#there was an emote of his pizza line and it put me in tears
flutt3rb4tz · 6 months
i still need to finish silent hill 2 but theres genuinely something so grossly beautiful about how it tells its story. like even when im frustrated bcs the game fucking hates me or im lost or when im joking theres just something so enthralling about the world.
the narrative is so fucking impactful that it doesnt need you to take it seriously. you can howl with laughter after blasting past a laying figure on the street with the funniest visual glitch ever and the game still makes you feel the same dread it doesnt need you to be genuinely scared all the time because its such an uncomfortable experience by default that it still keeps you unsettled. even when you are distracted
like i knew i was safe in The One Part In The Museum but i was still scared shitless!! i still ran down there like shaking because it was fucking scary! it was completely safe but that didn't fucking matter!! and silent hill managed to do that through NEARLY NOTHING!!! a few enemies that are easy to take care of and a weird room! thats it!
n dont get me started on character. i love the characters so much
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goblin-mask · 9 months
TMNT x Bimbo Reader Head Cannons
This is my first headcannon ever I hope you enjoy and that I did it correctly! Request:  
 HELLO!! Can I request bimbo reader who has a crush on the turtles??(individually if that ok?) She’s a total airhead and always striving to pls them. It’s super obvious that she’s crushing because she’s follows after them like a puppy and practically grows wings whenever they praise or give her positive reinforcement. They 100% know she wants them but won’t do anything about it till she does. Out of spite or for entertainment… who knows😭 The boys basically forcing reader admit she has a crush on them. 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️ (Ps: Mikey’s my fave!🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
All Of Them:
They could tell you had a crush on them the moment you walked into the layer the second time
You brought Leo sharpening stones for his katanas
He had mentioned it only once before and you some how remembered
You memorized the periodic table for Donnie
Even making a stupid song to go with it
You memorized Mikey’s order for his favorite Pizza
You had gotten it wrong so many time you wrote it down and kept it in your wallet
You tried your best to work out with Raph
Lifting weights weren’t your forte 
You were also terrible at hiding it
You went out of your way to touch them
You tripped or choked on air whenever one of them would walk by
You would try to understand the ninja lingo that the brothers shared
Even tried to get on Splinters good side
which he found amusing
Leo knew you were going to confess to him after he had a bad day
You must have gotten a heads up from April because you bright skincare, and other things he has seen you do when he would visit
You attempted to make it as relaxing as possible but some things weren’t meant to be on Turtles skin
When Leo broke out into a rash you freaked out
You thought he was dying and ran to Donnie for immediate assistance 
Leo had never seen you  cry to this extent before
And yes you cried a lot
Leo had to spend an hour trying to console you and make you realize that he knew you didn’t do it on purpose
Through your sobs he could hear you say
“I just want to do nice things for you *Hic* Because I really like you!”
When you said that he smiled
“Don’t worry baby girl I like you as well.”
He has never seen you flip emotions like you did
One moment you were crying on the floor and the next moment you were in his lap and hugging him like your life depended on it
He made sure to hug you back just as tight to reassure you
“Thank you Leo!”
Leo only places a kiss in your hair
When you confessed to Raph it was completely out of the blue
He was lifting dumbbells when you jumped out and surprised him.
He ended up dropping it on his foot
You immediately tried to help only to hurt him further which he hid to the best of his ability
You just ended up handing him some wrist wrapping tape and a note with his name and a heart on it before bolting out in tears
Raph felt his heart warm when he read it
His favorite part of it was the baby pink lipstick kiss that you put over his name at the beginning
When it was safe to go out he made sure to wear the wraps around his wrists and carry the note with him
“Doll~” He says as he enters your room
He sees you curled on your side under the blankets
He sees you shuffle as if you are trying to sleep
“I know you you are still awake~” 
You turn over and meet his eye
He sits on your bed and pats your back
“Now I need those pretty lips to tell me, can you do that Doll?”
He smirks at your flustered expression
“I like you...”
“I like ya too.”
He then brings you into his lap. 
“Can I get an actual kiss now?”
Donatello could tell you liked him he just didn’t know why
The memorization of the periodic table gave him an unusual feeling
Then you started giving him periodic table pick up lines
He didn’t get it until his brothers pointed it out
Then you started wearing his lab coat to an insane extent
It now had your scent there permanently 
Which he didn’t mind
What happened to make you confess was that he was working on some intense chemicals
He should have known better and told you to waft the smell towards you, but he ultimately forgot
This caused your eyes to water and burn to which he quickly rushed you to the fountain to rinse your eyes out
“For the last time Sweetheart, you aren’t going to go blind.”
“I might as well since I am so blindly in love with you!” you say through blubbers of tears
Donnie sighs as he takes you away from the fountain and looks into your eyes
“I love you too Sweetheart, but you have to believe me when I say the chemical will only cause irritation”
He could have sworn your pupils turned to heart eyes as you jumped in his arms for a hug
Michelangelo - Your Fav
Mikey is a bit of an air head to which is why you both clicked so well in the first place
He was skateboarding in the sewers when he sees you right in front of him
He decided it was high time to teach you how to skate
while skating however he neglected to give you any arm or knee pads
which was his plan so he had an excuse to hold your hands the entire time
which worked until you tripped and fell
You definitely got the princess treatment as he scooped you up in his arms and took you to the layer, leaving his skateboard behind
“I am so sorry Angelcakes I should have held onto you better”
He says as he makes a mess of Donnie’s Lab trying to find some bandages and hydroxide
By the time you are bandaged up you are tired and are just leaning against Mikey
To your surprise he confesses first!
“I know I am always the one to jump the gun on this but I gotta tell ya...”
He pauses for a moment
“You’re a sweet girl and I want to make sure you are okay so maybe if you’d like, you can be my Angelcake permanently?”
You let out a giggle before placing a kiss on his cheek “Of course Mikey!”
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 month
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@ruhnweek 🖤 my first time writing Ruhnlidia and I'm so excited to share this story with you. It is only a small drabble, but I realised that it fit much better than a full story. I hope you are excited about the two special guests in this story!!
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It is the noise of soft laughter that draws Lidia to the living room. It has been a long time and she craves nothing more than finding comfort within her mate’s arms, lying on the couch with him, watching sunball or whatever. 
But Ruhn isn’t alone in the living room. Someone is with him and her steps grow faster the closer she gets, the louder the laughter gets, and she doesn’t have to think twice to know who is with her mate. 
“Actaeon, Brann.”
The boys’ faces light up when they both simultaneously turn to their mother, the flicking light of the TV making their eyes glow even brighter. “Mum,” they say in unison. They jump up and run to her mother, hugging her tightly.
Lidia kisses both their heads, holding them tightly. Over their heads she meets Ruhn‘s gaze and blinks her eyes rapidly.
“What are you doing here? I thought no one could drive you—?”
“Ruhn picked us up!” Brann grins. “And now we can finally eat.”
“We are starving, mum.”
Lidia‘s huff is full of emotion, her eyes lining with silver. She glances at her boys and then at Ruhn, lounging on the couch, arms spread wide, his grin reaching from one ear to the other.
She smiles at him, her eyes conveying everything she can’t say right now, too overwhelmed with happiness.
“Why haven’t you eaten already? You shouldn’t have waited for me if you were so hungry?” Lidia places her hands on her hips, after placing her bag on the ground.
“Ruhn told us to wait,” Actaean says matter-of-factly.
“He said we could make pizza together,” Brann adds, pointing his thumb at the kitchen behind him. 
So, only five minutes after the four of them find themselves in the kitchen, dough is already being kneaded in a bowl by Lidia, while her two sons pick out the ingredients – everything they can think of and want on top of their pizza. 
Ruhn lovingly curls his arms around her from behind, resting his chin atop her shoulder. He exhales a contented sigh, and Lidia smiles. “I can’t believe you picked them up, I thought you were busy.”
“I am never too busy to spend time with you and your boys,” Ruhn hums in answer, arms curling tighter around his mate. “You always come first, no matter what.”
“I love you,” she says and her voice is hoarse, tears once again bubbling up in her eyes, but vanish the second a handful of dough hits her. 
“You are so cheesy, it is gross!” Brann huffs and Actaeon makes gagging noises next to his brother. “Can we please focus on the pizza?!”
Ruhn laughs as he turns to the two boys. “Did you prepare the tomatoes?” He grins at them when they raise to handfuls of tomatoes, presenting them to him. “And the pepperoni, ham, sweet corn, and–what the hell is that?”
"Pickles!" Actaeon says matter-of-factly. Brann next to him, his hands braced on his hips, nods eagerly. 
“Why pickles?” Ruhn asks, quite in disbelief. “Who would put pickles on a pizza?!” His hands lift in despair and Lidia’s laugh sounds behind him, to this day still the most beautiful sound in the entire world. 
“We do!” the twins say in unison and Lidia’s laughter only grows.
“These are my boys,” she hums and rests her hands on Ruhn’s shoulder when stepping in line with him. “Pickles on pizza sound brilliant, please add them to my piece as well.”
Ruhn can only shake his head, but the boys are eager and happy, opening the jar already, the dough not even on the tray yet. “Well, Ruhn, it seems like you are outnumbered and the pickle lovers win this round,” Actaeon says, his voice tinged with amusement. 
“It really seems like it,” he laughs and reaches for the ham. “I’ll rather stick with the normal things–”
“The boring things,” Brann cuts in and flashes Ruhn a bright, and slightly mischievous grin.
Ruhn couldn’t feel any more happier than right now at this moment. His heart swells with the love for all three of them, and it draws a smile onto his lips that doesn’t fade for hours. This is just perfect. This is family and even though he isn’t their biological father, he tries his best to step up as the best step-dad they could have ever hoped for (but of course, he would never try to replace their foster parents.)
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mrs-kodzuken · 5 months
Forever Mine ♡
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Pairing: Aged up!Kenji Futakuchi x fem!reader
WC: 1.3k
Genre: fluff, marriage au
CW: fem!reader, implied short!reader, marriage au, fluff, slight overbearing mother?, mentions of food repeatedly, mention of no father, platonic boob holding
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"Girl, hush, you had a granola bar this morning; you'll be fine!" I heard my mom scold me.
I just stared at her, feeling my stomach growl. "But that doesn't calm my stomach," I pointed out.
Ever since I was little, I have always been a person who could put away a lot of food. And I was getting married to my fiancé in a couple of hours. Which unfortunately meant that in order to not be bloated in my wedding dress, I couldn't eat right this second.
She glared and said, "Calm down. You'll get food when you're done." She spoke, fixing my hair in the mirror.
The idea of food never left my thoughts or stomach.
I could really go for some pizza right now. Maybe I could call the pizza place really quickly without my mom knowing? That is, if I'm ever out of her line of sight.
"I can't believe that you're getting married. It just seems as if I was changing your diapers." My mom wiped away a small tear. She had suddenly got super emotional.
"Mom, you said you weren't going to cry till after the ceremony." I laughed lightly.
"But seriously, I don't like seeing you cry." I gave her a small hug, making sure not to mess up my hair.
"Oh, are the bridesmaids almost done? I want to see how they look." I pulled away from the hug and entered the room connected to mine.
"Good god, you all look wonderful!" I astonishingly said to all of them.
Suddenly, a herd of women surrounded me. And of course, with my short height, I was hardly able to get out of their grasp.
"Do you need help with your makeup? I'll do it for you." I looked at my friend, whom I asked to be a bridesmaid.
"Ah, thank you," I thanked her whilst I grabbing the makeup box.
After about an hour, we all had done almost all of each other's makeup and because I needed something to take my mind off of hunger.
"Is everything ready?"
"Yes, dear. Now all you have to do is walk your fine ass down the aisle and become a Futakuchi." My soon to be husband said through the door.
I have been talking to my fiancé for about ten minutes now. I wouldn't let him see me till I was walking down the aisle, I didn't want any bad luck on our special day.
However, my smile was quickly replaced by a groan of hunger.
"Babe? Are you alright?" I heard him through the door. He couldn't open it obviously, but I could tell he definitely wanted to.
"I'm fine, just hungry." I lightly laughed. If I didn't get food in me quick, I was sure I was going to die.
Hearing no response from Kenji at the door, I furrowed my brows. Getting on my knees, I bent down to see if his shoes were still there from under the door.
Which they weren't, by the way.
Suddenly, a loud gasp made me look up. I saw my mom there, looking as if she was about to scold me for being on the floor.
I silently told Kenji I loved him as I received an earful from the woman who raised me all my life.
"Ah, yes, thank you for that," I awkwardly said to my mother. She sighed and shooed me away, saying something like I should already be in my dress and shoes.
Sorry mom, but I was more worried about my future husband than a dress and heels, even if they were gorgeous.
A loud knock sounded throughout the room. The bridesmaids had pulled me into their room as if sensing Kenji was outside that door.
I pressed my ear against the mahogany door while listening. Although, it seemed to be that I was hearing for exactly nothing.
"(Y/n)? You can come out now." I finally heard someone speak, kind of sounding like my mom.
Once my mom said that, I rushed out to see if anything was wrong.
I noticed a pizza box in her hands, she handed it to me.
"Did Kenji get this?" I asked hesitantly, a smile coming upon my cherry-colored lips.
"Yeah, you said you were hungry, so I went and got you my favorite pizza. Enjoy babe." I heard a kissy sound from him through the door, and his foot steps trailed away.
Dear God, I love that man. Which is exactly why I'm going to marry him.
I set the pizza box down and quickly indulged in it, not really caring if it was burning my mouth or not. I sure was hungry.
I'll definitely have to thank him for this. I almost died from the lack of food.
"After that piece, I'll save it for you. You need to be in your dress and down the hall in ten minutes." I heard my mom lecture looking at her gold wristwatch, as I shoved the crust into my mouth.
I saluted and licked my fingers, heading towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my hands.
"Are you ready?" I saw a plastic bag that held my dress in it.
I nodded and took off my robe, which revealed the embarrassing black lingerie my best friend had put me in.
She said something along the lines of, I should get the attention of my man by wearing something hot.
As if I didn't get his attention already. I could hardly stop him from paying attention to me and what was underneath the clothes.
After I slipped on the dress, I was down the hall in a short period of time.
I was met with my mom, who would walk me down the aisle. I mean, who needed a dad anyway?
We hooked arms as I nervously held the bouquet. Even though I've woken up to his handsome face plenty of times, it still gets the knots in my stomach going.
Later, rather than sooner, our vows were said and the celebration of my marriage lasted for hours.
Kenji had been lying on my breasts for the past thirty minutes. I love him so much, I truly do, but I was about to snap, it was uncomfortable.
I shifted, trying to move his head so it would be lying between them instead.
"Why are you moving? Are you uncomfortable?" He looked up sweetly at me.
I glared at his handsome face, which pissed me off even more than his big ass head.
"Your fat head is hurting my boobs," I whined, shoving his head down to my mid-gut.
"You could have just said so; let's switch places then." He laughed softly, putting my comfort over his.
Right as I was about to question him, he had flipped us over. Where I had my back against his chest instead.
I snuggled my back into his chest, paying more attention to the movie now that I was comfortable and happy.
We got married two months ago, but yet he still says dumb shit like this.
"I can massage them for you." I could almost feel the smirk on his face.
I tore my eyes off the screen and just stared at him. How the hell is someone so perfectly annoying?
"As much as I'd like that, I'm watching a good movie right now, babe." I pointed it out, shifting so I could have more cover.
"Can I hold them then? They're always really warm." He commented, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.
Before I could comment, his hands slipped under my shirt, and I felt his extremely large hands hold my breasts.
This was some kind of 'normal' thing we would do. However, it most likely didn't seem as normal as he thought.
"Kenji?" I mumbled, my eyes burning from looking at the television screen without blinking.
He hummed to answer, and I could feel the small vibration through his chest.
"I love you."
He pulled his hand from my shirt and squeezed my body in a tight hug, "I love you too, baby."
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a/n: this is from my book “Haikyuu x Reader One Shots” from Wattpad! I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you would like more!
the header is from FutakuchiKenji7 on X
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bunnysuitconman · 1 year
So is GlitchTrap a robot or guy in a rabbit suit ?
SHORT ANSWER: yes! and more!
Okay okay, MY personal continuity is my own and probably diverges alot from actual canon. You basically have split timelines here as in the first 8 games are their own self contained story with that ending where everyone is burned and William afton is in fnaf hell for all eternity. But in the release of Help wanted its revealed that the previous Fnaf games are within universe fictional games that fictionalized scott cawthon commissioned by Fazcorp in order to fictionalize and bury any news about William Afton's murders and later dissaperance. It's never stated but i assume that Fazcorps suing of fictional Scott was also the plan or atleast became that plan after the success in order to further drive the narritive of that William afton's murder is an urban legend and it "damaged" the fazcorp brand, likely leading to settlement out of court and things like character rights being handed over and Fazcorp leaning into the horror concept, thus why you see characters like ennard on a cardboard standee in security breech and the "dr.scraptrap" arcade machine.
SO Glitchtrap, to me, is the costume that William put on to do the majority if not all of his child murdering. In fnaf 3 there is kind of a hint towards it's existance and it interlinks with the crying childs death. After the bite of 83' happened the Springsuits where "temporarly out of use" and replacement suits where found on short notice and are implied to be not of the best quality (thus glitchtraps visible stiching and wall eyed nature) Where fnaf 3 diverges is of course that William is using Spring Bonnie to lure children into the back room, while in the help wanted pizza party section he's Glitchtrap. Now, it makes a little more sense to me that he used the glitchtrap costume seeing as murder is a messy job and when you've experianced first hand that just, tears can set off the spring locks in a suit you wouldn't want to risk getting yourself crushed so easily when you have an established costume that staff know should be used.
William Afton still IS in spring bonnie though he still becomes springtrap, now if i had it my way i would personally make it canonical that William wasn't seeing ghosts and he got inside of springbonnie in order to scare them, Henry Emily forced him inside springbonnie in an act of vigalante justice. But this isn't supported by anything and it's just a me thing because i like the idea that Henry Emily was previously shown in the hero role in the previous games but in reality he was a more flawed man who fucked up in these ways.
so forward to help wanted, old code is extracted from old circitboards in order to help the game development and supposedly they scan in springtrap. William being intertwined with springtrap he's essentially a ghost in the machine in a sense, his "body" is whats left of springtrap, now burntrap. but his "mind" is glitchtrap, there is and isn't an actual body in there, it's a, thing? Several things?
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the purest form of his soul is the pixelated goop monster in princess quest.
Another instance of his "body" and "mind" being two seperate things is Burntraps laugh and Vanessas missing lines. Burntrap has a very normal, laugh that turns very glichty and corrupted, and Vanessa has cut lines that sound like a largely regular conversation where she's being scolded by her higher ups which i believe would of been the reveal that the really normal sounding voice was coming out of the shambling corpse of burntrap, though in turn the reveal could of been that Vanessa's one sided conversation was just that she can only hear him as he exists within her. He's in the glitchtrap suit to me because of his high emotional connection to the suit and also because it's in his nature as a ghost to repeat his actions and the defining point in his life was his downward spiral and murdering all them kids, even though he's still very sentient to me he's still trapped in a cycle, because Cassidy is arguably the one that is just as sentient as he is, in my concept it's more interesting to me that Cassidy, the most human we've ever seen her in princess quest is the reason why William keeps coming back, as a child killed never been able to live her life, her desire to live in these estranged ways from reality and repeatedly have revenge on william in order to be the hero of her own story is tragic! Now i personally don't like the whole "vanny is possessed" thing though, it's pretty much there in SB's endings, i like giving her some agency in her murders, but with how Williams ghost interacts with technology and also people he's possibly like a hive mind? split apart, the possibility that he can possess or live in many different people, and in secuirty breech it was implied that help wanted might of been shipped with the glitch maze arcade machine and fazcorps further fictionalization of william supposedly making sure that glitchtrap is an intended feature and not a bug dispite the side effects of mind invasion you get if you delve deep enough into the game.
