#their dynamic's really cute they're besties from how i see it
Genuinely hoping they don’t give Ichiban a love interest or something. I just detest focusing on romances with some exceptions like whatever Nanba and Saeko keep doing tbh 💀 And I do not have high hopes after the things they kept doing with Kiryu in different games. Actually that’s one of my fears with 8 😭😭
if it's any consolidation, i doubt they'll give ichi a love interest- or it won't be a main plot point anyhow
rgg's never really handled romance with tact, and i think as the series went on they kinda realized that and had romance plots sort of fizzle out (Y1's climax was Certainly a love triangle, and while Y2 had kiryu and kaoru romance is never a major prevalent thing again. closest we get is akiyama and yasuko but it's about as relevant as akiyama's part, then it's not really brought up again)
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thisonehere · 4 months
Hello :3 how are you doing? Hope your okay, Im your new follower and I really love Your writing sooooo I have an idea for a request
What about mk1 men (liu kang, kung lao, Raiden, Kuai liang, Bi-Han,Tomas, johnny cage, kenshi, gares, Syzoth, shang tsung and rain) with fem S/O have a pet bird? A Sun conure and budgie parrots? (I have two sun conure and budgie about ten and they are very cute) and she treats them like her babies, just how I do like overprotective mother, what would be their reaction? Do they gonna love them the parrots?.
Please I love your writing please 🥺🥺🥺
I'm on it!
Mk Men x Pet-owning!Reader
A/n: Omg, this concept is so cute, I love it! Sorry for the wait, this took a lot longer than expected, hope you enjoy💗 Tags: Request, MK1, MK AU, Fluff, The birds! C/w: None
Liu Kang
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The man is both confused and lightly amused by this. Before you introduced your pets to him, you often would talk about them so passionately that he assumed they were your child. So imagine his bewilderment when he finally meets them and they're a bird. He finds your connection to the bird strange at first. But as he gets to know the birds, he becomes overly fond of them.
He thinks it is adorable how protective you are of this creature. he finds your dynamic with the bird, in general, very cute. It makes him love you even more with how tender you are with them.
He begins to love your pet so much that he begins to think of them as his own children. When you'd get to the point in the relationship that you trusted him enough, he would start taking care of the birds when you were away. Even when you weren't away he'd sometimes ask to take the bird with him to take care of. He happily parades them all around the Wu Shi Academy and introduces them to the monks.
Your shared love for the bird also brings you closer together as a couple. Whenever you two talk about it's like you are two gloating parents talking about their child. In a way, you two are truly a family, a strange family, but a family nonetheless.
Kung Lao
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Okay, he can't lie: he's weirded out by this a little. It's one thing to like your pets, but it's a whole other level to like...love your pets. Also, why do you need so many? That's how he thinks at first.
At first, he doesn't see what you see, he just sees a colourful bird. He often times ignored it whenever he came over, and quickly changed the subject whenever you started to talk about it, etc.
But as he gets closer to you, he also gets closer to your pet as well. He becomes strangely fond of them. He especially starts to love them when you mention how much they like him. Now he really likes these guys. Anyone with that level of good taste has his love. Afterwards, Kung Lao and the birds are basically besties. They're basically inseparable from then on. They are always on him whenever you let them out of the cage, crawling and pecking at his head, screaming into his ear, he likes to take them almost everywhere to show off, and he brags about you and your pet often. He especially likes to show off the Sun conure.
Kung Lao, you, and the bird seem to have formed some kind of close bond. He loves you, you love him, your pet loves you both, and he loves himself. It's a win-win situation for everyone.
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Raiden was a farmer for most of his life. Because of that loves plants, he loves working in the sun, and he loves animals. So it is no surprise that he loves your bird. He loves their colours, the way they act, and just everything about them.
He sometimes uses his electricity to put on a mini-light show to entertain them. He loves the way they react to the use of his powers. Another thing he loves is how protective and nurturing you get whenever something involves your pet. He can't help but fall in love with you all over again, especially when you threaten to hurt someone for them.
He somehow knows everything about your pet, no doubt thanks to the years of farming as well as from studying at the Wu Shi. He likes to spout random facts of knowledge about them whenever he gets the chance, no matter how awkward the situation might be.
He and the birds are extremely close, it's almost like he can speak its language. You often see them together and seemingly having the most profound conversations. He also likes to get their help whenever he wants to make some form of romantic gesture towards you. Like training it to give you love notes, send you roses, etc. He even begins to teach Morse code to them...somehow.
Kuai Liang
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He has never really been an animal person. But he has such a soft and caring nature that he automatically loves them. He somehow understands your close bond with the birds and appreciates your devotion to them.
Being a Warrior and protector of Earthrealm all his life sort of hardened him in certain ways. Thus, he always has to be on edge and willing to spring to violence in an instant. That is part of the reason why he loves the bird so much. With the bird, he has the opportunity to be gentle, and vulnerable even.
He's happy he's met you, and this bird. He loves spending time with the both of you. Whenever he visits he doesn't hesitate to show the bird with gifts. He even does research about the bird just so he can understand it better. His life is so violent, he loves just having moments to step away from it all and have this small and simple life with both of you.
Whenever he sees how gentle and loving you are with these birds, it somehow makes him think about how you would be with a child. He wants to start a family with you someday, but for now, he's content with both of you calling these bird your children.
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He finds your affection for the bird... embarrassing to say the least. "Why care for such small and insignificant beings? You do realize that they'll die eventually, right? Why would you bother to take care of those thongs? What's the point?''As you can guess, he doesn't understand.
He views your love for the birds as "weak" and "pathetic". He doesn't bother to hide his disapproval either, he sometimes backs snide comments about your relationship with the bird.
Bi-Han was raised to be a hardened warrior and leader seasoned to the harsh climate around him, he was never taught gentleness and kindness and he never bothered to try like
Kuai or Tomas. To him, these types of feelings are basically proclaiming to the world that you are weak.
Deep down, he's jealous of your love for them. You don't seem to care how weak this makes you look, you aren't ashamed to love this bird and show it off to the whole world. He admires that, but he'll never let you know.
He isn't so harsh to your pet though, he has tender moments with it. But he doesn't want others to see it, not even you. He does small things for them like giving them small bits of fruit to snack on, he softly holds them in his rough hands, and many other things. He...loves you and the birds, he's especially fond of the two Budgie Parrots, they remind him of his broothers. But he just isn't ready to express it like you.
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The moment Tomas lays his eyes on your "babies" he is instantly in love. He is obsessed with you and them. He tries to visit as much as possible even if it is just a few hours or seconds. He likes to hold them in his hands, he finds them so cute that sometimes he almost cries with just how adorable he finds them.
He loves the way you get so defensive when it comes to the bird, it reminds Tomas of his mother and the way she'd used to be so protective of him and his sister. It all is such an emotional thing for him, he instantly has a connection with the bird and even considers it a child of his own. For some reason, they remind him of Kuai and Bi-Han for some reason (Maybe because of the color schemes), he feels a strangely close connection to them either way.
The soldiers at the Lin Kuei can't seem to go a day without hearing him gush about you two. He can't help it, he basically views you as his family and he will happily show you off to whoever has an ear.
Besides Kuai, you two are all he has, so he is sure to cherish every moment he gets. He'll even start to suggest that you should get another bird, maybe even more than just one. Why just have one or three? Heck, why don't you have an entire miny bird clan?
Johnny Cage
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Okay cool, that's Johnny's first and honest reaction to your close relationships with your pets. Normally he's much more of a dog person, even then, he refuses to let pets into his house out of fear that they'll mess something up.
As you can guess, Johnny has never really been an animal person, he has always preferred the glitz and glamour of the silver screen. The most he has ever been involved with animals were acting roles, he was never really crazy about the concept of pets and doesn't often. But he is always willing to add exceptions to that rule for his s/o, for you this is no different.
He thinks it's adorable all the ways you interact with him, it surprises how close you two are. Once, he slipped up with them and you literally threatened to break his nose if he did it again...he couldn't deny it, he found that kind of hot.
He likes to watch all of his old movies with them. Often interrupts to give a random bts story he remembers when he filmed it. He strangely appreciates how much they listen.
