#there was also an Eleanor but we didn't like how her eyes came out
brbuttons · 3 months
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Some BS2 sketchbook stuff from the other week. Because stylising characters is hard. ✨
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Request: Velvet and Eleanor reacting to Magilou flirting with their younger sibling (the reader) right in front of them.
(Tales of Berseria) Velvet and Eleanor reacting to Sibling!Reader getting flirted with
To quote our lord Steve Harvey, "KILL"
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Velvet was always protective of Laphicet and (Y/N), even before she became a daemon.
And since (Y/N) was the last person Velvet had in her life, she wasn't going to let anything hurt them.
Even beyond just protecting them from harm, her big sister instincts still remained.
Which meant especially that people trying to engage romantically with (Y/N) was signing their death warrant.
And so enters: The Magilou.
(Y/N) was in the middle of preparing dinner for the night before hearing footsteps approach them.
(Y/N) "Hey, whoever that is, could you pass me the ladle? I need to do a taste test."
(Magilou) "Oh, here you go, dear (Y/N)!"
(Y/N) "...Oh no-"
Magilou hopped in front of them, dramatically extending her hands upwards to the sky, ladle in hand.
(Magilou) "Fear not, for I, the great Magilou, will help prepare a dish fit for the gods above!"
(Y/N) "Respectfully Magilou, I don't need help. Velvet taught me everything I need to know about cooking."
(Magilou) "Surely you jest! There's nothing Velvet can do that I cannot perform better!"
She leaned in close to them with a smirk.
(Magilou) "In fact, ignore your sister for a moment and listen to my advice! You may even win my heart, should you perform well enough!"
(Y/N) "I...doubt that.-"
(Magilou) "WHAT?! Am I not the prettiest woman you have ever laid eyes on?! How can you resist such alluring charms?!"
(Y/N) "Listening to you speak, for one-"
(Magilou) "Psh! It seems a foul mouth runs in the family-"
Suddenly, a young voice came from behind the two.
(Magilou) "What the-HANG ON YA LITTLE TYKE! I WAS JUST-"
Before the three of them could even blink, Velvet closed the distance from seemingly nowhere
Magilou fumbled with the ladle in genuine shock as Velvet began speaking.
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Magilou backed off in fear, hiding behind (Y/N).
(Magilou) "H-Hang on now! I was just playing around, it was a goof! It was a gag!"
(Laphicet) "That's not what I heard! You said that both Velvet and (Y/N) had a foul mouth!"
(Magilou) "And you have a loose one, ratting me out like this!"
Velvet grabbed the ladle from the floor, and hit Magilou over the head with it.
Saying nothing else, she scooted Laphicet to sit next to (Y/N) before crouching down and turning to her sibling with a softer expression.
(Y/N) "Sis, you don't have to end Magilou, it's nothing she hasn't done before. And thanks to you too, Laphicet."
Laphicet nodded with a big smile as well.
(Laphicet) "Mhm!...Oh, we need to clean the ladle now!"
(Velvet) "Yeah. Give me a sec and we'll see how you did on the soup."
Magilou rubbed her injury, muttering to herself.
(Magilou) "Freakin' sister complex-"
(Velvet) "I heard that."
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Eleanor was completely against (Y/N) joining her as she chased Velvet and her group, but the Abbey had decreed it so.
Which resulted in both of them being taken as "prisoners".
She feared for their lives, but she didn't realize that she also had to fear for their love life.
And she sure as hell would not let (Y/N) date anyone from this group of misfits.
Especially a certain one.
Well, two, actually. But Velvet didn't really seem to care about dating, thank god.
Neither did option one, but that didn't stop her from being an absolute nusiance.
(Magilou) "(Y/N)!"
(Y/N) was offput by her sudden arrival, considering that they were just in their room thinking.
(Y/N) "What the- Why did you kick open my door?!"
(Magilou) "How can our days be brightened without the young exorcist's beloved sibling? Instead of being with us, you are cooped up in your room!"
(Y/N) "E-Eleanor told me to stay here for a little bit. I'm not exactly inclined to against her wishes-"
(Magilou) "Ah, but you are shackled in here, like a bird in a cage! You must let your wings spread out and fly, little dove!"
(Y/N) "I think I'm good, thanks-"
(Magilou) "Y'know, listening to your big sister all the time will leave you maidenless for the rest of your life! She'll shield you from all the joys and wonders of the world!"
(Y/N) "I'm not doing your laundry, Magilou. And neither is Eleanor!"
(Magilou) "Fine, I'll just have to put on my dazzling magics to get you to see reason-"
Eleanor stomped towards Magilou, shoving her outside the room before standing at the doorframe, arms crossed.
(Eleanor) "Do not engage my little brother/sister in your tomfoolery! I will not allow it!"
(Magilou) "See? This is exactly what I'm talking about! Eleanor will prevent any kind of love from blossoming-"
(Eleanor) "BE QUIET!"
She turned to (Y/N), getting even more flustered and angry.
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(Y/N) "I don't think any other person will be like Magilou...I-I hope."
(Magilou) "Hmph! Both of you don't know a true dazzler when you see one-"
(Eleanor) "All I see is someone trying to leech off my sibling just to get their laundry done!"
(Magilou) "Why does everyone assume that I'm just here for my stinking clothes?! Can't I be here for romance, drama, or even anything else?!"
(Y/N) and Eleanor glared at Magilou.
(Magilou) "And for your information, I was here to recruit either of you to make dinner instead of me!"
(Y/N & Eleanor) "GET OUT!"
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fetusgooseandjuice · 1 year
So Beautiful
Pairings: Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader
Summary: Kate takes you on date to go ice skating and see fireworks after an interesting dinner with her parents. (Just pure fluff)
Word Count: 3,174
Warnings: Sexual mentions
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Second Person POV:
You looked at your outfit in the full length mirror hung on your closet door once last time, fixing your hair and making sure that everything looked okay.
Finishing the look with your favorite perfume, you grabbed your phone off the dresser to text Kate that you were in your way.
Kate had invited you over for dinner tonight, fulfilling her mother's wish. You see Eleanor very often as you spend a good amount of time at her house, however, conversations between you two are very brief because Kate is always dragging you away to spend time alone.
You were also looking forward to the date she was planning to take you on after the dinner at the outdoor ice skating rink in Times Square where you would probably spend most of your time clutching onto Kate for dear. So you made sure to dress nice, but warm.
Grabbing the gifts you bought for her and her parents, you made your way out the front door. It was already really chilly outside since the sun was set, and a fluffy layer of white covered the ground due the snowfall a couple days ago. But the penthouse wasn't that far away from where you lived, so you walked.
When you arrived, you entered the elevator and pressed the button that would take you up to their floor. The doors opened with beep, and you walked inside where you were met with Kate's mom cooking in the kitchen, the delicious smell of food filling your nostrils.
She turned around at the sound of the the elevator doors opening, eyes lighting up when she saw you, "Y/n! Hello, it's so good to see you again!" she dropped what she was doing to pull you in for a tight hug.
"Hi, it's good to see you too." you replied with a genuine smile.
"Kate, Y/N's here!" she called out, her voice ringing throughout the penthouse floor.
She released you from her firm grip a few seconds later, "How are you? Kate practically hogs you whenever you're here it feels I haven't actually gotten to talk to you in forever." she chuckled.
"I've been okay. Holiday shopping has me stressed every year, but I managed to find a few things I think you and Mr. Duquesne would like," you spoke, holding out a few gift bags in your left hand for her.
"Oh Y/N, you didn't have to. I told you not to worry about us." she said in an appreciative tone, taking the bags from you.
"I know, but I wanted to.  I would've felt bad if I showed up empty handed so," you trailed off, shyly giggling.
"Well, thank you for thinking of us. You're such a sweet girl." she gave you a smile to which you returned.
She started to talk about the dinner she was making, but was interrupted when Kate came scurrying into the kitchen, "Y/N!" she yelled, grinning from ear to ear.
She ran over to you, wrapping her arms around your torso, hugging you so tight that your feet lifted off the ground as she peppered kisses across your face.
"I missed you so much." she said, setting you back on the ground, gazing into your eyes.
You giggled, "You literally just saw me yesterday, and we spent the whole day together."
"I know, but that was yesterday. Today is a new day." her voice spoke softer as she leaned down to peck your lips.
You of course reciprocated the first couple times, but then tried to pull away before she took it further than some innocent kisses knowing that her mother was still present. Though, she didn't let you, only tightening her grip on your waist.
Her mom shook her head, smiling to herself, "Okay you little lovebirds, dinner is done. Kate, can you take those glasses out to the table for me please?"
Kate pulled away from you with a groan, walking over to pick up the four glass cups from the counter and take them into the dining room.
"Would you like me to help you with anything, Ms. Bishop?" you kindly offered to assist her.
"I'm okay, dear. And you know you can call me Eleanor. We've known each other for far too long now to be so formal." she reminded you.
"Right, sorry." you said with a sheepish expression as Kate entered the kitchen once again. "Hey mom, where's Jack? I thought you said he was going to join us as well."
"Um, he should be down any minute. He was helping me cook earlier, but he had to finish up something in his office." she answered right as Jack walked into the room.
"Y/N! How are you doing on this wonderful evening?" he asked, giving Eleanor a peck on the cheek.
You smiled at him, "I'm good, Mr. Duquesne. How about you?"
"I'm alright, thank you for asking. We hope you're hungry because we prepared what Kate said was your favorite." he spoke, helping Eleanor with plating.
"Oh, thank you. I'm starving, and it smells incredible."you complimented.
"Kate, you and Y/N can go have a seat at the table. Make sure you get her a drink.” Eleanor said to her daughter.
"Yes, mom." she replied, taking your hand and leading you out to the dining room. "Here you are, princess." she said, pulling out a chair for you.
"I could've gotten that myself." you giggled, shrugging off your jacket and putting it on the back of the chair.
"I know, but I wanted to get it for you." she responded, "Whatcha want to drink?"
"Water is fine, but I can pour it myself..." you trailed off, watching her pour water into your glass.
"I love you." she grinned, leaning down to kiss you before taking a seat next to you.
Eleanor and Jack walked into the room carrying four plates of food as Eleanor set plates down in front of you and Kate, "Now this was my first time making it homemade, Y/N, so I hope it tastes okay."
"Oh, I'm sure it'll be amazing." you smiled at her as she and Jack sat down across from you and Kate.
You dug in and started talking about whatever came to mind from Kates archery competitions, to Eleanor's company, to your own life events.
"So I hear you guys are going out after this. What's on the agenda for tonight?" Eleanor questions, taking a sip of her wine.
"Nothing too crazy. Just ice skating over at that outdoor rink, and then I thought we could walk around before seeing the fireworks show in Central Park." Kate answered, and then looked at you, "I know I hadn’t mentioned seeing fireworks, but we don't have to if you don't want to."
You shook your head, "No, it's fine. I want to." you gave her a small smile to which she returned.
The next few moments were filled with silence as Kate just couldn't look away from your eyes, and honestly neither could you.
"Wow, darling. Who knew your daughter was such a romantic?" Jack bantered with Eleanor, making Kate roll her eyes.
"She is always like this towards you, Y/N, right? It's not just a little act for when she's around us?" Eleanor asked in a playful manner.
"Oh no, Kate is always so sweet." you responded, "She really knows how to treat a girl." you smiled at your girlfriend.
"She knows how to treat a girl? That's good to hear. Does that include knowing how to treat you in other ways?" she teasingly questioned, picking up her glass.
You titled your head in confusion, not knowing what she meant.
"You know, in and out of the bedroom..." Eleanor trailed off, taking a long sip of wine.
Those words caused Kate to choke on the food in her mouth. She quickly pushed back her chair and stood up, "Okay, I think that's enough for tonight!" she declared.
She swiftly put on her hat and coat, and then pulled you to your feet.
"Wait, but I'm not done eating." you tried to refuse, but Kate ignored you while grabbing your own jacket from the back of your chair.
"I'll buy you whatever food you want on the way to the rink." she replied, "Thanks for dinner, but we'll see you later." she spoke to her parents, leading you towards the elevator.
"Have fun!" you heard Eleanor call out just before the doors closed.
In the elevator, Kate helped you slip on your jacket and wrapped her arm around your shoulders to hold you close.
"Your parents are really nice people, you know." you broke the silence and looked up at her.
She shrugged her shoulders, "When they're not actively trying to question my girlfriend about my performance in bed."
You had to admit that it did make you a little uncomfortable, but you knew they were only teasing and meant well. Kate however, wanted to save herself the embarrassment and exit that conversation as soon as possible.
"I wouldn't have told them anything, obviously." you reassured, "But, if you wanna know my honest answer—"
"I think the way your legs literally gave out on you when you tried to walk after that one time says it all, babygirl." Kate interrupted with a smirk.
Your cheeks blushed out of embarrassment and she lightly chuckled, pulling you closer if that was even possible as the elevator doors opened with a ding. You walked outside, following the sidewalks of the city.
The street lamps dimly lit the busy streets, and the billions of stars twinkled in the night sky. A thin sheet of snow littered the bare trees, roads, and sidewalks, while a more heavy layer stuck to the grass. You would occasionally hear the honk of a car in the distance while Kate said something funny just to see the smile that made her heart flutter, and hear the beautiful laughs that spilled from your mouth.
You didn’t really need to pay attention to where you were going as Kate just held your hand and led the way, distracting you by teasing you with how many times you fell the last time you went ice skating.
So when she stopped in front of your favorite takeout place, she chuckled at the way your eyes visibly lit up. Kate opened the door for you and followed you inside, ordering your usual for you.
She claimed that she wasn't hungry anymore after what happened at her parents, but that was clearly a lie when she ate the food right off of your fork as you were bringing it to your mouth. She apologized when you gasped and playfully hit her shoulder.
But you really didn't mind, you thought it was cute. So you started feeding her bites of food that she gladly ate before giving you a loving kiss as a thank you. After finishing the last few bites, you cleaned up and continued down streets until you got to the ice rink.
Whenever a cold breeze swept brought the air, that just gave Kate a reason to hold you a little closer to her side as you approached the skate rental counter.
Kate asked the lady for both of your skate sizes, and handed your pair to you once she returned with them before finding an empty space on the benches to sit down
"These things are always impossible to tie tight." you groaned in frustration, fumbling with the laces.
Kate stood up once tied her skates, "It's really not that difficult." she chucked.
"Yeah, says the person who's done this like a hundred time before." you mumbled as you undid what you had tied to start over.
Kate watched you struggle for a few more moments before shaking her head with a soft smile and kneeling down in front of you.
"Here, baby. I've got it." she took the strings from you to tie them along with the other ones, "There you go, darling." Kate spoke as she stood up. "You ready?" she asked.
"Yeah, ready to break a bone or something." you joked while standing to your feet.
Kate laughed and took your hand, "I'd never let that happen, babygirl." she reassured you while leading you to the gate entrance. She stepped out onto the ice first before giving you her hand, "Come on, it'll get easier as you go."
You took her hand and followed her onto the ice on wobbly feet. She moved to stand in front of you and let you hold both of her hands in a tight grip while she started skating backwards, guiding you with her.
"There you go, baby. See? You've got it, you're doing amazing." she complimented, looking at you with a big grin.
You giggled, "I guess I finally learned from all those times I landed on my butt before."
"Anddd because you have such an amazing teacher?" she added.
You playfully rolled your eyes, "Yes, and because I have an amazing teacher." you said, making her pump her fist in victory.
She moved to your side, and held your hand so that she could skate next to you instead of in front.
You did a few laps around the rink, joking around and you had a few scares where you almost fell back. But luckily, your girlfriend reacted quickly and caught you before you could actually hit the ground.
Despite that, you had an amazing time. Deciding it was time to leave a couple hours later, you started gliding over to exit the rink, but the blade on your skate had gotten caught on the ice, making you slip and fall to the ice.
Kate stopped, spinning around when she felt your hand slip out of hers, "Oh my god! Baby, what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" she asked, skating over to you.
"I'm okay, Katie. I just slipped that's all. You don't need to worry." you told her as she helped you stand to your feet again.
