#their power combined gave me the motivation
aihoshiino · 1 day
chapter 161 thoughts
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Entirely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 18
Aqua Hoshigan Status: For the future
Never has an OnK chapter gone from It's Hoshinover to We Are Oshi no Back quite as hard and fast as this one. I have issues with this chapter in terms of what it implies about the story's overall structure and the fact that it sort of ruins 153-4 by association but this chapter's back half is so fucking good and the chapter itself works so well in isolation that much like 153-4, I kind of uhhh don't care about the structural issues because the story's heart is, for the most part, not just intact but beating harder and more passionately than it has in a long time.
To get what I don't like out of the way, the story seems to have settled on Super Evil Serial Killer Mastermind Kamiki as his final form characterization with some helpful Tsukuyomi exposition to just straightforwardly Tell Us things the manga probably should have spent some of the last 70something chapters Showing Us about Hikaru. The basic idea of Hikaru being some sort of serial killer so dedicated to upholding Ai's legacy that he kills women with the potential to surpass her was more or less always where I expected his character to land and this settling of his character does at least preserve what I think is the most important thing: that he genuinely loved Ai and his bent towards villainy only came after her death.
What I don't love as much is that this chapter seems to continue leaning into Uber God Manipulator Mastermind Kamiki like last chapter. I already talked at length about my issues with this framing in my previous chapter review so all I'll reiterate here is that the story's attempt to frame Hikaru as being equally or even more culpable for the actions of Nino and Ryosuke fall entirely flat to me, especially when the manga itself does such a pisspoor job of actually explaining how or why Kamiki was able to control and/or predict their actions to the extent that he supposedly did. And ESPECIALLY especially given that Nino and Ryosuke seem to have already been dangerously obsessed with Ai by the time they approached him.
In general, Hikaru's character is honestly just so inconsistent at this point that making any sense of his actions feels fruitless. If I really dig into what's going on, I can infer that maybe he fell into the same trap as Aqua by overcompensating for his trauma-induced helplessness by becoming overly controlling and guess that his fucked up trauma response to Ai's death combined with those terrible words Kindaichi gave him at Airi's funeral lead him down he road he's traveling now. I can even extrapolate that Aqua showing him the DVD message in 153-4 pushed Hikaru to this extreme and now that he has nothing to lose, he's lashing out at his children too - though, it should be noted, that the manga still hasn't actually established what Hikaru's culpability is in Nino's attempt on Ruby's life, outside of Aqua saying "well you didn't use your psychic powers to perfectly predict nino's actions so it's on you".
But like - this is all stuff I'm having to infer and extrapolate and guess, reverse engineering logic from our end point in an attempt to create a stable foundation for this characterization. The manga has done such a poor job of properly establishing Hikaru both as an antagonistic force and as a consistent character that I feel like I'm trying to assemble a coherent image from two different puzzle sets with all the fucking corner pieces missing and that's with Crow Girl looking into the camera and Explaining Him to me.
And listen, I am a bitch who LOVES to infer things. One of my absolute favourite pieces of fiction of all time ever is Umineko no Naku Koro Ni, a mystery story that literally does not contain any straightforwardly explicit, textual confirmation of the culprit's identity or motives because it believes so strongly that you, the reader, are smart enough and empathetic enough to put in the time and effort necessary to understand it regardless and it deeply, deeply values being able to give you that experience. But OnK feels less like it's intentionally encouraging me to think hard and enjoy the process of putting my head and my heart to work - it feels like it's leaving its homework unfinished and letting the reader do the actual hard work of sewing up the internal logic.
I probably won't talk much more about Kamiki this chapter cos I'd just be saying all this shit over and over but I really just am struggling to understand from a perspective of authorial intent what the vibe is even supposed to be. Like I mentioned in a previous ask, if this is where Kamiki's arc is reaching its conclusion then it means that the Movie Arc was essentially a whole-ass waste of time in and out of universe. Blech. Hate that.
Also, before I move on, I don't want to leave this just implied - making Kamiki explicitly a CSA victim and then ending his arc on Aqua (and implicitly the narrative) dismissing him as being too broken/corrupted to be saved is a really major misstep that I think represents a huge black mark on OnK's handling of CSA as a topic. The idea of an eternal defilement or an unfixable core wrongness in the self is already something real life CSA victims struggle with in the process of unpacking their trauma and having our likable and supposedly morally superior protagonist espouse this unchallenged in a work as prominent and relevant as Oshi no Ko is irresponsible bordering on dangerous. It's incredibly disappointing that after all the care Aka and Mengo seemingly took in handling this topic that it was whiffed so badly at the last second.
ANYWAY!!! Now all the beef's been dealt with, we can cleanse our palettes and move onto everything else I liked which was… basically everything else in this chapter!
Admittedly, Aqua's overall arc is still suffering from us being kicked out of his head from like 123 onwards for no real apparent reason and while 150 was a welcome refresher on where he's at in this part of the story, it still feels a bit like the story is prioritizing preserving the surprise factor of its twists over making these surprises feel earned. Compare it to volume 1 - you are basically told exactly what is going to happen to Ai, especially in the manga when Saitou and Gotanda outright say as much - but her death is still incredibly impactful and upsetting. I think this chapter is very effective, but could've been a lot moreso if we'd spent more time in Aqua's head leading up to it.
THAT SAID… If the intention of keeping us out of his head was to recontextualize Aqua's behaviour across the past ten or so chapters in this new light, I don't hate it as much as I might have. I initially took issue with what felt like the story off-screening and not addressing the resolution to Aqua's suicidal ideation so whipping back around to prove that it was still very much present puts some particular Aqua moments over this past volume into a very different light. As some people pointed out, Aqua missing Kana's pitch - literally dropping the ball in responding to her feelings - and his wide-eyed look of alarm in 151 seemed very ominous omens for the success of her confession and that beat of him covering his face when Kana approves of his dream… very incheresting knowing Aqua was still struggling with 'love or revenge' at this point.
Most interesting of all to reconsider is Aqua breaking down in tears in Miyako's arms in 155 when she addresses him as her son for the first time. At the time it read like catharsis but now I can't help but wonder if this was Aqua grieving for something he desperately wants but thinks is out of his reach.
i do have to say though. i get the general vibe of this plan and think it works fine as the apex of aqua's self-sacrificial protectiveness for the people he loves but how is being the daughter of a serial killer somehow any less scandalous for her career than being the sister of someone who killed one dude. does aqua think they just won't notice that kamiki happens to be their biodad or something. wasn't that the whole point of the movie. goofy ass plan.
What really saves this whole scenario is the emotions at play, though. This really does feel like Aqua at his most Aqua in a really long while and this chapter has so much love and respect for his life as Aqua and the bonds he has formed as a result. The dreams Aqua lays out are so agonizingly simple, too - he wants to pursue the career he finds rewarding. He wants to date the girl he likes. He wants to accept Miyako as his mom and Himekawa as his brother and to make things right with Akane after hurting and using her. He wants to see Ruby achieve her dream and be there to support her when she does.
But Aqua's always considered his dreams impossible, hasn't he?
I fully admit; I got spoiled with the full page spread of Aqua stabbing himself way in advance of the chapter and initially hated it as a twist. But with the full chapter as context and the sheer weight of Aqua's longing to just fucking live and find joy, it's not just effective but absolutely gutwrenching. It is the synthesis of Aqua's series-long battle to choose love or revenge and it resonates perfectly because it has never been one or the other for him - Aqua's revenge has always been rooted in the fact that he loves others so wholly and completely and hates himself so utterly that he thinks sacrificing himself to preserve their futures is the only path for him to take. It's the culmination and final release of the suicidal ideation Aqua has been dealing with since he was four years old and like Ai's tragedy before him, there's a horrible sense that maybe there really was no other way this could've gone.
Aqua being the character who actually takes the knife also firmly cements him as Ai's narrative echo in the text which has me barkin and howlin because it's what I've been saying all this time. Not just that, but so many of Aqua's expressions in this chapter pointedly and deliberately echo Ai's after she was stabbed. Not just that, but Aqua's achingly simple dreams echo Ai's own heartrendingly simple regrets - all the two of them ever wanted was to be happy with the people they love.
This also reframes the story's prior establishment of Ruby as paralleling Ai and seems to place the twins in the position of echoing not Ai in her entirety but Ruby as 'Ai of B-Komachi' and Aqua as 'Ai Hoshino'. This was actually something I outlined in one of my very first meta posts on the series, but I think making it more specific to 'Ruby as Ai the idol' and 'Aqua as Ai the human', this actually gives Ruby's arc in relation to Ai a bit of breathing room. Don't get me wrong, everything I've said about her post-BH writing being underbaked and inconsistent is still the case, especially when it comes to how confused the story is on whether Ruby is her own idol or New And Improved Ai 2.0 but giving it less ground to cover helps in terms of her writing no longer being spread quite as thin.
Speaking of Ruby, that beat of her seeming to react or sense something is up the moment Aqua takes the stab. 'Something happened to my loved one far away and I just Feel It' is a trope I'm always a sucker for and I really dig it here.
"The public don't care about the truth, so let's tell them a lie" is such a crazy hard sentiment to go out on too. Holy fuck.
There go our boys…!!! Quite a few people predicted they might go over the edge when Aqua showed up in his Mephisto fit (Mefitsto) and I'm interested to see if we get any parallels to the ED's imagery in the next few chapters. Overall, though, I'm really excited for where things are going - I don't think Aqua will die, but I do have some theories about what might happen. I can't think of a more traditional misogi purification experience than the middle of the ocean in late December, after all…
No break next week! Woohoo! While the delay of episode 12 means we won't be getting them on the same day, that is the same week S2 of the anime will be concluding and Aka does like lining up his bombshells with the anime. So who knows what we'll see.
seriously tho aqua. everyone already knows kamiki is you and ruby's biodad. HOW IS THIS ANY BETTER THAN HER BEING THE DAUGHTER OF A SERIAL KILLER AS IT ALREADY STANDS
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iknowicanbutwhy · 1 year
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"A taste to die for!"
"Desire meets the tongue!"
"Satisfaction down to the last drop!"
"The success of the drink reflects in your smile!"
"The most harmless cold drink ever!"
"Refreshment that lingers for hours!"
"Nothing goes wrong with Doppler Pepper!"
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Credit to @munchiebeetle for mispronouncing Docbr Pebbler
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malleleothreesome · 9 months
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Azul Ashengrotto x afab Reader - Aphrodisiac + Breeding
💜 summary: After an alchemy accident, you and Azul end up covered in an aphrodisiac potion ༶༶༶ 💜 warnings: afab reader, smut, LOTS OF BREEDING KINK, pregnancy mention, porn with plot??? ༶༶༶ 💜 word count: 8.4k words I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS HAPPENED ༶༶༶ 💜 song: Vapor - 5 Seconds of Summer "I wanna feel you in my veins I want to breathe you in like a vapor I want to be the one you remember I want to feel your love like the weather, all over me" ༶༶༶ 💜 inspired by: this ask thank you! ♡✧*:・゚
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As a magicless human, Alchemy had always been your favorite class at Night Raven College. Despite lacking an innate aptitude for spell-casting, mixing and crafting potions was an artform that didn't require magic in order to bring spectacular effects into the world. Alchemy classes provided a refuge—a safe space with no barrier for entry where you could excel instead of feeling singled out for being an oddity in a sea of talented mages. You relished in the opportunity to learn about new components and elements, excitedly observing as volatile chemicals bubbled in heated pots to produce glowing, glittery pastes.
Much to your suspicion, Azul had always been particularly enthused to help you with potions, boasting how he was the most adept in the class due to his academic proficiencies, and that he was certain you'd find success with his aid. He took special interest in mentoring you, watching your delicate, nimble movements as you worked, walking you through procedures and detailed steps, and speaking knowledgeably about the ingredients in a tone that oozed expertise. His tutelage had helped you reach impressive grades on even the most challenging assignments. It wasn’t long before you found yourself spellbound by his charming intellect, deceivingly sweet demeanor, and the addictively intense gaze of his unique blue eyes.
There was always a subtle mischief hidden behind the smiling eyes and the easy charisma that suggested an ulterior motive lurking beneath his silver-tongue. Based on your observations of his interactions with other students, you assumed this was a ploy in hopes that if you had taste of the sweet, intoxicating elixir of power and success, you'd become desperate for more of his help, consequentially making you subservient and open to the idea of contracting yourself to him. In defiance of your paranoia that his motivations are not entirely altruistic, you did always feel an odd prickle in the air when he stood right behind you to monitor your actions. That sensation, a fiery buzz that hummed in your lower abdomen, always gave your heart flutters and kept you on edge as Azul's calm breaths ghosted against your hair and sent ripples of warm pleasure tingling through you. Your breath hitched in your throat as his large, gloved palms gently guided you through your motions, brushing over the bare skin on your knuckles or arms, leaving electric jolts where you felt his warmth. He smelled crisp like ocean breeze, an inviting fragrance that enveloped your mind and wrenched you out of reality and into his heady fantasy—a scene in which all you can taste are the thick, sweet notes of his dark intentions, and all you could do was choke on his cloying, dominating allure. He didn't ask permission to touch you or indicate an appropriate method to teach—no, his hands simply snaked around your waist and ran along your curves, slowly learning the feeling of your soft flesh through his gloves. Each time, you couldn't help but sink a little closer to his chest, instinctively chasing the seductive ambience radiating off of him, drowning in his captivating presence as though he was the tide pulling you under. There was no denying it—you wanted more of him.
Today's lab was no different, the air was tense and thick with charged attraction, filled with sexual tension so palpable it could be cut with a knife. The assignment was to experimentally combine various liquids, mixing and adjusting for better consistency, until you found a formula to concoct a viable, bountiful healing potion that would greatly ease the effects of injury. This assignment was a notoriously difficult, energy-draining procedure that required extreme vigilance to avoid an adverse chemical reaction that would result in a completely different type of potion, although Crewel didn’t elaborate on the exact details. After carefully pouring two compounds—one a milky white, and the other a vivid magenta—into a tall, cylindrical flask, Azul cautiously peered over your shoulder to check your concoction's progress as you stirred them. With one arm outstretched against the table to secure a good vantage point, he rested his other on your waist and leaned in closer as he studied the bubbling pink mixture. After adding an infusion of ground powder, a burst of sparkles clouded the interior of the flask, a telltale sign you were on the right track. This is the portion of the experiment where you needed to take extra caution to mix the elements together in perfect precision without faltering or taking your eyes away from your project, a delicate operation requiring the utmost concentration. Suddenly, Grim barges in and jumps on the lab station in excitement, yapping about how he wants to help, despite you and Azul explaining multiple times he has a proven history of destroying your projects.
The moment the little cat-monster attempts to extend his claws into your precious potion, Azul reacts automatically with surprising speed, his hands fly in a frenzy to scoop Grim away from your chemistry equipment. "Get off that this instant, Grim! You have no business here! Get your little paws out of that glassware this instant before you ruin another assignment! Do not interrupt us! Get away from there immediately!" Azul scolds him repeatedly while chasing him around the room, attempting to steer him to the door. "Why you foolish beast! You're far more of a liability than an asset! This experiment requires extreme care and concentration to avoid failure—a common result of your erratic, clumsy behavior!" His expression hardens with anger, eyebrows drawing into a line as Grim hisses defiantly. The little monster still hasn't relented, his hind legs clumsily scrabbling and slipping in Azul's grip as he tries desperately to cling onto the edge of the lab table, hoping for a quick paw-hold. A heavy, frustrated sigh escapes Azul's nostrils, his face morphing into one of desperation, pleading with the troublesome cat-creature to just leave you to focus your project in peace.
