#then we'll attack min NEXT
risingsoleil · 1 month
do more of linzin funny moments with their kids!😭
I present to you a few fun moments Linzin has with each of their kids when they're tiny:
He's doing his homework at the table.
"Mommy. Mommy! MOMMY!!!"
Footsteps come closer. "Don't shout. Use your indoor voice."
Kang wiggles in his seat. "When were you and Daddy born?"
"He was born in 119, and I was in 120."
"Did you meet Avatar Kyoshi?"
She makes a face. "No. She was reborn as Grandpa Aang."
Scribbles filled the blank lines, his tongue poking out at the corner of his mouth. He paused. "Ok. Were you alive when the Fire Nation attacked?"
Lin puts a hand on her hip. "How old do you think I am?"
Kang blinks. "Enough to know all the Avatars."
She mentally facepalms.
"Did Daddy get meet Avatar Wan before you then?"
She's sitting in Lin's lap at an event and turns to face her mother. Lin is engrossed in a conversation with a colleague, who also happens to be a mother. So it doesn't surprise Lin's colleague when she sees Areum suddenly turning and playing with the betrothal necklace.
"Mommy." Her fingers trace the designs.
"Hold on, sweetie. Mommy is talking to someone."
Areum pouts and grumbles under her breath until the lady finally leaves the table.
"Mommy," she groans.
"What is it?"
She points at the necklace. "I want one too."
Lin touches it for a moment, trying to remember which necklace she's wearing. Immediately she knows. "Then you need to marry someone from the Water Tribe to make you one when they want to marry you."
"I don't wanna wait."
A few days pass and Areum goes up to Tenzin.
"Daddy, can you make me a 'get married' necklace?"
He picks her up and holds her in his arms. "A what?"
"A necklace like Mommy's. The one you gave her when you got married," she explains and Tenzin 'ah's in understanding. "I asked the boy in my class, but he doesn't know how to."
Tenzin frowns. "Which boy?! He's not going to make you any necklace."
"Why not?"
"Bc you're not getting married, sweetie. Especially not to whoever this boy is."
"No buts. I'll make you a 'get married' necklace."
Lin is working weird hours and Jin has been asking her and Tenzin everyday what time she's supposed to come home. Every day, Lin makes sure to write a note or tell him what time she's going to come home.
Today is a good day bc Mommy is coming home earlier! She's not coming home in the middle of the night. That means she can cook and play and go out on Oogi.
"I'll be home at 15:30."
Tenzin hears loud sobbing coming from the window and goes out to investigate. He sees his son, tears streaming down his face and cheeks red. His poor boy inherited his red-face syndrome.
Tenzin kneels next to his boy and holds him. "Why are you crying, Jin? Did something happen? Are you hurt?"
He checks the clock. "It's only 15:31, son."
It takes 20 mins for him to calm down his son (desserts did it for him, and he's willing to pay the price for a sugar crash later on). Finally, they hear metal boots clanking and Jin perks up, running to the person he's missed all day.
Jin hugs her and demands to know why she was late. He frowns at her for breaking her promise and not being home at 15:30 like she promised.
Lin rubs his back. "Alright, what will make you feel better?"
"I want dragon beard candy for breakfast. I can stay up late like you and Daddy. We go to the top of Kyoshi Bridge."
"Well, we can't do that all in one day. But we'll do that."
"And I want a baby brother."
Tenzin trips over air in the background.
Lin looks at Tenzin, then her son.
"Why do you want a little brother? You have your sister."
"So i can be a big brother. MeiMei is too mean."
"Well..." And she knows her husband is listening closely. "Daddy and I have to talk about it."
It's summer and Tenzin is sure there's a heat wave rolling over Republic City this year. He's meditating without a shirt on because he's probably going to sweat with all the humidity surrounding the island.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
The air shifts and a tiny body climbs on top of him.
"Daddy, look at me."
He doesn't open his eyes. "Sweetie, I'm meditating."
The small figure climbs off of his back, but stands at his side and traces her fingers down the back of his head, along his back. She follows the lines until she can't reach.
"Mommy wants to know why you don't have your shirt on."
"Because it's hot."
Her hand disappears. "Okay."
For the next ten minutes, Mei doesn't disturb him. Then he feels her sit next to him. A swell of pride fills his heart.
'She's meditating with me. She's so sweet. My little baby girl. I love her so much.' he thinks.
Then he hears a new voice.
"Why is her shirt off?"
His eyes open immediately and he peers over at his firstborn. Sure enough, her shirt was thrown off to the side and she's sitting topless like him on the pavilion. From behind, Tenzin can see Lin holding their son on her hip and giving him that "what the hell?" look.
Before Tenzin can answer, his daughter pipes up,
"Daddy says it's hot, that's why he's not wearing a shirt. It's hot, so I took off my shirt too."
Lin sighs.
Why do kids take everything literally?
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dearweirdme · 1 month
Hi Rain, I hope you are doing well!
I had many "caps lock flashbacks" about this topic. At the time, whenever a taekooker mentioned their concerns about tk interacted less and less on camera despite being closest behind the cameras, they got yelled by Army. They were ready to attack with "IT IS BECAUSE OF YOU THEY DONT INTERACT!1!1!1 YOU ARE SHIPPING THEM, BOTHERING THEM WITH TAEKOOK BULLSHIT, YOU MAKE THEM UNCOMFORTABLE THEY ARE BROTHERS SOSTOPIT!!11!!!” (Some of them still yapping like these, I think. I don’t know, I stopped paying attention.)
It was first class, constant gaslighting. Things got really ugly especially after the Namsan date imo… Those were the dark days (we were happy if they sat next to each other in award shows more than 15 min) that I couldn’t have imagined 2023 taekook and beyond at the time. Now, I think all those ups and downs (we couldn’t imagine even one percent of what went down behind the scenes) they went through and survived together, i am just happy to see how they were in 2023 and watching them like that in AYS that idgaf what jikookers or other desperate shippers say. TK really survived the test of time and become stronger.
As JK puts it perfectly:
"They can't deny our love
They can't divide us, we'll survive the test of time
I swear that I'll be right here"
I am looking forward to what 2025 will bring for them (only good things hopefully🤞)
Hi anon!
I am doing well, thank you for asking 😊.
Thanks for your insight. Though I always regret not having found BTS sooner, I don’t envy older Tkkrs going through those times. It must’ve been so hard to see Tae and Jk go through the things they went through… and just knowing that what people say is wrong. I am already so happy to just see them be able to cuddle and touch for a bit .. I can only imagine what that must feel like for people who’ve been through the dark times.
Absolutely with you in looking forward to 2025.
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doyouknowbtsswag · 2 years
Soonie Doongie and Dori |Lee Know|
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I knocked on Minho's door holding a bag of cat treats. A few seconds later I heard footsteps coming from inside. The door unlocked showing Minho in sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
"What's up?" He asked. "Didn't know you were coming over"
"I didn't either till I went into a pet store and grabbed your children's treats"
"We'll come in it's cold out," He said opening the door more.
When I walked in I saw Soonie looking at me. He meowed softly and walked over to me as Minho took the bag from me. I picked up the orange cat and walked to the living room seeing the other two laying on the couch. Soonie jumped out of my arms and into the floor. I saw a cat toy and sat on the ground.
"So what did you need?" Minho asked looking at me.
"Your cats" I replied starting to play with them.
"As if," He said grabbing a fake mouse and joining in on the fun.
"One of these days when you're on tour I'll sneak in and get them"
"I don't think so" He smiled picking up Dori and kissing the cat on his cheek. "They love me too much"
"Sure" I teased.
"I can kick you out"
"Sorry sorry" I giggled and grabbed the laser pointer. I stood up and pointed it at the couch. All three cats jumped up and tried getting the light. I pointed it at Minho who checked his phone for a second.
"Hey" Minho smiled having all his cats on top of him. He hugged them all as they tried to escape his grasp. He let them go and they went to play on their own.
"They're too cute" I smiled and pet Dori.
"You hungry?" Minho asked standing up and walking to the kitchen. "I have leftovers"
"I wouldn't mind some food"
"Good I need to get rid of it," He said heating up the food. "Thank you for bringing over the treats"
"Anything for my best friend" I smiled.
"You're too kind"
"I meant the cats" I teased making him punch the side of my arm.
"Hey what was that for," I said over dramatically.
"Here's your food," He said placing it on the table.
"Thank you," I said as we both sat down at the table.
"What have you been up to?" He asked.
"Work," I said while eating. "All work"
"Nothing else?" He asked. "I thought you were looking into going back to university?"
"I'm still not sure if I want to" I sighed.
"Why?" He asked.
"Too much work" I whined placing my head on the table.
"I think you should if you want to get the master's degree so you can get a better job"
"I know"
"I can't stand your boss by the way"
"I know you've told me"
"He overworks you I don't like it," He said.
"It's okay Min," I said picking my head back up. "Plus you overwork yourself all the time"
"That's why I don't like it because I know how it feels."
"You really know how to cheer people up"
"Let's go feed them the treats you brought," He said standing up.
I nodded and stood up walking over to the bag and following Minho to the living room. He sat down and patted the spot next to him. You sat next to him opening the treat bag. You laughed seeing Doongie attack Minho for the small treat in his hand. We played with the cats with Minho chatting about his upcoming comeback.
"Do you need a ride back?" Minho asked the moon high in the sky.
"I'll be fine, you need rest for tomorrow so get sleep okay?" I smiled.
"Yeah" He smiled. "By the way, I'm going on your soon, I'll let you take care of my cats instead of my parents"
"They seem to like you more and more every time you stop by"
"We'll I like them more and more too" I smiled. "Bye Min"
"Bye," He said.
I waved goodbye to my best friend starting to walk home as it wasn't too far.
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felassan · 2 years
some quick'n'dirty thoughts on the new Codex entries:
[wild speculation] it feels like the Grand Necropolis is a game location we will visit (it also comes up quite a bit in the wider blogpost). and/or we'll have a Mortalitasi companion
I'd guess that the writer of this codex, and their friend that teases them, are the two characters that feature in the short story from Dragon Age Day last year, The Flame Eternal. Emmrich referring to Johanna? (Or just emmrich and someone else.. wouldn't really make sense for a nevarran to tease their nevarran friend about their own practises, on reflection). both that short and this new codex are by Sylvia, and the shade of cyan used to obscure the diary owner's name is similar to the cyan in the short story art. saying that, it's the same cyan as Skeleton Boi has, and seems to sometimes indicate necromancy & related magic generally speaking
I could've missed em, but I had a lil look and couldn't find the referenced writings of Genetivi's here or in the WoTs, so they must be among his many in-world writings that we the players haven't seen (it'd be so good to sit in an an in-world library and read and read and read..!!! literally the dream.). but if I missed them pls lmk :D
Vinsomer. the Last Court/Serault enthusiast in me wonders if the lecturer giving the talk on Vinsomer is Frederic of Serault, Professor of Draconology from the University of Orlais. Vinsomer can swim! makes sense, we meet one in DA:I on the Storm Coast and the lore says they prefer rocky coasts.
Thedas has orcas confirmed~ when an animal is dark dorsally and light ventrally, it's called countershading. it's a method of camouflage. in orcas this helps hide them from their prey. there's a squidlike creature on this version of the map, and the "big worms that burrow near the shore" remind me of thresher maws from ME. Thedas has giant bobbit worm type things on the beaches?? 😭 electric eels stun their prey by generating electricity, and it makes sense that a big creature that hunts in the sea would have a beak-like mouth like squid do. the biologist in me is pleased by these references and the thought that clearly went into this codex :D
what's attacking Vinsomer/her lair/her young and why is it a mystery? it's probably because I was thinking about the red lyrium skeleton guys again today just before the community update post came out (literally ten-fifteen mins or so before the blogpost aaaa), but the new Vinsomer codex reminds me of this excerpt [bottom one] for some reason: "From eyewitness reports, the adult dragons never ventured close to where the red lyrium grows, even though they could easily have done so. I can only conclude that the creatures instinctively understand that red lyrium poses a threat."
skskshfuehufh the double entendres in the Randy Dowager codex. Genetivi you rogue
and more generally speaking, this part of the blogpost:
The Hero of Ferelden. The Champion of Kirkwall. The Herald of Andraste. Each of them marked their legacy in the annals of history, but time marches forward and the age of these heroes cannot last forever. As a friend of ours once said, “it’s time for a new hero."
has me wondering for the 89898th time what the DA4 PC's title will be if any. the what of what??? :D I'm dyin. I wonder if time marching forward ties to the implied timeskip to 9:52, and it's exciting to know that there will be other upcoming community updates like this, with the next one being focused on Design. hope the next one contains some new Codex entries too! 👁
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zwei-rhunen · 1 year
>be me, it's like 10pm, i'm on BLU, i saw a party in PF earlier doing a spell run, I've never done that before. I've only used PF like twice lol. I wonder if it's still up?
