#Knight Sam Wilson
A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother.
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Part 24
<Part 23<
Warnings: swearing, attempted sexual assault on reader, violence, ⚠️John Walker is a dick⚠️, blood, broken nose
"You look beautiful," Steve wore a loving smile as he gazed at you.
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You smiled bashfully and turned around to face him, "Thank you..." You blushed before your brow suddenly furrowed, "Why aren't you downstairs?" You asked him as you began to walk towards him.
Steve smiled as he walked into the room. "I figured you might be feeling a little nervous, so I wanted to come to you. I thought we could walk down together." He held his hand out of for you to take. "Plus, I get to have you all to myself for a short moment," He whispered as he pulled you into his arms making you giggle.
"I like the sound of that... Honey." You smiled.
"Honey?" Steve asked with a raised eyebrow and a playful smile.
You rolled your eyes, "I'm trying something, okay? You have all these loving names for me and I have none for you. I don't want you to think I don't love you."
Steve let out a soft chuckle, "My love, it doesn't matter to me what you call me. I know you love me by the little things you do. Like the way you kiss me, or hold my hand. It's the way you look me in the eyes when you say those three wonderful words." He rested his forehead against yours as he held your hands." I know you love me, Y/N."
"I do love you, with all my heart..." You whispered.
Steve placed his hands on your hips and pressed his lips against yours softly. "I love you too." He whispered.
A soft knock on the open door and the clearing of a throat pulled you apart.
"Sorry to intrude, Your Majesty." Happy stood at the door.
Steve let out a heavy breath before turning to face your guard. "No need to apologise, Sir Harold. What is it?"
"It's time for the two of you to join the festivities, Your Majesty." Happy gave you the tiniest of smiles. "Are you ready, Your Highness?" He asked.
You nodded, drawing in a deep breath as you took hold of Steve's hand and turned to smile at him. "Ready."
You sat between your brother and Steve, trying to hold in your yawn as another lord stood to give a speech. You'd stopped paying attention after the first one and that was so long ago.
"How can a party be so boring?" Tony whispered from beside you making you grin.
"It's you're party, brother." You whispered back.
Actually, sister, it's your party. I'm just the host." Tony answered back.
You shook your head, "Maybe so but as host, isn't it your job to make the evening enjoyable?" You asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
Steve let out small chuckle, "She has a point, Tony."
Tony huffed dramatically, "No one asked you."
You raised your hand to cover your mouth as you snickered at Tony's unamused pout.
"Uhm, Your Majesty?" Lord Coulson looked at the three of you with an irritated glare. "Is there a problem, Sire?"
You let out another snicker behind your hand as Tony sat up straight before clearing his throat.
"The Princess was just asking if it was possible for you to stop talking." Tony blurted out.
Your eyes widened, "Anthony!" You scolded him before turning to Lord Coulson trying not to appear embarrassed as Tony smirked to himself. "Forgive my brother, Lord Coulson, his brain tends to not understand what his mouth should say." You sent Tony a glare as Steve chuckled beside you. "I was merely asking, if we could end your speech and the others there. You see... your kind words are making me teary eyed," You pretended to wipe a tear away.
A simple trick Wanda had taught you years ago. 'Playing on the innocent little princess appearance will fool the men into doing as you pleased.'
"And as this is an evening of joyous celebration, we should be drinking and dancing, not crying." You smiled as you stood up from your chair and made your way towards Lord Coulson. "And I'd be honored, Lord Coulson, if you'd be my first dance partner of the evening." You smiled sweetly at him as you stood in front of him.
He cleared his throat, his cheeks beginning to blush, "It would be my honor, Your Highness." He bowed to you.
As you took your position in front of Lord Coulson the music began to play and the two of you began to dance.
"It was, His Majesty, complaining about my speech, wasn't it?" Lord Coulson asked you quietly so only you could hear.
You let out a small laugh, "How many years have you been in his court, Lord Coulson?"
"Many, many, many long years, Your Highness." Lord Coulson let out a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes.