So um, hopefully my rambling isn't too nonsensical, i'm sure you can poke many a hole into it but Glitchtrap is a guy in a suit, Glitchtrap is a robot, glitchtrap is a computer virus and he's also a ghost, he's everything and everyone <3
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timotheechlamett · 2 years
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cover by @softhecreator 💗
PT. 1, PT. 2, PT. 3
HOLY SHIT I HIT 1400!! I love and appreciate every single one of you to the fullest extent!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for supporting me and showing love every time I post. I LOVE YOU ALL!! ❤️
WARNINGS: fluff, jealous timmy, self-doubt, alcohol use (barely), smut, overstimulation, fingering, not proof read srry /:
“I still can’t believe you went without me.” Timotheé dumps the pot into the trash, "I'm hurt."
“I thought you would be at a table read or something! That's what it's called right?” I smile, taking the pot from him, rinsing it before scrubbing at the rim of pasta sauce soup.
“Obviously you didn't read the planner," He smirks, he reaches over me to get two glasses, his front nearly flush to my backside, “Like I said, I plan it down to the hour. Maybe you should start.” He goes to the next cabinet and grabs the 'good' wine.
I roll my eyes, "Writing in a planner?" I question.
"No! Checking mine. I feel bad you had to carry everything here on your own, how did you even-"
I cut him off, "I took a taxi here, I only carried everything to our door." I wink in his direction. He twists the cap off the bottle.
He snorts a laugh, "Still, I like shopping with you," He leans against the sink and sets mine next to him, pouring a good amount in, "Plus, I'm not sure how many 'normal' experiences I'll have after this role, they have high hopes." He does the same for himself and looks into his glass.
I stop scrubbing and wash my hands off, dry them on my shirt, and grab my glass. He doesn't realize I'm staring, he looks worried, or maybe frustrated? He just looks off.
I take a swig, "You know, you haven't told me much about it." I take another sip and turn to sit against the sink next to him.
"Well, I really wasn't supposed to say anything when I got it," He bites his lip, "It's super under wraps, but this might be the biggest role I ever get." He gets quiet.
"Hm." I hum with a smile, twirling the liquid in my cup, "You almost sound worried Tim." I tease, bumping my shoulder against his.
His eyes meet mine, there's a beat of silence, his face isn't playful or humorous. My face falls before I speak softly, "Are you worried? You can talk to me you know," I place my hand on his elbow soothingly running my thumb against it.
He looks into his cup again, "I'm fucking terrified." He nearly whispers, "I've wanted this for so long, what if I can't land more than this? What if this is it?"
And just as rare as peacefulness with him, a new emotion was washing over his body. He was unsure, unsure and he was scared. My heart broke as he chewed the inside of his bottom lip, he avoids my eyes contact.
"Listen to me," I move in front of him and set my glass down, "I heard you make your audition tape from my room. I listened to you start over so many times I memorized your lines," I lift his chin up, "You are so talented, so, so fucking talented, and the fact you think this will be it for you blows my mind Timothee. This is not just a one time thing, this is your beginning. You put your entire heart into this role and it paid off, imagine what you could accomplish if you keep doing that."
I grab both sides of his face, "You will be great, no fuck that, you will be the best. I believe it with my whole heart you have it in you to be the very fucking best and I will support you in any way you need. Always."
His eyes glaze over, tears begin to form, he leans forward resting his forehead against mine with a sigh, "Thank you." He closes his eyes and breathes out shakily.
"I mean it, always." I run one hand down the back of his neck. He pulls back slightly, our eyes meet, my hands still on him. I can't help but let my gaze flicker towards his lips then back up, he wets them, flicking his tongue out quickly.
"I really want to-"
A pound on the door cuts him off and jolts us back into reality, I almost jump back from him and look towards the door, "The pizza." I clear my throat and walk toward the door.
I look through the peephole then open the door, "Hello." I say sweetly. The young man froze completely, his face flushing at the sight of me.
"H-Hey, I just um- I just need you to sign this." He stutters, I chuckle and take the pen from him, "So how is-" He clears his throat, "How is your night going?" He tries to sound confident as he hands me the pizzas.
I hand the paper back to him, "Um-"
I'm cut off by Timothee, "Her night is going fine, how sweet of you to ask." He takes the boxes from me, closing the door in the delivery boy's face.
"Tim!" I exclaim.
"Y/n!" He sarcastically says back.
"What was that?" I chuckle.
"What? He was being fucking weird." He says almost defensively as he turns toward the kitchen.
"How was he weird! He was being sweet." I bite my lip to contain my laughter.
"Sweet?!", He sits the boxes on the counter and turns toward me.
"If I didn't know better I'd say you were being jealous." I narrow my eyes smiling, only to end up laughing again. He had a smirk on his face as he stalked toward me.
"That’s funny huh?" He asks.
I start calming my laughter down, wiping my eyes, "Not funny, hilarious." I look up.
Suddenly Timothee is barely an inch away, I stare at him, completely taken aback at the distance. He brings a hand up to caress the side of my face, moving closer to me, his other hand wraps around my neck lightly.
He leans in and I inhale, closing my eyes, but his lips don't meet mine. He hovers so close to my mouth I can feel his breath against my lips.
"Tell me you want this." He tilts my head further back, I open my eyes meeting his.
"Tell me you want me and I'm yours." He whispers against my lips.
I couldn't form words to respond, it was like my brain was stuck. I've wanted this for so long but never thought it would happen, never thought I'd have the chance.
I run through the pros and cons, but really I don't give a fuck what the risk is. I want him. I want him now, and I want all of him.
"Please." I finally breathe out, beg really.
His lips are soft and plush against mine, and it feels right. He swipes his tongue across the folds of my lips. I accept him gratefully, warm and demanding, he sucks my bottom lip into his mouth. I let out a whimper and he smiles into the kiss.
He walks me back against the door and pins me against it, his leg between my thigh, he breaks the heated kiss to move down to my neck and leaving love bites in his wake. He licks from the bottom of my neck to my jaw, I can't help but buck my hips against him, moaning unashamedly at the friction. He brings a hand down to my soaked core, rubbing against the soaked fabric of my panties and sleep shorts. I can't help the sound that leaves me as he pulls them to the side, gliding his finger across my slick folds.
“Fuck, so wet for me." He groans, slowly sliding a finger inside me, I gasp at the stretch.
"Mmm. So fucking tight." He attacks my neck again, letting me rut against his fingers as he marks his territory. His fingers would've been enough, would've been if I hadn't felt the hardness of his cock against my thigh.
"Timothee." I pant out, "Timothee, please-"
"What do you want? Tell me, tell me what you want." He breathes against my slick skin. He adds another finger, curling them inside me, I could hear the wetness leaking from me. He kisses his way up to my mouth and pulls away looking into my hooded eyes.
"Fuck me." I whimper.
His mouth slightly agape, eyes boring into mine, pupils dilated, his breathing picks up. He doesn't stop his assault on my weeping hole, I feel my walls start to contract, that coil within me beginning to unravel.
"Tim- I- Fuck- I'm gonna cum." I squeal.
"Say it again." He growls, leaning his ear closer to my mouth, applying more pressure to my neck.
"Please, please, fuck me." I whine breathlessly. Searing euphoria floods my veins, I couldn't form a sentence let alone a word to let him know I hit my peak. I could feel my walls grip his fingers like my life depended on it, my arousal dripping down my thighs. He wasn't letting up. I whine and bring my hand down to his wrist, overstimulation setting in.
"Come on baby, you can do it," He shoves his fingers as deep as possible, "Give me one more."
I let my head fall back against the door, the pleasure so intense I couldn't do anything but pant against his lips. I could feel my second orgasm quickly approaching.
"Such a good girl for me." He pulls back with a smile, I lose myself in his words, I release myself with his name on my tongue, saying it over and over.
He helps me ride it out before removing his fingers, he places gentle kisses against my lips as I catch my breath. He rubs his fingers against my clit making me whimper.
"I can't wait to fill you up." He states.
I meet his gaze once more, realizing tonight, I would be fucking my roommate.
taglist: @blondbadbitchp @lovelyrocker @oddlyenoughiamweird @shika1200 @softhecreator @s-we-e-t-t-ea
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egg-on-the-run · 3 years
How about relationship headcanon’s and yes there’s cute stuff but what about realistic shizz? The good, the bad, the ugly. The stubbornness that with time one learns the art of compromise for.
I've only ever been in one relationship and tbh it was very like relaxed??? We never argued much so I hope this isn't super unrealistic.
Never tells you why he's upset. It's always a guessing game and the worst part is half the time he is not upset with you
He'll have an argument with Raphael and give everyone the silent treatment while he's huffing (and it is huffing) and you spend an hour trying to figure out what you did wrong
Leonardo's confrontational about things that Do Not Matter but avoids conversations about things that are actually important
Like yeah he'll tell you if some silly habit kind of annoys him but it takes a long time for him to confess that PDA makes him a little uneasy
That's another thing: PDA is a minimum with him. Yes he will put his arm around you, yes he will hold your hand. But please no kisses in front of his family he just doesn't vibe with it
He's very nervous about a lot of things, very nervous about going on dates, doing things with you for the first time. You do have to take things slow with him and it takes a while to perfect the art of reassuring him without making him feel patronised
His love language is acts of service and quality time.
Sometimes that quality time is napping because he's prone to overworking himself
Adores it when you take control of things. LOVES being babied and taken care of
Call him something like "sweetheart" and he becomes putty in your hands
His ideal date is he makes dinner, you buy dessert. You both do the dishes together and watch a movie afterwards 💙
Hahaha get ready to rumble.
King of arguments, fool of never being able to apologise
You will bicker about everything to the point where everyone is like 👀👀 but the second anyone else says something? You are both wildly protective of each other
"God you're such a prick" "Yeah screw you Raph" "Casey I swear to god if you ever say anything like that ever again I will kick you so hard in the dick you'll give yourself a blow job" "Raph you're s/o is scaring me" "Casey I'm going to put your head through the wall."
Raph likes to pretend arguments just Did Not Happen. He doesn't expect you to apologise either so at least you can't call him a hypocrite, but he just prefers moving past things. It's over now. Don't bring it up again.
And yes this does cause more conflict sometimes. But you cannot date Raph and not be stubborn. If you put your foot down firmly enough he will give in and do his best to talk about things. He doesn't necessarily like doing it, but you're both stubborn and both very much in love and he's always willing to try
Much more into PDA than Leo. Likes to hold you against him, leans on you, plays with your hair. He just constantly likes to be touching you in some way, even in front of everyone
You can pull the "because you love me" card at any time
"Can you make me some coffee?" "I'm in the middle of playing a game, why would I make you coffee?" "Because you love me."
He doesn't mind it as much as he pretends to
His love language is physical touch and acts of service: lots of cuddles, he holds all your stuff, walks you to and from work
His ideal date is just him trying to teach you how to fight
Lots and lots of gym dates, exploring sewer tunnels and the city together, him letting you win at wrestling ❤️
Leonardo's bad at confrontation sometimes, but Donnie? If you stabbed Donnie he wouldn't complain
Donnie is very insecure in his ability to please. So he works overtime and stresses himself out. If something is bothering him you will never find out because he would rather suffer in silence than even risk upsetting you by bringing it up
His thought process is something along the lines of he interrupts you once so he thinks he just shouldn't speak. He has not connected the dots but he's certainly jumped to conclusions
It takes a very very long time for an argument to actually happen because if you try to talk to Donnie about something he will just Immediately Agree With You, even if he doesn't
But when an argument does happen he says a lot of mean things to get under your skin and you will play the very same cards when things get heated
As time goes on you both get better at having discussions rather than arguments. But when a fight happens you can go days without speaking to each other
Very protective. Likes to know you're safe. Yes it's doting and sweet, but it's also a little annoying having text him "yes I'm still at work darling" every hour
Donnie is also an "actions speak louder than words" kind of guy. No saying sorry, but he makes you a little gift and slides it across the table. No words exchanged, but you know he's sorry for what he did
Mixed feelings about PDA. Sometimes he's more than happy to let you sit on his lap, other times if you try to hold his hand he flinches
Baby is a little touch starved. He gets overwhelmed very easily and shuts you out. Some days are better than others but again, he just doesn't tell you
His love language is gift giving and loves making you little trinkets and toys to put on your desk. But he adores receiving words of affirmation
His ideal date is both of you info dumping in your room while eating pizza. It's so simple, it's so easy. Usually whenever he starts to ramble he forgets a lot of his insecurities with touch and will let you hold him 💜
King of communication. He just does not like to argue, fighting upsets him and when you're angry with him he gets a little afraid
Even if you are very frustrated he takes you by the hand and sits you down. He has it down to a routine, there's no problem you can't solve together
It takes a good while for you to break down his walls. He puts up a very fun loving, easy going front to please everyone and even when you start dating it's difficult for him to be completely open
But when he shows you his deep emotions once he's very comfortable showing them to you again and again
Needs lots of reassurance, not with regards to relationships but with regards to himself. His brothers still treat him like the baby of the family, still make him feel stupid. You treat him like he's capable of whatever and he just bursts into tears because you have complete faith in him
You do, however, understand that his brothers treat him like the baby because sometimes he acts like it
He can be a little too high energy and sometimes you just need space and he doesn't understand that it's not his fault, you're just tired.
You have a code for when he's being too affectionate. He loves PDA to the full but it is overwhelming: a squeeze on his knee tells him to calm down a little
He's such a people pleaser that you have to make most of the decisions with everything. Where you want to eat, what you want to do, it would be nice if he took control a little more.
His love language is yes and. Jk jk he praises you 24/7, pet names, compliments, worships you. Loves physical touch as well obviously
His ideal date is something arty. He takes you to find a blank wall in the tunnels and you both just spray paint 🧡
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frenchrebelfries · 3 years
Fury’s Daughter
AN: Idk wth I just wrote... I just got this idea so yeah... Happy Reading!
You are the adoptive daughter of Nick Fury, when you were 5 he adopt you when your parents died on a plane crash that was cause by Hydra, your parents and Nick were good friends that’s why he took you in.
You were a smart kid, always analyzing things, Fury told everything to you and never lie. To protect your identity Nick made you a new one as you volunteer to be an agent of Hydra to gain information and was branded by the organization. You did dangerous mission and always getting out alive.
You were then sent back to and joined the Avengers initiative but the avengers were suspicious of you as you came out of nowhere, no files, no nothing but a name and Fury’s trust.
No one knew who you are to protect your identity in recon so the avengers treated you coldly but you didn’t care, you didn’t tell it to your father about the situation you are in because you were train to adapt and you did. You were kind to them and all as you and Natasha got closer… like really close. Out of all Natasha Romanoff is the one you have trusted the most.
You got out from the elevator after a short report you did to Nick about the information you got for the Winter Soldier when you heard the laughing of the team as they sat in the living room with pizza on the table as they talked and laugh at each other.
The laughter halted when they all noticed you and silence came… you knew you were never welcome her but your father trust them so you really had no choice but to put up with it, sensing their discomfort you just gave them a nod greeting them.
“Good evening Avengers” no one answered as you expected and left and went to your room, you heard a light foot steps following you and a hand holding your wrist and seeing a familiar red head you have fallen with for the past few weeks.
“Hey Y/N, I’m sorry about the boys you know how hard headed they are” she sincerely apologized to you as you gave her a soft smile
“it’s ok Natasha, I know they still don’t fully trust me and I understand why, so it’s cool” you replied to her as she looked at you suspiciously searching your face for any lies but you being good at hiding your emotion she immediately gave up when she didn’t find one.
“So… Movie night?” she asked cheekily at you as your brows furrows
“what about the others?” you asked her as she started pulling you towards her room as she shrugged
“they can take care of themselves, come on!”
One day when you were alone practicing in the gym at 6 am of the morning you accidentally took off your clothes leaving you in your sports bra forgetting that Steve Rogers is always awake at that time and saw your Hydra mark on your chest and thought of you as an enemy and told the team as they planned to eliminate you on the next mission.
To eliminate the Hydra scum.
“can I get a hand over here?” you heard Clint said in the coms as you took down the last guy from your floor inside a hydra base that you’ve been recon last week
“I’m coming on your way” you answered running to Clint’s direction knowing the base like the palm of your hands as you shot a Hydra soldier who was sneaking behind him
“Thanks” you nodded at him you continue your pursuit taking down agents as you skillfully glide yourself on the battle field.
The battle had stop when Clint finished the last guy as Steve and Natasha immerge from the control room with a case on hand.
They must have gotten the information
“Mission complete, how’s the perimeter Tony?” Captain said on the coms as you get close to Natasha scanning her for any injuries and sighted in relieve when you found none.
“Perimeter is clear as the sky Steve were ready to go home” you smiled at the thought of home… Fury promised you a dinner with Maria and Coulson when you get back since things have been busy these couple of week and you were really excited about it since it’s going to be your first dinner with them again since you got back from recon.
“time for phase 2 then, Romanoff” you frowned at Steve’s word
Phase 2? You never heard about it when at the briefing
You were still in confusion when Steve called Natasha and you felt a searing pain by your side
You wiped your head to your side seeing a knife… a knife you gifted to Natasha lunge by your side.
You looked at her eyes full of betrayal and so as Clint and Steve who was in there with you.
“Phase 2 complete, were leaving, now die you Hydra scum” Steve said voice full of spite hearing a ‘good job’ from Tony and a ‘let’s go’ from Clint as you fall down on your knees looking at their retreating figure leaving you.
The last one you saw was the red headed assassin taking one last look at you as they close the door as your whole body fall down on the cold ground.
You shakily grabbed your phone dialing your father’s number as he answered rather cheerful
“Y/N why are you calling me? Is your mission done?” you heard your dad’s voice making you tear up a bit
“get your ass here kid Maria and Coulson just arrived here and im about to finish cooking these turkey”
“c-can I have a rain check on the dinner dad… I kinda messed up…” your voice was now shaking and you are feeling colder than usual the blade may have a poison as you felt a burn and getting light headed faster than normal.
Fury must have sense that there is something wrong by the way your voice sounded
“Y/N what happened? Are you ok?” you can hear his voice full of worry as you heard Maria and Coulson from the background asking what’s wrong.
“I-I think I was the p-phase 2 of S-Steve’s plan dad… it’s really g-getting cold here ya know” blood tricked on the ground from your wound
Your vision darken as flashes of memories filled your eyes.
You can hear the shuffles from the other line saying they are tracking my call and will be sending medical help
“I’m s-scared d-dad… I still d-don’t wanna go” you cried,
“Help is on the way Y/N keep holding on I’m here for you kid” you can hear the shakiness of your father’s voice, you kept trying to keep your eyes open and now seeing dark spots forming.
“T-thanks for everything dad… tell Maria and Coulson I love them…” your voice was barely audible hearing their cried for you to wake up.
“Keep your eyes open for me kid… please”
“I-I think a need a nap… l-love you dad” and you were gone.
They kept calling for you but you never answered back.
Fury along with Maria and Coulson with a medical team arrived at the base eyes redden because of crying as they found you on the cold ground with your phone by your side and a stab.
Fury cradle you like a baby as the medic announced your death with Maria and Coulson crying by the side.
“Did you check the monitors?” Fury’s cold voice echoed in a quinjet as your cold body layed beside him with your head on his lap stroking the hair that is covering your face.
