#there's the bottle thingies too! i just forgot what those are called
sylhea-raemi · 3 years
What are the cookie run whales I'm so confused
I reeeaaalllyyy don't think I'm the right person to ask that, as I would not be able to answer that correctly since I only just started playing ovenbreak literally just days ago
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aliasimagines · 4 years
oh we are so screwed // jason todd
requested by @im-hqlover
Jason takes the reader on a night date (he was like a robin), while the reader thinks her family is asleep, she accepts the date, but when she returns her family was horrified to not know where the reader was, what should the reader do now??
word count: 1060
a/n: i'm sorry, i swear i'm working on your requests, i just wasn't at my best latley and i kinda lack inspiration but i am doing them!
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Clinging onto Jason you bite back a scream as he uses his (batman's) grapple gun to fly from your bedroom window to a building's roof. The hood of your hoodie fall off due to the wind and made your hair go everywhere. He repeated his stunt with the grapple gun a few times, enough for you to be more comfortable and open your eyes just a little bit.
The streets might be overflown with criminals and crime bosses, perhaps somewhere not far Harley Quinn was walking her highly dangerous hyenas and sure as hell a bank robbery was happening somewhere at the moment but looking around made you forget all that. The city lights were like electric stars lighting up a big balck canvas, a work in progress, a painting called Gotham. These moments actually made you believe that one they this hell of a city can be normal.
The cold wind made feel awake, alive. You felt free, like you can actually fly. And you wanted to fly, fly away with Jason into the night but to your disappointment he stopped at one rooftop.
Your disappointment didn't last long thought. Because in front of you there was a whole picnic set out with pillows, blankets, candles, everything. You, still gasping, turned to see Jason touching the right side of his mask over and over again.
"They're are fake candles...sorry. It's a windy night."
You didn't even wait a second, you just straight up jumped back into his arms. You hugged him as close as his suit let you and pulled away with a smile.
"Jay you made all of this?? You're amazing!"
Jason chuckled and pulled you back in for another hug before he led you to a pillow where you could sit. He sat halfway next and opposite of you. He slapped his hand on the basket full of food.
"Are you hungry love?"
"Sure." you said. Jay started to unpack all the delicious food he brought for the two of you.
"Hey babe, while I set this up would you put on some music?"
You noded and reached into your hoodie's pocket only to find nothing in it.
"Heck! My phone! It's not here."you cursed.
"Shit, is it possible that it dropped out on the way here? " Jason immediately put down the bottle of (favorite drink) that he was holding. You ran your fingers through your hair frustrated.
"I don't know... I really hope not. Oh... Wait. I remember. I plugged it in to charge before you came for me and I forgot to grab it."
"Well at least we know where it is. Here, take my phone."
"You're music gallery is just emo bands and musicals."
"And? I don't see your point?" he lifted an eyebrow at you before turning back to prepare the picnic. You chuckled and put on some music that you know Jason loves but not so much that he would break into a concert at the top of this huge buildings roof. So obviously no songs from musicals for him now. You put down his phone and he offered you a glass of your favourite drink. You thanked him and blew him a kiss before taking a sip.
"So m'lady, do you want sandwiches or cookies first?"
"Depends. What kind of cookies?"
"Chocolate chip. Now I don't wanna brag but I made them and they smell delicious."
He looked so proud of his cookies so you choose those. He hande you to little box container thingy and you took the cookie on top. While the two of you ate and drink, you also started to talk.
With the the music playing softly in the background and Jason talking. You felt so relaxed and safe. You really loved his voice, it was so soft and gentle as he quietly explained something. To be honest you didn't pay attention to what he was actually saying but rather just his calming voice. You couldn't even tell how much time has passed.
"..don't you think?"
You suddenly snapped out of daydreaming and looked at Jason.
"Uhm, sorry. I zoomed out."
He slightly shook his head and laughed.
"I said it's getting late and we should get going, don't you think?"
You looked over to Jay's phone and it showed 2:32. Crap! You have been here for over 3 and half hours and you have school tomorrow!
"Jeez, you're right!"
You helped Jason pack things away. And before he took you back to your room you kissed his cheek.
"Thank you Jay. This was a lovely date. And your cookies were amazing."
He smiled at you sweetly.
"I'm glad  you liked it doll. Now hold on."
He took you back and helped you climb in to your room through your window. Jason leaned inside for a goodnight kiss when suddenly your room overflow with light. Not only that but your mother stood in the doorway.
"Y/N?? Where have you been? And... Oh god is that Robin?"
You looked back and forth between your mom and Jason with wide eyes. Well this is not how you planned for your family to meet Jason... Poor boy looked paler than ever.
"I.. Uhm.. Mom.."
"I was worried sick! You just... Disappeared! Your father is down at the police station. We thought you were kidnapped! Wait... Were you kidnapped?" she only stops to look at you and your boyfriend with worry. You shook your head. Gosh you feel so damn guilty!
"I am so sorry ma'am. It's all my fault. It was my idea to sneak her out and go on a..date.. " Jason spoke up surprising both you and your mother.
"No, it is my fault too and I'm-"
"Wait a minute darling. On a date? Aren't you dating a boy named Jason?"
You pressed your lips together into a tin line. Jason bit his lip uncomfortably.
"Well I.."
Your mother waved her hand.
"Sush, I understand. Please get inside don't just hang there with your legs outside someone's gonna think you wanna break in. I'll go call your father Y/N and when I come back I want to talk to the two of you." with that she exits your room.
"Oh god... I'm screwed." you sigh as you sit down on your bed.
"You and me both, baby." Jason responds getting rid of his cape."You and me both"
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chaos-family · 4 years
Backstory Masterdoc (in chronological order)
Credit to Anny for compiling this. 
TW for child abuse (physical and emotional), swearing, violence, blood mention, hospital, murder/death, implied panic attack, crying, arson mention, slight self negativity, neglect, alcohol abuse, hospitals, harassment, implied murder, violence mention, emotional distress/crying, manipulation, ab*se, implied s*xual feelings, repression, mention of abandonment, people going missing, crime mention, assassination mention
Oranges backstory: @orange-side-please-appear
Orange had an unremarkable life.
Xyr life followed a pattern. A cycle, if you will.
Get out of the house
Come back
Words that cut even before Orange knew the meaning to them
Then drowsiness 
And it repeated and repeated.
Get out of the house. Come back. Screams. Words. Pain. Drowsiness. Get out of the house. Come back. Screams. Words. Pain. Drowsiness. 
Xe met an animal with spikes. That was nice.
 Get out of the house. Come back. Screams. Words. Pain. Drowsiness. Get out of the house. Come back. Screams. Words. Pain. Drowsiness.
The neighbors asked xem to fill out some report. Xe never did get to do that before they were suddenly gone.
Get out of the house. Come back. Screams. Words. Pain. Drowsiness
And so on and so on.
And that was life. A cycle. A pattern. Something Orange knew even before xe knew xyrself.
There were days in xyr life. Good days, when they (could they even be called xyr parents?) grew bored of xem in the midst of the pain stage and went out with their painfully smelly bottles and small cylindrical white thingies they sometimes pushed against xyr skin.
There were middle days, where the smelly bottles would be thrown around and the white things would make marks under xyr hands.
Then there were the bad days.
Orange prefered not talking about them.
Today was like every other day. The cycle had continued its course. Orange had gone to visit the animal with spikes (who xe dubbed ‘Spiky’), xe had come home, there had been a fight xe couldn’t even bother to remember until the words were turned on xem. Then, there was pain.
And pain.
And pain.
And pain.
When would this stop? Was it gonna stay like this forever? Just the pain and numbness
The drowsiness never did come. It seemed like the cycle reversed and suddenly there was that white noise again, except different. Then, there was screaming again. That was weird.
Orange would have been bothered by the broken cycle if xe wasn’t so drowsy all of a sudden.
Then, there was nothing
Orange wasn't sure what xe was supposed to do, stuck in the stuffy hospital. 
Everyone seemed to look at xem wherever xe went. It felt strange. Xe wasn't used to people looking  at xem for anything but…
Words. Scarring words and horrible insults. ‘Useless child’ 'you are better off dead’ ‘i wonder how your skin would look like burned. Probably better, you ugly freak’. Words long forgotten but still burned in xyr skin. Ugly. freak. Useless Child. 
Maybe it was better that xyr skin was burned. It felt familiar. 
“Oh what a poor child” the nurses said “. those burns will scar. Who would want to adopt xem”
Xe could work with that
Orange didn’t even notice the scars were why people didn’t want to adopt xem at first.
Xe wouldn’t have noticed them if they weren’t still flaming red and plastered all over xyr face, like a pattern. It was odd and unfamiliar and Orange didn’t like that.
Xe was in a big house with a bunch of other kids. An ‘orphanage’ xe was told. Xe was supposed to be ‘adopted’ from here.
Orange would much rather stay here.
It was like xe was perpetually in the ‘Get out of the house’ state. It was the best state, in xyr opinion, and xe wanted to stay there.
Xe didn’t want the cycle to repeat. xe didn’t want the words and the screaming and the pain and pain and pain.
Xe did want the drowsiness right about now, xe thought as xe idly scribbled in a corner. The other kids chatted with the potential parents while xe settled to xyr scribbling.
People came and went but xe felt disconnected to them all. None of them came too close, eyeing xyr mad scribbling and horribly noticeable scars.
Well, not all of them it seemed.
Someone walked towards xem. Xe looked at them, unsure what they were doing so close. Didn’t they see the scars? It was a very clear ‘stay away’ sign, the other kids had told xem.
“What do you have there?” They asked, trying to look at the paper. 
Maybe they expected some butterflies or a very pretty flower.
They likely weren’t expecting a drawing of a burning building with ‘WORLD DOMINATION’ scribbled in bright crayon. 
“.... Huh” They said.
And that was that.
It wasn't, xe later found out.
The stranger had taken a liking to Orange for some reason. Xe walked away from the orphanage with nothing but a cardboard box with belongings. Or a porcupine and some paper, more accurately.
The other kids whispered as xe walked forward
‘Why is XE getting adopted’ a voice asked
‘This isn't fair’
And maybe it wasn’t.
But oh well
Orange would be lying if xe said xe wasn't just a bit spooked as xe walked inside the house.
It was very big, but mostly empty. Xyr new guardian (Who xe was told to call cenn) was.. Nice.
They didn't comment on xyr scars, which was a bit weird. They also did not have smelly bottles like they had. Mostly, it was quiet.
Xe was given a new room, which was far more bright and big than any room xe ever had.  It was empty, waiting to be filled by xem.
Spiky poked his head out of the box, looking at xem with the two mismatched eyes and the sparkling spikes.
Orange stared at the spikes and at the room. xe felt something missing.
Cold. it was cold.
Orange saw a candle in the nightstand
Cold. light it up. Hot hot hot.
And even thought xe had to later go to buy a new nightstand because the other was reduced to ash and even thought xyr skin thumped with something
For the first time in xyr life, xe wasn't afraid.
Xe wasn't gonna be scared anymore
Orange waited for the cycle. Xe waited and waited and waited for the pain until xe… forgot what xe was waiting for. 
Orange Chaos stared at the burning tree house. Cenn was sighing exasperatedly behind xem. The lawyer was trying to charm the firefighters. Xyr siblings were all whooping or pouting at the tree house.The cryptid was eerily watching them. Spiky was fighting Patrick and…
Xe felt good.
Xe felt safe.
Xe looked around at the people xe loved and who loved xem. Xe looked at the ones who nicknamed xem Zuko and who listened to xem chatter on and on about xyr world domination plans and who cared about xem.
The cycle had ended. The pattern we’re gone.
But somehow, Orandge wasn’t scared of losing those anymore.
No, xe didn’t need them anymore.
Xe was home.
Spiky’s backstory:
Spiky wasn’t quite sure what he was.
Well, some might say, a porcupine.
But what porcupine could set fires? 
So Spiky wondered.
Unti, one day, there was a person. A person who would sit next to him and attempt to pet him, even with all his spikes. A person who would play with matches. A person who named him.
Then, he became a partner in crime. 
The first thing about being a partner in crime, Spiky realized, was that he was never alone anymore.
In the Before, he would sleep wherever he could find. Alleys, gutters, roofs.
In the After, he could go home- Before, he hadn’t even known what home meant.
And there was always that person- xe would talk to him, constantly filling up the space with an abundance of chatter and warmth.
He hadn't even realized it Before, but he had never felt warmth.
This person was warmth. Xe was the campfire, crackling and laughing and so, so, wonderful. 
And one day, xe was gone.
Spiky- he couldn’t think his name without flinching, that was what xe called him- went back to Before.
And then xe was back, but xe was different.
Xe had a scar over her left eye. 
Xe looked… sad.
When Spiky sparked, xe flinched.
He curled up alone that night.
When Spiky went back to the girl the next day, xe was smiling. Happy, (xe was smiling!) Spiky curled up next to her, watching her play with not-matches. 
He deflated a bit- xe didn’t want fire xe didn’t want fire xe didn’t want him- but stayed curled up next to her.
The next day, it was still not-matches. 
The next day, it was red not-matches. 
The next day, it was a glowing thing that looked like matches, but wasn’t- Spiky had tested it. And maybe broken it.
But it was okay, because the person laughed, and the next day, it was matches.
Spiky let out his sparks.
Cenn/Maxx/Logan’s backstory: @logan-please-smile-speaks
Maxx was immortal. At least that’s what they were told. Their family was of a high social standing, they figured that out early on. What, with all the people taking care of them instead of their parents and seeing all the other immortal children playing fun, risky games but not being allowed to join them because they were "different. They got noticeably more clumsy, but they claimed that wasn’t their fault. They were bored, they wanted friends, they didn’t have anyone to talk to.
Their parents didn’t like that and yelled at them for hours. It was the longest amount of time they’d been in the same room with their parents. After that, they were, broken to put it simply. They zoned out often and talked even less. They tried to not bother the staff as much as possible and they vowed they’d never repeat the words said to them that night to anyone.
Four months later, their parents went on a business trip and went missing. After 10 months without them returning, Maxx had to take over.
It wasn’t like Maxx cared, they barely knew the people. But now they needed to run everything their parents had left behind. And there was rumor of a traitor around that time which meant they could only depend on themself. 
So that’s what they did. It was a lot of work and they had many sleepless nights but they managed. They learned about energy drinks and became much more productive. They never asked their staff to do the work, instead doing it themselves since the staff dealt with the media and Maxx didn’t trust them.
When they were younger they’d overhear some of the staff members whispering about very incriminating subjects. Maxx never told anyone. They also never showed their face to the public, making everyone’s last memories of them being from when they were only a child. They did this because they knew they were going to leave one day. Not give up their rule, just explore the world, maybe adopt some children since they practically owned the law and everything else. 
They wanted people to talk to. They wanted people they could trust.
So, when they were old enough, they chose to leave, still promising to rule from wherever they went, and left.
One thing about their family is that the rule they held over everything was kept secret. Only selected and trusted officials are chosen, and if they are then they go through loyalty testing and have to say an oath. If information like that was to get out, an uproar would occur and Maxx would be a target for assasination. In short, it would be a disaster. 
So when Maxx chose a town near the cost of [Enter place here], they had to go tell all the officials in the area and make sure they were all sworn to secrecy. At first, they focused on working, they wanted to try and get ahead so they could go adopt. They decided to try a somewhat smaller house at first, and they'd size up if need be. 
Maxx knew they also weren't going to tell anyone who they were or that they were immortal. That could be saved for later. Much, much, later. Sometime after moving, they listen to a 'musical' named Hamilton and some memories resurfaced. Memories of signing the declaration and constitution. Not in the body they have now but one of the founding fathers. Did they write the law? They researched their family a bit more and, yeah, all of their ancestors were founding fathers and people of ruling houses. They didn't understand why they had memories from so long ago but they weren't too concerned.
Soon enough they had a day off, so they decided to adopt.
So Maxx got ready and went to the orphanage, they wanted someone who might have gone through things, like them, so they could help the child live a somewhat normal life. They wanted to help, to make the child's life easier. Which might be why when they got to the orphanage they were drawn to the kid in the back. 
The child was converted in scars and writing something on what looked like a huge stack of paper. Maxx was curious, so they went over to talk to the child. 
"Hey, what do you have there?" 
They don't know what they were expecting, but they definitely weren't expecting to see 'WORLD DOMINATION' in crayon. If they were at a full energy level they would've laughed but instead what they said was 
After meeting some other children, they went to the matron and told her they wanted the kid in the back. The matron looked skeptical and asked if they were sure, which confused them but they said yes anyways. 
A few weeks later Maxx was called back to pick up the child, whose name, they learned was Orange. They were excited. They knew this was gonna be much different then anything they had ever done before. At first Orange was quiet and cautious, which makes sense. But as more children were brought in and xe found Spiky, xe warmed up to the family. Maxx was proud. After seeing how much Orange changed, they started helping and bringing in more children. 
It was a lot of work and the children could be exhausting at times but Maxx finally felt human. They felt like a normal person, even though they weren't. They loved it here. The only downside was that, they still had to run the world, basically. So late at night they'd be in the under area of their bed, typing away at laptops and writing out letters etc etc. They hated it but there was nothing they could do. They had to keep running everything until they disappeared. Thing is, if they disappeared they'd leave their family. Maxx could never, it would be cruel to take all these children in and then abandon them. 
So they stayed. 
Then they met River and helped out when they had lost their job. (You already know the business got told off later that week) But when River's family moved in, Maxx knew they'd need a bigger house. They got nervous though, they knew what house the family was going to move into but they were scared someone was going to ask where it came from. They never talked about their job! So if they just showed up having bought a huge house with presumably no money, people would ask questions. 
Eventually, they just decided to say it came from a relative. That worked somehow and the family kept growing, now with ghosts and cryptids and lawyers and therapists, and many, many, children. They didn't know how no one questioned the fact that they could commit crimes without consequence, but they weren't complaining. Maxx was having fun, they felt alive and they loved each and every person that was a part of their family. (/p) 
Even surrounded by all the love and happiness in their home, they always wondered where their parents were and if anyone would ever find out.
Ren/River’s backstory: @searching-for-the-frog-man
River sat on a bench, a book on their lap, scrolling through their spotify playlists. They had been doing this for about ten minutes and had yet to find an appropriate playlist for the setting. It was getting a little frustrating. “Hey!” A small child stood in front of them, distracting them from their extremely important (not) business.
“Hello?” They weren’t super used to having people just run up to them “what’s your name? Are you lost?” “No” they smiled in a mildly creepy manner “But my sister’s pet porcupine is” “Ah” It was one of those days “do you need help finding them?” “Yeah.” The kid nodded “turns out my parent doesn’t want to help” Understandable River thought 
“Okay, I’ll help you out” they thought for a second if this would be creepy, but before they could really put any thought into it, they were being dragged across the park “I think he’s in a tree” They pointed up at a big oak that stood in the center of the park River stood there for a minute before spotting an exasperated looking person on the other side of the park 
Before they could go talk to them another kid ran up and tugged on their sleeve
“What’s up?” she said, holding the largest stack of papers River had ever seen “have you found spiky yet?” “No” River looked at the paper “what’s that” “You’re nosy” the kid remarked “my name is orange, it’s nice to meet you” “I’m river”
“If you don’t tell cenn” Orange whispered “i’ll tell you what the papers are” “Okay?” the past five minutes were weird enough, and besides, River had no clue who cenn was anyway Orange flipped over the first page of the stack,
It read “world domination plans” “Oo-kay” River slowly backed away “good to know” It was then that Orange grabbed their arm and pulled them into the woods by the park 
20 minutes later Maxx wandered into the woods to look for their kids only to find both children swordfighting with a random blue haired person
“Who the hell are you?” 
“Oh!” River tucked their sword behind their back “you must be their parent” “Yeah” they nodded “why are you swordfighting with my kids?” “Orandge is trying to take over the world” they pointed to the wide eyed child “so yup” “Okay, well thanks for stopping her”
“No problem” River laughed “funny thing- I came to this park to get away from my kids” “Oh?” “Yeah, they’re small chaos demons” They plucked a leaf out of their hair “but turns out I just found more” “Our kids should play together sometime” “That would be nice” ______________________________________________________________________________
River lost their job in march of the next year, and their house in may. “I don’t know what the hell I’m doing” They sat on the couch of Maxx’s house, tears in their eyes “or where I’m gonna go” “Have you told the kids yet?” “No.” River admitted “I don’t want to. I’m their parent. I’m not supposed to fail like this” “Nobody’s perfect” “Still. I can’t bear to tell them that I don’t know where we’re gonna live” “Ren?” one of river’s kids stuck her face around the corner “are you okay?” “I’m fine sweetie” River wiped their eyes “go play” “You could move in with us” Maxx said suddenly “What?” “Move in with us, bring the cats”
“Really?” “yeah” ______________________________________________________________________________
River and kids moved in on may 16th
They brought over their pets and soon the family was all together. They thought for a minute that all they really needed was just these five kids
They were wrong. Something told them (maybe the cryptid in the attic, maybe the lawyer in the chimney, something) that the story wasn’t over
And so every time there was a hurt kid, every time someone was abandoned, every time a crying child wound up on their doorstep, they took them in. And the inside of the house was warm and happy and safe
And even if the neighbors thought they were weird, even if River’s extended family refused to visit, it was still home. And it was still full of love.
March’s backstory: @bewaretheidesofmarchyall
[being written]
Green’s backstory: @janus-come-back-to-us (wip)
Green, or as you better know her, the unlawful lawyer, lived a mundane life, at first. A stereotypical mother and father, both prestigious lawyers who went to yarvard university. Both prominent names in the world of law, both excellent in their careers. 
  At least, that’s what Green had learned. 
 When she was five, her parents took her to her first court case— her father versus someone else, she couldn’t remember the name. All she knew was that they had burned much of the city’s property, and he’d father had to show that they were guilty. Simple enough, wasnt it? They were already known as an arsonist, so what would be so difficult about it? 
 But then, the defendant pulled out colorful wads of paper— shs didn’t recognize it, but the courtroom did. Her parents, especially, their faces draining of color at the sight. 
  The judge’s eyes lit up behind their glasses, leaning on the edge of their seat as the defendant strutted up to them, a confident smirk on his face. 
 “Monopoly money?” Her mother hissed under her breath, her hold on Green’s hand deathly tight, “that’s— where did they—?”
  “Momma?” The toddler asked, because what was monopoly?? Why was father’s head in his hands? Why did the defendant look so smug, so sure of himself? 
 Her mother only shushed her, somehow squeezing her hand tighter, but that didn’t erase Green’s questions. If anything, it encouraged them, spurred them on until they were all she could think about.
 The only other thing she registered, before zoning out once again, was the judge and jury declaring the defendant innocent. Innocent— as if those fires just magically appeared! As if there were no worries about fixing the property— of possible injuries— of anything!! 
 After the tense car ride home, the little toddle ran upstairs to her room. The billion books that lined her walls— she hadn’t read up on many of them, in all honesty, because the only ones she could reach were on the bottom shelves, all filled with fairytales and fables that taught her nothing. 
  So, she climbed. As if she was merely a monkey in a jungle, she kicked her tiny legs up and climbed the many shelves. She fumbled, faltered, nearly fell in the loneliness of her room, but miraculously made it to the highest shelf. 
