#there was also this other fic i read that might have been a klance soulmate au
fluffypotatey · 10 months
Trope time loop
A: Love it. Spend my time combing AO3 for it.
omfg the time loop, one of the best tropes honestly. can’t go wrong with it. it’s got the angst material, comedic shenanigans, wacky situations, surreal settings, etc
there was this really good merthur au fic i read some time ago that was a time loop and gawd dam that was good 😍 Arthur was like a banker or something and the bank was being robbed and it turns out that the robbers have magic and wished to rob the vault that, conveniently, also contained magic, but then shit happens and Arthur dies then wakes up back in his room
such a good fic, I need to find it again
anyway, this trope is great, no notes, tis perfect
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fic rec friday 15
welcome the the fifteenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. there, nestled against his pulse by @hiuythn
stop why are you doing this to me stop it stop it stop--
klance soulmate au where your right wrist has the first words your soulmate says to you, and the left holds the last words they'll say to you. super sad, so much angst, and i've been informed it'll make you sob until you choke.
1. there, nestled against his pulse (the main story, from Keith's POV) 2. this is what love looks like: (tnahp from Lance's POV + 38k of sequel content) 3. roll credits (deleted/extra scenes and additional headcanons)
okay. i am so desperately obsessed with this fic, i was obsessed with it the first time i read it and im obsessed with it now. and yes i know i did all hiuythn fics last week and i promise i wont this week. BUT i have a set of comments associated with this fic bc it is Just That Good and so i shall present them to u now:
- literally the funniest characterization of shiro i’ve ever read. this shiro is gay and tired. this shiro unironically and frequently says “move. i’m gay” and gets away with it at the garrison. this shiro has been through A Lot and just wants to fucking retire - allura here is so so funny she’s such a badass. she’s giving “i love shiny things! like the shine of your spilled blood on the floor if you say that dumb shit one more fucking time!!” we stan a queen. - coran is a Mood. this man is desperately trying to reign in four teenagers and two young adults and just wants to go to bed and also he cares for them all so so much. ultimate dad - pidge is Mischief Personified. she is a brat and i adore her. she’s here to cause problems and by god she will succeed - hunk is so done it’s so fucking funny. “that’s literally impossible.” he’s a genius and he knows it, he’s glad to call you out on your bullshit. he doesn’t even TRY to pretend he can keep a secret and/or handle drama god what a mood - don’t even get me started on klance!! they’re so funny omg. the banter is EXQUISITE. lance and keith adore each other so much and they’re so badass. literally the coolest power couple fight scenes ever to be made, i do adore. gosh. and the ROMANCE they are so devoted to each other i’m emotional - honourable mention of lance’s legs and keith’a Soft Squishy Feelings that are mentioned so often that they’re characters. iconic. all in all, the best way to describe this series is Gay and Tired. i love it and i’m sad to see it end. i will be rereading it an embarrassing number of times. infinity/10
2. all the little things by @jilliancares
Or: 5 times Keith let Lance get away with things that he'd never let anyone else do, and 1 time Lance realized that he was, apparently, special
oblivious lance will always be funny to me. and the idea of keith just letting lance get away with Everything and Everyone knowing how whipped he is except for lance himself?? peak humour. never not funny
3. Full Disclosure by @dragonomatopoeia
Keith is impulsive and straightforward when it comes to most things, and emotions are no exception. It's no surprise, then, that when he realises that he might have developed a crush on Lance, he tries to tell him immediately. Unfortunately, it's very hard to account for both circumstance and who Lance is as a person.
Alternatively: Four Times Keith Tried to Confess and One Time Lance Actually Understood
more 2016 eliteness!! this fic is hilarious. and also its number one selling quality is that all of the characters are trans and nd i literally love that for them. nonbinary hunk loml
4. catch me, before i fall by @pastelrainbow
‘We are a good team.’
Even now, just recalling the way Lance had smiled as the words left his lips, made Keith’s heart race and his cheeks redden. Lance had never looked at him so fondly before. No boy ever had. The thought of it made a sigh escape his lips and Keith hunched his shoulders, a pout tugging his lips downwards.
Curse my weak gay heart.
a what if keith caught lance outside his cryo-pod.
the idea of keith being a suave casanova with more game than aphrodite herself but immediately going bright red and hissing when shiro teases him. peak dynamic. absolutely nailed siblings 
5. of demons and dates by spartona (faveour)
Three times Keith scares Lance shitless with his ghost shenanigans, and one time Lance tries to retaliate.
first of all. BFU KLANCE BFU KLANCE BFU KLANCE. second of all. the  “we’ve BEEN dating u dumbass ily” trope is so funny to me. i will never get over it
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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klance43v3r · 2 years
I have two klance fics that I have been looking for but I can't find them and it's driving me crazy. Both I originally read on AO3.
The first fic I remember is one where Keith is trying to court Lance, but Lance doesn't know who is giving him the gifts. The first gift Lance received was a giant space animal that Keith hunted for him, freaking Lance out when he saw its body in front of his room. Keith was upset that Lance wanted it gone and was snappy with Lance after. Then Lance got other gifts like gems in a box and soft robes, and more gifts like that. The more gifts he receives, the more tired Keith seems to become. Lance thought the gifts were from the residents of a planet they saved since they were through a celebration for the paladins and were giving gifts to them. Other details I remember is Lance being friends with the members of BOM, Keith getting jealous, Keith and Lance having a spa session together, and I think Keith considered giving up on Lance but decided to continue to pursue him. I'm pretty sure the fic was based on a klance Tumblr post. It's been years since I read this fic.
The second fic is a soulmate au where Lance is the prince of Altea. Keith had Lance's name in Altean and Lance had Keith's name in English. He and Keith shared dreams but Keith never remembered them when he woke up. Lance came to Earth for Keith and broadcasted that he wanted Keith brought to him unharmed, freaking out Keith and the rest of the gang. I think I remember Keith being kidnapped by the Galra, Lance finding the blue lion, and Keith finally remembering Lance when he woke up. I also remember seeing artwork in the fic, I think they might have been edited screenshots but I can't be sure.
If you can or anyone else can find them or know if they are still up on AO3, it would mean so much!
Im so sorry I wasn't able to find the fics you were looking for, which is such a shame because they both sound so cute. Ive found a few fics with similar themes that you might like hower.
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klanceficatalogue · 4 years
Klance Fic Starter Pack
So back in June of 2018 I made a Klance Fic Starter Pack post but since it’s been a long while since then I decided it’s finally time for an update. So here we have it! - Karri
so why don’t we fall by aknightley (1/1 | 8,218 | Explicit)
Five times Lance used a pet name for Keith, and one time Keith used one for Lance.
Keith has no basis for having a relationship with someone, so he's trying to follow Lance's lead.
The Marks We Make by wittyy_name (12/12 | 255,302 | Mature)
Lance McClain constantly dreams of the day he'll finally meet his mysterious soulmate. They don't say much, if anything at all, but they leave him with gorgeous paintings temporarily tattooing his skin. It's not exactly the situation he hoped for, but when he feels the connection between them, he can't bring himself to resent them. As much as he wishes his soulmate would just talk to him, he's resigned himself to being patient. In the meantime, he has a loving family and good friends to help him get by.
Keith Kogane dreads the day he'll finally meet his obnoxious soulmate. He's just an art student who's struggling to find his place in the world. There's so much he hasn't been able to control in his life, and the thought of having a soulmate, just another thing in his life which he also has no control over yet can't do anything about, is a little terrifying. So he ignores the words that occasionally appear on his skin. He has other things to focus on: like being a new student at a big university where his childhood friend and step-brother go.
(shallura, hunk/shay)
Nightmares by Trashness (1/1 | 14,864 | Teen And Up)
Lance's nightmares are getting out of control. It's effecting his and the team's performance, but he's at a loss for how to fix this.
Apparently sleeping next to a warm body helps.
call me, beep me (10/10 | 85,591 | General)
(00:31) Do you think she gave me the wrong number on purpose? (00:31) Or was it a genuine mistake? (00:32) Like maybe she writes funny and I misread it? (00:32) Some of the numbers do look a little dodgy... (00:33) Cause, you know, her threes could very easily be poorly formed eights? And maybe she writes her sevens like her ones? (00:45) What (00:46) The (00:46) Fuck??? (00:47) Oh good, you are awake!
where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there
Shut Up and Dance With Me by wittyy_name (15/15 | 249,827 | Mature)
Lance and his friends have been regulars at the Altea Dance Studio for years. Not just for classes, but to hang out, practice, and spend time with good people who love dancing. Every year, they audition to be one of the few representing Altea at the regional dance competition. Lance always auditions solo, but this year he misses out on auditions and blows his chance to participate. And so does his self-proclaimed rival, Keith.
Luckily, Shiro comes up with a brilliant plan: convince Lance and Keith to audition as a duo.
With a little convincing, and a lot of effort, these two might just be able to pull it off and go to regionals... or they might crash and burn.
Hearts Don’t Break Around Here by klancekorner (13/13 | 135,555 | Mature)
Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else.
//anxiety //insecurities //nsfw
i bet you look good on the dancefloor by xShieru (7/7 | 43,295 | Teen And Up)
"So like in 'Step Up'?" Allura shrugs. "Now that you put it like that - yes. I guess it's just like in 'Step Up'." The smile that she sends Shiro's way - followed by a shy wave, eugh - is sickening to say the least, and Lance still doesn't believe in dance camps.
Lance McClain's dancing career begins and ends with Keith.
Keith just wants to find out what Lance's deal is.
you never stood a chance by kagshina (1/1 | 12,221 | Teen And Up)
lance to hunk ♡ >i’m gonna fukin die hunk oh mygod i sent >keith a work out selfie that i wan supposed to fcukin send to you and you know what it said >”BET YOU WANNA LICK THESE NIPS” >HUNK I WILL NEVE BE ABLE TO FCE HIM AGAIN I WANT TO DI E
(Or, Keith is beautiful, Lance has a crush, and there's lots of shirtless selfies)
nothing’s quite as sweet by dimpleforyourthoughts (1/1 | 50,369 | Teen And Up)
Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street.
Sweet Quiznak by CheckeredCloth (4/4 | 6,819 | Teen And Up)
"You're really into him," Hunk mutters, and wow, Lance's face is on fire. Hunk is killing him.
"Look, read into how you like, Freud, just make sure that if I die Keith knows I totally would've mowed his ass like grass. That way, I can laugh hysterically at his emotionally-constipated expression from the afterlife."
Or: Lance is badly injured and has a few skeletons in his closet. Or maybe just the one.
//blood //injury
What a Healing Pod Can’t Repair by Remember_Me (12/12 | 55,777 | Teen And Up)
The compromised wormhole was ripping apart at the seams, sending everyone spiraling away in completely different directions. Lance could feel himself being pulled and bent in ways he was definitely not supposed to be. -- Stitching the team back together after everyone is separated is difficult, and for one Paladin rescue wouldn't be coming for a very long time.
//violence //blood
Bonding Time by magisterpavus (1/1 | 16,416 | Explicit)
“Shiro, I fucked up,” Keith blurted, wringing his hands.
Shiro paused mid-punch, shooting him a quizzical look. “What? What happened?”
“I think,” Keith whispered, “I think I accidentally roofied Lance. With my dick.”
Homesick at Space Camp by K0bot (15/15 | 74,280 | Teen And Up)
Lance realizes he's been an asshole to Keith, and on a diplomatic mission to a key planet for the Voltron alliance he... overcompensates.
//blood //injuries //panic attacks
we’ll make it, you and me by ghostcribs (1/1 | 6,421 | Teen And Up)
"Keith, if we make it out of this alive, I'm going to kiss you."
time out of mind by aknightley (2/2 | 27,849 | Teen And Up)
Keith and Lance wake up married. In the future.
He lays there a moment, processing the faint throbbing in his head, a strange bitter taste like lemons in his mouth. When he opens his eyes, the room spins wildly into a kaleidoscope of colors, so he closes them again, breathing in and out until he feels less like he might throw up. He suddenly registers a warm weight over his waist, and lifts his head to see a brown arm thrown over him. It looks startlingly familiar, but different, bigger than he remembers, more toned.
Keith turns all the way around and comes face to face with Lance sleepily blinking his own eyes open.
A Fish And A Bird by Methoxyethane (1/1 | 13,141 | Teen And Up)
Lance has a boyfriend. Lance does not realize he has a boyfriend. Keith, understandably, does not react well.
On Thin Ice by anonimina (11/11 | 205,795 | Mature)
This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to "work on his footwork". There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater.
Or: the not-so-simple story of two people trying to navigate the complexities of living in an ever changing world and face the traumas they've buried far away from the sunlight.
(shallura, hunk/shay)
bench press me by eggboi (1/1 | 1,683 | Teen And Up)
“The hell are you doing?” Keith grumbles out, body mid-push up. There’s a snicker behind him, too close to his ears, though Keith can’t really understand what would be so amusing about this. Then again, he’s not really sure why Lance is lying on him while he’s doing push ups either. Other than to be, of course, annoying.
“Nothing.” Lance finally says. Keith hears the grin in his voice, which only proves to irritate him a little more. ‘Nothing’ his ass. “Continue with what you’re doing, Mr. ‘I’m-Too-Good-For-Socialization’.”
(Lance, as always, tries to annoy Keith by making his exercise harder. It doesn’t work. At all.)
My Youth Is Yours by MilkTeaMiku (10/10 | 29,980 | General)
An unforseen blast in the middle of a battle de-ages Lance into a child for a week.
Keith does not understand babies.
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klancefics-cache · 4 years
Top 10 Klance fics?
here are some of my favs atm!
Always Messing With the Big Guns by utlaginn
(chapters: 8/10 | 41,918 words | E)
Keith’s slow retreat from Team Voltron is complicated by many things: not least of which is his abrupt hookup with one Lance McClain.
i want your heaven and your oceans too by mothpoem
(chapters: 1/1 | 11,610 words | T)
“Not—not that you’d be my rebound! I mean, you’d be helping me take my mind off of this guy, but to be a rebound, I’d have to have dated him first, I think, and he doesn’t even know I like him, so. You wouldn’t be a rebound. At worst, we become badass partners-in-crime with a grudging respect for each other, at best, we’re soulmates for life and this is fate trying to help us find happiness. So. Um.” Lance swallows and looks up at the Blade of Marmora soldier through his lashes. “What say you?”
They look down at their hands for a moment, fingers twisting together in deep thought. Then they’re pulling their gloves off, revealing pale, half-bruised knuckles of the human variation, and their mask is dissolving, giving way to big blue-purple eyes and an achingly familiar jet-black cowlick. “Who,” says Keith Kogane, in that low-pitched rumble that makes Lance’s stomach roil in the good way—holy fuck—“is this guy you’re trying to get over?”
hey, mom, i met a boy by mothpoem
(chapters: 1/1 | 30,303 words | T)
“Sweetheart,” says Lance, his hair longer, his shoulders broader, the slope of his nose uneven now where it didn’t used to be, “you don’t know the half of it.”
Take Me Away by Kaorusan241
(chapters: 1/1 | 9,393 words | G)
“Sorry about that! Where were we?”
“I still don’t have anything written down for you.” Lance could hear the guy’s irritation through the phone, and felt himself bristle.
“Well well, someone’s testy! Spring has sprung, lighten up buddy.”
“It’s January, you managed to call 5 minutes before the end of my 8-hour shift, and I should have been home half an hour ago. Order something.”
