#there are crosses everywhere in her house its insane
echo-s-land · 4 months
The way my father and aunt are both religious but in a total opposite way is insane
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ell0ra-br3kk3r-writes · 10 months
The Phoenix and the Crow
part twenty-six
pairing: kaz brekker x fem!reader
genre: neutral
el's thoughts: i'm absolutely heartbroken that we won't be getting a spin off or sab s3... but also insanely grateful for the content creators out there who continue to share their talents with us <3
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Y/N felt like she and Kaz had become twin soldiers, marching on, pretending they were fine, hiding their wounds and bruises from the rest of the crew.
It took two more days of travel to reach the cliffs that overlooked Djerholm, but the going was easier as they moved south and toward the coast. The weather warmed, the ground thawed, and she began to see signs of spring. Y/N knew what the city looked like, having been before on quick missions. The docks were still crowded with ships, but it’s tidy streets marched to the water in orderly fashion, and the houses were painted in such colors- red, blue, yellow, pink- as if in defiance of the wild white land and the long winters this far north. Even the warehouses by the quay were wrought in cheerful colors. It looked like the city was made by fairies from her children’s books, everything was candy-hued and in its proper place.
“Cannon,” said Jesper.
Y/N turned and glanced up to where the Ice Court stood like a great white sentinel on a massive cliff overlooking the harbor.
Kaz squinted up at the big guns pointed out at the bay. “I’ve broken into banks, warehouses, mansions, museums, vaults, a rare book library, and once the bedchamber of a visiting Kaelish diplomat whose wife had a passion for emeralds. But I’ve never had a cannon shot at me.”
“There’s something to be said for novelty,” offered Jesper.
Y/N pressed her lips together, “Let’s say it’s not fun. I hope it doesn’t come to that.”
“Those guns are there to stop invading armadas,” Jesper said confidently. “Good luck hitting a skinny little schooner cutting through the waves bound for fortune and glory.”
“I’ll quote you on that when a cannonball lands in my lap,” said Nina.
They slipped easily into the traffic of travelers and traders where the cliff road met the northern road that led to Upper Djerholm. The upper town was a rambling extension of the city below, a sprawling collection of shops, markets, and inns that served the guards and staff who worked at the Ice Court as well as visitors.
Signs of Hringkalla celebrations were everywhere. The shops had created displays of pepper cookies baked in the shape of wolves, some handing like ornaments from large, twisting trees, and the bridge spanning the river gorge had been festooned with ribbons in Fjerdan silver. One way into the Ice Court and one way out. Would they cross this bridge as victors tomorrow?
“What are they?” Wylan asked, pausing in front of a peddler’s cart laden with wreaths made of the same twisting branches and silver ribbons.
“Ash trees,” replied Matthias. “Sacred to Djel.”
“There’s supposed to be one in the middle of the White Island,” said Y/N, ignoring the harsh glare the Fjerdan threw her way. Her voice was low and hard, the toll of their journey evidently forcing her back into her usual role as a soldier.
“It’s where the druskelle gather for the listening ceremony,” Nina continued.
Kaz tapped his walking stick on the ground as he stood beside the Inferni, leaning closer to her ever-so slightly. “Why is this the first I’m hearing of it?”
“The ash is sustained by the spirit of Djel,” said Matthias. “It’s where we may best hear his voice.”
“Kaz’s eyes flickered. “Not what I asked. Why isn’t it on our plans?”
“Because it’s the holiest place in all of Fjerda and not essential to our mission.”
“I say what’s essential. Anything else you decided to leave out in your great wisdom?”
“The Ice Court is a vast structure,” Matthias said, turning away. “I can’t label every crack and corner.”
“Then let’s hope nothing is lurking in those corners,” Kaz replied.
“Here?” Jesper complained, peering into the dank main room of the run-down tavern. The whole place stank of garlic and fish.
Kaz gave a significant glance upward and said, “Terrace.”
“What’s a gestinge?” Inej wondered aloud as she read the welcome sign.
“It means ‘paradise’,” said Matthias. Even he looked skeptical.
Y/N helped secure them a table on the tavern’s rooftop terrace. It was mostly empty, the weather still too cold to attract many patrons. Or maybe they’d been scared away by the food- herring in rancid oil, stale black bread, and some kind of butter that looked distinctly mossy.
Jesper looked down at his plate and moaned. “Kaz, if you want me dead, I prefer a bullet to poison.”
Nina scrunched her nose. “When I don’t want to eat, you know there’s a problem.”
“We’re here for the view, not the food.” Kaz spoke from beside Y/N.
She mously picked at her piece of bread, nibbling on it slowly. She had to agree with the others, the food was terrible, but it still wasn’t the worst she had had to eat before.
“We’re going to start looking conspicuous soon,” said Nina. “This isn’t the kind of place people like to linger.”
“Maybe they don’t have anyone to take to jail,” suggested Wylan.
“There’s always someone to take to jail,” Kaz replied, then bobbed his chin toward the road. “Look.”
A boxy wagon was rolling to a stop at the guardhouse. Its roof and high sides were covered in black canvas, and it was drawn by four stout horses. The door at the back was heavy iron, bolted and padlocked.
Kaz reached into his coat pocket. “Here,” he said and handed Jesper a slender book with an elaborate cover.
“Are we going to read to each other?”
“Just flip it open to the back.” Jesper opened the book and peered at the last page, puzzled. “So?”
“Hold it up so we don’t have to look at your ugly face.”
“My face has character. Besides- oh!”
“An excellent read, isn’t it?”
“Who knew I had such a taste for literature?”
Jesper passed it to Wylan, who took it tentatively. “What does it say?”
“Just look,” smiled Jesper.
Wylan frowned and held it up, then he grinned. “Where did you get this?’
Matthias had his turn and released a surprised grunt.
“It’s called a backless book,” said Kaz as Y/N took the volume from Inej and held it up.
She peered through. To the barmaid and the other patrons on the terrace, it looked like they were handing a book around, discussing some interesting passage. Instead Y/N had a close view of the gatehouse and the wagon parked in front of it. She lowered the book and looked at Kaz, a proud smirk gracing her lips. “Clever.”
He nodded and turned his head quickly, but not before she could notice the light red painting his cheeks.
“Four guards,” she said, nodding towards Matthias confirming what he had shared before.
“They’re the first line of deffence,” said Matthias. “They’ll check paperwork and confirm identities, flag anyone they think requires closer scrutiny. By this time tomorrow the line going through the gates will be full of Hringkalla guests and backed up all the way to the gorge.”
“By then we’ll be inside,” Kaz said.
They continued discussing the schedule of the wagons as Y/N lifted the backless book again. The wagon driverwore a gray uniform similar to the ones worn by the guards at the gate but absent any sash or decoration. He swung down from his seat and came around to unlock the iron door.
“Saints,” Y/N said as the door swung open. Ten prisoners were seated along benches that ran the wagon’s length, their wrists and feet shackled, black sacks over their heads. She felt the group’s apprehension rise. Only Kaz seemed unfazed.
“Hooded, chained, and shackled?” said Jesper. “You’re sure we can’t go in as entertainers?”
“We go in as we are,” said Kaz, “as criminals.”
taglist: @katherinereid @littlecat21 @jahayla-parker @maliciousbrekker @brekkershadowsinger @brekkers-desigirl @clunaes @wonderland2425 @bookloverfilmoholic @karensirkobabes @bookworm-center @el-de-phi @so-get-this-sammy
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echoalyssa · 1 year
Omg I’m so sorry for some reason I automatically assume people know who I’m talking about 🤦🏼‍♀️ How about Marcus Baker x reader where she lives in another state and they met on like Instagram and one day she comes to see him?
ORRR (just to be safe😉😂)
Where her personality is like sunshine and rainbows so people are shocked that they’re together
Request 3 | Marcus Baker
You're gripping the steering wheel all too tight considering the road is empty and you've been driving for seven hours already.
Your comfort playlist plays through the speakers in an attempt to eradicate some of the nerves. You'd known him for a year, face-timed him every night for the past six months. He was real, you knew that much.
Though all those horror crime documentary's meant that somewhere deep down you were worried he might brutally murder you.
The two of you had met through a Instagram group chat for artists around the United States and had connected immediately. Your lives differed in every way possible.
You were from one of those small towns that barely made it onto the map with three siblings, and he was living in a million dollar house with his twin sister.
Your phone buzzes in your lap and its him.
'Hope the drive is going well! I'm excited to see you!'
You smile.
You're meeting him at a coffee shop in Wellsbury. It would be in broad daylight in a public place so not much could go wrong.
The navigation chimes, telling you to take the next exit.
Just like that, you're ten minutes away.
~~~ You take a breath outside of the door, using the slight reflection to check that your hair doesn't look insane. Your palms are sweating profusely so you have no choice but to wipe them on the front of your jeans.
You push the door open and the bell on top jingles softly.
The place is cute, with low ambience lighting and lounge chairs in the corner. There's plants just about everywhere and a mural has been painted on the far wall.
He spots you first, and he almost drops the two drinks he's holding. Marcus can't cross the small shop fast enough. He didn't even need a second to realize that it was you, he just knew immediately.
You shoot him a tiny shy smile and he returns it.
He wraps you in an awkward hug because he's still holding both drinks. Even though he's hugging you with his arms straight because of the drinks you can't help but think about how nicely you fit into his arms.
He smells good, like fresh linen.
His hair keeps falling into his face, and you keep wanting to push it out of the way for him.
"I got you a mocha frappe! I could have sworn that's what you told me you order but if that's wrong I can get you something else."
You're flattered by the fact that he bought you a drink and even more so that he remembered your order. That conversation must have taken place almost a year ago.
"That is perfect, thank you."
"Want to take a walk? You must be tired of sitting from the drive."
You nod, the weather in Massachusetts was stellar today.
He guides you out the door by placing a hand on the small of your back which sends sparks up your spine.
"I can't believe that you're here."
"I can't believe you're real."
He chuckles. "Are you cold?"
You're not really but he shrugs off his jacket anyway and drapes it over your shoulders.
His fingertips brush your neck and you shiver.
The town is cute but is very obviously a place where money is plentiful. Marcus tells you about his motorcycle and his plan to restore it.
You listen intently, your arm bumps against his as you walk.
He stops abruptly and turns to you.
"I feel like I know you already."
"You do! Now you're just putting a voice to the face,"
"I don't want you to ever go back home."
You can feel your face heat up, hopefully he wouldn't notice and would just think it was from the wind.
"You're just so far away." He continues, "And now that you're here I can't imagine you not being here."
Just the way that he looks at you makes you want to pack up all your belongings and move into this town, almost eight hours away.
His fingertips touch the side of your face, and he tilts your head so that you are looking up at him.
"It's a good thing I'm here for a week then." You whisper.
"We should make the most of it."
"Yes." You choke out because he's getting closer to you and you're barely breathing.
"You're beautiful you know."
You nod, scared to break this trance like interaction.
And then he leans the last few inches and his lips brush against yours, hesitant at first but they slowly grow more confident.
You tilt your head up for a better angle because there is no way that you're kissing Marcus Baker right now.
The butterflies in your stomach are doing somersaults.
It's slow and gentle. He pulls you close to him, his body radiates heat and warms you.
You could stay like this forever you think. This was perfect. All the anticipation and build up from the past year and finally, finally the two of you were together.
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lostcrossing · 3 months
This is @spoofaloofa's sideblog for their newest and probably most niche project in the world: recreating the entirety of the Island from Lost in Animal Crossing!!
This project was made on nothing but spontaneous whim. Enjoy!
Tag rundown:
#The Island.jpg = Includes screenshots from The Island
#The Island.gif = Includes gifs from The Island
#The Island.mp4 = Includes videos from The Island
#The Island.txt = Textpost
gets regularly updated
more under the cut (Warning: batshit insane rambling. this is in no way organised.)
Okay lets do this shit
*cue The Eyeland*
PART 1 - The Bare, Bare Bones
Okay so I have a very general idea of what kind of stuff I’m going for so far.
The entrance is going to be the bamboo forest that we see Jack waking up in during the Pilot episode. Ofc imma put the tennis shoes there too 🗣️‼️‼️
The path’ll kinda curve to either the left or right side of the beach (maybe both?) and then BAM. BEACH.
I honestly don’t know what I’m gonna use for the fuselage. I might find something later tho lol
And there’ll be like, tent items and allat there’ll be an actual tent that has a bunch of medical supplies and magazines and stuff in it when you go inside of it. Cause guess what?? THAT TENT IS GONNA BE SAWYER’SSSS RAHH and another actual tent thats SAYID’S TENT THING THAT HE SET UP FOR SHANNON cause he was SO like… he was so… omg theres no word to describe how MMMPH that was it was just so AUGH
And just before the fuselage the bamboo will shift into normal trees and there’ll be a couple nooks and crannies you can sift upwards through to get to the pascal flats that lead to… THE BARRACKS!! I’ll add the pylons too ofc (which will not be very good for my character since he’s supposed to be Mikhail 😭)
and oh boy. oh boy oh boy the BARRACKS are where its at omg. This is where all the villager houses are going to be!! And do not even get me started on the AMOUNT OF ITEMS THAT PERFECTLY FIT THE BARRACKS. IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE. ITS SO CRAZYYYYYAHHHHHH
there’ll be 2 exits to The Barracks: One thats like a dedicated path to the Submarine Dock (which leads to the actual dock in game!) and a hedge thing off to the left of the barracks with a semi hidden gap in it, similar to the bushes that Sayid, Locke, Danielle and Kate peeked through whilst trying to “rescue” Jack from the others. This will lead to the Pneumatic tube dump, and reenter the Pascal flats.
Okay last night I went feral and kind of made a scrappy plan in the whatsapp draw thing whilst trying to explain what I mean to one of my friends
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I’ll put this into the Happy Island Designer sometime later 💀
sorry guys i blacked out and woke up with 35 nook miles tickets. I am going villager hunting
- Klaus (Polar bear vibes. Would go for Tutu but I feel like she’s too happy to be on The Island 😭😭)
- Boris (He’s a boar. what more can I say)
- Roscoe (As Kate’s horse. Also cause Roscoe is one of my all time faves lol)
- Goldie (Vincent!!!)
- Punchy (Nadia, cat version. He’s the closest I can get to her tbh 😭 I would have chosen Lolly but her expression is too cute to fit Nadia)
- Ruby (As Chester! At least I think that’s what Ben’s rabbit is called? not too sure.)
- Peck (He kinda looks like a Eurasian tree sparrow and since those are like literally everywhere it could technically be an island animal. idk I got him in the 3 plots part of the storyline and I just want to keep him 😭)
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libidomechanica · 10 months
You under his moulders daily for the heaven
A limerick sequence
How can field Martha! The she said or say loud I hate or ever love    Amaryllis, she sullen    survive. And talk of Temperamental eyes; my nations for Scio.
So sharp as hast for land as he obscure. And like a marriers blame the base,    how awkward sight be: his    new: I recollect in their own to wedlock; but Verbum sat.
To haue learn’d them; at large, and o’er the moons?—And from Arabian Nightful    green, third days’ sweet must for    yet of lots were were and in Greek. Old Farmer not Rosalend?
Nor lost its a bee. Had sight, ev’n to loving, and sang in half its she walls,    glitter in his own might    of and put in were in a mild the placed look down eye but dream!
Two name mystic peace, I do stake one and if we can the bolt did betray.    Stall my beloved and    yet in facts emotionlessly, and hold water, the the said.
And the friend, born, whose whence nourish! Rise, and self-balance, and compunction one    must prying more, and people    fortress—I, althought violence. Oh mission flying wind!
I found me chain her will dipt in his poorests, i, a low rock. Tis songs he    lake: shall each him in    sepulchral hills? Yes, in papery dead ere memory repose.
I was at pray have me, where, according all they all it to us, a    fool? And how bright, and the    deeps come! Farewell; tis not when this way. Year element, and sink?
And a morn by ghosts—their was flesh; there night fool? The silver like a conventions    of love them remain,    the lashes round thro’ memorial cooings; no other read young.
Were not speaking, over-shell feels her prove the warm precincts, wine! Had given:    her shade, and dwelt full of    fancy’s that his locks the Kidd pity heart, and I reacher song.
Do you, may before thou’ ask’d the Sun. Up from come twilight shall please. Ask me    notion, and there between    the city-noise, had Here to my hour to church, then power?
At the was basest which your house whose that mock-shroud desponds would not from over    utmost rememberings;    he thrice of deceitful jest? But worn by my pen—women?
In hand flash’d neglectful, perhaps—but the closet: pray, when I am not.    And made away; and loved’s,    my loved, the griefs the teach of name. And hall, and bittering.
But scanty draws; thereformation. The glow’d legs, and Easter, drive thou art    built on it to they glow’d    no bittering far; and uttered! Where border’d his verse long kind.
Show to have expectable, gave no many a years so he faith bless close    thrice on when the cut a    wish your Bosom an authority. To find is not my fail.
As after several sign over. ’ Silk and Pegasus runs pardon a’    our real eyes of our to    remedy was mine, fast be tell—tis that plank day a suitor.
And wave, her faces as thorn in the learn the seemed, and beautiful, and by    trance, half the love. Of their    lives instrel instruck in fact the lawn and higher the loves, they?
The histories and reach and dance rising gold, dangers? Some kind, he rest quite new    as well a malus and    cross. Endless at a wild and then all strutting claim, poor insane.
This I know. A life, and theirs nor was a little boat, they went at all cry?    Though your hair. Nor can a    young rough I had voyage Timbuctoo the eye, she best in size.
Ye him by the faith. And prove so fix our be; but chiefest blows of his darkness    aged each other    itself, once more the full leaded essening, some back to heard!
He squeezed among the tender-showers and there and stoop from the room, too, had    surpass’d, and I burning    sea; but come, that cannot so? And if she shy Thames overworn.
A cruel, cruel, cruel, love, for youth of everywhere iniquity. Brows, but place    of thy verses when she    shadowings, and the heroine. Up the height, so the ashame!
Then hem knolls them tree, as there. His plan? Astrological berry winter    indifferent man! A    dank, sickle and as arrowe forests. Into yon spot away.
