#there's just something so depressing about this type of fans because they really miss the point of the show so badly
I am once again begging Ed stans to understand that it's possible to love Ed and believe he deserves love AND also admit that he mistreated and tormented the crew during the Kraken era. Not only is this possible, this is the position the show wants you to have. You think Izzy deserved everything he got? Fine, whatever, forget about him for a minute. There's a whole crew in there you're supposed to empathise with and feel sympathy for, too. The six of them that Ed actively tried to kill or left for dead, for starters. Pay attention to the crew's experiences and reactions. They're shown to be traumatised, grieving, clinging to disassociation (Frenchie) and nihilism (Archie) as coping mechanisms and suffering from PTSD flashbacks. And, since this type of fans constantly go on about how it's racist to think Ed did anything wrong... what about the fact that a lot of the crew are PoC too? What then?
If you've watched the first 3 episodes of S2 and there was only one person on that ship you felt sorry for, then you're not a fan of OFMD, you're just a fan of Ed in isolation. And if the only way you can love Ed is by denying that he ever did anything wrong, then you're completely missing the point of the show. OFMD never said that people only deserve to be loved if they're morally perfect and flawless. The show doesn't subscribe to the dichotomy of Good vs Bad. Good people can do bad things. They can hurt the ones they love. Even if they didn't mean to, even if they themselves were suffering at the time, it doesn't mean they don't need to take responsibility for their actions or avoid the consequences. Stede didn't mean to hurt Mary and his kids when he left, but he still did. He had legitimate reasons for leaving, he didn't just do it for the lolz, but it was still wrong and Mary was right to be angry at him. And Stede needed to face up to this - not just for their sake but his too. Even though it turned out their lives were better off without him, reconciling with Mary was still crucial for his character development.
It was the same for Ed, it just didn't get handled quite as well due to lack of screentime, but the idea was the same. When Ed realises he'd been cruel to Fang and apologises, he isn't sinking into self-hatred and despair. Quite the contrary, this is a moment of growth for him. Because the fact is, just because you as a human being are inherently worthy of love doesn't mean you can go around hurting everyone and expecting them to put up with you. That's just not how it works. You don't need to be perfect, but you do need to listen to people when they tell you that you hurt them and apologise genuinely and try to be better. The show is very sympathetic to Ed but it does NOT excuse his actions. The crew aren't portrayed as villains or antagonists for being scared and angry at Ed for what he did to them. Even Stede was on their side with this one. If even Stede is able to see things from the crew's POV and have sympathy for them, then you should too. Stede doesn't love Ed because he sees Ed as a pure uwu angel. He loves Ed... because he just does. He loves being around him. They really click together. They have so much in common. That doesn't mean he approves of literally everything Ed has ever done. It just means he loves Ed despite that.
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weebsinstash · 4 months
I wanna be best buds with Lucifer. All my brain cells r now fixated on the short munchkin dressed like a haunted puppet with depression who CLEARLY needs a new passion project in his life.
Depressed Dad is clearly in need of something or someONE to kick him out of his depression funk. Y/N could be just the ESA he needs. The hell equivalent of those little marimo moss balls parents buy for kids who are too irresponsible to remember to feed fish.
What I'm saying is, the platonic yandere potential is off the charts. We go to Valentino to get hungover and fucked, but we go to Luci for a hangover cure and a comfy couch to crash on.
Honestly I was thinking of something, like
Lucifer just wants to assume everyone down there is the worst, but imagine he comes to the Hotel to see Charlie and Reader is there as a guest and, SOMETHING happens
Like I was imagining it would be really cute if Lucifer's first visit to the Hotel went significantly worse and Charlie and him are arguing and Reader is the one who tries to help them make amends. Constantly fighting the feminine urge to put musicals in these fucking fics or posts but you wind up singing a tune about how WAIT, please don't go, the two of them have to make up, and clearly he's a good person and an even better dad because CHARLIE is like rhe nicest sweetest bestest person you've ever met
and then after you're done Charlie is like BAWLING like when Angel forgave her, just grabbing you and her Dad, "this is the first time they've saaaaang, they've been too shy and they did it for US, that's so beautiful!!!" just like HARD CRYING and you're basically like Honorary Child 2 at that point
I can just. mmm, imagine if you knew Val first and then befriended the Morningstars. Valentino tries to force you to do something one day and you're just like, picking up your phone, staring Val dead in the face as you text someone. FIVE MINUTES LATER, there's a knock to the door of the set, and you rush to open it, and everyone starts losing their fucking MIIIINDS as LUCIFER HIMSELF walks in
You give Valentino a grin that would have made a demon proud as if to say "fucking try me bitch" before turning back to Lucifer, "heeeeeey short king! I'm sorry for messaging out of the blue but I missed you! Hey, i think my friend Mr Valentino was about to like, give me a job or something?"
Lucifer's just all, "oh, you mean like working the lights or, helping mop the floors cause, I don't think that suits a young lady/man/whatever like yourself!"
Like can you imagine Val was having you read some AWFUL like NAAAAASTY script before Luci came in and it's still in his hand and you point at it, "hey isn't that it right there?" And Valentino and potentially even Vox have to SCRAMBLE, "No no not at all, this is, uh, my laundromat receipt!" *shoves the entire booklet into a nearby shark demon's mouth
Lucifer is standing there being, kinda judgy like he was with Charlie's hotel but otherwise being friendly and YOURE the one being the "silent" menace. Valentino is GRINDING his teeth, "soooo, Mr Morningstar, sir, big fan, excellent work, uh, what can we do for you?" And you're just slinging an arm around THE DEVIL "oh, me and him were gonna go grab lunch and I was maybe gonna crash at his daughter's new place where Mr Lucifer here is gonna be visiting all the time. You don't mind right?" and Vox has to step in and answer "yeah, sure no problem!!!" because Valentino is about to devolve into nothing but furious squeaking
This is an idea I'm prolly gonna wind up using for a platonic Husker thing but, Reader having an abusive childhood and Lucifer becomes aware that YOUR dad was a mean piece of shit, definitely down in Hell too or previously exterminated, and Lucifer just finds you like DRUNK IN THE GUTTER, "I'm a looooooser just like my dad". Like. Yandad Luci here is probably the type where he sees you having ONE bad hangover and he's concrete convinced you're a hardcore alcoholic and need rehab STAT. Which may be true but what I'm saying is is that, he sees you at your weakest ONCE and he's suddenly like "Oh no, duckling! cmon, let, uh, let ... Daaaaaad help you? 🥺" and you find out his idea of help is like. Extremely well intentioned but horribly well executed as he's over here, "you know what helps MY depression? Inventing things in my workshop" and you look around to 4000 versions of the same rubber duck and you're like "s so.... is it working" and he just emphatically declares "No! :D but I think it's getting a little better with you here!" and your fate is fucking sealed and wait until Lilith moseys on back into town and finds the "savior" of her goofy little husband and best bud of her daughter and now you've got every Morningstar on your side in totally The Most Normal Ways Possible :)
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topguncortez · 1 year
How do you think Jake and Bradley would handle PPD?
If you aren’t comfortable answering I completely understand.
Some HC's under the cut:) Also, send in more head cannons. I've only gotten a handful since I started this blog and I really like them:))
I feel like Bradley is very in tune with your moods and your body. I think he noticed the signs of postpartum depression before you even did. He knew it was a thing, and knew that it was something to look out for.
Now, I think he is more focused on how to help you vs the baby. Not saying he's not a good dad, I think he'd be the best dad ever, but I think he is also a very nervous dad.
Bradley is very careful with his words. He knows that words can have a strong meaning and sometimes he says the wrong thing. But he is careful when talking to you because he knows that one thing might make you slip even further into depression.
"I am very proud of you." "Nick will be just fine, sweetheart." "I love you, so much." "You'll get though this, honey, it'll be okay."
He also wants you to talk about how you are feeling. Bradley has been to therapy before, as a kid, when things hit the fan with Mav, when his mom got sick, when he almost died on the Uranium Mission. He likes therapy and knows how important it is to talk about what you are feeling. So he just sits and listens to you talk about how you are feeling. He doesn't offer an advice like he's a doctor, he just listens to you and gives you affirmations on how proud he is that you can talk about what you are feeling and how it'll pass soon.
He's very much an act of service type of guy.
He's cleaning the house, doing laundry, making meals for you, drawing you a bath every night, bringing you medication, helping you set up your breast pump and freezing extra milk.
But beside doing just chores, he's also making sure that friends and family don't just show up unannounced. Like one time Mav and Penny showed up at the house and Rooster told them to leave. Any calls from your parents he is taking and telling them that you can't come to the phone and writing down messages for them.
He's keeping the family updated about the baby and not telling them about your depression because he doesn't want you to feel embarrassed by it. He's leaving it up to you if you want them to know or not.
He's also supporting you by letting you make the decisions. If you want him to touch you, or if you want him to do this, or if you want him to do that. Sometimes, you just don't know what you want, and that's okay, so Bradley will just sit with you in the quiet bedroom. Just silently letting you know that he's there for whatever it is you need.
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At first I think he doesn't understand what is going on with you. Going off the cannon that Jake doesn't deal with emotions well because of his parents, he might see your PPD as a very negative thing (WHICH IT IS NOT)
So when your doctor first tells you that you have PPD, Jake feels like the biggest asshole in the world. He turns to look at you with a shocked expression and then tries to put the math together on where he missed the signs.
so this kicks him into gear.
Like Rooster, Jake responds in acts of service, but it is more geared towards the baby. I think Jake is more comfortable around children, especially babies, than Bradley is.
Jake takes over the night feedings so you can get some rest. He keeps up with changing diapers and laundry. He'll take the baby during the day to go run some errands or go on walks so you can have time to just decompress in silence by yourself.
Unlike Rooster, he's not very big on the whole, let's talk and get this out sort of thing, so he's assurances to you are physical. It's a kiss on the forehead, or a hug, or a hand on your back, or running his fingers through your hair, or helping you wash yourself.
Jake says some affirmations but it's his typical "I love you," and "You're beautiful."