// Takeout AU inspired by one too many 80s films. Lance is an astronomy student with a grudge, Keith works too many hours to deal with this shit.
the way i love you by taylortot
(works: 12 | 27,001 words | M)
quiet moments in which keith and lance fall in love. and kiss a lot. post s7.
eternity (was in our lips and our eyes) by thespacenico
(chapters: 1/1 | 28,566 words | T)
Lance feels like he's on the cusp of a life-changing revelation.
"I told him not to tell you."
And this time, Keith doesn't seem to have trouble asking the unavoidable question: "Why?"
Lance looks at Keith, and everything falls into place.
A life-changing, mind-blowing, head-splitting, earth-shattering revelation.
Syrup & Honey by starlightment
(chapters: 4/5 | 54,642 words | M)
When Lance moves back home to take over his grandmother’s highly-acclaimed coffee shop, he quickly realizes there’s a bigger issue than the struggle of carrying out his family legacy. Namely, his annoyingly handsome ex-boyfriend, who also happens to own the rowdy, customer-stealing gastropub that just opened up next door. Lance is determined to taste sweet success, but with memories of his romantic past making an unfortunate comeback, it seems like there might be more than just coffee brewing between them.
Coming to Terms by gtgrandom
(chapters: 19/19 | 125,143 words | M)
Once again, there are six paladins and five lions. As the team makes their way home to Earth, Lance musters the strength to say goodbye to his friends. Klance-centric, minor Adashi/Shadam.
Or - Keith has lots of feelings and Lance wants to leave the team.
(The S7 and S8 that could have been)
Due West by europa_report
(chapters: 5/5 | 27,284 words | T)
“Why did the blue lion choose you?”
Lance’s eyebrows rose to his hairline. He was an expressive boy. He wiped the shock away quickly though, smiling easily as he took a small sip from the drink he held.
“Dunno. We had a connection, I felt it the second I stepped into that cave. You know, the one Keith-“
“I know,” Krolia said tersely. “I found it.”
Flashbacks to Krolia's interactions with the blue paladin, as the pair fight for survival on a barren planet, stranded on their way to Earth
deadline by jilliancares
(chapters: 31/31 | 77,578 words | E)
Lance receives a prophecy he didn't ask for — one that comes with a countdown on his wrist and the knowledge that he's going to die.
A 30-day-challenge written entirely using prompts!
(And in case you're not one to read tags, just know I'm not a sadist and Lance is my favorite character. In other words, you can expect a happy ending.)
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dumbepiphany · 4 years
26 Klance Fanfiction Recommendations
There is a heck of a lot of good Klance fanfiction out there. And while some may be easy to find because of how popular they are, there are many others that are buried in the depths of ao3 that I feel like more people should be reading!!
A lot of these are quite popular fics that you probably would have heard of already, but I hope there’s something in here that’s new, and that you’ll enjoy reading!
All are recommended for Teen And Up Audiences, so please be mindful!
1. Hearts Don’t Break Around Here
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else.
Words: 135,555 | Chapters: 13/13 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: This is my absolute favourite Klance fic. Childhood friends to lovers- what more could one ask for?
2. Squad Up
By astralscrivener on AO3
Description: In which the team is in high school, and Lance makes a group chat (ft. college graduates Shiro, Matt, and Allura). (A generic bandwagon chatfic because why are these so fun to write????)
Words: 327,144 | Chapters: 140/140 | Warnings: none
My note: The chatfic format is super fun to read. A lot of fluff!!
3. A Midsummer Night’s Meme
By astralscrivener on AO3
Description: Same group chat, new shenanigans. Or, the team's final summer before Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Shay begin college, as Pidge navigates the waters of young love, Keith and Shiro deal with family issues, Lance has a trip to Cuba, and more. Sequel to Squad Up.
Words: 79,457 | Chapters: 27/27 | Warnings: none
My note: If you read Squad Up, you must read the sequel! The storyline is really cool and the boys are Soft:)
4. Ignorance is Bliss
By YouAreInAComaWakeUp (Nikanaiko) on AO3
Description: As it turns out, learning that your house is haunted makes the ghosts a lot more aggressive. Who knew? Ah, well. At least one of them is hot. And he's the less-evil one, too, so that's always a plus.
Words: 172,675 | Chapters: 30/30 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Oh God this fic. C’mon, it’s Ghost Keith and Human Lance... and they bond... need I say more?
5.   Shut Up and Dance With Me
By wittyy_name on AO3
Description: Lance and his friends have been regulars at the Altea Dance Studio for years. Not just for classes, but to hang out, practice, and spend time with good people who love dancing. Every year, they audition to be one of the few representing Altea at the regional dance competition. Lance always auditions solo, but this year he misses out on auditions and blows his chance to participate. And so does his self-proclaimed rival, Keith. Luckily, Shiro comes up with a brilliant plan: convince Lance and Keith to audition as a duo.With a little convincing, and a lot of effort, these two might just be able to pull it off and go to regionals... or they might crash and burn.
Words: 249,827 | Chapters: 15/15 | Warnings: none
My note: One of the first fics I read. Super sweet and fluffy, great storyline, complete with art by wolfpainters! Tbh any dance AU fic is a good fic
6. Chivalry is Dead
By Sheksper on AO3
Description: Prince Lance was an adventurer. That was all there was to it. So, when he's suddenly assigned a new knight to follow him around, all Lance can think is that his freedom is being taken away, and it's all because of the red-clad, mullet boy named Keith, who is honestly just trying not to lose his job on the first day.
Words: 61,071 | Chapters: 17/17 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Prince Lance and Knight Keith is a concept to die for and it’s written so so well in this story!!
7. Nothing’s Quite As Sweet
By dimpleforyourthoughts on AO3
Description: Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street.
Words: 50,369 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
*You need to have an account to be able to see this fic!*
My note: A traditional must-read cafe/cat shelter fic! It’s got coffee and cats... the Softness levels are through the roof
8. The Fallen and the Wandering
By creeshtar on AO3
Description: Keith was born into a world of ice and darkness, with no sun to rise or stars to shine. In spite of humanity’s best efforts, the world is meeting a slow, but certain doom, which can only be stopped if the sun is found and replaced in the sky. Keith, meanwhile, is content to collect stars and eventually replace them in the sky, alongside a new partner that he can’t seem to help but gravitate towards--until a mysterious person with inhuman power goes on a warpath to find the sun for herself. Keith and his partner are unwittingly thrown into the race to find the sun first, only for Keith to discover, to his dismay, that it may be closer than he could’ve ever wanted.
Words: 106,108 | Chapters: 12/12 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: The writing and the AU concept is gorgeous and intriguing, props to the author for the world-building and the gratuitous fluff and angst!!
9. Love Interest
By iwriteshipsnotsailthem on AO3
Description: Lance is getting his big American debut on a new T.V series called Voltron. He's excited and nervous about how amazingly talented and famous his cast members are. But most importantly Lance is anticipating meeting his character -Leandro's- love interest in the show. Who happens to played by the be mega famous, mega hot Keith Kogane. But due to a misunderstanding during their first encounter, Lance now thinks Keith is the biggest jerk alive. Keith now has to try and fix it, for the sake of the show, and also for the sake of their on screen romance, which may start venture off screen as well.
Words: 195,400 | Chapters: 50/50 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: If you love Klance and you love Leakira, then get ready for... Klance as actors portraying Leakira!!
10. (Unofficially) VLD- Season 9
By hoelko on AO3
Description: The Universe has been saved. The war is over. Voltron is no longer needed. But that's the thing about the Universe. It's always getting bigger.
Words: 225,777 | Chapters: 15/15 | Warnings: none
My note: This fic was everything the fandom deserved but never got. Hoelko is our God. Worship this fic.
11. ‘Til We Meet the Dawn
By angstinspace on AO3
Description: Keith is a mage and Lance is a knight, and they've been best friends since childhood. For years, Keith has known that Lance carries a dark secret: that if he doesn't kiss his true love before he turns twenty, he'll die. Now only three days remain before Lance's twentieth birthday, and Keith and Lance are sent on a dangerous quest to rescue Romelle––who Lance believes will be the one to break his curse. But what he doesn't know is that Keith is already hopelessly in love with him.
Words: 75,242 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
My note: Magic! Fantasy! Knights! Curses! True love! Angst! Fluff! All that good jazz rolled into one glorious fic!!
12. Follow My Lead
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Becoming “hook-up buddies” with Lance Sanchez was just supposed to be a small, insignificant fraction of Keith’s life. But of course, things don’t work out that way at all. aka a Friends w/ Benefits AU that nobody asked for where Lance wears sleeveless hoodies, plays basketball in abandoned parking lots, and follows his dreams, and Keith comes from a high class, reputable family who never let him have any dreams of his own. They go home with each other and don't expect it to matter until it totally does.
Words: 117,792 | Chapters: 14/14 | Warnings: NSFW
My note: Everyone needs a little bit of no-strings-attached-turns-into-catching-feelings in their life! Just be careful with the nsfw!
13. Something Just Like This
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Keith reluctantly becomes the counselor for the Red Cabin at Camp Voltron, a summer camp in the middle of buttfuck nowhere that his older brother Shiro has worked at for years. Already unhappy with the current position that he is in, Keith prepares himself for a boring, sweaty, miserable summer; and his frustration only grows when he meets the counselor for the Blue Cabin- an insufferable asshole with a horrible sense of humor, a devilish smirk, an inexplicable animosity towards the Red Cabin, and a smile that literally looks like the sun. Needless to say Keith is really, really unprepared for the next three months.
Words: 58,800 | Chapters: 12/12 | Warnings: NSFW
My note: A Very Soft Fic. A truly Soft Soft Fic. It has little kids in it,, it’s adorable and fluffy,, makes you squeal into your pillow,, please read!
14. The Marks We Make
By wittyy_name on AO3
Description: Lance McClain constantly dreams of the day he'll finally meet his mysterious soulmate. They don't say much, if anything at all, but they leave him with gorgeous paintings temporarily tattooing his skin. It's not exactly the situation he hoped for, but when he feels the connection between them, he can't bring himself to resent them. As much as he wishes his soulmate would just talk to him, he's resigned himself to being patient. In the meantime, he has a loving family and good friends to help him get by. Keith Kogane dreads the day he'll finally meet his obnoxious soulmate. He's just an art student who's struggling to find his place in the world. There's so much he hasn't been able to control in his life, and the thought of having a soulmate, just another thing in his life which he also has no control over yet can't do anything about, is a little terrifying. So he ignores the words that occasionally appear on his skin. He has other things to focus on: like being a new student at a big university where his childhood friend and step-brother go.
Words: 255,302 | Chapters: 12/12 | Warnings: none
My note: The soulmate AU that everyone needed. Complete with art by wolfpainters!
15. Lucky in Rivalry
By iwriteshipsnotsailthem on AO3
Description: After moving back to his hometown after ten years, Keith is being shoved back into the life of an unexpected individual who was his so called 'rival' from music school. How is Keith supposed to explain to Lance that he hasn't sung for a crowd in all those years after his disappearance? Lance is the town's favourite gig at Voltron Cafe. He's lively and has the voice that makes girls go weak. He's also one half of the cutest couple in school. Him and Lotor are what everyone wants in a relationship, but behind closed doors it's a bit of a different story. How much more can Lance take before he cracks?
Words: 134,484 | Chapters: 45/45 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: True love, music and singing, high school drama, this fic has the whole lot! Give it a go, you won’t regret!!
16. Drummer Boy
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Lance is 100%, without a doubt, straight. He has the perfect girlfriend and has never wanted anything more. But suddenly his world is being turned upside down by the boy playing the drums at his local bar--a boy who happens to be very good looking, very gay, and very very interested in Lance. aka: Good-Boy Lance has a crisis when he meets Keith because he's so damn attractive, and Keith is a little ho that is way too promiscuous and open about his sexuality. The become friends. Confusion and sexual tension ensue.
Words: 50,188 | Chapters: 11/11 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con
My note: This one is a great read, but it’s a pretty sexy fic. Read the warnings and stay safe, avoid it if it isn’t your cup of tea!
17. On Thin Ice
By anonimina on AO3
Description: This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to "work on his footwork". There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater. Or: the not-so-simple story of two people trying to navigate the complexities of living in an ever changing world and face the traumas they've buried far away from the sunlight.
Words: 205,795 | Chapters: 11/11 | Warnings: none
My note: Figure skating and hockey playing! This fic is emotional and fluffy and very very adorable! Just a warning- it’s unfinished, so the last chapter is basically a summary and dot points of what the planned ending was!
18. Life After Death
By taylortot on AO3
Description: Fear clambers into his mouth and tastes bitter on his tongue. “Who are you?” It takes him a moment to register the sound of his own voice. She stares at him. Blinks. “Lance, please, this isn’t time for one of your jokes--” He furrows his eyebrows and struggles to sit up, to stop leaning into the cradle of her arms. “I’m not--I’m not...joking.” * After sacrificing himself to save Allura, Lance wakes up in a strange new world where the only thing he knows is a deep connection to a boy he doesn't remember.
Words: 90,074 | Chapters: 13/14 | Warnings: none
My note: The Feels. The Feels are strong with this one. Memory loss always hits super hard, be prepared for angst (but also comfort and fluff!)
19. Homesick at Space Camp
By Kobot on AO3
Description: Lance realizes he's been an asshole to Keith, and on a diplomatic mission to a key planet for the Voltron alliance he... overcompensates.
Words: 74,280 | Chapters: 15/15 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Fake marriage AU! FA K E M a R Ri A G E AU!!! Need I say more?
20. I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor
By xShieru on AO3
Description: "So like in 'Step Up'?" Allura shrugs. "Now that you put it like that - yes. I guess it's just like in 'Step Up'." The smile that she sends Shiro's way - followed by a shy wave, eugh - is sickening to say the least, and Lance still doesn't believe in dance camps. Lance McClain's dancing career begins and ends with Keith. Keith just wants to find out what Lance's deal is.
Words: 43,295 | Chapters: 7/7 | Warnings: none
My note: A steamy, fluffy dancing AU fic! I read this ages ago so I can’t really remember what happened but it was GOOD!!
21. Watercast
By fishwrites on AO3
Description: Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit! (AU where Avians (winged folk), Galra, humans and merfolk cohabit earth. Shiro and Keith are avian soldiers, Lance is the youngest son of a Queen, Hunk is also a merman and Pidge is still looking for her family. They get caught up in a war.)
Words: 205,901 | Chapters: 15/16 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Avian Keith and Merman Lance is the forbidden love story that everyone needs in their life tbh. It’s been on hiatus for a while so idk about the final chapter, but it’s definitely worth a read!
22. Call Me, Beep Me
By orphan_account on AO3
Description: Where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there.
Words: 85,591 | Chapters: 10/10 | Warnings: none
My note: Arguably the most popular Klance fanfic (after Dirty Laundry of course)! You’ve probably heard of it, but if not, do read!! Wrong number fics are a godsend
23. Calling Me to Come Back
By aknightley on AO3
Description: Keith is a witch who owns a shop where he breaks curses on both magical items and people under spells. Love spells, family curses passed down generations, cursed heirlooms lurking the attic -- he can handle them all. But one day a boy named Lance walks into his shop, and his curse is darker and more difficult to break than anything Keith has ever seen before: the curse is draining his magic, and without his magic, Lance will die.
Words: 50,464 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
My note: Will Witch Keith break Lance’s curse, or will Lance die!?!?!? And will they fall in love along the way???!?! Read on to find out:D
24. Say My Name (And Every Colour Illuminates)
By parchmints on AO3
Description: Lance never thought he had a soulmate, but when he finds himself dreaming about a boy on Varadero Beach and in a southwestern desert, he learns they have an incredibly rare soul link–-one that allows them to form an unusually strong bond before they meet, but also exposes their greatest vulnerabilities to each other.