"Alright," she exhaled a sigh of relief, "Are you sure that nothing hurts? Even just a little bit—"
"I am fine, Kate. If anything starts to hurt I will let know, okay?" you spoke in an assuring tone.
She pecked your forehead, "Okay." she murmured, "But that was pretty funny." she chuckled and you lightly slapped her shoulder.
"It's not funny!" you pouted.
"Okay, okay. It wasn't funny, I'm sorry." she apologized before taking your hand and making sure you safely got off the ice this time.
You returned your shoes to the rental desk and she wrapped her arm around your shoulders once again as you strolled down the streets to central park.
You started to find an empty spot where all of the other people were sitting on top of blankets on the grass with their friends, families, and partners until Kate stopped you.
You looked back at her with a confused expression.
"Not here, baby. I have somewhere else where we can sit and still have a good view of the fireworks." she explained before taking your hand and leading you to a more secluded area by the trees away from everyone.
There were already a couple blankets laid out on the ground. You could still see the lights from the city buildings, so the view was absolutely beautiful.
"Your parents were right. Who knew you were such the romantic." you teased.
She playfully scoffed, "Hey! I can be romantic when try!" she defended herself, stepping closer to you and wrapping an arm around your waist, "But only for you." she spoke softly while leaning in to connect your lips.
You however, turned your head before she could, making her frown.
"You laughed at me when I fell earlier." you sulked.
Her jaw slightly dropped in disbelief, "I said I was sorry! Come on, my love, please?" she said, trying to kiss you again.
She knew that it made you weak in the knees whenever she called you "my love", so here she was; using it against you. But, you were not gonna give in that easily.
"Kate, stop it. I'm serious, stop!" you said, trying not to laugh and encourage her as she kissed all across you face.
You squirmed out of her arms, backing away from her, "Don't make me have to chase you just to get a kiss!" Kate playfully threatened which just resulted in you running off.
The snow on the grass made it a difficult to get anywhere, but you weren't planning on stopping until you ran out of breath, or Kate caught you.
Kate bolted right after you, knowing it was just a matter of time before she caught up to you. She quickly closed the gap between the two of you and tackled you into the snow.
You both struggled in a fit of laughter until Kate got the upper hand, and pinned you beneath her with your hands beside your head. She leaned down to finally capture your lips in hers.
“Gotcha.” she breathed against your mouth when you pulled away to catch your breath.
You playfully rolled your eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” you responded, making her chuckle and give you one last kiss before she stood up, pulling you with her.
You returned back to your spot where you sat down in the blankets, leaning into her side when she wrapped an arm around you.
"Hey, did I tell you about this weekend, yet?" Kate questioned, looking over at you.
You knitted your eyebrows together as you thought for a second, "No? What's going on this weekend?"
"I made it to finals in the winter archery competition, and they're this weekend." she answered with a proud smile on her face.
Your eyes widened in surprise, "Oh my god, really?" you asked and she nodded her head, "That's amazing, baby! I'm so proud of you!" you said with bright eyes, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Thanks,” she smiled, “Will you be there?” she asked, hopeful.
“Obviously. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” you confirmed, and she squeezed you tighter.
Just then, a long red flame was ejected into the sky with a loud bang. It exploded and shattered into thousand of sparks along with the others that followed close behind, filling the sky with bright colors and light.
You were mesmerized by the colors of vivid green, red, blue, and gold that created all different shapes in the sky. You thought it was a beautiful scene to witness. On the other hand, Kate wasn’t watching the fireworks show.
She was watching you.
Her expression softened even more than before at the way the shining sparkles reflected in your eyes. Of course she thought the fireworks were cool, but she thought you were gorgeous.
“Aren’t they beautiful, Katie.” you asked, never taking your eyes off of the colors in the sky.
“Yeah…” she trailed off as she just gazed at you, you being completely oblivious to her stare, “Yeah, so beautiful.”
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a-aexotic · 4 days
𝐛𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡, chapter 6
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𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ! 3.1k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ! girly stuff, mentions of ED's, modeling, bonding with the girls :)
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ! this chapter was more of a serena, y/n, blair bonding moment so there's a lot of fluffy girly things. but ofc it's gossip girl so there's a teeniest bit of drama. but this is a nate fic so there's a sprinkle of nate content in there as well hehe
➜ missing out on updates? ❪ navigation. series masterlist. taglist. ❫
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You sat alongside Serena and Eleanor, Blair's mom who had just flown back in from Paris. After the whole Ivy week mixer debacle, they had made up the next day and you were so glad that you didn't have to deal with their petty fights.
You sat in Blair's living room, catching up with Eleanor. Blair was still asleep and you wanted to wake her up but Eleanor insisted she got her beauty sleep.
Serena looked up and a smile curved on her lips once she saw Blair had woken up. "Hey, you're up!"
"Did we have plans?" Blair questioned as she analyzed the scene in front of her. Before either you or Serena could respond, her mother spoke.
"Darling, it's impolite to interrupt, mwah." She gave her daughter a air kiss as she took a seat next to you. You gave Blair a sympathetic smile, you knew she had a somewhat complicated relationship with her mother. "I was just telling Serena and Y/N that Benedel's is interested in carrying my line."
Blair's eyes lit up with genuine excitement as she processed her mother's words. "Really? Oh, that's fantastic. Why didn't you say something?"
Eleanor chuckled softly, a hint of pride in her voice. "I came back from Paris to put together my lookbook and if they like what they see, it could be the beginning of an entire lifestyle collection - like Winfrey's."
Eleanor gave you a smile as you nodded. Your mother's company had become one of the most coveted brands in the fashion industry, known for its elegance and sophistication. You returned Eleanor's smile with warmth, feeling a sense of pride in your mother's accomplishments.
"That's incredible, Eleanor," you replied, admiration evident in your voice. "I'm sure Benedel's will be thrilled to have your line. And a lifestyle collection? That's ambitious, but knowing your eye for design, I have no doubt it'll be a huge success."
"Mom, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you." Blair's eyes gleamed with excitement as picked up a croissant and tried to bit into it.
"Before you tuck into that, you might find the low-fat yogurt more appealing." Eleanor gave Blair a look before she nodded, dropping the croissant.
Serena glanced around awkwardly before getting up from the couch to take a better look at Eleanor's clothes.
You gazed at Eleanor, annoyance filling your expression. You liked Blair's mother but she can bit controlling at times and you hated seeing Blair undermined like that. But you also knew that Blair's relationship with her mother was complicated, filled with expectations and pressures that often left Blair feeling suffocated and vying for her attention.
You opened your mouth to speak only to be cut off by Blair and her glare. She knew you hated how her mother treated her but she didn't need your words, especially now.
"I lost two pounds while you were away." Blair smiled at her mother.
"And you look marvelous." Eleanor grinned back before her eyes moved toward Serena, who was looking at the dresses.
"Wow these are beautiful, Mrs. Waldorf." Serena exclaimed, admiring the elegant designs on display.
Eleanor's smile widened at the compliment. "Well they will be when they're not all squished from travelling." Eleanor moved by Blair and walked toward Serena and you could tell Blair was saddened by that.
You have her a sympathetic smile, taking her hand and squeezing it for reassurance as she watched Serena and her mother interact.
"When everything is unpacked, I would love to hear your thoughts. You do have such great personal style." Eleanor praised as she looked to glance at you as well. "And Y/N, I know you did some modeling in Paris. I'd love to see you in some of my dresses."
You offered a grateful smile at Eleanor's words, feeling a surge of appreciation for her acknowledgment. "Thank you, Eleanor. I'd be honored but..." You looked back at Blair before continuing. "I left that in Paris, it was too much pressure."
Blair's grip on your hand loosened slightly, a flicker of surprise crossing her features before she quickly masked it with a smile. "Y/N would love, Mom. She'd would look stunning in your designs."
Your eyes widened in surprise but before you could respond, Serena did. "Actually, all of us plans today."
"We do?" Blair looked confused as she glanced between you and Serena.
You nodded in agreement with Serena's sudden declaration, improvising on the spot. "Yes, we do. Remember? We talked about going shopping downtown for the sleepover next week."
Blair's confusion shifted to a smile of excitement as she caught on to the plan. "Oh, right! How could I forget? That sounds perfect. Sorry, Mom, we'll have to take a rain check on unpacking those dresses."
Eleanor smiled, seemingly pleased with the plan. "That sounds lovely. I'll look forward to seeing you all later. And Y/N, we can discuss the modeling another time if you're interested."
You nodded gratefully. "I'll let you know if I change my mind."
As you made your way out of the room, you couldn't shake the feeling of being caught between Blair's desire to please her mother and your own apprehensions about being drawn back into the fashion world. But for now, you focused on the prospect of spending time with your friends outside the confines of Upper East Side drama.
Or so you thought.
"Oh my god, Blair!" You squealed as you watched your friend flush in slight embarrassment, but a genuine smile was evident on her face. "I left you guys alone for an hour and now Blair has a modeling gig? That's amazing."
You, Serena and Blair were all sitting on her bed as Is and Kati looked at the dresses.
"It's for my mom's line and it's a one time thing," Blair interjected but you could tell she was really happy to be finally included in her mother's business. "I'm only doing it as a favor."
Serena grinned, nudging Blair playfully. "Oh, come on, Blair! Don't play it down. It's gonna be so hot and the clothes are gorgeous."
"They're alright." Blair glanced at Kati, a grin on her face.
"Oh, shut up. They're amazing and you're gonna make them look more amazing." You rolled your eyes playfully as Blair shoved you, a blush on her face.
"Like I said, I'm only doing it as a favor to my mom." Blair's voice sounded irritated but there was a hint of excitement in her eyes as she smiled.
Serena chuckled, shaking her head. "Yeah, yeah, humble as always, Blair."
You couldn't help but laugh along with Serena as Blair gave her a mock glare before she turned back to Kati and Is. "The hair and make-up test is tonight." She beamed as everyone squealed in excitement for Blair.
"I think this is my best pose," Kati declared, striking a dramatic pose with her hand on her hip and a playful smirk on her face.
Isabel laughed, shaking her head. "That's because you can't see what you look like. You're just a hand model, that's it. The right way is this,"
Isabel striked a pose, popping out her hips with a kissy face before you and Blair shook your heads. Blair got up and joined in, imitating Isabel's pose with exaggerated flair.
"Uh-uh, uh-uh, girls. This is how you do it. Gotta curve your spine forward along--" Blair began before Serena got up, shaking her head with a laugh escaping her mouth.
"Oh no! You guys are doing it all wrong. Look you're missing the key," Serena declared, stepping forward with a smirk. With a quick, fluid motion, she struck put her hand on her hips. "You gotta put the hand on the hip... and pop. That's how you do it."
"Pop, pop, pop." Blair moved her hips.
Everyone began copying her pose as you let out a loud laugh, your head falling back in the bed as Blair rolled her eyes, a smile playing on her lips. "Oh look! The professional model is laughing at us, sorry we don't have as much experience as you do."
You grinned mischievously, your eyes sparkling with amusement. "Hey, everyone starts somewhere, right? But you've got potential, Blair. Maybe with a little more practice, you'll be giving me a run for my money."
Blair rolled her eyes again but couldn't suppress a grin. "If you're so good at it, then show us. Or are you scared?"
You raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Scared? Please, Blair. You know me better than that. But fine, challenge accepted."
With a dramatic flourish, you stood up from the bed and stepped forward, adopting a confident pose. You put your hand on your hip, tilted your head slightly, and flashed a confident gaze at the group.
The room erupted in laughter as you strutted back and forth, hamming it up for your audience. "Watch and learn, ladies," you declared with a playful smirk.
"Wow, I'm truly in the presence of greatness," Blair teased, clapping her hands in mock applause as you finished your impromptu performance.
You took a bow, grinning from ear to ear. "Thank you, thank you. I'll be signing autographs later."
Blair chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "Oh, please, don't let the fame get to your head."
Serena playfully nudged you. "I think we've found our new Queen of the Catwalk."
"You know... That's what they called me in Paris."
"Oh, please! You didn't even do any Catwalks." Blair teased as you scoffed.
You shrugged, a playful glint in your eyes. "Details, Blair. Details."
You and Serena looked at Eleanor's dresses on set as Blair was doing her first photoshoot. You looked back at her, a proud smile on your face as Serena examined the dresses.
As you and Serena admired Eleanor's dresses on set, a sense of pride washed over you. Blair looked stunning as she posed for her first photoshoot but you could tell she was a little nervous. But you couldn't blame her - the first time you did a shoot, you threw up before and after.
"You look amazing, Blair!" you called out, unable to contain your admiration as Blair rolled her eyes in mock annoyance.
"Okay, let's take five!" The photographer called out.
You walked over to begin talking to Blair but Serena stayed, examing the dresses more. But then she began listening over to the photographer speak.
"Who chose this girl?" He spoke quietly, annoyance dripping from his words.
"Eleanor? Why?"
"She's so prim... stiff, like a bookcase. It's unnatural." He spoke candidly, his dissatisfaction evident in his tone.
"Yeah but she looks stunning in the clothes, don't you agree?"
"Mhm... to my eyes, like a Goddess. To this eye," he pointed to the camera. "Bleh, like a statue. She needs to let go, loosen up, have fun."
Serena let out a huff before she began walking over to you and Blair, masking her irritation at the photographer. "Hey! First of all, you look amazing."
"Amazing is an understatement." You added as Blair laughed.
"But look, can I give you a tip?" Serena spoke as Blair's expression turned from excited to slightly annoyed.
"How did I know this was coming." Blair sighed as you and Serena shared glances.
"No, no, no. Look all you need to do is... maybe you could uh, loosen up? You know, shake it out." Serena grabbed her arms and began shaking her hair, blowing raspberries as you laughed.
"Yeah, yeah. She's right, Blair. Shake it out." You began encourage her, mimicking Serena's playful gestures as you tried to lighten the mood.
Blair looked back at the crew and then back at Serena.
"Um, maybe you could be goofy. Like when we were ten and we would dance around to Genie in a Bottle in your mom's clothes." Serena began jumping around as Blair flushed nervously under the photographer's gaze, which you caught on.
She glanced at you and Serena, a desperate look in her eyes. "Help me."
"Um, okay..." Serena looked back at you for any suggestions and you nodded.
"Act like a tiger!" You exclaimed, jumping into the impromptu role-play. "Come on," you began roaring as Serena and Blair exchanged glances before laughing.
Serena nodded, getting into character as she roared, imitating a tiger's movements. Blair hesitated for a moment, but then she too began to channel her inner tiger, prowling and growling with exaggerated ferocity.
"No, no. You gotta roar." Serena laughed as she threw her head back, roaring as you let out a laugh. "Yeah, that's it, Blair! Give me tiger."
Blair's initial hesitation melted away as she joined in the fun, letting out a playful roar that echoed through the room.
"Now let's do a prettier one, you're Venus in the half shell, right." Serena spoke as she gave a pouty face, putting her hands on her collarbones. "So, just look up."
You both followed Serena's lead, adopting a more serene expression as she lifted her chin and gazed upward with a soft, dreamy expression.
The photographer, impressed by Blair's transformation, snapped away, capturing each moment with precision and skill. With each click of the camera, Blair's confidence seemed to grow, her natural beauty shining through with undeniable grace and charm.
"Guys! Guys! Let's do something crazy, like Britney with the umbrella." You exclaimed as they both nodded. "Britney with the umbrella, go!"
Blair pretended to have an umbrella in her hand as she struck a dramatic pose, channeling Britney during her infamous umbrella incident as she shouted. Serena joined in, pretending to shield herself from the umbrella with exaggerated movements.
"I'm the car! I'm the car!" Serena spoke as she pretended to get hit by the umbrella as you laughed, joining in Blair as they continued the playful reenactment, adding their own comedic flair to the scene.
As the impromptu photoshoot came to an end, you, Blair and Serena collapsed onto the nearest couch, breathless from laughter. "Thank you, guys. Seriously,"
Serena nodded in agreement, her own laughter still echoing in the room. "Anytime, B. We've got your back, always."