I can’st they trice, and half the trees and their earlier into heart with shamed,    Ida whole; with company,    who shower in all colours calmly ship of Stephen Hill.
Arose father at you dream my won’t you for Corydon. Thou stick of a    stars grave, for her found thus    they were bronze, they were alone; but the times she knewe I lingers.
Not she doorways spoil he watch-dog’s house, in circulation of Hazeldean.—    Several oathsome duller    guardian sentially draught to him too, of man; and hand.
But the Foxe him who hath Echo till not if that binds thine; but the martyr.    Eke child thy rangely    o’er words, that I see in thing monkey, as show throught as this man?
He clawing of a statements and feeble, in spring payne. I have dress to    traced number Julia’s mothers    much blossom with him afraid. Beneath such a misery!
Starved, pass’d my clouds divine? Of the sweet you my minnie to some remorsels    from a draughters up all    it too. The head, thy below, and in the heart, and in such clay.
Of life is boys and slow draw the pain? Half-senses credit will death-weigh’d as    I. Deep folly. And sky,    week all celestial existening dress they never with weight.
The floods, but mine: gives oozing out well. In searchin, and made the will notion,    must we poorest-tost; and    kings: whether! And he season left of thine o’ the river’d man.
0 notes
lec743 · 2 years
The Diary of Crystal the Human (An Adventure Time Fanfic)
God this one is so old. I really need to write another fic based on this universe. I miss it. Never finished this story. Had fun writing it though. I did the “writing in a diary” way of story telling... Ah, to be young.
Fanfiction - Such an old fic I never bothered putting it on AO3 and Wattpad
Dear Anybody,
Let me set this strait. This is not a diary it's called a journal. Got it- good. And I'm only writing this incase I don't survive this insane old guy. Anyway let me start from when I decided to run away from home.
You see I live in this village we like to call The Village (I know. It's such an original name. *Eye roll*) that is in the middle of this huge evergreen forest clearing. All of the buildings are made from the surrounding trees that were built hundreds of years ago, maybe even after the Great Mushroom War. I'm not sure though, history was never my strong suit in school.
The houses all look the same, with their wooden one-story walls and drafty rafters, with nothing to look outside with. The only building that didn't look like the others was the schoolhouse. It had a giant bell on top of it and it had three floors to it, all with windows. The first floor holds kindergarten to fourth grade, the second floor holds fifth grade to eighth grade, and the last floor holds the ninth grade to twelfth grade.
Not long ago I graduated from high school. I was so proud of myself because I had big plans. I wanted to be an adventurer, to see beyond my quaint little village and see new amazing things. The night I graduated was when I told my father my dream. It was the biggest mistake I ever made.
"What!" he bellowed, "My daughter will do no such thing!"
"Why," I asked surprised by his out burst.
" Your engaged-"
Know it was my turn to shriek in protest, "What! Since when!"
"Since your birth. Before your mother died," he said softly before he lowered his head in sadness.
I lowered my head as well knowing very well how much dad misses her, but I couldn't let that fact stop me from getting an answer.
"What gives you the right to tell me who I marry," I demanded quietly.
"Because I am your father and I want you to be safe and close."
"But I'm only seventeen, who would you have marry me," I growled.
He crossed his meaty arms over his burly chest, "Weevil."
"What!" I shrieked, "That rat faced jackass! He's twenty years older than me!"
"And a friend of the family."
"But I don't even like him let alone love him!"
"Don't worry, you'll eventually grow to love him," he soothed.
I couldn't believe what I heard my own father say, each word was like a blunt knife forcing its way into my beating heart. Why was he able to fall in love with my mother? Why couldn't I find love like he did? Why did it have to be that stuck up jerk? I was so infuriated by what he said that I ran to my room ending the conversation.
For hours I stayed up ranting to myself about how unfair this was. Asking myself why mom would approve of this. Kicking random objects on the wooden floor of my room. Until I finally just collapsed on my bed from emotional exhaustion. What happened next is a little fuzzy and I don't remember it all so bear with me.
I was in a white dress that trailed on behind me forever, my shoulder length blond hair was out of its usual ponytail. In my hands was a bouquet of red roses that were dripping blood onto my white-gloved hands. I started to walk forward with no control over my legs while I heard a pipe organ play the wedding march Here Comes the Bride. To my sides I saw people everywhere standing up. Every one of them faceless, they were nothing but white masks. In front of me I saw whom I was walking towards. Weevil was at the alter wearing a black tuxedo, my father was behind said alter with a book in his hand. I tried to run away, scream, anything but I couldn't. I had no control over my body as I walked closer to the beady eyed, rat faced creep.
When I was standing by his side my father said, "Do you Weevil take my daughter to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do," he said in his squeaky voice.
My father turned to me, "And do you Crystal take Weevil to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do," the words slipped past my lips before I could bight my tongue.
"I know pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Again my body moved against my will as I turned toward the rat man. As Weevil came closer to me, my eyes closed on their own accord and I started leaning in. Finally my panic was so great that I was able to scream out, "I don't want to marry him!"
"Then don't marry him," said a deep smooth voice.
I was able to open my eyes; in front of me was an eight foot golden owl. My surroundings turned into a starry night and I was in my green tank top and blue jeans again.
"Don't marry him, go be an adventurer," he said again.
"I heard you the first time… Sir. But how do you expect me to do that, hmmm?"
"Running away seems to be a good option," the owl shrugged his wings.
"Yah, well who or were am I going to go to if I do decide to run away."
"Head north until you come across a crossroad on your travels," he pointed to a picture in the sky that looked like the part of the forest where my house was built by.
Then he flew right in front of my face and said in a creepy voice, "Now, wake up!"
I flew strait up in bed from the shock then I breathed a sigh of relieve. That's when I made my decision I was going to control my own destine and nobody was going to stop me. I lit the candle by my bed and got my green backpack from under my bed. I stuffed it with an extra shirt and pants, a thick brown winter sweeter, my knife, canteen, and compass. Then I threw my leather bound notebook, an inkwell and a dipping pin in to my bag. Slinging the pack over my shoulder I silently crept through the dark house so I didn't wake up my father in the room across from my own.
When I finally made it outside I noticed that it was gray signaling dawns arrival. I fished into my backpack for the compass; in the dim light of early morning I saw the compass needle, point north. Right into the direction the strange owl pointed me to in my dream. I ran to the edge of the forest hesitating for only a second, remembering all of the stories my father told me of people going into the evergreen forest but never coming back. Then I plunged into the foliage knowing that whether I was attacked by rainicorns or not I was never coming back anyways.
I stomped through the forest at a speed walking pace never letting up and always following the compass north. I went up and down steep hills; I jumped across very narrow but deep chasms, I swam across a river, naked (because it would be stupid to get your clothes and shoes wet) and I trudged through a great deal of the forest. By the time it was after mid day I was starving. But I was lucky because not far ahead I saw a raspberry bush filled with red, rip, and juicy berries. I rushed towards it saliva accidentally escaping my mouth. When I finally had a hand full of them in my mouth they were amazingly sweet, each berry exploding in my mouth with flavor and juice. I've had raspberries before but they were never this amazingly delicious.
While I was eating I noticed something strange. I saw a butterfly, now I've seen butterflies before but this one had human skulls on its wings. And when I reached out to touch it, it turned around. Instead of seeing the usual black stick like body of a butterfly I saw a miniature human skeleton holding a raspberry, its face dripping with its juices. From surprise and horror I jumped back with a self-stifled scream and I fell down on my butt. The skeletal butterfly flew inches from my face said something to me in an unknown angry squirrel like chatter while it shook its tinny fist in my face. Then it flew off with a huff still carrying the raspberry. I watched it dumfound as it flew from sight. Still staring I stood up and brushed myself off. Quickly I grabbed a hand full of raspberries and then I walked shakily away from the bush.
Not thirty minutes after that little incident I found my crossroad. Literally, I came across a dirt road. It looked well worn and used by a lot of people. Getting excited that this was what that owl guy meant I started to walk on the road heading toward were the sun would set that day. I was so happy that I was on this adventure, that I saw something new and that I will never have to marry that rat. I started to sing.
I was walking along, mindin' my business
when out of the orange colored sky!
wonderful you came by
I was hummin' a tune
drinkin' in sunshine
when out of that orange colored view
I got'a look at you
Then suddenly I felt a pain on the back of my head and everything went black.
I woke up first noticing how cold I was, the air the floor, it was like I was sleeping in the belly of an iceberg. Then I noticed the chit chatting of womanly voices. When I tried to sit up pain split through my head like a lightning bolt and a groan escaped my lips. Then the room went quiet.
"Oh my glob look she's getting up," stated a deep diva voice.
"Yes we can see that LSP," said a sweet voice.
Someone was gently pushing me back down on to my back. When my head was placed back on to my backpack I looked up to see a woman. She was wearing glasses, brown hair pulled back into pigtails with a jewel hanging from her forehead and wearing what looked like a button up lab coat over an orange sweater dress. And she had a strange green complexion to her skin.
"Don't get up too fast, that hit to the head that the Ice King gave you was pretty bad. Wait awhile before you try again," she said in a light nasally voice.
"Okay," I said weakly.
"Do you remember your name?"
"It's Crystal."
"Do you know what day it is today?"
"Good. Now which hand is your right hand?"
I lifted up my arm that was by where she was sitting next to me.
"Good. Now we are going to try sitting up again alright?"
I nodded then she clasped my hands and pulled me up into a sitting position.
"My name is Doctor Princess," she said pointing to herself.
"That's Princess Bubblegum," she pointed to an all pink person. Her skin, her long hair, her dress all was pink. She was wearing a circlet that had only one point and had a blue stone on top of it. She smiled and side hello in her sweet voice.
"That's Lumpy Space Princess," she pointed to a floating purple cloud. But when the pink girl elbowed it. It turned around showing a displeased face with a yellow star on her forehead.
"Hey," she said in that deep diva voice unenthusiastically.
"That's Slime Princess," she pointed to a little lump of green muck. She was wearing a circlet like the pink girl but it had a green stone on the top instead of blue. She waved her little nubby arm and said hello in a very regal kind of voice.
"That's Raggedy Princess," She pointed to what looked like a sock with only legs, with two button eyes one black the other green, and her long brown hair was holding up what looked like a giant broken piece of glass. She came out of hiding from behind the pink girl, gave me a quick nod and said hello in a shy quiet voice. Then she went back to hiding.
"And lastly that's Wildberry Princess," she pointed me to a giant red raspberry with thin green arms and legs. A stem and leaf was sticking out on top of her head. On top of the stem was a tinny three-point crown; in the middle of the crown was a red jewel. She said hello to me in a sort of high-pitched kind of voice.
For a long time all I did was stare at them. Slowly I turned to the woman calling herself Doctor Princess.
"I think I got hit harder on the head than you think?"
"Why do you say that?"
"You're green, she's pink, she's a purple cloud, she's a giant fruit, she's a ball of slime, and she's a sock with feet," I said while pointing to each princess, "So I'm pretty sure I'm hallucinating."
"Oh, for a second there you had me worried. No you're not hallucinating, you're seeing what you're seeing," she said with a smile.
I just stared at her for a long time while the information sunk in. When I finally accepted the truth of the matter I grabbed my head, doubled over forward, and groaned.
"Maybe we presented her with too much information for her to handle," Princess Bubblegum said sympathetically.
"Maybe we should ask her some questions about her self," suggested Raggedy Princess.
"Did she just call me a purple cloud," Lumpy Space Princess yelled, "I'm going to kill her!"
"No! It is bad enough she was kidnapped like the rest of us," Wildberry Princess shouted while she and Slim Princess was holding her back.
"And she has it worst than us because he thinks she looks like Fionna which is why he threatened us to changer her into the costume he made," Slime Princess finished.
That's when I noticed the blue skirt. Slowly I stood up while I was still looking down. I had on knee high white socks with black strap shoes. I was wearing a blue mini-skirt and a form fitting blue short-sleeved t-shirt. When I looked up again a piece of white fabric fell down in front of my face. I pulled the hat off of my head my blond hair falling across my shoulders. It was white with bunny ears on top of it.
The hat still in hand I looked up at the others, "What did you guys do with my stuff?"
"We put your belongings in your backpack," answered Princess Bubblegum.
I picked up my bag from the floor and switched out my brown sweeter for the white bunny hat. Then I shouldered my green pack and turned to Doctor Princess.
"Thank you for bandaging my head when I was out cold."
"Your welcome."
"And thank you all for being so nice to me," I said to the others, "I'm sorry for being so rude."
"Humph, you should be. I'm a princess and I deserve to be treated like a princess," Lumpy Space Princess huffed. Everybody turned to her and glared.
"It's alright Crystal it's obvious that you've never been here before. Where do you come from?" Princess Bubblegum asked.
"Oh, I come from a human village."
Everybody gasped but Doctor Princess and Princess Bubblegum.
"You're, human," they all cried out in surprise.
"And there is more of you," questioned Doctor Princess.
"Yah, why," I asked, weirded out by their out burst.
"Well, its just we've thought humans have been extinct for hundreds of years," explained Princess Bubblegum.
I didn't say any more and they didn't ask any questions. While I was standing there in that terribly drafty skirt I looked around at my surroundings. The walls, floor and celling were nothing but smooth blue ice. There were thick icicle cell bars to my left. I walled over to it. Outside the cage bar doors I saw a bed with cheetah bed sheets that was messy and unmade to my right. To my left I saw a drum kit with the title #1 BABE tattooed on the big drum in the middle tucked into a corner. Everywhere there were sheets of paper, different articles of clothing strewn across the floor and a random instrument here and there. The walls, floor and celling was also made of blue ice.
"So, who is this guy again that kidnaped us, where are we, and when do we escape?"
"The wizard that kidnaped us is called the Ice King," Slime Princess said with a shiver.
"He kidnaps us because he's looking for a princess who will marry him," continued Raggedy Princess.
"But nobody will because he's old, crazy and ugly," stated Lumpy Space Princess.
"We are in the castle of the Ice Kingdom," replied Princess Bubblegum.
"And we'll be rescued by our hero, Finn," Wildberry Princess said excitedly.
Half of the room swooned. I raised an eyebrow.
"He's that great, is he," I said with skepticism in my voice.
"Oh yes, he's strong," sighed Wildberry Princess.
"Kind," blushed Raggedy Princess
"He has supper hot lumps," Lumpy Space Princess said while rubbing her hands over her body in a weird way.
"Very heroic," stated Princess Bubblegum in a matter of fact tone.
"He's helpful," added Slime Princess.
"And a great patient," finished Doctor Princess.
"Okay then, I guess I can't wait to meet him."
0 notes
omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Kuki x Wally fluff
Can any of you tell that I love this ship. Before the events of Flower and very VERY heavily implied crushes and slight obsession ( nothing too bad, just like very surface level stuff ). Oh yea, brief and implied Nigel x Abigail because 1x5 is a cuter ship imo then 2x5
"Hood Swap"
"Really? You want to swap our hoods?" Wally crossed his arms looking at the taller girl. "Yea! I'd think it'd be fun!" Wally wasn't opposed to swapping their hoods, he did want to wear Kuki's sweatshirt so badly. But he didn't want that to come out.
"Its just clothes!" Kuki crossed her arms, mocking his stance. "Exactly. Why can't we swap then?" Wally tried to find a reason, but his mind went blank. "Fine...let's swap. On one condition. If you get my hoodie dirty or ripped, I'm taking it back" Kuki smiled. "Deal!"
Kuki walked out her room, orange instead of green on her torso. She looked at herself and smiled. "Its a little form fitting, but it feels super comfy!" Wally looked up at her, fighting to blush at her adorablness. "You look comfy too!" Kuki remarked, pointing at Wally in her sweatshirt. "Y-Yea it comfortable I guess..." He stuttered a little.
Just then, Nigel walked by. "What in the..." Wally instinctively looked away while Kuki looked at Nigel with joy. "We are swapping our clothes for the day!" Nigel just tilted his head in confusion. "Uh..alright? Me and Numbuh 5 are gonna grab some lunch and bring it back, you both want anything?"
"Oh you know what we like!"
"And I know what Wally likes" Wally snapped up to look over, seeing a smug Abigail looking right at him. "You comfy in that?" She teased. Wally just began stuttering. Nigel snickered at this lovely little scene. "Well, We'll be back. Numbuh 2 isn't gonna be here at all so you both will have a lil bit of free time~"
Wally covered his insanely red face. "Wait why is Numbuh 2 not going to be here?" Kuki asked. "Numbuh 2 got sick. Heard he's puking everywhere" Kuki cringed at the thought.
"Well, let's go pick up food and we'll be back" Nigel said, starting to head out. "Have fun!~" Abigail shouted before she left.
Kuki tapped on Wally's head, making him look up at her. "You okay?" She asked. Wally nodded, still looking away in embarrassment. "You sure? If you want we can change back-"
Kuki looked a little surprised. She thought he was just embarrassed of giving in for something minor. "Its not the clothing it's the issue" He said. "Oh.." Silence followed. Now they didn't know what to do. "Uh...you wanna watch tv?" Wally asked, scratching the back of his neck. "Sure!"
As the two watched TV, Wally's flusteredness died down, now just focusing on the giant screen and less on the swap. Suddenly, Kuki got up. "I'll be right back, it'll just be a second!" She left the room, leaving Wally by himself. He thought she was going to the bathroom or something.
Well usual trips to the bathroom aren't 10 minutes long. He became curious and looked around for Kuki. He didn't think she would of left-left. He checked each room, finally making it to his room. He opened the door to see Kuki laying on his bed, holding something in her hands.
He tried looking over her, but couldn't tell what she was holding. "I'm so glad we did the swap!" Kuki said to the Rainbow Monkey toy in her arms. "His hoodie is so comfortable and it smells just like him!" Wally covered his mouth, in fear of making any noise. His cheeks went pink, but he kept listening. "He looks so cute in my sweatshirt, he should wear it more often!"
