#there was love and joy and laughter it wasn't perfect but we tried
I think what fucks me up about Hazbin Hotel the most is that it was such an internet darling ya know? It started on YouTube as a shitty little furry indie project and had such a strong fandom connection with the cleanup streams and the voice actors being active participants in the fandom's survivability. This shit took goddamn years to go or get anywhere and the only things keeping it alive were nothing little comics and the community that was built around that. The cast was mostly unknowns or other YouTubers which just added to this raw and real energy the series had. It was messy and clearly had a fuckton of effort put into it.
And then it got picked up to be a Actual™ TV show. And obviously that's amazing, duh. I can't imagine how it feels to have your stupid goddamn bill cipher looking ass furry oc(pos) be on fucking amazon prime lol. But watching everything that even got us there in the first place be stripped away and replaced just,,,,, feels terrible honestly. As far as I'm aware most of that came down to unions and whatever technical garbage goes on behind the scenes for TV series getting made but still. I don't have anything against the new cast, obvi they just doing their jobs and I think what they have done is good but there's something so upsetting about The Idie Project Finally Makes It!!!!!! but we replaced everyone with broadway stars and Disney actors lol.
And then the animation is just,,,,, not that good? The pilot has it's problems on a technical level but what it does have is soul and goddamn movement. It's bouncy and passionate while the amazon show is limited and stiff and saving the effort for small bursts to look really COOL and then go back to lower effort. Does it look more polished and "clean"? Sure. But it lacks and meaningful creativity and life. Idk the volatility but someone said something about not paying/treating animators right and that makes complete sense considering the industry we're talking about. Which sucks cuz you'd think that a Real TV Show budget and shit would get you a better end result.
Anyway I think the point I was making was something something capitalism bad something something capitalism ruins all art why didn't verbalase just fund the a complete independent version of the show
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fandomxo00 · 8 days
Ok but imagine:
Having movie night with Logan and your kids
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You moved around in the kitchen, searching for the bag of m & m's when you heard your husbands' footsteps creak across the floor as he came into the kitchen. "Lo, do you know where the chocolates at?"
Logan moved in behind you, his hands coming to your hips as he moved his chin to your shoulder. "Dunno." He gruffed, soothing his hands over your love handles, pulling you against him as his arms wrapped around you. Cuddling his bearded face against your neck made you giggle, as your arms went around his to pull you in tighter. "So fucking soft baby. Love you so fucking much." He croaked into your ear, making familiar shivers run down your spine. You closed your eyes, as he held you close and lightly swayed you side to side. A shaky breath left your mouth as you completely relaxed in his arms. His addicting musky scent clouding your senses and making your heart beat faster at the contact of the man you so desperately love.
"Mommmmmmm!" Bailey dragged, as she ran into the kitchen and rolled her eyes. "You two lovebirds!" she waved her hand at the two of you, as Logan laughed. Before walking over to above the stove, opening the cupboard to get the candy.
"You're such a liar!" You laughed, running up behind him and putting your arms around his neck, trying to tackle him. Logan huffed out an amusement laugh as he grabbed on to your ass and threw you over his shoulder like you weighted nothing. "Logan!" His hand came up to smack your ass, as you choked out laughter.
He set threw the bag to Bailey and turned to grab the popcorn bowl. Jack was on the floor playing with his magnet squares before jumping as Logan came in with you over his shoulder. Bailey giggling with her kid grin, a few of her teeth pieces to give the cutest little smile, as she started opening the bag of candy, handing some to Jack, as he covered his mouth in a giggle.
Logan threw you over his shoulder, making you land on your back as you gasp before giggling. That's when Jack ran over to Logan, tugging at his leg. "My turn, daddy!" He grinned down at his son before picking him, Jack's blankety in hand as he threw Jack over his shoulder and on to the couch, moving further towards the couch so it would be less of a drop. Jack kicked his feet as his blanket fanned out behind him, he laughed, before getting on to his knees to crawl over you and tackling you.
That's when Logan spun on his heel as he felt something being thrown at his pack. Bailey gave her dad a toothy grin as she threw another m & m at him. "Better knock it off." He warned, pointing his finger as he tried not to grin.
"Gotta catch me first!" Bailey squealed, as held the bag to her chest and started running around the couch.
"Bailey-don't run with the candy." Logan's voice was serious, and she glared at him before slowly setting down the candy on the side table before jumping over the couch and tackling him. He groaned, pretending to dramatically fall to the ground, this drew Jack's attention, and he moved over to his father to get him from behind.
You smiled at you watched the pure joy in Logan's eyes, his eyes were a little tired, but so were yours. Having two kids wasn't easy and sometimes your relationship struggled, but the one thing connected each one of you is unconditional love. An innate trust that when your parent says something you listen (most of the time), but also speaking up and telling us how they feel.
You swore that Bailey and Logan had the same smile, the way the wrinkles by his eyes crinkle and the middle of his eyebrows furrow, the way his nose crinkles just the tiniest bit. You watched him with your kids and you couldn't think of anyone more perfect for you.
After wearing the kids out, we finally cuddled up to watched 'Flushed Away', the two kids falling asleep as you could snuggle up to Logan as he shifted the kids over to one arm. His lips coming down to your forehead, before his arm wrapped around you and pulled him flush against his side. Your leg would come up to drape on his thigh as you wrapped your an arm around his and the other on his chest as he held you tightly. Logan dipped his chin to look down into your eyes before leaning forward to place a soft kiss on his lips.
"Hey bub." You murmured, your hand tracing circles on his clothed chest.
"I love you, by the way. You said it earlier and-."
"I know you do, sweetheart. You know you don't gotta say it back, just wanna remind ya sometimes."
"Love your reminders." You whispered against his lips before lightly connecting them again.
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astars-things · 3 months
"You promised..." with nico and Hischier daughter!Reader. The reader just wants to spend time with her dad and nico had promised that they'd have a game night but the guys ask him to come out for a drink. She comes downstairs with all of the board games and nico is ready to leave to hangout with the guys.
nico Hischier x daughter!Reader.
"You promised..." I whispered, clutching the stack of board games to my chest. My voice trembled, barely audible over the sounds of Dad rushing about in the hallway. He paused, hand frozen on the doorknob, and turned to face me. His eyes, usually warm and full of life, looked pained and conflicted.
"Y/N," he began, running a hand through his messy hair. "I know I did, but—"
"But the guys," I interrupted, a hint of bitterness seeping into my tone. "I know. You always say that."
Dad sighed, glancing down at his watch. "It's just one drink. I'll be back before you know it. We can still play when I get home."
I stared at the stack of games in my arms—Monopoly, Clue, Candy Land, and our favorite, Settlers of Catan. Each one held memories of laughter and bonding, of rare moments when it was just the two of us. Dad was always so busy, his time consumed by practices, games, and events. Nights like this, where he promised to be all mine, were precious.
"You always say that too," I muttered, more to myself than to him. But he heard it, and I saw the guilt flash across his face.
He took a step towards me, his eyes softening. "Y/N, I love spending time with you. You know that, right? It's just... the team, they rely on me too."
I bit my lip, fighting back the sting of tears. "I rely on you, Dad. You promised tonight would be our night."
He glanced at his phone, which buzzed insistently in his pocket. "I know, sweetheart. How about this—I'll text the guys, tell them I'll be late. We'll play one game, and then I'll go. Deal?"
It wasn't what I wanted, but it was better than nothing. I nodded reluctantly, setting the games down on the coffee table. "One game. But you have to let me win."
Dad laughed, a genuine, warm sound that made my heart ache a little less. "Deal," he agreed, ruffling my hair as he passed by to grab a soda from the kitchen.
We settled on the floor, the living room cozy with the soft glow of the lamps. I chose Settlers of Catan, setting up the board while Dad read through the rules, pretending like he didn't already know them by heart. It was our routine, a small ritual that made the game feel special every time.
As we played, I could see the tension slowly leaving Dad's shoulders. His phone buzzed a few times, but he ignored it, focusing entirely on the game. For those brief moments, it was like nothing else existed but the two of us and the colorful hexagons on the board.
I managed to secure a victory, Dad playfully accusing me of cheating as he handed over the win. We laughed, the room echoing with our shared joy. It was perfect, just like I’d hoped.
But then reality intruded. His phone buzzed again, more insistent this time. He glanced at the screen and sighed, the weight of responsibility settling back onto his shoulders.
"I have to go now, Y/N," he said, standing up and stretching. "But that was fun. We'll do it again soon, I promise."
I forced a smile, nodding even though I knew soon might be weeks away. "Okay, Dad. Have fun."
He leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to the top of my head. "Love you, kiddo. I'll be back before you know it."
And then he was gone, the door clicking shut behind him. The living room felt emptier without him, the board games scattered on the table like forgotten promises. I sighed, gathering up the pieces and putting them away.
I knew Dad loved me, that he tried his best to balance everything. But sometimes, I wished his promises were more than just words. Sometimes, I wished I didn't have to share him with the rest of the world.
As I climbed the stairs to my room, I made a promise to myself: next time, I wouldn't let him leave so easily. Next time, I’d make sure our night together was too important to break.
part 2-> here
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elryuse · 2 months
Can u do a yandere fic vampire Red Velvet x Male Reader?
Details: YN is a hematologist and a certified nutritionist, he has rather a normal if not boring life, well, successful to be exact, but almost 24/7, his life is just work and work.
One day he thinks about life and tries to get out of his usual life, he doesn't like dating apps, but his friend insists him on trying one of those.
He then meets Park Sooyoung (Joy), he doesn't know why but he is captivated by her eyes and they match, they talk and go out, soon YN asks her out for a dinner date. After the dinner, Joy tells YN to take her home and, guess what, she then says sorry and traps him there.
There he'll meet her sisters, Joy apologizes 'cause her she and her sisters can't just go around and feast on people's blood or steal it from a hospital so they need a perfect (unlucky) candidate to fill their thirst.
The girls are not those who just know take but not give, having lived for a few centuries they have built up a big fortune so Irene gives him a deal, a hefty price a month, and YN is only allowed to go home under their supervision.
Why YN but not the others? During YN and Joy's time before that fateful night, Joy learns of YN's blood type and he has a mutation in his gene which makes his blood more rare and it can help them stay full for a long time, longer than usual compared to other people's or animal's blood.
Day by day, they (except Irene) fall in love with him more and start to hate and compete against each other more. Irene tells her sisters that he is just food, no more no less. Irene hates YN for turning her sisters into love craving maniacs, her words, her physical tortures, they hurt him a lot. Gradually, the girls start to resent Irene more. Irene then knows that she is losing her sisters, YN knows their history, what they've gone through together so while doesn't want to, he still helps her, at least for the sake of his love for the other girls.
After that, Irene spends nights thinking about her actions, she wants to redeem herself but not knowing that she will join the circle and compete against them to get YN.
The Cost Of Immortality
Red Velvet X Male Hermatologist Reader
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The fluorescent lights hummed overhead, casting a sterile glow on the endless rows of blood bags. My world, for the most part, resided within these pale confines. Dr. Y/N, hematologist extraordinaire, by day. Sleep-deprived researcher, by night. The monotony was a steady thrum in the background of my life, a rhythm I barely noticed anymore.
Until her. Park Sooyoung, or Joy as she insisted, was a splash of vibrant crimson against the beige canvas of my existence. Her laughter was like wind chimes in a gentle breeze, a stark contrast to the sterile silence of my lab. We swiped right on a whim, two lonely souls seeking a spark in the digital abyss. Our dates were stolen moments of whispered secrets and stolen glances, a world existing outside the confines of my workaholic routine.
One evening, after an intimate dinner bathed in flickering candlelight, her smile faltered for a fleeting moment. "Take me home," she pleaded, a tremor in her voice that sent a shiver down my spine. But 'home' wasn't the cozy apartment I envisioned. It was a sprawling mansion that loomed out of the darkness, an unsettling air clinging to its ancient bricks.
Inside, bathed in an eerie moonlight, stood two other women, the same captivating crimson eyes staring back at me, framed by raven hair in shades of red. Introductions were swift, clinical even. Wendy, the eldest, with an aura of quiet authority. Seulgi, the playful one, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. And lastly, Irene, the epitome of stoicism, her gaze as sharp as the glint of silver moonlight on a blade.
The facade they'd meticulously crafted crumbled in that instant. They weren't human. A cocktail of fear and morbid fascination bubbled in my gut as Irene, her voice devoid of warmth, revealed their true nature. Vampires.
