#then Peter and Tony could decide (with May's reassurance) that Tony can take Peter out to a bar using the $10 from Ben
moritashie · 1 year
• All Tony wanted to do with Peter for his 21st birthday was to take him out and buy him his very first beer. However, he was met with an unimaginable amount of excuses, ranging from 'wanting to go out for dinner with May on that day' to 'Peter isn't planning on drinking. Ever.' and 'he doesn't want to be an inconvenience to Tony.'
• Little did he know that in Peter's uncle Ben's testament, Ben had left Peter $10 with a message. This way, in case his will would be used, he could still be the one to buy his kid his first drink.
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sitp-recs · 9 months
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Teddy Lupin Appreciation Reclist
I hope everyone’s already read my gorgeous gift Wield Me by @tackytigerfic because that fic finally inspired me to finish and post this rec list! I’ve been a big Teddy fan since his name came up in the books; thanks to @lqtraintracks I was lucky to get introduced to and fall in love with Harry/Teddy many years ago. Sometimes it’s hard to read them together with other ships because just like Peter Parker, Teddy holds a very special place in my heart and I just want him to be happy and loved 🥹 so to celebrate my long-standing love for this character - which was boosted a hundred times by Tacky’s gift, I thought I’d share my favorite Teddys - both in romantic and platonic relationships - in fic. btw if anyone wants to start a Teddy centric fest let me know!
🏍️ Coming Up for Air by @lqtraintracks (Hardy, M, 2k)
I could have died of it, your tenderness toward me. Instead I decided to live.
🍑 Five Years Since Bimbleswats by tryslora (Tedrarry, E, 4k)
It’s been five years since Bimbleswats, and Draco thinks that is definitely something worth celebrating.
💦 Waiting Under Vain by supergrover24 (Hardy, E, 5k)
Teddy wants to know how sex really should be. Harry can't resist, no matter how much he tries.
🥩 The Lies We Live With by @bixgirl1 (Jeddy, E, 5k)
It doesn’t really count… is almost always followed by a lie, James learns, growing up.
🎨 Surface Texture by @the-starryknight (Hardy, E, 5k)
I've drawn a hundred portraits, but none quite like Harry's. In the early hours of the morning, I lay him bare in charcoal and paper.
👠 When It Alteration Finds by @lqtraintracks (Hardy, E, 7k)
Teddy thinks this is the way to finally get what he wants. But there is more than one way to Harry's heart.
🧁 Holding Out for A Hero by @writcraft (Hardy, E, 7k)
Even as he says no, Harry’s hands push into Teddy’s hair. Even as he protests, his lips connect with Teddy’s. Before Teddy can offer any reassurance his heart’s thumping wildly in his chest and Harry Potter’s kissing him as if there’s no tomorrow.
🐉 On the Same Side by rillalicious (Teddy/Charlie, M, 7.5k)
Teddy is heading to Romania to protest a proposed anti-dragon law. He finds an interesting ally there.
🧅 Shut Up and Kiss Me by @unmistakablyoatmeal (Hardy, E, 8k)
There's a reason Harry walks an extra ten blocks to go to the shops and it has nothing to do with onions. AU.
🪞 Portrait of a Young Girl by @thusspoketrish (Drarry, M, 8.6k)
Recently married, Harry and Draco are tasked with raising a four-year old Teddy, whose emerging gender identity brings up an array of questions, fears, and revelations for them when they realise that Teddy might be transgender.
⚔️ Wield Me by @tackytigerfic (Drarry + hints at Tedrarry, E, 10k)
Draco Malfoy, blacksmith, is renowned through the magical world for his skill and exquisite creations. He could quite easily spend the rest of his days making pretty trinkets for the fae court, and being handsomely rewarded for the privilege. But why take the easy route when instead he could get involved in a dangerous mission with Unspeakable Harry Potter (who also happens to be Draco's... well, he's something, isn't he?). A little story about learning to strike while the iron is hot.
🦆 Hallo Spaceboy by @shiftylinguini (Jeddy, T, 10k)
Or: James kissed Teddy last night. This may or may not be the end of the world.
🧹 Overexposed by @nv-md (Tedrarry, E, 10k)
Teddy never expected to become a model for Nimbus, and he definitely didn't expect any of the adverts to catch Harry and Draco's attention. But now that it's happened, Teddy can't deny he gets a thrill every time he catches Harry and Draco staring, and he's going to do everything he can to keep their eyes on him.
🎸 like the lost lyrics of a song suddenly remembered by @lqtraintracks (Teddy/Bill + Jeddy, E, 11k)
Teddy Lupin, aging rockstar, is making a comeback after his life and career were nearly ruined by an illegal potions habit. Everyone's out to support him tonight. Including the man he's always tried so hard not to love -- as well as the man he's always turned to instead.
⛺️ Good Intent by @maesterchill (Jeddy + past Hardy, E, 12k)
It all starts on the camping trip when James gets his dick out in the tent.
🎾 Game, Set, Match by @writcraft (Hardy, E, 13k)
Teddy is smitten, Harry is lonely and tennis seems like a great way to avoid dealing with this thing between them.
🤝 Team Players by @shiftylinguini (Jeddy + James/Oliver, E, 15k)
Everyone has that one celebrity they’d move heaven and earth to get between their legs, and James Potter is no exception. He just never anticipated that number one on his Freebie List would end up in the same room as him, let alone would make the first move. But lucky for James, Teddy is a team player―well, he probably is, especially with what James is suggesting.
🍨 The Strongest Affinity by eidheann (Drarry, T, 17k)
Trouble finding a wand for Scorpius leads Harry and Draco to something they never imagined.
🦋 Meet Me at Midnight by @the-starryknight (Drarry, T, 57k)
Harry was beginning to wonder if he’d ever make anything again when Malfoy stormed through the door of Harry’s furniture shop. Now Harry’s got an impossible Ministry commission to finish, and even less energy than ever to deal with his elusive muse. That is, until he stumbles upon the surreal and beautiful world of a mysterious fae creature…
🌳 By the Grace by lettered (Drarry, T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
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irondad-defensesquad · 4 months
Cake Boss
Also on AO3! A little something I wrote for Tony's birthday! Only this is more focused on Happy and Peter, lmao. DO NOT SHIP PETER AND TONY OR PETER AND HAPPY. P/ROSHIP DNI.
“What is going on here?!”
Peter yelps, dropping the burning cake pan, obviously just worsening everything.
“I leave you alone for thirty minutes and you”– Happy groans –“what did you do this time?”
“I-I’m sorry! I just… I was trying to bake a cake thanks to this Youtube video but I think I messed up the ingredients and I didn’t realize it was burning until–”
“A cake? What for?”
“For Mr. Stark’s birthday!”
Happy’s glare softens a little.
“I just wanted to do this one thing for him, after… after everything he did for me. But I screwed up. I just know how to screw up, huh?” Peter sniffs, but he doesn’t want to cry in front of Happy. “I’m really sorry. I’ll- I’ll clean this up. Just promise me you won’t tell him? I don’t want him to know.” I don’t want him to get mad at me for messing up his things again.
Peter decides to grab the broom which is somewhere in the kitchen, but Happy stops him.
“Kid,” he sighs. “I’m sorry I yelled.”
“I-It’s okay. I guess I’m just not good at baking.”
Happy looks around the kitchen, the ingredients still on the counter, the dirty dishes flooding the sink, the smell of burnt chocolate…
“... We’ll fix this,” he reassures.
“I’ll help you clean this. And… we can try again.”
“Try what again?”
Happy rolls his eyes. “The cake.”
“Wait… you’re gonna help me?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Because you have a big heart, kid. You want to do this for Tony, and I appreciate it. So, I want to help you.”
Peter blushes, still not used to Happy complimenting him.
“Um… o-okay.”
“Just follow my lead. You’ll do fine.”
Happy grabs an apron. Funnily enough, it’s written “Cake Boss” in it. Peter has never seen anyone wearing that before.
Peter just wanted to bake a chocolate cake. Tony seems like the person who enjoys it, and Happy confirms it. Thankfully, there are still enough ingredients, so they won’t have to buy more. Happy mostly tells Peter to hand the ingredients, such as flour, sugar, eggs and butter. The man manually mixes them with an eggbeater. He does it with so much ease, without letting anything slip out of the bowl. Meanwhile, Peter preheats the oven the way Happy told him.
When he’s done, he watches Happy.
“Since when do you bake?” Peter wonders.
Happy just shrugs.
“Have you ever baked Mr. Stark anything?”
“Yeah. It’s been a while, though. His birthday cakes are always ordered. But I’m sure he’s going to love this more than any other fancy cake he’s had.”
Peter hums, a bit uncertain.
“Sometimes I feel like… nothing I do will be enough to thank him.”
Happy stops stirring.
“Peter, you don’t have to owe him that. Just you being here already makes him so happy.”
“I just wish I could at least bake.”
“You’re learning. And even if it’s not for you, I’m sure you’re good at other things.”
“You like building things, right?”
“I guess.”
“Maybe you could build Tony something.”
“... I actually did that as another gift.”
“Not telling you what it is.”
Happy smirks. “Sure. Again, Tony is going to love everything you give him.”
Peter might feel some more confidence.
They actually divide the cake into two. It’ll take about 20 minutes for them to be ready. Peter washes the dishes while Happy dries them. They have plenty of time left. It’s not yet night and Tony might return at 8 PM.
The smell of chocolate is nice. It might remind Peter of his childhood. Uncle Ben knew how to bake. It was fun when he, Peter and Aunt May baked together and played around with the baking mix.
Then, Happy takes off the cakes and leaves them to cool. After that, he tells Peter it’s time for the buttercream. Peter offers himself to chop the chocolate, but Happy does that instead. After heating it in the microwave, Happy now instructs Peter to handle the buttercream, by gradually adding the other ingredients. Peter mixes it repeatedly. He doesn’t feel tired doing it but he might be doing it too fast since Happy tells him to slow down a bit.
After that, Peter does everything well. Even if it’s just the buttercream, Happy praises him.
“Yeah, you’re getting it,” he says.
Peter blushes, smiling shyly.
With it ready, they kind of sandwich the two cakes together. Part of the buttercream fills the middle, while the other is on top. Happy even drizzles it with some chocolate shards.
It looks amazing.
“Wow, Happy… you saved the day,” Peter tells him.
Happy pats Peter’s back. “We did it together.”
It’s quite rare seeing the man living up to his name at all.
Peter takes a quick photo before Happy puts the cake in the fridge.
Indeed, like Happy said, several gifts and a big birthday cake were previously provided.
Only this time, there aren’t a lot of people. Other than Tony, Peter, and Happy, Pepper, Rhodey, and even Vision are present.
Tony looks happier than ever before.
And his eyes sparkle when Peter and Happy grab their smaller cake, singing the birthday song.
Tony makes his wish, blowing out the candles.
He looks like he’s going to cry.
“You really baked this for me?” Tony asks.
“Ah, you know, Happy is the cake boss.”
“It was Peter’s idea,” Happy ruffles Peter’s hair.
Tony cuts the first piece…
And he hands it to Peter of all people.
“What? Me?”
“Yes, you!”
Everyone cheers. Peter is red like a tomato.
He tries the cake… and unsurprisingly, it’s delicious.
They give Tony all the gifts they personally chose. Some are big, others are medium-sized…
Peter’s is inside this little box.
He already feels lesser than everyone.
That is, when Happy gazes at him and winks, encouraging him to give his gift to Tony.
Peter is the last one to approach his mentor, trembling a little.
Tony doesn’t even care about the size, he’s so excited.
He carefully unboxes it…
Everyone is taken aback by the heart-shaped, glowing blue light.
“W-Well, uh, it’s not as good as yours… and this is more decorative… but I hope it makes you feel safe the way you make me feel safe,” Peter says. “Happy birthday, Mr. Stark.”
Everyone awes. Tony is legitimately shedding tears.
He squeezes Peter in a hug.
“Kid, I love you so much,” Tony tells him. “You’re literally the best.”
Peter laughs. “I love you, too.”
He really feels… home.
And he’s so glad that Tony feels at home, too.
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themculibrary · 1 year
Peggy is Tony’s Godparent Masterlist
A Hell of a Kid (ao3) - TheAsexualofSpades peggy/daniel, pepper/tony G, 2k
Summary: Tony's upset and his godmother Peggy is having none of it.
Peter's upset and Tony's having none of it.
Also titled: How To Comfort and Reassure Your Genius Kid That Their Feelings are Valid: In Two Parts
Aunt Peg (ao3) - GNM_dreaming_girl G, 6k
Summary: Tony deals with the death of the one and only Peggy Carter.
“Margaret Elizabeth “Peggy” Carter died in her sleep, she didn’t suffer.” His hand was shaking, hell, all his body was shaking, he didn’t know if he would be able to talk, didn’t know how his voice would come out but after thirty seconds of silence he forced himself to speak.
Aunt Peggy's Mac and Cheese (ao3) - rachangel peggy/steve G, 2k
Summary: What if Tony knew Peggy?
Tony reads a speech at Peggy's Funeral about Peggy's involvement in his life and how she practically raised him.
Bless The Broken Road (ao3) - PinkEasterEggs peggy/steve G, 114k
Summary: In 1950, Peter Carter goes missing.
In 2005, a boy who looks exactly like Peggy Carter and Steve Roger's kidnapped son is found.
Tony doesn't even hesitate (okay, he may have hesitated a little) to take the boy under his wing.
Collateral (ao3) - dementedgoat steve/tony N/R, 13k
Summary: What happens after the shield comes barreling down?
Go And Make Aunt Peggy Proud (ao3) - holla_the_forestfairy pepper/tony, steve/bucky T, 19k
Summary: When Howard screws around with one of Hank Pym's quantum theories, things go south, quickly and that in a way Peggy did not imagine in her wildest dreams: they end up in the year 2019. Luckily, a vigilante in a bright red, skintight spidersuit can help them out and take Peggy and Howard to who will be able to help them out.
Her Mysterious Man (ao3) - dreambbles peggy/jarvis T, 15k
Summary: Tony had just mastered the art of time traveling.(Take that, Reed!) Okay, little white lie. He hasn't actually gone yet, he still needs a proper scolding from his A.I before doing so. He is advised not to interact with ANYONE in fear of tearing apart the space time continuum.
But nevertheless, he is still free to travel anywhere through time.
So, why does he decide to end up in 1945? And who is that gorgeous woman in those red dancing heels sitting all alone? And why does she seem so familiar to him?
Honey, you're familiar (like my mirror years ago) (ao3) - chaoticcollectorchaos_me steve/tony N/R, 43k
Summary: ...That in a past life, he was a valiant and brilliant scientist who, with Captain America, managed to destroy HYDRA. It was a good fantasy to have for a lonely little boy growing up with everything and nothing he could have wanted.
Too bad nobody told Tony that dreams do come true.
How It Should Have Been (And Maybe How It Was) (ao3) - rebelmeg ana/jarvis, howard/maria, pepper/tony T, 23k
Summary: Tony Stark was surrounded by love his whole life. His mother adored every bit of him from the moment she knew she was pregnant. Peggy was the most devoted godmother that ever lived. Edwin and Ana Jarvis treasured him as the closest thing they would ever have to their own child.
But even with all that love... Tony still struggled, because the man that should have understood him best barely gave him a glance.
This is how the relationships in Tony's life shaped him, and how he shaped them.
I'm with you (ao3) - withered bucky/tony T, 4k
Summary: Bucky doesn't remember Peggy Carter, but she remembers him. Which is hilarious given her memory issues.
No Matter Who It Is (ao3) - readingbylamplight howard/maria T, 1k
Summary: “I punched him once you know,” She says, and Tony’s eyes brighten, “A long time ago now, but it happened.”
“He hid something from me, lied to me about it, and when I found out he tried to say that he did it to protect my feelings. So I punched him. Tony, no one should get to use your reaction to their lies as a reason for them. If they do, they don’t deserve you. Do you understand?”
He nods, and she spends the rest of the evening teaching him how to punch.
Peggy's Baby Boy (ao3) - Pacifiers_and_Repulsors G, 2k
Summary: Steve goes to visit his best girl at the nursing home and runs into Tony. Steve is shocked, Tony is mortified, and Peggy is just happy to have her favorite soldier and baby godson in the same room.
Rise and Fall (ao3) - Orca478 gamora/tony G, 4k
Summary: Steve orders Natasha to close the portal as soon as Tony goes threw it. Not waiting for a chance for the genius to fall back.
This causes one of them to rise, and the other to fall.
And Steve is not the one rising.
Say Goodbye (ao3) - ShakespearePoet101 G, 1k
Summary: They all rally around Steve when they get the news. They keep him company and hold him when he cries and try their best to distract his thoughts from his long lost love.
Peggy Carter had died, and Steve was mourning.
But they didn't seem to realize that Tony was mourning too. But why would they? They didn't know. They didn't know that Tony even knew Peggy, didn't know that he called her his aunt or that she had been one of the only people to truly care about him as a kid. They didn't know that she was his rock more often than not or that he had spent many a night held in her arms as he cried over how utterly unfair life was. They didn't know. So they didn't care. They didn't care that Tony was falling apart, his heart torn and bleeding, that he was lost (his rock was gone), and he desperately needed a hug, something to keep him together. But they just didn't know.
(Or the Avengers all comfort Steve after Peggy dies, not realizing that Tony was also suffering from the loss.)
Sweet Pea: Goodbye (ao3) - anxious_soul T, 4k
Summary: Steve receives a call saying Peggy has died. Four of theAvengers gather around to comfort him, forgetting about the fifth.
Tony mourns on his own as he remembers all the times he had with his Aunt Peggy.
The Genius' Brother (ao3) - anxious_soul T, 14k
Summary: What if Tony wasn't the only son of Stark? What if he had an older brother? This is the two of them through the years.
tony and peggy's big day out! (ao30 - orphan_account G, 6k
Summary: She presses on the communication device in her ear. “Mister Jarvis, do tell me you’re nearby.”
His answer is immediate. “I am but four blocks away, Missus Carter. What is it you need? A coffee, perhaps?”
“Oh, nothing of the sort,” she says, panting slightly with her rush. The screams of civilians ache in her ears, set her stomach rolling. She tries to find breath, force it into her lungs. Someone slams into her shoulder and she stumbles. Tony grips her hand doubly hard. She grabs him in a smooth motion, an arm beneath his bottom and a hand on his back, and his arms go around her neck impulsively, his nose pressing into the side of her throat. “Perhaps a pickup, if you’re not too busy?”