You knew he was joking. Philip Coulson had been a close ally and trusted friend of the court since you could remember. He was one of the very few Lords that didn't want you to be married to King Brock, nor did he agree with the way your father had treated you.
Your smile widened. "Then you have your answer."
"I assumed so."
"I apologize for my brother, Lord Coulson." You offered him a polite smile.
"No need, Your Highness. I've grown used to, His Majesty's, humour shall we say." He smiled. "I hope you know how much you will be missed when you move to Brook." He smiled. "I know you haven't had it easy, Your Highness, but your people do care about you... As does the Queen."
You nodded, "Thank you, Philip. I'll certainly miss you when I'm gone."
As the music came to an end Lord Coulson bowed to you once more before taking his leave.
"May I dance with my wife?" Steve smirked.
You turned around to face him with a playful smile, "We're not married yet, Steven."
He shrugged, "As good as." He smiled holding his hand out to you.
You took his hand and let him pull you closer to him. "I can't wait until we really are."
Steve nodded, "Me neither." He whispered. The two of you slowly began to move along to the music as you gazed at one another. "Have you guessed yet?" He asked with a playful smile.
You frowned, "No. Are you going to tell me?" You asked.
"Nope." Steve grinned at you.
Since Steve's return, you had been playing a game that you'd sometimes play when you'd visit Brook. You'd tell eachother riddles and the other had to try and work them out. So far Steve had four and you had two (and Bucky had one after blurting the answer out before you).
"Fine... Could you tell me it again, please?" You asked.
Steve grinned at you, "Okay, but listen carefully... What is mine, but only you have?"
Your brow furrowed as you pouted softly, thinking over the riddle. You were concentrating so much you stopped dancing and started repeating the words as you stayed in Steve's hold. His grin never left his face as he watched you.
"I... Only have of yours... Is, your love?" You looked up at him. "I hope." You smiled at him.
Steve nodded with soft chuckle, "It's true, yes, but that's not the answer." He smiled. "But you're close with love."
"Hmm," Your brow pinched together as you thought, "Is this a well known riddle or have you come up with it?" You asked.
"It's one of my own, but I have said the answer to you many times before." He smiled.
"I'm close with love, and you've said the answer before..." You frowned to yourself.
"Do you give up?" He asked teasingly. Steve knew you wouldn't give up, he just wanted to tease you.
"No!" You placed your hands on his chest, "I certainly do not give up!" You glared at him. "I can work it out."
Steve nodded, "You can always ask, Buck, for help. He worked out the one you struggled with last time." He looked over his shoulder to where Bucky was dancing with Natasha.
Your eyes widened, "No he didn't!" You slapped his chest playfully, "He just shouted it out before me." You pouted. "And besides, I know the answer." You closed your eyes and turned away from him.
Steve rolled his eyes playfully as he followed after you towards the balcony doors. "Oh, so what's the answer then, my love." He smirked.
You cursed yourself internally as you walked out into the fresh air, trying to figure out what Steve's riddle was. What has Steve said to you many times before that could be the answer?
"Have you spoken to, Pepper?" He asked as the two of you laid under a tree for shade in the garden.
You shook your head. "She still refuses." You frowned. "I stood at her door, talking, apologizing but I'm not sure she was even listening." You turned to him. "Tony, says I no longer need to apologize to her. That I've done nothing wrong..."
Steve rolled onto his side and rested his head on his hand, "He's right, my love. You haven't done anything wrong. Nothing that's happened is down to you and if, Pepper, can not understand that then perhaps she never truly loved you like family, like she should." He frowned.
You lowered your gaze, "Sometimes I think I'm never meant to be loved. My father didn't love me, I never knew my mother, and the one woman I thought loved me like a parent, doesn't."
Steve frowned, "Oh, sweetheart..." He sat up against the tree, pulling you with him. "Tony, loves you. And, Peter, loves you as if you were brother and sister. And, Morgana, certainly loves you. She thinks you hung the moon." He smiled at you as he cupped your cheek. "And I love you, Y/N. My heart is full of so much love for you... You, have my heart and have done for so long." He whispered before pressing a loving kiss to your lips.
