#there is nothing else that needs to be said—
bunnys-kisses · 3 days
"ex" husband
simon "ghost" riley
cw: pwp/smut, ex husband!simon, possessive!simon, dark themes, mirror sex & other smut, major red flags, proceed with caution, bad husband!simon, manipulation
bunny says: once you fuck crazy, you never not fuck crazy
simon didn't believe in divorce. he made a vow to be with you till death, he wasn't going to skimp out on the years you could spend together. he wouldn't accept that you wanted to be without him.
he had you on the floor of your shared bedroom, you were holding onto him behind yourself while his hands were on your hips. he was rubbing his cock up against your slick entrance.
"have you had any other guys over? fuckin' them in my bed, in my home that i paid for?" he held it over your head as he watched your face contort with pleasure. he continued to rub his tip up against your slit.
"no, simon." you panted. your heart raced with every moment that passed. your body was hot all over. "i haven't had anyone else, not since you." your pussy clenched around nothing in anticipation for what was to come. you were almost certain that your cunt was formed to the size of his cock.
"good, good. i don't want some fuckin' prick comin' to my home and fuckin' my girl." his voice was low as he got a hand between your legs and touched your clit with his rough fingers.
you arched your back and moaned out loud. you could be as loud as you needed to be. he kept his wife in a home far enough from everything that you could whimper and whine to your heart's content. your eyes fluttered closed as you felt the thrill of pleasure through your body.
"nothin' can have ya. no stupid asshole who thinks he can have what is mine. you made a promise, love. to be loyal to your husband." he growled as he gripped your jaw with his other hand and made you look into the mirror, "i don't think someone who wants to leave her husband would be lettin' him fuck her in their bedroom."
"simon, please." you whimper.
"nah, nah, love.' he said, accent heavier due to the immense lust in his body, "i was a good man to you. lovin', carin', did everythin' for ya. and you turn around like an ungrateful brat and try to leave me." his voice was getting deadly. his hand still held your jaw and his other played with your clit. you were stuck to him, "fuckin' slag. surprised you haven't fucked your way through the neighborhood to find a new man. because you'd never find one like me. or you're scared. scared i'd find him, and make him go missin'."
you swallowed, fear struck through you, "simon. i didn't sleep with anyone."
he buried his nose into your hair and groaned as his cock still prodded your pussy lips, "i know, i know. you don't actually want to leave me. your girlfriends got these thoughts into your head that i don't think are true. better without me? love, i made you."
you panted heavily, it was hard to look into the mirror with his hot words into your mouth. maybe he was right, maybe you didn't want to leave him. he had given you everything throughout your entire marriage. why would you sacrifice it?
he pulled his hand away from your pussy and guided his cock into your pussy. the stretch had you gripping onto him. the angle was awkward but he had you contorted to fit his pleasure.
"my good wife." he purred, "i'll always love you. even when you're not usin' that head of yours right. but don't worry." he kissed your cheek, "i'll always take care of my girl."
you held onto him as he thrusted into your from behind. you felt the air leave your lungs whenever he pushed into you. it was an intense feeling on your behalf. you had never imagined that fucking your soon-to-be ex-husband would feel so good.
"like that, love?"
you nodded meekly, "it feels good."
"that's a good girl." he groaned, "made perfectly for me. you are such a good girl for me, love. why would you want to go anywhere? stay with me, keep your vow."
your thighs quivered from the intense feeling of pleasure. your breathing was heavy and your head felt full. your heart leapt every time his cock nudged against a sensitive spot.
"please, simon. i can't be your wife."
"you can. and you will." he took you by the face and tilted your head back so he could kiss you passionately.
you melted into the kiss, as did the last of your resolve. your core throbbed with a need for him. he melted away all your problems. the more he fucked you, the more you wanted to stay with him.
he was your husband after all.
the sex between you two was hot and messy. it made you core soaked as he continued to bully his cock into your sweet cunt with every hard thrust.
"say you love me."
"i love you." you replied, your eyes hooded.
"good girl." he groaned, "i want to hear that every day until you can no longer speak." he licked across your bottom lip, "my good girl."
you whined as your body shook with each thrust of his hips. your pussy clenched around his cock. you felt your mouth to be dry and you voice strained.
simon loved taking you apart, only to put you back together. he continued to fuck you with abandon. he gazed at you with his nose in your hair as he thrusted up into you.
your noises were so cute, you really just were so small compared to him. you needed him! what were you thinking leaving him? you needed your big strong military husband to make sure that you were safe. don't be silly now!
he kissed your neck as he felt the surge of pleasure in his gut. his heart hammered with each every thrust. you were made for him. as he kissed the tip of your ear, he felt the blush that spread across your skin.
"please, simon."
"i got ya, love." he said, "i got ya." with a few more thrusts that hit in just the right place. you saw stars as you climaxed around his cock. his was soon to follow as his cum hit the back of your womb.
where it belonged.
as you rested your face on the carpet of the bedroom in an effort to cool down, simon grabbed your hips and started to thrust into you once more. his cock still painfully hard.
"you've done enough damage, love. so just sit there and let your husband take care of you." his voice was low and deadly. your best option would to just let simon do what he wanted.
"so mrs. riley. you've decided against the divorce. any particular reason why?"
you relaxed a little bit in the sleek office chair across the desk from your lawyer. your hand was on your middle as you smiled, "well, we're having a son soon, and he needs his father in his life. so i reconsidered."
"the case against your husband is fairly strong. broken locks on the door, his overly possessive behaviour, the text messages and voice mails, all of it. you could be granted a divorce quite easily."
you shook your head, "no need. we've worked it out." you smiled at the lawyer. you knew your simon was waiting for you in the car. his words echoed in your mind as you assured your lawyer that her services weren't needed.
you and simon were properly a family now. you didn't need to tear it apart. after all, how else were you going to end up with many little rileys running around?
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 days
Injured (Alexia's Version): Future
Alexia Putellas x Daughter!Reader
Summary: You don't like it
TW: aftermath of rough sex, no aftercare, depressive thoughts
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Her hand is splayed out on your hip and your skin feels like it's on fire.
You don't why.
She fucked you how you liked, hard and rough with an edge of meanness that you usually enjoyed. She'd pinned you down and whispered malicious things into your ear as she took you like you were something to be used.
You'd had a rough day at practice today.
None of it was perfect like you craved. Nothing went the way you wanted. You were disgustingly average today. You danced like you weren't a Putellas. You danced like someone who was doing it for fun. You danced like you were some stupid dance school girl that had the chance of a lifetime just to throw it away.
You felt worthless and disgusting and you thought you wanted to be treated like that, in some sick way hoping it would help the nagging feeling in your chest that this was all some sick joke being played on you.
She'd been exactly what you wanted.
Tall. Confident. Older than you enough that it was concerning. She'd had that air of superiority that let you know she'd talk to you how you craved in bed.
She'd bought you a drink, called you a pretty little thing. That had set you on edge a little bit, you think. Just the way she said it. You didn't understand why at the time and you still don't but you don't like the way she'd said that.
You didn't like the way she'd said your name either. The way her tongue wrapped around the vowels and syllables.
But you'd already been in too deep then, desperate for someone to give you what you needed to make the world make sense again.
But now, after several rounds, your body ached and your throat closed up.
You were crying silently, unwilling to wake her up. You don't know why you're crying but her hand on your hip feels possessive in a way that you don't like.
You think she's taken something from you but you don't know what. You're not a virgin by any means but you still think she's stolen something from you.
Like she's reached into your heart and ripped it out. Like she's taken it straight out of your chest and replaced it with something else.
Her hand burns where it rests on your skin.
You feel like your whole body is on fire, aching in a way that you don't like.
Your head pounds and you go stiff in her bed, a frozen statue like some kind of toy she's forgotten to put away.
She'd fallen asleep after she'd finished, biting down on your neck as she came before wrapping you up in this possessive grip and falling asleep.
You can't stay here.
You just can't.
Not with your skin on fire with the woman that had ripped you apart and not bothered to put you back together again.
Her grip is easy to get out of, a simple hand on your hip bone but it still feels like unshackling yourself from something weighing you down.
It still feels like you've freed yourself from something, broken and torn apart as you are.
You don't remember getting dressed. You don't remember leaving the woman's apartment. You don't remember the long walk to Alba's house.
You don't remember anything.
One minute you were dragging yourself from your shackles and the next you're laying on Tia Alba's sofa with your head in her lap.
It's late. She's tired but she still lets you in.
You're trembling like a fawn, your skin still feeling like it's on fire.
But you're with Alba and she's safe. She's always been safe. She won't let anything bad happen to you.
Tonight was a mistake. Seeking out a woman like that one was a mistake.
You shouldn't have gone out tonight. You shouldn't have let her treat you like how you deserve.
You shouldn't have let her buy you that drink and you shouldn't have let her ruin you so wholly like that.
You shouldn't have put yourself in that situation but you did.
And now everything you're feeling now is all your fault.
You should have kept walking. You shouldn't have bothered Alba so late at night but you did.
You don't deserve the comfort she's giving you now but she's still giving it.
You're feeling floaty. You can't tell if your crying loudly or not. You can't tell if you're doing anything at all.
It's like an out of body experience.
Like you're standing in the corner of the room, looking at your limp and bruised body on Alba's sofa.
You don't know how to feel. You don't know what's going on around you. You don't know anything but the feeling of her phantom hands on your body, the way she manipulated your body how she pleased and the way she made you feel like you were nothing but a toy for her.
No partner had ever made you feel like that before.
You hope no partner ever does again.
Your eyes are blank and glazed over when Alexia falls to her knees in front of you.
She'd been annoyed at first when Alba had called her so early in the morning. She'd been prepared to yell but Alba had gotten out that it was about you lying limp and broken on her sofa.
You don't even seem like you're present as Alexia gently runs her hands over your wet cheeks.
"Do we know what happened?" Olga asks.
"She didn't say much," Alba replies," Just that she didn't know where else to go. She...She wasn't all there when she turned up. Her phone was dead. I don't even think she realised she wasn't wearing shoes."
"Bambi," Alexia whispers," Bambi, it's okay. Come back to us. It's okay."
Your throat is a necklace of bruises and bites. Alexia doesn't want to touch it. She doesn't want to think about what your body must look like under your clothes. She doesn't want to think about the woman that's done this to you.
"Bambi," She says," Bambi, please."
"I made her drink something," Alba tells Olga," She looked worse when she turned up but she's been like this since then."
"Bambi." Alexia's getting worried now, worried that there's something wrong, something that hurts so much it's sent you almost comatose.
You don't like you're in horrific pain though. Nothing bleeding. Nothing broken.
"Mami." Your voice is rough and scratchy like you've been overusing.
"I'm here, Bambi. Olga too. How are you feeling?"
"I wanted it," You say to her," I want it like that. I do. I do!"
Your eyes slam shut and it dawns on Alexia that you aren't trying to convince her.
You're trying to convince yourself.
"I always want it like that!"
"You can change your mind," Alexia says to you gently," You can always change your minds on these things. That's okay."
"But I wanted it." You're whispering now, voice trembling as you stare at her. "Mami, I always want it like that."
"Bambi, baby, if she touched you in a way-"
"I didn't say no," You say," She didn't..." You don't want to say the word. "I didn't tell her to stop."
"But you still didn't like it?"
"Mami," You say, finally looking like you've come back to yourself," What's wrong with me?"
"Nothing," Alexia says firmly," There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, Bambi. You are so perfect and so beautiful. You deserve everything someone could possibly give you."
You sniffle and Mami continues.
"You're the best girl in the world and you're allowed to say no if you don't like something. You're so good and there's nothing wrong with you. Okay? Do you understand?"
You blink away your tears. "Yes, Mami."
"Do you want a hug? Am I allowed to touch you?"
"Yes, please."
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squoxle · 3 days
Hi ! Could you write something where like y/n is sucking or playing with heeseungs dick & she just got her fresh nails done and they’re pretty and EVERHTING & she poses with heeseungs dick and adds a bow …
(Sorry for taking so long to respond to your request)
French Tip ~ L. HS
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pairing: sugar-daddy!bf!heeseung x babygirl!gf!reader| wc: 1.3k | plot: after getting your nails done, you're excited to show Heeseung your fresh, new set. | cw: 🔞MDNI!! blow job, boob job, hand job, basically touching his dick in every way possible and snapping a few pictures lol bc why tf not (there're also a few cute moments hehe)
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Having your boyfriend pay for your nails was nothing out of the ordinary to you. He did this almost every week, or whenever else he thought they should be done.
Sometimes you would ask for his input, but today was not one of those days. You wanted to surprise him with a fresh, natural-looking set.
French Tips...
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"When you finish getting your nails done, send me a pic. I wanna see what they look like," he said before kissing you on the cheek. You could still smell the scent of coffee from this morning in the air.
That alone was addicting enough, but when the scent of his Channel cologne was mixed in only one thing was on your mind. And that was getting back in bed with him. Or at least pleasing him while he tells you how pretty you look.
"Okay," you smiled softly as you looked into his sweet doe eyes. You pulled the gold chain of your black clutch bag over your shoulder as you headed out the door.
You would've loved for him to take you to your nail appointment today, but he had some business to take care of at home. To be specific, he had a very important meeting over Zoom with a few of his colleagues concerning a very important business deal, which he made crystal clear to you the day before.
Before heading to your appointment, you stopped to place an order for some desserts. Heeseung planned to have a business party next week and he left you in charge of the food.
"Why do you want me to do it? Can't you just hire someone else to take care of this," you asked, not because you had a problem with it, more so for the reason that you were honestly curious.
"Well, you have good taste," he smiled.
"Mhm, sure I do."
"Well, that and you taste good," he smirked, pulling you close to flick his tongue across your lips.
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You took a sip from your water bottle as you walked into the beauty salon. "Good morning, Dear. Are you here for your 9 o'clock appointment?" Mrs. Yanez asked from behind the desk.
"Yes, ma'am," you smiled.
"Alright, I'm just gonna log you in," she said as she clacked away at her keyboard. "Do you know what you want to do today?"
"Yes, I'll need a full, fresh set along with a mani-pedi."
"Did you want a massage as well?"
"No, that's alright."
"You sure, it's 30 percent off today. Plus you've accumulated a total of 1500 pretty points with us."
"Hmm, well I'll definitely use those points another day," you smiled. "And as much as I would love a discounted massage, I kinda wanna get back home a little early today."
"Ooh, Mr. Lee must be home today," she teased.
"Yes, he is," you chuckled.
"Well, then I won't keep you waiting any longer," she smiled before pushing a small black button. She often reminded you of the tía-sobrina relationship you never had. You could talk to her about anything, and trust me...she wanted to hear it.
"Right this way, Miss," a masked employee nodded as you followed her to the back. You giggled as Mrs. Yanez playfully waved to you with a smirk on her face.
You sat down in a soft leather chair as you explained what look you were going for today. "I would like a natural-looking set. Almost like French tips, but with natural shades."
"So no white tip?"
"Well white like the color of my natural nails," you explained pointing to the whites of your nails.
"Okay, perfect. I can do that for you. Gloss or not gloss?"
"Gloss," you smiled, as the lady turned around to pick from the colors on her shelf. A nude color, an off-white color, and a pale yellow--which she mixed with the white to match the natural color of your nails.
Having a custom color mixed made your nails feel pretty unique. Plus, this was a style you never tried before, so you were excited to see how they'd come out.
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After about 45 minutes you were ready to go. Two people ended up working on you which sped up the process.
"Tell Heeseung I said hello," Mrs. Yanez smiled as you walked out.
"I will," you chuckled as she waved to you.
You climbed into your car before heading over to a nearby boba shop to pick up some drinks. Matcha for you and brown sugar for him. You liked extra boba and he liked extra syrup. These were little details you could never forget.
*Click* you snapped a shot of you holding the brown sugar boba because it looked better with your nails, even though it was for Heeseung.
Within seconds he opened the message and hearted the pic you sent. "They look nice, babe," he texted. You were surprised he even said that much.
"Maybe his meeting hasn't started yet. Or maybe they canceled it," you thought to yourself. Either way, you couldn't wait to get back home.
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"Heeseung?" you called out as you stepped out of your shoes. Your car keys, clutch bag, and phone balanced between your fingers as you carried both of the drinks over to the counter. You had drunk about a fourth of your by the time you made it home.
You placed yours on the counter as you walked into his home office.
You knocked softly as you opened the door. Heeseung didn’t say a single word, but the look on his face told you everything. “I’m a little busy right now, babe. You can come back later, okay.”
You paused in both shock and embarrassment for a moment before a cheeky smirk appeared on your face. You closed the door behind you before walking over to his desk.
He was trying his best not to look at you, but you could tell he wanted to.
You placed his drink on the desk next to him before crawling under the desk. As professional as Heeseung tried to be at times, he loved wearing his sweat pants and you liked them too.
They were comfortable and made pulling his dick out so much easier.
You fiddled around with his drawstring causing him to wiggle a bit from your touch before you managed to get his dick out. You felt him harden between your palms as you stroked him up and down. That's when an idea popped into your head.
You pulled your phone out and snapped a shot of his tip against your tongue. You placed your phone down beside you as you began to suck him off. You felt him lean forward slightly, trying his best to contain his excitement.
You kissed the head of his dick to give him a chance to readjust himself. You could hear the voices of his colleagues coming from his computer as you continued to suck him off. You pulled back to unbutton your blouse using your tits to take the place of your hands as you jerked him off.
*Click* you took another pic of his dick nestled in between your tits.
You traced your tongue up the length of his shaft before taking it back in your mouth. It wasn't long before you heard him getting ready to end the call.
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You looked up at him from under the desk. "Couldn't wait until after my meeting," he asked with a smirk.
You shook your head no as you continued to bob your head on his cock.
"Did you at least enjoy yourself?"
"Hmm...almost. I still feel like I'm missing a little something."
"And what would that be?" he asked cheekily, though he was fully aware of what you wanted...especially after you opened your mouth to tap his tip on your tongue.
He grabbed your head, shoving it down as he pumped himself into your mouth. Just as he was getting ready to cum he pulled your head back to coat your tongue.
*Click* He took a photo of your sitting between his legs with his cum all over your tongue and a dazed look on your face.
He paused to tap away at his phone before sending a pic of you with a bow edited on your head looking completely cum drunk.
