#then i'll be updating my long fics xoxo
Today's @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is lovebirds!
(165 words.)
James wakes up more refreshed than he had expected. Hangover free again, thank fuck. He glances over at Sirius' bed, expecting the curtains to be closed, him sleeping off the party from the night before.
Much to his surprise, Sirius' bed is empty.
With a frown, he slides out of bed, changing quickly before he makes his way out into the common room. As he gets down the stairs, he finds Lily watching the sofa, slightly perplexed.
"Everything alright?" He asks, confused. She just beckons him over silently. He obliges, stopping beside her and following her gaze to the sofa. It immediately answers his questions as to the whereabouts of Sirius.
He's asleep on the sofa. Not only that, but asleep in Remus' arms, which are firmly around his waist, Remus' head resting against Sirius'.
"That can't be comfortable," Lily whispers. "Should we wake them up?"
"Nah, leave the lovebirds be," James says with a grin, nudging Lily slightly. "Let's just go to breakfast."
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astrophileous · 1 year
Love Bugs (Pt. 01)
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Female Reader
Synopsis: You and Derek Morgan have an arrangement. At work, your relationship is strictly business. Under the sheets, it's all about pleasure. Nothing more, nothing less. Until, of course, your feelings start to get involved. Your situation is complicated enough without the unexpexted predicament that suddenly befalls upon you. But with a maniac serial killer on the loose, will you ever get the chance to make everything right?
Warning(s): 18+ NSFW SMUT, oral (m receiving), fingering, unprotected penetrative sex, dirty talk, slight mdom/fsub dynamic, praise kink (?), dubious consent (only because both of them are kinda drunk), alcohol consumption, cursing (a lot of it)
Word Count: 3700-ish
Author's Note: sooo I used to write for law and order svu a long time ago on my old account, but I haven't really picked up fanfiction writing for a long time now, but this is definitely a first time for me writing smut so pls keep that in mind lol. that being said, I was absolutely APPALLED by the lack of derek fanfics on this platform, hence why I decided to take matters into my own hand and wrote this little piece right here :) this fic is gonna be divided into several parts and I'll try to post an update asap. the tw will be adjusted accordingly on each part of the fic. I'll also be making a masterlist for the whole series hopefully sooner rather than later. in the meantime, I hope you enjoy the story below and don't forget to drop a like/comment/reblog xoxo
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
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Since the first time you met him, Derek Morgan was never less than 200 pounds of danger and charm, and he wore that fact with immense pride.
"I'm Derek," he offered smoothly, palm extended to shake yours the moment Hotch introduced you to the team.
"Nice to meet you," was your reply. His hand felt sturdy against your clammy one. "You can call me (Y/N). Or Beetle. Whichever works."
"Beetle?" Someone in the room interjected. You were pretty sure her name was Emily. "How'd you get Beetle from (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?"
"It's a childhood nickname. Kinda stuck." You shrugged. "It's a long story."
That was how everything started.
Flirtatious was Derek's second nature. You convinced yourself not to be swayed by the sweet nothings he kept on dropping wherever he went, especially when you began to understand more about his dynamics with Penelope Garcia. You were just another side quest in his little game, and Derek was merely eager to be the number one top player in the leaderboard.
But your heart, unfortunately, had always been much more vulnerable than your head.
And Derek Morgan, as you came to find out, was its biggest kryptonite.
"Hey, Bug." Derek had approached you after one particularly grisly case. The nickname he had chosen to adopt for you after a couple of weeks being on the team dripped easily from his tongue. "Drinks afterwards?"
"Sure. Who else is coming?"
"Just us two tonight, sweetheart." He winked.
You should have seen it coming.
You should have known that getting drinks late at night with Derek Morgan--alone--was going to be the start of your rapid downfall.
Derek Morgan was the kryptonite to your heart.
Yet then again, you always knew you were secretly a masochist.
"Okay, okay, back up a minute," Derek choked out in between laughter. "That's how you got the nickname Beetle?"
You were quite enjoying the sight in front of you. Twinkled eyes, carefree Derek, who was finally able to let himself loose thanks to the alcohol in his system. The smile lines on his face miraculously made him appear younger, and you could almost catch a glimpse of the young, ambitous football star he once had been before he began pursuing the life of law and justice.
"Yep." You nodded sheepishly, stirring the remaining liquor in the glass in front of you. "I didn't know, okay? How was I supposed to know that beetles can reproduce and multiply that much in the span of a couple of weeks? And frankly, I blame my teachers for failing to satisfy the curiosity of an eight-year old me."
"Alright. Blame the underappreciated heroes of this country, then. How were they supppsed to know you'd actually manage to cause a beetle infestation, Bug?" He pointed an accusatory finger at you. "Please tell me you got punished."
"I did. Mandatory volunteer work." Derek stared in disbelief at your answer. "Well, they wanted to suspend me, but my mother could be very persuasive."
"Meaning, she threatened to sue the school?" Derek raised an eyebrow, remembering the one time you told him that your mom was a lawyer before she passed away.
The rest of the night unraveled similarly. With more anecdotes shared and less sobriety kept, conversation with Derek flowed effortlessly. It felt like a swimmer being back in the water after a year-long sabbatical. Before the two of you realized it, hours had passed since you and Derek first stumbled into that bar, and the finale of an exhausting day had at last morphed into the premiere of a better one.
At Derek's insistence, he accompanied you on the taxi ride back to your apartment, ignoring the constant protest that you kept voicing out loud during the entire journey.
"This is absolutely unnecessary. I told you I'm fine," you grumbled as you staggered from the taxi towards your apartment bulding.
Derek caught up with you easily despite having to linger back to pay for the taxi fare. You stopped on the steps leading towards the front door, too busy fishing for your apartment key to notice that your balance had started slipping from your state of inebriation.
You laughed drunkenly when you felt yourself fall into a pair of strong arms. "Whoopsies. Sorry."
"Careful, Bug. Don't hurt yourself," Derek muttered softly.
Your whole body shuddered at the sensation of his breath on your ear. Derek had never felt this close before. Not even when you hugged each other goodbye or when you embraced one another after a close call in one of your cases. This time, his arms around you felt intimate. That fact alone managed to sober you up even if only for a fraction.
"Okay. I'm okay."
You scrambled out of Derek's firm but gentle hold, finally producing the offensive key from your purse before inserting it into the key hole.
"Thanks for taking me home. You didn't have to."
"I know." Derek raised his fingers, pushing away the strands of hair that had fallen over your eyes as a consequence of the passing wind. "I wanted to."
You stood there under the darkness, body nailed in place by a force far greater than anything you ever knew. Derek was looking at you with an unidentifiable gaze. One that seemed to burn brightly beneath his eyes, but warm and tender once they fell upon your skin.
The intensity was new. Overwhelming. It struck your core, stripping you bare of any defense left in both your body and soul.
Perhaps, that was exactly why the next words even managed to leave your mouth.
"You're pretty."
And God, he really was.
Derek Morgan was beautiful. All six feet and two inches of him. He looked pretty in the mornings when he slid a warm cup of hazelnut latte across your desk, and he looked just as pretty in the evening under the delicate strokes of moonlight.
At the sight of his amused beam in response to your sudden remark, you began to contemplate why anyone hadn't tried to claim him as the eighth wonder of the world.
"I'm pretty?"
"I think you're prettier."
Derek took another step forward, closing the distance between the two of you until the air you exhaled became the very one he breathed in.
"Good night, (Y/N)." The rare sound of your name out of his mouth made you shiver.
Derek exterminated the remaining gap between the two of you. For a second, your entire nerve endings stood in anticipation, waiting for the moment that his plush lips would touch yours.
They never did.
Instead, his kiss had landed on your cheek, viciously close to where the line of your lips started that you could almost picture how he would taste when you closed your eyes.
Derek started to pull away, but he never got further than a mere centimeter before you decided to take matters into your own hand and pressed your own lips to his inviting ones.
He tasted of alcohol and mint. But most importantly, he tasted of Derek. A distinctive sweetness that erupted the dormant butterfiles in the pit of your stomach. They began to soar freely inside of you under the influence of Derek's touch.
Your entire being was on fire. What started as sweet and alleviating soon turned into a contest of desperation. Before you knew it, you somehow had managed to unlock the front door and moved inside, all the way to the door of your own apartment.
When he nipped your bottom lip, you couldn't help but moan into the kiss.
"Fuck," Derek murmured against your lips after hearing the needy sound you just made. "Fuck me."
"I'm trying to," you said impatiently, scrambling to get ahold of his collar and brought his lips back to where they belonged.
