#then you basically dismiss their issues as not worthy of your concern
nhaneh · 2 years
So the thing that bothers me about the terf wizard game isn’t so much the people who are just playing it, but the people who have this incessant need to defend playing it, proclaiming that it’s wrong to call people out for it.
Like sure, seeing people I have or have had some degree of trust or respect for playing the game does feel kinda disappointing, but there’s a degree of simple out of sight, out of mind - I can’t really have opinions about things I don’t know about, y’know?
But the people who insist that they should not only be allowed to play the game (which none of us had the ability to take away to begin with) but to play it without any feelings of guilt or awkward discomfort about it? Worse still, the people on twitch or whichever with the express purpose of making money from the latest big AAA release who argue that they shouldn’t have to grapple with the ethics of the situation?
No. At that point, you’re not just consuming a problematic piece of media - you’ve chosen to actively promote it, and actively reduce or even dismiss the ethical issues surrounding it. You’re not just squaring the round hole to fit the square block every block, you’re declaring the ethical matter a complete non-issue that isn’t worth considering.
And people are damn well in their rights to judge the fuck out of you for it.
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crossdreamers · 2 years
Why Rebekah wrote that really transphobic blog post and how she changed her mind
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Rebekah Kohlhepp has written a very interesting blog post about realizing and doing something about ones own transphobia over at She Seeks Nonfiction.
Rebekah is a straight cisgender woman who reads and writes about social justice, atheism, religion, science history, and human evolution.
In the blog post she openly presents some of the transphobic stuff she wrote in the past and explains why it is cringe worthy.
The Blaire White Project
These days she sees heer admiration for transgender separatist and transmedicalist Blaire White as the clearest sign of her own transphobia. 
Rebekah writes:
If you don’t know her, Blaire White is basically what conservative (or “centrist”) cisgender people wish all trans people were. She passes, she’s pretty, she’s white, she thinks nonbinary people and their pronouns are invalid, and she loves to make fun of any trans person who she perceives as “weird.” She’s the transphobe’s trans.
I remember that virtually everything I said in that post [I wrote] was taken straight from Blaire’s ideas. I loved her videos. I trusted her because she was giving an Official Trans Opinion on Trans Issues and therefore could not be transphobic, or so I thought.
Rebekah found it hard to believe that J.K. Rowling was transphobic:
It seemed like Blaire White was the only person on the planet that saw this the way I did. She was the only one that knew Rowling and Forstater were not transphobic just for believing in immutable biological sex.
Discovering the true face of transphobia
What ultimately made Rebekah change her mind was an angry dismissal from Blaire White regarding vaccinations. Blaire showed her true hostile self and Rebekah was forced into some serious thinking.
Journeys away from harmful ideas or groups, which for me included a bigoted religion and colorblind racism as well as this transphobia, begin with less of an epiphany—”Blaire White is transphobic!”—as it did a snapping-out-of-it moment—”Blaire White is a pretty mean person and doesn’t care about the people who support her. What else does she have wrong?” It didn’t happen all at once, but when the floodgates opened, I could never see Blaire as an honest or kind person again.
That was when I started to really listen to more trans influencers, and to listen to my gut and educate myself when someone says something that feels wrong. I learned that I always need more than one perspective on every issue. 
I was able to appreciate and learn from other creator’s videos about why Blaire White does not and never has spoken for the trans community, finally seeing her clearly for who she was (and starting to feel very concerned regarding why Jaclyn Glenn was friends with her). 
As for J.K. Rowling, her transphobic vitriol and direct harm to the trans community has become more and more openly violent over time. Before long, it was pretty easy to see through the façade of “I just think sex is real.”
Gender is a colonialist construct
Gender is a colonialist construct, Rebekah now argues,  invented so that “men and women would be seen as eternally distinct, with men always in control”. To see gender identity only through a medicalist lens is to not see it, she continues, as “Humanity is not a science”.
To be trans is to listen to what your body and mind are telling you, to use what you know and feel to become your whole, true self. It is to know yourself, and to know your lived experience, better than anybody knows you. And it is to not listen to cis people like me who think we know better.
Read the post here: “Why I Wrote That Really Transphobic Blog Post and How I Changed My Mind“
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notabled-noodle · 2 years
First off, I'm sorry if I'm overstepping or misunderstanding you!
This is mainly in response to the discussion about delusions of control and psychosis in general.
First off, I'm honestly extremely curious about psychosis in OCD. The curiosity is highly personal. I'm a person who has struggled with obsessive compulsive symptoms my whole life, but upon my first contact with psychiatry, I was most obviously psychotic. As a result I ended up with a schizophrenia diagnosis.
Subsequently I would bring up obsessive-compulsive issues with my psychs, but I was always told that "they are a part of the schizophrenia symptom picture for you"...
Now obviously, I'm not a big believer in diagnostic precision, but it's one of those things that have always bothered me.
Perhaps especially so, because while psychiatry have always been awfully concerned with my psychosis, personally, it is often the obsessive compulsive element that harms me the most. And in that way, I ended up feeling somewhat dismissed on that element of my experience..
Anyways, perhaps related to this, I feel compelled to spell out to you that your experience with psychosis is ... For lack of a better term, "valid".. but more importantly, I guess what I want to say is that even if you have not been diagnosed with a classic psychotic disorder, or been put on antipsychotics, this does not make your genuine experiences of this kind any less worthy of concern and care.
I relate a lot to the matter with the ghosts. Not in a literal sense, but on the level of how psychotic experiences can trigger compulsive and obsessive behaviours/thoughts, and at least for me, also the other way around.
The way you describe losing control of your body does sound very textbook delusion of control to me. But maybe someone with different experiences can weigh in with a dissociative explanation? (And again, perhaps, the two are/can be more connected than we know)
In any case, it sounds really really uncomfortable, and I'm sorry it's been happening to you.
A general note on the subject of dissociation in your case, which might be helpful knowledge, is that dissociation is strongly related to/expected in people with psychosis. I've talked to a lot of psychotic people over the years, and it's very much a stable for most, if not all, of us..
Adding further on to that train of thought, I would refer you to look into self-disorder/ipseity disturbance.
"Basic self-disturbance refers to a disruption of the sense of ownership of experience and agency of action and is associated with a variety of anomalous subjective experiences."
Self disturbance is associated with psychosis generally, but particularly with the schizo spec disorders, including sub-psychosis-threshold disorders like schizotypal pd.
(For various reasons, partially it's focus on phenomenology, this line of study is not super popular in America and other English speaking countries... At least a lot of the stuff I've come across on the matter, I read in German or Danish... But I'm sure there is info out there nevertheless)
Self-disorder is common in the prodromal phase of psychotic disorders.
I'm not saying this to scare you at all, and I really hope it does not come across that way.. I mean, if you ask me, psychotic people are the coolest people on earth, so you know :P ... Not to mention that just because this or that is strongly correlated to something, it doesn't mean that the thing can't just be on its own :)
I'm saying it mainly because you seem like someone who likes to see yourself reflected in words.. and I know that the concept of self-disorder clicked a lot of things into place for me, personally.
I have a bunch of experiences, and sometimes I understand them through the lens of psychosis, sometimes self disturbance, sometimes dissociation. All of these perspectives help me make a kind of.. fragmented sense out of my reality. In a matter as complex as the human mind, I feel like it makes sense, that we do not have to have a unified theory... At least not yet.
(Too often clinicians and patients alike mistake a diagnostic label for one such unified theory..
Aka I "have schizophrenia", so now, all potentially disordered experiences of mine must be caused by this. And for this reason getting another diagnosis, or even losing an old one, can cause a total paradigm shift.. as suddenly all your symptoms are understood in this new light.
In my opinion this is "wrong", in the sense that the name does not dictate the experience, and the experience only partially dictates the name).
So I think it's pretty ok not to have a unified explanation for any one experience, and rather to pick and choose what makes sense and what helps you cope in any given moment.
... This ended up super rambly... Again... I'm sorry ^^"
hi again! as always, thanks for taking the time to write all this out — I really appreciate it
as far as I understand it, OCD is kind of on a spectrum that includes psychosis. obsessions can turn into delusions, and intrusive images can become vivid enough that they become hallucinations. in the DSM, it’s like… you can get diagnosed with an amount of “insight” where zero insight = (or can be) psychosis.
because my psychosis is mild, the treatment I’ve had in the past hasn’t really navigated that part of my experience. the bigger thing is the regular ERP stuff — cutting down on the need to do compulsions in order to cut down the anxiety and obsessive thinking etc etc. I would seek further treatment, but it’s so hard to find a specialist who understands the nuances of psychotic OCD so I am currently receiving zero treatment and zero medication (woop woop). all this to say — thank you for your kind words amongst what has been a challenging time to navigate alone
I also understand what you mean about being put in the schizophrenia box (but from the other direction, I suppose). the psychosis for me comes secondary to the OCD and anxiety, so it kind of gets pushed aside. it’s not great, but it’s not something I know how to navigate so I try not to worry about it too much
self-disorder does resonate with me! I don’t know how to feel about all this, but thanks for providing me with a potential group of words to label my experiences, and also something new to research.
thanks again! you’ve been super helpful! :)
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justseveralowls · 4 years
I’ve spent over 16 hours in two different ERs and I’d like to vent
CW: Doctors hospitals, chronic illness, incompetence, female hysteria, humiliation, mental health stigma,
What follows is my original post made on Thursday, there is a update as of today at the end and the news is not all bad. This is made to spread awareness talk about an issue I feel is way too often ignored and most importantly let other people feeling this they aren’t alone.
So. I have ehler danlos syndrome, celiac, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, and an (so far) otherwise specified seizure disorder. So basically I am a medical dumpster fire. Getting a or in my case several diagnosis has been a long terrifying and grueling for both me and my partner. We have enountered many doctors and nurses who were kind attentive willing to listen and knowledgeable about my Miriad of admiditally uncommon diagnosis. But today I am so incredibly hurt, frustrated, angry and scared and I want to put this out there because this is part of the many problems that chronically ill and disabled people face everytime they walk into a doctors office, emergency room or even out in public.
So I look sick, it’s obvious and it’s been obvious for a long time. I sit at around a six to seven on a pain scale most of my life, which sucks. I have chronic nausea and weight loss that makes me weak and thin in a sick way, which also sucks. But by far the hardest thing is hoe many people refuse to take my seriously. So today after three months on a waiting list I saw a gastroenterologist. I was scared, underweight, sick and tired. I wanted answers like always and let my partner drag me into a beige fluorescent room to try and make some sense. Overall the doctor was nice, but put heavy emphasis on my past of CPTSD from repeated abuse, and implied that my weight loss and severe gastrointestinal problems could be “just a side effect of my anxiety”. That was dehumanizing to say the least. Because I know I’m traumatized, I’ve sat in therapists offices and cried, I’ve pulled myself together, fought addiction and anorexia and I know that I’m healing. I know it’s his job to look between the lines but I also want to just have a chance to be understood, and not dismissed as a psych case.
Later today I had an episode of vomiting and loss of consciousness, over all not great stuff. So my partner in their amazing sense of love and compassion took me to th ER. Because that’s where you’re supposed to go when you’re scared, sick, hurt, in danger and don’t know what to do.
My experience there was by far the worst I’ve ever had. My vitals were highly abnormal (high pulse at rest, low BP, and low pulse ox). I was having neurological symptoms related to my seizure disorder and instead was given a barrage of tests that had nothing to do with why I was there, the condition I repeatedly told them I had, or the worrying vitals. So after two hours a head CT and useless blood work the ER doctor looked at me and my partner (who was forced to wait in the car in 94 degree weather) and told me I was fine and dehydrated.
I’m a nursing student, I’m new, I’m a novice at the most, and I have a lot to learn. But never could I imagine having a chronically patient, with abnormal labs and vitals with numerological involvement be given saline and discharged. My partner and I were terrified because we didn’t know what else to do. I needed help. I needed answers. I needed them to hear me. After me panicking my partner told me that we should try again. Because doctors are here to help us, and if your scared and there’s something wrong they took an oath to help.
So I called the nurse who was awesome, he went and got the doctor and I was ready to make my case. My partner at this point as well as me were terrified frustrated and close to tears. And this ER doctor after hearing our concerns, my history (with chronic illness and anorexia) proceeded to throw up her hand and as’ my partner “what they her to do”. This was shocking but sadly it doesn’t end here. The doctor proceeded to insist that I was fine and the situation was both non emergent and out of her hands. I responded in a passive way because at that point I was scared triggered and exausted. And I asked what she thought I should do”. And the words that came of her mouth hurt me and made more angry than any four syllables ever has.
“Psych referral”
Now let me something straight. I am a survivor, I am working in me healing, I am growing and changing for the better. I take my meds go to therapy and work everyday to get a little better. But this woman who obviously hadn’t read my chart which denotes not only my diagnosis, psychological history, and notEs from speacialists on the severity of my physical condition has just implied that I’m crazy. This was horrible but 8 could see how it would seem that I am overreacting but, due years of gaslighting, medication being forced on me to cover abuse and trauma, I hate being called that. It’s not a real term, nor does it help anyone, nor does it doing anything but make me remember the nights I spent wondering if that word was me.
In one visit, one person managed to dehumanize, humiliate dismiss me and maybe risk my life based on the fact that 8 wasn’t worth the time it took to read my chart.
It so incredibly weird to have to say this but I as a queer, gay, chronically ill, Latin person am in fact still a human being WHOS painand concerns deserve as much respect as anyone else. We all deserve to be helped and heard and people like this are one of the many reasons that I and so many others are scared to ge5 help, scared to tell the full story, or scared to speak up. This kills people. This is killing people. And this is why I in all my chronically glory and working so hard to advocate and move forward in medicine as a whole. Because nobody deserves that. Because I didn’t deserve to sit in an ER terrified and be told I was crazy. Because my partner doesn’t deserve to be dismissed and mocked for being scared. Because I nor anyone else have to prove I am sick enough or disabled enough to be worth someone’s time.
I hope anyone who reads this and understands even a little. Who’s been through it, whose family and partners have been through it know that this is not okay, that this not your fault, and that you are by no means crazy. That the people who make feel like burden or an annoyance are the problem. Because you deserve to be heard. I m hoping everybody’s doing okay, I’m hoping your journeys are treating you well. Because as always no matter who are, where you are and what you’re feeling you are not alone, you are worthy and I believe you.
I later went to a larger hospital not in my home town, and through a long stay in the ER got a formal epilepsy diagnosis, given a anti convulsants drug, and overall treated like a human being. I now have contact with their epilepsy unit and have the tool and education I need to start this part of my chronic illness journey. I’m exhausted and getting used to knew meds but am highly grateful for the good doctors out there, the nurses who listen and the partner who was angelic enough to be with me through it all.
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msbluebell · 5 years
Me and my brother were talking about what-ifs in the story and he brought up how it's a given that Dimitri would've likely continued down that dark path beyond the Gronder Field battle if not for Rodrigue's sacrifice. We know Byleth knows that Dimitri considers him a second father, so suppose she did react in time during the post-Gronder fight, how would things pan out if she took that blow instead to spare Dimitri further sorrow? I can only imagine the Dimileth angst coming from that
The thing we need to think about when diving into the topic of Dimitri’s redemption and how Rodrigue’s sacrifice set it off is the psychology behind it. 
Keep in mind that this is all my personal interpretation of the game’s events and what would happen with these changes, so if you disagree with me that’s 100% valid.
Now, Dimitri is broken. I know, shocking, but I really mean this. Dimitri is one of the most broken characters I’ve seen in a long time and I completely understand how and why he got there. Dimitri is a mentally ill man that went through a series of very traumatic events, never got the help he needed, kept the trauma bottled up until it nearly broke him, and then went through ANOTHER series of very traumatic events all while suffering a mental breakdown, and then was subsequently isolated in the woods with nothing but hallucinations that constantly reinforced toxic ideas in his head until they were all he believed.
He is a broken, confused, psychological MESS of a human being. He has had the same self-hate and guilt whirling around in his soul for five straight years now. He’s constantly had the fact that he is unworthy of life, that he needs to avenge the dead, and that he is only allowed to live so that he can make sure the dead find rest reinforced to the point where nothing else seems to even matter to him.