 Where her parent’s court records were. Where the knowledge of the law was. Where a whole board game was (seriously, why was there a board game?).
 It took her all night, around twelve hours, really, but by the end of it, she was a much smarter kid. 
  For one, Green learned that her parents… weren’t really that good. They just knew how to drag on conversations without looking suspicious, and they knew how to seem trustworthy, so much so that their rivals could have all the evidence in the world, but her parent’s charisma would always win out. They hardly ever mentioned the law in most of these, actually, they were just court jesters!! Playing a fool, entertaining the Royal judge, making his advisories, the jury, chuckle in good faith, ruling in favor of her family. 
 Secondly, the law was horrendously stupid. Crimes of higher evil weren’t punished for as long as little white crimes. Flimsy evidence could win against the truth. Corruption littered every surface of the courtroom, from shady deals with the jury, to the judge having immediate biases with no reason… it was unlawful, in every sense of the word. 
 Lastly, and probably the most egregious thing she learned… monopoly wasn’t just some measly board game, not just some family fun. No, it was the biggest scam of the century. The court held these colorful dollars to such a high regard, higher than they held the victims of cases. “Get out of jail” cards were waved around as an easy bail. Owning miniature green and red buildings was considered a genuine source of income!! As if!!
 All of this fraud, all of this deception in the very rules of society… Green realized what she had to do. 
 She had to become a lawyer who was so awful at her job, that it would unmask how horrendous the whole system was. 
 Maybe a bit extreme for a five year old to think, but this is a fix for the chaos family, what did you expect?
  For the next several years, Green studied about the law as much as she could. Her excuse was just “following in her parents’ footsteps,” but anyone who she was close to would know that’s a lie. 
 So thankfully, she wasn’t close to anyone. 
 She ended up going to Yarvard University— a prestigious, peculiar, picky school— and her whole course on law… was very lackluster, to say the least. It was merely a video of very similar looking men, flirting in a courtroom (did one of them have scales?). But, for some reason, the quick quiz and test she took after (and, of course, passed with flying colors), was enough to earn her a degree in law. Splendid. 
Callisto’s backstory: @where-is-the-morningstar
[being written]
Anny’s backstory: @awkward-pics-of-john
[being written]
Samir’s backstory:  @bring-back-the-sides-onesies
Samir had always felt left out. Her parents didn’t love each other anymore, one would tell a story that the other would say wasn’t true, and she would be stuck in the middle. Sam was maybe 5 when they stopped living together. Every Wednesday, she would go to her father's house, stay there till Saturday when she would go back to her mother. Sometimes her Dad had people over that she didn’t know, sometimes he played music for her, sometimes he made custard.
Her Mum didn’t do much. She always seemed tired, like she didn’t want Sam around, or that she was too much trouble. She was rarely clean at her mother’s house, which her father didn’t like. They used to argue a lot. Yelling and banging that would scare Sam, make her hide under her bed and wish for it to stop.
It was one of those nights. She was 10 now, her father come over to confront her mother about how she was being treated. They were yelling again. She hid, beneath blankets and with pillows and stuffed animals. Especially her stuffed ‘devils. The loud wouldn’t go away, she knew. So, wrapping herself in blankets and picking up her devils, she shoved some clothes, all just a bit small for her, into her school bag and opened the window. Using the bed as leverage, she climbed out of the window, tears welling in her eyes as she landed in the bush outside.
It was prickly, and sticks kept on almost poking her eyes. Sam looked around, before choosing one end of the street to walk up, hugging the blankets around herself, and holding her tasmanian devil stuffies close to her. It was late, starting to get dark, and Sam knew that the dark meant she might get in trouble. Mum and Dad had always told her not to go outside when the dark was here, that bad people would try and take her away.
Sam thought that maybe that was better than staying there.
There was a park near where she lived. It had a swing and a slide and some climbing areas. It was fenced off, but Sam had never been there before. Mum said that kids who did bad things went there to talk to their friends.
Placing her bag on the ground, and her blankets on top of them, she reached up to open the gate, so she could stay there for awhile. There were wood-chips on the ground though, so it might not be a great idea since she was barefoot.
Sitting down on her bag and blankets, Sam hugged her stuffies, tears finally falling down her cheeks. She was cold, and scared, and didn’t know where to go. People around here were rarely nice, but no one would want to help a scruffy, filthy nuisance such as herself.
Picking up her bag and blankets again, Sam began to wander. It was gloomy now, her tummy empty, so she stopped at a road. There was a shop across it, but the road was there, and it scared her. Her Dad had taught her to always look both ways, but it was dark, and her eyes hurt. 
So when all was quiet, she dashed across, making it safely across. She stood silently at the door, before jumping to try and get the scanner to see that she was there, and let her in. Eventually someone walked out, so she dashed in, looking around the inside of the store as she did.
It was empty. The people at the registers seemed barely awake, and the only sound she could really hear was the faint chattering of several people, most higher-pitched than what a usual adult would sound like. Sam hurried towards the sound, curious to know what the sound was. Turning into one of the aisles, she saw three or four children, seemingly around the same age as herself. There was an adult with them, but their back was turned. Sam watched them for a while, watched as they talked together. 
One of them, a short one with burns over her face and arms, turned to see Sam, to which the child ducked out of view, hugging her stuffies tightly. She had always typically been a shy, isolated child.
The child walked out of the aisle, followed by one other, looking over at Sam. She waved to her, which Sam responded with a small wave in return. The other two children soon appeared, followed by the adult. They had shoulder length brown hair, and were wearing a blue top and a grey skirt. 
“Hey kid, are you lost?” They asked softly, crouching in front of Sam. She shook her head, looking down and hugging her stuffies close to her.
“Hiding?” They prompted a response, trying to look into Sam’s eyes. She began to cry again, hiding her face in her blanket and stuffies. 
“I-I r-ran a-a-away-” Sam sniffled, still keeping her face hidden. The adult sat down in front of Sam, silent for now. “T-they kept on figh-fighting and i-i didn’t wanna-” Sam went quiet as the adult leaned forward and brought them into a hug, two or three of the other children joining in. Because hugs are amazing.
“Come on, let’s get you something to eat, then we’ll see about finding your house, ok?” The adult spoke softly to Sam, who nodded, hugging her stuffies tightly. “For now, tell me about your teddies. What are their names?” Sam rubbed at her eyes, before responding with a meek ‘Devi and Tali’. 
“Those are pretty names! Come on, let’s go choose out a small treat for you to have.” The adult stood up, holding onto Sam’s hand as they went to the checkout. “Orange, Anny, Calli, can you take her to the chocolates or the treats to get something? Keep it small,” The adult said, smiling encouragingly.
“Ok Cenn!” Said one, as three of the children, the one with the burns, one wearing some sort of fake suit, and one with a blue top, led Sam to one of the aisles. Her eyes widened as she looked around, before picking up one of the bars, almost dropping her stuffies in the process. 
She knelt down to pick up her stuffies, before looking at the other children.
“My name’s Samir..” She said quietly, before standing up again.
“I’m Orange! That’s Callisto, and that’s Anny.” The burnt one spoke, a grin on her face. “And that was Cenn, Eryn was with them. They adopted all of us! There are more of us at home, and Ren’s there too! They’re our other parent.” Orange explained.
“Is it happy?” Sam asked quietly. Anny nodded.
“It sounds nice..” Sam smiled softly, before rubbing some of the dirt off of her face, bundling her blanket tighter around herself as she walked back over to Cenn and Eryn. “Why don’t you have any shoes on?” Calli asked, looking sideways at Sam, who went red.
“I climbed out my bedroom window. My shoes were in the hallway, I didn’t want Mum and Dad to see me.” Sam said quietly.
“You’re all dirty too. Do you live in a mud house?” Anny asked jokingly, causing Sam to giggle.
“No, Mum’s usually just a bit busy. I’m cleaner when i’m at Dads though.” Sam explained.
“Mum and Dad don’t live together anymore, otherwise i’d probably be clean all the time. She doesn’t have much time for me, and Dad tries his best but he gets busy as well.” Sam sighed, looking down.
“I ran off because they were arguing though, it always feels louder than it actually is, like… like it’s a big group of elephants all running towards me, except it’s their arguing and shouting and hitting things.” Sam squeezed her stuffies closer to her, before looking up again.
“It was all cold and dark outside and Dad said that the dark is bad, so I came here, cause I thought it’d be warm. Then I met you!” Sam finished off her explanation, Cenn looking on from the sidelines with a confused face.
“Do you know your address?” They asked. Sam thought for a moment, before nodding. “Good. We’ll drive by there, and I’ll go talk to your mother and father, if they’re still around. You might have to go back, but if you don’t and they agree to put you up for adoption, then you can join our family.” Cenn nodded slightly before placing Sam’s chocolate on the conveyor, waiting to pay for their groceries. Orange was vibrating with excitement, whilst Anny was bouncing and Calli was nodding subtly. Eryn stood still beside Cenn, hugging their left leg.
Cenn finished paying, carrying the grocery bags out to the car, unlocking it as they went. Callisto went and sat in the front seat, whilst Eryn and Anny helped Sam get into the very back, Orange sitting in the middle (it’s a van-type car).
“What’s the address?” Cenn asked Sam, who stuttered before quietly muttering a street name and number. Cenn nodded, opening up their phone to get google maps directions to said address. 
“Buckle up, buttercups.” Cenn called, waiting to hear the clicks of the belts, which they soon did. Nodding to themselves, they pulled out of the carpark, heading to the address that Sam had told them.
Sam was looking out the window, hugging Tali and Devi. Anny sat beside her, Eryn on Anny’s other side and seemingly half asleep.
“Uhhh… Kids, stay here, i’ll be back..” Cenn stopped the car, hopping out quickly and locking it behind them. Sam shied away from the window, hugging her knees to her chest. Police surrounded the house, her father being dragged away, yelling and handcuffed. Blood spattered his shirt.
An ambulance was there too. They were loading a body on a stretcher into the back, blood soaking the sheets that covered it. The doctors were yelling orders at each other, trying to keep whoever it was alive. Cenn was talking to one of the policepeople, trying to figure out what had happened.
With a sigh, Cenn walked back to the car and got back in. “Sam, honey, you’re gonna come stay with us for tonight, ok? There’s been a bit of trouble, that’s all.” Sam nodded, looking down as they drove off.
Cenn had taken her to their home. It was big. She’d been shown to an empty room, then given a bath so she would be clean, and had her hair brushed. Then she’d gone to bed.
Sam didn’t see her father ever again. He was sent to court and then convicted for Second degree murder of her mother. Cenn decided to adopt her when they all found out, so now this was her home.
She was happy here, at least. So Sam stayed. She kept quiet, she kept mostly to herself, but she did love them and was grateful for what Cenn had done.
And terrified of what might have happened to her if she had been there when it happened.
Rina’s backstory: @really-awkward-pics-of-talyn
She wasn’t sure why she liked it there. It was a “family” of her own, maybe that’s why. Ven and Yosh would act as everyone’s parents. Minty, Immy, Adriana, and Syd were her older siblings; Slimey, Derppo, Mimi, and Leon as the younger ones. They all had something in common; that’s why they were a family.
No, they never really fought.
They just liked watching it happen.
Rina had to leave. Time passed and she lost touch with those older siblings. She couldn’t find them in this jumbled mess of a mansion (which she had somehow come up with). It was an unfair system, where the higher rank gave you a better-quality room. Of course, this meant the parents had a pretty high quality of living while her younger siblings were all stuck sharing a room.
Just like she had written in that story of hers.
“Rina, this is cute, but… when do we get to see your parents’ representation here?”
“Sorry, Ven, I can’t. It goes against the story’s system. Besides, Don is in a lower rank, and even if he was there, they still wouldn’t-” she caught Ven’s glare and nodded. “...Okay.”
She glanced outside and saw Syd pack her bags. She rushed outside, only to have Yosh stop her.
It felt like Yosh had some unspoken negative feelings about her, seeing as they both liked the same character. It felt like Rina wasn’t allowed to do that, even though Ven, Adrianna, and Slimy shared a favorite. Syd and Derppo shared a favorite. Minty, Immy, Mimi, and Leon were the only ones who liked their certain characters (give or take the fact that there was someone outside the “family” who shared with Leon).
“Come back inside. Don’t follow her.” Yosh pushed the smaller girl back inside.
“But… Syd…” Rina looked back at one of her closest friends in the group.
“Nah, she’s fine. She’s fine, let’s just… Not talk about her anymore, okay?”
Rina nodded, a tad bit uncomfortable.
“What’s all this?” Yosh picked up Rina’s notebook.
“Oh, you see, I’m really into idol anime, so-”
“Fine, but keep it to yourself. No one else.”
Rina had to leave. Things were getting worse in the household. Rina knew Minty and Adrianna were still there but couldn’t get a hold of them. Immy seemed to fade without a trace. As for the “younger siblings,”...
She heard what she considered to be “no-no noises” and laughter. Derppo and Leon were poking fun at Slimey for being, well, something for her favorite. Rina shuddered at the thought. Slimey was about the same age as her at that time, but for someone to feel something like that for a character that was nine years older than them was not a very pleasant thought.
Rina went back to her room (being the middle child meant she got to choose where she wanted to go, so she obviously shared the apartment-type room with the older siblings) and opened up an empty notebook. She took a marker and scribbled a face similar to her own on the page. She held it up to her face.
“Rina-chan board says, ‘smile,’” she said, mimicking her namesake, Rina Tennoji.
Rina continued to use the board, hiding her face and her feelings from the parents of the household. She was the only one left from the “first half” of the children, and seeing how much things had changed shocked her. Every day, behind the smiling notebook, was either a blank stare or a sad expression (which still felt empty).
She’d lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. If the ceiling wasn’t in sight, it was the smiling sketch on top of her actual face, which would be covered in tears. Why did it have to be that way? Now that she was the oldest child there, did she want to stay? She wasn’t used to those “parents” being pushy and manipulative. They didn’t even have the parent role in the first place; it had belonged to the real veterans of the group (who, like the older siblings, were nowhere to be seen).
Rina had to leave.
Finally, they convinced themselves to pack their bags. Inhale. Exhale. Let the family light itself on fire, they didn’t care. They just needed to be somewhere else.
At this point in time, they had gotten used to the notebook. They got used to holding a straight face. Rina looked back to the old building. It started to fall apart. Just like in the story, which was deleted. Was she the only “normal” one there? Of course she was. The only ones left there were either extremely manipulative or horny. There was no sense of normalcy there. Unless you were talking about Rina.
It really was best for them to leave. That experience left them blank and expressionless. More faces had been drawn in their notebook. The first smile from months ago, a more excited smile, a face of worry, one of anger, one of embarrassment… the list went on. All of this because they were told to keep things to themselves. They were told to have the same exact mindset as those “parents” who ran the show.
But they didn’t want to, so they left. They had no particular place in mind, and nowhere to go to. They’d been walking further and further away from the mansion until they felt like they couldn’t move anymore.
“Middle of the woods, huh…?” Their lips curved up for a split second before they set their bag down. “I don’t have a problem with that.” They took out their phone and listened to a song or two that they knew well.
Right. They wanted to be an idol. That dream had been pushed away from them by their “parents.” A second notebook, along with a pencil, was pulled out of their bag.
“What should I finish?” they asked themselves, looking at their English translyrics. Of course. Color of Heart, a song about hiding one’s true self behind a mask. A song where smiles were just meaningless lies.
This song fit them. After the manipulation, they didn’t want to be themselves anymore. After jotting down some more lyrics, they cleaned up a bit and hoisted one of the bag’s straps over their shoulder. And they sang. They went down the road and sang as they did so, their headphones playing the music.
The smell of fire snapped them out of their thoughts. They panicked (enough to almost drop their board) and ran out to stop it. That is, until they saw the kids around it, laughing.
“Did you… Set this on fire?” they asked, staring at the burning treehouse. The kids there nodded. Rina caught their own feeling of shock and held up their board (notebook). “Where are your parents?”
One of the kids pointed off to an adult nearby. “Cenn’s over there, Ren was around earlier.” Rina walked towards the adult they assumed to be Cenn.
“Cenn…?” Rina glanced towards the burning treehouse.
“That’s fairly normal for them.”
“I’ll go get a fire extinguisher or a hose or… something else to put it out.” It was then when Rina realized they were being… weird, compared to the other kids. But that was fine with them.
“What’s your name, by the way?”
“Rina. Noticed the fire while I was running from- I mean, just on my way to-”
“Running away?”
“From a toxic ‘family,’” they said, flipping to a worried page. “I wanted to get away from there, came across here…” Their eyes widened, feeling a hand patting their head.
“I don’t know if you’d find this better, but Ren and I are always open to adding new members to the family.”
Rina nodded. “I like this better…” While they began to flip through the notebook to a smile, they heard someone else approach.
“What’s the notebook for?” Ren asked, looking at the board.
“Expressions. I usually have a blank face.”
“You’re smiling, though,” Ren remarked, looking at Rina, who had put the board down.
Rina’s smile grew a little bigger, and she let her cuteness take over. “You guys don’t mind if I stay here?”
“Not at all.”
Rina giggled to herself, and said something she didn’t expect to say. “Rina-chan says, ‘smile’!”
Curt’s backstory: @wheresvirgilsspidercurtainstho
Curt's hoodie was special to them. 
It made them feel protected. 
Like they were safe. 
The reason?
Well, we'd have to go far back for that. 
To say Curt's biological family wasn't the best would be an understatement. They didn't care about their child at all, often forgetting they existed on good days. They didn't want Curt to exist and they made it clear to them every day of their life for around a decade. 
Sometimes verbally telling them wasn't enough and they'd leave physical reminders of it, bruises, cuts, broken bones, etc.
They still have the burn scar from a particularly bad day along their stomach. 
One day, their 'parents' had an argument. 
A loud one. 
It turned physical. 
Curt remembers watching as their 'mother' snapped, grabbed the nearby kitchen knife and plunged it into their 'father''s heart. They remember the scream of pain. They remember the blood. They remember the expression on their 'mother''s face. They remember the moment when their 'mother' realised they were watching from the stair bannister. They remember running, scared for their life. Hiding in a wardrobe. They remember their 'mother' yelling "YOU LITTLE BITCH WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" They remember not being able to breathe, their throat closing up. The shaking. The pure terror. The warm tears running down their face. 
Their 'father''s scream wasn't quiet. A neighbour heard, got concerned and called 999 (or 911 depending on where you live ig). That's the only reason Curt didn't die in that house that reeked of alcohol and bad memories. They got there before their 'mother' had a chance to kill them. 
The ride to the hospital. 
It felt like the longest ride in their entire life. 
It was too loud. 
But also too quiet. 
Everything felt wrong. 
It all reeked of that metallic smell. 
They couldn't get the image of their 'father''s face before he died. 
The yelling. 
The fear. 
The fear. 
Before they knew it, they were at the hospital building. 
It was too crowded. 
Too many people. 
Too bright. 
The next half an hour was basically just a blur.
Curt had to sit in the waiting room, since for plot purposes, the hospital was busy. 
They had a cup of water in their hands-how'd that get there?-but they couldn't stop shaking violently. 
A thing-person-that snapped them out of their thoughts. 
"Hi, are you okay? There's water on your face-" The voice said. 
Curt jumped at the voice before looking up. A pair of brown eyes behind glass stared back. The person was wearing a black jumper but was holding another piece of clothing. 
"Sorry if I annoyed you or anything I was just kind of worried and I'm sorry!" The person said, growing more and more nervous as they continued to speak. 
"...I-i'm fi- no, wait. T-that's probably a lie. I don't even k-know anymore…" Curt said quietly, stuttering a bit and not even knowing what to say. 
"Well uh… here! You look cold and if you want… I can give you a hug too? That usually helps me!" As they said that, they handed them the clothing item in their hands. 
Curt blinked in confusion. "t-this is yours though…"
"Well uh, if you don't want it then you don't have to but it's just a hoodie, I don't need it!" The person smiled. 
Curt put the hoodie one. It gave them a small bit of comfort. It was warm and the hoodie had cat ears patterned with stars. It was the best thing they'd ever received. 
They accepted the offer of the hug. 
That was the first time they'd ever been hugged. 
Even more crying happened. 
The person's name was Sam, they were at the hospital because another person, called Orange (who was Sam's sibling), got burnt because of arson gone wrong. 
Sam's family was so loud. But not overbearingly. It was comforting. Was this a real family? One that loved and supported you? They were lucky. 
Sam didn't mind if Curt didn't know what to say or stuttered. She was kind and her family were one of the first ones to show Curt any kindness. 
It couldn't last though, right?
After all, Curt still had to live somewhere. 
And that's when a social worker finally turned up, claiming that she was going to take Curt to an orphanage since their 'mother' was going to prison and their 'father' had died earlier that night. 
The almost safe feeling they felt disappeared. "u-uh.. Bye Sam, Sam's f-family." They said quietly. 
"Can't they stay with us?" Anny, another person part of the family, said. Curt would be lying if that sentence hadn't caused hope they didn't think was possible. 
"Cenn would probably say-"
"Please, please, please!" Pleaded Callisto, another part of the family. 
"I don't know what you're on about but let us do it Ren!" A new voice said loudly. The owner of that voice had burns on their face and a bandage on their arm. 
"Hi Anny! And hi new person!"
Their Ren sighed. "Well, we'll just threaten to commit arson to the house again if Cenn isn't okay with it."
There were happy noises from everyone else. 
Curt was honestly shocked that anyone could ever want them in their life but they weren't going to complain. 
There was a lot of paperwork and it's a surprise that they even let Curt come home that night but that was the best night's sleep Curt ever received. 
And that hoodie became a reminder that maybe someone did want them after all. 
Local Family Cryptid’s backstory:  @where-is-elliot-come-home-please
[being written]
Xael’s Backstory: @awkward-pics-of-critic-and-crew (i just put this here since i don’t know where it is chronologically lakjd)
Xael had always liked swimming. I suppose her name was an indicator to any who knew what it meant; “from the sea”.
So her meeting her new family after almost drowning was interesting.
Her parents were… ok. Her parents were never together, but they weren’t angry at each other. They were on good terms, agreeing to co-parent their child. It worked, for a while.
Until they died.
They were on their way to Xael’s school, for a parent-teacher meeting, when a truck came out of nowhere. Struck their car, killed them on impact. She was upset, naturally. When she was put in the orphanage, she didn’t make many friends. None she kept anyways.
Eventually, she got new parents.
Her new adults were awful. She refused to call them her parents. That’s all she said about them at the start. They liked to yell, and sometimes things got broken. Xael was scared that she might get angry like them too.
They didn’t always pay attention to her either. Sometimes she had to make her own food and get herself ready for bed because they just weren’t bothered. She adjusted to this.
One day, her adults decided to drive out to the beach. Xael could read the weather forcast; they knew it was gonna be bad weather later. They hesitantly brought this up.
“Oh, shush. Either you come with us or stay here alone for the day.”
Xael didn’t wanna stay alone, even though those adults weren’t much better. So they got in the car.
At the beach, Xael sat still for a while. Eventually, she went to swim in the sea while her adults drank a weird red drink. It reminded her of blood. She wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
She wore ear plugs while she swam. Weird, but she already had bad balance, and watery ears don’t help with that. So she swam, just doing her own thing. She didn’t realise when it started raining, she was already wet.
