#then. going home to a meeting with my social worker. might ask him to meet outside to keep the momentum going tbh
daz4i · 6 months
i have a very long day tomorrow wish me luck
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spicy-apple-pie · 11 months
I did warn you…
Okay so idk if a lot of people know this, but Damian was originally given up for adoption right after he was born before his story was reconned.
So in this comic, Damian is 9 years old and in the foster system in Gotham, unknowing who his parents are. He’s never stays long in a home because he’s very aggressive. He’s smart though, so he orders a DNA testing kit to hopefully find a relative to take him. Imagine his shock when he finds out his father is Bruce Wayne.
So this 9 year old walks into WE by himself, toddles up to the secretary, and asks to see Bruce Wayne. The secretary is like “haha okay, let me help you find your parents.” And Damian is like “you can. My dad is Bruce Wayne.”
And then Tim shows up!! And he’s like, “who’s your dad?”
And Damian is suddenly really nervous and shyly passes Tim the DNA test results. Tim looks them over, and Damian thinks he’s going to get turned away. But then Tim smiles at him and asks him if he has time for a drink.
Damian basically explains his life story over a cup of hot chocolate to Tim. Tim listens and tells him that he’ll make sure Bruce sees it and gives him his number if he has any questions (Damian doesn’t have a phone). Damian gets up to throw out his cup but Tim is like “oh I can throw that out for you. Talk to you soon!”
Cut to the BatCave where Bruce is staring at the DNA test results. Showing him and Talia as the parents. Tim stands behind him. “I doubled and tripled checked.” He says. “Not to mention he’s the spitting image of you.” He mumbles under his breath, knowing that Bruce isn’t in the mood for jokes right now. Alfred places some Tylenol beside Bruce using his butler powers to sense his on coming headache.
“And you said he walked into the lobby by self?” Bruce asked.
“Yeah, he said he took the bus.”
“Oh dear,” Alfred comments, “that is certainly not safe for a boy his age in Gotham. I wonder if his social worker knows about that…”
So the next morning, Damian finds that he’s out of custody from his foster parents. And he’s like “but I didn’t do anything this time!” And his social workers like “no, they’re getting charged with child endangerment. We already have a place lined up for you.”
Lo and behold, his new foster home is Wayne Manor. And he meets Bruce for the first time and he’s really nervous. And Bruce has to turn away because he almost starts crying. And Damian asks Alfred if he did something wrong and Alfred’s like “no, he’s just very happy to see you.”
And that’s basically it. But I also have this idea of how he discovers his Dad is Batman.
He comes downstairs in the early morning for a snack before going back to sleep to find Red Hood raiding their fridge. He runs to Bruce and he’s freaking because fucking RED HOOD broke into their house.
And Bruce groans and is mildly annoyed about and Damian is like “???? Does this happen often????” Bruce brings him downstairs and Red Hood is still there, but making a grilled cheese with his helmet off.
“Jay, how many times do we need to tell you know masks in the house?”
“I dunno. How many fucking children are you going to adopt?” He gestures to Damian hiding behind Bruce.
“He doesn’t know yet, Jay. I was going to wait until he was more comfortable.”
Jason is a little sheepish because he did give the kid a bit of a fright, so he turns around to apologize and introduce himself. And instantly is like “holy shit, that’s a bio kid.”
“Language, Jay…”
“Don’t language me, where the fuck did he come from???”
“What is happening??!!” Damian finally yells.
And then Bruce shows him the BatCave.
I did warn you I’d talk your ear off. I came up with this circa. 2018 - 2019 but I feel like I finally have the skill to draw it. And I honestly fell in love with it again, so I might lol.
Edit: I did it
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invisibleicewands · 23 days
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‘I wanted to be seen as the greatest actor of all time. Then I realised that was nonsense’: Michael Sheen on pride, parenting and paying it forward
He’s the feted star who cracked Hollywood, but it was only when he swapped LA for his home town in Wales that he was able to do his most meaningful work yet
By Simon Hattenstone
Michael Sheen has been fabulous in so many TV dramas and movies, it’s hard to know where to start. But perhaps his most memorable appearance came earlier this year in a TV show that didn’t require him to do any acting at all. The Assembly was a Q&A session in which he took questions from a group of young neurodiverse people. Sheen didn’t have a clue what would be asked, and no subject was off limits. It made for life-affirming telly. The 55-year-old Welsh actor was so natural, warm and encouraging as he answered a series of nosy, surprising and inspired questions. I watched it thinking what a brilliant community worker Sheen would be. And, in a way, that’s what he has become in recent years.
“The Assembly’s had more response than anything else I’ve ever done,” Sheen tells me. “Almost every day someone will come up to me and mention it, particularly people who have children with autism. They say it was just so lovely to see something where the interviewers were empowered. I had a fantastic time.” He replays some of his favourite moments: the young man Leo who took an age to start talking, and then delivered the most beautifully phrased question about the influence of Dylan Thomas on Sheen’s life; the woman who asked what it was like to be married to a woman only five years older than his daughter; and the question that came at the end: “What’s your name, again?” He smiles: “And Harry with the trilby on. Just the nicest man ever.” You came across as an incredibly nice man, too, I say. “Aw well, it’s hard not to be when you’re among all those amazing people, innit.”
Today we meet in London, ostensibly to talk about A Very Royal Scandal, a gripping mini-series about Prince Andrew’s infamous Newsnight interview with Emily Maitlis – the disastrous attempt to defend his honour that sealed his fall from grace. But we don’t get to the show till it’s almost going home time. Sheen’s too busy discussing all the other stuff that matters to him, away from business.
Six years ago, he swapped life in Los Angeles for Port Talbot, the steel town where he grew up. These days he calls himself a not-for-profit actor – a term he happily admits he’s invented. “It means that I try to use as much of the money I earn as I can to go towards developing projects and supporting various things. Having had some experiences of not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises, I realised that’s what I want to do with my business. And my business is me.” He grins. There was a suggestion that he might stop acting in order to do good works, but he says that never made sense; only by getting decent gigs can he earn money to put back into the community.
It has to be said he’s got the air of a not-for-profit actor today – scruffy black top, sloppy black pants, black trainers. With a bird’s-nest beard and a thicket of greying curls, he looks nicely crumpled. But give him a shave and a trim, allow him a flash of that electric smile, and he could still pass as a thirtysomething superstar.
Sheen is best known for transforming into household names – Brian Clough in The Damned United; Chris Tarrant in Quiz; David Frost in Frost/Nixon; a trio of films as Tony Blair (The Deal, The Queen, and The Special Relationship); Kenneth Williams in Fantabulosa. His Prince Andrew is compelling; by turns petulant, pathetic, monstrous and poignant. He has a gift for inhabiting famous people – voice, body, soul, the works. He’s equally adept as a regular character actor – the dapper angel Aziraphale in Good Omens, pale and pinched as spurned suitor William Boldwood in the 2015 film of Far From the Madding Crowd, the tortured father of a daughter with muscular dystrophy in last year’s BBC drama Best Interests. He even plays a winning version of himself alongside David Tennant (and their respective partners Anna Lundberg and Georgia Tennant) in the lockdown hit TV series Staged.
But the work that changed his life was his 2011 epic three-day reimagining of The Passion on the streets of Port Talbot, involving more than 1,000 people from the local community. It was years in the making, and during that time he decided he would leave Los Angeles to come home. Initially, home just meant Britain, probably London. But the longer he spent with his people, the more it became apparent to him that home could only mean one thing – returning to Port Talbot, and helping the disadvantaged town in whatever way he could.
He admits that for many years he didn’t have a clue about the reality of life in Port Talbot. He had always lived in one bubble or another. His parents were hardly flush, but they had decent jobs – his mother was a secretary, his father a personnel manager at British Steel, and both were active in amateur dramatics. Sheen was academically gifted (he considered studying English at Oxford University before winning a place at Rada), a talented footballer (he had trials with Cardiff and Swansea) and an exceptional young actor. Then came the bubble of Rada and London, followed by the bubble of LA.
It was only when he started to work on The Passion that he began to understand his home town. One day he was rehearsing with a group in a community hall when he was approached by a woman. “She told me she was the mother of this boy who’d been in my class at school called Nigel. When I was 11, he fell off a cliff in an accident and died. It was the first time I’d known someone to die. She said, ‘I’ve started up a grief counselling group here. I have a little bit of money from the council because there is no grief counselling in this area.’” She’d had no counselling when Nigel died, nor in the 31 years since. “And all these years later, she’d set up a little grief counselling thing with a bit of money, so that was extraordinary to hear.” Next time he returned he discovered that the group no longer existed because of council cuts.
Every time he went back he discovered something new. He met a group that supported young carers. Sheen doesn’t try to disguise how ignorant he was. “I said, ‘All right, what are young carers?’ And they said, ‘They’re children who are supporting a family member.’ And I’m like, ‘OK, this is a profession, they get paid, right?’ And I was told, ‘No, they don’t get paid and our little organisation gives them a bit of respite – once a week we take them bowling or to the cinema.’ I went bowling with them one night and there were eight-year-old kids looking after their mother and bringing up the younger kids. This one organisation was trying to take these kids bowling one night a week, and then that went. No funding for that, either. That kind of stuff was shocking.”
As a child, SHEEN says he was oblivious to struggle because he was so driven by his own dreams. First, it was football. By his mid-teens it was acting. West Glamorgan Youth Theatre, which he calls “one of the best youth theatres in the world”, was on his doorstep. “The miners’ strike was on when I was 15 in Port Talbot and I wasn’t really aware of it at the time. That’s how blinkered I was, because I was so obsessed by acting at that point.” Acting wasn’t regarded as a lofty fantasy in Port Talbot as it may have been in many working-class communities. After all, the town had produced Richard Burton and Anthony Hopkins.
In his late teens, heading off for Rada, Sheen feared he would be surrounded by giant talents who would dwarf his. When he discovered that wasn’t the case, he suffered delusions of grandeur. “I wanted to be recognised as the greatest actor in the world,” he says bluntly. In the second year, the students did their first public production: Oedipus Rex. “I thought, well obviously I’ll be cast as Oedipus, then we’ll perform Oedipus to the public and when the world sees me for the first time I’ll be carried shoulder-high through the streets of London and hailed as the greatest actor of all time.” I look for an ironic wink or nod, but none is forthcoming.
Sure enough, he was cast in the lead role. “We did our first public production and I thought I was brilliant.” But nothing changed. It didn’t bring him instant acclaim. By the third night, he could barely get through the performance.
Were you a bit of a cock back then, I ask. He shakes his head. “No, I was having a breakdown. I was crying most of the time. I just fell apart. I spoke to the principal of Rada and I said, ‘I can’t continue at drama school, I have to leave.’ And he said just take some time off, which I did, and two or three weeks later I slowly came back and then completely changed the way I acted.”
Until then he believed acting was just about what he did. “I thought you just worked out how to say the lines as cleverly as you could; it had nothing to do with responding to other people or being in the moment. It was showing off, essentially. And there’s a ceiling to where you can get with that. That breakdown I had was because I’d reached the ceiling and didn’t know how to go any further. That’s why I fell apart.”
He gradually put himself and his technique back together. Was he left with the same ambition? “No. The idea of being considered the best actor of all time becomes nonsense.” In 1991, Sheen left Rada early, because he’d been offered a job he couldn’t turn down. He made his professional debut opposite Vanessa Redgrave in a West End production of Martin Sherman’s When She Danced. Theatre was Sheen’s first love, and his rise was meteoric. From the off, he was cast as the lead in the classics (Romeo and Juliet, Peer Gynt, Henry V, The Seagull) and the 20th-century masterpieces (Norman in The Dresser, Salieri and Mozart in Amadeus, Jimmy Porter in Look Back In Anger).
Sheen was doing exceptionally well when he and his then partner Kate Beckinsale moved to LA for her work in the early 2000s. She was four years younger than him, and already a movie star. Their daughter Lily, now an actor, was a toddler. He assumed that his transition to stardom in LA would be as seamless as it had been in Britain. But it wasn’t. His theatrical acclaim counted for nothing. In 2003, he and Beckinsale split up, but he stayed in LA to be close to Lily.
The first few years, he says, were so lonely and dispiriting. “I found myself living in Los Angeles, there to be with my daughter but just seeing her once a week. I had no career there – it was essentially like starting again. I had no friends and spent a lot of time on my own. It was tough. Slowly I realised how it was affecting me.” In what way? “I remember coming out of an audition for Alien vs Predator, to play a tech geek computer guy with five lines and really caring about it, and then thinking: ‘I can be playing fucking Hamlet at home, what am I doing, what’s this all about?’” He says he’d been so lucky – always working, never having to audition, getting the prize jobs. And suddenly in LA he was an outsider; a nobody.
He and Beckinsale are often cited as role models for joint parenting by ex-couples. In 2016, Beckinsale, Lily and Sheen staged a hilarious photo for James Corden’s The Late, Late Show, recreating the moment of giving birth 17 years earlier. Beckinsale reclines on a kitchen table with Lily sitting between her legs, as an alarmed-looking Sheen stands to the side. Have they always got on well since splitting up? “We’ve had our ups and downs, but we’re very important in each other’s lives. It would be really sad if we weren’t – like cutting off a whole part of your life. I’m not saying it doesn’t have its challenges, and I’m sure it’s been harder for her than for me.” Why? “Because … ” He pauses and smiles. “Because I’m more of a twat!” In what way? Another smile. “I’m not going to tell you that, am I?”