“Why, never for you,” Jarvis says. “What’s happened this time?”
“Just a bombing,” says Peggy.
“At three in the afternoon?” says Jarvis. “Frankly, how rude.”
When you try to come for me, I keep on flourishing (ao3) - Calliope29 peggy/steve G, 5k
Summary: “And now, I’d like to invite Margaret Carter’s godson to come up and say a few words.”
A pointy elbow prodded at his side. Steve tilted his head towards Sam, a questioning furrow in his brow. Sam, with wide eyes, jerked his chin at the podium subtly, and Steve finally turned his gaze where he’d been avoiding.
It was Tony. Tony Stark was standing at the podium in a sharp suit, dark tinted glasses pushed up high on the bridge of his nose.
“You never told me you knew Peggy,” Steve said, quiet voice still carrying in the empty space.
Tony was staring at his hands. “Knew her?” he mumbled like the question amused him. Finally, he looked up. Steve had never seen those brown eyes so black. “She practically raised me, more than Howard ever did.”
“You know,” Steve found himself saying. “If I never went into the ice, you’d probably be my godson too.”
Based on the prompt: Peggy is Tony's godmother
"You Own Three Power Plants?" (ao3) - FairToMiddling93 G, 1k
Summary: Steve meets Howard's heir and is surprised to learn that it's a woman.
(Thor shows up to stop Loki in Germany instead of Toni, so her arrival is on the Helicarrier).
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fandomout · 3 years
Peter Parker x GN Reader NWH
Word count- 2,250
There are SPOILERS if you haven't already seen. There small background in the beginning, but it's general. NO OC! The whole thing was so long, so I cut it into parts.
Basically, reader is there to help Peter (Tom) deal with all the chaos. Inevitably, they meet the other Peters, and they like Peter three a little too much.
Hope you enjoy!
Part- 1 , 2 , 3
When Y/N first saw the news on TV of Spider-Man’s secret identity, they were finishing up breakfast. Their mouths went wide, and they felt a rush of guilt hit. They would have helped Peter with Mysterio if it weren’t for all shield problems that had to be taken care of. Therefore, before they knew it, Y/N was packing their bag and weapons to get to the one they and now everyone else knew as Peter Parker.
Being a shield operative, they met Peter there. Instantly, Y/N and Peter two made a connection as Y/N felt a responsibility to him. Peter was so young and kind. Y/N had gotten a little sour over the years of work, and they didn’t want him to lose that in truth. Also, they understood the pressure as they were one of the youngest applicants of SHIELD, and one of the most capable.
Y/N got to know his Aunt, and they decided to keep in touch. The time with Peter grew when Tony died, so something in them told them to go check on him.
While Y/N had gotten there a bit late due to SHIELD having troubles at the moment, Y/N made it to Happy’s apartment catching May and Peter letting in unfamiliar people.
May’s eyes bulged, and she rushed to Y/N to explain, “Peter is going to cure the bad guys. Don’t freak out.”
Y/N took a deep breath before they shook their head and took it all in. Y/N comments, “Me? Freak out? How can I? I don’t even know what’s happening. All I know is that I saw one of those guys on tv and that everyone knows who Peter is now.”
May nods, and she says in a sheepish tone, “Thanks for coming?”
You put a hand to her shoulder and respond, “Of course I came. However, seriously? I left for what 2 months from you and Peter and this happens? I definitely have to stay here.”
“No problem. Although I am curious, what is all this about?”
May responds in a query, “What do you mean?”
“I mean Peter just suddenly wants to cure them?”
“I may have been a part of that…”
“May, you're a good person and so is Peter. This responsibility shouldn’t be on either of you.”
“I just-it feels like the right thing. Although I am glad, you're here.” She hugs Y/N. “I can’t really help Peter like you can. I’m relieved you're here to support and protect him.” She looks down a bit sad, and Y/N asks, “What is it?”
“Just a feeling.”
“A bad one, no doubt.”
“Yes, but I don’t know. So far everything feels right. I mean you showing up is a good sign.”
Y/N sighs and quirk a smile as they say, “You know, it’s not very reassuring that you have a bad feeling about this when I’m here to help. What are you trying to say?” May lets out a laugh and waves off the joke.
Y/N is about to walk in the apartment when Y/N pulls out a retractable baton. Then, Y/N clicked the button to unleash the full weapon. It was a long stitch with a blade on one end that could be shot and brought back. May gaped at the weapon and asked, “What is that?” Y/N shrugged and answered, “I don’t have a name for it, but it’s a pretty cool stick, huh?” May just nods hesitantly. Y/N whistled as they walked forward into the apartment.
Peter’s eyes go wide, and he stands frozen where he stands. In a high pitched voice, he asks, “Are you here to get me in trouble?”
With raised brow, Y/N replies, “No. Why would you ask that? I’m here to help and make sure nothing bad happens.”
Peter’s shoulders slump in relief, and he says, “Phew.”
“What trouble are you talking about? This?” Y/N puts him in a headlock, and he laughs at the action. He smiles when Y/N let's go, and Y/N returns serious to ask, “It worries me that you thought someone ratted on you. What did you do?” He blinks aggressively and bites his lip before scoffing and responding, “Nothing. Why would you ever ask?”
“Cough it up, Parker. You don’t fool me.”
“Alright. I’ll tell you all of it. Just follow me. Y/N brings their bags and follows him to a garage looking area with some tech. He turns to Y/N hugs them happily.
Y/N smiled at the reaction and ruffled at his hair before asking, “How are you?” Peter shrugged and answered, “Dealing with all this. Are you going to help?”
“Of course. I’m here to help…Just-Are you sure about curing them? I mean how?”
“I have a few ideas.”
“Alright. I’ll stay around since I can’t really help with all the science stuff.”
“Thank you.”
“And, Peter…I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“You called for me before…I cou-”
He smiled reassuringly and cut Y/N off to say, “I know. You would’ve come if you could. I’m just really happy you're here now. Makes me feel better.”
“Alright. I’m on board!” Y/N clapped their hands and smiled at him to add, “Just tell exactly what happened.”
He went on to say everything about how Mysterio revealed his identity and how it all escalated from there until the point that he trapped Doctor Strange and made the plan to cure the bad guys. Y/N puts a hand to his arm and comments, “As I told May, you're a good person. That being said, they don’t belong here. This responsibility isn’t on you.”
“It feels like it is…Don’t try to stop me.” He says and sits down on the chair to begin working on some tech. Y/N lean against the wall and ask, “What’s that?”
“It’s for Dr. Octavious. The tech controls him, but I want to give him control back.”
“Alright. I’ll bite. I’m not going to stop you.”
“How’s Ned?”
“He’s okay. I’m sure he’ll be really excited to see you.”
“That’s right. I may as well as have adopted him the last time we met. He’s a good dude.”
“M.J met you one time?” Y/N nods. He looks cautiously around and whispers to Y/N, “They are at Ned's grandma’s house to let you know.” Y/N nods at him and asks, “How's relationship-ville?”
“It’s great. Just all of this is in the way now. I don’t want to put her through this…or Ned.” Y/N puts a hand to his shoulder and says, “Hey, if you're the real deal, none of that matters. M.J and Ned are still by your side. With the world we live in, you know the crazy stuff. You guys get through it because it's…”
“Love?” “Oh, Is it Peter?” He turns red at the question.
“Hey, don’t tell.”
“My lips are sealed, but that is so cute. Young love.”
As Dr. Octavius was cured in front of them, everyone was feeling accomplished until Peter started to walk around nervously. Y/N gripped their weapon ready for anything to go down.
Peter’s senses went off to stop Osborn with a web to the hand. Y/N gets into a defensive position as the Green Goblin tries to convince all the bad guys to not buy this curing business.
Y/N notices as May was quick to grab the cures Peter had made. Peter voiced, “Aunt May, run.” She did so. Then, Y/N shot out their blade toward Electro, who was quick to dodge and shoot a string of electricity their way. Y/N twisted the stick in their hand slightly, which activated and illuminated the shield. Regardless, the force knocked them into the wall roughly. Their shield shattering.
Electro removes the energy sucking mechanism from his chest and sends a string of electricity toward the device that Tony built. Electro now had the device connected to him. When Electro looked to Y/N and sent another electric string, they could only really dodge out of the way.
Electro busted out of the building and marveled in his new level of power. He was enjoying himself.
Meanwhile, Y/N had their weapon pointed. Sandman eyed Y/N and sanded his way out of there as he created a sandstorm around the building.
As Peter began to fight the Green Goblin, he pleaded, “Get to May!”
Y/N nodded and quickly followed May out the door to protect her. Y/N caught May at the stairs as parts of the building were crumbling down, and Y/N was forced to put some of their parkour skills to work. The stairs below them give out on that side of their side of the building, so they go through the hall to get to the other service stairs. Behind them, the Lizard crashes through the window behind them. The lizard barreled through trying to nab the bag. Y/N shoved May forward to be farther from the beast, which knocked May off her feet. The action causes the creature to knock Y/N into the wall. It caused parts of the ceiling to fall down and onto Y/N. They shielded themselves as best they could.
The creature neared May on the ground. It’s hand reaches out, but Y/N slides under its legs and sliced its hand before dragging May back towards the stairs.
The creature roared in anger. However, Y/N had blocked off the door of the stairs with a random chair left in the area. They hoped it would keep him from following or at least buying time.
Soon, they made it to the lobby where Peter was splayed across the ground where he just came falling out of the ceiling with the Green Goblin.
As the Green Goblin began choking Peter out, Y/N rushed forward. They pointed their stick horizontally and aimed to the green goblin before tapping the bottom twice to quickly to cause the sharp end to shoot its way with a chain still attached to it. It nicked the Goblin on his arm as he moved away out of death, which ceased choking Peter. The blade retracted back, and you sent it out once more, but the Green Goblin jumped onto his hover board.
The building was coming down with every move made. Y/N pulled at the bottom of the blade and swung it to have the chain part to wrap it around his leg and pulled him back toward the ground. He landed on the ground behind them with a groan and mumbles of nonsense.
May rushed over to Peter, and he tried to recover.
Y/N charged forward, but the Green Goblin threw something looking similar to a fly and threw it. In reality, it was blades, which cut Y/N’s hand to drop their weapon. The Green Goblin rushed forward and kneed Y/N in the stomach, which knocked the wind out of them and a few steps back. Y/N stood up straight only to retrieve a pounding fist to the face. Y/N nose starting to bleed. Y/N then dogged the next thoughtless punches he gave them. Then, when they saw their opening that opened all kinds of combat they knew, which he wasn’t familiar with. The precision and expertise caught him off guard as he couldn’t deflect or prepare for any of the moves.
Knowing the situation, he summoned his hover board toward the both of them, and he pushed Y/N toward it. Y/N barley dogged death as it went through their arm, which pinned them to the wall. May rushed forward stabbing the Green Goblin with the cure. However, as he turned toward her, he still wore the same terrible smirk. May moves back farther away from him.
Before anyone knew it, the Green Goblin was summoning his hover board. It detached from Y/N’s, and they rushed over to their weapon. It didn’t do much good as the Green Goblin threw an explosive into the room very close to May and Peter. Peter attempts to catch it, but it didn’t do any good. The explosion moves you back as did the last one thrown before the Green Goblin disappears. Y/N was caught covered in rubble being hit at various angles, which scratched, bruised, and bloodied them. They were trapped underneath it. Y/N struggled to breath and move the debris off of them. They felt lightheaded as they overexerted themselves that did nothing for them.
Soon, the debris was moved by Peter. He grabbed Y/N’s hand with lots of grip. Y/N looked to see his face written in pain and tears. You look over to May’s body and understand. You hug him and call out his name softly. I He holds you for dear life. As the police sirens come through, he pulls off before he swings away. Y/N grabbed their weapons and retracted it back to its baton state before following him in their state. Peter webbed Y/N forward slightly, and they landed harshly onto what was left of the garage lot. Y/N’s leg was hurting from that fall. They ignored it to look towards Peter; however, he was shaking their head at them with tears in his eyes before he swung off. Y/N called out for him, but he was gone.
Hope your day got better
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kelieah · 4 years
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last updated: 05/20/22
key: ☼ = fluff | ☾ = angst | ® = nsfw | [ ] = kind of reader or peter
back to main masterlist | my writing guidelines
heads up! my newer peter parker fics are now more versatile unless specified. meaning you could imagine it's tom, andrew, tobey or even play station peter (or anyone else you have in mind) :)
though the gifs may be one peter, you can imagine whoever you want. i usually choose a gif of peter i feel is best fit for that fic!
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good amount of effort, short to long, stories with multiple parts
☞ my neighborhood there’s a new vigilante in town and spider-man doesn’t like the sound of that. though finally meeting the new vigilante, they slowly change his mind [vigilante!reader]
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long reads
full effort written, lengthy stories
☞ bored your husband, peter being a goof in quarantine ☼
☞ communication peter finally tells you the truth ☼ ☾
☞ bereaved you’re not the only one who had to deal with your father’s death ☾ [stark!reader]
☞ always and forever peter saves you and reminds you why he loves you ☼ ☾
☞ my neighborhood (1) (2) there’s a new vigilante in town (series version here) ☼
☞ was it worth it? your husband, peter had to learn the hard way that it wasn’t worth it ☾
☞ surprise! you give peter a gift he would have never expected to receive from you ☼ ☾ [stark!reader]
☞ warm you invite peter over early in the morning for more than just cuddles ®
☞ coffee breath drained, touch-starved, and brain empty. who you gonna call? spider-man ☼
☞ bunnies? you and peter finally figure out each other’s feelings for each other and try to ditch your dad’s christmas party ☼ [stark!reader]
☞ mile high club you welcome peter into the mile high club ®
☞ my medication you and peter are two broken teenagers in love, and this is how you unconditionally love and help each other ☾
☞ special delivery peter orders a pizza and you deliver the pizza, yet somehow the two of you manage to strike a deal out of it ☼
☞ the beauty next door your next-door neighbor is, to your surprise, always there for you when you need him ☼ ☾
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medium effort written, short stories
☞ adore you late night drive with your best friend peter ☼
☞ i’m sorry you find out your unrequited love for peter ☾
☞ huh!? peter finds something he wish he didn’t in your backpack ☼
☞ you okay? peter knows when something is wrong, so he comes in to save the day ☼
☞ did that just happen? peter kisses you and freaks out ☼
☞ happy birthday mr. stark it’s tony stark’s birthday, a year later from his death and peter couldn’t handle it. then that’s where you come in ☾
☞ happy father’s day too! it’s father day, so why not surprise your dad and peter ☼ [stark!reader]
☞ no way it’s your first day of work and you run into someone oddly familiar ☼
☞ all yours you’re messing around with peter’s web-shooters and decided to have a lil fun with them ®
☞ vanilla how peter usually takes care of you after a lil fun ☼
☞ apple pie you wake up to your hero attempting to bake for you ☼
☞ stilettos peter parker loves spoiling you, but this one time he wants something in return ®
☞ pda peter makes a smooth comeback during movie night with the avengers ☼
☞ latte kisses you give peter a taste of your spider-man flavored latte ☼
☞ longing peter surprises you after being away for awhile ☼ ☾
☞ exhausted peter's tired and you know just what to do ☼
☞ penguin there’s a blackout and spider-man is there for you just when you need him ☼
☞ young peter comes back to you. heavy with regret, only to leave with more and a broken soul ☾
☞ four eyes peter starts wearing his glasses again and you reassure him that he still looks amazing ☼
☞ first date turns out the guy you met online isn't just a fever dream ☼
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social media stories, maybe some writing, maybe not
☞ 34+35 ☼ [mcu!peter]
☞ peter parker being a supportive boyfriend ☼ ☾ [mcu!peter]
☞ wrong meme ☼ [mcu!peter]
☞ pregnancy scare ☼ [mcu!peter]
☞ jump ☼ [mcu!peter]
☞ our future ☼ ☾
☞ morgan the matchmaker ☼ [mcu!peter]
☞ rat boy ☼ [tasm!peter]
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some effort written, bullet pointed stories
☞ babysitting morgan you and peter get to babysit morgan ☼
☞ we can do this together peter kinda comes out and confesses his feelings. but wait, so do you ☼
☞ fanny packs tony lets you and peter go out on a “little” shopping spree and immediately regrets it ☼ [stark!reader]
☞ i will always take care of you peter never fails to pass up the opportunity when you need help ☼
☞ he loves you too your dad keeps walking in on you and peter at the worst times ☼ [stark!reader]
☞ what peter is like when you’re on your period ☼
☞ couple shit with peter parker ☼ [mcu!peter]
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A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother.
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Medieval AU
Princess Y/N Stark of York New must marry a man chosen by her brother, by the time she is 21. Her brother's council have the perfect man in mind, one that is terrifying and hell bent on having his Queen. But Princess Y/N's heart belongs to another, and luckily so does her hand in marriage.
'A princess is far more powerful than a king, my love. You have the power of merging families and kingdoms. You have the power of carrying hopeful heirs to the throne. You have more power than you know...'
Bold italics are flashbacks.
Series warnings: swearing, medieval views on women, arranged marriage, smut, bloodshed, violence, 18+ readers only
Part warnings: none
Part 1
Sometimes you found yourself wondering if you were living the life you should be.
You never had the chance to build a relationship with your mother, a relationship you were desperate for the older you grew. During childbirth due to her age and complications, she passed away. And for that reason, your father couldn't stand the sight of you. You were his second child and a girl no less, there was no need for you or the loss of his beloved wife and Queen.
Although your father died when you were just five years old, the most part of you was glad of it. You had hardly any memories of him, but you were certain you were unhappy in his presence.
Your older brother and Crowned Prince of York New, Tony, reassured you daily that your father did love you but you never quite believed him. Even when Tony had been crowned the King of York New, you were unsure he was telling the truth. You knew your brother loved you, unlike your father, it showed in his brown eyes that he did.
"It's just you and I, Little Princess." Tony smiled lovingly and softly at you as he brushed away your fallen tears.
You sniffled, burying your face in his chest. "A-Are... Are you... you, go-going to sen-send me a-away?" You sobbed.
Tony sat back on the cold stone floor of the throne room and pulled you into his lap. "No, Little Princess, no! You're going nowhere, you hear? I need you by my side. You're my Queen." He whispered pressing a kiss to your forehead. "You and me, okay? You and me."