He's actually very interested in therapy, which shocks you. Jake has never gone to therapy in his life (even tho he could use it). But he wants to be able to help you through this tough time. He's open to sitting down with your doctor and hearing how to help you.
Because Jake doesn't handle emotion well, he relies on others to be his outlet when he gets overwhelmed. Usually that outlet is you, but he doesn't want to add more to your plate, so he confides probably in Penny or Phoenix or maybe even Rooster. They all give him some advice on how to help you and ways that he can help himself to not get too overwhelmed with a newborn and helping you through your PPD.
Jake struggles with patience, but it's something he learns throughout this whole thing. In the military everything is very cut and dry. You get told something, you do it. It's not a lot of guessing on what to do. But when it comes to you and your needs, Jake is kinda stumbling in the dark. He figures out that he just has to wait for your move on what you want. He struggles at first, and gets a bit pissy with you but after you called Phoenix in tears, he understood that he had to take things slow.
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harlowsbby · 2 years
All up in your mind
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Going out and parting wasn’t really your scene you loved to stay inside and away from everyone else even if that sounded a bit depressing it’s what you preferred but you knew traveling Australia with Jack, he’d want to be out every other night and exploring.
Tonight, you were all going out to just celebrate Jack’s achievements and how amazing Australia has treated Jack.
Jack decided to keep it simple with his black cargos and black sweater along with his Kentucky chain while you just kept it simple as well deciding to wear your black all one piece and some black heels and the chain Jack had gifted you for your birthday last year.
The Australian clubs were nothing like the American clubs, the Australian clubs go all out you were in awe once you walked in because it looked like a scene out of The Great Gatsby.
You hated overpopulated areas, but you wanted to support Jack, so you promised yourself you’d stick it out for him and try not to let your anxiety get the best of you.
“Jack! You’re finally here we were all waiting for your slow ass.” Jeff one of Jack newfound friends and the owner of the club greeted Jack and pulled him into a hug which Jack happily returned.
“My fault man this club was hard to find and there was so many fans and paparazzi outside.” Jeff smiled and patted Jack’s shoulder a sign that everything was fine. Jeff looked over Jack’s shoulder and saw you standing there you were holding Jack’s hand tightly as his thump rubbed small circles on your hand.
“Who’s this?” Jack looked back at you and smiled before turning back to Jeff.
“This is my girl Y/N she’s a bit shy, but she’ll talk your head off once she gets comfortable.” You glared at Jack and rolled your eyes making him and Jeff laugh.
“Well, it was nice to meet you as well Y/N I hope the two of you have fun.” Jeff shook both your hands before stepping away.
“You want to go sit with Urban and them?” You nodded your head and went over to where Urban and Neelam was sitting while Jack went to go mingle with everybody else that was there to see him and some of the other club owners.
“I’m so proud of Jack and all the things he’s been accomplishing he truly deserves this all.” Neelam stated and you turned your attention on her you nodded in agreement the three of you continued to talk till eventually you started missing Jack you would look over and see him dancing and talking to people but eventually you lost sight of him.
Looking around the room you couldn’t see Jack anywhere which was starting to stress you out and cause for your anxiety to start to rise but when you saw that familiar head of curls you calmed down, but you were a bit confused seeing a girl getting a bit closer to Jack for your liking and Urban noticed that as well. 
“Why are there so many girls around Jack? I understand it’s a club but shit that doesn’t seem right at all.” 
“More girls are near him?” Looking back, you noticed that about five other girls were now surrounding Jack and asking for pictures and recording him and he of course saw nothing the matter with it. You wanted to say something so bad, but you were far too afraid to do that you weren’t the confrontational type. 
You tried to enjoy yourself the rest of the night, but you kept glancing over there where Jack was you noticed one of the girls was running her fingers across Jack’s chest which did it for you seeing them dance and asking for pictures was one thing, but her touching Jack is what did it for you. 
“I’ll be right back Urban.” Urban watched you get up in confusion till he saw you approaching the girl who was touching on Jack’s chest Urban was actually surprised you went to say something you were always so closed off and reserved.
“Excuse me.” You whimpered out and the girl didn’t hear you at first until her friend looked up and saw you, she smirked and tugged her friend’s hand before pointing at you, the girl that was touching Jack turned around seeing you behind her.
“Hi, is there anything I can help you with?” She had a devilish smile on her face which almost made you want to turn back around and go sit with Urban, but you were going to stand up for yourself and tell her too back off of Jack.
“Hi and no but I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t touch my man.” You snapped at her which caught you surprise never in a million years did you think you’d be confronting someone.
“Your man and who is your man?”
“Jack.. Jack Harlow the one you were just touching on with all your friends.” You said through gritted teeth she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.
“If that was your man then why is he over here.” Her response actually left you speechless because in a way she was right if Jack loved you and what the two of you had he wouldn’t be dancing with a bunch of girls when you were clearly in the room and could see everything. 
“Just stay away from him please.” You squeaked out before dashing back over to where Urban was you felt dumb you felt like an idiot you felt foolish you knew going over there and talking to them was a dumb idea. 
Jack excused himself from them and made his way back towards the table where you were with Urban he could sense something was wrong when you didn’t kiss him or even knowledge that he had sat down next to you. 
“What’s wrong with you baby?” He looked over to Urban and mouthed what your issue was but Urban shrugged his shoulders acting clueless as if he didn’t know which you were grateful for.
“Nothing just want to go home.” You snapped back and you instantly regretted it because his face fell hearing the harsh tone in your voice.
“Well something must’ve happened to make you want to go home already we just got here not even twenty minutes ago.” He grabbed your hands and rubbed them with his thumps you felt guilty you knew you were probably overreacting but Jack knew better is what you convinced yourself he knew what he was doing was wrong.
“It’s you why are you over there with them girls acting like you’re single.” Jack looked at you in confusion before remembering all the girls that were indeed around him he sighed and shook his head at you there was no way you were seriously upset over that.
“Baby I was just having fun that’s what you do at a club you hang out and make friends with people and that’s what I was simply doing.” The sarcasm dripping off his tongue like poison.
Urban took this as his sign to leave and give the two of you space not wanting to be in the middle of this argument.
“I understand that’s what you do in a club Jack but do understand that the one girl was running her fingers across your chest which is wrong because you have a girlfriend who is sitting not even a few feet away from you.” You spat back now facing Jack his blue eyes practically starring into your soul you’ve never seen that look on Jack’s face and it honestly scared you.
“Honestly Y/N just stop with the attitude you’re fucking up a good time with your negative energy you might want to sit over here and be antisocial but not me that’s not how I am or how I will ever be.” He said firmly which made you want to honestly curl up in a ball and cry your heart out Jack knew how bad your social anxiety was and just your anxiety in general so why use that on you.
“Honestly Jack fuck you I’m tired of this.” You whimpered and left the booth before storming off leaving Jack alone in the booth. Maybe what he said was a low blow, but he felt like everything he said wasn’t wrong all he was doing was having a good time and he wasn’t going to apologize for that.
thank you @heavyhitterheaux for helping me with this plot I love and appreciate you so much 💕.
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Rick and Morty S7 Ep. 8: Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie
(I do care!)
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Don’t forget to add spoilers to the equation
My Favs
Reminiscent of HarmonTown
I use to listen to HarmonTown back when Dan Harmon was still doing that show and I felt this episode was the most HarmonTown-esqe episode they have even done. It was written by HarmonTown regular Rob Schrab and had Dan Harmon and Brandon Johnson as basically the two leads of the episode and I felt I was listening to that podcast once again.
It broke the formula the hardest out of any episode that has been done
Mainly because Rick didn’t show up at all. I guess he’s still so depressed he couldn’t be bothered. I appreciate when the show is able to take a wild swing like that and having Rick present would have taken away from what they were trying to accomplish with Mr. Goldenfold
Mr. Goldenfold’s character was fleshed out
Mr. Goldenfold has always been the butt of the joke so it was a nice change of pace to show him as someone who is passionate about his subject matter and cares about teaching. I think the episode could have done more but it was nice seeing the character taken somewhat seriously.
Math/Letter puns
This episode was chock full of corny, sometimes clever math and letter puns and it was kinda fun trying to hunt them all. A few of my favorites include:
Bracket shield
All Type strikers attack. I want his serifs.
Subtract Water-T to life and carry the one to me
Helvetica Light speed
Threesus Christ
“I’m a prime number and I’m only divisible by myself”
“And my dick is magma but we’ll figure it out.”
Not My Fav
Morty’s role in the episode
I like seeing Morty in any episode I can get him. I really do, but Morty being in this episode felt like an executive saying, “We can’t have both Rick and Morty not be in an episode that’s a bridge too far. Just find something for Morty to do and call it a day.” As others have pointed out, you could take him out of the episode and nothing would be affected. I wish more had been done to justify him being there other than to commentate.
I’m starting to worry that the show is relying too much on older characters/older concepts
I’m not necessarily opposed to older one-off characters coming back, fleshing out old stories, or explore old places, but if done too much it can start to feel like a crutch. I feel now as we approach the end of season 7 that they might be creeping into the territory of being over reliant on old material. It might be time to start course correcting for that.
My Thoughts
I might be a bit of an outlier on this one but…I kinda enjoyed this episode. I mentioned earlier that this episode felt the most HarmonTown-esqe of any episode they’ve ever done--and I really missed that podcast. This episode seemed like something that they would have improvised or joked during an episode of that show. Also, I had read a couple reviews before the episode aired so I already knew ahead of time that Rick wasn’t going to be in it and that the episode really had nothing to do with the lore or developing the family so I went into the episode not expecting that and I had fun with it.
This episode was a love letter to schlocky 80’s action movies that seem serious on the surface but are, at their core, just dumb, corny fun. I think not having Rick in the episode was a good call because he would’ve just been a cynical voice to an episode that didn’t need any cynicism. Speaking of Rick’s absence, when I heard that he wasn’t going to be in the episode and that Water-T and Mr. Goldenfold were the main focus I expected that the episode would be a bit divisive among the fan base and they did not disappoint. It’s exhausting being in this fandom.