Your ministrations screeched to a halt with Derek's hands around your wrists. "Hey. No, Bug. Stop."
Derek took a step back then, letting your hands fall back to your side. He never strayed far from where you stood against the wooden door, but even that tiny bit of distance was enough to make you crave more of him.
You needed to feel his body pressed up against yours, to have him incredibly close that you had no idea where he ended and you began.
"Derek, please..."
You should have been ashamed by how wretched your voice sounded, but you didn't care. You wanted him past the point of caring.
His smile was gentle and forlorn at the same time. "No, sweetheart. Not tonight."
Just like that, your heart plummeted straight out of your chest. "What?"
"Go inside, (Y/N). Get some sleep."
Had it been any other day or any other person, you would have chastised yourself for your lack of propriety. But it wasn't any other person standing in front of you. It was Derek. Beautiful, kind, and courageous Derek. Your friend. Your kryptonite.
The oblivious owner of your heart.
"Don't go," you whispered. "Come inside. Stay with me tonight."
"I don't think that's such a good idea."
Your gut churned with dread. "Y-you don't?"
"Christ. I didn't mean it like that. Hey, look at me." He tugged a finger under your chin, forcing your eyes to stare into his dark ones. "You have no idea how much I want to. But you're drunk."
"So are you."
"Exactly my point."
"I'm not gonna have you forget our first time in the morning just because you were too drunk to remember it, Bug."
The urge to chortle was almost unbearable.
Derek seemed to notice the comical mischief shining in your eyes. "What?"
"It's funny that you think I would ever forget the first time we fuck."
A breathy laugh rumbled out of his chest. "You're a menace, woman."
"A menace who wants you. Please, Derek," you started to whine. "I'm sober enough to give my consent. Hell, I could even recite the entire FBI oath to prove it if you want. You wanna see? I, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend--"
"--the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic--"
"--that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same--"
You never did finish reciting the remainder of that oath.
The taste of Derek's lips on yours was an interruption you'd gladly welcome at any time of day. Through some sort of miracle, you managed to drag the two of you inside the safety of your apartment without ever breaking the kiss.
When it was time to come up for air, Derek's voice was raspy in your ear, "Sweetheart, I think--"
You didn't give him a chance to protest.
The kisses you peppered started on his neck. When your teeth gritted over his pulse point, Derek let out a low moan that vibrated through your entire being.
"Oh God..."
You continued showering kisses down his body, enjoying the way Derek had been bespelled by the magic of your touch. The buttons of his shirt came undone, and when you finally fell to your knees in front of him, you sucked hard on the skin where his abs met his pelvis.
"Shit. (Y/N), you don't... we don't have to--"
"For God sake, will you shut up?" You chuckled. "Did you not hear anything I said? Or should I just demonstrate how badly I want you right now?"
You took Derek's lack of further objections as permission to go ahead.
His buckle and pants came off pretty quickly. The next to go was his boxer, and the sight that greeted you afterward had your most intimate part gushing in excitement.
You wrapped your fingers around his hardening length. Tentatively at first, but the blissed out look on Derek's face only spurred you on even further.
"Is this okay?"
Derek gulped down before answering, "Yes."
You began to move your hand up and down, feeling Derek going stiffer and stiffer in your hand.
"Holy fuck," Derek cursed when you took his tip in your mouth.
He tasted divine on your tongue. It took a little while for your muscles to fully relax around his impressive size, but when they did, you began to bob your head back and forth, moving in tandem with the hand still wrapped around the rest of him that you couldn't fit entirely in your mouth.
"Yeah, just like that, pretty bug. You're doing so good," he panted.
Derek continued giving his praises, his words--along with his fingers in your hair--doing things to your body that had your thighs clamping down tightly. You began rocking in rhythm with the pace of your head and hand, trying to put pressure against the pulsing need inside your warmth.
"Fuck. Trying to relieve yourself, sweetheart? Sucking me off gets you all hot and needy, huh?" Derek moaned at the sight of you on your knees, teary eyed and full of him, writhing from the budding heat in the pit of your stomach.
You gave him one last suck before he pulled you up to your feet.
"Come here," Derek ordered before kissing you fervently.
He maneuvered the two of you from the doorway, following the direction to the bedroom that you had vaguely gestured at him. Once inside, Derek pushed you towards the bed while he threw his shirt onto the floor.
"You're naked," you mused in between giggles.
"And you're overdressed," he retorted. Your hands began to undo the buttons of your shirt before Derek's hand stopped them. "Let me."
He discarded your shirt in no time, your bra following not far behind.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered before leaving feathery kisses across your collarbone.
He started sucking on your nipple while fiddling the other one, enjoying the way your body reacted to every stroke of his tongue and every pinch of his fingers.
"Derek, please. I want to... I want--"
"Hm?" Derek paused his ministrations, keeping his hand busy by running it up and down your side. "What do you want, pretty bug? Tell me."
"I want you to touch me."
"I am touching you."
You whined. "You know what I meant."
With a chuckle, Derek left one last kiss on your breastbone before continuing his erotic journey southward. After sucking a mark underneath your belly button, he started fumbling with the button of your slacks.
"Fucking hell, sweetheart. You're soaked," he mulled out loud once you were free of the confine of your pants.
Even with your panties still standing as a barrier between Derek and your mound, you could feel every breath that Derek blew against your most sensitive part. There was no doubt surrounding the truth behind Derek's words. You could feel your wetness dripping down your thighs. It didn't exactly help that Derek had begun littering tiny kisses around your hip and pelvic bones.
When his lips made contact with your clothed core, the strangled moan you let out almost sounded animalistic.
"You taste so good," Derek said before diving in once again. "I could spend an eternity between your legs and die a very happy man."
"That's nice, but I don't want you to die just yet."
You tugged at his neck to bring his face back to yours, pressing both of your lips together in another heated kiss that had your toes curling inward.
"No more playing, please. I need you inside me right now," you rasped desperately.
"I still need to get you ready for me, sweetheart." Derek pecked your lips once more. "Why don't you lie back and relax, hm?"
Gingerly, you followed Derek's instruction. He made a quick work of removing your panties before his deft fingers began exploring your folds.
"So wet for me."
He inserted one finger at first, two, and then three inside your pulsing channel. It was a bit of a stretch, tight but not uncomfortable. Derek slid them in and out of you until you turned into a panting mess underneath him.
He shushed you gently. "I know, Bug. I know."
He worked as if he was a musician and you were his favorite piece of instrument. The heel of his palm found solace on top of your bundle of nerves, drawing circles over and over again to the rhythm of his fingers inside of you.
Before long, you could feel the coil inside of your body snapping, sending your whole entire being shaking as you fell to the edge of a newfound ecstasy.
Throughout all of it, Derek kept his fingers sliding in and out of you, helping you ride your orgasm until your body had finally stopped spasming.
When you opened your eyes, you were welcomed with Derek's awed smile and warm eyes.
"Hi, gorgeous," you murmured breathlessly, still floating along the aftermath of your earlier pinnacle.
"Hey," he whispered back, kissing your temple with the most delicate of touches. "How are you feeling?"
"Blisfully sated."
Derek laughed at your overtly honest answer.
"Are you tired?" he then asked. "Because we don't have to do anything else if you feel--"
"Derek Morgan, I swear to God. If you try to talk me out of this one more time..."
His responding grin was mischievous. "Yes, ma'am."
After one last kiss to your lips, Derek started lining himself up with your entrance. The sensation of his tip pressing against you awakened the momentarily satiated hunger inside your lower belly. And when he finally entered you--slowly but surely--you could physically feel the air being punched right out of your lungs.
"Oh my God," you breathed out once he had filled you to the brim. "You're huge."
"And you're so fucking tight."
He pulled out his length until only his tip was left inside before driving back in with enough force to shatter your entire world. In no time at all, Derek had finally found a steady rhythm. Moving in and out of you while his lips and hands paid attention to the other parts of your body.
"Derek, Derek, Derek," you moaned his name endlessly, relishing every drag of his member against the pulsating muscles of your inner wall.
You could feel every ridge of him inside of you, along with every brush of kisses that he scattered all over your skin, every lazy drag of fingers on the curvatures of your body. All of your senses had been heightened around the presence of him.
"So fucking beautiful. Fuck. Such a good bug for me, hm? So desperate for my cock that you couldn't even wait to sober up."
The heat of Derek's words fueled your fire even further. You began to writhe underneath him, scrambling to make sure that every inch of you was touching every part of him.
"Tell me how good I'm making you feel," Derek ordered between his thrusts.