As far as he’s concerned the only two fates he’s worthy of are death and vengeance. If he attains either than he’ll have attained his purpose. Anything else, love, friendship, comfort, warmth, the little things that make us alive? He is utterly unworthy of those things as far as he’s concerned. He can’t even begin to conceive that people still care about him he’s brainwashed himself with this idea so much. And, also, I think he may also deeply resent everyone around him for 1) trying to take care of himself 2) not being there when he needed them when he was in the woods being hunted for five years. Heck, the one person he seemed most like his old self with before his atonement was Dedue, who went out of his way to save Dimitri and was ONLY not with him the last five years because he was just that gravely injured and literally unable to be by his side. I don’t know what everyone else was doing for those five years (other than looking for Dimitri, which he can’t reasonably assume, and doing what they can to aid people during the war), but Byleth’s reason for why they weren’t there DOES seem a little iffy and weird, so I don’t even blame him for being prissy, especially if he at all mourned them, which he clearly did.
Point is, he’s a hot mess of such bad mental health issues that you could honestly write a whole psychology paper on it and turn it in for a grade.
Now, onto why this is important to consider for that whole scene.
The attempted assassination is important for two very different reasons that both are very important to why Dimitri is tries to leave to do a suicide run against Enbarr and ultimately meets Byleth for his redemption. One is obviously Rodrigue, but there’s another that people often overlook.
Fleche is very important to the ‘why’ in Dimitri’s redemption.
Fleche is a sad look at who Dimitri is and how he could have ended up. Fleche is someone who lost her brother, the person she loved most, misidentified his killer (Byleth, although that was the best case for him at the time honestly and Dimitri is the main cause for his death) though said misidentified person was a huge factor in the death, and set out for revenge. Revenge was her driving goal from, to the point of insanity, and whether she realized it or not she became just like Dimitri in her goal.
She may not realize this, but Dimitri actually heavily empathized with her goal. He willingly let her into the army when he heard that she wanted to avenge her brother, and didn’t even sound AS dismissive about it as he could’ve. He got it, and he was willing to let her ride along his army for revenge.
He’s not even mad at her for stabbing him.
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See that look on his face? That’s not the look of someone who is angry. He gets it. He gets why she’s doing this. He doesn’t even really blame her. He knows this is what she needs to do, and he knows he deserves it. As for as he’s concerned, he’s deserved to die for a long time, and he’s just going to die for someone else’s revenge rather than his own.
Through Fleche Dimitri sees a reflection of his own madness. He see’s what he is, and he sees what he’s caused. This is the face of his worth. Fleche is a living personification of everything he’s done wrong and everything he’s failed at. He caused her to become this, and he’s going to die to help her fulfill her purpose. This was what HE was meant for. To die for the sake of vengeance.
Then Rodrigue cuts in and basically says, “Ah, no, actually. Because I’m not going to let that happen.”
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Rodrigue’s sacrifice served to show Dimitri that, yes, your life is WORTH something to other people, and that you aren’t meant to die for anyone’s revenge. Rodrigue willingly choosing to save Dimitri’s life is a direct contrast to the ideals that Dimitri has brainwashed himself with: that he’s deserves to die.
Rodrigue no-sells the revenge death and shows Dimitri that not only are there people who WANT him to live, so much that they’re willing to stake their own life on it selflessly, but that they want him to live for something OTHER than the revenge he’s been seeking. They’re not trying to hinder him for their own goals, they’re trying to take care of him for HIS sake.
Rodrigue’s act is one of pure, selfless, fatherly love. It’s a love that Dimitri has denied himself for five years, and didn’t realize was being directed his way before now. It’s a drastic show of affection that cuts through years of brainwashing. In theory, the same result could have been achieved if Rodrigue was injured in the process, or even not at all as long as he simply stood in the way of the death and Dimitri, but…well…him dying for the cause is more emotionally impacting from a story telling perspective.
I also love the symbolism of Byleth being the one to cut Fleche down for good because they’re the one that finally fully turns Dimitri towards redemption and instill the idea that he deserves to live for himself, thus “killing” the idea he needs to die for vengeance. 
So, would the results change at all if Byleth were the one that stepped in the way of Fleche’s revenge? 
No, I personally don’t think so.
Dimitri is in love with both Byleth and Rodrigue. It’s just two different kids of love. He very openly admitted to loving Rodrigue like a second father pre-timeskip (Dimitri has a few dads, doesn’t he?). Byelth can either be romantic (which I interpret as canon based on his interactions with them in cut-scenes) or platonic love of a close friend. He simply denied himself those affections during his time as Feral!Dimitri (Actually, the more I talk about it, the more Punished!Dimitri sounds more accurate, because he’s really just punishing himself).
So, events would play out the same with a wounded Byleth, only this time he would maybe have his classmates be slower to forgive him based on how much one can interpret them loving Byleth over Rodrigue. Which, let’s be honest, most of them know Byleth better, so it will probably take them a little longer.
Still, Byleth made a sacrifice for him, and believed in him, so they would forgive him eventually.
Dimitri forgiving himself is another story. He never DOES forgive himself for Rodrigue’s sacrifice, and he won’t forgive himself for Byleth’s sacrifice.
On the other hand, we can also speculate that without Byleth there to stop Dimitri’s suicide run to Enbarr and act as the light that pulls him out of the darkness, he DOES end up going through with the plan and joins her in death in his fit of grief fueled madness.
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amwritingmeta · 5 years
Hey! What’s your take on where Destiel’s headed with the end of the season? I’ve been unfollowing some people who have been very negative about the show. They’re allowed their feelings and opinions, of course, but I’m kind of at a weak point in my life right now and just can’t handle the negativity. I’m personally ready for the angst, and let’s face it, one of the reasons I love Destiel is because of their unhealthy dynamics.
Hi, love! 
Ohhh, good question. I’ve been thinking about this a lot, actually, (shocker I know) so getting to write it out is a good thing. I thank you! :)
I’m sorry that you’ve felt affected by the negativity you’ve seen, but I’m glad you made the decision to put some distance between that negativity and yourself. Self-care and being honest with yourself about what you want to and perhaps especially what you can and can’t handle is so important! And being able to recognise it and make that choice for yourself is an immense strength, so whatever point in your life you’re at and whatever brought you there, I hope you lean on that.
To your question! And, oh, the Destiel question complex, dude!
I’ll start out by saying that Destiel exists within the weave of this narrative as an important possibility for deepening the message of this narrative. 
I’ll add that I believe Dean and Cas were set up as romantic from the first episode of S4 (come hell or Eric Kripke bitchslapping me for reading too deeply into things) and that Cas was meant to be a catalyst for Dean beginning to see a reason to face his biggest fear, step out of the role of weapon and into his true identity, yeah? 
Okay, I’ll elaborate on that.
But first I want to say that, for all the Destiel meta I’ve posted on this blog, for all the Destiel focused analysis and the flailing and squealing and the tagging of the greatest love story ever told (through subtext) I feel I have tried to be clear about the fact that this narrative, as a whole, is not centred on our love story.
Bear with me, there’s a point to this statement and I assure you I believe Destiel will happen, because I believe the writers wouldn’t spend all that thought-power on baking in such delicious subtext if what they were striving for wasn’t to have that subtext brought into text and doing what it was always meant to do, which is deepen the message of the narrative as a whole. #daretodefy
(let me also be clear that me believing is not the same as me promising it will happen okay?) (I just have complete faith that it will) (let me outline why) (and if you don’t want an earnest and personal dissection of my way of analysing the narrative that is also rather unromantic, but lands in all the positivity, then please look away now!) :)
When reading the love story arc, I can’t dismiss or overlook the importance of the individual arcs for Dean and Cas, because Supernatural’s overarching themes are freedom, choice and identity, which are all interlinked, of course, and the characters are each of them playing a part in exploring these themes and are pushing for these themes to come together into a message related to freedom, choice and identity.
That’s how narrative structure works, yeah? 
I love these three men like they were my own. They live in my mind and have a piece of my heart and that’s not just me paying lip service. They’ve changed me, you know? Changed how I understand myself. So it’s not breezily I distance myself from them as people and look at them as basic narrative tools meant to help the writers make a statement about the world we live in and about how to live in it.
But that is what they are. That’s what they have to be in terms of narrative analysis. It’s all about asking the questions What does this mean for his progression? but also fitting that into What does this mean for the whole? How does this fit with what’s come before? And as far as speculation is concerned, landing in: What does that mean for what might follow? Yeah? Still with me? :P
So then, here’s the biggest thing that’s very easy to forget to underline when talking about Destiel: however real the love story is, this narrative does not exist for or revolve around the love story. 
I think this is so, so important to remember. 
The message of this series will be deepened if the love story is brought to surface text and the ginormaneous fuck you to the traditional (straiiiiiight) way of perceiving love and how love should be and how it should act and what it should look like is delivered by the end of S15. 
And the effectiveness of the delivery is determined by the fact that it’s a traditional white male hero set to act as symbol for leaving that closed-minded and societally conditioned bullshit behind.
But the love story, to me, is the bright red bow around the overarching thematic message of facing your internal fears and finding your way to who you truly are. Because that’s what freedom is. And it’s freedom begotten through trial and error. Through learning from your mistakes and all those choices you’ve made. Yeah? That’s the core of the show. That’s what we’re watching here. 
*and it is beautiful*
It’s also the thematic premise that unites the individual arcs of Dean, Sam and Cas, and now Jack as well. (but Jack is a mirror for all of them so his arc was bound to be a reflection, right?)
So when I think about what’s right for Destiel, first I look at where Dean and Cas are at in terms of this hugely important, overarching theme of identity, which is what is guiding their individual arcs towards a moment of catharsis. 
I just cannot believe that a show that has spent close to a decade and a half exploring the idea of individuation would bring its lovers together and have them make each other whole. 
I believe they need to first be whole in themselves, with all the self-worth that would bring on. 
Which is why all the enormous internal progression that’s been given to us over the last few seasons, particularly in Dean, but in Cas and Sam too, has been so exciting to me! Because it’s a push for them all to reach a moment of individuation. And for Dean and Cas, that means believing themselves worthy of love and happiness!
Which is why the love story is the bright red bow, yeah? Because through making it surface text and letting them finally get together they’re given this huge reward for doing all that internal work, right? 
And both of them reaching a point of individuation and laying the foundation for internal balance (because staying balanced is a continuing internal process of self-awareness and self-care) would be what allows the narrative to effectively send its message out to the world: let no one tell you who you are, you choose who to be, and good things await you if you dare to open yourself up to your true identity.
Well, then where are Dean and Cas at in their individual arcs as of 14x17? 
(um got long…) :)
Dean battled with toxic masculinity representatives pushing awareness on him all through S13, so when Michael came around, Dean could now recognise him for what he was - his shadow. 
Only, the awareness brought on an unconscious identity crisis that left Dean incapable of facing down his biggest fears and instead of engaging with the needed shadow work, Dean, in fear, decided to simply give up and give in and drown himself, because he couldn’t imagine what his identity could possibly be without this side to him pretty much in charge of him, yeah?
Taking control means admitting you’re out of control, and for someone so in need of control, admitting that you really don’t have any control over yourself is terrifying. So I get it. 
It’s just that Dean’s inability to engage in shadow work and opening up to being honest with himself about the imbalance within him led to his shadow infecting the regressed side to Dean that was always in most need of acknowledgement: his neglected inner child. (represented by Jack)
Here’s what Dean needs: to let Sam go. 
No, I don’t mean as in say goodbye forever and move cross country.
I mean, he has to let Sam be the adult he’s been for a very long time. He has to trust that Sam can take care of himself. Because even though I think Dean consciously recognises Sam as a grown man, unconsciously he is very, very stuck in the emotional patterns tied directly to Protect Sammy.
Dean sees Sam as his kid, and this was even underlined in 14x17 through how it opens on a board game Dean used to love as a kid before Mary died, and ends with Dean playing a game with his brother to keep him conscious.
Sam saying: You always put me first. Your whole life.
Honestly it continues to blow me away, because that exactly is the issue here. Dean never puts himself first. Ever. 
His purpose is still to Protect Sammy at all costs. 
And his neglected inner child is suffering for it, because Dean never had a childhood, and until he can admit to himself that Protect Sammy has damaged him in ways that he has to come to terms with, without feeling like he’s in any way betraying Sam, but rather opening up to acknowledging that neglected inner child, who is so starved for love and affection, Dean will never be able to confront his fears, expel them and in so doing integrate his shadow.
How exactly this is supposed to happen I wouldn’t dream of speculating on, but, to me, it does feel like this is what the narrative is circling for him. Because he’s aware of so many things. He’s aware of what the codependency has done to Sam and how it’s shaped his view on life and their joint purpose. 
If we die, we do that together. Yeah? 
And Dean doesn’t want that for Sam. And he’s tried to let go this season. And he’s tried to make Sam let go. But they keep coming back to well-worn paths, don’t they? And they still can’t find that balance in their relationship. Like how Dean just decided to leave Jack by himself in 14x16 and Sam’s annoyance at the deception, while Sam didn’t just step on Dean’s decision and override it in the moment, however much Sam was questioning it and disagreeing with it.
Oh, Sam. So much crap bottled up. Gah!
And then we can ask ourselves where Cas is at, and it’s an interesting at.
If you’ve taken a gander at my 14x08 meta on Cas and his shadow and the glory that is Carl Jung’s doctrine, then you know what I’m about to write, which is that Cas, at the start of S14, had come much further than Dean in his shadow work. In fact, the way I read S13 after Meredith Glynn planted the idea of a Jungian perspective on the narrative in my head is all to do with Cas doing a lot of shadow work and effectively reaching a point, at the start of S14, where he’s beginning to become truly self-aware.
The way he communicates with Jack about family and about belonging at the start of S14 is very different to the lost and rather adrift way he speaks about belonging with Mary in S12. Then Cas didn’t know if he truly fit in at the bunker, but now, and after the brothers markedly fought for him in 12x12, of course, he’s at a point where he’s actively referring to it as his home.
He also confronted the worst side to himself, his worst nightmare, a shadow representative in AU!Cas in S13, and not only killed this nightmare version, but acknowledge that he carries that nightmare version inside of himself.
So because Cas engaged in shadow work the moment he was confronted with his shadow representative (the Empty) in 13x04 and stood up to it and demanded his freedom, leading to all sorts of character progression throughout S13 and leaving him quite balanced at the start of S14, in 14x08, his shadow came to put a goddamn end to Cas’ growing self-worth and awareness, and the shadow came for the representative of that awareness for Cas: Jack. 
And Cas, instead of giving into his shadow and handing over awareness, made a deal, trading his happiness for remaining in control of himself. Rather than drown in his fears, he confronted them and said no, I’m not giving into you. 
One fear had to remain in spite of this confrontation and saying no. 
And it’s the biggest fear of all, for him as well as for Dean. And it’s the fear that stands in the way of either of them being able to fully open up to what they want for themselves.
What is it?
Indeed, it’s the fear of happiness. 
Now, it would be grand to say that happiness in all things for Dean and Cas are explicitly tied to them getting it on already. But I would gently argue that it actually isn’t. And if I’m right, because I might not be and if I’m wrong then, omg, bring on the smooches NOW, I really don’t mind, but if I’m right, then I believe it strengthens the love story, rather than weakens it in any way.
Because then the fear of happiness is tied into the series overarching theme of identity, which makes sense to me that it would be. And it ties right back around to the theory that for Dean and Cas to be happy together, they first have to be happy in themselves. To be together, they first have to answer the questions Who am I? and Who do I want to be?
Essentially: What do I want?
So, real happiness is tied to them recognising and embracing their true identities. 
For Dean this is all to do with letting go of Sam as identity marker, letting go of Protect Sammy as life purpose, and putting himself first. (for once) There’s a helluva lot of baggage for him to rummage through to get there, because his entire self-worth has, for practically his whole life, been tied to taking care of and looking out for Sam. Yeah? So I’m curious, if I’m even in the ballpark with this reading and this is what really needs to happen before anything else can really happen, how the writers will approach truly breaking the codependency once and for all.
I’ve always had this sense that it’s on Sam to properly instigate it by stepping out from Dean’s shadow, and Sam is being a research God and getting shit done and solving problems like it’s nobody’s business so maybe… We shall see!
For Cas… Well, anyone following this blog will know what I’ve got to say about Cas and his true identity, yeah? 
For him to choose to cut out his grace and become human. 
