#their last thought being “Jesus Christ you could have just ASKED and I would let you take the muneh they don't pay me enough for this”
Arthur Morgan x Reader this, Dutch van der Linde x Reader that, where is the fic where reader is just some guy guarding a stagecoach, waiting for their shift to be over and then Arthur freaking blows their brains out
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ddiidi · 26 days
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bf!Bangchan x gn!reader (ot8 mentioned)
When he calls you clingy, so you distance yourself
Pt. 1
Next Pt. 2
!Warnings: angst, fake!texts, swearing (lmk if i missed anything)
Side-Note: I tried something new, I hope y'all like it :3
You and Chan had been dating for good 3 years now and just a few days ago it had been your anniversary and if anything, the past 3 years had been the best years of your life. You guys met when you were put in charge for one of Straykids's album and since then, the two of you grew really close. Of course Chan was a busy person, but he mad time for you whenever he could and never got mad at you for anything. Not even your clingy and sometimes overcaring personality, which had been a big problem in your previous relationships, bothered him. Or so you thought.
You were currently in the Kitchen of your apartment to make yourself breakfast. Chan stayed over last night to which you decieded, it would be for the best to sleep a little longer, and stay longer at work, even though you've still got to pack your things since you'll be moving soon.
You opened the fridge to get out some blueberries and other stuff, when you saw the Lunch made for Chan sitting in it, untouched.
You frowned and took your phone out, to notify him that you'll stop by at the studio to drop it off.
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You let out a sigh and put your phone in your bag. I should just get over and drop it off, you thought to yourself and made your way down the hallway, between some boxes you've packed, while waiting for a reply the past hour. You stepped out the door, greeted by the shivering cold winter air and made your way to the studio, with your bag in one and chan's lunch in the other hand.
By the time you arrived at the building, you were freezing cold, mentally cursing yourself for not taking the car. You stepped inside the building, greeted by your co-workers. You gretted them back, making your way to the studio, knocking on the door once. No respond. You knocked twice. Again no respond. You decied to just let yourself in.
When you stepped in the room, you find a busy chan, howering over his Laptop, aggressivly clicking on his keyboard.
"Hey Babe, I texted you earlier but you didn't respond..you forgot your Lunch at my apartment, so I thought I'll bring it over" you said, and put the lunch next to him on his desk, with a smile on your face, which immediately dropped, when he just ignored you. You decided to shrug it off and came behind his chair, resting your chin on his shoulder.
"What are you working on?" No respond. "Chris do you hear what I say?" you ask and stare at him, but he just continues typing on his Lapotop. "Chris-" "Jesus fucking Christ Y/n, can't you just leave me alone?!" He bursted out and turned to you in his chair "But I-" you try to explain, just to be interrupted by him again "DON'T YOU GET THE HINT?!?" he yells, and you instantly stiff "Obviously I'm hearing what you say I'M NOT FUCKING DEAF OKAY?! I'm just ignoring you because I'm trying to have some alone time and do my fucking work without you constantly breathing down my neck!! Can't I just have like 5 minutes of alone time without your clingy ass being right here, next to me, like always asking me stupid questions and breakthing down my neck!?? And your overly caring personality is really getting too much, ever thought I left the Lunch there on purpose??? Or that I don't have time to constantly check my phone because I actually have work to do?????? Get you clingyness under control and LEAVE. ME. ALONE."
You didn't know what to say. You didn't even know if you should say something. You've never seen him like that. He sounded really mad, and you couldn't help but tremble and blinking your eyes so no tears could escape, but they did and didn't get unnoticed by Chan. "And here comes the river.." he sighed out and rubbed the bridge of his nose. You sobbed your cries in and turned around to leave, only mumbling out a weak "I'm sorry..." before rushing out of the room, running towards the exist, when you bump into Felix.
"Um Y/n is everything okay?" he asks, genuily worried but you just smile at him and nod, before hurrying to get home.
You just wanted to stay in bed for the rest of the day, but you couldn't even do that because you had to pack you things.
It's so cruel.
Everything is so cruel.
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lovely-peace · 4 months
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Summary: You don't like the marauders. You don't talk and don't even look at them. But as you visit your friend in the hospital wing you encounter a certain boy with brown hair, scars and this lovely eyes.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Gryffindor!reader
Warnings: Low self esteem, past bullying?, This is no bully! Marauders fic!!
Part 1 Part 3
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"Hey, do you want to study for Transfiguration together?"
A normal day. It should have been. But ever since I was asked who I would date, I've been hearing giggles and whispers. And now James is standing in front of Amy and me. Ready to finish something. I don't know what yet, but it's going to hurt.
Because it will be a joke of theirs.
"Why should we?" I go straight on the offensive. Leave fears behind and intimidate them.
Sirius, who was standing behind James, looked to the side to stifle a laugh. That kind of upset me.
"Well, in the last lesson you had... We thought we could help each other."
Oh. My mistake. That they laughed about. Learning. Together. Actually, they just want to smile at my stupidity. SMILE.
"Amy doesn't even have Transfiguration." I hissed, looking the boy in front of me in the eye for the first time. He looked almost uncomfortable.
This boy I rode to Hogwarts with in the same wagon. And who now feels too cool to remember my name. I'm just a joke that you crack a few times and then forget.
"Which is why, unfortunately, I have to say goodbye and go upstairs. Important subjects are waiting for me!" Amy tapped my shoulder and I was about to thank her inwardly until- "That's why I'm leaving this sweetie here with you, okay?"
Peter looked up from his book for the first time. He was sitting on the couch by the fire.
In the common room of Gryffindor, it was not uncommon for people to fight over this space. Peter snatched it early enough so that Remus, who looked very ill that morning, just sat on the chair at the table next to it.
Peter was probably just as disappointed that Amy left as I was, if I interpreted his expression correctly.
"Amy," I whispered to her, "what are you doing?"
She raised her eyebrows, rolled her eyes and sighed briefly. And I understood. She wanted me to give them a chance.
I looked at her with begging eyes and screamed at her in my mind not to leave me here alone.
"So...?" James stood there like a boy waiting for his mother's permission.
And I wasn't going to give it to him.
"Sorry, Jarry, but I was planning on studying for other subjects with Amy today. So if you'll excuse us." What did I just say?
"Oo-," James looked to his friends while Sirius laughed out loud, "-okay?"
I didn't look at Amy and just stomped faree upstairs to our room.
Amy followed me, but not without letting out a sigh of disappointment.
"What was that about?" My voice was a little louder than usual. "I thought we agreed that we didn't like the four of them?"
Amy groaned and threw herself on her bed. "I never said that. I meant that they can be assholes sometimes, that's all."
"But they just were assholes?"
I also sat down on my bed and looked out of the window. The Hufflepuff team was playing quidditch.
"How were they assholes in any way, please? James just asked us if we wanted to study with them in the common room."
I could hear Amy starting to get angry.
"You know what he meant. He only asked because I said something completely stupid in Transfiguration the day before yesterday and everyone had a laugh. And now he wanted to hear more of it."
Amy had gone quiet. Then she snorted loudly. "Jesus Christ."
"What?!" As I turned around, two piercing eyes looked into me.
"Can you please stop painting the devil on the wall for once? You sound worse than Cassandra!"
Now I snorted.
But Amy wasn't finished yet. "You're so afraid of being ridiculed that you're becoming an asshole yourself!"
The sun was setting. And the moon slowly rose.
"Why are you so sure that the four of them are making fun of you?"
I hated that tears were welling up in my eyes. "That's how it always is! Suddenly all these people are nice to you, who didn't even know who you were before, to lure you into safety, but in reality they're blaspheming and laughing at you. It's always like that!"
Amy shook her head.
"No, it's just always like that in your head. There's a chance that these people just want to get to know you better."
Amy took her DADA textbook and turned to the other wall. "To exclude this opportunity from the outset is not only a mistake, but also a missed opportunity to make new friends."
I looked up at the full moon. I felt as if he was out there suffering with me.
You understand me, don't you?
Probably not.
The next morning, Amy was still mad at me. I couldn't blame her. What I said already sounded pathetic.
But so far it had always been the truth.
It was unusually quiet at breakfast. Amy ate almost nothing and hurried to her tray.
We had different subjects at the beginning of the day, but at lunch Amy was nowhere to be seen. There were whispers again and I wanted to scream.
And it was only in charms that I was told she had been taken to the hospital wing. 
That was not uncommon for Amy. Amy was very fragile. Amy always put on a very strong front, also to help me. But the truth was that stress really affected her and at one point she almost fell over sick.
Was it because of our argument? I don't know. But I certainly felt guilty.
After class, I hurried to the hospital wing and let myself be led to her bed.
She looked almost peaceful as she slept. I carefully sat down next to her and took her hand. She was sweaty and cool at the same time.
Madam Pomfrey explained to me that Amy had been under a lot of stress lately and had eaten something bad. Then she went to the next bed and talked with the visitors there.
Visitors with... familiar voices?!
"Oh, please, you can't expect us to just leave him here alone?" Was that Sirius?
"Yes, I must. You know he needs his rest now. So shoo." Madam Pomfrey sounded a bit annoyed.
"We can stay here quietly!" That was James. Ironically loud.
"No, Mr. Potter, you cannot. So, gentlemen. Out!"
I saw out of the corner of my eye how Madam Pomfrey shooed several people outside. But who was behind the curtain of the bed? Whom were they visiting?
The curtain didn't cover the whole bed. In fact, it was only drawn on my side. Quietly, I got up and tried to get a quick look at the person. I took a cautious step to the side and—
There layed Remus. A pretty battered Remus, wrapped in bandages.
Suddenly, the curtain was pulled back and I stood there as if caught red-handed.
Remus looked at me in surprise. His look was somehow different than usual and I imagined he took a deep breath before he spoke.
"Hi." ... "Hi."
His body was even worse wrapped up than I had seen from the side. He was sitting upright and his upper body was full of bandages. His face also had scratches but his eyes were still so deep-
I stared at him. For far too long.
I quickly sat down next to Amy, who was still asleep.
Remus cleared his throat. "Is Amy very unwell?"
Somehow I wasn't prepared for a conversation with him. Not with one of the four. Not with Remus.
"According to Madam Pomfrey, it's just stress. She just needs to get some rest and then she should feel better." I was almost whispering, my voice was so quiet. Nothing compared to yesterday.
"That's good. I hope she gets better soon. Has anything bad happened?" I looked up at him. His eyes were so gentle, as if he really cared. "Something that's really stressing her out?"
When he noticed my look, he looked away. To my disappointment. "But actually, it's none of my business-"
"We had a fight." Why did I tell him that? "I worried her again."
I looked at Amy. Her face wasn't quite so pale and her hand, which I was holding, wasn't quite so sweaty.
"Oh." Remus' voice was very quiet. As if he was afraid of saying the wrong thing. As if he was worried to say the wrong thing.
"And why are you lying here? What happened to you?" It was only when I looked at him that I realized the question was a bit rude.
"If you want to tell me," I added.
He just sighed and suddenly looked so far away. "It was an accident."
I waited for him to tell me more. He didn't.
It stayed quiet between us for a long time. I could feel his gaze from the side, but somehow it didn't bother me a bit. I almost felt safe.
Suddenly he asked me: "Why did you argue?"
I looked into his eyes and almost wanted to tell him everything. I looked at Amy and borrowed her words. "I was an asshole."
He tilted his head and smiled cautiously. "Somehow I can't imagine that."
I looked at him. He looked at me.
"Well, you... It's not like you at all."
I continued to look at him. He continued to look at me.
"What do you mean?"
"You're usually so... Lovely."
Lovely? He saying I was lovely?
I had to laugh. He looked away.
"Me? You don't know me then." I giggled softly. "Besides, anyone can be an asshole, no matter how sweet the person still is."
He looked outside. The moon was up. He had that look again. "Yeah, I guess you're right about that."
It was quiet again after that. I heard soft footsteps outside and my anxiety wanted me to leave. So I stood up and was about to say goodbye to Remus as he-
"I want to know."
He suddenly looked into my eyes so intensely that I felt dizzy.
"I want to know you properly."
I didn't know what to say and just looked at him as he continued.
"I want to know what goes through your mind when you see me us."
His gaze moved away from me. "I want to know why you hate us so much."
My whole world suddenly spun and I was in the middle of it. What was he saying? What did he mean, why was he even talking to me? What was going on here, why was he even here? And why did he call me lovely? What did he mean?
I wanted to say something. Something about... What actually?
Somehow I couldn't get anything out of me and was stuck in this spiral of trying to say something and figure out what to say. I opened my mouth, as-
"Remus, we're here!" James' voice tried to sound quiet but was unmistakable. Just like the footsteps of the two boys walking towards his bed.
When I saw them, so many things came back to me. Why I didn't talk to Remus.
"Are you feeling better? Remus -" Sirius faltered when he saw me. He looked between me and Remus and then grinned at me.
"Oh hello."
He turned to James now and 'whispered' to him. "Prongs, let's go and give these two some time to themselves-"
Remus cleared his throat and pointed at Amy who was lying next to me. Sirius fell silent.
"I'd better go now." I said in a very quiet voice again. James and Sirius even left me alone, but I heard their voices before I closed the door behind me.
"So, did she talk to you?" "What was going on with her?" "Is there something-"
The door slammed behind me and my head seemed to explode with questions.
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lexirosewrites · 5 months
In honor of nurse appreciation week…
Instead of ‘Eddie gets a toy stuck in him and Steve helps him get it out,’ what about alpha Eddie picks out the wrong size of ‘pocket omega,’ so his knot gets stuck and he goes to the ER?
Omega nurse Steve is both horrified and impressed.
He wants to just get out the sterile scissors and start working at cutting away the rubbery toy piece by piece, but he can’t help the lecture that starts to slip out too.
Who can blame him? He is a nurse after all.
“You have to be more careful next time. You can really constrict the blood flow with these things if you’re not careful!”
Eddie’s face somehow gets even more flushed and he mumbles something, not making eye contact when he does.
“Sorry?” Steve asks, ready to admonish him for whatever excuse he has for buying the wrong size. “What was that?”
Some alphas just think ‘smaller is better’ and Steve knows that’s bullshit.
To believe otherwise is just antiquated and juvenile alpha-brained thinking.
Eddie clears his throat, finally looking at Steve directly when he explains sheepishly, “I got the biggest size I could find. It’s just… my knot is kinda huge.”
Steve whimpers a little at that, clamping his legs together tightly at the thought of such a large knot filling him.
He’s glad he wasn’t holding the scissors.
“Yeah, it’s kind of an awful problem to have,” the alpha admits as Steve tries to get a hold of himself and do his job like a professional.
His mouth might be watering now.
“No! I mean- uh, I’m sure there are plenty of omegas who would be willing to- that- that is to say- um…”
He can’t think of anything but big knots and being filled with them.
Eddie chuckles, scratching at the back of his neck.
“You don’t have to lie to make me feel better about it, sweetheart. This isn’t the first time I’ve been here for the same stupid problem. This company just advertised carrying a size big enough to accommodate any knot and I believed them.”
Steve is going to cum in his fucking scrub pants like some slutty omega who can’t control themselves.
If Eddie’s telling the truth (and Steve’s inclined to believe him, especially since the proof is almost in front of him), then Steve’s never going to stop thinking about it.
He makes the last few cuts, finally able to pull the mangled toy off his patient’s swollen cock and behold the goddamn ‘Mona Lisa’ of alpha knots resting in his unworthy hands.
Jesus Christ.
It’s one thing for Eddie to say he’s been blessed in this particular area and it’s another for Steve to see it with his own eyes.
(and hold it)
“Oh good, it deflated a bit,” Eddie states with relief.
“It… went down? This isn’t your full knot?” Steve wheezes out.
The alpha’s timid smile turns into something closer to a smirk, almost like he’s proud now.
“I mean, you can find out if you keep stroking it like that.”
Steve looks down, horrified to find that he was indeed running his hands along Eddie’s cock like some sort of trophy in need of polishing.
“I am so sorry! I don’t know what’s come over me. This is beyond inappropriate. I’m sure you’re ready to go home and forget all of this!”
Eddie clicks his tongue thoughtfully, keeping Steve practically on the edge of his seat in anticipation.
“While I could do without the ER bill, I think I can justify the visit if I leave with an actual omega. Maybe even one who’s a bit of a size queen?” he suggests coyly.
Steve gapes at the sheer boldness.
“How- uh, why would you assume that?” he flusters, the room feeling much smaller suddenly.
Eddie raises an eyebrow.
Steve raises one back.
The alpha doesn’t break eye contact, reaching down to wrap his hand around Steve’s, giving it a light squeeze.
“Might have something to do with the fact that you still haven’t let go of my knot, baby,” Eddie purrs, leaning in closer so his warm breath tickles Steve’s face. “Or maybe it’s that fucking puddle underneath you that’s getting worse by the minute. You’re dripping for my knot.”
He is.
Steve can hardly breathe, every inhale giving him a mouthful of heady alpha hormones.
Despite the scent neutralizers pumped out into the hospital air and the patch stuck on Steve’s own scent gland, he’s fucking enraptured by the smell.
His hand twitches, tightening.
Steve can’t help but blurt out, “My pussy can take it. I fuck myself open on the biggest fake alpha cocks I can find every night, but they’re never enough. They’ve- they’ve never been—”
He swallows, trying not to choke on his own drool building up in his mouth from ust.
Eddie presses his lips right up against Steve’s ear, letting them brush his skin when he whispers, “Yeah, sweetheart? They’ve never been… what?”
The alpha’s other hand drifts between Steve’s legs, pushing down the front of his pants and finding his arousal evident there.
Steve whines pathetically at the feeling of Eddie’s searching fingers running through the slick on his flushed skin.
“They’ve never been as big as you are, alpha,” he confesses, breaking every last ounce of willpower and giving in to his needs completely.
“What do you want, omega?” Eddie asks, trailing kisses behind his ear and down his neck. “What do you need from me?”
“I- I need…” Steve keens loudly as a wet kiss is pressed directly to his mating gland. “Your knot splitting me open like I’m just a toy.”
Eddie smiles.
“You are my toy.”
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tossyouforedinburgh · 2 months
I wrote something and it didn't really seem long enough to post on ao3 but like... vaguely adult content I guess? I've still not figured how that works (or doesn't) on Tumblr. so have it under the cut. short ineffable phonecall about wall slams
"are you on your way?" Aziraphale asked cheerfully down the phone by way of hello. 
"oh. er. Angel, look, I've had a really shitty day, I think I'm going to stay in my flat and watch shitty TV until I fall into a shitty sleep. I think there's a new series of Love Island on." 
Aziraphale had no idea what that was but he didn't think it sounded like particularly good viewing. "if you're going to wallow and sulk, you can do it at mine. I've got wine, and you can tell me about your awful day and I can make very sympathetic noises." 
"no. I would be extremely poor company." Crowley made a point of switching on the TV and turning it up loud enough it could be heard through the phone. 
"oh I've been tolerating your moods for thousands of years," Aziraphale replied airily. 
"Angel." Crowley gritted his teeth. "I am trying. to tell you. that I don't WANT. to take my bad mood out. on you." 
the pause that followed was unreasonably long. Crowley felt his layers of irritation grow; he was trying to do a considerate thing, trying to grow as a person. if Aziraphale didn't appreciate his efforts he could go stick it. and if he didn't stop being so difficult he was going to find out exactly where in some graphic detail.
"but..." Aziraphale began awkwardly. "I rather think the angelic thing to do would be to absorb your bad mood for you. if you let it fester out into the world, that would be terrible, wouldn't it? but I, well I am a creature of, of love and such like, you couldn't harm me by being grumpy." 
this was utter bullshit and it made Crowley's teeth itch. what the fuck was he doing now? was he actually angling for Crowley to snap at him? 