"So good, Derek. Oh God, you feel so good inside of me. Please, please, please."
Your desperation was the motivation he needed. Derek shifted you both until he was on his knees and your body lying halfway across his lap. When he continued to move again, the vigor of his pace nearly had you seeing stars.
"You feel like heaven, pretty bug. So tight and warm. Bet no one can fuck you as good as I do."
"No one, Derek. No one."
"Are you close, sweetheart? Hm? Tell me how close you are."
"I'm close. So close," you cried out. "I'm gonna... Derek, I'm gonna--"
As if he was reading your mind, Derek brought down his fingers and started drawing tight circles on your clit. All the while, he never relented the pace he had set inside your pussy.
"You wanna cum?" Derek groaned as he continued to nudge you further towards the edge.
You blinked back the tears that threatened to spill over, nodding your head frantically.
"Use your words, Bug."
"Yes, yes. I wanna cum. Please, Derek, make me cum."
And just like that, Derek sent a powerful thrust that had your toes curling, ears buzzing, and body shuddering.
Your second orgasm washed over you in big, tidal waves. A silent scream broken into desperate pleas and moans as you rode the high with Derek still inside of you. It didn't take long for him to follow behind. The sensation of you cumming around him became the very thread of his own undoing.
He spilled everything he had inside of you before his spent body fell into your arms. The air was heavy with the smell of sex and the panting of both of your breaths. You reveled in the aftermath of what just transpired, running your hands up and down the muscular back of the person responsible for your satisfied smile.
When Derek finally lifted his head up, he was adorning a smile identical to the one you had.
"That was--" you started, but struggled to find the right word to say.
Fortunately, Derek knew exactly what you meant. "Yes. Yes, it was."
He left a single kiss, then two, and three under your breast, before resting his chin back on the soft cushion of your abdomen.
You smiled at his tired hum. "You're sleepy, aren't you?"
"No," he replied, betraying the slight droop in his voice.
"That's okay. Go to sleep, baby."
You weren't even sure that Derek had heard your last statement, because not even two seconds later, he had started snoring softly against your skin.
Slowly as to not disturb the sleeping giant on top of your body, you pulled the comforter and tugged the edge across Derek's shoulders. Before long, you, too, were slipping into the deep slumber with Derek's steady intakes of breath as your lullaby.
Derek's weight on top of you was an anchor, one that you could have never dreamed of physically having outside of your hopeless fantasies. But Derek was real, and he was there with you in the comfort of your bedroom.
For a moment, everything was alright with the world. But then again, this was only the beginning of an unforeseen end. And as much as you wanted to convince yourself otherwise, you knew that inevitably, something was bound to go wrong.
You just hoped that when it did, you would have the strength to make it all right again.
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Shoto's First Kiss | Timeline Update!
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My Beloved Readers - if you're eagerly awaiting Shoto's First Kiss Part 4, I wanted to let you know that this next chapter is going to be a BEAST. It will have drama, kissing, and ships galore. It will be LONG. I'm still building the framework and it's already 10 pages OOOOF. I'm aiming for this chapter to be 30 - 40 pages when all is said and done. Or maybe I'll split it into two chunks so I can post an update faster!?!? TBD!
I don't have a release date yet but I'm hoping to really dive into writing this weekend. So hopefully within the next 3 weeks?
But fear not! In the meantime, I have two slutty, smutty stories scheduled to post:
Tonight 7/19 - An Unexpected Turn of Events | Dabi/Touya x Reader
Friday 7/26 - Endeavor x Hawks | Steamy in the Shower | Part Two 💋
Please enjoy these fun little tales while I work on the behemoth that is Shoto's First Kiss.
Love to you all!!!
P.S. If you're new here and wondering what I'm talking about, here are the first 3 Parts of my smutty Reader x Todoroki fic - Shoto's First Kiss:
Shoto's First Kiss Series:
Part 1: Shoto Todoroki x Reader | First Kiss ❄️🔥💋
Part 2: Shoto Todoroki x Reader | First Kiss ❄️🔥💋 PART 2
Part 3: Shoto Todoroki x Reader | First Kiss ❄️🔥💋 PART 3
And here's my Master List for good measure ❤️
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chasedbyatlantic · 8 months
beach baby, joel miller
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summary: IN WHICH — while driving out along the coast, joel miller decides to surprise you with one of your favourite things - a visit to the beach.
warnings: post outbreak!joel, jackson era!joel, gender neutral!reader, implied/established relationship, love dovey joel, literally joel being husband material, relationship things, stripping, swearing. lmk if i missed anything!
wordcount: 2.5k
a/n: this and puppy love are tied for my fav fics rn. i am genuinely obsessed w this like i can imagine him doing this so vividly ugh. also! i opened my requests so gogogo and request any sort of fics! remember to reblog, comment, like and follow for updates on new fics. love u all xoxo
It had been years since the two of you had travelled together, outside of the walls. Of course, you weren't complaining about the safety that the walls had provided you and Joel, but you missed it. You missed the thrill, the always-on-edge feeling you got when travelling hundreds of miles from safety. Plus, to be quite honest, you missed when it was just you and Joel. Of course you had loved Ellie with everything in you, but there was just something that happened with you when you were by yourself with him; a euphoric feeling- a feeling you only got when you were with the man you loved.
Joel had gotten clearance (like he needed it, he would've just left anyway) from Tommy weeks prior to your departure from Jackson. Though you would only be gone for a month or two, Tommy had to reschedule people into your shifts at work and what not. When he had asked Joel on where he was going, he got no answer. Joel didn't know himself, usually he was a 'prepare for everything' type of person, but lately he has been more of a 'i'll go wherever the road takes me' guy.
The last time you were awake, it had to be hours ago at this point, the window was rolled far down and some sort of song by The Beach Boys was playing on the stereo (Joel had installed one just for you, as you proclaimed your undying love for music more times than he could keep track of). This time of the year was your favourite - it was summer. The days were long, the sun was out, and your hair grew a shade lighter. Joel, on the other hand, hated summer. He hated the way his clothes would cling onto him, and the way sweat would roll down his neck the second he stepped outside.
Joel had told you that you guys were going to head to California. Apparently there was a trader that he knew from a while back that he needed to pay a visit to, and had asked you if you were in for the ride. Without a doubt, you were. This lead you to the current moment.
You had moved around a little bit in the passenger seat of Joel's pickup truck, it wasn't the most comfortable. Although, you hadn't minded. Wind was still blowing in your face and through your hair, which had muted out the sounds of the familiar song you had fallen asleep to. As you attempt to stretch your leg and shift around, you can feel pressure holding it down. You had opened your eyes and glanced down, blurred vision, to observe Joel's hand resting upon your thigh.
You had exhaled as you sunk back further into your seat, life felt good- it felt normal. Joel's hand had reached up off your thigh for a split second to turn down the stereo a bit, but his hand took his returning place on the open of your skin. "You were out for hours, darlin'." You had only hummed in response (since you were only half awake, not completely aware of where you were).
"We're in California, crossed the border 'bout'n hour ago." This caused you to glance over at Joel driving. One hand on the wheel, sleeves rolled up, focused- god, if he wasn't driving you'd tell him to get in the back seat. "How long 'til we're at this place you're takin' me to?" You had to rip yourself out of the depths of your imagination after seeing him like this.
Joel had hummed to himself, attempting to mental math his way through the question you asked. "Don't know baby, before sun fall I'm guessin'." That was a good enough answer for you. You had brought your hand to rest on top of his over your thigh, and you could feel his grip loosen a bit once you did this. Joel always had to have a part of his body on yours, his love language most definitely being physical touch. In reality, though, he was afraid that if he let go of you- you'd disappear with the blink of an eye.
With the next few hours of just you and him talking about anything and everything, you had finally noticed the sun start to set. You hadn't even realized the day was almost gone. Being deep in thought with the hunk of a man right beside you had its cons, you had guessed. Right before you had opened your mouth, Joel beat you to it, "Gonna pull over here, I'll finish the drive tomorrow."
He did just as he said and took a right into an open field, the car ride became about fifty times bumpier than previously which you weren't a fan of. Though, it was over soon, Joel had found a nice place tucked just after the tree line for you guys to spend the night in. "Backseat?" He had questioned, glancing over at you.
"Jesus Christ, at least take me out to dinner first!" Had escaped your lips, followed with a bunch of laughs. Joel couldn't help but turn his neutral look into a happy one, a few chuckles in sync with yours. He loved you, but he loved you even more when you were like this. To say you being cocky and arrogant in a joking way turned him on was an understatement.