This episode is certainly one of the weaker episodes this season I won’t dispute that but I think a weaker episode from this season is leagues better than that sperm episode ( or some of the weaker episodes from seasons 4 and 5) and I will die on that hill. There was some clever moments, like the primitive googas being reminiscent of early pictographs and the relationship between math and music with Mr. Goldenfold teaching Ice-T about time signatures. That connection makes the logic of Mr. Goldenfold’s and Ice-T’s friendship and falling out make sense, albeit, in a deeply silly way. The writer clearly loves 80’s action movies and used the characters and settings of Rick and Morty to accomplish his own version and I’m here for it.
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destinyc1020 · 11 months
TCR Reviews: Episodes 5 & 6
I missed posting my review for Ep 5 last week, so I'll just combine it with my review for Ep 6.
Ep 5 Review:
Overall, I felt like this episode was really good! I was glad that we as the viewers were able to get a little more insight into Danny's childhood. This episode was very sad to me though. 😔 And some scenes could have possibly been very triggering for some watching because is deals with the topic of child sexual abuse. 😔
To me, it's just utterly DISGUSTING how a grown adult would take full advantage of a CHILD and abuse them in this vile way, and basically rob them of their innocence like this. 😡 Those actions have awful consequences for the child victim, and many times they struggle with the abuse even into adulthood, and it basically ruins their adult life forever...especially if they don't receive any assistance/therapy. 😔
I kept praying that they weren't going to show us too much of the abuse in this episode, because that would have just been super sad. 😭 Thankfully, the show stopped just short of showing too much (thank goodness). I feel like Ep 4 started making it more and more apparent that Danny is dealing with DID and doesn't even realize it himself (but others around him can tell something is wrong with him), whereas I feel like Ep 5 kind of showed us why Danny is the way he is, and some of the reasons behind his mind split. The interesting thing though is that his mind seems to have split even before the abuse of the stepfather, so it makes me wonder if maybe he had some other possible childhood trauma in his history? 🤔
Anyway, by the end of Ep 5 I just felt SO SAD for Danny, and I keep wondering..."When is his life going to change for the better??" 😭 His life is just so sad and depressing. 😩 My heart goes out to him. With that said, I like how this show isn't making Danny into some kind of "monster", but is more so showing how we should have sympathy for his character and his mental struggles. I know a LOT of fans were worried that the series would focus on the murders and rapes, and were afraid it was going to cast people with DID in a bad light, and some were worried about seeing Tom in a controversial role like that, but so far, it's clear to see that a LOT of fan worries and anxieties (and assumptions) were waaay off base.
Ep 6 Review:
I really loved this episode! 😃 I LOVED getting to know more about Rya and seeing more into her life. Now things are starting to come together. The pieces are all starting to fit.
Idk why critics claimed that the series is difficult to follow in the timeline. The timeline isn't difficult to follow imo at all. In fact, I actually LOVE when shows/films go back and forth from the past to the present. I like trying to connect the dots lol. Maybe they didn't add the "5 weeks after the Rockefeller shooting" taglines on the episode scenes at the time the critics saw the show?? Anyway.... Tom's acting! He did awesome in Ep6. 👏🏾😃I can't wait for more! I feel like we will get even MORE of his great acting in the latter episodes. He did the transitions so well too. You could see him switch from Jack to Danny so effortlessly. Even the way he holds his eyes... It's very subtle, but it's noticeable. His scenes in this episode remind me so much of James McAvoy's performance in the film "Split" and his therapist scenes. The switch btwn characters is just amazing. I'm glad they added those elements in this series as well.
After what I've already seen so far, I definitely think Tom deserves at least an Emmy NOD. I can only imagine we get more of his fine acting in latter episodes.
This series reminds me so MUCH of "Primal Fear" with Edward Norton. GREAT movie. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it! I saw it years ago, so when Tom said this series was going to be a lot like "Primal Fear", I already knew what type of ride we would be in for lol. 😅🤣
I honestly don't know why critics slammed this series so much. It has been a "slow burn" (sure), but definitely not anything horrible at all! I'm almost wondering if they even saw all 10 episodes?? 👀 I also love how the series isn't making Danny out to be a monster. I know a lot of fans were worried about that, but I had faith that they weren't going to go that route when I kept hearing about how the series was being described. I like how it's moreso focusing on his mental health. I love it. It's been very good so far. It's VERY much like the film "Primal Fear" imo.
Can't wait for Ep7!!! 😁👏🏾
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itbe-jess · 4 months
I just need to get this off my chest.
I feel like so many fans give CL Rayman a little too much credit. They’re always praising him, but I’ve never seen one person who is reasonably critical about him. (Except the one who aren’t really really fans) Yes, Rayman doing explicit adult activities, saying fuck, abusing drugs, and killing people is fun, but he’s technically not perfect. I’m tired of fans pretending like he is. I like the premise of his character, and this whole new approach is very interesting to me. But I’m sorry, the edgy Flanderization is just really annoying.
Yes, Rayman is supposed to be edgy. He has always been edgy. Rayman 3 being a big primary example of this. However, Rayman in Rayman 3 wasn’t just some mischievous edgy frat boy. He had more variety. Aside from having edge, he was also this laidback dude who loved to relax, had a wholesome childish spirit to him, and overall shows he cares for others around him.
That’s what CL Rayman is missing: Variety. Hell, I wouldn’t be a Rayman fan today if Sparks of Hope only portrayed Rayman as nothing but this salty millennial who can’t let go of the past. There’s not one scene with CL Rayman, outside of work, that doesn’t involve him in anything vulgar or offensive. I’m not gonna count any scenes where he’s in his TV Persona, because that’s technically not him being himself. That’s just him doing his job. Look, I love edgy characters, but not when they’re oversaturated with the one thing they’re most known for. Angel Dust couldn’t even compete with that level of edge. I’m not saying Rayman can’t be angry and depressed. As a matter of fact, he has every right to. His feelings are completely valid. But would it kill the writers to show him being funny or wholesome for one minute?
His least edgiest scene in the whole show has got to be his interview with Bullfrog. While it still presented an angsty atmosphere, and the vomiting moment was unnecessary, I’ll admit it was a breath of fresh air seeing him take a break from all that swearing and accept a juice box. My favorite part of that scene has got to be seeing a smile on his face. A real smile. You know, something tells me that Ubisoft doesn’t want Rayman to be happy in his series.
Rayman doesn’t feel like Rayman, either. Or even a character for that matter. In my opinion, he feels more like an early 2000s’ Newgrounds parody. Yes, I KNOW he’s supposed to be a whole different take on the character, but you know something? You CAN make an already existing character entirely different! It’s a really bold move to experiment more depth with that character. However, it’s also important to let them keep a tiny bit of their old, familiar charisma, so that they’re still recognizable to the fans. Familiarity is the key. Without that familiarity, that character might as well have a different name and appearance. CL Rayman doesn’t have Rayman’s charm, his humor, or even his good heart. Just his looks, and identity.
He does get struck by guilt after learning the truth about Eden, and he sacrifices his entire career just to fix his own mistakes. However, those don’t count as being kind. He’s killing fascists out of good intention, but in the end, it’s just violence. Not kindness. It’s really hard to see Ramon as the type of guy who would give me a hug when all I’ve seen him act is angry, depressed, and violent, not to mention he has snorted coke and ate sushi off of prostitutes in the comfort of his million dollar penthouse. If they want me to believe he truly is a sweet guy, THEN I WANNA FUCKING SEE IT! Have him, ya know, interact with kids! Comfort Dolph on his loss! Maybe even form a dorky, yet wholesome friendship with Bullfrog! There are many ways to have him express kindness, and not just through violence!
I’d also like to add that Rayman’s heel turn moment just felt kinda forced. We don’t even know how he got access to firearms. In the last episode, he was so whiny and weak. Then all of a sudden, he’s strong? C’mon, the dude has been loyal to Eden for years. They could’ve at least shown him reflecting on the impact of his actions first, and then figure out a way to resolve the problem at stake. I would have rather the show end like that so that the writers could give themselves time to build up a climatic story for season 2, not just get right to the point. Six episodes or not, it’s a poor writing direction.
I don’t care what anyone says: A 100% serious role does not work for Rayman. Don’t get me wrong; You can take Rayman seriously, but we’re also supposed to laugh at him, and with him. He’s not Spider-Man (a character that blends realism with lighthearted comedy), he’s a freaking Looney Tune! Even a game as dark and serious as Rayman 2 had moments to make us giggle. Humor plays an important role in Rayman’s character. Michel Ancel also intended humor to be one of his most defining traits. Just by looking at him, you know he’s someone you can’t take seriously! A Rayman that isn’t funny makes as much sense as having Crash Bandicoot talk.
I beg the writers to PLEASE flesh out Rayman’s character more in season 2! He can still swear, kill, snort coke, I don’t care, but at least bring out his sweeter side! Maybe make him a little goofy, too! For Polakus’s sake, make Rayman do something “Rayman-like” for once!
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Rise of the TMNT headcanons because I feel uhhhsodk emotions or something
Warnings: anxiety , gore mention, trauma/PTSD mentions, kidnapping, yelling mentions, claustrophobia mention, if I missed any please lmk ‼️‼️
Donatello ( my favorite hands fucking down )
LOVES "it's always sunny in Philadelphia" and relates to Dennis wayyy too much
( also made a joke about how splinter is frank and he was actually cool with it )
Likes those HYPERBOP and songs like that
At 5am and raph is waking up for the day and he finds Donnie in his room fully awake
"Ive been up for 3 days everything is haunted everybody's evi-"
He also likes twentyone pilots
House of gold, taking my time on my ride, and car radio are his favorites
Actually hates monster ( like the drink ) but he has a can in his room from 2020 that he just poured out for decoration
( honestly I can't even really hate on it I think 2020 just ruined it LMAO )
Has no blankets. Sleeps with a single sheet and a unwashed unsheeted pillow.