Sheen’s break in America came when he was spotted by a casting director who told him he would be perfect for a new project. Ironically, it was to play former British prime minister Tony Blair in a British TV drama called The Deal, directed by British film-maker Stephen Frears and shot in Britain. The Deal led to Frears’s The Queen, about Elizabeth II’s frigid response to the death of Diana, Princess of Wales leading to a crisis for the monarchy. Again he played Blair, this time riding to the rescue of the royals. The movie was nominated for six Oscars (Helen Mirren won best actress) and he never struggled in America again.
The longer he lived in LA, however, the more rooted he felt to Port Talbot. And the further he travelled, around the world or just in Britain, the better he understood how disadvantaged it was. “If you’re in Port Talbot one day and then the next you’re in a little town in Oxfordshire where David Cameron is the MP, it’s fairly obvious there are very different setups there. And that was connected to a political awakening.” He started to read up on Welsh history. In 2017, he returned his OBE because he thought it would be hypocritical to hold on to an honour celebrating empire when he was giving a Raymond Williams lecture on the “tortured history” of the relationship between Wales and the British state.
He began to reassess his past. “I became more aware of the opportunity I’d had in an area where there wasn’t much opportunity. At a certain point you go, Oh, people are having to volunteer to make that youth theatre happen that I’m a product of.” You’d taken it for granted? “Completely. I was happy to think everything I was doing was because of my own talent and I was making my own opportunities, and as I got older I thought maybe that’s not the whole story.”
In 2016, the long-running American TV series Masters of Sex, in which Sheen starred as the pioneering sex researcher William Masters, came to an end. Lily was now 17 and preparing for college. “I suddenly thought, Oh, I can go home now.” And six years ago he finally did – to Baglan, a village adjoining Port Talbot. Since then he has been involved in loads of community projects.
He mentions a few in passing, but he doesn’t tell me he sold his two homes (one in America, the other in Wales) to ensure the 2019 Homeless World Cup went ahead as planned in Cardiff. Nor does he mention that a couple of years ago he started Mab Gwalia (translating to “Son of Wales”), which proudly labels itself a “resistance movement”. On its website, it states: “Mab Gwalia believes that opportunity should not only be available to those who can afford it. The ambition is to build a movement that makes change.” Its projects have supported homeless people, veterans, preschool children on the autism spectrum, kids in care, victims of high-cost credit, and local journalism, which is a particular passion. “In the early 1970s in Port Talbot, there was something like 12 different newspapers. There are none now. None. Communities don’t feel represented, don’t feel their voice is heard and don’t know if the information they’re getting about what’s going on in the community is correct or not. Those are terrifying things, and without local journalism that’s what happens.”
Perhaps surprisingly, he’s even found time for the day job. Earlier this year, he played Nye Bevan in Tim Pryce’s new play about the founding father of the NHS. He also made his directing debut with The Way, a dystopian, and prophetic, three-part TV drama about the closure of the Port Talbot steelworks that results in local riots spreading across the country. How does he feel about the rioting that has scarred the country in recent weeks? “I feel the same way I think most people do. It was awful and terrifying. I worry about how much a hard-right agenda that has been growing for a long time has moved further and further into the mainstream and has clearly got more connected. It’s frightening.” Does he think the new Labour government can deliver the positive change it promises? “Pppfft.”He exhales heavily. “More optimistic than the Conservatives being in power.” Who did he vote for? “That’s my God-given right to remain a secret, isn’t it? It wasn’t the Tories!”
I ask if he’s in favour of Welsh independence. “I don’t know how I feel about it one way or the other, but I would like there to be an open discussion about everything that entails. The problem is when it gets shut down and you don’t get to talk about it.”
Would he ever go into politics? He looks appalled at the idea. “Oh God, no. No! I’d beawful.”Why?“Because I don’t want to say what other people are telling me to say if I don’t agree with it. Look at all those people who voted against the two-child benefit cap and had the whip taken away from them. That’s bollocks. People say I should go into politics because I’m passionate about things and I speak my mind. But then you get into politics and you’re not allowed to do that any more. I’ve got far more of a platform as myself. I can say what I want to say.”
Fair enough. I’ve got another idea. A couple of years ago he gave an inspired motivational speech for the Wales football team before the 2022 men’s World Cup, on the TV show A League of Their Own. Would he take the job as Wales manager if offered it? He looks just as horrified as the idea of a life in politics. “No!” Why not? “Because it’s a completely different profession. You need to know about football. I played football when I was younger, but I wouldn’t have a clue. Wouldn’t. Have. A. Clue. Just because you can make a speech doesn’t mean you’d be any good at that sort of stuff.” He says he was embarrassed about the speech initially, but now feels proud of it. “Schools get in touch and say, ‘We’ve been studying it with the class.’ I put hidden things in. There are rabbit holes you can go down.” He quotes the line, “You sons of Speed” and tells me that’s a reference to the idolised former manager and player Gary Speed who took his life in 2011. You can hear the emotion in his voice.
I’ve been waiting for Sheen to mention the new TV drama about Prince Andrew. Most actors direct you to the project they’re promoting as soon as you sit down with them. Let’s talk about the new show, I  eventually say.
This is already the second drama about the Andrew interview. Did he know that Scoop, which came out earlier this year, was already in the works? “Yes, I knew before I agreed to do this.” Was it a race to see which would get out first? “There was no race, no. We always knew ours would come out after.” What would he say to people who think it’s pointless watching another film on the same subject? “Ours is a three-part story, so it’s able to breathe a lot more. There’s a lot more to it. In our story, Andrew and Emily are the main characters whereas they were very much the supporting ones in the other one.”
Did it change his opinion of Andrew? “No. It showed the dangers of being in a bubble, having talked about being in a bubble myself! The dangers of privilege.” He talks with sensitivity about Andrew’s downfall. “The thing that really struck me was when Andrew came back from the Falklands there was no one more revered, in a way. I didn’t realise his job was to fly helicopters to draw enemy fire away from the ships. I couldn’t believe they would put a royal in that position, so he was genuinely courageous. He was good-looking, a prince, and had everything going for him. Since then everything has just gone down and down and down.” He’s had so little control over his life, Sheen says. Take his relationships. “He was told he couldn’t be with [American actor] Koo Stark any more because of the controversy. He was essentially told he had to divorce Sarah Ferguson because the royal family, particularly Philip allegedly, was concerned that she would bring the family into disrepute.”
Did he end up feeling more empathetic towards him? “No!” he says sharply. Then he softens slightly. “Well, empathy? I felt I understood a bit more – because that’s my job – about what was going on. But he’s incredibly privileged and has exploited that. It seems like he has a lot taken away from him but probably rightfully so.”
A Very Royal Scandal is like The Crown in that it’s great drama but you’re never sure what’s real. Are Andrew’s lines simply made up? “It’s a combination of research and stories out there, and little snippets and invention.” While Emily Maitlis is an executive producer, Andrew most certainly is not. “Well, that’s the real difficulty for our story,” Sheen says. “On the one hand, you’ve got Emily as an exec, so you know everything to do with her is coming from the horse’s mouth. But everything to do with Andrew, not only is it really difficult to get the actual stuff, also we don’t know what he did.” He pauses. “Or didn’t do.” He’s talking about Virginia Giuffre’s allegation that Andrew raped her, which he denied. In the end, Giuffre’s civil case was dropped after an out-of-court settlement was reached on no admission of liability by Prince Andrew, with Giuffre reportedly paid around £12m.
I had assumed Sheen would be a staunch republican, but he doesn’t feel strongly either way. “There are lots of positives about royals, and lots of negatives.” His bugbear is that the heir to the throne gets to be Prince of Wales. “Personally, I would want the title of Prince of Wales to be given back to Wales to decide what to do with it, and I definitely think there’s a lot of wealth that could be used better.”
The biggest change for Sheen since returning to Wales is his family life. In 2019, he revealed that he had a new partner, the Swedish actor Anna Lundberg, that she was 25 years younger than him, and that she was pregnant. They now have two daughters – Lyra who is coming up to five, and two-year-old Mabli. As well as Staged, the couple have also appeared together on Gogglebox. They look so happy, nestling into each other, laughing at the same funnies, tearing up over the same heartbreakers. She also seems naturally funny. Given that two of his former partners (Sarah Silverman and Aisling Bea) are comedians, have all his exes had a good sense of humour? He thinks about it. “Yes. Yeah, you’ve got to have a laugh, haven’t you?” And he’s always got on well with them after splitting up? “Yeah, pretty much.”
When asked about the age difference between Lundberg and him on The Assembly, he acknowledged that they were surprised when they got together. “We were both aware it would be difficult and challenging. Ultimately, we felt it was worth it because of how we felt about each other, and now we have two beautiful children together.” He also said that being an older father worried him at times. “It makes me sad, thinking about the time I won’t have with them.”
Does being a dad of such tiny kids make him feel young or old? “Both,” he says. “My body feels very old. But everything else feels much younger. I’m 55 and it’s knackering running around after little kids. Just physically, it’s very demanding. And I’m at a point in my life where I’m aware of my physical limitations now. But in other ways it’s completely liberating, and I’m able to appreciate it more now.”
Has he learned about fatherhood from the first time round? “Yeah, I think so. I’m around more now. That’s a big part of it. When Lily was young, I was in my early 30s and doing films for the first time, so Kate would stay in Los Angeles with Lily and I would go off and do whatever.” Did Beckinsale resent that? “I don’t know that she resented it. Kate was doing better than me in terms of profile at the time, so it was different. Given that we then split up and I saw Lily even less, I very much regretted being away as much. So this time I wanted to make sure that wasn’t the case. That’s partly why I’ve set up a Welsh production company. I don’t want to work away from them as much.”
Talking of which, he says, what’s the time? “I’ve got to get back to my kids.”
On his way out, I ask what advice he would give his younger self. He says he was asked that recently and gave a glib answer. “I said buy stock in Apple.” What should he have said? He thinks about it, and finally says he’d have no advice for his younger self. He’d rather reverse the question, and think what his younger self would say to him if he tried to advise him.
“I saw an amazing clip of Stephen Colbert saying your life is an accumulation of every bad choice you’ve made and every good choice you’ve made, and the great challenge of life is to say yes to it. To say, ‘I love living, I embrace living.’ And in order to do that you have to embrace all the pain, all the grief, all the sadness, all the fucking mistakes because without that you don’t have all the other stuff.” He’s on a roll now, louder and more passionate by the word. “And I’d hate it if someone came and went, ‘Don’t do this, no do that.’ Then you just sail through your life. It would be death, wouldn’t it? So I’d tell my older self to go fuck himself.”
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lazycats-stuff · 2 years
could you do jason todd having a younger brother from like willis’s side and jason just finds out they exist and just goes big brother bodyguard mode even tho his lil bro just vibing because jason has weapons
I could, no worries anon. Although, I might have taken it in another direction. And maybe expended it.
Summary: Jason finds out he has a younger brother from his dad's side. It goes as well you can imagine.
Warnings: Jason being scary, (Y/N) just vibing because Jason has weapons, mentions of abuse
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Jason wasn't expecting a call in the middle of the night. He didn't go on patrol that night, he was just too exhausted. So a call from Social Services in the middle of the night, saying he had a younger brother he didn't even know about made him think he went insane.
But none the less, he needs to check it out. If he has a younger brother, he needs to get him out of Willis' clutches. He needs to stop the cycle of abuse. He was changing out of his pajamas and changing into some more formal clothes. Of course, with his signature leather jacket. He concealed his gun, just in case.
What was he going to tell his brothers? And Bruce too? No, he would worry about that later. He needs to get to the Social Services now. He took his car keys and apartment keys. He locked the door and quickly made his way down to the car.
Once in the car, he thought about what he was going to say to his little brother. Hi, I'm your older brother? No. He doesn't even know his name. He sighed as he drove. You know what? He is going to wing it.
He stopped in front the building, parking the car and locking it. Oh God, what is he going to do? He took a deep breath and entered the building, going to floor he was told over the phone. He saw an older lady, stepping out of the office. He wanted to ask her which room, but she recognized him.
" Mister Todd, thank you for coming on such short notice. I called you because he needs a place to stay. There is no place for him at any foster homes... Only at juvie. " The worker said, looking at the closed door.
" What's his name? "
" (Y/N). Poor boy. "
" What happened to my father? " Jason found himself asking, not sure what to expect. Dead? In jail? Gone?
" He is in jail. He tried to kill (Y/N) while drunk. "
Jason nodded, some of the memories flooding back. He took a deep breath.
" Does he know that I'm his brother? "
" He was made aware that he has a sibling, yes. "
Jason nodded, not sure what to say.
" Would you like to meet him? "
" Yes. "
She nodded and opened the door, allowing Jason to enter. He saw a kid, just sitting there with a sports bag near him. He looked at the door, eyes widening slightly. Jason could tell he was afraid. He tried to make himself as small as possible in that chair. His heart squeezed a bit.
" (Y/N), this is your older brother Jason. You will be staying with him. "
(Y/N) didn't say anything, he simply nodded. Jason glanced at the boy's knuckles. They were bloody and he looked like he put up a fight.
" Is that all he brought? " He asked the worker, talking about the bag next to (Y/N).
" Yes. We had to be quick. "
Jason nodded, moving to kneel in front of (Y/N).
" Do they hurt? "
(Y/N) shook his head.
" Come on, I will take you back to my place. You need some sleep, I'm sure you had a rough night. "
He stood up, taking the bag and then turning to look at the worker.
" I will come later tomorrow. To fill out all the necessary forms. "
" Thank you mister Todd. "
Jason nodded, watching as (Y/N) stood up. He didn't want to look at Jason, he looked like he wanted to disappear. Jason wouldn't blame him.