"The car'll get a flat if we do anythin' in that sorts, ya' know that." He had (sort of, not really) scolded you once both of your laughs had calmed down. A fake frown was now plastered on top of the beaming smile, sighing with a small 'fine'. All jokes aside, you had gotten out of the truck to hop in the backseat. Not for any funny business (unfortunately), but for actual sleep. Joel had beaten you there by just (in a bad fashion) crawling through the middle piece.
The seats had already been down from the nights previous, with the sheets and pillows already in place. Joel had already taken his shirt off and was laying down, stomach side up. You couldn't help but admire him as you switched what you were wearing to become more comfortable. "Starin' ain't well-mannered, doll." This resulted in you laying down beside him, stomach side down.
"You love it, don't lie." Joel could only chuckle in response as he drooped his arm around your waist. Sweet nothings were whispered to each other for the next while before one or the other fell asleep, you couldn't really remember. Nights like this were the most uncomfortable thing, but you found comfort in the man beside you every time.
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You woke up without the feeling of your man wrapped around you, which wasn't a good start to your day. You had only figured that he had probably gotten an early start to his day (once again), in the driver's seat was the new normal for Joel, at least for the last month.
You felt the sun beaming in your face- it was blinding, even with your eyes tightly shut. This had indicated to you that you were no longer in the forest, and for sure on the road. "Joel." You had hummed, moving around a tad bit.
There wasn't a response, he had to have been concentrated on the road- or you were just quieter than you thought. "Joel." You hummed once again, a yawn soon following suit. The only sound that had returned was the sounds of birds chirping, and- a sound you couldn't recognize. You brain was going about a hundred miles an hour, but you couldn't place what it was.
Now pissed off with him, you sat up and looking around. Your eyes were glossy at it was too bright to properly see anything- but you could see the empty driver's seat. "This isn't fucking funny!" You began to panic. Why didn't he wake you, why didn't he tell you where he was going, was he safe?
The thoughts were emptied out of your head when you heard him call your name, you immediately turn your head left and look out the window. It was Joel, thank god, but was that- it couldn't be, there was no way.
A beach.
"Holy fuckin' shi-" You were interrupted by the back door quickly opening, and Joel reaching his hand out. "Surprise." Surprise? This was more than just a surprise, to you. This was heaven. You thought you had already met heaven when you met Joel Miller, but this? This came to a close second.
You grabbed his hand and he pulled you out (carefully and what not). This man had the biggest smile on his face, ever. He knew this would make you happy, you always told him stories about when you were younger. Your grandparents had owned a little cottage on the water before they had passed, years and years ago.
"I cannot fuckin' believe it, Joel!" You sounded like you were going to bawl. You were, to be honest. Why was he so good to you- he didn't need to be, you felt as if you didn't deserve it. If anyone deserved surprises like this, it was Joel.
"Well ya' better start to, I ain't goin' swimmin' by myself." If anyone had a bigger smile than you right now, it was him (and it was a genuine one, too). You had brought your lips to him in a quick, but hungry, fashion. He didn't hesitate to kiss you back, there was nobody around to worry about seeing you two like this.
After a moment, you pulled back. You had immediately turned around and stripped, just leaving your undergarments on. Joel had adverted his eyes, despite seeing you with less on millions of times. After the last shoe was pulled off your foot, you turned back around. He had tried his hardest to keep his eyes on yours, not to trail them down your curved body. You had to do the same, Joel was just in his boxers and- well, it was a sight, to say the least.
You grab Joel's hand, intertwining your fingers between each other. He glances down, another small smile raising to his lips. This didn't last for long, though. Within the blink of an eye, you were racing down the burning hot sand toward the water with Joel following suit (not by choice, he would've loved to take his time).
It feels like a thousand needles are piercing you - the water is so cold, but you don't care. All you wanted was to swim. You had let go of Joel's hand before you completely dived into the water (once deep enough, of course). You were fully submerged and swimming for what felt like forever. You loved this, you craved it.
You remerged a couple yards away from Joel, who was still standing on the shore looking absolutely breathtaking, to say the least. "What're you waiting for? Get your fine ass in here!" You had called out to him. Joel took some baby steps in, but not past his ankle. You had shook your head, before an idea hit you.
You had swam over to Joel, eventually standing up when it was shallow enough. You had opened your arms as you approached him, giving him the hint you were going to give him a hug. "You do that darlin', an' I ain't drivin' your pretty ass back home." Joel sounded serious, but you knew he would never leave you.
"Yes you will." You argued to him, still approaching. The man in front took a hesitant step back, not trusting you. Quickly, before Joel could do anything else, you ambush. You jumped full force at him and wrap your arms around his neck, he cringes. He cringes so hard that he almost dropped you. Almost.
Joel had let out a moan, now freezing cold. With you in his arms, practically in tears from laughter, he finds a way to get payback at you. Now that he was wet, he decided to charge deeper in the water (you still in his arms). You let out a squeal once Joel was shoulder deep, both syncing your laughs shortly after.
Joel had let go of you, and now you were treading. Since it was up to his shoulders, it was above your head. "You're perfect, ya' know." His hand had found yours under the water, you let him hold it. "I am? Baby, ya' did all this for me. If anyone's perfect-" You brought your free hand to Joel's cheek, cupping it, "-It's you." He couldn't help but let a smile shine through his face.
It was true, if you searched up "perfect" in the dictionary Joel Miller would come up. He brought out the best of you, even on days where you couldn't get out of bed. He made your world, even if it was nearing the end of everyone else's.
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Hours later, once you two were completely red from too much sun and heat-tired, you lay in the back of Joel's pickup truck. It was night, pitch black. The waves were crashing alongside the waterline, and the birds had gone to rest. It was warm outside, but due to too much sun, the both of you were freezing. You were cuddled underneath a spare blanket that Joel had packed away before you guys left Jackson, bodies tangled with each other.
Today was the best day you had in a while- no, the best day you had period. Granted, anyday with Joel was a blessing, but today was different. You didn't have to survive, you got to take life for granted for a few hours.
You weren't the only one who enjoyed the day, Joel did too (if it wasn't clear). He needed both a mental and physical break after driving for hours and hours for weeks. When finding this beach while you were asleep, he knew it was perfect. Granted, he went and checked it out while you were sleeping to make sure everything was safe for you guys (it was), and that just added to his mood.
Light pollution wasn't a thing anymore, at least not in rural California, so you got to see the stars. Not just one or two, every star. "Joel," You spoke, squeezing his hand that was wrapped around your shoulder. He hummed in response, too tired for words. "The brightest stars in the sky, the one on the left is Spica, and the one on the right is Arcturus."
He looked up, almost surprised you knew this. He didn't take you to be an astronomy girl. "You're too smart for ya' own good." His finger rubbed up and down on top of your shoulder. You had leaned farther back into him, so carefree.
"I'm happy I got to be your beach baby." You blurt out, not really thinking about what you had said. This earned a quiet chuckle to escape from the man's lips. "You can be my beach baby any day ya' want." Joel's grip tightened around you, the pressure of his head was now felt on top of yours.
Everyday spent with this man was a good day- no, a great day. Being alive was luck, but being alive with your best friend was fate. You will never forget today, the day Joel Miller took you to a beach for the first time. You will never forget the look he had when he watched you being the happiest you've been in so long. For as long as you live, you'll never forget that you're Joel Miller's beach baby.
beach baby, bon iver
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yoonia · 4 months
Writing Update: 01.06.2024
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I'm back with my annual update psa just to give you a glimpse of what's happening this month:
Bedroom Hymns (myg x reader) ⏤ this month's target/estimated word count: chapter(s) 19 & 20; est. 20k words in total ⏤ progress written: around 9k words of the total word count goal for two chapters; some of the smaller scenes that were planned to be a part of chapter 19 has grown substantially longer, so there's a chance that I might have to split the chapter into two separate/smaller ones. I'm having a bit of too much fun with this part, I suppose. I think you'll understand once the chapter(s) comes out :)
Ever a Never After (jjk x reader; ksj x reader)  ⏤ this month's target/estimated word count: act 2 & 3; est. 15-17k words in total ⏤ progress written: outline work 100% done; around 3k words written of the total word count goal for two chapters in first draft writing; it's still a long process to go through but I've been jumping between act 2 & 3 as I'm writing, so I might be able to finish both chapters this month to release soon. Crossing my fingers :)
Hot Mess (kth x reader) ⏤ estimated word count: 6-7k words ⏤ progress written: 3,5k words (first-second draft writing) I haven't got the chance to touch this one as I was focusing more on previous stories. I'm planning to finish this fic soon though since this one's been sitting in my draft for too long :')
Alpha's Inferno (knj x reader) ⏤ estimated word count: 19-20k words ⏤ progress written: 8k words (first draft writing) it was pretty surprising that I decided to open this draft again. But with my plan on revamping the series, I was using this fic to motivate me on going through BMR again and maybe retouch some of the old ones
These are the ones that I'll be focusing on this month. I'll be on and off from my blog while I'm writing because things are going to be a bit crazy this month offline for me too. As mentioned above, I'm planning to revamp my Shifters series, and maybe some others too (*coughs* About Time *coughs*) so that's going to take away a bit of my focus, I'm sure. But I'll make sure to keep a regular update this month as always. See you soon!
