#then broke up again and had their farewell show when i was out of the country so i never got to see them live
monamipencil · 5 months
— mission; steal his dimples | c.sc
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genre; tooth-rotting fluff, established relationship, gn! reader | tw; mentions of food. | a/n; in my soft era. been wanting to write this forever. i love how im writing anything but my wips :)) anyways, enjoy this!
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you push open the door gently, peeking your head in to ensure that all is clear. clear. a triumphant smile sits on your lips as you tip-toe into the chambers you shared with your lover. there he is. 
seungcheol lies asleep on the bed, warmed by the blanket you both crocheted on a sleepless night. his face sticks out from it, an adorable mess of hair with the cutest cheeks possible. a sigh escapes your lips at the sight blessing your eyes. 
the mattress dips when you crawl onto it with sly resolve. he stirs in his sleep, shifting his body to face your side of the bed. your heart warms when his hands search for you, but a frown settles on his lips when he can't find you. instead, he settles for a pillow, snuggling into it. 
you don't immediately go for the killer move. instead, you cast a warm smile to his figure and give feather-light pats to his hair, careful to not wake him up. then, you pat his stomach through the blanket and smile again (not like the smile ever left your face). 
it wasn't midnight. rather, the sun is setting just now, casting a side of the world in a farewell glow. but your lover was knocked out in a siesta after having his stomach filled with food and love. the soft cushion of his stomach makes your smile widen. 
seungcheol was firm and sturdy throughout the first months you had known him, both by soul and body. but his barriers broke down one by one and, you were introduced to a softer and more fragile version of him. and he complained (lovingly) about how his muscles were disappearing due to all the food you were feeding him. 
that was years ago, and now you are sharing a home with him. and since then, you have seen multiple versions of him come and go, but one thing is sure, you love seungcheol, and you will for as long as you breathe. 
you breathe in shakily and blink away the tears with a shake of your head. focus! getting distracted during a mission could be deadly. and just as you are about to proceed further, you realise something. the dimples! they are missing! 
with an existential crisis in tow, you realise that he has to smile for them to appear. you slap your forehead and stare at him with a blank face. “admired me enough?” 
you yelp as he pulls you down to the mattress, caging you in his arms and nuzzling his nose into your neck. you laugh, “oh, forgive this poor soul for admiring you.” you exclaim dramatically, and he giggles at your antics. a wide smile adorns his face, causing his dimples to pop out. there they are.
you decide to take the chance, leaning in to quickly kiss both of his dimples. “ha! i stole your dimples,” you announce, quickly escaping from his arms and making a run for it. but your speed would dwindle in comparison to his strength as he pulls you back to the bed.
he makes you lay on the bed, effectively caging you with his whole body now. laughter shakes the bed as he tickles you with a love-drunk smile. you turn your head away from him, avoiding his kisses “to take his dimples back.”
“no, they are mine now!” he tickles you further, and you give in. your lips melt into his kiss, and you hold his face, enjoying the softness of them. he sighs, breaks the kiss, and leans his forehead on yours. with a kiss on your nose, he lays beside you, hand intertwined with yours.  
“i got them back.” he boasts his dimples and pushes out his tongue at you. you pout and complain, “you are so greedy! at least give one to me.” he laughs, and you smile. he shows his cheek with a faux begrudging sigh, “fine.” 
you beam, eagerly kissing one of his dimples. “i have one now,” you poke at your cheek, showing him the “dimple.” seungcheol smiles at your antics, pulling you to him to shower your face with kisses. you smile too, and your cheeks hurt, but you couldn't care less.
the sun has settled by now, gleams of moonlight seep through the window, and a serene silence saturates the air. you lay on his chest as he rubs his hand up and down your back, slowly lulling you to sleep. but seungcheol, who had just woken up, is occupied with other thoughts. 
“we should get married.”
your sleep dissipates, and you stare up at him with slight shock. this isn't the first time he has brought up marriage. but this time, it's different. there's assurance in his voice, and the look in his eyes tells you that he's not joking. 
“if i knew that stealing your dimples would have you proposing a marriage, i would've done it long ago.” you joke, pressing a kiss to his lips. “but why? all of a sudden..” you trail, again laying on his chest. and you hear his heartbeat. his heart that he willingly traded for yours long ago. 
he hesitates but still answers, “i.. well. when i think of kids, i can only imagine them with your eyes and your smile.” tears well up in your eyes, and you sniff, feeling like the happiest person on earth. 
“yeah? when i think of kids, i imagine them to have your dimples too.”
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tags; @seungkwanschicken @aaa-sia @dokyeomkyeom @bangantokchy @jespecially
@asyre @armycarat2612 @bewoyewo (send an ask to be added on the taglist!)
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1K notes · View notes
malum-forev · 1 year
Hurry Back Home
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Summary: The four times you showed up at Bucky’s place unexpected.
Part 1
The first time was a month after the two of you broke up. Once your red rimmed eyes depuffed from the constant tears and you managed to get his name out. Your friends had come over once or twice to check up on you but you’d always lie. 
“Thank you for stopping by but really, I’m okay.” You lied when they came by the first time, resting your body on the doorframe and keeping the door close to you so they wouldn’t see your Bucky covered apartment. You still hadn’t taken the pictures down, hadn’t washed your sheets because you could still catch a glimpse of his cologne and you sure as hell hadn’t stopped wearing the Henley he kept at your place. The one you were currently hiding underneath a big sweatshirt.
Of course they didn’t believe you but it was always better to give you some space. 
“Call us whenever and we’ll be here.” One of your friends said, you nodded and closed the door. 
You deeply regretted living in an apartment with paper thin walls when you heard your other friend say: “I really thought those two were endgame.”
But now, I’d been a month and it seemed like the sun was ready to shine again. The pain still felt unbearable but it was most likely because Bucky was still imprinted in your apartment. So one Sunday morning, you grabbed a cardboard box and decided enough was enough. Almost with closed eyes as to not relive the good memories, you started chucking everything that reminded you of him. 
Goodbye rubber spatula Bucky melted half to death the first time he cooked you breakfast. Sayonara to the broken picture frame he’d glued back together after slamming your body against the wall that time you two came back tipsy and horny from the bar. Farewell to the plush blanket he insisted you needed in your living room the day your heater went out. Would it be too over the top if you brought the heater back to its broken state because he fixed it? 
As you passed through the kitchen, you saw the small plate Bucky gave you when you went to that pottery class. A lopsided dish he’d made too oval and too deep to actually be useful but with the way his tongue poked out in concentration as he made, it there was no way you could tell him it wasn’t perfect. He hadn’t let you see his final design but a few days later, after it had been fired, you finally saw what he had painted. At the center of the plate, in his almost illegible messy handwriting, read: This is a plate, -Bucky <3. 
You shoved the dish all the way back inside one of your kitchen drawers, not wanting to think about it anymore but not wanting to throw away such a meaningful gift. Not yet.
You grabbed another smaller box and shoved all the clothes Bucky had left behind over the months. A couple of Henleys, some underwear, his leather jacket, and the gloves he’d stopped wearing. 
“Not today, Doll.” He’d smiled, lowering your hands holding the leather gloves. “I don’t need them when I’m with you.”
Before you could think about it too much, you opened your door and walked over to his apartment with his things. You dropped the box at his doorstep and turned to leave but you heard his locks turn. 
A gasp got caught in your throat and you were almost positive your heart missed a beat. The plan wasn’t to see him, you weren’t ready to see him. Maybe you could make a run for it? But it would be too obvious! You’ll look ridiculous! Maybe you can play dead? It works for dogs! 
But before you could make a decision, you heard his voice. The sweet tone he reserved just for your ears, soft and comforting. 
“Hi.” His smile was small not reaching his eyes. “How are you?”
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat and nod. “I’m okay. I thought it was time to drop your things off.”
“Oh,” His usual crystal blue eyes now adorned an all too familiar red hue, the bags under his eyes big and purple. But before you could feel sorry, a cheery voice appeared from the inside of his apartment. 
“We should be leaving soon.” A woman came into view, her tactical suit showed you she worked with Bucky but the way her arm rested on his shoulder showed you she’s more than just a coworker. “Wouldn’t want to miss our reservation.”
You didn’t let your mouth drop to the floor just out of pure pride. 
How could I have been so stupid to think Bucky wasn’t over me yet? You thought.
You kicked the cardboard box lightly with the tip of your shoe. “Just wanted to drop off your things.”
Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed, your sudden change of demeanor confused him. But your eyes pingponging from the box to him to Jessica gave him more answers than he needed. He started shaking his head, wanting to explain to you that Jessica didn’t know who you were and that’s why she was saying they were going out. He wanted to explain that the only reason she was in his apartment was because she had to borrow some unmarked guns for her mission. He especially wanted to explain to you that Jessica wasn’t interested in guys like him- actually she wasn’t interested in guys at all!
“You can keep or throw out anything you have of mine, I don’t want it.” You said rolling your eyes, turning to leave but he held your elbow wanting to get even a single word in. But he didn’t get a chance to say anything.
You tugged your arm back and left, closing your apartment door with a bang. 
The second time was a few weeks after you had given Bucky his belongings. You’d started watching the news again, not caring whenever they showed a picture of him. At least that’s what you told your friends. You finally returned to your favorite coffee shop, even though it hurt when the barista asked where your boyfriend was. You’d managed to say it was just you this time but were too distracted with your own thoughts to see the glimmer in the guy’s eyes when you said it. 
Today was an especially important day, your first run since the breakup. You welcomed the familiar burn in your lungs and the feeling of freedom. You jogged up to the door of your apartment just to see a brown paper bag with your name on it. You eyed it quizzically, looking around to figure out if you could spot who left it. But inside was a harmless coffee with a note written on the side: What’s a morning run without your morning coffee?
At first it made you smile, thinking about all the times you would drink coffee with Bucky. A little slice of normalcy and routine in his otherwise chaotic world. That ritual the two of you created was one of the only things he could control.
But the sweet thoughts turned sour as you remembered the blonde’s arm on Bucky. Who the hell does he think he is? He can go out and date but you? You have to be constantly reminded of the relationship? 
I don’t fucking think so. 
You marched up the stairs straight to his door and banged on it three times. You didn’t mind the time, you knew he was up since sunrise. 
No answer. You brought your fist up to the door again and knocked five times, your patience running thin and your energy low. 
A few seconds later a messy haired groggy Bucky opened up, rubbing his eyes with the back of his palms. 
“You were asleep?” You forgot why you were here in the first place, more concerned about the fact that your ex-boyfriend who never slept in past 5:45 and was now barely waking up at 8 am! Had he not been sleeping at night? Was he getting nightmares again? Was he benched from the team?
“Was, past tense.” He yawned. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
His kind blue eyes convinced you for a second but the coffee in your hand reminded you of your anger. 
“I wanted to hand deliver this.” You pushed the coffee into his chest. “And to tell you that these mind games you’re playing are not working. I’m done, we’re done. So don’t come here wanting to stir up things that have been buried. We used to drink coffee after our runs but not anymore, not together at least! So stop it, and I don’t want it.” 
Bucky’s eyes widened as he looked down at the drink in his hands. You’d left him speechless. Truthfully, leaving the big and scary Winter Soldier inarticulate did wonders for your self-esteem-
“Did you read the other side of the cup?” Bucky asked in an annoyed tone.
He rolled his eyes and turned the cup, bringing it close to your face. “The back of the coffee says: Come into the coffee shop for a free pastry and a date – Jack.”
You felt your face blush, heat consuming your whole body. 
“I-when- I didn’t read-“ You stammered. 
“Are we done here?” Bucky raised his eyebrows. “I’m sure you’re getting flooded with date propositions but could we keep the ‘bragging about it to your ex’ to a minimum?” 
You furiously nodded and whispered a small: “Sorry about that.”
The third time was four months after the breakup. You thought you were doing great, making progress. You’d been on a date or two that didn’t amount to anything but it counted, right? Everything seemed normal until you heard about the last mission. 
You had turned on the TV and the news station was doing a 24hr coverage of a rescue mission. Something about super soldier serums being reproduced and hostages being taken. You didn’t need to see him on the screen to know he was there. An unusual feeling gnawed at your chest. 
Before, when you were dating, you would get anxious about him going on missions but this time it was different. Like you knew something bad was going to happen.
And then you saw the coverage, the warehouse had been wired with explosives. Every wall blown up into ashes. “There have been no survivors until now.” The newscaster said. 
Your heart races thinking of him. This can’t be true, right? You know there’s no possibility of him not being there, he’s the one who is supposed to handle super soldiers for fucks sake! But the thought of him not making it is out of the question. You cannot even process the information. A shocking sob rips through your chest as you hear the total fatalities number rise.  
You had wanted to be informed of everything happening but at some point in the night, you fell asleep with the TV turned on. A faint noise woke you up, your senses heightened to a thousand. You brought closer the sleeves of one of Bucky’s heneleys that had been mixed up with the clothes at the back of your closet and took in his faint scent. But then you heard it again, the unmissable groan of his apartment door. You told him to get it fixed a thousand times but he would always say: “Just because something’s old doesn’t mean it needs to be fixed.”
You rushed outside and saw him, opening his apartment door. You couldn’t believe it, were you dreaming? 
You ran to him and just as he turned around you wrapped your arms around him, you couldn’t help the tears running down your face. 
“Is there something wrong?” Bucky asked, worry written all over your face, as he brushed the hair off of your face. “Are you hurt.”
A laugh ripped through your chest and you shoved his shoulder. “Wrong with me? You scared me half to death! I though you didn’t make it.”
You whispered the last part, wanting to hide the tremble in your voice. 
He took your head in his hands, placing a kiss on your forehead. “I’m all right doll, see, I’m still in one piece.”
You nodded and sniffled, bringing your head to his chest. 
“I’ve been looking for this.” Bucky let out a small laugh, placing kisses on the top of your head, while tugging on his shirt. But before you could tell him he could have it back, he said: “Keep it, it looks better on you.”
The fourth time you showed up at Bucky’s place unexpected was a month later. For about a week, you’d been getting this weird feeling. You had seen the same person twice in the subway and then once turning the corner to your apartment. At first, you thought it was a coincidence but today was the third day you saw the same man. Bucky had taught you that whenever you feel in danger you should go around the block once. No person that isn’t following you is going to turn right twice, ending up in the same spot you started. He said that if after doing that, they were still on your tail you should immediately go to his place. No matter the time and no matter the situation.  
You looked over your shoulder before turning right for the fourth time hoping the man would enter one of the many apartments or stores lining your street. Maybe he was lost? But no, he kept his pace following you. Your breath hitched as you considered your options. A) Lead this person straight to your apartment and get murdered or B) Face your ex-boyfriend. 
You considered option A for a second, it would be less awkward. But you shook your head. You rushed up the stairs and made use of the spare key to Bucky’s apartment you hadn’t returned. You quickly closed the door and leaned back on it, trying to regain your breath. You did as you were once told, you grabbed the gun from underneath his dining room table and pointed at the door until he got home. 
An hour later, you saw the lock turn and the door slowly open. You pointed the gun straight on and waited for whoever was behind the door to come in. 
“It’s just me,” You heard Bucky’s voice before he came in. “You’re safe.”
You let out a breath as he came into view, setting the gun back on the table. “How’d you know I was here?”
“You think I don’t have cameras?” Bucky chuckled as he lowered his work backpack onto the kitchen island. “I saw you snooping around, by the way.”
The corners of your lips turned upwards, partly because you were caught but mostly because you didn’t find any indications that there had been a woman in his place. 
“What happened?” He asked, sitting across from you. 
“I think I’m being followed.” You chewed on your bottom lip nervously. 
“Think?” Bucky asked with raised eyebrows.
“The same man has been following me from my apartment to work and back for the past week. And he’s not even being sneaky about it. We’ve made eye-contact and everything.”
Bucky ran his hand across his face. “And you waited a week to tell me?!”
“Well I’m sorry if I’m not totally comfortable telling my ex that someone is following me!” You rolled your eyes. “Anyways, I did what you told me and now I’m here.”
“I took a picture of him when he wasn’t looking.” You pushed your phone closer to Bucky only to see the color drain out of his face. “What’s the matter?”
“The-these- this guy, I saw him at the warehouse.” Bucky muttered. “They’re sending me a message.”
“What are we going to do?” You asked quietly. 
Bucky’s nostrils flared as he got filled with rage. “We? We aren’t doing anything. I am going to go to them and kill every single one. I don’t care- they’re dead tomorrow morning.”
“Buck-“ You placed a hand on his chest but he turned around, getting up from the table. He paced around his apartment, face red with anger. “Buck! Stop!”
His eyes darkened. “Stop? Stop and do what? Wait until they hurt the woman that I love? I’m not going to just sit back and take the high road. They deserve to be in the ground and I’m going to make sure it happens. No one can get near you. I’ve worked too hard and sacrificed so much already for them to get close to you.”
“They’ve gotten too close already. I shouldn’t have let them, but they’re here now. And they’re going to see what happens when you piss me off. I broke my heart in two just to make sure you were going to be safe. And they won’t take that away from you, not your safety. I will do whatever is necessary.” 
You gasped at his words. 
“Is that- is that why-“ Bucky didn’t let you finish, his saddened gaze gave you the answer. 
“Do you love me?” You asked him, your heart speaking the words your brain couldn’t let you pronounce. His eyes were set on the ground. You took two steps to him, grabbing his face and looking into his eyes. 
“Tell me you don’t love me and I’ll drop it. We never have to talk about this again, we’ll finish with the mercenaries and I will never speak a word to you again. Just say the words. Tell me you don’t love me.” 
Worried creases appeared on Bucky’s forehead, battling with himself. “I could never keep you safe. You will always be in danger.”
“Say it.” You ordered. “Say that you don’t love me but know that it won’t go away. I will always be something they hang over your head because I’ll love you forever.” 
His steel blue eyes met yours and looked down at your lips. 
“I’ll never be safe, but that’s a price I’m willing to pay if it means I get to spend even a minute back in your arms.” You whispered.
Bucky crashed his lips into yours, a rushed and feverish kiss that had you seeing stars. The type that has you gasping for air but not knowing that if it is your last, it was worth it. Bucky pulled you closer to him, his cologne and desperation made you dizzy. 
“I’ll love you forever.” He whispered once you separated. “I promise to keep you safe, I’ll do whatever I have to. I cannot be without you, I was a fool to think I could.”
You smiled into his lips but his warmth left too soon. 
Bucky placed another kiss on your lips before walking to the door. “I’ll be home soon.”
“Where are you going?” You gripped his arm, wanting nothing more than for him to come back to you. 
He brought your hand to his mouth, placing a chaste kiss on your knuckles. “Anyone who dares to threaten you gets to see a part of me that I once buried.”
Your eyes met as he counted the bullets inside his gun and slid a knife into his pocket. 
“Hurry back home.” You said.
For the first time in months, Bucky let out a smile.    
Wanna read more like this? Here’s my latest post! 💖
Author's Note: I want to thank everyone for reading pt. 1 and encouraging me to write this! I hope you guys like it! As always pls comment reblog and like! Love you guyssss
Tags: @verygraphicink @rouge-raven13 @behindmygreyeyes @ximi1315 @runi1 @lia-winther @aneluvs @kpopgirlbtssvt
2K notes · View notes
Cop Out
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"Put your hands where I can see them!" A Cop got out of his police car to apprehend the vigilante spray painting a public building
Officer Harold had been on the police force for almost 20 years now and has been through all the hate Cops have been given over the years from being called a pig, to the protests, and all the mockery and slander. To him he didn't understand he was just trying to help people!
"Alright PIG, I'll stop," The vigilante Maxwell snarled back.
Harold sighed. Another day of being called a pig. Without much thought he grabbed his cuffs to detain Maxwell and send him to the station.
"Just so you know PIG. You may catch me now but I WILL be back!!!!!" Harold stopped in his tracks as Maxwell spoke again.
"Alright that's it Mister. I'm DONE with people like you. I've been on the force for years!!!! You will NEVER understand what we have to go through. We serve this country and we get treated like shit!! I just wish you would understand. Be in the shoes of someone on the force and then we'll see how you feel!" Harold blurted his frustration out at Maxwell which probably wasn't the best idea but he was his limit.
Maxwell couldn't care less but when he tried to open his mouth to speak more insults he found himself unable to speak. Not to mention something felt odd to him. Like he felt like he should respect Officer Harold despite all his earlier statements.
"O-Okay, sir..." Maxwell spoke in a meek tone.