Words: 27,833 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
My note: Really well-written, relatively short but so so sweet! Another soulmate AU (honestly one of my favourite AUs) except this time it’s dreamscape:)
25. Video Killed the Radio Star
By europa_report on AO3
Description: In which Keith is the guy who suddenly finds himself a single-parent to his two nieces, and Lance is the charming radio host who might be his only voice of reason in this mess.
Words: 69,468 | Chapters: 11/11 | Warnings: none
My note: This is so cute, I almost cried. Any fic with kl interacting with little children is an instant KO for my heart:’)
26. Smile for the Stars
By maIikcutie on AO3
Description: Though he's been dealt many bad cards, Lance isn't sure he can handle this one: winding up stranded, a million lightyears away from home, with only Keith to keep him company. The universe is cruel.
Words: 72,921 | Chapters: 9/9 | Warnings: major character death
My note: Please don’t read unless you are prepared for a MAJOR character death! If you’re up for it, prepare a box of tissues, and good luck, my friend!
And that’s all for my list! Hope you found something to your liking, happy reading folks!
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peg-legz4 · 4 years
peggy's klance fic rec :)
this is my first fic rec and i know its really sloppy but one of my friends said she wanted it do I an forced to post it after procrastinating finishing it for a month. enjoy!
Best Friends to Lovers
Hearts Don't Break Around Here - klancekorner
AHHHHH okay okay okay this is the first klance fic i ever read and it set the bar soooo high. basically keith and lance have been bestfriends since foreverrr and it jumps between flashbacks and present day where keith is realizing hes just been In love with lance for like the whole time they've known each other and lance calls him snickers and its s l o w b u r n bc they're both oblivious idiots but theyre also pining and aghhghhh AND THE WAY THEY START TO REALIZE THEIR OWN FEEELINGS IS! IM- it's super cute pls read!!!
with love - allinadayswork - 8,888  AHHHGGGGGGGs high school au! this is so cute they're both so smitten basically they're best friends but lance is also keiths secret admirer and ahhhhh!!!!!! so cute pls read i beg of you + valentines day and overprotective shiro!!!!
 Your Smile Makes Me Awkward - Lancelee (ashleeforreal) - 8,791
another best friends to lovers (hehe) lance gets his braces taken off and keith is in a gay panic because lance looks hot and he doesnt know what to do and theres miscommunication but its all good in the end this was so cute
One Heart Missing - starlightment - 24021 HSWOQSJKNQJNIU BEST FRIENDS TO LOVERS AU IM A SUCKER FOR THESEEE they’re in college and keith finds out he loves lance nd then they have a fwb thing going on and ppor keith but also poor lance for reasons i can’t disclose anD THE REOCCURRING THEME WITH THE ICE SKATING ITS SO CUTE AND DEHQIJOjqsk please just read it oh my god 
Soulmate AU
between two points - Alltheroads - 20,589 red string of fate au!!!!!!! keith is one of the few people in the world who can actually see the strings though, and lance seems not to have a string, just like keith. its them falling for eachother and keith teaching him how to repair a motorcycle and 50′s themed diners its amazingggg
Tell Me It’s My Name Written In Your Skin - Ivnars - 15,636 soulmate au where the name of your soulmate appears on your wrist once you fall in love with them (i think?) and lance thinks his is unrequited and of course he also has a martyr complex and is willing to die for the team and almost does and then omgomg i just its so great pls read
there, nestled against his pulse - hiuthyn SHAOAMALAL ITS A SOULMATE AU I LOVE THESE HJDJSJSJSS AND ITS CANONVERSE (im pretty sure this was a one shot first and then I came back and it was a multi chapter fic and I read and it was like 1000× more amazing ajsjska) this was one of the very first klance fics i read and it’s definitely the first one that made me like gasp and scram cause oh my god,. okay basically the first and last words your soulmate says show up on your wrists and keith hides his wrists because he thinks he k words his soulmate and there’s miscommunication aND KEITH’S BACKSTORY AND IT GIVES LANCE SO MUCH DEPTH??????? and it has a really happy ending and its slowburn and angsty and pining and i’m a sucker for all those things which made this amazing!!!!!!!
College AU
i just wanna be (with you) - aknightley - 8,020 COLLEGE ROOMMATES AU LETS GOOOOOOOO there’s a lot of tension and pining and they give eachother gifts all the time i’m sOFT pls pls pls read
reasons why keith is the worst - MellodramaticLawliet - 5517 lance and keith are roommates and to cope with his hate for keith, he starts a list of why he hates keith and it just turns into a journal abt keith and lance is so oblivious and there’s also fencing tournaments which is cool hadjalkj read ittt
You Should Date Me - petalloso ahhhh lance and Keith are both freshman in college and they have little adventures and it's just super cute and fluffy ajskkasna
The Art of Secret Telling - jilliancares - 4,880 so to form another coalition, voltron has to form another coalition and lance has, 1, never kissed anybody and 2, has a crush on keith hehehe
a culmination of things - viscrael ahhh it's super cute and short and basically jumps around in time and they're just in looovee
instincts - godsensei lance n keith are getting their groove on when red mistakes Keith's pleasure for distress and comes crashing through the wall ajsksksmsna
i can’t help but want - aknightley  lance and Keith's lions get stranded on different islands but their comms get through so they're just talking and bonding and falling in love while they get their lions fixed akssjal so cute pls read!!!!
Terminal Velocity - speaks tHE ANGSTTTTT. i'm like, a whore for angst. but basically. voltron gets captured by these alien empaths and this guy feeds off of other people's pain(???) and so he tortures lance and makes keith watch and oh my. this is so good I felt so many emotions pls read.
Keith McClain - orphan_account 🥺🥺 keith sees visions of him and lance in the future on the space whale and its v soft
In English, Please  - orphan_account this is a fic I'll always remember omg so lance flirts with Keith in spanish but pretends they're insults and he thinks Keith wont find out (he does)
 moderation - Katranga - 21, 613 HSJHKJAJOIHQQ keith gets bitten by a love bug and sees lance first and then allura gets bitten and sees hunk so he just tries to act how allura acts so it doesnt give away his actual crush on lance hsjksskjs
Public Displays of Affection by hattricks lance n Keith are undercover on a mission and they see guards and they hide by making out ajkaka
the waiting game - they frick frack a lot but basically Keith and lance make eachother wait through a week without sex and only teasing sksjakak
To Bite, Or Not To Bite - jilliancares - 11,433 lance gets bitten by a vampire!!!! and he turns into one!!!! need i say more? and the way it like happens AND THEN THE WAY HIM AND KEITH DECIDE TO OMG IM THIS IS GRESR
feelings on fire i guess i'm a bad liar - melancholymango - 22679 a witch curses lance and now he can’t lie to Keith or anything having to do with Keith and its really funny i cackled sjhkah
The Loverboy Trials - PM_Writes - 20,838 THSIEIHWHIJIHJI I LOVED THIS ONE AHHHHHHH.basicaly the aliens think keith is their god of fertility and stuff so they’re like oh we need to do a ritual thing where people fight for his virginity and voltron is like oh fuck no so then lance has to compete to save keith i can’t get over it it’s- i’m softttt
Sorry, Who Are You? - sjskakaja lance and keith were childhood best friends but keith is bad with faces so when they meet at the garrison lance is really salty and keiths backstoey and the way he find out i'm- its great trust me pls
it might not be that bad - Katranga - 16,416 omg i adore this fic okay so. basically. keith doesnt know the difference between jealously and attraction because of him clinging to the closet in middle school and now hes trying to find out why his and Lance's definitions of jealousy differ and Keith's bad at feelings please readd
Everything Else
read all about it - starlightment AHAKAKAL HIGH SCHOOL AU!!!! i just read this one and it’s great!!!1 Lance is on the newspaper and writes and articles professing his love for Keith, the star quarterback that everyones in love with. it's such a good read and oh my goshh this made me throw my phone and squeal out of freaking excitement i love it so much 🥺 idk how but this made me feel as if i was living out senior year through this fic??? it was just that amazing
it's you that's haunting me - perfchan 
suuuper cute youtuber au where Keith hunts gosts and enlists lance as his cameraman. (includes a haunted mansion ballroom dance scene) and its just great oml oml i love it so so much!!! there’s also like 4 sequels so that makes it even better!!!1
Dirty Laundry - 
this is a staple and if you havent read it you're either new to the fandom or living under a rock but its a fake dating au where keith spends winter break with Lance's family and they bondddd and its great!!!! 
alright i just realized the author took it down so uhhhh
adaigo by shipstiel
lance moves in next to keith and Keith likes to play piano at the ungodly hours of the might where lance is just trying to sleep. this ones so cute!!!!!!
eyes to you wide with wonder - aknightley
an office au where Keith is shiro's secretary and lance always comes up to his desk to annoy him and they mask their affection under playful banter and lance also ends up being Keith's knight in shining armor ajskssnns it's so great!!!!
okay i know that you are not my type (still i fall) - quidhitch
ajoasbak nyma cuffs lance to a bed during a party and then leaves but then the bed turns out to be none other than....Keith's bed!! so they like talk while Lance is only in boxers and cuffed to Keith's bed
you never stood a chance - kagshina
it's a snapchat fic!!!!!!! lance accidentally snaps keith a shirtless pic and then Keith snaps back and it's just 😳😳 the whole time it's great omg
Cold Hearts Looking for Love - swang_is_trying typical enemies to lovers where lance is the son of a rich businessman and visits the orphanage that Keith hangs around to visit Pidge??? but its fricking jam packed with them thirsting over each other sshsksksm (i must warn you, its incomplete)
Of Don Juan And Elvis - shipstiel 
Keith is a starbucks barista and lance always comes in and orders with really weird names ehehe
And Now Presenting: Rielle and the Forbidden Meringue
tsbkakaK this ones so cute keith is a galra guard and hes guarding a garden (ooh alliteration) and climbs a tree and then falls into lance's arms (who's an altean guard) and its really cute sjkssahajaj
how to not keep a diary, or, lance’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad semester - glitterfreezing sjskasla they're sophmores in college and roommates pidge forces lance to keep a diary and he just ends up ranting about keith but he’ oblivious to his won feelings heheh
Lance and the Search For Keith's Boyfriend - haikquu - 9497
lance is jealous bc everyone keeps talking abt keith’s boyfriends but he doesnt know who he is (it’s him)
bus buddies - WhatTheBodyGraspsNot - 8033
lance notices Keith doesnt have a bus buddy on a 3-day-trip to save the bees so he goes and sits with him and it's so cuteeeee
got got got it bad -  kairiolette - 10,377 so keith is bad at feelings so he asks what its like to have a crush on someone and then basically tells lance that he has a crush on him and lance just casually brings it up
Only Fools Rush In (but I Can't Help Falling in Love with You) - Fangirl_on_fire_ - 13,524
The Bitter And The Sweetness - The_Real_Karaage - 66337
its a klance youtuber au!!!!!! I love these!!!!! okay so keith makes like conspiracy theory videos and knife throwing ones and lance does like vlogs or storytimes with pidge and they also do dance and then they meet irl but lance doesn't know keith is the YouTube guy cause he hides his identity and omgomggg also Keith is from Texas so he acts like a stereotypical emo cowboy and as a Texan I find it extremely funny
nobody puts baby in a corner - orphan_account - 3,950
 its like the 23rd century and aliens are on earth and keith is a royal galra and lance goes clubbing and and they meet and dance and wOOHOO 
okay thats all for now but i'm probably gonna make a part 2 cause i have a whole bunch saved to my notes app lmao have fun reading y'all
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kaufmann-6 · 4 years
Fanfic Rec
Hey! I wanna rec some fanfics that I've read here! They are of several different fandoms, but I will organize everything, don't worry. All the fics that I will post here arr available on AO3, and all of them are written in English.
Heroes of Olympus / Percy Jackson;
Harry Potter;
Voltron: Legendary Defender;
Series Unfortunate Events;
Gravity Falls;
The Thundermans.
- Heroes of Oympus / Percy Jackson:
Jasico (Nico di Angelo/Jason Grace);
Jercy (Percy Jackson/Jason Grace).
Harry Potter:
Drarry (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter)
- Voltron: Legendary Defender:
Klance (Keith/Lance).
- Series Unfortunate Events:
Duncan Quagmire/Klaus Baudelaire;
Violet Baudelaire/Quigley Quagmire;
Beatrice Baudelaire/Bertrand Baudelaire/Lemony Snicket.
Gravity Falls:
Dipper Pines & Mabel Pines;
Mabel Pines & Stan Pines;
Dipper Pines & Ford Pines;
Dipper Pines & Ford Pines & Mabel Pines & Stan Pines;
Fiddleford H. McGucket & Dipper Pines & Mabel Pines;
Fiddleford H. McGucket & Ford Pines;
Ford Pines & Stan Pines;
Dipper Pines & Stan Pines;
Ford Pines & Mabel Pines.
Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne;
Tim Drake & Damian Wayne; 
Tim Drake & Jason Todd;
Jason Todd & Damian Wayne;
Bruce Wayne & Jason Todd;
Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne;
Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne;
Stephanie Brown & Damian Wayne;
Damian Wayne & Bruce Wayne;
Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne.
The Thundermans:
Max Thunderman & Phoebe Thunderman;
Dr. Colosso & Max Thunderman;
 Allison/Max Thunderman;
Max Thunderman & Hank Thunderman;
Thunderman Family.
PS:You won't find any Top!Lance or Top!Harry
Heroes of Olympus / Percy Jackson
Nico falls into Tartarus. Jason follows shortly thereafter.
When Nico di Angelo was ten years old he met Percy Jackson, but his watch didn’t stop. He was vaguely disappointed.
Soulmate timers AU
Even the Strongest Will Break:
Top!Nico/Bottom!Jason (I put this just to warn those who don't like it, but that is NOT the central theme of the story, it only happens once, in the last or penultimate chapter. The central theme of this story is Jason's traumatic situations.)
It had been happening a lot. Ever since they had gotten back from a recent run in with Deimos, the spirit of fear, dread, and terror. He had messed with Jason’s mind, went deep inside of him and pulled out his inner most fears. He had brought Jason Grace to knees in fear and probably would have broken him, if Annabeth hadn’t slammed an old greek vase down on the spirit’s head. He was grateful for Annabeth, but ever since that incident, there was always this feeling of fear at the back of his neck. And, he wet the bed.
Communication:  Alternative Universe - No Powers
Mute!Jason Grace
Nico works in a coffee shop and Jason is having trouble making himself understood.
Let Us Go Then, You and I: (Alternative Universe - College/University)
Jason notices a strange boy in the library.
To find where I belong:
“It’s Nico,” Thalia said. Jason almost thought he’d heard wrong. Nobody had seen Nico di Angelo since the war ended, and Jason still regretted that he hadn’t been able to stop him from leaving. Nico had told him about his plans to disappear, but Jason hadn't thought he'd really do it. Now he knew better.
“You found him?” Jason breathed.
“It’s a long story,” Thalia said. “But he’s been badly wounded. Think you could come pick him up?”
The Emotion and the Response:
After the war ends, Nico disappears, and Jason isn't going to sit idly by while his friend hides away among the dead. He'll get him to come back, even if it means going down into the Underworld and dragging Nico out of there himself.
Part 1 of Not with a bang
The Motion and the Act:
Nico and Jason finally tell the others about their relationship.
Part 2 of Not with a bang
(it was always you):
Both overlooked, both struggling to fit in where they didn't belong, Nico and Jason became fast friends when Jason was sent to Westover Hall to bring Nico and his sister to camp. Jason was Nico's hero, his best friend, everything he wanted to be.
