#there’s a lot of other scenes like this and it makes me further hate logan
gregmarriage · 2 years
succession’s way of characters dropping horrible tidbits of information into casual conversation/scenes where something horrible happens and it’s implied this isn’t the first time, will never not fuck me up
#was thinking about logan hitting roman and kendall’s reaction making it seem like that isn’t the first time this has happened#and shiv confirming that by saying logan once hit roman until he cried for ordering LOBSTER#also the hints at SA and that that’s why roman has his “’weird sex thing’ and hates his body etc#shiv talking about mo and how she knew to stay away from them in the pool when she was a 15 YEAR OLD CHILD#the fact that logan knowingly hung around with sex offenders AROUND HIS CHILDREN will never not make me sick#there’s a lot of other scenes like this and it makes me further hate logan#and feel so sorry for those fucking kids#like yeah they kinda suck but a big part of the reason they suck is because of who is their dad is and how they were raised#they never stood a fucking chance#even connor who’s *slightly* more well adjusted than the rest (and i mean slightly) clearly has issues and logan treats him like shit too#but then why would he not? why would logan ever treat any of his kids nicely?#even when he does it comes across as fake#to butter them up to keep them on side#everything he did to kendall after andrew died#and having him be the face of the cruises scandal#shiv and the ceo job. ruining her career and promising the world (waystar) only to snatch it from her#the way he treats roman like he’s useless and roman being so desperate to impress him that he sinks to the lowest of the lows#and it’s still never enough#the way he treats connor like he’s nothing. like he’s worthless. an embarrassment.#the way he manipulates all four sibs and always has done#this is a long post lol#sorry for the ramble#but the roy siblings and their trauma fucks me up so bad#succession#kendall roy#shiv roy#roman roy#connor roy#logan roy
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big-sapple · 3 months
Logan stands glued to the spot, unable to look away from the oddly beautiful scene he’d stumbled into.
He’d seen the strange pink and orange light from a ways further inside the cave. He’s not sure if it was due diligence or curiosity that drew him to investigate. Not that he knew what to expect when he turned the corner, but he couldn't have dreamt up the sight- dozens of twinkling, multicolored crystals suspended around a broad hole in the cave's ceiling, tossing the dying sunlight all over the rocks below.
His head jerks at the familiar sound of a pistol being cocked. Dammit.
“Oh, sorry prospector.” His would be attacker lowers her gun. She’s a slight woman that Logan doesn’t recognize. When her face comes into view from behind her pistol, she looks relieved instead of intimidated, “I wasn’t expecting anyone to be out here. Thought you might be a monster.”
Prospector? Logan looks down at the pickhammer in his hand. After he’d got caught up, he’d nearly forgotten that he’d come out here lookin’ for materials for Haru.
“Right, erm, sorry to bother you miss.” Better to get out of here in case she ends up recognizin’ him. He’d grown careless and left his mask behind. He’d have to tell the others that someone had made it a little too close to their hideout.
Logan freezes in his retreat.
“It’ll look even prettier in like 5 or 10 minutes. I’d hate for you to miss it when you’re right here anyway.”
She doesn’t know who he is at all.
“Sorry, but I should really be gettin’ back to work. ‘Sides, this ain’t really my thing.”
“I saw the way you were looking at it earlier.” The woman steps closer to him, barely containin’ her excitement, “It’s based on a picture I saw a long time ago. This is the same spot it was taken- ever since I got here, I’ve been dying to recreate it.”
“That’s real nice, but-”
“Please? No one else was willing to come out here with me. Actually the Civil Corps told me I wasn’t allowed to. I’m not actually sure if they can enforce that. You’ll keep my secret, right?”
Before he can think of another way to rebuff her, she starts up chatterin’ again, “If it doesn’t end up being worth your time, I’ll give you my pickhammer. It’s made of tougher stuff than yours, so it should make digging a lot faster.”
He doesn’t particularly want her pickhammer, but he’s starting to feel a bit sorry for her.
“Alright, alright. Just a few minutes though. I really should be going.” If Haru were here he’d call him a big softy.
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annaizscribbling · 2 years
can i just ask for some general info about logans library? how does it affect the sides? does it affect them in any way? is it like, safe for logan to spend a lot of time there?
I'm starting w this ask because I'm in the car for a few more hours and I don't wanna type the other ones out on mobile haha
I had a ton of ideas for Logan's library as I was getting further into Low Battery, but definitely not at the beginning, so the fun world building couldn't be incorporated because it wasn't exactly foreshadowed super great. In my defense, it was my very first time writing a multi chaptered anything. I'm honestly very extremely surprised that Low Battery turned out as good as it did lmao. How on earth did that fix turn out at all cohesive idk.
The library was thrown in as filler in the second chapter until I randomly remembered it while outlining like 6 chapters later and decided to make it the focal point of the fic. It resulted in a scene I am genuinely so proud of, and it opened the fic up to so many good scenes and topics. All because I threw it in willy nilly.
Patton's room in canon is an extension of himself, his nostalgic and familial orientations, but it kinda works against him a bit. It's a powerful part of him, but also a foe. He mentions how it's hard to leave sometimes, and it takes the others waiting outside to motivate him enough to leave.
Logan's library is a bit like that. It's an extension of him, but not strictly a tool at his disposal, much like Patton's is in canon.
The library I call a memory library because I did not know what else I was gonna call it, even when it felt slightly off, because it's not a completely accurate name. The library houses the facts, rules, and understandings that Thomas has ammased over the years. The books are the exact memories when Thomas understand/discovered how a piece of the world works, but not just memories in general. Patton and Logan kinda share that stuff.
(but if I say that, then I can divide memory retention across all the sides, which I didn't consider until now. Virgil could house survival instinct, embarrassing moments, the things that keep you up at night, and the little fears and horrors from even childhood. Roman and Remus would have creative inspiration. Janus could keep scores and potential information for getting ahead. But then the whole concept becomes very abstract and bleeds into each other, which I don't hate. It would just have to be a looser concept that's spread and shared around the entire mind, which could be really cool either visually or even just internally and ... What was I talking about? I'm getting extremely distracted. Sorry. These always turn out so long whoops. Sorry Shadow, you can't ask me one question without receiving entire essays apparently)
The shelves house the books that hold every fact or rule that Thomas has aquired. Logan is kind of infused with all of that information. He doesn't necessarily need to enter the library to access the information, it's inside of him, he just has to sorta reach around for it or try and recall. He's probably got it linked to a computer or something I don't know haha
In the same way that Patton's occasionally dangerous use of nostalgia as a coping mechanism, Logan's library preys on curiosity, escapism, and the need for control.
The library temps with answers and understanding that will make the world make sense, offering a false sense of control and familiar facts. Or, simple curiosity. Logan suffers on both fronts within the library, and it frightens him.
The actual books are pretty simple. The book isn't always labeled, but you'll know. It contains the moment Tommy learned something. In Low Battery, Logan opens the book when Thomas begins to learn how paint, dyes, and flowers work. It would be the beginning of a series of books on the topic, so as Thomas learned more over the years, more books on the subject formed. Logan chose that one because he missed when Thomas was babey, so he chose the oldest one in the series.
It's not overly safe to stay in Logan's library for very long, as they discuss in the fic. Less because of the effect of Logan's library, much like the main canon rooms, but because it's hard to resist long enough to escape. The library desires for you to learn more and stay, so while certainly never quite impossible, it's very hard to get out. And even harder to ignore the call.
Logan had gotten stuck more than once, mostly when he was younger, trapped and unable to leave because the call of information was too strong no matter how badly he wanted to leave. The other sides have barely seen the inside. Save Roman and Janus, who both stepped inside once or twice. Logan refuses to talk about it.
The affect of the library doesn't grow stronger when you spend more time there, it's your own will that gets worn down from resisting.
Janus can't get in very well easily because of the way he manipulates the walls everywhere else, which the library doesn't love. Though he certainly struggle with the temptation of strategy and understanding the truth of old memories.
Roman was wary going in because he's easily swayed by enchanting memory, but he's more nostalgic and fantastical than purely curious.
Patton already struggles with nostalgia, and though different, the library is a counterpart that can loop him in.
Virgil I think struggles with escaping and is terrified of being so disoriented and lost in such a dangerous place.
Remus will chew the paper. So.
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austennerdita2533 · 2 years
Since you were nice enough to send me a UO, I'm sending you a few in return! Just please resist the temptation to unfollow me if you disagree ;) 1. I ship literati and always felt like they were soulmates but don't think either Dean or Logan - or Rory's relationships with them - were as awful as fandom makes them out to be. Imperfect? Definitely. But toxic and abusive? No, definitely not, at least not according to how I define those words! 2. At least 90% or more of my favorite Luke/Lorelai scenes came before they were actually dating. Basically I found a lot about the way their romance was written in canon to be mildly to majorly disappointing. 3. I don't hate season seven of Gilmore Girls. I'd happily choose to rewatch S7 over almost all of S6 or the revival! 4. Shifting to Friends: I never liked Monica/Richard, and this was way before I shipped Monica/Chandler. I just felt like he was too perfect in a dull, unrealistic way, and their relationship - while objectively positive and healthy and all that -just never emotionally connected with me. 5. Phoebe/Mike are actually perfect for each other and a very underrated ship! I have like 100 more but will shut myself up :)
Love these unpopular opinions! Thanks for sharing them with me. 💕
Literati is OTP for life, but I actually quite enjoy Rory/Logan myself. They have a nice arc and grow to genuinely care for each other. They have a bunch of cute moments, too. With Dean, I do think he exhibits some problematic behavior the further the series/his relationship with Rory goes along.
Most of Luke and Lorelai’s best moments were mostly before they got together. Agreed. And I have a special fondness for certain episodes of s7.
I never thought about Richard that way before, about him being too perfect in an unrealistic way, but you’re probably right haha. I always liked Tom Selleck so that probably colored my opinion of his character in a lot of ways. I did enjoy Monica/Richard, though. Age gap and all.
And YASSSS! Another Phoebe/Mike shipper! I wish there were more of us. They are adorable!
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myloveforhergoeson · 11 months
look even after not showing up to the party, his weird possessiveness and shit impersonal apologies, every time he comes up im still like hehe dakkk <3 tucks some hair behind my ear. also whats the deal with him creeping around the palm woods? is it that he doesnt wanna get caught by paparazzi or mobbed by fans like in the pop tiger saga? if thats the case, and may be why he avoided the party, he seriously needs to communicate this to roxy goddammit !!! <- shaking dak by the shoulders
and ! why is he, successful movie star generally agreed by the public to be the heartthrob of the month, so threatened by essentially a bunch of nobodies?!?!? dak pull yourself together man!!!!
i know this dak relationship will eventually lead nowhere, but i just want roxy to be happyyyy to have one positive experience with him without him being all weird about her friends. i get youre laying the groundwork that dak isnt The One but aghhh im so frustrated for roxy!! love the fact that she stood her ground and didnt take his shit !
ajbkajbjksbvr i feel the same way about this version of him loll that's why he's so much of a character in tasw :)) he's literally zac efron for crying out loud what am i supposed to do??? not have him be involved with my wonderful, special, perfect oc??? as a plot device to help continue my slow burn???? and idk i thought she had a really positive experience with him when they first met and on their first date...
in due time we will learn about his strange habits and feelings, hang in there anon... it's not for nothing i promise!
im truly about to go full literary analysis mode on my story for you because roxy and dak's relationship is so important to me and all the things i've built up in my head that aren't evident in the story because roxy is bad at dealing with her emotions (as we know, she loves to push aside her own when it gets too much to bear... i just love to use "she pushed the thought out of her mind" as a scene turning point and then it turned into a fact about her on her silly character trait list🙄) and because some things will be present we haven't got there in the plot yet
please find my thoughts under the cut... there are lots and i cannot wait to further incorporate it into my writing once this ball really gets rolling
first off, roxy has never been in a relationship before, which is something she is pretty insecure about, especially as someone who primarily deals in writing love songs. while this isn't really an issue now, seeing as she's currently on the path to one, we haven't really seen this as something that bothers her. because of this, she really doesn't know how a healthy one works outside of the romance books she reads and rom-coms she loves. in those, everything just happens organically, the two people involved work though everything together and it looks completely effortless. she sees this with her friends as well, kendall and jo almost immediately fell for each other, and now all jo is waiting for is for them to make it official that they're together. she doesn't have to deal with strange teen jealousy or the guy she likes standing her up. camille and logan, while still working though their own thing, at their core gravitate to each other. from the way they interact, talk about each other, whatever, roxy knows that they'll find their way to each other eventually. because of this, she's terrified to bring up her own troubles - partly because it's embarrassing and partly because she doesn't want to be a bother about it to people who "so clearly" get it. if she can't bring up her worries to her best friends, she sure as hell isn't gonna bring it up to dak... and heaven forbid she brings it up to the guys because at this point, they all hate him.
perhaps... this will make roxy realize some things shes looking for in a partner... and perhaps... it will give her an image of what its like to date a famous person...
second off, dak is there to establish her type LMAOOO. we know he's pretty, we know james is pretty, all the posters in her room are of pretty people, and once we learn more about mag, we will learn he is pretty. roxy loves a pretty, pretty, PRETTY person! she's like a crow attracted to shiny things. this is also a byproduct of the books, movies, and other media she regularly consumes. she was supposed to love boy bands and not come out a changed woman? okay...
third off, for someone who thinks she's so in tune with her emotions because she's a songwriter she sure is freaking oblivious to those of the people around her. not only that, she's built some pretty solid schemas of her friends and their pasts based on very little information, considering they don't share all that much since they know literally everything about each other. so MAYBE if someone just TOLD HER many chapters ago that they FELT some type of WAY for her she might not even be in this situation to begin with... if only there were a major turning point in their lives that was about to occur that would not only bring them closer together, but would also let their journey occur for many months throughout the united states without any internet access so they have to like actually talk and hang out and do things unrelated to work and the palm woods... hmmm
anyway... dak and roxy's relationship is important and not just because i wanted to write a long story. thanks for reading :) i love to talk and talk and talk
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heyitssmiller · 3 years
Clandestine: Chapter Ten
This, uh... this gets dark, y’all. You’ve been warned.
@lumosinlove I’m so sorry
@donttouchmycarrots is the best proofreader ever. That is all, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
CW: gun violence, gunshot wound, blood, trauma, hospitals, vague reference to needles (not anything besides a quick mention, but I just want to be safe)
Clandestine Masterlist
The sound of a gunshot and the resulting scream that tore through Logan’s earpiece would plague his days and haunt his nightmares for the rest of his life. Even scarier than that, though, was the deafening, all-encompassing silence that followed.
He sucked in a harsh breath as his grip on Finn’s arm tightened and his heart lurched. This couldn’t be happening. No. He’d thought of everything. He’d planned for everything –
And yet here he was, again, too far away and too late to do anything to prevent what was happening. He was left scrambling to react, just like with the honeypot. The helplessness made him freeze in place, paralyzed with fear.
Finn tried to pull his arm from Logan’s death grip, laughing confusedly. “Ow, Logan. Why are you-” He took one look at Logan’s face and his smile dropped. “What’s wrong?” There was a rustling sound over the coms and Logan held his next breath, listening intently for something, anything.
“Leo?” He dared to ask, desperate for an answer.
A muffled, pained gasp. Then a cold, impassive voice, “You should’ve known better than to try something this stupid.”
A thud.
More agonizing silence.
“Logan, you’re scaring me.” Finn said, voice pitched low as he finally pried his arm from Logan’s grip. Logan didn’t waste another second. He threw the door open and sent Regulus a frantic look.
“Riddle’s office. Where is it?”
At first Regulus didn’t seem to understand what was going on. Then his eyes widened. “Oh, shit. Follow me.”
Finn grabbed his arm as they followed Regulus at a run, limping heavily. “Logan. What happened?”
Logan didn’t know what to say. There was no way he could think of to soften the blow. Half his attention was on Finn, and half was on his earpiece, desperate to hear anything else. There was a shaky inhale, then what Logan could only describe as a whine. He bit down on the inside of his cheek. “I heard a gunshot.” He finally told his partner. He didn’t mention the scream.
Finn didn’t say another word, just ran faster.
It seemed to take years to reach Riddle’s office. When they got there the door was still wide open. The first thing Logan saw were long legs and a pair of shoes, the laces coming untied on one of them.
The next thing he saw was red.
“Baby,” Finn breathed, pushing past Logan and rushing to Leo’s side. Wide, scared blue eyes stared up at them, shiny with tears. That finally spurred Logan into motion again – the need to help, to stop the pain, to fix this. And he couldn’t do that in his current, panicked state.
He took a deep breath, forced his feelings back, and entered the room. Finn’s hands were hovering over Leo, unsure of what to do as he said something quietly, urgently, too softly for anyone else to hear. Logan crouched down next to them, gritting his teeth and examining the wound. He’d been shot in the chest before – he had the scar to prove it – so he knew for a fact that they weren’t supposed to bleed this much. Something was wrong.
He needed to get them out of here. And quick.
“Finn,” he said firmly, getting both of their attention. “I need you to find directions to the closest hospital.”
Finn’s gaze snapped to him, his eyes broadcasting his thoughts clearly. They weren’t supposed to go to hospitals, especially not with gunshot wounds. Medical staff were required to report gunshot wounds to the authorities, and as spies that was never a good idea. Definitely not here. The first place the Snakes would look for them would be hospitals. But Logan also knew that Leo didn’t stand a chance without one. This was beyond his own rudimentary medical expertise. They didn’t really have a choice.
“That bad, huh?” Leo quipped, trying to keep his voice light even though it was thick with tears. Trying to be tough, to put on a brave face.
It made Logan want to cry.
“Nah,” Finn said back quickly, a shaky hand toying with the gray tuft of hair at Leo’s temple. “you’re going to be fine. We’re going to get you out of here and fix you up good as new, ok?”
Without giving Leo any warning, Logan slapped a hand over his mouth and pressed the other one down against the wound, hard. His shout was muffled by Logan’s hand, but it still echoed in his earpiece and ripped at Logan’s heart. A blood-stained hand flew up to try and push Logan’s hand back as Leo tried to squirm away from him ineffectively, eyes huge.
Logan’s heart sped up rapidly, hating more than anything that he was hurting the blond – something he’d been trying so hard not to do. “Shh, shh, I know. I’m sorry. But I need you to stay quiet, ok? Finn, keep pressure on that.” He reached over to grab Finn’s hand and replaced his own with it firmly. “Don’t let up. Reg, I need you to help him up and get him to the car.”
Logan grabbed his gun and flicked the safety off as he rose to his feet. Regulus took his place quickly, and he and Finn hauled Leo to his feet as Logan looked into the hallway.
This didn’t make sense. Gunshots weren’t quiet. And Riddle knew they were here, he’d known Leo had partners from the way he talked directly into his mic.
So why were the hallways empty? Shouldn’t they be trying to catch them?
Logan didn’t have time to question it, not yet. His first priority was getting the hell out of there.
Finn moved to stand beside Leo, slinging his long arm over his shoulders. “I’m too short for this.” He joked, forcing his voice to not shake. He didn’t know how to deal with this. He’d never seen so much blood in his entire life. And that fact that it was Leo’s…
He didn’t get a response, which made him frantically shift his gaze over and up at his partner. Glazed-over eyes, shallow and uneven breathing, a slight sway as they got moving. He’d never felt so useless in his entire life, or so panicked. Finn didn’t know how to help, and that fact hurt. He always knew how to help.
