#there’s a bunch of characters i love but i don’t have brainrot for them
lettuceflower · 9 months
over a year ago when i finished yakuza 0, my friend, the one who literally got me into yakuza in the first place, told me that nishiki was ok but in the grand scheme of the series he’s not a great character compared to the ones i had yet to meet
well jokes on her because i just finished yakuza 4 and nishiki is still my favorite character (besides kiryu and majima of course)
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nameuserlee · 2 months
“You don’t need to be so cautious. I won’t break.”
You know the drill. This is the latest compilation of Sylus’ lines, from interacting with him at the café. I’ve made it my mission to spread his words. Part 5 (links back to part 4, and so forth.)
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“There was a shooting star just now. You didn’t clasp your hands together, so you missed your chance at a wish.”
“Aren’t you tired of standing on your tiptoes? Would like me to ask someone to bring over a stool?”
“Even when you sat on that bar stool, your head barely reached my shoulder.” (I’d flex my height all the time too if I were him, I get it.)
“Are you trying to balance a coin on my collarbone or something?”
“Is this supposed to be comforting? It’s an odd sensation. Only the weak seek comfort. I don’t need it.” (In response to a head pat.)
“My head hurts now. Keep patting it.” (Yeah, that’s what I thought, you big softie.)
“I’m not sleepy. But I want to close my eyes when you do this.” (Patting his head.)
“When you’re sad, you can always lean on my shoulder.”
“You can lean on me whenever you want. Don’t hesitate.”
“A person’s fingers are far away from the heart, but they say all fingers are connected to the heart. Isn’t it strange?”
“Are you feeling cold again? Move a little closer. And hold my hand.”
“You should wear a blindfold next time we play. Let’s see if you can still find my hand.”
“Are you interested in this? Well, you’re welcome to visit my bedroom after dawn, kitten. If you dare.”
“This area has experienced severe injuries. But all wounds heal eventually.” (In reference to his abdomen/waist.)
“In cases where you can’t carry a gun, your body becomes your best weapon.”
“Emotions can easily affect a person’s decision-making, don’t you think?”
“I won’t flatter or lie to you.”
“Movie villains always wear masks. But in real life, masks don’t need to be physical.”
“What does my face look like in your eyes?”
“You don’t need to read my palm. I don’t believe in destiny but in myself.”
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Okay. Now, I really think this is gonna be the last compilation for a while. Over 100 lines compiled in total, and there’s STILL a bunch I could include, but I feel like the ones I have left are less interesting/more common, so we’ll let them be for now.
Sylus is such an intriguing and compelling character, and I love how much of his personality shows through all of these lines, and how he’s much more complex than what his archetype would lead you to believe. From fluff, to serious, to cheeky, romantic and flirtatious lines, this man does it all.
The brainrot is, and will continue to be strong.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
I’m watching kardashians new season (i guess i dont have enough drama in my life💀) and i was thinking…
What about yandere family x reader BUT they have same kind of reality tv show?
I just think it would be interesting to see how they would act/how fans would like y/n and the family🤷🏻‍♀️
And the family can be as big/small you want.
Ps.i really love your stories. Keep up the good work🫶🏻
You. You don’t know how much I’ve been having a brainrot over Yandere rich family / Yandere platonic kardashians (mostly as a young teen). How dare you send an ask like this when I’ve moved on? How dare you-
TW/CW: Yandere and Toxic Family themes. Abuse/Neglect. My capitalisation Is EverywheRe. Horny Siblings. Stepcest(?) Adoptedcest(?) Pseudocest(?) transphobia (not from characters but from society)
The Qasem Clan was notorious to say the least. They used to be known for churning out talents, changers of society and the industries they so choose to venture into. Now they were just a bunch of hopeless, talentless folks with too much money in their hands.
All of them except you.
Granted, you’re an adopted child. The matriarch of the family thought you to be ‘too cute to be in an orphanage’ and stole you away during one of her various charity events she’d attend for the sake of face and bragging rights.
The paternal grandparents didn’t like you too much at the beginning. After realizing that they spoiled their children and grandchildren too much too late, they have grown to be tired and soulless creatures. Often throwing you to lessons because they were much to apathetic to bother with a child that wasn’t of their own blood. It was only when you excelled in literally every single class that they suddenly started pouring love and attention all over you. However the Yandere (and I mean the unhealthy part of it), comes when you realize that all this newfound attention will crumble the moment you fail — not to mention how creepy it is when they started to erase whatever made you look different from the family. The only people stopping them being the yan! matriarch who didn’t want them messing with the reason she adopted you in the first place.
but yeah because of them you’re known as the “qasem’s saving grace” and many people worship the group you walk on. it’s great and all. expectations of being completely perfect aside.
yan! siblings range from being horny to being absolute degenerates towards you. the eldest loves to grope you all over and absolutely despises it when your attention is not on them. but whenever it is, they’ll be off fucking some random stranger in front of you just to make you jealous. they’re completely in it for the chase, and get turned off when you show even the slightest hint of reciprocation. they’d be rich from the amount of sex tapes they have alone. though platonically speaking they’re pretty great actually. a lot of fans made compilations titled “[y/n] and [eldest name] being normal siblings for once” or [eldest name] being [y/n] biggest fan” for when you they show genuine love and interest in what you do.
middle child aka boyloser supreme here is the current heir to the qasem riches. why? because he’s a masochist- okay not really because of just that- he’s a hardworker despite his title and often gets high grades but because that wasn’t really extraordinary in the clan he never got attention for it. what he did get attention for was being depressed and being ‘not presentable’ or ‘filthy’. even then he’s still pretty smart and hasn’t impregnated half the town like the eldest so he’s been entrusted with the riches (also he can’t exactly impregnate since his cock is non existent… yes he has a bussy)
reality tv show wise he was kind of forgotten and/or only known for being somewhat smart until he transitioned and society being society made that a controversy and his only personality trait. until people realized that he’s just so much hotter all of a sudden as a boy? gender euphoria does things to people. a lot of edits between you and him feature the man staring at you from afar. or hiding his arousal that he gets from your existence.
there are many more siblings and other fam members in mind (particularly screeching over the maternal grandparents, I’ll add them if I get more asks to this) but i need to go sleep soon so we’re skipping to youngest child.
you know him, you love him.
it’s yan! tsun!. yeah the boy is spoiled to the max. he somehow spends a million bucks per week (probably on Taylor Swift merch). he swears he doesn’t want to fuck you but he already has a million sex toys modeled after your pp or pps if you’re intersex, whatever it is. the only reason he hasn’t commissioned an accurate wax doll of you is cause he’s afraid it’ll suddenly fall out of the corner of his walk in closet through all those designer clothes and into the eyes of the camera men (he doesn’t care much about his fans/the viewers cause they’re faceless as far as he knows). like eldest he has his wholesome moments when tells you not to worry too much about the show or how you present. though it’s mostly off camera, a lot of fans see how close you are. he also shows his support subtlely when it comes to scandals, like boyloser’s for example wherein he started wearing “feminine” clothes and slaying in them just to slam on those people with paper thin, fragile as glass masculinity.
…but yeah there’s a clip that went viral of him sniffing your clothes.
(will definitely add the women of the family one day….) (most likely if I get another request for this or if this goes big yuh)
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arlo-rose · 4 months
Guys I’ve been so busy this weekend but it’s finally my turn to make a long sappy fable thank you post :D
I’m not always the best with words, and I said a lot of this in the fan appreciation video already, but I wanted to put it all here too.
I first started watching fable smp in (I think)November of 2021, cause I found Sherbert and Heyhay through DSMP tiktok compilations on youtube, and saw they both streamed. Fable is the first time I’ve actually been part of a fandom community, and it’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me. My whole experience with the community has been so incredible, everyone is so kind and creative and excited about the story being told. I met people through fable who are now some of my best friends on earth, and even got to meet up with one of them irl! I never imagined an online friend group was something I could have but those people, and the wider fable community, helped get me through some of the worst times mentally that I’ve had in my life. 