Afterwards, they become unimaginably close, and Johnny begins to spoil the rotten. He buys them limited edition, state-of-the-art stuff for them to enjoy. Only the best for them. You even notice that in his next movie, he has a character that has a bunch of pet birds.
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Though he seems like a rough man, he can be quite the big softie. Your bird is adorable, or he thinks he's adorable at least. The man is blind after all so he doesn't have much to go off of about your bird. But he can hear though, and he loves to listen to your birds as they sing and such.
He likes to feel them in his hands, though he can't see them, he can tell just how precious they are. He likes to pet them and feel their feather and their heads. He enjoys the feeling of them eating birdseed and fruit out of his hand. It's all strangely calming for him.
He wishes he could see them. He can see them a little with Sento, but he is certain that isn't enough to do them justice. How he wishes he could see at them, see you.
He likes it when you tell him about them, stories about them, what they're doing right now, your plans with them. It all means so much to him that you share these things with him no matter how small and unimportant you personally think they. Sometimes, you are the ones who keep him sane.
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He is an eternal being, existing for aeons and whatever comes after. So it would only make sense that he would view you and your bird as insignificant, right? No, though he'll no doubt outlive the both of you, he is infatuated with you and your birds. He doesn't seem to notice or care that your existence is just a spec in the timeline compared to his.
He finds you, the birds, and your connection to them beautiful. You and they fascinate him. He has never seen such an adorable thing throughout the timeline he has lived through. He is quite obsessed with the two of you, though he is so stiff and awkward when it comes to displaying his emotions to properly show it.
Whenever he isn't looking over the hourglass, he makes time to visit the two of you as much as possible. He often accidentally scares the both of you when he teleports right behind you. He also leaves sand behind, so that's fun.
He likes to watch you and your birds play, he likes to listen to them chirp, and he also is enthralled with how they look as well. You often find him staring at them with intrigue. He will always refuse to hold them, out of fear of hurting them. He sees you all as fragile, so fragile that he needs to hold back every time out of fear of hurting, maybe even killing you by accident.
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Earthrealm is a very strange place compared to Syzoth's home. For one, pets. There aren't a lot of animals in Zeteran Provinces, and they're all likely to violently murder you if you get even a bit close. They all also believed that animals belong to nature, thus they all should be free.
So imagine his surprise and confusion when he gets you a Sun Conure and Pudgie Parrots as pets. Most of Earthrealm's inhabitants have pets also.
He is perplexed by all of this, the way you just keep them in the house, how they let you feed them, how you consider them your "babies". What shocked him the most is that you keep them in some kind of a cage, he finds that quite disturbing.
Still, he has to admit your love for them is quite adorable, weird, but adorable. Syzoth finds the way you are so nurturing to them quite alluring and beautiful on your part, even though he doesn't understand why you'd do it in the first place.
Shang Tsung
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He at first thinks of this as a very amusing thing. The way you faun over them as if they were your children entertains him. He can understand the feeling, he has had many pets that he has adored. Well, they were horrid abominations he made in his lab...but close enough, right?
He finds them cute, so cute in fact that he insists that you let him experiment on them to "perfect them". He has a twisted mind and he wishes to do sick things with them if you let him and he is very confused about why you won't let him.
He'll totally respect your wishes and won't conduct experiments with their DNA, right?
Before you know it, your house is overrun with clones and hybrid versions of your birds. They vary from perfect clones to twisted reflections mixed with another species, an "improved version of them" in his words. He loves them all just as much as you love the originals, he gets upset whenever you tell him anything negative about his creations. You often find yourself arguing with him because of this, "These are my babies, Y/n, they matter to me just as much as yours do to you."
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As a high mage, Rain has seen many things throughout his life. But he has never come across someone like you. The way you care for your birds and share every important moment, how they seem to be your closest friends, it's all so strange to him.
He likes to watch you, study you, everything you do with them, he watches and he takes notes. Don't get him wrong, he considers you more than a test experiment, it's just that him coming across someone like you is so rare, that he has to write this down.
The Animals of Earthrealm are a very foreign thing to him, so he is drawn to these birds. He doesn't know much about them or what exactly they are, but he conducts a lot of research to understand them. Once he does, he tries to get close to them and form a relationship just like you do.
This relationship consist of Rain, petting them, using his powers to bathe them and do tricks for them, he loves watching them react to his powers, he also does a lot of trauma dumping onto them He appreceiates the way they just listen and stare at him.
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sageandred · 1 month
Some minor things I'm thinking about/predictions for season 3~
-some more (pretty unedited) things I think could happen + predictions I don't necessarily hope to happen; + talking out some frustrations I personally had (if u don't want to read anything partially negative)
Missy & Amerie friendship. It would be good to expand to some less visited friendships. We got a hint of Amerie & Missy once again and I could see them talking even more nxt szn.
Sasha and Quinni are going to be working together nxt szn, and I can already see how the writers might try to rekindle something, but I don't want that, obviously. I could see them making Sasha develop feelings again only for Quinni to turn her down or it could be an opportunity for Sasha to actually apologize after some reflection as they continue to go their separate ways romantically.
Ant has to find out Harper also made the map, right? (that's the direction it's heading in??)
I don't care either way, but if Rowan wasn't just a 1 season and done type of character, I could see them trying to explore a mental health storyline, and separate from that make him more likeable/building friendships with anyone but Amerie.
Critiques of the Season/What I Hope Going Forward
They really missed some opportunities with Harper. It's totally valid for 2 childhood besties to grow apart in some ways and come back with an even greater and more mature connection. Instead, they just had Darren and Quinni adopt her into the group when I wish they would've spent a season of her developing her own friendships and building up her relationships that will be beneficial going forward.
which brings me to my points: I want Harper and Amerie to spend some time apart next season. I don't want it to be dramatic and I don't want them to have a fallout. They can actually be friends without being attached at the hip, but I don't want the s1 trio to be disrupted when I think that relationship is very special (sorry if this sounds harsh), and feels more organic than Harper's outside of the one that's developing with Cash.
Speaking of relationships: Ant & Harper feels underdeveloped to me. They could be a great couple. I wish they spent more time this season giving them individual arcs, but I think next season they kind of need to go through something dramatic to have the kind of break-through I'm wanting from their characters. They're kind of boring to me rn (I'm so sorry Harthony fans). They could end up together or not; I'm just not sold on their story yet.
New couples-I like the development stage of new couples/couples you don't expect. Give Quinni a gf, ofc. Switch up some of the dynamics. Relationships can be a means to another end, and it doesn't have to = the previous being bad. I don't want a love triangle, though; let them grow without the drama.
They could show the journey of Missy dealing with a toxic man, or they could show Spider/Missy grow together (I really don't care); I just want development for both of them individually and their own separate arcs regardless (especially Missy-he did have his own large arc this season). I actually think it would be cool to show the slow effects of how things add up and trauma causing some unhealthy behaviors with Spider (it doesn't have to make him bad; he's like 18 and anyone could grow from a failed high school relationship/become a really great person, but I just don't feel awe when I see their scenes...personally).
I didn't add this point with them on my other post, but I kind of want Darren and Cash to each have new romances/flings. I know there is love there, but I think they need to find themselves independent of one another. Their relationship very much feels like they grew up together and prematurely decided they belong together what with Cash's long secret crush (which is fine, but..); it is absolutely cute, though their incompatibility and continuous communication problems need to be explored/they need to mature.