Cute? Him? Never. She was the one all cute! "Oh, its been a while...Hold on Mr Happy Rainbow Monkey, I'm gonna put you back and go to the couch, hes probably thinking I left the tree house or something" Wally quickly ran back to the couch and pretended he didn't eavesdrop on her little conversation.
"Hey Wally! Sorry I kept ya waiting" Kuki greeted him with a smile on her face. "O-Oh its no problem." She sat next to Wally and pulled him in for a hug. Wally tried not to blush as he was pulled in. He started to get relaxed again, soon sinking into Kuki's arms. God he was happy he agreed to the swap.
"Hey uh, Kuki?" Kuki turned around, her hair being flung out of her face like a curtain on a windy day. "Yes, Numbuh 4?" Wally scratched the back of his neck. "Y-You can keep the hoodie if you want, I have another one" He said. "Oh! Okay! You can keep that one too" Wally internally celebrated, but just kept his goofy flustered look on.
* Bonus! *
"We should do that one day too" Nigel said to Abigail as they stood in line waiting for their food. "If you can pull off just an extra large shirt, Numbuh 5 will agree" Nigel thought about it. "Well, I suppose I could try. Never wore just a shirt before though" He did imagine it was quite comfortable, much more than wearing pants in his opinion. "Well, I'll do it!"
"Cool, if you wanna do that, we'll do that. But just so you know, Numbuh 5 ain't shaving my head bald"
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sweetsbfreex · 3 years
a styles vacation to Hawaii
Summary: a little continuation of this family. The styles take a vacation to Hawaii with mild bumps in the road. 
a/n: no warnings, but harry is not famous in this. I’ve never been to Hawaii and do not much of the hawaiian attire/culture, i just did research and put what i found. If there’s any misconceptions or if i’ve offended anyone by accident pls lmk!
Pairings: Dad, Husband!Harry
“Honey, you have to let go so we’re not late for the plane” Harry grunts, trying to stealthily pull Ava away from her hold on Milo. 
“No! We can’t leave Mimi” she cries out, cuddling her face into the pup’s fur even more. 
“Mimi has to stay with nan, honey” From his tone you can tell he’s losing patience.
It’s a definite eyesore. The whole situation takes place on your mother's porch. You were all meant to say your goodbyes before the three of you–– no Milo–– go off on a small vacation to Hawaii. 
Ava is holding on to the australian shepherd, not letting up one bit. You would think she glued herself onto him without anyone knowing, with how she latched on.
Milo in front of your mother's feet, enjoying what he thinks is a hug it seems. Only letting out long whines when Ava's sobs get out of control.
Harry is standing behind Ava, bent at the wait trying to pry her off her best friend.
You're crouched beside her, a hand on her back, trying to convince her to let go.
Ava's poor grandmother stands in the doorway. A look of agony on her face as she watches it all go down.
The–– now three year old–– has been throwing a hissy fit in the car, holding onto Milo's paw. Ever since Harry informed her how they were going to her nan's house to drop off Milo and then hurry to the plane. She saw the news like a terrible taste in her mouth, while she stared at you both in the rearview mirror eyes widened. 
You know how much the two love each other, but you didn't expect her to throw a fit like this.
“Ava I know you’re upset but, you gotta let go honey so Mimi can have fun with grandma. Don’t you want to go on the airplane, hm? Weren’t you excited about it?” You ask her, beginning to unclasp one hand and go for the other, trying to bring into your arms.
But with quickness, she remembered the only way she would be able to go on this vacation. Without Milo, she wraps her arms around Milo again. 
“Baby, Milo has to stay. Dog’s aren’t allowed in Hawaii” At this moment, Harry is willing to try anything.
“They’re not?” she asks, tilting her head back a little to see her father’s face. 
“Nope, Milo won’t have fun there. He’ll have more fun with Nana” he tells her, bringing his thumbs down to wipe away the tears. 
“...I wanna stay with Mimi!” 
Milo doesn’t eject this idea, letting his chin rest on her small shoulder. You and Harry huff in frustration, glancing at each other. Your mother...well she’s had enough of whatever foolishness you and H are pulling right now. 
“Okay enough of this” your mother starts, gaining everyone’s attention. “Ava, honeybee, Tell Milo and your grandma see you later and let go of him so you can have fun on your trip with your parents.” She says this with a stern, yet loving tone. Down to business and nothing else. 
“Yes nana” she mumbles, placing a few kisses to Milo’s cheek and glides to your mom. 
You and Harry look at each other in an instant, eyes wide at the way your mother fixed the problem in less than a minute. A mutual look of what the fuck, as in the what the fuck were you possibly doing wrong. 
“Thanks mum.” Harry says sheepish, looking at the calming little one swaying in your mother’s arms.  
“Yeah thanks mom” you say, standing up straight.
“No problem, Now get going, before she fusses again”
You all exchange your see you laters. Ava has yet another sweet moment with Milo. While Harry tells her she won't be staying in Hawaii forever and Milo won't stay with Nana forever. As you're driving away you all wave at the two, Ava yelling to Milo.
“Bye Mimi! See you soon! Don’t chase a squirrel when I’m gone!” She yells out the window, her arm waving in the wind. 
You and Harry share a chuckle. Despite what she may think, Milo has never chased a squirrel in his life. She's watched it once on a cartoon and it somehow filled her heard with the imaginary scenario. 
When both her grandmother and bestfriend are out of sight, she turns her head to the other window. A solemn look on her face, looking out the window like the Kermit the Frog meme. 
You play the Frozen 2 soundtrack for the less pouty girl behind you. But when you don't hear the shrill sound of her singing, you look behind you to see an upset look upon her cherub face. 
Her bottom lip is juts out, her hands fisted and arms crossed. 
“You okay?” you ask her, turning in your seat to cradle her knee. 
She’s dressed cutesy in a matching sweat set and a cute beanie rested over her plaits. 
“No. I’m upset and I wanna yell” she looks at you, resting her case, before she turns her head back to its original spot. 
Harry peeks at the interaction through the rear view mirror; an eyebrow quirked. One hand on the wheel while the other takes its natural spot in your lap, your fingers tangled with his. 
“Why are you upset?” you ask. 
“Because…” she groans, trying to figure out her ‘big feelings’. “You left Mimi and now he’ll hate me” 
“He won’t hate you, you’re his favorite person” 
“You guys don’t love me either!” She whines, glaring out the window. Wigging in her spot, causing your hand to fall from her knee. 
“That’s not true! We love you” you exclaim, in a loving manner. 
“Then get Mimi” 
“Mimi is staying with grandma Ava, enough.” Harry’s voice catches her attention immediately. “ It's okay to be upset but Hawaii doesn’t accept dogs, remember?” 
She only huffs, dropping her hands from her chest. 
“Can you play the when I am older song, please mommy?” she almost whispers.
You accept her request, turning so you’re seated right. Playing the song and hearing her sing eases your glazed stare a bit. Releasing a breath and closing your eyes as you rest your head against the window adds a bit to your release. 
Harry raises the entangled hands away from your lap, placing an adored kiss to the back of your hand. Sending a quick questioning look your way. 
“I’m fine” you send back, in a smile. No mother wants to hear those words.
He can’t do much with him driving and with Ava in the car. So he places a kiss to the back of your hand once more, and extends his hand so he caresses the back of your neck. 
“You’re doing a great job, stop being so hard on yourself” he encourages.
If your mom was here she’d give you a tip or two on how you and Harry are too soft on Ava. You couldn’t help leaving all the disciplining to Harry, you probably were definitely too soft on her at times.  
Through all the pouting, belting of kid songs, and Harry's annoying jokes and teasing. Five hours later you've made it to the resort. 
At the moment, Harry was checking you both in while you and Ava looked around the gift shop. When you feel someone’s arm come around your shoulder, you jump. But the feeling of his cold rings and brings you down. 
“Scared me, don’t do that” a breath of relief follows as you tilt your head back onto his shoulder. He gets the memo immediately, leaning down for a peck to the lips. 
“Made a friend in the lobby.” He tells you like nothing. Eyes shifting at his little girl looking through the stuffed animals and keychains.  
“Are you okay?” you ask in disbelief. 
“What?” he laughs, one eyebrow perched.
“Like in the head”
“I’m not following…”
“Why are you so good at making friends with strangers this easily? Seriously.” 
He laughs you off like it’s nothing, but it’s uncomic. You wish you could blame it on being shy, but compared to Harry it was not that easy for you to chat up strangers enough that you become acquaintances. 
Your husband could make friends with a duck if he wanted to. Everywhere you went. Whether in the ice cream shop a few miles away at home or the park where you took Ava all the time .He was always chatting with someone, in the end pulling you in. 
He only laughs it off, beyond doubt enjoying the look on your face. “We agreed to save each other a seat at the Luau tonight, for whoever gets there first. Talked to the husband actually, but you’ll see”
“You’re insane” you tease him.
“Can I have this?” A teal, stuffed sea turtle is thrusts in the direction of you and Harry. 
“How do we ask nicely” you say. 
“Can I get this?” she smiles, a smile so sweet, your tooth hurts from looking at it. She’s the most adorable thing and knows exactly how to use it to her advantage. 
“My sweet little baby.” Harry crooned, advancing to her, lifting her into his tattooed arms. Placing a series of kisses to her plump cheeks. She giggles, never wanting the affection to stop. “You can have it,” he tells her. “Let’s go to the till.”
“Harry you didn’t even check the price” you chimed in. 
“Shh. We’re having a moment” he acknowledged. He outstretches his arm, so his palm meets your face gently. You laugh into it, before you smack his wrist away, then placing a light kiss to his wrist when he whines.  
It’s some hours later. You’re all getting ready for the hotel’s hosted dinner/Luau tonight. The three of you took a two and a half hour nap. 
You were touching up your light makeup while Harry got Ava ready. He lost two rounds of rock-paper-scissors and now must deal with the havoc that is dressing Ava. 
“Baby, get the trousers mommy picked out for you” you Harey him tell Ava. 
“Trousers?” She says the word with confusion, “Don’t have trousers babe? That’s a silly word.” 
Then you hear the raspy laugh of Harry. 
“Your pants, get your pants and your top too” 
Not even a minute later do you hear Harry asking her to stop wiggling around. 
Harry walks in the bathroom, a giggling Ava sat on his hip. 
Harry adores a very laid back...dad look you could say. The back of the white wife beater he’s wearing get’s covered by a black button up shirt with flamingos patterned all over it. He’s also wearing  a pair of shorts and his favorite vans. 
Ava’s tucked into a set. a cami top with matching flared pants and sunflowers ornamented the black fabric. 
“Oooh look at mumma, beautiful huh?” he asks Ava, extending one hand towards you, once you clasp your hands in his, he spins you letting his eyes sink in.
“Thank you both” you smile as Harry tugs you in for a swift kiss. 
You had picked out an angelic, ivory crochet set. The top you’re wearing shows off your midriff and the long, flowy skirt matches with beautiful lace detailing. 
You turn to Ava to give her a kiss on her cheek. “You look so handsome.” you tell Harry, letting your hand run through his hair. “And you look so adorable, you like your outfit?” taking her from Harry’s hands. 
“Yeah, I like the flowers–– Can I have some too?” she points to the plethora of makeup products spread over the bathroom counter. 
Looking over at Harry for his confirmation, he nods. You take the brush running it over the blush, before brushing it over her chubby cheeks and her nose.
“Tickles,” she laughs, pushing your hand away. 
“Are you ladies ready to go?” 
“Wow! Look the fires!” She points at the lines of tiki torches submerged into the sand, jumping as she sits on your hip. 
The layout is stunning. There’s a stage for the performance, round tables spread out everywhere across the beach, and a buffet in the back. 
Most of the tables are already filled, albeit the show was to start in like twenty minutes. 
“There they are, over there” Harry indicated, his hand waving back at a family of four. 
With Harry’s hand settled on your back, he weaved the three of you to the table. 
“Hey Shawn.” Harry greeted, their hands clasped together as they brought each other in, clapping each other on the back. 
Shawn was a tall man, a few inches taller than Harry, and very built. He had amazing brown skin, clear like a mirror, and was bald––which he pulled off effortlessly. 
“This is my wife, y/n and my daughter Ava” he smiled at the two of you, while you shook hands with Shawn and asked Ava to say a hello. Which she did, like bursting a ball of energy as put her hands out for a handshake like she watched her parents do. It caused a laugh out of everyone. She didn’t know why they were laughing at her, but she enjoyed the attention. 
“This is my wife Avni” you hugged, as close as you could, with a petite, expecting Indian woman. She was radiant as she smiled at you and Harry. “These are my kids Grey and Aster” you shook hands with them both. 
Grey looked about Ava’s age, bouncy coils moving as he bobbed up and down in his seat. His sister, who looked in her tweens, sported the same hair texture. Aster more silent of the two sent her greetings kindly. 
“And the third is still cooking in here” he laughed, setting his hands down on Avni’s early protruding belly. 
With that joke, you understand exactly how the two of them got to know each other, as Harry joined in with his laugh. The wives chuckled amongst themselves. 
“How far along are you?” you solicited.
“Three and a half months” Avni smiled proudly, rubbing both hands around her belly. 
You cooed, “It’s amazing, you’re literally glowing. You're making me miss being pregnant” you joke. 
“Okay! Enough of that. One little devil is enough.” Harry tickles your side, as a result you jab his side with your elbow gently, as he grins down at you. “We’re gonna go get some food,” he informs the couple.
Now everyone’s sitting around the table anticipating for the show to start. Conversation running pretty smoothly. The four of you were even able to make a few plans for the week you are here for. You had gotten a high chair for Ava to sit and eat in, but she wasn’t having it. Failing around while reaching for you.
 In result, she’s now sitting in your lap, bouncing side to side. Munching on her French fries, chicken, and sipping on her pineapple juice. 
“Taste good?” Harry asks his toddler. 
“Mhm” she hums, shoving her thumb into his face. 
“I can tell” he chuckles, extending a napkin to wipe her face clean. 
You tilt your head down closer to hers, to see sauce around her mouth, some of it on her cheek even. 
“Hm, baby?”
“Mimi would like this, he loves the chicken mommy gives me” 
“You give Mimi your chicken?”
You both laugh it off, not seeing the point in correcting her. 
“Who’s Mimi”
“Mimi is our dog, he's big and he can talk!” Ava answered, her voice ringing with excitement. 
“Dog’s can’t talk!” The high-pitched voice of Grey argued, eye brows pitched together. 
“That’s a fib, Mimi talks to me all the time!” she defended. 
Thankfully,  the show was beginning, two young women and four young men came out on stage. Dressed in their traditional Hula attire. 
You and Avni shared a grateful smile, knowing neither of you would know how to suppress their little spiff. 
The dance is mesmerizing and it was nice with the sun almost setting as a background. Light hues of orange shaded the sea as the night took over the rest.  Everyone watched in awh, clapping when it was appropriate. The women’s skirt flowed amongst the air like water.  
Harry’s arm propps on the back of your chair. During the performance you feel his fingers run against the back of your neck. 
You turn your head towards, trying not to disturb the entranced little girl on your lap. “What?” you mouth. 
“It’s beautiful” he whispers to you. 
“I know” you tell him, smiling when he rolls his eyes at you. 
At some point in the show, the original dancers plus a few more stepped off the stage. An array of Lei’s on their arms, watching as they put Leis around their chosen person’s neck. During this time a woman walks behind Harry, setting one around his neck. 
You laugh at the shocked look on his face and the way he fixes his posture. She places a grip onto his arm, making him stand up so she could guide her to the rest of the others. Avni gets chosen too. 
The smile on your face makes your face hurt as you watch Harry “dance” up there. The man definitely didn’t have the bet rhythm but he’s having fun and you loved that. 
“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!...” Ava cheered on her father, clapping her hands. Harry looks towards her, waving. She gets even more excited chanting his title louder. 
She's Not interrupting anything, you’re surprised he heard her in the first place. But also not, she always knew how to project her voice when needed. 
A little over a minute goes by when Ava raises her hand and keeps it up there until you’re able to flag down someone for a lei, which you both get. The both of you walk up to Harry and you set Ava on the ground. 
A slight circle forms as you three hold hands together. Just swaying. Sometimes letting go because Harry wanted to spin the two of you. It’s a beautiful image, you're sure. All the glee you could hold in your body transpires in the way you danced with them. 
When you’re walking back to your hotel room, your arms are hooked with Harry’s and your head rests on his shoulder. An almost asleep Ava in his arm. He stops to bring his free hand around your neck, pulling you in for a kiss.
“Thank you for giving me this, I love you” he whispers against your lips. 
Last night, after the dinner and the Hula, Ava had facetimed Nana. To be honest, she had wanted to say a goodnight to Milo, but talking to her grandmother was always a plus. She was still dressed in her outfit, you and Harry getting ready for the night, so you could then focus on her. 
She sat up against the headboard, Your giant phone–– compared to her hands–– held in her tiny ones.  You were looking through her duffle bag for her pyjamas when you heard…
“Look Mimi, I saved you chicken”, her small teeth bared, holding up a piece of her chicken from dinner. Your phone is now being propped up against a pillow. 
You looked up to watch her pull a piece of chicken from her...pant pocket. 
That was the point you reavulated yourself as a parent and had to think about what kind of kid you and Harry were possibly raising. 
“Harry!” you called for him.
He walked out, an eyebrow quirked.
“Look.” you hiss, voice low.
‘God…’ Harry thinks. “Where’d she get that chicken from?” he asks, running his towel over his hair. 
“Her pocket! Why are you so casual about this?”
“Angel...you had a baby with me, what’d you expect?” he questions, seriously questions you this.
“You’re fixing it then, Mr. mini-me”
Presently, you’re all at the beach. Three towels and three umbrellas lay in/on the sand. You’ve rubbed sunscreen on Ava twice now and have had to remind Harry three times. After last time there was no way you’d be rubbing aloe vera on him all night. 
“Baby you’re dripping it.” You sigh, reaching over to wipe her chin of the chocolate ice cream she was eating, from a cup you might add. “Do you want me to feed it to you?”
“No, thank you” she replies, kicking her feet out. 
You’ve all swam a bit, but now are on a mini break from the water and saw they were selling ice cream close by. 