note | If you’re interested in being added into my permanent taglist, please enter your url on this link or if you want to be tagged for EANA, drop your url here. If you only want to be added on a specific update, please add your url and the fic you’re looking for in the replies below, and remember to make sure that your url can be easily found/tagged. You can also subscribe to my Patreon to gain access to my writing journal and watch my daily writing process.
xoxo, Dia
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Hit ‘Em Up! (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Cowboy!Gojo Satoru x Cowboy!Geto Suguru x Black!Cowgirl!Reader (Slow Burn/Enemies to Lovers)
Synopsis: You get to meet Geto & Gojo the Gunslingers, the notorious outlaws that have every town and law enforcement in a twist, when your bum-ass BF offers you as payment to avoid going to prison. Little do they know that this is only a part of your plan to get what you desire. But when you realize that the infamous gun-slinging, smooth-talking cowboys could be everything you want and more when they offer you a deal to team up with them, will you successfully be able to go through with it? 
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINOS GTFO); poly!SatouSugu; Reader is Black & Fem; Mention of other JJK characters; Porn with Plot; Tragic Backstories; T/W for Childhood Trauma, Parental Death, Violence, Panic Attacks & Torture; Angst/Hurt/Comfort; Hand Kink; Masturbation; Voyeurism; Gay Sex; Polyamorous; Double Deepthroat; Mutual Oral; Fingering; CMNF; Spitroast; Riding; Unprotected PiV Sex; Creampies; Outside/Public Sex; Shotgunning; Multiple Positions; Spit Kink; Facials; MDom/fsub Undertones; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: Once again, thank y'all so, so, so much for the continued love & support! Just an update for everybody: I'll be going back to school in about 3 weeks so updates might slow down, BUT I will continue to upload when I'm free & have some time. Thank you again! And happy 4/20!! -xoxo, Jazz
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen PT I & II. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Epilogue. Soundtrack.
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“My, your such a good little cocksucker, aren’t you, sugar?” 
Gojo’s silky voice forming those dirty, nasty words only makes you suck on his thick, hard, beautiful cock a little more eagerly than before. He kneels in front of you, his hips and toned stomach in your face, letting you freely drag your hands over his six pack much to his enjoyment. 
He watches you with those alluring blue eyes as you gag all over his shaft and bounce on Geto’s dick at the same time. “And a good little cowgirl too,” the long-haired outlaw chuckles, soft moans and gasps leaving his lips as your warm, soft, velvety walls squeeze around him whenever you slam your pussy and soft, cushiony ass down onto him. “I should’ve known you’d be good at ridin’ dick too, little lady.” 
His hand comes down to slap your ass, emitting a muffled moan from around Gojo’s cock. The white-haired outlaw groans, gripping the back of your hair and pushing himself deeper into your mouth. “Fuck, you’re so fuckin’ sexy,” he moans. “You seem to be missin’ somethin’ though…I’ve got it!” 
He takes off his cowboy hat and puts it on your head, making Geto laugh as he begins to pump his hips up into you from below, fucking you back. “She looks so adorable,” he groans. “Just seein’ her like this makes me wanna cum.” 
Gojo hums in agreement, thrusting into your mouth in time with his partner’s dick pumping in and out, in and out, of your pussy, sinking you deeper and deeper into immense pleasure. “Me too,” he says and lifts your chin up to look at him and the way the moonlight illuminates his hair, turning it silver. “And you’ll cum with us, won’t you, cutie?” 
“Be as loud as you want, darlin,’” Geto moans, gripping your hips for dear life. “There ain’t nobody to hear you for miles. Just us and the stars.”
Hearing that and knowing the fact that it’s just you three alone among the moon, the stars, and the quiet forest makes me you want to cum. You can feel your orgasm quickly approaching the louder Geto and Gojo’s moans become and the more Geto’s dick glides against your G-spot. 
“Fuck!” Geto gasps. “I think our little cowgirl is close, Satoru. That sweet little pussy is squeezin’ around me so tight!” 
Gojo stares down at you adoringly and hungrily, slamming his hips into you​​r mouth. “Cum with us, darlin,” he demands. “Don’t let us do it alone. Give us what we want like a good little slut, hm?” 
Suddenly, the two begin to moan louder and warn you that they’re about to cum, using your holes to chase their highs. You can feel yourself being pushed closer, closer to the edge of bliss, about to fall off with them– 
With a gasp, you sit up in your bed adjacent to Shoko who has her back to you and is snoring so loud that it overshadows the buzzing of cicadas outside your window. You are coated in sweat, a normal occurrence for summers in the West, but you know that it has everything you do with your dream. 
“What the fuck?” you think, confused and flushed…and extremely bothered. Your pussy throbs annoyingly beneath your silk nightgown, even more so without your panties. It’s too hot for undies. 
You’ve never had a dream like that before about anyone, especially two outlaws that you were supposed to merk earlier!
The only dreams you have are about your childhood, your mother, and the night both were taken from you. They don’t happen every night, but they are the only dreams you have. You don’t have happy dreams and can barely have a good night’s sleep without your mind going a hundred miles an hour. 
But something about this dream, something about this duo, brings something out of you. A need to throw all caution to the wind. You don’t want to think that it’s because of your attraction to them. You tell yourself that it’s nothing; just a biological need as humans have. The dream meant nothing but to show you what you could be missing…right? 
You look at Shoko, thinking about her words of wisdom to you earlier. Could she be right? Could these men be the ones to help you reach that happy ending? ‘Only one way to find out,’ you think. 
You roll out of bed and, keeping your footfalls quiet, you begin to pack up. You pack some dried snacks, a canteen of water, and a clean pair of clothes in your bag before changing out of your sweat-soaked nightgown and into some clean, black riding gear. You then bend down in your closet to retrieve a dusty box hidden behind Shoko’s shoes and a key hidden beneath them. 
You unlock the box and smile at the contents inside of it: a silky, pink bandana and a black cowgirl hat. You take out each and put them on, already feeling more like yourself. Like the Fatale Femme. After you finally finish, you take a piece of paper with an ink pen and quickly scrawl out a note to a sleeping Shoko before leaving: 
Dear, Shoko, 
I’m so sorry I’m leaving you like this and that it took this happening to tell you the truth. I’ve been wandering the wild West for years, hunting down outlaws and running from the law as a living.
I came to Blackwater to not only kill Valentine but to find Gojo & Geto the Gunslingers and get some answers for my plan to kill Benji the Bandi. I have been hiding my true identity from you in fear of bringing trouble to your door. 
I care for you and those at the Blackwater saloon so much which is why I must leave. Please don’t try to look for me. If I’m alive, I will write and even visit (eventually).
Thank you for the friendship you’ve given me. Take care of yourself and don’t stay in Blackwater forever. The ain’t nothing here for you either. 
Sincerely, Y/N aka the Fatale Femme.
You leave the note by her beside. Then, in a flash, you take your bag and head out the door. The complex is dark and quiet when you leave, making it easy o slip ou ino he nigh. Behind the complex, tied up to one of the lamp posts, is your precious black horse who has been loyally and patiently waiting here at her post for five months since you came to Blackwater on her back. 
You’ve been leaving her here, only releasing her o ake he on lae nigh walks and feeding her apples and oas. Bu now, you’re ready to leave and so is she. Her ears twitch at the sound of you boots thudding in the dit and he tail begins to wag excitedly, knowing it’s you. You press a hand to her side and stroke her soft fur. 
“Hey, Reneigh,” you coo to her. “You ready to go, darlin’?” You take her reigns out of your bag and clip them on her before getting her saddle from behind a tree. As you place it on her back, she huffs, steam coming out of her nostrils. “You’re right,” you giggle. “I should’ve left this dumbass town a long time ago.” 