" Come on (Y/N). " Jason prompted gently.
(Y/N) stood up, keeping his head low. He followed Jason out in the hallways and to the entrance. Jason unlocked his car and put the bag into the backseat of the car. (Y/N) moved to the front. Jason turned on the car and started driving.
" So I have to warn you, my place is a mess. Like a huge mess. " Jason tried to get (Y/N) talking. Nothing yet.
" You will have your room too. And if you need someone to talk to, you can always come to me. I know what you have been through. "
" Is that the reason why you have a gun on you? " (Y/N) spoke, voice hoarse.
" No. I carry that gun as precaution. I grew up in the Crime alley. I know how it feels to be unprotected by the person that was supposed to protect you. "
(Y/N) didn't say anything in response, he turned his head to look at the streets of Gotham. Jason drove for another 10 minutes before parking.
" Are you sure your knuckles don't hurt? " Jason asked.
" They are just throbbing now. "
" I will clean it for you when we get up. Come on. "
Jason stepped out, going to the back of the car, opening the door. He took the sports bag and gently led (Y/N) upstairs into the building.
" Welcome to my humble apartment. Ignore the mess. I will put your stuff in your new room and then clean your knuckles. You can sit in the kitchen. "
(Y/N) moved to the kitchen, sitting down at the island. He looked around. It was a nice place, simple, but nice none the less. Jason got back with a first aid kit.
" It seems like you put up a good fight. Can I ask how it happened? " Jason asked, preparing the stuff he needed.
" He came home drunk in a combative mood. I was in my room, trying to study... He screamed and yelled and then... Threw a lamp at me. " He stopped here, closing his eyes for a moment.
" Then he started hitting me and strangling me. I punched him back and after a while I knocked him out. I called the cops and... Here we are now. "
Jason listened in silence, his heart hurting for the boy too. He was lucky to be adopted by Bruce, but (Y/N) wasn't. He was put trough hell and back.
" Well, like I said in the car, if you need to talk you can come to me. I will be a room away. "
" Will I have to meet your family? "
" Not until you feel ready. " Jason shook his head, throwing the bloody rag into the trash. " Are you hungry? I'm not a great cook, but I can make a killer sandwich. " He smiled, moving to the fridge.
" I could eat something. "
" Good. And once you do eat, I want you to take a shower and then go to bed. You had a rough night... "
" And what about the weapons? "
" What weapons? "
" Guns. "
Jason looked confused, but then realized. That was that Crime Alley eye that Jason was familiar with that eye. He had the same eye after all, although his wasn't as sharp as it used to be.
" I guess it comes from my habits of living in the Crime Alley. It never went away I guess. Don't worry about them. Just don't touch them. And just to ease your worries, I'm not a gangster. Or any of that sort. "
(Y/N) nodded, looking at his now cleaned knuckles.
" Okay, now lets see what I have in this fridge. "
(Y/N) has been staying with Jason for about 2 weeks now. His brothers have got the wind of it and they want to meet the boy. Jason didn't want that. He wanted (Y/N) to get more comfortable. He had some nightmares and just 3 days ago, he spent the night sleeping in Jason's bed after a particularly bad nightmare. Jason was getting that trust and he didn't want the chaos from the manor to transfer here.
(Y/N) was a shy boy, quite introverted too. And hungry as hell. It looks like he simply inhales food. Jason made a point to pick him up and drop him off at school. He made sure everything was in order for his brother. Even as he started going to the grocery store more regularly and started learning how to cook. Alfred was great help in the process.
As of now, they were both in the living room watching TV. (Y/N) wrapped himself in a blanket, trying to preserve his body temperature.
" I got another call from the old man. And by old man, I mean Bruce. He would really like to meet you. " Jason said, turning his head.
" I mean... I would like to meet them, but I'm worried. "
" About what? "
" What if they don't like me? "
Jason snorted at the question.
" (Y/N), Bruce is probably going to try to adopt you. No, not probably definitely will. Dick will like you immediately, Tim is going to be too tired and Damian is going to be suspicious of you, but will warm up to you. "
(Y/N) nodded, less worried now, but still worried.
" If you say so. "
" Free your Saturday then. We are having dinner with Bruce Wayne. " Jason joked, patting (Y/N)'s thigh.
" What did I get myself into? " (Y/N) asked himself.
" You have no idea bro. Absolutely none. " Jason smiled.
(Y/N) smiled a little. He felt safe with Jason, despite the amount of weapons in the apartment. He was still suspicious of his nightly outings, despite the fact that Jason promised that he wasn't a criminal. (Y/N) he was still suspicious.
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Kim Dokja headcanons with fem!reader who is a writer
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These headcanons are dedicated to my friend @d10nsaint who recommended me this webtoon series to me when I had nothing else to read lol. Enjoy! :)
Prior to the apocalypse, Kim Dokja was neither a social butterfly nor a likable person on Minosoft’s Q and A team. Most people avoided him, and he liked to keep a low profile so he could read his webnovels in peace. 
It was a perfect, quiet routine for a contract worker like himself  until the arrival of a new junior shattered it all. [First Name] [Last Name], recently transferred from the company’s [Country] branch to HQ. And she was assigned to work under him. 
Not only was the junior a quick learner, but she was also very good-looking. Kim Dokja might be a reader at heart, he wasn’t a blind fool to not notice her. She was definitely on her way to becoming the next Yoo Sangah in the company: charming, kind, and willingly to stay late to help the team finish up any assignments for the next meeting. 
He definitely did not have a chance with someone like them. At least that was what he had thought until he looked over in her cubicle to go over some paperwork when he saw the artwork of a web novel on her computer but she wasn't there. 
SOMEONE ELSE BESIDES HIM READ WEBNOVELS?! The man was stunned to say the least. However, right now he could not afford to look like a weirdo with the CEO making random rounds to each department today. So, like the gentleman he is, he placed the documents on your desk and went right back to work. 
But he kept an eye on her…in a non-creepy way of course! It was just….hard  for him to make conversation with someone. It definitely took Kim Dokja a few times to ask [First Name] if they would be interested in going to get a bite to eat on the way home from a particularly tiring day in the office. 
To his surprise and delight, she accepted. It was nothing fancy, just a food stall. When he saw that her phone screen was opened up to the newest chapter of Three Ways of Survival he couldn’t help but blurt out that it was a mind-blowing twist to the story. 
[First Name]'s reaction to his words was stunned silence, followed by them asking him that he’s read the novel too with a starry look in her eyes. 
After that, Kim Dokja and [First Name] exchanged numbers. While at Minosoft,  the two of them worked together and remained professional. If one or the other were invited to drinks, they’d follow them. Nothing too odd to raise any alarms, just casual banter that even made a few of the other employees raise her eyebrows.
It was a whole different story when they were off the clock though. 
The two of them either went out somewhere, or just spent a good chunk of the evening texting each other web novel recommendations or their thoughts on the latest chapter of TWSA.
Kim Dokja thought he knew everything about his growing crush on [First Name] until she shyly dropped another startling revelation on him just a year after discovering that they loved reading as much as he did: [First Name] [Last Name] was a web novel writer.
Not only that, but her work was something he’d recently started to read when tls123 went on a brief hiatus due to health issues. 
Seriously, how could someone be so perfect in his eyes?!
Naturally, he read [First Name]’s work and gave her honest feedback on the plot’s progression, the characters, any and everything that would make her grin from ear to ear or hum in contemplation about where she could improve. 
He has the honor of reading her rough drafts before she published it online. Not going to lie, some of his ideas came from his favorite web novel. But [First Name] deeply appreciated his help and often thanked him for his support, especially when she was hit with writer’s block.
It took Kim Dokja another six months before he worked up the courage to ask [First Name] out on a date. He was terrified, fearing that he might lose his only friend…but seeing the bright red hue on  [First Name]’s face and hearing her stutter that she would be delighted to go out with him as more than a co-worker and a friend made his heart skip a beat.
She….she really…liked him too, huh? That’s…great. No, it was more than great. This is probably one of the happiest memories he still kept close to his heart: knowing that he loved someone, and she loved him back.
And now, no matter what happened in these scenarios, he would protect and provide for [First Name]. She was precious to him, and she gladly reciprocated that same devotion and love with no strings attached or scheming. 
It still warmed his heart to see her cuddle with Gil-Yeong and Shin Yu-Seong late at night or work with the rest of his party to ensure that everyone was prepared for what lay ahead next. 
He also took secret, sadistic delight in seeing his significant other win arguments against Han Sooyoung, especially about stories or writing. 
No matter what she said, a plagiarist is still a plagiarist even if people said that SSSSSS-Grade Infinite Regressor is superior to Three Ways of Survival in every way.
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fostercare-expat · 3 months
We had a nice visit with Mom. We took a picture at the bus stop just before saying goodbye to Mom. I had walked off with the other kids and Older Brother had stayed to give mom another hug. When he caught up with me, he said “Why can’t [Other Foster Mom] take care of me anymore? Is she leaving the country?” So turns out Mom choose to throw out the information at the last second that he’s not going to be living with [Other Foster Mom] anymore and he might live with me. So I had to do some damage control, and I’ve told him that really it should have been something the social worker talked to him about only after a plan was in place for what happens next. I said that the other foster family can’t take care of him for much longer, and that she also has some business trips coming up. He might stay with me for a little while until a more permanent place is found for him, but that I can’t take of him for the long term either. His major concern was if he was ever going to see her again. I reassured him that as long as the social worker says yes, then he will definitely see her. He asked if he was going to be going home in August so I told him that he definitely isn’t going home in August and he likely won’t he going to live at home anytime soon, but I don’t know how long it will be. It will take some time for Mom to complete the services she needs to do and to prove she can be a parent who can keep him safe and there won’t be any more violence at home. Older Sister chimed in that she saw a piece of paper saying that Mom needs to go to the family court about something related to violence. Older Brother had some more questions about where he is going and when that I told him he couldn’t answer. And that was that. Mom wasn’t there for any of this conversation. (Mom asked if I could keep both girls for a few hours and I agreed so the sister were with me still.).
Yesterday was the big gay pride event here. Fearless came over and I brought him, my 2 daughters and Older and Younger Brother. The boys all wanted to paint their fingernails pink, and we all had a great time. The drag queen dance performance was mind blowing amazing. When it was time to meet mom this morning, I asked the boys if they wanted to take off their nail polish and they said no need. I mentioned there was a possibility that her boyfriend would come and they both immediately changed their mind and said definitely need to take it off.
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drdemonprince · 1 year
That ask about small talk and fear reminded me: a few days ago my partner and I were at our local café. I went to use the restroom and found the toilet seemingly backed up, so went and told a worker since I didn't want to try using it and then make it worse. A random guy who'd been there for a while came over and said "Want me to take a look at it?" We all thought it was Weird and Creepy but he genuinely just wanted to help, and managed to fix it! It was great! He was just a kind stranger wanting to help. And as we left later it hit me how sad it is that fear was our initial reaction. I wish I would've thanked the guy instead of being awkwardly frozen. But it also gave me a little hope and a reminder that most people are just like me, just a person trying to enjoy the life we have and be nice to others.
Yes, I really do believe that if we are invested in mad pride and disabled liberation at all, we gotta take that initial knee-jerk reaction of "this person is weird" or "this behavior is breaking unspoken social scripts" and throw it into the fucking garbage.
No one is a bad person for feeling wary in that way, it is a socially conditioned response -- but it is very dangerous. It's the same kind of thing that leads to people covering their homes in security cameras and calling the cops on children knocking on their neighbor's doors in search of their missing cat. You probably would never do anything of that nature, of course! But it's all part of the same social ideology. And that ideology keeps you isolated and less likely to seek help -- it doesn't keep any of us safe.
Personally I LOVE talking to fucking WEIRD PEOPLE. I spent an hour this summer at a picnic table talking to a tweaked out guy covered in facial tattoos and scales about my aura and the psychic journey he was on and shit. It turns out that he was a trans woman in the 1980s but he didn't have the language for it! He was drawn to me because he could tell I was gender-weird too, and because he said I had a very open looking soul. I could scoff at that or I could be afraid of him, but why??? He was fucking cool! he had a ton of fascinating life experiences and is friends with a lot of the other people I see on the streets in my neighborhood. Turned out we were both Aries' and we talked about that a ton too.
I also met a guy in a dusty old cowboy hat in the park by Loyola beach who told me he is the official 'patriarch of the park' and gets to decide who he allows to pick up litter there. He pointed to a very clean-cut white woman stabbing at trash with a stick and a needle and told me that he had given her personal clearance to clean up "his" park. She might seem like a fussy white suburban type lady, he conveyed, but she was interested in making the space better for everyone and wasn't doing any Kareny shit, so she was welcome.
Last weekend I was going to a free concert in Ping Tom Park and edgy 19 year old punk kids danced next to 70 year old Chinese retirees and middle-aged yuppie parents and their toddlers and homeless people and 50 something Mexican old head techno fans and it was the loveliest fucking thing in the world. A guy up the street from the park was selling dozens of old back packs and coats and electronics on his front lawn and I dug through them and chatted before getting there.
Living in a city and spending a lot of time outside, I meet people like that a lot, and my life is immeasurably enriched by it. It makes me sick and sad that so many human beings never get to talk to strangers like this, recoil from homeless people or people on drugs, and fear any stranger's intrusion into their life. I think even a lot of left leaning, queer people harbor these reactions and chalk them up to things like "being afraid of men" or "being afraid of straight people" and we even promote that kind of thinking within our communities at times. I find it very damaging. Some of the most wholesome experiences in my life have been random nice/warm things cishet men on the street have done for me.