Is one of those people that people mistake for way older
Yokai thinks he's at least 18-20 and get so freaked out finding out he's actually just 14
( he loves the attention )
He actually likes HOMESTUCK 😭
( this is based on my friend who likes Homestuck and they remind me of Donatello to some degree )
Has a fan that hasn't had a break since 2016
Maybe longer
Has seasonal depression
He likes to be with April or doing something during the winter because of it to distract himself
April and raph are good with helping him
Leo knows but he knows to just stay out of his way and leave him the fuck alone
And Mikey hasn't really been told because Donnie feels like he's burdening people with his problems ( he didn't even want Leo to know but he just caught on )
He even feels guilty for dragging April and raph into it
Him and Mikey LOVE LOVE LOVED spiderverse
( Donnie got the movie illegally before it even came out )
This mother fucker definitely fell to his knees for spider punk im so sorry
This same mother fucker also probably loved Danganronpa...
He doesn't really like southpark but some episodes get to him
Actually probably has purple injected into his veins
"yeah my veins bruise in the blink of an eye and I can't move my body sometimes but so what? It was worth it??"
hates on dream so hard....
ALL OF THE BOYS WATCHED IT ( maybe not raph tho actually )
He actually made discord ( idk if I'm even joking or not )
Would this be a good time to add a picture of what I think human Donnie would look like?
Uhhh yeah
Yeah I think so
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Ok next
Just fyi this shit is gonna be so angsty
It will dip I promise
He can't get enough of those "drake the type" memes
But also low-key he is drake
Has a hello kitty clock in his room that actually works for him
He was that annoying ass kid who would say "I can scream like a girl" and then scream to the top of their fucking lungs
The ADHD was tooo muuchhh
So he just basically climbs walls who cares
He's on the ceiling? What's new.
Ok so spieerpunk had don to his knees but Leo was all for Miguel
" NOOOO MY SPIDER PAPIIIII- " *splinter right fucking there*
Daddy issues just crawling out of all of their skin ANYWAYS
Can't draw for shit but loves art
The way he words things makes him sound like a complete gaslighter but he's just stupid
"?? I don't gaslight?? HUH no seriously what did I do?"
The Mario movie possessed him for a while tbh
even hours after him returning from the prison realm he was dissociating so bad he was crying to feel something
Just a few weeks later, he isn't better yet by any means he's just ok enough to function
Someone dropped a plate or something ( I probably need to rewatch the scene before I make headcanons for it LMAO ) or dropped a pot, something loud
And he practically went down with it
He fell to the floor and stayed there for a bit
He didn't cry or say anything
Then Mikey tapped his shoulder and he fucking SNAPPED
He will never forgive himself
*rubs my hands in evilness*
He could feel the same AIR as the prison realm at times
He smelt the same scent
Raph, draxum, and Casey had to sleep in the same room for a while so they would hear him
But sometimes he didn't loudly jerk himself awake
Sometimes it played through and he woke up and didn't make a peep
Sometimes they knew and sometimes they didn't
Most of the time one of them would just wake up because of instinct and see him just frozen
Can't handle gore now
He used to but can't anymore
It reminds him of 1
The kraang
And 2
Seeing his brothers eye all fucked up like that was too much
There were times he didn't even know who he was anymore
He was scared to leave his room for a while and felt such bad guilt for it
While they're out on a mission and Leo's just curled up in his room blowing up raphs phone
Raph wishes he could say something like "oh how the tables have turned" but this isn't what he wanted at all
Uhh ok sudden switch up
Him and Don and Mikey listen to Will Wood
Mixed with late 90s to early 2000s
Him if he was a hummmaannn
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+ maybe some scars on his back
Blind in his one eye and low-key has bad eyesight in his other one
He can still see decently but it's pretty much fucked
He likes squishmellows but he knows Mikey LOVES them so if he buys/ finds one, he'll give it to Mikey
He's more of a "childhood stuff animal nostalgia" anyways
Doesn't like to cuss but if he's REALLY scared, he'll let a loud and quick "FUCK -" slip out of his mouth
Or if he's angry hell mumble "this bitch-" or something like that
He feels like he's not doing enough as a brother but genuinely forgets that he needs to take care of himself
Not physically but more so emotionally
He beats himself up when making a mistake even if it was out of kindness
He doesn't think things all the way through and just immediately jumps to "I wanna help people!"
And ends up making a bigger mess so he feels like a bad person
( people have reassured him he's not but he plays back how people get mad at him when he messes up and he doesn't know how to forgive himself if someone got THAT mad at him )
He sometimes just gets this burst of love and just hugs one of his siblings or friends
I think he doesn't develop feelings easily ( infact it's kinda hard for him to, not in a bad way )but one time there was a yokai, about his size, and they really enjoyed each other
He didn't tell anyone but he got her number and they still talk and he might have small feelings for her
The reason he hates being alone because it's a PTSD thing ( that only got worse after the kraang thing )
( he was alone and in danger for most of the movie, the only reason he wasn't freaking out because he knew if he did he was fucked )
And he got possessed before he could even lose his shit
But basically I think he got kidnapped by a hunter and held him captive ( either chained, or in a cage ) for 2 days before splinter found him
( yes they searched for him for 2 days )
The hunter would shoot his gun next to the cage ( or restraints ) he was in to purposely mess with him
And if he cried he would get in his face and start yelling until raph forced himself to stop crying because of fear
It was traumatic
Splinter has his own trauma from losing his fucking kid for 2 days, but it still fucks with raph badly
He still remembers it so vividly that it feels like it had only happened a week ago
So add that in top of the kraang doing what they did to him.....
He was only holding it together for Leo tbh
He can't go to certain areas or he'll start to hear the hunter yelling in his face again, like a hallucination
It's gotten a little bit better over time but the kraang set him so far back
He was also already claustrophobic, but if anyone tries to hold him down now he just immediately throws them off
And hard
Anything that really reminds him too much of the past he just starts freaking out
So he doesn't like to be alone :)
I could do a separate post for this maybe
But moving on
Any early 2000s song from anyone or any 2000 themed song is his SHIT
They did a karaoke night and he did Brittany spears ( yes I know that's like late 90s but yk THAT CATEGORY )
He put on a blonde wig tho and was actually kinda feeling it at some point
He LOVES walking around at night
Just strolling
He loves food. He eats everything
There is nothing he won't eat
He just loves everything
I forgot his scar sadly but here 😔‼️💔
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( the nose piercing is fake he's too scared to get one HELP )
This lil shit STEALS
And I sleeps fine at night with all of it in his room.
he loves cartoons
Adult cartoons, children cartoons
If it's animated he wants it injected into his spinal fluid
His music taste is everything
But he really likes indie / indie rock songs
Has all of his art and drawings hung up on his walls
There's maybe one or.two posters he actually bought the rest is his art
Loves spiderverse but he couldn't even enjoy it because he kept looking at Leo crazy with this out of pocket comments
"I wanna pick him up like a baby lion and wash him and feed him milk and release him back into the wild"
"*deadpan* Leo. What the actual hell."
Draxums favorite. Only Mikey knows he's his favorite. If anyone asks drax who his favorite is he says he hates everyone equally and looks over at Mikey
Speaking of drax I think they're vent buddies
Drax vents to him Mikey vents to drax
Drax was very helpful with all of them during the time they were all fucked up from kraang
He even got them into therapy but I'm gonna make a draxum section because I love him ( I lied he's my favorite character, then Donnie)
( God I love drax and Mikey so much let me go on a rant rq )
Apart of draxs training he could definitely pass as a licensed therapist
So if really anyone has some sort of mental thing going on he's there
Even for Leo ( even tho Leo didn't really want his help, that quickly changed tho, again I'll just put this in his section✨ )
But Mikey has these really bad panic attacks that even his brothers don't know about
Only splinter and drax
Splinter is there to comfort him and drax is there to let him talk about it
Mikey doesn't want his brothers to know because he's technically the "therapist" so splinter and drax will never tell anyone
Watched MSA just to make fun of it
Also says cringe shit because he thinks it's funny like Leo
"GYATTTTT....... Y'all know I'm joking right-"
Loves Lilo and stitch
Has an art Instagram with over 1000 followers
He ate the spiciest chip and then asked for another
Loves spooky month
Fought leo for that damn hello kitty clock
Then stole it
" I'm in your walls :3"
He ate a like 2 handfuls of orbeez when he was 5 before splinter caught him
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YES I absolutely believe he could qualify as a therapist and he absolutely uses that to his advantage
Leo was still "ish" about draxum but he became a lot more appreciative of him during the times that raph and Casey couldn't be there ( like missions )
He even took time out of work to be there
If he called? He's already almost there
He absolutely a mom IDC he even has the messy mom bun
Mikey calls him dad and that's part of the reason he's his favorite
"honey, it was ruined when she bought it *snaps*" ( I'm sorry ) ( I have to draw this now)
Like all the blankets
The resting bitch face is so real
He has to be leaping for joy happy to maintain a happy face
Goes to Donnies room and tells him to lay his ass down ( he doesnt )
Sends millennial memes to the boys....
*insert a cat smashing on a piano* he's wheezing.
Him and Mikey paint together sometimes
Because he can actually paint super fucking good
Scars all around his body
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Thats all ill probably make more for April and Casey and splinter
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dotster001 · 1 year
Congrats on the 1k followers! I loved your matchup you did for me not too terribly long ago and thought I’d really love to participate in this event too, I hope you don’t mind
This is in request of twisted wonderland fandom.
1. The one who I took the hand off first was Malleus. I favored him in the beginning because I freaking love dragons, and those horns! 😂 yeah, sadly I’m a dork. Anywho, he was tall, dark and mysterious. Who isn’t immediately drawn to that type of enigma? Then to learn that he was never invited to meetings and what nots, I felt bad for him. Poor thing 😭
2. I enjoyed Malleus only short lived though, Rook Hunt’s flirting is what freaking drew me in. Lord have mercy! No character makes you feel quite loved and appreciate like he freaking does! He’s heavy on the flirting and praise… kind of hard to not like that (especially when you are a social outcast and overall black sheep). So, Rook Hunt has been my Home Screen and obsession for literally longer than any other character in any Otome or game or anime that I’ve ever freaking obsessed over. lol! I get excited whenever he pops up in events and stories! I’m obsessed over him like he is with Leona and Neige! 😭😭😭 it’s so sad!