Cas has gone through many stages in his progression, but I do believe he’s repressing his true want because it’s such an absolute affront to Heaven, to God, to the strict rule book of angel/human interaction that Cas has been brought up on. (so his conversation with Anael in 14x17 was just manna from Heaven to me) 
Choosing a human life, to him, isn’t anything he’s even considering and I think that’s actually telling, because he’s avoiding even the hint of happiness like the plague, and I believe humanity has always been where the root of happiness truly lies for him. Because it’s his true form, you know? Not this in between thing he is rn.
*still makes me want to cry that he called himself a thing*
I mean, the whole Making a Big Choice thing could be circumvented by the fact that Cas cutting out his grace is the same as him not having to fear happiness anymore, because as a human he doesn’t belong in the Empty. So he could essentially realise that he can free himself from the deal, and then, actually, understand (when the Empty shows to nab him in his happiest moment) that humanity is what he wanted for himself all along. Like holy fuck THIS is what happiness truly feels like. *personal freedooooooom* *individuatioooooon*
But I wonder at what would bring about such a choice - whatever the scenario -  with drama on the horizon, so I’m doubting this choice will happen this season. 
(if at all) (let me be clear) (human!Cas is just what I - and others with me! - see as the narrative push for his progression) (it’s not a 100% has to happen or bust) (I mean it kinda is to my mind and I’ll be hella curious to learn what the big turning point is for him if it’s not realising he doesn’t even really think of himself as an angel anymore) (I feel he’s been transitioning since S4 tbh) (from angel to man…)
Anyway, that was one helluva roundabout way of landing in an actual answer to your question. Phew! Sorry this got so very long!!
The answer to your question is that I’m not expecting any sort of textual Destiel before the end of this season.
I am, however, very excited to see exactly what the subtext is about to deliver with the next episode. And, well, I suppose what the text will deliver, too, because Dean is textually telling Cas that he’s screwed up badly enough that Dean is ready to threaten to shut him out of his life. I mean. Drama. Right?
And, look, the thing to take away is that everything is connected. 
The individual arcs are influenced by the joint arcs (Sam and Dean and Dean and Cas) and the joint arcs progress thanks to the growth happening in the individual arcs. 
The love story arc doesn’t exist in a vacuum all on its own, but I do believe its conclusion is the needed punctuation mark for both Dean and Cas’ individual journeys, because their individual progression would never have been what it is right now in the narrative without the other there to act as catalyst and northern star.
And you can see it. Because when you take one of them out of the story, the progression of the other stops dead in its tracks. And it’s something I’ve always loved the subtlety of. And it’s really what has me convinced beyond any doubt that there will be a satisfactory conclusion, too. It would leave such a hole if there wasn’t and I think the writers would feel it like a wound in the brain. 
And hey, I think that the unhealthy dynamics between them - with the absolutely atrocious lack of communication in moments that truly matter at its core - are all about the unhealthy imbalance within. So fingers crossed they’re getting on that introspection train. They won’t lose the sass and the throwing bitch faces at each other, you know? The fact that they question the other’s choices is actually part of the healthy in their dynamic. But, yeah, man… if they could just know when to speak up and when to share and when to… 
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Episode 121: Rocknaldo
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“I don't love that. I don't accept that.”
Ronaldo Fryman has always been annoying.
From his first speaking role in Cat Fingers, and his first starring role in Keep Beach City Weird, this has been obvious. He’s selfish and insensitive, dominating every conversation he’s a part of and refusing to respect viewpoints that differ from his. He works well in small doses, where his grating nature can be properly diluted, so it’s understandable that an entire episode of Ronaldo at peak Ronaldo is not a widely beloved entry in the Steven Universe canon. But even though I can’t stand watching Rocknaldo, I actually, uh, kind of love it.
That’s a hard “uh, kind of” though. It’s tough to separate my emotions about this one, because I respect such an incredible portrayal of toxic fandom, but I hate toxic fandom so much that I don’t enjoy spending time with it, even as parody. This isn’t an episode I’m ever in the mood for, but it’s just so good at what it’s doing that I can’t stay mad at it.
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Ronaldo’s propaganda is first played for laughs, with Steven’s bewilderment at what he’s reading (“They’re adding mind-controlling minerals to our water suppl—they hate men?”) and the vaudevillian back and forth of Ronaldo’s Rock People talking points and Steven’s quick and absolute dismissals. Ronaldo’s embarrassment is a bit of a surprise considering he’s never seemed capable of such a sensation, and his willingness to admit he’s wrong seems like a good sign, but oh boy does that attitude not last.
The mindset that led Ronaldo to make his bad faith arguments in pamphlet form (which he calls Ronalphlets because heaven forbid we get the idea that it’s not about him) persists, and it’s so much worse in conversation than as printed media. It’s not enough that he impedes on Steven’s personal space, but he checks off multiple key items on the Pathetic Internet Troll I Find Useless List (or “PITIFUL” if we’re using proper jargon). He’s casually sexist. He negs Steven into accepting his intrusions. He gatekeeps the concept of being a “true” Crystal Gem, which is lousy in a bubble but so much worse in practice because he’s doing it to an actual Crystal Gem. He gaslights by stating his incorrect views as obvious facts, complete with his own lingo, to make Steven question his own validity. And perhaps worst of all, he takes advantage of Steven’s empathetic nature to pretend that a tolerant person must accept abuse.
On the one hand, Ronaldo’s extreme behavior can be chalked up to severe sleep loss; that’s certainly the angle the episode goes for. But on the other, his toxicity begins well before he decides to stop sleeping, and as someone whose record for consecutive waking hours is an inadvisable thirty-six, fatigue will make you cranky, but it won’t make you more conniving. In cartoon world it’s a clean device to up Ronaldo’s awfulness in a way we can walk back from, but ugh he’s still a trashfire. Zach Callison always deserves kudos, and Rocknaldo is no exception, but Zachary Steel wins out here for capturing such a loathsome version of his character.
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A key ingredient for Rocknaldo is timing. Steven just had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, and this is our first glimpse at how it’s changed him, so what better way to test our all-loving hero than to pit him against a black hole of selfishness? He’s grown a lot since Keep Beach City Weird in a way Ronaldo hasn’t, and while his instinct is still kindness, now there’s a welcome dose of teen moodiness mixed in. 
It takes a while for Steven to realize it’s a grift, but beyond this slowness being a necessity for the conflict of the episode to work, it makes sense for where he’s at this point in the show. Again, kindness is an instinct for this kid, and even when Ronaldo starts getting infuriating, we’ve seen Steven be patient with him before. He’s also got that martyr complex revved up: this isn’t the first or last time he’s been willing to suffer to make someone else comfortable. He knows how much it sucks to be called the wrong name by now, so he’s the only person who consistently calls Ronaldo “Bloodstone.” And considering Rose Quartz wasn’t what he thought, he now feels that he must double his efforts to be his best self to compensate.
Also important is Steven’s willingness to defend his friends from the start, calling the term “Rock People” offensive and defending the Gems’ decision to leave Ronaldo behind on a dangerous mission. He can take Ronaldo’s lousiness all day, but finally snaps when Connie’s worthiness is insulted. It’s sweet that he sticks up for people, but it’s a bummer that he probably would’ve put up with Ronaldo even longer if the only one suffering was himself. Steven would do anything for his friends, but he’s not doing much for Steven.
This is why Ronaldo is the ideal antagonist for an episode coming off Steven’s space adventure. Steven’s selflessness contrasts perfectly with Ronaldo’s selfishness, but instead of a story about selflessness being good and selfishness being bad, we see how selflessness isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Yes, it’s good to care about others, but it’s also important to have boundaries and enough self-respect to defend yourself; this isn’t even the first time we’ve gotten this message, but it bears repeating. There’s are limits to tolerance that trolls will always exploit (“White Nationalists aren’t welcome here? So much for the ‘Tolerant Left!’”), and on a show about empathy we need for Steven (and the audience) to see that empathy doesn’t mean being a doormat.
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Steven’s patience fuels the episode, but the wheels are greased by the Amethyst and Pearl’s disdain. It’s a minor part of Rocknaldo, but I’m not sure I could survive how grating Ronaldo is without some backup from the Gems.
Garnet may lead a slow clap at Steven’s rousing speech on the nature of acceptance, but Amethyst is happy to crack jokes at Ronaldo’s self-seriousness, down to that perfect impression near the end of the episode. Meanwhile, Pearl openly hates the guy. We don’t even get Sassy Pearl (perhaps the greatest Pearl of all), she’s just bluntly dismissive as a refreshing antidote to Steven’s hospitality. She doesn’t bother to remember his ridiculous new name because she refuses to humor the notion that he’s a Gem, and it totally works for me; misnaming is played for drama when Steven is concerned, as befits the trans allegory that comes to a head in Change Your Mind, but Ronaldo is a human belittling Steven’s identity by pretending he shares it, so “Bloodstone” isn’t worth getting right to her (it helps that “Fryrocko” is also a delightful thing to call somebody). This jokey take on names works in the moment, but more importantly primes us for a more serious take in our last scene.
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The final conversation, after a rare time jump, does salvage Ronaldo somewhat. He apologizes and admits he was acting like a jerk, and remains dedicated to helping the Crystal Gems in his own weird way. But the root of his problem isn’t gonna up and go away, and that root, again, is selfishness. He doesn’t fit in because he would rather the world adjust to meet his whims than take a single step towards self-improvement, so he chooses to see himself as “the ultimate outsider.” I guess it’s nice to find a positive spin on qualities you’re not great at, but it reeks of self-importance in a way that’s true to the character but is still frustrating to watch. Ronaldo is very good at being who he is, but I just don’t have much patience for intentionally annoying characters.
Still, we get that lovely moment of Steven talking about his name; it’s not a big revelation that folks only call him Rose Quartz when they’re mad at him, but verbalizing it shows that he’s aware of the pattern. The issue of his name will pop up more and more, becoming a cornerstone of both the Season 4 and Season 5 finales, so it’s nice to discuss it in a calm moment so we can keep Steven’s opinion in the back of our minds when things get messy. Ronaldo, to his credit, asks permission before sharing this story on his pamphlet, and evokes fellow emotionally-challenged antagonist Zuko in his attempt at solidarity. (Fun fact: in no other way is Ronaldo similar to Zuko.)
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Moving from Zuko to Zuke: I don’t know where Rocknaldo’s production lined up on the timeline of the Steven Universe fandom's worst elements harassing Jesse Zuke, but I hope Zuke got some level of catharsis in portraying such “fans” in this pathetic manner. Speaking as a guy with a blog, calling Ronaldo “just a guy with a blog” is perfect putdown for a loser that makes himself feel big by pretending to know how to run a ship better than the captain. Imagine if I spent every post saying how much better of a storyteller I am than this crew. Ugh.
Fandoms can do great things, but man are they pros at doing horrible things. During the week that I wrote this review, a 15-year-old Super Smash Bros player got yelled off the internet for beating an established player in an incredible fashion, because while the community adores a young upstart, they can’t stand when that upstart is a girl. And no, I’m not saying the entire fandom did it, just as the entire Steven Universe fandom didn’t target one of the show’s best boarders (note that this article was written when Zuke still went by Lauren), but there are more than enough Ronaldos in every community, and it’s up to people who comprehend the basic tenets of empathy provided by a show they claim to love to stand up to such bullies.
If you don’t like Rocknaldo, that’s just fine. Because you shouldn’t like how Ronaldo acts in it. Liking something doesn’t give you the right to harass people, so do your part in shutting that nonsense down. 
I’ve never been to this…how do you say…school?
Just give us an episode with Peridot, Yellow Pearl, Peedee, and Ronaldo trapped in a room already.
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
I hate watching this episode, but that doesn’t mean I hate the episode. It does its job very well, which is worthy of admiration even if I’m probably never going to watch it again now that this review is done.
Top Twenty
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
Last One Out of Beach City
The Return
The Answer
Mindful Education
Sworn to the Sword
Rose’s Scabbard
Mr. Greg
Coach Steven
Giant Woman
Beach City Drift
Winter Forecast
Steven’s Dream
Love ‘em
Laser Light Cannon
Bubble Buddies
Tiger Millionaire
Lion 2: The Movie
Rose’s Room
An Indirect Kiss
Ocean Gem
Space Race
Garnet’s Universe
Warp Tour
The Test
Future Vision
On the Run
Maximum Capacity
Marble Madness
Political Power
Full Disclosure
Joy Ride
Keeping It Together
We Need to Talk
Chille Tid
Cry for Help
Keystone Motel
Catch and Release
When It Rains
Back to the Barn
Steven’s Birthday
It Could’ve Been Great
Message Received
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
The New Lars
Monster Reunion
Alone at Sea
Crack the Whip
Back to the Moon
Kindergarten Kid
Buddy’s Book
Gem Harvest
Three Gems and a Baby
That Will Be All
The New Crystal Gems
Storm in the Room
Like ‘em
Gem Glow
Arcade Mania
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Monster Buddies
Keep Beach City Weird
Watermelon Steven
The Message
Open Book
Story for Steven
Shirt Club
Love Letters
Rising Tides, Crashing Tides
Onion Friend
Historical Friction
Friend Ship
Nightmare Hospital
Too Far
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Drop Beat Dad
Too Short to Ride
Restaurant Wars
Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service
Greg the Babysitter
Gem Hunt
Steven vs. Amethyst
Adventures in Light Distortion
Gem Heist
The Zoo
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Serious Steven
Steven’s Lion
Joking Victim
Secret Team
Say Uncle
Super Watermelon Island
Gem Drill
Know Your Fusion
Future Boy Zoltron
No Thanks!
     6. Horror Club      5. Fusion Cuisine      4. House Guest      3. Onion Gang      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
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Dental Marketing Tips and Ideas for Dentists
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Imagine that: Your dental clinic has gotten so popular you are asked to create the rounds the day talkshows at which you reach reveal actors to whiten their teeth with strawberries, baking soda, and a charcoal briquette. Pretty awesome?
Okay... you may not desire to be considered a star dentist however I'm sure getting leads and much more patients will be probably pretty at the top of you list to cultivate your own dental small enterprise enterprise.
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I understand you've probably tried to employ a marketing business or SEO firm to help improve your clinic plus you were guaranteed yields by them but couldn't send. They had no clue exactly what these actually do to you and left it all seem really confusing that you find yourself ostensibly cutting them a test.
The insanity will stop the following.
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Lots of you have probably tried AdWords for the clinic and also have not seen a fantastic yield. It is just as if you are simply throwing money. AdWords is space since you are always competing with tens of thousands of companies and dentists with budgets which may just dismiss yours off. Some businesses spend between $10,000 - $60,000+ monthly on AdWords. If you should be managing your AdWords it yourself is improbable you have the individual hours to use its own features for the maximum. With key words costing between $2.50 - $8.00 per click on you have to be somewhat careful and accommodate new strategies fast. The concerns go with your site designer or IT profession that are not pros at AdWords managing it.
Here's are a few fundamental questions to ask your own AdWords supervisor:
What's the Auction Insights reports?
Answer: A report which shows how your campaign will be acting vs. the competition.
What Ad Extensions Have you been currently really using?
Sitelink - Additional connections on your advertisement
Call-out - Additional descriptive text below your advertisement
Structured Snippits - Extensions which emphasize aspects of your solutions
Telephone - Shows your telephone number
Location - Shows a map with your advertisement
Inspection - Highlights third party testimonials in your advertisement
Up are our advertisements turning what internet web sites for the Remarketing effort?
What key words that are are you currently really using?
Answer: Your supervisor ought to be searching through your research phrases and exluding key words You Don't want to appear to (e.g. Gold Teeth, Free Dental Implants, Dental Schools)
There are some issues if a SEO firm oversees your AdWords. As a SEO company has many customers, your accounts has hauled to a AdWords manager who has experience that can result in you losing money. They focus with extend and volume inexpensive rates but produce outcomes that are good.
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In plain English this means if somebody gets out a questionnaire on your landing page requesting about a dental implant, then you have an activity which raises the likelihood they convert out of a lead to some patient if they cancel appointments, so do not answer your telephone, or ask to get called a day or two after because they'll undoubtedly likely probably soon be out of the town. Good earnings will frighten one induce and also team them develop in to paying patients and to be consistent so that that they really close. Every interaction has been monitored where the flow on your connection is therefore that you may understand.