The four of them snuck out a side door without being caught or chased, which Finn found odd. He wasn’t complaining, but it was weird, like something else was at play. It was too easy.
The sun was rising as they escaped, painting the sky in aggressive colors, angry and red. Too much red. All Finn could see was red.
Logan led the way down the street, breath clouding in front of him. Leo shivered from beside Finn, causing him to move in closer as they finally reached an all-too-familiar gray car parked on the side of the road. Regulus let go of Leo to open the back door, causing Leo to further slump against Finn. He shouldered the weight grimly, but didn’t buckle. Logan slid into the driver’s seat and started the engine as they loaded Leo into the car, Finn sliding in beside him and Reg taking the passenger’s seat. Finn heard the navigation app calmly and too-slowly start giving directions and then they were off.
Finn was practically in Leo’s lap, putting pressure on his chest with one hand and removing Leo’s earpiece and mic with the other. He threw them onto the seat next to them before moving back to cradle the back of Leo’s head, desperate to provide any support he could. He was cold and clammy now, and pale – so pale. Finn’s heart wrenched, watching glassy eyes try to stay focused on him.
“Got something for you,” Leo mumbled, and a closed fist brushed against his arm. Finn looked down as Leo opened his hand and sucked in a breath. Two blue flash drives, tarnished with crimson. He reached for them, stunned.
“How did you-”
“Snagged the one in the safe. Then Riddle got too close. Took advantage.”
“Nutty,” Finn breathed, taking the drives with a trembling hand and pocketing them both. He got a small, tired smile in response.
“Job’s done.”
He was right. Those two drives, plus the one Regulus had apparently snagged earlier, meant that they had all seven now. Finn thought he’d be happy when they finally finished the job. He wasn’t happy, though.
It sure as hell wasn’t worth this.
Leo’s head started to droop, eyelids fluttering. Finn, panicked and with nothing else to do, started talking a mile a minute. Anything to keep him awake. “You know what that means, baby?”
“Like it when you call me baby.” He interjected, voice soft and barely audible as he began to shake. His lips were blue. Whether it was from the cold or from the blood loss, Finn wasn’t sure. He hated it either way.
The car hit a pothole and Leo winced, going tense and screwing his eyes shut. There were, Finn realized with an ache underneath his ribs, a lot of things movies got wrong when they had scenes like this. They always painted it in one of two ways: stoic and heroic – where the injured person put on a brave façade and muscled through the pain or seemed unable to feel it – or stereotypical war movies with the blood and the guts and the blood-curdling screams. Real life wasn’t like either of those. This was a shocking, overwhelming sort of pain; there was no screaming or thrashing or anything like that, but it seemed to have stunned Leo into immobility and stolen all the breath from his lungs. It wasn’t pretty or romanticized – it was horrific and gruesome and raw and Finn was terrified.
He moved in closer and hurried to keep talking.
“I can definitely keep calling you that, if you want.” When all he got was an exhausted look in response, Finn pressed on unsteadily, fighting back tears. “But it means we can go on vacation, after you’re feeling better. Any ideas on where to go?”
“Somewhere warm.”
Finn breathed out a laugh at the slurred words, combing tenderly through blond curls dark with sweat. “I think we can manage that.”
“’M so cold.” He whispered, voice pitching up at the end, and Finn was painfully reminded of just how young the blond was. Too young to be bleeding out in the backseat of a car, that was for sure. Finn bit down on his lip, hard, and felt it start to bleed again. He didn’t care.
“I know.” He couldn’t hold back the tears anymore as wide, terrified eyes stared back at him, no longer focused. “We’ll get you warm, I promise.”
“I’m not ready to die.”
The small, broken voice was the final straw on the camel’s back. Finn let out a sob, squeezing his eyes shut as he pressed a kiss to a cold temple and lingered there. “You’re breaking my heart here, baby. Just hang on, ok?”
No response.
Finn sniffled and pulled back. “Nutty?”
His blue eyes were closed. His head was lolled back against the headrest. But he was breathing, and a weak, thready pulse beat faintly against Finn’s fingertips. The redhead snapped his head around to look at Logan in the driver’s seat, knuckles white against the steering wheel.
“Almost there,” came the curt, tense reply as green eyes flashed at him from the rearview mirror. Finn didn’t understand how he could be so calm. Sure, Finn had been in stressful, dangerous situations before but this – this was hell.
They pulled around to the ER entrance and Logan barely remembered to put the car in park before he was out and pulling the thick glass door of the lobby open and begging for help. After a drive that had felt like hours, what happened next seemed to go too fast. Logan could barely keep up. Nurses following him back to the car with a gurney. Opening the door to a motionless Leo and Finn cradling him too close, tear tracks visible on his face as he craned his neck to look at them over his shoulder. Logan had to pry him away in order for the nurses to load Leo onto the gurney. And then, in a flurry of motion and fast talking and medical terminology, he was gone.
Finn turned into Logan’s chest and sagged against him, blood-stained hands gripping tightly to his shirt as he sucked in a trembling breath. Logan just stared at the hospital doors, lost as the early-morning sun shone down on them. It didn’t feel real. This was just some horrible nightmare; he’d be waking up any minute now.
They had both forgotten that Regulus was there until he quietly spoke up. “I’m going to ditch the car, get rid of the evidence. I’ll call Sirius, too, make sure they all know. You two get inside.”
Logan was pretty sure he muttered his thanks, but he honestly couldn’t remember. He just untangled himself from Finn, grabbed his hand, and led him inside to the waiting area.
One of the nurses working the front desk took one look at the two of them, spaced-out and covered in blood that wasn’t their own, and murmured something to her coworker before coming out from behind the desk. “You’re here with the GSW patient, right?” she asked as soon as she was within hearing distance.
Gunshot wound.
It didn’t feel real.
When neither of them answered, she sighed sympathetically. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“He needs to be checked out, too.” Logan blurted, motioning to Finn, who looked over at him quickly.
“No, I’m fine-”
“His face is all busted up and he’s limping pretty heavily.”
“Please,” he said quietly, squeezing the hand in his but refusing to look at him. He stared down at the speckled linoleum flooring, too shiny and reflective. He hoped his silence spoke for him.
I need to know at least one of you is going to be ok.
Finn huffed, but nodded reluctantly. The nurse gave him instructions that Logan didn’t really hear and then he was gone, too, leaving just Logan and the nurse.
The nurse put a gentle but firm hand on his shoulder. “Come on, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that.” Logan said, numb. It wasn’t right. The voice was all wrong. That nickname belonged to a soft southern accent, chased by a dimpled smile. Not to this stranger.
“Ok,” she soothed, removing her hand. “Ok. I’m going to grab you some clothes to change into. There’s a bathroom right over there if you want to start cleaning yourself up.” She gave him a kind smile, which went unnoticed. “I’ll be right back.”
Logan meant to start moving towards the bathroom, he really did. But his feet were glued to the spot, eyes still trained on the floor, trying to gather the will to move, take a step, look up, anything. The next thing he knew the nurse was back and holding out a stack of clothes. He tore his gaze from the floor finally to look at a truly hideous black and yellow shirt.
“Here’s some clothes from the lost and found, dear. Come with me now.” She said gently, grabbing his arm and forcing him to move. They crossed the room to stop in front of a bathroom door.
“I’ll let you get changed and cleaned up, but then there’s some questions I need to ask you after that, ok?”
Logan just nodded absently and closed the bathroom door. He then stumbled to the sink, turned the water on, and began scrubbing at his hands. And scrubbing and scrubbing, because no matter what he did, there was still too much red.
Bang. Scream.
He kept scrubbing, watching the water turn a translucent pink under his hands.
Bang. Scream.
The blood under his fingernails wasn’t washing off. He grabbed more soap.
“I’ll be careful - I’ll be so careful, Tremz. You gotta trust me.”
His hands shook so badly that he couldn’t accurately scrub anymore. He gave up and reached for the paper towels, vision blurring with tears. His movements were losing their coordination, fear and frustration rising as the adrenaline from earlier dropped. His shirt came off next and was thrown into the trash can. He stared down at the shirt the nurse had handed him, some brand he didn’t recognize emblazoned on the front in electric yellow.
“Sometimes it’s ok to not be ok.”
“Fuck,” Logan hissed, giving up on the shirt and sitting down on the cool floor, his back to the wall. His head came to rest in his hands as he broke down.
It didn’t feel real.
But it was.
And Logan had no idea what to do.
“You promised,” he intoned vacantly, to no one but himself and gray-toned walls. “You promised me you’d be careful.”
Finn, fitted with a knee brace and ice pack in hand, found him folded in on himself in a waiting room chair. He looked just as miserable as Finn felt. He limped over to the brunet and sat down beside him slowly, looking over at a carefully blank profile. He’d been crying, Finn could tell from the redness of his eyes and the occasional sniffle. But he seemed to have completely shut down after the fact.
He didn’t look up. “I’m fine.”
What a lie. “You don’t look fine.” Finn stated plainly, wanting to skip the false assurances already and be able to help. He needed Finn, and Finn needed Logan. He didn’t think he could handle this on his own.
That earned him a dark, lifeless laugh. “Then stop looking.”
“Stop,” Finn said tiredly, all the fight leaving him at that moment. “You don’t have to pretend, not around me.”
Silence stretched around them for a long time, all-encompassing and suffocating.
“It was his idea,” Logan said, voice a low murmur and yet deafening in the quiet around them. Finn held his breath. “Splitting up. He was… so confident, so sure that he could do it. And I guess he was right. He got the drive, after all. Two of them, actually.” The redness in his eyes contrasted starkly with vibrant green. It felt like someone had taken Finn’s broken heart and stepped on it mercilessly. “I had a bad feeling about it, though. Just like I did with the honeypot. Should’ve put my foot down and forced him to stay with me-”
“No, Lo.”
“No. You weren’t the one behind the trigger.”
“I let him go.”
“He went on his own, you didn’t let him do anything.” Finn reached over and grabbed Logan’s hand, holding on tight. “If it wasn’t you in this situation, what would you think? If our roles were reversed, would you blame me?”
Logan’s face screwed up. “That’s not fair.”
“Neither is shouldering all that guilt.” The redhead sighed and leaned back a little, letting his back hit the chair. “This isn’t your fault.”
Logan didn’t exactly look convinced, but then again, Finn hadn’t seen many emotions from him ever since… well. Ever since. Everything was blank, numb, exhausted. They were both so tired, and yet neither of them could rest. Not yet.
Finn was dazedly staring at the landscape painting on the wall when Logan reached over to twist their fingers together. That one small initiation of contact was so telling - it was needy, almost, and desperate for comfort, for reassurance. Finn needed that just as much as Logan did. He brushed his thumb against Logan’s in a slow, soothing rhythm.
Back and forth, back and forth.
“Life has a fucking brutal one-two punch, huh?” Logan said simply, no humor to his voice at all. Finn winced, but kept his voice soft.
“Lo, baby…”
Logan turned to look at him, eyes vulnerable and hurting, but with an underlying hint of hopefulness that he was desperately trying to hide. “You called him that, too.”
People always said that the eyes were the windows to the soul. Finn had never really understood the phrase, not until that exact second. That, along with their current situation, finally got Finn ready to talk. What was the point of waiting for the opportune moment if the future was so uncertain? Nothing in their lives was really set in stone, especially with their jobs. Wouldn’t it be better to have some time with them than none at all?
He was tired of always feeling like he was missing chances.
It was time to finally do something about it.
Logan’s grip suddenly tightened, stopping him short. “Finn.”
“What?” Finn asked, following his gaze to a nurse looking between them as he made his way towards their chairs. He swallowed thickly, dread settling in his stomach.
Please let it be good news. I don’t know what we’ll do if…
He couldn’t tell anything from the nurse’s face; it was just as impassive as Logan’s. Finn’s heart hammered away anxiously as they waited for him to update them. Logan seemed to be holding his breath.
“Hey, guys. You’re probably ready for an update, huh?”
That was so much of an understatement that Finn almost laughed in his face. Logan sent such an impressive glare to the nurse that he visibly paled, then rushed to start talking.
“Um, it was a pretty nasty shot. How much detail do you want me to go into? I just know some people get squeamish or don’t want to hear about all of it, and I don’t know what you guys want and that one-” he motioned to Logan, who was still staring the poor guy down, eyes hard and unforgiving. “Is frankly scary as fuck, so I just… don’t want to screw this up.”
“Give us the abridged version.” Finn said decisively for both of them. He didn’t want the details – he’d witnessed them firsthand. That was enough for an entire lifetime, and then some.
“Ok. Ok, I can do that.” The nurse took a deep breath before continuing. “So the bullet nicked the subclavian artery, shattered the collarbone, and caused a lot of muscle damage. We removed the bullet, patched the bone together as best we could, and repaired the muscle damage. He’s being transferred to a room now, so we’ll come get you as soon as you can come see him.”
They both stared at him for a few seconds, processing. And then they were hit by a tsunami of emotions: relief, exhaustion, elation, so many others Finn couldn’t even place in his overwhelmed state of mind.
“He’s… he’s ok?” Logan asked faintly, disbelievingly.
“Well, he’s got a long way to go. Lots of PT, potentially additional surgeries… but we like his chances. We’ll all feel better once he wakes up, though.” The poor kid looked terrified, so Finn knew he had more to say. “I do have some questions for you, though. Legally, we’re required to report all gunshot wounds to the authorities-”
“You can’t tell them,” Logan blurted before he even knew what he was saying, the words almost ripping themselves from his throat. “The people – person who did this is still out there, and he’s looking for us. If you report this, he won’t hesitate to hunt us down.”
“I can’t just lie-”
“Please.” Logan said. It wasn’t a request. He didn’t think he could handle his partners in that much danger right now. They were still at risk, of course, but they couldn’t have that potential of being tracked down on top of everything else. “At least stall the report for as long as you can.”
“If they come for us, the entire hospital will be at risk.” Finn added, looking apologetic about it. “We’d hate for that to happen, wouldn’t you?”
How manipulative. Under any other circumstances, he knew Finn would feel guilty about it. But desperate times called for desperate measures. And this was Leo. Logan knew that both of them would watch the world burn if it meant keeping him safe.
The nurse looked uncomfortable and reluctant, but he slowly nodded. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“Could… could you make sure he has some extra blankets?” Finn asked out of the blue, eyes soft, if not a little lost. “He’s always cold.” Logan squeezed his hand again, warm and bigger than his. It was strange, how such a small thing could mean so much. The simple act of holding Finn’s hand grounded him, it assured him that he wasn’t alone in this.
The nurse smiled – a gentle, understanding thing. It almost made up for the train-wreck that was the entire previous conversation. “That I can do.”
Gryffindor Intelligence Agency was too quiet for the number of people who were crowded into the bullpen. Winter and Darcy and the elder O’Hara and Walker and all three Potters, Dorcas, Nadeau, Kuznetsov… Most of them didn’t even know Leo that well. It was very telling that they were all here anyway, a testament to how much they all embraced the team aspect of an organization like this. They were all sitting in silence, only a mere handful of expressions on their faces: shock, worry, and anger.
They were ready to take the Snakes down, and they weren’t about to hold back any punches. Not anymore.
They all looked up when Remus and Sirius entered, sitting up straighter and waiting for news. Remus was holding Sirius’ hand, seeming to not care about who saw. The notion sent butterflies through Sirius’ stomach. He’d have to bring it back up later, at a better time.
“Still no news,” Remus murmured, and everyone seemed to slump a little again.
“I left his mom a message,” Kasey said dully and Natalie squeezed his hand, leaning against his shoulder comfortingly. “Told her to stay put until we can guarantee that they’re safe.”
Lily winced at the mention of Leo’s mom and hugged Harry a little tighter. “I can’t even imagine…” she trailed off sadly, eyes brimming with tears.
“Fuck Riddle.” Talker said darkly. Everyone hummed in agreement.
“Regulus said that they didn’t come across a single agent when they were leaving,” Sirius said quietly, getting everyone’s attention quickly. “That was intentional. The question is why.”
Remus took control of the conversation then, eerily calm and calculated. It was terrifying. “We’re not holding back anymore. We’ve got all the evidence we need now, so we’ve only got two things left to do: get the Cubs out of there, and take the Snakes down.” He looked around at the team surrounding him, all serious and ready for business. “Who’s got ideas?”
They put their heads together and started to plan.
Finn turned the dial of Leo’s old lock as they waited by a bedside, taking comfort in the sound of the quiet clicks and the worn-down metal beneath his fingers. He had no clue where Regulus went. He’d returned from ditching the car three hours and forty-nine minutes ago – and yes, Finn was keeping track of the time – and checked in on all of them before disappearing again, looking a little spooked about being in a hospital. Finn didn’t want to ask; he didn’t want to know.
The redhead had been sitting in the same spot, with Logan by his side. Waiting, wanting nothing more than to hold Leo’s hand, but one arm was in a sling to keep his collarbone immobile and the other had an IV line sticking out of it and clear medical tape covering it. The nurse had told them that it was fine, that the tape would prevent the IV from slipping out, but it was one of those things Finn felt like he couldn’t risk. Everything in that moment felt so tenuous and fragile, like one small, insignificant thing could tip the scales until they were no longer somewhat in their favor. So he looked back down at the lock instead as he felt another sticking point, then wrote down the number on a small, square napkin.
How on earth did Leo do this in his head?
He continued rotating the dial, sneaking a glance over at Logan. He sat in the exact same position as the last time Finn had checked in on him; a silent sentinel, constantly keeping watch. His eyes flitted from the door to the monitor Leo was hooked up to, then to Leo’s face – which was where it lingered the longest – then Finn. After that he started over, a seemingly never-ending loop: door, monitor, Leo, Finn.
It was heartwarming in its protectiveness, and heartbreaking in its anxiousness.
All of a sudden, the readings on the monitor changed slightly – heartrate sped up, breathing slowed. Finn and Logan sat up straighter and held their breath, ready to bolt out the door to get help.
Long, nimble fingers twitched after too long of being abnormally still.
And then cornflower blue eyes opened, just a sliver at first, then wider after a few seconds.
Finn was so tired of crying, but there was no holding it back. It was a nice change, though – to be crying tears of relief instead of sadness. Logan gripped his hand again, shakily this time.
“Hey, Leo.” He said gently, voice wavering just as much as his hand in Finn’s.
A sleepy, drugged, dimpled smile.
And almost everything was right in their world again.
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princeanxious · 3 years
Why would you hide the Villain remus and Janus thing in the tags, I'd read the hell outta Hero Virgil turned Villain
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you mean this??? shdbic aaa Yeah I want to write it, but i also want to write a lot of things. xD but this is def one of those things i’d love to write a short-ish one-shot about just so I can write it.
can you imagine? Virgil, young and anxious, manifesting powers of the light and dark variety, able to manipulate shadows and summon electricity with such fine precision because he’s spent so long fretting over accidentally hurting someone with it that he refused to even dare try and step into the hero scene until he was 150% certain that he’d trained his powers to disconnect from his emotions so that he’d never have an outburst that could even harmlessly shock or scare someone. He’s so in control over his powers that its to an insane degree just because he wants to make sure he cant hurt anybody on accident.