Relief, a fleeting emotion, washed over me only to be replaced by a cold dread that coiled around my heart. Irene then explained the reason for the charade - my blood. A rare type, a euphoric feast for their kind. The offer they presented was a gilded cage - a hefty sum deposited into my account every month in exchange for my…companionship. Leaving was an option, but only with armed guards as my constant companions.
Trapped, I became their prisoner, their provider. Nights were spent in opulent rooms, my blood sustaining them. Days were a monotonous blur of tests conducted by Wendy, their resident physician, and guarded outings with Seulgi, whose playful demeanor couldn't quite mask the possessiveness simmering beneath the surface.
But it was Joy, with her intoxicating gaze that seemed to see straight into my soul, who held the key to my heart. As weeks bled into months, a twisted dynamic began to take hold. Wendy craved my intellectual sparring sessions, dissecting medical journals with a fervor that both scared and intrigued me. Seulgi sought out my laughter, our days filled with playful banter that often teetered on the edge of something more. Joy… Joy craved something deeper, a yearning that mirrored the burgeoning affection I felt for her.
Irene, ever the pragmatist, remained aloof. I was a source, a necessity, but never an equal. Their affections, fueled by my unique blood, twisted into a possessive love that bordered on obsession. One night, sleep evading me, I found myself wandering the cavernous halls, drawn by a sliver of light filtering from beneath a closed door. Straining my ears, I caught the tail end of Irene's scathing words, calling my presence a curse.
A flicker of hurt ignited in my chest, a silent plea that resonated with the others. A shift, subtle yet undeniable, began to take place. Wendy's once objective demeanor morphed into veiled defiance. Seulgi's playful banter took on a tinge of possessiveness, her playful swats laced with a silent threat. They began to resent Irene's cold control, their love for me blossoming into a silent rebellion.
I, aware of their history, a dark secret Irene guarded with an iron fist, found myself playing a dangerous game. I helped Irene, not out of fear, but for the sake of the fragile connection I had with the others. This unexpected kindness sparked a flicker of something in Irene's eyes - a flicker I dared to hope was redemption.
But redemption rarely comes easy, especially for creatures of the night. One evening, while Seulgi and I were returning from a guarded outing, a tense silence hung heavy in the air. Suddenly, the car swerved, tires screeching in protest as we veered off the deserted road. The world lurched, and then… darkness.
As weeks bled into months, the opulent mansion I was confined to became a gilded cage. The initial thrill of being around captivating vampires dulled, replaced by a gnawing sense of longing for freedom. Yet, a strange sense of camaraderie started to blossom between me and my captors.
Joy, with her fiery spirit and infectious laughter, was the first to chip away at the walls I'd built around my heart. Our late-night conversations, fueled by stolen glances and whispered secrets, transformed into a silent understanding that transcended the boundaries of our situation.
Wendy, the stoic doctor, surprised me with her curiosity about the human world. Our discussions, initially clinical and scientific, evolved into philosophical debates that stretched into the wee hours. There was a spark of intellectual intimacy that ignited a warmth within me.
Seulgi, the playful prankster, brought a lightness to my captivity. Her days were filled with teasing jabs and playful challenges, a subtle shift from her initial possessiveness. There was a sense of innocent affection in her touch, a camaraderie that soothed the ache for human connection.
Even Irene, the enigmatic leader, began to show a flicker of something akin to…gratitude? Her cold demeanor softened a fraction during our bloodletting sessions. The way her eyes lingered on me for a beat too long, the hesitant brush of her fingers against mine while administering the numbing agent – these subtle signs hinted at a transformation within her.
However, Irene's possessiveness manifested differently. Unlike the open affection of her sisters, hers was a veiled control. She dictated the terms of my captivity, monitored my interactions with the others, and treated me more like a valuable possession than a person. This dissonance between her actions and the subtle shift in her eyes created a confusing dynamic.
One evening, after a particularly draining bloodletting session, I found myself alone with Irene in the dimly lit library. The silence stretched, thick with unspoken emotions. Finally, I gathered my courage. "Why, Irene?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. "Why do you keep me here like this, a prisoner in your own home?"
Irene's gaze snapped to mine, crimson eyes blazing with a flicker of something I couldn't decipher. "You are…different," she finally said, her voice laced with an emotion I couldn't place. "Your blood…"
"It sustains you," I finished for her, a bitter taste in my mouth. "Makes you stronger, keeps you from succumbing to the sire bond completely."
She looked away, a muscle clenching in her jaw. "That's not all," she muttered, her voice barely audible. But before she could elaborate, the library door creaked open, revealing Joy, her face flushed with anger.
"There you are!" she exclaimed, her eyes flashing between me and Irene. "We need to talk." The air crackled with unspoken tension, and I realized with a jolt that the night was far from over. The delicate balance between affection, possessiveness, and a shared captivity was about to be tested.
Joy's anger crackled in the air, a stark contrast to the usual warmth in her eyes. "What did you do to him?" she demanded, her gaze fixed on Irene. Seulgi, her playful demeanor replaced by a cold fury, stepped forward, her voice trembling with barely contained rage.
"Don't play dumb, Irene," Seulgi spat. "We know. The bruises, the flinches… you've been hurting him!" Wendy, her stoic facade crumbling, placed a calming hand on Seulgi's shoulder, but her eyes held a newfound suspicion directed at Irene.
The accusations hung heavy in the air, shattering the fragile peace that had settled within the mansion. Irene, cornered and defensive, finally spoke. "It's not what it seems," she said, her voice strained. "I…" She faltered, the carefully constructed mask of control slipping.
"You what?" Joy pressed, her voice laced with hurt and betrayal. For the first time, I saw a flicker of fear in Irene's crimson eyes, a vulnerability that sent a jolt through me.
Taking a deep breath, Irene confessed, her voice barely a whisper. "I was afraid," she admitted. A collective gasp filled the room. Fear? From the ever-stoic, ever-in-control Irene?
"Afraid of what?" Wendy asked, her voice gentle but firm. Shame tinged Irene's cheeks as she met their gazes. "Afraid of losing you," she said, her voice cracking. "All of you."
Confusion clouded their faces. How could their fear of losing them translate to the way she treated me? Sensing their bewilderment, Irene continued, her voice thick with emotion. "You've never needed me before," she explained. "The hunt, the sire bond… I was always the one who protected you from it all."
Her words hung heavy, revealing a truth I hadn't considered. Irene, the eldest, had always shouldered the burden of leadership, of protecting her sisters. "But now," Irene continued, her voice trembling, "he does it all. He gives you what you need. Makes you stronger. And suddenly… I'm not needed anymore."
A heavy silence descended upon the room. The revelation painted Irene's actions in a new light. Her possessiveness, her cruelty, stemmed not from malice, but from a deep-seated fear of abandonment. For the first time, I saw Irene not as a captor, but as a woman grappling with her own insecurities.
Seulgi, the first to break the silence, stepped forward, her anger replaced by a newfound understanding. "We need you, Irene," she said, her voice soft. "Just… differently." The other sisters murmured their agreement, their gazes softening towards their eldest sister.
Tears welled up in Irene's eyes, a storm of emotions battling within her. "But what about him?" Joy asked, gesturing towards me. "He doesn't deserve the way you've treated him."
Shame flushed across Irene's face. She looked at me, her gaze filled with a mixture of regret and something… hopeful? "I can change," she whispered. The night that followed was a turning point. We talked, all five of us, sharing our fears, our desires, and our newfound understanding.
Irene apologized for the pain she'd inflicted, her voice raw with remorse. I, in turn, confessed the strange mix of fear and affection I felt for them all. As the night wore on, a fragile truce formed, a new chapter beginning within the walls of the mansion. The future remained uncertain, but a flicker of hope, a tentative promise of a future built on trust and something more, flickered between us.
The aftermath of the confrontation was a whirlwind of activity. Wendy cleaned my wounds with practiced efficiency, her gaze carrying a silent apology. Joy hovered nearby, her touch hesitant but comforting. Seulgi, ever the pragmatic one, made plans to reinforce the mansion's security.
And then there was Irene. Shame seemed to cling to her like a shroud. Her apologies, though heartfelt, felt hollow in the face of my visible injuries. They were a stark reminder of her cruelty, the bite marks and scars a map of her failings.
Suddenly, a commotion erupted in the hallway. Guards bustled about, their voices raised in urgency. Apparently, there was a malfunction in the security system. They needed someone to manually reboot it – a job usually reserved for Irene.
With a resigned sigh, Irene turned to me. "I need someone to watch you," she explained, her voice strained. "It shouldn't take long." The others exchanged hesitant glances, but in the end, I volunteered. The tension in the room was thick, but the prospect of some alone time with Irene, however awkward, was strangely appealing.
We were escorted to a small, book-lined room that served as Irene's private study. As the heavy door shut behind us with a resounding thud, the air crackled with unspoken emotions. Irene approached the control panel, her back turned to me, her fingers flying across the keypad.
The silence stretched, broken only by the rhythmic beeps of the security system. Finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, I spoke. "It's okay, Irene," I said softly. She froze, her body taut. Slowly, she turned around, her crimson eyes filled with a mixture of shame and disbelief.
"You… you forgive me?" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. I reached out, my hand hovering over the intricate web of scars marring her arm. Scars older, darker than mine. "We all make mistakes, Irene," I said, my voice gentle. "The important thing is we learn from them."
A single tear escaped her eye, tracing a glistening path down her pale cheek. The sight of it, of her vulnerability, broke something within me. In that moment, I saw not the stoic leader, but a woman burdened by fear and insecurity. A woman who, despite her actions, had always been fiercely protective of her sisters.
Taking a step closer, I cupped her face in my hand, wiping away the stray tear with my thumb. Her eyes, wide with surprise, met mine. Slowly, hesitantly, I leaned in, bridging the gap between us.
The kiss was a revelation. It was raw, desperate, fueled by a desperate need for connection, for forgiveness. Irene clung to me like a lifeline, her initial hesitation melting away into a torrent of passion. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken apologies, of a newfound understanding, and of a hope for something more, something real.
When we finally broke apart, breathless and flushed, a fragile peace settled between us. Irene, her gaze searching mine, whispered, "I don't deserve you, Y/n." "Maybe not," I replied, cupping her cheek once again. "But maybe, together, we can learn to deserve each other."
The future remained uncertain. But as we held each other close in the dimly lit study, a flicker of warmth ignited within me. It was the glimmer of a new beginning, one built on trust, forgiveness, and a love that bloomed in the most unexpected of places.
The following weeks were a whirlwind of stolen moments and whispered promises. My relationship with each sister blossomed in its own unique way. Joy's fiery spirit ignited passionate encounters, fueled by stolen kisses under the moonlight. Wendy, with her intellectual curiosity, discovered a new kind of intimacy in late-night discussions that morphed into explorations of touch. Seulgi's playful demeanor evolved into a playful possessiveness, her playful nips replaced by gentle love bites.
Surprisingly, it was Irene who turned out to be the most possessive. The initial shame of her actions morphed into a fierce determination to prove herself worthy of my affection. She'd watch, a flicker of jealousy in her crimson eyes, whenever I spent time with the others. But when it was her turn, her touch was the most hesitant, the most tender. It was as if she was constantly afraid of breaking something precious.
One evening, as the six of us sat nestled together by the fireplace, a comfortable silence settling between us, Irene surprised us all. "He's ours," she declared, her voice laced with a possessiveness that sent a thrill down my spine. The others, instead of protesting, simply chuckled, a knowing look in their eyes.
"Ours?" I echoed, feigning confusion. Wendy, a playful glint in her eyes, clarified. "Yes, ours, Y/n. Our lover, our provider, our… family." A warmth bloomed in my chest at the word 'family.' It was a concept I hadn't dared to dream of, not with these extraordinary creatures of the night.
The following months were a blur of shared experiences and deepening affection. We explored the hidden corners of the city under the cloak of darkness, their laughter echoing through deserted streets. We spent lazy afternoons curled up with dusty tomes in Irene's study, their thirst for knowledge rivaled only by their thirst for me.
The nights were a symphony of touch and whispered desires. We explored each other's bodies with a newfound reverence, the boundaries between human and vampire blurring with each passing night. The sire bond, once a source of fear, became a bridge, a way to experience each other's emotions with an intensity that defied explanation.
Our unorthodox relationship wasn't without its challenges. There were moments of jealousy, of possessiveness, but we learned to navigate them together. We were, after all, a coven, bound not just by blood, but by an unconventional love that defied definition.