Creating Easy to Understand Reports and Statistics
Most SEO businesses provide their dental customers complicated mechanically generated reports to demonstrate how"good" their numbers really are many of the metrics just do not matter.
Statistics Important For Your Dental Marketing Campaign
Internet Site Unique Visitors - The Quantity of New Visitors into Your Site
AdWords Clicks - The quantity of clicks that your AdWords campaign is currently becoming
CTR (Click Through Rate) - How likely an outcome will click on your AdWords advertisement after seeing it.
Total Phone Calls - How many telephone calls have been created through landing pages and your Web Site
Entire Leads - How many prospects that your Dental Internet Marketing firm is currently creating through SEO and AdWords
Result in Appointments - The percent of prospects which become appointments
Appointments to Shows - The percent of appointments that appear
No Shows - The percent of prospects Which Make appointments but not appear
Physicians - The amount of prospects which become paying patients
Cost Per Patient - The quantity of marketing dollars which will need to be spent to have a guide and convert them.
With numbers and useful and accurate reporting you as well as your online advertising team may create alterations that are educated to your promotional initiatives that will assist you to spend money.
Whether your objectives are in the event that you want to raise your income to eventually become profitable or to develop into a world dentist to the stars, you have to put money into internet dental advertising. When you have found the correct organization to work well with you ought to be knowledgeable about what SEO and AdWords methods will be effective therefore they can be audited by that you and be certain that you're getting your money's worth. Whenever you and your advertising team are employed in full harmony, you can start to finetune your efforts and finally enlarge the range of your company and ideally open more techniques.  Please do yourself a favor and make sure to check out these great resources that will be sure to assist you in creating a successful online marketing strategy:  ‘’click here’’
Area Based Marketing (Local SEO)
So as to prevail over close by contenders for new patients searching for a dental specialist in the zone, your dental work on promoting must incorporate advancement for neighborhood look. To get the best outcomes, ensure you have a precise posting over numerous online indexes, utilize nearby watchwords in your SEO system, and urge current patients to leave positive audits on locales, for example, Google, Yelp, and Facebook.
Enhance for Mobile
In 2016, portable web perusing overwhelmed work areas just because. Today, versatile utilization keeps on rising, which implies that notwithstanding area-based promoting, you'll have to ensure you enhance your site for the portable client. Here are the manners by which portable plan and SEO contrast from work area:
Versatile clients have less screen space, so you'll need to restrict boxes of long content.
Structure your site with effectively available symbols or catches that make it simple for site guests to call or solicitation an arrangement right away.
 Versatile clients react well to video, so your site and web-based media pages ought to have important and drawing in video substance to build sees.
Improving for versatile is one of the most significant parts of an effective advanced promoting technique for dental specialists.
Remain Engaged with Social Media
Online Media is an incredible method to give your training an individual voice. It permits you to furnish devotees with modern, applicable data, for example, tips, intriguing measurements on oral wellbeing, and pictures of your training and representative culture so they feel as though they know you. The key is to fabricate a relationship with likely patients by offering correlative data. This assembles brand mindfulness, sets up the trust, and improves the probability that your training will be at the bleeding edge of their brains when they're prepared to plan an arrangement.
Notoriety Management
Most of the imminent patients base their choice to plan an arrangement on positive online notoriety. Your online notoriety is most generally spoken to by surveys on Yelp, Google, and web-based media stages. Despite the fact that you can't satisfy everybody 100% of the time, checking your audits routinely and immediately reacting to both positive and negative ones shows the worth your training places on understanding fulfillment.
Email Marketing Campaign
Conveying content right to your patients' inboxes permits you to give them complimentary instructive articles on keeping up dental wellbeing, admittance to neighborhood wellbeing assets, occasional advancements, and in any event, charging data. You can likewise make it a stride further and fragment your rundowns by socioeconomics so as to offer more customized content. Email showcasing is one of the structure squares of a dependable connection between your patients and your dental practice.
Remain Human
In conclusion, one of the most significant parts of any advanced showcasing effort for dental specialists, computerized, or something else, is the capacity to stay human and compassionate. In the event that you need a bigger crowd to consider your business, you have to show you're put resources into the network. Individuals need to give their business to organizations with a soul. Attempt to partake in-network occasions and offer free or ease administrations to the individuals who are oppressed or underinsured. It's advantageous to make a move and feature your responsibility to everyone's benefit. Potential patients will react well.
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magaprima · 5 years
Part 2 Episode 1 Thoughts (Part 4 of 4)
“If demons are hunting you with any regularity, perhaps you should transfer back to Baxter High”
When Hilda asked Lilith to encourage, she was very disinclined, but seeing that a demon, and a major one at that, was willing to defy all rules and kill her, concern for Sabrina’s welfare is coming into play. Now, at this point, it’s not genuine concern (as it does become later on in the season), but entirely out of the concern that if Sabrina is killed, Lilith is the one who will be made to pay the price. Their survival and protection is intrinsically linked via the Dark Lord. 
“It would...please your Aunt Hilda and..I could keep an eye on you”
I love how Lilith uses reassurances rather than arguments to convince Sabrina to come to back to Baxter High. She already knows telling Sabrina she must do something, that she can’t protect herself and do things by herself, will just make her dig her heels in, so she’s using emotional connections; her Aunt Hilda is all worried about her and her favourite teacher wants to look after her.
Also notice the box to the side of Sabrina; it is a cardboard box filled with all of Hawthorne’s things. Lilith has literally dumped them in a box and isn’t even bothering to hide it, and the fact no one is questioning the man left without any of his stuff, shows how heavily disliked he was. People, most especially women, are too relieved he’s gone to question how and why. 
When we begin talking about Sabrina’s issues at the Academy, Lilith seems to switch from manipulative talk to genuine conversation, genuine interest, revealing some of those early stages of the attachment she is inevitably (considering their similarities and the amount of time spent together) developing towards Sabrina. And Lilith doesn’t even take a second to correctly guess how people are viewing Sabrina’s bid to be Top Boy. 
“Oh, I see, and erm, stab in the dark, the warlocks, aren’t too keen on the idea of a female Top Boy are they?”
This is a story Lilith knows well and knows personally. Her very first conflict, very first experiences, were her saying she was equal to men, that she was entitled to the same role as men, and she’s spending thousands of years trying to prove to everyone, not just Lucifer, that she is deserving and worthy of being Queen of Hell. 
“Well, with a name like that, I can only imagine he’s trouble”
Well, needless to say, from this comment alone, Lucifer has not shared with Lilith that he’s told a warlock to get close to Sabrina. This is clearly the first time Lilith is hearing about Nick, but the fact she gauges from his name-- both of which are names consistently associated with the devil in Christian mythology- that he’s going to be trouble reveals a lot of how she views Lucifer, even before she has admitted it out loud to herself. 
Lilith looks genuinely and really amused when Sabrina tries to dismiss the idea of Nick being the one behind everything and dismissing her attraction to him. We’re seeing more of Lilith’s genuine interest in Sabrina’s welfare etc, the attachment is there, even if it’s only minorly showing itself and even if Lilith is in complete denial of it, but the way she engages with Sabrina here, her interest, teasing about a new boy in her life the way a Mother might tease a daughter is extremely revealing about what Lilith’s role is truly becoming towards her (the fact in the finale Lilith literally takes Sabrina’s birth father’s place in hell kinda seals the metaphor). Even the language she uses, the words she chooses, are very much maternal. 
“Oh, Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina. Is someone having a rebound crush? Is some handsome, young warlock clouding your judgement?”
It’s all very familiar, affectionate, caring, and it all comes too naturally and easily for it to be entirely down to manipulation. The bond is already there between them, whether Lilith likes it or not. Even the way she refers to Nick as ‘this provocatively named’ is another maternal thing, like a Mother immediately pointing out the issues with a potential boyfriend, warning against having interest of the boy with the motorbike (metaphorically speaking).
But when Sabrina says Nick is a conjurer and both of them realise this means Nick could very well be the one summoning the demons to attack her, Lilith’s expression is so resigned and unsurprised like ‘well there we go, it took a man exactly 2 seconds to disappoint and betray. How shocking’. 
The heavy sigh when Sabrina leaves, and Lilith is sat alone, is so freaking exhausting. Like this is a woman whose job is literally never done. She is always cleaning up something, sorting out something, fixing something, and getting no reward, no credit, and this is just another item to add to the list. She’s basically like Bob in The Incredibles when he’s like ‘I feel like the maid! I just cleaned up this world, can the world not stay saved for five minutes?’
And then we come to Lilith getting read to summon Satan. The woman doesn’t feel she can just summon him, that she can just cast a spell and have a chat; she has to get ready. She dresses herself nicely, she styles her hair, she applies lipstick; like the very last thing she does before casting the spell, is her make-up. She then messes with her hair, pulling her forward, she is obviously trying to make herself look as sexually attractive as possible. Now, remember this is not how Lilith originally looked. It may be her body now, through that flesh-copy spell she cast in the first episode, but for thousands of years she’s always looked like she did when Lucifer first met her, which among many things, looked a lot younger than her new form, and Lucifer is prideful, vain, arrogant, and no doubt Lilith is more than aware how much image and appearance matter to him. 
She has been playing this role of Ms Wardwell for absolutely months and months now, constantly, 24/7 and perhaps is even starting to feel sometimes that she is losing herself in the role, that she can’t see her original self in the mirror anymore. And what if Lucifer can’t see it either? What if he looks at her and all he sees is the ‘spinster school marm’ (to quote Zelda)? Lilith is, after all, very much aware of how easily men dismiss women due to looks and age, and Lucifer is a fallen angel, yes, but he’s also a man. So she tries to make herself look as much like her old self, even in this new form. She wants him to see her and still want her, and that, considering his treatment of her, and how worthy Lilith is in her own right, so tragically revealing of the existence she has been suffering through for so long. 
She looks at herself in the mirror like she’s getting ready for battle. She swallows, nods at herself, and is clearly tense as hell about the idea of summoning him. But she does it, because Lilith has never let fear stop her before, not when things need to be done. But we are very aware that this is a far from easy task, on so many levels. 
And then when we see her sat in the chair, working on the talisman, we see how she has styled herself; her hair, her makeup, her dress, all of it is more reminiscent of her old self rather than her ‘Ms Wardwell’ self. She has a very youthful style here, proving that she is trying to ensure Lucifer sees through her new appearance to her true self, the way she has been looking past his twisted form to remember his true self (It’s interesting to note that they’re both trapped in forms that aren’t their own, but the only difference is, it simply happened to him, a cause and effect, but Lilith was convinced to do this at Lucifer’s request, for the sake of getting Sabrina to join their ranks). 
“Forgive me impudence in summoning you”
She is quick to apologise, to assure him that even though she has commanded him here (and so proving that despite everything he says, she does have the power to do that. She is extremely powerful, enough to control him, even if only for a time; which obviously happens to a greater extent in the finale, when she fools him with a glamour and grabs him by the throat) as a way to stop him from being too angry, to remind him she knows that he is charge.
She avoids his eye so much though, even as she makes her challenges, She only glances at him briefly, as if afraid too much eye contact would make him lash out. It’s only when she finally gets to the point about Sabrina, and her suspicions about his secrecy, perhaps even betrayal, that she finally looks directly at him as she says ‘than you’ve led me to believe’. And we finally get the very first glimpse of the rebellion to come. 
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Select the best Roofing Company for your personal Home
Roofing company cumming
The standard lifespan of a roof is thirty decades - presented it absolutely was well-constructed with top quality substance. Roofs are even so, susceptible to weather conditions damages simply because they tend to be the most exposed aspect of the house so as a rule, roofs call for repairs in a few areas.
roofer cumming
Caring for your personal roof is important. Executing repairs when required reduce leaks in rainy temperature. Leaks bring on the event of humidity which will damage the wooden structure with the dwelling. Not waiting till it is actually much too late to have repairs done may even preserve you plenty of money.
For many Do it yourself people, quite possibly the most evident issue to accomplish is usually to repair the roof them selves. But roofing repairs, it should be famous, might be really tough and except you are a roofing contractor oneself, you will need to come to conditions using the point that you choose to could will need to rent an experienced roofer.
While in the next shorter report, you'll find out simple explanation why roofing repairs should be remaining on the pros only, the benefits of employing a roofer along with the 5 essential belongings you have to know in advance of contacting the neighborhood roofing organization.
Must you Get it done Yourself?
Quite a few individuals choose for Do it yourself repairs mainly because it saves a lot of money, and it can be pleasurable sometimes. However, you will find simply just some projects that have to be taken care of only by professional contractors and roofing mend is one of these.
There are numerous errors that one particular that is not nicely versed in doing roof repairs can commit... And these blunders can be really pricey and even life-threatening!
The following are definitely the most commonly encountered problems Do it yourself individuals commit on the subject of roof repairs:
They dismiss basic safety precautions
Roofing repairs and installations is amongst the most unsafe occupations of all time. You'll find lots of dangers included in it like falls, resource hazards, accidents like puncture wounds and cuts, electrical and fire hazards and pure dangers like robust winds, ice and lightning. Is it worthy of it to shed limb or lifetime just to help you save a small degree of dollars?
1. Fasteners end up while in the completely wrong position
Only one fastener away from position can set you back a huge selection of dollars plus extra repairs. This mistake is easily prevented when you really know what you might be performing or in the event you hired someone who does.
2. They buy the completely wrong roofing devices
A poor alternative in roofing program increases the threats previously affiliated to roof repairs. Steel roofs come to be slippery with the slightest quantity of humidity and asphalt roofs have to have a certain slope to stop leaks. Speaking of slopes, you'll find prerequisites that has to be deemed and merely a roofer understands these.
Problems in roof repairs or installations will lead to the necessity of changing the program yet again, hence the necessity to invest more dollars. More fees could be prevented by selecting a dependable roofing business.
Why It is best to hire an experienced Roofer
Apart from the avoidance of faults and unneeded bills, you will find other gains to using the services of a professional roofing contractor:
� The appropriate variety of roofing procedure is utilised. Because there are numerous forms of roofing supplies (steel, steel panels, wooden shakes, asphalt shingles, clay tiles, rubber slates, and so on.), selecting the right one will get puzzling. By hiring a roofing contractor, you will be spared from building blunders that you're going to soon regret.
� The outdated roofing product is properly disposed of. The vast majority of roofing contractors will include every thing from taking away the old roofing, replacing it and disposing with the previous product.
� Expert installation. That you are certain which the roofing system is set up securely and climate limited.
� Problems on the roof procedure is prevented. Roofers have scaffoldings that they use to repair service or install roofs without having inflicting injury to other elements of the roof or property.
� Your roofer will help you choose if a new roof really should be installed or if some repairs are all it will take.
� Get advice within the aspect. Excellent guidance on roof care is often a reward you can get from the roofing contractor. A specialist roofer can show you ways to look after the most uncovered element within your residence and make certain that it will last assuming that it might.
Roof mend will not be as basic a endeavor as quite a few could feel. There are various tiny specifics that needs to be thought of if you prefer your roof to become very good as new. A trustworthy contractor can help you figure out what has to be carried out and the way considerably every thing will set you back.
The 5 Factors to know Prior to Selecting a Roofer
Given that you know the benefits of using the services of a roofer as well as threats concerned to undertaking the repairs or set up yourself, you will find nonetheless some belongings you need to have to be familiar with prior to finding up the telephone and calling your neighborhood roofer.
Upon deciding to rent an expert roofer, your initial thought will in a natural way be to call the closest contractor and get a estimate. Not all roofers are the identical and if you need to have the best company to your money, there are actually things you have to have to think about. There are terrible roofers and you will discover the dependable types. Obviously like several sane home owner, you would desire to be sure to deal only using a reliable contractor.
Here are several with the belongings you have to know before using the services of a roofer which will help you identify the very best contractor to rent:
1. Know Exactly what You would like Performed
Prior to deciding to make that call, it is but reasonable to have an thought of what the dilemma is and everything you want performed specifically. It is not as simple as selecting the roof requirements correcting and contacting somebody above to fix it. When speaking with a contractor, he'll most likely request you numerous of questions relating to the challenge. And if you've not well prepared or don't have any strategy what you want done, you may be swayed simply into believing there are extra complications than there actually is.
It's essential to know the extent on the damage so you can convey to your contractor what exactly desires correcting. Are there holes? Are there shingles falling off or lacking? Does the flashing have to have to get re-aligned? How about the drainage, is it working fine?