“you’re not gonna like it boss…” Maria said with blood shot eyes as she played the video of Steve ordering the Phase 2 and Natasha Romanoff stabbing you as they left you.
“call them up at SHIELD… they would pay for what they did to her” Nick ordered as Coulson took his phone out to call them.
Nick glanced at you as he swiped some blood by your mouth hugging your corpse closer to him.
They avenger’s arrived at SHIELD seeing Fury holding Y/N’s hand as she lay dead on the table with Maria and Coulson by the back holding back their anger.
“what is this Fury?” Steve stepped out in confusion to why they got the body of Y/N
“What is the phase 2 Captain” Nick’s voice was colder than usual
“… to eliminate the Hydra-“ Steve answered as the other’s stayed silent
“and who is the Hydra?”
 Then there’s silence, the team were uncomfortable with the silence but Steve was getting impatient with all of it.
“Look I don’t know what is your point here but you should thank us for killing the mole here Fury”
Fury looked at them as Coulson held Maria who was about to attack Steve as Fury spoke…
   “I see no dead mole here Rogers… all I see is my dead daughter”
  The team’s eyes widen as they froze from there spot
“W-what?” Bruce asked
“Y/N Fury... is my daughter who you called a Hydra scum”
“B-but she had the brand-“
“She had the brand because she was undercover inside Hydra that gave her the mark to extract information for your missions that is saving billions!” Fury angrily shouted making them all flinch.
All of it dawned to them as Natasha fall into her knees realizing she killed a hero… she killed her friend who trusted her… she killed the person who loved her…
“I pulled her out of the recon to keep her safe knowing her all her covers were blown, I put her into your team so she can be protected thinking after all those years of being away we can have a normal dinner like she wanted for years, I trusted my daughter in your hand yet you are the one who killed her…”
Fury stood up tears streaming down on his face
“Avenger Initiative’s termination is effective immediately, all of you would be put in maximum security prison for killing Y/N Fury” Agents entered taking their weapons and cuffing them
 “Nick… I’m sorry” Steve’s voice filled with regret rang out as Fury looked at him coldly throwing a file on the ground in front of him as the content spilled revealing pictures of the Winter Soldier.
 “Y/N wanted to give you this information from the last recon she was put in to, James “Bucky” Barnes is alive and now known as the Winter Soldier who is working for Hydra and has killed thousands”
Steve’s face was full of shock knowing his best friend Bucky is alive…
“I’m sorry to cap…” Fury cut him off and coldly apologies to Steve who is now confuse to why as everyone in the room looked at them in silence.
 “you took someone dear away from me… and now I’m taking yours, Good Bye Avengers and thank you for your service” before Steve and others could react they were all tranquilized knocking them out cold and only waking up in a glass cell with Ross smirking at them as they sat there in silence thinking the things that they have done for you.
“welcome to your new life Avengers…in prison!” and a loud laugh erupted from Ross as he walked out as ex-heroes gazes followed his exit.
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mypassionsarenysins · 3 years
Past!Steve Rogers x Reader, Bruce Wayne x Reader. 
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Summary: Steve Rogers had lived his life, it was only fair for you to live yours right?
Author’s Note: okay so another crossover and for this I’m thinking of Christian Bale batman, so read at your discretion. It’s also a lil sad and some happy parts. Thank you to @stuckonjbbarnes @honeyloverogers and @buckysmischief
Steve stared at the roof looking at the white pristine celling. 
He waited for the other person on the other side of the room to finish with her nightly routine. 
He kept staring at the ceiling closing his eyes and for a brief moment he felt you.
His mind had the ability of taking him back to that night, the moment he decided to leave her. Trying to conquer an illusion, a fleeting moment of what should have been. 
His mind told him to do it, but his heart. 
His heart was the most unforgiving part of himself that never really let it go. 
And now here he is age clear on his face, wrinkles in his one youthful hands that made you laugh, that held you when you cried, now old and lonely. 
He had everything he was looking for, or so he thought. 
A knock on the door interrupted his thought making Steve get up from the bed looking outside the window as he makes his way to the front door. 
He opens the door smiling at the man on the other side who had his infamous frown plastered on his face. 
“Come in please,” Steve motions to the living room but the man on the other side doesn’t make a move, for a moment it looks like he could burn at the mere thought of walking through the door. 
“No,” the man says anger written clear on his features. 
“Bucky you’ve been here before,” Steve motions with pleading eyes, but Bucky stays unmoving. 
“You really think I wouldn’t know that Scott wouldn’t tell us what you wanted to do,” Bucky says as he gets more and more exasperated. 
“It’s not what you think,” Steve please as he closes the door and walks to the porch Bucky leaving as much distance as possible. 
“No it’s much worse,” Bucky says. 
“Sam and I receive this call from Scott saying that you met to get back to the past to get back to her.” Bucky says. 
“You already lived your life Steve, you have a wife, kids, and grandkids.” Bucky motions at the house. 
The house that he build but thought of you in every detail, when Peggy would ask about why he would say. 
“Because its meant to be that way.”
She never really mentioned it again but the essence of her was in the house of all time. 
From the constant need to have sunflowers in the kitchen because, 
“Steve if there is gonna be flowers in the kitchen its gonna be sunflowers.” You said softly as you unwrapped the bright flowers from the brown paper.
Or how he still kept the little folded handkerchief you embroided because, 
“That is more your style Steve.” You said softly as you stand on your toes and kiss him softly on the lips.
After all those years Steve could still see you, feel you, and on some night he can almost touch you. 
“Bucky I don’t think you understand, this, this is meant to be hers,” Steve says looking up at the house that took him a good decade yo built.
When Peggy asked him why the changes to the house he was never brave enough to admit that the house never felt his and Peggy’s, he always felt this should’ve been your house with him. 
“This is not her house Steve! She already has a home,” Bucky says accentuating each word he said. 
“Her home, with her fiancé” Bucky said louder coming face to face to the man in front of him. 
The words surprised Steve more than it should. He knew he had no right to complain at this point. You were free the moment he left her, he assumed you would move forward, but he felt the slight betrayal in his core. 
But who was Steve to judge when he was the first one to move forward. 
Still that voice in the back of his mind that always brought you up was, angry, to say the least. 
Steve takes a deep breath and takes a seat over the rocking chairs on the front porch. Another touched you where enamored by. 
“Steve, when we get our house he have to put rocking chairs in the front porch.” You said sternly yet a smile shone on your face. 
“Why is that sweetheart?” Steve ask as serially as he can with you sitting on his lap. 
“Because I know we are growing old together, and you of all people should know that people of a certain age like rocking chairs on the porch, old man.” You say that last part and leap out of his lap running away you giggles is all that can be heard in the apartment as Steve laughs and runs after you. 
“Tell me about it,” Steve motions to the chair, but Bucky stays still.
“Steve you just have to let it go,” Bucky tries to appeal Steve but he knows it’s a lost cause. 
Bucky sighs and sits on the step on the porch, his back turned to Steve as he recalls the news and everything that lead up to it. 
“She actually left New York a couple of weeks after you left,” Bucky recalls with sadness on his eyes. 
Bucky remembers how betrayed he felt, you where leaving him, just like Steve. Of course now he realizes it was for the best, but at the moment, he had a different mind set. 
“You are gonna leave me to? Huh? My so called new sister, just gonna walk away like him?” Bucky yells angry as you turn to him shocked face and tears on your eyes. 
“You don’t get to compare what happened,” You drop the box in your hands and sob. Your sobs clear Bucky’s head for a minute. 
“Steve left us Bucky, he left to follow his dreams, I am allowed to try to move forward!” You yell from the place on the floor as you hug your knees. 
Bucky slowly approaches you realizing that this is bigger than he could’ve ever imagined. He realized in that moment that he was supposed to be Steve’s past, but you, you that opened you life to him. 
You so soft and tender, never an ounce of judgment or regret of letting him in. 
You that tenderly took care of him, welcome him into your home, and called him your brother to anyone who would listen. 
You where supposed to be Steve’s future. 
And now all you both had left was the whole Steve Rogers left. 
“Don’t cry petal, I’m sorry,” He says tenderly as he reaches for you slowly. 
“Do you think that I want to leave my home. My whole life behind.” You say as you calm down and look at Bucky with sadness, but love for him. 
“I know Steve left you too, but you can come with me to Gotham. “ you say as you look at him with determination. 
“But New York is my home,”  Bucky tries to reason. 
“But it’s bit mine anymore,” You say softly as you hold his hand. 
“I am always here Bucky, I just can’t be here anymore.” You motion at the left overs of you heart. 
“I know I am just afraid,” Bucky rest his head on your shoulder. 
“I know but I am you sister James Barnes,” you say determination clear in his voice. 
“ Also someone’s gotta keep an eye on Sam, he’s your responsibility now you know? Handling Captan Americas’. That should be you new name.” You joke making Bucky laugh. 
“Alright let’s finish this before the pigeon arrives and see us sad. He can stand people being sad, he always has to be so happy and sunshine-y.” Bucky says as he stands up and hold his hand out for yours. 
You smile up at him as he hold you up he envelops his arms around you hugging you desperately. 
“Thank you, for being here, I am really going to miss you,” he says softly. 
“I am always here, never forget that,” you whisper. 
As you continue to hug the front door announce loudly the third person of the party arrived. 
“So I go out for pizza in the cold streets of New Yorker and this is how I find you red eyes and hugging like we are never gonna see each other again?” Sam asks leaving the two large pizzas on the table. 
“As if you could get rid so easily of me,” you say as you open you arms, Sam jumping in. 
“Never petal, we are family here.” Sam says as Bucky hums in agreement. 
“Okay that’s enough of the mushy stuff we gotta get this lady to Gotham city!” Sam yells as you all laugh. 
In that moment Bucky felt like everything would be alight and true to your word, even if you had to fly to New York or Louisiana, you where there even of it was for something as simple as birthdays, holidays, or just because Bucky was missing you. 
Bucky tells the story more of a reminder of who you where, than to tell Steve about you. 
From the past years Bucky visited Steve he never brought you up. He felt like his loyalty was to you. 
“So she left everything behind huh?” Steve wonder heaviness in his heart, but a small light shining knowing Bucky was never really alone. 
“I think thats what she needed to heal.” Bucky says standing up. 
“She was always there, at the end of the line.” Bucky says harshly and with protection written all over the place. 
“Bucky,” Steve stands up to reach him. 
“I need to go weddings gonna be next week and I can’t wait. I’m giving her away,” Bucky says as a smile makes a way to his eyes. 
“You know I always thought I’d be you at the end of the altar.” Bucky says as he starts leaving. 
“Also if you really need to know you should look at social media, everything you want to know about him is there.” Bucky says walking out suddenly he stops. 
“Tell the misses I said goodnight.” Bucky says looking up at the house one last time as he gets on his bike driving away leaving a trail on dirt behind him. 
Steve sits there for a while emotions swirling in his being. 
As he pulls his cellphone out he hears soft steps and he looks up to look at his wife. 
“Steve you’ve been here for an hour what happened?” Peggy says taking the chair next to him concern on his face. 
“I just- Bucky came over, he just needed someone to talk to.” Steve says as he tries to smile hiding yet more emotions form his wife. 
He was good at that, he guessed. 
“Oh strange he didn’t stay,” she shrugs standing up. 
“Yeah guys stuff you know,” Steve tries to laugh as Peggy smiles at him. 
“Oh this also arrived on the mail today,” Peggy hands him a white luxurious envelope. 
“Alright I’m going to bed,” She says as she kisses his cheek. 
“Okay I’ll be there in a minute.” He says as she heads back inside. 
He looks at the envelope and think nothing of it thinking its an invitation from Pepper. As he opens it and reads it he stays silent his eyes roaming all over the written words. 
            You are cordially invited to the wedding of 
                               Bruce Thomas Wayne                                              And                                (Y/N)(Y/M/N)(Y/L/N)
    Who’s nuptials will be taking place in
The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
    Located at 1000 5th Ave, New York, New York. 
Steve can’t even finish reading as he drops the paper. 
Anger and sadness fill him as he stares at the mocking piece of paper on the floor. 
He takes out his phone opening google and typing Bruce Wayne and thousands of result pop up. He opens the wikipedia article and starts reading. After reading some information he looks at the some pictures and he sees it. You and him on a red carpet for one of his galas or something smiles all over as he click the article states very clear that since you went public with him he was seen visibly happier. He can’t help but mad at him, you, and specially himself. 
He sits again in the rocking chair, the one you where meant to grow old together on, and stare at the horizon thinking of you and what to do with the wedding invitation at his feet. 
How could he get back to you?  
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raplinesmoon · 2 years
Slice To Meet You (Jungkook x Reader)
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Part 2 of With Honor: Notes and Reflections
Pairing: Jungkook x reader (platonic)
Genres: Fluff with some angst
AUs: Student!AU (this specifically talks about a dental student, but can be applied to pretty much anything)
Word count: 613
Tags/trigger warnings: some negative thoughts and feelings, small mention of disordered eating (one line)
Ratings: PG-13
Summary: Late nights in the lab are when you come across the most amaing things.
A/N: Still going through it™, but tbt to those times I used to haul 18 hour days doing my labwork. Until I met this one kid who became my friend who was also hauling 18 hour days and was like what tf are we doing with ourselves, we’re humans not machines. This one goes out to them!
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You blink, eyes fluttering open as a yawn escapes, the soft sound reverberating through the now empty lab. Just how long had you been knocked out for? Shrugging your shoulders, in a silent reply, you hunch over, cleaning up behind you, when suddenly the most peculiar smell catches your attention.
Warm, fragrant, and inviting - it smells like nights at home lighting your favorite candle and crashing on the couch with your favorite Netflix show.
Your eyes scan the entire perimeter of the lab, search coming up empty until you catch a glimpse of something in the corner… something that shouldn’t be there.
Mouth watering, you stride up to the box of pizza, the fresh cheese and crisp crust making your already empty stomach grumble even louder. Someone must have left it from a club event. Frowning, you remember how you’d skipped breakfast today because of the exam this morning. Lunch was spent setting up for your clinical session, and dinner was long forgotten after another round of dismaying efforts.
I can see that you’re trying, but you just don’t seem to be improving.
The words sting just as much as they had a few hours ago, and a pit forms in the bottom of your stomach as fresh tears spring forth, and the dam holding back the emotions you’d been hiding all day, and all week, and all month threatens to break, and drown you in a flood of “I can’t do this-es” or “I’m not good enoughs”.  You don’t feel hungry for the pizza anymore, your aching body crumpling on itself from being bent in the same position for the past ten hours. Looks like you’d just have to come in for longer next time.
Walking away from the box, you’re about to go back to packing up when a voice interrupts you.
“Take a slice.”
Turning on your heels, you look back, jumping at the sudden appearance of a boy,  one who despite his tired eyes and round glasses, looks like he could’ve walked off the cover of Men’s Health. A far cry from your messy bun and stained lab coat.
“I was going to take it with me half an hour ago when I decided to leave,” the boy says. “But I saw you were still here.”
He comes up to next to you, silently helping you clean up, and for once, you’re thankful for the presence of another person in the lab this late at night. The distraction helps you stray from the intrusive thoughts that creep into your head more often than not.
“My name’s Jungkook,” the boy says. “You spend a lot of time in here, don’t you?”
Flustered at his observation, your lips move, ready to make an excuse, saying that it’s no big deal, you’re just putting in extra hours. Not wanting him to know you’re struggling. 
But what he says next stops you in your tracks.
“Me too,” he says quietly. “It’s been hard… adjusting to all these new things we have to learn. Sometimes I wonder if I should just quit. And leave it all behind. But that’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid,” you respond firmly, shocking him. “I know being here sucks, but we just have to keep trying. It’s the only way we’ll ever get better.”
“Yeah I guess,” Jungkook grins, and for the first time, you notice his cute proclined maxillary centrals, jutting out like a bunny’s. “But it’s also good to take breaks. So, want to devour this pizza with me? I’ll walk home with you after.”
Smiling, you extend your hand, accepting his offer of a greasy, delicious slice, and the promise of a new friendship on the horizon.
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proclined - inclined forward
maxillary - relating to the upper jaw
centrals - short for central incisors, or the front two teeth in the top or bottom jaw
A/N pt. 2: Thanks for reading! As always, any feedback or comments are much appreciated, but I appreciate you all anyway. Lots of love, Isi 💜
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bored-storyteller · 3 years
Hey! I really like how you write about Sally Face, I love how you highlight his kindness but also his strength. It struck me a lot how he wonders if anyone will ever love him, I guess it's hard for him to believe in someone's love for him, from a romantic point of view. I thought ... could you write something about a reader in love with him, who gets rejected for that reason but still loves him until Sal dies? You don't have to do it (also because you prefer angst / comfort right?), But I try to ask you ... I'd like to see it written by you. It will hurt but it will be worth it.
Dear Anon,
I hope you like this because I suffered the pain of hell writing this :3
But jokes aside, I hope it does justice to your expectations, I hope I have treated everything with the right delicacy.
Warning: ANGST and SPOILER (I say this for safety)
The story is set in the canonical plot, even if there may be slight differences (after all there is always one more character, you). But for those who haven't played Sally Face this could be revealing.
77- Sally Face, Sal Fisher x reader (Angst)
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“The sunflower that cannot bloom “
"I love you."
Those words had slipped off your lips with one of the most beautiful smiles Sal had ever seen.
You weren't perfect, but you were tailor-made for him. Somehow, he had thought that from the first day he met you, by mistake, on a black day. You had offered him a sunflower, a huge yellow flower that shone like the sun in the midst of his misfortunes, and his black day had grown better.
This was you, what he needed when the weight was too much to carry, when he found himself snorting one too many times, when he felt like crying.
Still, even though you were tailor-made for him, he wasn't tailor-made for you.
He would have liked to believe you, with all his heart, he would have asked for nothing more than to be loved by you.
But he couldn't believe it.
"No, you don't ..." His voice was gentle, as if he were explaining something important to a little child.
Your brows had furrowed as you pointed your gaze into the depths of his soul.
"You do not believe me?" Your tone wandered between uncertainty and offense "Do you think I'm lying to you?"
A sigh rang through the empty hollows of his mask: “No, you're not lying to me. I just think you… don't really know what you're saying. "
Your expression deepened as you prepared to argue back. He had seen the wound open inside you and he had looked away; he couldn't watch you while he hurt you.
Oh, he was so good at making himself loved. The river of emotions that had overwhelmed you had died out as soon as his one living eye was separated from you.
Disappointment, anger, sadness had disappeared in favor of affection for him.
His mask was flat, helpless, cold towards his heart, yet he communicated more than anyone else with that immense little soul of him.
"Sal ..." finally you called him gently, reassuring, while your fingers lovingly brushed the cheek of the cold prosthesis.
"I love you." You repeated it, and he turned to tell you to stop. He couldn't be loved, he didn't feel capable of being loved.
He would never have a love like that of movies, or even like that of normal people, like Maple and Chug. He, as he was, could never have been loved, not even by you.
He was going to tell you, to tell you everything, but you stopped him softly: "but it's okay if you don't want to."
You barely laughed, as if everything was really okay with you, and you leaned on his shoulder, cuddling against his neck.
"I have my whole life to make you understand." You said cheerfully, and he just looked at you, accepting that little stubbornness of yours.
Even though he was aware that one day he would see you happy in the arms of someone you really would love, for the time being it was okay for him to bask in that little illusion you were giving him.
Life had been cruel.
"I had no choice."
Those words had pierced your brain.