>it's not still up, ah well. but i still see a listing for Sephirot EX that i saw like 30 min ago - a someone requesting help to clear for their friend and there's like 4-5 roles filled already
>well. i like sephirot hard. i dont remember sephirot extreme. i probably cleared it once with @lucia-dartancours a long ass time ago, maybe. sounds like fun tho i'd like to help out. i'll probably remember some of it during the middle of the fight or smth.
>join, be upfront that i'm "not experienced with this one" and i'll drop if needed. im told its all good and we'll figure it out, cool!
>duty begins, and i get.... the cutscene???? huh??????
>oh. suddenly, a shadow of the past echoes in my ear. flashbacks flit across my mind's eye as i recall asking @lucia-dartancours to do sephirot EX with me, but we cannot, bc alas, it is one of the few that is difficult to solo and may require a party.
>ohfuck.jpeg i am about to act very clueless in front of strangers
>"i'M nOt VeRy ExPeRieNcEd-" hi sorry guys, by that i mean it as in i havent seen this AT ALL EVER IN MY LIFE LMFAO OOPS
>okay i've seen exactly ONE video and that was when @ was soloing it on WAR, and i probably had just finished HW, and knew fuck-all about trials. except that it was cool and flashy and looked fun and maybe someday i'd do it, when i got past all this dang MSQ.
>welp i guess it's "someday".
>get full party, do fight, our first ever attempt goes REALLY well. we managed to clear the first phase and wiped at maybe the second towers/right after the first towers? something like that.
>i have no idea what i'm doing and ngl i'm surviving off of sheer beginner's luck up until the very end of this first attempt lmao. idk how i managed to survive that long.
>... and i did not manage to recreate that again, up until the tail-end of that two hour time-frame.
>we try again a few more times, then the markers get broken out to divide the group up into 2 parties
>LMAO'ing because me and the other first-timer get the kindergarten shapes... xDDD
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> the mentors/experienced people lay out the plan
>i understand half of what theyre saying, but i keep the mantra "green=hug, orange=spread out"
>idk what colors mean when they refer to that but i'll figure it out/i think it's similar to zurvan with the hot/ice debuff mechanic (i later figure out this is exactly what that is)
>tbh, at first that "color" meant the tether color. but now i think you get that tether if you stand close to Sephirot, regardless of your debuff color. And im MNK, so at first i thought i was always orange b/c the tether color is orange, and i was always getting that tether b/c i'm always up close as MNK. but color refers to debuffs, i figured it out.
>not me sounding like a lunatic everytime we get to the debuff phase, muttering "okokokokok, orange is run, orange is run"
we keep wiping in the first phase, but slowly learn and adapt and improvise and overcome our way to the second phase before the duty timer runs out.
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>it is 11pm. someone mentions they can stay on until the next duty runout, i'm like same (bc it's 11pm lol). one of the healers switches to SMN for shields, tank offers to do a discord call to do calls, no one takes the offer, so we continue on-wards
>about midway into the second duty attempt, i finally understand what people mean when they say "stack in front of green bubble for the flash to bait the (whatever you call it), and then spread out", bc i started noticing the flash, and at one point i had died early and was able to kinda notice what ppl were doing, plus short snippets from @'s video from 500 years ago are coming back to me and i'm starting to remember this part of the video)
>so i finally stop dying at that part (i always kept getting wiped out by his flash attack bc i kept forgetting that it takes up the entire side of the arena T_T)
>i keep dying at the 2nd phase, when he does the flash and then the first middle knockback fist, and im like how tf does everyone else keep surviving. oh, is it arm's length? and someone replies about positioning and i'm looking at the screen like "okay 1-130, i'll just stare hard at everyone else and follow them" b/c up until that point i was focusing hard about the debuffs and trying to make sure i was in the correct zone lmao
>AT SOME POINT, i dont die + the stars align for everything else + we have just enough people constantly alive and suddenly we survive phase two and we're blowing past the fist slidey part and now we're killing the air add and there's a flurry of pings going off in chat from the tank and now we're in the stack and the fist is going across the floor and THANK GOD the third phase is mostly a repeat of the second phase and LB3 gets hit and we trim off the last few HP on his bar and ITS OVER WE'RE DONE OH MY GOD.
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15 minutes left to spare T-T we got out at 12:15am lol but shoutout to the person who stayed up till 1am to see this through
a few things:
> green debuffers are supposed to "pass the tether" to the orange debuffers. i still have no clue how to do that. I thought it'd be like, we run to them. but the green bubbles are always in the way, and i never saw people touch each other. so i have no clue how we pass on the tethers lmao
>tanks also take both towers in the second tower phase. but also, people with orange debuff must take towers? i am still confused on that part. I'll probably watch a video later.
that was really fun!
but also
i think i'm going to stay far the fuck away from PF extremes for a bit lmfao
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i-am-baechu · 2 years
The People's Princess| Chapter Sixteen: Light Will Always Be With You
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Title: The People’s Princess 
Paring: Kim Seokjin x reader, Min Yoongi x reader 
Genre: Fantasy au, Angst, Romance, and Fluff 
Summary: “I, Y/N L/N, take thee Seokjin, to my wedded husband. To have and hold. From this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, to cherish and to...to obey. Till death do us part...”    
She looked at the man she barely knew for a month with an emotionless look. She turned towards her family to be met with sorrowful looks. This day was supposed to be the most beautiful day, a moment in a woman's life that signified a new chapter. A chapter that she no longer wants if he was part of the story.
↜ Pervious chapter ♔ Next chapter ↝
Previously on The People’s Princess 
Jin didn’t answer and he bent down to pick up a red rose. He turned towards Y/N with the softest smile that she has ever seen on his face. He gently opened her hand and placed the flower into her gloved hands, “Together.”
She glanced down at the flower and then back at him, “Together.” 
The bubble disappeared around them but Y/N saw a flash of light while Jin only saw her. Y/N didn’t understand what the flash of light meant but whatever it meant, she hoped it would help them in the long run. When they came back to the forest everything was frozen still and they both looked at each other with a confused look. It wasn’t until they heard familiar voices, “You two did a good job.”
They turned to see Albert and Anne giving them soft smiles. Y/N smiled at Anne while Jin gave a small nod towards Albert, “Anne!” 
“My dear Y/N, it's time to fight. I hope you're ready.” 
Y/N looked at Jin who was already looking at her. She nodded her head and intertwined her fingers with his, “I’m ready.” 
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The darkness that was around them disappeared revealing the two in different outfits as they held hands. Jin was dressed in a black suit with white lining and Y/N was in a short white dress that had black ruffles underneath her skirt, the perfect power couple. Elphaba got up from the floor glaring at them with blood dripping down from her forehead, “What do you think you're going to do? The prince and the princess saving the day?”
Y/N glanced up at Jin and nodded his head. He let go of her hand and Y/N drew a star in the air making a bright light come out. The others were blinded but once the light was gone, there stood two giant knights ready for battle. The two nights looked very similar to Jimin and Jungkook but their swords were longer and sharper. She pointed towards Elphaba with a determined look, “ATTACK!” 
Elphaba clicked her tongue and snapped her fingers making more men appear before her. While she was focused on that, Jimin snapped his finger, releasing them from the ground. He turned towards Yoongi with a heated glare, “We’ll figure out what we'll do to you later. For now, we’re one team helping Jin and Y/N.” 
Jungkook stood up wiping some blood from his lip. He pulled out his sword, “Anything for my cousin.” 
Namjoon helped Taehyung up nodding his head, “For our brother.” 
Jin took a deep breath whilst pulling out his sword. He turned his head watching the men run to him, he slashed his sword towards them. The slash produced rose petals that were covered with pure darkness, when they touched the ground it created a black hole. Sucking in all the men with them screaming in agony. He put his sword back into his scabbard looking around to see Y/N creating more knights for them. He smiled at her before turning around quickly, taking out a person in a matter of seconds. 
“Jin, you're doing well.”
“I’m trying my hardest, Albert. I want a future with Y/N.” 
Y/N flicked her fingers up and a wall of light came crashing into a group of men. Behind the wall, she started coughing when she pulled her hand away and her eyes widened. There was blood on it. 
“Anne...what’s happening?” 
“I-I’m not sure. Don’t use that move anymore, it could be too much for you.” 
Y/N nodded her head and turned her head but there was a sword making its way towards her. She didn’t have time to react but someone else did. The man fell to the floor with a sword going through his chest, the person kicked him off of the metal and she smiled at him, “Hoseok...”
“I told you I would protect you.” 
Y/N nodded her head and snapped her fingers making a light arrow hitting someone behind Hoseok, “And I said I’ll protect you as well.” 
Namjoon took out his book and started reading nature spells. The roots from underneath came out grasping the men tearing them down. Jungkook was slaying so many that he looked like a flash of light on the battlefield. Jimin and Taehyung were the perfect duo, they looked like they were dancing together. Yoongi was fighting like his life depended on it but there was a cloud behind his eyes as he did so. 
Just when things looked good for them, a ring of fire circled around the area causing the battle to pause. They all looked up into the air to see the man from the church, James. The man looked the same with his stern expression but this time he had a hint of annoyance, “Elphaba, I thought you were going to finish this.” 
Elphaba glared up at the man and looked away quickly when their eyes met, “I’m taking care of it!” 
James turned his head and looked at Jimin, “I see you're still fighting for the wrong side.” 
Jimin glared at him and pointed his sword towards him, “How could you just leave Albert!?!” 
“Simple, I had other plans.” 
Jimin placed his palm on the blade and water circled around him. He pointed his sword at James and glanced at Jin for a second, “For Albert...” 
Jimin jumped towards James leaving the rest on the ground to fight. Hoseok stared at Elphaba and made his way towards her as the fight continued. She saw this and got up from the ground, the brother and sister stared at each other with blank expressions. They knew in this fight only one of them was going to make out alive, it was finally going to end the suffering. The memories of seeing his dead parents appeared in his head and the centuries of being alone was all due to her...his own sister did this. He didn’t even know if he should call her that but his heart said otherwise. 
He took out his sword and pointed towards her as she stared at him, “It’s time we settled this, sister.” 
“I suppose you're right, brother.” 
There was a time that Aliyah meant everything to Hoseok. She was the one that saved him and gave him a chance. The two had a complicated relationship. Aliyah loved Hoseok but in the same light as Hoseok loved her. She only loved him because he was a piece to the puzzle of solving everything and he loved her like no other. 
Hoseok came back and reported what happened at the kingdom Audaqira that day. When he stepped in, his eyes widened when he saw Jimin in a heated conversation with her, “Jimin?”
They snapped their heads towards Hoseok and looked at him with wide eyes, “Hoseok...”
Hoseok closed the door and walked closer to them with a raised eyebrow, “Is everything okay?” 
Aliyah looked at him and then let out a deep sigh, “It’s your sister-”
“Aliyah knew your sister was alive this whole time.”
Hoseok's eyes widened and looked at Aliyah with a look of betrayal, “Y-You knew?” 
“I had a hunch but I confirmed it today...I was actually setting up a mission for the two of you...” 
“A mission?” 
“It involves Y/N.”
Hoseok glanced at Jimin who was already looking at him with a raised eyebrow. He looked back at Aliyah with a confused look, “The princess? She hasn’t even been born.”
“Her story will be in our hands...”
Y/N continued to produce more knights but at the last one she produced, she clenched her chest and winced in pain, “Anne, why is this hurting?” 
“I-I don’t know? I’m also confused by this, it shouldn’t cause any pain to you. Somethings not right here.” 
Y/N let out another cough and blood came out. She quickly wiped her mouth and shook her head, “I won’t die now...I want a future with Jin.” 
“You will have that...I will make sure of that.” 
Y/N turned around and saw everyone fighting but somehow everything was slowing down. She was confused and continued to look around until everything was paused.
“Princess Y/N.”
She turned around wincing at the bright light that was before her. When the light disappeared it revealed a dark skinned woman with long curly black hair and bright green eyes. She seemed so familiar and Y/N tilted her head at her, “We’ve met before...”
“We have... I’m Aliyah.”
“T-Th-The angel of light!?”
Aliyah nodded her head at the girl and looked to the side with a frown, “We need to talk...”