Harold was a bit surprised to hear Maxwell suddenly respect him, but he appreciated the sudden niceness.
"Alright, I'll let you be just this once! Don't get in the way of another officer like myself and you'll be good in my book," Harold put his cuffs away and bids Maxwell farewell.
Maxwell waves goodbye and for some reason... he wanted to see the officer again. It was against all his bashing of police over the years and he knows it and yet... he yearns for it. He walked home to his meager apartment to sleep it off.
Maxwell woke up groggy as he stumbled his way to his dingy bathroom feeling like an entire weight dropped on him. Making his way to the mirror he looked like his usual self. Blond hair, brown eyes, skinny frame.. He remembered his encounter with Officer Harold and the strange feeling Maxwell got after Harold spoke his heart out. He longed to see him again, someway somehow.
"I wish I could see him again..." Maxwell said without thinking.
Suddenly Maxwell's phone began to rang loudly in his pocket. As a vigilante he always answered calls without question so he picked up the phone.
"Who is this?"
"Hello... Maxwell." a enchanting voice called to Maxwell immediately putting him in a trance that made him not want to hang up.
"Listen to me very carefully..."
"What are you doing?? How do you know my name??"
"You're a strong bodybuilder that's been working out for YEARS,"
"But I'm not-"
"You're a strong bodybuilder that's been working out for YEARS,"
"I'm a strong bodybuilder that's been working out for years," As soon as the words left his mouth Maxwell's body began to grow to fit his new lifestyle. Large pecs, massive shoulders, huge back, killer biceps that would make gods jealous with strong visible veins, a sexy set of abs, thick neck with a prominent adam's apple, and his crowning feature of thick beautiful thighs. His clothes melted away leaving him in his just his underwear as he remembered his years pumping iron and winning competitions. It was all Maxwell cared about.
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Maxwell broke from his trance to give a quick bicep flex before the voice lured him back.
"You've been a cop for 10 years and LOVE your job."
"That's preposterous!! Bodybuilding is my only calling and not to mention those pigs-"
"You've been a cop for 10 years and LOVE your job."
"I've been a cop for 10 years and love my job." Years of bodybuilding now mixed with years in police training and Dean proudly showing his badge to any criminals that dared to cross him.
Black pants materialized onto his frame along with an accompanying black belt and black police boots with black socks that wrapped around his big feet. The belt was slowly being equipped with police gear one by one. Handcuffs, knifes, guns, and other miscellaneous things. All the things a cop like himself needs.
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Maxwell was getting for work at the moment before this mysterious man called him. He does know he could get him arrested in seconds right? Oh well might as well toy with the fellow at least that's what Maxwell rationalized.
"Of course I'm an officer. Been one for ten years and I of course love doing my part, even the naysayers doubt my squad!"
"That's right Maxwell, oh sorry... Max,"
"Do you know who you're talking to? My name is Maxwell! Always have been always will-"
"Your name is Max Schmidt,"
"My name is Max Schmidt," Max loved his name. Fit his manly exterior and manly interior.
"So what do you want with me? Are you one of those ACAB folks? Trying to make me slip?
"No sir, I only want what's best for the force! And you... Now check yourself out..."
"That's inappropriate behavior unbefitting of an officer! What is your name so I can call the stati-"
"Open the camera app and check yourself out NOW," Max immediately took the phone off his ear and opened the camera app. He immediately zoomed in on his chest and abs and then felt those great abs of his.
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While this was happening a black police shirt wrapped around Max's large frame as his hair darkened into a light black and his eyes became darker becoming a black color. Max's hair become more put together and more uniform fit for a police officer. A somewhat expensive white watch appeared on his left arm that he always wore. Max still wanted to obey the caller's comand so he used his hand to lift the new shirt to reveal his abs.
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Underneath the tight pants Max's newly enlarged cock was having a hard-on.
"Good... Good... Now how do you love?" Max stopped checking himself out in order to respond.
"Haha! You really think I'd tell some criminal that! I don't have my eyes on anyone! Just hard work as police and muscle!
"That's not right, what about your loving husband... Harold?"
"Harold? My superior? Nah we're just good friends! I respect him a great deal but I'm straight as an arrow! No way I would ever marry a ma-"
"You're married to Harold Schmidt your loving husband,"
"I'm married to Harold Schmidt my loving husband," Max remembers the wedding well. Everyone in the force was there cheering them on as they kissed under the altar. Not to mention what they do in private at the police office. Max's already hard cock got even harder as a shiny ring appeared on his ring finger.
"That's great Max, just great! Just one more thing. How's your age going? Must be hard being 39 years of age,"
"I'm only 25, criminal."
"Nah, You're definitely 39,"
"I'm definitely 39," How could Mike forget his age. He reveled in his almost 40's age while his husband was a good ripe age of 50.
"Amazing, brilliant. My work here is done. Have a good day Officer Max," The call ended.
"...What was that?! I need to report this to the station immediately! Better get to work!" Max made another flex as a name tag with his manly name shined onto him. "M. Schmidt"
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Max made his way to his cop car. He always loved throwing those pesky cop haters into the back and hear their screams and cries for help, usually with his husband in the passenger seat. Speaking of his husband he should send a pic to his husband to know he's coming to the station. But first his signature shades!
"Hey Honey, bicep flex for you <3" And sent.
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Max's nametag shined in the glistening heat as he adjusted his rearview mirror.
"Lookin' good there, Schmidt." Max said to himself.
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Max turned the car engine on and he gripped his strong weathered hands onto the wheel and drove to the station.
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The drive was long, but standard for a officer like himself. Along the way he already had to apprehend a couple criminals that shouted the slurs he was oh so used to. It was quite tiring and had him quite parched so a good drink would do him good so he used his meaty hand to gulp down some fresh water from the bottle in the cupholder of his car.
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"Honey I'm home!" Max shouted as he opened the door to Harold's office at the station.
"M-Max! Don't say it so loud! People will find out what we do in here!" Harold stammered out before getting hit with a kiss on the lips.
"I know I know, but can't the two strongest police officers on the force have a little fun while on the job?" Max said with a lustful smirk.
"Oh Max, I could never get mad at you. Although... Let's deal with the criminals you arrested first," Harold Nudged to the paperwork regarding the arrests Max was currently holding.
"Right..... forgot about that!" Max promptly threw the papers aside and began to undress himself right in front of his husband much to said Husband's shock.
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"Harold! What are you-" Harold was interrupted as a passionate kissed began to form between the two lovers.
Harold's worries washed away as the lovebirds embraces with a passionate and long kiss. What felt like hours passed as they made out all over the room. The rustling of papers, knick-knacks all over the floor, and even a whole phone on the ground.
"I love you, babe." Max muttered
"Love you too..." Harold muttered back before snapping back to reality. The entire office was in disarray but the two of them were happier than ever.
"Say... let's get the boys out for a shooting range!" Max mentioned as he put his uniform back on.
"Sounds like a great idea! Those criminals can wait." The pair left to tell the boys they were about to a wild time.
Two unlikely people now bound together and neither were none the wiser of their old lives.
"Let's get to shootin' boys!"
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pooks · 2 months
Ichiji had never thought that he would ever be in a place without any food. He was raised as a prince; he always got whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.
But right now...he was so hungry that he could cry.
He stared up at the black skies. Glimmering stars, hundreds of them, twinkled above them. Ichiji was awake. It was strange that he was so tired that he wasn't tired anymore.
It felt like a cosmic punishment. As a crown prince, he never missed a single meal and if he didn't like the food, he sent it back to the kitchens and demanded something else. He was so spoiled and ungrateful...
"Royalty mustn't cook!"
That was what he shouted at Sanji, back at Germa.
And now, he regretted that bitterly.
Ichiji swallowed back his sobs, not willing to show weakness. He couldn't live with himself if that old geezer saw him crying. No, he needed to be strong, for Sanji's sake.
Sanji. His baby brother, so frail and small, was curled against his side. He had become so thin now.
"Brille, brille petite étoile..." He sang softly, barely louder than a whisper. His voice had become hoarse. "Dans la nuit qui se dévoile..."
And Ichiji prayed, as every night, for a ship to come and save them. It was too late for him, but they could save Sanji. As long as he got saved...he could die happily.
He didn't even get to finish the song before he succumbed to the darkness.
A lot of things went in a blur for him.
Ichiji knew that he woke on the morning. He collected morning dew, as he did every morning since they got onto this forsaken rock, and gave it to Sanji.
Sanji was weaker than him, from the start. Ichiji had more meat on his bones, more muscle mass and a different metabolism than his little brother. He was able to last longer than him. That was why he had resorted to eat as little as possible, saving more for Sanji to survive on.
It was the 79th day when Ichiji collapsed. His legs couldn't carry him anymore and his mind went blank. He was already out of consciousness before he hit the hard surface.
Ichiji never heard Sanji sobbing his eyes out.
"Niisan! Niisan! Wake up! It's not funny! NIISAN!" Sanji screamed, trying to shake him awake.
But there was no use; Ichiji lied still on the ground.
Sanji broke down into hysterical sobs.
"Stop wailing, little brat." The old geezer grumbled at him. "Don't waste more energy."
"WHY DON'T YOU CARE?! MY BIG BROTHER IS DEAD!" Sanji screamed at him.
"He isn't dead, you idiot! Pipe down!"
Sanji watched as the old geezer examined his not-dead brother.
"No, he isn't dead, Eggplant." The old geezer shook his head. "He's ill. Very ill."
Sick? Ichiji was never sick. Not at Germa or at The Orbit. But then again...
Sanki stared down at his older brother. Ichiji didn't look...like he did before they got here. His red hair was no longer vibrantly red, like a lollipop. It had instead gotten darker, but it was still red. But he looked so weak. Just skin and bones, like him, now. He didn't move. His eyes were closed.
Ichiji looked weak and Sanji hated it. Ichiji was supposed to be strong.
"Niisan..." He sniffled. "H-he lied to me. He said he had taken his share before I woke up every morning, but he didn't..." He hiccuped. "H-he collected morning dew everything morning...j-just for me."
Zeff said nothing.
Because the words he had would not comfort the little Eggplant.
'If a ship doesn't come soon...the boy will die. He's already wasting away. He isn't going to last another week like this.'
If a ship didn't came soon...the little Eggplant would be forced to say farewell to his brother.
Ichiji has been ill for three days now. His skin is white as snow and his hands are cold, but his forehead is boiling hot.
There is nothing to do than to wait and hope for the best. Even if their chances are smaller now and Ichiji's chance of survival has dropped to extremely slim chances.
Ichiji was slipping in and out of consciousness, barely awake for more than a few minutes and in the little time he was awake, he did two things. He looked at Sanji without saying anything and gave a weak smile...and one time, he said something to the old geezer that made Sanji nearly break down in hysteria.
"If I die before a ship comes...eat me."
It was such a horrible thing to say. Sanji screamed, cursed and protested at his brothers' chilling words.
But Zeff understood his character more as time passed on. Ichiji wanted his brother to survive, no matter what happened to him. He had slowly wasted away for him, collected dew and given it to the Eggplant every morning and now, he quietly accepted his death.
On the fourth day since Ichiji fell ill, 84 days on this damned rock, Sanji panicked when he woke up and there were no Ichiji lying by his side. He was on the verge of crying, thinking that maybe he had wasted away into nothingness or fallen down to the seas...until he found the old geezer holding his brother in his arms.
Wrapped in the old pirate's coat, Ichiji looked so small and weak.
It took Sanji a long while to come and sit next to the old geezer (as his stamina has dwindled into nearly nothing).
"...y'think...i'll see Mama once I'm gone?" Ichiji whispered.
"...don't be stupid, brat. You won't see her until you're old and grey." Zeff gruffly told him.
Ichiji blinked a little, it took him a long while to process his words. "...it's a nice thought. But no."
A god damned guardian angel must've looked after the two children, in Zeff's opinion, because a ship came on the 85th day. Five days into Ichiji's illness and he was barely holding onto a thread by now.
They were spared from death.
It took some time before they all miraculously recovered. After two long months of careful diet restoration and their progress being strictly monitored, Sanji recovered first while Zeff also recovered. But Ichiji took the longest to recover as he was in a critical condition, due to his illness.
The doctors in charge had told them that Ichiji had been so close to death that the grim reaper had probably collected him after one more day on that rock.
A damn angel must've watched those two brats, Zeff concluded.
It took Ichiji four months to fully recover and Sanji, bless that little eggplant's heart, couldn't stop wailing once he was reunited with his brother.
Zeff ended up adopting an eggplant and a tomato as his own sons.
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Danny had origallany moved into this new world filled with hope and optimism. Heck, the city he moved to was named Metropolis for ancients sake and was protected by a colorful man in red underpants. He had rights in this world as a "metahuman" and he didn't need to protect anyone with all these superheros around. It was perfect.
Or so he thought.
It all started when he met and subsequently flirted with a man named Tom Davidson. They clicked almost instantly even while his little brother Damian gave Tom the stink eye. Eventually they had to leave and they happily gave thier farewells. Danny later kicks himself for not getting Toms number.
Damian confronts Tim, asking why he lied and Tim responded that he didn't want to be out as Tim Drake: Gotham Rich Guy and wanted to be normal for a while, which Damian reluctantly accepted. Tim thinks this was more because he didn't want to escalate and get into even more trouble with Bruce. That was how he got stuck with a babysitter in the first place.
"Tom" and Danny meet again a few weeks later outside of a coffee shop and they recognize eachother. Danny waves him over and they drink coffee together and chat. Afterwards Danny asks him out to coffee and they set up a time and date.
Danny didn't think asking his crush out would be this easy.
Tim actually didn't realize he'd been asked out on a date date and is just happy to hang out with someone he shares so many hobbies with.
After weeks of accidental dating, Danny invites Tim out to a fancy restaurant for a date and nothing goes as planned. First, a snobby waitress had tried to give out the table Danny had made reservations for (the one in the most romantic part of the restaurant and thus he had to pay extra) to one of her own friends and thier own date and Danny had ask the manager what was going on which got the manager involved and the girl got fired. She got dragged out yelling about who her daddy was. So already not a good night.
Both Danny and Tim were kinda awkward after that. But wait, there's more! The lady who was supposed to get the table for free thanks to her friend tried going full Karen, much to the horror of her date, who told her off and broke up with her right then and there. Fireworks ensued but Tom and Danny were seated soon after so they didn't get to see the rest. The restaurant did offer to give them complimentary desert as an apology, which was nice.
Danny said something like, "I was expecting dinner, but the show was a surprise!" Which broke the ice and got them laughing and chatting while they waited for thier meals. At some point while eating Tom perked up and said he needed to go to the bathroom and rushed off quickly. Danny thought it was odd, but blamed his paranoia on the fact he used that excuse so much to get away from situations and go play hero.
At first thats what he thought Tom was doing when he didn't come back for a while, so Danny got up and went to the bathroom to confirm his suspicions. Instead of an empty bathroom he saw Tom in there kissing some blond guy.
Danny just turned around and left without making a sound. What fresh soap opera hell was this? He walked up to thier waitress and explained the situation. She quickly got his food boxed up with both his and Toms complimentary deserts (he'll take a victory here no matter how petty) and he paid the bill and gave her a large tip before speedwalking out the door.
He ghosted Tom after that. It was a good thing he never Gave Tom his address he guessed.
He didn't see Tom for almost a month before he ran into him at a farmers market in Gotham accompanied by an elderly man in a sling. Tom introduced the man as Alfred. Alfred was very polite. Danny, however, was not. "Why are you introducing him to me?" He asked bitterly. "We're not friends."
"We're not?!" Tom asked, having the audacity to look shocked.
Danny nearly growled, but didn't want it getting out that he was anything other than perfectly human, so he bit his cheek and turned to walk away. Unfortunately for both Danny and Tom, the latter had grabbed his wrist to keep him from leaving and Danny snapped.
He grabbed the first thing he could, which was a cabbage from a nearby cart. Ignoring the owners shout of "My Cabbages!" He proceeded to absolutely hail down veggie based pain onto the creep that broke his heart. He slapped a fifty into cabbage guys hand before he turned and left in a huff.
By the time Tim recovered he was covered in veggies and bruises and very confused. Tim decided he had a new case: What the heck did I do???
Danny was mad cause he keeps running into his cheating ex. He had agreed to let Lex Corp send him out to Gotham for a few weeks on a business trip in hopes of avoiding the guy but now he's seeing him everywhere.
Angry and tired, he was not pleased to hear shouting and explosions outside his street. He opened his window and saw the Joker fighting the local hero and yelled at them to keep it down. The Joker was momentarily distracted and got his lights punched out by Batman for it.
Danny didn't think anything of the incident after that, just rolling over into bed and falling asleep. Of course the Joker tracks him down and breaks into his hotel room to try and kill him. Which leads to Danny killing the Joker in self defense.
Theres a media crapstorm from this. Danny swears he heard Vicky Vale in his hotels vents but that may have just been him hallucinating. Some super hot guy with biceps that made Danny blush hugged him and thanked him. Hes not really sure what that was about but he was just glad this was over and he could leave this cursed city in a few days.
Then Batman broke in. Danny told him to scram and somehow it turned into a fight. Maybe Batman was trying to intimidate him. Maybe he was genuinely trying to beat up a 19 year old. Whatever the reason he had still broken into a guys hotel room and attacked him...which lead to Danny panicking and using his powers to get Batman off of him...unfortunately he used the wrong power- intangibility- and killed the man instantly. His organs were on the floor, soon followed by Dannys vomit when he saw them.
The bats got the alert of Bruces vitals stopping and went nuts. Danny looked at the corpse and decided now would be a good time to get the heck out of dodge.
Of course Red Hood shows up in his apartment in Metropolis. He sat at Dannys dining table cleaning his gun and asked Danny to take a seat.
Instead of threatening him like Danny expected he began asking questions. Mostly about some "Tim" guy. Eventually everything was cleared up. Danny was mad as a hornet finding out that "Tom Davidson" was actually Tim Drake and that he was 17 instead of 19, and that he was dating that blond guy from the restaurant and claiming he didn't even realize that Danny had asked him out, which Danny called bs on.
Danny felt somewhat sick at learning he had dated a minor, even if it was supposedly only technical and only for a month or so. Danny was 19 and Tim was 17 and Danny didn't think that was okay. Hood waved it off and had him explain the events surrounding the Joker and Batmans break ins and eventually told him that he would deal with the bats but told him to watch his back because the bats were grieving and it was hard to tell what they were going to do.
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princessaxoxo · 1 year
Strangers to lovers Part 3
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Sherlock x reader
Summary: Being Enola’s sitter was an adventure, but not as much as falling for her brother, Sherlock.
Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, Unprotected public sex (p in v), very little fluff, angst as well, kissing, cussing
Word count: 1.9k+
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Sherlock has consistently shown up at your house carrying flowers for the past week. You conveyed your appreciation for each of them; they were all beautiful. It started off the same way as usual when he arrived early today with a fresh bouquet of your favorite flowers-lilies.
"Sherlock, all of the flowers are beautiful," you remarked as you opened the door. This, however, will not mend what you broke. You cannot buy my trust with anything."
"Will you kindly give me an idea of sorts? I am really trying my best," he muttered.
"No, you will manage. You are, after all, the notorious Sherlock Holmes. You have probably experienced worse moments."
You shut the door after saying those final words to him. Although doing something like that made you feel terrible, it was a good decision.
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Your cousin Miranda made the decision to pay you a visit after sending a letter to your family. "Is everything okay? Your letter sounded worrisome."
Even though you were not very close to Miranda, you reasoned that it might be okay to hear her opinion. She grinned when you told her you had fallen in love.
"Please try not to get too excited. There is no happy ending to this story." When you said that, her face fell. "He left me not too long ago; in the most horrible way, I think it is possible to leave someone you love." You told her everything that had happened in the past. Now that he has returned, he wants me. And, my goodness, I want him too. I just cannot be with him yet, though. I need him to show me because it does not feel quite right. He has not done anything but buy me stuff. Love and trust are not things that can be purchased."
She listened carefully. "I am not sure what to say," she said, leaning her head against her palm and sadly glancing at you. "Do you still love him?" You sighed. “I will always love him more than words can describe. You do not realize how close I was to giving in to his pleas for me to stay with him. How I was able to say no is still beyond me.”
"Though I do agree with you, could you perhaps be a little lenient with him the next time you see him?"
"Be lenient with him? You must be joking. He deserves this. You do not realize how painful it was because you were not present, Miranda.”