The first time he had told you with a force that you almost confused with anger. His body had never been so rigid in front of you, motionless, sitting on the other side of the table in the visiting room of the prison, surrounded by other inmates like him.
You wondered if you were sane, because you looked into the eyes of a murderer, a killer who had exterminated families, who had even killed a little girl, yet your tears were for them, but also for him.
Whatever it was, Sal hadn't changed, and behind his mask he was more broken into pieces than you were. He hadn't had a choice, for some reason he hadn't had a choice.
It was weird and unreal, but you had no doubts about him, even though your mind still couldn't believe what happened, and Sal probably didn't really realize it either.
However, the second time he told you "I had no choice" his voice was different. He was different, and so were you. You had grown up, but both of you had stood still in what had happened. At that moment he was telling you so that you believed him, so that you knew it was not what he wanted, because if he could have chosen at that moment you would have been together in front of a pizza, telling you how boring the day had been.
"I beg you ..." You whispered so as not to let him hear how broken your voice was "... tell me what I have to do to save you."
It was the first time you used that word, out of pure desperation.
For a moment he hesitated and hoped you wouldn't see his uncertainty behind the mask. Finally, Sal shook his head in silence; he didn't know if it would do any good, but at least he would try to protect you.
Your hand was holding his for the first time in years, and you both knew it would be the last time you would hold it. You had done everything to be able to have that last contact, to still be able to hold him before they took him away from you forever.
You didn't want to cry, you wouldn't have done it on your last time together, but your heart was so heavy that you thought you would die as soon as you separated.
While you massaged the back of his hand with your thumb, you tried to record every detail in your mind that belonged to him, to burn the heat of his palm against yours, to remember the exact weight of his touch.
I love you, you wanted to tell him, you never stopped doing it, not a second you stopped giving him your best side, and you would have given it only to him also in the future.
"You are so important to me, Sal ..." your blue sky under which sunflowers bloom.
"Thank you ... for always being with me."
Part of you died when you let go of his hand that day.
Until the last you hoped that something would happen. A ghost that suddenly appears, an angel, a new discovery ... anything, as long as he was kept away from that electric chair.
When your phone rang, you were deluded for a moment.
"They ... allowed me to call whoever I wanted ..."
Your heart fell on hearing his voice. It was his last day, his last day in your own world, that was his farewell to you.
"Sal, I-" Your words broke into a sob you couldn't hold back "I'm with you, I'll always be with you."
Silence invaded the line between the two of you as you tried not to give him your tears as your last caress.
"I know it." He was holding back the crying, you could hear it "And I'll always be with you too, know that."
You were tailor-made for him, and his heart would remain for you, even if you moved on, you would love someone worthy sooner or later, or at least he hoped you would, that the demon would not devour your future. .
"Bring me some sunflowers if you can ... ok?" That request trembled "They always make me think of you."
You forced yourself to cover your mouth with your palm to stifle your agony: "I'll fill you with sunflowers."
Something told you that even if you couldn't see him, he was trying to smile: "It's a bit a cliché but ... be happy."
You would have preferred to have died in that very moment.
"Sal, wait!" You begged for him now, holding on to the phone like it was him, like you could hold him there.
He hesitated at the desperation of your voice.
"I can't ..." his voice was soft, light, like when he consoled you years ago, when all this seemed simply impossible.
“I beg you…” You didn't know who you were really praying for, but you weren't ready to hear his voice go out.
One more minute, one more touch, a hug.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry you had to put up with this." A sob from him too. “Please… fight for your happiness, okay? You deserve all the happiness in the world. "
"Sal ..."
The answer that followed was the only intermittent sound of the blank phone line.
It's over, you'll never be able to hear Sal's voice again. You won't be able to talk to him anymore.
And he never believed you loved him.
How could you ever be happy?
His mask still looks at you as it always did, but behind the empty gaze there are nothing but blades of grass growing above his burial.
How could they bury him without his mask? He will feel uncomfortable.
Now you don't have to be strong for him anymore, you can collapse, break, destroy yourself, scream like you've never screamed, ask him to come back, because you need him.
Your fingers caress the cold, hard cheeks of his prosthesis as they always did, as if he were still behind it. Next to it, the sunflower he asked you for, like the one you gave him the first time you saw him.
"I love you Sally face ..." your words now go to the wind, they cannot be refused.
"I really love you."
Where you don't know, where you are not, a guy who has the weight of the world on his shoulders thinks about how much he could never be loved as people love each other in movies, or how people love each other in the world. But suddenly, like a ray of light, in the darkness he is facing, the yellow of a sunflower blooms. It's just a thought, but for a moment it's warm, and sweet, and it carries your voice with it.
You exist only within him, but you give him the love he needs, the one he didn't believe in, but which instead exists.
It is a tormented love, which suffers, but still welcomes him and wraps him as your arms did.
You are not there, you are far away, unreachable.
But he feels it, you're still there with him
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heyhihellowhatsup0 · 3 years
Hooked On Your Feelings - Prologue (FWB! Tom x Reader)
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Warnings: Some angst, language, eventual smut in future chapters, fluff
Word Count: 2570
Summary: After a bad breakup, making an agreement with your womanizing neighbor, Tom to be friends with added benefits and no strings attached seemed like the perfect idea. Until things become messy, emotions caused your agreement to crumble.
A/N:   So I’m starting a new series! I always wanted to do this trope for Tom and I’m realllllly excited for this series!  I’m not completely sure how long it will be as of right now, most likely between 8-10 chapters. So if you want to be added to the taglist, please DM me! I hope you all enjoy the prologue and can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it! (Also credit to @osterfield-holland-andcompany for this amazing ass mood board I made her too..I’m obsessed!) Thank you xx -N
“Get out!” you screamed as you shoved your now ex-boyfriend out the front door of your apartment. You knew the walls were thin but you didn’t care. You were so completely filled with rage and your body was vibrating as you flung his pants at him, “Get the hell out, Justin!” you shouted again.
    Justin flinched as the door swung open and he stumbled out the front door, still in his boxers. The anger in your eyes made your pupils black while he grabbed his pants and rolled his eyes at you, “Will you just let me explain, Y/N?” he tried to speak but you cut him off with a dry and sarcastic laugh.
    “No. The conversation is over,” you snapped at him, taking another deep breath to try and pull yourself together. You felt yourself fighting back the tears because you didn’t want him to see you cry. Not again, anyway.
    Watching as Justin stumbled down the stairs, you stood at the top completely and utterly overcome with your anger you barely recognized your voice. But you knew you had every right to be mad. You couldn’t excuse his behavior and you were done defending him. You knew you deserved better than the shit he was putting you through. It was enough and now you were letting it all pour out as he was practically falling down the stairs.
    You grabbed the shoe he had dropped on his way out the door and aimed it right towards his head, missing and making a loud thud against the wall behind him. You probably just woke up the entire floor but you didn’t care right now. Forming a fist, you refrained from punching the door as you finally lost it, “Don’t call me! Don’t even walk down the same street as me anymore, do you hear me? You conniving son of a bitch!” your voice bounced off the walls with an echo as you watched Justin exit your life through the elevator, still with his pants in his hand.
    You couldn’t help yourself as you flipped off the closing doors while you let out the breath you were holding in. Your chin began to tremble as you tried to stop yourself immediately. He wasn’t worth it, you thought to yourself. You should be proud of getting rid of him. Especially after what he had done to you.
    Just as you were heading back into your apartment before anyone realized you were the cause for the commotion, your neighbor’s door flew open and made you jump when you saw his familiar face meet yours from across the hall. You saw his smile as he noticed you and you knew what that meant, you just weren’t in the mood right now to assist in his little escapade.
    “Y/N! Oh, I thought I heard your voice out here,” your neighbor from 3B made his way over to you with bare feet, brown curls a mess, with his grey sweatpants resting low on his hips as his bare chest was revealed to the entire floor, “Thank god! I need your help with this chick inside who is talking about meeting her family this weekend and I’ve known her for...three hours,” he cringed as he carefully tip-toed his way over towards you.
 You couldn’t help but roll your eyes because this was a regular thing for him, even if it wasn’t your business. But he was a friend of yours, in a neighborly way at least, so at some point you made it your business.
    “No,” you scolded him as you shook your head. You tried to hold in your laugh at the desperate look on his face but you couldn’t help, “Not tonight, Tom. No! C’mon, seriously? No!” you warned as he began to give you puppy dog eyes to try and convince you otherwise.
    Tom pressed his palms together and pressed them to his chest, praying for your assistance, “Please, Y/N! I owe you so much if you help me out and this is the last time, I swear,” he paused for a moment when he realized you were standing by your door this late at night and you looked as if you had gone through hell. His lips tightened as he suddenly grew concerned, “Wait, what are you doing out here right now?” he questioned.
    You sighed as you pinched the bridge of your nose, “Um...I sorta caught Justin sleeping with his co-worker so I was just kicking him out, sorry,” you don’t know why you apologized for it but you knew you didn’t want Tom or anyone for that matter to see you when you were this visibly upset.
    “He did what?! Fuck...Y/N, I’m so sorry,” Tom said as he offered you a hug, pulling you into his bare arms while he tried to make you feel a little bit better, “That guy was a fucking prick and I never really liked him anyway,” he told you, making you laugh through your tears while you pulled away with a small smile showing.
    Running a hand through his curls to smooth them over, Tom squeezed your shoulder playfully, “If it makes you feel any better, I’m probably a bigger mess than you right now,” he told you as he cringed at what was waiting for him back in his apartment.
    “No, you have a bigger mess than me,” you corrected with another eye roll. Quickly wiping your tears away you placed a hand on your hip while taking another breath towards Tom and his stupidity, “If I do this, you owe me big time,” you sighed.
    Tom was a good guy but the decisions he sometimes made were, to say the least, questionable. You didn’t know too much about his personal life but just enough to come to the realization that he couldn’t commit to much of anything. He was always bringing random girls home, roommates came and went, and he had a tendency to flake on tenant meetings at the last minute.
 There was no question that he wasn’t looking to settle down, you never once saw him with the same girl more than once and that was none of your business nor concern. Tom was a good neighbor to you. He watered your plants for you while you were out of town visiting your family, he kept his music down to an appropriate volume, he would even bring you pizza on occasion to eat together while you gossiped about the other tenants on your floor. And sometimes in return, he would ask for favors like bailing him out of sticky situations that you tried not to judge too harshly.
Letting out a sigh of relief, Tom gave you another hug with a kiss against your cheek, “I will owe you for fucking life, Y/N,” he thanked you as he waited for you to head into his apartment to do what he clearly was too afraid to do himself. Letting girls off bluntly was something he was never good at. Then again, that was a whole other issue he didn’t want to think about.
Tom followed you into his place as you glared at him when you saw all of the clothes strewn across the living room floor. Making a face at the boxers on the ground you shuddered at the thought of what the hell went down in this apartment as you watched Tom nod towards his bedroom signaling that she was in there.
Nodding your head you rolled your eyes before you got yourself into your character. Seconds later, you whipped around and channeled your anger towards Tom as you slammed his door shut, “Save it, Tom! I won’t hear it! I come home after taking a double shift for us and this is what I come home to?!”
 Tom gave you a thumbs up that you were doing a good job as you slammed your fist against the nearby counter, “I just spent fourteen hours stripping to pay your way through law school so we could afford a better place to live and this is the thanks that I get? You fucking some random girl?!” you shouted while you shook your head towards Tom with a shrug.
“Woah, nice touch. I love the story line this time,” Tom whispered with an approving smile as he pointed towards the bedroom door, signaling for you to go and get rid of her.
You stormed into the bedroom, already seeing the girl scurrying to find her shoes, “Oh god! Please, I’m so sorry,” she pleaded as her red hair swung back and forth while she adjusted her sequin cocktail dress. Limping through the threshold of the door she couldn’t even look at you or Tom as her face grew red, “I had no idea that he-”
“That he what? Was married? Was cheating on his wife of seven years? You still want this son of a bitch?” you asked the girl who shook her head ‘no’ nervously, “The both of you need to leave! Get out!” you pointed towards the door as you focused on Tom.
Tom apologized to the girl as she practically ran out the door before he turned to you, “Darling, please let me explain! Think of the children!” he begged you as he still noticed the girl was in earshot.
“I want a divorce and I’m taking both the kids! You won’t have two pennies to rub together by the time I’m done, Thomas! Do you hear me? I can’t believe you would-”
“She’s gone,” Tom cheered silently as his door finally closed with a sigh of relief. He rushed to the fridge to grab two beers as he made his way over to you, “Both the kids? Really?” he teased while he clinked his bottle up against yours.
Giving him a shrug, you brought the beer to your lips as you collapsed onto his couch, “Well if you kept your dick in your pants for once maybe you wouldn’t have to ask your neighbor to make up such elaborate lies on the fly to kick girls out of your apartment,” you teased right back as Tom took a seat right next to you with a pout on his face, “Am I wrong?” you questioned him with a giggle.
“Well, technically, no. But then, where’s the fun in that?” he laughed as he took another sip. Trying to figure out why he even did half of the shit he did anymore. He knew there wasn’t any fun in any of it. Not anymore, anyway.  It made no sense, especially if he wasn’t getting anything out of these situations except drama. And he hated the drama of it all.
You made a face at Tom, “I guess no more fun than watching the guy you were in love with make out with his co-worker,” you stare at the bottom of your bottle, letting the alcohol swirl around your brain as you tried to push away those thoughts. You didn’t want to think about Justin again. It was still fresh but you weren’t ready to move on just yet.
“Guess we both should be alone for a while, huh?” Tom stated as he slumped further into the couch. Downing his beer as he set it aside on the table. This feeling was beginning to come more often than not with Tom after he dismissed one of his...conquests. He didn’t like it anymore because it was suddenly beginning to make him feel like this but he kept doing it anyway in hopes it would go away. But so far it only got worse as the nights rolled in and you came by to kick out more of them. He was lucky you were here because he didn’t feel like being alone right now.
The room fell still as the two of you remained on the couch in silence for a bit. Trying to blur out the events that had taken place earlier with Justin, you finished your drink and placed it beside Tom’s. You knew you wanted something serious and Justin was not that, even though you knew he was going to be trouble from the get go. You knew perfectly well what you needed but maybe you just needed some time for you right now and not to jump in to things that were going to be messy. You wanted numbness but at the same time you wanted to feel something that you hadn’t yet.
Turning your head to face Tom, your eyes met his in the dimly lit living room. The muted TV gave off the only illumination while you both remained there in your tipsy states, trying to figure out where both of your nights had gone wrong.
“I really don’t want to be alone,” you finally broke the silence as you stared into his eyes before they flickered towards his bare chest, back to his eyes slowly.
Tom swallowed as he shook his head, “Me either,” he agreed in the same tone. He noticed you were looking at him and more importantly the way you were looking, but he found himself not minding at all as his eyebrows raised up a bit when your lips crashed into his.
Taglist: @osterfield-holland-andcompany​​ @giuls-394​​ @missmultic​​ @hazmyheart​ @lauras-collection​ @iamapersonwholikesunicorns​ @detroitbydark​ @mcuassemble​ @blahhhhhhhaaa​ @lonikje​ @beiroviski​ @ruefulposts​ @desir-ae​ @kayla-m1996​ @unicorn-princess-1999​ @asmilinghopelessromantic​ @itsjusttor​ @whatareyouhidingpeter​ @when-marvellous-things-happen​ @mannien​ @lilostif16​ @u-rrose​ @ninjalex1d​  @baby-unidorn​ @astoldbydanid​ @honey-sea​ @fallingforfics​ @lulueliott24​ @mikalakat​ @babebenhardy​ @coni-martina​ @captainemrys​ @mktravelbuggie​ @underoosmarvel​ @pluckypete​ @hollandfanficlove​ @lookalivefrosty​ @lightmelikeacigarette​ @msmarvel-19​ @u-rrose​ @parker-holland-osterfield​ @thwip-it-real-good​ @shirukitsune​ @justanotherusername80​ @dangerdolns​ @jwolfesblog​ @jjayyc​  @ifilosemyselfagain​ @axisnpalma​ @londonspidey​​ @just-a-littlebit-of-everything​​ @bookgirlunicorn​​ @kfcyum​​ @thenoddingbunny-blog​​ @buzzbuzzitsmeagainbitch​​ @herondale-snow-carstairs​​ @marvelobsessedteenager​​ @unlimitedd​​ @dramaholic18​​ @softholand​​ @panicattheeverywherekid​​ @emotionally-unstable23​​​ @quackeroos​​ @unbelievableholland​​  @holyhumorliteraturelight​​ @spideyyeet​​ @katiekinzs​​ @fanficparker​​ @ifntelyinspirit​​ @rubberducky-jrr​​ @xguardgirlx​​  @t-holland2080​​  @selfcarecap​​ @localfangirlx​​ @xxpeachyxo​​ @hazardosterfield​​ @xstarbae​​ @justanotherusername80​​  @photoshopart15​​ @spiderbibby​​ @the-fandom-life-forever​​ @jannine00742​​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​ @parachutepanties​ @decadentwastelandtrash​ @anythingthaticareabout​ @outshineallthestars​ @captainamirica​ @thehauntingofmymind​ @watermelonsponge​  
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laurenairay · 3 years
Unexpected - K. Hayes
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Summary: After being just friends with Kevin for over four years, can you ever be anything more?
Word Count: 10.2k
Warnings: a little angst, a lot of fluff, a smidgen of smut, friends to lovers because that’s my jam
A/N: so this originally started as a blurb which got mildly out of hand and turned into this fic. I have repeated the scene from the blurb to keep the flow the same. I have no regrets. 
This is particularly inspired from Talk About by Seaforth (thanks @antoineroussel!) and Just Friends by Virginia to Vegas (thanks @broadstbroskis!)
@danglesnipecelly @princessphilly @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @himbos-on-ice @whoeverineedtobe @flybabyfly @ipuckwithhockey @antoineroussel @babytkachuks @broadstbroskis @texanstarslove @tippedbykreider @thebookofmags @horsesandhockeyplayers @denis-scorianov @lulucanwrite @rangersftflyers @notaccurateornice @pandorasbox2020 @mattytkachuk19 @whatishockey​ @no-pucks-given​ @fanfics-for-the-hockey-fan​ @troubatrain @joelsfarabee @nuenyyx @miracleonice87
A party was never just a simple party when Kevin Hayes was involved. Music was pounding, beer was flowing, shots were poured, and weed was an easy haze on the back porch. You had no idea what the occasion was for one of your oldest friends to be throwing this shindig, but you weren’t complaining. Hanging out with him and relaxing after a long hard day was infinitely better than sitting at home and eating cold pizza. Again.
People always teased you about being so close with Kevin, always hinting that there must be something more between you, but you just laughed it off, knowing that he would never be interested. How could he? He had the perfect hockey WAGs lining up in queues to flirt with him – and you were just his friend. You’d known each other since you both lived in Tribeca years ago, and there had never been anything to even hint at anything more than friends. He’d never flirted with you outside of his natural charm. He’d never made a move on you in the slightest. He’d never shown the smallest bit of interest in anything other than platonic – so you knew how he felt. And to be honest, his friendship was amazing and it was something you never wanted to lose, so why would you put yourself out there when you already knew what the answer would be?
No, being friends with Kevin Hayes was exactly where you were meant to be.
You’d spent a few hours with a rotating cast of Flyers and their better halves, drinking and sharing stories about your mutual friend, but it had been a while since you’d seen him. At least a couple of non-Kevin hours. So what if you got a little needy when you were drinking? How could you not want a hug from your beautiful friend? No, bad drunk brain. Crossing that line was never worth it.
You still wanted that hug though.