You kiss her snout, thanking her for waiting, before hopping ono her back after lacing one leg over her side. Once you’re on, you cluck your tongue against the roof of your mouh and snap the reigns once. Reneigh understands immediately and takes off down the road, he hooves clicking against the road. You guide her in the direction of the Maplewood Motel, knowing where it is due to the brothel you used to occupy at being two blocks up from it. 
‘1211 at the Corner of Maplewood, Rm 201,’ you think, keeping the numbers in you head even when you finally make it to the small, quiet motel. Not a peson no animal stis when you leave Reneigh outside in an empty cubby where other horses have their own. “I’ll be back,” you tell her, earning a headbutt from her in response. 
“You’d better,” she wordlessly says. 
You keep your gun a your hip as you walk ino he moel, past the sleeping desk clerk, and then up the steps to the second floor. You ignore your pounding heart as you walk to room 201 and give three knocks. “Comin’!” a silky voice calls out. Gojo Satoru. 
When he opens the door, he is only in his trousers and riding gloves, exposing his toned body and abs to you. That damn dream comes back to haunt you and you attempt give him a poker face despite your mind’s eye being filled with images of his naked body and cock. 
You’re so entranced by his body that you almost miss his eyes. You’ve never seen them before since he’s always wearing that blindfold. They are a gorgeous, hypnotizing blue, as blue as the crystal waters in the Bahamian islands. They widen an inch at sigh of you at his door. “Well,” he begins, “this is definitely a pleasant surprise.” 
“Who’s at the door, Satoru?” Geto calls from inside, sounding suspicious. He comes to the door too, luckily not shirtless but still looking hot in his cotton shirt and riding gloves, his long hair pulled back into a silky, glossy ponytail. “Oh, hey,” he greets, sounding shocked to see you. “So you kept the note.” 
“I did,” you reply rather sharply, you pulse jumping anxiously. “‘Cause I need some answers. Before I agree to this, I’ll need some information first.” The duo looks at each other as if asking one another if they should agree. 
“Anybody follow you?” Gojo asks, looking up and down the hallway. You shake you head and he opens the door ajar for you. “Come on in, then.” 
You do so, not thanking him, but he doesn’t mind. When the door shuts, you take a look around the motel: it is rather spacious and clean with a small kitchen, a wooden table sitting near the window overlooking the horses outside, brown, shaggy floors, and a big king-sized bed matching the beige walls. The duo has made their home in this room, two backpacks, clean clothes, and shoes lying about the bed and floor. 
Gojo follows you into the motel, clapping his hands together once. “First thing’s first: ya want some dinner?”
You blink at him, wondering if he’s serious. Wordlessly, you shake your head and he rolls his eyes at you. “What, you don’t want some good food before you start interrogatin’ us?” he chuckles. “We’ve got somethin’ cookin’ up over here.” 
He nods at Geto in the kitchen, cooking something savory-smelling on the small stove. His hulking frame blocks it from view, but it makes your stomach growl. Gojo nods at the wooden table and the chairs there. “Go on, take a seat and get comfy. I’ll take your bag and get you some water.” 
He goes to take your bag from you, but you grip it to your chest. “My bag is good here,” you argue. “And I don’t need anything, thanks.” Your stomach exposes you by gurgling loudly, making you flush. 
“Uh-uh,” he sniggers before he walks off to get you that water and a plate. The duo leaves you to sit alone to sit as they fix you something to eat and drink, much to your surprise. You didn’t think outlaws could be such gentlemen…unless something’s up. 
Minutes later, after listening to Geto hum a tune and Gojo crack jokes while he tosses on a shirt, your dinner is finally presented to you: a plate of Salisbury steak oozing with gravy, roasted potatoes, and green beans. “Here ya are, little miss. Made by yours truly.” Gojo gives a charming smile as he places a glass of water in font of you. 
“He’s lying!” Geto calls from the kitchen. Gojo puts a finger to his lips, winking.
You stare suspiciously down at the delicious-smelling food and gingerly take your fork to stab into the smallest tater. Gojo watches you weirdly as you sniff the potato and then place it in your mouth, slowly chewing it. “Had to check if it was poisonous,” you explain with a shrug. 
The white-haired outlaw looks hilariously offended by that. “Why would we do somethin’ so fucked?” he scoffs. “Jesus, girl, you are so paranoid!” You glare up at him, swallowing the potato. “With the work I do, you have to be.” 
Geto walks over with two more plates and glasses of water, placing them on the table. “I agree, especially in the state this world is in.” He sits down across from you along with Gojo, folding his hands under his chin. “Hope you don’t mind, but I’d like the say grace first.” 
Gojo dramatically groans, but bows his head anyway. Geto does the same while you keep your eyes open, watching them. “Dear Lord, thank you for allowing us another day to consume such a delicious meal with good company,” Geto prays. “Please give us more of these fine days with your blessing. Amen.” He lifts his head with a content, satisfied smile. It makes your stomach flip for some odd reason. 
“Ugh, finally,” Gojo sighs. “I’m fuckin’ starved!” He goes to finally dig into his food, but then stops and instead raises his glass of water. “Cheers to new friends,” he chirps and then frowns when he sees your face. “Acquaintances then. C’mon, you’ve gotta toast to that one!” 
Though you’d rather not, you did agree to be here. So begrudgingly, you raise your glass and so does Geto. “Cheers,” he chuckles and you clink glasses. “Enjoy, little miss.”
And you do though you don't tell him and your poker face is A1. However, the steak is savory and juicy, the potatoes are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the beans are salted to perfection. If Geto wasn’t an outlaw, he’d be a great cook. 
Though the food is good, your impatience gets the best of you the longer dinner goes on and you can’t enjoy it without your stomach roiling for answers. “Sooo do y’all wanna start talkin’ or should I?” you ask, rather impatient. The men look up at you, still eating. Insead of looking shocked, they look amused. “Well, if you insist on givin’ us the floor,” Gojo chuckles. “Whatcha wanna know?” 
You swallow some wae to give you some courage, wishing it was liquor. “Just out of curiosity, as well-known as y’all are, why’d you decide to work with Benji and Valentine?” you ask, getting straight to the point. 
Geto is happy to enlighten you as he sips on his water while Gojo finishes chomping on his steak like a wild pig. “When we met Benji, we were young and dirt poor, robbin’ anybody just to eat. One day, we robbed a banquet of rich folks not knowin’ that they were Benji’s people. He beat us to a pulp and had his crew tie us to railroad racks.” 
You nearly choke on your piece of steak. Geto shrugs like it’s nothing. “However, he gave us a proposition: he could either kill us or we work for him and pay off our ‘debt’ to him. As two teens with nothin’ to lose, how could we say no?” 
“We worked for him for two years, helpin’ him rob banks, beat people up who owed him money, etc, etc,” Gojo adds, “but we never killed no one. That was somethin’ we fused to do…until we had to.” His ocean-blue eyes look down at his water, fiaxating on it. You have a feeling that this is a hurt piece for them, especially when Geto gets up to clean his and Gojo’s empty plates. 
You watch him walk to the kitchen in silence, his big boots thudding across the floor. He turns on the sink and begins to soak the dishes in hot water.
“We were in Bull’s Creek chasin’ down a guy that owed Benji money for savin’ his farm,” he explains as the water runs. “He had moved himself and his family into hidin’, but we found ‘em and dragged them all outside, hogtied…includin’ the kids.” 
You bite back a gasp, a vision of your small town popping into your head the night your life changed: burning homes and businesses; kids crying for their parents in the street; families beaten in front of their children; your mother’s arms stretched out to you as her neck bursts with blood. 
You swallow hard, not sure if you want him to continue, but you listen anyway. “We thought Benji just wanted the husband, but imagine our shock to find out he wanted everyone,” Geto continues as he scrubs one of the plates with a sponge. “Told Gojo and me to put a bullet in all of ‘em, make sure that thee we no survivors that could place his face. In reality, I think he just wanted to test us.” 
“And ‘cause he’s a sick motherfucker that gets off on the death of innocents,” Gojo adds. He sounds nonchalant, but you can tell he’s angered by how hard he grips his glass. “We didn’t do it, so he forced us to watch his minions do it. They left their bodies to bake in the sun, not even givin’ the kids a grave.” 
You’re silent, processing the awful yet confusing information. Could they really be different from the outlaws like Benji, Valentine, and the ones that destroyed your home? Could these two really have morals? 
Geto finally stops cleaning and comes back over to the table. “After we realized how crazy Benji was, we left and haven’t seen him since,” he explains as he sits. “That’s when we made our business targetin’ the baddies across the West and made a name for ourselves. People started comin’ to us for help.”
That explains why so many corrupt people were showing up in the papers, dead. Maybe…just maybe…they could be different. 