“That doesn’t mean it's good..I think I know what you're going to tell me. My only question is, how long have you known?” 
Aliyah’s eyes widened at the young girl's confidence, “I’ve known forever....”
“Hoseok and Jimin had no idea, did they?”
“You're very clever for someone so young. They figured it out...it was a deal that needed to be done..” 
Y/N shook her head at this and looked down at the ground, “I’m just your pawn to end this...do me a favor, I deserve that much.”
Jin continued to spread his rose petals and he started looking around him frantically, something wasn’t right. He felt it in his chest and it had something to do with Y/N. He quickly killed the people around him and ran towards the area he last saw Y/N. He killed more on the way there but his hands were shaking at this point in fear. 
When he got there he was met with Jungkook killing off some people. Jungkook looked at him wiping some sweat off of his forehead, “Jin?”
“We need to find Y/N.”
“Why!? What’s wrong!?” 
“I-I don’t know but something is wrong.” 
Just then a ball of light formed in front of them and all the henchmen were dead just from that attack. It revealed Y/N but her hair was pure white with her eyes matching. Jimin glanced down at her and kicked James away. He turned his head glaring at him, “I will kill you.” 
“Is that how you talk to your lieutenant, captain? 
“You lost that title the moment you left, aqua draconis!”
A water dragon came out of his sword and swallowed James up. He turned the blade to the side and with his palm touching the metal, he said his goodbyes to his old lieutenant, submerge.”
The water created a ball around the lieutenant and within seconds the water went down his throat, drowning him. To make sure he was dead, the move also sucked out all the water within his body. Jimin hated using this move but he knew he had to use it to ensure safety for the people he loved. He watched the water disappear and saw James’s body hit the ground beneath him. He let out a single tear and quickly turned around to fly towards Y/N. 
Before he could move, something grabbed his ankle and his eyes widened. He looked down to see a firey hand around it, “Captain, it won’t be that easy.” 
He got pulled to the ground and his body was slammed onto the grass field. He coughed up some blood from the impact and James stood up slowly glaring at Jimin. Jimin sat up looking at him with horror. You could easily see Jame’s bones with the skin peeling off and half of his skull, he was a child's nightmare. It was clear that he also sold his soul for hell magic. 
Jimin stood up with the help of his sword and made an X in the air. With water coming out of the X creating a bubble around them, separating them from the others. Jimin knew this fight was going to cause more damage to them than to him. Jimin watched James struggle to stand but he held his sword with all the strength that he had left. He pointed his sword at Jimin with a glare, “This fight has been a long time coming, Captain.”  
“I never saw it like that but I shouldn’t be too shocked with you...”
“Don’t talk down to me!” 
Jimin smirked at him, dropping his sword into the bubble, “Then act your age.” 
Hoseok was panting heavily as he stared at his sister. She was growing weaker because of hell magic, it was running out. He brought his sword to the sky and lighting went to the blade as he watched his sister clench her chest tightly. He brought his sword in front of her glaring at her but he was only doing this to cover his broken heart, “Good bye, sister...” 
The battlefield was silent for a moment as everyone was tired but the energy came back when they heard Jin’s loud cry echoing through the forest, “Y/N!” 
Y/N turned her head towards Jin letting tears fall down her face, “J-Jin...I love you. I really wanted a future with you but...that’s impossible.” 
Jin fell to the ground and stared at her with wide eyes, “What do you mean!? Y/N d-don’t do this!” 
She turned her head looking away from his tears, “If I don’t then...we can all die. I can’t let you die, Jin. I won’t let that happen.” 
Jungkook shook his head and walked forward towards her, “Y/N...please there has to be another way.” 
“There isn’t...thank you for always protecting me.” 
She started walking away and Jin started running after her, “Y/N!” 
She turned around walking towards him, she placed a kiss on his forehead and they were transported into the same field of flowers that was in Jin’s mind. They stared at each other in their normal forms as Y/N gave him a gentle smile. She was dressed in the same white dress that captured Jin’s heart but this time it didn’t feel happy, “This was always my destiny...I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
“Y/N but...I-I don’t understand. What’s happening?” 
“Aliyah needed me...I need to die in order for everything to be normal.”
Jin’s eyes widened at this and he shook his head, “I-I...I won’t allow it!” 
She gave him a sad smile and walked towards him slowly. She grabbed his hand and placed a red rose into his hand, “I want you to live. Live for me. I don’t care about the past but I care about you only...”
“I-I...I just got you.”
They both shed a tear and she leaned forward placing a quick kiss on his lips, “No matter what...our souls will always end up together. Remember that.” 
She turned around and started walking away. With each step she took, the flowers around her slowly died and Jin stood there in shock. He looked down at the rose and shook his head. He placed the rose in his jacket and ran towards her but everything turned dark and he was floating. He tried his best to get near her but nothing was working. He started crying even harder as she slowly started disappearing, “Y/N! DON’T DO THIS! I NEED YOU IN MY LIFE! I JUST GOT YOU...I JUST GOT YOU!” 
She turned around and gave him a final smile with tears running down her face, “I love you Jin...I love you so much..I’m sorry we couldn’t have a better ending but I’m saving everyone.” 
The darkness was slowly swallowing Jin as he watched Y/N disappear and he let out a scream. A scream that didn’t do him justice on how he felt in that moment. The love of his life...the love that he never got to experience was gone....
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Jin sat up in bed clutching his chest tightly. He looked around and saw everyone (but Yoongi who hopefully passed on the battlefield) in his bedroom with emotionless faces. He quickly pushed the blankets but when tried getting out of the bed, he crumbled to the floor. Namjoon quickly ran to his side, “Brother!”
His eyes widened and he looked around the room with tears threatening to spill, “Where’s Y/N!?”
Jungkook looked away when he heard this question hiding his tears. Hoseok looked at him but his appearance was different, he was wearing an eye patch with his right arm missing. Jin looked up at him with tears running down already, “Hoseok...where is she?” 
“Sh-She’s gone....”
Jin sat there, processing the information and let out a loud cry that echoed through the room. The others watched with sadness on their faces knowing their comfort will never heal him. Jin started screaming and he looked at Namjoon, “H-How long was I out?”
“Brother...it’s been two months since everything went back to normal...No one remembers anything.”
Taehyung sighed at this and looked at his brother with a blank expression, “The only people that remember it is us...Y/N’s family doesn’t even remember her. It was as if she was erased...”
Jin wiped his face roughly and stared at the carpet, “Wh-Where’s her body?” 
“That’s the thing...we have no idea.”
Jin's head shot up and stared at Jimin with shock on his face, “What do you mean?” 
“She put the magic core to rest and when we reached her, she told us one thing....”
“What was it, Jimin? Please tell me.” 
“Light will always be with you and then her body vanished before we can do anything.”
Jin nodded his head and looked out the window, “She’s not dead.” 
“That’s what I think....” 
“Wherever she is...our souls will meet again. No matter what.” 
He couldn’t tell if this was the grief that was talking or the hope that he had deep inside of him but whatever it was it made things feel better. His heart told him that Y/N was alive and that’s all he needed. 
“No matter what...our souls will always end up together. Remember that.” 
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Aliyah nodded her head at the girl and looked to the side with a frown, “We need to talk...”
“That doesn’t mean it's good..I think I know what you're going to tell me. My only question is, how long have you known?” 
Aliyah’s eyes widened at the young girl's confidence, “I’ve known forever....”
“Hoseok and Jimin had no idea, did they?”
“You're very clever for someone so young. They figured it out...it was a deal that needed to be done..” 
Y/N shook her head at this and looked down at the ground, “I’m just your pawn to end this...do me a favor, I deserve that much.”
Y/N looked up at her with a tear falling down, “I want to be with Jin in any universe. I don’t care what you have to do...make it happen. Since I can’t be with him here.” 
Aliyah nodded her head slowly at this and sighed, “You could have anything in this world but that's what you ask for?” 
“I just want to be with him...we deserve that much. Especially since this is your mess to begin with.” 
Aliyah looked at the girl and stopped a glare to form. She was right. This was her mess and now she's asking her to do the impossible, to give her life up, “I’ll do it...how did you know about the different universes?” 
“Jimin...he used to tell me stories about it. Promise me that I’ll be with Jin forever.”
“I promise you....” 
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dandelion-wings · 1 year
If you don't already, electro res potions are the best against Raiden! It used to take me like 15 mins for the fight and I'd use so much food but electro res makes it tolerable! I don't even bother doing the jump rope phase anymore, I just stand there and normal attack with Barbara
Oh, thank you! I've never even thought about using potions. XD;; @theabysscomeshome is going to help me with her and Scaramouche next week (hitting both puppet siblings!) and we'll see how that goes, too. \o/
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Predicting the Man City starting XI against Arsenal
Stones and Walker are confirmed out. Injured playing on 3 days' rest between 2 international friendlies. Annoying.
So what's the starting lineup going to be? Stones allows us to play the 3-2-4-1, him being part of the 2 with Rodri in attack but forming a traditional back 4 in defense. Does anyone else play that role? Maybe Kovacic?
If not, and we play a back 4, it'll clearly be Dias, Gviardiol, Ake, Akanji. Then a midfield 3 of Rodri with Bernardo, obviously, and who? If KDB is healthy, him obviously. If not, I don't think Kovacic is attacking enough, so maybe Foden.
Front 3 is clearly Haaland in the middle. I like Grealish on the left, he keeps the ball, he facilitates. Doku has more creativity, but his game isn't as complete yet. On the right, it's Foden if he's not in midfield, maybe it's Bernardo, maybe Alvarez.
If we can do the 3-2-4-1 with Kovacic and Rodri as the 2. Then I think it's Dias, Gviardiol, then whoever is in better fitness/form between Ake and Akanji, I think that's Ake. The 4 behind Haaland are Bernardo and Foden for sure. KDB if he's healthy, Alvarez if he's not. Grealish if he's healthy, Doku if he's not.
I don't see Nunes starting. Who else, Rico Lewis, Oscar Bobb? I guess Rico Lewis is a dark horse candidate to play alongside Rodri. I still don't know what position Oscar Bobb plays, but he seems to make things happen when he's in. Who else in the squad, Sergio Gomez? He's not starting.
Oh, and Ederson may still be hurt, so Ortega in goal.
OK, so I'm predicting the starting 11 without reading anymore, just going to enjoy my Easter morning and tune into the match at 11:30a. I'm guessing we'll play a 3-2-4-1:
Dias, Gviardiol, Ake
Rodri, Kovacic
Grealish, Alvarez, Foden, Bernardo
KDB comes on at 60-min mark if we need him. Likewise Doku comes on around a similar time if we need creativity down the left. Barring injury or something else crazy, that's it.
Most confident in Ortega, Dias, Gviardiol, Rodri, Foden, Bernardo and Haaland starting. Ake next, that makes 8. Alvarez next because I think KDB is still hurt, that makes 9. Kovacic and Grealish I'm only slight above 50/50 on, but that's my prediction on the full 11.
I don't know what's happened to me in my life because I say football and the NFL and the Steelers are my favorite, but I couldn't rattle off the Steelers squad like this. Sure, there are more players in football, but still, never would've predicted I'd get to this point 10-15 years ago.
Last week I became a Man City member and I joined the local chapter, the Orlando Cityzens, so I could purchase tickets to the summer tour match at Camping World stadium against Barcelona. This is just where I am right now.
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kudosmyhero · 10 months
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 3) #8: Ms. Adventures in Babysitting
Read Date: April 10, 2023 Cover Date: December 2014 ● Writer: Dan Slott ◦ Christos N. Gage ● Penciler: Giuseppe Camuncoli ● Inker: Cam Smith ● Colorist: Antonio Fabela ● Letterer: Chris Eliopoulos ● Editor: Nick Lowe ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● while I wish Slott's stories got a little deeper (such as what 10 years of near solitary confinement should have done to Cindy Moon's psyche, etc.), he does do a good job with the light-hearted, flippant side of things
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● "…staying with Peter is not an option. Not when every time we're together we act like teenagers on prom night." -- no. worse. you act much worse than that. it was amusing at first but it lost its novelty real fast. ● are we critiquing what Silk wears just because she's a woman? either way, it prompts her to try something else, so we'll see how that looks when it's revealed here in a min. ● ok, who's this baby, then? ● a henchman with a change of heart. huh. ● ok, Silk's new costume looks pretty good. at least it doesn't look like it'll fall off her at any moment. ● so how did the baby get in the cocoon? is this a case of "I should have remembered what happened in the last issue"? because… ADHD. ● aww, Big Brother Spider-Man is kinda adorbs ● o_o oh my… the henchman is Clayton Cole/Clash?? wow. nice.