"I don't mind. I could leave all the doors ajar so you could slam them. I... I'll stand near the wall so you can pin me up against it." 
there was another intense silence, but this time it was Crowley's doing. oh, he was. he was deliberately goading him into this. why would the angel want to be roughed up? completely unwanted, a voice whispered into Crowley's brain: maybe he's into that. angels aren't into that sort of thing, Crowley hissed back in his thoughts. and definitely, absolutely, neither am I. 
"I think it would make you feel better," Aziraphale added very quietly. 
Crowley remembered the last time he had done that very thing; in Tadfield, in an ex Satanic nunnery. he'd pressed his hips up against Aziraphale, just to hold him in place of course, and he'd briefly thought, and then thought it was ridiculous, that the angel might just have had an erection at the time. angels definitely don't get erections from being roughed up in Satanic nunneries. 
"just to be clear," Crowley said, and he'd already switched off the TV and picked up his car keys, "are you doing this to be self sacrificing or because you're... you're..." oh Jesus Christ, Mary, Joseph and a stable full of donkeys, he was actually going to say this out loud because if he didn't say it out loud he was going to spontaneously discorporate. "because you're... getting off on it?" 
there was a very guilty silence. eventually, Aziraphale replied, "are you judging me?" 
"yes. massively. hugely." 
"only I did rather think that time in Tadfield that you definitely got hard holding me against that wall." 
the sound of the Bentley roaring to life rattled out of Aziraphale's old rotary telephone. Freddie Mercury launched into Tie Your Mother Down. "Angel, I'll see you in five minutes. think of something incredibly irritating to say to me as a greeting." and with that Crowley hung up the phone and put his foot down.
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padfootagain · 4 months
Only an Almost (XVIII)
Chapter 18: Work Song
Hi! Here comes a new chapter!
We’re starting to escape the angst here!
I hope you’ll like this chapter! Please, tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader, friends with benefits AU
Warning: No explicit smut or nsfw content, but there are sexual themes and heavy make-out sessions (it’s a friends with benefits AU, I can’t really escape it), so 18+ only!
Summary: Andrew has been in love with you for years, and yet he has never confessed his feelings. But a night out celebrating the engagement of his best friend changes everything. However, you don't seem ready to be with him just yet. You make him an offer that he can't refuse... but will certainly regret.
Word Count : 3806
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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Andrew was getting a little better every day.
He was getting up without too much difficulty these days. His sleep schedule was a mess, but he was getting some work done. He went to see his parents three times a week, saw his brother often too. He went for a swim every morning and a long walk every afternoon. Sometimes he watched a good movie, spent some time reading. He made sure to avoid being in the same room as you, and had declined some friendly gatherings because of it, but he couldn’t claim to regret this decision.
He was getting better. You were still the first thing in his thoughts when he woke up, the last image printed on his eyelids when he fell asleep, but it was a torturing routine he had grown accustomed to by now.
It was like living with your ghost. The memories of you spending time with him in all his most familiar spaces. His house, his favourite spot to swim, his favourite walks, the pub you and your friends always went to… All familiar, but with an empty space constantly by his side.
Today, Andrew was hurrying out of his house. It was still early in the morning, too early for him if he were to be honest, but his best friend could not be waiting for him on his wedding day.
Despite the sadness that usually tainted his days since that night, Andrew was excited today. Happy and excited. He secured his guitar case at the back of his car, and drove to Sam’s house. He wasn’t surprised to find your car already parked there, but it was alright. Of course, you would be there, it was planned, and known. Andrew had sent you a text the previous night, the first form of communication since your ‘talk’ at your house, asking for both of you to keep the interaction to a minimum so that the wedding would go smoothly. Sam and Daphne were the most important today, and you and Andrew could go your separate ways for good after today.
It took you an hour to answer with a short and polite message agreeing with him and promising to remain ‘professional’, as you had put it.
Andrew was both relieved and pained by that answer…
He knocked, and Sam opened the door in the span of mere seconds.
“Jesus fucking Christ, thank God! You’re here!”
Before Andrew could say a thing, Sam was grabbing him by the shoulders.
“In my pocket.”
“Spare shirts?”
“In the trunk.”
“Your suit?”
“In the car. And yours too.”
“Yep, that too!”
“Your weird drinks for your throat? I swear to God, I will skin you alive if you lose your voice before singing for our first dance.”
Andrew rested his hands on his friend’s shoulders as well.
“Sam, I have everything. Don’t worry.”
“You double-checked?”
“Triple-checked. I have everything. It’s going to be just fine.”
Sam started to giggle, tears shining in his eyes.
“I’m getting married today.”
“Today,” Andrew nodded.
“Fuck’s sake…”
“You’d better let me in so I can help you get ready and you aren’t late to church.”
“Right, you’re right.”
They hugged before Andrew would come in, tight and emotional and full of happiness and excitement.
He was moving towards Sam’s bedroom when you appeared. You were walking out of the room, a bag in your hand. You were still wearing casual clothes, planning to change before the ceremony. You froze, but quickly recovered, offering him a polite smile.
“Hi, Andy!”
“Hi,” he answered with the same neutral smile.
“I’m getting out of both your and Sam’s way! I was picking up a few things for Daphne.”
“Of course. Is she alright?”
“Excited. Terrified. In pure bliss.”
“Same as Sam, then?” Andrew chuckled, and you nodded.
“I’m afraid so.”
You nodded in silence, and Andrew bit his tongue before he could ask you how you were, or tell you how beautiful you looked today…
“See you at church, then,” he smiled and you nodded, taking it as your cue to leave.
He stared as you disappeared through the door.
But then Sam was reappearing, babbling about some stressful detail that was insignificant. Andrew smiled, and patted his shoulder.
“Come on, let’s get you ready. Or she’ll never say yes to such an ugly mug.”
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Sam and Daphne were married.
It was official. They had both cried, had said yes (Sam was too excited and answered I do before the priest was done with the question), had exchanged rings (that Andrew did carry all morning and for which he checked approximately 2982 times if they were indeed in his pocket), had kissed, had walked out of the church, and finally it was time for the big party.
The eating and the partying were planned outside, under tents that were set in the parc of a large property the couple had rented for the occasion. It was spring, and unusually warm. A clear blue sky with only a few cotton clouds drifting by, and the weather remained that way through the beginning of the evening, as the sun was setting and the moon was slowly appearing in its crescent rise.
The speeches were spoken by a very nervous Andrew and then by you; and you both managed to perfectly balance emotion with humour and embarrassing anecdotes.
The dreaded caterers did an amazing job, that was complimented by the two mothers, and Sam threw a thumbs up at Andrew before starting to eat.
Andrew was sitting next to Sam, and you were next to Daphne, as best man and maid of honour. And Andrew was grateful for it. He wasn’t sitting next to you, and he managed to splendidly avoid talking to you during the day. Still, he could hear your laughter above the loud cacophony of the guests. He couldn’t help but steal glances in your direction every once in a while too, you looked too beautiful in your emerald dress for that.
Andrew pushed the thought away, focusing on the happy conversation that was unfolding around him, forcing a smile.
He hated himself for still wanting you this way…
But Sam and Daphne were happier than ever, and it was all that mattered, truly. They were ecstatic, laughing and smiling constantly, and stealing kisses whenever they could. And it was almost bearable then, the knowledge that you were sitting right over there, and that if he stood up and took but a step, he could hold you close once again.
When Sam got up to invite everyone to gather outside for a dance, it was Andrew’s and Alex’s cue to get ready. There was a little wooden stage outside the tent as well as a wooden dancefloor, with lights hanging above the space, lightbulbs turning the atmosphere into something magical, cliché and terribly romantic. White flowers were decorating the stage, and hanging from the poles supporting the lights too. With the sky full of stars and the crescent moon above the trees, it was a sight worthy of a magical wedding.
Andrew was soon ready, all plugged in, guitar in hand, with the mic high enough to reach his lips. Alex was right by his side, sitting at the tiny electric piano. He gave Andrew a nod when he was ready, who cleared his throat to announce the first dance of the married couple.
“Daphne and Sam have done me the absolute honour to ask me to sing for their first dance. Erm… thank you again, to both of you, this is genuinely the most important event I’ve ever had to perform for, so… get ready while I try to get rid of most of the stage fright.”
Chuckles shook the crowd that had gathered in circle, right at the edge of the wooden dancefloor. Andrew tried to slow down his heart, take a couple of deep breaths, focusing on the moment, on the task at hand.
“Erm… if you guys are ready, erm… this is Work Song.”
He looked over at Sam, who offered him a nod in return. He had tears in his eyes, and Andrew had to look away, feeling his throat tighten with emotions. And he couldn’t have that now, not when he needed to sing. The first claps were played while Sam and Daphne were moving to the centre of the dancefloor, and they were both a sight to see, under the quiet lights.
Andrew was getting emotional again right before singing, and he looked for a distraction in the crowd as he started the first verse.
He noticed that many were mouthing the words, but not daring to sing. There were too many fond smiles for that, while Sam and Daphne twirled and swayed together, sometimes a little clumsily but with grins making their cheeks ache in the best way.
Andrew allowed himself to look at his friends again for the first chorus, and he kept his gaze on them despite the tears he had to blink away, and the depth that settled in his voice. By his side, Alex was being perfect, as per usual, they didn’t need to look at each other to be in rhythm. They had played this song too many times for that. Muscle memories perfectly combined.
He had to look away again, though, we he caught Sam whispering an ‘I love you’ in Daphne’s ear…
The second chorus was soon gone, and Andrew was trying to calm his nerves, to stay focused on the present, when he caught a silhouette dressed in emerald…
He almost missed a word when his gaze touched yours. And then it was impossible to look away. He blinked, but couldn’t do a thing about it.
You were so beautiful under those lights, under the moon, in this dress that suited you perfectly, for that song of love and devotion that spoke of feelings you sparked within him. He meant the words as he sang them to you. Despite how much you had made him suffer, despite all that you had done… he meant the worship he put in his words when he aimed them at you.
When I was kissing on my baby
And she put her love down soft and sweet
In the low lamplight I was free
Heaven and hell were words to me
He saw your lips quiver, the way you blinked and how your eyes shone a little brighter. He wondered if you were struggling against tears too, the way he was.
And he meant it. And it was fucking killing him, and he wasn’t sure you deserved it after breaking his heart, and he wasn’t sure he deserved you at all… but he meant it. He meant it and he was ready to cry at how much he still loved you. Over a month of trying to get better at functioning on his own, and you were shattering his whole world in just a glance…
That didn’t sound fair at all…
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
He saw the tear rolling down your cheeks, he struggled to hold back his own. Still, he sang the same words again, like a promise, like a prayer, like he was begging for you to see that he meant it, that if you gave him another chance, he would probably take it.
Would he? Anyway, you wouldn’t offer it to him. You had been clear. That’s what the voice in his head kept on repeating, and yet there you were… standing and crying and staring at him with pain in your eyes, a feeling he wished he could have banished forever from your life.
Christ, he loved you still… and he would have done anything, even conquer death, for you…
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
The song died out, Andrew’s fingers knew when to stop playing. He was shaken back to earth by the loud cheering of the crowd, and by your form disappearing as you walked back to the tent in a hurry.
He turned to Sam and Daphne, who were kissing and beaming and glowing while the dancefloor was being flooded with their loved ones. Alex and Andrew gave a small bow, before leaving the stage, the guests cheering for them.
Andrew needed to see you. He needed to find you…
There you were… you were walking out of the tent again, aiming for the grass that stretched beyond the tent and towards some trees, further down the small park. You had something in your hand, he didn’t know what it was.
He wanted to follow, but he was almost tackled over by Sam instead, as he hugged his friend too tightly.
“Thanks Andy! That was perfect! Thank you!”
Andrew couldn’t refrain a chuckle, while Daphne was hugging Alex too.
“No need to thank us for that. It was an honour, truly,” Andrew smiled.
“Come on, let’s dance!”
“No, no, no…”
“Andrew, it’s my fucking wedding! I want everyone dancing!”
“I hate dancing. I don’t do dancing.”
“Tonight, you do. Come on.”
Andrew looked in your direction, but you were gone.
He heaved a sigh.
“One dance. I do one dance, and that’s it.”
“Yes, yes! Perfect, come on!”
Andrew played along, dancing with Daphne for a song. His friend tried to hold him back when he moved away, but then Alex popped out of nowhere.
“As any of you seen Y/N? I wanted to borrow her charger for my phone, she said she’d give it to me after the first dance but… can’t find her anywhere.”
Andrew’s face fell, worry making him frown.
“Have you called her?”
“Tried to, but her phone is in the tent, and she isn’t.”
“I’ll go look for her.”
“Maybe she’s inside…”
“No, I saw her hurry towards the thicket over there,” Andrew shook his head, pointing at the bundle of small trees and bushes, barely visible in the distance.
There was no light in that area. Without your phone as a torchlight, you might have fallen, hurt yourself, fell right into the arms of a complete psychopath… and you had no way to call for help. Not with the loud music that was being played.
“I’ll go look for her. Alex, can you check inside the house?”
“Andrew, she’s been gone for five minutes…”
But when she looked up at the worry on his face, Daphne fell silent.
“Alright, you go, both of you.”
“Text me if you find her,” Andrew told his friend, who merely nodded and hurried towards the mansion.
Andrew bolted in the opposite direction, his long legs devouring distance in the blink of an eye. He jogged across the grass, passed the trees, turned on the light on his phone.
He looked around but couldn’t see you.
Panic was starting to rise in his chest, get a grip on his heart and make his lungs ache for air.
“Y/N!” he called.
No response, he called again, louder this time.
He spun around, and there you were…
On the other side of some hawthorn tree. He heaved a relieved sigh.
“For fuck’s sake! Y/N, what are you doing here?!”
“I… what are you doing here?”
He texted Alex quickly, before approaching you. His tone sounded angry, even though he was simply scared.
“I was looking for you, obviously! What the fuck were you thinking, huh? Going off like that, on your own, in the dark, without your phone! Anything could have happened to you!”
“Andrew, I’m right next to the party, at my best friends’ wedding. I’m safe, it’s alright.”
He groaned in annoyance, or perhaps it was simply relief.
“You can go back to the party, I’m alright.”
“You can’t stay here on your own…”
“Why not? I’m alright.”
But Andrew stubbornly sat next to you.
“I can’t let you stay here on your own.”
You heaved a tired sigh, while he was setting his phone so that both of you were enlightened by its light.
“You’re alright? What’s going on?”
He finally noticed the way the light was getting caught in the glass of a bottle of champagne.
“I want to be alone…”
“Then come back to the tent.”
You looked up at the sky to hold some tears back.
“Hey… why are you crying? What’s wrong?”
You merely shrugged, but you were properly crying by now.
“Hey… hey, stop crying… please, Y/N…”
He didn’t think. When Andrew wrapped his arms around your shaking frame, when he cradled the back of your head in his large hand to pull you close to his chest, when he shushed you softly… he didn’t think. You were crying, you looked so upset… he had never seen you so upset before. You spent several minutes sobbing in his arms, shaking, despite the way he soothingly stroked your back.
“It’s alright. It’s alright, calm down… Christ, Y/N, calm down…”
Slowly, the tears subsided. You were holding onto his vest like your life depended on it.
“My head is spinning,” you blurted out.
Andrew took a look at the bottle. It was half-empty, and he had no doubt it wasn’t your first drink of the night.
“Champagne will do that to you.”
He kept you close even if you were calmer now. You sniffed, buried your face deeper into his chest. He merely tightened his hold on you.
“You’re okay? Feeling better?”
You slowly nodded.
“You want to tell me what happened? Why you’re so upset?”
He was surprised as you laughed.
“Not really, no.”
“Alright… We should get back there.”
But despite his own words, he didn’t move a muscle. Instead, he closed his eyes, tried to precisely carve in his memory how it felt to hold you: the sound of your breathing, the softness of your hair, the silk of your dress, the warmth of your body against his, how your frame fitted so perfectly into his embrace…
“I’m sorry you were worried. I just wanted to be on my own,” you apologized in a quiet voice, it still sounded a little hoarser than usual because of your sorrow.
“I panicked a little bit. I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I’m sorry.”
“I think… I might throw up…”
“Right… let’s get you inside, then. Come on…”
“No… no, stay. Please, stay…”
“I’ll come with you.”
“No! No… please, Andy. Just another minute…”
“If you throw up on me, I will get my revenge.”
“Turning me into a vampire?”
“I’ll haunt you after I’m turned into a ghost.”
“Stalk me, you mean.”
“Haven’t you noticed how much of a creep I am already?”
You sniffed once more, and he tried to look at your face to see if you were crying again, but you were hidden in his chest.
“I’m so sorry, Andy… I’m so sorry about everything,” you whispered against his heart, but he caught your words loud and clear, despite the music coming from the party.
“Let’s not talk about this now,” he whispered back, bending to press his lips to the side of your head. “We should go back. Your plus-one must be looking for you.”
“A plus-one? You have a plus-one?”
“Me? No… no, I came alone. I’m talking about you.”
“You didn’t see that I was alone?”
Your words were slurred with alcohol, but they sounded genuine, vulnerable too.
“Erm… no… I… I like… tried to avoid you all day, in case you haven’t noticed. That includes not looking in your direction.”
You let got of his vest completely. He expected you to move away, but you didn’t. It felt like you had gone limp in his arms.
“You can’t even look at me anymore…”
You started crying again, and Andrew cursed at his clumsy words.
“No, I mean… you… We’ve agreed to stay out of each other’s way, and that’s what I’ve tried to do.”
“I didn’t come with anyone.”
“I fucked up… I fucked up, Andy, I’m so sorry…”
“Hey, look… let’s just…”
He looked up at the night sky, in an attempt to hold back his tears. His throat had tightened, he let out a long exhale, trying to focus on the shape of the incomplete moon, the stars that shone brightly, the happy song that was being played, he couldn’t remember the name of it. Anything to try and not crumble in your arms there and then. He had to keep it together.
“Let’s… let’s not talk about this now, okay?” his voice was soft, mainly because emotions were making it hard for him to speak. “We’ve already spoken about what happened. We just… like… We just need to move on now, yeah?”
But you shook your head.
“I fucked up. I fucked up because I was terrified. I was so fucking scared of letting myself have feelings for you… I was so scared of being too lonely when you’re away, of not being able to cope with your absence, with how much I fucking miss you every time you leave. And I was scared you could meet someone better, someone who could follow your lifestyle in a way I couldn’t and then you would have dumped me and…”
You heaved an exhausted sigh, while Andrew was remaining motionless, trying to process what you were saying.
“I should have never thought about this arrangement. I should have never accepted that stupid date. I should have never pushed you away.”
You spoke again after a short silence. Your next phrase knocked out all the air from his lungs.
“I love you. I’ve always loved you… God, I’m so sorry, Andy…”
He couldn’t answer to that. He couldn’t react to it either. He couldn’t process what your words meant…
Besides you were drunk… very drunk… this… this was a mistake…
“Let’s get you inside, Y/N, okay? Come on, now.”
At long last, you let him help you to your feet, and with his help you were able to walk back to the tent. Some members of Sam’s and Daphne’s families were staying at the mansion for the night, and there were still a few empty rooms available. Andrew got a key, and safely helped you to a bed. He took off your shoes, made you lie down, tucked you in. The time it took him to come back with a glass of water to put on your bedside table, you were fast asleep.
He took a moment to watch you like this, hair a mess of locks stranded on the pillow, looking peaceful, even if your crying was still visible. He gently brushed your cheek, dropped a gentle kiss to your forehead, and then he was gone.