She noticed when thunder struck nearby.
She stopped, taking out one earplug and looking around. Nobody else was swimming anymore. The sky was grey, almost pitch black. She was very far away from the shore.
‘I should get back.’ She thought.
She couldn’t see anyone on the beach anymore. Anyone.
Where were her adults?
She started swimming back, only for a particularly large wave to brush her aside and under the water. She let out a startled yelp. Water flooded her mouth, almost choking her.
She was panicking.
The next few moments felt like a blur. All she remembered was coughing and sputtering as she was tossed around the water, rain pouring and thunder cracking.
And eventually, she just let her eyes close.
Her adults clearly didn’t care if she wasn’t there, they’d already left.
Maybe she’d see her real parents soon.
Well, she didn’t wake up to her parents.
She coughed as she opened her eyes. She realised she was in a car. No, a van. Looking to her left, she noticed a kid staring at her, with scars and burns on xyr face. She thought they were interesting. Orange, xyr name was.
“Oh, they’re not dead. Huh.” The kid said.
“Oh, they’re awake!” A different kid chimed in the row ahead of them. She noticed a stuffed animal sticking out of the chair, which she learned later belonged to Sam. There were other kids in the van too. Somehow, she knew she wasn’t being kidnapped. Nobody was panicking.
Xael coughed another time or two, trying to clear the last of the water from her throat. “Huh..?” Was all she said at the start.
“Cenn! They’re awake!” Another kid called. Eryn. She liked these names.
“Oh! Let me pull over…” They stopped the car, pulling over to the curb. They turned to see Xael.
“Are you ok?”
How long had it been since she’d heard that?
“…I think so. Where am I?” She usually tries to be polite, but at that moment she was confused.
“Ah, this is our car. We found you washed up on the beach nearby and wanted to make sure you were ok.”
Right. The beach. Adults left.
“They left…” she muttered.
“Hm? Sorry, what was that?”
“My adults… they left without me.”
She wasn’t attached to those people. She really wasn’t. So why did she feel upset?
“Your adults? You mean, your parents?”
“Not really. They’re bad parents, I think. Did I drown?” She was really just hopping between topics, huh?
“Oh- no, you’re ok. Do you have a way of getting in contact with your pa- adults?”
“No. Don’t wanna.”
“That’s ok. Well, for now, would you like to come stay with us?” Cenn asked. Xael perked up a bit. So did Orange.
“Another partner in crime?” Xe asked. Xael wondered what that meant.
“Do I have to keep making my food?” She asked.
“What? No, what age are you even- nevermind. No, the older people in the house make the food. The kids are kids.” Cenn replied.
She didn’t have to take care of herself constantly. Others could help.
“Mm… that sounds nice…"
She could feel herself getting tired. For once, she let herself doze off. She enjoyed naps.
She was hoping she’d have more in the future.
31 notes · View notes
troop-scoop · 4 years
Mistakes & Regrets XX
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Summary: When a trip to your Dad’s hometown of Hawkins goes wrong, you end up in the year 1983, and have to learn how to cope with being stuck in the past.
Pairing: Steve Harrington / Future!Reader (like, a really slow burn)
Warnings: Swearing probably,
• • •
The sounds of crickets and the distant sound of an owl somewhere in the woods was pretty much the only things you could hear from your position by the control box. Other than the occasional very soft sound of someone’s clothing moving as they moved or shifted their weight. 
Lucas was next to you, leaning against the box. Everyone had remained silent after Jonathan and Nancy got into the car and drove up to the lab. 
“Is Will your dad?” He asked in a hushed voice.
Looking down at Lucas, his arms were crossed, and he was looking up at you with a mixed look of frustration and sadness. 
“What makes you think that?” Your voice was equally as quiet.
“You fell through a hole, ended up in the Upside Down and then crawled out in a different time period, that is, if you’re telling the truth. And you just said that you and Jonathan are family. “
Looking down at the pavement you sighed a bit, lifting up your backpack that was mostly empty. But, Steve forgot to empty out the smallest pocket in the bag, where you usually kept your school ID, and some extra cash in a wallet. It was the same one you’d had from home. 
Taking the pale faux yellow wallet out, you zipped it open, hesitating for a second, looking at the middle compartment you always refused to open. 
But, by all rights except blood, Lucas was your uncle. He’d sneak you cash at theme parks whenever all of you got together for the summer. You still remembered your fathers telling him he didn’t need to, and yet, he persisted. 
Opening the center compartment of the wallet you pulled out a small photo taken from an instax camera, of you and your dad. Often you forgot you had it. 
You didn’t look at it, but you just handed it to him. You’d been in sixth grade at some place for a field trip that he volunteered to chaperone. 
Lucas took it from you and looked at the photo. Your hair had been cut short, and you were clearly younger in the photo. And your dad had a smile on his face, an arm around your shoulders in a protective manner, his hair loosely styled, so a strand was in his face. 
And ever since this young version of your uncle Lucas met you, he thought you actually looked truly happy. Unbothered, like a normal kid with normal dreams and oblivious to the future or past she’d have to endure.
“This is Will?” It was obvious, but he still asked anyway, feeling the need to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. 
“Yeah. That’s my dad.” 
“Who’s your mom?”
Shaking your head a bit you closed your wallet, not taking the photo back. “Her name’s Anne.” 
“Don’t you want this?” He asked, holding the photo out to you. Looking at it for a split second you could almost hear the clanging of a baking sheet while your dad placed it on the stove to make those halloween cookies every year. And you could see the burnt edges creeping towards the pumpkin in the center. It was no secret that Will was a good cook, but terrible at baking and trying to put premade things in the oven. 
“Not really.” 
“But he’s your dad-”
“And I don’t know him anymore.” It was dramatic, but it was true. It had been over a year since you last saw him as you wanted to remember him. If you’d known that being in that restaurant would be the last time you’d see him, you wouldn’t have yelled at Pa, you would’ve taken it all in, you would have said your goodbyes, and tried to remember how your fathers and little brother looked in the moment. 
You went over to Steve who was leaning against the yellow post at the other side of the box, hitting the butt of the flashlight on his palm. “Hey,” You breathed out.
Looking up at you, he smiled a bit. “Hi,” 
Max was staring at the drive that lead up to the lab, and you could hear the sound of tires against the pavement. Looking over you saw Jonathan’s car and Hopper’s truck speeding towards them. 
Reaching over you grabbed Max as Steve grabbed Lucas and Dustin, pulling them out of the way. Jonathan sped past you, but Hopper stopped, looking at you five through the open passenger window. 
“Let’s go!”
Steve opened the door, rushing you and the middle schoolers into the back, with the three of them behind you, and you, leaning between the two front seats, as Steve got into the passenger side.
“What the fuck’s going on?”
“The gate, it’s wide open, and letting things through.” 
• • •
Sitting on the edge of the bathtub you had your head in your hands, only seeing your knees, the tile, and a few strands of hair that fell around your face in a type of curtain. 
You were convinced that from the day you were born, you’d admired and looked up to your dad. He was one of many male figures in your life. He gave you good morals, and taught you to be strong, how to be you, and not to let anyone control you. 
His biggest fear when you were growing up was that a man would try and control you, or that anyone who had a power dynamic with you, would try and manipulate you. But he was always paranoid. 
You had another thing to admire him for- bringing two kids into a world that he knew was fucked. Being confident enough in himself and Pa that they could protect you and Daniel. That you wouldn’t get hurt. 
Closing your eyes you concentrated, lowering yourself onto the floor, hugging yourself and grasping onto Steve’s jacket. You wanted to know how he’d done it. Gotten through such a fucked up time in his life at such a young age. How any of them did. Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max. You were older, and all you wanted to do was close your eyes and disappear. 
Opening your eyes, everything around you was black, with about an inch of water around your feet. But ahead of you, you could see a familiar looking table, with familiar looking cookies, and a few pieces of cloth on the table. 
You saw your uncle Dustin sitting at the table, while your uncle Lucas sat across from him. 
“Should we tell them?” Lucas asked, looking down at something beside him. Slowly walking over, you could see a stroller next to him, an older baby in the seat, dressed in yellow and pink, with a blue sippy cup gripped tightly in their hands. They were maybe a year old. 
“You’re insane.” Dustin responded.  
Finally you placed it. It was one of the tables at the coffee shop you’d always gone to on Fridays with your dad. And the cloth on the table was a set of dirty baby clothes that had been neatly folded. 
“We can’t. You know that. Will’s already terrified enough as it is, you don’t want him turning their condo into a baby friendly prison, do you?” 
Lucas’ face changed a bit as he looked down at the baby again. You could hear a muffled voice call out an order, and watched as Dustin got up, leaving Lucas sitting with an infant who was half asleep. 
He leaned over to the baby, unbuckling them from the seat and pulling them into his arms. “Hey, princess.” He greeted her with a sad smile. He stayed quiet, letting the baby lean against his shoulder, the sippy cup still in a death grip, almost empty, and you assumed that the infant was just a little too happy about having been given what looked like apple juice
But when you looked at her arm, you saw the birthmark you once had, the one that, after you burnt your arm, disappeared. 
It was you. 
You were a chubby baby.
Who wouldn’t let go of her juice even though Lucas tried to put it on the table. 
“Okay, I won’t take it.” He relented, pushing her messy hair back, watching as she began to drink from the bottle. “You’re gonna be strong one day, you know that?” He was quiet about it. “One of the strongest women I ever met. And brave.”
The baby looked up at him, done drinking.
“You remain kind, somehow. You’re going to be so loving and compassionate that sometimes, it’s annoying. You’re gonna save a lot of people, so don’t hold onto the guilt, don’t let it hurt you, or hold you back. You’re gonna go-”
“Y/n?” Opening your eyes, Steve was kneeling down in front of you. “Do you know what the hell a Mind Flayer is?” 
Furrowing your eyebrows, you nodded. You played DnD so often before that you knew plenty of the creatures, and the bosses you could fight, not to mention your dad talked about them all the time when helping you plan DnD games with the four friends you would hang out with. “Yeah, it takes over people’s brains. Wants to conquer shit like It's a British empire, why does that matter?” 
Looking over to the doorway you saw almost everyone peaking into the bathroom, staring at the two of you. 
“Steve? What’s going on?” 
Looking back at Steve, you saw that he was looking at them too, a hand holding your arm before he focused on you. “Did you have episodes? Like Will’s?” 
You nodded, slowly. Sitting up a bit more, your hand grabbing the one on your arm. How did he know about those? Did somebody tell him?
“When did they stop?” 
“A day or two, after Halloween.”
“Did you have one on Halloween?” Mike asked, suddenly pushing past Dustin and into the room, next to Steve. 
The memory of sitting in your shower, sobbing before it ended and you found Steve in your living room.
“Yeah. . . Why?”
“This Mind Flayer. . . you said it felt like it wanted to kill you?” Hopper asked.
“Wait, are we calling that weird cloud thingy Will and I saw a Mind Flayer?” You inquired. 
Everyone looked at each other, exchanging looks. But then you realized what Hopper said about Will. And the day he started acting weird. The same day you had your last episode. 
“It’s in Will, isn’t it? So. . . if it spies on us, through Will. . . is he gonna try and kill me?” 
“That’s the leading theory.” 
Within a few minutes, you were tucked away in a corner of the kitchen, looking out the window as the shed was basically torn apart, with everything pulled out, so they could take Will in there. 
You didn’t know why the Mind Flayer wanted to hurt you, if it even did. But you were scared, and as usual, you wanted your dad. 
Watching as Steve and Nancy helped Hopper take everything out, you climbed onto the kitchen counter, basically sitting in the empty sink and taking in the backyard that would be a pain to clean up. 
What was El up to? Last you saw her, you told her to ‘call’ you if Hopper agreed to trick or treating. And by call, you meant manipulating your radio in the Volkswagen. But that never happened and so you didn’t get to take her trick or treating like she wanted to. 
“Steve compared the Mind Flayer to Germans.” Jonathan spoke up, walking over to you , handing you a glass of water. 
“You mean. . . Arian Nazies?” You furrowed your brows, looking up at your uncle who shook his head. 
“No, I mean Germans. He said Germans. Dustin called him on it.” Smiling a bit you nodded, looking down at the ice water. Steve could have stupid moments. Especially when he hadn’t gotten sleep since the night before, when you’d gone to Dustin’s cellar. 
A comfortable silence took over, except for the rustling outside where they were setting the shed up to hold Will in. But you knew something was on Jonathan’s mind. You were family after all. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, looking over to him. 
He shrugged, shaking his head a bit. He fought with himself for a split second before finally talking. “You’ve been here for over a year, and it’s kinda obvious to everyone.” 
“What’s obvious?” You asked, an amused smile on your face while you tilted your head. 
He gave a look, reaching out to your arm and tugging a bit at the sleeve of the jacket. “It’s like 50 degrees outside, and he still let you keep the jacket, even though the radiator’s on.”
You shrugged, “Steve’s forgetful, and when he’s tired he doesn’t seem to remember what kind of weather it is outside.” excusing it you looked at the window, not quite knowing what Jonathan was trying to get at. 
“You know that about him. According to Nancy he knows you usually get from the gas station, and that your favorite movie is Red Dawn after he took you to see it-”
“Nancy wouldn’t have gone, it’s a war movie-”
“Y/n,” he started in a firm, yet affectionate tone as he took the glass from you, setting it on the counter. “You’ve been friends since last year, and he cares about you. A lot.” You were going to say that it was because you were friends, but you knew he would have stopped you. 
“You’re both oblivious.” he scoffed in an amused tone, handing you the water again, before walking out into the backyard. 
Hopping out of the sink, you followed after him, leaving the glass. 
Zipping up the jacket you caught up with Jonathan, grabbing onto his arm and following him to the clothes line where Joyce was taking clothes down so they could use the rope. 
“Jonathan, what are you talking about?” 
You were confused, and frankly? A bit worried. Everything that was going on, and Jonathan was being cryptic and ominous about your friendship with Steve. Talking about the way you guys treated each other and knew things and trusted each other in ways that plenty of other people didn’t. 
Like how you knew that when he cried, it sounded like his entire heart was shattering, and that he wouldn’t be able to put it back together. And how you trusted him to get you home when you were drunk off your ass on New Years eve. How he trusted you enough to share things he usually didn’t, so much to the point where he’d cry in front of you and go to you for comfort, just like you would with him, if everything ever made you cry didn’t revolve around your biggest mistake. 
Oh no.
Stopping dead in your tracks, you were sure you looked like a deer caught in headlights, clinging onto the hem of the jacket, and staring at the wet grass. 
Was it obvious to everyone else? That you’d trust Steve with your life more than your grandma? More than Hopper? Was it obvious because you didn’t hesitate to punch him when he was being homophobic with Jonathan after committing a hate crime? A hate crime that you tried to make him go fix, that he eventually did after running from the cops. 
Was it obvious because you forgave him so quickly right afterwards? 
You didn’t know where it started or where it ended. 
Was Jonathan implying that you had feelings for your best friend who, time wise, was almost forty years older than you, but biologically only two? 
Or were you making that up in your head? Drawing assumptions of what other people thought without reason? 
But if that was what Jonathan thought, then did you have feelings for Steve? 
No, no of course not, he was just a friend. Right?
• • • 
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Never Have I Ever
A demon, an angel, a witch, several bottles of whiskey, and a 6000 year old secret. What could possibly go wrong? (2848 words)
“Never have I ever …” Aziraphale glances around the table, pausing on Anathema, poised with shot glass in hand, then Crowley, sinking into the yellow-and-brown paisley tablecloth, having already polished off an entire bottle of whiskey on his own and starting in on a fresh Jack Daniels “… plotted to overthrow King Richard the III!”
“Jesssusss Chrissstmasss!” Crowley hisses, picking up his shot glass and throwing back his whiskey, filling it immediately after and throwing that one back as well.
“Wait!” Anathema says. “You only have to take one shot for that!”
“Technically, I have to take three since that’s how many tries it took to dethrone the bastard.”
Aziraphale giggles as Crowley sloppily sucks down his final shot. He’s slightly less sloshed than his demon compatriot, but only just. Crowley’s eyes have begun to cross, and he’s toppled out of his chair twice.
A dozen more shots and Aziraphale may succeed in knocking the idiot out.
That would be a first.
“You know, I appreciate the fact that the two of you have been around since the dawn of time, but the things you guys pick are both obscure and bizarrely specific.”
“So …?”
“So, the point of Never Have I Ever is that you choose things that could apply to anyone. But the two of you seem to be on a vendetta to get one another wasted.”
“Fine, book girl,” Crowley drawls. “Let’s try this one on for size. Never have I ever … finished college.”
Crowley and Aziraphale both turn to Anathema - Crowley grinning like a jackal, Aziraphale with a snarky eyebrow raised. Anathema rolls her eyes and downs her shot. “Touché.”
“Congratulations! Ya got one!” Crowley says smugly. “May we continue? Never have I ever ...” The demon’s eyes glow with delight as they bounce from Aziraphale to Anathema … then back to Aziraphale “… sunken a ship!”
“Wha---what the Devil are you talking about?” Aziraphale barks, but he quickly reconsiders. “Are we talking a rowboat? Or an ocean liner?”
“Steamship.” Crowley pops the p, making Aziraphale’s head ring.
Aziraphale peers into Crowley’s eyes, silently enquiring, but he tuts in disgust when he figures it out. “You’re not going on about the Waratah, are you?”
“Oi! That was mah ship and you sank it!”
“I did no such thing! I commandeered it because I knew you were going to sink it!”
Crowley drops his head back on his shoulders and groans loudly – too loudly for drunk Aziraphale. “I already told you! No one would have gotten hurt!”
“No. You were going to do what you always do! Abandon those poor men on some deserted island with no way off! It was the 1900s! They had no cellular phones! No one would have known where they were!”
“And …?”
“They had families, Crowley!”
“Their fault. Not mine. What did you do with them anyway?”
“I reunited them with their loved ones, wiped their memories, and reassigned them to secure locations. It all turned out fine.”
“Still …” Crowley sniffs “… seeing as no one’s ever found the wreckage, it’s considered a sunken ship (hard k and another popped p).” He crosses his arms over his chest, affecting a superior pout. “Drink up.”
“I don’t see how that works in your favor but whatever helps you sleep at night. But you’d better take a shot, too.”
“Why’s that?”
“You mean to tell me that in 6000 years you’ve never sunken a ship?”
Crowley’s eyes pop slightly. “Quite right, quite right. Forgot about that.”
Aziraphale downs his shot, then reaches for the whiskey to refill it. He grabs the bottle around the belly and lifts, nearly tossing it across the bookshop when it comes off the table too easily. He brings it up to his swimming eyes and peeks around the label to get a look inside. “This one’s empty, I’m afraid.” He puts it back and rises unsteadily to his feet. “We’re going to need another.”
“Hold up!” Anathema grabs Aziraphale’s wrist and stops him. “We need to change the parameters of this game somewhat if we’re going to keep playing! I’ve taken maybe three shots to your, oh, let’s call it one-hundred-and-fifty!”
“You’re just sore … because you’re losing,” Crowley accuses with a belch in between.
“Wait wait wait …” Aziraphale slurs.
“Wait what?”
“Are we sure she’s losing? What exactly is the object of this game? Does the first person who falls down drunk win? Or does the person who remains sober win?”
“I …” Crowley squints his eyes painfully as he gives it a think. “I think it’s … it’s probably … oh, I don’t care! She’s being a sore loser! That’s why she wants to change the rules!”
“But you don’t even know what the rules are!”
“Don’t care. Things were going fine before she (*mumble mumble mumble mumble*) sore loser …”
Aziraphale surmises that his demon friend is grumpy because he thinks he’s winning, but Anathema has a point. They’re supposed to be having fun, and a game isn’t fun if you don’t get the chance to play. “Change how, my dear?” he asks her in an attempt to smooth things over.
“First off, anything that happened before the 90s is strictly off limits.”
“The 1790s?” Crowley asks, swaying like a snake as he tries to figure out which of the three Anathemas he’s seeing is the real one.
“The 1990s.”
“Pffft! The 1990s were dull!”
“Plus, be vague. I mean, believe it or not, there are things I have done in the broad sense that you may not have …”
“Not likely …”
“… but never have I ever …” She rolls her eyes to the ceiling, trying to come up with the most ridiculous thing she can think of in short order “… sold Napoleon Bonaparte’s dismembered penis on the black market.”
“Ha! Cheers!” Crowley crows, snapping his fingers to refill Aziraphale’s glass. They hold up their shots ceremoniously, then drink them down, slamming their empty glasses on the table in unison when they’re done.
“Good lord! You two can’t be serious!?”
“I sold it first,” Crowley admits. “But he sold it by accident trying to return it.”
“How do you sell a penis by accident?”
“It’s a long story,” Aziraphale says sternly, the thin line his mouth makes clearly translating his distress at the mention of his faux pas, “and I’d rather not go into it. But all right. From now on, we’ll be vague.”
“Great!” Anathema smiles triumphantly. “Let’s start over.”
“In that case, it might help if we were a little less sozzled,” Crowley suggests.
“Right.” Aziraphale clunks a second empty whiskey bottle on the table beside the first. “Fill’er up, Crowley.”
“What?” Anathema watches wide-eyed and grossed out as Crowley strains, bending over at the waist, white-knuckling the seat of his chair between his legs, making the most revolting noise imaginable, the level of the liquid in the bottle rising with every grunt. Aziraphale, in contrast, is much quieter with regard to his own evacuating, but the whole process between the two is far too reminiscent of something else entirely.
It almost puts Anathema off her drink.
“That’s your guys’ bottle now,” she says, getting up to retrieve a brand new bottle from a nearby shelf.
“Obviously,” Crowley grumbles.
She cracks the cap on a fresh bottle of Jack and returns to her seat. “Okay, since I’m still not convinced you guys fully grasp the concept of this game, I’ll start.” She sits up straight and clears her throat as if preparing to make an important announcement. “I’ll make it simple. Never have I ever been rock climbing.”
“Ugh!” Crowley drinks his shot, revolted at how banal her selection is. Of all the things she could have chosen, she went with rock climbing. What? Did baking seem like too much of a stretch?
When he’s done with his drink, he notices Aziraphale’s glass has gone untouched. He glares at the angel, who stares back in confusion.
“You’ve been rock climbing. Take a drink.”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Whaddya call that big stone gate ‘round the Garden of Eden?”
“A gate, not a rock.”
“If it’s made of rock, I’ll allow it,” Anathema declares.
“But I didn’t climb it.”
“You were on top of it.”
“Yes, but I just sort of … appeared there. And after I gave away my sword, I miracled my way back up.”
“Ya climbed a rock. Take a drink.”
Aziraphale sighs and raises his glass. “Whatever.”
Anathema beams. “There. Isn’t this fun?”
“Loads,” Aziraphale says. Crowley sputters obscenely in response.
“I’ll pick another one,” Anathema offers. “Never have I ever stolen anything.”
“Oi!” Crowley gestures at Aziraphale after he sucks down his shot and the angel hasn’t moved. “You need to drink!”
“Whatever for?” Aziraphale asks, righteously offended.
“You’ve stolen stuff before! I’ve seen you!”
“I’ve acquired. I haven’t stolen.”