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❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
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❀ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @chlorinecake @mimikittysblog @nikisvanillaccola @wonbinisbabygurl @mrswolfhard3 @laylasbunbunny @sussyjake @furious-eagle @cherrriesss @abbyizzy @weyukinluv @addictedtohobi @thatonenoona @wavykook @givemeyourtmihyun @jaeljn @hoonmywk @valennshit @19-yunalyn @hoonbby @frostedblankets @hoonsyo @no-mannerism @perfectxserendipity @chubbibish @ihrtlix @bunniesforsoobin @thereadersparadise @thatbooknerdfr @aiden2001 @belongstoheeseung @jakeybabe @donut-crazs @rizzhee @nikimeows @woonieees @uarmyxtae @rebecca-johnson-28 @they2luv1naia @isa-2007 @silcry @riverscafe @pearlwhitesoul @nikohiroshi @thatbooknerdfr @wonniewonwon @sughoonieeee @babyy-bambii @adrika04 @sehunsharpasseyebrows @wtfyangjungwon @fr-3-akn-4-stymf @rikiloversworld @shawyle @sunoosrightbuttcheek @uarmyxtae @lovesickxmina @urfavberry @urauntiefaye @breadlover01 @taehyunsfavmo
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f1goat · 1 day
roommates ; lando norris + part six
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In which you have to live with your brothers best friend who you really don't like, Lando Norris, and his many 'girlfriends' for a while, but there's always a thin line between love and hate.
masterlist - playlist
lando norris x fem!verstappen reader tw: smut & not proofread
You don’t know whether to laugh or to cry when you hear the girl talking to Lando. He’s barely responding to her, but still. It’s so clear to you. Lando doesn’t care about you. That silly crush of yours? You need to get rid of it. How faster, how better. When they walk inside the living room, it doesn’t take longer then a second for Lando to see you sitting on the couch. 
While Lando is busy staring at you and thinking about what to say, you can’t stop looking at the girl he bought home with him. Is it bad that she kinda reminds you of yourself? She’s wearing the same sort of dress you were wearing on your ‘date’ with your ex. Her hair is the same color and about as long as yours. It must be a coincidence. 
Lando feels so ashamed right now. The night he goes for the most pathetic way, is the night you see it happen. Fucking hell. He hasn’t drunk enough to handle with this. When he saw Emily earlier at the club, at least if he got her name right, he could only see the dress she’s wearing. Exactly like yours from earlier. Then he saw how she had some other things that reminded him of you. It felt like the only solution for tonight. 
“Uh,” Emily clearly feels the tension between Lando and you. “She’s not your girlfriend right?” She asks awkwardly. 
“No,” you quickly reply. 
Lando doesn’t even know what to say. He can only feel ashamed right now. Fuck. You keep looking at Emily and him. He knows that you see it as well, it’s not hard to miss that Emily looks like you. This is embarrassing. It feels even more embarrassing that she’s a cheap knockoff compared to you. He lets out an annoyed sigh. Fuck, he really fucked things up with this. 
Now that he thinks about it, he wonders why he even brought the girl home with him. How longer he looks at her, how less she reminds him of you. Tonight was about proving that you’re wrong, not about proving the other way around. Why did he even bring her with him? It’s desperate, really.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” you softly say while standing up from the couch. Is it that bad that you’re disappointed in this? You feel like some sort of fool. Why did you even wait up? Why did you want to know about this? You feel yourself getting more sad with the second. Slowly you walk away. When you walk past Lando, he’s quick to grab your shoulder. It makes you even more sad. 
“Don’t leave like this,” he softly says, “Let’s talk.”
You feel the anger running through your veins right now. You aren’t thinking about what you’re saying right now. “I don’t think your girlfriend is here to talk,” you sneer to him, “and neither am I. Not anymore at least.”
“Let me explain,” Lando pleas with a soft voice.
“You don’t have to explain anything to me,” you state, “We’re nothing. It’s not like we’re friends or anything. You lied to me before, I don’t trust you anymore. We’re even less then nothing now.”
“Don’t act like this,” Lando replies. You see the pain in his eyes, but for now you don’t care about that. He did this to himself. He’s the one who bought her home, not you. If it’s up to you he feels all kind of pain right now, he deserves it. 
“Don’t act like what?” You ask annoyed, “Can’t I tell you that we’re not friends, or anything else? Or can’t I tell you that I don’t care about you? You do you Lando. I really don’t give a fuck. So go have sex with your new girlfriend over here.”
“Shut up,” Lando groans. 
“Or what?” You reply angrily. 
“Don’t say things you don’t mean,” Lando continues. 
“I mean every word of what I just said,” you lie. Of course you don’t mean anything about it. You thought that Lando and you were finally becoming friendly with each other, you even hoped for more. Fuck this is really bad. It even pains you to say those words to him, but you don’t feel like you have another choice. 
“Stop lying,” Lando says with a louder voice this time. He almost seems angry this time. The frustration is obvious. 
“I don’t care Lando. Do whatever you want, go fuck with her or another girl. I really don’t care about it,” you tell him with the same frustration, “just make sure that you’re not moaning out my name again.” 
“Shut up,” Lando groans. The angry undertone in his voice is getting more clear now. You match it.
“Make me,” you reply angrily. 
You’re painfully aware about how close Lando and you are standing towards each other. He isn’t holding your shoulder anymore, but you feel every breath of him on your face. At this moment you want nothing more then for Lando to snap. It feels like you’re pretty close to make that happen. You wonder what will happen next. Will he scream at you? Or would he shut you up another way? Some way you prefer?
Lando takes a step closer towards you. His nose is almost pressed against yours. The space between to two of you gets only smaller. You wonder if you need to say something else, but then Lando continues to talk. 
“You want me to shut you up?” He asks you. His voice isn’t angry anymore, it doesn’t even seems frustrated anymore. It’s almost scarily calm for what’s happening. You notice how Lando doesn’t look away from you. The girl he bought home with him is still here, but it seems like Lando has forgotten about her. Not that you mind. Why hasn’t she left yet anyway?
“Yes,” you state boldly. 
Lando doesn’t think about the possible outcomes of his next movement. He stops thinking about everything he wants to do right now and for once just does something. Still annoyed and frustrated with the whole evening - and mostly with himself, he finally snaps. He grabs your waist, and pulls you almost into himself. Before you can react he lifts up your chin with a soft, but forceful movement. He gives you one last look in the eyes before closing his own eyes and slamming his lips against yours. 
You didn’t expect him to do this. Fuck, you really didn’t. But it’s insane how good it feels. Lando his lips are soft, even softer then you thought they would be. His kiss reflects the way he’s feeling, it’s messy but it does fit the moment. You can probably kiss him like this for the rest of the night.  And many nights more. If he would let you. Maybe it isn’t Lando who doesn’t support that idea, it’s the girl from earlier who distracts you from each other. 
“What the fuck!” She loudly screams. “Why did you even bring me here?” She continues to ask, “This is fucking insane.” 
“Just leave,” Lando sighs annoyed. He doesn’t move away from you in the mean time. You’re still trapped in his arms. Without saying a word, but with a small grin plastered on your face, you watch everything amused. It seems like she doesn’t want to leave like this. The girl is still fuming and making all kind of remarks at Lando. While he only tries to get her to leave. 
Eventually Lando needs to let go of you to walk her outside. You still hear her screaming in the hallway. It makes you giggle. Of course, it’s bad that Lando treated her like this - but for once, you’re glad about it. It would be way worse if he fucked her. You hear the front door close, after that there’s a peaceful silence. No more screams from the girl. No more arguments between Lando and you. 
When Lando returns to you, he’s busy thinking about what to do next. Should he continue with what he was doing? Or should he apologize? He has no idea what you think about all of this. What if he kissed you without you agreeing with it? When he sees you leaning on the wall and waiting for him with a small, but really satisfied grin plastered on your face, Lando is quick to forget about all his worries. He rushes himself back to you, only to press his lips on yours for the second time that night. 
“You drive me fucking crazy,” he grunts after pulling back.
“Says you,” you reply softly.
Lando doesn’t reply verbally this time. He softly pins you against the wall and presses his lips against yours for the third time tonight. Now that he knows how it feels to kiss with you, he never wants to stop with it. He can’t miss this feeling. 
You can safely state that you have never been kissed better then this. It’s not like you want to give yourself hope, but Lando kisses you like there’s no-one else he ever wants to kiss again. You can only hope that it actually is that way. Mainly because you’re sure that you never want to kiss anyone else again if it isn’t Lando. 
“Fuck Lan,” you softly whimper when he pulls back again. 
He looks at you. The way he stares at you makes you shiver. His eyes pierce through yours. “What babygirl?” Lando asks you. He’s afraid that you have come to your senses, that he should stop this. You probably don’t want this, he guesses. 
“Don’t stop,” you softly tell him with red cheeks. 
“Sorry, I’ll stop,” Lando mutters a bit disappointed. You show him a confused look, didn’t he hear you? You don’t even know why he’s thinking about stopping. The only good thing about him mishearing you, is that he seems disappointed to stop. That’s interesting. 
“I said don’t stop,” you tell him a bit louder this time. 
This time it’s Lando who shows you a confused look. He has no idea what’s happening to him. Before he can even ask if you’re sure, you already surprise him again. This time it’s you who pulls him closer towards yourself. Lando doesn’t even know what’s happening anymore. It seems like you do want this as well? He thought you lost yourself in the moment, but now he’s not so sure about that anymore. 
He can’t help himself anymore now. His tongue is inside your mouth and battling yours for dominance. Lando can’t hold himself back. If this is the only night he’ll experience this, he needs to experience as much of you as he can. When you let out a soft moan during making out with Lando, it only arouses him more. He feels his pants tighten around a particular spot. Softly he pins you against the wall again. He removes his lips from yours, only to connect them with your neck. 
It makes you let out a soft moan. How is Lando making you feel like this in only a matter of time? You must be losing your mind. Your focus is quick to disappear when Lando his hands start to explore your body as well. His hands are everywhere, at least that’s how it feels like. 
“Let me make it up to you,” he eventually tells you. 
“Make it up to me?” You ask confused. What’s he talking about. 
“For bringing her home,” Lando confesses, “I really shouldn’t have done that.”
Slowly you nod. “That’s a lot to make up for,” you softly say. 
Lando nods as well. “Thank god we have a lot of time,” he jokes. You show him a small grin. That’s enough confirmation for him right now. Within seconds he picks you up. You’re surprised about his strength. He’s actually walking you to his room like this. When you reach his bedroom, Lando softly drops you onto his bed. He joins you on the bed, hovering above you while pressing kisses on your cheeks, forehead, nose and every other spot he can find to press his lips against. 
It takes you a lot to withhold yourself from letting out loud moans whenever Lando does something. When Lando kisses you against your neck and softly sucks on a small bit of your skin, you can’t hold them back anymore. You let out a loud moan. 
“Lan,” you softly whimper.
“You better keep calling me that,” Lando softly tells you. You show him a small smile. He let himself down on the bed next to you. You’re quick to move yourself closer towards Lando. Within a couple seconds you have yourself pressed up against him again. Lando looks at you full lust. “Needy babygirl?” Lando asks you. 
You can only nod. You feel your cheeks redden up. It almost feels embarrassing, but you really can’t stop feeling like this right now. The things Lando is doing to you, while almost doing nothing to you, are actually insane. Lando moves himself again. This time he positions himself sitting right next to you. Softly he pulls you up as well. He toys with the hem of your sweater, looking at you with questioning eyes while doing so. You show him a small nod, hoping that he understands the hint. He does. Slowly Lando pulls off your sweater. 
When he sees that you’re wearing nothing underneath your sweater, he softly gasps. “Fuck babygirl,” he mutters while looking at your boobs. He notices the way your nipples have hardened, he wants nothing more then to put them into his mouth. For now he withholds himself from actually doing so. He does however move his attention towards your leggings. Suddenly he can’t think about anything else then seeing you naked. 
It’s you who is quick to discard the leggings you were wearing. Lando can’t believe his eyes when you start to pull of the leggings. When the leggings have joined your sweater on the floor, Lando can’t stop staring at you anymore. Softly he lets his hands wander over your body, stopping by your string. After this there’s no way back. Not that he can trust himself to stop now, but after seeing you completely naked he’s sure that he can’t stop anymore. 
You let out a soft moan when Lando traces your string with his fingers. “Take it off please,” you beg Lando. 
“Sure babygirl?” Lando asks you, “Because I don’t think I can stop myself anymore after seeing you naked.” He needs to know for sure that you want this as well. 
“Please,” you continue to beg, “Just take if off already.”
Lando doesn’t need to know anything else for now. He is quick to pull down your string. When he tosses it on the floor as well, he can’t tear his eyes of you. You’re beautiful. Words are leaving his mouth rather quickly, he can’t even think about what he’s saying anymore. 
“You look so beautiful,” he murmurs. You show him a small smile. “Imagined this for years,” he grunts, “You look even better then in my dreams.” Is Lando confessing that he dreamt about you? What’s going on? “Can I touch you?” Lando suddenly asks you, you’re quick to stammer out a yes. 
Lando is quick to come into action after hearing your yes. Suddenly he’s everywhere at once. You feel him exploring your naked body. His lips are pressing kisses on your neck, but he’s fast to move down lower. Eventually he reaches your boobs. He sends you one more asking look to know you’re sure about this, which you are quick to confirm to. After that Lando closes his lips around one of your nipples, while softly kneading your other tit. It causes you to let out a loud moan, something that Lando seems to like. 
Everything is getting to much for you rather quickly. It’s been a while since the last time you’ve had sex and with a thin walled room next to Lando, masturbating wasn’t one of your options lately. The way Lando discovers your body is making you lose your mind. You need to feel him as well. You start to toy with the hem of his shirt, trying to make clear to him that he should take it off. Lando doesn’t budge. 
When Lando moves down on your body again and presses kisses against your lower stomach, you’re sure that you’ll be losing your mind. When one of his kisses is almost pressed against your cunt, you almost let out a scream. Fuck it’s actually insane how much you need him to do something to you. Who would have thought that Lando is the one who can make you feel like this? Now that you think of it, you’re not that surprised. 
“Ohh Lan,” you softly moan out when Lando gets even closer towards your more private parts. Lando lets out a low groan. “I need to taste you,” Lando grunts. 
“Please do,” you moan. 
That’s all Lando needed to hear. He dresses himself down in no time. His shirt and pants join your clothes on the bedroom floor. Then he spread your legs for himself. “Such a pretty cunt,” Lando softly mutters while looking at you. He really can’t believe that this is happening. 
“Do something,” you softly beg. 
Lando doesn’t wait any longer anymore. He presses kisses against your cunt in a taunting slow pace. It makes you crazy. “More,” you whimper. Lando listens to you. Like some sort of madman he starts to lick your pussy. His tongue is everywhere at once. You don’t even try to hold back your moans anymore. They are leaving your mouth again and again. It seems that Lando likes it as well. 
“You’re making such pretty sounds for me,” Lando tells you adoringly. It gives you a warm feeling on the inside. You’re probably red already, but otherwise you’d be sure that this would be the reason. “Such a good girl,” Lando continues to praise you. 
Lando slowly lets one of his fingers slide inside of you. Moving it in a rather fast pace while connecting his lips to your clit. Softly he sucks it inside of his mouth. When he releases, you let out a loud moan again. You feel your orgasm getting closer. 
“Fuck me,” you try to order Lando. 
Lando stops his movements. “Fuck you?” He asks you confused.
“I need to feel you inside me,” you confess. 
“What about asking nicely?” Lando asks you teasingly. He always thought you’d be a bit of a brat and it turns out that he’s right. However, what he didn’t expect was how easily it would be to turn you into a begging mess.
“Please Lan,” you beg him without even thinking about it. “Please let me feel you fill me up,” you continue, “Please fuck me.” Begs are leaving your lips like prayers. Lando has never felt so aroused in his life before. He always thought it would be different with you, more intense for sure, but he didn’t expect it to be this much better with you. He’s still wearing his boxers, but he has never felt this close to an orgasm before. You’re making him lose his mind. 
Lando already knows that when he has felt you around his cock for the first time, there’s no one else who would ever feel better around it anymore. He knows for a fact that when he fucks you, he ruins sex for himself for the rest of his life. But still, that doesn’t stop him from pulling down his boxershorts and letting his cock spring to freedom. 
You’re greedily grabbing his boner, needing to feel it in your hands before he puts it inside you. Slowly you stroke his dick, Lando lets out a loud moan. It feels good to pull a sound like this out of him. You want to hear every sound you can get out of him. 
“Princess,” Lando grunts, “You have to stop doing that, otherwise I’ll cum before even fucking you.” 
“Then what are you waiting for?” You ask Lando. Fuck, you feel like a brat but you can’t stop yourself. You never felt like this before. No one ever made you feel like this. Lando can only grin when he hears your remark. 
“Always thought you would be a brat,” he tells you with a dangerously low voice. It makes you even more turned on. “Sorry,” you whimper.
“Never apologize for that babygirl,” Lando is quick to reassure you, “I always liked the thought.” Before you can react again, Lando continues to talk. “And I always liked the thought of you being my brat even more,” he confesses. You don’t know what to say. At this moment you don’t have to say anything, Lando comes closer towards you and starts to line up his cock with your entrance. 
“You still want this?” Lando asks you.
“Please,” you beg.
That’s all Lando needed to hear. He pushes himself inside of you. Within seconds he’s setting a ungodly pace. You can’t even think straight anymore right now. The only thing that’s in your mind is how good Lando is fucking you. Sex never felt like this before. You wonder if anyone else will ever make it feels like this. You don’t think so. Lando is probably ruining you. And you would let him do it again every time he wants to. 
“Fuck,” you whimper when you feel your orgasm reaching again. Lando makes all kind of sounds in the mean time. You love every single one of them. Every small or big grunt, moan and groan makes you even more aroused. 
“You feel fucking perfect,” Lando groans. He increases his pace even more. “I’m so fucking close,” he adds almost ashamed. 
“Me too,” you confess.
Lando didn’t lie about how close he already was. He feels himself almost crashing down because of his upcoming orgasm. He tries to fuck you as hard as he can manage, pushing and pulling in and out of you with a rapid pace. “Fuck,” you almost scream when Lando keeps increasing his pace. “I’m coming,” you tell Lando pretty quickly after that.
You feel the orgasm washing over you. It’s never been as intense as now. Lando tries to pull himself back, remembering for the first time that he didn’t use any kind of protection. Your legs are firmly wrapped on his body, you’re not letting him go. 
“Pill,” you softly explain. Lando nods and pushes himself deeper back into you. He feels his load coming out of him and entering you. 
“Fucking hell babygirl,” Lando grunts a couple minutes later when he feels more relaxed again. His orgasm has left his body. He feels calm again. “That was,” Lando starts a sentence he doesn’t know how to finish. It was so many things, mind-blowing, the best sex of his life and he can go on like this. 
“A mistake,” you finish his sentence. You already feel sad about the words you just said, but you know that it’s for the better to call it a mistake. “This can’t happen again,” you sigh. 
Lando doesn’t know what to think right now. “A mistake?” He asks you confused, “Was it that bad?”
“No,” you’re quick to deny, “I think, no I know that this was the best sex I’ve ever had. But we can’t do this again Lando, I’m not the one for one night stands.”
“I never called this an one night stand,” Lando is quick to tell you. “Let’s talk tomorrow about this babygirl. I want to sleep and I want you next to me.” 
It’s probably the most stupid thing you can do, but you agree to Lando his wishes. You let yourself fall asleep next to Lando. He cuddles up against you and does the exact same thing, but not before wondering how he’s going to make sure that this will happen again. 
a/n; finaaaaally some tension :) there's more to come! hope everyone likes it <3
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Long Story Short 
Pairing: Single Dad Cassian x Bestie Reader
Synopsis: Cassian loved Reader for as long as he could remember, but there never seemed to be any opportunity for more. Then what was meant to be a random one night stand ends with Cassian, alone, with a baby in his arms. Throughout this new journey in his life, Reader is there for him in ways that he never could have expected.