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buckymorelikefuckme · 5 months
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a helping hand
jake jensen x fem reader
words: 3.7k
warnings: **18+ ONLY** friends to lovers, handjob, fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex (don't do that), jake has a big dick, my lame attempts at humor. please let me know if i missed anything!
a/n: SURPRISE!! this is honestly so silly. and filthy. i wrote it in a frenzy last night after the idea randomly came to me. keep in mind it's all based off the vague info i have about him. i probably took a lot of liberties. it wasn't planned for my first jakey fic to be this, but oh well lmao! any and all mistakes are my own. feedback is encouraged and greatly appreciated :) xo
❀ part two
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With an exaggerated, put-upon sigh, you gesture vaguely at Jake to stand and say, “Alright, let me see it.”
“What?” Jake asks, brows furrowed so deeply you worry he’ll get a migraine.
“You’re being awfully dramatic about this, so I need to see what all the fuss is about,” you calmly explain, though still skeptical.
Jake had showed up at your apartment with a look of pure despair, ranting about how yet another hookup went south when they took their clothes off and his would-be partner saw his cock for the first time. Said they almost begged him to leave and take his monster with him.
Surely his dick can’t be that big, right?
Jake hesitates, watching you warily as he contemplates, but then he sighs heavily and he rises to his feet, grumbling as he unbuttons and lowers the zip on his jeans. His thumbs curl under the waistband of both the jeans and his underwear before he unceremoniously shoves them down to mid-thigh. And then there’s only silence that follows.
You blink. You stare. You blink again.
Jake shifts his weight on his feet, settling his hands on his hips awkwardly.
Finally, you find your voice.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” you wheeze, your voice tight and airy as you struggle to remember how to inhale.
Jake groans, covering his face mournfully. “I told you!” he wails. “It’s too big! And I know, I know—boohoo woe is me I have a big dick—but listen, this is literally a big fucking problem. I’m going crazy here. It’s just not the same with only my hands!”
Probably because not even both of your hands can cover your gigantic fucking penis, you think to yourself, but thankfully, do not say aloud. And, alright, maybe you’re exaggerating just a little, but Jake is still easily the biggest you’ve ever seen. Like, leaps and bounds bigger. The length of it isn't overly scary or anything, it's just… thick, and veiny, has the slightest curve to it.
And the thing is, you really shouldn’t be so surprised. In general, Jake himself is… big. He’s tall, and broad, and his hands are works of fucking art with his long fingers and wide palms, and his thighs—Jesus, fuck, his thighs. They deserve sonnets alone, just for how sculpted and muscled they are. Even Jake’s pecs are big. And you’re normally not a tit person, but Jake’s? You’ve cupped and squeezed and fondled them probably too many times to be appropriate.
The point is, though, that Jake is fucking hot. You have always thought so, in an offhand kind of way, like, a passing observation. Jake is also sweet and attentive, always periodically checking in on each person in his friend group, always willing to offer advice or a listening ear. He’s incredibly smart while also endearingly dumb about so much. He never asks for help with anything because he doesn’t want to be a burden, no matter how many times he’s told he could never be. So you’re pretty sure that Jake has used up all of his courage and vulnerability by coming to you with his problem. And you are flummoxed as to why he chose you, but you will not let this opportunity pass you by.
“Jake,” you start after a slight pause, “I have lube, patience, and willpower.”
And Jake says, “Huh?”
Which is fair, to be honest.
“Can you, um, put your dick away so I can think properly?” you ask after delicately clearing your throat.
Jake flushes and hastily obeys before taking his spot on the couch again.
You shift to face him fully, taking in his pink cheeks and inability to meet your gaze, and you feel bad for being so blunt, for speaking before thinking.
“Sorry,” you apologize, “I just wasn't… You know.” You wave your hand around in a way that you hope says, I wasn't expecting you to have the most perfect cock I've ever seen, when your mind blanks on how to continue.
Then again, maybe it's a good thing you couldn't figure out a way to say that verbally.
You clear your throat again. “What I was trying to say is that, um, maybe I could help you?”
Jake tilts his head. “Help me?” he repeats.
“Yeah, you know, like,” you say, licking your lips, “I could lend a hand. So to speak.”
It only takes a split second for him to understand what you're saying. His eyes widen, round like saucers behind his glasses, ears now burning a bright red as he sputters.
“What? You're offering to—no, that's. No, you're not—this isn't what I—fuck, I think I’m gonna pass out,” he stammers breathlessly, and honestly, he is starting to look a bit lightheaded. He shakes himself, closing his eyes, then takes in a deep breath and releases it slowly.
You quietly wait for him to gather himself, almost wishing you hadn't said anything. Almost, but not really, not enough to try to take it back.
Finally, he blinks his eyes open and turns to you. “I didn't come here expecting you to–to help me with my… problem.”
“Jakey,” you say on an exhale, smiling. “I know that. I offered because I wanted to.”
“But why?” he questions, bewildered.
You purse your lips, glancing up at the ceiling as you think about your response carefully this time. “Because you're one of my best friends, and you're hurting, in a way. I know it's not like, the worst thing in the world to just get off with your own hands, but I feel like getting shot down at the last minute every time you go to have sex can't be good for you mentally, either.”
Jake shifts his gaze to his lap then, mouth twisting into something disappointed, and that just confirms what you've said. He's started taking this to heart, beating himself up over something entirely out of his control. Sure, you wanna get your hands, mouth, and everything else on his dick, but a guy like Jake deserves to be brought to orgasm by someone else.
“Think of it as a favor,” you try, quietly, nudging his arm.
Swallowing roughly, he meets your eyes, searching. “Are you sure?” he asks after a long pause.
You reach out and grab his hand, twining your fingers with his. “I’m sure.” When he still hesitates, you squeeze his hand lightly. “You can say no, Jake.”
“No.” You start to pull away, and then he shakes his head quickly, holding on to you tighter. “No, I mean—I don't want to say no. I'm just. I'm a little nervous.”
His confession breaks your heart a little more. On the surface, this problem isn't all that serious, but underneath it all, Jake is craving connection. You’ll make sure he leaves your apartment more than satisfied.
“If at any point, for any reason, you want to stop then we’ll stop,” you promise.
He finally smiles, small and lopsided, and nods in agreement. You stand up, tugging him to rise with you and struggling to lift all that muscle mass.
“Come on,” you instruct, “let's go to my bedroom. We’ll have more space there.”
Silently, he follows you to your room, palm clammy against yours. The sun is shining through your windows, beams landing directly on your bed like some kind of spotlight. You let go of Jake’s hand to quickly shove your comforter to the foot of your bed then climb onto it.
“C’mere,” you murmur when you see him hovering unsurely beside the bed, patting the space between your legs.
First, Jake makes quick work of the button and zip on his jeans, before knee-walking to where you indicated. You both settle on the mattress, your back to the headboard and Jake getting comfortable against your chest and into the cradle of your spread thighs. The position really highlights your size difference, almost comically, and you have to swallow down all the things you want to say or sounds that threaten to escape.
Jake already has his jeans back down around his knees and quickly wiggles his underwear down to get his dick out. He’s jittery, his movements stilted and awkward, like he doesn’t quite know what to do with himself.
“Relax, Jakey,” you softly instruct, reaching up to squeeze at his shoulders comfortingly. “It’s just me. I’m here to help, okay?”
“Right,” Jake replies on an exhale, nodding, “okay. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
Your lips quirk slightly. “Good. I’m gonna touch you now, alright?”
“Okay,” Jake murmurs.
You hear him swallow, see his fists clench and unclench where they’re resting beside his thighs. Tentatively, as if not to startle him, you move your hands to Jake’s hips, petting over the exposed skin there. You hear Jake’s breath hitch then, so you keep going. You trail your fingers down the tops of Jake’s thighs, into the crease where they meet his groin and back up, just a touch higher than before, and you repeat the motion a few times until you’ve worked the hem of Jake’s shirt up to give you better access to his torso.
Slowly, Jake sinks further and further into your embrace, getting heavier and heavier the more you touch him. You are quietly loving the weight of him, the way his head is starting to loll and his eyelids beginning to flutter. You watch Jake bite his lip when you finally tease closer to his hardening cock, running your fingernails lightly across the trimmed hair above it.
You raise one of your hands, palm up, with a soft, “Jake,” as instruction.
He blinks down at your hand for a second, dazed, and then he’s carefully holding your hand and bringing it up to press a surprisingly gentle kiss to your palm. You feel your face grow hot as you hide your smile in Jake’s shoulder, though you’re positive he can feel it anyway.
“Jakey,” you say again, painfully endeared, “I meant for you to, you know, get my hand wet.”
“Oh.” He huffs a little at himself, but he doesn’t hesitate to bring your hand back up to his mouth and drag his tongue across your open palm.
Now it’s your turn for your breath to catch in your throat, locking every part of your body so you don't make any sudden movements or do something stupid. That gets more difficult to avoid when Jake, after thoroughly licking all over your hand, tops it all off by gathering the remaining saliva in his mouth, makes you cup your hand and then spits into it. For a split second, you think you’re about to come, which would be mortifying, so you’re glad when you’re able to reign in your hormones and offer a small thank you so you can get back to the task at hand. Literally.
You bite the inside of your cheek as you finally allow yourself to look over Jake’s shoulder, and honestly, you could weep at the sight before you. Jake’s cock is fully hard now, lying against his toned stomach, looking more intimidating than ever. Somehow his cock seems bigger, and thicker too. Your mouth waters, but you tell yourself to focus.
With your dry hand, you lift Jake’s cock, holding him at the base while you bring your other hand down to curl around the head. Jake gasps lightly, but otherwise stays still and quiet, at least until you begin stroking him. Slow and steady, you drag your hand down to the base of Jake’s cock, then add a little more pressure on the upstroke. Jake makes a punched out kind of sound, his knees jerking up slightly before settling back in place. A thrill rushes through you, powerful and giddy at the thought of Jake being at your mercy, of being the one to pull out even these tiny reactions. It makes you want to see just how loud you can make him. For now, though, you continue your steady pace, feeling more than hearing Jake’s sigh when you use your free hand to start touching him everywhere you can reach again.
What’s dangerous about this is that you could get used to it. You’re pretty sure you already are, and that could spell disaster for you, because you’re just supposed to be helping him out. This is only supposed to be offering Jake some relief after being unable to get off with a partner, to give him pleasure that isn’t by his own hands. You press your lips together and speed up your stroking, just a smidge, squeeze a bit more around the head and dig your thumb into Jake’s slit.
“Oh,” he utters, head falling back to rest on your shoulder, eyes closed tight and hips twitching up into your touch, chasing the feeling.
“Does it feel good, Jakey?” you boldly ask.
Jake nods and hums. “So good,” he affirms. He moves his hands to grip your knees as he adds, “Being so good to me, sweetheart.”
And, well. Fuck. You've been trying to pretend your pussy isn't wetter than it's been in a long while, but his words have you wishing you could close your thighs for some much needed friction. Subtly, you try to shift your hips and all it does is make you more frustrated. You let out a huff, breath fanning out against Jake’s neck. He shivers against you and you pause. Your lack of movement makes him whine, low and pleading, and it jolts you back into action.
Dragging your gaze down the line of his throat only makes you want to put your mouth on it, see if you can get him to shiver again. You peek at his face and see his eyes are still closed. Softly, so soft, you lean in and press a kiss to the side of his neck, and the way he responds is beautiful.
He whimpers, tilts his head back further to give you more room, his hips bucking up into your hold as you continue stroking him at a rhythmic pace. And you really can't say no to that kind of invitation. So, sufficiently sure that he doesn't mind it, you press even more kisses into his skin, trailing them up and down his neck and shoulder, as far as you can reach. The kisses turn wet, your tongue flicking out to taste him. Jake’s stomach muscles clench, and you quicken the pace of your hand up a bit, mouthing sloppily up his neck to his ear.
“Don't know how anyone could refuse you,” you mutter, your own breathing getting heavier to match his. “How can anyone look at your cock and not want to sit on it, Jakey? It doesn't make sense.”
He groans, planting his feet on the mattress so he has better leverage to thrust up into your fist, panting and letting out needy sounds.
“God, Jake,” you whine. You suck and bite a mark on his throat, pulling away once you're happy with it. “I bet you would feel perfect inside me,” you confess in a whisper.
“Stop,” he pants, and you let go of him in an instant, stomach dropping.
Before you can start to panic too much, Jake clumsily shifts around until he's on his haunches facing you, flushed all the way down his chest, eyes blazing behind his frames. You open your mouth to ask him what's wrong, but then he's gripping you under your knees and yanking. You fall flat on your back with a startled yelp and Jake is there to swallow the sound, kissing you like it's his lifeline. A moan rips its way out of your chest, arms coming up to wrap around his shoulders and pull him closer to you.
He breaks the kiss, glasses askew, to ask, “Can I please fuck you?”
Any other time you'd snort at the politeness of such a vulgar question, but at the moment all you can do is nod, roughly tugging at his shirt until he gets the hint and removes it, almost knocking his glasses off entirely. It lands somewhere on the floor, along with his jeans and underwear a second later. You squirm once you see his body fully naked, core throbbing in need to have it against you, on top of you.
“You too,” he murmurs, reaching for your shorts.
You lift your hips to help him, biting your lip at the way he curses when he realizes you aren’t wearing panties. With a grin, you surprise him further by taking off your t-shirt and reveal you're also not wearing a bra.
“Would it totally ruin the moment if I say I’ve wanted this for way too long?” he wonders, eyes raking over your body, his hands joining soon after.
You smile softly and shake your head. “Not at all.” He returns your smile, but yours eases into something mischievous. “But what will ruin the moment is if you don't get your fingers in me to get me ready for your big cock.”
Jake’s smile drops. “Fuck,” he says with feeling.
To incentivize him, you spread your legs, hand tracing a path down to where you're dripping. He watches with blown pupils and a slack jaw. When you hum as your fingers lightly glide down your slit, he snaps into focus. He knocks your hand away to replace it with his own. You sigh at the touch of his calluses on your sensitive skin, tilting your hips up and moaning when he finally sinks one finger inside you.
Thankfully, he doesn't seem to want to waste time, thrusting his finger steadily. You've never appreciated how long his fingers are more than you are at this very moment. He works you up to three of them much too fast for your liking, but you understand the urgency he’s feeling, and you can't really deny that you're feeling it too.
“That's good, Jake, c’mon, please get in me already,” you beg, shifting restlessly.
“Shit,” he breathes, “okay, yeah, let me just—”
He shuffles closer, taking his cock in hand and rubbing it up and down your slit, the head catching on your opening, making you whine. He curses under his breath some more and starts pushing in. Your mouth drops open, but no sound comes out, brows furrowing deeply as he splits you open on his cock. When he bottoms out, you let out a sharp exhale that hitches in your chest, while Jake’s chest is heaving like he's run a marathon.
“So tight,” he mutters.
“So—” You hiccup through a desperate sob. “So big, oh my god, Jakey, baby, please move, I need you to move.”
His chin drops to his chest with a pained sounding groan, but he listens. He draws his hips back, cock dragging deliciously out of you, before he thrusts back in. You're not sure you've stopped making noise since he started pulling out, high and needy and hungry pleas for more, and he's barely even gotten started.
Every sensation feels dialed up to a million. You're not sure sex has ever been like this for you; like your skin is on fire, like you can feel your pulse throb through every limb, through every single finger and toe, but especially in your clit. Your nipples even feel more sensitive than usual as they brush against his chest. Your body is positively singing with pleasure.
And Jake… Oh, that sweet, precious man is in heaven. You know you're tight around him, warm and wet, the perfect place to fuck into, and now that he's finally getting what he's wanted he's not holding back. He's fucking you like he’s gonna be graded on it after. His hips slam into yours and he can't stop making noises of his own. Grunts, soft gasps, neverending praise over how you feel, how he's so happy this is happening, how he's never going to stop fucking you.
Your nails dig into the flesh on his back, dragging all the way down until you flatten your palms on his ass and squeeze. His thrusting falters for a second, but he finds his rhythm again quickly, dropping to his elbows so that he's even closer. He kisses along your collarbones, nipping at the base of your throat before sucking at the spot harshly. You moan brokenly and clutch at him tighter.
“Left my mark on you, too,” he declares, kissing the bruise he’s made, then kisses you properly, tongue sliding across yours and dipping into your mouth.
You're not sure how much longer you can hold back from touching your clit, your need ratcheting higher and higher, but you know Jake is right there with you. He's pounding into you roughly now, chasing his climax with determination. Reaching down, you swipe your fingers through your slick and use it to rub your clit, a whimper escaping you when you tighten around him from the added stimulation. Jake growls and speeds up some, hitching one of your legs up his side. It changes the angle just enough that he's hitting that spot inside you that has you crying out, a long warble of his name, fingers quickening their pace on your clit.
“Yeah, that's it,” he encourages. “Please, come for me. Come on, baby, let me see it, wanna watch you fall apart.”
All of your breath gets trapped in your lungs as warmth pools in your core and bursts outward, your pussy fluttering and clamping down on his cock. Your body shivers through your climax, thighs trembling unceasingly as Jake groans and fucks you harder, three, four more times before stilling. He comes with a loud moan, grinding inside you as he rides it out.
After a moment, he collapses on top of you. You grunt at his weight, but smile tiredly at your ceiling, combing your fingers through his hair. You feel him press a kiss on your shoulder.
“Thank you,” he mumbles.
That makes you giggle, which in turn makes you clench and has Jake whining since he's still buried inside you. Gingerly, he pulls out, both of you hissing at the sensation. He runs a tender finger along the outside of your opening.
“Did I hurt you?” he asks, concerned.
“No, baby,” you whisper.
He meets your gaze then, hopeful, still flushed with exertion and glasses slightly foggy. “Baby?”
You hum with a grin. “Yes. My big, beefy baby,” you tease. “I’m keeping you all to myself now.”
“You know, I think I just might be okay with that,” he replies, beaming in a way that puts the sunlight through your window to shame.
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lordprettyflackotara · 2 months
Hitchhiker || Chapter Sixteen || The Proxies
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tw: murder, descriptions of wounds, beheading, brief descriptions of gore
<— previous chapter
Brian’s patience was growing thin. He stood silently in Jack’s room, examining the damage Nova had caused. The cravings were ominous and eerie, the dry blood coating the wood. His gaze wondered all over the room, from the ceiling to the four walls. Somehow she had managed to reach the ceiling, the words home is where the heart is etched into the wood.
A familiar set of footsteps were coming up the stairs, ones Brian had grown so accustomed to he hadn’t bothered to turn around. The overwhelming smell of cigarettes was enough to tell Brian who had joined him. “Jesus Christ, looks like a murder scene in here,” Tim muttered. He did have a point. Gnawing your fingers down to the bone was no joke. The crimson paint that had dripped down the walls was a large enough indication of that. “Where’s Y/n?” Brian asked. He stood in the center of the room, trying to make sense of what The Operator was getting at. Everyone was so divided at the time. Why not just have her chuck herself off of the roof if he really wanted her dead?
“Downstairs with Toby. She’s planted herself right beside Jack’s lab. Won’t leave until she sees Nova,” Tim sighed. He joined his partners side, the two studying the damage. To Brian it looked all too familiar, flashbacks of his own drawings coming to mind. “That girl will be lucky if she has any of her fingers left,” Tim muttered to himself. Instinctively he dug for his box of cigarettes, sighing once he realized that he had shared his last ones with you. Fuck. Brian clenched his jaw, frustrated at how much progress The Operator was making.
“We should consider taking Jack’s advice and changing locations. I know Jeff’s place isn’t too far from here.”