One starlit night, as we lay tangled together in the sprawling master bedroom, Irene spoke, her voice barely a whisper. "Thank you," she said, her crimson eyes reflecting the moonlight. I smiled, pulling her closer. "For what?"
"For showing us that love can exist even in the darkest corners," she replied. And in that moment, under the watchful gaze of the moon, I knew that our love story, born from captivity and fear, had blossomed into something beautiful, something extraordinary. We were a family, bound by blood, by love, and by a shared eternity.
The End
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moonydustx · 5 months
a/n: did I mention that I love writing angst? Seriously, I'm a fan of a good drama. This one has been sitting in drafts for a while, it's small, but it's worth it.
Trafalgar Law x F!Reader
warnings: angst with no happy ending. Unrequited feelings on both sides.
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"Captain, I'm leaving the crew."
The words that came out of your mouth were enough to open an abyss beneath Law's feet. What do you mean, you were leaving the crew? What do you mean you were leaving him behind?
The bitter taste still lingered in his mouth when he met his crewmates again after a mission. The bitter taste referred to finding yourself locked in the arms of another man.
Not that Law could charge you anything. One drunken night you even tried to steal his kisses and thoughts for yourself, but you were pushed away by his tattooed hands, an apology combined with a we can't do this came from him. After that, all you had to do was bury your feelings or at least hide them from your field of vision.
However, it was not possible to hide the small kindnesses coming from Law, the woody perfume that emanated from him, the sound of his laughter - even if it was not frequent, when it appeared it was a comfort to your troubled soul.
Until someone new appears, physically beautiful, the jokes not as good as the ones you shared with your captain, but with this man there seemed to be a promise to mitigate those feelings that accumulated in the form of tears on your pillow every night.
Just like a wound in the healing process, some days it hurt more, others less, when your captain came across you, it was as if the wound opened again.
However, it was still difficult to put it into words.
"Why you say that?" Law's voice hit you like a bullet, aimed and named at you.
You had known him for years and knew very well how he hid his feelings with every action. It was possible to name this time as heartache.
"Hiro asked me to stay with him, it seems like a good proposal." yes, it was inevitable that the hurt wouldn't be in your voice either.
"And you will accept?" Your silence answered the question. "Why not the other way around? Why doesn't he join the crew?" the words came out like a waterfall from Law. Intense, and almost impossible to contain.
"Are you really serious?" your face lit up, much to Law's unhappiness.
It wasn't that he didn't want to see it there, he just wanted that joy to be directed towards him and not about another man being part of the crew. On the other hand, you just wanted Law to take action and put an end to your crazy idea of ​​leaving everything behind for a guy.
"I'm serious, of course, if he wants. Talk to Bepo, find him some tasks and we'll talk again later."
Your smile seemed to light up the entire room - even though the sunlight was already shining on the grass below your feet. You wanted to be able to hug him, to be able to thank him for something you weren't sure you wanted. You wanted to feel Law against your fingers, sink against his skin. That was something that didn't belong to you and apparently wouldn't never belong. You just thanked him and left your captain alone - and that was just what he would be.
The world around him seemed to lose some of its brightness when Law saw you jump away, your fruity smell getting further and further away.
It would hurt. He would be cynical if he said no.
It would hurt like little razors cutting into his skin, like little cuts that wouldn't bleed as much, but would be there to remind him of the pain or rather to remind him of how good it was when such pain didn't exist.
The feeling of your lips against his would remain like a ghost, a distant memory of his regret. Why had he denied you such affection? Why had he denied himself such affection? Fear seemed like the perfect answer, fitting any source he could list.
Fear of getting hurt, fear of hurting you, fear of putting a target on you as soon as someone saw you with your arms tied to him, fear of what such a feeling could bring - and look what an ironic feeling, after all, all fear had now been replaced by pain.
At least he would still have you there, an arm's length away, no longer a hug away or a night contemplating the sky above the submarine that broke the weak waves of some night you spent awake and talking.
Now it would be with someone else that you would stay there, lost in daydreams throughout the night, sharing sips of drinks that are so awful that even with the division, there would still be full glasses and laughter for you and your new companion.
It would be someone else who would feel your soft skin, who would capture your lips, kisses and moans. And he - Law - would continue there, being his captain, captain of a new guy who for now he wouldn't want to bother knowing the name of.
But Law would still have you there, he would have small fragments of you, small fragments of your attention, a constant memory of the chance he missed to have you whole, just for him, the girl who was supposed to be just his.
The feelings would remain hidden within him for who knows how long. In the same way, your photo hugging Law would remain hidden on your pillow, a vague memory of the nights you shared and now would no longer share.
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ateez-ana · 4 months
i can do it with a broken heart
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i'm always sad when something about that interview pops up in my… wooyoung is perfect and deserves all the love in the world
The air in the dorm room was thick with unspoken tension. Wooyoung, the usually boisterous member of ATEEZ, sat hunched over his phone, his gaze fixed on the screen, but his mind a million miles away. Ana watched him from across the room, a silent observer to his distress.
'It’s just... it’s just that they said I looked like a pig,' Wooyoung finally mumbled, his voice barely a whisper.
Ana’s heart sank. She knew this interview had gotten to him. Wooyoung, with his infectious laughter and boundless energy, was so confident, but beneath that facade lay a deep insecurity about his appearance.
'What are you talking about?' Ana asked softly, trying to hide her own anxieties. 'You look amazing.'
Wooyoung shook his head, his eyes downcast. 'No, Ana, they actually said it. In the interview. It was live, and it was on camera. I know they meant it as a joke, but it hurt.'
His words echoed a familiar melody in Ana’s own heart 'You know, Wooyoung,' she said, her voice soft but firm, 'I’ve been there too. People constantly compare me to the other idols, make comments about my looks, my talent, even my presence in the group.'
He looked up, surprised. 'What do you mean?'
'I'm the only girl in the group,' she said, her voice softening. 'There's a lot of pressure to be perfect, to be good enough. I get so many comments about my appearance, about my talent, about everything. It's exhausting  I get it. I've been called everything from 'fake' to 'talentless' since our debut. People said I wouldn't last a month, that I was just a pretty face. But I'm still here, fighting for my dream.'
She continued, her voice barely a whisper, 'Right after we debuted, I seriously considered leaving. I felt so lost, so alone even if I had you guys” Her gaze softened, meeting Wooyoung's directly. 'The first fan meeting was the scariest, you know? Two girls came up to us, completely ignoring me to talk to the boys. I felt so invisible, so unimportant. It made me question everything.'
'But then I realized,' she said, her voice gaining a strength that surprised even her, 'I was the only girl, the only one who could be a role model for other girls who dreamed of being on stage. And I wouldn't let the negativity dim my light. I wouldn't let it steal my joy.'
Wooyoung was silent, absorbing her words. He realized that he wasn't alone in his struggles. Ana, the girl who always seemed so confident and strong, was carrying her own burdens.
He reached out and took her hand, his grip firm but gentle. 'You're not alone, Ana. I'm here, and we'll face this together. We're a team, remember? We're Ateez.'
Ana smiled, a flicker of hope lighting up her eyes. 'Yeah, we're Ateez. And we'll fight this together, as a team.'
'It's okay to be insecure, Wooyoung,' Ana said, her voice gentle. 'We all have those doubts. But the important thing is to talk about them, to support each other. You’re not a pig, you're amazing. And I know you see the best in me too.'
Wooyoung nodded, a single tear tracing a path down his cheek. In that shared moment of honesty, the weight on their shoulders seemed to lighten. The room, once heavy with unspoken pain, now vibrated with a newfound sense of understanding. They were two idols, facing the world together, each other's anchors in the storm.
'You're perfect just the way you are, Wooyoung,' Ana said, her voice soft but firm. 'Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.'
Wooyoung looked up, his eyes still damp from the tears he'd tried to hide. He'd been so hurt by the interview, the word 'pig' echoing in his mind like a cruel taunt.
'But... what if I'm not?' he mumbled, his voice barely a whisper.
Ana reached out, her hand resting gently on his arm. 'You are. You're strong, funny, and incredibly talented. You light up every room you walk into. You're the best damn dancer I know.'
And as the first rays of dawn painted the sky, the two roommates sat side by side, their shared vulnerability a silent promise of strength and support. They knew, in that moment, that they were not just bandmates, they were friends, allies, and each other's solace. Their insecurities, once seemingly insurmountable, now felt smaller, lighter, a part of their shared journey. They had found healing, not in denial, but in acceptance, in the warmth of shared vulnerability, in the simple act of being seen and understood.
The weight of her words lifted something heavy in Wooyoung's chest. He looked at Ana, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the day , and he knew, deep in his heart, she was right. He didn't need to change for anyone. He was perfectly, beautifully himself.
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rarityroo · 4 months
I heard that you were in need of requests, so umm.... How about a cute date with Pomni and a fem!reader at the digital carnival? (With Pomni hoping that Caine won't ruin it in his attempts to make their date more "romantic")
A Total Roller Coaster
(Pomni x fem! Reader)
This is such a cute idea, I had such a fun time writing this. I love carnivals, sadly I have been to my local one yet but hopefully I will soon! Thank you for sending this in. Enjoy!
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When you first proposed the idea Pomni looked at you like you had three heads. You suppose you understand her hesitation, a date at the digital carnival but to you, it sounded like a perfectly fine date to you.
Pomni's eyes blinked rapidly as she processed your suggestion. "A date at the carnival?" She questioned looking at you slightly confused. 'Well, I must admit, that's a rather... unconventional idea." She tilted her head slightly.
You chuckled at her reaction, reaching out to gently pat her shoulder. "Come on, Pomni, it'll be fun! We'll have the whole place to ourselves, explore the games and the rides, and maybe even win some prizes!"
Pomni hesitated for a moment, her expression flickering with uncertainty. "I guess it could be... enjoyable," she admitted reluctantly. "But what if something goes wrong?" You knew what she was alluding to. Caine. He had a tendency to intrude on any date you and Pomni had, you were sure his intention was innocent but he did more harm than good despite his intent.
You grinned reassuringly. "Don't worry, Pomni. I've already spoken to the others and they promised to try to keep Caine in check for tonight. Besides, I'm sure he'd understand the importance of privacy for a date like this"
Pomni nodded slowly, a small smile forming on her lips. "Alright then, I trust you." She reached out her hand. "Should we head to the carnival, then?" You intertwined your fingers with hers, feeling the warmth of her touch. "Absolutely," you replied, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "Let's go make some memories together then." You say with a smile.
As you and Pomni strolled through the vibrant digital carnival, the neon lights casting playful hues across the landscape, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling within you. This was definitely going to be a date to remember.
However, just as you are about to step onto the virtual rollercoaster, a sudden glitch distorts the rollercoaster, hearing Caine's voice echo through the carnival's speakers. "Ahem, excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice that the ambiance here could use a bit of 'enhancement'. Allow me to fix that for you."
Before you could protest, the carnival transformed into a sappy romantic wonderland, complete with heart-shaped balloons, confetti cannons, and a cheesy soundtrack playing in the background.
Pomni jumped in surprise, her expression a mix of frustration and exasperation. "Oh god, it seems Caine couldn’t stop himself after all," she remarked with an annoyed chuckle.
You couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation, wrapping an arm around Pomni's waist. "Well, it may not be what we expected, but it's certainly... memorable," you quipped, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
Together, despite Caine being...himself you tried to enjoy your date even though he persistently tried to mettle in your business. Exploring the carnival's attractions with laughter and smiles on your faces.
As the night drew to a close, with the digital stars painting the sky in dazzling colors, you knew that this imperfectly perfect evening would be etched into your mind forever.
With a final glance at Pomni, her eyes sparking with joy, you whispered, "Thank you for being here with me, Pomni. Even if it wasn't perfect I don't think anything could ever ruin the happiness I feel when I'm with you."
As the date ended, you and Pomni headed inside the tent you looked back at the carnival, leaving nothing but the warmth of your connection behind, you knew that your love for Pomni was as real as anything in this digital world.
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ryker-writes · 1 year
When She Loved Me
This is for the @briarvalleyarchives 'anthems of old' event and using the song "When She Loved Me" from Toy Story 2
Content: Malleus x reader, angst, death, no happy ending
Note: While the song uses she/her pronouns, reader's pronouns are not specified
When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together
Lives within my heart
Malleus never thought he would find someone who would want to spend their days with him. Truthfully, he had gotten used to being alone. That's why he was so surprised to find out that you loved him.
Finally someone was by his side because they truly wanted to be. Not because they were one of his guards or someone meant to serve him, but because you loved and cared for him. He was so grateful to find you, and he grew to love you too.