"I understand, but if he asks, just go out with him for a day and see how it goes."
You decided to see him after giving her a farewell for the evening and considering what she had said.
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When you had not seen or heard from Sherlock for a week, you were taken aback. You were already dressed when he knocked on your door and said, "I have a day prepared for you. Please come." And you had nothing planned for yourself.
He extended his hand for you to grasp.
Gazing upon it, you inhaled deeply and grasped his hand.
The two of you took a carriage to a location of which you were unaware. You asked once, but he wouldn't tell you. “It’s a surprise." You wanted to ask again but decided against it. Not wanting to appear eager.
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You hadn’t known how long it took, but the carriage came to a stop. Sherlock stopped you and said, "Cover your eyes.” You gave him a look that told him he was ridiculous for suggesting such a thing.
Still, you tried to get out, but he was blocking you. “Cover your eyes, and I'll help you out."
You huffed but did as such.
Sherlock guided you, telling you where to step and what to watch out for. “Okay, we’re here,” he mumbled under his breath, but you managed to hear what he said.
“Are you ready?” he asked. “Yes, now let me see!"
He removed his hands, and you saw a huge picnic set up for the both of you in a beautiful vineyard covered with tons of flowers.
You’d never seen such a view; you were at a loss for words.
“Sherlock, this is breathtaking. You really did all of this?”
“Of course, I thought you would love it."
He took your hand and led you to sit down on the blanket.
Sherlock sat across from you, curiosity got to you, and you reached to open the basket that was in the middle and started pulling out the produce.
There were various fruits, vegetables, and meats for the afternoon lunch he planned.
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Sherlock and you were having a marvelous day together. It was as if nothing had changed; it felt the same as it did four years ago. Just the two of you, enjoying each other and not wanting it to end.
He was eyeing you diligently, especially the way you would reach for a strawberry and how your lips looked when taking a bite.
The sound of your laugh made goosebumps rise on his skin.
He hadn't noticed how much he missed making you laugh, along with your infectious smile.
“Sherlock, this was something that I won’t forget. Thank you for all of this."
“No, don’t thank me. I don’t deserve that, but you deserve this. All for you, y/n."
Sherlock ran a hand through his curly hair that fell in his face, and you gave him a smile.
"Oh, you have,” he said, stopping mid-sentence and reaching his thumb out to wipe away some of the juice that came from one of the many strawberries you had.
His face became eerily close to yours; without thinking, you moved towards him, and his thumb caressed your cheek. You took his thumb in your mouth and sucked on it—the familiar taste of a strawberry on your tongue.
His lips found yours in a slow kiss.
The dress you wore slowly moved upward, and his large hands squeezed your thighs in a needy way.
He kissed and sucked on your neck, causing a moan from you.
His lips grazed your neck up to your mouth, and his nose nudged against yours before going in for another kiss.
He pulled down your underwear and rubbed your clit with his index and middle fingers. “How does that feel, baby? Does that feel good?”
“Mhm, yes, it feels so fucking good; please don’t stop."
His hand started to gently caress your breast, and you moaned into the kiss you two were sharing. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he laid you down carefully.
He removed his hand from underneath your dress.
You pulled up your dress past your hips, and you helped him unbuckle his trousers. He pulled his cock out and eased his way into your pussy.
Both of you moaned simultaneously, and his movements started to quicken.
Your hands grabbed his buttocks, and your legs wrapped around his waist as he pounded into you.
No words were spoken between the two of you.
Just this moment with him was enough.
Your mouths and tongues moved in sync with one another like they always had. His grunts started to become louder, along with your cries of pleasure.
Your back arched, you were breathless, and you felt Sherlock's hips still with his seed pouring into you.
His head hung low in your neck, and as you started to come out of your sex-filled haze, you realized what had happened.
This wasn’t what you had planned.
This shouldn’t have happened at all.
You scolded yourself for being stupid.
“Sherlock, this was a bad idea.” He looked at you, and you could tell that what you said hurt him.
'What do you mean this was a bad idea?"
“We had sex, and while I enjoyed it, it shouldn't have happened."
He pulled his cock out of you and put it back in his trouser while you pulled your dress down, trying to cover yourself as best as you could. Suddenly, an anxious feeling started within you.
Sherlock lowered and shook his head, and then moved his hand down his face in defeat.
“Would you please take me home?”
"Is that wise?" he asked, looking at you. "You look as if you don’t want me near you again."
You didn't have words for him, although what he said wasn’t true. You wanted him near; you wouldn’t be here with him if that were true.
“Are you going to leave? Again? I know who you are and what you do. Sherlock, you don’t need to explain that to me anymore. I can see you’re trying; you’ve bought me tons of flowers, my favorite ones. Which I’m grateful for, and you planned this whole picnic for me. And sweet gestures like this are what have been meant to earn my trust and get me back. But in the end, is this all worth it if you end up leaving?”
He looked at you and lowered his eyes. “I don’t know what the future holds, but I know I want you, and I’ll want you always. And if one day I must go, then I would hope you’d come with me.”
“You would want me to pack up my life here? Is that what you would want me to do?”
He waved his hand. “No, I would never make you do something you wouldn't want to; we could find common ground, a compromise? If you want this as much as I do",
You did; you wanted it more than life; you wanted him.
But you had nothing left to say to him. “May we go, please?"
He let his shoulders drop in defeat but ultimately said yes.
He packed up the picnic, and the mess that was caused by the sex you had a few moments before
The carriage ride to your home was silent—a silence that could kill. A storm blew over London, which fit the mood of how the day was ending.
You sat picking at your nail beds for the rest of the ride until the carriage reached your home. Sherlock helped you out. “Thank you,” he said, but he still walked you to your front door. “I wish you a good rest of your night,” he said before walking off. You watched as he walked back to his house in the cold, groggy weather instead of the carriage.
Walking back into your house, you aimed straight towards the shower to wash away his scent and the sweat that formed on your skin from the sun earlier, combined with the sex you and Sherlock shared.
The water was hot and refreshing on your skin; you felt renewed once you were dressed in your nightgown and in bed.
You tossed and turned for the rest of the night, Sherlock on your mind and wondering what the future held for the both of you.
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Sherlock walked along the pavement, enduring the London rain, as he came upon a pub. He walked in, needing a drink. He sat in an open chair, the barman appearing in front of him. “How many?”
Sherlock got lost in thought about the question he was about to answer the barman when the barman answered for him, “Let’s start you with one, and if you wish for more, let me know."
A few seconds later, a lager was put in front of Sherlock; he analyzed it for a moment before downing the drink.
Without a second thought, he ordered another one to forget the prior events that had taken place; it was going to be a long night ahead.
Taglist: @mysticwitchcraftco
Part 4
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hanibalistic · 10 months
genre | romance, fluff, angst
synopsis | it seems like you two really liked each other. if only one of you had mustered up the courage to do something about it.  
word count | 7.3k+
warning | injury and blood 
note | i also changed almost everything about this.
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The teacher’s desk where you presented your slides felt like a cage. For ten minutes, you acted as an anxious spectacle for your classmates to descend their pity upon. 
Everyone knew of your stage fright, courtesy of your weeping breakdown when a teacher had unknowingly picked you to present a short pop essay question she gave at the beginning of a class. Watching you suddenly drop to the floor and shrink into a ball was surprising, but it mostly made Felix feel helpless, glued to his desk. When you had returned to your seat next to his, he noticed how your body shook. He hadn’t been able to reach his hand out to calm you down that day.
Your classmates acted accordingly once news broke that your archnemesis was public speaking. Whenever it was your turn to stand in the front, some would avoid eye contact, some would occupy themselves with other tasks, and the funny ones would make quips that divert attention away from you to themselves. None of those things ever helped, but you appreciated their good intentions.
“My god,” you huffed the second your hips touched a chair, and out of the still-fading embarrassment, you immediately laid your head on your folded arms on the desk to hide your face from your class. 
Felix’s deep laughter could be heard clearly through the bell, indicating the end of class. After he haphazardly threw out a farewell to the teacher, who scurried away for the next class, he peeked over at you. One of your legs bounced uncontrollably, strings of silent curses were likely muffled by your forearms, and you desperately buried your head in the space of your elbow. His brows furrowed in pity, and he gave your back a comforting pat; you really hated public speaking.
Once you felt his hand on your back, you begrudgingly pushed your face away from the dark of your elbow to look at him. The pout traveled from your mouth to your eyes, the only feature on your face that showed, and you stared at him with a question you need not verbalize for him to hear. His hand dropped from your back, and he leaned against the back of his chair, his head fighting his instinct to look away so he could maintain eye contact with you. 
“I think you did good,” he commented. When you scoffed in disappointment because of his lack of honest criticism, he widened his eyes in amusement. He perked away from the back of the chair. His face met yours that were half hidden beneath your arms, and he defended, “I’m serious! Besides being visibly nervous, your presentation wasn’t any different than everyone else’s! You did good!”
The doubt in your eyes remained constant. Felix wasn’t sure if it was your lack of trust in your ability to give a good presentation or that you didn’t think he was qualified to provide an opinion that put a cross over his face, both of which he didn’t believe were valid reasons to ignore his words. In response, which wasn’t much of an actual response anyway, he slowly laid the side of his head on the desk and grinned at your dubious gaze. 
Two resting heads separated by a closed gap between two wooden desks. Watching Felix made it easy to forget that you were in a class full of people and that class was still in session. 
“I’m never doing that again,” you declared hopelessly. “I hate presenting! I hate it!”
“Oh jeez, you’re willing to fail a class?” Felix joked. “This is way more serious than I thought!”
“This isn’t funny, Felix,” you muttered. 
“I don’t think it is,” he said. 
You rolled your eyes. You didn't think he was lying, but you didn’t know he would do it all for you if he could. Giving you the sun, presenting your PowerPoint for you, and whatnot. “Well, you are smiling too hard to not think it is.”
He attempted to soothe the creases of his laugh lines, but the more he suppressed a smile, the harder it returned to his face. Eventually, he physically kept his lips from turning upward by pulling the corners down with his thumb and index finger. His laughter fought its way to the surface despite it, his failure to not thrive in your presence proving to be hilarious to him. Only when your stare lacked the previous embarrassment, meaning you fully perceived him with a locked gaze, did he finally pipe down from the high you unknowingly gave him. 
Felix cleared his throat and refused to recognize the proximity of your faces. The shyness painting a gloss of pink on his cheeks wanted to tell you a story—a high school boy falling in love with his classmate. He smiled in desperate hope that the lines of his face would swallow his colored affection. When he smiled, he bore all his teeth, and his lips stretched far into his cheeks. You were deterred from your misery. He was always brighter than you could ever be. 
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You could not for the life of you understand your body. Not having a proper breakfast in exchange for a couple more minutes of slumber was often an easy trial to overcome. Holding out until lunchtime was a breeze when your mind was occupied by all the textbook materials, and you could munch on light snacks during the two cycles of five-minute recess the student body gets every three classes. At least it should be a breeze. Sometimes, your belly chooses an alternative, and there have never been any signs of an antecedent for when it does.
Covering your belly as if adding pressure to it could cease the hunger, you groaned when you felt it rumble again. Your saliva was beginning to taste like acid at the far back of your mouth, and you had already gone through more than half of your water in a poor attempt to satiate the hunger. Lowering your forehead to the edge of your desk, you squeezed your eyes shut to avoid the feeling so vividly present in your abdomen. From the back corner of the class, where Felix had gone off to chat with his friend, he quickly noticed your anguish.
“What’s wrong with you?” Felix asked as soon as he arrived at his desk. He slowly pulled his chair out and slumped down, brows raised in concern. 
You grumbled, and you talked as if you were storing vomit in your cheeks and you were trying your best to keep them behind your mouth. “I’m hungry.”
He immediately rolled his eyes. “Oh, this again.”
“This again?” You shot up with a glare. “You’ve got some nerve, Lee Felix!”
An unopened cake roll launched itself at your face. You flinched and didn’t manage to catch it, so it landed on your lap instead. Before it could roll off your knees, you stuck your palm out and barely scoped it into your hand. Felix zipped his school bag and sat up straight. He sighed to himself as if he was all spent from doing you a great favor, and then he peered over at you. 
“Why can’t you just eat breakfast?” he asked. Nagged, even. 
“I’d rather take five minutes more sleep,” you scoffed in dismay as you sat up, clutching the cake roll. It was your favorite kind. Peeling the plastic, you beamed, “How did you know I love this?”
“Those five minutes fly past in a breeze. You’re delusional if you think it makes any real difference.” He rolled his eyes, not before mirroring your scoff first. But as he watched you stuff the cake into your mouth, there was a wash of relief. At least your tummy was taken care of. Clearing his throat, he shrugged. “I didn’t know. I bought it because I like it.”
That was a lie. He didn’t care for the cake roll, but he knew you enjoyed it as a snack. He bought it when he stopped by the convenience store for breakfast this morning. He buys it when he stops by the convenience store for breakfast every morning, in case you may need it.
“You do?” you muffled out with your cheeks puffed with food.
Felix gave you an exaggerated grimace and waved at the air where crumbs flew about when you spoke. He grumbled a string of inaudible words, but you were too busy looking down at the half-eaten roll cake, your cheeks moving with your slow and thoughtful chews. You weren’t sure if Felix would want the roll cake anymore with your bites all over it. But you felt bad eating his food. This could be his lunch, for all you knew!
“Oh,” you muttered, looking up at him, “I’m sorry.”
He wasn’t sure why you apologized or if this wasn’t a sincere apology but a tactic to soften his body and mind. You looked ridiculous, cheeks filled with bread crumbs littered over your lips, and he brought a finger up to point at those spots that sparked his laughter. When you couldn’t find anything to wipe yourself clean, he offered his sleeve, which you rejected with haste. He complained about your clumsiness with even more laughter, like he knew how to love someone far too early. 
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The class went into a commotion when the teacher gave everyone ten minutes of free time to pair themselves up with someone and discuss what to do with the upcoming project. 
Your chest heaved with anxiety big enough to fill a pebble; it would slowly grow into a rock as the deadline approached. The teacher dumped a bunch of information on the project within thirty minutes, and you jotted down as many unnecessary key points as possible while also putting down immediate ideas so you wouldn’t lose it later. Taking one last glance at your messy notebook page, you turned to Felix.
“Partners?” you asked, leaning toward him.
Felix feigned a choke as he held back a snort. He reached for his water bottle and threw you a disbelieving smile, which confused you. Was he amused that you opened your mouth to ask him at all when you have always been automatic project partners? Or was there something else in that mischievous quirk of his lips? Your brows furrowed, and you punched his elbow, demanding him to confess his thoughts. 
“Why did you hit me?” he whined, rubbing a spot on his arm you didn’t hit. 
“Why were you laughing?” you asked.
“Because!” He pursed his lips and leaned against the back of his chair. He sighed. “You’re very anal–“
“Anal? Wow,” you whispered, the corner of your mouth perking up in mockery. Shaking your head, you breathed a curt huff that mirrored a laugh before throwing a pointed look at him. “Suddenly, you’re a scholar.”
“If that’s some kind of jab at me, it didn’t go through,” he muttered with a tight-lipped smile. 
You ignored him. “You could have used any other word. Strict, picky, controlling,” you played with your pencil case, “but no, you want to use anal.”
“Fine, you’re picky,” Felix caved. “You changed my part in the last project and notified me at the last minute. I pulled an all-nighter to rewrite the script and barely got time to practice. I am not doing that again.”
Shifting in your seat, you hummed, realizing he had a point. You did modify his part of the last project without discussing it with him simply because you thought your idea was a better fit for the grading rubric. You have likely done it multiple times before, too, and he just kept it in until now. As much as you hated the confrontation, he was right.
“Okay,” you shrugged, “I won’t do it this time.”
Felix sighed at your attempt to get him to pair up with you. He was your constant, that much he knew. He enjoyed that. He liked that he was the person you go to for help. In retrospect, he should have talked this through with you. He knew finding a project partner wasn’t your strong suit, being the introvert that you were. It’s also likely that nobody would willingly team up with a classmate who has stage fright for a presentation project. Felix probably wouldn’t have done it either if he didn’t like you so much. 
“I already paired with Jisung,” he said, glancing behind at the other boy sitting across the classroom. 
Han Jisung, you conniving bastard! He may not be the brightest of the bunch, but his weird bursts of charisma could pull him through any public speaking gig. When Felix told you he was shy as a squirrel, you couldn’t believe him. The unassuming boy smiled awkwardly at you when you whipped around to stare him down with a glare. Then he shrunk into his seat to appear smaller, allowing you to catch eyes with his desk buddy—Hwang Hyunjin, whose constant was Jisung. 
Felix glanced in the same direction when he noticed you perking up in relief. His mouth formed a pout when Hyunjin pointed a finger between you and himself, a smile increasing on his face as you two wordlessly formed an alliance through being abandoned by your (debatably) more extroverted friend. When the communication finished, you turned back to face the blackboard. You remained stoic briefly before suddenly lowering your head and pattering gentle slaps at your cheeks. 
“What are you doing?” Felix asked, eyes widened.
You squished your cheeks and turned to him, feeling your face heat up a flame. “Hwang Hyunjin.”
“What about him?”
He already knew what you would say when you bit back a smile. That Hyunjin was all kinds of attractive, that he was all types of dreamy, that he was all corners of charming. Felix pursed his lips bitterly and pretended to look out the window, his eyes rolling up but not dramatic enough for it to be an annoyed eye-roll. His leg bounced, and he thought he ought to calm himself. 
Everyone has a crush on Hyunjin. Even he’s had a crush on him at some point. Even though he conveniently pushed you toward the boy of everyone’s dreams, it was still only a crush. He would still be your constant. He has to. 
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Felix was bitter when the homeroom teacher told him your mom asked Hyunjin to jot down an additional copy of today’s notes and gather your returned assignments so he could drop them by your home after school. He didn’t know if your mother had met Hyunjin yet, but given that she did, still the only way she could have asked for Hyunjin to help you on a sick day was per your request. 
It was against his good conscience to stop Hyunjin before he could finish packing up. Yet, he did, shamelessly looming over your project partner with a monotonous expression. Hyunjin could feel a presence above him; also, he could see a pair of shoes stopping just by his school bag on the floor. When he looked up, he tilted his head at Felix. 
“What’s up? You look under the weather,” Hyunjin said casually, bringing his school bag onto the table to talk with his classmate better. He gasped in realization as he grabbed the neat stack of papers he had prepared for you, ready to slip them into his bag. Snapping his head up at Felix, he smiled bashfully. “Oh, is it because they’re not here today?”
Felix pursed his lips and shrugged. “It’s none of your business.” 
Hyunjin widened his eyes briefly at the rude remark, and then he smiled. “Jisung told me you liked them.” 
Felix remained silent. He was trying to gauge Hyunjin’s facial expression when he pointed out the obvious, to check for any hint of remorse or bitter rivalry that may indicate Hyunjin’s liking for you. It was vigilance and perhaps even wishful thinking that he would win even if he had brought a knife to a gunfight, even if God herself sculpted his opponent with care and love. But there was nothing on Hyunjin’s face that indicated so. 
“That’s also none of your business,” Felix responded.
“I never said it was,” Hyunjin retorted humorously as he pulled the stack of papers from his bag. He lifted it toward Felix and acknowledged them with a head nudge. “I suppose you came here for this?”
Felix scoffed. He must be easy to read, or Hyunjin was good at reading situations. Despite the dismay, he received the papers and left, holding them close to his chest. He made up an excuse on the way to give your mother for when he shows up at your home. Knowing him as one of your only friends from class, she let him in and didn’t doubt him when he said that Hyunjin already made other plans. 
You were curled up on your bed with your phone, dozing off above the blanket you felt too hot to use. Alerted by the door opening, you turned to find Felix standing by the doorway. Sliding your body against the wall, you dropped your phone on your thighs and waved. “Mom asked for you.”
He tilted his head questioningly as he approached your desk and set all the papers down. Conveniently, he arranged the misplaced trinkets you probably didn’t have time to organize. Or perhaps you’ve intended for your desk to look this way? It didn’t matter. Felix thought he made it more neat and better for you. 
You watched him move your things around so you would know where to find them later, but it seemed he knew your desk enough to place your belongings properly. Bouncing your gaze up at his face, you sighed, “Mom called the school before I woke up this morning. I was going to ask you to bring me everything. I guess she read my mind.”