(complete ramble continued under the cut bc boy howdy this got so long it might as well be its own short one-shot)
And, he’s worked so in depth with his powers because of course he can’t just suppress them!(Suppressing electricity based powers doesn’t get rid of that energy, it just makes that constantly generating energy stay put and build, which makes it even more dangerous when it’s finally released, so suppression is a no go) So of course not only does he work extensively with learning how to control his powers, but also how to healthily use them and expend his energy safely, effectively, and skillfully as he grows into them. Might as well push your limits of learning just how much your power can do if you have to learn how to exist safely around others by controlling it, right?
So, by default, by the time Virgil is both old enough and confident enough in his powers to consentingly apply for registry to the worlds heroes association, he’s both insanely skilled with his powers, and also insanely talented(the equivalent to a child prodigy, not that many people in charge of the worlds hero association believe that, though.). The people who had been interviewing him believed the same, thinking him to be just another super teenager boasting about his skills when they couldn’t even sense his power, thinking that what little power Virgil did have was not even worth bothering to report anything substantial about the interview. That he’d oughta go try the villain’s headquarters, because at least they take in wandering powerless for henchmen all the time.
Virgil, feeling pissed but not quite enraged yet, because what teenager wouldn’t hate it to be so invalidated and demeaned at being out right dismissed as a threat, let alone considered more of an invalid for not having powers, starts to display his power. 
First it’s the main interviewer’s phone that they’d been glancing boredly at, drained suddenly of all power. Then it’s the landline of that specific room, then it’s the lamp, the computer suddenly shuts off with zero warning and nothing of it turns on. The lamp in the corner of the room goes dark, bulb by bulb, and the printer in the room dies. Virgil’s eyes are glowing violet but he hasn’t moved any more than the annoyed twitch of an eyelid. the light’s overhead turn off, leaving the lights in the hallway still on, leaving the remaining light in the room coming from the single window in the room and the open doorway. 
He reaches up a hand, and snaps once, and shadows swallow up the light over the hallway and the window, acting as a wall from the inside and out. 
Now the only light in the room is his glowing eyes.
The second interviewer is struggling to summon fire from her hands to light the room, but it doesn’t work. The energy she’s using to summon the fire is immediately sapped by Virgil’s force, there isn’t even a spark. The first interviewer can feel Virgil’s power now, it’s bright and burning. It’s like he has a core in the middle of his being like a sun’s core because its storing so much power, and the only reason they can see it now is because Virgil’s using his power. He has so much control that even on a nonphysical level it’s nearly tangible, the way that they can see his shadow powers conceal even the existence of his power, now that they know what their looking at.
In mere seconds, this kid has tipped the world on their head and put the fear of god into them, an undetected yet undeniable threat in the making. 
They watch his eyes tilt with his head, and the distinct sound of the entire building powering down is unmistakable, shouts of surprise and confusion due to the failure of the buildings many fail-safes failing to trigger. And then, with another snap, all power is restored to normal in the blink of the eye, all machines and lights are functioning perfectly, not an irregular shadow in sight, and all at once Virgil reads as a normal human teenager, not a whiff of power to be sensed. He looks pretty peeved, though.
“Maybe I will try my luck at the Dark Side then, at least they care about the people that look to be taken in. Let me know if you changed your mind, I’d love to have a do-over. With a different set of interviewers, mind you.” before he walks out of the interview room, off to blow off some steam legally and safely.
Imagine his outrage when a week later he’s served a summons to court, deeming him a “Threat to Society” and “better left in jail until the court can be convinced of his good nature” because he’s an “out of control juvenile gifted with an unprecedented amount of power that he couldn’t possibly control without strict legal supervision and interference and cannot be trusted to continue to exist as a normal citizen until the W.H.A deems it safe.”
Faced with possible lifelong inprisonment and zero control over the rest of his life because an association of supers think that they know better and that he’s some stupid teenager that was set loose on the world with means to only cause catastrophe and devastation, or freedom at the hands of some ambiguously grey moral decisions every once in a while and being treated as a normal human being even if he has to be a henchman to another super for a while? 
The decision isn’t a hard one to make.
So imagine his surprise when he’s not only accepted into the Dark Side after being respectfully asked to demonstrate the full extent of his power and his control over it, but instead of becoming a villain’s henchmen, he instead gains the full title of Villain(with another Villain(Janus) stepping in to mentor him and show him the ropes of the rules and everything), and even further: Gets his own henchmen assigned to him. 
A pair, Patton and Logan. 
Patton has a partial shapeshifting ability, but it only really lets him turn into a big frog man, making him perfect for doing any of the main heavy lifting for the team, and also perfect for protecting Logan when under attack. He’s built like a himbo and is absolutely 100% a himbo, heart of gold, super strong, buff dad bod, the whole sha-bang.
Logan has a power that is one part linked with memory, one part linked with technology. His brain can retain information like a computer databank, and he can get any misfunctioning technology to work if he can get his hands on it or a connection to it. He avoids all the quirks that interfere or damage real databanks and technology(like magnets, water, and short-circuiting) and can semi-directly connect with devices he is familiar with, without having to hold/touch/look at one.
All together, they have the beginnings of a well rounded team: the brawns, the brains, and the leader with plans and the power to make it happen. Even before finding out their reasons for coming to the dark side, Virgil becomes ride or die for them. (And honestly, they’re also pretty ride or die for him too, not even starting with the fact that they’re both like 26-27 and Virgil is an 18 year old anxious mess that had to make the decision over being the bad guy or losing any and all autonomy for the foreseeable future, which is gonna fuck up any kid and young adult’s brain. So, lowkey adopt him as a younger sibling even though he’s the boss of them and just barely taller than them.(Virgil is a tol lanky boi, and while Logan, standing at 5′9″, is but an inch shorter than Virgil at the start, Virgil still has growing room and peaks at about 6′4″ by the time hes 22. Patton at his normal height is like 5′6″, but frog man height is like 8′3″)
Oh, and they definitely make the Worlds Hero Association regret not taking Virgil’s existence kindly, Big Time.
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literatigifs · 3 years
anonymous asked: I'm mostly curious when I ask this but why do you love Jess and Rory the most out of all of Rory's relationships?
I love questions like this, thanks!
There's numerous reasons why I specifically love Jess and Rory more than any of Rory's relationships, part of them because I very much hate Dean and his behavior and because I also just don't care for Logan's back-and-forth one that goes on for the entirety of his screentime (including season 7), but I've talked about those things in detail previously so I'll go further into why I love Jess and Rory the most.
I loved them firstly because they had great chemistry, the kind that didn't really need weird over-the-top love declarations or weird dialogue in order to prove that these two characters like or love each other. Literally any of their scenes, whether it's in a heartbreaking context or a heartwarming one, whether they're friends or boyfriend/girlfriend, is amazingly acted out even with convoluted plot points or terribly thought out ones. I love how even after years of not having seen each other, both in the original series and in the revival, the minute they meet up again, they just click with each other the same way they did when they were younger.
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This is partly because their relationship started off as a friendship, and granted, while it was obvious to us as the audience that something was bound to happen between them, it was still pretty significant that both of them started to get to know each other while not having specific expectations about how they should behave, especially from Rory’s side. When we watch them throughout season 2, Rory always gives her full unfiltered opinion to Jess, especially when she considers his behavior to be unnecessary and calls it out as such. And in turn, Jess is pretty blunt with her too, but still takes her words into consideration and actually does something about it. Whether it’s her telling him to take Luke seriously because she respects him as an adult and somewhat guardian to her, or rants to him about the town’s weird new censorship in the movie store, or even berates him about his behavior towards her mother and how she wishes for them to get along more, Jess always took her words and feelings into consideration and tried to do something about it, even if it didn’t always conclude into a successful change. Even examples that many love to shoot down because Jess didn’t make them a reality, like taking Rory to prom, or calling her and telling her why he ran off at the end of season 3, they’re still examples where Jess tried to do those things, even if he failed at them.
Which brings me to another reason why I love them which is that, even in their friendship and teenage relationship, they always took each other’s potential seriously. Rory made it clear more than enough times that she considers Jess to be incredibly smart, and fully believed that he was capable of doing much more than he gave himself credit for. And in turn, while it did take some time for Jess to realize this and fully grow into developing that potential into a reality for himself, he also took to encouraging Rory and fully believing in her potential and fate in going to college and then going on to fulfilling her dreams. I know that a lot of people love to use this sort of argument for r*gan, but to be honest even when their relationship is considered to be ‘the most grown up’ in season 7, I don’t think we ever see a scene as significant as the one in “Teach Me Tonight” where Rory confides in Jess about her wish to become a foreign correspondent and expresses doubt about it before he tells her he believes he’ll do it. Specifically, we see Logan talk a lot about his own job in London, but whenever Rory’s career or her insecurities about it comes into question, it’s never really discussed with him specifically so much as it is with other people. And personally, Logan’s own dismissive tone towards Rory’s wishes about her life in 6x08 (” Go into journalism. Go into politics. Be a doctor. Be a clown. Do whatever you want.”) pretty much made it clear to me that he doesn’t really care for what she specifically wants out of her life, possibly because he’s never had the drive to choose for himself either.
This is also tied to how Jess is very deliberately the person that comes to her aid whenever she’s in a crisis in her life and career. In both the original series and the revival, when Rory’s in a rut when it comes to her future or her present, Jess is the one that shows up to help her and give her solid advice that she uses to get her life back on track. And while I’m aware that a lot of people love to argue against his words and role in 6x08, I believe the writing of the episode itself makes it more than clear that Jess’s role is actually pretty necessary for Rory to finally get her life back on track. There’s also the fact that Jess’s previous fallback and then development pretty easily mirrors Rory’s throughout season 5/season 6, and even if this was unintentional from the writers’ side, I feel like it’s still pretty significant to hold up on its own as a reason why Jess was and still is a source of comfort but also advice for Rory.
Another reason why I love them is because they’re so similar yet so different from each other. It’s in how both of them come from single-mother families, but have vastly different upbringings. It’s in how both are outcasts in their own way, even in Stars Hollow where Rory is always viewed through rose-colored glasses whereas Jess is vilified for dumb pranks and petty thefts involving garden accessories. It’s in how both were meant to be for two completely different paths in their lives, and halfway there they stumbled, fell, and then got back on their feet and tried to work towards what they wanted.
There’s also the fact that even if many like to point out that they never had a ‘proper adult relationship’, to me there’s not really much of a question as to whether or not any new relationship between them would be a better one, and this isn’t just because they’re not teens anymore. This significant connection between them that has always been there despite the passed time and distance is part of the reason why, especially when even Rory’s relationship with L*gan always seemed to be either stuck in this constant cycle of back-and-forth that was mostly on his end, or it was never significant enough for both of them to actually sit down and discuss their feelings or plans for the future. Sure, we see them have happy moments a lot throughout season 7, but aside from one conversation where Logan pretty much tells Rory to not factor him in on any decision she makes regarding her career, we never even see them talk about any details regarding their relationship and where they think it’ll go. Even in their ‘healthiest’ phase, we never see it be open enough for both to consider what they want to do in the future, and this is partly why Logan’s sudden proposal was never that wildly OOC from my perspective. In comparison, I feel like regardless of where Jess and Rory stand or what their history has, they’ll always have a special place in each other’s lives. They’ll always have a connection that goes beyond them knowing Luke or having lived in Stars Hollow for a time, and it’s obvious that this is never gonna go away for either of them. And it’s different from her past with her other boyfriends in the sense that both of their support towards each other is unconditional, it never depended on whether they were together for that period of time or not. So to me, there’s an obvious foundation between them that has really great potential to be a good relationship where both of them would obviously support each other, but would also know each other’s faults and traits and easily work with them.
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Another one for you! What are your five "go to" GG episodes you find the most rewatchable? They Shoot Gilmores and The Lorelais' First Day at Yale are definitely both on my list, but I'm still trying to pick just three more from the zillion other episodes I love :)
Thank you for this. I really appreciate it💕 Right off the bat I’m going to apologies for how long this is. I couldn’t keep it to just five episodes and I had a need to explain why these are my most rewatchable episodes.
1) Forgiveness and Stuff (1x10) I’m such a sucker for Luke being there for his girls. The way he gives Taylor, the guy he’s thrown a frying pan at because he’s annoying and he hates him, the keys to his establishment just shows how much he cares and knew Lorelai needed him. It makes me happy. Plus it’s where we get the classic blue hat. Lorelai saying Luke always looks good and Luke saying “I can’t imagine anyone seeing you as a disappointment.” Such cute moments in this episode.
2) Dead Uncles & Vegetables (2x17) Just as I love Luke being there for his girls, I equally love when Lorelai and Rory are there for him. Luke and Lorelai are a cute married couple in this episode (and pretty much all episodes really) and you can’t convince me otherwise. Also, don’t we all just love the way Rory makes Jess help out. It’s so funny seeing him just let her and we all know he’s loving it.
3) A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving (3x09) If you don’t join in when everyone is chanting ‘Jackson,’ then you haven’t been watching this episode right. I love getting to watch the girls go through their Thanksgiving traditions, especially Lorelai and Luke’s. The Lane and Dave moments are cute! The girls eating with Luke and Jess is adorable and they all look like a cute happy family. I adore the fact that Lorelai takes food from Luke’s plate. I’m telling you these people have been married since day one. Plus it’s Jess and Rory’s first Thanksgiving together as a couple and ain’t that cute! I love drunk Sookie! She’s funny and I can’t help but say her lines with her.
4) A Tale of Poes and Fire (3x17) It’s super fun seeing Michel interacting with Miss Patty and Babette. Lorelai screaming ‘Stella’ for Luke to come to the window is always fun to watch. But the best part is Lorelai telling Luke about her dream and how they smile while discussing it. Lorelai not being about to tell Luke that they kissed in her dream because it hits too close to home brings out the feels. Oh and Rory’s going to Yale!
5) The Fundamental Things Apply (4x05) Luke and Lorelai’s first movie night. I love how Lorelai teases Luke about not having watched many movies and not knowing what the FBI warning is. It’s so fun to watch. I love how comfortable they both look while they sit and watch Casablanca. Luke helping Rory out with her awkward date is cute, and a little Dad moment which fuels my ‘Luke has always been a father figure to Rory’ feels. The best moment is when Luke is sleeping on their couch and Rory says, ‘He looks comfy there, doesn’t he?’ and Lorelai looks like she doesn’t want to think about how comfy Luke looks because she doesn’t want to admit how much she likes seeing him there. And I’m definitely reading way too into that look but it makes me happy so it counts. 
6) The Incredible Sinking Lorelais (4x14) The proud and happy smile on Lorelai’s face when she’s looking at the gum wrapper with the Dragonfly’s first reservation makes it worth watching this episode. She’s adorable and I’m so proud of her. Lorelai wearing her Bon Jovi hat and Luke commenting on it is fun. The best part about this episode has to be, as Lorelai puts it ‘the meltdown in the park’ moment. Lauren Graham is so good at emotional scenes (and pretty much everything this woman does) that it always hits me when Lorelai is breaking down. Of course I love the fact Luke instantly knows something is wrong when he sees her and he’s there to comfort and support her. 
7) Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out (6x8) Lorelai jonesing for her colours is super fun and cute. Colin and Finn are funny when they’re drunk. ‘I’ve forgotten how to get into a car,’ always cracks me up. Then he appears. The man of the hour. Yes, Jess Mariano. It’s nice to have Jess back for this episode. I alway forget how much I love his interactions with Rory until I watch them again. I’m super proud of all he’s done and seeing him come back, showing his book to Rory and telling her that he couldn’t have done it without her is such a beautiful moment. Probable one of my favorite between the two. And of course seeing Jess questioning Rory and being able to wake her up and make her realise that she’s not acting like herself is the best. All that said, the part which I just love is when Paul Anka gets sick and Lorelai is in Rory’s room watching him sleep. Once again Lauren is just incredible and makes my heart hurt at hearing Lorelai say she's a bad mother. Luke being there to comfort her is an added bonus, especially the way he touches her hair to comfort her. 
8) Santa’s Secret Stuff (7x11) I know what you’re thinking, how is a season 7 episode where Lorelai and Chris are still together on my most rewatchable list? Well let me tell you why. I love getting to hear about Lorelai and Rory’s Christmas traditions, such as how they put green and red M&M’s in their cereals on Christmas day (which I did last year and let me tell you it be yummy) and getting to see the girls go through those traditions is nice. Gigi isn’t my favorite character (honestly have no opinion on the kid) but she’s adorable when she copies Lorelai as she says ‘The redcoats are coming.’ The fact Lorelai doesn’t think twice about helping Luke with the character reference warms my heart to no end and is just super cute. Talking about cute, Luke and April! These cuties! Always love any Papa Luke moment. Luke being a Dad is so cute to watch and I love April (just hate what the writers did with her storyline in season 6 but that’s a rant for another day). Love that she’s 60% atheist and 40% agnostic. This girl is so quirky and I’m so here for it. What makes this episode one of my most rewatchable episodes is that scene between the girls and Luke and April when they’re all out shopping. This scene is amazing because it shows how much Luke cares for Rory. He’s always cared about her and throughout the years has always given her gifts for her birthday and holidays and maybe they weren’t the best gifts, but the love is what counts especially since Luke finds going out to buy presents such a daunting task. It just makes me happy seeing how much Rory means to him. What makes me love this scene is the smile and just the look on Lorelai’s face. If that look doesn’t show how much she loves and admires Luke then I clearly need new glass. (side note: I actually do need new glasses but that’s besides the point lol) 
9) I’d Rather Be In Philadelphia (7x13) This episode just really shows how great Luke is. The fact the moment he finds out about Richard being at the hospital he just had to go and see if everyone is okay, to see if Lorelai is okay is next level cute and just reminds me why Luke is always going to be the better man. Yes, he has issues and has dealt with somethings in ways that I just want to punch him so hard his hat starts spinning like Daffy Duck's beak, but he’s always there for his girls even when he’s not with Lorelai which just further shows how much he cares and is generally such a great guy. I love that Luke let’s Emily give him chores to do and that it kinda feels like he’s part of the family because he’s helping out, but then I remember he’s not and that hurts. I love that he comes back with food and a fish bag. He’s a cutie. Love that Lorelai is happy to see him. Logan is there for Rory which is nice to see. It’s interesting to see how everyone deals with Richard being in the hospital this time around compared to in Season 1, mostly Emily. All her moments especially when she has a little breakdown in front of Lorelai, and then her talk with Richard hurts to watch but in a really good way.
10) It’s Just Like Riding a Bike (7x19) Lorelai’s dress at the start of this episode is the only reason I rewatch this episode endlessly. Ah well that and some other things too, I guess but mostly the dress. When Lorelai calls Sookie, that whole scene I personally feel like it presents a parent having to deal with sick children so well. Sookie’s place being a mess, her sniffing what I’m hoping is milk from the kid’s bottle and using it for her coffee, and also picking a lollipop from the tablecloth is really how life looks like for a parent just in general, let alone when their kids are sick. So it’s refreshing seeing this being presented in a realistic way. Luke and Lorelai car shopping is awkward but I love every moment of it, especially when Luke starts ranting and then they starts bickering. The smile on Lorelai’s face. Lord take the wheel because my heart can’t deal with the cuteness. The smile screams ‘I have him back’ to me and I love how happy she is about that. Luke doing everything in his power to make Lorelai be able to have her old car is just sweet, and have I forgotten to mention that this guy is just the best? I love it. 