He soon found that he enjoyed everything so much more when someone he loves is by his side. The previous aspects of his life that were once mundane and normal had a much joyful and treasured spot in his memories.
Even something as simple as late night walks became something so precious to him. It never mattered if you two were talking about your days or not even talking at all. Just walking beside you and spending time with you was always enough for him. Even things he normally wouldn't like has become wonderful memories to him.
Malleus never liked eating birthday cake. In the past, he had to eat one all on his own for his birthday and got heartburn. Since then, he's never liked birthday cakes. But when he tried some birthday cake with you, he was actually able to enjoy the cake. Even though you may have eaten too much and started to feel ill, he still hold the memory close to his heart.
And when she was sad
I was there to dry her tears
And when she was happy, so was I
When she loved me
He always hated it when you were sad. Regardless of what made you sad. He only ever wished for you to be happy and content in everything. Even though it was unrealistic, that didn't stop him from trying his best to keep things like that.
That's why, as soon as he saw you were sad, he immediately tried to help. You were always his highest priority, but in that moment, you immediately became his center of attention.
Malleus' first instinct was to wipe the tears away from your face and ask you what was wrong. He would always listen so closely to everything you said, and only once you were done would he offer solutions or comfort.
Though Malleus wasn't the best at comfort, he would do anything he could to see you happy. He would always try to think of what makes him happy, and offer it to you. So, in an attempt to comfort you, he presented you with one of his gargoyle statues and even got you ice cream. If it would distract you from whatever made you upset, he would gladly go on about the gargoyles. But if you just needed a shoulder to cry on, he's happy to do that too. Malleus would rub circles on your back and even start humming in an attempt to help you feel better.
And he will keep doing it all, as long as it takes until you can feel better. And then he will do anything he possibly can to make you smile again. Malleus is always thrilled to see your smile.
That smile...as long as he was able to see that smile, Malleus would be happy.
Through the summer and the fall
We had each other, that was all
Just she an I together
Like it was meant to be
As the years went by, you two had each other. Through all the memories, all the laughter, all the problems, and all the pain, you two stuck together.
And it was perfect.
Each day that passed by, Malleus grew to love you more than he already did. He knew from the very beginning that there was no one else for him. You would forever be the one in his heart, and the only one he could love.
There was nothing he could do to repay you for all the joy you've brought to his life through the years. You showed him so many new things, and taught him even more. You brought him true happiness and love, and asked for nothing in return.
Still, he did his best to show his love back. He would love to give you gifts or things he considered precious like jewels. But nothing could compare to the gift that was your company.
And when she was lonely
I was there to comfort her
And I knew that she loved me
Even though you were there by his side, there were still times he would feel a bit lonely. Years of being alone had left it's marks on his heart, and it's a long process to undo all of that time. Malleus was very familiar with being in a room with people, yet still feeling incredibly lonely.
This was another one of those times. It was a special event in Briar Valley. Lots of people had come to celebrate and dance, but none would interact with their King. Some saw him as too far above them, others didn't even want to be near him. Alas, this is what he was used too.
But then he felt your hand hold his; a gentle reminder that he wasn't alone. He looked over to him and saw that bright smile of yours that he loved, and he felt his loneliness creep away. Though not completely gone, he felt much less alone. He found it quite strange actually. All you did was hold his hand and smile at him, but it helped so much.
It was always your smallest gestures that made him feel so loved.
So the years went by
I stayed the same
But she began to drift away
I was left alone
Still, I waited for the day
When she'd say, "I will always love you"
Malleus doesn't age like you do. That was something you both were painfully aware of. As you two started to grow old together, only one of you showed any signs of age. As you grew old, he didn't change.
While at the time, you may not have mentioned anything about your age, Malleus saw it all. He noticed every change that came with age. While he still loved you, he was worried about it all. He noticed that as days went on, you had less energy, your hair started to gray, and you became more fragile. Things that the two of you were normally able to do together, were no longer possible. It saddened him to see you like this, but he still did everything he could to make you happy/
But eventually, the curse of old age had come for you. You were sick, and both of you knew your health was deteriorating as the days passed. You're already fragile form wouldn't be able to fight much. Both of you knew that, but neither of you said it. Under Malleus' care, you received the best doctors and any healing magic that would help. But even that only slowed down your sickness temporarily.
Lonely and forgotten
Never thought she'd look my way
And she smiled at me and held me
Just like she used to do
Like she loved me
When she loved me
Each day, your body would grow weaker. The two of you could no longer act like you used to when it left you bedridden. Still, Malleus stayed by your side through most hours of the day.
How he wished things were different. If only he could reverse time, or find some way to cure your old age. But alas, even he was not that strong. So the most he could do was try to lend you what strength he could, and do whatever he could to fulfill any wishes you had.
You knew how much it must pain him to see you like this. So you did the best you could to act like things were going to be fine, and that you were fine, even if you knew that was a lie. You wanted to be with him like you normally would, so even though it was difficult at times, you made sure to smile and hold him like you always would.
Whenever you did that, he could feel you loved him, and he was so grateful for you.
When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together
Lives within my heart
When she loved me
And now you were gone, and once again, Malleus was alone. All that was left behind was the memories you two made together, and Malleus knows that he'll never be able to love another the same way he loved you. Each day, he misses you more and wishes he could go back to those days...
Those days when you loved him.
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jackles010378 · 9 months
A Christmas to Remember 🎄🎁
(Dean Winchester x you)
No warnings just fluff 🥰
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The snow was falling gently outside the cosy little cabin Dean had rented out for him and y/n. Dean sat on the couch, drinking his whiskey, and staring at the beautifully decorated Christmas tree. The lights twinkled, casting a warm glow throughout the room. This was supposed to be a perfect Christmas, their first one together.
Y/N walked into the living room, a pile of presents in her arms. She had spent hours carefully selecting each gift, wanting to make this day extra special for Dean. As she set the gifts under the tree, her smile faltered slightly. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't quite right.
The day started with a power outage due to a blizzard. Dean had tried to fix it, but the electricity was still out. However, they didn't let that dampen their spirits. They decided to make the best of it and enjoy a simple, old-fashioned Christmas, with no distractions from the outside world.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N approached Dean with a brave smile. "Dean, I have a surprise for you," she said, holding out a small box.
Dean's eyes lit up, curiosity evident in his face. "What is it?"
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"Open it and find out," she replied, excitement bubbling within her.
Dean carefully unwrapped the box, revealing a vintage pocket watch. He studied it for a moment before a grin spread across his face. "Y/N, this is incredible! How did you find this?"
Y/N blushed, pleased with his response. "I spent days scouring antique shops. When I saw it, it reminded me of you. The classic, timeless charm seemed perfect."
Dean pulled her into a tight hug, whispering, "Thank you, Y/N. It means a lot."
As they embraced, a loud crash echoed from the kitchen. They quickly released each other and rushed toward the noise, only to find shattered plates and broken dishes on the floor. A stray cat had knocked over everything in its quest for food.
Dean sighed, "Well, there goes dinner."
Y/N couldn't help but laugh, realizing that their perfect Christmas was slowly unraveling. "Don't worry, Dean. We can still salvage this. We have each other, and that's all that matters."
With renewed determination, they cleaned up the mess and decided to order takeout instead. They sat on the floor, surrounded by torn wrapping paper and half-eaten Chinese food, sharing laughs and stories.
Later that evening, as they snuggled under a blanket, watching the snow continue to fall, Dean turned to Y/N and said, "You know, Y/N, even though this Christmas didn't go as planned, it's been one of the best I've ever had, I love you."
Y/N smiled, her heart full, knowing that they had made memories that would last a lifetime. "I feel the same way, Dean. No matter what life throws at us, as long as we're together, we can find joy in the simplest things, I love you too"
And so, as the fire crackled in the fireplace, their laughter echoed through the cabin. They shared stories of their past and dreams for the future. It may not have been the Christmas they had envisioned, but it was perfect in its imperfections. Together, they created new traditions and cherished every moment, proving that love and resilience could turn even the most unexpected situations into something beautiful.
TAGLIST: @k-slla @cevansbaby-dove @kaleldobrev @janineb86 @deans-daydream @alternativeprincess94 @tmb510 @nescavaneck
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xblackreader · 9 months
For the @12daysofattoye challenge :P @attoye
Merry Christmas, Baby 🎁 - An Attoye Hallmark crackfic
- words: 2.5k+
Summary: This is a hallmark Christmas romance between Okoye, a big city businesswoman, and Attuma, her childhood crush boy next door who owns a Christmas tree business, and his dad isn’t Santa or anything, so chill out.
I put no effort into this, it’s purely for fun
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༄ ♬ ˚₊ ➳ 💙⚔️❤️ ➳ ♪ ❀ ༄
It was a cold, snowy day, and the laughter and shine of joy on the streets was thick in the winter air.
Snow fell on the windows, the trees, and the cars in the parking lot, a perfect white blanket over a city that seemed to glow from the inside.
Okoye stood at the window and watched it fall, snickering at all the stupid people who celebrated Christmas and believed in having fun instead of working every day all the time.
It was a week from Christmas, and she was at work. She was always at work. She didn’t remember a time when she wasn't at work, especially at Christmas.
Okoye loved work, money, and the big city, but not Christmas because of her tragic past. But we’ll get into that at a later, more convenient-to-the-plot time.
Okoye sighed, sipping the coffee cup she was holding. Her best friend and the CEO of their company, Carol Danvers, was going to throw a party, and everyone would be there, including her lesbian sister, Maria Rambeau. But who cares? That’s another very gay story.
Okoye’s associate and technology manager, Shuri, walked into the room and slammed many amounts of critical business on Okoye’s desk. “Okoye,” she said, “we have many business to attend to this holiday season.”
Okoye rolled her eyes. She couldn't stand Shuri. She was annoying and always tried to bring joy into Okoye's life, but it wasn't happening.
”We need to get all this business done before Christmas so I can spend it with my Dilf Husband, Cha’htoh, or maybe my wife, Riri.”
Okoye scoffed and placed her coffee on the table in a Grinch way. “I do not care for romance and love; keep your Dilf away from my business! I will complete this business by myself!”
“But in order to complete it, you must travel to Christmas Town! A small, poor, warm, cozy town where you were born!”
“I will go to my hometown by myself and complete this business. That is all, associate Shuri Udaku.”
Shuri sighed as Okoye sat down to start on the business, tapping at her computer. “Oh, Okoye…” she lamented, “I hope you learn the true meaning of Christmas…”
And then, with a blink of an eye and a clap of her hands, the annoying associate Shuri was gone, and the door closed with a bang behind her. She must’ve been a magical negro. But Okoye cares not for magic or negros.
Okoye got back to her business, ignoring the feelings she may have in her heart because she never felt those feelings of joyful Christmas. She packed her bag in her office somehow and left for the airport in a big limousine, sighing wistfully at all the passing Christmas-flavored families.
The airport was cold and dull like her soul. She hated Christmas but had a good time listening to the Christmas songs because they reminded her of her tragic backstory.
The plane took off and she sat there and thought about her tragic backstory.
When it landed the airport this time was smaller and more warm and cozy, the planes were in a lounge sipping on hot cocoa. That’s how cozy it was.
This was truly her hometown.
She rented a car and drove down the icy road until she reached the only inn in the village, the Wakand Inn.
It was a beautiful log cabin with a fireplace and a warm glowing light.
The old inn keeper smiled at her and grasped her hand. “It’s Christmas, honey. If you need anything, just ask.”
She went to her room and laid down, sighing as she looked out the window. It had begun to snow, and the world looked soft and cozy and warm.
A feeling bubbled up inside her and she tried to push it down. This was too Christmas, she didn’t have time to Christmas, she was a big time lawyer or something like that.
She closed the curtains, and decided to go out and do some business. She put on her long trench coat and black suit and stepped outside, the snow crunching beneath her shoes.
There was a little shop across the street that was still open, the perfect place to put a big city law firm or accountants place??? Idk
She stepped into the store and found it empty except for a tall figure in a red flannel button up with sleeves rolled up who was bent over the counter, doing some work.
He turned around and smiled at her. Oh, It was the man who made her feel things in her chest. He was hot and sexy and tall and tan and thick and just overall a Mayan god, but he was too Christmas for her to love.
“Hi.” He said, his voice smooth and deep like dark chocolate. He flipped his long wavy hair over his shoulder and wiped his for some reason dirty hands on a wash cloth. “I’m Attuma. Welcome to my Christmas Tree shop.”