Grabbing a scattered pair of scissors on your desk, Felix looked down to his side and opened the drawer to place the blade inside. His movements were slow and steady. You thought he was being extra careful about the rusty scissors, but he was just smiling. It lingered so long that he failed to bite it back when he slammed the drawer shut and returned to you. His grin was a questioning sight, but when you met his eyes, the sweetness you now realized was coming off him startled you. 
He looked at you as he may with his face only inches away, his pupils dilated and his lenses blurring into a single focus point where your face reflected into his brain. 
“You look happy,” you commented. It was an observation. 
Notified of his uncontrolled expression, he immediately pursed his lips and shook his head. The endearment for you lingered still—Felix couldn’t imagine a moment when it would disappear—but he was better able to keep it hidden in the trembles of his fingers. They yearned to touch your face, he supposed. Sometimes your eyes, sometimes your lips, sometimes your neck, always you. 
“You look disgusting,” he said. It was not an observation. 
When you laid into your pillows with a groan, he gestured to your desk. “I’ve got all the notes from today’s classes and the returned assignments here for you.” He licked his lower lip and omitted that Hyunjin had prepared them. You would eventually find out it wasn’t his handwriting on the papers. Crossing his arms, he heaved a sigh. “We have a lot of homework today, so let me know if you’re too sick to finish them. I’ll let you copy off of me.” 
You smirked and closed your eyes. “That’s unusual of you.” 
“Tsk,” he mirrored your smirk, “I’m feeling nice today.” 
“That’s still unusual of you,” you muttered. 
Felix could hear your voice’s gradual decrease in volume. He waited to see your reaction to his silence and determined, from your soft breaths and closed eyes, that you fell asleep. His fingers twitched; he yearned to brush one stroke of your hair. Just one, just once. He reached out for you on the bed, his hand passing your face down to your thighs, and he scooped your phone up to place it on your nightstand. After that was done, he gripped the strap of his backpack and turned to leave.
“Hey, Lix.” 
Your voice was slow and small, but you made him turn immediately, his eyes soft with concern upon a potential request. 
“What’s up?” The sweetness in his voice would have startled you.
“My head hurts,” you responded. 
Felix approached your bed. “Do you want me to call your mom?” 
“No,” you whimpered lowly, and you didn’t open your eyes to look at him, “can you rub my head?”
“Where does it hurt?” He grabbed your desk chair and rolled it to the edge of the bed. He put his school bag on the floor and sat down. 
You didn’t respond, not that he cared for one. The ticking of his fingers stopped as soon as his palm met with your head. Your hair felt like hair, regardless of texture, curls, and whatnot. He thought it would be something special, but it was just your hair growing on your head that pained your body. He moved his palm slowly across your head, soothing your headache as you asked him to. 
Between his tenderness in tending your sickness and his longing to lose himself in the markings of your physical body, Felix blurred. Your warm skin provided him a shelter his current obligation to take care of you chose not to steal without your notice, but still, the tips of his fingers couldn’t help brushing a few inches past your forehead and temple. Only once in a while, when he blurred so far into his own longing that he forgot his resolve. 
You fell asleep. This time, he was certain, but he sat on your rolling chair and rubbed your head to ease the pain you couldn’t feel in slumber. Just in case it might hurt you.
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It was a school day on Halloween. In the spirit of this playful holiday, the school holds a dress-up day either on or around the day of (depending on where Halloween lands) to ease the stress of the student body. Additionally, each classroom was required to change the decorations of the corkboard panels that spanned across the back wall. It was done with no incentive other than the classroom has become a second home to the students, and it was only expected to decorate it. 
You volunteered to stay after school to help decorate the corkboard. You figured your lackluster presence in the class was something to be changed, just a little. 
Felix didn’t speak when he arrived at the classroom. He leaned his shoulder against the door frame, a soccer ball pressed against his abdomen. You knelt on the floor with colored papers scattered all around you. It seemed you were cutting the shape of a ghost—something easy to make and fitting for the spooky theme. When you were done, you placed the leftover paper on the floor and leaned down, grabbing a sharpie to draw the ghost a face. 
“There we go–oh–hey, you’re here,” you greeted when you finally noticed him by the door after you were done with the paper ghost. You knelt up, capping the sharpie absentmindedly as you stared at him. “You got soccer practice again?”
Felix pressed his lips together with a nod. “Yeah, the playoffs are coming up.”
You hummed in acknowledgment as you stood up. Reaching for the stapler sitting on the corner of a desk, you asked, “What are you doing here? Go home.”
He shrugged, pushing himself off the door to walk into the classroom. He made his way to his desk and reached into the drawer, pulling out a pencil case. He waved it in the air for you to see. “I left this here.”
You deadpanned before turning your back on him to staple the ghost on the corkboard. “You left that here yesterday.”
“I’ve been forgetful,” he retorted nonchalantly, not bothering to put the pencil case in his bag. 
Walking to the back of the class, he pulled a chair out and sat down, peering down at you on the floor as you prepared to cut another ghost. This time, the paper was black. You noticed his observant eyes through your goosebumps and looked up. He shrugged in response to your questioning look, defending himself against a silent accusation. Then, you looked around the floor and pulled up a slip of orange paper with pencil marks. You handed it to him.
“What?” Felix asked.
“Cut the pumpkin,” you said. 
“Why? I’m not in charge of this.”
“You can help me,” you took the pair of scissors previously used by your classmate and raised it to him, “or leave me.” 
Felix wasn’t sure if he even had to think about it, given the choices were you and literally anything else. He felt he didn’t have to. He took the scissors and began cutting along the lines.
“Anyway, are you going to dress up as anything?”
“No.” You laughed. You’ve never bothered with it. Seeing your peers parade as characters you recognize was interesting enough. “What about you? Are you gonna dress up as anything? Maybe vampires?”
He peeked at you from above the paper. “Do you like vampires?” 
“I mean–“ you paused with a faint chuckle–“yeah, sure. I read a lot about them.”
“Somehow, I don’t doubt that,” he mumbled. “Do you want me to dress up as a vampire?”
You blew a curt raspberry at his incredulous question. He should do whatever he wanted, but such a straightforward response was unlike the playful way you two loved to spit at each other. Detaching his eyes from the orange paper, he looked at you again and realized how bright the sun behind him was shining. When it reflected on your face, it was a different hue than when it shone on the orange paper in his hands. The sun was brighter when you touched it. He thought he ought to remember this for the rest of his life. 
“Would you be a vampire if I asked you to?” you mused. 
His own instinct stunned him into silence. You wouldn’t understand what he would become if you wanted him to. He debated if he should say that out loud.
“Yes, I would,” he replied. “If you want me to.” 
He said it out loud. 
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You should have remembered about the playoffs over the weekends. In retrospect, you shouldn’t have promised Felix that you would attend to cheer for the school—was the cheerleading squad not good enough? You weren’t interested in soccer, you wouldn’t be able to understand anything, and you only knew him in the team. You only accepted the promise because he took the initiative to invite you, and you couldn’t say no to him, not out of care for his humiliation but because you liked him. You had genuinely forgotten. 
Felix wasn’t as angry about your forgetfulness as he was angry that you unintentionally blew him off to hang out with Hyunjin at the library, having some kind of study date or whatnot. What was originally a day-long torture of mocking your goldfish memories turned into a week of silent treatment and cold shoulders. He didn’t even try to look at you. You had been invisible to him for the past four days. 
The last bell rang, signaling the end of school. As your classmates hopped out of their chairs to gather in different friend circles, you were left packing your things in silence with him. The silence wasn’t as much of an issue as the tension was—you and Felix could share a comfortable silence when desired. This was not one of those silences. It hasn’t been for the past few days. You have never seen Felix so bothered before. The boy who sought to resolve any conflict upon its immediate emergence holding such a long grudge against you was unusual and, frankly, upsetting. 
You wanted to talk to him. If you were to go into specifics, you missed him. Not just his friendly presence or your childish banter but him, his existence. You liked him, and you missed him. You wanted him to look at you again. Realizing how futile your past attempts at reconciliation were, you’ve resorted to bribery. Knowing his mild obsession with sweets, you spent the night baking him brownies to accompany your millionth apology of the week. It has to work. The brownies have to work.
You didn’t dare to peep at him, but you needed to talk to him and apologize. Fidgeting with the things in your desk drawer, your fingers kneading the opening of the plastic bag that held clumps of cold brownies, you pursed your lips and sighed in defeat. You’ve got no right to pick the perfect time. You were the one who did something wrong, after all. Pulling your hands out of the drawer, you turned to Felix.
“Hey,” you called timidly. 
He continued with putting textbooks in his school bag.
You doubled down, leaning closer to him. “Hey. Can you look at me, please?” 
He didn’t move away. Why would he? You weren’t here. His personal space wasn’t trespassed. 
“Felix, I’m sorry,” you said. “I really forgot. I didn’t mean to blow you off.” 
He reached for his desk and began putting his stationaries into his pencil case. He zipped it up and dumped it inside his bag. Then he shuffled around inside his school bag before emptying the assignment books from his drawer. Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed your shoulders sulk, and he ached carefully to make sure he wouldn’t submit to his affection for you. You forgetting something important about him for a boy he was threatened by was a bigger deal than anything. He needed to express how angry he was, even if it took the willpower of every joint in his body to feel the same. 
Upon being ignored, you shrunk away but didn’t look off elsewhere. The grim of his side profile marked itself in your head—a teenage boy’s love in reflection of his rage, except all you knew were the latter and not the first. All you knew was that he hated you now, and while devastated, you were also frustrated. You huffed, sucking in the gentle tears. If he wanted to hate you so badly, you’d hate him too! Two could play this game! 
Turning away, you hastily shoved your things into your backpack and zipped it up. The class quieted down when you stood up abruptly, your chair screeching to a halt. You got the whole class’s attention, and Felix still didn’t bother with you. You pursed your lips and stalked out of the busy classroom. Jisung made way for you without a second thought when he saw your glare, shoving his whole body toward the door frame as you stomped past him with a cold breeze. He furrowed his brows as he peeked out the door at your back, muttering questions to himself.
Before you could pass the classroom next door, you remembered forgetting the brownies in your drawer. If you don’t get them now, the janitor will trash them by the end of the day. Your efforts would genuinely go to waste. With eyes shut tighter than those air-sealed containers your mom bought, you bit back your pride and spun around for your classroom. As you walked ahead, just approaching the backdoor to the neighboring classroom, the door slammed open with two boys stumbling out. It startled you, and in a poor attempt to dodge the rowdy duo, you tripped on your feet and fell forehead-first to the ground. 
“Woah, [Name]!”
Jisung widened his eyes after watching the whole scene unfold. His lips slowly quirked in preparation to be comedic relief, but as you weakly got back on your feet, the sight of your bleeding head told him to react differently. His eyes darted between you and the two boys—no, it couldn’t have been them. He looked at the floor—there were only small blood splatters, but he didn’t think it was the cause. What about the girl standing stunned next to you? There was a corkboard in her hands. It covered her whole body, and she had been walking with her back against the wall to keep it steady. 
“Someone call a teacher!”
“Oh no,” Jisung whispered when he noticed the bloodied nail sticking out of the corkboard. He glimpsed back at you and quickly peeked into the classroom. He met eyes with Felix without saying anything. It seemed the sheer panic in them was enough. 
Felix’s quickened pace halted when he made it to the hallway. 
You swayed where you stood, brows furrowed, and sight blurred from a possible concussion. More importantly, you couldn’t remember feeling any pain when the needle scratched your forehead. It hurt, so you attached your palm to it. It probably wasn’t the best idea. You haven’t washed your hands yet, and the germs could infect the open wound. Or perhaps you should just be thankful it didn’t get your eye! Imagine how painful that would be.
Blinking slowly, you shivered away the pain on your forehead after releasing your palm for a moment, only to feel a trail of blood run down your face. You pursed your lips, not sure what to do. Felix wasn’t sure either, but he thought you may be delirious because you smiled sheepishly when you saw him. You were bleeding and in pain, yet your mind suffered no other thought than his face, his forgiveness, his existence. 
Not letting you stumble to him, Felix met you halfway and hesitated to cover your wound with his hand. His body ached when he gently removed your hand to check the injury; he wished it was his, he wished the nail got him instead, he wished the blood was his. He covered the wound for you, staining his skin with your blood and flesh. 
All he had to do was respond. This was his fault. As capable as he was to soothe your headache, he could tear up a bloodied line. As much as he could love you, he could bite down on your neck and kill you. He pushed away the revelation. 
“Let’s get you to the nurse, okay?” he whispered to the air between you and him. “You’re gonna be okay. I’ll go to the nurse’s office with you.”
His face was close. You glanced at his lips when he talked, then up at his eyes when he was done. His pupils were dilated and his lenses blurred into a single focus point where your face reflected into his brain. The face of a lover’s panic was identical to the face of a lover’s affection. Felix still cared about you. You never hated him anyway.
“Felix,” you called.
“Yeah? Are you okay? Is it hurting bad?” he responded, his hand shaking. 
“I baked brownies. They’re in the drawers.” 
“Okay,” he nodded, shifting his palm over your wound, “you’re okay.” I love you. “You’re going to be okay.” I love you.
Two could never play this game. Both of you were never players, to begin with.
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You planned to refuse to take more pictures than necessary on your birthday. You weren't photogenic already. With that ugly scar on your forehead, you’ve gotten worse. 
“Head’s up!”
Felix threw you the carton of juice he got from the vending machine just by the schoolyard doors. You caught it with a clumsy stumble before examining it, a delighted hum hanging at your lips. It wasn’t your favorite; the school vending machine didn’t have your favorite. Pulling out the straw attached to the side, you bit away the plastic seal and spat it on the floor. He approached you with a grimace and bent down to pick it up, crumbling it with his own trash and stuffing it in his pocket. 
“Littering has a minimum fine of a hundred dollars,” he commented.
“Well,” you sucked through the straw with a smile, “thank god you picked it up then.”
He rolled his eyes but said nothing else about the matter. Perhaps it wasn’t that big a deal. He would always be here to pick up after your mess anyway. “How’s the scar?”
“Not painful, but it’s ugly,” you mumbled with a sneer. 
It stopped hurting. Felix didn’t say anything. As long as it stopped hurting.
“More importantly, though!” You abruptly stepped before him, your arms stretched out as a stop sign. “Do you have anything to give me for my birthday? A present of gratitude for putting up with you for so long?”
He stared at you. The carton in his hand was squeezed smaller and smaller by each inhale. When he was done with the juice carton, he shrugged. “Happy birthday.”
Your jaw hung open slightly. “That’s it? No card, no funny drawing, no gift?”
“What do you want?” He raised a brow. “Do you want a kiss?”
Your arms fell to your side in shock at his words, but you didn’t think it was a terrible idea. The fact that he meant to kiss your lips never crossed your mind once. You figured he was talking about elsewhere, like the back of your palm or your head. That was a sound idea. You liked it.
“Sure,” you said. “Give me a kiss.”
Red flushed his cheeks and ears, and his dramatic facial expression moved his hair. How could you be so callous and say that to him! Have you no shame in making him a fool! Have you no understanding of his desires!
Taking a step back, he slammed the side of his hand on top of your head and hollered, “Don’t be stupid! I prepared a gift for you already, okay?”
His feet urged to take him out of the scene, but you blocked him again with outstretched arms. He sniffed in dismay and jumped back, suddenly afraid to be too close to you because he was flustered. 
“I want a kiss,” you said. “Give me a kiss.”
“You have problems,” he pointed at you accusingly, “and I won’t indulge in it!”
“I don’t have problems. I just want a kiss from you!” you exclaimed. “Damn it, Felix, give me a kiss!”
“Oh my god! Fine! Here!”
The assumption that he meant kissing your forehead fell when he dropped the juice carton on the floor and cupped your face. You haven’t got the time to protest or to ask him what he was doing. Felix leaned in, his movements as shy as lightning and as loud as thunder, and he kissed you. 
One second, he thought. Only a second of touch and he would pull away. One second. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two—just a little more. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three—your throat hushed out a whimper as you exhaled through your nose. It was amazing. Maybe just a little more. You closed your eyes, letting him soak himself all over you as you melted into the shelter of his palms. Your knees felt weak, but he held you up by your jaw, face, or neck. Your body parts blurred together where only your lips could feel, and what you felt was Felix.
It took him infinite discipline to regain self-control. One, two, three—he pulled away. Your eyes fluttered open, and you blinked, the surprise finally returning to you. 
“Happy birthday,” he said.
“Yeah.” You asked, and you received. “Thanks.”
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You and Felix witnessed the first snowfall together. The class was still in session, so a commotion was created when a student suddenly pointed out it was snowing outside. Although still harboring awkward feelings from the kiss you shared, which Felix constantly argued was what you told him to give you, the first snowfall was not something to be ignored. 
“Felix, look!” You hit his shoulder as he leaned forward to glimpse past your head at the window.
“Stop hitting me,” he swatted your hand away before groaning. “It’s just snowing.”
“Yeah, but it’s the first snow of this winter,” you said, returning to your seat. As you turned to look at him, you fought back the urge to shrink into a ball because your eyes immediately gravitated toward his lips. Blinking the view away, you shook your head and grinned. “Do you know what that means?”
He deadpanned. You’ve made him watch movies containing this romance theme multiple times. Some were good, some were terrible, and none of them he really enjoyed. He didn’t have to. He watched them because you did. 
Leaning his chin on his palm, he mumbled, “If you witness the first snowfall with someone you like, true love will blossom.”
“You already know,” you sneered. 
“Of course, I know. I don’t live under a rock! This is super cliché,” he chuckled sardonically. “It’s also not true.” 
“It’s not about that,” you mused, looking away from him to your notebook as the teacher called for the class’s attention again. 
You felt his eyes on you, and somehow, you dared to look back. Felix stared at you silently, but there was amusement in his eyes. It could come from your belief in romantic superstition, or he just found you amusing. Both of which you planned to argue against anyway. Sucking back a scoff of annoyance, you pushed his face away so he looked at the blackboard. He chuckled lowly and grabbed his pen again.
He understood what you meant. It wasn’t about the truth or even if true love existed. It was the excitement and hope that something could happen between you and someone you like. It was the stupidity of noticing every little detail and deluding yourself into thinking it was a chance at happiness. It was believing that you could love someone and they’d love you back, and you could have someone’s heart in your hands. The process of a miracle—gradually falling in love.
“Who knows, maybe we’ll fall in love,” Felix muttered. “Now that we saw the first snow together.”
You scoffed. You didn’t deny it. 
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The caps in the sky looked like the first snowfall you saw with Felix the other day. If only they fell slower.
Amid students trying to pick their caps from the ground, Felix turned to you with an unreadable expression. The first two years of high school were uneventful, then the last two years blew past in the blink of an eye. At least they did with you next to him. He wouldn’t have dreaded today so much if he never met you, but he’d take the dread with open arms if it meant knowing you.  
You turned to him with a wide grin, but there was a hint of nostalgic remorse within your chest that kept reminding you how, even though this wasn’t goodbye, it was still the end of a lifetime. Your days together as deskmates were over. 
“What are you gonna do for summer?” you asked, trying to make small talk. 
“I’m flying back to visit my family,” he replied as he moved closer to you. He had to scream over everyone else to get to you. 
“That’s cool! I hope you have lots of fun!” 
A beat passed. Felix thought about how he never told you he loved you. Looking at you, sinking your features into his mind, he didn’t think he would now. 
“This is the last time I’m going to be right here,” he said, “next to you.”
Your smile faded with your curt nod. “I know.”
“Give me a hug,” he asked, opening his arms. 
You dove in, embracing him tightly. You wanted to stay where you were, find a home in his arms, and blur into him like a ghost haunting it. Any means to keep him with you.
“Don’t be a stranger, Lix,” you whispered. 
He found your shoulder with his mouth and kissed you through the gown. You felt it.
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underoossss · 8 months
the way you move - s.h – 3
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pairing: jock!steve harrington x ballerina!reader
warnings: language, brief s4 mention, some angst
words: 1.5k
an: part 3 is here and they’re so so close to jumping! this hurt a bit to write but hurt comfort with Steve is always so wonderful to write. I hope you like this! Please let me know if you 💕✨
part 2
There’s only been a few times when Steve’s felt helpless. One of them, that incident in the Upside Down. Even now, he’s sure he would’ve died if it wasn’t for his friends getting the bats off him. It had been hard to breathe or think back then, but he eventually found his footing once he had help and that allowed him to defend himself too.
Now though, he’s truly helpless. You’re crying in his arms, and he doesn’t know what to do.