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teatimeweirdo · 2 years
+Genshin modern au headcanons+
note: ahhh my tumblr hasn't been working since yesterday, it wouldn't show my blog and the app would always crash when i tried to open my notifications TwT, I'm also trying around with new point of view so don't be to harsh
Characters: Scaramouche, Kaeya, Kazuha, Ayato, Albedo
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Flat Earther™/j
I can see him studying Biology at University
Ei and Yae raised him together, not well, but they raised him (he is a little brat)
in his off time he probably hangs out with Kazuha, because they have been besties since Kindergarten
listen what if he's a part-time, totally underpaid, McDonald's worker, who is absolutely done with everyone's bs (that's how he met you)
he totally didn't like you at first, but you were one of Kazuha's friends and Kazuha wouldn't stop bringing you around to meet with him, so the two of you were kind of forced to hang out eith each other
don't expect any nicknames from him, or random sweet texts or phone calls, I don't think scaramouche uses his phone a lot and he prefers physical affection in the comfort of you own home more then quick texts... although he will get a little sad when u don't text him all day
he probably would take you to the cinema for dates, he doesn't enjoy movies or people, but he enjoys the dark and quietness of the cinema (he sneaks in snacks)... he probably also likes the weird feeling of entering the cinema when it's light outside and leaving when it's dark outside
I also think he would quite enjoy just sitting in his room and playing video games, i doubt he has any that the two of you can play together, but he is willing to tale turns if you desperately want to play too, he enjoys cuddling while playing video games... not like he would admit it tho
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Kaeya lives of his dad's money, not that he's mooching of of him but he has difficulties finding a job, so he's currently building a career as a model, it kind of works... he has a bit of a following on his social media channels, but no product placements yet
listen as much as i want to make Kaeya and Diluc hate each other.... i literally can't, they just bicker like normal siblings (noone is allowed to talk shit about Diluc or Kaeya will fight them, Kaeya on the other hand is allowed to trash talk Diluc)
let's be real here, he probably wasn't the smartest kid at school, he probably nearly failed Maths or something
listen he probably speaks French, just like his father and brother, they're a very fancy family™
he probably met you while taking a photo, he was blocking your way... you asked him to move and he just sparked up a conversation with you
he tries to be cool about his little crush, but behind closed doors he is just a love sick puppy.... he probably asked his dad for advice (and maybe diluc, but diluc's advice wasn't very helpful)
congratulations you are now his personal photographer/j, no but seriously he probably takes on you very aesthetic dates so he can take pretty pictures... to be fair he has a whole folder with pictures of you :3c
he's the kind of person who texts you all the time... he would text you shit like "diluc just fell down the stairs, today will be a great day ❤️", he would probably call you in the evening before you go to sleep and then talk you to sleep
Kaeya is an outgoing person, he doesn't like just sitting around in his room, he would probably take you to a club if you're into that, if not he might just take you on a walk
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He's a musician, probably plays music on events and has a YouTube channel where he posts his music...I can also see him having studied philosophy in university for a short time before dropping out when he realized it just wasn't his thing
he's been besties with Scaramouche since Kindergarten and he has been raised by Ningguang and Beidou
Besides english he also speaks Chinese, which was taught to him by Ningguang
You met Kazuha at a relative's Graduation, the school had paid him to perform some music there.... you thought he was pretty handsome and decided to talk to him, it went pretty well and he even gave you his number in the end
his favorite type pf dates are probably spent in his apartment, when the two of you just spend some time together and watch a movie or show... he likes the quietness but the togetherness
he is more into calling than texting, he will just text you a few lines of poetry that flew into his head, he prefers calling because he insists that your voice is his inspiration
Kazuha has probably like 2 Cats called Luna and Artemis, he is a cat person and has a fear of dogs
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Ayato is rich, like rich rich... he's from old money, his family had been wealthy for years, so kind of all he knows is rich
he has a strained relationship with his parents, since they're pushing him to take over the company... he really enjoys his time with Ayaka she's his baby sister so he kind of always puts up with her shenanigans
he probably took economic courses in school, mainly because his parents kind of pushed him into it, but also because he wants to give Ayaka the best advice he can give
You two probably met on the train, weird place to meet ppl but trust me it works, the train was FULL there was barely space to move and he asked if he could sit next to you, it was a bit of a longer train ride so the two of you started talking to make things less awkward, in the end you exchanged numbers
Ayato prefers texting over talking mainly because he has a full schedule, he send you cute little good luck texts and photos of cute cats, you know the kind with lots of a hearts and blush with a cute caption
he prefers dates at home or at least somewhere in private, he is lowkey famous/people know that he comes from money and it makes him uncomfortable when people see him out with someone because there will probably be talk of the person he is with/you only being in it for the money
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Albedo is a university student studying chemistry, he got a scholarship for his grades...he makes some extra money tutoring children in chemistry
when Albedo was young, his parents were almost never around so he was pretty much raised by Alice (she basically was his mom at this point), he actually was so excited when he found out that Klee was on the way, he wanted to be such a good big brother
he enjoys going to places by train, because he likes to look out the window, it's hard to explain but he likes to see the scenery rush past him,.... he doesn't enjoy the other people on the train tho
you net him when babysitting Klee, Albedo wasn't supposed to be Home for a few more hours so Alice hired you as a babysitter, but as it turned out that someone canceled their tutoring lesson so he got to go home early, he decided to spend time with you and help you take care of Klee until the evening, he ended up giving you his number
Albedo dislikes both texting and calling, he mush rather spends his time with you instead of longing for you when just seeing a screen, although he enjoys it when you send him cute cat pictures
he likes study dates, or if you don't go to university he enjoys just sitting in a small Café with you, Albedo loves coffee and wants to share that with you, he doesn't mind if you don't enjoy the bitterness and has no problem with ordering some hot chocolate for you
Albedo also likes babysitting Klee with you, and Klee likes being around you because she can see that you make her big brother happy
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steevbuckk · 1 year
some short fics that i love 🥰
Belated by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)
[Post TWS, 2 295 words, General Audiences]
In the middle of the war, Steve has a birthday present for Bucky, one he never manages to give him. After the ice, after the Winter Soldier, when Bucky finally comes home, Steve tries again.
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Breathe Your Breath in Me by @dekudynamight
[Endgame Fix it, 2 491 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
When Steve said to the end of the line, he meant it.
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From Brooklyn, With Love by @musette22
[Meet cute, 4 816 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
Bucky Barnes, newly-single twentysomething from Brooklyn, heads to Europe with the goal of showing everyone back home (particularly his shitty ex) that he's living his best life. He asks a beautiful blond stranger for a picture of them kissing in front of the Eiffel Tower to post to his social media, and ends up having a bit of a déjà vu.
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that's what they don't know by steveandbucky
[Post TWS, 6 884 words, Explicit]
“I remember,” Steve whispers. “I always regretted that we didn’t get a chance to…”
Bucky bites on his lower lip. “We have the chance now. If you’d like.”
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No Vacancies by @darter-blue & @the1918
[Enemies to Lovers, 6 416 words, Explicit]
Steve Rogers might have a pretty face, but fuck is he a pain in the ass.
In which Bucky and Steve have a sexually charged, warring relationship as co-workers, and the conference hotel has a double-booking problem.
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Lonesome no more by @dharmasharks
[Wakanda, 7 539 words, Explicit]
“Uh, Steve?”
Steve’s eyes snap open. He pulls back, bracing to be reminded that this isn’t something they do.
Instead, Bucky slurs, “D’you…have a beard?”
A post-cryo, pre-Nomad interlude.
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#TweetMeDaddy by StarSpangled (Senforza)
[Shrunkyclunks, 4 127 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
Coulson, for his part, stares up at Bucky with such a betrayed look of frozen horror that Natasha actually goes the extra step and presses another button, capturing the moment and airdropping the photograph to her phone for posterity. When he speaks, his voice comes out as a hoarse whisper. “Why…?” He swallows and starts again, trying for some semblance of normality. “…Why would you tweet something like that?!”
“If you must know, sir,” and somehow he manages to make ‘sir’ come out with the same inflection most people reserve for ‘motherfucking son of a bitch’, “it’s because I have a difficult time doing my job when my job involves monitoring the man with the best fucking ass in the United States of America.” He slowly lowers himself back into his seat until he’s at eye level, making extreme eye contact with Coulson until Coulson turns away to make mortified eye contact in Natasha’s general direction through the one-way glass. Natasha would take another picture, if she weren’t too busy catching Steve’s red-faced sputtering. “Sometimes, I vent to my Twitter followers. Sometimes, it’s about hot men with washboard abs. Can I go now, or do you need a graphic description of how I pleasure myself at night?”
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more fics
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Alright everybody here's part 2 of the Cabin Custody Au!
So first off I want to clarify that Quaritch did not know Mercer was going to do that to Spider! Corporal punishment isn’t even aloud in the military and hasn’t been allowed in schools since Quaritch was a kid so he had no reason to even think that would happen to Spider. He figured Mercer would have Spider running laps in his regular clothes until he was sick, forcing him to change into his uniform to have a clean outfit, or scrubbing dirty bathroom floors until he was too tired to fight back, things that Quaritch himself would do to unruly cadets back in the day. Just punishments that generally really suck. He warned Spider to spare him from that. He never thought Mercer would harm Spider otherwise he never would have let Spider go to that school.
Spider is too hurt and humiliated to tell Quaritch what really happened, though Quaritch can obviously tell it was bad. During Spider’s lunch break Quaritch storms into Mercer’s office in a rage, “what in the fuck did you do to my kid.” Mercer shrugs, “just normal intimidation tactics. Your son is just more - sensitive then you think.” “Bull shit! My boy is stubborn and strong as hell!… “and disrespectful and wild. Isn’t that why you wanted him here in the first place?” “He can be taught respect and discipline through training! Not with whatever you did…” “nothing he didn’t deserve.” Quaritch advances on Mercer ready to beat the shit out of him. Mercer tsks at him, “watch it Quaritch. Don’t forget you still have a record. Wouldn’t want to go back to prison for assault now would you?” He backs down unwilling to risk his family again.
Back in the cafeteria five pairs of eyes are giving Spider a very strange look. He deflates a little, “aren’t you Na’vi?” A girl nods looking embarrassed, “we are but….we don’t really remember the language.” Spider sits giving them all hard looks. While these kids look Na’vi all cultural markers like braids and jewelry have been striped away. There’s something behind their eyes that Spider can’t really place. A boy of about fourteen, the youngest of the group, timidly adds, “plus Headmaster Mercer gets mad when we speak in that savage language.” Spider pales.
“I’m Spider. What are your names?” The kids all look at each other. The girl that first spoke says, “we’re not allowed to say our Na’vi names…” “I don’t even remember my original name,” says a kid that looks like they could be a boy or a girl. Spider feels sick. He already knows what’s happening here. His social worker Norm works to rescue stolen Na’vi children from the American soldiers who kidnapped them from their families. Spider knows that’s what’s happening here. He’s disgusted. Mercer went so far as to change their names and punish them for worshiping Eywa, making them too terrified to ever try and reclaim their culture.
So the Sarentu kids forced American names are:
Teylan- Tyler
Ri’nela- Regina
Aha’ri - Alice
Nor- Nolan
And our non-binaire teen that can’t remember their original name - Sam.
I won’t use these names at all but I’m basing what Mercer did to the Sarentu kids on the very real very atrocious schools set up to “re educate” indigenous children in the United States and Canada.
Spider is so horrified for these kids that everything he went through that morning goes out the window. Because if that’s what Mercer could do to him in a morning then he shuddered to think what these kids had been through over YEARS. He vows to save them and bring Mercer to justice.
The Mercer Military Academy is only a semi boarding school so at the end of the day Spider meets his dad outside to go home. It’s a twenty minute car ride and Spider waist no time in asking, “what did you think Mercer was going to do to me?” Quaritch sighs, “I thought he’d yell at y’a lot. Make y’a run laps or do push up till your arms gave out. I figured he might try to embarrass you by takin’ y’a out in front of everybody during lunch to criticize your appearance. Probably even get the other kids to make fun of y’a until you were beggin’ to change into your uniform and to take a trip down to the campus barber.” Spider nods, “that’s still pretty fucked up that you would just let that happen to me.” Quaritch looks guilty but also a little shocked. He was so used to that behavior in the military that it didn’t even cross his mind that it was wrong, until his son blatantly pointed it out. “Do you want to talk about what Mercer did?” Quaritch asks. “No.” Spider says simply. It’ll be awhile until he’s ready to unpack that plus the small amount of trust he was starting to have in his dad is now completely out the window. Quaritch nods, “I’m handing in my resignation tomorrow and I’m unenrolling you from that school. We can move back to our old place once we find a home for the live stock and sell the house. Until then I’ll homeschool y’a..”
“No. I want to keep going to the military academy.” Spider can’t leave the Sarentu kids behind. He’ll put up with all of Mercer’s psycho shit to save them. “Alright” Quaritch says, “I’m just gonna drive y’a to the hospital cause Mercer must’ve hit y’a in the head…” “he didn’t hit me in the head! I’m fine! I just…” he doesn’t want to tell his dad about the na’vi kids. He doesn’t trust him to understand. Instead he says, “…I don’t want Mercer to win. I don’t want to runaway.” Quaritch actually looks proud of him. “That’s my boy.” Spider blushes under the look.