“Same diff! Right, book girl?”
“I’d say so.”
“Name one thing I’ve stolen. Go ahead.”
“You stole that … that … wooden chalice thingy from the Knights Templar! And they were on your side!”
“I’ll have you know that wooden chalice thingy, as you so smartly put it, was the Cup of Christ! And I was moving it to a safe location. I tried to explain that to the chap on duty, but he couldn’t hear me.”
“He was six-hundred-and-seventy-three years old! He was deaf as a stump!”
“Yes but he looked amazing for his age, didn’t he?”
“After you took the cup, he died!”
“It was in the job description. He understood his fate,” Aziraphale says, dismissing the demon’s commentary with a wave.
“Right. And I’m sure that was a huge comfort to him!”
“I couldn’t say. Anyway, you haven’t proven anything. I have not stolen.”
“Fine,” Crowley growls, pouring his shot. “My turn. Never have I ever killed a six-hundred-and-seventy-three year old knight!”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Anathema waggles a scolding finger. “That’s against the rules!”
“It’s necessary.”
“Of course it is, you sour serpent,” Aziraphale mutters, draining his glass. “My turn. Never have I ever nearly mowed down innocent pedestrians whilst behind the wheel of a vehicle traveling 90 when it should only go 30 tops!”
“What did we say about specific?” Anathema says.
“I don’t know. I think that could apply to anybody,” Aziraphale returns icily. “Have you seen the way you ride a bicycle?”
Crowley drinks his shot, mimicking Aziraphale while he does. When his glass hits the tablecloth, Aziraphale refills it. “Good of you to take your medicine, my dear,” he says. “Now whose turn is it to think of something?”
“I will,” Anathema says. “Someone needs to get this game back on track. Never have I ever worn high heels.”
“How high?” Crowley asks.
“I’ll say … four inches.”
With shaking heads and irritated sighs, Aziraphale and Crowley take a shot.
“Never have I ever ridden bare back,” Crowley says. This time Aziraphale and Anathema drink.
“Never have I ever eaten a rodent,” Aziraphale says. Crowley drinks his shot, snickering into his glass.
“What’s so funny?” Aziraphale asks.
“You picked one you’ve done, so you have to take a drink, too.”
“What? I’ve never eaten a …!” Crowley nods through Aziraphale’s protesting and the angel goes pale. “When?”
“1683. At that little restaurant in Naples. That crooked asshat of a chef wat served everyone rat and claimed it was chicken?”
Aziraphale goes numb, jaw slack, the abject horror growing on his face making Crowley snicker more.
“You had seconds,” he reminds him.
“Oh my Lord, you’re right!” Aziraphale’s lower lip trembles as he drinks his shot. “I’d forgotten. Though I think I forgot on purpose, to tell you the truth.”
“Don’t blame you.”
“Yikes. Okay. Never have I ever …” Anathema bites her lower lip, hemming and hawing between two questions - both of them fairly blah, she has to admit - when a third pops into her head that’s too good not to use, if for no other reason than to possibly get back at these two imbeciles if it lands the way she hopes it will “… had a crush on my best friend.”
Anathema half expects glaring yellow eyes behind dark lenses boring through her skull as a sulking demon reluctantly takes a drink, but Aziraphale downs his shot before anyone can reach theirs, leaving Crowley and Anathema looking at him strangely before he realizes what he’s done.
“Oh!” he squeaks when he sees two sets of eyes trained his way. “I … I was … I was in a rhythm. I don’t think I was paying attention to the question, I …” Aziraphale gulps, wiggling nervously in his seat. “Come again?”
“Oh, well, that’s all right,” Anathema says, pretending to believe him. She refills his glass and pushes it in front of him. “We’ll call a re-do. Do you want to do the honors, Crowley? Or shall I?”
Crowley doesn’t answer her. He leans towards Aziraphale, as amused as Anathema but much more invested in Aziraphale’s answer. “Never have I ever …” he says slowly, chewing each word thoroughly before it leaves his mouth, drawing Aziraphale’s full attention to it, “had a crush on my best friend.”
He stares Aziraphale down, unblinking, the angel shrinking farther and farther back as the demon inches closer, eyes locked so hard on Aziraphale’s, he can feel their hold on him like physical hands keeping him rooted to the spot. Crowley’s eyes don’t unnerve him. Not in the slightest. It’s the idea that the secret Aziraphale has held on to the longest is about to be unearthed, and by virtue of a common, vulgar drinking game.
Whose idea was this anyway? he thinks, mentally side-eyeing Anathema before he comes to the sobering realization that, in truth, it was his. He’d seen it on a TV show – the first TV show he’d watched in decades. He’d fancied it, thought it could be a lighthearted and fun way to pass the time, get to know new friends.
But the longer Crowley stares at him, the more the expectant grin on the demon’s face begins to wither, and if there’s one thing Aziraphale doesn’t want, it’s Crowley’s feelings hurt.
This had to come out sooner or later. Might as well be now.
Aziraphale grabs the glass and throws it back, grimacing at a burn on the finish that has nothing to do with the alcohol. “Happy? Now you know.”
“Ecstatic.” Crowley bypasses his shot altogether, grabbing the closest bottle by the neck and downing what’s left in a single impressive chug.
Aziraphale gasps. “Are you … are you serious?”
“How long?”
“How long do you think?”
Aziraphale’s eyebrows shoot up with the outlandish suspicion that he knows exactly how long. That he’s always known. “That long?”
“Yes, Aziraphale. That long.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t think I was being subtle about it, really.” Crowley fidgets his fingers, worrying the thumbnail of his left hand with the index fingernail and thumb of his right. “I just … I figured that if you didn’t say anything about it then you probably didn’t … you know … feel the same.”
“But I did,” Aziraphale says softly. “I … I do. Feel the same.”
Crowley’s face lightens, something resembling hope lifting the corners of his mouth into a cautious smile. “Really?”
Crowley rises from his chair and saunters over to Aziraphale. Aziraphale starts to stand but stops when Crowley gets down on his knees, removing his glasses and tossing them aside to get an unfettered view of him as if Anathema isn’t sitting mere feet away.
“I … I thought …” Crowley starts, interrupting himself with a bittersweet cough of a laugh.
“Oh, my dear.” Aziraphale runs a soothing hand through the demon’s hair. “What do we do now?”
“If it’s all the same to you,” Crowley whispers, “I’d really like to kiss you.”
“I think … I’d like that, too.”
Now that he has permission, Crowley wastes no time capturing Aziraphale’s lips with his own. After 6000 years, he’s tired of being subtle. From now on, he’s going to lay his feelings for Aziraphale on the line, out where the angel can see, and pray the important ones find their match alongside his.
Feeling like an awkward third wheel on a broken velocipede, Anathema begins gathering her things. “I’m just gonna go,” she says quietly, hopping out of her chair while demon and angel continue kissing. “Have some important, you know, witch business to get around to. I’m going to leave you two alone to … ahem … talk. But we should do this again some time. It was … educational.”
“Mmm … mind how you go, my dear,” a breathless Aziraphale mumbles between kisses.
“Right,” Crowley concurs, his hand sliding up into Aziraphale’s hair and pulling him deeper.
“Okey-dokey then.” It takes several tries before Anathema verifies she has everything, hugging books, a newspaper, a scarf, and her coat to her chest as she scurries away through the stacks and shelves with a laugh in her throat when the moaning begins.
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mahou-furbies · 4 years
☕️ transformation items in precure!
Overall I’m more tolerant for dumb designs with transformation items than in weapons so most of them get a positive or at least neutral reaction from me. However some still scream “we would never have used a design like this if it wasn’t for the toys”.
Let’s go through them all!
Futari wa Precure
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Simple flip-phone like designs for the modern girl in 2004. I think these are alright enough but don’t raise a lot of emotions in me. Not a fan of the mascots transforming into items, like does the phone become a part of their body, that’s just creepy. I’d prefer if it was made clear that the phone is a separate item and the mascots just shrink to be able to fit in it. I prefer the original designs, the upgraded ones look busier.
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Uhh... I got nothing on this. I guess it’s nice that the new girl gets an item that’s a bit different but also similar to the ones we already have.
Splash Star
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Still got nothing, it’s the same thing again. Good that they started using different ideas from the fourth season onwards. I guess I prefer the Futari Wa ones since these somehow feel too small. Nice light? But let’s just say that while it’s just fine to use phone as a base for the transformation item, there’s quite many of them on this list and in general they are a bit boring when you can’t do anything else with them than press a few buttons in the beginning.
Yes! Precure 5
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Simple design but it works, usually black is a good idea. Though it could do with some buttons because now it doesn’t look you can do much anything with this. It’s a nice detail how the henshin starts with the lid of the clock opening and ends with it closing.
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Now we’re truly in the 00′s with the flip phones. I like how the henshin starts with the lid opening, and the rose button is cute. But there’s not a lot to say about this one and it’s pretty boring.
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My second least favourite Precure transformation item. What is this even supposed to be? Some kind of makeup case? In that case I’d rather have the colous be actual makeup and not buttons. The handle also feels stupid.
Fresh Precure!
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This doesn’t even try to pretend it’s not a phone, it even has the number buttons. Actually were the transformation items originally the Cures’ phones? Can they make regular phone calls with this? I’d like to see that. But this is cute enough, I can imagine that a real phone like this could have been popular with little girls. But maybe it could do with some extra detail to look more weird, now it feels a bit too mundane to be a magical girl item.
Heartcatch Precure!
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I’m not a huge fan of beauty products in little girls’ shows, but they do make a lot of sense in a transformation sequence where you get to see the characters “apply” the magic themselves, and the fragrance bottles make for some great henshin animation and also fit a flower-themed season. I also like the white-and-gold palette, makes it look more regal than the usual shock pink.
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I forgot this one even existed. I really can’t muster any emotion towards it, KiraKira did the compact mirror thing a lot better.
Suite Precure
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Why are the colours pink-white-blue-purple and not yellow? I don’t have particularly strong feelings for this one in any direction, I guess on its own it’s a bit boring when it doesn’t resemble any real item I can recognise and you can’t do much else with it than press the button at the bottom, but I also think it’s fine to have an item like that every once a while. However I think the little mascot creatures that are needed to use this thing are uncute and that lowers the overall points.
Smile Precure!
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Another makeup item, another chance for the characters to do the transformation themselves. I love the little tup tup! sound effect that comes from this. Otherwise great, but it’s just unacceptable that the canon Cures cover 5 of the coloured bead thingys but we don’t get a red or purple Cure. False marketing I say.
Doki doki! Precure
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The mascot-items are back and I’m still not a fan of this living-creature-turns-into-hard-plastic-device thing. It’s a phone, but it’s also too bulky to comfortably feel like one. But I really like how they spell L-O-V-E with the heart, I thought that was creative.
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They tried to make Ace all cool and mature and then her transformation item is the most kiddy-looking TOY makeup box ever. Even if the merch is plastic can’d she at least have actual makeup in the henshin? And what’s with the button colours, sure they’re the team colours this time, but the other Cures don’t even use this item. 
Happiness Charge Precure!
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The idea that the Cures can choose different cards to insert is a super fun one, and it’s also nice that they can use it for more mundane outfit changes outside battle scenes too. The writing around the cards is atrocious though but that’s another story. As for the design of the device itself, I think it’s pretty weak, it’s somehow bulky and not very memorable.
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Probably my least favourite item from this bunch. The Piano is yet another unrelated thing that is shoved into HapiCha’s confused world, there is nothing about making music in the themes of the season, or Iona as a character. I hate that this thing is the culmination of Hime and Iona’s character arcs. Also the design looks really cheap and the animation where Iona presses a couple keys to get sounds that don’t even try to hide that this is just a toy for three-year-olds wastes time.
Go! Princess Precure
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Another makeup item. At least perfumes fit the princess theme... But Go!Pri has the best henshin scenes in Precure, and the Cures applying the tranformation themselves plays a part in that. I also love how they start the transformation by filling the bottle with their theme colour, and the little twist they do with the key is a nice change from the usual button presses. And like with Heartcatch white and gold makes for a good regal colour palette. I think you could get an actual pretty fragrance bottle for grownups with this design if you did it with glass rather than plastic.
Also there are the keys which I love because of course I’m going to love collectible frilly dress items. They give each transformation and attack something unique and I like the bit where all the keys show up in a chain at the end of the henshin (and thankfully otherwise hidden under frills so you don’t need to draw them every time), and it’s nice to get the lock-and-key theme to the henshin as well. So once again Go!Pri is the best Precure at something and now gets the award for Best Precure Transformation item.
(god flora is so cute in this frame)
Mahou Tsukai Precure!
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My bias that ever since I was a kid I’ve never really liked teddy bears comes to play here. The idea that the Cures don’t have a distinct transformation item at all is fun and the jewel theme is nice too, but I’m just filled with negative emotions whenever I see Mofurun... I haven’t seen MahouTsukai outside the henshin scenes so who knows if she’ll turn out to be my favourite character (and not just by process of elimination from me disliking everyone else more)
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Not a big fan of this one, is it supposed to be a smartphone, or do they have some kind of smart notebooks in Japan? Either way it doesn’t really fit witches or flower fairies. All the little engravings are pretty and the flowers are cute, but overall this feels just random.
Kira Kira Precure a la Mode
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Mixing the attributes the character represents with a magic whisk and then transforming by covering yourself with the whipped cream is a super fun idea, and also one of the few Precure transformations where the girls apply the transformation themselves that is not based on beauty products. Or I guess this is a pocket mirror too but whatever. The item itself is fun and cute enough.
However as those who saw my Ichika fanart a few days ago I really really really don’t like that they have to fiddle with the pathetic tiny q-tip of a whisk, give them one the size of a microphone so they can put some strength into it!
Hugtto! Precure
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I love how you can twist the end to make a heart, if I had one of these I’d click it back and forth while sitting at the computer and the hinges would be busted in no time. The grey things at the edge of the screen could be some other colour, now they look a bit like they’re made of rocks. I don’t think this one does anything special but it’s just so cute that I have to love it.
Star Twinkle Precure
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These are fun but a bit wasted on a season that has nothing to do with art. But otherwise A+ idea, very active participation from the girls when they draw almost everything in their new look, and it’s not makeup-based. Quill and ink bottle are the most magical writing apparatus so that’s very fitting, and thanks to the space theme we get some stars too so it’s not just the usual hearts. The pink tone is a bit gaudy.
Healin’ Good Precure
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And we end on a weaker note with mascot items again. And these are my least favourites since to me they come across as if they have the dead-eyed animals’ decapitated heads sticking out of them. The paws also feel somehow unbalanced, and should not be pink for the blue and yellow items. The bottles feel tacked on too.
I feel that the mascots have been treated a bit better than average in Healin’ Good so I suppose it’s not bad that they get to be involved with the fights too (It’s nice that the item is also used as a weapon) but I would really rethink the design since now I don’t think the different elements go too well together and the result feels unbalanced. 
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allmycrushesaredead · 4 years
Sad - Chapter 3
Remus offers his advice in his own unique way.
Warnings: suicidal thoughts, self-hatred, self-esteem issues, self-harm, cutting
ANGST!! You have been warned!
Originally published on 10-15-2020
Words: 1605
Chapters: 3/?
Remus had a feeling that Patton wasn’t doing so good up in his head, but he knew better than to worm his sorry ass into a situation he wasn’t wanted in.
Remus had the blessed ability to hear allll the little evil voices in everyone’s heads, not to mention his own demented friends who took up dwellings in the deep, dark crevices of his mind. So it wasn’t too much of a shocker when he started to hear those dreadful dicks coming over from Patton’s brain.
They all whispered darkly, sowing seeds of self-hatred and self doubt. They told Patton he wasn’t loved, wasn’t cared for, wasn’t important.
Just shut up and do your job. No one cares if wittle baby Patton is sad. Why would they care about you? What have you done that deserves love? You literally split Creativity. That was your fault. Your job is to be happy. Suck it up and grow a pair.
Remus wanted to bash their heads in with a blunt axe. He want to chop their heads off, tear out their eyeballs and replace them with candles, then use them to decorate his room. He wanted to—
Well… you get the picture.
And besides, they were just thoughts. He couldn’t do shit to actually harm them, no matter how much he wanted to.
When the thoughts slowly darkened, Remus wanted to rip his own heart out. It hurt too much just thinking about the fact that Patton would even consider following through with his thoughts.
He knew Patton had started cutting. He knew because of those voices that told him to slice his skin like bread whenever he got upset. That didn’t happen unless you already started cutting.
Remus didn’t judge him for doing it though. There was something cathartic about watching your very life source trickle out, to know you had the ability to end it all right there in your hand. The pain forced your brain to shut the fuck up for just two seconds. Remus could understand the appeal. Hell, he’d done it himself more than he could count. Watching the wounds heal in slow motion could silence his brain for hours on end, granting a much needed reprieve from the clashing and yelling of his thoughts.
Remus absentmindedly dragged a nail over his raised scars while he laid in bed, thinking. That was never a good sign. When Remus thought, that meant he was about to do some stupid shit he would regret later.
Today, it seemed like that stupid shit was going to be confronting Patton.
Rolling out of bed, he pulled on his usual outfit, applying his makeup with a practiced hand.
Suddenly, he caught a whiff of coffee and food. Realization blooming on his face, Remus dashed to his bed, plopping down to yank on his boots, then grabbing his morning start. You never know who you’re gonna have to kill over breakfast, he thought, a wicked grin overtaking his features as he skipped down the stairs.
As he skidded to a screeching halt in the kitchen’s entrance, Remus shot Logan, Virgil, and Patton a gap-toothed grin, leaning suggestively against the doorway.
“Morning, dorks!” he shouted, swinging his morning star with one hand.
Virgil rolled his eyes from where he was perched on the counter, though Remus caught a glimpse of a smile from behind his coffee mug. Patton gave a small wave, pulling a coffee mug down from the cabinet, filling it to the brim, then handing it to the side. Logan stared at his coffee mug, the tips of his ears tinged pink. After a moment, he risked a glace at Remus, only to find that Remus was staring at him, a knowing smirk plastered across his face. The normally solemn side blushed a furious red, coughing awkwardly before shuffling out to the dining room. “I’ll… go set the table,” he muttered, face still bright red.
Virgil chuckled lightly before catching Remus’ pointed look. Giving a small, discrete nod, he said, “I’ll go help him, then. Can I take the plates and silverware? Seems like Logan forgot those.”
“Alright, kiddo!” Patton replied. “I’ll just finish up the food. It’ll be ready in just a second.”
As Virgil stepped out of the kitchen, balancing a stack of plates and silverware, Remus stepped away from his spot in the doorway, approaching Patton cautiously.
“Soooo…. about the whole slicey-slicey thing?” Remus probed, miming slitting his wrist.
Patton froze, his shoulders tensing as he paled. “W-what do you mean?”
“Y’know… the whole cutting thing? The whole self-harm thing? The whole cutting your skin open and watching yourself bleed thing? The whole—”
“Nope! Yeah, I… I got it… Just, um… how’d you know… about that?”
“Well, me kinda being the embodiment of intrusive thoughts and all, I can kinda hear all intrusive thoughts from the others… including you.”
“I am so sorry, Remus. If I had known—”
“How could ya have? And, besides, its not like you coulda just not thought the thoughts. It’s kinda the whole reason they’re called intrusive.”
“Still, I don’t want you to have to deal with that on top of what you already have to deal with.”
“It’s part of my job! Besides, I’d rather know what’s going on inside your head so I can… I dunno… help, I guess? Geez, stop making me sound so sappy, you’re gonna ruin my reputation,” Remus said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Still…. I’m sorry…”
“It’s fine! You should hear some of the shi- stiff! Stuff… that, uh, Logan has to listen to. Of course he’s got the whole, ‘I’m not good enough’ thing going on, but then he’s got the whole ‘I’m not supposed to have emotions’ thingy, on top of the ‘I’m failing Thomas and the others if I take time for myself’ thing. And that’s not even the worst of it! It’s insane the amount of irrational and self-destructive thoughts he has, considering that he always has a rebuttal for anyone else’s illogical thinking. And don’t get me started on Roman! He—”
“Remus! Wait, please,” Patton cut him off abruptly. “I- I don’t think you should be telling me this, not with out the others knowing. We need to talk about it, but… with the others, m’kay?”
Remus nodded. “Yeah, sorry… I got a little carried away with my train of thought there…” He paused a moment, trying to remember where he was going with this. “I just… I know I’m not the best person to go to for hwlp with stuff like this… In fact, I normally make it worse… but, go to someone when you need to talk? Don’t keep these thoughts bottled up inside. I know I’m kinda being hypocritical here, but… ask someone to help you work through these thoughts. Repression works for a period of time, but eventually you’re gonna have to wake up and smell the cow manure. And, believe me. It’s much easier to face your problems when someone’s there to help you than to go it alone. If you’re hurting, I want to know so I can help. And I know the others feel the same…”
Patton stood in shock for a moment, tears glistening in his eyes. Suddenly, he surged forward, wrapping Remus in his embrace. Remus wordlessly cradled the moral side in his arms, tucking his face into Patton’s neck to hide the glistening of tears in his own eyes. After a moment, Patton pulled away, smiling softly at him. Retrieving their coffee mugs that had both been abandoned on the counter during their discussion, Patton topped them off with fresh coffee before returning the octopus one to Remus.
Gladly accepting the drink, Remus chucked once more. “Geez, my reputation totally just jumped out of the window… of the plane… while in flight…. Anyways, I gotta pull myself together! Can’t have people thinking I’m some sappy, lovey-dovey friend, now can I? Hold up, lemme get back in character.”
Remus began squawking loudly, shaking out his limbs and pulling strange faces. After a moment of this, with Patton giggling from behind his hand, he resumed a somewhat normal expression… at least… normal for Remus… which meant slightly crazed. Cracking his neck loudly, he blurted out, “So, about our resident nerd… that was quite a strange reaction to my presence, don’t ya think?”
Patton giggled again, hugging his mug to his chest. “I’d say!” he replied.
“Oooh! I wonder if Logie-poo has the hots for me!” Remus said with a cackle.
Patton blushed lightly at the phrasing, but pressed on bravely. “I dunno, kiddo! Sure looked strange to me, though!”
Remus gasped dramatically. “I bet he had a wet dream or something, and now he can’t look at me without seeing me in all my naked glory!”
Patton choked on his coffee, his face blooming into a burning blush. He stammered a moment in shock before attempting to change the subject. “You wanna help me carry the food out, bud?” Patton squeaked, fanning his face with one hand.
Remus let out another cackle. “Of course, Patty-pal! I gotta try and eat it all before Roman wakes up! He’ll be pissed!” he replied, sounding delighted at the prospect. To emphasize his point, he scooped a handful of scrambled eggs up with his bare hand, shoveling it into his mouth. “Let’s go! No time to waste!” he called to the still flustered side, somehow balancing all the trays of food in one hand.
“C-coming!” Patton cried, gathering the strawberries and whipped crème.
“That’s what he said,” Remus muttered.
“What was that, Remus?”
“Nothin’, Pops! Nothin’ at all.”
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asublimehimbo · 4 years
Ignorance is Bliss
Crowley stared at the plants in his plant room and couldn't help but sigh. They were beautiful. Smooth, verdant leaves, of course. Best in London, as always. But there was something different, something more alive about them. They stood up straighter, even the ones he usually had to glower at every morning. It was like they were proud of themselves. No, actually, he thought. Not like. They were prouder. And he knew exactly why.
