#there'll be peace when?
Jack: "I won't be hands-on. Chuck put himself in the story; that was his mistake."
okay but he also famously was hands-off for millennia so...also you had to come back pretty much immediately because Dean took one look at Heaven and said is anyone gonna break this, like I see where you're going with this Jack but good luck with that
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unhinged-girls-stan · 7 months
news of a potential spn reboot huh
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elitehoe · 9 months
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kokorolinkrun · 1 year
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Dick Figures (2010-2014)
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aishitara · 1 year
oop, forgot to let y'all know yesterday that my blog is 6 years old now.
feels like 6 million. that's how time works on tumblr, right?
here, have this pain.
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normiewizard · 7 months
supernatural makes me CRAZYY because its not just that the characters are trapped in a narrative it's that the characters are born into one narrative and then written over a million times. John was a shitty dad his morality is THE elephant in the room from the beginning of the show. references to the family business and family duty were always sardonic and tragic that's not a fan reading that's the POINT that's the PREMISE. so for the show to end the way it did if taken at face value is like. I'm putting everyone involved in a cage and asking them what they think their show was about.
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 7 months
Fergus slowed to a stop carefully, gently knocking on the front door. He didn't want to alarm her any more than she already was. "Hannah? I brought the heavy blanket, as well as some snacks courtesy of Willa."
Hannah looks up from where she's curled up on the bed, still crying, a wreck from the discussion in the group chat. It had been exceptionally triggering and painful to get through, and then she'd snapped and now she was just so drained.
Sniffling, she forces herself to uncurl and get up, going over and opening the door for him, still shaking and crying, a total wreck. She looks up at him, shaking. "Tha-- thank--" She sniffles, her voice breaking with sobs.
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veliseraptor · 2 years
i think i should probably try to accept now that i'm just not going to do very much if any writing over the next two weeks on account of i'm on vacation in a foreign country
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supershanaynay1 · 1 year
Hello for the get to know your fic writer 10, 29, & 41
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
ooooo ok so my WIP (There'll Be Peace When You Are Done)(TBPWYAD) is currently written/published in past tense BUT i also have future chapters I'm working on that are in present tense (I do have a writer reason for it in my head but that's not what this question is for lol) so let me see if I can get you a two-for-one deal here.
With "blinked": There was a buzzing. Dean blinked, how long had he been sitting here, staring at nothing? Staring at where Cas had been. He lifted the phone he had forgotten in his hand. The screen lit up, showing Sam was calling.
With "blinks" (a little treat from the yet-to-be-published): Dean blinks and opens his mouth, but no sound comes out. He looks to the ground then up at Amara, visibly connecting the dots. “So all that ‘Hero’s Luck’ crap…” he trails off, unsure how to finish that statement.
29. What's your revision or editing process like?
oh boy that is a tough one. I do a lot of revising/editing as I write (which I know I shouldn't do but it happens) which ofc means I write a lot fucking slower. But when I finish writing a chapter/section/one off that will mean going back and reading it all again to make sure everything makes sense, look for foreshadowing I've put in, see if I've made any plotholes, and mainly any grammar/spelling. Then I'll send it to my lovely-god-i-love-them-they-put-up-with-so-much betas and get their feedback then go through it again, see what I agree with, what I don't, what I have questions on. Then double check with them on those revisions (if it's like adding something to make sense or go more in depth) then rush off to publish it to ao3 before it sits in my over-thinking box forever.
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
Not to sound like the disaster bisexual that I am, but a little bit of both. There are fics I treasure close to my heart that I will absolutely go back and reread over and over, and there's other fics that I love but I let them go to the archive of my brain. Will I revisit/reread them again? who knows, certainly not me.
Edit: adding link to the original ask post here
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Mary: "I'm not like you, John, I never dreamed I could do anything else. I was raised to hunt. And if I give up hunting, I don't know who I am."
I mean Dean's always been Mary-coded but this is a whole new level, he left Heaven for yet another hunt because he doesn't know how to not hunt, he and Mary are so consumed by the only life they've ever known that the prospect of retiring is unbearable
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hussyknee · 2 years
I'm so burnt out Idk how I'm still alive. Can barely read or move or think. Running on ADHD alone. I'll be dead and it still wont let me rest because death is too boring. Become a zombie lurching around trying to find dopamine to eat.
Maybe that's what zombies are and why they eat brains. It's not necromancy, they all just had ADHD.
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thatsveryood · 2 years
sometimes I'm just sitting at home in peace and I violently remember that cas said "the one thing I want, it's something I know I can never have" and straight up "I love you" to dean and it's fucking canon and I just
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buckleydiazmp4 · 2 years
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re: my last reblog. these are the results and they felt like a slap to the face. this has all really truly happened. and it's only the 2021 stuff
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ineveryfandom · 2 years
Laying in bed, kicking, screaming, melting rusted sharp metal things bc i'm still salty about the ending.
You hook me w/ a show with all my fav tropes then end it like that?
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springtyme · 4 days
𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖! 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈 ♡
Simon catching baby fever, but you’re only roommates...
141 masterlist (there'll be a part two of this)
Before you, the only time Simon really left his flat when he was home on leave was to go to the gym or to go get groceries. 
He was content with this routine, he found comfort in the familiarity of it, and enjoyed the peace and quiet of his own space. Or at least that is what he told himself. This way of life had been sufficient for him for a long time, but as time went on he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. 
