#then I couldn’t breathe
daeyumi · 10 months
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Through the fog ⛅️☁️
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demiboydemon · 12 days
King Rhoam every time he and Zelda talk
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kitamars · 8 months
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high school joui 4 shenanigans
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ropes3amthoughts · 2 months
Honestly, when anime onlys say they don’t like or even hate Kabru I sort of understand it. The anime doesn’t have his full story yet and it doesn’t really do him justice. Before I read the manga I actually didn’t like him either. I went through like 5 stages to get to being a Kabru lover lmao it was like a whole process like this:
Stage 1: Who is that?
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Stage 2: I don’t like him.
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Stage 3: Actually, this guy is chill.
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Stage 4: I like him, but I don’t like him that much. I only have normal feelings about him. (Denial)
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Stage 5: I love him in every way possible. He means so much to me. I dream of cupping his face in my hands, pressing our noses together, looking into his eyes, and kissing him while I run my hands through his hair. I want to trace shapes on his skin. I want to cook him meals. I want to write poems about him. I want to see him flourish. I want to make gorgeous paintings of him on my walls. He makes my heart race. I have over a thousand photos of him saved to my phone. He is all I can think about. I would do his dishes for him. I’d even wash his spoons and his weirdly shaped cups that are difficult to get the wash cloth in and the gross dishes with some food still on them. I love him dearly. I have never felt this way about a man before. He’s such an interesting character and he’s so charming. I’m in love with him.
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oldbutchdaniel · 9 months
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So I was a TA for a figure drawing class and this last semester for little baby freshman. Overall my section students were really sweet and responsive to feedback. But my professor told me something about another section on the last day that had me about to pass out from laughing.
See, this is the first time some of these folks have seen a nude model. Even for me, having seen naked people previously, I still had an, “oh! That’s a penis!” moment during my first session in person. (For covid reasons my first semester was models in swimwear over Teams). It’s just one of those things you get over though. Since you need to draw it genitalia just becomes skin, it’s not any different to render than a shoulder or a calf.
But apparently.
There’s a crop of new students that are so shy of the genitalia that they’re submitting full body figure drawings with a blank triangle where the junk should be.
I asked, “is it X male model? Cause he wears a Speedo sometimes to pose…”
But she said no. She said there’s one student who is SO shy she refuses to draw buttcracks. The professor was flummoxed. She’d write on homework “needs gluteal fold for clarity” but this student is just adamant.
The professor went on to say, “They should at least be making them like a Ken doll! Even Ken has a bulge, these students aren’t even capturing the form of a bulge!”
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I think we Khan do it if we try (dp x dc)
Danny’s well-deserved Sunday of rest was interrupted by the sound of their doorbell ringing throughout the house. With barely a mumble, Danny cracked an eye open, observed it was much too early to be awake, and burrowed back in the covers.
He was brutally ripped away from sleep once again when the stupid doorbell rang again. With a groan, Danny rolled to the side as his brain slowly started to churn again. And with it, he slowly remembered that both Jazz and their parents had said they’d be out for the morning, which meant he was the only one home.
The doorbell rang for the third time, and Danny gave up the idea of out-stubborning whoever was at the front door. Through much effort, he managed to drag himself to the front door, and slam the door open on two older teenager/young adults, with one of them his hand raised and poised to ring a fourth time, and the other holding onto the guy’s wrist. Both of them, their eyes wide in surprise.
“Who’s it?” Danny yawned out as he leaned against the doorframe.
“Is this the residence of Madeleine Walker?” One of the guys asked, while looking suspiciously around as if he wasn’t expecting a positive answer.
“Yeah. Who’re you,” Danny mumbled, as he fought to keep his eyes open. 
“I’m Bruce and I want to learn all that I can from Master Walker,” The other guy, with the darker hair said. 
“Doctor,” Danny corrected as he rubbed at his eyes, his brain feeling like it was working through molasses. “And it’s Fenton.”
The lighter haired guy took over smoothly with a smirk towards the other guy, who’s jaw tightened in a way that couldn’t have been comfortable. “Anton,” he introduced himself, “I’ve come to seek Dr. Fenton’s guidance as I have done with masters of the craft from all over the world.”