“So what about Valentine?” you ask, pushing your plate aside. “How’d you meet him?” 
Geto leans back in his chair, crossing his leg over the other. “A year ago, he came to us askin’ us for help to get some trafficked money off of a Cherrywood train that was stolen from his land.” 
“Such a big, fat fuckin’ lie,” Gojo sighs disappointedly, shaking his head. “But because we were stupid, we said yeah and he agreed to cut us half of the money if we helped him. We teamed up with his crew with no problem, not realizin’ that we had been set up from the jump.” 
He then pulls a cigarette and a matchbox out of his pocket. Before he lights it, his blue eyes tick to yours expectantly. "You don't mind?" he asks and you shake your head, so he strikes a match, lights his cig up, and takes a puff. Geto walks over and Gojo passes him the cigarette which he gladly takes a drag of.
When Geto speaks again, you see the entire scene flash in your head down to the last gruesome detail: “As soon as we got on that train, he took everyone hostage, includin’ the conductor. We tried to stop him, but he and his guys massacred every person on that train and then escaped before the train went off the rails. It crashed, but we survived and woke up in a cell.” 
He pauses, taking a sip of his water. With Valentine MIA, we were forced to do some time before the sheriff cut us a deal: if we help bag Valentine and keep up good behavior aka no killing, we stay out of prison.”
He shrugs passively. “Seemed easy enough, so we took it and now, here we are with you.” He gives you a smile as does Gojo, warm and friendly despite the horrible, complicated story they told you about Benji’s sadistic ways and being framed by Valentine. 
You look between the two of them, even more confused than before. Their smiles fade as they read your expression, probably thinking the worst. You put your hands on the table and interlace them as you lean in toward them. “You barely know me and you’re tellin’ me this,” you point out. “Why?” 
The two share a glance, probably not expecting this question. But Geto answers you regardless: “Because we want you to make this decision. We want your help, Y/N, but we won’t force you. If you want to walk out that door, you can.” He juts his chin at the motel door, your exit from this conversation AND possible agreement. 
But something, whether it be their honesty or the way they look at you with such genuine warmth, keeps you there. You look down at your hands. They are shaking. 
“You wanna know why I want Benji?” you ask, not waiting for a yes. “While it may be a stretch, I believe takin’ him out would let every other fucker on this God-forsaken planet know that their sins and crimes will not go unpunished. It would scare them to know that such a powerful man like Benji the Bandit was taken out by someone, let alone a woman.” 
You raise your head to look at Geto and Gojo again, still seeing those genuine, soft gazes. 
“I’ll help y’all,” you firmly say, “but on one condition: y’all help me get out of the county and to Willow Springs.” 
Gojo raises an eyebrow, confused and curious. “What’s in Willow Springs exactly?” he asks. 
You nearly smile at his question, picturing the beautiful town located in the North already. “Freedom,” you answer. “A life without constant runnin’ and dodgin’ the law. A quiet life out of the West…but the only way there is through the Devil’s Trail.”
Aka the hardest, roughest trail in the West. It is known for its treacherous heat, barren, dry lands, and predators lurking around every rock and cactus. There is no way you could ever survive on your own. 
You look at Geto, crossing your arms over your bosom. “I thought about what you said: if Valentine does talk, I’ll need the protection, especially on Devil’s Trail. When we catch Benji, you’ll take me to Willow Springs. Then we’ll part ways, forget this ever happened, and live happily ever after.” 
You stick your hand out to them, wordlessly asking for a deal. The two share a glance before they each smile. “You’ve got a deal then, little lady,” Geto says before he shakes your hand.
Gojo does the same and you ignore the tiny spark of electricity you feel zip up your arm when you hold each of their leather-covered palms. 
“Now let’s get some sleep,” Gojo announces, looking pleased. We’ll need all the rest we can get ‘cause tomorrow will be a long day.” He nods at you, smiling. “But first, you need a room.”
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rbkzz · 3 months
...[*whispered*] wip wednesday?
(context under the cut)
(is this is too long?)
(i wrote a trixie/keris one-shot)
(it is my first written thing)
(i am so nervous!)
(trixie pov)
Penelope Bunce is once again whirling around our room like a frizzy haired tornado.  She has literally picked up and put down every single article of clothing, book, paper, or other object at least twice (except the box under my bed, thank goodness I spelled that).
She’s such a menace – their whole golden trio is.  People say I’m annoying because of my dust, short attention span, and possessive tendencies (well anyone who had to grow up in a lower faedom and pay a tithe to the aes sidhe of all your most precious belongings each year would end up being a possessive brat too! I just don't like to share if I can avoid it is all)... 
…but I think the ‘golden trio’ made up of Snowbuncebelove should get an actual award for being the most annoying, self-absorbed students at Watford.  Nobody else would stand a chance - they’d win that award category every year.
Recently on discord my alpha @noblecorgi was lamenting the lack of lesbian smut in the CO fandom... they then got into an interesting discussion with @roomwithanopenfire about pixies/other fae folk. There was aaaalso a recent conversation about Niamh and their perspective in AWTWB about how the leads of CO had been living in their own bubble at Watford (unreliable narrators the whole lot of 'em!!)
Even though I don't write I loved the ideas that were shared, so I decided to try to smoosh them all together into a Trixie/Keris one-shot lesbian smut fic.
I got really excited about writing and caught up in the experience of it - it was so much fun!! Now I know why people do it! @roomwithanopenfire even beta read for me for which I am soooo grateful ♡♡♡♡
......aaaand then the next day I embarked on an intense perfectionist shame spiral (iykyk) and decided I should hide myself and my ideas away forevermore 🥲
However...... my brain itself is an unreliable narrator 🫠 And my recent therapy homework is to regularly try new things, mess up publicly, and be imperfect in order to rewire my brain to understand that I am still okay even when I am bad at things. Sooo I am posting part of my first fic here as therapy homework and for accountability as well as to continue on my plight of becoming consistently and unabashedly imperfect. Maybe someday I'll find the courage to post it on ao3 😬
I don't know about tags because I'm still so confused and shy about putting myself out here on tumblr 🙊 but I doooo want to say THANK YOU for tags and hellos! I love to read what y'all are up to, even though I usually wait til fics are posted in completion before starting (I'm too impatient to wait for chapter updates 🤪). xoxo!
my first wip wednesday!
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usagiarchive · 1 year
as long as you love me — masterlist !
vash the stampede (tristamp) x f!reader
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"as long as you love me, we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke,"
⌒⊹˚୨୧ SYPNOSIS — After falling into a PLANT tank, one of the best PLANT engineers on SEEDS Ship 03's life turns upside down (literally), and it only gets even more complicated when she meets their newest crew member in the red jacket. In a favor-for-a-favor predicament, she joins him on his quest to help this new planet's PLANTs.
⌒⊹˚୨୧ CONTENT — PLANT!engineer!reader, slowburn, friends to lovers, fluff/angst/smut/etc, almost all tropes that you usually find in a normal fic are in here idk, when it's very specific i'll put it here.
⌒⊹˚୨୧ STATUS — ongoing ! (08/20/23) updates every sunday
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oc character sheet / vash's playlist / wattpad / ao3
⌒⊹˚୨୧ ARCS:
(please excuse my god awful attempt at naming the arcs)
⊹ INTRODUCTION (ongoing!) 01 — the fall 02 — a favor for a favor 03 — SEEDS Ship 06 04 — saloon job 05 — i hate everyone 06 — the melody of a piano 07 — sheryl.
BOUNTY (locked)
LOVERS (locked)
HOPELAND (locked)
JULAI (locked)
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usagi's note: hi, this is my actual first time posting on tumblr (pls tell me if any of the formatting is wrong or if it looks weird on your part) + this is my longest fic lol, but yk, anything for my babygirl ;) thank you to everyone who is planning to read my fic! oh btw this is also cross-posted on ao3 and wattpad :)) credits to all owners of the media used in this whole fic, i own nothing, thank u to the tumblr banner girlies, u make tumblr look so pretty xoxo
taglist is open! send an ask or just comment below! @onixsn @sharkalina666
©usagiarchive 2023. do not copy or paraphrase, repost to other platforms, or translate without permission, thank you.
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nymphl · 3 months
are you back? please tell me you're back!!! saw you reblogging some stuff and went to see if you had updated :( went down the rabbit hole and reread your hux stories again. hope you ok, xoxo
Hi xD
Life has been A LOT lately and I didn't have any time or energy to write anything. BUT The Acolyte has drawn me back in and YES, I'm back!