"How very annoying... To think he would willingly place himself in danger without even stopping to consider the consequences... what a foolish and irresponsible creature," he exhales irritably, struggling to wrestle Grim from his precarious position as his composure begins to slip, agitation creeping through his voice and shattering his typical polished and suave illusion of unflappable equanimity. He continues to scold Grim as he chases him around your station, gritting his teeth and losing his cool as the monster's cries of distress and denial ring through the entire room. Grim is an unrelenting little bastard who won't quit squirming. There isn't the slightest semblance of remorse or pity on his stupid, feline face, and Azul feels his resolve crack as he becomes utterly fed up with this spoiled brat's behavior. Grim continues to kick and howl his way through Azul's grip, determined to aid with your Alchemy project, but his clumsy movements start causing your potion to bubble and ripple in an unsettling manner. You shriek his name, begging him to just settle the hell down and be a team player.
It happens in a matter of seconds—a fizzling sound grabs your attention. You turn back around quickly and notice your reaction beginning to froth violently. Your eyes widen in horror and your mouth drops in disbelief. Azul notices your fear-wide eyes and immediately stops his futile efforts to reprimand Grim. In an instant, his gaze reflects the alarm in yours and the blood drains from his already pale cheeks. Grim runs out in a screaming huff as he exits in a frenzied flurry, knowing when to take a hint and make a clean getaway. At this point, the compound is pouring heavily from the top of the flask, spewing out onto the heating device and coating the table below. The chemical reaction is completely beyond your control now, its speed increasing exponentially, bubbling and exploding, kicking out thick, unmanageable clouds of murky pink and purple fumes. Within seconds, it covers the lab tables in an almost misty haze as you choke and sputter in a coughing fit, Azul gasping and choking right alongside you, panic flashing across his face. An eerie glow seeps through the thick liquid as a swirling mist appears from inside the glass. Without warning, it erupts directly toward the two of you before either of you have time to take cover—shattering the flask and showering the fronts of your faces and bodies in its noxious, intoxicating fluids. Both you and Azul choke out muffled yells and groans, the sticky, glittering mixture clinging to the fabric of your clothes and the exposed skin on your faces.
The next thing either of you register is Crewel's obnoxious bark as he spits out sharp commands to open the windows and clear out all the air from the room. Coughing, you gasp for fresh oxygen, suddenly becoming very aware of how fast your heart is racing. It thumps so hard and so forcefully inside of your ribcage that the noise reverberates loudly in your ears, overwhelming your senses. However, no amount of labored inhaling can free you from the toxic, vaporous gas; every molecule in your lungs has already been bombarded and completely overcome by the potion’s effects. As its intoxication takes hold of you, a wicked fever seems to roar within you, followed by a horribly slow heat that makes your limbs ache. Every orifice of your body is saturated by the miasma—liquid slips between your lips, gushing down the front of your body to coat your exposed neck and chest. You taste the surprisingly sweet potion on the inside of your mouth; its taste lingers sweet and tacky on the flat of your tongue, coating your throat. You'd panic that you just consumed some horrific cocktail with traces of corrosion or stomach-rotting acid, if it weren't for the fact that Crewel seems more frustrated than concerned for your well-being. Rather than damaging you, whatever substance was expelled seems to be having quite the opposite effect; you feel your body becoming more energetic, your head becoming lighter, and a bubbling rush of warmth seems to radiate all over from the inside out, changing your physiology into a fertile garden in need of sowing. Adrenaline rushes through you and awakens your basal instincts, forcing you to acknowledge every excruciating detail of your body in an erotic manner. Arousal slithers through your veins like venom, poisoning all remaining thoughts and rationality, as a throbbing, almost blinding wave of pleasure overtakes your body. You become intensely, achingly aware of your physical needs, and all those needs center upon an impassioned desire to be filled, stretched, and seeded full—the frantic urge to be bred nearly splits you in half and makes your lower belly cramp in a hot flash of want. For a second, you hear Azul stutter something to you, his voice wavering on the verge of cracking with the desire that the aphrodisiac had triggered. You lock eyes with Azul, pupils blown wide as lust makes his oceanic gaze shimmer. The front of his slacks have grown embarrassingly tight with the straining girth of his aroused cock. You meet his clouded eyes, almost embarrassed by your wanton thoughts and the desperate throbbing between your thighs.
It is only a split second of recognition, a blurry, sweaty haze of unfathomable passion, before your shared moment is interrupted. Crewel shouts at you to look him in the eyes, snapping you out of your sexual frenzy, even if only for a split second. He stares at you, his gray-streaked hair framing the contoured features of his face as he cocks an eyebrow. The elder gives your flushed skin and trembling body a once-over.
"Just as I thought. It's a dopamine-based aphrodisiac. At least nothing fatal or life threatening, but enough to send you both into a delirious, euphoric-fueled rut," he assesses calmly, unfazed. "What's more, the way the explosion altered the structure of the compound has made its properties even more potent and uncontrollable. In terms you incompetent pups will understand, we're past the stage of antidote or reprieve, and you both have mere moments before the hormones will reach maximum capacity and you two will need to find some private location to release the effects..." He trails off. From his expression, you can tell there is more he would like to add to the situation, yet a worrisome crinkle furrows his brow as his eyes remain on Azul, as though assessing whether the situation is really as under control as he wishes. "Both of you bad dogs listen carefully. Do not even dare to even breathe a word of what transpired here—you are to wait in isolation for five to eight hours until its effects wear off. Under no circumstances should you share physical contact with anyone else for the remainder of the day." He holds Azul's gaze longer than necessary, silently threatening him not to take advantage of this situation—but Azul seems far too caught up in the spell and too infatuated by the burning image of you, sweating, panting, and splayed before him.
"Should anyone at all realize that the two of you have taken any sort of love potion or been afflicted in this manner, it could create a massive scandal, and I'll punish you both so mercilessly for causing such an indiscretion, you'll be licking my boots in front of the entire school!" his deep voice booms in threat. "Have I made myself understood, dear pets?" Crewel snaps, the sting of his whip making both you and Azul wince and nod profusely. He leads you and Azul to the decontamination area of the lab, ushering you two into separate stalls so you can change into fresh, dry garments and wipe off the evidence of the explosion from the potion. When you both emerge, it takes Crewel less than a second to glance from the massive bulge straining against Azul's clothing, to where your heaving, quivering chest is spilling over the low neckline, your nipples hard and pressing obscenely through the thin fabric. He glares down his nose at the two of you in distaste.
"Five to eight hours," he hisses, eyes narrowing, almost sizing you and Azul up like he's waiting for one of you to give in to the pressure of the aphrodisiac. He throws open a back door, gesturing for you and Azul to disappear. Azul leaves first, a flushed, jumbled mess of conflicting emotions that are only intensified as he can feel every agonizing beat of his aroused heart pulse in the heat of his hard dick. You follow closely behind, but before you can cross the doorway, Crewel shoots his hand out to grip you by the upper arm, turning you to him as he towers over you, giving you an intense glare before sighing and pulling a small vial of bluish, iridescent potion from his bag and thrusting it into your hands.
"Since I know you won't be able to resist such a delectable temptation from that damn fishy bastard," his words drip with annoyance as he continues, "at least be safe, Pup. Go have a nice screw if that's what you really desire. The serum I just gave you is a contraceptive—just one sip and you will have full reproductive control, in case Azul isn't a decent man about his desires." You blink up at him in utter bewilderment. "Under no circumstances will I allow my star pupils to fall prey to the temptations and consequences of unprotected intimacy in the midst of this reckless hormone rush... I can't allow something like this to affect you or your ambitions. My students can only go to greater places." You feel his eyes burning with concern as he brushes your cheek, sending you a warning in his eyes and urging you to please think it through and consider it. "You are interested in Azul, are you not? I won't allow you to get involved in anything you don't consent to. If you don't feel safe, I can escort you straight to Ramshackle dorm and I will handle Ashengrotto myself." His stare, once cold and imposing, is now warm with protective care, as he looks you up and down with a gentle softness you didn't expect from your professor. The paternalistic expression on his face strikes your soul and pulls on your heartstrings a bit. After all, it's the type of support you feared was lost to you once you found yourself trapped in Twisted Wonderland with no hope of ever seeing your family again. With all the gentleness of a father, he squeezes your shoulder and gazes deeply into your eyes. You assure him that it's okay, you trust Azul. Nodding, your professor finally allows you passage out the door.
You had barely made it beyond the courtyard doors before Azul approached you with a sickly sweet, almost giddy look on his face. His steel-blue irises burned bright with anticipation, accompanied by a hint of something dark and salacious flickering in the shadows. The corners of his lips pulled taut, curling upward in a devious smile. A tremulous shudder passed through you and prickled up your spine at the thought of those hypnotizing eyes studying you while you lay enraptured beneath him, completely at his mercy. As he takes a few tentative steps toward you, his right hand glides and rests softly on your hip, making you gasp with surprise, your heartbeat fluttering and pounding deafeningly in your ears. Azul leans close to your ear, his breath coming out in hot, rapid pants, a carnal excitement that threatens to spill over and devour you whole. You swallow in nervous expectation, hardly daring to look into his lustful gaze. With his elegant index finger, he lifts your chin up and you are left gasping and flushed beneath him, lips parted to beg him for more as his gentle caress lingers. He flashes a devilishly handsome smile before tracing your lower lip with a seductive slowness. "Please, allow me to escort you back to Octavinelle where I can properly tend to you and your condition," the breathiness of his voice and his lack of composure cause your clit to throb, your inner walls pulsating, pleading to be stretched and ravaged. His lecherous advances and insinuations combined with the aphrodisiac coursing through your veins is making you so aroused, even standing close to him is threatening to make you cum. The very fabric of his essence seems to burn a shade darker—there is a terrifying intensity to his ardent desire for you, yet also a rawness and exposure you hadn't seen on his usually suave and polished facade.
Your whole body flushes when your gaze lands upon the size of his aching erection, an impressive tent straining tightly against his immaculate slacks, begging for attention through the dark material of his trousers. There is a manic, primal gleam that's spreading rapidly across his entire visage; he looks rabid with uncontainable greed, and you shudder at the thought that Azul will use your body to satisfy his own dark and twisted curiosities. "Please... It's the least I could do. After all, our most unfortunate situation is all due to my own recklessness," Azul pleads. His tone of voice is unwaveringly convincing in its sweet charm, yet you cannot escape the licentious twinkle that betrays his intentions, eyes ablaze with passion and lips quivering at the thought of making you his forever.
"Please... Just let me serve you and tend to your every whim," he begs. Even though the tone of his voice suggests innocence, you're reminded once more that Azul Ashengrotto believes the true intent in a plea is only to benefit his own ambitions—how ironic, then, that you find yourself overwhelmed with the desire to listen to the velvety cadence of his whispered sweet-nothings until you orgasm multiple times around the girth of his hard dick. Before you can speak, he reaches out and threads his fingers between your own. It was impossible to say no to the lilting honey of his tone, nor was there any will to fight as his firm and commanding hands ushered you towards the teleportation door. He practically pulls you into the mirror with him, and with a twinkly, delighted laugh, his covetous hand grasps you harder than ever as the portal draws closer, his eyes and touch almost reverential—eager, desperate, craving. The surface of the mirror swallows both of you up as the shadows distort the edges of your vision. The whole world spins around you both before the smell of the sea overwhelms your senses—the crispness of ocean air fills your lungs, and a feeling of cool relief washes over your flushed skin. In seconds, Azul is shoving you into an elevator and hitting the button to his suite. When the metal doors slide open, he gently shuffles you forward as he urges your body closer and closer toward his bedroom.
After his dorm door slams shut, your bodies mindlessly work to free the other's of their pesky and offending clothing, eager and restless fingers tearing and ripping at each article as though your lives depended on it. As each piece of clothing is discarded on the floor, new heated skin presses desperately into another as your erotic moans reverberate through the air. It feels electric, the way your sensitive, exposed bodies seek each other out, pawing and grasping at any available flesh and kissing any naked skin you can reach. Your hot, yearning mouth hungrily seeks Azul's for an urgent, feverish kiss—it is sloppy, desperate, almost savage as you share the intensity of your lusty feelings, gasping into each other's mouths, sucking, nibbling, tasting the sweet and sticky aphrodisiac concoction still lingering on both of your tongues. When Azul finally sheds his trousers, his painfully erect member juts out, throbbing and eager, bouncing happily and proudly as it quivers with eagerness. His knees weaken at the sudden release of the tension he'd suffered since the accident, the air a bit brisk against the heat of his erection, which begs to nestle itself securely into an inviting heat and fill your womb with the lusty seed it desires to spurt forth. His cock is ruddy and reddened, and his sack hangs swollen and tight with pent-up pressure. He doesn't think it possible for it to throb and swell even larger, yet its angry head and veins grow dark and twitch from his hot blood pumping. His hand mindlessly falls to his cock, and at the first stroke to his aching member, a needy whine catches in his throat. There is no time for shyness or apprehension. Whatever spell you were both under was driving you forward—like two planets caught in the gravity of an irresistible force, each gravitationally pulled toward the other with no means to stop. The rational part of his brain has been overwhelmed by an urgent instinct. Azul knows without a shadow of doubt that the only cure for this overwhelming haze of sexual depravity is to thrust himself deep inside the hot, velvety cunt of his precious lab partner.
Next thing you knew, you were pushed roughly, falling backwards before connecting against the smooth, luxurious blankets covering his mattress. He follows eagerly, letting his entire weight drop against your form and trapping your supple body beneath his. It was then, right then, when Azul found that the feeling of his aroused cock pressing against your thigh was unbelievably divine—a warm and pleasant tingling sensation spreading all over his hot, hard shaft and emanating out from his loins. With a contented hum, Azul can't resist the urge to buck his hips against your warm skin, stroking his arousal a little further, groaning at the exquisite friction. What a delicious sight you are—all nude and aroused—splayed and exposed across his bed. The effects of the potion have left you looking thoroughly wrecked, legs open, dripping and hot with an aroma so alluring, it nearly knocks the air out of his lungs. You are positively lovely, just as he'd always dreamed, with your petals unfurled and beckoning, enticing him further and drawing him in as your soft moans coaxed his cock in closer. To see you writhing and panting, the flush of your skin as you burned with longing for him...it was exactly as he'd always wanted it, almost as though someone had crafted the perfect image just to fulfill his darkest wishes. A surge of erotic fantasy comes upon him, and Azul's breath hitches in his throat as he ponders, briefly, about your womb filled with his seed, his beautiful angelfish round with child. He wants nothing more than to unceremoniously bury himself as deep within as he can, to push his thick, pulsating shaft as far as you could manage and stay buried to the hilt for days. His body quivers with excitement as a particularly vulgar dream reenters his mind. He had longed, always, to possess a most lascivious power over you—the power to make you writhe and squirm in bliss, and more importantly, in total and unbreakable dependence and submission for him—the neediest, sluttiest mess imaginable. Perhaps he'd have to thank Grim later for consequentially bringing about this fortunate chain of events.
Azul begins stroking himself fully, unabashed in his view of the sight before him. You don't protest the show. In fact, a high pitched, whimpery moan escapes you as you bite into your thumb to stifle the volume, but the sound is not missed, the harsh pang in his cock proof enough. After some thought, he realizes that he much preferred when you had been writhing and moaning quite uninhibitedly a moment earlier. You shift uncomfortably underneath his heated gaze as his eyes drink in every little curve, every little wrinkle and fold of your dripping pussy. Your toes curl inward and the ache deep within you demands attention. "You're so perfect, my little angelfish. Your body is exactly as I imagined," his saccharine voice admits as he leans forward, letting his fingers dance across the swell of your breasts. His left hand cradles your jaw and throat as his right continues its delicate massage across the plush pillow of your breasts, toying with the perked nubs of your nipples as his thumbs swirl small circles against the delicate flesh.