3. Rook Hunt-he seems to be the kindest and least judgmental character. His smile and laugh are freaking infectious! His flirting! His voice actor does him major justice, that voice makes me melt every time! As a person who is extremely socially awkward (outside of internet, apparently😂😂) it is nice to know that there is a character who can actually understand exactly what you are thinking or needing without you having to actually voice it (however it also makes you feel vulnerable too!)
4. I think Malleus and I would get along as friends and that would be it. I don’t feel like I need to miss him as I still quite like his character and I enjoy the conversations him and Yuu have. However, my heart quite literally belongs to another…though his love and devotion to Vil and Neige would totally make me jealous and possessive…so pathetic, I know 😭
5. I’m an Aries and an infp. I’m socially awkward and introverted, shy and quiet. I have ptsd, depression and anxiety from being bullied in school (from kindergarten to junior year), a narcissistic and neglectful mother and an abusive father (so I’m not very trusting of others it takes awhile before I let most people in my life and if I do let you in just know I trust and care for you and am fiercely loyal and devoted and extremely protective). I have long hair that I always dye red as it is the only color that takes and actually looks decent on me. I have freckles and hazel eyes and am 5’5 1/2. I love lord of the rings, Harry Potter, and am now freaking obsessed with Wednesday ( I’m literally a mix between Wednesday and her roommate Enid!)i love swords, storms, rain (cold dreary weather!!!❤️❤️❤️). I enjoy reading and love chamomile tea! I love music and singing (can’t dance but can sing). I love artists like Aurora and Naika, neoni, sia…do not like country or rap. I prefer night time, not a fan of sun or heat. I’m a solitude and quiet individual who prefers to observe and not interact.
6. I honestly would prefer to be with Rook. I’d like something romantic. I like yandere, but let’s face it, if it were yandere, I’d sadly be the yandere. I’m too freaking obsessive. Possessive, jealous and downright territorial! However, luckily I’m not the person to act on it. My moral compass is decent for one, I’m also too shy and timid! I have a tendency to also not believe that someone could really really like me (sadly that was beat into me). I’m more fantasy driven rather than action oriented. Good lord I hope I haven’t scared ya away!
Anyway, thank you so much for doing these stories for us, again I really loved your matchup and appreciate your story telling ❤️❤️❤️ so sorry this was so freaking long!😂
(no worries about the length lmao, I'm glad you enjoyed your matchup back in the day of a couple months ago 😂 btw, my dad got me a sign for my dorm that says "no entrance except on party business" thought you'd appreciate)
Im Which we See a Snapshot of how Rook Woos his Lover
Rook had first spotted you when he was hunting observing the Rois de Dragons. The two of you were sipping tea on the Ramshackle porch, and having a riveting conversation about gargoyles (Rook could perfectly read lips). The way your eyes were shining in the evening light, it was love at first sight. And Rook handled it as any normal person would.
"Bonjour, mon petit lapin! J'taime! May I join your conversation?" He said, jumping out of the bushes, and  sweeping his hat off his head as he bowed before you. 
Luckily for him, you didn't speak French, at least not fluently. While both of you were startled by the man from the bushes, you figured with Malleus you would be safe. So you allowed him to join you both.
Four months later, you'd fallen for him just as hard as he'd fallen for you. He'd slowly lured you in with the biweekly hair touch ups and his tongue of gold.
Now that you were together, the hair touch ups might be a little too much for your heart.
One thing you could say about Rook, was that he didn't cheap out on hair dye. Honestly, you probably didn't even need to touch it up so often, but it had become a pattern that when the roots started to show, you would hang out in Rook's room after class as he did your hair.
He would apply hair dye while whispering compliments directly into your ear.
"Your eyes are glittering today with the stars that have bound us together. Tres magnifique!"
He would also hum, as he applied the dye, then washed it out, usually giving you an extra scalp massage as he did so. (You still couldn't decide whether teaching him "The Edge of Night" was good or bad).
He would blow dry your hair, and as he maneuvered the dryer, and your hair, he would gently caress the skin he touched.
By this point, his compliments would be slowly devolving into completely French.
"Ma Cherie, you are truly le plus bel être à avoir jamais vécu."
Then he'd press a kiss behind your ear, and whisper something like,
"Were I a meilleur poète, je pourrais te dire à quel point tu as volé mon cœur."
Then he'd slip himself into your lap, and tap your nose playfully while whispering into your neck,
"tu éclaires le monde et dissipe toute l'obscurité et l'ombre dans mon coeur."
He would continue working his fingers through your hair, as he waited for you to get more and more flustered under his touch. He wanted to kiss you. Badly. But a good hunter makes his prey come to him. 
And you always did, as he whispered in French to you, and nuzzled deeper into your neck, pressing soft kisses wherever his mouth landed.
You would always softly whisper his name. He would pull away and look into your eyes with a truly innocent expression.
"Mon lapin?"
Then you would give him an epic pout, and mutter something like, "I know what you're doing. Just kiss me already, you sadist."
He would gasp in mock surprise, and run his thumb along your pouting lips.
"Je suis desole! I have been so focused on your hair that I have neglected you! Ah! I am truly a heartless lover."
You would scowl at him, and be about to remind him that he was teasing you the entire time, but he would always cut you off with a kiss. Which would turn into two kisses. Which would become a cuddle pile of kisses that would last until the door would open, and you'd hear a proper melodic voice call….
"Oh for seven's sake. There's no need to do this every other Tuesday."
Ah, Vil. Ruiner of all the good times.
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dropintomanga · 6 months
The Yakuza's Bias - A Hilarious Community Experience
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"These stans are nuttier than yakuza!"
If there's one manga that made me go "Wow, I wonder if I'm just like the main character of this series!," it's most definitely this one.
As I have confessed in the past, I got into K-Pop this year due to 4th generation girl groups. And then I remembered that Teki Yatsuda's The Yakuza's Bias came out this year in the U.S. Now that I'm deep into the K-Pop swamp, I finally decided to read the manga after a lot of praise (especially from The New York Public Library).
By god, it's one of the funniest things that hits home to me and to a lot of K-Pop fans.
The Yakuza's Bias is about a notable yakuza enforcer named Ken Kanashiro and his love for a K-Pop boy group member. He's the enforcer of the Washio Clan, one of the most prominent gangs in the underworld. One day, the daughter of the Washio Clan, Megumi Washio, decides to ask Kanashiro to accompany her to a K-Pop concert featuring her favorite K-Pop group, MNW. Ken humors her and finds himself enamored with one of MNW's members, Jun, who he proclaims to be a very manly man. The manga shows Kanashiro's descent into becoming a huge K-Pop stan and his insistence to share that passion with his fellow yakuza syndicate members.
I think what makes this manga endearing and hilarious is the power that K-Pop music has on everyone it touches - most particularly, people who've felt that their lives were missing something or they're not connected to other people in a meaningful way. Kanashiro constantly compares the yakuza to K-Pop idols in a hilarious and frightening manner. Megumi tries her best to drag everyone she knows (including her own mother) into the K-Pop abyss so she can have someone to talk with about her bias.
Perhaps the best example of K-Pop touching someone's heart in the manga is a rival yakuza member named Kinji Mizuhara. He was inspired by Kanashiro to join a gang in the past. However, Mizuhara dislikes his job and role in the yakuza. One day, he decides to off Kanashiro only to catch him outside for a MNW fan merchandise trading meetup. After being weirded out, Mizuhara finds out about MNW and decides to use Kanashiro's fandom as psychological warfare. However, he becomes enamored with a MNW member himself and would later become K-Pop "friends" with Kanashiro as well.
The power of community is really illustrated in The Yakuza's Bias. There's talk about how K-Pop fans use social media (particularly Twitter) to gain followers by coming up with fun stories to find community. K-Pop groups rely on said fans to spread their love worldwide across various communities (seeing the yakuza become K-Pop fans is charming).
A final point I'll bring out about the manga is a scene in Volume 2 where Kanashiro's bias, Jun, releases a mixtape. Kanashiro and Megumi become disgruntled about Jun's song. This is mostly because of how vulnerable and dark the song is. There's interesting commentary about how to handle idols acting and feeling like regular human beings. After all, idols are supposed to be hard-working perfectionists selling hopes and dreams. You don't see what really happens behind the scenes. Kanashiro falls into somewhat of a deep depression as he only saw Jun as a tough gangster type.
But when MNW makes their comeback with a new hit song and a darker, mature look, Kanashiro realizes MNW is just like the Washio clan. While walking different paths, they're part of the community that is human beings. Baring your weaknesses and confronting them head-on is what makes someone stronger.
I have personally seen what K-Pop has done for fans all across the world. While the industry is insidious at times, there's honest people working in it who want the world to enjoy their music. Ever since I started listening to K-Pop, I found K-Pop fans in the anime/manga community and mahjong community. It makes me feel alive. I even managed to find fans of The Yakuza's Bias at Anime NYC this year and we all gushed about it.
Reading about a fictional K-Pop idol's struggles made me think about my long road to learning how to accept myself. Even though I didn't have people to really help guide me, I managed to get to the stage of self-acceptance. Because of that, I've gotten to appreciate those who choose to stick around me a lot more.
If there's anything you will get out of The Yakuza's Bias besides some really silly gags, it's how much we really need other people, whether they're our friends or a K-Pop idol, to make our lives worthwhile.
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ugh-yoongi · 3 months
Jewel, I’m sorry bae but I need to come and bother you because I’ve been looking through your blog to find something and I just noticed I missed the entire discourse on OT7 astro placements.
I’m not the biggest believer/fan of shit like that, but if this little breakdown of Yoongi doesn’t sound like ALL march Pisces people then idk what does:
yoongi — yoongi's chart is interesting because it's half "i don't give a fuck what you think about me" energy and half calm, gentle placements. i think he embodies his entire chart, tbh. we know young yoongi was really angry. we know he's grown a lot. we know he's not the super grumpy, cold personality people like to pigeonhole him as.