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blondeaxolotl · 9 months
I would love any thoughts you do have on sebagrelle and headcanons for them. I love your version of them. so cute! <3
Sebagrell is like one of my top favourite ships just because of how fun their dynamic is, a demon butler who's just trying to do his job and a crazed reaper who puts no effort in hiding that she's in love with him? Sign me up I got a few headcanons I'm willing to share why not (might be long so have fun ready) - Sebastian first realising he might be developing feelings for Grell is funny, not only does he physically beat himself up for it, but it gets to the point where he just tells the phantomhive servants "If I see ANY red in my view point I'm going to lose it all". But Ciel ends up making it worse when he realised why he's acting like this and starts commanding him to do tasks that involve the color red just out of spite (ex: picking out cherries/strawberries) - Sebastian pre-relationship might've been in deep denial, but in relationship Sebastian had his ego go up to the heavens because not only is he aware that he's winning with a girl like Grell, but he purposely does PDA, ESPECIALLY in front of William just because it pisses him off (P.S. No William is not jealous, he just hates Sebastian's guts and is concerned for Grell's safety because she really picked a manwhore of all people + Will is aro, he's just looking out for his bestie) - Most of the time Grell is the big spoon in the relationship when it comes to cuddling sessions, they do switch turns every now and then but Grell is the one who prefers to hold him instead of him holding her. Sebastian doesn't mind, I mean wife is warm, she's a pillow plus he purposely sheds his hair when they cuddle just to annoy her because it gets stuck in her hair and clothes, but it's okay Grell fights back because she wears a strong perfume and it rubs off on him (he doesn't realise until it ends up triggering Ciel's asthma) - Grell's love language is biting, she bites the absolute hell out of Sebastian when she gets overly happy. Sebastian would describe it as "imagine being in a shark attack on land but the shark only goes after you 5 times a day", he of course got used to it eventually and let her bite him ONLY when he takes his jacket off and rolls up his sleeves because this woman destroyed so many of his jackets and they're not cheap at all. - Sebastian was confused when Grell begun to appear more and more at the manor and Ciel said nothing about it, not even ordering him to kick her out. He soon realises those two were working together because Grell started bribing Ciel with candy to let her into the manor to have her time with Sebastian, not only did Ciel end up having free candy, but it would mean Sebastian would be too distracted to come and stop him from eating it. So of course he let her in and it started becoming an often occurrence. (To the point Ronald started doing the same bribe to get with Mey-Rin). -------------------------------- OKAY I THINK THAT'S ALL THE TIME I HAVE RIGHT NOW, I probably wrote a lil too much but my tism' was triggered what can I say 💜 Hope you enjoy my lil wall of Sebagrell text, as a bonus have a quick lil doodle I did last night
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Pudding and Usopp should be friends me thinks. Usopp hears about everything that happened to Sanji on WCI and is fully prepared to hate her guts no matter what anyone says and then it’s slightly mad at himself when he actually likes her. I have a very specific image of Sanamipu bff dynamic in my head I can’t really describe but I’m having it. The type of people who think of themself as some of the more sane people in the group and sure, they get the idiot ball just a tiny bit less often when they are all together and snarking, but when they get it they slam dunk it so hard the entire court shatters.
I AGREE COMPLETELY!!!!!!!!! This would be so funny, too 😭 (Making this Sanusona as I always do) Usopp finds out about what happened back on WCI and he hates Pudding. Sanji keeps telling him to see it from a different angle. That it wasn't really Pudding's fault and she was being manipulated by her mom. That she actually helped them in the end. But Usopp doesn't like her- Not only because she did what she did, but also because he can't stand the way Sanji talks about her. Ngl, I think Usopp isn't a jealous person, but he is very insecure and Sanji being fond of the girl he almost ends up marrying makes him a bit sick. But, yeah. Final saga, they rescue Pudding, and she meets the Strawhats. Usopp is fully prepared to be her worst enemy no matter what! But- But she's actually really nice? And cute? And really, really funny? And he can't hate her. He tries to be angry at her but she's cooking sweets for everyone and even though she has this weird on-and-off personality when it comes to Sanji... She has a good heart. But Usopp keeps pretending that he hates her because he's a proud idiot and he won't admit he was wrong about her. Sanji just tells him to get his shit together already and enjoy their time together because otherwise, he'll regret it (funny that he's the one saying that as if he wasn't equally as stubborn. That frustrated Usopp more). I think Pudding would actually make amends with them, you know, since I doubt Nami and Luffy could forgive her that easily. But they end up getting along with her when she apologizes (when Sanji isn't around because if he is in front of her she'll end up yelling without wanting to). Usopp doesn't buy it. I mean- He does buy it. He just doesn't want to. So Pudding talks to him in private and explains her situation and apologizes and says she understands if he doesn't want to forgive her. She almost marries his boyfriend, after all. And she has hurt him in multiple ways. And she has broken his heart. It's understandable if Usopp wants to hate her so bad. But the guy is soft against that and Usopp believes people can change. Besides, he knows what being insecure about your appearance and status is, especially if it has to do with a parent. So they end up getting along. The same thing happens with Nami, actually. Imagine trying to forget what Pudding did to their cook. Nami is going feral cat mode against her. If looks could kill, y'know... But! But she saw with her own eyes how Pudding helped them out and she knows what it feels like. To act like somebody you're not. And yeah, okay, the girl might be a little bit insane but it could be worse. And when she's acting like a normal person, she's a sweetheart. So Usopp ends up befriending her quickly, while Nami accepts her and embraces her friendship, but not without the typical "But I swear, if you do anything remotely bad to him again I am not hesitating to electrocute you and throw you overboard. Understood? Understood. Glad we had this chat, bestie". So, uh, yeah- At least they're friends now.
And let me tell you-- It's chaotic. Sanji thought he would be devastated if they didn't get along, but now that they do... Sanji is losing his mind. They're all crazy. He's living his dream, you know. His dear Pudding is friends with his partners. Great. Yeah. Uh. Pudding is teaching Usopp how to use a revolver, which makes sense since he is a sniper and he's curious about guns. That makes sense. But she's also telling Nami manipulation tactics and the navigator couldn't be happier. And you might think that's it, but then you have Usopp showing off his abilities and Nami giving tangerines to Pudding so she can make sweets with them. Which is adorable and cute and Sanji loves every second of it, but it's like they planned this to make him go insane. His poor heart can't handle this. He's going to die. They're a menace to society. Honestly? An unstoppable trio. They manipulate, gaslight, and Sanji malewifes. If they don't like you and you have something they want they probably will steal that from you using either manipulation, burglar tactics or, you know, a gun. Perfect trio. They're also Sanji's protection squad. And also they're the ones who scold him when he doesn't behave. He's a bit scared of them but like, in a good way? And they also look after him a lot so it's alright. And besides, Sanji is kind of like their knight in shining armor too because he gets extra violent if something happens to any of them.
Isn't it just,,, Such a cute picture to imagine Sanji and Pudding cooking while Usopp and Nami work on their own things at the dining table while they keep them company? I find it cute,, They're all a bit crazy but it's fine.
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sweetkpopmusings · 1 year
seungkwan best friend headcanons <3
a/n: another post for another lovely anon ! seungkwan is, as we all know, an icon, and i'm very envious of anyone and everyone that gets to call him their best friend !!! pics not mine <3
content: fluff | wc: 0.8k | warnings: none! | pairing: bestfriend!seungkwan x gn!reader | requests: open
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seungkwan, through and through, is your number one
he's the kind of friend that just immediately feels important because he Gets. It.
when you two are together, you're actually unstoppable
like two baddies one porsche can exist in the same room and that's you and seungkwan !!!
tbh if you are going to a party, hangout, event, etc together, he will want to coordinate outfits
"i don't care if it's lunch with seokmin-hyung and soonyoung-hyung we HAVE. TO. SERVE."
and serve you will!!!
he will also serve you plenty of iconic reactions during that lunch because booseoksoon is the trifecta of comedy and seungkwan's role is reminding everyone how insane dk and hoshi are lmao
he just LOVES exaggerating his facial expressions and reactions when he gets secondhand embarrassment
if you are the one who embarrasses him, which happens from time to time, he will never let you live it down
any time one of his members comments on how you're cool/funny/smart/etc seungkwan will start listing every uncool, not funny, dumb, and embarrassing thing you've ever done
he's even including your preteen embarrassing stories like ??? why is he trusted with these secrets they're simply ammunition
good luck trying to bring up any time he's made a fool of himself or replying to his roasts by using memes of him via text or by holding up your phone during the conversation that's what i would do
in response to your efforts, he will double down. you and your pride are not making it out of this conversation alive
like boy!!! shutup
but he will not. his love language is making fun of you <3 and calling you cute but that one's usually done behind your back because he doesn't want it to go to your head
he does want to build you up though. in a very genuine way, he wants you to be confident in who you are and he will destroy anyone and anything who gets in the way of that!!