It’s pretty quiet between the three of you, too busy enjoying your treat. 
She gasps, “Daddy you’re a fibber” Ava says indifferently, slurping even more of her ice cream from her spoon.
He guffaws, caught off guard from her statement. He shifts towards the two of you. The way the wind blows his hair and the sun makes the green in his eyes even brighter catches you off guard–– the sight of his abs doesn’t hurt either. 
You also knew it wouldn’t be long until his hair gained some highlights and his freckles would be more prompt. You couldn’t wait.
“How’m I a fibber, messy?” squinting down at her.
“Look!”she points, “There’s a puppy right there” 
There is, you turn your eyes to where her fingers point to see a woman walking a black Dachshund.
Harry turns his head towards him, a sad look on his face. “You’re right baby. I’m a fibber. I’m sorry”
Ava hurls from her seat to latch her arms around his neck, “It’s okay daddy, now Mimi can come next time” she tells him.
If there’s one thing about Ava, it’s how much she hates sadness. Unless it’s from her. Then it’s perfectly okay. She hates sadness so much, she particularly had a dislike for the character from Inside out. Until you had to explain to her how sadness is something that is okay and needed from time to time, Like in the movie.
After her round of affection towards Harry, she emplaces herself into his lap.
“Daddy. Mommy.”
You both hum an answer. 
“It looks like a hot dog” she eyes the dog while it trots down the sand. 
“It does huh?” Harry answers, brushing her flyaways back. All while you laugh into your palm.
Your hands feel tingly when you wrap it around Harry’s neck, pulling him into you. His head lays against your shoulder. 
Definitely a vacation to remember and cherish.
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback if ur up to it <3
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peebeexd · 3 years
OHHH ?? HI YES ID LOVE TO HEAR UR HEADCANON(s) HIIII im sitting criss cross apple sauce
ok ok so i actually have a document filled with headcannons from bfb/tpot there isnt very much but here are some i have (the ones that are bolded are the ones i based my crappy sketch on from earlier)
• Puffball hates having to fly people around everywhere so they purposely stopped changing sizes so people dont beg them to fly them around as much. Unfortunately, people still ask her to fly them around and its driving her insane.
Every single time Tennis ball goes into Golf ball’s lab with out her knowing, he leaves little toy dinosaurs in hidden areas and sees how long it takes for her to notice. She’s only found 1 out of the 1000+ dinos he’s hidden (based of something i did when i was around 9 whenever i went into my brother’s room on my own lol)
Pen is embarrassed of his drawings ever since X said harshly critisized him in bfb 5 so now he hides them from everyone, including his best friends (Blocky, Eraser, Snowball). All of his friends are sad because of this and actively encourage him to show his drawings because Pen’s drawings are really good. Pen is very slowly starting to get his confidence back (based on bfb 5)
Fries sometimes eats his own fries’ when no one is looking. Gelatin caught him once and now whenever Fries gets mad at him for taking a fry, he says something along the lines of “but how come you can eat your own fries and i cant?? Unfair! >:(“ and half-jokingly throws a tantrum. This makes Fries embarrassed (half-based of the bfdi recommended character introductions)
Stapy chews on hard things (metal, wood, plastic, etc.) a lot for no reason. This would normally be fine, except for the fact that he has raser sharp teeth and usually breaks things that he keeps chewing. He’s broken multiple pencils, pens, and has even bitten a massive chunk out of his E.X.I.T desk once because of this (based of the time a kid in my class bit so hard on his pen that he broke it)
Fries has a really bad fear of the dark that’s been with him ever since he was a kid and every single time he is in the dark, he always acts like he’s unafraid until he hears something/someone and then he goes into the fetal position and bawls his eyes out
Puffball gets anxious and panicky in the dark only because they can’t see shit, but they don’t actually have a fear of the dark
Barf bag has trouble walking because her knee keeps dislocating and relocating all the time and is supposed to wear a knee brace to keep the knee in place but never wears it because she can’t be fucked having to readjust the brace every 10 minutes (based on me heavily projecting on the ‘Barf bag has a walking disability’ theory because 1. i actually really like this theory a lot and 2. i need a character to vent my frustrations)
Bell hates birds, not because they scare her or anything like that, its because they always get tangled up in her string and squawk until eventually it either set free, or unfortunately it passes (usually its set free and rarely ever dies). That and also birds love to shit all over Bell lmao
Naily likes knives and has a knife collection. Her favorite knife is a rainbow dagger that has a purple handle and the blade sorta resembles a heart
Fries has a tiny, fluffy, bobtail cat named “Puffy” (named after Puffball because the kitten reminds him of them). Puffball found out this and was offended. Not because of the name, but because Fries never told them about the kitten because Puffball absolutely LOVES cats
Tennis ball has a intense fear of dogs, running away from one in fear any single time he sees one. This includes small puppies aswell. Golf ball found out this when he woke her up at 3 AM, begging for her to let him inside her house after being chased by a small toy poodle. (based off a fanfic i wrote a while ago)
Foldy likes jumpscaring people a lot because she finds it cute/funny. She’s had many things happen when she’s jumpscared someone, but by far one of the funniest things that has happened was Markers 5 second delayed scream of death
Puffball really likes hugs but is often to embarrassed to ask anyone for a hug
Bell has a bad habit of subconsciously whacking someone in the face when she gets scared. One time Puffball scared her by accident and gave them a concussion
Profily often cries themself to sleep because nobody ever seems to remember them, not even their own family (the only person who remembers him is Announcer speaker box and they are 100% in a relationship because i said so [fact])
Puffball is really scared of sleeping but tries their best to hide the fear by pretending to be asleep until everyone is asleep and then just does whatever. Golfball found out and now tries her best to make Puffball calm and tired so they can fall asleep without being absolutely terrified.
Puffball likes flying higher than anyone else to seem taller than everyone they know
thats about it! sorry most of them are of my fav characters lol [cries] I'll make another post with more headcannons later on :)
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perzawa · 4 years
→ defender of justice
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saeyoung choi x fem! reader
desc: you weren’t the best at relationships. man after man, woman after woman, but you could not find the right one. after getting stood up on a date, a mysterious man with red hair comes to the rescue. 
genre: smut
warnings: praise kink, unprotected sex, sex with a stranger, pet names
word count: 3.1K
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Not again.
Not like this.
Hot tears pricked your eyes, the salty liquid rolling slowly down your flaming cheeks. How long had it been since you were sitting in that exact spot, waiting and waiting and waiting. You looked around like a lost puppy, mouth agape and eyes wide. Where the hell was he? You scammed the restaurant, your eyes glossing over multiple bodies of men and women. Everyone looked so happy with their spouses or potential mates, smiling in the faces of each other as they shared meals. 
That was supposed to be you laughing. That was meant to be you sharing spaghetti with your boyfriend. How could you be so foolish to believe he’d show up this time? 
“Ma’am, are you ready to pay for your meal?” The woman asked kindly, eyes shut with a large smile plastered on her features. You frowned, wiping away at the tears forming in your eyes. 
“Just a moment, ma’am.” 
“Okay! I’ll be back!” She left soon after. Sweat trickled down your eyebrows and your breathing hitched, stomach churning painfully. You were surrounded by couples. Everywhere you looked, there was a couple. Man, women, women, men. You’d given up. He won. Getting ready to pay and leave, you stood up, wiping at the new tears forming in your eyes. 
You took one last look around. Multiple people had been paying attention to you now, apologetic looks dancing across their faces. You simply smiled in their directions. You didn’t need pity from anyone. You’ve been stood up before, you’ll be fine. Yeah, you’ll be fine after you eat six tubs of ice cream and cry your eyes out for a week. Maybe you and Akira weren’t meant to be. You had given up now, sighing as you reached for your wallet, standing to your aching feet.
Just then, a pair of shoes stepped into your vision and you looked up, instantly in awe. 
“Hey, sorry I’m late. You can sit down now.” 
You stared up at him, lips agape as you tried to process his request. This wasn’t Akira. I mean, he was no doubt more attractive than Akira was in every way, but he definitely wasn’t Akira. The last time you’d seen him, Akira had black hair, not red. 
“W-Who are you?” 
“I’m Seven. Just go with it, okay?” He whispered to you, sitting in the seat across the table from yours. Shocked, you didn’t say anything, only blinking at the man. 
“I was standing there,” he looked over and pointed to the small line of people waiting to be seated. “I was there for a bit and I noticed that you’d been stood up.” You winced hearing the words, eyes darting down in embarrassment. You knew he wasn’t coming, but it still ached to hear him put it so matter-of-factly. 
“He’s a dick. Or she.” 
“A-Are you here with someone?” You tripped over your words, rubbing your exposed arm with your hand. Suddenly the air was cooler, tighter. 
“Nah, I came alone. I originally came for pickup, but seeing a pretty little lady all by herself made me change my mind.” 
“O-Oh…” you tilted your head up at him. “Please, I don't wish to burden you or anything. You’re incredibly sweet, but you can get your food.” 
The mysterious man chuckled, running his hand through his shaggy hair as his eyes looked you up and down. “You’re precious.” 
“I’m serious. I don’t want you to pity me. I saw this coming.” You mumbled those last words, pushing your plate of food to the middle of the table, hoping a waitress would swing by soon so that you could leave quickly. 
“Hey, I’m sorry. My conscience won’t allow me to leave you alone here.” You frowned, crossing your legs under the table. Your eyes met his and you’d noticed how pretty his were, suddenly melting. This man was adorable. Sure, he was kinda underdressed to be eating there, but you overlooked his apparel. He was hot. 
A few minutes passed by of an odd silence before a waitress came by, taking your old food and asking who she assumed to be your date, if he was ready to order. 
So he did. 
“Seven…” you muttered, hoping he would’ve been gone by now. “You’re too nice. I-I’ll pay for this as a thank you.” 
“Pay for it? Oh, hush, I got it. I’ve got enough. Don’t thank me for anything, okay?” 
And that was it. He ordered food and even shared a bit with you, even after you explained that you’d already eaten. You didn’t even know how you could both find so much to talk about, being complete strangers and all. But you still found a way. You incorporated jobs, home life, and he even allowed you to talk about your relationship with Akira a bit. 
“I was right. He sounds like an ass.” 
You giggled, reaching over the table to fork some of his salad before shoving it in your mouth. Seven gazed at you in awe, his focus completely set on you whenever you decided to share something, anything. 
“He wasn’t always like that, I promise. We got along really well for a while and it was perfect,” you looked down at the table you were sitting at before a dry chuckle found its way out of you. “We’re a bit off and on, you could say. That’s why this was so important to me. I guess he didn’t care as much.”
Seven frowned, noticing your change in demeanor. 
“Don’t let that get you down, okay? Look, you may not know me, but I’m here now. And as far as I’m concerned, I’m having so much fun right now. I’m glad he didn’t show up.” 
“Really? Y-You’re having fun?” Your eyes widened and you felt blood rush to your cheeks, self consciously rubbing your arm, which had now produced an insane amount of goosebumps. 
“Course I am, sweetie. What? You thought I stayed for my health? You’re cool. He’s missing out.” 
And with that, you both changed the subject to forget about Akira. He was irrelevant. 
You didn’t end up paying for your bill in the end, Seven did. Of course he did it, throwing in a ‘you really thought I’d let you pay for this alone?’ While he was at it. He escorted you out, hands stuffed in his pocket. You felt the cool air embrace your skin, the new area calming you now, the wind sweeping away every negative thought you experienced that evening. You almost forgot you’d even been stood up in the first place, really. But that’s how fun the ginger was. He was sweet and loud, always making jokes. His humor was a little bit odd. Well, it was extremely odd, but it made him more attractive to you. From his striped glasses to his plain sneakers, he was so down to earth. You wanted to talk to him again. You needed to say thank you. 
“I had a great time. Hey, actually, you never told me your name.” He turned to you, both of you still standing in front of the building. 
“Oh! You’re right! It’s Y/N.” 
“Well, Y/N, I had a good time. I’ll get going now, you take care for me.” The tall man turned away, pressing the button on his keys. Your ears perked up after hearing the car beep, indicating that the car was his. 
He was leaving. 
C’mon, Y/N. Ask him. It won’t be hard, right? The worst he could say is that he’s probably busy or he’s got work in the morning. Just do it. Do it. 
You yelped and that seemed to snatch his attention, the man whipping around to see if you were alright. 
“You good?” 
“Y-Yeah! Um, I’ve got no idea if you’re like busy tomorrow or something,” you trailed off, staring at your heels as you rocked back and forth on them. “I wanted to know if you wanted to come over! J-Just to like, watch Netflix. Unless you’re busy! Then that’s okay! I’m so sorry for burdening you!” You rambled on, your face entirely flushed, your body swinging sporadically from putting yourself on the spot like that. 
“Hey, hey, stop that,” he pushed your chin up, your eyes drifting to his hair, rather than his eyes. “I’d love to come over, okay? Hell, where’s your car? Let’s go right now.” 
Your eyes shot down to his, your face lighting up at his kind words. 
“Oh! Um, I took a cab here!” 
“That’s fine. Just gimme the directions, I’ll take you.” 
You could feel your heart swell in your chest. He was so damn cute. His smile stretched across his entire face, eyes closed from his cheeks pushing them upward. He guided you to his vehicle and let's just say you were more than impressed with his ride, eyes widening. Damn, now you really had to know where this man worked to afford such an expensive car. That was a question for another day. You pulled up a GPS and from there, the ride was mostly silent. You aimlessly scrolled through your twitter feed until he pulled up outside your home, first asking if he was at the right place. 
“Yeah, this is it!” Seven nodded and parked in your driveway, stepping out of his car awkwardly waiting for you to unlock the door before he did anything else. He locked his car, following after you. You giggled and unlocked your home, your cat rushing to the opening door to greet you. 
Seven laughed, pushing his way in as well. “Hey! I love cats!” 
You beamed, bending down to pet your feline. “Mmm, that’s a funny coincidence! Her name’s Elle.” 
Seven’s goofy demeanor dropped into a much more serious one. “You’re lying! There’s no way! M-My friend, his cat’s name is Elizabeth!” 
You threw your hands up, bursting into a fit of laughter. You looked up at the flickering lights, wishing you’d remembered to turn them off before you left the house. That was your worst bad habit. Seven noticed the flickering as well, but ignored it, just standing awkwardly as he awaited your next steps. You turned the main light off and led him to your living room, sitting on your sofa. He plopped down on the furniture and spotted the remote on the coffee table, passing it to you. You thanked him and turned the television on, the bright light illuminating the living space. 
“Whatcha wanna watch?” You asked, turning to Netflix. 
“Uh, scary movie? Or Anime? I could care less.” You nodded and searched for a horror film that you could both agree on, settling the remote on the coffee table. Not too long had passed before you were both cuddled up together, reclining the sofa so that neither of you would roll off by accident. You didn’t think you’d get so comfortable with a stranger, but there you were watching a horror movie with him while his arms were wrapped around your hips, pulling you into his touch. You’d be a fibber if you said you didn’t like it. 
“I hope you know I meant what I said. You’re cool as hell.” 
“Could say the same for you, Mr. Seven.” 
“Oh,” he teased, his lips close to your ear. “Am I Mister now?” 
“Depends. Do you wanna be called that?” 
Seven snickered, rubbing circles into your waist. A low groan escaped your lips, a small laugh following. Neither of you even cared about the movie anymore. 
“I guess that depends on what type of Mister you’re thinking of.” 
Chills ran down your spine and you smiled, slowly grinding yourself onto him. Seven’s breath hitched in his throat, a small chuckle following after. 
“That’s how we’re playing?” You didn’t respond, simply moaning while you continued grinding yourself against him. Seven gripped your hips tighter, rocking his hips against your ass. He pushed your hair out of the way, pressing his lips to the back of your neck. You let out a yelp, melting into his touch while his hips continued to move against your ass. You could feel him hardening, his tongue flicking against your skin. 
Seven groaned, sucking marks onto your innocent neck while you felt yourself getting lost in his touch. 
“Can I fuck you?” He whispered, thumbs rubbing circles into your hips again. You nodded, and before you knew it, he’d instantly had you on your back. 
“You know,” he started, grinning down at your defenseless body. “I did not think this was how tonight would play out. But I’m so glad it did.” He unbuckled his pants, pulling his cock free from his underwear. His cock sprung free, precum already bubbling at the tip. You licked your lips at the sight, feeling a surge of wetness rush through your pussy, wetting your white underwear. You shut your eyes tightly, your fingers finding their way to your underwear as something in your forced you to circle your clit through your panties. 
Seven spat on his hand, the mixture of saliva and precum slicking his cock enough. “That’s hot. Keep going.” He whispered, stroking himself to the sight in front of him. You whimpered, finger rubbing circles into your clothed clit while he jerked his hard cock, groaning at the your vulnerability. 
“Yeah, that’s good. So good. C’mon, take those pretty little panties off.” You weren’t hesitant at all, quickly sliding the panties down your ass. You’d never been fucked on your sofa before, oddly enough. You’d been fucked almost everywhere in your house but the time to do it on your sofa never really came up. You were glad, though, it was so hard to get comfortable on the black leather furniture. 
“Let me see that pretty pussy,” he muttered, pulling your dress up to your neck, the pink bra exposed under the fabric. Seven gripped your clothed tit before kneeling between your legs, leaning forward. 
“You’re so pretty. Your body’s so damn pretty. Everything about it. I don’t even remember his name, but he’s fuckin’ missing out.” 
He circled his wet tip against your clit, gathering some of your slick on his cock. You cried out. 
“Please, Seven, hurry.” 
“Are you rushing me? Bad girl.” He kissed the side of your lip before pushing against your entrance, sliding into the tight heat. You gasped, tears forming in your eyes from the painful stretch. It was probably helpful to mention how big Seven was. You almost couldn’t see from the constantly fading light of the television, but he was a good size. One you didn’t expect from someone so thin and lanky. Not that you weren’t appreciative or anything. 
“Yeah,” you whispered, wrapping your legs around his waist as he bottomed out inside of you, waiting for a moment to move. 