Years and years of Tony's rein passed by before you knew it, but Tony kept his word. You were by his side. Even when his advisors or council tried to have him send you away, he made it clear that you were going nowhere until you were 21 years old.
Even when he took under his wing a young orphaned boy, Tony made it clear you were staying put.
The kingdom was in chaos. There had been a attack the castle and surrounding villages, but your armies were stronger, powerful, and mighty. You had been locked away in the highest tower to protect you whilst your brother fought bravely alongside his men. They fought day and night, long into the following day.
By the time word was sent for you to be taken down to the throne room, you were fast asleep.
"Princess Y/N," A soft voice whispered as you were shaken awake.
Your small eyes blinked open and looked upon the face of the guard that had been assigned to looking after you. "Happy?" You yawned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
Sir Hogan, or Happy as you called the slightly grumpy man, chuckled softly. "Come, Princess, His Majesty as called for you."
"Tony is safe?" You jumped up, running for the door.
You ran as fast as your little eleven years old legs would take you and didn't stop until you reached the large wooden doors of the throne room. The guards opened the door barely in time for you to dash through them.
Tony grinned as he bent down and scooped you up in his arms, hugging you close to him as he held the back of your head. "Little Princess, I'm happy to see you."
You giggled pulling back and looking at his scratched and bruised face. "What took you so long?" You pouted.
Chuckles from the King's closest friends and Knights echoed around the room as the man himself placed you back on the floor. "My apologies, My Queen." He bowed to you making you grin. "I have someone for you to meet."
Your brow knitted together, "Oh?... the head of your enemy?"
More laughs echoed as Tony rolled his eyes as he stood. He held his hand out towards Sir James where a little boy about your age stepped out from behind him. "Princess Y/N, I'd like you to meet Peter... We're going to look after him." He smiled.
Your eyes widened a little. "... He's a boy." You pouted.
Tony nodded, "He is."
"You're getting rid of me, aren't you?"
The young boy gasped, shaking his head. "Don't be silly, Princess. Everyone knows you're not allowed to go anywhere."
You scowled at the boy. "I'm never silly..." You folded your arms and looked away.
Sir James rolled his eyes with a scoff. "Definitely your sister." He muttered so only the King could hear.
Tony shot his friend a glare. "Little Princess," Tony knelt in front of you. "This boy's family was... killed. He had no parents already, but his Aunt died tonight. There was no one left to look after him, the village was, practically destroyed... What would you have me do? Send him away? Let him die?"
You let out a sigh, looking back to Peter. "Do you like horses?"
He nodded, "I like swords too."
Your eyes lit up. "What about bow and arrows?"
Peter nodded, "I'm the best." He said triumphantly, crossing his arms over his chest.
You scoffed, "You haven't seen me, yet."
"Oh, yeah?"
As the years rolled on, your friendship and bond with Peter only grew, as did the council's worries. They decided it was time Tony took a wife and gave the kingdom a Queen once more. Another feeble attempt of them trying to have you sent away. 'It's time you had an heir, there's no need to have the Princess here.' And as he always would do, Tony told them no. You were still the rightful heir to the throne whilst he had no Son and Heir.
You loathed this part of the evening, where one man tried to up the other with gifts, all to impress the King and make himself look superior to others.
Tony leaned over the side of his throne and nudged you, "Look happy, it's your... cow statue, birthday gift." He mocked the gift currently being presented to you, just as bored as you were by the process.
You lowered your face towards your lap and bit back your giggle.
"His Royal Highness, Prince Steven of Brook," The court announcer introduced the next person to present their birthday gift to you.
"King Anthony, Queen Virginia," The blond-haired Prince bowed before you.
"Prince Steven," The King and Queen greeted their friend, happy to see him after so long.
"How are you this evening, old friend?" Tony smiled.
Prince Steven smiled in return, "Very well, thank you, Your Majesty. How are you?"
Tony nodded, "About ready for another drink," He breathed out glancing down to his empty cup.
You let out a small snicker trying to keep up your ladylike facade, knowing Queen Virginia or Pepper as she was known to her close family, would scold you for being improper.
Prince Steven turned his gaze to you and bowed again, "Princess, may I say you're looking breathtakingly beautiful tonight," He teased, knowing how flustered you could get.
You smiled through your blush. "You do flatter me, Prince Steven."
He let out a soft chuckle. "May I present to you my gift?"
"You may,"
Prince Steven nodded and turned his attention to the servant waiting patiently. He took a velvet square box from the young boy and approached you. "Happy Birthday, Princess." He smiled softly at you as he handed you a box and took your hand in his and bowed to you. "I hope you find it as beautiful as I do. My only fear is, your beauty will outshine and render it ugly." He pressed his lips against your knuckles and made you blush once more.
"You're engaged, remember, Prince Steven," Tony teased, glancing over to the brunette woman who was watching the interaction like a hawk.
"Anthony," Queen Virginia scolded your brother from his other side, putting a smile on your face.
"Please ignore my brother, Your Highness... Fool," You hissed playfully at the King beside you, making him chuckle.
Prince Steven stepped back with his hands up to show no hard feelings. "I know what His Majesty can be like, Princess." He chuckled softly, "Please, open your gift, and ignore his Royal Majesty the fool." Prince Steven grinned mischievously.
Tony scoffed dramatically, making you giggle before you opened the velvet box carefully and immediately gasped, "Oh, my," You ran your fingers over the beautiful necklace that laid inside.
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"Prince Steven, this is most beautiful." You smiled, memories of your first time in Brook rushing back to you.
Prince Steven let out an audible sigh of relief. "Is it the same colour? As the sea in Brook."
You nodded, looking up to meet his waiting gaze. "...Yes. Thank you,"
Prince Steven smiled, "You're welcome, Princess. I'll allow you to get back to your other guests." He bowed again, "Happy 16th Birthday, Princess," He whispered before he left to be by his fiance's side.
The guests continued to present their gifts to you and the King, and although they were all unique and beautiful in their own way none were as beautiful and meaningful as Prince Steven's.
"His Royal Highness, Prince Brock of Lower East,"
Your blood ran cold and the great hall fell silent at the mention of that man's name. The dark-haired Prince smirked as he approached you, his hands clasped behind his back.
"Your Majesties," He bowed (if that's what you could call it) to your King and turned his attention to you. "How beautiful you look tonight, Princess Y/N."
You held your head high keeping your gaze fixed ahead of you. "Thank you,"
Prince Brock turned his attention to Tony, "I do hope you've taken my request into consideration, Your Majesty."
Tony's brow knitted together. "There's no need, Prince Brock. My sister is not of age yet and, I'm sorry to say this but you are not who I intend for her to marry."
You gasped loudly drawing the attention of those closest to you, turning in your throne to gape at your brother. "Tony, please-"
He held his hand up to silence you, "Present your gift to the Princess, and we'll discuss no more of this business."
"Very well." Prince Brock nodded with a tightly set jaw as he clicked his fingers at the servant. He snatched the much smaller box from the shaking boy's hands. "It seems somewhat pointless now." He stepped forwards and placed the box in your hands, letting his fingers graze yours. "But, I will buy you a thousand and more if it means you becoming my wife."
"I said, enough!" Tony slammed his fist against the armrest of his throne, it echoed around the silent hall.
"Please, my love," Queen Virginia placed a comforting hand on her husband's arm to calm him.
You scowled down at the box, opening it to find a hideous engagement ring. "I can not accept this-"
"You must. It is your birthday gift... nothing more, thanks to your King."
"Thank you, Prince Brock," You thanked him before Tony could speak, sensing he would most likely order his head to be off or something to that effect. You sighed as you closed the box up, handing it back to the servant. You smiled kindly at him and thanked him.
Prince Brock eyed you before glancing over to where Prince Steven was stood with his fiance and his trusted best friend and Knight, Sir James Barnes. "You know, it's almost unfortunate, you being here tonight."
"I'm afraid I don't follow, Prince Brock. How can my 16th birthday celebrations be unfortunate?" You scowled at the man.
"Well... on one hand, we are graced with your ever-growing beauty and charm, but if it was not for the unfortunate death of your father and King, brought on by those... we shall not mention, you would not be sat where you are." He smirked triumphantly as you visibly paled at the mention of your father.
You felt Tony shift beside you and out the corner of your eye, you saw Sir James begin to disappear away from prying eyes. Anger boiled up inside you, "HOLD YOUR TONGUE!" You shouted and raised to your feet before Tony could stop you. Silence fell over the court as you glared daggers at the prince before you. "How dare you, speak of my father? How dare you show my family and I disrespect, in our own Castle, our own Kingdom.
"The past is the past, Prince Brock, and we do not judge others today by the actions and misunderstandings of others then," You turned and moved over to the servant snatching the Prince's gift back. "If you can not show my family and I the respect we deserve and can only continue to spit evil among our celebrations then I must ask you to leave, Prince Brock, and take your unwanted gift back." You heavily dropped it into his hand.
Silence resumed throughout the great hall as King Anthony stood from his throne and stood behind you. "You heard the Princess, Prince Brock. Leave." He nodded his head towards nearby guards. "Please escort Prince Brock out of the Castle and our Kingdom." Tony placed his hand on your shoulder as the Prince was removed.
"You'll regret this, Stark!"
Once Prince Brock had been removed, you moved over to where Sir James Barnes was stood with Prince Steven and his fiance, hoping the celebrations could continue.
"Sir James, would you care to dance?" You smiled kindly up at him.
Sir James began to blush and glanced to Prince Steven who was being tugged closer by his fiance. "Shouldn't you be asking one of the princes to dance, Your Highness?"
"There'll be plenty of time for that, Sir James. But for now, I would like to dance with a kind man, I hope will be a good friend of mine one day." You smiled.
Sir James began to grin before he nudged Prince Steven's side. "Tough luck, Princey." He jabbed at the blond prince making you smile.
Prince Steven chuckled, "Have fun, Bucky." Prince Steven smiled warmly at you with a nod. "Princess,"
You nodded, "Prince Steven," You looked to his fiance with a faux smile, "Princess Margret."
Sir James lead you into the middle of the crowd as the music began to play, and slowly the two of you began to move together.
The two of you danced in comfortable silence until Sir James cleared his throat, "I must thank you for your kind and brave words, Your Highness." Sir James whispered.
"They were the truth, Sir James."
He nodded, "Still. I know what my father did all those years ago, isn't the easiest thing to forgive."
You shook your head. "But it doesn't reflect the person you are." You smiled up at him. "You're a good man, Sir James... a far better man than Prince Brock." You reached up and pressed a kiss to his cheek before excusing yourself and left through the french windows with Peter.
"Buck?" Prince Steven approached the brunet knight. "Everything okay?"
Sir James nodded and turned to face his best friend and Prince of Brook. "More than, Your Highness."
"You seem to be getting on very well with the Princess, James." Princess Margret spoke from beside her fiance with a hidden look.
Sir James nodded, "She's a very kind young princess, Your Highness."
Prince Steven nodded, "That she is, Bucky." He smiled as he turned to watch you walk out of sight into the gardens.
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acefeather2002 · 3 years
To Thaw a Jotun's Frozen Heart
Hey, sweet petals! Here it is! My first ever Loki fic. It was decided that this will be a hurt/comfort Loki x Reader story of Loki dealing with his past brought up by Thor and comforted and reassured by the reader. This is in celebration for reaching 100 followers some time ago. I'd lost some since then, but I'm gaining them back as this story was being written. Thank you so much, though, to my faithful followers for your support. I hope you like this.
There's a thing that I use in my X Reader stories, if you haven't seen yet, where I don't use pronouns even though I write in Third Person Point Of View. What I do use is (p/n) so the reader can insert his/her/their own preferred pronouns when necessary. The reason why is because I know that not everybody identifies as they/them, and I've seen many fics that have put that as the reader's pronoun. I hope this doesn't come off as offensive to the writers, but I'm sure that the reader doesn't want to be acknowledged as something that that person is not. She may not be a he; he may not be a they, and they may not be a she. Therefore, I decided to put in a pronoun label saying (p/n) so the reader can put in his/her/their appropriate pronoun when needed.
If the explanation at the beginning of those fics weren't clear, then I hope this clears it all up. I appreciate all the positive feedback about the topic. I will be honest: it is somewhat of an extra step, but it's definitely worth it. It's not my job to call my reader something he's/she's/they're not; that's your call and not mine. My job is to provide good quality content for my readers to enjoy, and that's what I'm going to do. With that being said, please enjoy my first ever Loki fic.
(Y/n)= Your name (obviously)
(P/n)= Your pronoun (he/him/his); (she/her/hers); (they/them/they're/their/theirs)
TW: mentions of traumatic past, mean/unforgiving!Thor, angst, fluffy ending
Tagging (This is the first time I've ever tagged anybody in my works.😅): @meibruges @high-functioning-lokipath @queenjosielaufeyson @writing-from-the-shadows@writingfics-passingtime
If you wish to be tagged in future stories, let me know in the DMs or ask box and list your desired fandom unless you'd like to be general and tagged in everything.
Thanks so much again for your support, precious petals!💗
It was a pretty normal summer day in the Avengers compound. Starting sometime between 11 am and 1 pm, depending on each individual Avenger. Tony, Bruce, and Peter were in the lab tinkering away at whatever new project they were independently working on. Steve, Nat, and Bucky were sparring in the gym, having each lost a round at least once. Vision and Wanda were out once more on a date as w=they frequently were. Clint was back home with his wife and kids for the time being, and (Y/n) had just come in from a run around the perimeter of the compound.
Slightly out of breath from the cardio, (p/n) took (p/n) towel from around (p/n) neck to wipe away the sweat from the outdoor heat before heading to (p/n) room to shower and take a load off. (Y/n) only got halfway down the hall to (p/n) room when arguing could be heard from behind a closed door (p/n) was about to pass by, not wanting to be involved, before the voices became recognizable. Placing (p/n) ear to the door, (Y/n) heard the familiar voice of (p/n) boyfriend Loki fuss with a growl in his throat to his older brother Thor. This was no surprise to (p/n), but what made (p/n) pause was what was heard behind the tall plank of wood. "Brother, you and I both know that wasn't my fault!" Thor shouted. "Oh, really," Loki droned sarcastically, "As if it were my fault! You were the one that wanted to slay the Frost Giants in the first place!"
It was nothing but back and forth between the two Norse gods, each one throwing their brother's wrongdoings and mistakes. "You brought them into Asgard in the first place! You ruined my coronation!" "You were unfit to be king then! I did you a favor!" "You did no such thing! You manipulated me into going back! You had me stripped of my power! You LEFT ME in exile on Midgard powerless and weak!" "You forget that you also regained your power because of me!" "I wanted to save my friends from YOUR tyranny and monstrous deeds! Which with your attack on New York that killed many only your list of sins longer!" "Yet you've gained some new friends and allies!" "I've lost a friend and ally because of you! You toyed with the minds of my friends!" "You managed to get them back." "Not all of them! Many people were lost because of you! People of New York! Guards of Asgard! Our own mother AND father are dead because of you! If you hadn't sent that Dark Elf from the dungeon, he wouldn't have found her or Jane, and Mother would still be alive. If you hadn't dethroned Father, he'd still be ruling Asgard and wouldn't have given himself up the way he did! I've always been away and not had the time for Jane because I'm busy cleaning up YOUR mess which led to us breaking up! If you hadn't given the Tesseract to Thanos, we'd still have all of Asgard together, but we don't! I've lost too many people, and it was all because of you! Your hands are dripping red, innocent people's blood, and you don't care! It's no wonder that Father never wanted a Jotun on the throne of Asgard on account of your frozen heart!"
(Y/n) couldn't help the quiet gasp nor the flinch that escaped (p/n) control. Following Thor's rant, deafening silence stretched between the brothers, choking out the back and forth. Behind the door though, as the two stood facing each other, Loki could only look down at the floor, regret and shame written all over his face as Thor froze in dismay at his harsh words. The usually mischievous god only whispered, "Get out." Thor swallowed thickly as he wrung his fists before hesitantly reaching out to touch his brother's shoulder. He wasn't able to, though, because the younger swatted his hand away and roughly pushed him back towards the door while barking coldly, "I said get out!" Thor looked down ashamed at his actions and turned towards the door to leave. Hearing the nearing footsteps, (Y/n) quickly bolted and hid around a nearby corner, silently giving a sigh of relief as the God of Thunder walked away in the opposite direction. (P/n) hurried to (p/n) room to have a quick shower before coming back out to console (p/n) love.
When (p/n) returned, (Y/n) knocked gently on the door in a familiar pattern to let him know it was (p/n). A quiet, "Come in," was called seconds later after a small bout of shuffling heard through the wood. Slowly opening the door, (Y/n) poked (p/n) head inside and called softly, "Loki?" The god in question turned towards (p/n) and away from the window as a sad smile graced his features while he opened his arms for his love's embrace which was gladly given. "Hello, darling. How was your run?" he asked in his greeting. The couple stood in the embrace as the conversation continued. "It was a good run," (p/n) explained, "It was hot, so I just got out of the shower." "Is that right?" he asked teasingly, and (p/n) hummed in affirmation. "What goes on in that lovely mind of yours, dear?" he asked having noticed how quiet (p/n) was this time. "Um..." (p/n) stammered for a moment before sighing, not wanting to lie, "I overheard what Thor said." Loki fell silent and grew stiff and rigid before he asked guardedly, "What did you hear?" "Enough..." (Y/n) replied carefully. The mischief god stayed rigid for a moment longer before giving a solemn sigh as he let his thoughts out, "I now know how he truly feels about me. He thinks I don't care about the people that I've hurt, but I do. He blames me for the death our parents, a sin that I will never forgive myself for. He thinks of me as a frozen-hearted monster. Maybe he's right. Maybe, I am the monster who has a heart that is worthless as a heart for its frozen nature."
As Loki shared his side, (Y/n) could hear and feel his breath hitch and his voice start to tremble. (P/n) brows furrowed as (p/n) looked up to find the God of Mischief with a small tear slowly slipping down his cheek. Loki never shows his vulnerable side except to a select group of people that could be counted on only one hand, and that select group included (p/n). Reaching up, (Y/n) rested (p/n) hand on his cheek and wiped away the stray tear as he closed his eyes and leaned into the comforting touch. (P/n) then asked, whispering gently, "Do you really think yourself a monster?" Loki opened his eyes and stared into (Y/n)'s own sincere orbs, and (p/n) could see the pained sadness that he was willing to show instead of his mask of mischief.