he leans on you for that too
no matter what's on his mind or where he's at, he knows he can go to you for comfort and reassurance
he's also the kind of friend who is SO real with you
like he won't sugarcoat things and will be honest with you so you don't get into any situation/mindset that's bad for you
he's very thoughtful in his honesty, and he never gives any criticism without it being constructive
but he values your trust so he wants to repay that by being transparent and telling you what you need to hear, even if it's not what you want to hear
and because he works so hard to be that real with you, you naturally adopt that approach too
any time he comes to you with a question, high-stakes or low-stakes, he can expect 100% honesty
you two really just hold each other up <3
it's like the dynamic in booksmart when the girls are dramatically complimenting each other like THAT'S the energy you and seungkwan have
it's a friendship serve! it's a friendship slay!
he's always inviting you to do stuff
going to a party? you're invited. going shopping? you're invited. going across the street to get a coffee? you're invited.
he just loves being in your presence and wants to hang out as much as he can between both of your schedules
like whenever he's with you he's having the time of his life
sure a lot of the time he shows it by rolling his eyes at you or deadpanning to anyone in the vicinity / the imaginary camera
but when he sees you he just goes :D because that's his bestie right there!!!!
y'all jam out together
karaoke is a state of mind
and seungkwan is the embodiment of that
he's the kind of best friend you blast lizzo with while you're dancing around the living room in your pjs
speaking of pjs
he actually loves sleepovers
like even if you can't spend the night together, he wants optimal sleepover activities and energy whenever possible
he probably buys you matching fuzzy hairbands to wear while you do sheet masks and watch movies :,-) they're ridiculous and that's why you love them :,-)
will take seventeen quizzes with you and laugh his ass off no matter which member you get assigned. unless it's him. then he is BEAMING with pride
and he will brag about it to every single one of his members, saying wow! my impact! so powerful!
if you're there when he's bragging, you absolutely need to drag him on how you're morphing into him because you're losing brain cells or something
seventeen will die laughing and praise you like the champion you are
meanwhile seungkwan goes from shocked to angry to impressed to proud
because once again he's thinking "that's my best friend right there!!!!"
all in all, seungkwan is the kind of bestie who makes you laugh harder than anyone else, and he's someone you can trust more than anyone else :,-)
he's loyal, caring, funny, and ready to fight at all times <3 good luck <3
seungkwan hmu if you're free this weekend we can get iced americanos and blast 00s pop music !!!
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 9 months
The jimin jungkook dynamic is still extra confusing to me. I don’t know how jimin can still me so cute and warm with those hugs and messages for him, but also be so obviously removed from his life. Jungkook can insist on doing a live together and jimin always declines, but jungkook is also too busy to see jimin on his birthday which they used to always spend together? It’s all so mixed up for me.
It's not so confusing once you realize that it's exactly the way every other BTS dynamic is like.
Like taekook spent thousand of hours together since the break (confirmed hours) and yet Taehyung is not there for Jungkook's birthday either.
Jin went to Jungkook's for his birthday in 2022, but Jungkook didn't go to Jin's.
Jungkook didn't even bother to know Jimin's schedules, or visit him at a set or music show, but then he was showing up to support wooga squad in their movies.
Even though Jungkook didn't bother showing up for Jimin anywhere, Jimin still went and filmed that thing with him in NYC.
Yoongi can be all Jimin this Jimin that but then he has no problem releasing his album five days after Jimin, even knowing that it would mess up Jimin's timing.
Jungkook was literally there when Taehyung recorded something and he's already listened to the whole album, but hasn't posted anything about it so far.
Jungkook would be ohh Jimin this Jimin that but for Yoongi's concert, he showed up and he left with Taehyung. And when Jimin arrived, Jungkook didn't even spare him a glance and only acknowledged each other for like 5 seconds.
Neither Yoongi nor Hoseok repeatedly invited Jimin to meet them anywhere, and yet they went and visited them at his schedules. Jungkook acted like he was eager to see Jimin, but didn't move a muscle to actually go and see him.
If you're really looking for it, all relationships in the group are lacking something somewhere, jikook only seem the extra toe because people are thinking too much about them and thinking that there must be hiding meanings or ulterior motives to everything they say or do. But there really isn't. And their "inconsistencies" are just as normal as they are in every other BTS friendship, because that's what they are: friends. If you're looking for the consistency of a couple, you won't find it simply because they're not.
I'd say probably the only two who seemed to "have everything" in recent times, it's been jihope. They've really been proper, real besties until Hoseok enlisted. Like they had the social media thing going on, but also physical support, the birthday greetings, the laughs when they were together, sharing their work with each other, even the kisses Jimin tried to give him on his birthday. I mean, Hoseok said he cried when he saw Jimin's #1. To my standards, Jimin and Hoseok have been the only two to show what looks like a real, unbreakable friendship since 2022.
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LITA Ep 1 rewatch thoughts
Taking it from the top! Why is Phayu literally the nicest person ever? Like he just saw someone's car stalling near the road in the rain and he just stopped to help? I love that this is their official intro to each other bc it gives us viewers a clear impression of their dynamic from the very beginning. The music selection in this scene is so funny though bc it's intense and dangerous and Phayu is literally just telling Rain to turn his hazard lights on lmao.
I also love that every time Phayu helps Rain, he does so with encouragement for Rain to be more self-sufficient. The tire-changing is example one.
"You're so handsome" RAIN pls control yourself... I mean we all agree and Phayu's already looking interested but danggg
Ah Sky, the long-suffering (affectionate) BFF. Did we ever find out when they met? Was it just in college or before, bc it looks like Sky's Rain-related-nonsense-tolerance meter is constantly maxed out and that usually comes from long-term friendships.
I LOVE HIM there is not a single thought behind these eyes
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Yassss department god Phayu for the win!! Love how this montage makes Phayu seem like a highly elegant and smart guy (which he is) but then we just watch him be a dork over Rain the rest of the series.
Fast forward a bit to the restaurant scene bc I forgot to keep typing...
Ok yeah sure you don't remember Rain, Phayu. Please, you made a beeline directly to him as soon as you walked in. Also, this scene makes my heart beat faster even though they do a lot more later on (where are those eyes looking, eh Phayu?).
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The next scene where Phayu wipes Rain's hair gives me mixed feelings bc on the one hand, I don't like how Rain literally had to hit Phayu with a pillow before he'd let go, but on the other I didn't actually get a sense of danger from Phayu. I also did like that Phayu threw out "actually I'm bisexual" so casually - love that for us. I also think it's hilarious how fast Rain falls into the "I'm so into Phayu" headspace. I've heard some people call it subspace and from what I know I'm inclined to agree but I don't know enough to comment on that further. Also here begins the saga of Rain having a death-grip on Phayu's neck during intimate moments. We stan <3
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Somehow I didn't notice the thermostat being set so low during every rewatch of this episode until now - I was always confused as to why Rain had to go under the covers but I get it.
When they wake up and Rain calls Phayu a bunch of names I couldn't stop laughing - it's even funnier when you know what's coming in the next few eps. Also my son really went "no thoughts head empty" after a single cheek kiss from Phayu. What a cutie
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Rain cursing at the storm is so cute!!! Also we love our logical bestie Sky as always.
I LOVE P'Aon!! Also he's the first person to call Rain Phayu's boy and for some reason I think that's v v cute
I accidentally paused and can't stop laughing at Phayu's face here PLSSSS
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And we've made it to the ending scene!! Ahhhh this makes me SO SOFT! I love it when characters tuck their face into their partner's neck when they're sleeping - there's something about the trust and comfort needed to do that which makes me so happy to see it play out. And Phayu's little "I'm really starting to like you, Rain" with the SOFTEST little smile on his face URGH I'M EXPERIENCING EMOTIONS
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This is one of my favorite opening episodes of a series! We got introduced to all the main players as well as the key side-characters, and we got a good understanding of who Rain and Phayu are as individuals (less so on Phayu's side for now) and their dynamic together. I was so hyped to finish the rest of the series as soon as I finished this episode the first time
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cryiling · 4 months
Hi, crow! How are you doing? 😁
for the ship ask game: revalink (hehe), botw/totk zelink, and miphlink (i think that’s the correct ship name??)