Being aware of what precisely must be preset may also save you revenue. When talking about the job along with your contractor, you are able to notify him almost everything that has to be included; he will make the evaluation then give you a estimate. Anything you forgot to tell him will cost you extra.
2. Know the Signals of a Poor Roofing Contractor
You will find rogue contractors who will only rip you off this means you should be thorough.
The following are symptoms that a roofing contractor is much from honest:
- Not absolutely licensed, bonded and insured. Do not belief the contractor's phrase: Validate it at http://www.cslb.ca.gov/ or simply phone Telephone (800) 321-CSLB = 1-800-321-2752.
- When asked about price, they are doing not focus on it within an open, obvious or detailed fashion. For those who handle this kind of contractor, assume supplemental costs to spring up together how.
- They may have a foul history of unresolved grievances from other purchasers. Seek advice from the BBB for just about any unresolved problems or grievances. Assessment the reviews on Angie's Listing; check out their information on the Contractor's License Board. Normally get in touch with a few former prospects. Really feel they're authentic instead of paid out. Even the most beneficial contractor cannot you should absolutely everyone. There generally somebody who just can't be pleased. But lots? That may be a sign there is certainly anything erroneous with all the contractor's perform or support. Keep away from them.
- You do not come to feel comfy about employing a contractor. Often, you will get this intestine sensation that you and the contractor are not able to get alongside properly. If you think that way, it is best to help keep searching.
- The contractor's fees are low cost, actually way also low-priced when compared to some others. When it truly is tempting to choose the bottom charge offered, you should be cautious due to the fact most roofers who may have really small premiums will conclusion up charging for more than you are prepared to pay. Low-priced contractors also rarely redo a challenge free of charge so if there is a difficulty while using the workmanship, they might check with you for additional payment ahead of they fix it.
- They are doing not deliver a certified estimator. A trustworthy roofing firm will always mail another person around to refer to along with you, make assessments, do genuine measurements and explore roofing resources along with you.
three. Know Your choices
A person thing you will need to realize just before employing a roofer: there are lots of fish inside the sea. You've quite a bit of solutions so you should not settle for the 1st contractor you find or employ the a single that gives the most cost effective price. By speaking with several other contractors, you could figure out which 1 is most fitted on your wants and who it is possible to simply work with.
For most property owners, the primary thing to consider is always the worth. This is certainly comprehensible for the reason that most of us need to save cash. Having said that, the expense really should not be the determining factor. You should weigh other aspects much too ahead of producing a selection. Retain in mind which you can't often hope a fantastic career from another person giving an inexpensive fee as well as the costliest level isn't going to usually signify the most beneficial company.
Converse with a minimum of a few diverse contractors and make comparisons. By performing this, you stay away from paying for the best prices during the business also as reach know extra affordable prices. In addition to getting capable to compare prices, interviewing various contractors will even permit you already know their appropriate encounter, specialties or no matter what distinctive delivers they may have.
The top way that you should know your options is by executing your research. Go surfing and seek out roofing businesses and contractors in close proximity to you and examine them. Find out each and every one's get the job done historical past and see how shoppers come across their services. Question kin, good friends or neighbors for their tips, they could know a very good contractor you could verify out or simply a firm you must be cautious of.
Though investigating, it's also advisable to make the effort to find out some bits about roofing due to the fact basic understanding will help you steer clear of obtaining cheated by unscrupulous roofers.
four. Know the Terms of their Insurance policies Policy
1 of your most significant errors property owners commit when selecting roofing contractors just isn't bothering to ask concerning the firm's insurance coverage coverage and warranties.
When you can find a number of roofing firms that mechanically include insurance plan in their deal, there are many that don't, and that means you have to have to inquire to create confident.
The insurance coverage should address equally consumer and worker making sure that just in case a mishap takes place when the mend or installation is going on, you won't be held liable. The roofer's insurance coverage might help address you from nearly anything unforeseen. Ask for the proof of coverage and ensure the coverage is in effect from the period from the challenge.
Guarantee is usually very vital. You ought to know when the guarantee addresses just the roofing product or only the labor or each. Roofing content producers offer warranty for his or her solutions and their conditions and constraints may possibly be different within the contractors. Some of the belongings you must know pertaining to guarantee are classified as the greenback restrictions, no matter whether or not it's prorated about the everyday living of the roof, the life from the guarantee, provisions that might void the guarantee, etc. Only qualified roofers would provide you with particular more warranty from your producer.
The contractor must offer not less than two years workmanship warranty and clearly focus on the terms with the manufacturer's warranty. Don't forget to get a copy from the proposed guarantee.
5. Know what Need to Be Integrated During the Created Settlement
Securing a replica of a written agreement is essential since this will likely make certain that there'll be no surprises together the street. It's going to supply you with a apparent view of what is being carried out.
The settlement, signed by you as well as the contractor, need to evidently point out the following:
- What resources are for use - Envisioned completion day - Pricing facts - Payment schedules
The roof may be the most neglected aspect in the house, nevertheless it is the one element that normally takes one of the most beating. Any injury into the roof that is certainly not effectively fixed can have an affect on the complete property, costing you extra cash and headache.
When it really is time for roofing repairs or alternative, pick to hire a reputable roofing business. You want someone trustworthy focusing on your roof, persons who determine what these are undertaking, are honest and might produce as agreed.
Take note of the five things to understand just before choosing a roofer as these will allow you to identify a contractor it is possible to have confidence in. Being a reward, below absolutely are a couple of other points to take into account when wanting for your roofer:
- An internet site isn't ample; the contractor should have got a actual physical office, landline, business enterprise license and tax ID.
- Request references; a good contractor should have a prolonged checklist of consumers who will be content with their function
- Uncover should the contractor belongs to any regional or countrywide field associations which happens to be an indication that they're in truth pros
- A reputable firm is economically steady and may have the ability to deliver present economic facts when requested
- Ask the contractor to explain high quality manage as well as their supervision techniques. Find out how a lot of employees are required and have the title of your person answerable for the task.
- Decide with the contractor which has the ideal working experience, exhibits professionalism and gives relevance to good quality workmanship.
You don't want your roof to come back crashing down your head so very seriously take into consideration hiring a roofer in the event the time arrives for repairs or replacements.
You might want to tackle the project on your own, in particular for anyone who is skilled in repairs but preserve in mind that roofing repairs have unique factors and you'll find dangers associated. It can be nonetheless most effective to head over to an expert for aid and while using the recommendations you simply gained, getting a fantastic contractor that will not rip you off and provides worth for the income is becoming a great deal less difficult.
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fantastic-nonsense · 5 years
I've gotta be honest, your vehemence regarding indoor/outdoor cats is honestly baffling. Like, what makes your [technically invasive] cat more entitled to space then the animals outdoors? And like, the argument that "indoor cats" is a "newer" concept and therefore worthy of dismissing is also baffling. Like, seat belts in cars are a "newer" concept. Smoking being bad for you is a "newer" concept. Something being "newer" doesn't make it incorrect?
I read the article you linked - the article you cited says that while unowned cats kill more animals then owned cats, owned cats still kill between 403 million and 1.24 billion animals / year. Furthermore the study says on owned cats “simple solutions to reduce mortality caused by pets, such as limiting or preventing outdoor access, should be pursued.” and “This mortality is of particular concern within the context of steadily increasing populations of owned cats.”
On top of that, it’s a bit disingenuous to link the pet obesity page when it doesn’t actually say when you’re claiming. Yes, pet’s are getting more obese, but when it comes to exercise, the paper only goes into dogs and exercise - it says nothing about cats. It only talks about feeding when it comes to cats. And the paper doesn’t talk at all about “psychological health, mental stimulation, better socialization skills with other animals, and fewer behavioral problems”. Did you read the papers?
Well one, showing up in my inbox on anon with a three-part response instead of just…you know…responding to my reblog is kind of baffling in and of itself. I also fail to see how my response was “vehement” just because I was pointing out that the OP’s entire post was based on a false premise and then explaining why said premise was false; this is the first time I have ever talked ‘cat discourse’ besides a couple of snarky comments here and there. It’s incredible that a post that basically boils down to “feral cats and outside cats are not the same thing, letting your cat outside is not evil, don’t treat cats like dogs, and here are some steps you can take to actually help with the problem” is considered a “vehement” argument. If anything, your response is far more vehement than anything I said in my original reblog. But I’ll indulge you anyway, because I have nothing else better to do with my life tonight. I’ll even section it off to make my response easier to read.
Let me put it this way: a cat is a pet, just like a dog or a hamster or a snake. If you are not prepared to care for them the way they need to be cared for, you shouldn’t have one. Cats, being a different species from dogs, have different needs and function differently from dogs. Therefore, it is entirely illogical to treat them like they are just small dogs. Doing something like clipping a leash on a cat and trying to take them for a walk is a ridiculous concept for the vast majority of people who have ever actually owned or interacted with cats. It’s a trendy Instagram fad that is completely useless and ultimately harmful in practice. Either keep your cat inside and care for it appropriately, let them outside for limited amounts of time, or take them to a cat-friendly outside environment on a regular basis. Stop acting like they’re just small dogs who need to be walked.
On the concept of indoor cats: a cat is not a seatbelt. It’s not a cigarette. They are sentient, fully functional animals with their own brain and desires; their care does not function independently from that fact. It is also of a species that has survived and adapted and evolved to live largely outdoors in harmony with humans. Humans quite literally domesticated cats to be convenient pest catchers. This is not up for debate; it is a biological fact of their existence. 
You are right that something being newer doesn’t make it incorrect. However, please consider:
I never said that keeping a cat inside was inherently incorrect. I only said that insisting all cats regardless of circumstance be kept inside is incorrect.
When people try to argue that cats are “not outside pets” based on a fundamentally ridiculous conception of how cats and humans have operated since the domestication of cats 10,000 years ago, it is imperative to point out that misconception. Pointing out that “inside cats” were not a thing until around 70 years ago is not saying that keeping your cat inside is BAD; it is saying that “inside cats” are the historical aberration in the human-cat relationship and that keeping your cat inside was functionally impossible until the advent of modern technology. Thus, trying to argue that cats are “not outside pets” is an inherently ridiculous statement to make.
Cats (much like dogs, actually) entered into a mutually beneficial relationship with humans based on food: humans kept cats around because they kept pest animals like rodents out of their food and homes, and cats received food and care by being around humans. Yes, our relationship with them has changed just as our relationship with dogs has changed, but there are still plenty of people who still keep cats (and dogs, for that matter) for their original, intended purposes: pest control, hunting, and protection, with the incredible side benefit of companionship. Projecting your hurt feelings about abandoned, feral cats onto owned cats who are doing their job by being outside is unproductive and ultimately unhelpful. 
Cats are not actually invasive. The natural habitat of domestic cats is anywhere humans are, and particularly in agricultural areas. Ferals are in many jurisdictions legally classified as a “pest species” because of how they function, as feral cats are effectively wild animals. Ferals are considered an invasive species and are a problem specifically because human irresponsibility has allowed their populations to grow out of control and caused them to flourish in areas where they shouldn’t be. The problem of feral cats is our fault, because we as humans have failed to properly care for our environment; they are directly the result of un-neutered strays/abandoned cats having kittens. There would be no feral cats without the abandonment of domestic cats into the wild by humans, and feral cat colonies exist only where there is a human-supplied food source. 
We know that feral cats are the actual problem. There have been hundreds of articles written about how feral cats are the problem (see some here!). Australia is actively trying to grapple with its feral cat problem and specifically cites feral cats as the main issue at hand, to the point where they are trying to kill 2 million feral cats by 2020. Some states in the US allow hunters to kill feral cats. But feral cats =/= owned outdoor cats. Why people like the OP are trying to conflate owned, cared-for, outside and indoor-outdoor cats with ferals is beyond me; they’re completely separate issues. That was the point of my original response. 
Now, onto the rest of your response:
In terms of cat obesity, I freely admit that was actually a stylistic error on my part; I wasn’t clear that I was talking about how cat obesity in general has been steadily rising in recent years and how it can in some ways be linked to the rise of urbanization and the rise of the ‘indoor cat.’ I would, however, note that complaining about how the article “only talks about cats in relation to food an isn’t really fair” doesn’t take into account that it’s basically the only thing to talk about in relation to indoor cats, since they don’t get much exercise, comparatively speaking.
Part of the reason indoor cats have such statistically high weight rates in relation to indoor-outdoor and outside cats is because they are not getting the same levels of exercise that cats who are allowed to go outdoors get; scratching posts and cat playgrounds can only go so far. A sedentary lifestyle for a predator species when not carefully controlled results in obesity. This shouldn’t be news to people.
The other concerns you mentioned are things often brought up in discussions of indoor vs. outdoor cats; I didn’t feel the need to link them because I (incorrectly) assumed that this was common knowledge among people who liked talking cat discourse. My mistake, apparently.
Finally, I’m well aware of what I posted. I never once stated that outside cats don’t kill animals; you’re welcome to go back to my original post and check if you like. What I said was “owned cats are not nearly as significant of a threat to wildlife as some people believe, at least compared to ferals and strays.” If you actually look at the numbers in the study I linked, they back this sentiment up: feral cats are responsible for 69% of bird deaths and 89% of small mammal deaths in the United States every year. There’s simply no comparison to be made at this point; it’s incredibly obvious which population is the actual problem.
If you want more statistics, here’s another one: via one study, feral cats kill about 316 million Australian birds per year while pet cats kill an additional 61 million annually. That’s uh….what? Maybe 15% being killed by outdoor cats, while ferals take out the other 85%? The researchers freely admit which one is the problem: “This footage shows domestic cat owners that there is a big difference between domestic and feral cats.“
It’s also telling that almost every news story that actually focuses on the problem (this PBS story, for example) is actually talking about strays, ferals, and other un-owned cats. Basically all conversations around this topic in the actual activist and conservation spheres are essentially centering around un-owned cats that people feed. There is basically zero focus or effort put into discussing what most people think of as “outside cats”: cats that are owned, collared, and cared for by humans that happen to spend the majority of their day outside and their nights in the garage or basement. Strays and ferals are the real problem, and it’s the problem people are discussing.
Anyway, I hope that incredibly long response satisfied you and your decision to come dump in my inbox on anon tonight. Have a good night, and next time please feel free to actually respond to me via reblog.