“Hi…” Okoye said, looking around. “Are you the owner?”
Attuma chuckled, his eyes glinting. He had a little scruffy beard on his jaw that Okoye thought was extremely sexy. “Yes, I own and operate this store. How can I help you?”
She cleared her throat. She had no time for love and romance, she needed to complete her business. “I’m here on behalf of the Milaje Corp. and we were interested in going into business with you.” She handed him many papers.
Attuma nodded. He had a strong jaw and beautiful deep brown eyes and his arms were veiny and his muscles bulged from all his small town work. He took out the papers and began to look them over, the gears in his mind turning.
Shaking his head, he handed her back the papers. “No, thank you.”
Okoye blinked in confusion.
That had never happened before.
Never ever.
In her entire time as a business woman, this had never happened.
He crossed his arms over his chest and smiled a charming smile.
“But, Mr. Attuma-“
“Just Attuma is fine.”
Okoye narrowed her eyes at him and his smile widened a bit. “Mr. Attuma. This contract is very generous!”
“You want to tear down my Christmas shop. It’s the own shop in town. Literally, there’s no other shops in the whole town.”
“But sir, this will make you very rich!”
“I don’t care about being rich, I only care abour Christmas and love.”
Okoye groaned. This was so not sexy or cool of him.
Attuma chuckled. He leaned across the counter, his hands flat on the wood, and his eyes stared deeply into hers. “Maybe you should learn more about this town and Christmas?”
Attuma sighed, “if I can’t convince you to love Christmas by Christmas, I’ll sell you my Christmas Tree shop. Deal?”
Okoye thought about it for a moment. She was going to win, that was guaranteed, and she would be able to do her job. But what about his feelings and what if she did end up liking Christmas??
Okoye reached out and grabbed his hand, shaking it while holding his line of sight. She had to win, she had to.
She wouldn't let herself lose.
It was on.
Attuma pulled her hand towards him and kissed the back of it.
Okoye felt her insides burn. Then she heard bells, she looked towards the window and saw children playing happily and grimaced.
“I will show you what Christmas is all about, Ms. Okoye.”
“Okay.” She said, shaking her head at the happiness outside, “Wait, I never told you my-“
When she turned back, Attuma was gone.
Okoye shrugged, and headed back to her inn.
She went to sleep, dreaming of Christmas.
She hated it and beat Santa to death in her dreams.
Okoye woke up the next day, groaning as she stretched and pulled the blankets over her face. It was still early, she had time to sleep before her first business meeting.
A loud banging at her door made her jump. She groaned and pushed herself up, rubbing her eyes.
Who the hell was knocking on her door this early in the morning? When she approached the door, fully dressed suddenly and with two scarves on, the door opened.
Okoye froze.
Attuma was standing there with a grin.
And a tray.
On the tray were many, many plates.
He handed it to her and walked into the room, pushing her aside gently. He sat down at the table by the window and crossed his legs, gesturing to the chair opposite him.
Okoye looked down at the tray, then back at him.
It was filled with all kinds of food.
French toast.
Scrambled eggs.
Eggs Benedict.
And bacon and sausage and a bowl of fruit.
Was this too much for one person and even four people? Yes, but it was Christmas and nothing mattered.
“So,” Attuma started watching Okoye as she began to fake eat the hearty breakfast for eight marathon runners, “Why do you hate Christmas so much?”
Okoye sighed and swallowed a big bite of food, trying to avoid Attuma's intense stare.
She was an amazing business woman and didn't feel the need to answer his stupid question. “It’s part of my tragic backstory. But that’s none of your business.”
Attuma pouted, leaning across the table. His long hair was tied back and Okoye couldn’t help but think about how his hair would look down.
She hated him.
And Christmas. But especially Christmas.
He shrugged and stood up smiling,
Attuma stood and grabbed her by the arm.
She protested and fought and squirmed, but he was a big muscly man. Who yanked trees from the ground for a living because he was a small town boy next door heartthrob but the last thing she was looking for was a man.
He pulled her out the inn, down the stairs and onto the cold, snowy street.
The children laughed and played, building snowmen and igloos and making angels in the snow. Okoye wrinkled her nose.
Attuma sighed. He had a dreamy look in his eyes as he watched the children. He really loved this town, he would get Okoye to love it again too.
“I remember when the town would gather to celebrate Christmas, singing carols and drinking cocoa, lighting the tree and dancing around the bonfire. Remember, Okoye?”
Okoye sighed and nodded her head. All she wanted was to complete her job, and the sooner, the better. But she did remember how she used to love Christmas, before…
Her thoughts trailed off. No, she had to finish her business and go back to her cold city life.
They walked in silence until they reached the town square. The Christmas tree was there, surrounded by many happy people and decorated beautifully with lights and ornaments.
Suddenly the Christmas magic became so big and beautiful and it overwhelmed Okoye with the power… of it… the magic.
“Okoye,” Attuma said, taking her hand and wiping a Christmas tear from her cheek, “I feel like I’m falling in love with you…”
“Attuma,” Okoye sniffled, “This eleven minute walk has been enlightening… I love Christmas and I love you! Let’s get married!”
“Yes! Okoye, you have taught me the true meaning of Christmas. The true meaning of Christmas is marriage.” He said, pressing a tender holiday kiss to her forehead. “But… I have a dark secret, I have to tell you…”
Okoye gasped, a look of horror crossing her face. “You’re gay?!”
“No, Okoye, not in this story. But I…”
“What is it, Attuma? Whatever it is we can get through it together!”
“My father… my Dad is Santa Claus.” Attuma said, dramatically. He fell to his knees, tears welling up in his eyes.
Okoye gasped and held him close, stroking his hair. Suddenly, above their heads, they heard a buzzing noise faintly grow closer.
An evil, evil helicopter flew in from the distance, flying low and fast, and circling the tree. Is that?… No! It can’t be!
“Ho ho ho!” Namor said, flapping his itty bitty winged feet in his little red shorts. “Merry Christmas!”
Okoye and Attuma looked at each other, then up at the flying elf, both wearing looks of confusion on their faces. Attuma stood up as Namor landed in the snow, hissing at the snow but he wasn’t no bitch so he took it.
“Dad?” Attuma said, confused, approaching his father.
Okoye gasped, “You’re Santa?!”
“The one and only! Merry-“
“But you’re elf sized.”
Namor grinned, “I’m travel size-“
“And why aren’t you wearing like… a suit?”
“Well, the shorts are more-“
“And your ears-“
“I’M SANTA, SHUT UP.” His right eye twitched and Okoye dropped it.
Namor smiled. He was very tan and very old, but a dilf about it honestly. Just a sexy little Christmas man. “Hello, son. It’s me, Santa Namor! And I need you to come with me or Christmas is over!”
“But Dad,” The larger son of Santa said, reaching behind him to grasp Okoye’s hand, “I love Okoye and I love Christmas, but I can't abandon my life here and I don’t want to abandon Okoye either. She left her gay friend in the big city for me!”
Namor nodded, looking at the two lovers. He sighed and shook his head as the bells jingled on his cute little hat. What a cutie patootie, that Christmas water elf king. “Well, the true meaning of Christmas… is love.”
Attuma and Okoye grinned at each other, they joined hands and it was suddenly their wedding and they kissed and rushed off into the carriage. Then Namor appeared again and did a little dance like the sky ballerina he is and sprinkled Christmas dust on them and they floated away into Christmas.
The End.
Okoye sighed and sat up.
Oh, it was just a dream. A horrible nightmare. Stretching and groaning in exhaustion, Okoye began to wake up.
Loud snoring on her left made her groan and she wrestled herself out of her big blue hunk of husband’s arms. “Attuma!” She whisper yelled. “Let me go!”
Attuma snorted and rolled over, falling asleep again.
Okoye grumbled and got out of bed, pulling a robe on and walking over to the window. The sun was rising slowly and surely, peeking over the Wakandan horizon. Okoye looked back and admired Attuma, even as he drooled and snored loud as a old rhino. Everything was perfect, exactly how she wanted it.
The door burst open and she startled, before the blur of speed in front of her turned into her son, Tadeas in her arms.
“Mommy…!” He sung sweetly, yawning but practically vibrating with joy. Tadeas smiled up at her, his big brown eyes twinkling. He had his father’s eyes, his mother’s cheeks, and a smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts. Smiling softly, she grunted as she lifted him entirely into her arms. He was only six and already so heavy, just like his daddy. “Mholo ngalentsasa, Mama!”
Pressing a kiss to his forehead and then his chubby cheeks, his mother squeezed him with love. “Good morning, little rhino.”
“Big Rhino! Like Daddy!” He insisted.
Okoye laughed and set him on the bed, watching as Attuma groaned and pulled him close. He mumbled a good morning and rolled over, his eyes still closed and his hair a mess. Their daughter Xyanza rushed in after that holding a mug of room temperature tap water with a loose tea bag in it, and Okoye swooned. How thoughtful. It was wrong, but the thought was so sweet.
“Got you teatea, Mama.”
“Thank you, my sweet girl.” Okoye cooed, cupping her face with one hand.
Her daughter smiled and then rushed over to join her brother in poking Attuma until he rose from the dead.
The Wakandan sunrise was beautiful, the warm, gentle light spreading across the land and touching everything in its path. Okoye had a few reservations about celebrating this colonizer holiday with her children; the capitalization on the holidays, the price upticks, the decorating…
But seeing them now, Attuma leaning up to fight her both his children against his chest and carry them with squeals and smiles to the living room to begin opening presents… Okoye had to admit, maybe the true meaning of Christmas was love.
Or maybe it was spending money and having a good time, she wasn’t sure yet.
But she had to say, the way her family felt now, was absolutely magical.
Merry Christmas.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Lita x reader
Lita and reader going to the beach and surfing together :)
California || Lita x Reader
Summary: You and Lita spend your day off at the beach, catching waves and fooling around.
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The sun was shining brightly over the California coastline, casting a golden hue over the sandy shores. You and Lita had finally managed to secure a day off from your busy schedules, and you couldn't think of a better way to spend it than at the beach.
With surfboards in hand and excitement in your hearts, you headed toward the crashing waves. The rhythmic sound of the ocean was like a soothing melody that beckoned you closer. As you reached the water's edge, Lita turned to you with a grin.
"Ready to catch some waves?" Her voice was filled with anticipation.
You nodded, a mix of nerves and excitement bubbling up within you. The two of you had tried surfing before, but it had been a while. Still, the prospect of riding the waves together was exhilarating.
With practiced ease, you waded into the water, the cool waves lapping at your legs. Lita followed, her eyes locked onto the horizon as she anticipated the perfect wave. After a few moments, you spotted it – a wave with just the right height and curl.
"Go for it!" Lita encouraged, giving you a reassuring smile.
You positioned yourself on the surfboard, heart racing as the wave approached. With a powerful push, you rode the wave, the rush of adrenaline surging through your veins. The feeling of gliding on the water's surface was like nothing else, a mixture of freedom and euphoria.
As the wave carried you closer to the shore, you saw Lita riding her own wave beside you, her hair streaming behind her like a banner. The sight of her, so vibrant and alive, only added to the magic of the moment.
Once the wave had carried you both to the shallower waters, you let out a whoop of joy. Lita joined in, her laughter harmonizing with yours as you shared a triumphant high-five.
The day continued in a whirlwind of fun and adventure. Between surfing sessions, you found yourselves fooling around in the water, engaging in playful splashing battles and friendly competitions. The sound of your laughter filled the air, blending seamlessly with the rhythmic crashing of the waves.
As the sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the beach, you and Lita decided to take a break and stretch out on the sand. The soft grains were warm beneath your bodies as you lay side by side, your fingers intertwined.
"This has been an amazing day," Lita said, her gaze fixed on the horizon.
You turned your head to look at her, a soft smile gracing your lips. "It really has."
She turned her head to meet your gaze, her eyes sparkling with affection. "You know, there's something about the ocean that's both calming and invigorating. And sharing this day with you has made it even more special."
Your heart swelled with emotion at her words, the love you felt for her radiating through every fiber of your being. Leaning in, you pressed a tender kiss to her lips, pouring all your feelings into the gesture.
Lita responded eagerly, her lips moving against yours in a gentle dance. The kiss was a promise, a silent affirmation of the deep bond that connected you two. As you pulled away, a soft smile played on her lips.
"I'm glad we got this day together," she whispered, her fingers brushing against yours.