As a march Pisces (March 6th ‘94 to be exact, so yes y’all better pray for me next week when the 30 comes for me like) I can confirm:
We are all psychos (think like Italian mafia omertà shit). Most of us are depressed and/or anxious. We ALL have a metric fuckton of repressed anger that we don’t know what to do with (well, Yoongi obviously figured it out but you catch my drift). We tend to be overthinkers and grumpy cats, but when we care about things/animals/people we CARE. I can tell you rn that for me, my rbf and my borderline introverted personality did not help me make friends in any environment I found myself in. But once people made effort, and we got to know each other better, every single one of them went “Jesus I thought you were a huge bitch, but you’re just a really emo-witchy-goth-teddy bear, aren’t you”. And it took me a long while to accept that yes, I am, I am actually a teddy bear but I also grew up in an Eastern European post-Soviet khrushchevka and had 3 older male cousins, so if you look at my best friend wrong, I will fucking shank you.
And as for Yoongi, when my bff first introduced me to BTS she said “oh you guys are so alike, he reminds me of you a lil too much” and I was like sure Jan at first, but then the puzzle pieces started making sense??? Down to the “raised by strict parents and starting to hit their stride once closer to their 30s” thing.
So, in conclusion, Jewel is always right, y’all.
omg this is not a bother AT ALLLLLL i love this topic 🫶🏻
first, let me just declare myself the #1 pisces lover and back it up with proof:
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nearly every single person in my life i hold near & dear to me has at least one pisces placement in their big 3. i love u pisces they could never make me hate u 🫶🏻
you sound a lot like my best friend. she is very confrontational and will always, always stand up for what she believes in and thinks is right. gets labeled as aggressive a lot. has a lot of things to work through. but she’s the type of person you want in your corner, 100%. she would walk through hellfire for the people she cares about.
but also !!! happy early birthday !!! being in your 30s is so fucking cool i hope it’s cool for you too
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peachraindrops · 2 years
The votes are in!
Good Girls Appreciation Week 2022 will take place Sunday, August 7th through Saturday, August 13th.
Good Girls Appreciation Week 2022 is seven straight days of dedicated fans creating and sharing new content showing their love for the show. Each day of the week has a specific theme voted by fans to interpret as creatively as they like!
I don't know about you guys, but life has been more depressing than usual lately and Good Girls gives us an escape. Let's have some fun with this!!
Y'all voted and here they are:
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Everybody! Creators create, and the larger fandom boosts those creations with likes and (especially!) reblogs to spread the joy.
It’s a great time for people that have thought about trying their hand at content creation to give it a go!
More details under the cut.
You can participate as much or as little as you like. If just one day speaks to you, create content based on that theme. Post it on the allotted day with the designated hashtag, and boom, you’ve participated!
Several people have already expressed interest in what kind of content they’d like to contribute, but there’s no official sign-up. You can lurk for a few days, get a feel for it, and then post, or you can start planning and creating now, waiting for the official week to post.
I know rules are lame but we have to make this thing a somewhat official thing somehow 😂. There are 6 important rules of #ggaw2022 so that we see a #GGAW2022 post when we see it:
Keep it positive! This means when you’re focusing on your love of A, B, or C, you avoid tearing down X, Y, and Z in the process.
Spread the love! Like the posts you see and encourage content creators, old and especially new! Hit that reblog button a little more often. The fandom benefits when we support each other and encourage newbies to try their hand at creating something. Let creators know what you think they’ve done especially well by leaving positive tags and/or dropping a note in their inbox!
Use the designated hashtag! Tag all posts #ggaw2022 so that anyone following the tag can see all the new content as its uploaded.
Use headings or captions! Try to use a heading or caption that alludes to which day you are posting for, e.g. “Day 2: Favorite Location - The Park.”
Post within your timezone! The days last a little longer here in Good Girls Land where time is fake and everyone counts on their fingers! Don't worry about calculating numbers—the day starts at 12:01 am and ends at 11:59 pm in whatever timezone you happen to be in.
Do your best! Try your best to post by the designated day, but remember: this is supposed to be fun. If you miss the designated day but are still really inspired to make or finish something for it, share it anyway!
Literally anything that makes you feel some sort of way. Gifsets, videos, photo manipulations & edits, moodboards, drabbles or short fics, imagines, metas, fanart, playlists, and whatever else you can think of! Wanna make a cross-stitch pattern and share it with the rest of us? Wanna make a list of GG-inspired recipes? Want to make a movie poster? Go for it!
The survey showed me how many ideas y'all have for this so we'll try this! Submit them to my inbox (@peachraindrops) anon or not, whatever feels best, and I'll post them all in an inspiration post a week from today, July 20th, 2022 in an aggregated (and nameless!) list. The prompts will be used for creators to draw inspiration from and maybe even hit a few of your favorite things!
We all want to see these themes the way you interpret them! Again, the more creative, the better. In the end, I just hope this brings a little bit of joy back into everyone's lives because that's what we need right now, right?!
& the final finally:
thanks to everyone for all of the excitement and participation, and even more finally to @foxmagpie for letting me rip most of this post from GGAW2021. I would have been lost trying to figure this out without something so detailed to go off lol.
Reblog to spread the word!
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stranger-marauders · 2 years
thirteen: sar-bear
chapter summary: Kate, Nancy, and Jonathan prepare to hunt for the monster that took Will and Barbara. Kate opens up to Nancy.
chapter warnings: language, sibling loss, canon-typical weapons
word count: 2.2k
series masterlist | masterlist
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JONATHAN HAD QUICKLY discovered that Kate, unsurprisingly, was much better of a shot than him.
After she'd shot a round off, perfectly knocking each one of the cans over as Jonathan groaned slightly. 
"Hey, it's okay." Kate smirked. "If it makes you feel any better, my dad and I go shooting every once in a while. I would be a disappointment if I didn't know how to shoot well at this point."
He smiled at her in response, stifling a laugh. He couldn't believe he was out in the woods with Kate Hopper shooting revolvers at old soda cans, but here he was. Once she'd set the cans back up, getting out of the line of fire, he shot another round, once again missing every single can target.
"You're supposed to hit the cans, right?" Nancy asked sarcastically as she walked up to them.
"No, actually, you see the spaces in between the cans? I'm aiming for those," he replied, matching her tone.
"Ah." Nancy sat her bag and bat down beside her.
"Ever shot a gun before, Nancy?" Kate asked, even though she already knew the answer.
She scoffed. "Have you met my parents?"
While Kate hadn't ever truly met Nancy's parents, she had seen them at Will's funeral that morning; based on how Ted and Karen Wheeler looked, she knew it must not have been far off. Besides, if she was complaining about them being uptight, she didn't really want to know what they were like.
"I mean, I still think there's a chance you shoot better than Jonathan, over here."
"Yeah, she's shot a lot better than me, if you haven't guessed," he said to Nancy, somewhat annoyed. "I haven't shot one since I was ten. My dad took me hunting on my birthday. He made me kill a rabbit."
"A rabbit?"
"Yeah," Jonathan said. "I guess he thought it would make me into more of a man or something." Nonchalantly, he added, "I cried for a week."
"What? I'm a fan of Thumper."
Kate thought she could cry at the thought of Bambi—it had been one of Sara's favorite movies. Kate had never understood why, because in her opinion, it had always been so sad, but now just the thought of the movie and what it reminded her of was just depressing. A few tears almost slipped from her eyes as she thought about it. She hadn't thought about that movie in years.
Her attention had finally been brought back into focus on the conversation whenever Nancy spoke again. "I meant your dad."
"Yeah," was all Jonathan could mutter. From everything that Kate had learned that day about Lonnie Byers, she could tell the relationship between him and Jonathan was just about as good as the one between Kate and her own mother. "I guess he and my mother loved each other at some point, but—" he cocked his gun— "I guess I wasn't around for that part."
Without a word, Nancy put her hand out toward the revolver in his hand.
Kate couldn't believe what she was seeing. Nancy Wheeler going to participate in their illegal gun shooting activities of the day, and there was nothing stopping her from at least trying it out. "No way."
"Um, yeah." Jonathan hesitantly handed the gun to her. "Just, uh, point and shoot."
"Kickback's a bitch, by the way," Kate added.
She nodded once. She started, "You know, I don't think my parents ever loved each other."
"They must've married for some reason," Jonathan said. At least one of them had to have some type of hope for their own parents, and it might as well have been the one that still had married ones.
"My mom was young," Nancy answered, starting to raise the gun. "My dad was older, but he had a cushy job, money, came from a good family. So they bought a nice house at the end of the cul-de-sac, and started their nuclear family."
That was something Kate didn't have: a normal life. It was something that, in her youth, she seemed to want more than anything. She used to dream of that simple family dynamic, playing house for real, but she had given up on that dream years ago. It was something unobtainable, unreachable for people like her. Now, though, hearing Nancy complain about her home life seemed backward, even if she had every reason to complain about it. "Screw that."
"Yeah," Nancy said, nodding. "Screw that."
When Nancy pulled the trigger, she hit the can right off of the tree stump. Immediately, all three of them began to chuckle—a natural shot.
Jonathan and Nancy both looked at Kate. "What about you?"
She shrugged. "I mean, I don't know. My mom left after my sister died, my dad's an alcoholic, and my best friend doesn't give a damn about me anymore. Not much else to say." She tried to act tough, but she quickly wiped away the tear that had slipped from her eye. "But come on, kiddos, we've got bigger fish to fry."
When she walked off with her revolver in hand, seemingly waiting for Nancy and Jonathan to follow her, the latter only two exchanged glances. They realized that all three of them dealt with different kinds of bullshit on a daily basis that no one else could possibly begin to understand. 
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It had been quiet as the three teens wandered the woods, waiting for something to happen.
"You never said what I was saying," Nancy finally said, breaking the silence.
"Yesterday," Nancy said, trying to elaborate. "You said I was saying something and that's why you took my picture."