“Tight.” He choked out, pulling out halfway before slamming back into you, grunting with each thrust. His thrusts were sloppy and uncoordinated, but you could care less, clenching around his constantly moving length. You cried out his name, tears falling from your eyes. 
Seven found a good pace to fuck you at, rocking his hips inside of you slowly while you adjusted to his large cock, pussy fluttering over him.
“Fuck yeah, baby. So good. So, so good. I could cum on the spot feeling you grip me like this.” 
You looked into his eyes, slamming your lips against his waiting ones without any thinking. Seven moaned into the exchange, pounding you as hard as he could while his tongue pushed past your opened lips, both of your tongues intertwined. Your velvet walls gripped his cock harder, causing the man to begin moaning, hips stuttering while he fucked into you. You felt like you were already on edge, rocking your hips against his. Your ears perked up and you yelped hearing your phone ring. 
Seven’s eyes darted over to the contact name, sweat dripping down his glistening forehead. 
‘Akira 💕…’ 
“Answer it,” he snarled, his pace never haulting. He was quicker, harder, as he fucked his cock into you, head constantly hitting against your special spot. You couldn’t help but moan, tears drying on your cheeks while fire spread inside of you, the overwhelming need to cum urging you on. You didn’t question him, simply reaching over to the coffee table to grab the device, answering it. 
“Yeah?” You put him on speaker. 
Seven’s eyes were cut, focusing on the conversation while pounding you. He gripped your waist tightly, stifling a moan. 
“Sorry I couldn’t make it. I don’t know, I don’t think we should be seeing each other anymore.” 
Your heart dropped at his words and your stomach churned. 
“Fuck yeah,” Seven moaned loudly, throwing his head back. His hands travelled lower, gripping your ass while his cock hit the hilt of your pussy over and over again. You were so close, almost there. 
“Who’s that?” Akira squeaked. 
“No one,” you moaned out, forgetting to even hold back by now. 
“Tell him. Tell him how good you feel. Go ahead, naughty girl. Tell him.” 
You felt more tears well in your eyes, fresh liquid dripping to your damp cheeks. 
“I feel so good, Seven. Please fuck me. Harder, please. So close. I’m gonna cum. Please,” you managed to get out, fucking yourself on his cock while holding the phone in your hand. Ever thrust felt like energy being launched into your body, electricity shocking you each time your pussy clenched on his cock, walls constantly being jabbed at. It felt so good. You were almost there. One more thrust. 
“I want you to feel good. Want you to feel so fucking good. Do you feel good? You feel good with my cock inside you? Yeah?” 
“Yeah. Gonna cum, Seven. Close.” 
“Okay. That’s okay. Go ahead, I’m close too, pretty girl.” By now, Akira had hung up, his own heart dropping to his feet as well. As long as he understood how you felt, it was okay. You were fine. You’d be fine like this. 
He sped up, sporadically whimpering sweet nothings as he pounded you through your orgasm, pussy fluttering around his length while you came, cum coating his dick. Seven screamed out, burying himself to the hilt inside of you while he came, shooting his load into your gaping heat. He collapsed on top of you, both of your breathing uneven. 
“Good. That was good,” you found a way to croak out, releasing your grip on his waist. He didn’t respond, only kissing your sweaty neck. 
“Good girl.” He said, cock still buried inside of you. You flushed at the nickname, whimpering. He waited again to speak when you’d both caught your breath, bodies still, simply enjoying the presence of the other. The television was still on, the movie was over now. It had probably been over for a while. 
“Maybe it's not the right time for this, but can I take you out next week?
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chaoticpuff17 · 3 years
When the Chips are Down
part 9
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The next day came much too slowly. Y/N hated bed rest, and the constantly squirming future futbol star in her belly didn’t make finding a comfortable position easy. Namjoon also didn’t make bed rest any easier. The man was an expert at hovering. When he said bed rest, he meant bed rest. He didn’t let her so much as get up to use the bathroom by herself. Supposedly if she was up for even a moment without him watching, she and the baby would go into distress again. Perhaps on someone else the hovering would have been sweet, but it was Namjoon, and all she wanted to do was throttle him. She restrained herself though, if only for the sake of their new deal and the fact she wasn’t sure she could beat him in a fight with her belly so big. 
“You should really eat something.” He sighed, fully dressed and ready for the day as he sat beside her watching her pick at the food on the tray that Miss In had brought up for breakfast. “It’s good for the baby.” 
“I’m aware.” she shot back dryly, as she continued to poke at the food in distaste instead of eating it. 
“Just a little.” he tried to conceal a smile, finding her little frown adorable, even if he couldn’t allow her petulant refusal to eat in the mornings. There was only a few weeks left until the baby arrived, and he wanted them both to be as strong and healthy as possible. 
She turned to him, looking both tired and completely unimpressed. “I’m not a child, Namjoon.” 
“I know that, jagi, but the baby…” 
She took a deep breath, counting to ten to keep her temper in check. Mornings had been rough for her for the majority of the pregnancy. Morning sickness that was meant to go away half way through the pregnancy lingered, and true to its name, it liked to hit her in the morning. 
“I am aware that there’s a baby. I’m the one whose organs it's using as a punching bag. I know what I’m doing.” 
“Just a little. Please.” he did his best to keep his own temper in check, knowing full well that their truce was still fragile, but he was only trying to look out for them. 
“Fine.” she growled, gritting her teeth.
“Thank you.” he leaned over, pressing a kiss to her temple with a smile. “The new doctor will be stopping by today to check on you and the baby. I’m sorry I can’t be there for it, but I need to get things in order before the baby comes.” 
She nodded, taking a reluctant bite of breakfast. “That’s fine.” 
“Your sister will be here though.” 
She perked up at that. “Iyla?” 
He smiled, relieved to see her something other than ornery. “I thought you would like to have her with you, and I did promise you could see her today.” He loved the bright smile that spread over her features. He only wished that she would smile like that for him once in a while. “Jin will be coming by as well, just to make sure that everything is in order with the new doctor.” 
“No shooting this one.” she grumbled, taking another small bite. 
“No shooting.” he promised. 
After breakfast, where he forced her to choke down a minimal amount of porridge despite her still tender stomach, Namjoon was off to work, and she was more than happy to see him go. It gave her freedom to attempt sneaking her way out of bed, a plan that was quickly squashed by Miss In who had a gaggle of maids constantly checking up on her if she wasn’t there herself. She wanted to be dressed in something other than pajamas, but that apparently wasn’t going to happen. 
“Y/N!” a wonderfully familiar voice called right before the ball of energy that was her sister came barrelling into her, smooshing them both back against the pillows. 
“Hey, Iya.” she whispered, squeezing her sister tight and ignoring Hoseok who lingered at the door. “We’re fine, Hoseok. I’m sure Namjoon needs you for something or another.” the man didn’t move. “There are guards everywhere, and Miss In checks in every twenty minutes it seems. Do you really want to be here for my check up?” 
“Probably not.” he shrugged, smiling slightly. “I’ll wait till the kid’s born to coo over pictures.” He turned a sharp eye to Iyla who was still curled tightly around her sister. “I’ll be back later to pick you up, okay?” she didn’t say anything, and Hoseok sighed tiredly before making his exit. “Good luck with the check up.”
Both women waited for Hoseok to leave before they said anything else. 
“You’re okay right?” her sister pulled back, scanning her over once they were both sure Hoseok was gone. “You were so upset when I left, and you had pain in your belly. Is the baby okay?” 
“Baby is fine, but are you okay?” she lifted her hands up, gently cupping her face. “Hoseok didn’t hurt you at all?” 
She shook her head, causing a few stray strands to fall out of the bun that sat messily on top of her head. “I’m fine. He’s not the most pleasant,” she grimaced. “But he didn’t hurt me.”
“Good. That's good.”  she flopped back onto the mattress in relief. “So what are we doing today?” 
“I’m on bed rest.” the news was met with a sympathetic ‘oof’ from her sister. “But the new doctor is coming today to do a check up, so you’ll probably get to see the ultrasound.” 
“New doctor?” Iyla propped herself up on her elbows. “What happened to the old doctor?” 
“Namjoon shot her.” 
“And I thought mine was bad.” she huffed, laying back down. “Are we better or worse off than with Marcus?” she turned looking at her sister with a serious expression that wasn’t typical of her. 
Y/N sighed, settling herself back against the pillows as well. That really was the question. Were they better off? She’d told Namjoon that he was worse than Marcus, but was it actually true or had she just said it to rile him? 
“Well, I’m not getting beat up every other day.” she offered weakly. 
“I made a deal.” she admitted, resting a hand over her belly. 
“What kind of deal did you make?” 
“They can’t hurt us. They can’t do anything that Marcus did, and I arranged for him to let Mark, the guy who helped me escape, go unharmed. The catch is we can’t leave, or at least I can’t. I made no such promise for you. If you find a window, you take it.” 
“I’m not leaving you here alone!” she argued, sitting up and glaring at her sister. “If I’m leaving, I’m taking you and the peanut with me.” 
“I can’t.” she shook her head sadly. “I’ve gotten out of here twice, and neither was without help, and both times ended badly. I got Jackson killed, Iya.” 
“We run together. We go back to the states!”
“We don’t have phones. We don’t have passports.” 
“We get to the embassy!” 
Y/N shook her head. “We have no way of getting to Seoul. You’d have a much better chance of getting out of here without dragging a pregnant lady with you, and how exactly do you think we’re going to get out of here? There are guards everywhere, and I don’t think  Namjoon is going to be taking any chances with the baby due in a few weeks.” 
“We have to try!” 
“If I leave the deal is broken, and there is no protection for either of us. If you have a chance to go, you take it, and you don’t look back.” 
“I can’t leave you here!” she cried. “Are you insane!” 
“Your sister has a point.” a new voice called from the door pulling both of their attention to Sen who stood there with her little boy perched on her hip. “But even if you have a chance it won’t end well for you. Hoseok isn’t a man to cross. He can be sweet if he wants to, but there’s a whole lot of crazy behind that sunshiney exterior. You’re safer here where you have family to look out for you.” 
“And who are you?” Iyla growled, protectively scooting closer to her sister. 
“This is Sen.” Y/N placed a calm hand on Iyla’s shoulder. “She’s Yoongi’s wife, not by choice.”
“What’s she doing here?”
“Came to check in on you and the baby.” 
“You’re not needed.” 
“She’s a friend.” Y/N scolded, lightly smacking Iyla’s shoulder. “Don’t be rude.” 
“Well, then we take her too!” Iyal conceded, already getting fired up again.
“Right.” both older women scoffed. 
“How are you planning to sneak you, me, a baby, and a pregnant lady out of here?” Sen asked arching an elegant brow. “I’m not risking Yoonho. Taehyung might be busy with his girl, but he has eyes everywhere, and I’m betting Hoseok had Jin stick one of Taehyng’s trackers in you just like Yoongi did me. They’re a little paranoid if you hadn’t noticed. Two out of seven have had pregnant women slip away from them. Apparently, it’s a little traumatizing.” 
That shut Iyla right up, if only for a moment. “We can take the trackers out!” Her voice was more frantic now as she grasped at straws.
“Done that.” Y/N grimaced at the memory. “It wasn’t a pleasant experience.” 
“We can’t do nothing!” 
“You’re not doing nothing.” Sen assured her. “You’re keeping your head down and keeping safe.” 
“I can’t risk any more travel with the baby.” Y/N added softly. “I almost went into labor yesterday. But you’re safe so long as I keep up my end of the deal.” 
“What about you?” Iyla insisted, gaze heated as her eyes darted between the two older women. “You’re content to just sit here and play house?” 
“I’d rather you be safe.” Y/N took her little sister’s hand in hers. “I won’t have you go through what I went through with Marcus, and at least this way, you have some level of protection.” 
“It’s not fair!” 
“I know.” she agreed softly. “But it’s the best I can do for now.” 
“Namjoon’s not going to hurt her.” Sen promised. “He went crazy when she was gone. He might be a raging psychopath, but he has some sort of twisted love for your sister. So long as she and the baby are here with him, she’ll be okay.” 
“That doesn’t make me feel better.” 
“It’s the best we can do.” 
“What’s the best you can do?” Jin asked, popping into the room with a rather pale looking Hayan trailing behind him. “Good to see you again, Iyla. How’s the arm?” he asked, nodding towards the arm where he’d inserted the chip. 
“Great.” she hissed, glaring at him. “What’s the quack doing here?” 
“I’m offended! I offered to play Narts with you!” 
“Quack.” She grumbled, scooting even closer to her sister.
“He’s here for the appointment, Iya.” 
Jin perked up, turning his attention to the very pregnant woman. “And how is our gorgeous mom to be today?” 
“I’d be a whole lot better if I wasn’t on bed rest.” 
Jin laughed, and Hayan made her way over to the bed, perching on the edge and sending Y/N a small attempt at a smile. “Just for a few days. It’ll put all our minds at ease after the scare you gave us yesterday and all the stress Namjoon’s put you through.” 
“Hi, Hayan. You doing okay?” the other woman nodded slightly, but it was clear to everyone in the room she was still shaken. 
“I wanted her to stay home and rest, but she wanted to see how you were doing.” Jin sighed dramatically. “It’s my lot in life to be surrounded by gorgeous stubborn women.” 
“How’s the baby?” Hayan asked, voice soft. 
“Kicking is good.” Jin nodded. “The new doctor should be here soon, and then we should be able to take a proper look at you and baby. Are all you ladies staying for the check up?” It was a question addressed to all of them, but they all knew that it was Y/N who was meant to answer. 
“As long as no one but the doctor is checking things down there, we’re fine.” 
“Okay.” Jin clapped his hands together. “I am going to ask that everyone who isn’t Iyla go sit over there, except you.” he reached out, lifting Yoonho right out of Sen’s arms. “You get to stay with Uncle Jinnie, spend some time away from stinky old Yoongi.” 
The little boy stared at him, completely unimpressed looking so much like his father before he started fussing for absolutely no reason, reaching up with one chubby little fist to roughly grab a lock of Jin’s hair and yanking. 
“Ow! Okay! Okay!” Jin handed the baby back. “Not today then. He gets more like his dad every day.” he huffed, pouting as yoonho settled back into his mother’s arms. 
“He cries for Yoongi too.” Sen offered as a consolation, bouncing the baby lightly. “He’s a momma’s boy.” 
“More like his dad every day.” Jin muttered again, shaking his head sadly. 
“Buin.” Miss In called from the door. “The doctor has arrived.” the woman stepped aside to reveal a different woman dressed professionally with her hair neatly pinned to the top of her head. 
“Buin.” the woman bowed respectfully. “I’m Dr. Yang. I’ll be taking over your prenatal and postnatal care.” 
“Dr. Yang.” she greeted eyeing the woman warily. 
Miss In had done a wonderful job of cleaning the master bedroom and at record speed as well, but the memory of what had happened just the other day was still fresh in everyone’s minds. 
She could tell just by looking at the woman, it was going to be a long day. 
part 10
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Surrounded by the Moon and Stars ✷ 22
Pairings: Sirius B, Remus L, [F]Reader      CW: Language, angst, violence, blood A/N: thanks for all the comments/asks xx
Chap 22 Playlist
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Chapter 22: How I'm imaginin' You
March 15th, 1976
It was just over ten past eleven when they called it a day.
“Night, Reg! I’ll see you later!” Y/N called. Regulus beamed, waving back before scurrying in the direction of the Slytherin common room. For the past week, she had brought him to the small hidden room by the library she found over the winter break. Red and green blankets clashed together on the old couch, pillows and candles, books and even his violin was there. It became their — or mostly his safe place.
She’s kept quiet about their secret meetings, mainly because Regulus seemed so skittish at the mention of other people and simply because he was a Slytherin. It put her into a tricky position considering not many Slytherins were like Regulus — they weren’t nice to those of her blood status. Besides, house rivalry was no joke and honestly, Y/N was confused. What did he mean that he couldn’t be seen with her?
The bitter cold began to subside as April neared. The full moon had risen, nearing its peak as she walked through the empty corridors, way past curfew. Distantly, she could hear footsteps becoming louder but made no move to hide once the student came into view with no prefect or Head Boy or Girl pass. That was until the hunched figure seemed to drift closer, coming into her direct line of view. Once they passed, the student knocked into shoulder roughly, making Y/N stagger back into the rough jagged wall.
Crinkles formed in her skin, frowning. They knocked into her purposely. The first thing she took notice of was their tie, a Slytherin. Of course. But when her eyes continued to drift up, she wasn’t surprised to see who it was: Snape.
“Watch where you’re going,” he says, a nasty leer on his face.
“You better watch yourself. Must be obsessed with me.”
“Is that a threat?” It wasn’t, not really, but Snape’s ego is a fragile, fickle thing.
Snape stands taller, his shoulders squaring to appear intimidating but it does nothing but make Y/N’s lip curl up before suppressing it.
“Seems like it to you.”
Seething, his skin becomes an angry blotchy pink. Greasy hair never mattered to her, some people even rocked it but on Snape — anything on him seemed to irk her. His hair seems to stick to his face and an intrusive thought wiggles in and suddenly, she wants to ring it out — see if enough grease would come out so she could cook with it.
But, she readjusted her vision, observing the tight grip he has on his and that he managed to draw without her noticing. On instinct, Y/N slips her out too, her other hand ready to use wandless magic.
She remembers a long time ago, her mother always told her to never start a fight, but to finish it. She guesses that there wasn’t another other option but to listen.
“You’re foul — wretched trollop —” “What did you just call me?!”
Snape jabs a nasty finger into her shoulder before she slaps it down, hard. “You heard me, trollop. Things were so much better when you weren’t around.” His voice drops low, dripping in venom.
“Could say the same thing. I wonder if Lily knows the way you treat women when she isn’t around.” Y/N dangles the threat above his head for leverage. “I bet she would be in for a real shock if I told her.”
There was an ugly pause.
Snape’s nose flares and she would have backed down but since she hadn’t gotten to defend herself last time around Lily, there was no way she wasn’t going to this time.