● aww, Spidey gave Cole a business card to Parker Industries. I hope Cole makes good on his second chance. it's an all-too-real glimpse at the struggles people with a record face.
● ok, new story. Earth-982. Mayday Parker. oof, a gut-punch already. ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: As Spidey battles Dr. Minerva, he sees how Kamala is frozen in shock since she still lacks the experience for this kind of situation. He appeals to her fandom for Carol in order to snap her out of the shock by using the "Slingshot" maneuver he created with Carol. Kamala wants to keep fighting, suggesting they try a "Fastball Special" next, but Spidey tells her that they must focus on retrieving the cocoon. As they approach, one of the thugs complains that he accepted the job because Minerva wasn't an enemy of Spider-Man (since he refuses to take any jobs that involves Spider-Man), but takes advantage of the situation so he can modify his Sonic Scanner into a weapon. Spidey and Kamala try to escape with the cocoon, but Kamala's size makes her an easy target, and as she fights against Minerva the cocoon starts to hatch.
Meanwhile, as Cindy Moon ponders on her rent status, she is called to assist Natalie Long at the Fact Channel. Natalie reviews the battle between Silk and Electro and considers making her their "exclusive" just like the Bugle did with Spider-Man, but criticizes Silk's outfit as tacky. Just as Natalie gets a report on two crimes, one being Spidey's battle, Cindy escapes to deal with the other situation, determined to become the Fact Channel's exclusive by making herself a new outfit.
The cocoon hatches revealing a seemingly human baby inside, which Kamala takes to keep him safe while Spidey battles Minerva. The henchmen take down Kamala while she keeps the baby safe, but as she confronts them one of the henchmen turns against the rest, showing moral qualms about attacking someone carrying a baby. The henchman takes off his mask so that he won't scare the baby and then joins Spider-Man, who explains that Kamala knows everything about the Kree thanks to her knowledge of Carol Danvers, while the henchman is a local. This prompts Spidey to ask Minerva if she is indeed working for the Kree Empire, since it's rare that she's using local people instead of Kree Soldiers, and Minerva insists that her activities are fully sanctioned by the Kree Empire. Spidey fakes a call to Jarvis in Avengers Tower to ask the Kree if they know about Minerva's activities in order to call her bluff, which succeeds, forcing her her escape the site.
At the other robbery site, The Ringer attempts to escape, only to be taken down quickly by Silk, making her first appearance in her new outfit in front of Natalie Long and the cameras of the Fact Channel, saying that it was time for a change.
Spidey and Kamala bring the baby to the hospital so he can be taken care of with his parents. Kamala worries since they don't know what powers she might have, but Spider-Man insists that they love her and that will be a good start. He says he has to leave to make an alert at Avengers Tower about Minerva and compliments Kamala, seeing a reflection of his past self when he was a teenage superhero dealing with the double life. He encourages her, saying that she'll do fine, then confronts the henchman, who swears that he was trying to find legit work but nobody wants to hire a man with a criminal record since juvie, only to be stunned when Spidey recognizes him as Clayton Cole, his first rival, formerly known as Clash, which surprised Clayton. Spidey sees that Clayton really wants to go straight and change his life, but no one wants to hire a man with "Supervillain since fifteen" on their resume, so he gives him a card from Parker Industries, claiming that Parker believes in second chances and to tell him he sent him. He takes it and by the next day he is officially hired into Peter's company. Peter reflects that his company now gives him great power and great responsibility to help depower and reform former villains.
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Fan Art: Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel by drawerofdrawings
Accompanying Podcast: ● Amazing Spider Talk - episode 08
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1980ssunflower · 2 years
i love seeing min and ryan being in love w eachother 🥺💖💙
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peterparkersnose · 3 years
the witch and the spider chapter 4- peter, peter, and peter
tasm!peter x reader
tasm/nwh!peter x reader
After you and your Uncle, Doctor Strange, closed the portal on the statue of liberty life went back to almost normal. Besides the fact that the two other worldly Peter's were trapped in your universe.
*this is probably the farthest thing from anything canon
   *Tony Stark, Black Widow, young Steve Rogers, Vision, Loki are all alive
      *Timeline is completely off for some facts
next chapter linked at the bottom
word count: 3.6k
warnings: mourning, death, recalling tragic events. nwh spoilers!
a/n you guys- 28 PETER!!!
read time: 13 mins and 8 seconds
gif credit to @rougesage​
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May was dead. There was no doubt about it. Peter most likely felt her heart stop with his heightened senses.
"MJ," you panted, running down the streets of New York. "Y/N, what's wrong?"
"A-Aunt May. She's dead."
"Oh my god."
"Where's Peter?" MJ asked
"That is a good question, I'm on my way over to you right now."
"I was on my way over to Ned's. Meet me there,"
You knocked on the apartment door and met MJ.
"Hey," she said, pulling you in for a hug. "I-I've tried calling and texting and he won't answer his phone and-"
"MJ, it's okay." Ned called from the back. You recognized the boy from your brief meetings in the coffee shop.
"We're all doing the best we can," you said, trying to put a smile on his face.
You sat down at the dining table with MJ and Ned trying to find a solution on how to find or contact Peter.
"I hate it, he's all alone out there." MJ sighed, putting her head in her hands. "I wish there was a way to see him right now," Ned said.
An idea sparked in your head. "Well,"
MJ and Ned both looked up at you at the same time.
"Let me try," you said, standing up.
You waved your arms in a circular motion and the sparks started to fly. "S-she's magic?" Ned yelled. MJ shushed him.
"Show me Peter Parker."
The circle opened, and there was Peter. What seemed to be Peter. He turned around and stepped through the portal. His suit- was so different.
"Who the hell are you?" MJ asked. She was right, this wasn't Peter.
"Uh, Peter Parker?"
"You are not Peter Parker," MJ laughed. "M-my magic, I've never had it-" you panicked, looking at your hands. Was this a random guy dressed as Spiderman? I mean, you have seen plenty in the area before. This definitely was not Peter Parker, or your Peter Parker.
"Take it off," MJ demanded. "Excuse me?" the Peter asked. "The mask."
He slipped it over his head, and your heart skipped a beat. That sure as hell was not Peter. His eyes immediately moved to you. "Where am I?" he asked. "Oh god," you said, starting to panic. "My Uncle is going to murder me. I'm dead," you hysterically laughed, pacing the kitchen. So many things were on your mind-
-The multiverse is real. 1000%
-Where the hell is your friend?
-Is your friend okay?
-Who the hell is this?
-Why is this other Peter so fine?
"Hey, calm down." Ned tried to re assure you. You sat down in his kitchen chair trying to collect yourself, waiting for your Uncle to snatch you away in an instant.
"Prove your Spiderman," MJ said, arms crossed.
"Prove I'm Spiderman- what sort of joke is this?" he asked. "Climb up the walls, or something. Prove your Peter. You have an ID?" MJ huffed.
"I don't carry my ID with me while I'm in the suit," he scoffed. "Hey, what's her deal?" he asked, referring to you having a small panic attack in the corner. "Prove your Spiderman and we'll tell you."
He looked at you concerningly. God, why did his eyes have to sparkle like that?
"See?" he asked, climbing casually up the walls and on the ceiling. Ned's Lola entered the room and screamed. She yelled something in Tagalog and Ned tried to calm her down.
"S-she's asking if you can get the spiderwebs up there," Ned stuttered. "Yeah, sure." Peter sighed, wiping off the old webs from his hand. He seemed very confused.
"Her deal?" he asked. "What is it to you?" MJ interrogated this man. "Well, she's setting off my other- sense." he tried to explain. "Oh, the Spidey sense!" Ned smiled. "Yeah, what he said." the other Peter confirmed. "Y/N?" MJ asked, wanting your consent to explain.
Your gaze broke and you looked around the room. "Oh," you sighed. "Avenger, a Witch." you sighed. "You said a Witch?" he asked, eyebrows raised.
"He won't understand," you whispered to yourself. "Understand what?" he asked.
"I'm going to explain this to all of you- and only once." you sighed, trying to dumb down the multiverse theory in your head to explain.
"The world we live in- me, Ned, MJ, our Peter is like world 1. You know how all numbers are different and have different meanings and descriptions? Let's say other Peter is from world 1,439. There are an infinite amount of worlds. Think of one tiny small change, uh, like maybe MJ was a man. There would be another universe where MJ was a man," you tried to explain.
Everybody looked at you still confused.
"Multiverse theory? Anybody?"
They were all still confused.
"Okay, Peter, how old are you?" you asked him. "28, why?" "See, our Peter is only 18. On his universe, their Peter is 28." you explained.
Hmm. Only 8 years older.
"Wait- so in his world there's another Ned?" Ned asked excitingly. "Do you have a best friend?" Ned asked this Peter. "I used to," he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, chuckling a bit.
Just then, another whirr came from behind you. It sounded like another portal opening.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" MJ asked. "I-I didn't open this one," you said, praying it wasn't your Uncle.
Another man walked out. "Let me guess, your name is Peter." you immediately asked. "H-how did you know that?" he asked. The two Peter's looked at each other. "Are you-" "Are you?" They both asked each other. "I've noticed some very important people missing from my world," the newest Peter said. "Me too," the other one said. "How did you open that?" you asked the newest Peter. "It just opened up for me, I assumed it's where they all went." he said, confused. "You're the witch- right?" he asked. "He's good," MJ smiled. "How do you know that?" you yelled.
"I've been having glimpses of this universe, glimpses of my enemies. With you."
"And how did that happen?" you asked. He shrugged.
"And how old is this one?" Ned asked. "38," he replied. "Sick," Ned smiled. "So we have 18 Peter, our Peter. Then 28 Peter, then 38 Peter." you dignified. "Where is your Peter?" 28 Peter asked. "We're trying to find him, I think that's accidently how we got you."
"You never explained the witch part," 28 Peter said. "Witch, yeah, you'll figure it out." you sighed.
"Do you know where he could be?" MJ asked the Peters. "What's wrong?" 28 Peter asked. "His Aunt just was murdered," MJ sighed. "May?" both of the Peter's asked in unison. "Yeah," you sighed. "My May, was murdered in front of me." 38 Peter sighed. "I'm so sorry, really." you said, locking eyes and feeling his pain. "Oh, well, my May is fine." 28 Peter said guiltily.
"Does he have a certain place he goes?" 38 Peter asked. "No, I don't think so." Ned said. "Wait," MJ interrupted. "Y/N, can you open a portal to the roof of Midtown?" she asked. "Midtown? Nice," 28 Peter said. "It's been a while," 38 Peter said. "Class of '03." 38 Peter said. "Oh, class of '14" 28 Peter said.
"Portal?" MJ reminded you. You opened a portal with your hands as the Peters watched in amazement. "Did you just-" 28 Peter asked. "Peter!" MJ yelled, rushing through the portal to a sobbing (your) Peter.
She was right. Peter was right where she said he'd be.
You and Ned joined MJ in the hug around Peter. The poor boy sobbed into MJ's sweater.
"So," 38 Peter asked,
"Peter, we have some people for you to meet," MJ said, cupping her hands around his red face. "MJ, now really isn't the best time."
"Peter," you said. "Meet, uh, Peter. And Peter."
The two Peters emerged from behind the roof. "Who the-" "Multiverse," Ned said. "There here to help, get their enemies back to their worlds." you said.
"I don't want to do this anymore," Peter cried, throwing his mask against the ground. "N-not after May. I can't,"
"I lost my May," 38 Peter said. "And my Uncle." "I lost my Gwen- or my MJ," 28 Peter sighed. You could see the sadness in his eyes.  
God, why does his voice make my heart absolutely flutter? Shut up Y/N think straight. This isn't the time.
"But, Peter. We know how it feels. This isn't the time to go hide away. Aunt May wouldn't want you to stop doing what you love."
Peter sniffled as MJ held him close. "Take the night to rest, Pete." you said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "W-where am I going to go? My apartment is gone," Peter cried.
"We always have room at Stark towers,"
Tony finally found Peter after searching for him. "M-Mr. Stark," Peter cried. Tony stepped out of his suit and embraced the boy.
"Who the hell is that?" 28 Peter asked, walking up behind you. "Tony Stark, don't you recognize him?" you asked. "No?" 28 Peter asked, confused. "You guys have to have a Tony Stark, avengers? SHEILD?" "Uh, never heard of that." he laughed off. "38 Peter, you have 'avengers'?" 28 Peter asked, quotation 'avengers'. "What's that?" he asked. "Forget about it," you sighed.