Crowley heard the door click unlocked and open.
"Good morning, dear boy!" The reason said, practically gavotting into the plant room, beaming. Speak of the angel.
"Morning," Crowley replied, miracle-ing himself into something more presentable than his black and grey accented silk pajamas.
"You know you don't need to go to the trouble of changing for me," the reason said, and Crowley glowered at him, his face turning into the kind of face you make when you're talking to someone who doesn't know as much about this very specific thing as you do.
"You've spoilt my plants, angel," Crowley said, instead of listening all the reasons why he certainly needed to change when Aziraphale came over. "Your near constant presence has given them much more love than the buggers deserve."
"Would you like it if I stopped coming every morning?" Crowley didn't know if this was a sincere offer or not, but he wouldn't chance it. Aziraphale had been coming over nearly every morning since the Armaggedon't, for reasons unknown to either of them, but probably had something to do with the "being on their own side" bits of Crowley's (begrudgingly, if you asked him, impassioned) speeches throughout the centuries, as well as the fact that were, in fact, finally on their own side. If Crowley were to have speculated on the reasons why Aziraphale was coming over so often nowadays (which he never, ever did), he would've liked to think it was because the angel was trying make up for the centuries of refusing to be on their own side, and hurting Crowley's feelings (which he didn't have) in the process.
"No! Er... nah. S'fine. They look better, anyway."
Aziraphale smiled. "Jolly good, then. Shall I get the cocoa?" That was another part- Crowley had bought some high-quality chocolate for Aziraphale, for his morning cocoa. Crowley had made sure to make it look at least a little bit like an accident.
"Yeah, angel."
Crowley made his way to the living room, to wait for Aziraphale. The angel had certainly made his mark here, too. Instead of the ultra sleek black sectional he usually kept untouched, there was an overstuffed, well-loved tan sofa that looked a lot like Crowley looked in a church: terribly pained, uncomfortable, yet there anyways for reasons unknown to all but him. Reasons that started with L and was definitely not a four letter word, I mean how could you ever suggest that, of all horrors.
Crowley tended not to like four letter words, especially not since the Tadfield manor incident, where he got a bit carried away with all those nasty feelings and forgot it wasn't appropriate to slam your angel into walls and get very close to his face.
"Ready, dear?" Aziraphale asked, sitting delicately down next to Crowley.
He was referring to their... morning ritual, as you might call it.
" Eh 'Suppose," Crowley muttered, in a very specific Crowley-ish way that only Aziraphale could exactly pinpoint the meaning of, which was that yes, he was very ready. Excited, even.
Aziraphale snapped, and a book appeared in his hands. Crowley stretched, then lay his head on the arm of couch that wasn't occupied by Aziraphale, flinging his suddenly bare feet onto the angel's lap. Aziraphale smiled again, and Crowley determinedly looked at the grey ceiling.
"Actually, Crowley, I had something I... uhm, wanted to t-talk to you about first. If you'll hear me."
"Of course I'll hear you, I can't stop hearing you. You're always there, in the back of my head, telling me things. Frankly, angel, it's annoying."
"Erm. Right. Yes. So you will?"
Aziraphale paused, as if he wasn't quite expecting that answer.
"You've been enjoying my visits, right? These... morning visits?"
"Yeah, 'Course. Wouldn't haven't given you a key if I didn't."
"Well, how would you feel- oh, you know what, I think this is too forward. I'm sorry, I'm afraid I've wasted our time."
"Angel," Crowley said, shutting his brain off for a moment, just long enough to say a thing with emotion. Just one. "Nothing with you is a waste of time."
Aziraphale giggled, actually giggled, then looked away from Crowley, blushing. Crowley allowed himself a sly grin.
"That's very sweet," the angel said, then took a sip of cocoa.
Crowley spluttered for a moment, then decided to let it go. Aziraphale's very presence here, of all the heres there were, was a reminder he didn't absolutely have to act like he hated those words. Aziraphale's soft, tender words said in his soft, gentle voice.
"Thanks," he whispered, "I've been working on that." Aziraphale didn't seem to hear him, thank Sa- someone. "Care to tell me now?" He asked, louder.
"Oh dear... I'm not sure it's the right time, you know. Perhaps I should wait a little, make sure it's not the wrong time."
Crowley huffed. "You're an angel. Not sure you could do the wrong thing."
Aziraphale put a hand over his mouth, but Crowley could tell from his glittering pale blue eyes he was smiling. Pale blue eyes, Crowley thought, letting his mind wander to the song for a moment before returning to reality.
"You remember," he said, resting one hand over Crowley's ankles and taking a sip of cocoa with the other.
"'Course I do," Crowley said, suddenly remembering why he avoided speaking his emotions for so long. Once you started talking to the right person (Aziraphale was nothing but Crowley's right person), it got terribly hard to stop talking about your feelings, and before you knew it you were knee-deep in tears or roses or some combination of the two. "It was the day I met you."
"I suppose... just, don't... don't hate me, alright? We'll be friends?"
Crowley snorted. "As if I could hate you, angel."
"If you're sure..."
"And I am."
"Then... Can I have the pleasure of moving in with you?"
All Crowley could do for a moment was stare at the angel, his golden blonde hair and his sweet sweet smile and his pale blue eyes and his everything, the everything Crowley all of a sudden wanted so badly. He wanted Aziraphale's soft body and his never sleeping and his favored books in piles around his flat. He wanted to hold the angels hands in his and cup his cheeks and to let himself wrap his arms around him; and Crowley wanted, more than anything, for Aziraphale to love him back. But that was never how these things worked. 6000 years of hiding your feelings can't disintegrate after one conversation, can it? 6000 years, each day of them felt like a knife when Aziraphale made it clearer and clearer that they were simply friends, no special love to see here, but if that was the case why in someone's name was he asking to move in with Crowley?
"Won't you miss your bookshop?" Crowley mumbled, retracting his legs from the angel's lap, disturbing his hand.
Aziraphale batted the newly displaced hand at Crowley. "I'll go on the weekdays to look after it. The back room was never all that comfortable, anyway," he said, then his face decomposed into something worried. "But of course, I don't want to pressure you."
Crowley thought for a moment, how to be casual and still scream yes at the top of his lungs. Being secretly in love with your best friend took too much thinking and not enough kissing, he decided, then settled on something simple.
"Alright. My plants will just have to be spoilt for all of eternity, then, and that means you can't just up and leave. It's a contract."
"Very well, dear. I'll just have to make do."
Crowley sat up, then, and ruffled up his own hair, which stayed perfect. "You need a refill?"
"I think I'm fine, thank you. No reading today?" It was another part of their morning ritual, Aziraphale reading something, possibly out loud, if he thought Crowley would enjoy it.
"Yeah, reading," Crowley murmured, closing his eyes and reclining once more.
That night, Crowley and Aziraphale were sprawled across the sofa once more, but less intentionally. They had intended to get Aziraphale set up for staying with Crowley, but somehow about eight hours ago, had gotten distracted by the very enticing bottle of wine sitting out on one of the smooth black counter tops in Crowley's kitchen.
"I think... when you say pear-shaped, though, it soundssh," Aziraphale waved his hand around in the frustration of a drunk. "I like... pears," he repeated for the third time in two minutes and Crowley groaned.
"Yes! I know you like pears! My quest... my thingy... answer thingy is do you like..." Crowley thought very hard. What did he want to know? "D'you like me?"
Aziraphale snorted, then shifted his whole body to face Crowley. "Yes! What have I done to..." He trailed off, his eyes glazing over as he met Crowley's.
"Why are you concerned about that?"
"Because..." Crowley thought very hard again. "I like you... like, like, a lot. You're so... cool."
Aziraphale smiled, then scooted closer to Crowley, his eyes bright. "Really?"
Crowley leaned in to whisper. "Really. Don't tell, it's a secret."
"From who?" Aziraphale eyed the room as if Heaven or Hell might be keeping tabs.
"You," Crowley grinned.
Aziraphale leaned in more, close enough to brush noses with the demon.
"Me," the angel repeated, like it was someone else.
"Wait..." Aziraphale started, frowning harshly. "Aren't I... me?"
Crowley frowned back. "Don't say that, s'too much head work."
"I know something that doesn't take head work," the angel offered.
"Yeah?" Crowley breathed.
And then the whole thing hit Crowley like a rock to the back of the head, this whole... situation, the proximity, and he closed his eyes. How maybe this meant something contrary to what he had believed for centuries.
"We should sober up," he suggested, and Aziraphale sighed.
"I was afraid that was the... thing."
"Me too," Crowley muttered.
And then they did the whole sobering business, complete with the groaning and awkward eye closing and contorting like it was an exorcism. It was an affair.
"What were you on about?" Crowley asked, once he was properly unintoxicated. "Because you know, even when I'm not drunk, I'd rather do things that don't require thought."
"I'm not so sure if that's a good idea anymore," Aziraphale said, and Crowley sighed. Internally, he screamed.
"So you're not interested, then?"
"I didn't say that... I just wasn't sure if you were."
There was a distinct shuffling noise as Crowley crawled over to Aziraphale and finally, finally, finally cupped his cheeks in his hands.
"Angel, don't make me think this much."
And then they were kissing, just kissing, and Crowley thought that this was the way it should've been much sooner. Aziraphale was warm and soft and everything. Crowley held this everything, the whole universe, in his mouth and between his hands.
Crowley put his legs on either side of the angel's (beautiful) hips and flicked his tongue around Aziraphale's lips. Aziraphale opened his mouth, letting out a strangled moan in the process, and Crowley sucked in a breath through his nose. One of Aziraphale's hands crawled down Crowley's back and the other stayed up, fingers tangled through hair.
"Mmm- Crowley," Aziraphale said, pulling away but not removing his hands, his eyes half-lidded and full of something Crowley hadn't seen in them for a very long time, something exciting and definitely forbidden, or would have been a few weeks ago.
"We should’ve stopped thinking years ago, dear. It’s true what they say, then.”
“What’s that?”
“Ignorance is bliss.”
Crowley let out a sharp laugh and kissed his angel once more.
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WhatsApp? Part 3. (Steve Rogers x reader)
Description: You’ve never been lucky with guys. You just wanted to catch someone’s eye, to be loved. One day, that’s about to turn completely - with one fake, completely imagined number a guy gave you
A/N: let's face the FACTS - I'm going more with the “Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan” dynamic than with “Sam’s and Bucky’s” but let me just say... I enjoy it like hell.
Warnings: Bucky and Sam being actual children and Bucky calling Sam cloaca. (Find it online if you don't have any idea what that means. :D)
Tagging: @missdictatorme
Read other parts here: Part One  Part Two
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You felt every inch of your fucking body just burn. Your nerves have been putting up the pressure in you from the moment he agreed with that stupid game Peter has adviced to you. (Peter liked it, he said it was enjoyable and that they, as a class, had a ton of fun answering those questions, so it wasn't THAT bad. But you felt like a teenager once again.)
You laid down to you pajamas with some popcorn you've made for this occasion, playing the movie in the background.
Steve: Text me when you're ready. I have arrived at home now.
That was an hour ago. And Steve had sleeping issues. You knew he wouldn't be sleeping, and even tho you felt bad to write to that polite man at 9 p.m.
Y/N: Okay, I'm ready. You have the first question to ask, Steve.
Steve swallowed and watched American football on the TV. His only concern was if she found out and if she did - did she freak out? Sam and Bucky were bouncing on the sofa next to him, fully occupied by the TV, caught up in the game. They were yelling; Sam was a fan of the team in the blue colors and even tho Buck was a fan of them as well, when he found out, he immediately swore on that he isn't an actual Jesus that he's more inclined to the other team just to piss Sam off.
That was long forgotten because their favorite team had scored and they yelled like two girls going through puberty.
Steve: So, my first question is... My deepest concern is, how do you feel about me?
It was a simple question. Only some words. Yet it felt like if the fire consumed him alive during waiting on the answer. He leaned his chin into his palm, his leg was jumping all around and his eyes were checking his phone every half of the second.
It was kinda hard trying to ignore maneuvers like these from that tall and huge guy, so it didn't stay unnoticed for a long time.
Sam looked at Steve with concern and the football started to fade away for a moment. His elbow nudged Bucky's hip as his head moved in Steve's direction.
"Fuck, look at him. I forgot that our boy has his big online dating thingy today." - Sam grinned hard. - "I feel like a proud mom, Bucky."
"Oh, lord!" - Bucky exclaimed with fake drama in his voice. Steve knew really well what is about to come; he wished really hard to take back when Natasha told Bucky the 'language story'. - " Watch your language! And that thing you've said about being the mom is totally right because I'm a bigger man than you in every way." - Bucky tried to help Steve because, at that point, Steve looked like a bottle of spilled ketchup. He was trying to make birdbrain argue with him.
"Hold your horses, cyborg. You may be bigger but Sammy can fly, can you fly?" - Sam shoved some chips into his mouth. - "Don't think so. That why I do better with chicks, at least more than you do."
"Listen up, cloaca. If you're trying to make me believe that your cheap sellout of Stark's suits you have in your closet is actually sexy in some way," - Bucky answered angrily. Steve was laughing at that point. Those arguments were maybe almost every day between Buck and Sam, but that was just the way their friendship worked. They couldn't communicate in normal human language. They specifically needed to argue.
"You are disgusting. You called me cloaca? Do you even know what it means?" - Sam exclaimed at that pictures in his head. Bucky looked fucking proud with himself, watching birdbrain with that shit-eating grin on his face. - "Jesus Christ, Ewwww, you're disgusting and that's why," - Steve stopped to listen at that exact moment because his phone finally vibrated with an answer.
Y/N: Hmmm... Tough one. I think you're a really polite and well-raised man. You're really nice and you overall feel like a good person.
That made Steve sigh with huge relief. She didn't know. Or at least she didn't shove it right into his face.
Y/N: Anyway, tell me more about yourself. My first question is: what do you like to wear at home?
That, for change, made Steve smile. That was such a sweet and innocent question full of pure wondering from Y/N. Smooth move.
"His expression is weird." - Sam mumbled to Bucky quietly. - "I think our boy has his first boob pic."
"How many times do I have to tell you that this isn't how Steve's acting with a lady? You do have a brain or a bird or what?" - Bucky whispered back unbelievably.
"Well, let me tell you," - Sam traced off the topic to explain that his brain is actually bigger because he isn't a frost neanderthal man like Bucky is.
Steve: I like to wear something comfortable. Some normal t-shirt and sweat pants I guess, when it's hot I tend to wear loose shorts. I am not at work so what would be the stress for?
Steve: Anyway. My second question is: what kind of restaurants do you like?
And this was something that made Steve grin. He thought he made a really smooth move. He was proud of himself. That was bold.
"Oh. He's getting the dating game pretty on. Just look at him. He didn't look this pleased with himself since he only half-burnt the turkey for Thanksgiving." - Sam jumped on the option to comment on Steve again. He didn't hesitate a single second if he had a way to collide with Steve's personal space. No matter how hard Bucky tried to keep Samuel Wilson occupied, he was really good at multitasking.
"That's it, fellas." - Steve stood up with a smile. Bucky knew that he's just enjoying himself and he was really happy for that man. But Sam didn't understand the meaning of privacy. - "I'll go to bed and I'll tell you how it all went in the morning."
“Come on, man! Wheres the fun in that?” - Sam exclaimed with a laugh when Steve got up for real and let them watch the football.
Steve: Anyway. My second question is: what kind of restaurants do you like?
You were taken away with that. So Steve could be smooth as well. He wasn't that smooth during those fourteen days, so you were a bit shocked by his smoothness. Also, you couldn't erase the tee and sweats image from your mind. He liked being comfy, to take a rest from his work. You liked that.
Y/N: That was smooth, Steve. Really. But my favorite kind of restaurants? I think a good plate of food is a great bonus when you actually like that place. I like simple, intimate, quiet restaurants if I have to be honest with you.
Y/N: Wirble, my third question is: What kind of women do you like?
You locked the screen of your phone, watching the movie you chose, not that it actually mattered now, with anxiety. Maybe it was too far - but you truly were curious about that. What if you two decided to see each other in person and suddenly you weren't his type? What then? 
You were anxious to know the answer. So you naturally freaked out when five minutes passed and Steve was still silent as a grave. You were sure that you took things too far. You had felt he maybe is a bit shy, but this was just bitchy move. You were just about to apologize for being too nosy when Steve answered your text.
Steve: Now THAT'S a difficult question. But I swore that I'll be honest with you so... I don't think it's about the looks exactly. It's maybe a nice bonus when a woman has full lips and beautiful eyes, but I'm attracted to women who have self-confidence and who can take care of themselves. I like to care for ladies, but there's nothing prettier than a girl who can look after herself. Another personality trait that I like their humor and intelligence... I could go on for hours. Let's say I don't care as much? When we click, we click. That's how I feel about that.
That complex answer told you that Steve truly is shy. He didn't know how to answer properly and easily. It felt like he doesn't really know what type is his type. He only made it worse for himself. You got a feeling that Steve actually doesn't know what kind of women does he like. Was he really that innocent? It felt like if Steve never actually tried to... Date someone.
You laughed at your dumbness. Of course, Steve dated someone. With his manners? Which girl would not want a guy with manners? And you didn't even know about his astonishing good looks at that moment.
Steve: Okay. My fourth question is... What do you look like? Sorry if it's too personal. I just kind of wish to know what to imagine.
You were fucking surprised. He went just fully in. You two were truly getting to know each other better than before. You were sure that after that evening, you will not be able to get back into those formal texts again. From strangers, you slowly began to build a friendship. It was a normal question.
Y/N: I am a normal girl, nothing too extraordinary. I have Y/C hair and Y/C eyes and my friends say that I am kinda cute and pretty, especially in glasses. I like to wear something comfortable, but I like to get pretty for occasions. Jeans and v-neck shirt probably suit me the best.
Y/N: Let me continue with a question... What do you do for a living?
You were watching your phone nervously, frowning a bit and biting your lip down. You were curious about that question because Deena always said that occupation can say a lot about a person. But you didn't expect what Steve said to you.
Steve: That's... Quite complicated to explain, Y/N. Trust me, I would love to tell you, but let's just keep this a secret, alright? I swear I will tell you one day.
You were confused as hell. What for the fuck's sake was his occupation? Was he some kind of a celebrity bodyguard? Your mind cut through a million of horrifying scenarios within one minute. Was he a part of some mafia? Or was he a killer for a living? What the hell? 
Steve: But it's my turn to ask. What do you do for a living and do you have any hobbies?
Steve legitimately panicked the minute you asked him. You surely didn't know who he was. Because if you knew, you would drop a hint, small clue at least. A clue that you knew. But you just casually asked what was his occupation. He knew that if he had met you outside the virtual life and you would ask about his life, he would choke out some words, muttering them quietly. He would not be able to say a meaningful sentence. 
He had your image, or at least its essence, in his mind. You must've looked like a really nice woman. And he was curious about the contours of your face, especially with your glasses on. He was... Eager to know more about you, those formal texts were long forgotten now. And kind. Your answer supported that immediately.
Y/N: I work as a social worker for a charity in Queens. We do a lot of different things, helping and supporting homeless people with some clothes and food, we're arranging some occasions for orphanages and we do some events for handicapped people... There's a lot of ways to make the world better. We'll have an arrangement at the Annual Charity Event hosted by Stark Industries, you know, trying to raise some funds. We're training our dancing choreography now. And for my hobbies, I am a simple girl. You know... Hanging out with friends, sometimes reading, I tried to play the guitar, I am an occasional photographer, trust me, I've tried everything... I am a normal girl, as I said.
He literally melted because of a partially strange girl at the exact moment he read your text. You weren't completely strange to Steve at that moment, but you weren't exactly friends at that point either. But the way you spoke about your occupation? Making the world around you better? Trying to work hard for the society? You definitely earned a big heartwarming smile from that super-serum giant.
Y/N: Okay, one last question, Steve. I will repeat one of yours - give me some image of you. I want to know how you appear like a man and some of your personal traits. I just know you're most likely in some sweat pants and a t-shirt, which is not much. :)
You. Were. Nailing. Steve. Rogers. So. Much.
Your text was clearly meant to be ended with a joke which earned you a soft giggle (G I G G L E) from that old man. It was curious yet it had boundaries of formality, not attacking his personal space. You knew how to move him in the best imaginable way. This was way better than that formal texting you two went through for the last couple of weeks. He found it... Somehow charming. And to say amusing was a huge misleading word.
He was having fun.
Steve: Alright, alright. I think I'm not able to wiggle out of this one. :)
Steve: What do I look like? It's kind of hard to describe yourself. I am definitely very tall, taller than most of my friends. I gained a pretty big body over time (The sweet and gentle, definitely shy man didn't find better words to describe what super-serum had done to his body). I have blue eyes, I'm blonde and my hair is too long now. One of my friends, Nat, told me that I am really handsome when I don't know about that. I am not convinced that it is true.
Steve: For my hobbies... I do a lot of things. A LOT. I am not much of a sleeper, so I read during the nights, I watch movies with my fellas; one of them always chooses. I love learning about modern culture and technologies, but the '40s with WWII are really something to me. It definitely is a 'guilty pleasure' to me. And I love morning jogs and to have a good work out. :)
Steve definitely outdid himself with this one. He was legit proud of himself for writing such a long text with some actual meaning. And he even dropped the hint about who he was. He almost patted his own shoulder.
Sadly, it was almost ten p.m., so he knew he would soon have to say goodbye to you. He didn't want to stop at that point.
Steve: But to change the topic, because I definitely don't like being in the spotlight, what did you stop with nicknames? They were somehow fun. ;)
And to be honest, Steve himself was nailing you as well. You just laid there, your eyes firmly closed, imagining the man on the other side. You bit your lip and smiled. You believed him - he was sincere and honest with you all this time. Why wouldn't he be now?
Your imagination did a hell of a job. You couldn't but imagine a really, REALLY handsome man having a well-built and ripped body. You almost hugged your phone at this image. You were out of your fucking mind when he asked about nicknames.
Y/N: Well, I didn't want you to find me creepy. A strange girl calling you nicknames? The strangest thing ever. Even tho I think a lot of women must call you handsome, am I right?
Steve: I highly doubt that. Never had exactly the change to go and find out. ;)
A new emoji used twice! Wow. You felt like playing a video game and unlocking an achievement. This was more personal than formal and you loved it.
Y/N: Aaaand... I think you're lying now. You must be so popular with what you've said to me. Good lord. That was an evening, I tell you.
Y/N: I need to go to sleep, Steve. Goodnight and sleep tight, handsome.
Steve: I'm looking forward to text with you tomorrow. ;)
And with that, you fell asleep, smiling to yourself. He was an angel. He had to be one.