You grinned, nudging Blair playfully. "Hey, that's what besties are for, right? Besides, it was a blast! It's kinda making me miss Paris-"
"No, no. You're not leaving us anytime soon." Blair pulled you and Serena closer as you both collapsed on her, laughter escaping your lungs. Despite the challenges and drama of the past, moments like these reminded you why you had decided to stick around.
"Alright, alright," Serena chuckled, trying to catch her breath. "No one's going anywhere. We're in this together, remember?"
You nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of gratitude for the friendship you shared with Blair and Serena. "Definitely."
"God, your mom can be a..." You paused, trying to find an appropriate word. "She can be a handful."
"You can say it. A bitch." Blair spoke blatantly as you and Serena shared a glance before laughing.
She had just told you what had happened in this morning. This morning was supposed to be the photoshoot but her mom apparently fired her (but then blamed it on the photographer) but she didn't tell Serena. Serena had showed up, thinking that you and Blair were on your way but then realized that Eleanor had chosen Serena to be her model without her consent.
Of course, Blair was angry but now it's all in the past. You guys then stole all of her dresses from the shoot and went out to take pictures in the city, which was fun.
Blair shrugged, trying to brush off the incident with a nonchalant smile. "Well, what's done is done. At least we made the most of it, right? And stealing all those dresses was definitely worth it."
You sat up in her bed with a smile as you nodded. "I hope she doesn't get too mad. I don't want my mom to get more angry phone calls from Eleanor."
"Remember that time you and Serena snuck me out and went to that party at the Hamptons?" Blair's eyes sparkled with amusement as she reminisced about past adventures. "Now that was a night to remember."
"Yeah and my mom still lectures me about it." You rolled your eyes as Serena let out a giggle.
Serena chuckled, shaking her head. "Your mom's lectures were legendary. But hey, it was all worth it for the memories, right?"
You and Blair let out a couple giggles before you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. Serena and Blair began talking and you pulled it out, reading the Caller ID.
Nate :)
You looked around before you let it go to voicemail, putting it back in your bag.
Serena gave you a glance before putting a chip in her mouth, observing you. "Who was that?"
"Oh, just my dad," you replied casually, trying to keep your tone nonchalant as you shrugged. "Probably just checking in or something."
Serena raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Aren't your parents at an event right now?"
You chuckled nervously, feeling a flush at the obvious lie. "Well you know they like know where I'm at and... uh, stuff."
You didn't know why you were lying. Everyone knew you and Nate were best friends so why did it matter that he was calling you in the middle of the night? And why were you anxious for him, did something happen?
You and Serena decided to the spend the night at Blair's after a movie but as soon you saw they were asleep, you snuck out of bed and into the bathroom to listen to Nate's message.
"Hey, I know you're probably asleep but uh... I just wanted to try and see if you were up to talk." Nate paused before he sighed. "I really messed up tonight and I don't really know what to do. I did something that I thought was good for me but it ended up costing me and Chuck a lot."
"I know I should have talked to someone about it first, but things have been crazy lately, and I just acted on impulse. I feel stupid and I wish I could take it all back. And I know we said we were gonna keep things platonic, but I just needed to hear your voice."
There was another pause, and you could hear the strain in Nate's voice. "You always know how to make sense of things. I missed talking to you and uh, I'm really glad we talked and we're all good again. I hope you're not mad at me for calling so late. Call me back when you get this. Goodnight."
The message ended with a soft click.
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pockethep · 1 year
Thanks for answering my ask.....if you don't mind me asking (again), who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
No problem, I like doing these. These are some of my favorite couples though there were lots to sort through.
Percabeth (Percy x Annabeth) Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Just like my favorite character list, I love the Percy Jackson series but most important I love a certified wife guy. Percy chose Annabeth over a seat in Olympus. There are multiple points where in life threatening situations he thinks about Annabeth immediately. "A one way trip. A very hard fall" they fell into endless darkness together and came out together. They are the blueprint.
2. Satosugu (Gojo x Geto) Jujutsu Kaisen
This will be a trend but I'm a lover of angst as much as fluff but tragic lovers is a personal favorite thing of mine. Gojo called him his "one and only". The entirety of the events in the story revolve around Gojos choice to not kill him that day in 2006 and, when they met again, destroying the body. It's "Love is the most twisted curse of them all" vs "At least curse me a little at the very end". It's "my six eyes tell me you're suguru geto but my soul knows otherwise". No matter how Gojo held out his hand, there was no way for him, he who the world shifted upon his birth, to reach him. There something poetic about their relationship.
3. Royai (Mustang x Hawkeye) Full Metal Alchemist
They're basically canon. But I mean "When we're alone the colonel calls me Riza" like COME ON. Riza is a "loyal to a fault, dedicating their entire being to the other with little hope of ever getting an ounce of affection back cause she made up her mind and decided it doesn't matter so long as she can remain by his side" character and Mustang is a "self-destructive tendencies combined with +10 charisma and noble ideals who's ready to be viewed as a villain if thats what it comes to and as such can't understand why the other is so loyal." character. Plus its all about the way they hang all over each other when hurt and how she could so easily direct him when he was blind. That trust is elite.
4. Heromari (Hero x Mari) Omori
Another tragic pairing. It's heartbreaking how much they loved each other and even if we didn't get to see a lot of it in game we know from the way everyone describes them and the pictures. Mari's death completely changed the trajectory of Hero's life and although he may heal he'll probably never get over her. Everyday I curse at the sky that they didn't get to have their future together
5. Hualian (Hua Cheng x Xie Lian) Tian Guan Ci Fu
I'll keep this one brief. Tgcf said "only after meeting you did I rediscover that it's such a simple thing to be happy" and "to me, the one basking in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. what matter is you, not the state of you" and "there's no banquet in the world that doesn't come to an end, so i'll say what I want to say" and I went feral for every bit of it. Hualian is such a lovely couple.
6. Kaebedo (Kaeya and Albedo) (Genshin Impact)
Without going into too much lore(another reason why I love this couple). I love the idea of Kaeya and Albedo seeing their shared heritage in one another. Learning together to see it as creative and beautiful and not just a curse or an evil. Also I love the homunculus part, it aids to a lot of good drama and tension.
7. Akiangel (Aki x Angel Devil) (Chainsaw man)
Slightly new to the list BUT the dynamic between the two goes farther beyond the "out of touch, out of time" jokes. It goes even farther than the "man who hates devils falling in love with one". It's about the drinking imagery evoking a kiss, Angel being able to break from Makima for a brief moment because of Aki, and their shared moments of kindness. Also the fan art is fantastic.
8. Chidi and Eleanor (The Good Place)
I love them so much. And even if we only saw them as a couple for a brief period of time, I love watching adults fall in love and I loved watching them both get better.
9. Orpheus and Eurydice (Greek Mythology)
Their story is one of love. A love that could drive one into the underworld. Just gonna drop this "Dying a second time, now, there was no complaint to her husband (what then could she complain of, except that she had been loved?)"
10. Chili and Bandit Heeler (Bluey)
A wild pull but I genuinely could see this in my number 1 spot. It is so refreshing to see a couple that genuinely loves each other, their children, and their lives. I'm tired of the sitcom schtick where the husband and wives hate each other and their jobs and talk about how their kids annoy them by existing. I want more of them and I want what they have.
Some Honorable Mentions:
Ichigo and Orihime, Inuyasha and Kagome, Ninguang and Beidou, Edward and Winry, Luz and Amity, Vanilla Extract and Tumblr Polls, Joe and Cherry, Beau and Yasha, Twilight and Yor, Zelda and Link, Franky and Robin, Akechi and Persona 5 Protag
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mimisempai · 2 years
I wish you could stay a little longer 2/6
Chapter summary
1589 : Hob is proud of what he has accomplished and is eager to tell it to his mysterious stranger... 
I feel really bad for Hob in this part.
On Ao3
Rating T
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Here we were.
The long awaited day was here.
Hob looked around and looked at himself again.
He was clean and well dressed. 
He looked perfectly respectable.
Nothing of the peasant he had shown the last two times to the stranger and he was looking forward to telling him all he had accomplished since their last meeting.
Hob checked one last time that everything was in order to welcome the stranger. 
The table was overflowing with dishes, fine food and good wine.
Everything was perfect.
But even so, he felt nervous like the day he had asked her parents for Eleanor's hand in marriage.
He touched the small pouch on the table out of superstition to give himself courage and remain dignified.
But still, he couldn't stop his heart from beating a little faster when he saw the object of his thoughts walk through the door of the tavern.
He took a deep breath and raised his hand to call out to him, "My friend!"
The man walked slowly toward him, not smiling but Hob not letting himself be thrown off balance. His strange companion had already accustomed him to his reserved and unemotional behavior.
Hob stood up and pulled out a chair to motion for the man to sit down, "Sit down. Got in a couple of bottles of good wine for us."
Putting his money where his mouth was, he poured the stranger's empty glass and, refilling his own, added, "Already made a start on 'em."
The stranger sat down and muttered, "Hello, Hob."
Hob was a little surprised, because, even though in his head he still referred to himself as Hob, it had been years since he was called by that name. 
He explained in an emphatic tone to the stranger, "Faith, that takes me back some few years. It's Sir Robert Gadlen now, old stranger."
He made an exaggerated bow to emphasize his words.
His stranger remarked, "You've had good fortune, I take it."
Hob continued to explain, "The gods have smiled on me as they smile on all England where no man is slave or bondsman."
Then he pointed to the dish in front of him, making a point of playing the perfect host, "Venison pasty?"
The stranger just shook his head, but Hob didn't let it faze him and took one for himself, "No? They're good."
He bit into it, humming with pleasure before recounting his life over the last hundred years.
"Let's see. Last we spoke, I was working with Billy Caxton. Made some gold from that. Put it to work in Henry Tudor's shipyards. I made a small pile."
He poured himself another glass of wine, after all, if the stranger didn't know how to enjoy the pleasures of life, Hob wouldn't be shy. He had been deprived of it for long enough and had worked hard to enjoy it.
He continued, "Then I went north for a year or so, came back as my son. Done that twice now." 
He chuckled slightly at the memory and held the empty jug out to the servant before resuming his tale, "When Fat Henry had gone for the monasteries, I bought my estates, and a healthy gift of gold to the Crown saw to..."
Hob paused, sparing his effect, happy to announce one of his greatest prides, and announced grandiosely, "A knighthood."
The stranger nodded, a slight, very slight smile on his lips, which Hob decided was of approval and then continued, having saved the best for last, "That's not all. Here."
He reached into the small pouch on the table that he carried with him everywhere and pulled out a hand-painted medallion. He proudly showed it to the stranger and couldn't help his voice becoming soft and emotional as it did every time he spoke of his family, "My fair Eleanor and little Robyn. My first son born in over 200 years on this Earth, that I know of."
Hob couldn't quite decipher the stranger's expression, there was a strange mixture of approval but also a coldness he didn't understand. 
Was there really nothing Hob was doing that didn't find favor in his eyes. 
Couldn't he just be happy about Hob's happiness? Of his achievements? 
Leaving these gloomy thoughts aside, Hob became serious again and said softly, "It's funny. This is what I always dreamed Heaven would be like, way back. It's safe to walk the streets. Enough food. Good wine."
He swallowed as he thought about the past two centuries, how far he had come, what he had been through, and added in an emotional voice, "Life is so rich."
The stranger looked at him for a few seconds, but suddenly his attention was drawn to a man who was declaiming near their table, "God's wounds! If only I could write like you." 
His stranger turned his head away. Ignoring Hob completely.
Hob felt again as he had a hundred years ago.
As if all his efforts to become better were nothing.
So out of spite, Hob continued to eat and, when the stranger again deigned to care about his presence, he asked Hob, "Who is he?"
Hob replied, "His name's Will Shaxberd. Acts a bit. Wrote a play."
The stranger asked, looking at the other man again, "Is he good?"
Hob, irritated by the stranger's lack of interest, replied curtly, "No, he's crap." then pointing to another man sitting next to the stranger's new point of interest, he added, "Now, that chap next to him, with the broken leg, he is a good playwright."
In a last attempt to capture his stranger's interest Hob continued, "Anyway, I've saved the best bit for last. The queen herself slept at my house this summer. That was expensive."
But the stranger looked at him and raised his hand to silence him before getting up and joining this low-life author.
He had never felt such deep disappointment in two hundred years as he did at that moment.
What more did he have to do?
He had worked long and hard to get to where he was, all alone, and all he got was indifference. This parody of an author would arrive, declaim three verses and Hob would no longer exist.
What did he lack to ignite that spark of interest in the stranger's eyes?
And above all, why did Hob care so much?
Why did he wish from the bottom of his heart to capture the interest and receive the approval of such a mysterious man?
The maid pulled him out of his thoughts by asking, "Sir, do you still want the lamb, sir?"
Hob watched with bated breath as the stranger walked away with this Will Shaxberd, then looked at the table overflowing with food around him and replied, falsely cheerful, "Aye. Bring on the lamb."
Biting into a piece of chicken, he muttered to himself, "Everything to live for. And nowhere to go but up."
But he was not in the cheery mood his words suggested.
Not at all.
In the end, his stranger hadn't stayed, not even to hear the end of his story, or even to give him a heads-up that he would be there in a hundred years.
Would he still be there?
Even if it was only to continue his little experiment, or had even that lost its interest?
In any case, Hob will have a hundred years to recover from the disappointment.
Hob was stubborn and he, himself, would be there no matter what.
No matter what fate decided to put in his way, he would be there to meet him.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Other chapters here on my Dreamling Masterlist here
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warm-like-autumn · 2 years
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[Reblogs and comments would be highley appreciated]
The way Eleanor Rigby and Gwen met was rather awkward. Gwen came as a new student at the beginning of Sophomore year, and wanted to join the Decathlon team.Mj initially wanted to suggest to Peter to give her a tour of the school, but since he left the meet up early, Eleanor had to give Gwen the tour.
                 Eleanor noticed that Gwen was tired and confused, which made him more eager to be friendly to her, to show her that Midtown High was a welcoming place, just like how Peter had shown him.After the tour was over, the two hadn't talked for a week, even if they did want to know each other more, especially Gwen, who noticed Eleanor’s doodles on the sketchbook he always carried with him, but she was afraid to talk, as everyone whom she thought was a friend to her only talked to her to either gossip or out of pity.
                   It was only a rainy day that gave them the chance of a new friendship once again.Both of them were going to the comic book store, but Gwen didn’t have an umbrella with her and Eleanor noticed that, so he let Gwen sit under his umbrella. On their way there, Gwen asked him what were his favourite comics, and Eleanor answered joyfully, since talking about heroes, their stories and the art of comic books was his favourite topic.Gwen was further fascinated by Eleanor, since at first glance he was a shy person, but given the chance to talk, the opportunity of friendship, one could discover a creative and idealistic person.At the comic book store, Gwen also told Eleanor she’s an artist, and a huge fan of animes and cartoons, as they have influenced her art style. Eleanor’s eyes sparkled, suggesting that they could meet up at a caffe to draw one day.And so they talked for hours, and hours and hours.
                   As time went on, the two would start hanging out together more and more. Eleanor felt that whenever he talked to Gwen, his day brightened up, her joy, her passion about her favourite subjects, her rambles about her favourite early 2000s emo bands inspired him.While he also would often hang out with Peter, Ned and Mj, their friendship giving him joy, there was something else about Gwen, something…special.Maybe it was her laughter, or her rebellious attitude, her confidence about the world, her future ,her sense of fashion that made her look like a mix between Barbie and Harley Quinn or how she was a skilled artist and drummer, Gwen being the first person Eleanor showed his electric guitar skills. 
                  “Maybe we could start a band one day, but we would still need a singer” the two of them would often think.Gwen was courageous, defending Eleanor whenever someone would try and mock him or leading people to safety whenever danger would ensure and Spider-man hasn't arrived to save the day yet, Eleanor would ask himself sometimes if Gwen was a superhero like Peter. 
