her tired eyes crinkled at the four siblings. Hand making its way towards her heart and sighing a little prayer up to John and their late mother. Oh, if they could only witness this precious moment. If they could only see how protected and loved the youngest one was. 
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