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murrayhwang64-blog · 6 years
Automobile Restoration: Top Tips To Maintain Your Vehicle Running Easy
No more asking yourself what the next phase is when one thing goes completely wrong together with your motor vehicle. Automobile maintenance will not be a basic subject, nevertheless, you can realize how to have the right choice about improvements. Read on to learn more about where to start the next occasion your vehicle reduces. Preserve fuel by driving a vehicle like you have got a cup water located on your dash panel. This exercise helps you prevent jack rabbit begins and quick stops. Any time you boost easily, the engine of your own auto employs more fuel than it might if you decide to boost at a steady rise in pace. Have a fix set in the car always. You should have tools to improve a tire, that have come along with your car. Make sure you get a lug wrench plus a auto jack if you haven't acquired one. Your tool kit must have these items: plug wrenches, ratcheting instruments, a wrench for torque and something that may be changeable, and each a Phillips as well as a toned brain screwdriver also. Avoid cheap equipment. Reliable and strong tools are great which means you don't need to bother about them malfunctioning. Look out for blatant symptoms that your particular auto mechanic is just not to be reliable. When your auto mechanic talks in confusing phrases or tells you not to worry about the facts, then it can be a chance to find one the person you have self confidence in.` It is vital that you have confidence in the person that is fixing your car, and when you don't, then go somewhere else. Be aware of indications that your technician isn't great. Once they speak with you in circles or they don't be aware of the questions you have, you possibly will not be dealing with the very best man or woman. It is essential that you trust the individual which is restoring your motor vehicle, and if you don't, go someplace else. Usually do not hover over the technician when they want to do work on your own vehicle. It is vital that you hang out with them to clarify what the issue is along with your motor vehicle, but once you have done that, leave them by yourself to allow them to do their job without having interruptions. Don't dismiss little bothersome appears to be or problems. These tiny annoyances, including loud braking system, tend to be cheap to correct. If ignored, nonetheless, they could generally result in much more extensive problems and dear repairs. Exchanging put on brake patches is now much cheaper than having to swap the padding, rotors, brake outlines, and calipers later on. It is possible to fix tiny dings by using a suction glass dent puller. This generally works well with really small dings that can easily be covered with the suction power glass. If the mug fails to function, you should apply some filler in the ding, fine sand and color until finally it gets unseen. You are able to repair modest dents by using a suction power cup dent puller. This generally works well with tiny dents that could be covered with the suction power mug. In the event the cup is not going to operate, you should implement some filler in the damage, beach sand and color until it might be undetectable. Make certain your mechanic has correct qualification. The Countrywide Institute for Auto Quality provides the seal of authorization for customers to consider. This lets you know they already have instruction ans gives you good job. Hunt out a professional automobile mechanic shop prior to need one. Choosing a excellent auto providing shop can take some time and energy. tire alignment don't desire to hold back until you happen to be in needy need for improvements, given that you might get in touch with the 1st retail outlet you see. Alternatively, check with buddies for recommendations and look for BBB information earlier on which means you are completely well prepared when auto difficulty attacks. Be sure you retain the location what your location is dealing with your automobile without any risks. Make your resources and spares acquired so that you will and others will not likely trip around them. Be sure to are employed in a region with great air-flow so that you won't be overcome by most likely harmful gases. Possess a handbag of feline litter accessible to clean up spillages rapidly to avoid sliding. Understand what your company recommends for the automobile. By taking your car or truck into get fixed, and you obtain contradictory info, go elsewhere. You can also get in touch with the professional in the discrepancy. Question them why they are expressing some thing different than the producer. There may be a good reason, or they are often merely looking to discuss surrounding you. To assist you to ensure your auto is obviously from the finest wellbeing, make sure you usually do not excess your keychain with needless ornaments. In the event you overload your keychain, you could set an excessive amount of bodyweight about the ignition and problems your ignition change. So, be sure to lighten up that keychain quickly to provide much more life for your car! Search for the AAA logo design if you want a reputable technician. AAA is helpful in times exactly where you require a tow or need to face maintenance outlets You may also get reductions in price for restoration expenses from AAA. Try by using a technician that fees you to the parts and labor only. Often people see technicians that charge through the hour or so, and they are astonished when they receive the monthly bill. Often times they claim the project had taken longer than it managed, and they also ask you for a ton of extra money. Don't always acquire your automobile to the easiest location for fixes. This generally leads you to definitely deliver the automobile someplace which you wouldn't normally visit, and you also probably won't receive the service that you are worthy of. Should you aren't certain regarding a shop, go in and get them take action little initial. Should you be pleased, consider utilizing them yet again. Vehicles right now have devices and caution lamps to alert you to any issues. Don't make this your exclusive way to obtain information though, take the time to keep in mind any problems that are occuring. If the caution bulb burns up out, there is not any method for your vehicle to alert you of your concern. In relation to choosing the best vehicle repair center, do not be scared to ask about. Speak with your family members, friends, neighbors, co-personnel, and so on. to be able to find out their views on a good place to have your car repaired. These people are likely to present you with far more dependable information and facts than merely speaking with the company since they will have your very best likes and dislikes at heart. Don't maintain using your old automobile for the retail outlet. Instead, learn how to identify indications of an imminent issue. Use the recommendations you have read here to comprehend the basics of car maintenance. If you practical experience automobile difficulties, maintain these guidelines under consideration.
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The Directing mind
h/t @afx626
In all of these occasions, you are summoning impressions in your mind and then reacting to them as though they were real.
The Stoics taught of the ton hegemonikon ("directing mind") as an entity unto itself. Aurelius established it as being the uppermost authority within the mind. The important thing about this is that the mind contains the directing mind, and other things, which could be called lower faculties — such as impressions.
He did this often. If something in your mind that is not your directing mind should be in discomfort, he said, that is its concern. (Paraphrasing.)
One of the main "powers" granted by Stoicism is that you begin to realize that your mind is not one monolithic thing, but many components that interact. (Prescient of them. There isn't one modern neurologist who would dispute this.) Moreover, your Directing Mind is free to disagree with other parts: not merely to repress them and lie to itself about how the feeling doesn't exist, but to acknowledge that it is there, and incorrect.
The sense of nervousness you speak of isn't "you." It isn't correct just because you feel it. The only reason you take it for granted is that you never learned how to do otherwise.
Imagine this: You feel nervous, and instead of recoiling and getting your heart rate up, you merely interpret it as a signal. You don't let your thoughts run away; if dire predictions arise in your mind, you quiet them down so that they don't distract you. Now you can think a little more clearly.
It's hard at first, so you start with something easy. It's easier to dismiss your anger over the supermarket not having your favorite Lunchable than it is heavier matters, so you practice on little things like that. And when you check out, if you stumble with your words and feel silly at the cash register, you remind yourself on the way to the car that your stumbling has already been forgotten by the cashier, who has already heard fifty people misspeak some word today, and will hear the same thing many more times before the sun is down. The sense that other people are intensely interested in your every tiny mistake is, I'm happy to report, largely misguided, and not worthy of the trust you invest in it.
Over time, you try this technique — this deliberate, conscious granting or withholding of assent (agreement) to your impressions — and you get better and better at it for larger and larger troubles. You find that things that troubled you to no end don't seem so severe as they did before.
Ultimately, an impression (like "the cashier thinks I'm a dork") is a tool to be used, not an oppressive phantom to run and hide from — and certainly not to be mistaken for a guaranteed fact about reality. If you think the cashier thinks you're a dork, so what? (Even if it is true!) Does it change how you use the credit card machine or how you push your cart through the doors?
"You are just an impression. You have given me (the Directing Mind) information. That is your purpose, and that purpose is now complete. What I do with that information is not your concern, but mine. Isn't that why you gave it to me in the first place?"
Essentially, you are de-automating processes that have been running automatically, so that you can retrain them with better information and strategies.
There is no thought in your mind that doesn't owe you an explanation for why you should think it instead of some other thought. Remember that.
A tenet of Stoicism is that most of what we think and do is unnecessary.
An impression says, "I wish I had these capabilities I had before!" Then you dwell because for some fucked up reason our minds are set up to allow us to think that dwelling is a subset of "doing something useful," which it isn't.
You have already had the thought that you wish you had your former capabilities. This thought was worth having at most one time. Every time you re-think it, you tell yourself what you already know, without surfacing any new useful information.
Maybe you can do something about this, and maybe you can't. I suppose the place to start would be to try to recognize when it's happening, and see if you can't prevail upon yourself to replace that thought with another.
When an ancient philosopher — I forget who, might have been Diogenes — was getting old, he fell; and on this, he chastised the ground: "Don't be so greedy! You'll have me soon enough!" He didn't fight it, so it didn't seem to make him nervous.
It's hard for me to give more specific advice because I don't know what you have to work with, and my best advice is to talk to someone who knows what the hell they are talking about, like a psychologist who specializes in TBI.
If you can't afford that, I — a person who does not know what the hell he's talking about — would suggest observing these things, learning how to predict their arrival, and allowing some part of yourself to say, for example, "Ah, Mr. Hyde is nearly here again. I should preemptively go sit somewhere quiet until he has left me, and then I can go about the rest of my day." Or, "I can't remember... Probably won't be able to for a few hours... I'll write it down and come back to it later."
I would not tell myself that I have accepted it. I would be more interested in observing evidence that suggests to what extent I have perhaps accepted it. It isn't a light switch. Acceptance comes in gradations.
You really, really ought to know a few things about the architecture of your brain. That can clarify a lot.
Paul Ekman (Emotional Awareness), Gerald Edelman (Wider Than The Sky: The Phenomenal Gift of Consciousness), and many and others have written a lot on this subject. I can't type the entire contents of those books into this post, but I can give you a somewhat crude synopsis.
A few inches behind each eye is a brain structure called an amygdala. This is often cited as the "fear center" but that's like naming a gallon after a single drop. Amygdalas generate emotions, but they also play a part in facial recognition, recall of the social relationships between people, and many other processes. The amygdalas also have the distinction of terminating the olfactory nerves directly, and are naturally involved in smell.
They are not considered to be a part of the conscious mind, but they wield massive influence over it. One of their main activities is to write information directly to the prefrontal cortex. They have a generous amount of bandwidth and access with which to do this. (They have to because part of their job is to save your life during emergencies.) The primary route into the PFC (and functionally the conscious mind) is the amygdalofugal pathway.
The amygdalas are also privileged to early access to sensory data. They can "see" and "hear" things a fraction of a second before your conscious mind becomes aware of them. When you recognize a relative the very instant you see them, without any delay whatsoever, you have your amygdalas to thank. They are also capable of seizing control of your PFC and issuing mandatory commands. If you've ever found yourself dodging (or directing your car) around an extreme and sudden hazard, with unusual agility and clarity, and almost feel you're not the one doing it... yep, that's your amygdalas.
The amygdalas can write an impression directly into your conscious mind. It will arrive seemingly out of nowhere, and usually without context. Their advantage is that they're optimized for extremely fast reaction, and because they have early access to sensory data, they can get the drop on your conscious mind.
Your conscious mind can also form its own impressions. It's a fraction of a second behind the amygdalas, but it does have one advantage. When you have a behavior you want to modify, you can train yourself to "smell it coming." There is always some series of triggering events, and these can be consciously detected and intercepted. If your PFC steps in before the amygdalas take control, it has a chance to assert itself. With adequate practice, it can get quite good at this.
Now you have a very rough, basic framework for understanding the fundamentals of where impressions come from, and how they can be managed — what it means to manage them, "behind the curtains." What the wetware is actually doing.
One of the corruptions of the Directing Mind mentioned by Marcus Aurelius is "this thought would be superfluous."
You can't dismiss certain unpleasant impulses, like anxiety. They nag at you. Good! That's supposed to happen! What's missing is this:
Interpret the unpleasant impulse as a signal (and nothing more!) that something is not quite adequate.
Figure out how to remove the impulse's reason for firing in the first place.
Once the impulse has fired, you can acknowledge it and do something about it. "You want me to do something? Fine, I am scheduling two hours tonight to work on this." The part of your unconscious mind the impulse came from wants it to be addressed, just like an impulse indicating thirst comes from a lower faculty that will be watching to see whether you appear to be moving toward water, and will flog you more and more aggressively if you do not.
That which originated the impulse is looking for either immediate action or reliable future action. That action must be predicted as having an optimal chance of success. If these conditions are not met, the impulse will not leave you alone — unless you have trained yourself to dissociate from it, which is really not a good idea. The impulse is a tool to be used; or if not useful, refined or repudiated. It is not something to be hidden from.
This is one of the pitfalls of Stoicism. "What is outside my mind is nothing to it" doesn't mean you ignore your problems. It just means you don't let them get on top of you, or forget the best use of your mind, or have an unrealistic expectation of what life will give you. There are concepts of "preferred indifferents" and "unpreferred indifferents." If the outside world was completely meaningless, there wouldn't be two kinds of indifferents.
It may be that you interpret the impulse as spurious. "I already set aside time for this. Why are you bothering me again?" Or, "The impression behind this impulse is based on a previous understanding of my relation to the world, but I have internalized a better one now... so what am I supposed to do with it? You must have come to me purely out of habit." Or,  "I already failed at this thing, and it's obvious that I should try that thing instead. Why are you motivating me to work on an obsolete problem? What is the useful output?"
There is no thought in your head which is immune to interrogation. All thoughts must be able to answer: "Why are you useful? Why are you the best thought for me to think right now?" "Ah, but I feel anxious!" "So what? I'm already doing all I can."
0 notes
So...I was reading an article the other day in which a critic noted that American film adaptations of British classic literature often seem to downplay the element of classism that is typically so pervasive in... well, British literature in general, but definitely anything written before the mid 20th Century. That made me think about GOT as an adaptation of ASOIAF, and the way that class is depicted as an element of the world building in the books vs the show. 
In the books, of course, most of the POV characters are of the nobility and pretty much all of them would be considered “classist” to a modern audience, at least to some extent, because they do not mix with the “common people” and subscribe to the social hierarchy of their society. A notable exception is Arya Stark, who is “class blind”, so to speak. Especially at the beginning of the series, Arya seems both largely ignorant of the realities of class distinction and also seems not to care about class as social construct at all. This, of course, is largely because Arya is a child and has not yet been made aware of the ugly reality of the social order which places her very near the top of the pyramid (as a Lord’s daughter) and her friend Mycah pretty near the bottom (as a butcher’s boy) and therefore makes their friendship extremely difficult to sustain, even impossible to sustain, once the idyllic bubble of her Winterfell childhood is popped. And Mycah’s death essentially was the result of the social order, the status quo, punishing him for daring to play with another child so far above his station. This is something Arya still doesn’t quite grasp after the fact, but it is quite clear to reader. There is to be no justice for Mycah. No one is going to fight for his parents in court, and proclaim the injustice of an innocent child’s murder. No one. 
You see, because Mycah is lowborn no one will seek justice for him, “no one had raised a voice or drawn a blade or anything, not Harwin who always talked so bold, or Alyn who was going to be a knight, or Jory who was captain of the guard. Not even her father” thinks Arya in despair. All these men are “good” men by Westerosi standards, but all of them understand the social order, subscribe to the social order, and will not fight the Crown on the issue of a murdered peasant child. Basically, it isn’t a deal breaker for them that their king allowed it to happen and it would be for most people today who hope to be worthy of the  description of “good person”. This is because all of these men that Arya wants to step up and fight for Mycah’s right to live as a human being are classist. Now, they are “good” Westerosi men, and would never kill an innocent child themselves, but they are classist nonetheless because they uphold the classist social order. The fact that Arya, as an innocent unbiased child, cannot understand this at all makes it quite clear to the reader that the social hierarchy is both inherently stupid, unjust and morally bankrupt. Yet, at the same time, it highlights that being without class based prejudice is not on the Westeros checklist of what constitutes a “good guy”. 
You see the same sort of thing in stuff like Jane Austen novels. Was Darcy a good gentleman landowner who looked after the people who worked for him and were tenants on his land? Yes, he’s a good dude. But is he “classist” and only hangs out with people of his own social status or higher, also pretty much yes. By modern standards that is. Darcy is still pretty progressive by Regency standards (which Austen was making a point of) for being friends with the Bingleys and marrying Elizabeth. Yet a modern reader can’t help but note that Bingley is still rich dude and is planning to become a gentleman landowner himself, and Elizabeth... well her mother may be middle-class, but her father’s status puts her and Darcy on equal ground, if only in name. So is Darcy classist? Yes! Even Elizabeth is by modern standards (Lydia is probably the most open minded of all in that regard!) and this is almost always downplayed in modern adaptations, particularly American adaptations, which brings me back to the point of this whole post...
Ahem. So the article I was reading that made me think of all this, quoted Robert Irvine, a British critic, whose opinion was (in my own words) that American film adaptations of Jane Austen’s work did their best to downplay the classism in them because of the fact that American culture plays up the egalitarian nature of their society, where anyone can do anything if they just believe and have the grit and determination to pursue their dreams. Essentially, he was saying that it was believed that the American audience could never truly accept or like classist heroes or settings, where respect and authority is blatantly passed down through ancient family names, wealth and land ownership. Clearly, this take on things can easily be related to ASOIAF and GOT because the setting, Westeros, is based on medieval Britain, and the social situation is very medieval indeed, feudalism, kings, queens, lords, ladies and knights, oh my! And of course, peasants...the great unwashed masses...
What I find interesting, is that GRRM in writing ASOIAF generally tried to stay fairly true to what medieval nobles might actually think about class, and indeed, the sort of sentiment that might exist among peasants towards the nobility. The show on the other hand... All of this is out the window! What exactly does class mean in the GOT universe? They seem to have reduced it to, “if you care about class then you’re a baddy” (I’m assuming this based on the fact that the few times it’s ever brought up as an issue it’s by someone we’re not meant to like). Otherwise, they have low born people being besties with nobles and sassing them like equals and nary an eyelid was e’er bat. This kind of thing might work to make your noble born protagonists more likable to the modern audience, but it really messes up the worldbuilding when it comes to the presentation of the smallfolk. This is especially evident with the way the whole Sparrow movement was dealt with in the show. The writers apparently decided to use that aspect of the plot to reinforce everyone’s hatred of religious extremism and the Sparrows basically became Christian fundamentalists. The problem is, the Sparrows are actually more of a “by the people for the people” kind of deal and in the pseudo-medieval setting, they represent how religion could actually empower the medieval  lower classes through the messaging of the destructive powers of wealth and greed on the nobility and the equality of all men under God. The Sparrow movement emerged out of the downtrodden masses and just because they organise under the banner of their faith, it doesn’t mean that they can just be dismissed as evil extremists! They have every right to “fight the power!” They’d been suffering under these shortsighted nobles for yonks! 