Your eyes widened with excitement as you spun around to face Steve. "YOUR HEART!" You shouted, quickly covering your mouth as Steve's head fell back with laughter. Your face burned with embarrassment as guests looked out onto the balcony.
"Well done, Princess." Steve circled his arms around your waist. "I believe that's, four to me, three to you... And one to loud mouth." He chuckled making you smile. "Your turn."
"Oh, this is a good one..." You began grinning with excitement. You'd been saving this one, "What has a thousand eyes, but can not see?" You asked with a pleased grin.
Steve's brow furrowed as he looked off in to thin air thinking. "Hmm... You've been holding onto this one, haven't you?" He asked knowingly making you laugh.
"I don't know what you mean." You smiled and skipped off back inside leaving Steve to ponder over your riddle.
Bucky's brow creased with confusion as he watched Steve some time later as they stood together sharing a drink and laughs. "Is everything okay, Your Majesty?" He asked. "You look constipated." He joked making Sam laugh and almost choke on his drink.
Steve frowned at him, "You're not funny, Buck." He grumbled.
Sam nodded, "I dunno, Your Majesty, it was quite funny." He chuckled.
Bucky grinned, "Are you gonna tell us what's on your mind?"
He shook his head, "It's nothing." He smiled, glancing over to where you were dancing with King Thor.
Sam rolled his eyes and looked over at Bucky. "They're still playing that stupid game."
Bucky chuckled, "She guessed the answer to yours then?" He asked Steve.
He nodded with a smile. "And hers is rather more difficult than I expected." He chuckled, smiling to himself.
"Care to share?" Bucky asked with a smirk.
Steve frowned, "Not quite yet."
Bucky's head fell back with laughter, "Don't want me to guess it before you, Your Majesty?"
Steve glared at him. "Shut up." He grumbled making the two men laugh.
"Ugh," Wanda and Natasha joined the three men scowling. "Have you seen whom the princess is dancing with?" Natasha asked.
"Isn't the princess dancing with, King Thor?" Sam asked as the three of them turned to look.
Wanda shook her head, "Not anymore."
Bucky glared, "Prince John." He grumbled.
Steve's brow furrowed. "Buck, move closer and keep an eye on the princess, please. That boy is trouble."
Bucky nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty." He bowed to him before turning and making his way over to where you were dancing.
You tried not to show your relief as you saw Bucky making his way towards you.
"Everything okay, Princess?" Prince John asked with frown.
You hummed. "I wondered if you'd excuse me, Your Highness? I just need a moment to myself." You bowed to him as he let go of your hand before making your escape. You sneaked over to the main door and slipped out into hall, letting out a relieved sigh as the music was muffled by the closing door.
"Everything okay, Your Highness?" Happy asked as he stood guard opposite the door.
You nodded, "Just needed a moment to myself, that's all, Hap... Prince John, muscled his way in for a dance when I was enjoying myself with King Thor." You frowned.
Happy hummed, "I'm not sure why, His Majesty, invited that boy." He frowned, "Nothing but trouble."
You nodded. "I know." You shook your head to rid your mind of the thoughts of Prince John and smiled. "Did, Lady Wanda, leave it where I asked?"
Happy nodded, "She did, Your Highness."
"Wonderful. Perhaps, Sir Harold, you could fetch, King Steven, for me?" You asked sweetly as you batted your eyelashes at him.
Happy began smiling one of his very rare and genuine smiles. "I am going to miss you, Your Highness."
You began grinning at him. "As am I, Harold." You stepped forwards and wrapped your arms around him, smiling as he briefly hugged you back.
He cleared his once you stepped back. "I'll fetch, His Majesty, right away, Your Highness." He bowed to you before disappeared back into the ballroom.
You let out an excited giggle and made your way over to the large pillar down the hall where Wanda had hidden the gift you had gotten for Steve. You wanted it to be a secret, a special moment between the two of you, that no one would witness... So why she had to put the damn thing in such a hard place so even you couldn't get it was beyond you.