Fable as a story is so incredible, I can’t even put into words all of the specific pieces that make it so amazing, but all of the characters, relationships, stories, side plots, and just silly hanging out in character streams are something I love so much. I’m having a hard time writing this rn cause I don’t want to leave out anything important but I don’t know how to say any of it.
One of the biggest things fable smp has done for me is giving me something to fuel my art. Before fable started, I was just starting to experiment with digital art, but had a ton of art block and no motivation to draw much anymore. Fable gave me a constant source of ideas for my art, and the responses I got when I posted my art(for the first time ever) helped so much in keeping that motivation. Having fans and cast members tell my how much they loved my art was incredible, and it eventually gave me the confidence to open up art commissions, which I had never thought was something I’d be able to do. My art was actually how I met my now friends, we started talking because we all loved eachother’s art, and it’s so wonderful to have a bunch of artist friends I can ask for advice, show wips, and just hang out on call while drawing with. Whenever I draw I almost always have a fable vod playing, there are so many comfort vods that no matter how long I draw for, I’ll never run out. 
I know other people have said this, but I want to say it for me too, just because fable is over doesn’t mean I’m gonna shut up about it :D. I have so many art ideas I haven’t done yet, and so many thoughts and feelings about this story that aren’t going away anytime soon. I’m gonna keep brainrotting about these characters for as long as my brain allows me to, and even after that I’ll look back on this story and community so so fondly. This is a story and fandom that I think I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life, and I thank you all for that.
There is a lot of other things I could say right now, but words are hard and I’ve had a very, very long weekend, so I’m gonna stop it here. I love fable smp so much, and I can’t wait to see what stories you all tell next <3
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jbdforspence · 5 months
Rmember when I made like SCU headcanons or some shit (Smosh Cinematic Universe)? Well some of y’all really liked that and I’m getting chosen lore brainrot after the live so I’m making another for purely chosen lore 🥰🥰
Disclaimer: these are all my headcanons, unless I like say or some shit all of this is being made up in my brain because I think it’s cool or whatever, don’t take this as fact at all but like u can also headcanon what I’m saying bro idk 💀😭😭
Bro my ass essentially made my own fucking story or fanfic plot or whatever 😭😭😭
Also this shit is a long ass ramble so if u don’t wanna bother just be known one of the headcanons is that Shayne and Spencer’s chosen are in a purely romantic relationship ❤️ (SOMEONE BETTER MAKE A FANFIC OF THEM)
Okay… so getting the most important chosen thing out of the way, chosen is not bullshitting, the chosen all have real powers and shit and are from different dimensions, doesn’t mean they aren’t also loser awkward virgins though they’re still that but just are also powerful Jedi mfs lmao
Now for the next one I’m gonna use into the spiderverse as a good example. All dimensions have a Spider-Man, however not all Spider-Man are Peter Parker, while he still exists in some of those dimensions, like Gwen’s.
So, all dimensions have a chosen, however there are different chosen in different dimensions (if the chosen is played by a different cast member it’s not the same chosen, except mb Olivia’s we’ll get to that 💀) and a person who is chosen in one dimension won’t be chosen in another. Let’s use the chosen who faps, that chosen is that dimension’s Chanse, in that dimension Chanse is chosen.
Now you may IMMEDIATELY be thinking abt the main chosen, Shayne Topp and the chosen are from the same dimension. Well this is my most controversial headcanon, Shayne’s chosen is NOT from our dimension. But then who is our dimension’s chosen? ANTHONY PADILLA.
Anthony was a chosen, but then fapped or something (I have faint memories of the funeral roast) and is like calamity chosen and shit and no longer chosen. This is what attracted Shayne’s chosen to our dimension, as an incredibly powerful chosen he was drawn to this dimension as it completely lacked any chosen.
Oh yh and u may be thinking “but the main chosen’s name is Spencer Agnew… so he’s not Shayne Topp…” you think your parents are gonna give you the same name in every dimension buddy? You might not even have the same parents!
Anyways main chosen is stunned by our world as to how unchosen it is (normalised gooning) and comes here a bunch to try and change that, he also looks for some form of way to get his presence known on some kind of public platform, which is where smosh/smosh Vegas comes into play. (Where he was first introduced)
This is now a side headcanon: Smosh Vegas was this event hosted by Smosh to get unknown talent onto the channel to have their chance at possible success in some form of entertainment route for their future, which is where all these new characters (a lot of which we never see again coz it was for just that event and they didn’t gain much traction or popularity or whatever, bleeding into real life here). Smosh mostly picked weird and wacky individuals, think like reality tv show casting 💀, so the chosen most obviously got accepted onto Vegas.
Now I have not fact checked this but I’m pretty sure the chosen was the only character introduced in Vegas who came back afterwards, he was also one of the few in more than one video. I’d say he found success in entertainment, the audience loved him he could’ve gone on to do his own thing and shit, but he stayed with Smosh.
This is where my headcanons start to get really silly and in fanfic territory or whatever. Why did the chosen stay with Smosh? Well it’s a great public outlet for getting his ideas out there, they (us) loved him! But he also stayed due to other reasons. The chosen knows about Anthony, that’s why he’s here in the first place of course he knows what happened. But Anthony was long gone and presumed never coming back when the chosen came, so staying at smosh because of Anthony would be a stupid idea.
No, there was something else at smosh… SOMEONE. Charles Spencer Agnew, more commonly known as Spencer Agnew. They had almost the exact same name while not being variants of each other, the chosen couldn’t think that was just due to coincidence!! He believed it was some kind of sign and decided to stay to investigate what it meant. This is also why the chosen and Spencer are in heaps of vids together (…early on at least 👀)
Okay so now we’ve gotten the silly origin story out of the way and this is already like the longest post I’ve ever made 😭😭😭
The chosen begins to host Chosen Multiverses. This is a common chosen practice to see which chosen are strongest, the chosen just decided to start hosting it in our dimension as 1. Public platform and 2. This universe has no chosen so 5 chosen being there benefits.
An important part about these competitions!!! I believe this is canon coz it was mentioned once, when you win a chosen multiverse you are upgraded to “the chosen” over just being “chosen”, meaning Shayne, Spencer, Ian and Angela’s chosen are all the chosen.
Anyways here’s the silly part that’s inspired this and has ao3 vibes. The first multiverse is where we meet Spencer, Jackie and mb Courtney’s (idk if they did a tntl bit first but oh well!) chosen for the first time. Also Noah who thankfully canonically doesn’t have a chosen as he’s actually some merch ad and not a real chosen 😘.
Main chosen is truly stunned by Spencer’s chosen… as they are equal in power. Main chosen has never come across anyone close to his power, which is also why Spencer’s chosen comes back all the time. Now we also already established that Shayne and Spencer’s chosen are NOT THE SAME PERSON, and are variants of their respective cast members. So this brings us to the main headcanon for why I made this:
Shayne and Spencer’s chosen are romantically attracted to one another and have a purely romantic relationship.
Now the chosen is canonically not asexual (Shayne said in a Lego stream), I’m not here to headcanon sexuality stuff but I do agree with this and they’re constantly battling their urge to fap and shit coz of their Jedi duty .
Anyways the chosen already isn’t straight coz he canonically sucked Tim’s dick in the matrix (don’t ask) so when u think abt it not very far fetched ❤️
Anyways this brings us to the actual fuckinng livestream Jesus I’m so sorry for the LENGTH of this ramble
If you remember the trailer, it starts as Anthony hitting his head and having a “dream sequence”. Guys let me cook with this next one cos I’m proud lowkey: as Anthony is a chosen anomaly, he still kinda has powers, and the whole sitcom is a micro dimension created by Anthony’s brain after his accident that 3 chosen venture into to contain and eliminate it from existence. This is also why they kinda break the 4th wall in the script and stuff and almost spectate the whole live because they are aware that it’s fake.
Not really too sure what to think of the weed thing btw 💀 anyways yh so chosen!shayne x chosen!spencer canon plsplsplsssss
Also they’re teaching Trevor’s chosen btw that’s why the bring him (yet to be ready for a multiverse, which also btw I was 100% expecting him to be in this years multiverse, like I was thinking the lineup would be him and Arasha over Spencer and Courtney) and Shayne and Spencer’s chosen are dealing with it coz they’re the most powerful.