The rest of the night was rough. Electro was still out there and it was taking everything in Peter not to go out and kill him.
Back at Stark Towers, a lot of confusion was happening amongst the Peters. You had decided on Peter 1, 2, and 3. Peter 1 was from your universe, Peter 2 was 38 Peter, and Peter 3 was 28 Peter (your Peter).
Bedrooms were given to the other Peter's for their time on your earth.
Your Uncle has also found you.
"I know it's not your fault," he sighed, pacing around the meeting room in Stark towers. You sat there with the all the Peters, and Tony. "But how could you all be so careless?"
"Strange, I think you should calm down." Tony sighed. "There is a rip in the system! We have three Peter Parker's here!" Your Uncle yelled. "Y/N, I raised you better than this." he sighed. Peter 1 was almost asleep on the table, and your Uncle yelling woke him up. "What time is it?" he yawned. Tony checked his watch. "3:18" "Hey, cut her some slack. This isn't completely her fault," Tony reminded your uncle. He was fuming now, pacing more vigorously around the room.
"Can't we just send them home?" Tony asked. Your heartbeat sped up a bit. Please no, you thought. Not yet.
"Can we just send them home- Tony don't you think I've thought of that?" he yelled back at him. The two men started arguing and got up on each other's faces.
"Quit it!" you yelled, trying to come between them. They ignored your attempts, and kept fighting. You finally started to get angry at them and tried to use magic to come between them. Your Uncle mindlessly shot you backwards, flying you into Peter 3's chair and having the two of you smash against the wall. You watched your Uncle and Tony as you flew back with wide eyes. Your Uncle immediately recognized what he did and it was too late to stop it. The chair broke on impact to the wall, Peter 3 taking most of the blow. You fell in his lap and his chest took the impact of your head.
Everyone froze in the room. You looked up at Peter 3. His hair had stray bits of drywall in it. He was looking down at you in shock. "A-are you okay?" he asked. You couldn't respond, you were too shocked that you were in his embrace. Everyone ran to help you guys. Peter 3 ruffled his hair back, getting some of the drywall in your hair.
"How is he -not- dead?" Tony asked. "Super spider strength, man." Peter 3 coughed. "Y/N, I-I give my sincerest apologies. To you- also Mr. Parker." Your Uncle said, cowardly staying in the corner of the room.
You could feel his embarrassment radiating off of him. You could see everyone's energy. Tony, Peter 1, and Peter 2 all had the shocked, surprised, and empathetic emotions radiating off of them. You could even see some sparking off of your skin, shock. Peter 3, you couldn't get a scent. Nothing from him. Now that you think of it, you haven't ever gotten an energy feeling from him. Either this poor man was dead inside, or he was unreadable. You had never come across anybody unreadable before. Hell, you were one of the most powerful witches in the universe. The only other occurrence you know of this happening was with your Uncle. He could read everyone just like you, except Christine. He could never read Christine, and it was one of the reasons of why he loved her. The thought lingered in the back of your head. Your Uncle loved Christine. He couldn't see her aura.
You retired to the showers after all of the commotion. You wanted to get the day's grime and the drywall off of you. The hot shower felt good against your skin.
You were hungry, after all you haven't eaten since you saw MJ at the coffee shop when it was still light outside. You wrapped your hair up in a towel. You put on your favorite sweatshirt and the Spiderman pajama pants Peter had gotten you as a joke for Christmas the previous year. You expected to find the common area abandoned, after all it was four am. The lights were dimmed as you snuck out of your room. You tried to keep the noise of your feet against the cold metal floor as silent as possible.
You went to the kitchen and tried to find something suitable. An unopened bag of Chex Mix and a red Gatorade were perfect. You walked past the sitting room quietly and began to go up the stairs, but someone from behind you spoke.
"Whatcha doing?"
You turned around pissed off, Tony had probably just caught you. But to your surprise, Peter 3 was sitting on the couch reading a book. Your whole demeanor changed.
"You caught me," you laughed awkwardly.
"Nice pants," he chuckled. You realized that you were basically wearing pants printed with images of him on it. Your face turned bright red. "Peter- my Peter thinks he's funny. Christmas gift," you said, trying to make an excuse for yourself. "Nah, I think it's cool. I might have to get some when I go back home."
"What are you doing up?" he asked you. You had already started to come down the stairs, making your way to the couch. You were internally screaming.
"I just got out of the shower, I was hungry." you said, referring to the towel on your head. You swiftly took it off, brushing your hair out with your hands. It still didn't look great, but Peter 3 thought it was cute. You tossed the towel onto a nearby chair. "What are you doing up?" you replied to him, sitting down next to him on the couch.
"I couldn't sleep. Being in a new universe isn't the easiest to adjust to,"
"Yeah, that's kind of my bad." you sighed. "I mean, new adventures. We're here to help." he smiled. He was trying to make you feel better about your mistake, which made you feel so sweet.
You took your finger and pulled up the book he was reading. "Constructions on robotic quantic equations?" you asked. "It's actually very interesting. Mr. Stark has some nice books around here." "Yeah, he has a lot of nice things around here."
Peter looked at you in confusion. "Oh- I mean, I live here." "You live here?" "Yeah, I'm apart of those Avengers I mentioned earlier," "Oh yes, explain that to me." "So basically, we all have these powers. I hate calling us superhero's because it's so cliché, but it's like that. Tony's Iron Man, we have Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, Thor-" "Thor as in Norse Mythology?" "Yup." "So your telling me- Thor is real?" You shook your head yes. "And they all live here? I'm in the same building as a god?" "No, well, some do. I live here, my Peter has been here more often. Bucky, Wanda, and I live here full time. The rest come and go when there working."
Peter looked at you, fascinated. "That is so interesting- my world has nothing like that."
"Tell me about your world- how is it?" you asked.
"I mean, I don't know. I haven't seen any big differences- minus the Avengers." "Hmm. What about your life? You do anything else besides being Spiderman?" you asked. "I mean, I take photos as a side gig. You don't get payed to be Spiderman. I-I hate to admit it but I still live with my Aunt." "No shame in living with your Aunt. I was raised by my Uncle, so I know how it is." "Oh no way, me too. Aunt May and Uncle Ben took care of me after my parents, uh, you know. Died." he sighed. "I'm sorry," you said, looking down.
"My mom got rid of me the first chance she could. Dad's a dead alien. Raised by my over achieving magician Uncle." you chuckled. "Funny, alien dad." "No, I'm serious." "Y-your serious your half alien?" "Where did you think I got my powers?" you asked. "I dunno, struck by lightning, bit by a-" "Spider." you said. "Yep. OSCORP's finest." "Oscorp?" "Oh you don't have one, do you?" "Never heard of it." "Hmm."
"But yeah. I'm a pretty boring dude." "Minus the fact your a superhero," "Just a normal 28 year old guy. Who wears spandex and fights crime on the side."
28? Damn I forgot how much older he was.
"Your 28?" you asked again, making sure you were correct. "Yeah,"
"Oh cool. I'm 20."
"You go to college?" he asked. "Nah, Tony's got me covered. I'll retire one day, but I'm in my prime right now," you laughed. Prime? Why do you have to be so awkward. God Y/N get it together.
"I'm assuming you went to college?" "Yeah, Physics major. Graduated MIT in 2018." "Impressive."
"Yeah, I was going to try to find a college in England so I could go with Gwen but-"
"She died." he said, pursing his lips together. You put your hand on his bicep in comfort, but was shocked at how large it was. Not the time, Y/N.
"I'm sorry."
"You have anybody?" he asked. That made your heart skip a beat. "Me? No, not really. I always imagined retiring and having a family but, not the right time."
"I'm really sorry about Gwen. I can see how much she meant to you." "Thanks."
You were trying so hard to get a read on his aura. You were getting absolutely nothing. "What are you doing? Your heart is beating really fast." he said. Shit. "I'm trying to read your aura." "My aura?" "Yeah, it's a thing with my magic. I can read anybody's aura. Times Square is just a swarm of emotions and colors. But for you- absolutely nothing." "Odd," "My Uncle can do the same. He can read anybody, but his ex-girlfriend. He couldn't get anything out of her." you sighed.
Silence came between you two. You tried to think of something to talk about, you never wanted this conversation to end.
"Are you okay? I mean after today, that could have easily broken someone's back," you said. Heh, breaking backs. Grow up, you reminded yourself, pushing the dirty thought to the back of your head.
"I mean, super strength has its perks," he smiled. Oh ma'am you thought to yourself. He had such a nice smile. "Hey?" he asked, directing your attention back to him. "You were spacing," he chuckled. "Oh- that's my bad. Witch things," you lied, awkwardly laughing. "You okay?" he asked. "You hit my chest kind of hard," "Yeah, uh I'm fine. I just repair myself anyways."
"You can do that? Sick," "Molecular reparation is just another trait from my dad." "I've never met a half-alien." "I'm honored to be your first," "What else can you do? If you want to talk about it uh-" "No, it's fine. As I said auras and repairing, levitation, occasional mind reading." "Mind reading?" "I have to really focus. Drains me, sometimes for days." "Oh," "Then, the spells, alternate universes, oh- I won't die. Well, no I can die. Just naturally I will age until someone or something kills me."
"That's terrifying." Peter said in awe. "Yeah, my dad was I think, like 600 years old? Something around there when he was killed."
The sun began to rise. You could see Steve and Sam making their laps around the training center.
"I didn't realize it's been so long," you yawned. "Steve and Sam are already up,"
"How long have you been up?" Peter asked. "23 hours," "And you fought for how many of those?" "8."
"Come on Y/N. Let's get you to bed."
Peter walked you to your bedroom. "This is me," you said. You reminded yourself of those cheesy romance movies where the guy drops off the girl at her apartment. She always says 'This is me,'
"I'm down the hall a few doors, if you ever need anything. I'm always up for a good conversation again." Peter smiled. Your heart absolutely melted. "Good night Y/N," he said as walking down the hallway.
"I'm in love with Peter Parker." you sighed, flopping down on your bed talking to yourself. "Holy shit. I'm in love. With Peter. Parker."
I really hope he doesn't have super hearing.
Chapter 5
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doli-nemae · 3 years
Hi, folks. Decided to share some info on Ukraine situation. I'm not very good in summarizing this type of stuff, but I'll do my best.
First and foremost, I just want to ask not to post/like/DOANYTHING with post where is shown Ukrainian troops movement. It's a small thing, but it can save lives.
And my apologies, most of the official sources are in ukrainian. I'll try to find translated ones and will update with them.
So, now let's get into it:
At night, Russian Soldiers again bombarded Kyiv. One of the shots were directed into "Antoniv" factory (20 min away my home btw))).
(One of the source because it happened multiple times and KEEPS HAPPENING: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=290879059810759&id=100066660016222&m_entstream_source=timeline)
Russian soldiers tried to capture and loosed Zmijinij Island. When they said our border guards should surrender, border guards literally said "F*ck yourself". Russian soldiers captured island, all 13 guards are dead. Lately this day, island was retaken by Ukrainian forces. Those guards, as any our soldiers, are our heroes and have shown that we won't surrender.
(Source with video with english subs: https://twitter.com/EmineDzheppar/status/1497206485054636037?t=ImR57XCm8jEfQuGIP0r9Cg&s=19)
Diversity group tried to enter Kyiv. Most of them were captured by our troops.
If you think they are attacking only factories and strategicly important object - oh hell no. They are shooting everything and everyone.
They attacked kindergarten in Vorzel city, nearby Kyiv. There was 50 kids and BY THE GOD none were injured.
(Source: https://m.facebook.com/irina.venediktova.31/posts/5253762707969955)
They attacked another kindergarten in city Ohturka. Man who guarded building has died. One worker has been injured and two kids achieved shrapnel wounds. Everyone are at hospital now.
A russian tank entered Kyiv. Entered the Obolon quartal where is no strategic objects. There's only shops and people's houses. Tank drove over a car with man, when he tried it block it way. Thankfully, man survived.
(Source: https://youtu.be/cXxOgzTcCnw)
People are gathering resistance in Kyiv and preparing for the worst. Some didn't even leave metro stations - it is used as bombproof. Same for people in Kharkiv.
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People are assigning into territorial defense, taking weapons, preparing Molotov cocktails and waiting for Russian troops to come. I would assign too, but my mom would kill me.
And I want to make this one clear because I'm sure some folks will argue about it. It may sound like "ugh, people are using WEAPONS and are going to KILL other people??". Well, folks. These bastards CAME into OUR land. They want us to surrender or die. As you see, we have no intention to do either of these things. So, if you want to be angry at people - be angry at those who attack. Not those who defend.