"Doesn't this remind you of that time we snuck off together on your sixteenth birthday?"
You jumped at the sound of Prince John's voice, turning to face him with the small box in hid behind your back as you turned to face him. "We didn't. You followed me, much like you have now." You tried to move past him. "John, let me past."
He slowly moved closer to you, "I think, you have a lot to learn before your big day tomorrow- or shall I say, night." He chuckled as he pushed you back until your back pressed against the wall.
"Stop it, John." You pushed on him.
"Why don't you let me take you for a once over? Make sure that cunt is nice and warm for, King Steven." He pressed his lips against your skin.
"No! Stop it!" You cried out and pushed him away from you.
John began smirking, his eyes almost turning black as he wrapped his hand around your throat tightly. "Now be a good girl."
You gasped for air. He pushed you back until your head hit the wall making you cry out in pain as you reached up to claw at his hand, letting the velvet box fall to the floor.
"Princess!" Bucky called out as he marched towards you. He grabbed Prince John by the shoulders and yanked him off you, throwing him against the opposite wall with a snarl. "Keep your fucking hands off her!"
"Have you forgotten who I am?" Prince John spat at him as he stood up. "I'll have your head for this." He moved towards Bucky.
Bucky put his hands up to defend himself but before John could go for him, you stood in their way.
"That's enough!" You growled at him. You put your arms out almost as if you were protecting Bucky. "Leave, John, before you make things worse for yourself." You warned him as the doors to the ballroom opened.
"How dare you protect that vermin? He attacked me!" John barked at you.
"Sir James, was protecting me, his future Queen, from your attack, John. Now, like I said, leave before this gets any worse for you." You glared at him.
John scoffed, "And who do you think, King Steven, is going to believe? Me, a prince, or the son of a murderer and you, whose just another whore like Queen Mar-"
Prince John didn't expect your fist to collide with his nose and break it with an audible cracking of bone that echoed off the walls, because neither did you or Bucky. Bucky's mouth hung open as he watched what happened before him, unable to move or speak from shock.
"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" You snarled at him. "Don't forget, Prince John, where you're tenth in line for your grandfather's thrown, I am weeks away from being crowded Queen of Brook."
You drew in a deep breath as you raised your head and looked up to meet the proud gaze of your beloved. You cleared your throat as you looked at the rest of the audience you had enchanted with your performance.
"Anyone else have anything to say about the past? Anyone else wish to accuse me of being a whore after they try to force themselves on to me? Anyone else want to blame myself or, Sir James, for things that are out of our control?" You moved your glare from one set of eyes to the next as your chest heaved. "No? Good... Now, if you'd excuse me, I'm no longer in the mood for a party." You quickly turned around and walked away after sharing a soft smile ad thank you with Bucky.
Bucky stood dumbfounded as he watched you disappear with Natasha and Wanda quickly following and Happy soon after.
"Is one of you going to tell me, what the blazes is going on?" Tony demanded as he and Steve approached Bucky as someone helped Prince John.
"They attacked me!" John cried.
Bucky turned to glare at him, "He was trying to force himself onto the princess. He attacked her, Your Majesty." He said to Steve. 
"It's not my fault she's a whore." John spat making Bucky growl and go for him.
Steve stopped him and sent the prince a glare. "To answer your question, I believe the man that's fought by my side since we were children and the woman that I love. Not the man that clearly attacked her." Steve puffed his chest out as he towered over the prince. "What about you, King Anthony?"
Tony narrowed his eyes as he gave the prince a once over and a dark smirk curled at his lips before he grabbed at the prince's bloody collar and slammed him into the wall. "I warned you after last time, if you tried to hurt her again, I'd hurt you."
John's bottom lip trembled. "Ar-are y-you insane? My grandfather will start a war if-"
Tony's head fell backwards laughter. "Look around you boy. How many kings, how many friends, allied kingdoms do you see that are ready to fight by my side?" Tony asked. "If your grandfather was to start a war, your kingdom would be nothing in a matter of hours. Isn't that right gentlemen?"
Steve nodded, "He'd be stupid to even think about it."