It had been a normal day, a happy day even. Steve woke up and got ready for the day, then after a quick coffee and breakfast he set off to pick you up. You had ballet class at 11am as you did every Saturday and there had been a skip to Steve’s step at the thought of seeing you again. So he arrived to your house and picked you up at your door, hugging you close and breathing you in for a moment before leading the way to his car a big smile on his face as a result of your own.
You’d been excited all week for your teacher would be announcing the parts assigned for the nutcracker after Saturday practice. Steve had his fingers crossed so you’d get to be the fairy, not only for his own benefit of seeing you dance front and center at the theater, but for your happiness. You’d worked hard, never once complaining even as your feet hurt while you prepared to audition. Today you’d find out for sure though but showed no sign of nerves as you talked animatedly with Steve in the car.
Then that Bad Boys Blue song you love had played and the two of you sang along, off-key but happy; you, pretending to know French for some of it and Steve laughing at your ridiculousness. A warm feeling had fallen over Steve, and he knew he’d just fallen in love again with you. It happened every day, and when the studio was on sight, Steve was grateful to see it. Another moment with that smile of yours next to him and he would have done something stupid like kiss you silly.
Once at the parking lot, the two of you had bundled up for the cold weather and crossed the street to the studio. Then upon noticing Madame Laverne wasn’t there yet, Steve followed you inside where he leaned against the mirror and smiled while you got ready for class. You’d been wearing that black open-back leotard he loves on you, with a lilac chiffon skirt wrapped around your waist. The probable wrath we could have faced from your teacher had been worth it then, to see you look so pretty in front of him. When you heard a car park outside the studio, you’d ushered him out, laughing and smiling when Steve picked you up and spun you around in farewell. You’d bashfully said goodbye, knowing all eyes were on you and self-indulgently Steve placed a gently kiss on your cheek.
But then after practice, the day took a turn for the worse. You weren’t the sugar plum fairy, Agatha Francis was.
Steve had to give you credit for being an excellent actress though. He had no idea of what’d happened when he picked you up later that day. You’d left the studio with a bright smile, said goodbye to some of your classmates and skipped to his car where he had the passenger door already open and waiting for you. Steve assumed you were given the role you wanted, with how happy you looked. But when you wouldn’t meet his eyes and silently buckled your seatbelt, he began to wonder if something went wrong.
As he drove out of the parking lot, he glanced at you in worry. “Everything okay, babe? How did it go?” He’d asked and your happy façade vanished.
Big tears began cascading down your face and you pressed your lips together when they began to tremble. “Awful.” You’d whispered between tears, “awful, Stevie.”
It broke Steve’s heart, especially when he offered his hand out to you and you clung to it as he drove you home.  It wasn’t until you’d arrived at your house and Steve walked inside with you, that you let yourself crumble. The weight of your disappointment sat heavy on your hunched shoulders, and you let your bags fall on the floor in favour of hugging your arms around yourself. It tore Steve to pieces to see you like that and it filled him with another level of protectiveness he didn’t know he had.
“Oh baby, come here.” Steve gathered you in his arms, which is where you’re now. Your body curled up against his chest, legs over his thighs with your face hidden under his chin. Your cries don’t seem to stop, the disappointment you’re feeling overflowing in the form of cascading tears.
“They don’t know talent.” Steve huffs against your hair, feeling angry beyond words for you but keeping calm to help you. “You would’ve been a better fairy, beautiful. You know that.”
“I’m not good enough for that Stevie, they made it clear.” You sniffle between words, hugging him tighter and trying to make yourself smaller. Your voice breaks in between your next words and it hurts Steve even worse than a physical punch ever could.  “I’m playing a petal. A petal.”
“Then you’re going to be the best petal there ever was,” Steve’s voice is quiet but fierce with honesty as he holds you closer and kisses a spot above your brow. Fuck them for making his girl feel like this, no one gets to do that. “They won’t know what hit them.”
You shake your head against his chest, but Steve continues earnest in his reassurance. This isn’t like you, to get stuck in a negative mindset but then he supposes it’s hard not to be when your dream role was snatched away right in front of you. “They’re going to look at you and say, ‘why wouldn’t they make her the sugar plum fairy, that petal is so beautiful and talented the play should be about her.’”
When a weak laugh escapes you, Steve finally feels like he can breathe a little easier and his shoulders relax the tiniest bit. “Come on, look at me.” His thumb and index finger hook under your chin gently, bringing your gaze to his. You meet his eyes hesitantly and Steve gives you a small smile he hopes can comfort you.
“Their decision says nothing about you,” Steve whispers softly as he wipes the tears that have cascaded down your cheeks. “They lost the most talented lead. Let them bore people to death with Agatha, it’s their loss. Babe, you’re too talented to believe their choice has anything to do with whether you’ve got it.”
“Told you Agatha’s Madame Laverne’s favourite.” You murmur, brows meeting in the middle as you look away from his searching eyes. Yes, you’d told him so a while ago, right after you told him Agatha said you shouldn’t get your hopes up. God, no wonder you’re so hurt, you think she was right.
Steve kisses the wrinkle between your eyebrows away, not giving any second thought to you perceiving all the affection pouring out of him. “You’re mine.” He smiles brightly and is rewarded with the most beautiful teary smile of yours in return. “Okay? You’re my favourite; I’ll cheer so loudly for you they’ll kick me out.”
His words have the intended effect, they make you laugh despite your red eyes. They fall closed while you throw your head back. When your laughter fades you look at him, soft and teary eyes vulnerable with an ocean of affection. And Steve… he feels lightheaded with love, it takes all his willpower not to kiss you right there.
“You’re everything, Stevie.” You whisper as you look into his eyes, amazement and something terribly close love shining in the tears that gathered in your eyes. “You’re everything.” With a shake of your head, you lean closer and hug him tightly again. A wave of love bigger than a tsunami washes over Steve when you do, both of your hearts synchronizing immediately.
If he had any doubt your feelings weren’t the same as his, they’re close to none now. What he’s feeling is all-consuming and powerful; and it must be because it’s mutual. The very thought of it makes his heart skip several beats which he ignores to hold you close. He’ll hold you as close as you want, for as long as you want, because you’re everything too. His everything.
Part 4
reblogs are always appreciated!
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lightyaoigami · 3 months
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welcome to my long promised grief media master post! my credentials: card carrying member of the dead dads club. i chose the books, tv, and movies based on vibes alone and i was guided by divine vision. possible spoilers below the cut.
Catcher in the Rye
I was only thirteen, and they were going to have me psychoanalyzed and all, because I broke all the windows in the garage. I don’t blame them. I really don’t. I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all the goddam windows with my fist, just for the hell of it. It was a very stupid thing to do, I’ll admit, but I hardly didn’t even know I was doing it and you didn’t know Allie.
The Goldfinch
And what would I do? Part of me was immobile, stunned with despair, like those rats that lose hope in laboratory experiments and lie down in the maze to starve. I tried to pull my thoughts together. For a while, it had almost seemed that if I sat still enough, and waited, things might straighten themselves out somehow. Objects in the apartment wobbled with my fatigue: halos shimmered around the table lamp; the stripe of the wallpaper seemed to vibrate.
Hard Boiled and Hard Luck
Sometimes you go back again to the place you’ve just come from, stop and close your eyes, and realize that not a second has passed, and time just leaves you there, stranded, in the darkness.
The Fellowship of the Ring
I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.
The Stranger
 At that time, I often thought that if I had had to live in the trunk of a dead tree, with nothing to do but look up at the sky flowing overhead, little by little I would have gotten used to it. 
Life of Pi
I still see him in my dreams. They are nightmares mostly, but nightmares tinged with love. Such is the strangeness of the human heart.
TV Shows
the grief and loss show of all time. 10/10. don't look it up just watch.
i like this show because it depicts someone whose life just sucks after their dad dies. like she just becomes a worse person with a more unhappy life. real!
Never Have I Ever
people hate this show because the main character is a nasty little pill but i hate to tell you that that is literally what happens when you lose a loved one unexpectedly and traumatically. sorry.
Eternal Sunshine
captures the surreal nature of forgetting someone you love(d) and knowing exactly what's happening despite being powerless to stop it.
truly beautiful and moving film about the utter listlessness of life after loss. if you have ever felt unmoored, this movie is for you. one of the most beautiful soundtracks ever, too.
The Farewell
people were weird about this movie but the final scene where billie is being driven away from her nainai's house is one of the realest things i can remember seeing in a recent movie.
Disco Elysium
just play it. don't look anything up about it just play it immediately.
Life is Strange
people found the dialogue in this stilted but this scene (spoilers) is so true to life especially for the early 2010s.
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for unknown reasons this panel of calvin mourning a raccoon that he found is the ultimate expression of grief - the horror and resignation and dissonance are captured so well in his sunken eyes. i think about this all the time.
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herpartnerintime · 1 year
Before you say Chloe is a bad friend...
Play Farewell again. Look at how happy Chloe was. She had the perfect life, perfect family, perfect best friend. Pay attention to how she looks at Max with such adoration and love. The way she hugs Max out of nowhere and tells her she's the fricken best, pay attention to how she comforts Max about the move and isn't worried about anything changing. She trusted Max with ALL HER HEART.
And Max betrayed that. When she needed it most, when her dad died, Max broke the promise she left on that tape (that Chloe clutched to her chest as she fell down crying, that meant the world to her, that recording...) Imagine what that would do to you. Listen to Max's tape... listen to it.
Max: I guess I just wanted to leave you one more message. Because I know this was the absolute worst time for me to go. I thought maybe if you heard my voice it could be a little bit like I was there. I don't know, maybe this was a dumb idea. I would give anything to be there with you now. It's so hard, trying to say what I'm thinking. If I could just see you... But we'll get good at it—great at it! We'll write and talk all the time. And then you'll come visit and it'll be like I never left. I mean it, you don't have to worry about anything changing. You're dealing with so much other stuff. You don't deserve any of this. Max: Chloe, listen. Even if I never—even if we're moving for good... We're always together, okay? Even when we're apart. We're still Max and Chloe. I will always, always love you. Goodbye.
Think of how Chloe is curled in a ball on the floor of her room clutching that tape like it's all she has left because it IS all she has left but she is also left with the promise Max is going to write and talk with her all the time, the promise they are still Max and Chloe, that Max will always love her, that nothing will change. Chloe is clutching to the tape, holding it to her chest, she's clutching on to Max. And Max? She doesn't write. She doesn't call. She doesn't text. In bts she maybe responds once or twice but otherwise no. She's not there at all. Things do change. Chloe's alone... everything on that tape... feels like a lie.
Everybody lies remember? A statement 16 year old Chloe believes in Before the Storm. Who do you think taught her everybody lies? Then my dad died, and her dad got some job up north and she moved away to Seattle. It was probably the moment when I needed her most, and she bailed. Thanks, Max, for teaching me that I can't rely on anyone. I mean it. Life lesson learned.
Tell me you wouldn't be just as broken as Chloe losing your dad and then your best friend who you loved so much and then your mom gets a new boyfriend (and marries him) who treats you like you're just a problem and your mom is okay with it. Justifies his treatment of you. He's not your fucking dad. Your dad was perfect. This guy is nothing. It feels like your mom is trying to replace your dad. He's telling you that you've had enough of a vacation from a father figure as if your dad being dead for two years is a 'vacation' you wanted. Joyce has a right to move on, but her boyfriend treats and talks to Chloe horribly, and Chloe is 16. She's a teenager. She hasn't moved on from her dad's death, not even close. She hasn't moved on from Max either. Max and her dad were her fucking world. Think about the Junkyard scene in Before the Storm. The one where Chloe is smashing things in the junkyard. The way she sees the camera and goes... Chloe: I've never understood your hard-on for cameras, Max. You took a million pictures of us, and not one of them showed that you were gonna leave when I needed you most.
Chloe smashes it.
Chloe: Fuck cameras. She says fuck you David. Fuck off Rachel. But she can't say fuck you Max.
I feel the need to say what she wrote in her journal about taking Max back in a heartbeat at 16 stayed true even at 19. She took Max back in a heartbeat. The worst part is that even though we haven't spoken in months, even though she habitually ignored my texts so much that I just stopped trying, even though I know, deep down, that she doesn't care about me anymore and that she probably has all new friends up in fucking Seattle... I still miss her. If she came back tomorrow and said "hey Chloe, want to dress up like pirates and be stupid together?", I would take her back in a heartbeat. And as we all know, she does. I want you to think of the scene where Chloe finds her dad's car and breaks down, smashing her fists against the car screaming and crying until she falls down to the ground, crying and sobbing, curling up into a ball as she cries, all alone in that Junkyard, alone because not only did her dad die, but Max left, and she didn't keep her promise on that tape that Chloe had also curled into a ball with. She doesn't even have that promise anymore. She has nothing. But wait, that's not all, because as soon as Rachel leaves I find a car. My dead dad's fucking car. The twisted, shattered, ugly reminder of what used to be my life.
I think most people would never want anything to do with people who hurt them like Max. But Chloe took her back, still loved her, still treated her with love and still considered her her best friend. Look at how special their scenes are. The way they walk on the train tracks, the way they touch and Max worries her powers won't last forever. Guess what? Chloe doesn't care. She says WE WILL. Forever. She doesn't care if Max loses her powers because she LOVES Max, not her powers.
Now was Chloe angry at times in the game? Yes. And she had a right to be. Honestly, I'm surprised people seem to be under the impression you should just be okay with your best friend ghosting you after promising you she would be there for you when you desperately needed her and never be a little angry about it (and let's not forget Max returning to Arcadia but still not contacting Chloe). But with that said does Chloe act selfishly with Max at times? Yes she does.
Let's talk about the weed in Chloe's room. My favourite thing to do is hide and then burst out of the closet and take the blame for Chloe, which touches Chloe that Max throws herself out of the closet to protect her and feels like a huge show of love to Chloe that Max wanted to protect her. But if you don't hide and David catches you? Chloe will throw the blame on you and say it's Max weed. If you refuse to take the blame, Chloe is hurt and angry at Max.
It was a test when she throws the blame on Max. Does Max care enough about me to protect me? Think of how as kids Chloe protected Max when Max broke one of the stair posts as kids Max thinks in Farewell, "I slipped and broke this post a few years ago. But Chloe insisted on taking the blame. Even after she got grounded, she never squealed. What a friend." Chloe was willing to take the blame for Max as kids and protect her. Would Max do the same for her? Protect her?
And if Max does, or if you come out of hiding and take the blame without prompting think about how much that MEANS to Chloe. How loud that action speaks to her seeing Max wanting to protect her. And watch how protective she is of Max when David gets in her face about it. If Max is taking the blame, that doesn't mean Chloe is going to let David get to close to her. She says this if you do not take the blame and is then hit by David.
Max: I'm sorry, Chloe... I didn't know what to do...
Chloe: Whatever. Everybody bails on me. Even my "best friend" Max... Don't you? I'm so done with everyone in this town... I wish I hadn't even seen you. As if you care. Color me outta here... Keep in mind too, before this dialogue when they were talking about Rachel, this exchange happens.
Max: And you haven't heard anything from her since?
Chloe: Like everybody in my life. My dad, you...and Rachel. Gone... Can you put on some music now?
Max gets up. She inserts the CD into the stereo. "Santa Monica Dream" by Angus and Julia Stone begins playing. Chloe lies down on the bed, a sad expression on her face, and she begins to smoke.
Chloe: Anyway... You can find tools to fix your camera in the garage...
Max: Chloe, are you okay?
Chloe: Sure, I'm awesome. I just want to blaze and be alone for a moment...
Max not taking the blame and standing up to David as he harasses Chloe and eventually hits her has Chloe feeling deeply hurt and thinking about how everyone in her life hurts her and this is no different, changing her earlier happy mood at seeing Max and bringing this feeling back we saw earlier that had her distressed. Everyone lets her down, everybody leaves her, of course Max didn't stand up for her, why would she even have expected her too? Don't forget how in Before the Storm Rachel even told Chloe this... Rachel: Sometimes, I feel like I've got no reason to stay. Don't be surprised, Chloe, if one day, I'm just out of here. Chloe goes back and forth between thinking Rachel is missing and in danger to thinking I imagine to this moment and wondering if Rachel abandoned her too. Like Max did. She's come to expect the ones she loves leaving her and disappointing her. Look at how happy she is if you take the blame.
Chloe: Thanks for taking the heat. We totally smacked his punk ass down, Max. He's no match for you and me now...That was an epic win. Anyway. Let's sneak out the window...there is one cool place we can hang in this hickhole Chloe: Isn't this awesome sauce? Totally reminds me of when we were kids... (waves to Max.) Come on, slowpoke! Chloe is practically high with the happiness of Max taking the blame, not because she wants Max in trouble but because the act of Max looking out for her makes her feel loved, makes her feel like this is real, Max is really back and is to stay and she really does care again.
Max's inaction or her choice to take action have powerful affects on Chloe. Come out of hiding or take the blame and she feels loved, don't take the blame and she feels uncared for from a friend she fears may not truly care for her like she cares for her. The same can be said of shooting or not shooting Frank. Let's talk about the dialogue Shoot Max: Sorry.
Chloe hugs Max.
Chloe: You were awesome. Thanks for standing up for me...Let's blow. My secret lair didn't feel secret today. At least Frank is gone; he won't fuck with us again. He just wants his money. Don't shoot Chloe: You really stood your ground. Don't shoot
Max: I freaked. I don't like guns.
Chloe: It'll be hard to keep Nathan off my ass... My step-shit will have his other guns sealed in an electrified bunker by now.
Max: Sorry, Chloe. I've never held a gun on a human being before. Not cool.
Chloe: I know, Max. Really. I'm actually relieved it worked out this way instead... And there are more guns out there...Let's blow. My secret lair didn't feel secret today. At least Frank is gone; he won't fuck with us again. He just wants his money.
I know her reaction of you didn't stand your ground when you don't shoot is hurtful and unfair, Max was pointing the gun at Frank, she was scared in this scenario to pull the trigger and possibly kill him. Chloe acknowledges she knows, signaling she does understand this was a hard situation for Max and it's not fair to place that expectation on her. I think the reason her reaction if Max shoots is moving to hug her when Max says sorry is because of how deeply moved Chloe was by what Max did. Max saw her in danger and was willing to pull a trigger to protect her. That's an act of love and a powerful one and Chloe knows that. I think if Max doesn't shoot, even if it's unfair, a part of Chloe feels like she's not loved enough to have someone go that far to protect her, but she can acknowledge it's not fair of her to feel that way. Let's talk about these lines too..
Chloe: I still can't believe you pulled a gun on Frank. That was epic.
Max: It felt awful... I'm glad there was no bullets in there--
Chloe: You can just rewind time in your hand and stick that barrel right up Frank's ass! You have the power!
Max: You're gross. Don't fall. Max and Chloe briefly hold hands, then let go. vs
Chloe: I can't believe you basically gave him my gun. "Here ya go, Frank."
Max: You can't keep getting mad at me. Especially for stupid shit.
Chloe: I'm not mad. It adds up in my mind as people letting me down. And I just liked having that gun, man.
Max and Chloe briefly hold hands, then let go.
Max: Now you have me to protect you. Now again, Chloe is being unfair here, but she is upset her protection was taken from her as she is very anxious I think after almost being shot earlier (and knowing she also died in one reality) also now anxious from Frank threatening her with a knife and anxious even from being drugged and from her step father's abuse, that losing her means of protection because Max wasn't willing to pull the trigger I think has her upset, and she sees it as being let down. It's not fair at all, but that's why she feels that way. When Max does shoot, we can see what an impact this has emotionally for her. She's all excited and happy, and I think she's kind of high off the act of love that was pulling the trigger from Max. She now knows Max loves her so much she'd kill for her, and it's hard for her not to be thrilled by that realization, that Max loves her so much. I think this is why she soon after texts Max this... max the boss with the gun marry me Illegal in Oregon. For now. fuq that shit elope Chloe was truly touched and moved and high off the love displayed in Max 'shooting' Frank. When you think of how Chloe has been feeling for so long, so unloved and abandoned you can see why this act of love really took her by surprise and furthered her love and adoration of Max. And it's also worth mentioning Chloe can also shoot Frank, for real, killing him when he threatens Max. Making it clear if your Max 'shoots' that their love is so powerful they both pull triggers to protect the other. Now let's bring up the Kate call. People get very nasty on Chloe on this one. We're all protective of Kate. It's important to know Chloe did not realize how serious the call was.
