#their hat is also like super long in that concept art
serialgirlposter · 1 year
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Some rlly bad sketches of that one testament concept art where they look more like a confused door to door salesperson in a trenchcoat than a grim reaper
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hezuart · 1 year
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So I had a premonition for Little Nightmares 3. Last night I had a dream that Mono was just growing old in a tower he chose to stay in as a hermit and just retired there. The runaway kid's real name was revealed to be "Gilbert" and he summoned UFOs that performed a wicked cool airshow over the sea, but then the USA government shot them down and captured them for experimentation. The government was also after a bunch of super powered teenagers and children. They all swam away and tried to escape. Six was amongst them. One of the teenagers took a liking to Six and used her powers to change Six's (super long???) hair a bright red. It was then revealed the government figurehead in charge of the capture raid was Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. I should also mention every single person including the kids in my dream looked like they were from the Lorax movie. Like imagine Little Nightmares but all Onceler style. I woke up to several dozen messages of Little Nightmares 3 trailer and well... I'm very relieved it's nothing like my dream.
Anyway! I had very low, negative expectations for LN3. I didn't think it would ever come out, and if it did, it wouldn't be the same. I am SO glad to be wrong. This developer apparently also worked on Little Nightmares 2, so they had a feel for the story, concepts, atmosphere, and gameplay. Little Nightmares 3 trailer doesn't give us a ton to work with, but I see high inspiration from previously unused concepts. Like the crows and mirrors in the Little Nightmares comics, and the giant baby from Little Nightmares 2 concept art.
The crow boy looks as though he can go through mirrors and technically fly with a black-feathered umbrella he uses to float. The girl has a wrench, and at first, I thought she was wearing an ugly gas mask, but it's apparently an old-fashioned pilot hat. So I touched it up in my drawing to make it look more recognizable... and cute. Already their designs are very intriguing. Can't tell what the full story is about, but they're new characters in a new setting, I'm very excited to see the world get expanded!
It's still a somewhat different style and atmosphere to the previous two games, but this developer really seemed like they paid attention and made it as authentic as they possibly could, and for that I am so grateful, I respect them so much. I am now changed! I've got a hopeful and optimistic mindset for the future of this series.
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tossawary · 10 months
You know, the more I think about it, the funnier I find the concept of Monkey D. Luffy /& Boa Hancock (especially paired with Aro-Ace spectrum Luffy and Aro-Ace spectrum Hancock) just for what it must look like from an outsider's POV.
For the record, personally, my favorite Luffy ship is Zoro/Luffy - also with Aro-Ace spectrum Luffy, that's basically non-negotiable for me, I don't care whether he's sex-favorable or sex-repulsed, but he's definitely ace. It is so funny to me to think about Luffy's incredible pull with aro-ace spectrum folks. People who once thought "sucks for you fuckers obsessed with sex and/or romance, I'm built different" (Roronoa Zoro, Koby, Trafalgar Law, Boa Hancock, Bartolomeo, etc.) find themselves fascinated by this little rubber man, who regularly declares war on the government and can swallow a roast chicken whole. Some of them are happier about this than others. Some of them WISH they just wanted to fuck or marry him, that would make more sense than this shit.
But, okay, back to Luffy and Hancock (as a friendship or queerplatonic situationship, whatever, doesn't matter). Like, let's pretend this is some kind of Modern College AU (Luffy is probably not IN college, tbh, he's just there to hang out with his friends and for any food anyone makes the mistake of leaving out). You are on your way to class and you see this woman walking down the street and she is - hands down - the Most Beautiful Woman In The World.
Super tall, with incredibly long, muscular legs in shockingly high red heels, a short skirt, artful cleavage, a waterfall of sleek black hair, beautiful face, striking makeup, gorgeous jewelry. Looks too old to be an undergrad student. She looks like if a martial artist became a supermodel. Walks like that too. The phrase "please step on me" comes to mind, but not to the lips, because that's sexual harassment, and also this woman looks like she could stab you through the heart with a kick and her shoe heel, killing you instantly.
She sees someone and her entire face lights up. She runs forward (how is she running in those shoes) squealing in excitement and embraces this guy you didn't even notice before, shouting about how much she missed him, and kisses him on the lips. He is... uh... three-quarters of her height at the tallest. A real Mr. Short King.
Wow, he has a babyface. And a scar on his cheek and on his chest, which you can see because he's wearing an open button-up, in eye-searing rainbow colors and decorated with monkeys, and jorts with fur at the cuffs. And mismatched flip-flops on the wrong feet. And a straw hat on a string around his neck. It looks like he hasn't brushed his hair today. It is impossible to judge his looks because his outfit is too distracting. Now the Most Beautiful Woman in the World is blushing bright pink as she clasps one of his hands in both of hers. Mr. Short King is using his other hand to pick his nose as she talks.
They walk hand in hand together over to where an incredibly expensive-looking bright red car is parked. Mr. Short King opens the driver's door for the Most Beautiful Woman and she apparently nearly swoons at this chivalry. She climbs into the driver's seat and he gets into the passenger's side (Luffy cannot legally drive and also cannot actually drive). They drive off together. What the fuck kind of Roger-and-Jessica-Rabbit-ass Sugar Mama relationship did you just witness?
Boa Hancock keeps a photograph of Luffy as her phone background and also on her desk at work. Everyone is always like, "Is that your... son?" And Hancock is like, "No, that's my number one choice of future fiancé! Isn't he sooooo handsome?" And people can only be like, "...Okay, but why are there police lights in the background? And something is on fire? It kind of looks like he's in the process of being arrested..." And Hancock responds dreamily, "They didn't catch him! He climbed into my exercise duffel bag and I carried him out."
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earthnashes · 1 year
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It's been a long day, and Melon is exhausted. Ever since escaping Hookbill and those pesky Lakitus, he and Mario had been on the move almost non-stop, taking advantage of the Super Star Fruit's power to cover more distance. But it had to wear off eventually, with Mario burping off the remnant of the magic before they slowly--but surely- sunk all the way back to the forest floor and in the middle of the Sluggy Snowdrift Mountains.
As soon as they touched ground a blizzard fell upon them, and Melon set out to find suitable shelter.
So far, no such luck. No matter where he turned, all Melon could see was the vast expanse of snow, the screen of heavy snowflakes, and the dark silhouettes of tall mountain peaks in the distance. As a yoshi the cold didn't bother him as much, but he could feel the shivering of Mario upon his back even wrapped so tightly in his favorite blankie (how he managed to keep it, Melon can't be too sure).
Melon stopped for only a moment, just to pick the boy up from his back and instead cradle him close to his chest. He huffed hot air across Mario's red-tinged face, tucked his blanket closer (if that were possible). When all Mario did in response was shiver even harder, Melon let out a trill of distress; he had to find something.