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verwelktesgedicht · 5 years
Special vk moments in Japan (2019)
After 2 1/2 years I returned to Japan. Mostly this time I met friends and went to concerts. Since I would like to make my tumblr a bit more personal again I decided to text a bit about this and write down about the moments and concerts that touched me the most. Well, actually I write a few things about all concerts I went to this time but.. you will notice which one touched me the most xDD If you want to know more about one or anything else.. please just send me a message ^^
First of all, my first concert after returning to Japan: an Arlequin oneman! I actually wanted to see Royz live that day but ticket prices for fan-sold tickets were ridiculous, even for bad numbers. Regular kombini-tickets had soo bad numbers at that time that it was like... standing in the hallway. And travelling to that city where they played would have cost me too much for it being worth standing in the hallway. So I wondered if there is any other concert I might be interested in to go instead and i decided 3 days before the concert that I will stay in Osaka to see Arlequin live instead of Royz in Hamamatsu. Other way I wouldn’t have seen Arlequin while I would see Royz at their 10th anni. So, Arlequin was so much better than expected! It sounds mean but let me tell you: I DID enjoy every of their taiban/twoman I went to so much. Just for some reason the oneman I went to in 2015.. wasn’t the best live ever. Some parts of the live were so boring?! So I realized, maybe Arlequin just isn’t a oneman band but a taiban band for me. Because their taibans were so damn fun! Anyway, I went to see them live in Sep 2019 because i wanted to see them and it was the only chance for that trip! And it was SO good. It felt like they improved a lot - performance-wise and setlist-wise. Aki’s talk improved a lot. He got so emotional?! --> I got so emotional?!? They even made me cry at one point.... I was like wtf. But somehow... it might also because it made me feel like “Damn. I guess I forgot what it feels like. This is it. Live houses are truly my home.”???? “Utopia” was really great because we all messed up the “lalala”-part... 3 times. We could do the melody but not the very ending of it but Aki didn’t want to have any of that shit and let us do it over and over again WITHOUT SHOWING US THE CORRECT MELODY!! It just broke when we didn’t know how to continue. It was so funny actually xD Embarassing and funny. In the end he helped us. I’m still a bit sad I couldn’t see a small live house live of Royz but I am very happy I went to see Arlequin again. I’m fine with how things turned out!
Next was kizu-DIAURA-twoman (with gulu gulu as opening act). It was fun! I wanted to see kizu live so much ^__^ And I’m happy I finally did because them and arlequin are the bands I listen to the most during the past 1-2 years. But after them DIAURA played and I realized how high-quality DIAURA’s performances are xDD They are so GOOD! I took my not-vk-fan-friend with me and she enjoyed it too ^___^ And I got MASTER’s ゴミ aka water bottle.
Then I saw alice nine live?!? Spontanously decided. The live was nice. I’m so happy i FINALLY saw them. After 12 years. And they played shunkashuuto with Tora singing (... trying to sing. xDD). NOSTALGIA kicked through!!!
Then I went to see ACME at a taiban. It was my first live of them and it was great! I ended up in Saizen.. and need to write about this in another entry because holy shit.
GUILD was special. I saw them spontaneously back in 2015 and 2014. once as oneman, once as 2man and once at a taiban. Before that I saw them in 2010 in Europe without actually knowing them. It was 1 year after they formed. So.. it’s quite interesting to see them every 4 years xDD I see their improvement. Their change. The live was very nice and funny. I went with 2 friends. One of them I saw GUILD in 2010 together with. I really like GUILD’s songs and enjoyed the live a lot since.. they were on hiatus for quite some time so there aren’t TOO many songs I don’t know. And even the new songs I knew more or less xD It was a lot of nostalgia. And a lot of fun. I missed GUILD and I’m glad they are back.
We spontaneously saw LEZARD and DaizyStripper live next. I was so so happy to see Sora again. I didn’t since I went to my last ALIVE live in 2015. So it was really nice.... I loved to see him having fun!! I loved to see him being in a band he enjoys and belongs to. I’m really glad he seems fine ^^ That was all that counted for me that day! And Daizy were more fun than I expected. Saw them at an open air live in 2014 and it was.. okay. But this 2man was a blast. I was surprised!
Gazette tourfinal at Yokohama Arena was a cool experience but we stood/sat quite in one of the highest rows and were far (not the most in the back but far) from stage, so.. well, yeah. It was a nice experience but I guess I prefer smaller lives?? Best moment was probably when Kai shout without microphone xD his usual “kakattekoi!!” could be heard EVERYWHERE and I was like “so this is what it sounds like live.” and loved it.
One of the lives that made me the happiest was HELLO. taiban. I wanted to see Aki live, my ALIVE boy xD But then I noticed that Nao (ex-ALIVE as well), would be support guitarist for that live and it couldn’t be better??? I ended up in saizen kami2 because the saizen girl wasn’t there for ALIVE and nobody wanted to be in saizen for the support guy and she BEGGED me to be in saizen when she found out I considered being there. So I was 1st row almost in front of Nao. It was soo great ._. I had perfect view on him and Aki and since at least Nao knew I would be there...... Not gonna brag stuff like “omg his smile was so cute T___T” ... but I loved seeing him smile at me. I loved seeing him kinda happy? He looked happy at least ^^ Nao isn’t in a band anymore but I think he does miss that time. At least it looked like that xD I don’t think they have THAAAT many fans. I mean... saizen was free right of me. But yeah, those were the support-spots, so maybe it was because of that xDD Anyway, I loved it. I loved to see them live again. I would love to see them live once again. I’m really so so happy I could go to this live. I mean, I didn’t know the furi well but I had a great Aki-gya next to me who was sooo nice and tried to help me and showed me the furi clearly while doing them during the songs. She even gave me their new CD as gift afterwards! It was only a taiban, so it was very short and I waited through 6 other bands of which I cared for only one but I definitely count this concert as one of the best during that trip. One of the few ones that made me the happiest. Because I could see the boys of the band smile that once were my (closest to-)honmei.
Another highlight of the trip was R-Shitei’s concert in Mito. I was sick and my voice was GONE that day. Really. Gone. I don’t know if this ever happened to me before but ... I couldn’t have ANY conversation. Anyway, the live was really fun!! And... at one point Mamo pointed at us saying that foreigners are here too today and if we’re having fun........ I screamed inside for two reasons: - First.. mamo-nii-chan noticed us ûu ..... xDDDD - Second: “... I NEED to answer but what if my voice isn’t existent again??” And my friend can’t speak Japanese so she had no idea what was going on...... I shout a bit during the live and sometimes it started working again a bit, sometimes it just died right away, so I took my chances and shout as loud as I could “Haaaaai!!” and ended it here because it came out fine and I didn’t want to tempt fate... xDDD I also met a friend from my year in Japan - by chance! She actually said she won’t go but she ended up there anyway xD Nice girl! She helped me with quite a few important things back then.
Then Royz’ 10th anni. When I went to their 5th anni I told myself I will be back for the 10th one. And I made it. 5 years ago I had no idea where I would be in 2019 and how my life would be and if Royz was even still around. But I told myself... if there is any chance for me to go to their 10th anniversary I would do it. I decided for the time of this trip because of this concert. Tbh, I was a bit pissed it was the very first time they made the anniversary live their tour final and also the very first time they held their anniversary in Tokyo. They always held it in their hometown Osaka. But maybe that time is over now. I wanted it to be in Osaka. But anyway...... You have to go with the flow? The live was nice! And the song Anniversary made me cry. I love the lyrics so much!? Also, they talked about Kazuki and his messages that morning. And ACROSS WORLD made me the happiest. It was the last song (of course?) and I was so happy... And seeing the people around me smile like crazy made me even happier xD I know I am not the best Royz fan anymore. I know maybe someone who is more of a fan should lead Royz-yade. I lost them a bit during the past years. But they are still awesome and I still enjoy their music and their concerts. I have so many memories connected to them and I won’t give up on them ^_^ I still love them. I am still happy for every step they make. For every goal they archive. Also, I talked to Kento!? xDDD Pretty boy.
R-Shitei in Wakayama was fun but Mito was more fun xD So no real review here. Except for... they played THREE ENCORE!
Last but not least, ACME. Nice concert! But the fans were strange... Yes, it was a small concert but nobody really called their names like bangya use to. Nobody shout. Many didn’t dance along. It was very strange?!? The band itself was great though! The songs are great, they are funny, their performance is good - and SHOGO is desperately afraid of guitar solo... xDD
I said last but not least, but actually... there was another concert xDD I went to see ALTL. It’s a tiny idol group with bandmen, one of them I like from his previous bands xD So.. actually I wanted to go with a friend but she didn’t make it so I went alone. And it was SO strange. It was in a club/small live house thingy and it was so strange to be there for an idol group??? The fans were different. The atmosphere was different. THE MUSIC WAS DIFFERENT XDDD But it was fun in the end? Way more than I thought. And you could take 2shots with your favorite member and talk a bit. I took.. 3 ûu” for 3000 Yen xD I enjoyed it but I felt lost xD I mean, I’ve been to many vk concerts alone. Also to very very small ones with only like 15 people. But at least that is my scene ^^” At least I knew what to do and what to expect. With that idol concert I was completely lost xDDD But I’m really glad I still went!
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slytherinbangchan · 5 years
Apado gwaenchana Chap13💖
Chap 12 💖
Another fave chap btw 💖
Magazine workers (enemies to lovers AU)
Warning for this chap: Mention of alcohol, kissing games etc… (parties stuff)
Fluff, smut.
Pairing: RenjunxReader (Only y/n’s actual name is ‘Skyler’ cause I love that name and that’s it but it’s still ‘y/n’ ok?) Btw I made everyone here older than they actually are cause they’re working at an office etc…
You (Skyler/BlueAbsinthe) work as an editor at an office for a magazine called ‘Fashion Killa’ along with your two besties, (Chloe/uwuBabe writer for the health and beauty department and Blair/NotARavenclaw, a photographer). And everything is fine untill you have to work along in an assesment with your ‘mortal enemies’.
(Dont mind the time on the chats I just write late at night, lol) Idk if I need to say this but I love Chenle, president Chenle forever💖, but he’s a jerk in my series, so sorry. Ily Chenle pls forgive me.
Nct members as:
Mark: Editor. Renjun: Photographer. Chenle: Editor Lucas: Model Doyoung: Model Park Jisung: Model Johnny: Model Yuta: Model Taeyong: Model Jungwoo: Model Other Idols:
Felix: As an Stray Kids member Han Jisung: As an Stray Kids member. Wonho from MX: As a model Joohoney from MX: As a model TOP from BB: As a model. Siwon from SUJU: As a model. BoA: As your boss
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So once again you see yourself caught up in some 'scandal' with Doyoung. Why does this happen just now? You're not even dating him anymore. You take a deep breath and leave your phone to go take a shower. Apparently there's another party at Lucas's. When are they getting bored of those parties? Why nobody has brought a karaoke machine yet? Is not like you have a great voice but that doesn't mean you don't wanna use it? Anyway, is getting late, you better hurry up or everyone is gonna be already drunk when you get there and that's not as funny as sober people pretend it is.
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This is the third day in a row that there's a party and most of the people couldn't handle it. There are just a few model girls from your assessment group and Lucas, Doyoung, Johnny, Taeyong. Then there's Blair, Chloe etc, and lastly Mark, Renjun, Jisung. You go say hi to them first and then to the girls.
-How's your lizard? -Chloe asks.
-Very well, thank you. She cute.
-Skyler, you know how much I love Drarry, tell me SkyJun is sailing. -Blair says.
-Skyler! -Lucas approaches you with a drink. -You came, great. Here. -He hands you the cup. -We're about to start a drinking game. You HAVE to play. You too girls. -He looks at your friends.- I'm kinda tired of kissing guys all the time.
-I'll stay here with Wonho for tonight. But Blair will go. -Chloe says pushing her.
-Well yeah, I'll go. I'm bored anyway. -She says, following Lucas.
Blair grabs your hand and takes you to the circle too. You can see Mark doing the same to Renjun. You haven't drink enough for this. You haven't drink at all actually. So you just gulp down that cup Lucas gave you. It's terribly sweet. Must be rum or something like that. Doyoung sits by your side.
-Hey. -He says, softly.
-Hey, you.
-How are you doing?
-I'm fine. Seriously, I'll be fine as long as your fans don't know who I really am.
-Well I'm sure they'll find out so...
-Yeah... I kinda know that but I want to be happy meanwhile. -You laugh.
-Everyone! -Lucas is placing the bottle already. -Let's start this. We'll play kiss or dare. -He says spinning the bottle. It stops pointing at Mark.  -Mark. Kiss or dare.
-Hmm... Kiss.
-Okay, kiss Jisung.
-Seriously?? -He ask, while reluctantly moving towards Jisung. -What kind of kiss?
-I guess if someone choose 'kiss' just a normal kiss, not a peck but not french you know?
He sighs and proceed to kiss the maknae.
Next time bottle points to Doyoung.
-Kiss or dare? -Asks Lucas.
-Okay, kiss Skyler for the old times. -He smiles widely and people start 'wooing' you two.
He chuckles. -Ok, so apparently ‘dare’ means kissing too. -Doyoung says. He just kisses you anyways. It's just a peck on the cheek tho.
-Aww c'mon! -Lucas complains. -Don't do this to me everyone please. This is a party I want action. -People laugh and he spins the bottle again. It points to one of the girls from your assessment group. The one who was fixing Renjun's clothes that time at the photoshoot. -Kiss or dare?
-Okay, kiss the person you like the most from this circle. You can kiss me by the way.
She giggles and looks around, then goes to Renjun and kiss him. HOW DARES SHE. Ahem... Anyways. Lucas is dissapointed cause she didn't choose him. And the cup that was in your hand is no longer a cup, now is just a crushed plastic ball.
-Here. -You look up and it's Wonho offering you another drink. -Chloe sends me. -You look behind him and she's waving at you. Then makes a sign for you to breathe and just drink the cup.
You gulp that one in too. -Finally, vodka. -You say. You're so glad all your friends actually know what drinks you like.
The bottle spins again and finally it points to you. -Kiss or dare? -Lucas asks.
-Dare. -You choose.
-Okay. I noticed you gave up half of your clothes trying not to make out with Renjun the other night so...
-I gave my other half trying not to kiss Mark. -You add.
-Well yeah but you ended up having to kiss him and you made him moan so I can't think how you could top that tonight.
You sigh kinda frustrated. Renjun kissed that other girl. You don't wanna kiss him right now. -Whatever. -You say.
-Anyway, as I was saying. Your dare is to turn Renjun on.
-I just said it.
-Yeah, but...
-We're waiting~
You sigh again and crawl to Renjun. He's visibly worried right now. You're frowning cause you're still mad. But you sit astride him and look at him in the eyes. He gulps and you kiss him briefly before going down his neck. He has closed his eyes as you bite him softly. You almost can hear his heart beat. His fingers buried in your skin as you bite his neck a little harder. You kiss your way to his ear and whisper some nasty thingys to him till he pushes you away.
-Ok, enough. -He says, blushing to another level.
You get back to your seat giggling. -So mean. -Doyoung whispers to you.
-That's nothing. -You say, laughing.
-Yeah, I know. But still... Look at him. Never seen anyone that red.
-Shut up. -You say, laughing. -Is not that bad.
It's 5am and half of the people there is falling asleep. So you and the girls decide it's time to go. Jisung has fallen asleep in Lucas's bed and Mark is about to do the same. Renjun is just there laughing at both of them.
-You go ahead. -You say to Blair. -I'm gonna say goodbye to the guys. -She nods and goes away. You hug Doyoung and tell him to go to bed too. Lastly you go to Renjun and talk to him. -Hey.
-Hey. -You're going too?
-Yeah. I'm gonna pass out for sure when I get to my bed.
He chuckles. -Yeah, me too...
-Well, you already have bed hair.
-Ah, really?
-Yeah, you look terrible. -You laugh.
-Is that so? -He asks, raising an eyebrow. -Well, thank you.
-You're welcome. That's what enemies are for, ya know. -You say, smiling. -What did you do to get that hair tho? Did you kiss that model girl again?
-She was kinda clumsy yeah. Why would I kiss her again tho?
-I don't know... -You try and fix his hair while talking. -She's pretty.
He chuckles. -Are you drunk?
-Not really, no...
-I see. Sleepy drunk then. -His voice so soft.
-Maybe? -You laugh.
Suddenly you see Jisung's sleepy eyes creeping out behind Renjun. -Hyung, let's go please. I'll take Mark.
He laughs and looks at you. -I guess it's time to go.
-Ah, yeah. Good night then. -You watch Renjun and Jisung carrying Mark out of the room, then you stand there like an idiot for a few more seconds till you decide to move and go to your room too. You crush into Renjun on your way out. -Sorry. -You apologize and then laugh a little.
-Ah, sorry I forgot something. -He says, grabbing your hand.
He starts walking then, just turning his head to answer your question and then keep going. -'You'.
You feel your face burn after that. How he dares making you blush like that. -Omg Renjun.
-What? -He chuckles.
-Can we stop pretending we are in a kdrama?
-Well I'm chinese and you're not korean either so I guess it's not a kdrama anyways.
-Ok, we live in Korea?
-We're not even there right now?
-Omg, stoop, you know what I meant. -You laugh.
He stops walking suddenly and gently pushes you to the wall, leaning over you. -Of course I know. I just love messing with you. -He then kisses you and smirk after that. -Now let's go. -He says grabbing your hand again and walking away.
You take your shoes off as soon as you enter the room. Then throw yourself in bed. You feel your eyes closing and not wanting to open again. Then you suddenly remember Renjun is right there and get up. -What are you doing? -He's standing close to the door.
-Ah... I don't know...
-Come here, you idiot. -He walks to the bed and stand there. You pull him from his shirt to make him fall into the bed with you. -Why are you just standing? -You laugh.
-Sorry, you seem exhausted just now.
-Well yeah, I am. -You say, kissing him after. -But... -You blush hard.
-I don't want you to go just yet... -You say, pouting. Avoiding eye contact with him.
He chuckles. Making you look at him again. -I don't wanna go either. I came back for you, remember?
-Ah yeah... I must have won over that other girl... -You say mumbling to yourself.
-What? -He laughs.
-Nothing. Come here. -You say, dragging him under the covers with you. You're shaking cause you're cold. At least you think it's only because of that. -You look cute with your bed hair now. -You say, giving him an eskimo kiss that ends up with him kissing you.
-How is my bed hair different now from earlier?
-Maybe cause you're in an actual bed... The background is appropiate.
He chuckles. -Okay. You have to be drunk.
-Nah. I'm just that stupid. -You laugh.
-Hey. Only I can call you stupid.
-No way, why??
-Cause I don't mean it.
-Oh, really? I do mean it when I call you stupid. -You say with an straight face, but you end up cracking up when you see he's actually buying it.
-Omg, I hate you. I swear. -He says, jokingly fighting you. Not being able to restrain an smile too.
-Ah...Renjun, I'm tired, I'm just gonna kiss you now. -You say, getting closer to him.
He laughs. -Yeah, I think I'm fine with that. -He ends up with the little distance left between you two. Chap12 💖 __Chap14
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ineffably-good · 5 years
London Calling (3/4)
Read on AO3
Summary: Crowley takes Frederick the snake to the zoo and Aziraphale witnesses an unexpected miracle. 
Part 8 of the Serpent and the Seagull series, which you can find here. 
The texts began to arrive almost immediately.
Crowley, is everything all right?”
Crowley held up a finger to the officious gentleman across the desk who was asking him some rather pointed questions. “I’m sorry, I just have to answer this – it’s my partner.”
I can explain. But not right now. Need a few minutes.
Are you in trouble?
No, no, just taking care of something. Home soon. Is Frederick ok? 
Yes. Crowley, what is going on???
“Sorry,” he said to the man across the desk, “but as you can see I do not have a snake with me and I don’t know anything about how one of your prized – what was it? – yellow bird thingies came to be missing. I just happened across the snake right before the two children did, and it must’ve gotten spooked in the uproar and found a place to hide.”
“That’s interesting,” the man said, turning his laptop to face Crowley, “because we have video footage of you in several locations today where you appear to be holding a snake that meets the same description.”
Crowley examined the screen where there were a variety of crisp, clear shots of him and Freddy, face on. The lighting was excellent and it was them, clear as day.
“Oh, now, that could be anyone,” he said dismissively, “you definitely can’t say for sure that that’s me.”
The man frowned at him. “It’s quite obviously you. Are you saying you weren’t involved in a riot in the great apes enclosure earlier this morning?”
Crowley schooled his face in the epitome of innocence. “I certainly was not! This is harassment. Also, are you really certain that the bird is missing? I mean, have you done a thorough beak count? Must take a while…”  
His phone binged, then binged again, then binged several more times. He sighed and ignored it for the moment. 
The administrator handed him back the zoo membership card that he’d scavenged out of thin air a few minutes earlier, which somehow had come up linked to Aziraphale’s <i>actual</i> lifetime membership account. He turned the laptop back towards himself, typed in a few keystrokes, and then hit enter decisively.
“Your zoo membership has been terminated, immediately. If you are ever noted here again, we will take legal action. And you can be expecting to hear from our lawyers about compensation for damages.”
“Well that seems unnecessarily harsh,” Crowley said. “And now if you don’t mind, I’ll be going.”
He stalked out of the office, doing the best to keep his dignity intact as the administrator continued to glare at him. He waved a hand behind him to muddle the administrator’s plans about compensation. He certainly wasn’t letting his angel get a large bill for a bird, or for emotional trauma to a bunch of primates. Aziraphale would discorporate.  
His phone binged several more times on the way to the car.
On my way home, he texted. Hang on. 
Love you, he added a moment later, just to be safe.
Aziraphale was anxiously waiting for him when he came in the front door about an hour later.
“Well,” Crowley said huffily as he stalked into the shop. “We aren’t going to the London Zoo ever again.”
Aziraphale watched as Crowley took a moment to empty one pocket of his keys and ran a hand through his already-rumpled hair.  
“And why is that?” the angel finally asked, when no more information seemed to be forthcoming.
Crowley whirled to face him. “Because we aren’t allowed!” he cried. “Can you believe that? They banned us. Banned you too. Whole lifetime membership, just gone. Poof.”
Aziraphale frowned. “May I ask why?”
“Oh, you know,” Crowley said vaguely. “Shenanigans.”  He looked around. “How is Frederick?”
“Rather full,” Aziraphale said dryly. “And sleepy. I don’t think he appreciated getting transferred over here mid-meal.”
“He’s lucky that’s all he got,” Crowley said. “Wine? I need wine.” Aziraphale nodded, and the demon went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle and two glasses.
“So,” Aziraphale said, sitting down and folding his hands in his lap in a show of patience, “I’d rather like to hear the whole story.”
Crowley sank down into the couch, his body bent in ways that didn’t seem either natural or comfortable.  “The day started well! He liked the otters, and the penguins, and he was really confused by the elephants. We had a bit of a problem in the gorilla exhibit – forgot they were deathly afraid of snakes, almost caused a riot when they noticed him.”
Aziraphale widened his eyes. “Oh my.”
“And then I made the mistake of taking him in the tropical bird house.”
“Really, my dear, do you think that was a good decision?” Aziraphale asked sharply.
“Well in retrospect, clearly not, but I thought I could keep a handle on him.” He paused and cleared his throat nervously. “He, uh, got away from me while I was looking at plants.”
Aziraphale nods. “Ah.”
The word ah, said correctly, could speak volumes, Crowley thought. Funny how one little syllable could convey so much disapproval, or disappointment, or dismay.  All the dis- words, he thought forlornly. There weren’t any good ones that he could think of, when they were pointed his way.