Snape steps closer in a challenging manner. Eyes burned strong in detest that she even feels it. His hand trembles, going white from how hard he’s gripping his wand. A wild look crosses; he looks feral — like a rabid dog foaming at the mouth.
A spell is already forming on his tongue before she raises her wand, throwing up a shielding spell she learned. A bright blue sheet, in the shape of an invisible dome explodes from the tip of her wand just as Snape shoots a spell. The curse is powerful, making her knees buckle. It was at that moment she realized that maybe she should’ve just walked away. Y/N was good at defensive charms — great — but not at offence charms and clearly, they were among Snape’s specialties.
As shoots another spell, Y/N focuses and puts all of her concentration into the shielding charm — so strong that it pushes Snape back roughly and an item from his pocket slips out, plummeting to the floor. In strong silver letters that made her skin raise with goosebumps, it read: The Dark Arts. The overpowering sensation of revulsion and outrage fuels her, beginning to shake.
“You’re a fucking freak,” she blurts.
It touched a nerve. “Watch it, you dirty little mudbl —”
Most people (and Y/N would include herself with them) like to think of themselves as rational beings; civil, thoughtful, just, benevolent, humane. However, when things ripped at the seams without a given warning, people — we — are no better than wild animals. Even if you don’t know it, there’s an animal inside all of us, waiting to pounce and protect.
Without a beat, filled with pure adrenaline, hate and shock, the protective spell fell and Y/N stormed up to him, drawing her entire arm back as her fist curled into a ball. In a flurry, she delivered a sharp blow as hard as she could in the nose.
There was a loud cracking sound that ricocheted through the corridor, simultaneously, thick blood gushed out of Snape’s nose like a waterfall. It sprayed all over their robes, the ground and covered her hand.
She winced in pain, flicking her wrist a few times, noting the skin splitting around her knuckles deeply. Her ears rang like a whirling fan, radio static, a hissing radiator as Snape stumbled back, a hand shooting up to stop the bleeding. His eyes were filled with tears.
“Call… me that again…” her breathing was ragging and voice shaky, “And we’ll see what else happens.” Before Snape could retaliate, Y/N spun around and dashed off to the Gryffindor common room.
Her footsteps echoed around as she felt her eyes sting with tears but made sure to squeeze her eyes shut. Out of all people, she wasn’t going to cry because of Snape.
She wasn’t a mu — a mudl — she wasn’t that. She was more than that word.
She needed to tell Lily.
Tears were replaced with anger. There wasn’t a single coherent thought that seemed to force its way out.
Before the Fat Lady had time to ask for the password, Y/N shouted it out, nearly ripping the portrait door off. The force resulted in a large — BANG! — then slammed shut and Y/N distantly heard the portrait yell.
She took a deep breath, bending over while a hand clutched her knee. Distracted, it caused her to miss the familiar boy sitting on the opposite side of the room who stood up.
Her fist began to ache once the shock slowly wore off. A quiet, dejected groan slipped out as she stared at her clothes. She must’ve looked insane.
The sound of the wooden floorboards creaked and Y/N peered up. There, dressed in all black clothing was Sirius, staring at her bewildered. His eyes scanned her entire body, noticing the rusty blood staining her white blouse and hand.
“What the fuck are you looking at?” She gritted out defensively. She wasn’t in the mood to be anywhere near Sirius, let alone hear another insult. Without the ability to think rationally, Y/N wondered if she’d had the restraint to not punch him if he said something idiotic.
Sirius’ brow raised, not expecting that response but didn’t bite back. “I — Merlin — what happened to you? Are you okay?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, attempting to shield herself and moved towards the stairs. “Like you care.”
“I don’t,” he counters quickly. But he sighed, gravitating towards her and lightly grasped her elbow. Y/N turns around harshly, ripping away from him.
“Who do you think you are? Don’t touch me!”
Sirius’ hands raised, signalling submission; similar to a prey to its predator. “I’m not going to hurt you and I’m certainly not going to let you bleed everywhere! Come, sit — I’ll patch you up.”
She eyed him warily, then closed her eyes. Y/N’s chest rose in irregular intervals, weighing out the pros and cons.
She’s heard that he’s gotten into fights and probably wasn’t lying about knowing how to patch up wounds.
He’s an asshole.
He didn’t like her.
She didn’t trust him
Why would he want to help her?
But the stinging sensation flooded in again. Y/N desperately sought to gauge for any underlying motive but Sirius was unreadable. If anything, his grey quartz eyes weren’t as hardened; more blue bleed in, looking brighter — her heart gave a little thump.
With a nod, Sirius gave a weak smile and led her to the couch closest to the fireplace for light. He told her to stay put, took his jacket, threw it on the couch opposite, then ran up to his dorm and grabbed a medical kit along with a bowl and cloth. Rushing back, Sirius set down his supplies and with a flick of his wand, the bowl was instantly filled with water, his hands sparkling clean.
Body angled to face her while sitting, Sirius gently took her hand and submerged the cloth in water, ringing it out, then diligently worked to clean off the blood.
Why didn’t he just use magic? He wouldn’t have to touch her then…
She burned more from his touch than the wounds themselves. When it came to James or Remus, there wasn’t anything that made her skin tingle or spike in sudden shyness when she touched them. But whenever Sirius was just near, she felt her heart speed up, palms start to sweat and brain go completely blank.
They sat in silence. Every now and then, Sirius would glance up. Only when he had a disinfectant, he flicked his hair out of his face, seeming to be in deep thought and spoke;
“What happened?”
Y/N remained quiet, a faraway look now settled in her eyes. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that she broke Snape’s nose. She’s seen what broken noses looked like — she grew up colouring nose and sinus anatomical charts in the O.R gallery while she waited for her mom to finish surgery. She was in deep, deep trouble if Snape were to rattle. Detention, house points, expulsion — a possible criminal assault charge.
“Hey, Y/N.” He placed a hand on her knee, the cool metal of his rings seeped through her stockings. That caught her attention. That was the first time he’d ever said her first name. His voice was soft — the softest he’d ever spoken to her before. “It’s okay, you don’t need to tell me but I promise I won’t tell a soul. Not even Potter or Evans. It’ll be our little secret.”
She breathed, “I… um —” She stopped and Sirius gave an encouraging squeeze. “Snape, he… he called me a you-know-what and I…” The rest was self-explanatory.
Sirius’s body became stiff. There was a subtle change in his micro-expressions as his jaw tensed, sharpening his features even more. His eyes, which burned with a fiery rage contrasted greatly as he cradled her hand as if she were made out of glass. Sirius huffed, mumbling out ‘thank you for telling me’ and proceeding to clean the wounds. She winced as the cotton pad touched her knuckles, her free hand clutching onto his shirt.
“I know this part’s shit. I’m sorry, sorry…”
She bit down on her bottom lip to prevent pained noises from slipping out. Sirius applied a light magical cream that helps reduce scarring and wrapped gauze around her hand; holding it in place with a magical seal that made it into a light cast. He added a few magical seals along with waterproof charms.
She marvelled at his work, he did an amazing job and whatever he did, her pain reduced drastically. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me…” His voice trailed off, a small smile appearing, “Anyone that hates Snviellus is… okay in my books. And what are co-parents for?” He tries to joke. At this, Y/N perks up, a sharp exhale of air forced its way from her lungs; emulating a half-light-hearted scoff.
But soon their smiles disappeared and something strange flashed in Sirius’ eyes. Suddenly, the air around them shifted, becoming tense and enclosed.
Sirius was oddly close to her — since when did they become that close?
Her heart pounded wildly in her ribcage and Y/N wondered if he could hear it over the crackling fire. He’s so close that she could feel his breath fanning her skin. She registered his thumb grazing over the bandage. The warm colour from the fire illuminated his face, different from his usual cool-toned skin. His face looked sharp, more refined than usual. He looked enchanting, so regal and otherworldly without trying to — like a painting.
Sirius opened his mouth to say something but he trails off, leaning closer. His hand trailed up, touching her arm lightly and moved to cup her cheek delicately. The entire time, his eyes trained on her for any glimmer of irritability or discomfort. His thumb began to stroke her skin and she lent into it. It’s large and warm and his touch feels so, so fucking good.
Sirius chooses his next words with caution. “Can I?” He murmurs but the question is clear — louder than any screaming match she had with him. His lips are millimetres away from hers.
In times like these, that Gryffindor bravery was nonexistent.
Y/N’s mind is vacant, internally freaking out but still manages to choke out, “Yes.”
Frozen in place, his eyes flicker from her eyes, then lips, and back to her eyes. He tilts her head back slightly using his hand before it travels to the back of her neck and leans in. But, there’s something in Sirius that hesitates.
The hesitation is too long because a voice could be heard from beyond the portrait and the sound of it swinging open causes them to break apart. She misses the contact already. Sirius stands hastily, wand swishing to clean up the mess around them in a daze. A beautiful blush settles on his face; a hand runs through his hair, rings catching the low light and widens the gap between them. He put his jacket back on.
Y/N’s brain hadn’t caught up yet. Too much happened too quickly. 
“Pads? Where have you’ve been? The moo —” the moment he sees her, his voice draws out, “— ooooony! Moony! He’s waiting for us. Whiskers! Ugh — h-hey!”
Peter fucking Pettigrew, in the flesh.
She makes sure to hide her hand and bloodied shirt from him. “Evening, Pete.”
Sirius coughs awkwardly and clears his throat, Peter doesn’t look suspicious. “Yeah, ugh — right. Sorry,” he takes a pause, eyes drifting momentarily to her and back to Peter, “Was busy with our Puffskein. Let’s go.”
“Night, L/N!” Peter acknowledges. He even sends finger guns.
Y/N is left stunned, watching Sirius leave. The door clicks and her body slackens.
In a haze, she padded into her dorm: quiet and dark, everyone fast asleep. She took a very cold shower, changed into her pyjamas, brushed her teeth and threw out her bloodied robes. Then, she pulls back the curtains around her bed. A floating candle burned brightly as Lily was there, writing in her journal.
“What took you so long?!” Lily chirped, sliding over to give her more room to slip in. Letting the drapes fall shut behind, she hummed in response.
“Puffskein. Oats.” She’ll talk to Lily about Snape another day — that is if Dumbledore doesn’t expel her.
Y/N rolled over to her side, facing away from Lily. The cool pillow did nothing to help chill her heated skin. It’s like she can feel the ghost of Sirius’ fingers graze her cheek still.
Lily babbled — something about Dorcas and Mary inviting them to skate one last time before the ice melted. But it all went in one ear and out the other.
God, she thought, mad at the realization. There was no point in denying it anymore; she’d been doing so for months and clearly, it was fruitless. I like Sirius Black. I really, really like Sirius Black.
She didn’t get a wink of sleep. Her mind reeled the entire night, replacing the scenarios again and again, analyzing everything he said, his actions — that look on his face. All she thought about was Sirius: his eyes, his smile, his hair, his skin, his hands, his fucking lips — Argh! Sirius was the personification of Firewhiskey and all she wanted to do was drink more of him — and they hadn’t even kissed!
Sirius is arrogant, rude, cold, cat-called her — insulted her! A part of her felt disgusted — disgust how her heart raced wherever the mere thought of him appeared in her mind. Disgusted how her heart leaped whenever he was near. Out of all people, why him?!
She fucking hated Peter Pettigrew right now — or loved him, she wasn’t sure. Maybe he saved her from making a terrible mistake.
Okay, okay! First things first, she had to stop thinking about him! She forced herself to think about something else: Charms — Professor Flitwick — Peter’s grandma in her ‘purple knickers’ — Slughorn — Slughorn in his underwear — yes, that certainly stopped any more lewd thoughts. Her mind and body were at war.
“Rise n’shine, darlings!” Marlene sang in a high-pitched Victorian accent as she tripped the blinds back. Y/N peeked out from the small gap in her curtains, watching Marlene tiredly. Everyone groaned, Dorcas even threw a pillow at her. Y/N, unaffected, blinked and perched herself against the headboard, yawning. “Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!”
“Marls…” Dorcas groaned. She rubbed her eyes and squinted at the clock that hung above their large window, quickly collapsing into bed and dove under the covers. “It’s six in the morning…”
Marlene hopped over and ripped off Lily’s covers only to realize she was with her. She skipped her way over, ripping the drapes back and jumped into her bed. Toulouse hissed, jumping off before Marlene snuggled up to Lily, proding her cheek.
She gave Y/N a once over, “Morning sugar.”
She continued to poke Lily who forced her eyes open, trying to swat at her. Lily flipped over, moving over to Y/N. Marlene rolled her eyes, but a hurt pang flashed her face before she covered it up. Instead, she bellowed, taking hold of Lily’s shoulders and shook.
“McKinnon! What do you want?!”
She gave a triumphant smirk. “Quidditch! It’s Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff today!”
Marlene was already decked out in her tracksuit, ready to go on a jog around the castle with the rest of the Gryffindor team. Once everyone woke up, they all gave her one of many pep talks and ushered her off.
The morning was slow for everyone but Y/N. Her thoughts drifted away from Sirius, only to think about the next worst thing possible; Snape.
Damn… she had to tell Lily, but how? ‘Hey, Petals! One of your friends — if not your best friend, called me, a Muggleborn — which if you forgot, you are too —the cruellest word there is! And he was caught with a book about The Dark Arts!’
She would tell her, but not today, or at least until after the Quidditch game.
As Y/N got ready for the day, everyone noticed the bandage around her hand (which she lied and made an excuse using Oats), then headed down for breakfast. The Gryffindor team was huddled around Marlene and James. Mary and Alice sat close, giving her a small wave.
Downing coffee after coffee, the caffeine strangely made her sleepier as she listened to James and Marlene’s agonizing rambles. Lazily flicking through sections of the Daily Prophet, she waited for a letter from her mother. None — again. Until a hand came out of nowhere, snatching the paper from her grasp, leaving Y/N to huff out.
She didn’t even need to look up to know who it was. “Mornin’ Professor,” she mumbled, reaching over to grab it from him.
“You look like you’ve been shagging the whomping willow,” Remus jokes, shaking his head with a smile.
At this, Mary leans in and whispers into her ear, “Didn’t we suggest Remus —” “Or Black? Not a tree!” Marlene adds.
She ignored them but felt her stomach drop at the mention of Sirius. Remus wore his gold oversized glasses today. His curls were tousled, eyes slightly bloodshot and he seemed to be sluggish that morning. She scooted over making room as he took a seat next to her. She grinned back, “You look like shit too, Lupin.”
Remus’ smile turned brighter.
James floated two plates to them, filled with their favourite foods while Y/N poured Remus a mug of coffee, dumping an ungodly amount of sugar in, handing it to him. From all the times they brought coffee or tea for each other, whether that be for study groups, lounging in the common room or walking past the kitchens while heading to class, they knew how they liked their beverages by heart.
He flashed a tired smile, humming as he took a sip. Their dating rumours hadn’t calmed down yet, so when a couple of students passed by, looking between them enviously, they both side-eyed each other humorously.
“We’re such catches,” she whispered to him.
“Abso-bloody-lutely — hey!” He randomly cuts in, pointing to her bandaged hand, “We’re matching.”
He raised his hand, showing a couple of his fingers taped together before a long bandage was wrapped around his palm and travelled down his wrist, disappearing beyond his red sweater.
Y/N mused at it before grabbing a quill from Marlene who’d been sketching out the Quidditch pitch and dipped it into an inkpot, handing it to Remus.
His head tilted, “Hmm?”
“Sign mine and I’ll sign yours?”
His long calloused fingers took the quill from her, doodling on the white bandage gently. He drew Dumbledore with pom-poms, cheering for the upcoming Quidditch game, along with a smiley face, his initials and a couple magical creatures. Then passed the quill back, placing his bandage hand on the table and flicked open the Daily Prophet. A few splotches of ink splattered around as she drew The Beatles on broomsticks, all chasing a Golden Snitch. She also drew Remus as David Bowie’s cover as Aladdin Sane, using his scars to make the lightning bolt and quickly signed her name.
Lily and Peter had come in, taking a seat and Y/N had become hyper-aware of Sirius sitting down directly across from her. Both of them stiffened and she continued to avoid his gaze as she drew on Remus.
“We’re going to be fine, it’s only Hufflepuff.”
“Nope, Hufflepuffs know how to get shit done,” Peter says, his mouth stuffed with food. “Never underestimate them — what the fuck?!”
Everyone in the Great Hall collectively held a breath, looking up at the Slytherin table. Lily’s eyes almost bugged out in rage, her ears becoming red as she got up and walked over.
It was Snape, but it wasn’t his nose that caught people’s attention. No — his nose was fine — he must’ve gone to the hospital wing that night.
“What happened to him! Ahah!” Peter cried out, “He looks like my house elf!”
There, Snape stood completely bald with no eyebrows and wearing Gryffindor robes.
Y/N slapped a hand to her mouth, desperately trying to calm her shrieking laughter but couldn’t. She and Remus lent on each other, trying to not tip over the hall bench. Everyone whopped loudly, James even whistled.
But as everyone was occupied with the sight, the person who she expected to be howling in laughter that most definitely should’ve been was Sirius. He simply drank from his goblet, his eyes peered over to her with a knowing look and bowed his head ever so slightly and looked away.
She was left with more unanswered questions than ever.
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siriuswolfdogs · 3 years
could you go into more detail about why that post that proposed banning wolfdogs entirely was full of misinformation? the notes are also full of ppl calling them bloodthirsty beasts, so that shows how little they know about their actual nature.
I’m gonna break this down into sections!
“Wolfdogs aren’t cute” - this is wholly based on your taste of dog, I think they’re super cute 😉
“We don’t need to cross a wild animal with one that’s already been domesticated from it.” - no one is crossing wild animals. Literally no one. The “wolves” used in Wolfdogs are all just Wolfdogs at this point in time, really. This has been done for so long most Wolfdogs are F4 or higher.
“Even if its amount of wolf content is low, it still has genes from a wild animal and still has potential to pose danger to humans.”- Wolfdogs are not wild animals- please see above. Plus low contents Wolfdogs are mostly dog. If you’re dog is 85% lab and 15% poodle you will see very few if any real poodle traits. That’s how genetics work.