With his eyes straining against the blizzard Melon set off again, head on a swivel in hopes of finding anything that could work.
His luck finally earned him a place in the form of an old burrow. It must've been home to a Huffin Puffin before it migrated. Whatever the case, it was empty, and Melon wasted no time setting the place straight.
Snow was dug out and away, debris cleared, dirt scrapped until it lay flat and dry. Only when he felt it right did he set Mario down in the bare nest, being sure to tuck him into his blanket before he settled in himself. Melon positioned himself in front of the entrance to shield the boy from the cold, curling protectively around him.
He didn't dare sleep, not at first. He waited until he felt Mario's shivering subsided, until his breath evened out into the cadence of a peaceful slumber. Until he was sure the kid was warm and secure, red eyes trained on his face for any sign of discomfort.
Mario eventually sighs and snuggles deeper into the yoshi's side, chewing contently on his binki, and it's only then Melon allows the insistent pull of sleep to drag him under.
Against the darkness of the night, three pairs of red eyes peek into the den. Even against the howl of the blizzard they can hear the reptile's rumbling from within; it's likely a purr, but one as small as a mouse can never be too careful.
Two of the three stay back, mindful of their distance, but one braves the entrance and quietly patters into the den. Closer to the yoshi and the human cub he's curled around.
The hidden mousers squeak out questioningly, but the brave one doesn't answer at first. It clambers up a rock and leans as far as it dares, peering into the sleeping face of the small child.
Brown hair? Check.
Big nose? Check.
Red hat with an M? Double check.
This is the one they were searching for. The Tweeters reported true.
Finally the brave Mouser squeaks its affirmative; perhaps a little loudly, if the sudden growl--sleepy but full of warning-- was of any indication. The rodents flee the den before they could wake the yoshi and his boy up, cowardly but excited nonetheless.
The boss will be very pleased with their findings.
Part 7<<– Part 8 (CURRENT) –>> Part 9 (TBA)
Part 8 of Melon's Adventure is here! :) We're now entering the home stretch of the first act of this story; only 2 more parts to go!
I'm super excited to finally get so close to the end, largely because I have plans on making mini artbooks out of the story's illustrations (it'll include both the art and the written shorts). The books is planned to also include things like concept art, a few WIP progress shots of some of the pages, character bios of the main characters + enemies, and unique cover art. It's gonna be a bit of an undertaking but I think it'll be fun!
At any rate, that's all for now! Apologies for the writing in this one; I've been a little sick the past few days so the quality may have suffered a little bit, but I wanted to deliver both to ya'll on time. ;_; I hope you enjoy! More to come soon!
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blazehedgehog · 21 days
After watching SAGE's 2024 trailer, you ever get the feeling that most people want to be making indie games instead of fan games nowadays,? Every year there's been less and less fan works there.
This is the first year I've really felt it in any meaningful way.
There have been attempts for more than a decade to rename SAGE to drop the "Sonic" part. I've always pushed back against that and at this point the branding is too strong to give up, I think. People know about and come to SAGE because the brand is strong. Renaming it would be a death sentence.
Taking off my business hat, it's a bummer to see fangames in the minority here. Everybody wants to hop on that indie game gravy train and chase the success of Pizza Tower (seriously, count how many Pizza Tower clones are in the trailer this year) or Freedom Planet or Spark the Electric Jester or whatever.
And it's easy to congratulate people for striking out on their own and making original games. I was one of the many voices urging Sabrina to divorce Freedom Planet from the Sonic franchise and make it into an original game she could sell. So she ran a crowdfunding campaign (multiple, actually), was successful, and now we have two Freedom Planet games. And that's great!
But... does that mean all fangames should go away forever?
The example I lean on the hardest is comic books.
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A lot of the guys who created the biggest super heroes aren't around anymore. They gave up control long ago or are straight up dead now. These books are effectively officialized fanfiction now, as are the $300,000,000 movies based on them. An ever-increasing number of people writing, drawing and directing these characters today were not alive when they were originally created.
But people still keep writing Batman stories, officially or otherwise. Because there are some stories you can only tell with Batman. Now, you could break off and make your own character that's similar to Batman, build up this history for him, and then finally tell your original story with that character. And maybe that's satisfying, to have built something of your own like that.
But for one: that's a lot of work. Batman is interesting because he has decades (almost a century now) of history behind him to play off of and work with. There are people out there who will tell you to just start writing your dream story and forget about building up to it first, but that's more about motivation and confidence than the idea that stories don't need historical context.
And two: that's already been done.
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There's a good chance you know who Rob Liefeld is from his, uh, "distinctive" art style. He also created Deadpool, a katana-wielding mercenary assassin that dresses in red and black, whose real name is Wade Wilson. But before Deadpool, he created Deathstroke, a katana-wielding mercenary assassin that dresses in orange and black, whose real name is Slade Wilson.
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Here is a guy who has built a career on copying his own work (and the work of others) over and over and over again.
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Did it make Rob Liefeld rich and famous? Technically yes, but he kind of got rich because other people made better work using his characters, and he's famous for being kind of a hack.
So which is better?
Creative output you can do right here, right now, today, but is considered "fanfiction" or "fanart" or a "fangame", which may or may not lead to you being the person handling the official thing at some point down the road...
Or spending years of your life toiling to bring an original concept to life, and even if you struggle through all of the boredom and hardship of getting your original product out the door, it gets lost in the noise of now-million other creators trying to do the exact same thing. And then, at the end of your launch, after 2, 3, even 5 years of working and working and working, you've only made enough money to cover rent on your apartment for a month and a half.
Or, to put it another way:
Are you ditching fangame development because you have a legitimately great story you want to tell, or are you just doing it because you can't make money on a fangame?
Are you just creating another Bloodstrike?
As someone who has struggled to justify putting lots of hard work into a fangame myself, and have both made very popular fangames and some not-so-great original games, I don't know if I have a definitive answer for you. But I do wish there were more fangames at the fangaming event, and I will say, as always, if I could get paid a livable wage for making fangames, I would drop everything and do it in a heartbeat.
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opbackgrounds · 1 year
Are there any character designs in One Piece you don't like, or don't gel with?
I don’t like Robin or Nami with super long hair, and I think Hancock should have kept the face tattoo she had in her concept art. Also think covering up Chopper’s hat is a mistake and am not a huge fan of Franky’s post time skip robot look. That one feels so in character for him I can’t really be mad at it though.
As a general rule Oda could be better at diversifying his young female characters. A lady shouldn’t have to be over 40 before getting unique facial features, you know?