He gave another sigh and looked away in the direction of (p/n) palm while placing his own hand on top. (Y/n) tried to follow him to maintain eye contact and questioned, "What do you think a monster looks like?" "Do you not see it?" he retorted as his own eyebrows drew together as (Y/n) shook (p/n) head no. (P/n) then asked, "What does a cold, frozen hearted monster look like? I want to see. Show me." Loki backed up from (p/n) touch as a faint green light shimmered over him from his feet to his head all while his skin slowly faded from pale to a deep azure blue and his eyes from their bluish green shine to a glimmering scarlet red.
"Now do you see?" he urged, "This is the monster with the blood on his hands. This is the frozen heart that had slain all those innocent lives all those years. This is the monster that you claim to have fallen in love with! So tell me! Look me in the eye and tell me that you don't see a cold, cruel, frozen hearted monster!" "I can't!" (p/n) all but shouted, "I can't say I see a monster because I don't! I don't see a monster! All I see is someone that lived his whole life underneath a lie and is trying so hard to find himself. Someone that had lost his way and is trying to make things right. Someone that was mind controlled into doing the sinister bidding of a real monster. That wasn't you."
(Y/n) took a couple of steps closer to him, but he stepped back to keep his distance. (P/n) felt (p/n) heart twist into knots of agony, but (p/n) didn't let it show. "You say that I 'claim' to love you when it's not true," (p/n) continued, "I don't 'claim' anything. I do love you. Despite your past, in spite of your flaws, regardless of your mistakes. I fell in love with the man that made me feel worth while. With the kind and gentle soul with a playful side always itching to come out. With the god working to right his wrongs and who proves everyday how much he's changed. If I fell in love with a frozen hearted monster, then surely I must have found a way to thaw your frozen heart." Throughout (p/n) speech, (Y/n) continued to walk closer to Loki in his Jotun form and managed to get closer when he backed himself into a corner in an attempt to keep his distance.
(P/n) finally was able to reach out and give his cold, blue cheek a gentle touch and carefully glided (p/n) thumbs over the raised designs on his skin. He let out a shaky breath as he closed his eyes again at the loving feeling before turning to plant a small peck on one of (p/n) palms. (Y/n) spoke up once more, conviction painted in every word, "Thor is wrong. You're not a monster. You've made some bad choices, but that's all in the past now. You have changed, and I know you see it too, but I won't hesitate to remind you of how far you've come if need be. I love you, Loki, and I am so proud of you." A few more tears decided to slip from his eyes at the kind sentiments before he sniffed and leaned in to connect his lips with his love's. The kiss was slow but steady, reassuring, and grounding as Loki kept one hand on the small of (p/n) back and the other on her (p/n) cheek while (Y/n) kept one on his cheek and the other on his shoulder, each pulling the other close.
They finally broke away for much needed air but leaned their foreheads against each other, a small smile finally reappearing on his lips. "Thank you," he muttered, "thank you so much." "Of course, my love," (Y/n) responded before leaning back with a smirk and a certain kind of gleam in (p/n) eye. Loki noticed instantly, and as his skin returned to its usual color, he teasingly asked, "What devious thoughts course through your mind, darling?" "I just need to talk to Thor about something, is all," (Y/n) mused as (p/n) pulled out a retractable dagger from (p/n) back pocket. (P/n) turned to leave but paused when Loki amusedly asked, "Tell me, darling, what are you to do?" (Y/n) charmed seductively as (p/n) glanced over (p/n) shoulder, "I'll be right back." Loki gave a chuckle as his love disappeared through the door and he heard his brother's name called with that enraged growl that he adored, "THOR! GET YOUR ASGARDIAN HIDE OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!!"
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
Secret Santa
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: When you pick Loki’s name for Secret Santa, you are at a loss for what to get him. Some quality time with the God of Mischief sheds some light on the situation. Warnings: pure, unadulterated fluff; very long A/N: It’s almost Christmas now; less than a week to go! And a big thank you to my best friend @lokistan​ for writing the beautiful poetry for this story. I love you my bean! Happy reading all :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant​​ @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @lokistan​ @thelokiimaginechroniclesficrecs​ @gaitwae
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
“Oh my gosh, thank you Nat!” you said, throwing your arms around her shoulders in a hug. She had been your Secret Santa and gotten you the expensive jacket you’d been wanting for months. “It’s perfect.”
Christmas Eve in the Avengers Tower was full of laughter and drinks as the team exchanged Secret Santa gifts. Tomorrow morning you’d be opening regular presents, so it was tradition to set this aside for the night before. It was more fun that way, maybe because you could focus solely on the excitement of learning who had picked your name.  
“You’re welcome. I know you were nervous about being able to pull it off, but it’ll look great on you,” she reassured, hugging you back. “Ok, now it’s your turn.”
You shot a nervous glance at Peter, who flashed a thumbs up. Thor, who was sitting next to you, pat your back. You stood and picked up the carefully wrapped package, all decorated in gold and green. You were nervous about what you had picked, but whether the recipient liked it or not, you were happy that this anxiety of if it was good enough or not would be over. You’d rather know. After all, you’d been feeling this way ever since you’d picked the name a week earlier...
“Alright everyone,” Tony said, holding a stocking filled with little pieces of paper. “It’s time for Secret Santa. And remember, if you get me, cash is accepted.”
You gathered around with the rest of the team as they started to pick names. You said a little prayer that you would get Peter, your best friend, seeing as you already had about thirty different gift ideas for him. Wanda would be pretty easy, too, as you were also really close with her. In fact, looking around, you were able to come up with at least some scrap of an idea for almost everyone. Almost being the operative word.  By the time Tony got to you, there was only one slip left. As you stuck your hand in the stocking, you made a silent wish that it wouldn’t be the one person you had no clue what to get for.
Please, you thought. Please be someone I know. Please don’t be...
“And that concludes the name picking process,” Tony announced as you cast a dismayed look at the four-letter name on the paper. “You have a week to figure it out, so good luck.
“Remember, no swapping!” Steve added as the group began to disperse.
You looked around for the trickster, wondering why he was even participating. It’s not that you didn’t want him to, just that it didn’t seem like his kind of thing. From the way he was clenching his fists and scowling, you still guessed it wasn’t. Not like you really knew him all that well, unfortunately. When he’d come to the Tower, Loki seemed like he preferred the solitude. You often wondered if you should have made more of an effort to be his friend, wished that you had. There was this one time you were both reading Macbeth in a common area and had gotten into a very animated discussion about it. Nothing more ever really came of that, though, as he left for a mission the next day and didn’t return until two weeks later. By then, you’d both moved onto different books.
Later, you made a trip to the library, hoping to solve the enigma that is the God of Mischief. You were the only two people who went in their regularly and more than half the conversations you’d had with him had been held in that room. Granted they were all short, but you figured it was a start. In fact, you found yourself rather wanting to have a conversation with him right now. Yes, because of the Secret Santa thing, but also because they’d been getting more frequent recently. With every one, you realized how much you enjoyed talking to him. Unfortunately, he wasn’t in his usual spot by the crackling fire. You considered just leaving, but decided you should at least make some use of this trip. You’d seen him reading some works by James Joyce most recently, and you went to go look for the one he’d had last. Maybe seeing what he likes to read could give you some gift ideas. Your eyes scanned the shelves, but you couldn’t find it. It was possible you were just remembering the cover wrong. Just as you were about to give up, someone tapped your shoulder.
“Pardon me,” Loki said as you whipped around. “I think you may be looking for this.”
He held out the copy of the book you’d been looking for and raised an eyebrow when you just stared at him blankly for a second. Who could blame you, though? He was standing rather close, and he was... Well, quite frankly, he was hot. With his raven black hair framing his smooth, pale skin, and with striking blue-green eyes that stare into your soul, he was the most handsome man you’d ever met. Then again, he wasn’t really a man, was he?
“Oh, uh, yes. Yes I am,” you said, coming to your senses. “Thank you. Did you enjoy it?”
“Very much so. I have read it five times now. I apologize for that, if you were looking for it.”
“Don’t worry about it. You have nothing to apologize for.” He looked rather surprised that you would say such a thing, and you briefly wondered how many times people had made him apologize unnecessarily. “You could even just keep it if you want.”
“No, that is alright. At least, not until you have gotten to read it, too. Perhaps we could discuss it?” he said hesitantly, like he wasn’t sure if he was overstepping.
You looked at the title in your hands. Dubliners. You’d read a few of the short stories in high school and hadn’t enjoyed them much. But you were older now, so maybe your tastes had changed. Either way, you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have another conversation with Loki. That slight smile and those intelligent eyes were just too captivating.
“That’s a wonderful idea. May I ask what your favorite is?”
“A good question. I think I will have to say Eveline. The way she ends up trapped, the mere emotion in the implication... It’s exquisitely done.”
“Wow, Loki, you have such a way with words. You’re beautiful,” you told him without thinking. As his eyes widened, you realized what you’d said and tried to cover it up. “I, um, I meant that that’s beautiful. The, ah, way you weave words. Sorry, I obviously don’t have the same ability.”
“It is quite alright. They do not call me silver-tongue for nothing, you know,” he said, though he was blushing now. “Still, I look forward to hearing your thoughts. But for now, my dear mortal, I must bid you goodbye. I have a sparring session with my brother to get to.”
He swept into a small, princely bow that made your heart stutter. Hugging the book to your chest, you waved goodbye, feeling much more awkward than he had been. You were also about a hundred times more determined to get Loki a perfect gift. You looked at the book again. It was a special first edition, unfortunately, and you couldn’t really do better than that. Besides, you got the impression he appreciated books more when they were well-loved. So, you could scratch that idea off the list.
You sighed and headed to your room for the night. Maybe an inspiration board could help you figure things out. Unfortunately, that led to you having a poster board with pictures solely of Loki. You’d meant to add other things, but you’d gotten so caught up in how beautiful he looked with his soft pink lips and carefully styled hair and... Ok, maybe you had the slightest, tiniest crush on the trickster god, but it was silly. You’d hardly even been friends for half a year. And yet, he was very hard to resist. You ended up destroying your project, cringing at the idea of anyone finding it and taking it the wrong way.
The next morning you woke up just as idealess as you had been the night before. You had been hoping that you could figure something out if you slept on it, but to no avail. Frustrated, you kicked your blankets off and got ready to attack the day. You absolutely hated the fact that you couldn’t come up with a gift idea on your own, and the last thing you wanted to have to do was ask someone else.
Splashing some water on your face, you had another idea that you quickly shut down. You’d thought for a second that maybe you could buy him some cologne, but then you realized you had no idea what scent or brand he used. In fact, you weren’t sure he used and fragrance at all. The smell of leather, pine, and old books that he had just suited him so well you couldn’t help but wonder if it was just a natural thing. Either way, he always smelled so safe, so wonderful. You cursed yourself for letting your thoughts take that turn again. It was a lot easier to ignore this crush when you didn’t have to be thinking about him 24/7.
Traipsing into the kitchen, you found Peter and Thor having an animated conversation about what was better, pecan or pumpkin pie. You wondered if you could bake something for Loki as a gift, then you realized that still required knowing what he likes. You would get him tea, but you already knew for a fact that was what Thor had gotten him as a regular present. Plus it was a special Asgardian blend, so there was no way you could top that.
“Good morning, guys,” you greeted as you tried to decide what to eat for breakfast.
“Morning,” they chorused back.
You bit your lip, coming to a split second decision. “Can I ask you two a question. It’s about Secret Santa.”
“Sure, go ahead,” Peter said while you took a seat across from them.
“Ok, this is top secret, right? So don’t tell anybody.” They both eagerly nodded their heads. “I know you’re both friends with Loki, and well, I picked his name. I have no clue what to get him, though. Any ideas?”
“I have the perfect idea!” Thor declared as you motioned for him to keep his voice down. “Get him some causal Midgardian clothes. You have excellent taste, I am sure he will love whatever you pick out.”
You wrinkled your nose. “Are you sure that’s not just what you want for him? I mean, he seems plenty happy to wear his Asgardian clothes around the Tower. And there’s nothing wrong with dressing up when you go out.” You sighed when Thor just seemed confused by your words, not understanding that his brother had embraced the Midgardian style as much as he wanted to. “I’ll just consider that a back-up plan for now. What about you, Peter? Any thoughts?”
“What if we just went shopping together?” he excitedly suggested. “Then if we see something we think is good, we can just point it out.”
You hurriedly agreed, anxious to get the gift-buying out of the way. The plan was to head out right after your training session with Nat and Steve. Unfortunately, that meant you were distracted nearly the whole time, leaving you with a few more bruises than normal. You loved your teammates to death, but boy did they ever need to learn how to ease up a little in practice. You stayed a few minutes extra to do some cool down stretches, and in waltzed the trickster god who had been occupying so much of your brain space recently. The way he was flipping and catching his daggers as he walked was slightly mesmerizing.
“My apologies,” he said, noticing you. “I did not think there was anyone else in here. I can come back later if you still need the space.”
“No!” you shouted as he began to turn away. It was a bit louder than you had meant to say it, and you mentally kicked yourself. “I mean, I was just on my way out, so please, stay.”
He smiled and set his things down on the bench next to yours. You eyed the daggers that had just been wielded by his expertly trained hands moments ago.
“May I?” you asked, gesturing to them.
He picked one up and handed it to you. Turning it over in your hands, you noticed that handles were slightly worn, but it was still excellently crafted. The blade had obviously been sharpened a great number of times before and was looking like it might need to be again. You’d never personally used a dagger in battle, but the way Loki was so graceful with them made a part of you want to.
“To be very precise with such a weapon,” Loki began as if reading your thoughts, “requires great focus and skill. There is no room for error when used to block another’s attack, and to deliver a powerful blow, you must strike in just the right spot.” A shiver of excitement shot down your spine as he picked up his other blade and began adeptly demonstrating, moving like a flowing river as he sliced the air. “It is much smaller than most weapons, sure. However, it is just as deadly. And if the sword is an extension of your body, the same can be said for the dagger tenfold.”
You blinked a couple times, beyond impressed by his majestic, fluid movements. It was breathtaking. He was breathtaking. Now you just had to find a way to say that without sounding obsessed.
“Wow, Loki,” you finally gasped, unable to hide your amazement. “I don’t know how you do it, but you even make weapons sound beautiful. And you’re very talented, too. I could never,” you nervously laughed.
“You are too kind to me, my dear mortal,” he said, and you felt a spark of pride in your chest that you were making him blush yet again. “You are not kind enough to yourself, though. I am certain you would be excellent. Perhaps you just need to find a teacher.”
“Would you teach me?” you asked, oddly worried to do so. You tried to calm your swelling nerves.
“Well, I did not mean to imply that I should be your instructor, for I fear that I would not be very good at it.” He watched your smile falter just the tiniest bit and found himself rushing to bring it back to full strength. “However, if you so desire, I can certainly try. I must warn you, it will not be easy.”
“Loki, you’d really do that for me?” Your heart beat a little faster in your chest as he shyly nodded his head yes. “I would love to. And don’t worry about going easy; I want to be as good as you.”
“Excellent! We shall have out first lesson, say, at the start of the New Year?”
After the plans were set, you excused yourself so you could meet your friends for shopping. You were late as it was, and you still had to go freshen up. The whole reason for the trip was you, and you’d feel bad to keep them waiting much longer. Still, you stole one last glance at Loki before exiting.
Hours later, you still had no gift for Loki. You barely even had an idea, much to your dismay. Peter and Thor kept pointing out little trinkets, a couple of which you did pick up as a regular gift for him, but your Secret Santa gift had to be a showstopper. Something about him drew you in, and you wanted to give him the most amazing present you could. If only it weren’t so difficult.
You were walking down a street when you happened to notice the trickster god himself in one of the store windows. You waved your companions on with the excuse you wanted to check something out for one of them and entered the shop Loki was at. For a second you considered just watching him to try to get some ideas, but that was quickly dashed when he let out a sigh of frustration. He just looked so perplexed and adorably aggravated.
“Hey, Loki,” you greeted after clearing your throat. “Funny running into you here. Are you alright?”
“Hello, my dear mortal. Thank you for asking,” he said. “I am alright. It is just this blasted Secret Santa.”
“I know what you mean,” you replied before you could help yourself. “But I’m, uh, not going to say who it is. I mean, you can tell me if you want to, but I’ve already told so many people it’ll hardly be a secret if anyone else knows,” you covered your tracks.
“Ah, I see. It is supposed to be a secret, and I do so ever hate to crack under the pressure, but I find myself in dire need of assistance. Do you suppose you could help?”
You beamed at him as you realized you’d talked with him more in the past few days than you had in the last three weeks. If there was one thing you knew, it was you had better be careful, or you’d get addicted to the sound of his voice. You were on thin ice with this crush as it was, you really shouldn’t let it blossom into more.
“Sure! I’d love to. Who do you have?” you finally said, looking around the store. “Wait, let me guess. Steve?”
“Oh. Well, he did say cash was fine,” you giggled.
“Believe me, I was tempted,” Loki chuckled along with you. “But I promised Thor I would make more of an effort this time around. I do not know what he is talking about, though. Bruce loved his socks last year!”
You slapped a hand over your mouth as your loud laughter garnered a few stares from other shoppers. Loki’s eyes held only soft admiration, though, and your hands got a little sweaty from how nervous that made you. You subtly wiped them on your pants as you calmed down.
“Well, it you want to get something more personal, I might have an idea.”
“By all means, do tell,” he urged.
“You know that tool set he was talking about the other day?” you questioned, but were met with a blank stare. “I’ll take that as a no, but he was saying he didn’t want to get them because he doesn’t actually need them.”
“When has that ever stopped him before?” Loki scoffed.
“I guess he’s trying something new,” you shrugged. “But anyway, if you got them it would show you were thinking about what he actually liked and stuff. Or maybe that’s dumb, sorry.”
“No, no, it is a splendid idea!” he was quick to reassure you. For a second it seemed as if he was going to reach out and touch your shoulder, but then he thought better of it. “You do not happen to know where they are sold, do you?”