So bidding the other drunk partygoers adieu, you wandered about the house in search of Kevin, coming up empty in every room…until you spotted smoke outside the kitchen window. Hah, of course. You knew how much he loved to wind down with a blunt or two. His easygoing nature was one of the things you loved most about him.
Putting down your empty drink, you walked outside, spotting Kevin and Nolan lounging on the outside sofas, Nolan with a blunt in his hand.
“Hey! You’re here!” Kevin grinned.
You shook your head fondly, wafting the pungent smoke out of your face.
“I’ve been here for hours, Kev. You’ve already seen me,” you said, smiling.
Kevin pouted, and Nolan just snickered, making you laugh.
“Weed always makes you forgetful,” you mused, sitting down on the seating next to him.
“Nuh-uh I don’t forget everything,” Kevin shrugged, turning to face you properly, “Not the important things. Like the fact that I love you, you know that right?”
Your jaw dropped slightly as his words hit you. What the everloving fuck? Why would he joke like that?
“Goddamn Kev, how high are you?” you asked, frowning.
Without waiting for him to answer, you looked over at Nolan, who just shrugged.
“I don’t know, he’s pretty baked. But I’m going to let you deal with all of that,” Nolan grimaced, waving a hand in Kevin’s general direction.
You rolled your eyes as he quickly passed Kevin the blunt and walked back inside. Yeah, thanks for the help.
“Why did Patty leave?” Kevin asked, frowning.
“Because he’s allergic to emotions? I don’t know. Maybe he just knows that you’re talking shit and he doesn’t want to deal with it,” you muttered.
“I’m not talking shit,” Kevin shot back, “I love you,”
“No you don’t,” you said, rolling your eyes again.
Seriously? Where had this come from? This wasn’t fair, he couldn’t say that when you knew it wasn’t true. Where had he gotten this lot of weed from? Clearly it didn’t agree with him.
“Yes I do! I know my own feelings,” Kevin insisted.
“Right, yeah, sure you do,” you sighed.
You were neither drunk enough nor high enough for this conversation. This was…not how you expected this evening to go. And just like that, your good mood was ruined.
“You don’t believe me, do you?” Kevin asked softly.
“Not even in the slightest, Kev,” you said, smiling sadly.
Of course you didn’t. Why, after all this time, would he be saying the words you most wanted to hear from him? There was no logic behind it – there was no way it could be true. He’d never ever shown any hint of this to be true.
“I’ll prove it to you,” he said firmly.
And then he placed his hand on your thigh, making you inhale sharply, the warmth of his large hand sending tingles through your body. No.
“This is not the time or place, Kevin,” you said shortly, “You are stoned out of your fucking mind,”
“You said my full name. You never say my full name,” he said sadly.
Of course that’s what he picked up out of that. Clearly he wasn’t going to get any easier to talk to…and while normally that made for some pretty fun conversation, tonight it wasn’t going to happen. And you couldn’t sit around and listen to more of this.
“I’m just going to go,” you sighed, nudging his hand off your thigh and standing upright.
“What? No!” Kevin said, eyes wide and sad.
“I can’t,” you said, forcing a smile, “I can’t stay and hear this, when I know you don’t mean it when you’re sober,”
“I’ll send Nolan back out, okay? I’ll…talk to you later, Kev,” you said firmly, interrupting him.
Without waiting for another answer, you quickly walked back into the house, heartbeat racing in your ears and a lump in your throat. At least you didn’t have to go far to look for Nolan – he was standing just inside in the kitchen.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he frowned.
You just shook your head, smiling thinly, not wanting to go into it. “I’m going to go,”
“But he…”
“Kev will be fine – you don’t mind going back out there with him, right?” you said, interrupting.
Nolan pressed his lips together but shook his head. “No, I don’t mind,”
“Good. Good. Um, I’m sure I’ll see you around?” you offered.
Would you? Who knows. How long would you even need before you could see Kevin again without your heart aching?
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Nolan nodded.
You missed the determined look in the younger man’s eyes as you walked away, too intent on locating your jacket without giving in to the tears that were threatening to fall. Sleep, sobering up and some distance – that would help, right?
From: Kevin
Why did you leave?
Please come back?
From: Kevin
I meant it.
I swear I meant it.
Please call me.
Missed call – Kevin
From: Kevin
Fuck I fell asleep.
Are you ignoring me?
Please call me when you get this.
From: Kevin
I get it if you don’t love me back.
But please don’t ignore me, I can’t take that.
Please call me?
We need to talk. Please.
From: Kevin
To: Kevin
Kev, I can’t do this.
It’s too much.
Please just give me time and space.
From: Nolan
I’ve taken Kev’s phone off him.
His sad face is too much.
I know you asked for space and I’ll make sure he gives it to you.
But please, just think over what he said?
You know he doesn’t say shit he doesn’t mean, not when it’s important.
To: Nolan
Yeah, okay. I’ll think it over.
Mornings were generally your worst time of day. But this morning in particular was a terrible one. The slight bleurgh of lingering sleep made you feel groggy enough, but nothing that a quick shower and a slice of buttered toast couldn’t fix. No, this morning was terrible because your heart was still aching from three days ago. You still had no idea what Kevin was playing at, acting like that around you, but it hurt and you knew you weren’t going to be able to forget it any time soon. Kevin’s increasingly desperate text messages and the single message from Nolan hung over you like a bad shadow, but you knew were right about not just giving in straight away – you were still emotional enough now as it was, and you knew it wouldn’t have been a good idea to see Kevin immediately. No, space was exactly what you needed, even if it hurt.
Your second cup of coffee woke you up enough at least to not leave you in a pit of despair. Like Nolan had asked, you’d thought about Kevin’s words over and over again. His declaration of love, out of nowhere. His confusion and sadness and fucking desperation. You know he doesn’t say shit he doesn’t mean, not when it’s important. It still didn’t give you the answer, any answer. Because in your heart, there was still that little whisper of doubt, telling you it wasn’t true, not really. And unless you were 100% sure, there was no way you could take that chance, not with Kevin. His friendship was too important in your life to risk not having it at all, so if it meant needing time to get over him and drag yourself out of this swirling despair then you would take it.
Despair was for people who didn’t have a life to get on with. You had lived long enough without Kevin in your life before you’d met him, and you could damn well succeed in living without his presence for a couple of weeks or so. At least until you’d built up those walls again.
It had been three days and the struggle was real.
Around 9am, you were jolted out of your thoughts by a series of knocks on your front door. With a frown, you walked over to the entrance hallway, and peeked through the peep-hole, only to see Kevin. What the fuck? Why was he here?
He had a sad but determined look on this face, you could see that much – fuck, was he going to say he didn’t mean anything he said that night? That now he’d thought about it properly, it wasn’t real? It was bad enough hearing his emotions from him when high as a kite, but you couldn’t bear for him to admit it was fake when he was sober. But maybe it was what you deserved, seeing as you’d asked for time and space. Fuck. No, you’d definitely done the right thing for you…but had you done the right thing for Kevin?
What you did know for sure was that you couldn’t leave him standing outside, when he knew full well that you had no real plans today. He knew your schedule too well for that. So with a deep breath, you put on a smile and opened the door. There he stood, eyes warm albeit sleepy, that hair so perfectly tousled. Why did he have to hit every single tickbox on your list? How was that fair?
“Look who’s up before midday on an off-day,” you teased, “What are you doing here?”
Kevin smiled at your teasing, but it was as fake as you knew your smile was. Fuck. “I was in the neighbourhood and figured I’d see what you were up to. Mind if I come in?”
Ouch. He definitely wasn’t in the neighbourhood, he was here for one reason only. To talk. Fuck.
But you nodded, letting him past you into your apartment anyway. He’d given you three days’ space, like you’d asked, it was only fair that you let him say his piece now right?
“Coffee?” you asked, shutting the door behind him.
“Yes please,” Kevin groaned, nodding.
Your smile slipped a little as you headed to the kitchen, you heart already aching with the preparation of it being broken completely, but you managed to keep yourself together as you reached for the coffee pot, pouring him a large mug of the caffeinated lifeblood in silence.
“Here you go,” you said as cheerfully as you could manage.
“Thanks,” he said, smiling.
He sat down at the kitchen island, looking up at you with those beautiful big eyes, until you sat down opposite him.
“I still mean it, y’know,” he said bluntly.
You frowned, not understanding. “Mean what?”
“Mean what I said that night. That I love you,”
Oh God. Fuck. Your breath hitched in your throat, your lips parting in surprise. What…what was he doing?
“Kev, please don’t…”
“No, I’m going to,” Kevin interrupted, uncharacteristically solemn, “Because you seem to have some pretty incorrect ideas in your head and I need to set them straight,”
You swallowed heavily, biting your bottom lip. How were you even supposed to respond to that? Kevin saw the anxious look on your face clear as day, his own seriousness softening to a sad smile.
“Patty said you looked pretty upset when you left that night,” he said softly.
You shook your head, desperate for a sliver of control. “I wasn’t upset, I-”
“Even if he hadn’t spent the last three days ripping into me, I know you were upset. You’ve never just left like that,” Kevin said firmly.
Normally, you hated being interrupted. But in this case, you really had nothing else you could say. Nothing that you could say, not when he knew you so well.
“No, I haven’t,” you sighed, leaning back in your chair.
“I’m sorry that me confessing how I felt made you leave but I wasn’t messing around! I was trying gather the high courage to tell you, after all this time!” Kevin said desperately.
Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.
He was serious, wasn’t he? Of course he had to bulldoze right through, in typical Kevin Hayes style.
But Kevin took your silence the wrong way.
“How could you not have known?” he frowned.
“How could I possibly have known, Kev? I’ve seen you flirting with women before – and you’re never like that around me. How could I have known that you wanted anything more than friendship when you’ve never acted like it?” you retorted.
Kevin’s cheeks flushed, and he ducked his head briefly, before he looked back up at you. Fuck, he looked a little sad? Like...like he was about to genuinely open up his heart. Fuck.
“I always thought you weren’t interested in me. Why would you be interested in dumb stoner Kevin? I figured if I could only ever have you as a friend then I would latch onto that, because having you in my life in any way is so much better than not having you in my life at all,” he said sadly.
You had never heard him this eloquent before. To be honest, it made your heart ache all over again. But he was never like this…why now?
“Are you still high?” you asked, frowning.
Kevin laughed dryly, shaking his head. “Why do I have to be high to tell you how I feel?”
“Because that’s literally the only time you’ve ever said it before?” you said, raising an eyebrow.
Kevin groaned softly, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck.
“You know meaningful stuff doesn’t come all that easily to me,” he huffed.
“I also know you’re not just Kevin-the-hockey-playing-himbo-from-Boston,” you pointed out, smiling slightly.
Kevin laughed softly. “You always have figured me out pretty well,”
“I’m just not a mind reader,” you mused.
He laughed again, nodding his head. “I guess I just…I saw you and I had to say it. I’ve liked you for years, sweetheart, ever since we lived in Tribeca. And I thought, maybe, just maybe, you getting your job transferred to Philly meant that it was finally our time. But it never happened. Maybe it was the weed. Maybe it was the weed and how beautiful you looked combined that actually took down those barriers which have kept me from blurting out my feelings in the past. But I swear to you, I meant every word,”
Sweetheart. Wow. Never had that word affected you more. You swallowed heavily, looking down at your hands. It was true that you’d always been able to read him well – and he was being so sincere right now that it had your stomach tied in knots. He really meant it, didn’t he? He really meant…that he loves you. That he’s loved you for years. Fuck.
It was everything you’d hoped to hear, and you’d spent the last three days trying to convince yourself he didn’t mean it. But he really did mean it, didn’t he?
“Say it again,” you murmured.
The grin that spread across Kevin’s lips sent a shiver up your spine.
“I love you,” he said clearly, firmly, looking directly into your eyes.
Your breath hitched in your throat, butterflies exploding in your stomach. Fuck that was so good to hear. Holy fucking shit.
“Kevin…” you whispered helplessly.
“I gotta know…because I’m holding onto a scrap of hope that you feel the same…do you…”
He trailed off, his voice a little desperate, a little lost, and you found yourself nodding like an idiot, tears springing to your eyes. If he could be brave, then so could you.
“Yes, Kev, I do. I love you so much,” you admitted.
Kevin laughed in triumph, a little incredulous, and he quickly stood up from the island, taking one large step towards you, and tugging you to stand up on your feet too.
“Fuck, fuck, can I kiss you?” he asked, happiness sparkling in his eyes.
You found yourself laughing, but nodded and clutched at his sweater, holding on in case your weak knees gave out on you. Kevin grinned, resting his forehead against yours briefly, before he closed the distance between you with a firm kiss. You couldn’t help but melt into his arms, kissing him back just as eagerly, throwing your arms around his neck a little desperately as his tongue slid against yours. His hands went to your hips and he easily picked you up to place you on the kitchen counter, and you gasped into his mouth at how effortless the motion was, moaning a little as he just stepped right in between your legs. It felt like second nature to hook your legs around his waist, pulling your bodies even closer together, earning a soft moan from the man that sent a pulse of heat right between your thighs. Fuck.
“Kev, wait, we shouldn’t…” you gasped, tilting your head back to break the kiss.
Because as much as you wanted to hop right into bed with him, you needed to let him know that this wasn’t all this was for you. It couldn’t be.
“Fuck, you gotta know this is more than sex for me, right?” Kevin groaned, eyes a little wild as he looked down at you.
How did he always know what to say?
“Again, I’m not a mind reader,” you laughed.
Kevin laughed as well, ducking his head to press gentle kisses into the soft skin of your neck.
“I want to take you out on so many dates. I want to tell my mom about you properly rather than just mention you in passing. I want to ignore Patty crowing in the locker room that he gave me the kick up the ass that I needed. I want to tell Brady and Jimmy that I finally took a chance. I want to show you off to the world as my girlfriend,” Kevin murmured between kisses, finishing with a nip to your earlobe.
Fuck. That was all that you wanted, and he was offering it up on a silver platter.
“I want that too,” you gasped, tilting your head more to the side.
You felt Kevin smile against your skin, nipping at you again before he lifted his head to look at you properly.
“Now can I kiss you again?” Kevin asked hopefully.
You laughed but nodded, threading your fingers through his messy curls. “You can kiss me any time you want,”
Kevin grinned and did just that.
Pulling into the practice arena, Kevin realised he still had a stupid smile on his face. He’d spent all morning at your apartment, mostly making out on the sofa with a little talking dotted throughout, and he’d only been able to tear himself away because Nolan had texted to remind him about the mandatory afternoon practice today. Obviously he would much rather have stayed with you, especially now that he knew what it was like to kiss you, how your lips felt against his, how easy it was to hold you in his arms, but if he skipped practice there would be hell to pay.
That, and he now knew how easily he could get carried away, how easily he could get lost in you. He hadn’t lied when he said that this was more than sex for him. Loving you was everything – overwhelming, all-consuming and wonderful – and there was no way he was going to let sex ruin that. As much as he already knew it would be incredible. He’d waited four years to be in your bed more than platonically, he could wait a little longer. Especially now that he knew you loved him too.
Fuck, you were finally his. He could finally call you his girlfriend. Fuck.
Kevin was so lost in his thoughts as he parked his car, that he didn’t notice a familiar figure walking up to him, and flinched as they knocked on the window. Nolan. Fuck.
“Way to give me a heart attack, baby cat,” Kevin groaned as he got out of the car.
“You made me catch a lift with Teeks last minute – now we’re even,” Nolan smirked.
Kevin just laughed, rolling his eyes as he pulled his bag out of his car and locked it. When he turned back to look at his friend, he saw that Nolan looked incredibly smug, almost unbearably so, and steeled himself for an interrogation. He hadn’t exactly been forthcoming in his text earlier to say that Nolan would have to find his own way to practice. Oops.
“Please tell me you came from your New York girl’s place,”
Hah, your New York girl. When you’d first moved job to Philadelphia, Kevin had referred to you as ‘a girl friend from New York’, to try to play it cool, to try to hide how excited he was that you were finally going to be reunited…and the name had stuck. Pretty much everyone on the team, including some who’d been traded away, referred to you as ‘your New York girl’, mainly because of how red Kevin had blushed when Claude had called you that when you’d first met the team.
The team liked teasing their usually-unflappable teammate.
You liked that Kevin talked about you in the first place.
Kevin just liked that people had always called you his.
“Yeah, I did,” Kevin shrugged, trying to play it cool.
But Nolan just rolled his eyes, not having any of it.
“You two talked right? Like, actually talked,” Nolan asked firmly.
That and other things. But Nolan didn’t need to know that. Kevin just smirked, nodding, and laughed as Nolan whooped.
“I swear to god I’m not getting those three days back, you owe me so bad. And I’m claiming victory for this matchmaking,” Nolan grinned.
“Meddling more like it,” Kevin mused, rolling his eyes, “You got the result you wanted though,”
“I did?”
“You did,”
“Fucking finally,” Nolan groaned.
“Finally what?”
Kevin turned his head to see Claude walking up behind them and winced. If Nolan kept his mouth shut then maybe Kevin had a chance of not being ridiculed for the entirety of practice…
“Hayesy ditched me to finally talk about his feelings,” Nolan smirked.
“With your New York girl? Fucking finally,” Claude grinned.
One day that nickname would fade. One day.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Better late than never,” Kevin mused.
“Only took you a few years,” Nolan snorted.
Four long miserable years. But who was counting.
“Well I’m glad you finally took a chance. Fuck knows it’s been painful enough watching the two of you dance around each other,” Claude teased, before his face suddenly went serious, “She returned your feelings, right? Like, fuck-”
“She did,” Kevin said, interrupting, “She loves me too,”
Saying it out loud like that made him grin, earning laughter from his two teammates.
“Thank fuck for that,” Claude huffed, teasing with a grin of his own.
Thank fuck indeed.
From: Kevin
Dinner at mine tonight?
I’ve got that wine you like…
To: Kevin
You had me at wine.
What time do you want me?
From: Kevin
I always want you.
I’ll have food ready for 7pm.
But come over whenever!
To: Kevin
You ridiculous flirt.
Can’t wait to see you.
Kevin’s messages kept a smile on your face for the rest of your work day, and you didn’t bother going back to your apartment after work – heading straight to his place was all you could think about, so that’s all that you did. And the smile that he greeted you with when he opened the door – bright, genuine, happy – told you that you’d made the right decision.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Kevin murmured, tugging you against his body.
You couldn’t help but laugh, leaning into his hold as he shut the door behind you. “Flattery will get you everywhere,” you grinned.
Kevin grinned back. “Good to know,”
You rolled your eyes fondly, leaning up on your tiptoes to press your lips to his in a soft kiss, smiling at the happy noise he made as you embraced sweetly, your arms sliding up his chest and around his neck. Fuck, even just knowing that you could do this now, kiss him whenever you wanted, sent a shiver up your spine, let alone how good it felt to brush your tongue against his. It was like the floodgates had opened – now that you could kiss him, touch him, hold him, you never wanted to stop. You took every opportunity, and Kevin was exactly the same – maybe even more so, with the way his hands always seemed to stray to your ass.
The kisses eventually slowed to a few gentle pecks, Kevin looking a little stunned even as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“Hi,” you murmured.
“Hi,” he said back, a little helplessly.
Both of you laughed, Kevin resting his forehead against yours briefly before he stepped backwards a little, taking both of your hands with his.
“I gotta finish up some dinner prep, but I can pour you a glass of wine while you wait?” he suggested.
Sweet, thoughtful man.
“That sounds perfect to me,” you nodded, squeezing his hands in agreement.