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aihoshiino · 1 year
A Starter on B-Komachi Spotting
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One of the things I most wish we knew more about in Oshi no Ko is B-Komachi - the peeks we get into their group dynamic in 45510 and especially Viewpoint B are always super interesting to me but in the manga itself, we get shockingly little info about them. We can't even match all their names to their faces! With a little sleuthing though, I've managed to identify three of the six unnamed members which should help us narrow down the remaining girls, with a bonus tinhoil hat headcanon that I'm going to finally table. With that said, let's give it a shot!
The No-Brainers
These ones are easy enough that I'm not giving myself any credit for them but I'm mentioning them for completion's sake. Hopefully if you care enough about Oshi no Ko to read this post you recognize Ai on sight, but did you know another B-Komachi member was identified by name too?
In the Episode 1 BTS video, some settei (concept art/animation refs) for the first episode's preproduction were shown and among them was a B-Komachi member.
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At the bottom of the character turnaround, you can see the settei is labelled "めいめい" which is read as 'Meimei'. Case closed!
Interestingly, Mei is also namedropped in Viewpoint B and it stated to have written lyrics for at least one of B-Komachi's songs around when Ai was fourteen. Maybe we've got her to thank for Heart's♡Kiss?
The Deeper Digs
So, full disclosure – credit for this first ID goes to users thePermianwascool and ali94127 as they pointed out all these details in my Viewpoint B thread a few months ago. I'm just getting it all in one spot!
Viewpoint B, like 45510, is narrated by an unidentified B-Komachi member but we have just enough details about who she is in the story to put a face to her and it's the B-Komachi member in yellow with the penguin hairpin:
Her member colour is yellow
VB-chan left B-Komachi before the first gen disbanded and accordingly, Penguin Girl is one of the members missing from the final concert.
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I don't think it's a stretch to call that one a slam dunk.
Interestingly, the fleeting connection between the Viewpoint B narrator and Ai is the heart of that sidestory and it meant enough to Ai that even years after that single conversation, she considers the narrator her closest friend in B-Komachi. And if you pay attention to the anime art, our Viewpoint B narrator suspect is almost always placed directly at Ai's side with a consistency that feels intentional.
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Maybe Ai really did have a friend by her side all this time.
In addition to our narrator, Viewpoint B also identifies another B-Komachi member called Kanan. While this is not a name we've heard before, B-Komachi members are also referred to by fans by cute, affectionate nicknames in-universe. As such, it's possible that she is the 'Kyun' that Sarina refers to in episode/chapter 1.
The other identifying feature we're told about is Kanan's long, silky black hair. In the lineup there are only two unidentified B-Komachi members with long hair and only one with hair I would say reads as black to me.
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The girl with the panda pin.
In addition, this post is mostly spoiler free but for Oshi no Sickos who are caught up on the current arc, here are some ROT13 filtered spoilers from the manga that make me slightly more confident in calling this shot.
Xnan'f ebyr va 15 Lrne Yvr vf na nf-bs-guvf-cbfg havqragvsvrq O-Xbznpuv zrzore. Va zber be yrff gur fnzr oerngu gung guvf cbvag vf rfgnoyvfurq, Xnan vf nyfb gurzngvpnyyl pbaarpgrq gb gur vzntrel bs cnaqnf juvpu jbhyq zngpu Xnana'f navzny zbgvs. Vg nyfb cebonoyl whzcrq bhg ng lbh jvgubhg zr fnlvat vg ohg abgr gur fvzvynevgvrf va gurve anzrf, gbb – Xnan naq Xnana.
Someone Stop This Girl Cooking
This part of the post is where I stray out of reasonable assumptions and into wild speculation territory but it's speculation I feel is backed up enough by the source that I don't want to entirely discount it. While this isn't strictly an ID, I do want to call attention to a character I think may be more important than she initially appears to be: the B-Komachi member in blue with the hamster hairpin.
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Of the B-Komachi members, she is the only one other than Ai to have a distinctly fantastical hair colour - the other girls all have varying degrees of unnatural shades but Hampter Girl and Ai both stand out as having very distinctly 'anime' looking hair.
In addition, she is given a lot of passing but very notable focus but the anime's framing. She is one of the two other B-Komachi members who join Ai in the private performance of Sign wa B where the twins perform their lightstick dance and is the center of the trio of B-Komachi members we see at Ai's funeral.
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Shun Sawai - one of episode 1's character designers and animators - also posted some official art that has her front and center of B-Komachi.
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If these aren't just coincidences, it's possible she's being given some attention because she has some importance to the plot or the story as a whole. And why would that be?
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As we've already established, Penguin Girl here is our Viewpoint B narrator...
So what if our Hamster Girl is the narrator of 45510?
If this is the case, that would make our Blue B-Komachi member one of the three founding girls paid homage to with Ai's passcode - Nino, Watanabe or Takamine. Picking entirely at random, I'm choosing to headcanon her as Takamine for the time being.
Keep in mind that this section of the post is strictly speculation of course! I just think it would be a nice fit.
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ironladders · 1 month
of every ashrah outfit in all timelines, canon or even unused concept arts if they exist, which is your favorite? im very curious 👀
this got kind of long & out of hand im sorry i just like gushing about this girl (+ i have to air out my thoughts on her skins. i have opinions on literally everyone's outfits)
sadly ashrah doesn't have many costumes to choose from because she's only been in 3 games 💔 oh well though
i think my #1 look for her has to be her mk1 union of light skin:
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like it's probably one of the prettiest skins in the entire game. insanity. it's so elegant/beautiful and her hairstyle is really cute, i like how it frames her face. in a way it kinda reminds me of her original design but updated to have more detail. the flowers are so pretty and ugjhghgljgkljg idk what else to say i just love this skin so much
that said i don't dislike any of her outfits, they're all great!
the only one that i actually think needs some help is her ood skin; it looks fine at first glance but the more you stare at it's just. hmmm. this could've marinated a bit longer
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there's also the issue that this doesn't feel like an Evil Version of ashrah, which i think is a problem when the whole point of the ood skins is that they're supposed to be darker versions of the mk1 cast. but i digress
also if i may say something controversial..... i don't dislike ashrah's classic mkd/mka looks, i love them! BUT:
now that we've got a game where ashrah has distinct demonic features, i wish they did that for her older appearances. because as much as i love her deception skin and want them to remake it in mk1 (please @ nrs we need another skin for ashrah), she just looks like some lady? if that makes sense? like,,,, i would see deception ashrah in the grocery store and pay her zero mind:
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i guess before mk1 the other demons also just looked like regular humans but idk... some facial markings similar to the ones sareena had would've at least been nice. they've got the kanji on her hat translating to "demon/ghost" and that's it.