You nodded and led him out of the store you were in, towards the place where he could buy them. You were waiting at a corner for a light to change, amicably chatting. Nothing groundbreaking, just small talk. Regardless, it made your heart beat just a little faster. Still engrossed in the conversation, you took a step out into the crosswalk when the light said it was safe to go. You didn’t notice the car speeding towards you until Loki grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into his chest. You gasped as he glared after the driver, who gave no acknowledgement or apology to you. The god’s arms were wrapped around you in a protective manner, and you looked up at his face, appreciating his beauty at this close angle. Given what had just happened, probably not the thing you should be focusing on.
“My dear mortal,” he fretted, looking down at you, not yet letting go. “Are you alright? You are not injured at all, are you? Shall I take you to the hospital wing to make sure?”
“I’m ok,” you reassured him, though a part of you didn’t want to. He seemed about ready to scoop you up and use his godly strength to carry you home. Alas, your moral compass decided that wouldn’t be very fair to him. “Just a little shaken, but you saved me. Thank you, Loki. That doesn’t really cut it, but thank you so much.”
“Do not mention it. I am just glad you are alright,” he replied, though his voice did still have a tint of worry to it. Maybe you were imaging it, but he seemed almost reluctant to let you go from his tight embrace. “Now, you may carefully lead the way. Carefully,” he emphasized.
With a giggle, you brought him to the store where the tools were. After browsing the aisles for a few minutes, the two of you found the shelf they were on. With a frown, you examined the price tag.
“Sorry, Loki,” you said. “I didn’t realize how expensive it was.”
“It is fine,” he replied, looking at the cost himself. “This is actually plenty within my price range.”
You waited outside of the busy store while he made his purchase and checked your phone. You felt a pang of guilt as you noticed a number of missed texts from Peter and Thor.
Sorry guys, you texted the group chat. Ran into someone I know and got carried away. Carry on without me.
Don’t worry, came Peter’s reply. See you back home :)
You pocketed your phone as Loki walked back out, giving you a smile. You looked at the ground to keep yourself from saying something stupid.
“I hope I am not keeping you from anything,” he said as you started walking back towards the Tower. “Is there any shopping I can assist you with?”
You lamented the irony of the situation. Despite the entire point of this venture being to buy a gift for Loki, you were still empty handed. It was tempting to try to ask him what he wanted, but you were sure he was far more clever than you were subtle.
“No, I’m good, thanks. But if you don’t mind my asking, how do you have so much money?” you asked to satisfy your curiosity. “I mean, Tony’s always complaining about how you use his credit card.”
“That, my dear mortal, is simply because I can,” he replied as you both laughed. “I have been around for much longer than you might imagine. I have amassed a certain amount of wealth in my many years.”
“Wow, that’s pretty cool, actually. You’re making me wish I was an immortal being,” you joked.
“And tell me, my dear mortal, if you were to treat yourself to something nice, what would it be?”
You thought about it for a moment. “Maybe I’d go to a nice restaurant,” you finally said. “It doesn’t have to be anything too far from home. Oh! Like, Nobu has really good sushi.”
“Well then, perhaps I will have to pay for us to have a meal there sometime.”
“Yeah! I bet the team would really like that.”
“Actually,” he sheepishly said, bringing you to a stop on the sidewalk, “I meant for just the two of us to go. That is, if you would like to. Maybe one day after we start our training. You are not obligated to say yes, though. The offer for me to pay is still open if you would like to take another friend instead of me.”
“Loki, no. That’s so generous, of course I’d love to go with you,” you reassured him, settling a hand on his arm. Though, admittedly, you were beyond flustered, especially when you realized how that last sentence sounded. “I mean as friends, of course. It sounds amazing, thank you.”
“Well then, I look forward to it.” He brought his hand to rest on yours, and goosebumps erupted on your skin, not only from his cold touch, but the wave of excitement you felt. “And speaking of our lessons, I was thinking you may want some daggers of your own. We do not have to get them now but-”
“That’s it!” you suddenly shouted, then apologized for cutting him off. “Can I borrow your daggers, Loki? To go get myself a pair?”
He offered to come with you, but you waved him off, saying you’d be fine on your own. It was a little suspicious, he thought, but decided to drop it. Handing you the weapons, he bid you goodbye. As soon as he was out of eyesight, you examined the daggers, trying to get a clear picture in your mind of what you wanted.
A few quick stops later, and after gaining permission from Tony, you were in the lab, carefully crafting Loki’s gift. It took a few days, and you were by no means used to doing this kind of thing, but you were finally satisfied with the finished product. You wrapped it and then hid it with the rest of your presents, just waiting to be given to their recipients. With only a few days left until Christmas Eve, you were filled with an anxious excitement to give Loki his gift. There was nothing left to do but hope that he likes it.
...You looked everywhere but at Loki as you approached him, nerves bubbling in your stomach. By the time you reached him, his mouth had curled into a soft smile. It occurred to you that you’d never seen him look that way at anyone but you. Building on the confidence that thought brought, you held out the gift.
“Here, Loki,” you told him, averting your gaze again. “This is for you.”
You perched on the edge of the coffee table across from him as he accepted the package with a thank you. There was some light chatter coming from the rest of your teammates, but it felt like the only people in the world at this moment were you and Loki, his fingers skillfully unwrapping the present. You sat on your hands to keep from fidgeting with them. It took all your focus to keep your eyes on Loki and not wandering the room in anticipation. As he opened the lid of the box and revealed what was inside, his mouth formed into a surprised “o”.
He picked up the gift, a pair of new daggers, each with a gold hilt. His name was engraved on it, and there was a band of emeralds at the top and bottom. You’d made them the same dimensions as his old ones.
“My dear mortal,” he breathed in awe, his eyes full of sincerity, coming up to met yours. “This is so thoughtful, so beautiful. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Loki. I’m really glad you like it.”
“I do. I love it,” he replied, taking your hand in his for the briefest of moments. He pulled away before anyone could really think anything of it. Neither of you said anything else, instead just staring into each other’s eyes.
“Ok, Reindeer Games,” Tony said, interrupting the moment you were sharing with Loki. “Now it’s your turn. So, who’d you get?”
“Well, actually, I picked your name, Stark. Here,” he said, nonchalantly handing over the gift. Though he seemed completely uninterested, you could tell he was a little nervous. “For you.”
“Alright, let’s see what it is. I swear, this better not be socks or-” Tony cut off, seeing the very thing he wanted. “Wow, Rock of Ages. This is really thoughtful. Thanks. I had no idea you actually listened,” he finished with a laugh.
“You are quite welcome,” Loki said, but he was more looking at you than Tony.
Later that evening, after all the gifts were given out, you were sitting by the fireplace, waiting for the flames to completely die out. You were curled up in the corner of the couch, your feet pulled up next to you, a blanket draped over your shoulders, and a book open on your lap.
“My dear mortal,” Loki’s voice suddenly said as he appeared in the doorway, pulling you from the words on the page. “I thought you were supposed to be in bed, lest Santa skip this house and move onto the next.”
“Yes, but I have to make sure the fire goes out so he can get in,” you laughed, playing along. “As long as I’m up, I wouldn’t mind some company. Care to join me?”
Wordlessly, he sat down, and you closed your book. The both of you just stared at the dying flames in a peaceful silence for a while. Your mind seemed to be content to be filled with thoughts of Loki; the way he was sitting so close, the way his hands kept brushing his hair away from his face every few moments, the way he’d looked at you earlier when he’d received your gift. After you weren’t sure exactly how long, he gently said your name, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“Yes?” you replied.
“I truly do your love your gift. It is beyond lovely, your generosity and thoughtfulness a true reflection of what is in your brilliant soul.”
“Loki, I can’t even express how happy I am to hear that. And thank you for your beautiful words.”
“Speaking of,” he nervously said, “the gift that I have for you, it is, well, my words. A poem. I am sorry to say, I would be a little self-conscious to give it to you in front of everyone else. Would I... Would I be able to recite it to you now?”
“Of course, Loki. Whatever you’re comfortable with. I’m just grateful that you’re willing to share it with me.”
“Alright then, my dear mortal. Here goes nothing.”
You shifted to a more position as he took a deep breath and opened up a journal. You waited with bated breath as he began to speak.
“From your eyes that shine as the brightest stars, to your smile that's a reflection of your radiant heart. From your gentle hands that fit as though they belong in mine, to your laugh that stops my perception of time. You've shown me kindness when I didn't feel I deserved it, you welcomed me into your world with a caring embrace and showed me I am not my mistakes. My heart beats stronger for you, the love that I feel couldn't be more true. If you will have me, I will show you the world, for you have shown me the universe, the place also known as your touch, as your mind, as your heart, as your soul. You, you are my universe.”
He looked at you expectantly, but with a hesitation understandable given what he’d just confessed. You wanted to tell him how you felt just as eloquently, but were dumbstruck that the feelings were even reciprocated.
“Loki,” you said, holding his cold hands in your warm ones. “That’s so beautiful and I-I love you, too.”
He seemed just as shocked as you that the feeling could be mutual. He squeezed your hands, at a loss for words for the first time since you’d known him. With no one to interrupt you this time, you remained lost in each other’s emotion-filled eyes. It was Loki who broke the silence.
“My dear mortal, I... May I kiss you?”
You answered by surging forward and pressing your lips to his. His hands came to cup your cheeks, and yours found his hair, tangling themselves in his dark locks. He tasted like heaven, and you sighed against his mouth. You could have stayed that way forever, and yet it could never be enough. Sadly, you had to pull away, but Loki was quick to pull you against him, holding you to his chest as if he didn’t believe you’d stay, didn’t believe he could have something so wonderful.
You stayed like that for a while, conveying things even words couldn’t say in the silence, just holding each other. Eventually, you began talking, enjoying the way a light conversation was flowing between you. Your eyes were drooping shut as you snuggled against his chest, the final embers of the fire going out. You glanced at the clock and saw that it read midnight.
“Merry Christmas, Loki,” you whispered. “There’s no one I’d rather be with than you.”
“Merry Christmas to you too, my dear mortal. I could write you a thousand poems, and still I would never properly express how much I feel the same.”
As sleep slowly claimed you, it occurred to you that you may have never even admitted how you feel without the whole Secret Santa ordeal. It seemed that it had revealed more secrets than you’d ever expected, and for that, you’d be forever grateful.
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Omega Mine
TITLE: Omega Mine
AUTHOR: nekoamamori
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Loosely based on: Imagine Loki discovers the Avengers have an omega who has healing powers living with them. He’s an Alpha and he wants her, badly. 
NOTES/WARNINGS:  Also on AO3 click here
When you were sure Peter was alright, you left him in Tony’s and Aunt May’s care.  They could comfort and reassure the new Omega perfectly well on their own.  You had an Alpha-puppy to care for.  You kissed Peter’s hair before you headed up to help Wanda.  
Wanda, Loki, and Bucky were all in her suite.  Bucky was staying near the doorway of her bedroom, staying out of the way, letting Loki take the lead.  Loki outranked him in the hierarchy of power.  He was a thousand year old god.  No one expected anything less.  However, you’d wanted Bucky up here in case Wanda reacted better to a human Alpha. 
You had entered her suite without knocking. You were expected so you didn’t bother.   You walked through her sitting room to where Bucky was waiting at her bedroom door.  He looked relieved to see you.  “How is she?” You asked him and gave him a hug.  He looked like he needed it.  No one liked seeing the puppies in distress.
“The fever hit her quick.  Loki’s trying to combat it,” Bucky sounded worried.  Of course he did.  He cared about Wanda.  The two of them were together in Hydra and Bucky had taken care of her as best he could.  
You nodded against his chest, still hugging him.  “The presentation hit fast.  It happens sometimes that a new Omega can trigger the presentation in a new Alpha.  That’s why a lot of kids will take a couple days off school after they transition.” It was partly to recover and partly so they wouldn’t trigger transitions in other kids.  “Is she responding to Loki’s presence?” You turned the subject back to Wanda’s transition before Bucky got uncomfortable and stepped back out of his arms.  
“Yeah.  She calmed for him, just like any puppy,” Bucky reassured you.  
You sighed in relief.  “I wasn’t sure since he’s not from this realm,”
“Anything you need me to do?” Bucky asked you.  He wasn’t needed here and didn’t want to be in the way.  
You smiled up at him.  You had the perfect task for something useful he could do.  “Can you call Professor Xavier and let the school know that Wanda is presenting?  Twins often present at the same time, or close to it and her brother is there.” It had been decided when Wanda and Pietro were rescued that Wanda was supposed to come to live with the Avengers and would find what she needed here, while Pietro, her twin brother, was supposed to go to Xavier’s school for those with powers.  The twins hadn’t wanted to be separated, but the mutant who had looked into their future was never wrong.  
Bucky pulled you close again for a moment and nuzzled your hair.  It was typical for an Alpha, for one of your pack, to do to get a bit of comfort.  “I can do that,” he promised. “You go take care of the puppy.” Bucky let you go and went to attend his task (or make Steve do it) and let you enter Wanda’s bedroom.
Wanda was on her bed, on top of the covers.  You could practically feel the heat radiating off of her from the doorway.  That wasn’t a good sign.  Loki was sitting next to her bed, keeping the puppy calm.  You also noticed that one of his hands was blue and on her forehead.  He was using his Jotun abilities to try to cool her fever.  
Loki looked up at you when you came into the room.  “She’s worse than the spider child was,” he said, worry etched in his furrowed brow.
You nodded and moved closer.  “Yes.  But she’ll be alright with us here,” you reassured him.  Loki had a soft spot for the witchling.  He had taken her under his wing as a student.  
You sat on the bed next to Wanda and soothed her and cared for her through her presentation while Loki took care of her fever.  Her presentation didn’t last nearly as long as Peter’s.  You weren’t surprised.  Her presentation had been triggered by Peter’s it had come hard and fast.
Her scent changed after a scant hour and her fever broke, leaving Wanda as a new little Alpha.  
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frankie-mercury · 2 years
A Place To Grow Old (Marvel x JJK)
The drive home was uneventful, Happy informing you of the developing events with the accords. After parking Happy let you go inside first, informing you that Peter was taking May’s death hard. Walking into the main room you faintly heard the tv playing.
“Peter?” You called out, sensing him nearby but not seeing him at first. Probably because he was wrapped up in a blanket on the couch with his back turned towards you. Moving to sit beside him you didn’t say anything as you wrapped your arms around him, Peter willingly falling into your embrace, feeling the tears in your shoulder before hearing them. You wanted to fix it, to take his pain away but you didn’t know how, so you let him cry. That was the least you could do, allow him to be human, not spider man for one moment, allow him to grieve.
The two of you must’ve fallen asleep at some point, waking up to Tony shaking your shoulder.
“Wake up kids, I brought food.” You stretched with a sigh, standing up slowly as Peter rubbed his eyes, following you. Tony had set out plates for the three if you, the fourth chair, meant for Natasha, empty.
“She didn’t tell me she was leaving,” you said quietly, unwrapping the cheeseburger on your plate.
“She’s off on a mission, a red room thing.” You tensed at the mention of the Red Room, you having your own past with the program before Tony found you. “How was the interview?” Tony questioned with his mouth full.
“I got the job,” you said softly, “It was pretty easy. I think he decided to give me the job before he met me.”
“What are you gonna be doing?” Peter asked, meeting your gaze for the first time with blood shot eyes.
“Teaching.” He looked shocked at your answer, “Me too,” you said with a laugh.
The three of you ate the rest of your food over light conversation, the weight of half the team missing not going unmissed.
“Why did Steve do it?” Peter asked. You paused mid chew before swallowing, taking a sip of soda, refusing to bring Steve up again.
“He thinks he’s right.” Tony said.
“He chose James over us,” you added bitterly.
“Isn’t there something we can do?”
“Peter, we'd be shot the moment we crossed the border. Some of them know it's wrong, but if they shut us up they wont face consequences.”
“So what? We just roll over and submit?”
“I’d hardly say that's what's going on right now.” Tony said. “These things are delicate Peter, we can’t just fight it out.”
“These things always end in a fight,” you said with a sigh. “I’m gonna turn in for the night, I have to be at the school tomorrow.” Peterf watched you shovel more food into your mouth before throwing the rest away, feeling like he upset you by bringing up Steve.
“It’s not your fault kid, we’re all worn pretty thin, and we’re all hurt. Although I think Steve hurt her a little more than the rest of us.” Tony said softly, offering Peter a sad, non reassuring smile.
You woke up before Tony and Peter, packing an extra bag of work clothes after pulling on a pair of sweats. Convincing Happy that you could in fact drive yourself you drove to the school, parking and making your way to one of the gyms Yaga had mentioned you could use. Putting your hair up you pulled off your baggy shirt, sports bra covering enough to still be respectful if anyone happened to walk in the gym. Taking your time you wrapped your hands, flexing your fingers as you wrapped making sure not to cut off the circulation. Once you were satisfied you began to stretch, years of forced ballet training giving you an arsenal of stretches at your disposal. Once you were ready you hung a punching bag, setting your stance, tightening your core and having your way with the bag of sand and grains.
Working your way through two punching bags you had worked up a sweat, mind preoccupied with your emotions, flashes of red emphasizing your strikes.
“What did the punching bag do to you?” Gojo caught you off guard, his sudden voice startling you, a ball of energy nearly hitting him.
“Scared the fuck out of me,” you grumbled, not opting to give him an answer, going back to beating the bag in front of you.
“Your training’s supposed to start today,” Gojo said, leaning back against the wall as he watched you. “I don’t really think you need help in the combat area. Besides, I did my research, I know you could kill me with ease.” Your face paled at the mention of his ‘doing his research’. Your fists stopped at that, body tensing slightly.
“And what did you find?” You asked slowly.
“You were a Russian spy, trained as a sleeper agent. Child soldier turned KGB, quite a few assassinations to your name might I add. Stunning resume, you certainly are a formidable opponent. And then you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, that infinity stone really set you loose huh?” Gojo said, coming to stand by the punching bag, eyes meeting your over his sunglasses, the stunning blue causing your breath to hitch slightly. “And then you went rogue. I imagine they were not happy to lose a power house such as yourself,” he said, cocking his head to the side slightly “ and now your here.”
“Didn’t realize you wanted the whole sob story, you could have googled the abridged version.”
“Oh I could have, but not just anyone can get through my infinity. I had to know what made you so special.”
“I’m sure you lost sleep,” you sighed, unwrapping your hands when you realized he wasn’t gonna leave you alone.
“I did actually, hot and strong? Just my type.”