Based on this request! 🩷
Warnings: smut, pregnancy, swearing, a lil angst, mutual pining
Word Count: 6k
Cassian’s heart ached as he watched you settle in beside your lover, his arm slinging around your shoulders, your smile bright and loving as you looked at him, in your own little world as your friends talked and laughed at the table around you. 
He hated it when you brought him along to what he considered to be family functions, meant for the people Cassian loved. And that asshole certainly did not fit into that category. 
Okay, he could concede that this guy wasn’t that bad. But, he certainly wasn’t good enough for you. Nobody ever could be, but certainly not Zaden. 
Cassian knew he wasn’t good enough for you either, but he would try his damn hardest to be everything you needed if you ever gave him the chance. He had loved you so intensely for so long, he couldn’t imagine how you hadn’t already figured it out. He felt like the whole world dimmed in your presence, with you standing out in vibrant color against everything else. 
Suddenly, Azriel nudged him subtly with his elbow, and Cassian came back to real life, to the one where you loved him as a friend and nothing more, where you went to Zaden’s bed every night --
Rhysand was looking at him expectantly. Cassian cleared his throat. “Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked how training is going in the mountains,” Rhysand purred, clearly amused to catch Cassian in the middle of a daydream. 
He was glad for the distraction, and gave them all updates about how the Illyrian armies were shaping up, before suffering through the rest of dinner with you across from him.
Cassian bolted out of his seat as soon as the plates were cleared, heading into the city, needing fresh air, needing some kind of distraction that would make his heart stop hurting for just a little bit. 
He ended up at a bar, tossing back glass after glass of amber liquid until a stranger sat right next to him, her arm brushing against his as she settled on top of the stool. 
When he looked at her, her eyes were already locked on his, her mouth curved into a sultry smile. She was beautiful, he had to admit. Not as beautiful as you obviously, but attractive nevertheless. 
She turned fully towards him, making small talk as she brushed her fingers along his arm. 
And he thought this could be a damn good distraction. 
Weeks later, you burst through Cassian’s door, tears in your eyes. 
Cassian stood up immediately, and you ran to him, burying your face in his chest as he held you close. “What is it?” he asked. 
“Zaden broke up with me,” you sniffed. 
He held you tighter, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “What? Why?”
You groaned. “He said it just wasn’t working.”
“I’m so sorry,” he said, tilting your chin up so he could look at you. “Is there anything I can do?”
“Can we just hang out today?” You asked. “Is that okay?” 
“Of course it is,” he said, his heart leaping that he was the one you ran to. 
For the rest of the day, the two of you lounged around, and Cassian was doing everything he could to make you feel better.
When the sun dipped below the horizon, you were settled under his arm, your head against his chest. “I can’t believe I wasn’t good enough for him,” you said quietly. 
“No, don’t do that,” he said, and you tilted your head up to look at him curiously. “You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.” 
“Cassian,” you whispered. 
“I mean it,” he murmured. Surely, you had to know. After all this time, how could you not see it?
Your breath hitched, your gaze dipping to Cassian’s lips for a moment. 
Then you were leaning toward him, your lips gently meeting his. He sucked in a breath, and shifted you so you were sitting on top of him. You were holding his face in your hands, kissing him and this is all he’s ever wanted, and he longed to melt into you and stay there forever, but…
He pulled back from you, his heart breaking. “You’re sad and you’re vulnerable. We shouldn’t.”
“Cassian,” you said, your voice breaking. “Have you ever thought about… us?” 
His heart lurched, his mind reeling, trying to decide how much to tell you. “Of course I have,” he said quietly, running his thumb lightly across your cheekbone.
Something like hope flickered in your eyes, and Cassian’s heart swelled. “You have?” You whispered. 
Cassian almost laughed, years of pining over you flashing through his mind. He couldn’t stop himself from leaning in and kissing you softly. “You’re incredible,” was all he could manage.
You laughed lightly. “So are you…” Your voice trailed off, your eyes darting away from his, a habit he knew meant you were trying to find the courage to say something. After a moment, your eyes locked on his again and you said softly, “Maybe we could be incredible together.”
Your name rushed out of Cassian’s mouth like a gasp before he could stop it. His heart sank into his stomach. He wanted you. Of course he did. But he didn’t want to be your rebound, the one you only noticed right after someone else had broken your heart. He wanted to be your first choice, the only one that mattered. 
He ran his thumb along your cheekbone. “If you really want to give us a shot… I think we should wait. Your emotions are all over the place right now, and I don’t --” he stopped short. 
Your eyes were swimming with pain as you looked at him, your hands on his shoulders. It broke his heart. “You don’t what?” you whispered.
I don’t want to get my hopes up. I don’t want you to hurt me, because I wouldn’t survive it. Not from you.
He swallowed. “I just think we should wait a few weeks. Give yourself time to get over Zaden.”
You slid off his lap and stood up, hardly looking at him. “Okay,” you said quietly. 
And without another word, you were gone.
Cassian prayed to the Mother that he hadn’t just fucked up his one chance.
A few days later, Cassian was still reeling from what you said. You had barely spoken since then, which was putting him even more on edge. 
Multiple times, he had contemplated throwing his dignity out the window and running to you, begging you to forget everything he had said and be with him already. 
But he wouldn’t do it. If he was going to be with you, he had to know it was because you actually wanted him. 
He ended up back at the bar that night, to drink away his problems, to soothe the anxiety he felt every time he thought of you just the slightest bit. 
Cassian had been sitting there for about an hour when a woman sidled up to him. He was about to brush her away, not in the mood, until he realized he knew her. It was his hookup from weeks ago. 
“Oh hey,” he said, wondering if she would even remember him. “Lana, right?”
She nodded, shooting him a tight smile that was nothing at all like the one he remembered. “I’m glad I ran into you. We -- umm. We need to talk.”
The tone in her voice sent him immediately on edge. He straightened, turning to face her fully. “About what?”
Lana winced slightly and that’s when it hit him. He didn’t pick up on it at first in the crowded room, but he could scent it now. “You’re pregnant,” he blurted. 
“Yes,” she said quietly, looking at him sheepishly. “It’s yours.”
“You’re sure?” Cassian choked out, his mind reeling.
“Trust me, I’m sure,” she ground out. 
“Wow.” He said. “Okay. Wow. This is -- Cauldron, this is…”
“Insane?” she offered.
He nodded, in a daze. “Sure. That works.”
Lana stayed silent, watching Cassian digest it. 
“I mean, I’m happy, I think,” Cassian said. “I’ve always wanted a family someday, and children are such a blessing. I just didn’t think it would be…now.”
“With a stranger,” she added. 
“Right.” He turned to Lana then, feeling like a complete idiot. “Gods, how are you feeling about all this?”
She smiled weakly. “About the same, I think. I hadn’t really thought about it, to be honest. Being a mom, I mean. Children are so rare, it wasn't ever something I really considered. But, I’m happy, I think. To have a baby.”
“Okay,” he said, nodding. “So… what do we do?”
Lana shrugged. “I have no idea.”
Cassian was almost embarrassed about what he was about to say. “We should… date, right? We should be a family?”
A slow smile lit up Lana’s face. “A family. I like that idea.”
“Me too,” he said. 
And that’s when Cassian remembered you. And what you had said. And the chance that he had just lost.��
But then he thought of the baby. His baby, his child. 
Maybe dreams could change. And maybe that was okay.
You had never been so embarrassed in your life. You understood where Cassian was coming from, of course. You understood how it looked, running right to him after Zaden had dumped you. 
But, his rejection still stung.
Cassian had been a near constant in your life for the past few decades, to the point where now you couldn’t even imagine how you had made it through anything without him. 
It wasn’t until more recently, when things with Zaden had started to go downhill, that you thought maybe it would be wonderful if your relationship with Cassian… changed. 
He was a good man. Endlessly attractive? Of course. Hilariously funny? You thought so, anyway. But, his heart. When you really sat down and thought about it, you realized you didn’t know anyone better on the planet. 
And to top it all off, he was your best friend. You already had such a strong foundation, you imagined it would be remarkably easy to fall into something else, something deeper. 
So, when he was holding you and calling you incredible, and looking at you in that way that only he ever has, you laid it on the line. You took the chance.
And it had completely backfired. 
He hadn’t said no, exactly. Just not right now. But wasn’t that the same thing? 
A loud knock on your door roused you from your thoughts. 
You knew who it was before you even opened the door, but you weren’t expecting him to look so frazzled. You had never seen Cassian look like he wasn’t in control.
“What’s going on?” You asked. 
He barreled into your apartment, barely stopping to look at you. He ran both his hands through his hair, and your eyes lingered for a second on the way his biceps flexed as he did so. You had to blink to force yourself to focus back on his face. 
“I’m going to be a dad.”
You laughed, but when he faced you fully, his eyes full of panic, you sobered. “Wait, you’re being serious?”
His jaw was clenched. “Completely serious. I hooked up with someone at a bar a few weeks ago. And she’s pregnant.”
“Cassian,” you breathed. It was all you could say.
“I know,” he said, and his expression became pained as he looked at you. “We’re going to try to be together. To be a family, for the baby.”
And that’s when you realized, he wasn’t just here because you were his best friend and he needed to talk to someone. He was here to tell you it wasn’t going to happen between the two of you. Ever.
You swallowed, trying to keep your voice even. “I’m here for you. Whatever you need, okay? I mean it.”
He looked so incredibly relieved that your heart swelled with love. “I’m so sorry. I know we said--”
“It’s okay,” you cut him off, unable to hear him say it. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter,” he said softly, stepping forward and taking your hand in his. “It’s just -- I wasn’t expecting this.”
“I know,” you murmured, trying to keep your tears in. “You should be a family.”
His eyes softened. “I’m sorry,” he said again, his voice breaking. 
“Don’t be,” you whispered.
It wasn’t until much later, after Cassian left, that you let yourself sob until your eyes burned, until your head was throbbing. 
You had your chance. And now it was gone. 
It was a while before things felt normal between you and Cassian again.
And as far as Cassian and Lana… well, it wasn’t exactly the epic romance that Cassian had always hoped to find. They got along, they had fun. But Cassian couldn’t help but wish there was more of a spark.
Maybe when the baby came, he thought. Maybe when they had this beautiful little life to bond over and protect together. 
But that worried him, too. As much as Lana said she was on board, he could tell she wasn’t as happy as he was. She had mentioned more than once that she never saw herself as a mother. And Cassian had no idea what it was to be a good dad -- what the hell were they going to do? What if they messed everything up? 
As the due date drew closer, he could tell Lana was getting even more anxious, which was to be expected. Right? 
When the due date was only days away, Cassian met up with Lana and immediately he could tell that something was wrong. She was wringing her hands nervously, trepidation coursing through every part of her. 
“I can’t do it,” she blurted out, before Cassian could say so much as a greeting. 
“I can’t be a mother,” she said, tears suddenly streaming down her face. “I can’t play house with you. I can’t give this baby a good life. I can’t do it, Cassian.”
Cassian was suddenly furious. “What? You’re telling me this now?”
“I thought I could get used to the idea. I thought maybe if you and I fell in love, it would make it easier, but we're not. And we’re not going to be, are we?”
He sighed, running his hand through his hair. “No, I don’t think so.”
“See?” she said. “We’re fooling ourselves if we really think the three of us could be a real family.”
“That’s bullshit,” he seethed. “We don’t have to be romantically together to be a family. To be there for our kid.”
“I don’t want to be,” she spat. “Don’t you get it? I don’t want this baby. I never did.”
Cassian reeled back a step, like she had slapped him. “You’re going to abandon your child?”
“It doesn’t feel like mine,” she whispered. “I don’t want it.”
He couldn’t stand to hear anymore, and didn’t want to be around to say something he would surely regret. Instead, he stormed past her, out into the night. 
“She said what?”
You were furious, pacing back and forth in your apartment.
“I’m going to be raising this kid on my own,” Cassian said, panicked. “What the fuck.”
“No, you won’t be,” you said, taking his hands in yours, trying to steady him, forcing him to face you. “I’m here. Rhysand and Feyre can help. I’m sure Az will help when he’s here --”
“I appreciate that, but it’s not the same,” he said sadly. “I can’t believe this is happening. I am not prepared for this.”
“I know,” you said quietly. “I’m so sorry, Cass.”
He sighed, leaning down to rest his forehead against yours. Despite everything, despite how long it had been since there had been any possibility of something more between the two of you, your heart leaped at the contact. “What am I going to do?” He whispered.
“Take it one day at a time,” you said softly. “You’ll be okay.”
You prayed that it was true. 
Unsurprisingly, as soon as the baby was born, Lana hit the road without so much as a goodbye. Everyone rallied around Cassian for the first several weeks, you more than anyone. 
Cassian was exhausted, more terrified than he had ever been in his life, but also more in love than he could have ever thought possible. 
She was his whole world, the little bundle in his arms. She was the only thing that mattered. 
“I can take Asteria for a bit,” you said. “You should rest.”
It was the middle of the night. He had for all intents and purposes, moved into the river house, and you had basically moved in too. There was always someone around him, which he was endlessly grateful for, but he felt guilty that his whole family had essentially put their lives on hold for him, especially you. 
“It’s okay,” he grumbled. “I got it.”
“Cassian, when was the last time you slept?”
He paused, trying to remember. 
“If you don’t know, it’s been too long,” you said gently as you came up to stand next to him, resting your hand on his shoulder. 
Cassian leaned into your touch for a moment before he sighed and passed Asteria to you. “I won’t be long,” he said.
He passed out right there on the bed. 
When he woke up, the sun was shining through the window.
Cassian sat bolt upright in bed, and there you were, sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of the room with his daughter in your arms, freshly clothed.
“Afternoon, sunshine,” you chirped, smiling.
“Afternoon? I was out that long?” 
“You needed it,” you said.
“You should have woken me up,” he grumbled. 
“This is a team effort, remember? I love you, Cassian. I want to help.”
And for about the millionth time in his life, he thanked the Mother that he had you.
Asteria bounded out the front door, crashing into your legs, holding you tight with a grin. “You’re here!”
“Of course I’m here! I’m here all the time, you goof,” you teased, brushing some windswept curly hair out of her face. 
“Will you come color with me? Dad and Uncle Azzie were coloring with me, but they’re not very good,” she said, her voice dropping conspiratorially. 
“Well, sweetheart, we all have our different ways of expressing art,” you said, trying to hold back your laugh. “But, yes of course, I will color with you.”
She took your hand and led you inside. You shot an apologetic glance back to your boyfriend Landon, who followed you with a small smile. He wasn’t quite used to Asteria and Nyx yet. 
You followed Asteria into the kids’ playroom at the river house, where the whole family was meeting for dinner tonight. Cassian, Azriel, and Nyx were sitting on the floor, all coloring with crayons and pencils. 
Asteria motioned to Cassian’s and Azriel’s artwork, which just looked to you like random splotches of color. “See?” she whispered to you. 
“See what?” Cassian grinned at the two of you. 
Laughing, you said, “Asteria was just telling me about the art you and Uncle Azriel were creating.”
Azriel’s mouth quirked up into a tiny smile, looking fondly at Asteria. “You were making fun of our masterpieces, weren’t you?” 
“Nooooo,” she said, grinning. 
Slowly, his eyes locked on her, Azriel stood up. Asteria froze beside you. Then immediately he was across the room and had her in his arms, turning her upside down and jogging around the room while she squealed with delight. “You should always stay a terrible liar, kid,” he teased. 
Grinning, you sat down at the table next to Cassian, and Landon settled in next to you, somewhat awkwardly. 
Soon, you were all coloring contentedly, Asteria and Nyx talking all of your ears off. 
“Would you be able to pick Asteria up from daycare tomorrow?” Cassian asked you quietly. “I have to go to the mountains for a bit, and I’m not sure what time I’ll get back.”
“Of course,” you said, and felt Landon shift slightly beside you. 
Cassian glanced at him, a muscle in his jaw ticking. 
You fought the urge to sigh. Cassian and Landon didn’t get along, even though you had been dating for nearly a year. It was exhausting. Landon thought that Cassian relied on you too much to raise “his” kid. Cassian thought Landon wasn’t understanding enough about the situation. It had led to many fights between you and Landon, mostly because you usually sided with Cassian. 
Mercifully, Rhysand walked in then, announcing that it was time for dinner. 
“Wow!” Rhysand said dramatically, kneeling in front of her. “That is beautiful. Much better than what the grownups at the table accomplished.”
“Uncle Rhys! Look at my picture!” Asteria beamed, holding her paper high above her head.
“Not you too,” Cassian groaned. “I was going for an abstract piece!” 
Rhysand chuckled, “Maybe we can have Aunt Feyre give your dad some art lessons, what do you think?”
Asteria’s eyes widened. “That is a great idea.”
You all laughed as you filed into the dining room and settled in for dinner, pleasant chatter filling the room as you dug into the food in front of you.
Everything was going well, even Landon was socializing with everyone. 
Until, Asteria looked at you, casually saying, “Can you pass the potatoes, mom?”
Everyone glanced at you, but kept chatting as you passed the plate to her. 
Landon stiffened beside you, and Cassian’s eyes locked on yours across the table for a moment, his expression unreadable. 
The rest of the dinner went by fairly smoothly, except for Landon not saying a word to anyone for the rest of the night. 
Cassian pulled you into a hug as you were leaving, murmuring in your ear, “Good luck.”
You laughed and Landon raised his eyebrow at you. 
It wasn’t until the two of you made it back to your apartment that Landon finally turned to you, his eyes on fire. “You’re seriously just going to act like it didn’t happen?”
“What?” You asked, already annoyed. “It wasn’t a big deal.”
“She called you mom.”
“So?” Honestly, it warmed your heart that Asteria saw you that way. 
“You’re not her mom. This is what I’m talking about, Cassian takes advantage of you,” he said, his voice raising.
“Don’t talk about him like that. He’s my family, Landon. Everything I do, I offer to do because I love them,” you said, your temper rising. “That’s not taking advantage.”
He shook his head, exasperated. “I don’t think I can do this anymore. You and Cassian -- It’s too weird.”
“It’s too weird?”
“Oh, come on,” he said angrily. “Don’t act like you don’t know that he’s in love with you. No wonder he wants you to play house with him so often.”
Your heart lurched. Cassian and you hadn’t talked about the possibility of something more since that night ages ago, before Lana, before Asteria. After Lana and Cassian had called it off, you thought that maybe something would happen, but Cassian had never brought it up again, and you had assumed that he didn’t feel that way anymore. You pushed through it, helping him in any way that you could. But, you never quite stopped having those feelings, couldn’t help but let your mind wander to what could have been every once in a while. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said finally. 
Landon let out a humorless laugh. “And you’re kidding yourself.”
“Leave then,” you spat. “We're done.”
As he left, all you could think about was Cassian and Asteria. And what you really wanted out of life. 