Okay, I’m finally done and the fact you’ve gotten to the end of this is amazing. It was hard to narrow it down to just these because there are a lot of episodes I love and rewatch often, like a bunch from season 4 and 5 but these just happen to be the ones I go to when wanting to rewatch an episode. It really only occured to me once I was done that I have no season 5 episodes on this list and more season 7 ones which I’m not even sure why that’s the case but it is. They Shoot Gilmores and The Lorelais' First Day at Yale is definitely episodes I watch often, especially because they both have cute moments: ‘Another kid might be nice’ and 'Rory says thanks for everything, too,’ are some. Thanks again for the ask, It was a fun distraction. 💕
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
Never too late - 6 - 7
A continuation of Leo and Regulus’ attempts (antics) to give Regulus the childhood he never had.
CW: Food talk
Please message me if you feel I need to add any content warnings
Rating: T
Previous and future chapters can be found on my masterlist
Credit for the sweater universe and the characters within it go to @lumosinlove. What a hero.
[This is currently unedited, and I'm not that happy with it, but also my writing mojo has decided it is vacay time so it is what is it]
6. Go to camp! You’ll make friends for life.
“Le! Did you order something?” Finn called, appearing in the doorway of the kitchen carrying a large box.
“Yeah, it’s the t-shirts,” Leo nodded, scraping the onions he’d just chopped into the pot. “Put it on the island for me please, babe.”
Finn looked down at the box, making a show of testing its weight before he looked back at Leo with wide eyes, “This seems like...a lot.”
After adjusting the temperature on the stovetop slightly, Leo washed his hands and made to inspect the delivery. “Err, yeah. Potts got wind of the plan and got all excited. Half the team are coming now,” he smiled sheepishly.
“Of course that happened,” Finn threw his head back with a laugh. “You might as well make it a thing.”
“A thing?” Leo repeated, throwing Finn a bemused look.
“Uhh huh,” Finn nodded.
“I’m gonna need more, babe,” Leo said, lifting one of the shirts out of the box and running the material through his fingers, humming a note of approval.
“More shirts? There’s like 50 here,” Finn frowned.
“No, love,” Leo laughed, shaking his head “More on what a ‘thing’ is.”
“Ohh, got you,” Finn chuckled, leaning against the counter. “I just meant, if half the team is coming anyway, you might as well invite the other half. Get the kids involved. You know, a thing.”
“That’s not a bad idea, actually,” Leo cocked his head.
“Well, I did go to Harvard,” Finn shrugged, rooting around in the fruit bowl to find a suitable pear. One that wasn't too big because Finn got bored of flavours quickly and could never finish them. One that wasn't too soft, because he hated the sticky mess on his hands. In the early days of their relationship, Leo had been excited for the adventures that were going to come with his boyfriends, but he hadn't been prepared for how much the little nuggets of information he would discover about them would mean to him. The satisfied smile that appeared on his Finn’s face as he procured the perfect one was infectious.
“Such big brain energy and yet he still can’t load a dishwasher,” Leo retorted, motioning to the stack of crockery that had been abandoned on the counter.
“I have no idea why I put up with you,” Regulus scowled, covering his eyes with his hands. “Okay, I promise I can’t see.”
“Because I’m your best friend, obviously,” Leo replied, making a stupid face to ensure that Regulus was, in fact, telling the truth, and began to lead him towards the back door.
“Obviously,” Regulus drawled. “Do I get a choice in this best friend business?”
“Well, you can try and resist it if you want, but I am incredibly loveable and inevitably you will have to succumb to my charm so you might as well just deal with it,” Leo said.
Regulus gave a resigned sigh, “I suppose as best friends go you aren’t too bad.”
Leo laughed, punching Regulus lightly in the shoulder before telling him to watch out for the step up into the back yard.
“I hope you know that if I break my neck, you will be paying for -” Regulus started.
“Wegggie!!” Harry shouted through a mouthful of graham crackers that James had been trying to buy his silence with.
“Is that?” Regulus pulled his hands from his face, his eyes going wide at the scene in front of him. Leo had to admit he may have gone a little overboard with the execution of the summer camp. What had started off as a few classic summer camp activities had turned into a carefully planned extravaganza. There was a climbing wall and he’d hired an events team that taught archery. Between the games of dodgeball and capture the flag, there would be time for tye-dying, friendship bracelet making, water balloons, tug of war and much more. Of course he hadn’t skimped on the food either: burgers, pizza, vegetable sticks, taco salad and hot dogs; there was a long buffet table laden with an endless supply.
Regulus pulled Leo back inside, tugging him further into the kitchen so that the crowd of Lion’s players and their families couldn’t see them. “Leo, this is too much.”
Leo looked at Regulus trying to read his friend, but the other boy was infuriatingly closed off. “Look, if you really don’t want this, I’ll go and tell everybody to enjoy themselves and we can get out of here.”
Regulus huffed out a breath, “It’s not that I don’t want to...it’s...it’s weird everybody being here. They are obviously just here because you asked them and I feel like an add on.”
“Okay, let me stop you right there,” Leo held up a hand. “You practically live at Kris’ house the amount of time you spend there with Avie. Celeste loves you like a seventh? eighth? child...honestly, I’ve lost track of how many children they’ve adopted at this point. You and Olli…”
“Alright, alright,” Regulus interrupted, “I get your point.” He cocked his head slightly, “Huh, I guess I didn’t realise how much I’ve settled here.”
“You need a second to process that or are you ready to go have some fun, because I think Harry might eat all the s’more supplies if we wait much longer.”
Leo leaned into Logan’s shoulder, smiling as he watched his boyfriend show Katie how to toast her s’more in the bonfire that crackled in front of them. He was admiring the softness of the French leaving Logan’s mouth, when Regulus plopped himself onto the large log they were sitting on, a sleeping Aveline clinging to him.
“Hey, Reggie,” Leo greeted, turning his soft smile to his friend. “You alright?”
“I’m good. I just wanted to say thank you,” Regulus nodded, shifting Aveline into a more comfortable position. Leo noticed that Regulus had added another 3 new friendship bracelets to his haul since he had last got a moment to catch up with him. “For all this. This day has been amazing. All of it. I’m not sure if summer camp would have been my thing really, but I never really got to do fun family garden parties either and this has been incredible. ”
Any reply that Leo was about to make was disturbed, by Aleandra dumping a water balloon over Marc’s head right in front of them, their loud screams causing Aveline to wake with a cry.
7.Decorate your room! Paint the walls, buy new bedding and pick some new accessories! Make it your space.
"Well," Leo set a pile of magazines on the bed with a soft thud. It was a little old-school, but he was adamant that it was easier to come up with a complete picture this way. "What do you like? You don't have to know exactly, but we can't go to Ikea without any idea." He let out a soft snort at the unintentional rhyme.
Regulus looked up at him, wide eyed, as if he'd just asked him to supply the solution for world peace. "I don't know," he shrugged, toying with the sleeve of his shirt.
"You must have some thoughts."
"I don't know," Regulus snapped. "I've never had to make these decisions before. There was no point liking anything, because our parents would do what they wanted either way." He spat the words, and despite how it made Leo feel he knew the anger was a sign of some sort of progress. Not even a few months ago, his friend had spoken about his childhood like it was just a different form of normal.
"I'm sorry," Leo apologised, climbing onto the bed next to Regulus.
"It's not your fault, is it," Regulus shrugged, tucking his knees to his chest.
"I shouldn't have pushed you for an answer," Leo clarified, moving the magazines out the way and dragging his laptop from the bedside table. “Look, how about we go through Pinterest and you can pick some pins you vibe with. I’m sure we’ll find a trend.”
“Yeah,” Regulus breathed, shuffling closer to Leo. “Yeah, okay.”
“What the hell, there’s more,” Regulus said in awe as they rounded another corner to be confronted by rows of rattan baskets.
“I think we’re nearly at the end.” Leo looked up from the map he was trying to follow, almost stumbling over the cart when Regulus came to a sudden halt.
“These are nice,” Regulus mused, picking up a walnut coloured weaved basket. “My towels will look nice in these.”
“I’m sure they would,” Leo chuckled. He shouldn’t have been so surprised by how quickly Regulus had gained an affinity for interior design considering how he had taken to honing his clothing style with such ease.
“Oh! But these are nice too.” Regulus turned to show Leo another basket, that was identical in every way except for being perhaps a shade lighter.
Leo groaned. They had been in the store for over 3 hours and the cart was overflowing. His friend was adamant he was going to pay his own way and considering the short amount of time he had played for Slytherin along with the legal fees to end his contract early, the man was having to learn to budget to be able to afford college. Leo had suggested that doing a couple of interviews would leave him with a fair buffer, but Regulus had wanted to put as much space between hockey and his new life as possible. Leo was supportive, but Regulus seemed to be having trouble getting out the habit of buying everything he wanted.
“Right, pick one and then close your eyes. We need to get out of here.”
“Up a little on the left,” Leo instructed, shaking his head as Regulus lifted the left side of the photo frame considerably. “No, not that much.”
“That’ll do.”
“It’s not straight!”
“Neither are you and you don’t see us complaining,” Regulus huffed as he adjusted the frame again.
“You’re just jealous,” Leo threw one of Regulus’ new cushions across the room, hitting him squarely in the back of the head.
“Eww,” Regulus deadpanned. “And please do not throw my things,” he glared, hugging the cushion to his chest.
Leo was about to make a comment back, but he was interrupted by Sirius clearing his throat in the doorway.
“Got you a present,” Sirius said, holding out a large bag.
“Sirius.” Regulus crossed his arms over his chest, his face set into a disapproving stare. “I told you -”
“Think of it as an early birthday present,” Sirius interrupted.
“My birthday is not for another 4 months.”
“Just take it. I promise I’ll let you do this the way you want, but you’ve got to let me buy you things every now and then too. That’s what big brothers do.”
Regulus sighed, crossing the room to take the bag from Sirius. “Thanks,” he muttered, the corners of his mouth lifting despite his best efforts. The smile spread further as he laid the mustard coloured herringbone throw he’d been salivating over in the small boutique they’d visited a few days prior.
“You’re welcome,” Sirius nodded. “Looks good in here, by the way. We’ll have to find you an apartment in New York that will be big enough to fit it all in.” he commented, walking away as he finished his sentence.
“I’m paying for the apartment!” Regulus called after him. Leo barked a laugh as Regulus ranted about stubborn humans on NHL wages. Regulus poked a finger at him. “You can be quiet. I know this was your doing.”
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patton-cake · 4 years
Paint and pictures
Pairings: Logicality, Remile
AU Summary: Logan has always loved museums. The art, sculptures and just the peace and quiet made Logan fall in love with it's history everytime. What happens if Logan doesn't only fall in love with the art work, but also with the museum's newest visitor?
Chapter summary: Logan promised to go to that outing with Remy. Regretting all his life choices, they go to the cafe and Logan gets a suprise
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Date ditching and domestic scenes
"Come on Sugar! You're taking ages to get ready!"
Logan rolled his eyes as he straightened his tie. If he had to go to this outing then he, at least, had to look decent. Logan had been dreading this 'date-not-date' for days, but he'd promised Remy to go. So that's where he found himself at the moment, fixing his hair in the bathroom mirror, with a whining Remy in the background.
"We have an hour left before we are expected Remy. We're actually going to be half an hour early if we leave now."
Remy grapped his jacket and took a last glance in the mirror before practically pulling Logan outside.
"Just hurry up!"
Logan let out a groan as he locked the door of his apartment. Why had he ever agreed to this?
They had only been driving for 5 minute before Remy started whining again.
"Babes are you sure that I picked the right shirt? I couldn't decide between 'daisy white' and 'pearl white' and now I'm wondering if I should have gone for 'powder white'- Logan don't laugh! This is a serious question!"
Logan chuckled when Remy hit his arm. They had spent what felt like hours on deciding between two white shirts (that were in Logan's opinion the exact same thing) and the whole situation just amused him.
A lot of pouting and angry glares later, the two finally arrived at the cafe. Remy struggled to push open the large door, but bruised it off when his gaze landed on a boy in a oversized pink sweater.
That must be Emile
After Logan had ordered himself and Remy, who forgot about them as soon as he saw Emile, a cup of coffee, he followed Remy. Logan had never seen Remy walk this fast and struggled a bit to stay behind him.
When he finally made it to the other boys, Logan heard some laughter and at that exact second, his heart stopped.
No. No way that this was happening right now. But Logan knew that it had to be true, he could recognize that giggle everywhere.
He turned his head towards the sound and yes, he had been right. At the opposite side of Remy and Emile sat Patton Foster, looking beautiful as ever, wearing a blue button up and a navi blue sweater.
When Patton caught sight of Logan, his face turned into a mix of confusion and excitement.
"Logan? You're friends with Remy? Oh that's so wonderful!"
"You already know Logan?" Emile looked confused at Patton, then at Logan and back at Patton again.
He let out a giggle and motioned for Logan to sit next to him. "Yeay! He's helping me out with the project!"
Logan took the seat next to Patton and handed Remy his cappuccino. His cheeks turned slightly pink when he noticed that Patton had turned around and Logan became overly aware of the fact that their knees were touching.
"How has your week been Lo? I didn't expect to see you this soon!" Patton playfully winked at Logan before taking a sip of his tea, oblivious to the fact that he had just almost killed Logan with his actions. He could faintly hear Remy and Emile discussing some new cartoon in the background.
"Satisfactory I suppose. I just finished the last test of the semester, so I now finally have some free time again."
Just when Patton was about to respond, Remy stood up and smiled mischievously at Logan,
"I'm sorry Sugar, but Ems and I are going to my place. See you later babes, have fun!" And with that, they left the cafe
Okay, it was official. Logan was going to kill Remy.
"Wow okay, that was weird." Patton let out an awkward giggle and continued, "Looks like it's just us then huh? I hope you don't mind that.. I know that you came here for Remy so I'd understand if you want to leave ri-"
"Patton, do you want to meet Minerva?"
Logan had no idea where that burst of confidence came from, but Patton had looked sad and Logen absolutely hated it.
"Really?? Oh my whiskers I would love that so much!" Patton wiggled in his seat and tried to hide his smile behind his hands. He practically radiated happiness.
Logan paid for both of their drinks and held the door open for Patton. Patton giggled at this and gave Logan a sweet smile. Logan then realised what exactly he had suggested. Patton fricking Foster was coming to his apartment.
Oh gosh no, what was he thinking? Yeay sure inviting your crush over is absolutely a great idea! He could feel his hands starting to shake and his breathing went faster and faster.
Before Logan's thoughts could spiral any further down, Patton took his hand, squeezing it gently. Logan's cheeks turned bright red and when he looked down at Patton, he saw that he had turned light pink.
When they finally made it to the parking lot, after a really awkward car ride, Logan sprinted to the other side of the car to open the door for Patton, helping him out the car.
"You're such a gentleman Logan, thank you." Logan gave Patton a small smile before leading him towards his apartment.
Logan opened the door, being careful so Minerva wouldn't escape, and motioned for Patton to come in. He took his jacket and after he put them away, they walked towards the living room. Suddenly he started to become really anxious about his apartment. He had cleaned up recently right? What if Patton thought that it looked weird? Sure, Logan liked his apartment, with its bookshelves, constellation themed pillows and science posters. Of course it also had its own little place for Logan's cat, but was it decent enough for Patton?
"Minerva? Princess? Where are you darling?"
"Oh my sweetgosh you give her petnames?" Patton giggled and went to sit down next to Logan on his couch.
"Well, yeay, she's my little princess." Logan blushed slightly and started fighting with his hands. He placed his hands awkwardly next to him on the couch, trying to think of something to say to break the awkward silence around them.
Without really realising it, Logan's hand had traveled closer together Patton's. Only inches apart now, he could feel his heart beating out of his chest. The sides of their hands finally touched and Logan almost laced their fingers together before-
"Oh uhm- Patton, let me introduce you to Minerva. Minerva this is Patton, Patton this is Minerva."
Patton's smiled turned disappointed for a second, but before Logan could even notice it, it had already turned back into a brightly beaming smile.
"Hi Kitty, you are the most precious thing in the world and I would die for you."
Patton carefully reached his hand towards the cat, waiting for her to accept his patting. When Minerva purred and walked towards the boy, Patton looked like Logan had just handed him the world.
"Logan? I'm sorry buddy but I think that I'm going to catnap your cat. I love her."
Logan chuckled and shook his head.
"I apologise Patton, but I'd like to keep my princess please"
"Darn it"
Patton continued to pet the cat and softly whispered how much he loved her while Logan walked into the kitching, making some tea for the both of them. When he came back into the living room holding the two cups, his heart stopped for a moment. Patton was sitting back on the couch, Minerva on his lap. He looked like he had always belonged here and Logan's heart couldn't handle the domestic atmosphere of this moment. Even the cat loved him. Logan was really out of excuses to ask him out and honestly, he didn't really mind.
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miguel-manbemel · 3 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 51: I Just Want a Normal Date Without Sides
Well, it’s been a month of rest and it’s time to resume the main storyline of the blog. In the last episode, we had just left Thomas and Nico meeting and starting a relationship and now we start seeing him involved in Thomas’ daily life. I hope you enjoy this new episode and I leave you with the story. Until next time.
SYNOPSIS: Thomas is about to have his first date with Nico, both of them alone, but he doesn’t feel truly alone if his Sides are around him all the time, so he asks them to enter autopilot and not disturbing him until the date is over. But something’s gonna go wrong in the Mind Palace and Patton is going to put himself in danger...
WARNINGS: Some moments of implied innuendo, romantic dukeceit and logicality. A scene of intense danger where some Sides’ lives are in mortal danger.
[Thomas is in the living room in his classic spot]
THOMAS: What is up, everybody!? Jeez, it’s been a while since the last time I said this… but if I’m saying it right now it’s because this is the moment when I’m gonna need to gather my Sides for one important petition. So… guys, all of you, could you please come here now!?
[All the Sides rise up around Thomas]
LOGAN: How may we serve you, Thomas?
THOMAS: I’m glad that you ask me that question, Logan, because there is one thing I want to ask you, all of you. As some of you may know, Nico and I are having our first date together tonight, and…
ROMAN: Yes, I’m so excited to see it!
REMUS: [suggestive voice, wiggling his eyebrows] I’m so excited in so many ways too!
VIRGIL: Please, Remus, don’t mention that. You’re rising up my expectations and I think I’m going over the roof!
REMUS: That’s not the only thing I’m rising up, I think…
VIRGIL: Remus!
REMUS: What? It’s not like any of us is naive enough to know that is one of our goals with him, is it?
LOGAN: You’re technically correct, Remus, but don’t forget that these things take time and if you go too fast you could be ruining any chances for Thomas to get into amatory physical intercourse with Nico.
REMUS: Ugh, Teach, only you could make it sound boring with that technical babbling of yours. The word everybody uses has three letters, you know, so it’s not so complicated for you to use it too. It starts with an S, ends with an X and has an E in the middle. Others use a word with four letters starting with F, but if I use it, the series director is gonna bleep me, so f… [bleep] him, I won’t use it.