“I do have one ask though.” “Shoot tiger.” “Get me a new phone already! And a lap top! Stop keeping me from talking to my friends you jealous piece of shit!” Quaritch laughs, “whatever you want son. We’ll go into town tomorrow night and I’ll get y’a anythin’ your little heart desires.”
When they get home Quaritch gets right to work making dinner (Spider’s favorite) while Spider goes upstairs to change out of his suffocating uniform. It’s there that he sees himself for the first time and it makes him cringe. His hair is super uneven but worse his back is so covered in dark bruises that it just looks like one mass of pitch black. The area is swollen and has ached terribly all day and he knows it’ll continue to ache for the foreseeable future. Maybe his dad had the right idea about taking him to a hospital. But he also can’t tell him. Quaritch would raise hell over it and probably take him out of school against his wishes. So Spider puts on his comfiest pair of sweatpants and tucks his shirt into his waistband so it won’t slip up and reveal his back. When he gets downstairs and sees his father he says, “hey old man. Do you think you can fix this,” he points at his hair, “I look like weird Barbie.” Quaritch looks at him like he has two heads, “you look like what?” Spider laughs, “it’s from a movie. I’ll have to show it to you sometime.” Quaritch smiles at the idea of movie night with his son. Spider is trying to keep it together knowing that his big gruff dad will probably hate the Barbie movie but will sit through it for Spider.
The next day Spider shows up looking the model student. Mercer catches him walking in with his dad and stops Spider, making him stand at attention so Mercer can inspect his uniform. Quaritch is right on top of him the entire time ready at any second to go full papa dragon on his ass. Spider smiles in a fake, I’ll murder you one day, kind of a way. “I see you took our little talk from yesterday to heart. Nicely done Socorro. It seems you’re not as stubborn as your father made you out to be.” Father and son have matching glints of fury in their eyes but they both keep calm until Mercer walks away.
So Spider has a two point plan at this point, befriend the Sarentu kids and call Norm. He’s getting a new phone after school so today his focus is befriending the Sarentu kids. Which is actually pretty easy for him- mostly. Taylan is obviously the teachers pet out of the bunch. The others while terrified of Mercer’s wrath want to hear everything Spider knows about the Na’vi but Taylan is the one always saying, “Headmaster Mercer doesn’t want us talking about this.” “He said Eywa was dangerous.” “Spider your going to get us in trouble.” Nor will aggressively tell him to shut up. Aha’ri, Ri’nela, and the Sarentu are much nicer to him trying their best to calm Taylan’s fears. Spider tries to make them all feel safe by assuring them that if Mercer ever finds out that he’ll take full blame. They never wanted to hear any of it but Spider forced them to listen. Spider hates having to say goodbye to them at the end of the day. He feels terrible that they have to stay in this awful place 24/7 while Spider gets to go to a nice comfortable home.
After school Quaritch makes good on his promise to get Spider a new phone and laptop. He drops him off at an electronics store with his credit card saying that he has another errand to run but that Spider can get whatever he wants. Spider doesn’t need to be told twice and runs inside to spend his dad’s money. Quaritch meanwhile goes to the library. He’s riddled with guilt over everything he’s put his son through and is starting to question whether the military actually fucked him up. Because everything he put his son through and was willing to put his son through seemed so normal to him. Because he went through it. And he put plenty of others through the same thing because it was standard practice. He asks the nice librarian to help him find books on parenting but also “military related topics” he’s embarrassed to say he wants to learn more about p.t.s.d and trama but the librarian seems to understand and leads him to a row of books on psychology and mental health then leaves him to it. Quaritch walks out with a huge stack of books that he dumps in the backseat of his car and hides with a blanket he keeps in there for their dog.
When he picks up Spider the kid not only has a new phone and laptop but a new tv and gaming system . Quaritch sighs at the sight but Spider just smirks, “you said yesterday I could have anything my little heart desires.” Quaritch just grunts in response and loads it all into the car. They get dinner at a local diner then go home. It’s late by the time they get home and it’s even later on the east coast but still Spider sneaks off behind their barn to call Norm. His old social workers number is the only one he has memorized. Unfortunately he doesn’t know any of the Sully’s numbers but Norm will give them his new number.
Norm picks up after a few rings, sounding incredibly tired. Spider definitely woke him up. “Norm, it’s Spider.” “Spider! Oh my god are you okay! What has Quaritch done to you! Tell me where you are and I’ll come get you.” “Norm I’m okay. The old man moved us to the middle of nowhere Wyoming without telling me and put me in military school but I’m still alive.” “Tell me where you are, I’ll find a way to get you away from him.” “Dad isn’t the one I’m worried about. I’m at the Mercer Military Academy. It’s run by a complete psycho who has five stolen Na’vi kids. Norm they’re not even allowed to use their real names! They’re afraid of Eywa! I’m really scared for them. I need to do something to help them.” “Okay bud, I hear you. I’m going to start an investigation on my end. I know you want to help but you need to be careful. I don’t want you putting yourself in danger.” Spider agrees but he’s already decided- if there going to be an investigation then Norm will need evidence. Spider is determined to find it. He starts by taking pictures of his back. He can’t bring himself to send them to Norm but he has them now if they’re needed.
When Spider wakes up the next morning his phone has blown up with texts and calls from the Sully family. He takes a selfie with the caption I Live! and puts it in the family group chat. (It would have been I lived bitch but Tuk is in the group chat) Jake and Neytiri are relieved to see him in seemingly good health. Kiri immediately wants to FaceTime even though because of the time difference she’s already in her first class of the day. Lo’ak messages: holy shit you got scalped! Only for the whole fam to scold him
So to speed run the rest of this concept, Spider is becoming good friends with the Sarentu kids. He helps them relearn the Na’vi language, he tells them myths and history and all about Eywa. He sings songs with them in far away places of the school. Most of them love it. Teylan goes along with them but is clearly nervous all the time. Spider is also doing his Nancy Drew thing, picking up on little clues that hint to the abuse the Sarentu kids have been through and making excuses to hang out with his dad so he can search Mercer’s office. He finds horrifying files on the Sarentu kids and every student that’s dubbed a problem, including him, detailing the best ways to break them down, with detailed descriptions of what was done. The Sarentu kids folders are in a sub folder labeled “pet project”. Spider feels sick when he reads that and wants to punch a wall. He takes pictures of it all before scurrying away.
Meanwhile while Spider is doing all this Quaritch is trying to learn how to be a better parent. The first big thing his books tell him is that children are their own individuals and not extensions of their parents . Seems straight forward but for Quaritch it’s a grand epiphany. He was definitely viewing his son as a mini him. Spider’s ties to Na’vi culture needed to be severed because Quaritch didn’t have those connections so his son shouldn’t. Spider would have been a military brat if Quaritch had always raised him so he was just helping his son be the person he should be. And that was another thing he had all these concepts of who his son should be that he wasn’t allowing himself to accept his son for who he is. And when it comes to reading up on mental health struggles in veterans the man is absolutely shook. He feels like both everything makes sense and yet his world is turning upside down.
One night at dinner he says, “hey tiger, how would you feel about us going to therapy? I think I could use it and I think it’d be good for you too. We could have our own individual sessions and then family therapy once a week.” Spider looks at him like he’s insane, “who are you and what have you done to my father?” “Is that a no,” Quaritch is so out of his comfort zone that he feels embarrassed for even suggesting it. Spider shrugs, “I guess we can go. It probably would be good for us.” Quaritch is relieved. This is so out of left field for Spider that he tells everybody about it and the Sully’s and Norm are equally surprised. Norm though thinks it’s a great idea and since he has Quaritch’s contact info from Spider’s file he sends Quaritch resources and recommendations for a family therapist for the both of them and a therapist that specializes in veteran mental health. Their located back on the east coast but the therapists are willing to do zoom meetings.
They start ASAP and it does wonders for Quaritch’s mindset and his and Spider’s father son relationship. Spider isn’t as willing to open up to his therapist because he doesn’t want her to know about what’s happening at school (since this would be dangerous for Spider she’d be legally obligated to tell someone about it) but he will talk about his childhood, parsing out his deep feelings of abandonment, how happy he’d been to find a stable home with the Sully’s and how incredibly hurt he was to be ripped away from that.
Family therapy is really awkward at first because neither of them like to talk about their emotions but their therapist is good about coaxing discussions out of them. Spider goes off on Quaritch early on, “your so fucking selfish! Nobody asked me if I wanted to live with you! You never bothered to ask if I wanted to live with you! You stole me away from everything I’ve ever know and for what, because it sure is shit wasn’t me!” Quaritch just takes it, until their therapist prompts him to speak, “your right. It was selfish and cruel of me to move us away without telling you. I take full responsibility for that. But don’t you dare call me selfish for wanting to be a family again! You have no idea what it was like to have you taken away from me! From the moment I held y’a in my arms I loved y’a. I knew there was nothin’ in this world I wouldn’t do for y’a. And your mama too. And then she died. I thought I’d lost everythin’. But I was wrong. Attackin’ her killer out of grief, lost me everythin’ ‘cause I lost you. ” it triggers Spider a lot because he spent most of childhood feeling unwanted so to hear how much he is wanted by his dad makes him so emotional he just leaves the room for awhile.
After a month or so of sessions the dust starts to settle and they’re able to reconcile on a few things (though not everything they have a LOT to work through) and have deeper conversations about their shared pain from being separated. They learn how to have calm open discussions with each other that makes Spider feel like maybe he can trust his dad. Maybe but he’s not there yet.
To wrap things up Mercer knew what Spider was up to the entire time. He never believed that Spider had actually fallen in line and Teylan was also telling Mercer everything (no hate to Teylan though. He’s actually my favorite from frontiers of pandora. I want to give that poor boy so much therapy). So Spider gets called out of class to Mercer’s office where all the Sarentu kids are gathered. Spider knows it’s bad the moment he walks in the door.
So Mercer would have originally taken the Sarentu kids to indoctrinate them in the American way then send them back to the clans to advocate for the Americans and get the Na’vi to move far away from all unobtainum supplies so the R.D.A (under government contract) could mine the shit out of the land. That plan ended after the war but Mercer decided to keep the kids because he enjoys breaking them down and controlling them.
Mercer takes the kids down to the schools basement. Spider is a little scared but the Sarentu kids are terrified. Spider is secretly recording the whole thing on his phone, so he asks a lot of questions like “what are you going to do to us” (the answer, though Mercer doesn’t tell him this, is a mix of beatings and shock treatments) “why are you doing this” “to civilize you. Teach you respect.” “What do you mean by civilize?” Mercer laughs, “please. Do you think living in the mud and worshiping trees is what civilized people do?” Spider shrugs, “it’s better then beating kids.” “Not when the kids need it to be put on the right path.”
Meanwhile Quaritch feels a disturbance in the force and just has to know that his son is okay. This isn’t abnormal for him. He gets sudden panics over his son all the time and has to check on him. His therapist says it’s anxiety from the trauma of having Spider taken from him but Quaritch hates calling it that. It makes him feel weak (another thing he’s working on) He walks by Spider’s class only to not see him there. He checks all the closest bathroom and still doesn’t find him. Then he opens up the find my phone app and starts to hunt him down. Hopefully Spider’s just smoking pot on the roof, or snuck off campus some how. His son has never done anything like that before but simple teenage rebellion is a nicer thought then something being wrong. When he reaches the door to the basement he didn’t know about he’s booking it down the stairs and threw the hall as fast as his legs will take him.
Mercer takes the kids into a room that looks like a straight up torture chamber. The Sarentu kids are all crying though Nor is doing his best to put on a brave face. Teylan throws up he’s so scared, not as much for himself (Mercer promised he wouldn’t be punished) but for his friends (Mercer also told him he’d go easy on all of them if he turned them in) Spider volunteers to be the first one to get his beating. He’s planning on holding out as long as possible so hopefully Mercer tires and goes easier on the Sarentu kids. Mercer instructs him to take his shirt off and put his hands on the wall. He’s got a switch in hand and is winding up to deliver the first blow when Quaritch burst through the door, takes half a second to assess the situation then starts beating the shit out of Mercer. Mercer tries to fight back but really isn’t a match for Quaritch. Once Mercer is unconscious and beaten within an inch of his life Quaritch finally stops and yells, “start explainin’ right now!”
Spider is shocked after seeing his dad nearly kill a man and tbh a little scared of him but also really relieved to see him. He spills everything, even tells his dad about the beating he received from Mercer on his first day. Quaritch has to be stopped from straight up murdering Mercer. Spider grabs him by the arm and shouts, “dad don’t! You might go to prison and I don’t want to lose you again!” That stops Quaritch right in his tracks. He looks at his son. His safe, healthy, incredibly brave and kind boy and his anger completely fades. Quaritch pulls Spider into a tight hug that Spider returns with equal strength. Then after their nice family moment they call the cops.
Mercer is arrested. Norm flies to Wyoming to both help prosecutors build their case against Mercer (Norm has decades of evidence of Mercer’s wrongdoings. With Spider’s evidence on top of it Mercer gets multiple life sentences. He’ll never see the light of day again) and to collect the Sarentu kids. Norm takes them to the group home he runs for displaced Na’vi orphans back on the east coast where they get so much therapy, and get to learn all about the culture they where stolen from. The school is completely shut down.
Quaritch and Spider start making their plans to move. Spider has gotten really attached to all his farm animals and wants to bring them with. He makes the case that their home out east is on a huge property with nothing surrounding it and that they could easily have some stables built. Quaritch dismisses this as too much work. Spider fires back with, “but you said being a stay at home dad was boring. Now you can be a farmer all day! It’ll be great!” Spider is so persistent that Quaritch caves and calls Lyle to have him get some stables built around their old house for when they get back.