(ask game from here)
omg hi iri!!! I'm doing well hru? imyy thank you for the ask 🥺🫶
revalink - ship
what made you ship it?
last february i was going through my zelda phase again and i was looking for fics to read. previously i had read a lot of sidlink fics so I was looking for something new, and I decided to check out revalink fics and. oh em gee. i got hooked 😭
I remember insisting I only liked it ironically but 💀 look where I am now. #1 revalink shipper oopsies 🤭 their dynamic really stood out to me, I've shipped a lot of rivals to lovers before so I guess once I started to consider it revalink just made sense to me. also revalink fics are devastatingly good, like there's a couple that I reread religiously 😫
what are your favorite things about the ship?
omg I LOVE THIS QUESTIONNN. saurr many things like. I mentioned it already but I love their dynamic, especially when you start to analyze it beyond the surface level. I love headcanons about why revali lashes out at link in the first place, especially in relation to the champion's ballad dlc and how revali's diary reveals that he's just really insecure about himself. I think they're such good character foils to each other and that makes their interactions, both as rivals and as lovers, so much richer than some of the other ships in the game. their relationship is so open to interpretation and that makes it one of the most satisfying ships to make content for SHFJDBF
is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
hmm not that I can think of! i post a lot of headcanons and stuff but I don't think they've ever been unpopular, maybe just unique. like my all the president's men au 💀 i still think abt that sometimes LOL
botw/totk zelink - don't ship
why don't you ship it?
aghhh ok ok hear me out. i don't ship them romantically BUT i do think they are peak queerplatonic vibes. it's just, the idea of knight x princess already feels like a weird dynamic to me, like I'm not a huge fan idk? ughh idk how to explain it. to me I've always preferred them to have more of a sibling dynamic. urgh I know I said hear me out but I'm not explaining it well. the voices told me not to ship it idk
what would have made you like it?
ok tbh I think zelink is cute in like every other game! just not these two 😭 so I guess if you put the two characters in literally any other game I would like them? aghhhh idk what it is about this one that makes me not want to ship it!! maybe in this game if they had a different backstory I would have shipped it. but tee bee ache link was so unhappy as a knight that I'm rooting for him to leave the whole royalty system behind and go live in the woods with his bird boyfriend idk 😭
despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I literally think zelink makes the most sense as a ship, they're soulmates and they would go to the ends of the earth for each other, I'm sorry I feel so bad for not shipping them 😭 BUT on the other hand, I think all that can be true without having to be romantic yk? that's why I think they're a really good queerplatonic couple, they understand each other like no one else could, they always look out for each other and they can't imagine not being in the other's life. it's just not romantic. aughh I think they have such a good relationship but just not romantically 😣 maybe it's bc I'm also aspec
miphlink - don't ship
why don't you ship it?
I feel really bad but like mipha's crush was so clearly one-sided 😭 it's weird bc my absolute favorite trope is childhood friends to lovers, and they check the childhood friends box, but the ship just feels too vanilla/basic to me. I do think they're besties tho, because since they grew up together they'll be super close and know each other very well. but imo link doesn't see her like that and mipha eventually moves on
what would have made you like it?
I think a.) mipha's character should have been fleshed out more because she felt so one-dimensional and it kind of bothered me, her character had so much more potential and I love seeing fanon version of her where she actually has a personality. and b.) if there was a little more pining on both link's and mipha's parts. the best part of childhood friends to lovers is the pining!!
despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I love mipha and I love link and I think they'll always look out for each other and be besties forever!! the end 😽
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floralovebot · 1 month
I remember reading older fanfictions about Helia/Trix friendships and I found their dynamic really interesting! I can’t find it anymore but there was a post about Helia befriending them in his first year (and most likely the Trix’s first year as well if I remember correctly they were seniors in season 1) as a little act of rebellion from Red Fountain.
I had this hc of Helia being friends with them and particularly close to Icy then having a fallout once he realises what they are up to. Maybe he found out or unknowingly helped them discover they were descendants of the Ancestral Witches, or alerted them about Stella’s scepter and out of guilt he quit rf and disappeared! Then he came back because he knew but he never said anything and it ended up almost causing the destruction of Magix.
I like the idea of Helia not telling anyone he knew the Trix personally then them finding out later on! The angst potentiall!! But then again I don’t think the Trix would keep quiet about it either!
AAGGHHH i've read fics like that too!! there was one a while back about like 14 year old helia meeting the trix and becoming friends with icy specifically! and then when he came back from art school, he couldn't believe they were the witches who destroyed everything. there may have been a scene with him going through the tunnels to cloud tower to confront them but i might be thinking about something else?
anyway! i love those fics :') icy/helia is such a guilty pleasure pairing of mine. he's such her type! just without the crazy murderous personality. plus i love the darcy/helia friendship dynamic as well (besties who judge together!!) and stormy/helia dynamics would be SO chaotic like she would stress him out so much. but i can also see stormy letting out her cute side around him more since he wouldn't judge her for that
AHH it's just so much fun - it's definitely one of my favorite helia fanon tropes.
tbh i don't think he would ever purposely help them or withhold information from rf, but i can see him wanting to believe they're still good and trying to get info on his own first/change their minds. the idea of helia helping them realize they're descendants of the ancestral witches is INSANE i love that!!
and yes! i feel like helia wouldn't want to tell anyone he was close to them or at the very least he would make it sound like they were barely acquaintances and not actual friends. saladin would probably know, but i can't imagine helia wanting to tell the specialists or winx. and a dramatic reveal later on is so good!! but at the same time, the trix would never let him live it down!! they'd immediately reveal that info once they know helia is back at rf Or friends with the main groups. like,, OUGH it's so hard to figure out how the reveal would go yknow?
i love dramatic angsty reveals but i also think it'd be so funny if they just spiderman memed each other
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fallowtail · 3 months
Top 5 Hetty outfits - jk ahem. Top 5 ghosts dynamics?
Oh this is rough their dynamics are all SO good....aahhhh ok. Ok. Going to try my best to fight my brain fog and lack of articulation skills to briefly explain why I chose them! These aren't in order either because that'd be just too evil, lol. Ok.
...I'M DOING SIX YOU CAN'T STOP ME because I accidentally wrote six of these because I miscounted and I don't want to delete one that I already wrote up, lol
Hetty and Trevor ...ok, this one is obvious, but they're just. So. Weird. In a way that you don't expect but that works absolutely perfectly. They're so similar when you get down to it and they bounce off of each other hilariously, I feel like that scene from Isaac's book where Hetty has created a scheme, and is so proud of herself for how devious she is, while Trevor rolls his eyes because he knows how stupid it is but he is still going along with it anyway because he knows if he does she'll give him a treat later (which she does!) sums up their dynamic really well. I love that they butt heads so much and think they have nothing in common when they so clearly do, lol. The way he's slowly shifted into being fondly amused by her vs aggravated is really cute- the way they're both so enthusiastic about what they get up to in the basement is so sweet, Trevor actively wanting Hetty to open up to him, to talk to him and be silly and let loose...that fond little smile she makes at him when he's being a goober during the pillow talk scene. Ugh. They do genuinely like each other but are just so stuck in their ideas about what they should want that they dig their heels in. This is the one I am the most mad about not being able to properly explain how I feel because there is just. SO. MUCH. Going on there with them. Why am I not good at writing, AHHH
Isaac and Hetty THE BESTIES! Oh Isaac and Hetty are just sooo funny like he watched her live her entire life, they are best friends, the two of them both think they run the house but they constantly default back to each other and are usually the only ones the other will listen to, he tried to romance her and then told her he was gay, he enables her bad behavior, he both refuses to take romantic advice from her but also desperately wants her advice, he deeply loves her but very clearly thinks there is something wrong with her, they have dates where they just stare out the window for hours, she clings to him constantly like he's a security blanket, she envies his ability to find love but also kind of hates his boyfriend who she encouraged him to get together with LOL, they're gossip besties, they both deeply crave the others approval, Isaac being happy Hetty found her stableboy but also not being sure why she's chosen Trevor, like. Oh my god. I love Isaac and Hetty so much that I can't find the words even more than the others. They're just so, so, so perfect together and you can always see Brandon and Rebeccas best friendship come through with these two, their scenes are always my favorite.