                      Not long after he returned to the blip, it hit him…he was in love with Gwen Stacy.But at the same time he was too afraid to do anything about it, he didn't want to ruin the wonderful friendship they already had,he would wonder anxiously if Gwen would no longer want to be friends with him had he confessed his love to her.
                     But what he didn’t know was that Gwen was in love with him as much as he was in love with her.His kindness, his sparkle wherever he gushed about his favourite subjects, his gracefulness. He reminded her of a prince, or of Howl Jenkins Pendragon.She loved how he romanticised life, how he dreamed with open eyes, his patience whenever she rambled about how annoyed she was whenever her uncle wanted her to be as successful as her cousin, the astronaut, how well he played the electric guitar, his kindness or how well organised he was.
                               Both of them are afraid of what the other would think, were they to confess their love to each other. The best thing they could do was hold onto the amazing friendship that they had, their movie marathons, drawing sessions, their long conversations. Nothing could ruin what they had, it was Eleanor and Gwen against the insanity of the world. 
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karasuoc-kai · 3 hours
The Barkeep’s Sweets
I wished Hisa was here to listen to my piano playing, but he had work to do. I still played the piano everyday, hoping that somehow he would come to the bar and see me play. Today’s not the day, though.
A round of applause came from a table nearby. I stood up and bowed to them, “You’re too generous.”
“You play good, lad,” the cassette head commented.
“If you have any requests, I shall play it for you, dear Sir.”
“Maybe tomorrow,” the cassette head then continued his chat with the porcelain man I knew as the Manager.
I sat at the counter and as usual, Eleanor was there. I enjoyed her presence so much, she’s intelligent and interesting. I felt like even though we talked normally, there’s something more to every word.
“Eleanor, dear, what do you have for me today?”
I also liked the fact that she baked cakes.
“I baked Manic Mooncakes today.”
Again, the name was kinda weird. Manic? Will it get me manic? Yesterday’s Sachertorte Show was so good, but then I felt my body sting. It only lasted for a while though. Maybe it’s the price of a perfect taste?
“I’ll have that, and I leave it to you for the drink.”
I saw Eleanor put some little mooncakes into a plate. Not gonna lie, my mouth was drooling.
“Here’s your Manic Mooncakes,” she offered the plate with three small mooncakes. “I know you’ll love it with this 10 year old Laphroaig.”
I smiled, “You remembered I’m a whisky person.”
“Of course, I’m the barkeep.”
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She’s right about that. Eleanor’s really a perfect bartender, and she baked delicious cakes too. I put one mooncake into my mouth, savoring the melting bean paste. How could she make something this delicious? Then again, I felt something wrong in my body, I cannot place it. It felt like my body wanted to move by impulse, but I can still hold it.
I ate the second mooncake. The savory taste came from mushrooms? A weird combination but it still worked. I liked it, even better than the bean paste, to be honest. This time my head felt like spinning hard. I tried to hold it and it subsided in a few minutes.
The last mooncake. I wonder what taste it had and what kind of effects it would have on me. Honestly, I think I was a little too excited, was I weird? I put the mooncake inside my mouth and WHOA, the explosion of berries and melted cheese. This is definitely my favorite one. I didn’t know if it’s the ‘effects’ I’ve been mentioning or it was just me but I felt like my soul was coming out of my body, flying across the room with freedom. Out of the hotel and to the endless sunset.
And suddenly I was back in the bar.
“Whoa, that’s amazing.”
Eleanor’s blue eyes were glimmering with curiosity. Damn, they reminded me of Hisa’s lovely eyes.
“I have to say, this is your best cake yet! The last one blew me out. Berries and cheese in a mooncake? Genius!”
“Did you feel anything else?” The baker asked.
“Oh yeah I felt so free and out of this world. It’s such an amazing feeling!”
I didn't know what she expected, but to me, she looked kinda down after I told her that. It was a great compliment, right? Was she not used to getting compliments?
“All three of them taste awesome, you should be proud of yourself, my dear.” I tried to console her.
Just like that, she was back to her joyful self.
“You’re right! Thanks for trying them out, Kai.”
“Anytime,” I exhaled a relieved sigh and grabbed the Laphroaig. Time to enjoy myself, then.
0 notes
cursedzebra · 9 months
Wizards of the Coast revealing their first canonically autistic character for D&D (Asteria) has got me thinking about which of my past D&D characters are Autistic. And I think my conclusion is... All of them. Because I don't really know how to play them any other way.
I was only diagnosed last year. So have only made and played one character since then -Evelyn, who I have some art of on my page if you want to look (check the tags below). I only got to play her in a handful of sessions before that campaign and group came to an abrupt end (and I'm not ready to talk about that yet) but when I created Evelyn she was consciously and explicitly Autistic coded.
She was an investigator with a strong eye for detail, high perception and insight, worked best alone, an insomniac, bad habits and coping mechanisms... Lots of classic noir detective traits, but which were conscious reflections of personal traits of mine. And there's a long history of autisic and autistic coded detectives and sleuths in popular culture. I didn't play her long enough to flesh her out, but I was leaning into those tropes.
But even going back to my first character that I played years ago, Pruella (Proo) my fighter, there were definitely choices about the way I played her which were kind of autistic.
She was my first character, in my first D&D group, and I was very nervous about playing with new people, and role playing was something I was new to. So I played a socially awkward character. Over time I got more comfortable, so played her social awkwardness differently, but the characteristics fit
Proo was slow to pick up on social cues and expectations. She didn't recognise compliments that were given to her, or pick up on when she was flirted with. Once we were payed a reward by a prince, and I asked the DM how much I was given, and he asked me "are you going to stand and count it in front of the prince?" And yeah, of course I was! That's the most gold she'd held in her life, she wanted to know how much it was! Sometimes she may have come across as rude. I rationalised these things as being due to her living on the streets or under a bridge for half her life, and so not necessarily understanding social conventions, but I recognise those are also traits I chose because they are part of who I am. I feel out of place most places I go. I feel like a bit of a goblin trying to pass myself off as human (Proo is a half elf, but lived with 2 goblins, who were also social outcasts, under a bridge for a while)
Eleanor, my wizard, was definitely autistic, even if I didn't create her with that intention. Socially awkward, difficulty with crowds, special interests... From the start I described her as a dragon girl - the type of girl who would draw dragons in her note books, who might have had dragons on the front of her lunch box and her t-shirts at school, who loved any stories about dragons... I mean her best friend was a Kobold. Obsessed with dragons. Half way through the campaign I took the telepathic feat, and I rationalised that by saying she'd been able to read thoughts and talk to people with her mind the entire time, but didn't like doing it very often because it was too intimate and uncomfortable, a bit like prolonged eye contact. She also had the prodigy feat from the start, so had an extremely high arcana skill, and proficiency with alchemy. She dropped out of the Neverwinter Academy because she was bored and not allowed to study what interested her (and because fuck your wizard school). She was a nerd, as wizards tend to be, but in a very specific shambolic, clumsy, girl failure, disaster gay way.
Vanta is possibly my least Autistic coded character, because I tried to play her with a personality type different to mine. She's a sorcerer, so a high charisma character, and I am not a high charisma person. In practice this meant that I played her as quite aloof a lot of the time, and who spoke in quite a deadpan Aubrey Plaza-esque way, but could turn the charisma up if required. Vanta was a very focused character. She knew what she wanted, and had little interest in things that didn't further her goals. I think she was probably outwardly seen as un-empathetic, but she wasn't really, she just expressed it differently than most.
There was a time we were on a ship, and to protect ourselves during a storm we decided to tie ourselves to the ship so we weren't thrown overboard. Everyone got out their hempen rope and then I took out my silk rope - cue jokes about me being fancy. I said hemp rope was too rough on the skin. Cue some more jokes about it being a kink thing, etc... but you know, sensory issues, they're a thing! Vanta wore silk for the same reason!
Even when trying to play someone different to myself, the autistic traits are unavoidable, because it's all still coming from me. Obviously I'm using pretty broad strokes here, and limiting myself with the examples so as not to go on and on. But my conclusion is that it might not be possible for me to play characters who aren't at least a bit autistic. Also, getting diagnosed has allowed me to look back at these people I've created and still spend a lot of time thinking about, and notice new things about them. And I think that's pretty cool. (This post has been sat in my drafts for a while now and I forgot about it, so I'm just going to post it)
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kessicasrps · 2 years
I move closer to you, wiping your tears away gently as I stared back into your eyes. It swelled my heart to know that you never spoke ill of me to our daughter. I knew I definitely deserved it after the way I just abandoned you and Haley. "Thank you for that.. I love that she grew up thinking that. You had every right to do the opposite and pretend that I didn't exist. I deserve that for how horrible I have been to you and Haley." This was just further proof to him of how loving and kind you were to do such a thing. "There's so much that you don't know about that time," he says softly, knowing this wasn't the right time to tell you but he would probably tell you in due time. It wasn't that he regretted having Brooke, though. He just regretted that she was way more like her mother than he wanted. But, he did regret leaving you and not staying with you. Look how Brooke turned out when he was with Eleanor. He knew he should have still gone back to you and asked you to give him another chance.
I sniffled softly as I looked at you after you wiped my eyes. "I didn't want to turn her against you in case there ever was an opportunity for you to be in her life." I say softly. "I always left that door open," I added. "She may have been hard on you at the beginning, but she just needed to know that she could trust you, and I can see that she really loves you and she loves having you around, she loves you being her Dad." I smiled softly. "I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt me when you chose someone else over me. I always thought we'd be the ones getting married to each other." I say softly. "Everything just worked when we were together, you were my best friend, and the only family I had since I didn't have a real one." I explained. "But I could never hate you, if I hadn't gotten pregnant, I wouldn't have a family right now. You gave me one of the best treasures I could ever have, that little girl right there. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I have you to thank for that." I say honestly. "I wasn't going to lie to her that I've never been in love before. For how young she is, she sure knows how to come up with good questions," I chuckled softly. "She asked me how did she come into the world, and I couldn't exactly talk to her about sex when she's five, so I just simplified it. I told her that she was made with love. And then she asked me if she was made the same way we make cookies, and I told her that wasn't how it worked otherwise she'd start looking in the oven for babies." I chuckled again. "I told her that it takes two people who love each other to make a baby, and she asked me who that person was, and I told her it was you, and that's how she got all the pictures, she wanted to know about her Daddy and what he was like, so I would tell her anything she wanted to know. I told her that you were the first friend I ever had when I got put into the more permanent group home I was in, and we fell in love really fast, and you were my boyfriend from not too long after we met until after High School, and you were my best friend. I told her how we always talked about how we wanted to raise our kids if we had them together and everything we liked to do together and everything. She knows everything. She knows how much I loved you and how much you loved me. I also told her how we used to discuss baby names if we ever had kids together, and that's how we came up with Haley. She deserved to know about her Dad, you're half of who she is, how do I hide that from her? She loves you, and she loves having her Daddy." I smiled softly as I looked over at her. "I just want what's best for her, you know? It breaks my heart to know what she's been suffering, and sometimes I feel like it's my fault. Maybe I didn't fight hard enough for her to be safe at school," I sighed softly.
I smile softly at you before putting the ice pack back in the freezer, taking your hand and leading you to my bedroom. "That would be really nice, babe. I am just happy to be working with you on this film. I might be taking a little break after this one though just to recharge because these past few months have been pretty draining for me between my personal life and work," I say softly. I was a pretty private person despite being in the spotlight and sometimes I liked to disappear for a little bit. I couldn't help but wonder where we would be when we finished filming the movie and if I would want you to come with me. We had only spent one night together and I was already feeling that way. "Oh, I guess you need your shirt back," I giggle softly when realizing you were shirtless and you needed your shirt to leave the house but I was wearing it. I take the shirt off, being topless underneath it and smiling softly at you as I handed it back to you.
I followed you to the bedroom afterwards. "I'm excited to be working on the film with you too, baby," I say happily as I smacked your bum firmly. "That's understandable! Everyone deserves a break once in a while though, and it's totally fair for that to happen." I chuckled softly from what you said as I took the shirt from you and I put it back on. "One of these days I'll give you a shirt you can keep, and you can wear it whenever you want," I say happily as I kissed all over your face.
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"Home of the Lost: Chapter 14"
Let me know what you think! 💜
Summer, 1891
"Do you think we can ever return to London?"
Marko looked up at the girl sitting across from him. Her face held a look of guilt - after all, she had been the main cause of their rapid decision to move.
"Maybe in a few decades when everything is forgotten."
She nodded, twirling one of her curls between her fingers. "Marko?"
"I didn't mean to let the - to let it go that far."
"I know, love. We got out of there alive, that's the important thing."
She nodded, taking her red notebook from the table before writing in it.
She had always wondered how the two of them could be so similar yet so different. Her sires, brothers, surrogate parents - whatever was best depending on the situation. When she had been changed back in 1887 - which now seemed centuries ago - she hadn't had the best control over her thirst. She still hadn't, but it was getting better.
A lack of control meant several things. One: one had to feed often. Two: The killings were more brutal. Eleanor had tried to control the hunger, listening closely to whatever Paul and Marko told her. Yet back in 1888, when they had allowed her to hunt alone, it had all gone wrong.
She used to hunt in White Chapel, and as her murders grew more gruesome, the newspapers began to name the killer "Jack the Ripper."
Paul had found her at the body of the second victim and had decided to help her. He had written the notes to Scotland Yard, taunting the police. It had thrown the cops off their trail, but many people were so terrified that the streets were deserted and they could no longer hunt. When Marko found out he was angry. Eleanor had endangered their existence by killing so violently, and Paul had only stimulated her. It had created a slight drift between the small family, and the relationship between Eleanor and Marko still wasn't the same.
So, at the beginning of 1889, they moved. First to Ireland. Then to New York. And now they lived down in the west, in a small town that had never been given an actual name.
"Will you teach me how to paint?"
Marko looked at her, closing his eyes for a bit. "I promised you I would. Come on, if we leave now we can still buy you some equipment."
Eleanor grinned, hugging him tightly. "Thank you!"
He nodded, grabbing his coat. The two vampires walked out the door, taking a carriage to get to the other side of town. There, on the corner of the street, was a small art-supply store.
They were in and out in minutes, having bought not only some canvasses and paint but also an easel and several high-quality brushes. "Can you teach me how to paint a sunset? Or a sunrise? I hardly remember what they looked like."
Marko looked at her and decided right then and there he couldn't stay angry. He had been like her once too, yet he had been alone. "Let's just start with learning how to paint."
She smiled, taking his hand as she stopped walking. "I'm really glad you two found me, you know."
"No need to suck up to me, Elle. Go on, if you want to hunt, you can go alone this time."
"Really? Oh, thank you! I promise, no more unwanted massacres!"
He laughed, taking the supplies home, as the younger girl stayed behind. She wandered the streets for a bit before stopping in front of the hospital. Hospitals were easy places. Many people came out, and when they found a teen in need of some help, they'd be more than willing to do just so.
"Look at that," a cold voice said from behind her as she just finished her - for lack of a better word - meal. Startled, she looked up, her red eyes staring at the two men standing behind her. "I told you there was another fucking bloodsucker here."
"Wh- who are you?"
"You got the stakes?"
Eleanor froze. Hunters. She looked around, realising she was quite literally driven into a corner. She cursed under her breath, jumping up in hopes of flying away. She stumbled, falling down. Laying on the ground, she realised she had probably just sealed her fate. "Please, please don't -"
She felt silent as the two men began to laugh. In the moonlight, she could see their fangs, and her fear made place for confusion.
"Fuck, you really are a newbie, aren't you?" said one of them, while the other apologised for scaring her.
"What- who are you?"
"My name's David. This is Dwayne."
"Kid, are you okay?" Eleanor looked up, glad to see Paul standing at the alley entrance. She nodded, although she didn't seem to be sure. "Let's go home."
"Not so fast," David stopped Paul, his hand resting in his shoulder. "This is no way to treat your friends."
"We ain't friends."
"We will be."