“And… well, you know the rest,” he said, resigned. “He helped himself to a snack.  Ate a bird, tiny really – you’d never miss it. Except it turns out they’re considered vulnerable, this particular bird, and they’ve been breeding them special and sending them out to zoos to live out their stupid little lives in a protected environment and it’s not such a good thing when you bring your pet snake in and let them eat one.” He looked up beseechingly at Aziraphale with his best don’t-be-mad expression. “I mean, how was I supposed to know that?”
Aziraphale stared at him, dumbfounded. “I would think,” he said rather hotly, “that any reasonable adult might intuit that from the available information.”
“When have I ever claimed to be a reasonable adult?”
Aziraphale cocked one side of his mouth up in amusement, but still looked rather cross.
“And it would’ve just blown over,” Crowley continued, “but this pair of kids showed up with their mom and saw what was happening, and the mom started screaming and suddenly there were guards and everything just went south fast.”
“So,” Aziraphale said, “you’re saying it all would’ve been fine if it weren’t for those meddling kids.”
“Pretty much,” Crowley agreed.
Aziraphale waited a beat to contemplate that.
“How” he said exasperatedly, “can someone so smart be so -- ?”
He gestured helplessly at Crowley, unable to find the right word.  
Crowley tried to figure out if he was supposed to fill in the adjective here, and decided he was not.
“Yeah, I’m aware,” he said, glumly. “So, how mad are you?”
“Not much,” Aziraphale said, aware that he probably should be moreso. “Frustrated, yes, and a bit annoyed about the membership – I like the zoo! I have a bench named after me there! -- but mostly I’m just relieved that it wasn’t worse. And I’m glad you got him home safely. Still, I’m not sure all these outings are a good idea, anymore.”
Crowley slumped back, exhausted. “I never thought I’d say this, but Frederick could put a demon to shame on the mischief scale. It’s impressive! How does so much chaos live in such a tiny little body? And how on earth did we manage to acquire the most poorly-behaved snake on the planet?”
“Oh, I’m mostly responsible for that,” Aziraphale said with a smile, thinking back on the pet shop. “They kept showing me sweet, lovely, docile little snakes when I was looking for my companion. One or two of them were quite spectacular! But I don’t know -- they just didn’t feel right. No one sparked with me until they brought this surly little monster out.”
“Something more interesting,” Crowley said.
“Yeah,” Aziraphale agreed. “He actually bit me when I first handled him! But then he looked so sorry and ashamed. I could tell he didn’t truly mean any harm. My heart just melted.”
“Reminded you of someone?”
Aziraphale gave him a bright and shining grin. “I don’t know what you could mean.”
“Liar,” Crowley said softly, smiling.
“Let’s get dinner,” Aziraphale said, standing up and holding out a hand, “and then we’ll have a talk with Frederick about boundaries and behavior.”
“There’s really no point trying to parent him, angel,” Crowley said. “He’s a snake.”
“He’s a young snake,” Aziraphale corrected, “and not an ordinary one. I think he’s therefore prone to some angelic influence.”
“Good luck with that,” Crowley said, before taking the offered hand. “Certainly couldn’t go any worse than our attempts to influence the antichrist.”
The angel cast one last look around the shop and then they stepped out into the late afternoon chill to find a cozy dinner spot.
  In his cage, Frederick dug down into his bedding and prepared to sleep, after having eavesdropped on most of that conversation. If they thought they were going to tame him, he thought, they had a rude awakening coming. Never mind that he loved nothing quite as much as curling up with his fluffy owner’s pocket and being read to and hand fed snacks – he was a force of nature, wild and free. He drifted off to sleep full of ideas about ruling over the gorillas of the zoo, who would tremble before him and bring him delectable morsels in tribute, all to please and calm their vengeful snake overlord.
It was the most lovely dream he’d ever had. 
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xfilescat · 6 years
the great idea, the safety hazard, and the brady bunch (steve harrington x reader)
word count: 1.7k
warnings: 70s sitcom reference, underage drinking, language maybe? maybe not language. also I'm late for class so i barely proofread
preview: “He was such a good guy that it made you giddy. You liked him so much. You’d have to tell him that someday. Not now, though. You would forget about it tomorrow if you did it now, and you would really want to remember something like that.”
A/N: wait wait wait WHAT???? I ACTUALLY POSTED SOMETHING? I know, crazy, right? anyways I don’t have time for a long author’s note but this is part one of a multi-part thingy that I'm really excited about! I might be a little slow with updates but rest assured it won’t take months like last time ;) I gotta go to class rn but enjoy, my lovely friends! i love u!
It was late January and it was the kind of cold that made it painful to breath, that split open the skin on your hands, and that was potentially unsafe to be exposed to.
You were so warm. You were dressed for bed in a cotton tank top and shorts, but your skin was on fire. You wondered why stores even bothered with selling jackets when they could just sell bottles of vodka. All it took was however many shots you’d had (you’d quickly lost count) and you could wear a miniskirt outside in Antarctica. Nobody would ever have to worry about covering up a cute outfit ever again. You definitely looked cute in your pajamas: the shorts were a little short and the top was a little thin, but you couldn’t help admiring the way the navy ensemble complimented your skin tone.
Wait! You stopped in your tracks for a moment when you were halfway up the Harrington’s driveway. You worked in a clothing store! You’d have to tell your boss about your idea on Monday. You guys could get rid of all those bulky winter coats that made it so hard to walk down aisle four. You were a genius.
The only drawback to the vodka thing was the dizziness. You had to pause every time you climbed a single step up onto Steve’s porch because your head spun with the minor change in altitude. Why were you there again? You couldn’t remember.
Once you reached the door, you began to knock over and over. You probably did it too many times, but it was fun to hit something. Not to mention it was taking Steve about a million hours to open up and let you in. You tried to knock to the beat of “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking” and giggled because it sounded more like “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.”
The door opened slightly. Steve was frowning, but then he locked eyes with you and looked confused. “Y/N, hey,” he said. He pushed the door all the way open and leaned against the frame. “What are you doing here?”
You weren’t sure how you should have greeted him. A hug would’ve been over the line—even your drunk self knew that. A simple “hi” wouldn’t suffice, though, so you opted for something in the middle and held out your hand for a shake. “Steve, good to see you,” you said, smiling demurely. “How are you today?”
He raised his eyebrows and shook your hand gingerly. “You’re wasted,” he said.
You looked at him sideways. “No, I said how are you?”
“I’m good. Do you know what time it is?”
You looked at your wrist. “I’m not wearing a watch.”
“It’s like eleven,” he said. “I was asleep.”
You looked him up and down. He was wearing his pajamas, too: grey sweatpants and a dark green Hawkins High hoodie. His hair was unstyled—that threw you for a loop—and he had dark circles under his eyes. He should’ve looked upset, too, but he looked kind of happy, actually. Whatever: you still felt terrible for waking him up. “I’m sorry,” you cried. “Steve, I’m so sorry.”
“No, it’s okay,” he said. He laughed and shifted so that he was blocking less of the doorway. “Here, come in. You’re going to get hypothermia.”
“Okay, but I’m not cold,” you said. You started to step over the threshold, but you remembered that you had to brush the snow off of your sneakers first. You were about to sit down to take them off when Steve told you not to worry about it. He placed his hand on the small of your back and started to guide you inside.
You smiled. He obviously didn’t understand. “Your floor will get wet,” you explained, pointing to your shoes.
“It’s fine,” he said.
“Safety hazard,” you muttered, but inside felt a lot warmer than outside, so you went along with him.
What a big house. The furniture looked like it came straight out of a catalog. You sat down on the stairs—the carpet on them was so comfy—and nearly lost your balance in the process. “Woah,” you said, grabbing onto the banister and laughing. “Steve, I think you’re right.”
He closed the front door and turned to you. “About what?”
You pulled off one of your shoes and set it gently down in front of you. “I think I am wasted.” You yanked the other shoe off and promptly lost your grip on it. It sailed through the air and landed a few feet away, which only made you laugh harder.
“I’m definitely right,” Steve said, rolling his eyes. He picked up both sneakers and set them on the rug by the door. “Were you at a party?”
You shook your head. “No, just me.”
He crossed his arms. “Why were you drinking alone?”
You wracked your brain for the answer, but came up empty. “Can’t remember,” you said. “Hey, do you have any drinks?”
He smirked. “I have water.”
“No, I’m talking about alcohol,” you said. God, he was really slow on the uptake sometimes.
“Let’s start with water.”
You shrugged. He motioned for you to follow him through the living room. You passed even more beautiful furniture and comfortable carpets before entering a kitchen that looked like it had never been used. “Wow,” you said. “You live, like, on a movie set. Or TV. It’s like… oh my god, it’s like the Brady Bunch house.” Here's the story… of a lovely lady…
“I guess,” he said. “It’s really not all it’s cracked up to be.”
You pondered that as he filled up a glass of water and handed it to you. You eventually figured out what he meant. “Oh,” you said solemnly. “Your parents make you clean it all by yourself, don’t they? My parents make me clean the house all the time, but mine’s not this big.”
He fought back a grin. “No, I’m not the only one who cleans it. My mom does most of the work.”
“What about your dad?”
He paused. “No,” he said quietly. “He doesn’t help.”
His tone cut through the fog of your insobriety and you realized that this was a much more serious topic than you’d thought. You wanted to say something empathetic and well-thought-out, but thinking wasn’t exactly your strong suit when you were under the influence. “No, don’t be sad,” you practically shouted.
He chuckled. “I’m not sad,” he said, and sure enough, he didn’t look like it anymore. If you’d had your wits about you, you would’ve known he was faking for your benefit. “Drink your water.”
You pursed your lips. “Will that make you happy?”
“So happy.”
You drank the whole thing as fast as you could. “Done.”
“Good job.”
You handed him the empty glass and put your hands on your hips. “Happy now?”
“Yeah,” he said. He sounded genuine. “Thanks.”
You watched him as he went to get you more water. He was really tall. He had such long legs that it only took him a few steps to get to the sink. He was so nice. And very handsome, even when he had been woken up in the middle of the night. You wished you weren’t so nervous around him when you were sober. You wished you were better friends with him. You hoped you weren’t imposing. “Hey, Steve?”
“Are you upset that I’m here?”
He turned to you and shook his head. “No, I’m not.”
You folded your arms across your chest. “Are you sure?”
He half-smiled. “I’m sure. Honestly, Y/N. I was having a shitty night before you showed up.”
“Oh, no, why?” You got the strongest urge to throw your arms around him. You had to restrain yourself from running across the room.
“It’s nothing.” He leaned back against the counter behind him and sighed. “Even if I tell you, you’re not going to remember in the morning. Just… just don’t worry. I’m glad you came here, I really am.”
You beamed. “Okay, Steve. I’m glad you came here, too.”
He came back from the sink and told you to drink the second glass of water. You did it without complaining and gave the cup back triumphantly this time. As you did, one of the straps on your tank top slipped down your shoulder. Steve’s eyes flashed to it and then he pointedly looked away. “You look, uh, cold,” he said.
You giggled and fixed the minor malfunction. “I’m not.”
“Let me get you something to wear,” he said. “You can go sit on the couch, if you want.”
“Not cold,” you called after him as he left the room. He was such a good guy that it made you giddy. You liked him so much. You’d have to tell him that someday. Not now, though. You would forget about it tomorrow if you did it now, and you would really want to remember something like that.
You wandered into the living room humming the Brady Bunch theme song and collapsed onto the sofa. It was even more comfy than the carpet on the stairs. You laid there and felt yourself sink into the cushions. All of your muscles relaxed and it felt like you were floating. Just as you were about to close your eyes and take a cat nap, the doorbell rang like an alarm clock.
You tried to lift your head up, but it felt like a Herculean task. “I’m not getting that,” you yelled.
You heard Steve walk down the stairs. “I’ll get it,” he said, stepping into the room to toss you the sweatshirt that he’d grabbed. You reached up your arms and caught it, much to your surprise.
“Nice,” Steve said.
“Thanks,” you said. “Hey, someone’s at the door.”
“I know.”
“Go get it.”
“I’m going.”
“And watch out for the safety hazard,” you murmured. Instead of putting the sweatshirt on, you draped it over yourself like a blanket and rolled over to get back to that nap you’d been robbed of. As you drifted off into an unsteady but deep sleep, you forgot all about the doorbell and the voices you could hear coming from the foyer. The couch was far too soft and the jacket/blanket smelled far too good for you to care about anything else.
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faithalenora · 6 years
BTS Scenerios —> Meeting Them (Hyung Line)
Warnings: None
A/N: First time I am writing anything on Tumblr so it might not be that good but I wanted to give it a try. Maknae line should be out soon after this one is posted.
Kim Seokjin
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You had been working on that assignment for about two hours already and your neck was killing you. Groaning a bit you tried to ease the tension by moving your neck around but that only seemed to make it worse. You huffed, knowing you would have to stop for a bit and resume later when your neck wasn’t being a pain...literally. Since you decided to take a break you might as well eat. Upon arriving at your fridge, you open it to see your fridge basically empty. Didn’t Jisso do the grocery shopping yesterday?
“Jisso! Why is the fridge empty? Didn’t you go shopping about two days ago?” You screamed as you rummaged through the fridge trying to see if there was at least something you could eat.
“Sorry Y/N! I totally forgot! I was so busy doing the thesis for class I completely forgot to grocery shop.” You heard her yell back from her room down the hall making you groan.
“Guess I’ll have to go buy food now.” You whispered to yourself as you shut the fridge door and walk over to the little table by the door where your phone was along with your car keys.
Slipping on your shoes and picking up your stuff, you bid goodbye to your roommate before exiting the apartment. You decided to walk down the stairs to stretch your legs a bit more since they had been pressed under you the whole time you were doing your paper.
After getting in your car and driving to the nearest supermarket, you realized how late it was. Entering the supermarket you realize how empty it is due to the hour. You sigh, thankful that there wasn’t to much of a commotion. You grabbed a basket by the door, smiling softly at the guard whom had greeted you good night.
“I shouldn’t have come here so hungry.” You groan a bit as you scan the different brands of cereal in front of you. Every single one of those boxes were currently calling at you, making you realize that you were hungrier than you had originally thought.
“Cap’n Crunch or Cheerios?” You grabbed both boxes in your hand, inspecting them thoroughly. “Nope. Jisso hates Cheerios. Cap’n Crunch it is!”
You smiled triumphantly, placing the Cheerio box back on the shelf and shoving the Cap’n Crunch one in the basket. You moved onto the next isle, eyes scanning every single food item like you’d never seen food before.
“We definently need these.” You shoved like 6 packets of instant ramen noodles, fully knowing they wouldn’t last the rest of the week. “We should learn how to eat healthier.” You chuckled moving onto the next item, without noticing the stare of a male a bit further down the isle.
“Gosh. I am hungry and I want to eat every thing here. Even those weird leaf thingies look appetizing.” You groan throwing your head back before jumping in surprise when you heard a deep chuckle.
“You shouldn’t eat those by themselves. They are typically used to add flavor to food not to be actually eaten.” You look to your right catching the gaze of the male who had spoken. He had dark black hair with its fringes falling almost into his eyes. He seemed about your age maybe a bit older and he was probably a head taller than you were. He was quite handsome if you could allow yourself to say.
“Thank you? I have no clue what they are. I am just hungry and my roommate forgot to go grocery shopping. So here I am. In a store with inmense hunger.” The stranger smiled, nodding softly, before turning to the two spice bottles he had in his hands.
“My friends forgot the things they needed to bring for an annual barbecue we do. So here I am, being their savior, like always.” You have no clue why, but you found yourself chuckling at that before grabbing a box of instant noddles from the shelf.
“My name is Kim Seokjin by the way. Yours?” He turned to look at you with a smile.
“Name’s L/N Y/N. It was nice meeting you but I should get going before I decided to eat those leaf thingies for real.” You smiled again, hearing him laugh a bit, before nodding.
“Nice meeting you too. Maybe I’ll see you around. Good luck on finding something you can actually eat.” You laughed before turning around and exiting the aisle.
Maybe coming to the supermarket hadn’t been so bad after all. After all you had seen a quite handsome man if you said so.
Min Yoongi
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“How much for the piano?” You asked the store clerk as you pointed towards the gran piano a few feet away from you.
The store clerk completely ignored you in favor of the woman he was flirting with. You huffed, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Was he seriously ignoring you?
“Excuse me-“
“Shut up! I am attending a client right now. I’ll be with you when I am finished!” He snapped with a snarl before turning to the woman with a smile resuming the conversation.
“Asshole.” You cursed under your breath before walking over to the gran piano and sitting yourself on the stool in front of it. “Two can play at that game.”
You cracked your knuckles, wiggling your fingers in comical way, before pressing your fingers on the keys. Hearing the familiar ‘ding’ of the keys, you quickly began to play one of your favorites, ‘Endure’. It was quite difficult one to play but you had been playing since you were a little girl that it came to you like an instinct rather than a talent.
“Hey! You can’t do that!” The rude store clerk, almost panicked, shouted over the Melody.
“What was that buddy? I can’t hear you. I am to busy right now. I’ll attend you once I am done with this.” You turned with a full on smirk at him, flipping him off, before resuming the melody.
“Get off the piano this instant!” He almost looked like a little kid about to throw a tantrum, stomping his foot on the ground even.
“How about...no?” You cackled, playing even louder than before if that was possible fully enjoying the last seconds you had before you were thrown out of the store.
“I am calling security!” He roared, grabbing the walker-talkie on his belt.
“Good! Maybe they’ll call the manager so I can tell him what an asshole you were.” You smiled sweetly, changing the melody to another one.
“Curse you lady.” He said turning around and walking away.
“Jokes on you! You can’t curse a witch!” You craned your neck back to scream at him before turning back to the piano keys.
“That was impressive.” You grinned at the male who had been standing next to the piano during the whole exchange between you and the store clerk. His light blue hair moved as he glanced at the store clerk who stomped off like a little kid before turning back at you. His mask concealed most of his face, but you could definitely tell he was attractive from the bits you could actually see.
“Nah. He was been an asshole. Someone had to put him in his place.” His eyes crinkled a bit at that, making you think that he might have smiled a bit behind the mask he was wearing.
“Very true. So when did you learn how to play?” He cocked his head to the side gesturing to the piano, as you stopped playing wiping your hands on your thighs.
“Since I was about 4. Appa always insisted that I should learn at least one instrument. Do you play?” You asked paying attention on how he slowly nodded.
“Yeah. I do. I came here to check out the pianos for myself but seems like you beat me to it.” You giggled a bit, standing up from the stool before extending your hand.
“I apologize. My name’s L/N Y/N. You?” He looked at your hand for a bit, before slowly grasping it in his.
“Min Yoongi. Maybe one day you and I can exchange songs and exchange stories about assholes?” You smiled widely.
“I think I would love that.”
Jung Hoseok
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“Night Y/N! Don’t stay till to late okay?” The usual customers that came in and out of the dance studio were finally biding you farewell.
“I’ll try! See you tomorrow!” You waved smiling happily as they exited the building leaving you in nothing but silence.
You were used to it by now and enjoyed these little moments of silence. Music was always blasting from somewhere in the building so a bit of peace and quiet didn’t hurt anyone. Going around your desk, you walk towards the front door changing the ‘Open’ sign into the side it said ‘Closed’ and locked the doors with the keys around your neck.
You sigh, slumping your shoulders, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up to you. But the room right next your desk was wide open, with the reflections of the mirror bouncing off the door. It was calling to you, almost entrancing you. You couldn’t deny that you hadn’t danced in a while due to your busy schedule.
Making a decision, you stop by the desk just to pick up your phone. Once it was securely in your hand, and making sure no one was left inside the building, you quickly entered the room not even bothering to close the door. That way, you told yourself, you could watch the entrance just in case.
Hooking up your phone the speakers provided by the room, you first chose a slow melody, one you had already choreographed before hand. Leaving your phone at a close but reasonable distance, you let yourself go.
Dancing. That’s what you loved to do more than anything in the world. Of course you were studying on the side for something else but your true passion had always been dancing. Something about the way a person’s body could be manipulated by just a simple beat caught your attention at such a young age.
Your parents didn’t support much on the whole dancing ordeal when you had originally told them you wanted to go to dance school. It’s not that they didn’t support you, more or so they thought it wasn’t a wise career choice. You listened, you really did, but in the end of the day, you had to follow your heart. You kept dancing on the sides, attending dance classes while you were in high school and even later in college, but decided to study something by the side to please your parents.
Feeling the familiar movements, the electricity burning under your skin, you couldn’t help the wide smile the spread across your face. This was life. This was just everything. You forgot about the tiredness of the day. You forgot the responsibilities you had. You forgot everything. Just for a fleeting moment, you let yourself forget about everything and just be you.
“I got to say, I’ve never seen anyone dance with so much passion before.” You screamed, turning around rapidly at the voice, breathing heavily.
“What? Who are you? And what are you even doing here? It’s after hours!” You said, your heart racing while he only lifted his hands above his head with a small smile.
“Jung Hoseok at your service. And I was practicing in the room upstairs, that’s why I didn’t hear the announcement that you were going to close the place.” You nodded, placing a hand on your chest to help steady your breathing along with your heart.
You didn’t know who he was personally, you had only seen him enter and sign the sheet of assistance for that day before disappearing. But the only glimpses you had gotten, you could say you were disappointed that you didn’t see him very often. He was tall, more on the lean side probably due to how many hours he spent in here dancing, but he always had a bright smile on his face every single morning with a doubt. It seemed to make him glow in a weird sort of way.
“Oh. That’s okay. You just startled me.” You replied after a while, feeling embarrassed that you had spaced out while he was standing there.
“It’s fine. It’s my fault any way for intruding. You are Y/N right?” You nodded, seeing him nod along before speaking up again, “You are a really passionate dancer. Most people aren’t like that anymore.”
“Ah. Thank you. I haven’t danced in a while so I might have been a bit rusty.” You bashifully said placing a strand of your hair behind your ear suddenly feeling shy.
“Well, from what I saw, you are doing just fine. How about we start practicing together after hours? I could lend you my practice room upstairs.” You almost began to say ‘no’ before stopping.
“Do I get to pick the music?” You asked smiling, seeing him chuckle a bit.
“Yeah, sure. Do we have a deal?” He asked, walking over to where you were standing with an outstretched hand.
“I think we might have a deal.” You smiled back shacking his hand firmly.
Kim Namjoon
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“Come on Tae. You really need these credits and I can’t help you if you keep sending funny pictures on Snapchat to Jungkook.” You scowled for felt like the fiftieth time in the last two hours.
Tae looked up mid meme facing, with a confused look quickly taking over his features.
“How did you know it was Jungkook? It could have been Jimin.” He shrugged, typing again on his phone most likely replying to something Jungkook had sent.
“Jimin has dance practice at this hour and unlike you, he actually pays attention to it.” You huffed, slamming the book shut, scaring Tae who jumped in his seat.
“Look, I am sorry. I’m just not a book nerd like you.” He shook his head with a sad smile while you only rolled your eyes.
“It’s not about being a book nerd, Tae! It’s about actually caring for your grades! If you don’t pass this class, you won’t be able to afford those photography classes you wanted to take on the side.”