That is when Simon found himself considering the idea of getting a flatmate. He thought about it for a while, weighing the pros and cons in his mind. On one hand, he enjoyed his independence and privacy. On the other hand, having someone else around the flat could be a good thing, and he does have an extra bedroom in the flat that’s just collecting dust. Maybe it would be a good idea… Maybe.
After much contemplation, Simon finally decided to take the plunge and start looking. He posted an ad online, and waited for responses to come in. To his surprise, he received a good handful, he had actually not anticipated that that many, if any, would be interested in sharing his space. It is a little overwhelming, and as he goes through the applications he starts to doubt whether he had made the right decision. 
What if he didn’t get along with any of them? What if they were messy or loud or just generally annoying? It was a dumb idea to begin with, he thought to himself, but then as he looked through the last application, something caught his eye.You. 
You seemed responsible, tidy, and overall like someone he could get along with. But there was something more about you that intrigued him. Maybe it was the way you wrote about your love for cooking and how you were looking for a quiet and peaceful place to call home. Or maybe it was the photo you attached to your application, a warm smile on your face that made Simon feel at ease. 
Maybe this could work out after all. 
And work out it did, maybe a little too well. It has now been a little over a year since you moved in, and despite Simon being gone on deployment more often than not the two of you have become very close. You cook meals together. You watch movies on lazy nights, where you will sometimes fall asleep on the couch, your lashes kissing your cheek as the soft glow of the tv illuminates your face, and Simon can’t help but feel a warmth in his heart as he tucks the fluffy blanket, that you had brought with you when you moved in, over your sleeping form.
After you moved in, his flat feels more like a home than it ever had before. It’s like you were always meant to be there, filling up the empty space in his life that he didn’t even realise was there. 
There is something so oddly domestic about all the small things you do together – sharing a cup of tea in the evenings as you talk about your day, or even playfully arguing over who gets to do the dishes that night, even though he secretly never actually minds doing them. 
Pushing the trolley down the aisles of the supermarket as the two of you do the big shop together on Sundays are one of his favourites, though. Because he knows what it looks like from the outside – just a couple doing their weekly grocery shopping. The only thing that would make the scene even more picturesque would be with a little baby in the trolley, a perfect blend of the two of you, giggling and reaching out to try and grab for the items on the shelves as you both laugh and try to keep them entertained.
These thoughts will sometimes sneak into Simon’s mind, and he will quickly shake them away, reminding himself that it is just his imagination running wild. He can’t think like that, it isn’t fair to you or to himself. But still, the idea lingers in the back of his mind, growing stronger with each passing day.
It has started to get harder and harder to ignore these thoughts, these feelings. He tries to push them away, to bury them deep down, but they keep resurfacing. He never really expected to feel this way about you, about anyone, really. But now that he has you in his life, so close yet so far from what he actually wants to be he can’t help but dream about a different life, to have a family, a future, a life outside of the military and his flat.
Suddenly, Simon starts to notice more and more babies around him. Whether it’s at the park when he is on his runs, in Tesco, or even on TV, they seem to be everywhere. And each time he sees a baby, his heart aches with longing. It doesn’t help that your neighbours just had a baby, and he has to watch you coo over the little boy every chance you get. It is like a knife twisting in his chest, knowing that he will never have that with you.
It has always been a secret desire of his, a wish he knew he would never be worthy of having fulfilled. And yet, it linger in the depths of his heart, elusive and shimmering like a mirage in the desert. The dream of someday having a family of his own, of doing things right, of breaking the cycle he had grown up in. After meeting you, his dreams became more vivid, more concrete. 
He has fallen in love with you, and that scares the living daylights out of him. He never thought he would be in this situation, especially after all the sick shit he has been through. But here you are, filling up the empty space in his heart, making him yearn for a life he never thought he could have.
But Simon is good at keeping his emotions in check, so he continues to play his part, to act like everything is okay, like he doesn’t feel this overwhelming love for you that threatens to consume him. 
But late at night, Simon lies awake in bed, when he is sure you’re sleeping and he is staring at the ceiling, his heart feels heavy with the weight of his unspoken feelings. 
And when he tries to decompress, by fisting his aching cock in his hand, guilty thoughts of you will flood his mind, making him ache with longing. 
He knows it’s wrong, he knows he shouldn’t be thinking of you in that way. But the images of you, of your smile, of your laughter, of your kindness, they linger in his mind, fueling his desires. The way you smile and laugh and light up his life in ways he never thought possible, it fuels a fire within him so all consuming, so intense, that he can’t help but give in to it, even if just in the confines of his own mind.
And as he strokes himself, he can’t help but imagine what it would be like to have you in his bed, to feel your touch, to hear your moans of pleasure. He imagines what it would be like to hold you close, to feel your warmth against his skin, to hear you whisper words of love and affection in his ear. To have you beg for him to fill your womb and mark himself as yours. He would love it – to pump you so full with his cum, for it to take root, to see your body change with his child, to create a life with you, to have a family of his own. 
He will have to bite down on his own hand to stifle his groans and to stop himself from moaning your name out loud. It’s a dangerous game he plays in the silence of the night, as he knows that these feelings, these desires, can never be acted upon. But still, he can’t help but indulge in these fantasies, in these dreams of a life that he may never have.
And as he lies in his bed after, spent and worn, a sense of guilt wash over him. He knows that it’s wrong to have these thoughts about you. But he can’t help it, he can’t control it, and as he lies in the darkness of his bedroom, he can’t help but feel the sting of longing in his chest, knowing that you lie in your own bed just down the hall, so close yet so far away.
Thank you for reading! If you liked it please consider reblogging and or leave a message ♡ you can also participate in my follower celebration
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