LOGAN: You just did…
REMUS: I know, I wanted to catch him off guard. Didn’t work, sadly. [looking at the camera with a threatening glance and a low pitch voice] But I’ll keep trying…
VIRGIL: Please, if you don’t stop being so meta, I’m gonna get a headache…
THOMAS: [yelling] Enough! I know it’s me who’s thinking all these thoughts but will you stop verbalizing them and start listening to me for once!? Gosh…
[intro sequence]
LOGAN: Okay, Thomas, calm down. I know these can get on your nerves, but that’s no reason to…
THOMAS: [frowning] When I said “you” I meant all of you, Logan.
LOGAN: Oh… okay, I apologize, Thomas. Please, continue.
THOMAS: [sighs] As I was saying, tonight it’s my first date with Nico, our first date for us both all alone, and I want it to be perfect, without any trouble arising, and… most importantly, without distractions of any kind. I want us both to be alone for real. Do you understand me?
ROMAN: [beat] You lost me…
THOMAS: Well, all of you guys are married, right?
IAN: [dejected voice] Thanks for noticing me…
CHRIS: [same voice] Indeed. We should found a club for singles, right uncle?
IAN: Not a bad idea…
THOMAS: Sorry. Almost all of you. When you guys want to have some alone time with your husband, what do you do?
REMUS: Well, I…
THOMAS: I mean when you’re getting ready before starting the date, Remus, not when you’re on the last act.
ROMAN: Well, I prepare my room with warm lights, scent of roses, home made cuisine…
THOMAS: But even before that. What’s the first thing you do, so that you make sure nobody disturbs you?
ROMAN: Well, we usually enter autopilot, of course.
THOMAS: Bingo. You guys enter autopilot and in that state I’m completely unable to bother you because you can’t hear me, even if I call you. Unfortunately I can’t do the same, but I can ask you for a favor to achieve the same result. Guys, when my date starts, I want you all to enter autopilot, all of you without exceptions. I don’t want any of you guys to hear or see whatever Nico and I are doing.
REMUS: [mischievous smile] Why? Are you planning on… getting “super romantic”? [wiggles his eyebrows]
THOMAS: [blushing] No! [to himself with a silly smile] Well… not on our first date at least, although I wouldn’t mind if… [clears his throat, then with a serious voice] Anyway, whatever we end up doing is our own business, Remus. Guys, I never ever made a complaint about you entering my life whenever you wanted… [the Sides frown at Thomas] Okay, there was that one time, but you know I was under Ira’s influence when he was still Wrath. When I’m fully myself, I enjoy your company and you know I couldn’t live without you. But some things… require privacy, you know? I want to feel like a normal person having a normal date with a normal but wonderful guy, and I don’t want the sensation of feeling observed to ruin my date. It would be like having eight chaperons and the thought alone drives me hysterical. So, please, guys. I ask you as a friend. Do me that favor. Enter autopilot while I am on my date and do not disturb me under any circumstances until it’s over. Will you do this for me, guys? Please?
ROMAN: [groans, disappointed] I wanted to assist you in your date, but if you don’t want my advice, fine, do as you want.
THOMAS: Even if you don’t know what you’re doing, you’ll still be offering your help unconsciously, Roman, and I thank you for that, and for respecting my wish. Please, don’t be mad at me, Princey.
ROMAN: I’m not mad, I’m just… disappointed that I can’t see you triumphing in your romantic life after wishing it and pushing you into it for so long. But if you think I could be a hindrance for that, I’ll step back. Anything for your happiness, Thomas.
THOMAS: Thank you so much, dear friend.
VIRGIL: You know I hate to enter autopilot. I prefer staying alert or ducking out completely. Knowing I may be doing something to you but not actually knowing what I’m doing causes me a lot of anxiety, Thomas.
THOMAS: No, Virge, I don’t want you to duck out completely, I still want my sense of alertness ready to kick in should anything go wrong.
VIRGIL: Okay, Thomas. I hate to do this, but I’ll do it for you. You owe me one, Sanders.
THOMAS: Thank you so much, Virgil. I really appreciate your effort and I’ll make it up to you, somehow, I promise.
LOGAN: No problem on my part, Thomas. The only feelings I’m interested in studying with interest are Patton’s and mine. You can have your feelings all for yourselves if you like.
THOMAS: Thank you so much, Logan.
PATTON: It’s not gonna be that simple for me, kiddo. I’m literally your feelings. No matter how much in autopilot I am, I’m gonna experience your feelings, even if I don’t know the cause of your feelings. Is that okay with you? Cause to go any further, I’d have to inhibit myself, and then it would be you who wouldn’t experience feelings at all, not to mention I’d be putting my life at risk.
THOMAS: No, Patton, don’t you dare inhibiting yourself! I was expecting something like that. It’s okay if you blind yourself to whatever is happening as much as you can. That’s everything I ask, I would never ask you to put yourself into danger, and I certainly don’t want to put your life at risk just to please me.
PATTON: Okay, kiddo, I’ll do as much as I can, then.
THOMAS: Thank you, Patton.
REMUS: Well, you’re not my boss, Thomas, and I have no intention to…
JANUS: Don’t worry, Thomas, I got this. [seductive voice] Remus, honey, have you forgotten you had promised to dedicate a day to me and only to me, my love? I’m starting to believe you don’t care about me anymore, and I wanted to spend the day… and night… with you… so… badly…
REMUS: [to Thomas] You know what? Keep your silly date for yourself, I’ve got better things to do. Come with me, my love…
[Remus sinks down. Janus does too, not before smirking at Thomas, who smirks back and rises his thumb, mouthing the word “thank you” in silence]
IAN: I guess I’ll have to autopilot myself from Janus too to give him some privacy… Of course you can count on me in giving you some space, Thomas.
THOMAS: Thank you, Ian.
CHRIS: Same for me. Uncle Ian, why don’t we go to Sandersia to visit Ira? It’s been a long time since the last time we did.
IAN: Sounds like a plan. [to the others] Would you like to come with us, guys?
ROMAN: Nah, I have work to do, things to write, and stuff. Thomas may be on a date, but his mind never stops creating in the background, you know? Send my best regards to my brother Roland, guys.
VIRGIL: I’m going with you, guys. I really need something to distract myself from the huge stress I’ll be having today.
THOMAS: If you think it’s going to be too much distress for you, Virgil, I…
VIRGIL: No, it’s okay, I can take it, otherwise the one feeling uncomfortable would be you, and I already give you too much of that on a regular basis, so don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll find something to do with my friends to lift my spirits up.
THOMAS: I really appreciate what you’re doing for me, Virge. I promise I’ll make it up to you.
VIRGIL: You don’t have to, Thomas, but thank you.
CHRIS: [to Logan and Patton] What about you, guys?
PATTON: Well, as a matter of fact, we already had a busy day. Logan asked me to help him write some vocab cards so that he can understand better the subtle emotional charges of certain words and expressions, so that he doesn’t come out as rude or offensive by accident.
THOMAS: Oh, that’s very kind of you, guys.
LOGAN: Yes, I have set myself the goal of understanding feelings better so that I don’t hurt yours by mistake. I do care about you, guys, and your well-being, and I thought the next logical step was to learn that.
THOMAS: We know you care about us, Logan, and despite not fully understanding feelings yet, that doesn’t stop you from trying to adjust to them for us. That’s one of the many things that make you so cool, Logan.
LOGAN: I appreciate hearing that, Thomas. Well, we should be going. [sinks down] Bye, guys.
PATTON: [sinks down] Bye, kiddos. May your date be full of love and joy, Thomas.
ROMAN: I’m leaving now, guys, I’ve got work to do. [sinks down] You won’t believe what I’ve got in store for you, Thomas.
THOMAS: I can’t wait to see it.
CHRIS: Well, if no one else is joining us, we should be leaving. Thank goodness they finally fixed the royal carriages and now they’re as fast as they used to be. Ready, fam?
VIRGIL: Ready, son.
IAN: Me too.
VIRGIL: [sinks down] Off to Sandersia, then.
CHRIS: [sinks down] Bye, Thomas.
IAN: [also sinks down] Bye, Thomas, good luck on your date.
THOMAS: Thanks guys, have fun in Sandersia. [sighs] Well, this went better than I thought. I hope I didn’t hurt any feelings of them, and that they understand my motivations… For once, I don’t wanna be the Light Master or the Dark Master or any Master at all. I want to feel like a human again, like plain old Thomas Sanders. And what Thomas Sanders wants now is to get to know Nico Flores better, and I hope that we discover that we’re meant to each other. I… I really like that dude. Well, Thomas, you should stop talking to yourself, the Sides are gone and in autopilot and for the first time in a long time, you’re on your own. So you better get ready, Thomothy, today it’s your day… here I am, talking to myself again… I’ll better go take a shower so that I can calm my nervousness.
[Thomas goes upstairs heading to his bedroom bathroom. Time goes by and Thomas is already well groomed. He’s been cooking something which is now in the stove. There’s a ring at the door]
THOMAS: Oh, gosh! It must be him! [clears his throat] Calm yourself, Thomas. Everything’s gonna be all right. [takes a deep breath, then sighs] Let’s go.
[Thomas goes to the door and opens. Nico’s there smiling at him and holding a bottle of wine]
NICO: Hi, Thomas.
THOMAS: Hi, Nico. Did you have any trouble to get here?
NICO: No, not really. With a GPS, nobody can get lost these days, right Thomas?
THOMAS: Tell that to the pizza delivery guy, he always gets lost… What are you bringing there?
NICO: Oh, I bought a bottle of red wine. I thought it would be appropriate.
THOMAS: Gee, thanks, Nico. [checks the bottle] Oh, it’s a young wine… a… Rioja? But that’s an imported wine from Spain! That must have cost you a lot, you shouldn’t have!
NICO: It’s okay [tender smile] when you have a date with the best, you only wanna bring the best, right?
THOMAS: [smiles back] Jeez, if you say it like that, how could I argue back?
NICO: Then don’t argue anymore.
[Nico kisses Thomas]
THOMAS: [silly smile] Well, don’t stay there, come in. Should I put this in the fridge?
NICO: Have you got a wine cooler? It would be better to keep it there so that it stays cool but not too cold.
THOMAS: Yes, it’s right here in the kitchen. I’ll fill it with ice cubes and place the bottle inside. Dinner is almost ready, by the way.
NICO: It smells good… and I think the smell looks familiar to me… What are you cooking?
THOMAS: Well, I wanted to make a homage to you, so, after watching tons of tutorials and using my friends these past few days as guinea pigs while I was practicing, I’m making you… Pa… Parrish? Porridge? No, it’s not that… Perril? What is this word? [Nico chortles, Thomas smiles bashfully] Don’t laugh at me, I don’t know Spanish! Wait a second, I’ll check the recipe title… [checks his phone] Pernil!
NICO: Oh, I thought it smelled familiar! That’s a traditional Puerto Rican dish. It reminds me of Christmas with my abuela Carmen. I miss her so bad. She passed away a few months ago…
THOMAS: Oh, shoot, I hope I didn’t trigger any sad memories.
NICO: Sad? Maybe a few, but most of the memories you triggered are happy ones and that’s how I want to remember her. Thank you, Thomas, for taking the effort of honoring my ancestors and my family.
THOMAS: I only hope I can honor them properly and that I don’t mess up with the recipe. I’m not exactly the best cook, you know?
NICO: Judging by the smell, you’re doing great, don’t worry.
THOMAS: I hope so, it’s been five hours in the stove on a moderate temperature, as the recipe said. I hope it comes out right…
NICO: Thomas, relax. Everything’s gonna be fine. Besides, I’m not here to enjoy your food, but to enjoy my boyfriend’s company… What’s wrong? Are you crying?
THOMAS: [emotional] It’s okay, hearing you calling me boyfriend made me emotional. I… I still can’t believe that, after so long, someone decided they wanted to have me as his boyfriend. I had started to think that I would spend the rest of my life alone…
NICO: Well, I’m proud that you decided to have me as your boyfriend. And I’m glad that not other guys decided to give a chance to you… that way I had time to get you and make you all mine. They don’t know what they’re missing, but it’s too late for them.
THOMAS: Gosh… where have you been all this time and why didn’t I meet you sooner, Nico? My life these last few years would have been so much happier if you had been around.
NICO: I’m sorry you had a rough time, Thomas, but now that’s in the past. Let’s just focus on the present and the future, cause I’m not moving away from your side in a long time, if you let me, of course.
THOMAS: If I let you? You better won’t move away, Nico.
[the stove dings]
THOMAS: Oh, time’s up. The roast is ready, so you better sit down while I get the serving ready.
NICO: Thank you so much, sir.
[Nico sits down in the table, which is already ready, even with a red candle decorating in the middle and a bouquet of magas that Nico immediately notices]
NICO: Magas. The national flower of Puerto Rico! You really got set on giving a homage to my heritage, didn’t you?
THOMAS: [while serving the meal on the plates] Of course I did. And it wasn’t easy to find them around here. Most shops tried to sell me hibiscus instead.
NICO: Yeah, they’re pretty similar, but are actually from completely different species of flowers. And you got real magas. You gotta tell me where you found them.
THOMAS: Sure, while we’re having dinner. We’ll have a lot of time to talk about everything. [puts both plates on the table, then opens the bottle of wine and fills both cups and sits down in front of Nico] Well, everything is ready, so enjoy your meal.
NICO: Let’s have a toast first, shall we?
NICO: To us. May we have the best evening ever, and may it be the first of many evenings together for the rest of our lifetimes. ¡Salud!
THOMAS: Cheers!
[they rise their cups and drink, then they proceed to eat their dinner. Meanwhile, in Logan’s room, Patton and Logan are writing vocab cards]
PATTON: And this is why you should say this and not that. Got the difference, Logan?
LOGAN: I… I think so, Patton. Wow, feelings are so complicated to manage. And so hard to understand logically. Sometimes it’s just a matter of trial and error. I don’t know if I’ll be able to learn about them as I should.
PATTON: Of course you are, Logan. You are capable of feeling just like anyone of us, and that just makes you able to understand feelings. Sooner or later, you’ll get the grip of it, you’ll see.
LOGAN: I hope you’re right… [suddenly scared] Patton? Patton what’s the matter?
PATTON: [grimacing as if in pain] I… I don’t know. I suddenly felt an oppression in my chest as if it was getting harder for me to breath.
LOGAN: Oh, no, Patton, what can I do for you?
PATTON: I don’t know… I don’t know what’s going on with me. It’s like I’m getting such a strong feeling that it’s overwhelming to me. I can’t literally cope with its strength… Wait, it’s starting to fade… yes… I’m feeling better now… [takes a deep breath] Gosh, that was intense.
LOGAN: But what was that?
PATTON: I can’t know for sure, cause I’m in autopilot, but I suspect Thomas is having a good time with Nico. Perhaps it’s been a sudden rush of true love what I just felt, so sudden and so strong that I got overloaded for a second. Wow… Thomas had never felt such strong feelings before, not even for his ex, who was his first love. Nico truly makes Thomas feel something, right?
LOGAN: Yes, you just said it Patton. But if this is going to put you in danger, I don’t know if…
PATTON: Don’t worry about me, Logan. I’ll get used to it. I better will, because a feeling like this of true love only grows stronger over time. Wait…
LOGAN: What? Another overload?
PATTON: No… someone’s talking to me.
LOGAN: What? I can’t hear anything.
PATTON: Not with words, directly into my feelings… I think it’s the Core. It’s calling me. It wants to tell me something. I must return to the Mind Palace Center.
LOGAN: If you must go, then fine. But this time, I’m going with you.
PATTON: You can’t. We need Thomas to send anyone other than me up there. And he specifically asked us not to bother him tonight.
LOGAN: But it’s too dangerous, I can’t just let you go all alone, just because the Core has suddenly felt the need to chat.
PATTON: Don’t speak about the Core so disrespectfully, please, Logan. It’s the source of everything that Thomas is, was and will be, including us both.
LOGAN: Sorry, I’m just nervous. I can’t just leave you.
PATTON: [sighs] If only there was a way to know when his date is gonna be over without breaking the autopilot… Logan?
LOGAN: Yes, Patton?
PATTON: Could you go to the bedroom and bring me my old cardigan, please?
LOGAN: Your old cardigan? For what, Patton?
PATTON: I need it for something I gotta do. Please, would you be kind and bring it to me. I feel a little weak from the earlier rush and my legs could fail me if I try to climb the stairs.
LOGAN: Okay, as you wish, Patton.
PATTON: Thank you, Logan.
[Logan starts walking to the stairs]
PATTON: Logan?
LOGAN: Yes, Patton?
PATTON: I love you. You know that, right?
LOGAN: Yes, I do, but why do you say that now?
PATTON: Just because. That’s something you must learn about feelings, Logan. It’s never a bad moment to say I love you. And I love you so much.
LOGAN: I… love you back, Patton. I’ll go get your cardigan.
[Logan walks upstairs]
PATTON: I’m sorry, Logan. But I gotta go see the Core, it could be important. I hope you can forgive me.
[Patton stands up, then looks at the ceiling and floats upwards, disappearing in the ceiling. Logan comes back down the stairs]
LOGAN: I can’t find the cardigan, Patton. Is it in your closet or… Patton? Patton, where are you?
[Logan gets scared and starts looking for Patton all around the place and can’t find him]
LOGAN: What have you done Patton? How could you do this to me? I need help… The others are too far away or too busy, so I can only count on him… Roman! Roman, please, I need your help!
[Roman rises up]
ROMAN: What’s wrong, Logan? You must be really distressed if you decided to call me. What is it?
LOGAN: Patton is gone, and I don’t know what to do. To be honest, I don’t know if you can be of much help, but still…
ROMAN: Hang on, Teach, what’s wrong? Where did Patton go?
LOGAN: To the Core. He said the Core called him. I asked him to wait until Thomas was free, so that we could go together, but he wouldn’t wait.
ROMAN: But the Core is dangerous! He shouldn’t have gone on his own!
LOGAN: That’s what I told him. How could he do this to me? He tricked me.
ROMAN: Well, this is a desperate situation, so I’m afraid we have no choice but to call Thomas.
LOGAN: But Patton left like this so that we wouldn’t disturb him.
ROMAN: I understand and that’s brave on his part, but also temerity. It’s too dangerous. Last time he did it, he had no choice because Thomas was unable to help, but now he’s here, there’s absolutely no justification for what he’s done. I’ll call Thomas.
ROMAN: Thomas? It’s me, Roman. Don’t speak or do any gesture, just listen. Thomas, do you hear me? Blink if you do.
[Meanwhile, Thomas is having dessert with Nico, and they’re talking lively, laughing at one of Thomas’ dad jokes. Suddenly Thomas loses his smile, then blinks]
NICO: Thomas? What’s wrong? You suddenly went so serious.
THOMAS: It’s… it’s fine… I just got a little… stomachache. Would you excuse me if I go to the bathroom for a sec? I’m so sorry.
NICO: Of course, you’re in your home. I hope you’re okay.
THOMAS: Yes, I’m… I’m fine, perhaps something is not agreeing with me, but I’ll be fine, don’t worry. I’ll be back as soon as I can.
[Thomas goes to the bathroom and locks the door]
THOMAS: [angry] I just asked you for one thing, Roman, and not that complicated.
ROMAN: [voice in his head] I know, Thomas, and I’m terribly sorry. I would have never bothered you, but this is an emergency… probably a life or death emergency.
THOMAS: [scared] What? What do you mean life or death? What is going on?
ROMAN: Can you go to Logan’s room so that we explain?