Dwayne hadn't listened to the conversation, not really anyway. David always had this habit of showing off and acting tough - and tonight was no difference. Instead, he turned to the girl. She couldn't be older than seventeen, and even that was a guess. She was young, in both human and vampire years. Dwayne knew what David's intention was. Forming a bigger 'family'. More vampires meant more protection. Younger vampires were often more impressionable, and therefore easier to manipulate into joining a family. The vampire David was talking with, however, seemed way older. Older than David even. Dwayne knew right then and there, somehow, that they would probably join the family - or at least become friends. Right then and there, he decided that no matter the outcome of tonight, he wouldn't let the girl become a victim of whatever would go down between the other vampires. Vampires were messy, and she deserved to live a life in which she wouldn't get dragged into their messes.
Eleanor woke up, startled by the feeling of someone holding her. The memories of earlier that day came flooding back to her. She was no longer alone in her painting.
He woke up. "What's up?"
"I just really want to go home," she murmured softly as she hugged him.
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trentonsimblr · 3 years
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Bremore Palace - 11:53am
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Molly: Your Majesty, Lady Holden is here to see you.
Elizabeth: I wasn't expecting her today. Did I make plans and forget to add it to my calendar?
Molly: Ma'am she mentioned she did not have an appointment but was hoping to see you.
Elizabeth: Well, I'm glad I didn't miss something. Please send her in and ask the chef to prepare lunch.
Molly: Will do ma'am.
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Elizabeth: Jill, I'm so happy you came by today. I've been meaning to schedule a luncheon. I've asked Molly to have the chef prepare us something to eat.
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Jillian: I'm sorry Liz but I'm not here for food and idle gossip. I'm here to discuss your decisions that have affected my son.
Elizabeth: Oh...
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Jillian: Oh? That's all you have to say to me? How could you do this and not tell me?
Elizabeth: I wanted to tell you but-
Jillian: But what? How long have you know? How many opportunities did you have to tell me? Is this how you miraculously got Druzar to agree to the trade agreement? You knew for over 3 years and didn't say anything? I thought I was your best friend, your sister! You should hav-
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Elizabeth: I GET IT! Don't you think I tried everything I could to get out of it? Don't you see I'm hurting too? Yes, I know my choices have hurt your family. Archer is like a son to me, I did not want to hurt him or Eleanor but there was no other option. Eleanor has barely spoken to me since she found out, I cannot loose you too Jill.
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Jillian: I cannot imagine the stress that you were under when you had to make that choice and I do not envy the position you are in. I also cannot ignore how hurt I feel from the fact that you chose to hide this from me and that it hurt Archer. We have been friends for far too long for you to loose me but I need some time. I have to work though my feeling and help Archer work through his. I will let you know when I'm ready to be your friend again.
Elizabeth: I understand.
Jillian: I should get going. Goodbye Liz.
Elizabeth: Goodbye Jill.
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Jillian: By the way, I would go find Eleanor. I overheard the staff on the way in calling her the purple princess. I don't think they were referring to her eyes.
Elizabeth: Thank you Jill.
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twinkleallnight · 3 years
Remember me -3
Book: The Royal Romance AU
Pairing: Leo x Madeleine
Word count: 1206
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: Mention of death.
Prompt: Features @choicesaprilchallenge2021 Day 10-horizon.
Summary: Leo has returned, has been brought back to Cordonia after almost three decades. But he is not the same Leo we knew. He is devastated after his wife Katie’s death and his own brother Liam is not able to revive him out of the grief. Everyone looks at one person with all hopes: Madeleine. Will their story begin again at the twilight of their lives?
Catch up here
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Present day...
The Lake... Madeleine crossed the tall boundary around the palace, beyond which grew the flowers and shrubs, wildly on the lakeside. The fence was made of wired mesh, which was camouflaged by a thick growth of the blue morning glory over it.
The flowers attracted Madeleine even today just like they did when she was eleven years old....
Queen Eleanor had softened the rough look of the fence with her aesthetic touch. It was serendipity when Madeleine had run away, trying to play a prank on Leo one day when she had first witnessed the blossoming wall…
“Caught ya!” Leo pounced on Madeleine while she was lost in the beauty of the bloom. She lost her balance and both of them tripped and rolled down the slope to the lake. When they finally came to a halt, Madeleine’s head was a bush with a few wild flowers hanging out of her golden tangles. Leo pointed at her head and doubled up laughing. “You look like a clown! Mad Maddie!”
Madeleine frowned at him and he quickly started picking the twigs from her hair. She blushed when he tried moving his fingers through her curls like a comb. “There. Now you are all good.”
“Thank you.” She lowered her eyelashes shyly.
He cupped her cherubic face with his stubby fingers. “I am sorry I didn't mean to let you fall like that.”
Her jade eyes shone brightly, “It is fine Leo. It wasn’t your fault. I lost my balance.” She turned around to look at the calm waters. “This place is beautiful. I never saw it before.”
“Yes, Mom is trying to beautify this side of the palace. She got the hedge maze done and Liam claimed it all. She has promised me that she is going to make a beautiful lakeside garden especially for me here.” Leo boasted.
“It is so sweet of her. She loves you so much even when you are her step son.” Madeleine covered her mouth with shock as soon as the words spilled out.
Leo kept smiling, unaffected.
She tried to explain. “I am so sorry! That was not my intention. It's just that I… I have a mother but she doesn’t care.” Madeleine was almost in tears. Leo clasped her shoulders and proudly said. “It’s okay. You know, my Mom is very loving. She loves you too.”
He stood up and pulled her up along with him and beamed at her, “You can share the lake side with me. We can plant your favourite flowers here with Mom.”
“Really?” Madeleine jumped in excitement as she hugged Leo.
“Yes! Why not!” He exclaimed. "It's my special place. And I want to share it with you."
Both the kids dusted each other's clothes and rushed back to the palace to speak to Eleanor.
After a few days, Madeleine chose Hydrangea to match the blue of morning glory and they planted a row of the flowers. The next time, she got Bluebells.
“Why are you planting all blue flowers?” Leo asked her as she placed some wet soil over her newly planted shrub.
“I love the blues, they match your eyes.” She said bashfully.
“And the greens attached to them?” Leo teased.
“That is the colour of my eyes.” She gazed into his sapphire eyes and then faltered when she realised Leo was staring back at her. “They also resemble the horizon." She pointed at the other end of the lake where the row of olive groves met the firozi skies. Leo sat with her to admire the beauty of the horizon till late in the evening. They left with a promise to come back with more plans and plants.
But the warmth of their favourite little outing place didn’t last long. Their world came crashing down with Eleanor’s sudden death. Liam was too young but for Leo this was the second trauma. He lost his mother once again. Madeleine tried to alleviate his pain by doing his favourite things.
One such day, she pulled Leo to the lake side to surprise him with the new planters of Iris flowers. She chose these specially to dedicate them to Eleanor. But it brought back his mother’s memories making it more painful. He felt more hurt. Tears rolled down his burning eyes as he picked up a planter and threw it away in anger.
“Blue and green never meet.” His lakeside garden dream was shattered. “It's all false. Nothing is true. It is all flawed. Blue and green never meet! The horizon is fake. It is an illusion! Look Madeleine…” He shouted. “its an illusion! It was never true.”
He stomped away in anger. A disheartened Madeleine held herself tightly as she cried out, her cries turning into sobs and sobs mellowing down to few hiccups. As the shine of sun turned to twilight and twilight dulled down to darkness.
But she never gave up. She kept adding little shrubs and bushes of blue flowers in the memory of Queen Eleanor, till it was complete one day. Till, Leo came back with her to his garden, their garden. Till they held hands and stood quietly looking at the horizons.
Present day...
Today, she could see a stooped old figure lethargically moving in that lakeside garden. She took a deep breath. Once again she was going to remind Leo of the happier times. Once again she was going to stand holding his hand gazing at the horizons, reliving the warmth of their yesteryears.
She closed the distance, crossing the gentian blues and the phlox shrub. As she neared the back of the figure standing in the greens, her heartbeat raced. Twenty six long years! She placed her shivering hand on his shoulder. “Leo?”
The tall man turned to look at her. His face had more wrinkles than she could count. The eyes she was searching for were dull and listless. The lips that smiled once were dropped at the corner.
“Yes?” he spoke in a shaky voice. Gone was the tinker in his voice, she noticed.
“How are you?” Madeleine knew better to keep her calm and continue the conversation.
“I am good, thank you.” He completed the formality in a monotone.
She looked down at his hands holding iris flowers at the green stem.
"You remember." She said in a whisper, her heart fluttering.
"How can I forget?" He said in a heavy voice, as if he would break down at any moment.
Madeleine tried to show support and placed her hand on his, holding the flowers.
But he suddenly snatched away. "What are you trying lady?" He yelled at her.
"Leo?" She searched his eyes. "You said you remembered?" She asked him confused.
He glared at her. "Yes. I remember. I remember Katie. How can I forget her?" He thumped his way up to the palace, mumbling incoherent words. Madeleine stood facing the serene waters while the flood from her eyes refused to stop.
The line of olive grove that met the blue sky seemed to be hazy and it faded completely, as the sun went down.
A voice echoed from over the surface of the lake. "Look Madeleine! The horizon is fake. It is an illusion! it was never true."
Tags: @annekebbphotography @alj4890 @anjanettexcordonia @bascmve01 @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @cordonia-gothqueen @cordonian-literature @drakewalker04 @gkittylove99 @krsnlove @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @idontknowwhysblog @indiacater @jessiembruno @kingliam2019 @lisha1valecha @neotericthemis @ntoraplayschoices @princess-geek @princessleac1 @secretaryunpaid @sirbeepsalot @speedyoperarascalparty @texaskitten30 @txemrn @sweatyrysconnoisseur @theroyalheirshadowhunter @aestheticartsx @yourmajesty09 @efecom @grsarco-blog @lovelyladyk88 @mainstreetreader @choiceskatie @claireloutoo @tinkie1973
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starbuckie · 4 years
𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
challenge: the cbc 1k writing challenge by @captainscanadian​
prompt: “do you treat all your hookups like this?”
pairing: carter baizen x reader
words: 4.7k words
warnings: fluff, angst, assault, swearing, some degrading comments, and implications of the sexy times 
summary: waling up next to one of New York’s most eligible bachelors brings on a lot more than what you expected.
a/n: what’s up y’all! i’ve essentially been dead for the past two weeks, but i’m back! i lost motivation for a bit, but i feel a lot better now, and what better way to come back then a little carter baizen? i ended up writing a lot more than originally intended, but i like the way it turned out. anyways, enjoy, and thank you for all of your support<3 
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As you awoke with a long stretch and yawn, memories of the previous night had you smiling like an idiot. Sunlight streamed from the half-closed blinds of your windows and the smell of coffee wafted to your room from the kitchen. You grabbed your lover’s dress shirt from off the floor and slipped a pair of satin slippers on your feet. 
The night before had been amazing. It had started with a beach reception when you had finally caught his eye. The two of you had been playing a game of cat and mouse during the whole wedding, only giving lustful stares and shy smiles, but when you finally had a hold of each other, your night only got better. The rest of the night had the sounds of only tearing clothes, pants, and moans. 
Snapping out of your sweet reverie, you stared at the man in your kitchen. His bare back was faced towards you, giving a great view of his shifting muscles while he made pancakes. A bowl of mixed berries were laid out on the table, along with strawberry syrup and mugs of Peruvian coffee. “Do you treat all of your hookups like this, Baizen?” 
Carter, finally noticing your presence, turned around and gave you a heartwarming smile. He flipped the last few pancakes over and walked over to wrap his arms around your waist. Burying his face into the crook of your neck, he mumbled, “Haha, cute joke. After everything we’ve been through babygirl, this was definitely not a hookup. And I only treat my favorite person like this, so eat up.” He gestured towards the food on the table and with a quick kiss to your lips, turned his attention back to the pancakes.
You sat in one of the chairs and took a sip of steaming coffee and looked out of the ceiling to floor windows surrounding the room. The New York City skyline would never get old from this view, no matter how long you and Carter had had this penthouse. Sighing, you looked down at your left hand, the sun casting light on the diamond on your fourth finger. 
You had been engaged for only six months, but it didn’t feel like anything new. At the age of 33, you didn’t feel any different than you did ten years before or even ten before that. Hell, you always knew that you would be Carter’s friend, but one drunken night had changed that very quickly.
As your fiance joined you at the table, he set a plate of warm pancakes in front of you. Sure, he could have had your housekeeper, Marybeth do it for him, but he also liked pampering you himself. Together, you sat in silence and stared out the windows. Carter tore his eyes away from the city to study your face. He would never understand how after twenty years of friendship, it ended with him finding his one love and putting a ring on your finger. 
“Hey, baby?” He asked, and you hummed and met his gaze. “How’d we even get here?”
You smirked and replied with, “Well, I walked from the bedroom, but I don’t know about you?”
“Don’t be cheeky,” he said, pinching your elbow. You swatted his hand away and smiled. “Anyway, what I meant to say before I was so rudely interrupted, was how did I end up with the most beautiful girl on the Upper East Side?”
“Well, if I recall, it started with me being fed up with your stupid ass, and you finally confessing that you had been madly in love with me since we were thirteen.”
“And I still am.” He moved towards you to place his lips on yours. “You’re mine now, baby.” You grinned against his lips and went to sit on his lap.
“Mr. Baizen, you’ve had me from the moment I laid eyes on you. With that cute little schoolboy outfit, and your hair! Oh god, remember-”
With a playful glare, he cut you off as you giggled. “We do not need to talk about my middle school style, fiancee, but I will gladly talk about when I fell in love with you.”
“That sounds good.” You smiled at each other and went back down memory lane, into your long, long, shared history.
Looking in the mirror, your maid had finished tailoring your school uniform. When she deemed you presentable she scurried out of the room to help your mother, and you immediately went to call your best friend.
“Carter, are you ready for our first day? We’re finally in eighth grade. Next year I’ll be headed off to Constance and you’ll be going to St. Judes, and there’s gonna be a whole ton of hot guys-”
Your friend’s chuckles were heard through the phone. “Y/N, we haven’t even begun the first day yet.”
“Yes, I know, but we’ll be one step closer to the best years of our lives!” Your mom’s voice called you from downstairs. Oh crap. Only the Lord knew that Andrea L/N did NOT want to be kept waiting. “Okay, my mom’s coming, but we’re coming to pick you up right now. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
“See ya soon, Y/N.” You smiled at his voice and responded.
“See ya soon, Baizen.” You hung up the phone and ran to your vanity. Making sure your mascara wasn’t smudged while you had dressed, you spritzed on the Chanel perfume you had stolen from your mother's room. Truth be told, you only dressed up for Carter, but you would never tell him that. 
His parents were two of New York’s socialites, famous and wealthy, so they got along well with your parents. Though your dad didn’t pay too much attention to you, your mother made sure you kept up with your grades and social life. She was always the shoulder to cry on, offering you wisdom and advice. Not to mention, but your mom was a fantastic shoe designer. She was truly the greatest woman you knew. The two of you grew up closely with his sister Caroline, from the time you were babies to now. Caroline had gone to a boarding school in France in the fifth grade, but that didn't tear your friendship, and only made it stronger. However, while you stay poised and polite, Carter had always had a bit of a bad boy streak. Albeit, he was charming and sweet, sometimes too much for his own good, but the two of you were opposites. Yin and yang. Sun and moon. At the age of thirteen he was the Upper East Side’s darling sweet-talker, who had girls and boys alike fawning over him. 
Including you.
You never realized when you had started developing feelings for your friend, but it was a huge shock to you. It helped that he was cute as hell, but you got to see the sweet side of him, that was respectful and caring. He always made sure you were comfortable and happy, giving you a small sliver of hope that he liked you back. You always helped him, whether it was being a wingwoman, or giving him schoolwork, you were always there at his beck and call. 
The next seven years were absolutely painful for you, however. In high school, he charmed the skirt off of every single girl at Constance, and constantly blew you off for hookups and dates. When he was cut off and went to travel the world, you called him to make sure he was okay, though he always seemed fine to you. You stuck with him through everything, and the more you went on, you barely knew the man who claimed to be your best friend. 
Dating Serena was the last straw. You were twenty-one, studying political science and business to hopefully one day become a lawyer. Your father had disapproved of your majors, but your mom fully supported you. 