And then Jason disappeared.
Smut, Top!Nico/Bottom!Jason
"You knelt for me earlier, Jason Grace. Am I wrong to think you might do it again?"
"He can think of dozens of ways for them to begin, that's all." 
Jason, and how Nico could be the one for him.
Our Dictionary:
I can’t think of one word that can fully mean what we have. It’s far from perfect, but it’s too good to be imperfect. It’s not always happy, but it’s not always sad either. We are together, but not quite as one. We do have each other, but we’re still separate beings just keeping each other company.
I suppose I have to concede that whatever this is, has to be love. Platonic, romantic, ours. The precious resin seeping through our cracks, holding us together, keeping us bound.
(A non-chronological series of flash fiction.)
First Step After the Fall:
As a general rule, Jason tried not to expect anything from Nico. He didn’t expect Nico to reply to every one of his postcards, or for Nico to want to be his friend. He certainly never expected to arrive at his dorm room late one afternoon after tennis practice to find Nico passed out in his bed.
Survivor's Guilt:
Nico has unbearable nightmares. The panic attacks come in waves, his sense on his self slipping like water through fingers. When Chiron insists that the seven of the prophecy live in an apartment complex, Jason insists that Nico live with him, since he's the only one who can see how Nico is ripping apart at his seams. Nico can barely keep the horrors of Tartarus contained, and tells his stories of what happened in Tartarus. Surviving it was hard enough, but reliving it may prove to destroy him once and for all.
Written pre Blood of Olympus.
(This fanfiction is a bit complicated, so I decided to explain: 
Jason and Nico are best friends, and they live together in an apartment that is in the same building as the rest of the 7 also live. The beginning of the story is basically Jason helping Nico with nightmares, panic attacks, among other things. But there comes a time when Nico tells Jason what happened in Tartarus, and a horrible creature comes back to haunt them. The thing is, Nico doesn't like Jason romantically, because he still loves Percy, this story revolves around Nico's love for Percy, but it's one-sided, because Percy dates Annabeth, but a creature comes back to attack them discreetly, and mess with it. This story is not really about Jasico, there are only a few things at the end. This story is basically about one-sided love, among other things, especially this creature.)
But he did know what his normal dreams felt like, knew his nightmares even better, and knew his flashbacks like the back of his hand.
By 2019, the crew of the Argo II have drifted apart. An earthquake, a message from a god, and Nico di Angelo bring them back together to face the apocalypse one more time.
Jason Grace Doesn't bottom:
“You think the gods are meddling again?”Percy asked.
“Isn’t that what they do best?”He replied.
(Trust me, this fanfiction is one of the best Jercy I've ever read! It's wonderful! Take a look! It includes, to my great delight, unsafe Jason, and past child abuse in Jason.)
Wait for Me:  Hadestown/Orpheus & Eurydice AU 
(This fanfiction takes place in the original Percy Jackson universe, if you are in doubt.)
Percy Jackson might sometimes be impulsive and reckless, but he knew the gods. He had walked among them, had been asked to join them.
So he knew how to get him back.
“Percy. Please. I’m driving.”
When It Rains, It Pours:
Tempest finally delivered Jason's message for Percy.
Stay the night. Please.
Drabble prompt: 'Stay the night. Please.'
The Last Summer:
It's been two years since Gaea was defeated, and a new age has arrived for the Greek and Roman worlds.
Jason finally has time to relax. He's spent the better part of those two years building an alliance between the two camp, and now his work is done. He isn't quite sure what's next, but he has plenty of time to worry about it. Summer is here, and what better way to celebrate his efforts than a stay at Camp Half Blood?
Percy is drowning. Unable to see a future for himself in the new age, he returns to Camp Half Blood feeling stuck in the past. Jason catches him at the exact wrong moment, and won't let Percy go without having a talk. What starts out as a simple conversation soon escalates into the friendship that both of them desperately need in this time of uncertainty.
The gods have gone silent, the monsters have disappeared. When a new force reveals itself and threatens the lives of everyone they hold dear, Percy and Jason must find it within themselves to help save the world one last time.
Harry Potter
Facts, Convenience, and Falling in Love:  (No smut)
Alpha!Draco Malfoy/Omega!Harry Potter
While most of the wizarding world is under the impression that Harry Potter is an alpha, he knows it's only a matter of time before he gets outed as an omega. As insurance against the backlash he'll no doubt face when his secondary gender is discovered by the general public, Harry ends up attending an event designed to help people find mates. Who he ends up matching with might be a bit of a surprise though.
An Unplanned Gift:  (No smut)
Mpreg, Top!Draco Malfoy/Bottom!Harry Potter
"We’ve used spells every time, haven’t we? Except… when we were drunk last pub night,” Draco replies, eyes widening. “Oh, Harry, I’m sorry, I know this was all supposed to be in good fun.”
Harry shakes his head. “It’s fine. Er, what do you think?”
Good to Me (And I'd Be So Good to You):
Tall Draco Malfoy
Everyone returns to Hogwarts after the war, but nothing is quite the same. Harry's groupies are creepier than ever, Ron and Hermione are snogging all over the place, and the once-proud Draco is shuffling around like a kicked puppy. But that's okay: Harry's got a plan.
Such a Softer Sin:  Alternative Universe - Soulmates, Alternative Universe - Canon Divergence
Angst with a Happy Ending
After Draco meets Harry Potter, he's left with two tattoos, one on each wrist. One for a soul mate, one for his enemy. He's never known any one else who has the same name on both wrists.
Completely Screwed (In the Clean Way):  Alternative Universe - Soulmates
On the night of his 17th birthday, Harry Potter receives two names, one on each wrist. One name is his worst enemy's, the other is his soulmate's. The difficult part of this is usually figuring out which is which, but when Harry's names are the same, Harry has no idea what to do. Oh, and there's the whole Voldemort thing.
Third Time's The Charm:  Alternative Universe - Canon Divergence
Slytherin Harry Potter, Abusive Dursley Family
Dolores Umbridge wasn't the only decision the Ministry made in an attempt to control the narrative after Harry Potter claimed that Voldemort came back from the dead at the end of the school year in 1994. Deciding it was too dangerous to leave Harry in Gryffindor, the House of the Brave, the Ministry decides to pass legislature mandating that students face the Sorting Hat again at the start of their 4th year. Officially, it's under the reasoning that as students grow and develop, they may find themselves better suited to another House and the Ministry is really big on Students Continuing To Develop Healthily And Normally. Unofficially, it's an attempt to remove Harry from any friends who might have believed him about Voldemort. And so, in Harry's 5th year, he's resorted as a Slytherin- the House full of children of Death Eaters just as Wizarding Britain is on the brink of another war. 
Abused Harry Potter, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Slytherin AU
Harry Potter was perfect, right? He was the Golden Boy, the boy who lived, the Chosen One, his life had to be perfect. Well, that’s what everyone at Hogwarts thought, anyway.
Love is Deaf:  Post - Canon
Fluff, Deaf Harry Potter
A fic wherein Harry comes back for eighth year deaf. The only people who still talk to him are Hermione and Ron cause everyone else finds it so awkward. Draco watches from afar as Harry writes down all he wants to say, gestures wildly and eventually starts giving up on communicating altogether.
One day as they pass each other in the hallway Draco suddenly grabs Harry’s hand, places something in it and then scurries off. Harry looks down and opens a piece of paper that reads ‘meet me in the kitchens for breakfast tomorrow’. Harry has no idea his world is about to change forever.
So basically one of the many things Draco had to learn as a child was sign language and he decides to do something crazy and teach Harry.
What if I had?
Hogwarts Eighth Year, Smut Later (But I don`t know if is Bottom! Harry or not)
Draco knew Azkaban was not an option, not for his crimes.
No, Draco knew that when he came out with the dark mark-his choice or not-he knew he had his fate decided.
What happens when Draco gets help from someone unexpected, unexpected and unwanted, but welcome.
Mood Ring:
Mpreg, Top!Draco Malfoy/Bottom!Harry Potter
“We should probably see a healer.” Draco announced, rubbing Harry’s back. He had been feeling sick the last few weeks. Constant nausea and loss of appetite.
“We don’t need to see a healer.” Harry groaned, “It’s probably a cold or something.”
“Harry. You said it was like you were pregnant again.” Draco argued, “We need to take you to a healer.”
“It’s not possible. You know it’s not possible.” Harry stated stubbornly, “I haven’t been taking any fertility potions or anything. I can’t magically get pregnant without the help of magic.”
A Mother's Son:
Smut, Top!Draco Malfoy/Bottom!Harry Potter Rape / Non - Con
All Harry wanted to do was return Draco's wand. Unfortunately no one thought to warn him that he was a Veela, even though everyone knew about Lily.
(The warning of Rape/Non-con is more specifically because it can be dub con, but there is no actual "force")
Don't Fight (What You Can't Deny):
Harry's life changes when he comes across a book that no one else can seem to read. Except for Malfoy, of course.
(Love) Is All You Need:
Draco Malfoy has a chance to start over after being invited back for Eighth year. Althiugh he had doubts of re joining something he helped to destroy, he finds himself wanting to go back.
As much as he doesn't want to be involved in any drama and carry on by himself, it's not something that will go as smoothly.
Especially considering that he is a Veela and his true mate is none other than Harry Potter himself.
Starting Over (Temporary Title):
Past Abuse, Creature fanfic
The war is finally over and things have changed. Or at least, people think things have changed. Harry Potter, however, sees the Wizarding World as the same but with one less murderous wizard to worry about.
 During Lucius Malfoy's trial, Harry must make a decision that will change his and the Malfoy's lives. A decision that may lead to uncovered mysteries from Harry's past loved ones.
At the Crossroads There We’ll Meet:
Time Travel
Potter keeps dying; Draco keeps saving him.
Beholden To:
Rape / Non - Con
It's only months after the war and Draco can't handle it any longer. Stupid Potter, and his stupid attitude and his stupid having to die almost killed him. That's what happens when you're a Veela mated to the reckless golden boy.
Just a Matter of Time:
Top!Draco Malfoy/Bottom! Harry Potter
Draco's in a bit of a rut. He's nearing forty, divorced, and he still can't figure out how to make his Time Turner reconstruction work. He's bored, he can admit it, so he's not nearly as concerned as he should be when his pet project malfunctions and sends him twenty years into the past. That is, until he ends up relying on a nineteen-year-old Harry Potter for help and starts developing some very inconvenient—and possibly reciprocated—feelings.
(I have to confess that this is not my favorite Drarry fanifction. It's about time travel, and Draco is forty, and he goes back to the past. Harry is nineteen years old in the past. I don't like older people staying with younger people, even for a short period of time, as it is in this fanifction, so I put it here just in case someone likes it, because the story itself is good, Draco is just too old for Harry.)
How to get what you want (even if you don't know what it is):
Smut, Top!Draco Malfoy/Bottom!Harry Potter, Mpreg
"Let me get this clear, shall we? You want me to bugger you in the arse, so you can get pregnant with my superior semen?"
Harry took off his glasses and rubbed his face with both hands. "I knew this was a stupid idea. The most stupid of all stupid ideas."
But Harry wanted a different life, a family, a child, and when his Healer told him it was possible for him to carry a child himself, being a wizard, the thought kind of stuck. Even if he wasn't compleatly truthful about his motives. Not to Malfoy and certainly not to himself.
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Together (That's How We Belong):   (No smut)
Keith’s abrupt return takes Lance completely by surprise, as do the unanticipated, yet very noticeable changes in the alpha’s appearance. Yet while the omega is secretly overjoyed to finally see the alpha again, when Keith is within his reach, Lance’s nerves get the best of him, and an accidental blunder will forever change the course of their lives.
In This Reality:
“You may be a goofy guy from Earth, but if there’s anyone who can support Allura during this it’s you,” Keith finally says softly, turning from the sunset to look at him. It makes Lance’s heart race and he swallows drily, hoping the blush that creeping on his face isn’t visible under Kosmo’s fur. “The annoying, stupid, Earth version of you.”
While Honerva destroys realities, Lance finds himself going back in time to do things differently and is enlisted in helping an unlikely friend save the universe.
Toward the Future:
Keith wasn’t stupid. He saw the way Lance looked at Allura. With a softness in his eyes, one Keith had only ever seen there once. He saw Allura wish Lance good luck and he saw their twin blushes and maybe Lance had been breaking his heart every few minutes since he came back to the team.
(Rewritten from the S8 with Klance.)
In a world of soulmates, Lance drew the short straw. Forever marked inferior to his soulmate, and the people around him, made worse by the first words that pass Keith's lips...
Kick in the Teeth:
The time travel one-shot that ended up being more fun than expected.
Roughly: Post-Canon Lance wakes up in the Red Lion just after Naxzela and kicks canon in the teeth about as hard as canon tanked his character development.
The Wrong Altean:
It is Lance’s birthday and the gang decides to surprise Lance at his farm for a surprise birthday visit, however, when they arrive, they find the place strangely quiet and even more disturbing, there are signs of struggle. A Galra blade has been found inside Lance’s house one that doesn’t belong to Keith. It is up to them to find Lance before their worst fears become reality.
Just A Touch:
Keith isn't prepared to find himself clinging to Lance, his annoying classmate at the Garrison who is also maybe his "soulmate." He isn't prepared to get expelled or to live alone in the desert and search for the source of a mysterious energy. He definitely isn't prepared to fly into space on a whim or to pilot a magical robot lion in a millennia-old war for the entire universe.
But all of that does happen, so now he has to deal with it. Keith has to adjust to life in space, to becoming a soldier, and to building close and trusting relationships with his teammates – including Lance.
Buried Treasure:
(This fanfiction takes place in the original universe of the series.)
“Last chancey,” the captain sneered down at them. “Wheree be me treasure?” Lance couldn’t answer and Keith’s swears and denial only made pirate grin. “So be it.” And the first shovelful of dirt to bury them alive fell from above.
Because Love was Your Reality (But it wasn't Mine):
Lance found love in this reality once—he doesn’t think he’ll ever have it again. He swore to love Allura in this universe and the next, and he’s intent on keeping that promise. On the anniversary of her passing, Allura tells him that it’s okay to move on, to find love again and Lance doesn’t believe her—doesn’t want to believe her. How is he supposed to love someone like he loved her?
Altean marks, space phones, and two hearts that were denied their love once, with time telling them to try again.
Don't Forget Your Vitamins:
Fluff, Smut, Alpha!Keith/Omega!Lance
Lance is an omega. Keith is a beta. This was something Lance had made peace with and determined that there was no way they could ever work. No matter how much he would like it to. Saving the universe and all that didn’t leave a whole lot of time to pursue such a complicated relationship.
However, when Keith finally starts getting the food and nutrition his hybrid body needs he is finally revealed to be an alpha. As he struggles with his new presentation, Lance tries his best to be there for him and support him. But it's difficult when the guy you love is now totally capable of giving you the best sex of your life.
Takes place post-season 3. Keith pilots the black lion and Lance pilots the red lion. Shiro is Shiro not a clone and everything is fine except for the impending war against the Galra.
Part 1 of Don't Forget Your Vitamins
I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm:
Fluff, Alpha!Keith/Omega!Lance
Team Voltron and the castle are on an ice cold planet and Lance is suffering. He hates the cold. He was not made for the cold. He's going to freeze to death and no he isn't being too dramatic about it.
Thankfully, his alpha mate is Galra and they come with some useful features for his predicament. Keith is more than happy to help out.
Part 2 of  Don't Forget Your Vitamins
The Black Paladin: 
Black Paladin!Lance
Shiro was gone.