Azul's gentle touch ignites flames under his fingertips that follow his descent down to the juncture of your legs. The first brush against your swollen bundle of nerves and slit has your spine arching upwards, making his cock throb even more painfully, stiffening under the visual of your trembling body. A whine escapes and your hips grind involuntarily, the heat building intensely as his fingers begin to experimentally spread your folds slowly, running the tip of a finger from your core to the hood of your pearl. Without warning, Azul swipes upwards, expertly pulling back the hood and exposing the raw, sensitive flesh of nerves underneath, pinching down on the fleshy bud and causing you to yelp loudly in shock. With a satisfied grin, his forefinger begins to toy and tweak the hardened bud, rubbing gentle, rhythmic patterns over and over against the bundle as a chorus of delightful, high-pitched squeals fill his dormitory. After a few more ministrations, his hands continue down, delving his fingers straight into the moistened and heated opening, swiping up the slick mess you had coated his palm in. Two long fingers deftly slip right between your folds, caressing their way around your labia, your wet walls clenching around his fingertips desperately. "This wetness, for me?" Azul chuckles wickedly, crooking his fingers upward and brushing your g-spot with a knowing curl of his fingers, sending you spasming, gasping, and writhing in ecstasy, eyelashes fluttering wildly. "Oh, my dearest—so precious, my angelfish. That's it, so beautiful, just for me..." His voice drips with lecherous intent, his body moving without even the slightest hint of hesitation as though you were merely an extension of his own and not even a separate entity. Your wetness coats his fingers easily as Azul keeps sliding his fingers into your wet heat until the pads of his fingers touch all your deepest, hidden places, causing more sweet moans to fall from your lips and echo through his room. He scissors and curls his digits inside, stroking you slowly as though wanting to feel every bump, crease, and ridge along your walls, claiming his ownership over your deepest parts with a sinister delight.
A pressure builds and teeters precariously right at the precipice—the curling of his digits work feverishly to milk every drop of pleasure he can from your shuddering body, the warm flood of wetness drenching his eager fingers and making his head fall back with a sensuous moan. He continues with his relentless assault against your pussy, whispering filthy compliments about how badly he wanted to fuck you and how sexy it is when you take his fingers so well. Your legs flutter open wider, inviting his slim and nimble digits deeper within you, fucking them vigorously as your release begins to pool, rising closer to the boiling point. The aphrodisiac grips its poisonous talons deeper into your mind, warping and bending everything into an unshakable desire to submit yourself and your pleasure to the hands of the devious sea creature above you. He leans down, his silvery eyes roving over your face in an intense appraisal, his features drawn in with concentration, mapping out how to unravel you—there wasn't an emotion or micro expression that slipped past his vision as he carefully considered all the factors of how best to please and overwhelm your body with incomparable rapture. There isn't anything else beyond the present—no outside forces, nor worries about the consequences of being intimate. There's simply no room in your mind to think at this point, the cloudiness of the effects rendering your body vulnerable—you give yourself up entirely. He drinks up every breath, every shake and shiver, as he continues calculating your climax, relishing in each tiny noise or action he drew from you, meticulous with the acquisition of your bliss.
"Yes. Give in." he laughs maniacally, his face fully consumed in the intense madness of his lustful insanity. "Give in to every sensation. Let me drive you wild... Do as I command and cum," Azul demands you through his laughter, his breathing rapid and heavy as he watches your eyes rolling back. He moans in awe as the loud, slick sounds of his hand filling your soaking cunt meet his ears and a deep flush travels across his collarbones. His own needy cock leaks, eagerly anticipating what's next as its engorged state bulges obscenely, its every vein throbbing with virile desperation. Your high-pitched moans continue for some time as his pace stays fast, until you can finally feel your entire body tensing up, the fire coiling inside your gut ready to explode any moment. Everything builds higher and higher to the peak, every muscle and nerve fiber in your body primed to receive that last push that would send you catapulting over the cliff. As he feels your walls tremble, Azul moans along with your high-pitched wailing. A deranged smile stretches across his face and his silver eyes fill with amusement and fascination. 
Azul leans into your ear, whispering sweet nothings mixed with commanding, demanding words to finally succumb, "That's it...Let go..." He twists and digs deeper, stroking the perfect places inside you, hitting the correct spots relentlessly in an overload of mind-bending, debauchery-fueled, electric-spark pleasure, forcing your senses to dissociate from reality. His thrusting hand matches the frantic racing of his own heart, unable to keep the carnal fever down. "Give in... submit yourself fully, and surrender that orgasm. It's mine. I've worked for it, and now it belongs only to me." He whispers in a devilish growl, nibbling on your ear as his strokes become rougher, harder, faster—you can hardly stand the overwhelming force of your pleasure before its sweet relief crashes like waves. A broken moan leaves your mouth, a pure exaltation of uncontrolled passion. Noises come tumbling out and spilling over until you finally dissolve into a messy orgasm, shrieking his name in pleasure as his hand slows its motions but doesn't stop, keeping its pressure steady and rocking the whole of your existence until your mind goes blank. "Such a good, obedient angelfish, giving me all of your sweet, succulent cum... all for me, yes?" Azul hums sweetly, teasingly. "Oh, this is so precious," he sighs, feeling the quaking and trembling of your fluttering walls. His expression melts into one of deep satisfaction and pride.
"There you go, my lovely angelfish. Just as I said I would," Azul croons. Without another word, his hand, wet with your desire, abandons its ministrations, pulling from your depths with a slick pop, leaving your empty cunt to tremble from his absence. Azul brings his fingers to his mouth for a lewd taste test, licking the juices from his hand as a self-indulgent smirk plays upon his lips. As he rolls the digits around his tongue, sampling the essence of your cunt, a sharp groan rumbles deep from within his chest, the vibration coursing down his spine and directly into his throbbing member. Even as his breath grows heavy from the feeling of his needy cock, the smug, triumphant smirk doesn't disappear. He enjoys the honeyed, tangy sweetness and savors the lingering sensation on his taste buds—another string attached, making it utterly impossible for him to let go. A low chuckle is heard from deep in his chest, dark and hauntingly mirthful. From his pleased sigh, you could easily read the insatiable hunger growing within his gleaming eyes—clearly the lust in his loins has only been ignited further—a starving, manic beast hungry for even more from your yielding form, an insatiable craving that can't be satiated so easily. His cock visibly twitches, begging for him to mount you and thrust his painfully aroused length as far as he can manage deep into your eager, spasming pussy. The aphrodisiac courses through his veins with all the potency of a tropical storm, whipping every nerve into a frenzy as the instinct takes hold in Azul's most primordial thoughts and drives all those cravings with an irrepressible urgency—he simply has to get your pregnant. Azul's cheeks flush with a reddish-pink shade as he fixates on you, the hunger in his gaze absolutely feral, filled with a single-minded lustful determination to breed you.
When your eyes meet his maddened, love-struck stare, you are overcome with the same desperation radiating from your womb, urging to be stuffed and claimed by his thick load. At last, the two of you had connected in this all-consuming fire—a conflagration of desire so severe and a love so encompassing that both of you could do nothing more than dance on the ashes and burn with the flames. In that moment of recognition, an irresistible, bewitching aura emanates from him and mesmerizes you as the air of mystery dissipates from his visage, the eroticized specter of the fearsome and dangerous, devious mogul melts away to reveal the raw intensity of the young man underneath, exposed in all his ardent, unfettered passions. Here stands Azul, naked with vulnerability, desiring only a love that no other has been able to truly give. He's always tried to prevent access to his real emotions, afraid of the kind of cruelty they would reap upon him if they were found. He didn't believe himself to be worthy of their regard, let alone capable of receiving someone's genuine affections. With you, though, there were none of his signature theatrics, no polite deflection, nor charming evasiveness; he gave you full permission to view him and all of his repressed feelings on full display. An open book, Azul trusts you enough to expose his heart fully, so transparent in his neediness. Since he brought you to his bedroom, there was never the slightest hint of deception in his tone—not once had he attempted to distract you, nor used a tactic or trick. Perhaps his true intentions for getting close to you were more admirable than you thought, his desperation to get close to you was merely just a pining for your love rather than a sordid trick. His earnest, loving gaze, combined with the grip of your desire, makes something finally shift within, like the turning of the tide—a sense that it was fated for you to fall and crash so desperately, madly, and completely for him—a long-awaited inevitability, just as he had already done for you long before this Alchemy accident. Azul was an adoringly gentle yet brutally powerful force, a pillar in your life you can lean into without hesitation. All of your fears, worries, and frustrations are suddenly null, evaporating into the thin air of Octavinelle, carried into the gentle waters outside the window and disappearing into the seas.
Nothing is more erotic than seeing his carefully maintained veneer crumbling before you and letting himself fall apart at the seams. No longer hiding his desires or his ambitions for you, Azul's lusty hunger has you excited, aroused, and turned on like never before. You return his lustful, hazy expression and Azul is drawn right into the softness of your inviting stare. Your mouth parts to allow a needy moan to pass as you buck your hips slightly, inviting him to finally claim your body as his, a beautiful sacrifice you're eager to make for a beautiful siren such as him. With a deep, lewd groan, Azul pushes off your trembling body, propping himself onto his knees and groping at your chest, making you mewl. There's no trace left of the smooth businessman persona, not even a hint of it lingers when his wet mouth kisses at your mounds and his large hands explore the contours of your curves, his fingertips desperately memorizing the way you're put together, tracing every bit of available flesh. His eager tongue swirls at your peaked nipples, moaning in appreciation and delight. Your mind is being swallowed by a bubbling wave of bliss that has no end as his hand trails across your hips, his touch is as gentle as a ripple in the water. With a shyly embarrassed flush and a sigh of wanton abandonment, you surrender entirely to him—letting the sea creature drown you in ecstasy, deeper and deeper, into the endless ocean. He caresses your stomach gently, the calloused pads of his fingers exploring the sensitive skin where he knows your womb lies. Your heart stumbles as his lips twist upward in an impish smirk at the thought of all the cum he's soon going to pump straight into the cavity. He palms your belly, which would soon carry his progeny as an inevitable result of this union, imagining his angelfish's stomach rounded and taut with his unborn child, perhaps, even more than once—Azul's thoughts are full of fantasies about filling you and fucking your pretty little womb over and over until he succeeds and you're blessed with his babies. Azul hums at the image of your pregnant body, worshiping the slope of your thighs and rubbing his hands up your waist and the undersides of your breasts. Azul knows that even if it doesn't work right away, he is more than prepared to breed you again and again as many times as necessary. He is more than certain you'll eventually give him a consortium of little octopus-human hybrids. After all, you'd offered yourself up in the end. Who was he not to take what was freely given?
He grasps the back of your knee to prop up your leg in the air, shifting closer. In one fell swoop, your tender thighs are flung open, revealing your glistening cunt. Azul moans, running the rough pad of his finger right up the slit of your lips. You're already a mess, his slick hand had not been able to satisfy your heat at all, it only created a further yearning deep within that could only be satisfied by his aching cock. Azul settles against the fronts of your thighs, letting the stiff heat of his bulging erection nestle against the dripping lips of your cunt, already poised and eager for insertion. The anticipation causes the two of you to tremble slightly at the intimacy, your lips wet and sticky as they run against the length, his cock drooling freely from the tip and leaking beads of sticky, precum fluid right across your folds. With one more affectionate, sweet peck against the corner of your lip, and another one right upon your forehead, Azul slowly glides inside. A shared cry of euphoria leaves your mouths simultaneously as Azul buries the full length of his throbbing cock into your sopping entrance, thrusting powerfully to hilt balls-deep. The pure, erotic rapture of finally consummating your love floods both of your veins. His dick is filling you in the most indescribable way and stretching your cunt so deliciously that stars appear behind your eyes. A glorious symphony of relief sings in your blood while his hard girth massages your innermost walls as though he were meant for no other—like he was perfectly made to be the puzzle piece filling your immaculate pussy. You both gasp sharply in unison as the sensation sends tremors down his shaft. Every vein, ridge, and inch of his length drags deeply with each thrust as he grinds you thoroughly, bringing your clits into tantric connection and rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves back and forth in perfect time with the rocking motion. Each snap of his hip makes the two of you share a joyful sob as he pleasures you in the most divine manner.
A low and sinful groan passes through your lips as your hands grip him tighter, begging him to increase his momentum and pace. Azul's hands clutch you in a tight embrace, his chest to yours with every inch of his hardness fully embedded into your velvety passage, sending white-hot sparks of pleasure shooting to the deepest recesses of your innermost being, triggering the sudden rush of a climax that is starting to rise to its precipice. Azul groans as your juices run down his balls, pooling around his sack and providing more lubrication for his relentless drive inside of you. You clench and flutter around him, squeezing your inner walls with every desperate urge for friction and movement, drawing Azul's eye right up to yours in a lusty daze. His body is coiling for release, ready to cum, and there's a glitter of utter happiness in his expression. His lips quiver with desire and he smirks as he feels you clamping and spasming around his rock-hard dick, begging him to breed you like the little slut that he secretly knows you are, all while knowing deep down you'd get so unbelievably plump and swollen with his hatchlings, he'd hardly be able to move his tentacles with all the kids crawling over him.
It's more intense, and far more electrifying than the filthy fantasies that had invaded his sleep every lonely evening whenever he gave in to his insufferable yearning for you. He'd envisioned this, over and over—what it would feel like to make you orgasm, just how satisfying it would feel to cum with you at the same time, and how heavenly it would be to stretch your cunt so snugly—and yet, in this moment, it surpasses his imagination exponentially, eliciting a complete flood of sensual pleasure all throughout his senses. Not even his wildest wet dreams had prepared him for the heady intoxication and undeniable high he experiences with you—being passionately and physically intertwined, wrapped around the most sublime euphoria that was possible—a wave so dizzying that there's absolutely no going back to life without the other once your bodies have succumbed and reached that ultimate, highest peak.
When Azul hits the point of no-return, his legs start shaking as though his limbs were going to fall off. His fingers tangle roughly in your hair as he drags your mouth closer to meet his. With each heavy thrust, he swallows every moan that erupts from your throat. His movements become less coherent, rougher, and disjointed as the strength of your cunt's embrace pulses tightly around his shaft and urges him toward the edge. Suddenly, an intense wave of satisfaction takes hold and shoots to the tip of his cock, pulsating violently in need to release its seed. Azul can't help but groan loudly into your ear as he slams his cock into you with ferocious strength, fucking the life and soul right out of your being while a high-pitched scream accompanies the splash and squelching noises of your pussy. Your mouth has gone slack, jaw dropping as you cry out his name and climax with such power that it whips you into a complete frenzy of desperation, sending your vision dancing with lights. You quake and shiver under the force of his fervor and ecstasy, writhing on the mattress and throwing your head backward to soak in your overwhelming, toe-curling rapture. He buries his face into the crook of your neck, pounding you fiercely as you wail and shatter with a rush of emotions so intense, you don't know if you will ever put yourself back together. A strained whine and a few sharp pumps later, a surge of hot, wet euphoric heat shoots from Azul's balls and spurts out in ribbons of his own spent climax as he spends his load of pearly cum directly into your waiting womb, splashing your tight channel with a continuous stream—painting every crevice of your silken, fluttering, vice-like depths a glossy white. Azul is unable to help himself as his hips start grinding into yours with slow rolls, fucking and stuffing every drop of his sticky cream deeply and ensuring it remains securely nestled in your folds. Every remaining bit of sexual tension floods out as though you'd been submerged in the most heavenly waterfall of pleasure imaginable. Azul whines weakly into the pillow and your moans join, eventually dissipating into a heavenly silence as you sink heavily back to reality.
Time slows to an almost stop and your vision gets a bit hazy and bleary as the aphrodisiac magic completely pulses away. You two lay side by side on the soft blankets, still in the bed and soaked with sweat. Neither of you move for quite some time. Just in the wake of your post-orgasm, everything becomes intensely surreal. You try to breathe quietly so Azul doesn't hear and as his head rests on your breasts. He, too, is heaving with difficulty, each inhale is a conscious decision. He clings tightly against you, hands threaded together like a lifeline, afraid to let go. One last sentence leaves his mouth—a whisper that could have easily been missed by anyone except for you. It was a question.