"We'd destroy you like an ant under our boot." King Thor smiled.
"We all stand together." King T'Challa nodded at Steve with a smile.
"And like the soon-to-be Queen said, Prince John, there are nine more before you..." Bucky smirked at him over Tony's shoulder. "You wouldn't be missed."
Taglist: @fckdeusername @vxidnik @coffeebooksandfandom @flowery-mess @inumorph @heavenhatesme @andineversawyoucoming @jayhargrove @luckyladycreator2 @dontbescaredtosingalong @alexakeyloveloki @gh0stgurl
207 notes · View notes
blackleatherjacketz · 7 months
Happy Veteran’s Day!
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191 notes · View notes
i-heartnay · 7 months
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some of my fav guys ;)
209 notes · View notes
avengerscompound · 10 months
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Sam Wilson, Misty Knight, Sharon Carter, & Steve Rogers
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (2022)
235 notes · View notes
mgparker · 1 year
recruitment gone… right?
platonic!steven grant/marc spector x teenage!reader
summary: who in their right mind sends a teenager to recruit a dangerous vigilante all on their own? oh sam and fucking bucky.
warnings: teenage avenger reader, inaccuracies, clueless steven being an overall mess and a huge cap fan, violence, swearing, gen z shit? perhaps idk, 2k word count
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request: ‘can you do a father figure Marc Spector/Steven Grant x A teenage avenger who was sent to recruit him? I imagine the reader being a typical Gen Z kid with a sarcastic sense of humor, but meaning well.’
notes: loosely based off this request i got MONTHS ago. i’m so sorry it’s taken forever this has literally been in my drafts for a year. not a whole lot of father figure-ing going on but i think it’s a funny little neutral recruitment blurb/one-shot. enjoy. also not sure if this is gen-z enough but i was not going to make this obnoxiously “relatable”
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“It shouldn’t be too hard.”
“Sam, I want you to think about what you just said. Then think about who you’re talking to. And then… consider the possibility that your plan might actually work if you send Barnes.”
A distant voice shouted through the speaker of your phone. “No can do, kid. Recruitment is below my paygrade now!”
You rolled your eyes, shuffling down a busy sidewalk in the midst of London. “Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot I’m talking to the big champs now.”
You heard Sam chuckle in amusement, and you could imagine him shaking his head at your words. “You know what you gotta do. The sooner you get it done, the sooner you can get back to base. Kick some ass with the big champs.”
“Yeah, yeah,” it was time to get serious. “Got it, Wilson. I’ll check in later.”
Instead, it was Bucky who answered. “You’ve got this, squirt!” 
Rolling your eyes, you didn’t even give Sam a chance to get a word in before you were ending the call, stuffing your phone into your pocket and narrowing in on the bus stop ahead. 
This is stupid, you thought as you waited a safe distance away. You couldn’t risk your target spotting you before you could properly assess them. Who in their right mind sends a teenager—a freaking teenager—to recruit one of England’s most dangerous vigilantes?
You’re not scared—you were far more than capable to defend yourself, even against the famed Moon Knight—but it feels out of your way, something you’ve never been asked to do. But of course, as an Avenger, this was your duty.
You couldn’t help but think of this whole thing as a personal attack. With Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson assuming the mantle of interim leaders of the Avengers (or rather what remains of them), this whole mission seemed like their version of a practical joke. 
Those two loved you with all their heart, you didn’t doubt it, but they take the role of “fun uncles” a bit too seriously. 
But anyway, this recruitment... This isn’t fun. Not in the slightest.
This is like being a salesperson. 
Finally, you catch sight of your target—Steven Grant, an extremely sleepy, stumbling gift-shoppist who had appeared at the bus stop surprisingly early for once.
He seems gentle enough, guard mostly down, clutching his bag with a paranoid grip but that was the only thing tense about him. He’s technically older than you, not ridiculously so, but a bit younger than Sam.
You watch as his lips start forming some words; it’s subtle, nothing anyone would really notice unless they were analyzing him piece by piece like you currently were.