"Me too," you replied, your voice filled with sincerity.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in shades of pink and orange, you realized that this day at the beach wasn't just about fun and adventure. It was about connection, about sharing moments of joy and intimacy with the person you loved most. And as you lay there, hand in hand with Lita, you knew that this day would be a memory you cherished for a lifetime.
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llondonfog · 2 years
My diasomnia family Valentine's day headcanons 💚
Lilia presents his V-day gifts in the most frilly and gaudy heart-shaped boxes he can find. They sparkle in the sunlight and are covered in a bunch of cute little bat stickers he put on them. When his valentine opens the box, it's completely filled with Dark Matter. They pass out, the sound of his laughter echoing in their ears.
Sebek is only physically capabale of gifting people items that pertain to the young Lord, be it pocket sized photos of malleus, a self-made compilation of stories of malleus's greatest triumphs, or a one-use ticket that permits someone to directly look at malleus for five (5) seconds (the ticket idea was signed off by malleus).
Silver is incredibly thoughtful with his gifts. His father taught him all about how to be a proper prince and he really takes that to heart when it comes to gift giving. He'll pay close attention whenever he talks to his valentine and hone in on any mentions of things they like or desire. His gifts can sometimes turn out to be more practical than romantic (like giving his valentine a new coat because its been getting cold out and he remembered they mentioned not packing a thick enough one when they enrolled at school, rather than giving them chocolate or flowers), but anything he picks out always ends up being just what his valentine wanted.
Malleus presumes that others enjoy the same things he does - that being experiences rather than objects. He will invite his valentine to come visit some old ruins or abandoned locations with him, and he'll happily regale them about the history of the place and tell them all about the peoples who once lived there. He'll even use his teleporation magic and take them to go admire his favorite gargoyles with him. (Yes, he asks them to take photos of him and the gargoyles together).
incoherent blubbering noises about how wholesome these hcs are!!
Lilia — I LOVE THIS AND 100% AGREE!!! Somehow, I feel that Lilia gets more joy than he gives on Valentine's Day from his lovingly handcrafted gifts... He has to keep the youth reminded of the fact that fae can be so devilishly capricious, and irresistibly cute too!
Sebek — NOT THE HAND-WRITTEN AND HOME-STITCHED POCKET REFERENCE BOOK OF MALLEUS' GREATEST QUOTES, that has taken me out!! (Silver is staring at him in utter bewilderment as Sebek hands him his copy with smug exuberance and one slightly crumpled ticket as if the previous owner had a crisis of faith before handing it over to a certain sleepy human; as if your paltry gift of hair gel could even hold a candle to my offerings, Silver!)
Silver — Currently he's a bit miffed that Sebek didn't appreciate the effort that he went through to get him that hair gel; the poor boy was subjected to hours of the finer details of potion-making and hair care from Vil and Azul! BUT THIS IS SO SWEET, MY HEART? The fact that he'd try so hard to stay awake and pay attention to what his loved ones need to make their lives easier aaaaaa Lilia you can claim NO credit about how thoughtful and darling this boy is, we should just be thankful he wasn't ruined by your impudent nature.
Malleus — I WAS CACKLING; not prince malleus having zero social skills and a certain haughty demeanor to assume that looking at stone gargoyles for hours would be the perfect valentine's day experience NEVER CHANGE HIM!! He tried to take his family with him one time; Silver fell asleep on a gargoyle, Sebek was fretting over his every step lest he trip over exposed stone, and Lilia was more amused to see how many crows would land on Silver's shoulders before he woke up. Needless to say, it was only one time.
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reira-layla · 2 years
The one where they all get shitfaced
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Plot: Akito, Shigure, Ayame, and Mine go out for drinks. The night ends horribly for Akito.
"Shigure, I'm warning you. Don't let her get carried away tonight. She's not used to drinking and I know how much you love to pressure people into making terrible decisions." Hatori was stern, as per usual. When Shigure had mentioned that he and Ayame had planned to meet up for drinks, Hatori hadn't thought much of it. It wasn't until Shigure mentioned that Akito would be coming along for the ride did he start to worry. He knew both of his oldest friends long enough to know that they were trouble when they got together and Akito was still getting used to her new life. 
Laughter filled the room, instantly annoying Hatori. Of course Shigure was taking this as a joke. It was almost impossible to get him to take anything seriously. "I mean it. She's never even been hungover. If that happens, you're not the one who'll have to deal with it." Hatori knew that the responsibility of caring for a sick Akito would fall on him as it always did.
"It'll be fine. She's never had fun like this before. You do realize that I'm simply trying to expose her to the joys of life, things she's missed out on all this time." Hatori knew Shigure was just trying to justify his recklessness. "All I'm saying is don't do anything stupid. You and Ayame have a tendency to lose all self control when you're around each other and Akito doesn't need to be wrapped up in that. If you love her, take care of her tonight."
Not wanting to be lectured even further, Shigure began walking away, assuring Hatori that it would be fine. Aaya was bringing his girlfriend as well and Shigure figured that would make Akito feel a bit more at ease. 
Shigure came home to find Akito asleep. It was getting dark out and he wondered if she'd slept the day away. The moment he sat down beside the futon, she woke up and pulled him towards her. "What time is it? Why is it so dark?" He took that to mean that she truly had slept all day. "It's late, almost time to get ready to go out tonight with Aaya." Akito whined, turning away from him. "I don't want to go. Let's do something else," she said, pulling down the blanket so he could see her bare chest. Instinctively, Shigure pressed his face against her breasts, taking one nipple into his mouth and giving it a gentle suck. It took everything in him to break away from her. 
"I already told him we were coming. Let's compromise, shall we? Tonight we'll do this and tomorrow, we'll spend all day and night in bed together. I'll fill you up so much that your birth control will stop working," he said with a laugh as she rolled her eyes. "That's not how it works…" As much as she didn't want to go anywhere that night, the thought of spending the next day in bed with him was enough to get her out of bed.
Although Shigure had tried to talk her into wearing something 'sexy', Akito had opted for something she was comfortable wearing. It was going to be a long night. Despite knowing him all her life, Akito had never spent much time with Ayame. She knew from speaking with Hatori that Shigure and Ayame had a tendency to act like idiots when they were around each other. Unbeknownst to Shigure, Hatori had called Akito shortly after he and Shigure had met up earlier that day. He had wanted to inform her of what to expect. 
When they were both ready, the young couple made their way to the car. Akito had opted for black jeans, a button down shirt and cardigan. Her hair was slowly growing out. Shigure wore a button down shirt and jeans as well. They were almost matching which had been unintentional. Often Shigure could tell that people were staring at them whenever they went out in public. People likely assumed that they were both male but he truly didn't mind when people stared. Akito was perfect in his eyes and the opinions of others didn't matter.
The drive to the izakaya was short. Shigure had suggested this one, saying that he'd come here a lot before they'd gotten together. Apparently it was also a favorite spot for Ayame as well. Akito had never been to an izakaya so she didn't know what to expect. When they walked in, Ayame and his girlfriend, Mine, were already inside waiting for them. 
"Gure!" Akito sighed and held onto Shigure's arm. After knowing Ayame for as long as she had, she still had no idea why he always had to speak so loudly. It was annoying. 
"Aaya, my darling!" Both men fangirled over each other as if Akito and Mine weren't there. Mine looked amused while Akito just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "And darling Akito, you look… almost like Gure. Are you wearing the exact same thing? It suits you both, but you must come by my shop sometime. I'll make you something lovely." Akito attempted an awkward smile and nodded, still holding onto Shigure. 
"Ah, where are my manners? Mine, this is Akito. Akito, this is my lovely lady, Mine." The two women shook hands upon being introduced to one another by Ayame. Mine was the complete opposite of Akito. She was so feminine, almost as feminine as Ayame. No wonder he liked her so much. "It's so nice to meet you!" The other woman's tone was almost too nice. Shigure had made her promise that she'd at least try to enjoy the night and since the two men were still obsessing over each other, Mine could possibly prove to be good company. 
"I've never been much of a drinker. What would you suggest I start with?" Akito asked Mine awkwardly. The two women sat next to each other as the men continued to talk. "Have you ever tried a sake bomb? It's one of my favorites." The bartender took their drink orders and Akito had decided to go with the drink Mine had suggested. 
Shigure turned his attention to Akito as their drinks arrived. "Have fun tonight. You deserve it." His reassurance was all she needed. When the drinks arrived, Akito stared at her drink with a confused expression. Shigure looked at her again, chuckling to himself. "Let me show you. I know it can seem a little confusing." He slammed his fist on the table in front of his drink and Akito watched with wide eyes as the sake shot fell into the beer. Following his example, she felt oddly proud of herself. 
It was definitely an acquired taste. Then again, this was the first time in her life that she'd actually gone out drinking and she assumed the alcohol would start tasting better the more she drank. After she'd finished her drink, it occurred to her that everyone else had been waiting for her to finish. "I say we do some shots!" Ayame yelled. Akito was still confused by all of this but decided to go along with it. 
Four sake shots were poured for them. Ayame counted down from three and then they all took the first shot. The bartender poured another round for them. Akito was slowly starting to loosen up. It wasn't until after the third shot that she realized she was pretty drunk. Everyone else could tell as well. After all, she was the only lightweight there. 
"Shigure, I-" she began only to be interrupted by Ayame. "I say we go dancing." Akito couldn't help but laugh at his suggestion. Dancing was completely out of her comfort zone but because she'd had too much to drink already, she found herself wanting to try something new. "Yes!" Akito yelled in response. Everyone once again stared at her. Shigure couldn't hold back his laughter and soon they were all laughing.
Shigure paid for the drinks and then the couples left the izakaya and headed to a nearby nightclub. Apparently Ayame was a regular at this place. Akito held onto Shigure's arm tightly, already feeling as if the room was spinning. Once they entered the club, the feeling intensified. The lights and music were a little overwhelming and unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. 
They managed to secure a semi-secluded area of the club. Upon hearing that the Sohma family head was in attendance, the club owner hooked them up with bottle service. Akito once again didn't understand what bottle service meant but everyone else seemed excited about it. Two huge bottles were brought to their table and more shots were poured. 
"Do a shot with me, darling." Ayame held out his hand to Akito. She went to stand next to him and took yet another shot. Without saying another word, she took another and another. Ayame and Shigure were laughing. "Looks like our god turned into a little devil tonight," Ayame said to the other two, all of them laughing. A song Akito actually recognized started playing and she immediately went over to Shigure and sat on his lap. "I know this song!" She screamed in his ear. He pulled back a little and laughed some more. "How do you know this song?" He was amused, not sure when she'd been exposed to such a vulgar song. 
"It's Hatori's ringtone for Mayu," she said, laughing. That caused everyone to laugh along with her. Shigure made a mental note to harass Hatori about that later. Shigure hadn't kept track of how much Akito had had to drink. All he cared about was that she was having fun and it seemed like she was. 
The petite brunette began to grind her hips against his, straddling him. "I fucking love you. I really do," she whispered in his ear. That was all it took for him to realize how shitfaced she was. Ayame and Mine had left to go dance so it was just the two of them. "Let's get a stripper pole." The couple laughed together. He wished he'd seen this side of her much earlier. Everyday it seemed like he was finding new reasons to love her even more than he already did. Akito's grinding and the thought of seeing her on a stripper pole was sending him over the edge. Before he could suggest they go home, Ayame came back and pressured Akito into taking another shot. 
Moments after taking the last shot of the night, she stumbled back to Shigure and vomited on the chair next to him. Shigure held her hair back as she continued to vomit. When she was done, he flung her over his shoulder and they all left the club. The absence of the flashing lights and loud music had caused Akito to somewhat snap back into reality. "Shigure, let me down." She wiggled out of his arms and ran to a trash can on the sidewalk, vomiting more. 
Shigure was about to pick her up and carry her again but she pushed him away. "I’m walking." He held back laughter as she stumbled around, wrapping one arm around Mine and the other around Ayame. Sober Akito would never do something like this. On the way to the car, they passed a field and Akito immediately ran towards it. 
"What are you doing? We need to go home." Shigure had tried to sound serious but he couldn't deny that he loved seeing how crazy she'd become after a few shots. "Need to sleep… sleep here," she said, throwing herself onto the ground. That's going to hurt tomorrow. Much to everyone's enjoyment, Akito began rolling around on the grass. The former dog laughed harder than anyone, remembering the times when he used to do the same thing in dog form. 