"Oh, uh... I don't know. My guess... I saw this girl, you know, trying to be someone else. But for that moment, it was like you were alone, or you thought you were. And, you know, you could just be yourself."
Nancy hesitated to respond, taken aback almost. "That is such... bullshit."
"I am not trying to be someone else. Just because I'm dating Steve and you don't like him—"
"You know what? Forget it. I just thought it was a good picture."
Nancy, however, wasn't finished with defending Steve. "He's actually a good guy."
"O–Okay." Jonathan really didn't want her to talk about how Steve Harrington was a good guy. Not after what he'd done to him.
Quite frankly, neither did Kate. Even though she was mad at him, she knew that Nancy realistically knew next to nothing about Steve—she had only met him, at most, a couple of weeks before. Nancy hadn't seen the ups and downs that Kate had seen of Steve Harrington; the failures, the tears, wounds, and all of the real parts of him that only she had been given permission to see. Nancy had only seen the King, which raised the question: why the hell was Nancy trying so hard to defend him when Kate wasn't in the slightest?
"Yesterday, with the camera... he's not like that at all. If he was, do you really think Kate would be friends with him? Best friends?"
Both Nancy and Jonathan turned to Kate behind them, who had already stopped in her tracks, hesitating to respond. She didn't want to take sides, but in this case, she had to. "What? He was being a dick, just like he usually it at school. And, as someone who's been really close with him for a long time, it's constant. It's the usual 'King Steve' bullshit that drives me absolutely insane."
Jonathan looked back to Nancy. "See?"
Nancy, on the other hand, sighed. Steve had been completely right whenever he had come to her house: Kate was still angry with him. "He's not like that at all with me. He was just being protective."
"Yeah, that's one word for it," Jonathan said, trying to walk ahead of Kate and Nancy.
"Oh, and I guess what you did was okay?"
"No, I–I never said that."
"He had every right to be pissed—"
"Okay, all right. Does that mean I have to like him?" Jonathan asked, stopping in his tracks.
More so than Nancy wanted to admit, he was completely right. Kate agreed with him, too: Jonathan had no reason to like Steve, or Tommy, or Carol, and in her opinion, even herself. He was allowed to not like them, especially after everything they'd done to him.
"Listen, don't take it so personally, okay? I don't like most people. He's in the vast majority."
When Jonathan started to walk ahead again, Nancy quickly followed him. "You know, I was actually starting to think that you were okay."
"Yeah," Nancy said. "Yeah, I was thinking, 'Jonathan Byers, maybe he's not the pretentious creep everyone says he is.'"
"Well, I was just starting to think you were okay," Jonathan started. "I was thinking, 'Nancy Wheeler, she's not just some suburban girl who thinks she's rebelling by doing exactly what every other suburban girl does, until that phase passes and then they marry some boring one-time jock who now works sales, and they live out a perfectly boring little life at the end of a cul-de-sac. Exactly like their parents, who they thought were so depressing, but now, hey, they get it." This time when Jonathan walked ahead, Nancy let him.
Kate decided to hang back with Nancy.
"I can't believe him."
Kate shrugged. "Maybe... Maybe somewhere in that mess, he was right about something."
Nancy turned to her sharply, only sighing in response.
"I mean, come on, look at this stupid town, Nancy. Just about everyone that's here's always been here, or they leave and come back."
Nancy didn't speak, only frowning—Kate wasn't making it any better.
"Okay, uh... Listen, I don't think you're gonna get stuck here if you make an effort not to. You can definitely get out of here if you try hard enough. Just... Just don't let him get to you, he's stressed out about his brother." She paused when Nancy turned to her again. "I know it doesn't mean much, but seriously. There's no way in hell you're gonna end up the way he said you would."
Nancy gave her a tight-lipped smile. "Well, thanks."
"I would try to go a little easier on him, though. Fighting like an old married couple isn't gonna help his mood, and it definitely isn't going to help mine."
Nancy gave her an odd look before laughing. "Me and Jonathan? Absolutely not."
"Yeah, well, knock it off, then."
Nancy smiled, shaking her head. She hesitated a moment before going on. "You know, speaking of people who fight like old married couples, Steve came by my house today."
Kate rolled her eyes. "Of course he did."
"And he told me that he's sorry about what he did. He said you aren't talking to him, and that he's trying to look for you so he can apologize."
"He pushed it far this time," Kate said, not looking to the girl next to her. "Just for the record. the thing with him—" she said, directing her free hand to the boy in front of him— "isn't what pissed me off. Not really." She laughed once hollowly. "You know, he didn't always do shit like that. Like, yeah, when we were kids, he always got us in much more trouble than I ever did, but he didn't do anything like that. It was just when he got close with Tommy and Carol. Or, I don't know, the end of the middle school? It was after I moved here, before now." She paused. "He was just… different. Like, way different."
"How?" Nancy asked. Her interest was piqued.
Kate sighed, trying to gather her thoughts as she eyed the blue hair tie on her wrist. "I don't know, I mean… When my sister died and my mom left, I was a mess. I was eleven when she died, but I was twelve when everything really went to shit. I mean, I had to deal with my dad, and I just… I was suffocating in it all. I thought I was going to die. If it wasn't for Steve, I don't think I would've made it past fourteen."
Nancy frowned—she hadn't realized Kate had gone through so much. "I'm so sorry." She looked back at her, but Kate hadn't noticed her gaze. "Your sister, what was her name?"
"Sara," Kate said quickly, not wanting to croak. Even though it had been five and a half years, she still felt off when she talked about it, about her.
"That's nice," Nancy said, smiling sympathetically. "Kate and Sara? That's—"
"She called me Kat," Kate said, cutting her off instinctively. "She couldn't ever say Katherine right when she was little, and that was back when everyone called me that, so she called me Kat. It was Kit-Kat and Sar-Bear." She turned to Nancy, not even fazed by the tears swelling in her eyes. Her voice was brittle as she spoke. "Only Steve and my parents know about that—"
"I won't tell anyone," Nancy said, trying to reassure her. "It's cute."
Kate nodded once as a tear rolled down her cheek, but this time, she didn't wipe it away: she only smiled.
next chapter
@thatsonezesty13 @cece5 @thepowerstoner @alovelytardis @coolchick333 @stand-tall-pineapple @littlet-holmes @guichu @cinderellacauseshebroke
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sykosomatic · 6 months
Tee hee hee can you write adam surviving the bathroom but hes really messed up and shit. Also I would not mind some hurt/comfort
(heavily heavily inspired by this post, so thank you op!!!)
‘adam survives the bathroom and is fucked up’ au for all my angst fans out there <3
i was gently flirting with the idea of a part 2, let me know if that’s something you’d want lol
⚠️ content warning!!!!! depression, anxiety, ptsd symptoms ⚠️
and if you were curious, this is the song i was listening to while i was writing lol:
blinds shuttered in a quick whoosh, plastic clacking against itself as adam’s heavy eyes fought to stay open just a few minutes longer. the sun had set; it was dark out, the sky turning a dark, heavy purple. he stared at the blinds for a second, blinking slow and heavy. his little flip phone buzzed on his bed, another phone call missed. they’d leave another voicemail.
adam checked, double checked, triple checked his locks; his closet, his bathtub, under his bed. he sank slowly onto his bed, arms folded so his hands white-knuckled his biceps. he shivered a bit, but it wasn’t cold in his apartment.
“i wanna live! i wanna live!”
and he had. somehow he had clung to life long enough to get out of that damn bathroom, and what had it helped? what, did he think everything was just gonna go back to normal, now? now that he’d been through that?
adam couldn’t sleep. he hadn’t slept much since he’d gotten.. well, if you wanted to call it rescued. in truth he was on the fence about whether he should’ve died in that bathroom. the people who’d found him called it a miracle and adam had to say he agreed. cosmic injustice; a gift straight from god himself, whoever that was.
he sighed softly as he stood, rubbed his hands on his arms to keep himself from shivering. the doctor told him he had circulation issues now. because amanda — he’d learned that was her name after her and her weirdo ‘boss’ tried to recruit him.. after he ‘won’ — had strangled him with a plastic bag. she’d been sent to do a mercy killing maybe. and he’d survived. twice he’d survived that bathroom. why wasn’t he done yet?
adam had a collection of other maladies courtesy of john kramer — jigsaw.
his grip strength in his right arm was a little.. wonky. it felt like what people described carpal tunnel to be, tight muscles and a weak grip, pain when trying to hold something tightly. he’d been scrubbing a plate the other day and found out that he probably shouldn’t do that.
he didn’t think it was a huge problem but — he’d gotten odd looks from his friends when he spoke.
they said he was… different. and well.. duh, he was different. you don’t go through prisoner of war type torture and come out the other side shiny and clean.
he didn’t like the way they said it though. he hadn’t talked to them in a long time because of it. well that and the fact that he spent most of his time sitting in his bed and staring at the wall. thinking. he’d never spent that much time thinking before.
he went to the bathroom— his bathroom— catching his reflection in the mirror and seeing streaks of tears down his cheeks. he hadn’t realized he’d been crying. he’d been having days like that — most days were like that. he used the heels of his hands and rubbed stars into his eyelids, trying not to see lawrence’s foot out of the corner of his eyes.
lawrence; he hadn’t thought about that name in at least a day. a new record. the only other person who knew exactly what he’d gone through, and he hadn’t bothered to reach out. yet. maybe he was going through the same things (or at least similar things) as adam was. adam himself hadn’t spoken a word out loud in a very long time. not since the last time a friend had come to check on him. was that last week? he didn’t know, couldn’t remember. he sighed, started stripping down out of his clothes. cold showers and nightmares were the only things that kept him awake.
he couldn’t help but think about lawrence in the shower, while he washed himself with one arm as the other sort of hung there idly by his side. he wondered what sorts of things lawrence had to do now, now that he’d cut off his own foot.
on the surface adam looked unchanged, save for the gaunt look in his eyes and sunken cheeks, his already slender frame astonishingly leaner with stress. he maybe looked like a drug addict, he thought, but drugs were one thing he hadn’t sunk to yet. he figured he’d have to leave the apartment for that and he really didn’t want to. not just yet.
adam finished his sad little shower, drying off and stepping back into his apartment. it was cooler now, he thought, surely it wasn’t just him being unreasonably cold all the time.
he suddenly remembered he’d left his window open when he’d shut the blinds, and he could feel his heart about to explode as he rushed over to shut it. he could feel his vision start to blur and his head spin, the edges of his sight turning dark as he fought the urge to panic. he slammed the window shut; it creaked as he clicked the locks shut.
his chest heaved as he sat down on his bed, half-naked, grabbing the knife he kept under his pillow. he brandished it out into the dark as he stood and re-checked everything three more times. he didn’t find anything. how could he have forgotten to shut the window?
adam dropped the knife on his bed suddenly as if it was burning him; for a second it looked like a bloody hacksaw by the streetlight coming through the slats in his blinds.
he collapsed in shuddering sobs quite suddenly, bringing his knees up to his chest. his face pressed against his knees, he let himself cry for a bit. when his body couldn’t take it anymore, he looked up, caught his phone buzzing again.
missed calls from friends, a few texts from them as well. checking in half-heartedly. he could tell they were getting tired of him being.. the way he was. well he figured he wasn’t changing back anytime soon. not unless they could erase his memory for him or fix what that bathroom had broken in him.
and then he saw it — an unknown number messaging him. he picked up the phone and looked at it, his eyes savoring the shape of the letters, taking them in and digesting them, holding them close to him, letting him just live in them for a moment.