Uuhhh yeah cool so sorry u had to read all that lmao I probably missed some stuff like loopholes or whatever, I’d love to answer questions in the comments in shit so yh!
Ps: someone make a fucking fanfic of chosen Spencer and chosen Shayne PLEASE
Oh yh I also forgot to mention normal Spencer chosen by proxy and Olivia’s chosen but oh well they weren’t important…
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witlesswitnesstm · 4 months
I have been thrown head first into the Alan Becker fandom, so here are my headcanons for each of the characters
• Blue: He/him, 19ish years old
Only cis guy, totally a stoner, absolutely has blazed it with Yellow, has a genuine problem with netherwartz, has gotten really good at measuring by eye
• Yellow: They/them, 20 years old
Intelligent in most areas except socially and emotionally, has probably figured out a way to staple their glasses to their face so they don’t fall off in battle, second in command when TSC isn’t there
• Green: Any pronouns, 17 years old
The most tiktok fuckboy to ever exist, I think they’d legit love brainrot humor. I think they have the typical story of a confident front but they’re actually a bit of a softie on the inside. That isn’t to say her confidence is fake, but it’s not all there is to her
• Red: She/they, 17 years old (youngest)
The most passionate, feels very strongly about most things, probably debates TSC about a bunch of different topics. I think she has an inferiority complex and is trying to prove herself to everyone, but keeps failing
• TSC/Second: He/they, 18 years old
Aroace, Jaded shonen protagonist, very headstrong, a little sick of everyone’s shit but would sacrifice the world for them, very curious and excited to learn new skills. He can get pretty introspective, and has a math/science > English/history brain, probs also has insomnia cause he’s so tired during the day, probs has ADHD too
• Purple: He/him, probably same age as Red
Trans guy, very closed off, lets no one see his insecurities, seemingly unrequited crush on green, not good with emotions at all. I feel like he mostly relied on his facade of confidence until it just started cracking more and more. He desperately seeks approval from everyone even slightly older than him.
• TCO/Chosen: They/them, mid-late 20s
When they went to the outer net with TDL, they were mostly just looking for some kind of cathartic release from all the anger they held towards Alan, until they realized the consequences it had on real people and websites. They thought they were this kind of liberator figure when in reality, they were just pointlessly destructive. Them and TDL dated for a short period of time after they arrived in the outernet. They only had each other for a while and the shared trauma they had faced together sort of swept them up into a relationship. Also they have PTSD
• TDL/Dark: He/him, slightly younger than TCO
He never let go of his anger. They never went into the outernet with the goal to liberate, they went in to destroy as much as possible so they wouldn’t have to feel the pain of processing what they were made for. He figured if he could finally get rid of all computers, then his code wouldn’t force him to be aggressive anymore. He was genuinely proud of his project and thosught TCO had the same ideals as him. He also has PTSD
• Victim: He/him, early 30s
By far the weakest of the hollowheads, dresses very formally, and was fully aware of what he was doing to Chosen
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yellowbunnydreams · 2 months
Question though… How would William 'react' (for lack of a better word) to Reader who is a Latina/Latino?? Like they’ll curse under their breath in Spanish when they’re annoyed or do something that annoyed them or they’re in pain, like, for example, studding their toe
maybe even saying something to William, instinctually or not, in Spanish, even calling him “Mí Amor” (My love) or “Mí Vida” (My life), y’know what I mean?? They’re saying something, but some of the words they’re saying, they’re in Spanish instead, so it’s a bunch of Spanish and English words, and William would just be like “…What?” so they’ll translate 😂
Maybe even like someone pissed them off or they’re just annoying them so they’ll cuss them out in Spanish, like calling them a “Pendejo” (dumbass) or even “Cabron” (Bastard)
Even teaching William (or someone else) a few words, if they ask
(I’m sorry, I’m way too excited to ask this, I’m Hispanic, and I’ve always just wondered what’re Wills’ thoughts on that, I’M NOT SAYING HE’S RACIST, I’m just asking what’re his thoughts in general about it)
Also, I know this ask is already big as it is, but I have another question and I just thought 'Eh, might as well'
How would William feel/react to the reader having nose-bleeds?? Especially when it’s the first time they see reader have ‘em.
As someone who has a lot of them for as long as I can remember, I have wondered about this, a lot
But I’ll completely understand if you don’t want to answer, this is (in many ways) a weird question, I’m just curious is all
Hi Anon!
First off; don't worry about the length of the ask! I'm happy to continue brainrotting away here answering questions because sometimes I have to stop and think about them and the how I believe the characters would react!
I think William generally would LOVE to try other foods and parts of cultures. In my mind, he's spent a lot of time cooking because he doesn't want to eat Freddy's pizza for lunch every day and sandwiches are kinda boring. For real specifics, I think it would depend on the Afton version as to how they would react to languages!
'Bunny Ears' and 'Incubus! Will'; Loves hearing it! They try their hardest to pronounce every word. Incubus Will in particular likes how the new words sound and he will latch onto trying to clumsily flirt in your own language.
Vamp! Will and other more 'normal' variants; Probably a little frustrated at first, but secretly tries picking up on the language a little bit so that they can surprise you (whether for better or for worse) by speaking bits and pieces!
I also headcannon that Vamp! Will would probably encourage you/Reader to eat a lot of their country's/culture's food - he wants to experiment and see if he can taste the spices through you after a while.
My immediate thought to this second part had me in stitches;
Vamp! Will; ' I didn't know you came with a built in drinks dispenser.' Followed by keeping your head tipped forwards and placing a tissue under your nose. He doesn't want you wasting any, after all.
The rest of them would range from 'mildly concerned' to 'OH MY GOSH, CALL AN AMBULANCE, ARE YOU OKAY, DON'T GO INTO THE LIGHT?!'
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
Ayo heard you want horny brainrots well I (🦝) have been summoned.
I don't know what your preferences are. Men, women, both, neither but personally I would fuck just about anything that is off age and willing so that being said
I absolutely adore Beidou. She is so fucking hot. She's powerful, strong willed, breathtakingly gorgeous and overall just step on me, captain I am actually begging. On top of that, she wields a claymore, the back amd shoulder muscle she must have? On God?? Yes, MA'AM.
Realistically she probably has a bunch of scars and a sun tan and overall I think Beidou might be the hottest woman in all of Genshin. Genshin has many hot women but no one surpasses her. My queen. My goddess. My love. My main since day ONE. (that's a lie but she was in fact the forst character I pulled)
Alright I'm going to take my brain and wring it out like a wet towel to give you some more asks. Cya in the next one
✿ 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙢𝙮 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚 ♡︎
characters: beidou x gn! reader
warnings: fluff, angst, there will be nsfw but it’s not as wild as my other posts, both reader and beidou are switch, cute domestic shits, kazuha being y’alls adopted son (kinda)
notes: 🦝anon, my beloved, i have already made it clear that i’m a raging bisexual so yes, women♥️. women, men, sexy human look alike puppets with god and inferiority complex, idc gimme them all! went with head cannons format with this one i hope you don’t mind. also i’m so sorry my beloved 🦝 anon, i took so long to answer😭😭
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aahhh yes beidou
i’m pretty sure everyone took one look at her and went “i’m sat”
and yes 🦝 anon she would have the muscles, sun tan i mean come on she stays out in the sea for as long as she wants, scars and damn did i mention muscles whew it’s getting hot in here
absolutely would spoil tf out of you
jewels, foods, all kinds of trinkets from the places she’s been to before
and if you were to talk it out with her and won’t get seasick easily, she won’t hesitate to ask you to come with her on her ship alongside the crux
after basically adopting kazuha, you two would almost become his pseudo parents in a sense
beidou is the fun carefree mom while you are the parent that frets over him as if he’s a baby
and everytime she sees you scolding kazuha over the smallest of things such as scratching his pretty face she won’t hesitate to tease you in all kinds of ways
general nicknames would be “darling” “your highness”(teasingly) “my treasure”
if you were to ever kiss her scars or wounds while treating her she would just melt
“ahaha… oh darling, what did i ever do to deserve you?”