"Are we both in love?" Azul asks with such hesitance, you think maybe you've misheard his inquiry. He is lying right by your side. His face is dangerously close to yours, and the way his stormy, ocean azure eyes reflect every emotion swirling inside allows you to see the years of hurt that's plagued him. He's absolutely enchanted, like you are the perfect dream come true—everything he'd ever imagined in one living, breathing, precious human body—a lover so magnificent he could hardly comprehend. He studies your expression with awe and reverence. A look so intensely raw it burns right through your heart and lights up the space in your soul that you never before realized was reserved just for him. "Because I love you... Truly and deeply. So much that I don't know how it was possible, even," Azul admits freely, without the least hint of apprehension or nervousness. You can feel the intensity and honesty of his words radiate through his trembling fingertips, through the places where his naked skin touched yours—he doesn't try to mask the pure unadulterated warmth and delight that leaks through the shaky but firm expression on his flushed face.
A wide, cheerful and genuine grin breaks out against your features as you nod enthusiastically, and it is almost as though a heavenly, soothing light has poured over his entire world. It feels like a dream, a fairytale that is too good to be true. Yet here you both lie, doused in the magic of the concoction, clinging to each other and to that euphoric elation after giving in to the passions and the chemical bonds. It felt incredible, it felt natural and familiar and right. This wasn't anything artificial, rather the long overdue acknowledgement of feelings that were there all along—a kindling of romance that was never forced, but rather fanned to life after many days spent as Alchemy partners. After seeing each other every day, getting to know each other's quirks, and learning of each other's daily habits, the intimacy had bloomed and nurtured into something tender and real. The closeness the potion provided simply allowed the two of you the confidence needed to step across a boundary and pursue things.
"This won't be something short lived... you understand what I am saying, yes?" His tone has a tinge of fear creeping in and you can't help but stroke the outline of his cheekbones. This feeling will not end with a simple fuck, you knew that deep in the marrow. There will be more of that to come. In fact, the thought of it has your cunt pulsing, your sex aching at the idea. "I simply won't have you anywhere else but with me, and here in my dorm. I just won't be able to be happy otherwise..." Azul's voice quivers as the vulnerable sincerity flows.
"Yes, Azul. Yes, I understand and I feel the exact same," you chuckle and cradle his head. His blue eyes crinkle slightly from the beam across his lips, and Azul can't resist pulling you in for a feverish kiss, groaning from the rush. That familiar, sinfully blissful high is starting to take hold again, the rush of the aphrodisiac stirring something fiery back into a pleasant burn. The chemical’s grip on the two of you continues. After all, nothing will stop the magic from bringing you closer together. He murmurs a seductive promise into the curve of your throat that he won't stop until his load drips and slides right out of your swollen cunt—he's going to breed you the rest of the night and spill as much of himself deep within as he can. He has no doubt you're going to give him a child that will cement this loving bond permanently.
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Listen I don't know HOW this HAPPENED, I DON'T understand how I wrote this much. I am DELIRIOUS and I need to go pick up some pizza for dinner, so I wish I could say more here but I can't right now. I'll update this part when I get back home. I just needed to get this out into the UNIVERSE. THANK YOU ALL!!! HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!! <3333 Erica Malleleothreesome
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tomiyeee · 1 year
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donnie had. SO. much concept art lol. i really enjoyed the whole design process though. his base design is very difficult to work with because of the battleshell, but it gave me a lot of chances to get creative and i'm happy with the results :)
(also as a disclaimer so i don't get asked about this: i don't have motivation to finish raph or the wish art for donnie, so i'm just posting what i've got)
i didn't annotate these as much since there'd be a lot to write, but i'll write out some of my thought processes and go into some detail about his final design below the cut if you're interested! (it's long. i'm talkative 😔)
1st row - first iteration; much more literal 1:1 translation of his design into a fantasy setting. very steampunk-y. ended up completely scrapping it because, simply put, he looked more like an npc than a playable character. obviously, several features did still carry over throughout the design process :3 also wanted to imagine his attack pattern cuz i thought it'd be fun to incorporate his spider arms.
this was actually the first design of any of them i'd come up with! i've definitely learned a lot about genshin's character design style since then and i think it shows 😂
2nd row - playing around with the idea of a floating battleshell (rather than a backpack-like one in the the show & first version), inspired by nahida's cape. also hard light constructs/attachments. was leaning too into the sci-fi and rectangular motifs with the design, but i liked the idea.
3rd/4rth rows - concepts for his final outfit and shell designs (the colored/more-detailed pics are the more finalized ones). took a lot of inspiration from sumeru this time around. it's a lot sharper, shinier, and less rectangular than his og aesthetic, but i think it's more in-line with genshin's design philosophies.
5th row - not entirely sure why i went through all the trouble of making a 3d model for this. i mostly just thought it'd be fun and good for reference. i was right, but i don't know what to do with it now lol. can't be bothered to be a perfectionist about it though, so don't look too closely at it 😭
6th row - incomplete thumbnails of his burst/wish art. not super sold on that "wing" design in particular, but i do like the idea of his shell splitting and deploying hard light weapons/rocket launchers/etc sort of like in canon.
battleshell/misc notes - i'm thinking his battleshell is controlled using the pink sensor on the back of his coat, possibly in combination with his headset. it floats behind him by default and is sturdy enough to protect his back, but he can also freely fly it around like a drone if he wants. the holes on the side are mainly for the spider arms and the banners(?) and handles(?) with the blue/pink gradient are made of hard light and only appear when the shell is in use.
i imagine like in the series, his tech here isn't necessarily very reliant on his vision/powers; much of it he likely made himself long before he received a vision and he just uses his vision to enhance it.
his burst is a barrage of missiles from his shell that lock onto an enemy and deal a large burst of electro damage in an AOE. not sure if i want his skill to be a deployable or some sort of electro-infusion/boost 🤔 maybe something that involves deploying his shell to boost his damage while leaving him vulnerable, like a glass canon? though i'm not sure he'd be that sort of risk-taker... 😅 dunno! his signature weapon would totally be his tech bo though.
that's about all i can think of. thanks for reading!
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777gojosgf · 2 months
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777gojosgf: morally grey!f!reader x satoru gojo
IN WHERE :: no one has an idea who you are but somehow you are always there to help them out with special grade curses.
a/n: something different for once. might start a fanfic on ao3/wattpad and write their entire story?
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THE SOUND OF YOUR HEELS hitting the pavement reverberated throughout the deserted street of shibuya, tokyo. after handling a battle with a special grade curse, the cold weather caused your hair to flap in the wind as you adjusted the mask you were wearing to hide your identity. although some would mistake you for a top jujutsu sorcerer, you saw yourself as merely a sorcerer and had no desire to have anything to do with that organisation.
the reason for that was because, up to the point of her death, your mother—a sorceress who studied at a jujutsu academy—had never been treated fair. when you lost the lady you most looked up to, you were just twelve years old. you therefore had every motive to oppose them and any other organisation that chose to employ young youths as jujutsu sorcerers in order to carry out their nefarious plans.
you despised all of them.
ironically, you shared the same extremely complicated cursed energy from birth, but you didn't realise until you were eighteen years old that your father belonged to a well-known clan whose history dates back centuries. however, because you were born out of marriage and so labelled a "bastard," you were not named as the clan's heir.
little did they know that the reason their reassigned heir was killed was because you had caught him trying to drunkenly assault the female workers in a casino while gambling his fortune away.
even though you were getting invitations to join cults on a daily basis, you were too conscious of your morality to become a curse user. since everyone had heard about you, they all wanted you. though not many could claim to have seen you.
your talent was stealth.
he’d trained you himself, having been placed in an orphanage whose owner had experience with kids just like you. helping you discover your inner strength and the vast power that resides within you. he had never seen power like that before.
well, admittedly the power of the six eyes couldn’t be denied.
“back again?” his voice was heard from behind you and you couldn’t help the smirk that was appearing onto your face.
"just afraid you will miss me." standing towering on the roof, you purred in the same taunting tone he had used although you like to spend your nights overlooking the tokyo skyline from the top of this favourite skyscraper, you weren't the only one who knew about this location.
which made you remember the night you had met him.
now as you were standing up on the skyscrapers railing, your back to the fall that would ultimately claim your life, it was evident enough that he would follow you, and you could feel his presence standing directly in front of you. the combined energy that the two of you held was probably enough to bring down the milky way along with the world.
however he was known.
and you were not.
not even to him.
there was no way he could have recognised you, not even if you had told him your name. in addition to the mask, you were wearing black contacts to cover up the violet tinge that touched your iris and gave away your clan.
the power that you held.
“i have known you a little over four months now. do you still think we are not on first name basis?” he questioned while rising his eyebrow.
“keeping count i see, but guess not. try again in maybe ten years?”
he scoffed and moved closer towards the railing, standing almost next to you now. “you are easy to find, mask girl. would have thought it was harder to find you on a night like this. don’t you think?”
“i’m only found when i want to be found,” you started with your voice as cold as ice.
“so you wanted me to find you?” he asked while pursing his lips in thought.
“we all want so many things, gojo. you shouldn’t dwell too much on the small details.” you answered and realized that this conversation wasn’t going to be as innocent as the ones were before. no, he had come here with a mission.
to figure out who you are.
and the ways to break out of this discourse with the gojo satoru were few. running would not be beneficial since he may intercept you and tackle you in the middle. additionally , there were no other buildings that you could leap over, and even if there were, you couldn't get away from him.
he would still follow you.
so, you decided on the most forward answer.
you leaned backwars and gave him a feverish smile, “nice talk, gojo. but i hope you know i’m not as stupid as you believe me to be.”
and with that, you threw yourself off the building, falling back, giving yourself up to the air and letting it carry you all the way to the pavement. as you peered up into the sky and saw the white-haired man staring down at you as you dropped, a wave of adrenaline shot through your body.
it felt quite liberating.
and you employed your invincibility technique to absorb any contact for the next five seconds without getting hurt till you were roughly thirty meters off the pavement. the drawback is that at that moment, any other curse user might locate you.
but that only excited you.
let them come.
once your feet hit the ground you wondered how long it would take for him to teleport towards you and if he even would bother to do so. maybe he wouldn’t after all.
you soon realised that he wouldn't show up, so you picked up the pace and ran through the late-night streets of tokyo. you’ve never felt more alive. the rush of the free fall was still coursing through your veins, giving you the impression that anything was possible at this point. you were relieved that you didn't have to report to any wackier higher ups or be bound by missions that you didn't care about. and it's obvious they wouldn't about you.
as they hadn’t about your mother.
and the day would still come to that you would make them pay.
all of them would.
however, you were aware that not even satoru gojo, who you discovered shared your distaste for the higher authorities, would permit you to accomplish so without first passing him.
an exciting fight that would be, right?
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a/n: ummmmm you know what’s coming next😁😁
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leresq · 11 months
Fnaf movie notes, spoilers ahead:
First off, fuck Scott Cawthon, let's just say I didn't watch the movie in theaters or on a streaming service.
What I liked:
Matthew Lillard actually looks like William Afton
The "Talking in Your Sleep" cameo was the best one of the movie, next to "I have a theory"
Cory was funny, as expected
I liked how they made the animatronics just kids, they want a friend.
The way the animatronics moved was great, I just wish we could have gotten a foxy running scene.
The cinematography and set design inside the pizzeria was great, and everywhere outside felt very real.
The animatronics were cute when I was supposed to like them and foreboding when I was supposed to be scared of them. I don't know if they physically changed the suits but it works.
Mike's actor was actually pretty good at looking distressed or upset.
I just want to hug the animatronics they are so cute 🥺🥺
The animatronics weren't sadistic, when they killed someone it was because they were trying to get them out or away. Just like if an actual little kid had that power, they wouldn't be cruel or even want to kill anyone, they just don't understand their own power
There actually were five nights!
Springtrap wiping the knife is a reference to Scream, where Matthew Lillard played Ghostface, who is known for wiping their knife after using it.
What I didn't like:
You're telling me they named their main character Mike and they didn't have Afton go "MIKE! MICHAEL!!! MICHAEL DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!!!!! *MICHAEL!*
Vanessa was a nothing burger, even when her motivation was revealed it wasn't that good. I think it would have been better if they set up that she was working with Afton
Golden Freddy was everywhere but they didn't namedrop the kid once, and it was so inconsistent. He's here, he's not here. I'm assuming it's a combination of Cassidy and the Crying Child.
Afton's connection to the story is flimsy. Why was he pretending to be Raglan? I'm assuming it's so he could get night guards to toy with, that's why the animatronics killed the intruders but not Mike.
It's kind of weird thinking about the logic of how Afton killed Mike's brother, and gave his daughter the plane. Just seems a little bit of a stretch.
Even though I hate excessive gore, I thought there wasn't half as much violence as there should have been. I guess the PG-13 rating constricted a lot.
It takes a broom to activate what I'm assuming is a Circus Baby reference springlock, but Afton can jump around in Spring Bonnie.
The only Purple Guy reference we got was a purple tie. They should have made the security vest purple.
How is the cupcake sentient?
How does Afton control the kids?
Who cleaned up the blood of the four intruders? I'm guessing Afton but I wish they'd made it more clear
Why didn't Afton send out the animatronics on the first night? Even if he wanted to kill Mike, he seems like the type to psychologically torture people beforehand.
Why was there an "it's me" note? I get the reference, but why? Is Mike's brother here?
What's the Freddy mask with the saws inside? I know Afton uses it to kill people but why does it exist?
Why does Balloon Boy exist? Do the toy animatronics exist in this universe??
Why doesn't foxy have a tail?????
Favourite character: Foxy
If we get a sequel I hope we only get one or two. I don't want a whole cinematic universe. Finding ways to watch 12 movies 'other ways' will get complicated.
Also when the casting was revealed, I didn't know who Matthew Lillard was and someone told me he played live action Shaggy, so I didn't know he played fuckin STU FROM SCREAM until I watched the movie, so another cameo technically, just only for me
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ask-neloth · 8 months
Greetings, Magister Neloth!
It is no mystery that your stay on the isle of Solstheim, besides the notional study of heartstones, also includes research of the daedric grimoires known as Black Books. While the effects of these dangerous artifacts are relatively well-known, your own relationship with them is not.
Would you care to elaborate on your history with these Black Books and their creator? Did they become a research subject by happenstance or is there a more personal investment involved?
Your question is incredibly forward, but I shall humor it within reason.
Hermaeus Mora is neither considered one of the Good Daedra nor part of the House of Troubles. As an entity, he is neutral in most dealings, with relatively well-defined rules of engagement, motives, and boundaries. It is rare that one strolls into Apocrypha unwittingly. Anyone who considers themself a scholar knows well what to expect and what is expected of them when dealing with Hermaeus Mora. That being said, I was quite young when first introduced to the endless libraries.
Given a mere glimpse into the fathomless depths of Apocrypha, I was left bedridden for weeks as my family’s best healers attempted to repair my fractured mind. I made a full recovery (despite what some might claim), and for a time I devoted myself to regaining entry to Apocrypha while also retaining my sanity. It took much trial and error, combining the schools of Restoration and Mysticism in ways never before attempted. Now mind you, this was in the late second era, when travel between Nirn and the realms of Oblivion was both deeply frowned upon and strangely accessible, if one knew where to look.
After several years of training my mind and strengthening my Will, I was able to locate a functional portal on the Telvanni peninsula. And thus, the infinite knowledge of Apocrypha stretched before me.