So, let's continue.
Found a map of current situation. You can change language there if you need to. It's been updated and you can see our situation right now.
People are constantly bombarded in Kyiv, Kharkiv and other cities. Russian forces has destroyed 80% of city Schastya (ironically, translated as Happiness). Our forces and people are doing incredible work by stopping Russian troops and showing them that they should go back.
Russia started to attack Ukraine from Belarus by the way. United with dictator Lukashenko who has been slaughtering his own people for their wish to CHOOSE a president.
By the way, just wanted to remind ya. We're still. Not. A part. Of. NATO. They haven't closed our airspace YET and I should remind you that Russia is using their aircraft very often and are bombing cities and villages.
Russia is still a part of SWIFT. German, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary and France are against banning Russia from there even though, man, if we'll fall - they will be next. The won't stop on us.
I should say, that Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are supporting this ban and I'm very grateful.
There's a lot of shit hapenning here and it's changing all the time. As I've been writing this, shooting in Kyiv has began. They call us Neo-Nazis, but that's bullshit. Russia has been terrorising our country ling before 2022 and 2014, they just hate us and want us dead. We fought for our independence for hundreds of years and when we achieved it finally, they just can't leave us.
If you're interested in getting more information - here are OFFICIAL information from our government. That's all in ukrainian, but if I'll find accounts with english translation in twitter I'll pin them here.
Presidents office of Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/president.gov.ua
Armoured forces of Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua
Cabinet of ministers of Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/KabminUA
Defense ministry of Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/MinistryofDefence.UA
Ministry of internal affairs(?) in Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/mvs.gov.ua
National police of Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/UA.National.Police
State ministry of Emergencies(?) in Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/MNS.GOV.UA
State boarder service of Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/DPSUkraine
Center of strategic communications and informational safety https://www.facebook.com/StratcomCentreUA
Ukrainian land forces https://www.facebook.com/UkrainianLandForces
Navy forces https://www.facebook.com/navy.mil.gov.ua
Territorial defense forces https://www.facebook.com/TerritorialDefenseForces
And I've seen people, who wanted to help. Here are some places, where you can donate:
Savelife (they used to have Patreon, but Patreon decided to ban them yesterday just in time when they began to gather a big support. I could spent another hour ranting how hypocritic they are, but I won't take more of your time):
Redcross in Ukraine:
National Bank of Ukraine:
And a petition to ban Russia from SWIFT. It doesn't matter where you're from, so if you want to - here:
Please. Don't spread misinformation. We're Not Nazis. We're dying here while Europe waits. If you don't give a shit about us and still think we're fucking neo-nazis think about this: we won't be the last. They won't stop on us. They will conquer everything and will do anything until there's nothing left but devastation and death.
It's been a hard time. Anyway, thank you if you read it this far and thank you twice if you're sharing legitimate information about us and don't spread myths.
Stay safe. Love you all.
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nerdythebard · 3 years
#41: Baron Samedi, Loa of Life and Death
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Enjoying yourselves, Gods and Goddesses?
I know, I know, you've just finished the New Year party, and we're throwing you into another one. But trust me on this, you need to attend this one. We all do. Meet Baron Samedi, the great loa spirit of death, life, rebirth, magic, and revelry.
Now, Vodou is very close to my heart; I was so fascinated by it I've researched it extensively. Therefore, I am not referring to the Baron as a god; for he's more akin to an angel, a spirit that mediates between the people and the Divine. And if I see a single reference to American Horror Story: Coven... I will NOT give you ice cream!
Next Time: Everybody wants to be a cat... especially hers <3
What does the father of the Ghede loa need to start the festivities?
Master of Life and Death: The Baron is the ruler of the dead, but he also heals and preserves life. In fact, no matter how sick the person is, or how severe their injuries are, they shall not die until Samedi digs their grave.
Mr. Booze: Samedi true love (except for his wife and other beautiful women) is rum. He drinks it hot... literally, there's hot peppers inside, and he drinks it plenty. In SMITE, he can share his Brew to help his teammates.
Mr. Bone-jangles: Yes, the swinging skeleton from Tim Burton's Corpse Bride... was not modelled after the Baron. I just wanted this as a reference to Samedi's hedonism and desire for leisure and pleasure. He's quite a charmer, too.
Samedi is not a god, he's a spirit. The closest logical choice would be the Reborn, but I am known to be pretty illogical. We're going with the Aetherborn from the Plane Shift: Kaladesh supplement. This unique beings get a +2 Charisma, resistance to necrotic damage, 60 feet of Darkvision, proficiency in the Intimidation skill, and ability to speak Common and two other languages of our choice.
Since the Baron knows all humans who come to his graveyard gala, we're going to make him a divine Anthropologist. We gain proficiencies in Insight and Religion, two more languages of our choice, and a unique ability called Cultural Chameleon; we can choose one culture that is not of our species (dwarven, elven, orc, lizardfolk, etc.) and become so familiar with its customs, we're treated as one of their own. As the Adept Linguist, we can quick pick up important phrases and expressions of the language we don't know by observing at least two humanoids speaking for the total of 1 day.
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We'll start with Wisdom here. Besides being one of our spellcasting abilities, it also serves as the representation of Baron's divine wisdom granted by the Bondye. Charisma will be next, I don't think it needs much explanation; great host, great charmer. Dexterity will be next, we're a nimble spirit and we can bust a move on the dance floor and avoid a hit.
Constitution will be next, with all the drinking and smoking, it's a good thing we're technically dead. Intelligence will be a little on the lower end, as academic knowledge is usually something unnecessary for spirits. Finally, we're dumping Strength.
Level 1 - Bard: We need to start the party early. Bards get the d8 as their Hit Dice, [8 + Constitution modifier] initial Hit Points, proficiencies with light armour, simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, and shortswords, as well as three musical instruments of our choice. For the Baron let's start with the standard studded leather, a quarterstaff (shortened to a cane), and ask your DM if you can replace one instrument with the Brewer's supplies proficiency to make your own rum. Our saving throws are Dexterity and Charisma, and we get to pick any three skills (Medicine, Persuasion, and Sleight of Hand).
Bards start their journey with Bardic Inspiration; be it a rousing speech, a song, or a raunchy joke, Bards can use a bonus action to give another creature a d6 Inspiration Dice (dice value changes as we level up) to use as a bonus for one ability check, saving throw, or attack roll it makes within the next 10 minutes.
Bards are also full-casters, so they get Spellcasting from the start. Charisma is our casting ability, and we know cantrips and ritual spells. Bards also learn a fixed amount of spells. We start with two cantrips (Friends and Vicious Mockery), and we learn four 1st-level spells: Charm Person, Cure Wounds, Dissonant Whispers, and Id Insinuation.
Level 2 - Bard: As a Jack of All Trades, we can now add half of our proficiency bonus to all ability checks related to skills we're not proficient in. We also learn the Song of Rest; during the short rest, we can improve our companions' rest by adding extra 1d6 (increases as we level up) if they choose to use their Hit Dice to heal.
For this level's spell, let's pick Sleep.
Level 3 - Bard: Time to pick our subclass, our Bardic College. For a showman and the embodiment of hedonism, we have to make Samedi the College of Glamour Bard.
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By donning the Mantle of Inspiration, we can spend one Inspiration Die to take on a glamorous appearance; a number of creatures we choose (equal to our Charisma modifier) within 60 feet of us gain +5 Temporary Hit Points and can use their reaction to move at its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
We can also begin an Enthralling Performance. If we perform for at least 1 minute, we can choose a number of humanoids within 60 feet of us (equal to our Charisma modifier) and force a Wisdom saving throw on them. On a failed save, they are charmed by us and idolize us, speak praises of our deeds, and go out of their way to help us for 1 hour.
We also unlock 2nd-level spells here. Let's take Hold Person. Finally, we get Expertise. We can pick two skills we're proficient in and double our proficiency bonus for all checks we make. Let's take Persuasion and Insight.
Level 4 - Cleric: Time to appease the spirits. Multiclassing into Cleric gives us proficiencies with light armour, medium armour, and shields. Clerics are also full-casters, so we get access to their Spellcasting as well. This time, our casting ability is Wisdom. Clerics, however, have access to their full spell list and can prepare [Wisdom modifier + Cleric level] number of spells every day. We start with three cantrips (Guidance, Thaumaturgy, and Toll the Dead) and three 1st-level spells: Sanctuary and Shield of Faith.
Clerics also pick their subclass, their Divine Domain, at first level. For Baron Samedi, the protector of the dead, we have to go with the Grave Domain. With the Circle of Mortality, we learn the Spare the Dying cantrip (which also has a range of 30 feet for us), and whenever we heal a creature with 0 Hit Points, instead of rolling we take the die's highest value. Eyes of the Grave let us detect undead within 60 feet of us.
Clerics also get some additional spells with their subclasses. Those spells are always prepared for us, and don't count against the total number of spells we learn. At this level, we get the Bane and False Life spells.
Level 5 - Cleric: With Channel Divinity, we can temporarily access the grace of Bondye to perform some high-level magic. We get two effects to choose from once per short or long rest:
Turn Undead targets all undead within 30 feet of us and forces a Wisdom saving throw on them. On a failed save, they are Turned for 1 minute (they cannot come closer to us than 30 feet and must spend their turn to run away as far as possible from us).
Path to the Grave we get from our subclass. As an action, we get to pick one creature within 30 feet of us and curse them (or, start digging their grave). The next attack that creature receives gives it vulnerability to the damage (damage result is doubled) and the curse ends.
For this level's spell, let's take Bless.
Level 6 - Cleric: We don't get any new features here, but we do unlock 2nd-level spells. Let's grab Spiritual Weapon, and from our subclass we get Gentle Repose and Ray of Enfeeblement.
Level 7 - Cleric: We finally get Ability Score Improvement. Let's use it to bump our Wisdom and Dexterity each by one point. This gives us the option to pick two spells at this level: Prayer of Healing and Silence. We also get another cantrip (Sacred Flame).
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Level 8 - Cleric: At this level, our Turn Undead becomes Destroy Undead. Whenever we use our [Channel Divinity: Turn Undead] effect, all undead with the CR of 1/2 or lower that fall their saving throw are now destroyed.
We also unlock 3rd-level spells. From our subclass we get Revivify and Vampiric Touch, and from our level-up let's grab Spirit Guardians.
Level 9 - Cleric: We can now use our Channel Divinity feature twice per rest. From our subclass we get the Sentinel at Death's Door feat. As a reaction, we can cancel a Critical Hit (Nat20) for ourselves or a creature within 30 feet of us that we can see. We can do this a number of times equal to our Wisdom modifier per long rest. For this level's spell, let's take Speak with Dead.
Level 10 - Cleric: We unlock 4th-level spells here. From our subclass we get Blight and Death Ward, and from our level-up let's grab Banishment.
Level 11 - Cleric: Halfway through the build, and we get ASI. Let's get our Constitution by two points, we really need some more Hit Points. Let's also grab the Aura of Life spell for some better support. Additionally, our Destroy Undead feature now affects the undead with the CR of 1 or lower, and from our subclass we get Potent Spellcasting, which allows us to add our Wisdom modifier to damage dealt by our Cleric cantrips.
Level 12 - Cleric: We unlock 5th-level spells here. From our subclass we get Antilife Shell and Raise Dead, and from our level-up let's grab Hallow.
Level 13 - Cleric: We get one of the strongest Cleric ability: Divine Intervention. As an action, we can petition our deity for direct help. We role the percentile dice to determine the result; if the roll is equal to or lower than our Cleric level, the petition is successful. Our deity can directly interfere, or grant us help in form of an object, an event, or a spell that's useful for the situation we describe. If Divine Intervention fails, we must complete a long rest before trying again. If it succeeds, we cannot use it again for 7 days.
We can also get another cantrip (Word of Radiance) and another 5th-level spell (Mass Cure Wounds).
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Level 14 - Cleric: We unlock 6th-level spells. Additionally, our Destroy Undead now affects the undead with the CR of 2 and lower. For this level's spell let's grab Heroes' Feast, to give our party-goers some much deserved refreshments.
Level 15 - Cleric: We finally get an ASI. Let's once again raise the Constitution by two. We really do need Health. Let's also grab the Word of Recall spell for an emergency getaway.
Level 16 - Cleric: We don't get much here, but we do unlock 7th-level spells. For one of our heavy-hitters, let's pick the Divine Word spell.
Level 17 - Cleric: Our Destroy Undead now affects the undead with the CR of 3 and lower. For this level's spell, let's get Regenerate.