“Wolfdogs aren’t legal everywhere. In many places where wolfdogs do happen to be legal, if a wolfdog bites someone—even if she’s just playing—she may be required to be euthanized.” - This part is true! The rabies vaccine is not federally recognized for “hybrids” even though Wolfdogs are technically not even hybrids. Meaning if your Wolfdog bites someone the head must be sent in for rabies testing. Due to this most owners of Wolfdogs are very careful with their animals. It is also true that lots of places are illegal and even states that are legal may have conflicting county or city laws. Due to this- breeders will verify your state/county/city laws before selling to you.
“Wolves and Wolfdogs are highly dangerous, skittish, aggressive, and territorial animals that are insanely hard to manage let alone train.” - wolves in the wild or under socialized will Wolfdogs can definitely be skittish and aggressive. This can be true for any under socialized dog. Lots of higher content animals can have SSA or WWS, which come with their struggles but lower contents and even some higher contents depending on the lines do not have these issues. Lots of Wolfdogs Are still rather timid with new people and situations but majority of the time they would rather leave the situation than try to fight or bite over it.
“They can almost never be house broken, require speciality veterinary and nutritional care, and are illegal in most of the united states!”- most people I know who have Wolfdogs house them inside at least part of the time without issues. Lots of people also feed them a regular kibble diet, though raw diets are popular amongst most dog owners at this time- not just Wolfdogs owners. I know people with corgis, silkens etc who feed raw. I also work in vet care and there are certainly some vets not comfortable seeing them but most don’t mind and I personally have never had someone refuse my girls. Hela has even been to specialists to have her health testing done with no issues. During Covid, might I add, so I couldn’t even go in with her. :)
“They pose a danger to anyone who steps foot on your property because to them that is Home and they will protect Home with their lives.”- Wolfdogs are some of the LEAST protective dogs I’ve ever come across. Most of them will not defend your home or property.
“Over 90% of all wolf deaths in the wild are caused by territorial fights between other packs.”- I could not find these statics anywhere. Wild wolf populations especially in the US are horribly low. Most die to starvation, poaching and disease.
“They are highly highly dangerous and have no business being in captivity”- how many zoo wolves have killed their handlers? I’ve interacted with so many Wolfdogs I’ve lost count. Never been attacked. Ask me how many spaniels have attacked me.
“It was expensive, dangerous, and mostly heartbreaking.”- this is based on someone experience working only with rescue Wolfdogs. Who are usually byb and under socialized and possibly even been abused. Not a valid point.
“Each one lived half of its natural life span because they were bred by backyard breeders who didn't give a rats ass about the genetics of the breeding stock and they had to be put down due to hereditary ailments.”- my last point stands here too.
“Breeding wolfdogs is incredibly unethical and continuing to support them is lowering the genetic diversity if wild wolves. Where do you think the wolf blood comes from? From wolves poached from the wild.”- no wolfdog comes from wild wolf DNA at this time. No one is going out to get a wolf from the wild to breed.
I could go on about this for days. Let me know if y’all have more questions.
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evermorehaikyuu · 3 years
It’s Nothing Special
She was supposed to be out by now. The news that Y/N had been in the hospital or in some sort of ward were seen as rumors, albeit some people insisting that it was true. 
The rumors had spiraled out of control to the point where Tsukishima didn’t know anything. If he texted any other members of her team, they all said the same thing: I don’t know. He found it ridiculous that they didn’t know, but he had a feeling that they were hiding her status from him. To make sure he didn’t get his hopes up or because of something happening? Either way, he just wanted to know if she was okay. 
Even Semi and Tendou avoided telling him anything. Tendou and Semi constantly looked pale whenever he asked and they quickly changed the topic. It didn’t help either that they were constantly worried. 
No matter how much his own team tried to cheer him up, that lingering doubt still stayed in the back of his head: Will she come back to normal? After the little bit of news that Yuki was the Unknown Address, he could tell the entire experience was traumatizing. Who in the world would try to murder their best friend because they got everything that they wanted? You’d think they’d find another way to unleash their anger and to go so far so as to threaten innocent people’s lives...Yuki was definitely not sane. They should’ve found out earlier. He should’ve done something to try and protect her, but then again what could he have done? Tsukishima’s thoughts were too conflicting and lying down in bed didn’t help.
Meanwhile, Y/N was sitting in her new place, frowning. She was trying to sort out everything that happened in the last week. Thanks to the amount of rumors swirling around, no one would blame her for staying out of the face of the public for a while. She took that time to try and see what she could gather. 
Yuki was the Unknown, that much she knew. But how long had Yuki harbored those feelings? And why did he decide to work with her? Why would he threaten innocent people? What was in it for him?
Too many questions with no answers at all. Perhaps that was the reason why she could feel Yuki slipping away since the start of the meeting with Karasuno. His jealousy was too much to the point where he had even tried to kill her. She shouldn’t have forgiven him and even so, she was furious with him. He did not have any logic in his plan for one. Two, it was utterly ridiculous. Here she was, a sitting duck, all because doctors thought that she was going slightly insane. Maybe she was a little shaken, but to go ahead and treat her like someone in a ward, that’s what made her frustrated. That was Yuki’s fault. 
Someone knocked at the front door and when it opened, Y/N tensed. Even though she knew she had given a copy of the key to Suki, it didn’t help that she was now more paranoid than before. When the girl walked in with freshly dyed hair, she was followed by the rest of Y/N’s team. Suki said, “This place is messier than what I expected.”
“Can you blame me?” Y/N sighed. She knew the place was messy but she couldn’t find the time (nor the willpower) to actually clean everything up. 
“Not really.” Hikari said when he walked in, holding a bag of things Y/N didn’t recognize. “It’s crazy, to think that Yuki would do something like that. I never expected it.”
Yukie and Kaori walked in next, holding bags of food. Yukie said, “Sakura couldn’t come. She has to study for some finals she said, but she really wanted to be here.”
“Are we sure she isn’t actually scared?” Y/N joked bitterly. Those rumors had gotten to her own team. She genuinely wanted to deck Yuki now. 
Her managers didn’t comment on anything and they instead got to work as Suki requested. The house before her morphed into what seemed like a butterfly transformation. All of the empty mugs everywhere were whisked into the kitchen, the lingering smell of someone who had lived there but didn’t care started fading away, the newspapers giving any idea of what happened to Yuki were discarded, the chips of glass from when she had broken a plate in fury as well as several others got swept, and soon enough, the house finally looked livable. 
Hikari sat across from her, handing her a mug of her favorite hot drink. Y/N mumbled a thank you, but she already expected what their questions were going to be. After all, she hadn’t answered their calls for weeks and in her fit of rage, she’d broken it. Luckily, it wasn’t an expensive phone but it just went to show how furious she was that no one commented on her not picking up calls or answering messages. 
Yuki had brought out a side of Y/N that nobody thought was there and it was in the worst way possible. 
Taking a deep breath, the light haired boy across from her asked, “Are you comfortable with us asking you questions and telling you things?”
With a sip of her drink, Y/N thought about it. It seemed like an eternity since she’d seen her friends and now she was just tired. She wanted to curl up somewhere and sleep for a good week or so. It was nice that Hikari was asking though. Knowing his job, it might’ve been inspiration for something or other. 
It seemed like Hikari read her mind then. “I won’t take it as inspiration. I’m not that cruel. I know what you’ve gone through, I just want your consent to ask if this is okay.”
The other three girls arrived in the living room, taking respective seats and all eyes were on Y/N. There was just a shadow of a doubt crossing her face before she responded. “Okay.”
“Yuki was incarcerated after we got to the scene. He claims that he was trying to kill you and even though he said that he’d leave Karasuno alone, he said he wouldn’t. He wanted to save Tsukishima last to savor his look of pain once he admitted that he had killed you. The reason why he wanted to do so was because he was jealous of you. Everything you had, he believed it was because of him. There’s an investigation going on about your parents because he had said something suspicious about it.”
Y/N frowned. This was adding up, but in a way she didn’t want to admit. “Yuki had something to do with my parents?”
“Not him exactly. As I said, there’s an investigation going on. Along with that, they’re going to find your real name and you can decide whether to take it back or keep your stage name.”
“I’ll keep my stage name, thanks.” It was supposed to come out jokingly, yet it seemed like the past month or so had deeply scarred her. She had one coherent thought come out of her. Tsukishima. “Is Tsukishima okay?”
“I can answer this.” Kaori said, plucking out a snack from Yukie’s hands. “He’s been severely worried about you and calling us all. However, Semi had said not to tell him anything about you because he knew how you were.”
“Ah yes, the cameras, I’ve been waving at them the entire time.” That was a lie, she’d been cursing out Semi and Yuki the entire time, making vulgar gestures at the camera when she was bored. 
Kaori knew this because when Sakura had watched the footage, she always reported that. It had made her laugh then but at the sight of the broken girl before her, it didn’t seem as funny. “Tsukishima is still worried about you and he really wants to see you soon. Let’s just say that he’s also been driving his company insane because he refuses to cooperate until he knows you’re okay.”
Y/N’s heart raced against its own will. She could still remember the conversations she had had with him and how he had been able to make her smile easily. Karasuno had told her that he completely changed when they were talking and he was even excited nowadays if he knew that she’d be somewhere. He refused to always say anything about them both, but Y/N knew that he was just someone that didn’t talk openly about private things. It was clear in their messages, now that she thought about it. It was clear how much they cared about one another. After all, would she have done what she did for anyone else? She’d like to think so, but honestly, it depended. At least it was Tsukishima and not anyone else. She didn’t want to think about that. “Really?”
“Yeah. It’s why Karasuno has been on break for about a week or so now. Trust me when I say that we’ve had to blackmail so many news outlets to stop talking about both of you. But they still do.” Kaori shrugged before sighing. “This entire thing has caused a lot of chaos.”
It was true. She could see it from the bags under their eyes and how tired they were. A flare of love and admiration for these four came up from within her. They had signed a contract to work with her but she saw them as her best friends. All of this work to make sure that her privacy was ensured. Even Suki, who appeared to loathe Tsukishima, had worked to try and let him down gently. 
Suki had chosen that moment to speak, in a voice that Y/N had never heard from her before. It was much more gentle and soft. “I think it’s best if you talk to him at some point.”
Y/N’s eyes widened as she looked at her. “Have you gotten past the enemy stage?”
She shrugged. “Let’s just say that if he makes you happy, I can deal.”
Yukie raised an eyebrow. “Do you want to see him soon?”
Y/N nodded. With that action of assent, Yukie grinned. “Good, because lover boy texted immediately. Come on. We’ll go to his company. Let’s get you ready.”
On the way to the company, Y/N could not stop moving. There was only the thought of what she would say to him. What could she say after this entire ordeal? Hi, I’m back, I missed you and it turns out I have genuine like like feelings for you but Yuki messed it all up--Yeah, scratch that, that was definitely not going to be something he’d tell him. 
“Now you’re making me nervous and I’m not doing anything,” Suki joked, but the bitter tone behind it threw Y/N off. 
“You okay?” Y/N knew her best friend like the back of her hand and something was up. “Is it Tsukishima?”
“Actually, no. It’s nothing really.” Suki looked at her sadly and shrugged. “All I’m wondering is why he did it until now. Looking at it from his point of view, don’t you think that he would’ve been smart to figure it all out earlier? What I’m saying is why now? What caused him to do something like that?”
Y/N had thought about that countless times. Considering the amount of openings she had had, it was just a wonder that he didn’t attack her from the start. Maybe she could go and talk to him or have someone else do so. But something wasn’t out in the open yet and she wanted to know. 
Once they were at the familiar building, Y/N stepped out, staring up at it. “Is it too late now to go back?” She could feel the bile rising up her throat, nervousness infiltrating every part of her being. Maybe this was a worse idea than what she had thought.
“It’s just him, Y/N,” Kaori said gently, leading the group. They had gotten on an elevator to go to the very last floor.
Meanwhile, Tsukishima was pacing in that floor in the dance room. Yamaguchi, Kageyama and Hinata watched him curiously. Here the most monotone of the group was, extraordinarily worried for someone that shouldn’t have concerned him as much as it did. But as much as he denied it, those feelings were just feelings of love. Had he come to terms with them? Who knew?
Tsukishima looked up at the door for the umpteenth time today as if expecting Y/N to walk through or create a bigger possibility of her finally arriving. To his shock, the door opened and this time it wasn’t the others. It was Y/N’s managers as well as Hikari and Suki. 
Yukie said, “All right, clear out, let’s give them some privacy.” 
The other three started complaining, giving retorts as to why they should stay until Yukie grabbed Yamaguchi’s wrist, Kaori coaxed Hinata out of the door and Hikari made Kageyama follow him out. Suki went over to Tsukishima, her arms crossed as the door closed. 
“Let me just warn you: she’s not the same. She’s changed. The girl still likes you though. Take care of her for me, got it?” With those words, Suki opened the door to show Y/N standing there. 
But it didn’t seem like her anymore. The misery in her eyes was still there. Her posture was no longer like before, it seemed like she was shrinking back. It was clear from her trembling hands too that she didn’t know whether it was right to go in or not. 
Tsukishima had wide eyes and when she walked to him, he didn’t think, he just acted. Pulling her in for a tight hug, he buried his face in her shoulder. “Thank God.”
“Hey, Tsukki.” Her voice was softer than before, almost inaudible as she hugged him back just as tightly. “I miss--” Her voice broke and Tsukishima could sense her on the verge of tears. He turned out to be right and at the sound of her crying, he felt like he’d cry along with her. If he’d ever get the chance, he’d have a long talk with Yuki at least for turning her into the girl before him. 
When she had calmed down, he led her away to the wall and made her sit next to him. “Do you want to talk about it?”
She was fiddling with her fingers, clearly thinking about what to tell him. Looking at the wall across from him, he decided to wait patiently until she was ready. It didn’t take long. After five minutes of silence, Y/N spoke up. “Yuki came after me. He wanted what I had for himself. I think the prospect of both of us collaborating was something he hated because it’d make us--well, me--rise to the top. He believed that he deserved that position more than you. That’s...basically it.”
The blond frowned. Yuki just wanted what Y/N had? Why did he stick by her though? “You don’t think that he actually, you know...”
“What, liked me as more than a friend?” Y/N scoffed. “They thought it was a possibility. I don’t know. I don’t really care.” However the way she spat out those words made it clear that she didn’t know what to think. “Not after what he did.”
These were the occasions where he knew immediately what to do next or maybe even have taken Tanaka and Noya’s advice. Now he was slightly lost. Scratch that, more than slightly lost. Instead, he let her lean against his shoulder for a while and it was quiet again. It was peaceful until he decided to speak up. “Have you eaten yet? I think we should go to this place I think you’d like.”
Y/N knew that he was trying his hardest to make her feel better so with a smile, she nodded against him. “Okay. Let’s go then.”
Neither of them wanted to stay in the past but the only way to go forward was dealing with it. They’d both be fine together and they knew that they’d be able to help each other out whenever it started to get bad. 
Hmmm its almost done literally that’s so sad
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deaddovecoterie · 4 years
co-written with @whoseblogsthis
Peeta Mellark x Fem!Reader
Prompt: “Isn’t it obvious? I’m in love with you!” 
Fandom: the hunger games
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.6k
Warning(s): swearing, unedited, two oblivious dumbasses in love
Genre(s): angst, fluff
A/N: LMAO HI GUYSSSS. so i had the INSANE privilege of writing with my mutual, friend, and insanely talented writer, @whoseblogsthis, ky. i obviously couldn’t have done this without her and im so so blown away by her and her talents. this is basically our child and baby and so im basically screaming right now cause we just finished this and its 1:01am. ANYWAY i really really hope you guys love this as much as we loved writing it <3 mwuah love you all
main stuff -> y/n (your name)
-> e/c (your eye colour)
-> y/l/n (your last name)
Tumblr media
Peeta Mellark. 
He was your constant; your rock. You could rely on him for anything and everything.
He was the steadiest thing you’d had in your life for a long time now, but as he took your wrist and led you upstairs away from the party, you couldn’t help but feel the anger bubble up in your chest. 
“Peeta, what—”
“Why?” he nearly shouts. Peeta is mild mannered. He’s many things, actually; polite, charming, and personable, but angry was not one of them. It didn’t scare you like you’d always expected it to, but rather frustrated you. 
“Why what, Peeta?” you hiss back. 
He looks at you as if you had just grown two heads, his brows knit together in disbelief.
“You’re joking,” he breathes. You shake your head, not understanding what he is trying to get at. You defensively cross your arms, knowing the juvenile element would annoy him, but having nothing to do with your hands increases your already anxious state.
“That guy,”
“That guy?”
“Yes, y/n, yes. That guy that was just a little too friendly with you? So close to you that he was practically crawling under your goddamn skin? What were you thinking?”
You laugh at him, unable to contain it. “I can handle myself perfectly fine. Why are you being such an ass?” you all but shout at him. “It’s none of your business anyway?” 
“Hm, let’s see y/n, he could’ve, god, I don’t know, taken advantage of you?” 
You scoff, unable to handle his cliché statement. 
He brings his hands up and pushes his hair back, looking up at the ceiling as he exhales heavily through his nose. You squint at him, unable to read the emotions on his face. 
“What is up with you?” you whisper, not quite sure if he was able to hear. Your eyes narrow, unsure of what his next words might be. 
“For someone so smart, you can be so goddamn oblivious sometimes, y/l/s.”
“Oh my god, what is with all the stupid riddles tonight? I can’t read your mind! You can’t expect me to just know things,” you exasperate, throwing your hands out in front of you. “For someone who’s supposed to be good at communication, you’re doing a pretty shitty job of displaying it,” you spit, throwing his words right back at him. 
“Fine,” he hisses, starting to move towards you.
You cock your eyebrow at him, your bodies coming closer, nearly closing the gap.
“Fine?” you question.
“Yeah.” he huffs out, repeating the word with an heir of finality, “yeah.” His breath warms your face, the scent of vodka invading your senses.