Dinner was perfect. Wonderful. Incredible. It was only a simple pasta dish, but full of vegetables and spices and flavour, and the fact that Kevin had clearly poured time and effort into making this for the two of you made it even more special. Sitting across from him at the dinner table, each talking about your days, Kevin making your sides ache with laughter…it was all you could ever have dreamed of.
Was it all too good to be true?
That niggling thought followed you to the sofa after you’d finished eating, Kevin joining you with two fresh glasses of wine. He spotted your creased forehead and frown immediately, like you feared knew he would.
“What’s that face for?” Kevin mused, raising an eyebrow.
Sometimes it was a blessing how easily he could read you. But you weren’t sure if now was one of those times. As his smile started to slip, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself. There was no point in hiding your thoughts from him. Honesty and communication were a good thing, right?
“I guess I’m just nervous, that’s all,” you admitted.
Kevin frowned to match you, his eyes immediately going serious. “Nervous? Why?”
“Things are just different now. You know that,”
Kevin’s frown immediately shifted to a smile, making your heart beat a little faster. His faith in you was mindblowing. “It’s just you and me, how it’s always been. How it always should be. Nothing’s different about that,”
But still you shook your head, smiling fondly. “I know you as Kevin-the-friend. I don’t know you as Kevin-the-boyfriend. It’s whole new territory…and I have a horrible thought in my mind saying that it’s all too good to be true,”
Kevin’s face fell again at your words, and he quickly put his wine glass on the coffee table, shaking his head as he reached out to take one of your hands in his. Your breath hitched in your throat at the emotion in his eyes, like it genuinely hurt him to hear the words that came out of your mouth, and you put your own glass down on the floor with a wince.
“Are you…having second thoughts? About…us?” he said quietly, like the words left a bitter taste in his mouth.
You quickly shook your head – you knew that wasn’t it. Not even close. But still…
“What is it then?” Kevin asked, confused.
Here goes nothing. “Sometimes it doesn’t feel real, us being together. Like I’m going to wake up and you’re going to want to only be just friends. It scares me,”
“Shit,” Kevin groaned, eyes closing briefly.
When his eyes reopened his eyes to look at you once more, the fire in his expression startled you…but also made your mouth go dry. That intensity was a good look on him, one you hadn’t seen directed your way before. Fuck.
“Sweetheart, I can’t predict the future. Hell, I can barely figure out what to make for breakfast, let alone where our relationship is going to go. But I do know one thing for certain,” he said firmly.
You swallowed heavily, letting out a shaky breath. “And what’s that?”
“That I want us to have a future. That I am all in. I’m putting my whole heart into this baby, and I just wish I knew what to do so you would believe me,”
Fuck, you did believe him. You absolutely did believe him. How could you not, when you could feel his heart so strongly?
“Kev, I…” you trailed off, a little helpless, not sure where to start.
“What can I do?” he asked, eyes a little desperate.
“I don’t know! I wish I knew. I want this to work so badly,” you murmured.
“All we can do is put the hard work in, right?” he said firmly, eyes bright and shining, “Like, if we both try with our whole hearts, then it’s got to be worth it, right? We’ve been friends for years – that isn’t going to change. We have that foundation already. Now we’re just taking that next step, learning more about each other, rather than starting something scary from scratch,”
Your eyes filled with tears at his heartfelt words, and you found yourself nodding before you could stop yourself.
“It’s still scary…but it could be scarier,” you agreed, biting your bottom lip.
Kevin nodded, smiling encouragingly, to which you let out a shaky breath.
“And no matter what, we’re in this together, yeah? We’ve got each other, more so than ever before,” he said softly.
Your eyes dropped to where his thumb ran back and forth over your hand, a small smile spreading across your lips. “I like the sound of that,”
Kevin’s shoulders seemed to relax a little, like he was letting out tension, sending a guilty pang through your body. Fuck, there you go, making him feel bad again.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, shrinking back a little.
“Hey, no, no apologies. I’m glad you told me,” he replied, shaking his head, “I’d rather we talked about stuff like this than let it build up to something ugly, y’know?”
He had a good point – you couldn’t imagine having a nasty all-out fight with Kevin, and you didn’t want to. He was one of your oldest friends for a reason, and you didn’t want to lose that through a stupid fight, no way.
“Same goes for you too, yeah? You can…should talk to me about anything that worries you,” you said softly.
Kevin smiled, nodding. “Alright, it’s a deal,”
He reached out to pick up his wine glass from the table, holding it towards you in a ‘cheers’ motion, making you laugh. But you picked up your glass from the floor anyway, and clinked it with his, both of you taking a long drink. Kevin was uncharacteristically quiet for a moment, before he quirked a smile your way.
“Let me take you out, show you what Kevin-the-boyfriend is like,” he suggested, “Let me show you that this new thing between us is going to be something amazing,”
How could you say no to that?
“I’d like that,” you grinned, relaxing into the sofa a bit more, “I already know I love Kevin-the-friend…so I think I need to meet Kevin-the-boyfriend properly,”
And as stupid as it felt saying those words out loud, you knew you were right – you needed to see this next stage in your relationship clearly, to banish away those niggling doubts. It was still Kevin, right? Just…more.
Kevin stretched his leg out onto the sofa, nudging your hip with his foot with a big smile on his face, nudging nudging nudging until you gripped his ankle tightly with your free hand, raising an eyebrow. All you got in return was his eyebrows wiggling at you, a stupid grin on his face.
“This is going to be great, you’ll see,” Kevin said cheerfully.
You were counting on it.
A first date was always something to be nervous about, right? Shaky hands, pounding heart, butterflies in the stomach, sweaty palms…it was all natural, right? Because you were experiencing all of these things while you got ready for your date with Kevin.
But was it truly nerves? You weren’t nervous as in apprehensive. No, not at all. Any time you spent with Kevin was always full of warmth and laughter, even when you were just friends, and you knew that tonight would be so different. No, it was nervous as in excited. Nervous butterflies? Shaky giddiness? Whatever it was, it was more than a little overwhelming, but it only took one glance at the last text Kevin sent you to keep a smile on your face.
From: Kevin
I can’t wait to see you, beautiful 💖
Simple, but effective. He always knew what to do and say, even when he didn’t know he was doing it. So instead of getting cold feet or freaking out, all you did was put on your favourite playlist and bop around while you got yourself ready. You’d already gotten your usual leg and bikini wax this morning, having planned to wear a slinky black dress with bare legs, and as soon as you shimmied into the dress you knew it was the right choice. Figure hugging without being clingy, sexy as well as classy – a little black dress is a classic for a reason. After putting on a little makeup and a pair of your favourite heels, you were ready.
Kevin had insisted on picking you up so he could drive the two of you to the restaurant, rather than meeting there, and he arrived to yours right on time. But as you opened the front door of your apartment to greet him, his face was a little stunned, and he was uncharacteristically silent. Huh.
“Everything okay, Kev?” you asked hesitantly.
He quickly nodded, the stunned look on his face slipping into a wide smile.
“You just look so beautiful. Caught me off guard,” he shrugged.
You felt your cheeks heat up with warmth, and you batted your hand at his chest, making him laugh. Ridiculous man.
“Well, you scrub up pretty well yourself,” you teased.
A crisp white button-up shirt, a nice fitted pair of jeans and tailored jacket? Such a good look on him. Kevin just grinned at your words, ducking his head to kiss you softly, making your breath hitch in your throat. Yeah, this was going to be a good night.
“Ready to go?” he asked, as he broke the embrace.
“Yeah, let me just grab a jacket,”
The drive to the restaurant was short and smooth – a Spanish tapas place, on recommendation from Claude – and you were shown to your table immediately, Kevin pulling out your chair for you with a bright smile on his face.
“Welcome! Here are your menus – would you like to see the drinks menu too, or do you know what you would like?”
You looked from the waiter to Kevin with a shrug, to see him looking at you with a hopeful smile. Huh. He already planned this out, didn’t he? So you just nodded at him and smiled back.
“Can we have a glass of Rosado each?” Kevin asked, smiling effortlessly.
“Of course, I will be back momentarily,”
As the waiter walked away, you raised an eyebrow at Kevin, who just shrugged a little bashfully.
“I never have any clue which wine goes with what. So I asked Claude when he recommended this place – a few of the guys around us chimed in with their thoughts too, and apparently Rosado goes with tomato-y garlic-y things. I figured that’s the majority of what we’d be eating, so I hope that’s okay” Kevin explained.
The fact that he had put so much thought into tonight, asking his friends and really researching, made your heart clench, and it was all you could do to nod. He really was so sweet – no-one had ever put in this much effort for you before.
A silence fell over you for a moment, not awkward, but still not fully comfortable, until you looked at Kevin and the both of you huffed out a laugh.
“This is weird, right?” you giggled.
“Nah, not if we don’t let it be,” he shrugged, smiling.
His ease and nonchalance was something to be jealous of, that much was true.
“So confident, Mr Hayes,” you mused, raising an eyebrow.
“Easy to be confident when I’ve got the most beautiful person in the room sitting opposite me,” he replied smoothly.
Oh so smooth.
“Kev…” you groaned, hiding your face with a hand.
“Come on, I’ve been wanting to say these things for years! Indulge me,” he teased.
Years. The very thought of it sent a shiver down your spine.
“You think I haven’t had my moments of weakness? Where I’ve thought about us over the years?” you asked simply, raising an eyebrow as you lowered your hand back into your lap.
Kevin inhaled sharply, making you smile. Good.
“I like that you have. Thought about us, I mean. I just can’t believe how stupid we’ve been. We’ve wasted so much time,” Kevin sighed.
You reached across the table, resting your hand on top of his with a smile. “We’re here now, right? That’s all that matters,”
“Yeah exactly,” he nodded.
Then he bit his bottom lip, as if he was hesitating on something, making you smile a little more.
“What is it, Kev?” you asked softly.
He stayed silent for another beat or two, before he looked at you intensely.
“I see my future with you, sweetheart,” he blurted. Oh wow. “And yeah, maybe that’s too soon to say, but this isn’t some brand new fresh thing – this has been building for years, and now that we’re finally together, it just feels so right, y’know?”
Your heart clenched at his sweet words, and you couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your lips. Fuck. Who knew a hockey player could be so open and in touch with their feelings? Well, it was Kevin after all. Might as well speak your own thoughts too.
“It does feel so right. I’ve never felt anything for anyone like I feel for you,” you admitted.
Kevin’s answering smile was a little stunned and a little helpless. “Fuck, same. Same for me,”
You ignored the butterflies filling your stomach, looking down at the menu in front of you to stop your smile going stupid. What was it about this man that made you feel so different? His honesty? His smile? His laugh? Fuck, all of that and more. All you did know was that you didn’t want it to stop.
The date continued on to become the best date you had ever been on. Not that you were surprised – it was Kevin after all, and you already knew there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do if it would make you smile. And you were quickly learning how true it was for you too. Having all that adoration, that attention, that smile focused solely on you? It was addictive, and you didn’t want it directed towards anyone else. You wanted his whole heart, you knew that much already, and you could only hope that he wanted the same from you.
Both of you only had one glass of wine with your food, as Kevin was driving you home, and by the time the two of you had reached the front door of your apartment (Kevin had insisted on walking you to your front door, even though it was an apartment building), you felt giddy. Giddy and ridiculous and unbelievably happy. This was it, this was what you had been waiting for. This moment, this knowledge, that same confidence in this thing with Kevin that he’d had all along. You only wished it hadn’t taken you so long.
But you were here now, that’s all that mattered. You and Kevin, together. As it should be.
As you unlocked your front door, you felt yourself pausing in the doorway, Kevin making a questioning noise as you stopped moving. You bit your bottom lip gently, before taking a deep breath to steel your nerves. “Do you want to come in?” you asked, looking up into those beautiful blue eyes.
Kevin’s lips parted in surprise, a stunned expression filling his face.
“Like, come in come in?” he asked, voice a little breathy.
The sheer want in his voice made you shiver, and you knew you’d made the right decision in asking him. You could basically taste the tension between you as you nodded slowly, Kevin swaying forward as if he couldn’t help himself.
But then he stopped, freezing still, making you frown.
“Are you sure? Like, it’s not too soon?” he forced out, eyes a little wild.
So you quickly shook your head, smiling at him checking.
“Kev, it’s us, right?”
He’d been saying it for weeks, that being together was just a next step in your strong foundation of friendship, so both of you giving in to that obvious desire wouldn’t ruin anything at all. You wanted him…he wanted you…so why not take things up another notch?
“Yeah, it’s us. Endgame, baby,” Kevin grinned.
And just like that, the tension burst like a balloon, making you laugh. Yeah, this was the man you were in love with alright.
“Come on loverboy,” you laughed, rolling your eyes fondly, “Let’s not give my neighbours a show,”
Kevin smirked, wiggling his eyebrows as he followed you into your apartment, making you laugh all over again. There was none of that nervous apprehension you’d felt with other guys before – it was all just excitement, fizzing and buzzing through your skin, and your mind swirled with ideas.
Stripping him down slowly, piece by piece.
Getting your mouth on him, every inch of his body, especially his cock.
Having him pin you down on your bed, all gorgeous 6ft5 of him surrounding you in the best way.
“I’ve been thinking about getting my hands on you since I saw you in that dress,”
Kevin’s soft words tore you out of your lustful thoughts, and you moaned softly at the shiver it sent up your spine. Fuck yes, you were getting laid tonight and it was going to be good.
“Then how about you get your hands on me?” you suggested, corner of your lips lifting up in a smirk.
He wasted no time in pressing you into the nearest wall, barely making it out of the entrance hallway, and you laughed as his hands went straight to your ass.
“Feeling better?” you mused, toying with the top button of his shirt.
This wasn’t a fiery desperate rush, crashing about, rough and riling up – no this was a slow build-up of lust and want, much like your relationship had been a slow build-up. No, this was a slow seduction, sweet and all-consuming, bodies moving in sync and taking what they wanted. And you couldn’t fucking wait.
“Hmm, a little,” Kevin grinned back.
“Only a little huh?” you teased.
“Oh I have a few ideas of what could help,” he murmured.
The flash of heat in his eyes sent a flare of heat through your body, and you couldn’t help but to dart your tongue out to wet your bottom lip, Kevin’s eyes tracking the motion, making you smile. But you had no time to tease him before he took your lips in a kiss, making you whimper at how quickly it got heated before Kevin broke away with a gasp, leaving your head spinning.
“So that’s one idea,” he grinned.
Oh fuck, this man was going to ruin you. But not before you ruined him a little bit first.
“What’s your next idea?” you breathed.
Kevin just grinned, stepping backwards a little bit, making you whine before you could stop yourself.
“Stay right where you are, beautiful. Keep your eyes on me,”
That you could do. You dramatically placed your hands against the wall, making him laugh as he dropped his jacket carelessly to the floor, and his fingers went to the top button of his shirt. He kept his eyes on you as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his strong broad chest inch by inch until he was able to drop it to the floor, leaving him in just his jeans. Fuck. You would never be able to get enough of the sight of him like this, let alone the touch (and you couldn’t wait for the taste) – the strength in his shoulders, his chest, his core, his arms…fuck.
“Get back over here,” you said, voice low and rough.
Kevin inhaled sharply, and he wasted no time in stumbling back over to you, arms caging you in against the wall in a way that made you want.
“Great second idea. What’s next?” you breathed.
Fuck. This was winding you up and up and up and you knew the night had barely even started.
“I want…can I taste you?” he blurted.
What? But before you could ask what he meant, Kevin dropped to his knees, making you gasp. Oh fuck. Oh yes.
“You want to be on your knees for me?” you asked, swallowing heavily.
“Yeah, so bad,” Kevin nodded, a little desperate.
Well how could you say no to that?
Biting your bottom lip, you reached up under your dress, hooking your fingers into the sides of your panties and tugging them down. Kevin whined as his view was blocked by the skirt of your dress but you just grinned. This was the least he deserved for stripping his shirt off so slowly. You let your panties drop to the floor when they were past the thickness of your thighs and slowly stepped out of them, kicking them to one side.
His move.
Kevin’s eyes were wide and dark as he raised his hands to rest on your thighs, lips slightly parted.
“Please, can I?” he murmured, thumbs brushing under the skirt hem.
Fuck. This was all too much, the desire, his patience, his asking. Bring it on.
“Yeah, go ahead,” you nodded, inhaling sharply.
He slowly dragged the skirt of your dress up to your hips, moaning softly under his breath when you were revealed bare to him. One of his hands bunched up the dress to hold it in place, the other placed large and firm on your thigh, and his thumb lightly stroked over the wetness in your folds…before he stopped.
Kevin looked up at you, wordless asking one last time. And you just nodded, too overwhelmed in the moment to utter any words, your heart racing at the very sight of him kneeling so comfortably between your thighs. With a smile, he shuffled a little closer to you, ducking his head to place a reverent kiss to your clit, making you gasp, earning a soft laugh.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Kevin mumbled, mostly to himself.
Then he ducked his head down and dove right in, tongue running over your folds in a wide stripe, his tongue flicking at your clit in a way that made you gasp. Fuck. How was he so good at this, straight off the bat? You could feel him smirking against your skin, before his tongue flicked at your clit again, and you couldn’t stop your hips bucking to chase the feeling. Fuck. The hand holding your dress out of the way adjusted to rest across your hips, pinning you to the wall, as his tongue ran back and forth over your core, gathering and tasting your wetness, dipping in and out of you, making you clench down on nothing. You didn’t hold back the soft moans that spilled from your lips, your body trembling with how good he made you feel. But as you clenched down empty again, you knew you could feel even better.
“More, Kev, please?” you begged.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” he groaned, resting his forehead against your hip.
You giggled, pushing his hair out of his eyes so he would look up at you.
“I want more,” you said firmly, eyes holding his in challenge.
And fuck did he rise to the challenge.
Kevin buried his face back between your thighs, eagerly running his tongue back and forth over you, into you, winding you up higher and higher, until he backed off to just sucking on your clit. Then you realised why he’d changed tactic, as his fingers moved to trail through your folds. With a fingertip teasing at your entrance, Kevin looked up at you, those big blue eyes questioning, and it was all you could do to nod. Leisurely Kevin slid a finger into you, letting you get used to the intrusion before he started to move it, gentle and slow, sending sparks up your spine and making your eyes clench shut. Then his teeth scraped over your clit and you wailed at the electricity that shot through your body, eyes flying open to glare down at him, wild and weak-kneed. Kevin’s eyes just sparkled with laughter, and he wasted no time in sliding in a second finger, sucking at your clit in the same rhythm in which he fucked his fingers into you. Fuck. You could feel a familiar heat start to build and you moaned – it wasn’t fair how quickly he learned the cues of your body.
Two can play at that game.
“You look so good on your knees for me,” you breathed, running your fingers through his messy hair.
Kevin’s eyes flashed with fire as he moaned at your words, sending a shockwave through you, making you gasp. Good. He leaned back slightly, tongue darting out over his swollen lips, before he smirked.
“You look so good with my fingers inside you,” he rasped back, curling both fingers over and over again in a come hither motion, “Going to look even better on my cock,”
Game, set, and match. Fuck. You cried out as the onslaught of his fingers sent you crashing through your high, Kevin smirking before he returned his tongue to lick between the two digits, prolonging the wave of pleasure until you were shaking and overwhelmed. Kevin backed off a little bit, leaning back to sit on his heels, but his face radiated smugness, of a job well done, even as the hard line of his cock strained against the denim of his jeans.
It was all you could do to fall to your knees to join him, straddling his lap lightly as you fought to regain control over your breathing, his hands going straight to your hips where your dress had fallen back down.