He vanished into thin air after the battle with Zarkon and no one had any idea what to do. The Black Lion was back inside the castle with the shields up so nobody could even get close to her. The Hall of Lions felt cold and empty with the Black Lion just sitting there and looking majestic as ever but now with blackened eyes that might never light up again.
Magnetic In Our Purple Season Five:
It wasn’t the first time Lance had called Keith to chat and give updates, and sometimes he was even the one picking up to hear about some especially stupid teammate or a warning that he wouldn’t be able to talk for a while because of a covert mission or something. There shouldn’t be a reason for him to hesitate to call his rival, old team leader, and best friend (longtime crush more like it), but there he was with fingers hovering over the familiar face reluctantly. He didn’t want to sound like he was whining or insulting Shiro, it was just…
OR Lance calls Keith after Shiro’s outburst, resulting in the clone's reveal and changing the entire face of Voltron. Between Keith's struggles with the idea of family, Lance's lingering strife from his time with the clone, and their growing feelings for one another, what seemed set in stone must change. For better or for worse.
Lance Has the Flu:
Lance has the flu and Keith takes care of him.
Diplomacy with Tentacle Aliens:
Rape / Non-Con, Top!Keith/Bottom!Lance
Lance and Keith go to engage in diplomacy with a species who, according to the Blade of Marmora, are feared by even the Galra Empire. However, due to the planet's harsh atmosphere, those who enter the planet never leave, so little is known about the species. The Red and Blue Paladins are going in not knowing what to expect, and they're about to find out first hand what happens when you attempt diplomacy with tentacle aliens.
(Fanfiction unfinished.)
Lance Has Asthma and Gets a Respiratory Infection:
Fluff, Asthmatic Lance
(This fanfiction takes place in the original universe of the series.)
Lance has asthma and gets a respiratory infection. He wakes up in the middle of the night and needs Keith to help him breathe.
Series Unfortunate Events
The Awful Abduction:
Kidnapping, Duncan Quagmire/Klaus Baudelaire, Violet Baudelaire/Quigley Quagmire
When the Baudelaire Orphans find the Quagmires at the bottom of Esmé's elevator shaft, they concoct a plan to rescue them. Klaus insists on staying behind however; something doesn't feel right to him.
Little does he know that this one event won't go well.
Cracked China AU (Part One):
Graphic Depictions of Violence, Duncan Quagmire/Klaus Baudelaire, Violet Baudelaire/Quigley Baudelaire, Beatride Baudelaire/Bertrand Baudelaire/Lemony Snicket
The Daily Punctilio claims that the Baudelaire family died in the fire that destroyed their home. They've got it all wrong.
Beatrice, Bertrand, Violet, and Sunny Baudelaire were inside the mansion when it burned down, but they escaped through the secret tunnels below. Now faking their deaths and on the run, they meet up with some allies and visit familiar destinations, looking for the one thing that can free them from both sides of V.F.D.
Klaus Baudelaire was sent to Briny Beach alone on the day of the Baudelaire Fire, his sisters suddenly left behind. Strange to think how that cost them their lives. Sent by Mr. Poe to live with a man named Count Olaf, Klaus meets Duncan and Isadora Quagmire, two triplets who everyone seems to think are his siblings. Chased from guardian to guardian by the sinister Count Olaf, Klaus and the Quagmires just want some peace and quiet. Count Olaf, however, has plans for them... and their money.
Gravity Falls
But We Could Change It:
Time Travel, Dipper Pines & Mabel Pines, Mabel Pines & Stan Pines, Dipper Pines & Ford Pines, Dipper Pines & Ford Pines & Mabel Pines & Stan Pines, Fiddleford H. McGucket & Dipper Pines & Mabel Pines, Fiddleford H. McGucket & Ford Pines, Ford Pines & Stan Pines, Dipper Pines & Stan Pines, Ford Pines & Mabel Pines
Even though everything turned out mostly okay, there was no denying Weirdmeggedon had sucked. So when Mabel found a Time Tape she suggested they go back in time and... rearrange a few things. After all, nothing bad had happened with time traveling before, right? Besides, it wouldn't be that hard to fix the past. They just had to stop Grunkle Ford from finishing the portal and getting sucked into it.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Yeah, like anything in Gravity Falls was ever simple.
Raisin Delight:
Time Travel, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne
A year after Jason Todd dies, Tim Drake and Bruce Wayne take on the case when they notice strange occurrences in Gotham city. This has disastrous consequences, but so do most things that Tim gets caught up in, so what's new, really.
Cracked Foundation:
Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Jason Todd
The last thing Damian expected to happen when he ran away from home was to spend a day crammed into a small space with Jason Todd. His father's second son was a black sheep. An outcast. An angry, insanity driven criminal who enjoyed screwing with the batfamily in every way he could. At least, that's what Damian thought. Maybe he was wrong about Todd.
I am We:
Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Damian Wayne
Damian's hit by a spell that splits him up into four different versions of himself.
Anger, Anxiety, Happiness, and one more that Dick can't quite name.
They're a handful. (He loves them all anyway.)
Yesterday's Voices:
Bruce Wayne & His Kids
While trying to take down a drug cartel that deals with memory altering drugs, things go awry, and Batman wakes up with no recollection of the last five years. As a result, his family must now race against time to find the antidote, while also having to deal with a Bruce who still thinks Jason is Robin. A Bruce who doesn't recognise most of them. A Bruce far less jaded and cynical than the one they're used to. A Bruce who still cares.
It was always on the left. He couldn’t help but laugh at the irony. That was the side his skull had been bashed in on. But it never started in his head. It started with tingling in the tips of his fingers and a ringing in his ears that wouldn’t go away. And when the pain inevitably started, just like it always did, he couldn’t help but think that getting his skull bashed in had hurt less.
Ever since he came back to life, Jason has been dealing with chronic migraines.
Part 2 of  Chronic
Can I Still Be Robin?
“Hi, Mr. Grayson?” Damian groaned and rolled over onto his side and cursed the school policy that parents and guardians had to be contacted in the event of a so-called emergency. It wasn’t even that big of a deal.
 “Yes, hi. This is Nurse Amy from Gotham Academy calling about Damian?” The phone call wouldn’t do anything but cause Grayson to panic. 
“Yes. We need you to come pick him up. He passed out during lunch."
Part 3 of  Chronic
Juxtaposition (n) the state of being close together or side by side.
Or the one where Jason reminds Tim that sometimes Damian takes jokes all too seriously.
+ the one where Tim reminds Jason that he has only himself to blame.
When the Stakes are Higher:
Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne
There's a new serial killer in Gotham, and he's managing to evade even Batman's attempts to catch him. The psychopath's inclinations have Bruce on edge, but Jason's not as worried...until it becomes personal. But when even the world's greatest detective is at a loss, will their efforts be enough to prevent another tragedy in the Wayne family?
Time-Travel is not for Amateurs:
Tim Drake & Damian Wayne
That one time a Damian from an alternate future decided make things better.
The Thundermans
This is Your Heart (Can You Feel It?):
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Max Thunderman & Phoebe Thunderman, Max Thunderman & Hank Thunderman, Thunderman Family
"Dad," Max chokes, clawing at the hand around his neck as the grip tightens and his vision starts to blur. "Dad...please."
He's A Rebel:
Max Thunderman & Phoebe Thunderman, Dr. Colosso & Max Thunderman, Allison/Max Thunderman
An old enemy of Hank gets into the house and renders all the heroes powerless. Max, identifying as a villain, is the only one left standing. The question is, will he finally betray his family for good, or will he fight to protect them?
I hope you enjoyed these fanfictions that I chose! I have others, but they are common stories, without romantic relationships. I know that Batman's stories had no romantic relationship, but I don't read stories of Bruce having a relationship, and I don't read incest either. Anyway, these other stories, I can post them later, if you really liked this list!
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codevassie · 5 years
Code’s Top 5 VLD Fics
[***Please let me know if I’ve missed anything on the Content Warnings! I use whatever tags on the fic and warnings before chapters the author puts, then anything I might remember, but it’s been a long time since I’ve read a lot of these!]
Ignorance is Bliss by nikanaiko
Status: Completed
Summary: As it turns out, learning that your house is haunted makes the ghosts a lot more aggressive. Who knew? Ah, well. At least one of them is hot. And he's the less-evil one, too, so that's always a plus.
Relationships: Klance, Minor Hunay, Minor Shatt, Minor Shallura
CW: Suicide, Character Death, Self Mutilation, Blood and Violence, Grief, Fainting
My thoughts: So this one is one of my favorite fics of all time. From the ghosts, the mystery, the romance, to the beautiful writing, to just the time of my life when I was reading it. That was back when I didn’t log into Ao3 and it was ritual for me to manually check when this fic updated. Embarrassing. Now I use the Subscribe button. It left such a profound impact on me, and, if you haven’t read it by now, please do. Nika is such a brilliant writer and there is loads to enjoy and learn from.
A Light in the Dark by usernicole
Status: Completed
Summary: Far away from his friends at the castle, Keith's only way of communicating with them is a battered old phone. This is maybe going to be harder than he thought.A long-distance, friends-to-lovers fic, set during season four.
Relationships: Klance
CW: Anxiety Attacks, Homesickness, Suicidal Ideation, Suicide Attempt (Keith’s thing at end of season four)
My thoughts: I read this one shortly after season four came out. Maybe you won’t like it as much as I did because that season is my favorite, but, nevertheless, I think this story is super important and a fantastic read. It addresses the consequences of some of the things going on in that season that I was just desperate to have answers for. Character arcs were either disrupted or invisible in the show, and this fic shines a bit of light on it. 
there, nestled against his pulse by hiuythn
Status: Completed
Summary: "Found you!" Lance says, vaulting over the back of the couch. He lands with a soft thump that bounces Keith up in his seat. "Hey, I've got a question for you. You don't have to answer it, but, uh, have you met your soulmate?" "No," says Keith, "I haven't." I shouldn't.
Relationships: Klance
CW: Blood and Injury, Character Death (Temporary), Panic Attacks, Violence
My thoughts: Oh, wow. If you want a fic that will make you scream, here you are. You watch them fall in love, and overcome their fears of falling in love, and it’s just so heartfelt and beautiful. I actually just found the sequel while I was looking up the details of this fic, and it’s so good too y’all. If you didn’t know it had a sequel, like me, go check it out. If you haven’t read this one?? Omg please read it. I want to give these boys a hug. 
Dancing on the Roof by BleuSarcelle
Status: Completed
Summary: He picks up the small yellow post-it on the middle, where his diamond is supposed to be, and his blood boils with fury. ‘Better luck next time, Red ~ <3’ it reads, handwriting playful and loopy. That motherfucker. (Or Thief/Spy Au where they are all spies in charge of stealing gems and Lance took it upon himself to steal every single gem Keith is in charge of. Neither of them notice when he steal his most valuable possesion.)
Relationships: Klance
CW: Violence, Injury, Fainting
My thoughts: It’s a short one, but it works with the time it has expertly. It creates a whole story, with realistic characters, humorous voice, excellent banter, and even a dose of drama! It’s just so fun to read because it has their rivalry down, and I love going back to reread it because it just always has a way of making me happy. It’s a quick read, unlike these other recs, so it won’t be a tremendous commitment to try out. If thieves and spies and banter sound good, this might be up your alley.
The Marks We Make by wittyy_name
Status: Completed
Summary: Lance McClain constantly dreams of the day he'll finally meet his mysterious soulmate. They don't say much, if anything at all, but they leave him with gorgeous paintings temporarily tattooing his skin. It's not exactly the situation he hoped for, but when he feels the connection between them, he can't bring himself to resent them. As much as he wishes his soulmate would just talk to him, he's resigned himself to being patient. In the meantime, he has a loving family and good friends to help him get by. Keith Kogane dreads the day he'll finally meet his obnoxious soulmate. He's just an art student who's struggling to find his place in the world. There's so much he hasn't been able to control in his life, and the thought of having a soulmate, just another thing in his life which he also has no control over yet can't do anything about, is a little terrifying. So he ignores the words that occasionally appear on his skin. He has other things to focus on: like being a new student at a big university where his childhood friend and step-brother go.
Relationships: Klance, Background Shallura, Background Hunay
CW: Smut, Alcohol, Talks about: Minor Character Death, Car Accident, Parental Death
My thoughts: This fic was an experience. I followed it for the longest time, and it used to be always on my mind. Usually fics with secrets and suspense always invade my waking hours, so that’s of no surprise, but this one was also going for so long that it became ingrained in my life. I’d see the update and stop everything. Wittyy just has a way, you know? Their prose is freaking beautiful. And this story is enthralling. It’s not just about the secrets, but accepting love into your life, and that stuff always gets me. It’s a college AU, which means there’s also a whole lot of fun, Voltron family going on as well. Warning, though, I still haven’t read the last chapter. I have a problem with not wanting things to end, so last chapters are always hard for me. But, if you haven’t read it, what are you waiting for? Go go now now!!
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
Klance Fic Recs (pt. 3)
Another update because Klance and its writers fill my heart.
Laughter Lines
Rated Mature, Swearing, Non-descriptive NSFW
Single Parent/ Modern AU
Once a homeless teenager, Keith is now a young, successful businessman who owns the most popular new gym in the state. Lance is a surrogate, single dad to his young siblings, and is doing his best to make ends meet. Neither has the time or desire to fall in love. Doesn’t stop it from happening, unfortunately.
“Surprisingly, no one wants to go out with the 23 year old dude with three kids under four and no time or money to treat them to fancy dates.”
“I do.”
My Notes: Ok, so this is a really good fic. Keith’s social awkwardness was just really relatable, and the kids were just. Very kid-like? Yeah. In most fics, kids are just shoved in and they’re all perfect and stuff, but this fic got it right. Kids can be cute, but also have tantrums and pull your hair and shit. Also, them caring for each other, even though Keith messes up so much, was great.
Golden Opportunities
Rated General Audiences, Sexual Innuendos
Group Chat/Modern AU
20 Chapters (70,802 words)
Pidgeot: So you know how my brother’s girlfriend is loaded?
Pidgeot: well she’s taking Matt and their boyfriend to Europe for a few months. Matt asked if he could bring me and you guys so,,,,,,
Pidgeot: Do you wanna go to Europe with me, my brother, Shiro, Allura, and Shiro’s brother?
There are so many times in life when things don't live up to your expectations. This trip? So much better than expected. Sights will be seen, love will be found, friends will be made. And they'll have a little fun while they're at it. But really, what's a better way to meet your soulmate than being stuck with them while traveling the world?
My Notes: This is another group chat fic, and at times it can get kinda crack-y, but in this fic, the humor is done really well. The Klance plot was just perfect, and I think that the fake-dating thing is so something they would do. Also, Shiro, Matt, and Allura’s relationship was poly goals.
time out of mind
Rated Teen and Up Audiences, Swearing, Sexual Innuendos
Time Travel/Future Husband AU
2 Chapters (27,849 Words)
Keith and Lance wake up married. In the future.
He lays there a moment, processing the faint throbbing in his head, a strange bitter taste like lemons in his mouth. When he opens his eyes, the room spins wildly into a kaleidoscope of colors, so he closes them again, breathing in and out until he feels less like he might throw up. He suddenly registers a warm weight over his waist, and lifts his head to see a brown arm thrown over him. It looks startlingly familiar, but different, bigger than he remembers, more toned.
Keith turns all the way around and comes face to face with Lance sleepily blinking his own eyes open.