Sighing and putting your textbook away, you stood up and went to put something on for the party you were invited to. Normally, you would have stayed in your NYU dorm, but Carter had miraculously managed to get you to leave, claiming you needed to meet his girlfriend, who you didn’t know at the time. You grumpily slipped on a champagne sequin dress, and grabbed your white stilettos to match. After hailing a cab, you were off to Blair Waldorf’s house, unknowingly driving to the end of you and Carter’s friendship.
You had to admit that the party wasn’t half bad. Blair certainly knew how to decorate, and it wasn’t hard to believe, considering her mother was the infamous designer, Eleanor Waldorf. You bumped into a lot of old classmates from your high school years, and grudgingly exchanged greetings. When you finally found Carter, he had his arm slipped around the waist of a pretty blonde, making your heart drop to the pit of your stomach. He turned around, and let out a smile that normally would have made you happy, but instead filled you with dread. 
“Y/N! You made it! This is Serena Van der Woodsen.” As you went in to hug your friend, you were stopped by none other than Serena's hand stuck out for you to shake. 
“Hi, it’s so nice to meet you, Y/N. I’ve heard so much about you.” You stared into her blue eyes, and were immediately filled with envy and irritation.
You had no right to be mad. You knew Carter could date whoever he wanted, but at this point you didn’t care. Exhausted, you started to yell at the couple.
“Really, Carter? You go off to travel some other goddamn countries and come back to date a high schooler? A child? Who the hell do you think you are?” The entire room went silent, all of their attention focused solely on the college girl who went crazy. Serena stared at you, absolutely dumbfounded. As she came to her senses and started to yell back, Carter stopped her.
“Y/N, let’s go outside,” he gritted out. His eyes were burning red, and you could tell he was furious, which was never a good thing.
However, at this point your emotions were so heightened that it rivaled his anger. Once the two of you were outside the building, he started lecturing you. “What the fuck was that, L/N? I introduce you to my girlfriend, and you start yelling at her. You have no control over who I date, and you have absolutely zero right to insult them. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
He knew he had hit a sore spot there. He knew your deepest insecurities, how you were self-conscious about your body, and how you were saving yourself for the one. No one had ever looked at you throughout high school, and even if they had, you would’ve been too blinded by Carter to see any of them. He had always had you wrapped around his finger.
You chuckled mirthlessly. “You are such an asshole, Baizen. I have been there for you for years. I was always there to make sure you had done your homework, I looked after you, I fucking lied for you. I have done everything for you, and for fucking what?”
“So you yell at my girlfriend? I never knew you could stoop so fucking low, Y/N.” He glared at you, on the verge of tears, and saw that your face was already wet as well. “Oh, poor you. Cries whenever someone raises their voice at them. You had no right to say those things about her. What are you, jealous?”
Your heart stopped beating in your chest. It was the longest five seconds of your life, as tears ran down your face in hot paths, and he stared at you, for once, not knowing what to say. 
“You are.” His gaze turned sympathetic. “Wait, Y/N, I never knew-”
“It doesn’t matter, Carter,” you yelled, “I don’t fucking care anymore. I’m not gonna go on loving you, because it’s never gonna happen and I can’t sit around to wait for you. I’m done.” With that, you left, his last memory of you stomping off into the streets of Manhattan at midnight. 
“That wasn’t my best moment exactly.” You cringed, face flaming from your actions that had taken place that night.
Carter placed his hand on your jaw and rubbed your cheekbone. “It wasn’t your fault, I was kind of an idiot. But in a way, I’m kind of grateful, because that really woke me up to what was happening outside of that little bubble I was in. It made me see what I had lost, and remember that it was you who finally saved me from the hole I was digging myself farther into. You were my hero. Still are.”
You grinned bashfully. “But then we ended up seeing each other two years later at that other party.”
“Oh god, the party,” he smirked, “we had some fun then, didn’t we?”
“I can’t remember, we were both drunk as fuck.” 
The last two years had changed you. You had still focused on school and kept up with your studies, but the old Y/N was no more. Carter Baizen had ruined your life, and now you were just getting a taste of what you had missed out on in high school. A barrier surrounded your heart, with the one rule of no man staying in your bed for more than a night. You had a reputation to uphold, of course. Every social event now had your name on the attending list, and guys were lining up at your feet for a night with you. Your hair was longer, the clothes you wore out flashier and your style rivaled that of Serena Van der Woodsen’s. You were unattainable and everyone knew your name.
Your father’s private jet flew in on the evening of December twentieth. Merula, your family’s maid, helped carry your bags from the jet and your mom greeted you with tons of hugs and kisses. However, that didn’t last very long, as you had a party to attend. Going up to your old room, you took a quick, yet luxurious bath, and went to fix yourself up. Your old closet was still intact, and you were happy to know that the short red dress you had bought five years before still fit you. After you slipped on the dress and your black heels, you curled your hair in loose waves, and swiped on some dark red lipstick.
You were dead set on getting laid tonight. But then again, when weren’t you?
With a goodnight call to your mom, you ran out to the limo waiting outside your family’s penthouse. Giving the driver the address, you pulled your compact mirror from your Valentino clutch. Flawless. Like any other night. Paying attention to your looks was now tiring. And this life was lonely. You hadn’t had any friends besides Carter at the beginning, but now you were truly by yourself.
Carter. You hadn’t thought about him in a long time. In your furious haze after the incident two years ago, you blocked him on all forms of social media, and ignored any headlines from Gossip Girl including his name. It was lonely, naturally, but you had enough men filling your bed to avoid you from the empty void in your chest. The void that was filled with whispers telling you to apologize, to call him, to take him back, because the truth was that you missed him like hell.
The party was full of college kids, neatly dressed in the chandelier-lit room. Ugh. So far you couldn’t see any lookers. A couple of guys who looked like they were in their late twenties were eyeing you up from the corner, and grabbing a flute of bubbly champagne, you headed in their direction, licking your lips. As you crossed the room, you could feel more eyes on you but you didn’t dare look at them. No, you liked being in charge, controlling the room. Heels clicking against the marble floor, you blatantly checked out the tall blonde in the middle. He was pretty handsome. Cropped hair, a muscular frame, and electric blue eyes that kind of reminded you of Carter. 
Stop thinking about him, go get laid.
You stopped in front of him. “Hey, pretty boy. Can I get your name?” 
He wasn’t even fazed by your flagrant introduction. You were absolutely shameless, and though you received glares from the other women in the room, you couldn’t have cared less. “I’m Steve. What’s your name, beautiful?”
You opened your mouth to speak and Steve’s eyes widened as he saw the figure that shouted out your name, abruptly stopping you. “Y/N?”
Freezing, you prayed that it wasn’t him. His voice that haunted you daily, and made guilt and sadness pool in your gut. It had to have been your imagination. You started again. “Sorry, but I’m-”
“Y/N.” Turning around, you came face to face, well, face to chest with Carter Baizen. He had grown taller since you had last seen him. Even with the noticeably darker bags under his eyes and growing hair, he was still as gorgeous as ever. 
“Hey, Carter.” Steve had walked away by then, not wanting to intrude, but at that moment, he was the only person you needed. Heart beating in your chest, you finally met Carter’s eyes. “How are you?”
His mouth was gaping a little, taking in your form, seeing that it was so much different than it used to be. “I’m good.” Pausing for a moment, he added, “You look great.”
A blush rose to your cheeks and you managed to mumble out, “Thanks.”
“Can we talk?” 
That’s how you ended up outside on an empty balcony overlooking Manhattan. Taxis and honking were heard, but it was fainter due to blood rushing in your ears. 
He opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. “Carter, before you say anything, I want to let you know that I’m sorry. I really am. Last time we saw each other, I knew what I did was wrong, and though I was in love with you, I had no right to be upset.” Sighing, you placed your hand in his. “Can we be good again? I really hate how we left things off.”
Silently, he nodded his head, eyes wide and subtly taking you in again. The last two years hadn’t been kind to him, after Serena dumped his sorry ass, and he ended up with no money and nowhere to run to. His mom had allowed him to stay in the family house for a while, and his father was even giving him a second chance at running the company, but it wasn’t easy for him. He was slowly spiraling down, and only when he saw you did he wake up and take a look at himself properly. He looked like a piece of garbage next to you. He hadn’t even gone to school, and here you were, even more beautiful, which he never thought was possible, and a successful law student at Harvard.
“We’re good, Y/N. I brought you out here for another reason though.” He paused and looked at you as you nodded for him to continue. “It’s been a few years, I know, and I shouldn’t be saying this now, but I miss you so much. These past few years have made me realize how much of a fool I am for you, but God, I’m in love with you, Y/N, I always have been.”
You stood up, anger coursing through your veins. Now? When it’s most convenient for him? No. You needed to get drunk. “I’m sorry Carter, but I fell out of love with you one hell of a long time ago.” Swallowing the lump rising in your throat, you continued your lie. “You made your decision, I made mine. I wanted to be friends, Carter, but I can’t have that laying around us.”
Stomping away, you heard the crestfallen voice of Carter. “Y/N, wait, please.” He stumbled his way over to you, and caught your hand again before you ripped it away. “Please, Y/N, please, I’m in love with you. I’m sorry I was such an ass, I was so stupid, please.”
Tears fell from your eyes as you shook your head. “I need a drink.” 
He numbly nodded as you made your way back inside, asking one of the servers for a gin. You needed to get drunk. It was a necessity at this point, and as you got more and more tipsy through the night, you found your way back with Steve. By now the party had started to get crazier, people making out in corners and drunkenly stumbling everywhere. Steve held you up as you grinded against him, but stopped when you felt his hand go up your dress. 
“No, no thank you,” you slurred.
He smirked, giving you a steely glare. “You’re asking for it with this slutty little dress and winding me up.” He forcibly grabbed your wrists and started to drag you to a bedroom. “I own you tonight, baby.”
Before you could scream, someone came over and punched Steve in the jaw. You were speechless, staring at his already bruising face. Once again, you were being pulled away, only this time, out of the party. The person dragged you back to your place, and your drunken mind asked, “You wanna come in?” 
Without another word, the two of you were attached by the mouth, clothes being thrown haphazardly around your room. Earlier events from the evening wiped from your memories, and you could have only hoped that your parents weren’t home. Falling into your bed, you and your unknown lover tore up the bedsheets for several hours until you both drunkenly passed out.
When you woke up the next morning, you looked up. You silently thanked yourself for closing your windows before you had left the other night, and only then realized you were cold, naked, and in your own room. 
“What the fuck.” You whispered to yourself. Throwing on a robe from your closet, you looked around seeing the scattered clothes from you and whoever you had spent your night with. They were still here.
You flew down the stairs at a record-breaking speed, and slid into the kitchen, risky business style, and saw a familiar head of brown hair sitting at the table. “What the fuck, Baizen?”
Carter calmly turned around, smiling as he blew into his coffee. “Damn, Y/N, good morning to you too.”
Scoffing, you grabbed the newspaper he held in his hands and started to whack him with it. “Ow, what the hell?” He grabbed your wrists to calm you, then pulled out a chair next to him for you to sit. Reluctantly, you sat and frowned at him, raising an eyebrow to ask what happened. “Do you treat all your hookups like this?”
“Did we…” You didn’t even want to finish that sentence.
“Sleep together piss-drunk after you told me you didn’t love me back after two years? Yes, we most certainly did, beautiful.” Though your face burned red at the old pet name, you asked for what had happened. “Well, the asshole you were dancing with tried to get you in bed, but I came over and punched him, while we were both still drunk, and I got you back here, and you offered me to come inside and we fucked.”
Your eyes were comically wide, and he would have found the situation really funny if his heart weren’t beating erratically inside his chest as he awaited your full reaction. “So,” you started, “you're still in love with me.”
He tried not to let his embarrassment show, but his cheeks flamed anyway. You smiled genuinely, but you were terrified of whether he meant it or not. “Do you mean it, Carter?”
You stared into the depths of his eyes and he answered, “Yes. I’m so sorry that I was a horrible, horrible friend to you, and I don’t deserve your forgiveness. And I know you already expressed how you felt about me, and let me say, I understand completely. If you want me to, I’ll walk out of that door right now, and you won’t have to see me again. But if you let me stay , I’ll spend every waking moment of my life making sure you feel happy and loved, and making it up to you.”
He stared at you with pleading eyes, and held your hands gently. Suddenly, stinging tears obstructed your vision, and you whimpered. “I love you, Car,” you gave him a watery smile, “never stopped.”
His eyes started to tear up as well, and smiling you finally pressed your lips to his, taking in the moment. The past few years had been torturous for you both, dealing with the loneliness and pain from your broken friendship, but slowly and surely you two built trust. It took a long time, and you took the relationship slowly, but patience was key, and it was all worth it in the end.
“And now we’re here?” You asked. Carter combed his hand through your hair, the soothing action making you rest your head on his shoulder.
“And now we’re here.” He glanced down at you, smiling and pecking your lips.
“Damn, we had one dramatic-ass story.” He chuckled at that and sighed.
“We sure did, baby. But hey, look at us. We’re on top of the world right now. We have a wedding in a few months, you don’t have any cases, and I have the most beautiful girl in the world in my arms right now.”
You smiled against his neck. “Hey, Car?” He hummed against your hair, looking out the window. The sun had fully risen, making the room glow. “I know we haven’t had this discussion in a while, but are we ready to have kids?” His brow furrowed, but he said nothing. “Car?”
“I mean, sure, we’re both doing so well right now, and we could raise a kid here, right? We’ve got an empty bedroom right across from ours, and we’ve got plenty of space here. I think with the combination of me and you, we’d have a pretty great kid. They’d definitely have my eyes though.” 
“They better have your eyes.” You looked up at him. “So pretty.”
He chuckled and kissed your forehead. “The wedding’s coming up pretty soon though, so we can start trying after that.” You laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Before we get too old.”
You smirked and rolled your eyes. “We’re thirty-three, Carter, we aren’t that old.”
He laughed and said, “I guess you’re right.” Heart beating in your chest, you sighed loudly. “What brought this on?”
You cupped his cheek and took a deep breath. When you had taken the test a week before you had been elated, only to freak out after realizing Carter might not feel the same. But you had been okay for ten years, right? When the two of you had finally gotten together, it did take a lot to find that balance in your relationship, but hell, you were getting married in a few months. Carter was your best friend, number one supporter, and fiance, so you prayed that he would be just as excited. 
“Carter, I’m pregnant.” Looking at him dead in the eye, you hoped that he would be happy. You awaited his reaction for a few seconds, and you wanted to scream in anticipation.
And then you saw it. 
His eyes started to water, and his hands moved to your stomach. ”Really?” He asked, voice wavering. You nodded, eyes beginning to tear up as well.
“We’re having a baby, Mr. Baizen.” You laughed joyfully, as he picked you up by your waist and you wrapped your legs around him. Hands found their way around his neck as he pulled you in for a kiss. 
Tears poured from his eyes, as he laughed. “I love you so, so, much, baby.” Hiding your face in his neck, you giggled some more. “God, we’re having a kid. I swear on my life, I’ll do everything to make sure you and this baby are happy for the rest of our lives.”
And he did. Not such a bad hookup after all, now was it?
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monsoonblooms12 · 3 years
Christmas with the Waverleys ❄️: Part II
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Summary: How do things turn out when Alex and Pooja are teleported to the 19th century for a Victorian Christmas🎄?
A/N: Hi, how is everyone doing💫💛? Firstly, wishing a very happy Christmas Eve to everyone🎄! TBH I still cannot believe this year is about to end. Anywho, I wish everyone’s life is filled with joy, wonder and happiness and the new year brings you loads of new possibilities and new memories. Love you all!💛
If you enjoyed the story, please like, leave a comment or reblog. Your feedback keeps me going 💕
Thank you so very much @caseyvalentineramsey for prereading and @jamespotterthefirst for prereading and helping me up with the editing. You guys are life-savers and I love you💛💛
Characters: For this part, the characters are my OH f!MC(Dr. Pooja Sharma) and OH F!OC (Dr. Alexandra Walton), Eleanor Waverley, Thomas Waverley, Clarissa Waverley, Simon Waverley, Rose Waverley and William Waverley
Word Count: around 3.2K
Rating: General
Prompts :-
CFWC(@choicesficwriterscreations ) Winter Season Prompt #6: Character A doesn’t like the holidays. B loves it. Will B try to find out why or convince A to celebrate it?