and i know that's sort of the point, that she's supposed to look like a normal human upon first glance, but idk man! she wasn't done with her absolution yet, midway should've let her look a little strange 😭😭 there's some people who want her to have a normal human face if/when nrs gives us deception ashrah as a skin, but i'd rather they keep her demonic features
on the topic of mk1: i love the contrast here on her mk1 default between ashrah's clothing — clearly inspired by angels — versus her actual appearance. it's really smart and imo reflects how much she tries to distance from her origins as a demon. it really sells the idea of her being an ascending demon & i hope everyone that makes fun of her hairline + face steps on a lego
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when the banished trailer first revealed ashrah some people were sad she didn't have her hat, but tbh???? i feel like her mk1 default is fine without one. it would've been nice and probably helped older fans recognize her but i'm not sure if this outfit needs a hat. yknow.
the only other ashrah outfits to talk about (because again she has SO little it's criminal) is the ones from mkd concept art that didn't make the cut:
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i have no strong opinions about either of these, they're here i guess. the first one is cool, i like the idea of ashrah with super long hair and she reminds me of a jedi there lmao. the second one is also okay but something about ashrah with a mask feels weird so i'm glad they didn't go with it
speaking of concept art CAN NRS SHOW US THE CONCEPT ART FOR THE MK1 DEFAULTS because i really want to know the early ideas they had for ashrah. we get the final character concepts for everyone which is fine but i desperately want to see the initial ideas they had. i hope they get added to the shrine in the future 🥲
idk how to end this so boom. ashrah face
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ursachaotic · 2 months
Ok this might be a little weird and I want to tell this to you anonymously because I don't want to make you feel pressured into answering ^^' (let it be known I am a mutual of yours & I know we don't talk but I think you're really cool <:) Your genuine love for Gravity Falls and you excitement about The Book of Bill is kind of. Helping me rekindle old love for the franchise. I stopped interacting with it more or less involuntarily (bad experience with bad people) and felt bad that I can't get into it but honestly your interest did help me rediscover it, or at least start to do so. Like I've picked up my old Journal 3 a couple times this week, I thought about re-watching the show, I bookmarked the cheapest "to be released" listings for TBOB in the online shops in my country, I have the thisisnotawebsitedotcom bookmarked too. I've been picking up my hand-made-from-a-towel Bill plush and just looking at him. Thinking about trying to find his hat and make him a new bow because I took them off when it was just too awful to perceive.
I hope this isn't weird. I genuinely don't mean to be weird or trigger your anxiety or anything, I mean it. Your love for this show and everything around it is helping me a bit to rediscover my own, which is great, because as someone with interest in folklore, the paranormal and cryptids, GF was an amazing thing to discover. I myself made a grown up version of Dipper, who's a full-on cryptid hunter and wrote a lot of stories about him, later turning that concept into my own thing because it was too painful to keep but I loved all of the creatures I made and the lore and stuff. So I just took my ideas and moved it into my own thing, which is currently my most developed universe with my most beloved ocs.
This is lengthy. Sorry. Again, I genuinely don't want to creep you out, just, I'm glad I found you and your art and your comic and that you're so excited about your interests. Please know that you are never bad or annoying for loving what you love, please continue being so passionate about things, because it's really cool. You're cool. I hope you know that ^^ and, well, if not, I'm telling you. You're cool and your work is amazing.
(If you would prefer me to pm you feel free to post about it here or your personal? blog, whichever you're cool with, I'll probably see it and can just pm you with like "haha yeah I'm the long rekindled-interest anon" or you can answer this or just read & delete, I really don't mind if you don't want to answer ^^. Just, wanted to say this. Again I hope this isn't weird ;w; I swear I'm just a little adhd guy who used to love GF a lot, and possibly might be okay enough to start interacting with it on his own. And your love for the franchise helped.)
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Hi this made me tear up (iN A GOOD WAY I PROMISE AHSDOFISADH I CRY WHEN I'M HAPPY LOL), this is seriously so, so sweet. Thank you so much for sending me this!! 🥹 I'm really glad that all of my silly Gravity Falls stuff has helped you get back into the show, and I hope you enjoy it and enjoy the Book of Bill if you get it!
Also, this seriously means a lot to me, especially because I'm actually really self-conscious about my interests and passions haha. I'm terrified of being seen as annoying, and there's been a lot of times recently where I've shut down out of the fear of being annoying about my interests. But I'm starting to not give a shit about whether or not people find me annoying online?? I want to be super vocal about something I adore so damn much cause it makes me happy! I've also been burnt out on drawing for a WHILE, but reading this book has given me so much inspiration, and drawing feels really fun and exciting again for the first time in a while! I struggle with depression a lot too, but my love for Bill and excitement about what's to come for the series has helped me feel really happy and kept me going for the first time in a bit. So, while I'm still scared of being perceived as annoying, I'm really happy right now and I want to keep doing stuff that makes me happy, even if that's just drawing Bill antagonizing me / my sona lmao. Seriously, thank you so much for sending me this! It's incredibly sweet and I'm really grateful that you did ;w;
Also you can absolutely reach out over DMs!! I would love to talk, but I hope you're having a wonderful day!! 🥹❤️
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lizaluvsthis · 10 months
Not an ask: Your art is so pretty!! I could stare at it for hours!!
This is an ask: Where did your story idea come from? I am super interested in the story and patiently (not really) wait for more.
1st: thank you! I get that alot from my peeps who are quite fascinated by the comics I make for Indigo Secret! I never feel bothered I love making these gay people and other of the characters <3<3 you need your eyedroppers btw i think your eyes would get sore if you stare for too long ^u^
2nd: for my answer? Well... I'm glad to tell you some things about it! So- It all started back when Smg3's notebook came to appear from the episodes, and also with wotfi 2023 included- I thought myself some plots that I could've never imagined before...
And then While I was doodling some random thing like- smg3's hat for example?
This one.
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I immediately begun to think about starting it here. With a simple cover to make a silly comic that has 10 chapters and PROBABLY HUNDREDS of pages-
From just a single notebook- then to making it dive into more deeper.
If you guys don't want to confuse the title's name.
It's supposed to be called as- "Indigo Secret"
Not- Indigo Secrets/Indigo Secret
There is another reason why I put " from it- and it would probably reveal on around Chapter 7 which will take a long ass time to finish the other pages-
This silly plot of my comics contains SMG4 almost going insane again from the part where Mario and Meggy worry about since their last experience with "Crazy smg4" back in the episode ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT. So um- yeah-
After smg3's suspicious vibe gave smg4 a questioning look, he was jealous about Smg3 having this 'Special person' hidden and wanted to know who that was.
Yes. Smg4 has a crush on smg3.
I got up to plot some more concept in this story to build something interesting...
-btw I'm still grateful to answer this ask- thank you!!!
- ☆ LizaLuvs
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wyrmsfornerves · 6 months
Hi! Younger artist here, I just saw your post with all those super cool monster designs and I took a quick stroll through your blog, and I was wondering if you had any specific inspirations for those designs or where you get inspo for character designs in general? Or perhaps some tidbits on how you learned how to make wild designs like that?