Ah. You realized with a pleased smile. Steven Grant and Marc Spector are working together. 
You’re snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of the bus arriving, squeaking loudly as it stopped in the street. 
There was a click in your brain, or that’s what it felt like at least, and a quick scanning of your surroundings made it easy to instantly blend in. 
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Steven Grant was having a decent morning. He actually woke up in time, ate a decent breakfast, and rushed out of the house with ten minutes to spare. 
Even Marc had been pleasant this morning, making unusual small talk as Steven went about his business, getting ready for work. 
And everything was well. Up until now—as he stood in the bus, trying to keep himself from falling asleep on the passengers around him, despite the extra shot of espresso he’d slipped into his drink this morning. 
He jolted awake, pulling his head away from a man’s shoulder with a small ‘sorry!’
But before he could doze off once more, something odd came over him. A strange tingling feeling, as if he was being watched. 
It snapped the drowsiness right out of his system, eyeing everyone suspiciously. 
You feel it too, don’t you? Something isn’t right. 
“What—” He mumbled quietly, searching for the source but coming up emptyhanded.
There was nothing peculiar or odd about his fellow commuters. 
So, he continued about his day, feeling that unsettling eye on him at all times but unaware as to its source. 
It was only when his shift was over, that he was walking home, that he decided this charade had gone on for far too long. 
Despite Marc’s pleas to let him front, Steven stopped in his dead tracks, away from any curious eyes. 
“Oi, who’s there?”
Great job, Steven. If that isn’t the most cliché thing to say before the main character gets killed in a horror movie. Marc sighed. 
“Shut up,” hissed Steven quietly. “You know I don’t watch horror movies—”
Steven blinked and suddenly you’re there, standing in front of him as if you’d been there the entire time. 
The scream echoed down the alley, high-pitched and nearly startling you into a similar yelp. 
But you were quite used to your presence spooking others, it’s a part of your abilities that you’d never been able to control. 
Chest heaving and cheeks tinted with embarrassment, Steven gave you a suspicious glare. 
“Oh, it’s—it’s just a kid,” he tried to brush off his embarrassing reaction. 
You scoffed, a bruise to your ego. “Not just a kid.”
“Well, I know what I’m seeing,” Steven argued. “And you look like a child—“
“Firstly,” you’re staring at Mr. Knight’s suit, taken aback by the change in his appearance that you’d apparently triggered by startling him so bad. “I’m seventeen. Second, I thought you had a whole—“
You aimlessly motioned around your head in a sort of halo way, confusing the ever fuck out of Steven who just stood there blankly.
“A whole w-what?” He gaped, desperate to know what you— a complete stranger — had to say about his kickass suit.
“You know, a whole cape thing goin’ on.”
Ha! Colonel Sanders.
Steven wished there was a way to punch Marc.
“Now, you’re just talking about my lesser counterpart,” Steven shrugged, trying to hide the fact that he had just been offended to the core.
“Ouch, hard feelings?”
Steven pulled his lips to the side. “You could say that— wait. How do you know about—?”
“Let’s cut to the chase,” you interrupted. “I was sent here on behalf of an organization that is really interested in having you join our ranks. Normally, they’d send someone else but you’re stuck with me so—“
“What organization? What ranks? You’re hiring?” I guess we’re both interrupting each other now. You fought the urge to roll your eyes. Even if the task was annoying, you wouldn’t be returning to base with a new recruit if you hit him with a bunch of attitude.
Patience was not your strongest virtue. “Not exactly. As soon as you put that blade down, maybe we can talk some more.”
Steven looked down with a jolt, as if he hadn’t realized he’d been white-knuckling the weapon since you appeared.
Slowly, he started to store the blade before Marc cut in hastily. Hello? Are you seriously letting a kid tell you what to do? A kid who appeared out of thin air?
Steven caught Marc’s glare in the reflection of a small puddle, the road damp from London’s regular showers. He looked much more menacing than Steven, even with his half-assed suit. 
He hadn’t said it yet, but Steven knew Marc was aching to take over. And it was probably the smartest option- Steven wasn’t the best at confrontation. 