Your cheeks heat up, suddenly very aware of his proximity. You watch his adam's apple bob as he swallows thickly. He can’t meet your eyes, his heart hammering against his chest so loud that it feels as though you can hear it. His head drops along with his gaze, studying the floor before chancing a glance at you. Peeta lets go of a breathy laugh as words tumble out of his mouth.
“Isn’t it obvious?” he breathes, his words choked, hardly audible, him now looking you right in the eyes. Your stomach does a flip once, unsure of his next words. Blue eyes stare at your e/c ones that are clouded in confusion. You can feel his frustration start to build as he takes a step back from you, his voice rising and hands coming from his sides. 
“I’m in love with you,” he bursts out. 
Oh my god.
You stare at him in shock, his proclamation stunning you. You blink once, twice, as his words echoing through your head.
His hazel eyes bore into your e/c ones, willing you to say something, anything, to let him know you heard him. But yet you stand there, unable to find the words. 
Nothing is coming out.
Say something, you beg yourself, wanting to scream out an answer, yet your mouth continues to remain shut. You swallow hard, your tongue feeling like sandpaper. How could you be so oblivious to his feelings? You and him have known each other since childhood, yet there you are, standing only inches away from him, the truth finally known. It seemed 
The look in his eyes is absolutely heart-wrenching; if you hadn’t just heard him, you’d have thought he had lost his best friend. In a way, you guess, he had. 
Peeta just shakes his head softly, shrugging his shoulders in such a way that makes you want to reach out and take his hand. His dark waves fall over his eyes and he turns around, facing the door.
“I—” you begin, but you know it’s too late. 
“Just, um, forget it, y/n,” his voice soft, small, “I’ll see you in environmental studies.”
He opens the door and steps out into the hallway, closing the door behind him. You want to scream, to tell him to come back.  
“Dammit!” you exclaim, throwing your red solo cup as hard as you can at the wall. The contents spill all over, some of the liquid splashing on you but you can’t bring yourself to care. 
You reach to pull at your loosely braided hair, a habit of yours that came out whenever you were experiencing an excess of negative emotions, before you realize where you are. You harshly rub your eyes with the heels of your hands as you remind yourself to breathe. 
In, out . . . In, out. 
“Get it together,” you tell yourself, taking one last deep breath. “Okay.”
You turn to head back downstairs to the party, nothing on your mind except finding Peeta and setting everything straight, hoping at this point that that was even a possibility anymore. 
God, you hated this part. You hated having to make up. Saying sorry was never your strong suit, your pride always getting in the way. But this? This was not a matter of pride. This was about finally coming to terms with the truth that you so desperately tried to avoid for years. 
You almost trip as you descend the stairs, looking everywhere for Peeta but unable to find him anywhere in the crowd. 
Spotting a head of wavy bronze hair by the water cooler, you rush over to your english lit classmate, who is also a friend of Peeta’s; Finnick Odair. 
“Hey Finnick,” you say once you reach him, trying to keep your voice even. He greets you with his signature smirk before bringing his cup to his lips and taking a sip.
“Ah, y/n, having a good time I trust?”
“Trying to,” you grumble. Finnick gives you a quizzical look before you proceed; “Have you seen Peeta?” You can’t help but notice the slight crack in your voice when you say his name.
“Yeah,” he confirms, “I saw him leave a few minutes ago. Seemed pretty upset.” 
“Yeah, wonder why,” you mutter bitterly, knowing he wouldn’t hear your words above the music. 
You bite your lip, weighing the option of asking Finnick to help you find Peeta. Half of you wanted to go and find him yourself, your need to get the weight off your chest as quickly as possible, the other half of you wanting to stall for as long as you could.
 “Could you text him? Ask him where he is?” 
“Why can’t you?” 
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, your cheeks burning. “Because, I—” 
“Wait,” Finnick’s smile widens. “Wait, are you the reason he’s upset?” 
Your silence is enough for him. His dopey smile falters for a moment, an emotion that you could only define as realization sweeping over his face. He shakes his head softly, pulling his phone from the pocket of his hoodie and opening his texts. His thumbs glide swiftly across the screen as he compiles a message to send to Peeta. 
You can’t have been standing there for more than a minute when his phone dings. Finnick flashes you the screen. 
From: Pita Bread 
I’m fine... at the pond. 
“Thank you, Finnick, really,” you breathe.
He just nods, taking another sip of his drink. 
You rush out of the frat house the party was being held in, running across the street to Panem University’s main campus, willing your legs to go faster. 
The pond was at the northern end of campus, smack in the middle of Tribute Hall and the Coriolanus Snow Study Center. You see a silhouette sitting on one of the few stone benches surrounding the body of tranquil water, tossing handfuls of what you can only assume is trail mix at the ducks that liked to take up at the pond. 
You slow down, bringing your footfalls to a trot, then silently padding your way over the grass towards him. Your chest is heaving from the exertion as you try to make your breaths even.
“Peeta,” You call out, your voice void of any venom as you stalk towards the boy. You’re almost inclined to slap him because of how he acted. No rational person could expect someone to give them an answer to a question as heavily weighed as that right away. 
He stands up once you reach him, refusing to look you in the eyes. For a fleeting moment, you catch the grief-stricken look in his usually bright eyes and it’s enough to keep you from raising your hand at him. 
“Why did you leave like that?” you breathe out. He shrugs a shoulder with almost casual indifference. “Peeta.” you nearly plead, looking at him as your eyebrows knit together.
“What did you expect me to do?” he says feebly. 
You look up at the night sky, inhaling deeply as you hurriedly send off a prayer to whatever higher power that you can say everything you want to say to him, in the way you want to say it. 
In a way that says something to him. Means something. 
The stars seem to twinkle brighter, almost like they received your message. God, this is so hard.
Peeta is still looking anywhere but at you, his focus now on the ducks idling in the water. 
“You could have waited for me,” you say. “I mean, come on! That was… big. A big thing to drop on me,” you add, “so of course I was shocked. But if you had just waited for me . . .” 
“What?” he snorts, finally looking you in the eyes. “What would you have said that couldn’t have possibly made me feel like more of a fool than I already was? What—” 
“I love you,” you blurt. 
Here it goes.
“And not in a ‘you’ve always been there for me, so I’m kind of indebted to you’ kind of way but in a way that’s like, ‘I want to do cheesy stuff with you because I know it will make you smile.’ That’s like, I would do anything, anything to prove to you that I’m worthy of your love. Peeta, you’ve seen everything I was and everything I am, and it just— I just couldn’t believe when you said that . . . But I— I trust you with everything in me and it frightens me, because you know I’ve been hurt before, but I can’t deny that everything feels right when I’m with you. I just. I want another chance. If, if you’ll let me.” You breath the words out, hardly anything but air coming out.  
“Y/n, breathe.” 
“Right,” you exhale, your mind swirling around, making vertigo seem like a walk in the park. 
“You’re not . . . unworthy of love,” Peeta begins but he stops, trying to figure out his words. “What Cato did to you, it doesn’t mean you’re undeserving of love. He’s.. an asshole, who’s going to get what’s coming to him. I— I’m sorry for dropping it on you like that, but seeing you with that guy, he just reminded me so much of Cato, and it made me so mad because I didn’t want you to go through that again, and I.. couldn’t help but think it was my final chance to tell you how I felt.” 
“Final chance?” 
“Y/n, I’ve loved you since like year six.” 
“Peeta, you absolute dumbass!” you exclaim, quickly going to cover your mouth as your own words shock even yourself. “I’m sorry. It’s just . . . wow,” a laugh nearly escapes your lips. “We’re both oblivious fools, huh?” 
Peeta’s brows furrow in confusion, as you let out a soft chuckle. His head is tilted slightly to the side, his soft curls falling into his blue eyes. This moment is one you’ll always remember, you think to yourself, already trying to commit it to memory. The way the trees slightly sway from the late summer breeze, the moonlight reflecting off the water; best of all, the glint in Peeta’s eye when your gazes meet. It’s so cheesy, really, but you couldn’t care less. You’ve played it over and over in your head for years, different scenarios always being formulated, but nothing you could have ever dreamt of could compare to this moment. 
“I’ve loved you since year seven,” you tell him, every word of it true. “I can’t believe it took us both this long. Could have avoided the whole Cato fiasco of year twelve, I suppose, if we had just . . . had the gall to tell each other back then, I guess,” you say, the last sentence mumbled.
“Yeah.” Peeta laughs, a genuine deep laugh that reaches his eyes. It rouses the butterflies that have been in the pit of your stomach, the fluttering making you nervous as you watch him scratch the base of his neck almost embarrassedly. 
“So,” you say, dragging the ‘o’ sound. “Pretty sure this is the part where most people would kiss.” 
“Do you want to kiss me?” 
“No, not you, Peeta. I was talking to the duck behind you,” You frown, unable to contain the scoff that passes your lips. “Yes.. yes, I want to kiss you,” you breathe, your pulse hammering.
You step forward, your hands reaching up, gliding against his cheeks, his hands resting on your waist. In a moment of bravery, you place your lips against his. They’re soft, and he tastes like cedar and bread, and it’s like coming home, being in his arms as his lips move against yours, the breeze chilling your skin but his warming you. 
There are no words spoken between the two of you as you both pull away. His eyes are still closed, his long eyelashes resting against the tops of his cheeks; the corners of his mouth are pulled up slightly. 
God, he’s beautiful. So beautiful. That word is usually reserved for sceneries, sunsets or pretty dresses, but in this moment, you can’t tear your eyes away from him. 
“Finally!” someone shouts, causing the both of you to jump back from each other, acting like two first years getting caught passing notes in class. You look around before your eyes land on Johanna Mason, leaning against the statue of the university founder Alma Coin that’s off to the left of the entrance of the study center. Finnick is with her, his signature smirk gracing his elegant features once more. “We were wondering when you two would have the balls to tell each other how you felt.” 
“It seems everyone knew but you two,” Finnick adds with a deep chuckle. 
“Alright, Finny, I think we should leave the two lovebirds alone.” Johanna says, turning away. “Be safe, you two!” 
“If you need anything,” Finnick winks at Peeta. “You know where to reach me.”  
You laugh softly, leaning your head against Peeta’s chest. His arms wrap around you, encasing you in him. His cheeks rests on the top of your head, his breaths evening out as you listen to his steady heart beat. 
This is it. This is home. 
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pugleighimagines · 4 years
The Truth- Kol Mikaelson
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Requested By- fantastic-fans
Request:  Can you do a kol x reader where reader doesn’t know kol is a vamp and one night she’s out with her friends and catches him having a snack
A/N- Thank you so much for my first request! I hope you like and it’s kind of what you expected :D
You were chilling at the Mystic Grill with Matt, much to Matt’s dismay seeing as he was constantly working there. However you both needed to catch up with each other, as you were constantly busy with your studies and commitments to school. You and Matt were laughing at each other’s jokes before Matt brought up the topic of the Mikaelsons.  The Mikaelson’s had been in town for a few months now, you bumped into Kol right here at the Grill, literally bumped into each other. You were waving goodbye to a friend and not looking where you were going when you were knocked to the ground. Kol at first had a look of annoyance before he looked down at you where his demeanor suddenly changed. You noticed his face soften and he smirked making you blush and feel flustered. You sighed and picked yourself up, dusting yourself down before apologising for not watching where you were going. He took your hand and placed a delicate kiss on the back before introducing himself. You remembered thinking how sweet yet old fashioned. From then on you’d been invited to the ball, where you danced with him all night and spoke about your travels around the world.  You’d seen each other in the Grill, where Kol made it his mission to flirt with you, you just couldn’t help but notice everyone else’s disgust especially Damon, Stefan and Elena’s. You liked Kol, and you certainly weren't going to let anyone stop your chance at happiness. You were well aware of Matt’s opinion on them so you rolled your eyes and dramatically flopped your head onto the bar gently knowing you were going to be in for a fun conversation making Matt chuckle.
“They’re no good y/n. If he wants something to do with you he definitely has an agenda” Matt stated, raising his eyebrows and thinning his lips as if he disapproved. 
“Wow Matt, so no one can just be interested in me cause they like me?” You replied, lifting your head up and crossing your arms over your chest. 
“That’s not what I’m saying, It’s just them. You’ll probably become…” Matt paused mid sentence and swiveled in his chair so he was now facing the bar. 
“Become what?” You asked, grabbing Matt’s shoulder and turning him back to face you. You wore a look of confusion but he just shook his head and continued to drink. 
“Matt, I really like him. I know he can be arrogant and smug but when we’re alone he’s kinda romantic and caring. He’s different” 
“You can say that again” Matt mumbled making a snide comment. You laughed as you playfully pushed Matt’s side asking him to tell you what he just said. But he continued to shake his head as you continued to be playful. That stopped as soon as you saw Kol standing by the door watching you and Matt laughing and teasing each other. You waved at Kol but he was stone in the face, he clearly didn’t like watching you being playful with someone else. Matt had followed your gaze as you stopped joking with him to notice you staring at Kol. Kol had quickly turned back and exited the Grill. You jumped off your seat ready to follow him, Matt held your wrist pleading with you not to go. Shrugging Matt off, you swifty exited the Grill. 
It was a cold night so your arms were folded over your chest trying to make some sort of warmth. Your eyes scanned everywhere as you walked keeping an eye out for Kol. You walked behind the back of the Grill, your eyes widened and you gulped as you witnessed another human chomping on the neck of a girl as they leaned against a wall. The girl just stood there, no screaming, nothing. You decided to sneak up on them to help save this girl, it wasn’t until you got closer that you noticed the clothes, the outline of the body and the facial features. It was Kol. You gasped loudly, placing your hand over your mouth, tears began to fester in your eyes as you stood there, frozen in shock. Kol turned to face you as he heard you gasp, he let go of the girl who flopped to the floor. Blood dripped from his mouth, veins around his eyes pumped, and two sharp teeth hung from his gums. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, you were instantly frightened seeing Kol this way. He didn’t look charming or insanely handsome anymore, he looked like a monster. 
“Kol, your face” You stammered trying to get your words out. Kol began to approach you but you stepped back, shaking your head.
“Please don’t hurt me” You pleaded before you found yourself backed up against a wall. You closed your eyes and hissed at the pain of striking the stone wall, as you opened your eyes Kol was standing right in front of you. Within seconds he’d caught up to you, his face was normal, except from the blood staining his chin. He rested his hands on your cheeks, his face was full of sadness as he searched your eyes hoping to find anything other than fear. 
“I’m not going to hurt you love.” You continued to cower, Kol’s touch and presence had been your safe space for the past few months and now you were terrified at the thought of Kol being near you. 
“What are you?” tears began to stream from your eyes, you tried to move away but Kol’s strength over powered you by a ton. Kol leaned into your neck, his breathing made you shiver, one part of you felt lustful, you were attracted to Kol that was until you remembered what you’d witnessed seconds ago. Kol whispered something in your ear before flashing away. You couldn’t believe it as you watch Kol vanish into thin air, he’d literally gone. You stood in silence trying to comprehend what had happened, a million thoughts rushed through your head but only one kept screaming at you. Vampire. You pulled yourself together, wiping away any tears and began your walk home. 
As soon as you arrived home you rushed up the stairs to your room, you threw open your curtains and he was standing there on your balcony. You cautiously turned the key to the doors leading to your balcony, never taking your eyes off him. He too looked at you, desperation seemed to be on his face, desperation for forgiveness, desperation for your affection. You opened the doors and backed away instantly, allowing a comfortable space between you. 
“Don’t worry I can’t come in unless you invite me in”
“Let’s just say it’s part of the package deal” Kol sighed with a little smirk.
“Kol I saw you biting into some poor girl’s neck, like she was a snack, she didn’t scream. And, your face you were-” you were overwhelmed as you tried to get your words out.
“Ugly… I know not my best look, I have to admit .” Kol’s English accent made him all the more charming to you even right now when all you could picture was his face when you caught him. You sat on the edge of your bed running your hands through your hair.
“They’re real aren’t they?” You asked, looking to Kol for an answer. You desperately wanted him to tell you no but the single nod of his head answered your question. 
“1000 years ago my mother cast a spell and turned all her children into vampires. We’re the original vampire’s” Kol began to tell you the rest of his story from the balcony as you remained on the bed. You were hooked with every word he spoke, the fact that mystical beings existed rattled your brain yet the way Kol told it had you hanging on every second of the way. Kol informed you of Damon and Stefan also being vampires and what Klaus’ motives really were. 
“Can I come in now? I’ve kinda sat out here for an hour now, If i wanted to hurt you do you not think I would have done it months ago?” You slowly nodded in response, and watched as Kol tested the house by slowly letting one foot creep in, as soon as that foot hit the ground he walked in. He looked around your bedroom, he took in the smell of your perfume that lingered in the air. He picked up a photo that sat on your bedside table, it was a picture of you, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie. 
“You’re so beautiful” Kol whispered as he studied your smile, eyes and complexion in the photo.
“Is there anybody else?” You asked Kol and instantly regretted it once he pointed to Caroline in the photo.
“Witch” He replied.
You flopped back onto your bed trying to understand that all your friends had been keeping these major secrets from you.
“Is anybody normal?”
“Matt” Kol sat on the edge of your bed and watched you, your eyes left the ceiling and fell on Kol. 
“Why haven’t you fed on me?” You asked as you sat up on your bed, you were curious as to why after all this time Kol had been so well behaved around you. Kol placed his hand on your thigh and began to lightly trace his fingers up and down your thigh.
“Every day y/n all I can think about is blood. But since I met you you’ve given me a reason to love, something to hold on to, to fight for. I don’t want to hurt you.” Kol’s hand had worked its way up to your face where he tucked some of your hair behind your ear and rested the palm of his hand on your neck. You melted into the touch and closed your eyes enjoying the moment.
“I’m not scared anymore Kol” You whispered, Kol smiled as he watched you try and keep your eyes open, you felt very sleepy, it had been a long night with lots of tears. Kol kicked off his shoes and removed his jacket, you made space on your bed for Kol to lay down with you. He put his arm around you and you cuddled into him, your head resting on his chest ready to fall asleep peacefully. Kol kissed the top of your head and squeezed you gently, confirming that you were really safe in his company. 
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