Cassian was carefully braiding Asteria’s hair when you stopped by a few days later. 
“Braids before bedtime?” You asked, smiling as you leaned against the door frame, watching Cassian's rough hands gently running his daughter's hair through his fingers.
“I want my hair to be curly tomorrow!” Asteria smiled.
“Good thing your dad got so good at braids, huh?” 
Cassian smiled at you warmly as he tied the end of her braid.
“You ready for bed, honey?” Cassian asked.
Asteria nodded, but looked at you. “Can you put me to bed?”
Your heart swelled, and you looked to Cassian, who nodded, his eyes swimming with affection.
“Of course,” you said, following her to her bedroom in Cassian's apartment.
You tucked Asteria into bed, and she looked up at you, looking contemplative. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, what is it?” You asked, surprised by how serious she was being.
“Are you mad that I accidentally called you mom? I didn't mean to, it just came out,” she said.
“No, I'm not mad,” you said, surprised. “Did I seem mad?”
“You didn't, but… Landon did.”
Your heart broke a little. “Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry he made you feel like that. You don't need to worry about him. I won't be seeing him anymore.”
Asteria looked surprised. “It's just… you kind of are my mom. You do all the things that other kids’ moms do.”
You smiled, taking your hand in hers for a moment. “I do?”
She nodded. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. And you can call me whatever you want, okay?”
Asteria beamed, leaning back into her pillow. “Okay.”
You said goodnight, and found Cassian lingering in the hallway, his eyes slightly wide.
“What happened with you and Landon?” He asked. 
You sighed, walking with him to the living room, out of Asteria's earshot. “Nothing. It doesn't matter.”
He raised an eyebrow as the two of you settled on opposite chairs, facing each other. “It was because of that night at dinner, wasn't it? Because of what Asteria said?”
You bit your lip, hesitating, unsure how he would react to the truth.
The lack of response was enough for him to figure it out. He scoffed angrily. “You've got to be kidding me. Cauldron, I always hated that guy.”
“I know you two didn't get along--”
“That's an understatement,” Cassian growled. His hands were gripping the chair’s armrests so tightly, you thought he might break it.
“What are you so worked up about?” You asked. “If you hated him so much, shouldn't you be glad that we broke up?”
“I'm worked up because I'll never understand what you could have possibly seen in him,” he seethed, his eyes boring into yours. “Explain it to me. Please.”
You looked at him incredulously. “Explain what?”
“Why you stayed with him! Why you liked him in the first place!”
He was furious and for the life of you, you couldn't understand why. “I don't know,” you said, searching for an answer that would be enough for him. “We hit it off at first, and I guess the problems we had seemed small until they weren't anymore.”
Cassian's eyes narrowed as he looked at you. “That's it? You hit it off, and that's why you stayed with him? Gods, he was never good enough for you,” he said, rising from his chair and looking down at you, his eyes on fire.
You rose too, stepping up to him, still confused by his anger, but it spurred on some of your own. “Who would be then, Cassian? Since you clearly know what's best for me, who would be good enough for me?”
“I would!” He roared.
Your heart stopped. Your face must have shown your shock because his body relaxed, exhausted. He was breathing heavily as he looked back into your eyes and said quietly, “I would be. I would try my hardest to be.”
“Cassian,” you whispered.
“You're my family,” he said gruffly. “You, me, and Asteria. The three of us, we're a family. And… gods, I've loved you for so long,” he said, his eyes swimming with pain, with want. 
“Why didn't you ever say anything?” The words came out like a plea.
He loosed out a breath. “You were always with someone. And then when you finally showed interest in me, Lana showed up… and by the time we had ended it, I had a baby to worry about. I didn't have the energy to think about anything but her. When she was older and I was thinking about that aspect of my life again, you were with Landon! When was I supposed to tell you?”
Your head was spinning. “I -- Cassian,” you choked out.
And then you surged forward, taking his face in your hands and pulling him to you, kissing him the way you had been wanting to for ages.
Cassian wasn't sure if he was breathing. He didn't mean to lose it with you like that, to lay it all on the line, but picturing you with that jerk who hated him and his daughter made him see red.
The fact that he broke up with you because his daughter loved you so much made him see red.
So, he lost it. And he finally, finally told you the truth.
And now he was holding you in his arms, and your hands were on his face and your lips were on his and he didn't think he was breathing.
He groaned your name, pulling you closer into him, his hands roaming down your sides, wrapping around to grip your ass. 
You jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist and he couldn't help but smile into the kiss, carrying you through the hallway into his bedroom.
Slowly, he laid you down onto the bed, leaning over you as you sunk into the mattress, kissing down your throat. You sighed his name and he nuzzled his face into your neck.
Your fingers curled around his bicep, and into his hair. “I love you, Cassian,” you said softly. “I've loved you for a long time.”
He pulled back to look at you, his thumb running across your cheek. “The people you dated?” He asked.
Your eyes softened as you gazed up at him. “I didn't think you were interested. I was trying to… move on.”
Cassian laughed humorlessly, letting his forehead rest against yours. “Guess we kept missing our window, huh?”
“Not anymore,” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into another kiss.
“Let's not waste anymore time,” he said against your mouth.
You immediately clawed at his chest, working his shirt off. He laughed, helping you pull it over his head. 
Heat ran through his entire body at the look in your eyes as you stared at the exposed skin of his chest, his arms.
He reached for you, but you sat up and caught his wrists, forcing his arms to his sides. You looked mesmerized as you traced a finger along his collarbone, then ran your hand down his chest, across his abs, down to his waistline, stopping at the top of his pants. 
Cassian sucked in a breath as you toyed with his pants, your eyes trained on his body. 
“You're drooling now, just wait til you get my pants off,” he teased.
Your eyes flicked to his, darkened with lust. 
That look set him off. He growled, taking your face in his hands and kissing you hard. You gasped into his mouth, and he took your hand in his, settling it on his bulge.
You gripped him through his pants, stroking up and down lightly. He groaned, bucking his hips.
“Off,” you mumbled against his lips, tugging at his pants.
“Whatever you want, sweetheart,” he said, and rose from the bed before letting his pants drop to the floor, kicking them behind him.
Your eyes were wide as he stood bare before you.
He laughed lightly, then sauntered over to you, tugging on your hand to stand you up next to him. “I think you need to catch up to me,” he murmured, reaching to pull your shirt over your head.
His breath caught as his eyes raked down your body. He pulled you against him, kissing down your neck, down your chest, running his hands down your sides, pulling your pants off slowly. 
You gasped quietly as he wrapped his hands around the backs of your thighs, picking you up and laying you down on the bed, hovering over you, kissing you deeply as his hands roamed your body. 
“You have no idea how many times I’ve dreamed about this,” he groaned against your skin.
“Show me,” you said quietly, your hands scanning down his back. 
Cassian didn’t need to be told twice. He lined himself up at your entrance and slid into you slowly. 
The two of you moaned in tandem as he filled you completely. His eyes were locked on yours as he started moving inside you, slowly at first, but his thrusts became deeper and harder the longer you clung to him, the more gasps and mewls that you made. 
He twined his fingers with yours, holding your hands above your head as he pounded into you, gazing down at you. 
You bit your lip when your legs started shaking and Cassian grinned. “Don’t wake up the kid,” he smirked. 
“Cassian,” you whined. 
You glared at him and he laughed, gently covering your mouth with his hand as you came undone, your legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him even deeper and he groaned, finishing inside you. 
He collapsed on top of you, both of you breathing heavily. Cassian kissed your forehead before nuzzling his face in your neck. 
“I can’t believe this is real,” he said wistfully as he rolled off of you, brushing the stray hairs off your face, tucking them behind your ear. 
“But it is,” you smiled. 
The look in your eyes, the utter love and affection made his heart race. After all this time, he had you in his arms. And he wouldn’t let anything screw up this chance he’d been given.
“Mom,” Asteria whined from outside. “Uncle Rhys isn’t sharing!”
Rhysand gasped dramatically. “You’re tattling on me?”
She giggled, covering her mouth with her hands. 
“What isn’t Uncle Rhys sharing with you?” You asked, waddling out to the doorway, your hand resting on your swollen belly. 
“It’s my turn!” Rhysand claimed, holding Asteria’s new ball above his head. 
You laughed at your ridiculous family. “Asteria, honey, it sounds like you’re the one who’s not sharing.”
Asteria crossed her arms over her chest, frowning. “Fine. Uncle Rhys can play with my new toy.”
“That’s very nice of you,” Cassian called to her, wrapping his arms around you from behind, lovingly placing a hand over yours on your stomach. “How’re you two doing?” He murmured in your ear. 
You couldn’t help but smile, leaning into his touch. Cassian had always been protective of you, but since you had gotten pregnant, he had barely left your side. “The same as the last time you asked two minutes ago,” you teased.
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. “Glad to hear it.”
You turned in his arms, holding his face in your hands and kissing him sweetly. “I love you,” you smiled. 
“I love you,” he grinned, leaning in to kiss you again. 
“And I love you!” Asteria beamed, bounding up to the two of you. 
Cassian grinned, scooping her up into his arms, bringing her into a group hug. “And my baby brother,” she added, patting your belly gently. 
“One big happy family,” Cassian murmured, gazing at the two of you, his eyes twinkling with all the love in the world. 
@loving-and-dreaming @birdsflyhome @hanuh @sheblogs @iambored24601 @thalia-as-blog @ecliphttlunar @melmo567 @headacheseason @yourqueenlilith @halibshepherd @azrielshadows1nger @cigvrette-dvydrevms @evergreenlark @bookloverandalsocats @sillysillygoose444 @mariamay02 @andreperez11 @lilah-asteria @marina468
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saintslewis · 3 days
𝐢𝐟 𝐰𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 | 𝐋𝐇𝟒𝟒
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- drabble.
pairing: sir lewis hamilton x black! fem reader
summary: reader will never let the paddock forget who Lewis Hamilton is.
warnings: cussing.
saint’s team radio 🪩: this is just a lil something. I was pissed tf off yesterday because of some lewis “fans” and i will never miss an opportunity to let ppl know who my goat is 🫦. enjoy
ps, i’m not adding actual reporter’s names for this so i made up random names.
taglist: @mauvecherie-writes @perfecttrashface @non-stop-imagines @emjayewrites @purplelewlew @hopefulromantic1 @motheroffae @exotic-iris13 @httpsserene @queenshikongo3 @greedyjudge2 @cocobutterqwueen
The tag from your denim jacket had been irritating you since the second you put it on but you chose to forget about it, often adjusting it with your nails or a little shimmy of your shoulders.
Holding the mic from Sky Sports F1 wasn’t all too odd for you, the broadcast team only handing it to you when talking about Lewis and his achievements. Your support for the Stevenage driver was strong, often being as labelled as biased but you couldn’t care less. The support was mutual between the two of you, usually lingering on the line of friendship but doubt and time was always against you.
Your sunglasses sat on your braided head with a bored expression on your face, just wanting to get this segment over with so that you could go back to your individual blogging and interviews. Standing patiently in front of the cameras while other reporters ran around unorganised, you played with your beaded ‘44’ bracelet.
“My goodness, Y/n! I have no clue how you are so calm, this is always so hard!” One of them exclaimed, laughing in the process. “Not to mention the outfit! You look like you could go to a party!” Another laughed, her smile faltering when your eyes snapped to her, expression never changing.
After a while, the segment began and off the reporters went on a scripted tangent about other teams before getting to the main topic; Lewis. “Now, onto a different subject, Lewis Hamilton’s performance in that car has been nothing short of a…disaster if I could say.” Jimmy said, deciding to look at you as he spoke. Almost as if he was challenging you.
“For a specific race weekend or overall? His teammate, George is doing significantly better. I don’t know what’s wrong with him, it’s like he doesn’t know how to drive.” Jennifer spoke, poorly making an attempt of a joke.
“I’m not too sure why you’re speaking as if he is a rookie. You lot can see that Mercedes hasn’t been doing well as a collective yet you’re targeting one driver who has brought then 8 constructer titles rather than the other who has one win.” Lifting your mic, you spoke with a clear voice, never stuttering.
Frank shook his head and tried to chuckle. “Look Y/n. We understand he’s your boyfriend or whatever but we need to be factual here. What Ferrari has done is a mistake by signing him. I mean, there needs to be more space for others and he’s taking up space.”
“And Alonso’s dusty ass doesn’t need to leave? Using my support for Lewis to try and justify your dislike for him is unprofessional. I have no clue how you have the gumption to say all this.” You responded, still not moving from your spot.
The other 4 reporters stared at you in shock along with other people stopping in the paddock, surrounding the space just in front of the official f1 hospitality suite.
“There’s no need to use aggressive language, Y/n.” Jennifer lifted her hand to place on your shoulder but you moved away in time. “Aggressive for who?” You challenged, tilting your head.
It had gotten quite. “The viewers. It’s not a lie, Lewis is just not good anymore. He needs to make space.” One of them spoke up but you couldn’t be bothered to listen to anyone else other than Frank, your eyes trained on him.
“What? We need to speak with the producers, having an independent journalist was a mistake.” Frank smirked.
“You can take your opinion and shove it up your ass. Thanks for having me, Sky Sports F1.” You turned to the camera to blow a kiss then you gave the mic you were holding to whoever would catch it.
Walking away from the set, you knew what you did was undeniably unprofessional but those people had always had a vendetta against Lewis and any reporter/journalist who support him. Breathing out, you sashayed your way through the paddock with people staring as your braids glided in the slight breeze.
The buzz of your phone shook you out of your racing mind, a little gasp escaping your mouth as you read the notification from instagram.
lewishamilton no joke, that was the best thing i’ve ever seen. glad we have that interview together in 5 minutes :)
You first looked around the paddock after reading that message but you figured that he watched it live just like everyone else did. Your anger for that segment had clouded your thoughts so much, you forgot about the interview you were supposed to have with the champion.
Rushing to the large luxurious paddock club, you received all types of looks from those who either clearly watched the broadcast live or they’re looking at your outfit, although the latter was made up in your mind.
Luckily, he hadn’t arrived to the designated room you booked to have the interview with him but as soon as you got your phone out to record and your notes, the screams and excitement were heard from outside the door and a smile couldn’t help but sneak on your face.
You have only interviewed him three times in your entire career but every time you did so, he never wanted it to end, always trying to make it longer by asking his own questions to you or just sharing a laugh.
With security opening the door for him, he entered the room and spotted you with a smile on his face. He entered alone in the mercedes shirt already on. No words needed to spoken by either of you, Lewis opening his arms for a hug to greet you. Once in his embrace, you thought it’d be quick but to your surprise, it lasted a few moments longer.
“Hi Y/n.” Lewis spoke, a hand still on your shoulder. You took a quick breath and immediately relaxed on the spot. “Hey Lewis.”
“Your response to Sky was insane but I liked it.” He chuckled, sitting across from you with his legs open and a ring clad hand sat comfortably on his lap.
You didn’t want to show him how the sight affected you especially when your emotions are sky high so you remained calm on the outside. “It’s just…I’m pretty sure I lost my job just now because of how I reacted.” You sighed out, flicking a few braids back.
“Some of them had said worse things so you’re okay.” Lewis responded, his tone wasn’t all too sure but he just wanted to lift your mood. “Yeah but I’m black. They used micro aggressions too.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at everything once recalling back to that moment.
“I heard. I’ll have a word with Sky.” He reassured you. “Oooh okay, Sir.” You joked, masking how the reassurance made your stomach flutter. You’d like to think he was openly flirting with you but you quickly put that thought at the back of your mind.
“I just don’t want those people to forget who you are, you know? I’m sure you hear this all the time. You know what you’re doing and you’re the best at it. I wanna remind the people who the goat is.” You rambled a bit, noticing his smile growing as he listened to you.
“You’re too kind, really. I know what I am, it’s just a little tough right now.” He shrugged as he fully leaned back into his seat. “If you need me to fight anybody in your team, let me know.” You winked, flashing a comical smile that made Lewis laugh.
Giving you a once over, Lewis leaned forward and rested his tatted arms on his knees. “You look good today. You always do but today…phenomenal.” He spoke, his voice noticeably relaxed. “Don’t make me blush, Sir.” You smiled, failing terribly at hiding your feeling.
“That nickname, Y/n,” He chuckled. “Is that door locked?” He asked. All you had to do was nod at the man and Lewis smirked, licking his lips in the process.
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saint’s notes 🪩: slightly rushed, george pissed me off, hope you enjoyed. bye. <3
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lizthewriter · 3 days
you make everyone disappear / theo nott
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PAIRING  theodore nott x reader
SUMMARY you were lively and blooming with life. he was quiet and teeming with tragedy. it was a match made in heaven. theodore nott takes you on your first fake date and you find yourself enjoying it much more than you thought you would. PART 1 PART 2
QUOTE  "see you in the dark, / all eyes on me, your magician, / all eyes on us, / you make everyone disappear and," - so it goes... by taylor swift
WRITTEN  6.5.2024
the door slammed in your faces and you were left unbearably close to theodore. you didn't know what to say - i mean, you knew you had to make it look as though you really were dating, but you didn't expect him to go to such an extreme. "you did really good with the flowers. very believably," you said in a rather constrained tone. part of you had been flattered by such a gorgeous bouquet, but the other half of you knew it was all for show. why did you feel so sad?
"oh, you're welcome," nott responded, his expression oddly frozen, as though a realization had set in. he failed to remember that you still saw all his actions as fake when in reality, they were more real than you would come to realize for a while. this was going to be harder than he thought. "i picked out a restaurant i think you'll find rather pleasing."
theodore held out his hand towards you, gesturing for you to hold it. those deep, dark eyes yet again drilled into your head. you couldn't help but slide your fingers through his, however ignoring how fast your chest suddenly began to beat. you were just nervous, that was all, you told yourself.
he led you downstairs, out of the dorming building - you earned shocked stares from one of your classmates who was working the front desk that night. you smiled softly as he grabbed his phone and furiously begin to type. soon enough, this would be the talk amongst most of the students in your year, and mattheo wouldn't be able to get away from the gossip about you and theodore.
as you passed people walking into the dorm, you leaned your head against theo's arm and let out a content sigh. theo tensed at your sudden closeness, his face turning red, his thoughts dissolving into nothing but broken words. gods you're so in love with her, but you need to get a grip, nott.
considering your university was rather close to the city streets, filled with restaurants and places to go, you would have thought you were walking. you were shocked to see a *limousine* parked *outside your dormitory* with the driver *opening the door for you both.* theodore smirked at your shocked expression.
"come along, my darling," he said, pulling you with him towards the limo. you followed him in hazy awe, mouth still wide open. you entered the limo after him and the driver closed the door for the both of you. holy shit was this fancy.
the restaurant he had taken a reservation was in the high end of town - you couldn't *imagine* seeing anyone else but perhaps a few of his friends here, because as you glanced at the menus a waiter was carrying around at the entrance, you were sure you saw some fancy steak prices for upward of $200.