Think about it. How would you feel if your bestie broke her promise to you and hurt you so deeply, cut you so deeply, for five years, nothing, silence, nothing when she knew you had just lost your dad, when she was your fucking WORLD, when she PROMISED you to be there for you, REPLAY FAREWELL AND imagine how much it would CUT LIKE A FUCKING KNIFE to see your bestie drop everything to pick up the phone for someone she knew for only a month when she ignored every single one of your calls? I have no doubt Chloe called Max in tears and broken many times wishing more than anything she would pick up the phone, or stared at her sent text waiting for a reply. There may have been times Chloe was on the brink of considering suicide (Rachel saved my life suggests to me she didn't want to live anymore) and needed to talk to Max, but she never answered. Max was never there for HER. Imagine how deeply that HURT. How much it hurt to watch her be there for someone else without hesitation.
It was still selfish, but so REAL, so RAW. Of course Chloe was hurt and lashed out at Max. If you don't answer the call, Chloe is happy. She can be very possessive of her loved ones, and given her abandonment issues, caused most heartbreakingly of all by Max - that she can't help but feel possessive. She loves Max, she has missed Max for five years and wants Max's attention all to herself. Selfish but REAL.
And she apologizes. Later she admits it was selfish and apologizes to Max. She feels fucking awful about it. Chloe: I was a... I was a total dick for blowing a fuse when Kate called the other day. I had no idea what shit she was going through. I stopped you from being her friend. But you saved her... like me. / If Max ignored call
Chloe: I was a total dick for blowing a fuse when you answered Kate's call the other day. Good thing you ignored me. I had no idea what shit she was going through. And you saved her... like me. / If Max answered.
Some other things people get mad at Chloe over, of course stealing the money. But let's consider a few things. Chloe right before finding the money, on the computer: "Nathan Prescott the Third." Oooh, he's so money. And you know the Prescotts dropped major bank to bury Nathan's real file... Look, it reads like a rap sheet---bad grades, teacher complains, secret probation... But I was expelled? She then finds the money right after guessing the Prescotts were dropping major bank to bury his files. Where did such a large amount of money come from? It doesn't feel like a coincidence. Max: Wowser, that's a lot for the "handicapped fund." You can hear in Max's voice she's making a similar connection to the Prescotts dropping bank, but she's anxious because she does think it could possibly be used for the handicapped fund. If you watch Chloe's face when Max says handicapped fund, she barely even seems to hear Max, all she is thinking about is Rachel and how that money can help them find more information from Frank and get Frank off her back. We know Chloe has been desperate to get money to pay off Frank and get out of Arcadia but now the money has even more importance - to get him to tell them anything he knows about Rachel since he's not likely to talk right now when she owes him and their last encounter had him threatening her for his money. Frank came seeking Chloe out and pulled a knife on her and said, "You want me to cut you, bitch?" I imagine this has Chloe anxious too as she's never seen Frank this aggressive with her and wants him off her back and is scared he might pull a knife out on her again and hurt her. This is yet another reason having a gun is a comfort to her she is distressed if she loses. She's had a lot of men threating her recently. You can even find in episode 3 Chloe's bedroom on her phone has messages from Frank threatening her for his money. He texts the following "Chloe. Money. Now. Chloe: I have your money asshole. Frank: When? Chloe: i'll text you before the end of the week. Frank: Or else. DO NOT FUCK WITH ME WHORE! Max: Jesus. Now I am glad Chloe took that money. This guy is serious. And Scary! Max herself can see how important stealing the money was in keeping Chloe safe from a man who physically threatened her and is continuing to threaten her. Allowing the money to be stolen in the office is also another show of loyalty and showing her desire to help find Rachel and keep Chloe safe from Frank's anger and aggression, given the money really calms Frank down and gets him off her back and helps him open up more about Rachel. Max's thoughts show she's doing it to protect Chloe from Frank and find more about Rachel and Max's willingness to do so much for her and helping her means a lot to Chloe, it onces again touches her that Max wants to protect her and help keep her safe from Frank and also help her find Rachel, whereas Max refusing to take it feels like Max isn't as determined to find Rachel and help her and protect her from Frank, though she accepts Moral Max's choice, even if she is upset if Max refuses to let her take the money. I've also seen others bringing up how she parked in the handicapped spot and I think while Max herself at first thought this was intentional of the driver, I think it's clear once we know it is Chloe that she was coming to Blackwell to confront Nathan for drugging her and to put up Rachel posters, so I think she was driving into the parking lot distressed and upset and also angry at Blackwell, not paying attention to where she parked and wanting to park improperly just as a fuck you to Blackwell, angry for not only them expelling her but I'd even imagine for not putting up Rachel missing posters themselves and hell, why was Nathan not expelled and she was with all the shit he was pulling? She had lots of resentment for that school. She does face consequences for selfishly not paying attention to where she was rebelliously parking and for taking the money though as we know.
Even in episode 4, Chloe we see in texts apologized for getting so upset after finding out about Rachel and Frank and taking it out on Max in the car.
hey man i suck again
sorry i got in your face today and took out my bullshit rage on my best friend
- Here we have Chloe owning up to her behaviour. She knows she hasn't been fair with Max, more than once *I suck again', and she apologizes.
And again please remember the game takes place in less than a week, not in a year.
October 7 - 11 is literally the Life is Strange 1 timeline. LESS THAN A WEEK. For Max with her powers and alternate reality I suppose it’s technically a little longer for her. But yes, timeline is less than a week.
Back to the text, she's already apologizing and changing her behaviour to be less selfish with Max and the game again happens in less than a week. If Chloe was rubbing her anger into Max for months or a year or years and never letting it go how Max wasn't there for her yeah that WOULD be a toxic friendship. It would be a toxic friendship if Chloe always held it over her head and was always 'testing' Max's loyalty. But the game takes place in days, and Chloe lets out some anger, has some tests like the weed 'will she take the blame', but overall is loving and supportive and apologizes and owns up to her selfish behaviors and does change and by the end of the 11th of October is willing to die for everyone.
I also see people occasionally bringing up her bossiness to say she's a bad friend to Max, like how she goes boo hoo Max is afraid when wanting her to practice with the gun. I do agree that yeah, she shouldn't have been like that about it but Chloe was trying in her way to be encouraging to get her to give the gun a go, since she had fun with it and Max as we see, seemed to enjoy it too, they even happily high five after. Also consider how she offers Max beer and when Max turns it down she doesn't push it at all (she even think this is cute Max thinks beer is gross). She's not going to pressure her into drinking. She cares about Max and really likes encouraging her, and in the case of the gun practice, maybe her over excitement made her push a little hard in this case.
I see people sometimes saying to that she pushed Max with her powers. Chloe was excited to see more of the powers in action (who wouldn't be really?) but she freaked out in a panic when Max passed out. She was scared as fuck for Max. Neither of them knew at the time how serious things could get, they were just having fun testing things out. Max enjoyed showing off too, look at the diner scene. She loved wowing Chloe with them. In the junkyard Chloe wants Max resting after she passes out.
The game takes place in less than a week and I wish people would understand Chloe obviously is dealing with very real and understandable hurt at Max but over all is supportive and encouraging to Max. That pool scene is just beautiful, the way Chloe encourages Max. Max doesn't just get braver in the game from her powers, but Chloe being in her life again brings out her bravery and courage to live life and not just observe it. Whatever ending you pick, Bae or Bay, I know Max will go on to pursue her dreams and her week with Chloe is going to be a huge part of that. Just a few moments of encouragement in the many she gives... Chloe: Stop being so goddamn humble. You're like the smartest, most talented person I've ever known. Max: Ew! I don't want any Blackwell bros over me. There's a couple cute guys there but they probably think I'm a total nerd.
Chloe: Uh, nerds are hot. You just don't have any confidence yet.
Max: Unfortunately, that didn't come with my rewind power... Chloe: No worries. Once you get over yourself, you're going to make the world bow.
Max: As long as you're there with me...
Chloe: Don't look so sad. I'm never leaving you... Max: I'd rather be a good photographer...
Chloe: You are. You just have to stop being afraid... (said gently) Chloe: Since you're the mysterious superhero, I'll be your faithful chauffeur and companion.
Max: My powers might not last, Chloe...
Chloe: That's okay—we will. Forever.
These are just a few moments in the many where Chloe is encouraging Max in different ways, and offering her unconditional love, loyalty and support. Chloe's negative behavior we see in less than one week isn't going to be reflective of forever, and by the end of the game/week Chloe is willing to sacrifice her life for Arcadia and acknowledges the ways she has been selfish and acknowledges how Max has shown her love and loyalty and friendship in every way. Max: Fuck that! No... no way! You are my number one priority now. You are all that matters to me.
Chloe: I know. You proved that over and over again... even though I don't deserve it. I'm so selfish... not like my mom... Look what she had to give up and live through... and she did. She deserves so much more than to be killed by a storm in a fucking diner. Even my step... father deserves her alive. There's so many more people in Arcadia Bay who should live... way more than me... Chloe: Max, you finally came back to me this week, and... you did nothing but show me your love and friendship. You made me smile and laugh, like I haven't done in years.
In Lis2 we learn Chloe's new look "is from a combination of mixed feelings, such as angst, remorse, guilt, to not forget who died in the storm, to grow up, to advance in her life, and to never forget' It's obvious what happened changed Chloe forever and I think it's very clear after that those days she had with Max she's let go of her anger about those five years of silence. She knows Max loves her. She's more at peace now.
I feel sad when I see people hate Chloe because I feel like people want to take a real character and make her fake. I like real characters. I love that Chloe isn't perfect. I love that she loves Max so fucking much, in spite of everything, she takes her back and loves her and encourages her and supports her and offers that unconditional love. I love how when I play, her hurt and anger she lets out at times cuts me like a knife.
There's art of Max looking at Chloe and goes 'how long are you going to be mad at me?" And Chloe goes 'ten minutes' which feels very accurate. She takes little digs at Max here and there for not being there, but her anger doesn't last long. Most of the game is spent with Chloe being supportive, encouraging, loving, protective and just so happy to be around Max in spite of what Max did.
I think Max had a lot of anxiety. She cared for Chloe, didn't mean to hurt her, but she didn't know how to be there for her and was so overwhelmed by her grief she just wasn't there and eventually convinced herself Chloe would hate her. I think it means the world to Max after what she did, Chloe still loves her.
Five years apart and they were still Max and Chloe. If you go back to episode 4 where Max is forced to stand there and let William leave knowing he will die, she faces what this game is also about. Max Caulfield facing the consequences of not being there for her best friend when she promised she would be. She finally understands it, hearing Chloe has no belief that Max would ever abandon her. Chloe: She's never leaving me!
William: That makes all of us. (William walks out the door)
(Max leans against the wall with her head in her hands)
Chloe: Max, you are being so fucking strange, like you're never going to see us again.
Max: Chloe, I'm so sorry... I tried to make things different for you... I...I did try...I'm sorry.
Chloe: I don't know exactly what you're talking about, but come on. (Chloe holds Max's hands, then lets go) You have made things different, like my whole life. You're my best friend. I've got you and a great family. What's to be sorry for? We'll be best friends forever. And when we grow up we're taking over the world.
Max: Listen, whatever happens, I want you to be strong. Even if you feel like I wasn't there for you...because I will never abandon you, Chloe. (Max holds Chloe's hands) I'll always have your back. Always. If Max can understand, then I hope you all can too. Max truly is hit by the full weight of what she did and the consequences, and her attempt to fix it brought only pain to this alternate reality Chloe and Max as she faces 14 year old Chloe fully comprehending now what she did. How this Chloe has no idea she will abandon her, because she doesn't think Max would ever do such a thing to her, it's not something even in this Chloe's mind that could be a reality. So Max cries and tries her best to comfort Chloe from something Chloe doesn't even know she did yet and doesn't ever believe Max could do to her.
Chloe in Lis1 lets out her anger at Max at times, and sometimes she was selfish and toxic about it. What makes the ending of Farewell and that episode 4 moment so heart wrenching is that we the player and Max herself know Max breaks her promise. She won't be there for Chloe for five long years. They won't write a lot, Max won't be there for her for years. We know this, and Max faces the consequences of what she's done when she returns.
And I love how Chloe is hurt and is allowed to show it. And I love how in spite of everything, they still really are Max and Chloe. They still both love each other. Honestly, play Farewell, play Before the Storm, and then play Life is Strange and Chloe isn't even as angry as she ought to be, as most people would be. Most people would never accept a friend back like that. That's just the truth. Most people aren't so forgiving. But Chloe was. She really did take her back in a heartbeat. And again, that means the world to Max. Max, who when she looked at a picture of her and Chloe in their pirate outfits in her dorm in episode 1, wondered if they were even BFFs anymore, because she knew she hadn't been there for her and was scared Chloe might not forgive her and want to see her, which made her to scared to reach out when she returned. Chloe still seeing her as a BFF meant the world to Max.
I feel like Chloe 'haters' and those who only rant about how she was a toxic awful friend are so caught up in their dislike they stop thinking critically. Sometimes the opinions feel misogynistic or of internalized misogyny when you see people tearing apart a woman for not being the perfect embodiment of a 'girl with a bad past' they wish she was.
I think of Daniel from Lis2. A lot of people hate him because they play as Sean and again, feel defensive of Sean. And I think some people, they don't get as into the game as deeply and so play on more a surface level, more a 'Chloe blamed me for the weed, she's a toxic awful friend' kind of level as opposed to a deeper level, 'Chloe blamed me for the weed, which was really selfish, but I get she is hurt I ignored her for five years and she's trying to test and see how much I care.. I, Max, was her best friend and I hurt her deeply."
I know some people will say I'm making excuses but I'm trying to empathize and help people understand Chloe by detailing how some of her actions were wrong, but WHY she made them. She isn't perfect, she's hurt, she's allowed to be, she's allowed to be angry, who wouldn't be honestly? You can't tell me she's a toxic monster of a friend because she shows her hurt at Max sometimes during a less than 1 week period. I encourage players to replay Farewell to understand Chloe even more when you see how happy she was and how much she loved Max and how much Max leaving and breaking her promise broke her fucking heart and left her broken and yes, makes her angry and does cause her to show it at Max at times. And Max calls her out on it in the game even, pointing out how Chloe is always on her about not being there for her but this is how she's there for her (when she tries to spook Max in episode 3 when Max is shaken up over the events of episode 2, not considering Max's feelings) and Chloe apologizes at once. She owns up to her actions, and she doesn't hold things over Max the entire game.
I just hate seeing people hate on Chloe so hard. She's loyal AF to her friends and in spite of five years of silence loves Max no less and yes she shows some anger, sometimes she makes her expectations of Max selfishly high, but she was hurt deeply by Max and again, the game takes place in a less than a week and she's overall loving and supportive to Max and super protective of her and doesn't spend the entire game holding it against Max. She apologizes for her shitty behaviour, she grows.
She loves Max, she takes her back in a fucking heart beat. She helps Max be brave and helps Max see how talented she really is. When you also have played Before the Storm and seen how lonely Chloe was, read her journal entries, consider the fact she was called 'mute' by Drew because she was so lonely and depressed she never spoke, when you see how she jumped away from the train at the last second because she was so depressed and needed to feel something, maybe didn't care if the train did hit her... and consider she wouldn't have been like that if Max had been there for her... I think you can understand Chloe a lot more. And also understand how amazing she is for taking Max back and loving her and by October 11 after reuniting on October 7, fully forgiving Max. And how amazing Max is too for overcoming her social anxiety to be there for Chloe in every way she could be, even by changing time. Max: Fuck that! No... no way! You are my number one priority now. You are all that matters to me Chloe: I know. You proved that over and over again... even though I don't deserve it. I'm so selfish... not like my mom... Look what she had to give up and live through... and she did. She deserves so much more than to be killed by a storm in a fucking diner. Even my step... father deserves her alive. There's so many more people in Arcadia Bay who should live... way more than me... Chloe: Max, you finally came back to me this week, and... you did nothing but show me your love and friendship. You made me smile and laugh, like I haven't done in years. Wherever I end up after this... in whatever reality... all those moments between us were real, and they'll always be ours. No matter what you choose, I know you'll make the right decision.
Chloe: Max... it's time...
The song Obstacles begins to play.
Max: Not anymore.
Max tears apart the polaroid and it blows away in the storm. She watches the tornado.
Chloe: Max... I'll always be with you.
Max: Forever... Don't tell me Pricefield is toxic. Don't tell me Max and Chloe's relationship will be toxic in Bae. Because if you do, I know you don't really know them at all.
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What changed between Marcy's relationship with Yunan and Olivia after she left Amphibia? Last I checked, Yunan and Olivia don't seem that attached to her with their goodbyes to her seemingly born out of obligation as opposed to the positively heartwrenching farewells Grime and the Plantars gave to their fellow humans.
A lot of things change within the 10+ years of time apart, a lot of time to reflect. For Marcy she realized that she should've hung out with Olivia more but she was busy with her Night Guard duties and stuff.
For Olivia, she felt responsible for what had happened to Marcy, that she should've done more to protect Marcy from Andrias and the Core. After talking with Grime and the Plantars about the Trio, Olivia realized that Marcy was a surrogate daughter to her and that she failed her. When Yulivia adopted their first kid, a eft girl who's intellect at a young age gave Olivia the inspiration to name her Marceline, or Marci for short and vowed to be a better mother than she was before. Same for the other two they adopted. Olivia wanted to apologize to Marcy for everything but knew that was impossible, however during her last talk with Andrias before he passed, he told her that since Anne didn't have the box and was able to return than there must be a way and if anyone could figure it out then it'd be Marcy. Olivia however didn't want to believe this in fear that Marcy would return and understandably hate her, so when the Plantars told Yulivia about the portal, Olivia thought it was a prank and got mad. When Marcy showed up at the Yulivia's doorstep and Olivia saw her again, nothing but love and happiness flooded her mind and she clung onto Marcy for a good while, both due to said happiness but also to confirm that this wasn't a dream. Eventually Olivia broke down and spilled all her regrets to Marcy who did the same and they finally had the found family trope that Marcy loves (and it didn't hurt that Marcy finally had siblings like her wives have).
Yunan was more neutral towards Marcy, of course realizing that her anger at Marcy not remembering her name from when they first met after Olivia explained that when Yunan came into the hospital, Marcy was loopy from painkillers. Hearing stories from Olivia, the Plantars and from newts that knew her cause Yunan to have a bit more sympathy and interest in Marcy and while she doesn't feel the same love for her and her wife's human daughter, she still loves her anyways.
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scotianostra · 4 months
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When we talk about brave people, in my eyes few can surpass the bravery of Jane Haining, who was born on June 6th 1897 in Dunscore, Dumfries & Galloway.
It’s only in the past few years that Jane Haining has justifiably, been given her place in history, I’ve know of her story for a number of years, thanks mainly to the small plaque on The Vigil Monument on Calton hill.
Jane lost her mother at the age of five and grew up a determined, capable woman. She worked for ten years in a threadmaker’s in Paisley, but at a meeting in Glasgow about the Jewish Mission she turned to a friend and said, prophetically: ‘I have found my life-work.’ She got the call to work at a Church of Scotland mission to the Jews in Budapest in 1932.
Famous for her broad Scots accent, she was popular with the 400 children, a mix of Christians and Jews, attending the school. Many were orphans, from broken or poverty-stricken homes, while others were sent simply because they got an excellent education from the Scots.
She loved her little ones. In one letter, she wrote: 'We have one nice little mite who is an orphan and is coming to school for the first time. She seems to be a lonely wee soul and needs lots of love. We shall see what we can do to make life a little happier for her.’
Another letter read: 'We have one new little six-year-old, an orphan without a mother or a father. She is such a pathetic wee soul to look at and I fear, poor lamb, has not been in too good surroundings before she came to us .. she certainly does look as though she needs heaps and heaps of love.’
She was in Scotland on leave when World War 2 broke out, but immediately undertook the hazardous journey back to Budapest to help the Jewish children.
Later the missionaries were ordered back to Scotland to safety when the Nazis invaded Hungary in 1944. Jane Haining disobeyed and remained to take care of her children. 'If these children need me in the days of sunshine’, she said, 'how much more do they need me in the days of darkness?’ Her sister Nan O'Brien later recalled: 'It was no surprise that she refused to come back. She would never have had a moment’s happiness if she had come home and left the children.“
During the war the Nazi brutality accelerated with murder, violence and terror and the little Jewish children were increasingly under threat. Jane protected them to the best of her ability.