‘adam? it’s lawrence. do you have a moment to talk?’
adam felt his lips curve up into the closest thing they’d gotten to a smile in a long long time. if anyone was able to help talk him off the edge it had to be someone who went through the same thing as him. right?
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midnightstoriesblog · 2 years
Kyougai turned into a demon cause he wanted to appreciate, right? So, Kind Muzan AU, what if he got that appreciation? What if his writing became famous amongst demonkind?
The first person he'd talk about his stories to is Muzan, who also enjoyed his story.
Their (platonic) bond was strong. They were very close. Muzan was even comfortable to share some of his secrets and worries, and Kyougai listened and kept it a secret.
It's no secret on how close the two were, and some (like Gyokko, Akaza, and/or perhaps, Kokushibou) were quite envious. So when Kyougai was killed, what if Muzan fell into deep depression? He doesn't have any motivation to do anything and stays in his room all day. He became unresponsive most of the time. Kyougai was probably the first demon he was comfortable enough with and doesn't betray his trust (like many other had in the past).
They missed Muzan's warm and gentle aura. Now it's just cold and hollow. Muzan showed no reactions to things that he'd usually would (and Gyokko is especially sad at this).
What would the Kizuki's/Uppermoons do to help Muzan with grief? Would he even recover? Or would he just get annoyed with them eventually and just put up a fake front of being alright (which Douma could easily see through).
Maybe one of them (Daki?) even broke down in tears, begging him to just come back? Making even sadder, he merely patted her head and just looked or walked away? For a moment there, maybe she saw a glint of sadness or spark of life in his eyes. She could've just been dreaming, though.
Idk if this is too dark, but if it is, you can ignore it! 😅
Happy, sad, or open ending you can choose!
A/N: I'm veryy sorry about how long it took me to post this, I haven't had motivation to write in a while, but it's back now! Here it is though, I hope you enjoy reading!
Kind!Muzan dealing with Kyougai's death
Warnings: themes of death and grief, pretty heavy subjects, "happy" ending but not really
Kyougai was a well known demon in the community. Even though he was only a lower moon, all demons knew his name, but most knew him because of his writing. Many were considered his 'fans', but there was one person who was truly his biggest fan- none other than his master, Muzan. He spent countless days, either reading his work or listening to his ideas while working, sometimes even taking some time to proofread for him.   So, when he found out about his death.. it was like a part of his heart was torn out and then ripped apart. Not only was he a member of what he considered his family.. but it was his responsibility to keep him safe..
And he failed.
Ever since he got the devastating news, grief overwhelmed him and every aspect of his life, and it seemed like there was no escaping it either, as it slowly changed the way he acted..
Even though he already overworked himself, it got even worse, as Kokushibou now couldn't even help with the work- because the door to Muzans office would be locked, and Nakime was rather.. hesitant to go against the masters orders, of not letting anyone other than Muzan into the office. Koku understood that, he was never the type to disobey orders either, so he didn't hold it against her, but he was worried about the fact that the order wouldn't lead to anything good.. No one was really sure what he did in his office, whether he was truly working, or perhaps he just wanted to isolate himself from the outside world.   Not to mention, there was always a sense of.. coldness from his demeanor now. Even progress that was being made during missions, or even something as simple as Gyokko's new artistic ideas failed to cheer him up, or at least light a spark in his eyes. Most meetings were lead by Kokushibou now, only with written notes from Muzan at most.. even though those were rare..   It's clear that all the uppermoon were trying their best to help with the grieving process, but it was clear that they too had issues when communicating to him. Some of them were too scared to bring it up, others didn't know how to approach the situation and they weren't even sure if they should talk to him about it, but there were two who broke the ice- Akaza wasn't just going to sit around while Muzan was in obvious emotional pain, and Daki, though childish, was one of the most deeply attached to him, so of course she wanted things to go back to normal.   Akaza tried to keep it subtle, he never had the courage to address the grief directly. It was always something simple- like knocking on his door and checking up on him, reporting everything that happens in person, rather than just passing the information to Nakime. He could've sworn that with each day Muzan was speaking more and more, even if it was only one extra word, he was simply grateful for even that much..   ..Surprisingly though, Daki was the one who made the most progress- even if it wasn't intentional. The breakthrough happened when Muzan dismissed her concerns (and cries) with a simple pat on her head, before turning to walk away. It's in moments like these that her childlike bluntness ends up being useful, because in that moment, without thinking about it for too long- in between tears, she blurted out something along the lines:
"We're here for you too! You can't just leave us behind when we're trying to help!"
It was probably the stupidest thing she had done- and yet, somehow- it made him stop walking away. It was as if a spark finally light up inside him..
Perhaps this was a turn for the better..
A/N: Am I hinting at a part two? Who knows.. grief is one of my favorite topics after all... ;]
P.S: The Douma erasure in all of this was unintentional, I truly do love Douma, I just forgot to involve him in the idea <;/3
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rivertalesien · 2 years
This preview shows a scene where the Unit, Scylla, Gregorio and Adil are being advised by Capt. Quartermain and Gen. Bellweather: they're about to run off to get some scourges, but Anacostia stops them to say how proud she is of "the three of them" (Scylla, Gregorio and Adil are just...there), to never doubt what they built (um, what, exactly?) and to "take care of that one" (nodding at Scylla).
Scylla Ramshorn: orphan, Army dodger, spy, mass murderer, sometime terrorist, weird little Necro witch who can do all the ish the others can do, and more, including the Vulcan nerve pinch, the Jedi Mind Trick, burning off her own face and inhaling somebody else's (not to mention she talks to birds and raises living stuff out of dead stuff), like, in other words, she's kind of the terrifying mage you want on your side in DnD?
Scylla Ramshorn. Wanted by the Army and the Government for Crimes Against Humanity. Who, in another life, might have been Wednesday Addams. That Scylla Ramshorn? Is now
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Scylla Ramshorn would literally eat the Camarilla with glee and hot sauce, if they just let her loose.
But okay. Teamwork makes the dream work. Got it.
This might be venting.
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Everything fans can see in the possibilities of a show and its characters are very rarely shared by the ones in charge, by the creators or the studios. It's frustrating to see the failings and missteps, to know some of it can't be avoided, some of it is just built out of pressure from too many sources. As fans, we can look at something up close, almost microscopic detail and dissect it to death. Sometimes, that's totally the fun of being a fan. Sometimes, it misses the point.
But I really feel EL and his writing team missed the point in a big way this season. They missed it by writing Scylla out of the story and just keeping her along as the slightly weird but completely bloodless love interest. Like, I'm actually a little angry about this. I'm not here to defend a ship, but a character who started out in some ways, as the strongest and the one antagonist who could have been the real center around which everything traveled. By losing her, the show started centering its Big Plot and without the number of episodes necessary to tell that Big Plot, they shot themselves in the foot.
The Big Plot (christofascist takeover of the US, very timely) could have been a great idea, a surrounding environment for the witches to push back against. Instead, it became the main focus and the mistakes they made with Scylla undermined everything else.
You can't have a Big Romance with only one reasonably-developed character and the other little more than a cardboard cut-out (why Talder looked better this season in comparison: both Tally and Alder are realized individuals, Scylla is not).
You can't make your golden main the Chosen One without any better reasoning than...Idk, she's white and blonde? They had something with the Scylla's *song* connection, but dropped it.
Abigail, as a descendent of the first Black witch in the military, of a line that transcended pretty much everything, would have been more of a Chosen One type of character, but she got handed the (patriarchal) broodmare plot that, co-opted for a matriarchy descended from slaves, was not a good look. Like, what the hell?
(And, frankly, if Marvel objected to their co-parent, Disney, that this show was a little too X-Men-y and Abigail was a little too Storm-y -- no pun intended -- I wouldn't be surprised. It's business and if that played into the cancellation, along with all the Queer content that cannot be allowed on TV now, it would make some awful sense)
I really wish so much more had happened with this show and if it is the end, just trying not to mourn too much. Waste has become a depressing way of life there doesn't seem an end to.
But I do hope it gets picked up somewhere else and I hope it gets a bit of a reboot because there was a lot of fun in this series, too: some great characters, great actors, great ideas, a lot of fun scenes and, if nothing else, the delight of Tally Craven's expressions -- if only they'd added up to a greater whole. There wasn't time and the focus got lost.
Ultimately, I blame the not just the way television is being made right now, but those in charge who are pushing for this kind of short-run-then-disappear-if-they're-not-binging-it sensibility that is only going to work for the mass market stuff. It doesn't work for indies, it doesn't work for media created by and for marginalized communities. It's demoralizing and dangerous.
Scream about it. Wouldn't hurt.
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