“Don’t hurt a minor please,” he pleaded quietly. Marc narrowed his eyes at the notion. But he nodded his head dismissively.
With a sigh, Steven allowed Marc to front.
All the while, you minded your own business as well as you could, staring at the sky suspiciously. You wouldn’t be surprised if Sam had sent Redwing to spy on you. Not because he didn’t trust you of course, but because him and Bucky loved to get a laugh in whenever they could. 
“Alright, let’s cut the bullshit. Who sent you? Harrow?” 
You nearly gave yourself whiplash from how fast your head snapped forward. 
The suit was different, cape billowing behind him, and eyes even whiter than before. They seemed to glow-- no, they were glowing-- and glare into the depths of your soul. You were almost intimidated.
“Who the hell is Harrow? Absolutely not. Since you asked so nicely, I was sent on behalf of Captain America.”
Captain America? He gripped the crescent blade tighter. 
He considered your words carefully, staring at you with the utmost suspicion. Lip curling up, head already starting to shake in disapproval, annoyance consuming him altogether— 
“That’s bullshit.”
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“That’s- that’s amazing!”
You couldn’t help the smirk on your face. “It is pretty cool,” you shrugged thirty minutes later, chewing through a particularly large bite of your warm bagel. You were sat in the corner of a small, dingy bakery. What it lacked in aesthetics, the bakery definitely made up for in flavor.
“Do you think you could maybe, like I dunno, introduce us?” Steven asked with an excitement that barely kept him still in his seat.
You’re surprised he hasn’t gathered the attention of everyone else in the bakery, but for once, you’re not the one worried about being on the opposite end of a judgmental eye.
Being an Avenger in these post-Blip days isn’t as easy as it was before… stack that on top of being a ‘child’ and it’s the perfect recipe for disaster.
‘They’re too young!’
‘They can barely contain their abilities!’
‘The Avengers already ruined our lives before! Why should we trust a child?!’
Even if you denied it a million times, there was always a small part of you that craved their approval. Their vote of trust…Maybe this mission would help with that, once they learned that it was you who got the infamous bad-guy-turned-good Moon Knight to join the world’s mightiest superheroes…
Well, maybe it wasn’t exactly you who got Steven to willingly agree. But there was absolutely no way in hell you were ever telling Sam that it was his pull that got the deal sealed.
“Sure,” you smiled back at Steven who just about died at your response. The coffee in his mug jostled out and splashed onto the table. “Big Captain America fan?”
“As of late,” Steven grinned. “So, when do we leave? Is—” He gasped suddenly and lowered his voice to a whisper. “Is Captain America coming to pick me up?”
Jesus Christ. Marc groaned. This was a fucking mistake. 
Steven ignored him and looked at you expectantly.
You glanced up from your phone where you’d been rapidly typing something up. You did a double-take as you processed his question.
“Absolutely,” you deadpanned. “He’ll send a car for you. Probably meet you at the airport with his private jet.”
Steven’s eyes grew wider with every word. Marc was scowling in the reflection of the window behind you.
“Bollocks...” he breathed, staring down at his lap in disbelief. 
You narrowed your eyes at him.
“I don’t even know what to say. I mean, who—who would’ve thought they would send a seventeen-year-old to recruit little ole me—”
You saw something click in his brain. He looked up with glazed over irritation. “...you’re... you’re not being serious.”
“Of course, I’m not being serious, Grant. I got here alone and I’m more than capable of getting us back to base. You can save the fangirling for when we finally touch down alright? He’ll meet us there.”
Steven pursed his lips at you. 
Rolling your eyes, you finished your text and locked your phone with a click. “I’m being serious this time.”
Excitement poured into his gaze again. You’re not sure how Marc feels about it, only that after explaining yourself in very, very specific detail, he was open to the discussion. But it must be a mutual decision at this point. You doubt Steven would’ve gotten this far if his counterpart was fighting against it.
“Marc is on board?”
Don’t lie. I’m regretting this more and more each second.
Steven continued. “Should I... should I pack my bags?”