Sorry if this is a bit of a big ask, I just think it's really cool and I was curious!
Hello! Thank you for your question and apologies for taking so long to answer, I just got really excited and wanted to be thorough! 
My biggest piece of advice is research and develop a visual library of reference material! Your visual library is like a mental database of everything you’ve ever seen in your life, and this is what you can pull from to design concepts. 
There are a couple ways to start this as a practice: 
Notice what you see! It can be a chair, a sunset, a shoe, the light on a tree, but if you see something you think is beautiful or interesting, mentally make a note of it!
Document what you like! With computers and cameras this is a lot easier to do nowadays, but if you see something interesting to you, document it. You can draw it, or take/save a photo to folder. 
Organize it! I highly recommend coming up with a system for referencing back to find things, either through image tags or folders or even a manual filing system. 
Pay attention to your personal preferences and experiences. Try to think about what draws you to certain visual elements, identifying them can lead you to more things you like. Also pay attention to what you don’t like and why, it doesn’t necessarily need to be bad or amoral, we all have personal tastes. 
Get out of your comfort zone! I recommend trying to see something you’ve never seen before often. Find a new artist, a new genre, research a new type of design movement, go to a new place, etc. 
Try to find context for your research! For example, If you really love a specific era of fashion, research that time period and the way historical context informs it. Context can be really important, especially if you are working with references new to you!
Important Note 01: You don’t want to copy or rip-off these things. In my experience the best way to avoid that is to have a lot of reference points for any project and embrace your authentic personal interests, experiences, and identity. 
Important Note 02: Like any research, be conscious of primary person vs secondary sources! One is not better than another necessarily, but I find I work my best with a  mix of both. I like to start with primary sources and then move to secondary sources, Ie: looking at authentic suits of armor before moving to contemporary armor concept art. You don’t have to do this, it’s just something I find helpful. 
Important Note 03: While mostly I’m referring to visual references, audio, music, and writing are also super helpful!
Ok now, how do you curate all that for a project. For those monster illustrations I wanted to explore how color can be horrific. Keywords: Color & Horror. So I start looking through references for things that have the effect I want color wise, vivid and maximalist, and things that I find scary or horrifying. Here are some of the things I knew about or discovered during the research process that had the vibe I wanted. 
Notable Influences 
Color and Design 
Peruvian & Guatemalan Textiles and Traditional Clothing 
Spanish Traditional/Folk Clothing 
Sammezzano Castle, Italy
Nasir al-Mulk Mosque, Iran
Russian Traditional/Folk Costumes 
Fonthill Castle, Pennsylvania
Zhangye National Geopark
Nick Cave - sculpture artist
Lousie Zhang
Magnhild Kennedy - “Damselfrau”
Catacomb Saints
Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo
Japanese Yokai
Greek & Roman Mythology
Mandrills & Monkeys
Charles Fréger’s Photographs of  European Pagan Costuming
Avant Garde Fashion
Alexander McQueen
Vedas by  Nicolas Alan Cope and Dustin Edward Arnold 
Stephen Jones - Hats
Marina González Eme
Lorenzo Nanni
H.R Giger
Intersections of Color & Horror
Microscopic Imagery
Moths, Beetles & Shrimp
Suspiria (1977)
AJ Fosik
Hungry | Johannes J. Jaruraak
Once you’ve gathered these references in one place (like a moodboard, folder,  or Pinterest board) It’s time to pay attention to wear aesthetics intersect, what patterns are coming up, what proportions of color, what textures reoccur, what elements of clothing reoccur, etc.. What relationship do different images have with each other, what emotional effect do they create. 
Now that you’ve studied up, it’s time to sketch, try and create things that feel similar to the work you are looking at but not copy it, instead try mixing things together. Experiment! Let your personal style and preferences sink in! Interpret what you’ve learned!
From there, it’s more of a design process, how to use proportion, light, anatomy, perspective, form, repetition, etc, to create the desired effect. Then you refine and refine.
For new or different projects you repeat the process, maybe you use similar points of reference, maybe you go a completely different direction. 
Anyway that was long, but I hope it was helpful!
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You kno, I always (since I started playing LoZ 20+ years ago+additional ideas that came later) assumed Ganondorf is green bc of Koume and Kotake's influence. They're two powerful witches, and the occasional depiction of witches being green has probably also spread to Japan, so from that to show Ganon's ties to them, they were all three turned shades of green bc magic. It also sounded in-game like those two were a big reason for why Ganondorf went power mad and pushed war, even tho the other Gerudo didn't want him to go that extreme. Doesn't explain totk Ganondorf since there's literally no reason or backstory for him, but maybe it's like "tradition" by now. I also know there's a Chinese saying "putting on a green hat" which means the same as being green with envy, so I could imagine smth similar exists in Japanese, smth that could have worked with Oot's Ganondorf's envy of Hyrule's life giving lands. Since TP and WW, and HW Ganondorf are all the same guy, that kinda still works? I know it's really being viewed critical why he looks like he looks w the green skin, so thought I'd share a thing I basically came up with as a kid. (Except the green hat, only found out later, but the green with envy thought I did have back then.) Green hat works more for Link in the literal sense, so maybe Ganondorf has a figurative green hat. 😩
Hey! Yeah, I assumed the same for a very long time, and I'm pretty sure it's still the intent today.
I still think it's worth mentioning the trend has been really exacerbated with time; even back in OoT, his skin tone is not... that off the charts. Like yes, it does lean green, but after doing some color picking, it still stands reasonnably in the brown. It is a little sickly/olive, and there is a big gap between the concept arts and the model in-game already then (and in Smash, he's pretty much in the browns in his default model too), but it *could* be somebody's skin color. It's the same thing for WW Ganon btw, where his skin is definitively brown in the concept art and got much greener once modeled in the game. TP Ganon is the one where the difference between concept art and in-game skin is the least noticeable, but he also has the darkest shade by far so it doesn't read super green, even if it is quite there if you color pick. TotK Ganon is the color of a spinach smoothie in comparaison; even in the concept art itself, which might be even greener than the model in-game (a first!)
To be generous and fair to the whole thing, I think it used to be a case of what looked the most dramatic in-game, and a green hue does look less natural, colder, deader and scarier than a red-base one, especially in extremely intense lighting situations where Ganon often finds himself in, where it is easy to use that base color for contrast, especially with the red of his hair or the gold of his eyes and his little forehead jewel. This coupled with the influence of Twinrova and the association with envy probably pushed this direction even further every time.