“Fuck, Kev,” you said with a shaky laugh.
He just smirked, wiggling his eyebrows, making you laugh for real. Ridiculous man. Without saying another word, you rested one hand against his bare chest, lifting the other hand to cup his face. You stroked your thumb over the wetness lingering on his bottom lip, before pressing down lightly on that lip to get him to open his mouth, and Kevin took the hint straight away, accepting your thumb into his mouth. You couldn’t take your eyes away from the sight of him closing his plush lips around it, sucking the wetness away, the same wetness that was still between your thighs.
Then his teeth scraped over the pad of your thumb, imitating his treatment of your clit, making you moan and clench down on nothing, even more evident where your thighs were spread across his lips.
“You’re such a tease,” you gasped, pulling your thumb free.
“Not a tease if I’m planning on following through,” Kevin said simply, smirk still playing with his expression.
The intensity in his eyes paired with the way his hands squeezed your hips sent a shiver up your spine, and you let a small smirk of your own drift across your lips.
“Hmm, yes, you said something about how good I’ll look with your cock inside me?” you murmured.
The noise that tore from Kevin’s throat was barely human, more feral than anything else, and the want in his eyes sent a wave of heat through your body. Fuck, yes.
“Fuck, yes,” he groaned, “I know I just said it in the heat of the moment, but do you…do you want…”
“Yeah, Kev, I want,” you nodded quickly.
Kevin all but growled. “Hook your legs around my waist,” he said firmly.
And then you felt his abs tense, as Kevin anchored himself to stand up from the floor with you in his arms, and you shrieked as you hurried to do as he said, hooking your ankles together against the swell of his ass.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” you breathed, arms firmly around his neck as he held you securely.
It was all you could do not to think about how your bare core was pressed against his abs. Fuck.
“Yeah?” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes fondly. “Take me to bed, Kev,”
Kevin swallowed heavily, his eyes flashing dark and serious.
“Yes ma’am,”
A party was never just a simple party when Kevin Hayes was involved. Music was pounding, beer was flowing, shots were poured, and weed was an easy haze on the back porch. At all the parties he’d thrown like this in the past, you’d always drifted to and from him, flitting from group to group just like he did, always separate. But this time, no – this time you were sitting on the sofa with his arm wrapped around your waist, leaning into his body because now you could.
And fuck did it feel good.
“So, tell us, how does it feel to be finally be called Kevin’s girl, rather than Kevin’s New York girl?” Claude grinned.
Ah yes, that nickname. Finally, it could die.
“Feels pretty fucking sweet actually,” you said simply.
Everyone on the sofas around you burst into laughter, and you could feel the rumble of Kevin’s own laughter deep in his chest. You couldn’t help but look up at him with a smile, earning an adoring smile back, as well as a soft kiss. Yeah, this was exactly where you wanted to be. 
 “How did you two actually meet?” Ryanne asked, smiling, “Like, I know you’ve been friends for years…but how?”
You found yourself smiling as you looked back up at Kevin, and he smiled down at you. It was true, you really had been friends with him for years at this point. And your first meeting was pretty funny.
“Go ahead,” Kevin shrugged.
His loss.
“Alright, so it went like this…”
Sunday night was grocery run night – and this week was no different. You walked into the lobby of your apartment building with both your arms full, trying to figure out how you were going to call the elevator, when you noticed a very tall guy already waiting, the elevator call button pressed. Huh, that solved that problem.
He smiled as you stopped next to him, giving you a little nod. “Hey,”
Holy shit this guy is hot. No, not the time. Tall…hot…great smile…no, focus. Be cool.
“Oh hey, you’re one of the new guys, right?” you smiled, tilting your head to look up at him.
“Yeah, I’m Kevin. I just got a place with my buddies Jimmy and Brady. A couple of floors up from you, right?”
Oh wow. He froze as your eyes widened in surprise, and groaned.
“I swear I’m not a creep?” he offered, wincing, “I’m just really good with faces,”
For some reason, you believed him. Call it intuition, or vibes, or whatever. This guy was being genuine. Huh.
“I guess I’ll have to take your word for it,” you teased.
His shoulders slumped a little as if releasing tension, making you smile. As if by fate, the elevator pinged its arrival, and Kevin gestured for you to enter first before following you in.
You couldn’t help but laugh as you spoke in unison, Kevin just grinning. Oops.
“Go ahead,” you mused.
“I was going to say, if you fancy meeting my other flatmates too, we’re having a little housewarming of sorts. Like, a bunch of our friends are coming over, sort of a drop in and out whenever time kind of thing. It’d be nice to meet you properly, and show you I’m not actually a weirdo? Friday, if you’re free?”
Oh wow. That was really…sweet? Sure, it could blow up in your face, and he could actually be a creep…but again, those intuitive vibes were saying he wasn’t. And it definitely beats sitting at home and eating cold pizza. Again.
And damn, if his flatmates looked anything like him? Eye candy for days.
“Friday huh? I could do Friday,” you said simply, trying to keep your cool.
His answering smile let you know you’d made the right decision.
“…and after that, we became really good friends, all four of us. He never flirted with me after that time in the elevator and I tried my hardest not to flirt with him. I stayed in touch with Kev when he went to the Jets and then here to the Flyers, and he was one of the first people I got in contact with when my job moved me to Philadelphia. And then everything changed a few weeks ago. The rest is history,” you shrugged.
Kevin grinned, although he definitely had a blush on his cheeks.
“You were such a creep,” Claude said, laughing.
Kevin blushed a little fiercer. “It just came out! Of course I noticed the prettiest girl in the building – that was the least awful way I could’ve said it,”
You rolled your eyes as his friends hooted and jeered, although you felt your cheeks heat up with warmth.
“Just couldn’t help yourself, huh?” you teased.
“I got there in the end, didn’t I?” he shot back with a dramatic wink.
“Only took you a few years,” Nolan snorted.
Kevin just grinned, unashamed.
It may have taken a few years, but Kevin was right – you had gotten there in the end. All the years of self-doubt and insecurity, thinking you’d never be more than just friends, had resulted in a beautiful – if unexpected – relationship. A build-up of such a solid foundation of friendship over the past four years had already given you the opportunity to learn so much about him – and you couldn’t wait to learn even more. To learn about Kevin, the boyfriend. And, maybe even more than that, if you were lucky. Yes, unexpected as this may have been, you were in this for the long haul. And you couldn’t wait.
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citrinesparkles · 3 years
doctor todd.
jason todd x gender neutral vigilante!reader. 1,875 words. notes: requested by @jason-redhood as part of my hundred followers celebration! this got a lot longer than i intended, oopsies. thanks for requesting- hope you enjoy! warnings: tending wounds, mentions of food.
"y'know, lurking outside somebody's window is a good way to get yourself shot," jason called over his shoulder.
"i'll keep that in mind," you said, voice strained enough to shoot dread into his veins and draw his attention completely away from his work.
he set the gun he had been cleaning on the table and twisted around to find you gingerly sliding through the open window.
"hey," you mumbled, giving him a weak wave after your boots hit the floor. "sorry for not calling, i just..."
you were backlit, the glow of the city making it impossible to see your features from the dining area- but your posture alone was enough to have him shoving his chair back and crossing his apartment.
"how bad?" he asked, stopping a few steps back, now able to make out the tears in your suit and the bruises around your mask.
"pretty sure i sprained my wrist, and there's a poorly-bandaged gash on my leg, but otherwise i'm peachy."
"how bad's the leg?"
"i'm... not sure. bad enough that i think i need your help." you patted the windowsill with a gloved hand. "obviously."
he nodded and slid to your good side, gently resting a hand on your shoulder. "okay. c'mon, my stuff's in the bathroom."
"here." he handed you a pair of shorts and a large tank top. "change into this so i can get to the wounds, okay? i'll be right out here if you need anything."
"you're good!" you called.
he nudged the bathroom door back open and scooped your uniform up from the floor, carefully putting it in a canvas bag and tying the handles together before setting it in the tub to deal with later. "alright," he sighed, turning back to face you.
his clothes looked way too right on you, he realized, a wave of emotion he would vehemently deny surging through his chest and pushing heat to his neck and cheeks.
"okay. alright. uh-" he jerked a thumb at the counter- "up here, i guess, so i can see your leg."
you propped one foot on the toilet lid and braced your good hand against his shoulder, his hands instinctively coming up to hover around your waist as you pushed yourself up and settled next to the sink.
the grateful smile you gave him was enough to tug his lips into a smile of his own.
"you're up, doctor todd," you teased.
he stepped forward with a halfhearted eyeroll, fingers brushing the cloth tied hastily around your leg. "can i take this off?"
"go ahead."
he tugged gently at the knot, wincing when you inhaled sharply. "sorry."
the scrap fell away, revealing dried blood and an open wound on the outside of your thigh.
"yeesh, that is nasty," he said.
you scoffed lightly. "gee, thanks."
"hey, if you wanted a nice doctor, you probably should have gone somewhere else." he shifted to the side, grabbing a clean cloth and bottle of alcohol. "fair warning, you're really not gonna like me here in a minute."
your quick "i seriously doubt that." was greeted with a grin that felt a little too fond for his liking.
he told himself it was for your benefit.
...yeah, that sounded good.
he could live with that.
he made quick work of cleaning the gash, doing his best to distract you by making stupid small talk about the horrible movie he'd sat through that morning because the tv remote had been out of reach and the mediocre new coffee shop with dry blueberry muffins.
"was the coffee okay, at least?"
"okay, yeah, but not 'five-dollars-fifty' okay. if i hadn't been falling asleep in line i probably would have left when i saw the price."
"there's a nice one up by my place, they make the best blueberry muffins ever."
he hummed. "i'll keep that in mind, next time i'm over that way." he leaned back, studying your cut. "i think stitches would probably be smart."
you groaned. "of course they would."
"i'm okay to do them- i do them on myself- but if you want i can give you a lift to a hospital or something."
"no. if you can, i want you to do them. i trust you."
he sat with that for a minute, searching your face for any hesitation. when he found none, he nodded. "okay."
as you both expected, it sucked.
to make things worse, he was rapidly running out of mindless things to talk about.
how many times could two people really argue about pizza toppings before it got old?
"alright, done."
"holy shit, finally." you slumped back, leaning on your good hand for a moment before your head snapped back up. "no, not like- i meant thank you, you did great, i'm not being an ingrate-"
"i know, relax." he nudged your knee with a goofy smile. "here, gimme your wrist."
you pouted (which, yes, that was also adorable, much to his dismay), carefully stretching your bad arm out.
he took your hand gently, scooping it up in one of his and bracing your forearm up with his other. "it's actually not too bad, considering you hit hard enough to tear your glove. i'm gonna clean the scrapes here up, though, okay?"
"do i really get a choice?"
"it's your body, so, yeah."
you sighed dramatically. "fine, if you insist. go ahead, clean my wounds for me."
he was quiet this time, focusing intently on removing bits of dirt and stuff from your raw palm with a set of tweezers.
trying to ignore the way your eyes seemed to linger on him now that he was looking down.
he set the tweezers aside, glancing up at you to find you smiling at him thoughtfully, and dropped his gaze just as quickly as he had lifted it. "what, you enjoying making me do all the work?"
"you could say that, yeah."
he scoffed. "well, you're going to enjoy it a lot less in a second. time for the alcohol again."
he managed to dig up an old wrist brace in the back of his sock drawer. a little big for you, but it would work for now, he figured.
"may i?"
you nodded and held your arm back out for him to loop the brace over your thumb and tuck the velcro strap under and around, pulling it snug against your skin before sticking it to itself.
"last one, tough stuff." he pointed at your cheek, where a small patch of dried blood stained your skin. "ready?'
you nodded tiredly. "let's just get this over with. this counter isn't as comfortable as it looks."
he chuckled, dampening the softest cloth he had and wringing it out. "sorry, i didn't think i needed to get an apartment with counter cushions." he raised his left hand up, hovering an inch or so below your chin. "uh, can i..?"
your eyes widened, glancing at his hand. "oh, uh, sure. yeah."
he moved slowly, raising it to cup your chin softly with his middle and forefinger on one side and thumb on the other. "this okay?"
"mhm." your eyes slid shut and he could almost believe that you sank into his touch.
if it wasn't absolutely insane, anyway. his touch wasn't exactly the kind people sank into- much less people like you. people that good, that caring, that stunning? yeah, no.
he tilted your head to the side slightly, rubbing gentle circles across your cheekbone with the cloth and watching as the blood faded.
"so, who did this?" he asked softly, casually.
apparently not casually enough, though, because you snorted at him. "why, you think you need to go avenge me? defend my honor or something?"
"no! i'm just curious. just... making conversation."
your eyes opened, amusement dancing in them and threatening to hypnotize him. "good. i shouldn't have to tell you who won that fight, jay."
"well, i mean, you are missing a chunk of your thigh."
"aw, is the big bad vigilante worried about lil old me?"
he squeezed your face gently, pushing your cheeks up and forward into a goofy fish face. "it's rude to tease the guy tending to your wounds, babe."
he definitely didn't imagine your breath hitching. "babe, huh?" you asked playfully.
"shut up," he grumbled. "don't make me regret helping."
"alright, looks like that's the last scrape. you're all cleaned up."
"thanks, jason." you smiled up at him, soft and warm and genuine. "i really appreciate this."
"yeah, yeah." he squeezed your jaw again. "try not to make it a habit."
"mhm." a moment passed quietly before you spoke quietly. "so, you gonna do something here, or can i have my face back?"
he froze.
your mouth- which he was really trying not to look at- shifted into a confident smirk, a challenge written clearly in the angle of your lips.
your eyes, bright under the harsh lighting, told a different story. one of vulnerability, and want, and something close to fear.
"do you want me to?" his voice was hoarser than he'd intended, and he swore you could hear his heartbeat echoing in it.
your gaze dipped to his lips. "would it make everything super weird?"
"you just came crawling through my window in the middle of the night in a mask and kevlar. i think things are already weird."
he felt your hum under his fingers. "then why not?"
"do you really want me to answer that?"
"jason, will you please just kiss me already?"
"well, you did say please." he leaned in slowly, giving you every opportunity to slip away or yell 'sike!'
all you did was bring your good hand up to his collar and pull him towards you.
your lips were soft and gentle, and the way they pulled upwards slightly when his hand slid from your jaw to cup your cheek was something he'd be thinking about for weeks.
when he eventually pulled back, it took him a moment to open his eyes. he was half convinced that if he did, it would be to his bedroom ceiling, the past half an hour all a dream.
instead, he found your fond gaze.
he let out a huff of laughter, thumb running over your cheek. "you should stay here tonight."
"not like that," he clarified quickly. "you have stitches, you shouldn't go leaping across rooftops tonight. i can take the couch."
"hm." you smoothed out his shirt collar, the barely-there brush of your fingers against his shoulder almost tugging a whine out of him. "or i can take the couch, and then you can take me home in the morning and let me treat you to an actual blueberry muffin."
"are you asking me out?" it was a teasing comment, paired with a tiny smirk meant to fluster you.
but it was also a reality check.
you seemed to catch the second meaning. "yeah, i am. would you, please, let me take you out on a date?"
"i'll have to check my calenda-"
"you're so full of it."
"yeah, probably."
"is that a yes?"
he laughed, bringing his other hand up to squeeze your knee. "yeah, i can let you take me on a date. i could use a good muffin."
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maddiwrites · 3 years
Scared to Love
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: You go from being best friends, to friends with benefits, to strangers with JJ Maybank. You tried your best not to fall in love with your best friend, but how could anyone not love the infamous Pogue?
Note: Sorry, I really suck a summaries. But I wanted to post something outside of my OBX rewrite so I hope you like it(:
Word Count 3.3k
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and divorce.
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The beach is loud with teenagers holding red solo cups and cheering on their friends as they compete to out drink one another. The sky is dark and glittered with bright stars, but the night is still young, filled with both promises and threats. It’s another typical Friday night, surrounded by friends and strangers alike. You usually thrive at these kind of parties - the queen of beer pong, the hot girl dancing in the middle of the crowd like no one’s watching. You attract attention from all Outer Banks social groups - Pogues, Kooks, and Tourons. But now...
Now you wish you could hide from all of it.
If it were up to you, you would be at home, locked away in your room, watching Nicholas Sparks movies until you were no longer capable of crying. But lucky for you, you have best friends who don’t allow you to wallow in self pity. Sure, they let you cry on their shoulder, they rub your back, and tell you everything’s going to be okay. They compliment you. They tell you that you’re gonna go far in life and that you don’t need any man to make you feel like you deserve the world. But they also make sure that you don’t stay in your dark place. They would drag you out of there by your teeth and skin if they needed to. At the time, you can be pissed about it, but you learn to love them for it.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you smile once tonight.” John B walks up to you and offers a teasing smile. He moves to stand next to you, shoulder to shoulder, as you look out into the depth of the party from the edge. 
“I’m trying to find a reason to,” You answer honestly. Your eyes stay trained on the blonde Pogue with a cute redhead wrapped in his arms. They’re swaying to the beat of the music that plays loudly through someone’s portable speaker. They both look happy, and the sight of it makes you physically nauseous. 
John B follows your stare and sighs when he sees what’s got you so down. “Look, I don’t know what happened between you two -”
“It doesn’t matter.” You sip on your now lukewarm beer and tear your eyes away from the happy couple, or whatever they want to call themselves. 
“It does,” John B says, making you look at him. “Because I can’t be in the same room as my two best friends anymore. I mean, seriously, what happened? Did you guys have a fight or something?”
You gnaw at your bottom lip and flick your gaze down at the sand. What you and JJ had was different than what you have with the rest of your best friends. The two of you have always been the closest. Your friend group first started as just you, JJ, and John B. John B always felt like the brother you never had. You loved and fought like siblings usually do. He told you the cold hard truth even when you didn’t want to hear it. You loved him, but not like you loved JJ. You were always aware of the way your heart swelled when JJ laughed, or how your skin tingled when he touched you, or how your chest tightened when he would come back to the Chateau and brag to everyone about his most recent hookup from the night before. The blonde held a special place in your heart that no body else could replace. Not even now.
It all started when you and JJ were left alone at the Chateau for an entire night. John B was somewhere else - probably with Sarah Cameron, who knows. JJ had come from another run-in with his dad and asked that you stay with him because he didn’t want to be alone. The two of you ended up getting high off of JJ’s good stuff. You think it was the most you ever smoked in your life. The two of you ordered pizza, and laughed at dumb youtube videos. For a few hours, you forgot that JJ had an abusive father or that you were caught between a custody battle with your own parents. 
You don’t remember how or when it happened, but the air grew thick with tension and neither of you were laughing anymore. You remember looking into his blue eyes, the color of the ocean, which you always said fit the surfer perfectly. Next thing you know, his lips are on yours - softly at first, then into a rhythm that most resembled an insatiable hunger. He took you into the room he claimed as his, and then....and then he claimed you.
You woke up first that morning. Your stomach swirled with some kind of emotion you couldn’t exactly pin when you looked over at JJ’s bare back as he slept on his stomach. Maybe it was excitement, joy, bliss. Or maybe it was dread, guilt, fear. It wasn't a secret that you and relationships...well, they never ended well. You never stayed long enough to catch serious feelings for the other person. Kie seems to think it’s due to the disastrous relationship your own parents had, and you couldn’t help but wonder if she was right. Your parents spent the second half of your life tearing each other down, competing over who was able to hurt the other one more. You spent a lot of nights hiding under your covers as if that would protect you from your mothers screams or glasses breaking from your father’s rage. You saw what loving someone could do to people. Loving someone can make you hate someone.