My Notes: Holy shit guys. I read this in 1 1/2 hours and it is just perfect. The writing style is brilliant, everyone is totally in character, and I fell on the floor laughing many times. The use of time travel was really interesting and the ending was everything. I really highly recommend this.
Video Killed The Radio Star
Rated Teen and Up Audiences, Swearing
Modern/Single Parent AU
11 Chapters (69468 words)
"Yeah I... I didn't know I had a sister," said Keith. "Until she died last month. And now I... now I'm, um, I-I'm like a single parent to my nieces."
He took a huge breath to steady himself, waaay to worked up to be on live radio.
"And I don't know what the hell I'm doing."
- In which Keith is the guy who suddenly finds himself a single-parent to his two nieces, and Lance is the charming radio host who might be the only voice of reason in this mess
My Notes: I couldn’t put my laptop down while reading this. The emotions were super raw and beautifully explained, the adashi was god tier, and Allura was just perfect (as usual). The oc’s (Judy and Yumi) were really fun, and Judy was really well layed out and three dimensional. There were parts that made me want to genuinly cry, but the pacing and comedic timing made sure that I was always laughing. And the epilogue was so fluffy and cheesy and heartfelt. I loved this fic, a lot.
Read All About It
Rated Teen and Up Audiences, Swearing
Highschool/Modern AU
Keith is Altea High’s star athlete. And Lance, a wily reporter for the school newspaper, is crushing hard. The only problem? They’ve never actually met before. So when Lance decides to broadcast his long-hidden feelings in an explicitly romantic exposé, he ends up accidentally sparking a school-wide epidemic. Suddenly the entire student body is in on the drama, but are words truly enough to win over the school’s enigmatic heartthrob? [High school AU. Klance.] 
My Notes: As I’m writing this, only up to chapter 5 is posted, but this fic is really good so far! The plot is really interesting and I love that Lance is ditzy, but still really intelligent. A lot of people skip over that part of his personality :/. I think withholding Keith’s backstory was a good decision and the talks between Keith and Lance are intriguing. One of my favorite parts of this fic is that a lot of people have made beautiful fanart that goes perfectly with the great story that Read All About It is.
Take Note
Rated Teen and Up Audiences
High school/Modern AU
1 Chapter (13,620 words)
Lance has two notes for two people.
He really should have labeled them.
My Notes: First things first, Allura is best girl. (I mean, she always is, but especially here.) She’s super fun and supportive and I love her! But, to on Lance. Oh my goodness. He is so dense and poor Keith’s gotta deal with it. RIP Keith. I really liked the ending, it was really pure and cute. 
(BTW, the author of this fic, VulpesVulpes713, is also on Tumblr and contributing a lot of great stuff to the fandom as @vulpes--vulpes. You should really check them out!)
Rated Teen and Up Audiences, mild violence
Cop Au (!!!!)
1 Chapter (3795 words)
“You’re such an ass.”
Lance stares at him, dumbfounded. “Huh?”
“You’re not allowed to say that unless I can say it back,” Keith snaps.
“What—” Lance blinks. Then he realizes just what Keith is talking about and he falters, letting out a long, slow breath. “Oh,” he says softly.
“Yeah,” Keith responds sharply, but his voice wavers and he huffs. “Oh.”
My Notes: I’ve been waiting for a cop au since Voltron began, and this is all I ever could’ve hoped for! Badass Lance + protective Keith is something I definitely need more of in my life, and I loved how Lance kept his snark and sass even in the tensest situations. This was wonderful (and I need more!).
( hostage’s author @thespacenico is also on Tumblr with a lot more beautiful writing. Go check her out!)
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reader115 · 6 years
Speaking of fic recommendations, what are yours? Sorry if you've already answered this like a million times 😊
Hi, @shiverslightly! So, honestly, I’ve not answered this a million times. But I thought I’d give this a real shot this time. Let me preface this by saying these are in no way all my fic recs (my bookmarks on AO3 is probably the best place for that - I’ve definitely been known to dig around in other people’s bookmarks for fic recs!)
Here is a not-at-all-inclusive list of some Klance-specific stories that I’ve read somewhat recently and really enjoyed. I tried to tag all the authors, but Tumblr isn’t really cooperating on that front. Also, these are all completed stories with two very special exceptions:
First, you all know how much I adore stories from @thisgirlhastales, so it wouldn’t be a true fic rec list from me if I didn’t include Mytay’s stuff (not just those amazing space cowboys, either - EVERYTHING is fantastic). If you want creative ideas and true characterization - Here’s a quick link to her stuff
“You should date me” by petalloso - friends-to-lovers college setting AU with a really sweet Lance (I’m a sucker for ‘caretaker Lance’) and I’m fairly certain he falls for Keith on first sight in this one.
“All the Way Down” by speaks - I’m positive I’ve recc’d this one before, but it bears repeating. This one is canon-divergent and focuses on an entire day of Lance and Keith just flat out flirting with each other (even if the other doesn’t realize it) at a space fair. 
“can’t buy me love” by @jilliancares - an adorably funny story that follows hopeless romantic Lance (who drives a dilapidated ice cream truck) when he meets sneaky mechanic Keith
“Chewbacca” by @ambitiousskychild - I remember not being able to put this one down once I began reading. College setting with another ‘caretaker Lance’ as the entire crew drags Keith out to the woods to try to force him to relax for a weekend. (Also includes post-get-together moments that I don’t often find in stories)
“Sparks Beneath The Water” by @bleusarcelle - an AU that includes magic, tattoo artist Keith, and soulmate-seeking Lance. It’s smart, includes really fun snark from Shiro, and, of course, some giddy soulmates by the end.
“it might not be that bad” by @katranga - the humor is just a real thing when it comes to this writer and this story is no exception. Canon-divergent with ‘classic’ Lance and Keith miscommunication (before they figure it out) plus hilarious lines one second before you’re melting at the fluff in the next.
“there, nestled against his pulse” by @hiuythn - I know I’ve recc’d this one somewhat recently as well. Its not only a soulmate AU, but includes a really sweet, natural relationship that develops between Keith and Lance before the soulmate aspect even comes into play.
“One Plus One” by @luddlestons - single dad Keith turns down the guy who flirts with him at a bar one night, only to have to face him again when Lance turns out to be his son’s elementary school art teacher. This is actually a series - the first story is Keith’s POV, the second is the original story but in Lance’s POV, and the third focuses on their first year together (its still a WIP but the chapters dont leave you on a cliffhanger!)
“Somewhere a Clock is Ticking” by @emphasis-all-mine [(seven league boots (memphis)] - this story just followed me around for days after I read it, and I’ll honestly never look at James Griffin the same way again. Post S7 canon-divergent with time travel, Voltron family, and Lance and Keith as dads who are written as real people who are also going to do whatever it takes for their family
“fit the crown to my head” by @apvrrish (aknightley) - even though this one was posted fairly recently, it hardly needs me to rave about it in order to recommend it. But - just in case - Prince Keith meets newcomer, stable boy Lance combined with elements of magic, family sadness, hints of mystery around Lance (who also has moments of ‘caretaker Lance’), and amazing world-building
This was harder than I expected since I have so many other favorites, and I forced myself to basically pick just one favorite story from the above authors - definitely go check out their other works (and leave some love in their comment sections!) Thank you for asking, shiverslightly!
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carpemermaidtales · 6 years
WIP Meme
The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous
Oh boy, thanks for the tag @gracie137blogs​ now we get to delve into the WIP Folder of Doom™️ hahahaha I do actually tend to name my files with something descriptive because I have somewhat of an archiving habit from my day job, so I don’t think any of these will be toooo wild. Long AF list, so under a cut to save your dash ;)
A Fragile Web - wand bond hogwarts 8th year repair - Ah, an aging wip with 20k that’s going no where. Good to see you again, old friend. Looking mighty fine with that thick coating of dust you’re sporting. New Year’s Promises - Another aging wip that’s nearly all written that I can’t seem to finish arg! Maybe this year will be the year?? Who knows, all I know is that I keep meaning to finish it so I can release it sometime between Dec-March every year I attempt to get it done. *sweats loudly* Post War WWW - This was going to be my HD Big Bang project until I had to drop because of my work schedule. I had some really fun stuff planned with it, especially Draco working with tinkering with magical objects and charms spells. Snapchat Sexting - Ohhhhh I need to finish this!!! Dang I started this in like Feb and forgot all about it, but it’s the usual whacky concept of tech comes to the wizarding world as a vehicle for Drarry to sext via social media hahaha. Harry is very Shook™️ in this little fic. Accidental Marriage Bond - Oh nooo they’re accidentally married and bound magically oh noooooo. Kidfic Adoption Partners - Probably my fave of my wips that I haven’t had much time to work on, the idea is that drarry are very close business partners that are mistaken for partner-partners when draco decides he wants to adopt. Grimmauld Place is Sick??? - Idk what to call this one hahaha, but it’s basically your run of the mill oh no Harry isn’t sure what’s up with GP and Draco Malfoy is His Only Hope at Finding Answers.
Banquet AU Canon Diverge - Omg this was my big project at the beginning of the year that I put on pause after almost 30k because it’s only 3 chapters in and it’s already so big. Basically just a big YOI canon divergence after the banquet and clothes sharing and social media. Yuuri wears Victor’s Olympic RU jacket and I get a little emosh every time I think about it :’))))
Our Hearts Ablaze - a/b/o in space - Just your basic oh no I thought I was one class and turns out I’m another but no worries because your pal has your back and will help you out through this Trying Time. Amnesia Lance - Back around season 2 I had this wip idea where Lance gets hit during battle or whacks his head somehow and wakes up with amnesia and thinks team voltron kidnapped him. FWB Klance - Probably what it says on the tin tbh Waxplay Klance - Hnnggg my candle-moment fic. Just needs one scene to be complete, note to self please go back and finish this. Let Me Take a Bite Out of You - lovebug/fakedating/soulmate/garrison au - A wip I started and even posted ch 1 of last year because I’m a monster and every time I get a comment from a reader hoping the next chapter is coming I cower under a blanket. It’s not abandoned, though, I swear. I just need to untangle the plot and write the damn thing. It’s a biiiig epic with conspiracy, a race against time, and everything ending up just as it should when the series timeline starts.
Jaimeric Modern Fake Dating AU - Holy shit this story is massive. It was plotted out with @goldentruth813​ and @gracie137blogs​ months back when we were crying together about Jaimeric and Aimeric and how we needed a story where he lived, so this is our version of that.
Berenger Character Study - I read Pet and then Berencel took over my life. This is just a short Berenger POV character study of the events in Pet.
Zutara Accidental Bond Post War - A maaaassive outline for a story picking up right where the Agni Kai with Azula ends and the events of that fight cause a spirit bond to manifest in Katara and Zuko so that they’re tied together and can hear each other’s heartbeat. In the midst of putting the Fire Nation back together they have to embark on a journey to the spirit world to find out what happened to them and if they can undo it. Haikyuu!! Oisuga - Fake Dating - Oh no >:)))) Suga’s parents >:)))) want to set him up with marriage interviews >:)))) and he makes up a fake boyf >:)))) and Oikawa over hears and thinks the description fits him well enough >:)))) so he slides in and pretends to be the fake boyf >:)))) and now they’re invited to a weekend family reunion at Suga’s family onsen in Miyagi >:)))) Oisuga Week - Starbursts - Need to finish up these last 2 chapters but this is a wip that started for a ship week in august that’s been post-as-i-go, essentially Oh no, and they were roommates with looootttsss of pining. HQSS - Haikyuu!! secret santa exchange fic that’s nearly done, can’t talk much about it but it’s cute and for a very fun ship <3 Kurosuga - FWB - A future fic plot from a convo on an hq writing server about Kuroo and Suga being friends with benefits while falling in love with each other the whole time, so a big pining, bittersweet sexy fic dealing with hiding emotions and soaking up as much physical intimacy as they can get away with because their touches speak so much louder than their words. Original 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 Soooo I’m kinda....doing a thing.... 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 Matchmaking Ghost - This is the wip I did the 7-7-7 meme with. If you enjoyed Phoenix Repair Services then you might like this one, it’s a pretty similar concept of house repair going totally wrong with a handyman from the protag’s past to fix the mess, only now there’s a ghost involved in the mix haha! Also it’s tentatively set in Boston because haunted New England houses are a Vibe™️. It’s got a persnickety ghost and a snarky protag who refers to himself as “””emotionally efficient””” because he’s the picture of good mental health 😹 😹 There are 12 other wips that have gathered in this folder but I’ll save the deets for later, this one is the most fleshed out at this point.
Sooo that’s me and my writing folder right now hahaha, someone send a shovel so I can dig myself out, yeah?
Tagging: If you want to play, you’re tagged!
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squirenonny · 7 years
How you even get people interested your fics, asking for a friend thanks
Aw, man, isn’t that a question for the ages?
So I’m gonna preface this by saying that there’s no magic quick-fix to attract more readers (however much we all wish there were.) Writing for the big ships or posting a fic featuring a popular trope/AU when it’s popular is going to get you more readers than writing niche fics, but chasing trends isn’t going to make you happy and it might even hurt the quality of your work. When you post and whether there was some big fandom or IRL event that drew attention away from the newly published pages (or flooded them, burying your fic under ten pages of Klance week ficlets or whatever) can also play a big role.
Secondly, and I know you’re probably not going to like hearing this, try not to worry too much about numbers like hits/kudos/bookmarks/reviews. They don’t mean as much as you think, and they aren’t a reflection on your skill as a writer or the value of your story. The best thing to do is to find some other way to measure success–maybe it’s how many words you’ve written, maybe it’s whether you stick to a consistent update schedule. Maybe it’s reaching that scene you’ve been dying to write for forever. But make sure it’s something that’s in your control, because depending on the faceless masses for validation sucks, and you deserve better.
Okay, on to some advice for attracting readers.
1. Rework your summary. Confession time: I hate writing summaries. Hate it. I’m already not good with short form and trying to sum up a story in a hundred words or less is even worse. But it’s one of the most important skills for a writer to learn, since it’s your one shot to get people interested enough to click that link. If you’re stuck, here are some suggestions, with examples of how I’ve used them for my own stories.
Pick a (short!) excerpt from your piece. Maybe a brief exchange of dialogue, maybe the opening line, maybe something else. It should be something that doesn’t require context to understand and that makes people want to find out what happens next (or what led up to this moment.) Example:
This psychic—Lance the Lucid, according to the posters, and Keith wasn’t even going to comment on that—was a charlatan, plain and simple, and Keith kind of wanted to punch him. Sure, Lance knew how to put on a show, but Keith doubted there was anything more to the act than charm and dramatic flair.
Pidge sighed, catching Keith’s eyes. “At this point, they’re pretty much our only hope.”
If you’re writing an AU, especially a canon divergence AU, put the focus on what you’re changing. Example:
Shiro used to dream of Earth. That was before the Arena, before Haggar, before he joined the Galra army. At least he has an ally, a Galra officer named Keith. Together they plan to bring down Zarkon’s empire from the inside.
Matt never thought he’d see his family again. Then he crash-lands on Earth and Pidge rescues him from Garrison custody. But his homecoming is short-lived. Now the Holt siblings, along with Lance and Hunk, must find the Voltron lions and free the universe from Galra control.
Or: Galra!Keith, double agent!Shiro, red paladin!Matt, black paladin!Allura, full series AU.