But again, it is also hard to extract these choices from the history, in fantasy and sci-fi, of how to still dehumanize archetypes of PoCs without actually having them "being PoCs", or using excuses of inherent evilness to make their treatment by the narrative more acceptable. I am not mad at this choice inherently, but I am critical of it in the light of every other choice made in the year of our lady Hylia 2023 and the fact that I *so often* see this being used as protection against criticisms of both orientalism and a lack of care for what it implies about the worldbuilding of Hyrule. In OoT there was the connection to dark magic and the Twinrova; but in TotK, the Twinrova are easter eggs at best, not an active part of what shaped our antagonist and made him who he is. His evilness is made profusely clear the second he grabs the stone and becomes basically Satan with very cool hair, in a design that does lean super red and black anyway; one would think he'd rather try to hide his true nature before this?
(there is also history of PoC being turned green to avoid direct critique in fantasy/sci-fi worldbuilding, I think Star Trek is one of the big culprits but don't quote me on that)
Again, it's the package that is weird; and even more than the package, gradually changing PoC features over time in a way that, while not maybe being the only reason for the change, does allow the heroes to clearly identify the source of evil as Unlike Them while also distancing themselves from the more direct racist implications instead of... kind of allowing this to complicate the conflict, and accept that the conflict *is already complicated* no matter what is retconned or emphasized or changed. But the priority is simplicity and cleanness, and so Ganon and the gerudos do bear the blunt of these choices more often than not; the green skin being one of the more visible examples.
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silicon-tmblr · 1 year
Gaaaahhh still busy! Most of my deadlines are next week though so after that I'll hopefully have more time to uh. not forget about social media
In the meantime, I thought I'd share some of my concept art for pregame/post game casual outfits for the DRV3 cast + some sprite edits!
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Commentary under the cut! (it went on for so much longer than I expected...)
Tenko's concept was "stylish", since she looks so so cool in her blazer + cardigan pregame school uniform! Part of in-game Tenko's actual design concept was the keyword "unfashionable", so I wanted to subvert that with her pregame concept. My iteration of pregame Tenko is a huge people person who's best friends with virtually everyone at her school, so I think her more fashionable friends picked out this outfit for her! Of course, she's still wearing the cutesy blue bobble hair ties that she has in her pregame school uniform; I imagine that's an accessory she chose for herself, so she and her in-game counterpart aren't so different in that regard.
Kaede's pregame concept was drawn from the face her headshot makes in her early design concepts: a cool, determined face with a sidelong stare. Playing off of some fandom interpretations a bit, I gave my design the keywords "looks like a delinquent". More incidentally than completely purposefully, I took some inspiration from kogyaru fashion with the loose socks and short skirt (pregame Kaede's design notes actually point out the short skirt in the uniform, so I thought to interpret it as Kaede's personal choice). I also decided to keep the music note hairpins, even though they only appear in ONE of her pregame sprites (and nowhere else in the pregame + flashbacks)... they were also pointed out in the artbook, okay. The red ribbon on her arm is the tie of her sailor uniform.
Shuichi's pregame concept stems from my headcanon that he actually attends a school with no dress code. The nice blazer he wears in the pregame? Completely a personal choice. It's why he gets away with wearing the hat. So of course, outside of school, he still wears a blazer. It's not supposed to be the same one, just a more "casual" one from the same brand. Look, he's... wearing a sweater underneath the blazer, that means it's casual, right? (the sweater is probably 15,000 yen. there is a nice dress shirt underneath it.)
Angie was designed with the keyword of "studious". She has a prim and proper look with her collared long-sleeved shirt, high socks, and her knee-length dress (okay it might kinda stop short of the knee in the art but. I usually draw it knee length now). I was so sad that they got rid of the super-cute center parted bangs in her concept art because the straight bangs were "easier to draw", so I gave her the center part she deserves. She doesn't really pick her own clothes and just wears what's given to her, but I think she actually likes the pink dress a lot.
Kirumi's concept was "something a typical little girl would wear". She ended up looking like a classic princess from a western fairy tale, which... well, it tracks. The puffed sleeves, one piece dress, and uh. the shoes. low heels? flats with heels? (I tried a search and I got "ballerina heels" so I'll call them that) the ballerina heels were definitely design elements drawn directly from the prompt. Her concept was inspired by the cute little bow on her headband in her pregame uniform... I imagine pregame Kirumi loves cute things like bows and baubles but is too shy to wear anything flashy.
Korekiyo's design is meant to be stylish as well! The artbook commentary for his pregame uniform makes note of his modern attire and how he'd probably be popular with girls, so I moved forward from there. I don't think he'd be the MOST stylish guy, at least not in his casualwear (I'd reserve that for Rantaro, I think), and he'd keep his best outfits for the best of occasions. So here he's wearing something that I feel might be a bit off-kilter from what might typically be considered stylish. Or maybe it is perfectly stylish, I dunno. I don't really know anything about fashion. What I really like is the ponytail his hair is in; part of his hair actually sits in a loop while the rest goes through normally as the ponytail.
Kokichi's full outfit is a light gray pullover hoodie with brown jeans. I wanted to keep the loose-fitting aspect of his in-game outfit and riff off of his image colours, white and black (combined into gray, plus a purple tint). His neck is still not very visible in this outfit, much like in-game and even in the pregame with his high-collared uniform. I imagine pregame Kokichi as being rather aloof and free-spirited when it comes to clothing, versus in-game Kokichi's inventive and meticulous, yet equally free-spirited "style". He has a scarf that's black on one side and white on the other, but he only wears it when it's cold out.
Keebo's outfit is very much based on his in-game design, what with the wide, tall collar and green colour scheme. He's a human here! Since his right eye is covered in the pregame uniform by his hat, I played off of the "heterochromatic V3 character" idea — but with Keebo, not Kokichi! It's not super obvious, but his right eye is green while his left eye is blue. I also gave him a smaller ahoge and his hair is more of a pale blonde than a sheer white. I'm planning to make a Dnaganronpa style design sheet for human Keebo sometime hehe
Maki's full design is a long-sleeved red sweater with a tank top underneath. Her sleeves are rolled up halfway, and she's wearing gray sweatpants with this ensemble. It's an easy-to-move in outfit that facilitates her favourite hobby: parkour! Also getting into random street fights and actually being something of a delinquent (unlike Kaede, who only looks like a delinquent). I actually took some of these design elements from a "Maki ripoff" character I designed for something V3-related quite a long while back... but that's a long story :)
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boilingrain · 1 year
Rain Draws Squirrelflight, Leafpool & Bramblestar a Few Times
Since these three won my poll on which protagonists I should draw, here they are!
They don't get as much art per character as Ashfur did, because that was one character and this is three. Trust me, this was faster and more do-able
So anyways, first up is the Squirrel herself!
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I draw Squirrelpaw generally softer & bouncier looking than I draw Squirrelflight, because at this point in time she's just a kid. She has not yet witnessed the Horrors(tm)
Even when I was reading The New Prophecy for the first time as a kid, I always imagined Squirrelpaw/Squirrelflight as having little round ears. Maybe it was just the "Squirrel" prefix, but that trait has always stuck with me and I've always drawn her with small ears.