"ah, mr. nott. we've had your reservation prepared for the last half hour. please, follow me."
theodore's hand was still firmly in your own. you wondered why nott had chosen such a place - it was very fancy and if they wanted mattheo to be bombarded with whispers of your new relationship, they certainly wouldn't originate in a place none of your classmates would find you. so why - oh. you saw him. in the corner. with that girl.
so that was why - he must have known.
"theo, what kind of beverages do they have here?" you asked loudly, pulling on his arm, wearing a pout on your face. you ignored how mattheo turned away from his girlfriend and stared at you. you had used his old nickname on purpose, of course.
theo intertwined your arms, pulling you closer to him and leaned down so his breath tickled the hair on the back of your neck. "whatever beverages you'd like, my love."
you felt your face dissolve into a deep red. why was he standing so close to you? why did he whisper like that in such a low tone to you? you couldn't seem to form words, unable to understand why you were acting this way - of course he was doing that, all to be convincing. stop deluding yourself into thinking he likes you. besides, you barely know him. and what you do know is that so far, he's only annoyed the hell out of you so why are you feeling like this?
"here you are, mr. nott," the waiter said politely, holding open the door to a rather empty room. as you entered, you found it to be a luxurious dining hall with oak walls and golden garnishes. it was entirely empty, sparing one table at the center of the room set up for two. fancy linen draped the table, expensive china sat at each placemat, and a bottle of moscato was already bathing in a sea of ice cubes. how had he known your favorite drink?
"please, sit," theo said, rushing forward to pull out your chair.
"oh!" you exclaimed, your face still rather warm. he pushed in your chair as you sat down and joined you at the opposite end of the table. he glanced towards the waiter. "thank you for setting this up - please allow us ten minutes to read through the menu before ordering, alfred."
"of course, mr. nott." the waiter left promptly.
theodore couldn't discern reaction. were you pleased, were you uncomfortable? perhaps he should have told you in advance where he was taking you. or maybe he should have asked? he was about to spiral into only a world of anxiety when he heard a loud pop! you had opened the bottle of moscato and began to pour a moderate amount for the both of you.
"you like moscato?" you asked him, taking a sip from your class and smiling softly as you savored the taste.
honestly, he preferred more musky liquor, like whiskey, but he didn't mind the taste of something more fruity. he only nodded on response and took a small sip from his own glass.
"why is this room so empty? do they not have enough patrons to fill the restaurant?" you asked casually, slipping your finger under one of the menu pages and flipping it open.
"oh no, i just reserved the entire room for the next two hours." he didn't understand why you looked at him with such a shocked expression. did that displease you? he thought you would like the privacy a bit more . . . and it would be easier to talk without the combination of other voices in the room.
"theodore - that must have been insanely expensive," you told him, guilty eyes darting towards the menu and then back to him.
"oh no, please don't feel like this was anything of an expense. it is but a speck in the vast desert of my father's fortune. please, order whatever you'd like," he assured you. he watched as you bit back a smile, pulling the menu towards you and glancing down at it. "and please . . . call me theo. only my father calls me theodore."
"okay, theo . . . i suppose we should take this time to get to know each other better." you had a wide, mischievous grin spread across your face. he rolled his eyes playfully, knowing you were going to be highly amused with yourself during this interrogation. he gestured for you to go ahead. "first off, what are you majoring in and why?"
"i'm majoring in mediteranean history. i've always appreciated many different subjects: philosophy, psychology, sciences, criminology, but history had always been my favorite. i hope to work in a museum one day," he explained to you, all quite truthfully. he raised the glass to his lips once more.
"you don't want to go into fashion, like your father?"
he tensed at your question, his hand holding the glass still, the rim still resting upon his dark lips. him and his father . . . their relationship was complicated. once his mother died, his father had no love left for him.  he had never had what most other children had - caring, compassionate parents. no his father was only further angered upon hearing about theo's passion in history. you're no greater than a starving artist. you must as well be the speck of dirt on the bottom of my glorious shoes.
"no, fashion is quite boring, in my opinion. my father would prefer i take over the buisness once he retires but he had to digress once he realized i didn't want too." his tone was dismissive - he wanted to move on to another subject. you took this to mean he was upset with you, didn't enjoy speaking with you, and didn't want to be here. you slumped in your chair.
upon noticing your sudden lack of interest, he leaned forward and tried to engage with you in a softer tone. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to come off as rude - my father and i have a strained relationship. it tires me just speaking of it. you can ask me more questions, i don't mind."
you sat foward, scrutinizing his expression. he tried to look as assuring as possible - you suddenly sat forward with that wide grin of your again and began to interrogate him. his favorite color? green. his favorite novel? pride & prejudice, he revealed, quite ashamedly. his favorite movie? gone with the wind. you went back and forth - any question you asked, he asked you in return. it wasn't long before you found yourselves deep in conversation, laughing over newly-made inside jokes, debating over controversial topics.
you were lively and blooming with life. he was quiet and teeming with tragedy. it was a match made in heaven.
TAGS @rosieandthethorns @thaliasworld96 @lovelyygirl8 @moony-artemis @thesecretmansion @thecraziestcrayon @amongemeraldclouds @readingthingsonhere @darkenwolfie @jaxyy219 @empath-bunny @always-reading @xmadigurlx @mypolicemanharryyy @prettyb1tchsblog @hoeforvinniehackerrr @luckylzclerc @pandalovingcats @theyb @annaisabookworm @starsval @niktwazny303 @starsfortaylor @jetblackpayne @gillyweeds @alwayslatetothefandoms @simp-for-fantasy
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li0nn3stuff · 23 hours
Chapter nine
Kiddo masterlist
English is not my first language, be kind.
Modern!Older!Aemond x Modern!Younger!Reader
•Chapter warnings: obsession, manipulation, talking of sex, smut, fingering, oral sex (fem receiving), kissing•
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Three months after the encounter.
“Aemond…” She moaned loudly, looking behind her as she was standing on her knees and hands, as Aemond kept pounding in her from behind. She looked at him with her big eyes, her lips glossy, inviting, red and swollen from his aggressive kisses, her eyebrows arched as if she was in pain, when he knew she was feeling heavenly.
“You’re too big… So big…” She moaned pornographically. God she was such a minx, and she knew that.
“Just marking my size, kiddo, okay?” He smirked as he gripped her buttocks to hold on to it so he could pull her back against him.
“Aemond?” Aegon called him again. Aemond groaned, rubbing his hand over his face.
He was more and more distracted as days passed by.
He hated it.
He liked the reason.
“Your secretary told me to print you these things.” His brother threw some papers on his desk. He sighed and looked down at them, noticing how the printing was messed up.
How could someone mess up those kinds of things?!
He could kill him now.
“You just have to make him care about what he does”
He looked up at Aegon.
“I have to sign these documents.” He told him. Aegon looked at him like “Yeah, and?” making Aemond utterly nervous.
“Do you know what these documents are for?” He leaned back against the chair, looking at him with a serious manner. Aegon sighed, and looked at him rolling his eyes.
“For the company? I guess…” He answered uninterestedly. Aemond let out an amused breath.
“I know you like bars, clubs. I have some clients that own them.” He looks at him, studying his expression. Aegon looked at him slightly more interested, even if he tried to hide it for pride.
“You do parties there? For your company?” He asked.
“No, we are a bank, we have no need for that.” Aemond sighed and got up. 
“But you could.” Aegon stated. Aemond looked at him seriously, the look in his eye not admitting any other comments.
“But we don’t need them. Print them again, and bring them to me.” He passed the papers back to him and as his brother walked out of the office, he took his phone and turned to look out of the window.
-Tonight at 9:30 p.m. everyone will be asleep! You can come over if you want? :) -
She texted him the day after. In the end, he hand answered yes at her offer, even if her foster mother saw him.
He just had to be careful enough.
He was doing nothing wrong in the end, right?
He just wanted to keep her for himself.
It’s not like someone else wants her.
He parked far from her house. Far and hidden, and maybe, during the day he wouldn’t have minded the little walk, but in the afternoon, with the flys attached to the torch of his phone, the holes on the ground and the mud, he hated it.
He will bring her to the city.
Maybe not in an apartment but in a small house, just for the two of them.
Or maybe a bigger one for them and their children.
Anyway, he would never live outside the city. He’ll buy her a house with a garden.
That’s it.
He knocked at her door, which opened a few moments after. She smiled at him, softly and happily as always.
“Hey kiddo.” He smiled slightly at her, stepping inside the house, taking off his shoes.
“We cannot be too loud, they are all sleeping upstairs.” She said gently, taking his hand to guide him in another room, but he resisted and pulled her back to him.
“Where’s my kiss?” He looked down at her, as he grabbed her big shirt to pull her close to him. She blushed immediately and looked down, trying to hide a smile.
“Kiss me.” He ordered her, leaning his head down to be closer to her. She shyly raised on her tiptoes, going for a kiss on his cheek, but he turned his head and looked at her. “What do you think you’re doing?” He smirked as he saw her face getting redder, so he put his hand on the back of her head, caressing her scalp gently.
She looked at him through her eyelashes, but in the end, she raised herself again, giving him a quick peck on his lips.
He wanted more.
He wanted to pull her back and devour her completely.
But he decided to settle.
For now.
“How are you?” She asked shyly as she walked further in the house.
“Tired, but fine.” He said coldly, not explaining much, as he looked around. The house was not messy but so full of things it almost looked messy. 
He guessed that was the price for a lot of kids and an absent mother.
The house was welcoming, the inside mostly in wook and marm, the cool lights gave it a more comfortable place.
He liked that his girl lived there.
“Tired? Do you not sleep enough?” She asked, concerned. He smiled slightly at her reaction.
“Kinda. My brother tires me more.”  They go into the living room and sit on the sofa.
“I’m sorry. What does he do?” She asks curiously.
“He is always thinking about partying, he wants to do these stupid parties for the company.” He sighed, annoyed by the thought. “Useless.”
“You could let him handle that.” She smiles happily. “If he loves parties so much, then he surely knows how to arrange a good one.” He almost laughed at her.
“For what? I’m a bank company, I don’t need parties.” He replied.
“Parties help socialize, I guess, you are handling people’s money, they have to trust you.To know you.” She explains, taking his hand to play with his fingers.
He looks down at her hands, so soft and small, when his is much bigger.
“What is the point of knowing me? They just have to know I work perfectly.” He scoffs, looking away from her.
“They have to trust you, they have to know that you care about them.”
“I don’t.”
“You do. They’re your clients.”
“Yeah, I don’t care about them as people. I don’t care about their life or shit like that.”
“Then you can fake that.” She raises her shoulders. He chuckles. “I could come with you if it could help you…”
He tensed at her words and she looked at him surprised and kind of hurted, stopping to play with his fingers.
“No, kiddo, don’t get me wrong.” He sighed “I’d like to, but… people might not understand our… friendship, you know?” He leaned towards her, caressing her soft cheek as she stared at him. 
Now he had to warn her.
So that no one could ever try to talk her away from him.
“You shouldn’t tell anyone about me, kiddo. Not your mum… or your brothers and sisters.”
“So I should lie?” She asked worriedly. Aemond smiled slightly as he passed his fingers on her lips.
“Do you like kissing me?” He said lowly, looking down at her lips. She looked at him confused, but after a moment of hesitation she blushed all over and nodded, looking away embarrassed.
“I like it too, you know? You’re a good kisser…” He leaned closer to her, brushing his lips with hers.
“I could spend hours just kissing you, kiddo.” He noticed her breathing in sharply and he smirks proudly for the effect his closeness has on her. He kisses her lightly, their lips touching softly before he pulls back a moment to look at her. She looked up at him, her eyes big and innocent, as she blushed even more. He wanted to lean back, kiss her and taste her mouth deeply, but he didn’t move. 
They were close, yes, but he wanted her to be desperate for more of him.
He wanted her to be at least a bit desperate as he was for her.
She looked at him, insecure of what to do about the situation. Her gaze shifted from his eye to his mouth repeatedly, then she looked down. She hesitated at first, then she put her hand on his thigh, close to his knee. 
He looked down at her hand for a moment, quickly looking back at her as he saw her swaying closer to him, so that her thigh was pressed against his.
“Do you like being close to me, kiddo?” He moved his head, brushing his nose on her forehead.
“I—I like… the way you smell…” She admitted shyly, her hand on his thigh clenching in a fist.
“You like the way you smell? What else? Tell me.” He looks down at her, caressing her jaw as he presses his forehead against hers.
“Your smell makes me feel… protected… I immediately feel at ease when I feel your scent…” She looked up at him. “I like the way you look…” She passed her hands in his long hair. “So… unique…” She moves her hands from his hair to his jaw, tracing it with her fingers. 
He just couldn’t control himself.
How could he, after what he just heard?
After knowing, from her directly, how some aspects of him makes her feel?
He wanted to possess her, touch her, feel her till the rest of his days.
He couldn’t bear at the moment the fact that he would have to leave in an hour.
He put his hand on her thigh, and squeezed it not as gently as he knew she liked things.
She gasped and she looked at him with slight pain, her eyebrows furrowed, confused by his somewhat aggression.
“Aemond—“ She gasped again as he started raising her dress.
“Don’t you want to kiss me, kiddo?” He panted, already, his breathing coming in and out faster as he felt his need for her.
She looked at him and slowly nodded, her face turning red tomato.
“Do it. I want you to take the lead.” He kept looking at her, keeping his forehead pressed against hers as his hand dived under the skirt of her dress, caressing her calves, moving slowly up and up.
He hand on his thigh clenched again in a fist as the other clenched on his shirt as she looked at his lips, still hesitant.
“Why so shy, kiddo? I thought you wanted this.” He smirks, mocking and teasing her a bit. She let out a sound close to a whine out of embarrassment, and he smirked even more, his hand reaching his knee.
“Kiss me, and I’ll make you feel good, I promise.” He said reassuringly, making her gaze snap at him.
“You always keep your promises…” She stated as she finally leaned closer, her lips touching his timidly.
“Give me more, kiddo, I know you want this.” He whispered as he moved his head slightly.
She moved closer, pulling him down gently by her grip on his shoulder, parting her lips to give him a good kiss, sucking his lower lip in a messy way, making him more aware of how inexperienced she was. He chuckled lightly, making her pull away immediately, and before she could even start apologizing, he grabbed her jaw, pulling her back immediately, kissing her, biting her lip and slipping his tongue deep in her mouth, finally tasting her somehow. He opened his mouth, trying to encourage her to do the same in the kiss, so he could move his tongue in her mouth, meet hers. He slipped his hand in her hair, keeping her secure, as his other started trailing down her core, slipping her panties to the side, finding her wet already.
“My my, kiddo, what happened here, mh?” He smirked at her, enjoying how she tried to hide her face in his chest.
“Almost looks like it needs some attention, yeah kiddo?”He smirks as she looks at his horrified.
“But… my brothers and sisters…” She whimpers as he brushes his thumb over her clit, barely touching it.
“They won’t come downstairs, and if they do, we’ll just tell them I was helping you check down there, okay?” He smiles, and he kneels on the floor, between her legs. 
He kneeled happily, for his girl.
He would have done it as many times as she wanted, for her, just for her.
She only needed to ask, or push his head down, or even look at him, and he would have been on his knees, lapping at her like a thirsty man, sucking her clit and licking her cunt until she had nothing more to give.
He moved his head down between her thighs raising her dress over her hips, his face getting closer to her. He looked up at her, his eye meeting hers, before he started gently kissing her inner thighs. She looked shyly at him, her hands on her chin, ready to cover her face the moment she won’t be able to handle it. He glanced at her cunt, pulling her panties down, getting rid of them.
“You’re so pretty down here, kiddo… Did you know that?” He kissed his thigh, grabbing them in his hands as he kept her legs apart, securing them.
Her body immediately jerked at the contact of his lips on her skin, so close to her most sensitive spot. He smirked against her skin, enjoying how sensitive she is and how much his touch can affect her.
"Oh, I see....you can't take it when I tease you, kiddo? You want me to get straight to the point then, hm?"
He asks, his voice still playful. He moves his head closer, and lightly and gently kisses her core, feeling the shiver that goes through her body.
“Oh— oh!” She let out a loud whimper, surprised by the weird but pleasurable sensation of his mouth on her core, making him chuckle lightly.
“Your family is upstairs kiddo, you might want to lower your voice…”
He could feel her shivering beneath him as he kissed her core, the reaction of her body making him more turned on and wanting.
"You're so beautiful– So perfect...."
He murmured against her skin, before he started gently licking her, his tongue exploring her slowly and savoring her taste, feeling her as she unconsciously tried to close her legs, but he tightened his grip, his fingers digging in her skin hard enough to be leaving a mark on her, not that she cared at the moment, she was too concentrated in her pleasure.
The pleasure that he was giving her.
He was making her squirm under his tongue, he was tasting her, he was making her feel good, he was the cause of everything she was feeling at the moment, and that made him so fucking proud, and so turned on, it almost hurt.
“Aemond…” He heard her soft whimper, he looked up at her from between her legs, seeing her with her hand over her mouth, her face red, and her eyes teary, as she struggled to keep her voice down. He smirked against her core as he started diving his tongue deeper inside her, making her widen her eyes and almost scream, the sound muffled by her mouth closed and her hand.
“Need help, kiddo?”
He says between kisses and licks, his tongue moving faster and harsher over her core, tasting and savoring her, as he moved his hand on her mouth, pushing two of his fingers in her mouth.
“Suck.” He ordered as he kept looking up at her. She looked at him again, her eyes still widened in uncertainty, but in the end, she wrapped her hand around his wrist and started licking his fingers and sucking shyly.
He groaned as he felt her tongue on his fingers, his head registering her movements, imagining them on his cock, as she choked on it.
"You were born to be with me, kiddo…” He growled as he moved his head from side to side, using his nose to stimulate her clit as he kept licking her entrance, his tongue continuing to work her towards the orgasm, his movements gradually becoming more and more intense.
He could hear her panting loudly, her breathing ragged as she tightened her grip on his arm, trying to suck on his fingers instead of moaning out loud, as much as Aemond would have loved to hear her moan his name.
Another time.
He let out a loud growl as he felt her move one of her hands on the top of his head, pushing his head down, then retrieving her hand immediately. 
She didn’t even realize what she was doing.
She was too overwhelmed by the pleasure he was giving her.
His body responded instinctively to her touch and her needs, burying his face between her legs, grabbing her buttocks to go as far as possible, squeezing her flesh, her addicting softness.
“I can feel you getting tighter, kiddo–” He mumbles against her skin before he starts gently licking her core again, his tongue moving slowly and carefully. He moaned as he pushed his tongue again inside her, he looked up at her again, seeing her chest moving up and down quickly, frenetically, her forehead with a thin layer of sweat as her lips were still around his fingers.
“I–I– I–” She keeps panting, unable to form any phrase.
He groans again as he hears her poor state, his tongue still moving over her core, his movements growing faster and more intense.
“Good– God–” She moaned loudly as he retrieves his fingers from her mouth, just when he feel her getting impossibly close to her climax, and he shoved them inside her, his lips moving to suck at her clit as his fingers crook, hitting the spot he mapped perfectly in his mind, giving her the most pleasure he could.