They move a few weeks after everything. Spider’s teachers at his old school sent him plenty of homework so he’ll be caught up when he re starts school in the middle of the semester. It keeps him busy during the very long trip back, though this time the trip is a lot more fun since him and his dad actually talk. Plus since they’re in a camper van he can play with Cupcake and their cat (who’s an orange striped tabby cat names Tigger that used to have a 24/7 job as a mouser in their barn until Spider decreed “workers right” and got Tigger’s hours reduced to a reasonable 9-5. Spider did this purely to have time to play and cuddle with the cat. Both Tigger and Cupcake sleep with him at night and both pets cuddle him during therapy sessions) When they get back Spider is eager to see the Sully’s but he tries to be patient. Spider and Quaritch have had a lot of talks in therapy over there similar feelings of abandonment and so he doesn’t want to make his dad feel like he’s running to be with the Sully’s the second they get back. They take time to get the animals settled and bring all there boxes inside. Then Quaritch says, “Spider, I know you’re ready to go see your friends. I’ll drop y’a off.” The Sully’s have a massive welcome home part waiting for him. Spider ends up spending the night at their house. Quaritch is completely content with that.
And they all live happily ever after (and yes Spider does watch the Barbie movie with Quaritch. Quaritch will never admit that he kinda enjoyed it) This was really fun for me so I hope you all enjoyed! I'd love to hear what you all think 💞
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disdaidal · 26 days
I don't think I've ever put this much effort into composing a more 'professional-looking' CV, but here we are.
I'm so glad I got help with this though. I've got my own 'social worker'/personal trainer now. He helped me narrow down some choices today, and what to put in my application/resume, and I'm feeling so much better already.
I'm a typical Finn: I don't know how to fucking compliment myself or 'sell' my talents, so it gave me a lot of stress.
In fact, I was stressing about this meeting all weekend. I had heartburn for two nights, a splitting headache yesterday, and an upset stomach this morning. I kept worrying about how to support myself the next month, too. But I got some advice and tips and consolation today, so when I got back home, I instantly got to work and started filling out some applications etc. etc., so I feel like a heavy weight has been lifted off of my shoulders (for a while now, at least).
This shouldn't stress me too much, though. We're primarily searching me a place to train (ofc actual employment would be grand) and the focus is on my health (both mental and physical). If one place doesn't work out, I can try another place. I have my own assistant, a nurse, a physiotherapist, a doctor and so on, so I should expect to work with professionals here.
I've been depressed as fuck since the beginning of this year after my last school/training went down the drain. I have attention deficit issues, mood swings, memory problems, problems with arranging and envisioning stuff and so on. I'm prone to stress and I have experienced a burn-out more than once.
I also have hypermobility in my joints and again had serious back/hip pains last week which prevented me from doing many things actually, including going to that group therapy course thing. So, you might guess why this isn't exactly ideal in the current work environment and culture, and why I've had problems employing myself successfully, or for longer periods.
I also temporarily moved to another apartment 14km away from my home because the bathroom renovations started in my apartment last week. The moving was undeniably stressful (one of my stepbros helped me, though <3), but living here for a little over a week now hasn't been so bad. My neighbors aren't noisy, and I got a great view of a small lake from where I sit now, so things could be worse.
The only not-so-great-thing is that I'm going to have to go downstairs and share a shower with one of my neighbors who so happens to be a man, but thankfully I haven't even met him yet, so let's hope nothing awkward will happen there (lol).
But my landlord texted me today to ask me 'how are you doing, is everything alright there in your temporary apartment, and oh they said they should be done with renovations about halfway through next month, no water damage fortunately'
So yeah, that's pretty good news, too.
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she-karev · 2 months
Meeting Luna (Jolex Sweet Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of One
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Alex Karev x Jo Wilson/Jo Karev
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 3
Summary: Alex and Jo help a patient deliver a baby that formed in her liver. Later Amber Karev gets news that devastates her and her loved ones.
Words: 3554
April 12th, 2020
Jo comes out of the hospital exhausted and rubbing her strained neck. It’s been four days since Meredith Grey was found passed out in the parking lot by Alex. He brought her inside the hospital where she was tested positive for covid. Since then, he has been checking in on her as her medical proxy, making sure she’s stable while Jo has been covering Meredith’s service. So far Jo hasn’t been outside in four days and the stress of the new job is getting to her.
“Hey.” Jo looks up to find her sister-in-law, Amber Karev, and best friend, Link, approach her in their casual clothes, “I’d ask how you’re doing but I think your appearance is answer enough.”
“Despite what you may read or hear in the news, sunlight does not in fact kill Covid 19.” Link says when he sees Jo has her mask off to take a breath.
“Ha. I've been covering Meredith's service. I haven't been outside in four days.” Amber hisses at that feeling bad for her, “What are you doing here?”
“Hand trauma.” Link explains.
“You left Amelia alone with four kids for a hand?”
Amber oohs at that, “You are so gonna be in the doghouse tonight.”
“She told me to come in.” Link explains.
“Oh. You're already annoying her.” Jo teases causing Amber to grin, “What's on your shirt?”
Link sees a sticky spot on his shirt, “Ooh, that's, uh, syrup? I made pancakes this morning.”
“Weird. You're a dad.” Jo jokes.
“Missed you!” Link sings before going inside leaving the sisters-in-law to catch up.
“How’s it going on your front?” Jo asks Amber, “I’m sure it’s not as painful as mine.”
“Normally I would disagree, but I know me complaining about my life right now is just gonna piss you off.” Amber says before changing the subject, “Any luck getting DCFS to do a home inspection?”
Jo frowns at that reminder. She and Alex bought a suitable two story 4-bedroom house back in February so they can raise a family there. They started the adoption paperwork, and the agency was gonna send a social worker to do a home inspection and interview them face to face.
But then March 13th happened, and social services has limited home visits in favor of public safety. The news broke Jo’s heart who was getting happier every time she and Alex were one step closer to having a baby of their own. So far, she has been trying to get past the pain with virtual therapy and work.
Jo sighs, “No they said other matters take precedence which as a woman who wants to adopt an abandoned baby pisses me off but as a doctor working in this terrible time I get it. I just wish I finally decided to have kids one month or hell even one day earlier. Maybe it might have made a difference.”
“I’m really sorry.” Amber says sad as well, “I know it doesn’t compare but my life hasn’t gone the way I envisioned it would five months ago either.”
Jo nods understanding, “Yeah if you had told me a year ago a pandemic would hit and instead of shopping for a car seat and looking toward the future, I would pray for toilet paper and hand sanitizer I would think you were crazy.”
“I would think I was crazy too.” Amber says bitterly, “I really am sorry I know how much you and Alex want a baby.”
“Thanks. We’re fine, we have each other, and we’ll just wait until social services finally does a visit and approves us. And to practice we have Schmitt living with us.”
Amber laughs, “I still can’t believe your letting him live with you. And I can’t believe Alex agreed to it, were you guys running low on rent or reasons for pity?”
“Okay he was sad and lonely, and he didn’t have a place to live I felt bad. It’s how Jackson felt with you after DeLuca broke up with you so…”
“…Touche my friend, touche. I gotta go, we’ll complain together later.”
“I’m holding you on that.” Amber walks past Jo and enters the pit when Levi Schmitt comes out and approaches Jo from behind.
“Abdominal pain consult in the ER.” Jo groans at that before snapping her fingers at Levi.
“I have faith in you.
“Covid test is still pending.” Levi informs Jo who slumps in defeat.
“I feel like I could just lay down and die.”
“Ah.” Levi imitates spitting to Jo’s confusion, “You really shouldn't say that during a pandemic.”
Levi goes back inside with Jo sulking for a minute before she puts her mask on and goes to her patient inside. Jo puts her protective shield on before going inside the trauma room where a blonde woman wearing a mask, face shield and gloves is sitting on the table clutching her stomach in pain.
“Val Ashton?” Jo starts, “Hi. I'm Dr. Karev. Okay, so you've had abdominal pain and vomiting for the last two weeks?”
“But it's not Covid.” Val insists, “I have gone nowhere, seen no one, touched nothing. I couldn't stop talking to the nurse that took my blood. It was the first in-person conversation I had had in months. I told her about the fight with my co-worker, all about my ex. And I think I invited her to lunch.”
Jo chuckles, “Don't worry. They're used to it.” Jo goes over Val’s chart in her tablet, “Okay, so your labs came back already, and…congratulations. You don't have Covid. You're just pregnant.”
Val looks at Jo in shock and utters a single word, “What?”
“Pregnant.” Jo repeats.
“Yaay?” Jo says in the form of a question leaving Val to look at her in utter shock at this news.
An Hour Later
After the ultrasound from Carina confirmed there was no fetus in the uterus Jo ordered an abdominal scan for Val to find the underlying issue for her stomach pains. She asked Amber to assist her because she knows with Webber restricting residents from treating covid patients her resident sister-in-law is bored from doing scut and mandating patient entry.
“Thanks for letting me in on this I really needed it especially since Webber decided to punish Koracick by making him residency program director which also punishes us.”
“Yeah of course I figured it was either let you work close with me or risk getting Koracick punched in the face and you losing your job.”
“You make it sound like those are bad things.”
Bailey comes inside the monitor room, “Karev, I need you to keep covering Grey's service. I'm hoping to persuade Dr. Webber to come back to the OR, whenever he finishes adjusting his crown. Chief of chiefs. I could be chief of chiefs.”
“You'd be really good at that.” Amber says.
“What do you got?” Bailey asks
“Abdominal pain, vomiting, positive beta HCG. She's not pregnant, but I want to rule out a mass.” The scans pull up.
“Okay I see a mass it’s in the liver.”
Bailey looks at the scans astonishes, “That is no mass. That is a fetus.”
“She is pregnant, but her baby is attached to her liver?” Jo gasps at this in wonder while Amber chuckles in delight until Bailey steps in.
“Hell no.” Amber retorts facing her boss, “This patient doesn’t have covid and I need something to lift up my spirits.” Bailey stares down at the resident who stares back with equal intimidation, “I’ve faced scarier things chief the only way you’re getting me out is tossing me across the floor.”
“Do you want to see that happen?” Bailey asks threateningly which doesn’t faze Amber as they continue to stare down with Jo looking on in worry.
“Okay as primary I will call the shots. Amber, I love you, but Bailey is my boss so get out.” Amber scoffs and turns to Jo who speaks before she can, “Go.”
“Fine.” Amber growls and stands up stomping out of the room with Bailey taking her place in joy as they look at the scans of the baby inside Val’s liver.
Jo sees Alex in the middle of the empty peds floor and approaches him with a tablet in her hand.
“Hey are you busy?”
“Well, my best friend is being monitored by her sister and my sister’s ex-boyfriend so that leaves me time to sort out my empty floor where every surgery has been rescheduled for the next three months. I’m free for whatever you have as long as it’s not mundane.”
Jo chuckles, “Oh then you are gonna love this.” She hands him the tablet and shows Alex Val’s scans, “Val Ashton 35, came in with abdominal pain and vomiting, labs showed that she was pregnant but there was nothing in the ultrasound so we ran scans to see what the issue was.”
Alex looks at the scans, “Tumor in her liver that released HCG? I’m lost on why you came to me with this.”
“Because that mass in her liver is a fetus.” Jo explains and grins at Alex looking at her with wide eyes, “Yep you heard me my patient has an abdominal pregnancy.”
“I can see why you came to me.” Alex says with a grin relieved to have a case, “Is the fetus viable?”
“Carina DeLuca is about to do an ultrasound and we’ll get answers. If the baby is viable, we need to get them out so the growing placenta doesn’t rupture Val’s liver. We want you there so you can explain the risks the baby will face if she decides to keep it.”
“Okay yeah I can do that lead the way.” Jo leads Alex away from the peds floor to Val’s room.
“There's a baby in my liver?” Val asks Jo with Alex next to her while Carina does an ultrasound on Val’s side where her liver is hearing a heartbeat.
“You have what's called an abdominal pregnancy, where the fetus develops outside of the uterus. You're about 26 weeks.”
“And so far, the heartbeat is strong which indicates viability.”
“That’s right and it’s very good in cases like this.” Carina says as she wipes away the gel, “Val, these pregnancies don't normally survive to term, but your baby is very much alive. Your case is extremely rare.”
“He made me feel like crap for eight years.” Val explains, “Every time IVF didn't work…he would look at the doctor and say, ‘Well, what can she do differently next time?’ When clearly it was his fault. Because I had a one-night stand with a guy that wears square computer glasses, and I'm knocked up.”
Alex nods understanding her pain from having his dream of having a baby with Jo stalled by covid.
“Val.” Carina sits by Val’s side and asks her cautiously, “Do you want this baby?”
Val inhales with tears in her eyes before nodding.
“Okay. Then we need to deliver her today.” Jo explains, “The growth of the placenta could cause the liver to bleed at any moment, and we need to operate to save you both, now.”
“It's a girl?” Val asks with a smile behind her mask.
Alex grins and nods, “Yes, it is.”
“Luna.” Val says rubbing her own belly, “That's her name. Ever since I was a little girl, I knew my daughter's name. I want to call her Little Moon, like the book, my mom would read it to me all the time.”
“Val.” Carina says and Val looks up nodding.
“Yeah, okay. Let's get her out!” Val gives consent in joy and the doctors look at each other knowing it’s not gonna be an easy surgery.
Two Hours Later
Jo and Bailey expose the liver revealing the baby inside as the scans show waiting for Alex and Carina to gown up so they can take the baby.