This isn't a trait unique to Squirrelflight with my designs though! In her family alone, Cloudtail, Alderheart, Lionblaze and Nutmeg also have small, rounded ears (Princess might also have them, but I haven't decided yet. I also haven't decided if any of Cloudtail or Lionblaze's kits have the rounded ears, but at least one probably does)
I wish that she had kept her telepathy thing with her sister, I honestly thought it was interesting. It's a shame that the Erins quickly ran out of uses for it and decided to pretend it never existed. This may or may not be why in my rewrite of Warriors that exists in my head (like many others in this fandom), the telepathy thing didn't stop existing as soon as it wasn't super useful the plot anymore.
Admittedly, she's always been my favorite of the cats who journeyed to the sun-drown place (though tbf, most of them didn't really get any proper development, and the other one was Brambleclaw. I do have a soft spot for Stormfur and Tawnypelt, though).
Also I... forgot to color Squirrelkit's mouth. Whoops
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The lady with a somehow worse taste in men than her sister, Squirrelflight!
Please Squirrelflight, you could've done so much better than Bramblestar. You deserve so much better than Bramblestar.
That aside, Squirrelflight has been one of my favorites for a long time. I just think she's a fun and interesting character
I think I said basically all of the things I was going to say when I was talking about Squirrelpaw, tbh. Also, much like a lot of the fandom for some reason, I don't really remember much of what happened during OotS? I don't think Squilf was particularly relevant during that arc, but it's possible she was and I just genuinely do not remember.
Why is Omen of the Stars basically just a void in everyone's memory. What's going on there.
Anyways, those aren't the final designs for Lionkit, Hollykit & Jaykit in that little doodle. Those are just kind of rough concept designs for them, and when I eventually draw them they'll probably look different. Also this is tortie Hollyleaf propaganda
If Lionblaze can be golden (though I typically draw him as cream) when both of his parents are functionally black (brown = black when it comes to cats. Also Leafpool shouldn't be a brown tabby anyways, because her dad is red and her mom is cream, which is a dilute version of red. I should stop talking now, before I get too deep into rambling about cat genetics), then Hollyleaf can be a tortie. (Jayfeather's fine btw. Gray is a dilute version of black, and both of his parents carry dilute. Crowfeather from Ashfoot & Leafpool from Sandstorm)
Okay, I'll finally shut up about cat genetics now
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If Squirrelstar doesn't happen, I will eat my hat. I will eat several hats.
I actually don't even know how old Squirrelflight is currently in the books. It doesn't help that the Erins are weird with ages and don't seem to know how cats work.
For my purposes, I choose to believe that the Clans have been at the lake for at least a decade, making Squilf at least 10 1/2 - 11 years old, depending on how old she was when the Clans left the forest territories. And putting her around that age would, in fact, make her a senior (for a house cat, at least. Real feral cats don't typically live that long, but tbf the clans have medicine and stuff, so their life expectancy might be longer than regular feral cats. But cats are considered seniors once they hit 10 years old)
Also all things considered, she's probably been stressed as hell for a while and experiencing the Horrors(tm). So she gets some gray on her muzzle from a combination of age and stress.
Honestly she deserves to go on a nice, relaxing vacation where she doesn't have to deal with the Erin's less than good writing choices and shitty treatment of female characters.
Anyways Squirrelstar's leader mark is her nose spot becoming star shaped, because I love it when leaders are depicted with some sort of star shaped marking. I eat it up every time.
I'll talk more about leader marks and how I do them at a later time, though.
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Leafpaw! My sweet baby Leafpaw!
My version of Leafpool is big and very fluffy, and you can't stop me from drawing her that way
Right off the bat, you'll probably notice that her design has changed a bit from the original concept design that I posted, as she's now a tortie instead of a regular brown tabby. Admittedly, a big part of why she's a tortie now is that I just love torties & calicos haha
If anything, her name makes even more sense now, because the combination of brown and orange makes her look more like leaves during fall! :)
Why's Leaf a tortie but Squirrel isn't? Maybe Squirrelflight is a secret tortie, or maybe she's trans, who knows? (The actual answer is that I had already finished all the Squilf art when I randomly decided to have Leaf be a tortie, but I didn't want to go back and change Squilf's design because I love it)
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I hope it's obvious that I love Leafpool a whole lot
Once again, Holly, Lion & Jay's designs in this are not their final designs and when I eventually get around to actually drawing them, they'll definitely have at least a few design changes.
Also it's really hard to draw tiny little newborn kittens on a small scale like this.
Anyways I've never actually read Leafpool's Wish, so I don't know if it proves or disproves what I'm about to say, but I think that with how much Leafpool loved her kits, I believe that she would've raised them herself if she had the ability to.
I also personally believe that if Squirrelflight hadn't decided to take in the kits, or if Leafpool had decided that she wanted to raise her kits instead of her sister doing it, Thunderclan wouldn't have done shit about it. I mean, she definitely wouldn't be as trusted as she was before, but I don't think she'd lose her job (at least at first) or be exiled. She was their only medicine cat, they literally couldn't do shit about it. Additionally, she's Firestar's daughter and also related to Sandstorm and Squirrelflight, who are both individually forces to be reckoned with.
She'd probably have to train an apprentice as soon as possible and then have to step down from her role as medicine cat, but I definitely don't think she'd be exiled or anything.
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Leafpool but she sparkles
For anyone who didn't see my Ashfur post, some of the rules I have for Starclan designs is that Starclan cats are lighter in color and have sharper & more star shaped markings compared to when they were alive. They also have their appearances change over time in a way connected to their names, which is why Leafpool is starting to grow leaves out of her neck fluff.
Additionally, Starclan cats will typically have a sharper shape, to go with their sharper markings. You'll notice that while she has the sharper markings, Leafpool's fur is still soft and rounded.
I feel like Leafpool's whole thing with her trial would affect her Starclan appearance, but that's not really something that results from a trial, so her not becoming sharper in shape is the exception rather than the rule.
I didn't design a Dark Forest Leafpool, but I imagine that the changes she'd get there (because my DF cats have their appearances change based on their crimes) would be that she would still grow leaves out of her body, but she'd also grow feathers and would have particularly long and sharp claws that she wouldn't be able to sheath. Each of these things is representative of the "crime" that she was sentenced for (even though Spottedleaf, a Starclan cat, literally encouraged her to do that)
The leaves would specifically be holly leaves (representing, well... Hollyleaf), the feathers would be a mix of jay and crow (representing Jayfeather & Crowfeather) and the claws would represent Lionblaze (though for this one I went with something meant to represent his power instead of his name. With Leafpool being a medicine cat, I think it fits)
If Leafpool doesn't give Squirrelstar a life we riot
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The bramble man
Honestly even as a kid Brambleclaw wasn't exactly my favorite character. I wasn't really old enough to really process how he sucks, honestly I just kind of remember thinking that he was boring. Maybe that's just the fact that I've always liked Squirrelflight & Leafpool way more than him, but I just didn't really care for his POV chapters during The New Prophecy
I did love the Hawkfrost scene, though. Because I wasn't on any warrior cats forums or anything as a kid, I didn't get spoiled about stuff like Hawkfrost's death or the Fire Scene (along with many other important scenes), so I think those scenes hit way harder for me.