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Of course, no mortal enters Mora’s realm without drawing the attention of the Great Eye, and he naturally chose to address me personally after I’d managed to pass as a visitor on multiple occasions. He offered me a contract, which I did not immediately accept, but gave great consideration. A contract with any Daedra is not something to be taken lightly, though in my upbringing it is considered far less taboo than in other parts of Tamriel. With the attainment of great power there must also be an equal sacrifice. In the end, I presented a counter-contract, and we reached an agreement. I was given access to Apocrypha in exchange for my conditional servitude. 
What does ‘servitude’ under Hermaus Mora look like, you might ask? You must fashion yourself to be an eternal Apprentice of arcane study, and he is your ever-watchful Master. There is no knowledge you possess that Mora does not also have access to. In a sense, you are sharing your mind with a God. 
As for the Black Books, my mind is protected from the madness that these artifacts can induce so long as I remain faithful to our agreement. Each Book is an entry point into Apocrypha without having to physically leave Nirn. As to the conditions of my contract, I shall be keeping those to myself. And upon the expiration of my mortal body, I have a promised place in Apocrypha, where I shall continue the Work into eternity and beyond. I can imagine no better fate for myself.
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greenhappyseed · 10 months
MHA 409 Review — The Extra and the Pebble
Ch 409 is a really interesting continuation of the action in 405-406, prior to the AFO backstory in 407-408. These few panels of Yoichi and AFO in the OFA-AFO mind palace (406 on the right; 409 on the left) tell us a LOT about AFO and how he’s been affected by Katsuki.
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I’m not even sure what’s left of AFO. Is he fully baby-fied now? Is he down on the ground like Toya and Himiko? Throughout the chapter, it looked like AFO was gaining a pupil in his right eye, which is the one Katsuki doesn’t have at the moment. Is this just clever art mirroring or hinting at AFO’s next move????
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Unlike 407-408, this chapter focuses on Katsuki. I don’t think it tells us something we didn’t already know — Katsuki was born to a couple with a happy, functional marriage who loved and wanted him. He has a strong and versatile quirk. He’s powerful, smart, and strategic. And yet, at the start of the story all those advantages combined made him more of a brat than a hero. But it’s different now. The final page really shows how Katsuki has connected it all. See how the lines of his explosion frame the rest of the page? How the left line points directly to his dialogue about not being alone? And below Katsuki are all the influences that have supported him — All Might, his parents, and Yoichi/OFA (via Izuku).
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Katsuki is going all out at the end, breaking his right arm (again) but able to pull off one last huge blast due to the brace All Might gave him (like Izuku using Melissa’s gauntlets in Two Heroes). If his gambit of dropping sweat beads in AFO’s mouth didn’t pay off, he would have delivered the blast sooner, but luckily his ploy worked.
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FWIW, Katsuki dropped the beads in AFO’s mouth right when AFO was shouting about Kudou and Katsuki said his name was Kacchan, because Kacchan is a clever kid.
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Katsuki is also acknowledging directly that he could not have soloed AFO. Even though he’s awesome, there’s a limit to what he (or ANY one person, including All Might) could do alone. Seeing as Yoichi’s message to Izuku has always been, “You are not alone,” it further emphasizes how Katsuki has grown to adopt the spirit of OFA. The kid who thought needing help was a sign of weakness, and who thought Izuku holding out a hand was mocking him, now understands the importance of accepting that hand. Standing on the shoulders of giants helps one see further. :)
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Moreover, Katsuki is now motivated by helping Izuku and getting out of Izuku’s way. Izuku isnt the pebble in Katsuki’s path — Katsuki is the one in the way of Izuku. Back when 362 dropped, I wrote about how Katsuki’s death was very Buddhist in that he had to lose all his physical attachments (including his body and quirk) to achieve a spiritual awakening. It seems like that worked, and now Katsuki is genuinely, truly appreciating all the gifts he has, as well as his role as a piece of something bigger. He’s no longer demanding that others get out of his way, but rather thinking about when HE has to move for someone else. The kid who pathologically couldn’t walk behind someone else is now able to get out of his own way AND clear the path for others.
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This fits the pattern we’ve seen numerous times in the final arc with a hero accepting a villain’s taunt in order to defeat them. Of course Katsuki takes a different tactic than, say, Shoto (“A half-baked dummy, that’s me”). Katsuki yells he’s the final boss, he’s not a filler character, etc. But the point is the same. Katsuki is accepting he has one quirk; he’s NOT physically bound to the OFA-AFO quirk; he IS a pebble compared to AFO. His role IS to support Izuku….and it takes absolutely nothing away from him whatsoever. Katsuki has his stupid awesome quirk, his intelligence, his strength, his commitment, and people who care about him. He can play his part to the best of his ability and deliver a big win for the heroes.
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ultrajtb · 3 months
Alright day 2 of this. Gonna be a long one since the 2 characters I’m covering today are probably the most significant in the Steve Saga
Alright so Nightmare Steve in SS Origins
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My issues with his design are pretty simple. His base skin doesn’t match the actual yellow steve design, and his entire body is on the wrong skin layer so he’s fat and bald. Pretty easy things to fix. For fun I also changed how his eyes look so they look more like they’re glowing.
I didn’t really watch a lot of Origins so there’s probably gonna be some stuff missing here, but I’ll try my best with what I remember.
Nightmare started out as a yellow steve but at some point ended up using his power to manipulate energy to absorb steves, starting with a red steve. This gave him his red eyes and his pyrokinesis
In the original series, it was revealed that he did it because Elemental Steve was controlling him. I’ve always felt that that was a bit of a cop out so they could redeem him, so this version will have the old motivation of being sadistic and power hungry with a desire to rule over the species.
So after nightmare absorbs the red steve, he gets a taste for that power and continues, absorbing several more. After a while he manages to track down a blue steve and absorb him, giving him a boost in intelligence and allowing him to mix the powers of pyrokinesis and hydrokinesis into one, allowing him to now create and control lava alongside his fireballs
With this new power he’d name himself king of the remaining steves. Obviously those who were left didn’t like this, dubbing him the nightmare king. They’d attempt to rise up but he was too strong for the base colors. This leads leaders of the 5 colors to come together, sacrificing themselves to create a being who can stand against Nightmare Steve.
They gave up their lives and combined their energy to create Rainbow Steve: The Beacon of Hope
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Okay so what bothered me about Rainbow’s original design was that his highlights weren’t very visible and his colors were kinda muddy. So I gave him some highlights and brightened up his colors.
So lore time. I’ll be honest I remember even less about Rainbow in SSO.
So Rainbow is created with the intention of being someone who can defeat nightmare. Unfortunately, he has no idea how to use his powers. Luckily, there are these artifacts that can help him channel his powers until he can learn to use them properly.
There’s an artifact for each color
Red is a redstone block, blue is a Diamond block, green is an emerald block, yellow is a gold block, and purple is an amethyst block.
Each one can help rainbow channel his abilities to their full potential. Not only would he be able to wield the base powers of all 5 colors, but with enough practice he’d be able to go beyond them.
Red: base power is regular fireballs and fire creation. The beyond power would be larger fireballs and no longer needing to consume a lot to fuel them
Blue: base power is generation and manipulation of water aka hydrokinesis. The beyond power would be cryokinesis, or generation and control over ice
Green: chlorokinesis (plant control) as a base. Geokinesis (rock control) with mastery
Yellow: superspeed and lightning. Beyond would be movement within a fraction of a second and generated lightning not being limited by conductors and resistors
Purple: teleportation. Beyond would allow him to teleport greater distances with others
So once nightmare learns about Rainbow and how he needs the artifacts to match him faster, nightmare sets out to find and destroy them all.
Rainbow manages to get the red, blue, and yellow artifacts while nightmare manages to destroy the green and purple ones
Throughout the journey, nightmare will be making advancements of his own, such as his discovery of shadow stone. With the new substance he carries out a few experiments (which will be expanded on in later posts)
Eventually he decides to infuse himself with the substance, giving us the nightmare we see in SS. I changed the origin of his markings for 2 reasons. First is that him absorbing a crystal just didn’t make sense to me. Second is that when he broke himself down to become a normal yellow steve again in the original, shadow stone was removed from his body.
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My issues with the original are the same as the origins one. The only new change here is I made the eyes pure red to emphasize how much more corrupted nightmare has made himself.
So throughout origins nightmare is basically torturing Rainbow. His goal is to break his spirit and show the remaining steves that there is no hope. He plans to eventually just kill rainbow once he’s made sure to stomp out any hope left.
After nightmare kills Rainbow’s best friend, a blue steve, Rainbow realizes that despite how far he’s come, he’s still no match for nightmare. So he allows himself to go into a hibernation that’ll allow his power to build up over generations, making him strong enough to stand against nightmare. By the time he wakes up, his and nightmare’s origins have been lost in legend
Now there’s a lot more to this stuff, but I wanna put it in other posts with other characters. I feel like I probably forgot about something important but I’m not really sure.
Lmk what you guys think and if you have any ideas of your own that you’d like me to add. Next post comes out tomorrow.
Have a good day/night
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everlastingdreams · 9 months
The Weeping Monk x Reader : Born In The Dawn Chapter 23
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Story Summary: Locked inside a dark room in a dungeon, kept alive only for your power, you believed you’d never see the daylight again. That is until the Weeping Monk finds his way down and steals you from your captors. It is the beginning of a journey that leads you through hardship and newfound hope, but nothing is assured in a world that is changing for the Fey. The magic that runs in your veins is drawing out the worst the world has to offer, does it include the man who pulled you from the dark?
Chapter Title: The Wrath Of The Gods
Notes: /
Warnings: !Grief!. !Violence!. Torture. !Sexual Assault!. !Rape Threat!. Gore. Enemies To Lovers. Pining. Trauma. Flagellation. Manipulation. Strong Language. Blood. Gore?. Misogyny. PTSD. Spicy and smut parts. Slight redemption arc.
Other warnings: Jealousy. Forbidden Love. Romance. Slow-burn…
Word count of this fic: +190K
Chapter:  23/ It’s a secret.
Lancelot fell over on his side. Your body caved in at the sight of it happening, “No! Please, no!!!”
The Hidden’s enraged voices took over all sound.
You fought to get to him before it was too late to save him with your magic, the Brothers used their combined strength to keep you on the floor.
They forced you to watch him suffer, blood streamed out of his chest fast and began to pool under him.
The many times you had screamed out his name were countless, it was like being in a haze.
It took longer for Lancelot to die than the others, and by the time it was over you sat defeated and drained on the cold tile floor. Your vision was blurred completely by the tears.
This was the Reaper’s way of motivating.
Soran was saying something, you heard not a word of what it was.
Your eyes did not move away from the Ash Man, your friend, that had met a cruel end.
Only when the Reaper knelt down in front of you did you hear, “Bring him back.”
You spat in his face in response.
Soran held back his anger and rose to his feet. “Unhand her.”
The Brothers let go off you immediately at his command.
Soran coldly said, “Change his fate. Or will you leave him to rot?”
With the shock going through your body, you did not trust your legs. You crawled to Lancelot, your knees were in the blood when you got to his side. “Lancelot…”
The leaf pattern that had risen to the surface of his neck, no longer looked green, they looked withered like leaves who had abandoned their tree long ago. A sob cruelly forced it’s why out of you at the sight of it, you couldn’t stop them from flowing out of you anymore, the agony had taken hold on your body in the worst way.
Soran had left the knife where it was, a cruel act.
You could not heal a person when a weapon was still in their heart, the Reaper must have known this.
It forced you to remove the knife from Lancelot’s heart, and doing so was the most awful thing.
The knife fell from your hands, you didn’t want to touch it ever again.
“I am so sorry.” You sobbed and touched his cheek.
It was testing the Reaper’s patience it seemed. “Stop wasting time!”
You felt physically ill, it did not stop you from cupping Lancelot’s face and quietly begging the Hidden for help. “Please… hear my plea… give me your strength.” The green glow overtook your eyes, “And I will be your summoner.”
The Hidden’s power surged through your veins at the offer and it felt almost too strong to bear.
This magic felt wrong, like the Old Gods themselves gave it to you with great reluctance.
Still, you selfishly took it from them. If they decide to punish you for it, so be it.
Your head began to hurt, and as the pain increased blood came from your nose.
Your vision blurred until all you saw was green and all you heard were the Hidden.
The Old Gods had accepted you as their summoner and took control, proving how powerful they could be.
The cold that enveloped you in the cell had you jolt back into consciousness.
Inside the cell it was dark and it only added to your disorientation. You tried to get up and your legs gave up immediately.
Gods… you were tired.
It felt like you had been trampled over by a horse. You crawled to the bars and held on to one. What had happened after you had lost control to the Hidden? Had they made you do the impossible? One thing was for certain, it had drained you.
An attempt to call out Lancelot’s name failed miserably, your voice was both too weak and too strained, his name changed into air instead of a word because of it.
Your throat hurt and your trousers were covered in blood. His blood…
They had left a meal for you, the soup was still warm. The grief made it difficult to swallow a sip of soup to fix your sore throat.
You drank some, no longer caring if it contained poison, you needed to catch your strength and the warm soup helped your throat.
When you called out for Lancelot, louder this time, you waited for a reply.
The wait lasted and you had never felt so alone. You put the soup down and knocked it over on purpose.
It was as if your body had shut down, there was no hunger or thirst anymore. There was no point to drinking soup to fix your throat if there was no one there to hear your call, at least no one that you cared about.
The Ash Man’s death was numbing.
The only feeling truly registering was of the cold iron bars against the side of your face.
You had not even heard them enter the dungeon and only noticed them when the group of Brothers stood outside your cell.
“She’s finally awake. Soran will be pleased.” These bastards sounded happy to find you alive. Even though they had left you in a cold dark cell unconscious.
The cell door was opened, and you were still too weak to get up off the floor.
It took two of them to tie your wrists and drag you out of the dungeon whilst the others helped.
They weren’t taking you to the dinning hall, it took too long and the route was different.
They opened the door to a bedchamber, the carpet flooring was softer to sit on when they left you there and locked the door. They didn’t even bother to help you sit on the bed, you sat on the floor, looking at it.
You didn’t know how much time had passed when the Reaper walked into the room, your mind was elsewhere.
He spoke his usual madness. “We control the balance of life and death.”
Your thoughts slowly returned to you, “What?”
Soran kept a small distance. “The Weeping Monk is alive.”
Your eyes snapped to him, it didn’t feel real, was he even telling the truth?
Your question was sharp, “Where is he?”
He was deliberately vague. “We are keeping him somewhere else right now to see how well your magic has worked.”
You tried to get up from the floor and managed to do so by using one of the bed posts as support. “I want to see him!”
Soran had not expected the news to fuel you so. “I was right to believe in the legend of the Dawn Folk.”
You hated that he had been right. “This is wrong!”
He stepped closer, hand close to a knife on his belt, “Did you consider it wrong when you brought the Monk back from the dead? No. You are willing to defy the odds if it serves your purpose, just like I am.”
How dared he compare himself to you?!
You were tired of his blatant attempts to try and get you to join his cause. “I will not damn my people for you! The Hidden gave me the power to save a Fey. They make it no secret that they are the gods of the Fey and not of Manbloods. This sort of magic is against the rules of nature itself!”
Soran knew how weak you were after such use of your powers, he took the opportunity to get physically closer. “ In a few decades, a new Brotherhood will be born of the Dawn Folk. Half-bloods, but your legacy will spread and bring victory to the Church. My warrior blood, mixed with yours.”
It was the final insult to your clan, for them to become what had caused their erasure. He would turn them into murderous monsters, they would be able to heal and bring each other back from the dead, an enemy to be feared. Even one Dawn Folk child would be enough to heal the Brothers for years to come and ensure that the Brotherhood grows in power.
He continued to try and act like this was normal. To try and… charm you? Did he truly think you could ever fall in love with him??
He tried to caress your cheek and you quickly moved away, using the bed as support.