Level 18 - Cleric: Towards the end of the build, we unlock 8th-level spells. For this level, let's annoy some high-level magicians with the Antimagic Field spell.
Level 19 - Cleric: For our final ASI of the build, let's grab some more points in Dexterity. For this level's spell, we're gonna show some radiance with Sunburst.
Level 20 - Cleric: Our capstone is Cleric 17, which upgrades our Destroy Undead to now affect the undead with the CR of 4 or lower. We also unlock 9th-level spells and the True Resurrection spells seems appropriate for the keeper of the dead.
Finally, we get the last ability from our subclass. With Keeper of Souls, we can heal the enemies by snatching the living essence of the fallen. When an enemy dies within 60 feet of us, once per turn we can restore Hit Points equal to the enemy's number of Hit Dice to ourselves or one creature within 60 feet of us.
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And that's the Baron. Let's see how we did:
First of all, Grave Domain essentially protects from dying. If someone from our party manages to die, we offended the RNGesus somehow. With the Bard's charm and expertise in Persuasion, we can successfully avoid getting into trouble; if they arrive, we can remove ourselves by being everybody's friend.
Our AC with the standard leather armour is 15, we've a +3 to our Initiative and the average of 139 Hit Points.
Unfortunately, we're quite squishy for a Cleric, so I'd rather suggest avoiding the front lines. We also have a few resources to manage and none of our abilities had reached their maximum potential.
A'right, that's done. I hope I didn't offend any vodouisant, and I'll see you in the next one, loves!
- Nerdy out!
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greypoth0ts · 3 years
it was a pretty long day
Characters: Ushijima(who else) hehe
Note: Yes I am projecting again - these days I just want to dance to LANY with the person I love. :')
It was a pretty long day - you're so worn out from work.
Work was tough, your line of work has always been tough. Not only do you nurture kids, you nurture kids with special needs. On top of teaching, you deal with emotions, tantrums & melt downs. Good days are good. Bad days.. they'll take a toll on you.
Today was tougher on a different level. Chaos in the class. Kids screaming their head off, dealing with meltdown and toileting. Refusing to cooperate, didn't want to do their work. By 3pm you were already flat out exhausted. You just really wanted to call it a day.
You know that days like these are normal. Sometimes you take it in your stride. Sometimes you just let it weigh you down. Today.. today you finished work with anxiety and it almost went onto a full blown panic attack.
"goodbye! see you tomorrow!" you said to your colleagues. Getting out of work on time. Today was just too much to put up with.
Stepping out of school gates, you felt faint. Sick to your stomach even. You tried your best not to throw up. You kept walking until you reached your train station.
"I am leaving workplace now, going to reach home in 30 mins babe." you texted Ushy. It was a Tuesday. So Ushy does not have practice on Tuesdays. He's home, waiting for you to have dinner with him.
"ok babe, waiting for you. I made some steak. Safe journey home. :)" - Ushy replied your text almost immediately.
"I'm not feeling too good, I think work was too much today. I feel like I'm going to throw up" - you replied to Ushy.
You haven't had a panic attack in awhile now. It's been years. You've kept it controlled all these years and also, Ushy played a big part in keeping it controlled. He recognises the signs and immediately helps you to snap out of it when he sees it. He tries to never let you slip into it.
You try to hold it together, your stomach in knots. You really want to throw up but you don't want to be judged. You try to find one thing to focus on. But you just can't keep your focus. You keep walking, walking and walking. It's like even though your body wants to just sprawl on public floor, your muscle memory just kept bringing you through to the train station.
Ushy kept calling. But you left your phone on silent. You were too focused on trying to suppress the attack anyway. There was no way you would be able to string your words even if you picked up the phone.
Ushy at home - worried sick. He's seen you spiral before, it's not a pretty sight. It's a sight that he hates because he is so helpless. He hates seeing you in pain, even if you get a paper cut, he makes a big hoo ha about the small wound. Thats what you love about him. He cares, and he cares so deeply. Hence he made it a point to himself to learn your first signs of panic and stop it just in time before you spiral.
He's considering to come find you and meet you half way. He would've hated if anything happened to you. But he kept his cool. He knew that the best bet is to stay home, to wait for you. He kept pacing up and down the house, he kept calling you. He is imagining the worst scenarios in his head and was on the verge of tears. But Ushijima never gives up, he just kept calling in hopes that you will pick up soon.
You survived the walk to the train station in a piece. Now the peak hour crowed made it worst. Whatever you want to let out is already at the tip. You stopped in your tracks.
Closed your eyes, took a deep breath..... steadied yourself.. and entered the train.
"keep it together, keep it together, am not going to puke in the train" - you thought to yourself repeatedly in the train.
You clench your fist so hard they leave a mark. You were bursting in cold sweat. You tried to keep your focus but you couldn't.
As soon as you turn into your house - you see Ushy at the door, walking towards your direction. Even before you could greet him, you threw up all over the floor. And as he inches closer - you reached out your hand to him, in a way to stop him from coming closer because the vomit will get all over him.
But Ushy didn't give a shit. The person he loved the most was suffering, he wanted to be there to hold you no matter the circumstances.
And you did exactly what you didn't want to - you threw up on Ushy.
"it's okay love, I'm here now. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. Take all the time you need to puke, once you're done, we'll get you cleaned up." - Ushijima reassured you, with his hands on your back, patting you, hoping you feel better.
You couldn't even bring yourself to say sorry. You didn't even get a chance to. You're bent over, puking your guts out. Ushy could only pat your back and look on helplessly.
Once you're done, he took your bag, swung it on his back and princess carried you into the house. You felt better after puking your guts out but you were still in a daze.
He removed his shirt(cos you puked on him), revealing his perfectly chiseled abs. Ah, what a sight.
He then placed you gently on the sofa, went to the kitchen to take some anti nausea meds along with warm water in a flask. Bringing along some warm towels at the same time and cleaned you up.
"I'm sorry Ushy - you must be hungry and tired. But I've burdened you." - you trembled as you said this. Tears rolling down your cheeks.
You felt bad. On the day that Ushy could rest, he had to take care of you.
Gently, Ushy wiped away your tears and held you close to his chest.
"that's what I vowed to do for you - when I married you. was it not clear in my wedding vows? maybe I should rewrite to make it clearer for you." - his voice low, almost with no emotions.
You cackled. But Ushy was serious about this though. He does not understand why you're upset when you are not the issue. However, he fully understood that you had no control over your panic attacks and when he asked for your hand in marriage, he has vowed fiercely to love you and take care of you, whatever comes.
You couldn't help but feel like you're the luckiest girl to be loved by the Ushijima Wakatoshi. The ace of Japan, where he has all the girls swooning over him but he only has eyes for you. And here you are, lying on his chest. Sharing a home with him, and what a privilege it is to be loved by him.
"I am sorry - I will do better next time. I wasn't there to stop your panic attack this time round, but I will do my best.. to never let it happen again." - this took you by surprise. Why is he blaming himself over something the both of you have no control over?
You gently placed your hands on his face, thumbs circling his cheeks. "this was not your fault at all, please don't apologise. You've done so much for me. And I haven't had an attack in awhile now. Do you know why? It's all thanks to you. You always manage to detect it before I spiral. I can function almost at 90% because of you, Ushijima. Please don't ever think that you're not doing enough." - you assured him.
He nodded and kissed your forehead.
"you know what will make it all better?" - you asked Ushy.
He raised an eyebrow - "what is it, y/n? tell me and I will get it done."
"Put on my favourite album from LANY, let's dim the lights and slow dance.. it'll make me feel 100% better in no time."
"consider it done" - Ushy replied firmly.
He wasted no time in getting it done. Ushy dimmed the lights, lighted up your favourite scent of candle & put the music on.
"may I?" as he extended his arms.
"I would love to." you held onto his arms, standing up.
He held you close, your head on his chest. Feeling safe, secure and loved.
Enjoying this special moment that you both share. A love so deep.. the ocean is jealous.
reblogs & likes welcome! requests open :)
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rolandtowen · 3 years
After years of courting, Sokka is still unraveling the layers of shame and guilt that Ozai wrapped Zuko in. An assassination attempt reveals yet another level of Zuko's trauma - luckily, Sokka is by his side his time to help him through the aftereffects.
content warnings: past child abuse, original character death, blood and injury, self-esteem issues | can be read as a follow-up to all the perfumes of arabia | read it under the cut!
“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”
- Mary Oliver
Sokka wakes up to the smell of burning flesh.
At once, he's out bed, grabbing his sword from it's place on the wall and assessing the situation. As he looks around, Zuko staggers back into their room, breathing heavily and gesturing for Sokka to drop his sword.
Zuko's shirt is slick with blood.
He collapses to the ground, his back sliding down the wall. Sokka rushes to him, kneeling at his side, checking for open wounds, praying to Yue that no major veins have been hit -
"It's not mine, I'm okay, it's - it's Min's." Zuko has a glassy look in his eyes. Sokka looks away from him for long enough to into the hallway outside their room. The crowd of Kyoshi Warriors parts, and Sokka can see two bodies on the ground. One, burnt beyond recognition - the other belongs to one of Zuko's personal aids, Min. He could have been sleeping, except for the mass of blood pouring from a laceration on his abdomen. Zuko makes a broken noise and Sokka's snapped back to this moment, Zuko crying in front of him.
"Zuko, what happened? You need to talk, baby. You gotta talk or you'll hyperventilate."
Zuko takes a painfully deep breath. "I thought I heard... something, and I sent Min to go check on it - and then I heard him scream - and I ran out and saw all of the blood, Sokka I never knew someone had so much blood in them - and then there was a man trying to stab me, and I defended myself." Zuko looks where his hands have fallen in his lap, trembling. "It, it was self defense right? I didn't want to, but he had just hurt Min and I was so scared -"
"Shh, shh, baby," Sokka presses a kiss to Zuko's forehead, pulling his shaking hands into a strong hold. "You did everything just right. You did everything right." He squeezes Zuko's hands, applying what he hopes is the right amount of pressure to bring Zuko down from his panic attack. "We're going to sit right here and let the Warriors take care of it."
Sokka holds Zuko in his arms for what feels like hours, until Suki taps him on the shoulder and mouths, all clear. Zuko is still wide-eyed, but he's stopped his shaking for the most part.
As Suki walks away, Zuko stops her. "Suki..." Sokka can see the tears forming in his eyes. "Did Min...?"
She crouches down next to the couple. "I'm so sorry, Zuko. It was too late."
Zuko lets out a wail of emotion, and Sokka can swear he feels flames lick out of Zuko's mouth.
"It should have been me!" Zuko's voice breaks and silence falls like a curtain between them.
"How can you say that?" Zuko can't meet his eyes. He cradles his head in his hands,  "Spirits, Zuko, look at me! How can you say that?" Zuko looks up at Sokka. His bottom lip is trembling and his eyes are damp. "Because it's true." "I don't know what monster convinced you of this," he whispers, gently cradling Zuko's face. "But you deserve nothing that happened to Min." Sokka can barely catch Zuko's whispered reply.
"Are you sure?"
"Beloved, I have never been more sure of anything in my life," Sokka whispers, pushing sweaty strands of hair from Zuko's face. "Please, let me help you?"
Zuko exhales, and then he breaks. He sobs into Sokka's shoulder, and Sokka rubs circles into his back, whispering in his good ear - it's okay, I'm so sorry, you're safe here, you didn't deserve this - until the storm within Zuko rains itself out, and Zuko is quivering in his arms.
"I'm sorry."
"Zuko, you have nothing to be sorry for," Sokka pulls away to get a look at his partner's face. There he is, eyes red-rimmed and skin pale, but still Zuko. "Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to get you a glass of water, you are going to drink it, and then we'll get ready for bed. You need sleep. And I'm clearing your schedule tomorrow."
Before Zuko can protest, Sokka waves Suki down and instructs her to find Zuko's secretary and push all of his appointments back at least two days. Zuko zones out as they talk, his head swimming with the action of the last hour. He's vaguely aware of Sokka leaving the floor and returning with two cups and a jug full of water. He can hear the water pouring out of the jug, and thinks about how badly he wants to wash his hands of the heinous act he just did - but he can't, and Spirits, Aang is going to hate him -
"Hey, come back to me." Sokka is pushing a half-full cup of water into his hands now. "I'm going to take a sip, and then you take one, okay?"
Zuko obliges him, and they sit like that for an eternity, trading sips back and forth. Zuko can feel the fog clearing from his brain, can see his surroundings coming into focus each time he raises the cup to his lips. His eyes finally settle on Sokka's face, and he's rewarded with one of Sokka's soft smiles.