“I really wanna punch your perfect teeth in Satoru.”
“You think my teeth are perfect?”
“That’s what you got from that?”
“Selective hearing. Anyway, We could use your help in helping the students with their hand to hand combat.” Gojo said as he followed close behind you, walking from the gym to the dorms so you could shower. “I’ll meet you in the courtyard beautiful?” He said with a smirk.
“Shut the fuck up,” you groaned, “let me shower, I’ll meet you there,”
You stood beside Nanami and Gojo, glad you had packed clothes you could move in, the dress pants stretchy enough that you could fight without concern. You decided you’d need to bring some clothes to keep in the dorm assigned to you so you’d have options. You haven't decided whether you’d stay on campus or not yet.
“Did you do a whole background check too Kento?” you asked, hands slipping in the pockets of your pants. He seemed to hesitate before answering.
“Y’all know everything about me and I know nothing about you, doesn’t seem fair,” you breathed. Gojo was explaining something animatedly to the students, the first and second years either hanging onto his every word or seemingly bored. Gojo ushered you over, pulling a sigh from you.
“This is Y/N although you can call her Stark sensei-”
“Y/N is fine”
“Stark sensei, she’ll be helping with some combat training.” Gojo said. “But just so you know that she’s more than qualified - Nanamin! Fight our precious Y/N.”
“No cursed energy or magic, just hand to hand combat.” Gojo reiterated. You watched as Nanami removed his blazer and holster, laying them to the side. “No magic Y/N” Gojo reminded you.
“I’ve taken bigger men down before, I don’t need magic to beat Kento,” you said with a soft chuckle.
“Is that a challenge?”
“Oh most definitely,”
Kento was calculated, precise, and planned his strikes accordingly. He was definitely a challenge, not as challenging as Gojo, but slightly more challenging than Steve. Unfortunately neither of you had been able to land any substantial blows. You made your decision, choosing not to deflect Nanami’s punch, instead using it to propel you forward so you could literally climb him like a tree. Wrapping your thighs around his neck you leaned your weight back, bracing for the impact of the ground on your back. Kento’s hands gripped your calves, clearly struggling in your hold, but not enough for concern.
“Yield Kento,” you growled, tightening your grip, reaching to pin down on of his arms, leaving the other free for him to tap out. After a few moments of attempting to free himself, he tapped your thigh twice, taking a long breath when you released him. “Was that so hard?” You asked, letting go of his arm.
“I want you to do that to me Y/N.” Satoru said, far too enthused with the idea. Dusting himself off, Kento offered you a hand, helping you up.
“You’ll have to teach me that some time,” he said, seeming to warm up to you slightly.
“That’s all it took? I just had to get you between my thighs for you to not be so cold?” You teased, reveling in the irritated blush that colored Kento’s cheeks. “I’m kidding, no problem, but I hope your flexible,”
“Stark Sensei! I’d like to learn that move!” Maki said eagerly, struggling to contain her intrigue. You had a feeling she’d be one of the first ones to take interest in any hand to hand combat skills you could offer. You briefly had time to learn a bit about the students in between your shower and meeting Gojo and Nanami in the courtyard.
“That could be arranged,” you said with a small smile, rolling your shoulders to ease the tension. Grabbing your phone from where you had laid it next to Kento’s blazer you paused, reading the message you received from Natasha moments ago.
they’re coming for you
T minus 24 hours
You stared at your phone, heartbeat loud in your ears. You had escaped their radar for so long. You had managed to survive the red room, managed to escape Russia and move on with your life. Managed to wipe some of your ledger clean. So why now?
Fingers snapping in front of your face startled you out of your daze, Nanami staring at you.
“Did you hear me?”
“No sorry I- I need to go,” you said quickly.
“You just got here?”
“And you can’t just leave work early. Satoru added. “There’s some people we want you to meet. Why’re you trying to escape so soon?” He teased, not knowing the panic that was circulating through your brain. The thoughts and memories you had tried so hard to forget resurfacing from a text.
“Young Stark, the increase in heart rate suggests a minute anxiety attack. If I may, I suggest you calm your breathing,” JARVIS offered from your phone.
“Satoru,” Nanami began
“Already on it,” he said, an arm wrapping around your waist, your body barely registering the touch. “Hang on sweetheart,” he said before your stomach rolled and you found yourself in your dorm. When he let you go you stumbled slightly, catching yourself on the bed next to you, sitting down slowly and closing your eyes. There was a knock at your door, and muffled speaking before Nanami’s tan slacks entered your field of vision, the blond squatting down in front of you.
“You’re panicking y/n, you’re safe here with us,” he said, his hand gripping yours - a grounding technique. His thumb brushed underneath your eye and only then did you realize you had been crying. “What’s wrong?”
“Dreykov is coming for me,” you breathed, the words almost inaudible to the two men.
“Dreykov? Wait, from the red room?” Satoru asked, coming to your said as well, glad to see your breathing had calmed down. Whether you realized or not, your training kicked in, slowing your heart rate and breathing, numbing any feelings of fear you may have felt. “Why?”
You scoffed at that, “Maybe one in twenty girls survives the training and becomes a widow. He kills the rest, Black widows are his prized possessions , and he wants them back.” You said, beginning to calculate how much time you had left. “He’ll either have me in custody or dead by sundown tomorrow.”
“I never did understand why they trained girls, wouldn’t they want men?” Kento glared at Satoru for that comment.
“Women are overlooked, taken for granted. They can slip easily through a man’s defenses.” You said, slipping your hand from Kento’s, grabbing your things and stuffing them in your bag.
“What are you doing?”
“I can’t stay here Kento, they’d kill you if it meant getting to you faster.”
“Most people can’t see the school. you could because of your magic. your best bet is to stay here.”
“Okay, so let's say I do. They kill Peter and Tony to draw me out, and when that doesn’t work, they kill everyone else close to me just to get their hands on me.”
“That’s assuming they get to them. In the grand scheme of things, if they get you back, you’ll kill far more people.” Gojo said bluntly. The statement angered you. You knew he was right - that didn’t mean he had to say it.
“You’re a real piece of work, Satoru. You think I didn’t know that? I know the names of every person they had me kill, I know what they’ll do if they get to me. But I’d rather protect those I love, I’d give me life without hesitation for Tony. So don’t you dare throw that in my face. I was a child, Satoru, a child! I didn’t have a choice! Do you think I wanted to murder my friends? Do you think I wanted to kill every person they sat in front of me? Do you think i wanted to break all of my toes and continue doing their stupid ballet routines so I’d live?” Gojo backed away from you as you vented, back hitting the wall of your room. Nanami carefully watched the two of you, trying to decide if he could and should step in. “Do you think I asked for this?! If I had my way I’d be six feet under somewhere in Siberia, not living with the memories that keep me up at night. Not with the itch always there, the thought that I could easily do it again with a few words. So trust me, I know. I thought it through Gojo, so don’t you dare try to play saint,” you growled, eyes boring into his through the blindfold.
“I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said carefully. “All I meant is that if they can’t find you it’ll buy you time.” He offered, voice strangely soft as he watched your shoulders heave, your anger pouring off of you in waves of energy, even Nanami could feel the enemy shift.
“If you wanna be helpful, I need a quiet concealed place to meditate. As much as it pains me me I think you’re right, but that doesn’t mean I won’t protect the school.” You said softly.
“The shield Yaga put in place should be enough.” Nanami mentioned.
“So you’re telling me you don’t want to see what makes me the strongest?” You asked with a smirk, eyes meeting Gojo’s.
“Shut up Nanamin, I wanna see this magic show.”
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supersickies · 3 years
Summary: “Surgery was something that Peter Parker was used to. With his job, he really had to be used to going under the knife, and truthfully the more he experienced it the easier it got.
What Peter was not used to, however, were post-surgery infections. Of course, he knew that it was always a risk when going into procedures, but with the overly careful and competent medical staff in the med bay of Stark Tower, it was rarely something he had to worry about.
But nobody was perfect, accidents can happen, and that’s how Peter found himself in his current situation. Feverish, achy in more ways than one, and utterly miserable.”
Peter can't sleep after a surgery gone bad. He needs his Lukey...if Tony can figure out what that is.
A/N: Here we go @sicktember day five! I was pretty excited for this prompt but for some reason had a tough time putting something together for it that I really loved. But hope this fic suffices and if you read it you enjoy it! This was pretty much that last prompt fill I have completely completed for Sicktember but I’m hoping to get some more finished so I may be back with those, we’ll just have to see! Either way, hope you enjoy this fic! You can read it below the cut or on Ao3!
Surgery was something that Peter Parker was used to. With his job, he really had to be used to going under the knife, and truthfully the more he experienced it the easier it got.
What Peter was not used to, however, were post-surgery infections. Of course, he knew that it was always a risk when going into procedures, but with the overly careful and competent medical staff in the med bay of Stark Tower, it was rarely something he had to worry about.
But nobody was perfect, accidents can happen, and that’s how Peter found himself in his current situation. Feverish, achy in more ways than one, and utterly miserable.
His left leg, the cause of all his anguish thanks to an unwelcome bullet wound, was currently being elevated and his body was being pumped with an IV cocktail of anti-nausea, anti-fever, anti-pain, and antibiotic medications. Suffice to say, Peter was not just exhausted but he was loopy as all hell.
And he just couldn’t fucking sleep.
For some reason, despite his delirious and debilitated state, sleep would not come to him. So instead, he laid in his med bay bed with tears streaming down his face, as he begged whatever god there was above to just give him at least a minute of rest. The med bay staff, alongside Bruce and Dr. Cho, had been doing their best to synthesize a sedative for the spider-kid but they had yet to be successful, much to Tony and Peter’s disappointment.
Tony, of course, was by his side the whole time, and seeing his kid in this state was similar to experiencing his own personal hell. But he’d be dammed if he left Peter even for a second.
“Shh, Petey. I know bud. Just take some deep breaths kid.” He soothes the teen, just as he had been doing all night. It was nearing two in the morning and he had no idea just how much more either of them could take. He had tried everything from reading to the kid to making fucking ocean sounds with his mouth. Yet still, no sleep.
Peter doesn’t respond, just continues to moan and wail as Tony sighs. “Gimme something kiddie, please. How can I help you, bambino?”
Peter looks to Tony, his eyes feverish and hazy. He takes a shaky breath before finally finding the energy to murmur, “M-May.”
“May? You want me to get May back down here?” Tony asks. May had been down in the med bay with the two for most of the day, only retiring to a guest room in the tower after Tony had begged her to get some rest before her early hospital shift.  
But even after giving his answer, Peter still didn't seem appeased. “No!” He whines. “I-I need Lukey.” He says with a sob.
Tony’s brows can only furrow. “Lukey?” What/who the fuck was a Lukey?
“Please M’ster S’ark, I need him.” Peter begs.
“Okay! Alrighty kiddo I…I will do my best to get…Lukey.” Tony reassures the boy as he stands from the uncomfortable med bay chair, running a nervous hand through his hair. “Just hang tight kiddo, I’m gonna figure this out.” He grabs his phone, quickly but quietly leaving Peter’s room.
He was gonna get this kid to sleep if it was the last thing he did.
Tony doesn’t understand immediately, but using the context clues he was given, he figures that if anyone knew what a Lukey was it would be May.
He could only hope that she wouldn’t be too pissed at him for waking her up at this hour.
The dial tone only sounds twice before she picks up. “Tony? What’s wrong? What happened?” She asks in a panic, ever the protective aunt.
“May! Everything’s okay! Peter’s…well, he’s um, still awake. I can’t really get him to calm down and-and I think I need your help?”
He can hear May flip on the bedside lamp and sit up. “W-What is it Tony?”
“Peter is asking for someone named Lukey? Something named Lukey? I-I was hoping maybe you know Lukey or-or can get him here at this hour? I just…he still can’t sleep May and I don’t know what else to d-“
He’s cut off by a snort. An honest to god laugh.
“S-Sorry, I um…” She giggles a bit more before continuing. “Yes, I can get Lukey here at this hour. Just…give me thirty.” She sighs, but Tony can’t sense any annoyance in it. She almost sounds like she’s smiling?
“I- okay then? See you in thirty I guess?” And she hangs up.
Tony doesn’t know if it’s the lack of sleep or what, but he feels absolutely crazy. “Still don’t know what the fuck a Lukey is.” He mumbles to himself, before heading back into Peter’s room.
Sure enough, after thirty more minutes of doing his utmost to calm the distraught spiderling, Tony hears May coming down the hall. He lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding with the hopes that May and the elusive Lukey’s arrival will calm the kid enough to send him right to sleep.
May enters the med bay room quietly. And alone? Where was Lukey?
Peter turns his head to the sound of the door shutting, his bleary eyes able to make out his aunt standing next to him. “May.” He rasps, fresh tears spilling over his cheeks. There really wasn’t much that wouldn’t make Peter cry at this point.
“Oh, my poor baby.” She coos, her kind fingers pushing the hair off of his overheated forehead. “You’re having a real hard time, huh tough guy?”
Peter nods miserably. “I-I need Lukey, May.” He whines.
The woman smiles warmly. “I know honey. He’s right here, I got him.” She reaches into the tote bag on her arm and pulls out a small blue blanket with a silky trim. It looked old but ultimately well-loved.
Oh, Tony thinks. Lukey.
Peter takes the blanket eagerly and is quick to hold the fabric lovingly to his chest. His thumb rubs the trim soothingly. Almost like magic, the boy’s crying has basically stopped, replaced with soft hiccups and shaky breaths.
Tony looks up at May, puzzled yet…impressed. He holds his tongue, though, not daring to interrupt the moment or disturb the finally calm spider-kid.
After a few moments of hushed reassurances from May, and of course the comfort of Lukey, Peter is finally asleep. The room is now overwhelmingly quiet, and Tony takes a much-needed deep breath.
He glances at the blanket that is now wrapped tightly around Peter’s shoulders, before looking at May. “So, Lukey?”
“It was a gift from Ben’s mom— Peter’s grandmother. She gave it to him the day he was born. She passed not long after but…she loved him a whole lot, him being her only grandchild and whatnot.” She explains.
Tony’s heart clinches. He knew May was the only family Peter had left, and to hear about other Parkers just made Tony remember how much the kid had lost.
May continues. “He had a connection to the blanket pretty instantly, only ever really stopped crying when he was wrapped in it. It was the only thing that would put him right to sleep.”
They both look at the snoozing boy. “Still is apparently.” Tony jokes quietly.
May hums in confirmation. “We joked that this thing was magic when he was younger, but honestly I’m really starting to believe it.”
Tony nods, reaching up to touch the blanket softly. He had to admit was kinda nice. “And…Lukey?”
“Star Wars. Luke Skywalker.” May explains. “We all called it his blankey until he was old enough for Ben to show him A New Hope. It was Lukey from that point on.”
Tony feels a bit stupid for not realizing sooner, that goofy space movie was all the kid ever talked about.
“I should’ve known he would’ve needed it. Really wish I’d have brought it earlier.” May sighs tiredly.
“Hey you-you’re exhausted too May, please go back to sleep. I said I’d take Peter duty for the night and you have your shift in a few hours.” Tony offers.
May stands from her spot by her nephew. “I guess I should, huh? If you all need anything else though—“
“I’ll let you know immediately, May. Swear it.”
May smiles warmly. “Thank you, Tony.”
“Good night, May.”
She leaves the room, shutting the door softly behind her. Tony lets out a deep breath, giving Peter’s hair one last pet before deciding it was about time he retire to his cot in the corner of the med bay room.
As he drifts off, he thinks of his mother and the stuffed elephant she gave him when he was a young child.
He makes a mental note to look in the tower’s storage units, see if he can find it.
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imaginesmai · 3 years
With all my heart (IRONDAD) - Chapter 1
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Hey there! I’m back with a full fic! ❤💕💕💕 This is an irondad/bambi/The game plan AU! It’s finished, so it will have two updates every week, or more (if you guys like it a lot!) Make sure to follow me on instagram:@ irondadiscanon to know when I update, more irondad content and fic recs!
SUMMARY: Tony Stark isn't the best dad - distant, cold, almost neglectful. But when his ex-wife dies, he has to take care of his son; 5-year-old Peter, a boy with too many allergies and that can't talk to Tony without stuttering. Follow the path of two hurt people, a man and a boy, who learn how to love each other through thick and thin.-A Bambi AU (Disney) that @buckets_of_stars inspired me into writting that I've mixed with The Game Plan.
AO3 link
Tony has a tight smile on during the funeral. He knows he has no right being there, that most of the people around him, even if they are strangers for Tony, were closer to Mary than him. He shifts uncomfortable in his black suit, fighting the hangover from last night. On his right, Mary’s sister is crying her eyes out, looking at the coffin as its lowered on the ground. From what he has heard, the man besides May is Ben, his husband, and both of them have made a long journey to come to the funeral. It makes him feel bad, because Tony was the one arriving late and he lives barely thirty minutes away.
 But the news hit him hard. 
For six years, he has been doing just fine. He gets drunk, sleeps around with anyone that catches his eye, bosses around and goes to sleep really, really late. It’s not something to take pride of, but Tony likes his life – now, his past life. There is another thing that has been a constant for the last five years and a half; monthly cheques to his ex-girlfriend account. Since he lost any type of right over his son. Five and half years ago.
 Now, Mary is lying eight foot deep in a coffin. He received a call yesterday, and found comfort in his liquor cabinet. He shouldn’t have, he’s sure of it, because he knows that there has to be new changes on his life from now on; but he still kept a small place of his heart for the brunette girl with big, doe eyes that had a contagious laugh. Tony tightens the grip on his left wrist, trying to control the shaking of his hands. 
When that doesn’t work, he tries next looking at the small figure gripping May’s legs, close to Tony. It’s not the first time Tony has seen Peter Parker, because once or twice every two months, he gets to spend a weekend with his son. He has a room on the tower, as dull as a white paper, and Tony is listed as his second emergency contact. It doesn’t matter how much he tries to distance himself from Howard. Most of the times the kid is with him, Tony is reminded of the lost chance of raising him. Peter sees him as a stranger, and Tony drinks.
 Peter sniffles softly, and May runs a careful hand through his curls. Taking after Tony, he’s short and skinny. The father doesn’t know much about him – that he likes science, is asthmatic and has a list of allergies, dyslexic, and his favourite colour is blue and red. Mary made sure to keep him away from Tony, and she wasn’t wrong. Because Tony is the worst influence the kid can have.