due to her past of being hated by the village she was taken in, sometimes beidou would have a very horrific and detailed nightmares or thoughts of you leaving her because she is ‘cursed’
would hate to burden you but will gently stir you awake to ask for cuddles and kisses
“i-i’m sorry, treasure. i-i just… please? hold me?”
please don’t degrade her even as a joke
since you’re someone so dear to her heart, even if she were to laugh it off as a joke on the outside, she would be thinking all sorts of bad thoughts on the inside
i feel like she would give the best hugs and piggyback rides
if you’re both walking around and you’re getting tired or wounded, she won’t hesitate to squat down in front you or carry you bridal style
is so so incredibly gentle with you
she knows she’s strong, she knows she’s powerful i mean she struck down haishan, the leviathan while visionless
and due to that knowledge she’s afraid she might accidentally hurt you in some way, even when she knows you’re not some fragile doll
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i can’t really see her being a sub honestly
i feel like she would be either a switch or a soft dom
is into face-sitting and i cannot stress this enough
whether it’s you sitting on her face with your juices gushing and squelching, your legs trembling to hold yourself up she won’t stop until she’s satisfied
“shh it’s okay darlin’ you’re doing sooo good. come on sit on my face, i wouldn’t mind and you know that”
or her sitting on your face as she grinds her slicky pussy into your mouth while moaning and calling you a good girl/boy as she grips your hair
it doesn’t matter which one it is, she’ll take it
will overstimulate you but in the gentlest way you get what i’m saying?
“aww there there. come on you can cum again. you can cum again right darlin’? yes you can treasure. come on cum for me. you can do it”
or it’s you absolutely worshipping every inch of her body
“haaangg~ oh yes, that’s it. keep mmggff! keep going. ah yeah, you’re making me feel so good treasure~”
sex with her would generally be very soft, slow and filled with praises
aftercare would be you two cuddling together after cleaning each other up and just talking of small topics like today’s weather, the next destination, which destination to go to next etc etc
just,,,, beidou🥹🫶
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ryuichirou · 1 month
About Rollo, friendships and other stuff.
Anonymous asked:
Oh my god your Rollo art gives me life! I gotta ask - who do you ship him with? As a Rollo fan I like to pair him with Deuce, Jack, Neige and Idia, even though I’m probably the only person on earth who likes any of those pairings. Do you have any Rollo rarepairs? Do you have any thoughts on which boys might be interested in Rollo?
Rollo deserves all the love, Anon! Whenever I think about him, I start lamenting about wanting more of him. Too bad he was with us just for one event... I would love to see him interact with the other group of boys :( I think Lilia and the tweels would enjoy him the most: Lilia would think he is obnoxiously righteous but also very fun to tease, the tweels would get a similar feeling to what they feel from Riddle. Floyd could be such a menace with Rollo, and Jade isn’t any better.
Anyways, to answer your question! We don’t like any popular ships for Rollo, but we love him with fukukaicho/vice-president of NBC (the boy is a huge simp lol); and out of the main cast the only ship that kind of “sparked” with us was Azul/Rollo. Rook/Rollo also would’ve been interesting!
Oh, and of course the gargoyles. Gargoyles/Rollo is the best ship.
Anonymous asked:
I think we share the same type of fandom brainrot since looking back at your older works I see you were also a Prussia fan and turned into an Idia fan. 10/10 good taste in men
Yesss, high five Anon! Gotta love this “kind of depressed/lonely genius with unstable ego but also a doting older brother who calls himself niichan and spends too much time on the internet” type! These two have more in common than I thought...
Anonymous asked:
Favourite TWST friendship?
Oof it’s hard to say, Anon! I feel like I answered a similar question before, but I really don’t remember what I said.
I love the friendship aspect of a lot of characters that we ship romantically (like Idia and Azul, for example).
But excluding those, I’d say Deuce and Epel are cute, Vil and Idia (even though neither of them would probably call it friendship) and the Octa-trio and Ortho (it’s basically just bad influence on this already bad kid lol)
It’s a bit weird to call whatever the Octa-trio have a friendship, but I love their dynamic a lot, so it would be unfair not to mention them. I would watch an entire sitcom of just these three and their antics.
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Okay, I'm a huge sucker for the NRC/others poly/origy plots! Like First Years have one, Second Years, Third Years, you get the idea. My question is is how likely do you think this could happen? What are your headcanons of the year groups (lets add Nobel Bell and Royal Sword for more people even if it's small) having some fun? How pleasing would it be for those involved?
It’s a bit difficult to say because while we are multishippers and sometimes multiple ships coexist in a single story, we don’t necessarily have any poly ships, like nothing necessarily feels like an “organised” poly throuple. So I might not be the best person to answer this kind of question, ironically! But still:
The first years: not really likely, but Ace and Jack should do Deuce together (very not likely to happen due to both of them being stubborn and greedy). Also Epel and some of his senpais from Magift (not Leona though), because he is that eager to prove himself.
The second years: Jamil might find himself surrounded by mermen... in theory, they might invite Kalim as well, but they’re more likely to tease(scare) Jamil by saying that they are going to do that. Silver might find himself as a center of an orgy at some point too, but with a bunch of mob/faceless characters.
The third years: nothing really comes to mind, but there are people who want to involve Trey in their relationship or just for an orgy; Trey dodges it successfully so far.
RSA: nah, they’re too good for that :) Cuties. Too fucking good, not a single dirty bone in their body. Well, to be fair though, they have Che’nya, and he kickstart an orgy somehow. Everyone (especially those who participated and loved it) would be shocked afterwards.
NBC: orgies are a thing. Rollo doesn’t know about it. He will become a center of one soon...
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haruhar-u · 11 months
Haru’s moots :D
I forgot the order we became moots on my old account so this is the order on this account
@xen-blank: Xen/Luc/Levi: Skrunkly blorbo pookie. You are super cool and nice. Yout fun to talk to. I like talking to them. I trust you as much as you can trust someone on the internet. Supported me through the whole accidentally deactivated incident.Also an overall safe person for me. pnline sibloubf
@citrusitonit: Citrus: Fellow fuckling, biting you biting you. Who let you be so funny? Also you seem to always be online…
@minty-bubblegum: Minty: Mama :D. Also you have the same birthday as me which is super cool. Music taste is immaculate
@cheezy-moon: Moony: Based taste in characters. Also fellow fuckling. Super cool ocs and super nice. I like your energy
@leonistic: Soru: We don’t interact that much but we do you’re super sweet. Also your writing is just yes. I had a heart attack when you followed me
@dove-da-birb: Dove: one of my very first moots. Super cool. Like an older sibling to me. When they followed me a whole bunch of other followed me too. Bird mafia? Also your earring collection is super cool.
@lucent-blade: Lucent: we haven’t interacted once but your arcana takes are very good :).
@carmensdia: Eden: also haven’t interacted much but whenever we do your are super nice. I like having you on my dash. I like reading your opinions
@the-banana-0verlord: Lilian: Nice just nice. Offered to help me learn French. Super cool. I also had a heart attack when you followed me back. Super supportive too. Also you like fruits basket which is just yes
@ithseem: Ithseem: Super supportive and nice. Really cool ocs too! Also really cute chibis :D
@twistwonderlanddevotee: Sofia: we haven’t t interacted much but you’re super sweet and nice from what I seen.
@lu-lul: Lulu: my wifey and irl
@krenenbaker: Kren: super supportive and nice. Takes part in all my ask games and reblogs my writing a lot. Good vibes. I look up to you. Yes again like a older sibling to me.
@thekitchenywitch: We haven’t interacted much but you were surprised I saw one of your takes (which was an immaculate take in Asra btw) so I decided you’re cool.