Sam and Hetty Wow, I wonder if there's gonna be a trend here with which dynamics I enjoy the most because it involves my blorbo, hmmm Something about Sam and Hetty finding family within each other and wanting to learn from their past mistakes and heal from their family damage with each other and then still falling into those same patterns they did in life but with the desire to fix it this time when they realize is so interesting. I love how even in the pilot Hetty warms up to the idea of her moving into the mansion so quickly despite claiming otherwise, and that even in as latest as the Halloween episode you can see them butting heads over Hetty's need to manage people to express care because she thinks she knows best and if she knows best, why wouldn't she tell people how to get what they want? And Sam lashing out when people do that to her because she wants her accomplishments to be her own and for someone to be proud of her for what she does.
Hetty and Flower and Alberta Look I said there was gonna be a trend but I'm squeezing the Lady Ghost Society into one group so that my last 3 answers aren't all for them, lol. The way the lady ghosts interact is so fun and I love that they're all different- Hetty and Alberta being all over each other this season despite their huge conflict at the end of s2, the way Flower and Alberta were the ones who volunteered to be roommates originally, Flower not realizing Hetty didn't understand what good sexual stimulation felt like and then being distraught when she realized Hetty didn't know what happened to her on the washing machine and Hetty feeling comfortable enough to come to Flower to confess her sins and Flower helping her work through it, Alberta having forgotten Flower's name in season 1 but then in season 2 she's the one who makes sure Flower remembers what her name is, it's just so...!! The fact they have a Lady Ghost Society Council is so cute too, oh my god.
Isaac and Trevor Oh my god one that doesn't involve Hetty, what the hell Isaac and Trevor are so interesting...they're kind of similar to H-Money in that on paper you don't think they'd get along, but their interactions are so?? I think Isaac envies Trevor in a way because he's so easily "one of the guys" which is all Isaac ever wanted, buuuut he also thinks Trevor is kind of an idiot, lmfao, because Isaac just thinks everyone in the house except for him and Hetty aren't particularly intelligent I think. (Also he can't get past the pants thing.) Trevor and Isaac both so very, very desperately, just want people to like them, both of them make up these stories about cool things they did to fit the persona they so badly want the others to believe...The Liquor License is such a good episode for them, the way Trevor is content to tease Isaac when he thinks Isaac is having fun doing his snooty thing but then as soon as he realizes Isaac got left alone he goes to find him...they're just really, really fun to pair up together and I'm looking forward to this next episode with them being a duo! You can really see Brandon and Asher's friendship shine through in their scenes together.
Isaac and Sam Isaac and Sam's relationship is so weird and I absolutely love it. Isaac shadowing Sam all day in the new episode and kind of making fun of her "Yogaaaa!", them doing yoga together and her ditching him when he fell asleep...there was an interview back in December where Rose talks about the Sam and Isaac dynamic and how weird it is saying Sam just really seems to want to serve him and his best interests and that there's something going on with Sam for her to want that out of Isaac LOL, she really does seem to cave into him the most out of any of the ghosts because something in her just seems to want to impress him? But at the same time he annoys her. It's fascinating. That little heart to heart they had about not needing outside approval but then immediately dropping it as soon as they got approval for her book was SO funny and they really just want everyone to like them and be proud of them and it makes for such a fun relationship to explore.
Phew! Ok, that was long, and I'm frustrated I can't properly say what I actually want to say or feel for any of these but hopefully that all comes across decent enough! <3
Ask me my top 5 anything game!
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lettucebee17 · 11 months
Congrats on 100 followers!
For your event, I'm curious about your opinions on some rarepairs I like. I'm not expecting a response to all, but you can choose any one(s) you may find interesting :)
What are your thoughts on
and/or Che'nya/Floyd?
Thanks, and again, congratulations!
Thank you!!
I will not be stopped and will respond to all of them. :)
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I've actually seen some really cute stuff about Silver and Idia and I do think they're sweet.
I think the one thing that's missing for me in this ship is that I just haven't really seen them interact that much and I just haven't given them an incredible amount of thought.
However, I will say that one thing I've always found really fun about this ship is the added dynamic of Lilia and Idia being gaming buddies but also Lilia being Silver's father. Because like, imagine your boyfriend being like, 'sorry babe, i've gotta run a dungeon with your dad.' But also Silver would just be like 'cool, can I watch?' and then falls asleep.
Which is another thing that would be cute about them dating: just, Silver napping in Idia's room while Idia's gaming but also probably forcing Idia into a healthier sleep schedule simply by virtue of the fact that he's always sleeping and Idia feels awkward about Silver being asleep while he's awake.
Also I will say that one line in Silver's ceremonial robes vignette when Idia calls him handsome is top notch - big fan.
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I have, in fact, never seen or considered this as a possibility.
Putting aside my weird hang-ups about Malleus and his age and shipping him with people, I think they could work together really well.
Like, both of them are people that most everyone around them find scary and prefer not to be around (sans a select few) but they're both just complete dorks. They could infodump to each other about their funny little special interests and they'd both just listen so intently to each other!
Also they could teach each other about fae and mer culture respectively and like Jade going for night swims or something while Malleus sits on the shore and stargazes (cute date ideas)
Not to mention, Azul would be thrilled if Jade started dating the heir of Briar Valley, I mean, what a business opportunity! Not that Azul should exploit his employees boyfriend like that...
Also, Jade's secretary/butler tendencies would be an incredible boon to Malleus actually getting to places on time and remembering to do things.
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Another one that I had never considered before. And I think it's important that you know my first thought upon reading it was 'fedora bfs.'
I'm intrigued by the dynamic of this one because I cannot come up with a scenario in my mind of HOW they'd start dating. Like, who asks out who? Either option is so funny to me.
Like, Azul having a crush on Trey and talking to Riddle about it to try to get him to set them up? Top notch.
Trey just out of the blue making Azul like a cake or something to ask him out? Also very funny, so confusing to everyone.
On the subject of baking too, the two of them starting a bakery or something after graduation is so cute and domestic because like, Azul running the business aspect and Trey getting to bake and try to things to sell and stuff? Very cute to think about.
Sorry I don't have a lot to say about them...
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I, personally, think that Che'nya and Floyd should be besties and I cannot see them dating (too much chaos, not enough serious communication)
I do think, however, that they'd be real cute in that they'd be super physically affectionate with each other in the cutest ways. Like, Che'nya would just wrap his tail around Floyd and Floyd would just like pet him and scritch his ears. (do y'all think Che'nya purrs? he must, right?)
Also, the fact that Che'nya shows up at unbirthday parties, partly for Trey's baked goods, I'm sure he would love to show up and steal food from the Mostro Lounge and Floyd would 100% let him.
Plus, cute date idea: terrorize Riddle Rosehearts!
All in all, a very cute combo but I don't think it'd be the healthiest relationship-wise...
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distortedmoondisc · 9 months
hiiai for the ask game thing 🥺👉👈
Hi!! Thank you so much for asking for my otp vi 🥹💖💖💖
So! I hope I don't get too rambly with it ahdhfj
1. What made you ship it?: oh boy, the first and second chapters of the !! Main Story made me become so obsessed with them it wasn't even normal. I went into ensemble stars without any idea or notion about the franchise or the writing beforehand and I was absolutely confused with the way the characters talked to each other (the enstars writing is definitely an acquired taste imo lmao). So you must imagine how insane I felt when I, who wasn't used to male characters having such blatant, shameless and obviously deliberately flirty/romantic/shippy intended dialogue with each other such as.... This:
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This was!!!! On their first meeting!!! They have known each other for less than 5 minutes and Aira has already fondled Hiiro's bicep!!!! Are these two normal??? (If you've been into enstars long enough you'll know that the answer is !!! No !!!)
And what's funnier is that after Aira does the (rub, rub), the next dialogue is literally this:
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so like.... Akira (writer of all of the !! Main story) here had to force a switch on the conversation so these two could focus again on the topic they were discussing before (about whether or not they're underachievers and about Ensemble Square) from that fondling muscles scene. This means Akira didn't have any need to write that scene between these two, it wasn't necessary for the plot. The madlad just added that scene in there out of nowhere. Just for the funsies. For a silly little laugh. Because there's nothing more fun than making your OCs flirt with each other this shamelessly in your own story. He really gets the assignment.