Brian felt annoyance at Tim’s words. How long were they going to drag this out for? How long could they get away with being here? It wasn’t possible for them to spend the rest of their days here. Like this. They were running out of time whether anyone else wanted to admit it or not. Brian thought Tim out of all people would’ve realized that before he did. “Jeff would have a field day with her around. Besides, it’s not that simple anymore,” Brian huffed. Tim raised his eyebrows, noting his partner avoiding his curious gaze. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He questioned.
The blonde sighed, finally looking over at Tim. “EJ’s not going to leave Nova’s side now. You’ve seen the way he looks at her,” He began explaining. The proxies had grown accustomed to Jack’s ways over the years. A demon with mostly human qualities, was how they categorized him. However with that being said, Jack had a few animalistic quirks that they couldn’t ignore. Usually they could, given that he was only typically tasked with patching them up. But now that he had grown interest in Nova, his tagging alone was guaranteed. “Where ever we take her Nova is going to go. Meaning we earned ourselves an extra head stone if this goes badly,” Brian finished bitterly.
Jack’s mating habits were none of Brian’s concern. What was his concern was how many bodies were going to be buried by the end of it all.
“At this point it’s more the merrier, yeah? Whatever makes her happy is important,” Tim debated. Brian clenched his jaw. “No, what’s important is keeping her alive,” He argued. Tim’s eyebrows furrowed, his gaze landing on his friend. “What’s got you so riled up? She’s a bit shook up but she isn’t hurt-” Tim began, reaching his arm out to touch Brian’s shoulder. Brian swiftly swatted his hand away. “What’s got me so riled up? How much longer are we going to drag this out? How much more are we going to let The Operator corrupt?” He snapped. Tim froze, noting Brian’s head twitching to the left. “Fuck this. It’s time something is done,” He muttered, his head continuously twitching.
Tim knew what this meant, taking a step back. Hoodie’s soulless eyes met Tim’s, his hand reaching in his pocket for his ski mask. “This is something I have to do,” He said flatly. Tugging his mask over his head, he began storming down the stairs. Tim was hot on his trail. “What? Do what?” He asked. Your head snapped towards the pair as Hoodie stormed past you and Toby, heading straight towards the front door. “Hoodie think logically for a second. There’s no way you’re going to find Cat Hunter out there!” Tim yelled. You rose to your feet, your gaze flickering to Hoodie. “Thats why i’m going to let him find me,” He huffed, slamming the door. You felt panic wash over you, your feet carrying you to the front door. Confused you turned to Tim, who was a visibly nervous wreck without his cigarettes.
“Tim what the fuck is going on?” You questioned. Tim ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head. “Toby we need to find Hoodie before Cat Hunter does,” The brunette responded. You narrowed your eyes. He ignored your question? Toby nodded, grabbing his mask. “Aye aye boss,” He replied, shoving his mask on his face. You felt the color drain from your face as Tim pulled his gun out of his pocket. “Y/n stay here. Go get Jack if you need to. Whatever you do. Do not leave this cabin,” Tim ordered sternly. You frowned as Toby grabbed both of his hatchets, swinging them over his shoulders. They both went to head outside, their faces full of determination. You grabbed Tim’s sleeve, forcing him to stop.
“Stop it! What the fuck is going on? At least let me come with you!” You intervened. Tim looked down at you, shoving you off of his arm. “Dont try to exclude me. I may not be a proxy or a detective or a demon but i’m useful!” You yelled, not giving a damn who heard. Tim grabbed your shoulders, shaking them. “Wake the fuck up. You need to sit here and stay still because we need to stop Hoodie from getting killed. You’re not going to be useful having one of your delusions out there,” Tim snapped. Your face fell, your shoulders tensing under his sudden grip. He released your shoulders, grumbling curses to himself. “I’m sorry but you need to stay put. Let’s go kid,” He said, gesturing for Toby to follow him. You glanced at Toby, who gave you an apologetic look before following Tim out into the snow.
Nervously you darted to the window, watching the duo trail off into the snowy forest. You felt like your mind was spinning. What could you do? Could you actually stay here while the three men you loved lives were at risk? You glanced at the medical lab door, biting your bottom lip. It was always an option to grab EJ. But there was no telling if he was done operating on Nova. A part of you wanted to stay just to protect her, but you knew deep down Jack had that area more than covered. Begrudgingly you looked back outside, none of your three boys in sight. What did Tim expect you to do? To twiddle your thumbs until they got back? No you couldn’t. You wouldn’t.
This entire time everyone around you had spent every breath ensuring your safety. And you’d be damned if you didn’t return the favor. You stormed over to the coat closet, grabbing one of Jacks. It was oversized on you but it did the trick, his cologne flooding your nostrils. You buttoned up the coat, tossing the hood over your head. Unsurely you looked around, noticing Nova’s python sat on the living room coffee table. You grabbed it, admiring the custom detailings she had done on the side. You shoved it in your coat pocket, facing the door. Taking a deep breath you pushed yourself forward, right into the snowy wilderness.
The cold blast of air smacked you in the face, the temperature much more brutal than you would’ve guessed. You kept your hand wrapped around the metal piece in your pocket, your gaze hardening as you continued forward. You had already made yourself a target by leaving the cabin alone, there was no turning back now. You attempted to follow Tim and Toby’s footsteps, freshly fallen snow making your objective more difficult. Sighing you trudged forward, looking around nervously. The further you walked you felt more and more like you were being watched, causing you look around like a wounded deer.
You could see your breath each time you exhaled, your heart beginning to pound louder and louder. You were sure that someone was there, silently watching. “Hello?” You called out. Every tree in every direction looked the same. Snow covered every inch of ground you could see, snowflakes still falling from the sky above. Your head snapped to the left at the sound of footsteps, the familiar sound of snow crunching under the weight of someone’s boots flooding your ears. “Hoodie?” You called, heading towards the noise. You could feel your nose begin to burn from the harshness of the cold, your hand gripping Nova’s python for support. The silence that echoed made you uneasy. “Maybe I should just head home, fuck,” You grumbled.
Unsurely you looked around, attempting to determine which way you came from. Swallowing, you headed in the direction you thought to be back to Jacks cabin. The free falling snow was relentless, concealing any chance of tracking your foot prints or anyone else’s.
Hoodie’s voice echoed through out the trees, your head practically snapping backwards. You desperately looked around for him, your eyes flickering every which way. “Hoodie?” You called back. You expected to hear a response. One that would reveal his direction. Instead you were met by silence, the kind that made a chill go down your spine. Something was wrong, really wrong. “Hoodie?” You repeated. Turning around you began to head in the opposite direction, ignoring the feeling of someone’s eyes burning holes in the back of your head. You wiped some stray snowflakes off of your eyelashes, looking around for any sign of anyone else’s presence.
The faint sound of static found its way to your ears, your eyes widening. You weren’t sure which direction it was coming from, but your body was screaming at you to run. With your heart pounding in your chest you ran, refusing to look over your shoulder as the cold wind whipped you in the face. Your breath grew shallow quickly, the dropping freezing temperature unkind to your overworked lungs. The static sounded more faint the further you ran, your lungs burning. You could barely run straight, EJ’s heavy coat weighing you down tremendously. Gulping for air you finally stopped, leaning against a nearby tree for support.
“Son of a bitch!”
You quickly turned around, a bloody and battered Tim lying on the forest floor. Your jaw fell open, your feet carrying you to him. “Tim?” You gasped. Toby was crouched down beside him, his hatchets tossed aside in the snow. Your gaze fell to his wound, three claw marks scratched across his chest. His jacket was tattered and mustard yellow threads hung over the open wounds. Cat Hunter had torn into Tim’s muscles, the blood so heavy it was almost nauseating. It dripped down his chest, his skin turning pale. You threw yourself onto the ground, examining his wounds. “That son of a bitch got me,” He grumbled. His chocolate eyes met yours, his face scrunching into confusion. “What the hell are you doing out here? You’re gonna get yourself killed,” Tim hissed. He attempted to push himself back against a tree for support, only to fall back down on his back again.
Toby grabbed his arms, helping him sit up as he grunted in pain. “I’m not going to let Hoodie die because of me. None of you will,” You argued. You glanced down at his wound again, the torn flesh mutilated and raw. “Enough of the bullshit. Toby take her back to the cabin,” Tim ordered. The younger brunette stood up before attempting to walk around him to grab your arm. “No. Toby stay here with Tim. I’m going to get help. You’re in no condition to be out here by yourself,” You debated. At the sound of your order Toby crouched back down, earning a furious glare from Tim. You grabbed handfuls of snow, ensuring it was pure white before applying it to his chest. Initially Tim hissed under the sensation before sighing with relief. “Keep handfuls of snow on it, it’ll keep the burning sensation down,” You told Toby. The younger brunette nodded, visibly nervous.
“Y/n don’t do this. The Operator and Cat Hunter are both out here. It’s only their sick game that has kept us alive this long,” Tim protested. You wiped his hair off of his forehead, pushing it back with the help of the falling snowflakes. “It’s gonna be okay. I’ll be right back,” You say as confidently as you can muster. Your eyes flickered over to Toby’s fallen hatchets, before returning to the boys concerned gazes. “Besides, i’m taking an old friend with me,” You say, quickly grabbing one of his hatchets that were previously abandoned in the fallen snow. Both Tim and Toby verbally protested, their protest ignored as you darted back into the snowy woods. Their voices became more distant as you trudged further, unsure which direction you came from or which direction you should even go. Taking a deep breath you grounded yourself, slowly looking around in each direction.
There were no signs of anyone else around, your mouth running dry. This was too convenient, too easy. The sun was fading fast, your chance of finding anyone, nevertheless Cat Hunter or The Operator becoming slimmer and slimmer as it became dark. You patted around Jack’s coat, realizing you lacked a flashlight or any tools to create light. Logically you should’ve turned around, but the doubt of finding anyone in the direction you thought you came from confusing you. But you knew you couldn’t stand out in the open like this, the snow only falling heavier and the sky growing darker. There wasn’t anywhere for you to go, the forest feeling like one giant loop. Sighing you readjusted your grip on Toby’s hatchet, examining the trees around you.
The closest one to your left appeared to be hollowed out, the inside rotted and empty from the harsh winter season. You sucked in your stomach, sliding inside of the crack to step inside. Exhaling in relief the tree blocked the falling snow from landing on you. You brushed your hand over your hair, attempting to brush some of the snow off of you. Examining your hands you realized you forgot to put on gloves, your hands gleaming red as they attempted to fight off the freezing cold. You set Toby’s hatchet down, leaning it against the wood. You rubbed them together, trying your hardest to create some form of warmth. Your palms were tingling, losing feelings in your fingertips. Cupping your hands you took deep breaths, attempting to spread heat from your breath. You froze at the sound of footsteps, your heart pounding as you heard them come closer.
A piece of you was dying to peak your head out, desperate to find a familiar face. But the fear of it being Cat Hunter or The Operator kept you frozen, your eyes wide as you stared at the crack of the tree. You listened closely, tucking your hair behind your ear. Your eyes flickered upwards as an all too familiar yellow jacket walked by the tree, your fear temporarily subsiding. You grabbed Toby’s hatchet, pulling Jacks hood over your head. Just as you took a step to leave you froze, another set of footsteps crunching the snow harshly as they trailed behind Hoodie. You stopped, watching the crack of the tree intently. You almost didn’t recognize Cat Hunter, the proxy bundled up in a thick brown coat. His mask and freshly bloody claws gave him away though, your mouth running dry. You could hear the claws clink together, Tim’s blood still dripping off of them and staining the pure snow below.
Neither of them appeared to notice you, too occupied on their hunts for the other. It slowly hit you that Hoodie didn’t know Cat Hunter was there, your lover in the danger you had nightmares about. Nervously you pulled out the python, unsure how to even use it. Flicking it open you grimaced at the sight of the chamber being empty. No bullets. You glanced at the hatchet, gulping. You were left with no choice. With every ounce of strength you had left you flexed your fingers before gripping Toby’s hatchet, silently sliding out of the hollow tree. You took a deep breath in, trying to control your breathing and rapid heart rate as you stalked the infamous Cat Hunter. He seemed oblivious to your presence, flexing his claws as he followed Hoodie. You licked your dry lips, the skin now cracked from the harsh weather. As fast as you could you ran up behind him, knowing this was your only chance. With all of the strength you had left you lifted the hatchet, slamming the blade down into the unsuspecting Cat Hunter’s neck.
You had never thought about hurting anyone before. It wasn’t in your nature to be violent, nevertheless kill anyone. It hadn’t occurred to you what you had done until Cat Hunter’s knees buckled, shock overriding his system. You yanked the hatchet back out, tearing through the flesh as roughly as you could. You lifted the hatchet again, slamming it back down into the same spot. Blood splattered all over the snow below, as well as onto your cheeks. You cringed as the warm liquid decorated your face, your blood running cold as Cat Hunters body slumped to the ground. A wave of emotions crashed over you. Guilt, regret, mercy. But above all you felt one thing: spiteful.
A rage full screech left your lips, watching the lifeless corpse lose any form of animation. A pool of blood formed under his head, your mind spinning as your stomach churned with nausea. You lifted the hatchet again, vengeful as you chopped at his neck. You didn’t realize you were crying until your vision became blurry. You weren’t even sure what you were swinging at anymore. “Y/n? Hey? Hey!” Hoodie gasped, panicked as he rushed over to you. Your tears were threatening to freeze to your flushed face, Toby’s hatchet falling from your fingertips. Hoodies gaze fell down to the now beheaded Cat Hunter, his head completely detached from his body. A pile of unidentifiable flesh pooled out of his neck, spilling into the snow. You sobbed silently as you brought your hand to your face, trying to wipe away some of the tears.
“I’m s-so sorry I had to. He was after you,” You cried. Hoodie grabbed you affectionately, tugging you into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, guiding your face to his chest. “Shh it’s okay. Don’t look. It’s okay,” Hoodie said quietly. He stroked your hair, your eyes fluttering shut as you buried your head in his chest. Hoodie stared down at the proxy’s corpse, his breath hitching at the sight. He knew it was a good thing for one enemy to be down and out for the count. But as he held you, your body shaking under him, he knew one was for sure.
That the worst was still yet to come.
—> next chapter
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carlsangel · 5 months
carl grimes x reader
(you find carl the perfect gift.)
tags: fluff fluff fluff
masterlist here! (i fixed it btw)
send some more requests!!!
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You could never keep a secret from Carl, no matter how serious or how stupid he could always manage to get it out of you. All he had to do was ask repeatedly or when you got really stubborn he’d tickle it out of you. He’s just that kind of guy, he likes to know everything going on in that brain of yours. But more importantly he hates secrets.
That’s why when his birthday rolled around you had no idea what to get him or how you would even keep it from him. You’d done the classic comic gift maybe two times before already. Last year you had gotten him a vinyl for his record player and he was happy with it.
Carl didn’t care for gifts at all, he believed your presence was enough but gifts sort of just gave him something to enjoy with you. Every time you’d gotten him a comic, you read it with him. When you got him that vinyl, he listened to it with you. He was happy, so you knew whatever you got him this year was something you should enjoy too.
You decided to go out to scavenge with Glenn to see if you could find anything. You went out to a shopping center nearby and looked around there. You thought maybe you could get him a new flannel but you weren’t sure if he’d like it. You found a red flannel and realized he’d hate it.
“Hey, is this ugly?” You asked Glenn who was also digging through racks to find something for Maggie since her birthday was coming soon too. He looked over and cringed at the sight of it. “Yeah that’s- that’s pretty bad..” He looked back to the racks to dig through. “Fair.”
You were so stumped, what could he possibly want? You walk through the store some more, looking around the aisles when you hear something behind you. A small meow. You stop in your tracks and just pause. You loved cats probably as much as you loved Carl. You turn around and look to the floor to be met with the cutest little siamese kitten.
You crouch to the floor and let him walk to you. You melt at how adorable he is before gently picking him up. You need to show Glenn. When you find Glenn, his eyes are locked on the racks of clothes still. “Glenn.” You try to get his attention but his eyes wouldn’t pry away. You stick the cat out in his direction. “Glenn look.” He rolls his eyes and turns to you to be face to face with a cat and he almost jumps a little.
“Oh- jesus christ. Where…” His voice trails off when he realizes what you’re asking. “No. Nope. That thing probably has fleas.” He replies backing away. “But he doesn’t I already checked and even if he does we can treat it, can’t we? Cmonnn for Carl’s birthday.” You smile pleadingly. Glenn sighs and agrees. “Fine but if I get in trouble with Rick or Michonne, you’re dead.”
You smile and thank him. You look around the store for some more stuff you might need like the cats food or maybe a collar or something. You find everything and a couple a toys before you guys leave back to Alexandria. You knew getting back home would be tough, Carl’s birthday isn’t till tomorrow so you needed a way to hide the cat.
When you approached the gates you knew you’d have to be quick to hide him. You couldn’t ask Glenn since he’s already at risk of being scolded because Rick would usually never agree to letting you bring an animal home. So you thought of someone Rick can’t get mad at.
“That ain’t happenin.” Daryl says as you’re standing at his doorstep practically begging him to let you keep the cat there for the night. “Daryl it’s just for tonight? Please? It’s the perfect gift for him and I can’t keep it at our house he’ll find out and I don’t want it to be spoiled.” You pout. It kinda worked.
“If it shits in here you’re cleanin it up.” He grumbles, taking the cat from your hands and your bag of supplies. You thank him and praise him for doing you the favor. Now it’s just a matter of keeping it from Carl until the morning.
You and Glenn had come back from the run quite late so it shouldn’t be that hard. Maybe an hour and you can spend half of it in the shower. You walk into the house and Carl was feeding Judith dinner. “Hey how was the run?” He asks, trying to get Judith to eat the food off the spoon. “Fine.” You muster up. He’s confused as to why you’re being so short with him. “Find anything interesting?” He adds. “No. Not at all, I think i’m gonna go shower.” You make your way over to the stairs and he chose not to push it. He knew something was up, maybe you actually hadn’t found anything and you were upset about it. Or you were up to something else.
You had to wake up early the next morning in order to surprise him properly. You walked downstairs to see Carol cooking his breakfast and she flashes you a smile before going back to work. You head back over next door to collect the cat. You walk in and Daryl’s looking down in the box he had kept him in. He notices you and looks at you for a moment before speaking. “He shit in the kitchen.” He tells you before walking past you and out the door. “What the fuck, Daryl?” You giggle.
You handle it of course due to your guys’ agreement. You gather everything and head back over to finally surprise Carl. Rick and Michonne didn’t even realize you’d gotten him a cat so they found out when Carl did. They didn’t care, however, they knew the both of you would parent that thing like it was your damn newborn. You walk into your guys’ room and see he’s still soundly asleep. You gently place the cat on him as he sleeps and you poke him to wake up.
“Wh- woah what-“ Rick and Michonne giggle at how delirious he was. “Happy birthday.” You smile, waiting for him to process. He sits there for a moment to do so. “Wait we can keep it?” He croaks out. You look to Rick and Michonne and they look to each other. They look back to the both of you and nod, finally giving in. “Thank you.” He smiles as you lean down to kiss his forehead.
The rest of the day went perfectly, you guys spent the whole day together and got to do whatever it was you wanted, like going out to the woods with your new cat. Carl had his birthday dinner and afterwards you both went upstairs to rest from your eventful day.
His birthday ended perfectly. Laying in bed with his favorite person and his new kitten.
It couldn’t get any better than that.