@edith-is-apparently-a-cat: Edie: SUPER cool. You are very sweet I wanna swing you around and then squeeze you. You’re the last hope of wholesomeness on this hellsite /hj
@supergigabigboybabechad: Lenore: Super nice one of my first moots. You aren’t online often but when you are I love interacting with you
@angelhairpastawithherbs: Rose: I love love reading your takes. Also the Sukuna meme you made last night is just yes. Also your writing?????? You’re just a super cool person
@averagetoyakinnie: Joey: my first moot. We don’t interact often but your taste in anime is just so good. We watched so many of the same shows. I love interacting with you
@overly-niche-twst: Joy: you were the one of the first accounts I followed on my old account. I love seeing you on my dash too. Your memes are super funny and accurate to the character. Also Wriothesley is based
@silvers-numberonefan: Kei: I don’t know much about kpop but I love seeming you ramble about it. Also a milgram fan super cool. I see you almost as a younger sibling.
@azulashengrottospiano: Auburn: I love your blog. It’s just so nice. I looked up to you since I started Tumblr basically and had a heart attack when you followed me back. I hope your pillow is cold tonight
@chocolate-cat-bread: Nene: little sibling irl
@vivislosingitagain: Vivi: We haven’t interacted like at all but I read your posts like they’re the news paper
@v-anrouge: Aster: the person I like sending my Vil brainrot to. Very take you have is canon idc what it is. Also kinda like an older sibling to me. You’re super cool.
@cave-of-jade: Jade: adopted me one day. I now bite
@distant-velleity: Kai: I LOVE LOVE YOUR OCS. Also fellow milgram fan
Psst psst if you’re not on here and want to be lmk
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g-kat423 · 22 days
Rant under the cut
That whole Cassie Reffel author drama just goes to show that some people don’t know how to separate reality from fiction and then it gives other writers who touch on dark topics a bad name.
For those who don’t know, Cassie Reffel is a self-published author who writes dark romance. She recently got some heat for using real life killer Wade Wilson (not Deadpool) who was recently sentenced to death for the brutal murders of two women as a way to promote one of her books. Her video was so tactless with 0 respect for the victims, showing a photo of Wilson with a caption along the lines of “if you like him you’ll love this” followed by a picture and description of her book. Don’t have the exact quote since she’s deleted the original, but I’m sure screenshots are floating around. Instead of apologizing, she doubled down, turned off all comments where she was able, and made a bunch of unhinged TikToks in a row absolving herself of all wrongdoing.
If you’re going to write about serial killers maybe don’t do so in a way that glorifies a real murderer?? It’s bad enough Wade Wilson already has fangirls making thirst traps of him and trying to contact him in prison. Absolutely disgusting. No one would even know who she was if not for this controversy. Her self-published books read like a teenager trying to be edgy on Wattpad, complete with mistakes like “strole” instead of “stroll” and one of her characters being a “collage” student. An actual publisher wouldn’t touch her middle school writing with a 40 foot “poll.” That and with the way she can’t take any criticism shows she’s not cutout to be an actual author at all.
My favorite thing though? Her little blurb on her Amazon author profile starts with “welcome to the darkness of my mind” literally not too far off from “welcome to my twisted mind” which I’m sure she probably wanted to use, but couldn’t because it’s been meme’d to shit. 2012 tumblr ass behavior.
This could go into a longer discussion about how true crime and booktok have further contributed to this ongoing brainrot of not honoring victims while glorifying murderers, but I’m already fuming lol.
I once got into it with someone on TikTok because they said I was glorifying murder by posting about Lady Dimitrescu, a fictional villain. I told them to save that energy for the true crime girlies selling serial killer merch on Etsy. Lady Dimitrescu isn’t real, no actual living person has been harmed by her actions. Enjoying an interesting villain from a fictional world is in no way and never has been on par with people being fans of actual murderers. I don’t condone Alcina’s actions, yes, even when I write a fic that involves those in character actions. These pathetic serial killer simps make excuses for actual murders that have happened because ~their poor little baby was misunderstood~ barf. Even being a fictional villain fan, I hate the woobification of said fictional villains and then these bitches are out here doing it with real people 💀 get fucked.
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msfcatlover · 2 years
@alycat76​ : Can you give me the low urban fantasy AU? 
YES! YES I ABSOLUTELY CAN!!! Ah, you have no idea how much I love this one!!!
Okay, so! This AU was actually born directly from my frustration with a bunch of Urban Fantasy AUs (and original stories, if we’re being real here.) Namely, that those stories will so often be like, “These magical beings are very, very rare,” and then the entire cast will be mystical beings of one sort or another. And I was like, “You can totally tell an engaging story in a world like this with an almost entirely human cast. You don’t even have to cut out the magic element or fun world building!” (And yes, that first part does accurately describe my Monster!Kids AU. Shhhhh, let me have my hypocrisy.)
I wanted to do that, and my brain is 90% Batfam brainrot right now, so here’s what I came up with.
(CW for minor mentions of sickness, canon character death, and child abuse. Bruce is not the abuser, for the record. But mentions are there. Also, Jason’s body is not restored to its pre-death state, and I do describe some of the things that would’ve been done to prep him for his funeral.)
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Very first point: Bruce’s tie to Gotham is more than just his love & dedication to his city. The Wayne family are supposedly one of the oldest families in the city, and of those old families they’re possibly (I’m still a little unclear here) the only one not tied to the Court of Owls? They’re the ones most dedicated to improving Gotham and ending its corruption, anyway. So let’s do something with that, shall we?
The Wayne bloodline has a bond with the city. Some might call it a blessing, some might call it a curse. The eldest member of the family is a Fisher King; the health of the Lord is tied directly to that of the city. When the Lord is sick, the city suffers; when the city suffers, the Lord feels its pain. And for generations, the head of the family has near-always been ill. Bruce has vivid memories of his father retching over the toilet, or calling in sick because the trembling was too much for Thomas to risk operating on patients (they are, depressingly, some of the most vivid memories Bruce has of his father.) As a member of the family, Bruce could see the marks just under his father’s skin, from ink-black to bruise-yellow and every sickly color in between, that nobody else seemed to see (Zatanna did, and she was the only outsider to assure Bruce he wasn’t crazy over it, but there’s only so much she could do for him.) It was terrifying for a young boy to see his father so ill, but Thomas promised Bruce that even though it was a “family condition,” Thomas & Martha were working on it; Thomas promised his son that by the time Bruce had to worry about it, they’d have made enough progress that Bruce would hardly even notice it.
Of course, that’s not what happened. Thomas was actually feeling well that night, better than he had in months, and wanted to go out to celebrate. Martha chose the restaurant and Bruce chose the movie. And maybe, if Thomas had kept feeling well, if he hadn’t had to stop to catch his breath, if the family hadn’t stepped into that specific alley to avoid blocking the sidewalk... maybe things would’ve been different.
When Thomas Wayne breathed his last, his son collapsed under the weight of Gotham’s rot & suffering. Joe Chill assumed the bullet must’ve passed through one of the parents to hit the child, and fled in a panic.
The hospital could find nothing wrong with Bruce, but he saw the understanding in Alfred’s eyes when he arrived and the first thing Bruce said to Alfred was, “I think I’m dying.”
(In most legends, Fisher Kings cannot leave their homelands. The Waynes are slightly luckier, but the longer they are away, the more they... fade. Energy seeps out of them slowly, color leaves their skin, no amount of sleep is ever enough, and they eventually need to return to Gotham to recharge. Bruce’s record is 3yrs, and the doctors shipped him home basically in a coma.)
(Bruce swore he would never have children, never pass down his bloodline’s curse to an innocent child who should not have to carry it. He got a vasectomy as soon as he legally could. Needless to say, he was furious Talia would go so far as to create a clone-son for the two of them, violating both Bruce’s right to choose and cursing Damian to carry on that line of suffering.)
Bruce learned his city & body well enough that he can use it as a map. Not a map that would make sense to anyone else (street corners that are directly adjacent to eachother might be on completely different parts of him, like one on his ribs and the other behind his knee.) During the day, he uses his resources to try to treat Gotham’s suffering preventatively, going after unjust rules & systems, weaving a new security net for Gotham’s underclass, etc. At night, his methods are more surgical, cutting out the tumors & rot, while also taking the time to help as many individual citizens as he possibly can.
As the legend of the Batman grows, reality starts to bend ever so slightly under the weight of it. He jumps further & more accurately than a man of his bulk should be able to, can always find the perfect corner to hide in, always has something to grab when he falls off a building.