If you’re writing something tropey, or a twist on a cliche, maybe highlight that. Example:
[following a short description of plot] Canonverse Soulmate AU with romantic and platonic soulmates (and some gray areas in between)
Sometimes the simplest thing to do, especially for shorter stories, is to do a one-two punch in your summary. The set-up and the punchline. The scenario and the twist. The status quo and the catastrophe. Think “Long ago, the four nations lived in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.” Or better yet, the next part of that intro–defining the Avatar and then hitting us with “and then he vanished for a hundred years whoops.” Whatever you do, keep it short. Example:
When Keith was seven years old, he spent a year in La Quinta with a boy named Lance, the best friend he ever had. Ten years later, Lance and Keith reunite at the Garrison–only Keith doesn’t remember who Lance is.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that shorter is (usually) better, but you want to include enough to hook readers’ attention. It’s hard, I know, but keep working at it and it’ll get easier. Seriously–write five completely different summaries for your fic, all under 100 words. Give yourself a 5 or 10 minute limit for each so you don’t agonize too much. Set them aside for a while, then come back and see what works. Or write a list of all the things you’re most excited about in a given piece, cut out any major spoilers, and try to work one or two of the others into your summary.
2. Be strategic about your tags. If you’re posting on AO3, use tags people are going to search. Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, any tropes that feature prominently, any relationships (especially gen ones) that are a major focus. Be wary of overtagging–Shatt shippers, for example, know all too well how common it is to search for Shatt and turn up only Klance fics with a passing mention of Shiro and Matt going on a date. But plenty of people search for specific tags in trying to find new stories. Use that.
Similarly, if you post on Tumblr, use your tags efficiently. The first five tags on a post are the ones that the post will show up in (i.e. if you have a tag tracker or go to tumblr.com/tagged/____) Tumblr’s search looks at the first twenty tags, I believe. So use your first five tags for either the most popular or the most niche aspects of your fic. (i.e. tagging it “klance” will have a larger potential audience, though it’ll get buried pretty quickly; tagging “matt holt” or “shatt” gives you a much smaller potential audience, but one that’s more starved for content so will probably click your link at a higher rate.) Prioritize, and leave your organization tags/tag commentary for after.
3. Your first chapter should pack a punch. This one may be a little harder to put into practice if you have an existing fic you’re trying to drum up interest in, but it’s worth keeping in mind. If your summary and tags get people through the door, your first chapter (in a multichapter fic)/your first few paragraphs (for any fic) is where people decide whether or not this is worth reading. Goals to strive for:
Your first line, or at most your first paragraph, should hook reader’s interest. It should ask an implicit question–what’s happening? How did we get here?
(the equivalent of) Your first page (a couple hundred words, tops) should establish the situation and forward momentum. Diving straight into action with no context can be confusing, but lingering too long on exposition can make people tune out before they get to the good part. I’ve heard it said that the first 250 words should establish three things: character, context, and motive. Who are we focused on, what’s happening right now, and why does it matter? There are exceptions to every rule, of course, but make sure you know why you’re deviating if you decide to do so.
Your first chapter (assuming you have more than one) should leave people wanting more. Don’t leave them in the middle of the set-up, or they may not be motivated to continue. But don’t give them everything they need to see where this is going, or they won’t bother waiting to find out.
**Update: There’s now a follow-up post talking a little bit more about how to start a story, with examples!**
4. Persistence is key. Out of all the advice I can give you, this one’s going to be the hardest to follow, I’m sure. It can feel like you’re throwing words at a void and getting nothing back. Sometimes you have a real slow start. Sometimes you’re writing self-induldgent rarepare stuff, and it seems like you and two other people are the only ones who ship it–and those other two never comment.
The thing is, writing fic (especially as a newcomer or writing niche fic) is like playing Marco Polo at a death metal concert. Not only are you shouting into a sea of noise, but you’re also trying to find the relative handful of people who are going to answer. But here’s the thing: if you yell “Marco” once and get no response, then go home, you’ll never find those other people. If you keep yelling–maybe stay in one spot and yell over and over, maybe wander around calling out every so often–you’ll find someone, and then you’ll find someone else, and then maybe someone else will start shouting with you and find three more people. It starts slow, but it builds momentum.
In terms of fic, though, what does that mean? It means keep writing. Maybe keep hammering away at this one fic–excellent if it’s something you’re excited about, something you need to write no matter what. You keep putting it out there and you’ll start to beat back the wave of random chance that conspires to bury your fic because of weird posting times or an onslaught from a fandom event.
Maybe write a bunch of shorter fics, participate in bangs and exchanges and other events. You might hook readers with your Klance soulmate AU that you did for a secret santa, then tempt them into trying your other stuff (true story.) You might make friends by chatting in a big bang’s discord, and they can help you write more attention-grabbing summaries, or can signal boost on Tumblr. (Or just be that one person who stans your writing and keeps you motivated through low hit counts on AO3.) Or you might just hit a whole bunch of people’s rarepair/nich buttons and start building a following that way.
Or maybe it means going a little more off the rails. Try a different fandom. Write original fiction. Write an 80k Marauders-at-Hogwarts fic for yourself, edit it, and only then start posting a chapter a week so you can grow your reader base without the low number of comments chipping away at your motivation because joke’s on you, hit counter. I already have the next chapter done. And the one after that, and all of them, so they’re still coming even if no one’s reading. ha-ha! (Also a true story.)
Look, the point is, building a reader base is hard, and it’s frustrating, and a lot if it is based on luck and fandom trends, and you’re always going to want to get caught up in the numbers. Even once you have readers, you might get frustrated because the tropey shipfic with a shoddy plot that you BS’d your way through has ten times as much love as the lovingly crafted, well-plotted AU that you’ve poured literally thousands of hours into. Because writers are all starved for feedback, and with the exception of people lucky enough (or unlucky enough) to hit a fandom sweet spot and get shot straight into the realms of That One Fic Everyone Knows About–with the exception of those freak accidents of fate, the people who have sizable followings are almost always people who just plain love to write and do it regardless of what anyone else says or does.
So don’t write for the readers. Write for yourself first, and love what you write. Write stories that need to be told. Stories you can’t bear not to tell–because when you care that much about a story, it shows, and when the right people find your story, they’re going to love that you love it. Trust me. The right people are out there. You just have to keep shouting until you find them.
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camachameleon · 7 years
Cam’s Voltron Fic Rec 1/∞
VLD Fic Recs:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms. ( ** =  favorites )
  **Moonset Deep by MilkTeaMiku (fairydens on tumblr)
Word count:  80,000 (32/?)
Summary:  All his life he’d been told to make sure he was never seen – it was what all the children were taught from the moment they were born. Never let a human see you, never fall in love with a human, and most importantly, never kiss one.
For Lance, humans were a mystery. He’d lived beneath the surface of the ocean with his shoal his entire life, and had intended to remain there. He knew the danger humans posed to his kind, and what would happen if he came close to one. That’s why, when he found one drowning, his first instinct was to save him.
He’d never been good at following the rules anyway.
Comments: Klance featuring merlance! and human!keith. Also there is so  much  good art based off of this fic. I love the world building in this story, the details make this fic seem so real you almost forget it is fantasy. The progression of their coming together is very natural and not forced (I’m a sucker for slow burn). A song that always makes me think of this fic is called Oceans Away by A R I Z O N A.
  In All The Stars by Tea Party on Ice (A_Conscious_Dreamer)
Word count:  5,568 (1/1)
Summary:  Shiro liked to downplay his memory loss for the other members of the team, but Keith knew better. He knew because there was one significant thing Shiro had forgotten—his soulmate bond with Keith.
Keith could live through that (maybe) but the Hanahaki Disease, however (the rare result of a neglected soul bond) would be a little more difficult.
Comments:  Sheith Soulmate AU bc its kinda my thing. Also I really liked this scene:  “A large hand on his shoulder as Hunk leaned closer. ‘You alright, man? It wasn’t the food, was it?’
He went to respond—I’m fine—but found himself coughing instead, large dry heaves that irritated his throat further and made his breathing stutter and gasp. Swallowing heavily as they died down, he opened his eyes to reassure everyone but froze in horror instead.
Scattered on his lap, on the table, the floor, and gathered on top of his meal like garnish were petals of a deep, deep red—Keith’s favourite colour, the colour of passion…and of death.
His death.”
  **The Quintessential Bond by avidbeader
Word count:  40,637 (14/?)
Summary:  Quintessence is the source of life for all things in the universe. Its harmonics vary with each individual. But Terrans have a unique feature where the quintessences of two people can blend so thoroughly that the two are connected in body and spirit. So far there has been no provable weakening of the bond due to distance once it is awakened. But now, two soulmates are about to be separated by an entire solar system for over a year.
Or, my take on a Sheith soulmates AU.
Comments:  Soulmate AU bc this is me. Also, definitely one of my favorite voltron fics of all time. Honestly don’t understand how this doesn’t have more views? The amount of thought that went into the plot and the characterizations and the science stuff is phenomenal. Also Keith+Pidge broship is my thing. Song recommendations to set the mood... Moondust and Cosmic Love.
   Lifeline by spicygenou
Word count:  1,751 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith has always had an approximate idea of when his Soulmate and he would meet, the words revealing more than just their flirtatious personality. Likewise, Lance knew that his words would be something corny, based on how his Soulmate reacted. This is the story of how they finally met.
Comments:  Klance. Soulmate AUs are my thing ok? And this one is especially adorable and fluffy. Also coffeeshop AU in a way.
   **Ignorance is Bliss by YouAreInAComaWakeUp
Word count:  172,675 (30/30)
Summary:  As it turns out, learning that your house is haunted makes the ghosts a lot more aggressive. Who knew?
Ah, well. At least one of them is hot. And he’s the less-evil one, too, so that’s always a plus.
Comments:  Klance with Ghost!Keith and Human!Lance. I LOVE THIS FIC. I got so attached to all the Voltron characters all over again in all new ways, even the minor ones. Like, these characters in this story had such depth, and were so multidimensional that I will never see them the same again. All of them were so completely brought to life and for me, reading this was a life-altering experience. Also, there is a bunch of fan art based of this fic, and its all linked in chapter descriptions so don’t forget to check those out too. I really loved this amazing animated video from my favorite scene in the entire story.
Might want to read the warnings for this fic before reading just in case.
   Don’t Fret by Qpenguin98
Word count:  5,643 (1/1)
Summary:  It starts with a headache. Keith gets sick.
Comments:  Klance sickfic with lots of cuddling. Serious, but fluffy.
  i toss and turn by knightly
Word count:  6,749 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith is sick, and someone comes to check in on him.
He’s just about to try to smother himself again when his door whooshes open. His eyes dart automatically towards the door, and he squints at the figure. It’s tall and skinny and dark, which leaves only one person it could be. Lance.
His heart does a tiny little kick in his chest, and he has to redouble his efforts not to cover his face again. Of all of the people who would come to check on him, it would be Lance.
Comments:  Another Klance sickfic because Lance taking care of Kieth while he’s sick. Lots of fluff and cuddles.
   Shared Stars by Kitsune_Moonstar
Word count:  2,313 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith’s had the little cluster of stars on the inside of his wrist for as long as he can remember. He didn’t know if it was a human thing or just a him thing, but it was one more thing that made him different from the rest of the Blades.
Comments:  Another Sheith Soulmate AU featuring a BOM raised Keith. Found this one through the Dads of Marmara tag. Interesting take on an alternate first-meeting where Keith meets Matt and Sam before Shiro. Matt & Keith bros are always welcome. (if you find more Matt & Keith friendshipfics pls gimme thnx)
  My Constellation by Kalira
Word count:  5,862 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith’s heart leaps when his mark changes to show Shiro’s name - and sinks with the fear that Shiro’s will never show his. But is a mark really necessary to fall in love?
Comments:  Sheith Soulmate AU. A little heartbreaking, but the fluff overpowers it in the end.
   Soulmarks and Skidmarks by FallingNarwhals
Word count:  9,753 (7/?)
Summary:  Keith didn’t want much. A steady job, a place to call home, and maybe figure out the soulmark on his ankle that kept him emotionally tied to a stranger.
Hunk is fresh off of a bigoted and terror ridden Earth all but clutching his degree by his fingertips, and decides that the small outpost town is perfect to live.
And neither of them can deny the small throbbing of happiness though their marks.
Comments:  Heith Soulmate AU with lots of world building. Also Mechanic!&Racer!Keith and Mechanic!Hunk. I was getting some slight SW:TPF vibes while reading this, but maybe thats just me.
    The Man in the Mask by kitausu
Word count:  1,076 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith finds himself at a party he doesn’t want to be at but with a man in a mask he maybe wouldn’t mind getting to know better
Comments:  NSFW. Also Heith bc Heith is life.
  Mirage by LavenderWife
Word count:  18,307 (5/5)
Summary:  Keith and Lance crash on an alien planet. With nothing but desert for miles and their lions broken, the two must learn to work together if they have any chance of surviving the planet’s mysterious inhabitants and getting back home.
Comments:  Some good fluffy and action-packed Klance bonding. Includes some whump and flexible!Keith. These two standoffish and competitive goofballs are forced to rely on each other a lot in this fic and in turn start to open up about their fears and insecurities. The amount of desperation and vulnerability Keith and Lance are forced to show the other while on the run is physically tangible here and I love it.
  Kiss From a Rose by BossToaster(ChaoticReactions)
Word count:  14,176 (6/6)
Summary:  5 times Shiro got kisses from the team, and one time he returned them
Comments:  SHIRO KISSES AHHH but seriously he’s so adorable and the team giving Shiro (platonic) kisses is my kink.
 **A Long Time Ago (We Used To Be Friends) by Mikiri
Word count:  32,580 (1/1)
Summary:  Originally Keith was supposed to have been Shiro’s copilot for the Kerberos Mission. They bonded over the thought of being on a mission together. But that all fell down the drain when something was found wrong with his blood. The fall out of the mission failure changed Keith forever.
Comments:  Gen with lots of Holt family + Shiro + Keith bonding bc both these goofballs need more love and the Holts agree so they are basically adopted now. The original Garrison Trio woo! This is part of the Haven’t Thought Of You Lately At All Series which is waiting on its next installment and I am so excited for bc this may be my favorite voltron fic out there. What can I say I am a sucker for the Holts/Keith bonding storyline. Some tone setting songs are One Minute More, I Lived, and my fav, Brother by Kodaline.
  VLD Fic Recs:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms.
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riskeith · 4 years
you just responded and i nyoomed to answer. yes my days consist of waiting for you. yes i’m not ashamed to admit it. <3
that makes so much sense actually? like A Lot of sense. i don’t think you should feel bad about that at all i mean if you are comfortable with how you perceive them then by all means! haha! what’s fun about fanfics is that people can take one character and shape them in so many different ways. canon doesn’t anyways give us depth to characters yet writers do which 🙏🏽 godsent. but then again, it can feel weird if someone makes them behave like ~someone~ else haha. i remember it used to be a hot topic in voltron actually, where people would portray lance as a weak and emotional guy only even if he’s arguably the bravest and most bamf... people didn’t like that very much. do you know what i’m talking about?