Her jaw went slack as she whined loudly, gripping his other hand still on her buttock, digging her nails on the back of his palm.
He growled again, feeling her whines, her body responding so beautifully to his touch, his tongue moving faster and more intently as he could feel her body tensing and shaking, her words and moans signaling that she's close to the edge.
"I know, I know, kiddo... come for me– come for me." He mumbled against her, his tongue moving over her clit in quick, firm moves making her squirm, as she desperately tried to get away from his attentions.
He feels her trembling, her body trying to close her legs, but he uses his strong hands to hold her thighs apart, preventing her from closing them.
"No. Don't close them, let me finish– let me give you everything you want....." He ordered, his voice low and rough as he continued to work over her core with his tongue, his movements faster and more eager as she kept raising her voice dangerously.
He feels her squirming, her body struggling to hold on as he continues with his tongue, trying to make her come as fast as possible.
He wanted to savor the moment, but he figured that he was already risking too much.
And most importantly.
His girl had no idea of how to handle her voice with him.
He smirked on her cunt at the idea, as he kept working her faster, moving his fingers just right to make her body shake under his eye.
"Shhhhh.....it's alright, love....you're so close..... l know you're so close.....just let go...let go and come for me, kiddo."
He says in between flicks of his tongue over her sensitive skin, his hand holding her thigh in place, keeping her from closing her legs from one side so he could continue till the very end.
“Ah! Ah— aaaah…” She moaned loudly as she reached her climax, her walls clenching around his fingers too tightly, it almost made it impossible for him to keep moving them, but he still kept going, helping her ride out her orgasm. He pulled his fingers out and licked everything that came out of her, starting directly by her cunt making her jerk, her back arching by the overstimulation.
Then they heard some steps.
She quickly found a blanket to use to cover him, and he kept still, with his body, moving slightly his head to keep licking her, but it wasn’t visible from over the blanket thanks so her legs bent. He groans as he feels her climax against his tongue, her body shaking and trembling from the intensity of her release.
“Cory…” She lets out a sound between a whine of pleasure and annoyance, her hand reaching his head under the blanket, trying to push him away.
“I heard you making strange sounds Sis… I got worried…” The little boy said.
“I–I’m alright, Cory… I–I was wa–watching a horror movie… such a s–stupid idea, right? Please d–don’t tell mum, and I won’t tell her I saw you up at this hour. Okay?” She says quickly, stuttering due to her tenseness.
“Okay!” The boy exclaimed, and Aemond felt the boy run upstairs. He continues lapping at her for a moment, savoring the taste and sensations, giving her core one last open mouthed kiss, before looking up at her again, a smirk on his face as he immediately captures her lips into another kiss.
"Mmmm.....you taste so good, kiddo, better than I ever imagined..." He looked at her, watching her pant as she tried to calm down.
“A–Aemond! It was so risky– Cory could have–” She looked at him with her glossy teared-eyes of hers as he just admired her beauty, interrupting her immediately. “But he didn’t, did he? And you loved it, I saw it.” He gave her a deep kiss, making her taste herself on his tongue.
She looked down, ashamed, fixing her dress quickly. Aemond smirked as he put his hand over his pocket, where he tugged her panties the moment he took them off of her.
“M–my mum… she will be here soon…” She warned him, keeping her gaze down.
“I know, I’ll wait for your text tonight, okay?” He stood up, looking at her from above,
“Okay… and yes.” She said, grabbing his pants on his thigh before he could step away. He looked at her confused, not sure of what she meant by the second part of her sentence.
“Yes?” He questioned her.
“I’ll lie to them.” She looked up at him, her face completely red again, she sniffled. Aemond smiled at her, bending down to wipe one tear she let out, then he kissed her again.
“Good girl.” He whispered to her, then he strided outside the house, walking to his car.
The scent of the grass, and nature hit his nose, but he had something way better.
He took out her panties from his pocket, bringing them to his nose.
They smelled so much like her, they still had a wet patch on them.
He made her that wet.
He will make good use of her panties.
Even if his cock was already impossibly hard, he felt his pants get even tighter as he looked with a smirk at her panties.
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Tag: @zenka69 @blaustappen @julczimozart @diannnnsss @i66cilla @queenofthekeep @summerposie @tssf-imagines @vaylint @sweet-nothings-s @esposamultifandom @av989436751 @ladythornofrivia @xcinnamonmalfoyx @deliaseastar @kotadislikesthissite @nebulamorada @madelynwalt @shari-berri @seraphdayiwah @witchy-jadda @odeioemail @alphard-hydraes-blog @isntitdelicatevivi @famousrebeldaze @ssnapsaurus @paigeestrawfordd @mamawiggers1980 @aemondracarys @aegonswife @iloveallmyboys
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sunshineandspencer · 21 hours
Friendly face (Part 3)
A/N: I know I said I always succumb to peer pressure, but that did not need to be tested. Also if I did a Hotch(or Spencer) taglist, would anyone be interested, also.. how do you do a taglist?? I may be 20 and from the UK, but I have only been using tumblr for about two months, I’m learning (slowly). [I’ve made a form for a taglist!! it’s underneath the parts!!]
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Receptionist!Reader.
Summary: Little does the team know, their little receptionist and their Unit Chief had been closer for a lot longer than any of them knew. And while he’s brilliant at hiding it, she is now.
Word Count: 825
Warnings: please, stop requesting the fluff it hurts my little heart
part 1! and 2!!
be added to the taglist!!
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Honestly, she could come to work with a massive neon sign floating above her head saying ‘stupidly in love with Aaron Hotchner’ and it would have probably the same effect as she normally does to him.
While he goes through the rules, needing to check about whether their relationship - yes, relationship - was actually legal, they needed to keep it secret.
A serious conversation they’d had over dinner well over six months ago, one that she’d seem to conveniently forget whenever they were actually in the office together. Thankfully that isn’t very often, unless he’s personally asked for files she stays by her desk.
Sometimes, he will admit, he requests reports just to get her into the office, but not very often.
However, it seemed to have been just often enough for his coworkers - Emily, mostly - to realise. From there, and after getting everyone else to join her, they were trying to find exactly how much the pair actually cared for each other.
Crowding together at the round table, quickly giving everything they’d noticed before Hotch arrived.
Emily starts, grinning at both Morgan and Spencer, nothing better than a bit of office gossip.
“So, she doesn’t hide anything. But, we’re all well aware that he sometimes uses excuses to get her into his office. But I noticed that she always leaves post-it notes on the files that she does give him, and they do look sickeningly sweet. It’s hard to believe Hotch actually likes that.”
Spencer chimes in, wringing his fingers lightly. He loves gossip as much as the next person, but the receptionist is a sweetheart and treats him so kindly, plus he doesn’t really believe in talking about other people’s business.
However, he’s invested in her happiness, and knows that there’s more to the pair than meets the eye.
“Well.. he smiles at her, more than I’ve ever really seen. And he does things for her that he wouldn’t do for anyone else. He helped her set up her desk and made sure she settled properly with the team.. plus Penelope found the paperwork and he requested her to be moved up.”
“What?! She didn’t tell me that!” Morgan looked pretty dejected, and Emily could only pat his back apologetically. But as much as they want to say that Morgan is her favourite, Spencer is everyone’s favourite.
He just shrugged, and Morgan kept talking, needing to add in what he’d seen - and profiled - about the two of them.
“Whatever. We’ve all seen how smitten Jack is with her, kid practically has hearts coming from his eyes. And I heard them talking about her having stayed over on the weekend. And we all see the way Hotch is with the two of them, it’s like the past decade of the job lifts off him.”
They all eventually came to the agreement that they believed that Hotch and their receptionist were together, and they needed to know more. The achilles heel of most profilers, the desire for gossip whenever they can get it.
Hearing footsteps approaching, they quickly nominated Spencer to ask Hotch, panicking the younger agent as he spluttered over his words.
As Hotch stepped through, with her following close behind, files in her hands as she waited for Hotch to take them. Waving to the rest of the team happily, very grateful the images weren’t on screen yet. Emily booted Spencer under the table and he jolted, getting Hotch’s attention.
“Hotch!” His voice cracked, how cute. “I uh- we, we wondered if you and uhm.. if you two--”
Christ, she wanted to take pity on the poor boy, looking up at Aaron. Thankfully he seemed amused rather than irritated that they’d worked it out. Looks like they got their answers on whether or not the relationship was allowed.
He nodded at her softly and she grinned, leaning up to peck his lips quickly, stuffing the files into his hands.
“Let me know if you take the case?”
“I’ll text you.”
Grinning, she winked at Spencer, which earned her a warning “sweetheart”, which only fed into her giddiness now that they didn’t have to hide it. Loving the surprised looks on their faces, even though Morgan was definitely acting as if he knew the whole time. Exactly as Aaron said he would, god she loves that he knows them so well.
“Stay safe you lot. Bring my boyfriend home safe or I’ll hunt you down!”
As she walked out of the briefing room, she smacked Aaron’s ass and scampered off giggling, being followed with his scolding voice.
Eventually, he had to turn back around to his grinning teammates - bar a very embarrassed Spencer who now avoided his boss’ gaze - he sunk into his chair. Waiting for whichever one was going to say something first.
Emily, of course, was the one to speak up first, looking at him all innocently as if she didn’t know damn well what she was doing.
“Don’t push it.”
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Want more?! Good!
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gglitch1dd · 3 days
Hey glitch, one of my family members is deaf and so I had to learn sign language at a young age. What if Reader of Izuku or deaf, would the boys learn sign language?
+1 🥦Point.
So if Reader was deaf or Izuku became deaf, DEFINITELY. That's a given. How else would they communicate with their parent?
However, I actually thought about this one headcanon but I'm like 90% sure that Kane is deaf at least on one ear, or he's hard of hearing. I think Katsuki knows but he taught Kane not to tell people so that it wouldn't be seen as a weakness (not in a bad way but Katsuki didn't want Kane to be seen as handicapped when entering UA)
Kane is Half-Deaf?
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"MOM!" Toshinori shouted as he walked into the room as you sat on your husband's lap on his recliner as you both watched trash reality TV. You turned to look at your eldest son who walked in with Kane behind him. He had two sheets of paper in his hand. "Guess what!? We got our ears tested and Kane is half deaf." He motioned to Kane. "It must have been his quirk finally catching up to him." Toshinori sighed and put an arm around Kane in solidarity. "It's okay dude. I'll speak slowly for you."
Kane's bright rose red eyes looked to his best friend with a raised disbelieving eyebrow. "I've always been half deaf."
Your eyes widened and so did Toshinori's. "Wait, WHAT-"
"Now, don't go shouting in my one good ear." He pushed Toshinori off his shoulder as he walked over to sit on the couch near you and Izuku. "I've always been hard of hearing. Why do you think I'm quiet 90% of the time?" He asked.
Toshinori blinked, surprised. "I thought you were just an introvert!"
"That to, but I was born that way." He told you all. He turned to look to the three of you. "I can hear you all just fine with one ear, it kind of just feels like my right ear is forever blocked. It's not like I can't hear it's just muffled. So it's fine, it's nothing to worry about or try and fix. I'd probably become deaf by the age of 40 with all my quirk usage."
You looked to Izuku who looked just as genuinely surprised. "I did not know that." He said softly as he sat up, shifting you in his lap. "Kacchan never told me that." Izuku turned to look at Kane, lifting up his hands around you so that he wouldn't accidentally hurt you. "Why didn't you tell us?" He asked, talking while signing in JSL.
Kane's eyes widened in surprise that Izuku started signing. He opened his mouth to speak but Toshinori spoke first. "Dad, you know sign language!?"
Izuku nodded with a chuckle. "Of course, I do. I learnt it when I first found out that Kacchan would lose his hearing." He stated factually. He paused before rolling his eyes. "I don't care about him understanding me now but it's a good skill to have when dealing with victims who might be deaf."
You looked to Izuku surprised. "I did the same thing." You said signing as well. You turned to Kane, trying to recall the hand gestures as you spoke. "When I first dated your father, I made sure to learn it. However, the Deku Foundation also has deaf workers so we try to make sure everyone who works for the Deku Agency knows basic Japanese sign language."
Kane stared at the both of you before smiling gently. He didn't say anything but instead he signed it. "Thanks."
"Wait! I can't understand you." Toshinori said as he moved to sit down. "How come no one taught me this?!" He asked deeply offended ( left out). He looked to Kane with a frown. "Teach me. Now. Immediately. I can't be having a deaf friend and I can't talk to you effectively. We need to be throwing signs to confuse the enemy."
"Kane has a disability?" Hero asked as he passed by. Kane nodded his head, before he could tell Hero as well, the young eleven year old shrugged. "Makes sense."
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starrydragoness · 3 days
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 Content: old headcanons, NSFW, MDNI, body worship, soft dom! Jing Yuan, female anatomy
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-Anytime you cuddle in your bed with this soft man of a general, he will shed anything that weighs even an ounce too much. So that often leaves him in some thin lining of clothes, just enough to keep him warm and comfy, but even that can go further until both of you are naked and feeding off of each other’s body warmth 
-For  example, like right now. Two of you have barely seen each other much lately, both busy with your own journeys across the vast territory of Xianzhou Luofu. But finally he can feel your limbs intertwine. He would prop himself up onto his elbow to have more of a vantage point over you, with his other arm over your waist, slowly rubbing your soft skin with his thumbs. His eyes are so warm and full of this relaxing mirth that it’s hard to look away, it's hypnotic what this man can tell you just by looks and gazes. His loving gazes are only for you, just for you
-Then his eye catches onto a small mole on your skin and from there he brings his hand up to trace from it to the other skin mark, to the next and the next until his hands are softly massaging and rubbing all over you lovingly, his lips slowly following suit
-And you return the favor, tracing his chest and the few scars and moles he may have there. His pale skin is always such a pretty sight, especially in the dimmer lights of the swallowed sunlight. His hair even looks like beaten gold
-He doesn’t stop praising you. His words are mutters and whispers, half unfinished sentences interrupted with languid kisses he leaves over your skin. They’re endless and countless, and if he could keep awake that long, he’d kiss you until the end of times, and bit by bit he’s climbing on top of you, his kisses are becoming more fervent, seeking to devour you
-He would hold you close, kissing the crown of your head, and then his head would dip to your neck where you’re most sensitive, teasing you by licking and sucking. He would hum something absentmindedly, every now and then with a low rumble in his throat, but you can tell he is already beginning to get riled up, and that this teasing game won’t last long.
-Soft dom Jing is a sight for sore  and lustful eyes that escapes the deepest depths of your dreams. The view of him towering over you, his chest muscles right there, one could say directly in your face but he loves to kiss you too much to distance his lips from yours. He has no need for ropes,  unless you'd prefer it that way - otherwise he loves the skinship that comes with your little ministrations
-If he does anything, it's taking care of you. Not letting you catch a moment to breathe properly as he makes you get lost in the carnal pleasures of the body, stimulating all the weakest spots he knew of or the ones he just found out about. He's wearing that soft smirk, his eyes half lidded and heavy with lust that forms into sultry words on his tongue. His messy hair falls across his face, framing it and you can barely even bear the sight of him between your thighs, it’s too much. 
-His hips chase yours, bucking into you and filling you with his cock, over and over again until he's pushed out every other thought out of your head, making your pretty head fuzzy and empty, aside from the thoughts of him. Nothing else matters but this warmth now. Just you and him.
-He's leaning down and kissing your neck, nibbling the marks he left previously in the valley over your breasts and over them, sucking on a reddened nipple
-Lazy thrusts of his hips make you crazy, craving for more and more, and he’s slowing down to hear you beg for his cock.
"Is this what you imagined when you said you wanted me? By the sounds you're making for me, I can't predict any other answer, mmm.. well, I'll tell you now.. this is all I could dream off the past few nights..."
"My love, you're so good..so good for me, aren't you? Ahh, that's it, just like that. Keep moving your hips, like so...mmhhmmm..mmm..ahhh..."
"Don't resist the feeling, sweetness. This is all for you, and it's no punishment...let it go.. I'm right here, ah...with you...ghhh.."
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Ⓒ starrydragoness. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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sofs16 · 1 day
pair carlos x reader
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liked by 17,363 others
carlosylln my roman empire. horror movie lalaland irl
view all 1,733 comments
ynupdted heavy on the lalaland… they had to break up to pursue their own dreams and they still support each other 😭😭😭
⤷ carloscharles15 wym break up… THEY BROKE UP? ⤷ ynupdted … THEY BROKE UP LIKE A YEAR AGO😭??????? ⤷ carloscharles15 BUT I JUST SAW HER COMMENT ON HIS RECENT? ⤷ ynupdted yeah they comment on each other’s posts but nothing else aside from that 😞
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liked by yn.yln, and others
carlossainz55 Happy new year from the Sainz’s 🥂🎊 Wishing everyone all the best for 2024. We missed you anasainzdec ❤️ view all 1,574 comments
yn.yln Feliz año nuevo, el mejor familia! (happy new year, the best family!) yn.yln Anaaaaa!!!!! Bonita🤍
[liked by carlossainz55]
⤷ anasainzdec te echo menos, yn🤍 a ti también! (Miss you, yn🤍 you also!) [ liked by yn.yln]
yncarlos ouch first christmas w/o yn 😞
⤷ ynlover girl no need to comment.. im sure theyre all aware 😭😭
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liked by carlossainz55, and others
yn.yln absolutely in shambles as i’m typing this but… my sophomore album “silence between songs” will be yours next week, january 8th :,) so incredibly grateful for this opportunity and hope you guys enjoy it 🤍🤍🤍
view all 2,161 comments
carlossainz55 👸🎊
[liked by yn.yln]
⤷ totalcarlos MY HEART. anasainzdec😍😍😍
[liked by yn.yln]
⤷ yn.yln te quiero😽
carlossainzoficial Felicidades! [liked by yn.yln]
⤷ yn.yln mi padreeee! muchisimas gracias
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liked by carlossainz55, and others
yn.yln at a loss for words. silence between songs is out 🥹🎀
view all 5,385 comments
carlossainz55 stories
♫ king of everything - yn yln | caption musica de dia!
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yn.yln muchas gracias, carlitos 🥹🤍
⤷ carlossainz55 de nada🥳
anasainzdec “We’re not together” you said 😂
⤷ carlossainz55 no necesitas repitir. muchos personas dice estoy enamorado con yn (you don’t need to repeat. many people say i’m in love with yn)
⤷ anasainzdec y estas? (and are you?)
⤷ carlossainz55 un poco. (a little)
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liked by carlossainz55, and others
yn.yln don’t u? view all 31,374 comments
carlossainz55 😍
⤷ yn.yln The hypnosis photo worked, didn’t it?
⤷ carlossainz55 I am still stuck at the first slide. ⤷ ca55yn WHAT
charles_leclerc carlossainz55
⤷ carlossainz55 I got here before you
user52 yn, babes, you don’t need the hypnosis slide😭 we all down bad for u [‪‪❤︎‬ carlossainz55]
en serio? (are you serious?) con tu commento? (with your comment?)
piensas estoy jocoso? (you think i’m joking?)