 It doesn’t matter, though, because May and Ben are both active workers that are barely home, and Peter doesn’t have any other family left.
 He turns around, and shamefully discovers that almost everyone is gone now. Only May, the priest and Peter remain. The last one is still hiding between May’s legs, hiccupping every now and then. Tony blinks and coughs the awkwardness; he tries to clear the wetness around his eyes, and thanks himself for getting dark glasses before leaving that morning. May, always the kind woman, gives him a soft smile, and squeezes his forearm gently. His husband doesn’t like Tony that much, but it seems that May sees something not even Tony himself can see.
 “We have to arrange some things. Custody papers and legal documents” she says.
 “Yes. I’ll – My driver is just there. He will take us to the notary. He has enough space for all of us. And don’t worry, Happy is discrete. He won’t – “
 “Ben and I can take care of it just fine” May interrupts him. He pushes Peter forward, but the boy doesn’t look up. “Peter hasn’t slept much, and he hasn’t eaten since yesterday. I thought that, maybe, you could take him home and rest a little. It’s been hard for everyone.”
 “Happy can take him”
 “Peter needs his father”
 It’s her stern voice. He has only heard it twice; once, when Peter was born and he was late for the birth, and Mary decided she didn’t even want him to meet his son. May had used her stern voice on her and Tony had held Peter close, as the boy latched on his little finger. The second time was directed at him. He was ready to give up the custody of Peter, he didn’t want to go to the trial; and thanks to May, who dragged him out of his ear, he got to see Peter every two months. Even if he hadn’t known how to do it right.
 Peter looks up at Tony, and the man notices the tears still falling from his eyes. He has the same look he always carries around Tony; as if he wasn’t his father, just an authoritative stranger that he had to respect.
 “I think a nap will do you some good” Tony lowers his voice, and tries to give Peter a reassuring smile. “Did you pack your bag already?”
 “No” he answers in a small voice. “Uncle Ben said I c-could do it later”
 “We can bring it later. Maybe have a last dinner together before we leave?” May suggests, and Peter nods vigorously. “We have to leave tomorrow morning. But we are only a few hours away. If he gets sick or needs anything, we’ll be here as soon as possible. And that goes for you too Tony. You can call me anytime you want”
 “I think we’re gonna be just fine. Right, Peter?”
 Tony holds his fist so that Peter can bump it, but the kid just stares at it. Possibly, it’s not the best place to do something like that. Reluctantly, he lowers his fist. He remembers the first time Peter was brought to him as a conscious human being, not a baby. Mary had been on a trip with him for three months, and Tony got to stay with Peter for a week – and in that moment, when Peter didn’t call Tony daddy but ‘Mr Tony’, Tony realized that Peter didn’t see him as a father. As a dad.
 It hurts him that he hasn’t known how to be there for his son. Some of the dates Mary and him set for Peter to stay with Tony were spent poorly; Tony out drinking and Peter with Pepper or with a nanny. Tony missed some of them because he liked to party, and the man wasn’t there when the kid had his first asthma attack and ended up in hospital. He wasn’t even there for Peter’s fourth birthday, because he was lost somewhere in Monaco drinking expensive liquors and losing consciousness.
 Selfishly, he thinks that this is his chance to make things right. Peter has to stay with him, because there is no chance that he lets the boy in the system, and staying with his aunt is impossible. So, he tries to bury his hurt and keeps the kind smile on.
 “Give me a call when you’re finished” he tells May, who nods. The woman kneels in front of Peter, and cradles his cheek.
 “We can come whenever you need us. Ask Tony to call us or use the phone mom got you, it’s in the bottom of your bag. You remember Ben’s number?” May asks. Peter doesn’t answer. “Come here, give me a big hug”
 Peter launches himself to his aunt’s arms, letting out a chocked sob. May hugs him tight and lets him cry on her shoulder. As most of the times he’s with his son, Tony feels misplaced. Like he’s watching a show he’s not a part of – like it isn’t his family. It’s not, his mind supplies. They break the hug before Tony can dwell on the thought for too long. If someone expected Peter to hug his father next, they get a huge disappointment. Peter moves to stand close to Tony, and quickly dries his tears so Tony doesn’t notice them.
 “No peanuts, walnuts, cashews or hazels. That goes for Nutella or other chocolate sweet that could have hazels” May remembers him, although Tony has JARVIS programmed to keep up with Peter’s allergies. “There are epinephrine injections in his bag, with the instructions. He has to take his vitamins every morning. After breakfast”
 “And I have to be careful with lobsters and oysters, because they upset his stomach”
 “You have to cut the crust off the sandwiches, and Peter doesn’t like cheese sandwiches. But make sure to put extra cheese on his pizza”
 “He also likes mac and cheese, I know” Tony says with a bit of annoyance. “He’s my son. I know him better than what you think”
 “You better take care of him, because I don’t care how much money you have or how important your last name is” May takes a threatening step forward. “If I have to drag your sorry Stark ass to court, I will. Without blinking once”
 Tony briefly remembers the conversation he has had with May before the funeral. Mary said it in her will, Ben and May knew they would have to change their life style if Peter came to life with them, and Tony was the most capable person, in materials and financial terms, to take care of Peter. But still, she had offered to take him. And Ben had threatened Tony. The man hopes he can live to everyone’s expectations.
 He reaches a hand and brings Peter closer. In a soft whisper that only comes out every now and then when he’s with his son, he tells him to go and wait in the car. Peter gives a quiet ‘yes sir’ and hugs May one last time. Tony doesn’t miss the glassy eyes May gets when Peter wraps his skinny arms around her waist and squeezes her tight. He has never received a hug from Peter.
 Not like he feels worthy of them.
 Peter waves at her and drags his feet to the car. The boy likes Happy, or at least he likes him as much as he can like someone from Tony’s life – he gives the man some rare smiles and actually answers to his questions. He watches as Peter disappear inside the car, and closes the door behind him. Then, he turns to May.
 “You can’t say those things in front of Peter” he argues. “He’s gonna think I’m some kind of monster that it’s gonna eat him at night”
 “He already thinks that. Why do you think he wanted to spend the night with us in the hotel instead of going with you? Peter is afraid. The only memories he has with his father are you sitting on a couch drinking, hiding in the lab or giving him away to nannies” May points a shaky finger at him. “He spent the whole night crying and sobbing, but when he comes here, he tries to hide it so you don’t see him. Trust me when I say he knows where he’s going”
 “And what am I supposed to do? If he hates me so much, then maybe you should take him!”
 There is a second of silence in the lonely cemetery.
 “Peter doesn’t hate you, Tony. He thinks you don’t want him” she says sadly, and Tony thinks he preferred the idea of Peter hating him. “All he knows is a cold man with a hard face, that didn’t make an effort to love him when he went to see you”
 “I really don’t know how to fix that, May” he admits. He realises his own eyes are getting misty behind the glasses, but he doesn’t feel strong enough to wipe them. He only wants to go back home and lock himself in the lab with a bottle of whisky, maybe two.
 “You and I both know you love him. You did things wrong, but so did Mary. So just – show him you love him, now. Consider this your chance to be a father to Peter, a real father”
 May surprises Tony by dragging him into her arms, and he goes rigid. He doesn’t like behind handed things, he doesn’t like shaking people’s hands, he doesn’t like touching anyone and doesn’t like being touched unless it’s Pepper. He has ignored Rhodey’s calls and Happy attempt to comfort him, because he knew that no matter how much he hated physical touch, he would break down.
 So, Tony breaks down in sobs, and hugs May Parker back. The woman is tall but skinny, yet is almost as strong as Tony. It’s the touch he needs, because it manages to keep him together. Tony thinks of Mary, of how beautiful everything was before he fucked up and she left, pregnant without knowing. He thinks of her sweet smile and dimples, of her brown curls that fell loose on her back. And he sees her in the boy in the car, in the way he pretends to be collected but wears his heart on his sleeve.
 A raindrop hit him on the nose, and when he looks up, he’s met with another on his left glass. He tears away from May who doesn’t bother wiping the tears away from her cheeks. They share a short nod and a few words, then Tony walks towards the car. He tries to make the small distance to it as long as possible, because he doesn’t want to meet the doe, bambi eyes that will stare at him in the car.
 Because Peter does that a lot – staring at Tony. Not talking, not smiling. Staring at Tony as if he’s looking for something that he doesn’t have. That’s part of the reason why he avoids the boy so much, because if he can’t be what Peter needs, then what good can he make?
 Apparently, he’s about to find out.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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irondad-defensesquad · 8 months
looking after the little guy
Also posted on AO3.
This is the vent fic I mentioned. It's VERY personal and touch-starved, so might be OOC. I detail the reasons behind this story in the author notes on AO3. But it's nothing new from me, lmao.
He can’t sleep.
He might be half asleep, but the pain and his stuffy nose refuse to let him rest. Peter tries to fight them off for hours, only to wake up feeling worse every half an hour.
Groaning, though swallowing the urge to yell in frustration, he gets out of bed to head to the kitchen. Hopefully some hot chocolate milk might help, as Uncle Ben and Aunt May often made for him whenever he got sick.
Peter has no idea what time it is. Everything is pretty quiet… Tony must be sleeping, which is surprising, but it’s a good thing that he’s getting proper rest. And that’s why Peter shouldn’t bother him with this. So, he decides to make the hot chocolate milk for himself.
Problem is, Peter keeps forgetting what he’s supposed to get.
After he gets the glass, he paces for a while before seeing the glass again, and remembering that he needs a spoon. And the chocolate. The teenager tries not to lose his cool, even if it worsens his burning headache.
Finally, he prepares the chocolate milk and puts the glass in the microwave, automatically setting the timer. Peter leans on the counter for support, the bright light probably worsening his weighing forehead. Other than that, Peter feels sweaty and gross, so he takes off his hoodie. Only for him to feel cold all of a sudden, but he refuses to put it on again.
He forgot his phone in his room and he doesn’t want to go all the way back there to get it, so Peter spaces out. He might even feel like he isn’t here…
Eventually, he smells the chocolate milk. And he can still hear the microwave spinning it. How long has it been? A couple seconds? Hours?
When he checks on it, the milk is boiling and spilling everywhere.
“Shit!” Peter curses, immediately turning it off. He yelps when he tries to take the glass, which probably burns his hand. He’s so stupid, why didn’t he take a cup?
What a mess. He has to clean this before Tony sees it. Hopefully he won’t wake up anytime soon. Peter just wishes there wasn’t a fog blocking his brain, so he could do things right.
At the very least, the boy takes a dishcloth not only to get the glass out of the microwave, but also to clean what he can. He forgot to put detergent and a bit of water first, but whatever. Peter cleans the worst of the spilled milk and he throws the dishcloth in the sink for him to wash later (let’s hope he doesn’t forget to do that).
There’s only half of the milk left in the glass…
For some dumb reason, Peter wants to cry.
Because he’s sick? Because he wishes someone else made the chocolate milk for him? Because he misses someone doing that? Why? He’s not a kid anymore. He’s supposed to grow up and handle things himself. And he has no problem doing that.
Oh god, he’s crying. Stop it.
Great, now the snot is going to make everything more gross.
And he can’t stop.
Can someone hold him? Please? He just wants that. Someone to soothe him and reassure him he’s going to be okay.
He’s so pathetic.
“... kid?”
Peter didn’t even sense another presence in the kitchen. He only gives a quick glance to whoever is there. Tony is wearing pajamas (or basically an old t-shirt and sweatpants), and judging by his tone, he sounds tired but worried.
“Mr. Stark! D-Did I wake you up? I-I’m so sorry,” Peter apologizes, only feeling more like shit with his stuffy nose and him desperately trying to dry his tears.
“Are you sick? F.R.I.D.A.Y told me you’re having a fever.”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Peter sniffs. “I’m handling it.”
“Peter…” Tony doesn’t have enough strength to lecture him. The boy can still hear it.
“I just… tried to make hot chocolate milk. And I messed it up, ‘cause I feel like shit.” The teen’s hands are shaking, so he puts the glass on the counter before he breaks it. He inhales to filter out the anger, but the tears are burning his eyes. “Like, at first it was just my dumb nose and then everything started aching, but I thought it would go away if I just slept it off. Spoiler alert, it didn’t! I can’t even breathe well. It’s like there’s magma inside me trying to erupt. It hurts. But all I can think of is that I couldn’t make my dumb chocolate milk, and I hate that I’m even angry about that!”
He almost breaks down, figuring it’ll just scare Tony more, or maybe annoy him since Peter is frustrated about something so small. Peter is just being a stupid, whiny kid. He aggressively covers his eyes, both to clean his soaked face, and to make everything shut the fuck up.
“It’s stupid. Stupid. Just- stupid ,” he growls. He sniffs louder this time, since his nose won’t cooperate. “I’m sorry I woke you up with this. It’s fine. You can go back to bed. I’ll just…” he trails off and doesn’t elaborate.
“And leave you sick?” Tony points out how absurd it is to leave him here.
“Maybe, I dunno.” Peter crosses his arms, staring at the floor instead. Anywhere but Tony.
Despite this, the man doesn’t leave. He contemplates, then he approaches Peter slowly.
“I’m not gonna ignore your pain, kid,” Tony insists.
Peter remains avoidant. Though it’s like his mentor is reading him like an open book. Like he has the exact experience to handle this. The teen freezes when he feels two arms gently rubbing his, as if trying to warm them up. Tony must’ve noticed his trembling.
“You can call me when you need me,” the older man reminds him, not in a way to make Peter feel stupid.
“I-I’m not even supposed to get sick anymore. And I’m fifteen, I shouldn’t expect someone to babysit me.”
“Well, kid, superheroes get sick like everyone else. Thor did, Bruce did… even Cap did.” This time, Peter briefly looks at Tony, catching the resentment and grief in his expression. They’re replaced by tenderness. “They’re not stupid or weak for getting sick, and neither are you. And yeah, when we’re sick, we can’t handle things a ‘normal’ person can. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Tony still rubs Peter’s arms, until he squeezes both of his shoulders to reassure him he’s here and Peter’s pain is valid.
“Besides… it’s nice when someone does something kind for us, right? Even something as simple as hot chocolate milk.” Tony smiles, albeit with melancholy. “And I’d be more than glad to do that for you, because it’s important to you, and you’re important to me.”
His thumbs gently soothe Peter’s shoulders, which makes the boy release the tears more naturally, even if he tries not to. This gentle attention, the patience, the careful touches… this is what Peter wanted this whole time, right? This is what he’s been missing?
Peter starts sobbing, bawling. His chest hurts more than anything, more than the fever. When the calloused hand reaches the back of his neck, it pulls him close and Peter embraces it. He doesn’t want to get Tony sick, of course, but he can’t help clinging to his mentor and crying harder because of it. Tony rubs his back up and down, and it’s all so overwhelming. Peter feels so relieved to have this, but he also won’t stop mourning the fact he hasn’t had this in forever.
The loneliness, the longing… they’ve always been here. The sickness makes it all the more intense. Peter hates how clingy this feels like, and yet Tony doesn’t complain at how long it’s taking for the former to calm down. The latter even rocks both of them side to side.
Peter slowly quiets down to shaky breaths as Tony smooths his hair. The man hasn’t said anything this whole time. Peter realizes his shoulder is soaked now, probably filled with snot and tears.
“Sorry I got my germs on you,” the teen mumbles.
“It’s alright, kiddo. Everyone needs a good cry.”
Of course, Tony isn’t mad about it. He gazes at Peter with all the attention in the world. Concern is still there, sure, but he looks more relieved.
“Alright… I’ll get you some chocolate milk, then I’ll see if I have some enhanced medication ready for you. If not I can just make some, won’t take more than ten minutes.”
Peter snickers, “How are you so fast?”
“Well, I’m just that awesome.”
The teenager just rolls his eyes.
“You wanna go back to your room or you wanna stay on the couch?” Tony suggests.
Peter can walk fine, so Tony rushes somewhere, only to be back with Peter’s pillow and blanket. After that, Tony makes the chocolate milk in no time, carefully handing him the cup.
“Careful,” the man warns him. Peter takes a sip. “How is it? Good?”
Peter hums, pleased. “Amazing.”
“Yeah.” Tony ruffles his hair. “I’ll be right back, okay? Call me if you need.”
Obviously, Peter doesn’t mention it with how much Tony helps, but he does miss Tony while he’s gone. He already misses his presence and the soft touches. He’s definitely being needy, so Peter just stays quiet, ignoring his uneasiness.
Thankfully, Tony keeps his promise and returns with a pill and a glass of water that he got from the kitchen.
“This one should help with your fever. And luckily it’s also decongestant. You might feel sleepy,” Tony describes. He hands Peter the pill for him to take it, then the water to swallow it. Feels like taking any other normal pill, really.
Peter goes back to his chocolate milk, feeling its warmth inside him, which isn’t the bad kind like he was feeling earlier.
“If you feel any other side effects, you let me know. If you don’t feel better by tomorrow, we’ll figure things out, okay?” Tony smooths Peter’s hair, less teasingly.
“Okay, Mr. Stark.” Peter tries not to melt at the touch. He feels so embarrassed about his clinginess.
He finishes the chocolate milk all too quickly, because it’s just this good. Maybe it’s because Tony made it. Peter has some good memories of the past, of when things were fine, and he felt loved… times when he didn’t screw things up.
The bad spiraling thoughts are going to consume him again, and Tony seems to detect it since he stretches an arm for Peter to lie down against him. The teen just gives in and relaxes with Tony holding him. He can sense his mentor smiling at him in the meantime.
“Hey, kid?”
“Hmm?” Peter looks up.
“Whenever you feel bad in any way… you can always count on me.”
“And when you need a hug, you can tell me, too.”
Peter blushes, not just due to the fever. “You… don’t mind me being clingy?”
“Of course not. I once read that the recommended amount of hugs per day is eight. For maintenance, at least. And twelve for growth.”
The boy snorts. “That’s a lot.”
“Yeah. But you definitely deserve more hugs, kid.”
“I guess so.”
Tony squeezes him a little, without it being suffocating.
“... I really hope I don’t get you sick, Mr. Stark,” Peter sighs.
“As long as this makes you feel better, I don’t mind, Pete. No one deserves to be sick and be left alone.”
Again, it seems to come from experience.
Peter doesn’t ask for more details.