Despite all the suffering Gotham causes Bruce Wayne, he still loves his city. And the city loves him back.
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Second point: Dick Grayson is human, and he doesn’t exactly have any magic of his own. It’s... I’m calling it “being a conduit.” Basically, Dick resonates with any magic in his vicinity. He’s very sensitive to the presence of magic, to the point of it being basically a sixth sense, and on an instinctive level he attunes himself to any natural or environmental magic around him. To a very limited degree, he can even take on a few traits of what that magic is, but not... he can’t tune into a fire spell and burn you with a touch, but when he’s resonating with Gotham, he is slightly more resistant to poisoning.
It’s much, much rarer than being a magic user (though many magic users do eventually become conduits through sheer exposure,) but in the same way having perfect pitch is different from being able to sing.
...I’m making it sound so much more powerful than it actually is here. The main benefit Dick gets out of it is that when he attunes himself to any given city, the city will treat him as a native and most citizens just passing him in the street will assume he is too (this does not affect his ability to, say, speak the language or change his accent, it’s just his “vibes,” if that makes sense.)
As far as story goes, this means Dick can see Bruce’s curse-marks despite not being a member of his bloodline; if they’re in contact with eachother, Dick can even very faintly feel what the city is inflicting on Bruce at any given time. (This scares the absolute bejeezus out of Bruce when he realizes, as he immediately assumes he misinterpreted the curse, and “bloodline” just means “family,” or even “household,” and he’s cursed Dick as well just by offering him a home!) It also means that as soon as Robin becomes part of Batman’s legend, Dick can benefit from the city’s protections just like Bruce does.
It is, in fact, Dick who causes Bruce to realize there’s something more than just good luck happening, when Robin is thrown off a roof but fortunately finds a pole of some sort hidden by the building’s shadow to kick off from and make it to the next one over (this also triggers a rumor that Robin can fly, something Dick is more than happy to lean into with some tailoring on his cape, and yes, he does move even better & faster as a result.) The thing is, Bruce is certain there was no pole there, because he would’ve incorporated it into potential escape plans. And when he finally has the time to go back & check, after the fight is over, after Robin is safe... he’s right. The alley is empty. There’s no pole, no pipe, no nothing. But Dick definitely kicked off of something in mid-air, Dick’s not a metahuman or a magic user, he can’t double-jump or anything. Dick himself insists his foot just caught the top of a thin, flat cylinder, no more than two inches wide, just barely enough to jump from; Dick’s even pretty sure he saw the pole when he glanced behind him, sticking up out of the shadows. Nothing weird at all, except for how it doesn’t exist.
(When Jason dies, Gotham’s grief is strong enough to feel it all the way out in space. Dick doesn’t understand the heavy feeling in his heart, nor the sudden urgency to get home. He tells the other Titans to just drop him off in Gotham, but the closer they get, the worse Dick feels. When they actually break the city limits, Dick just melts into tears as Gotham’s pain howls through every inch of his body. Donna calls ahead, more than a little panicked, and nearly gives Alfred a heart attack with how worried & hesitant Donna is to just straight up say what’s wrong with Dick. She offers Dick the communicator, saying it’s Alfred on the line, and Dick snatches it out of her hand to ask the only coherent word any of them will hear from him for the rest of the day: “Who?”
When Alfred answers, Dick just... breaks. Right there in front of them. He’s trying to say something, something about that being wrong, something about having plans, but he can’t deny what he’s feeling, and he can’t seem to get the words out.
The Titans land in the Batcave, and refuse to leave. Fuck Batman’s rules, they’re not abandoning Dick... and Dick isn’t the only one who didn’t get to say goodbye.)
(Bruce & Dick still fight about it terribly once they’re finally alone. Bruce never once raises his hand to his son, but Dick tries to reach out to him, to touch Bruce’s hand and resonate, to literally share his pain, and Bruce jerks away saying, “Don’t, it’s not---”
Dick stares in shock & horror as both of them silently complete that sentence: It’s not real. If you asked Dick right in that moment, he’d say striking him would have hurt less.)
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Jason was human, fully human, with nothing special about him at all. Well, except for how Gotham loved him even more than Batman. The resonance Dick needs to wrap himself up in for Gotham to accept him, Jason has it echoing in his bones. He’s one of Gotham’s truest sons, he’s part of that city, and the city is part of him.
It’s not Superboy Prime’s reality breaking punch that brought Jason back from the dead. I... Look, I wrote a little nursery rhyme to explain it, and I’ve no idea if it’s any good (but it can’t be any worse than the Court of Owls’ rhyme, which has just a few too many syllables in certain lines for me to find whatever rhythm it’s supposed to have.)
Take me home to Gotham If I die far away Put me in her soil In a shallow grave
I don’t belong in Paris Or under London Town Don’t bury me in Tokyo Put me in Gotham ground
If you lose me out at sea In storm or dark of night I’ll swim back home to Gotham I’ll just follow the lights
Don’t send me off to Moscow Or drag me down to Rome I’m Gotham born and bred, my friend I only rest at home
Oh, take me home to Gotham If I die far away Put me in her soil In a shallow grave
I don’t need no tears or funerals Don’t miss me every day For I’ve come home to Gotham And right at home I’ll stay
(As far as most people are concerned, that’s where the rhyme ends. This next part is less well known, in-universe.)
I don’t want no fancy coffin Just put me in the ground Dig a hole on old Park Row And don’t let me be found
My soul belongs in Gotham She knows me blood and bone There is nowhere else that I may rest I’ll only toss and moan
But I’ll rest well in Gotham For two years and a day And if I’m feeling up to it I might even awake
So take me home to Gotham If I die far away You know I’ll only rest in peace In my shallow grave
...Yeah. This actually leads to a few traditions very specific to Gotham, like lighting a candle on someone’s grave on the anniversary of their death to help “lead them home,” or sitting vigil by their grave for the first 2-3 anniversaries. Lots of people don’t even know it has anything to do with this rhyme, it’s just part of Gotham’s culture.
Bruce & Dick of course know the whole rhyme and fight not to get their hopes up on the 2nd anniversary (have you seen that one post where Dick goes to smoke a cigarette for Jason on his grave, chokes on the smoke, and then Bruce shows up and they just silently share it? Yeah. Those vibes. Big those vibes.)
They made one crucial miscalculation, though: they calculated when Jason’s return would theoretically be from the time he died, not from when he was buried. Jason claws his way out of the ground just a day or two after they leave.
Now Jason’s a full-on undead revenant. In exactly the same condition they put him in the ground. He has embalming fluid in his veins, and wires holding his broken bones together. His mouth was sewn shut. But he’s not braindead, he’s fully aware, so enjoy that nightmare fuel for your near future! Additionally, people can’t seem to recognize him as being out of place; he’s walking around in his funeral suit, covered in dirt, and hardly anyone gives him a second glance. He doesn’t register to people, just a face in the crowd, just another part of Gotham, and it’s... Look, Jason’s not complaining that he’s not being arrested or having people run screaming at the sight of him. He can’t even say they’re ignoring him because people will still look up, say their greetings, whatever when he walks through a door, or grunt when they walk into him. But something about the way people brush past him, the certainty nobody will remember him after their interaction is finished, hurts.
(The only way for Jason to be remembered, to leave an impression on the people around him, is to become part of a legend once again.)
Revenants come back for a reason, and Jason’s is to kill his murderer. But he’s part of Gotham proper now, and unlike Bruce, Jason can’t leave. He tries to, he drives all the way to Arkham in a hot-wired car, but he’s still a good half mile away before the pain becomes too much and Jason’s forced to turn the car around or risk crashing when he inevitably passes out. This Jason never trains with the League of Assassins, but he doesn’t need to; no Lazarus Pit needed to fix his mind, and his undead body can take a lot more punishment than any living human could.