Ya no se, Carlitos. ( i don’t know anymore) We’ve done this before.
I do not stop thinking about you though
Too bad, you broke it off last time.
That was a mistake; we both know that, Hermosa.
I’m not risking it again. I like having you in my life, even if it is s a friend
But we can be more than that
How come
i’m going to win you over one day;)
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liked by carlando55, and 12,779 others
ynupdated Yn Yln kicks off her tour in Madrid Spain and sings an unreleased song: Decode! Lyrics are seen in the next slide. Many believe this is about Carlos Sainz, her ex, who many say attended the concert. #ynyln #tour
view all 283 comments
user1 dramaticcccc why doesn’t she just get with him? it’s obvious he’s obsessed with her
⤷ ynupdates it’s not really easy to have a tour everywhere and have your boyfriend race everywhere lol. Yn mentioned it was the distance that ultimately ended their relationship, no bad blood. ⤷ user2 long distance with her first bf is so😭
⤷ ynupdated carlos being her first bf is 😭 she does not dilly dally
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liked by carlossainz55, and 7,272,953 others
yn.yln wouldn’t trade this for anything 🤍 thank you madrid, te amooooooo te quierooooo
view all 261,842 comments
carlossainz posted an instagram story
caption: a star
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yn.yln replied!
stop being a simp boyy
you are going to get us EXPOSED ITS BEEN 10 MINUTES
⤷ I can’t help it when my GIRLFRIEND looks like that😍
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liked by carlossainz55, and 15,272,584 others no
yn.yln Hi! Hello! Released a new song! And a music video! It’s called Please Please Please! Check it out! Love ya! Xx Yn (and Carlitos)! view all 2,822,593 comments
user2 this is why she’s been silent for a month aside from tour 😭😭😭😭
carlossainz55 👸😍
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Liked by 181,181 others
View all 21,913 others
Userq let admin sleep😭
user2 dont embarass me motherfucker😭
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liked by yn.yln, and 31,183,954 others
carlossainz55 Will not be that motherfucker who embarrases her ❤️
view all 2,833,595 comments
yn.yln babe… why these pics 😭 love you tho
⤷ carlossainz55 what? You look gorgeous, you always do
⤷ yn.yln😍🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜💜🤎🩵 LOVE YOU😍😍😍
⤷ user4 atp yn will be embarrassing Carlos with her random shit AHAHAHA ♥ yn.yln
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sommerbueckers · 3 days
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬¹
PAIGE WAS SITTING patiently in the living room of her hotel as she waited for KK and Ice to get ready. Their plane to New York City had landed last night and they had yet to stock up with snacks for the week. Ice was only going to ensure that Paige and KK bought something other than junk, she knew how slow they'd in practice after living off nothing but Tollhouse cookies and Pepsi for seven days.
"Y'all ready?" the blonde asked, shutting off her phone and slipping it into the pockets of her shorts.
"Been that, jus' waiting for Ice slow ass," KK responded, shooting the taller girl a side eye.
"Okay," Ice chimed in, "I don't wanna go either, everybody else is making me."
"Everybody except the two other people going," KK scrunched her nose up, playfully judging her.
Ice held her hand up in front of KK, moving to grab the keys off of the counter. Paige followed suit as they headed out the door and toward the elevator. She scrolled idly on her phone until a picture of the New York Liberty team popped up, triggering a question in her mind.
"Yo what time does the game start tomorrow?" she furrowed her eyebrows, looking between her two friends.
KK shrugged while Ice pulled out her phone.
"So are we eating before or after? 'Cus everything goin' be closed if we try to go after," KK said.
Snorting, the blonde turned to her, "Is food the only thing you think about?"
KK glared at her, not bothering to respond.
"Not to insert myself, but this grocery trip was literally your idea Paige," Ice said.
"So we was supposed to starve all week?" Paige asked, raising an eyebrow, and when neither of them responded she continued, "That's what I thought."
"--No i'm telling you, we're gonna need more than one family bag of Doritos."
KK stared blankly up at Paige, the single bag of chips being crushed in her grip.
"You don't think this bag will last?" she frowned.
"Dude," Paige said, "there's six of us here, no the bag isn't gonna last KK." Paige took it upon herself to grab a couple more bags off the shelf before tossing them into the cart.
"We need milk, and probably some break-away cookies, breakfast stuff too," Ice mentioned as she looked up from her phone.
"I can get those," Paige offered.
"I certainly wasn't getting 'em," Ice frowned with a laugh.
Paige, mocking the girl's laughter, set off toward the dairy aisle in search of the items Ice had named. She saw the milk first, pausing while she debated on whether to get the full cart or the half cart. They'd be here for a week, and if she got three half cartons then they could distribute them amongst the rooms. A full carton would have to be shared...That would be a lot of back and forth.
As she began to grab the cartons off the shelf, a soft voice called out to her from a few feet away. When she turned, her eyes landed on the one person from high school she hadn't forgotten about after graduation -- that hadn't been on the basketball team of course.
Myla Mintz.
Paige remembered her like it was yesterday; the curve of the dimples in her cheeks, the faint smile lines around her mouth, the deep brown of her doe eyes as she took in her surroundings. It was almost as if no time had passed, and if it hadn't been for her outfit showing off the way her body had developed, Paige would've been convinced that none did.
"Myla," she smiled, surprise written on her face.
"Oh my gosh it's been so long, how are you?" Myla asked, the same amount of surprise plastered across her beautiful face as well.
"I -- I'm great, how're you?"
Myla laughed, it was familiar to Paige, yet so foreign at the same time.
"I'm doing really good," she nodded.
"That's good, yeah. Damn, it's been four years," Paige scoffed in disbelief, taking a step closer to the girl, the milk cartons sitting forgotten in their original place.
Myla mirrored her actions, the pair now close enough that only they could hear their conversation.
"I know right! I mean it definitely doesn't feel like it, feels like yesterday we were just sitting in Physics talking about--" she struggled to find the words, a blush creeping onto her face from the embarrassment of not being able to recall any of their conversations. "Talking about whatever."
"Yeah, yeah," the blonde smiled as she remembered, "man I don't think i've ever been less focused during a class."
"I don't know how we even passed finals."
"Screw finals, midterms!" Paige laughed loudly.
Myla ran a hand through her hair, her usual natural curls had been curled and styled with an iron, now appearing longer as they hung down her back. A few chunks in the front had been cut into curtain bangs, falling perfectly back into place when her hand returned to her side. Paige watched as the shorter girl straightened out her skirt, her gaze falling to the perfect swell of her hips as it curved in to become her stomach. Has her shape always been that perfect?
When Myla looked back up, Paige took note of the smoothness of her lips. It was hard to tell if the pink tint they held was natural or if it was a lipstick, but regardless, Paige had decided that she loved it.
Myla's mascara coated lashes batted up at the blonde, quietly waiting for her response to a question that had completely went over her head.
"Paige?" she called out.
"I asked what you were in town for," Myla smiled.
A nervous laugh escaped Paige and she briefly shook her head, "Sorry. I'm here for a week with some of my teammates."
"Oh nice. Is it for basketball or..." her voice trailed off.
"Nah, just pleasure."
Myla nodded again, anxiously biting her lip whilst she slowly built up the courage to ask her real question.
Paige hadn't even noticed her slight hesitation, but then again she had never been that observant. If she was, she would've caught on to the crush that Myla had developed on her during their junior year of high school. A crush that, let anyone other than Myla tell it, never really went away.
"Well y'know i'd love to catch up, if you're not too busy..." Myla finally breathed out, the grip she had on her basket beginning to slip from how sweaty her palms had become.
Paige, excited about the offer, immediately nodded her head, "That sounds great actually, when were you thinkin'?"
"I'm not really sure, I have some things lined up this week. If you give me your number though i'm sure we can work something out."
After the pair exchanged numbers and said their 'goodbyes,' they each went their separate ways. Paige proceeded to grab the things that Ice had requested before making her way back to her friends. It took her a minute to find them, their place having changed from the snack aisle over to the wide selection of alcohol. When they spotted her, KK removed her phone from her ear and Ice dramatically threw her hands up.
"We've been calling you," she said frustratedly.
"Yeah, we thought somebody snatched you," KK said, mimicking a grabbing motion with her arms.
"Relax," Paige laughed, "I was talkin' to somebody."
"A fan?" Ice asked.
"No, somebody I know from high school."
"Hm, well we gotta get back if we wanna make our dinner reservations tonight." Ice took the things from Paige's hands and put them in the car, positioning herself behind it to push. "Let's go."
Paige sat in the living room with her warmed up leftovers sitting in her lap. The movie the girls had been watching had been paused after they learned of Paige's plans to meet with Myla, all of them bombarding her with questions about who she was and how they knew each other. Silently chewing on a few fries, her attention was grasped by Aubrey as the girl threw her another question.
"So you had one class with this girl for one year and now y'all are going out for lunch?"
"Yeah," Paige nodded. She noticed the expressions her friends held, faces of uncertainty and disapproval. "What? We became good friends that year." It hadn't entirely been a lie, Paige and Myla did indeed become friends during their shared time in that class. Only that was all there was. Their entire friendship had been kept between the walls of that freezing Physics classroom, neither one of them even sparing each other a second glance outside of that. Paige could tell you every single thing that Myla had done over the weekend from the months of August to May. But if you asked her where the girl had sat for lunch during those same months, she would've stared at you, stuck.
"Good friends doing what -- cutting open animals and bonding over their intestines?" Kayla joked.
"First off, that's Biology," Paige said, "and second, the way we became friends isn't even weird. Y'all just hatin.'"
"We're not hating Paige," Azzi said, "we're just trying to make sure you're not being lured out to some remote location where none of us can find you."
"No seriously, do you know who you are? I was on Ebay the other day and I found a fake chunk of your hair for sale," Aubrey told her, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Aubrey please," Azzi frowned.
"Im for real! It was in a signed ziplock bag 'n' everything," she continued.
Jana, rolling her eyes, finally chimed in the conversation. "How about we just do a deep dive on this girl and settle this?" she suggested.
Azzi nodded with a smile, pulling out her phone and opening Instagram.
"Good luck with that, she doesn't have social media," Paige said smugly, leaning back in her seat.
"No social media?" KK frowned, sharing a look with Ice, "Oh she definitely a weirdo."
Kayla scoffed, "Tell that to her 3 million followers."
It came as a shock to the girls that Paige hadn't gotten whiplash from how fast she turned her head. Her face contorted in a mixture of confusion and intrigue.
"Lemme see that," she demanded.
Azzi was unresponsive as she scrolled through the girl's Instagram, her eyes widening a little more with every picture she clicked on.
"Azzi," Paige spat out.
Kayla snatched the phone from Azzi's hand, earning a pout from her as she threw the phone over to Paige. Swiftly catching it, her face began to somewhat mimic Azzi's. Her friends crowded around her as they all looked through Myla's account. Pictures of her in revealing bikinis as she posed in the sand or by the pool, reels of her in undergarments parading around with girls who wore similar things, and the rest were her dressed up in fancy outfits at various premieres.
Who the fuck is this and what did she do with the real Myla Mintz?
The Myla that Paige remembered hadn't even had a social media platform, and now here she was with 3 million followers on Instagram. High school Myla hated going to the pool because the thought of being in a swimsuit in front of a bunch of strangers freaked her out. She hated her stretch marks, she hated how her thighs rubbed together when she walked, how she constantly felt the need to keep her arms away from her body because otherwise it 'made her feel fat.'
Paige had never understood Myla's desire to keep her body hidden, if she had been blessed with a body like that in high school she would've walked around showing it off. But Myla wanted to hide it. Now, looking at the new image that the Mintz girl had created for herself, it was obvious to Paige that a lot about her had changed.
"She's a model," Jana said, pointing out the tagged page in her bio, "IMG models."
"Damn, she a real model. None of that fake ig shit," Aubrey spoke, her voice slightly airy from seeing the photos.
"You sure you went to school with her, Paige?" Kayla joked, using her pointer finger to tap the blonde.
Paige couldn't answer, she could hardly even hear the question as her focus remained solely on the picture that was displayed on her screen. It was a casually taken photo of Myla on the beach. Her curls were completely soaked, fingers scrunching them at the top of her head. Her red bikini top had a zipper in the middle, one that was partially unzipped to reveal her cleavage. The matching bottoms that did very little to cover what she had clung tightly to her perfect skin.
She was smiling happily with her eyes closed, pearly teeth on full show. Everything about the picture was perfect, from the rawness of her smile to the carefreeness of her energy. Paige couldn't think of a single thing in the world that could've made the post better, that was until she read the caption typed below. It made her eyebrows raise, her lips part, her heart stop for a period of time that would concern medical specialist.
'Happy Pride from your fav;)'
A/N: so obviously this is in third person and i didn't really like that so im planning to change it going forward
BUT NEW SERIESSSSS, im hype soooo i hope yall are too
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certifiedbueckethead · 19 hours
Study Break ✧.*
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paige bueckers x college student! reader
warnings: making out, public sex (very much so), fingering, throat fucking,
word count: 1.6k
a/n: honestly one of my shorter ffs but it is what it is lol, also this is just a song rec but it’s also kind of similar to the plot I guess. It’s one of my favs
You stare out of the library’s window, tapping your pen to the table. Summer school just brings another level of boredom, you are dying to go outside and lay in the grass with your friends. It was golden hour, and everything just looked prettier outside. “Y/n, I brought you your iced coffee.”, your best friend Clara had said to you, snapping you out of your daze.
You are both studying for the first session of summer school finals, and have been taking turns bringing each other drinks. Whether it was red bull, coffee, monster or highly caffeinated tea, you both were locking in this entire week. Sure, your digestive systems were suffering the consequences, you just needed to finish off this session strong. You sip your coffee and flip through your digital flashcards when you were interrupted.
“Hey, uh the library is super packed here and you both have an extra two seats at your table, is it chill if we sit here?”, said an extremely tall blonde woman stood in front of you. She was wearing a white crop top and some cargo pants with her iPad in hand, and standing behind her was another girl you didn’t know. They looked familiar but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
“No, yeah of course you can sit, we don’t mind.”, Clara said, because you just were staring up at the girl who had asked you. You couldn’t help it, you felt drawn to her pretty blue eyes. You nod aggressively, now embarrassed at the fact that your friend had to answer for you. “Yeah-, yeah of course, I’m sorry.”, you start, motioning to the empty energy drinks in front of you. “My mind is definitely somewhere else today, sorry about that.”, you continue to defend yourself.
“Nah, you’re good ma don’t worry about it. Thanks.”, is all the blonde says to you. You couldn’t help but to sneak a few glances at her. You felt your phone buzz, and you check it.
**Clara Bear**
are you gonna study for organic chem or are you going to continue to stare at Paige Bueckers?
I get it’s pride month, but its also FINALS?
That’s when you realized, they were basketball players at your school. You internally face palm, Paige must think you’re just another one of her fans. You look up at her, and catch her eyes this time.
“So, girl who keeps looking over at me. What’s your name?”, Paige says, keeping her voice low and pushing her chair closer to you, since you are in the library. “Ah, it’s Y/n.”, you say, avoiding her gaze. “Does Y/n know my name perhaps?”, she says, closing your laptop - trying to get your full attention. “Mhm, it’s Paige, you play basketball don’t you?”, you say back, trying not to seem like a fan. It’s not like you were, you didn’t even know her until Clara texted you, you’ve seen her in ads and stuff at your university but nothing like being her fan.
“So uh, me and Y/n will be back. Study break things.”, Paige says, back to her friend and Clara. Clara gives you a look, one that says “don’t get into any trouble” before blowing you a kiss. You scrunch your face and flip her off, giggling. Your best friend knows you too much.
After following Paige out of the library and onto a hill in the field outside, you are finally able to breathe. The air has gotten crisp since the sun is going down, and you take a picture of the sky to capture the moment. Paige is quiet, also enjoying the fresh air. Before you know it, Paige pulls you onto the ground with her and the two of you roll down the hill together. It was calming almost, to have such a release, you felt all the stress that has built up these past few weeks from school leave your body as you laugh along with Paige. When you reach the bottom of the hill, you were laying in the grass, inches away from her face.
Paige’s blue eyes looked back into yours, before looking down at your lips and back to your eyes. Your breathing shortens, you’ve never even been this close to a girl before. Yes, you know you’re as gay as it comes but doesn’t mean you have had any experience. You spent all your time either studying or with your best friend, too scared to venture into the world of dating more or less kissing pretty girls you’ve just met. But you give in, give into the space between the two of you and your heart is beating out of your chest as Paige connects her lips with yours. The sky is a deep pink and purple colour as the sun sets, and Paige snakes her arm around your waist, under your shirt. You find it difficult to stop, to remove your lips from hers. She pulls away, leaving a string of saliva connecting your lips together still. She doesn’t stop smiling at you and move, straddling her whilst she is still laying down in the grass and kiss her again. Between kisses, you ask, “this okay?”, and Paige reaches up and holds the side of your face, pulling you as close to her as she can.
Before you know it, Paige is holding your hand and dragging you back into the library, but into the top floor, the farthest set of bookshelves from the door. She pushes you against the bookshelf and begins to kiss your neck. Her hand glides under your shirt, against your stomach and soon finds the clasp of your bra and undoes it easily. Like she’s done it a million of times. Her lips don’t leave your collarbones and Paige lifts your up onto the ledge in front of the window. Your back presses against the glass and your legs wrap around her torso, pulling her close into you. From the smell of her perfume and the taste of her sweet sweet lip gloss, you can’t help but take everything in. Paige undoes her ponytail, letting her hair fall down onto her shoulders and looks down at you. “You haven’t had much to say ma, is this alright with you?”, she asks you, gently. You nod, knowing that whatever is about to happen is what you want. Looking up at her, you bring your hand to the back of her neck and she kisses you with as much desperation as you have. She separates you, only for a moment to replace her lips that were against with yours with two of her fingers.
You suck against them, the two long digits she has in your mouth, looking into her eyes. You can’t help but bring your hand down and rub your clit through your shorts. You moan against her fingers and she uses her free hand to move your hand that’s pleasing yourself and brings you down from the ledge to replace it with her knee. She starts to fuck your throat with her fingers and you are impatiently rubbing yourself against her knee. You close your eyes, to take in all the pleasure you are feeling when Paige whispers into your ear, “I’m going to need you to look at me sweetheart.”, and your eyes meet hers and you almost finish at the sight. She is looking at you like you’re worth risking everything to be caught in the library. She holds your waist with her free hand to stop you and you let out a loud whine and you are quick to cover your mouth. You didn’t even know you could make such noises and you start to feel the anxiety of getting caught. But somehow, it was making you even more needy and you didn’t want to stop. Paige slides her two wet fingers into your shorts, pushing aside your underwear and rubbing your clit gently. You don’t even have time to be embarrassed by how soaked your underwear was. You wrap your arms around the back of her neck and rest your head on her shoulder, moaning quietly as she takes her time to please you. “Paige please…”, is all you can say before she slides both fingers into your drenched cunt.