You tried to get that idea of of his head before it lead to trouble. “The Church will never accept Feys as allies!”
Soran was unwavering in his belief. “You saw how Father Carden used his Weeping Monk, his name is feared among the Fey. Not even the Holy Father will disapprove when the Dawn Folk rises to bring us glory. The Brotherhood will be undefeatable, Dawn Folk will heal their brethren.”
The danger he posed to you was evident.
You fed him doubt, “What if I can’t carry children? Have you ever thought of that in your ‘great’ plan?!”
He did not care for the torment it would put you through, his eyes were on the goal. “We will try. Your gods are no strangers to using their powers to assure the Fey are surviving. And I know the secret to children of the Dawn Folk. A full moon.”
It was a long kept secret among your people that all Dawn Folk children were conceived on a night with a full moon, that was the key. If the Reaper knew, it meant one of the Dawn Folk must have told him.
Soran had not a glimmer of real compassion in his eyes. “Think of my offer. You could become the most powerful woman in the lands at my side.”
He was truly delusional.
Finally you got back some strength in your legs and used the bedpost as support to try and take some steps away. “The only thing I would become is a monster!”
You noticed how he kept his hand close to the belt that held the knives across his chest.
He tried to reason, “In time you would be seen as a saint. Your children will save many.”
“Many bastards of your Brotherhood!” You snarled.
There was a change in his eyes.
Your instincts kicked in and with the little strength in your legs, you bolted to the door and actually reached it.
But the Reaper’s reflexes were fast, he pushed it shut before you could open it enough and trapped you between his body and the door.
Panicked, you hit him with your elbow and tried to turn around.
He shoved you with your front against the door, and even now he acted like he wasn’t doing anything wrong. “Shhh… do not fight.”
You wished he wouldn’t feel you tremble, but he was too close not to.
Soran seemingly believed you could be persuaded. “I intend to keep you alive, to offer you an existence outside of locked doors, something the Church will not offer you. All I ask is that you surrender yourself to me.”
It was obvious what he wanted, he had made that very clear these past few days.
And you weren’t willing to have this bastard anywhere near you, let alone carrying his children and letting him have your body to use.
You struggled against his hold. “Go to hell!”
He gave a sneer, “Only the Fey are headed there.”
You gave your own back, “I will do one thing for the Dawn Folk. I will survive you.”
Some of his anger slipped out, he took hold of the back of your head and slammed your temple against the door. Hard.
Right afterwards, while tears began to brim in the corners of your eyes, he acted like it was your fault.
“Stop making me take these measures.” He warned and began to move your vest up.
The panic truly settled in when he touched your lower back and the waistband of your trousers.
No. No. No…
You used the strength of your wrists bound together to try and push back to no avail. “Get off of me!”
He coldly dismissed the protest. “It will not take long, stop struggling.”
It only made you struggle more and than a knife was near your eye.
The bastard threatened, “Remember, I do not need all of you. You do not need your eyes to use your magic or have children.”
Oh, you dearly wished that the knife was in your hands instead, you wouldn’t be threatening…
By trying to hold back tears, you wanted him to know that he wouldn’t break you. Not when his hand groped your chest and not when he tried to take off your trousers.
The fury that flared up inside of you was the thing that kept you from shattering.
He did not care when you began to quietly ask your gods to give you their strength.
Maybe he should have cared.
The voices of the Hidden filled the air and Soran all of a sudden stumbled backwards and away from you.
Their aggressive intervention came with the whisper of your title.
“What are you doing?!” He regained his footing fast but it was clear that he was in pain.
Was that… panic you saw in his eyes?
You had no idea what was happening or what the Hidden had done.
“Brothers!” He called out, the panic audible in his tone.
Two of them entered the room at his call, quite baffled to see their leader half-buckled over in pain.
“Soran-” One tried to speak.
Fury burned in the Reaper. “Take her back to her cell! Now!”
You heard the Reaper curse as they dragged you out of that room again.
The Hidden had kept their promise to you as a summoner. The ancient power of Festa and Moreii was their gift to your acceptance. And what better use for it than making the Reaper regret all he had done to you.
Hours passed in the cell again, and you were yet to see if it was true that Lancelot was alive. Where were they keeping him? Was there another part to the dungeon you had not seen yet? Or was it a lie the Reaper had told to pacify you?
You still felt his hands on your skin, and in the darkness of the cell you could let the tears flow.
Your shocked state, huddled up in the corner, did not alarm the Brothers who passed.
“They say our leader’s steel is damaged.” One whispered.
Steel?… Oh.
“Do you think… she did it?” The other wondered.
They looked in the direction of your cell with great suspicion.
Good. Let them fear.
The bastards were cruel enough to take the torch that provided little light and moved it to a holder on a wall further away.
Their footsteps rescinded and you heard them close the iron door that led to the stairs.
It was both frightening and comforting to be in the darkness alone. At least they left you alone there.
You leaned your head against the wall, hiding far at the end in a corner of the cell.
Another hour passed, then a Brother came over with a stale looking piece of bread.
“Got you something to eat, Fey.” He put it down on the floor, putting his arm between the bars to do so.
When you gave no response and didn’t even look, the Brother whistled.
His pathetic attempt at comforting could not hide the threat under it. “Come now. It will only get worse for you if you behave like this, Soran can do a lot worse than what he wants to do with you. Give him what he wants.”
You didn’t want to waste the little energy left in you on this bastard and continued to ignore his existence.
The Brother sighed. “Can’t say I didn’t warn ya. All you had to do was open your legs.”
It really made it hard to hold your tongue and not call him every horrible name you could think off.
Your eyes never left that strange dirty spot on the wall.
You heard him take a couple of steps away and past the cell, and then a loud thud, it made you jump a little
You looked and saw the Brother face down on the ground.
The steel of a blade had cut across his neck and send the Brother to the floor whilst he bled out rapidly.
The next thing you registered was a sword sinking down into his back and withdrawing from it.
You had not moved a muscle, like your body was frozen in place.
It was strange to know that you knew who stood in the shadows outside your cell just by the way he walked and moved.
The door of your cell was unlocked seconds later. Your mind was slow to process it all and slowly you rose to stand.
Lancelot stood in the doorway, like something had stopped him.
Even in the dark he could see enough of your face to know that you had been crying. Your eyes were haunting.
He spoke your name, gentle and with relief.
You couldn’t believe the miracle that stood before you.
This was the second time the Ash Man had opened the door to freedom for you, this time you were actually glad to see his face.
And only the heavens knew how it gave you a surge of energy strong enough to cross the small distance and breach the line that had once been.
You reached for his aketon and latched yourself onto him, feeling the warmth of his body and considering it a blessing after having it felt cold and lifeless.
Tears ran their path down your cheeks and unto his clothing. There were things you wished to say, but you couldn’t get a word out.
Never before had he felt arms hold him like this, another being willing to blend into him.
After the cold hold of death he had experienced, the warm hold of life was more than welcome.
The Ash Man’s response was delayed by only seconds, then his arms came around and brought you in closer.
No one had ever held you like this before, in an embrace that felt like it could protect you against the ocean’s strongest wave within a storm, with your head cradled in his hand while he vowed that you would have your freedom again.
You weren’t afraid to hold him tight, murmuring into his shoulder. “The Hidden brought you back to us.”
Lancelot couldn’t stop stroking the back of your head with his fingers. “You brought me back.”
It was your voice he remembered pleading for his life.
He explained how he freed himself, “That hairpin was useful indeed.”
With great reluctance you broke away and took the smallest step back, he took the moment to cut the ropes from your wrists.
You noticed the second sword at his side, “Found those?”
He handed it to you. “One for you. I ‘found’ keys as well.”
He found it all on the one that had been guarding the door to the cell they had kept him in. He could only try to pick the lock when the Brother guarding his cell was asleep. The man was snoring like a boar seconds before he died.
Next thing you knew, Lancelot was steering your chin to the side as his eyes focused on your face, “Did he do that?”
He could see the discoloring on your temple.
It took you a second to realize he must be seeing a bruise from when Soran had slammed your head against the door. “He…”
Your throat tightened like a cord had wrapped around it.
He feared the worst, hot white rage boiled in his veins, “What else did he do?”
“Nothing.” You didn’t know why you lied, maybe because it felt humiliating.
By steering your chin again, he made you look at him as he searched your eyes.
It was that that made you try to tell the truth. “He tried to… but the Hidden helped me.”
You didn’t need to say more, he understood what it had meant.
He cupped your neck, the burning fury carried his vow, “I am going to kill him.”
For now, all you wanted was to leave this place behind. “No. We need to get out of here.”
It was like his mind sprung into action seconds before he did. He took hold of your arm. “Stay close to me.”
You let him lead you out of the cell, it was easy to tell that he had some idea as to where he was going. “Where did they-”
He quickly hushed you before it would alert the enemy.
As you followed him, you had to step over the bodies of the Brothers that had crossed his path whilst he had made his way to your cell.
He plucked a torch from the wall and used it to set fire to the wooden pillars you passed.
“What are you doing?!” You whispered.
Lancelot continued to strategically set them alight. “Burning this fort will force them out and offer distraction.”
He steered you along, and away from the fire.
The keys he had taken from one of them were put to use on a door that lead into a narrow pathway, he locked it behind you. He wasn’t guiding you out of the dungeon the way the Brothers had been doing so.
The pathway ended with another door and opened to a dungeon where many rodents had their home.
It looked far worse than the one you had been kept in.
He shared a look, and while passing a cell he pointed to the dead Brother he had left inside of it.
They had kept him there…
You gave a look that told him you understood.
A vague sound came from the direction you had come from, then a loud bang was heard. They were trying to break through the doors that had been locked to keep the flames behind you.
“They know.” Lancelot said and urged you to follow.
He walked faster and led you to a narrow stairwell. You followed him up the steps, sensing he no longer knew where to head now.
He searched through the keys to find the one that would open the gate at the top of the steps and let the two of you out of the dungeon. He was visibly stressed.
You touched his arm, hoping it would calm him somewhat.
Lancelot took a deep breath and focused on the keys, finally finding the right one that unlocked the gate.
It was impossible to ignore how many times he had touched your arm now, as if he constantly feared that you would disappear from his side.
Oh, how things had changed. Once you had hated this, now if felt quite nice.
Past the gate it was a completely different world to be in. The fort was warmer than the dungeon below, but it was also swarming with members of the Brotherhood and you knew that any loud sound could cost you your freedom again or worse.
He wanted to turn to a hallway on the right but you stopped him, that one lead to the large stairs that they had dragged you up to bring you to that bedchamber.
You could see him take a deep breath through his nose.
If he could smell a breeze that would lead him the way to an exit…
Lancelot tilted his head, deciding to take the route ahead instead.
The urge to run out of there was strong, but it would make too much sound. The only thing you could do was walk faster than usual. A door was opened in the distance, Lancelot quickly opened one nearby and upon finding the room empty he moved you with him inside of it.
It was pitch dark inside, the only shimmer of light came from the torchlight passing under the door.
The both of you stood against it and listened.
A group didn’t walk by, they ran by. They must be on their way to the dungeons to find you and help their Brothers.
Lancelot waited a few seconds longer, than opened the door again.
The plan was to continue the path ahead, but there were so many voices coming from there that you pulled him into the direction you had come from.
He took the torches off the wall and set the large curtains in the hallway alight.
You pulled a curtain down and draped it on the floor across the width of the hallway, “Put the torch to it, it will give us time.”
He set fire to the curtain on the floor, and then followed your lead.
You remembered a little from the path to that bedchamber, there had been two other stairwells, one that led up and one that led down.
The size of the stairs took up the width of the entire hallway. Such a big fort must have multiple exists, there had to be.
Once up the higher floor, you hurried to the stairwells that were right next to each other.
You were about to begin descending the ones leading down, when you heard voices coming from below.
Lancelot shared a look with you, you were already rushing over to the curtains and pulling one down while he took a torch again.
You let some of the curtain drape over the first few steps, than he put to torch to it.
The castle was already starting to smell of smoke, the old wooden floor would not survive for long.
Lancelot took you by the hand and pulled you up the stairwell that went a floor higher again. “I can smell the sea.”
That meant you were close to getting out of there…
At the top of the stairwell was a heavy wooden door and you could hear the sea at the other side of it.
None of the keys he had on hand worked and the two of you ended up having to use your swords to get the door to budge, then Lancelot put his shoulder against the door a couple of times and broke it down.
Heavy wind and rain almost pushed the door shut in your face again, luckily the Ash Man anticipated it and kept it open. He let you step outside first and you couldn’t care less that the rain was enough to soak through your clothes in minutes.
The rain mixed with the dried blood on Lancelot’s aketon and cloak. The moonlight was the only thing offering light, the sea around you would have appeared as a black abyss otherwise. You were at the top of the castle’s keep, fear had no place in you anymore when hearing the sound of the sea around you and the wind going through your clothes.
Fire was breaking through the windows in multiple places throughout the castle and it was spreading with aggression. For a moment you wondered if the flames were somehow connected to the one who had created them. If the Hidden made your healing magic stronger, who was to say that they did not make their summoner of the Ash Folk stronger as well?
Lancelot stood not far from you, his eyes fixed on the flames down below.
You faintly heard the Hidden, and deep down you knew that the flames were not just born from fire, but from fury as well.
While you were looking around to reach the alure of the castle walls, the heavy door Lancelot had shut behind him was kicked open.
The Reaper had managed to avoid the flames that had begun to fill the hallway where his bedchamber was located, by fleeing for his life he had chosen the same route you had taken.
The sword was already in Soran’s hand, still he seemed surprised to see you and Lancelot there.
Immediately, Lancelot stepped in front of you.
This bastard would have to crawl over his corpse before he would ever get to lay a hand on you again.
The Reaper watched the flames destroy his Brotherhood, then looked at the one responsible for it. “If Father Carden had seen this, he would have given the order for your execution himself.”
Lancelot fought back the response it caused in him and spoke to you over his shoulder, “Go. I’ll distract him.”
You weren’t going to leave his side again, especially not when he was facing the Reaper in battle. “No.”
There was a sword in your hand, you weren’t running from this.
Soran offered a chance to the Ash Man, “Hand her over and I will see past this.”
Lancelot scoffed, a wry smile formed. “I will not.”
The coldness in the Ash Man’s tone put ice to shame.
Soran took some steps closer. “I only offer, because I know how she will suffer once I kill you. Permanently, this time.”
Even now, he was trying to blackmail others into submission, while his fort was burning to the ground and none of his Brothers were there to aid him. The confidence the Reaper displayed worried you, he showed no fear.
Soran got closer, warning you of what it meant to fight him, “I have trained the strongest of men, the Trinity Guard’s skill is no match for the Brotherhood and neither is yours, Brother.”
“I am not your ‘Brother’!” Lancelot’s tone was sharp.
The Reaper spun the sword in his hand. “You’re right. You betrayed us and now you will suffer the consequences of it.”
Lancelot did not let Soran get closer and faced the inevitable battle head on.
You knew he was doing it to try and keep Soran at a distance from you. The Ash Man was walking to the blade to protect you from the monster that wielded it…
Lancelot was the first to lunge and saw Soran move skillfully to avoid the blade.
The Reaper was not the sort to fight fair, the knives he carried on him weren’t there for decoration, he drew one and tried to cut Lancelot’s arm with it.
It was anticipated by the Ash Man, he had seen him reach for it and punched Soran in the jaw after avoiding the knife.
He had to duck to avoid Soran’s sword cutting off his head, the bastard did manage to land a kick against his stomach that send him stumbling back.
You attacked the Reaper, aiming to disarm him.
Soran blocked your sword with his, but you took him off-guard by striking him across the face with your fist.
He hooked his sword with yours, forcing you closer and then he moved his elbow in a quick motion, it struck your jaw and nose.