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a/n: i hope you likedddd ittttt this one’s one of my favorites now UHHH i didn’t give the cat a specific name bc i wanna leave that to you guys to name him muehehehe lowkey reply with a name you’d give the cat :P THIS REQUEST WAS ADOOORABLE THANK YOU ♠️
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gravehags · 5 months
unholy, unholy, unholy
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Pairing: Cardinal Copia x f!Reader (Curator!Reader)
Tags: the ministry being the catholic church's evil twin, manipulation, masturbation, confession, copia lowkey being a desperate little sex freak my beloved
Words: 5,153
Summary: You really walked right into this, you tell yourself. You can't even be mad at Copia for suggesting it.
a/n: can't believe the last thing i wrote for these losers was at christmas...damn. anyway you know how i like my non-chronological shit so this takes place somewhere in between take me apart and satan baby. i'm not done making these two dance around their feelings just yet.
divider by @gothdaddyissues!
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“Jesus fucking Christ Almighty.”
You slam your office door shut with your hip and Cardinal Copia turns to look at you from his seat.
“Need help?”
With a grunt and a shake of your head you walk past him and set the bag of food down on your desk, heaving a deep sigh.
“Had to go on a fucking scavenger hunt because the goddamn DoorDash driver left the bag with a maintenance worker, who gave it to one of Terzo’s ghouls, who left it in a stairwell for some reason…don’t ask me how I managed to find it because fuck if I know.”
Dramatically you flop into your desk chair and give your lunch companion a look as he begins to sort out your meals with a smile.
“You know you eh…take the Lord’s name in vain quite a bit for someone who wasn’t raised in religion.”
When he passes your container of Pad see ew to you, you grin.
“Ehhh you know, the perils of being raised in a predominantly Christian society. It’s funny, the first time I said ‘Jesus Christ’ I was maybe…I don’t know nine? Ten? And my mom tersely told me ‘don’t say that’ to which I replied ‘why not?’ I don’t think she knew how to answer that question in a way that would make me care, you know? I had gone all my little life not giving a shit about Jesus, why would I now?”
Copia chuckles and cracks open his own takeaway box.
“Ah cara, you continue to stray further and further from God’s light every day. Thank Sathanas for that, hmm?”
With a smile, you clink your soda can against his and dig into your meal.
“You ever think about how fascinating your religion is, Copia?”
You prop your feet up on your desk as Copia delicately picks noodles out of his box with chopsticks. 
“Eh, how do you mean?”
“Like…you’re a Satanic cardinal. You’ve sworn your life to uphold the tenets of Satanism. You…we live at a massive complex dedicated to Satan. One of many complexes throughout the world, apparently. And yet, barely anyone knows of the Ministry’s existence. It’s wild, really.”
He makes a thoughtful noise as he chews on a particularly crunchy piece of bok choy.
“Ah, well,” he begins, setting his chopsticks down and reaching for the soda resting on the desk, “we’re trying to change that. In…subtle ways.”
“Mmm, the Ghost project.”
“Sì, the idea is we use Papa to spread our message through music - something that is accessible to many people.”
“With the hopes that you and your evil brethren can dominate the globe?” you say, scrunching your nose playfully and giving him a big wink.
“Something like that,” he smiles wryly.
“Well I’ve listened to some of the project’s music and I gotta say…big fan. I think your sinister subliminal messaging is working on me.”
“Oh?” he asks, setting down his food in order to cross his legs and give you a curious stare. “Tell me more, cara. Do I have a future sister of sin on my hands?”
You close your eyes and laugh, missing the hungry way the Cardinal watches the line of your throat as your head tilts back.
“Maybe…let’s just say I’m intrigued. How could I not be when I’m surrounded by it all the time?”
He nods, resting a gloved hand on his knee and straightening his cassock.
You fix him with a look you know will make him lose his train of thought for a moment. Positively wicked.
“Perhaps,” he clears his throat, eyes darting away from yours, “you would like to attend one of our services?”
You nod gamely. 
“Is a super cool and hip youth pastor going to tell me about the ways the Devil cares about me unconditionally?”
He rolls his eyes and fixes you with an unamused stare.
“Very funny, dolcezza. Would you prefer that I have you sit with Papa Nihil while he explains the history of the Emeritus bloodline?”
You balk. The wizened Papa had a distinct dislike of you for some odd reason. You often wonder how he manages to give you such dirty looks through his cloudy eyes. You didn’t particularly care, however, as you saw the way he constantly brushed off and mistreated Copia during staff meetings. Nihil irked you to no end, no matter how much Sister Imperator liked him.
“Alright, fine, sorry. I only jest to get a rise out of you, I know how important your religion is to you. And hey, anything that has the drama and aesthetics of the Catholic Church without all the guilt and trauma has my full attention. Please don’t be mad.”
He grunts but you see the way his mustache twitches as he fights back a smile. You flutter your eyelashes a little and in a moment of boldness, take your lower lip between your teeth. The way his mismatched eyes dart to your mouth and his jaw hangs open makes you giddy.
“I’m–,” his voice comes out as a hoarse rasp, “I forgive you, cara.”
“Thank you for absolving me of my sins, Your Eminence.”
He has to know you’re doing this on purpose at this point. You’re not sure what has gotten into you today but something about the way he stares at you now makes you want to grab him by his pellegrina and haul him over your desk for a sloppy kiss. There’s a heavy tension between the two of you, not for the first time, as if all one of you needs to do is take a step forward and all hell would break loose.
“So, you want me to go to a service? What like black mass? Unholy baptism? Virgin sacrifice?”
The spell is broken and briefly your swagger flickers, wondering if you’ve crossed a line.
“Eh, maybe someday but your statement about sin made me think…perhaps confession would be more suited to you?”
Now your jaw falls open and you can feel your cheeks light up as he watches you with a smirk toying at the corners of his mouth. The tables have turned and now you’re the one left speechless.
“O-oh?” you ask, voice a little higher than normal, “so if Catholic confession is about getting your sins forgiven, then Satanic confession is…having your sins…celebrated?”
“Corretto,” he says with a generous nod, “we’ll go through each one in ah…intimate detail.”
“We?” you squeak out, stomach dropping severely, “I hadn’t realized that you would be presiding.”
“Oh sì,” he says, the smirk on his face positively devilish, “although if you’d prefer someone else…”
“No,” you say just a little too quickly, your heart pounding, “I…I don’t know how much sinning I really get up to. I’ll probably bore you to tears.”
“You might be surprised, dolcezza,” Christ the nickname sounds devious on his lips right now, “What is it they say? ‘Still waters run deep’?”
Your laugh comes out just a little too loud and unnatural and you kick yourself.
“Ha…right. We…we should probably get back to this cataloging or Sister Imperator is going to publicly execute me.”
The rest of the afternoon proceeds normally, with the two of you diligently organizing the abbey’s collection of illuminated manuscripts. When you finally part, he gives you the date, time, and directions to the chapel where the confession booth is located.
“Cara,” he murmurs as you begin to walk away, “you don’t have to do this.”
You give him a half-smile and shake your head.
“I think it will be good for me,” you say, hands behind your back as you rock onto your heels, “and besides, how could I say no to spending an evening with you?”
You make sure not to turn away until you see the full breadth of his dazed expression and by the time your back is to him and you’re walking away, there’s a loopy grin on your face. It’s not til you turn the corner and reach the staircase to your quarters the full realization of what you’ve agreed to dawns upon you. 
Oh fuck.
You don’t see Copia the next two days between his duties and your own and for that you’re extremely thankful. The date of your confession has arrived and you’re equal parts nauseated and exhilarated. Having never gone to confession of any sort before, you’re not entirely sure what to expect. You’re not ignorant - you’ve seen confession scenes in the media and have heard from friends raised in Catholicism - but what little you do know doesn’t assuage your anxiety. This was Satanic confession. A whole different beast. Your mind conjures images of blood rituals and sacrifices and being on your knees before Copia…his gloved hand tilting your chin upwards to look at him…
Christ Almighty, get your shit together.
You desperately try to, as you sternly told yourself, get your shit together but your mind is clouded the rest of your workday with positively sinful scenes of the two of you. You’re particularly fond of the one where he’s got you in his office, your skirt hiked up over your hips as you bend over his desk and he pushes himself inside you from behind. The thought of his voice in your head, calling you his sweet little nicknames as he fucks into you, makes you practically drip. The final two hours in your office are torture before you’re able to skitter back to your rooms. You’re not meeting with Copia for another few hours and you need to do something about the ache between your thighs. Impatiently, you fumble for the buttons on your blouse with one hand while pushing your skirt off with another. You must look a sight, ripping your bra off and flinging it somewhere on the floor, but all you can think about now is getting to your bed. You almost trip twice in the journey to your room, blindly stumbling over and flinging yourself on the mattress. What has gotten into you? You’ve been horny before, about Copia sure, but this? The way you’re practically whining when your hands meet your bare breasts? You feel positively feral. 
“Copia,” you breathe, fingers pinching at your nipples. You imagine his hands on you, the way the leather would warm as he strokes your soft skin.
Fuck, you can hear it perfectly and it makes you sigh, one of your hands slowly sliding down your body to cup the heat of you. You’re sopping and time feels like it slows as you spread yourself open and slide two fingers against your engorged clit. All of your frantic rushing from earlier ceases as you twitch under your own touch, his name on your lips. You’re so sensitive right now it barely takes anything to bring you over the edge, but, you think as your orgasm wanes, it’s not quite enough. Taking a slow exhale in you slip your fingers lower and tease at your entrance. The digits glide in easily enough with the abundance of slick coming from you and languorously you begin to pump them in and out. Your eyes slide shut and you imagine it’s his dexterous fingers instead, curling inside you so you can feel every stitch and groove of his glove. 
Cara mia, he’d murmur into your ear, so wet for me. So sweet for your Cardinal, eh? You honor me.
The whimpers crawling out of your mouth are getting more frequent and higher in pitch - you know you’re close. You bring your palm flat against yourself to push on your clit as your hips continue to make little circles, driving your fingers deeper in. Your hand is aching but it doesn’t stop you from pulling another orgasm out of yourself, chanting his name. Tears pool in your eyes and slide down your temples as you sob aloud and all of a sudden it’s too much. Your body spasms on the duvet, breath coming in harsh pants as you attempt to slow the thundering of your heart. It’s not the first time you’ve touched yourself to the thought of him, by any means, but something feels…different. More charged. You’re exhausted, bone tired as you try to organize your feelings. Reaching a hand up to rub your face you turn over and look at the clock. 
5:32 PM
Your eyelids are heavy but you manage to lean over the side of your bed and locate your phone to set an alarm. Some sleep would do you good. Clear your head.
You don’t dream.
Cazzo, cazzo, cazzo.
Copia paces back and forth in the small, dimly lit (romantically lit, some would say) chapel. The last sibling of the evening just left and now all that remains is…you. He barely heard what the siblings were telling him this evening, so anxious was he and caught up in the thought of you soon being in their position. More than once his vision went blurry as he imagined you a breath away, separated only by the decorative wooden screen.
He was so eager for you to walk through that door, now he’s not sure. With a heavy sigh through his nose he looks down at his watch.
6:58 PM
You’re always punctual and he counts on tonight being no different. Resigned to his fate, he shuffles over to the confession booth and opens the door, slotting himself inside. Shit, his ass hurts from the hard bench, why in fuck’s name had they not added a cushion to this side like there was on the other? He’s grumbling to himself in Italian when he hears the chapel door squeak open and firmly shut. Your soft footsteps approach - you must be wearing your sneakers and not your boots for the distinct clacking sound he usually hears from you has vanished. He sucks in a breath when he hears you open your side of the booth and quietly shut it. There’s a silence between the two of you so profound that when you finally speak he jumps.
“Hey. You’re in there right?”
He makes a loud, vague noise and sees your shoulders drop through the screen. He can’t get a read on your expression but the anxiety in the air has softened with your posture. 
“Good evening,” he begins, a little stiffly. “Eh, welcome.”
You breathe out heavy through your nose.
“Copia, is this a good idea?”
He pauses and looks down to pull at a loose thread on his cuff.
“Are…are you nervous, cara?”
You let out a soft, self-deprecating laugh.
“Yeah, I’m fucking nervous! I’ve never even been to a regular confession let alone…this.”
“Well, we begin with the ceremonial bloodletting and–”
“Oh fuck off,” you grouse, flicking the screen that separates you. You fall silent after a moment.
“Cara, are you truly that anxious? Because we don’t have to do any–”
“I’m fine, Copia. Really. I don’t know why I'm so worked up. Fear of the unknown, I suppose,” you clear your throat and hears you crack your neck.
“Bene. Shall I go over the process with you? And remember this is a celebration. No shaming. No guilt. No wrong answers.”
You take a deep breath in and he sees you nod.
“I will start with the blessing and then we will go through the seven cardinal sins one by one. You may describe yours as briefly or lengthy as you like and we will venerate them. Once we have finished, I will close with a blessing. Then we will part. Nothing to be nervous about, eh? Are you ready?”
“Yes, please.”
“Very good,” he clears his throat and straightens his shoulders. “In nomine Padre, et Filio, et lo Spiritus Malum…we welcome this most sacred sinner into your embrace that she may revel in her transgressions against God.”
When he addresses you by name, he sees you jump.
“Let us begin with the Original Sin - pride.”
“Okay. Yeah. Pride.” There’s a few seconds of silence before he hears you softly curse. “Sorry, I should have made a list or something.”
“Take your time,” he says with a smile, simply content to be in your presence, “I have nowhere to be, cara. I am right here, ready when you are.”
He can see your eyelashes flutter as you look down and your cheeks bunch in a soft smile. Although mostly obscured, the sight still makes his heart soar. After a minute or so of silence you speak.
“Oh! Okay, uh pride. Well I was going to tell you about this anyway but…you know that little write-up I did of Satanic art in the time of the Counter-Reformation?”
“Naturalmente, it was superb.”
“Thank you. Well I thought it was too so I submitted it to a journal for publishing…and they accepted it.”
He can practically hear your grin and it makes him beam in return.
“Cara mia! Congratulazioni! You deserve nothing less! Although I hope you do not consider it a sin to rightfully celebrate an occasion such as this?”
You sigh.
“Ah, I don’t know. I may have bragged a bit too much to other people in the field. Felt a little too self-satisfied about it. So I think that would count, right?”
He scoffs.
“To Papa Frankie, maybe. To us it is a well-deserved acknowledgement of your hard work and something you have every right to be proud of. Dolcezza, even if you hesitate to celebrate yourself, know that I always will do so for you. Published in a journal, well done cara.”
He may not be able to see it in the low light of the confessional but he can picture your flushed cheeks perfectly in his mind.
“Anything else you would like to say on the matter?”
“No, that’s it.”
“Are you ready for the next?”
“Yes,” you say, with greater confidence, “let’s continue.”
“Onto the next. Envy.”
“Ah,” you seem to deflate a little and his brows knit together, “well about that. This…wow this is embarrassing.”
“No such thing as embarrassing at this moment. It’s a safe space, remember?”
“Right,” you huff, “okay well here it goes then. I see the sisters of sin every day walking around the corridors, working in the library, in the dining hall and…I envy them. I envy their bold confidence in their appearance and their sexuality.”
He’s silent for a moment, weighing whether or not he should say what he’s thinking. But you deserve to hear this.
“Confidence is not only represented by eh, wearing short skirts and high heels. I see you exude it every day when you’re bossing me around, no?”
You bark out a laugh and it lightens his heart.
“Truth be told,” he sighs, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose, “I’m not the best person to be taking advice on confidence from. But I know how to recognize it and I see it in you.”
“Thank you,” you murmur so softly he thinks he might have made it up, “can we move on?”
“Si,” he says before clearing his throat, “next one is wrath.”
He hears you suck in a breath through your teeth.
“Oh, I’ve got a good one for this. Well…not good. It wasn’t my best moment. But it definitely fits the bill.”
He makes a noise prompting you to continue.
“You know that new painting that Sister Imperator got at auction? The one of Lilith and Faust? It arrived last week and she asked me to oversee its unboxing. I told all the siblings working with me that once the box was open the painting was to be handled with archival gloves. I had to step out of the room for a second to talk to the head librarian and when I came back…not a glove to be found and the painting was halfway out of its crate. Copia I…I lost my shit. You know me I-I don’t get mad. But the fact that they had disregarded my instruction and got their bare fingers on that canvas, then acted ignorant about the whole thing…Christ, Copia I saw red. I don’t even remember half of what I yelled at them. I had to walk out before I did something I would regret. God, I already regretted raising my voice. I didn’t report them to Sister Imperator but she found out somehow…maybe the librarian? I don’t know what their punishment was but I haven’t seen them since. Copia, it was awful. I was awful.”
“With good reason,” he replies promptly, “they should have respected your authority as a professional in the field and by not doing so not only did they potentially damage Ministry property, but they also embarrassed themselves. Idioti. Though I would have liked to have seen you all riled up.” A confession of his own - Sathanas would he have loved to see you flying at them like a demon, your claws sharp and your words sharper. The thought sends a shiver of arousal down his spine and he takes a moment to gather himself before speaking again.
“Is that all you wish to say?”
“Yes. Can we please move on?”
“Very well. Next is sloth.”
You’re silent for a moment and his heart sinks, hoping you’re not dwelling too much on your last confession. He opens his mouth to speak but you beat him to it.
“Sloth, yeah. I, uh,” you let out a giggle and he’s relieved to hear it, “none of these can get me in trouble with Sister Imperator, right?”
“No,” he says slowly, a grin curling his lips, “this is just between us.”
“Okay good. Do you remember a couple weeks back when I texted you that I wasn’t coming in because I was having a migraine?”
“I was lying,” the words blurt out of you in a rush but you sound almost gleeful about it, “I was so fucking tired and so cozy in bed and it was raining outside…I just couldn’t do it. Stayed under the covers all day watching Ghost Adventures.”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” he playfully chides, and he can see your shoulders shake with laughter, “Signorina I am stunned. Horrified, even–”
“Oh it’s not that bad.”
“Horrified…that you didn’t tell me so I could join you. I love those ghost hunting shows.”
Your laugh makes him smile in return, “Next time we’ll play hooky together, I promise.”
He sighs deeply. “Please. I could use it.”
“I know,” you murmur, “no one in this abbey works as hard as you do.”
“Grazie, tesoro. I appreciate your kindness.”
You make a warm noise of affirmation before speaking, “What’s next?”
“Oh Christ,” you cringe, head falling forward, “Maybe…about a month ago? Primo came by my rooms and handed me a Tupperware container of brownies. Told me to eat one per sitting with a sweet old man smile on his face. I’m not an idiot, I heard what he grows in the abbey gardens but my God the stink that came off of these things. I knew I was about to get my shit rocked. So I ate my designated brownie and just puttered around, cleaning up the kitchen. All of a sudden, I’m flat on the floor in front of my fan having an out of body experience. I don’t know how long I was lying there for but by the time I hauled myself up I was so hungry I thought I was losing it. Went through a box of cereal, a sleeve of Ritz crackers, and the next thing I knew I was in the papas’ kitchen making a bag of popcorn. Don’t remember getting there and don’t remember coming back up to my rooms but the next morning I was tucked in bed. So weird.”
He chuckles nervously as if he wasn’t the one to find you wandering the kitchens stoned out of your gourd and put you there.
“Ha yes…weird. That’s…that’s all you remember?”
“Mmhmm. Talk about the devil’s lettuce. Was pissed I didn’t have any cereal the next morning, though.”
“Let’s move onto the next, hmm?” He’s a little louder than necessary but you don’t question his suspicious behavior.
“Yeah sure. Hit me.”
“Eh, greed.”
“Hmm,” you ponder and he hears the back of your head thunk against the wood of the booth. “Damn, this is a hard one.”
“It usually is, funnily enough. You can always skip it, if you like.”
“No, no, no,” you say, leaning forward, “I’m trying to get the full set, let me cook.”