@choicesmonthlychallenge ​~Sibling Appreciation: The Waverley Siblings
@choicesdecemberchallenge ​ Day 24: Eve
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December 24th (contd.)
Suddenly it felt as if the world was spinning very, very rapidly around them. They felt dizzy, nauseous. Just when bearing everything was becoming too much, a chilly air went past them.
They slowly opened their eyes. And the sight in front of them had them holding their breath without their knowledge.
A huge medieval mansion, covered in snow, appeared before them. It was majestic, beautiful and warm.
They looked around. As far as the eye could see, No other house was visible.
Is this the place they were supposed to reach? Or did something go wrong?
Pooja and Alex looked around in utter awe. Both due to the mansion and the wonder if they had been teleported to 19th century London.
"There you are!" A deep, humble, feminine voice called out.
Turning around they saw a young girl either approaching 20 or in her very early 20s coming out from the mansion towards them. She wore a medieval red gown, the upper half of which was covered by a shawl, and only the lower half with minute patterns of red silk was visible.
Not knowing what else to do, Pooja and Alex, too started walking through the snow towards her.
After a few minutes, they stood face to face. The girl had a small, faint smile, but her eyes expressed the happiness she felt on meeting her visitors.
She bowed slightly.
"I am Eleanor Waverley."
"You both must be Pooja and Alexandra!"
Confused, both of them bowed similarly as Eleanor had. Confirming her words, Pooja spoke, "Yes! I am Pooja, and she" She pointed towards Alex, " is Alexandra."
"Great! Oh! I haven't even invited you in. Please follow me."
"This is our house, The Braidwood Manor." 
Eleanor added as she opened the brown panelled glass door and led them in.
The interiors of the Manor gave a majestic vibe. A huge golden chandelier with 7 ornate lamps hung down from the high ceiling. The floor had decorated tiles of various shades of orange and brown. 
On entering, Pooja and Alex were mesmerized with the beautiful inside. It also provided them with the warmth which they were craving since the time they teleported to the Victorian Era of Britain.
When the two were taking in all the details, Eleanor's voice jolted them out of their thoughts.
"From the time Mrs Ainsworth informed us that some guests were going to join us for Christmas, we were excited. Especially my sister and my little brother." A smile lightened up her face as Eleanor gazed gratefully at her guests.
"I thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining us this year. I promise you will not regret anything about all this. We rarely have visitors on Christmas. Your presence is like a light in our dark, solitary winter nights. Thank you, thank you very much!"
 A little tear slipped down her eye as the smile remained still on her face, signifying her happiness.
Pooja stepped forward. 
"Eleanor, It is not you but us who should be thankful. Thank you for letting us celebrate this Christmas with you. Maybe, finally, my best friend—" She pointed towards Alex "—will warm up to the idea of holidays. We are very excited for the celebrations" 
She finished with a smile as Alex joined her. Alex's face, too, bore a smile, but it didn't quite crinkle the corners of her eye. It was a pleasantry.
"We are excited too! Let me introduce you to my famil- Oh!" Eleanor abruptly stopped. "I nearly forgot! Let me first show you your rooms. And-" 
She seemed awkward, as if searching for words. She looked down at their dresses.
And Alex, understanding what she was trying to signify, relieved her from her awkwardness.
"Eleanor, I guess it has something to do with our dresses, right?"
Not knowing what to say, She nodded her head slightly.
Pooja said, "Ohh Yes! Eleanor, please help us with them?"
Eleanor was relieved for not having to say it herself. She was pleased with their intuition and understanding nature.
"Please follow me. I will provide you with everything."
She led the two of them up the Grand stairs to their rooms. As the two slowly took in their surroundings, Eleanor came and provided them both with a beautiful Victorian gown. Pooja's was teal and white, while Alex's was hunter green and Congo red.
Once ready and all decked up, Eleanor took them for introductions.
The three of them entered the dining area of the Manor, and slowly the big family of three young children and their parents came into view, seated on the dining table, behind which, the wall bore an intricately decorated mural and a magnificent fireplace along with some painting of the family.
The sound of the footsteps caused five heads to turn their way, each accompanied by a gentle smile and warmth in their eyes. Each, except one. The boy's face did turn towards them, but it remained hostile and indifferent.
"Seems like he doesn't prefer our company"
"Mmm-hmm. It's okay, We are just here for a day"
Pooja and Alex went up to the friendly members who had now got up from their chairs and stood to welcome them. 
Eleanor, went to the elder lady, and spoke to her, "Mum, they are our guests for Christmas." She went up to Pooja. "This is Pooja" and then to Alex "and this is Alexandra"
Her mother stepped forward and the two girls bowed like they had seen Eleanor do when she met them. She was pleased and warmly welcomed them.
"Ahh! So happy to have two golden girls joining us. I am Rose Waverley." She kindly gestured them to get seated at the table along with everyone else.
Once everyone settled down, Eleanor finished up the rest of the introductions. Her father William Waverley, her sister Clarissa Waverley and her two brothers, Thomas and Simon.
After chatting a bit more, they finally delved into the Celebration plans.
"My dears, we haven't started putting the decorations yet, because I very strongly believe that decorations are a very essential part of igniting the holiday spirit." Mrs. Waverley informed.
Alex nearly scoffed at the 'Holiday Spirit' but realizing the circumstances they were in, she stopped herself.
Holiday spirit, ugh! Why Poo Why?
But Pooja was genuinely excited. She always wanted to visit a Victorian house and celebrate Holidays the Victorian way.
And all this? It felt like a dream come true.
She excitedly said, "Very True, Mrs. Waverley! And please don't worry! We will help in every way we can."
"Great then! We can start working then. Ellie, and our guests can put up the decorations, while Clarissa helps me in the kitchen. Thomas can put up everyone's stockings, and two more for our guests, at the fireplace, while Simon and Dad finish the book they were reading."
Everyone happily nodded and went on to carry out their assigned jobs.
Pooja, Alex and Eleanor, headed towards the Parlour. It was grand. 
Two huge bay windows brought in the faint light of the exteriors. By one of the window, an elegant piano sat peacefully and on the other side was a large, comfortable couch, perfect for family seating.
And just beside the couch, was a beautiful, delicately manicured, fir tree stood as the symbolism of the Festivals.
Pooja and Alex were so immersed in viewing everything that they didn't notice that Eleanor was not there with them. They realized the same when she came with a huge box in her hand.
"Here are the decorations that are to be placed" 
She set down the box that she was carrying. It was filled to the rim with glass ornaments, crackers, lights, red paper strips and various other decors of tin and leather.
"But I am really confused about which pieces to put up and which to skip out?" 
Eleanor sighed, staring at the plethora of ornaments. 
Pooja nudged Alex, "Don't worry! When Alexandra Walton is here, nothing can go wrong!"
What in the world? Poo has lost her mind. Oh, No!! Now what?
"Uh... Huh. Ya, I mean, sure. I will help."
"Help, Lex? Nah. You will lead, we will follow."
Eleanor let out a gentle chortle as Pooja continued to tease Alex. She was in awe of both of their friendships.
Suddenly she remembered that soon, very soon, they will take their leave.
She sighed as she thought. Even though they had come in her life for an hour or so at most, it felt like they knew each other since forever.
"Eleanor?" She was brought back to the Braidwood Manor by the sublimely worried voice of Pooja. She looked at them to see both the girls looking at her with a concerned look.
"Eleanor? Is everything alright? If there is any trouble troubling you, you can share it. We will help any way we can!" Pooja and Alex assured.
"No! No worries, as such. Just..." A pause. "I have never had anyone like both of you in my life. Although my family is loving, and I will forever be grateful for them, but... I have, never had friends like you both are."
"Oh, Ellie!" Pooja calling her by her nickname caught her off guard for a moment, but she soon got her grip and smiled at her. "You are our friend. Good friend," 
"Great friend" Alex inserted.
"No matter, we are here tomorrow or not, you will always be our friend,"
"Always?" Eleanor sought for a confirmation.
"Always." The two assured while placing a hand on Ellie's shoulder. Their hearts were full of the feelings of a freshly sprouted planting of friendship.
"Oh-kay! So let's start creating a masterpiece out of this tree, shall we?" Pooja shot an excited look towards her friends.
"Yaa, Happy Holidays." Alex groaned and rolled her eyes.
"Alexandra, you won't regret it! Let's get going!"
"If you say so." Alex gave her a tiny smile. She was not the one to turn down a good friend.
"And, it's Alex" she added as the three went up to look through the ornament.
Time passed, like a gushing stream flowing down a rocky hill, as the three meticulously put each glass ornament, each cracker and the fairy lights, one by one, with extreme care and perfection. 
Pooja was hyped, Eleanor excited, and Alex, very strangely, was Happy. 
Was it because of the company, or had she finally begun to enjoy holidays? That will forever remain a mystery. 
But will it be so bad to see Alexandra Walton opening up to the idea of festivals? Not a mince!
An unknown number of hours later, they were finally done. They stepped back to admire their handiwork.
And didn't it reflect their hard work! 
Each delicately placed ornament, each strand of fairy light, each funfilled cracker made the tree look heavenly. 
Their placements complemented each other and their collaboration was splendid. 
If they weren't friends made for each other, who were?
As Pooja, Alex and Ellie stood admiring the bejewelled fir, a soft aroma filled the room. It was then they realized, how hungry they had been! As soon as the thoughts crossed their mind, Clarissa came into the parlour. The power of telepathy!
"The food had been served! Mom invited you all to the dining room." She almost left when her eyes fell on the tree.
"Woooow! This is so pretty! Mom and Dad will be so happy."
She went to where Pooja and Alex stood.
"Thank you soo much for this. I have never seen our tree looking soo beautiful! You two are angels."
The little girl's happiness reflected in her eyes.
Alex lightly placed her hand on her shoulder. "We enjoyed decorating it too! But you should thank your sister first. Without her, this wouldn't have been able to do it so perfectly."
Clarissa went to her sister and gave her a big hug. "You know you're the best Eleanor. You're the best big sister." 
Eleanor shed a tear as she hugged her little sister back. "You are precious too, Clarissa! You, Thomas, Simon, you all are!"
After staying in the hug for a bit longer, Clarissa escorted them to the dining room. As soon as they entered, the delicious aroma of several lavish and extravagant delicacies overpowered their senses. Their mouths watered. 
At the table, they say a perfectly roasted stuffed turkey sat at the centre. Mashed potatoes, gravy and vegetables were placed in sparkly silver. There was cranberry sauce. Oysters, Yorkshire Pudding and tender Chicken looked delightful.
"Please take a seat my dears" Mrs Waverley urged as she placed two decorative plates in front of them along with all the additional pieces of cutlery.
"This is a traditional English Christmas Feast. Enjoy yourselves!" She said as she whole-heartedly served her guests.
After they finished the huge servings of the main course, dessert was served. A beautifully made Christmas pudding and a piece of fruitcake.
If not before, Alex had definitely melted by now. As she finished the last crumb of the delicacies served, she thought to herself, "Maybe Holidays aren't so bad. Food, Friends, Happiness. I don't think I could ask for more." 
What a growth!
After the dinner, as Pooja went to see the Christmas tree one last time, she heard a soft melody touching her ears, which came from the Parlour. As Pooja went in, she saw the silhouette of a boy playing the Grand Piano. As she went in, she realized that it was Thomas.
Without disturbing him, she stood a little closer. Thomas must have realized that someone was there. He abruptly turned back.
"What are you doing here?"
"I remembered a tune that I learnt some while ago. Is it okay if I play?" Pooja enquired.
"Fine. Go On." 
Thomas remained Stoic, but he was definitely intrigued.
Pooja slowly took a seat at the piano. She played the gentle notes of a Parlour music tune she had picked up from Alekhya. Thomas closed his head as he lightly swayed his head with the soft tune.
Once finished, He looked up to Pooja at awe.
"Where did he you learn that from? That was melodious!"
Not answering his question, Pooja offered, "Do want to learn it?"
Thomas let out an excited Yes. And the duo spent the rest of the evening teaching each other tunes and talking a bit here & there.
All this while Alex went to Simon. The little boy was so excited to see her. Mr Waverley left him with her as he went to have a stroll.
Simon sat on her lap and Alex, told him colourful stories, of fairies, of dragons and even of the future. Her storytelling won his heart and his demands for One More! never diminished.
 At last, as he fell in a sweet slumber, the long evening of stories ended.
A little while later, Pooja came searching her. She told her about her evening with Thomas and Alex softly told about how she spent her evening with Little Simon.
As they chatted, they did not take notice of Mr Waverley coming back in the room. When he slowly called for Simon, that's when they got aware of his presence.
As Alex handed Simon back to him and the two took their leave, Mr Waverley stopped them. They turned to see the man having a smile of gratitude on his lightly wrinkled face.
"I can not thank the both of you enough for coming here today. Our Christmas, Holidays have always been just the family. My kids always wanted to have someone over for the occasion, but living in a solitary area like this didn't make it easy for people to come over. Having you here, I can undoubtedly say that this was the Best Christmas Eve we have ever had!"
At his words, both Pooja and Alex had tiny droplets at the corner of their eyes. They thanked him and chatted with him for a little while before finally retiring for the night.
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December 25th
The Christmas morning began when Eleanor came waking the two sleepyheads and asking them to come and see the gifts they had received.
They got dressed and as they entered the Parlour, were greeted with excited squeals and heartfelt laughter, that rubbed away any reminiscences of sleep that remained.
They saw the family opening their gifts and the floor all covered with handkerchiefs, pieces of jewellery, board games books, mufflers, embroidered suspenders and even larger articles like a theatrophone and a dishwasher.
Pooja and Alex too got sweets, nuts, little handmade trinkets, jewellery, reading books, watch case and scarves. 
The unique article that Pooja got was a vintage board game while for Alex it was an Indian work humidor. 
Both of them also received a box of home-made cookies each. Everything was too precious for them, the bonding that they had formed with this happy family was all they needed for a great time.
A lot of talks, food and smiles later, all of them dressed up for the Church.
However, Pooja and Alex realized they didn't have much time left. They asked Eleanor about the time.
It was still early. Perhaps they would be able to listen to the carols before they had to take their leave.
"Ellie, I don't think we will be able to stay for longer. We will get to hear the carols but, we don't much time left."
"Can't you stay here with us?" Eleanor said as sadness spread over her features.
"We are sorry Eleanor, but there are some circumstances not in our hand. When time comes, one has to bid Adieu! But the feeling is definitely mutual." Alex softly replied.
Their heart broke at the thought that they would never be able to see each other again. But what is the use of denying the inevitable.
Eleanor was one determined girl. She wouldn't let them miss the carols!
"You came this time, you will come again. You know the right person who can bring you back. Promise me, Promise me you will come back!" Eleanor requested.
Then it dawned upon them. If the lady brought them here once, she could bring them back again!
Happily, they promised, "Promise."
And with that, the three hurried down to join the family on their way to the Church.
Carol singers and musicians played and sang the five melodious and popular carols of the era. Beginning their performance with O Come all ye Faithful, and the symphony continued with Once in Royal David’s City, moving on to See Amid the Winters Snow, O Little Town of Bethlehem.
At last came the majestic music of Away in a Manger.
Each of the performance was a musical gem, and if they could, they would have recorded each of the pieces and take them with them.
But just as the ending notes of the Carol began playing, Pooja and Alex, started feeling slightly light-headed.
Their time, here, was coming to an end.
Quietly whispering their hurried goodbyes, they picked the bag of their gifts.
As they went last notes of the Carols faded, they faded from the 19th century with the pieces of love they had garnered from the Era of Victoria.
Only one thought crossed their mind as their senses finally gave out.
This was a Christmas well spent.