He does want to apologize again for interrupting Tony’s already wild sleep schedule. But he knows Tony won’t mind.
“Thanks,” Peter says instead.
Tony adjusts the blanket so it covers him more properly.
“Of course, kiddo.”
It could be a plethora of things. It could be the chocolate milk that always calms Peter down. It could be the blanket. It could be Tony cuddling him, making sure nothing is going to tear them apart. It could be his patient words. Or all of these things combined. Either way, Peter is drifting off to sleep, knowing Tony will be here in the morning.
That’s really the only reminder he needs.
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peter came to the avengers compound early to surprise Mr Stark but he bumped into....another stark?
warning: language
pairing: peter x Stark!reader
status: strangers
y/n's POV
I was doing my daily morning routine, stretching then getting ready for the day until I hear my dad shout my name
"YES DAD?" i ask rather annoyed that it's just the beginning of the day and he's already asking for me to do stuff.
"ITS YOUR TURN TO MAKE BREAKFAST!" he shouts..again, it's Tuesday already?  ughhh. i stumble tot the kitchen with a clearly amused face..can you hear my sarcasm?
"already grumpy huh?" Sam spoke trying to annoy me, which clearly worked.
"shut up Samantha" I give him the side look.
"stop calling me that!"
"not a chance" I stick my tongue out
"ok ok enough guys" my dad oh yeah did I mention my dad's Tony Stark? and the annoying dumbass beside me is Sam Wilson...the FALCON? well once you get to really know them they get very annoying.
"ugh fine, what do you guys want" I say trying to get this over with.
"LADY Y/N! IS IT HER TURN TO COOK?" Thor suddenly barges in, oh no.
"yes Thor now please take it easy on me and don't make me do 20 pancakes JUST for you" I practically beg
"well I'm sorry M'lady but a god has to eat" he says slapping his I-still-don't-know-how fit stomach.
"ugh..great" I say grabbing sauce pans and ingredients to the counter.
"good morning everyone, fury wants us for an emergency meeting" Steve announces giving me a salute to which I salute back, its kind of our thing.
"ok well *claps his hands* good luck y/n, we'll come back in like 30 minutes, oh and if you hear any footsteps go immediately to your room it's probably a cleaner or something" my dad says, the thing is..no one knows THE tony stark has a daughter.
only the avengers do, and its kinda hard living with with like 100 employees who don't know I exist, but that's why my dad made me a schedule.
if I remember correctly there is a new recruit who still doesn't know me yet, peter? I think? he always came in the weekends so I usually just hang out in the basement or in my room.
But I caught a glimpse of him once I couldn't see him really but from what I've seen he looked cute.
"yeah dad I know, don't worry" I reassure him.
"now go! I have a lot of cooking to do!" I say. once everyone left for their meeting I asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to play my cooking playlist.
peter's POV
I finished school early today, it was something about a kid exploding the lab by accident? I don't know I just thanked god it wasn't me because of my web fluids and stuff.
so on my way back home I realized I'll probably be home alone, mays at work right now and she'll come at like 8 or something. so I decided to surprise the avengers!.
when I came inside I couldn't hear anything which was odd because this building is the most chaotic building to ever exist. I asked F.R.I.D.A.Y where the guys are and she said they're all in an important meeting
"but Miss Stark is in the kitchen" she concludes, wait what? Miss Stark? does she mean Pepper? I got so confused but made my way to the kitchen.
while I was walking by the white halls I heard...was that Niall's voice? then i  recognized the song, it was 'live while were young' by probably the best boy band that ever existed for us Gen Z's.
but who would listen to one direction? I made everyone listen to it but only Thor, Quill, and Groot liked it, maybe vision but his expressions are unreadable, anyways I made my way to the big kitchen, the song was about to finish and I was only met by a very energetic girl dancing in the kitchen while making breakfast
"TONIGHT LETS GET SOME...and live while we're young" she sings the ending, and I clapped, it was the only thing I could do, my whole body was shocked when she turned around.
her messy bun with a few hairs framing her face and the white tank top that was covered by an oversized jacket, with a simple black leggings made her look beautiful, like seriously how can someone look this good in the morning?
"can I-I help you?" she chokes out looking scared.
"oh uhm who are you?" I ask her
"oh uhhh I can't tell you, are you some employee or student?" she says clearly nervous like her cover has been blown, why though?
"oh uhm no I'm not, I cant tell you either" I say rubbing my neck, she can't know I'm a recruit! she looked tense but then relaxed a bit and said
"wait- can you turn around?"
"wh- why? how are you here"
"can you please just turn around?"
"o-ok.." I turn around getting more confused
"are you the new recruit?" how did she?
"wait- how did you know, who are you?"
"oh uhm I'm y/n.....stark" so that's what F.R.I.D.A.Y meant by 'Miss Stark'! wait STARK?
"Mr Stark has a daughter?"
"yes yes he does and nobody knows about that except the avengers, so I figured if you're a recruit I could tell you, but I  don't know why dad didn't tell you" wait dad? oh yeah mister stark, I shook my head a bit to focus
"but why did you as me to turn around"
"oh uh *giggle* I've been eavesdropping on you and my dad's conversations...so I kinda recognized your hair then I asked you to turn around to make sure and i was right, sorry that sounds really creepy I-"
"no its fine *laughs* so you've been stalking me?" I smirk
"wha- no I wasn't I was just curious!" she defends
"its fine I was just messing with you"
"oh" she laughs. god her laugh is cute.
"oh I'm peter, by the way peter parker" I say extending my hand
"nice to meet you" she smiles
"you too" I say looking the cabinets "so what are you making?" I ask looking at the ingredients.
"pancakes...a lot of pancakes" I gave her a confused look tilting my head
"its my turn to make breakfast for the team, and Thor by himself eats like 20 pancakes" she says exaggerating the '20' I gave an 'oh' and nodded my head
"do you need help?" I ask her hoping she'd say 'yes'
"uhh sure!" wooohooo!!
"great" play it cool peter
y/n's POV
soo I unexpectedly met peter today, and I was wrong he wasn't cute, he was GORGEOUS. OH MY GOD, why did my dad keep him from me, I can't believe I'm crushing this quick y/n stop.
he asked me if he could help me, what a gentleman! I obviously said yes, trying not to sound too excited but I guess he caught on because he smiled to himself and replied with a "great".
so we were dancing together making pancakes and cutting fresh fruits
"no peter! that's the flour we need sugar! SUGAR" I laughed
"SORRY, SORRY" he laughs as well, to say we were chaotic was an understatement, but I loved every minute of it.
"PETER NO YOU CANT FLIP IT LIKE THAT!" but he was seriously driving me crazy.
"like this" I say scooting over to him, taking the spatula and slowly fixing his mistake, I didn't realize how close we were until I finished, our hips were basically glued together, his face was so close to mine, I could smell his fresh cologne. I absentmindedly lowered my hand while looking at him until some of the oil touched my skin.
"shit!" I flinched, almost falling but soon got caught by peter, his hands were wrapped around my waist securely.
"are you ok?" he asked lowly.
"yeah I-I'm fine" I've never been this close to a boy before, he looked genuinely worried which only erupted more butterflies in my stomach. 'I want to write you a song' by 1D came on, what a surprise! if you couldn't tell yet, I'm obsessed with 1D.
"thank you" I said wiggling from his grasp.
"oh sorry" he says and steps back, I already missed his touch, his warmth but I couldn't think like that so I just absentmindedly hummed to the song, swaying my hips while wiping the counters. after a few seconds, peter walked to my direction and extended his hands.
"wanna dance?" he says softly, can he get any cuter?
"wh- *giggle* of course" I say interlocking our hands. his hands were back around my waist, but this time he pulled me closer
"I wanna write you a song" we both sung quietly, smiling to each other. we kept swaying and swaying.
"hey y/n" he says getting nervous with every syllable coming out of his mouth.
"yeah?" I say looking up at his beautiful brown eyes
"w-would you like t-to hangout sometime?" he stutters, I just looked at him, his stuttering was so cute, why do I have such a soft spot for soft boys?
"you know coz I had so much fun today and-" he was trying to reason with me, then I realized I haven't said anything so I just hugged him tight.
"yes" I breath out "I had fun too" he looked relieved
"great" we kept swaying and laughing at some joke
"hey y/n is the pancakes ready, I'm starvi- WHAT THE HELL?" my dad suddenly enters, looking furious that some boy has his hands on his daughters waist, well he's technically not ANY boy am I right? we both looked terrified and obviously backed away from each other
"h-hey Mr S-Stark" peter says rubbing his back
"so you guys met, huh?" we both nodded sheepishly, looking at the ground.
"this is exactly why I didn't want you guys to meet at the first place" he face palms.
have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night <3
- quacksonlover
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dollfaceeeeee · 3 years
How the Avengers would react if you flinched when they tried to touch you..😭
I have been dealing with the aftermath of domestic violence for a couple years now, and with intense PTSD and panic disorder, this was so calming to think about tbh.
Tony Stark: Oh gods, he would notice, with immense distaste. He would probably hesitate to touch you afterward, but he would be gentle about talking to you about it, and would reassure you over and over that you’re safe, and that nobody will ever hurt you again. He may also ask for addresses and names, just because he’s..well, he’s Tony. He’s got the power to do crazy shit. And if he cares about you, can you imagine what he would do to someone that hurt you? My sweet man.
Steve Rogers: He would be horrified that you would ever think he would hurt you. He would probably tell anyone else in the room to get lost and sit you down and just hold you, telling you that you’re safe with him always, that nobody will ever hurt you again. He wouldn’t push you to talk about it, but if you wanted to, he would listen. He’s not one to reveal his anger as easily as Tony or Buck, but it would break his heart to hear about it, that’s for sure. He would leave the killing to Bucky and Loki tbh, but he might join in too. Maybe.
Bucky Barnes: He might be hurt, physically, that you would think he would hurt you, but he wouldn’t be surprised at the action. He was a scary guy, at one point or another, but he would gently pull you in against him and squeeze you so tight you couldn’t breathe, maybe even sway with you for a while until you felt better. And then, he’d blow up, ask who the fucker is, where they are, and wouldn’t take no for an answer. He would be on a death mission with only one thing in mind, and that’s keeping you safe. That’s all he cares about.
Thor: Honestly, he might not catch on at first, because he probably doesn’t see domestic violence as much at home, but after you explain it to him or get emotional, he would want to understand what he did wrong. He doesn’t seem like the type to push you, but he does seem like the type to go in to hold you, maybe run his fingers down your back, and just kinda curl himself around you protectively. He would probably bring you to get food too, and maybe ice cream to cheer you up.
Loki: OKAY so the tough one. On one hand, he may understand why you might flinch around him, but boy would he explode once you told him it wasn’t from him, but from..someone else. Holy shit he would be a time bomb. Who is it? Where are they? Do they have a DEATH WISH? He would slide those daggers out like nothing and call Bucky to assist him. He’s out for fucking blood. He would probably leave Thor to babysit you in the meantime lol.
Bruce Banner: Soft boy would be HORRIFIED. He would get it because the green guy can scare people sometimes, but of him? Oh no. He would bring you somewhere quiet and make you a cup of tea and just kinda talk to you gently about it, rubbing your shoulder when it gets tough. He’d probably also put a movie on afterward and just hold you, just to remind you that you’re safe with him. He’s definitely a snuggler.
Natasha Romanoff: She would be joining Bucky and Loki. Someone HURT YOU? Death, on the spot. Of course she would want to understand what happened and if you’re alright, and she would probably just talk to you one on one if you needed it, but she would give you her full attention. And then afterward, she would be joining those boys on a death mission. Those three, as a group, with Wanda too? And CAROL? I mean, RIP whoever decided to lay a hand on you.
Clint Barton: Oh he would be HARDCORE concerned. What do you mean you’re gonna flinch when he raises his arm? Why? He would bring you in the kitchen and force you to talk to him about whatever the hell that was while he makes you a grilled cheese. I mean, what kinda sick fuck hurts someone like that for no singular reason? He’s such a dad, but he’s got your back, always.
Wanda Maximoff: I’d tell her literally all my deepest secrets. She would never take anything personally, but she would be upset that someone blatantly hurt you. Why would they hurt this small, ordinary human? Absolutely not alright. She would hold you for however long you wanted and then make you some good food for dinner while she made you laugh. When you went to bed, though..like I said, she would be joining the death party. Sorry.
Pietro Maximoff: PIEEEEEETRO. He would be so confused, and unsure of what to do, but he would probably blatantly ask you if you wanted the person to die like it’s a normal question, like “hey what’s for dinner?” Yeah, like that. He would make a big blanket fort with snacks and soft blankets and hold you until you fell asleep, and wouldn’t sleep a wink, keeping watch over you the entire night. He’s ✨soft✨.
Vision: He would try so hard to understand what the fuck is going on, but his mind would have a hard time processing why the fuck some idiot would ever hurt you. Why? For what purpose? Even after explaining it, he would probably just be infuriated, no matter what you say. How could they do this to you? Those assholes. He would probably offer a hug, or something to eat to make you feel better, but he would be plotting their demise. Guaranteed.
Carol Danvers: She would start a full out war, given the circumstances. How dare some scummy human being hurt you? She would show them, and make it the worst day of their lives. No matter how much you tried to calm her down, she would be out for blood. No way this woman would NOT be are you KIDDING? She’s too spicy for that.
Sam Wilson: He would also be another one I would tell literally anything to. He would be incredulous that you would ever think he would hurt you, but man would he pay attention when you told him. All that man would do is pull you into his arms, hug you as tightly as he can, and tell you everything is alright now, he would never let them hurt you again, and that he loves you. Sammy just seems like a guy that would tell you he loves you during something traumatic like that.
Doctor Stephen Strange: Another one that wouldn’t quite know how to react. He would probably be confused, at first, and then deeply concerned for you once he caught on, and would probably ask to speak to you about it whenever you were ready. He would probably mention that you can come by later to his room to talk about it when everyone else is asleep so it’s a calmer atmosphere, and would probably rub your shoulder as he passes you, but that’s it. And that’s enough.
Peter Parker: My devastated little bean. He would be WILDLY apologetic, thinking he did something wrong, and just saying he’s sorry over and over and wondering what he did wrong and how to fix it, but then when you explain, he wouldn’t be so..apologetic. Peter would probably order a pizza and pull you onto the couch with him and let you choose a movie, and just let you curl in against him. He would probably fall asleep with you, too, while Tony has to pay for the damn pizza.
T’Challa: Um..tbh I feel like he would be furious, in a plainly way to put it. That guy has venom in his eyes every time he’s on screen, and this wouldn’t make him feel any better. Of course he would move to comfort you first, but that man is a whole king. You think he wouldn’t do something about it? Say goodbye to whoever hurt you. He would take them off the map.
Scott Lang: He would probably joke about it at first and think you’re just messing around, but he would be absolutely devastated when you get upset over it. He would be HORRIFIED that he upset you, and would probably try desperately to talk to you about it, or try to make you feel better. He would probably end up getting knocked out by Sam or Bucky, but he would welcome it after that lol.
Valkyrie: She would not probably comment on it until you guys were alone, because she might think it’s a private matter for you and she would respect your boundaries, but if you got seriously upset on the spot she would probably pull you into a hug and yell for everyone to get the fuck out. She wouldn’t make you talk about it, but she would know when you needed to be alone, so she would make sure you got the time you needed. If you needed her afterward, she would be there.
Groot: I AM GROOT. That is all.
Rocket: A lot like Antman and Thor, he would probably joke about it or think you weren’t being serious at first, but after you were, man he would be upset for you. He would probably comfort you by telling you jokes to get you to laugh, or something, but in his mind he would probably be plotting the end of a pitiful human being far away.
Gamora: She wouldn’t let that shit go, no sir. She wouldn’t pester you, but man she would want to know what the hell that was about, and what stupid, God forsaken bastard decided that you were a punching bag. Not on her watch. Be prepared to tell her, because she won’t let anything like that go. I don’t make the rules.
Peter Quill: Idk if he really knows how to be serious at..serious times..maybe? Anyway, he would make sure to never move that sharply around you again, and wouldn’t say anything about it unless you wanted to talk to him about it. He might ask the others what was going on with you, but he’s not the type to show that he cares about a lot of shit. Sorry, Quill.
James Rhodes: He is such a dad lol. He would be taken back by the action, don’t get me wrong, but he also wouldn’t be one to let it go. Who is it? What happened? He might not be aggressive about it like the others, but he would want to know that they are long gone now, and he would remind you that you’re safe.
Nebula: Ah shit, what did she do wrong now? That’s it. Haha.
Baron Zemo: Who the fuck was it? Who the FUCK hurt you? Oh no, Zemo would be out for blood. He wouldn’t need a team, or partners in the quest, nah, he would be going alone and would scare that bastard in their beds in the night. DING DONG, it’s the boogeyman, I’m here to end you for your bullshit choices.
Hope van Dyne: This badass Queen would not back down from asking you about what was wrong. Did someone in the compound hurt you? Did she have to kill them? But when you tell her, she would be horrified for you, and offer to hurt the person that hurt you. An eye for an eye, right? Up to you.
Drax: Do they need to die? He would do it for you. No charge.
Mantis: She would read you like an open book the second you flinched, so don’t try to deny it, or say that it was just a reflex. She would probably have a detox night and make nachos with you and throw on some comedy movie she heard about from Rocket. She wouldn’t let you hurt on your own. She would be there.
Wong: UGH what a GUY. He would probably make you some soup because it’s the ultimate comfort food and talk about it together. He wouldn’t get agitated, or force you to open up too much, but he would offer his company and his attention as long as you wanted it.
Okoye: She would probably be with T’Challa tbh. Sorry. She would be out for some tucking vengeance.
Shuri: She would be the one to bring you along with her somewhere private, wrap you in a blanket, and hold your hand as she urged you to tell her what the hell that was. She would be one of the best at comforting, and afterward she would show you around her collection of inventions to make you forget about that stupid, repulsive human being.
Pepper Potts: Someone..HURT YOU? Oh no. She would go right to Tony with it and demand that the two of them do something to avenge you. There is absolutely no way that she would let that slide. She would also make you your favorite food, some warm cookies, and get a bath going for you to help soothe you.
Korg: Dude is made of rocks. ROCKS. You expect him to understand what the fuck is going on? He would probably get a video game going to let you release some anger and ask Thor for help in the meantime.
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