That actually makes him laugh out loud. How he adores you so.
“Greed, greed, greed,” you mutter to yourself, “Ah…greed would include covetousness, yeah?”
“Mmm, is there something or perhaps…someone you have been coveting?”
It’s a leading question and he knows this as he hears your breath quicken. It’s at this point in his fantasies where you confess your adoration for him, where he flees the confines of his side of the booth to fall to his knees before you and worship you as Sathanas intended. His tongue darts out to wet his lips and he tastes the bitter tang of his paints which distracts him for a moment when he hears you say–
“Yes. There is someone.”
The silence is deafening between the two of you and his heart thuds against his ribcage, desperate for you reach over and tear it from his chest. He flexes his hands, the leather squeaking as the both of you sit with the words.
“O-oh?” he finally manages to stutter. He can see your eyes are shut and hears you loudly swallow.
“I, um,” you begin, “yeah. There is someone I’ve wanted for…a long time. I…I think he–I mean they–might reciprocate but…”
Tell her, you fool.
“Can we do the next one, actually?” your voice is so painfully soft and his stomach drops. She is doing you a kindness, his brain cruelly provides, by not telling you of who she truly wants. A sibling, perhaps. Or perhaps…one of your fratelli. The thought pains him so he nearly doubles over on himself as if being punched in the gut. Pride, envy, wrath, sloth, gluttony, greed.
He’s startled by the sound of his own voice and you are too judging from the way you twitch. From his obscured view you look positively horrified, as if you had forgotten about this one.
“I haven’t been with anyone,” you blurt out, sounding both panicked and deeply embarrassed. He hardly recognizes his own voice as he responds with uncharacteristic calmness.
“Lustful acts…do not always have to involve another person.”
Now why the fuck would he say that? He can see your eyes widen and even in the dim light of the confessional he registers the violent blush on your cheeks.
“Oh I…oh.”
You raise a hand up to rub aggressively at your face, breathing deep.
“In that case, yes,” you finally say and his gut clenches, “I have indulged in the sin of lust.”
“A-about the person you covet?” He’s pushing it but he can’t help himself, can’t help the hope that simmers in his belly and makes his pants tighten.
“Mmm…mhmm,” you respond and you open your mouth to speak but hesitate. When you finally do, there’s a new tone to your voice - something low. Sensual.
“It’s…good. Fuck it’s good. When I think about them I-I go a little insane. I want them so fucking badly and it’s so easy to think about them and what they could do to me. What I would let them do to me.”
His fist flies to his mouth to stifle the whine that threatens to escape from him and his cock throbs underneath his cassock. He can feel your eyes on him, see your lips parted and it makes him lightheaded. Focus. Focus. Go over there and fuck her against this goddamned confessional. Focus.
“Sathanas bless you, tesoro,” he finally ekes out, his voice hoarse, “in celebrating your body a-and your desire you have made Him proud. Well done.”
A beat passes until you clear your throat. He thinks if he doesn’t tend to his dick soon he’s going to pass out.
“That’s all of them then, right? Got the full set?”
“Mmhmm. You can go if you like.”
“Didn’t you say there’s another blessing at the end?”
Satan damn your ability to vex him when he needs relief…and you…the most.
“Eh, yes. In nomine Padre, et Filio, e-et lo Spiritus Malum,” Cazzo what was the rest of it? “Ah…Sathanas bless this most sacred sinner for reveling in her transgressions against God. Nema.”
“Cool, well uh. Goodnight Copia. This has been…enlightening.”
“It certainly has,” he mutters under his breath, fingers itching to adjust his bulge. He’s not sure if you heard him or not because in an instant you’ve opened the booth and skittered down the nave to the door. He doesn’t breathe again until he hears you firmly shut it behind you and within seconds he’s fumbling for the hem of his cassock. He knows the likelihood that you were talking about him is slim but simply entertaining the thought that it could be has him unzipping his pants with vicious determination. When his cock finally, blessedly meets leather he could cry with relief. He knows he’s dribbling pre on himself but he doesn’t care - all that matters is the way you sounded confessing your lustful actions to him and how it drives his fist back and forth. Oh, how sweet you were. Tempting even when you weren’t trying to be. How he would revel in ruining you. The thought makes him double over, his unoccupied hand pressed against the wall of the booth in an attempt to stabilize himself. When he thinks of you eagerly spreading yourself open for him a broken moan escapes his lips, hips rutting upwards into his grip. What sweet little noises you would make - right there, Copia, please, that’s it - your body eager to yield to his touch. 
“Dolcezza,” he grits out, “ragazza perfetta mia. S-so good–ah–for y-your Cardinal.”
His hand is a blur as it rockets along his shaft and he grunts into the silent chapel. He thinks of you looking up at him with that heart-shatteringly kind look on your face, your lips in a soft smile and he cries out, his seed painting his grucifix in desperate spurts. His mind is fuzzy but his hand doesn’t slow, determined to wrench every last drop out of himself until his head falls back and hits the wood of the booth. Groggily, he puts himself away and lowers his cassock before stumbling out of the confessional. His spend drips onto the stone floor but it matters little - surely it’s not the first that floor has seen. All of a sudden he’s exhausted - feeling every second of his five decades - as he blows out candle after candle. When his task is complete he trudges to the door and rests his forehead on the wood for a moment. 
He thinks of your smile once more.
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cosmal · 2 years
hozier — send me an au + character and i’ll write you a blurb. i.e rockstar!remus, rugby!james, stoner!peter
rockstar!sirius coming home from a long trip all clingy and whiny about how much he missed you omg
order in
summary sirius is clingy when he gets home from tour.
content sirius black x fem!reader
note um mal i love this idea shut up!!!!!!!!!
"Jesus Christ," Sirius says at the sight of you. A tiny vest, a pair of boxers he's sure are his. He forgets he thought they were lost almost immediately. You've got a laundry basket held to your hip.
"Sirius," you say. Really gently. Soft and sickly sweet. You don't flinch like he'd thought you would. He likes that more than he should. "Baby, when did your flight land? You didn't Uber here did you? Have you been home?"
He doesn't answer a single one of your questions and you shift on your feet, soft socks twisting into the crush of your rug. The anklet on your left leg clinks.
He drops his neck pillow next to his forgotten suitcase and closes the space between the two of you. He almost knocks into your dining table. You drop the basket on your couch like you know what he's about to do.
He hugs you so hard he worries you might bruise. He trusts you'd let him know if it might be too much because he still feels like it's not hard enough. He wants to feel you against him. Your hip pressed to his, your chest against his shoulder, the way your chin falls into the pit between his shoulder and neck.
"Sirius," you say into his skin. Right behind his ear where you know he likes it. "I was supposed to pick you up. You were supposed to ring."
"Don't care," he says and means it. "I didn't want you to drive through the traffic, I know you hate it."
You do. Last time you picked him up at Heathrow you almost had a prang. He was just as upset as you were. He had to drive the two of you home.
"I would've been okay," you sigh. He knows what you mean. "I'm sure you're exhausted."
"I am," he says. He starts to walk backwards until the backs of his legs hit the edge of your sofa. He sits down and takes you with him. You gasp like you weren't expecting it. Silly. "I am, but Christ, baby, I missed you."
You tuck your knees into his sides where he's got your legs parted over his lap. Pressing your palms into his soft hoodie, right over his chest. "Missed you more," you say before kissing his cheek. You pull back and he's frowning.
He reaches his hands up to your neck to tug you back down to his face. "That's really not possible," he mumbles before kissing you. Properly, he thinks, warm and slow into your mouth to show how much he means it.
You pull back, and despite the slow nature of his kiss, you're breathless. A little gaspy as you blink slowly and try to tamp back your shy grin. "Sure," you say.
You tuck your hands into his hair and look as lovesick as he feels. Pushing flat locks of hair behind his ears. Kinked where he's had his headphones on for the past thirteen hours. If he's lucky, he thinks he might get you into the shower later on with him tonight while he washes it. If he's even luckier, he might not have time to wash it at all.
"You gonna let me make you some dinner?" you ask, twisting a strand of hair around your finger.
"No," he says and means it. You're not going anywhere if he can help it. "No, stay here, baby."
"You're not hungry?" you ask. Your hand stills and he doesn't have it in him to ask you to keep twisting his hair. He knows you would but he thinks he's being whiny enough.
"Not really," he lies. He’s starved. Plane food is awful. "Thanks, though, honey."
You smile at the nickname like he'd expected. "You don't want me to make that linguine? The one with the little shrimp? I think the market might still be open."
Sirius wants to kiss you again. He wants to kiss you and hug you. He wants to tuck his arms under your shirt and hide his face in your neck until he gets bored. He doesn't think there are enough days left in existence to achieve it.
"We could order in?" he suggests. "Not that I don't love your cooking, it's just, I can order from my phone and you can stay right here in my lap."
"Sirius," you mumble.
"Yeah, and then while we wait, you can tell me about everything you did while I was away." He's smiling so hard he can't help it. It's an amazing idea.
You pretend to think about it but then reach down to pull his phone from his pocket. You hand it to him, smiling, and say, "Two conditions."
"I'm listening."
"We order from the Indian place around the block. Girl and The Goat?" He knows you only suggest it because it's his favourite. He tosses up arguing with you over it. He knows you'll want Greek. You always do.
He doesn't. "Right."
"And," you add, "You have to tell me everything you haven't already about tour."
Sirius rolls his eyes like that's an inconvenience. He really did want to let you ramble away. He's been gone two months. "Okay."
You smile like you're actually excited. "Yay."
Sirius pulls out his phone and finds the right number in his favourited contacts. He holds the dialling phone to his ear. "Good, I can complain to you then. James is such a fu- Hello, could I please place an order?"
You laugh until he finishes the order.
fixing the readmore glitch <3
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wyattjohnston · 9 months
kinda hope they catch us - andrei svechnikov
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summary: 3 times the engagement was a secret and 1 time it wasn't.
word count: 1,698
note: this is a fic written for @isconnormcdavidok as part of a server exchange run by @mp0625 💚
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It never ceased to amuse Eva that seeing the other WAGs was like seeing a friend you hadn’t seen in months. It had been 2 days since the last home game, and yet it would still be all hugs, kisses and tell me what I’ve missed. Some of them weren’t at the game so Eva could talk about dragging Andrei along to Christmas with her folks, at least. Everyone else would get a somewhat rehearsed story about her plans for starting the New Year off on the right foot.
It was only ever so hard during the holidays when everyone always expected a big, grand tale every time they saw each other.
And only more so of a big deal because she was keeping a secret.
A large secret.
A secret taking up quite a bit of real estate on her left hand.
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Eva sighed at the line up of cars in the driveway and on the street outside her parents’ house. She had tried so hard to not be late for once, and she thought she was doing an excellent job.
Andrei assured her that they were, actually, only fifteen minutes late, which was the most on time Eva could ever remember being and her family would hopefully be impressed by that fact.
They made their way to the front door, arms so loaded with presents that she had to awkwardly press her nose to the doorbell because neither of them could free a hand to let themselves in.
A nervous buzz zipped through Eva’s body, her body bursting to tell her family news they’d been waiting to hear for what felt like forever, and she had her mouth open to spill it as soon as the door opened in front of her—except she was grabbed by the arm, her cousin letting out an exasperated “finally”, and hauled into the living room where the entire family was waiting.
Eva looked at Andrei, about to ask him if this was all his doing, to ask if he’d planned this, only to be met with him staring back at her and about to ask the same thing.
There wasn’t any time to work it out between them, though, because Eva’s sister was pulling her husband in front of them all and announcing that she was pregnant. Eva’s left hand got suddenly heavier.
It didn’t matter, though, that it had to put their plans on hold—and there was no question that that had to be the case—Eva used the now empty couches to unload presents from her arms, taking the ones Andrei was carrying.
“We’ll still be engaged tomorrow,” she whispered to him, the pressure of his hand on her upper back settling her.
His laugh was deep but soft when he said, “I know, Zolotse. I know.”
Eva joined the line to celebrate her sister and the pregnancy that she had all but given up on ever happening.
No effort was made throughout lunch to hide the new engagement ring, not intentionally on her part, anyway. Andrei holding hers hand throughout lunch, or when everyone moved back to the couch after, was the norm so nobody thought anything of it. He just so happened to be hiding the news they’d been so eager to share.
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Eva always made an effort to watch Andrei’s home games; she’d very much grown to enjoy over the course of their relationship, having met Andrei very early on in his NHL career. There was a nice rotating cast of significant others and kids who appeared at games, too, and Eva’s relationships with them had become some of her most cherished.
“Are you going to take your coat off?” Courtney asked, tugging at material as she passed Eva. “And gloves?”
Eva balled her hands up and then shoved them under her thighs. Her ring caught on the glove which in turn caught on her jeans, but she wasn’t going to let the cold get to her.
“Are you coming down with something?” Gracia asked, concerned enough to put her hand against Eva’s forehead. “It doesn’t feel like you have a fever.”
“I’m just really cold. I haven’t been able to get warm all day.”
“Jesus Christ, you’re twenty-three not eighty-three. Can you start telling us when it’s about to rain?”
Eva rolled her eyes, insisting that she wasn’t sick or old or anything else. She was cold.
There was a period of time before the game started where people were seeming to give her a wide berth; Eva was unsure if it was because they thought her contagious or if she looked generally unhappy about being at the game. And she wasn’t unhappy to be there; she made that very clear when Nykki finally sat next to her.
“Are you sure? You’re a little grumpier than usual.”
“Because nobody will let me be cold!” Eva protested. “I’m just trying to get warm.”
During the first intermission, a blanket from the team store was delivered. It was mortifying.
Andrei, when they were both home after the game, found it amusing at least, when he saw it laid across their bed where she was waiting for him with the covers tucked up under her chin.
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The boys were, yet again, off in a road trip. This time, just for one game in Toronto before they flew back for New Years’ Eve. Eva was out to brunch with most of the younger cohort of WAGs, ready to start ringing in the new year even if it was a day early.
Before she left, she’d spoken on the phone with Andrei as he was rushing out the door to get on the bus for practice.
“I think I’m going to take the ring off,” she had said, spinning the ring around her finger as she spoke.
There was a beat, much thicker than Eva had been expecting, before Andrei asked in a thick voice, “You what?”
“Nobody knows yet, right?” she asked, unsure if Andrei had told any of his teammates. It wouldn’t be a big deal, but she would have expected him to tell her. “Taking it off until you get home won’t be a big deal.”
Another beat followed, and Eva was expecting him to tell her that people already knew, that he was nervous to do so. She was opening her mouth to say that she wouldn’t bother if people already knew—because everyone would definitely know before she left for brunch—but Andrei beat her to it, sounding even more dejected.
“Zolotse… You don’t want a ring? You don’t want to be engaged?”
“Oh, god. Andrei. No. That is not what I mean!” Eva said in a rush, her voice becoming more and more high pitched with each word.
“What you mean?”
“If I take it off, we can tell people tomorrow! Together!” she held her left hand to her chest and bit the inside of her cheek as her eyes started to water. “Andrei, baby, I just want to tell people together. That’s all.”
Andrei asked her softly, a couple more times before he had to leave, to promise him she was telling the truth.
It put a bit of a damper on heading out to brunch, because she found that, even though it had been her idea, taking off the ring was a struggle. Still, she put it delicately on her bedside table, and headed out to see her friends.
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Hiding the ring was easy when her hand was securely in Andrei’s as they walked into the New Years’ Eve party. She was filled with nervous energy, and even though the ring was hidden she found herself looking at everyone as if they would be able to tell with just one look at her.
Not that they had up to that point.
They weren’t without drinks for very long as someone seemed to have been tasked with holding a tray right near the doors. Eva, without any input from Andrei, led them straight to where Martin and Nykki were standing off to the side—they were the first people they wanted to tell, after all.
There were handshakes and hugs the second Martin and Nykki noticed their arrival.
“Did you find the non-alcoholic wine?” Nykki asked, gesturing to Eva’s champagne flute and earning a furrowed brow in response.
“No? Why would—no, that’s not what I want to talk about. We have something to tell you.”
“I fucking knew it,” Nykki shouted, immediately turning to Martin and excitedly smacking his chest. “I told you she was pregnant?”
Andrei choked on his drink.
“Pregnant?” he asked, hurried and panicked.
“What the fuck?” asked Eva. “Where the fuck did you get that idea?”
“You’re obviously keeping a big secret.” Nykki’s tone was more accusatory than Eva expected. “You’ve been weird since Christmas, and you were really sick at the game on Saturday, and you’re not drinking—”
Eva cut her off to exclaim, “I had three mimosas at brunch yesterday!”
“They weren’t orange juice? What have you been hiding from us then?”
“This fucking dwarf planet I’ve been wearing for a week?” Eva pulled her hand from Andrei’s to hold it out to Nykki and Martin. “That somehow nobody has noticed? It has gravitational pull.”
Nykki grabbed Eva’s hand so rapidly that Eva was startled, but she let Nykki inspect it closely whilst Andrei and Martin had a silent conversation over Nykki’s excited screaming. It drew the attention of everybody nearby.
There was a lengthy conversation once more of the WAGs gathered, how did he do it? When did he do it? Why didn’t you tell us? And Eva had to try and convince them that she hadn’t meant to—aside from the brunch—it had just ended up that way. Not one of them believed her in the moment.
Her hand was being passed around the group, everyone admiring the ring and asking questions Eva didn’t know the answer to, so Eva caught Andrei’s eye here he was holding court with the boys and nearly melted at the softness of his smile. At the pride behind his eyes. At the love that emanated from his entire body.
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thesleepyfable · 2 months
~ SWTD: Still Here AU Part 1 ~
Trots' Reflection:
A first of many chapters I have planned for the Still Here AU. This turned out to be much longer than I expected, so that might be the case for future chapters. If you enjoyed this, then thank you, and let me know if you want Muir or Gibbo's chapter next. Rennick's chapter will be released last.
Part 2:
'Oh fuck. Is that...Trots? Jesus Christ.'
Caz stared in horror at what his friend had become. From the waist down, Trots was just an amalgamation of flesh that spouted tendrils to keep his balance whilst his uniform had been torn to near shreds, leaving only pieces hanging from his arms and upper chest.
Is this why Gibbo didn't want to be looked at? He couldn't blame the poor bastard.
With his eyes wide and the muscles in his neck twitching, Caz knew this was only one way to get back to Roy.
He gave himself a moment to calm down before turning the torch off and quietly opening the door. Sweat dripped from his forehead, and he had to hold in a gag from the rank smell that struck his nose. He couldn't afford to be spotted, but the noises from Trots' cries of pain and repeating of words carried an echo throughout the room. Caz, for a moment, thought Trots had already seen him and was playing the long game to lure him further. To make himself smaller and quieter, he crouched and awkwardly tip-toed over broken glass and anything that could make a sound.
An open cupboard gave him a moment to breathe again. It only took 10 seconds, but it felt like an eternity for the leccy. He peered out and saw Trots at a better, or in this case, worse angle. 'What the fuck...?' Caz noticed Trots' legs below the knee hanging against the growth. Every few seconds they would twitch, but The Shape had them firmly in place. And whenever they tried to move, Caz noticed Trots made a groan in agony. There was nothing to be done and Caz knew that.
Thinking quickly, he grabbed a Cadal mug by his feet and aimed it towards the other side of the room. He shuffled some of his body from his hiding spot and tossed it over the small pile of laundry machines before quickly tucking himself back in.