PS: Lots of hearty thank yous to you for reading💖! I hope you have a great day ahead💖, and wishing you a Very Merry Christmas is Advance🎄!
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
I forgot that you existed: Chapter Two
A/N: Chapter two is here. Tensed situation arising between our ex lovers. Hope you like it. Feedbacks and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Tom Holland × Singer reader
Summary : It's been more than five years since you and Tom have gone their own ways after a heartbreaking breakup which had left both of you shattered. Both of you thought that you were finally over with each other and were happy in your respective lives until you meet again at a reunion trip planned by your best friend and you realise you are still not done with each other.
Warnings: none
Mini playlist: Endgame by Taylor Swift
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Music playing from car stereo
I don't wanna touch you (I don't wanna be)
Just another ex-love (You don't wanna see)
I don't wanna miss you (I don't wanna miss you)
Like the other girls do
I don't wanna hurt you (I just wanna be)
Drinkin' on a beach with (You all over me)
I know what they all say
But I ain't tryna play
I wanna be your endgame
I wanna be your first string
I wanna be your A Team
I wanna be your endgame, endgame
 You leaned on Tom's shoulder as he drove the car. Your hot breath falling on his neck as you start kissing his sweet spot behind his ears as he lets out a soft moan. Your hand intertwining with his free hand resting on his thigh. "Stop it love" Tom mumbled softly.
"Tom" you said softly "Tom!" This time you called his name loudly and Tom suddenly broke out of his trance and was brought to reality it wasn't you but it was his beloved fiancee Eleanor . She straightened herself to look at him with concerned eyes "is anything wrong Tommy?"
 "No love everything is fine" he reassured her
 His attention went to the song playing. He frowned and said "just this song irks me, not a fan actually of such kind of songs."
 "Seriously Tom, how can you not be a fan of Y/N, her songs are too good." El started gushing over you.
 "Yeah I know you are a huge fan of hers but I prefer old school hip hop." Lies.
He was your biggest fan since childhood though he doesn't admit it now but he is very proud of you. Seeing you grow into such a big star makes him admire you more. After so many years he still adores you and your songs. He was nervous to meet you and be in close proximity to you for so many days. Yes he still had feelings for you and that is why your songs wreaked havoc in his mind making him feel your presence even if you were far away from his life. He sometimes feels guilty that he isn't being true to El as soon she is going to be his wife and you still reside in his heart. He can never love anyone as he did to you. El was a very humble, sweet, understanding and smart person whom he got to know through one of his friends. Soon both of them found they had a lot in common, small chats turned into dates and then to a full fledged relationship for 2 years. Dom and Nikki approved their relationship and wanted their son to settle down and finally see him happy. Tom wasn't much excited about the wedding so all the planning he left on El.
 It was around noon when you three finally arrived at the beach house. You were filled with nostalgia as you had lots of fond memories connected with this place. There were a total of  5 bedrooms in the house. 2 were reserved for the couples, one for Tom and another for Harrison's other two friends Ed and Chloe, the others had to share. You liked the sea facing rooms and there were only two on the first floor. You immediately ran upstairs. You suddenly stopped in front of the first room and glanced at the empty room which once belonged to only you.
 Sounds of laughter "Tom stop.. Please oh I can't breathe" you said giggling as Tom tickled you even more. You both laid on the bed and laughed. You took out your phone to take a selfie to capture this moment. Tom kissed your cheek as you clicked the photo. You threw the phone on the bed and climbed on top of him straddling him around the waist as you planted soft kisses on his forehead, his cheeks and lips. You sat back to admire him " I love you so much Tommy" . He rolled you over to be on top of you
" Love you too princess." As he connected his lips onto yours.
 You brushed aside your thoughts as you went to the adjacent room and placed your luggage on the floor. Zendaya came with her luggage afterwards. It was a nice room with a queen sized bed and thankfully an attached bathroom.
 "You don't snore right?" Zendaya chuckled
 "Don't know about snoring but I do kick in my sleep." You laughed.
 "Okay let's freshen up first then we can start unpacking our things." Z said
 "Yeah you go first I need to make a call to my second mom." you chuckled.
You had three missed calls from Alex which left you wondering what was the matter. You put your airpods on and called him. You came out of the room as you started strolling in the corridor.
 "Seriously you don't trust me do you? I have barely spent a day here and you have already called me three times."
 "It was important the company wants you to do a concert at the beach carnival there."
"What! Dude I'm on a vacation and they expect me to do a concert."
 "Yeah it will be nice for the promotion, kind of a tour actually and I think it's good only for you to keep you distracted from, you know what I mean"
 "I don't know I need time to think"
 "There is nothing to think the concert is on the last day of your stay so you will get to enjoy your vacation as well as do a little interaction with your fans good for your rep."
 "Still I need to think Alex . I have to go for rehearsals then I need to know the whole schedule of the event. It's a lot of work."
 "I'll handle those things and get you in touch with the event manager, don't worry."
 You were walking backwards through the corridor as you were talking, you suddenly bumped into a solid sturdy figure, you lost your balance letting out a light shriek as you thought you were about to fall, instead you felt two strong arms catch hold of you, one hand on your back and one wrapped around your waist. You fluttered opened your eyes and your eyes were met with those familiar hazel brown eyes and loose brown curls falling over his face. Tom looked at you with concerned eyes; he himself couldn't stop admiring you. This is the closest he has come to you in the past few years. Your familiar lavender scent was intoxicating for him, he also noticed that your hair is longer than before which made you look more beautiful. You two were so lost in the moment that the whole world hazed out for you. Both felt a warm feeling inside.
But you were brought to reality as Alex started talking.
 "Y/N are you there? what happened?"
 You pulled away from Tom's hold as you stood straight and stuttered
"yea…Yeah I'm fine can I…Can I talk to you later? I'll think and tell you okay"
 "Okay honey bye take care love you"
 "Yeah bye love you too Alex"
 As you turned back to Tom you both blurted out "I'm sorry"
 "No no it was totally my fault I wasn't looking where I was going" you said eagerly.
 "It's okay" Tom said
 You purse your lips and smiled as you were about to turn to go to your room he spoke again
 "By the way Hi! meeting you after a long time."
 You sheepishly looked at him "yeah Hi"
"So how have you been?"
 You were a little taken aback by his warm gesture because he had almost stopped talking to you after the whole breakup "I'm fine, how are you?"
 "I'm fine too" . Tom was about to say something but you were interrupted by a loud shriek
 "Oh My God!!! I can't believe this Y/N Y/L/N" excitement in her voice. "I'm such a huge fan of yours." She pulled you in a tight hug you didn't get the time to process what was happening as you looked wide eyed first to Tom and then to the girl.
 "Oh sorry Hi I'm Eleanor you can call me El I'm Tom's fiance nice to meet you." Your eyes immediately went to the big shining rock adorning her ring finger. A tinge of jealousy creeping inside you.
 "Hey! nice to meet to you too"
 She turned towards Tom and asked "you guys know her ? Why didn't you ever tell me?"
Tom fumbled at his words "umm.. Yeah we have been together since childhood." He looked at you as he continued speaking "then she left and we lost touch" the last line was obviously directed to you.
 "Uh ah correction it was you who lost contact because I was always in touch with the boys. By the way where are they? Can't wait to meet them."
 "They will be here in any second I guess" El said
"I can't believe you know each other since childhood, he always says that he doesn't like your songs"
 "Oh does he?" you looked at him quirking your eyebrow
 "No I didn't say that I don't like her songs I just said it's not my type"
 "Yeah yeah I know you're an old grandpa you prefer old school stuff." you said sarcastically
 "You are coming to our wedding right?" El asked
 You looked at Tom "umm I don't think I'm invited besides I may not have time to attend it. When is it by the way?"
 "Next year in March"
 "Great!! Wish you both a happy married life."
 "Uh ah.. I'm not accepting your bland wishes. You are invited to our wedding and you have to sing at our reception."
 "I would love to honey maybe I'll compose something specially for you guys but I don't think your husband will like that as he hates my songs" you looked at Tom
"Oh leave Tom anyways he has given me all the responsibility of planning the wedding so you are coming and that's final."
 "Okay dear as you wish" you placed a hand on her cheek and smiled.
 " Let's take a selfie. I really want to capture this moment," El insisted. You stood in the middle one hand on Tom's shoulder and the other on El's. You all smiled as she clicked the picture.
 Suddenly there was a lot of noise of people laughing and shouting and you immediately ran down the stairs. There stood Harry, Sam, Paddy, Tuwaine in the middle of the living room. As they saw you they ran towards you and circled around you for a giant hug.
 "Hey!! Y/N missed you so much so happy to see you again"
 "Me too guys"
 "We are going to have lots of fun this time gonna do everything we used to do when we were kids." Paddy said beaming with joy.
 You smiled and you all hugged again. Your eyes went up the stairs to find Tom staring at you. You looked away as you started chatting with them. Jacob, Ed and Chloe also came in later.
Zendaya and Harrison were sitting on the couch as you kept pacing the room
 "Seriously Y/N it isn't a big deal. It was just an accident stop stressing out about it."
 "It is serious for me Z . The first day on my trip I fell into my ex's arms and had a moment don't know about him but it was definitely a moment for me. And then there is his fiance who is such a sweet and humble person who doesn't have any clue of what relation I share with her husband.Why did I give into your plan God only knows uggh!!!" You sat between them on the couch holding your head. 
 Harrison wrapped his hands around your shoulders and tried to comfort you.
 "I know it's a bit weird for you to be around El due to your past with him but please for my sake try to tolerate just for 10 days."
 "You have vodka right?" you asked
 "Uh yeah why?" Haz looked at you confused
 "I'm exclusively reserving it for me because I'm gonna need it for the next 10 days if I have to stay here." You smirked
 "Tom, are we there yet can I open my eyes?"
"Patience love patience" Tom said, covering your eyes as he led you towards the beach.
It was your 16th birthday and your families had decided to celebrate on the beach house. Tom had told you that he has a surprise planned for you and you were growing impatient to know what it is. You both finally reached the spot Tom removed his hand from your eyes and you slowly opened your eyes as you saw the sea in front of you, waves thrashing on the shore. You looked around to see that he had decorated candles around you in the shape of a heart.
 "Seriously this is your surprise?" you asked him confused.
 "No love, the best part is yet to come."
He kneeled on his right leg as he took out a box from his pocket. He opened it to reveal a sparkling ring. He took it in his hand. He took your left hand and slid it in your ring finger and said
"Y/N Y/L/N will you be my girlfriend forever?
I liked you since childhood but didn't have the courage to say because I thought you were just a passing crush and you are my best friend and didn't want to ruin our friendship. But now I know that I feel happy when you are around, I like to spend time with you, that I love you. You don't have to say yes but I really wanted to say this to you.
 Your eyes were filled with tears, you bent down and kissed him to stop him from talking anymore .Tom gets a little shocked at your sudden act but then he kisses you back. You pull back after sometime as you cup his face with your hands.
"I liked you too Tommy and yes I will be your girlfriend for lifetime.
You looked at the ring to admire it.
"I know this isn't a real diamond because I can't afford a real one right now" Tom said scratching his head
"Your love is worth more than a thousand diamonds." you said as you kissed him again
 You were standing at the porch leaning on a pillar as you sipped into your cola can. You looked at the ring on your finger that Tom gave you. Out of habit you used to wear it everyday but now it's time to let go of it you thought.
 "So you finally had the courage to come here." Tom said grinning.
 What?! You frowned
 You previously thought maybe he's over it and now you two can be on good terms but you were wrong as here he is in front of you again being all cocky.
 "I mean after all these years you finally came here"
 "Firstly, this is my best friend's 30th birthday so couldn't afford to miss it. Secondly stop prioritizing yourself Tom, not everybody's lives revolve around you, not mine, at least" you scoffed
 "Yeah because your life's current priority is Alex right?"
 Was he jealous after he heard you talking to Alex you thought in your mind.
"What? Seriously Tom" you smiled and shook your head. He is my manager and he's like an elder brother, a mentor to me. Why even am I clarifying to you? You don't owe me anything so just leave if you don't have anything else to say."
 "I just came to say that stay away from El. She is my fiance."
 "Yeah I know she is your fiance you posted it on Instagram dufus. I even congratulated you and I had expected a thank you from your side but never mind. "
 It was three months ago you were at your LA residence enjoying an off day. You were scrolling through your Instagram. When you saw the post with the caption she said yes❤️💍. Even after your breakup you guys followed each other to avoid any kind of gossip by the tabloids. You both were very private person so you never went official with your relationship but there were rumours of you two being together which eventually died down. For the first few minutes you didn't know how to react to the whole thing. The life you once imagined for yourselves he is living it but you are no more in it. Your eyes welled up but you overcame your emotions and felt happy that at least one of you is finally going to be happy in life. You liked the picture and commented congratulations🎊❤️❤️❤️.
  "And I also know that she doesn't know about me. Why didn't you tell her about me? Scared of the feelings you still have for me huh?" You smirked
 "Just shut up Y/N. I hate you and that's never gonna change. And you are not gonna tell her anything okay!"
 "But I love you Tommy." You grinned
 Tom scoffed, rolling his eyes and frustrated he started to walk away.
 You called him back "Oi!! Don't worry I'm not gonna tell her anything but I'll still advise you to go and tell her. It will be better and less awkward if she gets to know it from you rather than from anyone else. Trust is the foundation of a relationship, don't break it."
 "Look who is talking about trust and relationships. It's our matter, we can handle it, don't need your advice."
 "Okay cool" you gave a thumbs up
 You really felt exhausted after the whole conversation putting up a no care attitude was really hard as you were totally bothered by the whole ordeal.
 After you and Zendaya finished unpacking your stuff she was exhausted and so decided to get some rest. You on the other hand decided to go for a stroll near the cliff. It was one of your favorite places to go. That place gave you peace and tranquility. You slid your sling bag around your shoulder and put your lyrics notebook inside it. You used to always carry that everywhere whenever you get an idea you note it down in it. You walked along the seashore feeling the cool sea breeze all over your body. You reached the cliff and took a deep breath standing on the edge. You looked over the sea the sun was setting with a golden and orange hue spread across the horizon. It was enchanting. Suddenly some ideas started coming in your head so you took out your notebook and started scribbling on it.
 "What'cha writing?" You were startled by the question you looked back to see Tom climbing the cliff towards you
 "What came to push me down the cliff?" You asked sarcastically
 He rolled his eyes "no seriously what are you writing?"
 "It's none of your business "
 "Come on you can tell me about your new song"
 "I can but first tell me what happens in Avengers 5?"
 Tom shook his head and laughed
 "What?! I'm serious I really can't wait for the movie. Are you bringing back Tony Stark or not. I still cry watching endgame."
"Marvel still doesn't trust me so can't say" he laughed as he took a deep breath and said "I really like this place".
 "Yeah me too"
 "I'm really happy that you came Y/N everyone missed you for the past years"
"And what about you?"
 "Yeah I also did a little." You both smiled.
 You are still confused at what Tom is trying to do. A few moments ago he was being all so mean and rude to you that you were almost about to have a breakdown and now he is here telling you that he missed you. What game are you trying to play with my mind Holland you thought.
You were looking away as Tom stole a glance of you. He really felt guilty, he wanted to apologize for his behavior but showing his anger towards you he thought was the only way to stay far from you. He had a lot of things to say to you but didn't know how to say he missed the time when he could say you everything without any hesitation but now things seemed very complicated for both of you.
 "By the way you look beautiful with long hair. It suits you. "
 You felt a warmth rising in your cheeks as you blushed. You tucked in the stray hair strands flying in the sea breeze behind your ear.
"Umm thanks you look handsome too as always." You smiled awkwardly
 Both looked at each other for a moment then you broke the silence "umm okay then I think I should get going see you around"
 "Yeah sure" Tom nodded
 You turned to go as Tom called you "Y/N! I'm really happy for you. I really am."
 You turned and smiled softly "the feeling is mutual Holland".
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@sophs-library​ @sleepybesson​ @spideyparkerstark​ @itstaskeen​ @milli86​
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