"You can sleep at home. We need to go." Shigure picked her up and carried her over his shoulder. She attempted to wiggle out of his arms yet again but he held on tight. "I hate you," she said, punching his back. After a moment, he heard a loud sob. "I hate you so much, Shigure. You don't care about me at all." This was the side of drunk Akito that he hated. 
Ayame and Mine held back laughter as they made their way to their car. Mine had offered to drive them home so they wouldn't have to wait on their driver. It took everything to get  Akito into the car. She had stiffened her body so that it was nearly impossible to get her to sit. Finally, they managed to get her into the car. Shigure attempted to pull her close to him but he received a slap on the face for it. "Don't touch me. You don't care about me. You don't love me. You're only with me because you think you love me." She was making no sense. Ayame found it funny apparently and Shigure just wanted it to be over. 
When they arrived home, Akito was in tears again. She ran out of the car and into the house, leaving Shigure behind. He said goodbye to Ayame and Mine and then made his way into the house, searching for her. When he reached their bedroom, Akito was asleep on the futon. That was quick. He undressed her so that she'd be comfortable. He then got in bed beside her and covered them both up with the blankets. 
Shigure woke up to the sound of her vomiting in the bathroom. According to the time on his phone, it was 3:00am. Getting out of bed, he made his way to her. "My head hurts… get Hatori," she said upon seeing him. "We don't need Hatori. You're just hungover. I've dealt with this plenty of times to know how to fix it." He offered his hand to her, pulling her up onto her feet. "Let's get you some aspirin." 
After giving her the aspirin and getting her some water, he went back to bed with her. "Did you at least have fun?" Akito sighed, nodding a little. "Sure. This isn't fun though." He chuckled softly. "I know it's not but you'll feel better once you sleep it off. Hopefully there will be no need to call Hatori in the morning." The last thing either of them wanted was to be lectured by Hatori. "Shigure… I love you." He kissed the top of her head. "I love you. I knew you didn't mean it when you claimed you hated me in the car." He laughed and began giving her a back rub until she fell asleep. 
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Friends are so alarming, and my lover's never charming
Laughter, joy, and loneliness and sex and sex and sex and sex
And look at me, I'm in tatters
I'm shattered
The time has come, the time has come, the time has
come today
And spoil all the fun, won’t you please
Oh ok, if you insist
He loved guns and roses, roses, roses (I bought PJ so many roses)
Somethin' has made these kids get scary
Oh, writin' in blood on my walls and shit (have i mentioned they smeared blood on my walls and curtains, but then came back and tried to remove it from the wall)
Don't know what it is, it makes my head get crazy
Oh, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sick of it
Nothing’s gonna hit you like the truth
You’re just following orders, closin your eyes and telling lies while they’re taking our daughters
Did you really think this bloody road would pave the way for you?
Man, it sounds just like a prison for the walking dead
I’ve got a message for you and your twisted hell: you’re gonna wish you never messed with me.
Mama mama many worlds I’ve come since I first left home
Going to leave this broke-down palace
Well here comes Lucifer with her canon law
You were my partner in crime, it was a welcome waste of time
Awaken perfect state
The time has come, the time has come, the time has come today(yes, that’s two different lists)
And everytime I prayed I prayed for you
Welcome to the Big 10 Conference
Oh look the song they like to play before I get a concussion
A parrot on your shoulder saying everything when you talk (have we talked about anytime I say anything, there is something that repeats what I would say next before I even think it—-it’s some type of conditioned response from having my mind fucked with)
“The things you’ve said well maybe they’re true. “
You drive me out of my mind
And all I really want is some justice
By the time you wake, it'll be too late
Now the bullet's left the gun
Missed the time, so we’re using 15:09 which kinda gives it a double entendre as the French say
Spy, spy, pretty girl. I keep havin' this brainstorm about 12 times a day. There are children in washrooms holding hands with a Queen. And my head’s full of murders.
So now, you should spend the morning, lying to your father.
We clung on like barnacles on a boat
Even though the ship sinks, you know you can’t let go
And if they stare
Just let them burn their eyes on you moving
And if they shout
Don't let it change a thing that you're doing
So, enchanted at 4:06/4:09—-I still have a migraine so I’m a bit out of it, but yes we were enchanted to meet, and I’m not sure why exactly I kept seeing maggie during the song when I closed my eyes, but I sure did.
My best friend told me you're the best lick in town
You almost turned me psycho
I almost lost my mind
I didn't know the depth yet of someone so unkind
But for her it's just another day
You opened up Pandora's box
You don't know what you just unlocked
Gotta get a message, get it on through
Oh now, mamma don't you ask me why
Woh-ho-ho, listen to the music
All the thoughts unuttered and all the feelings unexpressed
Play upon our hearts like the mist upon our breath
But awoke by grief, our spirits speak
Love is stronger than death
All I know is I’m fallin fallin fallin
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bhaalbabebardlock · 8 months
Daises on My Nightstand
Chapter 3 (part 1)- The Tiefling Party
AO3 Link
Summary: Ilara wants to be lost in the celebrations of their victory. Suggestive, sfw. Next chapter is nsfw!
"You'll join me for a drink, won't you?" There was joy, everywhere. Tieflings yelling, wine glasses clinking, everyone celebrating their victory. Ilara felt something almost close to... Peace. She tried not to think about the bard, about the thoughts she had been having. Everyone just seemed so happy. She turned back to Shadowheart, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
"I'd love to, let's go sit by the campfire." She pulled on her companions hand, leading her to sit by the fire where several others were already deep in their wine. Karlach especially.
"WE DID IT, SOLDIER!" She whooped, pumping her fist in the air. Ilara couldn't help the laughter that bubbled out of her, the warmth that spread through her as she drank her wine. If only every night could be like this.
"You know, I never pictured myself the hero." His voice slipped like velvet over her as he sat down, his fingers gently grazing her knee.
"And? What do you think of being a hero, Astarion?" She said with a smile. He frowned, quiet for a moment.
"I hate it. And what do I get for all my hard work? A pat on the head and vinegar for wine." She burst into laughter, the giddiness making her finally dissolve into giggles- much to her companions amusement. It was nice to see her so light, for once.
It was late when she finally stood, telling the others she was going to go to bed. She smiled at all of them, wishing that this moment didn't have to end, that tomorrow they wouldn't have to resume their long trek to the city, entering The Shadowlands. She hadn't quite made it to her tent before she felt cool fingers wrap around her wrist, tugging her back.
"My little treat, with her cheeks all flushed. You will join me in my bedroll tonight, won't you?" She turned to see Astarion, and as always, it took everything in her not to just... Gape. She swallowed, a coy smile crossing her face. It had been three weeks since they had all met that morning after the nautoloid crash. Two weeks since the first time he had fed from her- at first a begrudging agreement to sate his starved body, and now a nightly ritual that they both enjoyed. Maybe a little too much, if Shadowheart's grumbles every morning as she healed Ilara were anything to go by.
"Is that what you think?" She replied softly, not pulling her hand away.
"What I think," he purred as his eyes traveled down her body, "is that you would not possibly tell me no." They both knew the truth to his words, but she wanted to hang onto this moment just a little longer.
"Well what I think is that you can do a little better than that, can't you?"
He narrowed his eyes, his smile only growing wider. "What if I said that all these accolades form the tieflings are nothing compared to the sound of my name cried from your lips?" Goosebumps broke out on her skin, and she swallowed. When she replied, her voice was lower.
"Is that really all you've got, Astarion?"
"Say... Please," she purred. He pulled his face back to stare at her, and for the first time since she had met him, he seemed to be caught off guard.
His eyes burned as he took a step closer to her, his hand snaking around her waist to pull her in. "Every part of your perfect body whispers temptation." He leaned down to brush his lips against her ear, making a shiver go through her.
"Laying next to you at night, feeling the way your body shakes as I drink from your delicate neck, it's torture. It's as if the gods made you to ruin me." She could almost laugh at the thought, if she wasn't so frozen by the sound of his voice, the way his hands felt around her waist. Her, ruining him. She did not think that's what was going to happen.
"Say... What?"
"Please," she smiled. He stared at her for a moment, his eyes still burning with heat.
"Please," he finally said, his voice a whisper. Another shiver went through her as she closed the already small gap between them, pressing her lips to his ear.
"Good boy," she said softly. She would do anything to hear again and again the laughter that fell from his mouth as he dipped to kiss her.
"Cheeky little pup. You'll pay for that."
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Kickstart My Heart Pt.II (Kang Yeosang) Rated
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Pairing: Racer! Kang Yeosang × Waitress!/Fuckgirl! Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Light Angst, Crack, 80s Au.
Summary: Getting the chance to spend time alone with Y/N, Yeosang jumps at the opportunity, getting a little more than he bargained for.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Dumb attempts at humor, second hand embarrassment, Lynn is still creepy, slight voyeurism/ exhibitionism, making out in car, heavy petting, allusions to oral (male receiving).
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The two best friends giggled amongst themselves as they entered inside the establishment, hands full of bags that contained to go boxes with several assorted sandwiches, burgers and fries inside of them. Hearing the bell signal customers, the peppy blonde at the front counter looked up from the thick stack of papers in front of her, mouth automatically showcasing her perfect and commercial worthy smile she always used when greeting newcomers or even regulars.
"Good afternoon what can-" Her expression immediately soured, smile fading and in its place puckered lips took shape.
"Oh... it's just you two." She drawled out the last words, eyes rolling as she peered back at the papers she was busy with.
Looking over at each other, Lynn simply shrugged her shoulders as one of her eyebrows raised up in puzzlement. Meanwhile, Y/N couldn't contain the soft snort that passed through her tight sealed lips, the sound coming out more like a goofy raspberry that further irritated the girl at the counter.
"Hey Sora. How's your day going so far?" Y/N tried to make conversation, but it was obvious the girl wasn't having it, blatantly ignoring both of them as her hand scribbled even faster, pages being turnt at a fast speed. Shifting awkwardly in her stance, Y/N turned her head to look at her friend, who merely shook her head, face clearly indicating to her to not try to act nicer and to simply get to the point of why they had come all the way to the workshop.
"Are the boys still here?"
With a few muttered grumbles, Sora lifted her pen and pointed it behind her towards the door that led to the garage, silently answering where the mentioned individuals currently were.
Sora let out a scoff as the two girls made their past the counter, annoyed ever so vastly by the fact she had no authority nor power to forbid them from going to the back. Being friends with Wooyoung and the rest of the gang, obviously they got special privileges that allowed them to come and go as they pleased not only in the shop but also down at the tracks. And frankly Sora hated it, hence why she didn't refrain from demonstrating her hostility towards Y/N and Lynn, but especially towards the latter for more personal and complicated reasons that everyone was aware of but Lynn herself.
"I don't know why you go out of your way to be friendly towards her. She's been needing to take a chill pill ever since high school." Lynn retorted. Putting down the bags she was carrying for a moment, she pulled the sides of her oversized denim jacket back over her shoulders, the top having slipped off rather uncomfortably on her torso.
"Honestly?...... merely to piss her off." Y/N snickered maliciously, her true intentions finally coming to light.
"Well I'd say you do a fantastic job then. She just takes one look at you and her blood is boiling." Lynn pointed out as she picked up the bags once more.
"Trust me Lynn, you anger her more than I do." Thay statement made the petite girl do a double take at the office behind them.
"Me? Whatever did I do to Barbie?" She questioned, never once recalling a moment where she even spoke two words to the preppy girl that wasn't a casual greeting or goodbye.
Y/N looked with a deadpanned expression to her friend.
"You seriously don't- you know what? Never mind."
Not wanting to waste time trying to explain to her frequently unobservant buddy why Sora had a price on her head, Y/N just quickly rushed over towards the group of men huddled around the red Ferrari F40, one of them hidden underneath it, no doubt in the process of checking or fixing minor issues. Seeing the girls approaching them, all of the boys quickly sprang to life, Wooyoung leading the entourage as they came up towards them.
"So our lovely diner girls actually decided to join us for a movie night. I knew you guys couldn't resist my deadly charm."
Not only were the girls unamused by his little joke, but even his friends behind him shook their heads, disapproving greatly of his overly confident and light narcissistic attitude that he exuded at times.
"I only came cause I am not going to spend a perfectly good Friday night cooped up in my house watching Dynasty." Y/N firmly stated, shutting down any further attempts of flirting directed towards her.
"I like to see people get stabbed or gutted to death."
Cringing at the macabre girl's overly calm response, Wooyoung tilted his head back and looked at the tallest member of the gang, nose crinkling significantly as he silently mouthed a few words over to him, deeply questioning his friend's taste. Said friend simply shrugged and stepped up closer towards the girls, not surprising anyone that he'd pick a stance that had him facing Lynn from the front as he always liked to do.