Only a few ‘things’ of you were necessary to him, others could be damaged… he had been truthful about that.
That blow to the face landed you on the ground, leaving you disoriented for a moment.
Liquid ran over your lips and you realized blood was running down from your nose.
The fight was still going on and you pushed yourself to your feet, feeling some vertigo hit as you did.
Soran was trying to get Lancelot closer to the edge of the keep, undoubtedly to make him fall. He attacked Lancelot, using the sword as a distraction to aim the knife for the heart of the Ash Man again.
Lancelot was strong enough to grab Soran’s arm to prevent it, but the Reaper took solace with sinking the knife into his shoulder instead.
He gave Soran a push, who left the knife lodged where it was.
You saw Lancelot pull the knife out of his shoulder. The knife was worse enough, but you saw where he was standing.
You ran up to the Reaper, sensing what he was about to do.
That rotten filth had lunged at Lancelot with the sword, Lancelot blocked it with ease, but he could not defend himself against the second kick he got from the Reaper.
He lost his footing and stumbled backwards. As a last effort to save himself from falling down to the rocks below, Lancelot held on to the edge of the keep with his hands.
Dangling from the wall, he had little chance to pull himself up again, Soran was quick to go and step on his hand so it would let go.
You charged at Soran and slammed your body into his side to knock him over, when he hit the ground you reached for Lancelot’s arm to help.
You had only took hold of his arm for a few seconds when you were ripped away from him by the Reaper who pulled you away from the edge.
He clearly didn’t want to risk you falling to your death. “Stay away from the edge, you are still needed.”
You elbowed him in the side and broke free, only to be grabbed by him again.
He held on while you struggled against him. “I will let you watch how the Weeping Monk shatters his skull on the rocks below!”
The Reaper was determined in not letting you escape from his sight and steered you with him to where Lancelot was hanging on for dear life.
And then Soran saw that the Ash Man was no longer hanging on to the edge.
Soran had made the mistake of turning his back on Lancelot, his priority should have been with him, not you.
You knew that there wasn’t enough time for you to pull Lancelot to safety, but what you could do was touch his arm and heal his injuries, making him strong enough again to save himself.
Then all that need to be done was distract the Reaper to buy him time. To move in Soran’s grasp so he would not be facing the edge.
Soran must have thought Lancelot had fallen, because it took him three counts before the truth of the matter set in and he realized he had been tricked.
Lancelot’s sword came down on Soran’s arm, and severed his lower arm from his elbow.
It fell to the ground at your feet and you instantly felt the hold on you disappear.
You broke free and created a distance.
The sight of the severed arm did shake your stomach a bit.
Without a sword, and horribly wounded, Soran was powerless when Lancelot stabbed him through the heart.
Lancelot twisted the blade and then withdrew it.
The blood mixed with the rain and it made for a gruesome sight.
Soran fell down next to his arm, and his dying breaths told you that he was choking on his own blood.
The silence that soon followed felt strange. You never thought you would be looking down at the Reaper’s corpse one day.
Lancelot stopped in front of you and wrapped a hand around your upper arm, then he moved closer, “Are you hurt?”
You could only shake your head, to lost for words by what had transpired.
Something on the ground reflected in the moonlight.
Soran’s ring…
“That ring… if we show it to the Fey…” You offered him the idea.
With the ring, they would be more inclined to believe him when he would tell them he had killed the Reaper.
Lancelot went over to retrieve the ring from the severed arm, while focusing his thoughts on something else and not on the fact that he was stealing from the dead.
He pocketed the ring and came back to you. “We need to go.”
You agreed with him on that and together you made your way over to the alure of the castle walls in search of a safe way down to ground. From the direction you were heading into, shouts were heard. You shared a look with Lancelot, knowing that the way back only led to fire.
He knew what had do be done to survive, “We have to jump.”
It was a long fall down into the sea and you weren’t keen on that plan at all, “Are you bloody mad?!”
Lancelot sheathed his sword, took you by the arm and steered you to the edge of the wall in between the battlements. “We jump or we die.”
Even his own faith in the plan seemed to falter for a blink when looking down at the sea that was only illuminated by the full moon.
The voices sounded closer, this had to be done.
“Dammit…” You cursed and sheathed your sword too. “You first?”
Lancelot managed to grin. “You lead, I follow.”
Oh, so now he had no problem with someone else taking charge.
“You’d better.” You warned and stepped to the edge.
It took a lot of your courage to make the jump into the depths below.
The fall went faster than you had anticipated and you hit the water, you swam to the surface right away.
Just as you reached the surface, the Ash Man hit the water on your right.
It were a couple of worrisome seconds until he came above the water as well.
Together you swam to shore and were grateful that the sea was calm compared to the rain and wind.
You crawled unto the sand, tired from the healing and the swim.
Even Lancelot struggled to get to his feet, when he did he looked back and saw the castle burning like the sun in the night sky.
You looked as well, seeing the flames claim all of the fort without mercy.
A deep sigh of relief left you, and for a moment all you focused on was the water moving around your body whilst laying in the sand.
A castle burning in the midst of night was sure to draw attention.
There was no time to rest. Some of the Brotherhood would escape the flames.
Lancelot held out a hand for you to take. “We have to leave this place. Others will see the flames from afar.”
You sighed and let him help you up, vertigo set in again and you had to lean into his side to keep yourself steady.
He did not complain, your magic had been what saved him, “Can you still walk?”
“Depends on how far we are talking about.” You admitted, “Did they take Goliath when they took you?”
He shook his head. “I send him away before they could try to take him too.”
In other words, you had no horse.
Lancelot didn’t let the newfound hope escape. “There have to be horses nearby. They brought us here on wagons…”
“Use your nose?” You made the suggestion.
He deadpanned. “Hard to smell anything besides the ashes in the air.”
Still, he tried to inhale deep and slow a couple of times.
After coughing the scent of smoke out of his lungs, he said, “I can smell a stable.”
“You can smell the wood and horses?” You frowned while letting him help you walk.
An actual chuckle fell from him, light as air, “I can smell the manure, and now with the rain the scent is strong.”
Gods, and you had even asked him to smell it…
The small laugh escaping you felt wonderful. “Lovely.”
His chuckling increased until he composed himself. He helped you walk over the rocks that had washed ashore over time. All of a sudden he stopped you and turned you to look at him, before you could question it, he made you tilt your head backwards to inspect the damage to your nose.
“I wish I could heal you.” He stated and let go, something akin of remorse was in his eyes.
You wouldn’t hear it, he had done more than enough. “I will live. Don’t you worry about me, Ash Man.”
It was one of the few things he could not do.
The sound of horses neighing reached your ears, they must have noticed the fire too. Lancelot helped you walk towards the sound until the vertigo you felt lessened. The sight of the burning fort against the dark sky and between the rain and wind was imposing.
You found the stables at the beginning of the stone pathway that had led to the fort. A wagon with horse stood outside of it and you left Lancelot’s side to go to the poor animal waiting for it’s rider alone.
Lancelot walked by and went into the stables. “Call out if you see or hear anything.”
You gave a nod, and saw how the horse was clearly glad to see someone.
He had left the door of the stables open, a few horses suddenly darted out and headed for the woods. You looked and saw that there were still other horses inside of the stables and that the Ash Man was cutting their reins loose. He was freeing them. Once he was done, Lancelot came out of the stables and joined you by the wagon.
This wagon equipped with a bonnet would be very useful, especially in this weather.
“We are taking the wagon?” You guessed his plan.
He gave a nod, “I’ll ride.” And steered you to the back of the wagon. “Up you go. Careful.”
You almost envied how energetic he was from the healing he had received from you twice, because you barely managed to get yourself up on the wagon, it took two attempts.
On the second attempt, he offered his shoulder for you to use and supported your elbow with one hand while using his other to make sure you didn’t fall.
And that was where it got him into trouble…
His hand was on your back until you were halfway up the wagon. And his attention had been on getting you safely onto the wagon, not on where his hand landed next.
When you felt it touch your rear, you were on that wagon in a blink.
The last thing he wanted was to make you think it was on purpose, that he would use the situation to…
He quickly began to apologize, “Forgive me, I did not mean to-”
You stopped him. “I know.”
The experience with the Reaper was still fresh on your mind, and you could not hide the look in your eyes from the Ash Man. Your mind had went back to the moment, and it took you a few seconds to feel Lancelot’s eyes on your face.
Not a word was shared when you looked at him, he knew…
With some reluctance, he stepped away from the back of the wagon and headed to the front.
You saw him climb up into the seat and take the reins, “Have you ever rode a wagon before?”
“Do not worry.” He eased your mind while trying to sound confident.
He would do the worrying on his own.
Luckily, some of the wagon’s bonnet covered him from the rain as well.
And by the answer, you knew it would be an interesting ride.
@ourlazydetectivekitten​​ @the-great-adventures-of-me​ @linkpk88​​  @fxrchxldws​​  @elenaoftheturks​​ @slytherlight​​ @beananacake​​    @crystallizedtime​​  @moonlightaura03​​  @angrygardendeer​​  @have-aheart​​   @5am-cigarette​​ @arcanenature​​  @thewinterskywalker​​ @notyourwildestdream​​ @coloursforyourportrait​​ @koressecretidentity​​ @nike90​​ @n1ghtlux​​ @rachlovesactors​​ @luckyzipperscissorsbat​​ @morena-doing-stuff​​  @the-fangirl-diaries​​ @gipsydanger17​​ @heavenly1927​​  @phantasmalbeiing  @labyrinthonmymind  @asarcastic-thiamstan​​  @rainyv-skies @kissingandromeda @stclairesplace @​​katjusja @isla-bell-blog @beebeerockknot
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Since my adhd is acting up again and I can't analyze the remaining characters in much detail, imma throw in every character's mbti & enneagram (+ a little explanation for the stuff I didn't already talk about)
Clover: INFP 1w9 (their idealism and wanting to do what's good (to them) is TOO STRONG; strong enough for the kid to die for this cause; that's why I'm giving them a combination that's got such strong morals)
Dalv: INFJ 5w4 (why 5 instead of 4? Because I feel like he's more focused on understanding & knowledge (about who his "mysterious friend" was), than on individualism. Although, he's shown to want to express himself creativity. That's why I'd give him a 4 wing)
Martlet: ISFP 9w1 (she's all about her own values, just like Clover; that's why the two of them have a final battle in the Vengeance route. I'd call it a "battle of moral values" Is it right to kill more monsters than necessary instead of simply fleeing after Clover killed five? And no, just because she's friendly doesn't make Martlet an extrovert; I think she leads with Fi and not Se, for the reasons I just gave)
The 9w1 is bc she's peaceful and relaxed, but with a strong moral code
Starlo: ESFJ 3w2 (that 3w2 was always clear as day to me: he puts on an image to make himself look/feel cooler, but he also cares about making others happy)
Ceroba: ISFJ (still trying to figure out if she's more of a 4w5 or 1w2. Personally, I'd go with 1w2 because I've read these people focus too much on what's wrong (Kanako falling down, Chujin being dead), they become moody (this is pretty evident whenever she gets annoyed with anyone throughout the game); refuses to be cheered up (subconsciously, imo: no matter what Star tried to do, she was still stubbornly depressed). And at their best, 1w2s apparently become more fun and spontaneous. Now, we don't see this in-game since Ceroba was at her worst, but based on the picture with her and Starlo as teens, she DOES NOT seem withdrawn like a 4w5)
I don't really see Roba as being motivated to be her authentic self, either. She wants to do good (for monsterkind). The other reason I don't think she's 4w5 is because of what I've read about this type's growth: they become more logical and disciplined, gain more motivation to get things done and follow through. I feel like Ceroba already had all this, and had to take the first step into becoming the more fun-loving monster she used to be so long ago.
ISFJ, because dominant Si (too focused on the past), and what she needs to do is realize that there are different ways to go about things, not just one (inferior Ne)
Axis: ISTJ 6w5 (yeah, this guy just wants to do his job, doesn't seem to care about power and prefers to solve things alone, that's why I over E. With the enneagram, at some point I thought he'd be a 1w9, but when I read about 6w5s, I'm now leaning more into that one: reacts, plans & acts when stressed (this is how he is throughout the entire section), emotionally intense (when he's mad it DOES show), wants to please authority figures (Chujin in this case), and values security)
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oldmanenjoyer · 1 year
if you’re still doing requests, can we get one with the reader being protective over peppino? like pizzahead is harassing him, trying to get him to sell the pizzeria, only for reader to come barreling out with rage equal to [or more powerful!] than peppino’s anger. pizzahead’s getting verbally massacred while peppino’s in the background trying not to swoon
Warning: Pizza Violence, Marinara Blood, Tried To Keep It Verbal But Alas
Pizzahead's visits to the pizzeria are thankfully rare, but when they do occur, they're worse than every Noise visit combined. Pizzahead is a being of cartoon logic and unfiltered disdain for Peppino, though he hides it behind a cheery smile and singsong voice.
And you're fucking sick of it.
Pizzahead reaches over the counter towards Peppino, some line about selling the pizzeria and some jab at the debt he has. You cut him off by cutting off his hand.
"Customers are not allowed to reach over the counter at employees." You chirp happily. Pizzahead boggles the stump of his arm dripping marinara onto the counter. "Beat it. Before I beat you, hm?"
Pizzahead’s endless grin wavers, quivering as he clenches the fist lying on the counter. “Now, doll-”
“Now, doll, nothing!” You bark, startling both men with the sudden shift in tone. You’re starting to climb over the counter, knife clenched so tight in your fist it’s trembling, begging for some action. “You come in here and you don’t buy a damn thing and it seems like the reason is you’re so damn poor you can’t even afford to pay attention! So why don’t you take your little happy ass back to that decrepit tower of yours before I knock you down twelve pegs.”
Peppino snaps to his senses when you make another swipe at Pizzahead, who barely dodges. Your tense body relaxes under Peppino’s grip, easing back but your stare as dark and promising as ever.
Luckily, before Pizzahead can even work past his shock to see you, usually so quiet and on the side, threaten him, Pep comes lumbering out of the kitchen, tall and large and threatening too.
“Peppy,” you say, back to being oh so sweet, “take out the trash for me, please?”
Peppino watches as you coo and motivate Pep to not even hesitate snatching Pizzahead up and throwing him out the door. A weird feeling curls in his chest, feeling you huff in satisfaction against him.
He feels. . . protected? In a way?
It’s a new feeling, one he’s very flustered by as he realizes how hot amazing you were, protecting him and his pizzeria.
“Il mio dio,” Peppino sighs, once all is over and you’re back to being sweet and praising Pep for a job well done, “warn me before you-a do that again. Nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“Sorry.” You apologize, grin sheepish but in no way actually apologetic. “Just got tired of him talking shit.”
Peppino just hums, ruffling your hair. “Fine. Do-a Noise next.”
“For sure!!”
It’s decided. Peppino likes this feeling very much.
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sad-chaos-goblin · 1 year
About WHY the Metatron made the job offer
I have been thinking about what the Metatron's motivations could be for promoting Aziraphale. Since I am currently quite convinced by the Lie Theory (here is the meta that converted me) I am certain the true purpose of the "promotion" was to separate Aziraphale and Crowley.
But why?
Many reasons. Here's what I've thought of so far:
- "Makes it look like there's an institutional problem." The Metatron may have actually been quite disinterested in A/C up until the Beelzebub & Gabriel incident. But, now that it's happened once, he can't allow it to happen a second time. (Specially as Beelzebub & Gabriel defect and run off together. Their happy ending is a direct challenge to both the concept of "hereditary enemies" and the unrelenting loyalty Heaven and Hell demand).
- The Metatron canonically knows all about Crowley and the questions that caused his fall. Aziraphale has already shown that he is much more of an independent thinker than the other angels. It's easy to infer that this is partly due to Crowley's influence leading him to question Heaven's actions. Metatron would want to stop this before it gets any further and get him back in line (although I think we all know our angel is well past the point of no-return).