Except... this is made obvious to book readers... not to show watchers. You see, as far as any casual viewer of the show is concerned, being a peasant in Westeros ain’t so bad. Nobles will be friends with you! You can sass them all you want. Look, they’ll teach you to read and say you can be their family and come live with them in Winterhell! I’m specifically pointing out the characters of Bronn, Davos, Gendry and Hot Pie here because these are pretty much the only members of the small folk we see represented as developed characters in the show. All the other small folk are basically just extras, the “fickle mob” who are so incredibly stupid they don’t even know to hate the people who blew up their holiest site and murdered the leader that was fighting for their rights... but I digress. With these specific characters, we get just one shade of the noble/small folk dynamic. Arya is “class-blind” and doesn’t care about her friend’s low social status, ditto Stannis for the most part, and ditto Tyrion (and how hilarious that is if you know anything about book!Tyrion). Without any other evidence to the contrary, it is possible for a casual viewer to assume such relationships are not unusual in Westeros and that, indeed, it may even be a fairly egalitarian society where with enough grit and determination, YOU TOO CAN BE A LORD! A similar thing happens with the show’s portrayal of institutionalized sexism and  misogyny... but that’s another issue... 
What I’m really getting at here is that it is quite interesting to see how class is handled in the books as opposed to the show. GRRM, though he is an American author, is pretty content with writing classist “heroes”, but D&D are most certainly not. Likewise, GRRM, though an atheist, is apparently ok with depicting a religious movement with roots in the lower class fighting for their rights, but D&D are not about showing the poor rising up when they can just beat us over the head with the evils of organised religion. So what is this about? GRRM is an american author so I thought, “It can’t just be something in American culture that prevents them from being able to understand or sympathise with classist character...”. But then I thought, “Oh, but GRRM is deliberately making his heroes complex and problematic, he wants the reader to squirm over their faves”. However, the show blatantly avoids class based issues, definitely erases classism from those character’s we’re meant to sympathise with and demonises it in those characters we’re meant to dislike. So it seems as if they, at least, believe that classism is just too off putting in a supposedly “good” character. So I put this to any American followers I have. Is this the case? Is Robert Irvine right? Is a classist mindset something you simply can’t get down with? 
Speaking as someone who grew up with full awareness of class and its impact on everyone, it really isn’t a deal breaker for me on whether or not I like a character. This is despite the fact that I strongly believe in equality and don’t hold with any “good breeding” nonsense. It still seems natural to me for a character to have class based biases because I grew up in a society where that is pretty much expected of everyone to a certain degree, though it is, of course, frowned upon to actually express these biases in polite society. Especially if I’m reading historical fiction or fantasy! Gosh, nothing annoys me more than when writers try to force me to like a character by making them so much more “modern and progressive” than anyone in their society has any right to be!
But let me know how you feel! I’m truly interested from a cultural studies kind of standpoint as, I admit, it’s something I’ve actually noticed a lot in American cinema and television. 
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all-about-wannaone · 7 years
Wanna One as Princes [Part 3]
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Before my school holidays come to an end today, this also marks the conclusion to this requested “Wanna One as Princes” series. :’) This is actually my first time attempting this kind of scenario writing due to the fact that I tend to write either full-on scenarios or simple categorisations with a rationale. Hence, thank you @theresnowarinbasingse for requesting and I really did have  a lot of fun writing this. :) For this time around, I had less of a “writer’s block” and hence ended up with a relatively long bullet list for the remaining members of the band. ^^;; Nevertheless, thank you all for your support and I wish you guys another happy reading experience for the third and final part to this series. :) 
PART 1: Yoon Jisung, Ha Sungwoon, Hwang Minhyun, Ong Seongwoo
PART 2: Kim Jaehwan, Kang Daniel, Park Jihoon, Park Woojin
Bae Jinyoung:
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Will definitely be mistaken for a scholar, tutor or an extremely young government official because his head is always in the books.
Even when he is walking around town, his head will be buried in a new book every 3 days.
Probably developed a skill of walking without bumping into people when he is too absorbed in the text.
Brings about an aura of gentleness and intelligence; all the ladies seem to take notice of him, especially with the way he looks and his decently tall height.
Gets flustered when people bow and greet him, but returns the greeting with a smile and a nod (which leads to a bunch of squealing girls behind him)
Has hidden spots in the city which only he knows of and they are extremely scenic; loves to go to those places to clear his mind and forget his worries for a while.
Also needs a personal bodyguard because of his tendency to wander to these scenic areas.
Always deep in thought thinking of new ways to improve the people’s lives and is pretty innovative.
Delivers without needing to be asked and this leads to a peaceful, hopeful and happy community that he takes care of.
Word will reach him on the success of his new project; if it works, he will smile to himself and heave a sigh of relief. If not, he will go down on site to find out a little bit more with a positive attitude and can be counted on to make the necessary improvements.
Has an extremely friendly relationship with his community and they would casually invite them to their houses for a chat over tea or even a meal.
Loves children and animals; tells the children interesting stories of all the books he has read and is always seen caring for the dog in the city centre.
Probably writes novels or children’s books when he is free under the alias “Prince”.
All in all, he is gentle, sweet, thoughtful and hardworking despite his young age, showing his maturity to be worthy of a prince.
Still, it is recommended not to fool around with this prince, because he is also capable of dismissing incompetent, lazy and untrustworthy officials.
A little clumsy with the sword as well but has a deadly affinity with unconventional weapons and probably has a better knowledge of poisons than actual swords.
Still tries his best anyway and forces himself to read a bit more into the history of swords to aid his appreciation.
His awkward and slightly nervous nature would definitely be brought into his love life, because of the response that he might get.
Prefers to observe first before striking up a casual (and awkward) conversation to get to know her better.
When he wants to tell her, he’ll probably go “Would you possibly, maybe, likely go out with me? Only if you want to of course!” before getting all red faced; probably said this looking at the floor smh.
Has to repeat it because she could not hear and he inwardly cringes as he tries again, only to be greeted back with a grateful smile and a shy kiss on his cheek.
 Lee Daehwi:
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Similar to Woojin, he would also be mistaken to be a young and innocent teenager who seems too pure in such a cruel world.
Looks too young for his own good; people have doubts about him.
Shocked when they find out that he is actually the true prince and soon start treating him with the respect he deserves.
Returns the greeting with an enthusiastic bow and a bright smile, confusing others because he bows lower than the people themselves when they greet him.
Full of hope, optimism and only sees the good in people; always seen with the brightest smile which definitely brightens up someone’s day when people see him.
Earned the nickname “Walking Sunshine”.
Definitely has a personal bodyguard because of his naive personality, making sure that he does not get into any sort of trouble.
The older people treat him like he’s their own son and often give him homemade snacks and sweets, or perhaps cook him a simple homecooked meal.
Always grateful and is a great listener, whether it’s to the elderly, teenagers his age, the adults or toddlers, and everyone has a friendly relation with him.
Will go back to the palace to see how problems can be solved and will discuss them with his officials with as much seriousness as he can muster.
Luckily, all his officials are level-headed and are free of corruption, realising that the prince has quite a bit to learn but give their input anyway to the best of their ability.
Will try his best to rectify any issues, from basic necessities to solving neighbourly conflicts.
Might not always work, but is always seeking new, efficient and effective ways by reading up on history, writings passed down by generals and society.
Recognised for his hard work and determination by his teachers, parents, government officials, friends and the community.
The community turns out to be relatively peaceful, grateful and hopeful too; mirroring exactly what they see from the prince.
Is often seen taking care of stray animals which lie around the palace grounds or joining the teenagers for a game of football to de-stress.
Sometimes, he wishes that he was not born in a royal family because of the many rules and the requirements and often turns to his eunuch for deep conversations about life and how to overcome his personal obstacles.
Sweet, kind, positive, resilient and has an appreciation for objects and trinkets hand made by the local people (or the Arts in general).
Does not like combat classes because he hates to be involved in conflict which might hurt others; still trains with a wooden sword until he is ready to take on a real one.
With his pure, naive and happy nature, he is probably bound to confess by accident.
When the girl does something such as being clueless about simple things or cracks a really bad joke, he would say, “Why do I like you again?”
Gets all surprised when he realised what he said and plays it off; hoping and praying that the girl would like him back. (of course she would omg he’s such a smol so why not)
Lai Guanlin:
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Possibly the youngest official prince that anyone has ever known and even the people are still surprised that he is their prince.
Might be young but is mature for his age and looks the part; extremely noticeable that he is a part of the royal family.
Doesn’t speak very much and occasionally nods in acknowledgement when people greet him, giving a small smile.
Extremely tall so no one really picks or doubts him in any way; looks confident in the way he carries himself and people look up to him (both literally and figuratively)
Usually finds out about the community’s issues from a lady who sells homemade snacks and sweets.
Treats him like he’s her own son too and he is always patronising her stall (he’s a young boy who loves treats like hers)
Gives some form of input but spends most of his time listening as he eats; a great listener to the people’s concerns and issues that they want to change.
Pretty well read and is a quick thinker; able to rectify issues in less than 3 days.
Everyone’s role model, especially for the sons in the community and they are encouraged to sign up for the examinations to become a government official.
Quick to spot incompetence, deception and possible hidden agendas so nobody dares to fool around under his watchful eye.
Only becomes a kid around children (whom he entertains physically) and animals (especially dogs) and shows his more childish side.
Usually found in the palace garden’s main pavilion doing his work and reading; finds his state of calm there.
Serious prince most of the time, but has his moments when he wishes that he could be like ordinary kids (but doesn’t show it)
Another perfect package and is one of the favourite students; good learner, caring personality, smart, appreciates the little things in life and is always willing to perfect his skills.
Adores his younger brother (ahem seonho ahem) and takes care of him extremely well.
The community follows after him; family-like, hard working and incredibly resilient because they can trust their royal family.
Does not really have any sentiments towards combat classes but he just sees it as something that is absolutely necessary if he wants to become a strong and dependable prince for his people.
Not exactly the best when it comes to handling weapons but practices tirelessly under the guidance of his palace guards and sensei.
When it comes to the girl he likes, it will probably be one of those normal confessions (because he is young and does not know very much apart from being completely honest).
Would be quiet and lowkey, but would show more of his inner self i.e. smiling more, opening up and just being at ease for once.
When he’s comfortable, he will ask the girl first because to him, it is less scary that way and he would be able to better judge his reactions depending on the answer.
If she says yes, he will smile extremely brightly and go, “Great, because I like you a lot too.” and if not (why would you do that to such a puppy), he will just nod and move on eventually with a mature mindset.
And with that, I have officially come to the end of this series! ^^ Once again, I would like to thank you all for keeping up with the series and actually having the patience to read through this entire imagine. :) Honestly, I never expected to get that much attention from this blog, considering how many other great Produce 101/ Wanna One blogs there are out there. Now, I stand at a total of 455 notes across 30 posts and 89 followers strong! ^^ Thank you for all your support once again and I don’t know where I would be without you guys leaving your notes and reblogs. :) They might seem small, but they sure make an impact on the writer. :) 
Finally, as for requests. I will be taking them in all the way until Sunday, 1st July 2017. To request, simply head over to drop them via messaging or my ask box if you would like to see more of these “Wanna One as ______” posts! ^^ Hope to see you guys there soon and I hope you guys have had a fun time so far imagining the boys in royal garments as princes in an alternate universe. :) 
Goodbye for now and see you guys again soon with more requests! ^^ 
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flawedimagination · 8 years
Rae of Sunshine- Chapter 2 Her Reckoning
Pairing: Eric/OC
Fandom: Divergent 
Rating: M
Summary: Rae thought Amity was where she belonged. Even with her dark past fuming inside of her, she had always done her best to suppress it. With Choosing Day approaching she was confident in her decision to stay in Amity. That is until a certain Dauntless Leader came roaring into Amity's gates. Once Eric has Rae in his sights he is willing to do anything to have her, even if that means breaking her and destroying the world she lives in.
word count: 4,435
Johanna watched the whole problematic scene unfold in front of her. Her eyes fell on Eric as he stared at Rae like a hungry, rabid dog. She was worried about Amity before, but now there was Eric and on top of that Rae caught his attention. She knew what type of person Eric was. He took pleasure in demolishing other people’s happiness. Max would bring him to meetings even before he became a leader. Johanna could feel the malice radiate off of him when he would walk into the room. She was thankful that Dauntless had sent the other leaders in the past. Max always had a soft spot for Johanna and was merciful in keeping Eric away from Amity. But now he could no longer ignore the issues that were steadily rising from the factions specifically Amity.
Eric had proven to be an exceptional leader. He would effectively and efficiently execute any difficult task Dauntless threw at him. Max chose Eric to go into Amity to assess the problems because he knew Eric wouldn’t put up with any type of bullshit. Johanna knew her ties with Max were wearing thin, but she thought she had more time to get the situation under control. Her only hope was that the young Dauntless leader wouldn’t go digging too deep into Amity, especially into Rae. Johanna knew if anyone could break Rae it would be him. She truly hoped the leader would move on from the fragile Amity girl.
“Shall I give you a tour of Amity?” Johanna spoke.
Eric stood there with his hands firmly behind his back watching the Amity girl fade into the distance. “Yes. I’m curious to see what all Amity has to offer.” He said slyly.
Rae made her way back to the orchard, despite still being in shock. The visions of Eric choking the life out of the soldier kept replaying in her head the only difference was that she kept seeing herself as his victim. What if she was his next victim? She did challenge him not once, but twice. Did she now have a big red target on her back? Rae decided the best strategy for her was to steer clear away from Eric. Besides, he’s probably already forgotten about the little Amity girl, she hoped.
Rae finally made it to the orchard where Tibby was already yapping on about what had happened. Rae hadn’t even noticed Tibby had left her, but she couldn’t blame her for running not with the way Eric was giving her his deathly glare.
“Rae! Holy shit you're okay! I thought for sure he was going to strangle you next!”
“So you just ran away? You wouldn’t have even tried to help me?” questioned Rae.
Tibby felt guilty for leaving her friend behind, but was quick to defend herself. “Well what was I supposed to do? You saw what he did to that guy. What good would I have done?”
“I know I would have probably done the same thing, if I’m being honest.” Rae confessed.
“So what happened after I left? Did he kill that guy? That’s what I’ve been telling people.” Tibby whispered to Rae all red-faced. Rae didn’t want to tell Tibby about her and Eric’s stand off, so she just shook her head to move on from the subject. She was already having trouble dismissing Eric from her thoughts. She just kept thinking back to his face as he was choking the life out of the poor young Dauntless soldier. How cold his eyes were during the whole ordeal. Not a bit of sympathy or mercy lingered in those stormy captivating orbs.
Johanna and Eric made their way through the compound. Johanna explained every little detail of Amity’s farming layout as they walked passed the fields and Eric as always ignored every little detail she was explaining. He didn’t really give a shit were the beets and the carrots grew. He was there for one reason and one reason only. To find out what Amity was hiding. Even before he arrived at Amity he had his suspicions. He continuously checked their online records comparing them with the other four factions’. Their population had grown significantly over the last fifteen years. Amity had always gotten a big bulk of initiates each year and rarely cut anyone. But the number of initiates they got every year weren’t adding up. That wasn’t the only thing that caught his attention. The food supplies were slowly declining. It wasn’t drastic but very noticeable to him. He wanted to look at Amity’s provision logs from their own files because he had a hunch they would be different from the reports the other factions were getting.
Johanna was going on and on about some new plowing machine they were working on, Eric didn’t bother looking interested in what she was saying. He was tired of walking around looking at dirt. He finally interrupted her to get the information he really wanted. “How many initiates does Amity get every year?” he asked already knowing the answer. Johanna knew Eric was testing her, she was expecting it to happen sooner or later.
“Eric, I’m sure you already know the answer to that question.” Johanna said bluntly.
“Amity has always taken in a large portion of initiates every year because of obvious reasons.” He spouted.
“And what reasons are those?”