"Well I'm just really happy you guys decided to join us. I thought you would be happy at knowing it was a horror film."
Not too far behind him, San and Mingi were already giggling amongst themselves, sending each other signals and jokingly theorizing how the night was going to go like.
"I am exceedingly happy Yunho. My body is so filled with joy and immense contentment that I can hardly keep myself from grinning." Despite the jubilant sentence, Lynn's face displayed absolutely no emotion and her raspy and low toned voice was still as monotone and lifeless as it tended to be. Yunho's bright smile nearly faltered, feet rocking back and forth awkwardly as he did not know how to proceed after such a statement. Luckily Mingi stepped in and changed the topic.
"Please tell me there's food in those bags and that we can have some." He pointed to one of the many bags that the girls were carrying.
Lifting one hand up then the other, Y/N shook the contents lightly.
"Your favorites." She chuckled when San came up and tightly squeezed her body into a hug.
"This is why I love you both." Y/N did not mind the slightest bit when he suddenly pulled her face towards his, mouth pressing hard and intense pecks on her cheek repeatedly as a show of gratitude. She was so used to his affectionate nature.
Turning around, Wooyoung cupped his hands over his mouth so that his voice could resonate loudly.
"Yeosang quit tinkering with it already! You're going to get dirty and we have a movie to catch." He shouted at whom the girls presumed was under the race car.
"You literally have speakers built into your vocal chords, there was no need for that makeshift megaphone." Lynn grumbled at him, causing the male next to her to burst out in a fit of giggles.
"Speakers built in hie vocal chords. Good one." Lifting his hand up, Yunho held it up towards Lynn, expecting her to high five him back but was instead met with her cold, squinting eyes that inspected his palm.
"Your aura is overly forced....and you have leftover grease on your hand." She looked away after finishing that sentence. Hearing her say that made Yunho instantly check his hand, immediately wiping it off on his jeans as he mentally slapped himself for looking like an idiot in front of the girl he fancied.
Not paying mind to whatever was happening around her, Y/N's eyes were glued on the figure that emerged from under the car. She couldn't help but admire the strong and buff biceps that were peeking out of the plain white tshirt the man was wearing, sleeves slightly rolled up above his shoulders. The angelic face belonging to him looked even more dazzling due to the light sheen of sweat around his temples, no doubt caused by the work he was doing. Even as he reached for one of the cleaning towels so he could wipe the grime and oil off his hands, Y/N continued to gaze at Yeosang, mind already conjuring up many ideas and fantasies with him as the main protagonist.
"Oh sweetie, you're not making this any easier." She mused inwardly, one of her fingers twirling a strand of her hair.
Discarding the rag on one of the toolboxes nearby, Yeosang carefully approached the group of friends, still awkward in interacting with all of them, trait that only helped in making him stand out like a sore thumb, more than he already did. Clamping a hand over his new buddy's shoulder, Wooyoung brought a hand up and patted one of his squishy cheeks.
"Now that you're finally here we can go." Looking around, Wooyoung gestured around.
"So who's riding with who?"
Immediately Yunho turned his face towards the girl next to him, about to voice out his want of having her in his car, but it seemed as if his plans would fall through as Mingi latched an arm around him.
"I'm going with Yunho." He seemed determined not to let go of him.
"Why? So you can cling to him during the scary parts?" A chorus of laughter poured out at San's amusing words.
"As if!" Mingi huffed, though it was more than obvious to everyone that it was precisely as San had predicted.
"Mingi... I was kinda hoping I could... you know?" Yunho tilted his head over to Lynn, making him get the picture of what he wanted.
"Whatever happened to bros before hoes?" Mingi sighed as he detached himself from Yunho.
"Ok then. Yunho you go with Mingi, San you can take the girls and I'll keep Sangie here company since he's still a little bit shy you know."
It seemed as if it was all decided about how their night was going to run, so Y/N knew she had to speak up and take the opportunity before it was all settled.
"Why don't I ride with Yeosang instead?"
Hearing her suggestion, the male in question widened his eyes in shock, not expecting her to voice that out loud. Even Wooyoung found it slightly odd and suspicious that she'd say that. But then he remembered the type of girl Y/N was and it started to set off alarm bells in his mind.
"Oh it's ok Y/N. You probably won't like to have him scream in your ear and cover his eyes like a baby at the jump scares." Not taking kindly to such blasphemous talk about him that painted an inaccurate picture.
But Y/N remained undeterred. She would stand her ground no matter what.
"Oh please, I insist. I'd love to take care of him..." She did not hide the sultry way she said that last part, eyes locked on Yeosang's, the boy swallowing hard and pressing himself further into Wooyoung's side. Wanting to bargain even further, Y/N took hold of her friend.
"How about this? Lynn goes with Yunho and Mingi, you ride with San and I get Yeosang?"
San cupped a hand over his mouth to muffle the laugh he wanted so desperately to release.
"I don't think it's just him she wants to get." He chuckled to himself.
"You're seriously leaving me alone with these 2 giants?" Lynn pointed to the two men at her right, one of which obviously was more than willing to welcome the arrangement.
"I promise Mingi won't disturb you too much with his crying." Yunho swore to her, hand coming up to clasp around Mingi's mouth when he attempted to protest that decision.
Wooyoung looked over to Yeosang, leaning in and dropping his voice so that only he could hear.
"If you don't want to, just say the word and I'll get her off your case." He offered. Although they had only met just a couple days ago, Wooyoung felt compelled and obligated to look out for the new boy, even if it meant protecting him from his other friends.
Knowing that he probably shouldn't and that it was a bad idea, Yeosang glanced over at Y/N. Meeting her eager eyes and cunning smile, any resolve to stay close to Wooyoung was immediately dispelled from his mind. He might never get another opportunity such as was presented to him and he would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that he was rather curious to find out more about the young vixen that he had heard so much about since he moved into town. With an assured smile that slightly worried Wooyoung, Yeosang stepped forward and held out his hand towards Y/N.
"Shall we get going then?"
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Unable to focus his attention towards the gigantic screen right in front of him, Yeosang slumped down further in his seat, fingers tugging his red sweater over his body. Every few seconds or so, he'd turn his head to peer at the girl on the passenger seat, looking exceedingly calm and collected unlike him. He was overly anxious to the point his food was still untouched, sitting in the backseat, long forgotten. Y/N, although collected, was bored out of her mind, elbow rested on the window, head being supported on her palm as her eyes never lingered away from the gore filled scenes being displayed across from them. There was a deafening silence inside the black Iroc Camaro, the tension between both individuals becoming increasingly thick.
Becoming desperate after 40 minutes of not getting him to make a move or even attempt to break the ice, she decided it was time to take matters into her own hands. Unzipping her green varsity jacket, Y/N began to slide it off her shoulders, revealing the low cut crop tank that she was hiding thus far.
"It's so hot today, don't you think?" She asked him as she tossed the clothing item behind her before settling back into her seat, fighting hard to keep her signature smirk off her face.
If he wasn't feeling hot before, Yeosang certainly started to feel heated after she had taken off her jacket. His hand reached out to grab the cup of soda in the cup holder, gulping most of the contents and ice down to help cool him down. He made an effort not to glance back at his companion anymore, knowing if he did he would have been unable to keep his eyes off her chest. Although it was dark and he turned away almost immediately, he had not missed the fact that she had chosen not to wear a bra, her nipples slightly poking out through the thin and flimsy shirt that even slowed one to make out the outline of her areolas. It was definitely a weakness of his, and Y/N was quick to find that out. Thumb coming up to her mouth, she began biting down on the nail to keep from giggling at Yeosang's reaction. He was devastatingly adorable with his wide eyes and stiffened posture, knee restlessly bouncing up in an agitated fashion. Looking in between his legs, she felt disappointed that she hadn't caused enough damage to earn a tent forming in his pants. He obviously knew how to calm himself in time. That wasn't enough to make her give up. On the contrary, it only hardened her resolve to get him to break.
Letting out an overly dramatic sigh, she reached her hands inside of her tank top. Cupping her breasts in her palms, she started off with slow movements, massaging them gently. Her eyelids started to flutter, closing only briefly as very faint and soft sighs were being exhaled through her nose. Although it was mostly done to tease the boy next to her, she got carried away and started to become more and more turned on with what she was doing. Each time she'd purposefully pinch and pull at her hardening peaks, a muffled whine would be heard coming from her throat, legs starting to spread inch by inch as her planters started to stick against her core.
Opening her eyes and tilting her head, she witnessed Yeosang's astounded expression that also held some lust in it. He was no longer sipping from his drink, but rather his teeth and tongue were merely toying around with the blue plastic straw as the grip on the base of the cup was lightly crushing it. The movie ultimately failed its purpose of keeping him distracted as his attention had fully diverted over to the sexy girl next to him, watching intently as she pleasured herself, wishing that it were his hands instead that were ministering such devotion to her breasts.
"Wanna be a doll and help me out here?" It seemed as if she had read his mind.
Without even a second of hesitation, Yeosang reached down and adjusted his seat back as far as it could go. Jumping at the invitation, Y/N climbed on top of him until she was straddling his lap. Yeosang's hands eagerly clasped around her waist, thumbs circling on the skin of her exposed abdomen. Cupping his cheeks, Y/N leaned her face down and harshly entangled her lips over his own. Yeosang hummed softly as he tasted the remnants of her cherry flavored chapstick, head tilting back when one of her hands tugged at his hair. His hands didn't hesitate to trail up and cup her mounds through her shirt, taking over the job that was previously being done by the owner's hands. Her insistent mouth parted his trembling lips, tongue poking out ever so slowly until it began divulging in the sweet taste of his wet cavern. Although he was no stranger to French kissing, Yeosang had never experienced a makeout session as intense as the one Y/N offered. She was very skilled and experienced, as proven by the swirl and swivel of her tongue against his own. He couldn't stop the moans pouring out from inside him, his hips bucking up into hers as if on instinct while his hands became more harsh and aggressive as they grasped at her breasts with near ferocity. Y/N would only pull away from their kiss for a few seconds to allow him to catch his breath before her lips lured him back into her. It was finally dawning on Yeosang's mind why so many men became captivated by her charms, even when knowing what the outcome would be. Here he was, the most lovely and hottest girl he'd ever met in his life, on his lap, making out with her while simultaneously getting to second base. He felt so damn lucky. But Y/N wanted to take it up a notch, not satisfied with ending the night with just heavy petting.
Sliding off his lap, she suprised him when she took hold of his belt and began to take it off him. Getting an inkling as to what she might have had in mind, Yeosang took hold of her wrist, making her head shot up at him.
"Is something wrong?" She began to get a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Had she really fucked things up already.
Yeosang turned beet red as he swallowed harshly, trying hard to form the words his head was attempting to sought.
"Are you.... are you a virgin?" She felt like she would have died if the answer was yes.
Seeing her worried face, Yeosang quickly shook his head.
"No! I'm most certainly not a virgin." He sounded almost offended at the insinuation, but it helped calm Y/N down, releasing a breath she didn't realize she was holding.
"I just...I've never tried...that before."
His confession just made him cuter in her eyes, previous desire to corrupt and play with him only heightening to new levels after that revelation. Wanting to entice him, she moved her hand to cup at his bulge, loving the way he immediately gasped when she started palming him through his jeans. He bit down at his lip so harshly he believed it would draw blood. He wouldn't contain himself as he bucked his hips up into her palm, desperately wanting her to help him out with his problem. When her fingers reached for his zipper again, he didn't stop her, he merely lifted his hips up to help her as she pulled his pants down by the belt loops, his hardened cock popping out to greet her, surprising her when she noticed how large and thick it was, the head leaking with precum which she used to her advantage and began spreading it down his shaft. The contact of her hand gripping him had Yeosang shuddering, low groaning spilling out his lips. Looking up at him with a devilish grin, Y/N began lowering her head until her lips brushed against his tip.
"Just sit back and relax pretty boy."
A raspy wheeze was caught in Yeosang's throat as soon as he felt her warm mouth on his length, hands flying behind him to clutch at the leather seat of the car. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced. It felt so dirty, so wrong and yet he wanted it. He wanted her........
He didn't care if he was playing with fire and he'd get burned by the end of it.
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Taglist: @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires @yunhofingers @deja-vux @hanatiny @brie02 @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @mingismoon @ateezbabysitters @minhyukmyluv @rainteez02 @nanamarkie @serialee
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