Just as you finished those sentences, Tae’s expression dropped. He dropped his phone on the table, and stood up a bit harshly causing the chair to wobble a bit.
“Look, I get it. You want to help. But this,” he gestures to the bunch of books of books and papers splayed out across the table. “Doesn’t work for me okay? We’ve tried for months! And there is no change. So why bother anymore?”
“Tae..Don’t be like that.” You tried to reach out for his hand but he pulled it away before you could touch him. As if your touch burned him.
“Don’t be like what Y/N? A normal boy with a normal IQ? I just,” He huffed, bending down to pick up his bag along with his phone. “I need a breath of fresh air. I am sorry.”
You watched as he gave you a sad boxy smile before turning around and walking away from your table. Frozen in place, unsure of what to do, you hear movement from the table to the left.
“You okay? You seem kind of stressed.” You turn around to meet a concerned look from behind black rimmed glasses. You nod your head, clearing your throat, and begin to pick up the papers you’d most likely finish yourself.
“Yep! I am just fine. You don’t need to worry.” You reassure, more to yourself than to the man, before closing the other books that were open. Just as you were about to pick a bunch of papers, they slipped from your hands and fell all splayed across the wooden floors of the library.
“Shoot.” You whispered to yourself before bending down to start picking them up before the library lady scolded you for making a mess in her prestein halls.
“Here. I’ll help.” You glanced up a bit to see the same boy who had voice his concerns helping you pick up the papers that had fallen.
“Thank you...” You trailed off not knowing his name as he handed you the papers he had picked up.
“Namjoon. Kim Namjoon.” He smiled, widely might I add, helping you get a full display of his adorable dimples.
“Ah. I am Y/N. You must of heard him saying my name if anything is to go by.” You chuckled shyly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear before grabbing your backpack in order to put the papers and books back inside.
“I am sorry for eavesdropping.” His cheeks turned a bit pink as he spoke but you waved him off with a small wave and smile.
“It’s fine. We weren’t being exactly quiet. We were quite lucky we didn’t get kicked out.” He chuckled a bit with you before shrugging.
“Yes you were. Look, I know it isn’t any of my business. But I think you should try looking for another way for him to study and learn the subject? I’ve learned that not everyone learns the same way.” He shrugged his shoulders, putting his hands inside his pockets as if he was unsure of how you’d react.
You want to retort back that it was indeed none of his business but one look at this boy and you knew he only meant well. He looked like you, actually. Glasses, oversized large sweater, dark jeans, and boots. He looked peaceful and nice, with a large dimpled smile. And if you could take a good guess, you’d say he looked like a book nerd too.
“I guess I hadn’t thought about that.” He smiled, his shoulders visibly relaxing on how you responded.
“Maybe try making it fun? He likes photography right?” You nodded slowly unsure of where he was taking this. “Maybe try to incorporate that. Take him to the park to study. Every time he gets one right, you let him take a picture. Might motive him? I don’t know. Just throwing out ideas.”
“Huh. I actually like that idea. That’s good! And it might just work!” You grinned widely, rapidly finishing up packing your things.
“I am glad I could help?” You hugged him rapidly, making him blush before speed walking towards the entrance.
“Thank you Namjoon! I’ll see you soon!” He waved back, smiling to himself on how he managed to meet such a cute girl like you.
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cryingbluez · 6 years
Okay, so I wanna introduce 1 (2 but she is more of a side character) new character.  He is basically a Nightmare sans, but I renamed him Kol, so ppl could tell the difference. Nightmare belongs to Joku. (Every time I draw Kol ‘Nightmare belongs to Joku’ will be in the tags, but if I forget to put it into the tags please tell me, and which drawing it is so I can put it into the tags) I ages ago before I had an account I was gonna make my own kind of au thing, like have all the bad and good and redesign them and stuff like that, but I only got Nightmare/Kol done (I did have a Cross sans done, but idk where the drawing is). So yeah I kinda gave up on it, but a while ago I found Kol’s design when I was looking for something to redraw, and I wanted to turn him into a kind of side character (I don’t really class him as an oc, cause hes just a copy/au thingy).  Welp gonna put him below so if you care about what ever I’m doing continue down XDD
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So yeah this is kol. (yet again gonna say it here Nightmare belongs to Joku)  The glass bottle in his chest (?) allows him to feel other feelings other than negative feelings.  Hes small, like a bit smaller than the advantage sans. He can have his moments where he acts like a child. He can be clingy to the ones he trusts. He can’t be left alone for too long (like 3 hours or something like that) because he will get annoyed and destroy anything he can, so he needs a lot of attention XD Kol tends to travel to other multiverses/timelines to find more bad sanses (that have been abandoned/betrayed by their Nightmare, or they haven’t encountered their NM yet) to join his group (so hes gonna end up with like 4 Horrors, etc)  (thats just a little bit about him) And don’t kill me for this, but. Kinda shipping him with Fell!Basil(/FB). He wasn’t intended to have a ship, idk how it came to be, just it kinda happened XDD oh well. I’m tempted to make a dream, just to rival Kol. Idk thou cause I have a lot of characters. Okay onto the second character/side character
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This is Opal, she was created by Kol’s magic (before he was corrupted), shes like a guide for him, a friend as well.  Kol kept Opal hidden from his brother before the ‘incident’, because he was afraid to lose Opal as his friend. Kol is very protective over Opal (mostly because Opal was his first friend)  Kol can understand what Opal is saying, and they can also talk through telepathy.  (guess thats it for Opal) (wait! I got a bitty version of Kol too! I forgot about the bitty version, the bitty version is called Nobu.) 
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Bitty!Kol (Nobu) is a spider bitty. idk why but I made him one of those big bittys. Hes really the same as Kol, minus the part of taking over the multiverses and the group. XD
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writeanapocalae · 6 years
Outline for The Wrong Side
I mentioned a little while back that I would show you an example of how I outline. Here is a tame outline that I wrote today. I wrote over 4,000 words!!!
Warnings for: spoilers, swears, terrible terrible grammar, self harm, sex, and idiocy
Alright bitches this is the story that I want to write about Malethar and a lot of gay people. So, once upon a time, Malethar was hired to steal a mirror from a long dead witch. Malethar has adhd and didn’t quite catch some of the warnings about the mirror. The story starts at the point where he’s getting the mirror, but his reflection recognizes him and, while there’s a bunch of shit going on around him all he can focus on is the mirror and his reflection because of magic bullshit. They switch places and he can’t go back because his reflection runs off and is also a ghost. On this side of the mirror there are guardians who he has to fight and the human race is dead (ghosts) and the witch is not and these legendary cat/turtle/rock hybrids from myth are the new people and they look like people because they were magically evolved. Malethar talks to the witch who makes him a deal. She’ll get him home but he has to go get another mirror (hence another reflection) which comes from a swamp because it’s actually just this magic reflect water, two virgins to replace the guardians that he killed, and a vial of innocence. He has 28 days and on the 29th, she’ll send her hunter Barthamau after him.
So he goes on his way and this is where I need to restart writing because this is where it start sucking like shit. So he doesn’t want to do this stuff because it’s all very evil but the witch told him to go to this dumb town called Olafson or something but he’s walking and it becomes night and there are animals that he’s never seen before. One of them is this really angry lizard bear thing that’s being hunted by the new dominant race, but one of them stops their hunt long enough to see that Malethar is being a huge dumb idiot walking around in the open at night when he can’t see in the dark. So she stops hunting (she’s also carrying the youngest hunter in the party who got injured so it makes sense) and she takes him back to their nomadic village. They move around a lot because they took over a human city and were living there but there’s a lot of territory wars going on because they’re people haven’t been people very long. Anyway Kyerai is trans and beautiful and Malethar asks her in a really random way if she’s a virgin and the town elder tells her to take him where he needs to go since he���s like, the last of his race on this side, and she really doesn’t want to. I originally had it so they didn’t really speak the same language but I thought that would suck for the rest of the book so no.
Okiedokie so they get to Olofson and they have a discussion somewhere around their around Kyerai’s transness because she has a stellar beard and not a lot of people in her village will use her pronouns and Malethar just thought that all of the girls of her race had beards because he doesn’t know any better and who the fuck even cares about gender, it’s a dumb thing and I wish it didn’t exist. So yeah, they get to shitsville and it’s a haunting ground for the things that were once humans and some of them still have some like corporealness but most of them are dickbag ghosts. They do some fighting and Kyerai is all like I told you so binch and Malethar is like I DON’T KNOW ANHTHING THAT’S GOING ON and they rush on out of there and they didn’t get what they were looking for and Malethar thinks that maybe the witch just wants him dead but then why the deadline of 28 days? (hint: it’s moon stuff) but also how would there be any innocence left in that burned up husk of grosstown? It’s just ghosts and nonsense. He’s super convinced that he has to murder a baby, which isn’t true, but he thinks that virgin blood means not having sex so… he dumb.
There’s something in Olofson, something deep under it, I dunno, maybe a snake? Maybe a big sword. I don’t know! But he has to go and get it and I guess he tries to go back in there in stealth mode, leaving his armor behind so he’ll be quiet and he falls through the floor of one of the houses which isn’t very stealthy at all and then all of the ghosts are coming for him and he does a run and he goes through like, these catacombs maybe? Until he finds the thingy and there’s a miniature trial and he gets hurt real bad and Kyarei is after him because she heard him commit a scream as he fell down like an idiot.  I still don’t know what this thing is, but I think it’s going to be something really gross, maybe all of the flesh of those up above which has solidified and contains some awful truth within, I like that the most so far, it’s gross and I am gross. But, anyway, Malethar has to get in there and its like a maze within a maze and at the heart of it is a truth that is about to destroy his own innocence and since it’s in his/this things brain mass he can see that kind of fuckery happening and he, like, wrenches this shred of himself out and bottles it up before it’s ruined and then he kills whatever thing is still living within this mass, the host of the nightmare, that kind of thing, which could be a child’s mind which I think would be cool and kind of foreshadowed since he thought he was going to have to kill a kid in order to get their innocence but instead yeah, he gets his own innocence. And maybe he gets a prize of some kind? That would work if it was a snake or a sword, but I don’t know, maybe he gets some teeth and thinks it’s a good idea to take them? I doubt it though as that sounds super cursed. This is like 4 days, oh shit, and he’s already got like half of the way to his thing.
But yeah, he’s hurt and Kyarei finds him and drags him out of there and maybe killing the flesh killed all of the ghosts? Or maybe it makes it so they aren’t held there anymore? Regardless, Kyarei is fine which is good because she’s an archer and has a dagger but isn’t so good at the close range fighting ghosts thing. She gets Malethar out of there and patches him up a bit and is like, we should go back to my place and take care of this, and he’s like no, we need to keep going I need to get this mirror thing, and she’s like fuck you I’m not going anywhere near that place it’s bullshit and she hates it. So I guess they go back to her place, only to find that her place is no longer there. There’s signs of a struggle and like some fire or something, but the town had picked up and left and didn’t even leave her a note because fighting and all that, don’t want to give your location away to the enemy. I feel like this would be a good time to introduce another character but Kyarei would kill her if this was the intro and no, I want them to date not die. Traveling back took another 5 days, bringing them to 9, as they had to go slower because of Malethar’s injuries.
I would say that they get a steed of some kind but there wouldn’t be any mounts that are tame enough to be ridden, not at this point. Kyarei doesn’t wanna go to the swamp but what the fuck there’s nothing else, and hey turns out the village thingy was more on the way than not, so they start going thattaway. Oh, I forgot, Malethar gave the witch his true name because he normally kills witches instead of talking to them and didn’t know that was a problem, so she could do something to him if she wished. But she needs that stuff, so why would she do something to him??? Maybe something will happen later. Maybe she’ll help him heal up a bit since yeah, she can do that. YEAH.
Malethar, asleep on the 10th day, fucking sleepwalks which isn’t something he’s known to do, out into a field of some flowers or something that witches use to heal people. Kyarei is anxious enough that she wakes up easily and just follows him out of curiosity. AH MAN YEAH THIS IS A COOL THING! Here, they meet Cathrita, whose name I still think sounds like Catheter, not because she’s a soldier in a different village of Kyarei’s race but because she’s the assistant to a witch! She was out there gathering flowers and herbs because the position of the moon makes that a good thing to do and she sees this wounded man just fucking standing there as if that was enough and she and Kyarei nab him and take him over to where the witch lies which is really quite close. The witches name is…. Hmmm. Fawn? I dunno, something to do with being sickeningly nice to people, I’m sure. And well, hey she has no problem with all of this stuff and helps Malethar out and, when he’s awake gives him some advice for dealing with the bad witch and also with the swamp. Cathrita is flirting THE FUCK out of Kyarei and like, she’s an orphan because of the territory wars and has been living with Fawn for fucking ever so she hasn’t seen anyone else and holy fuck have I mentioned that Kyarei is gorgeous? Because emy fuckign god do I have a crush. I have now decided that Fawn’s ex or something lives in a swamp (I was going to have it be her sister but then I remembered that witches are all single children because they are all built by their mother’s out of found materials and then have half of their mother’s heart inbedded in them. When they grow up their heart grows to a full size and they can cut it in half for their own child, but it will never heal from that. Maybe it’s her brother, witchsons aren’t made with hearts and thus cannot do magic {although they can become witches if their mothers decide to give them half of their heart later}) Either way there’s some reason for Cathrita to go with them and at first Kyarei is really against that because she’s already looking out for Malethar, who’s a super good fighter so fuck you Kyarei, and doesn’t want to babysit anyone else. But Cathrita has been defending this witch from invaders for five ever so too fuckign bad she’s a badass!
So bam! Malethar has two virgins and some collected innocence. The mirror is all that’s left and they still have like, 17 days. FUCK. The swamp is really really far away and, while in Broken Blue I gave them horses made out of grass and magic, they only lasted three days and I’m not going to give them that again. So they start going and the swamp is pretty darn far away and Cathrita does NOT betray them because this is the part in the story where one of my party members tends to betray the others. It takes 8 days for them to walk there and, on the way something happens, I’m not sure what. Maybe Malethar catches sight of this horrible three headed cutie that I love following them, something like that, and Kyarei and Cathrita’s relationship goes from flirty and annoyed to cute friendship for like, one minute, and then they’re girlfriends.
They make it to the swamp for a SWAMP ADVENTURE and I’m just picturing that scene in the 10th Kingdom with the mirrors under the water and there’s a bunch of them and who knows what’s going on? I don’t think the person that Cathrita was supposed to check on is there anymore and that’s pretty bad, and she does some kind of magical thing (she can’t do magic but she has an item already imbued with magic) to contact Fawn and tell her what’s up, she’s about to be teleported back and leave the rest of them behind but there’s something in the swamp that is a combination of organic material, animal, and magic, and it does some attacking thing and Cathrita is like fuck no, I’m going to stay and help my friends!
The thingy is big and, while they’re fighting it it smashes a bunch of the mirrors under the water. It’s bad.  Part of it lands on Kyarei and shoves her under the water, drowning her, and Cathrita is left to distract it while Malethar dives down to get her. He’s the fucking hero, he should do something heroic for once. He gets fucking down there and there’s a house down under the water? Under the swamp? And there’s light on in there? And there’s no way he can get Kyarei up to the surface in time so he stabs the thing, releases her, and then swims deeper, until he gets into the house. The house is similar to what it would be if it were on the surface, complete with air, and they’re given a chance to breath. Does someone live here? Hell if I know! But yeah, they breathe and rest for just a moment, before making their way back up to the surface and joining back in the fight. Cathrita has been retreating, using Kyarei’s bow to keep it’s attention on her while maintaining distance, but she has like, 2 arrows left and the thing doesn’t seem to care at all.  So Malethar starts fighting it with his sword and Cathrita gives Kyarei one her short swords, and they all go back into fighting it. They get it down to like, a sliver of health, but instead of retreating, the thing starts to bulge and swell and it’s going to blow up like a big nerd. Then  big cage tm fucking appears around the things head and the door closes and the weight of it pulls the thing down and it explodes under the swamp, shattering most of the mirrors that are left and it’s really really bad because Malethar needed one of those. He does see a glimpse of the cage headed thing rushing off and hiding in the swamp and mentions it to the others. They go hunting for Barthamau but he’s a smart boy and is good at hiding, even though he big.
By the time they get back to the water the swamp water is milky and gross from the creature’s bodily fluids and there’s a big bubble rising to the surface. The bubble pops and inside is the owner of the house below, who is probably a witch, but hey OH MAN WHAT IF IT’S THE WITCHSON OR WHATEVER FAWN WAS LOOKING FOR??? And Cathrita is like YOOOOOOOOOOO and the person is like, WHAT THE FUCK YOU KILLED MY DUDE and Malethar is like YOUR DUDE WAS A BIG MEAN BAD AND WE HAD NO CHOICE and the person is like FUCK YOU and Kyarei is like, hey, what the fuck, why is your house super far down under a swamp? So the person explains that the thing they’d just killed was originally a normal thing but when the witch of the area died, killed in one of the battles between these idiots and their territory crap, the creature got all fucked up and magically imbued, probably ate her body, and became this swole evil dick, so the person hid at the bottom of the swamp with whatever magical shit they had to protect themself and get them to the surface if need be (unless  they are a witch but I don’t know yet).
Malethar says that they need a mirror and maybe even knows the name of it since I have no memory even though I know I wrote it down in the actual story. This person is like fuck you. Malethar shows off his big sword. The person don’t care. Malethar asks if there’s anything they can do to trade for it. The person is like, give me freedom from this place and its dumb shit. Malethar has no clue how to do that. Kyarei offers to take them to her village if she can ever find them. Cathrita gets it by giving up her teleportation thingy so they can just zoom over to Fawn and be in a safe place. Person just digs their hands into the water and pulls up a big chunk of mirror, not cut or framed or anything, just a huge chunk, and hands it over then teleports the fuck out of there.
They have 9 days left and Malethar is getting worried but Cathrita is really optimistic. They start heading back to the witches house. Barthamau is getting closer and more persistent. ANXIETY. At some point during their travels, during one of the nights, Malethar is woken up to the sounds of fucking and finds that Kyarei and Cathrita are doing the nasty and OH FUCK THERE GOES HIS VIRGINS. I mean, he didn’t want to give them up to the witch but he thought that maybe, once they were done with the deal, they’d think of someway to fight their way out of the contract. So now he needs two more virgins and I don’t know of you’ve noticed but there aren’t a whole lot of people around and that is bad bad news.
Also, at some point, I want Malethar to go out and fucking confront Barthamau since they’ve been following them for so fucking long and haven’t done anything. Barthamau doesn’t really talk at all, but can communicate enough to pass off that they aren’t really doing this of their own volition. Malethar knows that this is the thing hunting them for the witch and hey, they saved the party with that cage thing, so maybe they aren’t too bad. He invites this horrible monster to come with them, since they’re going to the same place anyway. Barthamau is unresponsive. The girls fuckign HATE this idea. They’ve hated most of the ideas so far. It’s fine. I just ship Malethar and Barthamau a lot okay and I want them to have some kind of bond before meeting with the antagonist.
They press on though and they think that Malethar is mad at them for having sex really close to him, not having a clue about the virgin thing. He thinks that hey, he’s gotten most of it, maybe he can beg for more time. He touches Barthamau at some point and oh mannnnnnnnnn the feels because no one has touched Barthamau in fucking decades unless it was in a fight and they’re so touch starved and it breaks through a bit of the silent/mindless shell that they’re in. I don’t know, there’s some small things about Barthamau that Malethar finds really endearing, even though he’s a horrible monster. He’s pretty sure that there is something inside of there, not gone but hidden away.
They get to the witch’s house on the last day and Barthamau is acting really weird, less human, if possible. It’s almost time for them to do their duty. Malethar hands over the mirror and the innocence and the witch is pleased, looking over his companions. Malethar admits that he failed in gathering the virgins and gets on his knees to beg forgiveness and Kyarei is fucking PISSED that Malethar is betraying them and also thinks that this was all his plot from the start, which it was kind of, but he was trying to plot a way to weasel them out of the deal too, and Cathrita is fucking cracking up. Malethar is like what the fuck? And the witch is like, dude you’re a fucking idiot, and Cathrita is like, dude, it’s not sex shit, it’s ritual shit, and I don’t think either of us has been used in a ritual. So the witch accepts them since she’s going to take away their faces and minds and turn them into guardians for her house and virgin blood was the secret all along.
Malethar has completed his half of the deal and the witch is happy and Kyarei is murderous and Cathrita is still in a decent enough mood for some reason. The witch does the stuff she needs to to get Malethar home with the mirror and then starts on the transformation for her guardians. Malethar doesn’t want to be there but he’s hoping that there’s something that he can do to get his friends free, so he stays and watches instead of going through the mirror. Cathrita demands to go first and stands in front of Kyarei. The moment the witch tries anything Fawn shows up and is SUPER pissed. She’s like a quarter of the size of the other witch but she’s pissed and Cathrita is under her protection and the witch can’t have her. Malethar didn’t go back on his contract, he delivered, but she couldn’t use the material given to her, so everything’s fine. That still means that Kyarei is free game though so Fawn just fucking cuts her arm open and uses it in magic right fucking there, using it to fight of Barthamau as the witch calls on him to fight the others. They are deterred for a moment and Kyarei is no longer a virgin in any meaning.
Barthamau is a tornado of fighting and trying to kill them all, because the witch wanted them to, and she and fawn are fighting one another, making it four against three on the party vs Barthamau. They’re also trying not to get hit by any magic, since that would suck. Malethar could leave at any time, the mirror is still working, but he won’t leave his friends, the dumb idiot. He also keeps trying to get through to Barthamau but they weren’t ever friends, just allies for a short amount of time and there’s no fucking way.
They end up beating Barthamau by shoving them through the mirror. They’re reflection falls through on this side and falls to the ground, a rotten corpse with three loose heads, all withered and decayed. The fact that they’re gone signals to the witch that she’s lost and she gives up right there. Barthamau is still on the other sides of the mirror and Malethar now has very little time to get through because they are ramming themselves against it, trying to get back through, but they can’t because their reflection doesn’t match their position. Malethar demands that the witch lets them all go, included Barthamau, to which she laughs and says that Barthamau will rip themselves apart without her forcing them to work together. Malethar thinks that would be better than being under her control. She agrees to it, knowing that she’s been beaten, but asks for payment. Malethar cuts his hair off with his sword, so she has his dna and his real name, but he doesn’t think it will come to anything since she can’t control him when he’s in a world she’s dead it. Fawn really doesn’t like this idea though.
One the other side of the mirror, Malethar can see Barthamau panic and start to tear at themselves. He’s ready to go, finally, and asks Kyarei and Cathrita if they want to go with him, be free of this world and enter a better one. On his side of the mirror though, they’re still those legendary beasts that they had evolved from and it’s clear that they can’t fit through the mirror and who knows what would happen if they tried. Malethar goes through it, before the witch can do something evil and before Barthamau’s wounds become terminal. He takes Barthamau’s hands in his own and sits with them, and tells them everything will be okay but they are a blathering mess and think themselves a monster and they can finally speak and have they’re own minds. Malethar begs them for time, for them to learn how to cohabitate in their strange form. They allow him to take care of them. Malethar goes back to the original mirror, collects what he needed originally, and helps Barthamau out of there, heading back to his employer.
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