What can I say? Manny is something else (love Lee Jung Jae as well, have always loved the man ever since I watched Chief of Staff - what a handsome and charming son of a bitch he is in this kdrama, please go check it out).
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And although I've jumped on the bandwagon of Oshamir stories (I'll be posting one soon soon), I'll also be updating Lie to Me and Bloodbound (it has been a while indeed - can't vouch for In the General's Bed though sorry xD).
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It's only been this week (and thank God for the winter break - yes, it's winter here in Brazil, even though it feels like spring) that I decided to go check on my stories and saw that I've almost 4k done for LTM and almost 9k for BB.
I need to work a little bit on them before I post thoughn (I'm a bit rusty tbh), but I can guarantee that before this month ends, I'll have updated at least once both of this stories.
Thanks for asking and for remembering my stories, I'm not sure I'll have any readers left after such a long absence though xD Love you all <3
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And while we're at it, I'd be delighted if you recommended here your fav Oshamir fics. I plan on checking them out these days.
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like-rain-or-confetti · 8 months
Hey luv just wanted to say Merry Christmas if u celebrate and tell all the rogues I say the same lol have a great day whenever a notif from u comes up a smile instantly comes on my face whether it's a fic or a scenario or even just a life update I always luv to hear from u I'm so thankful I found you this year and am very excited to see what you have in store for 2024 thank u for making my year so memorable lots of love from NY
~Elegant Face Tree
R: I hate you. You absolute bimbo- that's a thing peasants say when they can't achieve their own goals and endure their own glutinous desires! You're NOT changing! You're as INSUFFERABLE AS EVER!
I'd get Scarecrow, Two-Face and Black Mask to drop by and say hello but their all drinking in the corner. So have Harley declaring she's a new person now that 2024 has begun and Edward screaming because Edward is Edward.
Anyway, happy belated Christmas and happy belated new year everyone! Sorry I didn't get my way to here sooner!
This message is so sweet 😭. You're such a sweetheart. I'll give you rogues and a life update. Just because it's you 😘
So, I'm being discharged from therapy after two years. That's fun! I've come a very long way but I guess if I had to sum it up how I'm feeling now... it's 'oh shit, my life isn't over??'. I will be working on getting my life back on track.
I've made a new reading goal for the year. Currently on book...6? I think 6. I know. Its weird I've gotten this far already too.
I'm experiencing a horrendous, unshakable writing slump still. (As you all might have figured out with my lack of posting.) It's had be questio the future of the blog several times. It's exhausting.
Honestly? Not much to talk about beyond that for me personally. I get annoyed at the Internet a lot? Does that count as an update?
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blis00ya · 3 months
hi, hana here
**i finally created a tumblr after SO long** | 23 | she/her | s.e.a
this is mostly for my ult OTP which is eruhan and my very, very ambitious big family HC that i've had for them. might include atla/tlok characters bcs it's my current obsession too! <3
i'm also into dead dove since i'm pro-fic so there might be instances where i wanna delve/talk about taboo and dark themes of my other AOT ships (with appropriate tags/label ofc)
will further customize this xoxo, for now i'll drop my biggest (un-updated) contribution to the small eruhan community
i'm also here (gonna copy how vic did hers cuz im clueless):
twitter | ao3 | socmed aus soon
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clare-with-no-i · 9 months
Your James is multi-faceted, multi dimensional, unbelievably well written??!! Honestly the complexity in his mind. His vulnerability. His powerful presence. Your writing is like a love letter to him 💞💞💞
Will we get a theogony update anytime soon (no rush though)!!
Side note: my fav smut scene was in “I sink the boat” specifically: “He oscillates between recklessness and tethered restraint as he fucks her. Moments of wildness emerge, his pace erratic and harsh, as though he’s remembering something that angers him, that puts him on a knife’s edge, tipping toward violence.”
Good GOD. I’ve never seen something like this written in a fic before??!! 🥹👉🏼👈🏼
Bless you honestly, xoxo
you're absolutely, profoundly too kind! tysm!!! I love James so much, my best boy, my sweet prince…I am so happy to hear that my version of him resonates with you.
& yes I am working on theogony ch11, I'm sorry it's taking so long :/ I think because it's the last thing I'll ever write for theogony I keep getting tripped up and stop-starting over and over again. but I only have a few scenes left to finish, which is good!
honestly I totally forgot about that moment in istb! what a time! what a moment in history that story was lol! but I'm so glad you enjoyed it and that that passage (which, wow, lot going on) sticks out :)
tysm you really made my day with this!!
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itisdreamcatcher · 9 months
it's 1:45 AM and I just washed my hair and I'm about to dye it since it's been too long since I retouched my roots (I can see my natural hair colour AND my grey hair. yes, I'm a young adult. yes, I'm constantly stressed. yes, I don't remember how peace feels anymore. I wouldn't mind a hug, if you are wondering.) and I have to do my maths hw but I've just read a fic that made me bawl my eyes out and I'd like to be more observing and go in-depth and thoroughly study psychology but also know everything there is to know about ADHD, depression, BPD, hyperfunctioning anxiety, OCD and Autism now. I also need to get the nail polish off my nails and paint it all over again because it's all chipped. to be fair, I really like the chipped look. it makes me feel cool and like I'm a rockstar. it also makes me realise how much of a mess I am and how much I actually just don't have the energy to do basic human needs so, there's that. I also might put on a clay mask as my dye processes. that will feel good.
well, I'll update anyway if I don't fall asleep.
it's currently 1:53 AM and I am slowly realising I should get the pretty black notebook I have and make it my journal.
hear from you soon,
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gurugirl · 5 months
Hey Gurugirl!! I just wanted to let you know that i love your writing!! I hope I’m not bothering you. I wanted to ask you if maybe it would be possible for a mcc harry fic. Maybe one where he gets her pregnant? Also I don’t know if you recall. But I am the person that asked for that break out of jail harry/mafia boss harry thing. You probably don't remember it was so long ago. I usually wouldn't ask for a request. But some guy that I liked. Really wasn't very nice to me. Your writing always cheers me up. Absolutely no worries if you can’t do it though. Thank you for everything, your an incredible writer!!!🥰🥰🥰
Hi love!! Thank you so much! This is so kind of you 🥰 You're not a bother at all 💕
Yes! I have a few really good mcc harry ideas to write and I can add this idea to the list. Sorry I haven't given y'all an update on them in a bit!!
And for the mafia jail break one - I had a few requests that were like this so I'll look through my asks.
I"m sorry you had to deal with someone that wasn't nice to you. Sometimes guys just suck and it sounds like you're better off without! I'll try to get to your request as soon as I can babe!
Thank you for this kind note and your patience 🥰
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ohtobemare · 7 months
hi from your captain, just an update
hi hi, tumblr fam.
so. 2/14 i announced my breakup with tumblr for a little while. and i cannot say enough how refreshing it's been to have the app off my phone and not worry about this hellsite.
that said, after taking a long hard look at my life and some things, i did decide to go ahead and '86 my smutty 400 followers celebration and all the requests that were made for that series.
i am so beyond sorry it came to this. the celebration should never have existed, and i have the best fanbase, however small you may be.
it's probably so disappointing and for that i am sorry, but i cannot apologize for prioritizing my spiritual and emotional health. still going through a lot right now but i finally feel a wee bit more centered with taking control of my fanfiction habits and what content i am consuming.
that said, i am playing around with a couple of longform fic ideas. i know those aren't popular on tumblr, but i might try my hand at one again and publish over on A03 or fanfiction.net. haven't written non-reader fic in a hot minute so i'm nervous about it.
i just wanted to send a little update to let ya'll know i am not dead and i'm still here, just as a little more conscious and holy version than i was before.
i love you all so much and maybe, just maybe, i'll post a little somethin'-somethin' to celebrate 400 followers, because you all deserve that.
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thatbanditqueen · 2 years
missing becky and elvis. any clues as to whats to come for them?
Oh dearest anon,
It won't be too long! I've written over 3k and I think I'll post the next chapter by the end of the week. As for what is next? Well, so far, Elvis has tricked Jerry into an impulsive road trip back to Jackson and this chapter takes place almost entirely in Becky's house. The next chapter will take place at Graceland.... other than that, I'm reluctant to reveal too much, though I have been getting ideas and inspiration from anons and some of my favorite fic writers and movies too. I'm almost convinced to make this an alternate AU fix it fic. But before I even get there, elvis and Becky have some baggage from their respective pasts and current bad relationship habits to overcome. 😉
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I hope you enjoy the next update, thanks for writing, your enthusiasm keeps me excited in this story!
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