Trots reared his head with a curious 'chirp' and took the bait. No longer distracted by the strange light, he crawled along the floor, clearly in pain, as the tendrils latched and detached themselves from anything they could reach. Caz came out of hiding and slowly crept for the stairs. Just up here, and he'll be back with Roy. Then they can make a new plan to -
Trots' voice made Caz stand still. He slowly looked back with a mix of shock and confusion across his face. Trots' cadence was different. It didn't sound altered by The Shape trying to copy his speech patterns. It was him.
'What the fuck is this?' Trots stared at his reflection in pure shock. His heart raced and his stomach sank as he tried to make out what he was seeing. 'Is that me? But, how - I'm...' Caz slowly followed his voice and glanced at Trots, who was holding a door with all the strength he had. At any moment he could rip it off its hinges. He saw Caz's reflection and turned to him - eyes wide and mouth dry - gesturing to the grotesque mass. 'Caz. What - what happened to me?!' Panic was now, and rightfully, starting to set in.
'Trots? Are you - Okay, okay, just calm down.'
'Calm down? Caz, I look like I've been put through a fuckin' blender!'
'Alright, alright. I'm sorry. Fuck sake.'
A small pause lingered for Trots. He wasn't one for swearing or raising his voice. Even The Shape couldn't replicate that. A tendril moved to close the machine door. It must have been subconsciously because Trots' body and breath shivered, and his eyes squinted.
But that was good, wasn't it? He could control the mass now.
'How ye' feeling?' Caz asked, unable to take the silence.
'Better,' Trots answered with an exhausted tone. 'My mind felt like it was being pulled all over the shop.' It was a strange and painful sensation. He could compare it to being in a coma. He was aware of what was going around him, but couldn't react. His mind and body were on auto-pilot yet he couldn't focus enough to fight back until he saw his reflection. Then it was like a fog had been lifted.
'I'm sorry wee man.'
'For what?'
'I heard ya through the door. I tried getting to ya, but it wouldn't budge. Do you remember what happened?'
Trots nodded. 'Aye. It just shot through the window and latched onto my leg. It felt like someone had taken a knife and was stabbing me over and fuckin' over again. And,' he scoffed. 'Now I'm here.'
'Well, I'm not leaving ya here, pal. I'm gonna to fetch Roy. He's in the pantry.'
'What about the others?'
'Brodie's with Raffs. Poor bastard was shaken after his dive. Finlay and Douglas are looking for Gibbo in engineering, and I spoke to O'Connor. He's with Bruce and Fergus.' He'll leave out Innes. 'Of course that bastard Rennick is still kicking. Probably tucked away all nice and cosy in his office.' He took a quick glance to the stairs. 'So, you with me?'
The pair moved in silence. The only thing breaking that was either the stairs echoing with Caz's footsteps or Trots letting out a groan of pain. Both of the men knew The Shape wasn't done with him yet. Trots could control his mind, body and soul, but this thing was slowly mutating him to survive. Who knew what he'd look like by the end of it.
A part of the wall had collapsed from the tendrils. A shooting pain ran through Caz and Trots' head as they approached. 'It's trying to lure us in, Caz.'
'Just ignore it, mate. Here, help me push it back.' Caz can easily slip through the smaller space, but Trots certainly wasn't. He wedged himself halfway between the wall and used his shoulder the push. The wall behind him was used as a base for his feet. 'Come on, Trots.' It wasn't going to budge by itself.
Using all the tendrils and his shoulder, Trots could feel the wall slowly move back. Caz began to slide to the other side, giving Trots room to follow and to an area where the wall wasn't leaning as much. The Shape was stubborn. It was oddly strong for something that looked like ribbons.
'I thought you were a boxer,' Trots bantered with a smirk.
'Yeah. A boxer,' Caz retorted. 'Not a heavy weight lifter, ya prick.'
Both men suddenly burst out laughing, which must have attracted Roy who awkwardly stood at the canteen door. He had noticed Trots and began to go through the same emotions as Caz, frozen in place.
'Erm, Caz.' He got their attention, and the pair turned to him, still stifling laughs.
'Oh, hey Roy. Give us a hand, will ya?'
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1d1195 · 11 months
Love and Dryer Sheets III
Sorry for the wait. Hope you like it :)
Read the rest here: Love and Dryer Sheets
Just under 6k words
Warnings: emotional cheating, physical cheating, toxic relationships, arguing, etc.
Of course, she wanted to know his deepest thoughts. His desires. She wanted to know what his lips felt like on hers. How he took his coffee and whether he liked to sleep with the window open or closed. But that wasn’t her job to know. They had these moments in the laundry room and that was enough.
For now.
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True to form, Harry continued to do the most inane loads of laundry. At one point he had just a towel, a T-shirt, and a sock. Hiding his odd loads of items from her—so he wasn’t so obviously following her to the laundry room so often—was the hard part. Fortunately, she never seemed to notice. Or if she did, she didn’t say anything.
Maybe she wants to see you, too. Harry’s heart had developed its own independent voice. He could feel it and hear it when he was around her. It was much kinder than his conscience and was all for Harry falling in love with the woman in the laundry room. He was burning through his jug of detergent. Ava paid no attention to it as much as Miss Sunshine paid no mind to his weird array of wash. Harry was lucky because Ava still brought her laundry to her mum’s house when she visited on a fairly weekly bais, so she didn’t have to sit with her laundry in the communal room. So, she didn’t have a clue about Harry’s laundry partner.
It was also how Harry had kept Ava’s presence a secret from his personal, human-form of sunshine.
You’re an idiot.
Harry ignored his conscience completely. As if it hadn’t whispered a thing to him.
Over the course of the next few months, Harry watched her read no less than six books and they chatted about most of everything and anything. Harry hadn’t felt so at ease around someone in ages. It made him so...confused. It felt like all the tension in his body released at once when he was around her. He doesn’t remember the last time he wasn’t tense for such substantial time periods.
Maybe if she hadn’t offered to share her laundry detergent, he would have continued to feel tense. If she wasn’t so nice, he might not have even noticed her sitting on top of the washer. He wouldn’t think about how soft her hair looked and how he wanted to slide his fingers through it. There wouldn’t be a thought about her giggle and how every time he saw The Wizard of Oz on the cable line up, he wanted to head down to her apartment to let her know—or ask to watch it with her.
“Have y’ever seen Wicked?” He asked her during one of their reading and waiting sessions. She placed a finger on her page making sure not to lose her spot.
She shook her head with a knowing smirk. “It’s on my list, but I can’t justify the cost right now.”
“They don’t pay y’a billion for being an angel at the hospital?” He asked with a smirk.
It felt like Harry was winning a competition he didn’t even know he entered every time she laughed at his jokes. “No, not really,” she shook her head. Their books were nearly forgotten so quickly. They were mirroring one another sitting on top of their washers. Her heels lightly bumped into the front of the machine, and they were just smiling at each other like they had been friends for their whole lives. They didn’t have to talk. He simply enjoyed her happy, sunshiney company.
Jesus Christ. His conscience was still trying even though he stopped listening to it. It was futile. There wasn’t anything he could do to stop how he felt. Even if it was wrong. Harry would simply push the feelings back as much as he could. However, his heart—with it’s independent voice—would only let him push his emotions down so much.
Harry found himself heading to the laundry room before she got there some days. It took some time to map out her schedule, but he seemed to find a pattern of every three to four days she would be lugging some of her stuff down to the basement. Fortunately, his conscience had gotten through to him to say he shouldn’t be stalking the laundry room. It should be a little more of a chance of finding her there and so he began doing at least one load a week without her.
“Hey munchkin,” her light voice nearly sent a shiver down his spine as she entered. It took Harry all the willpower in the world to not spin around at the sound immediately. Instead, he smirked at the little nickname. It was fitting of course, that she would choose it. It was ironic, as Harry was tall and far from a munchkin. But it was as adorable as she was, and Harry would respond to it for the rest of his life—especially if it came from her lips.
Easy. His brain continued to warn him, despite Harry having not acknowledged the voice of reason in months. But even Harry recognized it was dangerous to let her get so attached. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her because of his own idiocy.
“What d’you mean y’don’t like fried cauliflower?!” He ran his hands over his face like this was the worst grievance she could ever muster. Maybe it was. Harry was certain someone was lovely as she was couldn’t truly make someone annoyed. He couldn’t imagine fighting with her the way he fought with Ava.
Stop. His brain tried to remind him that thoughts like that weren’t okay. He shouldn’t be thinking about Ava and Miss Sunshine in the same wavelength. It was bad, number one. But it was also a slippery slope to being an absolute disaster of messing up a name and he needed this calm for a little while longer. The catastrophe of emotions Harry had raging in his heart and mind was overwhelming. He was going to mess up; he could feel it. If he didn’t miss this calm, this warmth, the sunshine so very much he would have worried more about the impending storm.
“If I’m being honest, I had the taste buds of a picky ten-year-old for the longest time; so I haven’t tried fried cauliflower in a long time. So, I’m open to giving it another chance.”
Harry’s smile made her feel like she could fly if he asked her to. His dimples made her stomach flutter with a thousand butterflies. She wished he would ask her to dinner. She wanted to try fried cauliflower again. If he did ask, she would gladly justify the cost of Wicked tickets. Sitting with him in the laundry room for the last couple of months made her so happy. It brightened her whole week, and she was glad he had as much laundry as he did so she could see him so often. She should have just asked him out. It was a brave thing to do and there was nothing really stopping her from doing so.
Except the idea that if he said no, she would have to find a new place to do laundry because she would never want to see him again. Maybe he was just friendly and liked having the company during such a boring chore.
When he smiled, she could swear he seemed happier than he had when he entered the laundry room. Regardless of if he already was happy. Maybe it was just wishful thinking; maybe it was her projecting how she felt the moment Harry’s foot crossed the threshold of the room. It was nice chatting with Harry. Most of the conversations were light—like fried cauliflower and which Spider-man was best (she was extremely partial to Andrew Garfield, but Harry was a firm believer Tobey Maguire did it best).
But over the course of their friendship, she could recognize when he was having a bad day. “Something wrong, munchkin?” She asked when he stared off to the wall and not his book. The only sound in the room was their washers humming quietly below them. He didn’t answer right away, and she waited patiently. Something she took home from work. Sometimes people needed a moment to process what they were feeling because they couldn’t form what they were feeling just yet.
“Sometimes I think m’not going t’be a good dad,” he mumbled.
She felt her heart and stomach flip in equal parts. The idea of Harry as a dad—even though she hadn’t known him that long, and certainly shouldn’t have been thinking about him in that context—had her ovaries aching for something that wasn’t hers to ache for.
“I think that’s a rational fear for anyone,” she said gently. He shrugged, still didn’t look at her. He crossed his ankles, his heels bumping into the washer. “Are you going to be a dad soon?” She asked with a smirk. It was a curious question, but a genuine one. His relationships were none of her business. They hadn’t done anything. They weren’t doing anything wrong. She called Niall nicknames all the time.
It was fine. For now.
Of course, she wanted to know his deepest thoughts. His desires. She wanted to know what his lips felt like on hers. How he took his coffee and whether he liked to sleep with the window open or closed. But that wasn’t her job to know. They had these moments in the laundry room and that was enough.
For now.
But when he looked at her finally, her heart felt a crack in it that made her want to take back her question. His expression was a bit cutting and she felt a little taken aback by such a cold look on his normally warm face. She felt embarrassed she had asked it; making her face warm at his irritated look. “No,” he murmured. He was reading about a couple staying in a relationship that the main character didn’t love as much as he used to. It got him thinking about the idea of staying with Ava. What that would do to their already tense relationship. How it would affect his relationship with children if he didn’t change something...soon. Instead of voicing all those worries, he went with the one that really did weigh on his mind frequently. Another problem he didn’t have a solution to. “But...m’dad wasn’t ‘round a lot growing up. S’not like...’ve got a good role model t’think ‘bout y’know?”
She let the words fall over them for a few moments. In case Harry wanted to add to his statement or revise something. If he wanted to take it back... It was a personal notion. Talking about something so deep and serious was like a new step in their relationship—whatever relationship it was that they had, didn’t matter—and would make it deeper and stronger itself. “Well,” she cleared her throat quietly. “I think you just worrying about that will make you a good dad,” she said softly.
His face softened back to its natural, Harry-looking face that made her feel warm and fuzzy again. “Thanks, Sunshine,” he said softly.
She felt like she had to share something equally heavy. Just so Harry wouldn’t feel out of place, and sound so sad dealing with his own emotions. “I feel like my mom and dad have made it hard for me to believe in love that lasts forever,” she looked at her hands gripping the sides of her book. It was such a hard thing to admit. She hadn’t really told anyone that besides Niall.
Harry tilted his head curiously at her. That was quite the thing to disclose to Harry. But he found his heart aching for her. It worried him because she was so lovely, and she deserved the kindest, deepest love. He could tell just from sitting in the room with her over the last few months that she deserved that. “You’re not your parents, love,” he reminded her. “Think if y’don’t want a love like theirs, you’ll find the one y’do want,” he murmured. “S’not like y’need a heart from a wizard or anything,” he joked.
She smiled and nodded. It seemed like it was too good to be true that Harry would quote her favorite book to her. Especially when she was vulnerable and voicing something that hurt her—especially after a recent breakup. But Harry was real. He was sitting there; telling her his deepest thoughts or making her laugh with a lame joke or sharing a recipe about his favorite kind of brussels sprouts.
“Thanks, Harry,” she whispered softly feeling her heart rate slow to nearly nothing.
“You’re welcome, Sunshine.”
They went back to their books, stealing glances at one another until her washer finished its cycle. “Do you...fold your page down in your book?” He asked. He thought he had imagined it the first time. But this was...
“Yes,” she rolled her eyes throwing her stuff into the basket to transfer to the dryer.
“Kitten... s’unnatural.”
She snorted, smiling so brightly Harry swore it cured him of the sadness he was feeling before. “I squeeze the toothpaste from the middle too,” she giggled.
He shook his head melodramatically and smirked. “Somehow, I think we’ll get along anyway," he murmured and it made her toes nearly curl with want for him and his mouth all over her body. "Even if y'a serial killer."
Niall was laying on her sofa while she cooked in the kitchen. It was his favorite of her dishes: chicken parmesan. Her specialty. Plus, she made garlic bread from scratch that had Niall salivating with the scent wafting through her apartment.
“Have y’seen Harry around?” He asked as he flipped through different titles looking for a movie to watch. He thought he might settle on The Wizard of Oz because it had been a while since they had watched it together.
She was sprinkling shredded cheese across the dish and nodded even though Niall couldn’t see. Her heart felt fluttery, and her stomach did its flip that it always did when she thought about or saw Harry. “Yeah...just...in the laundry room.”
“Shut up, Niall.”
“I’ve never had washing machine sex myself, but I imagine all the vibration would work wonders for you,” he continued anyway.
“Niall,” she groaned feeling flushed and awkward that even she had those thoughts about Harry. “I’m gonna spit in your food.”
He rotated from his supine position and turned to lean over the back of the sofa. It gave him a better look at his best friend making dinner in the kitchen. “You’re awfully sensitive about him, darling,” he smirked.
She rolled her eyes. “He’s cute, funny, nice, smart...he checks all the boxes,” she murmured quietly.
Niall knew what she was getting at though. He could see it in her face and hear it in her voice. “But...?”
“I don’t know...doesn’t he seem too good to be true?”
Niall looked at her with a sympathetic smile. “Think you might be harboring some emotions from your last relationship, princess,” Niall’s voice was gentle. It wasn’t that she was embarrassed in front of Niall. But she could feel the anxiety that was clearly going to riddle every relationship she had going forward. That worried her and made her feel...bad. So maybe she should just listen to Niall. Maybe she was overthinking it—of course she was overthinking it! Or even if Harry was too good to be true...wasn’t there something nice about him just...being nice to her? After all that bad stuff and hard stuff that she went through? It wasn’t like she had to marry him or anything. It was just nice to talk to someone who seemed to enjoy her company and didn’t make her feel like she had to walk around on eggshells.
“I told Harry about my mom and dad,” she responded instead of confirming or denying his statement.
Niall raised his eyebrows at her in surprise. That was a feat to say the least. “Really?”
“Well...he said something about how he thought he would be a bad dad... I thought—well... I wanted to share something similar, you know?”
Niall adored her and her kind, empathetic brain. “Yeah. I know,” he smiled encouragingly. “What did he say?”
She sighed. After she finished with the cheese, she slid the dish into the oven and sauntered over to the sofa. She fell beside Niall and laid her head on his leg. He fiddled with the strands of her hair comfortingly. “I mean...I didn’t give him a lot of information...but he was really understanding all the same. Quoted something about the Tin Man.”
Niall smirked. “He sounds like your soulmate, darling,” there was an obvious tone in Niall’s voice. Like she didn’t already know that.
“I really like him, Niall,” she admitted quietly. “Like really like him. I can’t stop thinking about him,” she whispered.
Niall wanted her to be happy. Happy as she possibly could be. “I bet he likes you too.”
She was still so unsure. It had been months. He should have asked her out by now. It wasn’t like she wasn’t obvious. She was calling one of the tallest men she was friends with munchkin for Christ’s sake. She thought they were friends, but she didn’t even have his phone number. They never spoke outside the laundry room.
But it was undeniable that there was something there. She felt it in her heart, her mind, and all the butterflies fluttering in her stomach each time he entered the same room as her. “I hope so,” she looked sadly toward the TV excited to see the intro credits of her favorite movie. “He’d be a really good scarecrow to my Dorothy.”
“Ava. I cannot keep doing this,” he pressed his hands into his eyes.
She glared at him. “I’m not the problem.”
Harry hated this. He didn’t want a my-fault-your-fault relationship. If there were going to be issues, he wanted to fix them. Relationships weren’t perfect. Never. Not even the best ones out there. His was far from perfect. But maybe it had a chance at one point in time. It didn’t seem like it anymore.
Now, Ava just made him mad. Harry felt alone even when she was in the room. More alone than when she wasn’t in the room.
Today, it was that she couldn’t find her keys and Harry said something like he hadn’t seen them. Did you check the car? Because sometimes Ava would think she dropped them in her bag, but they’d slide right back to the floor, and she wouldn’t notice. This comment resulted in her eye roll, her irritation with Harry’s obvious question. Of course, I checked the car, I’m not an idiot.
The insinuation that Harry would insult her made him angry. He liked to believe he was kind; even when it was hard. Even when Ava made him so mad, he was shaking.
They began searching for her keychain, room by room fighting about something new in every room. Harry looked under the sofa, pulling a pair of his socks covered in dust bunnies sparked the first peripheral argument. Can you not leave your socks lying around?
In the fridge, in case she put it in there when grabbing a bottle of water. The original fight now spiraled into who left the dishes in the sink?
The bathroom: why was the washcloth on the floor?
The sitting room under the coffee table: When you leave the room, could you turn the TV off?  Why is your phone volume maxed to the top?
“What is the point of all this Ava, all we do is argue about everything!?” Harry snapped as he slammed the bathroom door shut for two seconds of peace while he looked in her makeup drawer; maybe she was touching up her makeup and dropped them in there.
“We don’t just argue,” she sighed bitterly through the closed door. “Be serious Harry!”
“You’re going t’argue ‘bout how much we argue? Cute. Real fucking cute, love.”
“Jesus, Harry. Quit being so defensive!”
“Defensive?!” He hissed. “M’trying t’help you find your keys and y’act like I killed a dog in every room!”
He opened the door and found her leaning against the opposite wall, her bag over her shoulder waiting for this search to be over so she could go wherever she was headed. “Where are y’even going?” He asked as he went to their bedroom and looked under the bed.
“Out for a coworker’s birthday dinner.”
“What y’don’t trust me?” The accusation was thick in her voice.
“Ava, for the love of God,” he practically growled. “Y’don’t invite me anywhere anymore, I was jus’ asking if it was a significant other thing—I would go with you. Christ.”