“I don’t think I have to tell you your faction is basically a charity. Taking in anyone who obviously has no business being in Amity. It’s a free pass for anyone, safe from cuts and becoming factionless. You keep the useless safe, wasting all of our resources. It’s the weak ones that bring down the system we’ve worked so hard to maintain. That’s why we cut people to weed out the defective. If you had any sense you’d do the same.” He vented.
Johanna just smiled taking every word with a grain of salt. “Eric, everyone here knows what’s at stake. We all work together here, lending a hand to anyone in need. Everyone has a purpose in life it just might take them a little longer than others. Even the defectives have a purpose. It's kindness that helps a person grow and reach their full potential and that’s what we do here. We are the peaceful faction after all.”
Eric grunted at her overlooking every word she had said except when she spoke of kindness. “There’s no more room for your pathetic kindness. You should know I sent in a request to have your initiation process to be review and revitalized. And there are others backing me on that.”
Johanna stood her ground never faltering. She couldn’t do that especially in front of him. “Shall we continue?” she quipped.
“I’m warning you, Johanna. I know Amity is hiding something and I’ll tear your whole goddamn faction apart to find out what. Just think all your little hippies running around all frantic, wanting answers from you when everything goes to hell. They would be so upset and dare I say it angry, to know their most trusted representative was hiding something from them. I’ve always wondered what an enraged hippy looks like. I guess I’ll know it soon enough.” He threatened, looking down at Johanna. Eric abruptly moved to Johanna’s side with his arm extended in the direction they were walking in. “Please continue. Now what is this about a new plowing machine?” he teased.
Rae was thankful the day was coming to an end as everyone headed back to the warehouse. As they neared, Tibby and Rae noticed some of the Dauntless were filtering through the warehouse. Rae wondered what business Dauntless had being in the warehouse. It occurred to her that this was no regular evaluation. Usually, when other factions came they weren’t there for more than a day. It also seemed unusual for Dauntless to bring a whole platoon along. What were they looking for, Rae wondered as her and Tibby got in line for Daniel’s judgment.
“Ladies I’m sure today's activities didn’t keep us from performing at our very best,” Daniel questioned before his eyes left his clipboard.
“They most certainly did not, I assure you.” Tibby declared dropping her bucket before Daniel.
Daniel took a second, examining her load and quickly jotted his recordings. “Now Tabitha I hope with Dauntless being here you’ll strive for better production value. Because what I’m seeing here is not Amity worthy. You might want to take some overtime to acquire a better supply. ”
“What the hell Daniel! I met your freaking quota, didn’t I? What do you want me to do? Bring the whole damn tree next time?” She snarled.
“You barely met the quota and I know you and Rae split your produce before getting checked. That is unacceptable and I for one can no longer tolerate your laziness. I think some extra time in the fields will do you some good and come to think of it I think increasing your amount is also a good idea. You know to make up for all those other times.” He smirked.
“Why you little rat. I ought to…” Tibby was about to continue when all the sudden Zeke stepped into the conversation.
“Is there a problem here?” Zeke questioned.
“This prick is trying to send me back to the orchard to do double the work. When I obviously reached the requirements for his stupid quota,” Tibby whined looking at Zeke with an innocent look in her eyes.
“Is that so? Now that’s not very Amity of you. Why don’t you just let her off this time.” Zeke suggested with a friendly demeanor.
“She did the minimal requirements and I know she’s been cheating with her haul every time. This is no concern of yours. You have no authority here so I suggest you go back to patrolling.” Daniel argued.
Zeke’s friendly demeanor changed in a matter of seconds. He swiftly reached for Daniel’s collar and pulled him up to his eye level. You could tell Daniel was struggling as he started kicking his feet that were hovering the ground. “You know what I don’t like your tone and I for one think you need to apologize to the little lady and graciously accept her offering with open arms before they get broken.” Zeke said viciously.
Daniel struggled in Zeke’s clutch and panicked. “Yes! Yes, you’re right! I’m sorry! How could I have been so rude of course her load is acceptable!” Daniel gasped.
Zeke threw Daniel to the ground and leered over him. “That’s more like it now why don’t you thank the lady.” He commanded.
“Oh yes! Thank you, Tibby. You’ve done exceptional work today.” He graveled at Tibby, Who was in a sort of shock at what Zeke had done. Tibby then smiled at Zeke batting her flirtatious eyelashes.
“You're welcome Danny boy! I’m glad I could contribute to my faction.” She sneered. Daniel quickly grabbed his clipboard and scurried away from Tibby. Rae was dumbfounded at the display before her watching Tibby and Zeke’s interaction. “Thanks for your help. He can be a real asshole sometimes.” Tibby said.
“It's no problem. I don’t think he’ll be giving you any hell any time soon.” Zeke assured her. “How can I ever thank you.” She cooed. “Well you wouldn’t happen to know where we can get some grub around here?” He asked moving closer to Tibby.
“Sure they’re probably about to serve dinner in a bit. Me and Rae were probably about to head that way.” She gushed.
“Well me and the boys are starving. Mind if we join you two?”
“Not at all” Tibby quickly answered.
Rae wanted to smack Tibby for inviting them to dinner. She wanted nothing to do with Tibby and her Dauntless fantasies. Zeke’s Dauntless friends approached them looking wide-eyed at the two girls. This group included Jake, Blane, and to Rae’s horror Luke. As they made their way to dinner, the girls got some very concerning looks from some of the other Amity members as they lead the herd of big bulky dangerous looking men to the food line.
Once they got in line Rae could feel Luke’s body closely behind her. She turned her head to say something but kept quiet when she saw Luke grinning widely at her. Rae focused on gathering her meal as she went down the long table full of food. When she reached the dessert excitement came to her. Cherry cobbler was one of Amity’s specialties. She licked her lips when she saw she was going to get the last plate of it. As she reached for the plate she was stopped by a dark figure that swiftly came in and grabbed the dessert from her. She was about to argue for the cobbler before she saw that it was Eric. She froze right in front of him holding her plate of food in her hands. Eric grinned before dipping his finger in the oozing red cobbler and began sucking on it with pure delight.
“I’ve heard so many people talk about how good the cherry cobbler is here. I had to check it out myself. It’s good, but I can think of another dessert I’d like to devour.” He purred.
She felt her cheeks turn red and quickly made the decision to brush pass him. Eric watched the petrified Amity girl rush to a table that he assumed was with her friends. He watched her place herself at a table with another Amity girl and some of his Dauntless soldiers. Eric decided to place himself in view of the young girl that caught his eye. He wanted to examine her further to see how she behaved. He wanted to see what he was dealing with.
Rae sat next to Tibby who was already in deep conversation with Zeke over something she didn’t really care to get converse in. She began picking at her food now that she had lost her appetite. She tried to focus on moving her food around when she noticed Luke had plopped down in front of her. She ignored the way he was eyeing her as he continued to seductively lick his spoon.
She turned her attention to Jake who was sitting next to him hovering over his food. Rae felt like she needed to apologize to him for what had happened. The young man hadn’t lifted his head since Eric’s assault.
“I’m sorry about what happened,” Rae said with an apologetic look on her face. “It's fine. It comes with being Dauntless. I disobeyed my leader’s orders, so I rightfully deserved the punishment.” He stated.
“No one deserves that kind of treatment,” Rae said reaching for Jake’s hand. Jake looked up and Rae almost gasped at the bruising’s along his neck. She gulped down some water and then continued playing with her food trying not to stare at Jake’s neck.
“If you think that’s the worst Eric’s done think again.” Declared Luke. Rae looked up from her plate to see Luke gliding his finger over his scare. “Call it one Eric’s disciplinary action if you will.” Rae was astonished by the way Eric treated his men. She looked past Luke and saw Eric staring at her. She was curious about all the monstrous acts Eric had inflicted on others.
“Why did he do that to you?” Rae asked curiously still watching Eric, who continued eating.
“I got a little too friendly with one of Eric’s concubines.” He grinned. “She needed some satisfaction that Eric wasn’t giving her. I, of course, being a giving guy gave it to her.”
Rae started blushing at Luke’s confession and became mortified when she felt his foot moving up her leg.
“It got a little rough, but I like it a little rough. Don’t you?”
Rae looked passed him to see that Eric was no longer there. Rae looked back to Luke who was still smiling. She quickly jumped up from her seat looking to Tibby who was looking at her in confusion.
“Well I think I should be getting home,” Rae said before turning to walk away.
Rae needed to talk to Johanna now. She needed to know why Dauntless was really in Amity. She knew this wasn’t an evaluation anymore with the army Eric brought along. He was up to something and she needed to make her thoughts known to Johanna. She swiftly made her way to Johanna’s office where she was sure Johanna would still be. She reached Johanna’s office and swung the door open with her agenda set in her mind.
“Johanna, I need to talk to you. It’s about Eric. I’ve heard terrible things about him.” She confessed to the quiet, dark room.
“What might those things be?” A sly voice asked. It was familiar, but not Johanna’s voice. Eric stepped out of the darkness into the light that came from outside the room. Rae’s breath hitched in her throat when she met Eric’s malicious gaze. She turned to run, but Eric was faster, slamming the door. He was determined not to let the little Amity get away this time. He had her pinned against the wall with his muscular arms blocking her in. The look of panic in her eyes gave him immense pleasure. He wanted to play with his prey for a little bit before consuming her.
“Now what terrible things have you heard about me?” He questioned as he moved a bit of hair out of her face causing her to flinch. He enjoyed the effect he had on her.
“Wh…Where’s Johanna?” Rae stuttered.
“Ah, she speaks! I’m not sure, probably picking flowers or some shit. I’m thinking about plucking some right now.” He said as he was playing with some of her soft waves.
“What are you doing in here? This is Johanna’s office.” Rae sneered. She tried wiggling away from him but wasn’t getting anywhere in doing that. Eric was the one in control here, this was his game, not hers.
“Yeah. I know that’s why I’m here. Perks of being a Dauntless leader.” He articulated. Confident that she wouldn’t run Eric moved away from her to the desk looking through papers. Rae watched him attentively, wondering what he was snooping around for.
“You shouldn’t be in here. You need to leave right now.”
Eric’s eye drifted up to meet her intense stare. “Or what? You’re going to tell on me.” He mocked.
“Yes. I’m sure the counsel wouldn’t be too happy to find out that a Dauntless leader was caught stealing Amity files.” She stated with the little bit of confidence she had.
“Careful Amity. You’ve already caused enough trouble today.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Causing trouble for my men.”
“That wasn’t my fault. I didn’t even want to be there, honestly. I was just being friendly. You’re the one who tried to choke the life out of that poor guy.” She defended. Eric swiftly moved and blocked Rae in a corner. He roughly took her chin in his hand to peer down at her. “Oh no that’s on you sweetheart. You shouldn’t be prancing around big boys like that. We Dauntless men are known for losing control.”
“I’ve heard all about you losing control.” She said daringly. Eric took a deep breath in, peering down at the brave little Amity before him. He could still see the fear in her eyes, but was amused by her bravery.
“What’s your name, Amity?”
“Rae.” She answered coldly.
His grin became bigger and caused shivers down her spine. “Ah like a ray of sunshine.” He joked. Rae huffed at his remark. “Tell me Sunshine, have you ever lost control? I bet that would be a beautiful site to see.” He cooed moving his massive hand down to her neck, holding it in a firm grasp. Rae thought back to what had happened earlier that day, causing her body to go into a fight or flight mode. Without any hesitation, she quickly kneed him in the groin causing him to wince in pain. She took that as an opportunity to push him into the desk so she could make a getaway. She didn’t look back to see if he was behind her. She was pretty confident the kick she inflicted on him would keep him down for a while.
Once Rae was as far as she could get from Johanna’s office she pulled off the road to take a breather. As she was bent over catching her breath, she felt a hand on her back. She was ready to defend herself, whether this was Eric or Luke. She came up swinging and screaming toward whomever off.
“Rae! Rae! It’s me. It’s me, Joshua.”
Rae looked up at Joshua in horror and collapsed in his arms crying. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.” She sniffled in his chest. Joshua held her close to him to help her calm down. “It’s okay. It’s okay. I got you. You're okay I’m here.” He cooed. Once Rae had calmed down, Joshua took it upon himself to walk her home. He had heard about what had happened to the soldier and thought that was what Rae was so upset about because Amity wasn’t used to anything like that happening.
“It’s okay Rae. Dauntless will be out of here in no time. They never stay for more than a day. I bet they leave tomorrow afternoon.” He tried comforting her the best he could. Rae tried holding her smile knowing he was trying to help. She hoped they would be gone tomorrow before something bad happened. “I hope your right, Joshua. You didn’t see it today. It was cruel and inhumane.” She said. Joshua took her hands holding them gently in his. “Rae, I would never let any of them hurt you.” Rae pulled her hands from his and grabbed the sides of his head bring his forehead to hers while closing her eyes. “I know you wouldn’t, but please be careful around them.” Joshua took in a deep breath, “I will.”
It then struck Rae that now Eric knew her name. He could easily find out about Joshua or Poppy. She was marked now and no one she was close to was safe. She needed to steer clear of Eric as much as possible and avoid being with Joshua in front of him. Rae knew Eric was the type of person to torture someone by hurting their loved ones. She couldn’t let him hurt Joshua; she would never forgive herself if something were to happen to him. She pulled away from Joshua backing up to the house.
“Goodnight Joshua.”
“Goodnight Rae.”
Rae shut the door and leaned against it trying to clear her thoughts. She was in desperate need of her peace tea. When she walked into the kitchen Poppy was positioned at the table wearing his thick bifocals trying to thread a needle to patch up a large tear in the side of one of his shirts. Her tea was already made for her, placed right in front of Poppy. Rae rushed to retrieve her tea, gulping it down as fast as she could. Poppy watched intently with a calming look on his face. When Rae finished she took in deep breaths with her eyes shut trying to erase the day she had had.
“Rough day Sweet pea?” Poppy smiled. “You have no idea. Dauntless has to be the most vicious, licentious, brutish faction in all five. They’re terrible and they have no business being here.” Rae huffed. “Well, it seems they just need a little Amity pat on the back, don’t they? We’ll have to show them some hospitality while they’re here in hopes they’ll pick up on our character.” Poppy motioned while trying to thread his needle and accidently stabbing himself.
“Ouch damn it! Well, I probably don’t need to show them how to prepare a needle.” He said taking his pricked thumb into his mouth. Rae could only laugh at her poor grandfather. “Here let me help.” She offered while already taking the needle and thread away from him.
“It seems I have contained my strength, but have forfeited my eyesight in old age. I guess we can’t have everything.” He chuckled. Rae laughed as she began repairing Poppy’s torn shirt. She started thinking about Eric and Poppy. Her worry came back to her fearing for Poppy and what would become of him if Eric were to ever to see him.
“Poppy, the Dauntless leader he’s…he’s dangerous I watched him almost choke the life out of someone today. I want to you to be careful and to try to stay out of sight from him or any Dauntless for that matter.”
“Sweet Pea I’m seventy-five years old and I’ll be damned if I have to hide from anyone. I’ve seen it all and been around all types of people, even people like him. I’ve learned that with people like this dauntless leader, is that they only exert violence on others because they don’t understand themselves, making them feel weak on the inside. But if they can make a connection with someone to help them see who they truly are then maybe they could put some good into the world.” He spoke with his gentle, soothing voice.
It was conversations like this that Rae understood why so many people looked up to Poppy. She took in his words, smiling at how at peace he was with his life. She loved Poppy so much not knowing what she would do without him. Rae finished mending his shirt and placed it in front of him. Looking satisfied, he picked up the shirt examining it. “Good as new! Thank you Sweet pea.”
“Your welcome. Poppy, I understand what you're saying, but please just be careful. Okay?”
Poppy only smiled “Oh alright. I’m going to retire to bed now. I love you, Sweet Pea.”
“Love you too Pop-Pop.”
After Rae prepared for bed, she settled into her sheets. Her mind was running over everything that had happened. She thought of Poppy, Johanna, Joshua, Tibby, Jake Luke, Zeke, and Eric. Her mind stayed on Eric and the way he had gripped her neck. She thought of the way his hands had roamed over her body and shivered at the thought. His hands were to be feared she thought. She needed to stay out of his grasp to survive. Rae couldn’t let Eric take her because she knew if he did he would be her reckoning.
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