“Is she viable?” Alex asks as he spins while the nurse gowns him.
“Come see for yourself. Liver's exposed.” Bailey says causing Alex and Carina to observe the liver where they see the amniotic sac attached to the liver to their wonder.
“Wow.” Carina says in shock.
“Hello there, Little Moon.” Alex greets the baby before Bailey and Jo go over the steps of the procedure. Alex and Carina start the c-section and take out the small baby immediately, putting her inside the incubator while Bailey and Jo try to save the liver.
“Alex, I'm not seeing any movement.”
“Damn it.” Alex curses, “We need to intubate.” Alex and Carina try to intubate Luna while Jo and Bailey try to stop the heavy bleeding.
“How's Luna?” Jo asks.
Carina responds while helping Alex, “Apgar 2, maybe 3.” “We’re still trying to get the tube in.” Alex tries to intubate Luna, “Come on Luna you got this come on.” He successfully intubates her, “I’m in, bag her and get her up to the unit now let’s go!” Alex and Carina hurriedly take the incubator out of the OR while Jo and Bailey work hard to save Val’s life.
That Night
Jo is in the NICU looking down at her and Alex’s patient, Luna, who is hooked up to leads and wires in an incubator. The sight of the tiny premie breaks Jo’s heart but knowing the baby’s story gives her hope in a hopeless time.
“Hi, Luna.” Jo coos at the baby as she holds her tiny hand, “Hi. Your mommy is asleep right now, but she is gonna be so excited to meet you.”
Bailey approaches them with a grin, “See? Joy.”
Jo chuckles lightly, “She developed in a liver and was born in a pandemic. She is a survivor.”
“Your work these last few days hasn't gone unnoticed.” Bailey compliments, “Thank you.”
Jo nods and grows solemn at the reminder knowing why she’s so busy, “Meredith has to be okay, Bailey. She has to be okay.” The woman stand there looking at the baby hoping their good friend will make it through this virus.
“We’re gonna need to keep you for observation for the next month.” Alex informs Val who is bleary from her surgery, “Dr. Karev and Dr. Bailey did their best to resect your liver without doing too much damage but we need to be safe and keep a close eye on you. Now we’ll do daily scans on your abdomen to make sure your liver isn’t failing. Worst case scenario we put you on the transplant list and wait for a match to fall through. And until then we would put you on dialysis to buy you some more time.”
“And what about Luna?” Val asks worried, “Is she gonna be okay?”
“She needs to be constantly monitored in the NICU while her lungs continue to form. Now she’s 26 weeks so we would have her incubated for the next 19 weeks till she reaches full term.”
“Can I hold her? Or visit her?”
Alex sighs, “I want to say yes but her immune system is still compromised and you’re still fresh out of surgery moving one of you could raise complications. We would need to wait until you’re discharged so you can visit her. Now I can set up a camera so you can watch her and talk to her while you’re both recovering. I’m sorry but it’s the best I can do right now.”
Val sighs in sadness, “…This is not how I imagined having a baby after all this time but I wouldn’t change it if it meant finally having Luna.”
Alex nods understanding, “If it makes you feel better my plans for having a baby have been recently stalled too.”
“Fertility issues?”
“Not exactly.” Alex sits in a chair next to Val, “My wife, Dr. Karev, told me she was finally ready to start a family and I was excited to be a dad. We were gonna adopt instead of getting pregnant because we were both kids in the system and we know it can be a brutal upbringing. We bought a house, we bought furniture to make it look picture perfect for social services, we were finally ready to start a family…but then March happened, and all our efforts went out the window. We’re now waiting as patiently as we can to get a social worker to visit and approve us and every minute that passes feels-”
“Like an eternity?” Val finishes understanding, “It’s how I felt before, during and after IVF. It felt like I was never gonna have a baby, like it was my fault somehow and to find out it wasn’t my fault at all makes me angry…but you telling me my baby is finally out. It makes all that anger disappear and I feel joy. God, I feel so much joy.”
Alex grins at that, “I could use some of that joy right now, can you share?”
“No.” Val’s blunt answer makes Alex chuckle. She frowns as a horrible scenario comes into her head that makes her look at Alex square in the face, “I need you to promise me something. Promise me that if I die, you’ll make sure Luna walks out of this hospital if I can’t.”
“Val…I can’t make promises.” Alex sadly tells her.
“I know but I need you to promise you will do everything you can to make sure Luna is okay. You will try any procedure, you will get her into a trial, you will do anything to make sure one of us makes it out of this alive. I need you to promise that you will take care of my Little Moon if I can’t, from one desperate parent to another please promise me.”
Alex looks at Val in awe before holding her hand and looking into her eyes with conviction, “I promise.” Val sniffles and looks at Alex gratefully as he holds her hand with the both of them feeling hopeful.
Amber is alone in the resident’s lounge putting her casual clothes on feeling drained once again after another long day. What was supposed to be her first surgery in weeks turned She has been in charge of the line outside which got her into little arguments with people who refuse to fully wear their masks and keep a six feet distance.
It got to the point where one of them spit on her and she spent ten minutes furiously scrubbing her face with rubbing alcohol afraid of the germs and angry at the ass who demeaned her. Now all Amber wants to do is go to Jackson’s penthouse, drink his expensive alcohol and watch bad reality tv. A knock on the door calls her and she turns to find her roommate Jackson Avery standing outside the door in his casual wear and black mask looking at her in worry.
“I heard what happened. Did the guy really spit in your face when you told him to stop acting like an idiot and put his mask on and keep a safe distance?”
Amber groans putting her black mask on, “Yep, I did the silkwood shower on my face right after I think I peeled off a layer of my own skin. I don’t want to talk about it I just want to go home, watch The Bachelorette and wonder where my life is going after today.”
“I’ll join you; I got a feeling Hannah is gonna eliminate Peter.”
Amber scoffs at that, “Please you wish, Peter is going all the way, Mike is next mark my words.”
Jackson’s eyes widen offended, “Oh we’ll see about that Mike is her dream man, loser does the laundry?”
Amber chuckles at her friend, “You’re on, make sure to fold my delicates I like them neat and organized.”
“Same. Let’s go.” Amber slings her backpack on and is about to walk towards him when Owen Hunt comes in with a numb face wearing his scrubs and mask.
“Good I caught you both before you left.”
“What’s wrong?” Jackson asks concerned.
Owen looks solemn but faces Amber with regret getting straight to the point, “Amber your test came back just now, your positive for covid 19, I’m sorry.”
Jackson and Amber are stunned by this with him standing by the doorway looking at Amber worried she’ll faint like Meredith. Amber is standing by her cubby with her backpack on looking frozen with shock before she chuckles uneasily.
“Is this a joke? I’m not symptomatic, I feel fine. Did Koracick or Alex put you up to this because it is the worst punking in the history of ever.”
“No this isn’t a joke.” Owen says with a serious tone, “The test is right here you can look at it if you want.”
Owen puts the tablet on the table six feet away from Amber who takes it and looks at her results with a small gasp. She looks up at Jackson who looks down in worry but pulls out his phone.
“I’ll book you a hotel room to quarantine and tell your family.” He puts the phone to his ear, “And April we should get tests too.”  
Amber swallows the lump in her throat before sitting on the bench while Jackson makes calls. At this moment she feels a fear in her chest she’s never experienced before as a doctor and as of now a patient.
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kaytheday · 2 months
I'd love to see a snippet from #2 for the tag challenge!!
Yes, I’ve actually written a ton for this one, so I’ll include the first 1000 words below the cut. This is through the eyes of an OC. She came to Tulsa because her dad kicked her out and she meets Soda on her first day there. Later in the story she tries to get custody of her baby brother Oliver from her father. She goes to Darry for help because he has experience with social workers.
I know a lot of people don’t like OC’s, but I do because I get more ideas for longer fics about them and it makes it easier to write in the first person.
I have officially published this as a fic on a03! Link here!
Anyway… The first 1000 words are below the cut.
I try in vain to keep my eyes dry as I prepare to go into the gas station. I needed gas for my car but I wasn’t about to break down crying in front of the gas station attendant. Not after I basically cried the entire 7 hour drive here. So I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath, trying not to think about Mississippi and Oliver and what kind of peril I was leaving him in. I put shaking hands into my coat pockets and forced a smile on my face as I entered the gas station.
“Evenin’ miss, what can I do you for?” It was a sweet boy manning the counter, he looked about my age with golden brown hair and fine features. He was grinning too big for his face as he looked at me expectantly.
“Hi, I just needed some gas.” I hand him the $3 I’ve been fingering and he smiles big again putting it into the register.
“Sure, you…” I look at his hair and think of Olivers baby blonde hair, I should never have left him. I shouldn’t have trusted my father and left him in that house. My eyes snap back into focus and I see the worker looking at me strangely, that smile still on his face.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked you if you wanted me to pump your gas for you?”
“You guys do that here?”
“Yeah,” He smiled. “Well when we’re bored enough and the customer is mighty pretty.” I smiled slightly, hardly mustering the energy to say thank you. I knew I was probably coming off as strange and spacey, but I couldn't bring myself to care. It wasn’t like I would ever see this handsome stranger again.
I followed him out to my car and watched as he pumped the gas.
“Mississippi plates, huh?” He asked. “You visiting family?”
“Something like that. I just moved here for the rest of the school year.”
“Oh, cool.” He asked me a couple more things about Mississippi while I glazed over the questions. I really didn’t want to lay my troubles on some random gas station employee.
He finished, I smiled and thanked him, setting on my way to find some address in a crappy neighborhood. My aunt probably didn’t expect me to be coming this early. I didn’t care, I was exhausted and I just wanted to go to sleep. I drove in circles not being able to find this stupid house. Then I decided it might just be easier to ask someone walking on the street. They’d know this town better then me. So I stopped the next guy I found. He was wearing a ball cap, blue jeans, and a brown coat over a blue button up.
“Excuse me…” when he turned around, I saw it was the same guy working from the gas station.His face broke out into a big goofy smile.
“Well hello again, miss Mississippi.”
“Hi.” I said sheepishly.
“Just couldn’t leave me alone, could ya?”
“I guess not, I was just wondering if you could help me find this address. But I can give you a ride home so you don’t have to walk in the cold.” He smiled again.
“Sure.” I unlocked the car and he hopped in, starting directions to his house. In between directions I managed to get my bearings and ask him about himself. It was better if I could focus the conversation on him.I learned he was the middle of three boys, his parents had died, and he’d lived in Tulsa before we got to his house. Two cars were already parked out front. It was a humble home with red brick pillars and a white finish.
“Your castle awaits, prince.” I joked as he started to open the door. He laughed and turned to look at me seriously.
“Do you have dinner plans?” I shook my head sheepishly, I had planned on getting to my aunts and going straight to bed. “Do you want dinner plans? I think it’s just me and my brothers tonight.” I weighed my options. He seemed nice enough and it warmed my heart that at least one person would be excited about my presence in Tulsa. My aunt definitely wouldn’t care.
“Sure.” I parked the car and he opened the door for me as I got out. “My name is Robin by the way.”
“Sodapop Curtis.” He grinned and we officially shook hands. We went inside and I followed suit as he took his shoes and coat off. There were sounds coming from the kitchen. An auburn haired boy who looked like Sodapop was sitting at the kitchen counter reading while another older boy was stirring something in a pot.
“Hey Sodapop.” The big one said without looking up. And golly he was big. He had arms that were big enough to kill me. He looked up, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He looked at Sodapop lovingly, then he saw me and looked confused.
“Oh, yeah. This is Robin, she’s new in town so I invited her for dinner.” I smiled and put my hand up in a sort of half wave. “Robin, this is my big brother Darry and my little brother Ponyboy.” Ponyboy waved without looking up from his book while Darry strode forward to shake my hand. His grip was firm and his eye contact was unwavering. Up close it became obvious that he could easily kill me. But instead he smiled and welcomed me.
“Well, we’re happy to have you Robin, you can sit down, dinner will be ready in a couple minutes.” I assumed he was making pasta from the pot and the shredded cheese on the table.
“Thanks, is there anything I can help with?”
“Not at this point.” Soda had disappeared upstairs and I was left to sit at the table with Ponyboy. He was reading what looked like a Jack London book. I started to say something, but thought better of it and focused on my hands in my lap.
“So Robin,” Darry started. “Soda said you’re new in town. Where are you from?” These questions were easy.
“I’m from Mississippi, Batesville if you know where that is.”
“I haven't, but then again I’ve never been to Mississippi. What brings you to Tulsa?” I remembered a trick I’d learned early on. To avoid answering a question you didn’t want to answer, you just had to fill the response with fluff so it made it seem like you had answered it.
“I came to finish out the school year. I heard that schools here were better than the ones in Batesville. But this is a much better town than Batesville is already. I mean… inviting me into your home and all. Thanks again for this by the way, nobody in Batesville would ever do something like this.” Before I can overthink any of those statements and how desperate and pathetic they sound, Darry just laughs a little.
“Of course, it’s no big deal. Most of the time we have seven hungry boys here for dinner. I always cook more than I need to anyway.” I smile and let out a little sigh of relief. At least he cooked more food than he needed to anyway. Before Darry can ask any more questions, Sodapop comes bounding down the stairs in jeans and a white T-shirt. He’s still smiling and I’m starting to think that his face is permanently like that.
“Soda, set the table, would you?”
“Sure.” Soda says and starts setting stuff out. Ponyboy finally puts his book up. It’s Call of the Wild.
“Are you reading that for school?” I ask.
“Yeah, it’s not so bad though.”