“You’re such a good slut for me, taking two of my fingers ma…. can you take three?”, she asks, her voice quiet enough for just you to hear. You moan in response, but that’s not good enough for Paige. “Use your words, or I will have to stop.”, she tells you.
“Please, I can take one more just put it in please.”, you say, trying your best to be clear and not make any other lewd sounds.
Paige slides a third finger into you and you rock your hips against her hand that’s place on her knee, so you could feel her fingers go deeper into you. Struggling to keep quiet, you suck on Paiges neck and you feel yourself get closer. You pill your lips away from the blondes neck, not mentioning how deep red the pretty bruise you left on her neck were. “Paige please.”, is all you say before giving her a look. “You can finish whenever you’d like sweetheart.”, she tells you and you move your hips faster as Paige shoves her fingers into you deeper and suddenly your gasping out for air as you cum all over her fingers and knee.
You take a few seconds to catch your breath and Paige sucks on her fingers quietly.
“You taste so good, we are definitely going to have to do this again sometime soon please.”, Paige tells you, and you look up at her and before you know it you’re reaching for her chin and kissing her.
“I’d like that.”, is all you say before standing up. You end up going to the bathroom to clean up the mess you made on Paige’s pants though she insisted she could do it herself.
Maybe this could be more than just a study distraction. Maybe she could be something more.
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feyburner · 21 hours
I loved LOVED a word, a look, will be enough. I’m obsessed with the way you write jason and tim. No pressure to answer this at all, but I was curious if you have a headcanon about how the missing spleen reveal eventually goes
Jay »
Good afternoon Timothy.
« tim
uh oh
Jay »
I just had a fascinating conversation with Doc thompson
Care to hazard a guess about what?
« tim
pollen season
Jay »
« tim
bird flu
Jay »
Is there a reason you havent told anyone in your life that you dont have a fucking spleen?
« tim
okay first of all
i’m not sure why doc thompson felt the need to tell you my private medical information
pretty sure they have a rule about that
Jay »
It’s not her fault.
I mentioned that you got whammied with that stupid germ bomb from Typhoid Tony or whatever the fuck his name was
« tim
vik vyral
Jay »
And she got all serious and told me I should get you into the clinic asap, and I was like no he’s fine now, it was basically a 24 hour bug, and she was like no, theres no such thing as a 24 hour bug for him, he needs to come get his blood tested yesterday
And then she clearly realized I had no fucking clue what she was talking about and clammed up. Wouldn’t say a thing. Told me to ask you myself.
Jay »
The look she gave me when I said you slept it off and went back to work. Like I should know better. like I was letting you be careless and shit bc thats just how I am or something.
« tim
“letting” me?
Jay »
yeah. Letting you. I know you know what I mean
« tim
i’m not sure i do.
Jay »
When youre with someone you take care of them.
I dont pretend to know much about this shit but I know that.
I’m not talking about handcuffing you to the radiator. Im talking about knowing whats going on with you and knowing that sometimes you let shit slide that I wouldn’t. When it comes to you
You do that for me and the others all the time. Thats how it works.
« tim
doc thompson doesn’t know you’re “with” me
Jay »
If you think everyone doesn’t know exactly what’s going on then your detective skills need work
Jay »
Also, Jesus, Tim.
« tim
ok sorry, i didn’t mean the scare quotes part
but did you pause to consider maybe there’s a reason i haven’t told everyone other than whatever shortsighted masochistic bs you’re assuming
Jay »
I dont need you to tell everyone. I’m not asking you to write a report on it.
Just like. if there’s any other major medical shit can you maybe tell me
Before you fucking die of a sinus infection or whatever bc the asshole who lives with you didn’t know your immune system has the horsepower of a bicycle
« tim
did you know you curse more when you’re fronting like you’re not worried about me
Jay »
I’m actually not fronting! in this moment!
« tim
well. i am sorry
that sounded sarcastic bc of who i am as a person
but it’s not. i mean it.
Jay »
Sorry for yelling at you
« tim
i dont wanna go into it over text but i’ll tell you tonight. okay?
about what happened.
also there’s nothing else. it’s just the spleen thing
Jay »
« tim
well and the mango allergy
well. and i’m double jointed specifically bc i have joint-hypermobility syndrome
which is why im so flexible :)
but also why i dislocate things a lot :(
um and im mildly allergic to carrots, bananas, pineapples, and most legumes, but it’s fine they just make my tongue itch
i think that’s all
Jay »
Tim can you be honest with me for a second
« tim
Jay »
Are you inbred
« tim
Jay »
Like are you that type of rich person
You can tell me. We are not going to procreate so I dont mind either way
« tim
just scared the living shit out of an intern who had never seen me laugh before. i think she thought i was choking
jesus CHRIST
i will see you at home.
Jay »
didn’t answer the question….
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strwberri-milk · 3 days
Soon Enough
Rafayel x Fem!Reader || Jealousy, Smut || 3 302 words
additional tags: missionary, doggy, oral (f!recieving), tongue fucking, pussy job, mild degradation
Tumblr media
You know he’s angry but you can’t quite place why.
The two of you went out to run some errands. That’s all.
You happened to run into a friend. That’s all.
The two of you needed some time to catch up.
That’s. All.
But yet, here he is glaring at you like you’ve destroyed one of his canvases. You feel a little uncomfortable, not sure what you need to do to make him less upset with you. Thankfully you figure it’s nothing that would be actually catastrophic for your relationship, something that would genuinely make him break up with you but still it’s something he refuses to elaborate any further upon.
He didn’t even seem to try and pull you away when the two of you were chatting. He just sat off to the side browsing on his phone with his coffee. You’d been talking for maybe a maximum of ten minutes before excusing yourself to return to Rafayel’s waiting arms, pecking his cheek and telling you you were ready to leave. He seemed content in that moment, whisking you away without another word.
“Rafayel,” you say softly, walking up to him and sitting on the arm of the couch.
“What’s wrong love? Did I do something? Say something?”
He hmphs, turning his face further away from you. You worry he’ll snap his neck soon with how aggressive he’s being, reaching out to cup his cheek.
“I didn’t mean it, whatever it was. You know how much I love you. I don’t like seeing you upset.”
Even like this you can’t help but admire his form. He looks gorgeous like this, legs crossed at the knee, chin resting on his fingers, long lashes just barely grazing against his full cheeks. You lean in and press a kiss to his cheek, gently brushing your thumb just under his lip.
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Just let me know how.”
His eyes light up, turning to look at you almost evilly. You realise you’ve walked into some sort of trap but the heat in your stomach doesn’t seem to mind too much.
He draws your hand behind him, giving himself the opportunity to kiss up your arm. He looks at you from below you, eyes peering through his thick lashes as though he’s innocent.
“Really? Anything?” he mumbles against your arm, standing up quickly and sweeping you up.
You always forget how strong he is, pushing weakly against his broad shoulders as you try to make sense of what he might want. Your brain puts the pieces together fairly quickly when he gently lays you on the bed, crawling under you before you can say anything else. He yanks your hips aggressively, starting to pepper kisses on the inside of your thigh. The fabric of your tights mutes the sensation a little but not enough to stop your body from seeking out the warmth that his mouth provides.
“Hey,” he mutters, eyes solely trained the way he can just make out the shape of your pussy clenching over nothing in your clothes.
“You said you’d do anything. Are you going back on your word?”
You shake your head nervously, sitting back on him as you try to predict what he wants from you.
“Come back here. Just relax and take a seat, okay?” he hums, pushing your skirt up just enough so he can rip your panties through your tights.
You gasp loudly, about to tell him off for destroying your clothes before he presses his tongue against your slit. He looks up at you as he tilts his head, making sure you feel every inch of the muscle before pulling off of you. Your body shudders, catching your breath as his nails dig into your thighs. He brings his tongue back to your slit, groaning this time as he feels your wetness starting to coat his tongue.
“There we go. That’s better, isn’t it?” he coos, bringing his hand right to the hood of your clit.
His thumb gently pulls on you, revealing the perky bud to his hungry eyes. You barely have time to dig your fingers into his hair as he starts to lap at the bundle of nerves, tongue swirling around you before he starts to suckle gently. You bite back a moan as your hips begin to move of their accord. He can feel you hesitating slightly still though, the tenseness in your thighs palpable on the side of his head.
He brings his hands to cup your ass, gently squeezing as he encourages you to come closer to him.
“Come on pretty baby,” he coos, pressing a kiss to your clit.
“You’ll let me have a taste, won’t you? Been thinking about it ever since you saw that stupid friend of yours.”
That’s what this is all about?
You’re about to tease him for being so jealous but you don’t get the chance. He knows your body far better than you do, making you drop on him with a delicious moan when he starts fucking you with his tongue. Your pussy clenches over him tightly, head thrown back as you moan for him. Without thinking you start to grind against him, biting your lip whenever the tip of his nose bumps against you.
Rafayel was furious. He wasn’t expecting to look over there, see you look oh so content to be with another man. He was right there – you should have been in his arms, telling him how much you love him and peppering him with kisses as you told him so. He wanted nothing more than to push out the thought of anybody else out of your mind, feeling only a little bit better now as you whined on his tongue.
The plush of your walls massaging the muscle just makes his mind spin as he imagines them clenching around his cock. He knows it’d feel so much better, that it’d be absolutely perfect around him. The thought is only outweighed by his need to feel you cum on his tongue, working harder to push you to orgasm.
His soft lips gently brush up against you, teeth nipping against your clit before he brings his tongue back inside of you. The lewd sounds of him making out with your pussy that just keeps getting wetter and wetter makes you melt, eyes closing as you feel the heat of his body sync against yours. His moans grow in volume, humming against you in a way that makes you drip all over him. You steal a glance behind you, clenching tightly against him as you watch him pull his cock out of his pants to jerk himself off in time with his tongue.
He gets more aggressive against you, lips smacking loudly against your pussy as he drinks you in like a man who’s been deprived of water for years. To be fair he feels like he has, finding it so cruel of you to withhold yourself from him. His hands hold you tighter, spreading your ass cheeks as he gropes them tighter, lightly rocking you against him when he feels your movements stall. You’re just worried about crushing him with your weight, unable to think that as he fucks on you on his face.
You make the mistake of looking down at him, messy bangs doing nothing to hide the absolute desire he has for you hidden behind them. He narrows his eyes at you, pulling his tongue out just to start peppering kisses against your thighs. You clench around nothing, feeling the wetness soaking your tights as he lets you breathe.
“There you are. That’s so much better, isn’t it? Well? Do you want me to make you cum on my tongue? Or do you want something else?”
You bite your lip in contemplation, knowing that it didn’t matter what you picked – you’d be in for a rough night regardless. Clearly, you’re trying his patience, evidenced by him deciding to take actions into his own hands. He flips you underneath him quickly, kissing you hard as he pushes your shirt over your tits with your bra, thumbs teasing at your nipples as he swallows every noise you make.
His tongue moves over yours seductively, repeating the movements against your pussy inside of your mouth. You can feel his cock pressing against you, the fabric of his slacks not yet fully removed pushing against the backs of your thighs. Your knees knock up against his hips, pelvis grinding against him in a desperate show of need for him. You know you look a sight right now, eyes wide with lust as you beg him to take you without words. He’s going to oblige of course, absolutely besotted with how you look underneath him.
“Dirty little thing. You can’t even wait for me to take your clothes off, huh? Want me to fuck you like a little slut? Use that hole of yours until you can’t think of anyone but me?” he coos, pressing kisses against your throat as he spreads your legs.
He knows it’d be more comfortable if he stripped you down but his cock can’t stop leaking at the sight of ruining you in the pretty clothes you picked out for today. Your makeup is smeared, skirt pushed up against your abdomen as the hole in your tights gives him perfect access to your cunt. The ripped fabric of your panties does little to cover your modesty, simply pushing the strips of fabric away so he can press one more kiss against you.
“Please baby,” you gasp, blinking furiously as you try to focus on anything that isn’t the way your body absolutely craves him against you.
“Don’t tease me. You wanted to teach me a lesson, right? Go ahead. Make sure I can’t think of anybody but you.”
“You didn’t have to ask.”
He’s already rock hard at the thought of you, cock twitching eagerly as he keeps your thighs parted. His hand comes to help guide his cock into your hole, popping just the tip through. Your hips buck against him, trying to push him further in but he keeps his hips drawn back.
“I didn’t tell you to fuck yourself, did I? Sit still. Behave,” he demands lightly, obsessed with the way your hole tries to suck him in.
He fucks you shallowly, practically just grinding against you with just the tip of his cock withdrawn far enough to kiss your entrance before sinking in slowly. Your moans get needier and needier, trying to pull him against your chest to force his body closer to you. Maybe if you can change the angle of his hips you can manage to get him to fuck into you proper, just the head of his cock doing nothing when you know how good it feels to have all of him inside of you.
You keen and beg, promising him all sorts of things. He loves the sound of your voice in his ears, so sweet and melodic. His hands move away from your thighs, slipping up to tease your nipples as he continues to just barely rock inside of you. The heat of your body grows and grows, wanting nothing more than for him to cool you down but he refuses to give you what you need the most. Instead, he’s focused on the way you drip around him, cockhead shiny with your arousal as your pussy tries to convince him to fuck it harder.
He leans over, slotting his lips tenderly over yours. You take that as your respite, bringing your hands to bury themselves in his hair as he kisses you, almost forgetting the precarious situation he puts you in until he slides his entire length in one rough thrust. He’s quickly rewarded with a loud cry of his name, smirking against your lips as he continues to kiss you messily.
His lips stay pressed against yours, kissing you breathless as his cock starts to fuck you at a steady pace. You can feel his body meeting yours in rough thrusts, hands going to scratch down his back. He loves the way his name sounds in his mouth, your tongue pressing it against his insistently as he fucks you. His hands come down to hold your hips, bringing them up and keeping them in place as he fucks up into you.
You already feel your orgasm creeping up on you, hips meeting his in messy grinds. His breath presses against you insistently, face buried in your neck as he licks and laves over a place that makes your spine tingle. You’re growing sensitive, whining as you feel his movements slow down. You’re about to complain, ask him to keep going when he brings you to lay on your side with him, throwing your leg over his hip. It forces you to spread yourself wider for him, moaning loudly as he starts fucking you harder. His hand starts to rub insistent circles against your clit, the swollen bud slippery.
“Rafa – god – you feel so good,” you cry, holding him tightly as he fucks you. His balls slap against your ass, obscenely wet from the arousal leaking out of you.
“I know baby,” he murmurs, bringing a nipple to his mouth as he licks and sucks gently.
Your vision goes white, hips slamming against his as you cum all over him, squeezing him so tightly that it makes it hard for him to move. He laughs at you a little, drawing back a little so he can watch your cute little hole squeeze around him. His eyes widen slightly at the ring of cream you’ve got at the base of his cock, unsure if it’s just you or if he came already without noticing because of how tightly you were squeezing him.
He continues his thrusts, slowing down just to draw out your orgasm further. You push against him weakly, unsure if you really want him to stop. His pelvis feels so good grinding against your clit, cock twitching incessantly inside of you keeping you nice and full. You love the way he feels but your body burns with the exertion of the pleasure he pulls from you. Rafayel seems kind enough to pull out, cock slapping against his abdomen as his eyes roam over your ruined figure.
His hands slide up your body, stripping you down. You think it’s to cool your heated skin and you barely manage to mutter out a thank you from the daze he’s put you in. He smirks to himself, loving how dumb he already managed to fuck you. You settle against the sheets, hearing him undress behind you. His arms wrap around you and you think he’s going to settle in to cuddle you, gasping in surprise as you feel your legs dangle over the side of the bed and his still hard cock gently fucking itself between your ass cheeks.
“You didn’t think I was done, did you?” he coos, spreading your legs as he watches you make a mess below you.
He’s glad he’s got a carpet, your wetness seeping into the fibres as his cock angles itself between your pussy lips. You fight weakly against his grasp, pinned against his bed as he clicks his tongue at you.
“Don’t try to run. You said you’d let me do whatever I want to you as an apology.”
Despite his words he doesn’t make another move, waiting for you to show him you were ready. Your toes barely reach the floor as you do your best to arch your back for him, wanting to present your hole for him. You look at him over your shoulder, eyes lidded with lust as he bites back a moan at the sight of your smeared mascara.
“I deserve this much. You made me watch you enjoy your time with another man. You know how I feel about that.”
His cock slides between your pussy lips harsher, the head of his cock bumping against your clit insistently as he starts to angle himself at it. You moan and squirm, hands gripping the other side of the bed as you try to catch some sort of ledge that can help ground you in reality. He catches your hole with every other drag of his cock, using it to wet his cock as he tries to time his thrust perfectly.
You grind against him, Rafayel being kind enough to give you enough leeway to at least do that much. It doesn’t take long for your body to be brought up to that peak again, nipples brushing against the fine satin of his sheets, clit grinding tightly against his wet shaft. He brings his slow grind up to a rough fuck, practically fucking his cock into his bed with how hard he grinds you against him, watching your reaction carefully.
“Rafayel!” you cry out, bringing your hand back to push against his stomach.
“I’m gonna – you’re gonna make me cum-“ you warn him, shaking your head desperately.
“Oh? Pretty girl doesn’t wanna cum yet?” he asks pityingly, not slowing down in the least.
“Your pussy’s clenching so much and there’s nothing in it. I thought you need it.”
“Want to cum on your cock again,” you whine, trying to angle your hips to force him to push inside of you.
“Don’t wanna cum on you like that. Need you to fill me up – need you to fuck your cum inside of me,” you beg, shaking your head and whining cute little no’s when you feel your body tense up with another orgasm.
As soon as you start to cum Rafayel shoves himself full hilt inside of you again, balls slapping against your clit this time as he fucks you just as hard as he was before. The sensation makes you scream, hips jerking wildly as he starts drawing you up and down to match his thrust. He’s fucking you like a doll, your hole certainly wet enough to accommodate such brutal treatment.
He loves watching your ass bounce against him, cunt spraying all over him as he fucks you brainless. He loves the way you feel when you cum over him, always wanting to know what it would feel like to fuck you as you came. It doesn’t disappoint in the least – your walls tight around him as they milk him continuously. Your body can’t come down from the high, feeling like you’re just being fucked into an orgasm that stretches endlessly, burning up from the pleasure.
He pulls out just to flip you onto your back, sliding back inside of you as he continues his brutal pace. You can’t stop moaning and crying out for him, legs kicking against nothing as you gasp for breath. His eye watches your tits bounce wildly to his rhythm, hands going to pin your knees against his bed as he angles himself to hit those deepest parts inside of you. His cock fills up every inch of you perfectly, cockhead flush against that spot that makes you see stars as he feels his balls tightening with the urge to fill you up.
Without warning he starts to spill inside of you again, making you cum one more time as you give him one final high-pitched whine. He pulls himself out of you, watching your hole twitch as he jerks himself off to make sure he gets every last drop out. His slit rests against your throbbing clit, spilling his cum against your used hole. The warmth sliding down your cunt catches inside of you, the feeling of him spurting against your clit encouraging you to grind against it.
“Take a quick break darling,” he says sweetly, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m going to make sure you can only think of me soon enough.”
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