Listing a few honorable mentions for hiiai interactions from the first and second episodes of the !! MS that made me imprint on them so hard that they became my biggest otp since july of last year and has taken hold of my heart ever since 🫶
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Hiiro fawning over Aira's beautiful name 🥺🥺🥺
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Hiiro here was really like yeah you're my soulmate, my soulmate bestie (no but seriously do you ever think about how hiiro became so attached to aira so quickly and wanted to become his friend so bad, and how he also saw their meeting as fate....)
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He is so dramatic, he didn't even get directly rejected here
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This is a personal favorite. I can't stress how mentally ill I was when I read Hiiro saying "I'll do my best to destroy the future where you'll feel sad" DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF???? this should be added to the "is this Russian literature or enstars" online quiz
If you are observant enough you'll see that Hiiro is the one shamelessly flirting all the time AHDJF but Aira himself (mostly in later chapters) also says some questionable stuff about Hiiro in some parts that makes you go... Huh (Aira saying to Hiiro "Aira-kun's route is no longer available for you!" Aira why are you equating yourself and Hiiro as the protagonist and romantic interest of a dating sim game? Do you have anything to share with the class?)
But yeah... them (vaguely gestures with hand). They give a very strong first impression to say the least, so it's not hard to imagine how I came to ship them as quickly and as strongly as I did ahdjf
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?: God, there's so many things I like about hiiai I don't think I can ever list them or rank them, but I'll try ahdjf
For starters, I just really like their dynamic (very basic answer, I know). A thing I really love about their dynamic is how Hiiro is so openly affectionate with Aira, and I think it's cute how Aira is so tsun about his care and affection for hiro-kun, but he just can't leave him alone and thinks of him so often (he mentions him all the time in the game's home lines wwww).
Another thing I love is the way their relationship develops throughout the !! main story. How Aira stuck to him and to Alkaloid due to obligation (in order to survive as an idol in ES) but actually became attached to Hiiro and formed the unique dynamic with him where Aira feels like he can't leave Hiiro alone to prevent him from getting into trouble (and while there is truth to that, there's also the fact that just genuinely Aira loves Hiiro because the first friend he's had in a long time, and a very loyal and loving one at that). In Hiiro's case, he also got attached to Aira very quickly since he was also his very first friend on the city 🥺
In general, I love that hiiai are each other's first friends in ES when they were completely alone, and that by finding each other they found the solution to their chronic loneliness (because Aira and Hiiro both suffer a lot from severe loneliness ever since their childhoods. Aira has never been able to keep lasting friendships and Hiiro's only company in his hometown was Rinne. So them finding each other and hitting it off so quickly and easily means a lot for the both of them, and they both try their best to make the friendship work because they want to keep it and make it last, yk?)
Another facet of hiiai that I like... how Aira always teaches Hiiro new things and helps him understand the world around him. I like to think about how Aira is, literally and metaphorically, the reason Hiiro loves the city, and how that is what leads him to stay there instead of going back to his hometown with his brother (and I just sit here and wonder if the rinniki parallels were intentional from Akira's part?)
I mean literally because Aira is the one who taught Hiiro what idols are, and that was what made Hiiro realize that yes, this is something he likes and a thing he wants to do with his life. And metaphorically, because I believe that for Hiiro, Aira is a representation of the city. Aira is a city boy, he has an upbringing and worldview completely different from his. Aira grew up in a world that is completely unknown and new to Hiiro, a world in which Hiiro didn't plan on staying for long in the first place, a world that Hiiro didn't plan on getting attached to, but that he still came to like at the end — so Hiiro, by loving and accepting Aira, is metaphorically loving and embracing the city and coming to understand it*. And we know that Hiiro deciding to stay in the city and becoming an idol for real is one of the most important parts of his arc of independence and self discovery, so this gives Hiiro's relationship with Aira another layer of depth that makes their bond more important and essential for each of their characters and arcs.
*I almost forgot to clarify why I think that Hiiro coming to like the city is such a big deal (and note, this is a personal interpretation). Basically, because Hiiro was so dead set on bringing his brother back to their hometown so he could become the monarch, he was still close minded about the outside world and stuck with the old arbitrary rules taught by his hometown. But just as Rinne predicted and hoped, Hiiro ended up being marveled by the city and all the things it offers and so many things he's never seen before (and you can extrapolate that marvel he feels for the city as the marvel and interest he feels for Aira when they first meet). So just as Rinne left his hometown in favor of the city—which was a thing Hiiro didn't understand before because he didn't know what even made the city so good in the first place to make his brother want to leave—Hiiro ended up liking the city as well and choosing to stay there instead of going back home, therefore chosing his own path like Rinne.
But then again, this is just my personal interpretation of the text ahdjf
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?: I probably do, but I can't really think of one at the moment ahdjfj I guess one unpopular opinion is that I think that Aira isn't as stereotypically tsundere as people tend to depict him as in fanworks.
Don't get me wrong, Aira def is very tsun (and he is deliberately written as a stereotypical tsundere sometimes for the comedy bits and/or to make his feelings about others obvious. It might seem paradoxical, but the more tsun the acts—the biggest reaction he gets out of one of Hiiro's actions, for example—the more obvious his true feelings come across), but I also think it is often overlooked his character development in the !! MS where he grows to become more honest about his feelings and doesn't reject Hiiro's displays of affection as much and is even openly happy about them (like when he was happy that Hiiro held his hand and said it made him feel reassured). But this characterization isn't the most consistent throughout stories (and that is a thing that bothers me a little but talking about enstars' lore inconsistency is a story for another day ahdjf), so this is something very personal 😅
And that's all... thank goodness it was only 3 questions AHDJF I was hoping I'd write a short post, but it seems I *did* end up rambling about hiiai after all 😔🤙 what bring prompted to talk about the otp does to a person.
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tachihara, ivan, and atsushi for the character ask game?
first impression:
i kept getting him confused with tanizaki i think
impression now:
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this isn't even all of my thoughts
favorite moment:
when he tries to kill himself with the knife. that is the entire reason i wrote a fic about him, i had So many thoughts about it. but also just that entire fight against fukuchi was so good
idea for a story:
post doa, he and aku go shopping together thanks to gin (she wants them to bond). it does not go great
unpopular opinion:
i don't look in his tag enough to know if i have any </3
favorite relationship:
tachigin.. also his dynamic with the other hunting dogs and the black lizard in general
favorite headcanon:
he used to fidget a lot via his ability. he stopped doing that when he had to go undercover, hirotsu noticed he was fidgety and got him like. a fidget cube :)
ivann <3 my bestie's blorbo
first impression:
impression now:
the silly!! the blorbo by proxy!! where is he asagiri PLEASE wherE IS HE
favorite moment:
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he is so silly in this fucking panel. i swear i have more thoughts on him then just silly but tbh it's mainly @feralshadowdemon that has proper thoughts about the gonch
overall i really liked his fight with aku and atsushi :)
idea for a story:
stemming from the concept you mentioned where shibu just. vibes as a dragon after dead apple, ivan wanders into shibu's little(ish) "off limits, go in the foggy area at your own risk" section and shibu proceeds to take a liking to him. it's not romantic shibuvan bc i don't ship ivan in canon with anyone due to lobotomized ppl not being able to consent but it sure is a flavor of some kind of shibuvan
unpopular opinion:
despite being a shibuvan shipper i don't ship ivan with people in canon due to the lack of consent thing lol. give him his frontal lobe back before he can kiss
favorite relationship:
shibuvan!! also idk i think he could have met the doa at some point and that makes me very curious as to how that would have gone
favorite headcanon:
i think he would know how to waltz <3
first impression:
oh wet cat of a man but he is kinda cute
impression now:
HES GROWN SO MUCHH,, i love to see it!!! also love that he gets to be vulgar sometimes and be MAD it's so!!!
favorite moment:
i like when he runs back to the ada terrified that they've been hurt and they're just. fine. and he's in tears
idea for a story:
i don't have many fic concepts for him tbh but one of the wips i have is one where he leaves mii-chan at the vet
unpopular opinion:
i think this counts? i don't ship ss.kk
favorite relationship:
HIS DYNAMIC WITH THE ADA <33 also with aku, and kyouka. i wish we got to see more of them all together
favorite headcanon:
he has a pet chameleon
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
What are your thoughts on lusopp? (Luffy x Usopp)
i just woke up so if my words are all over the place that's probably why! being productive right here! waking up early! somebody shoot me! fighting the urge to go back to sleep so i can reply to your silly lil awesome questions! i need a coffee.