(I have this mental image of Jason going back to Wayne Manor, right on the edge of discomfort-not-pain outside of the city proper, and needing to spill so many identifying secrets to Alfred to get Alfred to even let him through the door. Bruce is out of the country, so Alfred calls Dick to please come help him verify their visitor’s identity. Dick has no idea who this stranger in their living room is, until he closes his eyes and focuses on the magic. Dives in deep, letting the resonance of Gotham’s soul wrap around him, and is surprised to find it so much clearer & louder than it should be this far from the city’s heart. Louder than it’s ever been since Jason---
Dick opens his eyes, and his breath catches in his throat as he finally recognizes the face staring at him with so much raw hope.)
Anyway, Bruce refuses to kill the Joker even harder when he finds out Jason is back, because he’s terrified that the moment Jason’s unfinished business is done, Jason will go back to being properly dead.
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Okay, last stop: Tim! The only member of the family to be fully supernatural, non-human from the start.
Tim is a changeling. Specifically, he’s a fae who was born without the spellcasting abilities most fae have, so he was traded for a human child. Tim has no memory of the fae courts or his home mound, but he’s a smart cookie and it wasn’t hard to do the math.
Tim can’t lie. He has to keep his promises and he can’t help but keep track of debts (the kindest people in his life will give him quick, easy ways to repay them; a cool rock Tim found, or an interesting bit of information. Tim doesn’t like to hold debts over others most of the time, and will offer similar outs or just tell himself the next nice thing they do for him makes them even.)
Tim can’t cross salt lines or thresholds with horseshoes above them.
Tim can’t touch iron or silver without burning his skin.
Eating non-iodized salt makes Tim sick.
If Tim speaks someone’s full name as part of a command, they will do what he tells them to (other people don’t usually realize this, because they aren’t forced violently; their own minds usually try to find ways to justify what they’re doing.)
If someone has a piece of Tim’s body (like hair, blood, or nail-clippings) Tim’s brain goes into panic mode as quickly as if they held a knife to his throat.
Those are the obvious giveaways that point straight to fae. Tim’s inhumanity can also be found in minute details of his physicality.
Tim’s eyes glow in the dark.
The tips of Tim’s ears are pointed.
Tim has never lost a tooth (but his parents had his eye-teeth removed when he was eight.)
Tim’s nails grow in tough & black as pitch. (He’s gotten in trouble many times at school for painting them, despite the doctor’s note explaining it.)
Hidden under Tim’s hair, his scalp grows thick, curved thorns like a rosebush. (His mother sits him down in the bathroom the day before company comes over, and meticulously removes them with a pair of nail clippers. It hurts. They bleed. Tim’s learned not to squirm or show how much he hate it. It hurts worse if anyone messes with Tim’s hair afterwards, but he’s learned not to show that either.)
And, of course, there’s the biggest giveaway of all:
In all Tim’s pictures before the single trip his parents ever took him on (a whirlwind tour of Europe just before his 2nd birthday,) Tim’s eyes were hazel-brown.
They’re blue now.
(Tim tells himself his parents leave him behind and push him away because they can sense something is off about him, but that they don’t know what. He tells himself they didn’t notice when the fae stole their son away, that the real Timothy Drake would’ve grown up doted on & treasured, traveling the world with them, seeing the sights. Tim tries not to think about how Drake Industries was spiraling before they took that trip, or how it stabilized before they even made it home.)
Tim still becomes Robin, barely resisting Name-commanding his way into the role (it wouldn’t be right, it wouldn’t be honest, he needs Bruce to trust Tim if Bruce is ever going to get better.)
Gotham itself sees Tim as an interloper, but when Tim is Robin it can’t do anything about that. When Jason comes back, Tim sets off all his red-flag alarms, and all he can see is an alien parasite trying to worm its way into his family. It won’t be until Jason saves Tim from supernatural poachers who try to torture Tim’s Name out of him (fruitless in the first place, Tim doesn’t know his own Name,) that they’ll be able to move past that. Gotham can project its suspicions & paranoia through Jason, but how Jason chooses to see Tim will also affect Gotham.
(Someday, Damian will find Tim’s eye-teeth and return them to him as a birthday gift. It will be the kindest single act anyone has ever done for him, as Tim feels safe & whole for the first time since they were taken. Nevermind that they’re in a jewelry box and not Tim’s body, he has his teeth back, and nobody can take them ever again.
Tim will struggle to tell Damian that Tim can’t even begin to express how much this means to him. In the end, Tim just tells Damian, “Thank you. I owe you.”
Dangerous words, with no limit on the debt.
Damian will blink, realize what Tim’s answer really means, and scoff. “Don’t be stupid. It’s a gift. You don’t owe me anything, that’s how gifts work.”)
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Basically everyone else has the same stories they do in canon, but with a little less dying. I’ve given dying so much more weight in this AU, so like, Steph doesn’t die, Damian doesn’t die, etc.
Damian does inherit Bruce’s curse/burden when Bruce is lost in time, though. Dick helps him learn to manage it, on top of everything else.
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echovale052 · 5 months
so I have three characters in mind for the ask game, no 1 carol >:)
Oh this is gonna be mad goofy, all of them are but you mean our short girlboss that has given me brainrot for what will almost have been a year in July 💀💀
My first impression
SPOOKED, episode 5 made me sit up so fast I hit my head on my ceiling, but her first episode had me shaking ngl
My impression now
She needs like 18 naps a day (me too), but they keep waking her up. LET HER BE🤦/lh girl bossing is tiring and I need her to chill out. I can’t fix her but a hug and a few therapy sessions certainly can’t make her worse- even if she’d tried to insist it would.
Favorite thing about that character
UGH where do I begin!! (/pos) Her sense of humor fr is really good when she ain’t grumping. *hair tuck* I meannnnn she’s forward fs 👀 and I’m kinda dense so…
Spoilers for the corollary under the cut
Least favorite thing
Carol is so mean to the anima and her subordinates(namely conservator)- I mean babe we know why but most of them are nice to you and for why. She lost in the sauce-
Favorite line/scene
Favorite scene: Where she Infiltrated woodhull she so sneaky for that I was holding my breath (gotta love Margot for her part in that episode though)
Favorite line: “i don’t know figure it out that’s your job.” (Speaking to conservator) she’s so real for that 🙏💀
Favorite interaction that character has had with another
Her interactions with annex are so fun omg but seeing her get schooled by the eminence was so silly to me /pos 😭💀
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
Neighbor!!! Omg but hell give Lori a spatula/knife/shovel whatever and let em beef I’d be CACKLING
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
I’m trying to think of another character that isn’t Miranda Priestly from the Devil Wears Prada but they do be vibing at least
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A head-canon I have about that character
She is aware of fanfiction (which is canon see Ep5) I think she’s read a good few… but I guarantee you if she’s aware of that she’d be aware of my silly ass, I’d be on some MIST watch list or some shit.
A song that reminds me of that character
IM GONNA SOUND WILD FOR IT but- snuff out the light from the emperor’s new groove sung by eartha kitt OR Ill and getting worse by rosegarden funeral party they are purely vibes not exactly lyrics but ✨she✨
An unpopular opinion I have about that character
I don’t know I feel like I can pretty much are with a bunch of stuff, maybe gaslighting people ain’t attractive Carol- but as much as I love seeing her girlboss, I cannot take her seriously /nm she’s just goofy to me. 😭💀💛
Favorite picture
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I am so normal about her and annex-
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Smooches!! Hello sweetie pie! ૮꒰ ˶´ ꒳ `˶꒱ა ♡
I just thought this out of nowhere and honestly it may not work but basically, reader (maybe even fragile!reader I’m just a complete sucker for fragile!reader) and Dottore going out of the laboratory and into the icy land that is Snezhnaya to get some materials Dottore needs. But while you two are out, suddenly (somehow) you two get ambushed by maybe some treasure hoarders or perhaps some more elite enemies. And you end up getting hurt in the process. Maybe even to the point you end up bleeding. (Would this actually happen? Probably not bc let’s face it, Dottore is so intelligent and strong like you’ve said before even if this did happen the only other situation I can think of is the Traveler 😭) I also just want to see Dottore be like angered and pissed off at whoever dared to hurt his darling. (Like yes come be my protector Dottore boo boo 😭 💕)
But yeah this may not make any sense or even work but it’s okay!! As I’m writing this we finally got rain here!! And it was a thunderstorm to top it off so hopefully this heat goes down soon. Also to answer your question about my baby <333 (dog) we actually don’t know since we’ve never gotten her tested and we had originally gotten her from the middle of the street. She’s a small dog and a creamy colored with a few darker patches. Although she does look to be like a shih tzu! Okay I should stop talking about my baby 😭 if I could send pictures I would!!! (Also if it’s okay with you: I have a bunch of ideas that I hope to send before I have to inevitably start school, so if you see me spam your inbox I’m so so sorry :c )But I hope you enjoy your week and also enjoy this last week of July!! May all your days be filled with love and happiness, as I give you lots and lots of kisses on your cute cheeks and forehead. And a bunch of cuddles too! Please make sure you’re staying well and not tiring yourself with writing. I love you loads and so does everybody else!!! Mwa mwa!!