And you didn’t want that to happen with JJ. You knew you were already in too deep. You became a bubbly school girl whenever he came around since you were ten. But you refused to let you and JJ become like your mom and dad. If you wanted to keep JJ around, you we’re going to have to keep him at a distance. 
You knew you should have stopped it after the first time, but JJ was like a magnet you couldn’t detach yourself from. You both made a silent agreement that this would be a no strings attached situation. So off the books that even your closest friends didn’t know about it. At first it was fun and harmless - each of you got what you were craving the most, whether it be the comfort of the other person’s company or the high only that person could give the other. But inevitably, lines started to blur. You found yourself staring at your phone on days you didn’t spend together, wearing his hoodies just to feel closer to him because it hugged you in his scent, staying latched to his side at boneyard and Kook parties. You didn’t know if he felt the same way, and you didn’t let yourself find out. You put space between yourself and the infamous Pogue, only showing up in the middle of the night once a week instead of three to four. You tried talking to Tourons at parties - never going home with them but always having them as a back up option. You chose the seat furthest away from him during lunch at The Wreck, and made up excuses as to why you couldn’t go surfing with him in the early mornings. Slowly, you tried to go back to the way things were, but the further you separated from JJ, the greater the crack in your heart became.
Surprisingly, it was JJ who cut things off completely on a night you wanted to use to take your mind off the latest fight between your parents. Even with your father moved out of your family home, the screaming matches never stopped, and now they were trying to use you to pick sides. In the end, JJ did take your mind off your own family, but never in the way you expected him to.
“I don’t think we should do this anymore,” he told you as he slowly lifted your arms away from his shoulders. 
“What? Why?” You looked at him with a tilted head and narrowed eyes. Your breathing became static and shallow, like you were on the verge of a panic attack. 
“Because this was a bad idea, and it’s not healthy - me using you to forget about my dad, you using me to forget about your parents -”
“Using you?” You scoff and shake your head in disbelief. “You think that’s all this is?” “Why did you come over here? Why today? Why right now?”
You clenched your teeth together and looked away from the boy who was now staring at you with a look that resembled pity. You wanted to tell him that sex wasn’t the only reason you find solace in his company. He made you feel safe and happy. He made you forget about the world’s problems with his jokes and stories. He made you laugh harder than anyone else could dream ever could. JJ is the first person you think of when you wake up and the person you dream about at night. But you couldn’t tell him this. Because that would mean admitting your stronger feelings for him. That would mean possibly destroying the relationship you already have with him,
Little did you know, not answering him would do the same thing.
“Fine,” You swallow back your tears and turn away to leave. You couldn’t stay here, standing in front of him for another second. Your felt embarrassed and ashamed. Like you had made a mistake that you can’t take back.
“Y/N -” JJ tried calling out to you, but you ignored him and slammed the door behind you.
You down the last of your beer and shake the empty cup. Ignoring John B’s question you walk past him. “I need another drink.”
John B shakes his head with frustration. Rolling his eyes he says, “He asks about you all the time. Talks about you non stop but won’t tell me why he won’t just call you up himself. And I don’t know what to tell him because by shutting him out, you’re shutting me out too.”
You swallow the lump in your throat and look down at the sand covering the toes of your sneakers. You hate that what John B said is true, and you hate even more that you don’t know how to fix it without seeing JJ Maybank. And you’re just not ready for that.
You didn’t see JJ turn his head at the sound of his best friend’s rising voice. No one in the crowd seemed to recognize the tension only a couple feet away, but he did. He watched from afar, noticing the space between you two and how stiff your bodies are. His heart tore into two, knowing he was the reason for their dispute. But he didn’t know what to do or how to fix it. 
He thinks about you everyday, contemplates calling you up, or going to your house and apologizing personally. He misses you. He never meant to hurt you. But...he had to think of himself. And staying with you was killing him slowly. Because he knew you wouldn’t give him what he always dreamed of. A lifetime with you as his partner in crime. The love of his life. The mother to his children some day.
But everyday without you felt like another year had been tacked onto his life. Sometimes he thinks he’d rather just live through the heartbreak than never having you at all. 
“You know what?” You say, “This was a bad idea. I’m just going to go.” 
John B doesn’t stop you. He just watches you walk away. He bites his tongue because he knows whatever he wants to say in anger will only mask how he really feels - which is pity and sadness. Because he know something is is going on with you and he can’t help you - not until you let him.
“Leaving so soon?” A certain voice makes you stop in your tracks on the edge of the beach where people have parked their cars. 
You squeeze your fists together to stop your hand from shaking and take three deep breaths to calm your racing heart. You slowly turn to look at him and suck your bottom lip in between your teeth. He looks the same. Shaggy blonde hair, beautiful tan skin, sparkling blue eyes. Although, he looks sheepish with his hands tucked into his cargo short pockets and his eyes narrowed in your direction. He looks sad. But that doesn’t make sense because he broke it off with you.
“I guess I’m just not in the party mood tonight,” You respond. JJ takes note of how empty your voice sounds.
“Y/N Y/L/N not in the party mood?” JJ tries to joke. “That’s unheard of.”
“What are you doing, JJ?” You ask impatiently. The longer you look at the boy you...well...the boy you don’t want to love, the harder it is to breathe. “Don’t you have a girl to entertain? She’s pretty, clearly into you-”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?” You play dumb.
JJ sighs. “Look, I understand if you’re mad at me or something -”
“I’m not mad,” You deny with a shrug. “We fucked around for a little bit and then you moved on-”
“Don’t do that. Don’t act like what he had meant nothing -“
“Well did it? Mean anything?” You narrow your eyes and take another step closer to him. “Because from what you said, I was only using you! And you were only using me. That’s what you said!”
“I didn’t mean it like that. I -”
“What did you mean then?” You challenge him. You feel your eyes heat up with fresh tears and no matter how many times you try to blink them away, they threaten to fall. You feel a red blush rush up your neck as you look deep into his eyes, remembering the shame you felt that night. You never meant to make him feel like that’s all he was to you - a distraction or a quick fuck. He was still your best friend. And you ruined that, and there’s no one else to blame but yourself. Yet here you are, yelling at him because it was easier that way. 
“I never meant for any of this to happen. I just - I just wanted my best friend back!”
You take a step back and look at him like the blonde just grew two heads. “I never left. I was there the entire time. You’re the one that ended things.”
“Because I loved you!” JJ yells at you, rendering you absolutely speechless. His words ring over your head like a chime, dancing beautifully through your ear drums. Despite his outburst of admittance of affection, he glares at you because how could you be so stupid not to see it? 
“What?” Your voice is barely above a whisper and your own scowl is gone. 
JJ runs his hands through his disheveled hair and curses to himself. “Fuck, Y/N, I loved you. I still love you. But I know how you feel about relationships and love and -” JJ sighs. “I didn’t want to lose you, but my god, it was killing me that I was giving my all and you would never -”
You feel your feet moving forward despite your brain and thoughts freezing completely. 
You didn’t know how to feel.  You just knew you needed to be near him. You wanted to feel his heart beat against his chest and his breath on your skin. You wanted to look him dead in the eyes and read his brain like an open book. You just wanted to be near him and somehow show him that you felt the same way.
Your hands cup his jaw to make him look at you. He looks pained - like a boy who had just been punched in the gut by his worst enemy, and it killed you to know you were the cause of it. You didn’t mean to. Little did he know you felt the same way. It was the reason you distanced yourself from him in the first place. You loved him. Fuck, you loved him so much. But you were scared. You didn’t want to end up like your parents. You’d rather die than learn to resent the blonde Pogue in front of you. But by trying to save your relationship, you ended up hurting yourself and JJ. 
He keeps his eyes closed and tries to move his face out of your hands, but you stay strong and move even closer to him so that you’re chest to chest.
“I would.” Your voice is a whisper and your breath sends a rush of goosebumps down his neck. “Hey..” You whisper again and JJ opens his eyes to look at you. “I would. Because I love you too.”
JJ’s brows furrow. “What?”
“I was scared. I am scared.” You correct yourself. “I tried to turn it all off by distancing myself from you. I thought that maybe if I stopped -” You pause as a silent tear runs down your cheek. “I tried not to love you. God, I tried so hard. But I do, JJ. I love you so freaking much. But I’m terrified that -”
“Hey, hey.” As your hands fall, JJ’s go to your face to wipe away your tears with his thumbs. “We’re not like them.” He reads your mind perfectly. He knows about your parents’ divorce and the mental damage it’s caused you. “We’ll never be like them. You hear me?”
“How do you know that?” Your voice cracks.
“Because if I’ve got you, what do I have to be miserable about?” JJ grins as you giggle. You turn your head to place a kiss against the palm of his hand, ripping open a set of flutters through JJ’s abdomen. 
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t. And I won’t hurt you either. I promise.”
You sniffle and bite your bottom lip as a smile spreads across you face. “So, are we really doing this?”
JJ nods as he leans in closer to you and pulls your chin up. “Yeah. We’re doing this.” He leans down and kisses you gently at first, letting the fireworks spark throughout your entire body, then moves his lips more passionately against yours. 
Neither of you knew, but from afar, your best friends were watching behind a couple of trees with open mouths and wide eyes. 
“Oh my god!” Sarah jumps up and down like a school girl. She always knew you and JJ had something stronger than the rest of the Pogues but never said anything. 
“I knew it,” Kie shakes her head with a smirk. 
“It’s about fucking time,” John B wraps his arms around his own girlfriend and kisses the top of her head. “I was going to kill them.”
“What?” Pope looks between his two best friends with furrowed brows. “You knew about this all along?”
John B scoffs, “How could you not?”
“Even I had a feeling something was going on,” Sarah giggles. 
“Why do they have to be so fucking stubborn?” Kie says.
“Should we...I don’t know...congratulate them or something?” Pope asks awkwardly. 
Kie pats Pope’s shoulder as she walks past him to go back to the party. “Absolutely not.”
“Yeah, I’m not going near them until morning,” John B says and grabs Sarah’s hand to lead her back to the keg to get another drink. “In fact, we should just steer clear of the Chateau for the entire night.”
You still had a lot to learn, but not letting your parents’ divorce dictate your life was the best lesson you learned. They can take whatever they want from you, but they weren’t going to take away your relationship with JJ. Because he’s the best thing that could have ever happened to you.
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fairyavengerwrites · 3 years
treat you right ⇝ steve rogers
content warning: explicit smut, 18+ MINORS, PLEASE DO NOT ENGAGE. cheating, mild angst and fluff, oral (f recieving), fingering, vaginal fucking, mild size kink, dirty talk (Steve’s apparently freaky) unprotected sex (wrap it up ladies and gentz pls)
pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
word count: 1,859
author’s note: i think this came to me in a dream? so obvs it had to be written. was originally gonna be Bucky but I think it’s Steve’s turn. i happened to write this half delirious in the middle of the night, so even though i’ve checked it like seven times please expect spelling errors!! so... yeah, enjoy!
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You let yourself into Steve’s apartment at the compound, knowing that he wouldn’t mind you letting yourself in and waiting for him anyway, not once he saw the state you were in. 
You were beside yourself, really, brokenhearted and upset. You’d gone to yours and your boyfriend’s shared apartment after a long day, hoping to surprise him by coming home on time for once, only to find him balls deep in your bed. With the girl he told you not to worry about. And her best friend hovering by them, kissing him and running her hands all over him. You didn’t even let him explain, just beelined out of the apartment, right back to the compound.
Since starting this job, you and Steve had almost become inseparable, and he knew more about you than anyone else on Earth. He’d even known about your relationship troubles, and your suspicions of your boyfriend, advising you on what to do about the situation. Steve had also told you to break up with him, and now you were wondering why you hadn’t listened to him and done it sooner. Oops.
You were already settled on Steve’s sofa, partway through a tub of Ben and Jerry’s when Steve arrived at the apartment, immediately sensing your distraughtness.
“What’s the matter, doll?” He dropped his bag where he stood at the door, kicking his shoes off before striding over and dropping on the sofa next to you. You sniffled, feeling the tears finally brim at your eyes.
“He was cheating on me, Steve,” you answered tearfully, clutching the ice cream closer to you. “I got back to him i-in bed fucking that girl and her friend.” 
“Doll,” Steve said gently, extending an arm out to you. You instantly moved into him, burying your head in his chest as you started to sob. 
“You were right, Steve,” you hiccuped, muffled by Steve’s shirt and the sobs. He started stroking your hair, staying silent to let you express the emotions you were feeling. “I just- I feel so, so stupid! The signs were there, and I-I tried to be angry, but it still hurts.”
“Of course it will, doll.” Steve’s tone of voice was soothing, calming you down a little. “You were with him a long time.”
“A waste of four years,” you muttered, shuffling so that you sat up properly. “I hate feeling like this, Steve.”
“Well, how about this- a pizza and your favourite movie?” Steve prompted, still softly stroking your hair. You nodded, smiling faintly at him. 
“Now you know how to treat a girl right, Steve.”
An hour and a half later, you and Steve were one pizza and half a bottle of your favourite wine down, belittling every single aspect of your former boyfriend.
“And you know what I just cannot get my head around?” you said to Steve, placing your glass down on the coffee table. 
“What?” Steve prompted, nodding for you to go on. 
“I don’t even know how he was pulling all those girls! I mean, I don’t have any other experience to go on, but by god, he was terrible in bed. I always dreaded it each time.”
“He didn’t please you? Satisfy you?” Steve answered, furrowing his brows. You shook your head. You surprised yourself by how comfortable both you and Steve were discussing this.
“He would just rub me a little and then put in and he was done in five minutes,” you explained, sighing. 
“Nothing else? No foreplay?” You shook your head again, grimacing at the lousy memories. 
“No. It seemed nice for my first time, but it soon became unexciting.”
“I hate to see you not being treated right, doll,” Steve muttered stroking your cheek. All of a sudden, you became all too aware of your proximity to Steve, and you bet that you were close enough for him to hear your heart pound. The mood in the room had changed like the flip of a switch, and you could feel everything in that room. “You want me to show you how it’s done?” It took you a moment to understand, but you could feel yourself flush as you realised what he meant. You nodded eagerly, moving in just a little bit closer to Steve. 
“Use your words, doll, and I promise I’ll make you feel good. Make you forget that bum.” Both his hands cupped your jaw as you barely whimpered, already breathless. 
“Steve, I-I want you to m-make me feel good,” you stuttered, clutching onto Steve’s shirt. He flashed you a quick grin before caputring your lips in a passionate kiss, pulling you onto his lap with one muscular arm so that you were straddling him. That same arm kept itself wrapped around your hips, pulling you right up to his chest as he dominated the kiss. Unable to stop yourself, you moaned gently into the kiss, feeling yourself beginning to get wet in your panties. He never made you feel like this, not this fast. It was electrifying and you were loving it.
The hand that had been cupping your jaw moved down to your body, palming your breasts through your shirt. You started to softly roll your clothed core against Steve’s own, your instincts taking over, and you moaned when his teeth pulled on your bottom lip. His large hands temporarily moved from their places to pull your shirt off of you, and he paused to look at you, groaning whilst he unclasped your bra. 
“Shit, doll,” he muttered. His hands covered your tits, stroking your peaked nipples. “You’re a goddess.” You gasped when his mouth nibbled on your left nipple, stroking and pinching the other one. You gripped Steve’s broad shoulders harder as you started to roll your hips faster. Then, Steve swiftly flipped you so that you were lying on your back, caging you in his arms. He kissed you again, and your curled your arms around his neck. A moment later, he started making his way down your body, placing light kisses as he moved down you. You whimpered and sighed as you felt the ghost touches in apprehension of what he was going to do next, your mind marvelling at the possibilities.
Steve worked quickly at your jeans, peeling them off to reveal your panty-clad mound, your wetness leaving an almost embarrassing sized wet spot. Well, you would’ve been embarrassed if you weren’t so lust stricken. Steve groaned at the sight, and in the same moment ripped them of you. You couldn’t help but moan at the example of strength he showed, your hole clenching around nothing. 
“You’re so soaked, doll, all for me,” Steve growled, before he dived into your pussy, lapping and sucking like you were his last meal. You had never felt so good in your life, and the sensation was so overwhelmingly delightful. 
“Steve!” You moaned, tangling one hand into his hair. The other was clutching onto the sofa cushion for dear life. You could feel the pleasure building itself up and up and you held onto every bit of it.
“Taste so sweet, doll,” Steve muttered, sliding a thick finger into you. His mouth continued its attack on you as his finger started to slide in and out of you. Your eyes were squeezed shut as you let the pleasure take over you, losing yourself in the feeling. You continued to whine, unable to keep yourself still. Steve’s other hand placed itself over your hips to stop them from moving so much when he added a second finger. Then, all of a sudden, you felt immense pleasure wash over you in waves when he forced a third finger inside of you, feeling impossibly stretched, reaching a crescendo as you came. Steve did not stop his violation of you until you stopped squirming about.
“Steve,” you moaned again as his head poked up. He grinned at you, his mouth covered in your juices.
“That was beautiful, doll,” he said, crawling back up your body. “But I’m not done with you yet.” You whimpered, thinking of all the things he could do with you next whilst he started kissing you feverishly once again. You melting into him, hooking your arms and legs around him. You didn’t notice him strip himself of his trousers and pants, but you did feel his heavy, thick cock on your clit, creating friction on your lips as he grinded gently against you. 
“Now you tell me if this hurts, doll, ok?” Steve whispered, placing a tender kiss on your cheek. One arm balanced him above you whilst the other lined him up against your hole. You nodded, biting your lip as you looked at Steve. He promptly thrust into you, sliding until he was at full hilt. You gasped, this time uncomfortably as you realised just how big Steve was. 
“Want me to wait, doll?” he asked. You nodded, clutching onto Steve. His free hand moved onto your lips, circling your button gently as you forced yourself to relax. Moments later, you felt the ache ebb, and you urged Steve to start moving. 
“Please,” you begged, and Steve grinned at you, starting to slowly thrust in and out of you. Your head fell back as the delectable feeling started to roll over you again, clouding your brain. You couldn’t hold back any of the moans you let out, relishing in the heavenly stretch. “Steve!”
“I know, doll. You wanna cum again, huh?” He moved back down to your chest, nibbling on your nipple between words. “I wanna make you cum forever, doll, watch you orgasm over and over.” You couldn’t even respond, lost in the feeling of his cock filling you, reaching every inch of you. 
“Fucked you dumb already, haven’t I?” Steve didn’t stop his tirade as he continued rutting, speeding his hips up. “It’s ok, doll, I’ll keep ya stuffed as long as you want me.” You were near sobbing, screaming as another orgasm neared you. You never realised sex could feel this good, that it was supposed to feel this good. He was right, you never wanted to stop. 
“You gonna cum for me again, doll?” Steve asked, and you nodded eagerly, wanting it more than anything in your entire life. “Go on, then, doll. Cum.” His other hand, the one on your clit, moved faster, adding to your pleasure as you let it wash over you once again, this time wailing as you finished for the second time that night.
“Steve!” You cried, chanting his name over and over as he started snapping his hips faster. 
“So beautiful, doll. Gotta fill you up now, though, make you mine,” he growled. You were tender as he kept moving, chasing his own orgasm. You laid there, spent but satisfied as he stilled in you, finally cumming himself, filling you as promised and groaning your name. He stayed there, hovering over you and kissing you anew. 
“Steve,” you moaned gently. “That was.. that was so good.” You chuckled, throwing your head down. 
“Hey, doll?” Steve asked, and you hummed to let him continue. “I should’ve asked this first, but let me take you out tomorrow. On a date.”
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