Danny squinted as he struggled to make sense of the string of words coming out of the guy’s mouth. “What, so you guys are, like, exchange students?”
The lighter-haired guy opened his mouth, only to be elbowed in the gut by the darker-haired dude, but Danny was too busy trying to remember if there had been any talk of an exchange student recently. He knew his parents had considered it and even applied, but the house hadn’t passed muster for the committee’s criteria, which fair enough. Maybe they’d reconsidered? Danny sighed. Whatever, it was too early for this.
“Alright,” the halfa said. The room his parents had set up was still ready and they had applied. It wouldn’t be too surprising if his parents had forgotten to inform Jazz and him of the newcomers, or just forgotten about them altogether. “Alright come in.”
“And don’t forget to take off your shoes,” Danny added as he led them into the house, “mom hates when we walk on the carpets with them on.”
With his back to the two man, Danny missed the alarmed look they gave each other. “Mom?” He could hear one of them whisper to themself.
Weeks later, Danny would come to regret that decision with every fiber of his being.
“Mo-om, the exchange students are fighting again!”
“Leave them be, Jazz,”
“But mom, they’re blocking the way to the bathroom!”
Danny clenched his eyes shut as he tried to stuff his ears harder. 
Still better than the time he’d caught them both half-naked and wrestling on their front lawn like a couple of insane people.
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passions-and-pupils · 8 months
Attention Western LMK fans: This is a public service announcement
when someone says “immortal” in the context of Chinese mythology they do NOT mean “can’t die”. They mean “can live forever”
Think of a mortals lifespan as a candle and an immortals lifespan as an infinitely long candle. The immortal candle can burn forever but it someone blows it out it still goes out. Now some immortal candles are inside a building so they don’t get hit by wind or rain and others are on a patio protected only from rain. It’s different depending on how powerful they are and how many immortalities are stacked
Sun Wukong is an infinitely long trick birthday candle that can blow out in theory but no one’s been strong enough to test that theory
hope this helps clear things up
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shepscapades · 6 months
don't mind me just thinking about the intimacy of someone repairing/inspecting someone else's android parts and mechanisms,,,
How did you read the post-destruction fic I’ve been working on before I even put the words from my brain on the page
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prideprejudce · 1 year
the more i think about Oppenheimer the more disappointed i get because at its core it’s such an interesting story to tell. like the whole manhattan project catapulted the entire world into a new atomic era that we could never go back from whether we were ready for it or not. and the fallout from the project not only changed and devastated the lives of hundreds of thousands of people (including of course the victims in hiroshima and nagasaki + the people living in new mexico where they tested the bomb) and the continued generational trauma of the bombs. also just the general mass panic and fear that the Cold War instilled into every citizen in the states who were literally waiting to one day be just annihilated by a nuclear attack. the whole creation of the atomic bomb had so much impact on the world. so doing a deep character study of both oppenheimer and his colleagues on the moral ambiguity of their work in the project and the outcome of it is such a great movie concept. but the film didn’t feel like that at all. instead Nolan gave us the watered down story that he’s best at and spent almost three hours forcing us to watch whether oppenheimer had to lose his disneyland government fast-pass due to his communist ties or not (spoiler: he does) and how strauss doesn’t like him because he got his feewlings hurt once. all the other scientists and physicists were given one or two minutes of screen time and were really just names to a face. the actual bombs creation was given a sidelong glance and trivial explanation at best. and of course to tie it all off the main female side characters were either naked/having sex for 80% of their screen time or was given the character depth of a piece of tissue paper
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badasscoffeemug · 26 days
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my general policy is to Not screenshot others’ posts just to talk about them because all it does is create unnecessary drama. that being said. i’m so sorry but this showed up on my for you and it’s just so funny to me. what do you mean “queer coding in tommys character that doesn’t exist”. he gets called gay in his very first episode.
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harris-only · 9 months
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I had such a hard time watching this scene
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demiboydemon · 1 month
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Go on! Taste it!
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slothxio · 3 months
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somnas-writes · 2 months
Never Stop Blowing Up is my favorite d20 series ever, nothing could ever top the pure delirium I felt watching Episode Four
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majablanque · 2 years
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JIMIN: poetry in motion
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