Jane Haining was denounced to the Nazi authorities and SS men raided the place early in May. They searched her office and her bedroom, gave her 15 minutes to get ready and took her away. She was thrown in jail on charges of British espionage and helping Jews. She was accused of working among Jews and of weeping! She wept as she had to sew the yellow stars of David onto the dresses of her children .
One of her former wards later recalled: 'I still feel the tears in my eyes and hear in my ears the siren of the Gestapo motor car. I see the smile on her face while she bade me farewell. I never saw Miss Haining again, and when I went to the Scottish Mission to ask the minister about her, I was told she had died. I did not want to believe it, nor to understand, but a long time later I realised that she had died for me, and for others. The body of Miss Haining is dead, but she is not alone, because her smile, voice and face are still in my heart.’
Jane Haining was deported along with some of her Jewish children to the death camp Auschwitz. In three months 1,300,000 were liquidated in Auschwitz, among them No. 79467, Jane Haining, who refused to reject her children and showed herself to be a saint. She died for her beliefs and was gassed along with a batch of Hungarian women on August 16th, 1944, at the age of 47.
Because Jane Haining was a British citizen and passport-holder, the Church of Scotland was sent her death certificate from Auschwitz: 'Miss Haining, who was arrested on account of justified suspicion of espionage against Germany, died in hospital, July 17, of cachexia brought on by intestinal catarrh.’
In 1997 Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Memorial in Jerusalem, awarded Jane Haining a medal and a place among the Righteous Among the Nations for her selfless dedication to the children. The award was presented to her sister, Nan O'Brien of Londonderry, Northern Ireland, by the Israeli Ambassador to Britain at a ceremony in Glasgow.
She is remembered in the stained-glass windows of Queen’s Park Church in Glasgow and at the Church in Dunscore, as well as a memorial there, as seen in the pics, in book form. A plaque remembers her aerected by the Budapest Jewish community, 1984.Vorosmarty utca 51, Budapest. Jaane is also remebered on Jerusalem Yad Vashem Memorial Hall of Names
In 2017 Jane Haining was honoured by the city of Budapest being the focus of a new exhibition in the Holocaust Memorial Centre. Zoltan Toth-Heinmann, the centre spokesman stated that he was determined to ensure that as many people as possible learn about Haining, who was posthumously honoured by the British Government for "preserving life in the face of persecution”
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wedreamedlove · 1 year
If mc had an ex who wanted to her back, how the guys deal with this ex would they straight fistfight this person or give them a warning to stay in their limit?
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i grouped these two requests together since they're similar but, unfortunately, the scenarios i came up with for the men means they're already in a relationship. sorry, second anon!
You had just stepped out of a restaurant together with your boyfriend after having a dinner date when you saw the last person you would have expected—or wanted—to see here, your ex. His eyes lit up the moment he saw you and, before you could react, he rushed up to you and unleashed a torrent of apologies, begged you to forgive him, and asked you to give him a second chance. He had a look of contrition on his haggard face and it was clear that, in this period of time after you broke up, he wasn't living well. If it were anyone else, you might have felt a smidgen of sympathy for them but... You recalled how it was his cheating that made you break up with him and how long it took for that wound to heal enough for you to give another relationship a chance. You recalled those sleepless nights you spent crying and doubting your self-worth, the tossing and turning as anxiety wormed its way through you when other men showed interest in you, and the constant uncertainty of whether or not you would be betrayed again. You curled your fingers into your hand to hide their trembling as you rejected your ex and tried to leave with your boyfriend. Maybe your ex saw that he really lost his second chance and had no way of recovering things that he decided to burn all his bridges, or maybe he wanted to drag you down into the same miserable state that he was in, because as you walked away you heard him yell this out. "Only reason I slept with another girl was because you never put out. You're just a boring old hag! Don't come crawling back to me when that man next to you realizes you're nothing special and dumps you. Then you'll regret what you said today!" You felt as if all the blood drained from your face and extremities, rushing back into your heart as it clenched around a barely healed wound that began to seep again, and your fingers and feet chilled into numbness. At the same time, the man next to you stilled.
It was the rapid descent of air pressure around Osborn that snapped you out of your numb state and you stumbled forward to catch the edge of Osborn's sleeve when you saw him take a threatening step forward.
The second Osborn felt your tug he paused again and then pulled his sleeve out of your hand gently so that he could grip your hand. He frowned at how cold your hand was before he squeezed the tips of your fingers and then curled his palm around them, enveloping them in his warmth. Only then did he turn his head back to your ex and, although you couldn't see the look in Osborn's eyes due to being half a step behind, you had a rough idea of how vicious they were because your ex flinched back before he forcibly straightened his spine as if he just realized what he did and wanted to look tough.
"Did she ask?"
Despite his aggressive posture and expression, Osborn's voice was casual, as if he were just having an everyday conversation.
"What?" Your ex said, not following.
"I said, did she ask for your reason? For that matter, don't speak for me either. I'm the lucky one to be accepted by her and have her in my life. I'm also glad she didn't give you a second chance because I don't take kindly to rivals. You can try to compete with me for her favor, but be warned that I'm neither patient nor tolerant."
You don't know how Osborn managed it, since his voice was still light, but those last words were delivered in a way which made you think that if Osborn was riding his motorcycle right now he would have ran your ex over a thousand times already.
Your ex seemed to smell the same gunpowder smoke of danger delivered in those words because he paled.
Osborn gave him a curt nod in farewell except, due to his taller stature, his lowered glance carried a disdainful look. After that, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders to turn you and propel you to walk with him in the direction of his motorcycle.
But then, as if he just remembered something, Osborn glanced over his shoulder again to your ex. "Oh, one last thing, if I ever hear you talk about her like that again then I hope you enjoy your liquid diet in the future."
Something heavy landed on your shoulders and, immediately, you were enveloped in the lingering warmth on Evan's coat and the familiar smell of wormwood.
"That's impossible," Evan spoke slowly as he fixed his cuffs that had become disheveled when he removed his coat, making the expensive cufflinks catch the street lights and glimmer. "After all, I was the one who pursued her for a long time before she deigned to give me the honor of accepting my courtship."
It was only after he adjusted his cuffs that Evan glanced indifferently at your ex, freezing the words in the man's mouth, before he looked towards the road where Zhou Yan had already pulled up in a Bentley and came out to open the back door for the both of you.
"Now, if that's all you have to say, I'm afraid there's no need for further conversation. Shall we?" Evan directed his last words to you and offered his arm.
You quietly took it and were guided to the car where he placed his hand at the top of the door to protect your head as you got inside before he slid in as well and allowed Zhou Yan to shut the door and return to the driver's seat where he began to drive without another word.
As you reflected on the events that just happened and how smoothly everything went a thought suddenly occurred to you. "Evan, when did you have Zhou Yan start waiting on you like that?"
Before Evan could respond, you heard Zhou Yan reply from the front of the car. "I took it upon myself to elevate the Young Master's status."
It took a moment to understand his words and then you couldn't stop the laughter that escaped your lips. To think that Zhou Yan and Evan would tacitly work together to crush your ex through a silent show of force via wealth, power, and status.
"Thank you, Zhou Yan." You looked towards the driver's seat and momentarily met Zhou Yan's eyes as he glanced at you through the rearview mirror.
"It was a trivial matter, Miss."
A squeeze on your hand had you turning your attention back to Evan and while there was no emotion on his face other than gentleness and the amusement at the corner of his eyes, somehow you could still understand that he was seeking praise too and so you leaned your head on his shoulder with a smile. "And thank you too, Evan, for defending me."
"It appears you aren't too hopeless if your tastes can improve so much in such a short time."
Sariel's dry words pierced the numbness that settled on you and the moment his words registered in your mind you spun towards him. "Hey! We're all allowed to make mistakes in our youth."
"Mm, and luckily you're a quick learner or else I wouldn't have accepted you as my student."
Your ex watched the two of you banter in disbelief. "Hey! Are you two ignoring me?!"
Sariel's eyes cut over and their gold shine as well as the contraction of his pupils into slits in the bright lights from the front of the restaurant and street lights hinted at just enough strangeness that your ex was given pause.
"You're still around? Seeing as how your lack of sense and judgment reveals your single operating brain cell, it would be a waste of our breath to talk to you."
Sariel grabbed your hand, interlocking your fingers and his together, and then pulled you away to walk towards his parked car. Although he didn't say anything else, the grip that was tighter than usual around your hand seemed to be a silent promise that he would never let go first.
Charlie's low and startled exclamation caught your and your ex's attention.
You both looked over to see Charlie staring at your ex with an abnormal intensity before he suddenly strode over. This abrupt action caused your ex to take a step back in surprise and clench his hands into fists in preparation to defend himself. For a second, you also wondered if Charlie was going to start something but instead Charlie stopped a foot away and re-examined your ex up and down.
"You're displaying symptoms of being completely blind and yet, as far as I can see, there's nothing physically wrong with your eyes. This is a medical marvel. Sir, how many fingers am I holding up?"
You watched, speechless but also on the verge of laughter, as Charlie really did lift up three fingers in front of your ex's eyes and move them from side to side. "Charlie!"
"My apologies, fiancée, I'll be right there." Charlie glanced over his shoulder at you before he turned back to your ex and took out his business card to slide into the other man's chest pocket. "I highly recommend you get yourself examined at this hospital and, in fact, I'd love to be your attending doctor. Just ask for Dr. Zha at the counter. I'll make sure you leave the hospital with clear vision."
Charlie emphasized the last three words like a threat and, with a standard and blinding smile, returned to your side to take your hand to put on the crook of his arm before he led you away, leaving a flabbergasted and somewhat frightened ex behind.
It only seemed to take a blink before Jesse was in front of your ex and throwing a punch to his face while his other hand gripped the man's collar.
"Say that again, I dare you," Jesse snarled.
You startled. "Jesse!"
When Jesse looked back, you couldn't help but inhale sharply at the sheer rage in his emerald eyes. In your memories, while he would naturally have his own bouts of negative emotions, the majority of the time he was that ray of sunshine who always seemed to be smiling around you. It was rare to see him this angry and rarer to see him angered to the point of acting on it.
"Don't. He's not worth it." You kept your voice level in order to coax Jesse to calm down.
Jesse tightened his grip on the man's collar, making the muscles in his arm bunch up visibly even underneath his sleeve, before—after a tense breath—he released your ex with a shove. Your ex stumbled back and fell onto his bottom, coughing and swearing.
In rough, jerky movements, Jesse pulled out his wallet and took out bills to throw onto your ex. "For your medical bills. But if I ever see you near her again, I won't let you off as easily as this..."
When Jesse came back, you grabbed his hand and quickly pulled him away. It was only when you walked far enough away and you couldn't see your ex that you pulled up Jesse's hand to examine it, although it looked fine except for being a bit red. "Did you hurt yourself punching him?"
Jesse pouted, "Ow, now that you mention it, it hurts a lot and I think it needs a kiss to get better."
You laughed somewhat angrily and rapped your free hand on his forehead. "Serves you right for punching people indiscriminately."
Jesse flipped around his hand that was held to grab your hand tightly before he pulled you into his arms and lowered his head to rub it against the side of your temple. "I couldn't just let him say that about you."
"There were better ways to handle that situation. You can't just hit people. Remember, you're a public figure now!"
Jesse's words, when he spoke, seemed to come out in a sigh. "When it comes to you, I can't keep calm."
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sophie-hatter-jenkins · 6 months
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A collection of Hinny-centric drabbles, microfics and one-shots written for the Ginny Lovers Discord server 5-Year Ginnversary Bingo game.
Chapter 10 - That Next Great Flighty Temptress
Fair warning: I sobbed while I was writing this. It's set in the afterlife so, y'know, everyone is dead - but hopefully it is ultimately a positive story. Feel free to scroll on by if that isn't your bag.
Rating - Teen and upwards
Read on AO3 from the beginning or continue below the cut for the latest chapter (1039 words)
When death came for Harry Potter, for the second and final time, he was alone. 
He was, he decided, glad about that. He could see the appeal to stepping out into the night with all those he loved and who loved him in return there to bid him farewell, but he’d never been comfortable with a fuss being made of him. No, far better to simply slip away quietly and unnoticed. The father and grandfather in him did feel guilty about it, but they would have their chance to mourn him. He just preferred it to be once he had already gone rather than before.
He had often thought, over the years, that having some experience in the business of dying might, eventually, prove helpful and when he opened his eyes, he decided he had been quite right on that score. It was all so familiar to him; the silence, the solitude and the unrelenting misty whiteness. He knew, immediately, what it meant.
Now as then, he found himself completely naked, but this didn’t perturb him; he simply willed some clothes into existence. It wasn’t until he was buttoning the jeans at his waist that he realised that his hands were no longer wizened with age. Now, that was a surprise. He wondered what he would see if he could look at his reflection, and no sooner had the thought crossed his mind than a floor length mirror in a carved wooden frame appeared next to him. 
He hadn’t seen the man staring back at him for years - decades even. His hair was raven black rather than iron grey. His face was unwrinkled. His torso was once again leanly-muscled, showing no hint of the atrophy of old age. Then again, had ever truly seen this man before? He ran his hand lightly across his unmarked chest, free from the twin scars that had marred it since he was seventeen, then peered more closely at the glass, pushing his hair up and away to see, for the first time ever, an unblemished forehead. That he could see it clearly even without his glasses made it just a little sweeter. Death, it seemed, suited him.
With a sigh, stooped to pick up the soft grey t-shirt that was still on the floor at his feet, and pulled it over his head.
“Oh. That’s a shame.”
Harry gasped. Her voice, her wonderful voice, came from behind him. For a moment, he couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. Tears welled in his eyes. Slowly, he turned around to face her.
“Gin?” he whispered, not really believing it.
“Hey there, stranger,” she said, softly. "It's been a while.”
“It has,” he agreed, his voice cracking with emotion. “Too long.”
“I’ve been waiting for you,” she told him.  
He raised his eyebrows. “All this time?”
She shrugged. “Yes. I couldn’t bear to go on without you. I’m glad you’re here now. You… er… you look good.”
“Thanks. So do you.” 
And she did - she really did. The Ginny in front of him was the one he always saw in his mind's eye. Her hair, long and vivid and tumbling over her shoulders, seemed to glow like the sunset in the soft white light that surrounded them both. Her skin was smooth and creamy and he knew it would feel like warm silk under his fingers.
Then he met her eyes, blazing hard through her tears with a look that was so familiar that his breath caught in his throat. He barely had time to register it before she was running toward him, and throwing her arms around him. Though there was absolutely no one watching as he bent his head and kissed her, Harry was sure that this time, several sunlit days really did pass before they broke apart, their salt-streaked faces split into huge grins. 
Ginny reached up and stroked her thumb across his cheekbone, wiping away his tears with a tender gesture he’d seen her offer to each of their children so many times over the years. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“Me too,” he murmured.
“What happened?” she asked. “To you, I mean. Can you remember?
Harry frowned. “I’m not sure, actually. I must have been asleep. The last thing I remember is going to bed.” He paused, not quite trusting his voice. “Not… not our bed. I’ve been sleeping in the spare room ever since… Well, ever since you died. I couldn’t bear it, you not being there.”
She looked away from him for a moment. “I was worried, you know? That you might try to come and join me before your time.”
“I thought about it,” he confessed. “For a long time. In the end, though, I just couldn’t do that to the kids. And… and the last few years have been good. Not like they were, like they should have been, with you there too. But there were a lot of happy times. I mean, I got to meet my great-grandchildren. And I’m glad about that.” 
The expression on Ginny’s face was heartbreaking. “I wish I could have been there.”
Harry swallowed hard. “So do I.”
For a moment, they simply stood, holding one another. Then Ginny took a pace back, letting her fingers slide down his arm until they were hand in hand. “Come on. We have a train to catch. I expect that there are a lot of people waiting for us.”
Looking around, Harry realised that whiteness around them had solidified into something more tangible. Now, he could clearly see a familiar, if very much cleaner, railway station platform. As he watched, he thought he detected movement in the misty distance, and sure enough, the fog eventually cleared to allow a train to pass through, slowing as it pulled into the station. 
Holding tight to his wife’s hand, Harry chose a carriage and opened the door, turning to help Ginny board behind him. They curled up together on the well worn moquette seat, his arm wrapped around her shoulders, and moments later, there was a jolt as the train began to move again.
“Where do you think we’re going?” asked Ginny, her breath soft and warm against his chest. 
Harry looked down at his wife and smiled. “On.”
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icedragonlizard · 11 months
Magolor headcanons
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Another post for my "series" of tumblr posts going over general headcanons for singular characters of the Kirby series!
Magolor is another Kirby character that I have a lot of headcanons for. Allow me to get started on going over them!
He's also fun to make a lot of headcanons for! I'll put a 'Keep reading' tag because it'll be another long one. As always, everything that is underneath the keep reading tag is purely my headcanons.
When Magolor first excavated and repaired the Lor Starcutter in Halcandra, he then used it to take a fun cruise around outer space. That was his first time piloting the Lor after he fixed it.
During his cruise around outer space, he found a certain jester helplessly floating around as a result of getting blasted into a clockwork star. This is, of course, Marx. Upon encountering him, Magolor felt bad, so he decided to take Marx in and recover him, and become his friend in the process.
Marx then shared vital information to Magolor that eventually led to RTDL's events taking place. He disclosed about his incident with Kirby that almost got him killed. This gave Magolor the grand idea to plot a betrayal against Kirby, like Marx before him. He planned in having this betrayal give him the opportunity to finally get his hands on the Master Crown and attempt universal conquest.
He's wanted the Master Crown for a long time, but he was previously incapable of acquiring it, since he couldn't defeat Landia in a fight. But ever since he took the Lor on a cosmic cruise and found Marx, and learned about Kirby's existence thanks to Marx, this had given Magolor high hopes of finally getting the Master Crown by using Kirby and co to defeat Landia as his way of obtaining it.
Now that I'm done going over my pre-RTDL headcanons for Magolor, let's get into all the headcanons that take place after the game!
Magolor got his act together after spending five miserable months in Another Dimension. As he finally left that horrible, twisted dimension, he spent a couple of years in the Dream Kingdom to obtain enough capital to start his dream of building an amusement park in Planet Popstar. This would be his apology to Kirby and co, as he wanted to reconcile and sincerely become their friend after what happened.
Although he interacted nicely with some residents in the Dream Kingdom, he didn't really care enough to make any actual friends during his time there. He didn't intend to stay there for too long. He did, however, say his goodbyes to them as he left.
After leaving the Dream Kingdom, he did a few things before making his grand return to Planet Popstar:
First, he temporarily returned to Halcandra to apologize and reconcile with Landia, and then fix the broken Lor Starcutter.
The dragon was rather skeptical at first, but forgives as it eventually realized that Magolor was sorry. The two don't actually become true friends, but they've been at peaceful terms with each other since. That being said, Landia did make the decision to show up at Popstar one time to check out Magolor's amusement park when it heard about the park's opening! This headcanon is to help explain why Landia makes an appearance in Merry Magoland.
Magolor then worked in getting the Lor Starcutter back together in Halcandra. Thankfully, all the energy spheres were in the planet, and he was able to achieve them all, with Landia's help on some of them.
When he got the Lor back up and running, and bid a farewell to Landia as he left Halcandra, he did one more thing before returning to Popstar: find Marx and break the news to him.
Magolor met Marx again after a long time, and broke the news on everything that happened since they last saw each other. After breaking the news, Magolor then let Marx know about his plan to go back to Popstar to reconcile with Kirby and co, and attempted to encourage the jester to do the same. However, Marx stubbornly refused to do so at first, very much to Magolor's disappointment.
But nevertheless, Magolor still stuck to his decision to make up with Kirby and the others, as he still really wanted to do so. And to his joy, Marx eventually went ahead to also make his reconciliation with Kirby some time after Magolor did his, but not before the two tricksters had strife with each other over this when Marx hadn't relented yet.
When Magolor finally returned to Popstar and made his grand apology, he was very quickly forgiven by Kirby and King Dedede. Meta Knight was quite skeptical at first, but eventually also forgave Magolor, although he definitely needed some time before he did so. That's 3/4 of the dream team that forgave him.
However... the fourth member of the dream team hasn't, and to this day, still doesn't forgive Magolor. Bandana Waddle Dee still holds a grudge against him. This is elaborated more on my post talking about how Bandee is a big hater and still has very angry feelings about most of Kirby's friends that used to be villains.