AND!!! I REALLY LIKE THE SHIP!!! (just saw you're on impel down so i won't spoil anything!)
i mean, it's not my favorite ship and i'm not crazy about it like, idk, my fiancé is crazy about them (but again, she's crazy about zosan and lawlu and i'm not so we have to deal with each other's bullshit all the time). but i find their relationship really, really interesting and complex and cool to explore. i was just writing a fic about them being besties and super clingy, gonna cry. baby boys.
i personally see them more as just best friends, but hey! if there are cute fanarts and content i'm not going to scroll away!! it's a good and cute ship!!! they're bffs almost instantly and usopp's intelligence really disappears when he's with luffy which is, not only hilarious but extremely refreshing to see. let the anxious boy be dumb and reckless!! they're so chaotic!!
not to mention that it's not only their dynamic that makes them good, but the whole water 7/enies lobby thing. i fear that if i talk about this much i might start sobbing. but, like,,, their fight is the first time we see luffy actively cry on screen. we see luffy losing control of his crew, something he used to have control over. we see luffy lost and act impulsively and not knowing what to do because his best friend and sniper is about to go away and his heart fucking breaks into a million little pieces. because luffy sees usopp's potential and he wants him with the crew, but he can't do anything to help if usopp doesn't believe in himself. and also, the merry, which is another thing luffy loses control over and has to act like a logical captain about it but we all know it's heartbreaking for him too. and then there's usopp, who feels inferior and not worthy of being part of this amazing crew. even though he has shown over and over again to be part of this little family. he just feels like he doesn't belong here. and, you know, he says he's angry because of the merry but we all know the fight isn't about that.
so, we all agree that water 7 is very very peak lusopp (and sanuso, but tbf it's just peak usopp in general because he has great scenes with everyone. especially the monster trio, shout out to my boy zoro), and then enies lobby is when they make up and it's beautiful and heartbreaking and the way usopp yells at luffy to stand up and fight makes me want to curl up on the floor and sob for ages and ages and ag-
and i would go into detail about luffy's character but i don't want to spoil anything, so let's just focus on usopp here:
lusopp's dynamic works well both as a friendship and as a ship, mainly because they're both on the same page when it comes to silly shenanigans. we see them actively enjoying being with each other and doing stupid things together and that's just,,, so sweet. but also, usopp is one of those people that have to ground luffy sometimes and tell him "fuck, no. haha. we're so not doing that" because despite acting silly, he's pretty much more logical and rational than luffy is. but, you know, the reason he's like that most of the time is because he's scared of fucking dying (which i understand. i'd be scared too in that crew. i'm glad nami is always agreeing with him with these things), and he has to be the one to stop luffy (try to, at least. never really works) from doing extremely dangerous things. which is both hilarious and actually pretty cute to watch because it shows us how well usopp knows luffy. it's obvious that they're best friends. dude knows what luffy is going to do minutes before luffy even thinks about doing it. and luffy really, really admires and loves usopp's abilities and strengths and brains. all the things usopp is insecure about? luffy loves them!!!
and, you know, it's a good ship because they have that sort of bff energy, but if you make it romantic and angsty and more intimate? that's just better! i feel like their ship is just- those friendships that turn into romantic relationships but their dynamic doesn't really change at the end of the day? and i find that really endearing.
luffy makes usopp see the best in himself and makes him want to improve as a pirate to follow his dream and feel like he belongs in the crew. usopp makes luffy be a bit more grounded to reality whenever he needs to, and he was the first one to make luffy realize that, well, fuck, he's the captain of a ship and he needs to be responsible and make harsh decisions.
but now that they're together again, luffy is sooo not going to let him go ever again. and usopp will never try to do so because he just wants to keep fighting for him!!!
it's such an endearing and funny and angsty ship. i think i just don't really ship them much because i'm more of a sanuso/zolu kind of person. but at this point just make it poly and everybody is happy (except nami bc she has to deal with the 4 of them being in love and that would be extremely tiring. somebody bring back vivi for her PLEASE).
but yeah, cute ship. not my favorite but awesome to explore and tbh one of my favorite friendships in this show. very underrated but that's just bc usopp is underrated af and it makes my blood boil with anger and the fury of hell itself. that's for another day, though!
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stepswordsen · 1 year
JuAli WIP doodles
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So, I'm just gonna post my old JuAli doodles from November ~ April. Obsessed with them. I've been thinking about them non-stop. Judar is wearing traditional Chinese hanfu in these :) 
Here's my JuAli doodles for now <3 They're pretty messy, so I'll put them under the cut. Also I'm putting my thought rambles under the cut too. They’re snippets of thoughts I had, including ones with friends, feel free to read them if you’re curious!
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Some rambles
I was considering whether I should post my JuAli doodles since I usually prefer to keep my art account for finished arts only, but I wanted to show my love for them. I still have to refine and redraw these tbh, but I'm excited to work on these in the future! 
I also didn’t know whether to post these rambles under my art or make a new post on my side blog. Well. It’s going here now. I’ll post the rest of my sketches and another rambles in another post 
The first two Judar in hanfu doodles are some of my fave drawings ever. I really want to finish this one soon...
I think Judar has red eyeliner in the manga, and the Magi anime has Judar's eyeshadow as purple? In Ohtaka's coloured arts, it looks like a more saturated red colour to me.
I like Judar with red eyeliner/eyeshadow like how Ohtaka colours in the manga. I like how the colours pop and the contrast against his design, and how it matches his red eyes. Also cuz black and red are his image/representative colours to me anyways
I want Judar to wear black, white, red, and gold hanfu... I’ve also been looking into hanfu earrings for him. I'm thinking of red and gold. I want him to have red eyeliner and black painted fingernails.
Also, in the future, I'd also like to draw Desi inspired Alibaba wearing kurta with churidar!
Some thoughts on JuAli
I love how my friends described them as besties and one-sided enemies/worsties dynamic (from Judar’s end lmfao), it’s soooo funny. I feel like they’d have a sort of Love-Hate relationship at first, like when you hate someone so much it’s love...
My friend mentioned that because Alibaba is so different and the complete opposite of him, it makes sense he doesn’t understand it, but it only shows that he’s curious and that deep inside he wants to know.
And Judar would just constantly be like “I really don't get this guy at all” and “I don't understand what he's thinking at all!” Like how he was with Alibaba on the Dark continent. I think it’s interesting how he recognized that Alibaba has qualities that draw people to him, but just couldn't understand why.
I love their Fire and Ice duality. Light/Darkness. Angel/Devil. Hot and Cold. Enemies to Lovers. They’d bicker and kiss and make out. Twink on twink violence is their love language /lh
I feel like in the early stages of them catching feelies they’d both be really awkward around each other and constantly headbutt each other… They'd always be pretty competitive with each other, but they'd warm up to each other over time.
I love their setup, I’m obsessed with them and their vibes. They’re so funny and cute… I love their dynamic, their vibes are impeccable. I could sense the sen-core with them, I love them so much.
I awaken to my final form. Meow meow mf x Empathetic, loving ball of sunshine… It's the sen-core ship formula: meow meow mf x ball of sunshine. Morally questionable/morally bankrupt x morally agreeable <3
Also I love Light/Darkness, Yin/Yang and Sun/Moon/Eclipse themed ships. And Rivals/Enemies to Lovers. Opposites contrast :)
I love Opposites Attract ships that are also combined with any of these tropes: Narrative parallelism (Yin/Yang, Light/Darkness, Sun/Moon/Eclipse tropes), Protagonist x Rival/Antagonist/Opposing Figure, Reconciliation of Opposites, Fated Enemies/Rivals, etc.
Sen-core characters/ships: being a menace to A) the world and/or B) their rival/enemy/lover.
Alibaba is the sun, and Judar’s leitmotif is the black sun (just like Douman). And he’s also technically the moon. One of my friends told me she sees him with Eclipse symbolism, which is really interesting.
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