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Dottore's lover getting hurt by someone else always fills my brain with too much brainrot 🚶‍♀️ I too love the idea of a cold "i don't care what happens to anyone + I'm too strong to be hurt" character becoming uncharacteristically angry when someone they care for gets hurt. And yes as you said the chances of you getting hurt are practically in the negatives since he plans for every possibility and circumstance... if there's even the slightest chance you can get hurt he won't do it (ESPECIALLY if it's fragile reader, that's a no-no) but for the sake of fanfiction 🥰 if you do get hurt, oh boy. He doesn't show much emotion on his face other than that cocky smirk usually. But when you get hurt he just has no expression at all, and speaks with absolutely no emotion, no mocking, nothing. And that's how you know he's upset. Now we know that Dottore really doesn't care if his experiments suffer or not, but when he gets the people who hurt you, he'll make sure to conduct the most brutal experiments possible. Not caring when they cry and beg for forgiveness. Debating whether he should kill them or forever drag out their suffering.
...Moving on from that- at least you get the most advanced possible treatment in Teyvat, which means you won't be hurting for too long. And ahh I'm glad you got some rain 🌧 ! Hopefully things cooled down over there, I cant imagine how hotttt it is for you 😭 And omg your baby sounds so cute!! 💖💖 And of course I will always welcome your brainrots! I don't mind the spam at all! Good luck in school too, I know its hard but you got this 💞🥰 Make sure not to push yourself too! Hehe I'm giving you more kisses and smooches! I will enjoy this last week of July, we're one step closer to the fall haha. Ily too!! Make sure to take care of yourself as well 🫶🫶
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Do a random number generator to pick a character to rant about, i feel the need to read another wall of text
Well this took forever to answer (4 days- I mean what) but here goes
A bunch of random stuff about Yelena. Because the brainrot is STRONG right now and I need an outlet.
I mentioned she likes orcas, but dangit that did NOT get across how much she likes those silly lil murder creatures. She has a giant orca plush in her room (almost as tall as her, if not taller) which she uses as a pillow. And a couple smaller ones. She has befriended an entire pod of them in Antiquity and will occasionally visit.
Speaking of her room! It’s very cutesy and pastel. I’ve fully embraced the idea of Yelena the Mermaid Pastel Kawaii Idol Girl, although it was much more obvious when she was a teenager. Like….she was kind of a manic pixie dream girl for a few years of her life (until artem cheated on her and then Daniel happened. That guy is…well, Grif put it better than I ever could.) Her hair irl was light brown (tbd), but she dyed it pink for a while. She loves stuffed animals, especially marine ones, obviously, and has TONS of them.
She was in a band with Artem. She sang, obviously, but her passion for it left her afterwards. She picked up writing when she was dating Daniel, and promptly stopped doing that too for OBVIOUS DANIEL SUCKS REASONS. She started doing both of those hobbies again while in the states with Charlie, buuut…*stares at wreckage of car in the ocean*
Uhhh she was originally supposed to have black hair and a black dress. Like…OG Yelena dipped into gothic Lolita depression territory. Also, she originally had shoulder-length hair.
I’ve never mentioned it I don’t think, but the reason why Yelena’s hair is wavy is because of the “beach waves” hairstyle. I love puns.
She wears three locks on her outfit, one on her head, one on her collarbone, and one on her waist. They’re all decorative, Simon still has the real one, which is made of genuine silver. It’s really complex, too, despite looking old-fashioned and simple. You can’t pick it.
She likes dancing but never really learned how to do it formally.
…yeah idk
I’ve considered giving her a cutesy sniper rifle. For the funnies.
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Rambling, unorganized thoughts about Book 3 (lots of spoilers for all routes)
The A route romance scenes were delightful and I’ve never felt so insane over a fictional character :))) The car date was adorable, the pre-mission begging made me SICK, AND THE “YOU ARE STRONG” SCENE!!!! I AM ON THE FLOOR!!!!! I do think the ending should have been pushed to the next book, though, it did feel fast. Let me build more of a connection before messing up the relationship! But overall? THE ROUTE DID MAKE ME SOSOSOSO NOT NORMAL OMFGGGGGG!!
The M brainrot is STRONG!!!!! There’s so many little bits and pieces that I just think about and giggle. BUT THE SHOWER SCENE. I AM NEVER RECOVERING. Also “Just fucking make sure you come back” hehehe 💕💕 I dooooo wish the bakery came back up, maybe? Idk though. Also the Tina dinner was simultaneously hilarious and embarrassing. Also also the antique shop <33 Lovely route, I can’t wait for M to figure out their feelings <33
F ROUTE COMES IN CLUTCH AS THE SWEETEST AND EASIEST ROMANCE <3 I was sickeningly in love the entire time <333 “I’ve never been so happy to be so tired” made me put my phone down and just. Happy idk how to describe it lmao. Also I thought F discussing their past was the most natural of the bunch, so props for that!! I also was surprised by the intimate scenes 👀 Also that they haven’t confessed to being in love with you! (Unless they did and I can’t remember)
N route was fun if a little… shallow? Idk, I just don’t feel like it was as emotional or organic as the other routes? It was very sweet, but idk. Something felt off. The Verda dinner date was very cute though and I did LOVE the bath scene <33333 Also N connecting their phone to the Bluetooth was very funny!!
The Love Triangle…… I forgot that the poly au only exists in my head. I thought it was good, though I did end leaning towards A throughout because of N’s aforementioned ehness. The fight at the end was kinda hot ngl lmaooo. I very much want and Do Not want to see this all blow up <333
The plot comes second to the romance, I’m aware. I just wish that it was handled with the seriousness it deserves. I genuinely forgot that we were dealing with kidnappings because I got caught up in the cute routes. So yeah. I would’ve preferred a tone adjustment. I thought it was fine overall, but the blood drive was :/ Not utilized well.
The reveal that Douglas was turned into a supernatural was so off??? Like, obviously, I thought that’s what it would be, but the Detective is never surprised?? I thought this was very weird + I was bothered that the Detective doesn’t seem to feel guilty? Like you have the option of feeling guilty for like literally everyone else BUT Dougie?? That’s my son, ofc I feel bad!! Let me feel guilty and bad!!! <- Okay, for the guilt part of that, that might be a code error? Idk did anyone get the options to blame yourself for what happens to Doug? Please let me know!!
Also I don’t understand the new stats for the combat and research options at all??????
Also I thought some things were painfully obvious and were not revealed quick enough/the detective was too shocked by them. Primarily, Rebecca’s connection to the chamber + Elidor being kidnapped (though I believe it’s only on his route where it is infuriatingly obvious that he’s kidnapped, and not even because we get Sin’s POV)
Also the constant “we’ll drain your blood and sell it!!” was annoying because it’s so illogical lmao. Kids, if you ever need someone’s blood supply, keep them alive so that they make more 👍
I AM PRAYING THAT THE DETECTIVE GETS THERAPY IN BOOK 4 OMFG. LIKE IM NOT KIDDING I WILL BE SO UPSET IF THEY DONT. Even just an offhanded “yeah, I talk to someone” idfc. I felt so horribly bad for the detective all throughout and I need the crap they go through to be acknowledged by the narrative in a way other than “oh, do you want your RO to comfort you?” YEAH but also professional help!!!!
Overall, it was a fun and entertaining read, the brainrot is strong, and yeah!!!!!!!
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