When I was a kid reading Po3 for the first time, I genuinely didn't even suspect that Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw weren't Hollyleaf, Lionblaze & Jayfeather's biological parents. So you can probably imagine how shocked little elementary school me was
But anyways, yeah. While I didn't hate Brambleclaw as a kid, I just didn't really care about him.
On another note, my Brambleclaw/star design is pretty similar in shape to my Lionheart design (just with extra toes and not as big of a mane). Since Lionheart was Goldenflower's brother, I thought it would be interesting if while everyone else just saw Tigerclawstar in Bramble's appearance, Goldenflower didn't.
My Tawnypelt design has a more similar shape to Tigerclawstar, though.
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Leader marks are usually an already existing marking that becomes star shaped (like how I made Squirrelstar's nose spot star shaped), but sometimes a new marking entirely will appear as the leader mark.
While I easily could've made one of the spots on the backs of his ears into a star shaped for his leader mark, I have plans relating to Bramblefake/The Imposter and Bramblestar's mark.
You'll see said plans in a moment, but what I will mention about it is that my Ashfur design has a broken heart shaped marking on his chest.
On an unrelated note, Bramblestar should have someone else name warriors for him because great Starclan is he bad at names.
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There's totally nothing wrong with Bramblestar, what possibly could've made you think that
Anyways, a combination of the whole being possessed thing & Ashfur's broken heart marking have caused Bramblestar's leader mark to "break". It actually doesn't get fixed after he's no longer possessed, his leader mark stays that way.
The Imposter's fur is darker and droopier than regular Brambkestar. I don't have a real reason for the darker color (other than that it looks cool), but the fur is Ashfur's doing.
Another thing that is Ashfur's doing is the blue pupils. Bramblestar is supposed to have red pupils (due to him training in the Dark Forest in TNP), but being possessed kind of overrides that and so The Imposter's pupils are blue. They do turn red again after Bramblestar is no longer possessed, though.
Honestly, I still kind of wish that the theory that Bramblestar had rabies was canon. The possession was interesting, but I don't think rabies has even been mentioned in the series. Which is a bit surprising considering that it's basically a soap opera with cats, but then again the Erins sure do love taking the opportunity to ignore possible interesting new plots. Why do anything interesting when we could instead have a billion more badly written romances
But I will admit, it was interesting to have Ashfur come back to be awful again. I'm still mad that he got let into Starclan after trying to kill at least 4 people because he "loved too much" and that gave him more of an opportunity to pull this shit. They absolutely butchered Yellowfang after she died. Not really even recognizable as the same character as her living self.
I'm not doing more art for this post. I'm tired and I'm going to go get some sleep. Tomorrow I will get back to work on hypokit requests, but for now it is time to put away my art supplies and lay in bed.
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Few things i wanted to adress real quick, don't worry it is nothing bad.
1: I wanted to thank you for bringing this amazing universe to my attention, i binged the comic, watched the film, looked at the concept arts etc., i am so invested in this, the author did such a good job at creating the atmosphere of the 1920s and everything around it
2: Now i got a question, if you maybe got some references towards the style(mostly just hairstyles) of the 1920s, cause i can't for the sake of my life, find references for the braided, pined or other hairstyles of this period, only for the bobstyles(which makes sense, since it was a widely spred new style), and now i wondered if you got some references for the other hairstyles of this period?
Does that all makes sense, i hope so, also i am looking foward to see more of your work. Much love <3
Yessssss. Another one of us. It really is a beautiful piece of art and historical fiction that I wish more people looked into! Cut because there's lots of pictures.
For the hair - google is pretty great for this, especially when you get specific. There were the classic bobs (both for straight and curly hair), but also updos and buns. Many women in rural America still had long hair they kept up in simple buns or buns with braids - the overly complicated "big" hair of the 1900s-1910s was out. The bun was usually at the nap of the neck or higher. Braids were considered more childish, especially just worn by themselves.
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There were also faux bobs for women who wanted to keep their long hair but also follow the trend. Not having your hair styled in some way was seen as being unkempt; so no wearing long flowing hair unless you're settling down for bed. A pinned faux bob looks just like a real one if done right.
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Black women styled their hair to fit the trends as well - lots of sleek straightening one's curls, dramatic waves, or natural hair piled on top while the rest is pinned/gelled back. They could also style long hair into faux bobs ... don't underestimate the power of a million bobby pins and a nice hat.
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Looking up actresses of the era helps as well - Josephine Baker had very dramatic short hair, Louise Brooks had the flapper look, Clara Bow had beautiful big curls she'd pin into a "more controlled" bob, Mary Pickford was well known for refusing to cut the curls that were her signature less than a decade ago, etc.
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Also, severe blunt bangs were really only styled with straight bobs. Curly bobs, long hair, buns, etc lacked any kind of fringe. It was usually a middle or side part. The long-ish blunt bangs of a flapper bob could really exaggerate their heavy eye make-up and dark hair.
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Though we strongly associate the 1920's with flappers and bobs, at the time it was super scandalous. A family could have an uproar over their daughter cutting her hair.
Vintage Dancer is one of my favorite websites for historical fashion, undergarments, hair, etc - they have great articles with pictures and context for more research. Googling photos of ordinary women in addition to actresses of the time can be useful as well.
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itsmissing · 2 years
You have such creative designs for your mages. How long does it take for you to come up with a look based on a loose concept? What are your biggest sources of inspiration?
thank you, and thanks for the question!
i usually take like a day or two to rattle ideas around in my head (usually to the tune of "what if their hat was also X"), and then i knock out the actual drawing in a couple of hours. depending on the prompt, i might take more time to do some actual research to help with the design direction.
i don't think it reflects very well in my art style, but some of the big early inspirations i had were artists like Akihiko Yoshida, Tsubasa Masao (Final Fantasy Tactics and XII, Tactics Ogre, Ogre Battle) and Takehito Harada (the Disgaea series). i’m also super into Shin Megami Tensei’s demon designs and i’m a big big fan of whatever the hell is going in with tokusatsu monster concept art.
i don’t think they influenced my art style directly as much as like, Monster Prom did, but the things they worked on really opened my mind and inspired me to get Weird and Wacky with it while sticking to a consistent design philosophy.
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