“Yeah, I always liked reading Jack London. The Sea Wolf was my favorite.” He smiles slightly and begins chattering about Call of the Wild and its similarities to White Fang. Darry finishes and we all dish up our food. We sit down and Sodapop begins telling a story about an old man that threatened to fight his co-worker Steve the other day. I’m glad the dinner feels normal, I think I might have started crying if it was an interrogation. Then they ask Ponyboy questions about school. The kid seems quiet and in his head, but I can tell that they both love him so much. As much as I love Oliver.After dinner, I insist on helping with the dishes. I wash while Sodapop drys. Then I plan to make my leave.
“Well, thank you so much for dinner Darry. Very good to meet all of you but I should get going.”
“You're welcome, very good to meet you too Robin.” Darry says, then he smiles and goes back to what he was doing.
“Yeah,” Ponyboy says quietly. “Good to meet you too.” Then he heads upstairs to his room.
“I’ll walk you out to your car.” Sodapop says and I almost melt at how sincere he sounds. He holds my arm as I walk down the steps. The cold biting at me through my coat.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay tonight? It’s a pretty far drive.” I smiled, laughing softly at his joke. My aunt's house was only a couple streets away.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Thank you so much for this by the way. It’s been really nice to meet some new people here.”
“Of course.” Then he fumbles into his jean pocket, pulling out a slip of paper with some scrappy handwriting on it. “Here is our home phone number. You can call if you ever need a place to sleep or eat, or anything like that.” I smile and turn to stare at the ground.
“Thanks Soda. This means a lot.”
“Sure.” He says, grinning from ear to ear. “Drive home safe, will ya?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, see you around.” So I leave, driving down a couple streets to a place that I know I’m not wanted.
I have finally published this as a fic on a03! I will include the link here!
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shigerussato · 2 years
inspired by ira’s post + with palletshipping week down the corner i want to let you all know what is coming up for my fics since I’m excited ! i am introducing my palletshipping week works first as it is the ones to look forward to as they are most upcoming ! after palletshipping week works i am introducing my later upcoming works that are still palletshipping based but not associated with palletshipping week, thank you to those who’ve been supporting me, hope you’re as excited as i am ! 🤍
[Palletshipping Week Works]
A Road Of Memories 
As a new year of the Oak Summer Camp takes place, husbands; Gary and Ash are asked by Professor Oak to host his annual summer camp with him. With reliving short childhood memories of he and his husband, Gary makes it a goal to get a child from the camp to like him, and to be better at bonding with children. 
Could You Love So Young? 
Gary reminiscing how he fell in love with Ash, recalling how he fell in love so young. 
Distance Means Nothing, When It’s Love
Gary stays at Delia’s house missing his husband and feeling lonely without him, in a process he is offered to be a gym leader for a new gym being built in Pallet. Receiving a postcard from Ash, Gary seeks advice and motivation from him. 
Mother Knows Best
Doing her usual housework, Delia gets a surprise visit from Gary. Catching up and hanging out, Delia hints emotions she suspects about her son, noticing mutual feelings from Gary.
To Get Along With An Umbreon 
Dating can seem difficult at first, but for Ash dating isn’t the difficulty of his relationship with his boyfriend. It happens to be, being likable to his boyfriend’s Umbreon. 
Palletshipping Week Day 6 (title undecided)
Gary and Ash set onto a road trip like journey, the excitement then blows away as their romantic adventures turn into complete chaos. 
Difficulties of Anniversaries 
One of the biggest challenges of anniversaries for Ash is gifts, in attempts to get the perfect gift he also puts a special remark into his gift. 
In love your honor [lawyer x lawyer au]
Two rival lawyers; ash and gary. ash going years of losing cases against gary, and as much as the luck seems tough ash somehow gets chosen to take a partnership with gary in a newest case. only time will tell who goes insane first. 
title not decided yet ): [lowkey kid fic ! / professor x social worker/lawyer !]
Ash is a lawyer and social worker, getting his next case he meets a man named Gary who is fighting for the custody of his 4 year old daughter Cleo, as any other lawyer would. Ash makes it his priority to grant Gary custody of the little girl. 
Just For Rent Sequel  Undecided on the proper topic for this one but planning along the lines of them revealing their relationship to their family possible ex’s drama all of that stuff ! 
Chaperones, Chaperoning!
With their kids going on a camp resort, single dad’s Ash and Gary meet as they volunteer to chaperone for the camp. seeing it as opportunities to bond and get close to their distant children they see difficulties and drive one another insane sharing a tent. but chaperoning might not be so bad when giving each other advice. 
They Are Back! 
Returning home for a get together, Ash and Gary meet up with old friends! bringing along their teenage son with them who seems to be uninterested in whatever has to do with his dads. with get together and meeting old friends comes along with teens meeting other teens. 
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Heyyoooooooo beloved!
Sorry for being absent, i was preparing for my graduation ceremony! And totally didn't almost trip in it!
But that's not important, 😜
Tiny workers au!
So since you have that massive list of awesome attractions, and various cc s in the au, how about the tinies and giants fav and most hated of the attractions?
Hmmmm also sorta same idea as shapeshifter ranboo, do you think there are like hunters or traffickers of tinies? Maayybbbee a hurt comfort idea of Wilbur saving Tommy in some way (I'm a firm stan in crimebois if it wasn't obvs by now😂)
Ohh and maybe what is the most illegal "contraband" the tinies try to smuggle into the park from their giant friends that the boss keeps confiscating, go crazy with this!
Missed doing asks! I hope all has been well🥰
hii!! >:DD
nono don't apologize ik you have a life!! and :000 that is amazing!! excusing you almost tripping, i'm so happy for you!
that is so important i am always happy to hear about your life too!! i talk to much about me with these asks dsjbjdgsdnf
mm yes beloved au >:]]
i don't do this like ever but i'm skipping over this question! but i have a good explanation and that is i am planning on making a huge masterpost for this au seeing as writing it as a multi-chapter story might be difficult, and in said masterpost i'm going to be going over this exact thing with each of the regulars & the employees :)
okay so this is a cool question cause i've been so caught up in fluff for this au that angst totally slipped my mind!!
i'm going kinda deep into backstory here so bear with me as i too figure out the worldbuilding to this au as i'm writing :)
the park is pretty much the only location in the world that has tinies working as semi-regular people. a lot of the population leave the species alone, and a good majority of people don't even know they exist. so the park definitely breaks a lot of social norms that've slowly just built up naturally. while there are no laws just yet against using tinies for labor and you can technically do whatever you want with them, there are certainly organizations that are against the idea of the park.
especially after it opened, a handful of large corporations started looking into using tinies. a few decided against it while others sealed the deal.
it's kind of like with my spy au where under most moral circumstances, the borrower(s) at hand have a choice: stay or go. and more often than not---with a little bit of manipulative persuasion, the borrower goes.
so as far as traffickers go and hunters go, if (sorry for any typos beyond this point my friend's dog is literally shoving her face onto my keyboard while i type lmao) there is any it'd most likely be from someone who's trying to save them--to bring them "back to where they belong" but like in a /pos way sdhdghafsdnf
but if written from the opposite pov this could totally be seen as a /neg thing, therefore angst has presented itself to the ideas table :D
mm have this scenario:
a few month's after wilbur's first meeting with tommy--they're beyond comfortable with each other and have easily reached the "brother" stage--a small group comes and organizes a protest against the park just a bit away from the front gates, where the golfing is located. (in my mind you enter the park, walk a 'lil bit, and you're there but there's work to be done !!) beeduo has gone to take a walk because ranboo was on edge basically the entire morning. so that left tommy. alone. with his thoughts and the yells of dozens of humans outside yelling god knows what.
he stays there for what feels like hours before he hears an ever-so-loud knock echo around his hollow home. tommy dreads whoever it is, but soothes immediately at the sound of wilbur's voice calling out gently to him.
(ps. wilbur takes tommy home after that and they stay there for a few days :D just too lazy to write that and i know if i do this ask would be way too long)
hdhsfjdsgjdnf yep i've noticed loll but dw, crimebois are very beloved to me as well so answering these are a blast >:DD
hmm this is a hard one! i feel like tommy'd just try to bring back a lot of coke but his boss says that's too much energy for him and he'd get another dozen complaints filed against him instantly. tubbo'd also try to befriend and take care of bees lol
but i mean as for stuff that's actually illegal and can't be found anywhere inside the park and they'd get into real trouble if ever found with it, i can't think of anything !! D:
jeez this is terrible i've never had an idea come to a stop before >:v
a aha just thought of smth lmaoo (like 10 seconds later irl)
okay so like yk catnip n shit? what about that but for borrowers. cause weed may be like too strong for a borrowers system (no don't make me get into biology for this au just yet) so there's a specific plant that borrower's have used for centuries. now this isn't exactly original and i can definitely think of better things but c'monnn
imagine techno, after hearing about it from wilbur, tending to a small garden of it just for the borrowers :( /pos
i love soft techno this is just an excuse to make him exist in this au /hj
and i mean if the boss ever found that he'd get pissed cause yk they're supposed to be good employee's if they're going to live on his property and eat his food blah blah blah yk the dad talk,,,,
also also also i was just abt to post this when i got the idea of this:
tw for mention of vore & fatal vore (fatal vore will not happen in this au dw)
another thing that they'd absolutely get yelled at for is like imagine smth to help with noms? i actually forgot how i set up noms for this au but i'm all for updating the worldbuilding so now it's official that a tiny can comfortably be stored in a human's storage for up to about two-four hours before it'll get uncomfortable and even lethal.
a human's storage is extremely small and just barely has enough room to house two four-inch-borrowers, like it's tight and narrow asf. so maybe there's like a black-market type item where it's like some type of drink that makes the borrower more comfortable? maybe it relaxes the tinies mind and messes w smth in their body that makes staying inside a storage for longer than the suggested time without like yk dying
all is well here, hope it is the same there!! <''3 can't wait to hear from you more :D (but still don't force urself to ask things just wait till u have the time to. i've got the patience for it :])
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fostercare-expat · 3 months
So Mom texted me yesterday says she felt the social worker had broken promises about keeping the boys together and instead of returning them home, the boys are being “split up” and “things are going in the wrong direction”. But did she call her kids last night? Nope, she didn’t. But she did respond to my text offering Younger Sister some rollerblades my daughter has outgrown, saying how excited Younger Sister will be to have them and she will pick them up when she comes to get the boys for the “picnic”. Why can’t she find 10 minutes each night to call her sons?
@squirrels-and-whales pointed out that CPS seems to be prioritising Mom’s need for more time to adjust to the transition for Older Brother to a Children’s Home instead of finding out whether Older Brother is ready to move. Yeah, agreed! But part of the reason is because the government CPS here has an interesting approach towards protective services. Many of the kids are in CPS care because their parent has willingly placed them. Granted, they placed them in care under extreme pressure from CPS, but there’s no court order. So the social worker needs Mom to go the Children’s Home to willingly sign him in. If mom doesn’t agree, then I honestly don’t know what happens, I assume CPS would go get a court order at that point? But that’s part of the reason why I think Mom isn’t “fighting” to get her boys back is because she has willingly placed them in care. She genuinely might be viewing it as sort of a free babysitting service.
The way this specific instance of abuse back in March happened was in the morning w n Mom wasn’t around Mom’s boyfriend used excessive force in his punishment of Older Brother, who went to school and reported it to the teacher. CPS was called and CPS learned about the domestic violence against Mom 1 month prior and also that boyfriend had hit Younger Brother a few weeks prior. But when they talked to Mom, she downplayed everything and said this was all a misunderstanding. CPS said she had to willingly place the kids in care, but I guess she refused and had a “panic attack” (that’s what the social worker said to me) and so the social worker got an emergency court order to remove the kids. A few days later when CPS met with her again, she agreed to the voluntary placement and they rescinded the court order. So that’s why if mom gets mad at me, she can remove the kids from my care and that’s why they are waiting for Mom to agree to sign Older Brother over to the Children’s Home. In some ways, I like this voluntary situation because it (hopefully) empowers Mom to still feel she has some control over her kids and that CPS is partnering together to support her instead of being something she needs to fight against. But in this case, Mom doesn’t seem motivated to actually reunite with her kids. She seems happy to have CPS taking care of them. This is one of the reasons that the other foster family didn’t want to continue caring for Older Brother. They didn’t see promising signs that she was going to bring him home anytime soon, and they didn’t want to have a permanent 3rd child. They feel she was taking advantage of them. I do agree with the sentiment but I think I have a bit more heart for what the kids are going through, regardless if it is Mom’s choice.
I fully acknowledge that I need to emotionally distance myself from Mom and her choices. I made myself a littler mantra “Her problems are not my problems.” And two weeks ago I asked the social worker for 3 things:
1) Tell me which CPS staff person’s job is it to provide Mom with guidance on how to be a better parent. Is that the main social workers job or is there going to be another staff person assigned to do that?
2) Schedule an in-person meeting with Mom, the staff person responsible for guiding Mom and me so we can talk about the hard topics together so that I can hear from Mom directly on the questions that I have, like does she want to get her kids back asap or does she want to keep them in the system for while?
3) Have the staff person take over all non-logistical conversations between Mom and me so that I only need to talk to her about logistics and then I can communicate all the other points to the staff person whose job it is to guide mom in how to be a better parent.
And in the two weeks, none of these three items have happened. I still don’t even know who is responsible for guiding Mom. That seems like a very very easy question given that helping parents be better parents is an essential part of the work that CPS does. I texted the social worker 6 hours ago during work hours to remind her she still hasn’t answered this question, and still no answer.
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