THOMAS: I can’t, Roman. Nico is out there and you know that time in the Mind Palace runs faster than in the outer world. Ten minutes there are like one hour here. Nico would get scared if I don’t give signs of life for so long.
ROMAN: Okay, I’ll tell you, then. Patton has gone to the Mind Palace Core on his own.
THOMAS: What!? Why!?
ROMAN: That, I don’t know exactly, Logan didn’t have time to explain the details, but he’s gone on his own and you know how dangerous the Core is.
THOMAS: Gosh, of all the days he could do something like that, he had to choose today?
ROMAN: If you think you can’t come with us, that’s okay, Thomas. We just ask you that you help us travel to the Mind Palace Center so that we can join Patton. Only you can do that, and you can do it from the outer world.
THOMAS: Really? How?
ROMAN: Just picture us in your mind standing in the Mind Palace Center. You know the place, right? If you imagine us there, we’ll be there.
THOMAS: That’s it? That easy? All the effort and struggle to get there the first time could have been solved with me just imagining us there?
ROMAN: You are the Mind Palace itself, Thomas. From the outer world, you can take us wherever you want just with your imagination. And about the previous struggle, the first time we went there, the Dark Master had placed a barrier in the form of a labyrinth, a barrier that no longer exists, so traveling there is not that complicated anymore, as long as you intervene, that is. Ordinary Sides can’t travel there on their own except Patton as a former Master Side.
THOMAS: Okay, then, I’ll do that and hope it works…
NICO: [on the other side of the door] Thomas, are you okay? I hope you didn’t get too sick.
THOMAS: I’m fine, Nico, I’ll be out in a minute, don’t worry.
NICO: Okay…
THOMAS: [low voice] We gotta do this fast. You guys ready?
ROMAN: Ready when you are, and thank you, Thomas.
[Thomas closes his eyes. Meanwhile, Roman and Logan are in Logan’s room]
ROMAN: Okay, Logan, hold my hand. This is gonna be quite a ride.
LOGAN: Okay…
[suddenly the room around Roman and Logan starts getting blurry until it goes completely out of focus and turns into a series of colors without any shape or form]
LOGAN: Whoa, it feels like when I don’t wear my glasses…
[after some seconds, the place around them starts getting sharper until they realize they’re in the Mind Palace Center]
ROMAN: It worked! Thanks, Thomas, you can go back to Nico now.
LOGAN: Patton!
[Roman and Logan get startled by a yell behind them]
PATTON: Guys! Help me! I’m slipping!
[Patton is holding to the rope tied to the stake Patton placed the last time, too close to the Core, so much so that it’s sucking him into it, he’s grabbing the rope with his bare hands]
LOGAN: Patton, hold on! Don’t let go!
PATTON: Watch out! Don’t get too close or you’ll be sucked into the Core too! But help me! Pull from the rope, please! I don’t know how much I’ll be able to resist!
ROMAN: Okay, hold on, padre!
[Roman and Logan start pulling from the rope]
ROMAN: The Core’s attraction is pulling hard from the other side of the rope. It’s very difficult to pull back.
PATTON: Guys, please! Help me! I don’t wanna go!
LOGAN: Hold on, please, Patton!
[Roman and Logan start pulling from the rope at the same time with all their might. The rope slowly starts giving in, but soon they notice that the rope has started deteriorating and breaking apart]
ROMAN: [struggling] Nnnggh! If we don’t pull harder, we’re not gonna make it!
LOGAN: No, I won’t give Patton up!
PATTON: Logan… I’m so sorry… If only I had listened to you…
[the rope starts breaking]
LOGAN: No, no, no! I’m not gonna let this happen!
[Logan approaches Patton carefully while Roman keeps trying to pull, then he extends his hand towards Patton]
PATTON: Don’t do that, Logan, you’ll put yourself in danger!
LOGAN: I don’t care, I gotta save you!
PATTON: But you could die!
LOGAN: [yelling with tears in his eyes] I can’t live without you anyway! Try to hold my hand, Patton!
PATTON: I’ll try…
[Patton tries to hold Patton’s hand. Then the rope snaps and Patton starts flying towards the Core]
PATTON: [screeching] Oh, no-no-no! Logan!
LOGAN: [yelling] Patton!
[suddenly, in an act of instinct, Logan stretches his arm and holds Patton’s hand. This way, he stops Patton’s flight into the Core, but then both start getting pulled towards it. Logan stretches his other arm and holds the stake where the rope was tied]
LOGAN: Nngh! With the stretchy arms I lose almost all of my resistance, I can barely hold on!
PATTON: Logan, there’s no hope for me anymore! Let me go, or you’ll be sucked into the Core too!
LOGAN: Never! We both will be saved, or we both will end into the Core together!
ROMAN: Both of you, hold on! Now that Logan is standing mostly still, I can conjure a rope tied around his waist and that could be the solution, but try not to move, Logan!
LOGAN: The Core is pulling hard but I’ll do my best.
[Roman tries to conjure a rope, but in he critical moment, a sudden force pulls from Logan and makes him shake, so the rope appears untied]
ROMAN: Dang it!
LOGAN: Sorry, the Core pulled from me.
ROMAN: [making the rope disappear] It’s okay, I can try again, but try not to move, Logan.
[Roman tries again. This time, Logan manages to stand still and the rope appears securely tied around his waist]
ROMAN: Yes! That’s more like it!
LOGAN: Well done, Roman! Now pull.
[Roman tries to pull with all his strength, but the rope doesn’t move an inch]
ROMAN: [struggling] I don’t know if I can do this all alone, guys… it’s too hard… But I won’t let you go!
LOGAN: Roman, your hands are bleeding! It’s from the chafing of the rope!
ROMAN: I don’t care! I won’t let go, even if I lose my hands in the process!
[suddenly, Thomas and all the Sides appear in the place]
THOMAS: Hold on, guys!
ROMAN: Guys! Oh, for the love of Aphrodite, I’m so happy to see you!
LOGAN: Good timing, guys!
[they all start pulling from the rope at the same time. With the combined strength of all of them, it is a much easier task, and soon, Logan and Patton are out of danger. Logan’s arms return to normal as he hugs Patton tightly]
LOGAN: Patton, goodness gracious, I thought I was losing you…
PATTON: [whining] Logan, Logan!
ROMAN: Thank you, guys… But Thomas, what happened with your date?
THOMAS: I heard Logan’s yell about Patton before you closed the mental connection. I couldn’t just stay there enjoying myself on a date. Even if that date was important to me, there are chances for many more dates, and your safety, guys, is the most important thing to me. So I told Nico that I was feeling really sick and asked him if he would have any trouble in ending the date sooner, promising him that I’d repay him as soon as I felt better, and he accepted. He’s such a wonderful guy. I hope I didn’t upset him.
PATTON: I’m so sorry, Thomas. That is exactly what I was trying to avoid…
LOGAN: [angry and yelling] You nearly killed yourself over this stupidity you have just incurred into! What were you thinking? I told you to wait and you tricked me so you could go on your own! Do you have any idea of how you made me feel? I felt like a fool, but worst of all, I felt left behind! I’m your husband, I’m supposed to be by your side in good times and bad, but you left me behind! I…
[Logan starts crying]
PATTON: I’m so sorry, Logan. I was just so worried… and the Core just kept calling and calling… I couldn’t just ignore it… but you’re right, I shouldn’t have done this. I put myself into danger and I almost dragged you with me. I have no excuse and I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me, Logan. All of you, guys.
LOGAN: [still crying] Don’t ever do that again… I thought I’d never see you again. I love you. You’re the only one I’ve ever loved and I don’t know if I’d ever be able to learn to love again if you disappear from my life. Please, don’t do that again, Patton. I don’t wanna lose you.
PATTON: [emotional, hugging Logan] I promise, Logan, I promise. And I love you too.
THOMAS: Was all of this worth it, though? Patton, you mentioned that the Core was calling you. I presume you went to talk to him like the last time. Did you get something from it?
PATTON: Yes, before the rope I tied around my waist suddenly got untied, probably because the Core’s influence slowly deteriorated it, as it was the same rope that I left here from the last time, I got to communicate with the Core again.
THOMAS: Well, and what did he say?
PATTON: Virgil, Roman, the Core has revealed to me a way to bring your son Dillon back with us and away from the Paladin’s control.
VIRGIL: What? Really?
ROMAN: Oh, gosh, Patton, if that’s true, I’d be forever grateful to you.
PATTON: However, Thomas, this comes with a risk for you.
THOMAS: A risk? What do you mean?
PATTON: A risk for you… and for Nico.
[Thomas looks at Patton, not knowing what to say]
[ending card]
THOMAS: I don’t understand, Patton. What does Nico have to do with all of this?
PATTON: The Core spoke to me, Thomas. He told me that something has changed inside of it the moment you first put your eyes on Nico. A force, stronger than anyone, has started filling it and it is a force strong enough to overcome the Paladin’s control over Dillon. But, in order to make use of that force… we need Nico to enter the Mind Palace and stand by your side when you face the Paladin. The two of you together are completely unstoppable.
THOMAS: But I didn’t want to reveal my secret to Nico. What if I scare him? What if he refuses to help me and at the same time breaks up with me? And what is more important, I don’t want to put him into any kind of danger.
PATTON: I don’t think Nico would really be endangered, as long as he stayed with you all the time, as I told you, you two are unstoppable. And about the rest, Nico loves you, Thomas. It only has taken you two a few weeks to build a love so strong that could banish the forces of darkness inside your mind world. I doubt he would break up with you, Thomas.
THOMAS: You doubt it, so you think there’s a chance he could do it. I… I don’t know if I’m ready for such a risk.
[Roman looks at Virgil and they both share a glance of agreement]
ROMAN: We understand, Thomas. We would never put your happiness on risk. We’ll find another way.
PATTON: Sorry if I’m pushy, but there’s one more thing the Core said. Dillon is running out of time. The possession that has happened to him is in some aspects similar to when a Sprite bites someone of us. Once the Paladin has spent enough time inside of his body, the real Dillon will be no more. It is a much slower process than with Sprites, because the Paladin doesn’t have a real physical form like them, but the process is still going on and if you don’t hurry, there will be no way to undo it.
VIRGIL: That’s something that breaks my heart, dad. But still, it’s Thomas’ choice. It kills me to think of such fate for my son but… I don’t want to make Thomas miserable.
THOMAS: No, guys, I have thought about it. If I am to start a relation with Nico in the hope of making it last for a lifetime… there can be no secrets between us. Nico needs to love me as I am, with all its consequences. Besides, if I have shared my secret with a lot of my best friends, it’s only natural that I share it too with the love of my life, isn’t it? I’ll talk to Nico.
ROMAN: Are you sure, Thomas? Don’t feel forced to do so just for us.
THOMAS: Yes, I’m sure. I have to tell him. For Dillon, but also for myself. I need to tell Nico my secret. And I really hope he still loves me when he knows the truth about me.
ROMAN: Okay, Thomas. Thank you so much.
THOMAS: Don’t mention.
PATTON: And Roman, there’s one more thing the Core told me. It was a message… for you.
ROMAN: For me?
PATTON: It wants you to know that what you wrote on the last page of your diary… is true. It was him. I don’t know what that means but the Core told me you would understand.
[Roman looks at Patton, at first without any reaction, then streams of tears fall down his cheeks as he shows a bittersweet smile]
ROMAN: Thank you, Patton… You have just made me… the happiest prince in the world. Happiest and terrified at the same time, but you have given me so much hope. Gosh, I love you so much, my dear friend… no, my dear father.
[Roman hugs Patton and Patton hugs him back]
PATTON: Happy to help, my dear son-in-law. Whatever I did, I’m happy to help.
[everyone looks at them with an expression of emotion]
VIRGIL: Am I the only one who is completely lost or is it just me?
[no one seems to hear Virgil as they’re busy cleaning their own tears]
VIRGIL: [shedding] Oh, never mind, he’ll explain later, I guess. Now it’s time for panic and or crying… or even better, just plain crying…
[they all stay like that, emotional, looking at them]
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cas-backwards-tie · 4 years
Breakup Headcanons
Warnings: General Angst, Cursing, Slurs, Mentions of Cheating, Ended Engagement.
A/N: @oh-adam​ this is for you! I know you just wanted a drabble for my choice, and... well it’s hard to choose so I decided to do headcanons for a bunch! :) I hope you enjoy! I put everyone underneath the cut since it’d get too long otherwise and no one would want to reblog lmao. Also here’s to me trying to write for Flip and Adam for the first time! also I think credit to @drivermisfit​ for using one of your gifs! I saw the watermark, so thank you <3
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Kylo Ren:
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“It’s for your safety!” Kylo explains again. Somehow he’s gotten the idea into his mind that by sending you to the outer-rim, somewhere you’re less likely to be found, that you’ll be safe from Snoke and the First Order.
“I don’t care!”
“Well I do, and what I say goes. I am the Commander. Get in! Don’t make me force you,” he threatens, his breathing starting to get heavier as his anger level rises, his fear getting more serious as the longer your relationship had gone on, the more and more he’d gotten feelings for you. “I love you,” he says your name, gloved hand reaching out to caress your face, “but I have to leave you. It isn’t safe anymore and I don’t know when it will be. My life is already at risk and I can’t risk yours too. I was foolish enough to think they wouldn’t catch on for this long.” Now that you’ve obeyed him and entered the starship, he closes the walkway and takes off his helmet. Placing it underneath his arm he guides you toward the cockpit, being gentle with you for a last time. 
You don’t say anything as you can’t find the words to. The cast on your arm and the bandage on your head are already warning enough. He straps you into the seat and has already set the ship up with coordinates before you’d both even come down to the hangar.
“Remember-” you cut him off and finish his sentence, “-when you arrive destroy the data so they can’t track me. Yes, yes, I already know, Kylo! It’ll be fine!” You reassure him. Sighing, you look at his face, never wanting to stop look, fear riddled in your body as you worry for what will happen to him when you leave.
“Okay... well... I love you. I always will, my star... please be safe,” he whispers, suddenly tearing up as he presses a kiss to your forehead, running his hand over your hair before pulling away. You hadn’t anticipated how painful the sounds of his departing footsteps would be, but teardrops run down your face as you silent let yourself sob, shoulders wracking as he leaves the ship, it already counting down and preparing to take off, leaving and tearing you away from the love of your life.
Charlie Barber:
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You knew it was coming when he’d started working late everyday. Charlie would be more than a few minutes late to your dates with really lame excuses and you started communicating less and less. Maybe it’s me, you thought, but ultimately forbid yourself from dwelling and going any further down that train of thought since you haven’t done anything wrong! “I’ve just been really busy with work!” Charlie argues, “Transitioning from theatre to film is not what it’s cracked up to be! Do you even know how many calls I’ve had to make? How many meetings I’ve had to take or how many of my days I’ve had to sacrifice seeing Henry?” A scoff comes from his mouth as he rolls his eyes, holding back tears as his cheeks start to turn a little red. “I can’t do this anymore,” the way he says your name is heart-breaking, the final acknowledgment that it’s not working and he doesn’t want to continue trying making your heart ache with pain.
“So that’s it, huh? After everything?” You ask, fed up with his lies and excuses, the defensiveness.
“For fuck’s sake! Yes! I’m done. I can’t do this right now. I can’t handle this. I’m done.” Gesticulating with his hands in the air, Charlie finally lets himself take a deep breath as the two of you just stare at each other from opposite sides of the room solemnly. “There’s just too much going on right now,” he whispers, and that’s all it takes for you to turn around and walk out the door.
Clyde Logan:
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“You what?” Everything else around you fades except for him, the only things running through your mind and ringing through your ears repeatedly are the words he’d just said. Your heart clenches, pain making you clutch at it as your cheeks sting with the threat of tears willing to surface.
“I said I went through with it. I enlisted. We’ve been talkin’ bout it an now that Ma and Pa are gone... Jimmy says this is the best bet for college an I agree. I’m leavin’ tomorrow mornin’. Darlin, please don’t cry. This is the last thing I want right now, but I... I have to do this... and while I’m gone I don’t want you waiting’ around for someone who might never come back.” Clyde takes a step forward, hands reaching up to wipe away your tears, but you turn away from him.
“I- I don’t want you to leave!”
“I know,” he whispers, his voice soft, sweet like honey, and calm like the lake in the morning, “but I promise ya that I wasn’t no good for ya anyhow. There’s gotta be a man that deserves you ten times more than me and can give you the life you actually deserve.” His hand rubs your back while the other one brushes your hair behind your ear. Before you can speak he calls your name, his beautiful brown eyes looking down into yours. “I just came to say goodbye... but,” he shakes his head, “god dammit if I can’t help myself... can I have one last kiss goodbye?” 
Nodding in response, too choked up to speak, you crane your neck to place your lips against his. The previous smile that’d engrossed your lips slowly melts and turns into a smile as Clyde’s sweetness never fails to brighten you up. One of his hands weaves into your hair while the other snakes itself around your waist. Your lips dance against one another, his soft plump lips pressing harder than usual against yours while both of your noses brush against each other. Curse him and his cute big nose!
It all feels like it happens too fast. While the kiss seemed to last forever, he’s suddenly out of your arms and on the other side of the parking lot and into his truck, then gone... almost like it never even happened.... like you never even knew him.
Adam Sackler:
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“Get out of here!” He screams, head and hair shaking with fury, “Fuck!” Of course, though, you don’t move. “I don’t want to hear you shit! I already fucking told you what happened! I can’t take it back!” Pounding his closed fists against his head angrily he beats himself up. See, Adam had told you that two days ago on Saturday night he’d went to a mutual friend’s house for comfort after the both of you had gotten in a fight. Now you couldn’t even remember what started the fight but it doesn’t even matter. Next, the friend convinced him to go to a party, where Adam ended up seeing Jessa... one thing lead to another and she kissed him, he pushed her away, but after another kiss and one more, they madeout. Of course he felt guilty and told you today, but that doesn’t change what happened.
“I just want you to know that I fucking loved you Adam! I fucking loved you and go and do this?!” He doesn’t care that you’re crying in his living room, no, at least it doesn’t feel like it cause all he’s been doing for the past five minutes is telling you to ‘get out’ and leave. 
“I don’t know what you want me to do!”
“I don’t know what I want you to do either! Do I think I wouldn’t fuck tell you if I didn't?!” Furiously wiping away your tears with the sleeves of your shirt, you try to ignore the throbbing in your head. “I fucking HATE this you know that?! I fucking hate that you’re forcing me to do this!”
“I’m not forcing you to do anything!”
“Yes you are!”
“No I’m not!”
“I c-” you choke on a sob, having to catch your breath, “I can’t do this. I- I’m breaking up with you Adam.”
“You can’t,” he whines, his expression suddenly changing at he looks at you with pleading eyes.
“It’s too late. I just did.” Making your way toward the exit, you know you need to get away from here and move on as fast as you can.
Paul Sevier:
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“Paul, can we talk?” You ask as you sit down in a chair at a corner table at a random cafe you’d picked to go to for lunch today. Keeping your purse in your lap, Paul doesn’t fail to notice that’s odd.
“Isn’t that what we’re already doing?” He jokes, smiling as he chuckles, scooting in his chair as he gets settled in the chair across from you.
“Okay, sure, but I mean seriously,” you sigh. He can tell this isn’t going anywhere good. Something’s up. “I want to break-up. I’m not happy anymore, I can’t do this. You’re a nice guy, I like you, sure, but I have this co-worker who I like and has been asking me out and... I just... I can’t do it. I don’t want to do that to you, so... I want to break-up.”