“Yeah, that’d be a good idea,” you agreed nonchalantly.
“... now?”
You tapped your phone and glanced at the time. “If you want to make our flight in less than an hour, I’d say so.”
“Bollocks!” Steven exclaimed, nearly knocking the table over on his mad dash out the door. 
You snickered as he slammed into a lady on his way out. 
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—————> the big champs + bucky
you: i’m expecting a promotion when i get back. and for you two to get off my ass already 
redwing’s bitch: I told you it wasn’t going to be too hard. Proud of you, kid
you: 😐
you: thanks i guess... expect a meet and greet when we get there. he’s probably going to be up your ass. steven’s your biggest fan. marc not so much.
you: and don’t worry bucky, they didn’t mention you at all <3
bucky bitchy barnes: fuck off. I have a fanbase. It’s on tweet.
you: wtf is tweet
bucky bitchy barnes: Don’t fuck with me you know what tweet is. 
you: my brother in christ... you mean to say twitter :,)
bucky bitchy barnes: I hate, no DETEST, your generation. 
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ha ha
— elle <3
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erinptah · 2 months
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What if...after Deadpool and Wolverine get past the events of their own movie...they settle down in an MCU-adjacent universe to have goofy team-up adventures?
The perfect time to take the Bendis run on a Bendis run.
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hessobbingincabo · 4 months
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Captain America #750 (2023) by C.F. Villa
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Thor Annual #1 (vol. 6, 2023) by David Marquez
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Incredible Hulk #2 (vol. 4, 2023) by Bryan Hitch
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Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #1 (vol. 1, 2023) by Jen Bartel
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Black Panther #2 (vol. 9, 2023) by Mateus Manahani
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Doctor Strange #5 (vol. 6, 2023) by Dustin Nguyen
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Avengers #3 (vol. 9, 2023) by David Baldeón
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Moon Knight #25 (vol. 9, 2023) by W. Scott Forbes
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Amazing Spider-Man #30 (vol. 6, 2023) by Betsy Cola
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Guardians of the Galaxy #4 (vol. 7, 2023) by Lee Garbett
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Ghost Rider #16 (vol. 10, 2023) by Gerald Parel
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Miles Morales: Spider-Man #8 (vol. 2, 2023) by Bernard Chang
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Amazing Spider-Man #29 (vol. 6, 2023) by David Nakayama
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Hallow's Eve #5 (vol. 1, 2023) by Bengal
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Venom #22 (vol. 5, 2023) by Joshua Cassara
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Daredevil #13 (vol. 7, 2023) by Javier Garrón
Avengers Hellfire Gala (2023) Cover Gallery
(open images for higher quality)
+bonus under the cut
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Stunning Captain Marvel piece by Angel Solorzano
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heckcareoxytwit · 3 months
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A short story of Loki pranking on the Avengers in Simpsons style
Marvel Double Shot #2, 2002
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why-i-love-comics · 1 year
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Captain America #750 - "A Cup of Tea" (2023)
written by Tochi Onyebuchi art by R.B. Silva & Jesus Aburtov
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thankstothe · 6 months
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Dominique does not deserve this disrespect. It's infuriating that certain mcu fans are determined to ruin marvel for her and other actors of color in the mcu. They're so obsessed with pushing poc out of the mcu and the marvel fandom, it's disgusting. Comments like this only makes my love and support for Dominique and Ironheart even stronger
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mister-faltine · 2 years
And we've reached the end... of Phase 4.
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avengerscompound · 7 months
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Sam Wilson & Misty Knight
Captain America (2023) #750
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cleabellanov · 6 months
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erinptah · 7 months
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Everyone who was invited to Thanksgiving dinner -- plus one bird who invited himself -- in the Reveals by Knight Holiday Special!
It's the first casual get-together where Marc, Jake, and Steven are open with everyone about being a system. Sam and Bucky are still trying to adjust to the news. Wanda, who's psychic enough to just see all the headmates, is trying to figure out how many of their internal comments it's polite to respond to.
So, pretty awkward all around. But they'll make it work!
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