“We don’t need people to see us argue over appetizers,” she muttered. “But no, it’s not.”
Harry ignored her comment about arguing about appetizers. “Why don’t y’take my car and I’ll look for your keys,” he suggested quietly.
She shook her head. “I don’t like driving your car. The seat settings are weird and it’s hard for me to park it.”
“D’you want me t’drop you off and pick you up?” He asked.
She sighed dramatically. “I’ll just Uber.”
Harry was going to lose his mind. “Are y’serious?” He wondered following her retreating figure to the main room again. “You don’t even want your coworkers to see me? What, do y’think we’ll fight in the parking lot?”
“I never know with you Harry,” she shrugged with a dramatic, exhausted sigh. It was the same way Harry felt. She went to the closet to grab her coat and Harry heard the distinct jingle of her keys in the pocket as she pulled the jacket off the hanger.
Harry stared at her blankly. Emotionless. Not a sorry or a thank you for looking fell from her mouth. She didn’t even look apologetic as she slid her coat on wordlessly. “I forgot I wore this when I was out last,” she mumbled as she exited the apartment.
Normally after a fight—or a series of fights like that—the moment Harry had a second to himself he felt almost instantly better. But today all he felt was more anger. All of it. Down to the very smallest atoms of his bones. It hurt him as if she had reached in and yanked his heart out. He didn’t know why. He didn’t understand why this fight about keys made him so angry that he couldn’t shake the feeling. Not even a little.
He paced for a few minutes trying to calm his breathing. Trying to get the anger out of his chest, his head, every blood cell that was boiling with frustration.
It wasn’t just keys, washcloths, and dishes. It was everything. They were always arguing. It could have been a world record. They had to have the fastest time for arguing over nothing. But even though the fights were so trivial they built and built until it wasn’t just stupid little things.
They didn’t work. At least not anymore. They were broken. Maybe forever. Harry would have to start over. He would have to move out. Gemma would say I told you so. Mum would be understanding but would tell him she never liked Ava and he would have to try and justify why he stayed so long and it wasn’t what he wanted. He didn't want to justify anything. It wasn't anyone's business...
But he knew it was true. Deep down, he knew. Then, his mind and heart would be broken. Everything was wrong. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
Before his conscience or his heart could say anything internally, he was hurrying down the stairs; his body moving almost of its own accord. It caused the slightest relief in his veins. He could feel the simmering boil slow just a fraction.
It was bad. A bad idea. A bad move. It was just bad.
But Harry was tired of being angry.
The only time he wasn’t angry was when he was enjoying the warmth of sunshine.
“Hey munchkin,” she smirked as he entered the basement. She was so used to his tall frame taking up the entryway she didn't even have to fully look to see that it was him coming down the steps. She did a double take looking at the lack of a basket. He was frazzled. Her smirk turned to a frown in an instant. “Harry? Are you... okay...? ... Munchkin?” She asked, her voice trailing off. She dropped the towel she was folding into the basket, and she reached out like she wanted to take him in her arms and comfort him. She hadn’t touched him in the months that she had known him but she was willing to do it now. God, she would have done it earlier and for less. The anxiety that was laced in his features made her nervous. Her heart felt a heaviness seeing how upset he felt so evidently on his beautiful face.
The second his name left her lips, his mouth was on hers.
Harry felt whole. The anger was gone. Truly. It was like she transferred all that warmth, kindness, and peace right through her lips and into Harry’s mouth. It was like holding actual sunshine. He forgot everything. He didn’t think of work, his book, laundry. He didn’t think of Ava, Gemma, anyone or anything.
He was kissing her, that was the only thing he could remember and focus on and not one thing else.
They were lucky no one else was in the laundry room to witness their make out session. Harry’s lips felt like pillowy little clouds and his chapstick had a coconutty taste to it that offset the minty flavor of his gum. It made her dizzy to finally taste him. Her hands bunched fistfuls of his T-shirt against his sides.
His fingers slid from being curled into her hair on either side of her face down her neck leaving a wake of shivers and goosebumps in their path. He touched the outside of her hips and tried to guide her and lift her to sit atop the washing machine as she always did. But this time was going to be for an entirely different purpose.
She pulled from his lips reluctantly, causing a gasp of air to escape Harry’s mouth.
“Not here,” she whispered into his neck, her voice hardly carrying through the air.
She wasn’t wrong. Fucking in the laundry room was definitely not classy. She deserved classy and time. She needed everything that was good.
Also, it’s very wrong. His conscience reminded him. But Harry could hardly hear the irritating little voice.
“Where?” He hummed, his lips sliding down the side of her neck. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to lose the last of her coherent thought and she would end up doing something stupid with Harry in the public laundry room.
She pulled from his embrace, grabbing his hand and tugged him up the steps to the lobby. Harry nearly tripped on the last step causing her to giggle. They rode the elevator to the third floor, their hands intertwined with one another, and Harry couldn’t stop himself from thinking about how perfect it felt. Their smiles and giggles escaped them like two teenagers hiding from their parents while they made out in their bedroom. The kissing ensued the second they were alone on the elevator this time she pressed herself against the length of Harry and he wrapped his arms around her back pulling her tight to him as they ascended the passing floors.
Arriving on the third floor, she pushed her door out of the way and almost immediately Harry had her backed against it, his body trapping her against the door. She felt so warm but Harry’s lips on hers made it all worth it. Her heart rate was the speed of a hummingbird. His body was so strong and warm. She moaned into his lips making him squeeze her toward him. He answered with a groan of his own. He pulled back momentarily to let them breathe but as he did his eye caught the photo of her, Niall, and who he assumed was her family. It was in a frame that said There is no place like home.
While she was kissing his neck, making his body hard and soft all at the same time, he smirked releasing a chuckle. “You’re going to laugh while I’m kissing you?" She mumbled into his skin in annoyance.
He laughed a little harder. “Oh, sorry, Sunshine,” he said and pressed a kiss to her forehead while she continued pecking along his collarbone that peeked out from his T-shirt. “Caught the photo there,” he murmured. She turned around in the circle of his arms. Harry wrapped them loosely around her waist from behind so she could look at what caused the distraction. As she looked over the photo herself, he dropped a kiss to the top of her head. The smile on her face that Harry could see sort of reflected in the glass of the picture frame, looked like one of adoration and love. Harry hoped she would look at him like that one day. “You’re so adorable,” he mumbled into her hair. “Why d’you like The Wizard of Oz so much?” He asked.
She pulled his arm from around her and tugged him toward her living area where the bookshelf displayed all the editions she had of her favorite book. Carefully, she tugged one version of it off the shelf and flipped it open to page 189, because of course she knew the exact quote she was looking for. All you need is confidence in yourself. There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have in plenty.
It was highlighted in yellow. Harry read it three times. Each time he read it, it felt like he understood her a little more. Each of the three sentences seemed to take prominence on each read through and the last phrase especially, made him think she was some sort of superhero.
While he read, he held the book so carefully in his hands. His finger brushing softly on the page as he pointed to the words. She watched his eyes scan the page almost as gently as he touched the paper. She could see he was digesting the words and it felt so vulnerable. This was her favorite book. Her favorite quote. The way he caressed the book was delicate; the moment was so fragile and made her feel so exposed.
“I don’t know what kind of danger you’ve faced, kitten. But I think you’re the most courageous woman I know.”
Her heart felt so full but weak at the same time. It was like Harry made her feel like she could do anything but that she didn’t have to because he would hold her the way he held her favorite book. It took every ounce of restraint in her to not shed a tear.
“Y’collect them?” He asked.
Clearing her throat, she was grateful for the distraction. She nodded quickly. “Yeah…I think it was a joke at first. Mom and my sister both got me a copy for my birthday. But then every time someone who knew me came across it, I got a new one. Then it was like...everyone we knew was looking. But we were all actually finding copies that were cool and stuff.”
Harry thought he would implode from how cute she was. He hoped to find an edition she didn't have. But even if he didn't, he knew she would appreciate the gesture all the same. He was glad there were people in her life who knew she liked the book. Glad that they appreciated her love for something so...pure.
So as not to say something crazy like he adored her and would buy any copy he came across for her as long as they lived, Harry looked at the remainder of her bookshelf. “Quite the collection of other books y’got, Sunshine,” he smiled bending down to examine the titles on the bottom shelf.
“I have another shelf in my room,” she said.
“Oh?” So, she showed him. There was a run of the mill copy of it on this shelf—she would put one in every room she told him. “It’s comforting, you know?” Harry didn’t really know. He didn’t feel an attachment to a book like that, but he was already obsessed with how comforted he felt around her. From the very moment he met her when she made his anger lessen, made him feel a little better than before he knew her. A little picture frame held a quote on her wall that read We’re not in Kansas anymore.
Then they started chatting about the CDs she had on another shelf. Which got them talking about music. Then she showed him the bathroom and how she found this nifty dispenser for toothpaste and mouth wash. "So I don't have to squeeze it in the middle," she joked. In her kitchen, they looked at photos on her fridge and sifted through recipes in a cookbook that she had written down. “I’m a little old fashioned sometimes. But I think cookbooks are cute,” she shrugged. Harry thought it was adorable, of course. Harry felt like he hadn’t laughed so hard in his whole life being in apartment 304. It felt like...
Well, it felt like there was no place like home.
Eventually a timer on her phone went off pulling them both back to the real world--her failsafe in case there was something she forgot in her apartment while she sat in the laundry room. Harry frowned as she shut off the alert and she turned back to him. “Gotta check on my clothes,” she whispered.
At the same time Harry’s phone vibrated: a message from Ava.
In the last forty-five minutes he completely forgot about Ava’s existence. “Ah,” he shook his head. The anger started to bubble in the pit of his stomach. “S’okay,” or maybe that was guilt.
It should be guilt. His conscience reminded him. That was bad. Even the regular part of Harry’s mind knew how terrible it was that he forgot about Ava.
He kissed another woman.
She’s probably my soulmate. He told his conscience. As if that would fix the problem.
You need to do the right thing. It answered simply. That he could agree with his conscience.
She fluffed her hair, fixed her shirt, and rolled those soft, warm, sweet lips he was already obsessed with into her mouth awkwardly. She gestured toward the door and Harry exited first. They hit buttons for the elevator, going in opposite directions. “I’ll...see you later?” She asked as the elevator alerted the pair of them the elevator was on the rise.
Harry nodded. “Yes,” that he was certain.
“Um...” she bit the inside of her lip and peered up at him nervously. It was sad and adorable all at once. She was perfect, stunning, lovely. Her mind was just as beautiful as she was. Harry thought her heart was unbearably kind and all he wanted to do was worship her and her sweet self.
Harry was an asshole.
“That was...nice,” she whispered softly. “Thanks.”
“Yeah,” he nodded in agreement with an awkward smile. His brain was starting to take back over again. “It was really nice,” he assured her making the relief on her face palpable. For that, he wanted the elevator to crush him.
The lift pinged with it’s arrival to descend back to the lobby. “See you around, munchkin,” she said quietly and kissed his cheek before she stepped onto the elevator. He felt sick to his stomach while he watched the doors close on her sweet, smiling face.
Finally. His conscience sighed with relief.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lolyouallsuck @buckybarnessimpp @stylesfever @harrysxcarolina
Love and Dryer Sheets: @st-ev-ie @lovrave
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
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gh0stsp1d3r · 7 months
The goddess of chaos,and reader fucking has wings!
I LOVE THAT???? THIS IS SO GREAT, also im so sorry this took me a while to finish ): ugh
Warnings- profanity, beating someone up (what’d you expect tho), mention of blood
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As your mother didn’t have a cabin, you spent years in the Hermes cabin. You were her only child, no sense in making a new cabin, plus, Dionysus and the others didn’t like Eris at all, she was one of the most hated among the Gods.
And since you’ve been there for so long, you became close with the Hermes children as a child. You became especially close with one boy named Luke.
Growing up, the two of you would pull pranks and mess around with the heads of camp. Dionysus, the old counselors, Chiron, and at one point the Gods themselves.
The Gods disliked you and your mother never talked to you, you were bound to cause trouble.
You had proved to be quite a problem around camp, and somehow managed to still become a counselor.
Now you were skipping stones on the lake, after cancelling the lessons you had with some campers.
“Thought you had lessons.” A voice said, coming up behind you. You didn’t have to turn around to know it was Luke.
“I cancelled.” You replied, only turning when he came next to you.
“Why?” He asked, picking up a stone from the ground and skipping them with you.
“Didn’t feel like it today.” You said with a small shrug, your wings were tucked but slightly fluttered as you moved.
“Mmm.” He mumbled, and you both skipped the stone at the same time.
“Looks like I win.” You said with a smirk on your face. He groaned.
“You always win.”
“So, why are you here?” You asked the boy, turning to him now.
He shrugged. “Bored.” Lie. He wanted to see you.
You nodded. “Well, i would say we should fuck something up but I’m guessing you’re busy.” You spoke, looking around the scene.
“Never too busy for you.”
You rolled his eyes at his flirtatiousness, you two often “jokingly” flirted and teased, you shoved his shoulder and he just laughed.
“You’re weird.” You spoke, walking away. He followed and was soon walking next to you.
“I’m weird?” He scoffed. You gave him a glare.
“Sorry, I was joking.” He held his hands up in defense. You walked back to camp, new campers were being brought in.
“Hey, uh, I’m really sorry, but do you think you guys could show the new campers around? I have a uh… emergency.” One of the Aphrodite counselors spoke, coming up to you both.
You furrowed your eyebrows.
“What’s wrong?” You asked her, not believing her for a second.
“One of my sisters is in the infirmary.”
Before you could speak, Luke spoke. “Okay. Yeah. Sure, no problem.” You nudged him in the arm.
She thanked you and ran over to another cabin.
“She’s lying.” You motioned to her now running over to her boyfriend, kissing him with a smile on her face.
“Jesus Christ, you need to learn not to be so nice to everyone. She’s an asshole.”
“One of us has to. Why’s she an asshole?” He shrugged, looking at the campers.
“Because. I can just tell.” He furrowed his eyebrows and just began to talk to the kids.
“Okay, hello, everyone! Welcome, to camp half blood. I am Luke Castellan, and this is Y/n L/n. We are going to be giving you your tour instead, on account of…”
“On account of him being a naive idiot.” You spoke to them, a small smile on your face as you motioned to luke.
He rolled his eyes. “Ignore her. Any questions before we start?”
“Uh, how will we know who our parents are?” One asked.
“Well, if your Godly parent is nice enough to, you will be claimed after you show some sort of glory.”And if you’re lucky enough, you’ll get your own cabin. Clearly I did not get lucky enough.” You told them, mumbling the last part.
The campers looked confused.
“Okay… any more questions?” luke asked.
“Why do you have wings?” One asked, their voice curious.
“Yeah, I’m not answering that. Any non-personal questions, you jackasses?” You asked, loudly.
Luke’s hand flew to your mouth. “Let’s get on with the tour, shall we?” He said, a nervous smile on his face.
The kids didn’t seem to have any now. They walked as Luke spoke, showing them around. Luke didn’t notice however, that you had snuck off to somewhere until he turned around to ask you something.
He sighed, calling your name out. Of course, you came back with a bloodied nose and knuckle. He groaned, all the new campers whispering and talking about it.
He came up to you, grabbing your wrist.
“I leave you alone for 10 seconds! What the fuck happened?!”
You shrugged, feigning innocence as the same counselor who lied was dragged out from behind, you whipped your head the other way.
Wiping the blood from your nose, you had a proud smile on your face as you turned back to the kids.
“So, how was the tour?”
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angelagiarratana · 9 months
You're Staring Darling
so um, we can all agree that Angela's arms are incredibly hot so here we all go. sorry for the delay, work has been insane.
tw: slight smut
This is a completely fictional story.
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The shoot day had all gone according to plan, with slight mishaps but nothing big. The last shoot of the day was some stupid idea Shayne had, Sniper Chess. You were sitting off camera, watching intently as the cast used the very high-powered ball-shooting NERF gun. You were responsible for calling out when the safety was off and ensuring the cast members kept their goggles on. Essentially Courtney made you a safety watch. You didn't think anything of it until Angela walked onto set wearing a tank top, her arms on display. "Shit," you thought. Angela's arms were an incredibly weak spot for your silly little crush on her.
Since day one of her working at Smosh you had a serious crush on her, but always brushed it away for the sake of being professional. However, anytime you saw her arms or freshly painted black nails, it became increasingly hard to stay professional. You had caught yourself staring at one too many times. Today was no different.
"Safety off." Angela announced as she lined up her shot, you echoed, "Safety off." The way her bicep tensed as she held the gun straight sent a shiver down your spine. Around round 3 Angela slipped her button-up back on, you assumed it was because she was cold. You were still gawking at her hands during the rest of the shoot. It never got in the way of your job, but it was still happening. As Courtney called cut you took off your own goggles and walked onto set to retrieve the gun. Angela handed it to you with a smile and wink. A WINK. Your knees almost buckled under you. "Thank you, I can take your goggles too." You held out your other hand and she placed them in your hand, letting hers linger for a second, "Hey could you help me get something from my car when you wrap up here?" You were taken aback by her question, she usually would've asked Amanda or Shayne but you agreed.
After emptying the gun, collecting the balls, and placing them into prop storage you found your way to Angela's desk, "Ready to be of assistance." She giggled at your faux British accent. "It'll be quick." She led the way to her car, comfortable silence falling between you two. She unlocked the car and opened the trunk, inside was a box full of different costumes, "Angela you literally weight lift, you could carry this." She smiled at you, "Yeah so I lied to get you alone. I have a question." You quirked your brow at her, "Okay?" Her tone dropped an octave, her entire demeanor changing. "Do you know why I put on my shirt during the shoot?" You shook your head, "Because it was cold as hell in the studio today?" She laughed for a second, "No. It's because I could feel someone staring at me and then I saw it was you, staring at my arms." She paused for a moment taking in how you were trying so hard to remain calm, "But then I wondered why you would be looking at my arms like that. Then I realized you do it every time I wear a tank top." You took a step back, your back hitting the car beside hers, "I don't know what you're talking about. I was making sure you were being safe." She stepped closer to you, then took off her button-up, tossing it into her trunk, "Oh really? So if I just," she then pressed her hand beside your head, leaning into you fucking booktok style, "it doesn't have any effect on you?"
HOLY SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING? You knew Angela could flirt but Jesus CHRIST. You swallowed hard and shook your head, "Uh- nope. It's just an arm." She leaned in closer, her lips inches from yours. She made direct eye contact and then grabbed your hip with her free hand, "I think that's a lie." You couldn't take it anymore, how close she was to you, the way her arm muscles were being perfectly lit by the California sun, the smug ass look in her eye, you grabbed her shirt pulling her lips onto yours. She smiled into the kiss and pulled your hips off the car and into hers, deepening the kiss. You let out a moan when she gripped your hip tighter and bit your lip softly. She pulled away smiling, noticing how your eyes immediately trained on her arm, "You're staring darling." You rolled your eyes and finally, after months, reached out and ran your fingers along her triceps, "Yeah for good fucking reason." Her hand on your hip loosened and her thumbs drew lazy circles on your hip bone, "You know you're not as sneaky as you thought you were Y/n." You grimaced, "I hate the thought of how long you knew." She dropped both her arms, turned away from you, and grabbed her shirt from the trunk, "6 months." Your jaw dropped, "6 fucking months! You waited 6 months to say something?" She laughed, grabbing the box from the trunk, "I had to one, make sure it wasn't all in my head, two you were actually gay, and three single." She closed the trunk and reached one of her hands out, you took it, "I'm glad I wore this shirt today." You giggled, "Me too."
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