“But-” he’s taken aback, his jaw dropped as he shakes his head, eyebrows furrowed as he processes everything, “Uh... just like that? What about the wedding?” He asks stunned, his heart not even in pain as he can’t comprehend what’s happening in this moment. Where had he gone wrong? What did he do?Was it something he said?
Taking off your ring you place it on the table for him. “We never planned it, so there’s nothing to cancel. I thought I could live this kind of life, but with you gone all the time, I just... can’t do it. I don’t think I could live like that. I’m sorry. I don’t want to draw this out Paul, I really don’t. I loved you, I really did, and it broke me for a long time to even think about this. But I know that I’d never be happy just keeping this up. I really hope you find somebody. I have to go.”
Within another moment you’re gone. Paul doesn’t move an inch. The diamond ring glints in the mid-day sun on the table and he quickly springs into action to snatch it into his hand and stuff it into his pocket under the table, removing the scene of its evidence like it never even happened. The waiter comes up to the table and offers him a menu, greeting him with a smile which he doesn’t return. “I’ll just take one margarita please.”
Flip Zimmerman:
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Parking outside your house, Flip shuts the engine off and gets out of the car to lean against it. You know he said 7:30, so you should be out the door any minute now. He taps his foot against the pavement, admiring the way the trees blow in the wind, leaves starting to turn yellow and red as autumn approaches. A minute passes, then another before he pulls out his packet of cigarettes and his lighter. A breath of fresh smoke wafts into his lungs with his breath, he holds it for a moment before letting it out, the smoke curling up and disappearing into the air. Holding the cigarette between his fingers he perks up when he hears the screen door swing shut. A smirk displays itself upon his lips as you trail down the driveway, you dress swaying with your hips and your heels clacking against the concrete. It isn’t until you’re right up in his face that you go in for a kiss, only to halt a centimeter away, your smile turning into a frown.
“You lied to me Flip Zimmerman,” you accuse.
“Bout what, Doll?” He responds calmly, flicking the cigarette to knock the ash off and onto the street below. Small qualms like these don’t phase him, everyone’s got a bone to pick and Flip doesn’t have time for it. All of his days are spent dealing with fights and problems, the least he can have is his time-off spent with peace and coolness.
“Oh, I don’t know,” you say sarcastically, backing up a bit as you toy with him, “maybe the fact that you don’t work for Bobby’s mechanics, but you’re in fact, a fucking pig?!” Shoving his chest, Flip’s eyebrows furrow together as he takes another puff of his cigarette before tossing it aside onto the street.
“That’s what you’re mad about?” He asks seriously, taking a step toward you.
“You’re not denying it- so it’s true?” You put your hands on your hips.
“And what if it is? You got a problem with me being a ‘pig’?” He mocks you, hating the recent reputation the police have started to get, and the problem you’re personally taking up with him since you know fully well that he’s not like other cops, he’s a good man through and through. At least, he tries to be.
“Yes, I do, and for starts it means I don't want to be seen going around with no pig! So you can count yourself out, Casanova.”
“Fine! Whatever, as if I care! You weren’t the first and you won’t be the last, babydoll!” Rounding his car, he tears open the door and gets in, slamming it shut behind him before speeding off.
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Riverdale 5x09 Review
Well I didn’t hate this episode like I hated the last one but I wasn’t exactly blown away by it either. It wasn’t a bad episode but I think my issue with it is if you dropped it into the middles of season 3 or 4 it would have fit in. It was fine it was just nothing new which you know doesn’t exactly make me excited to watch more. It was definitely one of those episodes where I either found myself checking to see how long was left or was rolling my eyes at something. Still there were moments I enjoyed. But without further ado lets jump in. As always these are just my own opinions and interpretation also there are clearly spoilers. 
 Betty and Polly
So a good chunk of this episode was following Betty as she continued to investigate what happened to Polly after finding the crushed telephone booth. Betty hears back from Glen and is told that the blood found on the booth is a match to Polly’s so with the amount of blood that is there it is likely she is dead. When she tells Jughead he tells her that he might have a lead, someone who might have seen something. So they go to see My Dreyfuss. He tells them on two other occasions a phone booth has been shredded like it was with Polly, in the summer of 77 and 82. He explains that its caused by the Mothmen ship’s antimatter fusion reactors which create a gravity field that allows them to levitate but anything that gets caught in that field gets crushed. Which you know sounds legit to me. Though I will say I did think the look Betty sent Jughead when Old Dreyfuss started talking about the Mothmen was hilarious. Needless to say Betty wasn’t exactly sold on this version of events. Which again I found kind of funny considering she hunted down something called The Gargoyle King in high school but apparently aliens are even too weird for Betty. 
I am not at all surprised that Polly’s storyline is linking up with the Mothmen one, I’ve been saying for a while now that I thought all the storylines would converge at some point and I expected that Jughead’s and Betty’s would be the first to do that. My theory is that the Mothmen mystery is to do with military testing and that will tie in Archie as well, I also think as the Mothmen body Nana Rose had was found in the maple groves, and Hiram has an interest in the maple groves, that Hiram’s storyline will also be linked in, which will also link in Veronica and the other characters who are going up against Hiram to save the town. I did wonder if maybe its not really Hiram that wants Riverdale to be shut down but rather some rogue section of the military who want to cover up the testing they’ve been doing and that’s why Hiram unincorporated the town, maybe the military are paying him to help them. 
So in her grief at what has presumably happened to Polly has sent Betty off the deep end. Now here’s the thing with this I appreciate that not every character’s development goes in a straight line. That’s what makes a character’s storyline interesting. There are twists and turns and they have set backs. That being said this return to dark betty didn’t really work for me. I mean I can understand that she is grieving for her sister, she’s going through trauma because of TBK and all that is making her turn back to her dark side. But for me I thought they wrote a good end to that whole storyline with her going under the hypnosis and kind of telling her younger self she could go play, and basically ‘killing’ dark betty before she is ever born. I liked how, well how I thought they had brought a close to that part of Betty’s character development. I honestly thought we were done with ‘dark betty’. But I guess not. I suppose we see where they take it maybe it will be well written but I’ll be honest it did kind of make me roll my eyes a bit in this episode, I just feel like it was a bit too on the nose and predictable especially after her speech last episode to Archie about how this thing with her sister would probably be the darkest she’d ever have to face. I said to myself then watch them bring back dark betty, so when they did I was just kind of like of course they are going there again. I think that was the issue was it is just more of the same stuff which I just find boring. 
There was one thing that I did find a little interesting though and that was the way she was thinking in that moment. The idea that the person in front of her was a horrible person who had hurt someone she loved and so deserved to have justice brought to him in the form of death. Sound familiar? Because it should, its exactly the same way Charles thinks. I do wonder if that was deliberate and we were suppose to draw a comparison between Betty and Charles there. 
I think in that moment when she is about to kill the trucker, Jughead’s call telling her that Logan had gone missing reminded her of why she was an FBI agent, to protect people and I think that kind of snaps her out of it. In that moment she could have killed that man or she could go and find the missing child who really needed her and who needed protection which is what she was saying earlier in the episode, that she wouldn’t let what happened to Polly happen to anyone else. At first she decided the best way to stop anyone else from getting hurt is by going after the truckers and stopping the women who are tricking there. But her method has flaws in it and I think getting that phone call reminds her that its not as black and white as she was looking at it.   
So poor Alice, I felt really bad for her in this episode she does seem like she was very much giving up hope. I mean Alice has been put through the wringer so I don’t really blame Betty for lying about it being a match to Polly’s blood I mean it wasn’t advisable because the truth was going to come out eventually but I could understand why Betty did it, she just couldn’t bear to take away the little hope that her mother had left. I am glad that Betty turned to Cheryl for this. I said that I thought if it came out that Polly had been killed then I thought Cheryl would be the best person to help Betty through that. You know different people can help with different things and like I keep saying how I really do think Archie will be the best person to help Betty through the TBK trauma I do think that Cheryl was the best person to help Betty here. She gave her some good advice even if Betty didn’t follow it. I think it was important what Cheryl said about how it is best to know the truth because then that allows you to grieve and heal and move on. I also loved that hug Cheryl gave Betty. If anyone needs a hug right now its Betty. Also I do like when they show Betty and Cheryl actually acting like family. 
So lastly I want to cover Glen. I’ll be honest Glen and Betty’s relationship confuses me. Because in the first episode of the time jump they seemed to have something going on between them in that they kissed. But I said then that it didn’t seem like Betty was that interested in him. But since then it seems like she just doesn’t like him at all. I could understand why she was angry in this episode when he says he’s sorry about Polly and she says that if he cared that he would have done something to help. I know Riverdale are trying to paint Glen as this bad person, like how he shows up at the end and tells Alice about the blood and takes over the case. I just know that they are trying to do this because they either want Glen to seem suspicious or they are actually going to go the route of he is evil and somehow involved in it all. What I will say to that is oh for the love of god please no, not this crap again. I just if they make another FBI agent a killer in this series I just no. Can we not keep rehashing the same damn storylines over and over. Can we please introduce a character to the show and not have them turn out to be some psycho because its just boring now. Also like I said I know they are trying to paint Glen as being the bad guy here, but it makes perfect sense for them to take Betty off this case. For one she is still a trainee who is severely traumatised by her capture by a serial killer. On top of that this case involves her family member, there is a reason why irl certain professions don’t allow you to work on cases involving your family members and that scene where Betty had tied the trucker up was seriously considering killing him is why. Firefighter, police, doctors, paramedics and I am going to assume FBI agents aren’t allowed to work on cases of a personal nature for that very reason, they are too invested and that clouds their judgement. Glen should have taken Betty off the case when Polly first went missing, or rather Betty should never have been on the case at all. Also the other question I have is if Glen is here who the hell is feeding Toffee? He better have brought that cat with him. When I made my prediction post for episode 10 I hadn’t seen the episode and so was very confused at the opening shot of the promo where Betty is slapping Glen squarely across the face but I am going to assume it has something to do with this situation. Or maybe he tries to make a move on her and she isn’t down for it? Or another situation is he could find out about her and Archie’s arrangement and make an unfavourable comment about Betty which she decided to set him straight about? Either way there is most certainly going to be some tension between Glen and Betty next episode. What I do find interesting is that apparently the only actors Glen’s actor is following are Lili, KJ, Hart and Wyatt so I am assuming that he has scenes with Archie, Charles and Chic. I do wonder if instead of having Glen turn out to be bad they just have either Charles or Chic kill him. 
To be honest I am still in two minds as to whether Polly is actually dead. On one hand that was a lot of blood on that phone booth and we do know that she was in that phone booth and someone was coming for her. On the other it seemed like they were being very careful to say it was the same blood type as Polly’s and not that it was Polly’s so there is that uncertainty. I mean if they have the blood surely they would be able to DNA match it not just go off the blood type? 
Jughead and Lerman. 
Ok so I’m not hundred percent sure what the point of this storyline was, I feel like its just another piece of the puzzle and we won’t really know the significance of it until the rest of the mystery is revealed. But what did annoy me was the fact that Jughead was reprimanded for talking to his student who he was worried about. I mean when the parents were like oh if you were worried something was wrong at home then why didn’t you come talk to us instead of ambushing our son. I mean the answer to that is obvious if the parents were mistreating their son then talking to them isn’t going to do any good because the parents would just lie. Even if they aren’t really doing anything wrong like these parents they might be wary about telling the truth out of fear of being judged, I mean they didn’t offer up that information about Lerman sleep walking until he went missing, so I think talking to his student was exactly the right thing for Jughead to do. Also since when was there another English class, I mean I thought the school was struggling with staff and that's why they needed the core four to become teachers? 
It does seem like something odd happened with Lerman with him going missing and then not being able to remember anything. What is very odd is that you’ve got two sets of missing people. You’ve got the women who keep showing up dead usually with some catastrophic injuries. Then you’ve got the men who disappear for hours at a time but then return but have no memories of where they’ve been. Yet all of it seems to be connected so the question is why are the women dying but the men are surviving? It because physically the men are able to take whatever the testing is but the women can’t and so their bodies end up with these terrible injuries. Or is it that whatever they use to wipe the memories of their test subjects doesn’t work on the women so they are forced to kill them after? I mean physiologically women and men are different so maybe the difference in the hormones or something is what’s causing this difference in outcome between women and men. 
By the end of the episode Lerman and his parents have moved out of town and haven’t left any forwarding details. This does seem a little weird but I guess maybe the parents are worried about what will happen to their son if they don’t get him out of there. 
Veronica, Archie and The Bulldogs.  
Ok I know I said I wasn’t a v*rchie shipper and that as a barchie I didn’t want to see any of that, but Riverdale you didn’t have to stick them in the darkest room ever to have them kiss. Like I know that Riverdale is known for bad lighting but that one scene between them was even more ridiculous than normal. Look if you like V*rchie then that’s all good, there were some scenes that I think were probably enjoyable for you and I am happy for the V*rchie shippers. For me though I don’t know if its just because I’ve seen so much of them at this point that its made my mind go numb to them but I just found their scenes boring. I was actually surprised they didn’t talk more, especially seeing as they’ve just got back together, she’s going through a divorce, but none of that was brought up. Their scenes seemed to be really short and not much happened in them, it was just a couple of kiss scenes and then one bed scene were Veronica says oh I have a plan and then that was kind of it. I thought they’d at least have a scene where they say something like ‘I’m so happy we got back together’ or ‘I’ve filed the divorce paper’s I just have to wait for Chad to sign them’. Just anything to get that continuity, but nope nothing.    
To be honest I really wasn’t that fussed about the football storyline. I did find it kind of funny that when presented with the problem of the team losing every game Veronica’s solution was to just throw money at it, like somehow that would magically make them better players. That being said there were some elements of it that I did enjoy. I loved Archie making that speech to encourage people to support their team. It is true that having a crowd behind you and supporting you makes a difference in sports so I liked that they put some attention on that. I also love Britta and I am so happy she was the one that scored. The other thing I liked was that when the kid who was like their star player, Derek transferred to Stonewell there wasn’t any tension between him and his old team. Like I think Hiram was expecting there to be but instead when they met on the pitch he and Britta were really respectful and just fist bumped and got on with the game and I loved that. Also after, he came and spoke to Archie and again he recognised that Archie had taught him something valuable that he was going to keep with him. Again it was very respectful and supportive. Both Archie and the team recognised that it wasn’t personal, it was just that Derek knew he had a better shot at going to college with a football scholarship if he was playing with the Stallions. 
Speaking of things that I liked, lets give a hand for Reggie. I have so much respect for the fact that when Hiram was saying he wanted Reggie to basically beat up some of the Bulldog players, Reggie refused and said it wasn’t necessary. Then when Hiram fired or ‘benched’ him as Hiram put it Reggie still didn’t back down and even said that he would be standing with the Bulldogs. Also it was good to see him back in that Bulldog jacket and even though it was a very small scene I loved the three way hug between Veronica, Reggie and Tabitha. 
Ok the other thing we had was that part of the plan to raise the teams spirits was to fill the stands, which you know makes sense, like I said I do think having a crowd supporting you makes all the difference. Cheryl decides that one thing that will fill the stands isn’t just a Vixen’s performance but one that includes her. Now me personally I don’t think she’s wrong, like if I heard that the new Vixen coach who was the town recluse and had spend the last seven years holed up in her gothic mansion of horrors was going to be putting on a performance with her Vixens, I am there, front row baby. This I want to see, at best it might actually be good and at worst it’ll be a cringefest but either way it’ll be entertaining as hell. I just think that scene with Cheryl performing was peak Riverdaleness. I know alot of people complain about those kinds of scenes but me personally I think they’re part of what makes Riverdale, well Riverdale. So I just choose to embrace the Riverdaleness of it all.   
Overall I think the issue with this whole football storyline is it is once again the same thing we’ve been seeing for the last four seasons. It’s Veronica and Archie vs Hiram and that’s just nothing interesting about that anymore. 
So Kevin got his own storyline this episode and we got a little background story on him. I’m a bit conflicted about his storyline and this idea that he is ashamed of being gay because I never really got that sense before. To be honest I always thought he was proud and confident of being gay. However I could see him having this experience with his mother where he feels ashamed of being gay when she makes a insensitive comment and then him getting into the whole cruising in the woods as a coping mechanism. It also explains why he still continued with the cruising when the Black hood was around. But then if I remember rightly he did stop for a bit. So maybe he started to heal a bit and become more confident and then that incident with the director from Katy Keene happened and that made him feel ashamed again and brought all that back up again and Fangs was away alot Trucking so he asks for a open relationship so that he can turn back to that old coping mechanism of cruising. That would make sense to me but they don’t really touch on that trauma he experienced in New York with the director in this episode. 
Cheryl acting as a relationship councillor was sort of amusing. I mean it was sweet that she wanted to fix Kangs, I think she recognised that what she did was wrong and so she wanted to help mend it. But like Fangs said the games Cheryl played just brought up deeper issues that were already there. I feel so sad for both of them. I mean Kevin is clearly struggling but I really felt for Fangs when he said that Kevin had never really been all in and that he wants to know everything about Kevin the good and bad. In that moment I could see that Fangs really does love Kevin. Also I think the fact that Fangs hit the nail right on the head with Kevin being ashamed of being gay shows that Fangs really does know and understand Kevin. I do feel like Kevin’s view on things right now is very similar to how Betty was seeing things with Archie. I think like Betty didn’t want her darkness to effect Archie, Kevin doesn’t want his to effect Fangs. Both of these views are flawed though because when you’re at your darkest that’s when you need someone to draw you back to the light. I do hope he talks this through with Betty and little because I think they could both help the other see the truth of their situations. 
The scene in the sauna was rough to watch. Kevin didn’t deserve that, it was an obvious mistake, he misread the situation and there was no need for that guy to react with violence unfortunately, its sad to say, but we live in a world where this kind of thing happens, where toxic masculinity results in males reacting with hate and violence towards gay men and that is never ok. I don’t think this helped Kevin in dealing with his shame at being gay, it most likely made it worse and that just makes me so so sad.   
I’m not gay, so Kevin’s story didn’t hit me on a personal level like I think it might have for other viewers, but his scene with Tom when he was talking about how he was made to feel ashamed of being gay really moved me to tears. I think it was a very touching scene and both actors did a good job. I am so glad that Kevin did open up to his dad. I also thought it was really good how when Tom worried that he might have done something to make Kevin feel that way Kevin reassured him that he had always been supportive of Kevin and had never judged him and I do think that is why Kevin felt he could open up to Tom. Just everything about that scene was done really well. I really do hope that he does find the courage to talk to Fangs about it though. I think Kevin does still love Fangs and its not that he doesn’t want to be with him, its that he doesn’t think that he deserves to be and that is just heart breaking. I still have some hope for Kangs though and I’m really hoping we get to see Kevin healing and working through things. I do think next weeks episode might help Kevin realise what he really wants. We know that he is in a potentially life threatening situation with a gunman in the school so maybe that makes him reflect on his life choices. Seriously though nothing better happen to Kevin. 
Little bits
Ok so these don’t really relate to any of the other sections really so I just figured I throw them all together at the end here. 