I’M SO EXCITED TO READ ALL OF THESE. thank you so much you just set my late night weekend plans 😏. and oh god esselle is the ao3 writer. i love their bnha fics so much. can’t wait to read their haikyuu stuff as well. kagehina too... 🥺 dude, i saw some oikage things last night and i have my eyes open.. 👁 i know you like them a lot so hm... i’ll definitely read that as well i love the summary already.
he’s puppy-like so would he like to play in the water? i want to say so, just bc i think it would be cute for him to splash around 🥺
just one?? wow now i get what you meant in your earlier messages, shskdhsk. all my current friends i’ve known since we were children, i don’t even know how to make new friends irl tbh.... AND SAME!!!! CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS GO BRR. and god the best thing is how things change but at the same time they don’t? like they start to notice little things and realize they’ve always liked them? or the ‘i thought best friends felt like this towards each other’.... aaaaaaaah. 🥺 but then again enemies to lovers.. the tension and the yearning? the moment everything just snaps? god i couldn’t pick my favorite i don’t think. i just love those two so much equally hahah.
if it’s cyberpunk vibes i will combust. i love those aesthetics so much.. (waiting for ps5 to restock so i can run around in night city in cyberpunk 2077 forever.) but yeah it makes sense for it to be themed like that but it’s so funny to think about transporting from the whispering woods to like... large billboards and grungy streets. AR 35?? oh that’s must earlier than i expected. so i take it the main story isn’t done yet?
how sexy, even though this blog is just our messenger app at this point snskdhkddhj.. once again, i’m sorry riskeith stans.. 🙏🏽
i wish i could get you all the cotton candy in the world. and wow kenma HAIR!! sounds so cute but wait oh my god,,, do you have short hair,....... 😳💗💓💕👁💘💝💓😭💗👀💖💓💘💝💞 do you? 😳💢 how was it shaving everything? must’ve been such a big decision!! 😳
ikr? like most of the fics i’ve read portrays them as a angst ship which i do love a lot but you’re right it’s funny bc in canon they’re just.. supportive idiots. i think it’s the oikawa fangirls thing and iwa being annoyed by it that people get hooked on. at least i think since it’s almost always there in the fics... :+ DO YOU LIKE IT? i’m so obsessed with it i saw a edit on ig with klance and that song earlier and it fits them so well too... 🥺 anyway back to iwaoi, i think i like writing from iwa’s pov actually? i haven’t tried writing much from oikawa’s yet but idk.,, iwa’s personality just speaks to me. also i like that oikawa’s personality is so complex to understand, it’s easier to spice up the angst that way. (I DON’T 🥺 it’s such a sad topic for me bc it’s my ultimate dream to drive but it costs soo much money to get it here and i’ve been too busy to invest... 😭 wbu?????) I KNOW MEMO AND OH MY GODNESS? i’m sure the fic is sooo good oh god.... the vibes. 😭 please tell me what it’s about. please. 🙇🏽‍♀️
OH it means that i’m just gonna reread your fics until you post something new... here i thought i was being clever and cute shshskdhdks
STOP YOU KEEP MAKING ME SO EXCITED aaaa ma’am please... think about my heart. 🥺
here’s a new topic to discuss; are you a coffee or tea person? (or neither.. please don’t say so)
kiss, m.a. 💘
i keep forgetting to check whether you’ve responded or not before shutting down my laptop and i’m left to answer on my phone 😭😭 and i too spend my days awaiting your responses <333 but i always forget to check after a period of time HFJSKFKSKCKNC i swear i’m checking like once every 5 min but the moment i forget you respond NCKSNDN
bro (do you mind being called stuff like that lol) writers give us everything canon is too cowardly to give.… truly blessed 🙏🙏 yeah i do!! there are a lot of complaints about mischaracterisation in hq fandom too actually… which i think is fair enough but at the end of the day just let these people have their fun you know.. it’s not harming anyone and if you don’t like it just don’t read! lol
i haven’t read much of esselle’s bnha actually (aside from tdbk) but i just know they’re absolutely amazing!!!!!! absolute legend i hope (i know you will tho hehe) you enjoy her kagehina toooo. and yes oikage!!!!!! omg pls 😭😭😭 i wish they were more popular aaaa
🥺🥺🥺 razor in one of those baby pools.. RAZOR WITH POOL FLOATIES!!! my goodness 😭😭😭😭
fjksnxksndm yeah but i think i might be an outlier in that… LOL oops. and you’re so right like they just grew up together and like grew in love it’s so natural and just comes to them like they were always supposed to be together and they are <333 bc soulmates <33333 BUT YEAHHH THE MOMENT EVERYTHING SNAPS YOU KNOW IT!!!!! god when person A SAVES person B even tho they’ve “hated” them the entire time...… but when they were faced with a tough circumstance they realised they couldn’t bear the thought of being without them 😩😩👌👌👌👌👌👌
omg ps5.… ngl i considered buying a ps console so i could play the last of us 2 chxjjskskxjxjs. have you seen all the cyberpunk memes tho? lolol. nah main story isn’t done!! i think the main story is supposed to develop all 7 worlds until we find our sibling so like.… it ain’t gonna be over for a LONGGGG time (lol omg could you imagine if mih*y* pulled a me and like 4 worlds in was just ‘ok soz i’m uninterested now you can imagine how the game would’ve gone’ HFJSJFKSKFKDJ)
HAHAHAHHA it legitimately is. riskeith who??? more like marriage anon stan account. fjdkfnnd anyways to my other followers hope y’all are enjoying the show 🤪
i do have short hair rn!!! lowkey a bowl cut but i’m also trynna grow out a mullet djksndksnd. and having a shaved head was so nice.. i literally just couldn’t stop touching it after cjskckksnfks. and it wasn’t that big of a decision to me tbh i’m not that fussed about my hair like i know some other people are djskkd the biggest obstacle was getting my parents to agree 💀💀💀 (much like i am trying now..…) i used to have my hair long for ballet, but once i quit i just kept getting it cut shorter and shorter and then voila! shave. GJDJKSKDND
true.. jealous iwa.. i have that in one of my wips i believe FJSJJCKSKDK (it might even be in the memo fic?) AND UHHHH i didn’t love the song ;–; it’s just… slow HFKALDLAKDK and not the mood i was in when i heard it cjdkslxllskcjskcnkscnkzmxmcm omg no not klance 😭😭 they have a lot of angst too.. (i say, as if there isn’t a single klance fic of mine that doesn’t have angst JFJDJSKDJ) OMG YOU LIKE WRITING IWA POV TOO???? you 🤝 me iwa kin. i joke that it’s because i, much like him, am very much in love with oikawa. (aw no i’m so sorry for bringing it up 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but i’m on my learner’s rn!) IVE POSTED THE OUTLINE ONCE (not a good sign… LMAO) https://kaheyama.tumblr.com/post/190015338287/yall-want-some-iwaoi-angst THERE!! also wait i just realised it has manga spoilers.… maybe don’t look fjdknfjd (you could stop after “pining iwaizumi hajime” but i don’t want to accidentally spoil you 😭😭)
JFKSKSLAKFKSKCJLSKD IM so sorry it WAS clever and cute my brain was just not big enough at the moment to understand 😭😭😭😭😭 but thank u as always i appreciate 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 so honoured you would even think about going back to them lord knows i don’t KFKSJSKA
HEHEHE NO MERCY!!! but ok ok i shall lay low until the day comes 😋😋😋
tea!! simply bc i can’t sleep if i drink coffee fjskfjsj. but that’s been happening with tea too so i haven’t even had tea recently 😭😭😭😭😭 flavour wise i think i like coffee more but also you get so much more variety with tea? hm. HAHA. hbu??
hugssss, c.r. 💝
0 notes
rollipolli-yoli · 7 years
Happy Birthday Keith!
(A little late, but) To celebrate I’ve decided to compile a list of my favorite Keith-centric fanfics! Full of well written Keith! 
Hound by Story_Monger
Chapters:11 Status: Complete Ships: None Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Horror, Team as Family, Past Child Abuse, Character Study, Platonic Relationships, Suspense, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Keith has a lot of practice being alone; you might almost say he's good at it. When he finds himself seriously injured and stranded on an unknown planet, he knows he's not alone there. And here's the worst part: even after rescue and after things return to normal, Keith gets the distinct sense that whatever was on that planet has followed him. He doesn't have proof. But he knows it's there. He knows it's not going to stop until it gets what it wants.
Hound is incredible on all levels. It is an artistic, gorgeously written character study, full of suspense and horror that had me on the edge of my seat at all times. I loved the transitions between THEN (the sections of the story that take place the year Keith was alone in the desert) and the NOW. Keith’s backstory is a real mystery still, and this story uses it’s head cannons to the fullest, never feeling out of character or out of place. The wonderful platonic affection the paladins shower each other with is adorable and refreshing between the bits of heart wrenching angst and spine tingling horror, and all around this fanfic seems to know Keith even better than the show writers. It’s not only one of my favorite fanfics, it’s probably one of my favorite pieces of fiction I’ve ever read, period. 
WARNING mentions past child abuse but it stays away from graphic details.
Recoil/Release by Cheshyr 
Chapters: 13  Status: Complete  Ships: None Rating: Teen and Up
Tags: Team as family, Anxiety, Insecure Keith, Panic Attacks, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Sketchy Science
Summary: When Keith is bitten by an alien creature with venom that causes your dominant emotions to be amplified, the team is ready for a day of dealing with an incredibly angry paladin.
Which means they're not ready at all for what actually happens.
As a person who suffers from panic attacks and anxiety, this one really hits close to home. Keith’s insecurities and fears, amplified to an impossible measure thanks to the alien creatures venom keeps the stakes high, and is backed up with solid writing, dialogue, and character interactions (seriously I LIVE for best friend Pidge&Keith). The angst is heartbreaking, the humor will have you laughing out loud, and the heart felt moments between our favorite space team will leave you feeling warm and cozy for days. It’s not always perfect, but it’s definitely a worthwhile read.                                        
WARNING: As someone who suffers from panic attacks and anxiety I did have to take a small break from time to time. The panic attacks and anxiety are very VERY well written. The child abuse is barely mentioned and more implied than anything  (never really described or shown ) but I’ll still put a warning. 
Running Flat by SKayLanphear 
Chapters: 2 Status: Complete Ships: Klance Rating: Mature
Tags: Romance, Thought-Sharing, Pining, Longing, Silly Boys
Summary: Lance, like all the other paladins, is finally getting used to the “mind meld” they all have to indulge in when controlling their lions. Until someone’s uncontrollable crush comes in and knocks them all back in surprise. It’s a crush that circles persistently through their thoughts and only gets stronger as time goes on, until they begin to realize this might be a bit more serious than the term “crush” implies.
Meanwhile, the unfortunate paladin behind it all is trying desperately to bury the feelings away, yet failing at every turn.
-I find SKayLanphear to be a master of character, and while this fic is not completely Keith-centric (since it’s sometimes told in Lance’s POV) I believe Skay has a wonderful grasp on Keith’s voice, and who he is as a person. I love the way this story takes the interesting concept of mind melding that was introduced in season 1 and fully explores it. Add in some angst and romance,and you got yourself a great fic. Skay’s A+ writing and interesting premise makes for a short and sweet story with a hefty emotional punch, and it will most definitely leave a mark on your heart.
You can also find @skaylanphear here on tumblr
Nothing Can Breathe in Space by Idrilka
Chapters: 4 Status: Complete Ships: Sheith Rating: Explicit
Tags: Backstory, Pre-Canon, Canon Era, Mutual Pining, Unresolved Tension, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Slow Burn, First Time, Friends to Lovers
Summary: The truth is: what Keith wants or doesn’t want won’t bring Shiro back.
The truth is: nothing can breathe in space. 
(Or: the story of how Keith and Shiro come together, come apart, and come together again.)
I desperately want to know about the back story of Keith and Shiro when they were at the Garrison and this fic is a good way to scratch that itch. While the story is obviously told through a more romantic lens then it probably will in canon, it doesn’t feel overly sappy or out of character. Filled to the brim with angst, this story of discovery, loss, and re-discovery (told in Idrilka’s fantastic interpretation of Keith’s voice) will probably make you cry. But it will also fill you with hope, and an excitement for the day we get to see Keith and Shiro’s actual backstory in canon. 
WARNING: There will be feels. Also, PTSD. And some adult shows of affection. All very tasteful in my opinion, but just be warned that it’s there. 
Call Me, Beep Me by Orphan_Account
Chapters: 10 Status: Complete Ships: Klance, Minor Shallura 
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Wrong Number AU, Texting
Summary: (00:31) Do you think she gave me the wrong number on purpose? (00:31) Or was it a genuine mistake? (00:32) Like maybe she writes funny and I misread it? (00:32) Some of the numbers do look a little dodgy... (00:33) Cause, you know, her threes could very easily be poorly formed eights? And maybe she writes her sevens like her ones? (00:45) What (00:46) The (00:46) Fuck??? (00:47) Oh good, you are awake!
Where Lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there
This fic is hilarious. Written almost completely as an epistolary novel (the chosen form text messages) this fic has as much fun with itself as you do reading it. It isn’t always easy to keep the essence of the characters the same when placing them in alternate universes with new alternate lives, but this fic does a fantastic job. The character dialogue is fast and smart, their interactions funny and relatable, the romance is adorable and slow-burning, and the plot is great with a satisfying conclusion. BONUS: If you love Pidge and Keith as best friends the way I do, you'll love them in this fic. It is one of my biggest disappointments that I will never know who actually wrote this.
WARNING: You may die of laughter
Fragile: Handle With Care by EchoResonance
Chapters: 7 Status: Complete Ships: Sheith Rating: Teen and Up
Tags: Abuse, Child Abuse, Physical Abuse, Past Abuse, Hurt/Comfort, Trauma, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst, Heavy Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: Shiro's heard all sorts of stories about soulmates. He's seen the stories in action. He's seen his father knock his hip against the corner of the counter and watched the bruise bloom on his mother's. He watched his friend get a tattoo and seen another friend with the fading remnants of that very same mark. It was a magical moment for some people.
Shiro and his soulmate were not those people.
An AU in which the marks that one person receives, the other also bears temporarily. And although Shiro has had few accidents and has never been struck a day in his life, it is very rare that his skin isn't a painting of reds, blues, and purples
Although this story is actually written mostly from Shiro’s point of view, Keith is just SO Keith in it, that I had to include it in the list. I have always had an interest in Soulmate au’s, and while marks from your skin appearing on your soulmates skin isn’t exactly new, the added feature of your soulmate feeling the pain you feel kind of is (at least to me). I wanted to know how someone as private as Keith would react to this, and this fic delivered. 
This fic is beautiful. Full of all kinds of emotions, beautiful writing, an interesting premise, and a good grasp on the characters. Seeing the characters we know and love play out in this new world they’ve been put in is an emotional roller coaster that I never want to get off of. 
WARNING: There is definitely sensitive and triggering material in this fic. Please read the tags carefully. While the abuse is never grossly graphic or shown in great detail, do not continue to read it if you feel it will have an effect on your mental/emotional well being.
A Horse To Water by SKayLanphear
Chapters: 3/? Status: In Progress Ships: Klance, Minor Shallura 
Rating: Mature
Tags: Romance, rivals to friends to lovers, cowboy keith, city-boy Lance, deals with controversial subjects, Racism, Homophobia, Horses, Angst, Violence, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings
Summary: Lance moves to the country and meets a hot-headed cowboy intent on being as difficult as possible. Despite his efforts, however, Keith merely inspires Lance to wonder at the pros of saving a horse and riding a cowboy.
If anyone was going to make it onto this list twice, it would be Skay. Back with another Klance fic (once again with rotating POV), but this time in it for the long haul. This fic is so much fun and drama so far. Great premise, fresh setting, excellent writing and grasp of character,  and horses. FREAKING. BEAUTIFUL. HORSES.  But don’t worry, the angst is there, bubbling just underneath the skin, and I can’t wait for it to come in full (which it will just you wait). I am really excited to read this fic as it continues, and see how the characters we know and love interact in these new (but fitting) roles they have been given.  Plus come on guys, it has cow-boy Keith. COW. BOY. KEITH!
WARNING: Although the fic is still in its early chapters, according to the authors tags it has been tagged mature for a reason. So all you guys who shouldn’t be meddling around in the mature tag...stay out of this fic. 
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