But despite not getting forgiveness from Bandee, that didn't stop Magolor from being allowed to make Popstar his new home planet. That's exactly what he did as he made his grand return, as he got himself situated at somewhere out in Dream Land as his home area. Where he lives is on an outer edge of Dream Land that can see Orange Ocean from a distance. It's also where the Lor Starcutter will be sitting around for the majority of the time from here on out.
Even though Magolor announced that he'll build an amusement park after making his apology to the dream team, he didn't immediately start doing it. He lives in Popstar for several years until he finally gets around to start building his park. During that time frame, he gets to know Kirby's other friends, including ones that are also ex-villains. Over the years, he makes many friends.
His four closest friends are Kirby, Marx, Taranza and Susie. I've made earlier tumblr posts on how he interacts with Marx as well as how he interacts with his Taranza and Susie. So go check those out if you'd like, as I won't repeat his entire dynamics with them in here.
Post-RTDL, Magolor can be considered a 'big brother' friend to Kirby. In fact, as soon as he made his apology, Kirby gave him a hug as he was glad to see that he was alright, and that hug turned out to be well-deserved considering Magolor's efforts in getting to that point.
It delights Magolor every time Kirby comes to visit him at his home. One of his favorite things to do with Kirby is make him laugh. Overall, though, he wants to keep making the little guy proud. As he considers Kirby to be very special, he's highly honored to now be friends with him, and doesn't want to ruin that again.
Now going past Magolor's four closest friends, he has many other friends that he's also often silly with.
King Dedede has taken a large liking to Magolor while warming up to him post-RTDL. These two often engage in funny talk, and sometimes even impersonate each other's voices just to mess with each other. Every so often, Magolor may also come around Dedede's castle to pull a prank or two. When Merry Magoland became open, Dedede found lots of amusement with the dress-up masks, as he and Magolor often impersonate others' voices when wearing masks.
It took Meta Knight some time to forgive Magolor. Initially, he was quite pissed off for a while, since that betrayal hit pretty hard for him. But as Meta Knight experiences Magolor more and more post-RTDL, knowing that a betrayal won't happen again, he does genuinely warm up to him. At one point, he fully accepts him as a friend.
There was one time where Magolor was even invited to the Halberd, and he was more than capable of making Meta Knight's crew laugh. The Halberd crew really likes him! Meta Knight is also very much amused by him sometimes as well. There may be occasions where he finds Magolor a bit annoying, but he's pretty good with him now. Magolor really likes Meta Knight and thinks he's a total badass.
Magolor is good friends with the mage sisters. He loves messing around with them, as well as talking about ancient technology with them. Of the three, Flamberge is the one he's closest friends with, as he likes how bombastic she is compared to the others.
He lovably has nicknames for all three of them. His nickname for Zan Partizanne is 'Zan Parmesan Cheese', he calls Flamberge 'Flamburger' and he calls Francisca 'Friendcisca'. When referring to the trio as a whole, he calls them the 'traffic-light trio girls'.
Daroach is another one that Magolor is pretty good friends with. These two have a particular thing going on where they love to steal from each other. There's definitely some irritation during this, but they both think it's really fun and enriching to commit robbery on each other. They'll often be like "DAMN! How'd he get me this time?"
Magolor and Daroach admire each other's slyness as they steal from each other. Even when they aren't stealing from each other, they sometimes hang out as well. They've got a similar sense of humor and will often tell each other jokes. They can also sometimes form a trio with Marx, where all three of them commit tomfoolery together.
Gooey really likes Magolor, and vice versa. Magolor enjoys making Gooey laugh, and like with Kirby, he's also delighted whenever the little dark matter defect comes to visit him. He'll often pat Gooey on the head like the good boy he is. There are times Magolor will trick Gooey into doing funny things in the light-hearted sense, and of course the blue blob doesn't mind it when that happens!
Adeleine, Ribbon and the animal friends are all on decent terms with Magolor as well. Rick and Kine in particular quite like him, as they'll often engage in funny talk with him when he encounters them. Magolor may sometimes hype Kine up as some wholesome fish that can kick some major ass, which of course makes Kine laugh.
Dark Meta Knight is... someone that doesn't get along with Magolor. Magolor tried to be his friend at first, but it didn't exactly work out as DMK wasn't really interested in being his friend. DMK thinks that he's just some obnoxious attention-seeking weirdo he'd rather not have anything to do with. Whoops...
Magolor and Elfilin are... sort of on neutral terms with each other. At first, Elfilin thought he was really weird and obnoxious until eventually warming up to him, but not really close enough to consider a friend. Magolor likes Elfilin, although he feels bad about weirding him out many times.
That more or less wraps up on how Magolor interacts with other notable members of the Kirby cast in my headcanons. He's been forgiven by the dream team except for Bandana Waddle Dee, and he's got rather silly dynamics with most of the other ex-villains that have also become Kirby's friends.
I think it's worth noting that Magolor has a bunch of 'partners-in-crime' relationships with many of the other ex-villains. He's got a 'partners-in-crime' with Marx, one with Taranza, one with Susie, one with Daroach, and ones with the mage sisters. Sometimes, he'll be joined by one of them in doing tomfoolery, because they all know how much he enjoys it. Can't deny that mischief is fun, huh?
Magolor's favorite food is apples, although his favorite type of food is fruit in general. Apples weren't always his favorite food, though, as it used to be pineapples until he started doing things with gem apples to inspire him to eat apples more.
Speaking of gem apples, Magolor has pulled pranks involving them. During Star Allies, when the mage sisters were the enemy, Magolor would offer them gem apples 'snacks' after defeating them, and then snapped his fingers to have the gem apples blow up in their faces to further humiliate them. Also looks at Daroach, who stole gem apples from Magolor before, but found out that it was pretty dumb to have done so.
While he has a fascination with ancient technology, he's gradually learning more about modern technology thanks to Susie. He has a phone that she made for him. Sometimes, he prank-calls people on the phone... he has Susie, Taranza and the mage sisters as contacts, so that's who he occasionally prank-calls, lol.
As Magolor's home area in an outer edge of Dream Land is where the Lor Starcutter will normally sit around at when he's not piloting it, he's been implementing upgrades onto it over time. He's given the Lor the capability of playing music, as well as the ability to play videos on its screens, meaning he can pretty much use the Lor's screens like a television. He'll sometimes play music or watch videos inside the Lor late at night, right before he goes to sleep.
Speaking of going to sleep, the Lor is where Magolor sleeps inside of. He doesn't have a normal house or anything, as he basically uses the Lor as his 'house'. Every time right before he goes to sleep, he turns off most of the Lor's functions so it doesn't make some really dumb malfunction as he sleeps. That wouldn't be good, lol.
He'll sometimes take the Lor out onto rides. He'll also use it for whenever he goes to vacation on other planets, or even to visit friends that live outside of Popstar (such as Susie and the mage sisters). He's more than glad to take friends onto rides in the Lor as he pilots it to places, either so they get to experience it in while it's in full operation or they may be going on the same vacation with him.
When the Lor isn't at Magolor's home in Dream Land, that means he's outside of Popstar for the time being, doing something on some other planet. Whether the Lor is at his home or not is an indicator if he's in Popstar or not. He occasionally does things out of the planet.
He's taken a vacation on Halcandra post-Star Allies one time, just to see what the place was up to and to see how Landia has been doing. While Halcandra is a messy place, it appears that Landia is the closest thing that the planet has to a 'ruler'. Magolor took some of his friends with him during this rare vacation to Halcandra.
The Lor Starcutter is Magolor's method of getting to the Forgotten Land, since he doesn't care enough to ask Elfilin to open up portals for him to get there, so instead he gets there himself. He's also brought many others to the Forgotten Land by using the Lor.
His first vacation in the Forgotten Land was with Taranza and Susie, who he took with him by using the Lor. The three of them checked out the place together for the first time. Then at some point later, Magolor made a second vacation in the Forgotten Land, as that time he brought Marx with him as he showed him around the place.
Magolor has been really enjoying his time in the Forgotten Land. He experienced everything that Waddle Dee Town had to offer, but what he liked the most was checking out the weapons shop where he liked seeing all of the ability 'costumes' that Kirby has worn.
After Forgotten Land's events is when Merry Magoland finally finishes production and becomes open to the public. That it opens up this recently explains how there are dress-up masks for Forgotten Land characters, as Magolor visited the place before finishing up his amusement park. Production began several months before Forgotten Land's events, and finished up some time after.
A large group of waddle dees helped Magolor build the park. They helped build the structures and the attractions. They assured to keep building the park as they gave Magolor the opportunity to take a vacation in the Forgotten Land, as he was way too intrigued to not visit there at his soonest opportunity to do so.
NOTE: While I'm aware that Merry Magoland might actually be taking place in a different reality, I'm making it exist in my headcanon universe. I mean, to be fair, you can see it in the background in some parts of the main story in RTDLDX, so I'd think it should be okay to have it exist in my headcanon universe.
Magolor himself created the dress-up masks. He created them using his magic, as over the years he's been improving on his magic and has developed the capability of creating things such as plushies.
The other notable members of the Kirby cast have had... wildly varying reactions to the masks. Many loved it, others kind of had a bone to pick with him about it. He didn't exactly get a whole lot of brownie points from Taranza and Susie when he made masks of their dead loved ones, despite them being his friends. Whoops. He did apologize, though... they eventually got over it as they're still his friends, but ooooh were they NOT happy about it at first.
Overall, aside from the controversy over the masks, the general reception of Merry Magoland is rather well. Many however have pointed out how hilarious it is for the main castle structure to resemble Magolor, as well as all the Magolor symbols floating around the place. That more than proves his pridefulness.
Magolor doesn't want trouble happening in his park. If someone tries to kickstart chaos, they'll be kicked out. They don't get banned from the park, as they can come back later, but they'll be asked to leave for the time being if they cause trouble. May need to look at Marx for this one, considering he has a bigger tendency for chaos than most others do.
The park has hours of when it's open and closed. It's open for most of the day, but it's closed during early morning and late night. There are times where Magolor might decide to close the park for a few days if he wants to go on a vacation or something, or he might close it for one day if he's wanting to go to some big event. Of course, he still has things he'd like to do outside of the park, and thus there are occasional days where he may have the park close for the time being.
Magolor may host particular events in Merry Magoland, such as holiday-related events, or when a close friend's birthday is coming.
Speaking of birthdays, he's made his own birthdays events in the park before! But before Merry Magoland opened, Magolor did have his birthdays celebrated in Dream Land ever since he moved in. Kirby would kickstart a birthday party for him every time. He really appreciates it! His non-Popstar friends will also show up for him.
There were some birthdays where he invited a bunch of people over to inside the Lor to have some party, and they either dance to music playing or they watch videos together. Either way, it's a lot of fun!
Back then in earlier parts of his life, his birthdays went uncelebrated as he didn't really have anybody. That changed post-RTDL when he started actually having people in his life to celebrate his birthdays with. He always gets super duper excited when his birthday hits.
Kirby always gives Magolor a big hug on his birthday. Awwwww........ that in of itself can be considered a present. It makes Magolor rather emotional every time that happens!
I think that about wraps up the headcanons that I have for Magolor! He's quite a fun character, isn't he? If you've taken the time to read all this, I thank you very much.
I made an earlier post going over my general headcanons for Susie, and if you decide to also check out that post if you haven't already, then I'd appreciate it!
Well, since now I've made these posts for both Susie and Magolor, that means Taranza will be the next Kirby character to make a massive headcanon post about to get this done for all of Wave 3! So you'll have that to look forward to.
I suppose that after Taranza, I may do either Marx or Gooey next after him. But for now, you get Magolor, and you also have Susie that I wrote general headcanons for earlier.
I look forward to seeing you for more later!
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lady-rose-moon · 2 years
I heard you were looking for requests, so... Here I am! 😁💕
What about Y/N finding out that she's pregnant again and she has to tell Loki - and of course Haven. 🥺🥰 Something super fluffy. 🥰
Please and thank you! 🧡
Together || T.S!Loki x Reader ||
A/N: thank you for the request, lovely!! So sorry that I took so long! I hope you enjoy it!
My Main Masterlist
Cabin in the Mountains || TS!Loki x Reader ||
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Pregnancy seemed to come less naturally after Haven, every time you tried to conceive with Thomas, it always ended with you crying over a negative test. Especially after Odin fell into the Odinsleep and Thor refused the throne - making the throne fall to Loki alone. 
Something had to be wrong with you, you decided after you returned to the cabin when Odin awoke eighteen months after he collapsed in the main hall of Asgard’s palace. Something had to be wrong with you for not being able to conceive as quickly as you had conceived Haven. Thomas seemed to be so much calmer than you in this situation, more understanding with the stress of having a toddler and the move to becoming Queen Regent of Asgard when Loki became King. 
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Still, the God of Mischief spent night after night tangled in the sheets with you, following your wishes of having another baby. 
However, Loki had been away now for a fortnight, having to return to Asgard because Odin wished to discuss a matter with both his sons. The sorrowful farewell had broken your heart but at least you had your daughter there by your side, a memory of Loki and such a sweet child. 
It had been a fortnight since you had seen your husband and it was starting to show. You spent more time with Haven, wrapped up in the blankets of the master bedroom than out in the warm summer weather. You relied on your daughter for comfort while Loki was away and you anxiously waited for your God to return.
Another day began for you and still there was no sign of Loki returning. Your stomach twisted with sudden nausea and you barely made it to the bathroom before you emptied your stomach into the toilet, gripping the sat desperately as you gasped for breath. Waves of nausea crashed over you and you whined brokenly,  holding your stomach in pain. This felt familiar somehow, an ache deep in your body, a memory of a feeling you’d felt years ago.
With hope in your heart, you decided to head into town with Haven, showing the toddler around the town and stopping at a coffee shop before heading to a pharmacy and grabbing a few pregnancy tests. You needed to be sure, you needed to know whether what you thought was right.  
When you got home, you smiled as Haven run into the living room, a happy grin on her mouth as she jumped onto the sofa. “Mummy, mummy!” she called brightly, kneeling on the sofa with a grin as she looked over the back to look at her mother, “come play with me!”
You stared down at the bag in your hand, deliberating between getting your theory confirmed or playing with your daughter. In that moment, Haven was so much more important than any kind of pregnancy test would ever be. Setting down the bag on the countertop, you smiled and strode over to your daughter, picking her up and settling her on your lap. You held out your palm and it lit up with the beautiful forest green of your seiðr, catching Haven’s attention almost instantly. 
The little child had always been mesmerised by the sight of seiðr and wished to know all that she could about the magic that she had along with her parents. She sat on your lap watching as your seiðr formed many different animals all playing around in the air above your hands, laughing and reaching out when a cat broke from the formation to rub against her face affectionately.
Haven laughed and looked up at her mother with pure love in her eyes, her enjoyment only increasing when you changed the animals to an illusion of you, Loki and Haven. The child smiled adoringly at the illusion, her hands reaching out to her father with a childish grin. “I miss papa,” Haven whispered softly, her eyes flicking from the illusion to you behind her, “when will he be back?”
“Soon, my little sunshine,” you replied, brushing your nails through her hair comfortingly as she sagged against you with an adorable sigh, kicking her legs impatiently. “Your father will come home when everything is sorted with your grandfather,” you whispered to her, lifting her into your arms and walking down to her bedroom, “now, it’s naptime.”
Haven whined and shook her head, tears welling up in her emerald eyes as her lip trembled. The little girl obviously wished to sleep with you but you needed to see what the pregnancy test said so you needed to get her down for a nap. Walking into Haven’s room, you laid her down in her toddler bed and knelt beside it with a soft smile. “Sleep little one,” you whispered, kissing her forehead and gently brushing her hair away from her face, “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
It took ten minutes for the child to settle and allow sleep to take her and you stayed by her side loyally, whispering stories to her and shining magic above her to act as a lullaby before she fell asleep. Now alone, you took a deep breath and left the child’s room, heading over to the plastic bag on the counter. 
You took two boxes into the bathroom and used them before sliding down the counter, waiting for the two minutes to pass. 
Those were the longest two minutes in your life. You thought of all the bright things that could happen when another baby is brought into your lives. Thomas would be so happy to have another baby, Frigga would be overjoyed to have another grandchild to play with and Thor - well, he’s not exactly allowed to babysit but he’s a cool uncle when supervised. You thought of your stomach swelling, thought of Thomas walking around with this infant in his arms, you thought of how your family would feel much more complete. 
The shrill ring of the timer broke you from your thoughts and hesitantly, you picked up one of the pregnancy tests and gazed down straight at the stick with two lines. Shocked, tears welled up in your eyes and you dropped the pregnancy test. Pregnant. 
You smiled ear to ear and picked yourself up off the floor while your hand fell to your stomach. Suddenly, the roaring thunder of the Bifrost startled you out of your thoughts and you grinned as you raced through the cabin to swing the front door open. 
There he was. Loki. Back and safe. You released a broken sob and ran down the steps to jump into his arms. The God’s arms wrapped tightly around your back and he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. You sobbed as you held him tighter, nuzzling into his neck as you tried to calm your breathing.
He was back. Your husband was finally back. 
“I thought you weren’t coming back,” you bawled into his shoulder as his gentle hands caressed down your spine.
“I promised I would come back, pet,” Loki whispered lovingly in your ear. He helped you back into the cabin, his touch grounding and comforting for you. He was back and already the ache in your heart had evaporated in favour of the oceans of love you held for the prince in front of you. 
You heard the small pattering of feet before you saw a whoosh of blurred light and heard Loki release a laugh of delight as he fell on his back with Haven clinging to his body. The small girl was crying and happily chanting ‘daddy’ as she kissed his face. You helped Loki to his feet, smiling as he cradled Haven in his arms expertly.
“I have something to tell you,” you whispered to the both of them, looking over to the living area with the roaring fire and you conjured three glasses of hot chocolate on the coffee table. You guided your husband and daughter to the living area and quietly sat down, smiling when you saw how desperate Loki looked to know what you had to say. 
Haven sat on Loki’s lap eagerly, her sparkling emerald eyes trained on you lovingly. “What is it, mummy?” she asked in her tired yet overjoyed voice, her body practically buzzing with happiness over the return of her father. 
“Haven, you know how we talked about you soon being an older sibling?” you asked, seeing Loki tense up in front of you, his intelligent brain firing with reasons before he realised and you could see the moment you realised because his eyes snapped to you, tears shining in his eye. 
“Well…” you continued with a small smile, biting your lip before resting a hand against your flat stomach, “mummy is going to be giving you a baby sibling soon.”
Haven gasped, her eyes shining with excitement before she jumped off the sofa and ran around the coffee table shouting ‘i’m gonna be a big sister!’ before she stopped in front of you with a bright smile, “when will the baby come, mummy? Tomorrow? In a week?”
You laughed softly and stroked her ebony hair. You saw a lot of Loki in how she looked, she was his mirror image and soon, you hoped your next child would be the same or a small sliver of hope held out that your next will look like you more. “They’ll come when they’re ready, little sunshine,” you whispered to her before lifting her up, seeing the worry in Loki’s eyes immediately before you playfully glared at him and he backed down with a fond smile.
You carried Haven to her bedroom and laid her down in her bed, pulling the blanket up to her chin. “Go back to sleep, my little sunshine,” you whispered tenderly to your child, smiling when Loki knelt beside you at your child’s bedside.
“Will I have to share my bedroom with the baby?” Haven asked as she rolled onto her side and gazed at her mummy and daddy.
“For a while,” Loki replied with a soft smile, pressing a kiss to Haven’s head and gently pushing hair out of her face, “then we’ll add a new room to our cabin and that will be their room. Will you be a good big sister?”
“I will! I promise!” Haven grinned, her eyes shining with such joy she seemed that she might explode if she got anymore delight.
Loki smiled lovingly and helped you to your feet, whispering a soft ‘goodnight Haven’ before walking out of the room. The God left the door slightly ajar incase Haven needed either of you. 
Once you were in the silence of your bedroom, Loki dropped to his knees and pressed a kiss to your flat stomach. “A baby,” he whispered tenderly, green magic swirling around him, transforming him from Loki to Thomas, “another baby. You are truly a wonder, Y/N Sharpe.”
You laughed and ran your fingers through his curls, smiling at the contented smile on his face at the reassurance of your love. “Our family is growing again, Thomas,” you whispered quietly, smiling when he looked up into his eyes, “we will continue to do this together.”Thomas melted at your gentle words, his thumb gently stroking against your flat stomach. “Together.”
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