I loved that little parallel to season 1 with Barchie where Betty hears Archie over the speaker and sort of looks up at the sound of his voice. Also that shot of Betty working on the car I don’t know why but she looked really pretty, I really like her hair in that shot. 
Sticking with Barchie this one is a complaint about continuity. Riverdale seems to really struggle with this for some reason. But like I said with Veronica and Archie and how there didn’t seem to be any connection with the events of the previous episode this is the same kind of thing. Last episode Betty said she wouldn’t go through everything with Polly alone she would still go through it with Archie and yet despite there being big changes in the case Barchie didn’t interact at all. It could have been something really small like Betty giving Archie a call to let him know that Polly’s blood was a match and him offering her help, her saying no it was ok focus on the bulldogs, him telling her he was there if she needed anything. It isn’t much it wouldn’t have taken up much screen time but it would have given a link back to the previous episode. The same can be said for Minerva. Last episode her and Cheryl kissed which to me was a major development in the relationship and yet in this episode she’s no where to be seen and she isn’t even mentioned. Again Toni, where’s Toni? I thought they would at least mention something like she’s on maternity leave or something. Nope nothing. In fact the only link back to last episode we got was Cheryl talking to Kangs about the games she played causing problems for them. It’s just one of the things that frustrates me with Riverdale the lack of continuity.
No idea what this might mean if anything but did anyone else notice that when Dreyfuss started talking about the Mothmen ship his little burner with the teapot on it, suddenly the flame became higher before it went back to normal? Like there was some kind of energy in play there maybe? 
I was really glad to see Tabitha interacting with people outside of Jughead and I liked the little scenes she got with Veronica. I know Erinn said in her instagram takeover that Tabitha would be interacting with alot of the other characters too soon so I am looking forward to that. As much as I love her and Jughead’s dynamic I think it’ll be interesting to see her with others. 
Ok well that’s it for this week. I am still looking forward to next weeks episode. I do feel like this episode was a bit of a filler episode but next week looks like its going to be action packed so it should be a good watch.   
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literatigifs · 3 years
anonymous asked: Why do people keep saying that if you like Jess then by default you excuse the sexual scene in Keg!Max? I don't think I've seen anyone mention that scene let alone excuse it or act like Jess had a good reason for behaving like that
I think it's the go-to response for some people on this website who can't seem to comprehend people liking a character that, the bedroom scene notwithstanding, had a decent character arc and grew up into being a decent person. But from the way that I've seen this kind of response come from people who seem to have a lot of their own favorite characters that have done much worse on a morality scale, I'm just gonna say it's for petty reasons, because people in general give more attention to Jess than they do to Rory's other boyfriends.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone dismiss or excuse that scene completely, the most I've seen is someone saying that Jess didn't outright try to rape Rory, which is something that a lot of people love to say for some reason?? And some talk about what must've likely been the reason behind his behavior at that moment. That obviously doesn't excuse it nor does it make the scene any better because the way its shot just further adds to it's dreadful tone, but fans discussing a questionable scene while stating the obvious that a character was upset more by their girlfriend asking why they were upset rather than said girlfriend not wanting to sleep with him isn't them finding some form of excuse for his behavior.
All I will say about that scene is that it's an obvious product of its time and poorly written and handled, because as soon as it happens, it's only brought up once and it's never even referenced with a proper seriousness to it. And this isn't me even excusing it, but I'm not gonna pretend like the writers tried to put some form of meaning through that scene when Rory told Dean that he was a "perfect first boyfriend" despite the fact that he ruined his own marriage by sleeping with her. I think it's safe to say that the character's deplorable actions in this show are not a clear indicator as to how they will be later treated and viewed.
(And before anyone tries to argue with me about this I've mentioned this scene several times and have made my opinions clear on how I hate it, and especially how I hate that both of Rory's close first encounters with sex (first with Jess, then with Dean) have such a negative undertone to them, and it's a pattern that unfortunately continues even with Logan, given their affair in the revival)
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moonbearmeliox · 3 years
X-Men Series Film Review
Welcome back to “Bren rambles about a movie/tv series.” So I just spent the past three days watching the main X-Men movies and while watching I wrote down my thoughts and what came to mind when watching the movies. Spoiler Warning(duh) for the X-Men movies. Also trigger warning because I do talk about homophobia and conversion camps.
As the woman is talking about how mutants can be scared to revel themselve because they could be met with hostility and violence, I find this as a parellel to gay marriage and how LGBTQ+ are scared to come out because they won’t be accepted. Mutants are scared to say they’re mutants of fear of being put to death; LGBTQ+ people are scared to come out in fear of being met with violence or judgement(some places you can be put to death for being gay.
“We should decide if parents want their kids to be in school with mutants.” Sounds the same as “Do you want your child to go to the same school as a gay person? Do you want to be in the bathroom with a girl who has a dick?(in the context of conservatives who don’t want transgender people to use the bathrooms they identify with because “their genitals don’t match)”
Speaking of gay: Eric and Charles
Wolverine got anger issues
Wolverine adopting a young girl with mutant powers, how many times is this going to happen? At least twice.
Rouge really got the shortest end of the stick with the mutant gene.
Give Rouge a male love interest that will inevitably die by her hand, that’s what I’m assuming.
Jean Gray is going to be Wolverine’s love interest, calling it now
Mystique’s costume always bugs me because she’s essentially naked. Like, the directors were like “She must wear no clothes.” “That’s not practical-” “Men will eat it up. The sex appeal, yes. Because women can never have practical costume design.”
Scott looks like he’s played by the main dude in the Sonic Movie(I was right!)
Can Magneto bend the iron in people’s bodies?
“You never use your power against another mutant.” How long is that going to last?
Dad Logan is the best Logan.
The Train Splitting scene shows how powerful Magneto is but didn’t Charles tell Wolverine that Magneto can control metal. Wouldn’t Wolverine have the knowledge, “Hey using my METAL claws against a METAL bender might not be a good idea.”
Kinda figured he would want Rouge, a mutant who can literally kill someone with touch is definitely something the big bad would want.
Magento could just metal bend Charles’ wheelchair.
So Magento’s plan is to turn everyone into mutants, right?
Charles explained it more and it sounds like Terragensis from Agents of Shield with the crystals. Some come out of it with powers, others will crumble to dust.
What powers the cortex that makes it so Charles goes into a coma? Like how does the liquid get into his brain for that to happen?
Yes Jean, it is a perfect idea to put the helmet that put Charles into a coma on your head. Nothing will go wrong.
Mystique really only has like five lines in this whole movie. She really is just supposed to be eye candy.
Of course classic shapeshifter double, who’s who scene. Probably going to be resolved with Jean Gray knowing which one is the real Logan.
The fight scene isn’t that well shot but it is 2000 so
I don’t remember there being a big museum when I visited the Statue of Liberty
I doubt Mystique will stay dead.
Again they thought it would be a good idea to send Wolverine, the man with METAL CLAWS to help fight a METAL BENDER.
Nice of Magneto to put Cyclops and Jean right next to each other face to face.(Director: They’re a couple they must face each other so one can kill the other)
Yep, knew Mystique couldn’t stay dead
Why did they try and have Jean and Logan have a weird semi romance set up when Jean is dating Scott
They gave Charles a plastic wheel chair for when he visited Magneto. Ha, that’s funny.
Plastic isn’t that durable, it would be easy to break Magneto out
The fights scenes have improved, but they’re using a lot of wire rigging
Alan Cummings played NightCrawler. Knew he looked familiar.
Let’s have Wolverine follow a wolf even though wolves are wolverine's natural predators.
Watch the president be a mutant
Still painting it that Logan and Jean could possibly end up together. No thanks.
I see they didn’t change Mystique’s costume design. Is she going to say more than five lines in this movie?
Government wants to pass an act to detain and control all mutants, goes and raids a school filled with mutants, and then is SURPRISED when the mutants retaliate. “Oh we don’t want to start a war” THEN LEAVE THEM ALONE. Of course they’re not going to leave them alone because what isn’t normal scares them and must be dealt with no matter what.
Getting even more parallels between mutants and LGBTQ+. Striker wanted his son cured of the mutant gene but was ultimately upset when Charles’s school couldn’t do that. It’s similar to how when people come out to their parents, their parents send them to conversion camps to “Cure” them because they think being gay is an illness. 
Bobby don’t get horny, it will only end badly
I asked the question if Magento could bend the iron in people’s blood in the last movie. The answer is yes. Yes he can.
Bobby’s parents “Have you tried not being a mutant.” Gives more LGBTQ parreles “Have you tried being straight?” “Have you tried being your assigned gender?”
An officer shooting a white guy? Unrealistic.
Welp Bad guys and good guys team up to save Charles.
Jean and Logan kissed. Here’s my shocked face. #TeamScott.
But seriously, I hate how the main dude must have romantic interactions with the main girl. It’s never the main dude has romantic interactions with a minor(minior in the sense of not that important to the plot) girl, Storm is right there with no love interest. Pair Logan up with her, that way we aren’t running an already established romance, But nooooo, Hollywood loves to have love triangles.
Mystique changing into Jean, making out with Logan, and then changing into a bunch of different girls makes me uncomfortable.
But again, “All women who have the potential to be a love interest must kiss the main dude” now we wait for Storm to give Logan a smooch.
Female Wolverine!
Magneto had his own secret agenda? Who would have thought?
Bobby’s going to come in clutch with freezing the water
Why does Jean need to go and stop the water? Bobby has control over ice, he can stop it.
Man I really feel bad for Scott. 
But I’m miffed because it’s the classic female character dies to further male character’s development.
Oh look Jean’s alive, not surprise. Is she going to be the villain of X-men 3?
I couldn’t watch X-Men 3 because it wasn’t available on any sites but reading the wiki synopsis I was right on her being a bad guy(MY BOY SCOTT GOT MURDERED!). Upset Charles died but he was old and the mentor figure so he kinda had it coming.  On to the prequels. 
X-Men-First Class
So Charles met Mystique first. And her name is Raven. Wonder what caused their split. I just hope they weren’t romantically involved
Poor Erik, really giving him a tragic backstory
James Macavoy!
Raven and Charles call each other siblings! Oh this is going to hurt more.
Excuse me while I get distracted by Vegas women.
But also did the CIA woman plan to sneak in as a showgirl. Because who would wear lingerie under work clothes unless she planned for this(or planned to get freaky later). I mean it’s Vegas so maybe she was prepared.
Emma Frost is a telepath and can crystalize her body. Not what I was expecting with the last name Frost but I also find it odd that her two mutations don’t intersect with each other. Telepathy and crystallization have nothing in common, so the only explanation is that she got both genes from her parents. It would have to be rare since males are usually the ones to pass the gene to their kids.
Azazel. I’m guessing is Nightcrawler's dad. He and Mystique will get romantically involved and have Nightcrawler. He’ll get the blue skin from his mom but the mutant gene from his dad.
Ok I’m miffed about the costume design again. It’s London and it’s raining and they decided to have Raven and the CIA woman wear SHORTS! They’ll be freezing their asses off all so you can have some leg candy? What’s so appealing about knees? Nothing. It’s always been women’s costume designs that have to be appealing, not practical.
If Charles can’t be involved with Mystique, then he’ll have to get involved with Moira?(I don’t know if I heard her name correctly, the CIA lady). Because all male characters MUST have a romantic love interest(sarcasm)
That one CIA dude, he’s a real one.
So the dude that killed Erik’s mother, is also a mutant. 
How is Erik trending water and controlling metal? Nevermind, he’s drowning
Charles saves Erik! And thus the ship is born. “Erik, you’re not alone.”
Hank Mcoy. They zoomed in on Mystique when he was looking at her. Reading the camera angles...oh please don’t have another romantic set up.
They did the Spiderman/MJ framing with Hank upside down and Mystique very close to his face. Yep, they’re setting up a romance between them that will ultimately go nowhere because again, Mystique will do the do with Azael to get Nightcrawler.
Hank and Mystique have only known each other for like five minutes and they’re already having a picnic on top of a rocket. I hate how romance moves so fast in movies.
And Mystique was going to kiss him. Just...no
Erik, right after he walks in on Hank and Mystique’s picnic: If I looked like you, I wouldn’t change a thing. 
Are they really trying to set up a love triangle between Hank, Mystique and Erik? I know Magneto and Mystique's relationship in the first three movies is close, but that sentence just makes it sound like Erik is jealous.
“Are you sure we can’t shave your head.” “Don’t touch my hair”. I mean he’s going to lose it eventually.
I love the mutant finding montage. Especially the Wolverine cameo
My mom just informed me that the bad bad is played by Kevin Bacon so that’s what I will refer to him as since I can’t remember his name.
These recruited mutants aren’t going to last long. They’ve got the youthful team up energy, they will be the “First Class” hence the name, but we probably won’t see them again after this movie.
Charles, Erik and Moira being disappointed parents. Starting to get a family vibe that we didnt get from the last three movies.
Charles as Erik storms in: I’m sorry, I can’t leave him. They’re gay your honor.
I just realized that Frost is the second right hand woman to have no real costume. She’s just like Mystique where “she must wear the least amount of clothing possible or have no clothing at all when using her powers” I just wish it would stop.
Let’s take the right hand woman who is a telepath with us. What could go wrong?
What is Angel’s motive to go with Bacon, like I don’t get it. And the adaption dude? It’s just a turn on the dime. Nevermind it was a fakeout and one of them died. Knew they weren’t going to last long.
I feel like Chalres trying to shoot Erik as training is foreshadowing.
Training montage
SO Bacon loses Frost and now has Angle as his right hand woman? I honestly didn’t think that necessary.
Welp there goes Mystique and Hank’s relationship. He only liked her when she was in disguise.
Conflicting differences! Finally get to see Erik and Charle’’s view on humans.
Knew it! As soon as Hank dumps Mystique she goes straight to Erik. Because “She MUST be romantically involved.” Why? Why? Can’t she just...not. She doesn’t need a man.
Erik: I want to go to bed. Maybe in a few years. Ha funny.
I get Mystique going to Erik because he accepts her, unlike Hank but again, she doesn’t need to have a love interest.
Suits! But again, miffed about Mystique’s suit not being fully set up. SHE DOESN'T”T NEED TO HAVE HER CLEAVAGE TEASING IF SHE”S GOING TO BE FIGHTING!
Could Charles just stop controlling Bacon, so he can move and Erik wouldn’t have a chance to kill him.
But good cuts between Bacon and Charles.
The boyfriends are fighting!
Oh that’s how he gets parralized. I forgot about that.
Erik really does care for Charles even tho they have different viewpoints
Mystique going with Erik and having Azeal with him is setting up the perfect opportunity for Nightcrawler.
“Gentleman, this is why the CIA is no place for a woman” *Big gigantic crash* That’s what you get for being sexist.
Days of Future Past
So these machines can absorb mutant powers and transfer them to other machines. A new threat.
Oh Charles isn’t dead from being disintegrated by Dark Phoenix
Charles confirmed Mystique was like a sister to him.
So Mystique’s dna was the cause of the Sentitnals. I understand that stopping Mystique from shooting the doctor will change that, but also if that doesn’t work they would have to kill Mystique.(which won’t happen because she’s in the next movie.
Charles tells Wolverine that he didn’t have his powers in 1973, but First Class takes place in 1962 where he definitely had his powers. So what happened to Charles that made him lose his powers?
For once the government isn’t targeting mutants
Well one dude from First Class is in this movie, but sadly I can’t remember his name. X-beam guy.
Why is Charles drunk and not parallelized?
Hank still cares for Raven. Guess the love triangle is still a thing
Oh he’s doing the equivalent of mutant heroine to get rid of his powers and walk.
Erik in gay baby jail.
Erik killed JFK?! Why?!
I feel like if Mystique is searching around the office of someone, she should still be disguised as someone so she doesn’t get caught. I get her dropping the disguise to show the audience it’s her and it builds suspense but she would draw less suspicion.
PETER! MY boy!
I love that he talks fast and that’s kinda like a teenager. I don’t know how old he actually is.
“My mom knew a guy who could do that.” They’re not even trying to be subtle here.
Slow mo Peter speed scene! Yes!
Is that all we get of Peter in this movie? I hope not.
So Magneto can lift a plane, a submarine, and now a baseball stadium. Why does he need a baseball stadium?
They showed a clip of Peter watching the broadcast and he’s holding a little girl. I’d like to think that’s Wanda.
Everyone’s alive. Yay!
I’ll excuse Jean being alive because time changes and all that. SCOTT! SCOTT”S ALIVE! YES!
Hey Oscar Issac
Young Scott!
Young Nightcrawler!
Erik went from wanting to kill humans to being a farmer and having a wife and daughter. Still going to end up on the bad side.
Young Jean Gray! Scott and her start out rocky but we know they’re going to end up together.
Knew the wife and kid wasn’t going to last long. Always got to do something that makes Magneto the bad guy
Two birds...one arrow
For this one, I can understand Magneto’s anger
Young Storm was originally on the bad guy’s side.
Scott sees things through literal rose tinted glasses.
I love Kurt.
Scott use to be a rule breaker
At least Storm has a practical costume. 
Also if Erik really wanted to lay low, why did he choose to work at a metal factory.
Pyslocke’s costume isn’t practical. She’s got a boob and butt window. Girl there are so many places you could get stabbed.
Charles and Erik always greet each other with old friend
So birdman gets metal armor and the girls get nothing.
Peter slow-mo! This will always be my favorite speedster scene
So the only people that can save the X-Men are Cyclops, Jean Gray, and NightCrawler. Three teenagers with no plan. They got this.
Go Charles! Fighting no matter what.
Thankfully most of these characters can’t die.
Pyslocke  and Angel can die but the others all have plot armour
Peter didn’t tell Erik he’s his son. Why?
No not the hair! Apocalypse took Charle’s hair.
Go Peter!
No Peter!
So Charles still has the hair when he’s in Apocalypse's head. Part of me knows it won’t grow back but I hope it does.
Mind fight!
So Erik is on the good guys side until the next movie.
Mystique finally has a good costume design
Dark Phoenix
The dude they got to play Bush doesn't look like Bush
This mission is going to go wrong and the X-men are going to get planned. Thus leading the world going against mutants again.
They gave Scott is own eye cannon, nice
Yea absorbing a solar flare will definitely cause your powers to go way hire
Well the mission didn’t go wrong, the way i thought it would. That’s good.
Charles motives have changed
So, men, supposed gods, robots, and now we’re dealing with aliens
Charles kinda being shown as a bad guy is weird. So used to seeing him have good motives.
The aliens want Jean to use her power to take over earth. Not surprising.
Dad now is not the time to poke the super powered bear
Police always show up at the wrong time
I know Mystique can’t die. This is the prequels
But again, Stop killing female characters to further male character’s development.
Oh there’s Erik. 50 minutes in and i thought we weren’t going to see him
Jean’s got a heat signature with that solar flare so it would be easy to track her.
At least the military decided to fallback instead of shooting
And there goes humans liking mutants. This is why we can’t have nice things.
So Mystique’s death is what sets Erik on being the villain again? It’s the same as a woman losing her husband and becoming a villain for revenge. Honestly I’m tired of love revenge plots.
Guys stop fighting! You’re  friends!
Oh shit! Jean is making Charles walk. And not in the good way.
Dark Phoenix. A movie about family.
Legend of the Phoenix. She’ll rise from the ashes.
Bummed Peter wasn’t in this movie more
All in all, Apcolypse is my favorite X-Men movie.
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