- They are EXTREMELY powerful together. Their "tiniest, most insubstantial, fractional half a miracle" was anything but. Imagine how powerful their combined miracles would be if they performed them without holding back. The Metatron is afraid of this, it is too huge a power to be wielded by two beings that are proving to be very defiant of the status quo. (I realise the huge miracle thing could just have been caused by Gabriel being connected to them when performing it, but I am not convinced by that theory. I strongly believe that them being incredibly powerful together is going to be a Thing in S3).
- Getting Aziraphale to return to Heaven as Supreme Archangel means the Metatron is once again his Superior. It restores his control over the rebellious, demon-fraternising angel. It's a show of Heaven's power and dominance.
- And one more reason: the Metatron is an absolute DICK.
If anyone has any additional input or comments about this theory I'd love to hear it.
Additional thoughts:
Yes, Crowley is a huge influence on Aziraphale but the only reason he can be of such influence is due to the angel's pure innate goodness + his willingness to break the rules when necessary (going as far back as when he gave away his flaming sword). It's a goodness that pushes him to accept Crowley challenging his beliefs, to not follow Heaven's mandates blindly, a goodness more complex and nuanced than the intransigent and unforgiving concept of "goodness" espoused by Heaven. A goodness that understands the importance of shades of grey.
The Metatron may have got Aziraphale to go back to Heaven but he has absolutely not regained "control". He may have the upper hand right now but the angel is not being submissive, he is being strategic. He knows this is the only possible course of action right now in order to eventually have a safe future with Crowley. I'm unsure if he has realised yet that the system needs to be completely brought down, or if he still thinks he can fix it. But he's definitely going to eventually fuck some shit up and it's going to be so satisfying to watch.
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for making a story so well written I feel like I get second-hand depression every time I read the last two chapters. :)
I think I had more of a thing I was trying to do when I thought I should make an ask, so uh... any advice for a very average artist/writer who struggles with finding motivation for writing?
As payment, I offer you this picture of a dog.
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Thanks so much for your kind words! I'm real insecure about my writing and it's clarity, so to hear that it's emotionally powerful means a lot to me, hehe :>
Ooooh man. Do I EVER have advice for artist/writer combo creators who struggle to find motivation for writing. C’mere buddy. Lean in reeeaaal close. Your fellow average artist/writer is gonna tell you a secret. Come on. Even closer. You ready? Okay.
The world has conned you into thinking motivation is necessary to write, or even do anything in general. It's a scam. Motivation is nice, but it's just the icing on the cake. You need a cake in the first place to even enjoy it.
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(If you're interested, I’ve written about making your own motivation in the past. Intrinsically created motivation is a lot healthier of a sort of motivation to seek out than extrinsically located motivation, which is the motivation I’m mostly referring to in this post. I figure I’d link to it in case you’re having trouble getting enough oomph to want to even consider writing in the first place, as the rest of this post assumes you’re fairly comfortable with the writing process, but have trouble getting it done.)
Before I wrote The Present is a Gift, I had never truly finished a writing project— I had co-written the script for a video game that never got made and wrote the first short story in an anthology I started and never concluded. Other than that, I had nothing but a massive field of stories that I'd endlessly flit back and forth between, adding to each project I landed on for a time, but never lingering long enough to actually see anything to completion. I loved all of my projects and wanted to do them justice by finishing them, but I never was able to do anything close to that. There were multiple reasons for my struggle to do substantial work on my projects— but the greatest reason was by far my refusal to use anything but motivation as a reason to work on projects. I’d wait for myself to feel motivated to write anything. And I would only be motivated so frequently.
I attribute my newfound ability to break from my pattern of abandoning and rescuing projects over and over to one thing— I set up a writing routine.
I chose a time that worked best for me every weekday to pour myself a massive mug of my favorite edible battery acid (tropical punch Tampico, for anyone curious) sit down at my computer, put on my headphones, turn on one of those multi-hour-long pomodoro timer youtube videos that have pretty music in the background, and write. This was also in combination with an attempt to win at NaNoWriMo, a writing challenge where you try to write 50k words in November, which gave me a daily word count target to try and reach or exceed. NaNoWriMo’s deadline was also helpful— and so was a promise I made to myself to not work on projects other than TPiaG before it was completed— but the real reason I actually managed to write TPiaG was because every weekday I’d do my writing routine.
I was not motivated whatsoever at the start. I was anxious, intimidated, and very reluctant to write. But I committed to writing TPiaG to completion, no matter how I felt about it, because a lot of people wanted to read the story, and I didn’t want to let them down. Not the healthiest driving thought process, I will readily say, but it got me to sit in my chair at first. As time went on and I shook off the rust and reluctance, I wouldn’t feel as anxious about writing. I didn’t feel intimidated. I would wake up and think to myself “OH BOY, IT’S WRITING TIME!” and leap out of bed to start my routine. Motivation only came after I had already been writing every weekday for about three weeks. And the motivation stayed for as long as I kept up with my writing routine.
Don’t get me wrong— motivation is important. But waiting until you’re motivated to do something is a very unsteady way to go about life, and in my experience when that thought process is applied to writing, it means you’ll never finish anything and never be satisfied with your work. There’s a quote that I love that says “the motivation comes after you show up.” And it’s absolutely true.
Motivation loves momentum. You can set bait for it by writing consistently for a while, whereupon it will make its way into your brain and make itself at home for as long as you keep up the momentum you’ve gotten. If you just wait for motivation to stumble into you, you might get lucky, but only that— lucky. You won’t have gained any skills in cultivating your own motivation, and when that lucky motivation fizzles out, you’ll be left waiting for the possibility of another brief flash of motivation to take its place before you’re ready to write again.
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archivxx · 1 year
Used to have a girl a day. {Doug Remer x Reader}
Genre: smut smut smut.(18+)
Style: Oneshot.
Context: what a fun celebration party for Sir Swish.
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“Fuck Remer.” You whispered out into the room. He had you pinned against the door, peppering kisses along your right shoulder and to your collar bone.
Up your neck and to your ear, stopping to whisper, “tell me how bad you want it.” This phrase elicited a throaty whine from you, which almost, only almost, threw him off. Then picking back up, kissing your cheek and eventually finding his way to your lips. Stealing small pecks from them. Each one had a power behind it that could bruise you. He kept pecking them, until you lost it a little, you couldn’t wait anymore. You cupped his cheek and held his head in place.
Your lips began to dance in perfect unison. He helped you wrap your legs around his waist still pinning you to the door. Once he was sure you were secure on him, he pulled you off the door, holding you up by your ass. His hands, for the most part, cupped your while cheek, the pressure was strong and his hands were warm. It was the perfect combination to get you into the mood, as if you weren’t already.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you continued to kiss. Only breaking briefly to catch air. Tonight, Remer was essentially acting on pure instinct. He had, pretty much, single handedly won tonight’s game, which gave him a rush of serotonin which motivated him to do all he could with you. He plopped you down onto the bed, your hair fanning out under you. He pulled back, as slowly as he could to savour your taste then admired you. He started at your for a couple beats, but not so many it got embarrassing. He then lowered himself back down, kissing your again with the same passion as before. His hands began to trail your body, along your arms and down to your hips then to your thighs, warmth left in his path. Every time Remer touched you it left you feeling tingly and warm, with out fail.
The more his hands trailed your body, his mouth started to follow along too. Instinctively, you lifted your head and allowed him to gain full access to your neck. He started by leaving wet kisses along your jaw. Not sloppy though. Then he moved to your neck, making work of marking it. The small nips and nibbled on your neck were overwhelming. You allowed another whine past your lips, thus indicating to Remer that you were becoming needy and desperate. He could play this two ways, tease you or not. He opted for the latter. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t just as needy for you, as you for him.
His hands slid from your hips to the hem of your pants. He pulled them off, getting them down to the middle of your shin before you kicked them off. Next he made work of your shirt. It was clear to you he was desperate. He craved you. He played with the hem of your shirt for several seconds while he focused on leaving a hickey on your collarbone. He was finally about to take your shirt off you when beat him to it, only with his own shirt. You pulled off his undershirt. His jersey had been discarded a long time ago. You tossed it aside to admire him. Right in front of you stood the ever so dorky Doug Remer showing off his not so prominent, but just there, six pack and you needed nothing more than him. You grabbed his cheeks to catch his attention.
“I need you Doug.” He stared at you for a moment, seemingly processing the word. Then another moment passed and before you could even process it, he had his pants off and your shirt off, now both discarded on the floor. He hovered over your bra for a moment before looking at you for confirmation, you simply smile. Even after all the times you and Doug had had sex, he still felt as though he needed your confirmation to do things. He quickly took your bra off and hesitated for just a moment before pulling your wet panties. He stood up, looming over you for a moment, taking in your disheveled states then walked over to his drawer.
“God, Y/N you have a way with me.” He chuckled as he opened the drawer. He paused for a moment to calm himself a little then grabbed a condom out and closed the drawer. He walked back over to you and pulled his underwear off. His hard sprung free, and god was he hard. He quickly tore the condom open and rolled it on. You watched him, you couldn’t help but pick up on the way his arms flexed and the way the veins in his arms became a little more prominent then relaxed. Such a small action but it had a massive impact on you. You almost swooned.
Still fixated in the thought of his arms you hadn’t heard him tell you to spread your legs, and since you hand heard him, he decided he’d make you hear him. He grabbed your knees and pushed them apart, snapping you out of your thoughts. You stared at him for a moment. Flushing, what you can assume with the was a dark red from the mere heat you could feel in your cheek. He smiled down at you, but it wasn’t a sweet smile, it was mocking. The only added to your flushed state.
He placed his head against your slit, lapping the juices and spreading it along his cock. Each small rub on your slit elicited a small whine from you. Each whine went straight to his cock. He sighed and lined himself up, pushing just the head in. A small moan fell past your lips. Then he snapped his hips forward, pushing his length completely inside you, a long, high pitched whimper leaving his lips when he was completely inside. His abs flexing as he did. He hunched over you, his hands falling at either side of you head. He was staring at you, admiring you. You were staring at him, admiring him.
Once he was sure you were fully adjusted to him he started to snap his hips. Pushing in and out, starting off fairly slowly. Each thrust dragged a whimper out of him. Gradually he began to pick up speed, his arms collapsing under him and his head resting on your shoulder. Your arms snaked up from gripping the bed sheets to his back, grabbing onto it in, what was to him, the most sexy way possible. He sighed, snapping his hips at a fairly quick rhythm. He was really giving you his best today, trying his best to hit that sweet spot. He was doing a good job at it too.
You were finding it hard to keep up, your orgasm creeping up in your far faster than you had intended. Moans and pleas left your lips as he continued to hammer into you. God he was good. Small groans and whimpering falling against your skin with every snap of his hips. Leaving sloppy kisses on your neck. He was evidently losing control as well. Praises fell past his lips as he ran his hands along your hips, occasionally stopping to grip at them.
The both of you were so close, a lot closer than either of you were prepared for.
Your orgasm came, hitting you like a truck. You hadn’t anticipated it, it was all sudden. Your hips snapped a few times in a poor attempt at riding it out, Doug didn’t stop though. He continued to pound into your contracting pussy. The squeezing was ultimately what caused him to lose control. His orgasm hitting him just as dramatically as yours had. He let out a long groan as he came into the condom. Panting against your nape.
“Shit Remer…” You huffed. you were just as out of breath as him, sweat beading along your hairline. You were completely fucked out. He’d really given his best this time.
Guess that’s what happens when he plays really well.
After a few minutes of catching his breath and basking in the post-orgasm adrenaline, he finally stood up, pulling out of you. He admired his work as his took the condom off and tied it off. Disposing of it. He walked back over to you to admire your state again.
You were sure in a state. Completely destroyed and there was only one culprit, him. And he didn’t feel and ounce of shame. Why should he? He made you feel utterly amazing.
He walked over to you and picked you up, taking you to a bathroom.
How he fucking loved you.
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cairavende · 11 months
Worm Arc 12 thoughts:
Brian needs to watch the Barbie movie holy shit! (I understand the story takes place in 2011 and the movie doesn't exist there)
Just like, fuck get off Taylor's back. She is playing it too safe but also being too aggressive. Moving too fast but also not being aggressive enough! AHHHHHHHH!
Seriously, nearly every time Brian showed up in this arc I was yelling at him. Dude. Just back off.
Skitter fucking just, killing thousands of rats in a few minutes is absolutely terrifying. God I love her.
Hookwolf is a dick. I can't believe everyone else went along with him and gave the Travelers and the Undersiders shitty choices like that. I mean that's not true, I can believe it I'm just mad.
I legit forgot Imp existed until Tattletale mentioned leaving her at the meeting as a spy. I love how the way her power works combined with the writing style means she just disappears for the readers as well.
Loved seeing more of the Travelers and more Noelle. Excited to learn more about her (I don't have great feelings about her long term situation though).
Jack is such a fucking POSER oh my god!
He just. He thinks he's so cool. But he's not. Fucking "this is not an exit" reference and shit.
He is Tobey Maguire Spider-Man from Spider-Man 3. Just thinks he is the coolest shit. Everyone just has to accept it cause he got fancy knife powers.
Tattletale just fucking full confidence fucking with the Nine while standing right in front of them. She clearly knew it was high risk but she took it and she got results, spoiling Jacks plan with Cheri and shit.
That said, AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! MY BABY SOMEBODY HELP MY BABY! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (Ok she's not like, my baby, that's Taylor. But she's still my baby.)
She fucking needs therapy though. Saves more people than anyone else could have and is mad because she didn't do enough. God damn Taylor love yourself!
Danny is fine. Besides, he had warning so any injures are basically his fault. Git gud Danny. (Ok look that's a little unfair, but he messed up pretty bad with raising my daughter so I'm allowed to be a little unfair to him I think.)
And look at my daughter again! She goes and organizes people to help the wounded. Takes charge. Gets a cool butch lady that might never show up again to help. I hope she does show up again though.
After he showed up I said "I don't know how the fuck she's gonna do it, but my daughter is gonna kick your ass". And then like a few paragraphs later I read "I have no idea how the fuck I’m going to do it but I’m going to make you regret that." This made me both happy - fun to say something and have Taylor say almost the same thing - and worried - cause when I said I didn't know how she was going to do it I kinda hoped she had a plan.
But then she fucking does it! She kicks his ass. She steals his arm. SHE RIPS HIS HEAD OFF! GOD DAMN! THAT'S MY FUCKING KID!
I do think she should hire the buff burly guy who helped her rip Mannequin's head off. He clearly has motivation and would be loyal. And maybe I want to see him more. For reasons.
But anyway she fucking wrecks Mannequin, makes him look like he lost a fight with a paint store. Just fucking clowned on him. She is so good.
Then the next day Brian comes in and fully focuses on how stupid it was to fight Mannequin, not really praising that she won or asking if she needs medical help. God damn bud!
But I loved how a fuck ton of people were like "Oh shit she beat Mannequin! I want to work for her." She's going to be so fucking famous soon.
Interlude 1 - Jack is a poser again. Sucks to be the Merchants, can't say I'll miss them. Jack trying to sound all clever with his carrot and sticks thing, but most of what he lists for the other Nine is really obvious. And he misses some stuff as well. Poser. I could lead the Nine better than him (not that I would lead the Nine, just that if I did I would be better than Jack).
Interlude 2 - God damn this is a doozy. Shit ton of Cauldron lore. Battery backstory. Assault backstory. I made a "now kith" joke when they fought for the very first time cause I didn't realize who they were yet. It was supposed to be a joke. I did not want them to end up together. They should not be together. Legend should not have allowed Assault to be on Battery's team. He was a bit of a dick for that. So much Cauldron lore though. I can't put it all here.
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