"Are you back with me?"
Zuko nods. "I'm -"
"Baby, if you apologize to me, I'm throwing you to the turtleducks." Sokka shifts so that they're both sitting with their backs against the wall. "Do you think you can sit on the edge of the bed for me?" He holds out his hands, and Zuko accepts them, allowing himself to be dragged to his feet and placed on their bed. Sokka stands in front of him.
"Is it okay if I take this off?" He tugs at the shoulder of the bloody shirt Zuko's wearing.
Zuko lifts his arms as Sokka guides the article of clothing over his head, and then disposes of it in a wastebasket. No sense trying to get that much blood out of shirt that will only bring back bad memories. Sokka grabs a few things from their private bathroom, and returns to Zuko, who looks up at him with a staggering amount of trust. Sokka checks him one last time for any injuries he could have missed, and then begins the painstaking process of wiping the blood from Zuko's arms and chest.
"Is this okay?"
Zuko nods, eyes trained on the water basin that becomes darker every time Sokka rinses his cloth. "Hey, look at me." Zuko meets Sokka's eyes. "We don't have to do it tonight, but at some point we're going to have to talk about what you said when you were breaking down."
"That I deserved it?"
Sokka nods, wiping at a stubborn spot on Zuko's right wrist. "I know you're a self-sacrificing idiot, but this somehow feels deeper."
Zuko sighs. Sokka knows about the Agni Kai. But had he ever elaborated about Ozai's casual abuse? Probably not, for the first few years of their relationship, Zuko was trying to run a country without a coup every five minutes.
"I - You know about my banishment." Sokka nods, lips drawing tightly at the thought. "But that wasn't... unusual. Ozai, he - he thought that pain was a really effective teaching tool for me."
Sokka's finished with his washing, and settled on the bed next to Zuko, gingerly taking one hand into his.
"I guess, growing up with that always hanging over me, I think it made me reckless. At some point, I just accepted the fact that I deserved to be hurt." Sokka gives his hand a squeeze.
"I'm so sorry."
Zuko rubs at his good eye, willing away the tears budding there. "There was nothing you could do."
"No," Sokka concedes. "But we can do something now. I don't know how, but I will find a way to show that he's wrong." He brings their hands up and kisses the back of Zuko's. "You don't deserve any of that. You deserve kindness, and compassion, and good tea, and, and - anything but that. You're a good man, Zuko. And a good leader. You deserve good things."
Zuko swallows, a lump forming in his throat at the affirmations.
"Can you say that?"
Zuko tries, he really does: "I, I deserve... I -"
"It's okay if you can't yet." Sokka pulls him into a hug. "I have no doubt we'll get there."
Zuko melts into the embrace. "Together?"
"Yeah," Sokka murmurs. "We'll make it together."
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Beast Choices Chapter 1. Diagnosis
Long time ago in Pacopolis... A Russian/Korean Woman have opened her consultory for the first time, ready to receive her first patient.
Muriel Plizetxki.
Age: 21 years
Gender: Female
Birthday: April 4th
Sign: Aries ♈
Race: Purple Sphere-Russian/Korean
Blood type: B+
From her office's door, her First patient have arrived.. It was a insecure and tired white orb next to his mother wich was speaking with Muriel about her son's bad behavior, wishing Muriel would make him change into a perfect boy, to then left him in the office.
Betrayus Spheros
Age: 18 Years
Gender: Male
Birthday: October 28th
Sign: Scorpio ♏
Race: White Sphere-American
Blood type: A-.
–Remember Miss in 2 months of therapy i will give you his Diagnosis–
Muriel said trying to be professional.
–I hope you can handle him, he is sooo complicated... Well see ya Tray Tray, be good– Said the old woman before leaving the office.
–Wow.. what a nice woman..– Muriel said sarcastically.. –Y-Yeah... I guess..– he said with a notable uncomfortably.
The ambient was quiet for a moment, but Muriel started speaking.
–Welcome to this office Mr Spheros, or how can I refer myself to you?– –B-Betrayus.. just Betrayus
--Said bashful the white guy..
--Alright Betrayus, so.. Tell me... What are your problems?
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Betrayus was quiet and nervous but he took a break and started narrating..
–Well.. Doctor.. My problems started literally since I born,.. my Dad died when i born... So my mother andmy brother.. they saw me as the guilty of his death and a black sheep...i Dunno if my older sister thinks the same of me....
He was narrating while Muriel was taking notes of his testimony.–
–I didn't knew how my father was, when i tried to ask my mom about him...she just avoid that topic and told me a "shut up" instead, My sister isn't in home for almost all the day because of her work, when i saw her, we just have a short conversations about future stuff and what places we want to visit so i forgot to ask that to her.. and my brother.. he just avoids me with Mom's same behavior.. i think i partly know why he is Mom's favorite..
–Because he is the same shit as her?–
Muriel commented in a jocking way.
–Heheh.. Exactly– He Chuckled
–Is that all, or there's is more you want to share?.. Like.. your childhood?– she said interested while she was still taking notes.
–Well.. about my childhood..it was hard too, i went to the same school as my brother, he was the brilliant Student of the class, he was the best in Chess, math, history, lenguage, football, swimming, golf and hockey. How I'm not like him, for a weird reason classmates sees me as a
Mr no One or a freak, some of them used to bully me....– He added
–Uhuh..– Muriel Answered while she was writting in a new paper
Betrayus seemed a little mad at Muriel's dry attitude, like thinking she wasn't giving a care about his feelings.
– Agh... you know, whatever, that's not important.. you're were just paid to control me
Betrayus's mad expression changed in a melancholic one, something Muriel noticed quickly, then she said him with a warm voice tone and a clumsy smile.
–Don't worry, i will not judge you, even when my work is hear your problems and understand you to then give you dry advices, i really want to help you, i know so well how do you feel, I'm sorry if I sounded like i didn't care, Heh.. This is my first work day and you my first patient, hehe–
Betrayus was embarrassed but relieved at the same time –R-Really?, Oh dang I'm really sorry, i didn't know..–
–No no no, it's okay, it was my fault– Muriel was still with a dummy smile, something that Betrayus saw with tenderness
–Heh at least that confirms me that you're really interested in help me–
She chuckled –Yeah i guess, hehehe
And we'll continuing this, tell me what are the things wich makes you shine?–
–Things wich makes me shine?– he asked confused
–You know, your skills, in what things you are good for– she answered chuckling
–Ooh!, I get it, heh.. well I'm good in lenguage, History, Gambling, Pac pong...well.. uhm.. I don't like it anymore... Also literature and writing, I'm kinda freaky with that..–
Suddenly Betrayus noticed a familiar book from the mini library behind Muriel's.
–Is that?.. No way! Is that the Divine Comedy book!?– He said on a impressed and kinda freaky tone.
–Y-yeah wow I thought I was the only weirdo by reading that book– she was impressed as well.
–Same old, Girl!
Both started sharing their tastes having the surprise that their tastes were the same as each other while they were yelling as bakudeku fangirls.
The hours have passed and Rotunda went to take Betrayus to home.
–Im back, Im sorry if he caused you problems– Rotunda said trying to be nice.
–Ohh Miss he wasn't giving me problems, he behaved really good– She answered keeping herself as professional
Rotunda just paid the date to Muriel and left with Betrayus.
Muriel just sighs of satisfaction at watching his first patient smiling before Left.
"He has a really precious smile".
Muriel have attended another 3 patients more until the day ended, she just left the building of her office to then left to a Cabaret club where she worked to pay her career and getting psychiatrist title, work wich still he is having for actually any Monday night. Sometimes to strip or filming adult movies, Always wearing a wolf mask to hide her identity as well keeping her work as psychiatrist. It's almost hard to say if she hated her job in that Cabaret.
She ended and Left safety to her department to just feed her wolfdog Yūu, take a bath and fall sleep cuddling with Yūu waiting for the next day.
In the timelapse of the days Muriel and Betrayus continued their meetings, sometimes with Muriel taking Yūu to the meetings to give a fluffy support to Betrayus, Muriel became into a big emotional support to Betrayus as well her best friend. Something big was growing up between them.
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The 2 months have passed so Muriel will give Rotunda the Diagnosis of Betrayus.
Betrayus: hehe then i told her.. Don't move, and she moved and fell from the stairs.
Muriel: Unholy Satan hahahaha... Heheh.. Hey, did anyone told you that you have a beautiful smile?
Betrayus: R-really?.. thank you..*Blushes* no one told me that before...
Muriel: they lost it. *Smiles too*
Betrayus: you know.. you have a beautiful smile too Muriel.
She blushes as well.
Muriel: i want to see you smile Betrayus..
Betrayus: me too
The door was knocked, It was Rotunda and Stratos to take Betrayus to home as well to know the final diagnosis of Betrayus.
Muriel:*opens the door* come in.
Rotunda: thanks to take me Stratos sweetie.
Stratos: always for you Mom.
Rotunda: Tray Tray, wait outside, we have something important to tell with the doctor.
Betrayus: I'm not a child mom...
Betrayus goes outside and sits in the waiting room, near to the door to hear the conversation, suddenly Yūu appears in front him and gives him warm company.
Meanwhile Rotunda and Stratos were waiting for Betrayus's Diagnosis.
Rotunda: Tell me Doctor, what's the problem with my son, did he behaved bad?
Muriel: Oh no, he is a really nice guy but there's the problem.. he has light Depression attacks but it's not too serious in his case, he doesn't need medicine or something... But the only thing he needs is real attention and affection, something wich you clearly don't give him.
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Rotunda: Aghh that's fake!
Stratos: but that's not right, it's just a bratty of him.
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Muriel: and... Have you asked it what's the origin of his "Bratty"?.
Stratos: well uhh...
Rotunda: uhmm... Because yes?..
Muriel: *she is mad but keeping herself professional* that doesn't have a sense, no one can have a problem or issue because yes, there always a why, the reason of your son's "Bratty" it's because of the rejection and contempt you give him because of something is not his fault, like the death of your husband, being born after the death of your husband doesn't make him a curse, he is a gift your husband left you before his death, but you prefer to see him in that way, as your husband would liked you to do that to his son.
Rotunda was completely mad so she answered that by slapping Muriel, Stratos was shocked as well Betrayus wich was hugging Yūu stoping her to attack Rotunda.
Stratos: M-Mom..
Rotunda: don't talk about my husband!! you can't tell me how to rise my children, you're not a mother to know that!!.
Muriel:... Maybe I'm not a mother, if i were one i will not treat my children as a bullshit, i would treat them with love.. as my mother used to do
Rotunda: Arrgghh... This is a Nonesense... Stratos take me home..
Stratos: y-yes Mom..
Rotunda have left the office just to meet up with a angry Yūu, Muriel noticed that and ran off the office to calm down Yūu.
Muriel: Yūu-Min No! Calm down Girl, calm down...
Yūu calms down and looks at Betrayus worried.
Stratos;*sneezes* Wolf!!...
Rotunda: Ahh! Beast!!
Muriel;*lies* its actually, an Malamute Alaskan.
Betrayus: i heard everything... Mom.. it's not my fault my dad died, and you know what? I'm tired of you and your bullshit about me!!
Stratos: Betrayus don't speak in that tone to our mother!!!.
Betrayus: *mocks* don't speak in that tone to our mother.. you are just defending her because "you are his favorite child"...
Rotunda: that's it! Betrayus you better take your stuff and leave the house!
Betrayus: in that it's the only thing I can agree with you, mother.
Rotunda: hah, i doubt you can live without me.
Muriel: well, he can live in my department, i have a extra room there.
Betrayus: R-really Muriel? Can I?.
Muriel: Sure.
Rotunda: Fine! Go with your Slut, if she can bear with you.
Muriel: at least bear with me "a slut" it's better to bear with a witch like you.
Stratos: that's enough! Mom... Let's go..
Stratos have left with Rotunda.
Muriel: uff finally...
Betrayus:*hugs her tightly* .. thank you.. Thank you so much Muriel.
Muriel: *hugs back* your welcome...
After that Betrayus started living with Muriel in her apartment as her Roommate, Betrayus find a work as pizza Delivery guy.
Where their story started and their relationship evolved into real love.
To be continued...
Muriel and Betrayus have left a bakery with a box of chocolate donuts.
Bully1: hey Babe, what if you leave this white loser and come with a real man~?.
Betrayus; Aghh.. not him..
Muriel: Tray Tray.. hold my donuts *give him the box of donuts*
Betrayus: Muriel?...
Muriel starts beating up the guy to make him Run.
Betrayus:... She is a real lady~♥
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